#but reverse robins also just do that
oifaaa · 1 year
Do you have any good Reverse Robin AU fic recs? Every one I've read has Red Hood!Tim who is way better at being Red Hood than Jason and outsmarts everyone, and as well written as some of them are it always rubs me the wrong way.
I know exactly one and I'm a bit biased bc the person who wrote it based it on my reverse batkids au but I also do think it's great so I'm gonna link it below so more people can read it but yeah if anyone else has some good reverse robin fics that don't do the whole red hood tim please link them bc I too would love to read them
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
thinking about that post that’s like ‘Steph wouldn’t do utrh because she wouldn’t expect Bruce to avenge her anyways’
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bakafurai · 28 days
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WOAH AU JUMPSCARE!!! hi yes this is my very self indulgent hamtoshi au I have lovingly called reversed fates!
Basically it's a ng+ au where Hidetoshi somehow travels back in time a year after wishing he could have done something to save Kotone and takes on the wildcard role in her stead. He's the only who remembers everything, but he quickly learns how little that actually helps him when it comes to the dark hour...
More details under the cut! (Huge shoutout to some of the peeps over in the Hidetoshi Server btw for their big brained ideas... ya'll are my life saviours i swear fjghf)
More details on the main gang's personas (+Hidetoshi's starting social stats)
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(Note: as of writing this I have not finished P3P so I don't have a list of the Personas from Kotone's compendium yet.)
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As for the velvet room, Hidetoshi gets his own Velvet Room attendant by the name of William, who I have shared a reference here, his velvet room basically looks like those film noir detective office.
Because of the nature of his arrival to the velvet room, and the fact that Kotone already filled her compendium, Hidetoshi is not allowed to fuse personas- he is however free to summon and use Personas from the compendium (William is... too nice and socially anxious to charge him money for it).
Some other info about the AU! >Kenji swaps roles with Junpei, while Rio swaps roles with Chidori. >In his au, Kenji knows Rio but hasn't seen her in 10 years so is unware she is also a persona user working with Strega. >Chidori is a regular student at gekkokan, a third year student who manages the art club. >Kotone remembers nothing, however the death incarnate within her does! The bad news is that Pharos' memories are scattered and he can only remember enough to know that he can't let her sign the contract... The good news is that Hidetoshi can see & hear him for some reason and doesn't hesitate to sign it if it means saving Kotone. >Did I mention this is a hamtoshi au? yeah this guy didn't get to confess his feelings last time around and he ain't about to mess that up twice...He just has to get to know her as a friend all over again. (oooh he internally yearns for her sooo bad you have no idea, he loves her so much) >Aigis is no longer here, instead taking her role is Makoto! He definitely wasn't there last time though... >Hidetoshi and Kenji are in 2-E, while Kotone and later Makoto are in 2-F.
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riverside--wren · 10 months
I just had an idea for a batman au permutation
Reverse robins au where their current physical ages are reversed, but the order they were born is NOT reversed
So like Jason still dies and comes back (could still be for Robin reasons or could be for Crime Alley reasons) except he’s been dead for four years, and everyone else has aged in that time while he has’t aged a day.
Dick gets taken by the court of owls and becomes immortal unaging prepubescent child until the Batfam rescue him find a way to make him age normally again so he is not permanently stuck being babey.
Damian was a test tube baby like some versions of canon, except the assassins really didn’t want to deal with a small child, so they just kept the accelerated aging on until they could plop out a newly formed 12 year old infant.
So Dami would look 24 but only have the lived experience of 12 of those years
Tim would be 17
Jason would be 15 in both looks and mind, but be born 19 years ago
Dick would have been born 24 years ago and have up to that many years of memory (depending on how long the Court kept him comatose), but permanently has the appearance, mindset, and undeveloped brain of a 12 year old.
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msfcatlover · 22 days
Duke in the Reverse!Robins AU be like…
”Eldest daughter syndrome? What eldest daughter syndrome? Nah, just because I’m the oldest does not mean I have eldest daughter syndrome. Sure, I’ve had to mediate between Damian & Bruce, or Steph & Bruce, or help certain Titans find a middle ground, but that’s just being a good leader. And yeah, I’m protective of the younger kids, but that’s just what any responsible adult in my position would do.”
*finds out one of the members of his team has such bad civilian trauma they need to straight-up quit hero work*
“Oh shit… I fucked this up. I was too focused on my own problems, how the fuck did I miss this? Okay, okay. I was already burning out trying to juggle being Gotham’s only daytime hero and single-handedly leading the Titans. I need to pick one. And find some way to make it up to Grant. Jesus fuck, how did I miss this…”
*Tim becomes Cass’s apprentice. Steph & Cass start arguing more often. Steph has her biggest fight with Bruce yet. Steph goes missing.*
*Steph dies*
“After that fight with Bruce, no one backed her up. She didn’t know anyone was supporting her. She died thinking none of us were on her side. If any one of us had actively taken her side, instead of getting distracted with our own messes, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Oh, but am I really expecting Damian or Bruce to be intelligent about feelings? Am I really expecting tact from Cass? I know them too well; it should’ve been me, shouldn’t it? I can’t believe I managed to fuck up worse than I did with Grant…”
*Luna gets taken away*
“Look at what you’ve done, Bruce! Look what you’ve fucking done! You’re tearing this family apart! We all promised to look out for her if anything happened to Steph, and you’re just going to force every single one of us to break those promises?! You’re going to rip away the last piece of Steph we had?!? Look at Dami & Cass! Look at them! You did this!”
*finds out Damian’s training for Tim to be Shadow uses all the LoA techniques he refused to use for Steph, making it borderline-through-outright abusive, almost certainly to try to drive Tim off by making him too miserable to continue*
“I. I can’t fucking believe this. I can’t… I can’t believe it took me so long to realize. Damian, nobody is happy about this, but fuck you. I thought you were trying to be better, you absolute fucking asshole! And I… I don’t even have the excuse of not knowing half of the involved parties this time, or being away, or too busy, I was just looking away because I didn’t want to think about Tim taking Steph’s mantle. I should’ve fucking stopped this the first time Tim came back from Bludhaven. God fucking dammit, how do I keep failing the kids in my care in the same fucking way, over & over again?!”
*was all the way at the other end of the room & looking in the wrong direction to have enough forewarning to actually save Tim from being shot*
“I… I… I… I’m literally the only person who could’ve fucking stopped this. I have all the training, all the abilities, but I went to refill my punch glass, and now Timmy might never walk again. I mean, absolutely blame the asshole who pulled the trigger, but Tim & I were in the same fucking room. Who would even put a hit out on Tim Wayne? There’s no way Tim doesn’t know who’s behind this, but he won’t tell me because he doesn’t trust me, because of course he doesn’t! Look at my track record! When it matters most, I let down the people I love. My parents, Grant, Steph, Tim…”
*Jason becomes Shadow.*
*The Tower fight happens.*
*Jason gets kidnapped by the Joker.*
*Bruce “dies,” and Jason runs away to have the Red Robin arc.*
*Dick only begrudgingly puts up with Duke because Duke’s rather overbearing expressions of protectiveness support are not meshing well with Dick’s “stuck on anger til I personally catch my parents’ murderer” issue*
“…If anyone needs me, I’ll be screaming in the closet.”
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brionysea · 9 months
i see the potential for a dick and jason reverse robins au. jason staying on the good kid track from his childhood and being put on a pedestal despite still having so many issues, and then pre-teen dick grayson shows up; problem child, keeps running away from juvie and foster homes because he's lusting for murder, filled with rage and plastering a feral smile on top of it all--which jason can't even comprehend because he's so fundamentally authentic with his emotions at any given moment--and above all, making jason cry with laughter because of the look on bruce's face when he sees dick on the chandelier. it's perfectly backwards. i'm obsessed
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horsechestnut · 1 year
Reverse Robins!
But specifically Stephanie and Tim (with a little Jason added when it's relevant).
Note: I'm of the opinion that in Reverse Robin AUs they wouldn't actually use Robin as their code name, but for convince and clarity's sake I will be using it here.
Damian is gone. He left in a blaze of anger. They'd fought before, but this time came with a finality Bruce doesn't known how to handle.
Batman is spiraling. Without Damian around there's no need to be Bruce Wayne, no reason not to follow one more lead before turning in. No young eyes looking to him to be an example. Nothing to keep him from beating the bad guys into a comma.
Tim Drake has been watching Bruce Wayne for awhile. He's been watching Batman for longer. He saw the turn, the way the Wayne Foundation is slowly being corrupted without Bruce's over site, and the more extreme injuries criminals are coming in with. He looks at Bruce Wayne and Batman, and the man behind them both and thinks "Yeah, I can fix that." Maybe it's teenage nativity, maybe it's a drive to do something good, maybe it's the need to be in control of something in his life. Whatever it is, he acts on it.
Bruce doesn't want to let Tim be Robin. Damian was his son, and a trained assassin, Tim is a random kid with no formal training. But Tim is a random kid who figured out his identity and is actively blackmailing him with it, so he doesn't have many options.
Batman and Robin are back together. Bruce Wayne is back in board meetings. The criminals are getting a lot less bruises. Robin is far more impressive than Batman ever would have guessed he could be. Tim is falling asleep in math class, but he already knows it all anyway so it's barely worth mentioning.
There's a new vigilante in Gotham. One who sets a dangerous precedent. It's one thing for Batman to have allies, it's another for outside agents to start taking matters into their own hands. Especially when they're untrained teenagers who are looking for personal vengeance.
He does everything he can to get Spoiler to quit. He tells himself it's not just about his personal dislike of her, it's for the sake of every other misguided kid who might try to follow her lead.
He fails.
The Joker attacks Robin. He doesn't kill him, he has a worse fate in mind. He takes Batman's prodigy and makes him his own. Tries to prove that even the Bat's closest ally can be corrupted if he has a bad enough day. He succeeds, and for one terrifying night The Batman faces off against Joker Jr.
Tim survives, but he's not the same. It takes months for his injuries to heal, and even then he's haunted by what Joker turned him into. Terrified that he could snap again at the wrong moment. He tells Bruce he can't be in the field anymore, it's to big of a risk. He promises Batman he'll find another way to help.
Cluemaster is dead. He died on a suicide mission. No matter how Steph feels about it personally, logically she knows Gotham is safer without him around. Part of her can't help being relieved, and she doesn't hate that part of herself as much as she knows she should. There's no longer any need for The Spoiler.
There's an opening for Robin and Steph wants the job. Wants to prove she can do it. That she's just as good as Tim. That she's not her father. That she can make a father proud.
Batman doesn't want Stephanie. He wants Tim. But maybe Stephanie is a way to get there. To make Tim jealous enough to come back.
Bruce tells himself it's for Tim's own good. Stephanie's too. Tim needs the push, needs to be Robin again so he can overcome his fear about being the field. And Stephanie needs the training, and the focus now that Cluemaster is gone.
Robin tries, she really does. She does everything Batman asks of her, always. Except once. And once is all it takes. Robin is fired, but as she leaves the cave Stephanie grabs on to one last desperate chance to prove herself. Batman never intended for the file to be used, but Stephanie doesn't know that. Batman didn't tell her. He never told her anything.
The war that erupts is unlike anything Gotham has ever seen.
Damian comes home. It's not for Bruce. It's for Gotham, for the city that took him in despite everything.
Batman isn't listening to Oracle. He's cutting him off, overriding his systems, and treating him like nothing more than a glorified phone operator. Tim can't just do nothing. Not when his city is burning.
Black Mask captures Spoiler, and nobody notices.
Robin is back on the scene. He's reluctant at first, but once he starts it's like a switch flips. The moves are second nature, the danger is exhilarating. It isn't a game, but part of him can't help relishing it all the same. He can't remember why he stopped.
Spoiler manages to get free. She manages to ambush Black Mask. She manages to pin him to the ground, gun pointed at his head. But Steph can't pull the trigger. Two months ago she would have, but now Batman's voice is in her head. She can't let him down. Not again.
Stephanie hesitates, and in that moment Black Mask breaks her hold. He gets his gun back. There's no moral code running though the back of his head. He doesn't hesitate.
Gotham is safe. Batman did his job. Damian is back. Robin is in the field again. But Bruce is haunted by what happened. Damian is injured, Tim has nightmares, and Stephanie...
Jason Todd isn't new to being poor. He knows how to be hungry, how to fend for himself. But he is new to being homeless. The gang war left lots of kids in the Narrows orphaned, of course some of them were going to fall through the cracks, and Jason happens to be one of them. Maybe it's for the best. He's heard how the Gotham Foster System treats kids. Maybe he's better off on his own. He just needs to find a way to make some money.
Batman descends with all the furry he's been holding in. But instead of an overconfident car thief, he finds a twelve year old boy desperately clutching a tire iron, trying to seem angry instead of scared.
Bruce recognizes something in him that he can't fully explain. He takes Jason back to the manor. Gives him a home. Does everything he can to keep him away from the cave.
That lasts about two weeks.
Jason wants to give back to his community, to make sure kids don't have to deal with the shit he had to deal with. He wants to thank Bruce for helping him. He wants to be nothing like his dad. He wants to make his new father proud.
Damian is against it. Tim is against it. Bruce is against it. Jason is insistent. He decides to take matters into his own hands, to steal an old Robin suit and sneak out after the others have left. It doesn't go well. He thinks he's blown his chance, but to his surprise Batman relents. If he doesn't Jason will find a way to do it on his own, and he won't let another kid go out untrained.
Tim goes back to Oracle. The way he felt the night of the gang war still scares him sometimes, reminds him to much of Batman back when they first met. Guilt washes over him whenever ever he thinks about it. How happy he'd been, all well Steph...
He should have been in the Clock Tower that night. Should have been keeping better tabs on all of them. He should have known she was missing in action, should have been monitoring her suit's location or trying to reach out instead of just listening when Batman said not to involve her. So if there's a new kid running around in the suit, their suit, he's going to make sure this one is safe.
Robin is good. Really good. He's to angry, he's rash, he's impulsive. But he learns fast, and he seems to almost fly over Gotham. He fits the role in a way Tim never truly did.
Black Mask is dead, and someone else is using his name. Someone who's dismantling the Gotham underworld piece by piece.
Steph has a duty to the people she hurt, a duty Batman will never understand, and one she has to handle her way. Batman stopped the war, but he didn't stop the gangsters. He didn't stop Black Mask, or Scareface, or any of the others. It's not about what they did to her. She deserved it. It was her own fault. But so many others suffered because of them, because of her, and Batman did nothing to stop it. So she will.
Black Mask isn't planning to confront Batman. She doesn't care about him. She's done seeking his approval and following his rules. Doing that got her killed. It got other people killed. But there's another Robin running around, and someone needs to explain that. Steph knows by now that she was never really Robin, it was all just a trick to get Tim back. A trick that worked. So who the hell is this kid? Is he like Tim, someone Batman will keep safe, or is he just another pawn he'll sacrifice the second it's covenant? And when she finally gets around to asking, she lets more slip than she should have.
Batman knows the truth, but that's okay. It was only a matter of time before he did, and it doesn't change anything. Bruce tries to appeal to her, but what can he possibly say that could make a difference? That he's sorry?
He is, but it's to late for that. Stephanie knows the truth. She knows he never took her seriously. She knows he never trusted her. She knows it was all a game, and that in the end Batman got what he wanted even if not in the way he intended. And Bruce can't argue, because she's right. He created her, and he knows it.
Stephanie Brown is dead. She died in Leslie's clinic. She died because her doctor decided teaching Batman a lesson was worth more than her life. A lesson he didn't even bother to learn. She died because she listened to Batman even though he never bothered to listen to her. And she died because Batman used her as a chess piece. Because he wrote her off before she'd even properly begun.
Black Mask is not Cluemaster. She refuse to ever be her father. But she's not Batman either. He never gave her the chance to be. She's something else. Something between those two extremes. Something that's fully hers. She's going to protect the people Batman's to busy to care about, and if she has to kill a few people along the way, so be it. She's not playing by his rules anymore. She never will again.
Black Mask is Batman's greatest failure. Not because she died, but because he never took the time to teach her how to live.
Stephanie is Bruce's biggest regret. Not because she died, but because he didn't care about her until she did.
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harleyification · 1 year
To follow up on my "What Happens to Tim in an Age Reversal" poll, who do you think he becomes in the future??
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teleportationmagic · 1 year
Reverse Batgirls AU.
Stephanie Brown starts out young and angry, wanting to put her father in prison. That doesn't change - but what does, is the name she picks up to do it. After all, Batman is... untouchable, he's justice he's power - what more can she want as a vigilante?
A whole lot, as it turns out. But still, she wears the name with pride, patrolling with Robin (Damian!) and Cassandra, making friends with the latter. Signal's farther afield, away in Bludhaven - still, he drops by now and again to play games of rooftop tag.
Cassandra has been doing work as a vigilante in all but name for a few years now. She ping pongs around - saving enough lives to have earned herself a reputation. A reputation strong enough to have made its way into circles that knew her father. These are the people who pick her name for her, seeing her father's legacy - Orphan is not a name she chooses. But after she settles in Gotham, after Bruce comes to her one day, telling her the meaning - she cannot bring herself to call it false.
Damian still ends up leaving for bigger things. A position is open, and Bruce doesn't think it needs filling - but Stephanie has lost one teacher, and for all that Cassandra is good at violence she is not very good at teaching it. He takes her under his wing, and eventually passes down a mantle.
Steph has her own mantle to pass down. "I don't know that I can tell you who you are - who your family is. But still - I don't think me or Bruce or Damian or anyone considers you an Orphan, not anymore. Batgirl isn't - she's not as good as Orphan is. But I wanted to give her to you anyways."
Cassandra takes the purple suit with a gentle sort of consideration. It's not the suit she wears, three weeks later - but the Bat is there, golden against the dark black. Bruce smiles when she steps out of the Batcave, shrouded in darkness except for the sign of her ideals, their ideals. Robin and Batgirl and Batman fly again, capes trailing through the darkness.
Steph gets to be Robin for a while - gets to carve out her own reputation. Her and Damian fight, and the reconcile, and fight again. It takes her a little bit longer to figure out why he's so angry, takes him a little longer to realize why she wants it so bad.
It helps, that Stephanie is two years older than Cassandra, but still its difficult for them to fight together. She still perceives her own presence as superfluous, and Cassandra still thinks it is her job to take bullets so no one else has to. They have a chat, under a dark alcove when Stephanie is bandaging her wounds, about pain, and the taking thereof. About balance. About how Robin was a superhero too.
Cassandra leaves Gotham, on occasion - she partners with Signal, Katana, and Black Lightning. She meets her mother there, for the first time. She won't know it, not until later, but they clash, fists against metal. This is the first time she dies, and she comes back to life with the worried eyes of her teammates.
She still gets shot. There's no gang war, but there is Roman Sionis with greedy hands and eyes, and five days followed by two clicks, two bangs. The hospital tells her she's lucky to still be standing. The word luck curls on her tongue, like something bitter.
Cassandra still tears through the city looking for her. But when she finds her, when she recovers, something settles into Stephane's skin - something bitter and angry. Cassandra can see it, even when she pretends at lightness, the jealousy and rage. Stephanie knows she sees it. This does not make things better.
Bruce takes the injury... badly. His hold tightens on all four of them. Damian and Steph take it with no small amount of anger - Bruce is not allowed in the Brown family home and Damian leaves for the Titans, again. Cassandra follows Duke to Bludhaven, pulling on his operations to set up her own. The end result is Duke's home being slowly invaded by a girl who becomes his sister.
This does not help Bruce - with no one to keep him steady, he spirals, paranoia whispering into one ear and rage into another. Tim still comes out of the woodwork, with memories of the way a dark haired kid twisted out of the hold of a particularly pushy partyguest (followed by a silent swordfight through a different hallway) inspiring a half-decades worth of trying to scratch an itch, before coming across the perfect answer.
Cassandra still leaves for answers. Bit by bit, it becomes unignorable - Shiva is her mother, undoubtedly. She limps back to Duke's home to share it between shaking sobs, and stories about all the dead men she left in the snow. He tells her in return about his father - biological and not. And he's angry on her behalf, she can see that - but still, there is warmth for her here. There is always warmth for her here. Even when she leaves burn marks on the ceiling and takes up the bathroom for hours at a time, even on those rare days where he seems so tired and she cannot do anything right - still, she has a place here. Their twin gold and black suits become fixtures of the Bludhaven skylines.
It's across the dinner table that Steph realizes she might be able to get back into the game. Her father is loud, boisterous, after leaving prison. He doesn't think she can do anything about it.
She can.
After the first time, its tempting to try a second, third. Rolling into bars with a licence that gives her a few more years, chatting up men who have lips too loose. Other times, she calls up wives, asks about schedules for a date nights or when their kids will need daycare, mapping out plans and places. In the beginning she sent these files to the GCPD, for all the good they'd do. Later, she gives them to Damian, a stack of neatly arranged notes and observations that he pours through with all the seriousness of a monk. There's something important in the first time she calls up Cass and asks her to follow up on a lead. She comes by her home later, with a hello and a fruit tart.
When she asks her what she calls herself in the field, Stephanie shrugs. She keeps a lot of different names - her own amongst them.
"The GCPD asked." Cassandra had said, one cold night. "You - you do the same thing now. That we did before. Differently, not like Robin, but still like one of us." There's a heavy pause that lingers for a moment, dull and heaving. "You should have a name."
And it might be silly, might be stupid, but Steph's been doing this long enough and seen enough plans fall apart because of the way that small details, when brought into the light, can bring a whole structure tumbling down. Spoiler is born, with a purple mask over dark fabric. It's a ceremonial thing, she'll admit, but it's the principal of the matter yanno?
Part 2 (ft. Babs) coming later. This is very much long enough.
Duke: He starts vigilanting at 16, but as he hits his 19-20s he wants to put a little bit more distance between himself and Bruce - wants to prove himself as an individual who can bring to bear his own stregnths. His mother recovers, but his dad never really does - there's a heavy sense of grief, associating with him. They love his father, together, but while his mother does her own mourning he can't help but think it's premature. He's 20 when Batgirl comes around, and 23 when he agrees, tentatively, to work with Bruce on the outsiders.
Damian: Starts at 12, and is 16 once Batgirl starts. He's much more secure in his place, ironically, but Batman and Robin is a much lonlier job than it is in a sideways reality. Duke brings some light to the job, but once he starts trying to make his own way, things grow... quiet. And while the Titans are together for the purpose of combining their shared competencies for the sake of missions, Garth, he cannot deny that his time with them eases something in him that he didn't know was aching. After he turns 18 - after it seems all his time with Robin was actually Bruce's, after years of chafing under a heavy-handing authority he's not certain he still respects, he finally decides to create something new. Nightwing is born, from a Kryptonian legend, and he leaves Robin behind to become this new thing.
Steph starts Batgirl at twelve, and is Robin halfway through fourteen. She keeps it for two years, before it falls apart at 16. Spoiler is born a year later, when she's seventeen and looks nonthreatening, but can be the exact opposite.
Cass: Starts doing vigilante work... very young. By the time she's caught up with the Bats, she's ten and experienced, and its only a few more months before Steph joins them. She takes up Batgirl at twelve, and keeps it all the way through to twenty-one, when it finally comes time to pass it down again, to evolve into something new.
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hauntingblue · 25 days
This volume is called ace's introduction. Nothing more to say.
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"You hire comedians here?" He is so funny....
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Who's gonna tell him..... He literally will never get a break
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Ace being so proud of Luffy not accepting to join and being a little shit... Also right here is where I got ROBBED of my acesan content.... Also he does fight whitebeard... In marineford... GOD!!!!!
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You cannot see me but I am on the floor on my knees and I am crying and sobbing and hitting my chest asking the gods to spare him
#ace's knife is so big for no reason. and he hasn't used it once. major tragedy#im just staring at the page when he wakes up at this point. enjoying myself very much thank youu#ace no ototo...... yeaaaaaah#ace telling smoker to calm down man... he was eating bc he had the munchies...#i forgot ace asks luffy to join whitebeard omg....#WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE LEAVES RIGHT NOW??? I AM GOING TO CRY!!! LUFFY ASKING HIM TO STAY A BIT LONGER BC THEY HAVENT SEEN EACHOTHER IN A WHILE#NOOOOOO#i am crying. what do you mean he leaves now..... no sanji homo moment.... no wandering thru the desert... they literally dont see each othe#until ace fucking dies. should we all kill ourselves......... that is so vile#now i am sad....now what.....#goodbye my beautiful wife............ AAAARGGGHHHH#i am writing this down so i dont forget.... it rains in alubarna just bcuz and crocodile made it look like the king was using dance powder#since then the climate in arabasta has changed bc of crocodile i am assuming who dries up the place... and elumalu has dried up#bc the river hasnt been as strong and the city has fed off it#vivi making friends with khoza by fighting and luffy gettint it thru her head that she needs to let her friends help her by fighting is so.#like yeah yeah he knew.... he is an empath... he knows she is insane in the head... she needs to rumble...#vivi not wanting people to die for her.... understandable but necessary maybe when you are a princess akdhaksjsk#you know kohza being leader of the rebellion is good bc you know he does it bc he loves his country... and if that means doubting the king#then so be it.... like thats a good backstory and motivation for a character bc god knows how rebellion leaders are portrayed usually 💀#also just realised there is no ace lighting sanjis cigarette scene in the manga.... critical hit. devastating loss#it's like an angel lost its wings#is there a reversal in roles with vivi not wanting anybody to die in a war in arabasta and luffy going to marineford to save ace???#like i can barely see it#if luffy and vivi dont fight in the la i am killing someone btw. like idk why they are so adverse to fighting. HIT WOMEN AND CHILDREN!!!#the ace lighting up sanji scene didnt happen but the zoro calling sanji prince is from the manga... oda has his favorites....#'what does vip mean?' smash cut to tem behind bars akdhaksjaosk#not showing robin's powers until she uses them to lie to pell and then you can see how she lied.... chefs kiss...#mr prince in action... and crocodile ignoring robin telling him to leave mr prince alone.... she gives good advice but alas#talking tag#reading one piece
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the-booty-crusader · 1 month
I think I finally realized why I don’t like a lot of the Reverse Robins “Tim becomes the Red Hood and attacks Jason” storylines… because at least when Jason was Red Hood, he was also under the impression Tim was a rich snobby brat who had everything handed to him on a silver platter, including yet another extremely rich, loving family, regardless of how accurate those ideas were.
But when Tim’s Red Hood he’s really just punching down at a poor kid Bruce took in. Tim as Robin AT LEAST had his home to go back to, where he had all of his basic needs taken care of, while Jason would either end up back on the street or in the foster system.
So honestly, “Red Hood Tim” to me just comes across as a real spoiled brat. I want to see more original ideas on how he does things! (Like one where he hacked into Arkham and went out of his way to start killing rogues which?? jason get your ass in gear and do that in canon u wuss)
Anyways, alternative thoughts welcome!!
Also at some point I should continue working on a Reverse Robins fic where Tim got taken by the Court of Owls and experimented on & he stole Dickie from there too… we’ll see
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oifaaa · 4 months
I absolutely love your reverse batkids au, I can't stop thinking about it. I love how you keep their base stories the same while also changing it to fit with the timeline.
I do have a queston: what are their code names? Does Damian keep Shadow, or does he pass it down? Tim can't really be Red Robin, if Robin doesn't exist yet, so what would he choose?
Also, I kinda want to write a fic based on the au. Would you be okay with that?
It's listed on my master post but I dont mind repeating myself the kids current codenames are
Duke: Signal
Cass: Batgirl
Steph: Spoiler
Tim: Rumour
Jason: ??????
Dick: Robin
The only two names that have been passed around a wee bit are spoiler and batgirl, as for fanfic I love when people write fanfic based on my aus just credit me when you do
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lampiridaes · 3 months
♬ now playing: "dating them"
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-> a day in the life of having a famous lover, basically
chars. jing yuan , robin
notes. waaahhhh first hsr work !!! hoping the chars aren't like. really badly written :') i did my best considering jy and robin are my #1 favs atm !!! (also aventurine and boothill hehehe) maybe i will open reqs for hsr !?!!?!? WHO KNOWSSSSS
contains. possibly ooc chars (?), mentions of sitting on their laps (not suggestive), reader and jy live together, robin's was written w/ a fem!reader in mind.
★ track one: jing yuan
... how did you pull the arbiter-general of the xianzhou luofu?
in all seriousness, jing yuan is a romantic lover, showing you affection in the most sweetest ways. kissing your knuckles goodbye as he leaves for work for the day, holding you closely at night like you'll disappear if he lets go...
that doesn't mean he won't tease you at times, however. just because he adores you doesn't mean you're not off the hook.
maybe a quick peck on the lips when you visit him in the seat of divine foresight, maybe even sitting on his lap while he works... he needs the motivation, you know?
... and yet, he still falls asleep while doing paperwork or (unimportant) meetings. there's a reason why he owns that hologram.
of course, that's just him while he's working; when he's the general of the cloud knights.
by that, i mean he's worse in private. he might as well just glue himself to you.
mornings are always gentle with jing yuan. mumbling a soft 'good morning', to each other, giving each other a little peck wherever you please, and also brushing out his hair.
... you were stunned when a bird—a finch—came out so suddenly the first time. now, you've pretty much grown desensitized to it, greeting the bird(s) a good morning as well.
it's similar to your night routine, too. except it's simply in reverse. brushing his hair out after that tiresome workday, kissing each other goodnight, then sleeping once more.
jing yuan has a busy schedule; you knew that, but he also tries his best to make time for you. those days when he arrives back early to your shared abode are the best, eating dinner together, talking about each other's day... it's moments like that that are filled with the most love.
★ track two: robin
robin strikes me as the kind of girl who would call you 'honey' and 'sweetheart', it seems like her.
such a cutie whenever she's too tired after performing for hours! robin goes on tour quite often, which means hours upon hours of practice, applying make-up, wearing stage outfits... so, who does she come to after all of that? you, naturally!
genuinely so sweet when you help her get ready for bed. gently removing her make-up, washing her hair, picking out matching pajamas with her (of course, you look away as she changes), and then relaxing in each other's arms.
... you are the big spoon, if that wasn't clear enough. that's only when robin is in her 'exhausted pitiful girlfriend that desperately needs her beloved's attention and affection' mode, though.
robin really loves whenever you do her make-up, or you let her do yours! sitting on the other's lap, their hands on your own... it's very intimate and adorable, and you find that it helped both of you grow closer.
gets really excited when she sees you in the crowd while performing—it's like a confidence boost for her. robin has to up her game if her sweetheart is watching, no?
also, remember to compliment her afterward. her wings tend to flutter about when she gets shy or starts blushing, so taking advantage of that fact? you've got a very adorable robin in your hands, suddenly.
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nicomoon69 · 6 months
if I were to make a reverse robins AU I want to make Red Hood Tim actually be worse than Jason (imo)
worse because Tim as Red Hood doesn’t kill, he just maims his victims so badly that they’re alive but barely recognizable. Tim thinks death is a blessing, an easy way out and that’s why he doesn’t do it
it’s also a way for him to be like “erm actually I’ve never killed someone” to Bruce (if it’s to Damian there’s the added “which is something you can’t say”)
there’s also a lot less pretending that this isn’t just an elaborate away of getting revenge and saying fuck you to Bruce
ALSO also Tim’s attitude towards Jason being Robin would be different imo (but I ain’t getting into allat rn)
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himejoshiangels · 1 month
Duke Thomas fic rec list
I've scowered every tag relating to him, combed thru the 'duke centric tag' at least 8 times, this is what ive come back with, at least my personal faves
necessary reminders - duke pov, outsider pov, and some social media following duke as he gets used to his day job as a vigilante. flows really well, has a good balance of sad and happy, and gets dukes character rlly well
that which you cannot bear - THIS FIC WILL BREAK YYOU duke is kidnapped and its only down from there!! this is like, one of the first duke fics I read and it's still labeled as such in my mind. its well based, sooo cohesive plot wise, and stays completely in character w all its characters, especially duke, while exploring such an interesting facet of him > his tendency to self-isolate, insistence on being independent, and his stubbornness. sooo much good angst just incredible stuff while also staying hopeful and grounded. ALSO duke is an intelligent badass throughout the fic which is an important detail 2 me
signal, n. a divine act - same author as the last one, absolutely insane concepts are explored and its just so well written srsly it's like poetry. digs into some of dukes ideologies so well. if u like holy imagery??? kind of but not rlly?? ig you'll love this
this whole series is just so fucking incredible but something about my bodies made of crushed little stars I don't fucking know it messed w my brain chemistry, I've recced it b 4 bcs it made me cry but read the whole series, it's all duke centric and just so good. Saki writes bruce and duke in a way that fizzes u up w emotion and focuses on such unique facets of dukes character/dynamics and sleep well my little sunshine is soo cute and fun and soft >when earth finds the stars - bonus presignal duke and jason fic, balances being incredibly fun with a realistic zoom in on duke before we are robin. he's quippy and witty and always at the edge of his rope
not mutually exclusive - tired of bruce being kinda shoved into the role of dukes capital F father when that's not quite what their dynamic is? Then this is the fic for you!! Just good duke and Bruce interactions overall, it's sad and hilarious with just incredible dialogue and peak Bruce and Duke interactions
signals and symptoms - a classic sickfic and like one of my fave bruce bonding fic ever ever EVERRR!! really introspective abt dukes character and just so well done
even exchanges - some of u are gonna hate me for reccing an incomplete fic and esp one that doesn't look like it's gonna be finished anytime soon but even exchanges is so formative to my duke characterizationalong with portraying such a fascinating dynamic w him and his new family. it delves into his messy and angsty experiences pre-becoming the signal and is overall written like several subsequent punches to the stomach. promise ur gonna bitch and moan about this fic as much as I do
scientific method - extremely cute fic, watch Duke bond w the bats and slowly get more comfortable with them over time as they all tru to figure out what the fuck this guys powers are. Really fun dynamic wise, the dialogue is crafty and captures the familiarity between the characters. Really realistic about day to day vigilante life and how genius the bats truly are. really slice of life fluffy shit w some bonus sciencey stuff
turn my voice human torch remind people what I’m fantastic for - truly a classic, Duke invites cass to slam poetry night. short n sweet I LOVE BUMBLEBATS RAHHHHHH
tradition - pure duke n bruce ice cream fluff
meal prep - real sad angst one shot ft. alfred
occupational health and safety violations - duke pov reverse robins but it's way out of order
write about flowers (at a time like this) - duke and dick fic where they meet pre we are robin. yes I just found this one yesterday yes I'm absolutely obsessed. it characterizes him so well and understands his thought process and motives and UGHH just tune in yall
sidequest: the viper pit - WE ARE ROBIN DND JUMANJI
signals of fear and hope - duke centric reverse robins, caters TTOME specifically it's so fire
and now here are fics that arent duke centric but he's in it and in character/well written and now forced into the back of the room aka some of my general faves that feature duke
gotham aviary - the batman fic where he just adopts a bunch of em truly adorable like the cutest thing you'll read
I walk the streets at night (with monsters in my mind) - dragon fic, absolutely goated 10/10
fight, flight - cass centric but duke plays a big role, they mean everything to me
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Me, trying to figure out my Reverse!Robins’ Teen Titans teams, digging through wikis and seeing anything described as “ambiguous” or “never given in canon”:
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