#but nausea and dizziness are not on the list of side effects that i was seeing so ?? 😭 maybe im just gods specialest little sufferer LMAO
piplupod ¡ 7 months
i think i potentially ate smth just now that potentially made me sick yesterday evening so fingers crossed that i dont end up down for the count for several hours again 👍 [family guy death pose]
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byanyan ¡ 10 months
staring off into the distance realizing that it's been a week since i jotted down notes for stuff i was excited to write and i've only written out, like. two of them.
3 notes ¡ View notes
apocalyptic-dancehall ¡ 2 years
reminds me! on my twt (which is quarter-dead and not worth following /srs) i've been poking at that horse (claptrap's middle name)
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writing-whump ¡ 28 days
The Breaking Point
Seline and Isaiah have a TALK. Some pain and breathing problems after heart surgery mentioned.
"Are you feeling nauseous?" Seline asked as she adjusted the pillow behind Isaiah's back on the couch.
"Uhm," was the elaborative answer. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.
She fought tooth and nail for Isaiah's release from the hospital once she was sure she understood everything the recovery phase would entail. Arguing with the doctors, telling the nurses that the hospital was too much of an incubator of germs in Isaiah's condition and that as a wolf, he would feel more comfortable with his pack and territory at home.
What she didn't expect was Isaiah shutting down. Wasn't it supposed to get easier instead of harder?
Isaiah's lips were pressed in a tight line and he was had that sickly paleness about him that made it hard to gauge his state. His cheeks were gaunt, he lost weight in that one week at the hospital, only on IVs.
Although he could handle food now, the long list of medications he was adjusting to - from beta-blockers to blood-thinners like warfarin to aspirin to help with blood clots - had the unnerving side-effect of causing nausea.
He could get nausous from not eating and from eating and not eating the right stuff. Honestly, she didn't know what issue to adress first.
But Isaiah just watched her sullenly, set on not revealing a single helpful detail. Jesus Christ. It was like a time loop, like they were not getting anywhere, not learning anything.
Matthew was still crouched down, unlacing Isaiah's shoes. Bending down was not recommended after the surgery. As was no heavy lifting. Or strenuous exercise.
The more she kept mentioning it, the more sullen and unreadable his expression became.
Seriously. How was she supposed to handle it, if he didn't voice his pain? What issues to talk over?
"You don't have to stay, you know?" He said suddenly, leaning his head back on the couch.
"Excuse me?" Seline stumbled down to the couch, not sure she heard right.
Isaiah's lips twisted, but he still glared up at the ceiling. "What, you think I wouldn't notice? You keep listing the medications and all my limits and things that make me fragile and sick or whatever, but you are so disgusted you can't even look at me."
Seline felt her mouth fall open in a little o. She threw a helpless look at Matt, but he just shrugged. Looking all the way like he just wanted to hide under the bed and wait for the storm to pass.
Her hands closed in the firsts on the armrests. "So that's what you think? That I'm disgusted with you?"
"Yeah. And I'm sorry for getting sick, I truly am," Isaiah said, nonchalantly daggering her heart, "I tried my best. I tried to get better, to be happy to compensate for the stress from the previous years. I thought it would go away on its own. I'm sorry I disappointed you-"
"No? Am I wrong?" Isaiah said in challange, finally lifting his head. His vibrant green eyes were shining feverishly. At the back of her mind it hit her with concern, since the doctors said he might sport a low-grade fever for an entire month after the surgery.
"I'm not disgusted with you," Seline said slowly, still stunned. "I'm angry with you, you moron!" She jumped to her feet, pacing around the room. From the corner of the eye she could see Matthew taking the pharmacy bag and slithering away to the kitchen with a flinch.
"I can't believe it! You don't even know what you have done!"
Isaiah frowned, a hand subconsciously curling around his chest like it hurt to breathe. "What I have done...?"
"You kept it a secret! You were in pain for months, dizzy, nausous, everything and you. Didn't. Tell. Me." Her voice jumped up an octave and she had to swallow down against the emotion tightening her throat. "You have any idea how that felt, standing in front of that doctor asking me how long your problems been going on and not being able to answer? I felt like an outsider in my own relationship!"
Isaiah looked dumbfounded, like that had never crossed his mind at all.
She whirled around, eyes wide, cheeks flushed. "And the worst part is, that I didn't notice myself. It was partly my fault, maybe even half of the whole thing. More than Matthew's even, because at least he noticed."
"That was an accident, I didn't want him to know either-"
"Did you choose me because of that? Because you knew I would be ignorant, that I live in my own world, in my books and studies and writing and wouldn't push you to handle the hard parts?" She ignored how her eyes burned, practically screaming now.
"What? No!" Isaiah struggled to sit up straight, even paler than before, almost like a wax figurine. He took a long, laborious breath, wincing as he exhaled.
Regret and guilt shot through her like an arrow. "Isaiah, let's- let's stop this. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have started this when you're still-"
"I- I was trying to spare you," he wheezed. "You think this is easy for me? That I wanted to be this pathetic, weak and pained in front of you?!"
Seline stopped in her tracks, amazed and reluctant all at once. That was the first time he had ever raised his voice at her. More like croaked, but it was there.
"I wanted to deal with this myself. It was my family, my past, my dad who messed me up like this-" he coughed, hand now pressed against the incision side of his chest. "You think I wanted this for you? A partner in life with thousand of issues? Who is a burden to you?"
Seline sat down on the sofa next to him, reaching out her hand towards his, but he shook her off.
"Don't you dare suggest it was your fault," his voice was a whisper, but cutting like a knife. "That it had anything to do with you. You did everything right. You are perfect, understanding, confident, brilliant, with a loving family and artistic passions and-" he coughed again, chest rattling painfully as he struggled in to get enough air.
"Okay, lean back, Isaiah, lean back a bit." She out another pillow behind his back to prop him up. "Deep breaths, you are alright."
Isaiah obeyed, closing his eyes. His breathing was still so chocked up.
"If it hurts, I can give you the nitroglycerin tablet. It melts under the tongue and should have an immediate effect." Seline’s hands trembled slightly as she rubbed Isaiah’s arm. "You can't stress yourself out like this."
"Just—just give me a minute," Isaiah said. He didn't turn her hand away this time, so she sat there unmoving, trying to gauge her intervention from the changing colours on his face.
When he breathed in with relief, though shoulders still tense, she let out a breath too. "Want some water? Painkillers?"
Isaiah gave a tiny shake of his head, a no. "I need you...to understand..."
"We are not talking about this right now," she said sternly.
"No...we..." He took her hand in hers then, entwining their fingers. "I was in...denial. I wanted it...to go away...if I was happy...shouldn't it? I thought it would get...better and you wouldn't have to..."
"Isaiah," she said in a small voice, brushing the black bangs out of his eyes. He got all sweaty in those last five minutes. "You are such a fool. You know how many points you have over me?"
Isaiah squinted his eyes open, rolling towards her tiredly. "Points...?"
Seline nodded. "I keep a score. All the things you do for me versus those that I can do for you. I started counting so it wouldn't be too uneven in your favour." She pushed a blond curl behind her ear self-consciously. "But it still is. You do so much for me, for Matt, for the packs, for anyone who asks for your help. I can never get anywhere close. 100 points is quite the headstart, isn't it?"
Isaiah frowned deeply, breathing shakily.
"So you don't have to worry about being a burden or that we are taking care of you. You have done so much for us, this is the least to repay you."
"That's not-"
"It's not the main reason," she leaned her forehead against his shoulder. Just a gentle touch, no real weight behind it. "I want to do this for you. I want to be there for you. To be able to." She looked down at their hands holding each other. "Why won't you let me in?" she whispered. "What am I doing wrong that you keep pushing me away?"
Isaiah tugged his hand out of her grasp, and her heart sank. For a moment, he just looked at her, his expression caught between pain and something else—fear, maybe. Then, before she could fully process the look in his eyes, he put both his arms around her, squeezing her against his chest so tightly it hurt. His feverishly warm lips brushed against her temple.
"I love you," he whispered.
Seline let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her arms wrapping around him in return. Something inside her heart clicked back into place. Warmth flooded her from her toes to the top of her head, mixing with the hurt, the tension, the love.
She sniffled and he winced, gently pushing her away just enough to see her face. The tears spilled over both her eyes at once, but she smiled at him. "So? How are you feeling?"
"Better than yesterday, worse than tomorrow," he said, bumping their noses together. "My chest hurts. And it's...hard to breathe still. Shooting up and over...to my arms, you know?"
She sighed in relief at the admission, her wet cheek pressed against his. "I got something for that."
32 notes ¡ View notes
how long can you stand the heat || ot7
Warnings: Uhhh, none I think? Non-graphical smut and slight angst, but that's pretty much it for now since I'm still crafting the next part, and some curse words lmao.
I won't control you, but MDNI. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: OT7/(F) Reader, Jackson Wang/(F) Reader
Plot: The one where your soulmates don't want you in their life, so you give them what they want and stay out of their way.
Genre: not really unrequited love (but they're all idiots), mutual pining, angst, denial of feelings, poly ot7
How do you think I'm going to get along
Without you when you're gone?
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own.
Are you happy? Are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat.
mixtape: all i have left to give - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ending 1
I originally posted this on ao3 last April but I've just recently thought, "why not post this on tumblr now that i'm using it again after a few years?"
this fic is v self-serving, and was brought to you by my ✨maladaptive daydreams✨
first fic i posted here. idek what im doing but lezzgawwww
Title obviously came from AOBTD. Thank you, Sir John Deacon. You are heaven-sent for making this iconic and legendary bop.
This will be a part of a multi-fic series and i've already crafted 80/90-ish% of the next part im so sorry my mind isn't cooperating rn
God must be testing your patience.
I mean sure, you might not also be sure that there is indeed a god out there somewhere. However, you must have pissed off some deity or you had pissed on some old man of the mound. Either way, you don't care. You're pissed off now, too.
You see when they rejected you and asked (read: avoided you like the plague until Sejin spoke with you) not to speak or interact with them, you respected their wishes. It stung, but it's not really surprising.
It's not a secret that the seven of them are soulmates, polyamorous soulbonds not even a rarity in and out of the industry. However, it's also not a secret that they're very exclusive and don't let too many (if any) other people in their circle because of the things they had to endure as a group. It makes sense that they wouldn't want a new person intruding and messing with their dynamics, soulmate or not.
(deep down you want to say it doesn't make sense. you're their soulmate, why can't they accept you like that? but there's still nothing you can do, isn't there?)
And so, you delegated all your tasks related to their group to your most trusted employees completely and avoided them at all costs. And by 'at all costs', you mean everything. You even deleted all their songs on your playlists and blocked them on social media (even on Spotify). You can co-exist with them without interacting, although it makes your chest ache through the bond because of the soul rejection like a 24/7 acid relapse.
It's fine. You can ignore all that. You can handle rejection. You've been used to this since you were a kid; adult you can handle this.
Soul rejection side effects? Nothing meds and doctors can't fix. Technology has never been more advanced and all that jazz.
You're a mature person, and you pride yourself on that. You don't like confrontations that much and would rather step back as much as you can to disengage. If your soulmates don't want anything to do with you, then you'll back off.
But you sometimes wonder if they can feel it too, the soul strings fraying and slowly decaying. After shit went down, it's bouts of nausea and dizziness, and constant chest aches for you. That's not even half of it. It'll take a whole day for you to list all your symptoms.
If they do feel it, does it add to their list of reasons why they hate your existence? You mean, they had been borderline antagonistic since your first meeting, cold but civil at best.
It was a contrast to the way the tiny soul marks on each of your fingers glowed on your first meeting even until after Taehyung and Yoongi fled in what you can guess is disbelief and refusal, the others following suit. The warmth in your hands felt scorching, and you had never wanted to scrub them with water in your life then more than you ever did, your chest beating hard and painfully. You remember feeling like someone slashed your insides with a hot knife, and it has never stopped being in pain ever since.
What else were you supposed to think other than they hate you?
Not wanting to risk another embarrassing conversation with Sejin (bless his heart), you decided to book an appointment and signed up for the relatively new soul-scraping therapy. It's still in its human trial stages and is slowly being recognized as a way of severing soul ties, albeit not approved and sanctioned by the government. Anything to give and honor their wishes. They're your soulmates, and it's innate in you to give people what they want.
(or was it really just that?)
All of that and everything else, you can take. You live and abide by your life motto to stay out of drama, so you take all of it in stride and with dignity because it's all you have left at this point when it comes to them.
This is where you got pissed off, though. This day takes the cake, this sodding party.
Attending the party was certainly not your idea. You're tired from the long-ass meetings you had today—JYP's team asked for a meeting for your agreement with Day6 since Sungjin got discharged a few months ago with Younghyun following suit in a few days. A party is definitely not on your to-do list. If it's up to you, you'll be going home to your phone and fics.
(and if they're bangtan fics, nobody has to know. this, you can let yourself have—you were advised against going cold turkey from them by the doctors handling the soul-scraping therapy, after all. if you can't have them, maybe you can at least indulge in fictional them.)
You have been minding your own business since you arrived at the bar. It's laughable how socially inept you are despite handling your business and meeting the entertainment industry's biggest names and leaders regularly. When being put in parties and other gigs that force you to socialize just for the sake of socializing, you're back to being the fat loser kid that avoided making new friends because the ones you previously had in childhood (if you can really call them that) can't understand how your brain and mouth work. Frankly, you don't, too, so you just preferred to stay in one corner until it's socially acceptable to go home.
"Hey." Jackson squeezes your hand in his and smiles worriedly at you. "You doing okay?"
Jackson had been a long-time friend and is someone you trust your whole life with. Jackson had seen you through your bests and worsts, but had never once turned his back on you or betrayed you as many people did.
Yeah, you would trust him with your whole life. Your panties too, but don't tell him that.
(there's no need to because he knows; he did lots of times before, with his face between your thighs and your undies in his pocket.)
"I'm good." You don't even bother smiling, knowing it won't convince him too much. He knows your stand on parties; you're his polar opposite, after all. "I just really wanna go home."
"Can I come with?" he asks with a salacious smile.
You roll your eyes.
"Stop being horny for five minutes, please."
"You shouldn't have worn that dress, then." He rakes you with an assessing look. "On second thought, that's the best decision you did tonight so far. If you're not going home with anyone tonight, my room's open."
"You up to be my wingman?" you ask.
"Sure. I'll sit with you all night so we can look like a swinger couple scouting for a third we can take home." He waggles his eyebrows.
You snort at that with an amused chuckle, oblivious to the glare(s) directed your way by—who else?—your soulmates.
They (Taehyung) heard from Manager Sejin and Noona Ae-cha that you're not sure if you can come. They didn't know why the two were talking about you, but Taehyung tried to act immersed in his phone while eavesdropping.
Apparently, you had been stuck in the boardroom almost all day with the back-to-back meetings, and you even had to cancel your doctor's appointment. For what the appointment is for, he didn't know. It explains your absence that day, and he files the information away at the back of his head. He can't for the life of him understand why he can't stop trying to spot crumbs about you.
(he does know, but he's in denial about why—and he'll deny both.)
He then told his hyungs and Jungkook, which they just nodded at, seemingly uninterested. But if Namjoon's faraway serious look at times is anything to go by or the way Jimin picks at the skin on his lips as he's lost in thought, he's pretty sure they are also subtly trying to figure out if you're coming.
(but they'll all deny that if asked.)
They haven't seen you that much since they started actively avoiding you months ago and shut down whatever soul link you have with them, and you are damn good at trying to stay out of their way.
It surprised them, they're not gonna lie. They expected you to put up a fight, but all Manager Sejin told them was that you agreed. You never interacted with them ever since unless it was really needed, and you were always wearing your rings and not making unnecessary eye contact even once.
(and that somehow pisses them off and itches under their skin because how dare you not be interested?)
And now you've been here for the past hour or so, Jackson Wang in tow. Or rather, Jackson has his arms alternately snaked around yours or slung around your shoulders. It makes Jackson look like a frat douchebag.
(and it makes taehyung look jealous and interested in you which he is so not, no.)
Hoseok was the first one to spot you arriving, Another One Bites The Dust thumping through the dancefloor that was bathed in red lights. He nudges Namjoon from his seat in their secluded and swanky VIP room that was separated one floor above the bar proper.
"There she is", he says then, gesturing towards you as all seven pairs of eyes land on you as you enter with Jackson. "She's with Wang."
With varying levels of internal turmoil, they all watch as Jackson led you through the throngs of people, presumably to another room like theirs. They see you shake your head and point to the bar, and Jackson's face light up with a wide smile before redirecting your steps.
Yoongi asks himself why you have to wear that dress or why Jackson has to clutch at your hands like a little kid, the others having a similar train of thought. Does Jackson think he's going to be lost in this bar? Is he that plain stupid to be lost in this bar, really?
And why are you letting him?
Jimin tries not to let his eyes wander on your legs, tries not to let his mind wander back to the thought of being choked by your thick supple legs and ripping that off-shoulder dress off you and—
Oh. Woah, there.
Stop it! he thinks to himself and shakes his head.
(this is not the first time he's thought of this, darling. when he first saw those smooth and lovely-looking plump thighs, he knows he was fucked.)
Jin is no better, but he hides it better than the others. After all, it was not his idea to shut you out like that. He was opposed to it and tried to talk some sense into the others, but they didn't listen. He thought back then that Namjoon would at least be reasonable and give you a shot but nooo, the kid was stupid enough to listen to others.
Let them have what they want, then.
(he can feel the pit and longing in his chest some nights and thinks that maybe he can let the others do what they want but still do what he wants too. but he takes a look at the six men who had been there for him through thick and thin, and he can't lose them. he sends you an apology mentally, hoping you can at least feel it through the bond.)
"Calm down," Jin tells them levelly, trying to pry the glass off Namjoon's hand, lest he crushes it and injures himself. "You're crushing the poor thing, Joonie. Don't wanna end up in the ER, do you?"
Jackson's the one to end up in the ER if he doesn't unwrap his arms from your shoulders, that's who, Namjoon thinks to himself bitterly before he can stop himself.
Jin leans back on his seat and watches as you laugh with Jackson, arms slung around your shoulders as the latter listens to you talk. They all wouldn't have to seethe in barely contained anger if they just listened to him though, so who's at fault here?
Aish, these brats.
"I'm going to get more drinks," Jungkook suddenly says, disentangling himself from Taehyung fluidly.
"You can just ask them," Namjoon says, pointing towards the glass doors where their security detail is posed out of the room. "There's no need to go out."
"I'm going to get more drinks," Jungkook repeats firmly, ignoring him. Namjoon's jaw clenches. "Come help me, Jin-hyung?"
Ah, this conniving brat. Jin wants to kiss his pouty lips for this.
"Sure," Jin says easily, much to Namjoon's annoyance. He pats Namjoon's cheeks gently. "No breaking the glass, Joon-ah. We have a photoshoot tomorrow."
He pulls Jungkook out of the room before any of them can disagree further. He loops his arm around Jungkook's petite waist, nodding once to the man stationed at the door.
"You're not just getting drinks at you, aren't you?" Jin asks as they descend the steps.
"I don't know what you're talking about, hyung." Jungkook's smile is sharp. "I just don't wanna get roofied and end up on the tabloids tomorrow, is all."
"You don't have to lie to me," Jin says, kissing his hair. "I wanna see her, too."
Jungkook's smile turns sad at that.
"I just don't understand. [Name]-noona seems like a nice person. They're all being stupid."
Jin has to agree. "But you know why we have to, right? I don't like it, too, but we have no choice."
"But we do!" Jungkook insists. "We can be friends, even."
"Friends don't fuck friends." Jungkook snorts at that. "There's nothing 'friends' about wanting her with us, Jungkook."
"Friends don't fuck friends, my ass," Jungkook mumble mockingly. "That didn't stop Jackson-hyung at all."
Jin stops momentarily, pulling Jungkook to a stop. "Excuse me?"
"They were having sex last week, hyung. When Jackson-hyung came over last Wednesday."
"Was that why...?"
"Yeah." Jungkook takes his hand as they walk again. "I felt it through the strings, too."
Jungkook is suspiciously not meeting his eyes.
"What?" he asks innocently. Jin's lips pull into a smirk.
"You naughty cat!"
"I—what? No!" but Jungkook is still not meeting his eyes. "I didn't watch them."
Jin gasps delightedly.
"This is so much better. I didn't even say anything yet!"
Ah, fuck.
In Jungkook's defense, he hadn't meant to listen in. But he had been on his way back to the practice room from relieving his screaming bladder when he heard it. The warmth and arousal that was definitely not his he had been ignoring since that lunchtime was not helping his curiosity.
"Ah!" And oh shit, it's someone moaning and it's you.
That explains the arousal he's been feeling. Oh, and the jealousy now (his), too.
"Yeah?" A deeper voice asked breathlessly. Another punched-out moan from you, and the arousal flares in his chest.
Yup. It's definitely his this time.
"Jackson, please," your equally breathless voice pleaded, and the sound shot to his cock. Jungkook had to stop his hand from going south inside his pants and boxers.
A delighted shriek and breathless laugh, followed by a staccato of 'ah ah ah's and hips slapping against each other punctuated the otherwise silent afternoon he was having.
And what would a self-respecting man do?
Stay and listen to you get railed six ways to Sunday, was what he did.
(jungkook didn't say he's a self-respecting man.)
Jungkook slipped his hand inside his pants and boxers and wrapped his hand around his aching cock. He almost moaned at how your moans quickly reached a whole other level of desperation. He wondered and tried to imagine how you would feel around him if he fucked you harder and deeper than Jackson possibly can.
He knows he can.
"Hands, Jackson." There was a chuckle, then your whine was heard. "Baobei, please."
Jungkook heard Jackson's sharp intake of breath, and he had to internally agree. Even speaking Mandarin, you sound so hot.
He heard you mewl with a choked giggle as the sounds of hips to hips got faster.
"You really like my hands, huh?" Jackson asked.
"Mhm. Want them wrapped around my—ah!—neck all the time."
Jungkook had to bite onto his hands as he came, so as not to give his position away, cock spurting on his hands,. Seconds later and he heard you cry out and Jackson grunt to completion.
So, no. He definitely didn't watch.
"You nasty, nasty boy!" Jin cackles at him and he wants to pout. "You listened in to them having sex?!"
"Hyung!" Jungkook hisses. "Not too loud."
Jin snickers at him, mouth pulled in a tempting smirk he wants to kiss. "Was it good?"
"Hyung," he whines. At Jin's unfaltering smirk, he sighs. "It was. She sounds so good, hyung. I can't take it off my mind."
"Maybe later, we can do something about that." Jin says with a low hum.
He peers at Jin's eyes and almost shudders at the dark and hungry look in them. Jin squeezes his waist, and it takes Jungkook's breath away.
In his silence, Jin nods with a hum.
"Hm, definitely later."
He won't say no to that. If they can't have you, Jungkook's gonna take what he can get, even if it means settling on replaying your moans in his head.
When they reach the bar, you are still sitting at the other end with Jackson. They are careful not to be seen by you or you'll probably leave like you always do when they get within your 10-foot vicinity.
Then Jackson puts his hand on your slightly exposed leg. He feels the others' jealousy through the bond first before he feels his own, and he sees you stiffen in your seat.
Jungkook quickly looks away, but not before Jackson catches his gaze. He completely misses the way Jackson's mouth pulls into a quick smirk as their drinks are thankfully served at that exact moment.
"Wanna head back to your place?"
You're unexpectedly suddenly close, and it's like Jackson wants him and Jin to hear to rile them up. It works, and he can barely tamp down the urge to pour the drinks over Jackson's big head, being older be damned.
"Sure. I'll just swing by the restroom." You say as you walk away. Jin and Jungkook take that as their cue to go back to their ritzy room.
"That was short," Jin says tightly as they go back. "Was it you?"
Jungkook shakes his head.
Jin's lips quirk into an amused smile.
"Ah, jealous bastards."
"Weren't you too, though?" Jungkook asks with a slightly amused smile of his own. "That was... that was intense."
"That serves them," Jin says as they near the room. "If they weren't just pigheaded, it's my shoulders her legs are gonna be hanging from later."
"Jin-hyung!" Jungkoo huffs, but then deflates. "Yeah."
"Don't worry, we still have later," Jin says with a lascivious smirk.
And he can't complain about that, can he?
"Where's Tae-hyung?" he asks when they enter the room, Taehyung nowhere in sight.
"Went out. Didn't say where." Hoseok says as he accepts their drinks and puts the tray on the table. It takes a few seconds for him to piece it all together, and he mentally facepalms.
"Whatever happened to 'not giving a fuck' about [Name]?" he mumbles.
"Jungkook," Namjoon warns.
It sets him off.
"What? Are you all really going to keep on pretending? You do realize I felt that back there too, right?" he shoots back.
"So the drinks were just a ruse?" Namjoon's face is stormy.
Jungkook holds his gaze steady. "And what if it was? You all know what I felt about this since day one."
"Kook-ah." It's Jimin this time. "Not now, please."
"And when, hyung? When we go back to just pretending an eighth of our soul doesn't exist out there?"
He glares at Yoongi. "No, hyung. If you all want to be stupid, I don't! [Name]-noona is going through therapy because of this, don't you know?"
Yoongi scoffs. "She's a big girl, she can handle herself."
"Not soul-scraping therapy, she won't."
They all stop at that. Even Jungkook stops and internally curses.
Fuck, he wasn't supposed to say that.
"What did you say?" Namjoon's voice takes on a dangerous tone.
He huffs but stays silent, not really wanting to dig a deeper hole for himself.
"I talked to Jiho-hyung, okay? I bumped into him five months ago when he visited her."
"Im Jiho?" At Jungkook's nod, Namjoon's frown deepened. "I didn't know he practices soul-scraping."
"He's co-authoring the soul-scraping study with Doctor Seong."
At the mention of one of their previous soul health doctors, Yoongi raises his eyebrows.
"Our Doctor Seong?"
Jungkook nods with a sigh, plopping down beside Hoseok. "Apparently, it's why he stopped private practice—to focus on the studies. They're also lobbying for fully legalizing soul-scraping in the Assembly. I ran into him, and he mentioned that he was there for noona's side effects from the therapy."
Side effects?
"W-wait. Five months, you said?" Jin says with a tremble in his voice. "Is that why I can barely feel her anymore?"
Jungkook's sigh is pained, forlorn. "Apparently, yeah."
They all lapse in complete silence after that, the thumping of the beat on the dancefloor faint through the walls.
It is then that Taehyung comes back. He takes one look at their varying degrees of solemn and stunned expressions and tilts his head.
"What? What happened?" he asks.
Taehyung's eyes widen before his expression smooths into indifference.
"I told you, I'm no—"
"That's not it," Jimin says softly. "She's in soul-scraping therapy, Taehyung-ah."
(oh, lord. you don't know the turmoil you caused all these pining idiots, darling.)
And what about you?
As we said in the beginning, god must be testing your patience.
"Hey," Jackson says softly. He lifts your chin with a gentle smile long after Taehyung fucked off to god knows where. "You good, baobei?"
You didn't even know they were here. You were vaguely aware that yeah, they might be, but it totally slipped your mind. Meetings really did drain your brain.
When you stood up and went to the restroom while Jackson called for the driver, you didn't know that Taehyung was watching you from their room and completely high-tailed it from there just to intercept you when he saw you stand up from the corner of the bar. You didn't know why, but his stupid drunken ass just decided it wanted and it was a good idea to rile you up.
To piss you off is why, you think.
When you exited the ladies' room, Taehyung was standing there by the wall looking lethal. The ache in your chest flared up for two different reasons, but you ignored it. You ignored him and started walking away, pretending you didn't see him.
"So you're really here."
You continued ignoring him and walked on, but he didn't let you get far.
He grabs your wrist. "I said, you're really here."
The spot where he held you burned and you hissed, cursing the therapy's side effects. You were warned that coming in contact skin-to-skin with your soulmates while undergoing the therapy would feel painful (literally), but you didn't heed it then. You had no reason to touch them after all when they didn't even want to see you.
But it is painful, and it burns.
You yanked your wrist away, hiding your wrist behind your back. There's no need for that, though. Taehyung was looking at your face intently.
"Yes, and I was just leaving. See you around, T—"
"With Jackson?"
What's it with this guy?
You looked back at him and squared your shoulders up. "That's really none of your business, Taehyung."
He laughed with a sneer, shaking his head.
"What would people say if they knew you're off gallivanting with men who aren't your soulmate?"
The nerve of this asshole.
You can't let him see it affect you though, so you tilt your head with an innocent smile.
"I'm just a nobody. Why would they talk about me? " You smirked in amusement. "I don't think it'll be me they will talk about since I wasn't the one who rejected my soulmate, was I?"
And oh, shit. Where did that come from, [Name]? Feisty.
"And I'm not doing anything illegal. Why should I be scared?" You slightly lean back and tilt your chin up. "I'm not the one between us with a reputation to uphold, a name I should protect."
You paused, a serene smile on your face.
"I'm not a coward. I'm not you, Taehyung"
The smirk on his lips was replaced with a sharp look of disdain, almost like he wants to slap the smile off your face.
(he wants to, darling. trust me. just not in the way you think.)
You knew you hit a nerve and it feels petty and mean, but it's nothing compared to the loneliness and pain they gave you these past few months. It felt satisfying, even if for just a bit.
"You really think you're all that, don't you?" He smiled almost mockingly. "Tell me, how does it feel to be rejected?"
That really stung and angered you, but you've spent all your life hiding your emotions when needed to. Your expression didn't falter.
"It feels good—"
"—because she dodged a bullet."
You internally sighed in relief as Jackson's voice float behind you. You'll forever be thankful for this man's existence, gods or not.
You melt in his arms when he wrapped them around your waist. You chanced a look at Jackson, not seeing the twitch on Taehyung's brows at your body language.
"You really think you're all that, don't you?" Jackson mocked back at him. "Imagine thinking it's the end of the world for your soulmate just because you shut down their bond." Jackson chuckled ruthlessly.
"You're pathetic, Taehyung-ssi."
The two were locked in a glowering match before Taehyung straightened up and spun on his heel without a word.
Jackson let you get your bearings by the wall of the hallway to the ladies' room in silence. But he didn't let you stew in your thoughts for long.
So now here you are, looking at his gentle eyes.
"You good, baobei?"
You don't know how to answer that really, so you pull him by the collar into a searing kiss.
He puts his hand on your waist, the other on the wall by your face, and you tighten your hold on his collar.
You pull away to gasp for air.
"Take me home," you exhale heavily as you lean your head on his shoulder. "Take me home and fuck me 'til I forget, or I might do something stupid."
Jackson's sharp intake of air is your answer before he pulls you away to your awaiting car outside the club.
feedback (constructive, please don't be too rude bc i'll cry) and kudos very much appreciated!
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thehellsystem ¡ 9 months
I've been noticing a lot of misinformation about visual snow syndrome (vss) around Tumblr/TikTok so I wanted to compile a more accurate list of symptoms and other things related to it. I'm not a doctor or studying it in any degree, but I've been diagnosed with visual snow syndrome since I was around thirteen and the process was so filled with medical abuse that it makes me genuinely upset to people spread misinfo about it.
The first thing I want to address is what most people think of when they think of visual snow syndrome: visual snow. Despite popular belief, this is not the only symptom of the disorder. Saying you have vss because you see visual snow is inherently wrong and you need to further educate yourself. The way most images present it is as this:
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However, this is incorrect. The static rarely presents itself as still and "normal" as this. It will move around, there will be flashing colors, and everything will appear more saturated, as pictured below.
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Because of the flashing lights, movement, and saturation that comes with visual snow syndrome, it can result in chronic migraines, eyestrain, and anxiety. Some people with visual snow syndrome have side effects of depression, but this is more rare. The issue arises when Tumblr or TikTok dumb it down to "Static vision disorder! I have visual snow because I see it in the dark!" Seeing visual snow in the dark is very average, as our eyes are not built to see in full darkness. If you look directly into the sun and your eyes hurt, do you ask yourself if this is because your body has something wrong with it and not because you weren't intended to look directly at the sun? VSS can result in: - Seeing "snow/static" even when your eyes are closed or when it is dark, potentially getting worse when it is dark, sunny, or you're in artifical lighting. - Seeing objects after you've looked away from them (palinopsia) - Being sensitive to light - Having difficulty seeing at night - Seeing images with your eyes closed - Tinnitus - Feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable - Brain fog or trouble concentrating - Insomnia - Migraines with aura - Dizziness or nausea - Depersonalization - Vertigo (Via Cleveland Clinic)
None of these symptoms are a fun trend. I'm chronically disabled because of my vss and experience chronic migraines. There is very little research being done on it, so having a diagnosis rarely results in benefits. Many people idagnosed with visual snow are told that it will "go away" but it is just as likely that it will worsen or not go away at all. The disorder isn't simply "Seeing snow" or "Seeing snow and migraines" it's many, many other things with a history of medical neglect behind them. Please research further into the disorder: Self-diagnosis is great for people who can't advocate for their own diagnosis, or simply don't want one, but with proper research. It will only hurt people with this disability if others continue to act like experts on it with little to no research.
enjoy my super radical post
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scratchandplaster ¡ 1 year
Aftermath of Drugging
CW: discussions of non-con drugging, spiking food, medical whump, overdosing, drug abuse, addiction, death, brief BBU-mention
Using drugs as a whump method is pretty common, and rightly so! As one of my favorite tropes, it was interesting to think about how they could affect the Whumpee after the act itself, be it physical or mental.
That's why I made a little compilation (for me and you), if you feel like agonizing your Whumpee even further. There are also some examples in between, for your entertainment!
The research is mostly relating to any downers, meaning any drug that makes you calm or fall asleep, so anesthetics, hypnotics or sedatives. Examples include ketamine, Rohypnol, GBL, propofol and heroin.
Uppers on the other hand have the opposite effect in stimulating the human nervous system. Some of the effects that are noted below are applicable to both kinds of drugs, but keep in mind that stimulants are more of an afterthought in this list. I'm going to recap the effects of both at the end.
I'm not a pharmacist by any means, but as far as reliable research for creative writing goes, this should suffice. No one is going to fact-check your whump fic, bestie 🤍
By method:
Ingestion (forcing them to take pills, spiking their food)
→ General indigestion, nausea, dry mouth
Injections via syringe or continuous administration through an IV drip (e.g. in medical settings)
-> Swelling/tenderness/infection/bruising of the injection side
-> High fever (even days after the injection)
→ Anaphylaxis: skin rash, chest tightness, dizziness, nausea, facial swelling
Anaphylaxis is an all-body allergic reaction that can cause mild to severe and even deadly symptoms (shock or coma). It can escalate and should be immediately treated with a shot of adrenaline. This kind of reaction could be detrimental to Whumper's plans, especially if they intend to keep Whumpee alive for the foreseeable future. So it would be helpful for them to always carry an EpiPen, just in case...
Inhalation (gas or liquid)
→ High risk of choking and (sleep) apnea
-> Irritation of throat, nose and eyes
-> Throat spasms (Laryngospasm)
Includes coughing, difficulty breathing/speaking and the feeling of suffocation. Even though this kind of spasm fades away pretty quickly, they cause severe stress and panic to the aggrieved party, even leading up to lose consciousness again.
Physical side effects:
-> Drowsiness/tiredness, headaches/migraines, tinnitus
-> Dry mouth/throat or excessive drooling
-> Dilated pupils (causing Whumpee to be light-sensitive)
-> Slurred speech
-> Skin rash, itching, hives
-> decreased/increased appetite (give them a little snack...or not)
Motor skills:
-> Muscle relaxation, ataxia (lack of movement control), general weakness
-> Poor coordination
-> Tremors, cramps, spasms
-> Numbness, paralysis of the body or extremities (a local anesthetic would also do that trick)
Vegetative effects:
-> PONV: nausea, vomiting, retching
-> Cold shivers or hot flashes, acute sweating
-> Arrhythmia, low blood pressure and heart rate
-> Labored breathing
-> Vertigo
The physical consequences alone can make the wake-up process a living nightmare for Whumpee. Any after-effects that inhibit them from just getting up and escape are probably the worst in such a situation, making them weak and useless even if no restraints are involved. Imagine Whumpee just breathing heavily and quivering with cold shivers on a basement floor, unable to shake this uncomfortable feeling off. Their whole system is just trying to get the drugs out, but doing more damage than intended. Numb to the world around them, not even feeling if they are hurt or wounded. Or imagine the complete opposite: Them being able to get up and stumble to the exit, only to be overwhelmed by intense dizziness and collapsing back onto their knees. All the while Whumper watches, of course 👀
Did Whumpee eat beforehand?
Prior to any anesthesia, the person has to fast for at least six hours beforehand. Because Whumpees rarely plan their own kidnapping or non-con high, Whumper should wait for the right moment to get it done. Otherwise, they're risking aspiration or choking and therefore dangerous lung damage up to death; surely the most undesired outcome. Who would have thought that drug abuse can be dangerous...
Impure compounds? In my illegal drugs!?!
If your Whumper's stash really was cut with popular diluents e.g. other medication or lactose, the risks are surprisingly low. The threat of overdosing still comes from the main drug agent. However, mixing downers and uppers to cancel each other out can lead to a dangerous cycle, which amplifies the side effects and increases the risk to OD.
Mental side effects:
-> Nightmares, paranoia around food/drinks
-> Depression, anxiety, self-loathing (e.g. for not being careful enough)
-> Psychosis, hallucinations (optic, acoustic, in terms of taste etc.)
-> Dissociation, confusion, disorientation
-> Insomnia
-> Reduced anxiety or inhibitions
Now instead of being afraid, Whumpee could go batshit crazy and make fun of Whumper; spitting, biting and insulting their aggressor. An outburst they will probably regret later, when they're calm again and sober enough to understand the damage they have caused themself.
-> Memory loss/amnesia
Cue intimate Whumper, who just plays the part of a worried friend while keeping their love safe and controlled. Vague recollections of past abuse? No, just take another sip from your tea, it's alright... One could use drugs as a mean of removing memories altogether, I think in the BBU the "drip" is used to erase the whole personality of the Whumpee, making them a blank slate to train however one would like.
-> minutes or even days after the initial drugging
-> extreme anxiety up to paranoia
-> nausea, vomiting, indigestion
-> muscle aches
-> flu symptoms like a runny nose, sweating and fever
Depending on the kind of drug and how often it is used, withdrawal can start after just one dosage. "Not even once"-drugs include meth, heroin and crack cocaine. Also, barbiturates have a high risk of dependence. Speaking of it...⬇
Addiction as a long term effect:
-> Organ damage especially of the brain, liver, kidneys and the diseases that follow (including cancer, short weight, heart failure)
-> Loss of interests, behavior/personality change
-> Selling all valuables and ending up in poverty
-> Aggression/violent behavior
-> Shame and guilt
Isolated, financially and mentally unstable, Whumpee's life had been ruined with just a single act. Even Caretaker turned their back on their former friend. But Whumper would love to help Whumpee become sober again, under just a few conditions. On the other side of the spectrum: a Whumpee who finally managed to escape and take revenge on their abuser, they slowly but surely make Whumper ruin themself through their newly developed little habit...
To sum up:
Downers (decrease bodily functions and calm you down)
→ Unconsciousness, weakness, distortion of perception, failure of motor functions, coma
-> Common examples: Xanax, ketamine, propofol
Uppers (stimulate bodily functions and mood)
-> reduced inhibitions, more prone to hallucinations, psychosis, seizures, serotonin syndrome (high heart rate, sweating, twitching, mania)
-> Common examples: meth, ecstasy, cocaine
Bonus: How to store your Whumpee!
The immediate consequence of drugging someone is to figure out how to keep them. Get them secluded and ready for whumping:
-> In the backseat, foot space or trunk of a car (use an ambulance, it's inconspicuous)
-> You know these roof boxes people strap on top of their car? Stuff ´em in there!
-> Put them in a box and ship them overseas
-> Basements are classics, but try the attic for a change
-> Just use a coffin, combined with an old hearse nobody is going to notice
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterpost]
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m1ckeyb3rry ¡ 1 month
PSYCHIC DAMAGE LMFAOOOP omg…now I’m shaking just thinking of the wc HAHAHA I’ll start mentally preparing…
OK DID YOU READ THE CH???? ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OFF THE LIST?? I’m strike throughing this to make it harder to read at first glance in case you haven’t read yet We literally said tabieita best duo because they’re mature enough and confident enough alone which allows them to duo without dependence THAT WAS LITERALLY LIKE HALF THE CH????
Yuki third wheel friend…yuki the “walk behind the duo on the sidewalk” third friend….tbh I think the person I’ve seen him with the most is actually Isagi??? From his little tantrum/rivalry moment….no ykw you’re so right we claim yuki!!
LMAOOOOOOO I’m crying this is so true to their dynamic and I love it sm….barou nagi honestly another iconic duo I can imagine Barou being like “you better stand six feet away from my ball at all times”…
STOP WAIT THATS GENIUS Barou one of the girls HAHAHA that’s so real though!! It kinda reminds me about how Kunigami was canonically like that before bllk because he hung around his sisters a lot!! IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF LAUGHING “y/n l/n is a lovely girl who can really keep a house clean. any man would be lucky to have her” GOODBYE the duo wingman plus imposter wingman dynamic im so living for this….
OOOH NICE!! Except for the knocked out part LOL I feel like I’ve heard that they have that effect…but fr!!! I have no idea how it’d work exactly but you could also maybe consider taking a smaller dosage to see if it’s enough to keep the nausea under control without glueing your eyes shut….that’s sometimes what I do with allergy meds LOL
PARAGLIDING omgggg HAVE FUN!!!! I can def imagine how it’d seem intimidating but I bet you’ll have a lot of fun once you’re in the air!! Just channel your inner crow HAHA THE EMO MOMENT LMAOO BUT DONT LOOK OUT THE WINDOW /hj I feel like seeing the scenery and other cars move from the side perspective makes that dizzy feeling worse…..could be different for you though but that’s what I’ve noticed!
REAL lowk I wonder if it’s maybe more of a he doesn’t actually know what loneliness is because he’s been left alone all his life kind of thing….but anyways…..
-Karasu anon
YOU SHOULD BE SCARED 😈 or alternatively grateful HAHA looking back at that 6-9k word count estimate is cracking me up because this one is making the otoya version look short 😭
I DID READ IT FINALLY AND OMG WHEN NAGI CALLED THEM A MATURE PARTNERSHIP I WAS LIKE ??? why is bro reading the tumblr convos that’s word for word what we said in the past 😟 also wait this is cracking me up…
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CANNOT believe we have a canon panel of hollyhock sengoku era otoya now ⁉️ pov bro on his way to chill in y/n’s room instead of actually trying to find and kill reiji hiiragi as he was hired to 🤫
i do think i’ve seen him with isagi the most also because of the mancity match but tbh isagi has so many more relevant duos (rin, bachira, barou, even hiori and nagi) that it feels very very one sided?? i wish yuki and kuni or yuki and reo would become a duo because i think he would work w either of them really well!! technically reo and nagi are already a thing but it could be a way to break them up and let them find new friends and partners that push them more!! and kunigami + chigiri is also a thing but chigiri is so chill w everyone that i could see kuni and yuki being like a secondary duo the way isagi and hiori are
BAROUNAGI MY FAVS IN EVERY WAY!! truly they have the relationship rin and sae could have if they were just a tiny bit more normal abt things/their rivalry (but you didn’t hear that from me 😶‍🌫️) and LMAOO omg wait lowkey if only kunigami wasn’t busy in wildcard he would also be a hilarious prospect for that kind of thing 😭 barou gives me such one of the girls vibes though like i bet he’d let his gf braid his hair and whatnot…the SECOND one of the bllk boys says smth he tweaks heavy but he won’t take them out even if they’re shit because like his girl worked hard on them 🙁 LMAOOO the yuki barou team up would be wild especially when karasu is actively working against them 😰 and nagi is also just there for some reason too??? i think it would be funny if he gets dragged into things as a repeated bystander and eventually he gets super invested because it’s like an episode of a drama for him but irl 😭 so he somehow knows everything going on but refuses to intervene on either side (which pisses barou off) because he exclusively wants the tea and doesn’t really care how things end up 😩 he’ll randomly drop hints to move the plot along when it’s getting boring though but they’re cryptic enough that they end up causing more chaos than anything…like “karasu i heard y/n likes tall dark haired soccer players” “SHE LIKES ARYU???”
unfortunately i was knocked out on just half of a pill 😩 and paragliding was super super cool + not scary at all but i DID throw up into a little plastic baggie like 5 or 6 times and was nauseous/dizzy soooo would not repeat that experience 😓 but honestly i’m still glad i did it because it was so fun besides the vomiting and such a unique experience!! truly felt like a little bird hahaha…apparently nausea and motion sickness are a symptom of my birth control so once i’m back home i’m going to call the doctor and see if they have any tips!! for now we must endure i suppose 😔
truly i don’t think nagi understands human connection or loneliness or anything like that too well so he’s fine living without actual relationships because you can’t miss what you don’t know 🙁💔 but honestly he seems like he would’ve been very loving if he was raised normally?? like despite what everyone thinks he’s pretty loyal to reo and treats choki so nicely that if he had had a proper upbringing he probably would’ve been such a good friend/significant other 😪 that’s just my headcanon though until we get his actual backstory (like his childhood not just right before bllk) and see what things were like…adding this to the manifestation circle because i NEED to see baby nagi!! i bet he was soooo cute (and also i need to know if he escaped the bowl cut allegations 😭 his hair is wavyish so i think he must be safe?? but you never know)
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dynamic-k ¡ 2 months
hi i unfortunately lost my question list in all the tissue and random paper from doodling in online lessons-
devastated rn
wait i didnt know tumblr dark mode existed
wot it took moving an entire country away for dis??? /j /silly /not-srs
Okayyyyyyyyy... This is for Super Sticks by the way!
Would Purple be able to fly from tech or powers? If tech, would it be from King or RGBY?
but also i thought all of RGBY were going to be able to fly????
Would RGBY have similar fighting styles like in AVM?
Like- would Green use the fishing rod and tend to move around in battle a lot? Would Red use his animals?? WAIT THE BEE CREEPER- ...seconds eel???? sorry im still holding onto that idea i will sell my soul for it- Would Blue continue chugging drugs? ...does Yellow get a staff?
Hold up does King even make his staff?
I'm going to say that's enough questions for today :D
Forgot to mention, I'm back i guess. So uh- Hello! havent been here for a while ;-;
Have a great week in case I dont ask another question in that time!
NOOOO THE LOST NOTESSS :O U n U I despise it so much when that happens siergwgjwjeoqele
You have an incredible tendency to ask just the right questions at the right time, right at the moment I happen to be thinking and brainrotting about it- XD
Alright- So-
Since I did kinda already share --in that other post-- a light basis of what the CG in Super Sticks would be able to do, you know... I might as well elaborate a bit, yeah? XD
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Top secret paper, there you go, have fun reading through the blur.
okay okay
I'm not thaaatt mean- XD
I know what is written there and I'm still having difficulty- XD
[I can catch "All have wings", and everyone's names..]
Anyway- Uhmmm
Blue gets illusionary tech [hologram projection stuff, teehee] and leaping armor to jump significantly higher and farther than normal. [+wings]
Red gets flash teleporting; armor that temporarily can alter his very code to move it short distances away, and multiple burst teleports can be done in short succession of each other. Plus extra strength in the form of power punching armor-ey gloves. [+wings] (He does get ahold of dizzy suppressants later to aid with the occasional nausea side effects).
Yellow gets hard light properties: Can create hover platforms, a sword, shielding, and hard light ammo that he can fling fast and far distances. It requires a very powerful source of energy to function, which ends up being a gem in a garage sale that will be found and utilized at one point in the near future. It looked like a lamp decoration jewel and was sold cheaply. Yellow also gets cool googles with many different functions. [+wings]
Green gets durable, very long, coils of string stored in dual arm guns. There are capped sticky ends so when he shoots the string out, the rounded end will catch ahold of a surface and like a grappling hook he can climb and latch onto things. He also gets coded blades on the same arm guns. He cannot use the shooting string and the blade at the same time, they are only interchangeable since both are stored and swappable in the same gun. He may use one gun for shooting string and the other to hold a blade, however. [+wings]
The entire point was to give each quadruplet a main weapon, obviously a set of wings, and then a backup mode of transportation as a fail-safe in case there is wing malfunctions or failures.
These powers may be altered slightly as I get closer to the point of the plot where it is officially stated and explained..? Perhaps? But this is what I have come up with for now. :D
I also want to play on the Team Effort part of the Color Gang's journey in putting together their upgrade costumes.
Blue in his mini-bedroom laboratory, crafting dizzy suppressants for Red. Someone besides Yellow locating that garage sale gem that powers the hard light tech.
Everyone gets a major opportunity to assist in the full-scale construction of their hero-ing equipment.
It's not all just "Yellow builds everything and his siblings kinda assist him", no. They really work together to bring Second's birthday gift to its completion.
I can't share everything that happens, but this is where you can expect the story to go. :D
Now Purple-y Wurple-y over here, is gonna be a surprise. >:3
You needa wait and see until I get there in the plotline, before you know all of what he can do. U v U
I will say that it is King's tech, though. :D [Purple, much like the CG, does not retain any legit genetic superpowers and instead has upgrades to rely on]
Honestly, it is really funny you mentioned Green and his fishing rod when I have string shooters for his upgrades- XD
Red would NOT use his multitudes of cute, little, fragile animals, for fear of them getting hurt- :O
No Beeper. [The collective fandom name for Bee-Creeper]
There is no eel YET, but there may be, I have not decided.
XD With how excited and attached you are to the eel, I just might I just might- Honestly it'd be so cute for Second to end up with an eel pet~
Blue will indeed enjoy his bitter fungus several times over in the future, if naught but for the comedics~ It's not drug-like or alcoholic in my AU, though. Just tastes bad to most sticks.
There will be no staffs. Not for Yellow, nor for King.
:D You also have a great day!
You've already made mine epic with your ask! :3
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killed-by-choice ¡ 1 year
“Sabrina Roe” 18 (USA July 4 2007)
“Sabrina” was a teenage girl killed by chemical abortion in America. She was 6.5 weeks pregnant and her real identity remains unknown.
Sabrina was only 18 when an abortionist administered abortion pills to her. The second dose was given as a vaginal suppository, a method that was never approved by the FDA. This is a commonly used method in the abortion industry despite the danger of sepsis and death.
At first, Sabrina only seemed to have side effects that would have been dismissed as “normal”. For 2 to 3 days, she suffered moderate bleeding and mild cramps. After that, she seemed to be okay for a very short amount of time. But she quickly deteriorated from there.
By Day 5, Sabrina suffered from chills, dizziness, pain, nausea and vomiting. The next day, she went to an outpatient clinic (it is unclear if this was an actual medical clinic or the abortion facility) and was prescribed medicine. She was sent home.
The day after being seen as an outpatient, Sabrina had to be referred to the ER. She was hypotension and suffering from tachycardia. Her white blood cell count was very elevated and an ultrasound detected a large amount of free fluid and a cystic mass that the abortion facility apparently either ignored or failed to detect entirely.
Sabrina underwent an exploratory laparotomy and was admitted to the ICU in an attempt to save her life. All efforts were in vain. The teenager went into cardiopulmonary arrest and died only 16 hours after being admitted to the ER.
A Freedom Of Information Act request located an FDA adverse event report that matched her information. The report lists her date of death as July 4, 2007. (The document is included below.)
Other 18-year-olds killed by the legalized abortion pill include Holly Patterson and Manon Jones. (I have verified that neither of them are Sabrina.)
(Sabrina Roe is Patient 4)
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chronicallyuniconic ¡ 1 year
Where do I start with that appointment with the doctor?
✨ [TLDR a very personal post about a single doctors appointment when you already have chronic illnesses, TW for medical bxllshit] ✨
They asked me to come to see them for the below list of symptoms I gave. I have heavily condensed for this post, they're in no particular order, feel free to skip them:
\\ Tingling and numbness in fingers and palm of hand, with weaker grip and cold feeling. Also occurs in right foot, sometimes both feet
Skin problems: Irritation, lumps under skin, thicker and darker body hair causing irritation
Jerking up back from coccyx, legs kicking out and knees locking
Losing feeling when taking a step, hips hurting all the time, affects my walk and I drop. Holding breath to stop jerking due to pain
Passing out with sudden nausea feeling, followed by paralysis and pins and needles in arms. Vomiting after passing out
Vertigo, dizziness when tilting head back, stumbling to the side when standing
Headache and jaw pain leading to migraine
Dry eyes with dark shapes in vision
Losing control of bladder, urgency to urinate, no build-up, sudden full bladder. IBS, fluctuating between constipated and not constipated
Longer, heavier, more painful periods since coming off the pill. Pressure, sharp pain, and hip pain during periods
Cellular level exhaustion, feeling like there is concrete or sand in bones. Nodding off even after sleeping for long periods //
Arrived to see noone in the waiting area or reception wearing a mask, just me. Doctor was wearing one thankfully. This shouldn't have to be up for debate in a pandemic, but there we are.
I started off with the hip problem as its concerned me most, what with losing functionality, just dropping to the ground, struggling to lift myself back up and continue to walk. They got me to lay on the table, made me push and pull against their arm with both legs then said "if you're having this type of weakness you typically wouldn't be able to walk." They just watched me walk, in the way I do, and it instantly made me think *well they don't believe me or do they think that I've just put that on, like made it up?*
The doctor asked about my bladder weakness, didn't/couldnt(?) give any explanation as to why I have sudden urgency and lack of control. My take was that "I shouldn't be losing control of my bladder the way I am. I am not 80 yrs old." Them "we'll get a urine sample" (every single urine sample I have provided in the last 7 years has come back exactly the same, with the same unexplained & ignored "protein in urine"🙃)
They then asked about how I managed some of the above symptoms. Painkillers, baths, heatpads, yoga stretching, etc etc.
"How are your periods?" I explained to them that since I came off the pill they have gotten much heavier each month as time has gone on, typically leaving me in bed from the 3rd day, for 7 to 10 days, I have this constant bearing down feeling with sharp, crushing pains where my ovaries would be, flares up IBS and so on.
For them to say "that's completely normal, you can treat with ibuprofen." At my age, I just felt disbelief in their comment. I have been treating my periods since I was 10 years old for pain management and to reduce heavy flows. I don't take ibuprofen because it flares my asthma, something they should see, but throughout my life, I have noticed that medical professionals refuse to accept it as a side effect that occurs in me and look perplexed by the statement "ibuprofen flares asthma"
The doctor commented that 'I mentioned my symptoms may be more applicable to Multiple Sclerosis' and asked why I think that.
I explained about the new symptoms, worsening of old and new symptoms and the difference between first symptoms at diagnosis to how they present now.
They then asked about my medications and whether they work for me. I explained that none of the medications have helped with fatigue in particular, for the next lines to happen:
Doctor "We can increase X if you like."
Me "I didn't think I could, but if you think it will help fatigue(?)"
Doctor "Why did you think that you could not? Is it because you read it somewhere or someone told you?
Me "No, it's because I'm pretty sure I'm already on the maximum dose."
*doctor looks up doses*
Doctor "Yes, you are right"
Is it just me?? This bullshit is infuriating to me & its so disheartening. This motherfxcker doctor asked ME to come to THEM.
Doctor "so what would you like me to help with what are your main concerns?"
Me "I'm tired beyond comprehension, I haven't been here physically in 2 & 1/2 years because I cannot leave the house. I'm in pain all the time, mainly in my hips, I get constant migraines that cause vertigo, my sudden loss in bladder function, I'm a young person this should not be happening to me and I can't explain it, it's embarrassing and I want these symptoms to stop or know how to treat them or what to do, it's affecting my life"
Doctor "in all of that you never mentioned pain and this is a significant symptom of MS"
Me "it was one of the first things I said, I-"
How can I receive any care when it's like this? Where is the treatment within all of this?
At this point I felt myself start dissociating, mentally I've already left the room, realising what this doctor sees and thinks of me. They mention something about physiotherapy to help my hip/leg problem. I've been on a list with a chronic pain/management clinic for 5 years, suffering waiting for physio.
As I was leaving I said to them, "because I look normal, like this, noone understands my symptoms or seems to believe I have them" for them to give me the pity head tilt, the childlike-sympathy a grazed knee gets, the "oh I know" the way a teenage breakup is handled.
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Is there ever going to be a sense of understanding that goes beyond fellow spoonies, zebras & warriors alike?
I'm still wondering why the hell they asked me to go when really, nothing has happened, again.
Again, I had a doctors appointment, where I wish I hadn't bothered at all & my symptoms are now considerably worse as a result.
Does anyone else experience this type of thing or just understand? It's a lonely feeling when you always feel like you have nobody on your side.
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moths-wc-aus ¡ 2 years
your list of herbs is super help ful. do you have any idea for mushrooms that could be used as medicine?
i'm glad you found it useful!! i looked mostly at mushrooms found in the uk & the more northern parts of north america, since that's the sort of mixture found in the books.
also, the effects i list are the effects on humans, not cats. DON'T FEED UR CATS MUSHROOMS it probably won't go well!!!! and i'm not an expert! i spent like two minutes googling each mushrooms, don't take my word as gospel.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect*: Boosts stamina, reduces fatigue and inflammation in the airway. Used as a traveling herb and to treat asthma.
**Common Earthball**
*Location*: On tree trunks & roots or sandy soil.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* Nausea & vomiting. Given to expel stomach contents in the case of being poisoned.
**Hen of the Woods**
*Location*: At the base of oak trees; Occasionally under maples or along creeks & riverbanks.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* Produces energy, strengthens the heart and immune system.
**Jelly Ear**
*Location*: Found growing in clusters on dead or dying elder branches all year round.
*Usage*: Ground into a poultice and placed on eyes or swallowed.
*Effect:* Soothes eye infections & inflammation and sore throats.
**Lion's Mane**
*Location*: In woodlands on dead hardwood logs.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* Soothes depression and anxiety, reduces side effects of diabetes and inflammation.
**The Prince**
*Location*: In woodlands and by Thunderpaths.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* May slow diabetes. Lowers cholesterol, eases digestion problems, and soothes stress.
*Location*: Stumps, fallen logs, and tree roots.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted or ground into a poultice and placed on wound.
*Effect:* Soothes stress, increases stress and stamina, prevents infections, and reduces inflammation. Used as a traveling herb, though too much may cause a dry mouth, nausea, headaches, and/or dizziness.
*Location*: In woodlands from summer to late autumn. Their stench makes them easy to find.
*Usage*: Ground into a poultice and placed on wound.
*Effect:* Protects against some infections.
**Turkey Tail**
*Location*: In woodlands year round.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted or ground into a poultice and placed on wound.
*Effect:* Prevents illnesses & infections.
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on-my-way-to-the-woods ¡ 5 months
F's week of medical adventures:
TL;DR: F got prescribed a medication that we had concerns about because of her reactions to a similar medication, had concerning symptoms directly after taking that med for the first time, doctor doesn't think it was medication related, doctor changes medication anyway, two days later doctor orders a CT scan (probably to cover their ass if there was a problem). Also F's GP is moving to California and we're heartbroken 😭
F's GP's office sent a referral to a pulmonologist (which isn't strictly necessary because we have a PPO, but it was super helpful because it meant they were checking the insurance stuff because our company still hasn't fixed our website access). She's still struggling despite being on the upper end of what the GP can provide so the pulmonologist approved her for an urgent appointment. We had that appointment this week.
Monday At the appointment they did 0 testing, said that the maintenance medication that F was on was rather lightweight (disagree, but I assume they meant that it didn't contain a Long-Acting Beta-Antagonist, F assumes they didn't read the medication correctly), said that the current rescue inhaler F is on is a "red flag" for not responding well to LABAs but that most people are completely fine so they're gonna go ahead and prescribe one anyway, did not ask further about why F is on that med, listened to her lungs a little and then sent her off with a follow up appointment in two months. We had specifically asked F's GP to avoid LABAs because of other health concerns and her reaction to Abuterol (a Short-Acting Beta-Antagonist).
I clearly need to read about medical communication because we keep telling nurses/etc. that she has bad reactions to Abuterol and they keep going "oh! Does it make you jittery?" 🤦 No. Her heart rate goes way up, she feels like shit, and she has to lie down for 2 hours so she doesn't fall over.
Tuesday The new prescription comes in, F takes it that evening (her regular time and we'd picked it up <1hr beforehand). Surprise, surprise, she feels like shit. It's a different flavor of feels like shit though. Pros: her heart rate didn't shoot up like it does for Abuterol and she is more capable of standing. Cons: nausea, dizziness, palpitations, high blood pressure, feeling jittery, and a sense that something is wrong. Just what you want out of a medication you have to take twice a day, right? /s. So she finishes up her bedtime routine and goes to bed. Then, in the middle of the night, F is woken up by very bad chest pain.
Wednesday We call the office in the morning to ask if she should take the morning dose or discontinue the medication. The answer we got was roughly 'well, those aren't listed side effects so I don't think it's related, but I'll ask the doctor.' The answer relayed to us was also that the doctor doesn't think it is related, but if we want we can change to a different medication without a LABA. (What we'd like is medical advice, thank you 🙄). We eventually pick trying a new medication because, if the chest pain is unrelated to the LABA, then it's probably pretty urgent that we figure that out now and go seek care for the chest pain problem. The nurse says they'll get the prescription sent in and we will have a nebulizer delivered to our doorstep. We're a little surprised, but whatever.
Thursday The medical equipment company calls F a few times to sort out insurance & billing stuff (unfortunately mostly during times F is having asthma issues). Then after that's all set, the equipment company's respiratory therapist calls to schedule a time to come set up the machine and show F how to use it. That's somewhat different than just delivering it to our doorstep....
Anyway, since we're supposed to leave early on Saturday for a road trip, we schedule the set-up for late Friday morning and then rushed around trying to clean the house.
After that, F gets a call directly from the doctor effectively saying 'sooo I have been thinking and I am going to order an urgent CT scan (if you want, but I'm ordering it anyway) to make sure nothing is drastically wrong but I'm sure it's (most likely) fine, but maybe you might want to do it just in case. Anyway, I won't be able to look at it until Monday. Also, you'll be fine once you get on [medication you potentially have bad reactions to]' We're presuming it's a cover-their-ass call, and at this point F feels ridiculous and like she's wasting everyone's time and overblowing things, but we talk through it together and she's convinced to go get the imaging done because it'll be good to have on hand and we're very likely to hit the deductible/out-of-pocket limit this year anyway. So, yes, imaging to check for dangerous and urgent condition, but it's fine if the images aren't reviewed until the next week 🙄
We schedule that for Friday afternoon and I spend the rest of the evening alternating calls between the insurance company and the hospital to make sure everything is in order. And then I stay up late cleaning.
Friday (F's birthday - I'd taken the day off work to surprise F, I guess that was a good decision 😅 ) I finish up CT phone calls and confirm that the CT pre-auth went through then call the medical equipment place to clarify some things since it's going very differently than we had thought
Her appointment with the equipment company's respiratory therapist went well, they seemed more concerned about F's symptoms than the doctor did - but that's our usual luck, anyone who is not an MD is worried about F. The machine is >$350, but the inhalers she's been using are mostly >$200, so this should be cheaper overall as long as she keeps using it and isn't swapped directly back to the other med. (We certainly could have bought one cheaper by ourselves, but it's better for us to go through insurance in this case).
Had lunch then ran off to the CT scan which itself was pretty quick, but it's a decently long drive so it took up the rest of the day. The CT technician was also very much 'no, don't worry, you definitely should have come in for this based on your symptoms' which helped reassure F somewhat. Then we both go home and crash (instead of packing)
Saturday We pack and leave and are very tired etc. etc. but at least there are no medical phone calls involved
Sunday Telehealth appointment with F's GP (who is amazing) and he shares that he's taking a job in California that's exactly what he wants to be doing. We're thrilled for him, but so so sad that he will be leaving 😭😭😭 Working with him has been great and he has improved F's life so much.
Monday The pulmonologist's office calls as we're driving back from the eclipse. The CT scan only showed a nodule in the lung - which they gave no information on and said they'd talk about it at her follow up appointment (in two months 🙃)
Tuesday We drove all the way back to the hospital (after driving a ton yesterday to get home) to pick up a copy of the CT scan so we can share it with other doctors as needed.
I guess we can't be 100% confident yet, but I think F is getting worse on this new medication instead of better. I can't find information on what an equivalent dose would be with the meds her GP had her on, but I suspect the dose for this new stuff is too low 😕
After writing all that up, no wonder why we're exhausted. This is the gist of it, but I definitely skipped over a number of smaller problems (e.g. the office sent the prescription in with incorrect patient details so F had to sort that out with the pharmacy, etc.). I need a vacation
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sleepy0s ¡ 7 months
writing challenges i did!
Write a eulogy for a sandwich, to be delivered while eating it.
(I’ve never written an Eulogy before.)
We are gathered here today, in this warm cosy cafe in memory of Fred, The ham sandwich. He was a loving guy, and had the fluffiest bread around. I don’t think I ever saw a speck of mould in his ham. 
Growing up, Fred always dreamed of being free, to run away to Germany and be a forensic psychologist. Unfortunately, he never got to live his dream, his fate catching up to him much too soon. He was a well loved son, brother, Father and friend and will be missed forever. I hope that his memory remains strong in our thoughts, hearts and most importantly. 
My stomach.
2. Write the ad for an expensive new drug that improves bad posture. Now, list the possible side effects.
Do you have horrible posture? Hunched over a desk all day? Well! Don’t we have the medicine for you! ‘
I would like to introduce you to our brand new medicine, “Back Straighten”. Our product will help make sure you never need to worry about bad posture ever again! Just take the tablet once a day and your posture will be perfect! 
Side effects include: Possible death, starvation, dehydration, loss of hearing, loss of sight, paralyzation, coma, external bleeding, internal bleeding, coughing, nausea, vomit, constipations, rashing, itching, acne, dizziness, headaches, paranoia, dry throat, hallucinations,  heart attack,  liver failure, kidney failure, fever, the black death, covid, fatigue, cancer, muscle and joint stiffness, loss of appetite, cannibalism, swelling, alopecia, infertility,  dry skin.
Any side effects are not our fault, take your correct dosage.
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holistichealthchicago3 ¡ 9 months
What is acupuncture?
Q: What is acupuncture?
A: Acupuncture is one branch of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), which is a comprehensive approach to health. Based on an analysis of the patient’s physical, mental and emotional symptoms, the diagnosis is formed according to the meridian concept, seasons and diet. Unlike the other two branches of TCM, Herbs and Tuina, which is manual manipulation of the body, Acupuncture employs the use of needles to effect the healing.
Q: Why do I need it?
A: If you have any of the symptoms listed below, you would benefit from acupuncture. If you are in perfect health, acupuncture will still help you to maintain it. However, if you are in physical or mental pain, whether acute or chronic, there’s a good chance that acupuncture will help you.
Each patient is treated using one or more of a combination of acupuncture, homeopathy and allergy elimination/bio vector balance methods. Common conditions treated include:
Asthma & Allergies
Side effect of Chemotherapy
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Dizziness & Vertigo
High Blood Pressure
Anxiety & Depression
Arthritis, Tendonitis, & Joint pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Auto Injuries
Bladder and Kidney Infections
Cardiac Palpitations (Irregular Heartbeat)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Common Cold & Influenza
Degenerative Disc Disorders
Diet, Nutrition, & Weight Control
Headaches & Migraines
Indigestion, Gas, Bloating, Constipation
Menopause Symptoms
Musculoskeletal pain
Orthopedic Conditions
PMS & Menstrual Irregularity
Smoking Addiction
Sports Injuries
Tension / Stress Syndromes
Work Injuries
Q: What kind of needles are used and will it hurt?
A: Only sterilized, disposable needles are used. You may feel the needle piercing the skin at certain points, but the sensation will disappear in seconds. The needles are hair thin, and it takes about six to ten acupuncture needles to fit into the diameter of a normal injection needle. While acupuncture is safe, it is possible that bruising or minimal bleeding can occur. These are usually minor and fade quickly.
We often treat patients who have fear or phobia of needles. Every time so far, they got over the fear after the first treatment. However, in case of severe phobia or stubborn children, we can use laser, piezoelectric device, magnets or tuning forks.
Q: Can I still get acupuncture and your other services if I'm already taking medication?
A: Yes. Acupuncture and homeopathy are safe and complement any other treatment or medicines. It sometimes happens that patients who’ve been on certain medications for a long time are in fact, allergic or sensitive to them, and once this is tested and treated, the medicine actually works better. At Holistic Health, Chinese herbs and nutritional supplements may also be suggested. It is important that you disclose all of your medications to check for any possible contraindications.
For the allergy treatment using Bio Vector Balance and NAET, you might be asked to avoid certain foods and supplements for up to 24 hours following the treatment. Some children, while undergoing AIT (Auditory Integration Training) may show increased sensitivity to their normal supplements, but that is often corrected by the end of the ten day session.
Q: Why do I need to go to a board certified acupuncturist or a licensed homeopath?
A:In addition to being licensed in the state of residence, the acupuncturist must have NCCAOM certification. Only then can you be sure of that the acupuncturist has met the rigorous standards required for proper understanding and practice of this complete medicine. Ask the acupuncturist how many internship hours she/he had and how many patients she/he has treated before opening a public practice. Make sure that the person has had a minimum of 800 hours of clinical acupuncture, and experience treating a wide variety of ailments.
For Homeopathy, there are currently no licensing requirements in the state of Illinois. However, it is important that the homeopath has extensive training and education. Homeopathy is truly an art, and it requires a comprehensive analytical approach as well consideration of the individual picture.
Q: What can I expect at my first appointment?
A: The initial appointment will take about 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Dr. Partha will meet with you and take your complete history and design a treatment plan for your particular needs. Some patients come for symptomatic relief of pain or discomfort while others are more interested in developing and maintaining a wellness plan. Dr. Partha will weigh your needs and desires while formulating the treatment protocol.
Then you will receive a treatment, which consists of homeopathic consultation, acupuncture, and may include additional therapies such as auricular needle therapy, NAET, infrared heat therapy, electrical needle stimulation, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, reiki, exercise, breathing and tuning forks. The treatment does not include the cost of homeopathic remedies, herbs or nutritional supplements, and those need to be purchased separately.
Follow-up visits consist of a much shorter intake/diagnosis period before treatment, and generally last for 45 to 55 minutes.
Preparation for first visit:
Bring with you any prescription medications you may be taking.
Wear no make-up or perfume.
Do not drink Coffee at least 2 hours prior to visit.
Do not drink alcohol.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat a balanced meal 1 to 2 hours before an acupuncture treatment. A lot of energy movement takes place during the treatment, and it is possible to experience dizziness if on an empty stomach.
Wear loose, comfortable clothes, preferably shorts or sweats that can be pulled up to the knee, and a tank top. You will be lying down on a massage table, and there will be soft music in the background. The treatment is very relaxing, and it is quite common for patients to fall asleep during treatment.
After your visit:
Do not drink alcohol.
Do not eat greasy or spicy food.
Do not exercise.
Rest is preferable. Make the day as easy as possible.
Q: How often will I need to come for treatment?
A:Ideally, if one is good health, an acupuncture treatment once a month is enough to keep the body balanced. The goal is to reach that level of health. As we explain to the patient during the initial consultation, how long and how many treatments it will take varies according to individuals and their particular state of health and medical history. Regardless of the condition, however, the treatments have to be frequent during the initial phase for maximum effectiveness.
For most conditions, a minimum of two times, preferably three times, per week is recommended. In some cases, such as acute injuries or fractures, it is sometimes necessary to get daily treatments for a while. We find that most patients prefer to come at least once a week, even after the primary issue for which they came, is resolved. At your first or second appointment, the various options for treatment schedule will be discussed with you.
In China, it is common for acupuncturists to treat patients on a daily or every other day basis over the course of a week or two (sometimes longer) in order to make substantial and lasting changes in the condition being treated. By comparison, in America, it is more common for acupuncturists to treat patients only once per week. However, depending upon the severity of the ailment, on how long the effects of acupuncture are maintained after each treatment, and other factors, it may be advisable to more closely follow the Chinese model. The results of 6 or 8 treatments over two weeks may be superior to the same number of treatments spread over two months, while having the same cost and total office visit time. It is important for patients to inform their practitioners about how long the beneficial effects of a treatment lasted. If they only lasted two days, then treatment every two or three days may be needed in order to make sufficient progress. In the event that only infrequent treatment is possible, then greater reliance may need to be placed on herb therapies, diet changes, special exercises, and methods of treatment that can be performed at home between office visits.
It should be mentioned here that on occasion, an aggravation of the symptoms may occur in the first 24 hours following a treatment. If this should happen, be assured that this is a good sign; the aggravation will subside within 24 to 48 additional hours, with the symptoms significantly improved.
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naturopathneame ¡ 10 months
Natural Alternatives To Spring Seasonal Allergy Medication
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Many people suffer from seasonal allergies, but the side-effects of the medications they use to help them through may sometimes present its own issues.
If you dread dealing with spring seasonal allergies, you’re not alone, but you do have options beyond pharmaceuticals to help. Read on to find out what a few of them are.
What Are Allergies? Allergies are the body’s reaction to a foreign substance or allergen.
Your body produces antibodies that attack the allergen, even though it’s not actually harmful to your body.
Symptoms of allergic reaction include inflamed skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system, and can also include anaphylaxis in severe cases.
Common Spring Seasonal Allergens In the case of seasonal allergies, your body overreacts to the presence of pollens, grass, mold or ragweed.
In the spring, specifically, it’s usually because of tree pollen that is released into the air as trees sprout leaves, flowers and fruit; however, grasses and weeds are other common culprits.
Symptoms Of Spring Seasonal Allergies When the pollen finds its way into your body, it triggers the release of chemicals called histamines into your bloodstream.
These histamines cause runny nose, itchy and/or watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, and possibly a rash or hives.
Natural Solutions For Spring Allergies Anti-histamines are the over-the-counter medicine that prevent the histamine from triggering your symptoms, but they can cause dry mouth, drowsiness or dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, restlessness or moodiness, or trouble sleeping
Luckily, I have seen good results through treatments with a variety of natural remedies, which I have listed for you below.
Take Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar has so many uses, but it is also amazing as a natural allergy remedy.
It functions by helping to reduce mucus production and by cleansing your lymphatic system.
If you can, take a tablespoon straight-up; if you find that too difficult, mix it in with a teaspoon of honey and a cup of hot water, and drink this every night.
Acupuncture Acupuncture is a frequently-prescribed treatment for many ailments – it has as many uses as you have meridians, pathways and points on your body, which total more than four hundred.
A 2015 paper by Xue Et Al outlines a study where participants were randomly given either acupuncture or sham acupuncture, which feels like real acupuncture to the person receiving it but doesn’t actually do anything. If you’re familiar with clinical trials, it’s the same idea as giving somebody a sugar pill to account for the placebo effect.
The study found that real acupuncture was significantly better than sham acupuncture in controlling the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (the medical term for hay fever) and that it significantly improved the quality of life of the study participants.
Acupuncture doesn’t cure your allergies, but instead it helps to significantly reduce the symptoms of your allergic reactions; for seasonal allergies, your naturopath will insert tiny needles around your sinuses and nasal area.
Acupuncture points can also be stimulated with electricity without having to use needles, and this method is more convenient for allergies.
Consider An Elimination Diet Often people discover that other allergies – such as food allergies – can aggravate and increase the symptoms of their hay fever, so dealing with those before going into your allergy season can help reduce the overall impact from the pollens.
To implement this method, eat a very bland diet for a week, making sure to avoid all possible allergenic foods.
At the end of this time, start to reintroduce your most commonly-used foods one by one, carefully noticing your body’s reactions to them; if you notice itchiness or additional phlegm after adding a new food, it can indicate a food sensitivity.
Homeopathy Homeopathy is the use of tiny amounts of natural substances (such as plants and minerals) to simulate the body’s natural healing process.
For seasonal allergies, a naturopath might recommend allium cepa, euphrasia, natrum muriaticum, nux vomica, or wyethia.
These can be combined or used to treat the various symptoms of seasonal allergies as they crop up.
Lifestyle Changes During peak allergy season, and if you’re very susceptible, you may have to reduce your time spent outdoors – but that doesn’t mean you have to spend every moment inside.
Using a dust mask while you’re outdoors in the yard means you don’t have to worry about disturbing the allergens while you work.
You can also take advantage of your air conditioner while you’re in your home or car.
Fabrics can attract and collect pollen, so get rid of unnecessary carpets, stuffed toys, and be sure to wash bedding weekly with hot water; another option is to find allergen-proof covers for your bed and pillows.
This article "Natural Alternatives To Spring Seasonal Allergy Medication" was originally seen on Healing Mind and Body Integration.
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