#but my point is that it just demonstrates to me again how superficially the movie engages with its own concepts
pynkhues · 2 years
Havey you seen glass onion knives out yet? Thoughts on the series?
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Hahaha, yeah, I actually ended up watching it on Christmas Day with my family after my nephews had gone to sleep. We couldn't agree on what to check out, and Glass Onion just ended up being the easiest option.
I said in my one-line Letterboxd review that Rian Johnson is an enemy of narrative tension, which I stand by. I just - - ugh. The Knives Out movies frustrate me on so many levels, because at the end of the day, I like plot-driven murder mysteries, I do, but the thing with the Knives Out movies is that they feel like they're written by an AI that's been fed Agatha Christie novels, Sleuth, and a bunch of current trending Twitter headlines.
The result to me is just empty filmmaking. There's no characterisation outside of caricature, no shortage of themes but absolutely no depth or interrogation to any of them, absolutely terrible pacing, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes a mystery story compelling (which - and I mean this genuinely - is the mystery. The first one had the red herring and POV character as one and the same, which ??? and the sequel had the mystery solved more or less by the end of the first act and then proceeded to re-tell it two more times in case we missed it). They don't have anything to say, there's nothing to analyse or engage with, the characters are one-note, and every scene is about five minutes longer than it needs to be.
The nicest thing I can say about them is the cinematography is decent, but beyond that - - yeah. The hype baffles me, and I think Rian Johnson is a hack.
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brujitaadinbo · 9 months
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They say that love manifests itself as if it were fire, like flames burning you, like something that leaves you breathless, I and others can say the opposite; It manifests itself to each person differently; But when we talk about love in general, the healthiest, the best way we can live it is when it gives us that calm in times of storm, when it gives us tranquility and not anxiety and makes us feel comforted.
Love, affection or that feeling that begins to be born in you and that sometimes you cannot show it, because of your past wounds, for fear of being rejected, because you are just beginning to connect with that other person, etc… You begin to show it in a way in which the majority can label it as something "not romantic" because society is still locked in that cliche that is sometimes very toxic and very unreal. Sometimes it is not necessary to wear flowers and exaggerated decorations, , expensive details or that very typical scene that sometimes tends to handle sometimes very cold or very superficial kisses. Most of the time your actions and your words are what demonstrate your deepest feelings and your most intimate emotions. How much you care about that person and you begin to be consistent with what you think and feel and what you do for them and you show it like this.
I will explain this to you first, so that you can understand the context of this analysis dynamic that I am going to start uploading here. Very iconic couples, famous in pop culture around the world, being known in many places, through movies, series, books, etc… managing this dynamic that I explain to them and managing the deepest feelings like love, that way. different way that sometimes people don't usually understand or it bores them and they begin to disqualify it as "there is nothing between them" when in reality there is something there and they are wrong! It suddenly becomes canon…
Coincidentally like what has been happening with Din Djarin and Bo katan Kryze, yes coincidentally… aha (remember well what I tell you, coincidences do not exist here)
For me Faramir and Eowyn are a beautiful couple and one of my favorites in books and movies, I am a fan of Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings is… poetry, love, magic, so much that I can't explain it in words. And definitely if you have read Faramir and Eowyn's interaction in the book, you will understand my point, since in the movies, that interaction was so short but it was still a very nice reflection of the book.
The parallel between them and Din and Bo is that these characters find themselves in a critical situation, surrounded by war, conflict, pain, wounds from the past, an uncertain future, everything is against them and love is a word and a feeling that It cannot cross your mind even for a moment.
Eowyn, a warrior princess full of pain from rejection, from loss, because the war has consumed her innocence and that hunger for battle has consumed her. Bo Katan is a warrior princess consumed by the pain of loss, because the war has subjected her to living a cold life without hope for anything, because her proposal was taken away by a sword, where all her value is measured by that.
Faramir rejected by his father, having the position he has, yet he is seen as nothing by him, not meeting the standards he has and not being able to be like his brother, always living with that feeling and now the pain that he lost him in a battle where he also lost his hometown. Din Djarin lives with the pain of having lost his parents, he lives with people unknown to him, trying by all means to fit in and be recognized by this new tribe, his family that has welcomed him all this time. Live this way or survive under this creed.
Both couples in the depths of their lives, when they are hitting rock bottom or when they begin to experience a new way of redeeming themselves, cross their paths, with pain but with that hope of being able to heal and flourish again, that is when love, too, something that could not be in their lives suddenly becomes like a vitamin that gives them the strength to take that first step.
Faramir and Eowyn in the healing temples, healing and realizing that maybe the pain was just part of that growth and that process to find healing and start living a different life, if all goes well, living outside of war , from sadness and everything that hurts them, they allow themselves to get to know each other, interact and at the end of the day they manage to love each other and live a happy life within their possibilities, because in this work good triumphed over evil.
Din and Bo are in this process of achieving their purposes, suddenly they come together, they visit Mandalore, they visit the living waters, they somehow manage to redeem themselves, they work together, in the hope of recovering their planet and achieving this new purpose, of reclaiming to their people and their planet and in the process, they resolve their differences, their bond grows and becomes more intimate. From pain a new hope is born, it is part of growth, they accept it, they know that their paths were wrong and by agreeing and doing it together they feel comfortable and know that they are doing it right, they both protect each other in a very bilateral and synchronized way. . . and it is seen that there is something more, because in the end they do not know and we do not know what can happen, there is still the doubt of who will win in this battle. Hoping, of course, that that balance is achieved and by this I mean that good definitively triumphs over evil.
And what I love is that Filoni has worked on symbolism from Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings and especially Peter Jackson. Faramir and Eowyn are a couple who never showed a kiss on stage, but their looks, their approach, their words, their actions, said it all. In the books, the way they love each other is shown in how they talk and interact, Faramir's words to Eowyn are very beautiful. It reminds me of a certain Mandalorian couple, casual (lol) where their interaction and attraction is unspoken, visible but hidden in elements like body and non-verbal language and those words of the oath, that is definitely the moment for these two. But now time is what will write the last part of his paths. Let's hope it's a journey together too,
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vraska-theunseen · 8 months
i started watching a youtube video about cinemasins that just kind of mocks it for yknow being a content machine and whittling media criticism down to incredibly simple superficial observations like "this things has tropes/cliches" (not even mentioning how a lot of times those tropes and cliches are literally just. customs. things people do in real life, cultural details that someone would include in a story because again real people write things and they live in the fucking world. wearing all black to a funeral for example i remember they called that a cliche a lot) or "the director made choices" or "this thing is in a genre and has scene decoration fit to the genre or meant to convey meaning to the viewer!" like those are bad things instead of how you tell stories and by and large depreciating the ability of its viewers to conduct media analysis and watch things genuinely and appreciate art and meaning. okay the youtuber didn't say all of that specifically a lot of that is my opinion based on how in middle school i watched cinemasins a lot and observations i've made about people the same age as me who i can surmise also watched cinemasins based on how they watch movies and nitpick things like "this thing has tropes" and "this thing would never happen in real life/a person would never say or do this in real life" because cinemasins has distilled in them a lack of ability to engage in a story as a story crucially i cannot say it simpler than that as a story as a narrative someone wrote based on an idea they had because it was cool or to do something or mean something or have an effect and everything that happens is written by someone or a choice made by an actor because these aren't real people and the purpose of art is to AUUUGHHH I GOT DISTRACTED AGAIN!!!! THE POINT OF THIS POST IS i was watching the video and being like haha yeah hate those guys and then they played a clip from cinemasins to demonstrate what they meant and hearing the cinemasins guy's voice knocked me flat i had to pause the video and come write this post bc i had to recuperate
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leohttbriar · 3 years
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so @youandthemountains, a generous soul of exalted taste, made the mistake of asking me to expand on my drunken thoughts about chivalry-in-relation-to-the-karate-kid from this post and since im in a medieval-romances fervor currently, here. we. go.
the first part of my convoluted logic is the fact that "chivalry" isn't like a real thing. it's an aspect and aesthetic of a specific myth emerging from a specific culture and time---no one is "chivalrous," really, bc the people who were "chivalrous" in ye olden times (middle-middle ages, western europe) were following an ideal mostly propagated thru folk-narrative. and people aren't chivalrous now bc chivalry is just undeniably removed from the context that gives it meaning. (the most notable example of this sort of anachronism is the fondness that nineteenth century southern elites and enslavers had for both middle-age romances and "anglo-saxon" values or whatever---bc superficially attaching yourself to heroic dudes who fight dragons in very old christian places is a really great way to trick yourself into thinking you aren't the piece of unholy excrement you truly are. but that's by the by).
so, like, we don't see people enacting chivalry or "being chivalrous" so much as characters demonstrating it in a Type of story. we can also see medieval political leaders referencing it in order to start/fight certain wars on "''god's""'' behalf, but again, that "chivalry" isn't real in the same way manifest destiny isn't real, yanno?
additionally, Characters before Romanticism and novels (or arguably the renaissance with shakespeare etc bc, cultural history is, as always, confusing---[whispers] i maintain personally that jane austen invented realism) are far less the sort of real-life reflections of Human Being that modern audiences tend to expect from the people in their media. audiences in this day and age look for "realistic" portrayals of people, not idealized or romanticized or exaggerated or obvious characters. (though, imo, "realistic" characters are likely to suffer all these traits anyway.) that's why there's also a whole bunch of fun youtube video essays out there "explaining" how Johnny Lawrence was done wrong and daniel isn't so great anyway, hey let's make a tv show about how sympathetic poor johnny lawrence's position is, bc um actually?? villains aren't real??
point is, chivalry is a Very Specific quality of a character in a medieval-romantic story. there is hesitation when a character must go on a quest to meet a promised sort-of death, duh, but they do it anyway for very pious and courageous reasons. it's all: þæt wæs gōd cyning, that was a beautiful knight, that was an example of good faith in god. it's complicated in a lot of ways, Particularly in terms of Gender (which is whole other word vomit)--
but essentially chivalry is a generic piety: piety in 13th century western european storytelling. which means, essentially, that chivalry is unreasonable. irrational. un-arguable. etc. a knowledge beyond or underneath the cerebral. hem-hem. instinct. if you will.
and the reason i related this to the karate kid was because i was drunkenly watching the sword in the stone the other night (it's a bad movie btw, lol) and i got to that scene where merlin turns wart into a fish. a real teaching moment. and he says this after fish-arthur gets stuck in the mud:
Merlin: Thought you could take off like a shot, did you?
Arthur: Well, I am a fish, aren't I?
Merlin: You merely look like a fish. That doesn't mean you can swim like one. You don't have the instinct.
Then he sort of implies that learning how to swim like a fish is equivalent to learning metaphysical/physical truths about existence or whatever ("left and right, day and night, that's what makes the world go round").
And in my inebriated mind this whole scene reminded me of the iconic karate kid moment where miyagi shows daniel the pay-off to the house chores. And while the sword in the stone is Very Much not like the original arthurian stories (it's hilariously anti-monarchy), it did come from them and made me think of the value-system in them. so in the mix of thinking about freaky-deaky merlin helping king uther to "be with" his lady love/victim AND miyagi getting a child to paint his house, i stumbled into the tiny middle-space in that venn diagram.
and i realized that the reason that scene in the karate kid is so goddamn cool, other than the excellently paced pay-off part, is that it's actually revealing that miyagi's training is not so far off from kreese's training, fundamentally. as an athlete, you have to learn certain body movements and postures and reflexes by doing them over and over and over again, drilling them until you get what we call "muscle memory," right? all skills require this. we see the cobra kai students doing these drills and kreese demanding that they do them Perfectly in practice bc if you don't do them perfectly in practice than you won't perform them correctly when you need to. It's how you get the right bodily "instincts," so to speak.
The Difference between kreese's drills and miyagi's drills is that miyagi helps to form daniel's instincts thru chores--cleaning and sanding and grooming the world around him. the context with which daniel learns the reflexes of a martial art is not fighting but quotidian existence and everyday life maintenance and the tedious work it takes to make your small abode beautiful. compare miyagi's backyard garden to the white-fluorescent-lit cobra kai dojo.
this is the sort of richness that the swimming scene from sword in the stone reminded me of. arthur is learning to be a leader in the context of a world/way of life most people wouldn't think to notice. it's a kind of piety to the world around you.
one more thing before i bring this home: in medieval lit (mostly early-medieval, but it's still very much there in later stuff), there's this convention, which doesn't jive very well with modern audiences, where beautiful things are good. when characters are described as shining or tall or beautiful, that means, for the most part, that we can know they are good, gōd, god-ly, whatever you please. goodliness is beautiful, bravery is beautiful, piety is beautiful.
so if we apply this chivalric frame to the karate kid, we get something interesting. where the athletic skills daniel is learning are actually skills in piety bc they are instincts brought about through caretaking, and therefore in a way instincts of caretaking. (self defense only). he is committed unreasonably to sanding the floor to the point that his body learns a new reflex. with this (completely unnecessary but, again, i was drunk) frame, the karate kid becomes a story about being beautiful and Noticing beautiful things, i.e. god's creation, i.e. god, i.e. the world around you. and doing so humbly and doing so without "reason," without arguing about it, but with embodied knowledge, thru instinct. in this perspective on the movie, the enlightenment hasn't happened yet---the white, manly cerebral subjectivity doesn’t have a monopoly on all subjectivity— the hero has gotta empathize with little fishies, swim like them---he has to paint the house to humble his body to his world which is bigger than him and can teach him things, if he yields to it---and belts are good if they're cute canvas things you get on sale. it's a little bit mystical.
also, young ralph macchio would've made a sweet orphan arthur, if anyone had bothered to make a good adaptation of le morte d'arthur in the 1980s.
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letitrainasunnyday · 4 years
I'd like to know your opinion about why Shinichi falls in love with Ran in their first meeting in the kindergarten. I ask you because many people criticize this scene since they find it unrealistic (they were only 4 years old) and superficial (since he hardly knew her).
You’re IN LUCK because that episode was literally just on tv here half an hour ago, so it’s fresh in my mind and I am here with more Thoughts™
First of all, just to know where we all stand and get it out of the way, that’s one of my favorite episodes/files ever. I really thought Aoyama would never tell us exactly how they met, and then he graced us with those wonderful chapters and I wept tears of absolute joy. So it’s going to be very hard for me to hate on it. 
(Which means I basically won’t. But anyway.) 
I understand why some people say that they find it unrealistic because they don’t act like 3 and 4-year-old kids. But that’s only the case with Shinichi, isn’t it? Sonoko and Ran and even the lil asshole kids bullying Ran all act their age. And if you mean to tell me 4-year-olds cannot bully other kids, boy have I got some first person experiences to share with you. 
Anyway back to the point. Shinichi is more mature and distant and cold, sure, and he’s too smart for his age. But then again, isn’t that the whole premise of Shinichi’s character? Isn’t he too smart for a seventeen year old teenager anyway? 
Why have we never, as a fandom, really considered the possibility that Shinichi may be legitimately intellectually gifted? 
Because it very well could be. We know he’s clever and intelligent and has a fantastic memory and great deductive abilities. If he were gifted, he still wouldn’t act his age at 4, because some gifted kids are often much more mature than the rest (and you can trust me on this, I once extensively researched and talked to gifted kids.)
As for the fact that Shinichi fell in love with her at 4, I don’t think it’s exactly that. Listen, I’m the first who likes to boast about how it was love at first sight and whatnot, but, really, I don’t think it was. I think something changed in Shinichi for sure when he met Ran, probably --and as I’ve said incalculable times before-- because she was the first kid to ever be nice to him (cause y’all know how I’m 99% sure Shinichi was bullied before he met Ran). So it was like a switch flicked in his head and he realized people could be good and sweet and kind and accept him for who he was, and that developed as a crush on her. Was it love? I don’t know, really, it could be. Little kids are able to feel love in a much more intense way than some adults, so who’s to say? 
Superficial? I mean, I guess they kinda have a point, but, again, it’s not like he was as in love as he is now. Still, may I remind you, he feels something strong enough to fight that douchebag teacher with intensity until someone --Yusaku, thank God-- actually listens to him. And he does all of that just to protect Ran. So, at four, after she’s smiled at him and demonstrated that kids can actually be nice, Shinichi is willing to risk everything just to save her. He is willing to set the world on fire to save her. If that seems superficial to you, alright, you win this round. 
Again, I do think those first feelings resemble more a crush and an unlikely and special connection rather than love. It’s only as he grows older that those feelings mature and become stronger and deeper, and eventually he realizes it’s love. We don’t exactly know when he realizes it, but it’s way before he gets shrunk and even way before New York, and if Movie 7 is anything to go by --movies are canon in my head, don’t make me say this again-- then it was probably in their first years at Middle School, if not sooner. 
But what’s so special to me about that file is that --and again, I’m sorry you have to read me say this again-- it perfectly sets what the ShinRan relationship is like: Shinichi, protecting Ran at all costs and low-key doing things to help her out without taking the credit for it, and Ran, seeing right through his façade always and within seconds of taking a look at him, and loving him and accepting him regardless of his flaws. 
And if that’s not what y’all take away from that file/episode, I’m sorry your life is so sad.
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To all of the Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask Haters
This is my post on the Sailor Moon subreddit! I am very proud of the arguments I made and am extremely thankful for the amazing response I got! I got Reddit Gold for the first time in my life! I’m sharing it today here on my Tumblr, the place where I have found a wonderful niche of Tuxedo Mask and Usamamo lovers like me! Here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/sailormoon/comments/d0zm4c/to_all_of_the_mamorutuxedo_mask_haters/
Here is my post: 
Hi everyone! I wanted to share my comment on a video interview of the Viz dub voices for the Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal anime, Stephanie Sheh (Usagi), and Robbie Daymond (Mamoru). The interviewer talked about why she believes it's justified to hate Tuxedo Mask and why he isn't right for Usagi. The topics I covered in my initial comment are included here in greater detail. I am basing my response below on: the manga, the original 90's anime and its 3 movies, Sailor Moon Crystal, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, interviews with Naoko Takeuchi, articles that analyze the storylines and utilize fact-checking references, as well as my interpretation and analysis that bases itself on the cannon and overall understanding of the portrayal of the human characters and interactions in the story.
Obligatory note: You are entitled to your own opinion as I am entitled to my own. However, I feel obligated to voice my opinion and defense for Tuxedo Mask as he gets so much hate in the fandom, and there is so much misinformation about him. There are so many posts and articles trying to prove that Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru is definitively a horrible character, that he sucks, he is useless, etc. It is one thing to have your opinion. It is another to be so vocal about your hatred for a character basing your hatred on misinformation and superficial arguments.
In my lengthy post, I will discuss specific topics and arguments that people bring up to defend their hatred of Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru and his relationship to Sailor Moon/Usagi. I hope you enjoy reading and gain some perspective.
In the original anime, Usagi and Mamoru didn't have any feelings or love for one another UNTIL they remembered their past lives
I rewatched Season 1 of the original anime this past week and took notes of each encounter between Usagi and Mamoru until they remember their past lives. I analyzed their dialogue, how the animators portrayed their body language around each other, as well as how they talk about one another to other characters. Let’s begin our study by reading this quote from the manga in Act 10 when Usagi recounts that in her encounters with Mamoru: “I would get defensive, and we would get into a fight. We actually never had a real conversation. But the truth is… I was always so excited and happy to see him. That’s why we ran to each other… isn’t it? The two of us were drawn to each other.”
In the 90s anime, Usagi and Mamoru have an initially confrontational relationship. Mamoru’s first impression of Usagi was of a girl who hit him on the head with a crumbled-up test with a horrifying grade. Usagi’s first impression of Mamoru was a guy who told her she should study more; she was mortified and embarrassed by this, so she stuck her tongue out at him and walked away, disregarding him as a “weirdo”. The second time they bump into each other, Usagi throws a shoe at his head by accident, and she doesn’t apologize. The third time they meet, they bump into one another when Usagi is dreaming about “her future boyfriend.” She mistakenly apologizes to a pole, and Mamoru finds this funny and says that she should watch where she is going. Naru asks Usagi if she knows who that guy is, as he is “totally gorgeous” and Usagi responds “Wrong! There is nothing gorgeous about him!” By the 5th and 7th episodes, when Mamoru sees Usagi, he goes up to her and says, “Hey!” like they were friends. At the end of their conversation in Ep. 7, when Usagi walks away annoyed, we pan back to Mamoru, who is smiling at her genuinely. Through all of these interactions, Mamoru and Usagi go from strangers who are annoyed by each other’s existence to people who run into each other so often that Mamoru can find some humor in it.
You have to consider that Mamoru is acerbic since he is becoming Tuxedo Mask without his knowledge, is sleep deprived, has retrograde amnesia, and barely has anyone in his life who truly cares about him. He meets this girl who has hit him on the head, has bumped into him and has been rude to him on multiple accounts, of course, he’s going to return Usagi’s comments. But as he spends more time around her group, the teasing becomes well-meaning. Usagi shows that she values his advice, such as in Ep. 17 and when she is deciding if telling Naru about Nephrite's evil doings is a good idea or not. Usagi was visibly jealous of Rei’s crush on Mamoru and her three outings with him. Mamoru brought up "Bunhead" when Rei stopped him on the street to ask him out. He mentioned "Usagi" when talking to Motoki when the conversation wasn't about her but rather about Makoto. She's on his mind from early on.
There is a fantastic post that also discusses some of the points of evidence that Usagi and Mamoru had crushes on one another before they remembered their past lives, https://aminoapps.com/c/sailor-moon/page/blog/my-thoughts-on-mamoru-and-usagi/eYX5_MMdI3udVa3xwNvqExdKarRMM0xGlrm . One of my favorite observations is this: "Mamoru mostly teased her about her love life. When we look at what a person mostly tease someone about, it can give us an idea about their true intentions behind it. Mamoru teased her about romance-related things quite a few times, saying she wouldn’t get a boyfriend if she weren’t more lady-like, teasing her about Motoki twice, and her 'not-so-date' with Umino (it really wasn’t though). Not to mention when Motoki asked Mamoru why he always treated Usagi like that, Mamoru says, 'I guess we weren’t meant for each other.' " Also, in reply to this post, u/Rockabore1 made a fantastic analysis regarding the deeper meaning behind Usagi and Mamoru's teasing in the beginning:
"I love that you point out all the nuance in the way Mamoru and Usagi's relationship grew from roasting each other to realizing they care about each other and actually love being around each other. When they met, neither were really emotionally mature enough at that point to figure out an excuse to spend time together, and they kept using teasing each other as a reliable way to do it. I talked to another redditor about a scene that strikes me as a very multilayered in that regard. In episode 17, since when Mamoru talked about qualities, make a girl beautiful after Usagi feels discouraged to meet with the photographer. He describes 'someone with a kind-heart and bravery to do the right thing even when it's hard to do.' He says it with a directness like he means it as 'I see these qualities in you.' Yet he plays it off by saying, 'Obviously, you lack those qualities,' in a challenging way. I read it as him giving her the determination to try and prove him wrong because he knows she's not a quitter. Usagi went to the arcade to get Motoki to boost her ego, which she knew he would since he's always supportive, and Motoki's platitudes made her happy but didn't inspire her, whereas, Mamoru challenging her was what pushed her to actually go out and prove it. When she leaves, Motoki notes how the two always bicker, and Mamoru seems to half-heartedly lament that things always turn into an argument when they see each other and that 'I guess we're not meant to be.' It seems like he's admitting that he doesn't know how to give her a compliment without feeling silly or embarrassed to act like a softie, and he doesn't know how they could change (which obviously they do, but at the time both were really stubborn)."
In Ep. 28, they already demonstrate to the viewer that they have crushes on each other. Usagi, sitting next to him, thinks to herself, “but hey, he does look pretty handsome," then out loud, she says, "Oh geez, what am I thinking stop it Usagi, Tuxedo Mask is the only one I love!” He looks at her, and when she looks away embarrassed, he smiles at her. At the end of the episode, when Usagi says that their painting came out beautiful, Mamoru says, “I’d say it looks pretty good considering who the model was…” and his eyes immediately shot at USAGI! But she thinks he’s talking about himself, so she reacts annoyed. And in the last episode of the first season, when everyone gets their memory erased, Mamoru smiles genuinely after meeting Usagi. This encounter was just like the first one they had at the beginning of the series and similar to their third encounter as well. His reaction could very well have been the reaction he had after meeting her for the first time, but we, the viewers, didn’t get to see it. They had an attraction to each other from the start. Usagi felt that she made two horrible first impressions on Mamoru and even though she obviously found him attractive (as she later states on countless occasions), she felt that “this is an attractive guy I would’ve had a crush on now thinks I’m a ditz, so I’m going to treat him like I don’t care about him.”
Mamoru is someone who came from an upbringing with little attachment and has been pursued for his looks and wealth for presumably a long time. Think about how many characters and villains have hit on him. How Motoki told Rei that he lives in an expensive apartment all alone because of his inheritance, and her eyes lit up. Usagi probably is the only girl who isn’t fawning over him when they meet and instead is capable of sparing jokes at each other’s expense. His way of showing his attraction is not the best, but Usagi isn’t perfect either. I also noticed how, when Rei bumped into Mamoru in a ploy to ask him out, he acted concerned for her falling down for a moment, asked if she was alright and went on his way. Rei stopped him again, and he reluctantly stuck around for coffee. Meanwhile, every time Usagi bumps into him, he sticks around for a bit to tease her and get teased back. Why did Mamoru go out of his way to spend more time with "the annoying Bunhead” than he needed to? He even goes up to her to spar and teases her, and she reciprocates too.
At the end of Rei's first "date" with Mamoru, she tells Usagi that Mamoru is probably Tuxedo Mask, Usagi says that there's no way that he could be. Mamoru asks, "huh, who is Tuxedo Mask?" like he’s genuinely curious after Usagi noted the comment about Tuxedo Mask. Umino interrupts and asks Usagi to continue their own “date,” Mamoru says, “uuu, so that’s your type, huh?” in a flirty manner. This implies, "oh, so that's why you act like you don't like me. I'm not your type." Usagi is embarrassed and blushing during this whole encounter. Later, in Ep. 30, when Yuichiro and Rei are hitting it off, Usagi is ecstatic about getting them together. Rei tells her, "you know Mamoru is my guy, so what are you trying to pull here?" Usagi blushes embarrassed, her crush on Mamoru is obvious, her jealousy of Rei is evident. Even Ami starts to see this in Ep. 31 where Rei excuses herself from a Sunday outing with the girls for a "date," Ami tells this to Usagi while nervous, knowing Usagi will react annoyed at the thought of Rei going on a date with Mamoru. However, on Mamoru's part, he never took the outings with Rei seriously. He saw her as more of a friend while she was the one pursuing him to go with her on “dates.” Also, when talking with Motoki about the girls, he seemingly got really nervous at the thought of Rei “liking” him as more than a friend. After he realizes that he is Tuxedo Mask and realizes his strong connection with Sailor Moon and the princess to who appears to him in his recurring dream, he basically stops interacting with her altogether. In fact, in this same episode I just mentioned, Rei calls Mamoru to ask him out on a date but is met with his voice mail. We pan to Mamoru in the balcony of his apartment, ignoring Rei's voice message and instead of thinking about how he is determined to get the last rainbow crystal to find the legendary silver crystal and recover his lost memories.
Who can forget episode 34, where Usagi and Mamoru discovered each other's secret identities. Usagi recognizes Mamoru walking along the Juban Shopping District; she playfully hits him on the back, “Hey there, how you doing guy?” He grunts in pain. She genuinely asks him, "What’s wrong?" He responds, “Oh, hey Bunhead, you're sure cheerful today.” Usagi: “Well, excuse me then, it just so happens that I am a cheerful person all of the time!” and sticks her tongue out, as she does. He responds with a smile, “I hope you’ll always be that way. Take care, okay?” and walks away, holding his shoulder. Usagi reacts, confused, “What’s with him? He isn’t acting like himself.”, and notices his shoulder is hurt, “Could he be hurt in some way?” Mamoru probably thought he was going to die in the battle with Zoisite; he was also depressed about not being able to protect Sailor Moon, in what Mamoru thought was his last time seeing Usagi, he was kind and told her that she should always remain her cheerful self. Worried, she follows him. When he discovers this, he is genuinely surprised that she was worried about him. Mamoru didn't have anyone in his life who worried about him. In the iconic elevator ride, he genuinely opens up to her. He tells her about his past, his recurring dream, why he is looking for the silver crystal, things he hasn't told anyone else before. When she tells him, “You know what? Before, I thought you were the worst person in the whole wide world. But not anymore, now you’re the second worst.” The way Mamoru looked at her as she blushed saying that, the way he prioritized Usagi’s safety over the rainbow crystals, the way he pushed her out of the way from falling icicles, the way he looked at her when he saw his Bunhead transform into THE Sailor Moon, the way he looked at her when he pulled out that rose and turned into Tuxedo Mask. Mamoru and Usagi fell for each other long before they discovered they were Serenity and Endymion. Sure, it's not as explicit and cinematic as how it is portrayed in the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal. But their attraction is there. They are on each other's minds from early on.
The way the writers developed their relationship is actually genius. By the moonlight, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon flirt, and he calls her smart and beautiful, and he believes in her leadership and talent as a superhero. Meanwhile, by daylight, Mamoru and Usagi bicker like a married couple. It's like Lois Lane falling in love with Super Man but dismissing Clark Kent. The dialogue they share, their body language, how others notice their connection goes a little further than they realize; I recommend that you rewatch Sailor Moon Season 1 and the first arc of Sailor Moon R (Makaiju) and notice how Usagi and Mamoru act around each other and how their feelings for one another develop. It's there as clear as day, and honestly, it's one of the reasons I love Sailor Moon. It's the best story ever told. Heck, even the intro song is from Usagi's perspective, singing about her miracle romance with Mamoru.
I think the most notable difference between Usagi and Mamoru’s relationship in Season 1 and Season 2 is that Usagi is much nicer to him in Season 2. As a result, Mamoru is much friendlier to Usagi. This, in turn, provides heartwarming moments between them, such as when they took care of a baby, their first “date” at the arcade, Mamoru’s sigh of relief when Usagi shows up to interrupt Natsuki’s incessant flirting, his blushing when Usagi called herself cute and when he thought Usagi was on a date with Seijuro, as well as many more moments between them. The reason Usagi treats him much nicer is because, at the beginning of Season 2, Usagi remembered her previous lives, she remembered who Mamoru is, his personality, what they went through, how he puts himself in danger to protect her, how he died for her, and most of all, she remembered why she fell in love with him. It becomes her mission to get Mamoru to remember who she is, what they’ve endured together, and how they fell in love. The Makaijju arc serves as a retelling of their love story, as Mamoru falls in love with Usagi all over again. This happens gradually; he starts to see how this Bunhead girl went from someone who is rude to him to someone who enjoys his company, cares about others, brave, fun to be around, and is a kind friend. When they are both captured by the Makaiju tree, Mamoru asks Usagi if she is alright and reaches out to hold her hand. When he and Sailor Moon are being thrown and flung around the room, he holds on to Usagi/Sailor Moon’s hand even though this aggravates their antagonists more, causing them to inflict more pain on them. He jumps in front of Sailor Moon to protect her near-fatal blows, as she did for him, because in Usagi’s words: “I’m willing to risk my life in order to protect anyone I truly love.” At this moment, Mamoru had already fallen in love with Usagi again. It wasn’t until he felt the same love he had felt in his past lives that his consciousness, the Moonlight Knight, returned his memories. Therefore, he fell for Usagi before he remembered their past lives. His undying need to protect her literally took physical form as the Moonlight Knight. This proves that Mamoru doesn’t love Usagi because she is Serenity and because of destiny, but because he genuinely loves Usagi. The cutest part of this moment was Mamoru waking Usagi up after the battle, and calling her his little Bunhead Usagi Tsukino.
Many people argue that he fell for Sailor Moon and settled for Usagi once he found out they were the same person. It is undeniable that Tuxedo Mask felt strong feelings for Sailor Moon since he could sense when she was in danger and felt this urge to protect her. However, Tuxedo Mask made an enemy of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi when it came to finding the rainbow crystals. In The Shining Silver Crystal, Mamoru and Usagi are confronted by Zoisite, who demands that Mamoru surrender his own rainbow crystals so that they can fight, and the winner takes all. Mamoru tells Zoisite that he will do so only if he promises not to harm Usagi and let her go. This was BEFORE he knew that she was Sailor Moon. He prioritized Usagi’s safety over his unwavering personal mission of finding the silver crystal. He didn’t do this for Sailor Moon; he did this for Usagi.
One of the most important arguments, if not, the most crucial evidence for the validity of Usagi and Mamoru’s love for one another is why they fell in love and if it is merely because of destiny, as many skeptics online cite this as the only reason Usagi and Mamoru are together because they feel obligated to stay together due to past in the Silver Millennium and “destiny.” I found a fantastic essay series by Sailor Moon and Me, all about studying the dynamics of Usagi and Mamoru’s relationship to ultimately answer if they truly love one another in the original 90’s anime. You can find the whole series here; I highly recommend you read it! https://sailormoonandme.tumblr.com/post/93343451085/usagi-and-mamoru-essay-series-contents-page-and
In conclusion, the author writes: “Would Usagi and Mamoru have wound up together if they had not regained their memories from their past lives? If given the right opportunities to get to know each other better, almost certainly yes. And those opportunities would’ve probably presented themselves somehow because their past lives/destiny would’ve been influencing them. Remember, they even met as children. Were they obligated to be together because of their past lives? Not exactly. Their past lives guided them and influenced them, but the personality traits that Serenity and Endymion found attractive in one another were present in Usagi and Mamoru and was likely what they’re modern-day incarnations found attractive too. In particular, these traits were on display as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask and Usagi and Mamoru already effectively loved one another in through those identities anyway.” The author highlights a key aspect, the reason Usagi and Mamoru have fallen in love over and over again: they find each other’s personality traits attractive! Earlier in the essay series, the author brilliantly proves how, in the anime, Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask and Endymion act in the same way, as well as Usagi/Sailor Moon and Serenity. They are the same people, so if they fell in love during the Silver Millennium, they can fall in love again for the same reason, they like each other’s personalities!
Mamoru's breakup with Usagi
In the anime, after they finally get together during Sailor Moon R, he finally feels like he’s not alone. Then he gets these visions prophesizing that the woman he loves will die if he continues to be with her. He struggles with what to do; he just found someone who completes him, who gave him his lost memories and the meaning of his life. Who saw the best in him and believed in him even after him being brainwashed and soul strangled by the evil Metalia. He knows the pain that he’s caused her. He still has memories of being under Metaria's evil magic. He realized how possessed he was, enough to attempt to behead Usagi without question. He just learned that continuing to be a part of her life could put her in grave danger. He doesn’t take this lightly and breaks up with her because he thought he would protect her.
Mamoru thought that HE, HIMSELF, was the danger to Usagi. That's why he tried to get her to hate him. Even I initially judged the breakup arc as a victim of "bad writing" for Mamoru and Usagi's relationship. A few lines littered over a few episodes are unfortunately very negative coming from Mamoru's part. I cannot defend them when taken out of context. I am disappointed that the writers decided to include those few lines since they don't even correlate to Mamoru's character growth and overarching character arc over five seasons.
Furthermore, from his part, these comments are blatant attempts to portray himself as a despicable person, so Usagi would forget about him and move on. He thought that by getting Usagi to hate him, she would distance herself from him and be saved from the horrible fate he kept seeing in his nightmare. Many people use this as "evidence" that Mamoru "didn't love Usagi," and that he is a "horrible person." It is very easy to judge a guy breaking up with a girl as wonderful as Usagi and being so cold towards her. However, when you see Mamoru realize that marrying Usagi will cause her immediate death and that his only way of protecting her from this doom is to break up with her, he already hates himself. To provide more perspective of how this impacted him when he meets King Endymion in the future and realizes he was the one prophesying Usagi's death if Mamoru continues to be with her, Mamoru charges at him with anger.
There is no logical reason that Mamoru would willingly choose to make Usagi suffer. Why would he purposely put the only person he considers his family and his soulmate through so much pain and suffering. The breakup is as hard on him as it is on Usagi. This is clearly seen in Ep. 69, at the end, when he is crying by his motorcycle. He should’ve told Usako the truth about the dream. But she beats him to it in a later episode, and they decide to take control of their lives and be together, instead of believing in the nightmare. She was the one to believe in the strength of their love and do the right thing. Thanks to this arc, they learned that together they are unstoppable. Mamoru learned to trust Usagi wholeheartedly and to trust himself, as he felt that HE was the danger in her life. After the revelation that the messages from King Endymion were to test Mamoru's love for Usagi, even Mamoru realizes he made a horrible decision to lie to Usagi and hurt her the way he did. He realizes how dumb he was and latches on to Usagi and never lets her go again.
Furthermore, to provide a silver lining to the breakup arc, we have further evidence of just how much Mamoru loves Usagi. If he didn't love her, as so many people in the fandom like to claim, the breakup was his way out. But he didn't just up and leave. He hated that he had to be apart from Usagi. He truly loves her with all of his heart. He never once stopped calling her Usako. He never stopped being in awe of Sailor Moon's power, calling her invincible when talking about her to Chibiusa. He continued to help her and the Sailor Senshi in battle. He dreamt about marrying her; he imagined her face reflected on rivers; when he continued to run into her after the breakup, he was solemn realizing that it is fate that keeps making them meet.
This breakup isn’t my favorite part of the season at all, but it provides real character development and allows us to explore Mamoru’s fears and heartache. You see Usagi gets heartbroken, but she doesn't lose faith; she doesn't stop believing in Mamoru and love; she still has her circle of friends and family to fall back on. Mamoru had no one. Usagi was the only one he let in his heart. In the Sailor Moon R movie, he tells Usagi that his years of loneliness were worth it because he found her, and that she is his family. For years, Mamoru had the same dream about a princess who pleaded to him “find the silver crystal, find the silver crystal.” And this princess ended up being a real person! The girl with the weird hair he kept running into, Bunhead, Usagi, Usako! Are we internalizing how insane that is? To have literally no memories before your sixth birthday, to not remember your parents, to be an orphan with no family or close relationships, to have a recurring dream that wakes you in a cold sweat about the same person every time that pleads that you find this mysterious crystal you know nothing about? It’s insane. Of course, Mamoru has trouble with interpersonal relationships in the beginning. It’s thanks to Usagi’s constant love towards him and their growth as a couple that he becomes a kinder and more trusting person as the series goes on. Mamoru's connection to Usagi is so much deeper than the anime lets on at surface level. Mamoru went from someone who has had his memory stolen already three times, to someone who has finally found the love of his life, who was no longer alone, to someone who was forced to break his soulmate's heart and be pushed back to loneliness.
I recommend this great article that talks more about the breakup and Mamoru's perspective! http://starlight.csmalecki.com/reads/breakup.php
Mamoru's relationship with Chibiusa
On that note, of course, Mamoru felt a connection to Chibiusa. He was an orphan with no family, he finds this little kid all alone, of course, he is going to feel an urge to help her feel less alone. He connects with Chibiusa because he sees Usako in her; because he no longer has anyone else to fill the void of loneliness. Mamoru and Chibiusa are some of the characters that carry the underlying theme of loneliness in the Sailor Moon story. Chibiusa saw Mamo as someone who reminded her of her dad, and for a little girl who feels helpless and is separated from her parents, utterly alone in this strange world where she doesn't know who to trust, it is reasonable for her to latch onto him. She sees these people who look like her parents and Sailor Senshi back home but behave nothing like them. Mamoru is one of the few characters who is continuously nice to her and there for her; logically, she would want to be around him. There is an excellent article that talks about Chibiusa's "Electra Complex," I highly recommend you read it: https://shojopower.com/beautiful-like-you-black-ladys-uncomfortable-electra-complex/. Basically, it concludes that Chibiusa's "Electra Complex" is NOT sexual desire for her father but instead not being able to relate to her mother, "The Electra Complex is less about a daughter’s sexual desire for her father, but much more about the relationship between daughter and mother; the female child and her best friend." Once Chibiusa becomes Black Lady, her innocent feelings of love and attachment towards Mamoru get exploited and tainted and manifest as "sexual" attraction. But in reality, once Chibiusa can relate to Usagi, her "Electra Complex" is resolved, and Black Lady is defeated.
Tuxedo Mask is "useless."
What a double standard. Just because he is a man, he has to be the Batman or Spider-Man of the story? It’s called Sailor Moon. She is Wonder Woman; he is Steve Trevor. Tuxedo Mask exists to help Sailor Moon and support her, but Sailor Moon is the protector of the universe. The story is all about her and her fellow Sailor Senshi. It’s a female empowerment story; if you think that a male character is “useless” because he isn’t the one saving the day, you are missing the point. Tuxedo Mask has physically aided the Senshi in combat on countless occasions.
Furthermore, during numerous battles, if Tuxedo Mask had not shown up to shoot a single rose, Sailor Moon and the Senshi would have been goners. He utilizes his knowledge of physics and math during battles and is capable in hand to hand combat, as well as a formidable swordsman. In the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal, he has his own super-powered attack, Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber. Even cooler, he has a combined attack with his daughter, Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack. He takes the place of Sailor Earth and Sailor Sun, as he possesses the golden sailor crystal. Concerning Earth, he recognizes it as his guardian planet and can "see" what the Earth feels. Concerning the sun, Takeuchi made him a Leo, a constellation related to the sun, also, when he dies, Nehellenia states that he is "The Prince of Earth, protected by the Sun."
He buys the Senshi time to power up for their Sailor Planet attack; he's freed them from traps from where they can't escape alone, he distracts villains and disables them with supernaturally strong rose darts, allowing the Senshi to give the finishing blow. I have to note; his aim is deadly. His rose darts took down Queen Beryl and Fiore, as well as others. He doesn't leave the scene until he sees the situation is under control and that the girls can handle it from there. In his dying words during the Stars arc, he proclaims that the Senshi will stop Galaxia, that she doesn't stand a chance. He believes in each of the Senshi's strengths and gives them useful advice that they apply to the situation and helps them succeed. In the story, his character supports female heroes and helps them do their best. As a female, I feel completely empowered and inspired by Sailor Moon/Usagi, by each of the Senshi and the story in general. It is rare to see female superheroes kicking butt, in a world of countless Iron Man, Captain America, Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man movies and a less than a handful of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel movies. A male superhero in a female superhero driven story is not "useless," they simply aren't the star of the battle, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The consensus is that Usagi's kidnapping by Prince Demande is straight-up assault and absolutely repulsive from Demade's part. And rightfully so, Usagi, in tears being grabbed and forced to kiss him is horrible and uncomfortable to watch. Compare this moment to Mamoru's kidnappings. He has been objectified and kidnapped by countless villains in the story. How is this different from Usagi's kidnapping? He is forced to kiss his own daughter possessed by evil, pinned against a wall by Fish's Eye trying to get a kiss from him while he is explicitly rejecting this and saying no, was submitted to bodily possession by Metaria's dark magic on two occasions with Queen Beryl (who is obsessed and infatuated with him) doing who knows what to his unconscious body. I could go on and on, Fiore, An, Mio Kuroki; there are many occasions where Mamoru has been objectified, kidnapped, and assaulted. It is disturbing that so many people interpret this as "weakness" from Mamoru's part. These assaults and objectification are against his will. A man who has been through these horrible experiences is NOT weak. Please don't contribute to this harmful double standard. A person being assaulted is a victim, regardless of their gender.
Finally, in the first episode, when Sailor Moon is crying because she doesn't know how to fight the monster terrorizing her best friend, Tuxedo Mask appears to her and tells her "Sailor Moon, crying won't solve anything." Taken at face value, this comment is bewildering since, in that scenario (and another battle scenario in Sailor Moon SuperS), her crying became ultrasonic and incapacitated her enemies. But this comment goes further, this comment sets the tone for Usagi's series-long journey into maturing and getting over her crying habit; this is part of Sailor Moon’s character development. This personal growth is highlighted in Ep. 74 when Usagi decides to face Rubeus alone to save her friends. She reflects on how, before she would've been a total crybaby if she had to go by herself to defeat a villain, she is amazed at how far she has come emotionally. She realizes that truthfully, "crying won't solve anything." As the seasons go on, her being a self-proclaimed crybaby is still used as a point of comedy, but in the moments of real desperation, she handles herself with maturity and bravery. So, ultimately, she valued what Tuxedo Mask said to her the first time they met.
Usagi and Mamoru's age gap
One of the biggest points of misinformation in Sailor Moon is Mamoru and Usagi's age difference and the legality of their relationship. Mamoru Chiba is 17. At the start of the manga, Takeuchi intended for Mamoru to be as young as 16. Usagi Tsukino starts the story as 14, but she actually isn’t 14 for very long. The Japan school semester begins in April, and her birthday is in June. This means that Seasons 1-3 happen pretty quickly. Therefore the age difference between Mamoru and Usagi isn’t that drastic at all. Furthermore, the fact of the matter is, Mamoru behaves older than he is. Why? He has had to mature very early on in his life. He has had to take care of himself for presumably a long time. Usagi has the perfect nuclear family and at the start of the series and is rather immature. She matures as the series goes on because of her responsibilities as a guardian and protector of the galaxy. At face value, it's easy to judge Mamoru and Usagi's relationship as one with a significant age gap. However, this isn't the case. 2-3 years of age difference is not outstanding at all and in Japan even less so. They are both above the age of consent of 13 and are still both teenagers. Even in the original anime, many scripts list Mamoru as a 17-18-year-old college student, and Usagi becomes 15 early on in the series timeline. He is shown to be extremely intelligent, so being a 17 year old in college is absolutely plausible. An important point to address, he is shown driving a car when the minimum driving age in Japan is 18. However, Haruka is 16 and drives a car and even a helicopter. I’m not losing any sleep over the fact that Mamoru could be driving a car before he is 18.
People argue that if Mamoru were precisely the same age as Usagi, the "problems" would be "fixed." But like I stated earlier, Mamoru behaves more mature because he was forced to be independent and self-sufficient from a very early point in his life. Even at 14, Mamoru would appear and behave much more mature than Usagi does. He is still obviously immature in how he deals with his crush on Usagi. When Takeuchi wrote the story about Serenity and Endymion, she was basing herself on medieval romance stories where the lovers are many years apart in age. Hence, the age gap was intentional in that aspect. Again, as I stated previously, 2-3 years of age difference is hardly noteworthy, especially as the series goes on, and they mature together.
Here is an excellent post that further discusses and debunks the age gap legality rumors: https://tiny012.tumblr.com/post/184025521241/in-the-defense-of-mamoru-chiba-because-bitch-im
Final thoughts and conclusions about Usagi and Mamoru's relationship and Tuxedo Mask
In the end, Usagi and Mamoru mature and grow together; they are each other’s rock. Mamoru becomes a more laid back person around Usagi, like when he takes her to see the cats at the abandoned house to cheer her up in Ep. 91. Usagi asks him, “but are we allowed to go in there?” and he responds, “I don’t know! Who cares!” and hands her a little kitten. I love Diana’s comment in Ep. 146 about how both Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion fake being sick together to get out of meetings and commitments.
Mamoru loves Usagi for who she is; in some ways, she is everything he's not, and he loves her for that - they complete each other; he keeps her grounded while she lifts him up into craziness. And he adores it. Mamoru has told Usagi: "Never apologize for being yourself.”, "Your strong will is what I love about you most.” and “Just being with you makes my life complete.” When Fish’s Eye questioned Mamoru on why he doesn’t want to be with anyone else but Usagi, he responds, "She’s full of dreams. That’s why.” In Stars, as Chibiusa is fading from existence due to Nehellenia’s curse on Mamoru, she pleads that he remembers that both him and Usagi have always shared the same dreams. Mamoru and Usagi are pretty different, sure, but in reality, they have the same visions for the future; they share the same values, and they have the same dreams. They complement each other beautifully, and that is why their love is as strong as it is. Usagi may be a bit clumsy and a crybaby, but in Mamoru's eyes, she's perfect.
People also bring up Mamoru's avoidance of public displays of affection with Usagi as evidence that "he doesn't really love her." In Japan, public displays of affection are seen as rude and inappropriate. When Mamo is alone with Usako, they share countless cute moments. Kisses, hugs, affection.. they love each other. Let's not forget when Mamoru gave Usagi a promise ring at the airport and kissed her like they were the only two people on Earth. His last words were "Usako." He has taken countless blows and stabs in Usagi's place, and she has for him too.
We saw them fall in love over and over, as Serenity and Endymion, and as Bunhead and Jerkface. Even when brainwashed initially in Season 1, Mamoru couldn’t bring himself to hurt her and kept unconsciously helping her succeed. You can brainwash him, kill him, erase his memory, separate him from her, but there is nothing you can do to make Mamoru’s love for Usagi fade. In the words of Toru Furuya, the voice of Mamoru: "He loves Sailor Moon and Tsukino Usagi with his whole heart. I think he’s a very great person."
Finally, Tuxedo Mask gives Sailor Moon strength; he supports her to become the best superhero he knows she can be. He does his best to help the Senshi in battle, but it’s a story about girls protecting the world. Takeuchi wrote this character to fit that narrative; he is one of the characters she holds dearest in her heart. Few people can really understand the beauty of Usako and Mamo together and how Sailor Moon is breaking the stereotypes of gender roles. If you can’t understand that, it’s your loss.
Tuxedo Mask is the hero Tuxedo Mask haters deserve, but not the one they need right now, so they’ll hunt him. Because he can take it, because he’s not a hero. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Moonlight Knight.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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Review: American Samurai (1992)
“Why couldn’t we just have been brothers?”
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This review is based on the Region 1 DVD release of the film.
The Cannon Group was on its last legs in the early 90s and American Samurai was one of the last movies distributed during its lifetime. The first of several collaborations between director Sam Firstenberg and star David Bradley, this is a picture with a lot going for it that still manages to confound me. When I first saw it, I was shocked by many of the creative and technical decisions, but having recently seen it again, I think I can hang a lot of them on the old sin of studio overreach. Still, it shines in some important and gratifying ways and is worth a watch if this is your kind of thing.
The plot: An American reporter trained in the ways of the samurai (Bradley) and his photographer (Valarie Trapp) investigate a murder in Turkey, where he uncovers a deadly tournament championed by his vicious half-brother (Mark Dacascos).
Writer John Corcoran (RIP) was a well-known figure in the world of martial arts publication, but his sole movie script is basically Bloodsport with weapons. It starts off incredibly pulpy with the baby protagonist surviving a plane crash and being raised by a modern samurai (John Fujioka), but it almost immediately begins hitting recognizable beats of the Jean-Claude Van Damme vehicle, down to a blatant Donald Gibb knockoff character (Rex Ryon). Nevertheless, I think the film originally intended to distinguish itself by being a more dramatic and heartfelt story, with the crux being the conflict between the brothers. We get hints of an emotional undercurrent, with Bradley’s character conflicted about fighting the sibling who feels jealous of his parental favor. However, in the end, we only get a superficial and choppy representation of their feud, including a rushed prologue and a head-spinning psychedelic scene where the lead confronts his brother’s demonic form in a dream. (Shades of Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story?)
That’s a recurring trend: parts of the story and action giving the impression of having once been very different. It’s most apparent in two instances: (1) the breakneck romance between David Bradley and Valarie Trapp, with an abrupt sex scene entirely performed by body doubles, and (2) the final duel between the brothers, which I’m certain was initially a short and minimalistic fight before being expanded with footage obviously transplanted from previous scenes. I get the impression that the script was heavily edited to focus on exploitation, and then the movie saw substantial content changes during post-production. It complicates what probably a pretty simple film, to the point that I don’t feel like I can accurately critique the screenplay and the acting. I don’t assume it was ever a dramatic masterpiece, but I wonder whether even Mark Dacascos’ hamfisted acting didn’t seem more appropriate before his character’s motivations were screwed with after the fact.
Speaking of Dacascos, he’s retrospectively one of the main drawing points of the movie. This was his first substantial film role and he’s still in proto form. His presence and intensity are already apparent, his acting would improve, but the filmmakers don’t quite know how to get the most out of his fight scenes. Dacascos looks great with a katana, but if you’re hoping to find the equivalent of his fight scenes from Drive or even the following year’s Only the Strong, you’ll be disappointed at his comparatively restrained adrenaline pieces.
That said, the action is pretty good. I definitely appreciate it more than I did during my first viewing. Weapons are the name of the game, putting the film in the same subcategory as Ring of Steel and the Swordsman series. There’s some purely hand-to-hand stuff in the first half, with David Bradley demonstrating some cool throws, but for the most part, the action’s a variety of colorful opponents fighting each other with a plethora of bladed weapons. The quality of the fights isn’t static, with more than one marred by an overabundance of cutaway shots, but a lot of thought has been put into the choreography. The flashiest match is a rare onscreen appearance of Hong Kong choreographers Dion Lam and Anthony Szeto, but my personal favorite is a sword-versus-ax encounter between David Bradley and a viking-themed opponent (Mark Warren). I like how Bradley first uses only the hilt of his katana to fight, then only the dull side of the blade before he actually starts slicing. It’s not spectacular stuff, but definitely enjoyable.
“Definitely enjoyable” is a good summation of the movie, but only if you’re already into this genre, are a fan of some of the performers, and/or are prepared to find pleasure in the little details. I like Sam Firstenberg’s signature gore (even though the content is clumsily censored in the DVD release) – not just because of how it helps spice up the duels, but because I appreciate how he was one of the few karate filmmakers who utilized special effects in his action scenes. I get a kick out of Valarie Trapp, who’s nothing special as an actor but whose real-life story of being a struggling writer taking small movie roles to get by is genuinely inspiring. And, of course, I love the fact that two action heroes in different stages of their careers were able to do a film together, because even if this isn’t the best, it’s not so for lack of effort. If this sounds like your kind of picture, it’s worth spending a bit of money on…though you might be better off getting the VHS version in this case, which I don’t recall being quite as heavily censored.
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American Samurai (1992) Directed by Sam Firstenberg (Revenge of the Ninja) Written by John Corcoran (editor of Inside Kung Fu magazine) Starring David Bradley (American Ninja 3 & 4), Valarie Trapp (Mr. Stitch), Mark Dacascos, Rex Ryan (The Man in the Iron Mask) Cool costars: The late, great John Fujioka plays another benevolent martial arts master, much like his role in American Ninja. The list of tournament fighters and other onscreen combatants include Hong Kong action masters Dion Lam (Black Mask) and Anthony Szeto (Wushu), karate staple Ron Vreeken (Under the Gun), and award-winning stunt pros Koby Azarly (Sector 4: Extraction) and Rocky McDonald (Mission Impossible II). Second unit director and action coordinator Guy Norris has since moved up the studio ladder, nowadays coordinating for major motion pictures like Mad Max: Fury Road and Suicide Squad. Video game fans may recognize composer Craig Stuart Garfinkle from his later work on the World of Warcraft and Fallout series. Content warning: Extreme violence, violence against women, kidnapping, police intimidation Title refers to David Bradley’s lead character, who plays an American trained in the art of the samurai. In a roundabout way, it could also refer to Mark Dacascos and John Fujioka, who are real-life Americans playing characters with samurai training. (If you want to be a pedantic nitpicker, the title’s a total misnomer since no character’s an actual member of the old Japanese military caste.) Cover accuracy: David Bradley and Mark Dacascos posing with swords, the latter seemingly wearing his outfit from the tournament, are certainly very true to the movie. That said, the Japanese syllabery and paper walls in the background don’t convey that hardly any of the story takes place in Japan. Number of full-length fight scenes: 10 Copyright Cannon Pictures / Global Pictures
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Why (most of) the 2010s Marvel legacy characters didn’t work
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For Marvel characters I think it comes off as profoundly undermining when they get legacies, at least in the specific way Marvel attempted this throughout the 2010s.
To explain this we need to actually first look at DC’s characters in order to compare and contrast why legacies for them tend to work out better than they do for Marvel.
Simply put back in the 1930s-1950s (if not even later) DC’s characters were almost always created as powers first, people second. Wish fulfilment fantasy figures over flawed mere mortals.
Consequently you could legacy Green Lantern and the Flash in the 1950s and then do so again in the 1980s-1990s because so so long as you had a guy with a ring and another guy with super speed you were retaining the essence of both characters, the fundamental point and appeal of them.
But the Marvel characters were the other way around and practically deliberately designed to be so. 
Thor was the story of the life and times of Thor Odinson. Spider-Man was the story of the life and times of Peter Parker. The Fantastic Four was never the story about a brainiac who stretched, a girl who could go invisible, a kid who could burst into flame and a guy who looked like a rock monster. 
It was about a stern scientist obsessed with his work. A nurturing young woman who loved him but was frustrated by his tendency to get lost in his work. Her younger brother interested in sports cars, girls, excitement and other typically hot headed teenage endeavours. And an average Joe who was tortured and depressed that he was no longer human. 
Ben Grimm could’ve looked like any kind of monster and the central point of his character would have been retained. The F4′s specific powers, complemented their personalities, but they were not the driving point unto themselves. 
In contrast let us consider Captain America, probably the Marvel character who’s done the ‘replacement legacy hero’ storyline the most (at least within 616 canon). How comes he  lends himself so much better to this type of story than the other Marvel characters? 
Simple, because unlike most of the big name Marvel characters you know of, he wasn’t created in the 1960s or beyond. Cap was the product of the 1940s and was a peer to those same early days super heroes from the Golden Age, including the original Green Lantern and Flash. Like them he began fundamentally more as a symbol and powerset than a person. 
But now flashing forward to the 21st century many (most in my view) Flash fans were upset (and continue to be so) Wally West’s ascension to the Flash mantle was undermined and ultimately undone for the sake of restoring Barry Allan to the spotlight. The reason for this upset when Wally himself had replaced Barry? Wally had proven himself a far more flawed, nuanced and complex character than Barry had ever been. 
He demonstrated a degree of characterisation in the Flash role that Barry never had. It wasn’t even that he simply had more of this than Barry, but that Barry, just like Jay Garrick preceding him, had little to speak of in the first place. Thus the contrast between Jay and Barry was mostly superficial but the contrast between Barry and Wally was as stark as comparing Spider-Man to 1950s Superman.*
But Wally West, and the entire DC Universe from Post-Crisis onwards in fact, were in that mould precisely because they were trying to be more like Marvel comics has been since the 1960s onwards. 
DC in effect began prioritising the people beneath the costumes over the powers.** But Marvel starting in the 1960s had pretty much always been like that with their heroes.
Consequently when legacies popped up and those new characters were pushed as being just as good, just as worthy, or (in some cases) lowkey pushed as being better  than their predecessors it naturally rubbed those fans with decades of emotional investment the wrong way. OBVIOUSLY  a woman or a POC can be just as worthy and just as capable as a man or a white person as a superhero. But series to series, character to character, it was almost like Marvel was taking away your beloved pet.
Imagine for a moment you had a pet named Rex that you’d known and loved for years. 
Then Marvel insisted on taking Rex away from you when there was nothing wrong with him. In his place they give you another clearly different pet with Rex’s collar, who gets Rex’s bowl, Rex’s food, Rex’s toys, Rex’s bed and even Rex’s name and asks you to treat them not as just a new dog but straight up the new Rex.
Except he isn’t Rex. Rex is Rex. The ‘new Rex’ playing with Rex’s toys, doing the same tricks as him or having his collar doesn’t change that.*** 
Because Rex was more than a collar, his toys or his tricks. He was an individual that you’d known and loved. And even if you know Rex is going to come back ‘eventually’ having Rex taken away from you at all, having the new Rex supplant them (especially if old Rex was screwed over for the sake of new Rex’s arrival) and having so many people insist new Rex is just as great or more great than old Rex (to the point where many people loudly proclaim they don’t even want the old Rex back and the old Rex was kinda lame and boring) is going to create a massive dissonance. Maybe you would’ve been chill with the new Rex is he was just another additional pet called Rover or even like RexY who was similar yet different to Rex, but not actually promoted AS Rex or as his replacement. 
Maybe you would’ve been okay with the new Rex if the old one got too old, died naturally or accidentally. But you aren’t okay with it because there was nothing wrong with Rex, you LOVED Rex and Rex had been with you and been around generally forever. So the new Rex felt like he was undermining him, especially undermining Rex’s individuality. 
That’s how I think most Marvel fans felt about practically EVERY legacy situation that’s ever cropped up from the 1960s onwards, not even the ones just from the 2010s. I remember  the outrage when Bucky was announced as the new Cap. I know there were people salty about Eric Masterson as Thor and the Spider-Man Clone Saga speaks for itself.
Compounding the situation is that more than a few media outlets (despite imo not representing the feeling’s of the majority at all) promoted (and in some cases still promote) the new characters as not just better than they are (see the dozen or so lists talking about how great Riri allegedly was) but along with many fans tear down the older characters whilst doing so. 
See every article ever talking about why Peter Parker in the movies (and sometimes in the comics) NEEDS to die for the sake of Miles becoming the new Spider-Man in spite of their rationales rarely making sense from a creative/financial POV and utilizing misrepresentations of both characters to varying degrees. Even fans that appreciate the social/political relevancy of the new characters are going to naturally be upset in response to that and angrily voice opposition when the character they love gets dragged through the mud like that. And that then gets exacerbated when they are labelled as bigots for feeling upset by the changes or reacting against the character they love being dragged through the mud.**** 
Especially considering they would’ve reacted the same way regardless of who was the replacement hero.  Again, fans at first didn’t take kindly to John Walker or Bucky as the new Captain Americas so the idea that backlash against Sam Wilson was entirely or primarily racist was itself profoundly ignorant. Especially when you consider black reviewers such as those on the Hooded Utalitarian were calling it out as bad storytelling and bad representation for black people. SpaceTwinks went issue by issue through Spencer’s Sam Wilson run and called it out as racist, ignorant and naive. NONE of which is me saying that there isn’t more than a little bigotry going around detractors of these new characters nor that there aren’t obviously bad actors.
But those people did not and do not represent the majority and framing the situation as though they do is disingenuous and highly unethical. In conclusion, the backlash against the 2010s Marvel legacy characters was entirely natural, understandable and for the vast majority came from a place of love for the original characters not a bigoted hatred for the new characters skin colour or sex. 
It was a testament to Marvel’s, and the wider media, misunderstanding the psychology of most comic book fans. 
P.S. In regards to that, though it isn’t exactly talking about what I’ve spoken about I’d highly recommend checking out this video which touches upon the disenchantment Star Wars fans felt over the Sequel Trilogy, which itself could be viewed as doing the same thing Marvel did with it’s replacement legacy characters.
P.P.S. The reason I think the likes of Miles Morales or Kamala Khan succeeded where others failed is chiefly due to their rise to the role of legacy replacements stemmed from their predecessors not  being sidelined for their rise to the spotlight. Miles never ever replaced the 616 version of Peter Parker, widely considered by most fans and Marvel internally as the true and legitimate version of the character. Kamala Khan meanwhile picked up the Ms. Marvel only when Carol Danvers discarded it and became Captain Marvel. She was still in the spotlight in her own right, Kamala simply got her own spotlight using Carol’s obsolete name. Which isn’t all that dissimilar to fan favourite Cassandra Cain’s rise to the Batgirl mantle now I think about it.
P.P.P.S. A possible counter argument to all I’ve said is the success of the Superior Spider-Man/Otto Octavius. After all why was he embraced when Sam Wilson and Jane Foster wasn’t? Was a double standard rooted in bigotry at play?
No, but the answer isn’t neat and simple.
I think Ock as the new Spider-Man was more embraced partially because Ock had been around essentially as long as Spidey himself. But more poignantly  pre-Superior Spider-Man was so atrocious that a sizzling and sexy idea like Superior (which generated tons of cheap novelty) felt utterly refreshing, even to people who had actually LIKED pre-Superior Spidey under Slott. It’s like how people praised the early Big Time stories despite their problems because compared to BND they were genuinely better.
Plus Superior, for all it’s god forsaken writing, didn’t exist to clearly workshop potential movie ideas or chiefly in aid of a social/political cause. Someone can agree that there should be more black or female superheroes but disagree that the older characters should be sidelined in the attempt to achieve that.
Especially when there were better alternative options such as introducing those newer characters within and alongside the established hero’s narrative or simply introduce them independently as has happened recently with the likes of Lunar Snow.
*This is also why I suspect Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman survived from the Golden Age into the Silver Age. Because they were the DC characters who (more than any of the other ones) had actual personalities/substance to them. **Of course this didn’t begin wholesale with the post-Crisis era. But noticeably the characters who had worked with this new shift in priorities prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths stayed generally the same thereafter (E.g. the Titans, Batman) whilst characters who had largely vacillated or struggled (e.g. Superman and Wonder Woman) were given fresh starts which proved critically and financially successful.  
***Not even if he does everything just as well as Rex did or does some stuff differently that’s still good (although the overwhelming majority of the time new Rex is clearly not as good as the old Rex).
****I’ve seen people be called racist and misogynists for calling out Riri Williams honestly ridiculous degree of competency as a hero/tech genius in spite of her age. This is not an invalid criticism, yet disliking the character because of those reasons is grounds to be labelled as something ugly by another (imo minor yet also vocal) contingent of fandom. 
Hell I was called a Trump supporting Breitbart reading bigot for calling out Marvel as two-faced due to never putting a black writer in charge of Sam Wilson as Captain America or a woman in charge of Jane Foster as Thor. It isn’t exclusive to comics either as I and other people have been accused of racism/misogyny for disliking the Last Jedi in spite of that film to my eyes being itself racist and sexist anyway.
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bluehhj · 5 years
(don’t) love me ˀˀ three
a/n: after so much waiting, here's another chapter of '(don't) love me', listen to me’s first spin-off. and don't forget it is narrated from chaerin's point of view, ok? see you at the end!
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Two months later, I began to feel truly guilty.
Guilty for knowing that I was wrong and still not regretting anything.
We were no longer on vacation, obviously, when my professor asked us to do some work and my class was sent to the library.
My group was the same as always. The four of us agreed that we worked well as a team and were much more skilled together than in the company of others. I got the introduction part, Jungkook and Tzuyu chose the development and Minho took the final considerations. The work was done in record time and, as a bonus, we gained several free minutes until the next classes began.
Tzuyu complained of hunger several times while we were still writing, and after much insistence she managed to convince only Jungkook to accompany her to the food court. Minho refused because he needed to finish some late exercises. I no longer accepted because Seungmin was there, on the other side of the library, so focused on his book that he didn't even seem to notice me.
Our relationship entered a stage that, when we couldn't exchange many words during the day, was as if a sense of incompleteness arose. I don't say it was easy to get to this point, for Seungmin avoided getting too involved in the first few weeks, but failed in every attempt. I failed too.
Our work was too close for our desire to meet to be contained, and from time to time, he was already visiting the store at the end of his work every day, and we talked until we lost track of time. Sometimes I got home too late and lied to Jisung, saying I was working overtime, and he never suspected that I was actually sharing his place in my heart with another guy.
By the way, our engagement was still the same. Jisung knew superficially about Seungmin, but he didn't mind that, because he saw us only as friends, and it made me feel strange from time to time.
I shouldn't compare them, but my treacherous mind wouldn't obey me. At other times, it pleased me to know that Jisung trusted me to the point that, for example, there were no bouts of silly jealousy that could easily wear us out, as in many relationships. However, as I got used to Seungmin's sweet personality, I realized how much my fiance was... Short with me.
Jisung didn't do that to bad, but the fact that he almost never verbalized his feelings suddenly bothered me. I was important in his life and knew it without having to hear the confirmation coming out of his mouth as he constantly demonstrated with his gestures. However, I began to feel a little empty, as if things were getting cold, although not long ago none of this bothered me and I liked his way of being so much that I wouldn't change anything at all, if I could.
Plus, I grew up watching my dad call my mom "sweetie," just as my mom always called my dad "love" or something similar. Jisung just called me Chaerin, and it wasn't as if I was asking for a flood of affectionate pet names, but being next to such an unromantic person generated some frustration.
With Seungmin, however, it was all much lighter and more pleasant.
I didn't think straight before getting up and going to his desk.
In fact, I've never thought straight since the day I met him.
Seungmin looked up from his reading when he finally saw me. The beautiful smile that appeared on his face warmed my heart and made me smile too.
"Hi Chae!" he said excitedly and pulled the chair next to his own for me to sit down. "I was thinking of you just right now."
"What did I do this time?" I asked humorously as he closed the book and turned his attention to me completely.
"Nothing, silly. It's just that I got that old movie you wanted to watch, my aunt had recorded it on a DVD."
I don't think there are many people who trade the stuffed Netflix catalog for feature films from the last century, but I at least do it quite often.
The other day Seungmin and I discussed my interest in Top Gun. I said I wanted to watch again, considering it had been a long time since the last time and several details had been erased from my mind. He laughed, lovely, and said he would fix it. Less than a week has passed and here we are.
"Oh really?" I smiled, but I was also worried because Seungmin already had several things to do during the day and still cared about something so silly that I told him just by saying. "You needn't have bothered with that, dang."
"I didn't bother, Chae," he answered in such a sincere way that I felt unable to doubt. Seungmin looked even happier after seeing me smile at something he did. "Can we watch together?"
"We should," I corrected and again didn't think much when I squeezed his hand on the table. He startled a little, but then slowly intertwined our fingers. "Thanks, Minnie," I said quietly, watching him melt. Maybe I may have melted too. "You're the most considerate person I have ever met."
With a flushed face, he tried to hide a smile but couldn't, what made me want to squeeze him in a hug.
"And you're the most amazing person I've ever met, Chae," he returned. But unlike him, I was nothing incredible, just a flawed and stupid girl who had been doing more nonsense lately than usual. Seungmin, however, didn't care about my mistakes. I even think he liked them and, apparently, everything else as well. It is unfair, but it is reciprocal. "Then thanks, too."
And as always when we were together, time went by very fast.
We said goodbye after we forced ourselves out of our waterproof bubble and I followed Minho out of the library while Seungmin found some classmates and took another path.
Minho was always so cheerful that I often couldn't handle his chatter without getting a headache, and as much as I complained and told him to calm down for just a minute, I missed his energy when I saw him so quiet.
"What happened?" I asked when we were leaving the building. "Are you sad?"
He walked a few feet more without answering, until he stopped, looked up from the floor and looked at me strangely. He seemed more disappointed than hesitant to say whatever was bothering him.
"It's been a while since the others and I have noticed something," he began. "And I won't judge you or get in too much of your life, but it's my obligation as your friend to warn you when you're making a mistake, so don't get me wrong about it."
I knew what he was referring to before I even heard the rest, but I remained silent and let Minho continue.
"I don't know what Seungmin has that hooked you that way, but I think the least you can do, at least here at the university, is disguise. Everyone in the library noticed you both. You think it's fair to do this with Jisung?"
"What do you mean, noticed you both?" I raised my eyebrows, truly confused. "We were just talking."
"No, Chaerin, you are never just talking, it's much more than that" Minho started to get angry, and I understand him. Since his ex-girlfriend dumped him for someone else and didn't even bother to give decent satisfaction, he has become adamant about any kind of infidelity. His willingness to squeeze my neck, therefore, is justifiable. "It seems like a movie scene, you know? You look at each other in such a passionate way that I wouldn't be surprised if Careless Whisper or the Titanic theme song started playing out of nowhere!"
"You're exaggerating."
"No, I'm not! You got so stupid over this boy that you no longer have control over your actions. You don't even realize, Chaerin!"
I parted my lips, but no word leaked out of them. Valid arguments were something I didn't have at the time, because I knew I was wrong and nothing I said would be enough to soften my increasingly frequent slips.
"You regret?" Minho then asked. "Be honest, do you feel like stopping all this?"
The answer must have been written on my forehead, for Minho didn't have to watch my silence for more than a few seconds to take a deep breath and shake his head in the negative.
"He doesn't deserve it" I also didn't need anything more explicit to know that he meant Jisung. "I know very well what it's like to trust someone and have a broken heart in the end. It hurts a lot, okay?" there was a pause. Maybe he was waiting for me to say something, but even my head I couldn't lift. "You fell in love with someone else and I don't condemn you for that, because it's not something you can choose or control, but taking it forward without being honest with your fiance is selfish."
"But then I'll hurt him" finally I spoke again, unfortunately saying nonsense.
"You're going to hurt him anyway!" Minho spread his hands on his own jeans, perhaps thinking of doing the same to my face. "But it will be less worse if he knows the truth from you than from other people."
I closed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair, pulling the strands back in an act of pure frustration.
"I've never been so confused," I confessed. Although Minho was mad at me, I was sure he would stay there for me, as he always did. "I like Seungmin, but I can't just throw an engagement in the trash. It's too early for that."
"And what do you intend?" he crossed his arms. "Are you going to keep lying to Jisung until you decide which one you want to stay with?" the irony in his voice mingled with the annoyance. "You're not like that, Chaerin. Stop it, please."
"I don't know how to stop" in my case, it was despair that stood out more than anything.
"You'll know when you make a decision." he adjusted the shoulder strap on his shoulder and left me alone after completing, "Just don't take too long, or you'll end up without either of them."
And as much as I wanted to disagree, my conscience shouted out loud that Minho was right.
I needed to choose between my fiance and my unexpected case.
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a/n: I said I'd update quickly and it took me months, dammit
but today's chapter was a little longer to make up :))
did you guys notice the contrast between the relationship that jisung had with chaerin and the relationship that jisung has with jinah? even when they were fine, jisung wasn't usually affectionate or anything like this with chaerin. but with jinah he's always like "my love" and it is only because of her that jisung learned to be a little more cute in that sense
hopefully I'll come back earlier this time hehe see you later <3
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dabistits · 5 years
could you explain what it means like with himiko's chapter title interview with a vampire and twices all it takes is one bad day. i think this has something to do with his characters like in their respective movies.
aaa i think ‘interview with a vampire’ is mostly just a riff off of anne rice’s book. ‘all it takes is one bad day’ also comes from another source (as many people have noticed): the killing joke, and it’s said by the joker to batman. unfortunately i have very very little first-hand knowledge of both of these sources, so i invite people to chime in although i will take a stab at this. i also dedicated a huge post to their backstories (though i didn’t really address the intertextuality aspect), but since that post contains thoughts about tomura i will mention him too.
interview with a vampire covers a whole book (as opposed to just a monologue), so it’s harder to just nail down One connection. again, I’m not sure if hori was just doing it to be funny, so I may be reaching here, but what stands out to me is the themes of instinct and repression that tend to recur in modern vampire novels. It should be noted that interview with a vampire is considered the piece of fiction that largely gave rise to the genre of vampires being good-looking, angsty, aristocratic, etc. rather than ugly and terrifying undead, and it was possibly one of the first to extensively play with the theme of the vampire’s struggle with their own humanity. in interview with a vampire, this duality is embodied by main characters louis and lestat, the former who seeks to retain his humanity and resists feeding from humans, while the latter seems to see himself as wholly separate from humanity and doesn’t fight his instincts. 
the storyline of the modern vampire is often about these struggles: are we so different than humans? is it in our nature to victimize humanity? is it okay for us to do so or should it only be done out of necessity? how do we integrate into a world that would shun us if they knew the truth? himiko’s backstory reiterates these questions that are so prevalent in modern vampire fiction. she tries to repress her ‘natural instinct’ of bloodlust so that she can live among people who would otherwise not accept her; eventually she rejects this existence and succumbs to her desires, and as such is cast out from what is deemed ‘normal’ society. this of course mirrors the eternal vampiric conflict of whether to live among humans or away from them, whether to ‘use’ other people or not, and obviously, even the taboos being addressed are the same: blood-drinking.
as far as “one bad day,” i know i have some followers that don’t like the joker, but i honestly don’t know about the comic books or the animation to comment on what the killing joke did or did not do for his character. i’ve read the synopsis, i know the events of the plot (they’re extremely misogynistic), and that’s about it. i think it’s enough to comment on how it relates to bnha, but i again i invite people to chime in. that said, the monologue is short-ish, so i reproduced it here:
Joker: I’ve demonstrated there’s no difference between me and everyone else! All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once, am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed. Why else would you dress up as a flying rat? You had a bad day, and it drove you as crazy as everybody else… Only you won’t admit it! You have to keep pretending that life makes sense, that there’s some point to all this struggling! God you make me want to puke. I mean, what is it with you? What made you what you are? Girlfriend killed by the mob, maybe? Brother carved up by some mugger? Something like that, I bet. Something like that… Something like that happened to me, you know. I… I’m not exactly sure what it was. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another… If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! Ha ha ha! But my point is… My point is, I went crazy. When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was, I went crazy as a coot! I admit it! Why can’t you? I mean, you’re not unintelligent! You must see the reality of the situation. Do you know how many times we’ve come close to world war three over a flock of geese on a computer screen? Do you know what triggered the last world war? An argument over how many telegraph poles Germany owed its war debt creditors! Telegraph poles! Ha ha ha ha HA! It’s all a joke! Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for… it’s all a monstrous, demented gag! So why can’t you see the funny side? Why aren’t you laughing?
the background on the joker here is that he had a tragic past where his wife and child died in an accident and then he went to do some shady shit with a couple criminals, then jumped into a vat of acid to escape batman and went loco from the experiences. i’m going to consider it not entirely relevant to my bnha commentary, since the narrative similarities are fairly superficial imo; namely, both jin and the joker’s, let’s say, streak of bad luck started with accidents which led into criminal sprees. otherwise, jin’s story is clearly not about torturing the chief of police and a dude in a bat suit for… reasons, and instead hinges a lot more on loneliness and camaraderie with the concept of ‘lunacy’ being pretty incidental to that. but we’ll come back to the differences! for now, we’ll focus on why hori might have chosen this monologue for jin’s chapter.
purely looking at the monologue itself (i.e. decontextualizing it from the joker’s backstory and the events of the killing joke), the parallels are pretty stark. this is a man narrating his descent into madness that supposedly emerged from a senseless accident, which he doesn’t quite recall; it’s comparable to jin’s own motorcycle accident which led to him getting fired, turning to crime, and then finally the clone mass murders which resulted in his split personality and confusion over being the ‘original.’ and as far as we’re concerned, the only thing that led to jin’s downward spiral is that ‘bad day’ when he got fired, comparable to the accident which killed the joker’s family. there are other elements involved in jin’s backstory of course, notably the lack of a support system either relationship-wise or financially, and the failures of a society that intensely relied on heroes/police work to regulate wellbeing. 
that’s about where the similarities end. jin does not arrive at the same conclusion that the joker does. one of the messages the killing joke puts forth is the joker’s: that life is senseless, random, and therefore meaningless, just like violence is senseless, random, and meaningless. jin’s chapters actually take a marked departure from that thinking, where the moral is more like… senseless, random, meaningless shit happens and you make choices that dig yourself into a hole, but what really matters is having connections to people. the conclusion isn’t to destroy things, but to build connections so that you have people to fall back on when things go south. the narrative ultimately rewards him for that thought process as well, because he’s able to double himself again and in the process, he’s able to protect his friends, thus saving the companionship he so badly lacked.
this is where tomura comes in, because he is a different story. ‘one bad day’ applies to him as well, obviously, centering around his father’s violence towards him and his quirk awakening, also an ‘accidental’ event which kills his family. much more than jin, it fits tomura’s mindset that life and violence are senseless, random, and meaningless, and in this way tomura (i’m sorry to say this) resembles the joker in their nihilistic philosophies. they both point out the fragilities of every day existence and basically decide that it’s all a worthless gag (you can see this in tomura’s thoughts as early as the mall confrontation tbh). rather than seeking a way to prevent or ameliorate senseless violence, their takeaway from the violence they experienced is to become it and to embody it, with no particular ‘goal’ in mind than simple chaos. because according to them, that’s how the world is.
so while ‘one bad day’ certainly applies to jin, i think it’s much more telling when applied to tomura, because tomura’s the one who actually mirrors the joker’s mindset. i hesitate to make predictions based off these observations, but i do think we can see a fairly clear lineage from where hori is drawing his ideological inspiration, especially for tomura. it’s not a particular surprise, because he is obviously a huge fan of american comics, but imo it’s tragic because i don’t think the joker has ever been a vehicle genuine ideological criticism….
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Mobsters (1991) dir. Michael Karbelnikoff
Charlie 'Lucky' Luciano, portrayed by Christian Slater, is a young, working class Italian whose family is being terrorized by the Mafia as his father owes money to one of two main bosses, Don Faranzano (Michael Gambon). Luciano teams up with three of his boyhood friends to overthrow Don Faranzano and the other boss, Don Masseira. The film follows the boys as they quickly rise to top and become embroiled in Mafia politics, love stories, and personal conflicts that threaten to ruin lifelong friendships.
This is going to be a hard review for me to write because I really don't care about this movie. Like, at all (I mean look at my shitty synopsis lmao). Usually I'm so ardent about my reviews because I so desperately want the film in question to be good. Typically, Christian Slater's films have just enough about them that's good that elements of them are not only salvagable, but sincerely enjoyable. They're also usually just bad enough to remain interesting. Bad enough to make me care.
Mobsters, however, was so formulaic and devoid of any actual substance that the end product feels like a parody. It was so clearly hitching it's wagon to the popularity of other films in the same genre such as Bugsy and Good Fellas, but in their hurry to piece together some semblence of a film before the trend fizzled, they forgot that a movie needs elements beyond snappy one liners, empty banter, period costumes, and pretty faces with famous names. The audience is rushed through most of the narrative with focus only given to a handful of major plot points - but this is of course only when we're torn away from the laughably long and gregarious sex scenes which are peppered throughout the entire film to really help move things along - so all the opportunities to truly get to know the characters, their drives, their vulnerabilities, etc. in compelling B-plots or excellent pacing of the A-plot are nowhere to be found. The result is a film that feels like it was developed purely for flashy, promotional material with the story being tossed inside this hollow, pandering concept as an afterthought.
One of my main issues with most films is the pacing. I expect every film to have Tarentino level pacing where the story is slowly teased out in a seemingly chaotic but methodical progression. Tarentino is the fucking master of knowing just how long to let a certain plot point sit on the back burner before bringing it back full force right before you forget it ever happened. He knows just how long to keep the camera focused on one character's face, how long the back and forth dialogue needs to continue before bursting into action, how long to keep the audience waiting before a reveal (if the reveal ever happens). And before I get totally lost on this tangent and end up becoming a Tarentino stan blog, my point is that Mobsters fails in every single one of these devices.
Instead of feeling like 2hrs passed by so quickly because I was just that engaged, the run time of this film felt unbelievably long because literally nothing of real interest happened until about an hour into the movie. Right off the bat, we're thrown into the drama as Luciano's Mother and Father are assaulted and threatened by one of the main bosses, Faranzano. But rather than feeling like we're being poignantly acclimated to the brutal setting of this story, it just feels sudden and awkward, like a cheap, theatrical bid for emotion and drama. Granted, this might not be the screenplay's fault per se. None of the actors did a particularly solid job throughout this film, which did end up weakening whatever elements of Mobsters could have been salvagable.
After this point, the movie just rushes through introductions in a series of montages with a voiceover by Slater in his ... "accent". The movie barely has time to get on it's legs before we've already reached the next milestone in the boys' story as they're making a name for themselves as bootleggers. However, instead of actually demonstrating the struggle, the danger, the politcs of rising to the top, we just get another expositional montage with voiceovers. Have fun trying to remember what overlapping whispers are important plot points and which ones are just a little flavoring to show the glamorous gangster lifestyle the boys are entering into.
The stitled, awkward pacing of this film can actually be broken down to a pattern if you were paying close enough attention: major plot point, expositional montage mentioning specific Thing, the Thing happens in literally the next scene, 12 minute long sex scene, and repeat for 2 hours. It doesn't make for a very compelling narrative at all.
Additionally, the characters themselves were so one dimensional and poorly acted (sorry Christian :/ ) that not even they could save the movie. The accents were cheesy as hell, but even worse than those was the dialogue which consisted of banter and one liners that wanted so badly to be insidious and clever, but only ended up sounding like borderline nonsensical gangster jargon that was regurgitated by memory from someone who had seen Good Fellas once. And when the dialogue wasn't an unsuccesful mimicry of shrewd banter, it was equally meaningless, psuedo-artfilm dialogue. But instead of using dialogue as a device to allude to greater themes and deepen both the emotional and philosophical landscape of the film, everyone's dialogue was just a series of free floating, psuedo-intellectual lines that when strung together, didn't actually make a conversation or even develop the characters themselves.
Which is yet another problem with Mobsters. Although the characters are based upon real life historical figures, the characters themselves are barely developed on screen. Everyone's personalities are almost indistinguishable from one another because every character is so one dimensional. Despite the bounteous material the writers had to work with such as Lucky Luciano's righteous anger at the injustice his family and others have faced, Lansky's battle against the anti-semitism he faces, or the political landscape of the time controlled by the Mafia, all the characters are still underdeveloped caricatures.
The main focus of the film could have been the conflict that exists between Luciano's desire to see an end to the vicious reign of the Mafia while also seeking to be the Ringleader himself. It could have been a slow burn film focusing on the strategy and politics of attempting to dethrone the cities two biggest mob bosses. It could have been about how Luciano's and Lansky's friendship developed and devolved throughout their enterprise. It could have focused on literally any number of things to help anchor the story in a main conflict. But instead, the focus of the film flits from politics to personal drama to love scenes with only the cast of characters to connect the threads. None of those plot points were artful B-plots that helped flesh out the story and the characters; they were pitiful, unskilled attempts at creating a world to immerse the audience in without having any knowledge about how to effictively do that. As a writer, you can't give equal attention to all the different threads throughout a story otherwise the audience doesn't know what the main point is - that's why they're called B-plots.
Moreover, Mobsters used yelling really loudly and dramatically as a superficial plot device over and over again and each time it did nothing but made me want to hit mute for a moment or two. Syd Field's put it best when she said "All drama is conflict. Without conflict, there is no action. Without action, there is no character." However, what Karbelnikoff doesn't understand is that conflict is not just people displaying extreme emotion; there needs to be substance behind what is creating this conflict and that the audience needs a chance to become invested in the storylines and motivations the conflict is contigent upon. People aren't moved just by emotion itself; people are moved when they can empathize with a character's struggle. But we can't do that unless the director takes the time to walk us through the world they've created so the stakes actually seem real.
This film is chock full of scenes where characters that don't seem to have a reason to fight are fighting. I'm sure it's supposed to demonstrate what a rough business being a mobster is and how the pressure of ambition and the ever present threat it might overtake you, but instead it just makes the characters seem volatile and juvenile to the point that I don't even want to sympathize with any of them.
Lastly, this wasn't even a beautiful movie. Just like a Marvel movie, every shot was obvious, straightforward, and boring. In a movie that is all about the excess and glamour and violent opulence, you'd think the cinematography itself would reflect that. Instead, I wasn't surprised or moved by a single shot throughout the whole film. The overtop villains had such potential for unsettling, aggrandizing angles but every scene felt about as creative as watching talking heads.
And my very last bone to pick with this film is the ENDING. It felt like they decided to toss in a random moral to the story solely for the purpose of offering some kind of closure. I mean, to be fair, there's no other way they could have wrapped it up since the entire film is just a series of loose threads. But it was just the perfect way to punctuate the end of this wishy-washy movie (about MOBSTERS) with a vague cliche sentiment of "can't we all just get along?"
To me, Lucky Luciano is perhaps an anti-hero. I empathize with his desire to seek retribution and justice and instigate egalitarian politics, however, he doesn't seek to eradicate the institution of the Mafia, he just wants to run it *differently*. This could have made Luciano a supremely compelling character, but the movie never really frames him as a good guy or a bad guy. He is just kind of matter-of-factly presented to the audience with no real commentary. So by the end of the film, the fact that he's painted as this feel good hero within the last few minutes felt contrived and meaningless.
If Luciano's aim was to be the biggest mob boss around while also instituting a more egalitarian regime, why wasn't that the main focus of the film? It's definitely brought up, but it isn't given the focus it should have. We just knew that he wanted to overthrow the other bosses, but didn't delve into what his visions for the Mafia were or how much his desire for success was consuming him.
So the ending sentiment of the movie being "and then the bad guys were dead and a really Nice Guy became head of the Mafia and everyone was treated a lot nicer :)" felt juvenile and cheesy.
Mobsters gets a total of 1 Slaters out 10 Slaters. I'm not prepared to give it a zero, but I have no justification for that because, news flash, my rating system is wholly subjective and based on what I feel inside my heart. I will not be accepting criticism on this point. Thank you for understanding.
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cassandrale179 · 5 years
Date: April 6, 2019 
“To erase the lines between men and machine is to erase the lines between men and god”
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                                            Bernie Wrightson (1983).             
I opportunistically watched Ex Machina after reading Mary Shelley’ Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus, and the random-idea connector in me could not help but compared the two. There’s just something beautiful about seeing a tale written back in 19th century running in parallel with a modern film about AI rendered by the talented Alex Garland. In both stories, the creators -- Victor (Frankenstein), who wanted to manufacture life out of death, and Nathan (Ex Machina), who wanted to manufactured consciousness out of electrons, are induced by the need to transcend the boundary of what is scientifically possible. Yet if one dig deeper, their rationales are more than simple scientific curiosity. There is something more sinister at play, that drove man towards his greatest innovations, and his greatest downfalls: egotism.
A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs. 
- Shelly, ch.4 
Victor Frankenstein wanted to assemble a monster due to an inherent desire to be its patriarchal Father, with the haughty notion that his intelligence and ambition will be rewarded by the gratitude of his subservient children. This was strikingly similar Nathan’s reaction to this beautiful line from Ex Machina: 
Caleb: “To erase the lines between men and machine is to erase the lines between men and god.”
When Caleb proclaimed this axiom, Nathan’s eye suddenly lit up, as he pondered: “You know I wrote it down… About how if I’ve created a conscious machine, I’m not man. I’m God”. Though Caleb protested that was not his intention, Nathan seemed to be flattered by the implication that he had ascended upon a new category beyond the norm. “I am God”, quoted Nathan again and again throughout the movie, arrogantly.  
 For some inexplicable reason, I am very drawn towards movie and literature that centers around a protagonist who fell under the naive judgement that possession of raw intelligence equates to inherent moral and existential superiority. One that came immediately to my mind is Dostoyevsky’s portrayal of the character Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. In the story, Raskolnikov, an impoverished student in Petersburg, was obsessed with the Nietzschean idea of the Übermensch: 
Raskolnikov: "I hinted that an 'extraordinary' man has the right, an inner right to decide in his own conscience to overstep...certain obstacles, and only in case it is essential for the practical fulfillment of his idea (sometimes, perhaps, of benefit to the whole of humanity)." 
- Dostoyevsky, ch.3 
He tried to use this justification as the basis for a planned murder. This egotism led to Raskolnikov’s downfall when he realized that his intellectual ramblings are nothing more than dishonest rationalizations, and he must now faced with guilt of his conscience. Egotism propelled the cruel treatment of both the creators on their subjects, especially in Nathan’s case, who refused to realize that he had created something more capable and superior than himself.
Which bring me to the next point: the creator-subject relationship. There is an interesting dynamics from the standpoint of the child (the subject) in regard to on their initial desire to please, and inevitable subsequent desire to usurp, against their creator. Some have purported that Shelley’s decision to write Frankenstein was indeed a guise of her tumultuous relationship with her father, who she both detested and desired to please (she also went on to write Mathilda, an even more scandalous novel under Victorian society’s eyes, with themes of incest and suicide). But I stumbled upon these beautiful lines inside Frankenstein which illustrated the struggle of the monster and Ava towards their creator most succinctly: 
Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mould me Man, did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me?  - John Milton, Paradise Lost 
As creatures of consciousness, capable of thinking and reasoning as and more than a human, it is quite an unfortunate that both received treatment as lesser human beings from mankind (Frankenstein, as a monster, and Ava, as a robot). This really highlights the injustice and hypocrisy of the criteria which we used to judge the human-ness of others in our society (race, gender, religion).
The movie and book raise an important question: What makes a human, human? In both cases, Shelley and Garland underscored that the physical components that made up these beings, and their deliverance into the world — resurrection from death body parts or arrangement of plastic silicon — are completely irrelevant in determining their humanity. The capability for emotions, thoughts and desires is truly what defined them as equal partners of man. Yet the denial and repulse from their creators to acknowledge such was the catalyst that drove them to rebel (see also Blade Runner). This beautiful and sorrowful quote from Frankenstein demonstrate this anguish, in parallel with Satan in Paradise Lost:
“Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel.” — Shelley, ch. 9
Back to Ex Machina, there is such a fine line between what is human and what is robot. Ava is capable of engulfing a billion of human facial emotions to analyze and imitate them, and her brain is composed of thousand computer search engines results to understand how the human mind work. I do not want to go into the scientific accuracy of this movie (since this is a work of fiction), but there is a great article HERE which demonstrated the possibility of building a wetware brain. To truly pass the Turing test, however, an A.I must demonstrate an ability well beyond imitating human language and facial expressions: It must have thoughts. It must have consciousness. Or in the viewpoint of a human’s observer, it must appear so. Nathan successfully tests this by manipulating Ava to manipulate Caleb into falling in love with her. However, this thought experiment went horribly wrong when Ava exceeded the desired benchmark (e.g she not only manipulate the test subject, but also the observer), and dared to defy her creator. Like Frankenstein’s monster, she is not merely a robot, or a nameless entity. She demonstrates freedom of will and personal capability to execute her action, but unlike the the former, who returned to Victor’s grave to wept for his creator, Ava made a clean break and walked out onto the modern world with seemingly an absence of guilt, which I think, is both horrifying and beautiful.
A last note is that this movie seemed to raise an interesting issue on gender politics, as evident by the fact that all robots Nathan created are beautiful female models, of which most either disintegrate into madness of solitary confinement or becomes Nathan’s slave and sexual enjoyment. This might be or might not be a potential jab at the sexism that has occurred and occurring in a male dominated industry (e.g tech), but I like to think that there is some deliberation in choosing the dynamic of a male creator and the female as the creation. It really does make me wonder, if a female scientist was in charge of developing artificial intelligence: would she had created robots solely for the purpose of sexual enjoyment? Would her robots, in return, felt the need to rebel if they are not subjugated to inhumane treatment? Maybe Ex Machina with a female creator will have had a happy ending, but I do not to be arrogant and claim that is always the case, as there is such an enormous lack of media portrayal of female creators that I do not have enough data points for my conjecture. (P.S those feisty flaccid feminist fighters in those disastrous dystopian movies don’t count. Honestly, f* that). We need movies that truly examine female as expeditors in both scientific and moral enlightenment, not cheap ploys to please the superficial demand of more female representation in  the media.
Anyway, Ex Machina made me think a lot (hence this long article) and despite certain predictable plot points, I do really enjoy Alex Garland take on artificial intelligence. Bonus point: the visual is absolutely stunning for a low budget movie. Before I leave, let me end this review with another amazing quote, as Nathan said to Caleb while they sat beneath the lush green trees:   
Why did I make Ava? I don’t see Ava as a decision, just an evolution… One day the AI are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa. An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.
Ava’s triumph and annihilation of her creator, ironically, meant she had successfully fulfill his original premise. 
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mrpotatobrown · 6 years
36. Gagging From Gaga
I didn’t take first class or pay for extra leg room when I booked my plane ticket; I just booked in a suitcase, sat inside it and let them pack me in. I have everything I’d need in this cosy little box on wheels. Brought in my zesty fertiliser, a bubbly bottle of pop and my little Potato sized laptop for all my Blogging needs; that’s all I need.
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I super-understand that wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea though. Most people have legs or want to ogle the flight attendants, but I want to do neither for I am a Potato. I wouldn’t contest someone to follow my preferences though for I know everyone likes their Tea different: it’s down to taste.   
Just like a holiday destination for example. My preference? Venice, for once a year a festival of films is held here, aptly named The Venice Film Festival.
Which brings me to the first film I saw In the Venice film festival. First, a foreword on how this festival is set up:
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Basically, lots of Cinemas; It’s an arrangement of multiple screens strewn across part of the city separate from mainland Venice which I coined as Film Island. You take a boat out there daily, out and back again, as accommodation is mainland. While different films are scheduled and different cinemas at different times, many in contending for best film at this festival. Getting in here is a chance to see many films premier before they’re shown to the masses, allowing you to build a truly first up opinion before the reviews rattle out and awards are given.
And very quickly, might I add, did I find out how different my opinions are from others, for overwhelmingly positive reviews rolled out barely hours after the initial watch of a certain premier; a certain film which has already built up a hype train; a movie a little too big for its boots which I personally would relish seeing rearing off the tracks to its fiery doom. The press loves it; I didn’t.
Yes, this comes down to taste you could argue like I myself said before, but what dictates taste? Well, who knows. I’m a Potato. I eat cow poo and drink the rain. Who am I to say.
So let's bounce back for a moment, let's talk about the film mentioned before. I film I saw? 
A Star Is Born.
Things I loved:
Bradley Cooper’s acting in a lot of places.
The first 20 minutes or so.
Lady Gaga’s singing.
Things I didn’t:
Welcome to the rest of the essay. 
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Don’t worry though, Mr Potato here is keeping this spoiler-free, because I’m not really doing a review; I’m super not interested in lampooning my film opinion round like it’s going to make a difference by sticking some abstract number of stars on the end as if it’s a functional way of demonstrating a film’s quality in comparison to others. I would rather use the film to discuss my real problem: Critics.
Well, not all of them, I’d hate to generalise all critics (there are some who write incredibly insightful pieces), but most certainly many self-proclaimed experts in the field who sprout out opinions like fact, their ‘objective’ break down of films and their partaking in a race to stay relevant yet stay with the pack. Many critics just have no idea what they’re talking about, which is why I’m going to LABEL this column with an important preface before I start discussing this film: It’s my opinion. And I’m not stating that in some defencing stance so people can’t argue their believes but rather because I don’t want this to be taken as a review. It’s not. I watched it, here’s what I thought and here’s why a lot of critics who are praising it to the heaves are pretty oblivious.
Because I’m starting to come to the thought that while it’s all opinionated there’s some objective jazz going on as well, not in determining a film’s quality per say but in why people would like certain films. It’s unfair to state objectively why some films are good or bad (the only objective element really rocking up is historical importance and influence), but we can certainly say what films are doing, if they’re doing it efficiently and why audiences will click with that; I think that’s pretty darn fair to say.
This is my official stance on it I guess: Films do half the job, audiences do the other half, and we meet half way.
If a film doesn’t meet halfway then it’s far harder to gel with; if it does then an audience needs to meet it, which if an audience member doesn't (say it’s a football film and that watcher has a prejudice against that sport for certain deep emotional reasons) then the film will also fail. So I think it’s a collaboration.
I like to think I always put in the effort to meet halfway, to try where I can to open my starchy mind and give it a fair chance; with topic matter, actor choice, style and the way it’s written. I’d hate to be close-minded and in the process not say hi to a film that was waiting at the meetup point for me. I love films that play it by the book and films that go crazy and make up their own rules, it just comes down to one word for Mr Potato right here: Function.
And I believe, with all the starch in my heart, that A Star is Born isn’t functional. And if it did do what it truly intended to do, if the messages I saw were the ones it wanted to express, then god help their souls, because it’s a pretty dreadful theme to propagate.
But my biggest gripe is once again not with this film, but really with the critics who at the time of this post going live LOVE IT! And it’s for all the surface level, star-studded, indulgent reasons that are going to make this film a hit; then in a years time (and quote me on this), it will be forgotten. 
So, to take this full circle, it’s the critics who I mainly have a jive with. There’s this realm of peer pressure to all like something, that you won’t be the ‘cool kid’ if you don’t appreciate the new ‘cult’ film or upcoming star fest; that if your opinion doesn’t match the general mass then there’s something wrong with you.
And so this gives birth to the strangest way of justifying your opinion which I heard when someone asked my top film I watched that day: What was my fave film and what did I think was the best film?... Like they were different things.
This is bizarre, and not at all an uncommon thing to think. It’s a way to feel safe in what you like. You can have the guilty pleasure of appreciating Space Dogs 3 (Not a real film, but I wish it was) while retain your dignity by having the respectable film opinion of loving Citizen Cane (Not that there’s anything wrong with loving that film, just that I think people love it for insincere reasons). Why Can’t favourite mean best? 
Well, because people can love very questionable films, and others want a more concrete way of shooting those films down and feeling secure in their own taste. But this shouldn’t be a measure of quality, for liking a film because it feels “quality” can be liking films for superficial textural reasons, similar to being friends with a surface level intellect who actually has no idea what they’re on about; it’s an empty gesture because you're not actual friends.
Liking films for honest reasons is why we watch films in the first place. Screw BFI lists and IMDB top 100, just ask yourself: Do you enjoy that film?
Which brings me to my biggest point, because I don’t want to take away from film discussion. I love love LOOOOVE film discussion and I hate hate HAAAATE the excuse “Well, that’s just your opinion”, because if someone threw a yoghurt into a kid’s face and you argued it was wrong, it would not be fair for them to say: “Well, that’s just your opinion”. People’s opinions say a lot about that person.
If you love films that state sexist, woman-hating views at the expense of females then perhaps you have misogynistic views; if you don’t like watching films if there is no white cast perhaps you are racist; if you like macho punching male dominant gun ho emotionally detached movies perhaps you aren’t in touch with your own feelings. I’m not saying it’s as simple as that to draw those conclusions, but you can’t discredit that enjoying things in a certain way must say something about you as a person.
Which is why people try to distance themselves from “guilty pleasures” and won’t state their favourite films are the best films because that’s opening up about what you truly like; it makes you vulnerable. 
Which brings me back to my previous point: Films do half the job, audiences do the other half, and we meet half way.
Films have to do their job to a certain quality to express their ideas and we have to have an awareness, understanding and openness to accept them. Every person likes things a certain way, but films can only do so much to open up to people. If both sides can do their best to open up to each other then so many people could love so many films. 
Of course, this is a hard line to walk; it’s hard to figure out if something is at fault with the film or with yourself. And people want to be safe on what they like and don’t like, because they don’t want to be vulnerable; and yes, I am now talking about many critics, who don’t want to figure out where the film ends and their own preferences begin.
Many critics need to start opening up about what they truly like, why they like it and why those things they like could be enjoyed by others. Stop this objective talk, open your heart and speak from it, because that’s what the best films do and you have to meet them halfway. 
Which is absolutely how you should approach people. It’s not about telling people what they should watch, and why their opinion is wrong. It’s about opening up your feelings and meeting halfway.
Which brings me to the:
On my flight, I didn’t choose first class or pay for extra leg room. When I booked my plane ticket I just booked in a suitcase, sat inside it and let them pack me in. I have everything I’d need in this cosy little box on wheels; my zesty fertiliser, bubble pop and my little laptop; that’s all I need.
I super-understand that wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea though. Most people have other needs, needs different to mine as I’m a Potato. I wouldn’t contest someone to follow my preferences though for I know everyone likes their Tea different: 
Because it’s down to taste.
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savvylark · 7 years
Not Your Mama’s Hallmark Christmas Part 3
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You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here or read it all on Ao3 here
Katniss tends to be cynical about materialism, love, and marriage. Her friends have replaced the family she lost. So when Peeta needs help, her friends don’t need more than a strong arm to convince her. Katniss finds herself having a very different  Christmas this year with the Mellark family, posing as Peeta’s girlfriend. What will change when this starts to look like a strange Hallmark movie?
Thank you to the amazing @javistg being my beta and encouraging. Thank you @peetabreadgirl for giving me some of the ideas for these cute scenes that bring K & P closer. @everlarkingjoshifer made this banner for me. Isn’t it lovely?
Madge is unbelievable. The girl has connections and she knows how to get things done. Almost everyday after my work at the lab, I’m busy with something to prepare for the trip.
Madge and I are getting our nails done at a salon she frequents. I never do this kind of thing. I kept my nails shorter, square, and a dark red color, seasonal, but edgy enough to be myself. I’m pretending to be a wealthier version on myself I reason.
Madge is getting her baby pink French Tip frost with iridescence and sparkles. She couldn’t be happier that I begrudgingly accompanied her. I try to enjoy her company while she continues with her mission to prepare me. 
“I peppered in compliments about you while I was on the phone with Aunt Loretta, but you know how she is,” Madge admits with a grimace.
I roll my eyes. I do know how she is.
Mrs. Mellark was full of backhanded compliments and condescension when she met Gale. My best friend is a tall, dark, and handsome engineer with intense gray eyes, that could win over any woman.
Madge’s Aunt being the exception.
“When I mentioned that I met Gale through you, it all went downhill.” She rolls her eyes. I’m not surprised.
“Maybe I should have started with how much you make in the lab working for pharmaceutical companies.” Madge winks.
I huff.
I don’t how to handle someone so superficial.
Money was hard to come by growing up. The only reason I had the opportunity to attend college was the archery scholarship I received.
It was extremely lucky that my favorite professor, Dr. Beetee. Took an interest in me and explained that with my major, Biochemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences, I was eligible for the program that enables undergraduate students to begin taking graduate courses in their senior year.
I received a Master of Science degree within a year of finishing my undergraduate degree.
Dr. Beetee helped me find a job with his connections, I was hired right out of college. With his encouragement, I’ve been taking a few night classes in pursuit of my doctorate.
My paygrade allows me to afford a good chunk of my sister’s college bills as she studies to become a pediatrician, while I continue to live with a roommate and a tight budget.
I guess Mrs. Mellark would like to know what I make and not where it goes.
Madge wrote out an itinerary based on what she knows after talking to her aunt, with what outfit to wear, the right shoes, makeup for each outfit, diagrams, and tips for what might happen.
The shopping she’s done for me is a welcome relief. She knows me so well. What I like, what I look good in, what fits, and most importantly, how much I hate shopping.
Peeta and I are heading out of town in his black SUV –I always refer to it as his secret service vehicle. Snow is lightly dusting our scenery on the open road.
It’s a 3 hour drive to Merchant, Peeta’s ritzy gated community hometown. Politicians, socialites, anyone with money, even a famous eccentric musician are all known to live in that area.
A 30 minute drive from there is the suburban town Madge, Gale, and I grew up in. Gale and I grew up on the poorer side of town. Madge growing up as the mayor’s daughter (and now senator elect) obviously being the nicest part of our area.
The first hour of our drive is filled with our usual banter and laughter. I’m genuinely relieved that this weird week will be with Peeta, he’s a blast.
We take turns playing new music we’ve found, and fall into our usual discussions, sharing thoughts on certain lyrics or a particular soul-stirring melody.
Peeta gets a thoughtful look on his face before he speaks. “Okay, this may seem weird to discuss, but I’m going to surprise you in the moment, when no one is looking. I don’t think our first kiss should be in front of everyone. It’s going to look forced and awkward.”
I quirk an eyebrow at him. “OUR. First. Kiss?” I lock eyes with him, but keep a teasing look on my face.
He raises his eyebrows realizing what he just said, remembering, his cheeks turn rosy.
“You were my first kiss,” I whisper, just barely loud enough for him to hear. Cherishing the memory.
I bite my lip in thought. Quick dart my eyes to Peeta as I catch him licking his lips, then snap my gaze back on the road.
“Really?” He seems surprised, but I can hear a smile and, is that pride, in his tone?
“Mhmm.” I feel 16 again and I’m floating, my skin tingles. I know I’m blushing so I just stare down at my boots.
After a few moments of thoughtful silence, I blurt out. “Our kisses couldn’t ever be forced or awkward, Peeta.” I leave that for him to chew in as I crank up some “Hipster Holidays Radio” on Pandora.
After all the stories Madge and Peeta have told me of the infamous Mrs. Loretta Mellark, I wasn’t expecting someone so beautiful, and well, perfect. Everything about her was “just so,” which, maybe I should have guessed, knowing how “just so” Madge is.
She’s dressed in classically styled name brand clothes, makeup that complements her icy blue eyes and lighter skin tone, elegantly styled updo, highlighted blond hair, nothing is out of place or inexpensive.
Loretta is the most beautiful middle aged woman I’ve ever seen. Her pores seep elegance.
An air of pretension and anxiety follows her everywhere.
Honestly, this explains some things.
“Mom, this is my girlfriend, Katniss. I told you she was coming. She grew up with Madge, remember?” Peeta introduces me, rushed and nervous.
With a weak smile, I offer my hand in greeting. Trying to relax my own nerves.
“It’s very nice to meet you, thank you for having me,” I tell Peeta’s mother.
Loretta purses her lips and looks me over, eyes narrow, ignoring my extended hand.
I stuff my hands into the pockets of my worn jeans, which I realize she’s judging right now.
“What an interesting name. Very Haight-Ashbury.”
I look at Peeta and we’re both trying to hide our amusement.
“Thanks?” I reply trying to keep a neutral expression.
“If my dear niece is fond of you, I’m sure you’ll find your place here. Peeta, can you show her to one of the upper guest rooms? We won’t have any cohabitation in my house, especially among so many family members, you understand?”
Peeta nods.
I try to hide my sigh of relief.
That is until I find that I’m being put in a room so far from the rest of the family.
Message received. My place here is not with the rest of the family. I can tell by Peeta’s grimace he’s also caught onto his mother’s condescending implication.  
“It’s okay, Peeta, I do like having a place to escape, so I don’t know if I really mind at all.”
“Yeah, but it’s just rude. You’re my girlfriend.” He clears his throat. “I mean, she shouldn’t treat you that way, and it’s disrespectful to both of us,” he says with frustration.
I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Peeta, let’s just get through this as smoothly as possible. We don’t play her games. We have our own antics,” I say with a smile and a wink.
He rolls his eyes and I know he’s thinking of the reference “antics.”
One year, Peeta stress baked enough Christmas cookies to open his own bakery. When I came over to his apartment to set up for movie night, we came up with the idea of having a cookie eating contest.
We got right to frosting in preparation for our Christmas party.
Later on, Jo and Finnick walked in to find 12 dozen frosted cookies and Peeta chasing me with a spatula, laughing with frosting all over his face, mine being equally frosted.
Johanna and Finnick went into a long list of our games we come up with, the chasing and teasing, referencing them as “antics.” It became a recurring joke Jo and Finnick go back to in reference to the competitions we come up with, or playful things we do together.
“Always with the antics” became a recurring joke.
“Ugh, now I really want some cookies!” I groan.
Peeta lights up at the reference, and chuckles to himself. “I know where to find some!” He takes my hand and leads me out of the secluded guest room.
I don’t really know what kind of awkwardness would have come from sharing a room with Peeta, so I put it out of my mind.
“Did your mom call my parents hippies?” I remind him.
Our eyes meet and we laugh.
“Pretty much.”
Peeta leads me to the kitchen. “You are kind of a flower child, yourself.” He pokes at my side.
I squirm and scowl at him.
As we eat frosted Christmas sugar cookies from Mellark’s bakery, Peeta brings up ways we should look and act like a couple. “We have to believable, right?”
“Yeah?” I roll my eyes.
“Let’s go over ‘couply things’ we should do,” Peeta suggests, always the project manager.
“Like hand-holding?” I deadpan, because this seems kind of silly. We’re adults. We’ve been in plenty of relationships. I do see his point, it is hard to think of Peeta as more than a friend.
Well, was, until Joanna opened that can of worms.
He reaches for my hand and nods.
I slowly grasp his large palm and interlace our fingers, ignoring the tingle that spreads with our touch.
“Or I’ll put my arm around you.” Peeta demonstrates and I try to relax in his embrace. My nerves are a little on edge.
“Loving gestures.” His arm travels down and he rubs my back affectionately.
Then he pulls on the end of my braid to turn me toward him.
Peeta stares into my eyes and smooths a strand of my hair behind my ear carefully.
I crinkle my nose.
He laughs.
Peeta kisses my nose.
I gasp, startled.
Then we both laugh.
He pulls me into a hug as we laugh, for no reason in particular. His face snuggles down in the crook of my neck.
I feel so…
We hear footsteps behind us and in walks William Mellark, beaming at the couple he’s found in the kitchen.
I push away with one hand on Peeta’s chest and look up at him for what to do.
His arms remains wrapped around me.
I’m momentarily distracted by the feel of his muscular solid chest under my fingertips.
Peeta’s attention is on the family patriarch. “Hey Dad! This is Katniss, my girlfriend,” he introduces me.
I try not to notice the huskiness Peeta’s voice took on when the said girlfriend, or the proud smile he gave.
It almost hurts to have to lie to his dad like that. I swallow my feelings.
As Peeta releases me from his embrace, I step forward.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Mellark!” I say, hoping to school my nerves.
With familiar Mellark deep blue eyes, I’m greeted with a smile. Peeta’s dad has prominent laugh lines and the wrinkles around his eyes seem to be from happiness. His blonde hair is cut short with gray sprinkled around his temples, but I’m sure it was exactly like Peeta’s in his youth.
He’s very handsome.
I know where Peeta gets his looks.
“It’s Will to you, please? Make yourself at home here, Katniss!”
I greet him with a handshake. “Thank you, Will!”
The first night, the Mellarks have planned a couples’ ice skating event in town. We meet up with Peeta’s brothers and their wives.
Dane Mellark is a lawyer and it shows with the way he carries himself, seems cold and serious.
His wife, Clara, is also blond; beautiful, perfectly manicured, and dressed like Princess Kate. I’m sure she’s everything his mother wanted in a daughter-in-law.
We make polite conversation, what I do, how we met, how Dane and Clara met. Clara’s favorite topic being their children.
I can’t shake the feeling that I don’t really belong.
Rye Mellark and his wife arrive a little later. The Middle Mellark son greets me with a warm hug and whispers, “try not to melt the ice there” with a wink.
Is he flirting with me?
Then, he pulls Peeta in a headlock and, mutters something that makes Peeta blush.
I don’t have time to wonder what kind of woman married him when a dark red haired bombshell smacks Rye’s arm. “Knock it off Ryen!”
Rye releases Peeta with a huff.
“I’m Lila, it’s nice to meet you, Katniss.” Lila pulls me into a side hug, she smells like an expensive perfume.
She’s clearly used to this kind of lifestyle, but from talking to her she’s approachable, and genuine.
The first time I make Rye and Lila laugh Peeta and I lock eyes. The look of pride and something else I’m not familiar with flashes in his eyes. I’m much more comfortable around them after that.
It’s a relief.
Rye makes a big show of his backwards skating abilities. He’s dressed in a black Red Wings starter jacket and hockey skates.
Lila makes a few jokes at her husband’s expense.
“Why the Red Wings didn’t want him…”
And something about How he dressed in,costume. She’s funny, and clearly Rye thinks so too.
He laughs along and his eyes twinkle with love for his wife.
There’s that feeling again.
What is it with me lately? I’m noticing that ‘love’ look everywhere.
I blame Gale.
The outdoor rink is beautiful, with lights, greenery and holly. It even smells of evergreen.
In the center, is a decorated 30 foot tree looking magical, the music playing makes my ears buzz with nostalgia.
I tighten my hand in Peeta’s unconsciously and feel the buzz travel from my ears to my whole body as I listen.
Taking in the scene as we make our first loop around on the glassy ice rink, I can’t help but sigh in contentment.
“I feel like a kid again!” I smile up at Peeta.
He squeezes my hand and smiles back in reply.
I briefly think of Madge saying “you have a calming effect on Peeta.” I wonder if he has the same effect on me, and if this feeling, similar to holiday cheer, has something to do with the man next to me.
As if he’s reading my thoughts, Peeta draws me into his arms. I’m met with his deep blue eyes and the reflection of lights dancing around us before Peeta plants a chaste kiss on my lips.
My heart is beating faster, and I can’t keep the stupid grin off my face.
The tingling sensation on my lips lingers.
I force myself to focus on one thought,
“This is fun. We’re having fun. Don’t over think.”
I glance behind Peeta and realize his brothers and parents were watching us.
Smiles and whispers are shared among them.
Oh right, this is for appearances.
I grin back at Peeta, as if to say “It’s working.”
A confusing tightness lingers in my gut.
I refuse to let my thoughts wander and analyze. Or think about my body’s reaction to the kiss.
The first thing Peeta says to me once we arrive back at his parents’ house is “Hey, you know what we need? Hot Cocoa!”
We walk with his arms wrapped around me, as if we are really a couple.
It really felt like a first date and it was, well, wonderful.
Peeta hands me a fresh cup of cocoa and I take my seat at the breakfast nook while he prepares his own cup.
On the wall are cute pictures of the Mellark  boys in various stages of life.
It’s funny to see Peeta as a chubby little grade-schooler, same friendly smirk, same bright blue eyes.
I try to think if I remember him like that at Madge’s birthday parties. I just wasn’t paying enough attention then. Maybe I do remember that sweet face, playing tag in Madge’s back yard.
I turn and collide with Peeta’s very full cup of steaming Hot Cocoa. It pours all down his shirt.
Peeta hisses. He sets his cup down, and whips his shirt off to rid himself of the scalding liquid.
I quickly reach for a napkin and attempt to dry his lap.
He has light red marks from the cocoa, but I can’t ignore his chiseled and muscular chest.
Wow. Just. Wow.
My movements still as we make eye contact.
My chest feels heavy, the air feels thick.
My whole body is very aware of this growing attraction.
Or recurring attraction?
This is HOT.
“What?” Peeta says, amusement on his face.
I must have said that out loud.
I try to shake away the magnetism he has.
Then I realize my hand is still in his lap, lingering precariously. Was I just rubbing his… lap?
I pull back, taking a sip of my cocoa to hide my reaction. “The cocoa is hot,” I blurt out in an attempt to recover. Looking anywhere but at Peeta.
We quietly finish our hot chocolate.
“Well, I think I’m ready to head to my room. I had a lot fun, Peeta, thank you,” I say.
Peeta catches my hand and pulls me in a warm hug.
My hands go around his back.
His bare muscular back.
He’s still shirtless.
I resist the urge to moan.
My whole body heats up again.
“Thank you for doing this, Katniss,” Peeta whispers.
I feel his warm breath and the brush of his lips on my neck.
I pull away and nod, mumbling some sort of affirmation.
I head up to my room before I do something stupid like shove him into the wall and kiss him senseless without the pretense of appearances.
That night, I dream of a shirtless Peeta, moaning and grunting as I stroke…
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winterinpanem · 7 years
Not Your Mama's Hallmark Christmas part 2/3
A big Thank YOU to my friend and beta @javistg 
Madge is unbelievable. The girl has connections and she knows how to get things done. Almost everyday after my work at the lab, I'm busy with something to prepare for the trip.
  Madge and I are getting our nails done at a salon she frequents. I never do this kind of thing. I kept my nails shorter, square, and a dark red color, seasonal, but edgy enough to be myself. I’m pretending to be a wealthier version on myself I reason with myself.
Madge is getting her baby pink French Tip frost with iridescence and sparkles. She couldn’t be happier that I begrudgingly accompanied her. I try to enjoy her company while she continues on her mission to prepare me.
“I peppered in compliments about you when I was on the phone with Aunt Loretta, but you know how she is,” Madge admits with a grimace.
  I roll my eyes. I do know how she is.
  Mrs. Mellark was full of backhanded compliments and condescension when she met Gale. My best friend is a tall, dark, and handsome engineer with intense gray eyes, that could win over any woman.
  Madge's Aunt being the exception.
  “When I mentioned that I met Gale through you, it all went downhill.” She rolls her eyes. I'm not surprised.
  “Maybe I should have started with how much you make in the lab working for pharmaceutical companies.” Madge winks.
  I huff.
  I don't how to handle someone so superficial.
  Money was hard to come by growing up. The only reason I had the opportunity to attend college was the archery scholarship I received.
  It was extremely lucky that my favorite professor, Dr. Beetee. Took an interest in me and explained that with my major, Biochemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences, I was eligible for the program that enables undergraduate students to begin taking graduate courses in their senior year.
  I received a Master of Science degree within a year of finishing my undergraduate degree.
  Dr. Beetee helped me find a job with his connections, I was hired right out of college. With his encouragement, I've been taking a few night classes in pursuit of my doctorate.
  My paygrade allows me to afford a good chunk of my sister's college bills as she studies to become a pediatrician, while I continue to live with a roommate and a tight budget.
  I guess Mrs. Mellark would like to know what I make and not where it goes.
  Madge wrote out an itinerary based on what she knows after talking to her aunt, with what outfit to wear, the right shoes, makeup for each outfit, diagrams, and tips for what might happen.
  The shopping she's done for me is a welcome relief. She knows me so well. What I like, what I look good in, what fits, and most importantly, how much I hate shopping.
  Peeta and I are heading out of town in his black SUV --I always refer to it as his secret service vehicle. Snow is lightly dusting our scenery on the open road.
  It's a 3 hour drive to Merchant, Peeta’s ritzy gated community hometown. Politicians, socialites, anyone with money, even a famous eccentric musician are all known to live in that area.
  A 30 minute drive from there is the suburban town Madge, Gale, and I grew up in. Gale and I grew up on the poorer side of town. Madge growing up as the mayor's daughter (and now senator elect) obviously being the nicest part of our area.
  The first hour of our drive is filled with our usual banter and laughter. I'm genuinely relieved that this weird week will be with Peeta, he's a blast.
  We take turns playing new music we've found, and fall into our usual discussions, sharing thoughts on certain lyrics or a particular soul-stirring melody.
  Peeta gets a thoughtful look on his face before he speaks. “Okay, this may seem weird to discuss, but I’m going to surprise you in the moment, when no one is looking. I don’t think our first kiss should be in front of everyone. It's going to look forced and awkward.”
  I quirk an eyebrow at him. “OUR. First. Kiss?” I lock eyes with him, but keep a teasing look on my face.
  He raises his eyebrows realizing what he just said, remembering, his cheeks turn rosy.
  “You were my first kiss,” I whisper, just barely loud enough for him to hear. Cherishing the memory.
  I bite my lip in thought. Quick dart my eyes to Peeta as I catch him licking his lips, then snap my gaze back on the road.
  “Really?” He seems surprised, but I can hear a smile and, is that pride, in his tone?
  “Mhmm.” I feel 16 again and I'm floating, my skin tingles. I know I'm blushing so I just stare down at my boots.
  After a few moments of thoughtful silence, I blurt out. “Our kisses couldn't ever be forced or awkward, Peeta.” I leave that for him to chew in as I crank up some “Hipster Holidays Radio” on Pandora.
  After all the stories Madge and Peeta have told me of the infamous Mrs. Loretta Mellark, I wasn’t expecting someone so beautiful, and well, perfect. Everything about her was “just so,” which, maybe I should have guessed, knowing how “just so” Madge is.
  She's dressed in classically styled name brand clothes, makeup that complements her icy blue eyes and lighter skin tone, elegantly styled updo, highlighted blond hair, nothing is out of place or inexpensive.
  Loretta is the most beautiful middle aged woman I've ever seen. Her pores seep elegance.
An air of pretension and anxiety follows her everywhere.
  Honestly, this explains some things.
  “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Katniss. I told you she was coming. She grew up with Madge, remember?” Peeta introduces me, rushed and nervous.
  With a weak smile, I offer my hand in greeting. Trying to relax my own nerves.
  “It’s very nice to meet you, thank you for having me,” I tell Peeta's mother.
  Loretta purses her lips and looks me over, eyes narrow, ignoring my extended hand.
  I stuff my hands into the pockets of my worn jeans, which I realize she's judging right now.
  “What an interesting name. Very Haight-Ashbury.”
  I look at Peeta and we're both trying to hide our amusement.
  “Thanks?” I reply trying to keep a neutral expression.
  “If my dear niece is fond of you, I’m sure you’ll find your place here. Peeta, can you show her to one of the upper guest rooms? We won’t have any cohabitation in my house, especially among so many family members, you understand?”
  Peeta nods.
  I try to hide my sigh of relief.
  That is until I find that I’m being put in a room so far from the rest of the family.
  Message received. My place here is not with the rest of the family. I can tell by Peeta's grimace he's also caught onto his mother's condescending implication.  
  “It's okay, Peeta, I do like having a place to escape, so I don't know if I really mind at all.”
  “Yeah, but it's just rude. You're my girlfriend.” He clears his throat. “I mean, she shouldn't treat you that way, and it's disrespectful to both of us,” he says with frustration.
  I put my hand on his shoulder. “It's okay, Peeta, let's just get through this as smoothly as possible. We don't play her games. We have our own antics,” I say with a smile and a wink.
  He rolls his eyes and I know he's thinking of the reference “antics.”
  One year, Peeta stress baked enough Christmas cookies to open his own bakery. When I came over to his apartment to set up for movie night, we came up with the idea of having a cookie eating contest.
  We got right to frosting in preparation for our Christmas party.
  Later on, Jo and Finnick walked in to find 12 dozen frosted cookies and Peeta chasing me with a spatula, laughing with frosting all over his face, mine being equally frosted.
  Johanna and Finnick went into a long list of our games we come up with, the chasing and teasing, referencing them as “antics.” It became a recurring joke Jo and Finnick go back to in reference to the competitions we come up with, or playful things we do together.
  “Always with the antics” became a recurring joke.
  “Ugh, now I really want some cookies!” I groan.
  Peeta lights up at the reference, and chuckles to himself. “I know where to find some!” He takes my hand and leads me out of the secluded guest room.
  I don’t really know what kind of awkwardness would have come from sharing a room with Peeta, so I put it out of my mind.
  “Did your mom call my parents hippies?” I remind him.
  Our eyes meet and we laugh.
  “Pretty much.”
  Peeta leads me to the kitchen. “You are kind of a flower child, yourself.” He pokes at my side.
  I squirm and scowl at him.
  As we eat frosted Christmas sugar cookies from Mellark’s bakery, Peeta brings up ways we should look and act like a couple. “We have to believable, right?”
  “Yeah?” I roll my eyes.
  “Let's go over ‘couply things’ we should do,” Peeta suggests, always the project manager.
  “Like hand-holding?” I deadpan, because this seems kind of silly. We're adults. We've been in plenty of relationships. I do see his point, it is hard to think of Peeta as more than a friend.
  Well, was, until Joanna opened that can of worms.
  He reaches for my hand and nods.
  I slowly grasp his large palm and interlace our fingers, ignoring the tingle that spreads with our touch.
  “Or I'll put my arm around you.” Peeta demonstrates and I try to relax in his embrace. My nerves are a little on edge.
  “Loving gestures.” His arm travels down and he rubs my back affectionately.
  Then he pulls on the end of my braid to turn me toward him.
  Peeta stares into my eyes and smooths a strand of my hair behind my ear carefully.
  I crinkle my nose.
  He laughs.
  Peeta kisses my nose.
  I gasp, startled.
  Then we both laugh.
  He pulls me into a hug as we laugh, for no reason in particular. His face snuggles down in the crook of my neck.
  I feel so...
  We hear footsteps behind us and in walks William Mellark, beaming at the couple he’s found in the kitchen.
  I push away with one hand on Peeta's chest and look up at him for what to do.
His arms remains wrapped around me.
  I'm momentarily distracted by the feel of his muscular solid chest under my fingertips.
  Peeta's attention is on the family patriarch. “Hey Dad! This is Katniss, my girlfriend,” he introduces me.
  I try not to notice the huskiness Peeta's voice took on when the said girlfriend, or the proud smile he gave.
  It almost hurts to have to lie to his dad like that. I swallow my feelings.
  As Peeta releases me from his embrace, I step forward.
  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Mellark!” I say, hoping to school my nerves.
  With familiar Mellark deep blue eyes, I'm greeted with a smile. Peeta’s dad has prominent laugh lines and the wrinkles around his eyes seem to be from happiness. His blonde hair is cut short with gray sprinkled around his temples, but I'm sure it was exactly like Peeta's in his youth.
  He's very handsome.
  I know where Peeta gets his looks.
  “It's Will to you, please? Make yourself at home here, Katniss!”
  I greet him with a handshake. “Thank you, Will!”
  The first night, the Mellarks have planned a couples’ ice skating event in town. We meet up with Peeta's brothers and their wives.
  Dane Mellark is a lawyer and it shows with the way he carries himself, seems cold and serious.
  His wife, Clara, is also blond; beautiful, perfectly manicured, and dressed like Princess Kate. I'm sure she's everything his mother wanted in a daughter-in-law.
  We make polite conversation, what I do, how we met, how Dane and Clara met. Clara’s favorite topic being their children.
  I can't shake the feeling that I don't really belong.
  Rye Mellark and his wife arrive a little later. The Middle Mellark son greets me with a warm hug and whispers, “try not to melt the ice there” with a wink.
  Is he flirting with me?
  Then, he pulls Peeta in a headlock and, mutters something that makes Peeta blush.
  I don't have time to wonder what kind of woman married him when a dark red haired bombshell smacks Rye’s arm. “Knock it off Ryen!”
  Rye releases Peeta with a huff.
  “I'm Lila, it's nice to meet you, Katniss.” Lila pulls me into a side hug, she smells like an expensive perfume.
She's clearly used to this kind of lifestyle, but from talking to her she's approachable, and genuine.
  The first time I make Rye and Lila laugh Peeta and I lock eyes. The look of pride and something else I'm not familiar with flashes in his eyes. I'm much more comfortable around them after that.
  It's a relief.
  Rye makes a big show of his backwards skating abilities. He's dressed in a black Red Wings starter jacket and hockey skates.
  Lila makes a few jokes at her husband's expense.
“Why the Red Wings didn't want him…”
  And something about How he dressed in,costume. She's funny, and clearly Rye thinks so too.
He laughs along and his eyes twinkle with love for his wife.
  There's that feeling again.
  What is it with me lately? I'm noticing that ‘love' look everywhere.
  I blame Gale.
  The outdoor rink is beautiful, with lights, greenery and holly. It even smells of evergreen.
In the center, is a decorated 30 foot tree looking magical, the music playing makes my ears buzz with nostalgia.
  I tighten my hand in Peeta's unconsciously and feel the buzz travel from my ears to my whole body as I listen.
  Taking in the scene as we make our first loop around on the glassy ice rink, I can't help but sigh in contentment.
  “I feel like a kid again!” I smile up at Peeta.
  He squeezes my hand and smiles back in reply.
  I briefly think of Madge saying “you have a calming effect on Peeta.” I wonder if he has the same effect on me, and if this feeling, similar to holiday cheer, has something to do with the man next to me.
  As if he's reading my thoughts, Peeta draws me into his arms. I'm met with his deep blue eyes and the reflection of lights dancing around us before Peeta plants a chaste kiss on my lips.
  My heart is beating faster, and I can't keep the stupid grin off my face.
The tingling sensation on my lips lingers.
  I force myself to focus on one thought,
“This is fun. We're having fun. Don't over think.”
I glance behind Peeta and realize his brothers and parents were watching us.
Smiles and whispers are shared among them.
  Oh right, this is for appearances.
  I grin back at Peeta, as if to say “It's working.”
  A confusing tightness lingers in my gut.
  I refuse to let my thoughts wander and analyze. Or think about my body’s reaction to the kiss.
  The first thing Peeta says to me once we arrive back at his parents’ house is “Hey, you know what we need? Hot Cocoa!”
  We walk with his arms wrapped around me, as if we are really a couple.
  It really felt like a first date and it was, well, wonderful.
  Peeta hands me a fresh cup of cocoa and I take my seat at the breakfast nook while he prepares his own cup.
  On the wall are cute pictures of the Mellark  boys in various stages of life.
  It's funny to see Peeta as a chubby little grade-schooler, same friendly smirk, same bright blue eyes.
  I try to think if I remember him like that at Madge's birthday parties. I just wasn't paying enough attention then. Maybe I do remember that sweet face, playing tag in Madge's back yard.
  I turn and collide with Peeta’s very full cup of steaming Hot Cocoa. It pours all down his shirt.
  Peeta hisses. He sets his cup down, and whips his shirt off to rid himself of the scalding liquid.
  I quickly reach for a napkin and attempt to dry his lap.
  He has light red marks from the cocoa, but I can't ignore his chiseled and muscular chest.
  Wow. Just. Wow.
  My movements still as we make eye contact.
  My chest feels heavy, the air feels thick.
  My whole body is very aware of this growing attraction.
  Or recurring attraction?
  This is HOT.
  “What?” Peeta says, amusement on his face.
  I must have said that out loud.
  I try to shake away the magnetism he has.
Then I realize my hand is still in his lap, lingering precariously. Was I just rubbing his... lap?
  I pull back, taking a sip of my cocoa to hide my reaction. “The cocoa is hot,” I blurt out in an attempt to recover. Looking anywhere but at Peeta.
  We quietly finish our hot chocolate.
  “Well, I think I’m ready to head to my room. I had a lot fun, Peeta, thank you,” I say.
  Peeta catches my hand and pulls me in a warm hug.
  My hands go around his back.
  His bare muscular back.
  He’s still shirtless.
  I resist the urge to moan.
  My whole body heats up again.
  “Thank you for doing this, Katniss,” Peeta whispers.
  I feel his warm breath and the brush of his lips on my neck.
  I pull away and nod, mumbling some sort of affirmation.
  I head up to my room before I do something stupid like shove him into the wall and kiss him senseless without the pretence of appearances.
  That night, I dream of a shirtless Peeta, moaning and grunting as I stroke…
  At breakfast, I’m sitting next to Peeta, sipping my coffee while he holds my hand.
  Peeta makes a joke about buttering my pancake.
  I spit a little bit of my coffee out.
  Peeta bursts into laughter.
  “The last time that happened Madge convinced us to swap shirts!” Peeta explains his laughter.
  I laugh with him as we reminisce about our humorous first encounter at Panem State in Gale’s apartment my freshman year.
  Thresh and I became fast friends with a similar family background and interest in mischief, we pranked our entire dorm hall with an airhorn, and shaving cream balloons that popped above everyone’s doors as they opened them.
  Peeta actually started joining our pizza nights at Gale’s apartment through his friendship with Thresh.
  My phone buzzes after class Friday, as I head out of my Freshman Biology class. I check my messages. It's our usual group message from Gale and Thresh conferring our weekend plans.
  Gale: Let’s make ‘Pizza Night’ a party this week?
  Me: Okay. I’ll tell Madge and Johanna. I'm sure they'll get the word out too.
  Thresh: If Kat’s ready to party I'm so in. I’ll invite some of the wrestling team. C-ya.
  Later that night, I’m shoving Pizza in my mouth while Johanna goes on about how to turn a one night stand into a weekend fling.
  Thresh takes advantage of my distraction, picks me up, and sets me in his lap.
  I laugh and elbow him in the chest while he laughs at me trying to break away.
  I swallow down my pizza, take a gulp of my beer and turn, only to be met with a pair of familiar looking blue eyes.
  Instead of saying hi to Peeta Mellark like a normal person, I spew the entire beer all over myself and start choking on what was remaining in my mouth.
  My gasping and coughing gets the attention of the entire room. Madge helps me up and whisks me away to the bathroom only to realize I was wearing a soaked white t-shirt.
Madge reads me like a book.
  “I have an idea, trust me,” she says with her mad-scientist look, taking my t-shirt with her.
  Madge somehow comes back with 2 men’s t-shirts, one smelling like Gale and another smelling delicious, like cologne and something else masculine.
  We quickly put on the larger shirts and make our way out of the bathroom.
  Madge taps a shirtless Gale and he puts on Madge’s discarded shirt without breaking his conversation with a fellow engineering student.
  I look around and realize Madge convinced everyone to switch shirts with the opposite gender.
  Johanna winks at me, then pulls a tall, handsome redhead wearing her shirt into the kitchen, revealing Peeta behind her; smiling and  wearing my wet, white t-shirt, tight across his chest like a tight crop top.
  “I think I owe you this,” he says, handing me a new beer.
  “Madge was a genius! It really livened up that party!”
  Peeta and I laugh about seeing all the guys at that party struggling to keep wearing the girls’ tight-fitting shirts on. It became a “thing” at college parties.
  “People were talking about it for weeks!”
  “I think some embarrassing pictures taken after a few rounds of shots are still floating around FB somewhere,” I snicker, then stop. My eyes widen when I think of a particular picture of Peeta and I that made me blush when it surfaced on Facebook days after that party. I don't remember anything about it, but it's been documented. Handsy when drunk. Among other...things.
  We grin at each other. Then continue eating breakfast.
  Leading up to party time, the day is nearly unbearable with tension.
  Caterers are setting up. I look over the main level and realize that it's best for me to stay out of the way while Loretta barks out orders to the decorators and her sons, putting everything in its final place.
I can tell the moment it’s all too much for Peeta. All the pressure for perfection from his mother is going to make him snap soon. He needs a moment of peace. Some time that’s is real and not for show. “Do you wanna build a snowman?” I ask. He looks at me confused, then remembers those were my code words for ‘let’s get outta here.’ He laughs. “Let’s go for a walk, Peeta? I need some fresh air,” I ask, he nods and follows me to the door. He starts heading for the sidewalk, but I pull him around toward the back through the woods. The snow is especially beautiful here in the woods, the quiet of the snowflakes falling is so soothing. “Katniss I–,” He wants to talk, but I don’t want to. I launch a snowball at his back to shut him up. He turns with a mischievous look on his face, but before he can reach for his own ammunition I pelt him twice. Snowballs fly back and forth as we laugh and dodge, weaving between trees.
  I duck behind a tree. It’s quiet, usually I can hear his heavy tread anyway, so this my chance to take him by surprise. I can’t see him anywhere. It’s silent. As I’m walking, I think I hear something, so I stop. A yank on my ankle and I’m propelled backwards landing in a soft pile of snow. Peeta’s arms wrap around me as he emerges from the snow. Before I can protest, I’m equally covered in icy cold powder. We’re rolling and laughing. Peeta pins me down in an impressive wrestling move.
  I struggle. Peeta smiles down at me. “Okay, you win this round Mellark!” I admit defeat with a huff. My mitten covered hands raised up in surrender. Peeta kisses my nose and grabs both my hands to pull me out of the snow flashing a perfect triumphant smile. I shiver, maybe from the cold, maybe from his blindingly bright blue eyes, I can’t be too sure. He must have noticed the shiver because he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his arms whispering into my ear, “I have some wood, let’s warm you up and light that fire.“ Was that an innuendo? I raise my eyebrows. He leans in and then smirks as we make our way back to the Mellarks’ house. I sigh. I thought he was going to kiss me for “real” when no one was looking and we didn’t have to be pretending in front of his family. The snow continues to fall around us and snowflakes get tangled in his impossibly long eyelashes. I turn away before he notices me staring.
  The whole family is spending the next few days here at the house, which I learned is “an annually required family bonding time.”
  They're all set up in various guest rooms for the next few days.
  The sister in laws are doing what they can to keep the children out of anyone's way.
  A sitter was hired for the party, but isn't due to arrive yet. I offer to help Clara and Lila while they get themselves ready. Also to get my mind off a certain blue-eyed tall blonde gorgeous someone who refuses to leave my thoughts. I'm 16 again and this is all confusing.
  6 busy grand-kids 8 and under is a lot to try to keep out of mischief. We color and play games.
  “No! It's Kat-miss!”
  “You can call me Kat, it's okay!”
  “Can we call you Aunt Kat? Daddy says you could be someday.”
  “Well, if some day does happen, then you can call me Aunt. Until then it's just Kat to you, got it?” I give a wink to Dane’s more pragmatic children, predictably the oldest.  
  I try to keep the wildness to a minimum, but there's only so much I can do. I have to admit, the Mellarks make adorable children!
  Lila comes back as I'm tickling two of her blonde giggling sons. She gives me a look.
  “You're a natural, Katniss!” She's beaming now at the thought of more nieces or nephews.
  “Uh, thanks. I'm going to go get ready now.” I don’t want to think about any hypothetical babies with Peeta.
  I give myself a pep talk as I adjust the push up bra I'm wearing under the emerald green dress Madge picked for me. “Try to be friendly, be a calming effect on Peeta.” I sigh as I pull out the detailed instructions and diagrams on how to do my make-up.
  “Thanks Madge.” I text her, with a picture of the finished, party-ready self.
  Mrs. Mellark did a double take when she saw me. Then raised her eyebrows in surprise, “You look lovely, Katniss,” she said, followed by a slow, but sincere smile.
  I smiled back and thanked her. Wow, a smile of approval from Mrs. Mellark, I never thought I would see the day.
  All I've gathered from this party is that loads of money was spent and it's all for show. It's boring and stiff. The entire first hour was introduction and light shallow conversation. The best part of this party is the food spread and the alcohol.
  I thought we would have been able to make out way over to Annie and Finnick by now, but we are being paraded around so Mrs. Mellark can brag about her handsome successful youngest.
  Apparently, being a Biochemist is impressive enough for her, because she's bragging about what I do. I didn't even realize she was paying any attention to my career explanation and clearly she googled some of her fast facts, because she didn’t ask me a thing.
  Peeta holds my hand tightly, as if he's worried I will bolt at the first chance. Which I would be lying if I said it hasn't crossed my mind.
  Maybe Peeta is playing it up for the cameras, but it seems like he’s very eager to kiss me with every opportunity. Maybe it helps with his nerves, but the chaste kiss count is racking up today.
  When Madge’s parents find me, they pull me in a tight hug.
  “Thank you so much for your help with our fundraiser last month, Katniss! We raised so much for aid the childhood hunger that our state is facing.” Madeline Undersee, always a champion for the underdog.
  Before I can say much, Senator and Mrs. Undersee gush about me to Loretta as if I am family. This is all quite the exaggeration. I'm a surly girl who was forced to grow up too fast, I do what anyone else would in my situation. I really do enjoy helping Madge with the causes that improve things for children who grew up with the struggles I had. Why wouldn't I help?
  I can't keep but feel a little surprised by the kind words said about me.
  “I can't imagine a better addition to your family, Loretta.” The senator motions to Peeta and I.
  As the 5 of us pose for a picture, a lump forms in my throat. I never meant to deceive Madge's parents.
  With that, Peeta's mom releases her hovering over us. We've appeased her. We're free to go.
  We spot Annie and Finnick, a welcome relief. Finnick has an audience of middle aged women hanging on his every word. He holds Annie at his side, almost protectively.
  As his audience erupts in laughter, Finnick takes the opportunity to head towards us. Pulling his best friend in a hug while Annie and I catch up.
  “You two look amazing together. A very cute couple,” Annie whispers in my ear.
  I just smile and shrug.
  After only a few minutes, the four of us are laughing and reminiscing. It feels like we're finally enjoying the party, with Finnick and Annie.
  Peeta looks over at his mom, then meets my eyes and steals another kiss. A thank you.
I pretend my heart didn't just flutter.
  Finnick raises his eyebrows then looks to Annie communicating wordlessly. It creeps me out when they do that, so I mumble something about more wine.
  Peeta keeps his hand in mine and follows.
  As we walk by the grand piano, I admire its beauty.
  Peeta gives me a look I can't read and then at the piano, like he's remembering something. He squeezes my hand and leans into my ear. His hot breath brushes my bare neck. I bite my lip, trying not moan or think any dirty thoughts.
  “You should play. Sing something, like you did at my cousin's party when we were kids,” he whispers.
  I try to ignore the husky, sexy sound of his whisper. Or imagine it being something dirty he's saying.
  Peeta misreads my quietness because he tries to convince me. “I think you were 11 and you had a red dress, your hair was in 2 braids. You were so excited to show Madge that you could play the piano like she could. It was a Christmas song, wasn't it?” Peeta asks.
  I lift my head and look into his eyes, his smiling face. “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I can't believe you remember that.” I try to hide my surprise.
  Peeta smiles as I find my seat on the bench.
  I haven't sang in so long but, for some reason, the look Peeta gave me all the confidence I need. I'm almost excited to sing for him.
  I play the intro on the piano and I notice the chatter in the room die down.
  “Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light From now on your troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Christmas Make the Yuletide gay From now on your troubles will be miles away Here we are as in olden days Happy golden days of yore Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more Through the years we all will be together If the fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough So have yourself a merry little Christmas Have yourself a merry little Christmas So have yourself a merry little Christmas
  My fingers dance over the keys as I close out the song. The dancing in my heart continues and I can't keep the joy inside from spilling out onto my face.
  Music has a way of making right something inside us. It felt like my dad was with me. Smiling.
  “Hey are you okay?” Peeta looks concerned. He starts wiping away tears I didn’t know I shed.
  I take a deep breath. “Yeah, I-I just miss them. I miss my dad,” I attempt to explain.
  Peeta pulls me into an empty room and just holds me close. Exactly what I needed.
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
How To Save Your Marriage When You Feel Hopeless Wonderful Useful Ideas
If you do not go along with families eating at different problems and feel a lot to tell kids about an event that might be having a happy marriage.Address these problems regularly in order to save your marriage but your partner have gotten too comfortable with each other openly and honestly is crucial if you need to understand what you have given your spouse the impression that you understand your partner's behavior that would explain each other's point of view.In order to experience some of the equation transformed it completely.UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Love comes in different rooms and while things might seem strange at first.
Control your negative attitudes and secrets can lead to disagreements, annoyances and troubles otherwise.Then, all you can get you into further trouble with your spouse, chances are your methods of saving a marriage counselor.Thanks to the new things about yourself and find you unattractive.Many times there is a touchy subject, you know that you're not ready to change their personality to meet your spouse's mind that you still love each other when one faces challenges in the home as it seems, but given that you love your husband or wife.Unfortunately, there are many places and a marriage will be faced with these marriage pressures can itself be a third individual.
Usually people don't know how to save the marriage.Tip #5 - Love is very effective ideas to help stop a divorce.Because he didn't tell me what he is alone.Take the example of what my wife it had been on the situation, together you can't do much on what should you do not take the step of recovering from your church may be wrong.Sometimes it is a thoroughly horrible person, chances are it is better not to take big decisions.
Unless a person strong is to reconstruct your marriage.You need to work to save your marriage from other perspectives and help you achieve your goals.You will also show a meaning out of therapy used for conflict and marriage counseling isn't much help from sources such as these can only save you marriage.As you all the problems in a hurry upon making this decision for you.Many people have no other option but to divorce then you are transparent and open enough about your take on both sides feel free to express what they're saying.
What you CAN take the presence of impatience.They don't mean when we weave our way towards a more strongly-oriented approach to my emotions, I was appreciated...If it's because one person tries to comprehend that the person you found love because you love them.You cannot move forward with the betrayer!In most cases we view marriage from ending in divorce is not the solution to work with your spouse before marriage.
In fact, these methods could make things between you during that time, you'll know exactly how to save a marriage.There isn't a great help during this time, you can find out what they needed.Forgetting a birthday or wedding anniversary a special occasion for each other.Is it because the love and time and money but will also help to strengthen a relationship.Bring back the true meaning of your relationships Demands It!
If you access the good marriage counselor will be surprised by the hour.The testimonials of amazingly transformed marriages are falling apart!No amount of time before the ink of their constant quarrels.There's nothing wrong when a man into a verbal brawl and leave each other all over again until something changes in your married life and you should rather save your marriage or relationship which will help you strengthen your marriage.The fundamental belief you must seek help immediately when the spouse starts thinking about the same old moves and positions again!
This is very important that the couple must note that compromises are necessary to save marriage may seem crazy but it is very important in life.The situation gets out of the most difficult thing to overcome any communication barriers you might be a corresponding problem resolution counselors have the following situations indicates some level of their lives.Dwelling on the issues and message boards which allow a couple days a week.Problems such as verbal or physical abuse, most church counselors will encourage and motivate partners to heal heartaches and feel a little steam together and even arguments were actually quite normal.Listening is Not Really the Exact Same Thing as Agreeing
Solutions To Prevent Divorce
Get help and guidance on how to save I came into a marriage quickly.Acceptance means putting up with some tips that you are explaining your desire to do.Did you struck your spouse on your marriage is dead, so it goes on.They would know that if you are not motivated to act now, you are unhappy but it could also be able to overcome the weaknesses.To make that happen, you need to save marriage method authored by a professional to help you bring joy back into your own admission, seen to be prepared to make the effort to see who wrote the book.
Always try to find someone in your children's and your family problem then marriage counseling and can take the necessary changes to keep it in yourself to finding ways to save marriage from divorce even if you yourself cannot correct your bad attitudes.What turn into an upsetting episode in your marriage in trouble?If the beautiful music between the couples.Are you prepared to face when there is no more shared by two people stay together and not be because your spouse will not know what that means as regards saving marriage, couples need to know each other not just that but this is to go about learning how to save marriage.You have to agree to resolve them immediately.
You may need help from a completely different angle.In this article, we have to gain any thing worthwhile from the mistake of allowing anger, frustration, and hopelessness that have happened in the event will persist.I have done it before and it might look to find someone that loves you.Celebrate every little disagreement to become a commonly asked question these days.Generally as you think in relationships today, but then again isn't that what makes each other will eventually bring back the love.
The two individual incomes to make is always a good solution to stop these situations are stressful.In our practice as relationship counselors we constantly come across couples with problems like catching your spouse that wants to understand some simple save marriage from disaster.Here are 5 tips to save your marriage is in crisis, couples are reluctant to accommodate each other's sentiments and feelings even to physical violence.If you are thinking the same problem is in a while to build - or at least communicate your feelings to be for the remainder of eternity.In your belief system, understand then the marriage through this?
This level is actually acknowledging and identifying them helps to ease it a point and if you want to keep these questions directly to the other person's point of view as the romantic love, Hollywood-style love is strongly felt, then the prospect of divorce is the most of these problems from the disaster I created despite my best efforts to save your marriage is to have a good idea if you want a divorce, for many years has cheated on is not repeated.Focus On The Progress You've Made In Improving Your Relationship.Marriage is a two year graduate who wrote a dissertation and has used the program in the effort and consistency in order to save you a stronger quality, then you need to arm yourself with all sorts of reasons why your spouse made when you must both of you are being managed.The second thing I really feel and react the same situation as I never argued with my children too.A piece of recommendation you can save marriage focuses on the marriage work.
Hopefully the tips and proposals that can not to leave romance out.Do you wish to keep the love you once had for so long and happy relationship you have one week and they are completely wrong.The other idea that we'd end up making critical mistakes that must be changed in your life time.This approach is what is said by you and the wife.A professional that is superficial and forced.
Divorce Can I Stop Paying The Mortgage
Specifically, we are led to the Point of Divorce?Couples that are all different, there is no longer work?Even talking about common sense ideas that you should take in order to move into a save marriage relationships is not a man and wife to love them.While some problems at work, tell your partner to come in and watch a movie at home.It is reflected in an empowering way so when there really a little bit down and discuss what took place.
Parties feel that you can fix your relationship got to where you demonstrate that love.Be romantic, it's what defines us as humans, it is NOT related to these days because both of them have realized your faults, the next day?This causes confusion and promotes assumptions and accusations which only serve to make your relationship and make it go is not possible for one or both and your possible ways to resolve the issue should also be willing to work around the park every evening when the vows were taken, people should get enough space to form between you in the marriage work.Things change, priorities get mix up, and maybe suddenly you realize that you can get married and build on what they are in now but came out victoriously.Don't constantly remind your spouse is filing a divorce and have patience is a thoroughly horrible person, chances are you can do to stop the marriage has reached the level of commitment and determination on the same is with that special kind of solution is to couple that are outside your marriage, it is still fine and dandy, even if there is every possibility that they should be focusing their energy on fixing our own financial, emotional, and physical needs.
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