#but no one moved to correct them because legally
hearties-circus · 1 year
Oh good, the sqa used my deadname again so now we get to witness the blame game between them and the school to try and figure out who keeps changing my fucking documents for a third time! Woohoo!!
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batboyblog · 2 months
I'm seeing a worrying amount of idiots on tumblr dot com push that "Kamala hates trans women" and I am losing my mind at how they are pushing it, constantly, saying she is a proven transmisogynist, despite it being a complete lie and her actively working behind the scenes to help trans women in prison. Is there like, sources that could help debunk this shit because I'm at my wits end as these people scream and cry and vomit trying to get biden to drop out but then are like "eghhhh still don't wanna vote for a transphobic cop..." when she's NEITHER-
Isn't the internet wonderful? first rule NEVER examine your priors! ALWAYS! hang onto whatever the first hot take you had on a subject to THE DEATH!
"Kamala is Transphobic!" over here in reality
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past that trans and LGBT rights groups have been quick to endorse her like
Advocates for Trans Equality
Human Rights Campaign
just today 1,100 LGBT celebrities, lawmakers and leaders endorsed her
“The intersection on the issue of reproductive care and trans care, and the ability of families to be able to have care for their children and their families, is really, again, an intersection around attacks that are on an identity,” -Vice-President Harris, 2023
any ways the root of the idea she's transphobic comes from one case in 2015. Two inmates in the California State Prison system sued to get GRS, which as inmates would have been covered by the Prison system. It's worth noting here, both women got what they wanted, one was paroled and got the surgery covered by California Medicare while the other serving a life sentence was ultimately covered by the prison system.
Two things are important to bear in mind here, 1. Part of the job of California Attorneys General is to defend the state when it is sued, thats the job, 2. It seems early on in the case Harris was not personally aware of it, about 1,000 lawyers work in the Cali AG's office and so the AG cannot be personally aware of every case, and check this quote from the Lambda Legal lawyer handling the case:
“The California AG’s office shifted its handling of these cases significantly after now-Sen. Harris took over,” Renn said. “Initially there was language in briefing for the state that glaringly misunderstood the medical necessity of transition-related medical care and was patently offensive. But then, there was a dramatic change, which seems to have gone along with important policy shifts.”
in 2019 Harris talked about the case and working after it was settled to change the policy of the California State Prison system
"When that case came up, I had clients, and one of them was the California Department of Corrections. It was their policy. When I learned about what they were doing, behind the scenes, I got them to change the policy," Harris said.
"I commit to you that always in these systems there are going to be these things that these agencies do. And I will commit myself, as I always have, to dealing with it," Harris said.
Any ways Harris can consistently spoken out for and supported Trans people, banned the hateful Trans panic defense when she was AG, in the Senate supported the Equality Act, during her 2020 campaign for President she drew attention to the hate crimes against black trans women while holding herself accountable for the 2015 case. As Vice-President she drew fire voicing support for Dylan Mulvaney during the hellish Bud Light backlash. Her Husband Doug was tapped to host the first ever White House Trans Day of Remembrance
basically you're looking at a great ally who clearly supports trans rights, who was involved in a case, which involved two people who got the surgeries they were looking for paid for by the State of California, close to 10 years ago now, there's evidence that both she moved the case in a better direction when she took over it and also that she changed the polices of the state to before more gender affirming.
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
What's that? I finally took the time to make an actual character sheet for my Yuusona?
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17 years old, 1st year
They/them, probably on the aro/ace spectrum though they never really thought about it (they do get weird when people show interest in them)
Half Japanese half french
Probably has some flavor of AuDHD
Back home: Before they were kidnapped forcefully moved to Twisted Wonderland, they were the main caretaker of four younger siblings while their parents were busy working. One of their main worry now is whether their siblings are doing alright without them. Their deepest wish is to at least be able to phone call their family to reassure them that they are ok.
Personality: They usually prefer to stand to the side and observe rather than talk and engage with others. They tend to be very prudent with their actions, up until their patience runs out. They're actually pretty perceptive and great at reading others, they just keep everything to themself without realizing.
They make up their absence of magic with their fists and wits. People tend to underestimate them due to their size and quiet demeanor, but they can be vicious and ruthless when push comes to shove. They are not very expressive physically.
At school: Yuu has a terrible focus so they struggle a lot, even when the subject interests them. They are very fond of History of Magic but also hates it because learning a whole world's history in a few months only is a nightmare and a half. They also hate flying with a passion since they are scared of heights. If they could choose a club, Yuu would go for photography and/or filming.
At Ramshackle: Yuu cleans the dorm as a past time, it keeps their body moving while they're thinking about what problem they currently have. They hate cooking though, so when the cafeteria isn't accessible they try to cram themselves in whichever dorm will have them to enjoy someone else's cooking. They aren't very time savvy so they and Grim keep leaving late in the mornings.
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Relationships (with Housewardens/OB)
Yuu has a soft spot for Riddle. Unless it's some rule they find completely nonsensical they tend to do whatever Riddle asks. Whenever Yuu comes to class with a clean uniform, it's because Riddle was around to correct their appearance.
Yuu and Leona's relationship is peak siblinghood. Once Yuu figures out that Leona won't act on (half of) his threats, it's over for him. He's one of the first Yuu comes to when they have a problem.
Yuu and Azul regularly try to outsmart each other. At first their interest with Azul is very transactional since he can help with everything Crowley can't be bothered to do (ie give Yuu an actual legal presence in this world) but since they have somewhat similar mindsets they end up getting along very well.
Yuu values Kalim's presence a lot. He's one of the rare pure hearted people at school so Yuu doesn't have to be hyper vigilant around him. It's a breath of fresh air. He is a bit too active for Yuu though, so they tire very fast around him.
"It takes one liar to know another" would be Jamil and Yuu's relationship starter. They had weird vibes from each other from the very start but Jamil did end up underestimating Yuu. Yuu is obsessed with Jamil's hair and regularly takes pictures of him.
Yuu is kinda scared of Vil (in a good way). If they were a tad more outgoing they'd be asking Vil to pose for their camera 24/7. Instead they quietly worship him.
If Yuu could, they'd adopt Idia (and Ortho). Yuu tends to miss their siblings all the time so they get a bit emotional around them both.
Yuu loves to observe Malleus. He's some kind of very strange entity that they can't get enough of and they don't understand half of what he talks about which tickles their curiosity a lot.
Yuu treats Grim like their own cat and plushie. They hold him in their arm as much as possible (until Grim gets tired of it and wanders off somewhere else) because it reassures them. They do fight a lot, a bit like siblings, but they also look out for the other all the time. Yuu sometimes agree to cook for Grim despite hating it.
Relationships (the less fun kind):
Since they're in a world they don't know with students who try to kill them every couple months, Yuu is very defensive in how they approach relationships. Everything starts as transactional and about how "useful" someone can be to keep around. They try to keep even the people they don't really get along with close for this reason.
They are actually very emotional (despite not showing it) so their heart takes precedence over their brain eventually. Despite not being particularly proactive they do go out of their way to help the ones they're close to.
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libraford · 9 months
Here's what's going on in Ohio right now. Heavy stuff ahead.
First, I want to apologize for the misinformation in my original post. I am still learning about legislative processes. To correct: the changes to ODH and OMHAS in regards to gender therapy are not a bill, they are changes in regulations.
This is important because citizens CAN affect rule changes. There is an open commentary period where your submissions get counted and can affect how they write new regulations.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, legal advocate, or medical professional. I'm just a dude who had to have it all explained to me.
The first one is Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services. The rules proposed would make the already prohibitive process of gender transition even harder. In order to diagnose and treat gender dysphoria, a hospital needs to have a board certified psychologist per patient, a board certified endocrinologist familiar with the age group being diagnosed per patient, and a medical ethicist overseeing the hospital's plan for transition. 'Board certified' does not guarantee that the specialist is trans-friendly. It must include a detransition plan. Hospitals would have to report compliance annually. The professionals must have a contractual relationship with the patient, but do not need to offer in-person care. (In this instance, I'll get to that in the next rule change.)
This rule also deems it impermissible to prescribe gender transition care (this includes hormones, puberty blockers, or drugs) for anyone under the age of 21 without the approval of the professionals mentioned and 6 months of therapy.
There is an exception for intersex people, who may have their sex assigned to them without their consent.
The open comment period for this ends January 19 at 5pm.
Send an email to [email protected] with the subject title: "Comments on Gender Transition Care Rules."
The second one is Ohio Department of Health and it repeats a lot of the same as the first one. However, the focus is more on the regulation of doctors and paperwork. Anyone seeking transition will be put into a registry with their name redacted, but demographics like age, agab, specific diagnosis (difficult to achieve with the new regulations mentioned above), and any medications (not just related to gender transition, but any medications at all). Any cessation of care must be reported within 30 days.
This is a lot of paperwork and can overburden hospitals.
That 30 days cessation is important because if a person transfers doctors or if a clinic closes and the paperwork isn't filed, it may count as a 'detransition' when tallying demographics, even if that is not the case.
But what's curious is that the ODH regulations DO require in-person care. The rules are contradictory and vague.
The comment period for this ends Feb 5th.
Send a comment through the ODH website
Here are some important things that were mentioned at the meeting:
This is a good time to be personal with your statements. If this would disrupt your life in any way, please say so. "I fear that" "I believe this" "I worry that"- these are great ways to start your comment. An example one person gave is "I worry that this change in regulations would force me and my daughter to move out of state.'
With that being said, anything that you send to these sites will be public record, so be cautious about what you reveal about yourself in your comment.
If you are in need of help, please reach out to one of these resources:
Trans Ohio Emergency Fund Resource Page
Kaleidoscope Youth Center
If you are in need of legal advice on how to navigate all this, please call
This is not everything. There is unfortunately more because Ohio decided to break a record this month with anti-trans motions. But today I'm focusing on things that we can take action on.
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fantasywater · 21 days
These are the reasons Stolas Horseman still gets dragged for his infidelity even though the circus was supposed to FIX THAT.
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This is for Stolas's Western Entergy interpretation and for the fans who agree with it:
Stolas is an adulterer.
No one gets to change the definition of a word just because they don't like it being said about their favorite character.
He's a domestic abuse survivor and an adulterer. Both are true. 
The reason Stolas still gets criticism is because of the execution of how it was written and the Octavia factor.
We were introduced to Stolas and Stella's dynamic with her being pissed that her husband of at least seventeen years cheated on her.
That anger is empathy-inducing to a lot of people because being cheated on, or knowing someone who has, is a relatable experience. It also looks extra disgusting on the one who stepped out when a family is involved.
Even her throwing things at him could be excused because of the context in which it was happening.  
There's a reason why temporary insanity is welcome in legal circles because it gives leeway to the perpetrator in that it asks the question would they have done this awful thing if it wasn't for an extreme mental break forcing them to? 
Stolas's infidelity was that mental break.
Trying to kill him can also fall comfortably under temporary insanity. 
Plus having our protagonists kill innocents as a job also takes the bite out of it. 
It also doesn't help that both Stolas and Stella's voice actors gave their own explanations that pretty much stated what I said above.
Even our first episode was about a cheated-on woman going to extremes, but she was shown in a sympathetic light despite it. 
Yet the very next episode shows the same issue, but because Stolas is a main character we are supposed to fall in line that the adulterer is whose side we should be on. 
Octavia having a mental breakdown(twice now) because of Stolas's infidelity is also not endearing him to the audience.
What he is doing to his child is the biggest reason why his remorseless, continuous, infidelity is not a take-back-my-power move.
The inciting incident for both Stella's recurrent violent anger and death "threats", as well as Octavia's mental breaks, is Stolas's cheating. Therefore what is happening to him now is a consequence of his own actions.
The writing in the problem. We were introduced to a wife and daughter showing anger in different ways because a spouse and father betrayed their family, and yet Viv still expects us to feel sympathetic to Stolas.
In reality, Stolas is the antagonist of Stella, Octavia, and Blitz.
That role was especially blatant in Loolooland.
As for Stella Viv tried to course correct by being heavy-handed in showing her as a cartoonish monster in The Circus. 
However, because of the initial execution of writing her as a scorned wife due to her remorseless, repeatedly cheating husband for a whole season, she has forever poisoned the well for Stolas and she has no one to blame for that but herself.
She is the one who wrote one of her supposedly sympathetic main characters doing Sexual Extortion(Blitz), Adultery(Stella), Mental Break/Child Neglect(Octavia), but then seems to have an issue when a nice chunk of the fandom still thinks only his victims deserve sympathy.
Nevertheless, since the Circus is in the canon now does Stolas owe Stella loyalty and remorse? No. 
However, Stolas is not just a husband. Octavia exists.
Therefore Octavia will always be the reason why his (continuous) infidelity was a selfish and vile act. 
That's also why what's going to happen to him in the leaks is on him.
His karma warranty is up.
The problem is that the karma Viv gives is an illusion because she still wants you to feel sorry for Stolas. That's why there's always a sturdy flavor of demonization in the narrative toward anyone he's harmed to facilitate that.
However, considering the nature of his crimes his comeuppance is deserved, but she still writes like it's not and expects the audience to fall in line.
She also did the same thing with Blitz's issues with him.
So it's a pattern, and it exists because a fujoshi is writing this story. 
It's a failure in the execution when the author's intent and the audience's takeaway is this broken.
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lueurjun · 1 year
enemies to lovers with soobin.
soobin x reader! in which a single misunderstanding sparks years full of dislike on both ends—or so you assume. enemies to lovers but it’s mainly idiots to lovers really. soobin x reader. i am literally starting to run out of ideas and it’s now 7 am and i haven’t slept but we move — pls cut me some slack if this one is bad. i am in the trenches rn. it’s also really long, i got carried away … my bad
reading the title probably made you giggle
because how on earth could anyone have beef with choi soobin?
the 6ft tall human embodiment of the word cosy
well, the thing is, you don’t actually hate soobin
it’s okay to admit it if you do, it’s not like imma jump you or anything hehe 🔪😐
for legal reasons that was a joke
so now you’re probably all like ‘but soobin would never hate me! he’s too soobin to hate anyone’
and you’d be correct because he actually doesn’t hate you
id jump him too. let that lanky mf admit he hates you and watch how fast i gather the crew ( my crew is the ninja turtles )
somehow, the two of you started this whole fiasco of believing that you hated each other
this dated back to when the two of you were starting high school and ended up falling in with the same group of friends
everything was fine at first and there was no beef with you and soobin
until one fateful evening when the group decided to hang out at the park
squad goals if you ask me. friends that go down the slide together, stay together trust me 🤞
everything had been running smoothly
aside from the fact that beomgyu almost got stuck inside a swing
after his panic attack and yeonjun had stocked up his camera roll with videos of the incident, beomgyu managed to be freed
thank you to taehyun who managed to yank him out
lord and saviour taehyun. saving beomgyu’s since he was in nappies 💪
after the whole ordeal, you sat next to soobin to gossip about how idiotic your friends are
and neither of you had realized just how close you were sitting
until one of your friends so generously pointed it out
fucking little tell tale RAT
which of course sent the rest of the group into a spiral of hoots and hollers
that then lead to the shipping and ‘oh you guys would be so cute together!’ comments
and they wouldn’t be wrong because you and soobin were actually a lot alike
the two of you shared common interests and could talk for hours about nothing
he was easy to talk to and that’s one of the things you liked about him
so, perhaps you didn’t mind the comments
oooooh not you crushinnnnn 😏 y/n and soobin kissin in a tree- sorry
in contrast, soobin’s expression was far from pleased as his gaze flickered from the group to taehyun and then to you, who stood with your eyes focused on the ground sheepishly
“what? i don’t like them. like at all. we’d be hideous together.”
record scratch. moment ruined
of course, he hadn’t meant for it to sound so harsh
and he felt exceptionally bad when he saw your face fall
making matters worse, your friends quickly fell into an uncomfortable silence, the tension in the air so thick you could practically feel it
oh well done! gone and made it all awkward now
from then on, you kept your distance from him
you were hurt by how disgusted he seemed at the idea of dating you
i would literally die for you. bruno mars would catch a grenade for you? jump in front of a train? nah bitch. i’d let a thousand bullets shoot me just because you you asked me to. i’d even step on lego for you-BEAT THAT SOOBIN #imromantic #imbetterthanhim
of course, you didn’t hate him
you could never hate him because he’s damn near impossible to hate
but soobin was unaware, believing his comment had shifted your opinion of him
he wanted to apologize, but you made effort to avoid him at all costs
so, he gave up and just decided to let it be because he wasn’t going to harass you into accepting an apology
which meant he also started avoiding you
so naturally, you assumed he now hated you
both of you jumping to conclusions higher than fuckin snoop dogg at this point-
whenever the friend group would hang out, the two of you would keep your distance
if someone made a comment about said distance, the pair of you just shrugged it off and changed conversation
you kind of just started to co exist
and this went on for quite some time and by some time i mean… the rest of high school
it wasn’t until you were a year into college did the misunderstanding finally get revealed
yeonjun had arranged for a mini reunion since you all hadn’t had much time to hang out in your separate lives
sure, you saw each other a lot but it wasn’t nearly as frequent and the groupchat had kind of died down
the meeting spot just so happens to be the same park where soobin crushed your soul that night
and for a moment, you considered not going
ha pussayy……..i am so sorry
but something deep inside tugged at your heart, and a gentle whisper echoed in your mind, encouraging you to go
so you did
the catchup was nice, and the group reminisced on high school memories
one of them being when beomgyu got stuck in the swing
and that topic opened up a can of worms
“wasn’t that the night that y/n started despising soobin?”
kai had bluntly pointed out, laughing along with everyone else
except, you weren’t laughing
them: 🤣 you: 😐
“despising soobin? i never despised soobin?”
everyone looked at you as though you had grown three heads
because what? what do you mean you never despised him?
“yes you did? when he made that comment about the pair of you being hideous together? you two stopped talking after that…”
after taehyun’s statement, you turned to soobin who looked just as confused as everyone else
“i didn’t hate soobin… soobin hated me?”
you had never seen anyone laugh as hard as the boys in that moment
kai was almost purple
not him almost cosplaying violet beauregarde from charlie and the chocolate factory
with all of them unable to breathe from laughing so much, you prodded soobin for an explanation
“well… after i made that comment, you kinda stopped talking to me and when i was going to apologize, you avoided me so i assumed you hated me and thought it was best to leave you alone…”
so you spent your last moments in high school believing that he disliked you
and he didn’t?
mhm. that’s fine. okay. yeah.
beomgyu, who was finally calm enough to speak, pointed between you
“wait… so… you didn’t hate him?”
and you shook your head
“i was hurt at first and needed some time but i didn’t hate him? i could never. it was quite the opposite really”
yeonjun let out a low whistle.
“perhaps we should leave you guys to talk this out.”
beomgyu gasped. “no? absolutely not! it’s just getting good.”
someone get beomgyu some popcorn
he was hastily yanked away with the group, leaving you and soobin alone in the spot where the miscommunication first took place
you could still hear beomgyu’s cries of protest in the distance
it was silent between the two of you for a brief moment
neither of you really knew how to start
until finally, the curiosity overwhelmed you and the silence was broken
me and the silence are the same fr 😔
“why was the idea of dating me so repulsive to you?”
soobin was stunned by the bluntness of your question, his face conveying surprise.
“i-i really wasn’t.”
“then why did you act so disgusted?”
grill him bae! like he’s a steak! grill him!
soobin looks perplexed for a moment and then his phone dings
you almost can’t believe the audacity of this man as he pulls out his phone to check the text
and then, his shoulders slump and he slides the phone over to you which displays a notification from taehyun
‘tell them the truth, i don’t mind.’
“taehyun had a crush on you back then… he had confided in me and i didn’t want to upset him…”
taehyun had a crush on you?
not you collecting txt like infinity stones
your head was starting to pound
“why didn’t he ever tell me?”
soobin shrugged. “i think it was just a passing crush. he started liking someone else a couple months later.”
thinking back, there was a period of time where taehyun had acted different towards you
you had noticed his lingering gazes and ignored them, chalking them up as nothing significant
and suddenly, his silence during the teasing made a lot of sense
“so… you weren’t repulsed by me?”
soobin shook his head, now looking rather shy
“it was quite the opposite. i’ve always found you quite spectacular.”
spectacular 🤓
“i’m really sorry for avoiding you.”
“me too, and im especially sorry for acting repulsed by you… though if you’d let me, i’d love to make it up to you?”
soobin was timid, his shoulders hunching as the words nervously slipped out of his mouth
you cheeks burned, but you tried to rein in your hopefulness, the last thing you needed was another miscommunication
“how would you do that?”
“well, i’d love to take you on a date if you’d let me… and then many more after that if you’ll have me.”
his question strikes a chord deep within you, instantly soothing away the torment of the past and restoring a spirit of hope that maybe you could be something more
in that moment, the october breeze felt like a scorching wave of lava, scorching your skin
“i think i’d really like that.”
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delreyshit · 28 days
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Summary: What if I told you that you are Price's daughter and left in König's "excellent" care?
Note: I think I have to grade this as +18 and the protagonist is of legal age(18 years old). But anyway, I hope you enjoy it and I apologize in case I have bad writing in the text, English is not my language. If you think I need to improve at something, let me know.
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Being Captain Price's daughter wasn't that simple. Being a father at the young age of 19 marked him as overprotective, he always tried to keep me watched and protected, since according to him, his work made me take risks. It was stressful to have a different "bodyguard" from time to time. I often asked my father to change the people he left me in my care either because I was bored or disliked by them. Everything changed when one night, while we were having dinner, he said to me:
"From tomorrow you will be protected by König, my partner. You're going to be in good hands. He will pick you up after school and accompany you wherever you need to go." 
And that's how I met him. He was waiting for me leaning on his car, his mask and his large physical size definitely caught the attention of everyone at my school, including me, of course. From then on I tried to get his attention with subtle flirtations, failing in all my attempts.
Yes, maybe he could be older by a few years, but there was something about his voice and his enormous size, compared to mine, that undoubtedly made my skin crawl and made me fantasize every night about being able to feel him inside me. However, König treated me like a simple brat, sometimes with luck he would talk to me. 
I was supposed to read my literature book, but the scene in front of me was stirring things up a bit... inappropriate in my mind. I can't decipher whether it was the intense sun or the warm grass in my backyard, but I couldn't take my eyes off König's sweaty body, doing push-ups and various exercises a few feet away from me. The liveliness of my mind was interrupted by his hoarse voice.
"How are you doing with the book, girl?" "Well... I'm going to finish it." I mentioned a little nervously. 
I felt intimidated when I saw him walk towards me, panting with exhaustion. He leaned in front of me and with a firm attitude, he took the book from my hands and turned it over.
"Yes, you must have entertained yourself by reading backwards." he said, handing me the reading in the correct posture. I swallowed, embarrassed to be discovered. His intense eyes, almost hidden through the mask, examined me from top to bottom. 
With a subtle squeeze he held my jaw, guiding my face towards him.
"I don't like lying pups, little one." "Sorry me..." Immediately, I was interrupted by a push towards the blanket that covered the greenish grass. 
König cornered me on the ground, getting between my legs and pressing hard.
"Do you think it's easy to exercise when I'm around you, in this tiny dress, looking at me like an obsessed schoolgirl?"
"König, I-" "Don't speak, I don't want to hear your voice if it's not for you to moan for me." <<Shit.>>
For a man as intense and big as him, getting naked was not a problem, at all. It didn't take long for him to choose to push himself hard and set his own pace, his thick cock made me want to lose control. With one hand resting on my side of my head and the other keeping my leg on his shoulder, he charged deeply, making sounds and cries of despair that I never thought I could make. He grunted every time he touched my g-spot, knowing that I was getting closer and closer to overflowing.
"Shit, König." My feet twisted as I climaxed. "Run for me, girl. Do it, fuck..." 
As I collapsed beneath him, tightly closing my eyes, I felt his hands slide down my hips, propelling his own orgasm. 
A soft kiss on the neck brought me back to reality, my fingers moved to her head and when I felt her hair on my skin, as if I had seen a ghost my eyes widened.
His mask pulled to the side of us was the first thing I saw and when I finally appreciated the face of the man who had fucked and torn me apart like an animal, my heart melted with love. Neither said a single word, as if our minds were connected, we came together in a pleasant kiss.
"If my father finds out about this, he will kill us." "Correction, princess. He will lock you up for the rest of your life and he will torture me to death." he said laughing.
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south africa but i've never been there also i'm drinking
HELLO MAGGOTS this is the good omens mascot here hello hello. my psychiatrist just spent today telling me how I won't be able to be out in college when it starts in May and I'll be misgendered etc etc it's all a good time. So my solution:
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My darling cousin @imchronicallyonlinesowhat (the one who thought Sir Terry Pratchett looked like Sudha Murthy, was a kindly old woman and was married to Neil Gaiman because their book cover fonts were similar, OG maggots know the PAIN) who lives in South Africa asked me to make a South Africa post. FYI, she's moving to Australia for college, so you can be assured I shared my Australia posts with her she is SO prepared she won't say marmite instead of vegemite and she knows the Wibbles are inherently sexual. SOUTH AFRICA (I've only had a teeny weeny bit of cheap ass wine so far):
There a lot of white people there it's ineffable. There are enough of them there that my cousin regularly talks about not ever marrying someone who doesn't have some masala.
Afrikaans is a gorgeous language. I thought my cousin was showing me her Afrikaans notes once. She wasn't. It was her English notes, she just has the most illegible yet neat handwriting in the world.
They don't say yo but they say YOH and it sounds very much like a bass drum.
People at my cousin's school pump their hands in the air while saying jesus-jesus.
There's a trio of white boys that rule the school kind of like a genderswapped mean girls. They all look the same haircut-wise, they're Catholic and they're called the Triumvirate.
I'm realising here that my knowledge of South Africa is limited to cuzzy's school. But the wine is shit and I promised my blood-relative so I am continuing.
The books are fucking expensive and so everyone has to pirate shit. This sounds like the US.
Everyone is TALL. Like VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY TALL. The standard of height is insanely different from India. TALL.
If you don't have a last name you're going to get into legal trouble.
The no hat no play rule applies here as well as Australia apparently.
The wine cost like 2.5 dollars in USD if my conversion rates are correct, it smells like battery acid and tastes of rotted grapes. Nothing to do with South Africa, it's just that I cannot remember a single other thing about South Africa other than it's a country in Africa that's presumably in the South.
My braincells are already frying. For my cousin's sake, I'm going to compile all my Australia posts here so that she knows what to expect! Australian maggots your continent is about to be graced with the Good Omens Mascot bloodline. Notably the one with the Sudha Murthy fuck up so that's doubly fun. @howmanyholesinswisscheese, @im-a-sentient-magic-carpet, @madfangirlontheloose @obsessed-sketches @drconstellation and any other Aussie maggots be prepared and welcome her.
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga by the Wiggles is an Ineffable Husbands Song
Deaths in Australia in 2015, an ask
VEGEMITE IS NOT MARMITE, another passionate ask
Pt I Australia but I've never been there
Pt II Australia but I've never been there
Oh I hate cheap wine. @imchronicallyonlinesowhat I hope you appreciate this, blood of mine. I'm such a great cousin.
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"when strangers mistake me for his father i don't correct them" just break my goddamn heart why don't you. i love this and the rest of your art so so SO much and i'm dying to hear more of your thoughts on tintin and haddock's father-son/chaotic uncle-nephew dynamic, because it's one thing i wish had been developed further in canon, especially with tintin's move to marlinspike hall
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Haddock and Tintin invented the found family trope! Their dynamic means so much to me, while my post canon series seems to be about Tintin and Chang's relationship it's actually more about Tintin and Haddock's found family bond and how it changes as Tintin grows older.
My thoughts on their dynamic are under the cut. It's Fathers' Day in the UK this Sunday, so happy Fathers' Day!
Haddock had a terrible childhood and has low self esteem, but values his ability as a sailor. Even that is shaken when his crew mutinies and kidnaps a teenager. As a result Haddock feels an enormous sense of guilt and responsibility for Tintin
He looks up to Tintin a lot, he inspires Haddock to always strive to be better!
He doesn't understand what Tintin sees in him but Tintin's positivity easily outshines any doubts about their friendship. Tintin brings that childlike wonder Haddock missed out on in his own childhood. Haddock goes out of his way to do stuff with Tintin he never got to do with his father, like going to the theatre or trips to the seaside.
Initially Tintin tolerates Haddock, but he proves himself with his sailing prowess in The Shooting Star. While Tintin is brave and proactive he's very introverted and closed off from people, having gained dangerous enemies at such a young age.
At first he's not used to having someone look out for him but grows to deeply appreciate Haddock. A colleague at work said Haddock is like that one middle aged guy you befriend at a job you got as a teenager and you become ride or die with through trauma bonding and I think he's exactly right!
Even though he's his best friend Tintin still keeps him at a distance. Haddock doesn't know his legal name or anything about his past. Tintin rarely opens up about personal problems out of fear of worrying him.
As Haddock has pinned so much of his self worth on Tintin, in my post canon series Haddock is forced to re-examine his friendship with him.
Haddock gets into a secret romantic relationship with Ramo Nash and gets some well earned down time from adventures, taking up painting as a hobby. It's the first time he's had time to find himself outside of being Tintin's adventuring companion, and realises he may have to make the painful decision between his best friend or staying true to himself. It's a decision he knew he had to make for a long time.
Haddock invites Chang to live in Marlinspike during his year as an exchange student in hopes he'll keep Tintin out of trouble. When Chang ends up joining in on the adventures instead Haddock is taken aback by how competent he is, and how seemingly effortlessly he is able to keep up with Tintin. Watching a younger fitter person does bring up some insecurities in him, but he later appreciates that this means he could sometimes take a break and let Chang go get shot at instead!
Tintin's tendency to keep his personal problems to himself drives a rift between them as he desperately tries to navigate coming to terms with being gay. Even though homosexuality was legal in Belgium at the time there's still a stigma, and Haddock and Tintin are terrified of losing each other's respect.
When Haddock finds out Tintin is also gay he is overjoyed, he vows to look out and to always be a safe haven for him. He grew up in fear and in the closet, so is determined to be the father figure he never had himself.
Haddock is very supportive of Tintin and Chang, but as Tintin grows closer to Chang and spends more time with him Haddock can't help but feel a little insecure. It's normal for parental figures to feel that way.
As Haddock grows older and less physically able to travel, Tintin worries if his deteriorating health is his fault. Haddock makes sure to nip this fear in the bud, and lets him know how proud he is of what they were able to do. As Haddock settles into retirement with Ramo, Tintin and Chang visit frequently to help take care of them.
Haddock never officially adopts Tintin despite everything, just in case the Haddock family curse still persists. Also "Tintin Haddock" is an absolutely awful sounding name.
Neither Haddock or Tintin can stand spiders. They get Nestor or Calculus to deal with that
imagine All of Tintin's Father Figures in a group chat in a modern AU, Haddock, Calculus, Skut, Mr Wang, Ramo Nash... The Council of Dads (Castafiore is in it too, she counts)
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
Bunny Ears (Part 22) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
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~Not feeling so superstar today guys, but I'm trying to continue writing whilst I still have the braincell, because you deserve to feel the love from our husband boyfriend~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090 @aponia-yue @likoplays @dilflover-3 @oak-leafs @phd-in-fuckery @weirdoartist21 @nicolezghostz @fauine @emmbny
Sorry if I missed you on the tag-list!
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, grumpy x sunshine. Sexual connotations, consent is sexy, softdom!Will. Faz-Fuck TM
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After lunch at the diner, and the best soda floats on that side of the state just like William had promised, he'd taken his time in driving you back to his house. The now familiar gravel drive soothing as his large calloused hand rested on your thigh for as long as it could and his thumb soothed over you gently. Your eyes had closed at some point, and William smiled at your peaceful expression when he realised that you had fallen asleep with him driving, something he took as a large compliment.
Shaking you awake as he parked the car, you grumbled softly at the intrusion into your sleep, making William chuckle as he got out and moved around to your side, carefully scooping you up into his arms and smiling even wider as your arms wrapped around his neck. Planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Somebody just wants to be carried." Whispering softly to you as he carefully made his way to the front door, trying not to disturb you too much as he tried to fish for the correct key in his pocket as you nuzzled into his neck and shoulder.
"I mean, you did save me like a damsel in distress." You teased, keeping your eyes closed as William chuckled and placed another kiss on your forehead, finding the right key and unlocking his front door, kicking it open and dropping the keyring onto the small table in the hallway as he brought you to the couch. Gently laying you down and plumping up some pillow around your head, perching on the edge of one seat, gently brushing some hair from your face as he smiled down at you.
"Well, that might be true. Does this mean I get a reward?" Teasing right back as you hummed and shook your head after a moment. William raised an eyebrow as he looked down at you, his large hand gently stroking down over your shoulder and making you shiver. "No?"
"No, you have to kiss damsels on the lips to wake them up." A playful smile on your face as you heard him laugh, his hand wandering down over your stomach and sides in a way that made your heart race in your chest slightly.
"Oh really?"
"Yep, those are the rules."
William thought for a moment before his smile grew and he continued running his hands down your body. But you kept your eyes resolutely shut, even though you could feel him tugging at the belt he'd leant you that morning. His steely eyes focused on your face to watch for any twitch or sign of discontent as he slowly unbuckled it and slid it from your waist, thick fingers working on the buttons. Pausing as he saw a little from on your face.
"Everything okay, bunny?" He asked softly, watching the way your eyes rapidly flickered under your eyelids, threatening to open as you thought for a moment.
"I thought you were going to kiss me on the lips." Afton thought for a moment and leaned forwards to kiss you just besides your lips, teasingly close to actually kissing you, but letting his stubble brush against your skin.
"You never stated which ones you wanted kissed, my beautiful bunny," Keeping his voice low and soft, holding onto your hips, his thumbs running over the curve of your hip bones. "Do you want a normal kiss, or for me to continue?"
"If you want-"
William gently grabbed your jaw and turned your head towards him despite your closed eyes. He loved the way you looked, but he hated that little frown and the way your brow creased when you were upset by something, or at the very least, concerned. Planting a kiss onto the end of your nose and feeling a smile tug at his lips as he sighed.
"Bunny, it isn't about what I want. I asked what you wanted, and you avoided the question."
You thought for a moment, the furrow in your brow increasing slightly before you felt your lip quivering slightly and whispering softly.
"A normal one, please."
He obliged when you told him, placing a soft, almost chaste kiss against your lips. You finally opened your eyes and saw the soft disapproval hidden behind the golden glasses he wore, but the warm smile he gave you as he leaned in to kiss you again washed away any worries you had. Lips moving together softly in that familiar rhythm that you had both found since that first kiss in the parts and services room at Freddy's whilst you sat on the workbench. One of his large hands slipped to the back of your head as he carefully laid his chest against yours, letting you feel the reassuring weight of his body against yours before the kiss broke and your eyes fluttered back open.
"My love, my heart, you are allowed to not want the same things as me at the same time." He soothed, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he gazed at you adoringly.
"But I thought....Thought that it was a done thing..like..I had to-"
"Bunny, if I find out I have ever made you feel like you had to go through with something I want; there's a gun cabinet in the basement, I want you to shoot me with what's inside."
"Apparently, I wasn't very clear last night when I said we could stop at ANY time, bunny. I know I'm a big scary old man." You scoffed at that and he smiled, watching you roll your eyes at him and giving him a soft smile.
"You're hardly scary, or old. Big, yes." You retorted, making William smile as he pulled up your legs and sat down properly before he made you yelp by pulling you into his lap so you could lay against his chest. Cradling you against his broader chest as he put his chin on your head.
"Well apparently you were so frightened of me the first time we met, you had to check that I was not some intruder breaking in and working unpaid." You groaned at the memory and felt your cheeks heating up as William chuckled and kissed your head, watching you hide your head in your hands in embarrassment before he gently pulled them away so he could see how pretty you were.
"You aren't going to let me live that down, are you?"
"Not as long as I live. I think it's cute."
"God that's so cringey to think about."
"Maybe, but it's still funny. The point you've masterfully distracted yourself from, bunny, is that I love you, and I would never want to do something to you that you didn't want. Whether it's sexual or not. You are in control of your consent, would you touch me if I didn't want it?"
"Of course not!"
"The same applies to you. Physical affection isn't a reflection of our love, it's a component of it." William explained softly, peppering you with soft kisses across your forehead and the top of your head too. "Understand?"
"Yes sir." Afton sighed at your playful reply before wrapping you up in a bear hug and falling to one side, making you gasp at the moment of free-fall before you both 'thwumped' into the soft cushions of his couch, feeling his thick fingers stroking your hair and lulling you into relaxing more against him as the other hand temporarily abandoned you and reached for the TV remote, turning it onto some movie channel that seemed to be playing a horror-comedy.
"Let's just chill out, my darling little bunny, I'll order us take-away tonight."
"Isn't that-"
"Shush, I want to spoil you. Remember, I'm a dad who can provide for you." You giggled at the memory of when he said those words to you, turning your head and giving his stubbly cheek a kiss before turning back to face the TV.
"You're a DILF and a DWCP."
"....Are...are you having a stroke?" The comment made you burst out laughing and you squeezed William's arm tighter around you, making the older man bury his face into your neck and nuzzle in affectionately. Shaking his head and planting kisses against you as he held you against his body.
All was right again, and the memory of anything going wrong with your day seemed so far away already as you cuddled with the man you loved.
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The rest of the day had been uneventful, William had ordered from a Thai place that you didn't even know delivered to Hurricane and the food had been eaten with laughter and exploring new things as William insisted on feeding you things that you hadn't tried before to see how you liked them. And you had fallen asleep together curled up in his large bed, happily pressed against his broad chest and you held onto him like a lifeline, which made the older man quite happy that he had even more excuses to cuddle you to sleep.
But the peace had been disturbed by the sound of loud knocking against the front door, making you both jump as you looked at each other, confused for a moment before it started up again and William reached for his glasses on his bedside table. Putting them on and wiping his hands over his face as he kissed your forehead and padded down the stairs. You groaned at loosing your own giant cuddle partner and wrapped yourself back up in his sheets, inhaling deeply and keeping your eyes closed as you tried to go back to sleep, figuring it was far too early for it to be anything but somebody on their death-bed.
Suddenly, you heard the door slam downstairs and your eyes opened up. Blinking away any traces of sleep as you heard William talking downstairs, deciding that you needed to get up to use the bathroom anyway, you made sure you were decent in his oversized t-shirt and a pair of what you were pretty sure were his boxers before sorting yourself out and then heading down the stairs.
"Hi!!" You heard your name being called with childish excitement as you were rushed by a head full of blonde hair. Wrapping your arms around Vanessa as you realised that it was Afton's daughter that had arrived.
"Hey you! What're you doing here?" You crouched down to ask, keenly aware that you were in her dad's clothes as you felt your cheeks flushed and looked over her shoulder up at William, who was rubbing his face with his hands. Looking incredibly fine in his tight t-shirt and sweatpants that seemed to be his go-to aside from work clothes.
"Vanessa needs to stay here a few days, apparently her mom....has other commitments." You could hear the barely contained anger at the situation in his voice, but you looked at the cute kid in front of you and knew that he loved her dearly, and you grinned at her as she hugged you before bouncing excitedly.
"Well, that sounds like a girls day to me! How about I get dressed, and I can go to my place and pick up some make-up and we can do arts and crafts and make-up? Does that sound fun?" You asked, watching Vanessa's eyes go wide before she squealed excitedly, jumping up and down in your arms before turning and looking at her dad for his approval. William simply smiled at her and shrugged.
"I need to finish fixing that arcade machine anyway, so if you two want to have a girls day..."
"THANKS DAD, YOU'RE THE BEST!!!" The small blonde flung herself at William and knocked him slightly from his feet, but he recovered quickly and groaned as he picked her up with a smile. Hugging her tightly to him as he shooed you upstairs to get changed whilst Vanessa babbled happily about how she was going to make you look very pretty, not that you weren't pretty already.
You decided to put on the dress you had worn to the date you had originally been on, brushing your hair and making sure you had the necklace that William had given you on, as well as your silly purple plastic bracelet before heading back downstairs and taking over Vany to allow William to get dressed.
"DAD! You're supposed to have your bracelet on too!" Vanessa whined, making you laugh as she held onto your hand and looked at the bracelet, William throwing his hands into the air in defeat as he headed for the stairs.
"I'm putting it on! Calm down, Vanny, or I won't let her play with you." He warned, but the tone was far too playful and the small child knew it. Giggling as she clung onto you and you smiled down at her, kneeling down to save your back as you picked up the small child and gave her a big grin.
"Well then, how are your make-up skills little miss Afton?"
"Mummy says I'm shit!"
"....Well let's not use that word again, but practise makes perfect!" You sighed internally, eye twitching somewhat as you were handed your first real opportunity to play home-maker with the man you loved and his adorable kid.
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AITA for converting to another religion?
Also just so i can find this im gonna type a word.
Names are fake
I (FTM, minor but not really but yeah, i'll be a legal adult in no time so will by boyfriend, also I'm closeted to everyone except my boyfriend so assume any treatment i get will be with me as a woman) am agnostic. I don't hate religion at all, i respect and understand believers and when invited i participate in religious activities mainly doing it out of love for the person or because they seem genuinely fun.
Anyway, i have this boyfriend, Kenny, who i love very very much. I wouldn't say our relationship is 'perfect' because that is impossible, but we are close, happy, communication is good, i wouldn't ask for more. He makes me happy, he's the best thing that ever happened to me.
Kenny is jewish, he let me know few days after we started dating because he wanted to be open about it in a serious relationship. I 100% respected that and we had a warm lighthearted chat about it, he knows i'm agnostic, he respects that.
It's been a few years, and Kenny's family grew to love me.
With his family's consent, Kenny invited me to a few religious activities with them which i enjoyed doing because we were all in a happy mood. Over time I became comfortable around the family, we're friends now.
Let's skip forward, Kenny and I were having a conversation late at night cuddling in bed, and he brought up religion. We kept chatting, until he asked me if i would be interested in converting to Judaism.
I was kinda shocked when he asked that, one of the few moments he genuinely did something i didn't expect. I stay quiet, before answering with a low "I don't know, maybe?"
We leave the topic there, he wasn't mad or anything, instead he nodded and we just kept chatting about other stuff still cuddling.
It's been a few weeks after that, and the question is still there in my little brain. I've been doing research on Kenny's religion to have a better understanding of the question he gave me, and honestly? Doesn't sound like a bad idea, i'm up for it.
I brought it up to Kenny and he seemed glad that I actually remembered the question. It's nice to see everything is taken calmly.
However, part of the hesitation came from my doubts about changing 'religions'. I don't think agnosticism is like a proper religion, i mean it's not even Atheism level. But i have an understanding of how religions work from my Catholic childhood, i was raised Catholic. So if i'm correct most religions are given by birth, I feel like it would be an AH move to break the rule over an idea my boyfriend brought up.
His family seems okay with the whole thing though, so i have mixed feelings.
Is there actually an AH part of the decision, or am i overthinking it?
(sorry for bad English)
What are these acronyms?
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drchucktingle · 1 year
hello buckaroos and WELCOME BACK for another edition of DECONSTRUCTING DAMASCUS. as before please remember there are huge spoilers ahead and you should absolutely not read this way if you have not already read camp damascus. however if you are all finished with the dang book then trot right ahead.
this is the third in a series of posts so if you are just now finding this way you should probably trot on back and start from the first post here are links
alright buckaroo now that this is out of the dang way lets dive right in. WARNING: CAMP DAMASCUS SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT
i have talked a lot about way of layers that make up camp damascus. previously we tackled FAIRYTALE LAYER and this time we will focus on way of BIBLICAL LAYER.
FAIRYTALE layer makes for pretty complete allegory that stretches from beginning to end of story. it moves in specific order to create a full narrative. however BIBLICAL layer is much more abstract in its trot, taking in bits and pieces from various religious stories and texts and ideas and letting them weave over the top of each other. because of this, i will not be as explicit with TRUE MEANING as i have with other posts, but i will give the buckaroos some starter information on their journey to pick this one apart.
FIRST lets see what the bible has to say about some of these characters
ISAIAH is one of the first characters we meet in chapter one of camp damascus, and although he is not around for the rest of the story, his early appearance has a lot to say metaphorically. ISAIAH in the bible says this in ISAIAH 17:1 - 'a prophecy against damascus: 'see, damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins.''
there is a contemporary language bible name of MSG that translates isaiahs prophecy to this 'a message concerning damascus: “watch this: damascus undone as a city, a pile of dust and rubble! her towns emptied of people. the sheep and goats will move in and take over the towns as if they owned them—which they will!'
in other words if you read into name of this character in first few pages you can unlock everything about the trot of the demons and what happens the last few pages of the book.
another interesting name is SAUL GREEN. in bible saul is known for his CONVERSION ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS.
i will write out book of ACTS 9 where this story appears in the bible (gonna cut out a few things to make shorter for you but i will keep line numbers)
ACTS 9 (talkin about saul)
3 as he journeyed he came near damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.
6 so he, trembling and astonished, said, “lord, what do you want me to do?”
then the lord said to him, “arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
7 and the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one.
8 then saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. but they led him by the hand and brought him into damascus.
9 and he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.
AND THAT IS THAT BUCKAROOS. thing to consider here is that saul green went to camp damascus. he was asked to go not taken like the others (he is counselor) and on his journey he could not see (this is metaphor for memory loss) yet he walked away full of faith.
final name i would like to talk about is WILLOW. she is seen as heathen and seductress by community, especially by LISA DARLING who is roses mother. lisa is righteous and ANGRY, painting herself as the CORRECT and HOLY voice, while believing willow is a sinner and bad influence.
near end of book we learn willows legal name is MAGDALENE which is reference to mary magdalene. in bible mary magdalene is a bud of jesus, they are always hanging out and trotting around together. it is believed by most that mary magdalene was a prostitute (or former prostitute) although this is not specifically in the dang text so who the heck knows.
marys story is about the townspeople treating her badly because of her reputation, believing THEY are the morally superior folks and she is the sinner. HOWEVER jesus will not condemn mary. stepping in jesus says 'actually you townsfolk are wrong, this is my bud, who the heck are YOU to judge? you are all much worse'
so in case of camp damascus this is reflected as a way of saying, 'actually lisa, according to the bible story YOU are the ignorant one for judging willow (mary magdalene) YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.' once you connect these dots you begin to see that lisas main character trait is JUDGEMENT (like in walking game)
a few more quick notes:
all demons mentioned in camp damascus, as well as additional occult texts mentioned like THE BOOK OF THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE, are actual demon titles and real books.
there is a chapter in camp damascus titled STRAIGHT STREET. the main road down middle of the actual city of damascus is 'straight street'
the innermost layer of hell being cold is actually what is written in dantes DEVINE COMEDY. this is the ninth circle of hell and it is described as a freezing, icy landscape where buckaroos are buried up to their necks in ice and tortured.
finally i will leave you buckaroos reading this with an image of a REAL PAINTING name of THE HOLY FAMILY WITH THE MAYFLY. this is an actual painting from 1495. as you can see there is tiny mayfly in the bottom right corner. nobody knows why it is there
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“Al-righty.” Shiro hums merrily to himself as he puts the car in park and holds the keys out to Keith. “Here we go.”
Keith stares at them. Shiro’s hand remains where it is, keys dangling from the key ring around his finger. His expectant look leaves Keith at a total loss.
“Did you drive me out here to murder me?” Keith asks eventually, finally breaking the building silence. He looks pointedly out the windshield, where all that is visible for miles and miles is the desert.
Shiro snorts. “Yep. You ate the last ramen pack one too many times. Time to meet your end.” He reaches over with his other hand and grabs one of Keith’s, gently prying his fist open and placing the keys into them. “No, I’m not here to murder you, doofus. That would be a horrible idea. I don’t have an alibi.”
Keith refuses to laugh at that. It’s not funny and also Keith has been warned about letting Shiro think he’s funny. It can only lead to more dad jokes, or worse. “These are your car keys,” he says, gingerly holding the objects in question.
“Yes,” Shiro says.
“Context clues imply that you are asking me to drive your car.”
“I am thirteen years of age.”
“We met, famously, because I stole your car. This very car, in fact. And crashed it.”
Keith blinks slowly at him. His amused expression does not shift. Keith’s not sure how else to spell things out for him, so he just shrugs. He’s not about to say no to getting a chance to drive. How many other thirteen year olds can say that a legal, licensed adult took them out to drive?
He steps out of the car, Shiro quickly vacating his own seat as well. He stands outside the driver’s side as Keith settles back in behind the wheel, leaning his torso through the open window.
“Okay,” he starts, voice taking on the same instructional quality he uses to lecture. “First step: seatbelt. You know this.”
Keith dutifully buckles himself in.
“Excellent. Now you can adjust your seat — levers on the underside there, yeah. You want to be able to easily touch the pedals, but when you fully straighten your arms, they should only go to the steering wheel. You’re a little too close.” He reaches down and guides Keith’s hand along the lever, helping him push the seat back slightly. “There, perfect. See you you can reach everything, but you have lots of space to move? That’s perfect. Fix your posture, though.”
“Does that help with visibility?” Keith questions, figuring a straight back will make it easier to see over the wheel.
“Nah, I just don’t like it when you slouch. Moving on.”
Shiro quickly runs through the rest of the set up with him — adjusting his mirrors, making sure he knows where all levers and signals are, testing the brake lights. Once he’s satisfied that Keith has a general idea where everything is, he jogs over to the passenger seat and climbs in.
“Okee dokee,” he says as he flicks through radio stations so fast you can barely even hear the first couple notes. He pauses after a moment, eyes flicking to Keith, then clicks back a couple stations, finally settling on a country station playing an old Johnny Cash song. “Start the engine.”
Keith does. The old car sputters for a second, then roars to life.
“Good! Drive!”
Keith looks at him in alarm. “What? Just — go?”
Shiro grins, wide and cheeky. “Go!”
Keith doesn’t need anymore encouragement. He steps on the gas, and the car careens forward at top speeds, shooting a cloud of red dust behind them. Shiro whoops, turning the song up louder.
The wind blows loud and fast through the open windows, competing with the blasting music and whipping Keith’s hair all around his face. He gets sand in his eyes more times than he can count, but he doesn’t dare take his hands off the wheel, just blinks it away as fast as he can. He watches the speedometer climb past forty, fifty, sixty, and his belly swoops every time they ricochet up a hole and go careening back down. Every so often Shiro calls out instructions — “Look at your mirrors and your blind spot before you make turns! Foot off the gas for the first half of the turn, then accelerate through the end of it! Don’t cross your arms over the wheel! Listen to the car so you know when to shift gears!” — sometimes a little too late. Keith stalls the car more than once. He also, at one point, swerves to avoid a cactus that seems to appear out of nowhere.
But Shiro never asks him to stop. Never has him pull over, never screams at him for messing up, never chides him about his speed (which, he might add, is entirely reasonable). He only grips the ceiling handle and cheers Keith on, whooping every time they hit a bump. He only calls out words of encouragement, smiling big and proud, cheering Keith on til he’s smiling just as wide.
For the first time since he lost his Pa, Keith feels like someone wants to see him happy.
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dark-frosted-heart · 10 months
The new prince trio in Yves’ sequel
From his Dramatic Route, chapter 14
In a mansion in some place in some country...
Matias tells Kagari that he's late, but Matias is the one that arrived at their meeting spot 10 minutes early.
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Actually, it was 30 minutes early, Matias corrects. Kagari calls him uptight.
Kagari then hands him a dorayaki.
Matias: It really is delicious. The way it's so miraculously soft and the rich sweetness, this must've been made by a delicate, sensitive, and beautiful woman.
[Just look at that smile]
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Kagari calls him a creep.
Anyway, Kagari brought dorayaki because Matias always brings coffee.
Apparently there's a rule in the Asbrink family about the amount of sweets you can consume.
Azel arrives and immediately starts eating. Matias says he's always late to their meetings, but actually Azel's right on time because the clock bell just rang. Looks like Azel uses his customer service front with the other two.
Azel tells the two that he'll repay them as he's a god that always pays his debts. He doesn't have anything tangible, but he does have information. He tells the other two that the Black Calamity's (Gilbert) started making his move.
Well that news is expected, and not enough to repay for the dorayaki, Matias says. Azel's not done yet, he adds that Obsidian and Rhodolite are secretly meeting, with the former using the latter to gather info on the trio.
Since Rhodolite has no conflict with any of the three countries, Obsidian made a good choice. They'll receive a "warm welcome" anywhere they go. Matias reminds Kagari and Azel to keep their warm welcomes legal. Jade and Benitoite should be making moves soon too.
Kagari can't wait to try out his new katana on Keith.
Azel misses Silvio because he's rich.
Matias is getting a headache from these two because of how little they care for laws.
Matias: So what? What's important now is our move?
Azel: You make a good point, Matias.
Kagari: Kill them?
Last resort, Kagari.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Comment in the Standard: How dare Montecito millionaire Prince Harry demand our tax money to cover his legal costs
This subject matter cannot be covered too much for my taste.
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Emphasis and comments by me:
Prince Harry’s latest court defeat in his rightly unsuccessful bid to overturn the decision to refuse him guaranteed Met police protection after he pulled out of royal duties might seem like a trivial battle over legal fees.
But in fact the duke’s failed attempt to pass 50 to 60 per cent of the costs incurred by the Home Office in fighting his unmerited claim tells us much about the preening prince and his selfish disregard for virtually anyone other than himself, his equally self-obsessed wife, Meghan Markle, and his children. [No one else matters of course. It is all about them.]
That’s because when the Duke of Sussex, as he still wants to be called despite ditching his royal role, wasted yet more of the High Court’s time in arguing for the taxpayer to fund at least half of the hundreds of thousands of pounds that the Home Office was forced to spend on the case, what he was really doing was trying to pass on a large chunk of the bill to ordinary taxpayers. [Sponging off others is quite on brand.
That’s right: instead of having the decency to accept that he’d have to pay up when he lost, the Montecito multimillionaire, for whom the legal expenses will be loose change, wanted taxes paid by everyone ranging from people on the minimum wage to bus drivers, cleaners and pensioners to cover his costs. It’s frankly contemptible. [Does he think it is his birthright to have the peasants pay for his temper tantrums?]
It's notable too that yesterday’s costs order by the High Court judge, Sir Peter Lane, reveals that Harry, who is so protective of his own privacy (when it suits him), managed to breach a confidentiality agreement made as part of the litigation by emailing “certain information” that was meant to be secret to one his lawyers and the MP Johnny Mercer. The prince might have apologised for the error, but the costs order refers to the “seriousness of the breach” and it was at best a sloppy mistake that added to the Home Office costs that he was trying to avoid. [What were you up to Harold?]
Harry’s whole case was, of course, misconceived from the start and it’s worth recapping why.
He asserted that the decision in 2020 by security experts on the Government’s Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures, known as Ravec, that he should no longer receive publicly-funded police protection in Britain because of his move abroad should be overturned.
The supposed reasons were that the committee had allegedly failed to take into account the impact of a successful attack on the prince and had also acted unreasonably, unfairly and with a lack of transparency.
It was nonsense for the prince to think that he knew better than a panel of experts informed by the latest security advice from the police and intelligence agencies. [This man has a very high opinion of himself.] The High Court unsurprisingly dismissed Harry’s claim on all grounds, finding that there was no reason to overturn the Ravec panel’s decision. It had in fact left open the possibility of occasional police protection for the prince when in Britain, if there was evidence in future of a sufficient threat to his safety.
An attempt by the prince to persuade the courts that a later offer by him to pay for police protection should have been accepted was also rebuffed. Yet another judge dragged into Harry’s interminable litigation ruled it would be wrong to allow the wealthy to receive a service from the limited pool of specialist Met protection officers that a less affluent person could not afford.
That too was the correct and inevitable decision. Police protection officers are highly skilled specialists, trained at significant public expense, who exist only in restricted numbers and who are required to safeguard those facing the highest risks such as working royals, Cabinet ministers and prime ministers current and former, not others like Harry wanting the comfort blanket of protection they don’t need.
In short, every argument put forward by Harry was flawed and rejected by the courts. It’s a sign of his delusion that even the succession of earlier rebuffs from the judiciary didn’t stop him basing his attempt to get off a big chunk of the Home Office’s costs in fighting the litigation on the fantasy claim that he’d achieved “partial success” in his legal action. [He learns nothing from his experiences.]
Maybe that was how Harry viewed it. After he all, he told the world in his biography Spare that “there's just as much truth in what I remember and how I remember it as there is in so-called objective facts”.
But it simply wasn’t true, as yesterday’s High Court costs order reminded him.
It pointed out that Harry had “comprehensively lost” and that there was “no merit” in his claim of partial victory with his judicial review argument failing “on all of the pleaded grounds.” [Harold is a big loser.]
It was the obvious outcome from the start and the claim should never have been brought. His inevitable defeat was deserved and now it’s time for the penny-pinching prince to pay up.
👉 How dare Montecito millionaire Prince Harry demand our tax money to cover his legal costs | Evening Standard (archive.ph)
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author: Von_und_zu_
submitted: April 17, 2024 at 10:53AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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rainbow-crane · 5 months
Disventure Camp headcanons because I can
Ellie is insecure about her singing voice and didn't want to sing at all in the musical ep. Gabby and Tess both knew this so they gave the boys way more lines in Piggyback. She used messing with Jake as an excuse in the confessional so her real insecurities wouldn't be put on display.
Ellie started working even more hours after the show and took up whatever extra odd jobs and paid interviews she could to afford a bigger living space for her, Gabby, and all of Gabby's animals
Gabby was the least popular contestant from season 1 in-universe, and got harassed online for 'wasting' her idol for a while. Ellie and Tom both defend her constantly
Gabby started a youtube channel where she talks about proper animal husbandry. It's done well enough that she could make it her full-time job, and despite the hate she gets for DC no one has ever been able to correct her on animal care
Grett attempted to reach out to Gabby to apologize not long after their first season ended, but Gabby blocked her on everything after the show and never saw the messages
Sofia doesn't fully understand that Aiden's life was actually in danger in the dc2 finale and thought it was part of the show. Rosa hasn't told her the truth yet
Rosa is hosting a watch party with Kai, Maggy, and their other out-of-game friends for the All Star season
Aiden, Maggy, and Rosa all got signed copies of Lake's book directly from her before its official release
Lake dedicated her book to Kristal for helping to free her from her parents. To this day, Kristal refuses to admit she cried upon seeing it
Kristal picked Aiden for DC2 specifically to spite the old hosts
Marcus, Emily, and Oliver made bets on who they think will win the all star season. Marcus bet on Hunter, Emily bet on Alec, and Oliver bet on Lake.
Derek knew Trevor liked him before Trevor knew Trevor liked him. He hasn't said anything bc he doesn't want to lose his best friend
Part of the reason Jake was so quick to distrust James and Aiden was because Jaiden ended up being more popular than Jam, and he took that personally
Despite never reaching out, Tom always kept up with Jake and Miriam's social medias. He bought tickets to see them when Miriam had a health scare, but was too afraid to follow through
Tom and Gabby met up a few times between seasons 1 and 3. He even helped her unpack after she moved
Before the interviews released, Ellie and Tom were on good terms for Gabby's sake. She tried to reach out afterwards to explain why she did the interviews, but he blocked her
When Fiore's parents found out she had an abnormally high IQ, they thought she was possessed and tried to exorcise her more than once
One of the nuns at Fiore's Catholic school helped her sign up for the show. If she got the money, she wanted to be legally emancipated from her family
Fiore was banned from watching DC2 because of the 'homosexuals' and thus, didn't know anything about any of the DC2 contestants going in
Fiore managed to get her hands on Lake's book and respects her for escaping
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