#and it was someone liking a post i made months ago 🙃
cynda-queer ¡ 2 months
The unfortunate truth is I am a slave to positive reinforcement, so when I post things, I'm sitting there like a cat scratching at a closed door like "likes?" "reblogs?" "commint?"
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agendabymooner ¡ 7 months
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summary: she was so sweet but her ex should've known better than keeping her his dirty little secret. OR it was wrong to lust after her ex's teammate but charles leclerc was willing to give her everything.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, tbh there's barely smut in there but charles is nasty as fuck so 🙃, ex!carlos sainz x pr manager!reader, hint of corruption kink (not really), p in v, unprotected sex (plz use protection), lowkey possessive!charles, i barely understand what i wrote tbh
note: i only post a lot of charles when he's a dad to the leclerc boys but god did i have some filthy thoughts about him tonight. enjoy xx
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it was wrong to lust for your ex’s teammate, but charles leclerc was determined to make her his and he made sure that she knew that.
a whole winter break was enough to move on, right? right. charles couldn’t give much shit about the time limit for a person to move on from their ex. 
not when he saw her throughout the first race week as she took long strides while she followed esteban ocon for the french driver’s media duties. charles used to see her in the ferrari area — being carlos’ sweet secret girlfriend and public relations manager. 
how carlos had managed to get away from his crimes of being seen with another woman in public while fucking his manager behind the scenes was something that charles would never understand— but the monégasque pitied the sweet woman for having to see her boyfriend play tonsil hockey with someone else.
she was angelic, having to put up with that kind of thing. and all charles wanted to do was to make her his— to somehow make her realize that she was worth more than what carlos had recognized her for. 
his green eyes nearly darkened when he saw her, sitting alone at the booth that the alpine drivers occupied for the night with a sad expression on her pretty face. four months of break away from carlos and she was still affected by the break up that occurred half a year ago. 
and her sadness was quickly swept aside when she saw charles taking a stride towards her direction, scooting over instinctively as the ferrari driver offered her a grateful smile and sat next to her. 
“i haven’t seen you for a while,” charles told her with a smile, “pierre was incredibly foul for not inviting you to any of our functions during the break.”
“ah- yeah,” she let out an apologetic smile, “i’ve been trying to adjust to my new place in nice. i figured if i was going to be working for alpine, i might as well live in france.”
“oh you moved? trés bonne,” charles nodded, earning a sheepish smile from her. he nearly melted at the sweetness on her reaction. god she was so fucking perfect. 
“it’s such a shame i don’t get to see you in the office anymore, though,” he shrugged. “ferrari lost an asset.” 
she snorted quietly, “hm, fred even said so. but you know— people come and go.” 
“it’s such a pitiful thing, though,” charles said, looking at her while they both drank, “you should’ve been my manager— you’d do more good with me.” 
“you’re right,” she drawled, now staring at his eyes as she playfully said, “you wouldn’t fuck me and i wouldn’t get emotionally attached.”
as if they were both in another universe, charles then chuckled darkly and boldly claimed, “i mean... i still would’ve fucked you— i just wouldn’t be stupid enough to let you go and treat you like a dirty little secret.” 
she saw how his pupils darkened as he spoke, feeling her legs absentmindedly closing and squirming. as if the floodgates had opened and arousal had gotten the best of her. 
“nobody knew about you and sainz but me, right? the amount of times i’ve had to turn a blind eye was insane— i almost thought i’d have to intervene because it was compromising his media duties,” charles admitted, “i wondered what kept you from getting him to move and do his job— it turns out he’s just fucking you in his motorhome. i’ve had to tell the social media manager that he’s just woken up from a nap.”
“he pretended that you’re not even worth the attention after his races because you’ve always been second best to him,” charles tutted.
she huffed, “there’s no need to rub it on my face—“
“—oh no, mon tresor, i’m not being a dickhead about it,” charles shook his head, placing his drink down on the table. 
the lights in the club were nothing but colourful strobes that didn’t even spot them, making it easier for him to get closer without anyone noticing and interrupting them. 
his breath fanned her ear as he whispered huskily, “i wouldn’t allow him to make you see yourself as second best, mon ange.”
“charles—“ she let out a breathless sigh, feeling his mouth leave open mouthed kisses on her skin. “this is so wron—“
“nothing’s wrong with this when we don’t work anymore, mon tresor,” he murmured. “there’s nothing more wrong than allowing your sweetness to get in the way of the things you so deserve.” 
“and you know how to show me the things i deserve?” she asked, almost innocently. god, was he about to cream in his pants if she continued to say shit like this. 
“you can demand the world and i’ll give you the universe,” charles watched her accept his offer as he smiled widely.
it was so wrong to lust after her ex’s teammate, but if charles leclerc was willing to give her everything then who was she to reject the offer? the monégasque was telling her to be greedy, and this was the best way to do it. 
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she felt too overwhelmed. whether it was because of how charles treated her body or how he spoke so dirtily— she wasn’t sure. 
her mind was on an overdrive. all she could think about was him. his godlike figure, his prettiest eyes and his thick cock that continued to pound inside her cunt. 
she almost shook at his tone as he groaned delightfully right by her ear, “mon dieu, chéri, tu te sens si divin.” my god, darling, you feel so divine.
charles helped her prop herself up back on her knees as his hand guided her eyes towards the mirror in front of them, watching her eyes glistening as much as her cunt did in pleasure.
he then murmured, “do you see yourself, sweetheart? you look so pretty.”
she couldn’t even find herself to look when all she’s thinking about was the cock that stuffed her from behind, a strangled whine escaping her throat as she urged him to move. 
“i wish carlos was here to see this,” he chuckled deeply, his fingers pinching her hardened nipple before trailing down her clit to stimulate her even more. she let out a loud whimper, now feeling overwhelmed by his words and his actions as he fucked her once more. “so he knows not to treat you like you’re not worth bragging about.” 
“but i guess he had a reason to keep you a secret, hm?” he taunted her, rocking his hips against her as he bottomed out inside her. “because he knew that once you’re out in the world you’d be corrupted by some men. he was so selfish that he thought his sweet innocent girlfriend shouldn’t be corrupted by anyone but him.” 
“oh how wrong he was,” charles moaned, his thrusts turning rough and fast as he growled. “you know you deserve better than being a dirty little secret, no?” he tapped her face lightly with his palm as he said, “answer me, mon ange.”
“o- oh- yes,” she cried out, “yes, yes—“
“i can give you everything, mon tresor,” he murmured, “everything that he couldn’t give you.” 
“fuck, charles! please,” she mewled, looking behind her with pleading eyes as she begged desperately, “want to cum again, charles please~”
“gonna cum in this pussy of yours, mon ange—“
“please, cum inside me,” she moaned aloud, her desperation echoing around the suite as well as the skins slapping against each other. “please pleaseeee~ just wan’ to cum. god! feel so full, fuck!”
“gonna cum inside you, and make you mine,” he growled quietly, nibbling on her skin as she whined and mewled. her walls clenched at the thought as he chuckled, “oh? you want that, hm? you want me to make this pussy mine?” 
“yes! fuck-“ she exclaimed, her body convulsing while she whined, “want you to own me, charles. wanna be stuffed full by you only, charles please~”
“you could’ve asked me a long time ago, mon tresor,” his thrusts turned hard and slower as he came inside her, feeling her clench around his cock as they reached their highs. 
she was too fucked out and full, content at the feeling of his cock inside of her while feeling nothing but happiness being in his arms. 
charles couldn’t help but grin widely at the sight of her limped body and the dazed expression on her face. he couldn’t find himself to think about his teammate when this sweet woman was finally his.
he knew that he could do so much better treating her like a queen that she was than carlos would ever do. 
everything that her ex never gave her— charles would be more than willing to hand it to her on a gold plate.
the next morning, charles found carlos at the hotel lobby as they were both heading to the airport. the two ferrari drivers got to speak to one another before pierre gasly and esteban ocon saw them and talked amongst themselves.
carlos sainz sure was the kind to be confused and puzzled, and he showed this when esteban’s manager — who was once carlos’ girlfriend and manager — approached the group and talked to the drivers before turning to charles with a sweet smile. 
“are you going to go now, mon ange?” charles asked with a smile, watching her blush at the attention she got from him as she nodded meekly. “you could just come with us, you know? we’re heading to the same place, anyway.”
“yeah but,” she gestured to the two alpine drivers, “someone has to control these two before the next race week starts.” 
the alpine drivers protested against her words as she and charles giggled. charles then looked at her and said, “okay well… text me when you get there, okay?” 
she nodded and gave charles a sheepish smile (as if she hadn’t found herself saying the filthiest words to him the night before; not that carlos knew). 
charles wrapped his arms around her before kissing her passionately, humming at the taste of her. pierre let out a whistle and esteban grinned at the two toothily. 
while carlos… carlos was just confused as fuck. 
“see you tomorrow, pretty girl,” charles winked at her, smirk playfully written on his face as she giggled quietly and left with the two alpine drivers. 
charles found carlos staring at him with his mouth slightly agape, making the monegasque chuckle and shake his head. “she’s so sweet and pretty, no?” 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129
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AITA for being condescending towards an asexual kid in GSA?
🙃🏳️‍🌈 to find later
Long post so buckle up.
I (17, they/it/he) am one of three co-leaders of my school’s GSA, along with R (18, she/her) and N (17, he/him). All three of us are openly bi, and I’m also openly trans and (most importantly) very loudly aromantic. We’re all in 12th grade now but we were leaders last year (in 11th grade) too. The school/GSA is small enough that all four grades (9–12, so around 13–18 years old) are in the same GSA, there’s no separate upper grade and lower grade groups. We also have two advisors, both cis queer teachers; and some younger queer faculty members also join sometimes for formal events. We take turns running events during club time, such as fun crafts or watching music videos. Sometimes we also do educational stuff or documentaries, including having teachers come in to facilitate discussions.
I’ve been planning (since early December) to run a two part series of discussions about asexuality and aromanticism (separate discussions of each). I really just wanted to do one day about aromanticism, but R said that if I did that, people would derail it and just talk about asexuality anyways, which both N and our advisors also agreed made sense. So, it’s two days, and the asexuality one is first so that the aromanticism one can be closer to Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW).
There’s a girl in GSA, let’s call her A (16, she/her), who’s in 11th grade. She’s very socially awkward and if someone points out that she’s accidentally said something rude or offensive she’ll make a big deal out of not knowing and generally derail the conversation. Also, two years ago A made a ton of “jokes” about me and my little sibling (16MtF) being “secretly dating.” When I asked her (politely at first) to stop, she said she was just joking around, and kept doing it. I asked her again and also asked the theatre teacher and school counselor for help, and eventually she did stop. But A kept following me around and trying to be friends with me, and I was super uncomfortable to the point that I asked the school counselor to facilitate a conversation between A and I so that I could ask her to fucking stop. It somewhat worked. Now she still keeps trying to start conversations with me in the hallways and such, but I just brush her off or ignore her.
The one place I can’t do that is during GSA. Since I’m a leader, I have to be civil to everyone and actually talk to people (R, N, and I set norms at the start of the year during our planning meetings). A is asexual but not aromantic, and today she showed up like 5 minutes into lunch (cafeteria lines are annoying) and loudly asked if she was late. We weren’t doing anything in GSA today, just chilling. At some point during the meeting I announced casually that next week we’d be discussing asexuality, and then the week after that we’d talk about aromanticism, which leads nicely into ASAW during February break. When I said this, A immediately said that she would be extra ace that week [during ASAW]. I was like, “during aromantic spectrum awareness week?!?!” in the same tone of that “during pride month?!?!” meme. She looked like someone had just given her an F on the most important test of the year and said she hadn’t known.
I also made a comment about how there’s way more openly aspec people at our school than at most schools, and N said that maybe the presence of role models is part of that (clear subtext: he was referring to me). I said pretty loudly (more people could hear) that it was kinda funny that I’m the “ace role model” when I’m literally not asexual. A looked super lost and confused at this, and I think she might’ve thought I was ace, even though I’m super open about not being ace, and have told her directly more than once.
Here’s where the potential assholery comes into play. There’s an ad for PrEP that was fairly common on the back covers of theatre playbills in the past year. The ad shows a Black man dressed in ripped leggings with fishnets, shiny knee-length heeled leather boots, and some sort of white leather harness, doing a bridge pose with one leg extended upwards so that the “r” in PrEP is resting on the sole of the boot. The ad has a bright red background and text that says “you cast of PrEP options is changing” along with a small QR code and website link. The pose is somewhat provocative, but not out of place on a playbill for an all-ages show.
During GSA, A was saying that she thought the ad was bad, because of the leather being “fetish gear” and “weird” (basically the same arguments people use to say that gay people shouldn’t be allowed in public). I told A that there’s nothing wrong with someone wearing leather, and she said that “it’s fetish gear and that’s disgusting and degenerate and just bad advertising!”
I explained calmly, like I would to a child (although I probably wouldn’t talk about this topic with a child), that PrEP is a medicine that people take if they anticipate having sex with someone who’s HIV-positive, so it’s okay that the ad is somewhat suggestive. She seemed to accept that, but still said that the leather was weird, and the ad should’ve shown “a diverse group of people getting pills at a pharmacy” instead, because “fetish gear” was too much.
I asked if she thought that all leather clothing was inherently fetishistic, to which A said yes, and then I asked, “do you know that people can’t just choose fetishes?”
She hadn’t known that, but she still said the ad was too sexual. I pointed out that it was a fairly well-targeted advertisement, using theatre references, but maybe A was not part of the target demographic. I also said that sometimes outfits are just hot without there needing to be any fetishes involved, which she didn’t refute, and that even if it was a fetish, that wouldn’t make it inherently “bad” or “degenerate” at all.
A said that she still didn’t like it, and I told her that she was entitled to have whatever feelings she wanted to have, but that doesn’t mean the advertisement itself is a problem.
Another person (17, he/him) called out “[OP], what do you think about kink at pride?” in a sort of nonchalant way, so I walked over while saying “i’m pro–kink at pride.” The conversation eventually moved in other directions, and then club ended and we had to go to our next classes.
TL;DR: given my position of power and responsibility as a GSA leader, AITA for being kinda condescending towards an ace person who’s 2 years younger than me because she was being very sex-negative about an ad for PrEP?
What are these acronyms?
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not-goldy ¡ 7 months
The more people bitch about Jikook, the stronger and closer they get. Its like seeing your kid date someone you don't like. The more you bitch and moan, the more they develop this us against the world mentality and before you know it, they're eloping. It really doesn't cost a thing to be respectful of their bond. If you were, we wouldn't be here every year hearing the same tired old fanservice excuse. Like are you bitches blind? Tae told you Jk was basically living in Jimin's room. Jimin is telling you that and you see it. They are together eating, chilling, staying for rehearsals, together in their bedrooms, off camera, on camera, in their cars, up each other's asses all day and you wonder why your favs aren't being shown. Cause they aren't hanging out like you think, that's why. Like how do you expect Jk to squeeze in five minutes for your fav, when he's up Jimin's ass and marking is territory in his room all day? Like he ain't even on facetime with whatever partner outside of BTS you have him paired with either and making room for her or him. How can they have room, when its all occupied by Jimin? This isn't about shipping. Its about two people who MUTUALLY AGREE to spend all their time together and you wanna cry. Instead of sucking it up and just being happy they have each other.
And Jikookers were called crazy when we said the reason Tk were hanging out was because Jimin was busy like hell and Jennie was touring. Now that Jimin's schedule isn't so hectic. Where is JK now at this very moment and who has he been pinning for and with now vacationing for months? Jimin. Going around telling lies that your favs are the closest, cause they occasionally hang out like once a month. Jk told you from his own mouth, I don't keep up with Tae, when asked where Tae was and that was like 4 months ago. He loves Tae. He enjoys hanging out with him and his friends. No one can say he doesn't. But if given the choice, he's gonna wanna be with the one he's attracted to and THE ONE HE IS IN LOVE WITH and the one who can give him what he needs if you catch my drift and that is Jimin. Get a clue already.
It's the ow ah eiish they feeling in their chest for me
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But it's also the way I don't care bout much these days 😂only God knows.
Jikook is real. In this day and age no one can convince me otherwise. Whatever anyone says and does it goes right above my ear like a lost air plane 🙃
Tuktukkers are senseless
Anti's have lost the plot
Doubters are just dumb and corny
Anyone who thinks they know anything bout Jikook post solo is playing themselves for fools we ain't know shit. We've been made. Jikook made us out. They pulling the strings like the masters of chaos they are.
Some said I drink too much these days- you ain't shit.
If I come for!!! No! Like fr IF I COME FOR YOU!
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thesoftandhardcore ¡ 1 year
Reunited at Last
This was based on a scene @wild-productions had mentioned almost a month ago (iykyk)
Although it was nowhere near the said scene because I got carried away with writing and was already half-way through finishing it before I even noticed 🙃
I’ve decided to post it here so that you guys can read it, too.
This was the supposed ending plot we discussed/created for the fourth movie.
Sypnosis: Po had returned to the Valley of Peace after his journey, where he was greeted and welcomed by the citizens, his dads (obviously), and his friends. Everyone was delighted, even him, until he noticed a certain feline missing from the crowd.
The moment Po took a step into the valley, he was immediately greeted and welcomed by the citizens. Their cheers and warm smiles made Po's heart swell with happiness as he looked around the familiar surroundings he'd missed so much. It has only been a few days, or maybe a week, since he has been gone, and yet it feels like forever. As he made his way further into the valley, he saw both of his fathers waiting for him at the arch of Mr. Ping's restaurant. "Dads!" Po exclaimed as he ran towards them, engulfing both of them in a tight hug. "I missed you guys!"
"We missed you, too, son."
"We thought you weren't going to come back!" Mr. Ping added. "I almost closed the restaurant to go look for you."
Po eyed his father with a teasing grin. "Seriously?"
"Well, almost. I couldn’t let my customers starve, and besides, I can’t leave the restaurant with Li after what happened last time."
"Oh, come on," Li said with a chuckle, "it wasn't that bad."
"You burned one of my best pans," Mr. Ping retorted.
Po laughed at his fathers' bickering, feeling more at home than ever. Not long after, he saw Master Shifu and the others, who had come to welcome him back as well. "Hi, guys!" Po greeted them excitedly while making his way toward them. 
"Welcome back, bud," Monkey said with a broad smile, patting him on the back. "Mantis said he's ready for a rematch for that spicy noodle challenge you two had last time."
"Really? I kind of doubted that he wanted to go through that again."
"Well, I have a reputation to maintain, you know?" Mantis chimed in with a smirk.
Po laughed. "It's on then!"
"Welcome back, Po," Master Shifu said as he walked up to him with a small smile on his face. Po returned the smile and bowed to his master when he realized that someone was missing. He scanned around, and his heart sank, realizing that Tigress was not there to greet him. Shifu noticed this and asked, "Po, is something wrong?"
Po sighed and shook his head. "No, everything's fine." He said softly, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. "It's just that I was hoping to see Tigress, but I guess she's not here."
Everyone fell silent, not knowing how to tell Po about what happened. After a while, Shifu spoke up, "There's a reason why Tigress wasn't able to be here to welcome you back, Po."
"What do you mean by that, master?" Po asked, his brow furrowed with concern.
"She was badly injured during a bandit attack a few days ago. The cut was deep, so the doctor advised her to rest until she fully recovers."
"Is she okay now? Where is she? Can I see her?"
"Of course you can," Master Shifu said, placing a reassuring hand on Po's arm. "She's resting in her room, and she'll be happy to see you."
Po let out a sigh of relief as he began his journey up the Jade Palace to see Tigress. The sun had begun its descent on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the valley. Po made his way towards the palace barracks and into Tigress' room, feeling his heart race with anticipation. Standing in front of her door, Po suddenly froze, feeling nervous about seeing Tigress again after so long. Come on, Po, he thought to himself. You can do this. I mean, it's just Tigress, your best friend. Po unconsciously winced at the word, knowing deep down that he feels something more for Tigress than just being friends. After composing himself, he took a deep breath before softly knocking on her door.
"Come in," Tigress' voice called out from the other side of the door. Po smiled at the sound of hearing her voice after such a long time. He opened the door slowly, revealing Tigress lying down in her bed with her torso wrapped in bandages. "Hey," Po said softly, approaching her bed with a gentle smile on his face.
Tigress' eyes widened with surprise, but it didn't take long for a warm smile to form on her face. "Hey. Since when did you come back?"
"Just a while ago," Po replied. "Shifu told me about your condition—how are you feeling?"
"Better than the past few days. Although it's hard to move around with all this bandage wrapped around me."
Po chuckled. "It seems like it."
"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to welcome you back when you arrived. If it weren't for my injury, I—"
"Hey, it's okay," Po interrupted, taking Tigress' hand and gently squeezing it. "The important thing is that you get better and that I'm here now, which also means that I'll be taking care of you."
Tigress raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Well, I'm not sure I need much taking care of, but if you insist, then who am I to refuse such an offer?"
"Yes!" Po exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as he did his happy dance. Tigress laughed, realizing how much she had missed his goofy antics. He never changed one bit; he's still the Po she knew before he left on his journey. She sat up from her bed, wincing a bit at her sore body. Po noticed this and panicked, "Tigress, what are you doing? You're still recovering; you should be resting!"
"Nonsense," Tigress replied, rolling her eyes playfully. "Now, your first task as my caretaker is to help me get up."
Po blinked, momentarily caught off guard, before gently offering his arms to support Tigress as she stood up. She requested that they take a walk outside, and Po happily obliged. They talked about how Po's journey went and everything that had happened when he was away while enjoying each other's company and the beautiful scenery outside as the moon lit up the night sky. As they walked, Po's gaze kept drifting towards Tigress. He missed being close to her and cherished every moment they spent together as if they were the only people in this world. They made their stop by the peach tree, a place that held a special meaning for both of them. Tigress leaned against the tree, offering Po a seat beside her, which he gladly accepted.
"I missed this," Po said, looking out at the serene view of the valley below.
"Me too," Tigress replied, a soft smile gracing her lips as she glanced at Po. "It's been a while since we've done this."
There was silence for a moment as they both took in their surroundings and the peacefulness of the night. Po couldn't help but let his gaze linger on Tigress, realizing how much he had missed her while he was away. He felt a strong pull toward her and couldn't deny the fact that he had developed feelings for her over time.
"You can stop staring at me now, Po," Tigress said sarcastically, breaking the silence and causing Po to snap out of his thoughts.
"Stop staring at me so intensely or I'll start to melt all over the place."
Po laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck out of embarrassment. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"I was just joking, Po," Tigress replied, nudging him playfully. "I wasn't uncomfortable at all. Besides, it's nice to be looked at that way sometimes."
Tigress smiled warmly at Po, causing his heart to skip a beat. And just like that, he knew for himself that he was deeply in love with her. It all makes sense now: the way he feels with her, the desire to be close to her and keep her safe, and the way his heart beats faster whenever she's near. It was all because he loved her.
"Well, I guess it's getting late," Tigress said, breaking Po out of his thoughts once again. "We should probably head back now."
Po exclaimed, grabbing Tigress's hand before she could stand up. "Before we do that, there's something I want to tell you."
Tigress looked at him curiously and said, "I'm listening."
Po took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts and steady his nerves. He opened his mouth, but it seems like the words got stuck in his throat. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. Tigress was starting to get impatient by then but remained silent as she sensed that Po had something important to say. After a couple of failed attempts, Po groaned as he covered his face with his hands in frustration. This is pointless, Po thought to himself.
"Po, are you okay?" Tigress asked, her concern evident in her voice. "You can tell me anything; you know that."
"I'm sorry, Tigress, but I can't."
"Can't what?"
Po sighed, feeling ashamed of himself. "I..." 
He felt Tigress take his hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. Looking up at her, he knew he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up any longer. But how can he tell her how he truly feels if he can't express himself in words? Suddenly, his mind trailed back to his master's words, "Your actions will always speak volumes louder than your words ever will." An idea began to form in Po's mind as he braced himself for what he was about to do. With a newfound determination, he looked straight into Tigress' eyes, his heart beating wildly as if it might burst out of his chest.
"Please don't kill me for this," Po said as he slowly leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against hers. Tigress froze, her eyes widened in surprise. Po felt her tense up as he started second-guessing his actions, but before he could pull away, he felt her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer and finally reciprocating the kiss. Po smiled into the kiss, feeling his heart flutter with joy and relief. As they pulled away to catch their breath, Po spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper, "That... was amazing."
Tigress chuckled, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "So, is that what you wanted to tell me?" Po nodded, grinning from ear to ear. A soft laugh escaped Tigress' lips, cupping Po's cheek with her hands and saying, "You goofball."
"I love you, Tigress."
Po finally said the words he had been struggling to say this whole time, and he felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders as he pulled her into a warm embrace.
"I love you, too," Tigress replied, resting her head on his shoulder.
After a moment of silence, Crane finally spoke up, "Well, that was... unexpected," he remarked, turning to the others who were all processing what had just happened.
"Not really," Viper said, smiling knowingly. "I've seen the way those two look at each other. I'm just happy they finally figured it out for themselves."
"It's not fair," Mantis grumbled. "Why couldn't they have just done it tomorrow morning?"
"Because they didn't," Monkey said, a smirk crept on his face. "Now, pay up."
Mantis groaned as he handed a sack of money to Monkey, who was snickering at him.
"Wait, you two had a bet again?" Crane asked.
"Yep, and I won it!"
Mantis rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever, it was only a matter of luck on your part." He hopped off the fence and made his way back to the barracks, with Crane and Viper following his pursuit while Monkey did his happy dance.
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interlagosed ¡ 6 months
I can't help but feel like all of this defense of Bianca is purely due to ableism that F1 fans themselves have but don't realize.
The amount of times I've seen people try to pull the "I can't be racist because I have black/brown friends/relatives" card and still have to face consequences, yet she uses her autistic brother as a prop to claim she can't be ableist and people are suddenly like "omg best apology ever, we support our queen."
No. I am autistic. I've gotten bullied for it for much of my life. I don't appreciate seeing Bianca continuing that bullying by encouraging the use of autism as an insult, and I especially don't like her using someone who is autistic to try to cover up her behavior. People need accountability if they're going to learn, and so far her version of "taking accountability" has just been "I'm just a girl, just a kid, only 18, I didn't know better" which luckily she deleted, and then using her autistic brother to try to gain PR brownie points after insulting people with autism.
And I KNOW F1 is full of ableism, not just on twitter but on here too. Hell, I was ranting to a F1 friend maybe a month ago about a post someone made on here about how they didn't like Lando solely because they thought he was neurodivergent but he was too privileged to have to mask his neurodivergent behavior and I just? Girl what in the fucking ableism. Do people realize how exhausting "masking neurodivergent behavior" is? And that post had about a dozen notes - not of people calling it out, but of people agreeing with it. Lance gets the majority of it, but I've also seen people use autism to insult Logan too. He isn't in F1 anymore, but I saw it all the time with Latifi too. Like fucking stop chalking up disliking people to "omg i don't like them because they exhibit behaviors that i associate with autism," that's fucking gross and insulting!!!
Idk I'm tired of reading how I'm anti-women or anti-POC for not immediately accepting her apology and jumping right back in to supporting her. She needs to do a LOT of self-reflecting and attitude changing, as do motorsport fans in general given a lot of responses to this situation. Ableism isn't cool, cute, funny, etc. (Also looking at the fans who repost that RocketPoweredMohawk YouTuber's clips in the tags on Tumblr too. The guy's biggest punchline is "HAHAHAHA lance autistic" yet F1 fans worship the ground he walks on and treats him like peak comedy. Please, find an actual sense of humor that doesn't involve making people with disabilities the punchline of your jokes). It's getting old. It's not funny or quirky or edgy. It's exhausting to constantly run into reminders that most of these people I'm interacting with in my online spaces would never accept me and would probably just bully me if I ever came across them in real life. 🙃
Thank you for saying all of this. I genuinely didn’t even know this was a line of ~commentary (ew) on Lance or Logan. It’s absolutely disgusting. I feel like we’re only just getting to a point where people even understand autism (and let’s be clear…they still don’t lol not really) but shit like this is so gross and only forces autistic people even further into the margins of society. I’m really sorry the fandom is like this. You deserve to take up as much space as you need, and the rest of us need to hold ableists accountable.
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taylor ¡ 8 months
i am going to fucking SCREAM!!!! the guy i’ve been talking to for the last month and went on a date with and was planning to go on more dates with HAS A GIRLFRIEND
he told me he was single when i asked on our date but apparently like 5 days later he got a girlfriend AND FOR TWO WEEKS DIDNT TELL ME HE GOT INTO A RELATIONSHIP
we were talking daily on instagram and text and planning other dates and now my trust has been shattered because i still didn’t even find out from HIM i fucking found out from work BECAUSE HIS GIRLFRIEND IS ALSO SOMEONE WHO WORKS WHERE WE DO
Plot twist tho: the girlfriend and i talked last night because everything came out like all at once (THAT story is insane but this post is already long enough so i might post about that later/separately bc holy fuck last night was crazy) and absolutely had both our minds blown when i told her he invited me to an event this friday that she said he invited her too (and i’m like bro how was that gonna work? turns out it’s bc he LIED to me about it getting rescheduled so he would’ve gone with her and i would’ve been thinking the whole thing was rescheduled lolol). me and the gf exchanged numbers and then she hugged me and then we texted and she’s like it was nice meeting you and you’re sweet and i hope we have more convos that aren’t about douchebags and it made me feel so much better because she clearly saw the truth of the situation that we both got played the fuck out of
so i got a friend out of it and i’m 99% sure she either already broke up with him or will soon bc i also got a text from him saying hey call me when you can (LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO) and then he called me TWICE after 2 am (when my shift ended) and i’m like the audacity this man has and had to not only lie to me about getting a girlfriend (because that was a lie by omission since he had SINCE THE SECOND OF THIS MONTH TO TELL ME HE BECAME EXCLUSIVE WITH SOMEONE) but he also has the audacity to tell me to call him???
i didn’t answer or reply and now i’m just sitting here absolutely wrecked.
you guys i thought in less than a week i’d be dating this guy, he and i just got pizza together like 4 days ago and he said “i’ll be the one making the money in this relationship” since his position at our company makes a ton more than me but he fucking said that while IN A RELATIONSHIP.
i’m so confused and angry and hurt and betrayed and i got so sad because i’m like that’s not who i am!!! i am not a homewrecker!!! i am not someone who would’ve continued to talk to him OR GO OUT OF MY WAY TO HANG OUT WITH HIM IF I HAD KNOWN like i feel like my trust has just been completely fucking shattered
and we both work tonight so there’s a high chance i’ll have to see him 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
this hurts. it just hurts and i was just the fucking side chick like imagine how the girlfriend feels???? she must be hurting so much more bc there WAS an actual relationship??? thank god she and i are okay because i told her i had her back and she was my priority and fuck him but also like i hope she’s okay throughout this too. we both got played by the same fuck boy but the other thing is i genuinely never expected this from him and i know i only knew him a month but when i tell you i was BLINDSIDED by this i really was.
fuck. just fuck.
i feel like a damn fool.
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dreamersparacosm ¡ 2 years
Oh my gosh, the wedding and pregnancy drabbles are gorgeous! Would you consider writing one about the day Austin and reader's baby is born, and the first hours post birth? 👶🙃
september 6th - austin butler
note ; aw stop ur too sweet im blushing… but father!austin truly sends me to another dimension bc i just know he would be the best father on the planet and spoil his daughter or son and he would be so overprotective AH skdjdjdk
warnings ; literally none. this man is an angel
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
austin had always wondered why people thought ‘daddy and me’ classes were useful. he thought they were full of people who tried too hard. it reminded him of school, and all those parents in there were teachers pet. it was not his forte. but, somehow, he still found himself perched in a toddler-sized chair for the 5:30 p.m class of ‘daddy and me’ every thursday for 6 weeks. how was he convinced? well, that would be his needy and persistent wife.
at least now he knew how to change a diaper.
he had returned home from one of these classes on a typical thursday evening, joining you as you laid on the couch. he enjoyed these mundane things with you; being an actor made him feel as though he shouldn’t be allowed to partake in the little things in life. but, sitting there with your feet propped up on his legs as he massaged them was the greatest joy he could ever experience.
it had started when you sat up, trying to readjust yourself. you thought the sharp pain was just a cramp, nothing more. you weren’t due for another two weeks. however, the consistent stab of pain was enough cause for concern. austin, to put it nicely, was shitting himself. you groaned out, “i think it’s time,” and he nearly felt his eyes fall out of their sockets.
he knew better, though. he had to remain calm, because you were also going to freak out if he did. he scooped up the hospital bag that has been prepared weeks in advance, helping you out into the mid-sized car he had picked out with you a few months ago. he was in a haze, trying not to forget anything while also simultaneously not having a heart attack.
the cramps had continued, announcing their presence even stronger than the last. nothing would have prepared you for the pain you were feeling. austin felt guilty, knowing one drunken night of getting carried away had caused this for you. that guilt still hadn’t subsided when you made it into the hospital bed, claiming you were never having sex again.
he was at your beck and call, running around the hospital like a lunatic. doctors raised eyebrows at your frazzled husband, who ran up 14 flights of stairs to get you those ice chips you so desperately needed. he even fought the nurse who wasn’t quick enough to check how dilated you were. your nurse, who had said back in response, “sir, there’s other women here giving birth.”
in which he fired back, “i don’t care. i need you to take care of my babies first.”
somehow, you ended up being more calm than him, the doctors joked as they entered your room. you were in relief when they announced there was a baby to deliver. a 12 hour labor. that’s what you had endured. but, you couldn’t shake the excitement that creeped into your body, rattling your bones and aching your teeth. you were about to meet your baby for the first time.
austin had never gripped your hand tighter, or kissed you as hard before. he wasn’t scared of blood. he was scared of you getting hurt. and the way you screamed as you pushed yours (and his) baby out of you was enough to make him almost collapse. he kissed the top of your head, encouraging you as much as he could. he knew you could do it, you were the strongest person he had ever met.
“it’s a girl!”
the words echoed in his ears. he was a father, that was his baby girl. he cupped your face into your hands, pressing his forehead against yours, “you did it, baby!” you laughed at his words, sighing in relief. somehow, you never thought it would be more possible to love someone more than him. now, you had a bundle of joy.
september 6th. that was your angel’s birthday.
oh, how he had never loved anyone more. holding her fragile body in his arms made him overcome with blissful happiness. he had won oscar’s, he had traveled the world. but nothing, and he truly meant nothing, compared to the way it felt holding his seed in his arms. even after you had gone to sleep, knocked out from the painkillers and exhaustion, he stood by babygirl’s hospital crib, soothing her as she cried. he rocked her back and forth, utilizing everything he learned in that damn ‘daddy and me’ class. “sh, sh, i’ve got ya. i’ve got ya, sweetheart.”
under the moonlight, he had a strike of inspiration. he looked at your baby again. you two hadn’t decided on a name yet, still battling between the list you had made months ago. there was only one name he could think of in that moment. “lori,” he whispered into the room. “your name is lori.”
although he thought you were sound asleep, you smiled with your eyes closed as you heard his gentle words. lori michelle butler, named after his mother.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
keep your ideas coming here!
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dylanobriengossip ¡ 8 months
Dylan O'Brien's new problematic girlfriend Rachael Lange (2023) I Part 2
Part 1 I Part 3 I Part 4
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse…. more disturbing things came to light.
Taylor Swift, Harry Styles & Selena Gomez
Everyone knows Dylan is a Swiftie and also starred in Taylor's "All Too Well: The Short Film" and they have also been friends for a couple years now. Let's see what Rachael thinks of Taylor:
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Interesting... because back in 2011 she claimed to be a Swiftie. 🙃 Rachael (2nd from the left) with friends at what seems to be a Taylor Swift concert. The caption of the pic that one of her friends shared (fb): "Taylor Swift! Never grow up…stay this little.."
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Dylan is also a fan of Harry Styles.
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And many years ago Dylan used to have a crush on Selena Gomez.
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After Rachael got exposed:
She went private on Twitter and deleted over 400+ Tweets (which is already an insane number) but yet still hasn't managed to delete all problematic ones 🤦‍♀️
Blocked those who called her out on all her social media accounts
Deleted the Instagram post (she had during that time) where everyone commented and called her out
Restricted the comments on all her Instagram accounts so only the ones who follow her can comment now
She also censors the comments, only those comments that praise her and whatnot are accepted to show up in the comments
Untagged herself from all the posts she was tagged in where you can see her with Dylan at the Ami Paris Fashion Week Show
Rachael deleted this video after she got backlash for it
Deleted the TikTok video where she was called out but forgot to delete the comments on her other videos
Deactivated her TikTok account but made it public again recently
The Apology
January 23, 2023 After doing all these things to hide what she did/said in the past she posted this Apology on her Twitter (obviously it had to be shared there bc that's where it happened) but it was also good enough for her to share it in a 24h TikTok Story.
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You probably ask yourself why are people still upset about it. She apologized and everything is okay now. No not really because she never shared it on her Instagram account where her most followers are and obviously people also called her out on there too and not just on Twitter and TikTok. And let's be honest after all those things she said more than just that apology should have been done. So if that doesn't speak volumes... And not to forget all those marginalized communities she offended and hurt by those words. Do you really think they will be like: "She was young and didn't know better.", "Now she apologized. Just let us brush it under the rug." Even if you're not someone from those communities just take some time to think about how you would feel if you were in their position. Doesn't feel great right? So don't expect them to just accept that apology and forget about what she said. It doesn't matter what age you are. There never was and never will be a time when it's okay to say any of those things. So many other people in that age know that this is wrong and never did. So please stop defending her. She was old enough to know saying these things is wrong but kept doing it anyway. Was that apology (if she even wrote that herself or got somebody else to do it for her) genuine or not? That's up to you to decide and if you accept that or not. Everyone thinks differently about this and has a different opinion.
But think about this. What does it tell you about a person who:
After being exposed was like: "Oh no. Wait let me quickly go private on Twitter to try to remove all of that so no one can hold that against me anymore." (Screenshots exist for a reason so that didn't make things better for you or made ppl forget that js).
Again never shared that apology on her Instagram, the place with her most followers
Waited until things cooled off and didn't post anything until like a month later and came back with a post to make promo for her brand (Seriously!?! You've got to be kidding me). 🤦‍♀️
You would think someone who said all those things would do more to prove to people that they changed especially after that big amount of disgusting things. But what is Rachael doing? She keeps ignoring the elephant in the room and went back to regularly posting as if nothing happened. And remember that part where she untagged herself from posts about her and Dylan? Well.... the more and more she felt safe and made people think she changed the more she made their relationship public on her Instagram. While (as always) keeps ignoring the fact that this is damaging her & her boyfriend's reputation/image even more thanks to all those things that came out about her. How? Read that here
And as if all of that hasn't been bad enough already. They also found these:
Rachael posted this video on her TikTok account back in 2021.
"I’m grossly proud of my scrunchie and bag coordination #fyp"
Funny you say that Rachael because...
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x, x, x, x, x, x
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Her old AskFM account
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Ana (Logan Lerman’s girlfriend) you should keep an eye out on your new bestie Rachael. 👀
Her Family
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Rachael with her parents Michael and Shirley and her brother Kyle Lange.
Her brother
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"In 2014, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Kyle who was 21 at the time of Friendswood, for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Kyle and his girlfriend were fighting in the driveway of Lange's residence in the 2000 block of Pebble Lane on August 12. The girlfriend called a friend to pick her up, but when the friend arrived, Lange allegedly threatened them both with a handgun. His bond was set at $80,000 for the Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon Charge, but no bond was set for the drug charges since Lange was serving two years of felony probation for Possession of Psilocybin." Source I x
Then there are these 2 Instagram Stories of him from 2023: x, x
Rachael and her mom
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and then there's this more recent one of Rachael from a couple years ago.
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell ¡ 9 months
hellooo, on-time this time! hehe i hope everyone is happy and healthy 💙
the end of September marks one month of school and my assignments are finally slowing down (re: there will be more it's just i've finished them for the moment so i can have some relax time). so, i finally got wind of the learning system here, it's student centered learning where we have to write a paper for every subject and do a presentation for every class, the profs are only there to correct us or complete what we left out. sounds exhausting (because it is!) but i think with this method we're 'forced' to gather as much information as possible because in order to do well we need enough knowledge on the topic. not to mention we're also graded from how active/responsive we are during classes. result is most of my 'free time' is spent reading 🙃 not entirely complaining because the major difference from first degree vs post grad school is now everything's more focused on the discipline i'm interested in hehe
most of my class is held online (god bless) and i'm, yet again, the one in charge of our class' Zoom account (which we buy ourselves instead of provided by the campus). i only go to the SaIemba campus once a week for weekly wire bending class. yes, ladies and gentlemen, wire bending is now taking over my bank account and i mean it literally because the pliers i have to buy cost me a loooooooot of money 🙃 i think this month i really exhausted my savings... the only relief provided for me is that for orthodontists we usually only buy these pliers once to be used for years, that's why it's important to buy high quality ones. kinda glad i bought my Coldplay Singapore tickets before this huhu
an update on my medical check-up, i finally got to see the internist and yep he said i have very high metabolism rate (everything i eat gets converted quickly into energy, not fat/body mass and i need to eat more carbs, but sadly i'm more of a beef veggies fruits person sigh) and that for my slightly anemic blood report i need to consume more blood replenishing food/supplements... these days i swear i’ve been eating more than i did years ago but i simply can't gain weight (still ranging around 41-43 kgs and never higher 🤡)
this September the class celebrated two of our members' birthdays! (again, i'm in charge of reminding everyone of someone's bday 😂) for the first one, kak Mandy's, i kinda made a cruel prank i really regret lol with everyone's help i tricked her we have impromptu on the spot zoom with our professor that required us to show our wire bending progress... she believed me and actually stayed up late to finish her work 😭 i swear i got her to stop and go back to sleep at 10 PM 🥺🥺🥺 but the surprise worked and she was actually surprised (& genuinely happy, i checked on her right after haha) to find us singing the hbd song as she entered the meeting room and sent her a lovely cake for her. the second one, kak Putri's, and this one we can no longer use the Zoom tactic again so we pushed back the surprise to our next wire bending class at uni, bought her pizza and coffee (her favs) and i think the best part is: after i checked in on her, she said she's touched by our efforts as she's never really experienced having people do this much for her. that answer stunned me in a way i get reminded again how being remembered is such a privilege, a rare thing, one's life goal? it's one of the best ways to leave no room for doubt that someone truly cares and loves you? seems like a simple gesture but woah. the impact it left? i think i've never felt more happier being able to remember people's bdays/preferences/likings, seeing how happy i can make someone feel? that's what i strive to do even more now 💪🏻
anyway, did i tell you already i'm the youngest in our class? and the oldest is literally 10 (ten) years older than me? so naturally... i'm also in charge of everything technical: starting from running our class' instagram account and teaching everyone efficient ways to use Google Docs and Slides to finish our assignments 😂👍🏻 i love getting treated like everyone’s little sister and calling everyone kakak/abang 🤣 yet somehow i love being the one people are (mostly) depending on? i like having responsibilities and being able to provide help i guess? 😂 and guess what: i actually also become the class' official editor. yep. one of the assignments given from the dean is to write this mini book (yes, book. not a paper) and she appointed me to be the editor! it's a rigorous task i need to be super diligent and attentive while proofreading and correcting the formatting, but yeah i enjoyed it. my editing hobby has leveled up to a semi official thing haha
last week of September my dad's coworkers held farewell parties (yes plural) for my dad as his last day of work in the entirety of 40+ years of career has finally come... it was an emotional night, almost everyone volunteered to give a lil speech for my dad and said how they've lost and will miss my dad dearly, even some of his lab assistants cried. because my dad was stationed on duty at St Regis hotel naturally i was tagging along, and my dad's subordinates arranged me to be the special guest and yeah. i got teary eyed too because i got to witness yet again how loved my dad is. anyways, i highkey will miss the 'side privileges' i'm so used to get for being a child of a Bank lndonesia employee HEHEHE i mean free staycation at five star hotels almost every week? health insurance (which stopped as i turn 25 huhu) and many many many others. oh well. now it's my time taking care of my mum and dad then, my dream to provide the same or even better treatments than what i received 🥺
with my dad entering retirement, now aside from school i’m swamped with packing and boxing. we’re slowly moving things back to the Cibubur house while i prepare some of my stuffs to carry to my cousin’s house. not gonna lie feeling quite sad because the benefits of having a house in the center of South Jakarta scene are endless! 😂 almost everything is within fingertips’ reach and i’m used to living in that part of the city that never sleeps. Cibubur’s pretty quiet and Bendi (my cousin’s house region) though just a few districts away from Blok M isn’t really the life of the party. i will miss Panglima Polim and everything surrounding it 🥹
last note: these days i'm feeling like life is really that unexpected? so many things i didn't even dream ever happening are thrusted onto my hands right now as we speak and they turn out to be all i've ever wanted? i think i've perfected the formula of doing good + be good + trust the timing. a simple example would be me getting back to school (you can tell i’m not done feeling super happy after getting accepted 😂) excited for more to come, major changes or challenges are welcome: bring it on! i'm ready and up for all kinds of surprises hehe
that's it for September! two months and i'll be 26... 9 months fly away just like that huh 😅 a reminder for me and everyone reading this to enjoy time as it goes, make every second count and special. see you next month!
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lonelyvomit ¡ 2 years
I know you write so I hope you don't mind me bringing this to you, Apparently something is happening at Ao3 to do with board membership and someone running for it could cause really strict censorship rules to be put in place. I only started writing few months ago and if this actually does happen I'm worried I could lose all the stuff since I've wrote since it's all explicit and some of it is pretty controversial.
yeah I've seen a post about it on my dash a couple times and finally took a look at the original transcript. there's a fairly new employee running for the board, and she's openly advocating for censorship with the classic "we need to be socially responsible" bullshit - which, for anyone who has been around fandom and fic spaces for longer than couple years, the pattern is always the same. once the banning starts it's never gonna stop, it goes from "problematic" content to queer content to smut in general, all under the "protect the children" excuse.
ao3's entire point right now is that it's the one place where writers can safely post their fiction. because they understand fictional people don't get hurt and people themselves are responsible for reading the tags and deciding if the work is something they want to read, just like people check warnings on video games and horror movies and then decide if they want to consume it - for some reason when it comes to fanfic, some people have suddenly decided if they don't like it, it shouldn't exist at all.
starting to worry about external people's collective opinion and trying to limit ao3 to their standards - or even worse, as she seems to be interested in making ao3 more accessible in her home country, China, which we know censors fucking everything - is going to end up in a mass deletion of so much fandom content. it doesn't protect anyone, it's just puritanism and "video games cause violent behavior" with a new fancy wording and aimed at fanfic instead. and personally, yeah, it would delete a lot of my favorite works from others, a lot of works from my friends, and few works from myself too.
idk if literally anything here made sense I'm sorry lmao the topic pisses me off (not as in "I'm pissed at you for bringing it up" but as in "oh my god this world is full of fucking idiots") so I ended up ranting lol.
anyway the board members are voted and anyone who had donated over $10 to ao3 before July 30th (so unfortunately we can sweep in anymore) has the right to vote and they should've already received an email about it. to anyone with the right to vote - please keep Tiffany G out 🙃
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emma-radfemcanu ¡ 6 months
Time for my first 'I am upset because of tennis' post of the year! It is literally 2 days into 2024 and the season has only just begun, and my beloved Stefanos has stressed me out already 😍
He was struggling at the end of last year with a back injury and we didn't know how severe it was- he didn't start training until quite late on, but he played an exho last week and seemed ok, and a few days ago his brother Petros said he was almost back to normal. But currently it is the United Cup (a national team tournament), Stef didn't play his scheduled singles match and then he and Maria lost a doubles match which if healthy he should have had no trouble with, he was visibly struggling :(
I'm hoping that it might have just been a bad day and that he'll be ok in a couple of weeks for the Australian Open- if nothing else he's defending a lot of points there and he's likely to drop out of the top 10 afterwards (this is dependent on other players but I think it will happen unfortunately) but it's so hard to tell. And he loves playing in Australia, he has a huge amount of Greek pride, but he needs to take care of himself long term and it really wouldn't be the first time he's pushed through injury and probably made it worse by doing so 🙃
I want him to win a slam so so bad, his best shot is AO or RG- he doesn't stand a chance of winning AO this year and so part of me wishes he would just skip it altogether and take a proper break until he's healthy- but I get why he won't want to do that, and the more events you miss, the more points you lose and the more your ranking slips... thankfully he isn't defending a huge amount immediately afterwards (nothing from Acapulco and barely anything from the Sunshine Double) so if he's in better form there's a lot to gain, but that is a big if
And I've just seen on twitter that him and Maria are apparently playing another exho doubles match next week, WHY. Team Greece are likely to lose early at the UC (which is another 200 points off his ranking but he's still guaranteed a top 8 seeding at the AO so it's not a disaster) and he'd be better off resting up until he really needs to play- and then focusing on singles, not wasting time at an exhibition that doesn't count for anything. I truly do not understand him sometimes
I adore him and I say this out of love lol but I want to shake him sometimes. But in all seriousness it just feels so unfair- I look at the injury trouble Stef has had, same with Matteo, and then you look at someone awful like serial domestic abuser Zverev who made an objectively incredible comeback from what should have been a career ending injury (and would have been if karma was a thing)... it's a bit juvenile to cry 'it's not fair' but it really isn't :(
The next few months will be bumpy for sure but I think/hope he'll be ok. Meanwhile, Matteo pulled out of Brisbane qualifying, Felix was also meant to be playing UC but hasn't played a single match, and Shapo is missing in action- truly I have no idea where he is. Please can 2024 be kind to my boys they have all suffered enough
At least my url-sake Emma won :) I've missed seeing her
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princess-pill-enjoyer ¡ 2 years
Takin a break for the first time in a while
It feels weird to be saying that again. It's been prolly.. 2ish months since I've cared how much I take. Let alone not having any at all lmao. I didn't forget that I'm mean to explain myself and I have been working on a draft for that.. tho it wont be posted for a little while.
tldr: temp break for a week. possibly still dosing but much lower and only taken where needed to prevent adverse effects to not get in the way of a massive project I'll be working on. At most probably 2-3 for the week vs 1-3 a day. No posts of any kind til at least the 14th. Even if I dose, no documenting as I'll strictly be sleeping and working to have any possibility of get this shit done in time
Reason being R's birthday is coming up. She's been in a slump since her breakup. Course I mean. Losing someone that you had that much history plans with is awful. Even if it was only a year. I couldn't imagine how she feels rn. Whiich is why I'm bothering to do all this..
I promised I'd make her some bracelets months ago since it's a longtime hobby of mine. Been making rubber band bracelets since middle school. Wayyy past the rainbow loom craze tho.. smh. I still get so salty about that. COULD YOU IMAGINE THE MONEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ME COULDA MADE??? Even if I only knew half the patterns I knew now I woulda made BANK bruh.. but nah. 5 years after the fact I finally learn it
Then during quarantine I picked up friendship bracelets and kandi, with friendship bracelets being my preferred type. Made sooooo many... only to never wear em. I never wore any of my bracelets if I'm being real. It's so backwards
Ah but anyway. Yeah. I'm gonna give her pretty much all of the bracelets that're worth a damn and I have probably... 40ish patterns saved on top of that
....and like 10 keychains.....
Kinda overboard I know. I was originally content with just sending all the bracelets I've made through this year with a few extra but.. then i went and caught the fr feels (the actual term for that feels cheesy 🙃) so didn't feel like it was enough for her. So I started casually making a list of shit I wanted to make which got massive sooooo quickly
Thennn shit happened and my progress pretty much halted. During the time we were on the phone all the time I made a good 20% of my list which was pretty good for 2ish months of heavily interrupted work so I thought I'd have this all done wayyy before her birthday
Did not expect half the shit that went on in the time since.
I've BARELY made progress since. I've maybe made... 5 bracelets in the time since. I get kinda cold/shaky when I'm high + a good majority of the time I'm either salty/crying/thinking up a storm or dancing around my room/listening to music/playing a game tryna act like dph is pink dopamine. Basically, I'm not too productive when I'm gone. HA ofc unless I want the shit when I'm doing something I need to be productive for. Then I'll bullshit til I get some..
Tangent mb mb. Two other things happened. Uh one I just realized I misremembered her birthday. It is in fact NOT the 28th as I thought it was.. it's the 18th. Only recently checked and saw so that was fun. Then she got broken up with and went pretty much silent ever since. I think we were otp damn near everyday before we went to bed during that period of them being together but not speaking. Then like 2-3 days after her partner left she said the whole I don't know if you can help shit so I haven't really talked to her since. I tried checking in one other time but it was still pretty obvious she didn't really wanna talk so I've been giving her her space. I know it'd probably be the smart/right thing to keep reaching out even if it'd annoy her but she'll turn off notifs in a heartbeat. i think she only recently turned em back on actually I asked her about something and it didn't take hours.. its a pathetic that is something I'm genuinely happy about..
Ah but yeah us not really talking plus her being so sad is kinda pushing me to make her present as grandiose as I can. She's not that sort of person anyway I'm sure even if I made her one she'd wear that shit til it fucking disintegrates but I'm hoping a bigger selection will make her feel less obligated to do all that. Plus I wanna show her that friendships/relationships shouldn't be so transactional you know? It'd be hella easy for me to just send the few I've already made and just say fuck it. We aren't talking rn and I didn't get a gift. I didn't even get a happy birthday period til the next day off of some fight with her and her partner that had her crying and sulking the day away. But even with that, she's a good friend to me period. I don't need her to be there for me every single time for her to reap the rewards from that. It sounds kinda stupid just saying it. Ah yes, you've sat there and helped me plenty of rough times and have made a strong friendship with me even with me CONSTANTLY trying to push you away but you forgot my birthday and been quiet for the last week so therefore fuck your present. Like ?? stupid. I'm sure she's gonna see it that way though smh. I'm already writting a gentle stfu letter to put in there so she'll hopefully ease up on herself a bit
Ah anyway. Long story short I can't risk the nonsense of benadryl rn. Shit makes getting out of bed hella hard and I can't have anything effecting my hands as I gotta to be able to make knots quick quick if I have any chance of getting the entire list done. So unless some life shit happens, I'm going 110% on that. Ideally, as little sleep as needed to not make too many mistakes as its a hassle to untie. I would say no sleep but I'm sure a week of that aint possible so I'm aiming for 2 hours a day. 30 mins of naps when needed though I really need to have it all right the first time to not waste time. It takes me a good minute or 2 to untie a single wrong knot so it's not even worth. The time I waste sleeping'll pay for itself in accuracy.
I'm assuming this all means no dph til at least next week. Works out honestly I'm running low on pills anyway. That's been weird to think on. I calculated it all out and it's kinda shocking. It's the most real feeling evidence of my addiction. If I were taking the proper dose, I could take it every single day and it'd still last roughly 3 years. I've only had mine since Feb 23rd and I have probably 100ish pills left. Shit honestly felt unlimited for a while..
Well, ig if the week goes to plan I'd be killing two birds with one stone, tho i doubt. If I have any issues with nightmares, I'm taking some no questions asked. I never get the hallucinations benadryl is so infamous for but when I'm withdrawing bad enough allll that horrible shit gets crammed in my dreams. God.. I remember the first few I like they happened recently. Had one where an end of the world paradise suddenly went dire and everyone just started killing themselves to save themselves from dying of starvation/thirst and I had to listen to every single sound from that. Another where I was accidentally drugged tryna help a friend and spent the entire dream running while going in and out of consciousness which made getting back to their house/evading the police terrifying. Most recently I had to help/defend a family with various deformities while trying to hold it together to not make them feel like I was upset because of their looks when in reality it was from having to scream and yell at people gawking at the kids I was helping. That and having about 40 people to take care of and it all being sprung on me out of nowhere. Which after was said and done took a seemingly casual turn to a free dinner in the lobby with the rest apartments residents being in there. I naively sat and picked something I knew would be good not thinking anything of it, only for the random people I sat with all being replaced with these older women yelling at me for picking so casually. Ah then all grabbed me and forced me to watch my dad cut some dude's head off with these giant shears. Ah. That was the first time I've actually cried in my sleep. Well... ish I clearly was sobbing from the way my face/chest was feeling but none of the tears. Shit I almost fell out of bed. I was pulling back trying to turn my head away from the whole beheading but they were all holding me in place. So ig I was doing that as I slept too. Woulda been.. not fun to say the least. I have concrete floors as my room is the basement sooooo I'm sure my fatass full deadweighting onto the floor would prolly cause a few issues lmfao
ah god sorry sorry I did not mean to go that in depth. That is genuinely the only thing that keeps me dosing some days. I've gotten used to a lot of the various withdrawal effects but nightmares + heart pain are really the only things that actually bother me nowadays. I was only going to do a brief retelling to emphasize why it's such a non-option for me but I got carried away.
anyway. temporary goodbye for now. i wont be posting so i can focus on her present. dont know if i also mentioned it but im also using paper stars/flowers/hearts as the like.. gift paper shit. like the thin strands you'd put in a gift bag so you can't immediately see everything inside? yep. uh. had the bright idea of filling that with little mini origami... dont know why th I would as that shit is literally worthless in the way I'm using it but... I already bought the paper and I have all the tutorials bookmarked... 🙃
i must be a special breed of stupid honestly.. within the week I'm supposedly making 50 bracelets/keychains of varying sizes/patterns/difficulties + learning how to do origami so I can fill a fucking box. we'll see how that goes lmao
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toronbo ¡ 5 years
whats worse than "do you love the colors of the sky" ?
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thepenultimateword ¡ 2 years
I kept telling myself to finish one of the 10 documents in my draft box, but I just can’t resist a good villain x villain opportunity. This is a response to @some-messed-up-writing-for-you’s Short Prompt #429. You can read their original post HERE! 🙃
Supervillain's office was just as Villain had always imagined it: elegant, organized, and brimming with mortal terror. Even without the intimidating momentos of their greatest schemes in the decor--heroes' bones, ancient weapons, and bloodstained artifacts--the furniture itself gave off an ominous aura. In fact, their desk chair was like a throne, dark, broad and completely dominating the Villain's vision. They couldn't take their eyes off the towering figure tapping their fingers against the knotted end of one armrest, filling the impossibly large seat with an impossibly large body. Not particularly muscular or overweight, just large.
Villain settled the fast pounding of their eager heart with a deep breath. It was about time they got what they deserved. Forced to work with secondhand rejects and mindless, brainless, henchmen. They'd done what was necessary to build their reputation but no more. They were a highly classed villain, and they should be working with a villain in a similar caliber.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet--"
"We're still waiting on someone," Supervillain interrupted. It wasn't only a statement. It was a command. A command for Villain to shut their mouth or have it ripped from their face.
Villain pressed their lips together tightly.
The door squeaked behind them, and they twisted their head around to the slight, neatly-dressed minion who'd met them in the lobby earlier.
"You called for me, darling?" they asked.
"Yes, come in, Righthand. I wanted your input on one of the proposals you went over."
Oh no.
"Of course." Righthand pulled out the chair beside Villain's, but a raised hand from Supervillain stopped them short.
"Don't sit there."
"This is a work setting," Righthand said, folding their hands in front of them. "I don't want to be rude."
"You've been organizing that City Hall scheme for a month, and I've missed you. Don't sit there." Supervillain pronounced the words crisply and without room for argument. Though Villain had the impression it wasn't fear that made Righthand circle around Supervillain's enormous, death-reminding desk, and settle themselves primly in the master criminal's lap.
To all that was evil and unjust in the world, please no!
"I apologize for the unprofessionalism," Righthand said, opening the laptop on the desk, "but why don't we take a look at your proposal?"
Supervillain reclined in their seat and played with the curled ends of Righthand's hair.
"Now, you wanted to discuss a partnership? Not an application?"
What was this? This wasn't what Villain asked for! They weren't some minor villain looking for a job! They were a professional! A ruler looking for an alliance with another ruler! Why were the talking to the second?
"I'm supposed to have this meeting with Supervillain."
Righthand stared at them with an irritating, obviously pretend, confused face. "I'm sorry, but isn't that what we're doing?"
"Only Supervillain. I'm proposing a partnership. I should be talking to the one in charge, not a minion."
Second to Supervillain or not. A righthand was still a righthand. A villain underling, not a villain.
Righthand smiled. "Supervillain may be the one in charge of the entire criminal agency, but scheme design and villain evaluation are my department. Villain applications and alliance proposals go through me first. But if your unhappy with my being here, I can certainly leave the two of you alone for one-on-one business. Though vying for Supervillain's undivided attention gets a little...cutthroat."
That nice, polite smile looked more wolfish than it had a second ago. What were they implying? A threat? A warning? Anything?
"I suppose since you're already here..." Villain said.
"Thank you," Righthand said. "It's always nice to work with an understanding client. Sometimes we get the egoistic types. People who believe themselves above protocol. I don't know about you, but sometimes when people cross the line, I want them put back in place. By any means necessary."
Villain cleared their throat. "You were saying about my proposal...?"
Supervillain leaned over Righthand's shoulder, looping their arm around their waist like a vise, to scroll down the computer screen. Their voice rumbled when they spoke. "Personally, I would have thrown it away after the first line, but Righthand loves a well-formatted document. Luckily, they gave it a thorough read in spite of all its problems because at it's heart, it's not a bad idea."
Villain wasn't sure whether that was insult or compliment, but it was Supervillain, and it wasn't a rejection, so they didn't care. There was only one thing confusing them. "What problems?"
"There were just a few compatibility issues between your corporation and ours," Righthand said. "Namely, your views on employee casualties. Perhaps there was an error in your wording, but it almost seemed as if you viewed henchmen as disposables."
"Great sacrifices are necessary for great achievements." Wasn't that obvious? This Righthand wasn't one of those squeamish, benevolent types, were they? Those sort of criminals were practically half-hero with their fluffy ideals and unwillingness to get the job done. They overcomplicated everything, and that was where they failed.
"Perhaps, but great sacrifices also create great disloyalty and great employee turnover and great recruiting problems."
"Don't talk down to me," Villain said. It snapped out on impulse. They didn't want to insult Supervillain, but a lackey lecturing them on the mechanics of villainy was a greater offense than they were willing to bear.
"I'm simply attempting to negotiate--"
"Can you stop being nice, and just let me kill them?" Supervillain said, stretching their arms far above their head.
Villain stiffened, every muscle locking up as if paralyzed. "What?"
Righthand sighed as if Supervillain had let something out of the bag earlier than they had wanted, but some hungry shone in their eyes. They slid off the criminal's lap and let them rise to their full height.
"You darling, daft, insignificant, little villain," Supervillain said, leaning in closer with every word. "Do you really believe yourself my equal? This was your chance to prove some potential behind all that pretension and pomp, but you can't swallow your prejudice for even a minute, can you?" Their enormous hand grabbed them by the face and pressed fingers hard into their cheeks. "Can you?"
Villain didn't respond, and Supervillain's mouth stretched in a wide smile. A vampire feeding off their fear. When Villain heard the saying 'never meet your heroes' it never occurred to them that it was because their hero might kill them. Villain flicked their eyes toward Righthand in silent supplication. They were the merciful one right? The polite one?
"My- my- my proposal. It wasn't bad. Didn't you say at its heart, it's not bad?"
"We did like your proposal," Righthand said. "Good resources, good team. Your agency as the potential to be a fantastic asset."
Villain nodded dumbly like a toy with its head on a string.
"The only problem was you."
Villain froze.
"It made more sense to dissolve current ownership and merge your agency into our own." They slid a pen and clipboard across the desk. "We just need your signature."
Supervillain snapped Villain’s chin down toward the contract before releasing them.
They were supposed to sign this? A document giving permission to kill them? But it wasn’t like they could refuse. That would only earn them a more brutal death.
Villain’s eyes stung and an ugly sob snuck up their throat. They found themselves crying in the most humiliating way possible. Supervillain. Their idol. Was looking at them while they cried, and they were yawning.
"There, there," Righthand said, procuring a handkerchief and walking around the table to dab at Villain’s eyes with a gentleness that spoke more mockery than any words could. “It's not the end of the world. Well, it’s the end of your world. But you still have a few minutes. Here, have a cookie." They slid a plate of elegant, sugarcoated finger snacks in perfect alignment with the clipboard.
Villain took one despite themself, the crumbs catching in their throat as they continued to bawl and tried to swallow at the same time.
Those eyes, those smiles! They were jackals! The both of them! One was simply more obvious than the other! No wonder Supervillain had them for a Righthand, no wonder they had them for a partner.
“Of course, we could offer you an alternative if you’re not comfortable with these terms.”
Villain’s breath caught hopefully.
“Give up the rights to your agency and join Syndicate like the rest of your employees. I don’t think you qualify for any of our villain positions, but you can still apply for a lower role. Start as a henchman and work your way up how does that sound?"
Villain nodded adamantly, and Righthand folded back the top page on the clipboard, revealing a second contract beneath it.
“I drew up a second contract just in case.” They smiled with predatory sweetness. “Just sign on the dotted line.”
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herofics ¡ 2 years
Hey! Was wondering if you did suggestive content? (I was about to put slightly but this is very much out there, still not fully down and dirty though I don't think ((unless you wanna go there? 😏/hj)) so don't worry 💀💀)
So I was wondering, Dabi, Toga and Twice separately with a gn!so, right? And the s/o is like very open and expressive with everything, very important to note that it's very, very rare to actually see them like shyly flustered for this next part 💀
So basically, one day they're like in private with their s/o and like they're in the mood and whatever and it's building up to the actual thing but like when they're like just about
The *very* open and *very* expressive and *very* confident s/o just starts acting like extremely shy and flustered / embarrassed about everything... basically just a virgin... but... times... pi. Yes. Times pi.
"Oh my god naked bodies 😃😲😳😳🤯😳🤠😳🤯😳🥳"
"OH MY GOD SEX 😟🤓🙁😎😖😥😦😲🤪🤫😐🤭🤭🤗🤪🤗😝😗🥲🥰☺🥰🙃🙃🥰☺😅😝"
"OH MY GOD WE'RE *BOTH* NAKED 🤯🥳🤠🥳🤠🥳🤠🤯🥵🤠🥵🤯🤠😥🤠😥"
"UHH ARE YOU SURE ABOUT LIKE... DOING... *THIS*???? 😩😫🤯🥳😈😳😳😳😳"
Puts their arms around their head (kinda like deku actually! Just remembered he does that with homegirl uraraka) and just blushes at the fact that they're maybe, possibly, PERHAPS gonna go down. Honestly also just thinks about how beautiful their s/o is all the while 😇
"aw man! I can't find the fic that I want on tumblr! And not even the sickos on Ao3 have it, but I can't go about writing it myself!"
So I'm begging for help to my fav fic writer here 💀 I am so sorry that you had to be cursed with this ask 🙏 I truly am
I made you some HCs, since I didn’t feel like doing scenarios and I can fit more stuff into them. I’ve been meaning to add to the rules that suggestive stuff is okay, and I hope this is okay. Toga is aged up to 18 or over and the guys are with a partner of their own age too. I have this one NSFW Dabi post if you want something actually smutty, it’s older so probably not very good. If someone doesn’t want to see posts of this type, blacklist the tag: suggestive. Thank you for requesting this, it was fun to write
Minors stay away I guess?
~Twice/Jin Bubaigawara~
•Twice has not had an intimate relationship since his incident with the whole personality split thing
•He’s very much into you, but he hasn’t pressured or even really asked about if you would like to get intimate with him, because things are enough for him as they are
•Don’t get me wrong he’s totally down to fuck if you want to, but he doesn’t bring it up
•So when you’re a stammering, flustered mess and you’re muttering about how you don’t know what you should do or what you even like really, he’s telling you he’ll make sure you enjoy it and have a good first time
•When the clothes come off you’re sitting on his lap and he’s kissing your neck and his hands are traveling up and down your sides and back
•He keeps talking the whole time, praising you and telling you how good you’re doing, but there’s probably just a little bit of degradation thrown in there too, because that’s just how he talks and is
•So don’t take it badly, if you’re not into that, he tries to keep it to the praising though
•Twice makes sure to keep asking you if you like what he’s doing, because he needs the reassurance too
•You answer his questions, and ask if you’re doing things right and if he likes what you’re doing, but otherwise it’s all moaning and whimpering from you
•Twice doesn’t care about his own pleasure that much, he just wants to make sure you enjoy yourself as much as possible
~Dabi/Todoroki Touya~
•Dabi hasn’t had many relationships, at least not very permanent ones, it’s mostly been about sex for him with the people that came before you
•But it’s different now, he wants to prioritize someone else other than himself for the first time in a long time
•So when you’re getting a bit hot and heavy and he asks if it’s okay to go further, you’re really not sure what you should say or do
•You get super awkward and whisper super quietly “I’m a virgin”
•Dabi can’t make out what you’re saying, because you’re so quiet, so he asks you to repeat yourself
•You’re a bit frustrated, sexually and just normally, so you repeat it pretty loudly
•Dabi chuckles and goes “It’s okay sweetness, I’ll take care of you”
•It’s pretty slow going at first, because he wants you to be sure that you like what’s happening
•He probably kisses every inch of your body during the whole thing, and you’re very much reciprocating
•Dabi is taking the lead in  the situation, but he makes sure you enjoy everything he’s doing as much as he does
•He can get a bit rough at times, but it isn’t his intention to hurt you, unless you want him to of course
•He doesn’t talk much but when he does, he’s praising you, telling you how good you feel and how beautiful you are
•Afterwards he holds you close and makes sure you feel alright and that you enjoyed the whole thing
~Toga Himiko~
•Toga hasn’t actually really dated anyone before you, not seriously anyway, and even if she did, she would’ve most likely just ended up killing her partner before it got intimate
•So she’s never had sex either, but she is very interested and she thinks you’d be a great person to have her first time with and maybe even experiment a bit with
•So when you’re making out and you’re both starting to feel like you want to take it a step further you ask each other if you’re up for it
•Toga is more on the “taking initiative” side, so when she’s straddling your hips and kissing and biting on your neck, she notices you seem pretty frozen in place
•So she lifts her head and you’re bright red and you’ve wrapped your arm over your eyes
•She asks if you’re okay and you start stammering like “Yeah-yeah, I’m totally fine, nothing to worry about here, no sir, I so-so know what I’m doing”
•Toga giggles a bit, because you’re so flustered and awkward, she just asks what’s bothering you and sits on top of you still
•You kinda squirm and try to avoid the question, but Toga starts tickling you and you give in quickly because you end up barely being able to breathe
•You tell her you’re a virgin and you have no experience with this stuff, so you don’t want to disappoint her or do something wrong
•She tells you she’s not experienced either, and that you don’t know how it is until you try
•You’re both fumbling around, you more than Toga but still
•Toga is taking the lead a bit and you’re both exploring each other’s bodies, inch by inch
•Toga takes your hand and puts it on her lower belly, letting you decide where to go from there
•It’s a great time for both of you, many good times are achieved, many times in a row, by both of you
•Toga bites a lot though, so there is bound to be some blood involved, but not too much, because she is pretty much like a vampire
•In the end you’re both pretty tired, but very, very happy
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