#but look at Alec being a top tier person
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im-out-of-it · 24 days ago
SEASON TWO WRAP UP: Alec being superior and deserving better
this one isn’t too much on jaces shoulder because no one could have predicted Sebastian wasn’t really Sebastian who captured valentine BUT jace being “in trouble” for shit he didn’t do but gets a pass for shit he does do is infuriating. what I wanted for season two was for jace to pay some consequences. if he wasn’t learning by season two, then he definitely needed to be called out for his disgusting behavior he did against Alec and Magnus
but this is proof that Alec will always be the bigger and better person
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Alec should’ve trusted his gut. he knew Magnus wasn’t Magnus but there he had to go again trusting jace
also Alec looks hot getting out of the elevator
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and then jace: omg Alec you’re right you’re always right
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Alec go save your man please
what kills me is that Magnus is about to die and he is calling for Alec. (“Alexander, please”) I will always hate that storyline. there were so many ways they could have handled that
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Alec always being proud of Izzy
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this is the face you make when your parabatai who has no talent gets everything handed to him
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I don’t think some people realize why this is such a big deal for Alec. every fear he had about coming out and dating Magnus literally comes true in that scene. he is getting treated differently, he’s not getting promotions that he deserves, and it is unfair. Jace can commit mass murder and get away with it while Alec doesn’t do anything wrong and he’s somehow in fault
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it’s the least jace could do. he never deserved to be leader in the first place
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this was one of the rare times where I saw jace actually think of Alec first
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the clave is so homophobic that Alec was never someone they dared to give this position to. I think some of the clave members are scared of Alec because they know he would create change. and it’s not just because he’s with Magnus. it’s what happens when you’re a good person who wants the world to be a better place
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Imogen isn’t going to suddenly not be prejudiced and homophobic jace. he acts completely different the moment hey he has family is in his purview. I get Jace loving that he actually has family out there but as Maia said, you’ll do anything to get their approval. which only goes to so many lengths because committing war crimes and tracking downworlders is illegal. if it isn’t, it should be. imagine if a downworlder did that to a shadowhunter and there would be chaos. they killed six shadowhunters and those shadowhunters acted like they didn’t have any of it coming or it was suddenly bad again. but it’s okay to kill downworlders for no reason. do they realize how much of a hypocrite some of their people are?
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Alec: I don’t give a fuck about complicated. he cheated on my mother and he’s dead to me. Alec sees cheating as the ultimate betrayal and there’s no forgiving that
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I just really love this moment so formal
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Alec should’ve been leader from the beginning 🗣️ jace couldn’t last one day at being leader. what gets me is that he doesn’t suddenly stop doing criminal shit when Alec tells him it’s wrong or when Luke says this is how a downworlder revolt starts. he does it when his little girlfriend calls him out. I wonder if jace actually has a brain. I get trauma can fuck shit up but how can he treat Alec and Izzy in such a way but worship only clary and make everything about her? THEY SHOULD HAVE KEPT HIM DEAD
this is also something alec never thought would be possible for him (will post with parallels later on)
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I mean, he’s not even a decent soldier. Jace couldn’t face aldertrees punishment and follow his orders with the sword. I think jace is a “I’ll do whatever I want” type of person. he’s a narcissist who only thinks of his desires
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I have one more part to do and that’s it for todays wrap up but I still have lots more content left 🥹
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crowhoonter · 11 months ago
rating Parahumans guys on how well I think they'd be as parents
Brian: I think Brian would believe he is a great father, but there is too much repressed emotions and depression in there to properly care for and raise a child. 3/10, Not particularly good.
Alec: Alec has lacked a real positive parental unit in his life, and while I don't think he would purposefully be shitty to a kid, I think he might fall back on what he knows from his own youth. Might be a fun older brother though. 3/10, needs to focus on himself first
Danny Hebert: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. no further notes. 2/10, Danny please get it together Taylor is relying on you
Armsmaster: Would rub off his worst personality traits onto a kid, resulting in them being the average r/malelivingspace user. Might also encourage child to grow poor facial hair. 1/10, I feel bad for whatever unfortunate soul is consigned to this fate.
Coil: Coil would be an absent father for 90% of your childhood, unless you were useful for his plans. In that case, he would feed you drugs or some other unethical thing and make you work for him (child labor (bad)). 2/10, conditions are poor but you might get to meet some of the other children he has, fixing the playdate situation.
Kaiser: See in story results. -5/10 Nazis don't make good parents.
Uber and Leet: They come as a package deal obviously, and they are actually pretty okay parents, they aren't great obviously but they aren't tremendous failures either. That is until you show up on one of their livestreams and then you are the laughingstock of the school. 4/10 Don't upload your kids online.
Scion: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. Also not emotionally available. 1/10, get it together man people are relying on you.
Mark Dallon: Not necessarily a bad parent, but he has a laundry list of problems that he needs to work through before he can begin to think to focus on his kids. 3/10, he's trying by god. He's not doing good but he's trying.
Number Man: He would probably respond to any question his kid asks with some weird philosophical math metaphor. Is a killer cook though. Also math classes would be a breeze. Unfortunately, most of his time is dedicated to cauldron. 5/10, grades will be great.
Accord: The worst type of helicopter parent. He would make itineraries to follow any time his kid went out and would require them home in pristine condition super early. Has a rigorous study schedule and puts a lot of pressure on you to succeed, and you know he wants whats best for you but like its stifling and you aren't really living for you but for him. Sure grades are good but you just can't do it anymore. 4/10, the depression and GPA are soaring.
Jack Slash: As seen in Worm, he is an absolutely killer parent. Has a fun family vibe? check. Engages with his children's interest and allows them to pursue it? check. Keeps his child intellectually and creatively stimulated? check. Takes his family all over the country to see new exciting places and people? check. Dude is simply top tier on the parenting skill. Sure the family dynamic is a bit unorthodox, but when the results look this good can you really argue? 10/10 Jack Slash has got it going on.
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alexanderlightweight · 2 years ago
For a prompt can we have more flower loving Alec? Like Alec shows Magnus his greenhouse that he has designed?
hey! another part of "in his wake petals fall' thank you for the prompt!
i hope you enjoy
Magnus stares in wonder as Alexander shuffles his feet and pouts. It started out as a scowl but when Magnus merely raised an unimpressed eyebrow, Alexander’s scowl had melted into a pout.
“It’s not as impressive as they make it out to be.” Alexander murmurs, as if his second-in-command and head of security both hadn’t caved to Magnus’ questions and offered the same, awed answer. That the only place their Commander truly cared about in the Institute was the greenhouse, which he designed himself and cultivated in the little spare time he had.
Magnus shamelessly insisted on seeing it — especially since he now knows how much his boy adores flowers and being adorned with them — and Magnus wants to better understand how important flowers are to Alexander. Because while Magnus enjoys them and appreciates and respects them, it is not to the degree that Alexander is delighted and awed and softened by them.
Magnus is hoping that this will be a little window, a key to the code of Alexander’s thoughts and he’s eager to learn more.
“Come now, sweetheart.” Magnus murmurs and he steps closer and brushes his lips across Alexander’s jaw and then the corner of his pout. “Won’t you let me decide that for myself?”
The garden is a twisted and tiered construction of glass and wood and marble and it’s full of plants that Magnus has rarely glimpsed. It’s as if a portion of Alicante’s most rare plants have made themselves at home here, comforted and grown with alexander’s touch and care.
“It’s magnificent.” Magnus says, not looking at Alexander even as he reaches out for his hand, so he can pull him along. “Tell me about it. All of it.”
Alexander does so, letting Magnus pick where they go and explaining the various plants and their properties and stopping to pluck a nephil lotus for Magnus. A sprig of shadow ivy is settled behind his own ear and Magnus wonders at all these small things he’s just learning now.
It’s with a curious hopefulness that Magnus uses his magic to summon several of the flowers from the greenhouse here and his own personal garden. Magnus uses magic to weave the flowers together and twines them into a crown that he gently rests over Alexander’s brow.
“A lovely crown for my pretty boy.” Magnus murmurs with a soft, helpless smile. He’s seen so many parts of Alexander, but this is so new, and Magnus brushes his fingers over Alexander’s cheekbones.
Alexander’s cheeks pink in a pleased little grin and he presses soft kisses to Magnus’ forehead as if in thanks.
Magnus throws his magic out, ensuring they are alone in the vast dimension of the greenhouse and then he locks the five entrances his magic finds. His fingers caress Alexander’s jaw and he tilts his boy’s head and presses delicate, soft kisses to Alexander’s mouth and cheeks.
There’s a delighted little hum from Alexander and he shuffles forward, arms wrapping around Magnus in a firm embrace and pulling him close enough to smell his own shampoo and soap on Alexander’s skin.  On top of that, however, is the delicate scent of lantern wisteria and Magnus knows that Alexander likes to shower when he gets home, but Magnus wonders if there is a way to create a soap with this same scent. Because Magnus finds he enjoys this scent, unique to Alexander, and he aches that it’s taken so long to know.
“I’m entirely put out with you.” Magnus complains, but he rubs his hands up and down Alexander’s back to reassure him that Magnus is teasing. Alexander huffs against his cheek and then he chuckles, a deep sound that Magnus hoards like a treasure in a chest. “I can’t believe you, darling. We could have been having meals here this entire time. I know neither of us like eating in your office, or the balcony and we get too distracted in your room.” Magnus nips Alexander’s jaw in a little tease and his boy shudders against him and grips his hips tightly in reprimand. As if Magnus would ever risk anyone seeing a moment of their intimacy that wasn’t planned out. “This is the perfect place to have privacy. It’s easily closed off and I assume most of your hunters avoid it while you’re here out of respect.”
Alexander shrugs but then nods and then he rests his head on Magnus’ shoulder and sighs with a soft content little noise. “That sounds nice.” He murmurs, which Magnus has come to learn as Alexander really wants but is unsure how to express it.
“Perfect, shall we start tomorrow? I’ll come by for dinner and then whisk you away for breakfast before you sleep. Hmm?” Magnus is tempted to pick Alexander up and twirl him but he’s not sure how Alexander will react. Then, because Alexander is simply too tempting, he does it anyways.
Alexander goes limp in a way that Magnus isn’t expecting but luckily has magic to compensate for until he can brace them both properly. He summons a rather large variety of blossoms from the Eternal Spring of the Unseelie Realm and then drops them both into a pile of them.
There’s a moment of silence and hazel eyes staring up at him in surprise and then Alexander smiles, a delighted grin on his face and his eyes crinkling with amusement as he settles back into the fragrant softness of the petals.
“You’re amazing.” Alexander whispers up at him, as if it’s a secret to be shared and perhaps it is, because Magnus isn’t sure he can bear to share anything Alexander says with anyone else again. He’ll have to, he knows it, but he’s going to wish there was a way to steal the memory of Alexander’s voice and words from everyone who hears them.
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Okay time to read the preciousness that is your malec fic. Let's go. A list of bits and pieces I liked a loooooot (because why not???):
The title. Something so soft and malec about it.
Me reading your first fic which is almost 5k words - "stooormy you look like mommy baby"
Alec rubbing off (mundane habits!!) on Magnus is something that can be so personal.
His beautiful Alec >>>
I am once again emotion about malec letting Max's horns hurt them because they don't wanna stop cuddling
Even with his bedhead. Especially with the bedhead. - this coming from Magnus - I am Fashion - Bane. Wow.
Sometimes his husband said his name as if it was a sentence in itself. - I am once again telling you this was some good shit
"Really. And what was the plan?"" Fuck The Clave." - PLEASE
Every time Magnus uttered a curse word or was about to use one, the boy would somehow materialize out of thin air. - canon
Max being a ball of energy is SO canon idk why.
Children petting their parents' heads >>>
"I am not grumpy." Alec shot back. "Yes, you are," Rafael turned and retorted back. Always onboard to give shit to Alec. - I LOVE YOU KING
He had ended up remembering only a few words. The ones that mattered the most. In Spanish and Indonesian. For nights when Magnus and Rafael could only be comforted in their mother tongues. - beautiful.
Magnus being the crazy parent? *checks notes* yeah okay checks out
That Jace scene owns my soul just so you know ;)
While Max had clung to Alec that night, the shadowhunter boy had crawled in Magnus's arms and whispered to him that he would grow up and become the best shadowhunter one day to protect his dad. His husband had worried that maybe Rafael felt that way because Alec had saved him, and he felt the need to pay him back. But with time, they realized that their son felt that way because of the simple fact that he loved Alec. And well, Magnus could understand that. - I KNOW IT'S LONG BUT IT'S BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN SO LIKE SUE ME
impotent - LMAO MAX
"I'm also the father of my children, Magnus. You're not special." - sassy Alec I bow down before thee
Simon asking Alec for advice on how to be a good husband - PLEASE MY HEART (ps - headcanon that Jace finds out and gets offended. Simon: You are not even a husband yet! Jace: WOW WAY TO CHANGE THE TOPIC, LOVELACE!)
You don’t have to be the best. You just have to be better. - lovely advice <3
"You wouldn't be the person I fell in love with if you didn't drop everything to help other people." Alec grabbed his face and brought both their foreheads together. "I love all that you are, Magnus Bane. Never apologize for being you." - ALEC YOU STEALTH ROMANCE ATTACKER
"Let me look at you. I missed home." - LOVE ME A GOOD PARALLELS BRO
Okay. I only left a small comment on ao3 but as you can see, I loved this fic very much.
Side note: Since I have been writing a lot, I haven't really had the time to read fanfiction - which I really miss doing. I have forgotten what it felt like to read it. To be blown away by someone's words and wonder how tf it's not canon. To grin into my pillow. To fall in love with my faves a little bit more.
I missed it so much. Thank you for making me feel those things again. I feel blessed - and grateful <3
A gif to capture how I felt throughout this whole damn thing:
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Dani my love I have actual tears reading this I shit you not.
I can't believe you made a list aaaagh my heart. This is the sweetest thing and not to sound dramatic but I will cherish this list with my life
Your reax to everything you mentioned aaaah uwu. It's honestly a little overwhelming to see that people read my words and noticed these small things I added gosh.
That Jace and Simon HC is top tier lmao I accept.
Also, the fact that you're not able to read ff these days and my fic was able to make you feel CAN YOU PLS NOT MA'AM. my mom is asking why I'm grinning and crying looking into my phone. I’m brown pls I’m not allowed to do that skskskks
Thank you so much. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am love you.
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magnus-the-maqnificent · 5 years ago
Lost Book of the White Countdown Event - Emotions
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Wistful Future
(Read on Ao3)
The sun was setting over the spires of New York, casting rich orange light onto the city below. Alec sat on the rooftop of the Institute, winding down after a long, heated training session. On the street below, leaves fluttered about as the cool, crisp wind blew around.
“Phew, that was the best training session I’ve had in ages,” Jace said from beside him, stretching his arms above his head. Alec shot him a fond exasperated smile.
“‘Course you’d say that,” he muttered, more tired than anything else.
Jace grinned at him. “I see being a father is taking its toll on you.”
“I slept two hours last night,” Alec admitted with a chaste smile. “It’s difficult but he’s worth it. Max.”
“Must be nice, having a family,” Jace mused, sounding wistful. “I wonder what Clary would think about having kids. I mean, we’ll have to get married first, obviously, otherwise Jocelyn will have my head.”
Jace laughed, but Alec turned his face away at those words. He must’ve noticed, because the laughter died away and he asked,
“Hey, you okay?”
Alec bit his lip consideringly, then blurted out, “I asked Magnus to marry me.”
Jace was silent a moment, then asked, “What did he say?”
A small smile appeared on Alec’s face. “He said yes, of course. But… he wants to wait until the law is changed.”
Jace frowned. “What? What does the law have to do with this?”
“If Magnus and I get married, the Clave won’t recognise the marriage as legal,” Alec explained. “I won’t be allowed to bear the runes. Even if we get married, I’ll still be a bachelor in the eyes of the close.” Alec rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don’t blame Magnus, of course. He just wants the best. It’s just… changing the law will take a while.”
“You want to be the one to change it, don’t you?” Jace put it forward so simply, as if it were just another mundane task, as if it wasn’t the law they were talking about.
“Of course,” Alec said. “I’ve wanted to change it since our vacation, when I realised that the law wasn’t built to protect people like Magnus. We as Shadowhunters are meant to protect, but if that protection doesn’t extend to everyone in this world, then there’s no point in it.”
Jace clapped him on the back. “I’ll help you whatever way I can.”
Alec smiled at him. “I knew you would.”
“So what’s the plan? Are you going to stage a revolt?” Jace asked, leaning towards Alec.
Alec’s eyes widened. “No! No revolt!”
“Then you‘ll infiltrate the Clave’s ranks and pull the stupid law apart?”
Alec blinked. “Something like that.”
Jace grinned. “Great. You’re next in line for Head of Institute anyway. You can-“
“No,” Alec said. “As a Head, I can only suggest new laws. The ones capable of changing them are the Council, Consul and the Inquisitor. Consul, I could try after Jia’s term is over. Inquisitor is out of the question - they don’t really have a term, and Dad’s doing well so I doubt they’d replace him anytime soon. Until then, I’ll have to focus on getting a seat on the Council.”
Jace blinked, astonished. “You’ve got all this planned out, don’t you?”
Alec smiled and nodded, his face turned up to the open sky. “I just want to get married to him the way he wants, no matter how long it will take. He’s- I just love him so much, you know?”
Jace shot him a smile. “I know. And Alec?”
“I better be your suggenes.”
“Of course.” Alec grinned at him. “Can you keep it quiet for now, though? It’s not official yet, and I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
Jace shrugged. “Okay. I’ll be able to tell them someday, though. Right?”
“Right.” Alec nodded, and they settled into a comfortable silence.
“You’re awfully quiet today,” Catarina commented.
She was sitting across from Magnus in the living room, her skin a lighter blue than usual and somewhat blurry around the edge - hardly surprising, considering that she was just a projection in the living room. Physically, Catarina was still at that Godforsaken Academy, where the mundanes, Simon included, were to face Ascension in two weeks.
“Just thinking,” Magnus said, waving his hand in a dismissive manner. His other hand was curled around Max, his and Alec’s newfound baby, who was fast asleep in Magnus’s lap.
Catarina frowned. “Please you’re thinking good things. You have a baby now. You can’t do any crazy stuff now-“
“First of all, I wasn’t planning on doing any crazy stuff,” Magnus protested. “Secondly, I was thinking of something else entirely. It’s just-“ Magnus bit his lip, then blurted out, “Alec asked me to marry him.”
Catarina’s eyes grew very wide and she nearly dropped her teacup. “What did you say?!”
“Yes, obviously, but…” Magnus hesitated, then continued, “I told him I wanted to wait for the law to change. I don’t want the Clave to see him as lesser because he’s married to me, and because their law doesn’t recognise our marriage as real. I just don’t want his life to be difficult because of me.”
Magnus’s voice went very low towards the end, and he heard Catarina sigh.
“Magnus,” she said softly, and he couldn’t help but look at her. Catarina was smiling at him, her teacup dangling between two fingers. “It doesn’t look to me like you’re making his life difficult. It’s the contrary, in fact. Everytime I’ve seen you both together, you looked so happy. Like it was enough just to be at each other’s side.”
“It is,” Magnus said. “It is more than enough. I’d gladly die by his side, if I could. But… I do want to marry him.”
And then, very quietly, he added, “No one’s ever asked me to marry them before.”
“He sure is something, huh?” Catarina said, resting her chin on top of her palm, having discarded her teacup somewhere. “I’m happy for you, Magnus. Really, I am. I hope that damn law gets changed soon.”
Magnus smiled at her. “Me too, Cat. Me too.”
“I’m telling you now,” Catarina said seriously, leaning forward. “I’m your best woman. Don’t let anyone else claim that spot.”
“Don’t you worry,” Magnus said with a grin. “I won’t.”
Catarina smiled, but something must’ve happened on her end because she looked away for a brief moment, then turned back to Magnus and said with a sigh,
“I have to go. Some stupid Shadowhunter decided to hurl a mace into the wall in the middle of the night. They’re calling me for damage repair.”
Magnus frowned at that. “Make the walls fuschia while you’re at it.”
Catarina shot him a wry smile. “Fashionable and makes a Shadowhunter mad. You’re really rubbing off on me.”
Magnus grinned. “I have that effect on people.” He blew her a kiss and waved his fingers at her. “I’ll talk to you later, then.”
Catarina waved back, and in the blink of an eye, faded away.
Magnus opened the main door to the apartment and wasn’t surprised to see Alec standing outside, his hand outstretched halfway towards the doorknob.
“Hey,” Alec said, smiling brightly at the sight of him, his eyes lighting up ever so beautifully.
“You’re here early,” Magnus said, leaning against the open door.
Alec shrugged. “Mom let me off today so I could be with Max. Speaking of which, where is he?”
Alec looked over his shoulder, looking for Max, but Magnus stopped him.
“He’s fast asleep,” he said. “Has been for over an hour. I don’t think he’ll wake up for a while.”
“Oh,” Alec said, and his shoulders relaxed. “Okay then.”
He stepped into the house, walking past Magnus, and dumped his bag of weapons in one corner. Magnus watched as Alec took off his gear jacket, hanging it up on a hook in the wall. He walked to him and put his arms around Alec’s waist, nuzzling his face into Alec’s neck.
“Did you have dinner?” Magnus asked.
“Not yet,” Alec said, turning his head into Magnus’s and giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. “I was thinking we could eat together.”
“Of course,” Magnus said with a wide smile. “Whatever you want.”
After a quick dinner of Italian, during which Magnus insisted on lighting candles as they ate simply because he was in a romantic mood, they curled up on the couch, some random movie playing on TV.
“I told Jace about our unofficial engagement,” Alec said, fiddling with one of the buttons on Magnus’s shirt. Magnus looked at him - he was resting his head against Magnus’s shoulder - and said,
“And I told Catarina.” He grinned. “She was very happy to hear the news.”
“So was Jace,” Alec added with a wistful smile. “I keep thinking about it, you know. What I’ll be like, to get married.”
“So do I,” Magnus admitted. “I personally want a three tiered cake with two mini figurines of us on top.”
Alec laughed. “That sounds nice. Maybe we could have one of those big chocolate fountains, too?”
They went back and forth like this for a while, talking about their plausible marriage in hushed tones, their hands intertwined between them. Magnus couldn’t help but remember a time when his life was much different, when his heart was slowly closing to the world no matter how much he didn’t want it to. Until Alec stepped in and stopped that, sending a flood of emotions into his heart, the good and the bad - happiness, want, love, heartbreak, peace, sorrow, and someday, grief. But for now, Magnus pushed away the thoughts of the inevitable grief that would find him, and focused on Alec - Alec here, Alec now, the warmth of his body against Magnus’s as they talked on the couch, his sweet voice tethering him to the mortal world.
Later, when it was late into the night and they were lying together in bed, Alec with his head on Magnus’s chest and arms around each other, Alec asked,
“Where do you want to get married?”
Even as sleep dragged him down, Magnus knew exactly was his answer was.
“The beach,” he said. “My first home was near one. The sound of waves, no matter where, reminds of that place.” He smiled into the dark. “It would be nice to hear the waves and think of something else for a change.”
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leverage-ot3 · 5 years ago
notable moments from The Three Days of The Hunter Job
leverage 2.05
hunt for the truth = fox news
you can’t change my mind, sorry
- - - - -
Nate: Here's what we can do. We can probably get you enough money to save the house and pay for medical bills--
Sarah: We aren't interested in money, Mr. Ford. This woman took my father's self-esteem. She took his reputation. She took his good name. That's what he needs back.
someone needs to make a compilation of their clients being noble as hell
- - - - -
Sophie: I wanna take the lead on this one. I wanna do what you do.
Nate: Yeah, listen, I know breakups can be very difficult, Sophie.
Sophie: Whoa. No, that's not what this is about.
Nate: I know that you have this need to be in control right now, you know.
Sophie: I don't have any such need.
Nate: But you can't project that onto the con.
Sophie: Excuse me? This, coming from the man who spent an entire year drunk, working out his obsessive vengeance on every dimwit in a suit who happened to cross our line of vision.
Nate: Hey, you put some thought into that one, didn't you?
Sophie: You know, I'm not tryin' to control the universe just because some guy dumped me. I-I appreciate the concern. I just, I need a new challenge.
Nate: Okay. (hands Sophie the files) This is your job.
Sophie: Thanks. Now, let's go get this bitch. (walks away)
Nate: Oh, boy
fucking get rekt nate you’re the literal last one to talk
- - - - -
huh nate is wearing flannel in this one
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Sophie: Exactly. And then to protect themselves, they issue an apology to Mr. Pennington and then they throw Monica Hunter into the jaws of the very media machine that she bent to her own malicious will.
Parker: Wow. I gotta say, Sophie's briefings are much more dramatic.
Eliot: And poetic.
parker and eliot are cute
- - - - -
Sophie: But we can sell a story that commands respect. A story that she's gonna chase to get the respect she craves. Hm? Pack your bags, everyone. We're going to D.C. to make news.
(everyone continues sitting, looking uncomfortable)
Nate: That's when you wanna...
Sophie: I wanna do that bit again. Pack your bags, everyone. We're going to D.C. to make news. (leaves room)
Nate: She's walking into the closet
- - - - -
Parker: I got the pass. Easy.
Sophie: Parker, we went over this.
[Exterior Studio]
Sophie: You're not supposed to take it. Get caught with it.
Parker: I don't know how to get caught.
Sophie: Yeah, I know it's difficult to steal badly. Just, just try
- - - - -
Monica (grabs Parker): Hey. Hey. I will have you arrested for trespassing if you do not tell me what you are doing here.
Parker: Technically, you can't have me arrested for trespassing because you don't own the station.
Sophie: Parker, tell her the story
parker: TRY ME BITCH
- - - - -
hardison doing crazy tinfoil hat guy is iconic
+ parker and hardison’s high five and “that’s what I’m talkin about!” ADORABLE
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Parker: Eliot, these conspiracies aren't real, right?
Eliot: What do you mean?
Parker: Like that one over there that says all the major wars of the past 50 years were ordered by members of The Council.
Eliot: Parker, I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you. (walks away)
Parker: You're not a member of The Council, are you? Eliot? Is he?
Nate: Oh, I don't know. (walks away)
Parker: Huh? Uh, Nate, is he?
parker looked so vulnerable asking it and eliot’s just like,,, imma fuck with her LMFAO
also this is another chaotic ot3 scene that I’d die for
- - - - -
eliot taking the general’s id with his pencil and handing it off to hardison? SMOOTH AS FUCK
- - - - -
Parker: But what if he won't talk to us?
Monica: Then we celebrate.
Parker: Celebrate?
Monica: Denial means guilt. Refusal means more guilt. Punch out my cameraman, and I'll kiss you on the mouth.
Camera Man: Mm-hm.
parker: 👀👀👀
- - - - -
parker gets hit with a car ,,, how many times in this series does she get hit with a car ??
- - - - -
monica’s face when she sees parker get hit by a car is LITERALLY the exact same as the surprised pikachu face
bruh imagine you see this happening ,,, like a girl get hit by a car, a suit running out, grabbing stuff of her body, then running away ???
her playing dead on the ground for a hot minute before “waking up”, dusting herself off and walking away ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Move. Don't stop. Come on.
Monica: They ran her over.
Hardison: I know, but we gotta go. Security cameras, the ATM cameras, the traffic cameras. We're always being watched. Just put your head down. Act natural.
Monica: Why are you dressed like a mailman?
Hardison: Invisible man, mailman, nobody notices the mailman. He blends right in. Just like a circus clown.
- - - - -
Parker: We totally went to the moon.
Eliot: Movie sets. I've seen 'em. They're outside of Albuquerque.
Parker: Why would there still be sets there?
Eliot: Because they're gonna reuse 'em for the Mars mission. Repaint it all red.
her bumping shoulders with eliot and leaning on him? the casual intimacy that nourishes my S O U L
- - - - -
Sophie: She has to have corroboration from her own sources. She has to craft the narrative. Monica Hunter has to be the author of her own personal nightmare.
Nate: Do I sound that creepy when I...?
Eliot: Hell yes.
Parker: Mm-hm.
Nate: Really?
Eliot: You do
- - - - -
Sophie: The only question is whether Hardison guessed her sources right.
Hardison: G-guess? Guess?
Sophie: Well, you know.
Hardison: Woman, my name Alec Hardison. I do not guess, OK? Look, journalists, they're lazy. They always go back to the same sources. I compared Monica Hunter's stories for the last ten years and created a heuristic model based on her sources. I-I filtered by story type, priority and evidentiary chain. Look, (pulls up info on laptop) sex scandal: 87 percent chance she goes to these sources. Serial killer scare: 90 percent she contacts these sources for confirmation. Government secrets and health scare intersects: Ninety-five percent chance she goes to these sources. Look, look. Right there. She's emailing them right now. Look.
- - - - -
Hardison: Get me out of here.
Sophie: Yeah, I'm working on it.
Parker (comes out of back room pulling on jacket): I'm on it.
Sophie: No, no, no, no, no, you cannot go. You're dead. Monica Hunter sees you and the whole con is blown.
Parker: Right
- - - - -
Hardison: Damn the con. I'm a black man caught on an Army base with a video camera. I am going to jail forever.
the realest part of the show
- - - - -
Hardison: Eliot, get me everything you can on a Lieutenant Abbot.
Hardison: Just-just do what I taught you.
Eliot (typing on laptop): Now, the "http" thing comes before—
[Interrogation Room 2]
Eliot: --the "www-dot," right?
Hardison: Eliot!
Eliot: Which one's the forward slash?
Sophie: Oh, come on.
[Interrogation Room 2]
Hardison: It ain't the time, Eliot. It ain't the time.
Eliot: It's not fun when you're hanging out there in the wind and there's a dude behind a laptop cracking jokes, is there?
Parker: (holding a gas mask over her face before looking over it) I like it when we switch jobs. It's exciting
someone PLEASE make an eliot-being-bad-at-technology compilation I’m begging
also it’s officially canon that hardison tries teaching eliot about technology
- - - - -
Eliot: No, that's everything on this guy.
Lieutenant: Sir, I need to know why you're on this base.
Hardison: Yes. Why am I on this base?
Lieutenant: I'm asking you.
Hardison: No, I'm asking you. Why am I on this base? Why am I in this room?
Lieutenant: So I can ask you questions.
Hardison: Or maybe it's so I can ask you questions, Lieutenant Kyle Abbot, Social Security 823-24-6270?
Lieutenant: I don't know what you're up to.
Hardison: Maybe you’re not cleared to know. Two disciplinary actions? That one in Germany? Maybe you're just too much of a security risk.
(lieutenant goes to leave and Hardison slams his fist on the table)
Hardison: Did I say you could leave?
(lieutenant swallows nervously)
- - - - -
[Army Base Gate]
Nate: Not gonna work.
Eliot: It's all in the salute, man.
Sophie: Just work the stars and bars. Nobody wants to--
[Army Base Gate]
(a soldier moves to the side of the car and leans in, saluting Nate)
Sophie: --look a general in the eye.
Nate: Uh, good form soldier. As you were.
Soldier: Clear.
(the gate goes up and Nate pulls into the base, parking near a building. He gets out of the car and walks toward the door)
- - - - -
Nate: We hunt for the truth through many dark places. (approaches Monica menacingly) I am a patriot, Ms. Hunter. I'm sorry. (to Eliot) Earl.
(Monica takes a can of pepper spray from her purse and sprays it in Nate’s face, driving him back. She runs out the door as he groans in pain. Eliot goes to pat his back)
Eliot: Good thing Parker switched that with water.
Nate: Didn't! Didn't switch. (they both start coughing)
- - - - -
Monica: My friends, this is the enemy. Our water has been poisoned.
(an aide spits out a mouthful of water)
- - - - -
(Eliot is cutting vegetables while Nate opens a bottle of wine and Hardison swirls orange soda in a wine glass)
hardison is literally swirling his neon orange soda in a wine glass as eliot cooks actual food for the fam I CANNOT
- - - - -
Parker (holds up photo): Loch Ness Monster.
Hardison: Loch Ness submarine.
Parker: No!
Eliot: Scottish waters are cold and deep. It's a perfect place to test.
Parker (holds up photo): Area 51.
Eliot: True.
Hardison: False.
Eliot: That's true.
Hardison: False. She said Area 51, 51.
Eliot: I'm sorry. False. Area 52.
Hardison: Been there.
Eliot: Yep
I’m crying the ot3 was top tier chaotic this entire episode and parker was having A Time™ with all these conspiracies
someone make a compilation of these scenes overlayed with the wii music. pls.
118 notes · View notes
invaderdoom78 · 5 years ago
A Frightful Dawn
Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee, all through the night, guardian angels God will send thee, all through the night.
Stirring on the bed Peter was woken up by the sound of a somehow familiar voice and lullaby perforating into his dream world. When he woke up, he was fully expecting to find Aro in the room with him, but he was alone, like he had been for the last few days since Aro had gone back to Volterra to help deal with a rogue vampire problem. Groaning at the fact that he’d been woken up much, much earlier than he should have, Peter rolled over onto his stomach and hid his face in his pillow. Despite the fact his face was buried in a pillow he could still smell the scent of something cooking in the kitchen wafting back into his bedroom. Confused, Peter sat up and looked back towards the door, wondering who the fuck was not only in his house, but was also taking the time to cook anything, since the only ones that knew the code to the front door were Aro and the twins and they were on the other side of the ocean. Walking out into the kitchen, he sniffed around trying to find out where the pleasant stink was coming from. It smelled strong enough for him to believe that someone had been cooking something just moments ago and while there were some times that he’d gotten drunk enough that he’d make himself something to eat and forgotten about it, but more often than not it got left out all night and he didn’t think he was drunk enough last night to do any of that. Looking around the kitchen nothing seemed out of place; there were still the same amount of dirty dishes in the sink, nothing was sitting on the stove, and it didn’t look like anyone had been using it. Opening the fridge, he saw that it was still as empty as it had been the previous night, except for the plate full of french toast that was sitting on the top shelf. Pulling the plate out of the fridge Peter gave the food a sniff to see if it had a funky smell to it before taking a bite of it. Hopping up onto the counter, he sat there and ate the toast as he scrolled through his phone checking to see if he’d missed any calls or text. He did have one missed message, but it was from Charlie, telling him that he’d be coming over later so he could check out the newest addition to his house. Looking up from his phone Peter gave his room a cursory glance around the living room to see how many things he needed to pick up or toss out. Since Aro is the one that was normally on top of keeping things clean he was expecting there to be a noticeable mess, but as he looked around he couldn’t help but feel like something was off, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what exactly it was. Putting the now empty plate in the sink the hunter hopped down from the counter and stepped into the living room, walking around, looking at everything to try and figure out what was wrong. Eventually he figured he was just imagining things since he couldn’t find anything that was out of place. Walking back to his bed room Peter changed out of his sleep pants and into his normal clothing as he waited for Charley to show up. After about an hour there was a knock at the door.
“Hey, Charlie” Peter said, letting said person into his home
“Hi” Charley said, stepping inside “...has the thing up to your attic always been open?” he pointed upward at the ceiling
“I don’t know” Peter said, looking up at the ceiling “I don’t think I’ve ever actually looked at it before”
“You don’t use it?”
“No. Almost forgot I had it actually” 
“Do you have a ladder?” Charley asked, walking over so he was standing directly beneath the opening
“Why do you want a ladder?”
“I don’t know why but the fact that this is open is making me uncomfortable”
“I think the pole thing you're supposed to open and close this with is in my closet” Peter said, walking back to his bedroom
Digging through the mess of his closet Peter eventually found it under a pile of clothing and walked back out, pole in hand. Stretching up the stick Charley and Peter managed to hook the curved end into the metal loop and the two were able to move the cover back into place.
“So where’s the thing?” Charley asked
“Basement” Peter said, dropping the hook on the couch
The two went down to the basement where Peter kept his weapon stashed, some in glass cases, some hanging in mounts on the wall, along with a pinball machine pressed up against the wall, and now a pool table in the center of it all.
“Nice pinball machine” Charley said, walking over to it
“It was my dads”
“Oh” Charley said, looking like he was having an internal moment of panic
“It’s fine” Peter sighed “he saved up for years so he could buy it”
“So the pool table” Charley said, quickly moving to the table, looking desperate to come up with a way to change the subject  “does it flip over?”
“Yeah” Peter said following the younger hunter “it does. There’s an air hockey table on the other side”
“Did you get it for your kids?” Charley asked, grabbing a pool cue
Peter gave him a death stare as he grabbed his own cue “You it break”
“You gonna stick your daughter on me if I don't?” Charley asked, hitting the cue ball into the others, not sinking a single one
“Yeah I am actually” Peter said, taking his turn, sinking a stripped ball
“No, no. Don’t do that!” Charley said, standing back to let Peter move around the table
“You’re actually afraid of her aren’t you”
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be” Charley said as Peter finally missed a shot so he could take another turn “I can tell by the way she looks at me that she fucking hates my guts”
“Yeah” Peter chuckled, as Charley suddenly straightened up and looked around after as a sharp chill ran down his spine
“Do you feel like you’re being watched?” Charley asked, his voice cracking a bit “I feel like someone’s watching us”
“You’re just being paranoid” Peter said “Hm” Charley groaned
“What’s wrong with you?” Peter asked “you’ve never complained about feeling watched before on any of our hunts so why are you making such a big deal about it now?”
“I don’t know” Charley said as Peter lined up his shot “I just feel eyes on me”
“Don’t you have exams coming up?”
“Yeah. Maybe I’m just tired”
“Probably” Peter said, sinking the 8 ball “shit!”
*A few hours later*
“Before I forget” Charley said, as he and Peter walked up to the ground floor “you may want to call pest control. I think I saw something moving up there”
“Are you sure?” Peter asked
“Eh” Charley shrugged “I’m pretty sure I saw something moving around the opening but I could be wrong”
“I’ll keep an ear out for any noise” Peter said before closing the door, vaguely aware of the feeling of what may have been eyes on him
Slowly the drowsy hours are creeping, hill and dale in slumber sleeping, I my love am watching, keeping you, all through the night.
This time it was the feeling of someone gently petting his hair is what woke Peter, with a bit more of a start than the previous night since he was still alone in his house and it was still the middle of the night. Kicking the blankets off of him Peter grabbed his phone and went to his bar to pour himself a drink, but when he picked up the Midori bottle he found that it was much lighter than it should’ve been. Grabbing another bottle he shook it to see how much liquid was in it, finding that it was also much lighter than it should have been as well. In his semi-desperate need for a drink Peter emptied all six of his liquor bottles into one glass, giving him just barely enough booze to fill it up. While yes Peter had been drinking over the last few days there was no way in hell that it was enough to have emptied out all of his bottles; after all four of them were brand new and should have been unopened. Taking a large gulp of his disgusting drink Peter tried to think of what could have possibly happened to his alcohol reserves because he couldn’t remember drinking nearly enough to leave all of his bottles pretty much empty when his phone went off.
“Hey Alec” Peter said answering the phone, a small smile on his face
“Hi Peter” Alec said from the other end “Jane’s being mean to me”
“Is that why you called?” Peter chuckled “to tattle on your sister”
“Who are you talking to?” Jane’s asked, her voice a bit muffled as she wasn’t speaking directly into the speaker “is that Peter?”
“No” Alec said, drawing out the word
“Give me the phone, then”
“NO!” Alex exclaimed, as there was a noise that sounded like Jane was trying to take the phone from her brother
Absentmindedly Peter turned his head towards a wall that just happened to have a mirror hanging on it and saw the reflection of a woman standing in front of it.
“Shit!” Peter exclaimed, startled, turning to look at where the person should have been standing only to see no one there
“What’s wrong?” Jane asked, having wrestled the phone away from her brother
“Nothing” Peter said doing a double take from the mirror to where the woman should have been “I just thought I saw someone standing in the mirror”
“I’ve been having a bit of trouble sleeping the last couple days. I think I’m just over tiered”
“Have you tried sleeping pills?” Jane asked
“I’ve been drinking pretty much every night the past week and I don’t wanna mix the two” Peter sighed
“Maybe you should talk to Aro”
Hearing the soft groan Peter let out, Jane took it as him agreeing to her suggestion and went off to find Aro. She didn’t hang up the phone so Peter could hear noises and footsteps coming from the other end before he heard three distinctive male voices, one he could make out as Aro’s.
“Hello, Vincent” Aro said after he took the phone from Jane
“Hi, Aro” Peter said, downing the rest of his drink
“Jane told me you’ve been having trouble sleeping. Is everything alright?”
“I’ve been having really weird dreams the last few nights” Peter said, plopping down onto his couch
“Nightmares?” Aro asked sounding concerned
“I don’t think so. Regardless of how bad they get I always remember what happens in my nightmares, but I can’t remember what’s happening in these ones” there was a loud crash came from the basement
“What was that?”
“I’m not sure” Peter said, getting to his feet 
Walking down the steps of the basement the first thing Peter saw was that the glass covering the bottom half of his dads pinball machine had been cobweb cracked all to hell. There was a gun rack that hung on the wall kind of above the game so it was very possible that it could’ve just fallen off of it’s mount, but there was something inside of him that was telling him that that’s not what happened, but he had no proof stating otherwise.
“Is everything alright?” Aro asked
“Yeah” Peter said, picking up the fallen gun “something just fell off the wall in the basement. Would” he forced himself to swallow his pride “would you stay on the phone with me for a while”
“Of course” Aro said, unable to hide the slight chuckle in his voice
And that’s how he spent the rest of the night, alternating between talking to Aro, Jane, and Alec, not saying anything about the weird stuff that’s been happening and not going back to bed until the sun was starting to peek into the sky.
I’m watching, over thee, all through the night. Dark midnight slumber surrounds thee, all through the night.
It had only been a few hours since he’d fallen asleep and Peter found himself being roused from dreamland against his will, again, this time by the feeling of someone crawling into bed next to him, lovingly caressing his face. He leaned into the touch, thinking that it was Aro, since he said he would be coming back soon and he wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep for or how long it took to fly from Italy to Nevada. He was disappointed when he saw he was alone and that is when he finally acknowledged how much he actually missed Aro. Letting out a sigh, Peter grabbed his phone and began scrolling through his pictures, some he’d taken himself, some that one of the twins snuck of him doing something with the other, and a couple were taken by Aro. The longer he looked at the pictures the more and more he felt something pulling at his heart strings. Eventually the need to use the toilet became overwhelming and he rolled out of bed, dragging his feet as he went. By the time he’d finished someone had apparently broken into his room because sitting on his bed was his favorite stuffed elephant from his childhood. While he did have a chest full of stuff from his childhood, he kept it in the basement, underneath his dad’s pinball machine, and he never let anyone touch it. With a shaky hand he reached out to grab the stuffed toy to pick it up revealing a picture underneath; a picture that had been taken just a day before Jerry had attacked, so he’d gotten rid of any of the copies he had, yet here it was sitting on the bed, looking a bit worse for wear, but the image was clear as day.
Quick the drowsy hours are creeping, hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my love am watching, all through the neigh 
He heard a voice singing from the living room and he was able to recognize it as the same voice from a few days ago. Reaching under his bed Peter grabbed his shotgun, but saw that all of the shells it should’ve been loaded with were gone, so he ran over to his dresser to grab his spares, but they were missing too. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Peter mumbled to himself as he frantically searched through his dresser drawers
“Peter” A female voice called out from the living room “Peter, can you come out into the living room, baby”
Peter felt his blood run ice cold and his heart stopped dead in his chest. He recognized that voice, he knew that voice, but there was no way it could be who he knew it had to be. On shaky legs he slowly walked out of his bedroom, barely able to keep upright on his own two feet.
“M-mom” Peter said staggering backwards “no. No! You’re you’re”
“Dead?” Mrs. Vincent said, shaking her head “no, baby. No”
She was rail thin and looked like she was deathly ill, with sunken in glossy black eyes, dark matted hair, and skin that was unnaturally pale, even for a vampire, looking like it was covered in a thin layer of sweat and her mouth was full of what looked like sharks teeth.
“Come to me, baby” Mrs. Vincent said, holding open her arms for Peter to walk into
“N-no” Peter grunted, trying to keep his body from acting on it’s own and walking over to his mother
“Let’s be a family again. Just you and me. We can be together forever” there was something very dark about how she said forever
Feeling something powerful take control of his body Peter took an unwilling step towards his mother before his eyes glossed over, his vision becoming blurry, and he lost complete control of his body. 
“That’s it, baby”
When Peter finally got within arms length of his mother she pulled him tightly into her embrace, dropping back into the couch, pulling him onto her lap as she rested his head in the crook of her neck; rocking him gently as she carded her fingers through his hair.
“We’re almost together again”
Tilting her head back Mrs. Vincent stretched her jaw as wide as she could, almost looking like she’d dislocated it, as her upper canines grew dramatically in length.
“Oh shit!” Jane exclaimed as Peters mom was just about to bite into his neck, her fangs literally grazing his skin
Whipping her head around Mrs. Vincent glared at the three other vampires who had the gaul to invade what she now perceived to be her territory, hissing at Aro, Jane, and Alec as they stood in the doorway of the house. Letting go of her child, Mrs. Vincent jumped up onto the back of the couch as Peter slumped forward and fell to the ground like a rag doll with a thud. Using her powers, Jane lit Mrs. Vincent's nerves on fire, causing her to fall backwards off the couch in agony, giving Aro the opportunity to rush over to Peter. 
“Vincent?” Aro asks, lifting Peters head off the floor “Vincent? he gasped when Peter opened his eyes as they were a solid obsidian black “come back to me, darling” he gently pat the side of the others face
Despite being under the influence of Jane’s power Mrs. Vincent was somehow still able to move, slowly dragging herself across the floor as she tried to reach her child.
“Wait!” Peter managed to croak out, his eyes slowly turning back to their normal color “don’t hurt my mom”
It was obvious that none of them were expecting that as the shock of the statement was enough to get Jane to stop using her powers. It wasn’t for very long though, as the moment she saw Mrs. Vincent making a move towards Peter she put the older vampire back under her influence, because it didn’t matter who this woman was there was no way Jane was trusting that feral looking mother fucker.
“Are you positive,Vincent?” Aro asked, having moved them to the front door, wanting to put some distance between mother and son
“Yes” Peter said, the haze in his mind lifting, allowing him to have some form of coherent thought back
“It has to be her” Peter said, rubbing the back of his head “she sounds exactly how I remember her”
“Wait outside” Aro said, helping Peter to his feet
“What?” Peter protested, ripping himself out of the vampires hold “no!”
“Please” Aro pleaded “it’s not safe for you in here right now”
“I promise you we will only do what is absolutely necessary”
Something inside him was telling Peter that killing his mom was the only way this could possibly end and he knew Aro was fully aware of this as well. So he did what Aro had asked him to, since he didn’t want to be around when the inevitable happened.
The moment he stepped out of his house Peter found himself unable to stand still and kept pacing back and forth, from the end of his side walk back to the front door. Time seemed to have stopped for him, he wasn’t sure how much time had passed since he’d stepped outside; it wasn’t until Aro stepped outside did he finally manage to stop his pacing and sat down on the front stoop of his house,
“Did she suffer?” Peter asked softly
“Alec made sure that she didn’t feel a thing” Aro said, taking a seat next to Peter
“How’d you do it?”
“The sunlight. Jane and Alec are cleaning up her remains now”
“What happened to her, Aro? She wasn’t like this before”
“I don’t think that’s something you want to know”
“Please, I need to know what happened”
“After she and your father awoke from Jerry’s attack, she did not take to the transition from human to vampire well and it had taken a toll on her mental state. So when she saw you a few days ago, alive and well, she was consumed by the desire to reunite with you”
“And what happened to my dad?”
“He tried to stop her. He tried to convince her that the best thing for you was to let you continue to believe that they were dead and let you go on with your life. So once she realized that he was determined to get in her way she...”
“Murdered him”
“I’m sorry, Vincent”
“Was killing her really the only option?” Peter asked quietly enough that if Aro wasn’t a vampire he probably wouldn’t have been heard
“I’m afraid so” Aro sighed “she was willing to kill you if that’s what it would’ve taken for her to turn you” his voice became quiet “you wouldn’t have been safe if we left her alive”
Letting out a, weak, broken sounding noise Peter buried his face in his hands and regardless of how hard he was trying to hide it, Aro could tell he was crying. Placing a gentle hand on his humans back, gently rubbing it, he could feel the silent sobs that were wracking the others body. Leaning forward the vampire rested his cheek on top of the hunters brown locks, fully expecting to be shoved away, but Peter seemed to be too distraught to be able to do anything about it. Wrapping his other arm around his human Aro held him close and, once Peter slumped into his embrace, he was determined not to let go until long after the sobs had died down. A bit after he’d finished crying Peter removed himself from the vampire’s arms, his eyes now red and puffy with the bags that had started forming from his few days of poor sleep becoming more pronounced. Helping Peter to his feet Aro opened the front door for him, thankful to see that all of Mrs. Vincent's remains had been swept up and Jane was carefully tapping the contents of her dustpan onto the container her brother was holding. 
“We” Alec started a bit sheepishly “weren’t sure if you wanted to get rid of her ashes. So we put them in this just encase”
Without a word to either of the twins Peter pulled both of them into a hug, placing a kiss to the top of both of their heads before walking back to his bedroom. By the time he got back to his bed Peter felt defeated, like the whole world had just decided to punch him right in the gut, and all he wanted to do was sleep for the next century; he hadn’t even noticed that Aro had followed him. Flopping onto the bed Peter rolled onto his side and stared dead eyed at the wall in front of him. Slowly, Aro crawled into bed with him, carefully watching for any signs that the hunter didn’t want him there as he pressed up against the others back, wrapping an arm securely around the others waist. Aro was about to pull away when he felt Peter starting to shift in the bed, but before he could move the other had turned so that he was facing the vampires chest, tucking his head underneath Aro’s chin. So instead of letting go he readjusted his hold, tightening it a bit, as he rubbed Peters back, quietly singing him a lullaby his mother had sung to him and his siblings when he was young, waiting for his human to fall into the slumber he so desperately needed.
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minnarr · 4 years ago
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Also, have a doodle dump for that TPM AU game! image descriptions under the cut
1st image: illustrations of Taanab, where the Soresu temple is. Three elliptical white buildings arranged in tiers, built on a mountainside otherwise covered in lush evergreen trees. A white stone citadel built on a very high cliff overlooking the waves. Text reads:
TAANAB: mountainous planet; prototypical weather: misty, cool, diffuse light; 1 sun, three moons which produce a complex dance of tides on the planet's vast oceans; small continents broken up by ocean; craggy; many cliffs, many evergreen-decked low mountains; known as a port world, and many different species pass through and inhabit the planet the Soresu temple (pictured: cliffside site) on Taanab is a fortress whose gates have remained open for centuries. The ancient keep housed the Order of Soresu Knights in a long-ago time of great galactic conflict, when they swore themselves to defending not only their own persons but those in need of sanctuary and succor - and to take action to render those things unnecessary. They are dedicated to peace through action and resilience.
2nd image: an Obi-Wan based a bit more on Alec Guiness than Ewan McGregor and Yoda, both in somber, well-tailored dark clothes- closer to Luke’s ROTJ look than the Jedi fashion seen in the prequels. (We decided to make ROTJ Luke look like the Jedi of old). 
3rd image: A Twi’lek woman wearing a fitted jacket held closed with an elaborate brooch. Text reads:
Andira (someone trained by Yoda during the time he was also training Obi-Wan, although she’s older and became a Jedi knight sooner)
4th image: A graphic with drawings of the PCs as of session one or two. From left to right, top to bottom: 
A Duros in a high-necked tunic with a bunch of little medals and brooches. This is Evet Sim, he’s an Ataru Jedi, still a Padawan working on knighthood, and he was at the time pretending to be an aide to the Senate ambassador traveling with our party.
A Clawdite wearing a hood and a high-necked shirt with strips of embroidery down the front. This is Hiero Pyn, librarian and tutor to Bail Antilles, the son of Senator Prestor Antilles of Alderaan. He is also a dark side user and, obviously, a shape-shifter, neither of which is generally known about him, although the party has figured some of that out. (Poor guy lost a leg on Alderaan, though).
The drawing of Obi-Wan from the 2nd image.
A human woman with thick dark bangs and the neck of a Jyn Erso-style vest just visible. This is Cricket Valli, ex-Mandalorian, excellent pilot, possessed of a strong sense of honor and no love for Death Watch or clan Viszla. Which has come up, because Death Watch is currently on Alderaan, backing their Queen Amidala’s sudden break from the Republic.
A Wookiee with longer hair on top of her head done up in a top-knot. This is Tab’eeba the medic. (Her player had to drop out fairly early on, so she’s stayed back on Alderaan with a community of fugitive Bothans and the poor ambassador, who suffered a lot when we got shot down on our way in). 
Missing from this graphic is Beru, the other PC played by Pyn’s player. She’s lovely, although currently dealing with her dad being in serious debt to a Hutt. We’ve also met Owen and Anakin now we’re on Tatooine, and Anakin is definitely coming with us. Would like to doodle them all soon.
5th image: Cricket with her eyes shut in apparent peace and determination. She wears a helmet shaped similarly to Rebel pilot helmets. The main part of the helmet is bright scarlet, with a couple of jagged lines of yellow. The round ear cover part is orange, and it has a white signet in the shape of a thranta. (Pyn arriving on a thranta after the crash on Alderaan kick-started a lot of this). Text in the same scarlet as the helmet reads, “so they painted the helmets red--for defiance.” (Podracing on Tatooine involves teams of three; two of them man the engine pods. The team is Ani, Cricket, and Evet, and Cricket took charge of helmet painting, using Mando color symbolism).
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im-out-of-it · 27 days ago
part 25 of season 2, episode 20 continued “beside still water” aka Malec being the most top tier couple
333. let’s celebrate to not dying or losing each other
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334. and just think they had their first date here and that’s where they’ll get back together WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS OF THAT
335. can’t go wrong with a steak and cocktail. Magnus knows how to recover
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I wonder if this is when he knows he’s not high warlock anymore or if this hasn’t happened yet
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337. I think this scene is when Magnus knows that he also can’t or doesn’t want to live without Alec. he knows he can have both now. as much as their breakup is sad, I personally think it needed to happen. couples and people need to have growth to learn and adapt and be better
338. Magnus style ✨
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341. in the past parallel
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342. Alec: I can’t live without this man fuck me
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344. Magnus: I can’t live without this man, fuck me
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345. if Magnus is going to face Alec, he’s going to be doing it in style
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346. y’all ever notice how Magnus holds himself in case this hurts him? he can’t know for sure if Alec is going to ask to get back together and maybe he doesn’t what his decision would be yet if it did come to that. Magnus knows he wants Alec back
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347. I love their scene for so many reasons. sometimes saying I can’t live without you sounds too desperate or too much but not the way that Alec says it. “I don’t think I can live without you” and “I can’t stop thinking about you” are such almost simple words but they seem to mean so much here
348. it’s going to be added in the later ones but I cannot with alec saying I can’t think straight and Magnus looking at him like babe, do we need to have this talk? I CANT LMAO
349. this whole scene is so sweet and beautiful. the colors in the back, the words, the expressions, the kiss. even though it is cut short, it’s still breathtaking and the most surreal scene in the entire episode. no matter how much they try to make clace top priority, Malec can have a few minute scenes and take over completely. the artistry, the acting, the facial expressions make it the most perfect scene in the entire episode. as much as I love their bickering faces, this scene obviously wins
and not even the acting but when you take in the parallel of “relationships take effort”, Magnus repeating that back, and there’s also an understatement parallel that ties in makes the scene even more special. Malec is always growing but they also repeat important words they say to each other and it’s the most important powerful beautiful thing
this is the last one for today but I’ll be finishing the Malec content tomorrow as well as the episode ✨ and then I’ll be grabbing some content for a wrap up. and that itself will take a while to grab and complete. I still don’t know if I’ll do a lot or not but probably will. it’s just so important with so much that happened so I’ll see y’all soon 🥹
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rapunzel-withthegoodhair · 7 years ago
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City & Ghost
pairing: shawn mendes x ofc (narrated second person, reader) summary: maybe he shouldn’t call you. but maybe you shouldn’t pick up.  playlist: listen while reading rating: pg-13 (alcohol abuse, swearing, infidelity, older female/younger male, etc)  word count: 5639 status: complete / one-shot
author’s notes: just for clarification, my ofc is 27 in this story to shawn’s 20. not an impossibly crazy difference but enough to throw some hurdles in (especially since she’s married). click the ofc link for more info about Holland :) 
I look in the mirror past the buildings, The sky’s getting light Another piece of my innocence Is the admission I paid there tonight Though it makes me sick, and I imagine her saying “You’re better than this…”
Nine minutes after midnight and your phone nearly vibrates right off the kitchen counter.
He’s got his own ringtone so you know when it’s safe to answer. The rational part of your brain says, ‘Damn girl just block his number. Have some mercy on the boy. Let him move on. Force him to move on.’ Only one problem with that…you’re weak for him too.
It doesn’t matter tonight though. Alec is in San Diego and the only person you’re cleaning up after is yourself.
“Hey…” It’s all you can think of to say. Maybe you should applaud him for the whole month he took this time in between calls. Maybe you would, if it hadn’t been excruciating. If your stomach wasn’t doing swimmer’s backflips over having him reach out for you again.
“I miss you.” You know immediately that he’s wasted out of his mind. ‘Isn’t he always?’ Your mind echos back. It’s an unfair statement, because he’s only 20 and he’s on tour and why would he call you sober. But lately it’s a little too true.
“I miss you too, baby boy…” God, you wish the words were a lie, dripping from your lips only for his sake. But they’re not. There’s a rusty metal ache in your skin that’s almost too much at times. Like a hangover no pill will fix. “Yeah?” Doubt is strung up in his voice like christmas lights. It’s been so long, he doesn’t believe you. Not anymore. It’s like a knife slashed across your ribs to hear him hurt, knowing you’re the reason why. “What do you miss?”
Your teeth tug at your lip. You should not be having this conversation. You should not be lighting that flame in his heart again. But fuck, it’s such a relief to confess the words to someone. Anyone. Even if it’s just him.
“I miss…waking up at four am to you playing piano.” That morning comes back to you with stunning clarity. He’d tried so hard to be quiet, but his inspiration had been a hungry mistress,  sinking her teeth too deeply into that beautiful skin to be ignored. You’d never been able to find any anger or annoyance in your heart over it though, despite the sleep lost.
You thought Alec’s snoring was annoying. But apparently, Shawn just doesn’t sleep at all.
It’s a little worrisome. Friday night, the non-profit you work for had hosted a charity Gala. Not only had Shawn played at the event, but the next day he’d shown up at the high-profile, private meet and greet that had been offered as an incentive for ‘diamond tier’ donors, (so they could bring their rich little brats to ooh and ahh over him as well). And later that evening he’s scheduled to play Allstate Stadium. He needs to rest. But for the second night in a row, you’re waking up to piano notes being plucked from the stars while Chicago still sleeps.
You barely know him. Only met him at the Gala. But you don’t know how to cut him loose and your husband is in Houston; won’t be home until Monday night.
You’re madly in love with Alec. Never would’ve married him if it weren’t true (not that the money hurts…). Loyalty has never been a question in the past. Just the thought of another man touching you has always turned your stomach. But…Shawn needs you. And maybe you need him too. Not because anything has been missing. But because your light refuses to turn away from his. It’s instinctual. Something beyond choice or reason.
Leaning in the corridor entryway, you watch his body shift along to the music he’s creating. His strong shoulders beat out a rhythm in lieu of drums. He’s singing so softly and you can tell it’s tearing him apart just a little. To try and keep the beast of raw creativity that beats inside him on a leash.
And I won’t be a product of my genre My mind will always be stronger than my songs are Never believe the bullshit that fake guys feed to ya Always read the stories that you hear on Wikipedia And musically I’m demonstrating When I perform live, feels like I am meditating
Wandering across the living room, you can’t help the smile tugging at your mouth. He’s so fucking beautiful. And it’s not his pale, milky skin. Or his adorable curls. Or even those sexy brown eyes. It’s not his tight abs or his thick arms or his strong back. It’s the light that pours out of him, like a cup running over. The passion for music and life rattling through him like a wooden-track roller coaster. The raw, unbroken way he still looks at the world and smiles. Still feels hope. Still wants more. You’re not sure when you lost that light…but at twenty-six years old, you’re already terrified it might never come back. Maybe it’s that fear that makes it feel as if…walking away from him would be the end of you. Because this is the most alive you’ve felt in years.
You watch him and you wonder, ‘is this how Hades felt when he first saw Persephone…?’
Arms sliding over his shoulders and around his neck, you lean to kiss along his jaw and cheek. Grin when you feel his own smile, almost too wide for his pretty face, matching yours. Despite his happiness at your touch, you feel his muscles tense. He’s so used to being told who to be. Where to stand. What words to say. Which camera to smile into. He’s already bracing himself for the inevitable. Already waiting for you to tell him to keep it down. To go back to sleep.
“Sing it louder, baby.” You whisper into his ear, still smiling hard as your arm stays draped across his chest. “We own the whole floor. Ain’t nobody gunna hear you but me.” You rarely let anyone hear your Kentucky accent. No one is supposed to know your tragic backstory. Not here in the city. Least of all, what’s sure to be a weekend fling with some teen heartthrob superstar you’ll never see again. But you can’t seem to help it. Around him, the refined lady you’ve worked so hard to become slides instinctively back into the Harlan County wildflower you grew up as.
His smile grows until his eyes nearly disappear and the boy leans to steal a soft kiss.
“You sure? S’four in the morning.” His chuckle is low in his chest as he nuzzles at your soft skin. Like a puppy reassuring himself is pack is still there. “Don’t wanna annoy you ‘n get kicked out.”
Shaking your head slowly, your hands gently tip his head back. Dust a kiss to his nose, then in between his eyes. Something about the way he relaxes so completely in your arms, his features euphorically neutral as if he’s just spent a day at the spa, making you feel as if you hung the damn sun in the sky.
“Wanna hear you fuck that shit up.” You flash him a wide smile that he returns without hesitation. Scritching at his hair playfully, you head to the kitchen. He’s been in your line of vision for nearly 48 hours and you’ve hardly seen him eat a thing. But not here, not on your watch. “I’ll make you some breakfast.”
I’m still the same as a year ago But more people hear me though According to the myspace and youtube videos I’m always doing shows, if I’m not I’m in the studio Truly broke, never growing up call me Ruffio Melody music maker Reading all the papers They say I’m up and coming like I’m fucking in an elevator ‘Cause you need me, man, I don’t need you
The Ed Sheeran song sounds good like this. Slowed down and smokey wrapped up in his tired voice. The lyrics are cocky but his passion is too damn infectious, his talent too explosive, for it to come off as anything other than fun (besides, you think to yourself, what’s wrong with a little confidence if you can walk your talk?). Brewing a strong pot of coffee to share, you’d made a whole pan of  scrambled eggs with bacon. Watched him play until the sun was peeking out over Chicago’s skyline to greet you. Then cuddled on the couch as you fed him. Until his fatigue finally started winning rounds. He’d fallen asleep on top of you, his ribs on your stomach as your hand caressed up and down along his spine. Humming softly in his ear, your eyes drifted back to the piano.  
You’d never cared about that stupid grand, had been annoyed at Alec just for buying the overpriced centerpiece to your penthouse living room when neither of knew how to play. It had sat there, doing nothing but collecting dust and looking pretentious. Until it came to life under Shawn’s fingers. Just like you…                                                       ///
“Hmm…wrote a good song on that beauty.” You can’t help but smile at the sound of his own smirk. Every atom in your body had screamed at you not to listen when his new album had dropped. But you had anyway. And your heart had slammed into your chest when you’d heard the chords he’d composed hidden behind your walls first.
“Yeah, you did… proud’a you, you know.”
A long pause follows and you think you hear him swallow. Maybe he doesn’t know…
“Say it again?”
Eyes falling closed, a quiver shakes your bottom lip as you fight the tears. God, he sounds so broken. Over the past year, you’ve spent…maybe nineteen or twenty days together in total. Every time you tell yourself it’s the last time. But then he calls… and you love Alec so fucking much… but…
“I’m so fucking proud of you, baby. I mean it. There’s too much damn talent burnin’ through you. Watching you perform is like… watching a meteor shower.”
Quiet again. But this time the background clinking of glass on glass seems to suggest he’s doing his best to fight off the creeping edges of sobriety. You can just picture him in the dark of his hotel suite, curtains drawn so he can see the city lights. Still wearing whatever he went out in after his show. Hands shaking as he pours himself another round from the mini bar.    
“If you went out onto the roof right now…could you see the stars?” Lord, he’s so drunk. He grew up near enough to a city. He should remember damn well you can’t see the stars uptown.
Leaning over a bit to scratch your leg, you chew at your lip. You know where he’s going with this. You’re still pathetic enough to want to fall down the rabbit hole.
“Probably not. City’s the same as it ever was…”  
“Oh…yeah.” Disappointment drags his voice down into the gutter. “Would you go out anyway? We could just… be under the same sky?”
You’re not sure that’s how it works. According to the pictures on Instagram, he’s in Miami. You’re in the Midwest. Technically, you’d be staring out at two different expanses of space. But you’d do anything for him. And the lie sounds so sweet.
“Course, baby. Always.” Standing, you move to grab a sweater and some shoes. Then cross the room to the penthouse elevator that leads to the roof. That’s yours as well and you’d been in charge of its renovation when Alec bought the place. A small garden sits up there, along with a modest pool and stone fire pit. The accent features play host to the ghosts you try not to look in the eye. But walking outside invites them in like a séance.
Your hand is in his dragging him up the stairs. Sure you could take the penthouse elevator, but racing down the hall and then up the maintenance stairwell is more fun. The door bursts open and the wind blows you around a bit, your own inertia sending you both spinning until you nearly fall over.
“And this! Is my pride ‘n joy. I designed all this. The garden ‘n the pool. Firepit.” He stands behind you, arms around your shoulders, kissing your cheek as you point out each feature. In the distance, Lake Michigan glints under a breathlessly breezy summer day.
You had planned out the roof carefully. Each feature exists in its own space and yet in harmony with the others. You enjoy showing the place off. All your friends have sexy, sleek uptown apartments. None of them have anything this unique. This tangible and sensory driven. Every new set of eyes laid on the place always mindlessly ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s over the space. If they’re feeling extra obnoxious, they might throw out a few technical design terms they picked up from HGTV. You expect Shawn to do the same.
But somehow, he sees the puzzle. Puts the pieces together quicker than anyone else.
“Earth, water, fire… I guess Lake Michigan takes care of the wind.”
“Clever boy.”  Impressed, you match his smile and slowly nod. Absently, your fingers toy with his much longer ones and your head rests back against his chest as both of you take in the city. “I guess those things have always felt the most real to me. The five elements.”
“Mm,” You tug on your lip, trying to remember how elegantly your grandmother had explained it. “Element of spirit. None of it means anything if it’s not alive. It’s the energy we borrow from the universe that allows any of the elements to connect. To borrow from one another. Feed one another. Find one another. Love one another.”
“So…up here….you’re the spirit element?”
Your head quirks and you turn in his arms. Quiet surprise hangs in the air between you for a long string of moments…before your arms finally curl around him. Tilting your head back, you scritch your nails lightly, affectionately across his back. A smile slowly pulls at your lips.
“How’d you figure that out, pretty boy?” It’s overwhelming enough that he’s so beautiful. So full of life. Bursting at the seams with talent and passion. Confusingly good. And so disarmingly vulnerable. The fact that he also understands you effortlessly is near impossible to wrap your head around.
A shrug falls from his broad shoulders and he nuzzles at your nose. He has the best view in Chicago to feast on, but his focus is locked on you. Fingertips brushing down your cheek, they slide up into your hair. In an attempt to curb the game of twister Chicago’s wind is playing with it, his fingers curl around the long strands gently, then fist just enough to clasp it all in place. You’re forced to stand closer to him as a side effect, but you’ve suffered far worse.
“That’s so beautiful. That you refuse to let the city take that away from you.” It’s the first time anyone has seen through your ‘perfectly manicured uptown midwestern wife’ charade. The first time anyone’s suspected that maybe there’s still some part of you bucking against the saddle. Alec has always taken care of you. But Shawn is in your blood, undressing your soul instead of just your body.
Reaching up to grip his neck, you pull him down into a warm, deep kiss. Push open his hoodie and rest your body against his. How the hell he’d sorted the secret language of you was still a mystery. But that was the moment you knew you loved him.
“You know I’m gunna be in Chicago next week…” “Are you?” The sirens go off in your brain as you lean against the cement edge of your rooftop. ‘Absolutely not. You need to leave him alone.’ This isn’t even about staying loyal to Alec. Shawn deserves everything you can’t give him. Deserves a girl his own age. Someone who is available to anoint him in love every minute of every day like it’s holy oil and she’s his priestess. Keeping him stitched into your bone marrow is thievery. You’re stealing time he should be spending happy, with some pretty young thing as full to bursting with energy as he is.
“You still in the city?” “Yes, love. I’m right here, hmm? Same place you left me.” You feel like an undergrad at Northwestern all over again, listening to your drunk friends ramble in nonsensical circles as they stumble back towards sobriety.
“Didn’t leave you…” He’s pouting like a puppy, but your voice stays even and gentle. Patient as ever. Maybe the one advantage your age gives you with him is maturity. What might stir up a fight with a hormonal teenager, is just another chance to soothe him for you.
“You know that’s not what I meant, sweet boy. I know you’d never leave me. Not… not really.” What the fuck is wrong with you? How long is it going to be until this story shows up in the headlines. Before everyone else sees just how sick and cruel and pathetic you really are.
“I wanna see you. Tell me I can see you.” You hear a sliding glass door open and wind hits the receiver in small gusts. He’s always been a sucker for a balcony. You’re fairly certain he can’t see the stars either, but you’re almost certain you hear ocean waves in the distance. 
“Baby…” One little word. You don’t mean for it to sound so loaded.
“You don’t want to? …Say it out loud then. Tell me you don’t want to see me and I’ll leave you alone.” There goes that pride again, trying to eat him whole from the inside out. He’s the sweetest boy in the world. But every now and then, when he’s stressed and lonely and drunk, his insecurities swim in his blood like piranhas.
Slowly, you drag in a breath. He can’t possibly understand all the ways this is wrong. On fire with his own youth, he knows nothing but chasing desire. Burning regret to the ground as if feeling alive is his only religion.
“S’nothing to do with want, baby. Always want you.”
It takes a few moments of silence but he finally circles back. The edge has left his voice (he’s never known how to be an asshole for more than 10 seconds at a time) but he’s still stubborn as always.
“I know it’s not Alec. I know you don’t love him more.”
“But I do love him.”
“Not enough to quit me.”
His words are a slap to the face and sting just the same. Swallowing, you fight all the instincts you learned from your mother. Lashing out (Oh, grow up and make your own mind up then. You’re twenty not five). Deflecting (you’re the one who called me). Jabbing at weak spots he was vulnerable enough only with you to show (aren’t there a million other girls who’d come clean you up right now? Or boys?). As guilty as the age difference makes you feel… you’re thankful you didn’t meet him when you were twenty. What a disgustingly toxic mess that would’ve been.
Dragging in a deep breath, you rub at your temple. Remind yourself he doesn’t mean it as harsh as it sounds. That he’s just hurt and wasted and trying to prove a point.
“You gunna hold it against me that I’m weak for you too?” You hope he can hear the slight pout in your sad, soft voice. He must, because you can feel the sobriety sweep over him for a moment. Like heavy rain sweeping down into a valley.
“Then what the hell is it Holland?” The sigh falls off his lips more tired, more defeated than angry.
Sometimes, if you drink a little too much wine and think about it a little too long, this shit with him still breaks you down into tears. Sometimes you don’t know why. Your own husband has a whole decade on you. So why is Shawn’s seven years younger always giving you so much grief?
“I have no right to love you…”
“…I don’t understand what that means. Please don’t be self-righteous right now. You don’t… you don’t understand how hard this is without you. You have no idea how fucking… messed up I feel all the time.”
But you do. It’s how you two met.
Each long evening gown that walks into the charity gala sparkles like a disco ball. The kitchen is buzzing with the refilling of trays and the fizzing of champagne. The donations are pouring in so fast, the attendants can hardly keep up with receipts. And, as usual, you are the spinning wheel of fortunes at the center keeping it all perfectly on track. St. Christopher’s is the largest non-profit foundation in the Midwest. Over the past six years, you’ve diligently worked your way up from undergrad intern to the Publicity Chair’s Executive Assistant. It doesn’t sound exciting but in the heart of a city as busy as yours, you’re essentially party planning for the elite. And honestly…it’s everything you ever wanted. Hell, this whole pop star performing at the Gala thing was your idea. Browsing the Allstate Arena’s schedule last year had led you to Shawn Mendes. Not for any particular reason other than the dates matched up nicely. He’d be in town for a show anyway and likely had the star power to generate enough interest. So you reached out.
Well, not to Shawn personally. Just his PR manager. But still, he’d agreed happily to stop by and you couldn’t be happier with how well he was working the crowd now. Taking pictures, signing autographs, navigating overpersonal questions with an impressively charming diplomacy. If he wasn’t already wildly successful at music, you’d have offered him a job on your team.
Dinner is served right on time, but neither you nor the night’s golden boy get to sit down or eat. You’re checking that dessert is being plated up in the kitchen and that trash is being rotated out fast enough. He’s up on stage, performing a few of his latest hits with his band. You’ve never heard his music before. Pop kind of isn’t your thing. The bluesy rock/folk you listen to is perhaps one of the last remaining hints that could give away your true roots as the granddaughter of a Kentucky coal miner.   
Aren’t you shocked when you march out of the kitchen, only to find him spilling his guts up on stage. A guitar crying in his hands, a microphone his voice is all but making love to. No pop in sight. Your steps slow to a dead stop. The guitar in his hands bleeds out a euphoric set of chords that break open your ribs and pool in your chest.
Nothing physically has changed. He’s still the same, tall dark and handsome kid that walked in two hours ago. No, the change is all you. You’ve woken up. You can see his cracks and all the light pouring out of them. As if he’s holding a nursery of stars inside his chest and their fire is barely contained.  
The powerhouse performance disarms your heart, shatters it into a million little pieces. But looking around, you can see… it’s not going over quite so well on the rich upper class of Chicago. This just isn’t their style. Most of them really only came for the signed photos they plan on giving to their spoiled ass children. And he’s used to working a crowd of teenage girls who hang on his every word. You can see his confidence faltering a bit. Hear his voice backing off from attempting to hit the harder notes. By the time the two-song set ends, he barely gets out a slightly shaky ‘thank you’ to respectful applause before he’s nearly bolted off the stage.
Maybe it’s a dumb idea to walk backstage right now. To check the kitchen and then the green room and then the men’s bathroom. You’re not meant to chase the deer once it runs from the headlights. And this isn’t just a party. You’re at work.
The excuses go on and on in your head. Rationalizing. Criticizing. But your steps continue down the hotel hallway once they’ve cleared the grand ballroom. There’s only so many rooms he could’ve ducked into and most of them are locked, with signs reading ‘employees only’. Your golden, satin ballgown billows behind you as you chase his trail. You couldn’t possibly have lost him. What’d he do? Book a room upstairs and check-in before you’d even gone searching?
Finally, you reach the entrance to the hotel pool. The gym. He’s not in any of those and this is where the hallway ends…What the hell? Head foggy with confusion and stomach turning with worry, you slowly circle back. You checked every single open door, didn’t you?
Suddenly, your adrenaline sharpened focus snags on a door you hadn’t noticed before. The family bathroom closer to the lobby. It’s nearly 10pm. No one will need to use this right now. You gotta hand it to him. Kid’s a genius.   
You find him sitting on the floor, shaking and sweating. Flushed and barely breathing. The sight of you seems to only make it worse and for a moment he tries hard to scramble up on his feet.
“I’m…I’m sorry, I’ll…I’ll be right…right out…” God, he must think you’re here to drag him back. Seeing how unsteady his long legs are, you reach out and grip his arms.
“Hey…” Voice soft, you fight hard to regain your balance in your heels as his weight leans into you. Left without a choice, you slowly help him back to the floor. But this time, you ensure he’s sitting against the wall.
You suffered terrible bouts of anxiety before Alec. Therapy had never worked. The pills made you feel like a walking corpse. Your husband is the only thing that had truly gotten you through. It’s one of the things any marine learns. How to deal with stress at the most inconvenient times. How to pull someone out of their own head in seconds flat. Watching Shawn break down like this, it’s like holding yourself seven years ago and all you can think is that you want to be his Alec. Biting back tears, you fight to be strong for him as you pull one shaking, pale hand up to face your own.
“Can you name your fingers as I touch them?” His eyes fall from yours, the adam’s apple in his throat bobbing as he swallows hard. He doesn’t know you. Not really. And you can see it in his eyes. The same doubt there was any hope you could truly handle this that you’d always felt. He’s honestly just hoping you’ll hurry up and get frustrated sooner rather than later. To just leave already so he can pick up these pieces on his own and not under the watchful eye of an older woman whose job is counting on him getting his shit back together. Very gently tipping his chin up so his eyes are forced back to yours, you touch your thumb to his own. “You know that, hmm? What’s the name of that finger?”
Your voice stays soft. Even and cool. Encouraging. The same river-bed voice your grandmother had used to comfort you before she’d died. Before you’d been left to fend for yourself against a manic-depressive, Oxy dependent mother. In all honesty, you’re a bit surprised. It’s been so long since your grandmother died and you had no idea you’d picked up the ability before now.
Slowly getting the breath back in his lungs, Shawn’s eyes find your hand and his. Seems to realize for the first time that he’s touching you.
A smile tugs at your mouth and you cup his cheek.
“Good. That’s so good.” Your pointer fingertip touches his own. “And this one?”
“P-pointer…” You nod and he follows each careful touch with a soft murmur. “Ring …index …p-pinky.”
Finding yourself proud of the boy, you flash him a smile. Lean to brush a kiss to his sweating temple. You can’t help but notice that his pupils, blown out a moment earlier, seem to be shrinking again. A good sign that he’s calming.
“That’s really good, love.” Shifting to sit down properly, you twine your fingers through his, hoping to give him an anchor.  “Can you tell me the color of my dress?”
He glances over. Swallows again. This one takes a little longer as his eyes trace the lines of the dress. He’s not stuck on the color. You can tell. He’s just trying to swim through a head flooded with adrenaline.
“Mmhmm.” Squeezing his hand, you nod. “Close your eyes, sweetheart. Count three things you can hear.”
Resting his head back against the cool tile, he does as he’s told. Squeezes your hand after a moment to make sure you’re still there. Then finally focuses.
“H-hum of the AC…running water in the next bathroom…Phil Collins.” You both laugh softly at that. He’s not wrong. The hotel’s lobby loudspeaker system seems to reach even in here and you notice the song too now he’s said it.
Resting your own head back against the tile as well, you sing along softly under your breath. It’s not long before he’s doing the same, the distraction seeming to help.
You can tell from the lines on her face You can see that she’s been there Probably been moved on from every place Cause she didn’t fit in there Oh, think twice, 'cause another day For you and me in paradise
Turning to glance at him, you realize then there’s no getting him back into that ballroom. And honestly, you wouldn’t even want to. A switch in you has flipped. Work can wait. The influential elite of the city you’re trying to conquer can go fuck themselves. Nothing matters more to you right now than looking after him. You couldn’t explain where the all-consuming black hole came from. Or how it suddenly ripped open inside of you. It’s just there, undeniable and inescapable.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be, love?”
He shakes his head. Yawns and scoots closer. Suddenly, you wish he wasn’t so much bigger than yourself. Wish he was just the scared four-year old he looks like right now and you could scoop him up and wrap him in a blanket.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” You realize how it sounds the moment it jumps out of your lips. You’re sure a hundred girls must proposition him every day. Scared to freak him out further, you squeeze his hand and slowly help tug him up. “Just…you know, some food. A guest bed. Maybe just a few hours away from being ‘Shawn Mendes’?”
He gets through an eager nod and you help him over to the sink.   
“Mmk, why don’t you wash some cold water over your face, love? I’ll grab my things ‘n meet you in the back lot.”
It’s only as you’re turning to go that he works up any words.
“Holland? I…Thank you…” Leaning against the sink, his sweaty curls fall into his eyes. Slowly, he’s starting to look less like a lost child and more like himself again.
“You’re welcome, honey.” Your smile is soft, but full of warmth. You know exactly what he just went through. And to know you helped him pull out of that collapsing star makes you feel like the hero in a fairytale. The storybook princess who just saved the prince. “I’ll be right back for you.”
“I’ll be waiting.”   
“I know, baby…I know that…” Swallowing, you push away from the cement barrier of the rooftop. Rub at your forehead a bit as your manicured feet pace tiredly across the cement floor. “I’m sorry. I never meant to be vague or cryptic. I just meant…I can’t leave him for you. I can’t be what you need. I’m not good for you.”
“That’s not up to you.” He insists stubbornly.
“But it is. I’m seven years older than you, Shawn. It’s on me to make that call.”
“That is such bullshit, and you know it. I’ve been fucking…forced to grow up way faster than anyone else I know from the moment I stepped into Hollywood. I’ve been making more money than my parents since I was sixteen. I’ve been on tour since I was seventeen. And I haven’t stopped. I always fucking show up. Even when I feel like I’m walking around in a fucking corpse. I always do what has to be done. I always will. Do not tell me I don’t understand what I’m saying. My body is twenty years old. I’m not.”
Silence follows as his words sink like stones in the river of your bloodstream. You can’t argue with him there. It’s not fair for him to be forced into the responsibilities of an adult, only then to be treated like a child.
And the truth is… either way, you haven’t quite figured out how to truly deny him anyway.
“Text me the details of where you’ll be staying when you get here, yeah? I’ll…sort an excuse.”
“Well, you better pack a pretty big bag. ‘Cause once I have you, I’m not letting you go again.”
Shaking your head a how drunk he is, you laugh softly.
“Baby, please get some sleep, hmm? For me?”
“Mm mm. Stay on the phooone.”
God damnit. That pouty little baby voice is always so unfair. Sighing heavily, you consider threatening him playfully. Teasing that you’ll fly with Alec to New York next week if he doesn’t take care of himself. But that means you’d actually have to hang up.
“If I stay on the phone, you have to drink some water. And lay down. Promise?”
“…You’re really gunna let me see you next week?”
“Course, honey. Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
Yawning deeply, you can all but hear him nod as his voice finally gives in to his body’s exhaustion. The wind interference clears as he heads back into his suite. A sigh of relief loosens from your chest. You’re never crazy about him being outside and up that high when he’s so drunk. 
“Mmk…water ‘n down.”
“Good, baby. That’s good… I love you, hmm?” Switching on your rooftop firepit, you slouch down into the armchair that gives you the best view of Lake Michigan in the moonlight. You’ll stay up as long he needs you to. Even if that’s sunrise. 
“I love you too, Holls… only you.”
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somewherenotcaring-blog · 3 years ago
Ranking people cuz sloot
Ok. My top tier of hot. I would say... ok. I’ll start w/ Alec. I would say he’s really attractive. Like, he has really nice black hair. He’s super fit, but he’s not like a mountain. Just super like toned. Has a super chill and laid back personality. Friday 13th vibes a little. He’s cool. Next, I think Sam. I mean, his reaction when I said I liked him and Jack was priceless. When I told him “I’m sorry, but I do not remember what my number is,” he was so positive. His attitude is just priceless, and he’s fit. My homie, THIS MAN WORKS OOOOUUUUTTTT. Next, Joe S. I’m not into the whole Stevenson vibes thing. No offense, but THEMSELVES position THEMSELVES racisistly like that. Not into it, but anytime I see him, it’s like, “hot damn.” Also, if that was him in like what I think was him... then like he also has such a great personality too! Super funny. Next, Austin P. I remember when my sub and his sub shared the same bus, and no matter what, he still remained positive and had a great attitude every day. He was always freckly, but he NEVER let that stop him from going out and having fun w/ friends. He’s just a person who’s attitude makes him a 10. Next, Austin A. I kind of noticed him when I started mistaking him for my CREEPY AF ped cousin. Mixing him and... that thing... up like, I don’t know. He’s a 10, for sure. Next, Jake B. He was just always such a clown, but whenever you met him in person, he'd be super quiet and super polite. Just a great guy, man. Next, Jack. I just think he’s somebody who is attractive. I don’t want to say too much about him or about why I think so. He just is. Next, Austin B. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just because people that look like him are really my type. Maybe most people would not, but I’m definitely putting him in my top list. Next, DJ. I think like, there is just something so like dorky about him. Something so dorky and attractive. Definitely belongs at the top. Next, Angelo. He is just so hilarious. Freddy vibes a little bit, but when he came out in that like... what’s that no mohawk, but there’s still hair... when he came out with that while jersey shore was still airing... I dyed!!!!!!!!! Next, Tyler C. I think that his attitude throughout being faced with tough situations and tough challenges is definitely what makes him an attractive person. Tyler V. I think we look a lot alike. I mean, people confuse us all the time. Project x. Christina Grimme. Like, man.... so Idk. Maybe we’d make a good couple. Maybe we would not. Tyler and Austin. This whole dynamic between themselves being these really toned, fit, attractive twins. I get it. 
Next, people in the middle. Saeed. He’s attractive, but he’s just not it for me. Tonin. He was a god in jr high, but his actions towards Erika are most definitely a turn off. Richie, 10, but parties TOO HARD. Antonio, his personality is EVERYTHING. Nathan, somehow that one fetus morphed into 2, but he’s still going to bop his way to the top, and I think that’s really great. Brendan. 10, but is in a relation. August, 9, but is friends with Brendan, who is in a relationship. Brandon G. Didn’t murder me, so he lives another day. Chris T. Got away before he can murder me, so he also lives another day. Andrew, he’s no doubt a 10. No doubt, but when he did what he did to my girl Emily... then tried to get all cozy with me. Nah, bro. Yo sister an Emily herself. Da fuq? I want to give Kyle and Cameron 10s and put them on the hot list, but I fear that they will be crushed to death. Skating. Being alternative. You know? Pretty hot. Josh. His attitude during the “Copen eats a**” drama was amazing, but he is just tied to the hip of this one girl... and no one is able to find that attractive. Pedro. Attractive but NOBODY trusts him. Jake S. Maybe if he stuck around longer, he’d be at the top, but like, he didn’t, you know? Brandon R. It’s just an Aooga relationship between us. You feel me? Alex D, attractive, but in a relationship, you know? Austin W. He looks super exotic, but also super not trust worthy. Another Ellen you just can’t trust, you know? Joe D. I got get my boy up into the middle w/ the peeps, you know? 
Bottom, everyone else except Eric M, Keegan, Robert M, Joe A. I know that for those people, it just really wasn’t their day for them. That’s pretty much all I can say about that.
0 notes
cursedlightwood · 6 years ago
Ya Magnus’s age has never been confirmed...and Harry said in a tweet that he just fucking lies about it all the time BUT if the Michelangelo thing is to be believed (which I want to) he would have had to be out and about in the early to mid 1500s having sex with Italian Renaissance artists or whatever. But also ur probably right about him being around 400.
Machu Picchu warlock coven is such an amazing idea. Top tier content.
That is...hilarious. I like the idea of Magnus not realizing it’s gonna affect Alec bc he’s a warlock and doesn’t have to worry about that so he just portals them into machu picchu or Cusco for the first time and instantly Alec. He just like almost passes out from the sudden change in altitude and Magnus is like “oh god oh god what did I do” it freaks him out so much that he won’t stop shoving like, potions and cups of coca tea into Alec’s hands for the entire duration of the trip. Like “Magnus we’ve been here for a week. I feel completely fine. I’ve adjusted.” And Magnus is like “OKAY SURE BUT ALSO DRINK THIS”
Also yes ur totally right and UGH U WRITING THAT MAKES ME WANNA GO TO COLONIA DE SACRAMENTO SO FUCKING BAD! Fuck the pictures are so pretty. Holy shit. But yes Machu Picchu is so full of tourists it’s like 0/10 relaxing bc there r just SO MANY PEOPLE and since they’re both like New Yorkers they’re used to big cities and lots of ppl like in Lima and Buenos Aires and places full of dumb tourists like Machu Picchu. But YES they would totally want to have some destinations for just relaxing where they aren’t like surrounded by noise and people and stress all the time and it’s just sorta the two of them. Destressing. Being happy. Alec’s a very productive person who doesn’t rly get a lot of time to himself before meeting Magnus so Magnus kinda has to force him to relax at first but he falls into it pretty quickly and starts to love just doing nothing with Magnus. They’ll just go to some sleepy little small town and spend all their time walking around holding hands, not rly going anywhere just talking and enjoying each other’s presence. Cuddling up together in parks and on the beach. Magnus with his eyes closed and his head on Alec’s lap and Alec isn’t even looking at the view bc he’s just staring at Magnus. Ugh. Good shit.
Alec, staring at a restaurant menu: “how hard is it to milk a tiger” Magnus, very patiently “it’s not milk from a real tiger. It’s not even milk at all.” (Also I’ve been told that tigers milk is an aphrodisiac so do with that what u will 👀). Alec will eat literally anything Magnus holds out to him on a fork or spoon without even thinking about it. He tries whatever Magnus gives him even if he knows he doesn’t like it. Magnus also likes feeding him bites of his meals bc he thinks it’s cute. Magnus once tricked him into eating something Izzy made by just holding a bite out to him on a fork. It took a while for him to be forgiven especially bc Magnus laughed about it for like 3 days afterwards. But Alec still does it especially when they’re traveling.
MARKETS god the markets in Latin America r truly like. Next level. U don’t find anything quite like them. Purple corn! Red corn! Rainbow corn! Granadillas and tumbo and chirimoya and they’re just so lively and colorful and exciting. And I can totally see Magnus getting all excited and sorta dragging Alec along by his hand and talking a mile a minute and Alec just smiling at him bc magnus looks so happy and he’s dressed all colorful and he’s surrounded by color and noise and happiness and just !!!! Also Magnus going to markets like mercado de henchiceria in la paz to get potion ingredients. Not all of the people selling there are warlocks or sighted mundanes but...some of them are. And some of the others sell important ingredients w/o even knowing they’re used by warlocks!
not to be all like mi latinoamérica querida or anything but can you imagine a malec date in buenos aires? with all these crochet thingies they put on trees and all the street artists everywhere and these cheeky tourist-y tango dancers on the street? magnus being tipped over dramatically and taking pics, smiling delightedly and alec just looks at him like he invented the damn stars. they eat and laugh and of course magnus speaks fluent spanish and alec fucking sucks so bad. he daBbLES but really izzys the one whos good at languages and he struggles a lot and its so fucking funny. and they eat alfajores and magnus' fancy ass is all like ah yes the delicacy of argentinian dulce de leche theres nothing quite like it. and alec is just like hey miss can i buy this in bulk. and its fun because buenos aires is so lively and effervescent and shit and theyre giggling and being dorky and when they get back alec is all like "yeah i loved it. the citys so beautiful, it reminds me of you" like dont touch me okay im very emotional rn
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saigontimemd · 8 years ago
Andromeda/Ryder Meme
Wasn’t tagged by anyone but I’m doing it anyway.
Name: Scott Ryder (until I come up with something else)
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color/Description: Brown and either shoulder-length or pulled back in a tight ponytail

Skin (color, blemishes, tattoos, etc): He’s white and spent a lot of time in space. What do you think? Has an Arcturus Station tattoo on his arm, but he only thinks of it ironically.

Misc Physical Attributes: Fantastic ass, knows it, is confident about it.
Preferred Romance Option: No idea. He’s playing this one by ear. He’s into flings, but he might actually fall in love if he gets out of his own way. He’s between a 2 and a 3 on the Kinsey scale.
Relationship with Alec and sibling (do they get along? etc.): Relationship with Alec Ryder is strained; Scott’s always been the more introverted, less mature of the two Ryder kids, but while Sara got to go off and mess about in Prothean ruins, Scott got assigned to Arcturus Station on his old man’s request in hopes that some combat time would make him grow up. Scott did a lot of things at Arcturus, but ‘growing up’ wasn’t one of them, and he’s got quite a bit of resentment built up from the whole thing. Relationship with Sara is top tier; they bonded as kids over music, science, and reading, and stayed in touch as much as they could when separated. She’s the reason he signed up for the Andromeda Initiative. Scott would’ve been fine to see Alec leave and never come back, but there was no way in HELL he was going to let his sister see a whole new galaxy without him.

Projected BFF (the squad mate who isn’t bae but you always take): DRACK

Dreams/Hobbies/Likes: Scott doesn’t have any long-term dreams or goals, really; he’s spent so much time in the shadow of his father (whether real or perceived) that he’s kind of given up trying to make a name for himself, instead just being content to do his own thing, living one day to the next and not really worrying about tomorrow unless it includes waking up in someone else’s bed. He plays guitar, and used to want to be an artist; he still sketches things and people from time to time, but never when he thinks anyone else is looking. He’s got really eclectic music tastes, but gravitates towards punk/melodic hardcore, and 1990s-early 2000s hip-hop. In spite of his entire military career being his dad’s idea, he does enjoy combat and sparring quite a bit. Has a habit of picking fights he knows he’s supposed to lose, if only to test himself.

Fears/Dislikes: On an existential level, he’s deathly afraid of failure and disappointing people who believe in him, which is why he usually keeps everyone else at arm’s length through humor and self-deprecation. By the same token, he’s terrified of responsibility because that invites the possibility of disappointment; he figures nobody can ever be disappointed in him if they don’t have any expectations in the first place. He has quite a bit of natural leadership ability and excellent combat instincts, but he passed up promotion at Arcturus more than a few times because he didn’t want to have the rest of his squad depending on him in an official capacity. Honestly, he’s kind of a chickenshit - a well-meaning one, but still. He’s only got two real-life fears: open water where he can’t see the bottom, and drowning.
Other (what else should we know about your Ryder?): He’s so unprepared for becoming the Pathfinder that it’s not even funny. Scott isn’t selfish - his military record, numerous incidents aside, shows him constantly putting himself in danger for others, and when he’s a lot more altruistic of a person than he wants anyone else to know - but he is self-centered and immature. A big part of that immaturity is his own inherited stubbornness from his father; Alec sent him off to grow up, so Scott intentionally stayed immature out of spite. Now he’s going to have to grow up whether he wants to or not. Scott is also about 20% logic, 80% emotion, so that’s going to be entertaining. His gut instincts are usually right, but they’re still just gut reactions. Also, he secretly wishes he was a Krogan.
In the original Mass Effect trilogy, my Shepard was very much an idealized version of myself: confident, charming, partially robot, and utterly selfless. Aside from occasionally socking fools in the face, he was about as Paragon as possible, and not just because I chose beforehand to just take those options, but because that’s what I would’ve done in that situation.
My Ryder, on the other hand, is probably going to be a lot similar to who I actually am: competent but effectively no self-confidence, hotheaded, geeky as shit, occasionally petty, and would pretty much bang anything that moves. Think Ash Williams from Evil Dead, except replace the egotistical overconfidence and brick for a brain with being entirely too nice and super-introversion. I’m happy to say I’ve got a lot better of a relationship with my dad than Ryder does, but, you know, drama. Bioware has said that Andromeda is going to be a transformative experience for the player character, that they’re going to go from being really inexperienced to becoming a hero, and I’m really looking forward to taking that journey with him.
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erikritschard-blog · 5 years ago
0 to win National Championship
0 to win national championship She was very instrumental in helping to get a women's golf team established at the University. That pick was overturned on a pass interference call, only to then see replacement running back Cooper fumble the ball away once again on the next play.. Spencer conte adding to west canada's lead in the second frame conte stops squares up and nails it from the behind the line. The season was also a glowing success off the ice as 15 players made NCAA commitments with 13 of them being to Division I schools. Blowout wins over Cedar Crest (64 16), Northern Lebanon (44 28), Tulpehocken and Susquenita (66 15) placed Bermudian in the title match opposite YAIAA 1 power Red Lion. coach factory outlet online But zookeepers caution Siabu might not be the best model to follow: her picks are correct only about half the time.. A natural leader with AFL experience. Girls stepped up and stayed cool. Stuck with the video coaching, something she said she really enjoys. In our day we had one purple and gold rugby shirt, one pair of shorts and one pair of socks, all of which we washed monthly. Biking, swimming, certainly not walking there no workout quite like a good, hard run. Between 1937 and 1st May 2009 there were a total of 518 published papers. He fought until he couldn't move his arm. John is a teacher at his core and can instantly connect with those around him in a positive way.". She remembers how an older SRLA student came to the assistance of a young SRLA runner he didn't even know, helping him push through the pain and keep running.. Texts don't get returned and phone calls go straight to voicemail. Riverside flexed its muscle up front in this one.. I'm extra disappointed that my sons won't ever get to talk to a girl on the house phone. The defense will still be imposing, and the team still has four guards capable of scoring from the perimeter and a developing post scorer in Mamadi Diakite. "If we can succeed with these players it going to be on me as a coach." FACT FILE COACH Lisa James (returning) 2018 SEASON Seven wins and nine losses. Tell their bosses and co workers that they have a every week. Ohio State tied the game 6:53 gone by in the third period and Alec Marsh pushed the lead back out to 3 2 with just under eight minutes to go in regulation. I have my alarm clock set for 5:30 am on the weekdays. We've got a bulk of players that have played together for the past two seasons now and we've managed to retain virtually the whole group while adding some top line players. I have played at a variety of different levels but the training sessions run at University have to be some of the most enjoyable sessions I have been apart of.'. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Unified Ad MarketplaceThis is an ad network. ST PATS were left licking its would before Easter and are hungry to rebuild against cross town rivals Prospect. 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It's currently the best selling magnet toy on Amazon, holding an impressive 4.7 out of 5.0 star rating from 475 customer reviews. "We are committed to inform and to bring the best entertainment to our community. Samson grew up in Wayne, Pennsylvania and graduated from Radnor High in 1998. Letters like Mattingly's from other student leaders, from administrators were common in the 1940s and 1950s. The so called "transfer portal" is part of a rule adopted in 2018 that lets major college athletes put their name on a list of players considering a transfer, without first getting permission from their current program.
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inventionwebseries · 6 years ago
Tom Konkle reviews
teehee for two          Placevine.com
"Invention with Brian Forbes, presented by the dynamically droll duo of David Beeler and Tom Konkle, is as dry as a Dean Martin martini (i.e. you just wave the bottle of Vermouth over the glass of gin), with a twist of Monty Python and a dash of Benny Hill, i.e., it's very, very British, in a retro sort of way. This series of short two man comedy sketches even features a 1970s sensibility in its color palate and fashions, which surely must be a deliberate tribute to its obvious source of inspiration. It's basically a "talk show" regarding a variety of topics involving intellectual ingenuity, all presented with their tongues planted so firmly in the cheeks it's amazing they don't mumble. The format - roughly described as conversational skits- is definitely an acquired taste, but if you like your humor dished up with a layer of sophisticated silliness on a platter of understated irony, you'll enjoy what the sly sort of satire they're serving."
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pulling boners the hard way          Placevine.com
"Safety Geeks is yet another winsome, winning comedy series from the talented twosome of David Beeler and Tom Konkle, this one an ensemble effort chronicling the exasperating exploits of the P.O.S.H. (Professional Occupational Safety Hazard) team, in both 2 and 3D! The fact that they're basically a bunch of well-meaning but hopelessly incompetent misfits is the basis for their bumbling series of moronic mishaps, which all prove quite counterproductive to their professional mission statement. The troupe's over-the-circus-top antics, which include ribald riffs and goofy gore in the spirit of Monty Python, either rub your funny the bone the right or the wrong way, but there's no denying their seemingly endless supply of inspired inventiveness."
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3 "Clinks" for Invention! (Out of 3)          Those Video Guys
The UK Web TV reviewers, Those Video Guys, have high praise for "fellow Brits, Dave & Tom"
"I'm laughing just thinking of them. That's how funny they are."              "What a great way to spend 5 to 10 minutes just watching funny sketches."            "The  caliber of the cast and writing... they've worked with some of the greats. You can't deny the actual caliber of the writing and acting."            "It's great to see two British comedy actors sticking to their British roots doing that kind of humor you would have expected from a Python."            "They reminded me of Fry & Laurie.... it has that surrealness."            "Brian Forbes, a great show and a lot of fun! Cheers to Dave & Tom!"
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Procedural à la Python: On SAFETY GEEKS: SVI – The WEB TV Movie              Web to Watch
"It definitely exemplifies Dave & Tom’s credo:  “silly comedy for smart people.” "All the actors do a really good job. Their performances are quirky and consistent. So much delicious awkwardness." "a unique environment. It lent its self to humor you normally only see in animated shows." "...most laughs came from non-sequiturs and witty one-liners, of which there are many." "Verdict: In the spirit of the show, it gave me a comedic erection. One that lasted over 8 hours."              
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Invention With Brian Forbes              93Studios Screening Room              - Steve Spaulding            
Bottom Line: The Internet is filled with sketch comedy, some of it good, most of it pretty painful, but rarely do you see a show that hearkens back to the best of Flying Circus while still managing to stay relevant. Invention with Brian Forbes is a dry, acid-tongued sketch web series that will leave you laughing from minute one.
Great writing, awkward pauses and strong acting ties Invention together making it a treat to watch.
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Webisode Clack - Safety Geeks: SVI              Clique Clack              - Brett Love
"The creators have described the show as “a nice mix of surreal Adult Swim humor with a Monty Python take on CSI, Missing, Without a Trace, NCIS etc..” While I hesitate to compare anyone to Monty Python, because they are legends, that description is well stated. The show is very funny, full of one-liners, and often flying off the rails into the completely absurd. If you’re an Adult Swim or Monty Python person, it should be right in your wheelhouse."
"The actions of the team range from odd, to stupid, all with huge helpings of cheese. And I mean that in the best possible way. It’s all great fun to watch."
"That cheesiness also extends to the look of the show. Clearly a lot of time and effort has gone into the effects used, and they take on a quality that I would call fantastically bad. That’s not bad in the sense of not being good. It’s bad in the sense that many of the effects are so cheesy that they are almost as absurd as the story we’re watching. To that end, they fit perfectly, and just add to the experience."
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Safety Geeks: SVI              93Studios Screening Room              - Steve Spaulding
"Raunchy, wacky and filled up to the brim with one-liners, Safety Geeks SVI is an object lesson in High Camp and a real must-watch for anyone who likes their comedy with a great, big dollop of outrageousness."
"Safety Geeks SVI has some of the best special effects I’ve seen in a web series."
"All in all, this is a show that deserves your attention. It’s timing, sense of humor and overall feel put it on the list of top tier web comedies."
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             Safety Geeks: SVI              VisioWeb.tv              - Alec Corday              "...mainstream appeal with its one-liners, non-sequiturs and black humor."  "Much of the humor derives not so much from safety and lack thereof but from the wacky characters played by seasoned actors all around."  "hilarious... a lot of fun...."  "Very much noteworthy is also the execution of the show."
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Invention with Brian Forbes              VisioWeb.tv              - Alec Corday
"...outrageous inventions that will leave you ROFLing..." "...inventions so out to lunch, they could only have come from the brilliant minds of two Anglophiles, Dave & Tom." "The acting is superb and the simplicity of the settings rely solely on the writing… no fancy sets or props. It’s the jokes and the actors who carry it along. And it works. We’re dealing with professionals and there is no questioning that."
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Webseries: Invention with Brian Forbes              Pink Raygun              - Melissa Voelker
"...hilariously loony ...consistently funny" "This series is very well written." "The two leads play off each other very well and together they make a great comedy duo. It was really easy to watch each webisode back to back and not lose interest. And I continued laughing until the very end, which proves that this show handles its simple but funny concept really well."            
click here for full review
Safety Geeks: SVI - Entertainment Review              MyNerdGirl.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - Sidney Cozzaglio              
"It's witty and mindless all at once."
"I would say this show was definitely made by fans of the likes of Monty Python, Shawn of the Dead, and Robot Chicken."            
"It is silly. I can think of no better word to describe it. The 'over the top' situations and characters poke fun at shows like CSI and, I think, The A Team and the archetypes we find in modern crime dramas.  This show is the sort of thing that Blake Edwards and Maurice Richlin did in the 60's and 70's (with) Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther movies."            
I have to agree with their flier. If you like shows like Flying Circus, Fawlty Towers, or even Spaced, and movies like Blazing Saddles and National Lampoon's European Vacation you will likely enjoy this web show."
click            here for full review
Web TV Review: Safety Geeks: SVI                        BLOGCRITICS VIDEO                         - Mary K. Williams
"new and edgy comedy...funny stuff"
"similar in sensibilities to Family Guy or Adult Swim content (read funny, but un-PC adult humor)"
"the right mix of cool and goofy."
"They bring the funny in a very geeky but delightful package and make this reviewer impatient for more."
click              here for full review
Dave and Tom Send Up CSI in ‘Safety Geeks’              Tilzy.TV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              - Ana Hurka-Robles
"The team’s website boasts an impressive array of of video content."
"Safety Geeks:SVI appears to be Dave and Tom’s bid for the big leagues."
"The tone is old-school British sketch comedy in every way, combining the silliness of Monty Python with the innocently naughty Boobs ‘n’ Underwear humor of Benny Hill."
"Dave and Tom have proven skill at taking down the self-serious..."
click              here for full review              
Eye-on-Lesser-Known-Web-Series                LG15 Today
"Thunderbirds meets Larry from OSHA by way of CSI."
"stars memorable actress Brittney Powell in a bust out role..."
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Dave & Tom's Online Comedy              NewTeeVee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Editor's Rating:              - Julia Diddy
"It’s nigh impossible to discuss Dave & Tom without invoking England’s mighty Monty Python."
"...this double act plays like vintage Flying Circus..."
"...comedy writ large with an almost swashbuckling sense of wordplay and whimsy."
click              here for full review              
           The Archaeology of Comedy            BLOGCRITICS MAGAZINE               - Mary K. Williams
"Archaeology of Comedy is a great discovery in the world of humor."
"Where have Dave and Tom been hiding themselves?"
"superb writing and comedic acting"
"Beeler is charming"
"Konkle is completely brilliant"            
click              here for full review              
Dave              and Tom in              GOOD NIGHT:
BACKSTAGE              WEST              -Polly              Warfield
"...creme de la              creme of comedy."
"Wittily penned              and performed by David Beeler and Tom Konkle..."
"These              two are worthy successors to the comedy mantles of the greats..."
click              here for full review
L.A.              WEEKLY            -              Paul Birchall
"...gleeful              and quick-witted..."
"...intense              and tightly honed..."
"...writer-performers              David Beeler and Tom Konkle capture the geniality and goofiness              of the late, great masters..."
click              here for full review
Dave              and Tom in Lester McFwap:
THE              HOLLYWOOD REPORTER            -              Rich Mintzer             "One of the most promising up-and-coming troupes..." "The well educated, Monty Python-influenced quintet offers              a more cerebral approach, bucking the improv-based norm with carefully              scripted routines that move beyond the day's news."  
             L.A. WEEKLY            -              Terry Morgan               "Surreal, intelligent and very funny."                
                             THE              NO HO NEWS              -Rick              Parsons               "I have seen the future of sketch comedy and it is in very              capable hands." "Put simply, Lester McFwap (is) the best sketch comedy group              I've seen live in Los Angeles. Their show called 'Hold for Incontinence'              was some of the funniest written and brilliantly performed comedy              I've seen live since Monty Python played The Hollywood Bowl."               "Clearly, the near capacity audience loved Lester McFwap..."               "This group deserves to find an outlet for their obvious talent              as sketch performers and writers." "Fans of Monty Python and Peter Cook can rest easy, Lester              McFwap is the American invasion poised to continue the tradition              of classic sketch comedy."                
                                           THE              COMIC BIBLE              -              Maryann Piero               "If sketch comedy is your forte, these guys are a must see.              With their own twist added to a Pythonesque style, Lester McFwap              portray the embodiment of intelligent humor for everyone. Always              a hit, their collective goal is to make people laugh and I'd say              they've more than reached that plateau..."                              
                             THE ENCINO NEWS            -              Penny McGuiggan               "It's an intellectual, absurdist, and stylized comedic approach              to some cerebral material...it works!"                              
                                           THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE              -              Marc Savlov               "By far the most intellectual comic entourage I'd seen in just              about forever, the group (four men, one woman) relies heavily on              the 'so stupid, it's genius' formula honed by early-seventies Brit-wits              such as Peter Cook and the Monty Python gang." "By far the most intellectual comic entourage I'd seen in just              about forever, the group relies heavily on the "so stupid it's              genius" formula honed by Brit-wits such as Peter Cook and the              Monty Python gang...worthy of a gold medal for originality...inspired...a              good time was had by all."
Dave              and Tom in Beyond the Fringe:
LA              WEEKLY            - Tom Frykman                          Performing this stylized, absurdity material can only come from              a labor of love, and the cast executes it flawlessly. If you shut              your eyes, you can feel the comic rhythms of Cook, Moore and Monty              Python.
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