#but not really a drabble. it's something
officialabortive · 9 months
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Katsuki is an emotional drunk. Just going out bar hopping with him and his friends, cold glass in hand while chatting. Denki had the oh so brilliant idea of taking ten shots in a row, and found fun in poking at bakugou's ego. Saying "there's no way you'd be able to pull that one off, lightweight."
Now there's nothing you can do to pry him from your side. Bakugou's stuck to you, never straying more than shoulders width away. The proximity is so narrow that you can smell the alcohol on his breath. Pouting with his eyes down whenever you talk to someone else. You see how his eyes widen so drastically when you get up and turn on your heel.
"I'm just going to the bathroom"
That didn't seem to help in the slightest. If anything, he looks more anxious than before.
"Can I come?"
"Uh, no. No I'll really be alright"
He's quick to tilt his head down so his bangs shield his face from your line of sight, but you already caught the droplets starting to cling to his lashes.
"My fiancé... dosen't like me anymore..."
His words were just weak mumbles spoken between sniffles. And as much as the sight of Katsuki so sad squeezes in your chest, this scenario is too perfect to not grasp.
You take the moment to turn to the others and silently mouth "play along" before putting a hand on his shoulder and lifting his chin.
"Fiancé? Oh bakugou I think you've had a little to much to drink. I'm not you're fiancé. Your fiancé is over there-"
You point directly toward kirishima, who only shows his surprise for a split moment before masking over it with a wide smile. Your hand gets curtly shoved off the blonde's shoulder with a hard glare, angrily telling you he doesn't want some random bitch like you touching him because he's already taken.
Kirishima watches through his phone camera as his "husband to be" hastily strode to be at his "lover's" side. A perfect angle for the camera to capture how he nuzzles his nose in kirishima's shoulder
You were sent some great footage in the morning
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cynda-queer · 5 months
The unfortunate truth is I am a slave to positive reinforcement, so when I post things, I'm sitting there like a cat scratching at a closed door like "likes?" "reblogs?" "commint?"
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 241
Wing au? Wing Au. With perhaps a bit of a twist. Also a hint of eldritchness perhaps. For fun! 
Ghosts have wings. Sure, they aren’t normally seen, not in the visible spectrum, but they do. Scanners pick them up, and sometimes a ghost might even reveal them, which was hypothesized to be some sort of animalistic intimidation attempt. (Something more than one Amity Parker rolled their eyes at)
Everyone had seen them at least once- the motorcycle-driving ghost’s mass of shadowy feathers, the green-haired girls matching shaggy ones, the rocker’s ones that looked like pages of music before bursting into flame. Even the box ghost’s had been spotted- feathers looking more like sheets of cardboard than anything else. 
It wasn’t until the whole kidnapped to the ghost zone that anyone saw Phantom’s, but that was another tale unto itself really. Honestly the arrival of the GIW would have maybe been seen as positive before, but the fact that many of them had looked in the mirror or gone to the doctors only to find feathers beginning to sprout on their back soured it. 
Especially as the GIW continues to prattle on and on about how all ecto-contaminated scum are less than human, less than bacteria. And well, what does that make them? Them, who have been to the realms of the dead and gods and back, touched by the swirling green energy in ways incomprehensible? Changed by that energy? 
So the people silently brush hidden feathers together, quietly rebuff the white-wearing lunatics from the city as best they can, and hope to anything listening that they can stop anyone else from disappearing. That maybe they can find the few no one noticed had been taken before it’s too late, even if they have to tear down the entire government to do it. 
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meownotgood · 5 months
haha hey so apparently someone stole my whole fic... copy and pasted except for tiny things changed... here is the link to their """fic""" (sorry random person I had to steal the reblog from). they've since deleted the fic off their blog + deleted their ao3 + gone on a hiatus so..... that's cool and whatever....... but they have written a lot of other shit so... don't be a dick but maybe check that for funny business too...
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popponn · 7 months
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Seeing the esteemed Duke of Meropide eyes a pair of decorations curiously is an amusing experience, turns out. Even when your relationship with him is pretty much an unsaid ‘almost lover’ situation.
“So,” leaning against his working desk, you try not to smile too wide, “do you like them?”
Wriothesley continues to stare and blink at the black and white dog miniatures—intended to be placed on flat surfaces, however, your creativity is your limit, or so the craftsmen of Liyue said. Straightening his sitting posture, he then leans towards the objects that sit on his desk. “…this feels like a series,” he finally says after a long while, taking one of the two dogs. He once again takes in the merry dog figurine in his hand. Slightly bigger than his thumb, carrying a ball with a tail that is depicted to be in the middle of a swishing motion.
“It is. There are actually another eight dogs,” and also another twenty cats that are a story or, perhaps, a gift for another time, “but I don’t know if you will like it… or do you even have the space to keep all ten, so I just buy you two this time.”
“Hey, hey, since when do I seem like the sort of person who is unappreciative of something people give me?” Wriothesley put down the dog, only to take another one up. In between that, a smile and a glance are addressed to you humorously, yet as softly as always. “And also…”
You realize he purposefully trails off. “And also?”
With how entertained he is at the handcrafted woods, you think he will praise the craftsmanship. Or perhaps, it is time to recall that musing of his about wanting to keep a pet and how these two will be a perfect replacement. Or maybe, he will make another unpredictable joke one would never thought would come out from his mouth.
Yet, instead of all of that, Wriothesley merely reaches out a hand to take yours while his other hand and focus remain on your present. His tone is far from anything—as if he is simply stating a fact. Despite all that, the squeeze he gives as he intertwines his fingers with yours says enough.
“This is from you,” he states, finally shifting his attention to fully land on you. “There is no way I would dislike it.”
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starrystevie · 1 year
"it's a vhs night, huh?" eddie asks as he comes out of the kitchen, two mugs of decaf coffee in one hand, a box of oreos in the other. steve's on his knees in front of the tv with tapes scattered around him, a mixture of home movies and mashed up concert recordings and episodes of star trek that are bound to get recorded over eventually. he turns around as his husband enters the living room and opens his mouth for a cookie that eddie happily feeds him.
"yeah, why not?" he gives eddie a half smile that makes the crows feet around his eyes crinkle even more. "just feeling nostalgic, i guess."
eddie hums and sits on his end of the couch before pulling one foot up to cross over his knee. he takes a sip of the bitter black coffee and dunks an oreo in to soften it up then pops it into his mouth. steve finally settles on a video and rewinds it to the start, curling up on his side of the cushions with his feet tucked under eddie's thigh. a hand finds its way around his ankle and a thumb strokes at the soft skin it can find. gentle, comforting, home.
the grainy picture on the screen straightens out and the sound clicks on along with it. the greens of the grass are a little faded and the blue of the sky is dull but it's still clear enough to make out steve on the swings at the park down the road from loch nora. steve's mom is behind the camera yelling for him to pump your legs, good job stevie, there you go, wow you're going so high and the grin on the boy's face is a wide as the sky above him.
"you were so cute, what happened?" eddie murmurs with a chuckle causing steve to slap at the thigh currently warming his feet.
"i'm still cute, thank you very much." steve grumbles out his response which makes eddie chuckle again, leaning over with a groan to smash a kiss to his cheek.
there's little voices echoing in the background as steve continues to swing and the video switches suddenly to him on a red check blanket eating a sandwich. he has jelly on his cheek in the same place that eddie had placed a kiss not a minute earlier and it has them both cooing like the old men they are.
but then there's a flash of something in the background. a little kid runs by followed by what's presumably his mother and it distracts little steve, who turns on his blanket to watch the two running.
"is that...?" steve starts, turning to eddie who's staring at the screen with rapt attention. the gasp he gets in return is the only answer he could possibly need. the hand around his ankle gets a little tighter and he watches as a watery smile spreads across eddie's face, salt-and-pepper beard crinkling up on his cheeks.
"that's me, that's-" he breathes out, curling in on himself slightly to peer closer at the video. in the video, steve's still staring at the little boy in the park getting picked up by his mom and being thrown in the air. his little giggles break through the speakers as his mom catches him, cradling him to her chest as she runs off screen. they come back into frame a few seconds later and crash side-by-side onto the grass. their arms start pointing at the sky like they're finding shapes in the clouds and eddie inhales sharply. "-that's my mom."
steve reaches down and clasps his hand around eddie's where it's still on his bony ankle, trailing his fingers over his husband's. eddie looks up and tosses a bewildered grin at steve who catches it easily and returns it with one of his own. as if they have magnets stored in their hearts from where the universe made them for each other, the two move closer to one another instinctually until they have arms around waists and fingers tangled together and heads on shoulders.
they sit in silence for the next few minutes, reliving a time when they were still boys with their mothers, happy and loved, not even knowing their soulmate was right next to them.
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vinelark · 4 months
i’m giving the chapter 6 doc a beat to marinate before i jump back into wip wednesdays, so in the meanwhile here’s a snippet from my extremely self-indulgent side project:
The shadows dissipate all at once, Tim yanking his magic back like he’s nine and just laid his palm flat on the stove. Light returns to the chamber, and he sees Bruce in the doorway—Bruce, not Batman—as a silhouette first, features coming into focus a moment later. His gaze rakes over Tim and then lands on the form hunched in the corner.
“Conner,” Bruce says in a blank, bemused sort of way, crouching down. The person lifts their head and Tim gets his first look at his attacker. And—
Oh, Tim thinks. His instincts definitely guessed wrong.
Superboy—because that’s Superboy there on the stone floor, leather jacket and curls and of course, the brightness makes so much sense now—sucks in a breath, one hand braced on the floor, face gray. “What,” he wheezes, raising a trembling finger to jab in Tim’s direction, “is that?”
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eskawrites · 1 year
It’s 1979, and every day, Barb wears a dark purple bracelet around her wrist. It’s pretty, although a bit more basic than what Nancy would normally wear—just a simple band of woven fabric, and a little star charm dangling from the middle.
“Where’d you get it?” Nancy asks her one day out of the blue. She does that sometimes—asks people things without any lead up. Her mom tells her she’s inquisitive. Her dad just says she asks too many questions.
Barb never seems to mind. Over the last few weeks of getting to know each other, there’s never been a question that Barb isn’t happy to answer.
This one seems to make her sad, though. She holds her arm up and twists her wrist a little, watching the charm catch the light.
“It’s a friendship bracelet,” she says. Nancy is old enough to recognize the twinge of jealousy for what it is, but she isn’t quite old enough to understand why it’s there.
“With who?” she asks anyway.
This time Barb does hesitate. She looks around the middle school cafeteria, but they’re the only ones sitting at this end of the table, and the buzz of students is loud enough no one can really hear them even if they decide to pay them any mind. Not that they ever would. Nancy and Barb tend to fly under the radar.
“You know Robin Buckley?” Barb says, lowering her voice.
Nancy shrugs. She’s heard the name. It’s a small school, after all.
“She has the other one,” says Barb. “My parents took us to Indianapolis a few summers back. A lady at the mall was making them. I got purple for her favorite color. She has pink for mine.”
“And the star?” Nancy asks. She reaches out without really thinking about it, holding the little charm in her fingertips.
Barb smiles. “We used to stay out in the park for hours after dark, watching the stars. She knows all the constellations, and a bunch of old stories about them. She knows a ton of stuff like that. She’s pretty cool.”
“You guys don’t hang out anymore,” Nancy feels the need to point out. But Barb just shrugs.
“Yeah. We had all different classes last year, and I guess we just drifted apart. I say hi when I see her in the halls sometimes, but we just…don’t really talk anymore.”
“Oh.” Nancy lets the charm go. Barb lowers her arm and picks up her fork again. “We could get friendship bracelets.”
Barb’s eyes light up. “I saw some charms and stuff at Melvald’s the other day. We could make some!”
“Let’s do it,” Nancy decides. “When you spend the night Friday, we’ll ask Mom to take us to Melvald’s.”
It’s 1983, and Nancy has a pink bracelet—with a pen charm, not a star—that she keeps in a shoebox of all of Barb’s things.
She only pulls it out and looks at it when she knows it’s a bad idea; when she’s already one bad thought away from breaking, and she holes herself up in her room so she can push herself recklessly over the edge.
She takes the bracelet in her hands and runs her fingers over the soft, time-worn threads. Pink for Barb’s favorite color. Barb had a soft, sky blue for hers. She thinks about that bracelet, dangling around Barb’s wrist while she drove them to Steve’s house, tied to her still, soaked in blood and rot as she decays in the Upside Down.
Nancy tucks the bracelet into her pocket. If Barb’s association with Nancy led her to her death, then Nancy’s association with Barb can mark her until the day she dies.
It’s 1985, and when a new girl walks up with Steve, Dustin, and Erica, looking terrified and in shock, the first thing Nancy sees is a pink bracelet around her wrist.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Nancy asks.
“I’m Robin, I work with Steve.”
But that’s not the answer. She’s not Robin who works with Steve. She’s Robin who carries stories of the constellations in her head and memories of Barb on her wrist. Robin, with a pink bracelet and a star charm that, quite frankly, looks ridiculous among the leather bands and thick rings she wears.
The group sits down once they’re finally all together. They exchange stories and make a plan, and all the while, Robin sits off to the side, on her own.
Nancy thinks about Barb sitting on her own by Steve’s pool, her gaze turned down and her shoulders stiff around her ears. She watches Robin curl up and hug her knees to her chest, and that damn pink bracelet is all she can see.
It’s 1986, and Robin complains every step of the way as Nancy wrangles her into a blouse and skirt.
“You should lose the rings,” Nancy tells her. “They’re unprofessional.”
“Gee, thanks,” Robin mutters.
“You can borrow some of mine if you still want to wear them.”
“No, it’s fine.” She pulls the rings off one by one, dropping them onto Nancy’s desk with small, satisfying clunks. She shakes out her hands when she’s done, and Nancy watches that star charm bounce back and forth along its soft pink band.
Robin notices her looking. She covers the bracelet with her hand and scowls.
“The bracelet stays. I’m not taking it off.”
“That—that’s fine.” Nancy thinks she should say something else—she’s not sure how they’ve gone this far without talking about it—but she can’t stop staring at it.
Robin’s shoulders slump. Her grip on the bracelet shifts and she runs her fingers over the charm, her expression turning sad.
“Sorry,” she says softly. “I just—I got this because of—”
Robin meets her eyes.
“She told me,” Nancy says. “She—she still wore yours.”
And for the first time, it occurs to her that Barb was wearing a purple bracelet that night, too. That there has always been a part of Robin Buckley rotting in the Upside Down along with her, along with Nancy.
Maybe they were all doomed, intertwined, forsaken from the start.
“A purple bracelet,” Nancy says. “And a star charm. Because you liked watching the stars together. She said you knew all the constellations. She said—”
Robin’s arms are around her the second her voice breaks. She hugs her close, and Nancy swears she can feel that star charm pressing through her shirt.
It’s 1989, and Robin is moving box after box from her house with Steve into Nancy’s apartment.
It takes all day to get her clothes in the closet and her desk into the second bedroom they’ll use as an office and her frankly excessive collection of tapes onto the bookshelf in the living room. By the time dinner rolls around, they’ve both decided everything else is a job for tomorrow, or the day after, or next week.
But before they go to bed that night, Robin digs through a box of photo albums and picture frames to pull out a small, black shadowbox. She holds it carefully in her hands and walks over to where Nancy stands by the bookshelf. Nancy takes it from her with a soft, sad smile and reaches up to place it on the shelf. She feels Robin’s hand on her waist, and she steps back to tuck herself into her side.
They both look up at two pink bracelets, a pen charm and a star charm, hanging safely side by side.
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spontaneousful · 1 month
"Is this really the world we fought so hard for?"
It was a question that always seemed to be on Blondie's mind lately. It was the only thing she could think to say as she stood in Ashlynn Ella's castle, watching the snow fall atop her fresh grave.
Apple, her friend her once-upon-a-time lover her, Apple White, ruler of Ever After, glanced over at her. "Whatever after do you mean?"
Blondie stared out the window and tried to bite her tongue. This conversation was pointless, nothing she could say would change what was. But that budding investigative journalist inside her, the one who wanted to change the world, the one she thought was stamped out long ago, couldn't leave it alone.
"Did we really fight for a future where our friends drop like flies? And condemn those who didn't agree to death along with them?"
She laughed. "Don't be silly. I haven't sentenced anyone to death."
Blondie turned around to face her. "What about Raven?"
"What about her?" Apple's gaze was piercing.
Blondie stared her down, but Apple didn't falter. Instead, she returned the stare with intensity. Blondie sighed and looked away. She couldn't stand up to Apple, she never had been able to. But the flame of anger in her still burned, and instead, she shifted the conversation.
"How many of our friends have to die for you to admit you were wrong? How many have there already been? Briar, Ashlynn, Ginger, Humphrey, Duchess, Meeshell, we're in our thirties, Apple. And yet, I'm attending a funeral every other week."
For a moment, there was no response. Then, she heard the clacking of Apple walking away. "The Ella estate is sorted out. I believe we're done here."
Blondie wanted to stop her. She wanted to scream at her. To curse the unfairness of it all. How hypocritical of her, when she had played no small part in the war of destiny versus choice.
Why? Why had she ever agreed with the side of destiny? Why had she thought this was better? Why had her own happy ever after been worth setting up her friends for slaughter? Why? Why? Why?
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ancha-aus · 28 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Christmas Celebration
So. When I started typing this. The poll had said that Fluff was wanted with a small lead. The whole time while typing it it was even (seriously how did you do that?!) and as soon as i finish suddenly Lore won?
No. You guys are getting fluff now >:D
First Drabble (original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
(also for those curious this ended up being 3700 words so strap in and get ready)
Nightmare wakes up early. Very early.
He isn’t that surprised. Not really. How can he really be?
Nightmare takes a moment to check how he is captured this time. Seems like Killer is completely wrapped around him and Horror holding both him and Killer. Dust and Cross are on his other side.
Mmmh… A bit more complex.
Probably his own fault for sneaking out of bed and the nest as often as he does. Still. He isn’t about to be discouraged about it.
Some wiggling and scooting and a lot of patience later and he is next to the bed.
Hah. Nightmare pats himself down before walking towards the chair holding their clothes.
It is still a bit weird but also nice to be spending a few nights at Crop’s and Straw’s. The two brothers had invited all of them to spend Christmas with them. Christmas here being all about family and spending time with them.
Horror had obviously wanted to go but he hadn’t immediately said yes. Said they would talk about it first. Which Nightmare gets. Dust still has issues with seeing anyone who resembles his own brother.
But as soon as Horror had told them about the invite Dust must have also seen how badly Horror wanted to spend more time with his best friend. Meaning he had said it would only be fair to say yes and spend time with them.
Killer had quickly agreed and Cross had seemed curious about the whole holiday as well.
Which leads them to here.
Nightmare finishes putting on his extra socks and his bat hoody. He puts on a beanie over his skull. He still is sensitive to the cold and he had to promise all of them that he would make sure he was dressed warm if he exited to nest.
Now fully dressed he slowly sneaks downstairs. It is still dark out but he doesn’t mind too much. A glance at the clock confirms it is nearing the normal time that Horror and Cross get up. Thought with the longer nights and the cold neither are as quick to wake up unless they turn on their own alarms.
Nightmare gets downstairs and spots Straw and Crop both getting ready to go outside. Nightmare takes a seat on the stairs and tilts his skull at them “Where are you going?”
Both of them jump and turn quickly. Straw sighs but grins “Wowie. You are a very sneaky babybones.”
Nightmare shrugs as he waits for his answer.
Crop chuckles “We are going to check the animals. Make sure they made it through the night and got enough things to drink and eat for the day.” He looks considerate at Straw and Straw nods with a large grin and a begging look.
Crop laughs but looks at Nightmare “Want to come along? Or do you think your dads will kill me if you come with?”
Embarrassed and Nightmare shrugs “I mean… if we leave a note I think they will not panic?” he isn’t sure what to even call them at this point. Not after everything. He tries not to think about it too much.
Straw looks so excited “Do you want to come? You can pet Betty again. And maybe pet some of the chickens?” as Straw speaks Crop is looking through the jackets and snowboots to find Nightmare’s set.
Nightmare ends up nodding and walking over. Straw quickly goes to grab some paper and a pen to leave the note as Crop hands over the outdoor wear. He dresses himself and waves off the help offered by Crop. It is just… he is fine dressing himself… mostly… He just lets the gang do it and help him because it makes it faster and they are.. well them!
Tying his shoes takes longer but works alright in the end. Even if the loops are a little… loose looking and not as tied when Cross does it for him.
Even so he pulls his hood up tightly over his beanie covered skull and gets ready for the cold.
Crop opens the door and Nightmare shivers a bit as the cold air penetrates through his jacket a bit. Not as bad as before but that is because of all the extra layers he is wearing.
Straw suddenly looks a bit unsure “You okay? Maybe this isn’t a good idea after all…” he shoots Crop a nervous look.
Crop looks at him “You still want to come?”
Nightmare huffs and nods trying to appear certain and determined. It is only after Crop starts to smile and Straw coos slightly that Nightmare remembers he is still wearing his frog beanie and his bat hoody. Sure there is a jacket over that but it is still not the most serious look.
He carefully walks through the snow and pauses to test a few steps. His spine had been starting to feel a bit better but he best not irate it by falling over and hurting himself.
It is a slow journey but they get to the chicken coop and Crop unlocks the little latch to let them into the area. Straw quickly grabs the stored food and easily jumps over the little fence to join their side.
Crop grins and opens the coop and must see the confusion on Nightmare’s face. Crop chuckles “They aren’t the biggest fans of the cold.”
Nightmare huffs and nods in slight agreement. He gets that. He isn’t either.
Crop chuckles but continues “But. It is good for them to get some fresh air and move around a bit. It is why I like opening the hatch at least for the morning feeding.”
Straw joins his side by crouching down and opening the bag with seeds and some wheats “We can throw this out a bit for them. Encourage them to come outside before filling up the reserves inside the coop.” Straw grabs a hand and shows how he spreads it around.
Nightmare looks at his own mitten covered hand but grabs a tiny hand before spreading it out around the coop.
Some soft clucks and some chickens slowly waddle out. Looking very suspicious of the snow but clearly wanting the food. They slowly get nearer.
Straw grins and holds some food out for the chickens in his hands. Letting the chickens get closer and once they are close slowly letting it fall to the ground. The chicken starts to eat and Straw pets it. Straw grins at him “See? Easy does it. The girls are all very nice!”
Nightmare frowns but slowly grabs a small hand himself as he holds it out. One of the birds looks at the food he is offering and slowly walks over. Giving soft clucks along the way. Nightmare drops the food when she is close. The chicken pauses before starting to peck away at it. Nightmare inches a few tiny steps closer and pets the chicken. He obviously can’t feel the feathers through his gloves but the idea is nice.
Huh. He… just realised this is actually the first time he is near the animals on his own two legs. The first time he stayed here he remained inside the whole time. His back still too weak to even sit alone for a long time much less stand on his own. The only times he was near any of the animals it was when Dust held him and only near Betty once or twice.
So much had changed.
Crop pops out of the coop and dusts himself off “That is their feeds being filled again. Lets go to Betty next.”
Nightmare frowns as he looks at the coop “Don’t they need to be inside first?”
Straw nods “When we lock it certainly! But they need a moment for themselves outside and will soon realise there is also food inside. Then they will go back in themselves!”
Crop nods and gently nudges some of the chickens away from the fence as he unlocks the hatch again “Ready for the barn?”
Nightmare nods and walks towards the small gate after making sure his gloves are empty of any chicken food.
They leave the little chicken area and move towards the barn.
The inside of the barn is warmer and Nightmare watches as both Crop and Straw remove their scarfs and their gloves. Nightmare keeps his on, thank you very much, it is still cold even if it is a bit less cold.
Crop leads the way and they find the cow relaxing in one of the pen things inside the barn.
Crop pets the cow “Hey there girl. How are you today?” Betty moos and pushes into the affection.
Nightmare is a bit unsure… the cow looks so much… bigger now… He kinda gets why Cross is afraid of them now… it is big and strong and can probably easily break one of his bones… probably more bones at once… he isn’t the strongest of sturdiest anymore and-
“You remember Nightmare right?” Crop sounds gentle as he speaks to Betty. The cow flaps one of her ears and looks around a bit. Spotting Nightmare hiding partly behind the wooden wall of the pen. Oh no.
Crop looks over and smiles “Ready to pet her again?”
Nightmare feels a bit more unsure and shrugs “I dunno…” how to get out of this?
Straw gives him a gentle nudge forwards “It will be nice!”
Nightmare isn’t so sure but slowly walks closer. Animals either love or hate him. There is no in between… Sure Betty seemed okay before but that was with Dust near and Dust you don’t mess with.
Still he slowly gets closer and reaches an arm and hand out. it shakes slightly.
Crop speaks softly “Hey… no need to be nervous… she is very nice and gentle and there is no real wrong way of petting her.”
Hah! Sure. Nervous!
His mitten covered hand reaches the cow’s head and he slowly gives it a pet. One. Two. Three. He pulls his hand back and takes a few steps back. There. He did it. Full marks.
Crop frowns at him while straw grins “see? All good! And look! She still remembers you and liked your petting!” he nudges him again.
Crop gives his brother a smile “I think that is enough. I think I best get him back inside before the wind picks up or it starts snowing. You mind finishing up?”
Straw frowns but looks outside at the dark clouds in the sky “That is for the best. Snow is probably about to happen very soon.”
Crop thanks his brother and he and Nightmare start to leave the barn. Crop frowns at him “Why didn’t you say you didn’t want to pet her?”
Damnit. Not the best at acting still. Nightmare shrugs “it wasn’t big of a deal…” it is more of a mumble than anything. How does he explain that at first he had liked the idea but then seeing the cow from ground level and having to look up at it made him nervous?
They exit the barn and are two steps further when they hear the shout “Nightmare!”.
Crop and him look up to see Cross sprinting at them. He gets to their side and picks Nightmare up as he shoots the barn a nervous look before focussing on him “Are you okay? cold? Hurt? sore? Tired?” he checks his temperature and relaxes “you good… you are fine…”.
Crop smiles as he crosses his arms “We know what to watch out for.”
Cross looks away embarrassed but doesn’t let Nightmare go out of his hug “I know! I mean we know that. It is just… I woke up and well… he wasn’t there… and I saw the note and I just…” he keeps holding him close.
Crop nods “Fair enough. We were just on our way back. But if you could take him back I can stop by the chickens to check if they are in the coop again.”
Cross is already a few steps towards the house before Crop finishes speaking “Yes. I got Nightmare you good luck with your chores!” and he quickly goes back to the house.
Nightmare frowns up at Cross. Weird… Cross normally didn’t even want to walk into the direction of the barn as he knew Betty was there… yet he came running for him…
Nightmare feels warm and safe and confused as he just leans more into Cross’s hold. Sure he knew they were safe but… this is different… it feels more. He only really started to notice it lately just how… how at home it feels. To be with them. Near them.
They get back inside and Nightmare spots Horror immediately. Horror frowns at them and Cross looks away shyly “I euh… got him already and-”
Horror just shakes his skull and looks pointedly at Cross “The note said both Crop and Straw were with him.” he gives him a long look “No reason to run out without a jacket.”
Nightmare blinks and turns only to now notice that Cross isn’t wearing anything over his pjs. Nightmare blinks and looks disapproving at Cross “You could get sick.”
Cross looks slightly panicked between them “I just! I panicked!” and Nightmare feels Cross pull him even closer.
Horror sighs but looks unsurprised. He takes a few steps over and Nightmare feels Horror take him from Cross. Horror easily holds him with one arm before pushing Cross towards the bathroom “Go warm up. I will get you clothes after I got Nightmare out of his outdoor clothes.”
Cross looks ready to object but after taking a look to at Horror and him he relaxes and easily agrees. He disappears into the bathroom.
Nightmare frowns as Horror and him sit down and Horror helps him easily out of his jacket and snowboots. Nightmare looks at the bathroom door before looking back at Horror “Why did he run out? Was the note not okay?” he thought with a note it would be fine. A note was normally all any of the guys needed to leave for each other.
Horror snorts a she shakes his skull “The note was very clear. I think it was just the fact it wasn’t any of us with you that made him nervous.” Horror makes sure his beanie is on right before putting the stuff for outside back by the front door “which is something Cross himself has to work on. Trusting others outside of our tight circle.”
Nightmare nods. It isn’t that surprising. After all the betrayal Cross has had to deal with.
Horror does shoot Nightmare a knowing look “But I think it was very brave of him. He ran towards the barn right?” Nightmare nods and Horror grins “very brave seeing as he considers that Betty’s territory.”
Nightmare feels that same warm and safe feeling again as he crosses his arms. Almost as if he is trying to hide the feeling as he mutters “I thought the same…”
Horror rubs his skull and Nightmare feels himself relax “Don’t worry about it okay? he is fine.” Then more thoughtful “Well… unless I get him clean clothes. Give me a moment.” And he disappears upstairs.
Nightmare still feels warm and cozy and safe and… well…
Nightmare sits on the counter as he watches Horror, Straw and Crop work on dinner together. It is a whole thing and they had been at work since just after lunch. Straw is working on this giant turkey while Crop works on the side dishes. Horror is in charge of the desert and Nightmare just watches them work together.
It is nice. Even if he isn’t allowed to help.
Cross, Killer and Dust are moving stuff around in the living room. Setting up the table and games or something.
Straw checks the turkey again before nodding and moving towards the counter to work on this mutter mixture he had been dripping over the bird every so often “I still can’t believe none of you have ever celebrated Christmas!”
Yeah that is another thing that Nightmare just doesn’t know what it is exactly.
Horror snorts as he works on the frosting “Told you. Most of us only celebrated Gyftmas underground. And that was all about presents more than anything.”
Nightmare swings his legs as he gives his own answer “My universe just… didn’t have it.” hard to have  winter holiday without winter “just had harvest celebrations and stuff like that.” And the only one who ever got gifts was Dream anyway. So a party? To focus on celebrating family? It sounds real nice.
Straw looks deeply troubled by this “A child never having had the chance to experience the joy of Christmas? Ah. The multiverse is a rough and cruel place and fate is beyond unfair.”
Horror snorts and nods “Very true.”
Crop frowns “We aren’t big on presents with Christmas in this universe… if we had known…”
Horror shakes his skull “No worries. None of us celebrated it in a long time and it has… rough memories for all of us. This is nice. A new tradition.” Horror looks at what he made and holds a tiny spoon up to Nightmare “What do you think? Tasty enough?”
Nightmare gives Horror an unimpressed look “Everything you make is tasty.” But he isn’t going to pass up a chance for an early taste and happily tastes it. As expected. Delicious. He hums happily and nods “Very tasty.”
Horror chuckles and puts the frosting in the fridge before moving on to the next part of the cake.
Nightmare is eventually removed from the kitchen to wait with the others in the warm fireplace lit living room. Something about making sure he is safe as the kitchen is about to be hectic. Which is just nice words for him having to stay out of the way.
Killer pokes his cheek and grins “such a grumpy baby.”
Nightmare pouts and crosses his arms “I could have helped…” somehow…
Killer grins “Of course. Just not in the chaos and hectic energy of preparing a bit feast. The timing is everything and can get stressful.”
Nightmare gets it but still…
Killer grins “If it makes you feel any better. Us three were banned from the very beginning. You were at least allowed to stay in the kitchen with them for most of the prep.”
Cross looks insulted but Dust just shakes his skull at him.
Killer grins “What? We all know it is the truth.” And he winks at Nightmare.
Huh… that does make him feel a bit better.
A bit later the three cooks bring out the food and they sit at the table.
You would think that seven at the table would get complex but they manage. Nightmare is pretty sure they made the seating arrangement with Dust’s situation in mind.
Seeing as Horror is sitting between Dust and Straw. Making it almost impossible for Dust to see the other Papyrus. And with Straw speaking in another accent the voice is not familiar enough to trigger him.
Killer sits at the table head, next to Dust. And Nightmare sits on his other side with Cross on his own other side. Crop sits across from his brother next to Cross. The other head end of the table is against the wall.
It is nice. Straw proudly cuts his turkey as Horror easily moves the dishes around the table to whoever has an interest.
It is all delicious and smells so nice. Everyone is relaxed and laughing and just enjoying themselves.
Everyone it so happy.
After the main course Cross helps with putting the food away as Horror puts the last few finishing touches to his cake which he brings out. It is vanilla with delicious banana frosting with tiny chocolates. It is so good and everyone agrees.
Nightmare is honestly feeling sleepy already by the time it is time to play some games and relax by the fireplace. Nightmare is on the same team as Dust and leans heavily against him as they start a game of catan.
Nightmare feels himself fall asleep before everyone even had their first turn.
He just hears them talk as he dozes against Dust’s side. He feels himself be moved and he makes sure to make his displeasure known. Dust just mumbles a soft reassurance to him that he can stay asleep. He leans against the other and hears Dust’s soulbeat against the side of his skull.
It is calm and soft and Nightmare feels his whole being relax more and more. His own soul slowing and calming down as well.
The feeling is familiar at this point. He gets it a lot when he is being held by any of them. But it is so much clearer and so much stronger when he feels sleepy.
Like another hug. Relaxing him more and more and pulling him towards sleep.
He isn’t sure how long he stays just like that. In Dust’s lap and arms. Happily half asleep as he listens to the others. Sometimes sleeping fully for short periods of time.
Nightmare is pulled from his sleep as Dust gets up. He blinks open his sockets and looks around confused, why are they moving?
Dust nuzzles his skull and mutters softly against his skull “we are just going to bed.”
Nightmare hums and pushes closer to Dust again. Following the soft reassurance send to him form the adult soul so close. Calling out to his very being that it is okay to sleep and rest.
He notices that someone is helping him into his pjs and helps him brush his teeth. Nightmare can still hear movement downstairs as the others no doubt clean up everything.
Nightmare is laid down in bed and he immediately pushes his skull deeper into the pillow.
A soft chuckle “Comfy tiny boss?”
Oh. Killer is with him now?
Nightmare just hums. A weight joins him and a blanket is pulled over him. Two arms pull him close and another adult soul is near. Different then Dust’s. Much louder. So it really is Killer. The message remains the same though. It is safe. I got you. You can rest.
Just… He knows that is the message.
Killer hums and whispers to him “That is it baby. Just sleep.”
Nightmare pushes closer to the other and willingly succumbs to sleep. *----------------------*
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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devildomditzy · 8 months
"Are we going to talk about this?"
You watch as 'your demon' strides across his room, sitting down roughly on his couch and staring straight ahead, unable to look in your direction.
'Your demon". Did you even have the right to call him that? After you've been away for so long?
It's been a week since you and Solomon returned unannounced from your journey to the past, much to the shock and surprise of everyone. That night was filled with joy and tears and laughter from everyone. Everyone, except the second born. The person you absolutely missed the most for months and months, the person you thought of during sleepless nights and difficult times. The person you cried over more than anyone else was standing right there, just a few feet away -
And absolutely giving you the cold shoulder.
He's silent for a moment, before his voice comes out like vitriol, scalding and snide, yet somehow so hollow, like his words had no real emphasis behind them. Like he felt almost nothing.
"What's there left to talk about?"
"Mammon-", you try to get a word in before he cuts you off with the same version of the monologue you've heard from him even since you made your way back to this timeline.
Your timeline.
"Ya left me here. Ya left us here. You didn't leave a note or a sign or even shoot me a text that you were goin'. Nothin'. Nada."
"You know I didn't exactly choose to get taken to the past against my will, Mammon."
He stands to face you now, tone filled with pain but his face looking so, so emotionless.
It could scare you, when he gets like this. The second born should never look that serious.
"And how would I know that? Huh? How would I know where you went? How the hell would I know what ya'd gotten up to, huh? How would I know if you were runnin' off with Solomon? How would I know that ya didn't just get sick of us?"
His voice raises his voice as he walks towards you.
"How would I know if ya were alive, or dead, or somewhere in between, huh!?"
You're jostled as the second born grabs your shoulders and shoves you, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to have you cornered between the surface and himself.
"I never stopped trying, okay? Not a day went by that Solomon and I didn't look for a way home, a way out, a way to you, anything!" you exclaim, defending yourself from his tirade.
"How would I know that you were gonna come back!? How would- H-how could ya, I couldn't...I-I-I- can't...."
His voice shakes as he balls up his fists into the fabric of your shirt, his true emotions finally shining through after a week of trying to get through to him.
How quickly his indifference turns to fear.
Tears begin silently falling from his lash line, streaking his cheeks.
"Oh, Mammon...", you wrap your arms around him, following his lead as his body begins to crumple, both of you sitting on the floor.
"I thought you were gone. I-I didn't know if ya were still breathin', or just vanished, but I thought-"
He gulps down a few tears and lets out a shaky breath before finishing.
"I thought you were never coming back."
You respond to him in kind, holding him tighter as he increases his grasp on you.
You can't help but let out a small giggle as you wipe away his tears (and a few of your own).
"Babe, it's me we're talking about. I came back to the Devildom how many times now?"
"Yeah," he sighs, looking off to the side, remembering all the times you somehow managed to extend your stays within the exchange program with Diavolo's blessing.
"I can't believe you gave up on me that fast", you tease, poking his cheek.
"Never did", he mumbles. "Looked for ya every day until I realized.. ya just weren't here. And not like here like in the Devildom, okay? I mean like here here."
He's quiet for a moment before he grumbles again, "Didn't stop lookin' until Lucifer made me, that bastard."
You bust out laughing, "I missed you, and your cute little complaints"
"Hey! My complaints ain't little! I'd burn down all three realms if it meant I coulda found you again!"
You place a quick kiss to his cheek, giggling at the way he goes rigid.
"Well, you don't have to worry. I'll always find my way back to you."
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avonne-writes · 6 months
omg i really love this because it’s such a casual and easy thing to do so maybe in the moment bucky just goes for it but immediately he’s noticed how buck has gone stiff and maybe it’s hard to put those dots together so eventually (i always see them having these difficult convos when bucky is cuddling buck late at night and his guard is down) he asks him about it, exactly in the way u said in a very precise and specific way, and buck not only confirms but is relaxed enough to give further details.
i think a part of bucky would def feel bad when he hears it’s about buck’s dad even though he had no way of knowing and buck def does not hold it against him. he definitely would get over it very quickly, i just think in the moment when ur in a vulnerable position and something happens that’s sort of jarring for u it would have a big effect on u
I absolutely agree! I wrote a drabble, although it goes a little bit differently. I think it would be interesting to see them talk about Gale's hard no's when they're cuddling at night and the darkness and each other's closeness make it easier to talk.
Short nsfw drabble below
Bucky is sat up against the headboard, his boxers still on but for little purpose other than decoration because Gale's hand is inside them, feeling him up, pulling at him lazily as they make out in his bed. Gale’s knees bracket Bucky's thighs and his weight traps Bucky with barely any room for left to shift towards Gale's touch. He can still move his arms though, and move he does, running his palms all over Gale’s bare torso, then his thighs, teasing inside the legs of his underwear before sliding them up and to the back to squeeze his ass.
Gale hums into Bucky's mouth. "I'm gonna ride you."
The noise Bucky makes is the most embarrassingly eager sound that has ever left his throat. A shudder of arousal races through his body. He loves it when Gale just tells him like that, without uncertainty. When he lets Bucky anticipate it. With one hand, he cups the back of Gale's head and pulls him into a rough kiss, with the other, he slides Gale's underwear down over the globe of his ass. He runs his hand over the bare skin there in restless excitement, feeling the curve of muscle fit perfectly in his palm, then gives it a firm smack.
Gale goes stiff as a board and stops moving.
His hands withdraw, and he breaks the kiss, pulling his boxers back up and leaning back on his haunches. He holds Bucky's hands away from his body by pushing gently against his wrists.
Bucky’s heart stops for a moment, all his thoughts screaching to a halt. He frowns at Gale and finds him frowning back, confusion mirroring discomfort. Bucky’s cock, so ready to shoot off just a second ago, deflates to half-mast. "What’s wrong?"
Gale’s nostrils flare. His frown doesn’t ease up, but he’s not pulling further away either. Their arms are still frozen stretched out by Gale’s sides, hands brushing each other. "Nothing."
Bucky clicks his tongue. "Don't tell me it's nothing. You went from a hundred to zero in two seconds." He drops his hands to Gale's knees. "You don’t like it when I spank you, do you?"
Gale's face turns red. He averts his gaze to the side. His expression smooths out into careful neutrality. "I don’t."
Bucky moves his hands up to Gale's waist, then wraps his arms around him. He's nervous for a split second, but Gale reacts well. He loops his arms around Bucky's shoulders in turn and leans forward until his face is tucked into Bucky's neck. They're silent for a few minutes. His curiosity is killing Bucky but he tries to resist pushing, because Gale never yields to that.
His patience pays off. Eventually, Gale sits back again and gives him a look. "Thinking about my dad kills the mood."
"Your dad?" Bucky's eyebrows rise. He too, was spanked as a kid a few times. Nothing unusual about that. But that never made him associate the act with his parents.
Gale starts stroking Bucky's chest with his fingertips, drawing his blunt nails over it too, as if trying to distract him, but Bucky's focus has already shifted back to his brain from his groin.
"He expected discipline. And I -" Gale tilts his head back, smiling without any joy in his eyes. "- was a very naughty child."
"I doubt that."
"Dad thought so."
"He also thought feeding you was second to his bets at the pony tracks."
Gale smiles at Bucky sadly, then gives him a kiss. When he pulls back, he presses their foreheads together. "I don’t wanna be punished." He whispers against Bucky's lips with uncharacteristical openness.
Bucky pulls him into a tighter embrace and kisses him back. "Never. Never with me."
His next kiss swallows Gale’s answering sigh of relief.
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willowser · 2 years
okay but. vigilante!bakugou. with a full mask to cover his face, the only "super" one in a quirkless world. literally every dc trope ever, but i don't care because with him, it's so afhakfha.
you work together in some office job and he's always coming in late with his trousers loose and his shirt untucked. never really speaks to you, except for when there's a group task that needs to get done and your team reserves the conference room to figure out how you'll divide the work and he ends up sitting beside you somehow. borrows a pen, because he forgot one.
other than that, you just know of him, bakugou katsuki. quiet. always frowning. looks like he'd bite your head off for looking at him sideways. doesn't really catch your eye — though you agree with your coworker that he's kinda handsome when he's not scowling — and you don't think he's the kinda guy that's gonna go out for drinks after work with you and the team. and you're right, because he can't.
truth be told, you're not really interested anyway — because you're kinda-sorta, really-super into this guy dynamight, who stops by your apartment every night.
it's thanks to him that you didn't get mugged and left for dead in some alleyway a few months back, and though you think that makes him rather trustworthy, you know your friends would have a cow about the fact that you've never heard his voice or seen his face. that you're always sitting on the rooftop of your complex, waiting, until he's so close that you can feel the echo of his explosions in your chest. reverberating beneath your bones, just like your heartbeat.
you don't know why he bothers, but you also don't really care. he listens to the needless recount of your day, even huffs out a laugh at times. the most you've ever seen of him is the lower half of his face, the cut of his jaw when he took a drink from the chilled water bottle you had waiting. maybe a flash of his hair, but it'd been dark and you can't for the life of you remember if it was blonde or maybe light brown ?
the city is dying to know who he is because, despite being so explosive, he's pretty good at going quiet when he needs to; always manages to get away from the swarm of red and blue that chases him down the highway. and yeah, maybe taking justice into his own hands is a teeny bit irresponsible, okay, but you can't help but to feel a little safer, walking home under his echoing boom as he shoots across the sky.
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fbfh · 26 days
Hey! Could you please do some headcannons of cuddling with Jay from descendants?
Thank you!
oh fuck yes baby boy NEEDS a snuggle so fuckin bad. Jay is SO motherfucking - his full name is Janasheen Lagmani Mufti btw (successor, born at nightfall, one who gives council or legal advice) - Jay is SO motherfuckin touch starved that he'll get injured on purpose just so he can feel you touch him up. After a while you start to catch onto this because you don't have the heart to tell him he's not quite as slick as he thinks he is. So OBVIOUSLY I have a medieval game OBVIOUSLY I have a jousting game the only way you're gonna get him to turn into your snuggly lil bunbun (yes he does insist you call him that after you say it once as a joke and he loses his mind) is to make him think YOU'RE really the one who needs cuddles. like of course you're feeling kinda sad and tired from all your schoolwork so of COURSE you need a big strong tough cool guy star of the tourney team to make you feel all safe and cozy. obviously it's TOTALLY for your benefit. not at all because Jay was not hugged once as a child! that's hilarious and true and totally not the reason at all! I just washed my hands that's why they're wet! no other reason!
but yeah once you actually start cuddling with him it's going to take approximately less that six seconds for him to become a total and complete velcro boyfriend. it takes longer to watch any vine in existance than it does for Jay to latch onto you like a small baby bird. he did not know that touchy feely stuff could be so... nice. especially when it's with you. he tried giving Carlos and Evie and Mal bear hugs between classes when he's away from you and it was good, but it wasn't the same. Maybe it's because Carlos still thinks he's going to get suplexed whenever Jay grabs him like that or maybe it's because Mal keeps asking if he huffed her spraypaint and that's why he's so huggy out of nowhere (Evie doesn't mind too much as long as he doesn't wrinkle her outfits or mess with her hair and makeup. she actually approves of you two and likes that you're bringing out Jay's more affectionate side. she makes a mental note to give you the friends and family discount on any future designs you order from her.) but shortly after that first time you snuggled up with Jay and had him tell you all about the video games he's been playing and about tourney practice he's full on addicted to your touch and cuddles. Coach sometimes has to pull you off your extra curriculars to give Jay hugs and kisses during practice when he cops an attitude or gets too rowdy. you're known as the Jay whisperer immediately and believe me the nickname sticks. Carlos asks what the hype is once and you give him head scratches and he understands.
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krirebr · 2 months
the softest thought 🥺💕 ransom doing his best to make you bread pudding despite his first attempt resulting milky bread and scrambled eggs 😭 and he brings it to you on a little wooden tray with a fancy spoon and everything bc he's practically turning into a high strung housewife the longer he's with you
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bone apple teeth!! jk im sure he speaks french
Uggggggggghhhhhhhhhh, Brandy!!! The feelings!!
And he knows how hard everything's been lately, so when he brings it to where you're zoned out on the couch, you immediately burst into tears.
"Fuck," he says. "Is it that bad??" And he's clearly starting to close off, even as you're looking at him, shaking your head.
"No," you say, emphatically through your tears. "It's my favorite! And you made it for me! Because you love me!" And everything comes out garbled because you're crying so hard, and he's staring at you like you've grown an extra head. "And I love you so much!" you continue, making grabby hands at him until he sits down next to you. "Because you do shit like this!"
He settles into the couch, and you press yourself into his soft sweater, still crying, but now you're eating too. "Ok," he says slowly, still clearly confused. "So the bread pudding is good? You like it??"
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seaofgoldensand · 6 months
can we meet again once more? she falls asleep unbeknownst that her dream-self is awaiting to meet with dawnbreaker, but this time dawnbreaker wishes to talk to her about something personal.
note: thanks to this quote i found on tumblr that made me immediately think of dawnbreaker and @zayne-snowman for being an awesome zayne roleplayer (gimmick blog is a new term that i actually genuinely like and will use it now), since reading their posts of people interacting with dawnbreaker, it made me adore zayne even more as a rafayel girlie aheh. anyway! to those that read this, i hope you enjoy!
warning: angst once more (this will be my stamp), slight hurt with comfort, he will do anything to ensure she is ok whether mentally or physically, hints of pieces from foreseer myth if you squint
another day of being a hunter has passed and the city is as peaceful as i can be. that was her duty and she loved to provide that help in not only protecting the city, but also protecting her fourteen year old self. 
now she can return home and settle herself in bed where unbeknownst to her, she would meet a man that she forgot in the waking life, but remembers very well in her dreams. as she falls asleep, a warmth surrounds her more than her blanket, there is a smile on her face that translates to the one in her dreams as she felt warm arms wrap around her body.
the man was silent, burying his face against her neck and inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume and letting it linger in his senses, allowing himself to engrave it into his mind for when he must let her go once more. she remained where she was, unsure of how she got here, but the man standing and hugging her from behind like she was the most delicate snowflake in a world full of snowstorms was no stranger to her. 
“i’m sorry, dawnbreaker… did i make you wait for too long?” she asked softly, raising her hands to rest on his arms, squeezing them gently as she turned her head to brush her lips gently against his temple. 
he shook his head, holding her closer. “no, not at all. in fact, if you don’t know, i’ll remind you… i will wait for however long i need to just to see you and hold you like this again.”
she smiled, although it was a mix of sorrow and happiness, two emotions that could never coexist with one another, yet were easy to conceive. then, she turned around and cupped dawnbreaker’s face, her fingers gently drumming against his cheeks as she gazed up at him. 
“even if the certainty of me returning is little to none? you would risk that much if it meant you’d see me again? am i really worth that much?” 
it had been a question that was stuck in her mind like a fly in a venus fly trap, no matter how much she tried to remove the thought, the insecurity to ensure nothing came between her and dawnbreaker, that question became a plague and dawnbreaker must have sense the shift as he immediately drew her in closer.
“of course. in this world, i have nothing left. i want to be selfish. allow me to be selfish and i promise to take care of you as much as i possibly can here in this world. it’s—” 
“fleeting.” she finished his sentence with a tender smile. “everything around us and us in general is fleeting, yet if it’s all i can have, i could never wish for anything more. and you can be selfish, dawnbreaker. in a sense, this is your world and i’m becoming a permanent visitor, until you no longer want me to come back.” 
dawnbreaker eased back and stared at her with his piercing gaze before he grabbed her chin, gently tilting it up so their eyes met. “there will never be a day where i’m not looking forward to your return. there will never be a day where i wish for you not to return. and there will never be a day that i stop myself from feeling these emotions you give me. for once in this life of mine, i feel something and it’s all because of you.” 
she listened intently and nodded her head. insecurities plagued her mind, but dawnbreaker never once allowed those insecurities and self-sabotaging tendencies to remain in her head for too long. perhaps, that is why it was so easy for her to fall for him. how she felt so drawn to his presence, that she would do everything in her power to meet in the same world in her dreams. 
“then, when i fall asleep, i will do my best to make sure to meet you once more. over and over again until our worlds allow us to meet face to face outside of our dreams.”
“do you believe such a thing is possible?”
“i do. it’s all thanks to you, dawnbreaker.” 
dawnbreaker was quiet as he finally pulled away from her and held out his hand. “come, then, let’s have a walk. there is something i wanted to talk to you about. nothing horrible, i assure you… just something that has been on my mind.”
as the two walked and the snow gentle fell over the city, dawnbreaker stopped in front of a cafe. he gazed through the window and in there was a scene that did not belong to his world. in there was a version of him who was a doctor and she was there sitting in front of him, eating lunch it would seem. he could not help but feel bitter that this version of himself was allowed to be with her when she is awake.
“dawnbreaker?” she spoke out softly when she noticed him seemingly staring into the empty cafe. “what’s wrong?” 
he turned and looked at her before shaking his head. “it’s nothing…” he stated, and she did not pry any further. 
they walked a few steps more before they stumble onto a field of jasmine flowers. it was then that she let go of dawnbreaker’s hand and ran to the field of flowers, frowning.
“oh no! i knew i was forgetting something, have they not bloomed since?” 
“they are just resting, and do not worry about taking care of them, we can only do so much in this environment. ah, but come back here.”
he had gestured for her to return to his side, but instead he walked over to stand beside her, coaxing her to stand up before he held her hand. “are you curious as to what i wish to talk to you about?” 
“i am, but i don’t want to pry, so i would wait until you’re ready to talk about it.” 
“you’ve called me dawnbreaker since the day we met, but can you stop calling me that?” 
“oh—does it bother you?” 
“no, i am used to it, but i want you to call me by my real name.” 
she tilted her head, curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she met his gaze. 
“from now on, you can call me zayne.” 
the name tugged something in her chest, her hand then turning to interlace her fingers with his as she gave it a gentle and reassuring squeeze. 
“all right, then. thank you… zayne.” 
that odd muscle in dawnbreaker’s chest skipped a beat upon hearing her utter his name with such delicacy, it confused him for a bit before he regained his senses, stepped forward and held her in his arms. he cupped her chin once more and leaned down as he lifted her face up for their lips to meet in a sweet kiss. 
“no, darling, thank you.”
“but i haven’t done—” she whispered against his lips after their deep kiss. 
“you’ve done much more than you may ever know.”
her dream was spent on time with dawnbreaker, this time she managed to make him laugh and she could not help how happy it made her feel when he caught himself and tried to play it off, something about his image and how it could not be ruined.
but as the time approached for her to wake up again, she hugged dawnbreaker extra tight this time, placed a kiss onto his cheek and promised to see him once more when they both fall asleep.
but when she awakened from her slumber, she was left with an empty feeling. she sat up and touched her lips where she dreamed of someone kissing her goodbye. she furrowed her brows trying to recall the dream, but no memory came to mind. 
“as always…” she mumbled to herself as she got up to open the blinds of her window. she thought of the man in her dreams, she knew it was a man, but she could not recall a face, not even features. just thoughts and memories of his touches and words, nothing more, no face to place onto the unknown figure. 
“do you exist or have i made you up?”
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