luminarai · 2 months
I just found my new favourite wikipedia page
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nackseo2 · 28 days
Micronised Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine Monohydrate remains one of the most widely studied supplements, recognised for its myriad of health benefits. By improving energy supply to muscle tissues, supplementation during training has been proven to promote significantly greater gains in muscle strengths, fat free mass and athletic performance. Further health benefits such as enhanced short-term memory as well as improved cognitive performance have also been documented.
Regularly tested for banned substances under the renowned Informed Choice certification program our Creatine Monohydrate is micronised to optimise absorption. Vegan and cruelty free, with no fillers, additives or preservatives, we ensure a product as pure as it gets to up your performance game.
100% Pure Creatine Monohydrate – Nothing Else
Our Micronised Creatine Monohydrate is 100% pure, containing only Creatine Monohydrate without any additives or fillers, ensuring maximum potency and effectiveness. Extensively studied and recognized as the most effective form of creatine, it delivers unparalleled benefits for muscle strength, overall performance, cognitive function, cellular energy production and more!
Our Creatine is vegan and free from gluten, soy, yeast, and other common allergens. This makes it perfect for individuals with dietary restrictions, allowing everyone to experience the benefits of this powerful supplement without compromising their preferences. Furthermore, it’s unflavoured and mixes effortlessly into your chosen beverage - just stir with a spoon and done!
Zero Calories - Zero Sugar
Näck Creatine has zero calories and zero sugar, making it an ideal choice for those looking to support their fitness goals without adding unnecessary calories or sugar to their diet. This clean formulation ensures that you get the pure benefits of creatine without any unwanted additives, helping you achieve your performance and health objectives more effectively.
Micronised – For Superior Mixability And Absorption
Our Micronised Creatine Monohydrate is designed for superior mixability and absorption, guaranteeing effortless blending and optimal uptake, in every dose. The micronisation process breaks down the particles, creating a finer texture that blends effortlessly into liquids, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. This advanced formulation not only enhances convenience but also improves absorption, allowing your body to fully utilise the benefits of creatine for enhanced performance and results.
Informed Choice Certified – Quality You Can Trust
‘Informed Choice Certified’ is more than just a stamp of approval - it's a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality, clean products. Each scoop of our Creatine Monohydrate carries the assurance of rigorous testing and adherence to the highest standards of purity and safety. This certification, recognised and respected worldwide, provides athletes and fitness enthusiasts with the confidence they need to push their limits, knowing that they are fueling their performance with a product that prioritises integrity and transparency.
To Know More  https://nack.life/products/micronised-creatine-monohydrate
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bestiarium · 1 year
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The Bäckahäst [Swedish folklore]
Evil aquatic horse spirits are a common trope in Germanic, Nordic and British folktales. The Scottish Kelpie, the Icelandic Nykur, the Norwegian Nøkk etc are all variations of (and derived from) the same story. In Sweden, this role is given to the Näck: an evil supernatural horse creature that convinces people to mount it and ends up drowning the victim.
In southern Sweden however, the Näck is replaced by the Bäckahäst, a similar monster. Originating in Skåne, this creature appears as a pale white horse (although this isn’t set in stone and some artists portray it as black) but otherwise resembles the Näck in most aspects, sometimes the two terms are even used as synonyms. But there are some regional differences. Interestingly, the Bäckahäst seems less dangerous than the more traditional Kelpie-like creatures. There are stories of these beings being tamed simply by putting a bridle on them, although they could also be forced into submission by using iron and steel. Once tamed, the creature could be used for ploughing or other agricultural activities which it excelled at because it needed neither rest nor food.
The name ‘Bäckahäst’ translate roughly to ‘stream horse’ or ‘brook horse’. The creature is also related to the Sjörå from northern Sweden.
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Egerkrans’ popular modern book ‘Nordiska Väsen’ describes the Bäckahäst as having a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and claims that it has a particular fondness for human children, preferring them over other prey.
Interestingly, according to Höök, an old Swedish tradition claims that Bäckahäst is only able to hurt unwashed people. Clean people who have recently bathed cannot be harmed by the monster. Supposedly, this is because supernatural monsters were traditionally associated with filth and a lack of hygiene. Being clean and hygienic would hold evil at bay, and you can’t really blame people for believing in that superstition because many stories of evil spirits at the time were associated with real diseases. If illnesses were the work of evil monsters and personal hygiene was an effective tool against illness, it only makes sense that proper hygiene was thought to also keep evil spirits at bay.
Sources: Egerkrans, J., 2013, Nordiska Väsen, B.Wahlströms, 126 pp. Lindow, J., 1978, Swedish Legends and Folktales, University of California Press, 219 pp. Höök, L. K., 2004, Vattnets renande och läkande kraft: Om hälsobrunnar, offerkällor och volontären Johan Lundin, Tio tvättar sig, Nordiska Museets Förlag, 47 pp. (image source 1: Jessica Hardarson on Artstation) (image source 2: Johan Egerkrans)
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thenightfolknetwork · 9 months
I'm a musicaly inclined merperson. This isnt normally a problem undersea, but . . . I like the violin, and it doesent like the water. . . It wss quite a feat getting one. And keeping it dry. Old wood n all that.
I've taken to practising in shallow rivers here and there. And, unfortionately, caused somewhat of a scandal in the sapio community. Since I, as most merfolk do, not wear a shirt. This has turned out to be a big coultural "no-no" topside.
I hope I do not need to state the obvious; we are not indecent, we just do things differently. Which is why I stay midrif down in the water. And of course cover up any particularly sensitive parts above that in our traditional way.
Even so. There has stirred up "folk-lore" about me. As "the naked one" or "the fiddler in the river". . . And now I havent been able to practise because of. . . embarresment.
I love playing the violin. And, wearing a shirt could work, but getting me, it, and my violin is the tricky part. As my reputation is tarnished "for fear of drowning" its even harder hard to get the logistics together.
And well. I could find something the sapio's wear for water work. But Ive been informed by Drögr, a fellow water dweller with an even worse reputation than mine, that such garments have further "scandalous stigma" accosiated about them worn above water. Their norms are apparently very complex about such things.
Im confused. Have. . . Am I. . . Indecent?. Should I just quit my passion?. I've only played as deep into their public woods as I could get. And I fear the violin would get hurt by the damp from all the extra further travel. And I wish to stress, I wear "our" clithes. Nit just theirs.
Thank you in advance
You said it yourself, reader – you are not “indecent”, you just do things differently. There is no reason at all you should feel yourself bound by the norms of a culture to which you do not belong.
Social taboos around nudity vary wildly from culture to culture even in the sapio world. The people who object to your clothing choices are not referring to any objective reality, or even universal sapio custom. They are, in fact, so profoundly blinkered by their own cultural lens that they're incapable of accepting the existence of other social norms.
It hardly needs to be said that this rigid world-view is not going to serve them well in life. But that is not your problem. You aren't responsible for managing other people's feelings, and you certainly don't have to adopt their customs and habits just to make them more comfortable.
You aren't doing anything wrong, reader. The naked body is not inherently obscene, no matter what genus it belongs to. And you do not have to cover yourself for the sake of other people's shame.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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kykyhich · 5 months
Hello Kukuhich-san! I REALLY LOVE YOUR THSC AU💕💓💖❤️💝💗💞💘
In your THSC AU, what kind of person is Sven? Is he not human or something? I wanted to know very much!
(Sorry if my English is not correct, I use a translation tool)
Im my AU Sven is näck. But unlike his mythological prototype, he isn’t tied to water, so he can walk around freely like a human. In water he turns into hideous water creature reminding a mutant half-fish half-human. Also he is next candidate to Toppat’s leadership, trained by Reginald himself.
(Sorry rn i dont have pics, fait for big post about toppats)
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skenpiel · 10 months
ingen har sett fantomen utan kläder klädd i pyjamas och stövlar av läder han drar nog bort en rand där fram när han kissar bakom trädets stam åh vandrande vålnad kliar inte sviden när du knegar i djungeln hela tiden gör som guran skaffa dig en kjol det är bättre under afrikas sol fantomen lättar inte på kalsongen nej han håller värmen stången men han blev nog frussen om sin häck om han satt i grottan alldeles näck åh vandrande vålnad kliar inte sviden när du knegar i djungeln hela tiden gör som guran skaffa dig en kjol det är bättre under afrikas sol ingen har sett honom kavla upp ärmen ljusblå lekdräkt i fukten och värmen ibland tar han på sig ännu mer när mr walker sig till stan beger åh vandrande vålnad kliar inte sviden när du knegar i djungeln hela tiden gör som guran skaffa dig en kjol det är bättre under afrikas sol
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thorraborinn · 2 years
Hello there! I hope this is okay to ask as I don’t know if this is exactly in your wheelhouse, but I’ve been trying to do some research for a while now on hardanger fiddles and their place in folklore/folk practices and beliefs, and I wondered if you’d have any information you could point me to about it or books to recommend? I’ve come across some bits of information and leads but I don’t know how reliable they are. I know this isn’t really heathenry-related and something more recent, so please feel free to ignore! Thank you though for any help you can provide!
I mostly know Icelandic folklore, and there isn't a whole lot about fiddles there. I don't know if there's anything there about hardangers in particular, and fiddles in general weren't very common in Iceland; a few were imported in the 19th century and it's said that a handful of Icelanders were able to make their own, and it supposedly had a reputation for attracting huldufólk.
I'm not sure what languages you're able to read, or your tolerance for retyping things into Google translate. If you're sticking with English, the book Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend, edited by Reimund Kvideland and Henning K. Sehmsdorf, has a bunch of stories about fiddles and water spirits (nøkk/näck, fossegrim), and then a little bit about fiddles and the devil, all with citations. It's not hard to find a PDF of this book.
54.14 "They Danced themselves to Death":
Finally a minister heard about the dancing on the mountain, and when he commanded the fiddler to stop, the man had to obey. But the folks who had followed the minister saw that it was Old Nick himself who sat there and played. He used his ass as a fiddle and worked it with the bow.
If you're able to read Scandinavian, the book -og fela ho lét. Norsk spelemannstradisjon by Arne Bjørndal and Brynjulf Alver is cited frequently by the above. It's available to borrow one hour at a time on archive.org. Studier i svensk folklore by Tobias Norlind is also available online, and the second volume of the Atlas of Swedish Folk Culture is available to download here.
The Swedish magical tradition includes spells to cause someone's fiddle strings to break; some of these can be found in Svartkonstrböcker ed/trans by Thomas K. Johnson.
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furmity · 4 months
People are always afraid that I'm bitten by my pet python. Of course I have been- once quite badly- but it happens so rarely. Really he's a good boy who doesn't even bite the vet.
The turtle on the other hand. (Chelodina longicollis)
Everyone seems to like turtles and understand why I'd want to have one- so goofy and fun!- never suspecting that it is HE who is the real menace. If the snake bites me I deserve it but this guy, THIS GUY.
Hamburger was an adult when I took him on. An ad on Gumtree. He was exiled from his former home for the crime of eating goldfish. His old home was close to the Happy Valley Reservoir (real place) and since you rarely see baby longnecks for sale, I think he was probably plucked from the wild.
They kept him in this small green hole without an island. They said they wanted to breed goldfish in there. They were sick of how he'd escape (reptiles will turn their back on you whenever they get the chance, it's not personal), and I learnt turtles can climb chicken wire.
He is a biting snake- necked pond beast whose pupils don't dilate. He has no teeth but long sharp claws for tearing his prey to shreds. He is food obsessed and strictly carnivorous. He actively tries to eat my fingers. It only happened once but he can musk when he feels threatened (smells like acrid stagnant water and lingers on the skin all day).
His upper skin is black and his pond is also black. When he spies on you from between the reeds it's like the whole pond is looking, he feels a hundred times his size. He is the pond, lurksome, kelpie- like (the Swedish näck even sounds like "neck"). It's sort of funny when you pick him up (from behind with the other hand distracting him) that his shell's only about 20cm long. Naaww.
We should all be very grateful that he is very small.
Hold him and he'll reach around to try and bite you, but pop him on the ground and he's a much shyer beast. You can even sit with him if he's on the land. He has a thing about boots, comes right up to them. He'll follow me around. Sit him on my lap and he'll climb my clothes (it is very surprising to me how well an animal his shape can climb), looking at my face.
He has communicated with me beyond food only once. It was a courtship head- bob. I, and my boots, are turtles to him... but my fingers are clearly prey... or at least the fingers bring the food. Who knows what he thinks. At any rate he knows a face when he sees one.
He is of uncertain age but could live for decades more. Very soon a youngin will be joining us (not going in with Pond Beast yet, though). That baby will probably outlive me.
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mrowlpig-art · 2 years
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Some ttrpg ocs
1. Gaupa - lynx noajdi. Mutant Year Zero: Genlab Alpha
2. Örian Stålnacke - human warrior. Symbaroum
3. Tjaetsie - näck bard. Svavelvinter
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thomasdale009 · 2 years
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The beauty of overnight oats with Näck’s Plant Protein Powder is that you can make them as simple or as creative as you like!
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foodandbeverages · 11 months
Astaxanthin Market - Segmentation And Analysis By Recent Trends, Development And Growth By Regions To, Analysis, Forecast To 2033
The Astaxanthin market has experienced substantial growth in recent years, driven by increasing consumer awareness of its numerous health benefits and expanding applications across various industries. Astaxanthin, a red pigment found in algae, seafood, and some plants, is a powerful antioxidant and has been hailed for its potential to support heart health, reduce inflammation, boost skin health, and enhance exercise performance.
The global astaxanthin market is predicted to register a robust CAGR of 14.9% over the forecast period, as per FMI’s analysis. The industry’s size is anticipated to increase from US$ 910.3 million in 2023 to US$ 3,636.8 million by 2033 end.
Demand for astaxanthin is projected to rise on account of its multiple applications in nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, feed industries, etc. Moreover, the distinct color and properties of astaxanthin are also propelling its demand in food coloring, commercial aquacultures, and other applications.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to excel in the Astaxanthin Market. Request our Sample report and gain a competitive advantage in this flourishing industry! https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1968
New technologies emerging in the market to propel the production of astaxanthin are expected to enhance the market scope over the forecast period, for example, ALGAMO, which produces astaxanthin via micromodules and photobioreactors. The company is focusing on the minimization of water wastage and saving electricity during the production of astaxanthin. Going forward, research and studies carried out to develop astaxanthin with the help of different technologies by promoting economic and technical feasibility are projected to have a positive influence over the market.
The market is projected to witness strategic initiatives by key players for the launch of novel platforms and products, consequently offering lucrative growth opportunities, especially in emerging economies. In April 2021, for instance, Näck, a Swedish-Indian startup introduced its digital wellness platform, along with Immunity Boost, which is a lineup of two herbal products made of natural astaxanthin and real vegan protein powder.
The evolving consumer demand for innovative and sophisticated food items is gaining momentum. In addition to this, consumers are now knowledgeable about the relationship between food and health and water–energy–food nexus. This is causing a ripple effect in the food industry, wherein companies are now making efforts to enhance their sustainability quotient while producing food that is functional, nutritious, and sustainable. Such trends are expected to foster development in the astaxanthin industry.
Top Highlights from the FMI’s Analysis of the Astaxanthin Market:         
The United States market is projected to yield a sizeable amount of market revenue, i.e., US$ 838.70 million by 2033 end. Over the forecast period, the market is expected to register a 15.8% CAGR.
The United Kingdom is slated to be the second-leading market over the forecast period. The market is expected to generate a revenue of US$ 296.8 million by 2033, exhibiting a CAGR of 15% in the meantime.
Another Europe country, i.e., Germany, is forecasted to attain US$ 266.60 million by 2033 end. In the forecast period, the market is assumed to expand at 13.7% CAGR.
China market, a prominent market in the Asia Pacific region, is projected to hold a significant portion of the regional market. By 2033, China market is estimated to attain US$ 161.50 million. Over the upcoming years, the market is predicted to expand at 12.8% CAGR.
The market in Spain is expected to yield US$ 85.60 million by 2033. The market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.2% over the forecast period.
New Developments as Observed by FMI
Beijing Gingko Group unveiled in April 2022 that it is expanding its astaxanthin farm capacity for the second time in the Pristine region over the last two years. This development is geared to enhance the company’s production capacity.
Lehmann&Voss&Co., which is a prominent nutraceutical distributor in the United Kingdom, launched a new AstaPure natural astaxanthin CWD in April 2021. The product plays a crucial role in cardiovascular disorders treatment.
Key Segments
By Form:
By Grade:
> 98%
< 94%
By Source :
Paracoccus carotinifaciens
Yeast/ Fungi
By Production Technology:
Chemical Synthesis
Natural Extraction
By Application:
Dietary Supplements
General Wellbeing
Eye Health
Brain Health
Immune & Digestive Health
Bone & Joint Health
Heart Health
Other Supplements (Weight Loss, Allergies, etc.)
Food & Beverages
Personal Care & Cosmetics
Skin Care
Hair Care
Pet Food
Eye Health
Brain Health
Immune & Digestive Health
Bone & Joint Health
Animal Feed
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/astaxanthin-market
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clouds-of-wings · 4 years
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I realized that I have never read anything about what you’re supposed to do if you’d like to NOT go to your watery grave the first time some hot näck plays a violin solo in your general vicinity, but alas, the internet has failed me.
All it told me is that if I don’t want to be kidnapped, it’s better to not listen to music in public. How you’re supposed to avoid getting kidnapped by someone who brings his own violin is not explained.
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nackseo2 · 1 month
The Bands By Näck
The Bands by Näck are designed in Sweden to fit your lifestyle and support your everyday workout routine. Each set has five bands with distinct resistance levels, offering infinite possibilities for resistance training, strength, and mobility workouts for both the upper and lower body.
Made from 100% natural, durable rubber, the bands come with a convenient carry pouch, making it effortless to keep up with your workouts on the move.
Expand Every Move
Each set of The Bands by Näck has five bands with different resistance levels providing endless possibilities for enhancing strength and mobility. The 5 sizes are: x light (2kg) | light (4kg) | medium (6kg) | heavy (8kg) | x heavy (12kg).
Workout On-The-Go
Take your workout wherever you go! Each set of The Bands comes in an easy-to-carry pouch, making it simple to maintain your fitness routine whether you're at home, travelling, or squeezing in a session during a busy day.
Designed In Sweden
The Bands by Näck are designed in Sweden with minimal aesthetics and functional features. They not only perform well but look great in your gym kit.
Natural Material
Made from 100% natural rubber, these bands offer exceptional durability and flexibility. This material stretches significantly, allowing for a broader range of motion and enhancing your workout effectiveness.
How To Use
Incorporate The Bands by Näck into your resistance training to enhance strength and mobility, whether you're at home, in the gym, or on-the-go. They’re incredibly versatile and can be used to target various muscle groups.
For instance, placing the bands around your ankles can engage your glutes and leg muscles during exercises like squats or lunges. When worn around your wrists, they can activate your shoulders and arms during movements like lateral raises or bicep curls. You can also use them for core exercises, such as plank variations or Russian twists, by placing them around your feet or thighs. Experimenting with different placements and movements allows you to customise your workout and target specific muscle groups effectively.
The bands come with a booklet featuring a short tutorial to get you started. Additionally, you can explore our website and Instagram for more guidance on exercises and techniques.
To Know More  https://nack.life/products/the-bands-by-nack
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krisiart · 4 years
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“Näcken II”
A sequel of sorts to this piece from last year.
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Some more characters from Swedish folklore. A Näck and a Troll
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waterlillyblood · 6 years
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Still figuring out this guy’s stupid pretty face - but it’s going somewhere!
Art meme by @girlfriendluvr . Feel free to compare:
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I didn’t quite capture the raw energy but then again I am a mere mortal.
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