#but now shes on insulin and is her old self again. shes so sweet and cute... snuggliest cat i have ever owned
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stabyou · 9 months ago
the best part about owning a well behaved elderly cat is she is more akin to having a chill, loving roommate that just so happens to be fuzzy and black bear shaped
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gtzgoblin · 2 years ago
Things I've learned as a 20.8year diabetic #2 (pregnancy/postpartum life)
So, I had a baby. Like, nearly 4 years ago now. Go me. I know. I am a real life old person 😂
I didn't really know much about being diabetic and pregnant at the time, other than my hba1c needed to be good and the baby might be big. I didn't have access to a CGM at the time but I self-funded the libre til I had 3 dud sensors in a row so stopped. I think I was 52mmol/mol when we got preggo and it went down to 34mmol/mol.
I don't think I struggled much with general pregnancy if I'm honest, other than becoming vaguely fixated on not going hyper. I had a lot of hypos but that was about it. I wasn't sick very often and it was really frustrating but the diet change to go low carb wasn't massively difficult for me, and because of it I barely gained any weight. The baby didn't have any issues and she came out like 6lb5oz so yeah, not bad at all.
I had this dumb idea in my head though that when the baby was out I'd be able to work out and walk with her and cook and all the things you think you should do on mat leave. Which is hilarious in hindsight coz I ended up stuck to the couch treating constant hypos like a zombie. Being pregnant and diabetic is hard but for me breastfeeding was even harder, but because I knew that it reduces the risk of type 1 in kids I kept going with it even though I didn't produce enough milk anyway and the hypos were never ending. The amount of sugar I consumed combined with the tiredness from not sleeping combined with not wanting to cook because I'm tired and also generally rubbish and don't have the attention span to actually learn anything meant we ate a lot of takeaway food, and a lot of fast crap when I remembered to eat through the day (which wasn't very often coz I was constantly having sugar for the hypos so wasn't ever really hungry - (wow, so you think that made the hypos worse??? 🙄)). So anyway. I put on a silly amount of weight.
Then I thought when I stop breastfeeding and go back to work that it'd be easier. But actually I was more tired because then I was working on top and I had less time again because when I get home I have the whole night routine to do, but also, I want to see my kid. And the dreaded mum guilt is real, too. Past me is an idiot who needed someone to sit down with her and tell her that she was allowed time away from her child now and again, and that she was allowed to stop things that were hurting her. But you know. My husband did try. And apparently past me doesn't have ears because she also didn't listen.
So, that's taken me up to around now.
Thing is, going off my sugars I think my body has only just got back to normal. I started metformin to see if I could reduce my overall insulin amount recently and that's worked really well. I had my annual review recently and my hba1c is 47mmol/mol with like 74% in target (4% hypo!) over 90 days. My little one is now kinda old enough that we can figure out how to fit in some time on the cross trainer while she's having tea or one of us is chilling with her but it's much harder than I ever expected it to be and I've beaten myself up over and over again because I'm too big, or too tired or just not able to focus.
I've always had a rubbish attention span, I don't really like exercise, I don't really have the best relationship with food. I can't learn things that I'm not interested in very well and if I don't see quick wins I just stop. I also fade in and out of stuff really fast. And on the contrary, if I want to do something I'm obsessed with it. Meaning that spending 30mins on the cross trainer or running is not going to appeal to me when I could be on WoW or reading or whatever.
But, I'm trying to start a habit. I've already succeeded with the food in a way. I'm definitely eating less, I'm needing less sweet stuff too because I'm not low as much, and I'm making better choices. That's led to some weight loss, so I'm continuing. Quick wins. I'm hopeful if I can keep up the inside exercise until spring that I can transfer to outside exercise more, because I do actually enjoy the time alone and I do feel better when I'm active.
I guess my point here is that: mothers are allowed to have time and space, and it's really important as a diabetic that you get the right support and have a network that understands your struggles. You are allowed and should be able to keep yourself healthy. But if you've just had a baby and you're struggling with all of this, it's normal, it's crazy and can be for a while, and you're good to close your shutters and wait it out for a while. Please don't feel guilty. Your baby needs you good as much as they need you generally, if not more.
You're doing great.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
The Sugar Freedom Diet
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-sugar-freedom-diet/
The Sugar Freedom Diet
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    12 years ago, I quit sugar, cut the starchy carbs and processed oils, and got the health and energy I needed to live life to the fullest.
The Sugar Freedom Program is the exact eating plan I used to overcome overeating, sugar addiction, and the pain and feelings of unworthiness that were the price I paid for every binge. 
                                 Scroll Down To Order Now!
I quit sugar in 2008, and my health transformed in such a wonderful way, that I knew I had to share my discovery with the world. I began reading every book I could get my hands on about how sugar, grains, and processed seed oils can drive overeating.
When friends and family members saw the results of the changes I made, they all asked,
I answered: “Eat For Yourself.”
By 2013, I knew I had to write this program to share my solution to the hunger, cravings, and sadness that were the result of my old eating habits. I am forever grateful to the doctors and researchers like Dr. Eric Westman and Gary Taubes who inspired my new way of eating. I am a theatre professional, not a doctor or registered dietitian, so I can’t tell you how to eat, but I can share exactly what I ate in order to quit sugar and gain the health, happiness, and energy I always wanted, and to maintain my healthy lifestyle for over 10 years. 
Back when I struggled with sugar addiction,
my episodes of out of control overeating would  start with a food as innocent as a ripe banana. But seconds later, after taking the first bite, the overwhelming urge to to consume more sweet and creamy foods would take control of me, and I would enter an unstoppable feeding frenzy.
My Binges Lead to A Decades Long Addiction.
I would inhale the banana, and move on to cereal. Handful by handful I’d try to satisfy my hunger. But it wasn’t enough.  I’d work my way trough the freezer, kitchen, and pantry consuming all of the “Treats,” I could find.  Thirty minutes, even sixty minutes would pass.
Full to the point of feeling sick, I’d finally stop because the snack food had run out, ashamed of what I had done. I would do my best to leave enough snacks behind so that my roommates, and later my son and husband wouldn’t  wonder where all of their food had gone.
But I knew. It caused me decades of embarrassment and social isolation.
I can only hope you’ve never experienced anything like this…but if you have…you can relate. You know the powerlessness of the being in “binge mode.” You know the post-binge shame. You know the highs and utter despair found in the lows of sugar addiction.
How can I describe the devastating power of that first bite to someone that has never experienced it?
One small bite of a glazed donut, and my taste buds would demand more as my heart would be sinking at the same time. And every single time, I would tell myself, “Oh no Catherine, you’re doing it again. Stop, just please stop,” my rational mind would cry out.
But it was no match for the demons, the addiction, the powerful forces behind the binge. Nothing could beat them – or so I thought, until I discovered one powerful secret solution…
At the time though, I did everything I could to avoid detection.
It’s bad enough to be caught in the middle of yet another binge by your sugar addiction, but it’s even worse when someone catches you taking THEIR food, even AFTER they specifically warned you again and again.
To this very day, the expression on my friend and roommate Beth’s face as she asked me to stop eating her cereal when she was out of the apartment haunts me. She looked puzzled, and so disappointed in me. I was supposed to be her friend, yet I was stealing her food to feed my addiction.
It was so devastatingly embarrassing.
I was a grown woman, for crying out loud. I was working as an actor, singer, and dancer in Los Angeles, so a healthy body was essential for my work.  I was independent, on the verge of success, and yet I couldn’t even control myself around children’s breakfast snacks.
That afternoon confrontation with Beth was one of the most humiliating moments of my adult life.
Every binge brought on a terrible aftermath.
Shame was the consequence of my sugar addiction, and the morning after was the worst. My throbbing head, aching joints, and puffy face were obvious symptoms of my sugar hangover.
I was always depressed after those episodes (that were repeated over and over), and it wasn’t just because I was disappointed in myself.
The depression was also a physical reaction to food that was like a poison to me.
If you’ve never felt the compulsion to keep eating long after a food stops tasting good, you probably won’t understand my helplessness.
If you can stop eating after 2 Oreos or a handful of  potato chips, you might think I’m exaggerating, and making excuses for overeating.
That’s fine, I understand that some people can enjoy sugar and starchy foods in a rational amount and stop eating them when they want. I can’t.  Parts of my brain love certain foods just a little too much.
I’ve cried over that a lot.  Thankfully, I found understanding from the women and men who have felt what I feel whenever I eat the sugar, flour, and fake fat combination that is my drug, my poison, my kryptonite.
Why did I steal and eat those foods? The momentary rush they gave me was so overwhelming, so powerful, that I was willing to give up my dignity for it.
So how did I finally break this miserable addiction that kept me from having the body, the energy, and the self respect I needed to eat for health and happiness?
I found a way to eat something else.
And I’ll get to that, but first, let’s face the facts…
70% of Americans are overweight.
35% are considered obese.
But I’m not shocked, nor will you be when you learn just how pervasive this highly toxic and addictive ingredient is in North American food today.
You see, it’s everywhere…
Get in your car to go to work or take the kids to school, and you can’t avoid it. There are fast food joints on every corner, ice cream and yogurt shops in every strip mall, candy and snack stores at every gas station, there are even candy and chip racks at the hardware store!
Go to the grocery store, where you expect to find nutritious, satisfying food to make at home, and this food is hidden in places you would never expect.
It’s in salad dressings, condiments like mayonnaise, whole grain bread and cereals. Even in a healthy snack like yogurt there can be as many as 5 teaspoons of this addictive substance that acts just like a drug in in the pleasure centers of the brain.
Once you start eating it, it triggers the release of the fat storing hormone insulin, while it blocks the brain’s ability to recognize signals from leptin, the hormone that tells you when you’re full.
You would stop eating it if you could, but there’s just one problem.
It’s so over-stimulating to your hunger and appetite, that it’s the only food you crave!
What Do You Do when the only Food You Want to Eat is the Food That’s Keeping You Fat
Before we get to that, I want to tell you why it’s my mission and my passion to bring you a solution to the pain of being overweight.
My name is Catherine Gordon, and I will never forget the day I was put on my first diet by my pediatrician.
I was eight years old and I remember him vividly, because he was very handsome, and he had these really great, big, brown eyes.
I was horribly embarrassed as I sat there on the examining table, at eight years old, in my rolls of fat.
The Doctor looked me in the eye and he said, “So, Cathy, how would you like to count calories?” And I said, “Okay!”
Like I thought counting calories was going to be the most fun thing in the world.
The doctor didn’t even send me home with a food plan or a diet. He just sent me home with the idea that I was more than 20% overweight for my age and height, and that I needed to count calories.
At eight years old I started counting calories, and I was hungry for the next 35 years.
Now you may think I’m exaggerating a little bit, and yes there were times when I wasn’t hungry, but it seemed like the only time I wasn’t hungry was for a few hours right after a binge.
At that point, I was miserable… and ashamed.
So, for the next 35 years I cut calories, I watched what I ate, and I did my best to eat low fat.
I tried every diet that came along, and sometimes I would succeed for a little while. I could be “good” for three days in a row, then I would just freak out and eat everything in sight.
I’m sure you’ve been there, and that you know how much it hurts to fail at fat loss.
So I am going to reveal to you an approach to permanent weight loss that is so simple, you may even have a hard time believing it. After all, I know what that’s like.
The truth is that staying on a diet is nearly impossible in a world where billions of dollars are being made every year on the foods that make and keep us fat. I did everything I could to limit how much I ate so that I could get over being fat and get on with really living, and then, finally, as middle aged Mom, everything changed.
In 2008, I found a solution to my hunger problem, my fat problem, and my diet problem.
This solution worked so well, that even in my 40’s, I was able to win the second Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, even with thousands of people all over the world voting.
In just four months, I went from borderline obese, to a normal, healthy bodyweight.
Back in 2008, I was telling everyone about the great new exercise plan that was transforming my body, but I kept the most important fat loss secret to myself:
I started eating in a completely new and different way.
I didn’t tell anybody how I was eating. I kept how I was eating to myself. In many ways I felt like a fake.
I was getting support from friends and family, but I wasn’t telling them the truth.
Why? Because the truth about what I was eating was the absolute opposite of what all of the experts, diet programs, and weight loss gurus had been saying since I started my first diet in 1972!
I think it’s time… no, I know that it’s time, to share the truth with you about what I really did to finally lose fat for good.
I remember I how desperate I was to lose weight in in high school. I wanted to be popular, and get asked to dances, but I was the chubby girl with the good sense of humor. Not the girl you ask on dates. So I started cutting calories really hard.
I did everything I could think of to eat fewer calories: low fat, one salad a day, even eating nothing but fruit. It simply didn’t work, and I knew that I had to find a better way.
Later, when I was in college, I tried a commercial diet that cut my calories to 950 a day, and that required daily weigh-ins.
I remember feeling weak, and unable to concentrate.
Hello hunger- and binges that would hit just about every ten days when I couldn’t take my crazy-strict diets any more.
After that I headed off to Hollywood to break into the acting business, but my weight got in the way.
If I was really strict with my eating- and my new weight loss tools were diet pills, smoking, and caffeine, I could force my weight down for a few weeks at a time.
I had success on the stage, and I could get work in commercials, but I absolutely had to starve myself to get thin enough to work on camera.
I wanted to be thin so badly, and I was so determined to succeed at finally getting to my goal weight.
Still, no matter what I tried, I would always end up binging or over-eating.
I tried other diet plans – the big commercial programs where they sell you nearly all of the pre-packaged the food you are supposed to eat, but the problem was this: I would buy a box of their special low-calorie breakfast bars…
…but because of this ONE addictive ingredient, I would eat the whole box before I even got home from my weekly weigh-in!
It was crazy. I thought I was nuts. I thought there was something really, really, seriously wrong with me.
I kept putting on weight… year after year. At my top non-pregnancy weight , I weighed 185 pounds at 5’1’ tall. Yes, clinically obese at a BMI of 35.
After 35 years of cutting fat and counting calories, I had literally dieted my way to obesity.
But then, it struck me… almost like a bolt of lightning. What if I did the exact opposite of what the “experts” had been telling me to do?
What if I didn’t use the breakfast bars or the boxed meals? I asked myself…
What Would Happen if You Eliminated This One Ingredient, and the foods that rapidly break down to this ingredient in the body, and That’s the Only Thing You Had to Focus On?
For 12 weeks, I used this approach. I didn’t use any magic pills or consume any boxed dinners.
I simply eliminated this ONE ingredient and here’s what happened…
I got down to my normal BMI and went from 155 to 117 pounds.
Note: These results are not typical, but they do reflect my experience. 
It was my dream weight, which for years before, was not achievable, and certainly not maintainable.
 it’s been more than 10 years since the contest. I’ve not only kept it off, but my physical transformation led to an emotional transformation as well.
My mindset changed… and yours will, too. It’s much simpler than you think, too.
Please understand, some of my most powerful eating strategies aren’t exactly politically correct, but I know it’s time to share what finally helped me get the health I needed, for good. 
You Eat This Toxin Every Day and You Don’t Even Know It
This is exactly why 35% of Americans are obese and almost 70% are overweight.
The experts tell us it is all about making better choices.
All we have to do is take personal responsibility and our battle against belly fat would be over.
They also tell us that the key to our success is “moderation,” as well as being told to exercise more and more every day.
It’s these ideas that are holding us hostage, and keeping us from achieving the simple goal of losing fat!
Sugar, the ONE ingredient, that when removed, will put your body into optimal fat-burning mode (and unlocks your full potential to burn fat) is hidden in your kitchen as you’re reading this.
So even if you’ve been on a “sugar-free” diet, you’re still consuming this addictive toxin, and it doesn’t stop there.
It’s pretty simple to cut sugary sodas and candy bars out of your eating plan, but what about the foods that break down into sugar as soon as you eat them?
Yes, the bagels, muffins, cereals, and pastas that the USDA claims should be the foundation of our diet turn right into sugar in the bloodstream.
In fact, new research shows that industrial food full of processed sugars, fats, salt, and chemicals are powerfully addictive. And sugar is the worst culprit.
It’s these foods that drive our desire to eat more of it.
It’s Time To Take Control and Take Back Your Body from This Addiction
But how do we stop eating it?
To put it as simply as I can, when my students at my fitness studio ask, “How do I get off of sugar?” I answer, “Eat something else.”
What is that “Something else?” It’s real, unprocessed food that will satisfy your hunger, end your cravings, and allow you to stop obsessing over fat-storing foods.
Obviously, eating real food will “reset” your cravings, as well as your hormones to optimize fat burning. .
However, if it was just a matter of turning on a switch and choosing these foods, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?
And how would you know you’re eating foods without these hidden sugars?
After 35 years of addiction, 12 years of healing, and five years of research, I’ve put the most vital information and methods for quitting sugar into the system that’s available here: 
The Sugar Freedom Diet…
With this simple approach, you can learn how to replace addictive foods, and discover a NEW freedom you’ve never experienced.
On the Sugar Freedom Diet, you can replace sugar and the foods that break down quickly to sugar, and you can lose your cravings once and for all.
It really is simple when you know how to shop for and prepare the fat burning foods that will satisfy your hunger at last. I’ll also show you what to order at restaurants, and even what you can eat when you’re on the road for business or on vacation in order to stay off of sugar, without hunger and cravings. 
So here’s what you get with the Sugar Freedom Diet.
Why is it simple?
1. The menus are already written for you, including easy recipes that show you exactly how to put together the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks that will have you ending cravings, burning fat, getting rid of bloat, and losing weight starting in just days.
2. You get strategic emergency foods to eat instead of the typical snack foods that have been keeping the fat on your body.
3. In as little as 24 hours you will feel your cravings, food obsessions, and overwhelming appetite disappear. You will become satisfied on real nutritious food, and thank heaven we’re not talking about cabbage and melba toast! Your menus are full of simple, tasty dishes you will recognize, and actually want to eat!
If you’re committed (and I set it up so that you will be), you’ll have an amazing 3-day start on your new body.
Yes, these are the exact meal plans that will get you off of sugar by showing you exactly what to eat instead.
I know Sugar Freedom works. I have maintained my weight long enough that I was able to become a member of the National Weight Control Registry. Members of the NWCR are studied by researchers worldwide because we have been able to document a weight loss of at least 30 pounds, and keep it off for at least one year.
The amazing discovery that I am sharing with with you is that there are foods that you can buy and prepare that will satisfy your hunger, and give you the energy and vitality you need in order to lose weight for good. I promise to show you exactly what they are so that you can get rid of the huger and cravings that are blocking your fat loss- guaranteed!
You’ll get instant access and can start within minutes for …
Try Sugar Freedom Risk Free for a full 60 days
I want you to feel 100% confident in your decision to purchase Sugar Freedom so I’m going to back your purchase today with my try it, you’ll love it, or you’ll get every penny of your purchase price back money back guarantee.
I don’t think there’s a more risk free way of making you this offer. If for any reason you decide that Sugar Freedom is not right for you and your family then simply email me using the contact link at the bottom of the page any time during the first 60 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full refund – no questions asked.
Now imagine doing this for just 3 days.
Imagine your life 72 hours from now without the burden of cravings and obsessing about food…
…suddenly, you see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Imagine yourself enjoying your day without the constant hunger that’s caused by typical dieting. How much weight will you lose when the fattening foods that used to call your name completely lose their power to entice you?
This is what you get with Sugar Freedom.
You are going to take some of the momentary pleasure that you were getting from the food that was driving you crazy, and you’re going to learn to put that pleasure into your life and your lifestyle.
When you are satisfied on “Freedom Foods” you will get so much more enjoyment out of exercising, dancing, gardening, drawing, or spending time with friends and family.
You’re going to become aware of how much easier it is to enjoy your life when you aren’t obsessing about food. This is the greatest gift of the Sugar Freedom Program.
So you’re going to get the Sugar Freedom Plan. You’re going to get the shopping list for the Three-Day Sugar Strike, and you’re also going to get the shopping list for the four-week Sugar Freedom Diet. Plus, you’re going to get my best recipes and tips for preparing Sugar Freedom meals that are tasty, super satisfying, and easy to make… without the cravings!
It’s all here, because I’ve been there: Trapped in The Dieting/Overeating Cycle, and The Sugar Freedom Plan is exactly what made me break out at last.
You’ll finally discover the simplicity of losing weight when the foods that help you shed fat are the very foods you actually want to eat.
You’ll discover how simple it is to walk away from sugary, starchy junk food when your hunger is completely satisfied.
This isn’t a “eat less and move more” system like you find everywhere else. In other words, you can’t change what you eat, or how much you eat- until you can manage your appetite!
You’ll discover how to do this and much more.
This is your “Get Out of Sugar Jail” card. You just have to play it.
So if you’re ready to destroy your cravings once and for all and finally get the body you deserve on YOUR terms… Let’s get started, Catherine Gordon, A.C.E., CTT, Member: National Weight Control Registry Author, The Sugar Freedom Diet
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infinite--eight · 7 years ago
Year in Review: 2017.
My, oh my. What a year it was. Let us reflect.
In December 2016, I decided to label 2017 as the year of self care, because that's what I hoped it would be. Unfortunately, I was very wrong.
January flew by in a flash, and I was holding on to a mix of intense fear and excitement for my February PRK eye surgery. My grandparents were supportive, though I imagine inwardly afraid I was about to go blind. Surgery thankfully went very well, and while I was flying blind for a few days, I soon would recover with 20/15 vision. Starting the year off with this pricey but life changing procedure sure did have me setting the pace for self care. But it took a fast turn at the end of that same month, when my grandmother was hospitalized.
That was at the same time as a major windstorm, which resulted in an emergency situation and FEMA being present all over the city. And me driving back and forth to the hospital during a travel ban. Oops. Also, my sweetheart, ancient cat was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was getting twice daily insulin shots, which made for a rather rigorous schedule - juggling administering meds, work, hospital trips, and maintaining my household and some sense of sanity.
After a few days, we got the official word that my sweet Gram had breast cancer, and we later learned it had spread to her liver. Everyone turned to me to make a decision about her care, being her healthcare proxy. I feared chemo, having seen the horrible effects it had on my younger and stronger father. There was some back and forthe, but in the end everyone agreed to let nature take course and enjoy the time we had as best as we could.
Those last few weeks with Gram were both sad and beautiful. We got to talk about lots of things. She promised to send me cardinals, and that she would be mine and my pup's guardian angel. We laughed, we cried. We talked about how much we hated Trump. We sat silent and watched the birds out her window.
Gram passed away on April 25th.
That was a major adjustment. Major. And my grandfather and I did our best to adjust to a life without pasta Sundays, instead trading in for trips to the public market every Saturday morning. We would drive out together, buy our produce, and enjoy drinking coffee at the bakery and quietly making fun of the artists who came to sing (mostly for his part and in Italian). The spring and summer consisted of a lot of gardening, especially after July.
I should mention, after Gram passed my cat's diabetes vanished, and he no longer needed insulin. I had a dream where Gram came to visit and chat with me, and I'd blatantly asked if she was responsible for Lord Elrond's recovery, and she got the guiltiest look on her face. Thanks, Gram! I'd also asked her about some other things, and sensed some frustration with plans made by the Being Upstairs, which later seemed to make sense.
On one of our Saturday market trips, just before I was set to leave on a trip to visit a good friend out of state, my world was once again rocked. My grandfather suffered a major brain bleed and was rushed to the hospital. I called my not-always-reliable but beloved brother, and we made our way to the hospital. We learned that if my grandfather survived he would need constant care the rest of his life. As healthcare proxy, I knew my fiercely independent and active grandfather (who was set to help pour concrete later that morning) was ready to move on. He wasn't able to talk, but I spoke to him and knew he understood. The doctors said he would be gone in hours. He lasted nearly three days, and passed on July 31st.
Now, this was a shock. I was lost at this point. Mind you, I've been caring for my grandparents since my father's death in 2010. They were such a major part of my everyday life. And suddenly I traded in their company for extensive work at their overstuffed home, clearing out what we could, salvaging old family photos and priceless memorabilia. Tons of friends stepped in to help. And my brother was pretty helpful too. A summer of work and an estate sale later, the house is not fully cleared, but we have made considerable progress. I hope it will be done by February and on the market.
For a bit I didn't think I could go back to the public market, but ever resilient I pushed myself to return the Saturday following his death. I still go now, though the present wind chill has me turning down the opportunity today. Some of my happiest memories with my grandfather took place there. I try my best to keep those memories alive.
So, the loss of both my grandparents far overshadowed anything else this year, for better or worse. And the year of self care turned more into a year of...I still don't know what I would call it. A hybrid of going through the motions, adjustment, and mourning. I spent the holidays with new people and suppose I will have to fling myself into new traditions from now on. I'm still trying to figure that sort of thing out.
Anyway, I hope that after this gap year, I can return to establishing some good self care. I want to get back into the things I lost during this tumultuous 2017: yoga, exercise, reading, gardening...I want to enjoy time with Bro (though I always have, but I want to be more mindful). For the first time in my adult life, I don't have anyone else to worry about or focus on. It's just me. And I need to take care of me.
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ayehatethis · 7 years ago
Niall the Nurse
Warning: blood and needles, mild vomiting
I've been type 1 diabetic for 25 years and so I sort of wrote this cause I wanted one and it's more for me than anything. I wrote this based on my experiences, my symptoms, how I handle them and how my doctors have advised me to. I am not a medical professional, just a T1D (for longer than Niall has even been alive) and this is based on that. If you have questions regarding anything I talk about here, please don't hesitate to ask.
Also, I know Niall is scared as fuck at these types of things but I 100% believe if his girl had something like this he'd learn all he could to help her.
It's the sixth glass of water she's ordered when I notice her face looking a little paler than usual. She usually drinks whiskey or some type of cocktail but tonight she insisted she only wanted water and I didn’t think anything of it till now. She is diabetic and I wonder if she’s checked her sugar lately. Someone calls my name and startles me from my thoughts and I forget to ask her.
I made her go to this stupid dinner for some golf event she didn't care about and she told me earlier in the day she hasn't been feeling well but she said she'd still go cause she knew it was important. I tried to tell her she didn't have to suffer through if she didn't want to. We could keep the babysitter and she could just relax in the hotel room the company booked me and if she felt better she could come down, but she insisted.
She's wearing a simple black dress and it's stunning on her. It comes down to her knees with a slight slit up the side. It has a soft neckline trimmed with a hint of lace and it shows just enough of her chest that it makes my heart beat faster. I know she's uncomfortable in dresses and she for some reason felt the need to wear some sort of contraption under it that sucked in her waist a little more. I thought it looked better without. I like her curves. I like the stretch marks and the baby weight she hasn't lost. It's a mark of how strong she is and how she gave life to my little girl. She’s too self conscious. Especially in this business I’m in, which is why I guess she felt the need for it.
The waiter just brings her an entire pitcher this time and leaves it on a side table behind us so she can get more when she needs it. If she's feeling too bad she'll tell me, I hope. I'm trying to pay attention to the other dinner attendees but keeping an eye on her, when I see her put an ice cube in her napkin and rub it on her forehead. She puts her head in her hands and she’s trying to be inconspicuous about it to not alert the other dinner guests.
"Baby, are you okay?" I lean over and whisper.
She shakes her head no before grabbing her purse and excusing herself to the ladies room. I follow her with my eyes as she starts to walk faster the closer she gets. I see a few of my colleagues notice as well and I stand up, throwing my napkin on the table and follow her, ignoring the ‘LADIES’ sign on the door and the dirty looks from the older lady walking out. 
 My princess is sitting on the bench in the ladies room and she feels so ill she doesn't even ask why I'm in here. She just hands me her purse and it clicks in my head what she needs. I should have asked her earlier.
I pull out her meter and wipe her finger with an alcohol wipe. I hold the lancing device (she calls it a pricker and I always thought that was strange) to her balmy hands and press the button to release the lancet into her delicate finger. A small drop of blood appears and I place it onto the test strip.
"HIGH" is all it reads once it counts down. "Babe, you're over 600. It won't even give a number. Is your site in?" She shrugs and mumbles something incoherent. I make sure there's no one else in here before I lock the door and then help her lift up her dress. I pull off the waist control thing and see that in fact her insulin pump site had been pulled out and started bleeding. 
"Babe, it came out. Do you have any syringes with you?" She nods. I clean up the site and the blood and fix her dress. Without the waist control. I throw it in the trash and I dig out the syringe and tiny bottle of insulin from her purse.
"20 units" she mumbles and I fill the syringe with the insulin. I wipe the skin on her exposed arm with another alcohol wipe before pinching a small section of fat, inject the needle and push the plunger in. I pull it back out and she looks up at me with sweet doe eyes and I'm about to help her back to the table when she flashes off the bench and into a stall. I can hear her losing everything she had eaten that day and I rub small circles on her back with one hand and hold her hair back with the other.
Someone starts knocking on the door and I forget for a moment where I am, but then run over and open the door to find the wife of one of my golfers. She looks startled that I’m in the ladies room and we’ve locked the door, but when I explain, she looks relieved that we weren't just in the bathroom messing around.
"Her blood sugar is really high and she's sick and I gotta take care of her. Can you just stay with her for a minute so I can go explain?" She nods and I kiss my wife's head before ducking out of the ladies room. 
When I walk back to the table, they’ve moved on to dessert. A few ask if she’s okay and where she is.
“She’s not feeling too well. I’m gonna take her back to the hotel. Thanks for a great dinner guys. I’ll see ya tomorrow”
A few of them snicker under their breath thinking they know why were leaving early. I mean her dress was amazing, but that’s not why. I ignore them and grab our food that the waiter had wrapped up. I walk back to the ladies room and knock on the door before peeking my head in. The woman whose name I can’t remember is sitting with her on the bench again, wiping a cold towel on her forehead and cleaning up her makeup. I thank her and she gets up to leave.
“Do you want me to take her to the hotel so you can stay?” she asks. “I don’t mind, I really hate these long dinners.”
“I’d rather go, in case she needs me to help her get her site back in. I’d rather make sure she’s okay, but thank you.” She nods and leaves the room. I call my driver to pull the car around and I don't care where we are, she's my princess and she needs me so I scoop her up into my arms and carry her out of the restaurant and to my car. I get a lot of strange looks and I'm sure this will be in the press tomorrow but I don't care. Morgan or Megan, whatever her name was can explain to everyone what was wrong. I know I’m overreacting, but I don’t think in how long I’ve known her I’ve ever seen her get sick from a high blood sugar. I wonder how high it actually was.
My driver looks surprised to see us out so soon and that I'm carrying her and helps me open the door and get her in. I explain to him on the way back to the hotel. It's a short drive, but her insulin is fast acting and she's starting to feel a little better when we pull up.
"I can walk Ni." she says, but she’s wobbling a little.
"Are you sure? I can still carry you."
"It's just a high blood sugar because my site got pulled out. It's not that big of a deal. Although I am sorry you had to leave early. I should have known it came out. Once I get my site back in, do you want to go back alone? I feel I wouldn't be good company tonight. Mel can come keep me company.” So that’s her name, I mentally note.
I walk her to the elevator and push the button for our floor. She leans on my shoulder and I put my arms around her waist to stabilize her. "We'll see how you're feeling. I don't wanna leave ya."
The elevator dings and we get out and walk to our room. I help her into one of my old  T shirts and some sleep shorts and she sits on the bed and starts to put her site back in.
"Do ya need help?”
She shakes her head no and I watch her as she puts the insulin inside the reservoir and connects it to the tubing before injecting the needle and tube into her stomach. I hate that she has to do this. She's so brave and strong. I don't dare tell her cause she hates when people tell her that for doing something so simple that's just a part of her life. Something that's been a part of her life much longer than I have.
Her mother was insistent on me learning all about it when we got engaged. Y/n said I didn't have to, but I was eager. I wanted to know how to take care of her. I wanted to be prepared in an emergency and so she gave me a crash course on diabetes every time she had to do something new I didn’t know about. I learned all about her symptoms, high and low. I learned how to check her sugar, inject syringes and change her pump site. I learned about sick days and traveling and adjusting depending on time zones and temporary rates. How she didn’t have a degree in mathematics to figure all this out, I don’t know. There’s so much calculating it overwhelms me sometimes.
She finishes up and I'm still in a daze watching her. I know it's not the worst thing that could have happened and I didn’t need to react how I did, but I hate seeing her sick, not feeling well, or like she was tonight.
"What's wrong, Ni?" She breaks me out of my daze as she throws all the trash away and cleans up all her supplies. She lays down in the king size hotel bed eyeing me waiting for me to answer.
"You really scared me. I don't think I've ever seen your blood sugar that high before. I was scared outta my mind. How would Juls react if she had been here to see mommy so sick?" I don’t mean to sound accusing, but if it scared me that much, how would our three year old react?
"I'm sorry. I started feeling crappy early on, I should have tested sooner. I know better. I am sorry I scared you. And I really appreciate you helping me. I’m glad you learned all this shit. I guess mom was right.” she chuckles.
"Babe, please do me a favor?" I ask as I take off my suit leaving me in just my boxers.
"Anything" she says as I hand her a bottle of water from the mini fridge. She downs half the bottle in one shot and puts the rest on the table next to her.
"Don't wear those squeezy waist things anymore. I hate em and they pull at your site and then you get sick. They aren't healthy for ya anyway. I wanna see your curves. I hate when ya hide em. If ya want to get a trainer to help ya feel better, I can call Bres to see about the girl he goes to.”
I climb into the bed next to her and she wraps her arms around my chest instinctively.
"I'll think about it." She says clutching me tighter and I wrap my arms around her.
"So you aren't gonna gonna go back?" She asks a few minutes later.
"Nah, I'll see em all tomorrow. I wanna make sure your blood sugar goes down. You're more important than all that. By the way, check your sugar again. I wanna see if the shot helped.”
She pulls her meter out of her purse and checks it. “413, at least its going down. If you wake up and want to check me during the night, I’ll put it on the side table for you.” and she places it next to the water.
I am totally going to wake up and check her blood while she’s sleeping. 
We have to get up early for the event today and when I check her sugar before I shower, its down to 115. ‘Perfect’ I think to myself as she rolls over and pulls her hand from my grasp. “Ni, you’ve checked me 15 times in 6 hours.” she groans.
“I know babe, I just wanna make sure you’re okay and you are. Go back to sleep for a few minutes. I’ll get you up when I’m out of the shower.”
“Mkay..as long as you promise I can take care of you next time you’re sick. You’re always taking care of me.” she says. I hardly get sick, maybe I’ll pretend to make her feel better next time I have a day off.
“Sure, babe.” I laugh “Oh, make sure to pack an extra set today just in case”  
“OKAY NIALL!” She yells as she tosses a pillow at me.
I laugh and run into the bathroom just in time to miss her toss.
Yeah,she’s definitely feeling better.  
My computer is being shitty today, so thank you for reading and sitting through this mess. Again, if you have questions about any of this, just ask!
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prqltothesql · 5 years ago
Think I’m gonna start keeping a diary/journal just to track my day-to-day - Entry 000000
I’m going to at some point do one of these as exposition so if anyone is insane enough to read these and you don’t know me, you’ll know who I am. 
About 3 months ago, my dad had a stroke. As strokes go, this was a mild one that has had many short-lasting effects but nothing serious. The initial hit was mild facial paralysis on his left side as well as slurred speech due to tongue deviation. He’s been working hard and his face is getting a little tighter, his speech is 1000% improved from after his stroke. He’s noticed other issues, like his left arm and leg were bothering him and definitely not as strong as they once were. The underlying cause of his stroke was his diabetes. He aggressively does not go to the doctor and is not good at taking care of himself or paying attention to his own needs. So his A1C sugar was off the charts. When it’s a 7, doctors are like, hey that’s getting high, you should knock it down. He was a 12.7. The doctors were stunned that his stroke was so minor. So he’s started on diabetes medication as well as blood pressure medication. No insulin shots, no needles, he’s pretty healthy other than that. But as far as his blood pressure goes, he’s super stressed about everything. Prior to his stroke, he was a nightmare. He’s recently gotten into this funk because he noticed his ex-wife, who was our stepmom, who walked out on us 8 years ago and divorced him 5 years ago, is in a band and is playing out. He’s a musician and prior to me going to college, he was always playing out. Then I went to college and got a job and had a life and he had to give all of that up to raise my sister, who is 19 now. Figures as soon as she gets out of school and gets taken care of, he has a stroke. But anyways, he stressed about everything. Our house is almost 80 years old and has a thousand things wrong with it. We have 3 dogs that are good but still need taken care of. He stressed about everything. He was always mad, he was always planning projects that needed to be done, and then while I was at work, would do these projects and then yell because he was doing them on his own when I literally could not help because I work a 9-5. The two weeks prior to him having his stroke, my sister had wisdom teeth surgery and he was incredibly stressed out about that. I even stayed home to help and he still was stressed and all freaking out. The day he had his stroke, he was going on a trip to the mountains by himself, and his truck has no AC. So he wore jeans, a long sleeved shirt, ate nothing, did not hydrate. He drove through DC in the middle of the day and he said he was hot. Then he got to the mountains and as soon as he got there, he began gathering firewood without giving himself a minute. As soon as he started, he noticed something was wrong. He was way way overheated and did not eat, did not hydrate, his blood sugar was super low. He said he stopped in Front Royal and got a soda and a bag of cheese puffs or something. Not water, not a meal. And he could barely talk. Even now if he says too many “B’s” his mouth gets caught up on itself and he starts mumbling a little. 
So anyways, my life prior to this: I work a 9-5 job as a web developer. They’re flexible on hours which is great and they understand family which is great. But I’m gone 9-5 Monday-Friday. There was one time I had to stay till 9 or 10pm but that was another issue. lol. I also taught band. I had been with one school, MHS for 5 years. In the last year, I had also joined up with CSW and was going to make a transition from one school to another because I was getting burnt out and needed something new. Unfortunately that meant 2-3 nights a week, I left right from work and went to band. Most of the time without a second thought as to what was going on at home. And then mostly every Saturday I was gone all day. So two days I had to help him and get caught up around here, I was unable to do one of them. So I was very very little help and I was gone a lot. When I was home, I just wanted to relax. Plus it’s not like I was off having fun, it was like a second job to me. The time and stress I put into it was crazy. The miles driving back and forth on my car. 
My sister is a complicated situation. She hasn’t been tested in years but I’m sure she has a learning disability that may even be autism. She graduated HS where she was an integration B student and I think she was such a handful that they just were done with her and gave her a diploma to get her out the door. She has no future or hope for a future. She’s not going to school, she’s not working. She mostly just stays at home. He claims he has to babysit her which is a stretch, she’s self-sufficient, she’s just like a plant. She’s not gonna go anywhere or do anything bad. She’s not gonna cook with a flame, she’s not gonna make coffee or go swimming or go anywhere. She’s gonna sit around on her phone or play video games. That’s it. But she’s little help. Not good with motor skills, not good with following directions. Her mind is the proverbial steel trap. Once something gets in, it’s hard to get it out. If she has a certain way of doing things that she has decided on, you can’t get her to change easily. she’s incredibly routine oriented. Couple that with the general teenage “I think I know everything and I don’t listen to anyone” and she can be a handful sometimes. She also can’t reason with the things she does. She’ll do something stupid and if she can explain her thought process, I could reason and say, “Well that was dumb, but here’s why.” Otherwise she shrugs or says, “I don’t know,” and that annoys the hell out of me. 
So two days after his stroke, I quit band. He had a nervous breakdown that carried over into the next day and started yelling at me about band so I just up and emailed both schools and quit on the spot. I’m pretty sure I ruined several friendships and my own reputation, but that’s the way things go. I had to do it. Since then, I’ve done a handful of things on my own, but I’ve mostly been here. I go to work, I come home, I cook or help cook or get dinner, and then we eat and I hang out and then go to bed and do it all over again. I ha.ve no girlfriend, I have no friends, most of my friends do band anyways. On the weekends, I’ve been doing chores, praying that he can hold off and not force himself to do them and nearly kill himself (which he’s done) and I can get to them. One day a few weeks ago, he went outside and vacuumed the pool and was out there for an hour in the sun without eating anything and he nearly passed out and took a 3 hour nap on the couch. Then he woke up and was snapping on everything and everyone. It was crazy. So I’ve been trying to make sure he doesn’t do that... doing things in the evenings or waking up and doing them before work. 
Also I mentioned our pets. We have 3 American Eskimo dogs, Angel, Wolfie and Ty. They are white and fluffy and also shed everywhere. They say dogs take on their owners. Well Wolfie is kind of my sister’s dog. He’s stubborn, hyper, doesn’t listen, is annoying. But he LOVES me to death. I’m his playfriend and buddy. And he can be the absolute sweetest dog but he likes to fight with the other male dog Ty. Angel is my dog. She’s exactly like me. We’re both kind of fat. She’s very smart, she keeps an eye on everyone, she always wants to know what’s going on. She’s very sweet, she’s well trained, she’s in a great routine with me. She’s very chill and relaxed. My dad’s dog Ty, he’s gone insane. He used to be calm and nice, at my dad’s side no matter what. But something happened, we don’t know what, and he’s not the same dog. His front feet splay out wide and he can barely walk now. He’s going blind so he can barely see sometimes, especially if it’s bright out. He’s stubborn and annoying. Won’t listen, always fighting with everyone. Just like my dad. lol. We also have a cat named Butter who is old but is a little sweetheart. She used to be neurotic and anti-social but now she’s a social butterfly and is really lovey with everyone. Me and Rachel mostly take care of her. She likes my dad and he likes her but it’s a tenuous relationship. lol. 
There’s some exposition, so now I’ll journal yesterday and a bit of this morning. 
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sincerelybluevase · 8 years ago
Fanfic Friday: Four things to be proud of
For @beatrix-franklin, who asked me if I could write a fic from Trixie’s POV. YES I CAN WRITE MORE THAN SMUT AND TURNADETTE :D. I couldn’t help but sneak a bit of Turnadette in, though, so hope your OK with that ;).
 There were four things that Trixie Franklin took pride in.
The first was her skill in nursing. People looked at her, saw a pretty face, and assumed there was not much brain to go with that face. Trixie loved proving them wrong, but loved helping those in need even more. Whether it was something as monumental as helping a new life into the world, or something as simple as injecting insulin, there was no time she felt as alive and as useful as when she wore her uniform.
The second thing she was sure about was her dancing skills. When the music came on, she could move about the floor like a leave in the wind, just as quick and graceful.
The third thing was her fashion sense. Cynthia sometimes said that it seemed as if Trixie had a compass inside her that would inevitably point to the right dress, the right skirt, the right sweater. Trixie would laugh and say she just read the right magazines, but secretly, she was sure that her ability to match the right colour lipstick with a pair of new heels was just as much a talent as, say, being able to play the piano.
The last thing Trixie was proud of was her ability to match people. She instinctively knew when a guy was right for a girl, and would get a thrill if she managed to get them together.
Naturally, she was a little bit peeved when she found out about Doctor Turner and Sister Bernadette. It was all so terribly romantic, and she, who prided herself on her romantic instincts, hadn’t noticed a thing, not even when she had visited the little nun in the sanatorium.
“Trixie, they kept it from everyone. No one knew,” Cynthia told her.
“But I should have! I always know!” she grumbled.
It wasn’t so much that her sense of romance had failed her that upset her. No, it was that she hadn’t been there for her friend when she was needed. What agony had Sister Bernadette gone through, all alone in that dreadful sanatorium, far away from the man she loved?
Well, no matter; if Trixie couldn’t use her matchmaking skills, she could use one of her other talents to make it up to Shelagh.
For the moment, though, her first skill was not needed. Trixie had no doubt that there would be a Baby Turner in the future, but for the present, she would have to practice her nursing talents on someone else than the doctor’s wife. Besides, even if Shelagh was expecting, she was a qualified midwife herself and had married a GP who had delivered his fair share of babies. They would be perfectly fine even without Trixie to assist them.
That left talent two and three. Though Trixie was curious to see if former Sister Bernadette could dance, she decided that what she really needed was a wardrobe update.
“I mean, those suits are awfully drab,” she told Cynthia.
“I don’t think Shelagh has had much time to think about her clothes, with Timothy being ill and the wedding and all that,” Cynthia noted.
“No one can blame her not looking her best after that dreadful polio-business. And she was a nun, of course. I know,” Trixie sighed. “Still, you would think that Doctor Turner might have made his preferences known.”
“Maybe he likes those suits.”
Trixie thought back on the shapeless porridge-coloured jumpers and psychedelic ties the doctor used to wear before his marriage and shivered. “Just because he has the fashion sense of a banana doesn’t mean he approves of those horrible, ill-fitting suits. A man may not know a lot about fashion, but surely he can’t prefer those frumpy suits to a well-cut dress. Besides, Mrs. Turner has a lovely figure. She’s been hiding it underneath a habit for ten years; it is time she starts showing it off.”
And with those words, an idea began to take form.
 “You would look absolutely dazzling in this!” Trixie exclaimed as she held a pencil skirt in a soft pastel up for Shelagh to inspect.
“I don’t know, Trixie,” she said, and blushed a bit.
“I think it would look lovely, Shelagh,” Cynthia added.
“You have to try it on at any rate,” Trixie said, and steered Shelagh to the fitting rooms.
They had been shopping for clothes for the past two hours now, and Trixie had gathered quite a pile of things she thought would look nice on Shelagh. It had taken her days to arrange this shopping trip, and it wouldn’t do for them to leave empty handed.
Shelagh did look a bit uneasy, but Trixie guessed that was only natural; the poor thing hadn’t seen a clothing shop from the inside for ten years, and had not kept up with the latest fashions. Everyone would feel overwhelmed by the huge amounts of printed fabrics and colours and different cuts. That was why Trixie was making a bit of a selection for Shelagh to choose from. It was also why she had taken Cynthia along; not only was Cynthia one of her dearest friends, but she also had the wonderful talent to make people feel comfortable. Trixie knew she could be a bit, well, much for people, especially when it came down to clothes. Cynthia would temper her and make sure she didn’t push Shelagh into something the ex-nun didn’t want.
“I… I don’t think this would be appropriate,” Shelagh murmured as she emerged from the fitting room clad in the pencil skirt.
Trixie gasped. Who would have known that the former Sister Bernadette had such shapely legs, such a pretty waist, and such a creamy skin? Granted, anyone could get pale skin if they covered themselves up for years, but still; Shelagh looked absolutely smashing.
“What are you talking about, silly? You look gorgeous!” Trixie squealed, and clapped her hands.
Shelagh blushed and didn’t look them in the eye.
Did she avoid eye contact like that when she was still Sister Bernadette? Trixie wondered. The little nun had been sweet and a bit shy, but also surprisingly witty. Shelagh Turner, on the other hand, mainly seemed shy.
She’s just trying to find her feet, that’s all. And a good outfit will do wonders for her self-esteem, Trixie told herself.
“I think you look lovely, but if you’re not comfortable in it, you shouldn’t buy it. You won’t wear it if you don’t feel good in it,” Cynthia said, and gave one of her customary sweet smiles.
“I bet Doctor Turner would like it, though,” Trixie said.
“Trixie!” Cynthia gasped.
“Oh come on, Cynthia. We’re talking to Mrs. Turner here, a married woman.” She turned to Shelagh. “Now, you should never dress for a man, sweetie, but it can’t hurt to take his wishes into account. Surely he has told you what he likes?”  
Shelagh smoothed a non-existent wrinkle from the clingy fabric of the skirt. “Doctor Turner and I don’t really talk much about clothes.”
Trixie thought of the doctor’s shapeless jumpers, all in different hues of sadness, and knew that was probably true. “Still, he’s a man, Shelagh. Men may lack the vocabulary to communicate what they want their wives to wear, but they know what they like when they see it. And he’ll definitely like this skirt.”
“I don’t know.” Shelagh turned around so she could look at herself in the mirror. Two small folds appeared between her eyebrows. “It is awfully…” “It shows you have a waist and legs, if that’s what you mean,” Trixie said.
“Maybe try on something different? Something that isn’t so tight?” Cynthia suggested, and pulled a green dress from the pile of clothes that Trixie had selected. Shelagh flashed her a grateful smile before retreating into the fitting room.
“I hope she won’t think everything too inappropriate,” Trixie mumbled. She felt a small stab of worry. What if this entire trip was going to be one big failure? What if she wasn’t helping a friend, like she had imagined she was, but only made her uncomfortable?
“We should just give her a bit of time,” Cynthia decided, and gave Trixie’s hand a small squeeze. “We all need a bit of time to get used to changes.”
 In the end, Shelagh bought the green dress Cynthia had handed her, as well as a soft blue sweater that Trixie assured her would make her eyes sparkle. They were not exactly the highly fashionable outfits Trixie had hoped to find for her friend, but they were considerably better than those oversized suits in earth-tones. Trixie should be proud; she had made sure that Shelagh wouldn’t dress like an old woman, but like the blushing bride she was.
Why, then, did she feel a small tug behind her breastbone as Doctor Turner came to pick his wife up, and kissed her softly on the cheek? Why did her eyes feel both moist and burningly dry as she noted the adoration she saw on the lined doctor’s face when he looked at his wife? Why was her own smile tight, whereas Shelagh’s smile for her husband was sweet and soft and sincere?
She felt strangely out of sorts when the Turners thanked them, and declined the doctor’s offer to drive them back to Nonnatus. It was a pretty day, after all, and the walking wouldn’t do them any harm.
Trixie quickly turned away as Doctor Turner steered his wife towards the car, one of his hands on the small of her back, and hid the pain the vicious pull on her heartstrings caused her by plastering a smile on her face. Stop it, she told herself. Don’t dwell on these feelings. Don’t think about it. Just act bubbly and cheerful and it will go away. Never one not to take her own advice, Trixie tried to be extra upbeat as she and Cynthia made their way back to Nonnatus.
“Shelagh and Doctor Turner looked really happy,” Cynthia noted during a lull in their conversation.
“Yes,” Trixie said. It sounded curt, almost sharp. Stop it, she admonished herself once again. “Doctor Turner doesn’t look so tired all the time anymore. And I think that Shelagh has managed to get rid of the ugliest of his ties, so that’s something, I suppose,” she chirped. It sounded fake.
Cynthia stopped walking and knitted her eyebrows. She placed a small hand on Trixie’s arm.
“Trixie, are you alright?”
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…
She couldn’t help it. She grabbed a handkerchief from her purse and dabbed her eyes, praying that her mascara wouldn’t run. The last thing she needed was looking like a panda. “I’m just being silly,” she sniffed.
“Trixie, your emotions aren’t silly,” Cynthia said, and rubbed reassuring patterns on Trixie’s arm with her thumb.
“It’s just that… I thought at first that the entire Doctor Turner and Sister Bernadette thing was just romantic, like the stuff from novels and films. But now that I’ve seen them together these past few months, I know that that’s not true. Oh, there’s romance, alright, but they seem so… I can’t describe it, not really. They share something very profound, and it’s made me aware that I’ve never had something like it. And sometimes, I fear that I never will.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “It’s not that I’m not happy for them,” she added, suddenly afraid that she would seem jealous or spiteful.
“It’s just that you are unhappy that you are not that happy yourself?” Cynthia asked.
Trixie felt her throat get thick and swallowed heavily. “Yes,” she whispered. “The truth is that I’m just a little bit lonely, sometimes.”
Cynthia hooked her arm through Trixie’s and sighed. “It’s alright to feel like that, Trixie. I promise you this, though: one day, you’ll be just as happy as they are,” she said, and gave her friend’s arm a soft squeeze.
“And In the meantime, I have you,” she said, and hugged the tiny nurse close to her.
 There were four things that Trixie Franklin took pride in.
The first was her skill as a nurse and midwife.
The second was her ability to dance a mean tango.
The third was her inner compass that always pointed to the right dress, the right shoes.
The fourth was the possibilities for relationships she could see blossom between people before they themselves knew.
Four things to be proud of.
There was one thing to be happy with, though: the unwavering support of her friends.
I’ll be alright, Trixie thought, and knew it to be true. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day, she would. In the meantime, she had her friends.
I’ll be back somehwere next week, probably with a second chapter of Bold Girl (sometimes).
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nordness · 8 years ago
                   [ LITTLE ME by Little Mix softly playing in the background ]
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introducin’ MARGO “ARO” NORDNESS
hola, sky back @ it again with another charrie !! ( i play these nerds: @elvyras​ & @horrcrphile​ ). warning, i love my lil snowflake v much & yeah, ik this is hella long bahEE. ALSO, i'm v nervous abt actually bothering & boring people, so it would be hella appreciated if you came to me for plotties
meet margo nordness, who happens to hate her name, but instead of having her friends call her marg or argo or whatever, they call her A R O. well … that’s surely what they’d call her if she had any. anyway
her parents met during a summer festival, quickly & thoughtlessly engaging in a fling, a fling that turned into a seemingly serious relationship. after only five months of dating, they got married. her mother was a nurse & her father was a mechanic. they were struggling financially, but a bigger problem was her father’s unreasonable jealousy. he’d forbid her mom to wear skirts & dresses, for example. almost exactly a year after their wedding, aro’s mom found out she was pregnant. she shared the news with her husband, hoping he’d be as happy as she was, but no. he ordered her to get an abortion, which she refused. they got into a heated fight, he hit her & then left. later that night he showed up drunk as fuck, packed his bags & just like that he was gone.
they got a divorce & aro’s mom moved back in with aro’s grandparents, who helped her through her pregnancy, along with aro’s uncle & his family ( she has two cousins who are like siblings to her !! )
you think you’ve seen the last of aro’s dad ?? fuck no ! when she was two years old, he showed up & tried to take her away from her mom, become her legal guardian instead
for years the two were fighting over the poor child, who had to go to different psychologist so that they’d figure out her feelings, whether she liked living with her mom, whether she missed her dad and would prefer living with him instead, whether she was depressed & so on. one time they asked her to draw her family & she drew her mom, grandparents, uncle & aunt and the two cousins. no father.
eventually her dad backed the fuck away, but he was allowed to see aro on weekends and such. she hated that. she’d always bawl her eyes out when she had to go see him. she didn’t know why, she simply hated the thought of him.
later they discovered that he never truly wanted aro for himself, that he was solely trying to reach out to her mother by using her as an excuse ?? like, he wanted to get back together with her & didn’t really care about the kid. but anyway, she hasn’t heard anything from him ever since she was 15. he simply vanished, so he’s out of the picture now.
aro’s always been a good kid !! golden !! everyone knew she was THE favourite grandchild among the three, perhaps because she was the youngest & the one who had had the most problems in her life
she’s always been good at school. a straight a student. her social skills, though ? awful. she was that shy, chubby kid who always got good grades. the kind that only hung out with other quiet kids & only during school hours. she had a couple of neighbourhood kids that she played with, however. AT HOME, though, it was like she was a different child. the loudest, happiest.
kids called her fatty & would only talk to her when they wanted to copy her homework ?? she was a complete loser in their eyes, painfully boring. they bullied her so fuckin much, she would always cry alone in her room, but tell her mom that she had the best time in school
that whole thing stuck with her til high school. in high school she was invisible. & while every other girl blossomed, she remained the same. baby face, struggling with weight. dating. while everyone was kissing and losing virginity, she had tragic crushes. her crushes would last for years. in high school, she had a crush on one of the popular guys, but they only talked, like, once. but no. he was perfect in her eyes. nothing ever happened between them, though
she had three best friends in school !! three quiet girls !! they were so different, but everyone viewed them as the same. they’re still best friends, even though they’re going to different colleges.
about the whole weight thing. aro hates food, she used to live on sweet things. she couldn’t understand why she had a bigger tummy & chubby cheeks. she was very insecure. after a series of tragic events ( her grandparents passing & her uncle shockingly dying as well - this is already too long, m not gonna write every lil detail ), she lost her period for four months. after going to 10 doctors, they found out she has hashimoto’s thyroiditis & insulin resistance. LONG STORY SHORT, she’s fine, she just needs to take her meds, exercise a lot, eat healthy ( gross ), avoid SUGAR & use stevia products instead ( which is the worst thing for her ), drink hella water & only a glass of wine now & then and she should be fine. of course, she cheats when it comes to sweets and alcohol, sometimes skips meals. BUT with this new lifestyle, her body started functioning normally & during the summer after high school ended, she got a rocking body & strenghtened mentally
even though her mom ( a nurse ) advised her against it, she’s going to med school now & wants to become a psychiatrist !! she hopes it will help her understand herself, her father’s choices, & help other people live better.
when i said that she wants to understand herself, i meant her slight anxiety issues + she thinks she’s bipolar ?? she thinks. she’s afraid to talk to anyone about it, but the symptoms are there
she’s more sociable now !! hopes people will burn the old images of her from their mind
she’s a demigirl with she/they pronouns & she honestly has no idea what her sexual orientation is ,,, like i said, she’s never been with anyone.
one or both of her cousins !! they’re both older than her & they all grew up together. they know she’s tiny & fragile, so they’ve always protected her & let her hang out with them and their friends & such. maybe one of them teases her a lot in order to make her stronger. idk
neighbourhood friends: a couple of kids who’d always go out and play hide & seek, play with a ball, run around, be careless together. aro would always forget about her worries when she was around them. perhaps they drifted apart slightly, but reconnecting after a few years would be amazing
kids who bullied her
high school best friends
roommate(s) !!
a guy she was desperately in love with ( or, she was desperately in love with the idea of him ), but they only talked once. mMmmMmm ,, does he remember her now ? did he share her feelings or would he laugh in her face if she confessed everything now ?
a half sibling ? like, maybe her father had that kid before he met her mother
a step sibling ? her mother has a boyfriend now & he has a kid. maybe they are tight af, maybe they hate each other who knows
extremely extroverted friend who drags her to every single party & tries to get her together with their other friends
literal MOM friend. the one who knows about her health issues & always smacks her hand when she tries to eat something sweet. maybe sometimes they feel bad, so they let her, but make her swear that she wouldn’t eat anything else sugary for the rest of the day. someone who reminds her to take her meds.
a person she met online. she likes them a lot. turns out they’re living in the same town. they’re supposed to meet, but aro’s anxious bc she’s too self-conscious. she’s worried she’s not half as entertaining irl.
some smooth motherfucker who’s like ,, aYE sweet mama @aro. 11/10 wants to teach her how to kiss, probably has an ulterior motive
the girl who made her realise she’s hella attracted to girls as well
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Y'all in the village that have seen me recently
I apologize, y'all will just have to bless this sweet darling heart
My eyes have become super sensitive to the sun and I have to wear sunglasses (i got $250 worth of contacts with my stimulus check -- 12 boxes including one free sample due to the brand i purchased being discontinued suddenly and my prescription being out of stock - contact lens.com, i highly recommend. I did send inal a photo of my valid prescription) Usually I'm extremely picky and don't buy the lightly tinted lenses. But Wal-Mart had them on sale and usually that's all they sell. Usually i get mine from eBay and spend hours if not days searching for them cute and dark, zooming in the photos to see how the tint is reflected, refracted and if i can see through it. Usually sunglasses are very honestly shown for some reason.
Anyway so these are so thin I forget I am wearing them!
So, I'm all parading in Wal-Mart in purple sunglasses and all in the drive thru like an I don't care diva!
I don't know the origin, yet. Or where it came from... If it was just an agreed upon practice by international law or if it's just me. Idk.
But i think its rude to hide your eyes when speaking to someone. Like its not something conscious. I didn't sit around deciding it was a pet peeve or some law, but when i was a waitress tossing pizzas out the drive through pick up line or just a casual shopper -- people in sunglasses and not lifting them or removing them always bugged at me and irked me suspicious.
So I've been all parading around completely unaware because I've had to wear regular prescription clear lenses for so long that I'm used to the weight of glasses, especially in public because that's the only time I wore them. They just became part of me
And the tint is just see through light -- like the same color of my regular daytime light in my bedroom that every one says is dark. And a light bulb does illuminate. I'm very vampire dungeon darkness.
So I just wanted to apologize that i been all looking like Miss Princess don't care.
I always refused to buy light lenses because i thought they didn't work or weren't worth it. The sun here is so strong. But they do definitely help and are so comfortable i don't know they're in place.
So I care but my eyes hurt a lot. And the contacts kind of made it worse. Like when I take my non insulin diabetic shot, after 10 to 20 minutes I can feel it go into the back of my eyeballs and it feels so good!!
Its not a super pain or uncomfortable and its more when I don't sleep or am upset. I guess my pupils dilate weird
Which my eye doctor before the last, I was on Percocet and well the same 13 prescriptions as well as a few more for pain and so on. And he told me to be cautious as my pupils don't dilate proper due to "being so heavily drugged"
So who knows. I just try to avoid light.
And these sunglasses help and I don't know I'm wearing them. So I'm not hiding behind a mask and cute tinted sun glasses. I'm just protecting my eyes and preventing pain.
Like i say. The pain is from the brain to indicate a problem. So there's a problem Idk how to diagnose and verify or solve. So.
Its not intense just pressure and an auto response to avoid light. Like my kid turns on the lightbulb and I'm all its so fucking bright!!!! Although now the florescent burnt out thank God because that gave me migraines. And I got an LED. But the choices ar the dollar tree were limited to be 60 watt equivalent when I prefer a 40 watt or 30 even.
So I notice the intensity in my eyeballs changing in response to the light
When we lived in Alabama and we were about to move to NYC and my parents had always said Florida would be our next stop.
And i developed an allergy to the sun. A real allergy to the sun. It's a rare condition. My skin would marblize a red color and I would begin to feel faint and/or throw up if I was in direct sun.
It was right after Denise had become Zulululu.
And so I still have remenents of the non contagious disease. Although I was kept from school for 6 weeks... Like my legs if get hot then they get itchy and the sun irritates my eyeballs.
So I always buy sunglasses but I don't always wear them but have them available.
My daughter has the blue light blocker AND the progressive lens so that in the sun they turn to a light see through sun glasses. Zinnie.com I think I spelled it wrong m allong with a basic pair of clear glasses with a anti reflective coat for like $5 I paid about $70 for both. Never had any problems with Zinnie and even leaving them in a hot car was no problems. But a pair from firmoo I paid extra for the anti reflective coat and the lens coating melted in the car. So I'll never ever buy from them unless its a keep in the house pair. Wearing contacts and losing one on the beginning of a road trip where i was expected to drive -- it fell out my eye and ripped - it was old. And I didn't know or think about it and i had no back ups!! So i had to suffer the whole week. Migraines and all.
So in my luggage I keep a pair of contacts or glasses even when it's in storage. I keep a pair of glasses in my car in case of emergency. And firmoo completely failed me.
I've bought half a dozen or so from Zinnie. I call it Zin-knee-uh although it's probably just Zin-knee.
And noooo problems. Even with the advanced lenses which do work and are great.
Because I wear contacts, I don't want to invest in a good pair of glasses but my daughter solely wears glasses so I find it important to protect her eyes.
I get the anti-reflective coating -- the mid level due to at night lights. Without corrective lenses, lights look like Ferris wheels.
I literally can't see shit but 6 feet in front of me. I guess other people are not much different so. Like can y'all see a person 100 yards away? Like no? Right? I can see shadows and shit but I can't recognize people with my eyeballs until they're all up on me.
My uncle always says I'm gonna need a scope to shoot at night. -.-
I'm not quite Mr Magoo but I'm lucky as he is. Thankfully. (He's a cartoon, check him out. He's in YouTube)
And so my drastic apology for blatantly running around in sunglasses all rude and shit. Is done.
Also, while I'm talking about companies -- avoid PANTENE FOR COLOR TREATED HAIR. It strips rhe color out and is complete crap and the worst ever.
Herbal Essence and Loreal Elive are both fantastic to keep color treatments in.
I thought it was just our hair but ive been using PANTENE and my kid Herbal Essence and I see the difference.
Also I like my hair curly. And lantern curly didn't do shit. But Herbal Essence Twisted always has worked great. Not my personal favorite scent but tolerable.
Y'all what i need is a curly and color treated hair shampoo and conditioner at an affordable price. I've searched African American products and haven't found any with those labels. So Idk.
My scalp and hair is ultra dry due to scalp psoriasis and i can go a total 3 months of no washing without looking oily.
So i love African American products and buy them proudly in secret for myself! But i notice their bottles are smaller and more costly.
Except i found a leave in oil for only $3 which i use when i don't dye.
Foreign oils can strip hair color quite well as well as dandruff shampoo.
So I'm always cautious about leave in oils and lotions.
Its my main switch. I use herbal essence and PANTENE and Loreal. Its a fact using the same conditioner and shampoo leaves a certain coating on the hair to cause it to be limp and flat and dull.
So it's always been recommended to use a clarifying shampoo and conditioner for a week then go back to the reg.
The same effect or nearly the same effecf is done by switching brands. So that's what I do.
PANTENE is now out of the equation.
Tio Nacho is a fantastic shampoo and conditioner. My daughter's hair was always unruly. Curly and just wild no matter what. And tio nacho is the only brand,to tame her to look like a human and not a wild lion. But I haven't found color protecting and it's $8 for only 12 ounces and so I find that expensive.
I buy the huge 27 ounces for $7. So.
But I would buy it for her. It helped calm the oily and wild mane.
My friend brushed her hair once and she was so surprised m she said that was like warm butter, lol. Because she always had wild corkscrew curls and some random straight ones she looked a wreck 24/7.
Truly I didn't mind I knew the truth. But tio Nacho has some miracle up in it. Swear.
PANTENE doesn't even have ordinary skills it claims to have m
So we may put Aussie in our loopm we use Tressemme when the cash flow is low.
I used to do live advertising and did the 3 minute Aussie miracle conditioner and that was always nice. The formula changed and it's not as wonderful as it used to be but its average. So i haven't had them in our loop.
Dove we don't like. Hers gets oily and crazy and i don't like the oil stimulation it causes. Idk maybe it's good but ... It makes me feel ick. Which is sad because I really wanted Dove to work.
PANTENE was my first "luxury" shampoo and conditioner i bought myself because i was raised on V05 and if I was lucky and Denise was nice, Suave. She literally bought the cheapest. And never bought extra conditioner and So i had to ration it. So my first self purchase on my own was PANTENE. But it is now a failure. -.- and lives are ruined and especially hair dos.
So now i used to buy my ex V05 ha!
And i have an emergency bottle of Tressemme 32 ounce under my bed for color treated. Conditioner.
We buy conditioner 4x more than shampoo. Because we coat it all --scalp to ends -- brush it. Then i rinse the heavy coat i soaked in while watching tv and smoking then I give it a light coat on the ends again and rinse.
Shampoo we just use one handful and not two or three and it foams up and so we don't need as much.
Like i use 2 - 3 pumps on my scalp of shampoo then one maybe two on the ends. The scalp i scrub the ends I rub.
Like now i have to dye again so I'll use a dandruff shampoo and I'll end up scrubbing all of my hair and use like 1/4 a 12 oz bottle. To get any deposits and leftover film and so on off all the hairs so they absorb the dye better. Then no conditioner. Or a light coat to detanglr and comb and rinse quickly without a deep soak. Then sometimes i gently apply shampoo again without a good scrub. Just run it through to remove the conditioner. But not to allow tangles.
Im not an expert or anything but hair care is serious around here and Idk why PANTENE is trying to destroy mine and succeeding.
I spend $50 every 2 months on just hair. For two.
One girl with a Mohawk and my long to the waist hair.
Two sides of her head are shaved every 6 weeks and she gets the same bottles as i do and then she's all "i need more" 0.o. Honestly she washes hers more often than i do.
We have our own buckets of shampoo and conditioner. Nathaniel either uses it or poisones it so we have our own large Easter buckets. And we store our towels in my room too. Then we have a 3rd bucket in case i buy in advance or like now give up on a bottle we were trying out. Save it. For days of emergency. Running out or so on
But we do borrow from each other if one or the other is low we take from each other to use.
We have different body soaps and different hair needs sometimes. Like i want curly and she's all nah. Or she has Tio Nacho.
We come from a 3 bathroom house so we're used to having our own product. Let me say it that way. But we always are good about sharing if necessary.
But she actually has more demands for bath stuff than I. So like her loofah and her body wash and all that isn't used by me and she knows its only all her Because I have my own bucket.
I cater to my kid. I Like it seperate too because her stuff is more expensive. $7 body wash and mine is $3 if i buy it. Otherwise i use shampoo. I do have hair in my armpits after all. And so i see hers and im all hmmm let me try this and yeah... "Idk how i used half a bottle in one bath" so it is more expensive!! So
While I'm buying 2x the shampoo and conditioner to supply 2 buckets -- in fact i am not spending more. If we shared the bottles as a person would expect, then we would go through them faster.
2 people in one bottle
Vs 2 people in 2 bottles.
So I have to purchase less often than if we shared but I have to purchase more bottles.
So in reality i pay the same price but the schedule and cost load is different.
Like if im out of conditioner, i know she will be at some point so i buy two bottles. And it waits until she needs it. Unless i need shampoo, too.
Then if she if she needs the shampoos then we buy all over again.
The cycle of life told in shampoo and conditioner.
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blessedorb · 5 years ago
#Cinderella Solution Flavor Pairing Review – You Must Read This
  Cinderella Solution Official Website
The problem with most weight-loss plan or weight reduction applications is that they may be too clinical. Yes, they’re due to the fact you want to plan your food and nutrients with navy precision and stroll round with a kitchen scale to weigh everything to the last gram.
  Who has time for that. Plus, maximum food regimen or nutrition plans are primarily based on theories that sound like out from superstar trek, nothing easy and down to earth or relevant in real existence.
  That’s why even the first-class applications do paintings for some time but not all the time, in reality because they may be now not sensible or sustainable, putting you up for rebounds and screw ups.
  My circumstance prior discovering this program became very lots a run-of-the-mill situation so commonplace with people trying to shed pounds.
  I had trouble with my body weight via my existence, always having to hold in check my energy and looking each chunk.
  Consequences would come and go and i may want to in no way discover a way to reach my ideal body weight and hold it there. I bet it sounds acquainted to you.
  You attempt with a weight loss program or a diet regime, you even workout, then go through a section of pleasure and even get a few effects, simplest to bounce back to your antique self all over again and begin yet again.
  The most tough part of dropping weight is without a doubt retaining your body weight low after you get there. Not that losing weight is simple at all first of all, as a minimum with traditional packages, however i found that it pales comparing to keeping your effects everlasting.
  This consistent yo-yo of brief fulfillment and failure slowly wears you down and sooner or later you give up. been there, accomplished that.
  Now, allow me inform you how the cinderella solution is absolutely exceptional from something that i attempted before. Now not simplest is it dead simple and smooth to follow, it is also sustainable ultimately because it is a wholesome eating blueprint before anything else.
  If you’re walking out of motivation, examine my complete overview of the cinderella answer. It’s a game changer. It worked for me even if i notion i tried all of it before. You’ll be sorry if you miss this guide to weight loss.
  What Is The Cinderella Solution?
The Cinderella Solution is a simple and practical weight loss program designed on a flavor-paring method that removes the need for calorie counting and resets your metabolism by optimizing Estrogen, Cortisol and Insulin levels. It is a safe, science-based plan for quick yet lasting results.
The diet program lasts for 28 days and is divided into two 14-day phases, the “Ignite” and “Launch” phases, but it can be repeated as required until your targeted body weight is reached.
Workouts are totally optional and consist of 8 to 20-minute gentle movement sequences designed to work for the female metabolism, not testosterone-filled high intensity workouts for men.
They can be done at home with your own body weight and simple gear such as light dumbbells, no home gym or membership required.
In short, the dietary and exercise plans were adjusted to restore to optimal working order the all important health hormones insulin, cortisol and estrogen, allegedly turning their clock back to more youthful times.
The Cinderella Solution was created for all women in mind without age restrictions, from late 20’s all the way up to 60’s and mature age, in order to restore a healthy body weight, and the plan is re-doable as needed.
This review will detail how this program works and whether it could be the right solution for your weight loss goals. Stay tuned with me and you’ll find out why this incredibly simple program is unique.
UPDATE – The Cinderella Solution has been re-designed with a larger workout video library, a much improved Quick Start Guide and a handy Cinderella Solution Accelerator component.
Aside from the standard program, if you wish you can also add a nutritional supplement or an extensive nutritional guide called “Food Lover’s Recipe Book” which includes a wider range of recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Within the Food Lover’s guide you also find an extra 22-page “Guilt-Free Dessert Guide”.
The plan is digital and offers several PDF manuals and video tutorials, all available through download and online access, no home delivery, and it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. As an extra option, you can also have access to the author and 24-hour customer support team, but you need to pay extra for it.
Who Is The Cinderella Solution Ideal For?
This program was designed by a woman for women with a dietary and workout approach that is suitable for the female metabolism thanks to very simple nutritional guidelines that eliminate the need for complicated calorie counting.
The plan is ideal for women who have already tried losing fat the traditional way before, that is counting calories and eating salads with boiled rice, ladies who may have lost some weight at first but then quickly regained it.
The mix-and-match food combinations are a tested method for burning fat in a natural way without worrying too much about counting calories at every bite, making it a tastier and more enjoyable experience than robot-like, calorie-based diet plans.
Women who are worried about the long term practicality of a plan and who want a fun and enjoyable blueprint to fat loss that can be repeated in cycles until maintenance mode may find this program attractive.
How Does It Work?
The Cinderella Solution started off from the observation by Carly Donovan that certain countries do seem to display lower levels of body weight and obesity problems despite eating starchy foods or drinking wine or indulging in any other desirable food.
Countries like Spain or Japan, where they eat fats and carbs or drink wine but whose inhabitants display a healthy low body weight and impressive longevity.
The reason for this apparent contradiction is in the way the Spanish, Japanese or other people eat their foods, mixing them in one meal in the right combinations, without a care about calories but the feel of satiety and satisfaction.
The flavor/food mix and match combinations that come from the gastronomic culture of these countries all share one common factor, taming hunger in a more efficient and effective way.
Hunger is still the main culprit that leads people to over eat, as the feeling of satiety kicks in with a delayed lapse from the moment when you should really stop eating.
In a normal, calorie-restricting scenario, trying to diet in the traditional way can only backfire, since the less you eat, the hungrier you become, thus making you slip into bingeing and yo-yo weight rebounds.
Flavor Pairing For Weight Loss
However,  the right foods combined in the right way increase the feeling of satiety BEFORE you have a chance of over eating and can also leave you feeling satiated for longer, meaning less cravings and no bingeing later on.
This simple food pairing strategy alone can naturally help you lose fat to healthy levels, as it tackles the hunger and satiation response at root level.
In the Cinderella Solution foods are divided into four basic groups: Prime Proteins, Power Carbs, Royal Fats and Angel Carbs. The meal plans give you an outline and suggestions on the meal but you can design your own based on your preference.
From each of the four groups you have a long list of foods to pick from, which makes the program flexible and suitable for all palates.
Few Cinderella Solution Recipes
This is just a small sample of the combinations available in the program:
Green Tea and Mint
Chickpeas and Olive Oil
Salmon and Asparagus
Ricotta Cheese and Berries
Greek Yogurt and Sweet Potatoes
Chocolate Cashew Smoothies
Apples and Chocolate
Chicken Salad
Walnuts and Raspberries
Tilapia and Vegetables
Fish and Garlic
Lamb And Apricot Slow Cooker Stew
Caveman Meatball Sub
Real healthy Orange Chicken
Italian Green beans And Eggs
Real Healthy Meatloaf
And in case you wonder, you are allowed the occasional glass of wine but only when the program tells you that it’s OK to do so.
Insulin Cortisol and Estrogen In Women
Further to a negative, western food regimen that does a negative activity of creating humans sense satiated soon sufficient, women ought to cope with hormones that move step by step off stability from their early 20’s onward.
  While young, insulin regulates sugar extra efficaciously, preserving  your body fats in take a look at with a slim parent. No longer handiest that, however cortisol ranges are lower way to much less stress from responsibilities at the same time as estrogen runs in unfastened drift, ensuing in easy skin and brilliant hair.
  According to carly, the young age is a window of possibility nature has given ladies to discover a suitable mate, after which priorities shift to creating and elevating toddlers, for which a plumper body is extra appropriate, with out a take care of aesthetics.
  This can be true, however food regimen, lifestyles fashion and shortage of exercise plus herbal growing older also play a part in it, not simply breeding.
  Regardless, the 2-step fats loss taste pairing method defined in the application is designed to revitalize the lady metabolism, while burning fat and offsetting the unwell consequences of current diet and existence fashion on insulin, cortisol and estrogen.
The Shokuiku And Flavor Pairing Inspiration
I found the theory part of the program fascinating. For the design of the Cinderella Solution, Carly Donovan has drawn inspiration from the stats of Japanese women who live to an average of 87-years-old, 10 more of their western counterparts, and are on average 42 pounds lighter than American women.
While researching with her team and conducting interviews with scientists, doctors, endocrinologists and government officials abroad, she came to the conclusion that the Shokuiku nutritional policy backed by the Japanese government since 2005 was responsible for the remarkable health, low body weight and longevity of the Japanese population.
The Shokuiku campaign was initiated by the Japanese government precisely to offset the ill effects that western fast food culture was having in Japanese society.
Shokuiku translates as food education and comprises not just social aspects like eating at home, bringing families to eat together or stopping eating ready-made meals at convenience stores, but also offered practical guidelines on making food, choosing where the food comes from and creating flavor.
Specifically, flavor-pairing rituals were drawn out to turn simple foods into winning combinations that satiate without over eating, creating a metabolic and hormonal balance within.
As a results, the Japanese went back on track with their bodyweight while living longer, all because of simple but strategic food pairing combinations. These combinations, which are borrowed and adapted in the Cinderella Solution program, can be surprising because they do not entail avoiding carbs or even chocolate and wine at all, like most other programs would have you to do.
But while Japan is the country that gave this food paring rituals a name, Shokuiku, other countries too follow similar food combination guidelines without even realizing it, as they are part of the cultural heritage. Healthy contries like like Spain, where they regularly drink wine.
By cross checking data between these countries, Carly and her team spotted a common pattern: women did NOT:
Do boring cardio or high intensity workouts.
Eat bland food or follow complicated calorie counting.
Buy pills or supplements.
However, they all followed simple flavor pairing rituals using the right foods throughout their day, without a care about planning, working out or spending money.
All in all, the Cinderella Solution uses 4 of the 11 Shoku-Iku flavor pairing rituals that Carly came across, those best suited and most effective to the job. One such ritual is the evening “Fat-Flush Tea” so you too can start losing weight as you sleep, or few dessert spices that trick insulin into using sugars for energy rather than fat storage.
One of the most effective food paring strategies described in the program is the carb-pairing: by combining different carbs together (without proteins) you can target some of the most embarrassing female problem areas like “muffin top”, “back-fat” and “cottage-cheese thighs”.
This combination resets insulin, cortisol and estrogen to healthy levels, promoting fat loss.
Cinderella Solution Weight Loss Program Description
The diet program runs on two 14-day phases called “Ignite” and “Launch”, for a total of 28 day, which can be repeated in cycles as needed.
The two phases work in a slightly different way: in the Ignite phase you are supposed to eat 3 meals a day, while in the Launch phase you’ll be eating 4 meals a day.
Both phases include 14 different meal plans for each day of the phase, no room for guesswork, including bonus recipes to spice up and vary the standard meal plans.
Very thoughtfully, the author has also included custom options for vegetarians, vegans, pescatarians, lacto and ovo in all combinations.
The Cinderella Solution may be simple in its method, but nothing is left to change for its correct implementation, as it offers a clear step by step meal planning blueprint that not only does not need calorie counting, but also tells you what to eat for each and every meal of the plan for 28 days.
Original testimonial from cinderellasolution.com
The Program Workouts
While not compulsory, the program offers a gentle workout protocol for women designed to be done at home with just a pair of dumbbells and a little space.
These are mild sequences of moves that gently coax your body into greater fitness, boosting fat loss and improving muscle tone without the strain of high intensity workouts designed for men, which can be too much to handle for the majority of women.
The workouts  are supported by a new 60-video tutorial online library (formerly 50 videos) that you can access from your smartphone or PC through the Movement Sequencing Guide workout manual, which you can also download for safe-keeping so you do not need to go streaming every time.
Workout frequency is flexible depending on your goals and amount of weight to lose, but each session typically lasts from 8 to 20 minutes and is as mild as it can get, no macho straining required.
These routines are designed around the female metabolism and structured in sequences, as the name suggests, that is flowing from one specific exercise to the next. The manual recommends one cycle every other day for beginners and up to 2 cycles three days in a row for the more experienced, followed by a rest day.
There are fifteen workouts in the program, each one containing 6 to 10 exercises, while each exercise is clearly demonstrated in the video library with the correct number of repetitions or time frame.
You can access the the Cinderella Solution Video Library on an online page directly from the Movement Sequencing Guide, each video showing how to perform the exercise correctly and, if you need to watch them again in future, you can also download them in your device in mp4 format to save you time from streaming again or if you don’t want internet connection.
Cinderella Solution Results And Testimonials
The Cinderella Solution is a genuine program with true before and after testimonials, as all the pictures of the testimonial ladies are unique to the program and not stock photos used on dozens of other websites, as often is the case with some phony programs.
There are plenty of authentic testimonials because the program has already been around for a while, hence it’s had enough time to accrue a solid base of satisfied customers.
Genuine and real is also, of course, author Carly Donovan who has been in the weight loss business for many years, of whom you can read more further down.
Original testimonial from cinderellasolution.com
Program Components – UPDATE
The Cinderella Solution is a digital program comprising several PDF manuals and online videos that you can access through a download. The basic package comes always with a 60-day money back guarantee, but you can also opt in to have access to the author and 24-hour customer support team for en extra fee. Here is a breakdown:
Cinderella Solution PDF Main Manual
The old 76-page manual has been expanded to 93 pages. It contains improved information on weight loss hormones and female metabolism. The theory part of the plan with lists of foods and food combos taken from healthy countries where being over weight is less of an issue.
Quick Start Guide
The old 17-page booklet has been expanded to 52 pages. This is a much richer guide to help you start implementing the system right away without going through all the theory first, which you can always read later. This new Quick Start Guide includes all of the recipes you need.
The Cinderella University Book – DISCONTINUED.
The Movement Sequencing Guide
The optional workout part of the program, a 30-page manual with exercises to be done in a specific order, each exercise described with a link to its relative video tutorial for better grasping. No need for gym memberships or home gyms: a pair of dumbbell and a yoga mat will do the job.
Bonus Daily Nutrition Blueprint – DISCONTINUED AND REPLACED BY the
Food Lover’s Recipe Playbook
The old manual was a 98-page manual describing the very same foods and meal plans the author used for her own 84 lbs weight loss as well as extra bonus recipes.  The new Food Lover’s Recipe guide is an improved version of the previous manual with extra recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus a 22-page dessert recipe manual. Note this is an extra, the standard Quick Start Guide included in the program already includes all the recipes you need.
Workout Video Library
Connected to the Movement Sequencing Guide through an online page, these exercise video tutorials have been increased from 50 to 60.
The New Cinderella Solution Accelerator
This is probably the best of the new components of the updated Cinderella Solution, which is being offered for free. This is the distillation of the most successful and fastest weight loss case-studies of the Cinderella Solution program and it reveals the steps these ladies followed to achieve their results.
The idea behind this new component is to offer new customers the same blueprint that these successful women followed in order to achieve the same results, fast. All these ladies did something that gave their metabolisms a boost in the first 3 weeks of the program, leading to consistent results.
Basically, over the last year, Carly and her team asked 200 women to document which flavor-pairing rituals they used most until the end of the program and then picked the 50 most successful women, those who safely lost the most weight in the shortest time.
The Cinderella Solution Accelerator is basically a short-cut, or a Master Plan, to the most effective way to use the Cinderella Solution guidelines, particularly in regard to the first 3 weeks.
This new addition to the program uses the most effective and easy to prepare meals, effectively speeding up the the way to a new, slimmer and lighter body.
The new Cinderella Solution Accelerator package is free and included in the program, and it includes:
The 21-day Kick-Start Nutrition Guide
The Accelerator Main Manual
The Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book
The Movement Sequencing Book is particularly useful for women who also want to workout as part of an effective weight loss strategy. They are not compulsory, but these 8-minute home workouts are designed specifically for women who want to lose weight faster than simply by following the nutritional guidelines.
However, while not compulsory, these sequences are recommended by the author as gentle routines to faster results.
>>Click Here To Visit The Cinderella Solution Website<<
About Carly Donovan
Carly Donovan is a female fat loss specialist from Guelph, Ontario, Canada. She has been in the weight loss business for the last 10 years and has built a reputation of success with women’s fat loss goals, as you can see from her Spreaker account.
Being herself formerly over weight, she has experienced all the ups and downs of weight rebounds and short-span success through traditional calorie-counting diets, until she developed her own flavor-paring strategy.
You can find out more about Carly on her Instagram account.
Closing Thoughts – What I Really Think Of It
The Cinderella Solution is a fun and simple solution to female fat loss with clear step by step guidance on foods but without the dreaded calorie-counting.
Its effectiveness is based on strategic food pairing as used in the gastronomy of healthy countries, generally devised to satiate sooner rather than later, thus preventing overeating while balancing hormones in the process.
And, author Carly Donovan goes the extra leg by giving her customers access to her in person, a 24-hour customer support team and a 60-day money back guarantee, should you not be happy for any reason.
With an optional mild exercise plan designed for women that does not need any equipment or gym membership and can be done at home, the Cinderella Solution is a very feasible fat loss plan for women who want a realistic blueprint without any boring, robotic calorie-counting or over the top, hard core workouts more suited for men.
Hot Bonus: m.me/113116876748643
Frequently Asked Questions
Is The Cinderella Solution A Scam Or Is It Legit?
The Cinderella Solution is NOT a scam and certainly is legit. It was designed by a knowledgeable author with a vast experience on female weight loss and results to show for.
Any side effects using Cinderella Solution?
Cinderella Solution in a completely natural fat loss protocol based on simple food pairing for sustainable body weight management in the long run. However, always consult your doctor for advice first, if you think you have pre-existing condition.
How do I know if the Cinderella Solution will work for me?
I recommend doing your own research first and cross-check customers’ testimonials and reviews from other sources to make sure this program suits your requirements and life style.
Does Cinderella Solution Really work?
The Cinderella Solution program has been around a long time now, enough to have generated countless positive testimonials. However, everyone is unique and results may vary.
What is the price of Cinderella Solution?
Right now, the plan comes at $37.00.
Where can I buy the Cinderella Solution?
You can get it only at the official website:  https://www.cinderellasolution.com
Can I return the program if it is not for me?
Sure you can. Cinderella Solution comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.
The post #Cinderella Solution Flavor Pairing Review – You Must Read This appeared first on Slim Fast Secret.
source https://slimfastsecret.com/fitness/cinderella-solution-flavor-pairing-review-you-must-read-this/
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armyhealth9-blog · 5 years ago
Episode 405 - Robb and Nicki Q&A #9
We're back with Q&A #9 with Robb and Nicki.
Remember to submit your own questions for Robb and Nicki to answer on a future show here: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/
Show Notes:
1. [2:06] Kidney Stones
Krisztian says: I've been mostly Paleo for about 5 years now based on one of your piror books.  Overall, it has worked well for me, with one exception.  I started to develop kidney stones on a regular basis.  I finally had them analyzed and they turned out to be calcium oxalate stones.  Upon reading up on this condition, it stems from a high amount of oxalate in the diet.  Unfortunatley, most of the foods I liked on Paleo happen to be super high in oxalate... spinach, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, sweet potatoes.  The other wammy here is that I was initially avoiding dairy on Paleo which turns out to be worse for stones because one way to counteract high oxalate intake is to match it with high calcium to avoid stone formation.  I've since gone back to eating plenty of cheese and high fat dairy in my diet.
I'm curious if this is a common issue that you've seen and I'm wondering if this is something that might be helped by going to a keto diet.
2. [5:33] Sugar addiction Kathryn says: Hey Robb, I am really hoping you can give me some insight into why I can't seem to fully recover from sugar addiction. I have had a sweet tooth my whole life, but in recent years I have learned that I have a true addiction to sugar. In the last four years or so, I have studied a lot of nutrition, functional medicine and ancestral health perspectives and gone on a strict paleo diet for months at a time. In almost every way, a clean diet of whole foods makes me feel amazing (better sleep, clearer skin, joints and movement feels better, etc.), except, I become very depressed. It's not a mopey, weepy kind of depressed, it's literally a depression of all feeling, like I feel very little at all. But I do sometimes feel really, really irritable, or sometimes bouts of rage that don’t match the situations they arise in. But most of the time, I just feel blah. I thought this would go away after a couple of weeks or even a month or two of eating clean, but it didn't. In happy or exciting moments, it was like I just couldn't feel those emotions fully. I also noticed that I didn't crack jokes like I usually do or feel like being social. All my feelings were dulled. Even sad ones. And when I did fall off the diet, and eat sugar, I immediately felt cheerful again. To me, it seems that the years of sugar abuse have altered my brain enough that without sugar, I can't feel normal emotions anymore. So my question is concerning healing my brain. Is it possible to reverse these effects? The longest I have gone on a strict paleo diet is three months. I admit it was hard to keep going when I just didn't see myself ever feeling happy again. If it's possible to heal my brain and increase its capacity for proper dopamine signaling again, are there certain therapies or supplements that can precipitate and accelerate that healing? Perhaps I am ignorant of some other factor or mechanism at work here. I would be grateful for any insight or help you can give. Thanks for the incredible work you do to bring to light the truth about human health and nutrition.
Carb 22: https://carbsyndrome.com/nutraceuticals-new/
STEM Talk Episode 69 (David LeMay): https://www.ihmc.us/stemtalk/episode-69/
3. [11:32] Metabolic Flexibility and Weight Loss/Maintenance Julia says: Robb and Nicki, I am very interested in the concept of metabolic flexibility and eagerly waiting to hear your upcoming lecture on this topic. Intuitively it makes sense that given variation in season and climate that humans would have relied on a menu of macronutrient combinations. My question is: how can developing metabolic flexibility be used as tool for weight loss/maintenance? I have been about 90% ketogenic for the past 28 months; the other 10% would be high carb meals which I have allowed as a metabolically flexible person. I can swing in and out of ketosis with ease; however, I have noticed that if I go through periods of higher carb, it does result in weight gain which is tough to lose even when reentering ketosis. I do crossfit almost daily and practice the 18:6 IF schedule, and I don't notice either of those things affecting my performance. Thanks!
4. [16:31] Low afternoon energy
Laura says: Hi Robb and Nicki, Thank you both for all you do! I've been a huge fan since 2010 and admire your relentless pursuit of the truth when it comes to health and nutrition.
My question is about my extremely low energy in the early afternoons. I know it is a common complaint, but I feel like I've done everything I can to fix the common mistakes  that lead to the afternoon slump, and I also feel like my exhaustion is too extreme to be normal for my age and health status.
I'm 32 years old, I eat low carbish (75-100g most days), have toyed with keto, eat mostly paleo with the addition of some dairy and occasional non gluten grains. I do crossfit 3x/week and spend most of my time chasing my 2 year old around. My sleep is good most of the time, and I do not have any major life stressors that effect me currently. No diagnosed health conditions, no rx meds.
I had bloodwork done recently, and my doctor was very impressed with the results, especially my blood lipids. A1c was 4.8, C-reactive protein 0.8, no thyroid antibodies present. Fasting blood sugar 78. The only things that were slightly out of range were homocysteine (slightly low at 4.6), Uric acid low at 2.4, serum iron slightly high at 148, and my free T3 was a little low at 2.5. Another Doctor years ago prescribed me naturethroid but I never took it.
Ive tried changing my diet in every way imaginable to try to combat a possible hypoglycemic or food sensitivity related slump after lunch.  I've eliminated various foods that people can be sensitive to,and ive even tried more carbs in the morning, but that leads to blood sugar imbalance and cravings all day. As a result, my breakfasts and lunches would fall under the keto umbrella, as I feel better when I eat carbs later in the day.
The only thing that seems to slightly help is not eating at all, but I just get so hungry! My activity level is fairly high and I don't feel like I'm a great candidate for intermittent fasting at this point.
My mom, who has had MS for about 30 years, does not eat all day and only eats dinner because she's says eating makes her tired. I just can't handle not eating at all, and I do feel fatigued and hypoglycemic if I try to skip meals.
Thanks for reading and for all you do!!
5. [23:08] Carb test and ketosis
Carl says: Hey Robb,
I read Wired to Eat while I was pretty deep into a ketotic cycle, so I didn't immediately get to the 7-day carb test. Years of self-experimentation have led me to a relatively low carb (<50g/day) Paleo diet with an occasional 48 hour fast, an occasional ketotic cycle, and a very occasional carb re-feed. Genetic testing revealed some SNPs that predispose me to insulin resistance, and others that positively affect my fat metabolism, reinforcing the fact that I look, feel, and perform better eating in this fashion. I do enjoy my occasional carb binges, so I'd like to perform the carb test in order to whittle my food selections down to those least damaging to my metabolism; but I'm concerned that my postprandial blood glucose readings will be skewed upward because I don't regularly eat more than ten or fifteen grams of effective carbs at a time. Should I bring my daily and per-meal carb intake up for a certain period of time before starting the carb test, or is a 50 gram bolus of carbs small enough to give me a true measure of glucose tolerance for the purpose of food selection? Thanks in advance.
6. [27:30] Creativity and Writing Process
Peter says: Robb,
I hope all is well. I'm a big fan of the Podcast and excited about the Q & A return.  I have a two-parter both within the same general idea.
FIRSTLY: I'm a writer and I am alway curious about how others approach the creative process.  I was curious if you could elaborate on how you approach writing and creativity in regards to balancing an active lifestyle? And how a typical day when writing might look.
For example -- Do you do things like meditate? What time of the day do you write? Where do you write? If you write in the morning how do you reconcile with hanging outside first thing in the morning to get some sun?  If you do Jujutsu around noon and roll for 2 hours how do you write around it?  You've mentioned eating big meals in the morning, if you're in a heavy writing period, is this a habit you stick with? Oh by the way, you have a wife and kids... how do you balance it all?
Do you still do caffeine?  Do you force yourself to take breaks during writing?  How do you avoid sitting for 5/6 hours straight?
Sorry for all the questions, I've just been thinking about this a lot lately as I enter into a career pursuing my passion as a writer while trying to balance and prioritize my health.  As I am sure you can attest, writing can be all consuming if you let it and setting boundaries is vital -- though difficult, especially if you're in "the zone."  So I'd love to hear your thoughts.
[33:18] SECONDLY:  I'd love to get your thoughts on the mechanisms at play when writing or doing anything else that requires intense mental focus in regards to willpower.  Correct me if I am wrong, but it feels like for me, many aspects of writing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (choosing healthy food over shitty stuff, hitting the gym, walking, etc.) can drain from the same willpower tank (if not just psychologically, and physically -- physiologically as well).  This isn't to say that both can't exist -- rather does one need to be given priority based on ordering of events throughout the day? 
For example, I feel my creativity comes to me first thing in the morning.  If I were to wake up and hit a Metcon first thing, I feel my creativity gets depleted from the shared willpower tank.  I feel this to be true with little things that chip away at my early morning start time as well.  For example, taking the time to make a big healthy breakfast, sitting in the sun, even a short walk, all delay me tapping into when I feel I am creatively primed -- but is it worth the sacrifice of my health?
I was curious if you have any thoughts on when or how you prioritize creativity.  Or maybe this is all just a bunch of bullshit like Robert Rodriguez says -- and our creativity is totally out of our control. 
Anyways, love the show and everything you do.  If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.
Regards, Peter
Source: http://robbwolf.libsyn.com/episode-405-robb-and-nicki-qa-9
0 notes
E.E. Blaak On The Perfect Diet regimen.
In our adventure at the Intensive Dietary Administration Facility, the contrary holds true. The Fuck That Diet plan is for you if you have actually been weight loss, bingeing, and currently feel like a food items hooked. Wellness experts have actually constantly marketed well-balanced lifestyle (exercise, total diet plan, mental welfare etc.) and also not just that health depends on body weight. A 2012 survey estimated that 7% from USA grownups consume at minimum one dish a week that performs not consist of fish, chicken or even chicken, 4% carry out fast chicken, chicken, or even fish, and also 1-2% carry out fast meat product, fish, fowl, milk items, or even eggs. So that's one strategy that's probably operating in all bariatric surgical treatment since they all call for the belly. Productive losers" administer moderation on a practically day-to-day manner, staying away from food items that they recognize will definitely bring about body weight regain. University lunches, government lunchrooms, the armed force's chow, meals support systems, learning, farming development and market meals formulations are all influenced by these ordinances. Relying on just how much opportunity you have, it's suitable to have a pre-workout dish regarding 2 hours just before physical exercise which contains ~ 300 to 500 calories, OR have a much smaller meal/snack along with a lot less calories, 30 to 60 minutes before you train. Once I am actually no more on a certain antidepressants, and also my an under active thyroid is eventually being alleviated, my body weight now slowly dropping off again ... but only after years from being informed I was gaining weight as a result of greed/laziness. Standard plannings could be individualized for disapproval and allergy symptoms when placing your very first purchase. Joe Proietto: Correct and these folks problem as well as struggle and the majority of all of them as I mentioned are actually motivated certainly not to regain, nobody wants to be actually body fat and they strained as well as by 5 years many people had reclaimed all the weight. Dieters in recovery could locate several of the tips also comparable or even inflexible to the diet regimen regulations they utilized to observe, as I finished with a few of all of them. As well as really a low carb diet is simply minimizing these, perhaps cutting all of them asunder, or even to extremes, cutting them away from the diet regimen just about entirely. Faigon tracked a variety of various aspects to determine just what one of the most necessary ones for weight reduction were. This faded in the 1970s, especially when it emerged that there was actually a lack of proof to promote the use of HCG for fat loss," she states. Normal weight was 234.3 pounds (106.5 kilograms); common physical body mass index was actually 37. The Atkins team averaged 13% of total calories off carbohydrate; the low-GI friend averaged 44%. http://alegesanatatea-blog.ro/macho-man-pret-comentarii-efect-aplicarea-in-cazul-in-care-pentru-a-cumpara-amazon-farmacie-sau-site-ul-web-al-producatorului/ will certainly spike blood glucose, dull insulin sensitivity & damage your intestinal device & bodily hormone levels. Deb's General Practitioner recommended her for lap-band surgical operation as a result of her lack of ability to burn fat in addition to style 1 diabetes, hypertension as well as a high BMI. There meal shipment is actually extraordinary also ... unsure if you attempted that yet but they have a brand-new ceo, brand new innovation, etc. it is fantastic, economical, as well as will make you successful for once in loosing weight. Despite the fact that I reduced weight swiftly (150 pounds in less than a year) without weight reduction surgical operation, I performed every thing else right I ate my vegetables and also healthy meat products. When we believe healthy food, our experts typically believe diet plan dishes, however the meals showcased on this site are actually the kind to be appreciated so you may experience the great tastes from REAL food. Physical exercise is suggested however you ought to prevent laborious workouts since this may activate swelling, which can hinder fat loss. The most ideal diet plan neighborhoods are led through somebody or a group of people that possess an open thoughts that agrees to check out all edges from the proof, as well as most significantly want to take change. I spent all my opportunity thinking about and stressing over food items and also fats, just what I would certainly consume when. Right now the most ideal treatment for obese and also obesity is actually surgical treatment, this seems to be to be the only therapy where people can easily lose a substantial quantity from body weight, a bunch of body weight, half their excess physical body weight or additional and also maintain that off. The Diet regimen Cook assistance is outstanding and also with my obstruct I have actually been given clear instructions from effective ways to appreciate the program. P.s. The relevant information within this e-newsletter was drawn from an essay in my brand new publication Tidy Eats My staff as well as I possess 6 various other essays in this in order to help you create far better food items choices as well as live well-maintained. I got the body weight intentionally, so I 'd have one thing to experiment on. Cookies, sweet bars, gelato, sugar-cinnamon rolls as well as various other breads, cakes, covereds, fried cakes, french fries, malts as well as trembles-- all these accurately placed additional weight on me. It is actually certainly not been a burden to get the body weight. Professor Crowe claimed while the paleo diet regimen was not ideal, that carried out have perks to provide the typical Australian. After that my 25-year old child advised a Family members Greatest Loser Challenge, between he, his two brothers and me. Certainly because I went to completion of my effective weight loss quest I thought I failed to have a shot of succeeding (we all consented to place in $20-winner has all), yet I additionally recognized the competition would certainly help get me returning. That might be the best end result of body weight loss attempts if preferring to lose body weight leads an individual to the work to recoup off their trauma. From my reviews, certainly not medical, Healthy diet plan is the foundation from weight management. What we have actually profited from bariatric surgical treatment is actually the intestine, our bowels and tummy and also intestinal tracts hold solution to managing to alleviate this. I presume a local area clinician is actually still the person that could genuine deliver private health care liability, teach self-monitoring as well as begin to customized diet and health and fitness (medical doctors' instruction in this area is actually very seriously deficient, yet certainly not thus dietitians, nurse practitioners, therapists, PAs). Nourishments were disorderly and also food choices were largely around me (This doesn't work properly for youngsters.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
The Sugar Freedom Diet
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-sugar-freedom-diet/
The Sugar Freedom Diet
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    12 years ago, I quit sugar, cut the starchy carbs and processed oils, and got the health and energy I needed to live life to the fullest.
The Sugar Freedom Program is the exact eating plan I used to overcome overeating, sugar addiction, and the pain and feelings of unworthiness that were the price I paid for every binge. 
                                 Scroll Down To Order Now!
I quit sugar in 2008, and my health transformed in such a wonderful way, that I knew I had to share my discovery with the world. I began reading every book I could get my hands on about how sugar, grains, and processed seed oils can drive overeating.
When friends and family members saw the results of the changes I made, they all asked,
I answered: “Eat For Yourself.”
By 2013, I knew I had to write this program to share my solution to the hunger, cravings, and sadness that were the result of my old eating habits. I am forever grateful to the doctors and researchers like Dr. Eric Westman and Gary Taubes who inspired my new way of eating. I am a theatre professional, not a doctor or registered dietitian, so I can’t tell you how to eat, but I can share exactly what I ate in order to quit sugar and gain the health, happiness, and energy I always wanted, and to maintain my healthy lifestyle for over 10 years. 
Back when I struggled with sugar addiction,
my episodes of out of control overeating would  start with a food as innocent as a ripe banana. But seconds later, after taking the first bite, the overwhelming urge to to consume more sweet and creamy foods would take control of me, and I would enter an unstoppable feeding frenzy.
My Binges Lead to A Decades Long Addiction.
I would inhale the banana, and move on to cereal. Handful by handful I’d try to satisfy my hunger. But it wasn’t enough.  I’d work my way trough the freezer, kitchen, and pantry consuming all of the “Treats,” I could find.  Thirty minutes, even sixty minutes would pass.
Full to the point of feeling sick, I’d finally stop because the snack food had run out, ashamed of what I had done. I would do my best to leave enough snacks behind so that my roommates, and later my son and husband wouldn’t  wonder where all of their food had gone.
But I knew. It caused me decades of embarrassment and social isolation.
I can only hope you’ve never experienced anything like this…but if you have…you can relate. You know the powerlessness of the being in “binge mode.” You know the post-binge shame. You know the highs and utter despair found in the lows of sugar addiction.
How can I describe the devastating power of that first bite to someone that has never experienced it?
One small bite of a glazed donut, and my taste buds would demand more as my heart would be sinking at the same time. And every single time, I would tell myself, “Oh no Catherine, you’re doing it again. Stop, just please stop,” my rational mind would cry out.
But it was no match for the demons, the addiction, the powerful forces behind the binge. Nothing could beat them – or so I thought, until I discovered one powerful secret solution…
At the time though, I did everything I could to avoid detection.
It’s bad enough to be caught in the middle of yet another binge by your sugar addiction, but it’s even worse when someone catches you taking THEIR food, even AFTER they specifically warned you again and again.
To this very day, the expression on my friend and roommate Beth’s face as she asked me to stop eating her cereal when she was out of the apartment haunts me. She looked puzzled, and so disappointed in me. I was supposed to be her friend, yet I was stealing her food to feed my addiction.
It was so devastatingly embarrassing.
I was a grown woman, for crying out loud. I was working as an actor, singer, and dancer in Los Angeles, so a healthy body was essential for my work.  I was independent, on the verge of success, and yet I couldn’t even control myself around children’s breakfast snacks.
That afternoon confrontation with Beth was one of the most humiliating moments of my adult life.
Every binge brought on a terrible aftermath.
Shame was the consequence of my sugar addiction, and the morning after was the worst. My throbbing head, aching joints, and puffy face were obvious symptoms of my sugar hangover.
I was always depressed after those episodes (that were repeated over and over), and it wasn’t just because I was disappointed in myself.
The depression was also a physical reaction to food that was like a poison to me.
If you’ve never felt the compulsion to keep eating long after a food stops tasting good, you probably won’t understand my helplessness.
If you can stop eating after 2 Oreos or a handful of  potato chips, you might think I’m exaggerating, and making excuses for overeating.
That’s fine, I understand that some people can enjoy sugar and starchy foods in a rational amount and stop eating them when they want. I can’t.  Parts of my brain love certain foods just a little too much.
I’ve cried over that a lot.  Thankfully, I found understanding from the women and men who have felt what I feel whenever I eat the sugar, flour, and fake fat combination that is my drug, my poison, my kryptonite.
Why did I steal and eat those foods? The momentary rush they gave me was so overwhelming, so powerful, that I was willing to give up my dignity for it.
So how did I finally break this miserable addiction that kept me from having the body, the energy, and the self respect I needed to eat for health and happiness?
I found a way to eat something else.
And I’ll get to that, but first, let’s face the facts…
70% of Americans are overweight.
35% are considered obese.
But I’m not shocked, nor will you be when you learn just how pervasive this highly toxic and addictive ingredient is in North American food today.
You see, it’s everywhere…
Get in your car to go to work or take the kids to school, and you can’t avoid it. There are fast food joints on every corner, ice cream and yogurt shops in every strip mall, candy and snack stores at every gas station, there are even candy and chip racks at the hardware store!
Go to the grocery store, where you expect to find nutritious, satisfying food to make at home, and this food is hidden in places you would never expect.
It’s in salad dressings, condiments like mayonnaise, whole grain bread and cereals. Even in a healthy snack like yogurt there can be as many as 5 teaspoons of this addictive substance that acts just like a drug in in the pleasure centers of the brain.
Once you start eating it, it triggers the release of the fat storing hormone insulin, while it blocks the brain’s ability to recognize signals from leptin, the hormone that tells you when you’re full.
You would stop eating it if you could, but there’s just one problem.
It’s so over-stimulating to your hunger and appetite, that it’s the only food you crave!
What Do You Do when the only Food You Want to Eat is the Food That’s Keeping You Fat
Before we get to that, I want to tell you why it’s my mission and my passion to bring you a solution to the pain of being overweight.
My name is Catherine Gordon, and I will never forget the day I was put on my first diet by my pediatrician.
I was eight years old and I remember him vividly, because he was very handsome, and he had these really great, big, brown eyes.
I was horribly embarrassed as I sat there on the examining table, at eight years old, in my rolls of fat.
The Doctor looked me in the eye and he said, “So, Cathy, how would you like to count calories?” And I said, “Okay!”
Like I thought counting calories was going to be the most fun thing in the world.
The doctor didn’t even send me home with a food plan or a diet. He just sent me home with the idea that I was more than 20% overweight for my age and height, and that I needed to count calories.
At eight years old I started counting calories, and I was hungry for the next 35 years.
Now you may think I’m exaggerating a little bit, and yes there were times when I wasn’t hungry, but it seemed like the only time I wasn’t hungry was for a few hours right after a binge.
At that point, I was miserable… and ashamed.
So, for the next 35 years I cut calories, I watched what I ate, and I did my best to eat low fat.
I tried every diet that came along, and sometimes I would succeed for a little while. I could be “good” for three days in a row, then I would just freak out and eat everything in sight.
I’m sure you’ve been there, and that you know how much it hurts to fail at fat loss.
So I am going to reveal to you an approach to permanent weight loss that is so simple, you may even have a hard time believing it. After all, I know what that’s like.
The truth is that staying on a diet is nearly impossible in a world where billions of dollars are being made every year on the foods that make and keep us fat. I did everything I could to limit how much I ate so that I could get over being fat and get on with really living, and then, finally, as middle aged Mom, everything changed.
In 2008, I found a solution to my hunger problem, my fat problem, and my diet problem.
This solution worked so well, that even in my 40’s, I was able to win the second Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, even with thousands of people all over the world voting.
In just four months, I went from borderline obese, to a normal, healthy bodyweight.
Back in 2008, I was telling everyone about the great new exercise plan that was transforming my body, but I kept the most important fat loss secret to myself:
I started eating in a completely new and different way.
I didn’t tell anybody how I was eating. I kept how I was eating to myself. In many ways I felt like a fake.
I was getting support from friends and family, but I wasn’t telling them the truth.
Why? Because the truth about what I was eating was the absolute opposite of what all of the experts, diet programs, and weight loss gurus had been saying since I started my first diet in 1972!
I think it’s time… no, I know that it’s time, to share the truth with you about what I really did to finally lose fat for good.
I remember I how desperate I was to lose weight in in high school. I wanted to be popular, and get asked to dances, but I was the chubby girl with the good sense of humor. Not the girl you ask on dates. So I started cutting calories really hard.
I did everything I could think of to eat fewer calories: low fat, one salad a day, even eating nothing but fruit. It simply didn’t work, and I knew that I had to find a better way.
Later, when I was in college, I tried a commercial diet that cut my calories to 950 a day, and that required daily weigh-ins.
I remember feeling weak, and unable to concentrate.
Hello hunger- and binges that would hit just about every ten days when I couldn’t take my crazy-strict diets any more.
After that I headed off to Hollywood to break into the acting business, but my weight got in the way.
If I was really strict with my eating- and my new weight loss tools were diet pills, smoking, and caffeine, I could force my weight down for a few weeks at a time.
I had success on the stage, and I could get work in commercials, but I absolutely had to starve myself to get thin enough to work on camera.
I wanted to be thin so badly, and I was so determined to succeed at finally getting to my goal weight.
Still, no matter what I tried, I would always end up binging or over-eating.
I tried other diet plans – the big commercial programs where they sell you nearly all of the pre-packaged the food you are supposed to eat, but the problem was this: I would buy a box of their special low-calorie breakfast bars…
…but because of this ONE addictive ingredient, I would eat the whole box before I even got home from my weekly weigh-in!
It was crazy. I thought I was nuts. I thought there was something really, really, seriously wrong with me.
I kept putting on weight… year after year. At my top non-pregnancy weight , I weighed 185 pounds at 5’1’ tall. Yes, clinically obese at a BMI of 35.
After 35 years of cutting fat and counting calories, I had literally dieted my way to obesity.
But then, it struck me… almost like a bolt of lightning. What if I did the exact opposite of what the “experts” had been telling me to do?
What if I didn’t use the breakfast bars or the boxed meals? I asked myself…
What Would Happen if You Eliminated This One Ingredient, and the foods that rapidly break down to this ingredient in the body, and That’s the Only Thing You Had to Focus On?
For 12 weeks, I used this approach. I didn’t use any magic pills or consume any boxed dinners.
I simply eliminated this ONE ingredient and here’s what happened…
I got down to my normal BMI and went from 155 to 117 pounds.
Note: These results are not typical, but they do reflect my experience. 
It was my dream weight, which for years before, was not achievable, and certainly not maintainable.
 it’s been more than 10 years since the contest. I’ve not only kept it off, but my physical transformation led to an emotional transformation as well.
My mindset changed… and yours will, too. It’s much simpler than you think, too.
Please understand, some of my most powerful eating strategies aren’t exactly politically correct, but I know it’s time to share what finally helped me get the health I needed, for good. 
You Eat This Toxin Every Day and You Don’t Even Know It
This is exactly why 35% of Americans are obese and almost 70% are overweight.
The experts tell us it is all about making better choices.
All we have to do is take personal responsibility and our battle against belly fat would be over.
They also tell us that the key to our success is “moderation,” as well as being told to exercise more and more every day.
It’s these ideas that are holding us hostage, and keeping us from achieving the simple goal of losing fat!
Sugar, the ONE ingredient, that when removed, will put your body into optimal fat-burning mode (and unlocks your full potential to burn fat) is hidden in your kitchen as you’re reading this.
So even if you’ve been on a “sugar-free” diet, you’re still consuming this addictive toxin, and it doesn’t stop there.
It’s pretty simple to cut sugary sodas and candy bars out of your eating plan, but what about the foods that break down into sugar as soon as you eat them?
Yes, the bagels, muffins, cereals, and pastas that the USDA claims should be the foundation of our diet turn right into sugar in the bloodstream.
In fact, new research shows that industrial food full of processed sugars, fats, salt, and chemicals are powerfully addictive. And sugar is the worst culprit.
It’s these foods that drive our desire to eat more of it.
It’s Time To Take Control and Take Back Your Body from This Addiction
But how do we stop eating it?
To put it as simply as I can, when my students at my fitness studio ask, “How do I get off of sugar?” I answer, “Eat something else.”
What is that “Something else?” It’s real, unprocessed food that will satisfy your hunger, end your cravings, and allow you to stop obsessing over fat-storing foods.
Obviously, eating real food will “reset” your cravings, as well as your hormones to optimize fat burning. .
However, if it was just a matter of turning on a switch and choosing these foods, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?
And how would you know you’re eating foods without these hidden sugars?
After 35 years of addiction, 12 years of healing, and five years of research, I’ve put the most vital information and methods for quitting sugar into the system that’s available here: 
The Sugar Freedom Diet…
With this simple approach, you can learn how to replace addictive foods, and discover a NEW freedom you’ve never experienced.
On the Sugar Freedom Diet, you can replace sugar and the foods that break down quickly to sugar, and you can lose your cravings once and for all.
It really is simple when you know how to shop for and prepare the fat burning foods that will satisfy your hunger at last. I’ll also show you what to order at restaurants, and even what you can eat when you’re on the road for business or on vacation in order to stay off of sugar, without hunger and cravings. 
So here’s what you get with the Sugar Freedom Diet.
Why is it simple?
1. The menus are already written for you, including easy recipes that show you exactly how to put together the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks that will have you ending cravings, burning fat, getting rid of bloat, and losing weight starting in just days.
2. You get strategic emergency foods to eat instead of the typical snack foods that have been keeping the fat on your body.
3. In as little as 24 hours you will feel your cravings, food obsessions, and overwhelming appetite disappear. You will become satisfied on real nutritious food, and thank heaven we’re not talking about cabbage and melba toast! Your menus are full of simple, tasty dishes you will recognize, and actually want to eat!
If you’re committed (and I set it up so that you will be), you’ll have an amazing 3-day start on your new body.
Yes, these are the exact meal plans that will get you off of sugar by showing you exactly what to eat instead.
I know Sugar Freedom works. I have maintained my weight long enough that I was able to become a member of the National Weight Control Registry. Members of the NWCR are studied by researchers worldwide because we have been able to document a weight loss of at least 30 pounds, and keep it off for at least one year.
The amazing discovery that I am sharing with with you is that there are foods that you can buy and prepare that will satisfy your hunger, and give you the energy and vitality you need in order to lose weight for good. I promise to show you exactly what they are so that you can get rid of the huger and cravings that are blocking your fat loss- guaranteed!
You’ll get instant access and can start within minutes for …
Try Sugar Freedom Risk Free for a full 60 days
I want you to feel 100% confident in your decision to purchase Sugar Freedom so I’m going to back your purchase today with my try it, you’ll love it, or you’ll get every penny of your purchase price back money back guarantee.
I don’t think there’s a more risk free way of making you this offer. If for any reason you decide that Sugar Freedom is not right for you and your family then simply email me using the contact link at the bottom of the page any time during the first 60 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full refund – no questions asked.
Now imagine doing this for just 3 days.
Imagine your life 72 hours from now without the burden of cravings and obsessing about food…
…suddenly, you see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Imagine yourself enjoying your day without the constant hunger that’s caused by typical dieting. How much weight will you lose when the fattening foods that used to call your name completely lose their power to entice you?
This is what you get with Sugar Freedom.
You are going to take some of the momentary pleasure that you were getting from the food that was driving you crazy, and you’re going to learn to put that pleasure into your life and your lifestyle.
When you are satisfied on “Freedom Foods” you will get so much more enjoyment out of exercising, dancing, gardening, drawing, or spending time with friends and family.
You’re going to become aware of how much easier it is to enjoy your life when you aren’t obsessing about food. This is the greatest gift of the Sugar Freedom Program.
So you’re going to get the Sugar Freedom Plan. You’re going to get the shopping list for the Three-Day Sugar Strike, and you’re also going to get the shopping list for the four-week Sugar Freedom Diet. Plus, you’re going to get my best recipes and tips for preparing Sugar Freedom meals that are tasty, super satisfying, and easy to make… without the cravings!
It’s all here, because I’ve been there: Trapped in The Dieting/Overeating Cycle, and The Sugar Freedom Plan is exactly what made me break out at last.
You’ll finally discover the simplicity of losing weight when the foods that help you shed fat are the very foods you actually want to eat.
You’ll discover how simple it is to walk away from sugary, starchy junk food when your hunger is completely satisfied.
This isn’t a “eat less and move more” system like you find everywhere else. In other words, you can’t change what you eat, or how much you eat- until you can manage your appetite!
You’ll discover how to do this and much more.
This is your “Get Out of Sugar Jail” card. You just have to play it.
So if you’re ready to destroy your cravings once and for all and finally get the body you deserve on YOUR terms… Let’s get started, Catherine Gordon, A.C.E., CTT, Member: National Weight Control Registry Author, The Sugar Freedom Diet
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thediabeticslut · 8 years ago
Basic Bro | Sorry Sir, I’m Afraid You’ll Have to Pay the Extra Baggage Fee
dates: 🍦🍦🍦🍦 sex: n/a awkward diabetes moment? yes (date rating guide here) choice quote: “I don’t want to be getting hard at a hot dog place.”
Oh, Basic Bro. So sweet, so charming, and such a damn child. We hung out two days in a row. He’d messaged me asking to work on a class project together, which I thought was a pretense for hooking up again, but it turned out not to be. And honestly, thank god for that, because I’d totally forgotten the damn thing was due! He bought us pizza and we went to my apartment to work on it. After about an hour, he suggested taking a break and smoking weed. I wasn’t too worried about the work, so I agreed, though I did kind of wonder whether he this would impede him in being able to get his assignment done. Nevertheless, I was selfish and chose the possibility of hooking up over helping this poor boy get good grades. We ended up smoking quite a bit and out of the blue, he launched into his life story, telling me all about his insecurities and other emotional issues. He talked and talked, which was honestly quite tiring for me to hear, especially since he doesn’t always articulate his thoughts in a super clear way. But it was fascinating, too. He told me about his lacking confidence, how that now he’s grown up (well, somewhat...) he doesn’t get any affirmation for playing sports or being popular at school. He feels lonely. He feels like his parents don’t care about him. He was always a happy-go-lucky kid but developed anxiety after a bad breakup in high school, and it’s still really affecting him now. He feels stupid and hates himself for lacking motivation. He doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life. He wishes he had a mentor, someone to guide him through this. I was in shock. All I could say is that, well, I have a bit more life experience, and you won’t ever find that total guidance that you’re looking for. Eventually you learn to get through it and not resent the fact that you weren’t taken care of perfectly. Only you have the power to really change things for yourself. And it’s okay to feel lost, you will find out what direction your life is headed with time. I really felt for him. I still do, I’m still thinking about it. But I also didn’t want to be in that role. I was just waiting for him to shut up and kiss me or something, you know? But eventually we started talking about relationships. How he feels like sometimes you meet someone perfect, and it’s just the wrong place and the wrong time. Or does that perfect person even really exist? He recently broke up with his girlfriend, but they still love each other. It was just because of certain circumstances. He asked if I minded that he was talking about this, because he didn’t want to make me feel weird or insecure. I told him that no, it’s fine. “I don’t know what your expectations are,” he said. “I mean, I’m not looking for a relationship. I just want to hang out, and like... have fun.” “Okay, good, I’m glad.” He had to catch the last train out and we didn’t end up hooking up. I was confused. But once he left, I realized that, based on a few nonverbal cues, he may have been meaning to say, “I hope you’re not expecting to hook up tonight.” And when I said I just wanted to hang out, he probably took that literally and thought we were on the same page. The next day, though, brought that into question... We were let out of class early and went to get hot dogs. I’d forgotten to take my insulin to school so we had to stop back at my apartment, and I told him I was diabetic. He told me about how he watched the show Jonas growing up (ouch, that slight generational difference!) and he and his friend fantasized about giving Nick Jonas, who also has T1D, a ton of sugary food so they could kill him and get his on-screen girlfriend. I didn’t know what to make of that, but I did tell him that insulin would probably be the more deadly choice. Over our food, he told me more of his life story, and it was the same situation - interesting, but it really dragged on, and I didn’t get to talk much. I learned that he has a pretty tumultuous home life, that his family relationships are really complex and dramatic. He talked more about his ex, too. That he loves her, but she’s in a bad place, hanging out with bad people, and prioritizing them over him. She struggles with anxiety and he feels like he has to help her with that, but sometimes he can’t do enough. She’s been suicidal, and he helped get her in a better place, but he just found out she’s been self-harming. She has an unstable home life and for a while, his family took her in. Now she’s back with her parents and her dad doesn’t want them dating, he thinks there should be a clean break. His parents don’t like her. They still see each other, though. In fact, they’d made plans to hang out that night. It’s complicated, you know. I don’t like like him, I don’t want to date him. And it’s clear he’s not really stable, either. But hearing about all of this was very endearing, and made me like him a lot more as a person. From what I gathered during our conversation, he’s not sure whether they’re going to fully break up and stop seeing each other, or eventually get back together. They’re kind of at a crossroads. He’s not actively looking for anyone else to see, he said, with the implication of, “but, there’s you...” I still wasn’t totally sure how he felt about hooking up again, since his relationship seems to be in flux, but he said they really are broken up now. I don’t think he’s told her about anything we’ve done, though. We didn’t hook up that day, but in the last half hour or so before he left to have dinner with her (awk), we talked about sex. Kind of generally, for the most part, since it stemmed from talking about race, and Asian male stereotypes. Some runner-ups for choice quotes, “For like 5 minutes I thought about becoming a pornstar, just to show people that it’s not true! I’d help little Asian boys everywhere! No, I shouldn’t say that, that came out wrong!” “If I have a son, I’m gonna be like, ‘Hey, don’t worry about it, your daddy’s got a...’” We talked in kind of coded language, since we were in public, but the only people in the hot dog place were some old dude and the cashier. We talked about STDs, a topic about which I learned he is worryingly uneducated, his past experiences, my past experiences, the fact that he couldn’t keep it up with a condom last time... I joked about the fact that he was speaking so euphemistically, that I usually speak in pretty explicit terms, and he said, “Yeah, I mean, I love talking about sex, but when I talk that way, it kind of... turns me on. I don’t want to be getting hard at a hot dog place.” I walked him to the subway station. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. We didn’t hug and our goodbye was awkward. With that, he left.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
The Sugar Freedom Diet
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-sugar-freedom-diet/
The Sugar Freedom Diet
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    12 years ago, I quit sugar, cut the starchy carbs and processed oils, and got the health and energy I needed to live life to the fullest.
The Sugar Freedom Program is the exact eating plan I used to overcome overeating, sugar addiction, and the pain and feelings of unworthiness that were the price I paid for every binge. 
                                 Scroll Down To Order Now!
I quit sugar in 2008, and my health transformed in such a wonderful way, that I knew I had to share my discovery with the world. I began reading every book I could get my hands on about how sugar, grains, and processed seed oils can drive overeating.
When friends and family members saw the results of the changes I made, they all asked,
I answered: “Eat For Yourself.”
By 2013, I knew I had to write this program to share my solution to the hunger, cravings, and sadness that were the result of my old eating habits. I am forever grateful to the doctors and researchers like Dr. Eric Westman and Gary Taubes who inspired my new way of eating. I am a theatre professional, not a doctor or registered dietitian, so I can’t tell you how to eat, but I can share exactly what I ate in order to quit sugar and gain the health, happiness, and energy I always wanted, and to maintain my healthy lifestyle for over 10 years. 
Back when I struggled with sugar addiction,
my episodes of out of control overeating would  start with a food as innocent as a ripe banana. But seconds later, after taking the first bite, the overwhelming urge to to consume more sweet and creamy foods would take control of me, and I would enter an unstoppable feeding frenzy.
My Binges Lead to A Decades Long Addiction.
I would inhale the banana, and move on to cereal. Handful by handful I’d try to satisfy my hunger. But it wasn’t enough.  I’d work my way trough the freezer, kitchen, and pantry consuming all of the “Treats,” I could find.  Thirty minutes, even sixty minutes would pass.
Full to the point of feeling sick, I’d finally stop because the snack food had run out, ashamed of what I had done. I would do my best to leave enough snacks behind so that my roommates, and later my son and husband wouldn’t  wonder where all of their food had gone.
But I knew. It caused me decades of embarrassment and social isolation.
I can only hope you’ve never experienced anything like this…but if you have…you can relate. You know the powerlessness of the being in “binge mode.” You know the post-binge shame. You know the highs and utter despair found in the lows of sugar addiction.
How can I describe the devastating power of that first bite to someone that has never experienced it?
One small bite of a glazed donut, and my taste buds would demand more as my heart would be sinking at the same time. And every single time, I would tell myself, “Oh no Catherine, you’re doing it again. Stop, just please stop,” my rational mind would cry out.
But it was no match for the demons, the addiction, the powerful forces behind the binge. Nothing could beat them – or so I thought, until I discovered one powerful secret solution…
At the time though, I did everything I could to avoid detection.
It’s bad enough to be caught in the middle of yet another binge by your sugar addiction, but it’s even worse when someone catches you taking THEIR food, even AFTER they specifically warned you again and again.
To this very day, the expression on my friend and roommate Beth’s face as she asked me to stop eating her cereal when she was out of the apartment haunts me. She looked puzzled, and so disappointed in me. I was supposed to be her friend, yet I was stealing her food to feed my addiction.
It was so devastatingly embarrassing.
I was a grown woman, for crying out loud. I was working as an actor, singer, and dancer in Los Angeles, so a healthy body was essential for my work.  I was independent, on the verge of success, and yet I couldn’t even control myself around children’s breakfast snacks.
That afternoon confrontation with Beth was one of the most humiliating moments of my adult life.
Every binge brought on a terrible aftermath.
Shame was the consequence of my sugar addiction, and the morning after was the worst. My throbbing head, aching joints, and puffy face were obvious symptoms of my sugar hangover.
I was always depressed after those episodes (that were repeated over and over), and it wasn’t just because I was disappointed in myself.
The depression was also a physical reaction to food that was like a poison to me.
If you’ve never felt the compulsion to keep eating long after a food stops tasting good, you probably won’t understand my helplessness.
If you can stop eating after 2 Oreos or a handful of  potato chips, you might think I’m exaggerating, and making excuses for overeating.
That’s fine, I understand that some people can enjoy sugar and starchy foods in a rational amount and stop eating them when they want. I can’t.  Parts of my brain love certain foods just a little too much.
I’ve cried over that a lot.  Thankfully, I found understanding from the women and men who have felt what I feel whenever I eat the sugar, flour, and fake fat combination that is my drug, my poison, my kryptonite.
Why did I steal and eat those foods? The momentary rush they gave me was so overwhelming, so powerful, that I was willing to give up my dignity for it.
So how did I finally break this miserable addiction that kept me from having the body, the energy, and the self respect I needed to eat for health and happiness?
I found a way to eat something else.
And I’ll get to that, but first, let’s face the facts…
70% of Americans are overweight.
35% are considered obese.
But I’m not shocked, nor will you be when you learn just how pervasive this highly toxic and addictive ingredient is in North American food today.
You see, it’s everywhere…
Get in your car to go to work or take the kids to school, and you can’t avoid it. There are fast food joints on every corner, ice cream and yogurt shops in every strip mall, candy and snack stores at every gas station, there are even candy and chip racks at the hardware store!
Go to the grocery store, where you expect to find nutritious, satisfying food to make at home, and this food is hidden in places you would never expect.
It’s in salad dressings, condiments like mayonnaise, whole grain bread and cereals. Even in a healthy snack like yogurt there can be as many as 5 teaspoons of this addictive substance that acts just like a drug in in the pleasure centers of the brain.
Once you start eating it, it triggers the release of the fat storing hormone insulin, while it blocks the brain’s ability to recognize signals from leptin, the hormone that tells you when you’re full.
You would stop eating it if you could, but there’s just one problem.
It’s so over-stimulating to your hunger and appetite, that it’s the only food you crave!
What Do You Do when the only Food You Want to Eat is the Food That’s Keeping You Fat
Before we get to that, I want to tell you why it’s my mission and my passion to bring you a solution to the pain of being overweight.
My name is Catherine Gordon, and I will never forget the day I was put on my first diet by my pediatrician.
I was eight years old and I remember him vividly, because he was very handsome, and he had these really great, big, brown eyes.
I was horribly embarrassed as I sat there on the examining table, at eight years old, in my rolls of fat.
The Doctor looked me in the eye and he said, “So, Cathy, how would you like to count calories?” And I said, “Okay!”
Like I thought counting calories was going to be the most fun thing in the world.
The doctor didn’t even send me home with a food plan or a diet. He just sent me home with the idea that I was more than 20% overweight for my age and height, and that I needed to count calories.
At eight years old I started counting calories, and I was hungry for the next 35 years.
Now you may think I’m exaggerating a little bit, and yes there were times when I wasn’t hungry, but it seemed like the only time I wasn’t hungry was for a few hours right after a binge.
At that point, I was miserable… and ashamed.
So, for the next 35 years I cut calories, I watched what I ate, and I did my best to eat low fat.
I tried every diet that came along, and sometimes I would succeed for a little while. I could be “good” for three days in a row, then I would just freak out and eat everything in sight.
I’m sure you’ve been there, and that you know how much it hurts to fail at fat loss.
So I am going to reveal to you an approach to permanent weight loss that is so simple, you may even have a hard time believing it. After all, I know what that’s like.
The truth is that staying on a diet is nearly impossible in a world where billions of dollars are being made every year on the foods that make and keep us fat. I did everything I could to limit how much I ate so that I could get over being fat and get on with really living, and then, finally, as middle aged Mom, everything changed.
In 2008, I found a solution to my hunger problem, my fat problem, and my diet problem.
This solution worked so well, that even in my 40’s, I was able to win the second Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, even with thousands of people all over the world voting.
In just four months, I went from borderline obese, to a normal, healthy bodyweight.
Back in 2008, I was telling everyone about the great new exercise plan that was transforming my body, but I kept the most important fat loss secret to myself:
I started eating in a completely new and different way.
I didn’t tell anybody how I was eating. I kept how I was eating to myself. In many ways I felt like a fake.
I was getting support from friends and family, but I wasn’t telling them the truth.
Why? Because the truth about what I was eating was the absolute opposite of what all of the experts, diet programs, and weight loss gurus had been saying since I started my first diet in 1972!
I think it’s time… no, I know that it’s time, to share the truth with you about what I really did to finally lose fat for good.
I remember I how desperate I was to lose weight in in high school. I wanted to be popular, and get asked to dances, but I was the chubby girl with the good sense of humor. Not the girl you ask on dates. So I started cutting calories really hard.
I did everything I could think of to eat fewer calories: low fat, one salad a day, even eating nothing but fruit. It simply didn’t work, and I knew that I had to find a better way.
Later, when I was in college, I tried a commercial diet that cut my calories to 950 a day, and that required daily weigh-ins.
I remember feeling weak, and unable to concentrate.
Hello hunger- and binges that would hit just about every ten days when I couldn’t take my crazy-strict diets any more.
After that I headed off to Hollywood to break into the acting business, but my weight got in the way.
If I was really strict with my eating- and my new weight loss tools were diet pills, smoking, and caffeine, I could force my weight down for a few weeks at a time.
I had success on the stage, and I could get work in commercials, but I absolutely had to starve myself to get thin enough to work on camera.
I wanted to be thin so badly, and I was so determined to succeed at finally getting to my goal weight.
Still, no matter what I tried, I would always end up binging or over-eating.
I tried other diet plans – the big commercial programs where they sell you nearly all of the pre-packaged the food you are supposed to eat, but the problem was this: I would buy a box of their special low-calorie breakfast bars…
…but because of this ONE addictive ingredient, I would eat the whole box before I even got home from my weekly weigh-in!
It was crazy. I thought I was nuts. I thought there was something really, really, seriously wrong with me.
I kept putting on weight… year after year. At my top non-pregnancy weight , I weighed 185 pounds at 5’1’ tall. Yes, clinically obese at a BMI of 35.
After 35 years of cutting fat and counting calories, I had literally dieted my way to obesity.
But then, it struck me… almost like a bolt of lightning. What if I did the exact opposite of what the “experts” had been telling me to do?
What if I didn’t use the breakfast bars or the boxed meals? I asked myself…
What Would Happen if You Eliminated This One Ingredient, and the foods that rapidly break down to this ingredient in the body, and That’s the Only Thing You Had to Focus On?
For 12 weeks, I used this approach. I didn’t use any magic pills or consume any boxed dinners.
I simply eliminated this ONE ingredient and here’s what happened…
I got down to my normal BMI and went from 155 to 117 pounds.
Note: These results are not typical, but they do reflect my experience. 
It was my dream weight, which for years before, was not achievable, and certainly not maintainable.
 it’s been more than 10 years since the contest. I’ve not only kept it off, but my physical transformation led to an emotional transformation as well.
My mindset changed… and yours will, too. It’s much simpler than you think, too.
Please understand, some of my most powerful eating strategies aren’t exactly politically correct, but I know it’s time to share what finally helped me get the health I needed, for good. 
You Eat This Toxin Every Day and You Don’t Even Know It
This is exactly why 35% of Americans are obese and almost 70% are overweight.
The experts tell us it is all about making better choices.
All we have to do is take personal responsibility and our battle against belly fat would be over.
They also tell us that the key to our success is “moderation,” as well as being told to exercise more and more every day.
It’s these ideas that are holding us hostage, and keeping us from achieving the simple goal of losing fat!
Sugar, the ONE ingredient, that when removed, will put your body into optimal fat-burning mode (and unlocks your full potential to burn fat) is hidden in your kitchen as you’re reading this.
So even if you’ve been on a “sugar-free” diet, you’re still consuming this addictive toxin, and it doesn’t stop there.
It’s pretty simple to cut sugary sodas and candy bars out of your eating plan, but what about the foods that break down into sugar as soon as you eat them?
Yes, the bagels, muffins, cereals, and pastas that the USDA claims should be the foundation of our diet turn right into sugar in the bloodstream.
In fact, new research shows that industrial food full of processed sugars, fats, salt, and chemicals are powerfully addictive. And sugar is the worst culprit.
It’s these foods that drive our desire to eat more of it.
It’s Time To Take Control and Take Back Your Body from This Addiction
But how do we stop eating it?
To put it as simply as I can, when my students at my fitness studio ask, “How do I get off of sugar?” I answer, “Eat something else.”
What is that “Something else?” It’s real, unprocessed food that will satisfy your hunger, end your cravings, and allow you to stop obsessing over fat-storing foods.
Obviously, eating real food will “reset” your cravings, as well as your hormones to optimize fat burning. .
However, if it was just a matter of turning on a switch and choosing these foods, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?
And how would you know you’re eating foods without these hidden sugars?
After 35 years of addiction, 12 years of healing, and five years of research, I’ve put the most vital information and methods for quitting sugar into the system that’s available here: 
The Sugar Freedom Diet…
With this simple approach, you can learn how to replace addictive foods, and discover a NEW freedom you’ve never experienced.
On the Sugar Freedom Diet, you can replace sugar and the foods that break down quickly to sugar, and you can lose your cravings once and for all.
It really is simple when you know how to shop for and prepare the fat burning foods that will satisfy your hunger at last. I’ll also show you what to order at restaurants, and even what you can eat when you’re on the road for business or on vacation in order to stay off of sugar, without hunger and cravings. 
So here’s what you get with the Sugar Freedom Diet.
Why is it simple?
1. The menus are already written for you, including easy recipes that show you exactly how to put together the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks that will have you ending cravings, burning fat, getting rid of bloat, and losing weight starting in just days.
2. You get strategic emergency foods to eat instead of the typical snack foods that have been keeping the fat on your body.
3. In as little as 24 hours you will feel your cravings, food obsessions, and overwhelming appetite disappear. You will become satisfied on real nutritious food, and thank heaven we’re not talking about cabbage and melba toast! Your menus are full of simple, tasty dishes you will recognize, and actually want to eat!
If you’re committed (and I set it up so that you will be), you’ll have an amazing 3-day start on your new body.
Yes, these are the exact meal plans that will get you off of sugar by showing you exactly what to eat instead.
I know Sugar Freedom works. I have maintained my weight long enough that I was able to become a member of the National Weight Control Registry. Members of the NWCR are studied by researchers worldwide because we have been able to document a weight loss of at least 30 pounds, and keep it off for at least one year.
The amazing discovery that I am sharing with with you is that there are foods that you can buy and prepare that will satisfy your hunger, and give you the energy and vitality you need in order to lose weight for good. I promise to show you exactly what they are so that you can get rid of the huger and cravings that are blocking your fat loss- guaranteed!
You’ll get instant access and can start within minutes for …
Try Sugar Freedom Risk Free for a full 60 days
I want you to feel 100% confident in your decision to purchase Sugar Freedom so I’m going to back your purchase today with my try it, you’ll love it, or you’ll get every penny of your purchase price back money back guarantee.
I don’t think there’s a more risk free way of making you this offer. If for any reason you decide that Sugar Freedom is not right for you and your family then simply email me using the contact link at the bottom of the page any time during the first 60 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full refund – no questions asked.
Now imagine doing this for just 3 days.
Imagine your life 72 hours from now without the burden of cravings and obsessing about food…
…suddenly, you see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Imagine yourself enjoying your day without the constant hunger that’s caused by typical dieting. How much weight will you lose when the fattening foods that used to call your name completely lose their power to entice you?
This is what you get with Sugar Freedom.
You are going to take some of the momentary pleasure that you were getting from the food that was driving you crazy, and you’re going to learn to put that pleasure into your life and your lifestyle.
When you are satisfied on “Freedom Foods” you will get so much more enjoyment out of exercising, dancing, gardening, drawing, or spending time with friends and family.
You’re going to become aware of how much easier it is to enjoy your life when you aren’t obsessing about food. This is the greatest gift of the Sugar Freedom Program.
So you’re going to get the Sugar Freedom Plan. You’re going to get the shopping list for the Three-Day Sugar Strike, and you’re also going to get the shopping list for the four-week Sugar Freedom Diet. Plus, you’re going to get my best recipes and tips for preparing Sugar Freedom meals that are tasty, super satisfying, and easy to make… without the cravings!
It’s all here, because I’ve been there: Trapped in The Dieting/Overeating Cycle, and The Sugar Freedom Plan is exactly what made me break out at last.
You’ll finally discover the simplicity of losing weight when the foods that help you shed fat are the very foods you actually want to eat.
You’ll discover how simple it is to walk away from sugary, starchy junk food when your hunger is completely satisfied.
This isn’t a “eat less and move more” system like you find everywhere else. In other words, you can’t change what you eat, or how much you eat- until you can manage your appetite!
You’ll discover how to do this and much more.
This is your “Get Out of Sugar Jail” card. You just have to play it.
So if you’re ready to destroy your cravings once and for all and finally get the body you deserve on YOUR terms… Let’s get started, Catherine Gordon, A.C.E., CTT, Member: National Weight Control Registry Author, The Sugar Freedom Diet
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
The Sugar Freedom Diet
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-sugar-freedom-diet/
The Sugar Freedom Diet
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    12 years ago, I quit sugar, cut the starchy carbs and processed oils, and got the health and energy I needed to live life to the fullest.
The Sugar Freedom Program is the exact eating plan I used to overcome overeating, sugar addiction, and the pain and feelings of unworthiness that were the price I paid for every binge. 
                                 Scroll Down To Order Now!
I quit sugar in 2008, and my health transformed in such a wonderful way, that I knew I had to share my discovery with the world. I began reading every book I could get my hands on about how sugar, grains, and processed seed oils can drive overeating.
When friends and family members saw the results of the changes I made, they all asked,
I answered: “Eat For Yourself.”
By 2013, I knew I had to write this program to share my solution to the hunger, cravings, and sadness that were the result of my old eating habits. I am forever grateful to the doctors and researchers like Dr. Eric Westman and Gary Taubes who inspired my new way of eating. I am a theatre professional, not a doctor or registered dietitian, so I can’t tell you how to eat, but I can share exactly what I ate in order to quit sugar and gain the health, happiness, and energy I always wanted, and to maintain my healthy lifestyle for over 10 years. 
Back when I struggled with sugar addiction,
my episodes of out of control overeating would  start with a food as innocent as a ripe banana. But seconds later, after taking the first bite, the overwhelming urge to to consume more sweet and creamy foods would take control of me, and I would enter an unstoppable feeding frenzy.
My Binges Lead to A Decades Long Addiction.
I would inhale the banana, and move on to cereal. Handful by handful I’d try to satisfy my hunger. But it wasn’t enough.  I’d work my way trough the freezer, kitchen, and pantry consuming all of the “Treats,” I could find.  Thirty minutes, even sixty minutes would pass.
Full to the point of feeling sick, I’d finally stop because the snack food had run out, ashamed of what I had done. I would do my best to leave enough snacks behind so that my roommates, and later my son and husband wouldn’t  wonder where all of their food had gone.
But I knew. It caused me decades of embarrassment and social isolation.
I can only hope you’ve never experienced anything like this…but if you have…you can relate. You know the powerlessness of the being in “binge mode.” You know the post-binge shame. You know the highs and utter despair found in the lows of sugar addiction.
How can I describe the devastating power of that first bite to someone that has never experienced it?
One small bite of a glazed donut, and my taste buds would demand more as my heart would be sinking at the same time. And every single time, I would tell myself, “Oh no Catherine, you’re doing it again. Stop, just please stop,” my rational mind would cry out.
But it was no match for the demons, the addiction, the powerful forces behind the binge. Nothing could beat them – or so I thought, until I discovered one powerful secret solution…
At the time though, I did everything I could to avoid detection.
It’s bad enough to be caught in the middle of yet another binge by your sugar addiction, but it’s even worse when someone catches you taking THEIR food, even AFTER they specifically warned you again and again.
To this very day, the expression on my friend and roommate Beth’s face as she asked me to stop eating her cereal when she was out of the apartment haunts me. She looked puzzled, and so disappointed in me. I was supposed to be her friend, yet I was stealing her food to feed my addiction.
It was so devastatingly embarrassing.
I was a grown woman, for crying out loud. I was working as an actor, singer, and dancer in Los Angeles, so a healthy body was essential for my work.  I was independent, on the verge of success, and yet I couldn’t even control myself around children’s breakfast snacks.
That afternoon confrontation with Beth was one of the most humiliating moments of my adult life.
Every binge brought on a terrible aftermath.
Shame was the consequence of my sugar addiction, and the morning after was the worst. My throbbing head, aching joints, and puffy face were obvious symptoms of my sugar hangover.
I was always depressed after those episodes (that were repeated over and over), and it wasn’t just because I was disappointed in myself.
The depression was also a physical reaction to food that was like a poison to me.
If you’ve never felt the compulsion to keep eating long after a food stops tasting good, you probably won’t understand my helplessness.
If you can stop eating after 2 Oreos or a handful of  potato chips, you might think I’m exaggerating, and making excuses for overeating.
That’s fine, I understand that some people can enjoy sugar and starchy foods in a rational amount and stop eating them when they want. I can’t.  Parts of my brain love certain foods just a little too much.
I’ve cried over that a lot.  Thankfully, I found understanding from the women and men who have felt what I feel whenever I eat the sugar, flour, and fake fat combination that is my drug, my poison, my kryptonite.
Why did I steal and eat those foods? The momentary rush they gave me was so overwhelming, so powerful, that I was willing to give up my dignity for it.
So how did I finally break this miserable addiction that kept me from having the body, the energy, and the self respect I needed to eat for health and happiness?
I found a way to eat something else.
And I’ll get to that, but first, let’s face the facts…
70% of Americans are overweight.
35% are considered obese.
But I’m not shocked, nor will you be when you learn just how pervasive this highly toxic and addictive ingredient is in North American food today.
You see, it’s everywhere…
Get in your car to go to work or take the kids to school, and you can’t avoid it. There are fast food joints on every corner, ice cream and yogurt shops in every strip mall, candy and snack stores at every gas station, there are even candy and chip racks at the hardware store!
Go to the grocery store, where you expect to find nutritious, satisfying food to make at home, and this food is hidden in places you would never expect.
It’s in salad dressings, condiments like mayonnaise, whole grain bread and cereals. Even in a healthy snack like yogurt there can be as many as 5 teaspoons of this addictive substance that acts just like a drug in in the pleasure centers of the brain.
Once you start eating it, it triggers the release of the fat storing hormone insulin, while it blocks the brain’s ability to recognize signals from leptin, the hormone that tells you when you’re full.
You would stop eating it if you could, but there’s just one problem.
It’s so over-stimulating to your hunger and appetite, that it’s the only food you crave!
What Do You Do when the only Food You Want to Eat is the Food That’s Keeping You Fat
Before we get to that, I want to tell you why it’s my mission and my passion to bring you a solution to the pain of being overweight.
My name is Catherine Gordon, and I will never forget the day I was put on my first diet by my pediatrician.
I was eight years old and I remember him vividly, because he was very handsome, and he had these really great, big, brown eyes.
I was horribly embarrassed as I sat there on the examining table, at eight years old, in my rolls of fat.
The Doctor looked me in the eye and he said, “So, Cathy, how would you like to count calories?” And I said, “Okay!”
Like I thought counting calories was going to be the most fun thing in the world.
The doctor didn’t even send me home with a food plan or a diet. He just sent me home with the idea that I was more than 20% overweight for my age and height, and that I needed to count calories.
At eight years old I started counting calories, and I was hungry for the next 35 years.
Now you may think I’m exaggerating a little bit, and yes there were times when I wasn’t hungry, but it seemed like the only time I wasn’t hungry was for a few hours right after a binge.
At that point, I was miserable… and ashamed.
So, for the next 35 years I cut calories, I watched what I ate, and I did my best to eat low fat.
I tried every diet that came along, and sometimes I would succeed for a little while. I could be “good” for three days in a row, then I would just freak out and eat everything in sight.
I’m sure you’ve been there, and that you know how much it hurts to fail at fat loss.
So I am going to reveal to you an approach to permanent weight loss that is so simple, you may even have a hard time believing it. After all, I know what that’s like.
The truth is that staying on a diet is nearly impossible in a world where billions of dollars are being made every year on the foods that make and keep us fat. I did everything I could to limit how much I ate so that I could get over being fat and get on with really living, and then, finally, as middle aged Mom, everything changed.
In 2008, I found a solution to my hunger problem, my fat problem, and my diet problem.
This solution worked so well, that even in my 40’s, I was able to win the second Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, even with thousands of people all over the world voting.
In just four months, I went from borderline obese, to a normal, healthy bodyweight.
Back in 2008, I was telling everyone about the great new exercise plan that was transforming my body, but I kept the most important fat loss secret to myself:
I started eating in a completely new and different way.
I didn’t tell anybody how I was eating. I kept how I was eating to myself. In many ways I felt like a fake.
I was getting support from friends and family, but I wasn’t telling them the truth.
Why? Because the truth about what I was eating was the absolute opposite of what all of the experts, diet programs, and weight loss gurus had been saying since I started my first diet in 1972!
I think it’s time… no, I know that it’s time, to share the truth with you about what I really did to finally lose fat for good.
I remember I how desperate I was to lose weight in in high school. I wanted to be popular, and get asked to dances, but I was the chubby girl with the good sense of humor. Not the girl you ask on dates. So I started cutting calories really hard.
I did everything I could think of to eat fewer calories: low fat, one salad a day, even eating nothing but fruit. It simply didn’t work, and I knew that I had to find a better way.
Later, when I was in college, I tried a commercial diet that cut my calories to 950 a day, and that required daily weigh-ins.
I remember feeling weak, and unable to concentrate.
Hello hunger- and binges that would hit just about every ten days when I couldn’t take my crazy-strict diets any more.
After that I headed off to Hollywood to break into the acting business, but my weight got in the way.
If I was really strict with my eating- and my new weight loss tools were diet pills, smoking, and caffeine, I could force my weight down for a few weeks at a time.
I had success on the stage, and I could get work in commercials, but I absolutely had to starve myself to get thin enough to work on camera.
I wanted to be thin so badly, and I was so determined to succeed at finally getting to my goal weight.
Still, no matter what I tried, I would always end up binging or over-eating.
I tried other diet plans – the big commercial programs where they sell you nearly all of the pre-packaged the food you are supposed to eat, but the problem was this: I would buy a box of their special low-calorie breakfast bars…
…but because of this ONE addictive ingredient, I would eat the whole box before I even got home from my weekly weigh-in!
It was crazy. I thought I was nuts. I thought there was something really, really, seriously wrong with me.
I kept putting on weight… year after year. At my top non-pregnancy weight , I weighed 185 pounds at 5’1’ tall. Yes, clinically obese at a BMI of 35.
After 35 years of cutting fat and counting calories, I had literally dieted my way to obesity.
But then, it struck me… almost like a bolt of lightning. What if I did the exact opposite of what the “experts” had been telling me to do?
What if I didn’t use the breakfast bars or the boxed meals? I asked myself…
What Would Happen if You Eliminated This One Ingredient, and the foods that rapidly break down to this ingredient in the body, and That’s the Only Thing You Had to Focus On?
For 12 weeks, I used this approach. I didn’t use any magic pills or consume any boxed dinners.
I simply eliminated this ONE ingredient and here’s what happened…
I got down to my normal BMI and went from 155 to 117 pounds.
Note: These results are not typical, but they do reflect my experience. 
It was my dream weight, which for years before, was not achievable, and certainly not maintainable.
 it’s been more than 10 years since the contest. I’ve not only kept it off, but my physical transformation led to an emotional transformation as well.
My mindset changed… and yours will, too. It’s much simpler than you think, too.
Please understand, some of my most powerful eating strategies aren’t exactly politically correct, but I know it’s time to share what finally helped me get the health I needed, for good. 
You Eat This Toxin Every Day and You Don’t Even Know It
This is exactly why 35% of Americans are obese and almost 70% are overweight.
The experts tell us it is all about making better choices.
All we have to do is take personal responsibility and our battle against belly fat would be over.
They also tell us that the key to our success is “moderation,” as well as being told to exercise more and more every day.
It’s these ideas that are holding us hostage, and keeping us from achieving the simple goal of losing fat!
Sugar, the ONE ingredient, that when removed, will put your body into optimal fat-burning mode (and unlocks your full potential to burn fat) is hidden in your kitchen as you’re reading this.
So even if you’ve been on a “sugar-free” diet, you’re still consuming this addictive toxin, and it doesn’t stop there.
It’s pretty simple to cut sugary sodas and candy bars out of your eating plan, but what about the foods that break down into sugar as soon as you eat them?
Yes, the bagels, muffins, cereals, and pastas that the USDA claims should be the foundation of our diet turn right into sugar in the bloodstream.
In fact, new research shows that industrial food full of processed sugars, fats, salt, and chemicals are powerfully addictive. And sugar is the worst culprit.
It’s these foods that drive our desire to eat more of it.
It’s Time To Take Control and Take Back Your Body from This Addiction
But how do we stop eating it?
To put it as simply as I can, when my students at my fitness studio ask, “How do I get off of sugar?” I answer, “Eat something else.”
What is that “Something else?” It’s real, unprocessed food that will satisfy your hunger, end your cravings, and allow you to stop obsessing over fat-storing foods.
Obviously, eating real food will “reset” your cravings, as well as your hormones to optimize fat burning. .
However, if it was just a matter of turning on a switch and choosing these foods, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?
And how would you know you’re eating foods without these hidden sugars?
After 35 years of addiction, 12 years of healing, and five years of research, I’ve put the most vital information and methods for quitting sugar into the system that’s available here: 
The Sugar Freedom Diet…
With this simple approach, you can learn how to replace addictive foods, and discover a NEW freedom you’ve never experienced.
On the Sugar Freedom Diet, you can replace sugar and the foods that break down quickly to sugar, and you can lose your cravings once and for all.
It really is simple when you know how to shop for and prepare the fat burning foods that will satisfy your hunger at last. I’ll also show you what to order at restaurants, and even what you can eat when you’re on the road for business or on vacation in order to stay off of sugar, without hunger and cravings. 
So here’s what you get with the Sugar Freedom Diet.
Why is it simple?
1. The menus are already written for you, including easy recipes that show you exactly how to put together the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks that will have you ending cravings, burning fat, getting rid of bloat, and losing weight starting in just days.
2. You get strategic emergency foods to eat instead of the typical snack foods that have been keeping the fat on your body.
3. In as little as 24 hours you will feel your cravings, food obsessions, and overwhelming appetite disappear. You will become satisfied on real nutritious food, and thank heaven we’re not talking about cabbage and melba toast! Your menus are full of simple, tasty dishes you will recognize, and actually want to eat!
If you’re committed (and I set it up so that you will be), you’ll have an amazing 3-day start on your new body.
Yes, these are the exact meal plans that will get you off of sugar by showing you exactly what to eat instead.
I know Sugar Freedom works. I have maintained my weight long enough that I was able to become a member of the National Weight Control Registry. Members of the NWCR are studied by researchers worldwide because we have been able to document a weight loss of at least 30 pounds, and keep it off for at least one year.
The amazing discovery that I am sharing with with you is that there are foods that you can buy and prepare that will satisfy your hunger, and give you the energy and vitality you need in order to lose weight for good. I promise to show you exactly what they are so that you can get rid of the huger and cravings that are blocking your fat loss- guaranteed!
You’ll get instant access and can start within minutes for …
Try Sugar Freedom Risk Free for a full 60 days
I want you to feel 100% confident in your decision to purchase Sugar Freedom so I’m going to back your purchase today with my try it, you’ll love it, or you’ll get every penny of your purchase price back money back guarantee.
I don’t think there’s a more risk free way of making you this offer. If for any reason you decide that Sugar Freedom is not right for you and your family then simply email me using the contact link at the bottom of the page any time during the first 60 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full refund – no questions asked.
Now imagine doing this for just 3 days.
Imagine your life 72 hours from now without the burden of cravings and obsessing about food…
…suddenly, you see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Imagine yourself enjoying your day without the constant hunger that’s caused by typical dieting. How much weight will you lose when the fattening foods that used to call your name completely lose their power to entice you?
This is what you get with Sugar Freedom.
You are going to take some of the momentary pleasure that you were getting from the food that was driving you crazy, and you’re going to learn to put that pleasure into your life and your lifestyle.
When you are satisfied on “Freedom Foods” you will get so much more enjoyment out of exercising, dancing, gardening, drawing, or spending time with friends and family.
You’re going to become aware of how much easier it is to enjoy your life when you aren’t obsessing about food. This is the greatest gift of the Sugar Freedom Program.
So you’re going to get the Sugar Freedom Plan. You’re going to get the shopping list for the Three-Day Sugar Strike, and you’re also going to get the shopping list for the four-week Sugar Freedom Diet. Plus, you’re going to get my best recipes and tips for preparing Sugar Freedom meals that are tasty, super satisfying, and easy to make… without the cravings!
It’s all here, because I’ve been there: Trapped in The Dieting/Overeating Cycle, and The Sugar Freedom Plan is exactly what made me break out at last.
You’ll finally discover the simplicity of losing weight when the foods that help you shed fat are the very foods you actually want to eat.
You’ll discover how simple it is to walk away from sugary, starchy junk food when your hunger is completely satisfied.
This isn’t a “eat less and move more” system like you find everywhere else. In other words, you can’t change what you eat, or how much you eat- until you can manage your appetite!
You’ll discover how to do this and much more.
This is your “Get Out of Sugar Jail” card. You just have to play it.
So if you’re ready to destroy your cravings once and for all and finally get the body you deserve on YOUR terms… Let’s get started, Catherine Gordon, A.C.E., CTT, Member: National Weight Control Registry Author, The Sugar Freedom Diet
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