#but reminding me in this way isn't going to like. speed the process up
curio-queries · 2 days
I saw Jungkook's documentary this weekend and have just a few thoughts. If you're avoiding spoilers, don't click the cut!
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The Hybe Documentary Format
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So...as a reminder to you all, I do not have professional expertise in the film industry. I'm just a very discerning consumer. I also haven't seen Hobi's documentary and I watched Road to D-Day while I was quite ill last year so I only vaguely remember some bits. (I'll definitely be getting back to those sooner rather than later though as research for a series of posts I'm developing.) That being said, I think we have enough data points to state that Hybe has absolutely no interest in filmmaking techniques outside of music videos.
I did mostly enjoy my experience seeing this film yesterday and I'm always grateful for any amount of footage the members are willing to share with us but this 'documentary ' was worse than Jimin's Production Diary. Any of you that managed to make it through my rambling review will know how dissatisfied I was with that.
I Am Still is not a documentary, it's a mixture of showcase footage and behind-the-scenes clips, most of which has already been divulged in the various episodes and shooting sketches on YouTube. Honestly, if you're not able to see the film, just go rewatch all of the bangtantv content for JKs solo period and the showcase and you'll be up to speed with 85% of what was in the documentary.
There are definitely some expansions to the storylines featured in the bangtantv content; mostly being anything that wasn't overtly optimistic. For example, we learn a little bit more about just how sick JK was during the Seven/3D promotions. That content likely was pulled from the bangtantv edit because it would have put a damper on the promotions and given certain 'fans' a focus to fixate their vitriol. But overall, it feels more like an extended version of existing content rather than a new work. At least JPD didn't continually feed us footage we'd seen before.
I'm someone who gets completely bothered by previews spoiling content so I didn't watch any of the promos until after I saw it and I am so glad I skipped them because most of the 'original' scenes of the film were featured in least one of them. Alas, that's a separate issue of which I'm definitely in the minority.
Was There No Structure?
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Kinda. Like JPD, there is a semblance of a structure: Attempting to follow the chronology of release activities for JKs GOLDEN album through the lens of JKs staement trying to prove that he is still worthy of everything he was being hailed as during the BTS group activities but I don't feel this was successfully executed. It jumps round enough and isn't very successful in explaining the events if you didn't already know about them. The film starts with the SEVEN performance at GMA and footage that we've already seen of JK recording SEVEN, not mentioning anything about the music video or really how JK got involved with the song in the first place. The rest of the story beats have similar missing points.
They have a vague narrative with the 'I Am Still' points but that's mostly carried by subs and a couple of moments that JK mentions himself. I'm not saying it's not true or wasn't top-of-mind for JK during this process but it's not the main point of many of the moment/messages he shared with us during this time period so it feels a little disingenuous since everything else jn this film really only makes sense if you've already seen quite a lot of behind-the-scenes content.
Honestly, it makes me question the intended audience. Obviously, they know that ARMY will shell out whatever we need to when there's new content from our members but most of us will have already seen all of the bangtantv content so we are already familiar with the most of the footage in this film. I genuinely don't think this was produced in such a way to be palatable for audiences not familiar with BTS so who does that leave? Our friends and family that are peripherally aware of the content but haven't learned the basics of JKs album? ARMY with short term memories only?
But again, it seems this film was compiled by an editing team and not lead by a director with experience in crafting a documentary. The only new footage that Ican guarantee was captured with the express purpose of being included in this film was the few clips of JK talking in the practice room with the albums displayed by him. But we all know that's where all of the promo clips were gathered as well. I have issues with that approach as well but I'll leave this point alone for now unless anyone is interested.
Suffice it to say, all of these suppositions over the past year about how JKs documentary was getting special treatment or even questioning about investment in a project up front are dead. This was a product assembled with bits of what they already had completely in-house which was sold for distribution.
So, Did We Learn NOTHING?
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No, there are a few Golden nuggets (see what I did there?). I can't recall everything having only seen it once (and having a rather disruptive audience - I swear there were only dozen or so ppl in my theater but I forget how obnoxious teenagers can be. I'm glad they're enjoying and supporting but we really didn't need light sticks flashing during a film and how many times does one person need to get up to answer their phone during this runtime? Three according to the row in front of mine.)
Anyway, something I thought was interesting to learn was that Standing Next To You was initially recorded the day after JK heard it for the first time. And hearing a little more about how JK yearned to perform that song definitelygot me thinking a little more about it. We can't reach any conclusions just with this little nugget but it does open the door to some theories. Like perhaps they were initially planning to have JK record two separate albums? SEVEN and 3D would be the singles of the first and JK would perform them as we saw but perhaps STNY was originally planned to be the single of the 2nd album that would release while he was in the military and thus be unable to perform it? Maybe JK loved STNY so much that everything was grouped into one album and Never Let Go was the only track held back for ms? Definitely some theorizing space to be had now.
Final thoughts?
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Similar to my thoughts on the GCF: Budapest (which I feel would have had a much better reception if it had been labeled as a bangtan episode rather than a GCF), I AM Still should not have purported to be a documentary. It was much more similar to the annual Memories compilations. But the general public would not have shelled out the $25 to go to a theater to watch a Memories DVD so alas, we have our content packaged as a ~documentary~...
Did my view on the music change at all? Not because of the documentary. We're coming up on the year anniversary of GOLDEN and it's still definitely not my favorite. I completely understand why some people like it but it's just not to my taste. The overall impact falls a little flat for me. Too much breadth and not enough depth. I came into my musical soul during the 00s emo phase and will always be a sucker for music that absolutely drips in an emotional way rather than catchy songs vaguely referencing heartache and love. Again, just a matter of viewpoint.
I do think most of these songs stand much better being shuffled amongst other artists in a Playlist and several of them are significantly better when JK sang them live but I still won't be listening to them regularly. I wholeheartedly believe JK completed his task of proving himself as an extremely dedicated and versatile singer and performer. He's definitely got some solid points added to his resume after this project.
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vellichorom · 2 months
1) do you sometimes answer non-anonymous questions?
2) are you pleased to see art from other subscribers:3?
and is it difficult to view all the people who mentioned you?
and sometimes some wait about a month.. :|
yeah hey, i'm sorry i take awhile to get back to people / reblog fanart but please don't do this
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crustyfloor · 29 days
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A new pop-up store dropped for ALIEN STAGE's 2nd anniversary and wow. It's so sick.
It's Interesting what exactly these experiments are focusing on and monitoring.
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Instrument practice
I found it interesting earlier that Till was so tame, more so than he usually is when he's going through experiments, but music, and making music is what he loves doing, So he was fully in his element here. This was probably the only thing he was made to do by the aliens that he at least tolerated.
(Additionally, judging by his collar (orange), he was at least calm. maybe he just isn't fazed anymore.)
//Side note, that head contraption looks familiar BUT this most likely isn't related at least i hope
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(It puts me at ease, at least..)
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Dance practice
This surprised me, but I suppose Mizi needed more skills.
She looks very startled here, and nervous(?) +It looks like she's doing this while singing. And with that face covering I assume this was a test monitoring her dance balance, precision, etc. At first, I did think it was odd, "Why would Shine put her through that" But alas I was reminded that even though Mizi is the flower of the group she was never untouchable, to Shine, this was the equivalent of teaching your dog to sit and stay.
(seeing this it reminded me of those scenes in movies where the people are dancing, and the music gets faster and faster until they fall. I wonder if she was doing through something similar to that)
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Singing practice (?)
Similar to Till she also looks quite calm outwardly, if the machine around her neck is an iteration of the collars they have, then this process wasn't something she liked, or given how intense this experiment looks, this was a test of high-pressure to ensure she always stayed calm during performances (?). Then again this could also be a posture practice given all the structure focused on maintaining her position.
(What I believe was another form of this test was shown before so I think so)
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(With her hands in a praying stance I wonder if she was praying to herself or singing a religious song (sweet dream?) It's also interesting that the machinery around her looks like a halo, and she looks so...angelic? holy?)
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Image making practice
By image making, I think they made Ivan replicate expressions with his face. Whether this process was painful for him or not...I'm not sure. But it looked visibly uncomfortable, maybe that was the point. (His expression, even in this circumstance is so dubious..)
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Ivan, among other things, needed to have a spotless appearance to be successful, his image was a priority given his skills were certainly guaranteed.
I assume the aliens eventually took note of his lack of expression, in the real world this can be a detriment to one's career, so the Aliens had to ensure quality was perfect. (To a more...dedicated level)
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Superiority test
'Superiority test' Is very vague.
HyunA is very calm here too, likely sedated in that water with all the tablets on her. I guess this was a test to get an idea of a pet human's strengths and weaknesses, endurance, and temperament to compare and contrast them with others, testing who is more viable for Alien stage?
Another interesting, and sad part about this is that HyunWoo was there, watching his sister through her experiments.
(Also, it looks like both of her legs are normal, no alien leg yet.)
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Heart rate variability
And finally, the most visceral of them all. The wording 'variability' makes this all the more sickening, the Aliens were testing his heart hours, testing it at different rates, speeds, and states. And he was in agony the entire time. Even the way he's clutching his chest, it gives me chills. This would've been a completely harmless test in a normal setting, as something quite similar to this can be performed efficiently in real life. But he's being tortured in the process.
This is one of the first times we've ever seen Luka's face so truly clear and unprotected, (understandably so.) He's even crying.
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ozzgin · 1 year
[Baki Masterlist]
Yandere! Pickle x Reader
"Was that Hanayama on the phone?" you inquire slightly distracted. "What did he want?"
"I'll explain more on the way, (Y/N). I know it's a bit sudden, but we should hurry."
Baki grabs your wrist with gentle confidence and begins to sprint lightly, allowing you to match his pace.
"What the hell? Did something happen?" you increase your speed without complaints, though you'd like to know why you just started running like a madman.
"Remember that caveman we saw on TV?"
"Pickle? Yeah, how is that-" your mouth hangs open for a few more seconds as you process the information, and as everything finally clicks into place you furrow your brows at the young boy. He quickly turns his head to glance at you and flashes an apologetic smile.
"I just wanted to see him with my own eyes. Aren't you curious, too?"
You press your lips together and just look ahead. When Baki is like this, there's no point in arguing. The two of you have developed this dynamic of a little brother looking for trouble and the older sibling going along with it, too softened by their affection to say no.
You assume you've reached your destination when a large group of men are standing close together, observing something in frightened silence. You push past them and notice Hanayama, standing casually in front of the large man that's been making the headlines for the past days. Your eyes trace the heavy dents and cracks left in the asphalt, somewhat regretful for missing the event that caused them.
Pickle turns around, following Hanayama's gaze. Among the terrified expressions there's a small boy grinning with excitement. Next to him is an even smaller human who immediately reminds Pickle of the woman that had approached him upon his arrival. His eyes widen as he takes in the soft features and smooth frame. The tiny human returns the stare, although with detached indifference. Pickle can feel his heart throbbing loudly in his chest. He doesn't sense any fear and that entrances him greatly.
"Hey, come on, don't be like that." Baki snaps him back to reality. "I've been looking forward to seeing you, you know? I wanted to meet you so badly! When I heard you escaped, I asked Hanayama to keep an eye out for me."
Pickle extends his fist, seemingly unimpressed by the monologue, and Baki doesn't hesitate to return the gesture. Within seconds Baki finds himself flipped upside down, but he quickly readjusts himself and lands safely, struck with amazement.
"Isn't that aikido?!" you gasp in disbelief, sharing Baki's reaction. Pickle immediately picks up on the fact that you've observed him and a satisfied smile appears on his face. Were you impressed by his newly acquired skills? Whatever bizarre techniques these humans were throwing at him weren't hard to decipher nor reproduce.
Pickle's musings are interrupted by a strong kick to the face. Baki barely manages to contain himself. He's panting and sweating with feverish anticipation.
Before Pickle can react, the tiny human swings her arm and whacks the boy behind his head.
"Oi! What's the matter with you? This is the kind of face you make when seeing your girlfriend, not some random museum exhibit. Tone it down or I'll let Kozue know what kind of pervert she's dating!"
"It's not like that!" Baki rubs his freshly earned wound in embarrassment. "And you didn't have to hit me that hard. You're going to scare Pickle off."
The large prehistoric man watches the exchange. He doesn't understand what they're saying, but the body language indicates that they're close. Are they mates? He becomes slightly irritated at the thought. He wants to know the pretty looking human better, but it now seems there's an obstacle in the way. He'll take care of it.
Pickle starts walking away, guiding his new friends down the busy streets of Tokyo until they reach the underground arena. Despite Tokugawa's anger upon finding the escape artist, you whistle in admiration. You wish you had this kind of spatial orientation.
"So, what is it you want to do now that you've brought us here?" Baki is the first one to break the silence.
"Baki, isn't it obvious what you're gonna do here? You know what's done here, don't you? He's picking a fight with you!" Tokugawa exclaims, the scolding attitude from a moment ago long forgotten.
The light above you is abruptly dimmed and you look up to see that Pickle is somehow standing inches away, towering over with a wide grin. How did it bypass your attention? Tokugawa lets out a yell of surprise; Hanayama and Baki immediately switch to a defensive stance. They didn't expect this.
"W-what is he doing?" the old man mumbles in fear.
Pickle places a heavy hand on your head and ruffles your hair lightly. You stare in confusion, unsure how to react. He bends over for a brief moment and inhales in rapid intervals, as if inspecting your scent. Once satisfied, he growls at you - perhaps in an attempt to communicate - and turns back to Baki.
"Is it possible he likes (Y/N)?" Hanayama hums, weighing his thoughts.
"In that case, maybe he sees Baki as his rival?" Tokugawa points out.
"Hmmm. Then it should make this fight even more entertaining." Hanayama continues.
"I'm in the room, you know? You're talking as if I'm some meat on display." you groan in annoyance.
"Sorry, sorry, (Y/N). We'll clear things up with Pickle after this, alright? Until then let me have my fun, please~" he pouts and looks at you with pleading eyes.
The large man grinds his teeth in anger as he's witnessing this clear display of disrespect. He's just announced his intentions to claim you, and this human half his size is mocking him in plain sight. He'll make sure he never gets up again. With a thrust, he lands his foot on Baki's chest and sends him flying into the public seating. The poor young boy gasps for air and passes out almost instantly.
Pickle begins to approach him in heavy, menacing steps. Hanayama raises his arms in his signature stance, pondering whether or not to interfere in someone else's fight. You don't share his battle etiquette and plant yourself in the path of the Jurassic man.
"That's enough. You've won." you claim in a low, assertive demand.
Pickle puckers his lips in surprise and curiosity. His eyebrows are raised and he stops to consider. Are you trying to protect your mate? Do you not understand how these things work? He's stronger and therefore entitled to his prize. Why wouldn't you want a partner that's more capable of protecting you, anyways? It makes no sense.
He gently presses your shoulder in an attempt to move you out of the way, but it doesn't seem to do much. He increases the force to the point he can feel your arm muscles contracting and flexing, though you still don't budge. His mouth opens slightly and he lets out an inquiring growl.
Looking into your eyes, he catches a glimpse of the same determination he saw in the man he fought recently. A smile widens on his face, revealing his polished fangs. To think that such a small body is holding so much tenacity. He's very proud of himself for finding a fitting partner.
You haven't attacked him so far, so he guesses you've reached a similar conclusion. You're probably asking him to let the feeble human live with his loss. He can, of course, show this courtesy for your sake. He lifts you by the waist and holds you above his head. He can finally take his time admiring your features. He wants to etch them into his memory, down to the finest detail.
"Well...that stopped him at least." Tokugawa comments with his arms folded, standing awkwardly before the bizarre scene.
"I doubt he'll harm (Y/N), so let's get Baki out of here." Hanayama climbs up the stairs towards the unconscious boy. "Can we leave you alone with Pickle for now, (Y/N)? I'm sorry for putting you into this situation."
"I should manage", you sigh in defeat. Once again you're left to deal with the mess. You pat Pickle's head in an attempt to secure your safety even further. The large man is elated and lets out some high pitched sounds that reverberate across the arena. He even dares to wonder if his awakening was something meant in order to meet you. That's how he feels right now, at least. A fateful encounter with his lifelong companion, regardless of where this strange new life might take him.
"Ooh, Professor Payne won't be happy about this..." Tokugawa laments, following Hanayama.
"I'm glad you're finally done with your Jurassic adventure", you tell Baki as both of you stroll through the city.
"I'm a bit salty I didn't win, though." He slouches dramatically and you laugh at his theatrics.
"You're never satisfied with anything. You should be grateful you didn't end up like Retsu, Katsumi or Jack." you place your index in front of his face, pretending to lecture him.
"By the way, did you see the latest news? They want to put Pickle back to sleep. What will you do?"
"Me? What business do I have with it? I had him attached to my hip this whole time, I can finally catch my breath."
"It was your one and only chance to have a boyfriend!" Baki teases you with a wink. "Poor Pickle is probably going mad looking for you now. Don't you want to at least say goodbye?"
"If I go say goodbye I won't leave again, so no thank you."
You slow down as you reach the intersection. This is where you usually part ways, so your conversation has come to an end.
"Well, it was nice hanging out with you. I'll see you around." the boy waves as he continues to the left. You check the time on your phone and stretch with a yawn. You can't wait to have a proper sleep.
You arrive at your apartment and fumble with your pockets to find the keys. When you glance at the lock, you notice a massive shadow looming over the entire wall. You step back instinctively and realize that whatever is creating the shadow currently stands behind you. Two arms sprawl out and twist around your body. You're overwhelmed by a now familiar smell.
Pickle rests his head on yours and closes his eyes. Oh, the absolute terror he went through when he realized you were no longer with him! The helplessness of not being to communicate this disaster to the confused humans in white coats, staring at him without the slightest idea. How did not a single one of them comprehend that his partner vanished? He'd trashed the place over in a blind rage and turned the city upside down in his desperate search. He never felt so vulnerable and naked and weak. Thankfully, he knows your scent so well that the smallest hint of it can get him running.  
But alas, you're here now in his arms and he vows to never lose you again. He doesn't know where he is or what this reality means, but he has one certainty he can cling onto. That you're all his, until time freezes over again.
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withlove-angel · 1 year
⚠️warnings: im terrible at writing fights... sorry in advance .Probably grammar mistakes.
Lost puppy
(Zoro x reader x mihawk)
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Luffy finished up the meeting with the crew and began to prepare himself for bed. It was pretty late at night by now and he was feeling a bit sleepy. However, as he was about to enter his room, he noticed that y/n was nowhere to be found and he couldn't help but feel a bit concerned. He decided to ask someone else where she might be.
He founded Zoro walking on the deck
"Hmm, Zoro? Have you seen y/n around? She is with you?"
Zoro looks over at him and shakes his head "She isn't here? I haven't seen her since dinner..." he sound worried
"Could you help me find her? I fear that she might be doing something fun without us"
Zoro nods "she probably causing someone headache" they leave the ship to go look for their little trouble maker, making their way outside.
"I heard screams earlier... did you guys fought?" Luffy ask curious, really because y/n is amost glued at zoro...
"She said i wasn't holding my sword properly" he say as it was some ultimate crime "she doesn't even fights with swords"
"We haven't seen her since dinner and she hasn't come back to the room yet. I wonder what she could be up to? Maybe she found a really good bar... man im so hungry"
"When you not hungry?"
"When im eating"
"Yeah... sure... but, the fact that she isn't back yet is what concerns me. I really hope she isn't about to do something reckless. She is a little unpredictable when she is upset."
They start to walk in the beach, soon spotted y/n but she isn't alone seems like she is screaming at someone...then they look closer its mihawk, the greatest swordsman.
Zoro stops and stares in shock as he sees Mihawk standing in front of her. He can only imagine the scene taking place with y/n arguing with Mihawk. He just knows that this will only end in disaster as it's essentially a fight between two people who hold a lot of pride and ego. He turns to Luffy and speaks up as he points out Mihawk to her
...Did Mihawk just show up out of nowhere? Did I miss something? He seems genuinely confused as to what they could've possibly even found to argue about."looks like he is on the same island than we...." luffy say as much as surprise then he is.
Zoro nods slowly as he processes this new development. He takes a moment to think before speaking up.
"...We have to be extremely careful. We don't want to antagonize Mihawk any further. The last thing we need is to start a new conflict. Especially when i don't have the strength to take on another fight, yet...."
" So what is the argument about? Did y/n do something to Mihawk to make him upset?"
Luffy has extremely curious as zoro pinched his nose bridge and sigh
"This stupid woman..."
After a moment of weid silence luffy speaks up "I think it's too late to prevent another fight"
Zoro shifts his attention to y/n and Mihawk he can see she is blocking his attack using just her dagger... she blocked as warlord claymore attack with just a dagger... He is utterly shocked by her speed and reflexes when she blocks Mihawk's attack with just a dagger. It seems as though she's gone far beyond what he expected from the little y/n. Then, he is reminded of reality when he sees Mihawk's face begin to show annoyance. Mihawk is shocked for a split second by her ability, but then he quickly recovers from his shock; his expression turning to a scowl as he speaks up in a soft, yet intimidating tone
"...You can wield Haki now, young lady? When did you develop this power?"
The girl infront of him just smiles "you dont know me pretty boy... if you think I will come with you just so you can get me to the marines you better fuck off"
Zoro watches as y/n's mocking words set Mihawk off once again. Mihawk's scowl darkens and he looks even more irritated now. He speaks up again with his trademark calm tone, trying to be clear and precise
"I see. So you also wield Haki. But even with that, you could never defeat me in a fight. You're too young and too weak. Your Haki is nothing more than a parlor trick that could never take me down. You're just being arrogant and it's about time that someone taught you a lesson."
it's a dare? she must be crazy... her devil smile... the one she used when she kill someone... fuck...
Zoro is shocked by her response as he raises an eyebrow at Mihawk's reaction as well. He's clearly taken aback by her words, but she stands her ground. She is willing to fight Mihawk if necessary. Mihawk raises an eyebrow as he seems intrigued by her audacity. His scowl quickly turns into a smile. He unsheathes his blade "...Very well then. If you insist on having a taste of death, I suppose there's no need to stop you from experiencing the truth about the world first-hand." He lifts his sword a d try an hit, experimental hit, that she effortless block with her dagger...
" I didn't even needed my sword to block? Isn't a shame?" Her mocking tone strt to get under his skin. He seems surprised that she was able to block. He seems even more surprised that it was effortless on her part. Mihawk is clearly impressed by y/nl's abilities, and he speaks up after his attack. He seems almost excited at the prospect of a real fight.
"...Interesting. Your Haki is much stronger than I had anticipated. You may have a chance against me after all. This will be a very fun battle indeed. Prepare yourself."
He raises that same smile once more before he begins to strike again, She blocked all of his attacks "having fun?"
Zoro watches as Mihawk continues to challenge y/n, but she is able to stop Mihawk's attacks effortlessly with nothing more than her dagger.
He notices Mihawk's smile once again. Y/n's Haki seems powerful and is causing himto be excited by the prospects of a fight between them. Mihawk raises an eyebrow and then smiles again at her response. He seems intrigued by her Haki and ability to fight.
"Your Haki truly has the makings of a strong warrior. I must see more of it!" For thos one his curiosity picked, he gives her a littlestronger attacks, the one he use to easily defeathis enemies but... she back away slightly but still can block it... her hair dancing with the wind from the blades shocking. He charges forward with his strongest attack yet, but once again, y/n is able to block him using her dagger. Mihawk takes a step back and smiles again.
" ...You can defend, but can you attack just as strong?" He charges forward again, this time with a flurry of attacks coming from his claymore. Will y/n be able to block this one?
She got to use her body more. Sure, she dont have a y doubts ahe can win thsi but underestimate mihawk is probably one of the few mistakes she wouldn't comit. using his own strength against him, y/n can firce an attack, making him back away
Zoro has his mouth open as he watches Angel counter Mihawk's attacks and make him back away. It seems like she is using Mihawk's own strength against him to fight back. She is doing far better than what he had imagined. He seems impressed and even shocked; however, Mihawk seems to be enjoying himself.
"You are able to fight back and even use my power against me! I am not used to this kind of excitement in a battle! Do you truly wish to go all out and fight me?!"
He looks almost like a scholl boy. His cold face hanging a smile that almost never appears... she swer she could see little hearts on his eyes...
"I was only playing around... but If you want to lose this badly" she teases. Mihawk's eyes narrow and his expression shifts into a smirk as he nods in response to her taunt. His hert beating faster than ever.
" I see. I will not hold back and neither should you. As you wish. You have my attention now, young lady. Show me what you can do."
"Dagger or sword?" She let him pick, holding the two of them in each hand
He thinks for a moment before he speaks up in his usual, calm tone of voice
"Hmmm.... You seem quite skilled with your dagger and I don't want to underestimate that. Let's use our chosen weapons then. I will fight you with my claymore and you can fight me with your dagger. Do you agree to these terms?"
"Pretty well, pretty boy" she smiling playing with her dagger a bit, he scoffs rolling his eyes slightly. He has his claymore held in front of him with one hand as he shifts his stance. Mihawk looks at y/n and waits for an attack, ready at all times to block it. His expression is one of a warrior who is taking this challenge very seriously. From what Zoro can tell, Mihawk is no longer toying with y/n like he was earlier, but rather treating her as a worthy opponent. Zoro could feel a little jealous. Maube for the way the greatest swordsman treat her like an equal... or something else...
Mihawk doesn't seem to be willing to let her win easy, either. It's game time
Zoro watches as y/n gives Mihawk experimental attacks. He notes that the young woman is playing around and yet still able to match Mihawk in terms of strength. He also sees the ther men smile as he defends from the attacks. This seems to be exciting him, who is clearly enjoying the challenge against this opponent. Mihawk continues to defend against her experimental attacks and smiles as she proves to be an equal match for him.
Suddenly, she speed up an attack, mihawk almost couldn't block. She stab his claymore making the dagger enter the blade of it, making a little hole, both of them stares at each other. Y/n have a sly grin, almost laughing as she tilt her head, finding funny the unbelievable face pf mihawk...Even though it was a small wound, Mihawk is now aware of the real danger that lies ahead of him. Law now looks at Angel with a bit more respect than before. She is really going all out now.
He takes a defensive position as he moves his claymore in a sweeping motion and unleashes a flurry of attacks. She block all of it, smiling. she is dancing the main act, her move calculatedand sharp... she is mocking the strongest warrior in all blue... zoro is both shocked and amazed by y/n's abilities. Mihawk may be the strongest swordsman, but she has proven to be much stronger than Mihawk anticipated. She blocks all of Mihawk's attacks and continues to mock him. Mihawk seems slightly irritated by how casually she's taking him, but it soon turns to a grin. He charges forward and attacks with his claymore once more, launching a powerful attack. She conter attack once more, as he finished mihawk was taken back, with a little cut on his cheek "hurted you pretty boy?" She teases with a little pout. Mihawk seems to have been caught off-guard once more, allowing her to injure him. Mihawk looks at her with a hint of annoyance now, as well as a bit of pride. This young person has proven herself to be extremely quick, as well as agile. He smiles as he responds to her taunt
"A scratch is hardly a wound in the world of swordsmanship. A warrior can sustain countless scratches and cuts on the battlefield. You're gonna need to do better than that if you hope to defeat me."
"I don't wanna ruin a pretty face like yours, would be a shame" she play with her dagger, the little smirk driving both men crazy
Mihawk seems to be enjoying himself as well. He then stands up straight and prepares to charge forward once again. He looks at Angel now with a determined gaze.
"Enough with the teasing and the games. Let's see if you are truly worthy of being in my way."
Shorting the fight: she blocked all... effortless... she is definitely something. He stares at Angel in pure shock as he sees that his strikes are all blocked effortlessly. He remains silent for a moment to take in this amazing sight. Eventually, he speaks up once again
"You are incredible. You have managed to block all of my attacks so far with ease. You even injured me with your dagger, something that shouldn't have been possible. Perhaps you are worthy of a fight from me, after all." Mihawk's face turns into a grin as he raises his claymore high."Try me pretty boy" she winks at him as she dodge his attack. It seems the young woman has an ego that matches her strength. Mihawk seems to appreciate this aspect of her. He chuckles and charges forward once more, this time going for attack that covers more area. Mihawk seems to be determined to land a hit that y/nl can't dodge.*She have to do various back flips to escape being hurt, and she can do it. It's the most someone ever lested in a fight against mihawk.
Zoro is impressed as he watches y/n do a series of back flips without injury. Mihawk is also amazed and amused by her ability to avoid his attacks, even if they do cover a broader area. Mihawk seems excited as he charges forward once again. He's getting ready to unleash an attack and is determined to land it this time.
She dodged, as his claymore hit the ground she uses the lack on his shield to do an attack, she could separate him from his claymore that its laying on the ground
Zoro's eyes widen as he watches y/n take advantage of Mihawk's momentary distraction to separate him from his claymore! Mihawk was so focused on his attacks that he didn't even realize that he had dropped his claymore on the ground. Now, Mihawk is temporarily defenseless...
He stares at y/n and her taunting grin. He then closes his eyes in frustration before opening them again. He speaks with a bit of irritation now.
" ...You are quite the adversary. You have impressed me in this fight"
she winks as she back away from his claymore in the ground so he can pick it. His eyes shift to his claymore now on the ground. He notices that she is no longer taunting him and that she's even backed away to give him time to retrieve his claymore. Mihawk's eyes narrow slightly as his irritation turns back into focus. Now is the time for Mihawk to truly show off his power. He quickly goes to retrieve his claymore.
She have a calm demeanor on, the mocking smile always on her face. He is now completely focused.She does not seem intimidated by Mihawk's serious demeanor
She have to step back a little bit mihawk couldn't hit her. Zoro sees that she has managed to block and dodge all of Mihawk's attacks. Mihawk seems impressed and even a bit excited by that...
You can't rely on your speed and agility forever. Eventually, you are going to have to stand your ground and fight back. You better learn to do this quickly or else I'll overwhelm you with my attacks.
Mihawk's eyes are filled with determination now."I didn't want to hurt you pretty boy, but if you insist" she smirks
Zoro smiles at y/n's taunt. Mihawk just seems even more impressed and excited by her abilities. She is truly turning into an impressive opponent for him. Mihawk charges toward her once again with his claymore still drawn and poised to strike. It looks like Mihawk will take her comments to heart, now that he has a reason to attack with full force.
He attack with full force, she block directly, and attacks after. Her speed and strength is something from another world... mihawk almost couldn't block due the force of it... zoro is amazed and shocked by her now. She is blocking Mihawk's attack with ease and countering with her own. Mihawk seems to be struggling to defend, despite being the strongest swordsman in the world. Y/n's speed and strength seem to belong to two people and not just a single individual. She is able to overwhelm even the strongest.
Zoro watches as Mihawk's arms become tired for the first time. Mihawk seems to be struggling to keep up. Y/n's strength, speed, and skill all seem to be beyond Mihawk's level. Will his experience help him win this battle?
Mihawk's expression seems even more grim and determined. He is still struggling to defend against her, however. Y/n seems in control as she counters all of his attacks and continues to press the advantage.
Mihawk tries to hit her, she backflips and use his claymore are a support, pushing him back a lot. She is using her agility, speed, and strength to her full advantage. Mihawk seems overwhelmed by her abilities and her confidence. He is slowly being pushed back and can't seem to gain any advantage over y/n
" ...You are impressive. No one has been able to overwhelm me like this with sheer strength. Your abilities are quite extraordinary. I will have to try something else. I cannot allow you to defeat me like this."
"But you're not ganna win, pretty boy"she say as she make another powerful hit, his claymore almost broke
He raises his claymore and holds his footing as he begins to focus his attention on y/n's dagger hand. She grins, excited by her strength, as her ability is acknowledged by Mihawk. He seems determined to take advantage of the situation.
He charge towards her...She blocked all ...and when she counter attack what she was promising happens. Mihawk claymore fly fair away from him, he was pushed on his knees as y/n dagger is pressing against his neck poking a bit "what happened pretty baby?" she smirk
Mihawk is left defenseless and on his knees, as she has her dagger hovering directly over his neck. He seems to be in awe and amused by y/n's skill; he's now also clearly in love with the young woman in front of him. Zoro notices that Mihawk's face has turned bright red as he attempts to reply to her. " ....Uhm...you're...you're..."
His attempt to compliment her is interrupted by him stuggling to get any words out at all
She smiles "your are really pretty on your knees for me pretty boy"
Mihawk's face turning an even deeper shade of red as he listens to y/n mock him. He, who is seemingly in love with her, tries to reply in kind and flirt with her himself.
"....Y-you're...d-decent looking yourself, a-angel."
Mihawk's attempt at flirting was extremely awkward. Zoro watches as Mihawk's face turns a brilliant crimson as soon as his words are uttered. He is clearly very attracted to y/n and has fallen head over heels for her.
She laughs taking the dagger out his neck "I told you a would win" she wink at him.
His face is flush red, as he is clearly enamored with the young woman standing before him. Mihawk seems to be completely in love with her, as he is incapable of replying to her. Angel winks at Mihawk, increasing someone elses feelings...
Zoro looks away and seems to become more annoyed than ever
"she won" Luffy said amazed his mouthalmost hitting the ground "she won against the most powerful men in all blue..."l
Zoro can feel his heart racing as his jealousy grows even more. The image of y/n standing before Mihawk and mocking him has only managed to deepen his unknow crush on her. He decides to speak up once again, his tone indicating a hint of annoyance now.
" She is too good. I hope Mihawk is happy. He'll probably spend the rest of the day thinking about how attractive this woman is." He seems to be unable to hide his jealousy over Mihawk's romantic interest in y/n.
Luffy eyes shine at his annoyed tone "jealous?"
Zoro feels his eyebrows furrowl. He knows that Mihawk's admiration for her is turning into romantic interest. He is clearly a bit annoyed by seeing him look at her with such a loving gaze, as he too has developed feelings towards her. Zoro looks over at Luffy, the hint of irritation now turning into a full-blown scowl and his voice becoming more irritated, as he responds
"What are you talking about, Luffy, i don't get jealous "
He look at the both foghter again. Deep down aishing he was mihawk, but for the firt time not because of his title of the greatest swordsman...
And for y/n the little question pop out... she have stronger feelings for one of them? Waht happens if she don't give her attention to them?
If you like, please ♡
Probably gonna write part 2 soon
@who-the-hockeysticks @itsladyliv @dummyduck44 @violet-19999
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neoplatinum · 7 months
speed racer | nicha 'minnie' yontararak
summary: after the loss of your mentor, you reconnect with an old friend. also to discuss growing up around each other.
pairing: minnie x street racer!reader
themes: childhood friends to lovers, angst, sad minnie :(, small character 'death', mentions of yuqi
wc: 1.6k
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eyes on the road, hand's on the wheels and keep your head leveled. that's what your mentor said to you when he offered to let you drive his road racer when you were thirteen. now at the age of twenty something and the loss of your mentor, you try to keep his teaching in your mind when you race. the only attachment you have left is his modded mk4 supra and a pack of half used cigarettes and lighter from his last days.
no one heard from him since, everyone agreed that he has passed away, but you knew better. that man was resilient and able to get himself even out of the worst situations, so you were confused when his family showed up asking where he had been.
his last words to you were, "drive." but there was nothing left for you here. in a past hobby that led to more injuries than a cash prize, you were determined to leave the street racing scene.
sometimes you race though, whenever minnie calls you to. one of the closest friends you had growing up. growing up around each other whenever her father gave you racing lessons or even just spending dinner together. both of you had grown up orbiting around each other but never collided until her father disappeared.
the funeral procession took place weeks ago, but you couldn't find the strength to attend. instead you opt to take his favorite supra out for a long long ride, reminiscing of his drifting techniques and his shifts. deciding it was the proper way to honor his disappearance, you take his supra out for every weekend.
tonight you find minnie's car out on an overlook as she stares out into the scenery of the distant city. her eyes glossy and arms crossed.
"hey." you start when you step out of her old man's car. she still hasn't registered that there's someone next to her. "minnie?" you call out to her.
"oh hi," she starts wiping away the tears that are rushing down her face, rubbing with her palms and wiping them off on her jeans. you offer a tissue and stand next to her.
"how are you doing?" you start.
"well how well can anyone really be doing when their father's missing and everyone thinks he is dead." she explains in a shaky voice and holding her own arms for comfort. you go into the trunk and hand her a jacket to wrap around.
"here." you offer, to which she smiles seeing the jacket. an old jacket that was once her father's. large and old and worn, with small holes and cutes along the sleeves. she can tell that you've been wearing it frequently.
"this jacket...you know he loved you right?" she starts, watching you stare into the city with a heavy heart. "he always talked about how much you reminded him of his young self."
"i know that old geezer loved me, i truly do." you begin. shuffling your feet and kicking pebbles to avoid looking at minnie.
"sometimes i thought he loved you more than his own daughter," minnie explains slowly, you look at her confused "i used to resent how much time he spent with you instead of his own daughter. how he could devote hours to a kid that isn't his when he has his own."
you nod, its obvious what circling around each other since you were young has put you two into. she resented you for the attention you were given. on the other hand you resented her for being the kid that he went home to and spent time with, leaving you to sleep outside and away from their family.
"glad to know we both felt the same." you grin and she drops her jaw.
"what?" she exclaims.
"i resented you too minnie, you were the kid he actually went home to, i was left to sleep alone in the shed while you were his family. i always just felt like a stray, never part of the family." you turn more serious and face her as you talk.
she stops to think about your words and feelings, to understand your point of view and why you feel the way that you do.
"he really is something else." she laughs a bit and turns back to face the city. "i miss him."
"me too minnie."
she looks at your features, ones that are familiar and ones that are new. not seeing each other for so long has definitely been jarring.
"i see you still take his car out for spins." she glances at her father's black supra. she circles the car before settling into the passenger seat.
you get into the driver's seat and watch her marvel at the car that was once her fathers.
"stupid dad, him and his cars." she lets out tears when she sees the photo of him and minnie in the glove box, a treasured photo that she never knew he kept. you smile at the photo and lean over.
"lets go on a ride, i'll follow you." you smile at her. she nods and settles back into her own purple car. turning the engine into a loud roar before setting off into the night, you following behind closely as you both share the same feelings of driving.
you both reach a local convenience store by the end of the night. as you both eat cup noddles by the window, minnie turns to you.
"how are you and yuqi doing?" she asks, immediately you cringe at the question. rather unfortunate memories resurface when you think of song yuqi.
you answer honestly, "she dumped me." digging into your bowl of noodles and slurping loudly. minnie nods to process the answer; you can see her curiosity overflowing.
"what happened?" she continues in a more gentle tone. her eyes following your eyeline.
you sit and ponder the breakup as well as the aftermath. a hard topic to go back to, considering yuqi and minnie were close friends until you started dating yuqi.
you cough a bit, "she says that im in love with someone else." the air becomes stiff, yuqi hasn't spoken to minnie in a long time so she's suprised by the answer.
"are you? in love with someone else?" she asks and hands you a napkin. in between bites you try and think about the question because it has you stumped for weeks.
"not that i can think of." it's hard to come to terms with your own feelings for other people. instead, most of the girlfriends you've had all approached you first.
"then you're dumb." minnie bites out.
"do you know something that i don't know?" you counter.
she nods and points at you. "when we used to hook up, way before yuqi, you called it quits because you liked me." she explains.
"no i didn't." you roll your eyes, you hooked up with minnie because it was safe; it wasn't complicated like feelings were. you both understood each other's boundaries, never crossing past them. "that wasn't why i called it quits."
"then why did you call it quits?" minnie prods at your brain.
"it was probably because you said you liked someone." you mutter back, eating more of the ramen you had.
"nope, didn't like anyone at the time." she smiles as she says it, "you were just scared that you were falling for me." she grins in that familiar manner; when she knows something you don't know.
"i didn't like you then minnie." you conclude, a little exhausted from all this interrogating. "did you know that yuqi was uncomfortable with us hanging out?"
she nods, "yeah, it's why we drifted apart. she thought i wanted to steal you."
"as if." you scoff at the idea.
"she wasn't wrong though, i did want to steal you from her." she goes on. the shock is written all over your face.
minnie nods and explains that she used to like you too, but her dad forbade you two from ever dating. "he hated the idea of us dating. said i should find someone who isn't like him: not dangerous, you know."
"i agree, you should find someone better."
"see, that's why you're just like him, always thinking i deserve better, when all i want is you." she continues, and you let her. she explains how she always wanted you around, and when you called it quits, it broke her heart.
you're confused, but she explains that she's always liked your resilience and that yuqi dating you is what made their friendship distant; she couldn't bear to see you two together.
"yuqi is nothing like me, she's loud, she's brash and she gets what she wants. i've waited for years to even ask you how you truly feel about me. all along i've liked you." she says.
you nod, a little shocked by all this, minnie never mentioned that she liked you all these years, even when you told her you wanted to get to know yuqi better.
minnie is a woman that feels hard, feels all her emotions and lets others take her spot, even if she deserves it. and you feel awful, knowing that her feelings were never properly reciprocated. also that younger you was too caught up in your own suffering that you had strung minnie along.
"i'm sorry for dumping this all on you all of a sudden." her shoulders drop.
"it's okay, i needed to hear this. to finally understand us." you explain back. it's strange, seeing minnie after all this time, so familiar yet she's changed, grown into herself more. trying to better grasp the opportunities that she has. meanwhile you're staying afloat lost in yourself, confused where to go next.
"hey, if i beat you down that mountain, you owe me a date." she grins, shaking her car keys.
"and if i beat you?" you ask back.
"then i owe you a date." she says back.
you laugh out, "fair deal. let's drive."
a/n: don't know how i feel about the ending but i wanted to do a street racer story for a minute. wanted to incorporate more about street racing but i got tired. stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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In A Late Afternoon [Hybrid!Jake x Reader]
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none, just some mentions of undressing, kissing, and maybe a suggestive ending? But that ending interpretation is up to you
General info: Reader is kept gender neautral, Jake is a golden retriever dog/puppy boy, English isn't my native language excuse the typos
[More puppy Jake]
Aaaah.... I honestly didn't think this idea would extend like this Anyways, hope you enjoy! 🐶💛
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Ears perked at the sould of keys fumbling with the doorknob.
A tail wagged, a nose sniffed, a heart beat faster at the prospect of what will happen next.
As soon as you opened the door to your home, allowing your bag to sling off your shoulders and pop down on the small shelf by the door, your greeting was interrupted by an excited voice:
"Jakey, I'm ho-"
"Honey! Hi, hello! Did you have a good day? I missed you!"
You were instantly hugged by your over-energetic golder retriever of a boyfriend, face nuzzling deep into your neck as he familiarized himself with your fresh scent once more.
Sure, the house was surrounded by your scent, but nothing compares to the one on your actual skin, you know? Or so he says.
Tiredness startled out of your mind, it took a couple seconds to process what excatly happened just now. Instinctively, your arms went to wrap around him in a confused hug.
"Darling, remember what I said?" You pat him lightly on the back to call for his attention.
"Oh! Yeah! Ah-ahem...Sorry, babe." He let you go, a tinge of bashfullness and shame coloring his face. His excitement bubbled down slightly by what his ears and tail showed, flattening against his head and slowing down its wag, respectively.
Jake fumbled with his hands in nervousness, eyes downturned but still taking peeks at you.
He was way too adorable for his own good. A small smile settled itself on your face as you admired the cutie in front of you.
The brunet's entire demeanor changed back to his characteristic joyful self once your hand went on to pet between his floppy ears. Jake stared at you with bright brown eyes, while an equally as bright smile shaped his lips.
Pushing the door closed, you talked again, "While I adore your hugs as a greeting, do allow me to fully come inside next time, luv." Once done with the reminder, you opened your arms expectantly.
The hybrid chuckled and dove into your arms, "Understood!"
"Hello, Jake. I'm home." You completed your greeting from before, burrying your face into his shoulder. The comforting warmth of his embrace permiated your soul, finally relaxing your tense body for today.
Jake turned to place a sweet kiss on your temple, "Welcome back, my love."
You remained in place for a while, neither of you willing to separate.
Alas, it was the puppy boy who broke the hug. Still, he kept his hands on your waist to keep you close.
"Let's get you comfortable, yes?"
Taking one of his hands and walking to you room, you agreed, "I'd love that."
Golden ears perked up once more, an excited yet shy smile coloring his lips, "Do...I get to help you?"
Turning around to answer, you could see his tail wagging slowly and picking up in speed as you talked, "Of course, silly puppy! I have tea to spill! You won't belive what Yuna said to the manager, like O-M-G my girl gives ZERO shits!"
As you talked and completed your after-work routine, Jake listened attentively. Occasionally, he would let out small hums of agreement and sounds of disbelief as he listened to the tale about your friend Yuna and her fight with that nightmare manager your team was cursed with.
His gentle hands helped remove some clothing articles, taking the time to sooth the skin with leftover marks from where your clothes hugged you a bit too tight. Your lover brought you close to his chest, circling your waist from behind, head dropping down to your shoulder to trail tender kisses all the way to your neck and jawline.
Giggles erupted from you due to his affections, hand going up to play with his hair and rub at the base of his left ear.
"Baby~" Jake whined in delight at the petting.
"Jakey~" You mimiked his tone, a breathless laugh at the end. "C´mon, put a shirt on me so we can cuddle on the couch for a while. I need my puppy to truly relax."
You could see the lightbulb atop his head from where he got an idea, "Wait here! I won't take long!"
With a sloppy kiss to your cheek, the dogboy quickly ran to his room.
In a matter of seconds, he came back with a black t-shirt in his hands, "Arms up! I have your favorite~"
Doing as told, you allowed your boyfriend to dress you up in one of his oversized shirts. It smelled just like him.
Bown eyes scanned you up and down with myrth, he loved how you looked in his clothes.
"You're so beautiful," he said, with a lovestruck look in his eyes.
Pecking his lips quickly, you answered, "And you're the cutest ever." Tugging on his hand, you led the way back into the living room.
Finally, the moment you desired most arrived: a moment to wind down and cuddle, catch up on Jake's day, and enjoy some time together.
Plopping down on the couch, you turned on the TV and let the random channel from last night play on the background.
A look thrown Jake's way sent you both into motion: the golden retriever laid down sideways on the cushions as you unfolded the light blanket hanging on the armrest. Your sweetheart gently guided you down near his chest while you flicked the soft cover over both your bodies.
You sighed happily while nuzzling into his toned chest, humming in delight at the calming atmosphere surounding you two.
Jake carded his fingers through your hair to help you destress even more, tail tumping against the sofa with every volume spike in your hums of enjoyment.
"Missed you so much, Jakey," You mumbled into his chest.
"Missed you, too, my love," He answered back.
As you looked into each other's eyes, the same idea crossed your minds. In silent agreement, you leaned towards the other and gave in to your desire...
With loving passion and delicate sweetness, you locked your lips and indulged in one another to your heart's conentent
[ END ]
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Thank you for reading ~!
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espighty · 1 month
In celebration of the new update and new bishop content, allow me to share the first part of the fic I'm working on.
It takes place a bit after "Surely He Isn't That One-Note", and this section starts out immediately after Lamb wins the purgatory battle against Kallamar. I have yet to actually decide if Lamb was able to reason with him like they planned to, but this section will play out the same way no matter what route I decide on.
The Lamb immediately starts scanning the shivering, tangled mass of limbs in front of them, making mental notes of the wounds that need to be taken care of. They tentatively approach, so distracted by their checklist and the conversation they’ve planned out that they miss when Kallamar’s hand dips down into the ink pooled underneath him.
With a sharp, calculated flick of his wrist, The Lamb is blinded. They bleat in surprise, grabbing part of their cloak to wipe it away. Kallamar scrambles to stand, and his hand finds something sharp on the way up. It’s so marred by time and gore that he isn't sure what it used to be. Glass, crystal, weapon? It doesn't matter. He holds onto it so tightly that it hurts him, cutting into his palm and the long webbing between his fingers. The Lamb is saying something in between their pained hisses, but Kallamar can’t be bothered to listen to anything over the panicked thoughts jumbling through his head and the rush of adrenaline in his veins. With the speed and strength of a cornered animal, he jabs the fragment into The Lamb’s thigh. They double over. Kallamar tries to pull it back out, not to stab again but to have some means of defense, but the edge slides through the gash in his hand again and he deems it a lost cause. The Lamb blindly scrabbles to grip his wrist, but Kallamar easily twists himself out of their grasp. He shoves them aside and bolts out of the temple.
Outside is dark. The columns lining the path are crumbling, the crystal lanterns that adorned them long shattered. The ground is littered with shallow, long-stagnant puddles of dirty water and ichor and who knows what else. The air is dry, unnaturally so, a testament to how dilapidated and hellish his haven had become. One minute in and Kallamar can’t run anymore. He desperately wants to, he’d run until his heart burst if it meant getting out of this, but he just can’t. He had forgotten just how pathetic his mortal body was, he had forgotten just how much he hated it. Exhausted and desperate, he curls up behind a pillar, hoping against hope that The Lamb will just leave. They've stepped out of the temple by now, and again they’re yelling out something to him, but the exacts are drowned out by the rasping of his own gills. Kallamar realizes now just how dry his temple was, how dehydrated he is. Each breath feels like sandpaper scraping through his insides, he’s barely getting enough air to think straight, and if he doesn’t manage to quiet his breathing right now The Lamb will find him. Instinct and desperation take full control as his hand darts toward the nearest puddle, scooping up liquid that feels far too heavy and drips down his fingers far too slow. The moment the liquid makes contact with his gills, Kallamar starts spasming, his body expelling the mud and ichor cocktail with harsh, grating exhales. He’s made it so much worse, he’s so much louder now and he knows The Lamb can hear him. He can see the bright crimson light of the red crown creeping across the ground, stretching closer and closer. He’s going to die, he’s going to die and he isn’t even sure if it’ll be The Lamb that kills him or the sludge still dripping from his gills. His vision swims. The red light of death, his past and future murderer, looms from above.
With how easily the battle with Kallamar went, Lamb had thought the rest of the process would be just as simple. The stab wound in their leg and the ink (they have to keep reminding themselves that ink is not squid pee, but it still feels so gross) still burning their eyes argued otherwise. Kallamar wasn’t doing much better though. Through the red light of the crown, the squid was an absolute mess. He was curled back against the pillar, shuddering through forceful, painful sounding exhales through his gills. Tears streaked down his face as he stared wide-eyed up at Lamb. Ichor was starting to bead at his torn ears, and the slice in his palm smeared black wherever he touched.
Since everything had gone so awry, Lamb had pretty much forgotten their entire speech, and thus didn’t quite know what to say at this point. Kallamar found his voice a bit faster.
(((That's all I want to share for now)))
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sludgewolf · 5 months
We need to talk about the lack of "filler" in series that're been released recently
I just watched a video about ATLA and it's filler or lack there of and, they're right, ATLA doesn't have filler episodes as we define "filler episodes" now. Our understanding of filler is closer to what's used for anime that is, non canon episodes that are made so the anime doesn't catch up with the manga. Applying this to western animation (I say animation bc I graduated in it thus a better understanding and I don't really watch many live action series so I don't have much of a say) we ended up with the impression that it means "episodes that don't move the plot forward"
Which, doesn't make sense with Western animation since most of it isn't a adaptation of something else, or with comic adaptations for ex, they're mostly adaptations of various arcs coming together as a single story. Smt very different from the manga to anime adaptation process
Comparing ATLA who positively doesn't have "filler" and X-men 97 who negatively doesn't have "filler" is a good example of what I'm trying to say.
Not all of ATLA episodes move the "learn the elements and defeat the firelord" plot forward and that's good thank fuck not all episodes are rushing ahead to throwing this 12yo we barely know into a battle with a full grown adult who's perpetrating a war against the rest of the world. Instead we actually get to know the characters, we see them traveling from the South to the North Pole instead of spawning where the plot demands, we see Aang adapt to the world post iceberg nap and learn to be the avatar, we see the effect the 100 year war had in this world. And most of all, the more "filler" episodes contributed to the pacing of the series, when binging the series now I still feel like the Gaang traveled across the whole world and didn't just teleport to the plot.
Opposed to X-men 97, don't get me wrong I'm absolutely loving it but the story is always being racing forward at a breakneck speed. They did try to pace it better inter cutting the main plot with Scott, Jean, Madelyne, Wolverine's whole deal and the "LifeDeath " plot, but if there wasn't the weekly wait for the next episode we would not have any time to breathe and digest what happened in the episodes.
I'm still confused on how Madelyne went from trying to have a normal life outside the x-men to being in Genosha's council. Still on Madelyne, I didn't care that they had to part ways with Nathan, ik he's their baby and all that, but as soon as they named the baby Nathan I knew they were throwing that baby to the future to complete the time loop of him being in the original series. And that's because they never got the chance to try to make us care, the writing team couldn't waste time with that since they only had 8 episodes to tell all these stories, the speed that the plot is being taken makes me believe that when writing this season Disney still hadn't signed on the second season and when they did it was too late to rework the script.
This whole thing is reminding me of Hazbin Hotel's pacing problems, analyzing it as if I didn't watch the pilot, we just met the characters and suddenly had to care that they were going to die in six months, we don't really know Charlie other than 1. she's Lucifer's daughter, 2. daddy issues that aren't rly addressed besides jokes, 3. she's with Vaggie (other character we didn't get to know) and 4. she's the owner of the hotel and wants to rehabilitate the sinners. The worst part of it is, we teleported from the start of the season to 6 months later out of nowhere and suddenly we're at the finale with the big boss battle. Of course HuskDust is a more popular ship than Charlie and Vaggie, we never got the chance to see them being together other than in episodes when the characters are being dragged by the plot while Angel and Husk had an episode where we met them and got the time to see them interact without being pushed by the extermination plot
This is exactly why "filler episodes" are important, we should actually know who these characters are before the big fight at the end so we can actually care about what happens to them. X-men 97 may not suffer that much from it but it's because we already knew most of the characters, but we never got to meet this version of Madelyne, see her going out alone to a world that hates her existence, see her morn having been forced to send her baby off to the future and maybe not being able to see him ever again and finally see never see how did she even end up in Genosha.
Or Storm, sure we got a two parter, but how did she get to fuck knows where to meet Forge in that bar, what did she go through during the time she was traveling alone, it's not as if people wouldn't recognize her as a x-men even if she'd left the team, maybe see more of how the relationship between her and Forge developed, cuz I didn't get why she still wants to be with him even after he basically created the tec that was turned into the weapons used to kill mutants, that's smt one can't just forgive, and yes I'd like to see her as she struggles with not having her powers, smt other than she feeling lonely without the wind (this would work even as just a montage with sad music as she travels to the fuckall haunted desert)
On a rly quick note on Invincible I do think they did a good job with their pacing and character development with the time they had, I'd like to have seen a bit more of Rex's development from complete douche to Lizard Leader homemade lobotomy to where we are now, but on the Grayson family whole thing they did an amazing job at showing how they're dealing with the aftermath of season 1, there was just a little jump from Debbie downing a bottle of wine every day to full bug mom mode but I do think she'd step up to it no doubt.
Maybe just some scenes of her still working through s1 trauma and questioning wtf is wrong w Nolan bc from her perspective he just killed hundreds of ppl on Earth, almost killed Mark, fucked off to space and suddenly there's a purple half bug baby living in her house calling her mom. But I don't think that's strictly necessary since there's always fanfiction to bridge this gap and it's just a minor thing that bothered me
TLDR: Filler in western cartoons isn't really filler, these are just episodes to help develop the world or characters without having to rush with the plot and also episodes that help with the pacing of the story, thus showing the passage of time or great distances being crossed without having the characters spawn at the next plot point. And we do need it specially for shows that are intended for binging, such as most shows now. What determines good filler from bad filler here is good writing
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Ignatius Mycenae
Legacy of Perseus, Slayer of Medusa & King of the Mycenae | Devotee Of Lord Ares, Worshipper of the Chthonic Gods
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[Moodboard Created By Me | Images All Found On Bing]
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Name: Ignatius Mycenae
Ignatius - "Fire"/"Firey"
Mycenae - The City That Perseus Ruled Within Mythology; Named After Either The Cap That Fell Off His Sword [Myces] At The Sight, Or While Drinking Water & Picking Up A Myces/Mushroom In The Process
Parentage: Legacy of Perseus; Of The Direct Royal Line
Pronouns: He/Him - "It/Its" In Spirit
Age: 18
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↳ Imagine being a legacy of the hero Perseus... yet holding a Medusa tattoo. Fucking pathetic, right?
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Ethnicity: Chilean
Somewhere along the lines of--the probably tragic parts--History™️, Ignatius's Ancestors moved to the "bottom" of South America to live their lives in/among Spanish Culture. From 16 on--once he finished High School early & graduated--he juggled between Olympus as his "job" (to run parts of the "Camps" and afterschool activities) and living with his family in Chile. He's still shit at Offering things and keeping up with the Deities--he's always been--but something settles in him now. Just a little bit, to see Olympus in all its glory and to know he's apart of that, just like he's apart of his own family. Of course, he still gets grilled for being so far from his family sometimes but he likes the chaos of everything. It makes the little things worth it.
Powers: Increased Strength, Speed, Durability, & Endurance
Weapons: Wrench, Sarcasm, Deception
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Characters That Inspired My Creation Of Him: Leo Valdez, Jim Street, Penelope Garcia, Feminine Rage Songs, Most Villains
Likes: Fixing Things & Being Useful; Mischief; Interacting With Children; Teaching [He Wants To Be A Teacher...]
Dislikes: Bullies [Very Known For Beating Them Up Back When He Was Younger]; Abusers [Especially Child-Abusers... He Likes To Take Missions Specifically For That]; The Sun [Very Bright :))]
Enemies: "The Gatsby"
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Fun Facts:
Funnily enough... the last name did not come from his family originally, despite being the direct descendants of Lord Perseus, but instead from a... vaguely distant relative that one of them married & then continued the line with :)). It's a small world, isn't it? /lh
He teaches Mechanics to the kids upon Olympus during his free time and during the Summer. He would be apprenticing under Hephaestus, but he hasn't particularly worked himself up to that yet. Hephaestus is patient, though, and allows it to happen under his watchful eye to make sure things are okay.
Ignatius--"Ignis"/"Iggy" to the kids--worships the Chthonic Gods primarily because he likes how gruesome their domains are--it's soothing, somehow, especially because they kind of remind him of his own, big, weird family. Everyone ultimately cares about each other but they all have their own lives to go about and function within. Ignatius is and will always be horrible at Communicating and Offering to his Gods--it just always slips his mind until the dead of night and he'll go weeks without Worship even occuring to him, even though he sees and interacts with them everyday. It's amusing, at this point, to Lord Hades and Phobos & Deimos, and he gets lightly teased each time he rushes toward his scruffy altar to beg for Their forgiveness.
...Ignatius's Main Weapon--which is a weapon unique to each demigod, created by their own ichor which runs silently alongside their red blood cells--is a replica of Medusa's Head, complete with the ability to turn those she looks at into stone. He's known this since he was 16 and attacked on the subway with no way to get out. It still remains a huge mystery to mortals, what happens there, but he carries that shame with him everyday. I mean, a Legacy of Perseus--the original slayer of Medusa--carrying Her head around again?
{TW: Implied/Referenced Rape}
[Secretly, that comforts him too. Because, up until he was 14, he had a weird Uncle that would come into his room every night since he was 7 and leave him begging every being he knew (and he knew a lot from his large, polytheistic family) to make it stop. Secretly, he's been wanting Medusa's Head every night, even before she knew what she represents. He feels wrong for begging Medusa to save him just like she did Perseus and his Mother, but there's a strangely feminine voice that stops those sorry's in the middle of their tracks.]
Ignatius and Penelope are the best-est of friends, according to Ignis's childish words. They originally bonded over college--since Ignatius is going to study Philosophy within texts and Penelope is studying Marine Microbiology--but Ignatius just likes to ramble and Penelope enjoys listening, so they get along great & can be found in each others' presence literally whenever possible.
{She's even met his family, on multiple occasions, and he must suffer being asked when they are getting together Every. Single. Time. even when she was actively engaged to another man. Penelope, the menace, just smirked and went to go help his Abuelas and Mother in the kitchen while he sulked with the men of his family.}
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tiredrobin · 10 months
referring to my last post im too lazy to like. explain the premise in detail so the basic idea is danny and damian twins thing, danielle/dani clone is the same age as danny, she has his memories but not all of them and jumbled and fragmented and messy and it fucks with her a lot. and danny also. now theyre triplets in the way where damian has obviously no memories of dani but she remembers him and its SO MESSY and emotionally difficult for all of them because dani is 100% danny's sister but not damian's. heres a non-specific ficlet thing i tamped out because this au is stuck in my fucking head but i dont know enough to write it because i dont care abt dc stuff. thanks for understanding
also. theyre literally all transgender. because i said so. this is a legal requirement for this au. vlad switched the chromosomes to make a more stable clone but dani was like "...no, im a girl actually". danny and dani joke about switching bodies all the time. damian and danny didn't know they were trans until after they separated, damian still doesnt know danny is because he thinks danny is dead, danny does know Now because damians a wayne and is in the news and danny recognized him evn tho no one but damian's family knows hes transmasc. also danny is transmasc in the agender kind of way. nothing can fucking stop me
vague context: sometimes dani quizzes danny on his/sorta-their past, bcuz her memories are so weird and jumbled and it helps to hear the truth evn when she cant actually remember it.
cw: brief mention of an adult being creepy towards children
"Okay," Dani says, and Danny pretends he isn't fervently praying she'll shut up.
"Okay," he echoes after a long moment, prompting. Somehow, the wariness doesn't leak into his voice.
"Third coach tried to kill us—you," she says.
'Third coach' means Danny and Damian's third trainer. Dani uses words pretty strangely, sometimes. Her language has a habit of slipping into something more rudimentary, simplified, like she's a toddler.
She's a year and seven months old. Her grasp on language is, in Danny's personal opinion, remarkable.
"That happened, yes," Danny says when he realizes he'd been quiet too long. He's starting to drag. These conversations are exhausting in a way he can never articulate, not even to Dani, but there'd be no reason to because he knows she gets it. From the way she's listing to her side in the air, the imbalance fucking with her physics enough that she's starting to drift very subtly to the left, she's worn thin.
"… Why?" she asks after a long pause. "He seemed nice."
Danny focuses in on the thrum of her core. It's in near-perfect resonance with his own, which used to be so deeply disturbing it made his skin crawl but now feels soothing. It's a balm on his frayed nerves during the bad days; a reminder that, though he's lost one sibling, he has another.
"He wasn't," Danny murmurs. Third trainer smiled a lot—that might be what Dani is remembering—but he had wandering hands and a creepy way of looking at him and Damian. He taught them about pinching nerves. His fingers always lingered.
"Oh," says Dani. She rights her tilt, though she's still drifting. Danny's brain does a weird thing, a math sort of thing, that calculates the angle of her drift, the current speed, the projected acceleration. If she keeps going, she'll bump into the wall in three minutes, twenty-seven seconds.
(His brain does weird things like that, sometimes. Frostbite says it's a result of ectoplasm mixing with living neural pathways. The ectoplasm appears to be acting as a stimulant of sorts, or maybe a steroid. A stimulant-steroid. (…Stimuloid?) He hadn't been able to follow the explanation very well at the time, due to the fact that his brain was doing the opposite of what it's doing now. Sometimes he thinks so fast it feels like his thoughts are teleporting; sometimes his head is so foggy he can barely process what's right in front of him. It's super great. Super.)
"… Oh," Dani says again, softer. Then, in an abrupt subject change, "Did you really almost push Tucker off some stairs?"
"You" this time. The way she selects it—"us", "me", "you"—it says a lot about how the memory feels to her. She'd been raised an assassin; she barely knows Tucker, Danny's oldest friend. She hardly recognizes dad; she wants to cling to Sam. Sometimes it's him, sometimes it's her, sometimes it's a weird third thing. Or something. She'd phrased it in a way that made him laugh and forget most of it, when he'd asked, and now he regrets that.
"I did, yeah," he huffs a laugh. "He stole—"
"Our truck!" Our. "Yeah, okay, I remember that."
"It wasn't a truck."
"No? It—ohhh, it was the, um. The model train. The one you built! That Tucker's dad gave you."
He nods. "Yeah. I was worried he'd break it."
"And pushing him down the stairs wouldn't?"
"Assassin training."
One of her eyes is a little crinkled. She might be getting a headache, because that's the face Danny makes when he's getting a headache. (It's the face Damian made when he got one, too.) (Stop comparing them.) "You should get some rest," Danny tries.
"I'll get nightmares."
Her nightmares are weird. She's talked about them enough for Danny to feel familiar with them, even though his are nothing like her's. She'd tried sharing one with him, once, and it'd hurt his head for days after.
"I'm gonna get nightmares too, now," he points out. She winces. Danny realizes too late that might have sounded more accusatory than intended. He wanted her to stop asking questions, yeah, but not at the cost of herself. He's the reason she exists now; he's the reason why her head is so stuffed full of things that don't make sense, memories and daydreams and terrors both real and imagined haunting every step she takes. Even if he isn't the one that made her, hadn't ever wanted her—even if that, she's his responsibility.
"It goes both ways, idiot," she says.
She's not reading his mind, but. It's like she is. She can feel his core like it's his thoughts, and that's near enough. "I'm the older brother," he says, intentionally putting something a little haughty in his voice, a tone he hasn't carried since he was, like, eight or something. The effect is ruined a bit as he lays down, angled so he can still watch her drift towards the wall. "You're my responsibility. That's how it goes."
She rolls her eyes. "What if I wanna be the older brother?"
"Can't. You're the youngest, out of the three of us."
Dani sort of… pauses.
Danny does, too. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. Damian is… "gone" isn't the right word, because he's not dead. Not like Danny thought he was for a… for a while. But he's off limits in a way Danny can't access. He hasn't referred to Damian as his brother since the first time Dani started asking questions, and she'd been careful to avoid doing so herself. Which would seem considerate, if Danny didn't know she avoided it because the whole thing just feels too big and too messy to look at in the eyes.
And here Danny's gone, shoving his foot in his mouth. The three of us. There isn't three; Damian has to think Danny's dead. Has to have mourned him. If Damian knew…
It's so scary to think about.
And—there's Dani, now. Not a replacement—nothing could replace Damian—but Damian would feel that she is. Probably.
"What a mess," Dani says.
Had she thought the same things? Maybe. No way to tell without asking, and Danny's too tired to ask. "Yeah."
She touches down onto the ground. On silent feet, she checks the locks on Danny's door, and then she pads over to the bed and nudges him until he gives her enough space to lay down next to him. She's not going to sleep here, and Danny won't be able to sleep with her there (it reminds them both of sharing a bed with Damian), but she likes to do this sometimes and Danny likes it when she does.
Neither of them say anything else. Danny won't be able to fall asleep, but he manages to start a very light doze. Dani's core thrums contentment and his echoes it. She's saying I love you I love you I love you and he's singing it back, and when her pinkie hooks into his—like Damian, like Damian, stop comparing them but it's so much like Damian—Danny curls his to lock it in place.
"I might to spy on him," she murmurs after an unknown amount of time.
Danny cracks open an eye. "You won't."
"I want to," she amends, "But… I won't." I'm scared, she doesn't say, but Danny can hear it anyway.
"The tabloids do it enough for us," Danny points out.
She snorts. "Yeah, sure. 'Damian Wayne: Vegetarian or secret animal killer?' Definitely a good accurate way to get information."
Danny smiles and lets his eyes slip shut again. "He was like that even when we were little." Didn't like eating meat, eating animals.
"I remember."
He sighs. His core sings I love you. Dani's pinkie slips from his. There's a sweep of cold, like a blanket being pulled over him, and then she's gone. He might see her in a week; he might not see her for months.
Danny drifts to sleep.
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fishhawish · 3 months
One of our mutual friends said you ship Xister and Fen do you have any head cannons? :3
Ofc I have head cannons for these to lesbi sillies
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They're so silly
They remind me of my special person and I fr fr
Tw: None
Fluff Head cannons
(none of these are canon and both characters are OCs of Kaaatie / A3DGhost on X)
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Fen worries about Xister's health from the drug and alcohol use, even trying to sober Her up with water on occasion. (Fen doesn't know water doesn't help speed up the process lol)
Xister is mindful around Fen, especially when listening to music because her ears are sensitive. (Fen looked pained in Machine girl 😭)
Fen really liked to forge for berries and stuff to bring back to Xister. Xister has to pick through them to make sure they're not poisonous.
Xister aimlessly rants on about random things, especially since Fen doesn't talk much at all so she just ends up listening while Xister talks for hours.
Fen rarely smiles but she does smile around Xister. It makes Xister overly confident and a little bit cocky knowing that only she makes Fen smile.
Xister follows around Fen in her free time. Although there has been a lot of times where Fen followed Xister and scared the life out of Vivian.
Fen doesn't really initiate affection but definitely silently begs for affection and attention. I feel like Fen also gets jealous somewhat easily but doesn't act on it.
Xister is extremely overprotective. Not in a "stay away from my girlfriend way" but a "If you hurt her I'm going to take your spine out and eat it for dinner" way.
Fen is illiterate and that's why she doesn't speak much, Xister tries to help her speak better a lot of the time but Fen would also rather just not talk.
Xister is somewhat off put by the corpses just laying around the forest and their smell but eventually got used to it. She still doesn't enjoy it much.
Fen likes drawing little doodles in the dirt with sticks. And she brings over Xister to come see the drawings, it's also an easier way of communication between the two.
Xister loves to bring Fen little treats like cakes and cookies. She was surprised that Fen eats with a fork and plate just fine.
Fen curls up on Xister's lap, if she could she would totally purr. Fen is also a more nocturnal creature so if Xister isn't doing anything it's the perfect time to nap in her lap.
Xister loves using Fen to scare her sister Vivian. She's gotten more than a few laughs watching Vivian fall to the ground in fear.
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Raaaah all done
I love these two sm I just had to do it immediately
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lil-vibes · 1 year
i would die if you wrote anything expanding on that post about chuuya being taken over by baki and just floating all over the place and speaking with an echo until he gets to dazai at the ADA office - that was a great idea, very cool
yooo thanks man !!!
here you go, a little more brainworms regarding that au!
• when Baki wakes up in a back alleyway and tries to stand up they overdo it and snap Chuuya's spine in the process. they try to walk and all of a sudden they are on the ground with mild pains from the vessel' legs. they aren't sure how a human body works, so for now they decide to just float.
• Baki, in my hc, is very curious for just about everything because it's quite rare that they 'view' the world through a humans' eyes
• piggybacking off of that, i think that they'd have trouble expressing their thoughts in the beggining (speaking in short, sometimes conflicting/unfinished sentences) because using human vocal cords without snapping them is difficult and also words have changed since the last time they were actively using them. Ranpo just chucks a dictionary at them and they absolutely ABSORB every word
• i also think that they'd want to sword fight with both Fukuzawa and Golden Demon/ Kouyou for fun
• they can make Dazai float and he just about gives up on life ( something something 'your human existence can not deny mine' yeah me thinks)
• i personally think that theyd be slightly more chill than expected, however when they get upset, or emotions generally run high, the control over the body begings to wobble. some examples of that being:
- the overlapping voices are the most common ones. they are a mass manifested through war and suffering and vengeance, thus Baki has to be extremely careful of how loud they speak because there's a great chance that someone's eardrums will explode.
- corruption markings are a damn near permanent fixture on Chuuya's skin, more so to help remind everyone that this isn't Chuuya in control right now (Dazai is constantly stressed about it, and has to consistently tell himself that it's fine), but they tend to grow and glow and move around like they are alive too, as if also taking offence that Baki is agitated. they also burn if touched directly
- people around an Agitated Baki feel like they are about to poof out of existence simply by being too close. Mori nearly dies once because Baki can see his general soul and is not pleased. it kinda feels like your blood suddenly starts running the other way, or your like heart is beating backwards and double in speed. not fun !
- sometimes birds fly into the windows. maybe the sky tints red, maybe there is ringing in the ears, static in the brain of those around them. maybe looking at Chuuya's form hurts a little, burns a little, blurs around the edges. what were his features again? what color were his eyes? his hair?
• Baki loves Chuuya and learning all about him :] ( "and his name? what is his name? we would love to know who our vessel is."
"it's Chuuya Nakahara.."
the entity thinks, hums for a bit, vibrations making the lights swim around it, then pleased, it smiles "hmm Chuuya... it suits him a lot" )
• disregarding stormbringer for a moment, when asked how exactly one traps a being like it, Baki kindly informs them that there are runes carved into every bone inside Chuuya. yes, they do mean every single one.
• also, and that's a little.... gruesome, but it's a misconception that Baki and Chuuya share only a consciousness. "it's like that most of the time, but right now what you are looking at is ... ah, let's say, our clothes. we are woven in-between his skin and bones and every blood vessel, but also we are separate. it's like a hand pupet? we are under his skin :)"
• Baki absolutely says unhinged things like its normal
• they also find it funny to tease Ranpo because they recognise just how smart of a human he is but also he's just that to them. a human
• i also have this scene when someone complains about the sun or something so Baki just,,, shifts either the Earth or the Sun a bit so that it's not shining directly at the person. everyone FREAKS abt this btw
• Baki also loves the Akutagawas and Kouyou bc Chuuya loves them :]
some skk things bc i love them:
• Baki tells Dazai, hand pressed against his heart, looking him dead in the eyes with that slightly unhinged expression "no wonder you hold onto warm things, for you have been warm once, then never again. no wonder you seek to be warm again" and Dazai just has to go through his day after that
• okay last thing off of the top of my head, but somehow they (the ada) get into the topic of worship and Baki casually drops that yes! they get prayers sometimes but nothing even begins to compare to the feeling of the worship from their most devoted person. naturally everyone wants to know who that is, and Baki tilts their head a little and then points to a Very Confused Dazai (Ranpo and Kunikida are exhanging money in the backround btw).
("but... i don't worship the hat rack?? what?"
"oh, but that can't be" they sway a little from their perch on Dazai's desk, appearing as if deep in thought. after the day, Dazai knows better. "but we can distinctly recal feeling a sort of warmth from you. say, how do you define worship? because it can be food offerings too. or thoughts about us or even just the pure, unrelenting faith that as long as you believe in us, your wish will be made into existence"
Dazai blinks at them, stunned.
"so now, has your answer changed?" )
• LAST one. Ranpo asks them if Dazai has ever nullified corruption with a kiss and Baki is like we think so? but Dazai denies that hard. Baki counters by saying that every place where 'coruption' has been nullified burns to this day. twice on left the wrist, once at the forearm. once at the right hand, once at the cheek, and once ot the lips. Dazai may or may not work harder to resolve the issue after that (he's never gonna beat the gay accusations)
(end of skk things hh)
• when it's time to surrender themselves back to Chuuyas will, Baki tells the ada + the Akutagawas and Kouyou, that when their time finally comes, when Chuuya is either one of them or dust in the wind, they will remember the kindness they have experienced. that they will live forever in the mind of a god
• Chuuya is so, so confused after waking up
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
no thoughts just vampire sevika draining me of my blood while i’m sitting on her lap
Since this is the second time I've been suggested vampire Sevika imma go for it...with hcs cuz I'm very tired these days :)
🦇 Vampire Sevika 🦇
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In this au, Silco is a vampire drug lord that sells blood pills in high demand. They could have like major side effects or be addictive like shimmer, who knows.
The thing that's important is that they're drugs specifically for vampires and you don't know that when you begin working there.
The reason why you, a human, was hired by Silco is becuase you're great at money laundering. So good he's willing to bring you onto the team...with his right hand tasked to protect you.
Sevika isn't happy. She's already busy af and yet she has to take care of you? You're already weak amongst humans. To vampires, you're a mouse walking into a lion's den.
To you, Sevika seems ready to snap you in half at any second, however instead of you she eventually does that to someone else. Some goons are oddly interested in you to the point where it's terrifying, and when one of them tries to do something, Sevika is quick to put them in their place.
One second you're cornered and trying to escape the hands of some goon–and the next, they're gone.
You can hardly process the fight. There's not much of one anyway. With speed slightly greater than a human's, Sevika beats your assailant to a pulp before slamming them into the wall, with Sevika's arm pressed into their neck.
She nearly kills them with how long she keeps her arm there, growling out a reminder that you're Silco's before letting them go. She looks back at you, and you swear....you swear her eyes are golden before she blinks, and suddenly the cloudy grays are back to glower down at you again.
After that she prowls. You don't know how to describe it with another word. She walks behind you like she's meant to hurt you. She's rough when she pulls you away from other curious vampires, hands always dancing over your throat as she stares them down. You know there's some meaning to it all, but for the life of you, you can't figure it out.
That is, until you see her drink the blood of some woman at the Last Drop.
You had been so tired. Usually, as Sevika's orders were, you scurried back home into your apartment, shut the doors with double locks and...sprayed the outline of the door with Sevika's cologne?
You still didn't understand that last part. She made you wear her cologne all the time. If you forgot, she wouldn't even greet you in the morning.
Rather, it would be a fistful of your blouse yanked toward her. She'd deeply inhale at your neck before letting out a tsk–and then, oddly enough, she'd pull out a bottle of her own and douse you in it.
Perhaps that was why when you walked into the Last Drop at the witching hour, only to witness a usually homely bar sullied with the stench of blood, the scent of her own cologne over it all made Sevika's eyes snap to you so quickly.
"Don't come out after midnight. People are out there that you don't ever see otherwise. They walk around looking to make sure people like you never get to see the light of day again."
For once, you understood what she'd meant.
They'd reached for you, people with glowing eyes and sharp fangs, and you nearly screamed. However, before you could even let out a sound Sevika gathered you in her arms.
"The fuck are you dogs doing? Can't you tell she's mine?" Sevika's voice was a frightening snarl. She lifted you up with ease, carrying you bridal style in her arms. Her hand shifted on the back of your head, guiding your face until it nestled into her chest.
"She's here for me." The vampires in the bar laughed, and one spoke up.
"I knew you were too obsessed with her to think it was just a job." Another agreed.
"The way you've been looking at her these past days, I was worried you'd lose it and suck the poor thing dry. Almost told Silco his new ace human was gonna end up an empty blood bag soon." That earned laughter from the entire bar, and Sevika scoffed, arms tightening around you as she walked toward the door.
"Funny. If you weren't already drunk off your asses I'd beat the shit outta all of you right now–" Though you couldn't see anything, suddenly you heard footsteps and felt Sevika come to an abrupt stop, hearing a voice right in front of you both.
"Hey, she just got here! Stay, live a little. No one's gonna try and touch a human you've claimed anyway." The way they talked, as if they weren't humans themselves, made you shudder.
But they aren't. They never were. The thought had you heart hammering away, and the thick arms around you pressed you closer.
"Clearly, she's not used to the night life yet. Sweet girl missed me so bad she dared to venture out..." You squeaked when fangs nipped at your ears, Sevika's breath like ice against your skin. "and at this rate, her heart might give out. Humans can do that you know. Die of fright. So unless you want to explain to Silco why you let that happen..."
"O-okay! Fine! Fucking hell you're still as possesive as ever, I know you just don't want to have anyone else to try her blood." Sevika snorted, and you felt the body you clung to move as she strode out the door.
"Of course I don't. Why would I ever share what's mine?"
She was pissed, to say the least.
Sevika would have thrown you onto the bed if she thought she wouldn't accidentally kill you. (She thinks humans are quite brittle.)
Instead she merely dropped you onto it, watching you scramble back with dark amusement.
She doesn't say much, just lights her cigar. She watches you as she takes a drag a few times, eyebrows furrowed. It's uncanny silence for what feels like eternity until she speaks.
"Now, everyone knows that you know, and the only way everyone's gonna leave you alone is if they think you belong to me. Do you understand?" You quickly nodded, shrinking back when Sevika came forward. She towers over you and looks you head to toe. The tantalizing gaze makes you tremble, and that makes her lips curl around her cigar. Another drag, another puff of smoke. The heavy scent of jasmine spice lingers.
She bites you before you can even blink.
There's no ceremony. Not slow easing into it. One second Sevika is standing, and the next her teeth are buried into your throat, and her hands are holding your arms down to keep you from squirming, and she's taking deep, draining gulps that feel like fire at your throat. You can't breathe, you can't think, you just want to cry and moan and scream at the same time. The pain is as ruthless as it is sweet, and it consumes you.
Sevika pulls away after having more than enough of her fill, well aware you'll be faint for days. She thinks it worth it with the sight of your teary eyes and bloody neck, the clear outline of her bite visible for any vampire to see. She's frazzled herself, eyes gleaming gold as she huffs down at you.
"You don't taste too bad...for an accountant."
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pokidot · 1 year
MANDELA — eleven
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To put it lightly, Hu Tao was overwhelmed by both the pain and emotion to the point where she had collapsed in the car. So other than the fact that it was completely embarrassing, she didn’t have any other complaints about being in the car with her idol of choice.
The idol of choice being you, if you didn’t get the memo.
Last thing she could remember, she was inside the car of two people who could easily be swatted with the way things were going. And now, with her bleary vision and her swollen eyes she kept finding a futile attempt to frantically blink them, Hu Tao realized that there were now more than just the two she was with now.
"Sheesh. You got her good, huh."
"It was self defense."
"That only applies when they actually fight you."
"You can fight me right now."
"You wouldn't survive."
"God, I'm really hungry right now. There's gotta be something in this store that won't give me diabetes."
"Hey! You can't eat that without paying for it."
The communication, albeit not going anywhere, made her dizzy. There wasn't even anything wrong with the rest of her face anymore, but she could still feel the mucus and snot that was emitting from the depths of her nose. All she could do is withstand the consistent wiping every time the pipes leaked.
She figured out she sat on a wooden stool behind a convenience store counter, hands clasping at a tissue as she dabbed at her teary eyes gingerly. She gained her sentience back once she figured out that there were now more than you and Kuni with her.
Seven figures, all hovering over her in hope that she would come to soon stood in a semi-circle. She wasn’t sure whether they were genuinely concerned or if they just wanted to get to their destination quickly, but based on vibes, it was a clusterfuck.
Kazuha, breath suspended in anticipation, finally exhaled. “You came to, good! It was feeling more and more like we kidnapped you the longer I stood here.”
“Close to it; the worker almost called the police on us.” Aether said.
The air was tinged with a mix of emotions on your behalf, a tapestry woven from compassion, remorse, and a profound desire to speed up the process.
The girl sat on a simple wooden stool, her hands clasping a tissue as she gingerly dabbed at her teary eyes. “Ooooh,” Hu Tao sounded out in exhaustion. “That was a doozy. Kind of reminded me of when I got ran over by horses, except this time, I was actually a victim.”
“Excuse me?” Kuni scoffed. "I'm glad you have the energy to be witty. Real comforting. Drop it, I want to know the real reason why you were near their house."
"Haha...what?" Hu Tao brazenly replied.
"Okay, Kuni, relax. I'm sure she's harmless." You held your hands up to him and waved, a wry smile. "I didn't sit her down to grill her, she's exciting, fresh, and fun."
He rolled his eyes immediately. "Please, she sounds like a deodorant. You," He pointed towards the victim in question. "Start talking."
"Okay...he's right. I have a confession." Hu Tao's shoulders dropped in defeat.
"You really are a backstabber? Because (Y/N) still has that hairspray." Heizou warned.
"What? No! I was going to say," Hu Tao took a sharp breath in. "I was at the presentation, yes, but...I may have been more interested in going for my...own advantages? Heh."
"You don't want to look for ghosts?" Aether's eyebrows rose.
"Knew I got creepy vibes from her." Heizou jutted his thumb towards the door. "Let's make a run for it while we still have the chance."
"Rude...let's hear her out." Kazuha murmured.
"I don't want to hear anybody out who willingly fraternizes with ghosts." Xiao added.
"FRATERNIZE is a strong word. And don't call them ghosts, they don't take kindly to that word. You don't want roaming spirits to be pissed off at you." Hu Tao held a finger quickly up to her lips in urgency. "But no, shocker, they aren't my first priority. I want to know what's going on deeper in Mori Grove."
"Isn't that what we're trying to do?" You blinked.
"Maybe! But I've been trying to look for an excuse to go longer than any of you thought of it!" Hu Tao stuck her tongue out teasingly. "Who knew I had to make a college club to get there?"
Her words hung in the air like ethereal wisps, each fact after fact carrying a weight that seemed to ripple throughout all of them. But Venti, out of all of them, was still not convinced.
He held his hand on his thoughtful cheek, his eyes suspicious and curious at the girl. They flickered with intrigue, "Sounds like you know a lot more than you're giving us. What'cha looking for? Some ancient burial ground?"
"I can't...really tell you."
"I know I'm not the best at time management, but shouldn't we hurry?" You suspended the moment of tension, "The highway isn't going to be open for long, there's already construction guys there."
"Fair point. Let's go." Kuni motioned the collective spirit of six towards the convenience store door (to which the cashier was delighted by such news).
But amidst the flow of the group, Hu Tao stood up, and the violet haired man turned back towards her with a squint. "Not you, though. You can stay here."
"What!" Hu Tao's mouth dropped open. "You can't do that! I gave you a reason!"
Kuni's eyes dulled. "You gave me a reason like you were late to class because your dog ate your homework. Hasta la vista."
Aether looked at Kuni. "I didn't know you spoke French."
"That's...not..." Venti couldn't help but smile. "Nevermind~"
"We can't just leave her here." Kazuha sighed in defeat. "We already bothered the worker here enough."
"I'm glad you know." The cashier comically added in a murmur while they kept reading their outdated newspaper.
"If she doesn't want to tell us, then I'm not wasting my time trying to get an answer out of her." Kuni's eyes dulled. "I'd be more than willing to ditch someone who wasted our time, especially when they just want to hitch a ride off us."
"I hitch rides off you all the time, Kuni! She just wants to go to Mori Grove." You looked at Kuni, still stone-faced as ever. "If she doesn't have the same motive, fine, but she never said she would just go her own way."
"That is the point she was trying to make, though." Xiao added lowly.
"I don't care." Kuni said flatly, before looking back at Hu Tao. "You tell us what you think you plan to achieve, and I'll take back what I said, but you're so suspicious it emits fumes off of you."
"I don't-"
"If you believe her so much, then you can stay with her too. Call me when you wake up." Kuni cut you off.
Hu Tao stopped in her tracks, her mouth still open in shock. She found herself so ensnared in a struggle that her thoughts became mush caught in a strong wind. She panicked once Kuni started to walk off. "Okay, fine!"
As he turned towards her, her brows knit, and her eyes became bewildered with uncertainty. "I'll tell you in the car." Her shoulders dropped.
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NOTES || do i plan to make this the slowest burn to ever burn? yes
TAGLIST: @wisteriarain @akagism2 @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @d4y-dr3am3r @truck-kuns-gf @3lysiaa @ayoitsmarie33 @crucnhice @natsuscrustyscarf @dreamsofminnie @astreaa-express @goj0h @cicibao @xirthia @kylexzz @dollpoetwriting @dreamingkace @strawbxrrytiger @k1an4a
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spiderh0rse · 5 months
felix's mind notes part 3, e11-15
can feel his sanity slippage. he's played the impossible quiz and survived so this is a bad sign
thinks escalators are fun
puts on a bad German accent for a minute
blames the galaxy and then the universe and then karma for his bad luck
not a Buddhist
cheated off his good friend Gregory for his final exam. That led to his doctorate somehow
metal music engage, Felix your voice is so quiet by comparison
processing the undead into regular dead
breaks out of felixland in the elevator and calls the past couple minutes a wonderful dream
does not like the nighttime here
got a good set of lungs on him!
sees a phone and immediately tries to call Superman
cannot ram a door open
"wheel things" You Mean A Valve?
impressed at how much skill it takes to make city 17 uglier
kleiner reminds Felix of captain picard
wants to escape the ex city faster
wishes he had a jetpack
mocks the camera drones by calling them decepticons
wishes he could've been a ninja
has come to the realization that he's better than anyone around him
he's such a fucking gamer
knows nothing about bomb disposal
fire controls... Fifi,,,
placed third in high jump! I don't know when!
loves stealth loves not being seen. This is why he'd rather be the Spy than the Scout
overtaken by blorbo thoughts constantly
wants to go home :(
on the edge of death he claims. Hit by Sniper
wishes Joni well without him
admits he'd try to end it all himself to speed up the process of dying
greyscale? Wait no, flashback, black mesa east.
hates hydroelectric power
the mist in the fumigation chamber makes him cough horribly
annoyed at Mossman for gassing him
he has no lung capacity whatsoever
glad to hear they're a step ahead of the Combine somewhere
doesn't. Doesn't know what a postdoc is
excited to be able to teleport without going to Xen
tries to correct Eli about his identity by reminding him of that time he spilled acid all over Eli's report
calls that accident(?) "good times"
never actually did any scientific work
not looking forward to working with Mossman
seems surprised Breen is leading this whole business
Breen blocked Facebook at work
Felix uses Facebook
Felix would NOT want to take another teleporter ride
considers alyx in some fashion of attraction
has been meaning to work out again
recognizes the xenium crystal
familiar with Alien
casually correcting people getting his name wrong with no real push
has fixed tons of red rings in his time
pretty sure alyx wants to get in his pants. Vaguely and for once hopes she isn't
Gordon getting selected for the AMS experiment was literally a name picked out of a hat
didn't work in AnMat
finds the vague ravenholm story creepy
doesn't want to get fumigated again. Coughs his lungs out :(
he's not sure where he is, but he sees train tracks
seems to be experiencing the citadel explosion
Felix is in the dark and in. Nightmare sequence. Dies in there
his HEV suit shocks him back to consciousness! It reads off a litany of things done
Felix credits Joni but the resuscitation was a planned feature for hl2. And I love the HEV suit. I'm crediting it.
he's never taking this suit off again he says
familiar with Fear 2
likes having minions i think. Keeps calling the roller mines his minions
he. He can enter bullet time? At will?
his stomach still hurts :( got shot in the intestines after all
disgusted by sitting in blood for a second
Felix is in a lot of pain. "I'm only severely wounded, but okay," to having to run point
cannot make relatively short drops without injuring himself rn
admires Joni's sniper work
sad about forgetting her name. Blames selective retrograde amnesia and also "that stasis suit guy keeps putting me in"
hates poison headcrabs more than dying
if he were in Canada surgery to get the bullet out would be free
stole some of Gordon's gold
pretty sure Gordon wouldn't give him money for medical emergencies
wet cats his way down some stairs. Elects to perform self surgery
knows how to open his suit up
screaming the entire time he's taking the bullet out but DOES manage it
immediately gets back to work. No rest for Felix
hopes the morphine takes effect soon
slightly resembles sliced swiss cheese
doesn't know why he's talking about becoming food products
assumes Gordon's password (???) will work on a combine door
captain Felix Freeman of the intergalactic house of pancakes
wait that's the password. It works.
Felix has been to Canada
HATES Canadian winters
oh I guess he lived there? Got a pool once to deal with the heat.
annoyed that his work in the citadel turns out to be undone
yeah he's just getting weapons that were not in half life
lightheadedness is just a side effect from the shield recharger. Felix desperately claims he needs it. Unfortunately he's built an immunity
hallucinates mario. Blames the morphine. Morphine does not do this.
ignores Mario
hates the antlion guardian
"your parent or legal guardian"
does not respect the term "oh snap"
has said "yes indeedio"
return to sender cash on delivery
considers city 17 hellish
doesn't trust anything sinister
thinks living in the vents would be safer than the actual city living spaces
thinks Joni might euthanize him if it became necessary. Doesn't want to think about that
deeply afraid of Explosives Room
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