#but seriously i was imagining this scenario in bed this morning
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gifti3 · 2 years ago
What if Asmo got gum stuck in his hair, like really in there and somewhere he cant see easily
But MC helps him get it out and they manage to without damaging or cutting his hair
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driftawayomnichord · 26 days ago
Genshin men and sleeping habits (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
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Warnings : NOT proofread/SFW/Pure Fluff
Some scenarios are shorter than others, but I didn’t want force them into a specific length.
This includes : Kaveh, Kaeya, Zhongli
Kaveh would be a 3 in 1 package when it comes to him sleeping. In other words 3 different ways to torture you, but that’s fine because it’s always a surprise what you will be served tonight. But this night was different because it went through all 3 of his sleeping habits.
Finally Kaveh fell asleep around 3am (you definitely didn’t drag him to bed), cuddling next to you he was calm at first. But for some reason you couldn’t fall asleep, so you just stared blankly at the ceiling hoping you’d get tired eventually. You felt yourself drift off to dream world when-
“I will conquer them…all.”
“What the-“ you turned your head at the blonde man with a confused look on your face. That’s interesting…
Kaveh was dead asleep that’s for sure, but he was sleep talking.
“Oh dear, here we go again…”
“Bow down to me mortals…I’m your new god..”
“Kaveh…?” You questioned with an incredibly concerned look on your face.
That’s when he stood up from your bed and proceeded to stare blankly at the wardrobe for a minute with you starring at HIM completely baffled. He had never sleep walked before…
And if that wasn’t enough he turned sideways and (out of nowhere might I add) summoned his claymore and held it straight ahead, pointed at the door.
“Don’t…make me kill you…” he mumbled to literally nobody. It would’ve been funny to watch this unfold if it wasn’t almost 4 in the morning, in complete darkness, watching your boyfriend threaten…ghosts? The door? Who knew at this point…but you were NOT about to approach a man pointing a great sword at the door, no way.
He then turned towards the bed again, dropped his weapon and planted face first onto the bed. As if nothing had happened just now, he was sleeping as calm as a child.
“You are…something…” you said to no one in particular, and decided to just try and sleep a little bit.
Now 4:30 you had fallen asleep until you felt a rather uncomfortable breeze, stirring up you looked over and saw Kaveh in a cocoon he made of your shared blanket.
“You have to be kidding me.” You grumbled. If it wasn’t incredibly late and you weren’t half dead this would’ve been kind of cute. Not now. Nothing is cute and funny when exhausted.
Standing up you grabbed another blanket from the wardrobe and immediately collapsed in bed, falling asleep.
You felt a hard kick on your back and got catapulted out of bed straight onto the floor. Trying to put together what happened took you a moment but after you realised that you basically got evicted from bed you went through the five stages of grief.
Defeated, you left that room and laid on the couch.
Next morning Kaveh woke up feeling a little better than usual. That was more sleep that what he is used to. But for some reason you were gone? Calling out for you resulted in absolutely nothing, so he headed to the living room expecting you to be awake, but he saw you on the couch still asleep.
“Hey, it’s late you should get up.”
You opened your eyes slowly and when you saw him an eye twitch followed.
“You- damned menace. I am NEVER sleeping in the same bed as you.” You said with so much seriousness that Kaveh actually got worried your next step would be for you to break up with him.
“What happened- I don’t understand.”
“You scared the holy hell out of me, then stole the damn blanket letting me freeze and get hypothermia! And then you KICKED ME! Off the bed! Do you imagine what force it took for me to end up on the other side of the room, Kaveh?!”
You were fuming. And from the study Alhaitham was listening, amused to say the least.
Later that day you received a beautiful bouquet of your favourite flowers and went on a dinner date. You still kicked him out that night to sleep on the couch.
Kaeya is the type of person that after a certain point at night, his brain ceases functioning. There is just no one up there when he is tired enough, which has lead to some midnight shenanigans. (Cue my other fic)
This particular night he was forced to work overtime and so you just went to bed, not feeling like waiting for him. As Kaeya says “I need my beauty sleep” you decided that perhaps you should let yourself get inspired by him. A few hours later you hear shuffling coming from behind you so you expect to see Kaeya, which you do, with him starring at a-….
“…why the f*** is there a cat in my bed Kaeya??”
“I was honestly about to ask you? I just arrived and was about to lay down, almost sat on the poor cat.”
“Just- put him downstairs. I will figure it out tomorrow-“ you say as you collapse again.
Put in short, that’s how you two got a cat. But after some time, you got used to him being weird after midnight. In fact, at this point you don’t pay him any mind.
It was late at night and Kaeya had already fallen asleep before you. You were simply enjoying a book, when you heard him shuffling around and turned to look at him. While sometimes you do hear him mumbling in his sleep he’s never sleep walked before so you assumed he is awake. After a few seconds he reached over to the side table to get some water, but sadly the glass was empty.
Kaeya sighed and wobbled up from the bed. “I’ll get some water.” He said to you, and headed towards the dark hallway. So you went back to your book when you suddenly heard a loud thud, followed by another and another. Basically a tumbling sound, coming from the dark hallway…from the direction of the stairs…
You jumped out of bed and yelled for Kaeya. “Kaeya? Are you ok??”
You threw your book on the bed and sprinted towards the staircase to check up on Kaeya, to see him sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey! Kaeya, are you ok?!” You sprinted down to him and turned him over on his back.
Nothing. Complete silence…until-
“I’m fine, just…trying to collect the rest of my dignity from the floor.” He chuckled.
“You- dumbass! I thought you died!” You stood up from his side and headed towards the kitchen.
“Hey, cmon. I was messing around.” He stood up and dusted himself. Around the same time you came back from the kitchen with a wet towel.
“Freeze it and put it on your head, it will otherwise swell up even more.”
“Are you suggesting I have a big head?”
“I’m not “suggesting”. I’m stating it as a fact.” You replied groggily and headed to your bedroom once again.
A few minutes later Kaeya went up and into your shared room again, there he saw that you had put your book away and are now trying to fall asleep. He tiptoed to his side of the bed and laid down next to you.
“Are you still upset?”
“I wasn’t upset, I got worried.” You replied quietly.
“Don’t you worry, I have a thick head. Or did you say big?”
“Haha. Funny.”
“Maybe that fall messed with my memory, please enlighten me.”
“Shut up and sleep.”
Zhongli (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
Zhongli and you don’t exactly ’require’ sleep. You can live off for months without resting for even a minute. But sleeping is an efficient way of letting some time pass, which you have an abundance of. Apart from that, you two also get a chance to relax.
But you, most of the time don’t let yourself. Instead you let your thoughts run wild, often come up with the craziest things Zhongli has heard, and he’s been alive for quite some time. Which, he would never complain that he is listening to you, he enjoys it in fact. But he is the type of man that if he sets his mind on something, he has to do it. So if he sets his mind on sleeping at night, he wouldn’t be happy if something someone is in his way of achieving that goal.
“Are we really immortal beings, or just really stubborn ones that refuse to die?” You ask, staring blankly at the ceiling.
“We can debate over that tomorrow.” He says, used to your late night ramblings. But this specific question leaves him wondering, you do kind of have a point.
5 minutes pass in complete silence, both of you just thinking about it. “Maybe anyone can be immortal if they put their mind to it.”
“Please, let’s not do this now. I’m still wondering about your last question.”
“If for a week, all gods switch their powers, who would handle it best? Who would cause the most chaos?”
“Barbados and chaos go together, no matter the circumstance.”
“How intelligent are slimes, really? Do they have basic necessities? Do they have family relations?”
Alright now this is becoming an issue. He loves you and all…but he is becoming irritated that he can’t do what he’s set his mind on doing. Also overthinking your internal debates. He doesn’t have the heart to tell you that though, he would never. So he sits there listening to your rambles and taking notes on them, so he can further discuss them in the morning.
Suddenly you sat up in bed and looked over to him. You turned around for your back to face him, and laid down on his abdomen.
“Do you think that prayers have an expiration date?”
Oh archons, you are still at it.
“I’m unsure, dear.”
Another half hour passed, and you suddenly got up and out of bed. Zhongli got confused when you left out of nowhere but didn’t question you. He just closed his eyes and hoped he can drift off before you-
Oh dear, what now?
He got up and headed towards the origin of the loud noise and saw you standing in the kitchen with the stove on, boiling water, and looking for something in the cabinets.
“Isn’t it a little late for this? There will be time tomorrow for you to make your snacks.”
“Me? Oh, I’m not hungry.” You said, and went back to rummaging through the kitchen.
“Then…what is it you’re doing?” Zhongli further inquired.
“Your stomach was rumbling, I’m making something for you. Ah- there it is…Ahem, excuse me. I was about to doze off and noticed since my head was so close to your stomach.”
Zhongli felt horrible. There he was feeling irritated at you for keeping him awake, yet you were out here making dinner for him. So he just sat down on the dinner table and kept silent for a moment.
“I don’t believe slimes have family dynamics.”
“You mentioned that earlier, or do you not remember?”
“I thought- you weren’t listening.”
“Of course, I listened.” He smiled at you.
“Even the part when I wondered if you could turn into a hilichurl?”
“You what-…when did you-“
“Well I guess you did fall asleep after all.” You chuckled and placed a bowl of noodles in front of him.
The next morning Zhongli headed for work early, at the end he didn’t sleep at all. You two sat in the living room and talked about all sorts of topics. When at some point he started sharing old stories that you knew very well, after all you had been there with him. But you just fell asleep without even noticing that you felt tired.
So he carried you to bed and since it was around 5 in the morning he just decided to go to the Funeral parlour. There, a few hours later people started to show up and questioned why he came to work this early, he just said that he was had a pleasant conversation that kept him up.
He definitely didn’t doze off on the couch when he came back.
Do I make a part 2???
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bangtaninborderland · 2 years ago
JJK- Late Night Calls.
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you get a call from Jungkook at 7am, struck with worry you pick up only to find your adorably tired boyfriend.
Genre: smut, fluff, Jungkook x reader.
Warning: NONE!
A/N: came up with this in 10 minuets thought it was cute enjoy :)
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The familiar tune of your phone ringing broke you from your sleep, your vision was blurry but you could still clearly read the caller ID
Incoming Factime Video call: JK ♥️
It must have been 7am in Korea, Jungkook was never awake this early. You quickly answered, a million scenarios running through your mind as to explain why he was calling at such a time and none of them were good.
He must have seen the panic in your face as he croaked out. “Baby what’s wrong?”
“I thought something happened you’re never awake this early?” You felt a small weight lift off your shoulders as he chuckled.
“I’m fine baby just couldn’t sleep, missed you.” You loved how he sounded when he was sleepy.
You laughed at the way he was laying across his bed, small rolled up pillow underneath him. “You have got to get different pillows.”
“No no I like my pillow.” He laughs, showing you how comfortable it is. “How’s London jagiya?”
You suddenly regretted being in a different country for work, the idea of morning sex seemingly more attractive than anything else. “It’s fine here, I can’t wait to be back home though. The food isn’t as good.”
“The food is the only thing?” He pouted, pulling the blanket further over his face. “What about me and bammie?”
You turned to the side, resting your leg atop the blanket. “Of course I miss you and bam too kook.”
“The bed is cold without you, empty. I think you should quit work and just be a stay at home wife.” He laughed again, although you could tell there was a sliver of hope to his absurd suggestion.
“Never gonna happen, you may be rich but I’m only half way there.” You both laughed, money was never something either of you took seriously you had always shared everything for as long as you could remember. You’d buy him dinner and he would buy dessert. He would buy you designer but he would also be more than happy if you brought him a pack of ramen. “Besides we aren’t even married.”
“Don’t remind me.” He shakes his head, before shifting to rest it upon his arms. “How many days until your back?”
“We should have the contracts finished up in a day or two and then we will have a celebratory dinner and I’ll be on the first flight back.” You explained as you watched him, his tattoos standing out against the white fabric of his sheets, his hair messy. You let your eyes wander, your imagination running wild thinking about how he would look completely naked. “are you wearing pants?”
“Come back and find out jagiya, I’m sure you’re already picturing the ways I’d fuck you.”
The sudden vulgarity of his words left you in a state of shock. “I- when I get home we are definitely doing whatever I’m thinking right now.”
“And what is that doll?” He laughed, fingers drawing circles on the sheet. “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?”
“Just thinking about how good your hand would look wrapped around my neck.” You pushed yourself further into the pillow, slightly shy.
“Too bad you’re too far away baby. We should sleep.” He closed his eyes, teasing you.
You groaned, fighting the urge to grind against the sheets. “Kook.”
“Hmm?” He mumbled, lazily.
“You turned me on.” You giggled, closing your eyes.
“I’m hard too beautiful, I’ll go to sleep thinking about good good your mouth will feel around my cock.
“Why couldn’t you call me at 8pm and get all dirty with me? Why does it have to be when I’m too tired to do anything?” You whined, wanting to cry from how much you missed his touch.
“It’s okay princess when you’re home I’ll take care of you. we should still sleep you have a meeting tomorrow morning don’t you?” You opened one eye, just enough to see him staring at you smiling.
“At six am, it’s 11pm right now. I have to wake up at 4am so I can finish the presentation.” You explained, your words slurring as you started to drift off. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“I have a few appointments nothing important, call me anytime tomorrow I’ll be there but for now get some sleep baby, I won’t hang up.”
“Promise?” You whispered, the folds of sleep covering you in a sheet of darkness.
“Always jagiya.”
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c0llisiion · 9 months ago
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Pairing: hwang hyunjin + f!reader
★ : Drabble, voyeurism (noncon) , roommate!hj , reader is horny ash — lmk if i missed any!
W/C: 794
A/N: HIIIIIII!!!! Im back w a new skz drabble HEHE i was like thinking about writing this a while ago and then finally decided to do it so my block doesn’t get the best of me 😹 not rlly sure of the ending and im kinda eh on the entire fic but anyways enjoy! <333
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ This is strictly fiction. Any scenario or situation should not be taken seriously. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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Thinking about roommate Hyunjin accidentally catching you playing with yourself in the living room. He couldn’t deny the fact that he had a huge crush on you since the day you moved in and only didn’t make a move because you were his roommate. This wasn’t the first time he has caught you in an act like this, though. He has heard your guttural moans through the thin walls every time you thought he wasn’t home. It was an accident at first, but as time went on, he started doing it on purpose. Hyunjin was kind of closed off. He didn’t necessarily talk to you that much, only occasional small talks or about rent. Most of the time, yall were just locked up in your own rooms and only saw each other in the mornings when you both left for university. You knew that after university he would go off to his studio for a couple of hours and only return around 7-8, which gave you the perfect opportunity to do whatever you wanted and pretend everything was alright once he was back, but since that one fateful day, Hyunjin's schedule changed. He never told you he was coming home early. You were still under the impression that he was at his studio. Little did you know he would come home earlier than expected. His back was pressed against the wall that separated your room and his hand glided up and down over his lengthy shaft. Beads of sweat trickled down his neck, and his eyes shut tight as he listened to your sweet moans and the whirring of your vibrator. You were loud, and it allowed him to imagine you however he wanted. He wanted you so bad. He wanted you under his lean build, begging for him to go faster and deeper. He wanted to know how soft and warm your pussy was. How it would feel around his length. How tight you were. His breath quivered as his hands increased in pace. The image of your ass rippling every time it came into contact with his pelvis. Thinking about all the dirty things he would whisper into your ears. Filling you up with his hot cum over and over again till it drips down your legs. He couldn’t get enough of you. As your moans died down, he would glance at his hands to be greeted by his own load of cum, staining his abdomen and legs. 
That day, he actually missed out on your session since he had a few things to finish. He came home frustrated and exhausted, notifying you that he was going to sleep and to not disturb him before passing out on his bed. What seemed like a couple of hours later, Hyunjin slowly opened his bedroom door, groggy and still not fully awake, but was immediately brought back to earth when he heard your whines and whimpers out in the wild. He walked a bit closer into the living room, and his eyes went wide as he watched you play with yourself. The living room setting made it impossible for you to notice anyone standing behind you, so you just kept going, hoping the loud movie sound was enough to mute out your moans. He was painfully hard. A large tent was clearly visible in his gray sweatpants. He gulped as he watched your fingers go in and out of your sloppy cunt. Your other hand was on your clit, rubbing soft circles on the sensitive nub, making you whine and whimper. Your fingers curled into your gspot, making you arch your back softly against the couch cushions. Your hands reached up to squeeze and play with your perky tits, making you gush even more. Hyunjin shuddered at the sight. His vision went almost blurry at hearing your obscene, dirty talk. His hand subconsciously went down to palm at his erection. Palm running over the painfully hard length. His breath was faltering as he continued watching you. Precum started leaking out of his tip, creating a wet patch on the crotch of his sweats. But he wasn’t paying any mind to that. He was just focused on you and how you pleasured yourself. The way your body responded to your own touches was driving him crazy. Your fingers started picking up pace, making your body writhe. Breathy moans escaping your wet lips. As you increased your pace, he too started palming himself at the same rate but was quickly brought back to earth, realizing how wrong it is to watch you at your most vulnerable and intimate moment without your consent. He gulped before slowly heading back to his room and shutting his door as gently as possible, making sure you couldn’t hear.
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castiwls · 1 year ago
Love your blog btw:)
I saw you do platonic and was wondering if you could do one with the boys sister (if possible could she be older then sam but younger then dean) where there all dealing with the fallout of johns death
by your side - d.w & s.w
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Pairing; Sam & Dean x sister!reader (platonic)
Synposis; Johns death hit all of his children hard
Warnings; angst
Notes; I feel i kinda made John sound like a good dad in this lmao but how you wanna take it is up to you
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The thought of your dad dying had always lingered over your head. Every time he missed a check in a voice in the back of your head screamed that it had finally happened. That John Winchester had made a fatal mistake and been killed by whatever he’d been hunting.
Dean had always assured you that it could never happen. But no matter what your older brother said the thought always lingered. Though in all the scenarios you’d imagined, you’d never imagined it happening like this. You’d never thought he would make a deal with a demon.
It had been a few days since Dean had been discharged and the three of you had decided to go up to Bobbys. None of you had really spoken about what had happened in the hospital. Dean had spent his time working on the Impala and you had locked yourself away in one of the guest's rooms.
You felt as if you were in a state of shock. You and your dad hadn’t always seen eye to eye but as you lay staring at the ceiling you couldn’t help but replay every memory of him you had. As you lay there you could feel tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.
Your dad was dead and you never even got to say goodbye. John Winchester was by no means a perfect man, but he was your father and you loved him all the same.
A knock on your door had you quickly wiping your eyes before sitting up. “Co-come in.” 
The door squeeked as it opened and Sam’s head appeared. His eyes looked red as if he’d also been crying and you frowned. “Sam? What’s wrong?” You asked your younger brother. 
He didn't say anything as he shuffled into your room before lying down beside you. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “The last thing we did was argue y/n. He probably died thinking that I hated him or something” He sniffled slightly looking at you with teary eyes. Guilt had been eating Sam alive for the past few days. He’d never gotten to properly apologise and now he would never have the chance. 
You sighed before beginning to run a hand through his hair. “Sam. He knows you didn’t hate him. Trust me.” You smiled softly at him. “I know he never said it but deep down he was so proud of you.”
Sam hummed softly and leaned further into your chest.
“She’s telling the truth, Sammy.” Another voice chimed in. You felt the bed dip as Dean sat behind you. Sam kept quiet but you felt him relax slightly at Deans's words. 
Your brothers were all you had now. You felt Dean lie down beside you and you shifted slightly so you could see him. He rubbed a hand up your arm as he looked at your younger brother. 
After a while, Sam’s breathing evened out and you felt his hold loosen slightly as sleep took over.
“Are you ok? Seriously.” You whispered turning your head to look at Dean. The green-eyed man didn’t say anything for a moment and he just continued to rub your arm. “I…I don’t know.” He finally admitted. “Y/n what he said to me about-” He gestured to Sam. “what did he mean.” Dean’s tone was serious as he spoke. What John had told him was clearly causing more bother than you first realised. 
“And he only made that deal for me. I don’t understand why he would throw it all away when he was so close.” He frowned looking down at you.
“Maybe because your his son and he cared more about you than that damn thing that killed Mom.” Dean raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Maybe you were right.
He let out a sigh before shaking his head. “I don’t wanna have this conversation right now okay.” He wrapped his arm around you before settling down. 
“It’s late. We can talk in the morning.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Go to sleep.” 
Dean closing off was what you expected but at least you’d planted the seed. He shouldn't feel guilty for what your dad did. You nodded and spared Sam a glance.
The youngest Winchester was still sleeping calmly against your chest and you smiled softly brushing a hand through his hair. You felt Dean’s arm tighten around your shoulder slightly. You knew the movement was his way of telling you to sleep and stop worrying over Sam. 
You let out a quiet sigh as you lay back on the pillows, placing your head on Deans's shoulder. “Night.”
“Night sweetheart.”
None of you were okay but you had each other and as you lay there for the first time in days you felt some semblance of peace.
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clitorises · 1 year ago
I see butch patriarchy sometimes and then my brain goes to, "What if...femme matriachy?" Seriously I just wanna be a dumb little housebutch who lives with my femme and our pets. Cook for her and buy her flowers ♡♡ maybe when she's had a bad day just bend her over the counter and rail her till she feels better.
I toy with the idea of having a housebutch sometimes but my reality is that I am far too bossy about the way my home is run to hand the domestic responsibilities over to somebody else… my ideal for this kind of setup would be a little twist on the more common femme housewife scenario. I imagine my butch working hard during the day, coming home all worn out, letting me pull them in by the tie to kiss them… they can always count on a warm home and a good meal waiting for them, candles burning and the table set. I’d be dressed up for them, ready to take good care of my toy, give them a little massage after dinner, working out any knots in their shoulders and listening to their little sounds of pleasure—it would feel so good to tell them it’s time to turn their brain off and serve me. After a long workday of making decisions and thinking soooo many thoughts, it’s time for them to let me purr in their ear, to tell them they don’t need to think anymore, they just need to relax and do exactly as Mistress says… tying them up and using them like a handsome dildo for hours until it’s time to tuck them into bed. It’s my responsibility to make sure they get enough rest, after all… and then in the morning I wake them up by sucking on their fingers, and I use them to get off again before I make them breakfast and send them back to work… working hard to support their Goddess, giving me everything I deserve, knowing I’ll care for them perfectly in return, my little kept toy, my perfect servant… I got carried away.
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alicerosejensen · 1 year ago
Something about sin. Pt 2.
Warning: Older!Leon; younger reader; fem/reader; age difference; reader is the daughter of another DSO agent; Mention of erotica but it is not here; Anxiety; Relationship with Ada mentioned; Mentioning the conflict.
Synopsis: It's becoming increasingly difficult for Leon to be only your father's friend. Day by day you awaken more and more sinful feelings in him.
Tags: @ourfinalisation
Part 1
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He's just a friend of your dad's.
A friend of your father's who happened to meet you in a downpour, frozen, under the awning of some small shop that was probably closed, and you were already shivering like a kitten in a wet box that no one wanted to take in. Of course, he immediately took you to a warm place - his apartment. Do not think that he had any plans; apart from your well-being, he did not have a single sinful thought in his head, and you calmly trusted him. You bet! However, there were no sinful thoughts during the trip. But as soon as Leon opened the door of his apartment and let you in as his guest, he wanted to immediately take off all these soaking wet clothes, wrap your little body in a warm towel or bathrobe and put you in his bed. No sex, seriously, but that doesn't mean he couldn't imagine you sleeping in his bed, lying on his chest… A couple of days ago, he even woke up with another girl and thought for a few minutes that it was you, but reality hit him hard in the ribs. Instead of a shower, Leon offered only a towel, as well as his T-shirt and shorts to wait for your clothes to dry. Yes, the size is big, and, roughly speaking, the shorts were useless because it were too wide.
He honestly tried not to think about you. And on the other hand, couldn't help but fantasize about what would happen if you were entirely his. When you come out of the bath dressed only in his clothes, laying out your things on the dryer to dry, Leon wants to go up to you and put you on his lap by taking off those shorts. And it's even better to soak in the tub with you while you play with foam like a little girl. Shaking his head, driving away from himself again a series of vicious desires, he does not immediately realize that you are already sitting in front of him at the table waiting for a hot mug of tea to keep warm.
"I'm sorry, I was thinking, so what did you just say?
You smile at him again with your innocent smile, taking a sip, stuffing your mouth with more tea, after which your cheeks swell like a hamster for a couple of seconds. It's a funny sight. Leon knows that you only do this when you're drinking tea alone or with someone you're comfortable with. With whom who will not say that you are behaving inappropriately. He's definitely never going to tell you that.
"I said that Dad is absent now and mom has gone to my aunt for a couple of days. And that rain was not promised in today's weather forecast," You're lying, but no. There's no point in lying, Leon knows you're not going to seduce him. And you're not doing anything because he wants to love his friend's daughter… life really sucks.
He should have fallen in love with a woman his age or continued dating Ada. And you're worse than a zombie…stuck to him like a burr.
"Take a break now. You can watch TV, and to be honest, it's a long way to your house. I can call a taxi, but if you want, can you stay with me until morning? Sleep on the couch"
This is a risky question. Regret takes hold immediately after these words have been spoken out loud. What does he even hope for? That at nightfall you will come to his bed and say "I love you"? Cute, but unreal. Although Leon admits to himself that in this scenario he would be a gentle lover. There's no other way with you. In addition to the gun, he has condoms and lubricant on his bedside table, besides he does not skimp on preparation. But watching your face and how you feel indebted to him, Leon realizes that none of this is going to happen. You don't look at old people like him.
On the other hand, the taxi driver will charge you a considerable amount. Although who is he kidding? he is ready to pay for the trip to your home himself.
"Oh, princess, don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes…" he wants to say, but instead he says it to justify himself: "I'm just worried that the driver might offend you. Your father will twist my head off if anything happens to you."
Although he'll be the first to wring his own neck if someone hurts you.
"I wanted to spend the night with a friend, but at her house… a date with a guy. I don't like being alone," you admitted, shyly lowering your eyes, stroking his mug with both hands.
"Then stay," he had to make an effort to make his voice sound the same, but his smile betrayed him. "Let's order something for dinner, watch a movie and tell me about your TV shows that you love so much…"
"Do you know?!" You were surprised, but you smiled again. Of course he knows.
"Your father said that you watch them all the time."
It was wonderful when you agreed, and Leon let you choose whatever you wanted. don't worry about the money, the last expensive purchase he made was at the bike parts store, and well, the bottle is in the top cabinet in the kitchen. You order spicy pizza, pasta and something else, Leon doesn't even look at what exactly, because he doesn't care. The only thing that pisses him off is that you thank him and then fall asleep soundly on his couch after a little night of fun with food and TV.
He's a son of a bitch.
He's your father's friend, he's old, he's… It just doesn't suit you. Leon knows that you trust him, otherwise you would have run away as soon as the opportunity presented itself, and his brain suggests to him the idea of pulling off your T-shirt, exposing your small breasts, and squeezing you in his arms. You have a stupid habit of biting your lips, but you're not doing it because it's sexy (because it's never sexy), but because it's a fucking habit, not flirting.
The point is, he's not trying to justify himself like the rest of the bastards, saying it's your fault that he wants you. It's NOT your fault. You're NOT flirting with him.
And Leon understands that. When the movie ends, he brings you a blanket and a pillow, saying that you can still watch TV, but he is too old and will go to sleep. And all this in order to take the burden of guilt off his shoulders a little. And you're still innocently wishing him sweet dreams.
Yeah, indeed, his little princess, whom he should not defame. Eventually, you'll find yourself a guy your own age, graduate from college, and from time to time remember the day your dad's crappy friend sheltered you for one night.
A couple of weeks have passed since that day. All Leon can offer his few girls for one night is coffee in the morning and a sandwich made from the remains of what he has not yet rotted in the refrigerator. When Ada comes, everything is even simpler here, because she doesn’t need to offer anything, she’s like a cat: she comes and goes when she wants. You're not like that.
For some reason, Leon is sure he would have ordered you breakfast. Not always, of course, but things would really be different with you. There could be good moments in his life that are overshadowed by only one thing - his own conscience, which screams to stay away from you. You didn't tell your father anything about spending the night in his apartment. Leon guessed only because no one attacked him with pretensions, and in general, what kind of father would want his daughter to spend the night at his friend's house? Even if nothing happened between you, it will still remain a secret between the two of you.
He still cares about you, like your dad's friend, he can pat you on the back as support or even hug you at some holiday, but soon Leon is surprised to notice that the hugs from you are becoming longer and stronger.
It's nice.
Maybe he just imagined it and you're still chatting sweetly with him, and that hug gesture was just in his head. You have a nice floral perfume that suits you and Leon likes it when you sit next to him at the table offering this or that dish cooked by your mother. You take care of him, although not with the context he wants.
In fact, Leon is not a fool and understands why you don't give a damn about someone like him. At one point, he was ready to openly flirt, but damn it, if that happened, you would run away to complain to your father and do the right thing, but here he is sitting in your family's house, drinking beer with your father, discussing life and at some point realizes that your father really looks like him, but he has a family. He spends all the money he earned in the DSO on you and your mother, that's why you've been a little spoiled since childhood, but who's going to blame the old man for that? If Leon had a family, he would also spend every last cent to please his loved ones, and therefore the last woman he gave an expensive gift to was you.
However, Leon would have given you his card without any problems so that you could buy whatever you want. Dad loves you and he loves you too, but not as a friend, although he carefully hides it.
It's not funny. Leon would like to find at least one couple with a large age difference who has a healthy, loving relationship, but he himself understands perfectly well that he behaves like a boy who believes in fairy tales to the last. Well, at least he smiles when you are visiting him and you managed to start talking to him about this topic, telling him that there were such couples... several hundred years ago, when girls were forced into marriage. Your argument was that “They fell in love with each other later anyway,” supported by beautiful films about love of that era and romance novels marked “not for children,” with Leon himself reluctantly admitting the truth.
“Sunny, this is just literature designed to arouse interest among girls like you and earn money. Grown-up guys like cute girls like you for a completely different reason."
You didn't like the answer. You discussed with him for some time without crossing the line, but more and more Leon noticed the sadness on your face. The way you clenched your jaw and involuntarily puffed out your cheeks again made him want to comfort you. And then you mentioned that you know a couple who have many children and have a significant age difference.
"Why are you trying to convince me?" He smiled when he saw how frightened his desired, but unattainable angel was, and came up with excuses, saying that he was destroying your illusions that “they lived happily ever after” and “all ages are submissive to love.”
Well what can say? With this conversation, you made him doubt that he was not the only one with sinful thoughts in his head. You still don't have a boyfriend...
At least Leon hopes you weren't seduced by some old bastard, but you're a smart girl and know how to run away from creepy guys.
You're still laughing at his jokes, smiling, and Leon really wants to find the answer to why Ada left his heart so easily and you took over it so easily. But he has a bad habit of loving those women who don't need his attention. In any case, when Ada visits him again, pride does not allow this woman to go to bed with a man who has another on his mind. And Leon himself, however, no longer has any desire, as well as needs.
The costs of the profession.
Maybe because he is still ashamed that he called his last girl by your name and kissed her in his sleep.
Leon really thinks he's such a bastard when he sits in front of Ada and doesn't know what to say to her. She is a part of him, but one that he no longer wants to touch.
"I am not angry"
Leon simply nods, running his hand over his face, not at all surprised by this woman's reaction. Ada Wong isn't one to throw a fit because her partner has found another love interest. An interest that could be mutual and healthy, unlike what had happened between the two of them over the years.
and all that Leon says to her in response is:
"I know"
"You shouldn't blame yourself for wanting stability somewhere. Feelings can disappear after 20 years of marriage, and you and I have separate ways… I will not fulfill your cherished dream of a typical American family, where you return home and there your wife is waiting for you with a hot dinner and two, maybe three Kennedy kids who will immediately jump on your neck with happiness that dad has returned home"
Anyone who knows Ada even a little bit will say that she is right. It seems to Leon that he knew this even at the first meeting when she identified herself as an FBI agent showing him a fake badge. But then he was a young, scared rookie cop with a great sense of justice who, despite his fear, wanted to save at least one living soul in the Raccoon City… So many years have passed and Ada is right, he has hardly changed.
They didn't even have love. The status of "Everything is difficult" turned into "Everything has become much more difficult" because you fit into this status and Leon is completely confused, preferring to just stay away from everyone and suppress all the feelings inside. And you keep climbing and climbing into his head against his will that one day he really got angry and snapped at you when you accidentally dropped one of the old parts in his garage.
To tell the truth, this useless spare part should have been thrown in the trash a long time ago, Leon doesn't know what the hell it was lying there, maybe he just forgot to throw it away, but the way you lowered your head and apologized, biting your lip so as not to cry in front of everyone, well, it makes him feel like a son of a bitch even more. My God, he would immediately fall at your feet and beg for forgiveness for raising his voice at you at all. After that, even when he came to visit your father and stayed for dinner with the family, you didn't even show up in his eyes. Your mom kept saying that you weren't feeling well and decided to get some sleep, then you were too busy (but didn't say what), then you were supposedly not at home, but one day you accidentally got caught when you sneaked into the kitchen for dinner, putting a bigger portion on your plate. Leon wanted to call out to you but looked away pretending not to notice.
This could be the end.
He would have just waited a little longer before apologizing to you for yelling at you over nothing. I would have given you time to calm down, but I was really scared when I received the stupidest message from you.
"I want to pay for the thing I broke. I really didn't want to break anything, so just tell me how much it cost."
At that moment, he wanted to yell at you even more. Do you really think that he is so petty that he will charge you money for just dropping an already broken part?! After that, he felt even more disgusted with himself. Because he acted like a bastard and now you think he's a real brute.
Of course he didn't charge you. However, unsubscribed the same way as you: SMS.
A conflict that essentially grew out of nothing. When your mom finally made you show up and greet him out of politeness having dinner together, you were now sitting as far away from him as possible without saying anything or offering, constantly looking at the clock waiting to escape from the table. Then it was decided that it was time to end it. After your awkward escape, Leon tried to find you in the backyard of the house and he was almost right, however, he spotted the exact location by following your sobs when you were sitting in the barn and sorting through some old things without noticing someone else's presence.
If you were his… No, he still quickly ran up to you with the idea that something had happened to you, you couldn't just sit and cry like that, and if you could, then at least give the old man hope that it wasn't because of him. Leon didn't want you to cry because of him.
Mr. Kennedy, as you used to call him, has no right to kiss you even if he really wants to. Even if you're a forbidden fruit that you can't eat, but you really want to, so you just don't have any strength anymore. You just can't. However, you look at him with those tear-stained eyes, allowing him to take your palm in his hand and squeeze it slightly, dropping down in front of you to listen to stupid apologies. Leon doesn't know how to apologize a damn thing, but he tries. He really tries when he wipes your tears from your cheeks while maintaining eye contact and doesn't know what to feel when you press your cheek against his palm.
An accident or a hint?
Leon thinks the former, although he secretly hopes for the other. He may be the perfect government weapon, the perfect soldier, a good man, but he knows that he is an ordinary scumbag who kisses his best friend's daughter and is bursting with happiness when an awkward kiss gets timid reciprocation.
Even if you are already of age, even if you dreamed about it yourself, Leon Scott Kennedy will always feel like a guilty scoundrel.
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catinasockinsideabox · 16 days ago
Gotta love how some Dickkory shipper are gonna call Dickbabs shippers hypocrites then pull this:
Imagine the scenario.
You're comfortably lying in bed, scrolling on social media [Be YouTube, X, TikTok, Reddit, Tumblr or any other you prefer], then decide to look up your favorite ship to watch or read something about them. You feel like it, of course, it makes you happy right?
You find some nice content, it makes you smile from ear to ear, leave a like and decide to open the comments. Your smile fades immediately.
While there are people loving the ship, you found comments like:
"Am I the only one who prefers him with Starfire?" You can't tell me you didn't read half of the comments hating on this ship or don't know that, online, Dickkory is way more popular, come on...
"Starfire better."
"I hate this ship so much."
"I hate Barbara so much."
"Dickkory solos."
"They're siblings." I will never get tired of saying that if that's your standard of siblings relationship, please that is not... They flirt even when not dating how are they siblings?
"She cheated on him with Batman." Another universe, anyway he cheated on Kory with Babs, you know... It was retconned, I know, but if we can pull out non canon stuff I can bring that up right?
"Barbara sucks." What did this fictional woman do to you, seriously?
"Starfire is his endgame and they should get back together." Leave?
Then you'll find the long comment explaining why they hate the ship...spammed under other ten comments. We got it, buddy, no need to spam.
I found a death threat to the author of a video once. What the hell people? Disgusting doesn't even describe it.
Funny thing? In all those comments, most of the replies agrees. Yes, even the death threat.
You shrug it off, scrolling to see more posts and videos, ending up finding a Dickkory video. Nice, not your ship but not bad. Decide to open the comments again and there's no hate. But you find a comment talking about their preference for Dickbabs for reasons. Opening the replies, very few people agree. Most are shitting on this person, telling them to scroll, that their opinion was not asked and explaining in the most terrible way and with the most terrible examples how Dickbabs sucks. You're gonna get called out in a public video, made shame of without even getting your username censored [Yes, this did also happen, sickening].
So we're not allowed to have our opinions under a Dickkory video? I do understand, we can just scroll of course, but you can't say this when in a Dickbabs video you're gonna say Kory is better and how this ship sucks. Kinda hypocritical.
I do agree and admit that even on the Dickbabs side, not all shippers are innocent, both sides aren't. We're calling it out.
I remember reading a fanfiction few years ago. Well written, amazing plot. Comments supporting. The author later decided to add ships, including Dickbabs. More as a side thing. The comments weren't about the main stuff anymore but all about "why did you do this".
How are we the only hypocritical ones? You, Dickkory fan reading this post, might not be that type of person, which I'd thank you for.
However, there are some shippers that will do this and call us that. It's also hypocritical of them to not admit it.
While it is okay for people to express their opinions on a public post, don't attack others for doing the same under a post of something YOU like. I've seen some stuff that made me sick, not angry, nauseous.
Side note: If the person that called Dickbabs hypocrites under a post of mine the other day is reading this, don't worry. While we did have a... "Heated argument", which I apologize for, I didn't make this post because of you. You're not the first person who called Dickbabs shippers like that and just this morning I read someone calling us that again. We're good, I think? I just felt like mentioning this to not have any misunderstanding.
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leggerefiore · 1 year ago
Apologies if you’ve already covered this topic.
Can Zekrom!Ingo and Reshiram!Emmet transform into the Dark and Light Stone respectively?
I can easily imagine a scenario where either one or both of them are so badly injured that they have to revert back to their stone forms, and you’re stuck looking after a pet rock (or two) until they’ve re-awakened.
Bonus points if they’re able to sense what’s going on outside the stone, so they recognize your voice if you talk and can feel when you hold them.
cw: pokehybrid au, dragon twins, poly, fluff
pairings: Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader
It was truly remarkable… While Emmet was certainly the type to enjoy battles and flexing his terrifying draconic powers, Ingo was not. But, somehow, both of them had been damaged so badly by an attack that they had to withdraw into their dormant stone forms. You held the two stones close to yourself as you brought them back to the “palace” in which they had started refurbishing properly. The stones were placed carefully within a bowl in your room as you debated what to do.
You had heard stories about them taking on these forms, as had most Unovans who cared about the weird dragon gods that just took over the rail system with little question or objection. But, there was no mention for how long they would remain like that. You picked up the Light Stone and gazed at it. This only happened when their bodies were destroyed… Seriously, what had happened to them?
And why was it surprisingly heavy? You sighed and sat down with it in your lap. The surface was smooth with only three indents seemingly purposefully made. Reshiram... Unovan history – well, more so a legend passed down by the dragon clan, pointed to a time when both dragons had defeated each other in a war and retreated into these forms. It is unknown when they returned to their awakened forms, but it was clear that they had. Otherwise, who was running the subway?
“Emmet…” you spoke quietly to the stone, “… Can you and Ingo hurry up? I'm really worried... What could have almost killed you?” Your finger traced unconsciously into the indents of the stone. A few moments passed like this with little changing. You placed the stone back into the bowl and shifted to holding the Dark Stone. It felt and appeared almost identical to the Light Stone, barring colour. To think this was Ingo… You wished you could hear his long-winded scoldings or see his frozen little frown on his face.
Bringing the stone to your face, you kissed the hard surface. It was cool, just like Ingo's body. Had the Light Stone felt warm? You wondered. Staring at it softly, you moved to place it back in the bowl.
For now, it seemed that all you could do is wait.
You had taken to carrying along one of the stones in a bag whenever you went out and about. It felt nicer to have one of them around, even if it was only in thought. Though, you would like to imagine that taking the Light Stone into a bakery might have done something to awaken Emmet, but it seems that you were mistaken. Nothing had changed with his stone. The same was true for when you took the Dark Stone into the office at the Gear Station. It seemed not even work could tempt a dormant dragon. Though, you had also taken both stones on a train and nothing had happened even then.
It seemed it truly would be the only time that saw their return. Thus was not as reassuring as it could be, seeing as they were immortal draconic gods, and you were one short-lived human. You sighed. Even sleeping with the stones pressed to your chest brought little comfort. Except that it did confirm that the Light Stone did radiate a soft warmth.
You felt impatient and desperate.
Before you could truly lose your mind and climb a certain Sinnohan mountain in madness, however, a certain morning came. In the early hours of the day, a bright glowing light startled you awake and away from the stone tucked away into your bed. The Dark Stone was glowing an eerie blue as it seemed to begin to float within the air without being held up. You blinked as a few bright flashes sparked from it, and then it completely overcame the room in blinding light.
A familiar cry rang out while your eyes were still tightly closed. Opening them, you saw a Zekrom standing on your bed side. His red eyes stared quietly into you before his form began to shift into something smaller and known to you. Ingo blinked and brought his attention to the still unchanged Light Stone. He picked it up while you could only stare in wonder.
“Ah, dearest,” his gaze fell back upon you after holding the stone for a few moments, “… Thank you for watching over us.” His tone was genuine, and he lowered his head respectfully for a moment. You replied that it was nothing, truly. Ingo seemed to shake his head, however. “For you to take us everywhere with you, it was pleasant to remain at your side, even dormant,” he softly placed Emmet's stone in the bowl before stepping towards you. His hands gently held yours.
The smile on your face hurt from how it pulled at your muscles. Oh, you truly loved him. Breaking free of his grip, you instead hugged him. The coolness of his flesh rose goosebumps on your skin. Ingo gently returned the hug, softly resting his head on yours. Unfortunately, still being a dragon, his height was much too tall for most humans to be.
In your hug, with your eyes closed, you hardly noticed the Light Stone beginning to glow a burning orange and quickly imitating what the Dark Stone had previously done. Well, until a Reshiram cry rang out, followed by a normal Emmet whine. Both of you whipped your heads around to see him sitting on top of the broken table and bowl.
“Ingo!!” Emmet cried, “Why did you put me there?! That was verrry mean!!” He covered a small cut from the porcelain having slashed him. Ingo appeared to sigh. The younger of the dragons rushed to you and swept you up in a hug. “He is horrible, darling!” Emmet's voice was soft in your ears as he buried his face into your nape. His wings also came around you and tickled you with their feathers. His wound seemingly healed quite quickly, as most physical damage did.
“… You usually reform before me,” Ingo's stone sounds exhausted, “I assumed it must have been bad this time if you still hadn't formed when I had.”
“I was enjoying myself,” Emmet argued, “I wanted our mate to carry me around a little more.”
You felt stricken. They were… aware? Your gaze drifted to the fluffy dragon. “When could you originally form again?” you asked, wondering when if he could usually reform before Ingo.
“Mmm, when you took me to the bakery,” Emmet tilted his head, “I really wanted to… Those cakes smelled wonderful.”
You felt bewildered by this. Ingo just seemed to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.
Well, at least they were back now.
(Apparently, the reason they lost their bodies was because they had a battle against each other, and it had got out of hand.)
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syndrossi · 6 months ago
In the reverberate AU, with Rhaenyra wishing she was the one married to Daemon (And the fact that I ship Daemyra like burning) imagine if they get a chance to - Viserys is busy looking for some way to annul Rhea and Daemon's marriage, Daemon is like 'WTF brother?' and while this is happening Volantis makes a move and Rhea dies protecting the boys (I'm sorry. I love her too. The boys are so sad. I made it sad.)
Viserys is like 'well that sucks but now you can marry Rhaenyra!
Daemon: No, seriously, WTF brother??!!!
He's literally come back from the future and still can't understand Viserys' mind!
Bonus points if their first child is a daughter Rhaenyra wants to name Visenya - but Jon takes one look at her and is like 'That's Dany. Daenerys. Her name is Daenerys.' Because Jon's universe's Dany followed him to Summerhall after he disappeared.
So now Daemon has three Prince/ess That Was Promised Fireproof babies that Volantis wants. One of whom is only a baby, and the other two are probably like 4 or 5 here? His stress levels are through the roof.
Daemon might actually punch Viserys if that's his first reaction. He's lost a companion and ally, and his boys are utterly inconsolable. Jon cries at all hours, but most often in the morning and before bed, and he refuses to let Daemon out of his sight, clinging to him as though terrified he'll lose him too. Rhaegar is quiet and withdrawn, a pale little ghost who won't eat or sleep, no matter how Daemon tries to coax him. Nothing works: lullabies, stories, holding him...
He takes a full year of mourning, and Otto probably spends that entire time doing everything in his power to prevent the match Viserys so greatly desires, down to trying to plant suspicion that Viserys himself was behind her death in order to spark Daemon's fury. Countless handsome, eligible suitors that he has stumble into Rhaenyra's path as temptation.
The nature of the Summerhall magic is such that Dany showing up years later wouldn't be possible in Resonant but we can handwave it for this scenario. The idea of Dany being able to finally meet Rhaegar is a very sweet one, though it would be, like Jon, through the odd lens of a version who was younger than her before yet is older now.
(There might actually be war with Volantis, if they weren't sufficiently under-the-table about the kidnapping attempt that claimed her life. With or without a war, protecting his three children and Rhaenyra, since Volantis clearly does not care about killing anyone to get to them, means Daemon is in a constant state of fear and fury.)
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secretlywritingstories · 5 months ago
no but seriously imagine it | phan one shot
Summary: It has been 15 years since Dan and Phil met. They wake up on the Terrible Influence tour bus in Las Vegas on their anniversary with plans to see My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy later that day.
Word count: 2.5k
Tags: 2024!phan, reality, tour bus, sleepy cuddles, introspection, anniversary
No warnings
A/N: Happy phannie day! I hadn't planned to write something but I woke this morning with so many feels and they had to go somewhere! Despite the name, it only references the tumblr post.
Read on AO3 or below
Phil had called it fate. Dan had countered that it was a coincidence.
Yet, they formed their schedule around it.
Phil had reminded him of the meme that had been going around. Of them, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. Back when the bands were never likely to be active at the same time again and the two of them had yet to leave the closet. Clearly, just some tumblr shitpost, an emo multistan wanting to shove all of their interest into one singular moment for the heck of it. But well… all except P!ATD, they’ve kind of got a lot of cards lined up to be knocked down rather neatly.
Down to a festival with MCR and FOB being held on the anniversary of the day that him and Phil met. So, if they made sure to have that date free and be on tour right around Las Vegas, could anyone really blame them? Besides, they’re still emo and fanboys at heart too. It’s one of the reasons that they get their audience like this. They know what it’s like. They also just wanted to be at that festival for the music. A blast from the past.
Yet, it’s something strange to wake on the tour bus, assumably safely arrived in Las Vegas after the drive from Los Angeles. The two of them had stayed up late, wired from the LA show and the crew has clearly been letting them sleep in, even if they’re going to check into a hotel now.
The bed is surprisingly comfortable for a tour bus. Big enough that him and Phil can fit easily, even with their long limbs. No pretending to sleep anywhere but next to each other.
Phil is usually the first one to wake up back at home, but he’ll happily spend at least half an hour right upon waking to scroll TikTok, phone right up in his face to see without his glasses. He’ll only drop the phone if Dan snuggles close and distracts him. Lazy mornings are good.
This cannot be too lazy a morning. They need to be on the move. They’ve got plans for today. It’s a special day after all. A decade and a half. Holy shit, how is that real?
Dan snuggles close to Phil, uncaring if he wakes him. He kind of wants that to happen. Sleeping Phil is beautiful but it’s not just Phil’s appearance that Dan loves, though it is a nice bonus. It’s the mind inside of the man. The personality, the way he jokes, the way he smiles, the way he creates art, the way he holds onto Dan.
Dan was 17 years old when he clicked on an AmazingPhil video for the first time and it had felt like something clicked within him in turn. An instant obsession, he’d thought at the time. Binged all of the videos on his channel. Sat ready for the new ones to drop, so he could watch them immediately. Waited for a few months to tweet at Phil directly. Shoot his shot with this handsome emo boy with a mind so fascinating that it made Dan curious to learn more.
Because the fascination hadn’t lessened, only gotten worse. And now he knew it would only grow and grow.
Back then, he'd dreamt up scenarios of Phil replying. Scenarios of them getting together and living happily ever after. He was a lonely teenager who’d never had a best friend, and he was yearning in a way that felt like it consumed his whole being. He had seriously imagined it.
The vision he’d had ended up coming true in many ways. Maybe Dan should pride himself the psychic one instead of Phil.
Phil stirs a little as Dan pulls him into his arms. Little grunts of half-awareness, not enough to be fully awake, but he still moves closer on instinct. Arms heavy with sleep but reaching for Dan all the same.
Dan couldn’t have predicted this reality for them though. Not in his wildest dreams. YouTube had been a silly hobby for the both of them. He’d only started because of Phil. Wanted to be like him in every way back in the beginning. It was a good excuse for arranging a meet up, when it felt too big to admit that he just wanted to hang out. Be friends, lovers or maybe even something more than just romantic.
It’s because of Phil that Dan got to create so many things that he is proud of. This career that he’s not sure he’d ever have had, if it wasn’t for Phil deciding to turn on that camera back in 2007.
The career that they’ve built together is important. It has made them this life. But it’s not Dan’s favourite part. It could never be, especially when he has got Phil gradually waking up in his arms like this.
His breathing changes slowly, sleep clinging to his body as Phil clings to Dan’s, but it’s a lost cause. He’s been disturbed enough that he’ll wake now. He blinks up at Dan’s face, undoubtedly mostly seeing a blurry outline.
Yet, he smiles, because he always did have an uncanny ability to look right into Dan. It’s got nothing to do with his vision.
“You’re up early,” Phil says, only to close his eyes and snuggle closer to Dan again. Hiding his face in his shoulder and letting out a low hum.
“It’s our anniversary according to the internet,” Dan says instead of acknowledging what Phil said.
Honestly, it’s a day that they’ve just let go by without much fanfare most years. It’s a time where their audience loves to make edits and art of all kinds to celebrate the moment that Dan took the train up to Manchester and they met for the first time. That first selfie in the Apple Store where their much smaller audience was excited to see them together. Oh, the thousands of selfies that have followed after that first one.
You couldn’t have told those two kids. They couldn’t have known. Even if Dan had been hoping. For something long-lasting. For forever.
Iconic, when he struggles with commitment in so many other ways.
But never about Phil. It was strange how he was so certain about him, right from the start. Maybe he was just a hopeful adolescent, so full of yearning, but even back then, nothing had felt like finding Phil. Of meeting him, of loving him.  
“Blessed day,” Phil mutters, still clearly tired.
He makes no mention of the fact that it took them a little while longer to put a label on it, but it hadn’t mattered. Not really. Labels have always been one of Dan’s enemies. He felt like nothing could quite capture him well enough, and even now, he feels like nothing can quite capture his and Phil’s relationship still. Perhaps that’s why he’s so prone to spin so many tales and metaphors of it, still grasping for words that can finally encompass all of it.
He is not sure he’ll ever find it, but he doesn’t mind.
Not as long as Phil stays right here, while he weaves each declaration into existence.
Dan reaches down to play with Phil’s hair. Still quite pristine blond in its current condition. The bleach has been a little harder on the hair, but Phil is doing a good job not letting it get too damaged. Takes care of it with that purple shampoo and all that.
Back when they met, Phil was dying his hair black and now he dyes it blond.
Back when they met, Dan straightened his curl into submission, now he allows them to live their best hobbit life.
Dark to light, constraints to freedom. Growth even in their appearances, like all they’ve matured couldn’t help but shine out of them.
“I’m excited for the show tonight,” Phil says, eyes still closed and breathing heavy. He could slip back into sleep if Dan would let him.
“We’re not performing tonight,” Dan says, hand still moving through Phil’s hair. Petting him. He knows that’s not what Phil means but he loves to tease.
Sure enough, Phil pinches his hip. Hard. Enough to hurt really, but no touch from Phil truly hurts. It just makes Dan laugh.
“The festival. It’ll bring me back to my youth.”
“Sure, old man,” Dan says.
It earns him another pinch, this time to his thigh and fair enough, this one does hurt a little. But it stings in a nice way. Grounds him and just makes his smile widen. Phil’s hands all over him is always a good thing.
Before Phil, he was touch-starved. Still feels it creep in when they’re apart for too long. Last time he was in USA doing We’re all doomed, they had gone the longest ever without seeing each other. The touch-starvation came back full force then. Dan was pretty sure he tried to live inside of Phil’s skin when he got back.
He’s so glad they’re back on this continent together for Terrible Influence. He loved doing his solo tour, but this feels right. Not like when he kept turning around with his eyes searching for Phil on instinct.
“I will bite you,” Phil threatens.
And he would. If Dan asked real nicely.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“Stop being horny, I’m trying to threaten you,” Phil says but his voice is dancing along the words. Way too amused for them to have any effect.
“Do you think you’ll cry? Hearing the music?” Dan asks, pulling Phil even closer. They’d be fused together soon, but he feels the chill along his spine, remembering the month where he couldn’t touch him.
The only way to starve it off is bringing himself back to this moment. Phil in his arms. Dan might never let go.
“No,” Phil says, and his voice is flat. Deadpan. But then it softens a little. “It’ll be very cool though. To have those two sharing the stage.”
“Yeah,” Dan agrees, but his mind is drifting again.
That’s the thing with collaboration, isn’t it? If you have two people, you really like, it’s only natural to want to bring them together. To see what would happen to have them side by side. Maybe they’ll enhance each other.
Like him and Phil did.
Dan is under no illusion that the two of them would be here if they’d decided to keep their private life entirely private. If they’d never done another video after that first pinof, the interest would not have grown to what it had been.
No, they bound themselves to each other in every way a human really can. Professionally, emotionally, romantically, sexually, reputationally, creatively, socially, physically.
Their very souls could be mates, if you believe in such a thing. It’s hard to remain a cynic about soulmates when you live a life like Dan does. But he will die on that hill. Maybe his and Phil’s souls are made of the same stardust, or whatever, but they are the ones who took fate into their own hands.
Dan saw Phil and reached out. Phil heard him and reached back.
He’ll not let some cosmic force take all of that from them. The cosmic force was not there when they struggled with privacy and uncertainty and all of it coming so close to boiling over. How they weathered the storm and found calmer seas again.
Even when those calmer seas made Dan was to visit land for a while. To feel the ground underneath his feet again. To have Phil be the one on the ship, and after a while, hand stretched and tempting with just a short voyage. To see what would happen.
Dan hadn’t been sure. He hadn’t trusted his own brain. But he’d trusted Phil. Believed him when he said that it would all work out.
And now they’re back on that ship and it’s faster than ever. Gliding through the waves as easily as nothing. Made stronger by all that its endured. Fifteen years on the sea.
It’s Phil’s fingertips on Dan’s chest that brings him back. Pressure, right where his heart is beating. His eyes are open now, and he’s propped himself up on the elbow. Still no glasses, so he can’t see shit, but he looks at Dan like he can.
“What are you doing?” Dan asks.
“Checking your heart, but it’s not racing. Thought maybe you were panicking.”
He can do that sometimes. In the existential crises, when the thoughts spiral too far, too deep, for him to make head or tails of it all. Phil was always the best person to bring him out of it.
“I wasn’t,” Dan answers honestly. “Just thinking about us. Nothing can panic me about that.”
Phil’s snort is telling enough.
Dan reconsiders. “Nothing can panic me about that anymore.”
“Good,” Phil says and then it’s his whole palm on Dan’s chest. Warm and alive. Steady, like the beat in Dan’s heart. “We should get up.”
He lets go of Dan to roll over to the other side of the bed and put on his glasses. He’s just thrown them on, and they’re crooked. Dan sits up and fixes them for him. Phil lets him. Habit.
He still looks sleepy and like he could melt back into Dan’s embrace. Dan might let him, if he didn’t know that soon they’ll find a knock on their door and be told they can check into their hotel room for the night.
It’ll be good to take a shower. Phil still doesn’t let anyone take a shower on the bus.
“We’re got the whole day until tonight. What do you want to do?” Dan asks.
He sees it, the way an idea flickers into Phil’s eyes. Something funny or sentimental. Dan perks up a little before he’d even opened his mouth.
One word. Oh, so simple. But a reference all the same. That’s sentimental. And fun.
They do love a good memory. Hoards them in boxes and store them away safely to be revisited. Their history is special to them. And to their audience, who embarrassingly sometimes know the history better than themselves. They’ll never admit that though, and the audience will never see everything. Just the glimpses that they allow.
But sharing is fun. Having so many people care used to scare Dan but it doesn’t anymore. He and Phil know that they know. It’s been acknowledged and it’s only made things better.
“Sure, we’ll get you Starbucks with Dan,” Dan says and pulls the face, lips pulled taunt and just the barest hint of lifts in the corner. As square as he can make it to mimic the emoji that accompanied that tweet.
Phil tries to shove him off the bed. Fails and just falls into him instead. It ends in laughter, and tangled bodies, because of course it does.
They’ve never been able to resist getting tangled up in each other.
And it’s fitting to start the day with an old reference. Maybe it won’t be the only one today.
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eds6ngel · 2 years ago
okay I might send a few ideas for I kissed the teacher spin-offs bc I feel like I have a lot haha, but you don’t have to do any of them! so first idea: what if steve gets hurt accidentally and has to go to the hospital, so reader has to pick up alena, and they give her a hard time at pickup and then when they get to the hospital, they won’t let her in bc she’s not related or his wife. then after this happens, steve starts to think a lot more seriously about asking reader to marry him (but he’s definitely been thinking about it before) but just some good old angst and fluff pls! love your writing so much!
of course i'm doing this one!! i've loved your requests so far :)) and thank you so much for the compliment angel ♡
warnings: dad!steve. mom!reader. fem!reader. 90s!au. food mentions. steve breaks his ankle. judgement over having kids outside marriage. judgement over alena calling reader 'mom.' mentions of hospitals. pet names. kissing. mentions of marriage. fluff. comfort. teensy bit of angst. also, alena becomes protective over her mom!! [3.2k].
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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You were currently enjoying your lunch break, catching up with the other staff as you chowed down into your poorly-made sandwich that you threw together at 7am that morning.
“I’m telling you Amelie, that kid makes me ache—” However, your conversation is interrupted by one of the front desk staff lightly tapping at the door, poking her head from around the corner.
“Sorry to disturb you guys, but Y/N, your boyfriend is on the phone asking for you.”
You gently place your sandwich down in its tin-foil wrapper, putting your hand over your mouth as you quickly chew the rest of the remaining food. “Of course lovely, give me two seconds. Amelie, just watch that for me a second?” you ask, pointing to the half-eaten chicken salad sandwich on the table, with a small nod from her.
“Great, thank you,” you say, following the front desk lady to her office, the phone currently on hold as she ventured down the hallways of Ernie Pyle to find you. She presses a button, turning off hold and passing the phone over to you. You press the speaker to your ear, calling out, “Steve?”
“Hey, honey. Yeah, you finish at three, right?”
“Yeah, same time everyday. Why, is everything okay?” you ask.
“Um… not really. Look don’t be mad at me…” Not a great start to a sentence. “But, I kind of broke my ankle, and I’m currently sat in a hospital bed at Hawkins General.”
You gasp, “Oh my God babe, how did you manage that?”
“Well, I was stocking some shelves, and I had to use a ladder. Some woman wasn’t looking where she was going and collided with the ladder. I lost my balance and fell onto the tiles. Fucking hurt like hell.”
“Jesus,” you hiss, imagining the scenario and somehow sensing the pain in your own body, almost as if a form of empathy. “How are you feeling, baby? Is it still painful now?”
“It’s better, but still hurts. It’s sort of more of a throbbing pain now. But, babe… I do have a request.”
“Of course honey, anything you need,” you reply, the worry starting to settle as a pit in your stomach.
“Could you pick up Alena for me? Robin’s at work later today, so she can’t collect her.”
“Yeah, sure! I’ll get Leanna to keep tabs on parental pick-up. I may be a little late, but I should get there before 3:30.”
“Thank you babe. Thanks so much.”
“Of course, baby,” you smile to yourself, “You want Alena and I to come visit you after I collect her? I’m sure she’ll want to see you as much as I do.”
“I would love that. I think opening hours are until six, so you guys should have time.”
“Mhmm,” you hum down the line, “Got it. Right babe, I would love to talk to you for longer, but I have to free up the line for other people.” You giggle, “So, I’ll see you later on? I would say around 3:45-ish?”
“3:45. Great. See you later, honey. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you softly say, “Hope you feel better soon.”
You drop the receiver, the front desk lady (also known as Sarah) looking at you with a raised eyebrow, intrigued into what was so important that your boyfriend had to disturb you during work hours.
You shake your head, rubbing your hands over your face and sighing, “Idiot broke his ankle. Needs me to pick his daughter up from school.”
She chuckles along with you, arms crossed over her chest, “Men, huh?”
“Yeah, men,” you shake your head once more, before heading back down the longing halls to the staff room, thanking Leanna as you collapse on the chair, chomping into your sandwich.
“So… what did Mr. Lovebird so desperately want?” she asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows, a smirk plastered across her face.
You let out a deep breath. You were going to be telling this story all day.
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You arrived at Hawkins Elementary at 3:25, pressing the button on your car keys and entering the gates to the third grade classroom.
Many students were being sent out to their parents, you patiently waiting your turn, Alena smiling and waving to you from her seat inside, to which you reply with a wiggle of your fingers.
However, after a short while, all of the parents had seemed to have collected their children, both you and Alena sharing a confused glance through the clear glass window as she remained in her seat. You were standing right there, why wouldn’t her teacher send her out?
You could see her having a conversation with her teacher, the woman rolling her eyes as she opens the door, sharply asking you, “What do you want?”
You kept your cool, no matter how hard you felt like snapping back at her, “Hi, I’m here to pick up Alena.”
“You’re not on the list,” she simply states.
“Um… actually, I recently got added as an emergency contact for Alena, so I assumed it was okay for me to collect her.”
“I don’t care. I was not informed.”
You scorn, knowing that you were legally allowed to collect Alena. This specific teacher worked here when you did, the obvious tone being a pre-judged stereotype of your reputation.
“Why can’t I go with mom?” Alena asks sweetly, an undertone of sadness laced in her voice as her teacher blocks her from you.
You can see her roll her eyes as she turns back to Alena sneering, “She’s not your mom. She’s not even your step-mom. She’s merely a woman in your life.”
That made you snap. There was no way you would let her talk to your daughter like that. “How dare you! She can decide whether she calls me mom or not. You have no idea of our personal life and have no right to dictate that for her. Now, if you won’t let me collect my daughter, her dad is at Hawkins General because he’s broken his ankle. So, how about you call there and ask for permission from him.”
She shakes her head, scoffing, “Fine. Mr. Landbury, keep an eye on Alena for a minute, I’m going to call her father.”
The teaching assistant present was not a face you seemed to recognise, no sense of familiarity flooding your body. And by the lack of shrewdness, he too was confused by the situation at hand.
As the teacher powers out of the room, presumingly heading to the front desk, he tilts his head to the side, pointing to you, “Why can’t you collect her?”
You sigh, “You weren’t here when I worked here, were you?”
“No, I started this year.”
You lean your arm against the doorframe, “Basically, I had a thing for Alena’s dad whilst he was here, and I got fired because of it. So, now nobody here likes me.”
“Oh,” he breathes out, “But, she called you mom. Seems like it’s going perfectly well.”
You smile, “Yeah, two years this July.”
“Well, congratulations,” he replies, you quickly thanking him as her teacher returns, a sense of displeasure displayed on her features. “He said it’s fine. She can go with you.”
“Yes!” Alena cheers, jumping up from her seat and running over to you, hugging tightly onto your shirt. You could practically feel the teacher‘s resentment towards you in your own veins. Yet, you plastered a sarcastic smile on your face, burying your feelings of irritation, “Thank you.”
She simply grunts in return, waving her hand down as she turns away from the two of you. You wrap Alena’s smaller hand in yours, her skipping back to your car. As she climbs into the car seat you had placed in the front before you began your journey, you close your driver’s side door.
“What did you say happened to daddy?” she asks you.
You turn on the ignition, pulling out of the school parking lot and onto the main road, “He broke his ankle sweetpea. He was climbing a ladder at work and fell down.”
“Ow,” she hisses, almost sensing his pain, just like you had a few hours prior, “Can we go and see him at the hospital?”
“We are on the same train of thought baby, as that’s where I was about to head.”
“Yay!” she cheers, arms held up high above her head in celebration, “Will he have a cast?”
“I think he will bubs.”
She gasps, “Does that mean I get to draw on it? Because Tommy had a cast the other week as he broke his arm, and I got to draw pretty flowers on it. He wasn’t very happy about it though.”
“Well, that’s not very good, is it?” you reply, “I’m sure daddy will let you draw as many pretty flowers on it as you want.”
“I hope so too! As Tommy was really annoyed by it…”
And for the rest of your car trip to Hawkins General, Alena re-counted her entire story of drawing on her friend Tommy’s cast. She was at the perfect age where her mouth would start running and never stop. Not that you minded of course, it was very endearing. But, she sure could make a boring topic into a four-hour-long detailed presentation.
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Hand in hand, you and Alena stroll to the front desk of the hospital, politely asking, “Hi. I’m looking for Steve Harrington. He came in here today with a broken ankle.”
“Y/N L/N, little nugget here is Alena Harrington.”
“So, you aren’t his wife?” she asks in a monotone voice, chewing loudly on her gum.
“Um… No, I’m not. But, I’m his girlfriend.”
The woman sighs, taking her glasses off the bridge of her nose and leaning back in her chair, “You can’t go in unless you are a relation. The kid can go in, someone can take her, but you can’t.”
You blink rapidly, “But, I just told you, I’m his girlfriend. Sure, we’re not married yet, but that’s my love you’re talking about.”
“I can’t let you in,” she states again, staring you in the eyes, “The kid goes and you stay, or you both stay. End of discussion.”
“No,” you put your foot down, “Not end of discussion. I shouldn’t have to be bound in by the law to see the love of my life. He’s hurt, he’s injured. I want to see how he is doing and whether he is okay.”
“Miss, if you continue raising your voice at me, I will get my colleagues to escort you out, do you understand?”
You sigh, realising there’s no way to get through to this woman. You would normally say she’s just following the required rules for her job, but from her attitude, it seems as if she was agreeing with the nonsensical attitude that love is only proved by two rings and a piece of paper.
However, the sound of a small foot hitting the floor and a huff shocks you to your core, “Let mommy see daddy!”
“Kid,” the woman leans over the desk, “Your mom, or mother-like figure I would call her, can’t go with you as her and your dad aren’t married. I can happily ask someone to take you up to see him, but she can’t go with you.”
You let your eyes naturally roll to the back of your head. People in Indiana were so judgemental. If Alena wants to call you mom, they should accept that. It’s your life, and you should be able to live by your rules, not bound by the critics of the outside world of strangers.
“Let her go!” Alena screams, the woman standing up and replying, “Right, I’m escorting you two out. You are causing too much noise for our patients around here.”
Growling out in frustration, refraining yourself from pulling your own hair out, you lift Alena up into your arms, “Come on baby, let’s go and sit in the car.”
You may have not been allowed in the building, but the parking lot was still an option. And you would stay there until six o’clock if it meant you got the chance to see Steve.
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Steve’s sitting uncomfortably in his hospital bed, the bedsheets scratching at his back, his neck a little too low down for his liking, and the cast wrapped around his foot and lower leg itching away at his skin. He keeps checking the watch on his right wrist, practically counting down the minutes until you arrived. However, once the clock strikes 4:30, he starts to become worried, wondering where the two of you had gone. There was only an hour and a half left of visiting time, he was positive you wouldn’t deliberately miss it.
A nurse wanders past his bed, him squeaking out an “Excuse me,” alerting her from where she was scribbling away at her clipboard. “My girlfriend and daughter were meant to come to visit me around half an hour ago. Is there any chance I could use the phone to see where they are?”
“Oh, Mr. Harrington,” she rolls her eyes, knowing exactly which members of the public he was referring to, “Your girlfriend and daughter had to be escorted out of our building forty-five minutes ago for verbally harassing our front desk staff.”
“I’m sorry, what? Why?” He knew that wasn’t like you. Sure, you had more progressive opinions than most in the conservative town of Hawkins, but you’d never dare verbally harass someone.
“She was arguing in quite a rude manner about how she deserves to come up here purely for the fact she loves you, despite our rules clearly stating we only allow visitors on a relation-only policy. Also, on top of that, your daughter further escalated the situation by yelling at our front desk staff. We will not tolerate that kind of abuse in our building, Mr. Harrington.”
“Well, it is a bullshit policy,” he mumbles to himself, taking a sip of his well-brewed coffee a kind lady brought to him around ten minutes ago, a lot nicer than the current nurse he was dealing with. However, the nurse heard his remark, not that he was entirely bothered by it.
“Excuse me! What did you just say, Mr. Harrington?”
“I said: it’s a bullshit policy,” he firmly states, “She’s my girlfriend, I love her. I shouldn’t have to marry her for you to let her see me. Some people’s spouses in here probably don’t even love their husband or wife, at least my girlfriend actually cares enough to come and see me. I know for a fact Mrs. Black over there has a husband and he hasn’t been here all day.” He takes a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose as he relishes in everything he just blurted out. Maybe he was a little too harsh, and it seemed like the nurse completely agreed, a lot more so than him.
She sharply replies, “Mr. Harrington, you should be grateful we are even letting you recover here. I will not have you verbally attacking other patients for your own personal superiority. It’s not my fault you had a child out of wedlock.”
That was the final straw for him. He would not stand a stranger insulting his daughter. Not in a million years. He immediately lifts himself up off of the bed, grabbing the crutches that had been balanced by the side, and beginning to trudge out of his secluded space. “Mr. Harrington, you sit back down!”
He turns back, looking the nurse dead in the eyes, “If you’re going to insult my family like that, I don’t want your help at this hospital.”
And with that, he was hobbling his way to the elevator, pushing the button to take him to the first floor.
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As Steve exited the building, followed by the constant yells of hospital staff, he turned to the left, about to head over to the nearest phone booth when the sound of the word, “Daddy!” caught his attention. He looks over into the distance, Alena hanging out of the passenger side window and waving to him. He can see you pull her back down into her seat, the car suddenly moving towards him. His girls were still waiting for him.
You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt, jumping out of the car and aiding to your boyfriend, “Oh my God, what are you doing out here? I thought you were supposed to stay overnight?”
Steve hisses as he lifts himself into the backseat, you grabbing his crutches so you can place them by Alena’s feet in the front. “Well, a lovely nurse decided to input her take on Alena apparently being born out of wedlock and also accused you two of verbally harassing people. I know what you are like, and you would never do that in a million years. So, I left.”
You laugh to yourself, shocked to the way that the staff exaggerated your actions, “They refused to let me up there because I wasn’t your wife. What bullsh— trash! What trash! I shouldn’t need that to care for you, our love should be enough.”
“Thank you!” he exclaims, “That’s what I said to the nurse!”
You pass the crutches forward to Alena, the metal rods looking massive compared to her small body, “Baby, can you just put them on the floor underneath you, please?”
“Yes, mommy,” she replies sweetly, dropping them down below her. “Mom, they don’t fit properly.”
You look over, the crutches too long to fit in the small gap between the door and the center console, “Just leave them balanced like that honey, it’ll be okay.”
After Steve reaches over to protect himself with the seatbelt, you cup his face, changing your tone to a more serious nature, “How are you doing, my love?”
He sighs, “My back hurts, but they said there’s no injuries there, just strain. The cast is extremely itchy, I’m not gonna lie, but it’s okay.” He puts his left hand over your right, stroking the back of it, “I’m okay. I promise.”
You smile, whispering out, “Okay,” before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You part from him, placing one more tender kiss to his forehead before shutting the back door, climbing into the driver’s seat.
Before turning on the ignition, you reach back, grabbing his hand and softly saying, “I love you.”
Alena then copies you, whipping her head back and cheesing, “Love you, daddy!”
He smiles, trying not to let tears slip from his eyes, grabbing hold of Alena’s hand and bringing yours and hers together, placing a soft kiss directly in the middle of both, “I love you too, my beautiful girls.”
And it was in that moment, he was sure. The thought had been lingering at the back of his mind for a while. You had moved in with them a couple months ago, fitting into their daily routine. Being there to have breakfast with them in the mornings, being there to cook dinner together, being there to wish Alena goodnight and fall asleep in his arms. It all felt so… natural. As if you belonged as a permanent addition to their household, to their lives.
It wasn’t a question of thought anymore. It was a need. He needed to buy a ring. He needed to plan a proposal. Because he no longer wanted you as his girlfriend anymore, he wanted you as his wife.
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i hope you enjoyed!! thank you so much for the requests! you've been an absolute darling. i'm not sure what to write about for your older!alena request, so i may not be able to write something for that. but, if you have other ideas, keeping sending them in! (and that goes for all you beautiful humans! send in your lovely requests!!) ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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qwertycake · 2 years ago
cute squishy platonic otp prompts :) very fluffy and good smiley face
FOUND THESE ABANDONED IN MY NOTES FROM 2021! Some of these are very specific so feel free to alter them to suit your situation/tastes. Some of these are more targeted towards the mundane “imagine this” scenarios which aren’t great for writing an extended piece about but they can still get your creative juices flowing. These are all geared towards platonic and squishy, but I suppose they could be used in other contexts too. Enjoy!
“You’re very good at that instrument, Person A, but please put it away it’s two in the fucking morning” AU
“We went out to stargaze but you keep saying that every cluster of stars is Orion’s belt and I’m starting to think you’re trying to impress me with the astrology knowledge that you don’t have” AU
“You walked into our house/apartment/whatever sopping wet from the rain because you forgot your umbrella, here’s a towel and I’m making hot chocolate by the way let’s watch movies” AU
“That’s a cute bouquet and all but why are the neighbours’ gardens barren” AU
“We’re playing smash bros together on the couch and I’m teaching you to play and you kick my ass and the worst part is that I wasn’t letting you win” AU
“The party’s over and we now have a ton of helium filled balloons hey what if we drank the helium and prank called people come on you know you want to” AU
“We went to a rocky beach and now have a rucksack full of cool rocks that we’re never gonna use” AU
“Look I know it’s two in the morning— hey stop asking how I got in your room that’s not important— I need you to make a Hot Wheels track with me” AU
“We both keep dream journals and are sharing our weird dreams” AU
“We’re performers waiting outside the venue because we’re tired of the loud noise and need a breather, also hey is your group also going to the McDonalds afterwards? I’ll see you there” AU
“We’re camping and a random dog/cat just waltzed up to our tent and we don’t know where their owner is so we have to take care of it in a really small space oh my god” AU
“We’re both isakaied away into another world but you became a cool mage and I’m just Some Dude” AU
“We’ve been trying to get this goddamn plushy from a grabbing machine for literal hours to the point where we broke it and the poor worker, person C, just walked up and unlocked the chamber and gave us the plushy out of pity” AU
“We’re at a library and I’m intimidated because everyone looks super stoic and serious but then you waltz up to me with a kids encyclopaedia of dinosaurs and ask me which one’s my favourite” AU
“We’re having a snowball fight but we both can use insanely powerful magic and end up wrecking havoc on the whole area” AU
“Oh your winter clothes got wet, here have my hat and gloves I don’t feel cold— in fact you know what let me warm your hands for you, give em here” AU
“I’m driving us home from the airport/ferry port/whatever and its late and we end up falling asleep in the car park of a service station. You wake up before me and buy me service station food for a three in the morning breakfast and it’s really sweet until we realise that we still have an hour to go before we’re home ugh” AU
“Can you catch the bus with me I’ve never caught it before and I need to get used to it” AU
“We’re astronauts and we’re going into space together and it’s really scary but you’re pissing me off already and we’ve barely gotten ready for launch fuck” AU
“We both crash landed from a plane into a woodland and are staying in an abandoned shack and chatting over a can of warming beans” AU
“We’re in control of making the new universe and we can’t agree on anything stop putting cat ears on the humans and take this seriously goddammit” AU
“I work at a drycleaners and you’ve been bringing your bodypillow/ahaego hoodie/whatever here for the past three days and I just want to know why please you’re killing me” AU
“There’s only one bed but we actually get gradually more pissed off at one another as the night goes on because you kicked me and I took the blanket and whatever until I cave and sleep on the couch, but you make me breakfast in the morning so all is forgiven” AU
“You look depressed here have a bathbomb go have a bath I insist do you want wine” AU
“You’ve never made a pizza from scratch before? Here let me show you how” AU
“You’ve never played hop scotch before? Here let me show you in public” AU
“You’ve never built a death ray before? Here let me show you— hey hold on stop screaming it’s pointed away from you it’s pointed away” AU
“Mario Maker: Endless Easy” AU
“Whenever we go out to eat you always tell the staff that it’s my birthday when it isn’t and I always get happy birthday sung to me and I hate you now pass me that slice of cake goddammit” AU
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nagisalovescorpse · 2 years ago
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☆ 𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹𝘀 , jean kirschtein
☆ ; jean kirschtein × fem¡reader ☆ ; inspired by the video clip of the song "animals" by maroon 5. jean is a sociopathic butcher obsessed with you, the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on, to the point where it crosses the line. ☆ ; this story contains voyeurism, stalking, invasion of private property, mention of mental illnes and drugs, male masturbation, female masturbation, fingering, penetration, unprotected sex (this is fiction! use protection irl), creampie, breeding kink, using of pet names as "doll" or "angel" etc., half (?) non-consensual sexual behavior ☆ ; i picture jean as the most respectful and healthy man EVER, but i just get so turned on by the scenario of the insanely hot stalker that is completely and madly obsessed with you, so pls let it slide for this time. also english is not my first language so pls be kind and correct any grammar/lexical/whatever mistake you find. enjoy your reading. ☆ ; 2,4k words, not revised ☆ ; minors/ageless blog do not interact
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i'm sick of your little game.
everyone may think you're a good girl, but i know who you are. with that innocent look of yours and doe eyes, do you really think i wouldn't have noticed what you were doing?
the day you first walked into the butcher shop where i work, clean face with no make up and disgustingly short skirt, biting your nails in a sweet and sensual way, i saw you sneaking glances at me over the counter.
you seriously wanted me to fuck you in front of everyone back then? because is basically what you were asking me with your eyes.
from that day our game began, i saw you walking down that street every morning, passing in front of the shop as if you didn't see me, but i know that instead you were perfectly aware of it.
i noticed the provocative way you had of pulling your hair at the back of your neck when it was too hot, throwing your head back to seek some relief from the heat, what were you trying to show me? the way you'd throw your head back, baring your tender neck for my kisses and bites when i finally fucked you like god intended?
not to mention your outfits, doll, you're a fucking eye candy in shorts and mini skirts, but i hate that even others can see your beautiful body to the point i feel phisically sick just thinking about it.
you always try to seduce me, don't you? so desperate for me, doll, you act like you're in heat. at the butcher's shop you act shy and look the other way, «a package of sausages.» you tell me. seriously? is this your way of letting me know you want me to fuck you?
but it doesn't matter, angel, i love how pure and chaste you are. do you know what i'd love more? fuck the sin out of you. when this game comes to an end i will give you your reward.
you play it hard to get, isn't it? you stubbornly continue not to look at me and pretend that i don't exist, but we both know that there is much more between us. when you get home in the evening you leave the light on for me, so that i can see through the window of your room while you slowly undress and lie down between the crumpled sheets of your bed.
it doesn't matter if it's cold or it's raining, i love standing across the street to watch you, just the way you want.
you know i'm there, that turns you on. you caress your stomach, hold your breast in one hand, slowly sliding the other one over the elastic band of your panties. you are so sweet as you pleasure yourself, you arch your back and squirm as you climax.
i'd love to take care of your pleasure. as much as i love watching you touching yourself and imagining the ethereal sound of your moans, my cock would do much better.
you're so beautiful, doll, i bet my dick could barely fit in you. i think about it while i look at you and in the dim light i touch myself, reaching the peak when you're satisfied and panting between the sheets, i wish i could cum inside you and maybe make you the perfect mama you'd be. sweet as an angel, beautiful as a doll.
but you play too much for my liking and i'm starting to lose my temper.
you barely look at me and you do everything to piss me off, like the other night when you got drunk at the club and smeared yourself on that guy. you're crossing the line and i don't like that at all.
i see you when you leave the house, even if you don't turn to look at me as i walk behind you, i don't like how you smile at other men and the sweet looks you give them. don't think you can win this game by acting like a slut, be careful to abide by our rules or i'll end up getting really angry.
tonight at the club you're acting really bad, all your friend's fault, she's a very bad influence for you.
you're wearing a shiny black minidress, you're lovely, but the others have noticed it too. i must muster all my self-control not to lay hands on every man who approaches you tonight.
what are you doing? your friend takes something from her bag, but i can't see clearly from here. i force myself to observe what she has in her hands under the purple lights of the club, it's a bag, a transparent bag with two small colored buttons. pills.
oh no, doll, what's on your mind? do not take them, do not tak… and you took them. seriously, do i always have to take care of you?
you dance and drink and get drunk, you're behaving really badly tonight, angel, what happened to your purity? you can barely stand up, i don't know how you managed to call a cab to go home, luckily i'm here to keep an eye on you.
i see you enter the building where you live, i imagine you go up the stairs wobbling on your heels, clouded by alcohol and drugs, finally after what seems like an eternity the light in your room comes on, you throw your bag on the chair, take off your heels and dress, you just put on a white undershirt and throw yourself into the sheets, without even bothering to turn off the lamp on the bedside table.
oh darling, what have you been up to? i enter the code to open the door to the building, i go up the stairs as i have imagined doing countless times, only this time the game is over and i'm on my way to claim my prize. you left your apartment door open, doll, imagine if some psycho walked in and tried to hurt you. luckily i'm there to protect you, angel.
there's a part of your house i've never seen since it can't be seen from the window, your apartment is messy and smells like instant food and women's perfume, i'll have to remember to cook you some food everyday, doll.
your gym bag is still in the hall, a pair of panties hang out of the pocket, they are lacy pink, just as adorable as you. your things are scattered around, all kinds of makeup and cosmetics are stacked on the bathroom counter, even if you don't need that stuff to be beautiful, just imagine our daily bickering about how messy you are, i'd love to have to deal with your items everyday in this house.
i nearly trip over your heels when i get to your room, you only sleep on one side of the bed, leaving the other empty for me.
i look at you, you were so tired that you fell asleep immediately, your face is relaxed and if i could stop time and look at you forever i would without thinking twice.
i lie down on my side of the bed, still dressed, i look at you for a long time, it can be minutes or whole hours, it started to rain and the loud noise covers even the sound of my thoughts. the only thing i hear other than the sound of the water is your breathing, it reminds me how nice it would be to hear you pant for real this time.
i reach out and caress your leg, it's the first time i touch you, your skin is smooth and soft exactly as i imagined it.
fuck, my dick is already hard, what are you doing to me, doll? i keep touching you, fascinated by the perfection of your face. you are the most beautiful woman i have ever laid eyes on and above all you are mine. completely mine.
i run my fingers through your soft hair, the night's makeup has smudged a bit, but to me it just makes you even more innocent and pure. i forgive you for the way you approached that guy, angel, but i'll make sure no one else bothers you now that the game is over.
you move in your sleep, towards me. you intertwine a leg with mine and cuddle up to my chest as if you want protection from me. i hold you and continue to caress your arms and hair, you stir in your sleep rubbing your soft breasts against me.
you've wanted this all along, haven't you? i feel how your breathing gets heavy, are you getting excited in your sleep? your leg presses against the bulge in my pants, making it hard for me to think straight.
«doll.» i murmur to you who are completely above me. in one quick movement i unbutton my jeans, my cock is fully erect and craving you, you rub against the tip, i can feel how wet you are through the fabric of your panties.
i can't help it, i masturbate between your legs that squeeze my hips, i kiss your neck, your collarbones, i smell the scent of your shampoo mixed with the fabric softener you use for the sheets. you moan, your hips move by themselves because your body knows, even before your mind, who you belong to.
then you wake up. you're confused, darling, it's understandable. at first you don't get what's going on but you don't walk away. you stay in my arms, enjoying my kisses and my attentions.
«what–» you sigh. «is this a dream?» «this is. it's your dream.» i answer you, sucking gently the sensitive skin under your ear.
«i– i don't understand.» «shh. lay back, spread your legs for me, doll. mh? can you do it?» you do it. you spread your legs for me as the good girl i know you are, i touch you softly down there, caressing you through your panties, you shiver and sigh, i bet it's a lot different than when you do it on your own.
«oh, fuck.» you curse when i reach under the fabric, you're ridiculously wet for me, so much so that my finger slides inside you without problems, i can easily imagine how good you'll be at taking my cock.
i lean over you to kiss you, you don't resist and your tongue wraps around mine, you cling to my shoulders and moan against my lips as your hips meet the movements of my hand.
«a–another one.» you whine. «another what?» i tease you. my sweet angel wants to be fucked in heaven, i know you want another finger, so just think how embarrassingly good you'll feel when i'll thrust my dick inside you. «a–another kiss.»
another kiss? oh, my pure angel, sweet doll. you're so chaste, heavenly creature. «i'll kiss you all night long if you want.» you like when i kiss you, don't you? you sigh so softly that i'm starting to think i'm going to lose my mind very soon.
i kiss you wherever it feels good, your neck, your forehead, your breasts, your stomach, you crave the touch of my lips on your body, but in the end your mouth always seeks mine.
i put another finger inside you, your knees tighten around my hips every time i find that sweet spot that makes your back arch, tomorrow i'll have your nail marks on my shoulders, but i don't mind the idea of you making me yours.
«do you want to try to take my cock, doll?» you moan, i know that these two fingers aren't enough for you and that only my dick can fill you properly.
«use your words, darling.» «put it in me.» you cry out. «i want to be filled.» «your every wish.» i smile.
i place the tip on your opening, you are so wet that i have to push just a little to slip inside you, slowly your velvety walls envelop me, you cling to the sheets and stifle a cry.
«shh, don't worry, it's okay. you are very good at taking it, doll.» i tell you, as i thrust deep inside you. you squeeze my cock so tight that it seems that you want to cut it, you are tight as a virgin, angel, inside you feels like heaven.
i kiss you passionately, a couple of tears run down your temples and disappear in your hair, but you have to resist only a little longer before the pain turns into pleasure.
when you cum your walls tighten around me making me feel insanely good, i keep thrusting deep into you, nicely and slowly.
«doll, if you keep holding me like this i'll end up cumming inside you.» «c-cum inside,» you sigh, leaving me speechless. «please, let me feel you.» «do you want to get pregnant? do you want to become a beautiful angel-mama?» «yes– fuck. yes. cum inside daddy, please.»
i hold your hands above your head, and i cum inside you with the last strong thrusts. i kiss you deeply, enjoying the afterglow of your orgasm as you tremble and i slowly move my hips against yours.
«who do you belong to, doll? i wanna hear it.» your eyes are blank, you moan in ecstasy of the senses, it takes you a while to answer. «i don't know.»
i laugh. «seriously, angel. don't be a fool, i wanna hear you saying who you belong to.» «i– i'm telling the truth. i don't know who you are.»
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rinsuniverse · 2 years ago
I am coming out of anonymity~ I'm the creative woozi + monotone day seokmin anon^^ the seokmin one made me laugh so hard because there was part of it of him like brushing his teeth in ur post and I could just imagine him in don't lie yelling indignantly that he DID brush his teeth during the lie game. (Of course, also the legendary video of him using mingyu's toothbrush)
I have an interview for a job in my desired field on thursday, and I'm so nervous 😖 how about a woozi imagine of him supporting a s/o who's nervous to hell and back (like me)
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woozi with a nervous s/o ✧˖°.
omg i've been busy with my other requests, but i'm making sure to answer yours in time for your interview today!
woozi is very logical in his help/support
he is the type to mark your important dates in his own calendar
if you're getting ready in the morning, putting on your makeup, and getting dressed well, he'd check his phone as he wakes up
for this scenario, i'll make it more specific for you!
"oh, you have that job interview today," he says, still laying in bed as he looks on his phone
"yup! i'm so freaking nervous," you say, trying to get the jitters out by shaking your arms around as you check yourself out in the mirror
"hmm, i get that," he hums, turning in bed so he can look at you.
"if i fail this interview, i don't know what i'm going to do-"
"let's not think about that, y/n/n. i seriously doubt you'll fail."
"but what if i screw up on a question? i prepared, but still."
"slow down for a moment. focus on the things you did prepare for and don't overthink the things you didn't. they're going to be asking you questions that you know the answer to deep down. like your schedule and skills and all that stuff. you know yourself best."
"true, but..."
"aish. you'll do great, don't worry about it! come here," he says, opening his arms wide in bed
"in bed?"
"yeah, just for a moment"
you climb into bed and carefully place yourself in his arms where he holds you gently
he plays with your bangs and the sides of your hair, moving them so they are in place
he gives you a quick kiss on the forehead
"i hope you do well. though i seriously doubt you'd not do well," he says quietly
"thanks, ji."
you get out of his arms and get your things so you can leave
"make sure to eat and take care of yourself at your work when i'm out, okay, jihoon?"
"don't worry about me when you're at your interview, silly."
"okay, okay, i'm going now!"
"good luck, you'll do great," he mutters, barely audible to you, quietly adding on, "i love you, y/n."
"thanks, seriously. love you too, ji."
for more general terms, jihoon isn't the greatest when it comes to comforting you
but he hopes his "thinking rationally" helps you
and that his soft and somewhat awkward head pats will help you feel more at ease
he will check on you throughout the day with some texts
jihoon: hey, you feeling alright?
jihoon: everything going smoothly?
jihoon: remember not to be so hard on yourself and don't worry too much hehe
he's really sweet like that
he makes it seem really casual, though
sometimes he has to remind himself that he's comforting his s/o and not just a good friend
and the way he changes it to be more endearing is by physically comforting you more or adding "babe" or your nickname after his statements
in moments you're feeling nervous, he's all yours
if you need a hug, his arms are wide open
if you feel clingy, you can hold his hand or give him short pecks
if you want to just lean on him, be his guest, go ahead
he's there for you!
if you're nervous for a presentation or something, he's definitely let you practice in front of him and give you honest feedback
if you're feeling nervous because you're naturally anxious (me me me), he'd stay calm and try to give you his calm energy..?
like he'd rub your back and tell you to take deep breaths and check the facts rather than think with anxious thoughts
if you're out with him and you say
"god, i'm feeling so nervous all of a sudden"
instead of asking why, he'll pull out some earbuds for the both of you to share
and he'll play some relaxing music for you
overall, jihoon would have no problem comforting his nervous s/o!
ofc he would do it in his own, logical way
but nonetheless, he hopes to help you
if you tell him the logic doesn't help, he'll listen to you with all of his attention when he asks you what you'd rather him do instead
and he'll try his best to be the best, supportive boyfriend for you specifically
so communicate well with him!
anyway, thank you so much for the request! and OMG HELLO!!! it's so cool you're not an anon anymore (tho there was never anything wrong with that!), and it's so great to kind of meet you! feel free to request many, many more things.
i hope you do super well at your interview!! update me next time if you want! i wholeheartedly support you, just like how you've supported my writings here for awhile now! have a super good day!
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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luffythinker · 9 months ago
i so so so so so love the journey as well your mind OP YOUR MIND
since they go to different schools i imagined while reading what you said Yo if he doesn't live far far away cause i dont know where ketsubutsu and UA are but we know Shiketsu is hailed as the UA of the west it might not be too out of his way to walk Deku to school...WAIT I RUINED MY OWN IDEA Deku lives in the dorms by time he even meets him so he couldn't walk him to school but i think Yo is gayer then Deku just a little (ALOT) fruityer so his gay ass would run all the way from school to visit Deku if he doesn't drive cause Yo is a 3rd year i'll get into Deku being like flustered about dating older by like a year or two jfdzbhjbthd like its not even older but he's blasting out of proportions like "He must be like so mature" and he gets to know him and he's like "Immature little shit, im more responsible one here" in his mind LOL
I bet they talk on the phone all night long. I bet Yo likes to come through his window so nobody knows hes there in Deku's dorm cuddling with his boyfriend. Someone comes in and "WHO THE SHIT IS THAT DEKU DOUBLE???" cause they dont remember him from the license exam and since it's late hours Deku could play it off as "i dont know what your talking about, there was nobody in my room, you alright there?" AND ITS PROBABLY TODOROKI AND TODOROKI IS QUESTIONING HIS SANITY LMAO
Deku leaving at random times cause he's not telling them he's dating someone outside UA and everyone wondering where he's going. Like hes not gonna lie but hes not gonna tell them where hes going. "Im going out." THATS ALL comes back after a date of fighting dumbstruck cause they kissed and he's hungry as fuck.
"I like the scenario we set in the other ask, of them kissing for the first time mid-fight cause it would be hot and impulsive and not planned at all," ME TOO
"they wouldn't know the other was feeling like that. They both realize that there is something there after the kiss, Izuku would spend the week freaking out over it and Yo is like huh guess i do like him after all!" When i read this i thought of it this way, Yo didn't even know he himself was gay, like he was in denial of being gay until he was kissing him. OH SHIT IM GAY? I LIKE THIS??? WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? KISSING ANOTHER BOY?? HOLDING HIM? HES HOLDING ME TOO? I LIKE THIS??? my idea is that Yo is very chaotic in his headspace im sorry lanfrjksndvjfkt
"when they meet again (after 2 weeks cause Izuku likes to avoid it) Shindo is pretty chill about it and Midoriya is like .... ? is that it ? they decide not to rush into anything and just get to know each other better, so their relationship dynamic grows over time."
SEE I LIKE THIS, those 2 weeks are hell for Yo cause he's thinking about him morning noon and night. he wakes up thinking about him wondering why he wont call him or text him or try to talk about this but then again it might be a one time thing but disaster boy over here doesn't want it to be a one time thing maybe? he's questioning himself looking in the mirror wanting to see Izuku by his side, wanting him in his bed to cuddle with im sorry i see Yo as a little bitch baby i love him i mean this in a positive way when i call him a bitch baby.
If Yo finds out Deku is deleberly avoiding him he starts thinking Deku hates him or something or is anti gay or something and he's like "maybe i need to tell him no homo??? so we can keep being friends??"
this situation is so that meme that's like "Too bad your a boy cause if you were a girl i'd date you" they are fucking stupid i love them im sorry if these takes are not what your looking for im half joking half telling you my thoughts so don't take everything im saying complete seriousness.
Deku is the one not questioning anything cause he knows what being gay is, Bakugo will always be his gay awakening and he's openly bi just never brought it up around Yo, he doesn't know Yo doesn't really know anything about lgbt because he's around class 1A all the time and they are the most rainbow fucking people ever including his teacher we are not dis-cluding Aizawa as the skittle squad camp leader. Someone once said Deku's mom she always thought he was gay and was ready for him to come out to her like "whenever your ready you can come out to me Izuku ok? this is a safe place" and when he comes out he's like "Im bi" and shes like "HUH? OK not what i thought but im happy all the same you told me"
The thing Deku is questioning is "will we kiss again? i really like him but i don't think he really likes me that seemed like a spur of the moment thing, we were pretty heated and it was getting crazy. He wants to go back to that moment badly. Poor things decided to stop when one of them pushed their hips together a little too hard in the moment of it all, probably Deku and it was just going completely down hill in the best way but they really should stop.
"could see them working as friends with benefits for a while before catching feelings too!!"
LISTEN, if we agree Yo is the one who knows nothing we can work with friends with benefits for a while like Yo is all "hey i dont hate kissing you we could do it again sometimes if you want" Yo is the shy one, he's the simping one cause hes new to this, he doesn't wanna come off as inexperience but it shows a lot. However Deku is patient with him to a point tho, he can only go on with it for so long until he's probably kissing him for the 17th time in their makeout sessions, he's all frustrated and says "Can we just, please admit we like each other so we can stop beating around the bush please?" and it throws Yo so off his game.
And you know what? i'd even say Yo is the bottom in their relationship like Deku is a switch, he can play the role given but in this situation i can't really see it any other way
Your honor they are a disaster, I not only rest my case i put that fucker to bed, knock him the fuck out in his sleep.
I see the appeal of yo taking him to school / or just passing by to say hi before the day starts!! they totally text all day and call every night, you know those couples who call on facetime just to see each other while they do other stuff? that's them. they call while izuku is studying, they don't even need to talk but just have the other's presence there is so comforting. also Yo coming through the window??? love the chaotic energy this would bring, izuku loves it
I LOVE THE IDEA OF YO GOING DOWN THE AM I GAY PANICKJDKJDFKJF he would overthink it so bad, he defntly googles am i gay quiz at least once a day until he gets to see izuku again. also him thinking deku avoiding him is homophobia is os fucking funny to mekjdvkjvckjfdk he does not know that boy is fruityyyyy, he would probably be scared as fuck having to talk to him again not knowing if he was cool with gay people (but i mean it's izuku could he ever really have hate in his heart for anybody...)
but i also like the idea of deku being chill about it, cause he knows his sexuality so i think he would accept his feelings much better in this scenario, the panic would come to how to tell this to Yo. (also not to go into the rabbit hole of Inko, but can we all just agree that lady is a fucking lesbian???? husband who left and never came back??? cmon lady we know u divorced him because you were in love with ur female best friend i just fucking know it, she would also be like incredibly supportive of izuku, she's the type of mom who gives rainbow socks for pride)
"Poor things decided to stop when one of them pushed their hips together a little too hard in the moment of it all, probably Deku and it was just going completely down hill in the best way but they really should stop." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOSING MY DAMN MIND HERE
AND YEAHHHH i can see him trying to play cool and just agree to keep doing this but mostly because he doesn't know how to act, he didn't get the gay dating rulebook. AND I LOVE THE IDEA OF DEKU SAYING YOOOOO CAN W EPLS JUST BE NORMAL AND DATEKHDJKDFK
i can see them both as switches tbh!! i guess yo as a power bottom, cause he's full of opinions so i assume he doesn't shut the fuck up during itvcjkfdkjfd and izuku is more of a gentle reassuring (but firm) top which fits perfectly in their dynamic
edit: i forgot to add but i was listening to mitski while reading this, and i must say 'i love me after you' kinda fits them a lot ??
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