#but now he has beef with monty
Monty, finding a bag full of shiny jewels on the ground: Oooh pretty
Monty *gives bag to Edwin*
Edwin, blushing: Oh wow, Monty, this is really nice of you...
-Across town-
Cat King, sobbing: WHERE ARE MY FUCKING JEWELS????
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 4th: Rejection | Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier | Lost a/n: pre-steddie post-s4, angst with soft, happy ending because I'm a marshmallow. un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to series on ao3
All Eddie Munson has ever wanted to do is play music. 
That’s it. There are other hobbies, of course, other things that bring him joy– D&D, fantasy novels, art– but ever since he was a kid, whenever a teacher would ask what he wants to be when he grows up, it’s always the same answer. 
I wanna play music. 
As a kid, it seems less daunting. He just has to practice, he just has to play, he just has to have the passion to make it big. To be the next Kirk Hammett, or Eddie Van Halen, or Ozzy Osbourne if he can teach himself to carry a tune. 
Making friends is hard, but he manages to find a few in middle school who can play the instruments he can’t– drums, bass. Eddie takes the role of frontman, not exactly a singer still but he’s charismatic enough to get away with it at their school talent show.
High school comes, and Corroded Coffin is revamped. New vibe, new members. He’s older now, a little more jaded with each rejection. 
No one wants their EP, recorded by hand in Gareth’s garage onto cheap cassette tapes. 
No venue will let them play, and Eddie knows that it’s probably because they’re in high school but hadn’t The Cure started in high school? 
No one believes in them, trying to push them– especially Eddie– to consider more successful careers, safer paths. 
But eventually, they book a regular gig at The Hideout and Eddie’s certain this is it. This is their big break. Until they play week after week, staring at the same five plastered faces every Tuesday. If they can prove themselves though, the owner will have to let them play on a Friday or Saturday.
He never does. 
The final nail in the proverbial coffin comes after Eddie’s final senior year. Being accused of murder should have beefed up his credibility if nothing else– he’s already been traumatized, terrorized, and hunted like a goddamn dog, nevermind almost killed via hoard of angry mutant bats. Surely, he’ll catch at least one break. 
And then the owner at The Hideout tells him he can’t play there anymore. 
The hoards of people who still blame him for Chrissy Cunningham’s death are too much for him to manage himself and, in his words, Eddie’s driving away good business. His heart shatters, his breath catches, and Eddie leaves without a word because if he were to try to speak, all that would come out is either an enraged scream or a choked sob and Eddie doesn’t want to risk either. 
He drives around aimlessly for an unknown amount of time, just circles around the outskirts of Hawkins. Maybe I’ll just leave, he thinks. Indianapolis might be far enough. Maybe Chicago. Fuck it, maybe Argyle and Jonathan can put me up for awhile in California. Eddie wants to go somewhere that makes him forget just how lost he is, how unwanted and forgotten he’s become. Being the social pariah is only fun when he’s making speeches on cafeteria tables, not when it boots him out of his one and only career path. 
Somehow, he ends up in Loch Nora. He can’t face Wayne right now, he doesn’t want to bother Robin or Nancy, he’s already let Jeff, Gareth, and Freak down in the worst way imaginable, and if he goes to his mom’s or Chrissy’s tombstones with one more sob story, he’s afraid they’ll start haunting him. Steve’s become a friend over the last year or so it makes sense. Process of elimination and all of that. 
He doesn’t have the mental bandwidth to realize that he’d started driving that way before he ruled everyone else out. 
Steve welcomes him like he always does and offers him a beer, sitting with him in companionable silence on the couch as they watch Monty Python and The Holy Grail and laugh at the same parts. Eddie knows Steve can see that he’s upset but instead of asking questions Eddie isn’t ready to answer, he just sits a little closer with their thighs touching and one arm strewn over the back of the couch, just barely grazing Eddie’s shoulder. 
The movie ends and Steve moves to switch the tape when Eddie finally speaks up. 
“The Hideout kicked us out. Can’t play there anymore.” 
Eddie sees Steve freeze from behind before turning, his eyebrows knitted together above his nose. “Are you fucking serious?” 
He nods and sighs, lifting one hand to chew on this thumbnail as he looks at the wall beyond Steve. 
“That’s bullshit, dude. Why? Because of the protestors or whatever?” 
He nods again. 
“Want me to go down there? I’ve still got my bat around here somewhere. It might be nice to swing at something that’s not trying to like, eat me.” 
Eddie huffs a small laugh through his nose and meets Steve’s eyes, their righteous anger blending with his own as he sees Steve cross his arms over his chest. It’s hard not to stare. 
 “Well, then at least I wouldn’t be the only guy in this town wanted for murder.” 
Steve shakes his head and just chooses another movie, Howard the Duck this time, before returning to his spot on the couch. It’s one of Eddie’s favorite movies but he can’t focus to save his life because Steve is even closer now, his arm draped fully across Eddie’s shoulders and creating a space for Eddie to easily just… rest. So he does. 
The title sequence starts and Eddie’s head drops to the side, resting on Steve’s shoulder. It’s one of his favorites but he can’t follow the plot to save his life. All he can focus on is the way Steve’s fingers trace symptoms and shapes against the cotton of his tee shirt, and the steady rise and fall of his chest, and the feeling of Steve’s head leaning against the top of his. 
“I had a new song and everything,” Eddie whispers, surprising both himself and Steve. 
Steve hums and tightens his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, a ghost of a hug. “Play it for me sometime?”
All Eddie Munson has ever wanted to do is play music. And maybe he still can.
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
First Meeting - Part Five
((part four here)) ((part six here))
Thomas Hewitt/GN!Reader
tagslist: @goodiesinthecloset21 @shykoolade @strawb3rry-gal @ktssstuff @theclownbaby0 @leah-halliwell92  @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @aleracrovn
You’ve run away from home, hitchhiking around Texas as you come up with your next plan, only to find that life has plans of its own when a simple ride with a group of friends lands you at a lone gas station in Travis County, drawn to a mysterious man most seem to avoid.
Luda Mae didn't say much else after your confrontation, only directing you on where they kept the empty egg cartons once you were done drying the eggs and which fridge to put them in.
She tasks you with helping with dinner, leaving you in charge of cutting the vegetables she needs for the beef stew she was planning to make later in the day.
Okra, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, celery... This stew was packed full of everything, a big and filling meal, a recurring theme you could already see playing out in this house.
The Hewitts clearly didn't lack in food, making enough for everyone and more, their fridges stockpiled with everything any person could need, from fresh fruits and vegetables to drawers full of home packaged meats.
Luda Mae begins preparing lunch as you chop the vegetables, the radio filling the silence between the two of you as you think of something to say, trying to find a way to fix the awkwardness you had created.
Before you get the chance, however, Luda Mae breaks the silence herself, "Go fetch Monty and Thomas for lunch."
"Right." You drop the last of the now chopped vegetables into a large bowl with the rest of them, "...Where are they?"
"Monty'll be on the front porch, with that damn yappin' mutt of his. Tommy'll be in the basement, straight down the hall."
"Ok, where do you want me to put these?" You grab the bowl off the counter.
"Put 'em in the fridge for now."
"Yes ma'am." You do as you're told, going to the front porch first.
You push the screen doors open with a sqeual, the two wooden doors already wide open to help air flow through the house.
You step onto the porch, swinging your head right to the empty swing, then left to see Monty at the other end of the porch, sleeping dog curled up in his lap.
"Hello?" You ask, as he doesn't seem to react to your presence at all.
No response.
You step closer, and the faint sounds of snoring make it apparent he's fallen asleep. You take another step, reaching a hand out to touch the back of his wheelchair in an attempt to wake him.
But, instead of waking him, you wake his dog, who jumps up as soon as your hand touches the chair, barking ferociously at you.
You jump back, pulling your hand away as Monty wakes up with a jolt, looking around confused.
"What the-- Roxanne, shut up!" He hollers at the dog before spotting you, already grumpy at being woken up, "What the hell are you doin' here?"
"I, uh... I'm supposed to tell you lunch's ready?" You take a step back, unsure of what else to tell him.
"Aw, hell." He huffs, turning towards the front door and making his way across the porch, yelling out, "Luda Mae!"
You step out of the way to let him pass before quickly following behind, making sure to reach up and open the screen door for him.
"I don't need your damn help." He mutters, pushing the other screen door open with his cane and making his way inside, "Luda Mae!"
"What the hell are you yellin' about now, Monty!?" She calls back from the kitchen.
"What is this person doin' in my damn house!?"
"Your house!?"
You ignore the rest of the conversation, quickly walking past the kitchen as they argue, following Luda Mae's previous instructions and going straight down the hall.
This end of the hall is dark, a stark contrast to the rest of the house. There's a single step into a small room, and when you try the switch it doesn't work.
The large metal door is daunting, not like any basment door you've seen, towering over you in the dark like a threat.
Just like a horror movie... You can't help but to think, stepping forward and looking for a door handle.
You don't find one, your fingers running across the cold metal in the dark, feeling for a way to open it. Instead, your fingers catch on the side, and with a little more looking, you realize it's a sliding door.
Gripping the edge of the door, you pull as hard as you can, the heavy metal scraping as it slowly pulls open, working against you as if it didn't want you to open it at all.
You give up once you get enough space to squeeze through, leaving it partially closed as you step inside.
You're immediately met with a faint, foul smell, and a wooden staircase going down into a wall before turning into the rest of the basement hidden from your view. You can hear someone moving around down there, a faint light creeping up the stairs.
"Thomas?" You call out from the top platform, shifting in place. The basement was already terrifying you, and you hadn't even taken the first step down, "You down here?"
You hear metal clatter, and something drop before heavy footsteps make their way over to the stairs. Thomas comes up to the second platform, a rag in hand as he wipes off his hands and arms. You can't see what he's wiping off, and you're sure you don't want to.
"Lunch is ready." You tell him, Luda Mae's and Monty's yelling loud enough to echo into the basement as you give an awkward smile, trying to make light of the situation, "...I don't think Monty likes havin' me here much."
Thomas lets out a small amused huff, well aware of his uncle's habit of looking for a reason to have a problem.
"Are you coming up?" You ask, and he nods, tilting his head towards the basement as if to say he'd be up in a minute, "Alright, I'll tell Luda Mae."
You step back out of the basement, barely managing to push the door shut again.
You can hear the arguement finishing up as you head back into the kitchen, managing to catch the end tail of Luda Mae shutting it down, "...Sit down and eat so you can shut the hell up. Ain't no damn reason for you to be mad right now."
Monty grumbles something else too quietly for you to hear as you step back in, already stuffing his mouth full of the lunch Luda Mae prepared.
"Thomas says he'll be up in a minute." You break the silence, tension thick as you take a seat at the kitchen table.
Monty rolls his eyes, smacking around a full mouth, "Oh, what'a big help you are."
Taken aback by the sudden insult, you look between the two of them, beginning to pick at your own plate of food.
"Ignore him. He's just mad at nothin'." Luda Mae sets two more plates down before taking the seat beside him, "Don't talk with your mouth full, you damn fool."
He huffs again, glaring down at the plate of food as if it's responsible for everything wrong in the world, though you had an inkling suspicous he was directing those feelings towards you.
Another minute passes in silence, as the three of you sit and eat, your plate signifigantly less full than theirs, a request you gave Luda Mae earlier as to not waste any food you couldn't eat.
"...This is really good." You finally speak up, the silence driving you mad.
"Thank you. At least someone's appreciative." Luda Mae gives Monty a pointed look.
"Ain't suppos'ta talk wi'f my mou'f full." He makes a point of talking around a large bite of food.
It's her turn to roll her eyes as she turns back to her own plate of food.
"Why are you here anyhow? You get kicked out of your own house for bein' a druggie or somethin'?" Monty abruptly asks.
"Damnit, Monty--!"
"No, it's alright." You shrug, "I don't mind."
The smug look on his face almost makes you want to take it back, but you ignore him as you start explaining, "Mama drinks too much and Dad ain't around. Just seemed easier to go out on my own than to try and fix someone who doesn't wanna change."
"And it's also none of your damn business." Luda Mae points out.
"It's my damn business when it's in my damn house."
She scoffs, about to say something else when Thomas walks in the room, opting instead for saying nothing else, simply giving Monty a silent warning glare not to say another word.
"Hi..." You mutter, looking up at Thomas as he sits down, unbelievably relieved to have him in the room.
He looks around the room, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife between Luda Mae and Monty, creating an awkward environment for everyone in the room.
You stare down at the table, picking at your plate as you steal glances between the two of them before catching a glimpse at Thomas, who was doing the same as you.
You look at him, and then back at the other two. He nods, apparently sharing your thoughts.
You bite your lip, glancing between the two of them and Thomas. Perhaps it was the overly exaggerated look of anger on Monty's face, or the way Luda Mae continues making annoyed facial expressions, as if she was still arguing with him in her head, but suddenly you find yourself struggling not to laugh.
Thomas seems to be thinking the same thing, food untouched in front of him as he tries to fight off a smirk under his mask.
You place your arm on the table, hand coming up to cover your mouth as you look away, almost visible shaking from trying to stifle your laughter. It was like being a kid again, sitting between your parents trying have a serious arguement over the stupidest thing they could possibly think of, completely aware of how much trouble you could get into for laughing but unable to stop yourself from chuckling at their overdramatic antics.
The rest of the meal is spent in silence, you and Thomas stealing glances at each other and stifling your amusement at the two.
After everyone finishes you gather the dishes, helping Luda Mae wash them, the awkwardness long gone since Monty went to his room to take a nap.
You wash the plates and silverware in silence, Luda Mae drying and putting them away.
It's still early in the afternoon, and she's got nothing else to do, giving you plenty of time to grab your book and settle on the living room couch.
Luda Mae sits on a love seat on the other side of the living room, crotcheting something you couldn't quite make out. Perhaps it was too early in her project, or perhaps she was just shit at crotcheting. You don't bother to ask, content with reading over your book as an old song drifts through the air, dripping with static as the old radio pushes it out of it's speakers.
You pull your feet onto the cushion, leaning on the arm of the couch as your eyes read over the familar words for the hundreth time.
It's easy this way.
Easy to not ask questions.
Easy to pretend everything's normal.
Easy to forget what happened yesterday.
At least, it was.
The words are too familar, you know them too well.
They begin to blend together on the page, losing your focus as your mind begins to wander, the words changing and shifting until you're back in the pantry, watching Katie cry and plead for her life, helplessly yanking against her constrains.
You clench your eyes shut, her screams echoing in your mind as you shake your head, pushing the memory to the back of your mind, letting it settle in your chest like a gnawing guilt, reminding you that you could have done something different.
You're caught off guard when Thomas walks in the room, taking a seat on the couch and catching your attention. He's changed out of the grimey clothes he had on before lunch, now adorning a clean, navy blue dress shirt and jeans.
You look back down to your book, trying to refocus on the words and keep your mind away from yesterday, away from the thing that made you scared of him.
It doesn't work, and you close it, setting it down beside you as you sit up, leaning back and letting your head hang back as you stare at the ceiling.
You feel a tap on your hand, and you look over to see a concerned Thomas. He takes your hand, writing out his question, "A-R-E U O-K?"
You stare at your hands for a moment, letting his question roll around in your head for a moment before nodding, "Just tired..."
He nods as well, letting your hand go.
It feels cold for a moment, and you almost miss the heat of his hand against yours.
The rest of the afternoon goes on rather slowly, with not much to do, you're left to distract yourself.
Luda Mae shows you where the washer and dryer are, helping you get a load done so you can finally take a shower and feel clean.
It's a dream, clean clothes on clean skin, finally given the chance to run a brush through your hair, fighting against the tangles that have made their home there over the past several weeks.
You almost don't know where to start, staring back at yourself in the dingy mirror of the downstairs bathroom, wet hair clinging to your skin as you face the daunting task ahead of you.
You try your best to brush through the mess on your own, brush pulling at the knots harshly, leaving your arms tired and wrists hurting as you barely brush a few of them out.
"You alright in there?" A sudden knock makes you jump, grip tightening on the old hairbrush.
"Y-yea," You sigh, opening the door for Luda Mae, "Just havin' some trouble with my hair..."
She looks you over through thick glasses before sighing herself, "Well, come on then."
That's all the warning you get before she's walking down the hall and back towards the front of the house.
"Huh?" You blink in confusion, quickly following behind.
"Sit." She takes a seat on the couch, pointing to the floor in front of her, "Come on, now, I ain't got all day, supper's gotta be made."
It takes you a few seconds to realize what's happening, but none the less you do as you're told.
Luda Mae takes the brush from your hands as you cross your legs, leaning against the front of the couch and giving her access to your hair. Thomas isn't in the living room anymore, but the one sided conversation you can hear Monty having on the front porch gives you an idea of where he may be.
Luda Mae's hands are gentle as she works, slowly but surely brushing through each knot with much more ease than you had yourself. It's obvious she's done this before.
You close your eyes, letting them rest as she combs through your hair, humming a quiet song.
"...It's been a long time since I've brushed anyone's hair," She speaks up, "Thomas won't let me do it no more."
"You used to brush his hair?"
"Mhm. Every mornin', since he was just a little baby. Then Hoyt and Monty started teasin' him for it and now he does it himself..." Her voice is sad as she explains, carefully working through a particularly difficult knot.
"...You're a good mother." You're solemn as you lean your head forward, giving her better access to the back of your head, "He's lucky to have you."
You hear her hum in response, unable to see the small smile gracing her face,
"...There we go." She finally states after a few minutes, pulling the brush away from your hair, "All done."
You sigh in relief, running a hand over your hair just to feel the difference, "Thank you, it feels so much better."
"You can thank me by helpin' with supper." She pats your shoulder, and you take that as your sign to stand, following her into the kitchen to help make dinner.
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skayafair · 4 months
Ep 1 Rewatch Notes
So I'm rewatching the 3rd time and want to note a few things I didn't realize before:
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where Edwin seemed so sure he won't need these self-defence techniques is followed by this ↓ the very same episode. No wonder it ends not well. Should have listened to ur mate, Edwin!
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Edwin identifies the era Emma is from by her hairstyle and details of clothing and purse. Someone's been studying historical fashion huh~
When the boys banish the demon from Crystal in the underground, Charles looks mostly alright despite taking the most damage (apparently ghosts can very well feel things inflicted by other supernatural beings and forget that material hindrances like floor or a wall or a door shouldn't be an issue for them), while Edwin seems to be alarmed and breathes fast as if trying to calm down from panic. I guess it's not "as if".
Table soccer line on the wall is such a cute detail reminding they are still teenagers.
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I didn't understand the bridge scene with "Like, I'm being mean to you. - What? Am I supposed to get mad?" properly before. I do now though. Chaaaarles 😭 I believe it's a mixed bag of him keeping up his "sunny" facade, being able to communicate to another teenager who's alive (as a connection to being alive and regret that he's dead) and liking Crystal. Damn, that's too sad(((
Charles knows Edwin sooooo well. I can't with this huge smile after "You're really gonna let a little american girl die?". He was 1000% sure Edwin would cave in.
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"Edwin this woman has a big cleaver-" WHY are you asking Edwin about it Charles?! 🤦😂
Ooooh no oh no oh no. The first case they take is a missing girl one. Crystal is crying while reading the mother's mind. Of course the woman can think only of her lost daughter. And THEN we learn that Crystal's own mother didn't give a damn. DIdn't even know her daughter was missing. My turn to cry 😭
Wow Edwin looked like he was on the verge of tears when Crystal confessed she let David in willingly. Heavy stuff.
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Gods the whole "our deaths didn't matter" scene is. Idk how it can hit harder the 3rd time - maybe because I'm paying more attention to the details and have already processed some of their meanings - but it does. A moment of involuntary vulnerability, a true connection, reluctant as it was, and. Edwin is not collected in the slightest. It's not just that his emotions blew up - he just can't control them at all. This whole case with David the Demon became a very strong trigger and Edwin simply could not handle it at all. Crystal can't handle it either, she has her own trauma in full bloom. It's such a fragile moment between them when they decide to set this issue aside, even though it's very much urgent for Crystal. And poor Charles who's used to being a fixer is so lost the whole time because his words don't work and he has no idea what to do. Say what you want but the 1st episode is CHARGED with emotionally strong scenes.
Charles had a beef with Monty from episode one I just can't- 😂
"Keep mocking me, crow. I'll make you my friend eventually. Everyone likes me". Oh well, he sort of succeeded!
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bulkyphrase · 3 months
Fluffy Steve Fest Rec List Day 4 - Birthday Comedy
It's @fluffystevefest day 4 - Happy birthday Steve! The theme for Thursday is Birthday, but, like yesterday, you're getting something completely different—comedy!
Please enjoy this not at all birthday-themed list of some of my favorite funny fluffy fics.
Son or Dog? by SucculentHyena (@succulent-hyena) (Stucky, General Audiences, 2,518 words)
Summary: Nobody can stop talking about Steve Rogers, the newest employee in the office. He’s nice, he’s handsome, and he adores Charlie. There’s only one thing they can’t figure out: is Charlie his son? Or his dog? Bucky’s going to try his best to find out.
How to Train Your Superheroes by StuckySituation (Gen, Teen And Up Audiences, 3,150 words)
Summary: “But of course, no matter how much we practice on schedule, we will need to learn constant vigilance and manage to get our reaction times down to the minimum,” Steve continues and takes the last burger beef from the grill and puts it onto the table next to him. Natasha has a brief millisecond to frown and think “Constant vigilance?”, before Steve kicks the grill so hard that the coals rain on top of the flammable carpet feets away. “What the hell-!?” “STEVE!?” Steve is already sprinting towards the ledge. “First training session started! Wanda, Sam, Tony - someone CATCH ME!” Then he jumps off the Tower.
Check One by JenTheSweetie (@jenthesweetie) (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 4,263 words)
Summary: The important thing to know - and I mean really, the actually important thing - is that no matter what Bucky said, Steve was not flirting with Tony Stark. (“Yes you were, you son of a - ”) Steve has an annoying best friend. Tony has an elaborate plan. Sam has allergies. Bucky has no idea what's about to hit him.
Blind Date by @aggressivewhenstartled, quietnight (@quietnighty) (Teen And Up Audiences, 8,294 words, No Archive Warnings Apply)
Summary: “I just had the best idea I have ever had in my life,” Bucky said, punching straight through a doombot with his metal hand and clutching the napkin with Steve’s phone number in the other. The formerly (somewhat) dark and peaceful corner of Central Park was now lit up with energy beams, flashing robotic lights, and panicked astronomy buffs running for cover. Oh well, it wasn't like they'd been going to see many stars what with all the Christmas shit everywhere. “The bar you are setting for that is not high,” Natasha told him over the coms. Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
Situation: Normal by redcigar (Mature, 3,155 words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Summary: AU wherein Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers never met, Steve somehow manages to rescue the Winter Soldier anyway, and Avengers Tower ends up with the world’s angriest duckling and a whole new brand of entertainment. - (“He was dragging him out of the river,” Natasha argues later. “Nat, be honest, he was going for the Full Monty.” Says Clint. “I’m pretty sure we interrupted him in the middle of giving ‘emergency CPR’,” Tony agrees, “Or the stage after emergency CPR. Emergency Dick? Is that a thing?” “That’s not a thing,” Natasha and Clint reply.) Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
How Steve Rogers Singlehandedly Lost the Cold War by redcigar (Mature, 3,880 words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Summary: AU wherein Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes never met, but the Winter Soldier takes an interest in Captain America anyway, and has an odd way of showing it. -- (On the helicarrier, hurrying to reach the central hub of the third aircraft in time, the chip clenched in his gloved fist, Steve turns to find a ghost blocking his path, and is abruptly reminded on what the road to hell is paved with.) Also available as a podfic read by quietnight (@quietnighty)
The God of Solid Life Advice by kehinki (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 1,583 words)
Summary: It's 2012. Steve is just informed by Loki that Bucky's alive. Loki also tells him some other things.
Bait and Switch by @galwednesday (Teen And Up Audiences, 2,650 words, No Archive Warnings Apply)
Summary: "Post-action tacos?” Tony suggested. “I’m thinking that place by Fordham. BattleBot, you in?” “Can’t,” the Soldier said, typing something into his phone. “I have a date.” Tony stopped talking for an entire three seconds. “You. Have a date.” The Soldier looked up and blinked, clearly nonplussed to find Sam and Tony both staring at him. “Yes.” “With who?” “My boyfriend.” “You have a boyfriend. You have a boyfriend?” Tony looked like he’d just walked into a lamppost, and then the lamppost had handed him a birthday present. Also available as a podfic read by Nendian
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eggnogisyummy · 4 months
For anyone that is curious, here is some info of my Redemption AU of the SAMS!
*Basic Info: The redemptions first started between the time when Solar Flare was made and when Bloodmoon was supposed to die. It first started with KC, then Bloodmoon, until finally Eclipse(though he put up a fight about it first). Characters such as Solar, Jacko, Forkface and Ruin still came through time.
*Characters! (Oh boy 🥲)---------
Sun: Has anxiety and trust problems. He fully doesn't trust the ex Villians and hates it when he doesn't get info on what they're doing. He's in a relationship with Bloodmoon as well, not by force by any means but still has some trust issues with the twins.
Moon: A mix of the old Moon and the new Moon. They took KC out, though the memories stayed and the code had to sort of rebuild itself. Moon is sort of keeping tabs on everyone, though he keeps overworking himself and sometimes really snappy but he truly does care for his family. He has the star hidden somewhere and plans to use it to get rid of the creator.
Earth: Still the main therapist, Earth helps the Villians see the wrongs they have done and how they could make up for it in some way. She has a small therapy garden she likes to take care of.
Lunar: He helps Earth with the Therapy, sometimes giving his own advice, throwing in humor and/or just being the stress ball/plush(since y'know, hes still made of nano machines at this point). He also works in the theater.
KC: Basically the tired but loving dad. He works at a soup kitchen and takes care of Eclipse, Solar Flare and Bloodmoon. He visits the daycare every now and again, especially on Halloween since the kids love to see him on that day. He's trying to look for a partner through Tinder of course, and does SoundCloud rapping to pass the time. He's pretty decent and is taking lessons.
Eclipse: Still a bastard, he's the least nicest of everyone. He throws insults whenever he feels like it, but doesn't do any actual physical harm anymore. He refuses to go to therapy, but KC drags him to it anyway. He has his own body, but he can't upgrade it to make himself stronger since they don't want to risk Eclipse trying to kill them all again.
BM: Nano machine ADHD twins, they still hunger for meat and blood. However KC managed to get blood bags and raw meat from stores. If Bloodmoon stays good sometimes KC will even give him a really bad guy to kill. BM is currently dating Sun.
Solar Flare: SF is the youngest, and the favorite child since he knows when to mind his own business and not act like a lunatic. He's still growing as an AI, but he's better at recognizing emotions and feelings, like the feeling of trauma from when Eclipse tried to take him over and the hatered he has for Eclipse. He tried to find ways to hurt Eclipse, though usually he keeps himself from doing those things. Sometimes he just can't help it.
Solar: He's Solar. And not dead, since Ruin didn't get a chance to kill him.
Forkface: They dont have really any huge beef with anyone except for the Creator and Ruin. They're still mysterious and powerful, but still loveable. They are living happily with Ruin Monty and are getting married soon.
Ruin: He is under supervision almost 24/7 after he tried to kill all the creators. He almost succeeded, but Bloodmoon and Eclipse were able to stop the machine before it could kill off Solar's creator. Ruin is fine with being supervised and is willing to be redeemed, even if the process is slow.
Jack: Jack is Solar Flare's best friend since the two are both growing AIs(and bodyguards lol). He enjoys playing with Sun's cats and protecting his family. He hates Ruin with a passion and doesn't want anything to do with him.
Creator: Still the main Villian and a horrible father. Kidnapped Lunar once and literally everyone ganged up on him, especially KC. He's currently in hiding and everyone is hoping he stays like that and doesn't bother them again.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Thanks!
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itsjaywalkers · 8 months
ejehehe do ya have boxer james au head canon sorry im new here and just curious
I DO i just . don't know if i can anything new AND spoiler free considering this whole thing started here on tumblr
but !! i don't mind indulging u nonnie, i love talking about that au, and since you're new hopefully this won't seem too repetitive for u <3
reg has always been into journalism but the reason why he decided to focus on boxing is because of sirius!! it was a way to combine his passion AND his appreciation for his brother so it seemed like the perfect idea
as u can see the black brothers have a great relationship in this one and they left home together (but reg still talks to their parents on occassion)
james' trainer used to be his dad since monty was a very famous and admired boxer until he retired but . some shit happened and now james doesn't even speak to his father
sirius and james do not get along in this fic . they're rivals and james is threatening to take sirius' spot at the top so . they're openly hostile with each other and fans always take sides
regulus secretly enjoys being forced to interview james bc he finds him intriguing (and really fucking attractive but that's neither here nor there)
lily and james are sort of friends here bc they used to hook up (they still kinda do when the story starts) and reg gets soooo jealous whenever he sees them together
despite them getting along . there WILL be black brothers angst . considering reg is fucking the enemy
james and reg are always indirecting each other on twitter
james is a Prick in this one, he's my most arrogant james so far and he has . terrible anger issues .
this is one of the main reasons why his relationship with reg is so messy during most of the story (james does grow and change quite a bit throughout it tho)
barty loses a lot of his fights on purpose and lets himself be hurt because he has a very concerning obsession with the nurse (yes evan is the nurse)
barty and james' beef is even more legendary than sirius and james' beef simply bc their rivalry is absolutely unhinged and they lose all sense of decorum or sportsmanshin when they're in each other's vicinity
this fic is gonna be very explicit like . oby level explicit . it'll take a bit to start but once it does.. Yeah
peter and sirius are besties in this one and believe me the irony isn't lost on me
james and reg are caught fucking a few times . and it never stops them from continuing fucking . in fact, james gets even more enthusiastic
reg is trans in this one <3
genuinely considering writing a rosekiller side story in this one bc . i'm kinda obsessed with them here
reg's only friend (apart from barty once he meets him and his brother) is pandora, who's one of his coworkers and the one who has to hear all the graphic details about his hookups with james
she's a lot more interested in the pretty ginger referee she sees whenever she accompanies reg to the matches tho..
i'm planning to be . kinda realistic when it comes to portraying the repercussions of getting involved with a famous athlete (especially considering reg's job) and the whole relationship going public
james' most important ritual/good luck charm involves reg getting on his knees <3 after they start hooking up he refuses to get on the ring without reg sucking him off first
remus is very against james getting involved with reg (even tho he knows that mf is gonna end up doing whatever the hell he wants)
james and remus have been friends since they were kids so despite all the bickering and arguing they're very close
james doesn't wear glasses often because of all the fighting (but reg likes him better with them)
and idk what else to say i feel like i've talked so much about this au that there's nothing u guys don't know already lmao
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meowierz · 12 days
sighs...i remember this au i made...
It was a silly reality where the animatronics are fixed and everything goes back to the way it was. Mostly everything is the same except for a FEW things.
When it came to the virus, it either brought out the worst in the animatronics or made them the opposite of what they are! Let me explain!
Gregory is still here of course. It takes a while for him to start trusting and liking the other robots since they did try to kill him. Now, he goes to bother the other glamrocks whenever he wants too. He lives in the of The Daycare Attendant's room since no one checks up there.
Monty isn't as bad as he was before. Still aggressive, he'll even destroy things now and then, but he doesn't fight as much anymore. He's still a bit of a menace, just with his words. He has the biggest beef with Roxxane and Freddy! Though, he doesn't voice his with Freddy since Roxy is the one popping off the mouth.
Roxxane still thinks she's the best but she doesn't insult people as much as before (just Monty lmao). She believes she is the best at everything and she kinda is! Except for mini-golf. Which is why she's beefing with Monty. Similar to Monty, she's still a menace, just not destroying stuff!
Chica is a bundle of joy and full of energy! She still loves to eat but she is willing to work it off afterwards! She's only tired when she's on here period (she don't got one) but other then that she is a ray of sunshine! Speaking of sunshines, she is best friends with Sun. She's best friends with everyone she meets actually! Though, she can be a bit dumb sometimes! Especially if food's around.
Freddy still acts the same, since he wasn't hacked! Though, since this isn't a serious situation, he makes a bunch of silly jokes. He'll even troll Gregory by saying "Come on Gregory!! I'm 'hip'!!" but nothing too harmless. He's just a silly guy.
The Daycare Attendant, Sun and Moon, are quite an interesting duo! Sun acts the same as he does in Help Wanted, since he was never hacked and was just stressed!! Moon on the other hand is a sweet and calm soul. He's usually unbothered by everything and rarely gets mad! When he does, he simply just walks away. When someone is in control, the other one is there watching! They might even appear as a hologram if the two are focused enough (the other glamrocks can't see it tho lmao).
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juniaships · 1 year
As much as I want to ignore Shrek the Turd I think it's a lot rewarding to address its flaws than take the easy way out. So here us a list of what I would've changed had I wrote the movie.
Harold's death
- the choice of song is rather out of place
- only serves to push a dramatic moment/shove Artie into the plot
- I actually like Harold :/
How to fix it:
- Harold doesn't die. Instead he gets an old man crisis & Lillian decides to take him on vacation to recuperate; naturally leaving Fiona and Shrek in charge
- Harold does die but the moment is treated with actual respect.
- Harold doesn't die BUT there is a death: Artie's father. The Royal Family go to Camelot for the funeral and meets Uther's estranged son Artie. That way Artie's daddy issues has more purpose in the story bc he truly can't reconcile with his dad, and Shrek a more sympathetic reason to steps up as a father figure.
- Alternatively, Artie's mom dies and he is sent to live in FFW bc his father doesn't want custody. So Shrek AND Fiona has to deal with a teenager and both have fear of parenthood byt still wants to give Artie the best. This also allows Fiona and Artie to interact with each other
Problem: suffers what I call Chicken Little Syndrome, he's kinda bland and we don't know much about him. Also his bullied nerd background Only serves to make him sympathetic cuz everyone is so mean to him! Beyond being kind and kinda dramatic Artie doesn't have much else
How to fix it:
- Everyone has beef with Artie because of his father's reputation. Perhaps Uther had a bad spending habit which left Camelot in financial ruin or his habit of flirting with women left a lot of illegitimate children now they're all fighting over rightful inheritance and puts down Artie bc he's the youngest/weakest
- Camelot has a very warrior like society but Artie is more diplomatic/soft, which makes him look weak in the eyes of everyone else. Eventually his softness saves Camelot
- Artie has a legitimate flaw (his trust issues) which makes him unable to properly communicate with others.
- Artie has a few true friends who are outcasts like him. But their support drives him to pursue a career in politics so he can help them and ppl like them (giving his speech more credibility)
The Princesses
Problem: most of them were boring at best, unlikable at worst.
How to fix it:
- Give the princesses more likable personalities: say they WERE strong and capable but got so caught up in glamor bc they don't want to remember the painful past
Problem: Charming and Rapunzel
- Comes right out of nowhere
- doesnt make since given Charming's arc is all abput becoming villain why would he date ANOTHER princess?
How to fix it
- Rapunzel's new motivation is she doesn't want an ogre on the throne, or she got tired of the princesses bullying her for her baldness. Or that she's jealous the princesses still have their princes yet Rapunzel lost hers. Or maybe Charming DID save her and she's working with him as a favor.
- However she discovers Charming is not as cool as she thought bc he still treats her (and any princess) like objects and not their own person
- Keep Rapunzel in the princess group and create a new character from scratch
- this new OC is a part of the villains not because she is one herself but because they're the only ones who accepted her for one reason or another. This makes her a foil for Charming and Godmother's relationship. She's wants to help them & save the Poison Apple from closing.
- however Charming is very bad at being evil so she teaches him how to be more assertive and this sets up a romance.
Issue: Arthurian myth
Problem: Aside from being retooled as a school campus, the Arthurian mythos doesn't have much prominence in the story
How to fix it:
-change the main goal to finding Excalibur or the Holy Grail (kiddie Monty Python)
- or have it where Camelot is in a crisis of succession so an election or tournament is held to decide the new king. Noblemen from all over participate (introducing us to the Princesses). Shrek and Fiona helps Artie while Charming joins so he can finally get his own kingdom
- Artie turns out to have magic instead of Merlin (who is just a wacky alchemist/scientist) but he lacks confidence
- At the end have it where Artie forms the knights of the round table (with some of the characters and villains as members)
- Maybe make Charming "Lancelot"
Girl Power Message
Problems: They were sidelined most of the movie, preventing Fiona from truly delving into her responsibilities as Queen. Also most of the girl characters like the Princesses & Guinevere were portrayed as shallow b*tches or not having much relevance
How to fix:
- Make Fiona the focus character this time and her story is juggling queenly duties and her trauma in the tower
- Have the princesses be an underground guerilla force they help her take out Charming during the movie
- or have it where the tower was actually a school to train princesses-to-be and Fiona's Kiss was part of a sceret test of character to see if she really is fit to be Queen; accepting her ogress form means she accepts EVERYONE, so she passed the test
- Fiona demonstrates her leadership skills by planning and carrying out targeted attacks, & taking care of civilians
- MAKE ARTIE A GIRL it makes a cool twist fitting for a franchise like Shrek. Or give Artie a female companion/love interest who accompanies him on his quest (perhaps Guinevere or a new character)
- instead of Merlin they meet Nimue/Lady of the Lake who takes the role of the kooky mentor
- Like I mentioned, explore why Rapunzel betrayed the team; perhaps make her have a change of heart and help her ex friends escape.
- Or like giving Charming a new love interest one who is a caricature of the Evil Sexy Villainess or YA Novel Girlboss Protagonist (have her learn it's okay to be vulnerable)
- have Shrek puss and Donkey be the ones in danger and fiona and her princesses are the ones to go on a journey to save them
Puss and Donkey's subplot
Problem: it doesn't do much to serve the story but for cheap comic relief. Donkey is a father himself but doesn't seem to do much to help Shrek and Artie
How to fix it:
- make Puss absent of stay with the princesses to help them
- Donkey talks with Shrek about his experiences as a father
- Remove the body switch entirely
- or have a subplot where Donkey and Puss still aren't getting along and Merlin switches them so they can learn to see from a new perspective.
- Maybe have Puss admit he doesn't have a good relationship with his own dad or something, or is actually great with kids (stunning Shrek and Donkey)
Shrek's arc
- Issue: we don't delve much into his backstory, he only wants to shirk his royal duties instead of doing the smart thing and actually confronting them
How to fix:
- introduce more Ogres or Shrek's dad. Have it be a family reunion or Shrek's dad finds out he married into royalty and that sets up the overall conflict
- Have the babies born before the movie and the plot is spent with him being a stay at home dad or caring for them while in Camelot while Fiona is tbe working parent
- also sets up an arc where Fiona struggles to balance mother hood and her job
- artie gets more used to ogre (children) leading to a realisation he has to step up to make a better future for their sake (again a more sympathetic reasoning)
The Villains
Issue: Charming is just Farquad 2.0, the rest seem to be props in their own story, Rapunzel
How to fix
- Make a new character who represents the villain side we get an intimate look at how society treats outcasts
- Give the villains more screentime like say we follow a group of them during theur trip to capture Shrek. They eventually have a confrontation and in the fray Artie ends up helping a villain much to their shock. They realise Artie isn't a threat. Or have it set at the play
- give Hook or Doris a prominent role
- or a new major villain; make it Charming's dad who takes him under his wing under the guise of wanting to help his son but is just manipulating him for the throne
- Make Charming struggle how ti adapt to being a villain due to his upbringing
- make some of the villains less open to wanting him in his group or have it where they try to help him be more evil (setting up potential jokes)
- Have Charming and Fiona have an actual moment with Fiona pointing out she did dream of a prince but is happy with Shrek and warns Charming that he still wouldn't be happy even if he did get everything
- Give Charming an actual villain love interest as a foil to Shrek and Fiona
- Don't include Charming at all (marry him off to Doris even lol) and create a new villain inspired by Arthurian lore. Maybe the Black Knight? Mordred? Morgan le Fay?
- Or even Artie himself! he wants to use his new position to enact revenge on his bullies
- Instead of the villains taking over it's the other fairytale heroes led by a jilted Charming and Shrek teams up with the villains to save FFW
- Make Uther the main villain
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m1st1x · 1 year
RUIN Theory! - Escape Plans
Spoilers for all of the RUIN dlc. Buckle up, I’m about to make a controversial theory that no one here will be happy about. …yay. You might’ve heard someone else mention the idea, but I am ready to try and sell it to you.
Ok, I want you to hear me out. What if Security Breach never happened? The idea was first planted into my head by Matpat during on of the GTLive play throughs of RUIN, and since then, a few connections have been made. I just want to share what I think could make this theory make sense.
So first, I decided to look at the Glamrock’s shattered and ruined designs to compare, and I noticed a few little details. One is that Freddy still has the present. Now this could be because he’s the prototype, but I’m not going to immediately write it off because of that. Another thing that everyone noticed is Roxy’s face—it’s completely different, and it has those ports which I assumed are how the eyes attach (but even then, how would they rotate properly? It doesn’t really make sense). Thirdly, Monty didn’t have a sternum piece before RUIN. In Security Breach, there’s just a hole there. And, his tail wires are longer in RUIN, not to mention the fact that they’re bound with cable ties. Given how he acts, I don’t think he would have the insight to install one himself. He also wouldn’t be able to reach back there to tie all of those messy wires up, especially not with how good it looks. So unless someone came down there to fix some of them, I can’t see how they would end up like that. Chica doesn’t seem to have any discrepancies though—there’s nothing that was lost that she now has from what I can see. (Side note: I noticed Monty has a gold tooth, which reminded me of Foxy, specifically the Golden AR plush whose description was “I guess he replaced more than his teeth.” It just struck me as odd.)
Then I looked at and thought about the comic pages. They’re all in fairly random places, but the page with the Burntrap ending is down in one of the rooms with the burners. That’s odd, right? How would Gregory have gotten down there to drop it off? How would he have known about both Burntrap and the Blob? And why is that ending not shown as comic pages in Security Breach? (Who collected those pages and put them together?)
Then I had an idea. People pretty much agree that Vanessa is Vanny, and the theory that Gregory is GGY, or Dr. Rabbit, is out there even if we don’t have too much information to back it. This would mean both are under Glitchtrap’s control, or are at least on his side. What if Gregory (or the Crying Child, if you’ll accept that theory) drew those while being stuck in the Pizzaplex? Like the kind parts of him broke through, whether that be because of a spirit or not, and he sort of fantasized. I know it sounds like a stretch, but hold on. Kids fantasize, especially kids that are being abused. They make up scenarios where they do things that they aren’t able to do, and sometimes the ideas are put onto paper. I mean Gregory has got to have seen all the animatronics while he’s there, and he’s probably got the processing power to figure out how the animatronics would break when faced with certain factors, even if he wasn’t completely right or knowing of how they all looked underneath their suit. He’d also probably be pretty angry at the whole place, except maybe that one character that he really liked for whatever reason—Freddy. He would even know about the animatronic in the basement, which explains why he said that it was trapped down there for a long time and why he knew about the MXES security program. He could’ve even been partially behind it. He’s also probably seen the Blob and Burntrap during his time there, and I’d imagine he hates Burntrap more than most. He knows what he’s done, who he was made by, and/or what he was made for. He’d probably have some beef, so it would make sense why that ending would look better than the others. It’s the one he wants to happen the most. All the animatronics are shattered, the building collapses, and Burntrap dies.
I can hear the questions—but what about the bad endings? Why would Gregory fantasize about those? You have to remember, he’s not stupid (and is he’s a robot, he would be more logical anyways). He would know that Vanny would be sent to find him if he just ran, maybe it even happened once or twice already, and he would know the map of the building, so he’d know the best door to leave from. The Burntrap ending is the only one where we don’t see them actually leave, so they might’ve not even made it in that scenario. It is only that—a scenario. A stupid idea, but it could happen. And even if that isn’t the case, our minds go down bad paths all the time, even if we don’t want them to.
Maybe one of those comics was a plan to try and escape, but something else ultimately ended up happening. Vanessa is with him in the cutout/Brazil ending, so they could’ve escaped together. Maybe with the help of Helpy. It would probably be the most similar to the Princess Quest ending then, with Gregory helping Vanessa snap out of it. This theory would even make sense for why he dropped the elevator (you know, if he was the one who dropped it). “We can’t risk being followed,” he says. That could be talking about him, Vanessa, and/or Charlie/Elizabeth if they’re in the same body, and I understand why he would do anything—even sacrifice a friend—to not go back. To not be found again. The missing posters could’ve been put up by the one controlling (or trying to control) them, which would force them to stay in hiding, leaving Cassie wondering where he went. I’m not sure how they became friends in the first place, but my best guess is that Cassie visited the Plex often, Roxy says that he came for her birthday twice, and they met at some point.
For the Glamrock Freddy backpack near the MXES machine, I believe it’s Gregory’s. He might’ve dropped it on his haste to get out of there, or couldn’t come back to get it when the plan was in motion. And something I did find odd during the normal ending is that the speaker seems to cut out. It has a ringing sound to cut in, and that same noise occurs before Gregory says “it’s not your fault,” and drops the elevator. A popular theory is that it was that animatronic in the basement the whole time, which although I’m not completely with, I feel like it could have some plausibility.
EDIT: there’s “He was our superstar” in yellow graffiti in the beginning, which I feel could either be referencing Gregory, Glamrock Freddy, or even Glamrock Bonnie.
EDIT II: when you’re in the daycare attendant’s room in AR, you can see Roxy, Chica, and Monty in a playhouse, with Roxy being front and center. Sun and Moon sit on a table on opposite sides, kind of overlooking the scene. Moon looks a bit ostracized though, and Freddy is absent from what I’ve seen. The glitch Eclipse/Sun is on the ceiling. Could this be a notion to Freddy being not very liked by the other animatronics, or him not being under the glitch’s hold? It might explain why the prototype doesn’t even show up in AR mode.
EDIT III: I forgot to even mention Gregory’s attitude in the games. He HATES the animatronics, and I feel there’s less fear than there should be. He’s definitely scared for his life, but that isn’t really shown in his actions. He shatters all three without remorse, only caring about Freddy. Meanwhile, Cassie is nice and sympathetic towards them.
EDIT IV: I just realized that the backpack is next to a hole in the wall that Gregory could’ve definitely fit in.
EDIT V: Monty’s endo coloring. In the shattered design, his endo is all this dark grey color, but in the RUIN design, parts of it—namely his jaw and chest—are tan colored. It isn’t the right color for rust, and there aren’t any parts that color in the other animatronics. (You can see the jaw hinge in shattered Monty. It’s definitely that grey, not bronze.)
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blood-and-pizza · 2 years
omg i stumbled across ur au and i think its pretty neat :D the post with monty and the bonnie conflict made me wonder if there are any other notable conflicts or drama that has happened in the establishment of the where the animatronics live. also how did the Foxy's react to Roxy in ur au was it like monty's reception or different (sorry if my grammar is bad)
Ah, thank you! <3
Well, let's see... the family-friendly animatronics sometimes get into squabbles with the horror animatronics. This is because the family-friendly animatronics have mixed feelings about perceived as scary, so to meet versions of themselves who are intentionally scary makes them feel insecure... and it makes them lash out. The horror animatronics either try to ignore their family-friendly counterparts or troll the hell out of them.
The Toys and the Classics sometimes feud with each other, but that only happens when Toy Foxy and Classic Foxy are fighting. It gets messier every time. Otherwise, they're usually family to each other.
Any family-friendly animatronic that isn't from the Funtime line has some sort of beef with the Funtimes. Basically, they all think Funtime Freddy is a troublemaker, and that he was "made wrong". The other Funtimes - excluding Circus Baby - have been known to defend Funtime Freddy, and so they get judged as having something wrong with them, too. The horror animatronics side with Funtime Freddy and accept him and the other Funtimes. It's helped Funfred embrace his scary side more, and is part of the reason he loves terrifying people for fun.
And that's all the drama I know about for now!
To answer your question about the Foxys and their reaction to Roxanne... they learned about her before actually getting to meet her, which wouldn't happen for about a decade. When they first learned about her, they couldn't stand the fact they'd been replaced by a wolf. For a while, the Foxys hated wolves. But then Twisted Wolf came to the Estate and they were forced to change their minds.
Twisted Wolf was part of the Twisted line of animatronics, who were built specifically to promote the FNAF novels. She was big, monstrous... and absolutely terrified of Classic Foxy. No one could figure out why until Classic Foxy read the book Twisted Wolf came from... only to find out his book counterpart had killed Twisted Wolf.
Classic Foxy is a family-friendly animatronic, but he actually gets along nicely with most of the horror animatronics since being scary made him popular. Knowing Twisted Wolf was terrified of him because she was afraid he'd KILL her... it felt horrible. That was the moment Classic Foxy decided to swallow his pride and be nice to Twisted Wolf. He advised the other Foxys to do to the same, "or else".
Four years tick by, and the Foxys have actually grown rather fond of Twisted Wolf. She doesn't speak, only able to communicate with wolf noises and body language. Despite this, she manages to be very expressive and communicative, and she's accepted the Foxys as being part of her "pack". Just as this happens, a new Foxy arrives at the Estate: Big Bad Foxy, a fox who loves pretending to be a wolf. He and Twisted Wolf bond immediately. They're all a family now.
So, by the time Roxanne Wolf shows up at the Estate... she's nervous about meeting the Foxys. She knows she has Foxy's eyes. But... she's a wolf. Not a fox. She's nowhere near as legendary as Foxy. How will he react to her? Well, imagine her surprise when it turns out there's already wolves in Foxy's family!
Classic Foxy gets so excited when he actually sees Roxanne in person, especially when he sees her eyes are his color. It's like a dad meeting his long-lost daughter for the first time. He's happy. Roxanne is so confused but... her tail is wagging uncontrollably. Also, she might start crying because she wasn't expecting such a warm welcome.
I could have sworn Roxanne had a Funtime Foxy plushie in her green room in Security Breach (I could be wrong), so she bonds closely with Toy Foxy and Funtime Foxy in my AU. She's also pretty fond of Classic Foxy and might accidentally call him "dad" sometimes. She does tease him a lot for the whole pirate shtick, though.
And in case you're wondering how Roxanne gets along with Twisted Wolf and Big Bad Foxy... they're like siblings.
I would love to explore Roxanne's relationship with the Foxys further, so if anybody wants to ask me more specific questions about that, feel free!
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floofballsammy · 1 year
Talking about Monty and Glamrock Bonnie here.
FNaF Security Breach Ruin Spoilers
With Ruin showing us Glamrock Bonnie, it kinda just confirmed to me that Monty couldnt be the one decomissioning Bonnie. I mean, it never really made sense in the first place.
And I'm not going to take the Story from Ruin as evidence. That atill was clearly a fabrication by Fazbear Entertainment to cover up Bonnie's dissappearance.
Let's see. Often times I see people say he has the means and the motive. Means as in the claws (which we see a big claw mark on Glamrock Bonnie's chest) and motive to be the star (as people use the one stage in the golf course). Bonnie was also last seen in Monty Golf. And Monty also has anger issues.
However, that just doesnt make sense with what we learn with Monty in the base game?
He wouldn't have the claws at that point. And even if the timeline is a little iffy (since the note says decommissioned not missing, so i'm willing to concede if im wrong here), he doesnt attack with them anyways? He attacks mostly with his teeth (fun fact he does a death roll when broken) and has no record of attacking other people/robots. Just destroying his room and breaking fences. Someone who does have a record of destroying S.T.A.F.F. robots is Roxy (while the raceway wasnt functional). And someone who has a record for attacking employees and guests is Chica (over a food that was messing with her program).
His motive also doesnt add up with another message called 'Monty Mischief', where it is explicitly stated that Monty is missing main performances. He's rather on the catwalks at Monty Golf than on the main stage (even after breaking both legs there). So what about the stage in the Golf course? It seems to just imply personal beef with Freddy rather than anything else.
And while this is a bit of speculation, i wanna say that it seems his anger problems stem from being on the main stage. In a lot of the cut outs, he's more portrayed as this relaxed, layed back person. Which matches his attraction, Golf. There's also really no records of aggression or anything broken in Monty Golf. Actually, he starts breaking fences once he got the claws. And together with the Monty Mischief message it does feel like the main stage is the source of his stress, which turns into anger and him breaking stuff. But since Security Breach and Ruin really dont go in depth with Monty, it's really hard to judge his personality.
Well, Bonnie was last seen in Monty Golf (or atleast it was heavily implied). That whole message was weird to me. Not in a 'its hidden lore' or 'fake' kinda way, just a 'what happened?' kinda way. There's gaps spanning hours between the 3 locations, which makes me wonder what Bonnie was doing. What makes me wonder more is how Bonnie ended up in Bonnie Bowl? Now, I need another closer look at the surroundings and the carpet, but one thing that is certain is that a bowling ball smashed his head. How did a bowling ball get in Monty Golf? Why was it taken with him?
Or he was actually attacked in Bonnie Bowl.
Bonnie being attacked in Bonnie Bowl and not Monty Golf really seems obvious when you look at his body. And as for who killed him? I habe some reasons to believe its the Mimic.
First of all, as seen in the Mimic's jumpscare, he not only has the claws, but attacks with them. Literally look up the jumpscare. It's very obvious. Not only that, but it has been in the Pizzaplex for a very long time. And M.X.E.S. (Pegtrap) definetly hasn't been there to stop it from the beginning. The game seems to imply Gregory put that in place? But does that explain why a Fazwrench works on the nodes? I'm still unsure.
So it has the means. Does it have the motive?
Admitedly, I'm not as caught up with the books or the Mimic's philosophy, so I'm mostly going off the game here. And honestly, I dont know yet. It definetly seems something the Mimic would do, but since it was introduced at the end, we don't really know how it acts in the games. It's a big maybe from me.
I know this was a long long post, but I really wanted to get my thoughts out there. This whole situation is really interesting to me, and not a lot of people are looking into it. I also think Glamrock Bonnie is a bit more important lorewise than we think, with his weird connection to the cleaning bots (PatPats) and what the PatPats actually do in game (they not only mimic screaming children, but also voicelines of the other animatronics).
Honestly, feel free to debate me on this. I'm very open to hear other aguements or theories on this whole thing.
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Setsuno: Ok so I’m sat here on tumblr and I’m looking through posts. As ya do. I see a post of a monty python screenshot saying ‘your mother was an Italian, your father was a license plate’
Hojo: A classic insult.
Setsuno: right? So I’m repeating it in my head. Then I see a post just under it about Pokémon scarlet and violet of Miraidon at a subway and Arven serving her, and he’s saying ‘so you want a meat ball on flat bread?’ And it’s captioned ‘local subway worker has beef with penis dragon, more at 11’, so then I try to repeat that in my head. So now I’m repeating both the posts in my head and they get mixed up and I end up saying ‘your mother was an Italian and your penis was a flat bread’ to myself.
Hojo: I’m going to start using that, that is top tier.
Setsuno: I’m never sure if I love or hate my brain…
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Obesity is now a bigger killer than malnutrition.
Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life and a secret life.
Women tell an average of 11 lies a week. Men, 58.
A third of married Britons describe sex as a chore.
There are 19 languages on Earth with only one speaker left.
All swimmers leave traces of faecal matter in the water.
Magic mushrooms grow in the gardens of Buckingham Palace.
You should never use “beef stew” as a password. It’s not stroganoff.
No one born blind has ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia.
51 cars a year overshoot and drive into the canals of Amsterdam.
After the 9/11 attacks, the Maasai tribe of Kenya gave 14 of their most important cattle to America as aid.
If a man pees on a pregnancy test and it comes up positive, he may have testicular cancer.
Half of Americans believe that a British person saying something "with the greatest respect" is a compliment.
Counterfeiters in medieval Russia were punished by having their coins melted and the molten metal poured down their throats.
A smartphone contains more computing power than the whole of NASA had in 1969.
Asia has the greatest number of working children, totalling 45 million. Africa is second with 24 million.
Psychologists believe that when someone says "I need to talk to you" you automatically recall every bad thing you've done recently.
“A fit of the clevers” is 19th-century Scots for a sudden burst of activity when you realise how much work you have to do.
In 2019, there were still 17 US States where it was legal to fire someone for being gay.
At 12,000ft above sea level, there is barely enough oxygen in La Paz, Bolivia, to support combustion. The city is nearly fireproof.
The most popular song played at funerals in the UK is Monty Python's 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life'.
Looking at a photo of a person you love can reduce moderate pain by up to 40%, and severe pain by 15%.
In 2021, an invisible sculpture was sold for $18,030. Artist Salvatore Garau says his work should “activate the power of the imagination”.
According to the Roman writer Juvenal, one of the punishments for adultery was the insertion of a mullet in the offender’s anus.
In the reign of Queen Mary, anyone caught living idly for three days was branded with 'V' for vagrant.
When Usain Bolt ran the 100m at the 2012 Olympics, his feet only touched the ground for two seconds.
In March 2014, an Australian Python swallowed a chihuahua and found itself chained to a kennel.
The revolving door was invented by a man who hated holding doors open for women.
The colour we call ‘white’ is the frequency of light that stimulates all three sets of colour-sensitive cone cells in our retinas equally.
There is a Spanish man that is the singer in a Kajagoogoo tribute act. He's brilliant! So good in fact that, once you've seen Juan, you've seen Limahl.
Curvy women may be more intelligent than skinny women due to fatty acids in their hips that improve their mental abilities, a study found.
In the 1960s, Italian shops had a service called 'the smearing' in which they would spread Nutella on any slice of bread brought to them by a child.
The government’s flagship ‘40 New Hospitals’ policy could be scaled back, as soon as mathematicians work out how to scale something back from zero.
If a Google employee dies, their spouse gets paid half their salary for the next ten years and their children get $1000 a month until they're 19.
According to Huichol Indian tradition, men and women experienced the pain of childbirth together. Men sat in the rafters with a string attached to their testicles and women pulled the string during contractions.
In a 2008 study, researchers at Bath Spa University asked volunteers to rank the intelligence of people with various accents. A Yorkshire accent was rated highest. A Brummie accent was rated lower than staying silent.
When English author and artist Ernest Seton turned 21, his father handed him an itemised bill for everything spent on him up to that point. The total came to $537.50 and his father set the interest rate at 6%. Seton paid the debt but never spoke to his father again.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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infernal-house-demon · 3 months
Okay, last thing for now, I swear, but I just want to share some of the media I’ve been finding inspiring for my writing lately, ranging from books, movies, art, and everything in between. So here goes…
Dead Boy Detectives (Edwin and Charles dynamic has me clawing at the walls of my enclosure. Also I have a character who is a raven which Monty might find relatable as a crow.)
Our Flag Means Death (all my stories have found family. It’s something so important to me as a queer writer. This show is everything to me.)
The Odyssey/Epic: The Musical (Epic plays on repeat in my ears. I love his take on this story and the themes really resonate with what I’m writing. I am also rereading the Odyssey because of it. I’m going to have an homage to the Polyphemus scene in an upcoming chapter)
Captain America the Winter Soldier (this one was a complete accident. One of my characters shares a lot in common with Bucky Barnes/the Winter Soldier. He and the main character have big Stucky energy. I will never outrun my mcu days.)
Good Omens (what can I say. Mutual pining for a long long time. Not 6000 years but a good amount when you consider lifespans. Best friends, seemingly opposites but perfectly compatible, maybe a tragic love confession scene oop that leads to heartbreak. My story will have a happy ending for them, we’ll see if the same happens in the show. TBD)
Lord of the Rings (I mean it’s fantasy so obviously. You cannot escape jirt’s influence in the genre. And I do love me a rallying speech in the face of slim odds. And of course the ending of trying to adjust back to a normal life after all you’ve been through. Oof.)
Game of Thrones (me and this show have a lot of beef. But the Battle of the Bastards sequence seriously influences the way I write war. It lives rent free in my head. I’ve watched the show exactly once and all these years later that scene was the reference my brain pulled for writing my first battle. Don’t even watch the show, just watch that part. It slaps.)
Dimension 20 (Brennan Lee Mulligan has been so influential on my worldbuilding. I have little homages to him throughout the story. Not to mention that when I’m stuck on describing something, I imagine I am a DM painting a picture for my players to imagine what’s happening. Yeah, D&D is such a key part of the world I crafted.)
Howl’s Moving Castle (there may or may not be a wandering house with an eccentric sorcerer living in it. Aka the mc. Unfortunately said house gets destroyed in book three. Rip.)
Poetry in general, I am currently reading Neplanta which is an anthology of queer poc poetry. (Reading poetry shifts the way I see the world. It helps me describe things better. It lets me see through other perspectives. I love poetry 😭)
There are a number of fantasy type artists I follow on Instagram that inspire me to be more creative. (A few are skelliefranky, loreleis_tavern, rayleearts, nic.tattoos, and torandil)
Anyway, that’s what I’m loving rn. Hope it introduces y’all to something new or helps you find inspiration for your creativity!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
hey! I absolutely LOVE your writings!!! please keep it up! 💜💗💞 If it's alright to request, could I have headcanons on Roxy and Monty who have a s/o that's a snack bar runner at the Pizzaplex, who's always super sweet, soft spoken, kind, and patient despite how tired they are and how much bs they get from customers? bonus: they always end up spending the night with them in their rooms 🥺
The Pit Stop is the snack bar you run in Roxy’s Raceway so visitors can refuel their stomachs as needed.
With a racing jacket over your uniform and a cap that had wolf ears attached, you greeted every customer with a smile. Always cheerful and kind no matter what.
Sadly you can’t say the same with customers who see you as a doormat for complaints. Some whine about things completely out of your control (like the noisy karts or their kid being too short to have a STAFF bot driver aid).
Others act like you murdered their firstborn when you don’t have a specific product in stock..
“You’re out of the grape-flavored Fizzy Faz?! Isn’t this Roxy’s place? I should be able to get it right here!”
“Unfortunately no. They sell out fast here, but if you’d like I can direct you to the vending machine just outside of-”
“Why should I have to leave?? Maybe you should go get it just for my inconvenience.”
“I would love to do that. But I'm the only one running this joint so I can’t leave-”
“That’s not my problem!! Where are all these damn bots that are replacing you guys?! They wouldn’t argue with a customer like-”
“Zip it, pal. You started it first.”
Roxy swiftly comes to your defense, overhearing the entire exchange.
Usually she stays out of it, but when customers don’t even let you speak, she’ll step in. They’re lucky she has child-friendly protocols on or else she’d swear up a storm.
Once they’re dealt with and you clock out, she’ll let you spend the night in her greenroom as opposed to going home. And you two just cuddle together.
Roxy understands your stress, reassuring you that you’re doing amazing and those idiots don’t matter at the end of the day.
“What if you just stopped being nice?”
“...then I’d get written up.”
“True, but man I would never have the patience to deal with them. You’re tough as nails, babe.”
“Haha..thanks, babe.”
Gator Bites was the snack bar in Monty Golf that you ran from opening to closing.
It served the usual junk food found around the plex, along with exclusive beef jerky and the lime-flavored Fizzy Faz. 
You sold Monty Mystery Mix slushies once, but after the incident with Glamrock Chica that came to a screeching halt. So you made a sign on the counter saying it was discontinued.
Yet customers acted blind and requested it anyway.
“But you have the machine right there.”
“Yeah but all the lights are off.”
“So when’s it gonna be fixed?”
“...whenever my manager says it’s okay.”
“Really? I doubt that. Where’s your manager right now?”
You try to respond, but you hear a growl and see Monty creep up behind the customer.
They think it’s the ambience in the golf course until they hear his snarky “I’m the manager”.
Immediately they apologize to you and take off.
Honestly it amuses you both. They always act like they’re tough shit until the Glamrock gator gets involved.
You were lucky to have him as your protector, both day and night when you stay in his messy greenroom to unwind from your shift.
You’ve tried helping him clean some of the clutter but he insists you rest and just pushes everything off the couch.
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