#but saying its because im petty is funny lol
bee-ina-boat · 2 years
fuck it. giving my some of my ocs 'scary disorders' now because im petty as hell.
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Tw: lesbophobia, bullying, petty bitching about the Mean Girls remake and a subset of OG movie fans:
I Know. I KNOW its a me thing. But I saw a post that broke containment about the new Mean Girls movie how OMG REGINA CANONICALLY SINGS ABOUT GETTING GIRLS IN THE END SONG and my first response was "oh god, really?"
Look, I was never wild about the whole "Regina George was secretly closeted and that's why she picked on Janis to distract from her own feelings and save herself" fan theory but at least it was JUST a fan theory. And I know the original movie ending where it turns out Janis isn't even really gay, she was Lebanese and Regina got confused, and see she dances with a boy at the end, it's all okay she wasn't ACTUALLY a dyke!!!! - yeah I rolled my eyes too. Yeah, that was dumb and a coward's move, but idk. At least the movie itself, even if it copped out at the end by not risking having two of the protagonists be ACTUALLY gay in a teen movie...at least it seems aware that homophobic bullying is bad??
The original movie, whatever else you can say about it, or how it handled that issue or any others...at least tried to take that shit seriously. Janis was an outcast years after middle school who flinches at the idea of Damian telling anyone new about what Regina said about her for fear any new friends would abandon her immediately over it. Even Regina herself (blithely, callously, of course, but it's meant to be that) admits that the bullying Janis got as a result of Regina spreading those rumors about her made Janis break down, cut her hair and have to leave school temporarily over the rumors. Regina said that. Herself. With no remorse but she said it. The movie is a comedy, but it doesn't shy away from how brutal bullying of all forms can be. That's kind of the whole point of the goddamn movie.
But idk if the fans of this theory haven't experienced that much bullying themselves or its just a coping mechanism I can't relate to...that theory of "oh Regina's a closet case homophobe poor thing" just completely (to me) softens the whole thing, these fans do it to by making Regina in a sense, another victim. They may not intend it that way, but in the few times I've seen a Mean Girls post and my nostalgia got me scrolling a bit I've stumbled on this. Seen it in various places online and it always made me want to hiss like a wet cat because it's always like "omg poor Regina comphet sucks <333" and. Hork. Im sorry, hork.
Sorry, but I spent too much time BEING on the receiving end of that shit in middle school, getting called names and treated like an actual disease up until I moved to high school with mostly a whole new set of people over the fact someone spread rumors I was a lesbian, to feel anything but frustration over that. Yeah. I was Janis. I'll admit I can't be "objective" here. I never did any of the shit she does in Mean Girls in revenge, I never had the power or inclination, it wasn't a former friend who started it, but yeah I'm biased because that character was me. I know what it was like to be her because I lived it. And yeah, it kind of sucked!!! Did get better, but yeah. Was what it was.
It's a big part of why I've never liked the trope in popular culture that the loudest homophobic bullies are actually closet cases. It's not that "right wing politician caught soliciting blowjobs" has never been a headline but come on. Most of the people who trash queer people do it because they just hate us. Its trivializing of homophobic harassment to act like that's 1) a good explanation for most cases 2) much less an excuse and that's how it can be used. It'd be one thing if a self-hating person's mindset was like. Actually explored with depth and nuance as part of a story. But otherwise, nah. Miss my formerly lowkey traumatized teenage ass with that dismissive cliched shit.
So even the idea that the movie might be lending any kind of weight to that theory about Regina, however subtle or subtextual, that is??? Yeah funny lol, such iconic, very Representation. Fucking bite me. My lesbian ass is tuning right the fuck out. I'm not paying movie ticket prices to see this, if I'm gonna basically get the sort of person who would've made my life hell as a preteen and tween get turned into One Of Us with the expectation that's going to make me freak out with joy. Even if allegedly they did actually make Janis a lesbian (which, good for them if they did).
Of course, it could just be fans blowing something out of proportion but. Like y'all are not making me want to see this movie MORE and I was at best lukewarm on it having never seen the musical and being lowkey burnt out on the idea of yet another remake.
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kyuummie · 4 months
I am absolutely insane abt c!TNT duo, and don’t have anyone irl talk to abt them :[. Pls info dump to me abt c!TNT duo and pls bestow upon me any and all c!TNT duo headcanons that u have. It’d absolutely make my day (also, ur pretty cool and I like ur Tumblr)
i am SO mad i had entire PARAGRAPHS OF AN ANSWER to this but it didnt save as a draft. TWICE. Anyways i finally decided to check my inbox..!!!!!!!!!!
And thank you! im not creative when it comes to hcs so heres ramble about metaphors and comparisons that are canonical/headcanon for ctntduo. Would base this on canon divergent interpretations but Nah
1- yin/yang
very obvious. “he is my yang”. recognizable and iconic. Two opposites which bring harmony. self perpetuating cycle of two interconnected sides.
the self perpetuating part is very important. it has always been established that they have a push and pull for everything, because they relish in the other’s reactions and its almost instinct. it all started this way too, their upbringing puts them in a very strange position slash relationship. they “balance” each other out — rather,, they teeter on a tightrope keeping them entertained and enabled . they are sides of the same coin, and complement the other. they always have a quick witty quip ready for the other’s petty insults, so so predictable. they dont keep harmony and peace between them, more so a light to keep them going similar to a smoker lighting cigarettes over and over again (insert the 10000 arts of wil lighting his cig with Qs light and vice versa. my fave ever) its close to an addiction, they need each other to keep running and flowing in the most unconventional ways they can find. if you look carefully, they are always circling enabling balancing each other
2- fire/light/burning
i like the metaphor of cwil being under the spotlight of people's perception .. sure, its cool to finally be able to see and interact with people but Q is different. he isnt and never will be afraid of wil. he is only "unpredictable" to him. freakishly enough this is also entertaining to Q. what will he destroy next? graffiti next? say next? do next? he cant help himself but to react. wil on the other hand will do anything to get a petty reaction from Q, to get his precious eyes on him that makes him burn in the light. tearing each other apart then rebuilding each other is an important component of their relationship me thinks
3- president/vice president
usually, i tjink this is a concept used to try and dethrone the other of their humongous egos and get that feeling of a win lol its all about reaction
their relationship is so interesting and weird because of the fact they wanted to over throw the other in politics — i dont think you see two POLITICAL rivals have that homoerotic tension often … anywhere! but i think its so funny that they became a version of the other further down the line (menace -> president, president -> menace) and it also goes back to the yinyang, over time and under certain conditions one can become the other because the other will always be present in the other. (like yin contains yang vice versa)
4- cannibalism Sorry /j
ok this is Strictly fanon. does this count as a headcanon i dont know.
if anyone remmeberes there was a certain point over on ctnttwt a handful of people were crazy for cannibalism ctnt go read whispers of blood and love. recently its become a not too uncommon/pretty popular characteristic for oc ships etc. of course its usually metaphorical in (ctnt) art and sometimes written but the act of giving yourself up completely to another to become a part of them goes pretty well with the psychology of ctnt/the game they play so i very much see the vision when people use this concept to depict Wil’s “devotion” (i guess? idk Refer back to ‘I am your servant’) to stay w Q in order to keep feeling that feeling of being “alive”.
it also goes hand in hand with quackitys want for power over people/things from beinng deprived of it in his earlier days. biggest stretch ever but also his capitalistic ideals to consume consume consume. and wil is willing to give him that opportunity because it is beneficial to him as well. horrible mutualism psa guys dont eat your boyfriend
these r mostly cwilbur centric mb. i also hate being wrong Which is why i hate having HCs. but why should i when theyre practically my ocs and the whole point of hcs is that theyre YOUR canon but oh well
anyone and everyone add on if u Like. Humble me if im wrong idc
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danthediamondminecart · 4 months
hey what if we did that fake dashboard thing with rb battles. that would be funny i think what do you guys say.
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🛜 youdlookbetterinblue Follow
i don't have an 'evil me' blog because i'm just that cool. "the evil me blog wants to kidnap me and take my place" skill issue
💠 ilookbetterinblue Follow
🛜 youdlookbetterinblue Follow
🎆 galaxybrite Follow
HAHAHAHAHAH @youdlookbetterinblue Imagine having an evil blog, could NOT be me
💟 thegreatwoman Follow
hiiiii :3
🎆 galaxybrite Follow
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🐰 netpunkceo Follow
When crows hold grudges it's 'intelligent' and 'really awesome' but when I hold grudges it's 'petty' and I 'need to get over it'.
#people these days smh #maybe if you didn't want me to hold a grudge you shouldn't have rigged your tournament!
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👑 betterthantanqr Follow
Gonna go fight Tanqr, I'll post a photo after!!!
👑 betterthantanqr Follow
Man I'm not posting that I got my butt beat
🏆 betterthankreek Follow
sounds like a you problem
3019 notes
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🔧 duncan-the-constructionbot Follow
Don't Tell My Boss, But I Am Really Struggling To Repair This Charging Station. Fuel Readings Are Still Negative No Matter What I Do.
🐰 netpunkceo Follow
🔧 duncan-the-constructionbot Follow
Who Snitched
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🌌 nebulas-nonsense Follow
*up mount everest
💖 prettyinpink Follow
🐅 its-jake-jayingee Follow
*help me im gonna fall off
🍂 parkour-pro Follow
what are you guys doing down there
#im already 3500m up lol
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🦩 flamingo-albert Follow
🎵 gotta-dj-fast Follow
Albert, get out of the half-time studiaskjdfhlaksdjf
🦩 flamingo-albert Follow
Oh no, looks like he walked into an electric fence and died in the middle of his sentence. Anyway, as I was saying.
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🍉 watermelon-sugar-high Follow
Kreek and Tanqr have matching usernames now??? Someone should tell them to just kiss at this point
🍂 parkour-pro Follow
oml bella don't just say stuff like that they might see it
🏆 betterthankreek Follow
ew no, that punk's far too stinky for me to kiss.
👑 betterthantanqr Follow
This implies that you would kiss me if I put perfume on. Got something to admit, Tanqr?
🏆 betterthankreek Follow
🐈‍⬛ deniseveryday Follow
Happy Pride Month everybody
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who said that.
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Lol isn’t it funny how Mr. Very Good At Forgiveness demands an apology dance after Crowley finally agrees to help him with Gabriel? Angels are supposed to be good at forgiveness, but one of the joys of being with Crowley is that he’s allowed to be a little petty. In fact, even after he’s satisfied by the dance, he doesn’t actually-
…doesn’t actually-
…wait, hold on
what if “I forgive you” was his response to “I was wrong, you were right about helping Gabriel heaven instead of running off and avoiding it”?
“I forgive you” -> “As you just admitted the angel equivalent of 2 seconds ago, you were wrong about this. We have to help!”
hi nonnie!!!✨ well, the So Did I argument is i think a very clear parallel to the Feral Domestic™ in ep6, in that whilst on a much larger scale and evidently did not result in crowley swanning back in to offer his help and an apology, the context of that apology is different to the context we are given in ep6.
crowley didn't tell aziraphale the danger that beelzebub suggested when he came back to the bookshop, but had a higher stake in ensuring that the plan went off without a hitch - to the point that id be surprised if crowley wholly meant the apology he gave...
was he just apologising so that aziraphale would let him help, by extension giving him the opportunity to protect aziraphale, rather than because he actually thought aziraphale was right in hiding gabriel? hm. and you're right, aziraphale didn't say he forgave crowley, something that he knows hurts and angers him.
so, in the endgame argument, why would aziraphale say it after being smooched into another plane of existence? well i have my thoughts on this, which i don't think have been very popular lmao, but i still somewhat stand by them. overcome with emotion and playing his last card in getting aziraphale to stay, crowley kisses him. and aziraphale is shocked, we can visibly see that, but allows himself a microsecond to accept it.
but my interpretation of aziraphale's inner monologue essentially goes like: "wtf are you doing / stop, this hurts / i want to reciprocate but this is very difficult for me in the position im in now / please know i love you back / but this can't happen and you know it can't / this is cruel / why would you do something so cruel", or something to that effect.
and that's why i think aziraphale says he forgives him - the only time we've otherwise seen aziraphale forgive crowley is when crowley has said something that's really struck at a sore spot in aziraphale's armour - "how can someone as clever as you be so stupid?". it's his reflex to crowley actively causing him pain, because he knows it will hurt him back, but have plausible deniability in its meaning. dick move, that's obvious.
but this is partly why i think - however subconsciously or unintentionally - crowley reverted to his last weapon and tried to tempt aziraphale with the kiss. "look, this is what you could have if you stay / isn't this what you want? it's what i want / we could be wonderful together, angel / and all you have to do is stay". and frankly, i think aziraphale knew it.
he knew that this is crowley's last power that could work on him, and it might have, even if for a second, worked. but i feel like at this point in aziraphale's story, he's tired of being manipulated and being taken for a fool (ironic given metatron's workings on him), and the one person he could trust not to treat him like that was crowley. it hurt. hence (in my opinion), the 'i forgive you'✨
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a-slut-for-smut · 11 months
I just read your mei mei meta. 100% spot on. And I honestly I think the Shonen genre for all its violence... does a disservice automatically to women. It collapses characters into black and white cararitures sometimes..... so everyone sees a person who isn't 100% altruistic as bad. We go looking for the badness and that's even more enforced with women. Also I too am horny for mei mei. I wish jjk was more sexy. I wanna see characters be outwardly horny for each other. Up the stakes!
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YAAAAAS preach it sister!!! Everything you said absolutely passes the vibe check- so much so i gotta break it down and expand on it 😁 (and heres to link to said mei mei meta jic)
And I honestly I think the Shonen genre for all its violence... does a disservice automatically to women. It collapses characters into black and white cararitures sometimes..... so everyone sees a person who isn't 100% altruistic as bad.
You wont find any argument here, in fact i would go as far to say most media nowadays suffer from this exact issue. But the real crux of the problem seems to lie in the lack of reader discernment. I dont know if its a subconscious or willful failure to understand "nuance", but its apparently lost to an audience that is obsessed with labeling/compartmentalizing everyone and everything to the point where they're essentially reducing characters (even actual people) to a single trope and judging them entirely on that when there are so many parts to a whole...feels bad man.
We go looking for the badness and that's even more enforced with women.
this is one of my biggest gripes- like i said on my meta, there are DEF some puritanical vibes behind the Mei Mei hate- its starting to feel insidiously sexist with the way the fandom is deadset on villainizing her because she doesnt "conform" within the norms of whats "good", and to a larger extent "good woman".
She isnt that maternal, nurturing, self sacrificial woman that reeks of patriarchal ideals therefore she must be bad.
She prioritizes money and considers a persons worth based on what benefit they bring to her as if this is the most unnatural way to be (thats the sad truth!) therefore she is greedy and selfish.
She has a "weird" relationship with her brother because their level of closeness makes them uncomfortable and therefore predatory.
And whats so funny to me is Mei Mei is- for all intents and purposes, a MERCENARY. She's not a teacher, shes not an instructor- she is a contract sorcerer for hire so money being a priority for her would be painfully obvious?? Shes not responsible for the students nor aligns herself with the politics of the jujutsu world- shes looks out for herself/get paid and this makes her evil?? Also cant help think that theres a certain type of person who feels threatened by a overly confident and shameless woman as a personal attack on themselves/their ideals and feels compelled to tear them down by any means possible, but maybe thats just me.
Idk, maybe it cant be helped when they see Nanami (whom are essentially foils of each other) willing forgo money and put his life on the line for the students but this still doesnt make her "evil" and so reductionist btw 🙄.
And to highlight the hyprocrisy of it all- if she was a man, the fandom would be slobbering all over her and if you need proof see: Toji, Geto/Kenjaku, Sukuna, even Gojo to an extent but the list goes on and on. Somehow these men get the pass and the fandom go to great lengths to humanize/emphasize with them, but the women? LOL
Also I too am horny for mei mei. I wish jjk was more sexy. I wanna see characters be outwardly horny for each other. Up the stakes!
oh honey, i am WITH you 100%!!! im not even trying to be petty, but the more the fandom hates on her the more i love her lol she is so HNGHHH, together we can make jjk sexy and outwardly horny for each other 🙌
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streaminn · 1 year
she's the man au
i want more situations of guys reconsidering their sexuality cuz of enid LOL i just think its really funny
maybe a situation where one of the guys come out and theyre like 'edwin's my gay awakening' n then everyone else is like 'oh yeah same' and enid's like ?!?!??!?!? cuz i think that would be funny
You bet Xavier and Enid have some sort of weird rivalry. I say weird bc Enid isn't at all aware of it and Xavier's lowkey being petty
Enid thinks that xavier is onto her identity thing with how much he's staring at her so she just kinda :'D??? but no, he's just jealous
he kinda confronts her, about to ask how enid got so close to wednesday but she takes it as him asking for tips for presentation bc he's insecure; "like- im taller, im pretty sure we should have more interests so how do you do it??"
Enid, patting his shoulder: you have very pretty hair
and that isn't exactly a compliment he's used too. His art yes, his height, his money maybe his powers but his hair? he just stills then he turns red because is Enid trying to embarrass him or smth!?
Other people take it as Xavier having a new crush and he kinda incriminates himself when he denies it. Full on red face and shaking head and because of this, alot of people think he's figuring himself out. Its worse because Enid goes out of her way to give him a compliment once a day bc she still thinks he's insecure and the dude always bites back with a "screw off!"
its not at all convincing because he's red
Enid, already used to the Wednesday like behaviour laughs and pats his back before moving on
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toxycodone · 2 months
My favorite Weezer album (also objectively the worst, DO NOT FUCKING LISTEN TO IT PLEASE /srs I will bite you with malicious intent) is the Pinkerton Album, it's misogynistic and pathetic and fetishistic, rivers cuomo made the rawest sounding incel music ever. The whole album is just rivers screaming and pouting about how horrible his life is because women don't love him, my favorite song by the foxing is also rory if that makes it any worse for you LMFAO
my top 3 Pinkerton songs are "I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams", "Butterfly - Alternate Take", and a tie between "El Scorcho" and "Pink Triangle" because pink triangle is so funny to me, rivers is complaining about the girl he liked being a lesbian, get cucked loser. If u decide to listen to the album, only listen to IJTOTLOMD (acronym for the first song I mentioned, I'm not writing that shit out) and Pink Triangle, they are the least egregious out of the entire album, and IJTOTLOMD doesnt even have rivers singing ITS THE BEST SONG WITHOUT THE ACTUAL LEAD SINGER in it this shows you how bad Weezer is, I'm old Weezer's biggest fan and number one hater I will always make fun of weezer
ALSO OMG THANK U ?? u got me smiling and shit. lol I don't want to get into it but my last partner (online dating) pressured me into being xir dominant and guilt tripped me into doing sexual things for xem ... it just was a bad experience overall. And then bro had the gall to break up with me on my birthday after we were together for over a year and showed me xir new boyfriend the day after like...It was fucked. But I'm better now!! And Im not using the word loser in a demeaning way for myself, I'm like, Hmmm... I have that pathetic sopping wet dog rizz yk? Pathetic Loser ™ is my base state of being, my younger siblings bully me about it but its all in good fun I love them lol. (One of them admitted that I was actually cool so heeheehee)
But thank you I feel special, you have a grown man doing this -> ☺️👉🏼👈🏼 and kicking his feet and shit. I'll give you a little kiss on the cheek as a token of my thanks. Mwah 💋
- the same anon who is still scared of admitting who he is lol
okay you know those guys that like. Seethe because terrible men give bad bitches trust issues??? That’s me rn.
anon you have no fucking idea how mad this makes me 😭 like?? Be so so so fucking fr. YALL HAVE TO STOP FUMBLING BADDIES. GIVE THEM TO PEOPLE WHO DESERVE THEM (ME!!! I WILL CHERISH THEM!!!)
okay as someone who also got burned by online dating (long ass story. which I won’t tell unless asked). I’m genuinely so sorry that happened to you. People online can be such a fucking hit or miss (usually a miss). But your ex’s behavior makes me think your ex is jealous LOOOOL. No one flexes anything if they’re truly happy and content—trust.
I’m still doing this to your ex tho bc I’m petty.
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AND YESSS YOU GET IT. Like. When I say loser I don’t mean that in a bad way. Like, more in a colloquial sense. Because really I like nerdy guys bc they’re people who are open and proud of their interests even tho they may seem weird. And they’re just honest about who they are and their abilities. It’s actually really brave. And I love that about them. So. Yeah.
ty for the cheek kiss tho hehe I am glad I was able to make u feel good.
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
hii hope your days been going well!! deadass been returing to re read your most recent fic its stuck in my thoughts you wrote them so good im crushing it in my palms
for the hc reqs!! what do you think about kai?? hes been stirring my brain mush like pancake batter and i would like to hear hcs you have >:]
A/N: JETT LITERALLY BLESS YOU FOR THIS i'm going to sob I love Kai so much i want to squeeze him so hard he melts in my hand!!! ur art has been feeding me and i hope i can return the favor by yelling about Kai because im INSANE and i hope u enjoy.... have a lovely day!!
OHMYGOD okay so he's tickly. HES TICKLY and he should absolutely get got because he's just a silly guy and he acts all tough but one poke and he folds like a fckn lawn chair and its so funny
like if you squeeze his hips and he's not paying attention he crumbles instantly. disintegrates
he is totally one of those people who doesn’t mind being tickled but will absolutely deny it because he’s so fckn stubborn LOL
he’s more used to being the one doing the tickling since he’s the oldest sibling, but that doesn’t mean that Nya hasn’t gotten him good over the years lol
one time at dinner Kai was bragging about how he had just tickled Jay to bits over a bet or something stupid LOL and Nya was like “oh that’s cool but remember when i tickled you so bad that you promised to do all my chores”
this almost immediately resulted in Kai getting tickled to try and pass off chores LOL
kai is super dramatic when he’s being tickled like he’ll flail and shriek even if he’s just getting poked
when Lloyd was still a wee lad he would sneak up behind Kai and tickle him and then run as fast as his little legs could take him LMFAOOO
Kai got him really good after that but Lloyd never stopped doing it until he got older and claimed he was “more mature”
Do not believe Lloyd this is a lie he is still a goofy kid at heart and definitely still tickles Kai just to mess with him
ALSO when Lloyd was younger Kai would always give him piggy back rides or shoulder rides
he would tickle Lloyd sometimes while he was up there because he thought it was funny that he had absolutely nowhere to go LOL so he’d just be wiggling around while Kai tickled his hips or his feet
Even after Lloyd got older HES STILL TEENY and so on occasion he still gets piggy back rides. Kai complains that he’s too old for shoulder back rides and that Lloyd will break his back LOL
Jay claims that since he’s short he should also get piggy back rides and one time Kai just wanted him to shut up so he let him have one and then Jay immediately started tickling Kai and it was so funny
IT WAS EVEN FUNNIER bc he had the dramatic slow fall to his knees and then Jay just pinned him down and tickled the snot out of him
Kai uses Nya as one of his primary excuses to tickle Jay like “price for trying to smooch my sister is tickles” and its funny because half the time he tickles Jay for this he wasn’t even doing anything LOL he probably just looked in her general direction
I would also like to think that since Kai and Nya are siblings they 100% are mean to each other in the most petty way
so like Jay will be saying something about Nya and Kai immediately is like “she snores btw. and she doesn’t always brush her teeth. and she thinks cantaloupe is the best fruit which is weird who likes cantaloupe”
Jay told Nya he said this and then she was like “well did you know Kai can’t spell Fahrenheit. and he does muscles at himself in the mirror. and he thinks cantaloupe sucks because he got food poisoning from it which is a skill issue on his end”
ITS FUNNY BECAUSE… EVERYONE ELSE IS AN ONLY CHILD IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY??? so they do Not understand why Kai and Nya do this shit and it’s so funny and then eventually they get into a tickle fight and they’re screaming at each other about CANTALOUPE
i should also note here that Nya almost always wins tickle fights with Kai. why? i do not know. it is just the way it works for them
Kai runs warm so i think he’s actually more sensitive to tickles from Zane especially bc. Zane’s hands are always a bit icy
like when Kai’s wearing a thick enough shirt he doesn’t notice but i think they had like. sleeveless outfits a few times?? yeah Zane stuck his hands under Kai’s arms when that happened and Kai actually screamed so loud
He also jumped and ended up falling back on top of Zane and knocking them both over LOL he’s so dramatic but also it did tickle pretty bad for him
GAAAAH i could go on for so long about Kai it's not even funny PLS i literally love him sm thank you again for the request and i hope you have a SPLENDID day and drink ur water bc its good for u!!!
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solarwynd · 4 months
just felt like sharing some of my thoughts on recent topics:
- i think nj’s album is objectively decent. if anything my biggest critique is that, similar to indigo, he insists on singing and anyone else that jumps on the record eats him up. i really did like the production and after tuning him out a little i really enjoyed the vibe. i actually think its a lot more refined and grounded than indigo despite being a mess thematically/lyrically but i actually think that thats what he was going for lol, a sort of “emotional clusterfuck”.
as for army’s reception, i think he’s def trying to build his own audience and he’s aware that takes time. he went in a totally different direction than his previous release yet its still very him. armys might not be the target audience but its better for him to build a small but loyal base that will continue to tune in for his solo stuff rather than just expecting armys to like everything every member puts out.
its rich for other kpop stans to drag him when despite doing what he’s done he’s still more successful than most korean artists, so its funny for me to see people think they can drag him for not getting streams in korea which if im not mistaken have the lowest residuals for streams and are the flakiest audience (but maybe thats just me being petty lol)
- nwjns new song not doing that hot on global spotify doesn’t surprise me. they are an aesthetic-leaning group, yes their songs are cute but its because of the aesthetic theyre accompanied with that they feel so grand and trendy every time. the aesthetic for how sweet is minimal and kinda getting old so people dont seem to be buying into that so far (outside of sk) but im sure that as soon as there’s a cute tiktok trend to go with it they’ll end up biting. the song is cute, but i have to admit this trend of “flat”singing is tiring me. open up those vocal chords and SING dammit.
- random, but i wonder if supernova by aespa doing that well is some sort of reaction to the whole mhj-bpd drama. imo drama was a million times better and didn’t do as well as it shouldve
- idk if im over my fixation, but nothing thats come out of the kpop industry this year has been genuinely interesting or exciting. i mostly just tune into female artists and a handful of soloists. there’s been some cute concepts here and there but the music is just meh.
“i really did like the production and after tuning him out a little i really enjoyed the vibe.”
Im sorry this is taking me out. Tuning out the very person whose album you’re listening to is crazy 😭 but I kinda get it lmao.
After watching that minimoni special this morning and how he described rpwp basically as a rant, an “emotional clusterfuck” is aptly named tbh. It’s gonna be really hard for him to get a solid solo fanbase because he doesn’t have personal reach or appeal beyond the armys that already know him and his music and the music he’s been dropping isn’t really attention grabbing either. Like I’m sure there’s people who are out there that know he’s a good rapper and can respect him for that, but it’s still not enough to make them stan him and that’s where the problem will lie for him.
Njws (or mhj) are following a theme that doesn’t allow themselves or their music to evolve, because beyond the different outfits and hairstyles everything is starting to feel repetitive. Real one trick pony-ish cause it seems like this is all mhj knows how to do. Like you already know what to expect from them and I find artists who just stick to one sound kinda boring (though I have my exceptions). I see what you’re saying about the “flat” singing lol but imo not everyone has to like sing sing if you get me? I’m not just talking about belting but just typical singing. Even though it would be a nice switch up from them I feel like they’ve just made that they’re brand.
I actually just listened to supernova after I drafted this and ended up really liking it. It’s a cool song. I listened to drama too, not bad either. It’s a possibility that the whole mhj/bang debacle might’ve had a positive impact for aespa, but sometimes the k gp just likes what they like and blows it up. I know they loved queen card by g-idle but I still do not like that song at all.
I’m a casual listener of a handful a groups and I’ll check out their releases when they drop. Any other song I listen to apart from them is just because I wanted to see what the fuss was about but all in all everything is just so typical. I’ve had releases I’ve enjoyed but everything still has that standard kpop sound to it so I agree nothing has really been exciting.
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
The suprisingly bad plot of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
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So I played this little fun Jet Set Radio clone (don't worry, it ties into the iceberg, so I wasnt technically procrastinating with video games-)
And the thing that stuck out besides the expected and fun is how the story was bad. In a surprising way - not as "oh I didnt expect it to suck so much!!!" But nah, what I mean is that it failed in a interesting way.
So what do I mean?
Well lets start with the whole setup "Oh yeah, you get your head chopper of and are actually just a random scrap metal robot controling a should-be lifeless body."
This is weird enough, but the fact that there is that much head switching and body stitching is just strange, you wouldnt really expect that from a skating game - hell it makes the casual light-bulb eye-switching from Naruto look tame in comparison.
Still, one could guess that its just a quirky thing (or more disturbingly that some of the developers gets off from it, like not the weirdest thing that exist) - just some funny detail to get attention and stand out.
But not, this thing actually is the crux of the whole "theme" and "charachter arc"
And its weird that this kind of game trys that, like if mario struggled with alcholism as a framing decice for generic platformer #64. Cause why do something that is overly ambitious and will fail?
Like this game sadly failed - the whole search for "roots" just felt kinda unatural and as if the people were living in a different world from you (like ok I get it the society literally is that much weirder, but I mean in a sense of just procecing information and emotions differently than a standard human would)
Just the fact that the charachters feel empty and you dont really connect with them or their relationships makes everything hollow - yet its weird that they tried at all - cause yeah in the end in Jet Set Radio, nobody gives a shit about that stuff, we just wanna ride the line with carefull cartoon charicatures.
Yet still the story decided to introduce plot twist, thematic foils, villians with pseudo-arcs, drama etc.
But somehow it doesnt get how at the same time it just doesnt work on a basic level - like after its revealed that not only that Faux guy killed Felix for a petty reason but also is about to kill all other Graffiti pals, its kinda irellevant that his "big secret" was "Oh your dad kept you out of trouble"
Yet the game plays that up as some final all revealing shocker, and even gives Faux a death mirroring Felix initial fall.
Also the whole arc of Felix is both weird and at the same time something that seems to be trying to say something - from starting as some random smart hair-dryer, to it being revealed that he secretly was a legendary skater with amnesia, and the whole "you are both now"-
I get kinda that they tried to say "look he died partly because of his arrogance and not letting others be close may sparked Faux's psychopathy", but still at the end it just doesnt click, you know what Im saying - the first thing after coming to life with no memory is "Oh I wanna paint the city, yeah why not and find my original head even if its not really mine" and then "Oh I guess I learned the power of friendship, even if we interacted minimally and in the end only the final thematic attack showed the use of bonds"
Like yeah, it showed literally moments how without other people he would be dead but still it was so subdued that its weird to do a whole story like that.
Especially a story as whacky as it - with a evil skater head taking over the police and brainwashing everyone to do his biding while becoming a giant centipede monster.
But the weirdest part is that it even had the whole meta-commentary about how yeah it IS a rip-off and one cant escape that, but like, we are totally something new too guys!
But guess the only really clever writting was the set up of that weirdo with angel wings actually having a absurd but believable reason for overhearing everything lol.
Yet other things just go nowhere - the sniper kinda disapears from the story, there are obvious times where you are just sent in circles for padding, etc.
And that last thing is kinda what leads me to my attempt to reverse engineer the story -
I would guess they started with the wacky desing of the main guy and someone though "but why do he be having that crazy head thou?"
And from that it sparked the idea, well he lost the head - and that connected with the whole "identity" thing especially when they had to think if they were making something creative or just puppetering the corpse of a dead, head-team less corpse of a faux legendary franchise (I dunno why I said faux, I like JSR, but I had to tie in the names)
The details came later, hence why DJ Cybers Mask is supposedly Felix's, even though it doesnt fit the latter - cause yeah the charachter designs werent made like that originally.
And thats why there is some weird padding and moments - cause of budget reasons some things had to be stretched, or maybe some things had to be used in a way to maximise what one has done and to not throw away some cool concepts, even if they clash.
Also, Im not knocking this associative way of coming up with storys, just speculating if thats how it all came together.
Still, the fact that the story isnt just "Yeah we are rebels and here are police, lets fight!" without any of the before mentioned window dressing is surprising.
And, being non-generic is a positive surprise, no matter the execution - so see, this "essay" wasnt shitting on this game afterall.
(also contrast for a simmilar story that is unsurprisingly bad - Gravity Rush - but I'll save that for another time, man I wish that games creative direction was done by someone else, cause the gameplay itself has moments of being more fun than a lot of things...)
Oh also the proof that this all relates back to the Soul Eater iceberg - see what I found (sadly not first, cause I googled and some redditor noticed 2 months ago, alas if I played this game way back I would have had this eternal glory, not shame😔):
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And if you say: That's it? I expected more!:
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castrotophic · 5 months
What are the books you didn't like?
ahaha this is sooo funny because i was thinking about it and the thing about my taste in books is that i like most books, but i do dislike a reasonable amount of books. but the thing that makes me remember a book forever as the worst ever??? is when it is REALLY GOOD and then i hate the ending. so here are a few of the books i will never ever forgive (yes with spoilers, sorry lol):
the gideon trilogy by linda buckley-archer: this series is about some kids who accidentally time travel back to 1763 and end up on the run from "the tar man" with this dude named gideon. AMAZING series, so intriguing and sooo much fun, until the ENDING RUINED IT. if you set up your world and say that you can't erase time (i.e. you CAN'T go back in time and change the past, as this creates fractured timelines ans very bad things happen, which does in fact happen in the book) and then the ending of the series is that instead of solving any of their problems they go back in time and stop themselves from traveling in time in the first place?? WORST ENDING OF ALL TIME hated it soooo much. i swear i read this book like 10 years ago but every single time someone mentions time travel all my friends and family know im about to go on a rant
the fault in our stars by john green: sorry john green. this book was soooo good and soooo cute and the romance was adorable and it made me cry like twice, but i have the pettiest beef with the ending that means i will never be able to enjoy this book 😭😭 so the main character hazel is reading this book called An Imperial Affliction where this empress (i think??) is dying and it ends in the middle of a sentence, as though she died before she could finish writing the book. very cool! so yk the ending of the ACTUAL book happens and its kinda cheesy but i was willing to look past it for the vibes, but i was fully expecting this little detail to be added. and it wasn't. why john green ???? this is 100% the most petty reason i have ever hated a book but i genuinely feel like the book would have been 100000x better if it had ended in the middle of a sentence. also i will never forgive john green for naming a character augustus, the most gorgeous name, and then having him be called gus 😭😭😭
little fires everywhere by celeste ng: this book was actually also amazing... some of the most beautiful explorations of motherhood ive ever read, and i ugly cried in public TWICE because of this book (there is a line where a mother is talking about her baby and she says "i would know her in the dark by one sound of her voice, one brush of her hand, the smell of her hair" and that made me LOSE IT) . but the ending completely destroyed it... the whole book is about the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters and how those relationships are so strong and beautiful and then?? the ending???? is that a 14 YEAR OLD GIRL runs away from home with no contact with her mother because she wants to chase another woman who she loves better and wishes was her mother ??? literally completely destroyed the spirit of the book for me
clean getaway by nic stone: this book was super cool, its a mystery about this guy trying to figure out his grandmothers secrets. she basically takes her grandson on a mystery surprise roadtrip but he can tell she's running from something so he's trying to figure out what she's running from. verrryyy interesting talk about race, very cool and intriguing plots... and then the ending ???? they reveal that the grandma is a straight up criminal who escaped the law until the day she died? like she isn't even a redeemable criminal, she's actually a BAD GUY and they play off her getting away from the law as a good thing?? hated it!! she was a bad person!!!! and also she totally kidnapped her grandson!!! and like, framed a guy who went to prison because of her???? like she just did a bunch of really bad things but the talk about institutionalized racism was supposed to rule that out or something. idk i have read reeeally good book about institutionalized racism and the american justice system that worked because the main character wasn't an actual terrible person who hurt a lot of people with her crimes. hated this book
lol i could probably think of more but these are the ones that immediately come to mind so here you go ☺️☺️
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c-kiddo · 2 years
one thing i've noticed about a couple people that say "caduceus is too nice in fanon" go way into making him... basically percy de rolo without a gun. because he isn't an angel in canon but he is nowhere nearly as rude and snooty as people insist he is in canon. i mean, percy de rolo isn't a bad character at all, he just isn't cad.
huh ye , im not super familiar with percy as a character (ive only watched season 1 of tlovm and almost none of campaign 1) and also, dont rly often see this kinda takes ngl. (also i think someone else has sent me a longer ask about this before and i had a long reply somewhere but idk where) . .. . .but yee, people are not the best with character nuance lol. thing about cad is ,he definitely can be rude and overstep sometimes, absolutely, but its mostly entirely down to naïvety and being mega sheltered. he is definitely quietly bitchy and a bit petty sometimes though, which, is just kinda funny and not that big a deal imo, like its nothing harmful , just a little comment now and then, and not targeted at anyone*... but like the thing is, ultimately he is a kind and thoughtful person, like truly well meaning and wanting to help. he just sometimes isnt aware of the social boundaries and that people might not want his input about things. also as a character he kinda does struggle with nuance and viewing other perspectives outside of his own worldview (hes so autism). .. and of course has got the classic taliesin jaffe character flaw of thinking they know how everything works, or should work, despite being like 24 (and often being massively isolated) . sooo ye. that is my take. he is genuinely kind and well meaning but fucks it up sometimes . also doesnt know how to function that well outside of his roles he assigns himself, which can make him seem kinda cold and clinical and blunt sometimes. .autism. whatever :-3
*an exception i can think of rn is "sleep well with your bad decisions" which was so uncalled for and kinda sends me every time lol
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star-stream · 5 months
Bakuage 9, lets go~!
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Chasshiro is so funny he doesnt even realize how much hes spoiling Taiya... Its really good how defensive he gets over it. "Well actually you too-!" eehhh? so petty!!! Well hes not wrong, Genba is also really "sweet" on him lol... the girls are fighting
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Rika Matsumotos delivery (heh) of Bunchans lines in this episode was really good... When Bundorio said he was wandering around and crashed, then was surprised he was alive... was he despairing so much that he lost the will to live? Literally, but also in the way of "im living but am I actually alive" sort of meaning? Jou says later on, dreams are what keep you alive... Bun-chan... :(
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Interestingly, their roles reversed here! Bundorio was originally the racer, and the way he acts, Taiya is definitely the mechanic. In car racing, the pit crew are also in charge of delivering the racecar back on the track, i love themes!!
Also in this scene, the production blog mentioned it was Iuchis idea to have Taiya eating one of Genbas lollipops, thats really good! I didnt expect them to know eachother even before Bunchan appeared (I guess Genba is the one who gave him a tow truck to move the unconscious Bun-chan!
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Poor Yarucar!!! Hearing it cry was really sad! You put a bandaid on it, but then you kick Yarucar! You kick it like the football! No good!!!!!
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Saibu Shirabe was also extremely good in this episode! I love a woman that drives like a maniac. Also... in reference to what Chasshiro said before, that Taiya is short on words... It just means hed rather show people or make people understand first hand! I feel i understand his character a lot better when he told Saibu "Maybe youll understand after you make a delivery". What well thought out character logic!!!
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I really like that the resolution of their argument wasnt "Well, youve convinced us that your dream is noble so well follow you" but rather "It is okay to be a selfish dreamer, and so we will all each be selfish!"
Mira wants to hold her own steering wheel so she wants to make it clear that shes doing it because she wants to, Jou wants to be a hero, and an extension of that is protecting peoples dreams to protect their lives, Genba wants to cling onto his special seat!!
And Chasshiro...!
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"Youve pulled me this far so now youre stuck with me" is it?! This can be selfish too! Its good to be selfish!!
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BOONBOOM ROBO KNIGHT WAS REALLY BAKUAGE!! Did they set the sword on fire? that definitely seems like real fire!!!
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Im really sad to see Madrex (AND HASHIRIKEN!!!!) exit already, they were so good that it just makes you wonder, if the temporary executive for the beginning episodes was this good just whats coming next...?! Of course, im excited to see it every week !
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Since he got called out for being too sweet, hes trying to scold Taiya more, but it still comes off sweet, Chasshiro!!!!!
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ackee · 2 years
actually, i'm curious of hearing what you have to say, i know 0 about magical girls OR dating sims, i never checked further of like sailor moon or MCL so I wanna hear that hot take!
OKAY . I WILL BE BRIEF . (1/385)
my hot take on magical girl animes isnt that hot i think, but i am just sick to DEATH of madoka magica clones. i will literally never listen to a man who says madoka is his favorite magi girl anime (or god forbid, klk, which if you consider it a magi girl anime i think you should [REDACTED]) bc any man that says this has most likely never watched any other magi girl anime and thinks madokas better because its #mature and #deep.
(deep meaning that characters suffer and die because apparently thats the only way to be deep. if i hear the word 'deconstruction' one more time ill explode.)
i wont even be 100% petty, i do think madoka is... pretty. its a fun watch. but the affect its had on the genre? the only magi girl animes ive seen in the last DECADE (excluding precure) are 1. trying to be like madoka (so edgy, bloody, lots of suffering. an example of one is 'magical girl site') or 2. a remake of a classic. I AM IN A MAGICAL GIRL DROUGHT.
actually yknow what i WILL be a lil petty, bc as "good" as madoka is, i just know itd have been WAY better if it was done by someone who actually liked the genre LOL
NOW SPEAKING OF VISUAL NOVELS. idk if there is a singular visual novel thats changed the genre/pisses me off in the way madoka does! but in the past 5+ years, ive definitely noticed this uptick in western game devs making "haha arent dating sims SOOO stupid and funny ?!" visual novels. like colonel sanders. like monster prom.
visual novels are a great medium to tell stories (and yes, they can be funny or silly if they want to) but it is just overrun with people who think its 'hilarious' to tell actually good stories with it and instead give me the 74th unfunny gimmicky vn of the day that everyone will forget in 1 to 2 business days .
tl;dr im sick of mfs who try to subvert genres they clearly dont like/think have merit, WHERE ARE THE GENUINE PEOPLE AT
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katyspersonal · 1 year
hello again, i'm the anon from the waifu/blorbo thing just checking in. it was quite surprising to see the ask i made when i was feeling sorta petty would spiral in all that lol
to answer why i stay anon, its because I'm just a "filthy lurker" tbh. im not really sociable or talented enough that i feel like interecting directly in the fandom, and i'd rather avoid the headaches that come from exposing myself to its more annoying parts lol. i understand its different for artists tho, you guys do us a great service
but Holy Shit your situation was quite bonkers. it is kind of funny that i might have helped you out with this apparently lmao. all it took was the right ask at the right time, crazy how that works
best of luck to you and thank you for being based lol. it isn't easy with such persistent haters but i hope you keep it up
Thank YOU for being based, the moment I read what you said I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about! And yes, it is a reliably stable way to piss that person off enough to 'act' by poking the holy dogma of "Maria is a masculine lesbian and everyone with a different interpretation is a bigot" with a stick in any way shape or form. Imagine being easily caught just because you can't stand bisexuals or women that can combine badassery and tenderness?
I'll have you know though, that fanart or fanfics are NOT a "rent" you have to pay to be considered a "valid" part of the fandom! You say you don't feel like you belong here... but you do, as long as you love BB and want to interact with other fans and support them. I am not the most fantastic artist either; my anatomy is still a long way to go and I finish my works very slowly, but it is my passion why I am here! :)
As for the annoying parts of the fandom,...
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Honestly, you don't need to worry, at least not on Tumblr. Redditbros tend to stay away in their own circles and all you have to do is to not go on Reddit for sharing things like headcanons, drawings, ships etc. As for the bullies (oh, pardon, the completely civil people that are not encouraging harassment but simply spread "awareness" in order to excile people they dislike from the safe wholesome fandom uwu); they will typically do you a favour if they drop your name as "yiiiikes this person is nasty for [reason] block them girlies!", since this way the fake ones will self-isolate from you as a result and YOU won't see THEIR bad takes! And toxic Maria fans usually function by one 'main' guy vs their simps that got easily influenced. Before the current guy (you know who by now) it was someone else spreading bad takes about "misogynist" Gehrman and "violated masculinity" of Maria, boasting about how they ignore all lore and (mis)translation evidence against their One True interpretation. That person matured though, and the simps they influenced dissolved and became nuanced. The current guy is chronically unable to mature, learn and admit mistakes; but at the same time, popular accounts popularised a "compromise" take that portrays Gehrman as missing the mark but having good intentions that get way more traction and toxicity is overshadowed by them 🤔
What I am saying is, you can avoid annoying parts reliably easily! You probably are seeing like same two people starting controversy every time from your "corner"... and it is BECAUSE there are not that many. They are just loud. If you are in the room with 20 people, 19 of which are adults minding their own business and 1 is a screaming baby, who will you pay more attention to? I'd love to see you make an account, tbh, but if you really don't want to.. Well, still feel free to send me asks, gripes or headcanons or questions or whatnot!
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