#but mostly fluffy angst?
itty-bitty-sunshine · 25 days
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Uh-oh, how unfortunate.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
I hope this doesn’t come across as pushy since you’ve already answered the question about a Neon Void sequel, but I was wondering if you’d ever consider writing epilogue one-shots? Like instead of committing to a full story just doing some small slice of life snippets :)
There’s so much of Neon Void I just adore! And the story just ended so so perfectly, I loved every bit of it! Your an incredible writer and I’ve hung on to every word :)
Also slight tangent but the scene with still feral Leo biting Raph in fear just hurts me so bad. That his immediate response is absolute panic and regret at hurting « his red » is so so sad. This bois trauma response is gonna be insane.
all good! in all honesty, the follow up fic would just be one-shots haha. i have no plan nor desire for another long plot for Leo's recovery days. it's gunna be all about him getting some much deserved TLC hehe 🩵
and THANK YOU SO MUCH 💘💞💖! i'm so glad you like it!! and oof yes yes yes love me some feral snaps with instant regret chaser it's delicious 💞
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cyxnidx · 8 months
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a/n: omg hihihi😭apologies if this took a while, i haven't been checking my inbox at all. but i adore this idea!! tysm ♡. original post here.
character pairing: pantalone x gn!reader
genre: kinda angsty fluff hehe.
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two weeks.
thats how long you've been gone for a commission. longer than usual, but pantalone has known you for long enough to know you're fine.
however, your little girl hasn't quite yet gained that pleasure of conscious.
"daddy.." the small girl whines, curling up in a ball against her fathers chest again.
she's been crying and whining about you all evening.
and while it wasn't out of the ordinary for the little girl to know that yes, you'd leave for "work" occasionally, she always got to have contact with you.
whether you end up sending a letter, calling, or sending some sort of souvenir, she always got something to remind her of her other support system.
but the extended time you've been gone paired with no gifts or contact whatsoever is overwhelming for the poor thing.
"i know, dear." pantalone says solemnly. it's the only thing he can tell her, other than the constant affirmation that you're fine.
but, of course she wants proof. its a warrant she's worthy of. but he just can't provide that for her.
its breaking him, from the inside out.
the small girl gets out from her fathers hold, eyes watering as she stomps over to her play shoes at the door. "daddy.. daddy, let's.. go!" she whines, wiping her own tears as she slips them on, and pantalone feels the last bit of his heart rip.
"where are we going, dear?" he asks, humoring the little girl.
"to go.. to go find.." she gets choked up on her own words, struggling to finish her sentence.
and back to her roots, she's a sobbing mess once again. mumbling your name like it's the only word she knows, pantalone can only kiss her forehead and tell her it's alright.
and even now, he's wondering if it's alright.
he takes the girl back to the couch, rocking her until she eventually quiets down from the constant crying she's been doing.
for once, pantalone feels useful in a situation like this. he's a smart man - he can do a lot, he knows a lot. but calming his little one while you're gone with no contact is something that nothing could've prepared him for. no book, no lesson, no prophecy, nothing.
just as he's beginning to relax on the couch, he hears the door knob twist and push open, revealing the same figure he and his little girl has missed for so long.
by the tensing of his body, your girl wakes up, looking around, still upset. until she meets your eyes.
and there she goes. crying, sobbing, a mess as she runs toward you, scolding you while also telling you she's missed you for what seems like a decade.
you kiss her forehead. "i know, i know, i'm sorry." you apologize, walking her over to pantalone.
he wraps his arms around you, his hedonistic smile crossing his face, though how he feels at the moment is anything but. his eyes say it all:
he's hurt. hurt, worried, upset, scared, and confused.
he pulls your figure in tight, as if he's afraid that if he lets go, you'll trickle into dust. nothingness. his head rests on your shoulder, his breathing choppy. "please don't worry me like that again." he mumbles.
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Lena as a woman struggling with a medical illness or condition that requires frequent emergency medical care and ambulance rides to the hospital. Kara as the EMT who responds to those calls at Lena's homd most frequently. Kara is charming and helps keep Lena calm and they strike up a rapport, maybe even a little bit of flirting. Definitely a lot of trust, which builds each time Lena sees Kara bending over her to evaluate her.
Then one night Lena gets in a nasty car accident (not her fault), suffering severe life threatening injury, and lo and behold, the EMT who responds is none other than Kara. This time, when Lena gazes up at her, Kara's features are grim and edging on desperate, contrasting sharply with her usual easy humor.
When Lena mutters Kara's name, Kara looks down and sees her awake. She forces a smile.
"Well, well, well, out in the wild this time," she tries to joke, but there's no mirth in her eyes.
Still, Lena feels relief. She knows Kara. She knows Kara will keep her alive, just as she's done countless times before.
"Glad you're... here," Lena murmurs, already fading again.
"No, no, no, Lena you need to keep your eyes open. Just keep your eyes on me, okay?" She calls for a cervical collar and something else over her shoulder.
Lena tries to obey-- she could stare at Kara all day every day given the chance-- but her body betrays her. Still, she drifts off knowing that if she has any chance at all of waking up again, it will be because of the woman kneeling over her.
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leapdayowo · 1 year
Goop!Wally au
First goodbye
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A bit of angst is coming very soon..
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I Make You Laugh The Most (Blue Lock)
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Hi hello I'm so incredibly soft for these two holy-
Hi eveyone! Welcome back to "Squiggily's brain is on Blue Lock Mode"- in which I write tons of it because I can :P This little ol' fic was a gift for a friend (you know who you are :3) that I decided to post because why not? Have some more Bachisagi I say! I hope y'all like it! :D
CW: Blue Lock Second Selection Spoilers!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13
Summary: Bachira overhears Isagi laughing- which is great. However, he wasn't the one who made him laugh. Not so great.
“Pfft- no you dihihihidn’t!”
Bachira perked up at the melodious sound, heart racing in his chest as he turned to look. Isagi’s laugh was so wonderful- deep and warm, punctured with silly noises and snorts. Anytime he heard it, it filled him with glee.
Right now, however, he felt a pinch of defeat alongside it.
“We did! Reo was LIVID. He looked like a titan from Attack On Titan!” Chigiri grinned as he retold a story to Isagi about his former teammates, sending the brunette into a fit of endless giggles. They were coming back from the baths it seemed, Chigiri’s hair was wet and Isagi was flushed from the heat. “He’s so expressive!”
“Pfft- not AOT!” Isagi shoved him lightly as they turned the corner into their shared room. “Man, you should have gotten a picture!”
The rest of their conversation was lost, but the sting in Bachira’s chest remained. He leaned against the wall, a slight pout on his lips as he replayed the lovely sound again and again in his mind.
“...Hm.” Rin hummed from behind him, making Bachira blink.
“Never thought I’d see the day you’d be jealous.” The taller boy shrugged, fighting down a yawn and almost missing Bachira’s wide eyed stare. “It’s not like those two are a thing. Pretty boy’s head over heels for the buff hero dude, yeah? Or was it the lazy one?”
“I-me-what-” Bachira was in a rare state of stupefaction. “That’s not it at all!”
“Kay.” Rin turned to go, making his way towards the workout room- likely for yoga. Bachira found himself following.
“It’s just- Isagi and I: I’ve always made him laugh, you know? Me! Like- don’t get me wrong, Missy’s great, and he can be funny in a sort of dry- when you least expect it kinda way you know? I don’t know- I haven’t seen Isagi in forever and I miss him-Whaa!” Bachira yelped as he tripped, falling face first into a pile of yoga mats. Rin only blinked before slowly pulling one out from the brooding dribbler.
“If it bothers you that bad, why not go make him laugh, then?” Rin suggested, tugging off his shirt and tossing it aside.
“He’s not on my team yet, Rin-Rin!” Bachira whined against the mats, unfazed when the shirt landed over his face. “It’s not the same! Plus, he’s still thinking about Reo’s titan face- whatever that means- it’s not my victory if ChiChi’s thing’s still rent free in his head!”
“Gonna have to change that.” Rin mumbled so quietly that Bachira almost didn’t catch it. “Look, I’m doing my cooldown. Either grab a mat and shut up or go complain to someone else.” Rin gave him one last look before taking his spot in the corner of the gym. Bachira stared for a moment before standing up, grabbing his mat and dragging it over beside him.
He napped the entire time.
“If it bothers you that bad, why not go make him laugh, then?”
Bachira didn’t think the words would stick like they did, haunting his mind relentlessly as he watched Isagi grab dinner. Maybe Rin had a point- maybe he DID need to make him laugh to fix this bothersome jealousy. He didn’t like how it lingered, coating his insides and making him feel all sorts of broody.
“Is this seat taken?” Isagi smiled as he walked up, two trays in hand. There was no rule saying you had to eat with your teammates- currently Aryu was interrogating Chigiri on his haircare routine while Nagi was half-slumped against him, slowly eating his rice like a drugged sloth.
“Yep- that one’s the monster’s seat.” Bachira kicked a heel up on the seat across from him, stealing it away. “But the one beside me’s available.”
“Thank you.” Isagi grinned as he slid in, sliding the extra tray his way. The dribbler was so caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t even realized he forgot to eat. “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I used some points and got us steak. Hope that’s okay.”
Anything is okay with you. Bachira almost said out loud. Instead, he grinned, stabbing a fork into Isagi’s food and holding it up, waving it before him. “Say ahhhh~”
“Bachira- I told you before, I can feed myself.” Isagi dodged a few times, a grin pulling on his lips as they fell back into their old game. Finally, he gave in, letting the other shove the fork into his mouth. “One day I’m gonna be so spoiled from you doing that I’ll forget how to hold a fork.”
“I’ll gladly feed you, Isagirin~” He winked, delighted in the blush painting Isagi’s face. No giggles though. The pinch returned. “How’s the team going?”
“It’s hell.” Isagi laughed, shaking his head. “Barou’s a neat freak, Nagi’s lazy, and Chigiri’s ever the princess.” His voice was fond though as he cut into his meal, chewing slowly. “But I like it. It’s a fun kind of chaos, yeah?” He smiled at Bachira, almost missing the dimming of his mood. “You’d fit right in.”
That perked him up almost immediately. Bachira smiled as Isagi went on sharing his adventures of their time apart, pride and sorrow touching his voice nearly as much as the giggles he let out recounting the great “King’s Bad Hair Day” incident. It was so, so nice to see him smiling and laughing.
And yet…and yet… “Bachira? You seem sad.” Isagi blinked, tilting his head curiously at the other. Bachira blinked, not even realizing he was letting it show. “You okay?”
“Yeah…yeah! I’m great!” Bachira put on his brightest grin. “I’m okay, really.”
Isagi narrowed his eyes, suspicious. Then he reached out and stabbed Bachira’s steak, bringing a piece up. “Say ahhhh~” He quoted, easily shoving it in his mouth with how surprised Bachira looked. “After tomorrow- we’ll be back together. I promise you; I’m bringing you home.”
Bachira pretended the sudden wetness in his eyes was from how hot the meat was burning on his tongue.
Isagi was a man of his word. Well-kinda.
No he didn’t necessarily WIN, but they were once again together. Bachira was reeling from it all still; the final shot that sealed the deal, the nervousness he felt when it was time to pick someone. Then the tearful glee he felt when Rin called out Isagi’s name.
That was a few days ago and yet it still felt so new whenever he was with Isagi. Isagi, who didn’t have to retreat to a different room at the end of the day. Isagi, who could now play soccer beside him instead of against.
He couldn’t be happier.
“We made it this far, I can’t believe it.” Isagi sighed against his pillows, tired after a long day of drills and exercise. “It got scary for a moment there.” “Yeah- it’s still scary when you think about it. Look what happened to Kunigami.” Bachira stretched out beside him, staring up at the ceiling as the past few days hit him. “Is Chi-Chi okay?”
“Heartbroken, but he won’t admit it.” Isagi smiled a little sad at the mention of their former teammates. “I think I heard him crying the other night.” Isagi’s hand found his, squeezing it tightly. “Selfish as it is to say…I’m glad it wasn’t us. One wrong move against the wrong team and that would have been you and me.”
“Mm…” Bachira hummed, squeezing it back. “Chigiri’s tough though. He’ll be okay.”
“He’s no fragile princess, that’s for sure.” Isagi nodded. “Sorry, I killed the vibe.”
“Don’t be- I can bring it back.” Bachira, eager to lift the mood, raised his hands, wiggling his fingers. “I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for a good chuckle!”
“Are you now? Bring it on, bumblebee!” Isagi grinned, sitting up with his own claws. His eyes danced with challenge only for him, something Bachira missed for quite some time. There was a moment of silence as they watched each other before-
“GOTCHA!” Bachira cried, lunging and grabbing Isagi’s waist, pulling him into the sheets. Pillows and limbs flew as they wrestled in the bed, each trying to get the other hand. Isagi was already laughing, Bachira hadn’t even tickled him yet! He tried to pin him but instantly shot his arms back with a squeal when Bachira’s own kneaded the spot along the center of his ribs. “Gotcha now!”
“Ahehahahhahhahah! Bahahhahaha-Bahhahahhahchirahhahahahahahha!” Isagi cackled, doubling over in a fit of giggles as he tried gently pushing his boyfriend's hands away. It didn’t take long before the dribbler had him on his back against the bed, one hand on his ribs while the other pushed up his sweatshirt so he could drill into his belly. “Pleahhahahahhahase, it tihiihihihihihickles!”
“I know!” Bachira grinned, chest puffing with pride as Isagi flailed beneath him, cackling in glee. “That’s why I’m tickling you, Isagirin~” He leaned in so he was nose to nose with him, fingers dancing along his waist and sides. “I wanna make you laugh so much you explode!”
“Yohohohohoou ahahahahreahhahahday doohohooohoh thahahhahahat! Gehahahhaahhahahaha, Bahahahhachirahahahhahahaha!” Isagi’s nose was scrunched as he laughed, turning his face away to hide it as he weakly pawed at Bachira’s shoulders. “Iihihihihihim alhahhhahahhays lahahahhahaughing with you!”
“Really? You really mean that?” Bachira stopped his tickles flopping closer so he was once again nose to nose with Isagi. “I really make you laugh the most?”
“Ohohoof course you do!...Are you okay? You seem rather hung up on it.” Isagi was still smiling, but there was an unmistakable touch of concern in his gaze.
Bachira felt himself freeze. He’d been caught. “Well…maybe.” He flopped down so his face was against Isagi’s chest, cuddling close. Somehow it was easier to say these things to his beating heart than to his eyes. “I don’t know- I’ve been really…bothered lately. Whenever I hear you laugh, I get really happy; but I also get frustrated because for a while it wasn't me making you laugh like that, you know?” The dribbler sighed through his nose, feeling weirdly embarrassed. “Sounds kinda dumb, huh? Being jealous because someone else makes you laugh?”
“Hm.” Isagi made a noise of thought, his hand stroking Bachira’s hair. “I don’t think so, no. If anything- it’s kinda cute.” He grinned, deeply amused by the flush spreading over Bachira’s ears. “First you get real with me and now you’re blushing! Who are you and what have you done with my Bachira?”
“Shush! I’m still me!” Bachira sat up, pinching Isagi’s nose until the other was giggling like crazy. “But…you really don’t think anything less of me because of it?”
“On the contrary. I think I’ve just fallen harder for you.” Isagi’s eyes were warm, his voice genuine. Bachira felt his eyes sting again- goodness why was he so weepy lately? “I mean- I’d probably disapprove if you went on and shaved Chigiri’s head in his sleep over it.”
Bachira tittered, snapped right out of his tears. That’s the thing he loved most about Isagi- he always seemed to know what he needed. “Are you kidding? Missy would kill me if I did that! We’d have a murder in Blue Lock!”
“Best not get caught then- or find a way to blame someone else.” Isagi giggled with him, pulling him down into his chest before kissing him softly. “I’d take the fall for you.”
“No way- I lost you once; I’m not losing you again.” Bachira grabbed onto his sweatshirt. “You’re mine now.”
“And I yours.”
Thanks for reading!
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
Went ahead and read this post. And laughed a little, ngl.
It's basically a defense post for shipping Sonic with human girls, and a hate post towards Sonamy/Sonally shippers. Called 'em all "fanbrats." Immediate generalization, assuming all of us are the same.
I'm a Sonamy shipper, not Sonally. Why I don't ship Sonally? All I've seen of Sally -- while she's generally a good person -- she's very controlling, especially of Sonic himself. She doesn't like Sonic for who he is; she's constantly trying to make him more serious and their personalities clash an awful lot. But does that mean I hate on and judge Sonally shippers? No. It's just a ship with fictional characters, peeps. Lighten up. I don't get triggered if I see others making art for them and stuff. I just move on because it's not for me.
Ah, yeah, Amy's worse qualities HAVEN'T disappeared? Sorry, could someone remind me of a time during the IDW comics, during Frontiers, during MOSTH, when Amy was making Sonic uncomfortable with stalker-esque behavior? Right. There wasn't any. It's a little something called character development and maturity. Happens as one grows older.
And this isn't the first time I've seen people complain that they're turning Amy into Sally 2.0. Actually, they're not. Amy Rose has a heart for people that Sally never did. In IDW, Amy took over the Resistance and changed it into the Restoration because Knuckles disbanded it on a whim, and she couldn't bear to see so many people displaced and in trouble. Because she's got that heart and LOVE for people. That passion.
Amy loves Sonic exactly for who he is. (I've talked a little about this before but will gladly elaborate for those who refuse to see.) She outright said to him, "I can't change you. I don't want to change you."
She loves that he's an adventurer. She loves that he has a heart for people like she does as well. She loves everything about him -- through anything.
Another person claimed they didn't ship Sonamy because "Amy only loves the hero facade Sonic puts on." Sorry, remember that episode in Sonic X where it showed Amy was well aware of Sonic's dislike/fear of water, and instead of getting angry or disappointed with him, she made him a good luck charm bracelet to make him feel better? Or that time when she scolded Knuckles for making fun of said fear? Or when he was badly electrocuted to the point of unconsciousness and she stepped up to take care of him? Or when she dove into a giant mass of water after him, knowing she might not be able to save him but not wanting him to be alone? I could go on and on.
That love of hers, that passion, is also for people in general (he's just #1 in her heart, according to Sega). In Frontiers, she showed concern for him when he appeared to be struggling. She shared her desires to share her love with the world, even if it meant taking them apart, and he encouraged her to do so, adding that he wanted to hear all about it when she got back.
Pardon us for feeling like Sonamy is more canon after Frontiers. I'd like to see YOU come up with a platonic explanation for "Wish we were sharing an umbrella, Amy," and "Amy, I should've made up my mind sooner."
Also, it's pretty unlikely Amy is still 12. They stopped confirming their ages years ago. With how much has been happening, I wouldn't be surprised if they're all aged up several years.
"Thinking we know better than Sega themselves." Bruh, "Sega themselves" have confirmed time and time again that Sonic has feelings for Amy. The only reason (besides the mandates lol) he hasn't confessed to her is because
Sonic isn't good at dealing with feelings
Sonic isn't ready for a relationship at this point in his life/doesn't need one
Sonic loves Amy, and Amy loves Sonic. But they're both aware that Sonic doesn't want a relationship for the time being, so they're fine being friends.
Pardon the rant, lol. And jsyk, this isn't necessarily a persuasive speech. If this convinced you to ship Sonamy, cool! If it didn't, I don't care. Again, these are just ships with fictional characters. I have fun with them. I don't get outraged if people don't ship what I do. If you don't like it, move past this post and keep scrolling. See if I care. 😂
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nashdoesstuff · 9 months
guess who just finished ofmd‼️‼️
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aftgscenes · 7 months
Give me good Kevin Jeremy and Jean fics right now or I’ll throw rocks through your window you dumb bitch
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shootingstarpilot · 10 months
update: goddamnit i'm so glad i put off posting for another day because i redid the ending and godDAMN if i'm not pleased as punch with this version!! next chapter will be going up tomorrow evening (well, later today, i guess) because i want to do one more proofread when i'm not slightly delirious from lack of sleep but anyway BOW TO MY WILL, DIALOGUE, YOU WILL DO AS I COMMAND HAHAHAHAAAAAA
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givemaycoffee · 8 months
I am curious about the ST fic but I'm gonna slap my face into attention and focus instead on what catches my eye the most (and in no way is my guess of your super top secret smutty fic): Please tell me about Pre-Bond and how your Howl's Moving Castle AU is going!
WIP Game
The idea here was a play on the idea of mating bonds, but combine omegaverse bonds with some ideas stolen from Vulcan mating bonds - namely, the titular pre-bond. Omegaverse bonds typically happen on the neck, but I was thinking a pre-bond could happen via the scent glands on the wrist.
You know the scene at the end of The Taste of You where Percy does not bite Vex? This fic was What if he did bite her but wisely created a pre-bond (which can be dissolved) rather than a full bond? So they can both reevaluate when they aren't in heat/rut. But then shit goes sideways a bit because of essentially soulmate stuff (true mates are a whole omegaverse thing also and it’s literally just soulmates). Here’s a tiiiny snippet:
She found the skin of his wrist and bit down. It was exquisite. It was all of him, his scent on her tongue and his very being rushing into her own.
Howl’s Moving Castle AU
As for HMC AU… 🥲 it’s completely still stalled. But I don’t think I’ve ever shared a snippet with you??? Apologies if I’m just forgetting, but here’s their first meeting:
She was reaching for the knife when a finely gloved hand landed on her shoulder from behind. “There you are darling, I was looking for you.” She startled at the smooth voice, looking up at the stranger who had somehow managed to sneak up on all of them. Clear blue eyes behind gold rimmed glasses met her gaze, and he smiled fondly at her. She felt a warm rush of familiarity. Except - no. She had never met this man in her life. And she would remember him if she had. 
He was far too richly dressed for anyone in her circles - ornately patterned silk waistcoat and carefully knotted cravat and shining gold buttons. His nose was handsomely hooked under dark eyebrows, and he had the pale skin of a northerner. Most striking though were his shock of white hair and his midnight colored coat that seemed to glimmer with starlight as he shifted his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side. He was oddly hot to the touch and looked much too young for that hair. He leaned in as he pulled her closer, and quickly murmured in her ear, “My lady, please play along. I admit, I have been itching to ruin these men’s days for ages, and catching them in such a compromising situation gives me the perfect excuse.” She had been about to shove him off, nobility as he surely must be or not, but stopped short at that. She did not need to be rescued, but also could understand the scope of the situation well enough  - no one would believe her story were she to report this herself. “Mr. Dassur and Mr. Shede, I believe?” the white haired man turned back to the two guards, who were suddenly standing straight-backed and looking rather pale. “I believe Captain Howarth will want to hear what transpired here.” With a wave of his hand, a curl of black smoke seemed to swirl around the two guards for a moment, and then they relaxed slightly, eyes glassy.  “You will tell him, in detail, what happened, won’t you?” “Yes,” they said in unison.  Vex’s heart rate picked up. Out of the frying pot and into the fire. Gods damnit. This man was far more dangerous than the guards. “Excellent. Please, be on your way. Tell him I send my regards.” They nodded, turned, and marched off, still in unsettling unison. Vex was trying to determine her best avenue of escape when she felt him pull away quickly. She looked up to find him blushing, of all things, and he executed a rather flustered bow. “Excuse my forwardness, my lady. It was completely inappropriate,” he straightened to his full, rather tall height, fixing his cloak - and it must be magical with the way she swore she just saw a little shooting star near the bottom, “but I could not let them continue getting away with such harassment. There had been prior reports, but nothing concrete enough to actually land them in trouble.”  He wrung his hands for a moment, staring off, then jerked his head back toward her.  “Are you alright?” “Ah - uhm.” She paused. Took in the concerned look in his wide, blue eyes and the polite amount of space he had created between them. “As well as I can be, I suppose.”
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
brain said No Eleven Angst only egg and cuddling
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atomsminecraft · 1 year
Ya'll get a week go share this around and lets see what I'll get
It's all court of darkness
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Pls sir can I have some Gaius angst crumbs?
(Sure...!!! I've got some Gaius comforting Robin with some self worth concerns ;; U ;; )
He caught you staring at yourself in the mirror several times in the last few days. The problem was that he didn’t get why.
Gaius would wake up to get ready for his work in the castle (head pastry chef?? The best job in the world???), and found you glaring at your reflection. Getting ready to go to market, you were fiddling with your hair, muttering about how uneven it was when you tied it back (in what way?)
Then came the comments about noblewomen. Especially the noblewomen. You would go on about how their waists were so skinny and their chests were so “high up”. He was rather perplexed, at first, until he started to piece together what you were doing. 
You were comparing yourself to them. The most powerful woman in Ylisse (physically, magically and mentally), and you were comparing yourself to other people.
Color him shocked.
He wasn’t sure how to handle it, but he was rather confused by it more than anything else. In his eyes, you were flawless. What was it that you were so self conscious about?
Gaius knew this sort of thing could be a delicate issue, but he also knew that nothing would get solved if he didn’t ask you about it head-on.
He waited until there was an evening before bed, just after your (shared) bath together. You were both breathless, flushed and happy as could be, but on your way to dress for the night, you stopped in front of the mirror.
Again, you were staring at yourself.
“Sorry about that, Bubbles-” He grinned to himself, “Left a few more marks on ya than I meant to. No hard feelings, right?”
“Well…” You trailed off, paying absolutely no attention to your husband. He glanced back at you, his sleeping clothes half on. 
You had that look in your eyes. The kind that suggested you were displeased...but something told him it wasn’t because of his mischief.
You hummed, not looking at him. He rolled his eyes.
“C’mon, Bubbles- snap out of it.” He tugged the drawstrings of his pants, the soft fabric billowing around him as he strode to your side. His arms closed around your waist and he pulled you into his chest, your back to him. 
You only reacted when he nipped your ear. 
“G-Gaius! What’re you doing?”
“You’re thinkin’ about how you’re not pretty, aren’t you?” 
“C’mon, I can see it in your eyes. You’re upset about how you look and you’re stewin’ about it over here. I’ve noticed it’s been goin’ on for a while. You wanna talk to me about it?”
Your lips pursed, expression morphing into something much more rtoubled. Your hands fell over his, looking at your husband through the mirror. His chin settled on your shoulder, waiting for an explanation.
“Look, it’s...not that I don’t think I”m pretty.”
“I know I’m pretty...a little bit.” You added, chewing your lip. “I..just...don’t think I’m pretty enough.”
“The hells?”
“I-I mean, look at Cordelia, or Sumia, or Maribelle!1 They’re all noble, they’re all beautiful, and they hold up so well in court or in council meetings- they look so effortlessly gorgeous! I mean, with the makeup and their dresses, and the corsets...I can’t bear to do any of that stuff- it’s so restricting and I know I won’t look half as beautiful as they do, but-”
“All right, all right- I get it. Hush up.” He nipped your ear again, drawing a squeak. He grinned. “Babe, you’re not givin’ yourself enough credit. You’re gorgeous. I wouldn’t have married you if you weren’t such good eye candy.”
“...Excuse me?”
“Okay, okay. Bad joke.” He laughed, “But I’m serious. You’re beautiful just the way you are. You know why all those other women have to use makeup and all that other crap to look good? Because they’re not nearly pretty enough to go out without it.”
“Gaius, we’ve both seen those girls without any makeup on. They look flawless with or without. The other stuff just makes them look even better.”
“Sweetheart, listen to me. You don’t need any of that stuff. You never have. If you don’t believe me, I will drag you back into that tub and prove it.”
“I’m being serious, Gaius!”
“So am I.” He countered, and turned you around in his arms. He looked at you straight on, his lips fixed in a thin line and looking...borderline angry with you. “Do you not believe me when I tell you you’re beautiful? That you’re perfect, and flawless, and the most amazing woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on?”
“I love you just as you are, baby. That’s never gonna change. Who cares if they’re pretty. You’re pretty, too. Beyond pretty. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on...and I bake the most gorgeous cakes you have ever seen.”
You giggled softly, your smile betrayed by the tears gathering in your eyes. 
“You really...you think so?”
“I do.” He nodded, brushing his thumb under your eye, wiping away the little droplets. “You are so beautiful, Robin. You’re incredibly intelligent, an amazing fighter, and you have a body that refuses to quit. Nobles be damned, if I had to choose between some stuffy chick with a powdered wig who stuffs her fat in a corset and this river of chocolate before me...I think the answer is clear.”
“I thought I was an ocean of cream.” 
“You’re both.” He grinned at you, and kissed your nose. “You know that, right? Do you believe me?”
Your sigh was shaky, but your smile was genuine. “...I...I do.” 
“Good.” His lips touched yours, then, wrapping you up tight and holding you flush to his bare chest. Your arms slipped around his neck, deepening the kiss that you desperately needed. Gaius was happy to oblige, of course. 
You broke away with a gasp, your cheeks red all over again and your husband looking mighty pleased with himself. With a bashful smile you looked away, fiddling with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I...might need you to remind me every now and again, though…”
“Yeah?” He squeezed you, “I’ll tell you as often as it takes. No matter how many reminders you need, sweetheart. I’ll tell ya til you’re sick of hearin’ it.”
You beamed at him, whispering your thanks against his lips. For the first time in a while, you felt much better. Gaius was a sneak, a thief, and a selfish little brat when he wanted to be. But one thing he never was since your marriage...was dishonest.
If he thought you were beautiful, so could you. 
Though you did need a few more kisses to prove it.
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erdarielthewhumper · 2 years
Ok I know this isn't necessarily the popular take on whumpblr but I actually really do enjoy magical healing when it's done right. Like ofc it's gotta have some limits, but so does all magic, and really it's a matter of having the magical healing scaled to the same level with other magic in the setting
(Whatever that level is; from Harry Potter's waving a wand and saying magic words to D&D-style combo of enough strength/spell slots left and the necessary components and having learned the right spells in the first place; from Lackey's Valdemar-verse where Healing is one of many Gifts some people have and others don't, and there's always a question of whether there is anyone around with a Healing-Gift at all, let alone sufficiently strong Gift, to Tolkien's Middle-Earth where it's questionable whether it's magic at all or if the character is just very learned in mundane healing-skills. All of them work in their own settings, but would not work in the other settings because they'd clash with thw rest of the established magic system)
And I know that like, one style of magical healing you see sometimes is painful magical healing, stuff that hurts either whumpee or healer. And it can be great! But like honestly magic healing can be nice just as a fluffy comfort thing
Like, there's just Something about warmth spreading forth from the healer's hands and whumpee feels their pain ease and just Knows thst they are finally safe. And there's also something fun about a healer desperately throwing all the magic they have at their disposal into whumpee, screaming at them to Wake Up Already Dammit because they don't want their friend to die.
And then, of course, there's the potential for a team to end up becoming semi-dependent on magical healing; they have someone (or maybe more than one) who can do it, so they don't factor things like medical supplies and practical medical skills beyond very basic first aid into their plans and training because they're gonna have the healer to take care of things, right? And then the healer is captured, or hurt, or otherwise not there or able to help. And suddenly the team is scrambling to survive because there's no one to heal them up anymore
Like, you can do a lot of fun things with just plain ol' magical healing, it has its uses and I don't think it should be regarded as the worst sin you can commit in writing whump, y'know?
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meta-squash · 4 months
i have an owen/ianto (well, more like owen/ianto/jack) fic that i want to write but it's definitely going to be a longer fic that i haven't fleshed out yet so i don't think i'll finish it in time for pride month and same with my current massive experimental fic
but i want to write something for pride month. owen/ianto or jack/ianto, but i'm not sure what to write.
(if anyone has anything they want to see, let me know, getting back into torchwood has been so fun and i've been having such a good time writing fics for this fandom again.)
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