#but my fat sister
itsadragonaesthetic · 7 months
Rode a horse for the first time today! I would show pictures but I'm weirdly committed to concealing my appearance from Tumblr lmao.
My horse's name was Socks, and he was a spirited little chestnut. It felt surprisingly natural to be on a horse! I wasn't expecting it to be so easy and to come to me so naturally. Me and the horse got into a little groove after a while, despite how picky he was being. My mom also got kicked off by her horse! She's totally fine tho. She's ridden horses before and knows exactly what to do if a horse starts to throw you off. I also found god in the colors of the flowers! So that's good!
Felt fine until a few hours later when my ass started to hurt (I got no meat on the cheeks) and let's just say, I Was Not On My Period Before I Rode The Horse.
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yardsards · 1 year
surrounding myself with a bubble of diversity and self love and body positivity online and then being exposed to normies who actually care about conventional beauty standards feels so fucking bizarre. like you people just live like this??? are you not tired???
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snoopybutch · 1 year
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Local LHB (long haired butch) Thunderstorm Euphoria
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queerstudiesnatural · 3 months
one thing that i don't think we talk about enough is the connection between fatphobia/skinnyphobia and ableism. like how many times have you heard someone say "i'm just concerned about their health", "they're so skinny they look sickly", "their weight will cause health problems" etc, said in a derogatory tone. and yeah sometimes weight is linked to health problems. that is true. but how is that a bad thing? when people scoff at overweight or underweight people and justify it with "they must be so unhealthy", it not only reinforces beauty standards as they pertain to size, but it also implies that health is morally good, and anyone who "looks unhealthy" (and of course not everyone who is overweight or underweight is unhealthy, that's just a connection people make because beauty standards are so fucked up) is morally reprehensible. i know i'm not the first person to say it, far from it, but i do think health should be discussed more when we're talking about body image and the pressure put on people, and especially women, to look a certain way. it's not just about size, it's about not showing any signs that you may struggle with your health in any way. whether it's hormonal imbalances, mental health, or anything else. the pressure put on people, and again, women especially, to look a certain way, is (and this just an example) one of the reasons why it still takes some people years to get diagnosed with pcos. you get told that if you're gaining weight, then you should go to the gym and diet to lose it. you get asked how many burgers you've had in the past month. because if your weight is "abnormal" then it must be because of something bad you did. if you're unhealthy it must be your fault. god forbid every body be naturally different and react to things differently. so anyway idk how to end this but like, body shaming and health shaming often go hand in hand and, i think, should be treated as a joint issue.
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spocksgotemotions · 1 month
I saw a stupid post on instagram about how being called skinny made this person change how they dress and wrecked their confidence and blah blah and with very few exceptions all the comments were like “oh mean fat people! It hurts just as much getting told to eat a burger than being told to stop eating burgers.” And its like I’m sorry you feel bad about your body, but until skinny people are consistently being told to get invasive surgeries or to take potentially dangerous medicines to get fat I will not feel bad for you for being skinny. Like genuinely, I do feel for anyone who is insecure about how they look, that is a shame. But you cannot tell me that it’s because you get bullied for being skinny.
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femmeidiot · 4 months
being fat is literally so annoying and it's not even like the being fat part it's the stupid ass comments people make like as much as I struggle with body image I've pretty much accepted that this is just how my body is and how it is going to look but I am so tired of having people bring up stupid shit or feel like I owe them explanations about my body it's exhausting everyone should shut the fuck up and leave fat people alone forever cause we could absolutely destroy most of y'all's skinny asses if we needed to and I'm about to start physically fighting the next person who says any sort of bullshit to me
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negativefouriq · 3 months
idk as far as im concerned penelope featherington pen name lady whistledown can be as nasty as she wants bc every ounce of that nastiness was lobbed at her first
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dashabot · 5 months
Pregnant Junko🥰, guess who the daddy is😏
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ashmp3 · 1 month
Trying to find some new recipes for breakfast and its either eggs or oatmeal who do i look like be real with me. What are your favorite breakfasts please share i am getting sick of mine (maybe bc i eat too much tuna. i am literally on a verge of a mercury poisoning)
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kaaaaaaarf · 2 months
i don’t know when fat became a ‘mean’ term, people now say plus sized
Some people say plus sized, some people say fat. Neither is wrong, per sey. I think what's important is to remember that some people are very triggered by being called fat because of the environments they grew up in or the way they have been treated for committing the crime of not being a size 0. Fat as a word has been turned against us for a long time—the diet industrial complex I was brought up in being a huge factor in society's view of the word.
I have had many years on this earth to come to terms with the fact that I am fat and I will never be thin, and that's okay! It's more than okay. I'm happy with how my body looks.
When I was 20 I read a book called The Fat Girl's Guide To Life by Wendy Shanker and it was literally the first time I was introduced to the idea that fat is beautiful and that fat is just a word—it's a word that has been used to hurt me in the past, but it's not a word that hurts me anymore. I'm fat and I am fucking gorgeous. ✌🏼
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addie4ddie2005 · 13 days
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 months
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femme shenanigans 🤍
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vroomian · 27 days
I am not uniquely horrible!!
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murderballadeer · 1 month
crazy how one photo taken from a bad angle at the beach can completely ruin how you see yourself
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em0puppy · 2 months
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THEY MAKE ME SO ILLLLLLLL they would listen to mccafferty together whiele they sedate themselves
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justascrollingghost · 5 months
I can’t be the only person out there that doesn’t like Nesta? I read ACOSF purely because I don’t want to not like her but even with understanding why she’s the way she is I just can’t warm to her.
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