baileymonkey · 8 years
US green card: Don’t leave!
If you are living in the U.S. and if you hold anything other than a U.S. passport – this includes if you hold a green card – do not leave the U.S. right now. Period. People with legitimate green cards are being refused entry at the borders. People who were unfortunate enough to be travelling at the time Trump (spit) issued his order can’t get back home. Students with student visas are not being allowed to return to class. Homeland Security has confirmed this. It looks like Trump’s order is illegal according to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. That doesn’t matter right now; any court challenge will take time. Stay in the U.S. until this is resolved. And I apologize to you. This is appalling.
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baileymonkey · 8 years
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We went to the Women’s March on Washington to ask our fellow marchers what they had to say to Donald Trump and what brought them into the streets today. Over the next couple of days we’ll be posting some of their stories. Here’s one woman who’s a first generation American who says she feels devastated to think that her parents would not be welcomed into our country today.
And now, museums are collecting their favorite women’s march signs from this historic moment.
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baileymonkey · 8 years
I need help
This is my baby Heelan:
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She’s been my companion cat for 4 year. Heelan has helped me more than anything else with all of my issues. I’ve found out that she may have epistaxis. Epistaxis is a hemorrhage of their nose. Usually nosebleeds. Most common symptoms are nosebleeds of course, ‘coffee-ground’ vomiting, sneezing, elevation of the third eyelids, excessive tearing of one or both eyes, pale gums, things of that sort. She has shown all of these symptoms recently.
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I don’t have the money to pay for the vet visit, or any surgery she may need. It could be anything from Hemophilia, to cancer. I don’t want to lose her, and I don’t know what I’ll do without her. The vet costs up to $250 just to diagnose, and up to $4000 for surgery. 
I need help desperately. If anyone can help, even a little, I will be eternally grateful. My paypal is [email protected]. Even if you can’t donate or commission, could you please spread the word? Please help me save my companion animal.
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baileymonkey · 8 years
possums dont get rabies fyi, their body temperatures are too low for it to incubate
That's really cool actually!!! I recently did research for my anatomy and physiology class and they can get rabies, but they're one of the least likely mammals to do so :D
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baileymonkey · 8 years
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baileymonkey · 8 years
this is a very very good video
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baileymonkey · 8 years
It would be amazing if you guys could check out my products on Redbubble! Thanks!!!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
It would be amazing if you guys could check out my products on Redbubble! Thanks!!!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
It would be amazing if you guys could check out my products on Redbubble! Thanks!!!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
(If you haven't answered this before) how do you do shading?
i havent !! and. i cant say this is gonna be any help but heres some of the things i try to keep in mind when im shading stuff
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so youve got your flats on your initial drawing, the thing thats getting the business
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then youve got find out where the light is coming from ! your light source is gonna determine where all the highlights and shadows are cast, and while it doesnt have to be EXACT, its generally a good rule to keep it pretty consistent through the drawing - sometimes youll probably have to deal with multiple sources, and each ones gonna be casting its own light and shadow ( and color by extension )
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the intensity and sharpness of your shadows generally also reflects the brightness or closeness of the light ! basically if you wanna make something look BRIGHT, you gotta make sure the shadows are dark enough to get the idea across
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so the actual shading part - the way i shade is by getting a brush on a very low opacity, picking the color i want for shadows and then layering the strokes over and over until i get about the darkness i want ( because im LAZY and i dont actually work with complex backgrounds a bunch, i can usually get away with drawing the shadows directly on the locked flat colors layer so theres nothing to clean up after )
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afterwards i clean it up a little if i need to, add highlights while keeping in mind where the light is coming from, and start on the Detail Work ( it also might be helpful to keep in mind that highlights dont always go on the EDGE of things, but rather where the curve of something is - where the light would catch. this can help add a little depth and make flat things look rounded out ! )
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and THEN its basically me zooming into the drawing at least 200%, putting another layer over the top of everything, and going over the outlines with a tiny brush so the harsh black is mostly gone ! there shouldnt be anything along the edge thats darker than the darkest part of the shadow ( with exceptions like the eyes and nostrils )
and thats mostly it ! i picked red for the shadow color, but picking your shading ( and flats ! ) based on the colors in your background can go a LONG way into making it seem like your character is actually in the environment
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reflective light is also an important thing to keep in mind when choosing shadows and highlights - light and color doesnt always just hit an object and stay there, and even in the shade there could be light bouncing back from stuff like water or grass creating smaller, subtle highlights along the edges of things close by
not everything reflects the same way either ! something like a piece of wood is going to react differently than say, a metal ball
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so you get your light source, basic highlights and shadows, not bad ! but then theres ALSO the light reflecting from the rest of the environment along the edge of the ball, and then finally the color from both the dragon and the ball reflecting a bit on each other
 honestly though these arent RULES of drawing and more just guidelines i work with sometimes, and maybe your style of shading and highlighting looks completely different than this and thats ok !! - im still figuring a bunch of stuff out about light and reflections myself, and the great thing about art is that you can do whatever the hell you want with it
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baileymonkey · 8 years
I don’t know what these “feelings” things are but they keep getting into my garden and I can’t get them to stop eating my petunias
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baileymonkey · 8 years
It would be amazing if you guys could check out my products on Redbubble! Thanks!!!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
please look through the products I have in store for you!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
It would be amazing if you guys could check out my products on Redbubble! Thanks!!!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
anxiety: ur gonna be late!!! get there early
me: *is 15 mins early*
anxiety: no ones here ur in the wrong place!!!
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baileymonkey · 8 years
do ya ever bring your pet up to a mirror and ur like “that you”
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baileymonkey · 8 years
When you figure out a plot twist before it happens
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