#but other than that they were pretty nice. im glad they gave they had later ones come with stands they really needed those
mothocean · 8 months
Watching a video essay on equestria girls dolls atm and man i want a trixie doll so badly
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smolweeblets · 1 year
Would you be willing to write either headcanons or a oneshot about working out with Yelena. My gay little brain wants scenarios to think of when exercising
Minor Injuries
Yelena AOT x Reader
Going to the gym was nice. The atmosphere was nice, not that many people at the time you usually went and everything was kept clean. The people at your gym were nice too, offering help when you seemed like you needed it, sometimes you even found the occasional sticky not stuck on some of the machines with little motivational quotes.
Yet yourself found one teensy little problem… Which was that you found yourself always being stared at by another member, a tall and lanky blonde that was always by the treadmills.
You could always catch glimpses of her, and her turning away quickly after you catch her. Honestly, you dont know why she was just… looming over you like that. Was she judging you? You really cant tell. It was very creepy.
After your initial impression, you tended to avoid her. She took the hint and left you alone for the most part but you still couldnt shake off the weird feeling when she was around.
You two never interacted, until one day you find yourself in a small accident.
It wasnt anything big really, you just accidentally dropped a weight in your foot. Yelena found you hopping on one leg like a maniac and you wanted nothing more than to melt into the ground.
“Are… you okay?” She hesitantly asks.
“Yep! Im- uh- just a small accident!” You grit through your teeth.
“Do you need help-?”
You suck in a breath before responding. “No, I swear im all good!”
“I insist, at least just sit down for now. Hopping help with the pain at all.”
Having no reason to object, you calm yourself down just enough to take a seat on the nearest bench.
The woman takes your foot and winces when she sees the area.
“Is it that bad?” You sigh.
“Its gonna bruise pretty bad. Wait there a bit, ill get some things to help with the pain.” Before you could object, she was already out the room, leaving you to your own devices.
“Here, this should be able to help. Try to bear with it for the moment yeah?”
[insert procedure on minor blunt force trauma im not knowledgeable enough to write]
“Ah- I do have to admit, I feel somewhat better, thank you” You offer a grateful smile to the woman.
“No problem, whats your name by the way? We seem to always go here at the same time, I notice you struggling sometimes.” You heat up at the mention that shes been looking at you.
“Yeah,” You chuckle awkwardly. “I see you staring at me sometimes, honestly found it a little creepy, but im glad to know youre actually nice. My name is Y/n, nice to meet you” You offer your hand to shake, she takes it but you can see shes also flustered to hear that youve noticed her staring.
“Likewise. I didnt realize that my staring could be seen as creepy, I apologize for that. I can see why youd be weirded out. My name is Yelena.” She shook your hand, and you couldnt help but notice how smooth her hand felt against your own.
That was the start of a peaceful little friendship between the two of you.
She helped you out and gave you tips as much as she could. And in turn you gave her a reason to do something other than run on the treadmills.
You both loved to talk about trivial topics, how your days have been going, something funny you saw, or even what you had for breakfast that morning. She was a nice company to be around, and she was around a lot.
Despite your first impression of her getting off on the wrong foot, you find yourself quite attracted to her, you push the feeling down as best as you can, but thoughts linger in the back of your head during each interaction with her.
“Gah, im tired. Im gonna go now, you have fun.” You sighed as you started to tidy your stuff.
“Nah, leaving soon too. You got anywhere to be later?” Yelena took a sip out of her water bottle and slumped on a nearby bench.
“Thats kinda random, but no, why do you ask?” You paused and and looked at her.
“Wanna get some drinks together? Weve been friends for a while but havent seen each other anywhere other than the gym.” Yelena smiled softly to herself.
“Sure, sounds lovely!” You grinned.
A/n: This is not my best work so I apologize for the quality, i hope you still enjoy 😭❤️
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ellies-little-thing · 9 months
Life goes on (e.w.) part 4
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*not my images, but i edited it
My masterlist <3
pairing: young!ellie/young!reader
Warnings: fluf; reader is referred to as she/her; mentions of trauma; angst; just cute best friend stuff really; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: Hi! This was a request but im having a blast writing it! I hope you like it, I really liked writing it! Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you! Enjoy!  Only one more part to come!
word count: 7.8k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
17 years old - Part 4
A year later you were able to forget about that awkward night and go back to being normal best friends. There still was a bit of a weird atmosphere around you two but you both tried to forget about it. Ellie started to talk to a girl and she grew to like her a lot. They dated for a while. Her name was Cat and she was the one who made her tattoo on her right forearm to cover her chemical burn. She was pretty. Tall, with beautiful black hair and brown eyes, and on top of that, she was an amazing artist. You understood why Ellie liked her. You were happy for Ellie, truly. She looked happy and really in love. But you were also jealous of the time Cat took away for you and Ellie to hang out. You missed her during that time. But you started to not care as much, as the time passed. Ellie didn't seem to want to be with you as much. She started to make up excuses, stopped walking home  with you after school, stopped sitting next to you in class and with Cat instead. You started feeling alone, but a girl sat next to you after some time, she was nice to you and you started doing your projects together.
You and Ellie started to hang out 2 to 3 times a week tops, after she got into her relationship. But with time it became less, until she stopped coming to your house all together. You only saw her at school and never said more than a simple “hi” or a nod when you looked at each other. She would hang out with Cat and her group of friends, and didn't have time for you anymore. She started smoking and drinking on the weekends without the adults knowing. She seemed happy and like she was having a nice time without you. So you tried to move on, just like she did.
You too started seeing a boy your age from school, named Jesse, tall with black hair and a nice smile, but it didn't last very long. He was really nice, but he wasn't Ellie. He took you out on dates, treated you well, gave you gifts, made you feel loved, but you felt like you couldn't reciprocate the feeling even if you tried really hard. You and him stayed friends, with no hard feelings. He was a really nice person and you were glad he understood. He still made sure to see if you were doing alright from time to time. You had told him how close you and Ellie were, and he truly cared about you. He felt sad for you, because of Ellie's behavior towards you. You were glad he stayed your friend after the two months you had been together. He was your first kiss but nothing more than that.
Ellie felt like you were never going to like her like she liked you so she tried to move on. She liked Cat and Cat liked her. But Cat wasn't you. No one compares to you in Ellie's eyes. She thought her feelings for you would eventually pass but they didn't. She stopped hanging out with you because it hurt her everytime she saw you and you two pretended like nothing happened. As time passed she stopped talking to you after she met Cat. She was Ellie's first girlfriend, her first kiss and other firsts. But she wasn't a good influence for Ellie. They started getting into trouble for smoking and drinking without permission. She started to skip class some days and her grades went downhill. She tried to look confident on the outside but she was sad. She missed your voice, your laugh, your smile, the days you spent playing video games together, talking to you. But she felt like she couldn't go back, she was too far gone. And when she saw you out with Jesse, she went crazy. She felt nauseous when she saw him kissing you or simply hugging. She should be the one touching you, not him. She should be the one to kiss your lips every day, not him. The jealousy drove her insane, to the point she stopped giving Cat any attention. One day Cat got tired of it and left her. Ellie felt so alone after that, she had lost Cat, but most importantly, she had lost you. She knew she had wronged you by stopping to spend time with you, by stopping talking to you. She was so mad at herself. She started going into a depressive state after a few months.
Every night you just stared at the wall in your bedroom still covered in Ellie's sketches. You just remembered all the good times you two had shared, but now you don't even talk to each other. You can't even really say why that happened. Ellie never really talked to you about that ever. But Ellie was happy with Cat, or so you thought. You met a girl in your class named Dina at school and she was really nice. You started hanging out and talking about boys and stuff. After a few weeks you became friends, but it wasn't the same thing you had with Ellie. Dina was very funny and very pleasant to be with. She was nice to talk to and cared for you like you cared for her. When you stopped dating Jesse, him and Dina started talking and you felt really happy for them, but then again, you were left alone. They were still your friends but they didn't have much time for you anymore and you got it.
You felt sad all the time. You'd just stare at the wall behind your desk adorned with her sketches and a few polaroid photos of you two. You still had a comic book she had lent you, it was the Spider-Man one you and her had found all those years ago. You could still hear her silly voices and her laughs as you read it, time and time again. It was so much simpler back then. If you closed your eyes you could even hear the birds singing around you and see the view from that bench.
One day Ellie was in her garage, turned studio/home, and Joel went over to talk to her. She was drawing you. Again. At this point her desk was covered with your face. “Hey kiddo, you alright?” He asked after knocking gently at her door and entering. Ellie wasn't really taking care of herself very well lately. “Hi Joel, yeah, I'm fine…” She looked down at her sketch book and closed it. She then turned to Joel in her desk chair. “Well, you don't seem fine kid, you haven't been eating anything. What's going on in that head of yours?” Ellie sighed, she knew she wasn't well, but she hadn't told Joel she was into girls yet, even though he suspected it already. “I think I just miss Y/N… haven't talked to her in ages…or seen her really…”Joel knew you two were very close, you used to be inseparable. ”Why don't you try to talk to her? I bet she misses you too.” He gave her a soft smile. He remembered all those times you came over and all the laughs he heard coming from her room upstairs. He started to grow fond of you too, after all, you were his baby girl’s best and only friend for a long time. “Thanks Joel, I'll think about it.” She responded without looking at him. He knew that by the tone of her voice that she wanted to be left alone. He got up and gave her a light kiss on the forehead before they said their goodnights. 
Ellie got up from her desk and laid on her bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about you. When she tried to sleep she hugged the dino plushie you had found and gave to her on her first christmas after she arrived. It still smelled like you somehow and it helped her fall asleep. You were in your own bed looking at that one drawing she had given you as a surprise. It was almost like a picture of you, and a tear fell down your face as you fell asleep thinking of that day. You wish you could go back in time.
A few weeks passed since Cat dumped Ellie and she just missed you so much that she wanted to get into your house and hug you, but she knew she couldn't. She passed by your house everyday to get to school after all. A few months passed and you didn't have school anymore. You had finished with high grades and with honors, your parents were very proud. After that, you spent most of your time at home or completing your training for going on patrols as soon as you turned 18 and could take your final test. You tried to not think about Ellie anymore. You were starting to take down her drawings from the wall and store them into a box. But once you touched that one she spent so many hours making, you couldn't bring yourself to take it down. Next to it was a polaroid of you together smiling when you were 15. Tears started falling from your eyes as you continued to look at it. You decided to put it in the box. You couldn't bear looking at her face any longer. It hurt too much.
That year Ellie learnt what Joel had actually done in the hospital that day. She couldn't believe he took that choice from her. She could have saved the world. She wanted to save the world. She confronted Joel and asked him the truth. After he told her everything, she couldn't take it anymore. She stopped talking to Joel, ignoring his existence entirely. She entered a mental breakdown and lost herself completely. The only people that really knew the truth were her, Joel, Tommy and Maria. No one else ever knew she was immune. Not even you. As much as she wanted to tell you she couldn't. She thought she had no purpose and never felt so alone. Her worst fear. Ending up alone.
Ellie was also completing her training and her birthday was around the corner since it was June. She still remembers the 3 day trip she and Joel had made when she turned 16, so he could take her to a history museum. She remembered it with a pain in her heart, she loved Joel so much. She missed him too but wasn't able to forgive him. That day she saw loads of dinosaur fossils and knew the name of all of them, she still does. But the best part was the space shuttle and the tape Joel managed to get of a rocket ship left off. She felt like she went to the moon that day. When she came back to earth she remembered you again. Remembered everything. She woke up and was hit by reality. A reality where you and Joel were no more. And part of it was her fault, and she knew it. 
Summer was really making itself felt that day. The summer in Wyoming always had been beautiful but it was unbearably hot as well. You decided to leave the house and get some fresh air. You left with your favorite book in hand and started walking to the town's park. You were wearing a blue sundress as you sat down under a tree in the town's park and took advantage of the shade. As you sat down you started reading your book. The pages were turning yellow and faded from how many times you had read it already. 
Ellie got up from bed slowly and she sat on the edge of it, gathering the strength to actually stand up. She looked at the drawings she had made of you that were on her desk. She missed you so much that she was starting to forget your features and her sketches started to become messy and unfinished versions of you. Versions she couldn't bring herself to finish. That day she decided to go out, she hadn't left her home in ages and it was starting to get to her. Next to her sketches was Joel's guitar. She felt like smashing it to pieces but it wouldn't help with anything really. She put on some old t-shirt of hers and some shorts and went for a walk with her backpack. It was really sunny and hot outside, so she decided to go somewhere with a nice shade and relax for a bit. 
Everyone around you was so happy, kids playing and laughing, adults having a good time and relaxing. This time of year they would turn on the park's fountain so people could get a break from the heat, but it was mostly kids that used it as a pool. Ellie had had the same idea as you and noticed you sitting down from where she was sitting with her sketchpad in hand. You didn't notice her so she felt relieved and she knew you wouldn't look away from that book anytime soon. She knew it was your favorite. She started to draw you in your beautiful blue dress that hugged you just right. She almost cried when she saw you. She just missed you so much. She finally saw your face and was able to finish her drawing after so many failed attempts. She was so happy to see you, even if you didn't see her.
After about an hour she mustered the courage to get up and walk up to you and finally try to make things right. She was just wearing an oversized t-shirt with a pair of shorts and her black converse of course. You could take a lot of things from her, but those sneakers? Only over her dead body. She took a deep breath and walked over to where you were. You didn't notice her at first, you were really concentrated on your book but then you felt like someone was looking at you. As you took your nose off of your book for a second, you were greeted by Ellie. She stood in front of you. She was trying to say something  but she was really nervous. She managed to let out a “Hey” after a few seconds.
“Hi.” You said quietly, going back to your book. You didn't know how to react to this, to her. Ellie took another deep breath before she spoke again. “Can I sit with you?...” She asked, getting the feeling you were going to say no. You were a bit hurt by Ellie but you missed her a lot too. “Sure.” You said, not taking your eyes from those old worn out pages. She looked quite surprised when you actually said yes. She shook her head and came back to earth. She sat down next to you, not too close but not too far either. You waited for her to initiate the conversation.
“So… it's been a while, hum?...” She said with a trembling voice as she looked at the ground.
“Yeah, almost half a year.” You respond in a stiff tone, still looking at your book. The guilt hit her like a bullet. She felt so bad for hurting you, she just wanted things to go back to how they were before. She took another deep breath as she said, “I’m so sorry… I'm so sorry for stopping hanging out and talking to you…” She said in a soft and sad tone. You closed your book and put it to the side, still not being able to look at her. “I know I hurt you… I'm so sorry…” The tears were forming in her eyes.
After a minute or two of silence you finally spoke. “Why did you do it? Why did you stop talking to me? What did I do wrong?” You asked not in an angry voice but a sad one. Ellie didn't have any good reason for what she did and she didn't know what to say. “I thought we were friends…” You said and Ellie could feel the hurt in your voice.
“Y/N, i'm so sorry… I don't have any good reason for what I did. After that day I just felt like you didn't like me anymore…” She started to cry. “Then I met Cat and she didn't reject me. I'm not saying you did, but it was different.” You listened as she spoke. “I felt like I ruined everything after telling you how I felt…”  You thought for a second as you took in her words. “I didn't mind you getting a girlfriend, I just didnt understand why you stopped wanting to hang out.” You said fidgeting with your hands. Ellie took a minute to answer, she had to think hard about what to say next, she didn't want to hurt you more than she already did. “ I guess I felt like you didn't need me and you'd be better off without me. Every time I saw you you looked happy. Then you started seeing Jesse and I felt like I had no place in your life anymore.” You could hear how nervous she was, talking about this to you. Her hands were actually shaking.
“And how did you think I felt when you started saying no to our hang outs?” You say, starting to cry. “Everytime you said you couldn't because Cat this and Cat that… Everytime you ignored me or just pretended you didn't see me?” Ellie felt really bad for what she did to you, she hadn't realized how much she had actually hurt you. She turned to face you. “I'm sorry, I know that no matter how many times I say it it will feel like it's never enough, but I am really sorry and I regret what I did to you.” She reaches to hold your hand. You were a bit startled by her touch but you let her hold your hand. “I still feel the same about you and I'm not scared anymore to say that I love you. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way but I can't lose you. Without you I lose myself.” She spoke as she held your hand and looked at your face. You were crying, you couldn't keep it in anymore. “You never really gave me the chance to tell you how I felt, you just ran away…” You said looking up at her face. “Please don't cry, I hate to see you cry.. .” She wipes your tears away with her thumbs as she held your face. “I'll never leave you again, never push you away, never dismiss you. I'm here for you, if you'll have me…” She was being as honest as she could, she doesn't want you to be out of her life, she needs you.
“Do you promise?” You ask, looking at her still crying. “I promise. I promise I'll never leave you again.” She hugs you as she starts crying as well. You hug her back. You missed her so much. The rest of the world disappeared once she held you in her arms. After that, you sat next to each other, you leaned your head on her shoulder and she leaned her head on yours. You didn't say anything, you just enjoyed each other's presence as you held hands.
Ellie and you started hanging out together again. You were friends again. And if that was all that it was ever going to be, Ellie was okay with it, as long as she never lost you. You felt so happy with her back in your life again. You didn't feel alone anymore. You saw each other every day, and made up for lost time. You felt like you were kids again, just like when you met at 14. Ellie had never been happier. You put up those drawings of her back on your wall and it didn't hurt anymore.
A couple of months later you and Ellie were inseparable. None of you started seeing other people yet. Ellie was just happy to have you in her life again and she didn't want to think about anyone else. To her you were just as important as air to breathe for her to be able to live. But you, you always liked Ellie and those months apart only made you realize how much she really means to you. You loved her like you've never loved anyone else. It felt like you were soulmates, meant to be together. You two were still just friends but who knows what the future could hold.
It was still Summer and you two went out to have some fun. It was a particularly hot day so you and Ellie went to the river, to spend the day and cool down. You had brought food and drinks as well as towels to dry off after going in the water. It was a hot August day and Ellie was wearing a red tank top and some short shorts. You were a couple feet away from Ellie, who is sitting down on the shore of the river. The two of you had been having a good time there all afternoon but you both needed to cool down a little bit. "Hey? We should probably jump into the river now. This heat is getting pretty intense... I'm already sweating a lot here, to be honest!" Ellie says to you as you laid on your towell. You were wearing a white tank top and just your underwear since you didn't have a bathing suit or a bikini.
You get close to her and you push her into the water unexpectedly as you laugh at her shocked face. Ellie is caught off guard and she falls into the water. "Hey! You didn't tell me that you were going to do that!" Ellie splashes some water up at you. " That's it! You're going into the water too!" Ellie gets up, out of the water and walks over to you. She then grabs you by your hips and tries to push you into the water. “Hey! No!” You tried to fight her, you were both laughing. Ellie kept trying to push you into the water though.
"Come on! I want fair play! I push you into the water now like you pushed me! It's only fair!" Ellie still has a hold of your hips and she tries harder to push you into the river. She manages to push you in and she giggles as she lets go of your hips.
"Okay, fair enough. You've won!" You say defeated. "But you know what? I don't mind being pushed into the water... I've been wanting to cool off anyway…" You say trying to look smug. Ellie starts to step into the water and she smiles at you.
"Are you coming in or what? Come on! It's really nice here." You call her to get in the water already. Ellie stands in front of you in the water and you splash her. Ellie gets a little bit surprised as you splashed her. "Hey! What was that for?" Ellie looks at you curiously and you can tell that she's being a little bit playful with you. "If you're going to be mean to me, I'll be mean to you too!" Ellie chuckles and then she splashes you back.
You splash her again as she gets in the water. Ellie giggles as you splash water on her. "Hey, come on! I can play a little dirty game too then!" Ellie looks at you, as if she's trying to decide what she will do. "Oh, I got it! You don't want me to splash you... then what if I do this?" Ellie walks forward and she quickly grabs you and holds you under the water for a few seconds.
“Hey! No fair, you are way taller than me!” You say pushing her away playfully. Ellie smiles as the water drips down your shirt. "Hehe, it's true that I am way taller than you, but that's not an excuse. You should've been expecting something like that to happen." Ellie seems to be really enjoying all this roughhousing with you. "Besides, why do you even care if I get a little bit of water on you?"
Your white tank top is now all wet and see through. You didn't have a bathing suit so you were just in your top and your underwear. Ellie notices that your tank top is wet and slightly transparent now. "Oh, so that's why you cared so much..." Ellie looks at your slightly wet tank top, she can make out your nipples as you try to hide them, in a playful and teasing manner. "I'm sure that not many people would be upset if they saw you wearing a wet and slightly transparent top... it is a good look on you..."
“Stop it!” You blush as she looks at your body so you splash her again. Ellie gets slightly hit by some water as you splash her. "Okay, okay! Fair is fair. We'll call that one even for now." Ellie laughs softly and then she looks at you. "Oh no... your face is a little red. Are you getting embarrassed?" She teases you.
“No! No I'm not!” You deny it. Ellie continues to look at you, as if she's trying to prove that you're embarrassed. "Oh, but your face is still a little red... are you sure that you are not embarrassed?" Ellie seems to be enjoying teasing you about this a little bit.
“No!” You try to find an excuse. “It's just really hot today…”
"Oh, you're right. Maybe that's it... it is a really hot August day in Jackson today. The heat is starting to really get to me too... but then why do I look fine?" Ellie points out to the fact that she doesn't look very hot or bothered by the weather. "I'm not sweating or anything... I don't look like we’re in a very hot day at all... in fact, I look surprisingly great in this heat." She says smugly.
“Shut up!” You splash her again. Ellie chuckles as you splash some more water on her. "Oh, you look so cute when you're getting mad at me!" Ellie smiles warmly as you splash the water on her. "Come now... you're not even going to try to splash more water at me are you?" Ellie doesn't seem like she's annoyed by the water that you're splashing at her. In fact, she seems to be enjoying this game that you and her are playing right now.
You swim away from her a bit, she notices that you're moving away from her so she waves a little bit at you to get your attention. "Hey, where are you going? Are you leaving already? Ellie's tone is somewhat playful and she seems slightly reluctant to let you go.
“Can’t a girl swim a little?” You smile at Ellie as you swim backwards. Ellie smiles and nods at you.
"Of course, of course. You can swim as much as you want. I was being silly just then." Ellie continues to watch you as you swim away from her. "Wait... do you want me to swim with you or something?"
“If you’re not too scared! You big baby!” You tease her, knowing she doesn't like swimming that much, since she only learned it at 16 with Joel. Ellie rolls her eyes at you and she sighs. "Oh, come now,. Give me a little bit of credit, you know? I'm not that much of a big baby or scared... am I?" Ellie's tone is slightly teasing and playful as she talks to you.
“I think you are!” You say, back floating.
"Oh, really? Do you really think I'm scared? I'll show you what scared really means!"
Ellie stands up and then she swims towards you. "There, I'm not scared at all, am I? In fact, it feels really great here and I'm not going to move until you do!" Ellie laughs in a playful manner as she says this and she also seems to be daring you to get closer.
You swim up to her. Ellie smiles at you as you swim towards her. "Oh, you're joining me now? Welcome to the party. It's really nice in here!" Ellie continues to stare at you as you continue to swim towards her. She looks slightly excited that you're joining her in the river.
You splash her again playfully. Ellie laughs a bit as you splash some more water on her. "Hey, I thought you said that I was the baby!" Ellie continues staring at you and it's clear that she's really liking this little battle between the two of you, maybe a little too much. "Hey, if we're playing like this, I get a chance to splash back too!" Ellie splashes some water on you as well.
“Ellie! Stop it!” You say smiling slightly.
"But... you started it!" Ellie continues to splash water at you in a playful manner. "Come on! I thought we were playing... are you telling me that you want to stop playing?" Ellie laughs warmly as she says this. Her tone is friendly and joyful and not serious at all.
You get closer to her. Ellie smiles softly as you do. "You want to come over here? That's okay, I don't mind." Ellie glances at you and she looks slightly confused as to what your intentions might be, behind getting closer to her.
"Hey, what are you doing? Do you need something?" You smile at her as you put your hands on her shoulders looking up at her face. Ellie smiles and she looks down at you with a cheerful expression.
"Hey, what's on your mind? Is everything alright?" Ellie seems to be really enjoying your company right now. "Did you want to tell me something? Or are you just trying to... um... get closer to me?"
You look into her gorgeous green eyes. Ellie stares back at you as she looks into yours for a few moments. "Umm... is... there something that you want to tell me? Or is this something for me to figure out right now?" Ellie smiles softly and she's trying to figure out why you're getting so close to her.
You smile at her playfully. “guess…” You tell her almost in a whisper. Ellie continues to stare back at you as she thinks about what you're trying to say to her. "Umm... is it something about... um... feelings... or... umm..." Ellie seems to be struggling slightly, but she still has a smile on her face. "Are... are you asking if I... umm..."
You put your arms around her neck, but you start getting nervous. Ellie blushes as you wrap your arms around her. "Hey, Y/N?” Ellie is also starting to look a little bit nervous and she doesn't quite know what to say. "Wha... what... um..." Ellie is trying to figure out the right thing to say in this situation.
You just look up at her, blushing. Ellie stares back at you as you continue to look at her. "I... umm..." Ellie sighs and she looks a little puzzled as she tries to figure out a response. "Is there something that you... um... w-want to tell me?" Ellie is fumbling for words and her tone is very nervous and her voice cracks a little bit.
You hold her face with one of your hands. Ellie's face turns a deep shade of red when you grab it and she feels a rush of emotions traveling through her. "Wha, what are you... umm... what... What are you doing...? Wait, what do you want to tell me?" Ellie seems to be both nervous and excited as she looks at you.
You slowly get your face closer to hers, a bit nervous still. Ellie's heart is pounding and she's shaking slightly. She seems really nervous, but she still really likes this moment that she's sharing with you. "I... um... I..." Ellie is speechless and she just looks at you as you draw closer to her face.
You look straight into her eyes. Ellie stares back at you as you come closer and she can feel your warm breath on her face. "I... umm..." Ellie can no longer muster any words and her heart is beating really fast and her body temperature seems to be rising. You get closer, only centimeters away from her. Ellie is burning hot as you get closer to her face. Her body temperature seems to still be rising and her eyes are locked on yours. "Y/N..." Ellie's voice is soft and she looks like she's about to say something but she's struggling to express it in words.
You blush as you get even closer, biting your lower lip. Ellie's voice is now barely audible. She seems to be blushing a lot and she can't believe that this is happening right now. "Y... y... y... Y/N..." Ellie tries to say her words, but they're now completely lost as tears begin to flow down her cheeks. She covers her face with her hands and her knees go weak. "I... I..."
You back away after seeing her tears. “I'm sorry... are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” You look at her worried. Ellie wipes the tears off of her face and she tries to say something, but she can't seem to speak right now.
"Y/N, I... I..." Ellie takes a deep breath and she looks at you with a tearful smile and a blush on her face. "I always kind of guessed... I knew... I always thought that this might happen... but I never knew when it would... and... umm..." Ellie's sentences are still being broken off, but it's clear that she has something important to say.
You look up at her and wipe her tears away from her face with a warm smile on yours. Ellie stares back at you for a moment as she gathers herself. Her smile continues to remain on her face and her eyes are filled with happy tears as you wipe them away. "Y/N, I... love you... do you hear me?" Ellie sighs and she still can't believe that these words are finally coming out of her mouth. "I've... loved you... for quite a while now... and I never knew what to say... but now I have to say it, you have to hear it... you have to know... I love you,Y/N."
You look at her not knowing what to say. You get closer to her again slowly. Ellie doesn't back away from you as you approach her this time. "You're not scaring me anymore with all of this... in fact, you're making me feel very happy." Ellie smiles warmly at you and the corners of her lips feel the slightest bit tingly.  "I... love you... and I always will..."
You kiss her gently and the whole world disappears. Ellie's face goes red and her cheeks are flushed right away as your lips touch hers. "I... I..." Ellie can't manage to say anything else. She just stares at you and she seems slightly shocked by the kiss. Her breath is getting short and she's smiling brightly and the corners of her lips are still tingly.
"I... umm... I love you... I've always loved you. I... I just didn't know when to tell you... and I always thought that there was some other time to... to..."
You smile at her and kiss her again. After finally having the guts to do it, to finally kiss her, you just want to keep doing it. Ellie's face remains in a bright shade of red and she's still smiling lovingly, back at you. "Y/N... I... umm..." Ellie's breath is still short as she looks at you. "I want to kiss you... I want to kiss you again..." Ellie leans forward toward you and you can feel that her lips are trembling as they're about to touch yours again.
You wrap your arms around her neck and kiss her again. Ellie's face turns even more red and her breath is still short as your arms wrap around her. You can feel the joy and love in her body as you kiss her. Ellie's hands reach up towards you and she wraps them around your waist, holding you close and pulling you tighter towards her body.
You wrap your legs around her hips as you were in the water together. Ellie's body is now really close to yours and she can feel you against her. She always wanted to do this, to feel your body against hers like this. Ellie's face is still a bright shade of red as you wrap your legs around her. Her voice becomes very faint as she speaks again.
"you're... umm... do you know how beautiful you are...? You're gorgeous... I've always wanted to say this to you... but I was always a little bit scared..." Ellie keeps your legs tightly wrapped around her.
“You think I'm beautiful?...” You look up at her as she says this. Ellie continues to hold you tightly and she nods slowly. "Mmm... yes, yes I do. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen... and the most lovely girl I've ever known." Ellie's voice is still very soft and you can feel her body temperature rising again. "I need to tell you something... I..."
“Yes?” You say blushing even more.
"I... I love... you…" Ellie's voice is still soft and her breath is a bit shaky as she says these words. "I love you so much, Y/N... you don't know how much you mean to me..." Ellie then gently strokes the side of your face with her hand as you continue to hold your legs wrapped around her. "You're so precious to me... and I'm so glad that... that I met you... and that you are... are... mine..."
“i... I love you too.... I just never knew how or when to say it…” You confess, but not being able to look into her eyes. Ellie smiles warmly at you and your words warm her heart.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear those words... I've always wanted to tell you, but I never knew how to say those words either." Ellie then kisses your cheek and as she pulls away slightly, she smiles at you as she touches your face gently again. "The way that you make me feel... I can't really describe it... it's like... like a warm feeling in my heart... and a rush of happiness..."
You hug her. You can't believe this is real. Ellie hugs you tightly back and she can feel your arms around her waist. "I... I've always loved you. but... but I never thought you'd ever feel the same way..."
Ellie closes her eyes and smiles brightly as she continues to embrace you. "I've always wanted to say those words to you... but I was always terrified of how you'd react... but right now... I don't care at all... because right now, I just think that... that you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world..."
You look at her and smile shyly. Ellie looks and smiles brightly back at you. "You look... you look so beautiful when you're smiling like that.. oh my god... I just... I just want to kiss your cheeks… look what you've done to me..." Ellie reaches towards your face and her fingers go to your cheeks.
"You're... you're too... sweet. You're too sweet. You're going to give me diabetes..." Ellie laughs softly.
You chuckle at her joke, she still has her same sense of humor, then you reach up to kiss her. Ellie leans her head down a little bit as she feels your lips on hers again. "I love... I love..." Ellie pauses and it seems like she's trying to tell you something else, but her words keep getting cut off by your kisses. "I... love... I... I..." Ellie's words are completely lost right now as she gets caught up in the moment and she closes her eyes as she focuses all of her attention on your lips.
You kiss for a bit, bodies close to each other. Ellie's hands wrap around your waist as tight as she can. She continues to kiss you passionately for another few seconds and then she eventually pulls away with a smile.
"Y/N..." Ellie takes in a deep breath and she smiles lovingly at you as her cheeks are still a bright shade of red. "I..." Ellie can't muster anymore words, but she still looks really happy right now.
You break the kiss and catch your breaths. Ellie's arms are still wrapped around your waist and you can feel your bodies close, your hearts still racing and your breathing still a bit short.
Ellie looks at you with a smile and then she speaks again. "Oh my god... ." Ellie laughs and covers her face with her hands for a moment. "Oh my god... oh my god... I..." Ellie still seems to be speechless for a few more seconds.
“What's wrong?” You ask her, taking her hands off her face.
Ellie takes in a deep breath and she smiles warmly at you. "Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong at all. I... umm... I just didn't realize that you... umm... loved me so much. I'm... I'm just really happy right now." Ellie's face goes back to being a bright shade of red again as she stares at you. You hug her tightly. Ellie smiles again and she returns the hug tightly as well.
"Y/N, do you... ummmm... is... umm... do you really love...? Do you... really love me?" Ellie's voice is now very quiet and soft. "I hope I don't seem desperate, but you make me feel... umm... incredibly happy. I just want to hear those words one more time..."
“I do.. i have for a while, i just din't know how to say it, i didn't want it to ruin our friendship.” You say, a bit embarrassed.
Ellie can't hide how happy she is when you say those words to her. She twirls with you in the water holding you tight and she smiles warmly at you again. "I feel the same way... I think I've always loved you... but I didn't know how to say it either. I was always afraid that it was going to... umm... ruin the amazing relationship we already had..." Ellie's breath is still a bit short and her voice is still quiet and soft as she talks.
"But now... I think I know... how to say it..." You look up into her eyes. Ellie stares back at you as you look into her eyes. "Look... I'll make it simple. I... I love you. I love you a lot..." Ellie's voice is still soft and the corners of her lips are slightly tingly as she stares at you with a smile. "I... I always have and I think that... I always will..."
“I love you too, Ells…” You say smiling shyly. “More than you can imagine…” Ellie smiles lovingly at you and there's a little bit of a blush on her cheeks. She can barely contain how happy she is right now and she feels completely relieved about finally knowing how you feel. "I... I love you so much... and I think that... I always will..." Ellie looks back into your eyes as she says these words and she leans her body in closer towards you.
You two kiss again. She starts to kiss you softly as your bodies are getting closer. A slight sigh leaves her mouth and you can feel her body temperature rising again. She wraps her arms around you and you can feel her fingers playing with the back of your head and your hair as she kisses you passionately. It feels so amazing. You can't believe that it is real. It feels like a dream. A beautiful dream.
A couple of months later you were walking through town holding hands. Ellie and you have been together for a few months now and your relationship has become much more intense. Your love has grown stronger and your commitment is deeper. Ellie looks up at you as she holds your hand and you can see how happy she is.
"I can't believe what these last few months have been like... it's like... it's like I've found a true friend and... and she also turns out to be the love of my life. I could never ask for anything better..." Ellie says with a smile from ear to ear.
“I love you too, Ells.” You say looking into her eyes. Ellie smiles warmly at you as you say those words to her. "I love you too... I love you a lot... you're so precious... and I'm so happy to have you in my life..."
Ellie wraps her arms around you tightly and she lets go of your hand. "I... I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you... I don't know what I would do if... if..."
“If what? Are you okay?” You ask, a bit concerned.
Ellie looks into your eyes and she nods her head. "I'm... I'm fine, it's just... you know what I said earlier... where I'd be if it wasn't for you? I can't imagine my life without you right now." Ellie looks back at you and smiles warmly again. "I... umm... I just... I just want you to... I want you to always stay by my side, will you do that for me?"
“I don't plan on ever leaving you.” You caress her face gently as she holds you still.
Ellie nods at you and she keeps hold of you. "I don't plan on ever leaving you either, you've... you've made the past few months so great for me..." Ellie smiles at you and her eyes are sparkling happily.
"I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better to be my girlfriend..." Ellie takes in a deep breath and she hugs you again, your bodies still close to each other. "I... I don't know how I got so lucky to have you..."
You walk by the swings where you two met, once more, almost four years ago now. You look at each other knowing exactly what the other is thinking and sit down together as you start to swing. It was October, just like when you saw her for the first time. The sun was shining, the breeze blew through your hair and the sun hit Ellie's face perfectly. You've never been able to forget her eyes since that day. They were still as beautiful as if not more. She was the most beautiful girl in the world to you.
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phantomdoofer · 1 year
Chapter 6: Ad essere onesti
Giuseppe walked slowly through the small town that had popped up around Peppino's pizzeria and the NTV tower since Pizzahead's fall. His agents were spread out, discreetly keeping an eye on the few people he was worried about. So far, they'd not reported anything unusual - other than the biggest Peppino clone chasing the Noise into NTV. The residents didn't seem to know how to respond to Giuseppe - some greeted him cautiously, others eyed him suspiciously. A few seemed like they wanted to take a swing at him, but thought better of it.
He looked around, surprised at what he saw. This is actually pretty nice - populated, but quiet. I think I'll like living here. He'd thought about seeing if he could track down Anita, but she'd made it very clear the last time they spoke she wanted to be alone. The thought stabbed him in the heart, as it always did. After Gustavo died, her heart broke. So did mine. She'd left the force not long after, and disappeared into the wild like she'd said she wanted to.
Giuseppe hoped she was still alive.
Suddenly someone slapped him in the back of the head. Che diavolo-?
"Hey, fat man, you out for a walk?" a sneering voice spoke behind him. "Finally decided to-"
Noise squeaked like a rubber ducky as Giuseppe wrapped a hand around his neck and lifted him off the ground. "Eeep," he managed to work through the iron grip.
Giuseppe gave him his most malicious grin. "You must be that one Peppino mentioned. The Noise."
"Ygs," Noise gargled. Oh crap, this guy's not Peppino! This guy's gonna use me for a chew toy!
"You seem to be mistaken. I'm his brother, Giuseppe. I'll be moving here soon. We may look alike, but I'm not my brother. I suggest you remember that. I may not play so...nice."
Noise squeaked again. Peppino didn't play nice with him at all. It cost him a lot of money to keep getting his teeth replaced.
About that time, an official-looking Cheeseslime oozed up. "There a problem here, sir?
Giuseppe looked down at the Cheeseslime. This one wore boots, gloves, a badge, and a cowboy hat, and had a hard look in his eyes. In fact, one of his eyes was focused on him, with a cross-hair design that looked very familiar. He smiled. "No, sir, no problem. Just a little case of mistaken identity." He released the Noise, who gasped. "Isn't that right, sir?"
Noise nodded vigorously. "Oh yeah, definitely. I was just saying sorry. Later, Vigi!" he called over his shoulder as he ran off.
Vigi looked up at Giuseppe. "You do look mighty like Peppino." He left the sentence hanging, and Giuseppe let it hang. Finally, Vigi huffed, then grinned. "You look like you could fold 'im up like a pretzel, 'stead of just knocking his teeth in. The Noise can be a problem, I apologize. But try not to hurt 'im too much, eh?"
Giuseppe smiled back. He understood perfectly. "Absolutely, officer, sorry it came to that. He took me by surprise, that's all. No harm intended."
Vigi nodded. "Good, good. Heard you say you were movin' here? We got lots of places bein' built. Glad to have you here, long as you don't cause trouble." He handed him a pamphlet. "Here's some suggestions if you don't already know."
"Thank you, Sheriff. I already have some prospects, but I'll keep this in mind." Giuseppe saluted by reflex.
Vigi saluted back. "Another war vet, eh? I was too young, but my pappy was in it. He didn't come back." He shook his head. "You lookin' for work? I could use skilled people like you. We don't have many trained yet."
"Thank you, but no, I'm looking to retire," Giuseppe said, "perhaps I could give your men some pointers."
"All right," Vigi said. "You change yer mind, you let me know." He saluted again and walked off.
Giuseppe saluted back and smiled. Not a bad guy. He looked at the brochure. It looked basic, but had a surprising amount of info - housing, restaurants, the works. Everything a new resident would need. That Noise character may own a lot of this, but somebody else who really loves this place made this.
He pocketed the brochure and kept walking. Have to make sure to get back to Peppino's tonight, don't want to miss this...
Peppino plopped the mop into the bucket and wiped the sweat from the top of his head with a towel. Done. Drying time, then I can head home. He sat down. On Saturdays he closed the shop and did a thorough cleaning and inventory - cleaned the oven, the windows, the freezer, the surfaces. We do that during the week, too, but... Peppino didn't want to admit that he really didn't have much to do outside of work. He'd never had time, or money. His pizzeria was his life. Now he actually had free time occasionally. But for what? He worked with his best friend. His love life had been dead since before he was in the Army. He didn't have any hobbies other than trying out new recipes, and he was in a bit of a rut on that front lately. He patted his belly and snorted. I'd start running, but there's not enough road around here for me to get up to a speed that would be meaningful. And I'd probably break a treadmill. That's the problem with having special abilities - sometimes they get in the way!
He glanced down - the floor was dry already. He hopped down and carried the mop and bucket to the back to dump before he left. Maybe Gustavo's up to something interesting. He glanced out the window - Noisette's Cafe, newly built across the street, was open. Since Peppino's was closed, it was bustling. Maybe I should try the food there. Then he remembered Vigilante telling him about some of Noisette's more interesting "ideas," and thought better of it.
As he turned to go to the back, someone knocked on the door. "Sorry, we're-a closed! We'll open at eleven tomorrow," he called loudly over his shoulder.
They knocked again. Oh per l'amor del cielo. "I'm SORRY but we're CLOSED!"
Knock knock knock
"FIGLIO DI PUTTANA!" Peppino roared, "can't you-a read the-!"
He turned around. Giuseppe was standing outside, holding a plastic bag, making a key-turning motion, and grinning hugely.
Peppino slammed his mouth shut, unlocked the door, and let his brother in, locking the door back behind him.
Giuseppe set the bag down. "Haven't heard that one since Anita left the force," he said with a grin. "I found a place over on the other side of town that makes a respectable Chicken Tikka Marsala. Thought you might like to share."
Peppino was surprised. He was planning on eating at home, but... "Well, if you're offering."
They ate for several minutes in companionable silence, the spicy sauce gently burning on the tongue. Their bellies full, Giuseppe sat back. "Took a walk around this little town today. I think I like it."
Peppino quirked an eyebrow. "I would've-a thought your people would've told you everything you need to know."
Giuseppe chuckled. "My 'people' are mostly kids, fresh out of training. Good people, smart, but most of them are green. They're too busy looking for threats, so they miss small stuff. And I like to look myself." He spun his finger in a circle. "Most of the experienced ones are out looking for Pizzahead right now. In fact, that's part of why I'm here. They're making an announcement about it today - in a few minutes, in fact. And the big one about the clones, too."
Peppino's stomach clenched a bit. Should I really be worried? The people around here already know about me and Fake. But... "I hope they're-a prepared for what happens after."
Giuseppe sighed. "They've made plans, but it'll never be enough. I think it'll mainly be a few firebrands that cause trouble though, and most of them were already being observed. Riots, maybe, protests definitely. All the clones are under protective watch until things calm down." He looked outside, and rubbed the side of his leg, where Peppino realized a wicked-looking pistol was hostered. "I wanted to be here with you... just in case."
Peppino's eyes bulged a bit. "You don't mean to...?"
Giuseppe looked down and laughed. "Oh, no. This is a little something R&D cooked up. Knock out anything from a Cheeseslime to a pissed-off Ogre in three seconds if you know how to use it." He patted it. "We try to keep it non-lethal when we can."
Peppino relaxed. I still have a lot to learn about him. And how much is he allowed to tell? "You said it would-a be on soon? Which channel?" He moved to turn the TV on.
"National News should have the clearest coverage," Giuseppe said. "But they'll all be there. This is a big one."
Just as Peppino turned the power on, he heard "-tional News special report." Good timing. He sat back down, both watching intently.
An elderly general walked to a podium. Giuseppe grinned. "Old General Grey," he said, "I thought he retired. He was in charge of our program back during the war. Guess he insisted on being the one to break it." He leaned back, crossing his arms. "I don't like him much, but he'll tell it straight."
The old general cleared his throat. "Good afternoon. A few months ago, many of you may have heard of the incident known as the Pizza Tower. While this incident was resolved by a group of private citizens, we have had it, and it's owner, under investigation for several years." He cleared his throat again. "Many of you have now heard allegations that one of these citizens encountered several individuals in the Tower that appeared to be clones. While the process involved in the creation of these beings was flawed, we have decided to reveal that cloning is an actual, usable technology."
The room started to erupt in questions, but the General held up a hand. "Please hold all questions until I have concluded."
They quieted down.
"Thank you. Cloning technology is a form of Old Technology that is quite rare. Thirty years ago, the decision was made to use this technology in conjunction with military training to create a special forces program for this nation. The details are as follows..."
Peppino listened raptly as the General outlined the whole sordid thing: kidnappings, cloning, espionage, and military operations, especially their involvement in the War. The number of clones measured in the hundreds, with more suspected elsewhere.
"...we would like to emphasize that these cloned individuals are considered citizens of this nation, with all the rights and restrictions of a natural-born individual. All the cloned individuals in question have already been briefed on their origins and nature. While we will not be releasing their names for privacy reasons, we leave it to them whether they will reveal their origins. The program in question was disbanded after the last war, and no clones have been produced by our government since. We deeply regret this violation of rights and trust, and will continue to work to make amends for what was deemed, at the time, a necessary evil."
Giuseppe growled. "No offense General, but you can't give us our lives back. Or bring back the ones we lost." He twisted the leather bracelet on his wrist.
The General flipped the sheaf of papers in front of him. "Now, the owner of the Tower, a Ninda individual named Pizzahead, is wanted for questioning on several disappearances. He has also been documented performing various acts considered crimes against sapiency, and as such has formally been declared a terrorist and war criminal. A search for this individual is ongoing by elements of both police forces and our Special Operations branch. We are offering rewards for any information on this individual, and will be glad for any report of his appearance anyone may have." He stood straighter. "Make no mistake. This is a highly unstable individual. He is considered armed and extremely dangerous. If seen, report to either your local police, or a local military branch if possible. We will provide more information when the situation has developed. I will now take any questions you may have."
As the press room exploded with voices, Peppino turned to Giuseppe. "Just like that, the secret's out," Giuseppe said. He looked out the windows - Noisette's Cafe was well lit, and obviously busy. "You want to step across the way and see how people are taking it?"
Peppino hesitated, but nodded. Between the two of us, we should be able to handle any problems. He stood up, turned off the TV, locked up the shop, and together they crossed the street to the Cafe.
"After you," Giuseppe gestured.
Peppino opened the door, and the smell of coffee and new paint struck him. The cafe was full, mostly with Tower residents. In fact, he saw both Vigilante and Pepperman there. Wonder when he got back. Everyone was staring raptly at the TVs on the wall. Noisette saw Peppino, and rushed from behind the counter.
"Oh, Peppino! Did you hear? They made an announcment about the Tower being investigated! And Pizzahead's wanted! I hope they find him! It sounds so scary! I didn't know about any of that! And all that talk about clones, do you think -" she stopped as Giuseppe stepped in. Her mouth formed a perfect "O" of surprise. "Oh, Peppino, I guess you already knew. First the ones in the Tower, and now this! You have another clone!"
Oh Mio Dio, I guess we're doing this now. Peppino scratched his head and smiled nervously. "A-actually Noisette...I'm-a the clone. This is the original me, Giuseppe."
The cafe went quiet. Vigi jumped down and walked over. He looked up at Giuseppe. "I thought you two looked mighty alike. Thought maybe Peppino had a brother he didn't mention."
Giuseppe cleared his throat. "Really, I consider Peppino my brother. Most of us do. I couldn't mention it til after the announcement." He held out a hand. "Nice to actually meet you."
The Cheeseslime shook his hand. He looked thoughtful.
Pepperman rushed over to the two, making both jump a bit. A giant bell pepper rushing at you could unnerve anyone. "Peppino! This business is so... unsettling! Clones everywhere! You're a clone!" He gasped. "They said Pizzahead did a great deal of cloning, more than even we knew. What if he cloned...us?"
Many of the patrons whispered in agreement. Rather than his own clone status, they seemed more worried about Pizzahead and his shenanigans. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. These guys have seen a lot of weird shit already, just having lived in the tower.
Giuseppe stepped forward and raised his hands. "Just want to remind you there's a major investigation going on. Be sure to report to your local officers. It's very important you provide any information you can, no matter how unimportant it might seem. Pizzahead is dangerous. If any of you notice anything unusually suspicious, report it immediately."
Giuseppe sat down at a vacant table, and Peppino joined him. "Nice-a speech. Did you plan that?"
"No. Just had too much practice. Glad they're reacting well. I bet it's not so quiet elsewhere."
Peppino nodded, as patrons approached them with questions and reports.
Pizzahead has the government on him now. It's only a matter of time.
Elsewhere, in a dark room, a crumpled figure watched the report condemning Pizzahead. They reached out with a remote, and flicked off the screen.
"Guess it's a good thing we hid, isn't it?" Strange, grotesque figures huddled around them. One of them made a questioning sound.
"No, not yet. We don't want to ruin the surprise."
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
“Chicken and croffles” I had flashbacks at that man. There’s this person I watch and they were telling their story of trying to rizz someone through food, and by rizz I mean they tried to impress an attractive waiter, but fumbled a bit and ordered chicken and waffles. He got so nervous they ordered the first thing he saw, which was chicken and waffles. How attractive was this waiter? So attractive that his friends literally had to warn them and also tried to clean him up a bit to look more presentable LMAO
Really liked this chapter!!! Love the sceneries and how Miles and “Ray Paynt” interacted!!!! Something about how you write feels real, like even in the little things with Miles’ “It’s a choice.” And when dragging him along to the cafe at an unexpected notice. Stop writing food so deliciously it’s nearly 8am for me and I’m wanting some nice fruit-ade or something!!! 😭/pos
omfg i felt that fr im not even kidding. what i would give to be on the receiving end of that starstruckness.... okay in all honesty I'd probably be that very dude dropping my utensils.
So i recently went to korea in june and i went with 2 other friends who went to queue up at the NIKE store in the morning for their customization stuff right? So I wake up later and i go grab a coffee first at this store my friend recommended because it's cheap + rly good.
As such, I casually stroll along the street with my earbuds in bc im cool and swag and feeling myself right? I finally find this coffee shop and step up to the counter to order, except what do i see?
At this point i am in full blown panic. I have never met anyone so pretty in my life. Her hair was silky smooth and dyed a light platinum-ish shade, and her makeup was flawless. her skin? dewy like a morning glory in bloom. Her entire figure and being? goddesslike.
at this point i am sweating buckets just from the thought of talking to her. but it's fine, right? its just a cup of coffee. i can do this.
I just wanted this pretty drink called a franobe guys. thats all i wanted. but i got so shy and she couldnt hear me saying franobe so she kept going 'ah, latte?' and guys. i almost died on the spot.
I repeated it like 2x before she got what i was trying to say. Quick PSA that i am not fluent in korean at all, and understand more than i can speak. she asks me something in korean and i just go 'ne?' with wideass eyes like id just seen my newborn child or some shit.
anyway i finally manage to pay and get my drink and i walk away with my head practically in my hands. up till this day i am paranoid she thinks im an idiot. this is my chicken and croffles story for all you guys out there.
also im straight but this is one of the rare exceptions i lost my composure fr. what can i say? im w e ak.
im really glad you liked this chapter !! if it's one trait i could've given my characters or reader oc its the endless funds to go cafe hopping. cafe hopping is so, so fun, but so, so expensive like goddamn let me live my main character life in peace fr....
it's euphoric to hear that you liked the little moments !! i enjoyed thinking through those and just going like ah yes, he would say this! i really love writing or thinking about the small moments that lead up to the big picture. (also @buthowboutno-spamming gave me such great advice regarding this, and i wouldnt have been able to flesh out my fic and vision if not for his advice)
michael deserves to get his dick chopped off fr. but it's okay!! I plan for all my characters to go through developmental arcs lmfao, ive gotten too attached to the two idiots to let go of their potential now :)
Go get some fruit-ade or make some yourself bro it's super easy super good. lmk if you want a recipe and im more than happy to provide~
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gandreida · 8 months
will you tell the story of driving nearly an entire day for a kiss?
Okay it was a little exaggerated 😅
Back in 2021 I, like so many others, was having a bit of a hard time staying alive and I really consider that February to be the lowest point my mental health ever had the displeasure of reaching, plus I was emotionally raw from a previous relationship.
I met someone online around that time who lived down in LA and we quickly formed a fun dynamic where we’d just pretend to fight all the time. I’d send lots of quick lil videos throughout my day but we weren’t dating but we might as well have been.
April rolls around and I’m like “Hey I’m driving 10 hours to go to the Bay Area for a weekend in June, maybe I could visit you in L.A. for the rest of the week?” which is only an extra 6 hours to the trip but 🤷‍♀️ plus it was right after the covid vaccines came out so everything was kinda perfect
June comes, visit my friend, start makin’ my way down, get nervous thinking how I’ve never been so far from home while alone, almost turned back even!! I ended up out in front of their house though and when they came out I was too excited to do anything except smile. After like 30 seconds of awkward talking I lunged for a hug and made them spill their soda water
We went straight to the shed out back behind their house and just were talkin. I couldn’t keep up w/ our Hate Based Dialogue, it felt weird in person so I was just kinda quiet.
They mentioned that they kinda wanted to go to the store and I was like hey cool I’ll come w/ and they said they wanted to go alone and I was just stunned, like my whole person just felt cold as they walked out of the shed leaving me alone. I went to lie down and go to sleep when like a minute later they came back and were like “forgot somethin”
I just was like oh okay cool! and tried to go back to sleep and they immediately were like “that was a bit it was a bit are you sad omg im sorry” and started making fun just like “oh so i leave and your tactic is ‘🥺 im SAAAAAD i will lie down to get sympathy and seem pathetic’ youre a joke” and at that point I was feelin better knowin they were just fuckin around. Their deadpan humor far exceeeded mine which was kinda fun but jesus 😵‍💫
we spent the rest of the day in bed just watching movies while they just gave me a massage for what was like idek how many hours. Let friends know I was safe and that I’m glad I came, fall asleep.
I arrived Monday morning, come wednesday evening I’m crying because I’m like “the weeks half over, what time I have left with them is less than the time I’ve already spent. I don’t want to go home” ‘cause at home I just didn’t feel loved it was all very sad (everything regarding my 2021 home issues have been completely and entirely resolved. Me & my friends are built different)
We spent the first couple o’ days outside in San Diego swimmin’ around and walkin’ at night and sleeping on some pretty uncomfortable concrete then when we got back to LA we just stayed in for the most part ‘cause there was a heatwave and temps were up to like 110 and it just sapped me of all energy. It was nice though we just got to laze around all day in their mom’s shitty house that was falling apart (their mom wasn’t home for the week.)
I was meant to leave Friday so I could go home at a safe pace, but I resolved to stay another day as I didn’t want to fucking leave!! But I had work Sunday so my drive home Saturday had to be in one shot which took me 13 some odd hours ‘cause I had a lead foot and didn’t want to sleep in my car at a rest stop alone and w/o bed stuff
Anyway they talked me out of breaking up with them the following November and proceeded to nearly destroy my life through manipulative guilt trippy bullshit. Great musician though
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
(SA that ask literally had me going back and trying to watch LOTR when I can and had this idea)
"Because we traveled needlessly through the Mines of Moria." Legolas informed the Elves in front of them.
"Yes apparently if a wise and strong old wizard tells you it's a bad idea you ignore it. And if a female tells you it's a bad idea that pokes the masculine pride into thinking it's a good idea to go there and prove their strength and bravery like fools." Mirabels voice was ice cold as she shot the group a dark look.
"Legolas gets points for being against the idea after Gandalf said it wasn't a good idea. But for the love of God next time the braincells of the group say don't do it then don't do it." Mirabel said and Frodo winced and bowed his head, knowing it had been his choice and mistake.
"You are not of these lands...there is magic not found anywhere in Middle Earth flowing through your veins." Galandriel said staring at Mirabel and then a few seconds later Mirabels foot kicked up and her hand lashed out, the rest of the Fellowship quickly backing away.
Every bow and sword of the elves but Legolas was pointed at Mirabel now as she scowled at Galandriel who was now on the floor blinking baffled, a shoe on the ground beside her as Mirabel glared. Her other shoe in her hand at the ready.
"It is very rude to go into someone's mind. Especially without permission or provocation." Mirabels voice was sharp as a blade and colder than ice.
"You dare strike Galandriel the Lady of Light?" The male elf helping Galandriel up demanded angrily but the Fellowship were glancing at each other.
"My money is on Mirabel." Pippin said and the rest of the group nodded.
"There's lots of elves here, armed every single one...but I've seen what she can do with those shoes. My money's on the lass." Gimli said earning a solemn reluctant nod from Legolas as well.
"You speak as if the shoe is a weapon." One elf said glaring at them while Mirabel didn't look bothered by the weapons, honestly after the Nazguls and the orcs and cave troll she wasn't scared of these immortal pretty boys.
Besides they had nothing on her Abuela when she was mad.
"She slaughtered twelve orcs in the Mines of Moria with merely her shoe, another seven fell at her blade though she has no training with it." Legolas said and he didn't even know how her shoes had done so much damage to the creatures.
"That was a warning. And you only get one. I deal enough with magic users constantly using their gifts on or around me back home. I was not allowed to fight back there but here there are no such restraints. Do not use magic on me again without my permission unless it is a dire emergency." Mirabel said and Galandriel stared at her for a moment longer before she smiled and gave a small chuckle.
"It has been a long long time since anyone has dared strike me. You are an interesting one child of magic and flame. Very interesting."
PLEASE IM. LITERALLY ABOUT TO WATCH THE TWO TOWERS. Y’all got me hooked <3 found out my mom has the special extended edition??? On the entire LOTR Trilogy????
But yeah, Mirabel was not down with Galandriel’s telepathy and mind reading crap. Home girl gets it enough at home, she does not need it from Middle Earth either 😭 I’m glad Galandriel thinks she’s interesting though, nice dynamic. Though, I do think Mirabel would be freaked out when Gala just…almost goes evil for the ring in front of Frodo…yeah… I like how even Gimli is like yeah, Mirabel mops the floor with y’all.
ANYWAY what do you think Mirabel’s gift from Galandriel would be? The other fellowship members asked for some stuff, but I wonder, what would Mirabel ask for? Perharps magic of her own from the Middle Earth?
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Changed her clothes to fit the Middle Earth theme but still keep some of her old dress as well <3 maybe some embroidery, but I didn’t get around to drawing that. But I think whenever they rest, Mirabel takes a little time to embroider part of the journey or symbols for the Fellowship members <3
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allystyles1 · 3 years
May I ask for a Loki x reader: Im going for a "the ugly duckling" or "Cinderella" view in this, Tony makes a bet to some of the guys to find a date for the evening gala that was on within a few hours- without leaving the Tower! Loki happens to bump into reader- she was the caretaker, the person nobody saw, heard or noticed. But Loki was pleased-at least he wasnt gonna loose the bet! Standing in the grand room awaiting his "date", he felt a timid tap on his arm and turns to see a shy beauty...
YES i love this! Also, this is officially my first request on tumblr so i'm very happy😁
i hope it turned out as you wanted it to, happy reading! i didn't mean this to be this long but here we are, there are probably many mistakes, feel free to correct me!
mini note: i think loki can create things, if he can't and i'm wrong, please pretend he can :)
date-Loki Laufeyson x reader
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"Okay so i have Pepper, Clint already has Laura. Does any one of you have a date?" Tony asked the boys. They were all sitting in the living room.
"Do we really need to have one?" Bucky asked, he was still shy to do the dating kind of stuff. He had a small crush on a girl but there was no way he would ask her.
"It would look nice but anyway, it's not like you could find one in a few hours."
"Is that a challenge Stark?" Loki smirked.
"Find one and i'll do anything you want for a day. If you can't, you'll do too." Tony suggested.
"Yup, anything." Tony thought he wouldn't accept it. He was wrong.
"Okay, deal." Loki got up.
"Oh by the way, you have to find someone from the tower." Tony smirked this time.
"You didn't say that before i agreed to do this." Loki was nervous now, he knew Natasha or Wanda would never do something like that.
"You were so confident, what happened?" Tony teased.
"I am, see you later." Loki lied easily and left the room. He went to find the girls to ask if there was a small chance they would agree to this. He was trying to think how to ask them and he didn't look at where he was going so he bumped into someone. She seemed like a caretaker, her clothes were a little dirty and hair was pulled into a messy ponytail. He had never seen her before, she was pretty even at that moment. He thought maybe he would be able to make her agree to come with him so he decided to ask her.
"I'm sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going." he apologised, the girl softly blushed and smiled.
"It's okay i wasn't careful, it's my fault. Sorry." she lifted the book that fell down when they bumped from the ground and fixed her clothes.
"Oh no, please don't say that Lady ..."
"y/n, you don't have to say lady." she smiled.
"Okay, y/n. Nice to meet you, Loki." he held out his hand and she shook it kindly.
"I'll go back to work, have a nice day." she smiled and turned around to leave but Loki stopped her.
"Could i ask you a favour?"
"Of course, what is it?" she was so kind and shy.
"Here's the thing, Tony and i made a bet that i would find a date for the gala tonight, someone from the tower. And since Natasha or Wanda would never agree, would you like to join me? I promised i would do anything for him for a day if i couldn't find a date and i really don't want to lose." She seemed surprised, of course she wasn't waiting something like that. She expected him to say clean the kitchen or something like that.
"Um, are you sure you would want me to come with you? I could tell to the other girls, i'm sure many of them would love to accompany you."
"And why would you do that?"
"Well first of all i don't have anything that nice to wear at a gala. And i'm not really the type to be comfortable around all the cameras and press." she gave him a weak smile.
"Well if the dress is your problem we could fix that easily. And for the press, i wouldn't leave a pretty lady like you alone, don't worry. If you don't want to come it's okay, just say it." She blushed at his compliment and nodded.
"Okay, i can manage for a few hours i suppose. How are we fixing the dress problem though?"
"Could you take me to your room?" Loki asked.
"Uh, yeah sure. This way." she leaded the way and they walked to her room together. She opened the door with her keycard when they came to her room.
"Please don't mind the mess, i couldn't find many time this week."
"It's nothing, i'm sure it's better than mine." he smiled and got in the room.
"Okay so, what would you like to wear?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean your dress. How do you want it?"
"Anything that pleases you works." she smiled. Loki couldn't believe how kind she was. She first accepted his offer and now wanted him to choose her dress.
"Okay, i suppose you'd like this," he made a move with his hands and a dress appeared on her bed. It was dark green with golden stripes on the sides, not too long but not too short either.
"Wow, i uh, i love it. Thank you." she smiled. Loki really liked this girl, she was perfect.
"It's nothing, please keep it afterwards. I'll let you get dressed. Meet me in the grand room when you're finished?"
"Sure, okay. Thanks again." he smiled and left her room, memorizing the door number. He went back upstairs to his room to get dressed but ran into Tony on the way.
"Hey, you found your date yet?" Tony smirked, thinking he didn't.
"I did actually." Loki smiled and kept walking, leaving Tony surprised. He wore a fancy all-black suit with a dark green tie, matching her dress. He fixed his hair and went to the grand room to wait for her.
"What happened to your date?" Tony asked Loki. He really didn't think he found someone.
"I think she'll be here any minute." Loki answered and checked his watch. He thought maybe he would go check on her but his thoughts were cut off when he felt a timid tap on his arm. He turned around and saw y/n in the dress, her hair perfectly styled and with a little bit of makeup. She didn't even need it, he thought. She was absolutely gorgeous.
"Hi." she blushed.
"You look nice." she smiled. Loki held her hand making her gasp for a second.
"You look.." he paused for a second, thinking what to say. "like an absolute goddess." Her smile grew even wider making Loki chuckle.
"Thank you, for the compliment and the dress. It's really comfortable and beautiful. I, uh, never really wore something like this before so it's a nice first."
"It's not the dress why it looks this good, it's you." Loki complimented her again. She felt like she was going to die from happiness and shyness.
"Okay there's no way you found her in this tower. Tell me miss, did he enchant you to come with him in the market or something?" Tony asked.
"No, Mr. Stark, i work here." she smiled.
"Yeah, i'm y/n, Ms. Potts had hired me a few years back."
"We had you in this tower for years and this is the first time i'm seeing you? Wow." Tony smiled with a surprised face.
"Well it's nice to meet you, i hope we'll see you around more from now on." Tony shook her hand and turned around to leave them alone with Loki again.
"Stark?" Loki stopped him.
"I won."
"Yeah i realised that, i was leaving not to embarrass myself more." he smiled kept walking making her and Loki chuckle.
"Are you ready?"
"I'm glad i bumped into you, you are amazing." Loki smiled and held her hand tighter as they walked to the car to go to the gala.
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tsukkismoonlight · 3 years
A Side of Sweetness || A.T x Reader
Authors Note: made this for @hinatawa 's collab event, can I get your name to go? This was so much fun to write im so glad I got to be a part of the event!! This was my first time writing for Aone, and Im pretty happy with how it turned out so I hope you all like it too!! Here is the masterlist !
Summary: You work alongside Terushima at a nice little coffee shop called Haruhi's ! Its a fairly well known shop in it's area, enough to draw in regular customers. However, when a new guest comes in, you take it upon yourself to make him like you.
Word Count: 4.5k
TW: Slight mentions of harrasment, mentions of food/eating
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Quietly you hummed, uncaring if anyone was even around to hear you when a few words from the song slipped out. You were too busy beginning your day at what was probably your favorite place in the world.
Haruhi’s was a quaint little coffee shop located on the corner of a very busy road in your city. It was close to a college, so there were always plenty of customers coming and going, and the shop even had regulars enough for the staff to know them by name and their orders. Though this morning was uncharacteristically slow, which was probably an outcome of the gloomy weather.
Not that you really minded, as the rain outside the windows made a pretty sight, and the lack of customers gave you time to throw some new sweets into the display case and take care of other morning needs.
As the door swung open and the little bells chimed, you looked up, watching as a fresh face stepped through the door, and walked up to the counter. The man loomed over you, a very hard to read expression on his face as you both seemed to freeze and just look at each other. He had such a light color of hair that it was practically white, and though it looked like he had no eyebrows, you could tell that they were just an even lighter tone than his hair. So with his height, the frown on his face ( though you're unsure if that's because of his lack of distinguishable eyebrows or not) and with the overall vibes of the guy, to say you were intimidated was probably a huge understatement.
But true to your job, you threw a smile on your face and greeted him with a gentle voice, “Good Morning! What can I get started for you today?”
You watched as his eyes shifted from you to the chalkboard just behind you, reading over your selection, then with a deep voice that caught you off guard, he pointed to your sign, and said, “The daily special,” and nothing more.
You nodded slowly, hitting some buttons on your register’s screen, watching as he put down some money on the counter without saying anything more, “Okay! One daily special coming up!”
After taking the money and giving him his change, you moved away from the front counter, your body moving on its own as you began to make the familiar drink. Now the man was waiting by the side counter, brown eyes scanning the shop.
From the back of your small kitchen area, the back entrance opened and your coworker ran in, throwing his bag on the ground, taking in deep and sharp breaths as he bent over, hands on his knees, “I am…so sorry that I'm late…”
“It’s okay, the manager isn't here today, so I’m in charge! Our clock is broken, so maybe you’re on time! I wouldn’t know.” You sent a wink his way and pulled the clock from the wall, pulling out the batteries and shoving them in your pocket.
Terushima was a good guy, he tended to be late and at times he could be spacey, which often resulted in some sort of mess. Even then, you had grown to like him, and gotten close to him while working together.
“Man, (Y/N), you’re the best! I promise I won’t be late next time!” he stood up, brushing some hair out of his face as he looked back to you, smiling in relief.
“Just go throw on your apron and I’ll fix your time card later!” You pushed his shoulder lightly with your free hand, and turned to finish the drink, giving it a once over before heading to the side counter and placing the cup down gently for the tall man.
“Here you are!” you smiled warmly, or as warmly as you could, because as you made eye contact with him, an odd chill crept up your spine, and you were sure you looked like a deer in the headlights.
He half nodded to you and took his cup, heading back out the front doors without even a single glance back. As it shut quietly behind him, you let out a breath that you didn't remember holding in.
“Who was that and why were you sighing as if your husband just left for war?” Terushima came up behind you suddenly, breaking the silence that had just filled the air.
You jumped lightly and turned to the blonde, “I was not sighing like that! If anything that was a sigh of relief! Did you get a good look at him?!” You shook your head, “He was huge! And he didn’t even smile the entire time! I mean, who just comes into Haruhi’s and doesn't have a good time? Our coffee is the best and generally all of our coworkers are super nice!”
“Well you are the nicest, so it would be weird if he didn’t even give a half smile, but I didn't really get a good look at him, but the back of his head looked familiar.”
“The back of his head…?” You paused, eyeballing Teru for just a short moment before waving his comment off, “Nevermind, let’s just stock up the counter…” And with that the two of you busied yourself in daily tasks, stretching the slow day out until it was time for close.
The next few days passed quickly, and again, a slow day emerged with the rain dampening the mood of the city. This time Terushima had opened, as you asked him to swap the shifts with you, after your car was giving you trouble when you tried to start it for work.
“Oh hey, (Y/N), guess who came in yesterday! Your husband from the war!” Terushima waved excitedly as you tied the strings to your apron, “And get this! He smiled at me! He was pretty nice!”
“He is not my husband, he literally was grumpy the whole time and if I ever see him again I’ll…i’ll..well I don't know!” you paused, “Wait he was nice to you?? `But all he did was frown at me! “
You huffed, starting to process Terushima’s words when he said probably the one thing to seal someone’s fate when Teru said, “Maybe he just doesn't like you?”
At that you stopped all together, and let out a low chuckle, “Oh come on, he doesn't even know me, why would he not like me?” You looked to the door, and around the empty shop, formulating a plan, “You know what, since he came in again, I'm sure he will keep coming in, so I'm going to make him like me.”
As if on cue, the tall man strode through the doors, and you looked to Terushima, giving him a calm smile, then moving to the register, mustering up every once of kindness (and patience) that you had in you.
“Hello again! How are you today? And what can I get going for you?”
He stared down at you for a moment before looking at the sign, just as he did before, then looked back down to you, and asked for today’s daily special, one of the shop’s more sweet drinks.
You happily started on his drink, mumbling along to the song as you went. After you had finished said drink, you picked up a sharpie, and doodled a little sun onto the lid, adding a small message telling the guy to have a nice day.
Feeling proud of your little note and picture, you walked over to the side counter, sliding the coffee to the guy, giving him another extra sweet smile, “One daily special! I hope you have a great day! Don’t let the rain get to you!”
As he reached for his cup he paused, looking at you for just a moment before nodding and taking his cup, turning quickly and walking out the door.
It took you a moment to realize that again, the guy had hardly even acknowledged you. You let out a sigh of frustration and turned to Terushima, who had a smug look, “Don’t say a word.”
He walked around you, wiping off the counter in silence. He moved next to the main counter, cleaning that one as well. Though after a few minutes of pure silence you couldn’t take it anymore, even without saying anything Terushima was still teasing you, as if a tiny version of him was in your mind, making comments on how the stranger was nice to him but not to you.
“Okay, fine Terushima, say something, just don’t look so self-satisfied.” You huffed, grabbing another rag and focusing on your coffee machines, cleaning as well.
“Well, I noticed something about our friend, so far each time he’s come in, he has gotten a sweet tasting drink, or one of our bakery items.” He looked to you, leaning back on the counter, “And so far he’s only really come in on the days where it rains or when it’s nighttime, and he stays to study, “
You nodded along, thinking over this information, “Okay, so what if I just…give him some candy with his drinks? Or maybe even a new pastry that we make! Would that be too weird?”
Terushima simply shrugged, going back to his diligent cleaning, which is not something he does often, the idea alone usually causes him to complain the entire rest of the day. You had the faintest idea that he was avoiding something that you were about to say..which was probably true.
After another moment of silence, you walked up to him, moving just in his line of sight, “Heyyy Terushima, swap me some of your closing shifts,”
“Hell no! I hate mornings, who do you take me for?” He jumped back from you, holding his rag out as if it was a protective symbol and you were some sort of curse or demon.
You swiped the rag from his hand, shaking your head at his lack of skills, wondering if he was really as good at volleyball as he claimed to be, “Please! I’ll pay you back somehow, I just need more of the closing shifts so I can make that guy like me!”
“No way! I hardly woke up on time for this shift! And you had called me hours before! I can’t keep being late, the boss man will fire me!”
“I will buy you lunch for a week…well maybe half the week cause I’m pretty broke but that's still more than you can afford! Just the rest of this week’s shifts! If by Friday he hasn't smiled at me, I’ll give up and you can close again!”
He reached for the rag once more, and failed to grab it, and gave you a defeated sigh, “Okay fine! You have until friday! And I want those lunches!”
“Yes! You’re the best! Thank you! Just you wait, by the end of this week I’m going to have a new friend!” You threw your arms around him in a hug and gave a tight squeeze.
“I only agreed so I can see if this plan even works and then when it fails to tease you about it!”
You waved him off and ushered him away, claiming that he needed to clock off for the night and that you’d see him tomorrow when you come in for his shift and him for yours. You spent the rest of the night helping the few customers you got and testing new recipes for your baked goods.
The next day, you came in around noon, a small bag of candy in hand, and a little bento box for your dear friend Terushima. Technically you just said you’d buy him lunch and technically you bought everything from the store so a homemade lunch would be fine.
As you walked through the back door, you greeted both your coworker who was leaving for the day and Yuji, handing him the bento box as you passed, heading for the time clock as you were now ready to start your afternoon off.
Now at the front counter, you eyed the baked goods case, seeing that all of your new pastries have sold out for the day. This was good for two reasons, the first being that you were slightly unsure if people would like them enough for it to stick around in the shop and two, if your patrons in general liked them, then the tall, eyebrowless guy would have to as well.
For a Tuesday afternoon, Haruhi’s was fairly busy, college kids at every table, parents and their kids pointing out sweets from behind the glass, and even a few elderly couples as they stroll out through the doors to sit outside in the nice weather.
A smile made its way onto your face, seeing how content all of these people were in their daily lives, and how they all came to the shop just to share this quiet moment with total strangers. It was endearing to see how immersed in their own headspaces, oblivious to the small details of their surroundings.
A part of you wished that you didn’t work so much, so that you could have a day where you did nothing but enjoy the small things, but you had to pay the bills somehow. And as if the universe had heard that exact thought, the front door bells sounded, signaling to you that you duty calls.
“Hi! Welcome to Haruhi’s,” You pushed off the counter, acting as if you hadn’t just been off in your own head, and looked at…no, you looked up to your next customer.
Just as Terushima had said, the tall man was back, he had with him a good sized backpack, and a few textbooks in hand. He approached you with the same unreadable face, causing you to hesitate for just a quick moment before snapping back to it.
“It’s good to see you again! We’re always happy to get a regular! Would you like today's special or would you like something you’ve had from the past few days?”
For a second, a flicker of surprise crossed his face, then just as fast as it appeared, it left, and he used his free hand to gesture at the board, “Can I have the number three?”
“Sure thing! I’ll get it going! Is there a name I can add to this order?” You ask, as your hand absentmindedly reaches for a cup, your other hand pulling out a sharpie.
“Aone Takanobu.”
After writing his name down, and hopefully getting the spelling right, you set out to make his drink. It was one of your favorite drinks to make, as it wasn’t too complicated but still enough to not be bland. Once it came time to give him his order, you pulled a few pieces of candy out from the bag you brought, and set them atop the flat lid of his drink.
“One number three for Aone!” you cheerfully called out, waiting for a moment as he stood up from his seat, clearly having already set up his table for studying. He came up, looking at you and then to the drink, hesitating for a moment as he laid eyes on the candy. You simply smiled at him and turned away, wiping your hands off on a nearby rag and went back to taking orders.
When you came in the next day, Terushima was eagerly waiting for you, an almost suspicious smile on his face as you walked in.
"Good afternoon..?" You gave him a half smile, curious as to what has him in such a good mood. And as if he could read your mind (or that you were the type to wear your emotions on your sleeve) he cautiously pulled his lunch from your hands before sitting on the nearby counter. Your eyes trailed around the empty cafe, then back to your friend, waiting for him to speak.
He took a moment, looking to see what you had gotten him for lunch before starting to take a few bites. After what seemed like the slowest chewing of his food, he swallowed and said, "I figured out where I've seen that guy! Back in highschool, when I played against Karasuno, he was in the stands!! He was the uh..the..oh! The Iron Wall or something!"
You nodded slowly, only really understanding half of what he was saying. He rambled on for a minute, before noticing your blank stare and sighing heavily.
"Point is, I remember hearing that he made friends with this kid, Hinata Shoyo, who is a lot like you in the fact that he has all the world's energy and not one pessimistic bone in his body."
"Still not getting the point,"
"You've got a good head on your shoulders, and people like you. I think this guy just looks scary! When I suggested that he might not like you, I was probably wrong. So therefore, he must think you're nice!"
You paused for a minute before it hit you. It was two days into your plan and Terushima already wanted his shifts back.
"We already made the schedule, Terushima. You can have the afternoons back on Saturday. "
His body drooped, climbing down off the counter, "Can't say I didn't try. "
You chuckled at him, and got to work..well sort of. Since there weren't any customers, you focused on filling the cases, and cleaning up behind the counter. Time seemed to tick by painfully slow. You watched as people outside passed by, only a few here and there, pausing to peek into the window, as if they were contemplating needing caffeine or snacks. There were multiple times where you would sit on the counter, trying to read whatever book it was that you had thrown into your bag, but everytime you would only get a few pages in before you would get bored.
Just as you were sure that the day couldn’t get any worse, a familiar face strode through the doors to the shop. He set his bag down by a nearby table, and came up to the counter, where you greeted him as you always did.
“Good evening! What can I get started for you today, Aone?”
And just as he always seems to do, he took a moment to stare at the signs above your head, before settling with one of the drinks that he had been getting the few days before.
Just after he paid, he paused, looking at you directly (scarily) in the eyes, and quietly said, “Is it okay if I ask you your name? For when I’m thanking you in the future.”
It took you a moment to process what he had asked, and you almost didn’t notice when you rattled off your name to him absentmindedly. In fact you were taken off guard so much that it took you a minute to realize that he had left the counter all together and sat back down at his table. Breaking away from your confusion, you quickly whipped up his drink and took it to the side counter, calling his name softly.
Once he had taken it, you moved to the back counter, leaning against it. Your eyes traveled to where he was sitting, trying to get a read on the guy. He looked like he was hard at work, per usual. He would scroll through a search engine, click on a site and read for a few minutes. Then, he’d flip to a page in his textbook, tracing the lines with a finger, glancing back up here and there to his computer screen, most likely double checking facts or just trying to double check on the meaning of a word or phrase. Here and there, he’d sip from his drink, and just once you caught him smiling at it, seemingly pleased with it.
At that, you took a moment to pull out your phone, texting a quick message to Terushima about the whole interaction, claiming that your plan must be working.
For the next few days Aone Takanobu would come in, order a nice sweet drink, pay and quietly study. And then you would try and have a conversation, give him a few pieces of candy, and let him study. And even in this moment, a Thursday night, he had yet to even say more than his order to you, and a thank you. Even with him asking your name, he hardly used it.
Currently, he was still working hard on his studies, while you were working at the back counter. Again the pastries you had made sold out by the time you arrived at the shop, so once it had died down enough, you began to make more.
It had been some ten minutes of you diligently baking, when it was time to throw them into the oven. With a soft sigh, you turned around and leaned against the counter, watching as a new customer walked through the doors.
“Good evening, how can I help you?” You called out softly to him, starting to feel weary from the busy day that you had.
The man swaggered up, smelling strongly of some sort of alcohol, and gave you a lopsided smile, “I’ll take whatever coffee you make me, and then I’ll also take you to go,”
As his words hit your ears, you felt your stomach drop, “I'm sorry…what was the second part?”
“I said…that i’ll take you to go, you look just my type and I’m sure that I can make sure you have a better time than you’re having now.”
“Uhh I’m sorry but I can really only get you a coffee.” You took a small step back, wishing that you hadn’t sent your coworker home early.
He stared at you for a moment, drunkenly processing what you just said, “Oh come on, as if you really want to stay here all night. What's the real reason? Let me guess, you have some sort of lame partner?” he paused, starting to lean over the counter to reach you, “Well let me tell you, I'd be better than they could ever be, and if you were grateful you’d take me up on my offer.”
Just as he was about to grasp the neck of your apron, he was jerked back. Towering over the man, stood Aone, anger clear on his face, “You need to leave.”
The man whirled around, trying to get Aone to release his shirt, all while yelling insults and threats. Unphased, Aone easily dragged the man to the door and shoved him outside, giving a stern and almost scary final word, “Bye.”
He looked back at you for a moment before locking the doors just in case. You stood in silence, thinking over what the hell just happened, not even noticing when Takanobu crossed the store to the front counters, until he spoke up.
“Are you okay?”
You blankly nodded, eyes wide as you finally came to a conclusion on the whole event, “Yeah, i’m okay..im fine…” You paused then gasped, “Oh my gosh thank you! You didn’t have to step in like that, thank you !” You snapped out of it, going back to your usual loud persona.
Before he even had the chance to respond again, your timer went off, allowing yourself to excuse yourself to the kitchen area. Quietly you pulled out the pastry, letting them cool down as you went to make two warm drinks, an idea already taking place in your head. Once you had the drinks, you slid the pastries onto a display plate, all but one that was.
When you were ready, you grabbed the two drinks, then the baked good, and made your way to where Aone was sitting, setting down your items and taking a seat across from him.
He peered at you, eyes moving back and forth between the drinks, the snack and yourself, and opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, holding a hand up.
“I made these every night in hopes that I could give you one…so that you’d like me…well not like me! I just…you seem so standoffish and my coworker Terushima said that you were really nice to him and then I figured that somehow I had made you not like me..even though I’m just some barista…and I don't know, that's also why I gave you the candy and I tried to smile my best and yeah…looking back on it im not so sure why I was so caught up on it..but..yeah.”
You avoided his stare, looking down into the coffee you had made, hoping that he wouldn’t think you were some weirdo for all of it.
“I'm sorry if you thought I didn’t like you. Normally when I come in, and I see you…well,” He paused, trying to find the right words as his face started to grow red, “Well, I think you’re really attractive and. I get nervous. And then I can't find the right words. "
Your head snapped up, seeing that it was his turn to look away. And for a moment, while he was doing this, you could see that he himself was also very attractive. In all of this past week you had been so caught up in your own head that you didn't even take a moment to really look at the guy.
Up close, you could see that his hair looked really soft. His eyes were very dark in color, almost so dark that you were sure that if you kept staring, you'd get lost in them. He had a strong jaw, and looked to be fairly muscular. But of course, now that he had explained his side of things, what interested you more than his looks was potentially learning about him and his whole personality. If he was just shy, you wanted to know how to get him out of his shell, how to get him to laugh, to smile.
Before you could get anymore lost in your own thoughts, he broke the silence again, “My friends told me to ask you for your number, but everytime that I came in and was going to ask, I would get nervous again, and just order a coffee instead.”
You let out a gentle smile and pulled out a pen from your apron, and cautiously grabbed his hand, flipping it over so that his palm was facing up. You scribbled down your phone number there, feeling your face heat up. And when you looked back up to Aone, you could see that he was furiously blushing and looking anywhere that wasn't at you.
The two of you talked some more after that moment, toeing the line between being a little awkward and being something more than friendly, until it was time for Aone to go home for the night. You walked him to the door, turning the lock and holding the door open for him.
“Will you come by again tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
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monsterenergysimp · 4 years
corpse husband x fem!reader 
summary: you meet corpse on a stream and you’re surprised when he reaches out to you 
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 1.9k
notes: This is proof read but could have missed some stuff. This is my first corpse fic and my first time writing fanfic since I posted that super cringey book on wattpad when I was like 12 or something. I’d appreciate feed back so please reach out to me :)
main blog @itsmysleepover
read part 2 here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were cleaning up your station so you can get home and stream. You loved your day job as a tattoo artist but you also really enjoyed streaming. It started as a way to promote yourself as an artist and the shop you worked at but it eventually became a really fun way to destress at the end of the week (or day if you were really itching to stream). “Hey Y/N was that your last client?” your boss, KC, asked as she walked to the front of the shop and put new flash drawings on the walls.
“Yes ma’am!” You said back excitedly. You finished cleaning your station and tossed your black gloves in the trash. “And you can’t trick me into staying and taking walk-ins,” you joked with her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into her office “It was one time,” she said as you slid on your jacket. As you walked out your phone buzzed in your pocket and you checked to see who had texted you. It was a message from Sean asking if you were free to play Among Us with him and some other streamers. You replied that you were on your way home right now and totally down. You were excited to see who was playing this time around since their Among Us streams are super entertaining and have gotten really popular.
On your way back you tweeted and posted to your Instagram story that you’d be streaming soon and set up all your stuff once you made it home. After a few minutes, you had a couple of thousand people watching. You entered the discord chat and Sean spoke up. “Everyone this is Y/N she’s sensitive so be gentle.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys and I’m not gentle, I'm ruthless,” You say into your mic and notice the chat calling you a liar. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for the game to start. “You sound way too sweet to be ruthless,” Corpse said. The countdown started and you were imposter with Charlie.
“This should be fun,” you told the stream. Yout tried playing strategically but after such a long shift your brain was mush. You saw Poki in nav and killed her then vented into shields. Not long after the body was reported and you were sure you were going to get voted out or at least sussed.
“Where was the body?” Felix asked. “Nav and I didn’t see anyone near there so whoever is imposter must have vented,” Corpse responded. Felix spoke up again. “I think I saw Y/N walk that way and I haven’t seen her since.”
Shit, shit, shit shit. “I’m in shield right now so-” you said trying to defend yourself but Charlie spoke up. “I was doing tasks with her earlier and I saw her walk into shields so she’s safe but I’m still not sure about Rae.” Everyone discussed a bit more and some people, including Corpse, voted for you but Rae got the majority vote and was ejected. You released your breath and kept playing being extra careful.  
“Okay, guys that was super close. Corpse knows and is out to get me,” you said to the chat. You were eventually voted off but one round later victory was written across your screen with your ghost and Charlie’s avatar. “Good game guys,” Corpse said.
“I told you guys I was ruthless!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat at your station doing nothing because a client had canceled a four-hour session. You were listening to music and sketching some stuff but you were bored out of your mind and you didn’t want to leave in case you got a walk-in. The music got quiet as you received a twitter notification saying someone had messaged you. You reached for your phone and saw you had gotten a dm from Corpse.
C: hey :)
You didn’t know what to respond. You were mostly confused as to why he decided to message you out of the blue. Did he want something? But what would he want?
Y: Hii! This is sudden
C: was i bothering you?
    shit sorry!
Y: Youre fine I wasn’t doing anything rn
C: how has your day been
    i dont usually do stuff like this
Y: Im glad you did im doing better now I was so bored
C: what were you doing that was so terrible
Y: NOTHING! thats the problem :(
C: im sure youll find something to do
You stared at his message. Unsure what to respond.
Y: Im gonna give myself a tattoo
C: what?
You tossed the needles you used for your tattoo into the sharps box. “Oh my god you didn’t,” KC said. She noticed the wrap on your calve from the tattoo you just gave yourself out of boredom. “It’s not my fault I didn’t have anything else to do!” You said trying to defend yourself. She sighed and just shook her head. “Just go home business is slow today.” It was raining so the shop probably wasn’t going to get a walk-in anyway and you didn’t have any more clients for the day. It was only 2 pm but you drove home and after making lunch for yourself decided to stream. You weren’t expecting too many people so it was bound to be super chill. Your leg felt sore reminding you of the tattoo. You snapped a quick pic of the fresh jack-o-lantern on the side of your calve and messaged it to Corpse.
Y: [image] it came out nice!
C: thats  super cool actually
    i was concerned why you would just give yourself a tattoo but i found your instagram and       youre super talented
Y: Thank you!
For some reason, it felt strange to just have that be the end of your response.
Y: Im about to start streaming if you wanted to watch
C: ill be watching ;)
What’s that supposed to mean?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat in your apartment watching tv, hand lost in a bag of Doritos, and scrolling through twitter. You had stopped paying attention to the anime playing on the screen since you’ve watched it a hundred times and knew you wouldn’t miss anything. It was Saturday and you usually take those days off. Take the time to do chores or meet up with some friends but today you felt like not doing any of those things. As you continue your endless scroll (not helping the twitter addiction you told yourself you’d try to get a handle on) you got a message from Corpse.
C: wanna talk?
You looked down at the message unsure of how to answer. It was a simple yes or no and the obvious answer was yes. You and Corpse had started talking more regularly. You still didn’t have each other’s phone numbers but it was fine. Your conversations weren’t too big-- just you sending him memes, tiktoks, and telling him how much you liked the songs he would drop. Or him complimenting a tattoo you did. Sometimes he’d message you during streams telling you funny stuff his fans would say in the chat and you’d do the same. You learned a bit about each other but nothing too deep or serious. Like how you two lived a few cities away and you both really liked Donnie Darko. When Sean first invited you to that game out of everyone else there you were most excited to meet Corpse. He’s just so sweet and funny. Of course, you’d love to talk to him but you were also itching to talk to him and the last thing you’d ever want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Y: Yeah id love to talk
Here goes nothing.
Y: Wanna facetime or something?
     No pressure or anything it could even be a regular call
     I think facetime is just my default lol
You sent those last two messages quickly after you had sent the first. You wished you could know what he was thinking. It was killing you to think you had turned him off from talking to you completely. You put your phone down on the couch and went to wash your hand of Dorito dust. When you got back from the kitchen you turned off the tv and tossed yourself onto the couch.
Still no message.
Why am I so fucking stupid?  
Just as you were standing up to stretch from sitting on the couch all day your phone buzzed. You reached for it fast and looked to see that it was him. You became super excited still not even knowing what the message said. It could have told you to never talk to him again for all you knew.
C: sure lets facetime
You had his phone number. You added him to your small but growing contact list and called. You sat on your couch waiting for a response when he finally picked up the screen was black. It didn’t upset you; you kind of expected it and didn’t care what he had to do to make himself more comfortable during this call.
“Hey,” he said. His voice was raspier than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked and looked at the time. It was about a little past noon and you had only eaten Doritos all day. Shit, you should probably make a decent meal.
“Not that long ago but yeah,” he responded and giggled. That giggle.
“Well, I’ve eaten nothing but Doritos all day while rewatching Ouran High School Host Club, so you’re welcome to join me as I make myself something to eat.”
“Sounds like fun; what are we eating?”
“I don’t know yet,” You said as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the pantry and looked. You noticed a can of diced tomatoes and reached for it then checked the expiration date. It was still good. On your counter were some onions and garlic. “How about some tomato soup?”
“Sounds delicious.” you smiled at Corpse and your phone screen not knowing if he was also looking at his screen or not. “You’re really pretty-- you know that?”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to--”
“I’ve already told you what an incredible artist you are so many times I bet you’re tired of hearing it, but you already know what a talented artist you are.”
“That is very kind of you Corpse,” you said to him bashfully as you chopped the onion and opened the can of tomatoes. “But once again you don’t have to reach so far to compliment me.”
“I’m not reaching you are talented and beautiful and--”
“I thought I was pretty.” You could hear him chuckle with a smile on his face. “You’re both,” he said. You could feel your face getting warm from blushing.
“Fuck you you’re making me blush. My face is all hot and stuff.”
He laughed at how flustered you got. “That’s the cutest thing ever.”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just put some olive oil in a pot and tossed in your onions. It became silent but it was a comfortable silence. You turned the stove on and watched the flame for a few seconds. “If it was dark we could pretend we were together and having a bonfire or something,” you said to the phone as you turned the camera to show him the flame (still not 100 percent sure if he was looking at you or not).
“I’ll put it on the list of things to do when you visit me someday.”
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! <3 I'm the roomate hc anon again (lol) and can I request best friends to lovers hc for iwaizumi, kuroo and oikawa? Also this blog is gonna blow up soon so remember me when you're famous bro 😌✊️❤️
OMG HI AGAIN! i’m so sorry this is late :( but oh my the excitement that flooded through me when i saw this request hsvhjsd. i really hope you enjoy this!! also vshdks i luv u bb THANK YOU.
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iwaizumi hajime
im making these as detailed as fuck so i apologize in advance <3
becoming best friends with hajime was a very out of the blue thing 
the two of you shared a lot of classes together, and since you were always seeing each other, you’d choose each other as partners a lot 
you’d sit next to him in all the classes that you could
you’d meet up a lot during school breaks and just hang out 
you two clicked very well honestly, like you found that it was so easy to talk to him, and it was so easy to lose yourself in the conversation 
most of your convos are v mature and sophisticated too like
it’s nice when you can talk to someone on the same brain wavelength as you yk 😼
anyways overtime you’d come to his practice sessions, and even if they were long you’d just stay and watch bc why not
if you had hw to do and he noticed you were a lil stressed about it, he’d tell u to come study while he practiced as a change of scenery and all 
he’d walk you home almost every night at this point
oikawa noticing and being jealous <3 
“they’re stealing you from me!” “they’re not— what is wrong with you oikawa.” 
okay so this best friend stuff has been going on for a long time
long enough for you to realize you wanted more from him
but this is iwaizumi hajime and it’s almost impossible to know what he’s thinking 
so you just keep it to yourself, thinking it’s just a small crush and it’s not worth ruining what the two of you have at this rate 
so all this had happened first year, and when you’re nearing the end of your second year
that’s when you realize that
it’s not just a crush
and when you have feelings for someone, every little thing they do expands a million times in your head
so a hug from him that you’d once never go over twice has you thinking about it as you go to sleep
the hoodies he’d lend you during practice while you stayed in the gym bc it was ungodly cold in there now send tingles down your spine at the lingering scent of him
the way he’d grab your hand to drag you somewhere now leave a heavy effect on your palm, forcing you to trace it once he’s gone 
his texts give you butterflies 
every time his name pops up on your phone screen you have a mini heart attack
and yeah
those are all symptoms of a crush
but is a crush meant to last this long? 
at the start of your third year, you greet him outside of the school gates after not seeing you all summer
he smiles so bright and hugs you so, so tightly 
you already are so hyperaware of how strong iwa is
but the feelings you have for him that won’t go away are so not helping your fixation on the feel of his biceps 
anyways before this becomes v nsfw 
you two catch up like u had met yesterday 
and then at the end of the day, after practice, which you stay for bc u missed ur vbc boys 🥺
he walks you home 
like always
and as he stands by your front door, in a burst of courage, he takes your hand in his and pulls you harshly towards him, pushing his body against yours and capturing your lips in a heated kiss
it’s so messy and harsh and you pretty much collided 
but holy shit
you were pretty sure fireworks erupted when you two kissed
years of pining and what had felt like unrequited love finally being resolved 
it’s the most satisfying feeling ever
you never want to stop kissing him
but alas </3 
when he pulls back, you’re both breathing so heavily 
you’re not sure if it’s the adrenaline or the kiss itself 
and he just looks at you and goes “did u tan while you’re away ur eyes look brighter” 
no sir i am in love with you
when you two officiate things 
he’s actually way shyer than he was as best friends??? 
like as best friends he wouldn’t feel slightly weird about hugging you in public or grabbing at your hand randomly or being seen alone with you
but now like
people know ??? and somehow that scares iwa 
or makes him uncomfortable 
idk he just feels iffy
but ur so understanding bless ur heart <3 
ur so careful with him and take it at his own pace 
zero pda at the start of the relationship 
like he won’t even wanna hug u in front of the seijoh team 
but slowly he warms up 
and he starts getting more comfortable with things like hand holding and occasional pecks on the cheek/lips 
your traditions as best friends don’t die as lovers 
if anything you believe in them even more 
now you watch more diligently during practice 
you proudly attend his games in his jersey, cheering the loudest for him (and for the rest of the boys bc they: best) 
walks home with you are so much more serene 
always gives you a kiss before he parts ways 
idk it’s like some sort of commemoration for your first kiss/confession 
unless you invite him inside 😏
this is so fucking long im so sorry i just love iwa 
anyways anybody want boyfriend!iwa headcanons i got a lot hehe 
to conclude, it was so gradual and inevitable with the two of you, and you’re forever glad it happened when it did and you hadn’t rushed anything <3333
oikawa tōru
unlike hajime, this wasn’t something that took one or two years
this bitch couldn’t admit he was in love with you for like 10 years okay 
you’ve known him for the majority of your life, because you’d always lived in close proximity to each other 
but you were never best friends yk? just acquaintances 
it was around the end of middle school when you two got close
cause you saw he was applying to aoba johsai for high school
and you were like !!! i’m going there too 
at first he was like stop copying me 😾 
you guys had a staring contest bc y’all are idiots and there were legit tears streaming down ur face but u were not about to lose to a pissbaby like him
he blinked 😁👍🏼
and he lost 
and then he decided “you’re my best friend now ” 
anyways aside iwa, he now had someone else he was going into high school with
like it’s a completely new environment but he had two people he very much liked going with him !!! 
when the time came around to like apply for/join clubs, you had been so clueless 
but toru stuck by you !! and he was so adamant on helping you !! 
he would sit with you after school as he practiced tossing with hajime and just brainstorm with you what you liked to do
it’s what brought you two closer together
cause you realized just how many things in common you had with him 
for a full week he tried to help you come up with something
for the sake of this hc let’s say u decide to join the newsletter club 
you’re very wary at first but then he’s like when ur part of it you’ll visit the vbc regularly so u can take pictures/observe to write essays 
the fact that toru would be there kinda set you at ease 
now you’ve never seen toru play properly 
he’s practiced in front of you before
plenty of times
but a proper match? or a practice one? 
so it’s safe to say u were in awe when you got assigned to go watch a practice match against (idk pick a school) 
it’s embarrassing to admit but your eyes were on him the entire time 
thank god he became the captain later on else it’d be so sus 
you really tried to pay attention to anybody else lmfao 
it’s kinda what drew you to him more
you still didn’t really have feelings
you only realized just how passionate he is about everything 
at some point you had an essay to write for your newsletter about the volleyball club
but you were having a hard time like really getting into it
so you immediately just called toru and were like “help 😃” 
he came over and you asked him a bunch of questions, and he would go on deadass 20 min rants for each of them
you were just 
so amazed 
like how could someone have so much passion for something like this?
you realize how but that’s for later
overtime you two got closer bc of how much your work was associated with him
he’s incredible as a best friend 
he’s the first one with the school’s weekly newsletter as soon as it’s out
granted it’s to read the section about him but yk, the sentiment’s there 
also love, love, loves lazy days with you 
he doesnt even care if the boys know that he worships the chick flicks you two watch 
i feel like oikawa would be an avid anime watcher
idk why i just do 
so he’d be blasting anime theme songs on a speaker as you’re in the shower and he’s in your room waiting for you and you’re both just singing w the sound of water rushing down 
actually it’s not just anime songs it’s all songs 
a l l songs 
so you two get really close, and then he has a super important match coming up 
let’s say it’s the spring interhigh one against karasuno
the one they won
idk im just choosing at random 
and the night before he’s like begging you on text to wear his jersey
you’re like bruh u have a cult following ????? 
but eventually u say yes
ur not really sure where it’s coming from but this is oikawa he’s an unpredictable as can be
when you show up in a jersey he so conveniently left at your house once
he’s so genuinely shocked even though he was the one that asked for this???
gives you the biggest hug like spins you around and just 
“you’re my lucky charm” 
when he wins 
after celebrating with his team
he runs over to you
and just
he kisses you
full on the mouth
it’s probably the rush and excitement of winning that gave him the courage to finally spill all his feelings out into this kiss
you’re in his jersey, in the stands and you genuinely feel like it’s only just the two of you
despite how sudden it was the kiss is so gentle, like he’d been planning it since forever 
“i told you you’re my lucky charm” he says as he rests his forehead against yours and kisses you gently again
oikawa had already been affectionate as your best friend
always displaying his love outwardly with like always calling out your name so loud whenever he sees you and giving you bone crushing hugs
deadass his 6’0 self will just jump on you 
but now it’s extra
makki always gags around the two of you but you just stick ur tongue out at him and go “ur just mad ur best friend’s getting some pussy/dick and ur not” 
makki then proceeds to shriek at you like a fucking banshee <3 
oikawa best friends to lovers excellence is so cute eeeekkk
and now u always wear his jersey at games 
(u couldnt make it to the game against karasuno where they lost for whatever reason and he held it against u for the longest time)
(“maybe if a certain someone were there we wouldn’t have lost”)
what a big baby you love him
kuroo tetsurō
kuroo as ur best friend 
im frothing 
i feel like you’d grow close after meeting at an event or something 
like you’re a friend of a friend of a friend 
i see kuroo as someone who’s so suave and cool and flirty with people he doesn’t have feelings for
but put the crush factor in and he’s a mess
like his brain just stops working
so when he first met you
he thought u were so fucking hot 
but that’s it
his lower body was doing all the thinking <3 
so he was so flirty 
and that’s essentially what your friendship is built off of 
and when friends are so flirty with each other, they generally grow close and trust each other really quickly 
ur not a nekoma student but ur in tokyo so you meet up often 
you just
it’s so nice to be around him
you find it so easy to just be yourself around him 
going out with him is super fun 
and a lot of the times you guys have study dates and you literally don’t talk except during the 10 min breaks you two take
it’s just hyper focus for the two of you which is great
he really channels the best student in you what a man ! 
i think during your third year of high school you two got insanely close
because you were highly unsure if you were gonna leave japan or stay 
so you wanted to make the most out of everything 
so you’d go out with him more often
he’d stay during the weekends and you two would like bake christmas goods all night even if it’s literally september lmfao
cuddling is so natural 
like you’re both so touchy with each other but not in a weird way just a super comfortable kind of way
like if you’re shorter than him, he’s always leaning his arm on you like you’re his arm rest 
it’s a win win bc he gets to touch you and tease you
wow the horny really jumped out in that one
you go to every single one of his games !!
cheer him on so!! fucking!! loud!!
you probably make a provocative sign and stand a chair and just wave it around and kuroo’s so heart eyes lmfao
the climb up to becoming lovers is so
i think kuroo first realizes that maybe, yk, he wants those flirtatious comments to mean something and those random touches to hold more romantic value to them, when you two are out together
it’s a completely chill day and it’s not really warm not really chilly. you’re just comfortable 
he takes you to a park after buying the both of you ice cream from the stand across the street and sits down at a bench with you
just people watching 
and then it kinda goes really silent
it’s not awkward??? like at all???
he’s not looking to fill the silence with any random words
he’s just
enjoying simply being with you
and he glances at you momentarily and it hits him like so hard just how pretty you are 
his eyes slightly widen like
holy fuck
what the f u ck
remember when i said he’s all cool until feelings come into play
yeah 😼
he literally freezes up and blurts out, without even meaning to, “i think i have feelings for you.” 
he really didnt even process he said that
you kinda
pause for a second
and then you realize what you said and you just smile and lean over towards him, lifting your thumb up to the corner of his lips and brushing away some ice cream
“you think?” you tease, and then at the spot where the ice cream was misplaced, you placed a gentle kiss
he kinda relaxes and then eyes you as he says, “i know.” 
it is just. heaven after that
i think the two of you would be less flirty around each other once becoming official 
like yeah he definitely comments once or twice every now and then and don’t get me wrong, so do you
but it’s just less frequent 
like a blanket has been lifted to uncover the true, hidden meanings behind the comments and you can now just breathe easier 
you two end up in the same uni on accident hevejsk
like you had a long ass talk about how it’s okay if you didn’t end up in the same uni you’d still make it work
and it would’ve worked tbh
fate just ships you two too much
when you told each other you were literally that spiderman meme of the two spidermen pointing at each other lmao
power couple of the uni
power couple of tokyo
power couple of japan
you’re literally so happy with him you wouldn’t trade him for the world 
and maybe you saw it coming 
but it still remains a shock whenever you wake up and he’s there laying next to you, smiling lazily at you before reaching over to give you a gentle kiss 
anyways happy early birthday king i love you kuroo hehe
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end note; i really had a lotta fun w this one omg!! thank you again for requesting, anon, and i hope everybody else enjoyed!! feel free to request, mwah <3
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Green with Envy
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer gets green with envy over something reader can’t control angering reader- hot and heavy makeup sex ensues.
A/N: hey guys 🥺 this is my sixth fic for my 1250 follower celebration and this is a day late- thank you to everyone who was super nice and considerate about me pushing this off till today- I was having a super hard time emotionally last night and I needed some time to myself. Again thanks so so much- this is based off of a combination of this request and this request for jealous Spencer. Also part two to Dr. Jekyll will be out tonight or tomorrow depending on if I can finish it- still a little bit behind schedule from me pushing this off last night. Thanks for reading 🥺
Warnings: 18+, Someone’s harassing reader at work, Spencer is a jerk at first I promise he apologizes, Unprotected sex, Oral sex (F receiving)
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
“Could you go and check case evidence? And bring the detective with you.” Hotch had approached me, giving me orders for the next step to take in the team’s investigation. I accepted them with no discernible dissent in my voice towards Hotch, even though I would have rather stayed with Spencer working on the geographical profile. Especially since the detective had not taken my subtle hints of turning him down when he flirted with me. Unfortunately like many of these instances it was just easier to keep my mouth shut rather than cause problems with the police department we were liaising with. Though I still did know if I’d I had told Hotch he would’ve understood and changed it with a drop of a hat. it was still just easier to not say anything and power through the case, however sad and disappointing it was.
The detective had been hot on my heels ever since we had touched down here. At first it had been endearing and I just carefully let him down, saying a simple no to coffee.
I was sure he got the impression that if he ‘convinced me’ more he’d get me to say yes. I hadn’t told him until later that I had a boyfriend because it hadn’t been his business. I had only told him with a snippy tone in frustration when he would not let up. Unfortunately for me again he seemed to take it as a sign of ‘playing hard to get’ and did not stop his pursuits. I should probably tell Hotch about it before I punch him in the nose.
I was frustrated and annoyed, plus basically every other negative feeling in the book. I just wanted to be alone, or with Spencer.
When I finally got time to slip out of the room for a breather I scampered my way over to where my boyfriend was as he always gave me some sort of solace.
Unfortunately, it seems like the universe was against me this week.
Spencer’s eyes usually held not one ounce of anger, especially not towards me. When he flashed me a glare I got a little angry myself. What had I done to face the wrath of the genius? His demeanor towards me wasn’t doing anything to squash my bad feelings as it normally did, right now it was just fueling the flames.
I decided to just ask him upfront after a third glare was flashed in my direction instead of dancing around the issue any more, we did have a job to do, “Hey- Spencer, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” His tone was clipped and sharp, sharp enough that it felt like it could cut me.I wouldn’t have been that surprised if it did. It was obvious that ‘nothing’ was not true, there was obviously something going on.
I decided to ask again just to be sure, though there was definitely a possibility I was going to be snapped at again, “Are you sure?”
The harsh glare I was given was more piercing than the previous ones, cutting me deep.
“Yes, I’m sure!” Was whispered shouted at me along with the glare. It took every fiber of my being not to snap his head off even harsher than what he had done to me. Blinking back tears I got up and stormed off, completely done with the day- with this case. I just wanted to put this case behind me, putting it in the files to never be thought about by me again.
When we got to the hotel, after we were finished for the day, there was an eerie silence that fell over us. The silence only held for a moment as we stared at each other. I wasn’t going to speak before he was and if it wasn’t an apology I didn’t know if I had the energy left in me to say anything back.
I had ended up telling Hotch what had been going on with the detective, it had become too much for it to be reasonable to brush off (though in a perfect world brushing off someone like that wouldn’t be a reality but that’s just a daydream of mine I guess)
I stood at the other side of the room for a minute waiting to see if he’d say anything or if we’d be dancing around each other like this for the rest of the night.
He ran his hands through his hair a few times, looking like he was trying to collect his thoughts and sat down on one of the beds in the room. I wondered also if I’d be slipping into the second untouched bed by the window tonight.
“I-I’m so sorry.” My only response at first was a slight hum from the back of my throat while I processed my own thoughts. He seemed sincere, I wanted to believe he was sincere that is.
“Sorry for what?” On the ride back to the hotel, once my irritation towards his attitude had somewhat satiated in the cool silence of the car, I had figured out what he had been bothered by. Spencer wasn’t all that hard to read once I got to know him. However, I wasn’t going to provide the reason for it, I still wanted to hear the reasoning from his own mouth.
“I was envious- jealous of you and the detective today.”
“You were envious?” Being green with envy wasn’t something that Spencer had ever expressed in our relationship before. Being envious- or jealous as most people would call it could be something to be played with in a relationship. It’s an emotion to be delicately handled otherwise the relationship could be filled with possessiveness and aggression.
Spencer was for sure out of line earlier today, he was certainly right when he said I’m sorry.
But, since he had said sorry and that I could tell he was sincere, maybe there was still a chance to play with the delicate emotion in a way that would not crack the foundation. Plus the added fact that I didn’t need to ask for an apology was comforting. There was no need for a fight when the person at fault admitted it. And, in time I’m sure when our relationship has had more time to build a larger foundation, those feelings of envy would not be so easily provoked— unless of course if it was time to play with those delicate emotions.
“Y-yeah, I was getting mad that I wasn’t the one that you were with today. A-and- I also didn’t like that the detective wouldn’t stop flirting with you…” His stuttered apology wasn’t what I was totally paying attention to, though don’t get me wrong I did appreciate it. What I was focused on was how much I wanted to claim him, to show him how much I was just as much as he was mine.
“Well, I’m glad you apologized, I accept it and I understand where you were coming from- plus the case hasn’t been easy on any of us. Just don’t ever do something like that again, please.” Spencer’s shoulders slumped from a sigh and an added nod, relaxing from my words after being tense with anxiety. Sauntering over to him after I had accepted his apology with one plan in mind made my panties wet with anticipation. When I straddled his lap his eyes blew wide, not expecting these turn of events. I grabbed the back of his hair, not too harshly, just enough to get a firm grip to tilt his hair back while I spoke into the shell of his ear, “And, now I’d like to show you how much I belong to you— and it’s just as much as you belong to me.”
Instead of getting an intelligible response from Spencer all I got was a moan, not that I was complaining. While I captured his lips in a breathless kiss I began to grind my hips down onto him in slow circles, giving him a taste of what’s to come.
He surrendered to my dominance in the kiss almost immediately, letting me guide him in any way I wanted him to go. As I rocked my hips over the bulge in his slacks I could feel it grow harder underneath me, I couldn’t wait to free it from its confines. I made sure to mark up his neck with as many hickies that made me satisfied- plus I let him give a few to me as well.
His submission underneath me wasn’t something that I was unused to. This time seemed to be a little different however.
I couldn’t place my finger on what exactly was different, maybe it was that we were so desperate for each other that the clothes practically melted off- which was a lot quicker than how we normally took our pace.
“Can I show you how good I can be for you, Miss?” His eyes were wide and begging, there was no way I could refuse a face like that.
That was how I ended up riding his face, with no hesitation in sight from him. All he wanted to do was to please and he was greedy for it. Even after I had started to pull up off of him after I had already had a shattering orgasm he pulled his hands down onto my hips to have me writhing on top of him im overstimulation. I could’ve punished him for it, but it felt too good to punish.
I was going to make sure he was ready too, possibly by taking him into my mouth for a bit, which I loved to do. However, his little whimpered out pleads about how much he wanted to feel me were just as hard to ignore as the previous pleas. It was hard to say no to a face that looked so pretty when he begged.
I sunk down on him slowly, at least letting myself relish in that feeling for a bit before Spencer would undoubtedly coax me into a faster pace because of how desperate he was. My own desperation wasn’t too far behind to be honest.
When I took him down fully to the hilt I only let myself feel the weight of him inside me for a moment before I started to roll my hips to create a rhythm. The pace I created was just as everything else up until this point had been, desperate.
While I bounced on him I had become unsatisfied with the amount of marks I had left on him before, diving into his neck to pepper them with hickies not really considering the fact that we had to go to work tomorrow. At least he still had that concealer he bought when we first started dating.
Seems that Spencer could not seem to think of it either as in between my ravishing of his neck and upper chest he’d also been getting in his fair share of marks. His were more centered at my chest, he’d been making sure my boobs were not neglected.
My second orgasm washed over me when Spencer brought up his fingers to rub my clit in quick circles. When my pace began to stutter in their movements as I rode myself through my orgasm while trying to help Spencer reach his, his hands came up to my hips to help aid me. Once my pleasure had partially abated I began to focus on his.
“Come on, sweet boy, you’ve shown me how good you are, now I want you to cum for me.”
His eyes rolled back into his head at my words, close to falling off the edge. I grabbed both of his hands interlinking them together and pinned them to the bed to help push him towards his release. A high pitched whine came up from his throat and he fell over the edge, cumming inside me.
We stayed together like that for a bit while we were both coming down from our highs. For a while there was only silence between us as we basked in each other's presence until I decided to make a joke.
“Are you no longer green with envy?” I simpered a bit at him, teasing him just a little as I started to even out my breath some whileI also traced all the marks I had left on him. I was teasing him about the events of today, but I’m reality that horrible detective was far from my mind- it was just Spencer and I. I’d have to see later while looking in the mirror what marks he had also left on me to claim me just as much as I had done to him.
His nose scrunched up at me and he giggled, his giggles were my favorite sound. When I first heard it I knew I would become addicted to pulling little giggles out of him as often as I could. In an uncharacteristic comeback through giggles Spencer then said, “No you kinda fucked it out of me.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Sub Spencer: @thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge @calm-and-doctor
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Since you wrote Christmas with tha Bois are you planning on writing a New Years Eve fics too 🎇🎉?
*insert surprised pikachu meme*
now I am (!!!)
They are all required to go to a Wayne gala that Bruce has thrown since before he took Dick in as a ward. It’s important. So of course, I wanna show what kind of suits they would wear too. (Indulge me lmao) [none of these images are sensitive. Tumblr is an idiot]
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Okay I get that you wouldn’t think high strung proper Tim Drake Wayne , Mr CEO, would were a pretty casual suit. But he wears a suit everyday and by golly, he isn’t wearing a tie for New Years freakin Eve. It’s something different and he can relax. And he’s so tired of black. Plus the blue brings brings out the color in his eyes.
He adjusted the collar of his suit. He always wore a nice suit to work. But this was for a gala. The tie just wouldn’t lay flat. You walked up behind him and pulled the offensive fabric off and tossed it on the bed. He moved to protest but you started unbuttoning his collar.
“Okay,” he said with a slow smirk. “But it’ll have to be quick.”
“I’m just fixing your shirt,” you said rolling your eyes. “I’m not messing my makeup up before a gala. That looks nicer. I never see you relaxed,” you said leaving your hands on his chest longer than necessary.
“I relax sometimes. I’m relaxing tonight. With you,” he said turning to give you a quick kiss. You smiled and he took a look at your outfit. “I’ll have to keep my eye peeled though. You’re going to attract a lot of attention in that.”
“Too bad I’m already dating a man they couldn’t possibly compete with. Come on, lover boy,” you said and he took your hand before going downstairs.
It was always stressful to first go to a gala. Tim was moderately famous as Bruce Wayne’s heir, heir to the Drake family fortune, and the acting CEO of Wayne Enterprise. Luckily this was very boring to most young people and his pictures were in a small section of the business page of the papers rather than like Dick Grayson being splashed all over the lifestyle section like a celebrity. But cameras flashing as you walked down stairs in heels was terrifying. Tim was the only one to notice as you gripped his arm like a vice each time.
You could usually smile and drink champagne as Tim talked shop with the old men he worked with or young men who were trying to climb the business ladder. Tim’s fingers made idle circles in your hand or on your back as he talked. He was also taking glances at you in you outfit all evening.
Only when he was desperate for a break would he ask you to dance. Tim was a good dancer. He had been taught at an early age. But he was not a natural and he didn’t want you bothered with more photos. You insisted after a full hour of talking about some sort of quarterly investment opportunity that he take you to the dance floor.
“Dance with me, Timmy,” you asked quietly in a lull in the conversation. It was almost midnight anyways. He smiled at you before looking back at the men.
“Excuse us,” Tim said before letting you lead him to the floor. He gently held your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. The song was fairly slow so you barely danced more than a sway. That was fine. You were more interested in staring in to his ocean eyes than cutting a rug.
“Sorry if it’s been incredibly boring,” Tim said. “You’d probably rather be doing anything else.”
“Dancing is nice. Seeing you more than 5 minutes is nice,” you said.
“Speaking of 5 minutes, it’s 5 minutes until midnight.”
“No more work talk tonight. Just be with me,” you pleaded softly. Tim frowned for a second before pulling you closer.
“I can do that. All yours tonight. I’ll just punch anyone who tries to talk business to me,” he said.
“Good enthusiasm. Terrible plan. Sweet though,” you said kissing his cheek. He smiled.
“Or we could just leave right after New Years,” Tim said with a wiggle of his brows. You giggled.
“Better plan.”
Bruce had gotten on the stage and the music stopped. You didn’t let Tim go. As they counted down to midnight, you and Tim gazed at each other.
You leaned your face up and kissed him. Tim held your waist tighter and your wrapped your fingers up in his soft black hair. After just a few seconds you pulled back and smiled at him.
“Happy New Years, sunshine,” he said.
“Happy New Years, Duckie.”
“Let’s get out of here before they see us leave,” he suggested. The rest of the night was spent in his room and you were so glad for the loud fireworks to cover any noise you might have made.
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Dick has been to 714 galas. He’s an expert. He’s expected to play the handsome charming eldest son. Wearing a beautiful suit is half the battle. Not to mention, he kinda likes showing off a little. It’s New Years. And the blue and grey bring out the color in his eyes so well.
Dick barely got in the door before flopping on the bed with his detective uniform still on. You sat on the edge of your bed, already in hair, dress, and makeup, and reached over to rub his shoulders. He groaned softly.
Barely off of work and already having to change into a suit for a family event. Dick needed a day off. Badly. He had the next 3 days off of work and he just had to deal with this night. No, he needed to be positive. You hadn’t done anything and he didn’t want to ruin New Years Eve.
You pushed your palm into a knot on his shoulder. He all but moaned. “Thank you, baby,” he said. “It’s these stupid cases. They have been driving me- baby,” Dick said turning to look and taking you in. “You look good.”
You smiled and giggled. “You think?”
“Always, but this? Wowza,” he said laughing. “Im going be showing off the prettiest girl at the ball,” Dick said sing song. You rolled your eyes with a grin. His compliments were usually over the top.
“Yeah, yeah. Not likely. You need to get dressed or I’m going to be very fancy for no reason,” you said and he hopped up. Dick was overworked but he always was. In record time he was dressed.
“Do you want to drive,” he asked hopefully. A quick 30 minute nap would be awesome.
“I can’t drive the Porsche since it’s stick,” you admitted.
“Well in that case, I’m teaching you soon. But not tonight. You gotta learn how to drive my car,” Dick said and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. You added that to the list of skills he thought completely necessary that hardly anyone could do anymore. Could you even buy a new standard transmission car?
“Sure, hun. Let’s get going before we’re late,” you said kissing his cheek. You straightened his pocket square and you were both out the door.
“-and then you push the clutch. Right here,” he pointed at the floorboard as he drove.
“Not tonight. We can do this some other time. And if we don’t get there, it’s fine,” you said evasively.
“Ever? It’s important to be able to drive any kind of car and if it’s just you and the Porsche,” Dick said with a frown. You could see a contingency plan forming in his head.
“I very much doubt there will be a situation where I have to drive your car,” you said with a shrug.
“I’d rather plan for it,” Dick said and you dropped it. It was like a security blanket for him to plan for anything.
Walking into a gala was exciting and nerve racking. Dick was extremely popular back in Gotham and it was honestly weird as he was normal back in Bludhaven. Dick was the perfect gentleman and made sure you felt comfortable and safe when the cameras flashed. You smiled and ignored whatever anyone said about you. It could be mean with jealousy. You were with him for his money, you were just arm candy, and you weren’t that pretty. The first time had hurt pretty badly. Now you had a new ring on your hand and you felt almost as nervous as your first gala. One through the door to the ballroom, you relaxed.
“Are you okay? You looked really nervous,” Dick said and you grimaced. That sounds like nice pictures.
“Just a little,” you said subconsciously playing with your ring. Dick, of course, noticed right away.
“What’s wrong? Do you not want the ring? Or the engagement,” he asked quietly and it broke your heart that he was even worried about it. His big blue eyes were wide with worry.
“Not at all,” you said grabbing his shoulder. “I just don’t like how they talk. I’m very happy. And I love the ring. It’s beautiful.”
Dick’s frown turned to a pleased smile. “Good. Because that was my mom’s ring.”
“Dick! You gave me a family heirloom without mentioning it? That makes it twice as special,” you said shocked. “Thats so sweet of you.”
You leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I love it. But if you give me something that important again without telling me, I’ll beat you,” you whispered in his ear and he laughed.
“Let’s dance,” Dick said. He pulled you to the dance floor. He was the best dancer out of all of the Wayne children and possibly better than Bruce. He had been dancing since he could walk. His parents were performers and taught him many dance styles. Bruce also insisted that all the children knowing all the common dances they would need to know at a gala.
Keeping up with Dick was the biggest issues with dancing. He could dance quick dances for hours and you had to remind him that not everyone spent hours a day training and fighting. At the moment you had insisted on stopping to get a drink. You practically pounded a water bottle while he sipped on some punch.
“Kinda floral. Not bad. Little sweet,” he said.
“It’s not alcoholic, is it?”
“I don’t think so. It’s just one glass,” Dick said. “I’ll be fine to drive later.”
“No. It’s just that Damian and his girlfriend have a cup each,” you said motioning over to them.
“It’s fine. They wouldn’t give them alcohol,” Dick said and you relaxed. Of course not. That would be crazy to give kids alcohol.
“Let’s sit down. My feet are getting a little tired,” you said with a wince. He nodded and you sat at a table by the dance floor. As if Dick had put out a sign, a bunch of people flocked over to talk to him.
Somehow a plate of small snacks ended up in front of you, probably Alfred. You ate a little while he played the philanthropist son of Bruce Wayne. It was actually really nice to be ignored.
Until it wasn’t.
An older Wayne investor brought a woman over as his ‘date.’ She instantly latched on to Dick and started flirting with him. Her hand kept touching his arms and shoulders. You were getting mad but this wasn’t a surprise. People acted like he was someone they could grope and touch without consequences.
Finally it was too much and you cleared your throat. She looked at you in disgust before going back to flirting with Dick.
“Can you give my fiancé some space,” you asked politely as you could. Her eyes raked over your body.
“He could do so much better than some poor trash like you in a second rate dress. Not even that ugly little ring could change that,” she said nastily. You gasped.
“Okay we’re leaving,” Dick said standing up. The woman had to back away from him. His jaw was clenched in controlled anger. He had a temper and this wasn’t the time to lose it.
You stood up and hissed as your shoes cut into your feet worse than when you had been wearing them all night. Great, you couldn’t even wear heels in front of her. She laughed. Dick simply picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the ballroom and upstairs to his old bedroom. He sat you on the bed gently.
You knew that she was just a vapid socialite but it did hurt. She had pretty accurately attacked your insecurities and you blinked to prevent yourself from crying.
“Baby,” Dick said bending to a crouch in front of you. “Don’t think anything about what she said. She’s just jealous. Not worth your time.”
“She’s not wrong though. I’m just a poor kid trying to fit in in Wayne freaking Manor,” you said wiping your face. Stupid tears.
“And I’m just a circus kid. Don’t forget that,” Dick said sitting beside you. He pulled you into a hug. “Not a single damn bit of that matters. It’s almost midnight in a minute. Do you want to go back downstairs?”
“Not a chance,” you said with a dry smile.
“I figure. We have a better view anyways,” he said opening the curtains. You could vaguely hear the noise downstairs.
“Happy New Years, baby,” Dick said giving you a kiss. He wiped the tears from your cheek.
“Happy New Years. Sorry I’m all teary,” you said.
“Nope. Don’t be sorry. My new New Years resolution is to make you smile,” he said with a devious look. His fingers suddenly attacked your sides and pulled laughter from you. He pushed you to the bed in his attack.
“Dick! Okay! Quit!” You shrieked with laughter. He stopped his hands and leaned over you.
“Alright. I quit. But since we’re alone. Wanna ring in the New Years the right way,” he asked with a smirk. You grinned back.
“Got any ideas on how to do that?” You asked back.
“So many. Baby, so many,” before kissing you. Fireworks sounded in the background.
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(Older 16 yr old) Damian is literally the son of Batman. He’s going to dress like it. Nice and formal and expensive. It was like a form of armor. Homeboy looks like a million bucks. His watch might be. And if a burgundy turtleneck A accents his well defined pecs, B shows the gold in his tan skin, and C the gorgeous green in his eyes, he ain’t complaining.
“Beloved,” Damian said pulling on his jacket. “Come out,” he said in a sing song voice that would have been completely foreign to hear to anyone else but you.
You flushed as you came out. His jaw dropped before he quickly straightened his face. He’d taken the risk of buying you a dress for the party. He’d seen Bruce do it for women all the time. It was practically his calling card. Even Dick had done it a few times. But this was a first for Damian.
“You look very nice. Beautiful,” he said quietly looking away at his cuff links. “Are you ready to go downstairs?”
“Just my shoes,” you said, trying to slip them on and almost falling over. Damian quickly grabbed your waist.
“I got you. I can put them on,” he said kneeling to the ground. He hadn’t meant anything besides efficiency with his offer. But as he slid your foot into a heel and strapped it across your ankle, it felt far more intimate. His hand held your calf a little longer than necessary before switching to the other foot. This side had a slit up to your thigh and he could see your bare leg up close. Damian gulped before attaching the shoe. He quickly stood up and cleared his throat.
“Are you ready now?”
You nodded. He offered his arm and you went downstairs. Cameras flashed for just a few minutes before Damian skillfully steered you away from them. His father would kill any pictures of you before they got to the papers but Damian knew how much you hated them.
“Dance with me?” You asked and he happily complied. He had been trained in several dance styles and was good at it. He also enjoyed the way you would smile when he would spin you. If it made his beloved happy, he was happy. It attracted a little attention. Bruce Wayne’s teenage son and his date could dance with skill. This too was only viewable in person.
“Let’s get a drink,” Damian said pulling you to the refreshments. You were out of breath but happy and followed him. There was suppose to be people handling the drinks but there were so many people. Damian pushed through and grabbed two drinks and handed one to you.
“Let’s find a table,” you said. As always, Damian pulled you along to a secluded corner close to the door to the garden. Cold air and little whiffs of cigarette smoke swirled around but at least you weren’t in the overheated body filled floor anymore.
You sat and drank at your punch. It was heavily sweetened and floral. It was refreshing and... warm. You waved at yourself.
“Is it hot in here to you?” You asked Damian.
“Want to go for a walk outside? It’s cooler out there,” he suggested. Damian took your arm again and you walked out the door into the garden. A stone path lined little beds of delicate plants. Topiaries lined the path. Small solar lights and the full moon lit the garden. There were a few people walking but not many.
Damian looked so handsome. Long dark lashes frames his bright green eyes. His skin almost glistened with silver light of the moon. He bent and plucked a flower from a bush. Damian tucked it behind you ear with a little smile.
“The prettiest rose in all the garden,” he said and you smiled shyly.
“I don’t think that’s actually a rose though,” you said and he laughed. A rare occurrence.
“It’s not. But I was talking about you. May I kiss you,” he said lightly touching the side of your neck with his hand. You nodded and he leaned down. You closed your eyes and his lips brushed against yours. You pressed a hand against his chest.
Damian’s hand slid to the back of your neck to hold you as he pressed harder against your mouth. His tongue slipped in your mouth and you made the softest whimpering sound. Damian’s eyes flew open and he almost froze. That was new and he could get used to the pretty sound.
You kissed like this for a little while. Damian’s hand slid down to hold your waist when he noticed you shivered. He pulled back.
“Beloved, are you cold,” he asked, cursing himself. Of course, you were cold wearing a thin dress while he was in a full suit. He quickly pulled off his jacket and put it around your shoulders.
“Just a little. It’s fine,” you protested. He insisted on sliding your arms in the sleeves and button the jacket.
“Let’s go in. It’s close to midnight anyways,” Damian said giving you one last kiss.
“Happy New Years beloved,” he said with a kiss. Damian had grabbed another two glasses of punch and you two touched them in cheers.
“No sir,” Alfred said sternly, taking the glasses from your hands. “No alcohol for either of you. There is juice on the other side of the table.”
You waited until Alfred walked away before laughing. “They should have labeled that better.”
“That explains why it felt overly warm in here earlier,” Damian said thoughtfully.
The music had changed to overly sappy and people were kissing and dancing far too close. They were feeling the effects of the alcohol they had been drinking all night. Damian looked at them in disgust.
“Want to go upstairs,” he asked. You quickly looked at him. “Not like that. We can watch a movie or something, anything away from this.”
“Sounds great,” you said and you both left.
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I’m fairly certain I’ve seen him in a suit like this in the comics. I considered him saying FU to Bruce and showing up in boots and black leather jacket. But Jason knows he looks good in red. And he’d probably get a kick out of wearing one of his suits he wore as Red Hood to a fucking gala. Bruce would know.
“Princess, if you make me wait any longer I’ll kick down the door and physically carry you to the damn party,” Jason said with no malice in his voice. You opened the bathroom door.
“Not all of us look good without a little work,” you said playfully tapping his chest. You yanked his tie straight with a little more force than needed.
“I’d have to disagree, doll. I’d honestly prefer you in nothing,” he said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes.
“How does it look?” You said with a twirl.
“Like a million bucks. That ass. Let’s skip the party and-“
“No no no. Let’s get going. You can be handsy later,” you said grabbing your purse.
“Promise,” he asked as you both left. The roads weren’t too bad with ice and in fact, it was going to be a rare dry night in Gotham.
Jason didn’t do pictures. He hated them and so you both parked in the servant entrance and walked in a side door. It didn’t matter. The Manor was beautiful no matter how you looked at it. And being a poor kid from Gotham, you couldn’t believe you were actually at a party in Wayne freaking Manor.
“Don’t be nervous. It’s just a bunch of shitty rich people in pretty walls. They aren’t any better than us. Hell, worth half of you, sweetheart. Let’s get a drink,” he said pulling you to the drink table. It was pretty packed but he muscled through to the front. He got your preferred drink. “And a whiskey on the rocks.”
“Don’t get drunk,” you whispered to him. “I won’t sleep with you drunk.”
“With a finger of water,” Jason added to the bartender who nodded.
“Good save,” you said turning to look at the floor. You sipped your drink and people watched.
Dick and his date were dancing some quick steps in the middle of the floor. No surprise there. Tim was talking to boring business men and his poor date looked absolutely bored on her feet. Alfred was watching Damian and his date from the corner of his eyes whereas Damian seemed completely oblivious with his eyes on her all night. And Bruce was currently heavily flirting with a woman who literally meowed at him. You resisted the urge to gag and turned back to Jason.
“Wanna dance,” Jason asked casually watching the floor. But you knew he wanted to dance because he asked.
“Yeah,” you said grabbing his hand. He pulled to to the floor. Jason was also trained to dance as all the Wayne boys had been. But he was probably the worst dancer out of all of them. His parents had never taught him anything as nice as dancing and he’d only lived with Bruce for a few years before the whole Joker thing. But Jason was a natural athlete and his dancing was still pretty darn good.
The dance was a bit slower than the one Dick and his date had been dancing to earlier. Jason held one hand on your waist and the other stayed in your hand. His dancing was visibly polite and innocent. The words he whispered in your ear were far from.
“Is it hard being the hottest woman here? This dress on your ass is fucking delicious,” he whispered and you flushed at his words. “I can’t wait to fuck you in it later.”
He really enjoyed saying things that were completely naughty in public where you could do nothing about it. But you knew that if he kept it up, you’d be finding a spare room before New Years even came. And you didn’t want to miss the fireworks again this year.
As the song ended, and you thoroughly turned on and scandalized, you asked him to walk in the garden with you. Lover boy needed something to cool him down.
“Sure, Princess,” he said snagging 2 glasses of punch on the way out. You both walked between the flower beds and he told you stories of things that had happened there. “And that’s when Dick accidentally cut the top foot off of this bush. Alfred had him scrubbing floors for a month,” Jason said with a laugh. “It was so bad that there is still a rule of no swords in the garden. Damian hates it.”
“I bet he does. But he could probably destroy the entire garden with a pocket knife,” you said with a laugh. Jason suddenly pulled you to the side with a hush. He motioned over a ways.
“Speaking of the kid, look over there,” Jason whispered. You looked over to see Damian making out with a girl his age. It was so weird to see him being so sweet. “I didn’t know he felt human emotion, much less find someone his age to makeout with.”
“They could have said that about you a few years ago,” you said slyly.
“Yeah, point taken. Want the best view of the fireworks?” Jason said.
“Top of the roof.”
You blanched at the idea. “No thanks. I choose life.”
“It’s safe. There’s a ladder and everything,” Jason said hugging you from behind. “Best view in the house. And if not, dinners on me.”
“Jay, you get the check every time,” you reminded him. He chuckled.
“Maybe I’m just trying to get a pretty girl alone to give her a kiss,” Jason said pulling you to the roof. You flushed. “Unlike demon boy making out in the garden. I have class.”
“You’re a classy lady. Show me the way before I change my mind,” you said. He took you to a ladder over the library. You pulled off your heels and started climbing.
“Don’t worry I’ll catch you you if you fall Princess. I’m right behind you. Did I mention your ass in this dress? I kinda have the perfect view,” he said. You rolled your eyes before throwing your leg over the side of the roof. Jason quickly followed you.
“Here, wear my jacket,” Jason said throwing the red blazer over your shoulder.
“Oo my knife now,” you said feeling in his pocket and pulling out a sizable switchblade.
“I forgot to take it out of there. I wouldn’t touch it too much,” Jason said taking it out of your hands with a grimace. You gave him a look.
“That’s incredibly gross. Seriously. Do I even want to know?”
“Not really. Look at the stars. You can see them through the shitty Gotham sky,” Jason said sitting on a box. He pulled you into his lap and you were grateful as it was really quite cold. You could see some stars and you leaned your back against his chest and looked up at the heavens for a few minutes.
The music stopped downstairs. It must be almost midnight. You couldn’t understand but you heard Bruce talk over a mic. Then everyone started counting.
“Happy New Years, Jaybird,” you said turning your head and holding Jason’s jaw. You leaned your head up and gave him a kiss. He held you close and you made out until the sound of a firework had you jumping. You laughed before turning to look. The roof really did have the best view.
After a few minutes of watching the fireworks you heard some lewd noises. Jason looked over at a window near your spot.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he said with a disgusted look. “That’s fucking Tim’s room and the sound of him getting laid is literally the last thing I want. What I do want is to take a bite out of that ass I’ve been looking at all night.”
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Duff (9)
im jaebum au series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven  masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, smurt, cheating plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, Heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception, but as time does on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: a short one, because I really truly hated where I had left the story last time. it was not it, but I like this. it’s better than the alternative I guess. also, I am writing all of it before publishing it so <3 hope yall like it <3 
You don’t know what came first; the guilt, embarrassment or hurt. 
But you knew yourself well, and you knew guilt didn’t touch your heart until later that night when you were lying in bed. As you stared up at the ceiling, thinking about that him, for the first time guilt laid its icy fingertips on you. 
The first thing you felt was hurt. Hurt that clawed at your heart, and made your soul whimper. Hurt that cut through you entirely as you remained in his arms, watching his face. 
“Yes,” he had said, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Yes,” you replied, breathing him in as you leaned closer to him. 
You saw his lips draw into a straight line as he pulled away and said, “No.”
“Oh,” was all you said moving away from him. 
A simple sound, not even a word to express the pain that seared through you at his words. 
He didn’t want you. 
Im Jaebum didn’t want you. 
You were in his arms, your skirt drawn up to your hips as you sat on his lap. In a single breath, he changed the moment completely, and you were no longer burning in passion, but in agony. Agony of not being desired by this man, not being wanted by him, when you yearned for him. When you were begging for his lips to touch any part of you, he had turned away. 
And then came the embarrassment blazing through the darkness of lust, and it hurt. It stabbed you everywhere till you were shivering in sudden coldness. You were so embarrassed, so ashamed. You had- you had done... all of that, and all he said was ‘no.’ 
It wasn’t the rejection that the embarrassment stemmed from. It was because you had tried, because you thought it would happen, because you thought he wanted you. Because you had offered yourself to him, and all he said to express his repugnance was a simple ��no.’ 
You climbed off him and walked out the office. Your face was on fire from the shame as you straightened your skirt. You chuckled to yourself thinking a walk of shame was better then trying to hook up with your boss only to be rejected. 
You finished work that day, and the next, like nothing was amiss. As if that moment didn’t happen. As if every time you saw him, you weren’t reminded that he didn’t want you. 
Im Jaebum didn’t want you. 
It shouldn’t hurt that bad, especially since you almost swore you hated him with your heart. But it did, it hurt truly terribly badly, and there was nothing you could do about it. 
You couldn’t even feel sorry for yourself long enough too. Because as soon as the hurt and shame went away, and you looked up at your dark ceiling, you remembered her face. 
You remembered the way she had held your hand whenever you were scared. How she would give you that look every time she took your hand giving her courage. Her love, her kindness, her friendship, her. 
How for the first time since you’ve known her... for the first time, it seemed as if Heather truly liked someone and you... 
You didn’t feel sorry for yourself, or your heart that ached. You weren’t sure if the ache was because of the rejection or from the thought of loosing your best friend. But you didn’t feel sorry because what happened was your fault.
“Thanks for the files, y/n,” Jaebum looked up from his desk. For the first time, he was seated in the big boss seat without any reason. You smiled and nodded, before turning to leave, like nothing was amiss. As if that afternoon had never happened, as if you had never crossed that line.
You were almost out the door when he said, “Have a good weekend.”
Your fingers turned white on the handle, but you nevertheless you turned around and gave him a bright smile, “You too, Mr Im.” 
Heather pouted as she sat next to you, before pulling you into a big bear hug. 
“It’s so nice to have my best friend back,” she sang, happily, hugging you tighter. 
You gave her small smile as you leaned into her, petting her arm, “It’s nice to be back.”
“Gosh, I’m so glad you’re done with that internship,” she huffed over the loud music of the club. 
You only nodded as you took a sip of your drink, “I still have three weeks left, Heather.” 
“Three weeks pass by like nothing,” she shook her head. She turned to you with a bright smile, “Remember Bali? Maybe now that you’re going to be more free, maybe we can...” 
She gave you a huge grin, quizzically raising her brows up and down to the music. Before she began bopping her head like a dork to the beat, “What do you say, y/n?” 
I’m sorry. 
“Whatever you want,” you smiled at her, and she exclaimed in joy. 
“Mr Park Jinyoung is now officially the CEO of Spring Industries, and has sent forward a report and plan for their proposal,” You looked up to see Jaebum opening his mouth, but you cut him off knowing his question. “The file is already on your desks, and I have included a summary report from myself and Mr Paul.” 
You had a month and a bit to think about what had happened. In the beginning, you had blamed yourself. It was foolish of you to put yourself out there for him, but the more you thought about the angrier you got. 
It wasn’t all in your head. Im Jaebum did flirt with you. 
He gave you all the signals, all the green lights, and the arrows leading you to him. He basically had made a pathway for you to follow into his arms, and after all that he said no? 
No, it wasn’t your fault for putting yourself out there for him. You had done it because you thought... you felt that he too... but who knows, Im Jaebum was friendly with everyone. 
But he did tell others his wish was to kiss them?
Did he ever follow anyone to the rooftop of a club and call himself a fool for letting them go?
Did he talk to everyone about his mother?
Did he smile like that at everyone? Look at them like that? Touch them with the faintest touch of his fingertips?
But you should’ve known better. 
These rich guys never go for girls like you. 
You don’t have any money, any wealth, nothing to offer them to make their status go up. You weren’t even pretty enough to be a trophy wife. You were just a girl they could play with behind closed doors. 
But for Jaebum, you weren’t even worth that.
“Spring Industries is having a party on Thursday to announce Park Jinyoung as their new appointed CEO. They have requested your presence to show the companies are friendly--,” you once again looked up from your iPad, to find Jaebum staring at you intently. You ignored his gaze, and the rage that fumed inside you, “It’s most likely a political publicity stunt, but I would recommend you do go to the party, as it will be beneficial for you both-”
“What am I going to do about you?” 
“Excuse me?” You gasped, taken aback. 
Jaebum chuckled, humourlessly. His lips twisted into a smirk, and you realised you hadn’t seen him smile or laugh in a really long time. You tried to shove the pain shooting towards your heart away, but a pang still rang through you as you saw his sad smile. 
“How am I going to do this all without you?” He clarified himself. You stammered unable to think of something to say. Jaebum let out a sigh, “Come to the party with me.” 
“I’m afraid that’s-”
Jaebum interrupted you, making you frown. 
“Your last assignment as my secretary, Miss y/n,” Jaebum tilted his head to the side, smiling slightly as he said, “Come with me.” 
“What about Heather?” 
“I can’t go to formal gatherings with her without others assuming it's a political play,” Jaebum answered, before shrugging, “It’s too early for that step anyway.” 
Too early? They have been dating for months now, and Heather was head over heels for him, and he is saying it’s too early. 
“Please, y/n,” Jaebum’s dark eyes bore into yours, and you held your breath. “One last time.” 
"Alright,” you sighed, defeated. 
Thanks, love, the ghost of his past self whispered.
You swallowed the bitterness, before looking down at your iPad once again. 
“Mr Henry and Mark are...” you continued on as if nothing was wrong. 
Because nothing was wrong. 
Everything was right. 
You were about to end this dreadful internship, and come out debt free. 
Heather was in love with her boyfriend. 
Her boyfriend didn’t fuck her best friend. 
And your best friend was still your best friend. 
Everything was just right, but everything felt so wrong. 
You were leaning against the rich white leather sofa and Heather’s shoulders. Your eyes were closed, as you tried not to break down in front of your best friend. 
You knew Jaebum wasn’t going to be here tonight. It was Friday night and he had a company dinner with the upper shareholders today. So, tonight you decided to sleep over at Heather’s house. 
Just like every moment you spent with her now, you wanted to burst out into tears and tell her everything. Tell her how you fell for him and his teasing words. How you didn’t mean to but you started to like him, how your heart ached every time you saw him. How terrible you felt every time you saw Heather smile at you like that, knowing that you were so close to ruining everything. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, babe?” Heather asked, her soft hands wiping the tears that fell onto your cheeks. 
You shook your head and moved away from her shoulder. You leaned into the corner of your sofa, and tried to hold in the tears. But you couldn’t. 
Your chin began to shake as more tears fell from your eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey, y/n,” Heather moved towards you quickly. “What’s wrong, babe? You can tell me anything.” 
You shook your head, you couldn’t tell her this. You couldn’t tell her this. You couldn’t lose her. 
“I’m sorry, Heather,” you whispered into her tank top as she pulled your shaking body into her. 
“Shhh,” she hushed, brushing your hair, trying to calm your sobbing body, “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s only to be okay. I’m here for you, I’m always going to be here for you. Okay?” 
You bit your lip as you cried harder. You managed a meek okay through your tears. 
After you had calmed down a bit, you leaned back and looked at your best friend. Her eyes were glistening with concern, and a few stray tears running down her face too from seeing you cry. 
You couldn't hide it from her, she was your other half. You had to tell her, but all you could manage was, “I love him, Heather.” 
I love Im Jaebum.
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blu-joons · 3 years
We Got Married ~ Im Jaebum
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Your eyes widened as you walked down the pathway, holding tightly onto Jaebum’s hand. Your eyes looked around at how different the park was from the first time you met.
“It’s been a while since we came here,” he chuckled, turning his head back to look at you. “I thought seeing as it’s now been three years, I’d bring us back to the place where we first met.”
“I can’t believe you even remembered this place,” you chuckled, stopping when your reached one of the newly built park benches. “So much has changed around this place Jae.”
You still remembered the steps you took when you arrived at the park for the very first time to meet your partner for, We Got Married. You could still recall how hard your heart pounded as you looked around for the one, you’d be spending the next few months of your life with.
“My name is Jaebum,” a voice blushed, bowing down in front of you. “I hope I live up to all of your expectations as a husband on the show.”
You giggle gently, “I’m sure that you will, I’m Y/N by the way, nice to meet you.”
“I still remembered I debated jumping into the pond over there when I saw you walking towards me,” he continued to reminisce, pointing down to the pond at the far end of the park.
Your head shook as you rested it down against his shoulder, “if you’d have jumped into that pond, think how different our lives would have been. You would definitely still be single, and definitely be without any pride left.”
“It’s a good job I stayed on my feet then,” he smiled, pressing a kiss against your forehead, “and I like to think I’ve still got a bit of my pride left with me.”
“I did a lot of exploring to find the perfect place to meet you,” his voice spoke up as soon the cameras stopped rolling for a break, “I know this is all supposed to be fake, but I wanted to at least make it feel real for the two of us seeing as we’re going to be together.”
“It’s good,” you nervously assured him, “and it’s also good for us to treat it like it’s real, we want to make a good show after all together.”
That was all Jaebum ever imagined he’d do, promote the group, get his face known, and spend a couple of months experiencing what love you could be like.
“I didn’t think I’d ever come back here,” his voice suddenly spoke up again, “when we moved further into Seoul, I thought we’d forget all about who we used to be, but now we’re here, it makes me remember exactly what we once were.”
From the start the two of you got on surprisingly well, even the staff were shocked at how much time the two of you spent together. It made for great viewing, but for the two of you it was so much more than just a television programme.
“There’s no park that I like more than I like this one.”
“Me too,” you agreed, scanning your eyes around the place. “I was so tempted to just walk away before I even met you on that day, the director had to near enough push me down that path to encourage me to get to meet you.”
“I’m glad you didn’t walk away,” he smirked, “otherwise my life would be pretty different.”
His cold hand intertwined with yours in your lap, squeezing against you gently. Jaebum still often had to pinch himself that filming a television show would end up bringing him to the person that he’d spend the rest of his life with.
But those feelings were exactly the same for you too. You always imagined that Jaebum would be a forgotten part of your life after a month or two. Yet, three years later, he was still right by your side much to your surprise.
“Are you happy?” His voice suddenly spoke up again, glancing down at you.
Instantly, your head nodded back at you, failing to find the words to describe just how happy you were. You always promised yourself that you wouldn’t search for love, but Jaebum turned all of that around for you.
You never imagined that you’d fall for someone in the same industry as you, nor how you’d be able to make it work. But then you also never imagined that someone like Im Jaebum would be the one that was walking into your life.
His eyes looked down at you as he noticed the silence that you fell into. “I love you,” he murmured against the top of your head, “I’ll always be thankful to the show for meeting you.”
Your head tilted up to look at him, mouthing those three words back at him as you tried to stop the tears that were threatening to spill from falling. Your heart was heavy, filled with love and adoration for the man that was looking back at you.
“Have you ever been in love before?” Jaebum asked you as he read off the cue card that the producers gave him. “I’ve always wanted to know what true love feels like, I’ve never known before.”
“I always liked the idea of love at first sight,” you responded, “I’m just waiting for my moment.”
His smile grew as he found yet another thing that the two of you had in common with each other. “What about if you fell in love at first sight with me?”
“This isn’t real,” you reminded him, “love isn’t happening between us.”
“Do you want to know something?” You asked him once you finally felt like you were composed again. “Do you remember the first things that we talked about together?”
Everything about the first day that the two of you met, Jaebum could easily recall. Every word, every conversation, he’d held it closely in his heart from the moment he met you to now, even with everything that happened in between.
“I told you that what was between us wasn’t real,” you sighed, “but I really do feel like I fell in love at first sight with you, from the moment I met your eyes, I felt like there was something there.”
“So, when you told me that you didn’t fall in love at first sight with me, you lied,” he teased, pressing his hands into your waist. “What were you so scared of to tell me that at the time?”
There were several reasons for deciding to keep everything to yourself, far too many for you to ever sit and tell Jaebum all about them now.
“We’d only just met, I didn’t want you to think I was weird,” you blushed, looking away from his wide smile. “If I’d have told you ten minutes after we met that I felt like I was falling in love with you, you would have thought that I was absolutely crazy.”
“A little, but it would have made me realise I wasn’t crazy alone,” he admitted.
Your head snapped around to look across at him with wide eyes. “So, you lied to me too. You fell in love with me at first sight and yet you never told me?”
“I guess we both were anxious to admit we fell in love at first sight,” he mused, trying to squash down your anger. “We’re both definitely at fault here.”
“We’re not at fault, we both just fell in love,” you replied.
“Who would have thought we would have fallen in love on a programme,” he chuckled, “or in this very spot together.”
“I don’t remember us meeting on a park bench,” you teased.
“You know what I mean,” he chuckled.
“Of course, I do.”
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
OH HIIII CAN I HAVE " it's okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up. " with tom holland pls? 🥰💗🥰💗🥰💗❤
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Pair: roommate!Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: none, fluffyyy
Notes: this is so long i’m so sorry:))) i hope you enjoy!!!
prompt from simping softness from @soulmemes
Life never seemed to go the way you expected.
Before you graduated college with your degree in marketing and social sales, you had worked so hard to build your resumé to help you out before you ventured out into the world.
You had every intention of moving states, even countries. You applied any and everywhere, but you always got hit with the same thing - not enough experience. So you settled on moving back in with your parents, something that was not in your plans, and sticking with sales and social media marketing for a local business.
Though you never wanted to admit it, you were glad life worked out in that way, it gave you so much more time to save money and strive for more. While you got experience, you still applied yourself, in hopes that something would go your way. And it finally did.
It all started when a worldwide brand reached out to you after applying any and everywhere. They were impressed with your resumé, your work, and after your interview, they contacted you soon after with hiring and relocation plans. The only thing was - it was in London and you were expected to move in by the next month to start training.
When announcing it to your parents, they were so thrilled that they threw you a small “big girl job” party. That’s where you got it - you were the type of person that celebrated everything and you never wanted to miss out on that. A small cake, your favorite meal, and finishing off with reminiscing and watching your favorite movie with your parents and little sister.
Now, you were searching desperately for apartments, houses, townhomes, anything that you could afford with your savings. Nowhere seemed to fit into your budget, looked unlivable, or weren’t taking apartment applications. You felt defeated, stressed to the point that you hadn’t even started packing. Over a week had passed and you knew you had to do something.
Researching and researching finally took you to an ad - three people looking for a fourth roommate. It was a house, with what looked nice, clean, and you would even have your own room. You decided to send an email, [email protected]. About an hour later, you received a notification asking if you’d be able to FaceTime or Skype to do a little interview, talk about the house, expenses, and whatnots. You agreed, asking them the best time to call due to time differences. When they replied almost instantly with their number and saying, “give us 20 min :)”, you did. And 20 minutes later, you called the number.
You sat anxiously, biting on your nail while waiting for the person to answer. Finally, it said connecting. That’s when you saw it - three boys. “Uh, hi.” You said. “Hey! Are you Y/N?” “That’s me. Are you Holland Golf One?” The boy let out a laugh. “Or you can call me Harry. Sorry, the other two couldn’t make it. So, you’re looking for a place to live?” “That is so. Um, do you live with any girls?” You asked with a small nervous laugh. “If you wanna consider Tessa, our dog who comes to stay time to time, sure. Other than that, unfortunately not.”
At this point, you were ready to say sorry for wasting his time but you were sure it wasn’t a good fit. Harry could tell that you were skeptical. “Look, I know, it’d probably seem a little weird but I can promise you, we’re all good guys, and honestly we’re hardly ever here. We travel all the time, so it’d be like you’d have the house to yourself, just a quarter of the price each month.” “I believe you’re a good guy, it’s just - I’m quite literally moving across the world.” You thought how ridiculous you had to be to even consider this, but at this point you had no other choice.
“When are you needing to move in somewhere?” “Pretty much immediately. I accepted a job close by there and they’re expecting me in less than three weeks.” Harry nodded as you talked. “Well, we’d love to meet you if you consider us. We could go over everything altogether, you could set your own ground rules, whatever.” Harry then explained the prices, what each extra thing costed each months, broke down everything. You nodded slowly as you listened. “Could I maybe get back to you? I have a lot to consider.” You said at the end of your call. “Of course, feel free to text me with any questions.” He said with a smile before hanging up.
Less than a week later, you had packed quite a bit, preparing things for your family to ship wherever you got settled, of course packing a few suitcases to last you for a little while until you found the perfect place. After panicking and making a quick choice, you opted to give Harry and his roommates a chance. You told him you’d stay in a hotel until you met them and make the decision then. You at least had some savings to use on a hotel if you needed while you looked at other places if needed.
You dared not to tell your parents that you were considering living with three men, they would probably flip out and forbid you from leaving the states. When you’d arrived to the airport, you promised your family that you’d make sure to keep them updated, call them when you landed, and let them know when I found the perfect place. After checking in and getting on the plane, you felt the nerves finally hit you.
You were really doing this. You were leaving home and preparing for something bigger. Something you couldn’t fathom and wanted for so long. And you couldn’t wait to see what it was going to look like.
The time zones had royally screwed you over. When you landed, though you were tired, it was still light out. You dragged yourself off the plane and finally found your bags. Luckily, you were able to taxi your way to the nearby hotel. Once you arrived and checked in, you let your parents know you’d made it into the hotel and decided to text Harry.
You: landed and have made it into my hotel!
Harry: whenever you want to come, i’ll send the address! we’re free anytime this afternoon.
You: sure, give me an hour?
Harry had sent you the address and you took the hour as a chance to freshen up. You changed out of your leggings and t-shirt into something a little nicer. With a little make up and a quick toss of your hair, you were ready to go. You prepared an Uber and made your way to the address.
Pulling up, you were honestly impressed. It looked just like the pictures Harry had sent to you, a decent two story house, decorated with hedges and trees surrounding. You slowly emerged to the front door, ringing the door bell. You fidgeted nervously, mentally noting that you had a taser and pepper spray if needed. Just then, Harry, the one familiar face you’d seen, answered the door. “Y/N! Welcome!” He ushered you in as you heard other voices from the living room.
“Here, let’s meet the other two.” Harry urged you into the living room. As you walked down the hallway, you took in the shocking amount of paintings, photographs, and decor that actually had overtaken the walls. When you walked into the open living room, you saw the large sectional, bean bag, and chair that occupied the room, a television mounted with an entertainment center holding each and every video game you could think of. Then your eyes took in the backs of the heads of two boys sitting on the sectional.
When they turned around, you immediately recognized the curly-haired brown-eyed boy but didn’t say a word, but instead shrugged it off. The blonde blue eyed boy looked from his friend up to you with a smile on his lips. They both stood to shake your hand. “You must be Y/N! I’m Tom.” “And I’m Harrison.” You smiled, acknowledging them both. “Nice to meet you.”
You sat on the chair across from the sectional, purse laid flat in your lap. “So, tell us about yourself.” Harrison asked. You told them exactly what you had said to Harry, about why you were needing a place. The conversation continued and followed into a tour. “So this is the kitchen.” Tom said. It was white with a small table in the dining room that was covered in puzzles. You smirked at that. There was a bar covered with appliances, a fridge covered in slips of paper for take-out.
You were then shown the different bedrooms and bathrooms of the home, the backyard that was occupied with none other than chickens, a laugh erupting from all of you when you saw them. They rambled on and on about each part of the house, attempting to win you over. You were almost sold. “So, house rules.” You said. “Right, so nothing too crazy. Just pick up after yourself, no crazy parties unless we agree on it…” Harry began to explain.
As much as you hated to admit it, this was the perfect place for you right now. You took in the boys in front of you, who indeed seemed fairly normal and not too much like murderers. “Have you ever had a girl roommate before?” You asked. “Er, no, but we don’t mind it. We promise to be respectful of you and your space. If something makes you uncomfortable, you can just tell us and we’ll work something out.”
Days later, you were piling in your suitcases into a room in a house with boys you’d only met days ago. The first few days were filled with attempting to learn about each other and schedules. You found that your best bet was to shower at night, because all three boys would hog the one and only shower. Though there were 2 bathrooms, only one had the shower.
Adjusting seemed harder than you thought. It wasn’t like the boys were making it hard, you just found it hard to walk downstairs and initiate conversation. You’d began to keep to yourself more over the next week, even right before you started your new job. You’d went in to meet your new boss in person, and was sent home with paperwork to complete before you came back for your first day.
You’d sat in your room, candles flickering around and lamp illuminating the small desk you’d found on marketplace. There was a small knock at the door. “Come in.” You said. In walked Tom, a mug of tea in hand. “Hey, I just wanted to bring this by before your first day tomorrow. It’s chamomile. It should help you sleep.” You cocked an eyebrow, unsure what to think. “Oh, uh, thank you.” “Do you not like tea?” “No, actually I love it. Just shocked is all.” You replied, looking up at him. “No need to be, we just wanted to make sure you were set for your first day.”
That was the first time Tom did something like that, but it wasn’t the last. The next morning, the group chat Harry had created called “Roomies” was bombarded with well-wishes for your first day. You caught yourself grinning as you Ubered your way to the building.
It was a week later when Tom had came to check in on you again. This time, he brought just himself. It was a Saturday morning and he knocked on the door again. After invitation, he walked in. He noticed a redness in your eyes. “Hey Y/N. Everything okay? We just haven’t seen much of you, you know besides work.” You gave him a soft smile, sure he could tell you had been upset already this morning. “For sure, just a little homesick is all.”
This prompted the boys to invite you to a night out. Though you wanted to protest that you should stay home and prepare for the work week ahead, they insisted that this is what weekends were for. So there you were, getting ready. As you can down the stairs, the boys smiled. “Glad to have you join us, Y/N.”
The night was surprisingly fun. You’d met Tom’s other brother, Harry’s twin, Sam, and another best friend of all of theirs named Tuwaine. They were just as welcoming as the boys seemed to be. They asked you questions, prying into who you were. Though you never were one to open up, you felt so giddy that they all actually looked like they were intentionally listening to you. Tom would redirect the attention to you anytime you’d speak, a smile playing on his lips as he noticed you get more comfortable as the night went on.
You were fiddling with a small snow globe that was in your hand. It was filled with a historic landmark of your home town while white glitter fell all around it. Your stomach churned at the thought of what life was like back at home. You missed family dinners, you missed breakfast on Saturday mornings, there was so much you missed. Hell, you just missed being in the same time zone.
That’s when it happened, you finally let yourself cry. You held the snow globe in your hand, holding it close to your heart. The memories flooded into your mind, replacing even the good ones you’d made here in London. It just didn’t feel like home yet.
As Tom was passing by to go to his room, he overheard small sobs and sniffles from your room. He stopped in his tracks, just listening closely. “I just want my family.” He heard you whisper to yourself. Tom’s heart broke at the sound of you. He hesitated before tapping on the door.
“Hey, I heard you out here. Are you okay?” He asked, his big brown eyes taking in your current state. “I’ll be okay, thanks.” You forced a smile before sitting up in your bed. Your eyes were red and puffy, your cheeks burned hot with tears. “Clearly you’re not. May I?” He asked pointing to the edge of the bed. He closed the door and took a seat. “What’s wrong?” “I just miss home. I miss family dinners and Saturday morning breakfast. I miss movie nights. There’s just so much. I was lucky to have parents who really invested in quality time and I just think I’m struggling without that right now. I’ll get used to it though.”
Tom took in your words, placing a hand carefully over your blanket covered ankle. “I understand. When I’m away traveling, onset, whatever it is, I get to missing home. The routines, the laughter around the table, I get it. I even get homesick sometimes here and I live with my brother.” He said with a small laugh. “How about this? Whenever you’re feeling sad or you need to talk, you leave this out on the hall table. No one will notice but me.” Tom picked up the snow globe that was now laying next to you.
With a smile you agreed. “What about you? I want to be there for you too if you ever need it. You said you get homesick.” “I have my very own London snow globe my mum got me when I was a boy. That’ll be my indicator.” Tom said with a smile.
Over the next several months, you noticed so much changing between your relationship with the boys. Only days after you had spoken with Tom, suddenly there were invites from the boys to join them for dinner in the kitchen. There was breakfast on Saturday mornings here and there.
Life soon got busy for the boys though, and just as Harry said, you started to be left alone to the house quite a bit. Though before you expected it to love that, you actually found yourself feeling lonely with no one home.
You tried to busy yourself with the television all to yourself for once, enjoying take-out that the boys weren’t typically fond of. Before you went to bed one night, while there was no one in the house, you cried freely. Life seemed to be getting overwhelming. Work was getting heavy, but you tried to power through because it’s what you wanted. You missed your sisters birthday party - the first one you’d ever missed in her 15 years of life. Before you closed your door for the night, you (almost jokingly) set your snow globe out on the table. When you settled into bed, you were taken off guard when your phone lit up, revealing a facetime call from Tom.
“How’d you know?” You said, answering the phone almost immediately. “Know what, darlin’?” Tom asked. “That I put my snow globe out.” “Spidey senses, I suppose.” He gave a small grin. “No, but really, are you okay?” “Yeah, just miss you guys.” Tom gave a smile. “We miss you, too. We’ll be home soon, love.”
As you spent more and more time with Tom, it became almost natural for him to make plans with you alone. Harrison was the first to catch on after he invited Tom for lunch but he turned it down when he said he was taking you out. “Like on a date?” Harrison asked, sitting down at the island. “I- er, no. Just showing her Gideon’s.” “That is ridiculously fancy. Are you sure it’s not a date?” “Yes.” “I’d hope not, she is kind of our roommate, you know. That could cause some weird issues. Like if you date and break up, damn.”
One night when you were least expecting it, Tom had his snow globe out on the table. You knocked on his door when he invited you in. You caught glimpse of the curly haired boy, laying face down on his pillow. “Hi Tom. You okay?” “‘M just overwhelmed.” He muffled out. Without looking up, he patted the place next to him. You carefully climbed on the other side of the bed, allowing him to bring his head to your lap.
Without thinking, your hands fell to his hair as you rubbed through it. “What’s on your mind?” He felt his heart beat faster at the comforting action of you running your fingers through your hair that he almost forgot why he was even in this position anyway. “Oh, um, just this new script I got is just a lot. And then, I had to tape an audition today and I just don’t think I gave it my best.” As he rambled on, you watched as his eyes started to flutter shut.
You took it as time to head out, but instead he gripped your hand. "Just a little longer?" So you did. You stayed just a little longer.
It didn’t stop there. You’d found that Tom had began calling more and more when he was away, and that his friends and brothers had started to tease them about it. He was so eager for you to come and meet his parents, who were ultimately skeptical about a girl living with three boys, but they fell utterly in love with you instantly.
The snow globe game continued. It went on pause when you had accidentally fell asleep in Tom’s bed one night when he’d put the globe out. He had a lot of things on his plate and he just needed to be told that he was going to be okay. It was the first time you’d seen tears fall from the boy’s brown eyes personally. He asked you to lay there until he fell asleep, his hand barely grazing your arm. He was always careful about boundaries.
As you waited for him to fall asleep, you accidentally drifted off yourself. When you woke up at 6:30 the next morning, frantic that you weren’t in your own bed and also that you didn’t shower the night before like you’d promised yourself, you hoisted yourself out of the bed and carefully opened the door. Before walking out, you looked back at the sleepy boy laying comfortably in his bed. His freckles playing across his cheeks, mouth slightly opened. You couldn’t help but still feel his warmth next to you. You almost wanted to walk back and kiss him. You shook your head, cleaning the thought out of your mind, though it continued to linger. Thinking you were in the clear, you shut Tom’s door behind you just to come face to face with Harrison, who’s eyes looked like they would pop out of his head.
“It’s not what it looks like.” You whispered. “Don’t need to know.” He replied with a shrug and a smug grin. You immediately groaned when you walked into your own room, the one you’d abandoned for the night. Dry shampoo was your friend that day because there was no way you wanted to face the boys anymore than you had to that morning.
Tom had found himself growing fond over your company. You’d almost been there a year now, and there was just something about you that he found himself wanting to spend more time with you. From the beginning, he wanted to make you happy. That’s why he begged his friends to partake in dinner nights and Saturday morning breakfast. He would want to make up something when he saw your globe wasn’t out, just so you’d come over and talk to him.
His friends would constantly tease the both of you when you would accidentally hug a little too long, stare a little too long. “Just kiss already.” Harry would mumble under his breath.
Tom had finally made it home from another few weeks of traveling. He was relieved when he walked through the door and smelled you cooking. He walked over, a smile plastered on his face as he pulled you into a hug. “My globe will be out tonight for sure.” He whispered, exhaustion underlying his voice. He walked upstairs to lay his bags down, noticing that your snow globe was already sitting on the table.
It was weird because he knew that he hadn’t been there, so he couldn’t quite place why it’d be out. The boys walked in saying their hellos to you, piling into their own rooms, mentioning that they were about to devour your cooking.
You served the guys and allowed them to talk all about their latest trip. Harry was showing you footage he’d captured that he was editing, Tom talked of some photo shoots he did and some interviews he’d taken part in, Harrison showed you some of the photo shoots he had done himself. You beamed at the three boys who in just months had became family to you.
When dinner was over, you’d ushered the boys to the living room as you cleaned the dishes, mentioning they needed the rest after a long trip. Though they argued, you finally won and they made their way to the living room.
Tom made sure the volume was turned up loud enough that you couldn’t hear him whispering to the boys. “I think I’m gonna tell her tonight.” “About time.” Harrison replied with a laugh. “You’ve seriously been head over heels this whole time. Come on, you practically forced us into movie nights and dinners just for her to be comfortable. Not to mention, Harrison told me about her spending the night with you.” “Okay, so I wanted her comfortable, sue me. And it’s not what it seems. We were talking and fell asleep.” “So that’s what the kids are calling it these days.” Harry laughed.
It was late and you were scrolling through your social media. You’d caught up with some of your hometown friends messages to you, scrolling through each of their profiles separately. Just then you heard a knock on your door. “Come in!” You called out.
Tom pushed open the door, sweatpants hugging his hips and a black t-shirt plastered across his chest. “Hey, love. Feeling okay?” You let out a sigh, wondering why he was asking. Though he would visit without you putting out the globe, if it wasn’t there, the conversation didn’t usually start that way. But then it hit you - you set it two nights ago.
“Yeah, Tommy. Are you?” “Yeah, just wanted to check in, and uh, I saw the globe out earlier.” “I’m sorry, I forgot to bring it in.” You replied. He looked at you, eyebrows scrunched together. “But when? It wasn’t there when I left.”
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy.” “Well, I already knew you were.” Tom said with a laugh as he sat down next to you. “First off, rude.” You grinned. “Second off, I put it out when you’re gone. When I miss you. It’s something I started one night when I was upset and you weren’t here. I just felt really lonely.. and I don’t know. I just, I feel so safe around you.” You looked up at him in the eyes, a smile was playing on his lips.
“Tommy, you make me feel secure. You do the things I enjoy and you’ve taught me new things to enjoy. You just make life easier, and for that I’m grateful. I just…” Tom wouldn’t let another word slip out of your mouth before engulfing you into a kiss. Your hands found their way to the sides of his face.
Tom kept his forehead on yours as he pulled away. “Ive been wanting that for so long.” He whispered breathlessly. “You have no idea.”
As he laid next to you, he stared at you, inches from your face. “I’ve fallen for you.” He said. “I’ve fallen for you too.” As the kiss continued, Tom effortlessly hoisted himself up to his elbows then his hands, pressing each one on either side of your head on the bed as he hovered over you. “You’re just so pretty.” He place a kiss on your forehead. “And lovely.” Your nose. “And amazing.” Your cheek. “And sexy.” He finally made it back to your lips, softly nursing each moment with you like you’d never have anymore.
The next few days were filled with nothing but pure joy. The boys cheered, thankful that you would no longer be pining back and forth around them. Tom had made sure you knew just how grateful he was for you, constantly showering you with compliments and much needed affirmations.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later of constant moments with your new boyfriend that it hit you that he was going away again for a month this go round. You sighed when you looked at the shared calendar in the kitchen, highlighted date showing that he was due to leave in two days.
He had went out with the boys to pick up some things before their trip, you opted to stick it out at home for the night and let them have some time together. As you walked into your bedroom, you found yourself way more upset and lonely than usual - because you knew he was about to be out of your arms for a whole month after you’d finally gotten him.
When you set out the globe, you felt almost dumb. You’d been dating only weeks and here you were crying over his future absence. The front door creaked open, and you heard the boys bustling inside with bags. After muffled conversations conversations, you heard Tom say his goodnights. His feet hit each stair with a thud until you heard him stop by your door. A knock came before he was invited to come in. “Hi darlin’” He walked over, taking his usual spot next to you in your bed before enveloping you into a kiss. “Is everything okay?” He asked, tugging you closer into his chest. You nodded yes, only to be greeted with a tug back and brown eyes staring back into your own.
“Globe.” He reminded, kissing your nose. He saw the tears brimming in your eyes, immediately causing him the prop himself up and gently place his hand on the side of your face. “Love, what’s going on in that pretty little mind?”
“I just miss you already is all.” You squeaked out. “Oh, Y/N, I miss you already too. But look, it’s a month. We got this. You’ve been strong all this time without me here, I know we can do this.” He ran his fingers through your hair, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“My pretty girl, I promise you, I will be here when you wake up in the morning. I’m gonna make sure you know just how loved you are. I’m here always, even if it is through a tiny screen. That changes nothing - I promise to make sure you feel special even miles away.”
And that he did. FaceTimes, short phone calls, and texts throughout the day weren’t enough to him. You’d walked into your office each day he was gone to a new small bouquet of flowers - you were sure the receptionist hated you by now but instead she would just beam when you’d walk in. “You have a delivery.” She’d say with a smile.
From then on out, Tom never failed to make you feel like the most special girl. He bragged constantly about you, and everyone he knew, knew of you. He promised he’d always be there, and he in fact was.
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