#but now we have a monster kitten in the house who wants to eat everyone's food
Shepard is still too small to get up on the dining table so that’s where we’re feeding Rex right now and I have to football carry her the whole time I’m setting his food down or she’ll use the chair I work at to vault up there and tackle him out of the way. 
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kedreeva · 2 years
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I saw the notification dot appear on my inbox and I thought oh no a message. and then I thought, but wait, it might be Delightful!
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You should do some of your work!! I'm proud you did 3 more pages. I am also struggling to write my nanowrimo stuff, but I will keep going today on faith that you will join me and do some work.
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There's not water in the eggos?? They're bread! As for the chicken, well. Listen. it's breaded, and frozen. I microwave it for like 2 minutes to warm it up, and then I stick it into the toaster for a couple minutes, so that the outside is crispy!! That way I can have chicken for my salad or whatever without having to turn on the whole oven. Also we got rid of the toaster oven because I set it on fire a few times. On the bright side, I know how to use a fire extinguisher now.
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It's just a little one with a few friends! hmu on discord if you wanna come join in (Kedreeva#4912)
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They're baby!!! We should get baby steve and jonathan.
PLEASE IMAGINE. Smash some ideas together. Steve meets Jonathan when they're Little, maybe 8 years old or so, because they'd both been feeding the same stray kitten. She's a few months old, but Lonnie won't let her in the house and neither will Steve's parents, so they've been spending their allowance/neighborhood chores money on cat food and she's just been traveling through the woods between them eating at both homes.
One night Jonathan sneaks her into his room for the night because it's getting colder now, and Steve gets worried because she doesn't show up, so the next morning he puts on a backpack with a container of treats and a drink for himself and granola bar, and he sets off into the woods. He catches Jonathan playing with her out in the woods where his dad won't catch him, and confronts him about Stealing My Cat. They figure out what actually happened, and agree to coparent the cat, but they sort out who feeds what, and both of them always leave water out. When Lonnie leaves and Joyce gets a dog to alert them in case he comes back, the cat stops coming around to Jonathan's. Steve assumes full care of her from then on, and they stop talking. Jonathan's hurt; it's not his fault his mom got a stupid dog. Steve could have at least called him (Steve HAS his number, Jonathan gave it to him in case something happened with Princess). Steve's parents won't give him the phone.
So they fall out. They don't talk anymore. They grow up. Steve becomes a real dick in school, Jonathan becomes a real loner.
Monsters drop from the ceiling, and Jonathan takes his hand without thinking. Steve jumps on command. They wind up at the hospital, but things calm back down. They tentatively start to talk again, and Jonathan works up to ask whatever happened to Princess, and Steve is surprised, and tells him nothing, she still comes by nightly, and since his parents are out a lot, he lets her in the house. She sleeps between his legs under the covers.
Does he want to come see her?
Takes him home that evening, and they sit on the couch until the sun is nearly set, and Steve rockets up to no cue Jonathan can tell, except when he looks, there's Princess at the backdoor, waiting. Steve picks her up and she shoves her head under his chin, and he puts her down in Jonathan's lap. She gives his fingers a little sniff, and seems to remember him, rubbing her face all over his hands.
And it's a couple of years later, when Vecna's dead and Steve has volunteered his house for D&D night partly because Dustin begs and partly because he wants to see more of Eddie, and Jonathan stays after bringing Will and El and Dustin over, and Nancy stays after bringing Mike and Lucas, and the three of them sit outside on the deck and Princess curls herself around the legs of the chairs and curls up in Nancy's lap eventually.
And that's when Max and El come out, and El looks sick at the sight of the cat, and everyone thinks she's afraid of it, until she hesitantly explains that cats hate her and that she hurt one before. Jonathan assures her Princess won't hurt her, and makes space for her to come sit next to Nancy, and El lays a hand softly on Princess' side where it rises and falls in sleep. Princess mrrps without lifting her head and begins purring like a little motorboat with El's hand still on her, and El just starts crying.
And Jonathan hugs her and looks at the others like ??? and Max sits where Nancy had been when Nancy stands up with Princess, who wakes and doesn't seem to mind being cradled like a baby in Nancy's arms (no one would mind this, ever). And they manage to calm El down, and El asks if she can hold Princess, and Nancy slips her into El's arms and Princess butts her head against El's jaw and purrs and purrs and purrs and El cries a little bit more, but she's smiling.
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but listen..... you should write it...... for me
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But listen....... it would be sUCH A PRETTY PICTURE. if all u need are pencils I will SEND YOU pencils and u can draw me dyspraxic!Steve being taught to play by Eddie, who is patient and smiling sweetly at him.
also, sorry to break it to ya but you're in the club now. suckerrrrr
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Oh Steve's hand on his hips is the Mom Stance he uses when the kids are being insufferable. GOd I can't WAIT for you to get to the part where Steve adopts all the kids and they adopt him back.
I'm sorry about Will. He does not catch a break until the plot starts ignoring him. Hoping that changes in season 5!!
I hope that you're able to get some sleep, I took the night off yesterday and slept for like 10 hours straight. turns out I didn't take my iron. SIGH.
I look forward to your S2 ranting :)
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
The Brothers + Dateables & Luke react to MC owning a cat named lucifer
A/N- To attempt to avoid confusion, the demon Lucifer’s name will always be capitalized, while the cat lucifer’s name will never be capitalized.
“Now,” Diavolo said, obviously nearing the end of his speech, “Do you have any more questions, MC?”
You nod, “Is my cat up there all by himself?” you ask, “I don’t want him to get lonely, and without me he wont have anyone to feed him.”
The men, no, the demons in front of you stared, all obviously dumbstruck. You had been ripped out of your home, brought to a strange place, and told you were to live here for a year, and your first thought was of your cat? What a strange human you were.
“We can arrange someone to take care of your cat,” Diavolo said, smiling wide, but your face fell at his words. Diavolo seemed to sense your discontent as he spoke again, “Or we can arrange for your cat to be brought here?”
“Yes, please,” you spoke almost immediately.
Diavolo called for a demon named Barbatos, telling him to go to the human world to retrieve your cat. He disappeared then reappeared in a matter of seconds, your cat laying comfortably in his arms.
“Oh, lucifer,” You cooed, taking your cat away from Barbatos, kissing the cat’s forehead.
The hall went silent once again, before someone, the demon they introduced as Asmodeus, spoke up, “Honey, that’s Barbatos.” He said, a slight chuckle laced within the words.
Confused, you glance back up at the hall of demons, you point to your cat, “No? His name is lucifer.”
Can't decide if he's confused or insulted.
He's confused because, who the hell would someone name a cat of all things after a demon
and he's insulted because WHO THE HELL WOULD NAME A CAT AFTER HIM?
He's one of the strongest Demons in the Devildom, much stronger than a mere housecat, the insinuation that he, Lucifer, avatar of pride, shares anything in common with a cat has him fuming.
Of course, he shows none of these emotions outwardly, keeping his face stoic as always.
And any one of his brothers who dare joke about this cat's name will be hanged from the ceiling in a matter of seconds.
Is fairly annoyed with their shared name in day-to-day life, and not just because it's insulting.
But, many times a day, Lucifer'll hear his name called through the halls and, when he goes to investigate, one of his brothers is cooing over the damned pun intended cat.
Will eventually get used to lucifer and will definitely be seen cuddling with him.
Is like the dad who insists he doesn't want a cat, but as soon as he gets one they're inseparable.
At the end of the day, he loves that damn cat.
Laughs out loud at the revelation that the cat's name is lucifer.
Until he realizes now he has to look after the human and the cat.
Will complain about it in typical Mammon fashion, but he warms up to lucifer about as quickly as he warms up to you.
Buys him a bunch of cat toys when he has the grimm, and loves to play with him
especially with a laser pointer.
Also loves to cuddle, but always acts very tsundere about it.
"What is it lucifer? Oh, of course, you want to cuddle with the Great Mammon."
Will either steal lucifer from your room at night, or sleep in your room to cuddle with him and totally not you, of course, but you should be honored he's even sleeping in your room.
Thinks it's hilarious as well.
Though he prefers anime, Levi is well versed in other human media, especially classic Disney films, so, because of Cinderella, he's well aware that lucifer is a popular cat name in the human realm.
That doesn't make it any less funny, though.
WILL NOT allow lucifer into his room.
He has too many expensive figurines to risk it
Plus, he doesn't want to risk Henry 2.0 getting hurt.
Will only play with, pet, or cuddle with lucifer if he initiates it.
"He probably doesn't want to be pet by a gross otaku like me," as if cats know what otakus are.
Will, at some point, sew lucifer a costume that looks suspiciously like what his older brother tends to wear.
He may or may not have been hanged for that one, but it was totally worth it.
Like Lucifer, Satan is conflicted.
On one hand, cat! He loves cats, he wants to pet this cat all day, and give him kisses and cuddles and love.
On the other hand, Satan would rather his soul be ripped apart than give love to something named after Lucifer.
Will try his hardest to completely ignore the cat's existence.
Has to leave the room if lucifer comes in because he can't trust himself to not pet him.
Is like this with lucifer until he sees him respond to the name luci as well.
After that, you cannot separate Satan from lucifer even if you tried.
Spoils him rotten.
The two are often found reading together in the library, Satan leisurely petting lucifer.
Fights with Mammon at least once a day for lucifer and always wins.
Goes on long rants about how cat lucifer is much better in every way than demon Lucifer.
Another one who thinks it's hilarious.
Definitely thinks lucifer is cute but hates all the shedding, so he usually keeps his distance.
Like Levi, Asmo doesn't allow lucifer in his room.
Will constantly complain about fur getting all over his clothes.
Has had to buy more lint rollers in the first year you spent in the Devildom than he had bought in the last century.
Constantly posts pictures of lucifer on his Devilgram because, despite being a furry monster, he is just the cutest little kitten around.
Thinks the name is a bit weird but accepts it pretty quickly.
It's just a name, after all, lots of people who are very different share names.
lucifer's food has to be hidden from Beel because he can, and will, eat it.
"It just smelled so good, and I was so hungry."
Apologizes by buying him some luxury cat treats that took all of Bee's willpower not to eat on the way home.
At first, he won't interact with lucifer unless lucifer approaches him.
Beel is so big, and lucifer is so small, he doesn't want to crush the little cat.
But with enough time and reinforcement, Beel will pick lucifer up himself for some much-needed cuddles.
Before Belphie comes down from the attic, Beel'll bring lucifer up to their room at night when he's feeling a bit more lonely than usual.
Beel will invite you up to his room as well.
Finds out about lucifer after everyone else, due to the whole, being locked in the attic, thing.
Hears Asmo trying to coax lucifer into a good pose from down the hall.
"Oh lucifer, cutie pie, you gotta look at the camera."
Is surprised that Asmo is still alive talking to Lucifer like that.
Is even more surprised when he turns the corner to find Asmo talking to a cat, not his eldest brother.
Thinks it's hilarious, but Lucifer is already over it so teasing him about it doesn't do much.
Won't actively seek out lucifer's attention, but will gladly nap with him.
Beel continues his habit of bringing lucifer up to their room for cuddles when Belphie returns, so the three of them usually end up in a big cuddle pile.
Bonus points if he brings you up too.
Thinks it's very amusing.
Laughs about it, probably for a bit too long.
He can't help it, especially because he knows Lucifer is most definitely a bit upset about it.
Will tease Lucifer once or twice about it, but will ultimately leave it alone.
When he visits the House of Lamentation, he'll give lucifer a nice pat, hello, but won't go very far beyond that.
Read lucifer's name tag while he was collecting him from the human realm.
Wasn't surprised in the slightest because nothing ever surprises him
Is definitely excited to see everyone's reactions to his name, and is not disappointed.
If given the chance, he will spend hours brushing lucifer's fur and pampering him
but doesn't get the chance to do so often, if ever.
Has had a cat named lucifer in the past.
I mean, he's lived hundreds of years, it's not out of the realm of possibilities.
Named his own cat lucifer because he thought it was funny, and the humor hasn't faded since.
So he's very amused by this new lucifer in his life.
Will unabashedly cuddle and play with lucifer whenever he's given the chance.
I mean, this lucifer reminds him of his own cat, so he becomes pretty attached pretty quickly.
Whenever he visits the House of Lamentation, he'll hold lucifer until the very last minute he possibly can, and will be pretty sad when he has to leave.
Will joke about stealing lucifer, may actually try to steal him.
Like Levi, Simeon is pretty well versed in human media, so the concept of cats named lucifer isn't new to him.
Still finds it a bit funny nonetheless.
Tells Michael right away.
Likes cats well enough, and, when he's in the House of Lamentation, will seek out a few pets from the kitten
but he doesn't venture to the House of Lamentation too often, so he never grows too close to lucifer.
There are so many better names for a cat!
Like whiskers, or oreo, or simba.
Is genuinely confused, and maybe even a bit concerned.
He's afraid you were consorting with demons before coming to the Devildom and that's why you named him lucifer.
After his brief stay in the House of Lamentation, Luke is absolutely in love with lucifer.
Plays with him constantly.
Wants to pick him up, but doesn't know how to.
Luke will end up getting scratched eventually, but Luke forgives him.
Bakes lucifer special cat treats and hopes you'll let him feed lucifer one.
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beabaseball · 3 years
how many cats do you have what are their names what do they look like how many are little bastards???? cats are Too Good
Oh my god anon I hope you're ready for a long fucking post because right now we have 11-12 cats
Everyone but Luci, Fievel, and Junebug (who is our barn cat and who I dont have any pics of atm) are in some way bastard. So 9/12 score.
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This is Rosie. She is one of the older cats now and was born in our barn. She's very smart but also unfortunately the current Queen. Reson for bastardry: picks fights to maintain pecking order, thinks that to win playtime you have to attack the hand holding the toy/does not believe in plato's allegory of the cave.
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This is Aphid. Shes rosie's sister and recently went deaf, which was very frightening for her for a while but now she's not scared of the vacuum anymore so maybe this was a win. Reason for bastardry: Recently she didn't react at all to me mistaking her nipple for a tick, pulling her nipple, leading me to believe it was a deeply imbeded deer tick, and I became that customer from the "ma'am doesnt your husband have nipples??" vid.
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Fievel, named after the mouse that got separated from its family, because we found Fievel a full day after all their siblings. She is very shy and also attracted to ears and will try to eat your hair once she's comfortable with you. Nonbinary cat?? Reason for bastardry: not a bastard.
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The twins!!! We've joked about twin cats but these two are actually fucking weird okay. We tried to adopt them out with the other kittens I picked up at the cave but these two were a bonded pair and we couldn't find anyone to take them together.
Upper cat: Luci. Short for Lucifer, because he never figured out how to retract his claws. Ironically, is the only good cat in this house.
Lower cat: Smokey. He is a little bit fluffier than Luci and knows how to pull his claws in. He is also a huge bastard and 0 repentence. Reason for bastardry: pees in containers. Not on the floor!! Just containers. Like the dog bowls. Wants to put his paw on my face.
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Susie (with luci in the background). This is Mom's Cat, because previously Susie thought everything in the world but mom was out to murder her, including me, who has known her literally her whole life. It took literal years for her to accept she liked petted. I say this with love: something mentally didnt happen in this cat, and only This Year after not murdering her when she needed to go to the emergency vet did we have a breakthrough. Reason for bastardry: pees on things she wants removed. Unfortunately, it works, reinforcing this behavior.
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This is BC. it stands for "black cat", because when we got him we were running out of names. He has so many issues but has recently stopped thinking we are trying to steal his blanket when we try to shift blankets under him. Reason for bastardry: picks fights with literally everyone, for no clear reason. Stinky.
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Trying to keep under the tumblr image limit, these four helpfully are cuddling. Right to left
Jane (has orange on her forehead): Fievel and Susie's extroverted sister. She is very cute and appears to know it. Reason for bastardry: a serial killer who admires the Stephen's Island Wren cat.
Max (orange cat): You know that post about how all cats are autistic? this one may in fact be the cat version of autistic. Has so many sensory issues, but has recently agreed to cuddling with humans. Obsessed with bringing socks downstairs. Once they're downstairs he doesnt care anymore. Reason for bastardry: normally is a good boy but suddenly will pee in corners and chase other cats. Sock theif!!!!
Oscar (gray tabby): named after the hot dog. The oldest cat currently. Wishes he was a mom very much but also hates new cats so it's a weird ride bringing kittens home. Probably has a neurological thing but we dont know what it is specifically, only that he Cannot Learn and the other cats tolerate the same behavior from him more than they do from others. Snuggle monster. Reason for bastardry: Steals my food!!!! Destroyed all chances for trainability in this house, because if the other cats see oscar is doing something, they can do it too, right?
Wobble (gray cat) : was picked up with our barn cat June, who was desperately trying to escape Wobble's company. Has probably mild cerebellar hypoplasia. She wobbles when she walks. No sense of personal space. Is the only one who can apparently communicate with Oscar, because they are both on the same wavelength. Nothing is going in behind those eyes but threatening elevator music.
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Reason for bastardry: innumerable.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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slashersins · 4 years
You've made a few posts about getting stoned with Michael in the past,, how do you think it'd be with some of the other slashers?? And like, which ones do you think would be into it and other ones that maybe aren't sure about it but would try it if they knew you liked it? and which ones would not smoke or take anything EVER? I'm just very curious to hear your take on this !! I mean... don't think you've made any previous posts about this?
okay so , lets break this down into categories ! they’re pretty well spread out , so here we go !
the ones who would smoke
michael myers . big surprise here . big boy likes to get high . however , he prefers editables . if you want to smoke , that’s fine , he won’t take a hit . pass him a brownie . also , be prepared , this man gets lazy and hungry and very touchy . he’s a fucking cuddle monster when he’s high . kind of like a needy kitten who wants pets in the middle of the night and will lay across your face , only to jump off and eat food as loud as they can before coming back for more loving . michael is exactly like that . also , if you want high sex , you’re gonna have to take charge and ride him , he’s just gonna enjoy his high and pleasure while you do the work . 
vincent sinclair . it’s one of his favorite ways of relaxing . he’s done it since he was a teen . bo discovered booze , he discovered weed . he’s no less intense when he’s high , still staring at you , still touching you , only his movements are slowed and less delicate . he wants you close , in his lap , against his side . he’ll play metal music in the back ground , letting smoke swirl around the both of you . expect a lot of smoky kisses and long gazes from your man . he’s high as fuck and you’re the only thing important to him right now . a living breathing work of art . 
carrie white . carrie ? our sweet girl ? doing the weed ? it’s more likely than you think ! while she might take some convincing , her deep need to rebel against her mother brought on by the courage you give her has this good girl shyly taking a hit . she will cough . give her water and praise and tell her it’s all okay . it happens , you can take it slow . and please do . let the high slowly seep into her skin and lungs and let her feel light and relaxed . she’ll want to cuddle , and you should stroke her hair and just talk . you’ll smoke and talk for hours , never getting so high that you’re both far gone , but getting high enough that everything is slow and hazy . you might even get some shy kisses from your sweet girl , and she’ll giggle and hide in your chest , feeling free for once . 
the ones who would rather drink 
bo sinclair . everyone knew he’d be on this list . the man drinks so much he should have a beer gut and how he doesn’t is beyond everyone . whether it’s a beer after a days work , a couple after a rough day , or an entire pack after a bitch ass week , this man usually has at least one a day . he likes the buzz he feels . he likes how in some ways he can forget about shit . but mostly he just wants to get fucked up and sleep . while he can be a bastard when sober , he can be one when drunk too , running his mouth . but he also tends to get a little more emotionally open when drunk , so you might end up hearing him say things he will pretend not to remember in the morning .
lester sinclair . another beer drinker in the sinclair home , only he’s a lot more casual about it . he’s like a social drinker , only having two or three . he’s a goofy drunk , stumbling around and laughing and chattering on . vincent and bo find it hard to be upset after a rough week if they have lester over to get drunk . it’s also funny to them that their baby brother is such a light weight . he gets really embarrassed when he does get drunk enough that he’s making a little bit of a fool of himself , but he’s so cute that vincent and bo can only tease him . 
thomas hewitt . while this big country boy wouldn’t mind a ice cold beer , he doesn’t drink all that much . maybe once a month or so , sometimes once every two . and he rarely if ever gets drunk . he’s seen charlie / hoyt drunk too many times , and had too many run ins with drunk as fuck bastards when the slaughterhouse was still open . he doesn’t want to be like that , so he keeps himself to no more than two beers at one time . he doesn’t mind the taste of beer , and it really is more of a social “you earned this” type of deal for him . 
the ones who would do both
jesse cromeans . this man drinks only the most expensive , oldest scotch , whisky , bourbon , and wine . he drinks casually , he drinks socially . but he does not drink to get drunk . no . he tries his best not to actually . which is surprising to most , as he was considered a bit of a play boy party boy back in his earlier rich boy days . but while he doesn’t get wasted on booze , he does enjoy getting high as fuck . he’ll only do it in the comfort of his own home . relaxing and smoking and watching old videos of his . might jerk off a little , might snuggle up to you . might pull you into his lap and laugh with you as you both watch stupid videos on the internet . one time you laughed at a picture of a blurry paper bag for two hours . jesse won’t leave the house until his high has completely worn off . he doesn’t wanna be caught off his guard .
billy loomis . he’s a bad boy . what can i say ? he’ll drink , he’ll smoke . as long as it’s with you and stu and he’s having fun ? who cares . billy is a messy drunk , getting naked and wanting to bite and kiss over you and stu , even if it doesn’t lead to anything else . it’s just too hot for clothes and he wants his babes close . he’s a munchie having , giggle gremlin when he’s high , however . while its more snickers than giggles he will almost laugh at anything , wanting to be the one cuddled and coddled while he eats chips and shakes with laughter . 
stu macher . loud and handsy drunk , however if he drinks too much he gets a bit violent towards others . which is why you and billy know when to cut him off . when he’s just normal drunk , he’s wanting to touch and talk and talk and talk . he won’t know he’s being too loud , just spilling out words and nonsense for fun as he lays across whoever is closer . as a high boy , he’s almost completely quiet . he’ll just lay and stare and watch with his mouth open in awe . sometimes he’ll start giggling but then he’s back to dead eye staring . he’s also gonna be cuddling things that he thinks are you and billy but aren’t . like a pillow . or his cat . 
the ones who would never do either 
brahms heelshire . this man will only drink sparkling grape juice . he doesn’t have the pallet for booze and he doesn’t like the smell of weed . he has no issue with you drinking , as long as it’s fancy whine , chardonnay , etc . you have to be classy , like mummy and daddy were , if you drink . he might take a sip , but he’ll prefer his juice , thank you . 
jason voorhees . he’s highly against all things booze and drug related . he literally kills people who show up on his land , he makes double work of them if they do either of those things . he’s a good boy , momma raised him right . if you do either , he’s conflicted and a bit upset . you’re his special person , you’re good , why are you doing bad things ? if you explain to him that it’s just a small glass with a meal during like , thanksgiving or christmas , he might relent . and if you tell him the weed is for pain and it’s legitimate , he will be less inclined to be upset with you . but still , he doesn’t like it . 
bubba sawyer . bubba doesn’t like the way booze and beer make people act . he doesn’t wanna act like that . he got drunk once , and he hated it . it’s the same with weed . he has a strong sense of smell and his little nose hates the way weed smells . which is why he babbles at chop top to call him stinky . if you drink , he might be a bit skittish , thinking you’ll try and hurt him like so many others have . it’ll take a little bit of patience to calm him down , and tell him you’d never . he would like it if you didn’t drink , but if it’s only a little and you aren’t being mean he’s okay . as for the weed , he might pout because now you smell like chop top , but the way you giggle and act is cute . so he doesn’t hate it as much . 
jacob goodnight . no . just no . hard no . no drugs . no booze . not you . not him . he just can’t . years of religious abuse have ingrained some roots that are too deep to pull out . and for jacob both of those things are a no .
martin ( 1977 ) . martin doesn’t do either . he already feels off as it is when he hasn’t fed recently . and he has no need for drugs or alcohol . why would he ? besides , he doesn’t want to make any mistakes while intoxicated or high . it’s just that simple . he’ll say no politely if offered . if you drink or smoke he might make a mild complaint about how you don’t need those things , about how it makes you taste off and he likes it when you taste like you . the only drugs you should have inside of you are the ones martin gives you to sleep . 
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c4-weeb · 4 years
Obey me boy head cannons!
Skater!Mc x the demon boys + undateables!
Alright so background! Human mc had invited one of the boys to go to a skating rink with her in the human world, since she is one of the main racers and a very frequent attendee at the place since she was 10. She knows the regular skaters and owners pretty well. Shes held with high respect there and is pretty talented. She has skate races and a whole team of great skaters, so what happens when one day she invites one of the boys to go on a date/ support her during a competitive roller derby? Also please do keep in mind I'm taking inspiration off the monster high roller derby cause that race was pretty cool and difficult to do so make it more modernized and human. You know... no swinging axes or kraken's trying to grab you as you skate. Though in reality that sounds like something Diavolo would put together for devildom roller derby's...
When he heard you beg him to come support you for your first race back in the human world he was a little taken aback. A roller derby? Him? I mean he wasn't going to be the loudest but he did find the thought of watching them succeed and wanting his praise amusing nonetheless....
....in reality he missed the Mc dearly and would appreciate the time with them, but he'd never say so out loud.
When you looked up to him from the stands he smirked at you, the pressure was on... that smirk was the one of judgement and "let's see how you do" which wracked your nerves with enough anxiety that it helped fuel the fire to make sure you succeeded.
When the Mc took off, being shoved by people bigger than her on each side, he was surprised when you fell back and the two idiots collided and she hopped over with ease and sped towards the front with amazing speed.
When The Mc and their team won, she came speeding to him and hugged him from behind and thanked him.
Later he took you out to eat in congratulations, the smile on your face from getting praise and food? All the stress from the day was relieved by that small gesture.
"I dont know why I thought I had finally found out everything I could about you, yet you just keep surprising me...."
When the you asked for his support during a casual race at your local skating rink, with just your team mates going against eachother in a regular speed skate with a few obstacles, he wasnt so interested, saying he wants money in return for his support, when in reality he would have went anyways. But when you told him that since it was a casual race, people could bet on the racers, he agreed so fast and even begged to be summoned right then and there.
Expect him to be screaming at the top of his lungs for you to win
Isnt against calling you baby this loud in public
May or may not have tried climbing the fence when you got pushed
Definitely bet on you, and a huge sum of money too. So much faith 😭❤
Once you've won expect him to come flying at you, poor baby forgot you where on skates tho so you'd end up falling backwards to your friends amusement of your cuddly demon.
Tried threatening the owners to do another race so he could get money and failed
Sulked till you dragged him by the hand to skate in the neon lights since most people left it was just you two
Later he would drag you to either go to bet on races with him to gain more money or go to shower you in gifts, really depended on how well you could convince him to not go gambling, which had a 50/50 success rate.
"If I'm not going to get more money I might as well shower you in what I have, make you the prettiest gem for the whole world to see!" "Mammon you only won 200 dollars not a mil-" "sh, sh, shhhhh, shhh, no arguing! The Great Mammon is going to treat his treasure right tonight, ya' hear!?"
Now getting this otaku outta his room was an absolute struggle. So like a cat trapping their preh, you had to summon him to your house and put a blindfold on him for a special surprise.
Dragged his unsocial ass to the car and road down to the skate rink and took off his blind fold once you both got inside.
It took a lot of coaxing, but you finally got him to calm down enough to get a pair of skates.
If your skater friends said hi to him he'd hide by your arm like a scared 5 year old
The jealousy he felt of everyone in the room was unbelievable, because the poor boy has no balance for skating. On wheels or ice, his body just refuses.
You offered to help him learn and the poor boys face was fuming red, thankfully the neon lights and darkness hid it well.
He held onto your hand for balance throughout the whole date, only stopping to eat some pizza and play some arcade games.
After a few hours you headed back to your house to binge some Starwars, wanting to watch something different with him.....which eventually led to the both of you getting bored and going back to the new ruri-chan movie you guys binged countless amount of times on the phone together.
"H-hey! Hold on you're going t-too fast! No now you're so close I-....um... ack everyone can see us...so many people... but its worth it to show that your mine!"
Now Satan isnt much of a skater, nor a loud supporter, but with enough coaxing you finally got him to at least try and relax with you, doing a nice small couple's night at the skate rink
Really wanted to try human customs with you so there was little resistance
He would hold their hand as you'd skate
Even think of skating away from him and he will chase after you
This man's rage in his bones makes him a natural speed skater
Will tickle you when he catches you, starts a very one sided tickle war tho
If you wanna sit down, it's going to be in his lap, no rejections.
Will find it adorable if your friends make fun of how blushy you're getting as you hide in his chest
"Come now kitten, dont run away or I'm going to tickle you so hard that your face will hurt too much to smile at anyone else but me"
This sweet baby was already dragging you to your room to glamor you up before the race.
Honey no need to say anything, he will make you the most gorgeous skater just tell him the vibes you wanna give off and he will hit the nail straight on the head and match your aesthetic.
Best expect victory photos.
Will record your victory and show it off to the group chat with the brothers.
Absolutely head over heels for you, hanging off your body in a hug and then going for a really close skate together
Might try to convince you to have some celebratory seggs but will 100% be making it known how much you excited him.
"Sweetheart look at all the likes our photos are getting! Everyone's congratulating you! Awe look at how viral my baby is! That was a VERY thrilling experience watching you, and you do need to take care of that body....shall we take this home and undress you so I can congratulate you the right way~♡?"
Immediately agreed when you brought it up that you wanted to bring him to the skate rink, someplace you enjoyed going.
He knew skating was like a work out but was worried about finding skates his size there so he brought his own customized skates.
You better have snacks cause baby is gonna be starving.
Thankfully since you also work there and know the owners, you where allowed to hop over and take his order, putting it on your tab. 4 pizzas 2 Turkey legs 7 hotdogs and a pint of water (remember to stay hydrated)
If you bumped into a few of your friends and he WILL get along with them. He wants to be apart of your life, all of it, so he'll make it a point to get along with everyone in it for your sake.
If you ever look like you're going to fall he will be so close behind you it would be like slipping and falling back onto a brick wall who grabs you before you hit the floor.
If you fall forward he will grab your shirt but try not to choke you in the process
(If you do choke poor baby with be hugging you apologizing profusely)
You two try racing eachother but no matter what you dont win cause hes just too fast
Finds you challenging him over and over endearing and adorable.
"You're so adorable when you're chasing after me trying to win, but I'm hungry now...can we go eat again?"
Will complain once you ask him to go skating for date night in the human world
Wont stop till he finds out it has a sunroof along with the neon lights so he can look at the stars while skating with you.
Will only skate for an hour or two then passes out on your lap
Will not help at all when you fall, just laughs cause he is probably the reason you fell in the first place.
When hes skating he will take your hand in his the whole time and sorta lean on your shoulder while skating from behind you.
You two will stop periodically to sit at the small felt covered benches in the rink to look up at the stars (may or may not fall asleep on your shoulder so you're stuck there with him sleeping for 20 minutes)
You will be the last ones out
Must grab some food for Beel cause belphie promised to bring him home food.
Skating (more like you dragging him by the hand while hes in skates)back to your place and looking at the stars together at like 3am
Wont go back till he can officially cuddle you till the morning and leaves at 11am
"Hey look...theres Ursa major...*yawn* come on let's sit down again, I'm tired..."
Luke (only as siblings you take him skating)
Doesnt know how to skate
You end up teaching him and hes the happiest little boy ever.
If you take him to a race he'll be all worried that you got a scratch and starts to get protective over you when the person who pushed you comes near
Definitely eating cotton candy
Playing claw machines and you win him a stuffed piggy and he holds it near and dear to his heart cause it's from you
"Mc! Mc! Look I'm doing it! I'm skating! Sir oinkers and me are skating together! Thank you so much haha!"
Happily joins to cheer you on during your races everytime. Got a race? Simeon will be there.
If you dont win he will comfort you and make the best of the situation by taking you to the food bar till it turns to a free skate again.
If you're injured he will pamper you and be ready with his first aid. Little angel kisses on every scrap and bruise.
So many forehead kisses of encouragement and praise 🥺😭
Can speed skate, so if you want to practice he'll help but if you want to relax he'll do that too.
Inlines? Regular skates? No matter what hes great at them.
Somehow he has great luck and every stuffie you showed interest in or every candy or prize there was that you would even look at, he would win on the first try.
"Dont worry! I'll carry it all. You just relax alright? You got pretty bruised from that fall."
Getting this man to stop working and go on a date will need a ton of patience, even Lord Diavolo has to convince him the little d's will do their jobs right while hes away.
Will take care of every scrape and bruise you get.
Man has glowsticks prepared to cheer you on
When it turns back to a free skate he will try his best to impress you and teach you little tricks he's picked up in his many years.
You try to convince him to eat some of the food there and he will politely decline and proceed to take you out to a nice fancy, but quaint restaurant.
"You were really quick to dodge them back there, yet you still got a few bruises, truly amazing for humans to get to that speed and dodge so fast. You're really a fascinating one arent you?"
Lord Diavolo
This man.... he made SIGNS
WILL be hollering when you win
The loudest in the stands
Glowsticks, glowing necklaces, bracelets, man is even wearing a glowing necklace around his head for you, glowing head to toe
So happy and proud 🥺😭❤
Definitely brought barbatos to help hold up the glittery signs him and the little d's made
Barbatos will leave with the signs after congratulating you and leaving you two to your date.
He will be a little off balanced when first skating cause the man went straight for the inlines 😂
Will be smiling the whole time, nothing can or will ruin it.
Absolutely in love with the skate rink because of you and even wants to add a few to the devildom so they can hold tournaments like the one you where in
Can get sad if he cant get you a stuffed animal while you're in the bathroom so he summons Barbatos again to help him while you're away.
Sends Barbatos away so you wont know he helped him get the prizes
Ends up getting you 6 stuffies and a phone case that doesnt fit your phone but it's the thought that counts right?
You win him a medium sized dragon from the claw machine and he sleeps with it every night and loves it like it's your guy's kid.
If he meets your friends he will find out just how much you've missed him as you get embarrassed, makes a mental note to see you once a week after that encounter.
Will eat 2 Turkey legs as you eat a slice of pizza and share a pitcher of soda with him
(He makes a mess of his face so you clean it off for him)
Will not want to leave and go back to the devildom so he'll insist on staying the rest of the night and walks you home
Will. NOT. LEAVEEEE! Master of excuses for why he should stay.
"But I dont want to leave! Theres still so much to do!" "Can I at least see your house?" "I wont leave until I see you're safe at home!" "Please can I stay the night, I miss having you wake up in my arms." "I want to see the morning sun rise with you before I go back"
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
Forever is a long time
Anon asked:  “8) “I just wanna lay in your arms for the rest of my life.” With Raleigh Becket please ❤️
A/N: Raleigh Becket, my baby, my sunshine, my hubby, and my comfort character, who I love more than anything. I really love writing for Raleigh and I really loved writing this, so I only can hope that you guys will love it as much as I do. Raleigh really does mean so much to me so I tried to perfect this as much as I could, and I only can hope that I succeeded.
WARNINGS: none, it’s a bit melancholic in some places, but it’s mostly fluff
It’s not easy to carry the burden of saving the whole world on your back, knowing that billions of lives are depending on you and Raleigh. 
But it’s over now, you saved the world with your drift partner, Raleigh, and after many, many tests, both of you were okay. 
But the trauma you went through doesn’t go away quickly, you know it will take years, and you’re not even sure that it will disappear. 
The only reason why you haven’t gone completely mad yet is that you have Raleigh, someone who shared the same experiences with, and most importantly, your mind. 
Once you have been in someone’s head, there isn’t much to talk about. But it’s okay, you think. The comfortable silence you share with Raleigh is better than anything, knowing that you have him, and he has you.
Because that’s the truth, even though you know each other for a few weeks, your minds and hearts are connected, you’ve became one. 
Ghost drifting is an interesting experience, you’re no longer connected to a Jaeger, to a machine, to connect your minds, but somehow your minds still find a way to connect, share memories again, and current thoughts, hopes, and dreams.
Because both you and Raleigh have hopes, and maybe dreams now, that you got your future back. And of course, it’s with each other. Both of you are dreaming of a future where you’re together, and you’re finally happy, and you don’t have to worry about monsters coming from the sea to destroy you and your world. 
And this is what you’re doing right now, laying in bed with Raleigh, silently, thinking about your future with him. You don’t have to tell him what you’re thinking, your minds are connected again, so he knows every thought running through your mind, every memory, every feeling, and you know his. You don’t know yet where you will go after the Shatterdome closes for good, none of you have a home, nor family, but you have each other. 
You have each other, in each other’s arms. 
With your ear pressed to Raleigh’s chest, you can hear his steady heartbeat thumping against you, your head rises every time he breathes.
He’s here, safe. 
You try to push away the memory of you hugging Raleigh’s body, thinking he’s gone, and you lost him too. But then he finally breathed “You're squeezing me too hard.” against your neck, and the euphoria you felt when his words finally reached your brain, telling you that he's here, with you, and he’s fine. 
You forever will be connected to him, with your minds, and heart.
You feel Raleigh hug you closer, pulling you even closer to himself if it’s possible, since your bodies are already pressed together.
“I know.” is all what Raleigh whispers against your hair, breathing your scent in, allowing it to fill his lungs and relax his entire body, and soul. 
“I just wanna lay in your arms for the rest of my life.” you whisper against his chest, placing a soft skin on his clothed muscles. 
“You will. We have all the time in the world.” Raleigh told you.
And it was the truth. You had a lifetime to spend with each other, and so you did.
After the closing of the Shatterdome, Raleigh and you moved to a small town in Alaska. That’s where he was from, and he wanted to go back, so you agreed. It’s not like you had anywhere else to go, but even if you did, you’d have followed Raleigh anywhere.
You belonged to him.
You belonged together. 
So you bought a small cottage house in a small town in Alaska, close to the sea what Raleigh was insisting on. You didn’t have to ask why, you knew it already, you knew from memories, not yours, that your house is looking at the same beach where Raleigh landed with the Jaeger alone, after he just lost his brother, Yancy. 
The house was small, but really lovely. It didn’t have any other houses nearby, it was pretty far from the city, but not too far, and the beach was close, plus you had your own garden which Raleigh loved. He kept himself busy in the garden, he grew his own vegetables, which he was really proud of, and loved to cook with them. 
And you loved Raleigh’s cooking, oh you really did. You loved to sit in the kitchen with Raleigh while he was cooking, talking with him about anything and everything, and you loved to eat everything he cooked, because to your surprise, he was a good cook. 
Your garden also had a shed, in which Raleigh spent a lot of time in, he was still struggling with his insomnia, so you often woke up to an empty bed at nights, and without looking, you knew he was in the garden, doing whatever he did.
You didn’t ask, and you didn’t want to. It’s not like you had any secrets from each other, not after you’ve been in each other’s heads several times, it was more about giving each other some privacy, and complete trust. 
On your birthday, you woke up to an empty bed again, but you could smell some amazing scents coming from downstairs, you knew that Raleigh was preparing your favorite breakfast for you, and you waited for it in the bed. You didn’t have to wait long until Raleigh appeared in the bedroom with a tray, your favorite breakfast and a cup of tea on it, with a beautiful rose in a vase in the middle. 
“Happy birthday, my love.” Raleigh smiled as he sat down on the bed next to you, putting the tray in your lap.
“Thank you.” you give him a sweet, lingering kiss.
After breakfast he wanted to show you your birthday gift, so he led you downstairs, outside to the porch, his hand covering your eyes the whole time. 
“Open your eyes.” you hear Raleigh’s voice close to your ear.
When you opened your eyes, you gasped. 
There was a swing bed hanging from the ceiling of your porch, made by Raleigh himself. 
“Do you like it?” Raleigh asks nervously, and you turn towards him, tears in your eyes.
“Raleigh, are you kidding? I love it so much, thank you!” you wrap your arms tightly around Raleigh’s neck, hugging him close to you.  
“I saw in your memories how much you love these things. So I built you one.” you feel your tears fall from his words.
“No one ever did something so beautiful for me.” you sob into his neck, and you feel Raleigh’s arms tighten around you.
“I have one more surprise for you.” he whispers and kisses your forehead before he pulls away from you. 
Raleigh cupped your face in his hands, they were rough from the months of wood work, but you loved it. 
“After losing my brother, Yancy, I felt so lost. I didn’t have anyone, and nothing made sense. I was alive, but I wasn’t living, I was sitting in self pity, and I felt miserable, and lost hope. Until I met you. When we were in the Kwoon, fighting, and felt our minds connect for the first time, without any machines, it was just us. I knew it. I knew we were something special, and after we piloted Gipsy Danger for the first time, and we really had our minds connected, it was confirmed. I started feeling hopeful again, even though the world was ending, I felt somehow happy that I found you, and we could spend our last few days with each other. But we saved the world, and you saved me. And I’m forever grateful for that.” You see Raleigh pull a small, velvet box out of his back pocket before he kneel down in front of you. “Would you make me even happier, and become my wife?”
You were fully crying by the time Raleigh asked THE question, all you could do is nod furiously.
“Please, say it.” Raleigh asked you with a desperate voice and hopeful eyes.
“Yes! Yes, Raleigh, of course!!” you don’t even wait for him to put the ring on your finger, you jumped into his neck, sobbing. 
Your wedding was small, it was only you and Raleigh at the town hall, none of you mind it, but both of you wished your loved ones would be here. But it wasn’t possible. 
Years passed, and you made this small house your home with Raleigh. You expanded your little family first with a black, stray kitten Raleigh has found one day, you immediately adopted him. The kitten adored Raleigh, and Raleigh adored the kitten, he followed Raleigh everywhere, and he was always sitting with him in the kitchen when he was cooking, watching Raleigh’s moves.
The two of you went into the town more often, actually you made friends, and everyone knew who the two of you were.
Heroes who saved the world. 
You were mainly friends with families with young children, but the kids didn’t know who the two of you are.
And that’s good like this, you thought. And Raleigh agreed. 
They were too young to remember the horrors of a Kaiju feared world, and their parents didn’t talk to them about it. 
And that’s okay. It’s over now. 
Many nights spent with little kids lead Raleigh and you to the decision that you should have a baby on your own. In any other circumstances, you’d have never brought this up, but you have a future now. 
A little over a year after you and Raleigh started trying, your son, Yancy was born. Deciding the name was easy, although Raleigh was too shy to bring it up first, but he didn’t have to, you told him you wanted to name your son after his brother. Raleigh cried when you told him this, making you cry too, but he happily agreed. 
Raleigh was a partner in your pregnancy as much as he could, he helped you in everything. 
This wasn’t different when it came to giving birth, he was by your side the whole time, helping your son to the world. 
When Raleigh held his son in his hands for the first time, he cried, and promised the boy that he will protect him no matter what, and he forever will keep him safe. 
And he did. 
As the years passed, Raleigh was an amazing father, and you an amazing mother. 
Years turned into decades, you grew older and older with Raleigh by your side, your son grew up, and he got married. A few years after his wedding, his first child, a little girl, was born.
Your grandchild. 
Raleigh and you were grandparents now, and the world was still safe, thanks to you.
A/N: I only realised after several readings that I, by accident, gave Raleigh a black cat and made the cat watch him while he cookc, which is exactly what Charlie has talked about in an interview when he said his black cat always watches him cook. This is just me rambling about how he really lives in my head rent free.
Tags: @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @agirllovespasta​ @lady-evans​ @oldstuffnewstuff​ @claudiahxrdy​ @keithseabrook27​ @alexa-rae-dreamz​ @minnicelli​ @woahitslucyylu​ @de-profundis-ad-astra​ @mylifeliterally​
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butter-egg-toast · 4 years
YouTuber Girlfriend ▶️
I got a bunch of requests for this one. . 👍
Requested by @dragonwolfs
Long post be prepared.
I'm so sorry I couldn't think of Albert, Kadea, and Aii
Enjoy 🤗
Haru: 🎨
🌙You're a mix media ArtYouTuber.
🌙You do various art forms like painting sculpture, Ink art, ceramics, etc.
🌙You're usually not on Camara, most of your videos are focused on your art work.
🌙On some occasions Haru would draws something for you
🎨" Look (y/n), it's a Mackerel sculpture"-Haru
🌙 Haru gives art tips on the channel for beginners.
🎨"Art and swimming are similar...just go with the flow"-Haru
🌙He goes shopping with you for art supplies.
🎨" We literally only bought 4 items and it came to 40 dollars?!-Haru
🌙You and Haru did a couple of drawing challenges like:
Draw with left hand challenge,
Draw each other challenge
Draw with your eyes closed challenge
🌙At the end of the day Haru secretly enjoy making art with you.
🌙You have a simple following of 50k
Channel name: HoneycombArts.
Matoko: 🐱
🌙You're an animal YouTuber
🌙You work at a pet adoption center. So you encounter different types animals like:
Cats, dog, rabbits, birds, and many more
🌙You invited Matoko to help you with the feral kittens and cats; immediately after hissing at you and the other employees they warm up to Matoko.
🐱"Wow.. they really love me!"-Matoko
😸" Woah Her fur is so fuffy and pretty"-Matoko
🌙You give tips about properly taking care of animals.
🌙Matoko usually not on Camara that much (he's kinda shy)
🌙But when he is on Camara, The videos with the most views are usually with Matoko washing kittens.
🐱"You want to make sure the kitty is calm and not scared of you. Make sure you talk to them to calm them."-Makoto
🐱"Its okay little guy, you're gonna be a nice and clean kitty"-Makoto
🌙 You have a simple following 80k
Channel name: PreciousPets
Nagisa: 🎬
🌙You're a movie/TV show commentator. Comedy skits, you comment on badly movie reviews or simple commentary.
🌙You and Nagisa something reenact scenes from movies and TV shows.
🎬" Oi!!! Look at me when I'm talking to you *bad acting*" -Nagisa
🌙Nagisa cant get his lines right and he always laugh. That's what makes it charming.
🎬" Dont go...I..ummm... *laugh* I forgot (y/n) chan.. what's the line again?"-Nagisa.
🌙Sometimes there are cheesy skits you do together for fun.
🌙 there are some occasions were both of you and Nagisa forgot your lines and you both had to improv.
🎬" Noooooo... how.. could you betray me? Nagisa fell to his knees. "Well...you shouldn't have took my... taco.." trying your best to hold in your laughter. Nagisa confused at your choice of words. "Eh?..."-Nagisa
🌙He Loves being on Camara most of the time
You have a simple following 50k to 80k
Channel name: Tomatometer
Rei: 📘
🌙You're a History YouTuber. Educational videos, learning , science, and technology
🌙 You go over the latest new technology and you have sponsors that send you laptops and phones
🌙You have a mini segment were Rei goes over interesting fun science facts
📘"The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue"-Rei
📘" People who speak two languages may unconsciously shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another.
🌙 You and Rei do a myth busting, where you answer questions from viewers.
🌙There was even a time were you both performed a chemistry experiment that failed.
📘" *cough * see this is why its important to have safety precautions"-Rei
You have a simple following of 50k to 60k
Channel name: Learn Something Today
Rin: 🛠
🌙You're a DIY YouTuber, building and create easy life hacks
🌙You build random projects you find on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or viewers suggestion
🛠" (y/n)? That a cool sculpture"-Rin
🌙Rin is never in your videos. The only time he showed his face is when you both did a challenge together.
🛠" Woah!! This looks complicated. But nothing's too complicated for me. What do we need ,(y/n)?"-Rin
🌙Rin sometimes goes shopping with you to find your supplies.
🛠 "Huh?! This is a lot of wood (y/n), what are you making today?"-Rin
🛠" what type of wood you need?"-Rin
🌙You sometimes give away or sell your projects depending on the occasion.
🌙Rin helps with your projects on his day off, because he's curious how the project will turn out.
You have a simple following of 80k
Channel name: Fix it Make it
Souskue: 🥙
🌙You're a cooking Youtuber
🌙Sousuke something does voice overs talking about cooking traditional Japanese food and giving cooking tips.
🥙" Okonomiyaki is a simple pancake that is cook with cabbage."-Souskue
🌙People always send you emails asking to show your boyfriends face because they love his voice so much.
🥙" They really like me? I dont think my sounds like honey"-Souskue
🌙You sometimes do food challenge and completions with your friends and Souskue. (Souskue always win)
🌙You make a variety foods all over the world
🥙"Can you cook pork cutlets?"-Souskue
🌙The meals you and Souskue cook, you both give to homeless shelters and orphanages.
🌙Every special occasion you bake a themed caked.
🥙"Is that a shark?! How did you make this?!"-Sousuke
You have a simple following of 70k
Channel name: Cookie dough gummies
Momo: 🎮
🌙You're a Gaming YouTuber
🌙You play a wide variety of games like horror, dating Sims, action,Platformers, 3D, and many more
🌙Multiplayer with all your friends (Among us)
🌙Momo definitely loves playing adventures and scifi games with you
🌙Momo likes to bring Puyysuke with him to the gaming sessions.
🎮"Puyysuke is good luck!!"-Momo
🎮"Puyysuke is just as excited as I am with this game. "-Momo
🌙You and momo sometimes compete with each other in fighting and racing games.
🎮"Awwww no fair (y/n) that's cheating !!"-Momo
🎮" Ahhh how you keep winning"-Momo
You have a simple following of 60k
Channel name: Beetle juice
Seijour: 💪
🌙You're a health and fitness Youtuber
🌙Health and fitness tips from professionals and Seijour.
💪"Having a perfect form is the most important and effective way of succeeding"-Seijour
🌙Breaking down the human body to benefit different bodies types.
💪" This exercise plan I used on the samzuka swim team. I guaranteed you will bulk up👍"-Seijour
💪No pain no gain. Keep pushing YOUR ALMOST THERE!!! You can do it!!"-Seijour
🌙 You and Seijour do couples yoga on sundays.
💪"Dont worry (y/n) I got you. Just relax your muscles"-Seijour
You have a simple following 80k
Channel name: You're lifestyle
Kisumi: 💄
🌙You're a beauty YouTuber.
🌙Hes pretty much on your channel 24/7. Everyone loves the both of you.
🌙You do make up challenges, skin care tips, and themed make up looks.
💄"Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid are the best together on your skin"-Kisumi
🌙 You and kisumi have challenges where you do each other's makeup.
💄" Eh? I used the wrong color?! Haha sorry "-Kisumi
💄"I hope I'm not too rough with your face. Let me know."-Kisumi
🌙Kisumi did a voice over on one of your tutorials twice.
💄" Now shes applying blush on...oohhwow that's a cute shade on her..its really cute (y/n)"-Kisumi
💄" wow that makes (y/n) eyes pop!"-Kisumi
🌙Kisumi loves to do seasonal makeup tutorials with you.
🌙He even let you do some makeup on him.
💄" Woah I look like a kpop male idol! How did you did that??!"-Kisumi
You have a simple following of 90k
Channel name: Velvet lips
Asahi: 🔎
🌙You're a Horror theme YouTuber
🌙Discuss Mysteries and Paranormal activity all over the world, Unsolved crimes. Mysteries death and conspiracies theories
🔎"That's interesting.. has the crime been solved?"-Asahi.
🌙Asahi is not into the paranormal because he doesn't believe in it. However, because you like, he's curious about the stuff you talk about.
🔎"wow that monster is 8 foot tall!! And it was seen in Japan??!!"-Asahi
🔎" mmmhh.. that picture is kinda convincing"-Asahi
🌙There was a time where you, Asahi, Hiyori And kisumi went to explore an abandoned house on the countryside that is known for huntings
🔎"oh... (y/n) do you want me to hold your hand if your scared?"-Asahi
🔎"huh? That noise? It may have been a rat"-Asahi
You have a simple following of 70k
Channel name: Mystery XE
🌙You're a Anmaition Youtuber, sometime you animate your story times and do little funny Anmaition, and music video Anmaition.
*The time I accidentally pranked my teacher story time*
*Middle school experience * story time
*Worst family vacation ever* story time
*Creey encounter at work ft Ikuya* story time
*How I met my boyfriend ft Ikuya* story time
🌙Ikuya something gives you ideas for a Anmaition.
💻"How about do a little mermaid Anmaition?"-Ikuya
💻"This is cute a Anmaition, you think you can teach me how to do it?-Ikuya
🌙 You created a Anmaition for Ikuyas birthday with one of his favorite songs.
💻" I love ever bit of this. You really know what I like"-Ikuya
You have a simple following 60k
Channel name: Ms.Honbuns
Natsuya: 🗺
🌙You're a travel YouTuber/Vlogger
🌙 natsuya is on your channel 24/7
🌙You and natsuya traveled to various locations while site seeing, eating food, meeting local people, learning the language, learning the history, and having fun.
🌙You do 360 VR videos of each country, or city you visit.
🌙Sometimes you both camp and go on hikes.
🗺" ah Its so calming out here in the wild"-Natsuya
🌙Natsuya has his own little segment were you taste different types of beers and wines all over the world
🗺".. woah (y/n) you have to try this. The favor is out of this wolrd!!"-Natsuya
🗺"Where do you want to go for the spring? I was thinking 🇬🇧The UK or 🇲🇽 Italy."-Natsuya
You have a simple following 90k to 1M
Channel name: Lake side view
Nao: 🍀
🌙You're a Garden YouTuber
🌙you give gardening tips
🌙on the weekends nao helps with your garden and maintaining it.
☘"Wow!! (Y/n) your vegetables looks great "-Nao
🌙You harvest and Nao cooks the Vegetables.
🍀"Wow the vegetables this harvest is delicious"-Nao
☘"Next harvest, can we plant watermelons?"-Nao
🌙Time lapse videos of Fruits and vegetables growing and decomposing.
You have a simple following of 50k
Channel name: Growful love
Hiyori: 🛍
🌙You're a Fashion YouTuber
🌙 Discuss the newest trends and unboxing new clothes, shoes and accessories .
🌙Haul videos with Hiyori (sometimes)
🛍" These sweater feels amazing"-Hiyori
🌙You and Hiyori sometimes try on matching clothes.
🛍" Wow! We're definitely a cute couple!-Hiyori
🛍"This is something I'll definitely wear every day "-Hiyori
🌙 Most of your clothes are your choice of style. And Hiyori's is more like dark academia.
🌙 Sewing clothes for you and Hiyori.
🛍"woah!! You made this for me?! Thank you so much"-Hiyori
🌙 And some occasions you guys will go thrift shopping.
You have a simple following of 60k
Channel name: Exclusive Z
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merryfortune · 4 years
The Monster in the Fruits Basket
hi @ina-bon​ I was your secret santa on the discord
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Ship: Takeru/Kiku
Word Count: 5,876
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fruits Basket, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Minor or Implied Child Abuse
   “I don’t like it here anymore, Gramps…” Takeru confessed and he stared at his hands whilst thinking about her. Kiku. “It feels like I’m sitting in a lukewarm bath. I’m just getting pruney.”
   His Grandfather regarded him cautiously. Ever with a stern brow and a stern upper lip.
   Takeru swallowed. “I want to go out and fend for myself again for a bit. I’m sick of being here. I want to pursue my passions in judo and other martial arts. When we went camping for those few months last year, it was the best time of my life. I feel antsy and dull in comparison to living here. With them.”
   “I disagree.” his Grandfather said. “I think you are making excuses.”
   “I’m not!” Takeru snarled, he banged his hand on the table.
   The door slid and Kiku was there, she was holding onto a tray of rice balls and looked jumpy and apologetic. Takeru looked up at her and the grizzle in his face all but vanished when he saw her. His eyes were wide, lit up, and for a moment, a flicker of remorse for having raised his voice.
   “Sorry, this is a bad time. But, when you're ready to come down stairs, there will be rice balls and other refreshments.” Kiku said and she excused herself just as quickly as she had interrupted.
   “I disagree vehemently.” Takeru’s Grandfather insisted, a low growl to his voice.
   Takeru glared. He felt like he was pushing at a wall which wouldn’t budge for it was all bricked up and mortared and more. And when that energy expired, he collapsed over the table, burying his head in the crooks of his overlapping, folded arms. The beads - bone yellow and blood orange - clinked on his wrist and glinted in the fluorescence of his bedroom’s light on the ceiling.
   This was twice now that Takeru’s Grandfather had to see his own, intimate kin wear that bracelet.
   He recalled meeting The Cat as a youth but his youth may as well have been another world with how it changed and collided. He had been playing out in the courtyard with a ball, just bouncing it off every surface available whilst trying not to hit any of the servants or other passerbys until it bounced to the other end. Into what appeared to be a barely open shed. He had crept inside and found a man in a beautiful kimono in a small room but he was caged. He was also holding the handball that he had been playing. They exchanged pleasantries and the man handed back the ball and he left. The man seemed glad to have had a visitor but his visitor was unsettled by the whole exchange, it seemed so ordinarily peculiar.
   He would only later learn that person was The Cat but he would learn it at a wake he unintentionally attended.
   After that Cat died, the next one was born and after that surreal moment, like a dollop of honey on a wooden spoon, in a summer afternoon, playing handball, the next Cat was born to him and his wife. He liked to think that he had done his best to raise the next Cat but life was arbitrary.
   Takeru shouldn’t have been born the Cat but his father died before he even learned he was a father. A freak accident. It could have been anyone. And his mother. His poor mother. She drove herself to madness because of her husband’s death and when her son was born, when she held him in her arms for the first time, still covered in the mire of being born, he did not remain a baby. He grew fur and claws, became a white and ginger kitten.
   It was harrowing for her to say the least and for six years, Takeru never saw his grandparents or even the outside world. He was his mother’s little treasure in every sense of possession. His little hands forever checked for stray hairs and claws. His little wrist was the most delicate of all as she checked that the rosary against all that being inhabited by the spirit and jealous of the Cat entailed. The rituals of it all were ceaseless until one day she didn’t come home from grocery shopping and she still hadn’t even ten years later.
   “I think you should go down and have something to eat.” Takeru’s Grandfather told him.
   “I’m not hungry.” Takeru complained.
   “You should eat regardless, then.” his Grandfather continued. “You will need the strength tonight. There’s a storm.”
   “I’m not some little kid anymore,” Takeru spat, “I’m not afraid of storms.”
   His Grandfather smirked and there was a clash of thunder. Takeru stiffened to the last hair on the back of his neck.
   “Then this discussion is over. Until further notice, I want you to stay here, in this lukewarm bath as you called it. If you run away, I will make sure she brings you back.” his Grandfather said.
   Takeru lifted his head off the table and his arms, he quirked his brow, “She? Whose she? At least do it yourself, you lazy old fart.” Takeru growled.
   His Grandfather ignored him. Gracefully, he got to his feet and Takeru scrambled to join him, a flurry of limbs until he straightened up. They left Takeru’s room and came down stairs to where everyone was. The atmosphere decidedly terse.
   Everyone was clustered around the long, low table in the centre of the room, trying to avoid the windows as they banged and rattled. At the moment, it was more the wind than the rain itself which had everyone on edge - assuming it was the weather at all which had made them uncomfortable, and not whatever they had overheard from upstairs between Takeru and his Grandfather. 
   Still, Kiku sat on her knees and she already had two plates at the ready as she hailed down Takeru and his Grandfather. Takeru readily sat down next to her as she piled one rice balls onto his plate before sliding it towards him with a smile. Takeru’s grandfather observed her, still standing up, awkwardly hovering close to Shoichi and Jin who were watching similarly twitchy.
   “See? No chives since I know you don’t like chives.” Kiku piped up. “Oh, and these ones are tuna-mayo since those are your favourite but this one’s chicken.”
   Takeru smiled. “Thanks, Kiku.” he replied but as he accepted the food, his smile faltered. He was thankful for her but she also represented too much to him but he ate the food to be polite. “It’s good.”
   “I’m glad to hear it.” Kiku smiled.
   With Takeru eating, it could be argued that the atmosphere was easing up from its irrational tenseness. Even Ryoken, who was sitting in the corner, like the mouse that he was, had unhooked his arms from around him and had reached for more of Kiku’s rice balls. She encouraged Ryoken to take more but saying that prickled Takeru, so he grabbed another - one which didn’t appear flecked with chives - and wolfed it down all but immediately.
   He didn’t spare a moment to savour it as he swallowed. He was just thankful for the food. It somehow felt that dinner was so long ago but it wasn’t really. The argument that he had had with his Grandfather had simply exacerbated that distance but the rice balls were good. Kiku was a good - no, great - cook. From the moment that she had arrived at this hodgepodge house for the exiles of the Main Kogami manor, Kiku had been charming all of those around her.
   Takeru kind of wished he had been there. That moment when she had all but turned up out of the blue and introduced herself to her so-called neighbours; enchanting Shoichi with not only her etiquette but her knowledge of the Chinese Zodiac. His little painted models had been fatefully sitting out in the sun and she had mentioned it to him, talked about how adorable they were but it was a set of twelve rather than thirteen and she was the biggest fan of the Cat from the story. She didn’t want him to be lonely.
   But Takeru was the Cat and he wanted to be lonely because bad things happened to those around him when he was anything but lonely.
   Yet, since meeting Kiku, Takeru had felt a slight change in him. A transformation different to how he became the Cat and how he became… nevermind that. Kiku was the reason that his fingers were pruning in this lukewarm bath. She treated him with a kindness that he wasn’t used to. Telling him he had a plum on his back and that she wanted to learn things about him, from him, going so far as to do her own research on subjects that he liked such as martial arts. She was dense and happy-go-lucky but her laugh was like nectar.  He liked it best when she was smiling, with her golden eyes all lit up like the sun.
   Soon enough, Takeru had eaten more than the lion’s share of the rice balls that Kiku had prepared, disgruntling Ryoken in the process but having seen his grandson eat so vigorously, Takeru’s Grandfather was pleased. Yes, there was a tentative serenity to sitting around, having a snack after dinner. There was even laughter and Shoichi, who was standing around, watching, hoping Jin wouldn’t come down from his nap at an inopportune time because it seemed like now was the time to strike. Just when there was a lull in the group.
   “Takeru,” his grandfather interrupted the teenagers at the low table, “I want to go outside. To spar.”
   “Huh? What?” Takeru half-growled, raising an eyebrow at the absurdity of such a demand. “It’s pouring outside.”
   “I think it could be fun,” Shoichi piped up, voice suspiciously airy, “and its not pouring, just… spitting.”
   Everyone glanced out the door on that. Opened just enough to let a breeze in because the days had grown humid and stuffy thanks to the spring showers. And it was dark out there but not with thick storm clouds. Just with twilight settling down in the puddles.
   “Ooh, you could show me that left hook that you’ve been working on, pretty please?” Kiku emphasised, taking the bait that Shoichi had set out. “You’re always talking about what a great judo master your grandfather is, I want to see this in action.”
   “It would be nice.” Takeru said, embarrassedly thinking about how he had been hankering to do just that for the past day since his Grandfather had come around to visit.
   “Good.” Ryoken piped up. “I’ll look forward to seeing an old man kick your ass.” Yet despite his stoking remarks, he seemed dubious of this sudden exhibition match between Takeru and his grandfather. 
   “Oh, shut up.” Takeru snarled but in a more playful way than usual.
   “Should we wake Jin up?” Kiku asked, looking towards Shoichi. “It sounds exciting, he should come down.”
   Shoichi waved her off. “Him getting enough rest is more important, besides, his sport of choice is soccer. Not martial arts, I doubt he’d be interested.”
   “Yeah, that’s true…” Kiku agreed.
   With that settled, despite a strange crackling feeling in the air which wasn’t lightning about to strike, everyone got up and shuffled outdoors. Going from the cool air conditioning indoors, just behind a sliver of glass, to getting out into the soggy grass of the front yard was disconcerting. It was humid - sticky and all encompassing - and getting dark. Storm clouds brewed and despite the subtle strangeness of it all, Takeru and his Grandfather took position in front of their crowd.
   Kiku stood with Shoichi who stood with Ryoken who stood by himself, out the front, just by the window. Kiku clasped onto her hands, cooing, as she watched how Takeru and his Grandfather eyed each other down. It was heated and fiery, without words, as they stared, readying their stances, and then pouncing. 
   They all gasped as Takeru was entirely outclassed by his grandfather. Takeru couldn’t let a single strike on his grandfather; he seemed so strangely clumsy compared to his grandfather who avoided him with ease. The nimbleness that Kiku, and even Ryoken, associated with Takeru seemed so slow as his grandfather blocked and parried his decisive movements. 
   “Appalling.” his Grandfather scolded him.
   Takeru gritted his teeth as he tried to force a landing on his Grandfather but he was stopped entirely. His Grandfather took his forearm and grabbed him. It was a reversal of all Takeru’s raw strength funnelled into his own upheaval. Takeru landed with a thud on his back on the ground. Kiku grimaced as she knew she would be the one to do the laundry later.
   “Is that it?” Shoichi asked. He scratched his goatee in thought.
   Takeru’s Grandfather sank to Takeru’s level. “You’re short-sighted, boy.” he said.
   “You don’t say?” Takeru sassed him. “Better get new glasses, I’ve been on the wrong prescription for years then.” He wasn’t even wearing his glasses tonight; they had been annoying him.
   His Grandfather rolled his eyes at him. “You need help. To get better at your practice, you need a more holistic and unafraid approach. One more balanced than brute strength. And I’m going to show you how.”
   Takeru’s eyes widened as he had the ghost of a question on his tongue, “What…?” he barely managed to eek out of his mouth as he had a terrible realisation of just how helpless he was in this position. His grandfather took his hand and Takeru watched as the bracelet around his wrist, supported and protected, was removed.
   It felt as though time slowed for Takeru as he tried to get up, tried to get the bracelet back, tried to resist every inch of what was happening to him.
   Shoichi stood, gawking, and guilty. He was acting strange but he couldn’t look away. Completely unlike Ryoken who shut down with what was happening. He looked away, eyes closed tight, and Kiku noticed how he flinched. She had an exclamation or a gasp just beyond her lips but she could only focus on Takeru as he ripped himself from the ground and how his Grandfather let the bracelet drop into the mud. A transformation completely unlike anything Kiku had seen occurred.
   When Kiku had first arrived at this house, it had been one accident after another which led into a spiral of female on male contact. Nothing serious. Just hugs and even something as simple as brushing up against Shoichi and then Ryoken and then Takeru had caused the curse upon them to activate. It was silly and kind of funny in hindsight as the pretty looking young men around turned into a dog, a mouse, and a cat respectively. It had been strange but light-hearted.
   This, what was happening now, was strange and anything but light-hearted. It was monstrous. 
   There was genuine fear and horror in Takeru’s eyes as he tried to get up but his body disobeyed him as he transformed. A transformation that was jagged and unshielded by the mist usually produced by the curse. This was raw and grotesque. A stench emanating through the yard, from Takeru, as his muscles burst and his bones broke, reshaping, until he was anything but human. Or even like an animal.
   Ryoken refused to look towards Takeru’s general direction; he had a hand clamped over his mouth and he was gagging. Shoichi was transfixed the same way one became transfixed around disasters like car wrecks. He was pale but stern. Kiku. Kiku was somehow both. Her stomach knotted as she recoiled visibly because of the smell and the sights; she wanted to look away, to alleviate the strange and horrible feeling in her gut, but she was unable to.
   Takeru became a creature the likes of which Kiku had never seen.
   His proportions were all wrong. On all fours and with a long tail but his appendages were stooped in ways that looked broken. His fingers were elongated and his bones were sharp beneath the taut skin of a sickly orange. And his muzzle was jagged with huge, gleaming eyes that were predatory and afraid.
   His Grandfather rose to his full height and he observed cooly as Takeru launched himself from the ground in shame. In fear.
   “Ta...keru-kun?” Kiku murmured. She blinked. 
   The sound of Takeru’s claws scraping through mud, through tile, through tree branches - wherever he landed in his fleeing leaps and bounds - echoed through the air. It began to rain but the rain barely softened the horrid sounds: the crunching and the breaking. 
   “That is the other form of the Cat Spirit,” Takeru’s Grandfather began to explain to the dumbfounded Kiku, “does it disgust you?”
   Kiku was silent but she leaned forward slightly with a horrified stare and a slackened jaw.
   “Does it scare you?” he asked.
   Kiku was silent but she was no longer still. She was propelled forward on something like instinct. She kept her head up and she passed by the bracelet in the mud as she kept going forward, as uneven and rock as her steps were. Where she ignored it, Takeru’s Grandfather picked it up and said his prayers for his grandson on it: not praying to any deity, just a girl whom he, and many others affected and involved with curse, had high hopes for.
   Kiku ran into the forest. Chasing after Takeru or what had become of him in this other form. She had no idea. She had no idea that the burden of his Curse ran so deep but it certainly explained some things. In the dark, she was blind to everything but she kept going forward, trying to find Takeru, unfettered even as she fell over and tripped. As she knew she had no idea what she was getting into. The instinct she was acting on was the kindness that she had been taught and she valued so dearly.
   She had to keep going, she thought to herself, before bile spiked suddenly in the back of her throat. She got up, on her hands, but she felt her whole body weaken and she threw up in front of herself. She wretched quickly, fouled by the taste and the quickness of how it had come from nowhere but it stopped her altogether.
   Confusion was thick and rotten all around her. Kiku didn’t know what to do, what would be right and what would be wrong, that was the truth of the matter as she tried to grapple with what she had seen. The sight of Kyo’s transformation was not something that Kiku would forget soon; the botched way his arms bent and the way his eyes gleamed. Recalling them was more than enough to elicit fear from her, making her skin prickle and her stomach squirm again. But, even so, with tears in her eyes and on unsteady legs, Kiku got up. She clutched onto a tree for leverage as she got up. She kept going.
   The rain felt freezing after being so hot. It was pouring down now with no end in sight. Only misery.
   Takeru sat on his haunches as far away as he could. He pulled up his knees to his chin and buried himself in himself. He clenched his eyes shut and he felt like a child. Beneath the leathery hide of this monstrous form, he felt like a small and vulnerable child again. Between every lash of cold rain, he could swear that he felt his mother’s breath on him, slowly encroaching on him with a cruel and all encompassing embrace, her hands following his limbs along to that bracelet.
   Those memories of his mother raked through him. A growl dribbled out of his mouth in genuine pain of them - and of this transformation. It was anything but painless, it felt like sulphur was in his veins. He hated it and he hated her and he especially hated her love. How it was transfixed on making sure he was protected, insulated, from the big, wide world which would hate him more than she hated him.
   Takeru whimpered to himself, all alone, on a little island in the middle of the flooded pond in the forest. He just wanted the world to collapse in on itself so he didn’t have to deal with it. He thrashed about, causing landslides around him with his claws but the senseless violence did little to quell all that fear and fury in his heart. Growling, he looked up, and he was surprised to see someone on the edge of the trees, on the shoreline of the pond.
   Kiku stood there, wonky and awkward, holding onto herself and a tree. She was looking out across the murky water to him. She tried calling out to him but her voice was too weak. Takeru’s wasn’t.
   He snapped at her, shouting, “Go away!” A monstrous snarl to his voice.
   Kiku didn’t even flinch as Takeru’s voice boomed across the water and through the rain. She just stared with this sympathetic look to her face.
   “Why… Why the hell’re you following me like nothing’s the goddamn matter?!” Takeru growled.
   Kiku tried to call Takeru’s name again but he cut her off with a howl. Her body language drooped. Saddened. And yet she stepped forward, nonetheless. The water was cold and thick around her, even at just her ankles.
   “I said go away.” Takeru growled, his voice frayed at the edges now. “What’s wrong with you…? Are you blind? Can’t you smell…?”
   Kiku kept coming forward. Takeru watched how she waded through the water, how it ate up to her knees now and how she held herself as she approached. 
   “Don’t you hate me? I-I’m creepy and sickening and we both know it.” Takeru whimpered. But then he turned to a roar: “Why can’t you leave me alone?!”
   Kiku slowly set foot on the island that Takeru was on. She felt exhausted. Drenched to the bone, the taste of vomit still on her mouth, to say nothing of the stench that reeked around her so she came to her hands and knees. Still, she crawled closer to Takeru, her eyes wide and huge.
   “I don’t need any of your pity.” Takeru murmured.
   Kiku listened but she kept crawling closer. Mud on her hands and knees, skirt dragging in the mire. She came within a talking distance of Takeru, stood at his paws on the mound, and looked up at him.
   “Please…” he begged her. “Please, don’t do this.”
   “Takeru-kun, but I…” Kiku murmured as she lifted a hand to him with the intention of stroking him so that he might feel some vain semblance of comfort in the downpour and misery. “But I love-”
   Takeru didn’t want to hear it. The way that seemingly simple word tumbled out of her mouth elicited the worst in Takeru. He struck out. He swiped at Kiku, tossing her back as she was nothing but a rag doll before him. Kiku screamed, more from the impact than from the horror of being hurt by her friend.
   “Don’t touch me!” Takeru growled. “Get lost!”
   Kiku was thrown into the water. A huge splash followed after her and then nothing. Just the harsh pitter patter of the rain hitting the coarse surface of the water. There was a moment where Takeru watched, with regret, before Kiku rose up. She broke through, panting and gasping, in the shallows on the bough of the island, fingers scrunching through the mire below her as she roiled with how she had been thrown and near drowned.
   “You’re annoying, I want you gone.” Takeru spat with guilt. “Next time, I’ll hurt you for real. For good…”
   Kiku dithered and her hand drew back. She noticed that the sleeve of her shirt was torn and beneath was fresh, stinging scrapes. She was lucky they were only shallow but they hurt like an acid burn, not just a cut. She clamped her hand over them for searing relief but it was curt. She looked up at Takeru again, her golden eyes looked like umber in the dim rain.
   Takeru turned his back on her. He didn’t want to see her anymore and he didn’t want her to see him, either. He begged and begged that she would turn tail but all, save for the rain, was still. Silent. 
   Then, slowly but surely, with her head hung low, Kiku got up. Water dripped off her in the course of her sluggish movements and she chewed her lower lip. And she made her decision. She turned around and walked off. Her legs like lead as she dragged them through the pond.
   Takeru’s ears, long and ribbon-like, anything but feline or human, twitched. He could hear Kiku leave, the sludge that moved around her, and Takeru’s muscles tightened. He wanted to hurt her so bad that she never forgives him. He had hurt her bad enough that she left - and maybe even left for good - and he wanted that and yet, his heart clenched. He didn’t want her to worry about him and Takeru knew - thought - that lashing out was the best option but… but he wanted to look back and he wanted to see Kiku looking back as well. Even if it was just once before moving on for good because things were too wrecked to be fixed or forgiven.
   Takeru couldn’t take it anymore. He was sick of losing people; he was sick of pity, he was sick of feeling miserable, and most of all, he was sick of having things forced upon him.
   He remembered something his mother said whilst taking his hand, toying with the beads of the bracelet on his wrist, but he couldn’t remember how cruelly she smiled. He remembered her assuring him that no, he was as human as anyone else. It was all just bad magic that this just so happens to happen to him. The fact that he became a child again afterwards was proof that the human was not the monster because the monster was temporary. That was trite but what she said afterwards was worse. She told him that she wasn’t scared at all and that she loved him. What rotten lies.
   She couldn’t have loved him less and she couldn’t have been terrified more. Takeru was revolted with certainty. 
   Every hour of every day, she checked to make sure that abominable bracelet was in place. She would draw the curtains tight and never let him out of her sight. It had been abhorrent but he had been a child. He hadn’t known any better or anything else but now that he did. He didn’t want anything akin to that ever again and he would rage against such sentiments in whatever form that they took before him.
   Even if it was Kiku. Kiku who remembered his dislikes and wanted to engage in his likes and told him that he had a plum on his back. Kiku was, Takeru realised with an alien ease, the first person to recognise him and acknowledge the real him. Completely unlike others who had been in his life before who claimed to love him, like his mother.
   Takeru buried his head in his hands. A guttural growl leaked out of between the crooked gaps of his teeth all wrong for his bizarre maw. He knew how those memories ended. Without closure. With his mother simply disappearing and how distant, faceless relatives told him, without knowing a thing about him, that his mother loved him above all. 
   “Stop it!” Takeru roared, thrashing around, swinging his arms, pounding his fists into the ground below. “I don’t want that kind of love forced on me! I don’t need it...”
   He kept murmuring it over and over. I don’t need it. And at the edge of the shallows, where only her ankles were wet, Kiku did hear him. She stopped and she sucked in a breath. She looked over her shoulders, her eyes that were pooled with hot tears, and she surged forward. A force of nature in her own right, outclassing that of the downpour that continued torrentially over them.
   Water skirted up the side of her as she ran back through the mire. She slipped and tripped, here and there, but was undeterred. She flung herself onto Takeru. He flinched as he felt her embrace the long spike of his bowed elbow. She buried her face in his grotesque skin. His head bent around with a snarl but Takeru couldn’t bring himself to say something as Kiku hid herself using his limb.
   “Let’s go home…” Kiku murmured. “We have to go home.” She reefed her face off him, holding him tighter, her cheeks were flushed as she insisted with the utmost determination, “We have to go home together.”
   Takeru blinked and he felt his heart waver.
   “O-Otherwise, I have a feeling, Takeru-kun won’t come back home - to that house - ever again.” Kiku said.
   She took a sharp breath and she could swear she could hear the front entranceway door of Shoichi’s place slam shut. She cringed. She just knew that Takeru was on the other side of that slam and she didn’t want him to be.
   “Stop. Let go.” Takeru growled.
   “No!” Kiku shouted, holding him tighter.
   “Don’t you get it?!” Takeru snarled.
   “No!” Kiku yelled. “No, I don’t get it.”
   “Let go of me!” Takeru howled.
   Takeru pulled back his arm. His head reared back, maw snapping, teeth glinting, and he hoped to forcibly rip Kiku off him but as he flailed about, Kiku held on. Her legs lolled about, straightly, as she held on for dear life to his arm. She whimpered, afraid, but trying to be brave. He slammed her into the ground, belly first and the blow winded her. She sputtered in the aftermath and Takeru glared. Fierce and vermillion. 
   Still face planted, Kiku mumbled, “I’m scared…”
   Takeru’s ears pricked up. He had almost missed it but he heard her. Her tiny little voice rife with terror. And despite that terror, Kiku began to get up. Her hands trembled but she still tried to hold onto the monster that was Takeru for anchorage. 
   “R-Right now, even though… even though I hear your voice, it doesn’t sound like you.” Kiku murmured. She shook as she got to her knees, still too weak to properly face Takeru. “Y-You’re in a form I’ve never seen before a-and it scares me.”
  Takeru stared. His lips were pulled back in an uncertain and feral way, and Kiku embraced him through it. Gladdened that he had stilled.
   “But I want to… I want to understand you now.” Kiku said. “Just like you listen to me when I’m discouraged,” she thought of how they had studied together after that big test had wiped them both out and how their marks improved together afterwards, she thought of how Takeru, and Ryoken, had gone to collect her from her grandfather’s house after the renovations and how it felt so wrong until she had seen him again, and finally she thought of New Years, sitting on the rooftop with him, making wishes on the stars and the skylines, “I want you to tell me when you are scared or hurting, or when you’re feeling weak, and let me worry about you! B-Because I want to keep living together with you.”
   Takeru examined Kiku through the lens of his slit eye. She trembled, soaked with water and mud, and she looked pathetic. But she was being honest. His heart fluttered somewhere within the arcane structure of this body’s form.
   “I want to eat with you, study with you, and worry about you… All those things, I want to continue to live with you.” Kiku sobbed as she embraced Takeru’s malformed arm. Her tears dripped down her face, mingled with the raindrops.
   Kiku trembled as she held onto him, a bawl in the back of her throat. Her words, though quiet, managed to silence the world. The clouds above were grey and Takeru stilled with shock as he listened to her impassioned pleading. And there was a change, almost imperceptible but Kiku felt it. She looked up.
   Takeru, naked as the day he was born, stood on his own two legs and he spoke not facing her, “It would have been fine if she didn’t love me at all…”
   Kiku was slow as she clutched onto Takeru’s lithe arm, he was wet with the slick of the rain. Kiku felt a little bit confused but elated too, with relief, as she looked at him, unacknowledged. Tears pooled in her eyes but she wasn’t crying, even if the muscles of her throat felt soggy and thick.
   “Or if she was scared of me…” Takeru continued, almost aimlessly but there was a shine to his voice, as though he were having a divine revelation about his relationships with others. “Being scared would have meant that she was seeing the ugly part of me. But Mom used to love to avoid looking at me. She avoided thinking about it - and I think she avoided thinking about the ugly parts of Dad, too, or maybe I was just the straw that broke her back…” Takeru began to sink, he sat down and Kiku joined him on her knees, still clutching onto him because she wanted him to feel some comfort in her fingertips. “But I wanted her to think it through with me, to worry with me. I wanted to tell her all the painful things but I never could.” His eyes began to water, his lilac-grey irises were glassy. “I wanted to live in the present with her.”
   Kiku reached out and cupped Takeru’s face. He was finally able to look at her. Her hair had become untied and was in waves and clumps of cobalt black. Her golden eyes were huge with concern and worry, edged with lingering tears. 
   Takeru swallowed a lump in his throat. He had always thought… He had always thought nobody would want to say those things to him, with him. See him as a monster and see him as a cat and seeing him as him as well. Takeru’s heart trembled and his head throbbed. He began to slump forward, into Kiku’s arms. 
   For a second, Kiku thought she was going to be kissed but then Takeru hugged her. One arm cupping her back and the other taking her hand as his body, weak and wracked with exhaustion, all but crashed into her. He nuzzled his face against Kiku’s, he heard a tiny gasp and then a little, thank goodness, under her breath. And in that goodness, Takeru felt a sublime peace that he had never truly known until this moment right here in the mud and mire. 
   “Kiku…” he whispered to her, grateful. He felt her flowing tears on his bare skin.
   The sky began to lighten. Clouds began to part for a feeble but kind sunshine that illuminated the drear of it all and Kiku held Takeru in her arms. He slept, a calico cat, white and ginger, in her arms and he dreamed softly, of dark nightmares melting back to sweet dreams as he was taken home by Kiku.
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curewhimsy · 4 years
Symphony Saga: Resonate: Haku Arc Outline (so far)
Chapter 1 (Brief cold opening where the big underlying plot is vaguely explained.) (Brief run-down of Haku’s life, and her grandmother’s recent death) Chapter 2 November 29... Haku and Neru are two misunderstood, troubled, 16-year-old students who meet at lunch and break period. They both have autism and are ostracized for it. Haku shows Neru her stuffed kitten Snowbell, and they bond and talk about nice things. There was pizza for lunch, but it ran out because the bullies pushed Haku and Neru to the end of the line. Haku and Neru had to eat nasty asparagus coleslaw casserole instead. The day isn’t looking too good for them... but at least they met each other. Haku is happy to have met a new friend. Chapter 3 Everyone starts talking about Haku and Neru and teasing them. Bullies start sticking Neru with needles during her walk to gym class. In gym class, Neru can’t walk far because the lunch upset her stomach. During the 5-mile marathon outside that the boot camp teacher made the class do, Neru lags behind in the rain. The rain turns into a thunderstorm while Neru is outside. The entire school loses electricity during this time. Meanwhile, Haku has a breakdown in math class because she is reminded about her grandmother’s recent death, and has to go to the counselor’s office alone in the dark. And the school is big and even scarier in the dark. Haku then trips and falls down the stairs. Neru ends her school day in the nurse’s office, and getting painful rubbing alcohol being put in where bullies sticked her with needles. The counselor’s office is nearby, and they see each other there. Haku and Neru have both had a horrible day. But finally, they can see each other again. Chapter 4 Haku and Neru meet again after school, and decide to run away together. Haku’s mother is always late home from work, and Haku’s dad is nowhere to be found. Haku’s mother is very neglectful and Haku is convinced her mother wouldn’t miss her. Meanwhile, Neru is an orphan and lives with her mean grandmother. Haku and Neru pack away their important things and run away to the mall where they find a secret room with a magical mirror. They get sucked through, and end up being transported to the magical world of Whimsica, in the town of Speckle Town! After stepping through the mirror, Haku’s plush cat Snowbell comes to life. They are sent out through a portal mirror that is in the magical world. This mirror is a one-way portal, meaning they cannot go back through it to get back to Earth. The mirror is located in a wooded area in Speckle Town. “Where am I?” They both ask each other. Snowbell, who is now alive, jumps from Haku’s arms and begins to wander off. Alarmed, Haku and Neru follow after Snowbell, and notice a very magical feel about the woods. They eventually make their way out of the forest and into Teto’s magical bakery. Luka is there too. (Magical and whimsical food!) (Add more details) (Introduce Luka’s pet, Tako Luka) (Haku and Neru spend the night at the empty housing space in the Cozy Building, which is a large apartment complex that also has things like a store, recreation center, and clinic. Others who live there are Ame and her parents, Teto and her parents, Taya and his parents, Ritsu and his parents, Miku and her little sister Mizu, Chapter 5 November 30. Haku and Neru attend their first day of Adventure Academy. Haku and Neru have two classes out of six where they are together. Snowbell also gets to go to school with Haku. In one class where she is alone, Haku meets friends named Ame and Joy. Snowbell makes friends with a little lioness cub named Buttersotch. Neru hangs out with Luka a lot. Teto hangs out with her friend Momo and tells her about the new students. At lunch, everyone meets together. A villain attacks. (The villain, however, doesn’t show their face, but they turn something into a monster.) (Haku and Neru unlock magic powers in order to fix things!) (Sparkle and Twinkle randomly show up and tell the two how to use their newfound powers...) December 1... It’s the birthday of an outgoing, popular person at school. They get to have a school-wide party that cuts through class time. In one of Neru’s classes, she notices a person who is quiet and seemingly standoffish. Apparently his name is Wallace. Wallace is quite tall, doesn’t talk much, nor does he show much expression. He is always working on something secret under his desk, and he’s very good at hiding it. Everyone spreads rumors that Wallace is doing something “bad.” Neru doesn’t believe the rumors and senses that Wallace is misunderstood. She wants to confirm that he is a good person, so she sticks around after class. Neru doesn’t mean to be eavesdropping, but when Wallace thinks nobody is around, Neru catches sight of what he creates. He makes small stuffed toys. Neru thinks it’s nice that he has a hobby he’s so passionate about, but she sees something else unexpected. Wallace passes by a drop-off donation box for children who cannot afford holiday gifts and drops the toys he made in it. Neru comes out to talk to Wallace then. He has a startled and flustered reaction. “Ah! Please tell me y-you didn’t see anything... I mean... um... I wasn’t doing anything... okay? You saw NOTHING?” “Huh?” Neru asks. “I don’t get it. You’re doing something so nice, but... you don’t want people to know or see?” “Ah... well... it’s....” Wallace turns red. “It’s... embarrassing.” “...Why?” Neru says. “Well...” Wallace says. “The toys I make... they aren’t very good... I guess... not yet, anyway...” “But... I don’t think that matters at all.” Neru says. “I’m sure the kid who receives your gift that you put so much heart and care into will be overjoyed when they see it.” Neru looks in the donation box, even though Wallace tries to stop her. “Aw, they’re not bad at all.” She says, seeing what he made “Ah, well... my father... used to make stuffed toys.” Wallace says. “They were much better than mine. He passed away a few years back. Lately I’ve been feeling down, so my uncle told me I could use the skills I learned from him to make people happy... and well...” “Well... does it feel nice though?” Neru asks. “Knowing you’re making people happy?” Wallace’s face lights up with an unexpected smile. “Yeah!” He says. “That’s great.” Neru says. “Well, I’m Neru. And well, I already know your name. Wallace, right?” “Yeah, but... um... I’d like to be called Wally, please...” Wallace says. “That’s what I’d want my friends to call me.” “Oh. All right then, Wally.” Neru says. However, two ridiculous villains (Maddie and Sadie, the mad and sad clowns) show up and try to destroy Wallace’s things he worked so hard on. Stelle, Lunette, and Celestine show up. They give Haku and Neru advice and tell them a message from Queen Rainbow, the Queen of Whimsica... Apparently, Haku and Neru have been recruited into a group that fights for justice all around Whimsica. All they have to do to participate is to continue to be true to themselves and to continue to use their magic, determination, and kindness, to settle problems. After this fight, Maddie and Sadie end up reforming and becoming good. They join Gladys, the glad clown, and form a trio to make people laugh. Intermittently in the story, Haku’s backstory about her brother Dell, who she lost before her parents divorce, had been told. We also get to know of Haku’s cousin Miku, who mysteriously disappeared. December 2 During lunch, Haku catches sight of Miku, her cousin and treasured friend from childhood who mysteriously disappeared one day. They have an emotional reunion. Haku offhandedly comments to Miku about her lost brother Dell again, but notices Miku grows a sour expression on her face at the mention of his name. However, soon enough, things are attacked again... and the villain this time is... Haku’s long-lost brother, Dell? Dell has been notorious in the school for being evil and causing trouble for the innocent. Miku, who also has magical girl powers, transforms and begins to fight Dell. Haku is in disbelief and is saddened watching two precious people from her childhood fight. “Dell... this can’t be!” She cries. “I know you aren’t like this... you were so sweet to me. You can’t really be on the side of Monochrome. You just can’t!” Dell has a completely different and mean look in his eyes than the gentle look Haku remembered from childhood. Dell doesn’t even remember Haku. He appears completely cold, and he seems sinister. Dell is creating monsters to terrorize and destroy peace, while not even seeming to bat an eyelash. Haku is heartbroken at having to fight Dell, but Neru urges her she has to do it. Eventually after a strong attack is fired at him, Dell retreats... Haku is left crying, deeply affected at what she just experienced. December 3 Haku had spent the last night thinking of what to do if Dell shows up again. Haku is a bad cook, but she stays up all night making a batch of the cookies Dell used to eat when they were still living together as children. She doesn’t give up until they taste exactly the way they did that time. Dell shows up again and Haku begins pleading to him. Dell begins charging an attack, getting get ready to hit Haku, but Haku just stands there. Everyone watches, thinking Haku is nuts. Haku starts singing to Dell. She sings to him the song Dell always sang to her when they were little. Dell suddenly remembers Haku. Precious memories... they begin flooding his mind. It shows, because he grows a soft expression stops charging the attack... But all of a sudden, he shakes them off and charges at her with a punch. Miku pushes Haku out of the way and continues to fight Dell. Haku is crushed once more. Miku notices Dell isn’t fighting with full force today, and he retreats. Miku even notices Dell seemed like he was fighting back tears. December 4 Dell shows up again, and this time, a group is with him. Dell has a really sad look in his eyes this time... Haku tries to give Dell the batch of cookies she made, but Dell rejects them and begins to fight Haku. Suddenly, all targets are on Haku. Haku defeats most of the group except for Dell and the mysterious leader of his group, and is in bad shape. The leader of Dell’s group attacks Haku. He is very powerful. To Haku’s surprise, Dell jumps in and helps Haku fend off the attack. “Haku...” Dell speaks. “It’s okay now. I’ll fend him off myself. You stay safe. I don’t want you to get hurt!” “Dell... Dell! No! I can’t... You’ll get hurt too...” Haku begins crying. To Haku’s surprise, the man says something strange... “Betrayal, huh? From my own children, huh?” “I’m NOT your son!” Dell shouts. Haku’s face turns white. “You can’t deny facts.” He says. “You are my son, Dell. And... Haku. I am your father.” Haku is too shocked to speak for a couple seconds, but... “No!” She shrieks. “You are not! You’re a part of Monochrome! You’re evil. You’re the one took Dell away long ago. You made him like this! You raised him and brainwashed him to be just like you! Dell... he was always very sweet to me. He was always protecting me. He’s even protecting me now! He never wanted to be a part of Monochrome! Now I will protect him from you! Begone!” Haku hits Gin with an ultra-strong attack, and Dell joins in. Gin decides he cannot handle it, so he retreats so he can live another day. Haku and Dell did not defeat him this time. But at least they chased him away...
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sweetheartreader27 · 4 years
Chapter Two: " story behind our names"
White Fang's POV:
"The reason everyone calls me 10k is because that's how many Z's I'm going to kill" 10k said. "cool" I said, "his father was his first..." Warren said with sympathy.
I felt bad for him ,"s-sorry for your loss..." I said while rubbing his back. "It's fine" 10k said while smiling at me.
"Now, the meaning behind your name?" Warren said. Everyone starred at me, crossing their arms. I feel my eyes loss it's sparks and I sighed.
"The reason I go by White Fang is because-" I stopped, my eyes are now full of void, no emotion, "The reason I go by White Fang is because i-it was my...Mom's nickname for me" I finished. No emotion on my tone. I notice 10K look at me with sympathy. "She didn't make it did she?" Warren asked with sympathy.
"It happens before the Apocalypse start. My mom and I running away from the guys who chase us, those guys chasing us because, My Dad... has a huge dept on them, if he didn't pay on the last deadline... they going to kill me and my Mom, that night as well, my Dad run away from his dept and leave us alone... My Mom pulled me and hide me on a tree and said "Do not come out, Do not help me, Do not make any noise, If you hear me scream Ignore it, save yourself honey. I love you my little White Fang..." and after she said that. I... I saw what they did to my Mom... they raped her endlessly, her screamed filled my ears. I want to help her but her words stuck to my mind. The next thing I know... they left. leaving my Mom's dead body with multiple stabs on her torso. I cried till I passed out... after that incident, I've never saw my DAD... It's been years since that happen" I stopped, they all soaked up the story.
"It's hard at first but if I'm gonna saw my Dad ONE. LAST. TIME I promise to myself. He's going to pay the price..." I said as I feel my kitsune eyes are going to show up, I closed my eyes to control my anger and open them again. 'no, not now'
"How old was your Mother?" Mack asked, "Forty Three" I replied. I continued my story. 10k put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.
I looked at the rest of the group they were all on the brink of tears, even Murphy.  I didn't expected the big bad wolf would cry at all. "I'm sorry" I said coldly. "There's no reason to be sorry honey" Warren said embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back.
"What was her name?" Addy asked, covering her mouth. "Her name was Angel Mae Northwood" I said barely above a whisper. "What happened to the guys who chase you and your Mom?" Doc asked. "I don't know...but I hope they're dead" I replied.
After they heard my past we just sat there. Nobody said anything, NOBODY. We just sat, for the next hour and did nothing. Just sat...
"We need to move" Said Warren. I nodded and put my mask back. We all walked to the truck, I was about to go at the passenger seat but Murphy stop me and said, "Woah, Woah, Woah. No hard feelings Huntress but that's my seat, don't you mind to go at the trunk?" He said. "Murphy give her a fucking damn break" 10k growled.
Everyone looked at him and soon he realized what he said, he covered his mouth. "First time I  heard you curse kid" Doc said hopping into the back. "Murphy get your ass here!" Warren yelled. He got into the passenger seat, while the others loaded into the back seat. 10k and Doc hopped into the trunk and I followed. I hit the trucks side and we took off.
We drove for an hour until we stopped at a road with Z's everywhere. "Puppies and Kittens!" Warren yelled. I was a little confused but soon learned what she meant. "Let me handle it" I said. "I'll go with you" 10k offered. "No stay here, keep the group safe, please" I said. He nodded and I hopped out.
There were about seven blocking the road but I could handle it. I grabbed my Red Katana off my back and started swinging, making clean cuts. At the moment, three of the Z's circled around me and I spin with my katana, Chopping there heads off. Crimson-red substance all over the floor before I got back to my pose. "All clear" I said cleaning my katana out of the substance and putting it back in the sheath, removing my mask, putting to the side of my head.
' I'm a Monster'
10k's POV:
I looked into her eyes. They were filled with void. When she jumped back into the truck, all I wanted to do was hug her and say 'It will be okay'  but she shuts everyone's out.
White Fang looked at me and I saw her beautiful silver eyes light up with deep emotion on it. She was perfect. I like her, no, I love her  and I will keep her safe. "What happens when you reach 10,000?" She asked I chuckled and replied, "I'll change my name to Jeff, I really quite like that name" She looked confused at me. "Jeff?" "Mhm" "Really?" "Yup" I laughed out. "Okay" She said. "20,000 is still the best!" Doc shouted. She giggled.
'God I love her laugh'
She was amazing with her katana, I wonder if she can beat me on a rifle though I mean I always see her use a bow, what if she use a rifle? maybe she's more deadly on it? I started to ponder what the future will become until Warren honked. "Get out were walking" "Again! Ugh why this stupid truck is always breaking down!" Murphy yelled, God he better not around when I reach 9,999. I chuckled at this and hopped out of the truck.
White Fang's POV:
I hopped out and saw a house, Mack entered the house first followed by Warren and securing the inside, looking for Z's. "all clear" said Mack. "Okay, well people we need to share room" Charles said. "Warren and I, Mack and Addy," They both smirked, "NO.FUNNY.BUSINESS you two" Warren said. This caused me to chuckle a bit and Doc chuckled as well. "How about Murphy take the couch, 10k and Doc and at the last bedroom, White Fang, it's all yours" Charles finished. I nodded at Charles sharing method, well I mean for the others and I'm glad I got the last room all by myself. 
"Sounds fine to me" Doc muttered. "Yeah you do Doc" Addy chuckled. I think I'm gonna have a solid friendship with this girl. I go to the room. It's not that clean and not that dirty as well. I sat on the bed. I covered my eyes with my hands and breathed out.
"You okay?" 10k asked while entering my room. "yeah" I said back. He nodded as a response. 'I swear sometimes, I just wanted to hear his voice'.  'maybe I like him. no cut that out, I love him' and suddenly, 'no fang he will not gonna fall in love in a demon like you' until I feel something "I'm...hungry" I said as I heard my stomach growled 'this is bad'. I stood up. "Well there's a food downstairs" 10k said. My eyes lit up, "thanks for telling me" I said as I walked downstairs.
I walked over to the counter were the food was sitting out. No one was around so I took a Twinkie, until I heard someone, "Put it down" Warren said. I dropped the Twinkie and turned to her. "Sorry for taking a food without permission" I said bowing my head. "It's okay, were passing them all out. You and 10k get one since you both haven't eaten" Warren said. "Thank you" I said as I picked up two Twinkies and give one to 10k who just came downstairs. He take the Twinkie out of my hand.
He unwrapped it and sat on the couch, I joined him. I eat quietly, munched every piece of the Twinkie slowly. 10k chuckled. He was about to take a bite of his when Murphy asked, "are you gonna eat that?". 10k looked at the Twinkie then at him. He looked at the Twinkie one last time and shoved the whole food in his mouth. I just chuckled as Murphy grumbled, "Selfish Little Bastard" I chuckled one more and I give my half at him. He looked at me. "It's okay Murphy, you need it and to fight your stubbornness you only need to eat" I said at him. He take the Twinkie and shoved it to his mouth. After he finished eating, "thank you for the half" he said. I just smiled at him and I dart my eyes at them, they looked at me...Shocked? "what?" I asked. They turn there attention back at their food. "Damn kid you should teach us how to tame The Big Murphy" Doc said, I laughed and Murphy scoffed.
"Here" 10k said and I looked at him. I looked at his out-stretched hand which had a small pack of  crackers. "I was saving it for later but It doesn't matter." "No it's your food, you must keep it for another day" I said. "I insist." He contoured. I took it from him and unwrapped the crackers. "Thanks" I said shyly, "Anytime" I slowly eat one cracker when I heard Warren shout, "Puppies and Kittens guys!" I ran outside grabbing my bow out of my back, I nocked an arrow and went into action. I aimed and shot, aimed and shot, and whenever one got close, I stabbed it with my hidden blade.
When all the Z's were gone I said "Mercy..." I notice everyone looking at me, "what?" "Your pretty handy with a bow, we could use you back up along with 10k" Warren said, the group shook there head in agreement. "thanks, why not" I chuckled. I could tell 10k got excited because I saw his eyes light up. They go back inside, I giggled and went back inside as well.
I sat on the couch continuing eating 10k's cracker he gave to me. After a while Murphy and Doc began to play cards. I could see that Doc was like a father figure to 10k which seems nice. 10k walked in and sat next to me.
"You know if we breed White Fang and 10k together, those Z's won't stand a chance in this world" Doc said. 10k blushed, nervously chuckled and this caused me to giggle. 'Who knew humans could be so amusing'. "Fang" I said, getting Doc, Murphy and 10k's attention "you all can call me Fang in short" I said. They nodded there head.
After a while I got tired and went up to my room. I take off my top, leaving me in my dark-blue bra. I hopped into the bed and drifted off asleep.
To Be Continued.....
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smittenswithmittens · 4 years
Eating disorder doesn't automatically equal skinny.
I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder. But I have always had a strange love/hate relationship with food. With BPD, it's all or nothing. Love/hate. Fat/thin.
As I child, I was healthy. I was very athletic and had a six pack at the age of eight. As a teenager, I was average; around a UK size 10. Before I was diagnosed with BPD and Bipolar Disorder, I was a size 8.
Now I am thirty-one, and a UK size 14. I have been on medication for several years that can cause weight gain. Many people have made statements like 'you've let yourself go' or 'you looked better before'. People have been so offended by my weight, that they have told me to stop taking my medication (which basically keeps me sane) so that I can once again be a fit, skinny girl. I'd like to address this.
Why does weight have to be an issue? Yeah, fair enough, nobody wants to be the girl who needs a crane to get out of bed in the morning. Nobody wants to be called 'the fat girl'. But, since when did weight equal worth?
I always thought I was above the media's attempts to put my body to shame. I thought 'I really don't care if I weigh seven stone and do 1000 situps a day'. But in hindsight, I realised I was worrying about my weight and looks as far back as I can remember. My dad would often call my mother fat, and it was instilled into my mind that fat=lazy. Fat=unhealthy. Fat=monster. Fat=ugly.
A few years ago, I lost a lot of weight. I wasn't eating, and would feel sick at the thought of food. I would dread family meals, thinking that they would judge me if I ate too much. I would lie about eating. I would weigh myself every time I went to the bathroom, and would cry if I hadn't lost weight. When I looked in the mirror, I saw fat and ugliness. I saw disgust. I saw hate. I weighed just under eight stone and was passing out whenever I went anywhere, but everyone said I looked great. Skinny=attractive. Skinny=fit. Skinny=worthy. Everything I did or said revolved around being thin.
When I started a new medication and began to feel better, I gained weight. I started eating better and focussing on improving myself. I felt better, but other people around me would comment on the fact that I had gained weight. They would laugh and point at my stomach, saying 'someone's been eating more!'.
It turned into a vicious cycle. One month I would starve myself, then the following month I would eat crisps constantly and cry as I ate bread from the bag. And as my mental health got worse, the more my medication was increased, and the more my weight fluctuated. People would love to give their opinions on my body, whether I wanted them to or not. It's easy to assume that somebody is doing fine if they look thin and attractive as opposed to chubby and tired.
But skinny doesn't equal fine. Skinny doesn't equal positive. Skinny is an idea.
Last year, I was still struggling with my mental health but also battling my weight gain. I went up to twelve stone and would cry whenever I saw a picture of myself. People would say things like 'you look well', which obviously seemed to me a nice way of telling me I look like a massive, fat, monster. I would constantly search for images online of attractive, 'bigger' women; hoping that it would somehow encourage me to embrace my new curves. But I never felt like I could compare to them, because my curves weren't sexy or unique; I just looked fat and unhealthy.
Towards the end of last year, I went back down to ten stone by giving up eating. It was a form of self-harm, I suppose. I would go days without eating and felt sick anytime I did eat. I would look in the fridge, and feel ashamed for feeling hungry. I am still struggling...
Whenever I have spoken to a doctor about my problems with food and body-image, they have told me I'm not thin enough to worry about it. One doctor said to me, 'it's good for you to worry about food; you're not exactly skinny.' He was right, but it felt like a kick in the stomach. I desperately wished I had the drive to become a 'proper' anorexic. I envied those skeletal models in magazines and would fantasize about starving myself to death. I yearned for somebody to notice me and say 'you have a problem'. Because it was literally eating me up from the inside. All I thought about was food and weight and how everyone would perceive me if I lost or gained a few pounds. I would cancel plans because I felt like I was too unattractive to leave the house. It made me so upset that everyone seemingly thought I was eating a lot and pigging out, when I barely ate one meal a day.
I feel guilty for posting this. Maybe because I know that my weight isn't a serious problem, like the doctor said. Maybe because people have tried to help; saying 'if it makes you so unhappy, why don't you come off the medication and get thin again?'. 'Why don't you join the gym with me?!'.
But, no. I don't want to join the gym with you. My anxiety is bad enough as it is without feeling on parade in a big room full of thinner, fitter people than myself. I have been a gym-goer in the past and everyone thought I was SO attractive, but was I happy? No. I felt exactly the same at eight stone as I do at ten stone. I have ALWAYS felt overweight and unworthy. I have always felt unattractive.
My aim this year, I've decided, isn't to reach a goal weight. It isn't to get fit and healthy. It's to be kinder to myself. That doesn't mean 'eat all the fucking doughnuts and watch TV'. But it also doesn't mean 'starve yourself and run 10k every morning'. It's all about balance and moderation. Maybe in a couple of months, I will receive a giant serotonin boost and will gleefully skip to the gym and feel like a fucking princess. Maybe I won't. But the fact is; I can do whatever I want. It's nobody else's business if I'm a size 14 or a size 10. The medication I take does increase chances of weight gain; but I want to accept that instead of constantly blaming myself and feeling worthless every time I look in the mirror.
I guess the direction I'm trying to take with this post, is that low self-esteem and self-worth will affect many aspects of your life. And not everyone will approve. But you need to consider what is best for you, personally; not them. Who gives a fuck if you eat all the doughnuts? If you're struggling as much as I do with my mental health, a doughnut is the least of your worries. If you swing the other way and would rather go to the gym and get fit; them that's also fine. But please, be kind to yourself, in whatever you do. I think we all need a reminder sometimes that our short lives on this earth are a somewhat gift, and that, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter how other people perceive you.
Weight doesn't equal worth. Looks don't equal worth. Worth comes from self-respect, and respect for others around you. Worth comes from eating the fucking doughnuts if you're hungry. Worth is gained by not going round killing kittens and stealing babies from their cribs; not by fitting into that size 6 Topshop playsuit that you saw in last week's Cosmo. You are not a dress-up Barbie doll; you are a human being. And you are beautiful. And even if you are overweight, or slightly fat or generally unattractive physically, at least you don't kill kittens; you're better than that. And there's worth there.
I'm drunk and it's 3:30am. I'm going to go and eat a doughnut and not worry about how I look for the next few hours. I suggest you do the same.
Much love, Samantha.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Frankie Stein Diary
The 30th day of June
So mom and dad think I should keep a diary to help sort out everything I’m feeling. Since I’m only a few days old I’m not sure where to even start. Right now I’m feeling happy, sad, confused, enlightened, worried, hopeful and hungry - all at the same time. Is this normal?
The 15th day of July
The most amazing thing happened today! It rained! I know everybody has seen rain before but this was my first time and I got so excited that I ran through the house yelling for everyone to come see it. Dad came bolting up from the lab and was rather unhappy to find out I had made such a big deal out of it. “Mary Shelly’s ghost Frankie, I though there were villagers with torches outside!” I guess I must’ve looked either surprised or sad ‘cause dad gave me a big hug and said he was sorry he yelled. I wanted to go out and play in it but dad said he thought that might cause me to short out. Mom came to the rescue with an umbrella, rubber boots and a raincoat. It was wonderful and dad even came out in his lab coat and boots to show me how to stomp puddles! Does life get any better than this? 
The 16th day of July
I feel like I’ve got so much to learn between now and when school starts. What if I get excited about something that is just a normal every day occurrence, like the rain, and everybody laughs at me? Should I just be quiet and pretend I’ve seen it all before? I’m not even sure if that’s possible for me since everything is just so completely scary cool right now!
The 17th day of July 
Okay so one thing I have learned in my short life is that I am not a morning person. My dad is though and he insists on yelling “It’s alive!” every time I come upstairs for breakfast. Unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to stop doing that any time soon because when he finally stops laughing he slaps his knee and says, “That just never gets old.” Is it too soon for me to decide that breakfast is overrated? 
The 23rd day of August
We went on our first family trip today... to The Maul! I was really excited but also really nervous. Dad took the long way there and drove by Monster High to show me where I’d be going to school which made me even more nervous so that by the time we got to The Maul I was a total casket case. I almost asked dad to take me home but I went in anyway. We all had lunch at the food corpse and then mom took me shopping while dad went to look for some neck bolt polish. The first place Mom took me was her favorite store but all the outfits looked like old wedding dresses. I really didn’t want to hurt her mom’s feelings and I didn’t tell her this but I wouldn’t have been caught alive in most of those clothes. I guess mom must have sensed that I wasn’t very excited causewe didn’t stay there very long. As we were leaving the store we ran into Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura. Mom introduced me to them and said we were shopping for school clothes. Clawdeen looked at the store and started to say something but Draculaura accidentally hit her with the umbrella she was carrying and said, “Mrs. Stein if you would like us to show Frankie some of the places we shop, we’d be happy to do that.” Fortunately, mom said yes and then mentioned something about finding dad before he made it to the laboratory supply store. Clawdeen and Draculaura took me around to all the scary cool stores and told me all about Monster High. It was like we had known each other forever. Draculaura is sooo nice and Clawdeen Wolf is so confident and funny. While we were shopping I confessed I wasn’t sure what kind of styles would look good on me. Draculaura and Clawdeen both started laughing and I thought I’d said something wrong. Then they both put an arm around me and Clawdeen said, “Ghoul friend, with your figure you shouldn’t be wondering how good a style looks on you but how bad you’ll make it look on anyone else who wears it.” Draculaura even invited me to tryout for the fearleading squad... I was too excited to tell her I didn’t know what that was but it sounded like fun. By the time mom and dad came to find me I didn’t want to leave. I’m so glad I stuck it out and didn’t ask dad to take me home.
The 24th day of August
Didn’t see dad very much today. He’s been working on a special project in his lab and he said I’m not allowed to see what it is yet. I asked mom if I was getting a new sister or brother and she almost choked on the coffinccino she was drinking. “Karloff’s crypt sweetheart, whatever gave you that idea?” I heard mom telling dad about it later and it sounded like they were laughing. I wonder if other teenage monsters have parents who do odd things?
The 26th day of August
I got into my first fight with my parents today and they sent me to my room! I couldn’t believe it! I must be the only monster that this has ever happened to. So what happened was Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura called to invite me to a moonlight party on the beach. I said yes without asking mom and dad first and I was so excited that I ran upstairs to tell them and they said NO! “We’re sorry dear but we already have plans to do something as a family - you should have asked us first.” I told them that all the monsters that would be in my class at Monster High would be there having a scary good time and that I had already told Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura that I could go and it just wasn’t fair that I wouldn’t be able to and then water started running down my cheeks! I didn’t know what to do and I thought maybe I’d somehow broken my eyes. Dad and mom gave me a hug, which I didn’t want at first, and told me it wasn't’ my eyes but my heart that broke a little bit but it was okay cause hearts still work even when they break. Then they told me that the water was tears and that it was very unusual for a monster to be able to cry and that made me even more special. I had to call Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura back and let them know I couldn’t go but they told me it was okay and that the next time they would tell me ahead of time so I could make sure mom and dad didn’t have plans. I guess I still have a lot to learn but at least I’ve got good parents and friends to help me with the lessons. 
The 28th day of August
This morning dad revealed his special project - a new pet he made just for me! It’s really cute and sweet and it’s not exactly a dog or a cat or a fish but more like a combination of everything. Dad told me that he took the best qualities of all the best pets and put them together. It barks like a dog, purrs like a kitten, swims like fish, has spikes like a dragon and eats bananas like a monkey. I’m going to call it Watzit. dad said its pet license is like ten pages long and the monster vet wasn’t even sure where to begin the examination. I don’t care though. Watzit slept at the foot of my bed and purred me to sleep. I love my life.
The 1st day of September
I had to get stitches today... well I guess I should really say new stitches. I was throwing a ball for Watzit and I heard rrrripppppp as the ball went one way and my arm went the other! I know that sounds terrible but it didn’t really hurt. It was kind of embarrassing though and I was really glad that no one was around to see it. Watzit brought the ball and my arm back and I went inside to see if dad could fix it. Mom was not very happy with dad and told him that he needed to work on his knot tying skills. Dad showed me how to stitch my arm back on and then gave me an emergency sewing kit to carry with me in case it happened when he wasn’t around. I really hope this doesn’t happen in front of my friends or I’ll be mortalfied.
The 6th day of September
I got my first letter in the mail today! It was my class schedule and a note welcoming me to Monster High. I think I’m more nervous now than I was before that first day at The Maul. It’s okay though because I know I’m getting ready to start my next great adventure and I just can’t wait to get started!
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worryinglyinnocent · 4 years
Fic: An Adventure in Pink Fluffy Earmuffs
AU-gust Day Twenty-Six: Monster Hunters AU Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Rumbelle
Rated: T
Summary: Renowned monster hunting team Belle and Gold have some fun on their latest case, evicting a banshee.
An Adventure in Pink Fluffy Earmuffs
“Belle, have you seen my earmuffs?”
From her position in the library, Belle rolled her eyes. The one disadvantage to her husband being a hoarder of useless junk that he was certain he would find a use for someday was that he could never find any of the items that were actually of use to him. 
Reluctantly, she slipped a bookmark into her latest read and got up from the sofa, throwing the blanket over the back. She knew that she was going to have to get up sooner rather than later anyway, she had heard Gold on the phone and it was clear that he had his business voice on - they were being hired for a job, and Belle couldn’t exactly let her husband go it alone against monsters unknown just because she wanted to get to the end of her chapter. 
“Let me guess, it’s a banshee.”
Gold appeared in the doorway and nodded. “Apparently it’s in the cellar of a pub about fifteen miles away. It moved in whilst the owners were away last week and they can’t get rid of it.”
“Well, I can certainly see why we’ll need the earmuffs. All right, I’ll help you look.”
People often asked Belle how she had ended up in the monster hunting business. It was really very simple - her mother had been a monster hunter, as had her grandmother, and she was just keeping the tradition going. When she’d met Gold whilst on the hunt for a particularly destructive werewolf that was causing havoc raiding a local convenience store, they’d hit it off, and despite a healthy dose of professional rivalry at the start, they’d eventually set up shop together and eventually turned their professional relationship into a romantic one that had culminated in marriage. Belle’s maid of honour had been the very werewolf that had brought them together in the first place. 
She always enjoyed seeing the looks on everyone’s faces when she told them her story. She would admit that monster hunting wasn’t really a career that most people thought even existed, let alone that it was a job for a five-foot-nothing-and-a-bit woman who looked as if she might blow away in a strong breeze, but it was the only life that Belle had ever known, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. 
“Have we got any more clues as to what we’re going up against this time?” Belle asked presently as she continued to search for the earmuffs whilst helping Gold gather together all the classic equipment for the catching of a banshee. “Traditionally, when banshees move in they have good reason. The owners are in good health, I trust?”
Banshees were said to manifest whenever a death in the household was imminent, but in Belle’s experience, their sense of timing and direction was often out by a few years, and they’d turn up either far too late or comically early, or in the house next door by accident.
“As far as they both know, they’re absolutely fine, and there’s no one elderly or frail in the household. At any rate, whilst they might have a portent of doom in the cellar, they’d really rather not have their demises foretold, and it’s causing them all sorts of problems when they’re trying to get down and change the barrels. I think they’re more concerned for the loss of custom than the possible death sentence she’s brought with her.”
Belle nodded. “Sensible people.” She did not hold much sway with the appearance of banshees and other creatures as signs of imminent disaster, but they received numerous calls from people who were incredibly superstitious. Whilst she and Gold could not always get to the bottom of what had caused the issue, they could usually hope to set their clients’ minds at ease. Banshees were always difficult in that sense given their longstanding association with death, and it was sometimes hard for people to understand that supernatural beings could be just as fallible as natural ones - sometimes more so given their infrequent appearance in the corporeal realm. They were somewhat out of touch. 
“Well, I can’t see your earmuffs anywhere,” she said. “Are you sure you didn’t leave them in the van from the last time? I seem to vividly recall a conversation the last time we were up against a banshee and had to spend half an hour looking for your earmuffs, in which I advised you to do just that.”
“I know, and I did leave them in the van for a long time afterwards. They were in the glove compartment, but the last time I saw them in there, they were looking all dusty and cobwebbed so I brought them in and put them in the laundry, and now I don’t know where they are. I think the Eater of Socks has had them.”
“Darling, you know full well that the Eater of Socks only eats socks, and I fed him just last week.”
(Some of the ‘monsters’ they hunted were harmless enough to keep as pets. The Eater of Socks, shooed out of a youth hostel’s laundry room two years ago, was a case in point.)
Gold sighed. “I can’t go up against a banshee without earmuffs, Belle.”
“I know. You can borrow my spare pair.”
Gold was visibly unimpressed with that suggestion, but he said nothing, and Belle knew that he didn’t have another choice. She grabbed both pairs of earmuffs from her kit, popping one around her own neck and the other around Gold’s. She probably shouldn’t have laughed at him, but it was his own fault that he’d lost his earmuffs and now was being forced to wear bright pink fluffy ones with little kitten faces on them. 
“All right, let’s go and get this over with and hope that this banshee’s an agreeable one. I don’t want to have to endure this humiliation for any longer than I have to.”
Belle just laughed again.
The pub was easy to find once they reached the town, and as soon as Belle saw the name of the place, she knew exactly why they had a resident banshee. Anywhere called ‘The Irishman’s Lament’, well, they were sort of tempting fate when it came to creatures from Irish folklore. 
The owners met them outside; even from a distance Belle could still hear the wailing in the cellar, and she grimaced. 
Thankfully the owners did not mention the pink fluffy earmuffs as Belle and Gold entered the building. They either assumed that Gold was wearing them in solidarity with Belle’s own cute earmuffs, or they were so grateful that someone had come to deal with their banshee problem that they didn’t care what they were wearing in terms of protective gear.
The spirit in question was easy to find in the cellar, and the fact that she was making no move towards concealment told Belle that she had likely ended up in here by accident and was just as eager to leave as the owners were to get her out, but there had been a breakdown in communication somewhere along the line. Over the years of working in close proximity to all kinds of weird and wonderful creatures, Belle had long since learned that usually they were just as scared of humans as humans were of them, but they had trouble getting that across, normally just making themselves even more scary in the process. 
“All right, this should be easy enough.” Gold set up a lantern on one of the barrels, readjusting his earmuffs. She was certainly loud in her lamenting, this one. Perhaps if they could get her to quieten down for a moment they could explain that they were here to help and she’d be out of the cellar in no time. 
Belle switched on her recording equipment. The best way to get a banshee to come quietly was to play it at its own game, recording its own wail and playing it back. She and Gold always liked to get through evictions with the least amount of fuss and least harm to the creatures - annoying or hurting them would guarantee that the next time they found themselves surrounded by humans, they would lash out and cause even more problems for the monster hunters.
The ploy worked and the banshee stopped wailing on hearing her own voice, giving Gold and Belle a confused look. As Belle took the equipment towards the cellar door she followed obediently, pausing when she reached the light and shying away. 
Gold draped a dark cloth over her and coaxed her gently up the steps from behind, Belle leading their strange little convoy until they were back out in the sunlight, whereupon she switched off the recorder. The sheet covered shape looked around for a while, perplexed, and then melted away, leaving only the cloth behind. 
“If we’d known it was that simple then we wouldn’t have needed to call you,” the landlord said, “but at the same time, we’re very grateful.”
“Banshee wails don’t record well on standard equipment,” Gold explained. “You did the right thing in calling in the professionals. Do let us know if she or any of her sisters come back.”
The entire eviction had taken all of ten minutes, and then Belle and Gold were back in their van, on their way home - or to their next call out if something happened to come in during the journey. With more and more monsters, creatures and spirits turning up by the day, hunting was getting to be a lucrative career. 
“You know,” Belle said as they were driving along, “you can take the earmuffs off now.”
Gold touched the earmuffs that were hanging around his neck. 
“I think I’ve become rather attached to them, actually.”
Belle just leaned in to peck a kiss to his cheek. “I knew you would.”
She smiled as they continued to drive, chalking up both another successful eviction, and another successful conversion to the wonders of pink fluffy earmuffs. 
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twiistedgalaxies · 4 years
Genesis: Chapter 8: Holly Jolly Christmas
How two brothers can take two opposite paths. How a man can be made into a monster and how the other must pay the ultimate price to save everything he knows and loves.
Or, alternatively:
The origins of All for One and One for All.
Previous Chapter
First Chapter
        Tomura woke to the excited chatter of his peers. He sat up in his bed with a groggy groan, squinting against the morning light. One of the meta-human kids he’d befriended, Emrik, was gesturing emphatically with his gleaming, metallic hands.
        “Buuh?” Tomura said intelligently, not awake enough to process what he was saying. A large hand ruffled his long hair.
        “It’s Christmas, goober,” he heard his brother say, smile in the teen’s voice.
        At this, Tomura felt a jolt of excitement rush through him. He bounded out of bed, only to regret it a few seconds later when his joints screamed in protest. Luckily, Hisashi reached out to steady him before he could fall backwards onto the unforgiving steel-framed bed.
        “We’re all out in the mess hall having breakfast!” Emrik chattered, “If you hurry up, you might be able to get some sausage rolls from the cook before they’re all gone.” The boy grabbed his arm and began dragging him out to eat, despite Tomura’s squawks of protest. Hisashi just looked on at the situation with amusement. Traitor. 
        The mess hall was crowded and loud as everyone gossiped about the gaudy Christmas tree that loomed over them at the end of the room. Tomura found himself cringing at the volume, feeling a headache building behind his eyes. His other friends, Jonah and Finn, waved them over after they got their food. Soon, he was wedged between Emrik and another clique on the bench across from the duo. The two were as thick as thieves, and often he and Emrik felt like they were just an accessory to their dynamic. 
        “So, what do you think you got for Christmas, ‘mura?” Finn asked, features brightening to a light green.
        Tomura shrugged, “I’m not sure, honestly I’ll be amazed if I get anything. It’s not like we have money to spend.” Really, he was shocked he could pull together enough for Hisashi’s present.
        Emrik bumped his shoulder into Tomura’s own, “Yeah, but with all the toy donations we got this year, at the very least you’ll have something, even if it’s dumb.”
        Jonah’s eyes took on a mischievous glint, “One year, Finn got a hot pink doll house.”
        Said preteen turned red and black with indignation, “I thought we agreed not to talk about that!”
        “I made no such promise,” Emrik chirped. Finn slumped in his chair with exasperation, turning a light blue.
        “There, there,” Jonah said while patting his back with a scaly hand. Finn let out a groan. Tomura smiled at his friends’ theatrics, at the very least it would be nice to have the day off of school and chores to hang out with them.
        “What about you guys?” Tomura asked, digging into his eggs and sausage rolls.
        “I’m hoping for some lotion,” Jonah replied, mouth full of food, “my scales are getting dry from the cold, it’s really itchy!”
        Finn cuffed Jonah on the back of the head, causing the reptilian to shoot him a puzzled look, “Joan pleeease don’t talk with your mouth full, it’s gross.”
        Jonah just smirked and chewed with his mouth open in an exaggerated manner. Finn leaned away from him, making disgusted noises. Meanwhile, Emrik and Tomura found themselves laughing at their antics. 
        “I want a muzzle to make Jonah chew with his mouth shut,” Emrik quipped, dodging a stray piece of scrambled egg launched at his head. 
        Suddenly, Tomura felt something cold and wet be poured over his head, drenching his clothes in something thin and sticky. Baffled by the sudden rush of freezing cold, he glanced around for the culprit, only to be met with the shark-like eyes of the orphanage bully, and contender for butthead of the year award, Bruce. He flushed bright red at the kids around him (minus his friends) bursting out into laughter at his expense. Tomura had never considered himself to be the type to actively hate other people, but man, if Bruce wasn’t the sole exception to that rule. The thirteen year old, held back a few years to be in their class, was a pudgy, mean-looking - ugh! Tomura had many, many, not nice words to describe him. It was Bruce and his cronies that were disrupting his now friends’ marble game a little over a week ago. In his left hand, Bruce held a now empty pitcher that seemed to have once held orange juice. 
        Tomura was about ready to deliver a scathing insult (or lunge himself at Bruce, whichever came first), when the matron’s familiar, shrill voice filled the air, “Settle down, settle down children.” Abra waited a moment for them to do so, fiddling with the megaphone in her hands, “As I am sure you are all aware, it is Christmas. You have the day off, yes, but any horseplay or mischief will not be tolerated,” she sent a pointed look towards a bunch of teenagers squeezed together at one of the tables, “Those of you who have chores are still obligated to do them today.” At this, a bunch of people groaned with protest. The matron looked displeased at their response, “That being said, for those of you who have finished eating, feel free to retrieve your presents from under the tree, and do so in an orderly fashion.”
        They did not get their presents in an orderly fashion. A tidal wave of children flooded to the end of the room, finally breaking apart into cliques once presents got distributed. Tomura was thankfully able to pick out Hisashi’s familiar mop of white hair from the crowd. 
        “Hisashi!” he called, and his brother walked towards him, several presents in hand.
        “Merry Christmas,” the teen said, and handed him two presents, one from donations and the other from Hisashi.
        “Thanks,” Tomura replied, eyes darting around as he looked for an exit, he didn’t want to have their gift exchange somewhere so crowded.
        “Why is your hair orange?” Hisashi raised an eyebrow, “And why are you soaking wet?”
        “Don’t worry about it,” Tomura said, shrugging the questions off, “Let’s just head back into the dorms, okay? I need to change out of this.”
        His brother nodded and gestured to him to lead the way. 
        It seemed that some other people had the same idea they did, because there were a few cliques clustered in the common room and the dorms. Once they got to his bed (where his stuff was), Tomura hastily changed out of his ruined clothes into something warm and dry. Finally, the pair ended up sitting on opposite sides of the stiff bed, presents between them.
        “Well?” Hisashi began, “What are you waiting for? Open your gift.”
        Tomura carefully ripped open the bright red wrapping paper, labelled as being from Hisashi. 
        “One of my friends owed me a favor, and he works at a comic book store, so we got you this,” His brother said, a fond look warming his face.
        The wrapping paper was torn to reveal a manga, on the cover the title read ‘Ultraman vs. the Demon King, Volume 1’ Tomura looked up, question unspoken.
        Hisashi shrugged, “It’s some sort of shonen, apparently it’s really popular in Japan right now, I thought you’d like it.”
        Tomura threw his arms around his older brother, touched by the gift. “Thank you,” he breathed.
        Hisashi chuckled, “Yeah it’s no problem, squirt, now open your other one. I want to see what the orphanage randomly gave you.”
        He released his brother from his death grip and tore open the other present. Tomura grimaced upon seeing what it was. His older brother doubled over laughing.
        “It’s not that funny,” Tomura grumbled, feeling his ears heat up.
        “You’re right,” Hisashi shot back, “It’s hysterical.”
        The randomly assigned present was a princess costume meant for toddlers. Tomura found himself looking up at the ceiling, silently railing against whatever deity was up there. “Maybe one of the younger kids will find it useful,” he sighed, placing the accursed gift to the side for now, “It’s your turn, ‘sashi, I worked really hard to get you your present.” He truly had, running errands for the matron to get spare cash wasn’t exactly a walk in the park.
        Tomura watched his older brother open his gift with a baited breath. Whether or not he’d like it was hit or miss, it came from an old antique shop, and Tomura had barely enough cash to buy it. Hisashi’s face lit up once he removed the wrapping paper and opened the velvet box within. It was a watch, already calibrated to the current time. “Wow, I..” his brother began, only to cut himself off with a frown, “Where did you get this?”
        “I did some tasks for the matron and she gave me some money, combined with some of my savings from before, I was able to go to an old antique shop. I thought you’d like it,” Tomura replied, feeling a familiar buzz of anxiety in his stomach. Had he made the wrong choice?
        As if sensing his thoughts, his brother placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “I do like it, thank you.”
        “Of course,” Tomura laughed awkwardly, “Though this is your birthday present too, I know it’s coming up soon and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get you anything.”
        Hisashi grabbed the other present, the one from the orphanage, “It’s fine, I didn’t even expect a Christmas gift this year to be honest, it’s not like such things come by easily these days.” He opened the gift, and Tomura watched his face fall into something between deadpan and profound irritation.
        “What is it?” Tomura asked, leaning over to get a glance. He immediately burst out into laughter, much like his brother had earlier. In Hisashi’s hands was a spiral notebook covered in glitter. On its front was a kitten dangling from a tree branch with a caption that read ‘Hang in there!’. 
        “As tempting as it is to set this on fire,” Hisashi placed the book next to his watch, “Maybe it’ll be useful later.” 
        Once Tomura recovered from his laughing fit, he said, wiping a tear from his eye, “Merry Christmas.”
        Hisashi smiled, something he seemed to be doing a lot of today, “Merry Christmas.”
        The bus ride up to Beverly Hills was quiet, and given that it was the dead of night, Hisashi wasn’t surprised. The meta-humans were generous in the equipment they gave him. He was clad in black bloc, an earpiece was nestled snugly in his left ear. Inside of his hoodie was a handgun with a silencer attachment, and in his jeans was his ever faithful switchblade alongside a nice set of lockpicks. For once, he wore gloves. A dingy, failing Gamestop was one thing, a high profile target was another. He checked the watch on his wrist, 1pm, Markov and his family should be asleep by now. 
        The bus screeched to a halt before a dimly lit bus-stop. This would be as close as he could get to the Hills, the rest of the journey would need to be on foot. He disembarked and secured his face mask before making his way down the few blocks between himself and the target’s neighborhood. Christmas at the orphanage had been… interesting to say the least. He spent most of it playing a new board game Rafi had gotten for Christmas. Sorry! It was called, but Hisashi felt no remorse when his opponents faced crushing defeat. He hadn’t been in the hallway when Jose, rather stupidly, used the basketball he had gotten. While doing so, Jose had slammed it at top speed into one of the fluorescent lights, shattering it and nearly taking off the entire ceiling panel in the process. In all honesty, Hisashi was a little impressed, the thrashing Matron Abra gave him must have been legendary.
        The gate to the miles-long driveway towards Markov’s mansion was tacky to put it kindly. It was bleach tinted iron and gold-leafed, prominently featuring the pharmaceutical company’s symbol entwined in vines. Hisashi sneered at the sight before devising a way to break in. This would be easier than expected, as Markov had so kindly made the brick wall attached to the gate only shoulder height. Granted, Hisashi was significantly taller than most people, but regardless, all it would take was a few simple footholds to scale the thing. He walked a ways from the front gate (no need to alert any cameras after all) and climbed over it without much fuss. Finger on his earpiece to activate its microphone, he spoke, “I’m in the front yard.”
        “Cool,” he heard Amy reply, she sounded bored, “I disabled their security system. Do you need me to go over the floor plan again like a dumbass or are ya good?”
        Hisashi scowled, even though she couldn’t see it. Of course he didn’t need a refresher, he practically had the map burned into his eyelids with how much he’d stared at the thing. “I’m fine,” he said, short and to the point.
        Amy hummed, “The target and his wife are in the master room, out cold last I checked. Their little imps are also in their rooms. If you don’t make a ton of noise like a one-man circus you should be able to pull this off. If anything comes up on the security cameras I’ll let ya know.”
        “Alright,” Hisashi said, and removed his finger from the earpiece, shutting off the microphone. 
        He crept across their lawn (which was so long it was ridiculous) and paced around the mansion’s perimeter until he saw what must have been the cellar window. It was a small, narrow thing and he found himself mentally cursing both Michael for recommending this route and his past self for not planning for contingencies. He stood there for a moment, trying to think. Above the cellar was the kitchen, he could probably pop open a window and crawl through that way. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a set of sliding glass doors. He had forgotten about the sun room. That would be much better than reliving his many adventures with a narrow window dueling with his lanky stature. Mind made up, he headed towards the sliding door and realized that he lacked anything to pry it open with. Hisashi cursed under his breath, window it is. He nearly jumped out of his skin when vicious growling and barking filled the air.
        “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeated under his breath as he backpedaled from the door. Hisashi reached up to his earpiece, “You never said anything about a dog!”
        “Eh, I didn’t know they had a mutt,” the brat said, in a tone that made him very much think she had known, “Besides, it’s kenneled, just give it a minute to calm down and you should be able to get in from somewhere else without a problem.”
        Hisashi retreated to a group of hedges and waited in its shadows, both for the canine to calm down, and to see if it had woken up the mansion’s occupants. Once everything settled back into peaceful silence (apart from the ringing in his ears), Hisashi snuck towards the kitchen window. All it took was some fenangling with his pocket knife - really, you’d think they’d have better security than this that wasn’t reliant on the internet - and he was able to get it open with a satisfying pop. 
        He quietly climbed through the window and gave his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness. The kitchen was large, almost industrial grade, clearly meant to hold some sort of staff. If he remembered the floor plan correctly, there was a sitting room up ahead, and then a set of stairs leading to the second floor to the left. Despite there being three floors, Markov and his family had their rooms on the second. It was likely they didn’t want to bother themselves with climbing an extra set of stairs. Hisashi set out on the route, sneering at the extravagant decor in the sitting room. If nothing else, Markov deserved to be erased from this Earth for poor taste. No one in their right mind needs a giant taxidermied tiger. He winced as the stairs creaked underfoot and paused, heart in his throat. He didn’t need their hound having another fit. Nothing seemed to happen, so he continued forward.
        Finally, he reached the master bedroom, and opened the door slowly. Markov and his wife were sound asleep in their bed, cocooned in silk sheets and rose petals. Hisashi felt his nose scrunch up in disgust when he realized they were most likely nude. Briefly, he considered searching the room for anything Matt would find interesting, but decided against it. Surely the head of a prestigious pharmaceutical company wouldn’t be so foolish as to hide something incriminating somewhere easy to access. His gaze made its way to their night stand. The man’s smartphone, however, perhaps that could prove to be promising. Hisashi slinked towards the night stand and made sure the phone was off before pocketing it. There was no need for GPS to track him down after all. The handgun was cold and hard when he pulled it out. He flicked off the safety and pressed it to Markov’s temple. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to kill someone for a favor or for cash. But never had it been someone so… prominent. Hisashi would never admit it out loud, but he was nervous, butterflies raised hell in his stomach like they had the first time he’d done something like this. He pulled the trigger. It was now or never.
        “What are you waiting for?!” Amy hissed in his ear.
        He released the trigger, and the bed’s sheets were painted in crimson. A sigh of relief. Even the most untouchable in society bled and shat and died like mortal men. Just to be certain there were no witnesses, he turned the barrel of his gun on the wife and ensured her death was clean and quick. Or at least, as much as it could be. (His mother sitting upright in their bed, face frozen in a fearful expression, brain matter covering the headboard like a Rorschach painting-)
        Hisashi swallowed and spun on his heel to make his escape. There was no room for remorse, or pity, or reminiscence. All he had was the path forward, and the drive to keep his little brother safe, no matter the price.
A/N: Happy Imbolc/Candlemas to those who celebrate it! May your hearth be warm and blessings bountiful. This chapter ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated. Though, granted, I got distracted with another project and that slowed down my writing a lot. In other news, I'm going to be putting out a three part Witcher!Jaskier fanfiction at some point soon (within the week if all goes well), though it won't have a consistent update schedule like Genesis does. As always, feel free to leave a comment, feedback is my heroin.
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