#but not all of them are willing to mend that burnt bridge.
thesmallersnow · 1 year
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drV3 reality tv AU ( from my friend @fullcaps-ethan : no one really died but everything felt real to them and they all got trauma)
unable to live a life without being recognized in the street, kokichi decides to lean into his fame instead.
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gnomey22 · 5 months
Luigi and Bowser's Dynamic
The only fundamental difference between Bowser's dynamic with Luigi, compared to his dynamic with Mario, is that he hates Luigi significantly less, by virtue of paying less attention to him. This is my opening statement, and these paragraphs are my argument.
Both Mario and Luigi hold an equal amount of hatred in their hearts for Bowser - not hatred for him specifically, but rather the pain and atrocities he's committed/tried and failed to commit. Neither of them, throughout the games, make an active effort to guide Bowser to redemption, because they both know he won't listen to them. Even if he did, he'd be too prideful to take the advice. Not from Mario, because he's his arch-enemy, and not from Luigi, because he's nothing to him.
On Bowser's side, he sees both brothers as living blockades for his plans and schemes. He can have a good time with them if they aren't getting in his way, but as soon as they start to mess with his authority, he isn't afraid to throw down with them and prove himself better than these small, moustached men. The difference lies in the fact that he exclusively uses Mario as the scapegoat for these insecurities of his, and never Luigi, because Mario's the first in his sight, every time, the leader of the charge against him. Luigi is a problem, sure, but Mario's the name he needs to remember here.
Then comes the hypothetical Bowser redemption. Where hopeful speeches from Peach, ramblings from Bowser Jr, and mutterings under the Mario Bros.' breaths, are finally enough to convince the Koopa King that he's wasting his time on the evil business, and that proving himself as a good leader is a much more fulfilling life. He makes a peace treaty with the Mushroom Kingdom, but of course, that isn't enough to mend the thousands of bridges he's burnt, in an all too literal sense. Almost every member of Mario's group holds a justified hatred for him, one that they're willing to push back for fun and games, sports and parties, but not for actually befriending him after everything he's done. The Mario Bros. themselves, in Bowser's eyes, should be the greatest extent of this, considering how much effort he's gone through to harm them specifically.
He's right about Mario. He takes a long time to view Bowser as a true friend, rather than an acquaintance he can put up with if necessary. He's wrong about Luigi. He was never Bowser's arch-enemy, it's much easier for him to find himself on Bowser's good side.
Bowser never opened up to Luigi as a villain, which gives him more opportunity to open up to Luigi as an almost-hero. Luigi's seen what he's capable of, but he hasn't seen the detail of Bowser's personality underneath his heinous actions. He can discover that now, without the lens of his villainy, and see the likeable aspects much more clearly now, than when it was a terrible idea to like him. Luigi is soft-spoken with well-defined confidence, but doesn't see the value in himself. Bowser is loud and insecure, but he knows where his strengths lie, and commits to them in full. Luigi learns self-importance from Bowser, and Bowser learns humility from Luigi.
With Mario, their relationship was in a near-unfixable state, after Bowser's ruthless attacks and Mario's need to match his strikes.
With Luigi, they fixed their relationship much more quickly than either one of them expected, because they balanced each other out.
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
Hi! I love your stories! I can't believe how quickly you've become one of my favorite writers!
You don't have to do this request. But either HCs or drabbles with a gn mc. While MC has helped the brothers mend their relationships and they seem like an epitome of healing and forgiveness.. Maybe MC themselves has an estranged sibling, close in age but cannot even be in the same room for very long without fighting.
I think it would be funny to see any of the brothers try to help mc in return like they've helped them with their sibling (Particularly Mammon, who I'd bet would be more willing to try this, or Beel- who would try to convince others to help him).
but.. it.. does not go as planned lol. Some relationships, even familial are still better off with burnt bridges.
Or also just in general, how you think they'd react to mc having such a bad relationship with a sibling (cause like, hypocrite much?)
Hello Anon! Thanks so much for the request. I am so sorry it took me so damn long to get to this but I hope I did ya justice!
Trying to help Mc with their own family problems!
Written for a GN!Mc
Characters featured: Mammon, Beelzebub, Lucifer, and Satan
Genre: slight crack? Some angst? Not really sure how to classify it lol
Cw: strained family relationships, verbal altercation that may border on emotional/verbal abuse??, swearing, established relationship between mc & your chosen brother
Scenario: you have invited the brother in question to a special family dinner because you knew it would be a complete disaster and you wanted some form of relief from the chaos of your family. However, you and your older sibling started going at it after your mother made a comment about how "they should get their life together like you have." The few petty insults have now turned into a full-blown screaming match between you two, and the brother in question decides its time to return the favor of helping mend your family bonds! ...only for it to backfire horribly.
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Would immediately stand up and get in the middle of you, pulling you both into a very uncomfortable side hug.
Would probably take your side initially since your sibling seemed to start it, not realizing that it was actually your moms comment that made ignited the fire.
"Aw c'mon now. There's no need ta fight. If yer anything like Mc, I'm sure you'll find yerself a handsome man like me in no time!"
Oh boy. Shouldn't have said that.
Your sibling is now screaming in his face too about how they don't want to be anything like you and how they'd wish people would stop comparing the both of you. They also make a comment suggesting that he is only with you because "you're easy"
That makes you retort with a comment about them being worthless and it all spirals further from there
Now both parents are involved, yelling amongst all of you- arguing with eachother, arguing with you, arguing with your sibling
Your dad even scolding Mammon for trying to help at one point, stating he "isn't part of the family," which provokes things further because now you're slinging insults AND trying to defend him AND reiterating to your family how much trouble they are.
Oh, what a mess.
Man Mc, how did you manage to be such a peace keeper with his family when yours was worse?!
Also, how is your family WORSE
Like seriously he thought Lucifer and Satan's arguments were bad.
He will def talk to you about it in private when you grab him and storm out of the house.
He would apologize, but you wouldn't be having any of it. Its not his fault this is how family gatherings tend to go.
He is not looking forward to any future family events now.
He has intervened in enough fights with Lucifer and Satan to know how to approach this.
He gently picks you up and moves you to the living room, asking you to separate for awhile.
He will then go back to your sibling to try to smooth things over.
Though he finds himself feeling sad when all they seem to do in response to his attempts to calm them is insult you behind your back.
So now he's trying to defend you, maybe leaning a bit to much on the compliments.
"You know, Mc works really hard, and they've been able to help my family come together. If you gave them a chance, I bet you'd see that side of them too."
Welp now your sibling has completely lost their mind because they called Beel an idiot right to his precious little face and now they're going in on him about how he "doesn't know the real you."
You hear the insult and dash into the room in full force, screaming back at them and standing right in front of Beel to shield him from their anger.
Oh shit oh shit
How did he manage to make it WORSE?!
This is how you helped smooth things over with him and Mammon when they fought over the last pudding cup a few months ago. Why didn't it work?
Beel witnesses a side of you hes never seen before, and frankly he never wants to see it again...but he knows there will eventually be a family event he will have to attend with you in the future.
He will try talking about it with you later at home, but you'll likely brush it off by saying "it's complicated."
He will leave it alone for now...but God damn Mc...he never would have guessed this is how your family acts.
Lucifer is absolutely shocked at how your family was behaving.
More over, he was shocked at how YOU were behaving
Who would have guessed your family was just as- if not more so- dysfunctional than his...and who would have thought you were able to string together such colorful insults.
He would hesitate to intervene, thinking its probably not his place to do so since you never asked for his help...but then he remembered how you helped without asking
Well- he will get up, slam his hands down on the table, and get everyone's attention with his booming voice.
"Enough of this. Why are you two fighting about the fact that you are two different people with different life trajectories? So what if MC has done more with their life for their age? Not everyone can hold themselves to that standard."
In a different context, his words would have maybe been comforting...
But now your siblings face is beat red, and they are now SCREAMING in anger because they interpreted Lucifer's statement as calling them an idiot.
He ans you both are now on the receiving end of your siblings anger, and you immediately rise to defend him so he wouldn't have a chance to make things worse.
Your parents also are now harping on you for bringing this "disrespectful man" to dinner, and scolding him for scuffing their good table.
Well, at least he tried.
Lucifer ends up just pulling you out of their house amidst the chaos, ignoring your sibling who had followed you both out, continuing to yell at you both until you rounded the block corner.
He would definitely apologize. He certainly isn't as smooth as you when it comes to getting his meaning across...
He would definitely ask you to distance yourself from your family because of what it brings out in you.
He would def be a bit aloof while you spent the next day or two decompressing from that disaster of an event.
He would also be shocked at how quick-witted you seem to be with your family.
Tbh kind of into how much of a spitfire you are in this moment.
He would def see remnants of how he and Lucifer would fight in your interactions with your sibling, and would try your flavor of approach.
"I think you both need to take a deep breath and calm down."
Both you and your sibling would tell him to shut the fuck up, which would be strike one.
Okay well that didn't work. Why not try separating you?
He would attempt to pull you away, which would result in you shaking him off and continue your argument. When he tries to remove your sibling, they slap him. Hard.
Okay...strike two.
His last attempt is suggesting you both leave, which results in your parents throwing a fit about how you're never home and how they can't just enjoy a meal with you both, as well as criticizing Satan's techniques at trying to help.
Strike three.
Demon form is OUT and wrath is RADIATING from him.
Everyone would be stunned into silence but nothing would be said before he drags you out of the house and back toward the portal to Devildom.
He tried. But there is apparently more to this than it seemed. You had made it look so easy.
Would try to talk to you about it later and suggest distancing yourself from them- at least for awhile.
Would also demand an apology for you telling him to shut up lol
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 12
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Lila’s starting to fall, amazing what saving your classmates lives can do for their opinion of you
First < Previous > Next
Marinette furiously scrunches up another failed sketch. Using her non dominant hand to start another design. It's a good thing she doesn't have any upcoming commissions because of the tour. Even so the distraction, no matter how infuriating, beats watching Marion's ragged breaths.
Tikki is resting on his chest, something they had learnt helps them heal faster. This meant that Plagg was forced to sulk in the corner. Pretending to enjoy the cheese, sneaking worried looks at his holder.
“Marinette look!” Tikki squeaks, as she throws another sketch away.
Marion eyelids start to flutter, Marinette leans over him, sketchbook hitting the ground. He opens his eyes and groans before rolling to his side, followed by a hiss of pain.
“Stay still you stupid cat!” Marinette gently but firmly forces him to sit back.
“Not stupid,” Marion sleepily slurs, sinking into the hospital bed.
“Reckless then,” Marinette schools the smile off her face as Plagg zips over to him.
“No I’m not,” He glares with sudden clarity, “Day?”
She rolls her eyes standing to open the curtains.
“Why yes it is,” Marinette smirks as he cringes at the light.
“What day?” His cringe turns back to a glare, completely unintimidating with the small Kwami curled against him.
“Don’t worry, they put you under for the night, for your system to work out all the fear toxin,” Marinette closes the curtains slightly, coming to sit on the chair next to him.
“Akuma?” Marion tries to bring his hands up to pet Plagg,
“Nope, I finally got some rest without you,” Plagg huffs, not moving away from Marion's touch.
“Arm?” Marion turns to Marinette, still smothering Plagg.
“Fine, it’s probably mostly healed, clean break,” That was probably stretching it, but it doesn't make much difference.
“Scarecrow?” Marion's expression turns dark.
“Prison,” Marinette probably mirrors his expression.
“... anything else I need to know?” He asks, shifting a little higher.
“Still and idiot,” Marinette picks her sketchbook back up, smoothing out the pages.
“Well it's great to see you accepting your-”
“Marion! You're awake!” Aunt Selina is standing in the doorway, she covers the distance in the blink of an eye. Almost as fast as their Kwami’s manage to hide.
“-fault,” Marion glares over their Aunts shoulder at Marinette.
“What was that?” Selina leans back, a slight smirk.
“Nothing,” Marion doesn’t stop giving the stink eye.
“Are you ok?” Their Aunt asks, checking Marion over.
“Yeah I feel fine,” Marion pushes her away gently, but it’s enough for her to lean back. Looking over him with a more cool expression.
“Hmm… I suppose bullet proof armour under your clothes would lessen the damage,” She says casually.
“Well yeah obvious-” Marion starts, stopping as they both realise at the same time;
“It’s a fashion statement!”
“This is Gotham?”
Their Aunt raises a brow. Their panic, wide eyes and wild gestures obviously painting the picture of innocence.
“Alright then, I won't press, already told the doctors your parents are just paranoid,” She leans back on her arms propping her up on Marion’s bed.
“Maman! Papa! Are they-”
“It’s fine, I called them,” Selina holds up a hand to calm his outburst, “Convinced them not to ship you back to Paris, told them they had nothing to worry about,”
“Unfortunately that is a lie,” Bruce Wayne walks in, a pensive frown aimed at his fiance's casual shrug.
“Hello Mr Wayne,” Marinette greets formally, standing.
“Bruce, please, how are you two feeling?” He gestures Marinette to sit back down, standing by her chair.
“A-ok” Marion gives the thumbs up, far too quickly for someone with broken ribs, “Ow,”
“Don’t worry I checked with the doctors there's no brain damage this is just unfortunately how he usually is,” Marinette deadpans, hoping to ease his worry.
“I must apologise, I didn’t expect these rumours to get so out of hand,” Bruce's expression is twisted with guilt, as Marion slowly brings his arms back down.
“It’s not your fault, kind of strange they took that risk for a rumour,” Marion shrugs, not unlike how their Aunt did, who is now forcing him to lie back down.
“Not really considering you basically confirmed it,” Marinette rolls her eyes.
“I did no such thing,” Marion gasps dramatically as if she insulted his very honour. Something, in her opinion, he gave up a long time ago to make puns.
“Here,” Marinette brings out her phone, pulling up a clip from the previous morning. Fast forwarding to the part where Marion tells the camera; “Bruce Wayne is our Father,”
“Oh,” Marion blinks at the screen a few times before turning to Bruce, “I’d like the record to state that was taken out of context,”
“Doesn’t matter to the press, their vultures, the attack is all they care to talk about,” Aunt Selina spits venomously, eyes honing in on Marinette's cast.
“I’ve held off on making an official statement without your approval,” Bruce informs, undercurrents of anger almost undetectable, “If you’d like I can organise our lawyers to come visit you here,”
“Thank you, that would be great,” Marinette beams, taking him aback, “Or um, not great, but-uh… appreciated- yeah that,”
“I’ll send them over whenever suits you,” Bruce gives a slight smile back, making hers beam brighter.
“Thanks, wait a minute- how long am I going to be in the hospital!” Marion whips around to Marinette.
“Hopefully long enough to stay out of trouble,” Selina ruffles his hair, not that it makes much difference at this point.
“My whole life!?” Marion shouts, only half joking.
“Not if you don’t keep running into dangerous situations,” Selina retorts, booping his nose.
“Technically this one came running at me,” Marion grouches, entering a staring contest with their Aunt.
“Ah-ha,” She mocks, meeting his challenge, as always, winning.
“Sooo- what's everyone been doing,” Marion turns to Marinette, eyes only slightly watery.
“I basically had to push Kagami out of the hospital this morning to go on todays tour,” Marinette smiles, willing to give Marion this out, “Chloe texted me a bit ago saying they were heading here,”
“They’re going to kill me for almost getting killed, aren't they,” Marion whines, Marinette is sure he catches Bruce’s flinch.
“Make sure my gravestone says ‘living it up’,” Marion says as seriously as, well, death.
“I’d rather throw your body in the river,” Marinette inspects her nails, leaning back in her seat.
“If I go missing tell Batman she's the primes suspect,” Marion turns to their Aunt, not learning his lesson, and pointing at Marinette with a hiss of pain.
“I will,” Selina chuckles, and Marinette swears she sees Bruce's lips quirk.
“Mari!” Chloe runs through the door in a blonde blur, which splits, and oh that's Adrien. Both basically tackle Marion.
“Ow! No! That is the opposite of making me feel better,” Marion curses, both latching on either side.
“Deal with it I saved your ass,” Chloe snaps, Marinette sees her grip loosen slightly.
“I thought that was Kagami?” Marion looks over at her, Kagami was standing inside the room, behind her waiting at the door stood the rest of the class, “Or at least a Yokai that looked like her,”
“Pssh, I helped too, I was Queen Bee after all,” Chloe sits up, flicking her hair out.
“Yeah with the train-” Marinette begins.
“Enough about the train!” Chloe explodes, releasing Marion.
“I think this is our cue to leave,” Their Aunt stands, leaning over Marion and giving his forehead kiss, “I love you two so much, be good my little adorable munchkins! I’ll be back later”
“I wuv you sooooo much too Aunty,” Marion teases her right back in an overly cutesy voice.
“You’re no fun,” She sighs, smirk still firmly in place, “See ya,”
She and Bruce walk out the door, class making way for them.
“You are sure you are quite alright,” Kagami comes to stand by the head of the bed, opposite side to Marinette.
“Yes Kags I’m fine,” Marion smiles brightly, still being smothered by Adrien.
“Good,” She hits him over the head, making him yelp, “That was well deserved,”
“Yeah, probably,” Marion grumbles, hand instinctively raising to his head, followed by a grimace.
“Come on Kagami he’s already been hurt enough,” Adrien frets over Marion, letting him go.
“Thank you Adrien! My one true friend! In my time of need, you're always there for me!” Marion bring his arms around Adrien, smothering the other.
“I fought Scarecrow for you!” Chloe roars, Adrien not trying to get free from Marion.
“Adrien was moral support,” Marion pouts, hugging him closer.
“You’re impossible,” Chloe throws her hands up, falling back on the bed.
“Why thank you,” Marion does a mock bow as much as he is able.
Someone clears their throat, Marinette looking over at the door. The rest of the class were still standing at the door. Alix holding up a bag of chips, awkwardly waving. Everyone else also holding some sort of snack, minus Lila. Marinette glances at Marion, who just shrugs, releasing Adrien.
“You can come in, but it might be a bit squished,” Marinette smiles amicably.
“That's fine, dude,” Nino smiles back, ushering the class inside.
The class all take their seats, most having to perch on armrests or the edge of the bed. Each dropping snacks at the foot of it.
“I meant what I said and won't take it back, we aren’t friends,” Marion fixes those in the class that apply with a stern look.
Marinette could tell he wasn't angry, but a few snacks was not enough to mend the bridges burnt. Marion won’t let them forget that. The class shifts awkwardly, sharing glances. What do you say to that?
“Then why did you protect us?” Kim speaks up, apparently that.
“Because it was the right thing to do,” Marion fixes them with an intense gaze, making it clear he meant every word. Alix clears her throat.
“Well then this is a meeting as a class, and a thanks for saving our butts, both of you,” Alix gives a smile from her perch on the bed railing.
“Alright then,” Marion says seriously, before taking on a joking tone, “Mostly cause I just realised I haven't eaten anything since that horrible cereal yesterday,”
“Hey!” Adrien exclaims, sitting shoulder to shoulder with Marion, Chloe squeezed in on Marion's other side. Both leaning off the edge slightly to not put pressure on his ribs.
“Sorry Adrien, but your taste buds have the intelligence of a two year old mistaking pure sugar as an actually good taste,” Marion sneers, as if he can still taste it.
“You’re a bakery snob, you know that?” Adrien grumbles, crossing his arms and sinking down further.
“Sure do,” Marion teases, the rest of the class shifting uncomfortably.
Marinette had to guess they didn’t realise just how far they had drifted apart, the divide now startlingly clear.
“Well hopefully these please your majesties pallet,” Nathaniel tries to break into the banter.
Marion playfully sneers down at the pile, getting a few giggles. Alix starts throwing snacks to everyone. Giving Marinette a bag of cookies, she can’t help but smile, especially at Marion's downright insulted look as he’s passed a wheel of camembert.
“Such peasant food,” He tries to offload the cheese on Adrien, who practically falls off the bed to avoid it.
“That's ok, Lila said she was bringing a specially prepared dish by the top chef of the most popular restaurant in Gotham,” Rose squeals excitedly, unintentionally running both their moods.
“I did but just outside the hospital was a poor, sick, homeless man, he begged me for any food I had," translated from Lila speak roughly means; I ate it, "I thought Marion would understand that some people actually needed food enough to not turn the nose up at anything,”
The class gives their assurance and praise. Marion's eyes narrow, unwrapping the cheese and just straight up taking a bite. Marinette spots Plagg being held back by Klakki and Tikki, hiding behind their bags. He chews on it bitterly downright glaring at Lila.
“Dude you were totally badass!” Nino breaks into Marion's brooding.
“Was I? Everything's kinda a blur, especially after the fear toxin,” Marion directs Nino's attention elsewhere, dropping the wheel of cheese off the edge of the bed, into Plaggs waiting arms.
“You were so cool, it was all bam! and swoop!” Kim stands up, badly reenacting punching the air.
“Ah yes, that clears it up, thank you,” Marion says sarcastically, letting Adrien pass him a bag of chips to drown out the taste of camembert.
“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Alix leans forward, interest sparking in her eyes.
“Ah- Maman taught us of course,” Marinette answers, it was sort of true.
“She can be scary,” Kim shivers, having a selection of memories to choose from.
“Bring her to Gotham, we wouldn’t have problems like this anymore,” Nino lightly pouches Adrien's shoulder in place of Marion, leaning against the wall next to them.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she was Ladybug,” Chloe muses, well they were both people she truly respected.
“Haha… yeah,” Marinette sweat drops, trying(and failing) to look unfazed.
“I have to say,” No you really don’t Lila, “I was surprised to see you two fight, you usually just up and run away whenever there's an Akuma attack, I guess you had no choice but to act brave this time,”
“They’ve helped out plenty of times during Akuma attacks,” Nino looks puzzled, oblivious to Lila's glowering.
“Yeah didn’t we tell you about how Marinette became class president?” Mylene asks, eating a snack that was probably organic contrast to the sugary monstrosities before them.
“Oh of course, but if they could fight this well all this time then they should be helping Ladybug and Chat Noir, god knows they need it,” Lila’s malice hinting at her own mention of the heroes.
“Nah, the dudes can handle themselves, it’s better not to get in their way,” Nino shrugs, hitting himself in the face with a snack he was trying to catch.
“Well unless they ask,” No one else catches the moment realisation(scheming) crosses Lila’s face “And I know for a fact Ladybug did,”
“Really!” Alya turns to Lila before whirling around to Marinette.
“Um, yeah! Ladybug once asked me to be Multimouse, to help beat Kwami buster,” Marinette answers before Alya can take out her phone.
“That is so cool! Why didn’t you tell me!” Alya’s enthusiasm is not nearly as potent as Lila’s malice.
“Because she asked me not to tell, but if Lila is going to tell everyone anyway there isn’t much point,” Marinette shrugs, her brother hiding a grin, Lila started this war but she could win this battle. “Marion saw me detransform so Ladybug can’t give me a miraculous ever again,”
“Well no wonder she chose you, you were so brave and cool, you were beating Scarecrow with a broken arm, even before Batman showed up!” Nathaniel speaks up, always the fan of superheroes.
“Didn’t he seem rather mad at you?” Lila asks(not so) innocently. ‘Wow she's really giving this her all’ Marinette muses, trying even when they are put in the hospital.
“I think it was likely aimed more at the guy holding us hostage,” Max states like a fact, slightly condescending.
“Of course, but it would have never happened if they didn’t spread the rumour in the first place,” Lila pushes as if they need a reminder.
“Uh, Lila I don’t think they did,” Rose says sweetly, pink frosting somehow ends up on her nose.
“What!” Lila snaps, making poor Rose jump, and others look surprised.
“Well they said they didn't, and Marinette's really smart,” Juleka mumbles, glaring at Lila.
“Hey!” Marion exclaims, getting a giggle from Rose.
“And Marion!” Juleka quickly amends.
“Now you just sound insincere,” Marion slouches down, sniffing theatrically. Juleka relaxes as Chloe teasingly patronises him in her own loving way.
“Something like that is really dangerous,” Mylene tells Lila gently. As if trying to explain to a child what they did wrong.
“No one would wish it on themselves,” Ivan backs up his girlfriend. Lila clearly looking for an opening to try and gain the advantage back.
“Marion almost died,” Kim says bluntly, honestly.
There is a long silence. They were all thinking it but none dared speak it. Even Lila lets the silence loom, nothing she could say would make them look worse and her better.
“So… what did you all do today?” Marinette tries to cut the uneasy silence.
“We went to the city library,” She of course knew that.
“That reminds me, I got out some books I thought you’d like, since your stuck in bed and everything,” Nino passes a book to each twin.
“Thanks,” Marion lets Adrien take the book for him, leaning over to look at the cover Marinette couldn’t see.
“Oh actually I did too!” Rose reaches into her pink bag.
“Me too,” Alix laughs, passing Marinette a history book.
Then everyone else reaches into their bags pulling out more books, giggling sheepishly.
“Oh no, I am going to be here forever aren’t I?” Marion stares in dismay at the accumulated pile, flopping miserably against Adrien.
“We’ll try our best,” Adrien promises, patting his head.
“Selina, do you want to explain to me why your Nephew was able to go toe to toe with Scarecrow, while under fear toxin,” Bruce asks in his, I already know the answer but for some reason I want you to say it, tone. Not even a minute after talking with the doctor.
“Do you want to explain to me how neither you or Robin realised he was under fear of toxin?” She deflects, heels clicking down the halls quickly.
“I believe this circles back to how he can operate under fear toxin,” Bruce growls.
“I don’t know Bruce!” She explodes, more dramatically to get him to drop it, but none the less true, “I taught them a thing or two sure! Some martial arts, parkour, stealing under the guise of magic!”
“What was that last one?” He asks, stopping.
“Not important!” She snaps, continuing on her rant, turning fully towards him, “But I never thought they could do something like that! How and why are they acting like it’s no big deal!”
“Selina, it’s ok,” He pulls her into a hug. She lets her lips curl slightly, that might be the quickest she’s been able to end an argument, short of jumping off a roof. “I’ll find out,”
“... They’re too much like you Bruce,” Selina leans into her fiance's chest, she could swear everyday the children looked more like him.
“Is that a bad thing?” He asks, obliviously.
“In this case? It's dangerous,” She answers honestly, pausing before stepping back, “I need to call their parents,”
He nods, giving a chaste kiss before leaving her alone in the hall. She sits down, staring down at her phone for a long time.
“Aunt Selina?” Her chest twists painfully.
“Whats up Kitten, where are your friends,” She smiles at her so-called Niece, a word she avoided like the plague. That is to say, she tries but there's always a rat around to ruin everything.
“Oh I told them I had to go to the bathroom,” Marinette's bright smile betraying her.
“But,” Selina prompts as Marinette sits next to her.
“I’m actually celebrating,” She practically squeals.
“Why's that?” She asks, amused and warmed by her daughter's excitement.
“The kingdoms crashing down and the queens still inside,” Marinette says in a sing song voice.
“Should I be worried you sound so joyful?” Not that she actually would be.
“It’s a wicked Queen who abuses her power and makes her subjects miserable,” It’s teasing, but there is nothing artificial about the words.
“Party away,” Selina leans back, flipping her wrist.
“Knew you’d understand,” Marinette hugs her, letting her lean into it.
“I’ll always be here for you Kitten,” Selina brushes the hair out of her daughters face, “Now go, you don’t want to miss the show,”
Her smile is nothing compared to the one plastered on Marinette's face as she bounces away with a small wave. With a sigh Selina leans back, staring down at her phone. It could’ve been minutes, it could of been hours, but she hits call eventually.
“Hey there,” She greets, betraying nothing about the conversation to come. “Just wanted to let you know Marion is awake, just as sassy as usual,”
“Sassy, I just beat you at mecha strike three? Or you started the banter and he’s just matching you,” Tom asks, dusting flour off his hands as Sabine holds the phone.
“Brother dearest, how little do you think of me?” She asks in mock hurt, Tom raises an eyebrow, “Great, thanks,”
“Do you think we can call them?” Sabine asks.
“They’re with their friends right now so I wouldn’t, I think this has been a long time coming,” She thinks back to what Marinette said, the rude girl from their reunion at the Wayne tower coming to mind, “And it's not the only thing... look, I lied,”
“The shock of the century,”
“Tom!” Sabine swats at her husband, from past sparring matches with Sabine she knows she can do a lot worse.
“No, no he’s right, as much as it pains me to say it,” She sneers playfully at her brother, getting one in return. She hesitate before sharing, “The twins were actually specifically attacked by Scarecrow,”
“Why!?” They both burst out.
“Because everyone thinks Bruce Wayne is their Father…” Selina cringes at their surprised expressions, which are about to get a lot worse. “And their right,”
“I thought you didn’t know the Father?” Tom asks after a long pause, not accusingly but eerily calm.
“... I lied,” She shrugs, letting the awkwardness she usually keeps leashed leak through. Gina had practically raised them together, he knows how to see right through her better than most.
“This might actually be the shock of the century,” Tom nods, he doesn't seem mad, great thing about him reading her it works both ways.
“... Yeah,” She shrugs, letting the silence hang, long enough for them to process.
“You should tell them,” Sabine declares, so much assurance in such a small woman.
“What!” Selina stands in shock, making jerking gestures, “Sabine that not what I-”
“Hush now, let me speak,” Sabine chides, actually making her pause, “We will always be their parents, but that's only because of you,”
Selina goes to argue, but a stern glare is all the discouragement she needs. Tom is nodding along, of course! They’ve probably discussed this before
“It’s only right that you don’t have to look in pain every time they call you Aunt,” Apparently she was able to read Selina just as well as her husband,  “It’s your choice, but they have enough love in their heart for more than just us,”  
She tries, dammit she tries, but it’s not enough to stop the flood of emotions manifesting in tears.
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JATP Analysis/Theory: Alex and Carrie
I know I need to stop but I am having way too much fun overanalysing this show. Besides I promised you all a Alex and Carrie post so here it is. So my newest theory is kind of to do with the phantoms unfinished business. All through out season 1 there has been this theme of connection, Julie’s connection to the boys, their connection to Julie’s mum, Julie’s connection to her mum, Luke’s connection to his parents etc. We also know that the phantoms have some burnt bridges, with their parents and with Bobby. Julie too also has a broken bridge between her and Carrie. I think their unfinished business is to mend all of those broken relationships and reconnect with everyone. This is where I think Alex and Carrie come in. 
I think that Alex and Carrie are going to be really important in reconnecting everyone and here is why I think that. I think you can draw alot of parallels between Alex and Carrie and I think the show producers have created these parallels because they want us to connect Alex and Carrie.
The first parallell is something I have spoken about before and I think it’s talked about alot in the fandom, but many of the characters in the show have a colour connected to them Alex and Carrie both have the same colour connected to them, pink. 
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In fact its very rare to see either of these characters not wearing pink, it happens occassionally but not very often. This is interesting considering on the surface these are very different characters. 
 But the colour pink had a lot of symbolism around it and even more interesting than that, different shades of pink have different meanings. Pink is made up from two colours, Red and White. Red symbolises, passion, energy, power and sometimes agression. White symbolises purtiy, morality and innocence. Obviously these are two contradicting colours but when you put them together the passion of red is softened by the purity of the white creating a calming, romantic and gentle loving colour. The more red in the pink the more energetic the colour.  
Alex wears alot of light pink. Light pink is a much softer and calmer colour than the brighter pink that Carrie is often seen in. And that fits their individual personalities, Alex is a much calmer and softer person whereas Carrie is more engergetic and agressive. However pink is also a playful colour and I would say both characters have shown that playful side to them when Carrie performs and when Alex joined in with the dancing is one example. Pink also represents friendship, unconditional love, understanding and compassion. I think you could easily relate all of these things to Alex but you might have a harder time seeing Carrie that way. However I think from the fact that Julie used to be friends with her and that little clap at the end of Stand Tall she definitely has the capacity to be all of those things. I do think that clap at the end was the beginning of her redemption arc but that its going to take some time for her character to grow and I think Alex is going to play a big part in helping her with her journey.    
Dancing is another thing that is similar between them. The both seem to really enjoy that aspect of performing. I do think that this love of dance could be what helps them connect in season 2. Alex is always shown to enjoy Dirty Candy’s performance and has joined in with the dancing both times. But they also seem to be wound tightly and often seen as tense or stressed. I do think that they both use dance as an outlet, its their way to let loose and just be themselves without any cares. I do think this could be something they’ll bond over. 
So why is it important that Alex and Carrie make this connection? Well I personally think that out of the three boys Alex is the one that is going to be most willing to forgive Bobby. When they found out that Bobby had stolen their songs both Reggie and Luke had very specific reasons for being angry about it. Luke was angry because if he had been given credit then his parents would have known his dreams were worth chasing. Reggie was angry because if Bobby had given them credit then some of the money would have gone to their families and maybe his family wouldn’t have had their house turned into a bike shed. But Alex never gives a specific reason for being angry therefore I think he’ll be the one most likely to be willing to sit down and chat with Bobby and listen to his side of the story. I think it’ll be through Carrie that Bobby and Alex will reconnect. I spoke in another post (here if you like dot read it) about how alot of the characters have a necklace that they always wear and the symbolism behind those necklaces. Alex always wears a gold chain which as I said in that other post, chains have been a symbol of everlasting love and life since ancient times, its the circle that never ends. Gold is also a symbol of purity,  illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom. Again all of these things are very similar to what the colour pink represents. What’s interesting to me is that even though Carrie doesn’t have a necklace that she never ever takes off she does have one that she wears more often than any others and like Alex this is a gold chain or rather two gold chains.
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 Also if you look at the picture on the right where she has pink hair you can see she is wearing another necklace on top of the two gold chains. Now I’m not an expert on designer jewellery but I know there is a brand that is like known for its panther/ leopard necklaces called cartier. I’m pretty sure that’s what the other necklace is. I do think this is obviously suppose to show Carrie’s wealth, gold is also a symbol of wealth and glamour which is probably why alot of Carrie’s jewellery is gold. But it is interesting that it is a cat necklace, again in that other post I talked about cat imagery in the show and how Flynn is often seen in animal prints and has cat imagery associated with her. Cat’s in alot of cultures are guardians to the underworld and spirits. This necklace isn’t the only instance that we see Carrie with cat imagery in Edge of Great she is wearing a leopard print pale pink outfit.  
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   Although there is nowhere near as much of this cat/ leopard imagery with Carrie as there is Flynn I do still think this represents that Carrie will also like Flynn will be on team phantoms at some point and like Flynn will act in a helper/ protector capacity. 
Staying on the subject of cats though there is something else I want to talk about. Like I said I think mending their relationship  with Bobby is going to be a big part of completing the phantoms unfinished business. Well I didn’t notice this until @this-is-a-name-dont-worry​ pointed it out to me but like the rest of the boys Bobby also has a necklace that he wears all the time and whch he was wearing in 1995 and 2020. 
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I spent ages trying to figure out what the hell his necklace was because in most shots it just looks like a hunk of silver metal. But I finally figured it out and I’m 99% sure that its a lion. 
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Sorry about the quality of the picture it’s as clear as I could get it. I’ve tried to make the features a little bit clearer by outlining them. The red dots are the eyes, the orange circle is where the nose and open mouth is and then the mane is outlined in brown. Also like Carrie and Flynn he has been seen wearing leopard print. This makes Bobby the third person to be associated with cats of some kind and what is also interesting is that all three characters are lifers. But the Lion holds a even more special symbolism. Most of the characters can be divided into being more connected to Julie/ lifers or to the Phantoms/ afterlife. For example  Willie and Caleb are very much connected to the Phantoms and the afterlife. But Flynn and Carrie are much more connected to Julie and life. However you could argue that Bobby is that one character that is very much in both worlds. He is very connected and was a big part of the phantoms lives but he was also quite a big part of Julie’s life and is very much connected to her and the living through Carrie. The interesting thing is that Lions are neither nocturnal (active at night) or diurnal (active during the day) but are sort of inbetween. Night time in many cultures is symbolic of magic and the afterlife, the haunting hour as Caleb put it. Daytime is very much the time of the living so its interesting to me that Bobby has a necklace that is the image of a animal that is part of both worlds just as he is. Also as a slight sidenote I do have a new maybe not theory but headcanon, all four boys from sunset curve each have a necklace that is unique to them and that they never take off, I like to think that they all brought the necklaces together, maybe at a stall or something and that they are a symbol of their friendship kinda like friendship bracelets but as necklaces. Still its really interesting to me that Bobby never took that necklace off. Anyway back on track I think the fact that all three of these characters have associasions with cats makes me think that each of them will be instrumental in helping the phantoms complete their unfinished business, especially as cats are often not just depicted as protectors for spirits in the afterlife but as guides. I think each of them is kind of like a roadmarker on the journey to the phantoms completing their unfinished business. 
Ok so going back to Alex and Carrie and why I think Alex will be an important part of Carrie’s character development and redemption arc. In episode 6 there is that truly iconic scene where Dirty Candy is performing and Alex ends up joining them on stage. During the dance Alex passes through Carrie twice. When Ray passed through Reggie, Reggie then formed an attatchment to Ray. The same thing happened between Julie and Luke they formed a deep connection. Obviously I do think that there were other factors than just they passed though them but I do think its significant and its for that reason that I think that Alex and Carrie will form a bond. Also from Reggie’s comment about being able to tell that Ray has a good heart and the looks on Julie and Lukes faces it seems like they can sense the other persons I don’t know personality or maybe even their soul, maybe when passing through for a moment your souls connect who knows. I think Carrie has alot of issues, clearly, but I think underneath all that she is actually more like Alex than we know, a gentle, sweet girl. I think this is something that Alex sensed and that he is going to help her get back to who she used to be and help her reconnect with Julie. I do think Carrie and Julie’s story is the same as Bobby and Luke’s/the Phantoms. I think like Bobby, Carrie has a deep rooted jealousy of Julie. I think that Carrie has a love for music and wants to be successful in the industry and she probably feels a bit like she’s in her father’s shadow and that there’s alot of pressure on her to succeed because of how successful her father is. Although she is good I do think she probably feels like she is constantly outshone by Julie and that Julie’s talent comes really easily to her. Like her father I think she was given an opportunity, I spose you could call it, by death more specifically Julie’s mum’s death. I think with Julie being unable to sing or play music Carrie was suddenly getting alot more attention but like Bobby I think she has alot of conflicted feelings about it because although she is now getting more success she is grieving for someone who has passed. It must be a very conflicting feeling and I think that is why she is so moved in Stand Tall because I do think she had a bond with Rose and just didn’t know how to deal with her dying. Also as another little detail during that scene Carrie isn’t in pink but is wearing a dress that is covered in hearts. 
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I think this is suppose to symbolise how her heart is opening up. But the really interesting thing is that the hearts are coloured pink, red and blue which are the colours of the boys maybe this is an indication that the boys will be helping open her heart or that she will help open theirs to forgiveness for bobby. 
Another sign that Carrie might be getting a redemption arc is that in episode 6 again during that scene where she performs all eyes on me she is wearing a pendant of Saturn.
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Saturn is symbolic of transition and transformation. I think the message here is clear that Carrie is going to go through a change. As I said I think Alex will play a big part in that. Part of the reason why I think that is because I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Carrie is wearing the Saturn pendant at the same time that Alex joins in with the dance and passes through Carrie. Also I think its significant that the song that Alex joins in with is All Eyes On Me. Again in that other post I talked about how I actually thought the song was telling the story of what happened between Bobby and the boys. Like I said Carrie and Julie’s situation I think is the same. I think just as Alex was interfering and making the dance better (because you know he made it better as fantastic as it already was) he is going to be ‘interfering’  and making Carrie and Julie’s relationship better and then as a result of that Carrie is going to help heal things with her father. 
Ok this one even I will admit is a bit of a stretch but it popped into my head so I figured I’d add in. But in episode 9 when Caleb gives the Phantoms new threads each of them have, well I’m not sure exactly what they are but lets go with brooch. I don’t know if there is any significance to Luke’s and Reggie’s because I haven’t been able to get a clear enough image of them yet but this one is Alex’s. 
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 Alex has a cross and a chain that curves like a crescent. The symbol for saturn is this.   
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Obviously its not the identical but I can’t help but think they look similar. The other interesting thing is that the Saturn symbol is made up of two components a cross and a scythe. Saturn is symbolic not just of change and transformation but with death, or more specifically death’s scythe. I don’t know I just thought it was interesting and if his brooch is suppose to represent the symbol for Saturn then that means that both Alex and Carrie have worn jewellery associated with Saturn. I do think that both of them will grow and change. I also think it would be really interesting to see these two getting to know each other and them bonding. I’d love to see a dance scene with them both. You know one where Carrie knows he’s there and can interact with him.  
So yeah that was my incoherrent ramblings about Alex and Carrie with a side of Bobby. Now all I need is for Netlfix to renew the show for a 2nd season already.  
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extravagantliar · 5 years
'It seems that all my bridges have been burnt’
lost into the abyss // meme cache // tongue-tied, kites, & when the night is over
It is so infrequent that Dorian wakes him up, so uncommon that he forgets that Dorian is one of two people in the very vast world that is able to push through the do-not-disturb that is applied to his phone and more recently applied to his life. 
The phone call is brief, seldom do they last more than a few moments, sometimes they are life checks and others are reminders on when and where Varric needs to meet him, but this one at three am is neither of those. It is simpler, four words that are not slurred but mucked and baited in some kind of disparity: 
‘Come and get me.’
The call ends with an affirmation and Varric struggling to pull himself together. Dressing and ordering a car as the minutes seem to knit themselves together as he shakes the throws of sleep from his bones, stretching and throwing his bag over his shoulder. It’s not the briefness that worries him, for they always seem like this -- but rarely are they on the cusp of four am, rarely are they in the midsts of sorrow. They are better at staving off each other’s depressions and holding fast through each other’s anxieties for these last few years of friendship have been peppered with jobs, universities, deaths, funerals, and families.
Both had been cast out of the wide circle of their immediate family, some fences had broken in the wake of their changes, both had come off the coattails of some sort of relationship. Their friendship had been much needed, especially when they had dipped out of AA and gone to play cards instead, finding a new way to be accountable and to never go too far down the neck of a bottle again. A different kind of plan, a different type of church, a different sort of accountability.
Saddled in the back of a blacked-out sedan, all of these memories swell and come crashing too as the worst fills the space between, blotching out whatever good could also be waiting. 
But it’s nearing four -- and he’s heard that voice before. So when he lands in front of Dorian’s office he takes the steps in twos, waving to security and signing himself into the lab, before readying himself to check his bag at the security counter, yet he’s waved back, overnight staff willing to break from protocol and simply show him to the imposing door, plastered with a name, title, and letters he barely recognises, swirled around Dorian’s name.
He refuses to knock, that’s not how they live their lives, they intrude on each other's spaces, pushing their way into the darkness and into the cramped spaces that they often place themselves in. The door lets out an unholy squeak, enough of a knock in its own right. “I’m here.” 
“Ah good. I was wondering what took you so long, you only live ten minutes from here.”
“The clubs are letting out right now, I got stuck in UberPool traffic, why are you here so late?” He refuses to be led awry, to have the conversation migrate away from those sad words, the early morning ( or late at night ) call that had pulled him from his only restful sleep this week. It was a sacrifice, but one willing to be made for this man who he held in such warm and strange regards, their kinship or relationship teetering on the unknown and unfamiliar. 
Dorian is a mess, but even then he’s picturesque. He’s always worn his emotions with grace, in such that many could be envious of the elegance in some times of strife, but in others, he could almost bubble over everything daring to spill out, and Varric doesn’t know which this is. He’s far too calm for the later but is now too dishevelled for the former. “Hard drive failure, I had to re-upload some data afterwards.” A snipped remark, a tell to leave it be. To drop it, but Varric won’t, that’s never been their style.
His bag ends up in chair across from him, and his thumb finds the plate of his phone, and it springs to life, opening his last used app and it takes one moment to dismiss the car that was on the way. “You know, you can lie to your techs and the security guys --- maybe to a couple of our friends too, but you don’t just wake me up to walk you home at four am because your hard drive failed.”
Words are almost too stern, and they leave the room far too soon. It’s a deafening kind of quiet, peppered with the clicks and buzzes of a computer trying to do something, and he’s now too familiar with this kind of quiet with Bartrand it tended to become angry, stewing and souring in the air, yet it never spoils it just stagnates and is almost doleful. “Tell me.” It is begging, as much as Varric will allow himself to do, enough that he leaves his bag, his phone and moves to Dorian’s side --- finding him amidst the papers and journals, a hand just for him, a shoulder just for him, a room, a world of understanding just for them.
In a world that had dared to be so unkind, they had found each other and forged something entirely new. They’re side to side, Varric’s hand finding the plane of Dorian’s shoulder and Dorian daring to lean into the contact. 
“Oh, you know --- It seems that all my bridges have been burnt. Family, family friends and such.” Loss. There is no need to pry further, for they have both been stung by unkeen and unkind family, ousting them for reasons more and more inane than before, and part of him wonders if Dorian’s father had dared to show himself again, but with this, he doesn’t pry, not this.
Their one unspoken rule.
“You couldn’t burn mine.” It’s whispered to Dorian, only to him, for there are words he rarely states aloud, and those come uncomfortably close to love. It’s what he feels, and he’s unsure of what it means or what kind it is, but he doesn’t question any of that. He’s here, moving without thought, in front of him, hands on his face and there is a sadness in his eyes, and he knows it. It’s that lonely kind, the one that begs you to lose yourself to a binge and undo all of the good that has been done in your world. “Hey, look at me, you can’t burn mine.” 
It’s met with a laugh; wet and full of emotion. “I could try.”
“You won’t and you can’t.” 
Because there is something unspoken here, something that connects me and you. 
Thumb brushes something unmentionable and linked to grief away. “Don’t do that, you’ll ruin your makeup.”
“Did that earlier, gods I’m a wreck, I’m sure I look it.” There is an effort to brush his hands aside, to move him away, but Varric keeps him there, keeps him looking at him. 
And he’s met back with a puzzled expression, almost bemused, but ever so thankful. “You look fine, you always do.” It pulls a laugh from the man, still almost slouched in the chair, and Varric dares, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head, whispering words to soothe an aching soul, words he’s heard Dorian say to him, they pass them back and forth, offering a hand to hold, allowing a soul to grieve and mend on its own time --- but never allowed to wallow. So they cling to each other, arms snaking around his waist. A stolen moment of whatever this is, whatever they are, whoever they become. 
So they can carry on.
“C'mon. Let’s go home.”
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artswaps · 6 years
Could I ask you about Stay the Course? Thank you :)
Of course! Here’s the summary for it: 
Keith had done the math long ago.Before he’d even left Voltron, he’d thought about this kind of scenario, knewhis answer far in advance; If it came down to it, was he willing to die forthis war?The answer was always anunshakeable yes. His team has a few things to sayabout that.Or; During negotiations with Lotor,Keith stays at the Castle as a representative for the Blade. But when TeamVoltron find out about what almost happened at Naxzela, it causes the tensionbetween them and their wayward Paladin to reach a paramount.A series of conversations follow,in which not everything is mended… but maybe, finally, some steps are taken inthe right direction. 
It’s a post-Naxzela fic!! I started writing it almost immediately after s4, but when the seasons started coming out faster I lost a lot of motivation for writing it since it largely lost relevance. I still wanna finish it though!! The fic is mostly made up of a lot of heartfelt but sorta-awkward conversations between Keith and different members of the team. I wanted to write something that would address the distance between Keith and the others, and attempt to at least partly bridge the gap of understanding there. 
Also, I’m me, so there’s a lot of self-indulgent sappy K&L friendship lol (but there’s some emotional scenes featuring all the Team Voltron characters! They all care about him ;__;;)
It’s unedited and a lil shaky, but here’s an excerpt from the beginning of the fic, set directly after Lotor’s intervention and the battle coming to an end:
He knows he should be concentrating on Lotor,making sure the prince doesn’t pull anything. But there’s a dull haze threadingthrough his awareness, a tiredness more vague than the post-battle fatigue he’s familiar with. Keith is struggling to process everything that had justhappened, fighting to stay present and alert. Somewhere along the way, his mindstarts to wander. A fog of blurred-together images muddy up his head-chaotic laser fire, a harsh purple glow, a sudden wave of flame cascading towards him- afterimages oftheir narrow escape.
Even through the exhaustion, something hard and on-edge twists tightly in his stomach. It leaves hismuscles tense and his teeth clenched; Like he’s still bracing himself for a collision.His mouth feels dry.
Keith’s tight grip on his ship’s controls hasn’tlet up at all since his attempt at the barrier. Even through the post-battlediscussion and the current lull of activity, it remained iron-clad andwhite-knuckled. His wrists ache, hands cramped and sore; though his mind is becoming sluggish and unfocused, relaxing his body at all seems impossible.
Frustrated at his scattered thoughts, Keithlooks outwards, watching for Voltron’s arrival amidst the endless blackness.
There’s a minefield of debris from theweapon Lotor had destroyed floating outside. Nothing more than twistedscraps of singed metal, now. He turns to watch the remains as they spin slowlyaround, deceptively peaceful for what they once were.
If he’d hit that shield, would that be him?Lifeless and adrift in the nothingness of space; Just a broken, twisted thingleft to decay in the stillness? Would someone have found his body, eventually? Orwould it have been well and truly lost- eroding quietly away. Just anotherscrap of space junk.  
Or maybe there would have been nothing left ofhim at all, burnt away entirely on impact- gone up in flames along with theship.  
A coldness seeps through him, achilling feeling that starts in his chest and trickles into the pit of hisstomach. It travels up and outwards, freezing through his ribcage likestalactites, snaking slowly up his throat until he’s choking on it, breath snagging on the ice in his insides. He’s frozen over. Numb.
The debris spins idly on the spot.
Keith can’t tear his eyes away.
Distantly, he hears the tinny voices of Mattand Coran conversing over the comms. One of them might have said his name, butKeith’s only vaguely aware. It’s too hard to pay attention over thetoneless buzzing noise coalescing in his head.
His hands, rigid as they are, tremble slightly. When had that started?
His ears ring. The universeslips away, melds into discordant flashes of bright violet light, overlapping patterns of galra tech, unyielding and condemning and Voltroncouldn’t die, that would mean the end, but Keith could. Keith couldafford to die and if there was achance he had to take it, there was a chance, just one chance- don’t think justfly, don’t think, don’t think, get the job done, don’t watch- close your eyes and wait for-
Awareness slams back into him andhe snaps his head around with wide eyes, stifling a strangled gasp. Matt had opened upa visual channel, and is looking at him in concern.
Keith suddenly remembers where he is andwhat he’ss meant to be doing. The ice in his lungs relent just a little as his face heats with shame, and he quells the quiet wave of panic swelling inside him with a glanceat Lotor’s ship. It hadn’t moved. Just how long had he been spacing out for?
He gives the buzzing in his mind anothermoment to die down. Matt is still watching him, eyes searching. Waiting for aresponse.
Right. Talking. He could do that... probably. Keithblinks a few times, swallowing thickly.
“Sorry, what?” he manages to reply, voicestrained. His mouth is bone-dry and his skin feels too tight. How long had Mattbeen calling him for? An edge of embarrassment worms its way into theconfusing anxiety coiling in his gut.
Geta grip, damnit he chastises himself.
Matt pauses, eyeing him cautiously. ‘Are youdoing okay?’ he asks. Keith resists the urge to scowl at him.
‘I’m fine,’ he bites out, terse. ‘Is Coran onhis way?’
Matt frowns at the deliberate subjectchange, but only hesitates a moment before affirming. ‘He’s starting up thewormhole jump now. Shouldn’t be a minute. Do you…’ he trails off, hesitating.Keith bites his tongue and feels his shoulders tighten even further.
‘Listen, the Captain and I have this under control.If you wanted to head in when the Castle gets here, we’ll be fine without you.’
Keith wants to argue. At the very least forthe sake of his pride, he wants to snap at Matt and tell him he’ss okay, he’s alive and breathing andready to keep doing his job. Not to mention the large part of him that’sreluctant to let Lotor’s ship out of his sight for a second, nevermind his earlier slipup, but…
But he trusts Matt with this. He knows he andOlia are just as capable of handling Lotor as Keith is, and in any case, theprince didn’t seem too inclined to cause trouble right now, as unnerving as that fact is in itself.
And Keith is exhausted, unfocused, mind amess and body too wound-up. Like this, if something did happen, he would be a liability. He’d just get in the way.
Better to remove himself from the situation,and let someone else cover for him. He shuts his eyes for a moment, takes asteadying breath to try and calm down, ground himself.
‘Okay,’ he relents, and even to himself hesounds tired, flat. the fight drained from his voice. ‘Yeah. I’ll do that.’ Mattgives him a small, relieved smile, and the panel displaying his scarred facewinks away.
Keith sits and waits for another minute,closing his eyes and trying to breathe deeply through the silence. He forces himself to focus on the repetition of the rhythm; in and out. Inhale, exhale. Repeat.His shoulders finally relax a notch, the anxious feeling in his chest fallingaway to enervating numbness.
By the time Coran arrives with the Castle, hishands still haven’t stopped shaking.
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keys-to-the-mine · 6 years
The Lost Mine of Phandelver – Chapter 1
The party traveled south from Neverwinter guarding the supply wagon bound for Phandalin.  Soon after they reached the Triboar Trail, they were set upon by a group of goblins, nearly losing three party members in the fray. One goblin got away and ran up the trail to the north but not before seeing his friend shoot the human man so hard he turned into a female demon, then witnessing the human in leather snap his bowstring, and marveling how that big one with the shield could flail about so wildly yet hit nothing.  How this band of misfits gained the upper hand against his brethren was a mystery he would ponder intently as he raced back to report to the three guards standing watch outside the cave.
An inspection of the ambush site revealed that the horses had belonged to Gundren (the owner of the wagon and patron of this venture) and his companion Sildar.  Realizing they must rescue their employer, the decision was made to chase down the goblin.  After camouflaging their wagon, the group set off up the trail after him. There were two traps found along the trail; the snare was burned up by the wizard and the rogue took the credit for the paladin’s sharp eyes spying the pit a little further along.
As the intrepid band of heroes approached the cave where the goblins were hiding out, the three (nay, now four!) sentries stationed outside the entrance opened fire.  The wizard quickly set the bushes that were being used as cover ablaze and the sentries were dispatched in short order after that.
Upon entering the cave, three wolves were found to be chained up in a side room.  Deciding it was best to not get them riled up any further, the wizard and the warlock continued up around the corner and spied the goblin sentry on the bridge spanning the chasm.  The warlock blasted him and the wizard set fire to the bridge (there seems to be a recurring theme here…)  but the bastard was tough and still had the strength to run warn the others. A wall of water came rushing down through the cave and threatened to wash away the intruders but the group was steadfast and determined.  They held their ground against the roaring water and decided the wolves might be easier to deal with, after all.
Despite the cleric’s best efforts to simply soothe the beasts, the rogue was having none of it and killed the last of them anyway.  At the back of the wolf kennel, the wizard stealthily scaled the narrow natural chimney that was being used to dump garbage from the level above.  At the top, he spied a large, powerfully built furry humanoid creature with two wolves and more goblins.  He quietly descended back down the chimney and ran to rejoin the party.
Meanwhile, the rest of the group had already headed back out to the main corridor.  They were trying to be quiet but the paladin was spied by the persistent sentry that had returned to his post on the smoldering bridge and sent the signal for yet another wave of water to be issued down upon the interlopers.  Again, they held fast but by now every goblin in the cave was aware that intruders were on the premises!  Goblins came from the small western tunnel, both sides of the bridge, and from around the corner from where the floodwaters had issued.  Despite the rogue’s frequent stray shots with his newly mended bow and wild swings with his rapier, the spellcasters were able to dispatch most of the goblins just about as quickly as they could appear, yet their numbers seemed endless.  Every time one was downed another took his place.  A great number of them were felled by the cleric even though she was only attempting to wound.  With each “victory” Prutrix’s heart grew just a little bit heavier.  Her hands were meant to heal, and she was unsure just how much more killing she could bear, accidental or otherwise.  She knew she would need to pray to her god in earnest in the coming eve, should she survive the day.  
The party pushed their way deeper into the cave.  The paladin leading the way, wildly flailing first mace and then morning star as he moved ever forward.  While he rarely landed a fatal blow, he absorbed many a wound that would have felled his companions.  He was implacable, advancing hard and fast and he made effective use of the healing potion that had been discovered back at the ambush site.  The group struggled to keep pace with him while fighting off the goblins that seemed to pour from every tunnel.  The fighting was so wild that the goblins actually struck down two of their own number during the fray!  Finally, near the source of the floodwaters, battered and bruised, with the paladin’s morning star embedded in a stone column, the heroes stood victorious as the last of the cave’s inhabitants crumbled to the floor.  Or so they thought.
From deeper still, the wizard recognized the growling orders of Klarg telling his faithful companions Sticks and Stones to guard the stairs and protect him.  He shared this information with the group and described the appearance of Klarg.  He thought that maybe Klarg was a bugbear, which would be a fearsome foe, indeed, but he was uncertain as he only caught a glimpse of him from behind before he quickly dropped back down the chimney lest he be detected.
Some of the party members suggested a tactical retreat and others made the case to set up an ambush at one of the natural choke points of the cave.  Unfortunately, as the wizard moved forward to scout the enemies’ positions, the wolves spotted him and Klarg commanded Sticks to attack the dark elf. The ferocious beast leapt forward and bit at the wizard.  He was taken down quickly, even as Stones joined the fray.  Upon seeing the rogue finally hit something and slay his last remaining friend, Klarg flew into a rage and smashed his mace into the rogue, severely wounding poor Beckler.  A short but intense battle followed as the weary adventurers slew the mighty Klarg and then lost no time in searching his lair for Gundren, Sildar, and perhaps their own breath.  Unfortunately, all they found were provisions and supplies that had been bound for the Lionshield Coster in Phandalin.
Everyone decided this would be a good place to take a short rest.  Everyone except Dorin, that is.  The paladin rushed from the chamber and headed for the rickety burnt bridge, leaving his companions behind.  He was certain that Gundren was in the cave and in desperate need of his aid.  Dorin was willing to sacrifice all that he had to rescue the dwarf.  Protesting all the way and begging him to stop, the tattered group chased after him.
They finally came to the last chamber in the cave and found Sildar, near to death, being held prisoner by Yeemik.  This vicious little goblin wanted Klarg dead and offered to trade Sildar for proof of death. Unfortunately for the group, he was so terrified of Klarg that he wouldn’t even consider leaving this little safe haven of his until he saw proof that Klarg was dead.  No amount of coercion or deceit could convince him to go see for himself that they had already dispatched him.
Yeemik sent his last remaining companion with the warlock and the paladin to verify the truth of their words.  As they crossed the still smoking bridge, the warlock made a half-hearted attempt to push the goblin off but did not succeed.  She managed to play it off as being clumsy, but the goblin was clearly uneasy.  Upon entering the flood chamber, he saw the dead body of his brother and anger gripped every fiber of his being.  Suddenly, he noticed how many other dead goblins were lying around.  He raced back to warn Yeemik and the warlock and paladin gave chase.
His yelling alerted Yeemik and the rest of the group that something was wrong.  He was struck down just as he rounded the final corner to his destination.  Seeing him fall, Yeemik kicked Sildar off the ledge.  As the warrior plummeted to the hard stone floor below, Aratani struck the goblin with a mighty demonic spell and incinerated Yeemik where he stood.  The wizard nobly tried to save Sildar and was pinned beneath his body as the crumpled man landed atop Skit.  The last remnants of consciousness left Sildar’s beaten form as the wizard crawled out from beneath him.  Fearing his death, some of the party members immediately retrieved medicine kits and stabilized Sildar.
Looking around the room, it seemed to be a combination of sleeping quarters and what passed for a cooking space for the goblins.  The group decided it would be a perfect place for a rest.  There was only one way in and there were fires already burning for warmth and making meals.  Exhaustion took over the party as they settled in for some hard-earned downtime.
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allonsysilvertongue · 7 years
Hello, I hope your day is going well! I have a prompt for you - I would love to read a story about Effie and her sister Eirene bonding after the war. Maybe Haymitch is struggling to help Effie recover, and calls her sister to help?
sorry this took awhile!
The Ballad of A Drunk & His Lady: MendingBridges
Haymitchwatched her over the rim of his coffee cup, wondering if Effie would be proudat the manner he was treating their guest. He had woken up early to pick her upat the train station, prepared them both a pot of coffee, and had even indulgedin the woman’s need to fill up the silences with small talk. She was just likeEffie in that regard.
Except now, hewas slowly running out of polite topic of conversations to talk about – and hewas trying hard to be exceedingly civil for Effie’s sake – when the soft,familiar footfalls coming down the stairs caught their attention at the sametime. Haymitch glanced up in time to see Effie enter the kitchen and stop deadwhen she saw who was in the kitchen.
“Hey,sweetheart,” Haymitch greeted, rising to his feet.
She stared atthe guest and then at him questioningly before her eyes narrowed to slits.
“Familyreunion… surprise!” He said with an uncertain grin, an attempt at humourwhich fell flat.  He winced. “Sweetheart,she’s come a long way.”
“Clearly,” Effie pursedher lips, her gaze darting to her sister warily.
“Effie,” Eirenestood in front of her and in response, Effie folded her arms, holding herselfstiff as her sister kissed her cheeks. “Haymitch called. It is a goodthing too that he did.”
Behind her, Haymitchstood his ground under Effie’s hardened gaze. He had gone behind her back andit would be something he would need to explain and answer to but to him, it wasthe right thing to do. The only thing left he could think to do.
“I hadPlutarch make contact,” Haymitch said. “She’s your sister,sweetheart. You ain’t letting me in to help and so I thought - ”
“So you thought thatcalling my sister would help?”
“Now, now, darling,”Eirene was quick to intervene. “Do not be angry with him. He is onlyconcern about you. Besides, I am so very glad he did.”
“I do apologise for thisinconvenience, Eirene,” Effie said. Frankly, she was not sure where shestood in Eirene’s life now and it would be gratuitous of her to presume that Eirenewanted to be here. “If I had known - ”
“Nonsense! Why don’t youshow me your bedroom? A little dolling up will do you wonders!”
At that, Effie glanced down atherself. She was wearing Haymitch’s oversized shirt and nothing else. In herdefense, she was not expecting guests.
“Excuseus, Haymitch,” Eirene threw him a dazzling smile over her shoulder andHaymitch nodded with a lingering look in Effie’s direction.
Eirene lovesher music and Effie watched on as her sister commandeered the bedroom she sharedwith Haymitch, switching on the radio and turning the volume up. She set thebath and with a smile, beckoned Effie to it, humming quietly while washingEffie’s hair. All the while, Effie’s mind raced, trying to think of somethingto talk about. It was not like her sister to let the time whittle without talking and it occurred to Effie thenthat her sister could be trying to be mindful.
This entirescene was not like them. When they were younger, Effie remembered times whenthe bathroom would be filled with giggles and gossips. Her eyes fluttered shutand she could picture it as clearly as if it just happened the day before –Eirene by the bathroom mirror fixing her mascara while she perched at the edgeof the bathtub -something that would horrify their mother – as she watched hersister doll up. Effie would commit the precise stroke of the brush against hercheek to memory and observe the way Eirene curled her pink hair. All that justso she could emulate them in the future.
“He shouldnot have called you,” Effie broke the silence with a small frown as she sat onthe ottoman in front of the vanity.
Eirene pausedmomentarily before she resumed the task of brushing Effie’s hair.
“He isworried. He cares about you with such open genuinity that I have not seen of inmany men.”
That observationand remarked surprised her.
“That isbecause we are from the Capitol. Everything there is… It’s…”
“You were,” Eirene corrected.
From thereflection in the mirror, Effie caught her sister’s gaze, searching for anysigns that she was being mocked but there was nothing.
“Are you disappointedthat I left?”
“I – I believeyou must have your reasons,” she admitted. “The Capitol is not what it used tobe. Walking down the street is not the same as it was before.”
“I know,”Effie said quietly.
She knew itall too well; the stares and the talks behind her back. Although she supposed,if her sister was stared at, it was for being associated with her. A part ofher was trying to spare her sister that when she left but the selfish part ofher wanted to get away from it all because shecould not handle it.
“I miss youterribly, Effie. I am – I am glad to be given this chance to see you once more.I know that you – “
“The reason Ididn’t call you or look for you…“ Effie interrupted before she could lose hernerve. She had wanted to explain this to her sister since they were alone inthe bathroom. She needed her sisterto understand the reason she abandoned her and her brother’s son. “I – I didn’twant you to see me like this.”
By reflex,her sister’s hand fell from her hair to her shoulder and her thumb brushedagainst the circular mottled skin from where she had been burnt by a cigarette,and Effie tried hard not to flinch. She still flinched when Haymitch kissed herscars at times.  
“What didthey do to you? I have heard stories but I just… I didn’t know that you – “
Effiechuckled, a little bitterly.
“Terriblethings,” she answered, leaving it at that. “I was – Eirene, I was quite certainthat you must have been horribly angry with me for where my loyalties were inthe war or that… That Emmanuel will hate me for what happened to his parents.”
“He is tooyoung to really understand it. He is only eight, Effie,” Eirene tried to assureher. “Our family is far from repaired but he knows you are somewhere andcouldn’t understand why you have not visited. As for me, I was not angry, quitethe contrary in fact. I was worried. I admit I – I do not understand whyyou have to be involved with those rebels but,” she sighed, “you have alwayshad a sound head on your shoulder so I am sure you would be able to explain tome your reasons and I will understand them eventually. I came here with an openmind.”
“I am afraidyou are sorely mistaken. My decision to help them had nothing to do with beinglogical. I love him, Eirene. I have loved him for a long time since he showedme past the glamour and the glitter that we lived in. I have seen my tributesin body bags and when Katniss and Peeta won, they became my victors, same as him. I had to protect them.”
“Of course,”her sister nodded emphatically but this was not something that could be told ina single setting.
She hadhidden years of her life from her family and she would need time to explain itall. Her sister was here and willing to mend broken bridges so she should too.
“Will you stay?”Effie asked. “At least for a few days.”
It was anolive branch and Eirene took it gladly with both hands, her eyes lighting up indelight. “I would love to.”
Knowing thatthey would have time for that later, they put aside the heavy discussion forthe time being. Effie let her sister pick a dress together with a matchingcardigan to cover her scars and Eirene fussed over her like she used to do whenthey were children.
When Haymitchknocked on the door sometime later to see Effie with a smile on her face and alaugh on Eirene’s lips, he paused, taken aback by this change in her. He hadbeen trying to get her out of the house for a walk and fresh air for days, andhe had tried to get her to talk to him but she had kept to herself mostly. Shefelt guilty now for what she had put him through.
“You look…” hestarted before his gaze strayed to Eirene and the words remained locked.
“I’ll leaveyou two to it,” her sister said, taking the hint.
“Peeta is -um – he’s downstairs waiting with Katniss, if you want to walk ahead withthem,” Haymitch told her. “We’ll meet you at Sae’s.”
“Certainly,”Eirene agreed and closed the door behind her.
Once Eirenewas gone, Haymitch’s attention was back on her and he said, “You look good.”
“Just good?”Effie stood in front of him.
He smirked. “Beautiful.”
Effie smiledat him. “I feel good, too. I feel better.”
“You ain’tstill mad at me, right?”
He lookedtorn and she hated that she made him feel this way when all he had been tryingto do was help her so Effie took pity on him. She kissed him, wrapping her armsaround his neck and pressing herself closer when he brought his hands on herwaist.
“I’m not. Iknow you have my best interests in your heart,” Effie rested a hand on herchest, feeling the strong beating of his heart under her palm. “I am glad youcalled her. I am thankful.”
“You stillhave a family, Effs,” he tugged a lock of hair behind her ear. “You should keepthem close.”
“Yes,” sheagreed. “But you must know that you are my family, too.”
Again, hesmirked at her. “Yes,” he mimicked. “I know. That’s why I’m keeping youclose.”
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bosies · 8 years
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“ex disney stars who co-starred for like a billion years and pretended to be “bffs” for the length of their disney contract but absolutely despised each other behind closed doors and had a huge catfight the minute disney freed them and now everyone thinks they h a t e each other but lmao they’re actually hatedating ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” 
ok, so, i will try to keep this short ([arrested development narrator voice] this was a lie) but like...Rambling: We All Do It. ANYWAYS this is a request for my beautiful little brat tippi carlyle, one of the youngest of the infamous carlyles and one half of hollywood’s fave ginger twins. and yk, 100% full time brat. 
so tippi was a disney star for ages and ages. like, started out when she was a baby and just kept bouncing around the network until they gave her her own show when she was 11. (thank you mommy and daddy’s connections except she is not thankful at all she hated it!!) i’m thinking her show was something hannah montana-y/typical disney formula where it was her, a Wacky best friend and a Sensible boy best friend who was supposed to be her heteronormative love interest. (i will actually figure this shit out later i promise) ((maybe)) girl played the Wacky Best Friend, and they had an actual clause in their contract that said they had to pretend to be BFFs off screen too. 
spoiler alert they absolutely hated each other. 
why? idk! we can figure that out!! maybe just because tippi’s a brat or maybe they had some weird competitive dynamic that never got resolved!!! 
anyways, tippi broke out of her disney contract the minute she turned 18, and so did girl. cue The Truth Coming Out and them having a massive catfight and revealing they’ve always hated each other. no amount of PR damage control could make that feud seem ok. finally free to do whatever they wanted, they went their separate ways and thanked their lucky stars they’d never have to see each other again.
which, obviously, did not work out for them.
six-ish months ago they saw each other again at a party and just kinda like...glared at each other from across the room. no apologies were made. no fences were mended. things were still pretty much just scorched earth and burnt bridges with the two of them. until, yk, being young and rich and able to access any alcohol they wanted, they ended up hooking up that same night. 
and the night after that. and the night after that. and you can probably guess how that chain of events continues. 
and now they’re? seeing each other?? i guess?? though neither of them is going to admit that, but the dynamic is still very much There. they still hate each other, and the public still thinks they hate each other, but at this point they’re pretty much dating. obviously neither of them are willing to make anything public - they may not be in disney anymore, but it definitely would be a pr nightmare regardless - for their own reasons. (tippi’s being solely pride and a complete and utter denial that she’s definitely not straight, but girl’s are up to you?? maybe she has a squeaky clean image she can’t taint?? idk!) 
specifics: age wise, she’d probably be 20/21 like tippi?? 22 at the oldest??? her face and everything is totally up to you but if you need help w anything lmk!!! also i have aim and skype if u wanna talk shit about these too idiots idk gimme the drama 
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Like I imagine a lot of people, I really wanted Nero to ask Vergil about his mom. Unlike them, it's not because I think it would be this super sad, touching moment, but because I think it would go like: "So, you and mom.. Did you love each other?" "Not really, no."
Oh my god.
You and me both.
I think people put far too much weight into Vergil’s response to “Did you love my mother?” and not nearly enough into the much, much more important question:
“If you had known about me, would things be different?”
(sorry, this is really long under the cut. I feel the same way and have a lot of strong feelings on it.)
I honestly would rather the conversation go that way and Nero’s mom be some nobody/prostitute/whatever that Vergil had a random one night stand with in Fortuna. Not all relationships in these types of games/scenarios have to be meaningful or loving. It’s much more humanizing, and I think it suits Vergil’s (and Nero’s) story arc so much more. It’s probably because Vergil’s story, to me, is more about mending burnt bridges more than a full on heel-face redemption (yes, even the ones he didn’t know he burned).
Vergil acts precisely and with purpose, don’t get me wrong, but he was eighteen/nineteen and half-human (whether he likes it or not) when Nero was conceived. So don’t tell me it was impossible for him to simply be a curious teenager. Realistically speaking: the man grew up with nobody to turn to with questions when he needed to ask them the most, and was obviously naïve enough to not know about/not care about using any kind of protection — and that’s ignoring the heavy trauma that caused him to be without anyone, to boot (And yes, the parent thing clearly stuck with him, or V wouldn’t have acted around Trish the way he did).
Also, given how emotionally stunted he and Dante both very clearly are, it does not strike me as out of character at all for Vergil to have a one-off fling to both indulge and snuff out that curiosity before his big plans get put into motion. People have done way weirder shit for less.
This could all play in beautifully to Vergil’s story arc with Nero, when you think about it: How does a man who’s finally learning not to be so cold and shut his own twin out learn to care about (or, show he cares about) a life that was never intended to exist at all? What extremes is that man willing to go to if that life is in danger?
This doesn’t make everything about Vergil. It’s been implied here and there, but Fortuna really strikes me as a… particularly unpleasant place to be once you look past the surface, especially if you’re a child born out of wedlock. Even more so if you’re an abnormal child born out of wedlock. Nero’s probably questioned his lot in life more than once, and I get the vibe that his ‘pre-Kyrie’s family’ life wasn’t very happy and may have teetered into neglectful territory. And you know how kids can be: incredibly perceptive to the world around them, but not always comprehending. That could make anyone bitter. And even if Vergil didn’t know, his reasons for not knowing are flimsy, at best. They’re the excuses of a dumb teenager, and that’s gonna be hard pill to swallow for someone like Nero who, hot-headed tendencies aside, has had to grow up pretty fast and didn’t have that luxury. 
In short, not everything has to be this sweeping drama about love and loss. Sometimes, the most touching stories are born from accidents.
[Dante isn’t absent or innocent or losing any limelight from all of this either: He’s nearly as guilty as Vergil regarding Nero, but in a different way. Don’t get me wrong, given his childhood, I’d probably think it was safest to keep the kid at an arm’s length distance too — both out of fear of getting him or his family killed by association and not wanting to see more family die or, alternatively, having that family turn on him if he learned the truth and having to ‘stop’ them too…
…but there comes a point where the whole ‘dropping hints’ and ‘handing over signs and blessings’ and being so frustratingly, maddeningly vague —  because why do I look like that guy? We have to be related, I can sense it, but I don’t want to drive him away — stops being the ‘safe’ option. Clearly.]
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