#c: holland bryant
ruleof3bobby · 4 months
MAGGIE MOORE (S) (2023) Grade: C
It didn't find it's footing, wasn't sure if it wanted to be a dark comedy, crime, or a rom-com. The cast is good & Jon Hamm & Tina Fey do have good chemistry from their 30 Rock scenes.
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driftwork · 1 year
names, mostly surnames (1)
let me apologise for this partial list of names in the library,  titles available on request...
, Adorno, horkheimer, anderson, aristotle, greta adorno, marcuse, agamben, acampora and acampora, althussar, lajac kovacic, eric alliez, marc auge,  attali, francis bacon (16th c), aries, aries and bejin, alain badiou, beckett, hallward, barnes, bachelard, bahktin, volshinov, baudrillard, barthes, john beattie, medvedev, henri bergson, Jacques Bidet, berkman, zybmunt bauman, burgin, baugh, sam  butler, ulrich beck, andrew benjamin and peter osbourne, walter benjamin, ernest bloch, blanchot,  bruzins,  bonnet,  karin bojs,  bourdieu,  j.d. bernal, goldsmith,  benveniste, braidotti,  brecht,  burch, victor serge, andre breton, judith butler, malcolm bull, stanley cohen, john berger, etienne balibar, david bohm, gans blumenberg, martin buber, christopher caudwell, micel callon, albert camus, agnes callard,  castoridis, claudio celis bueno, carchedi and roberts, Marisol de la cadena,  mario blaser, nancy cartwright, manual castells, mark  currie, collingwood, canguilhem, mario corti, stuart hall, andrew lowe, paul willis, coyne, stefan collini, varbara cassin, helene cixous, coward and ellis, clastres, carr, cioren,  irving copi, cassirer, carter and willians, margeret cohen,  Francoise dastur, guy debord, agnes martin,  michele bernstein, alice, lorraine dastun, debaise, Gilles Deleuze, deleuze and gattari, guattari, parnet, iain mackenzie, bignall, stivale, holland, smith, james williams, zourabichvili, paul patton, kerslake,  schuster, bogue, bryant,  anne sauvagnargues, hanjo berresen, frida beckman, johnson, gulliarme and hughes, valentine moulard-leonard, desai,  dosse, duttman, d’amico,  benoit peters, derrida, hinca zarifopol-johnston, sean gaston,  discourse, mark poster, foucault,  steve fuller, markus gabrial, rosenbergm  milchamn, colin jones,  van fraasen,  fekete,  vilem flusser, flahault, heri focillon, rudi visker, ernst fischer,  fink, faye, fuller, fiho, marco bollo, hans magnus enxensberger, leen de bolle, canetti, ilya enrenberg,  thuan, sebastion peake, mervyn peake, robert henderson, reimann, roth,  bae suah,  yabouza, marco bellatin, cartarescu, nick harkaway, chris norris, deLanda, regis debray, pattern and doniger,  soame jynens, bernard williams, descartes, anne dufourmanteille, michelle le doeuff, de certaeu , deligny, Georges Dumezil, dumenil and levy,  bernard edelman, victorverlich, berio, arendt, amy allen, de beauvior,hiroka azumi,  bedau and humphreys,  beuad,  georges bataille, caspar  henderson,  chris innes,  yevgeny zamyatin,  louis aragon, italo calvino, pierre guirard,  trustan garcia, rene girard, paul gilroy, michal gardner,  andre gorz, jurgan gabermas, martin gagglund, beatrice hannssen, jean hyppolyte, axel honneth, zizek and crickett, stephen heath,  calentin groebner, j.b.s. haldane,  ian hacking,  david hakken,  hallward and oekken,  haug, harman, latour, arnold hauser, hegel, pippin, pinksrd, michel henry, louis hjelmslev,  gilbert hardin, alice jardine, karl jaspers, suzzane kirkbright, david hume,  thomas hobbes, barry hindus, paul hirst, hindess and hirst, wrrner hamacher,  bertrand gille,  julien huxley, halavais, irigaray, ted honderich, julia kristeva, leibnitz, d lecourt,  lazzaroto, kluge and negt, alexander kluge, sarah kofman, alexandre kojeve,  kolozoya, keynes,  richard kangston, ben lehman, kant,  francous jullien, fred hameson, sntonio rabucchi, jaeggi, steve lanierjones, tim jackson,  jakobson,   joeseph needham, arne de boever,  marx and engels, karl marx, frederick engels, heinrich,  McLellen , maturana and varuna,  lem, lordon, jean jacques-lecercle,  malabou,  marazzi,  heiner muller,  mary midgley, armand matterlart, ariel dorfman, matakovsky, nacneice, lucid,  victor margolis, narco lippi,  glen mazis, nair,  william morris,  nabis,  jean luc nancy,  geoffrey nash,  antonio negri,  negri and hardt, hardt, keith ansell pearson, pettman, william ruddiman, rheinberger, andre orlean, v.i. vernadsky,  rodchenko,  john willet, tarkovsky, william empson,  michel serres,  virillio, semiotexte, helmut heiseenbuttel,  plessner, pechaux, raunig, retort,  saito,  serres, dolphin, maria assad, spinoza,  bernard sharratt, isabelle stengers,  viktor shklovsky,  t. todorov,  enzo traverso, mario tronti,  todes, ivan pavlov,  whitehead, frank trentmann, trubetzkoy, rodowink, widderman, karl wittfogel, peter handke, olivier rolin, pavese,  robert walser, petr kral, von arnim,  sir john mennis,  ladies cabinet,  samuel johnson, edmund spenser,  efy poppy, yoko ogawa, machado,  kaurence durrell,  brigid brophy,  a. betram chandler, maria gabriella llansol, fowler,  ransmayr,  novick, llewellyn,  brennan, sean carroll,  julien rios, pintor, wraxall,  jaccottet, tabucchi,  iain banks, glasstone,  clarice lispector,  murakami, ludmilla petrushevskaya,  motoya, bachmann, lindqvist,  uwe johnson, einear macbride,  szentkuthy,  vladislavic, nanguel,  mathias enard,  chris tomas, jonathan meades,  armo schmidt, charles yu, micheal sorkin, vilas- matas, varesi, peter weiss,  stephenson, paul legrande,  virginie despentes, pessoa,  brin,  furst, gunter trass, umberto eco, reid, paul,klee, mario levero, hearn, judith schalansky, moorhead,  margert walters, rodchenko and popova, david king, alisdair gray, burroughs, ben fine, paul hirst, hindess,  kapuscinski, tchaikovsky,  brooke-rose, david hoon kim, helms,  mahfouz, ardret,  felipe fernandez-armesto,  young and tagomon,  aronson,  bonneuil and  fressoz, h.s. bennett, amy allen, bruckner brown, honegger, bernhard,  warren miller, albert thelen,  margoy bennett, rose macauley,  nenjamin peret, sax rohmer, angeliki, bostrom, phillip ball, the invisible commitee, bataille and leiris,  gregory bateson, michelle barrett and mary mcintosh, bardini, bugin, mcdonald, kaplan, buck-moores,  chesterman and lipman,  berman,  cicero, chanan,  chatelet,  helene cixous, iain cha,bers,  smirgel, norman clark, caird, camus,  clayre, chomsky, critchley,  curry,  swingewood,  luigi luca cavelli-sforza,  clark, esposito, doerner,  de duve, alexander dovzhenko, donzelot,  dennet, doyle, burkheim, de camp,  darwin,  dawkins,  didi-huberman, dundar, george dyson, berard deleuze, evo, barbara ehrenrich,  edwards,  e isenstein, ebeking, economy and society, esposito,  frederick gross,  david edgeerton,  douglas,  paul,feyerband,  jerry fodor,  gorrdiener,  tom forester, korsgaard,  fink,  floridi, elizabeth groscz, pierre francastel,  jane jacobs,  francois laplantinee,  gould,  galloway, goux,  godel, grouys, genette,  gil, kahloo, giddens,  martin gardner,  gilbert and dubar, hobbes,  herve, golinski, grotowski, glieck,  hayles, heidegger, huxley, eric hobsbawn, jean-louis hippolyte,  phillip hoare, tim jordan,  david harvey, hawking, hoggart,  rosemary jackson,  myerson,  mary jacobus, fox keller, illich,  sarah fofman, sylvia harvey, john holloway, han,  jaspers, yuk hui,  pierre hadot, carl gardner,  william james, bell hooks,  edmond jabes,  kierkegaard, alexander keen, kropotkin, tracy kidder,  mithen, kothari and mehta, lind,  c. joad,  bart kosko, kathy myers,  kaplan,  luce irigaraay, patrick ke iller, kittler,  catherine belsey,  kmar,  klossowski, holmes, kant, stanton,  ernesto laclau, jenkins, la mouffe,  walter john williams, adam greenfield, susan greenfield, paul auster, viet nguyen, jeremy nicholson,  andy weir, fred jameson,  lacoue-labarthe,  bede,  jane gallop, lacan,  wilden,  willy ley,  henri lefebvre, rob sheilds,  sandra laugier, micheal lowy, barry levinson, sylvain lazurus, lousardo, leopardo, jean-francois lyotard, jones,  lewontin,  steve levy,  alice in genderland,  laing, lanier, lakatos, laurelle, luxemburg,  lukacs, jarsh,  james lovelock, ideologu and consciousness, economy and society, screen, deleuze studies, deleuze and guattari studies,  bruno latour, david lapoujade,  stephen law, primo levi,  levi-strauss,  emmanuel levinas,  viktor schonberger, pierre levy, gustav landaur,  robin le poidevin,  les levidow, lautman, david cooper,  serge leclaire, catherine malabou, karl kautsky, alice meynall,  j.s. mill, montainge,  elaine miller, rosa levine-meyer, jean luc marion, henri lefebrve,  lipovetsky, terry lovell,  niklas luhmann,  richard may, machiavelli, richard mabey, john mullzrkey,  meyerhold, edward braun,  magri,  murray, nathanial lichfield, noelle mcafee,  hans meyer,  ouspensky, lucretius, asa briggs, william morris, christian metz, laura mulvey, len masterman,  karl mannheim, louis marin, alaister reynolds,  antonio  munoz molina,  FRAZER,  arno schmidt,  dinae waldman,  mark rothko, cornwall, micheal snow, sophie henaff, scarlett thomas,  matuszewski, lillya brik,  rosamond lehman , morris and o’conner,  nina bawden, cora sandel, delafield, storm jameson,  lovi , rachel ferguson,  stevie smith, pat barker, miles franklin, fay weldon,  crista wolff, grace paley, v. woolf, naomi mitchinson, sheila rowbotham,  e, somerville and v ross, sander marai,  jose  saramago,  strugatsky, jean echenoz, mark robso,  vladimir Vernadsky,  chris marker, Kim Stanley Robinson,  mario leverdo,  r.a. lafferty, martin bax, mcaulay, tatyana tolstaya,  colinn kapp,  jonathan meades,  franco fortini,  sam delany, philip e high, h.g. adler, feng menglong,  adam thorpe,  peeter nadas,  sam butler, narnold silver,  deren,  joanna moorhead, leonara carrington,  de waal,  hartt, botticelli,  charbonneau, casco pratolini,  murakami, aldiss,  guidomorselli, ludmilla petrushevskaya, ,schulz,  de andrade, yasushi. inoue, renoir,  amelie  nothomb,  ken liu,  prynne,  ANTIONE VOLODINE, luc brasso,  angela greene,  dorothea tanning,  eric chevillard,  margot bennett w.e. johns, conan doyle,  samuel johnson,  herge,  coutine-denamy, sterling, roubaud,  sloan, meiville,  delarivier manley, andre norton, perec, edward upward, tom mcCarthy,  magrinya,  stross,  eco, godden,  malcolm lowry,  derekmiller,  ismail kadare,  scott lynch, chris fowler, perter newman,  suzzana clarke,  paretky, juliscz balicki,  stanislaw maykowski, rajaniemi, william morris, c.k. crow,  ueys,  oldenburg,  mssrc chwmot,  will pryce,  munroe,  brnabas and kindersley, tromans,   lem, zelazny,  mitchinson, harry Harrison,  konstantin tsiolkovsky,  flammerion,  harrison, arthur c clarke, carpenter, john brunner,  anhony powell,  ted white, sheckley,  kristof, kempowski, shingo,  angelica groodischer,  rolin,  galeanom  dobin,  richard holloway,  pohl and kornbulth,  e.r. eddison,  ken macleodm  aldiss,  dave hutchinson,  alfred bester, budrys,  pynchon,  kurkov,  wisniewski_snerg, , kenji miyazawa,  dante,  laidlaw,  paek nam_nyong, maspero, colohouquon, hernandez,      christina hesselholdt, claude simon, bulgaakov,  simak,  verissimo,  sorokin,  sarraute,  prevert,  celan, bachmann,  mervin peake,  olaf stapledon,  sa rohmer,  robert musil,  le clezio,  jeremy cooper,  zambra,  giorgio de chirico,  mjax frisch,  gawron,  daumal,  tomzza,  canetti,  framcois maspero,  de quincy, defoe, green,, greene, marani,  bellatin,  khury, tapinar,, richmal crompton,  durrenmat,  fritz,  quintane,  volponi,  nanni balestrini,  herrera,  robert walser,  duras,  peter stamm,  m foster,  lan wright,  their theotokism  agustn de rojas, paul eluard,  sturgeon,  hiromi kawakomi,  sayaka murata,  wolfgang hilbig,  hmilton,  z  zivkovic,  gersson,  mallo,  bird,  chaudrey, Toussaint, Can Xue, Lewis Mumford, neitzsche, popper, zizek, scott westerfield, rousseau, lewis munford, tod may,  penelope maddy, elaine marks,  isabelle courtivron, leroi, massumi,  david sterritt, godard, millican and clark, macabe, negri,  mauss, maiimon, patrica maccormack, moretti, courtney humphries,  monad, moyn, malina, picasso, goldman, dambisa moyo,  merleau-ponty, Nicholson, knobe and nichols, poinciore, morris, ovid, ming, nail, thomas more, richard mabey,  macfarlane,  piscator,  louis-stempal,  negrastini, moore,  jacquline rose,  rose and rose, ryle, roszick, rosenburg, ravisson, paul ricoer,  rossler,  chantl mouffe,  david reiff, plato, slater, rowlands, rosa, john roberts,  rhan, dubios and rousseau, ronell,  jacques ranciere, mallarme,  quinodoz, peterpelbert, mary poovey, mackenzie, andrew price, opopper,  roger penrose, lu cino parisi,  gavin rae, parker and pollack,  mirowoski, perniola, postman, panofsky, propp, paschke and rodel, andre pickering, massabuau, lars svenddsen,  rosenberg and whyte, t.l.s. sprigger,  nancy armstrong,  sallis,  dale spender,  stanislavski,  vanessa schwartz,  shapin and shaeffer, sally sedgewick,  signs,  gabriel tarde,  charles singer, adam smith,  simondon,  pascal chablt,  combes, jon roffee, edward said,  sen,  nik farrell fox, sartre,  fred emery,  scholes, herbert spencer, ruth saw, spinoza,  raphael sassower, henry sidgewick, peter singer,  katarznya de lazari-radek,  piaget,  podach,  van der post, on fire, one press,  melossi and  pavarini,  pearl and mackenzie,  theirry paquot, tanizaki, RHS,  stone,  richard sennett,  graham priest,  osborn and pagnell, substance, pedrag cicovacki, schilthuizen,  susan sontag, gillian rose,  nikolas rose,  g rattery taylor, rose,  rajan,  stuart sim,  max raphael,  media culture and society,  heller- roazen,  rid, root, rossi, gramsci, showstack sasson, david roden,  adrew ross, rosenvallion, pauliina remes, pkato, peter sloterdijk, tamsin shaw, george simmel, bullock and trombley, mark francis,  alain supiot, suvin, mullen and suvin, stroma,  maimonides,  van vogt,  the clouds on unknowing, enclotic, thesis 11,  spivack,  kate raworth,  h.w. richardson,  hillial schwartz, stern, rebecca solnit, rowland parker,  pickering,  lukacs,  epicriud, epicetus, lucrtious,  aurelies,  w.j.oates,  thor Hanson,  thompson, mabey,  sheldrake,  eatherley,  plato, jeffries,  dorothy richardson,  arno schmidt,   earl derr biggersm  mary borden, birrel, arno schmidt,  o.a. henty,  berhard steigler,  victor serge,  smith,  joyce salisbury, pauer-studer,  timpanaro,  s helling, schlor, norman and welchman,  searle, emanuele severarimo,  tomasello, sklar, judith singer, walmisley,  thomas malthus,  quentin meilassoux,  alberto meelucchi,  mingione, rurnbull,  said, spufford and  uglow,  zone,  j.j.c. smartt, sandel, skater, songe-moller,  strawson,  strawson, strawson, raymond tallis,  toscano,  turkle,  tiqquin, diggins,  j.s. ogilivy, w.w. hutchings,  rackgam,  deiter roth,  dowell,  red notes,  campbell and pryce,osip brik, lilya brik, mayakovsky, zone, alvin toffker, st exupery, freya stark, warson, walsh, wooley, tiles and oberdick, timofeeva, richardson, marcuse,  marder,  wright,  ushenko, tolson, albebers and moholy- nagy, alyce mahon, gablik, burnett, barry, hill, fontaine, sanuel johnson,justin, block, taylor, peter handke, jacques rivette,  william sansom, bunuel and dali, tom bullough, aldius huxley, philip robinson, spendor, tzara,  wajcman, peter wohlleben,  prigogini,  paolo virno,  jeremy tunstall, theweliet,  taussig,  tricker,  vince,  thomss, williams,  vogl, new german critique,  e.p. thompson,  jean wahl, paul virilio, lotringer, christy wampole, verhaeghe, janet wolff, anna kavan, vergara,  uexkull,  couze venn, barry smart, vico,  vatimo, vernant, raoul vaneigem,  ibn warraq, vertov,  williams,  meiksins wood, norbert weiner, peter wollen,  h.g. wells,  michelle walker, , jeanne waelit  walters,  shaw and darlen, whorf,  ward and dubois,  john wright,  weinart, wolff, willis, wark, cosima wagner, j. weeks,  judith williamson,  welzbacher, erik olin wright, wittgenstein, kenny,  zeldin, wenders,  henry miller, wenkler, arrighi,  banks, innes, ushereood, kristeva, john cage, quignard,  t.f. powys, siri hustveldt, lem,  zelazny, mitchonson,  tsilolkovsky, toussaint, heppenstall, garrigasait, de kerangal, haine fenn, jean bloch,  geoff ryman, reve, corey, asemkulov, ernaux,  gareth powell, cory,  deleuze and guattari studies, cse, allain and souvestre, apolinaire, jane austen, john arden, aitmatov,  elizabth von arnim, paul auster, abish,  ackroyd, tom gunn, lorca, akhmatov, artuad,  simon armatige, albahari, felipe alfau, audem auden and soendor, varicco, barrico, bainbridge, asturias, ronan bennett, beckett, paul bowles, jane bowles, celine, bukowski,  wu ming, blissert,  kay boyle,  andrei  bely,  hugo barnacle,  BOLL,  isak dineson, karen blikson,  brodsky,  richmel crompton,  berry, barthleme,  mary butts, leonora carrington, cage,  chevhillard,  canetti,  cendres,  butor,  cortazar, danielewski,  bertha damon,  dyer, havier cercas, micheal dibden, marguerite duras, john donne, duras, durrell,  dorrie,  Fredric durrenmatt,  heppenstahl, eco, enzensberger, evanovich, fruentes,  farrell,  alison fell,  alisdair gray,  hollinhurst,  andre gide,  jean giono, gadda, henry green,  grass,  andre gorz,  william gibson,  joyce,  gombrowitz,  alex laishley, murakami,  herve guibert,  franz kafka,  juenger, junker, kapuscinski, laurie king,  kundera,  mcewan, ken macleod,  ian macdonald,  moers,  meades,  vonda macintyre,  nalmstom, maillert,  havier marias,  jeff noon,  anaus nin,  david nobbs,  peter nadas,  nabokov,  iakley, oates,  raymond queneau,  cesare pavese, paterson, ponge,  perte, perec, chinery, ovid,  genette,  kandinsky, robert pinget, richard piwers,  rouvaud, sloan, surrralist poetry, ilya troyanov, paul,raabe,  julien rios, arne dahl, pierre sollers, rodrigruez,  chris ross, renate rasp, ruiz, rulfo, tove jannsson, cabre,  vladislavic, tokarczuk, pessoa, jane bowles, calvino, lispector, lydia davis, can xue,  sebald, peter tripp,  hertzberg,  virginia woolf,  zozola, sorrentino, higgins,  v.w. straka, cogman, freud, jung, klein, winnecot, lacan,  fordham, samuels,  jung, freud, appignesai,  bjp, pullman, magnam, sybil marshall, mccarten,  galbraith, jewell,  lehmann,  levy,  levin, jung,  spinoza,  fairburn,  jung, sandler,  lacan,  laplanche,  pontalis, can, xue,  klein, cavelli, hawkins, stevens,  hanna segal, bollas,  welldon,  williams,  sutherland, buon,  symington,  morrison,  brittain,  sidoli, sidoli,  holmes, bowlby, winnecott,   bollas,  kalschiid,  malan, patrick casement,  anna frued, wittenburg,  liz wright,  fordham, fairburn, symington, sandler,  jung, balint,  coltart,  west, steiner,  van der post,  stern,  green,  roustang,  adrew samuels,  d.l. sayers,  salom, krassner,  swain,  rame and fo,  storr,  cogman,  hessen,  penelope fitzgerald,  cummings, richard holloway,  juhea kim,  glenville, heyer, cartland,  kim, cho,  atkinson,  james,  king, audten,  hartley,  du maurier,  bronte,  thomas, plath, leon,  camillairi, kaussar, fred fargas, boyd,  sjowall and wahloo,  pheby,  morenno-garcia, perrsson,  herron, nicola barker, arronovitch,  karen lord, stephen frosh, ernest jones, flamm o’brien, shin, mishra, chin jin-young and so on to the warm horizon
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
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City & Ghost
pairing: shawn mendes x ofc (narrated second person, reader) summary: maybe he shouldn’t call you. but maybe you shouldn’t pick up.  playlist: listen while reading rating: pg-13 (alcohol abuse, swearing, infidelity, older female/younger male, etc)  word count: 5639 status: complete / one-shot
author’s notes: just for clarification, my ofc is 27 in this story to shawn’s 20. not an impossibly crazy difference but enough to throw some hurdles in (especially since she’s married). click the ofc link for more info about Holland :) 
I look in the mirror past the buildings, The sky’s getting light Another piece of my innocence Is the admission I paid there tonight Though it makes me sick, and I imagine her saying “You’re better than this…”
Nine minutes after midnight and your phone nearly vibrates right off the kitchen counter.
He’s got his own ringtone so you know when it’s safe to answer. The rational part of your brain says, ‘Damn girl just block his number. Have some mercy on the boy. Let him move on. Force him to move on.’ Only one problem with that…you’re weak for him too.
It doesn’t matter tonight though. Alec is in San Diego and the only person you’re cleaning up after is yourself.
“Hey…” It’s all you can think of to say. Maybe you should applaud him for the whole month he took this time in between calls. Maybe you would, if it hadn’t been excruciating. If your stomach wasn’t doing swimmer’s backflips over having him reach out for you again.
“I miss you.” You know immediately that he’s wasted out of his mind. ‘Isn’t he always?’ Your mind echos back. It’s an unfair statement, because he’s only 20 and he’s on tour and why would he call you sober. But lately it’s a little too true.
“I miss you too, baby boy…” God, you wish the words were a lie, dripping from your lips only for his sake. But they’re not. There’s a rusty metal ache in your skin that’s almost too much at times. Like a hangover no pill will fix. “Yeah?” Doubt is strung up in his voice like christmas lights. It’s been so long, he doesn’t believe you. Not anymore. It’s like a knife slashed across your ribs to hear him hurt, knowing you’re the reason why. “What do you miss?”
Your teeth tug at your lip. You should not be having this conversation. You should not be lighting that flame in his heart again. But fuck, it’s such a relief to confess the words to someone. Anyone. Even if it’s just him.
“I miss…waking up at four am to you playing piano.” That morning comes back to you with stunning clarity. He’d tried so hard to be quiet, but his inspiration had been a hungry mistress,  sinking her teeth too deeply into that beautiful skin to be ignored. You’d never been able to find any anger or annoyance in your heart over it though, despite the sleep lost.
You thought Alec’s snoring was annoying. But apparently, Shawn just doesn’t sleep at all.
It’s a little worrisome. Friday night, the non-profit you work for had hosted a charity Gala. Not only had Shawn played at the event, but the next day he’d shown up at the high-profile, private meet and greet that had been offered as an incentive for ‘diamond tier’ donors, (so they could bring their rich little brats to ooh and ahh over him as well). And later that evening he’s scheduled to play Allstate Stadium. He needs to rest. But for the second night in a row, you’re waking up to piano notes being plucked from the stars while Chicago still sleeps.
You barely know him. Only met him at the Gala. But you don’t know how to cut him loose and your husband is in Houston; won’t be home until Monday night.
You’re madly in love with Alec. Never would’ve married him if it weren’t true (not that the money hurts…). Loyalty has never been a question in the past. Just the thought of another man touching you has always turned your stomach. But…Shawn needs you. And maybe you need him too. Not because anything has been missing. But because your light refuses to turn away from his. It’s instinctual. Something beyond choice or reason.
Leaning in the corridor entryway, you watch his body shift along to the music he’s creating. His strong shoulders beat out a rhythm in lieu of drums. He’s singing so softly and you can tell it’s tearing him apart just a little. To try and keep the beast of raw creativity that beats inside him on a leash.
And I won’t be a product of my genre My mind will always be stronger than my songs are Never believe the bullshit that fake guys feed to ya Always read the stories that you hear on Wikipedia And musically I’m demonstrating When I perform live, feels like I am meditating
Wandering across the living room, you can’t help the smile tugging at your mouth. He’s so fucking beautiful. And it’s not his pale, milky skin. Or his adorable curls. Or even those sexy brown eyes. It’s not his tight abs or his thick arms or his strong back. It’s the light that pours out of him, like a cup running over. The passion for music and life rattling through him like a wooden-track roller coaster. The raw, unbroken way he still looks at the world and smiles. Still feels hope. Still wants more. You’re not sure when you lost that light…but at twenty-six years old, you’re already terrified it might never come back. Maybe it’s that fear that makes it feel as if…walking away from him would be the end of you. Because this is the most alive you’ve felt in years.
You watch him and you wonder, ‘is this how Hades felt when he first saw Persephone…?’
Arms sliding over his shoulders and around his neck, you lean to kiss along his jaw and cheek. Grin when you feel his own smile, almost too wide for his pretty face, matching yours. Despite his happiness at your touch, you feel his muscles tense. He’s so used to being told who to be. Where to stand. What words to say. Which camera to smile into. He’s already bracing himself for the inevitable. Already waiting for you to tell him to keep it down. To go back to sleep.
“Sing it louder, baby.” You whisper into his ear, still smiling hard as your arm stays draped across his chest. “We own the whole floor. Ain’t nobody gunna hear you but me.” You rarely let anyone hear your Kentucky accent. No one is supposed to know your tragic backstory. Not here in the city. Least of all, what’s sure to be a weekend fling with some teen heartthrob superstar you’ll never see again. But you can’t seem to help it. Around him, the refined lady you’ve worked so hard to become slides instinctively back into the Harlan County wildflower you grew up as.
His smile grows until his eyes nearly disappear and the boy leans to steal a soft kiss.
“You sure? S’four in the morning.” His chuckle is low in his chest as he nuzzles at your soft skin. Like a puppy reassuring himself is pack is still there. “Don’t wanna annoy you ‘n get kicked out.”
Shaking your head slowly, your hands gently tip his head back. Dust a kiss to his nose, then in between his eyes. Something about the way he relaxes so completely in your arms, his features euphorically neutral as if he’s just spent a day at the spa, making you feel as if you hung the damn sun in the sky.
“Wanna hear you fuck that shit up.” You flash him a wide smile that he returns without hesitation. Scritching at his hair playfully, you head to the kitchen. He’s been in your line of vision for nearly 48 hours and you’ve hardly seen him eat a thing. But not here, not on your watch. ��I’ll make you some breakfast.”
I’m still the same as a year ago But more people hear me though According to the myspace and youtube videos I’m always doing shows, if I’m not I’m in the studio Truly broke, never growing up call me Ruffio Melody music maker Reading all the papers They say I’m up and coming like I’m fucking in an elevator ‘Cause you need me, man, I don’t need you
The Ed Sheeran song sounds good like this. Slowed down and smokey wrapped up in his tired voice. The lyrics are cocky but his passion is too damn infectious, his talent too explosive, for it to come off as anything other than fun (besides, you think to yourself, what’s wrong with a little confidence if you can walk your talk?). Brewing a strong pot of coffee to share, you’d made a whole pan of  scrambled eggs with bacon. Watched him play until the sun was peeking out over Chicago’s skyline to greet you. Then cuddled on the couch as you fed him. Until his fatigue finally started winning rounds. He’d fallen asleep on top of you, his ribs on your stomach as your hand caressed up and down along his spine. Humming softly in his ear, your eyes drifted back to the piano.  
You’d never cared about that stupid grand, had been annoyed at Alec just for buying the overpriced centerpiece to your penthouse living room when neither of knew how to play. It had sat there, doing nothing but collecting dust and looking pretentious. Until it came to life under Shawn’s fingers. Just like you…                                                       ///
“Hmm…wrote a good song on that beauty.” You can’t help but smile at the sound of his own smirk. Every atom in your body had screamed at you not to listen when his new album had dropped. But you had anyway. And your heart had slammed into your chest when you’d heard the chords he’d composed hidden behind your walls first.
“Yeah, you did… proud’a you, you know.”
A long pause follows and you think you hear him swallow. Maybe he doesn’t know…
“Say it again?”
Eyes falling closed, a quiver shakes your bottom lip as you fight the tears. God, he sounds so broken. Over the past year, you’ve spent…maybe nineteen or twenty days together in total. Every time you tell yourself it’s the last time. But then he calls… and you love Alec so fucking much… but…
“I’m so fucking proud of you, baby. I mean it. There’s too much damn talent burnin’ through you. Watching you perform is like… watching a meteor shower.”
Quiet again. But this time the background clinking of glass on glass seems to suggest he’s doing his best to fight off the creeping edges of sobriety. You can just picture him in the dark of his hotel suite, curtains drawn so he can see the city lights. Still wearing whatever he went out in after his show. Hands shaking as he pours himself another round from the mini bar.    
“If you went out onto the roof right now…could you see the stars?” Lord, he’s so drunk. He grew up near enough to a city. He should remember damn well you can’t see the stars uptown.
Leaning over a bit to scratch your leg, you chew at your lip. You know where he’s going with this. You’re still pathetic enough to want to fall down the rabbit hole.
“Probably not. City’s the same as it ever was…”  
“Oh…yeah.” Disappointment drags his voice down into the gutter. “Would you go out anyway? We could just… be under the same sky?”
You’re not sure that’s how it works. According to the pictures on Instagram, he’s in Miami. You’re in the Midwest. Technically, you’d be staring out at two different expanses of space. But you’d do anything for him. And the lie sounds so sweet.
“Course, baby. Always.” Standing, you move to grab a sweater and some shoes. Then cross the room to the penthouse elevator that leads to the roof. That’s yours as well and you’d been in charge of its renovation when Alec bought the place. A small garden sits up there, along with a modest pool and stone fire pit. The accent features play host to the ghosts you try not to look in the eye. But walking outside invites them in like a séance.
Your hand is in his dragging him up the stairs. Sure you could take the penthouse elevator, but racing down the hall and then up the maintenance stairwell is more fun. The door bursts open and the wind blows you around a bit, your own inertia sending you both spinning until you nearly fall over.
“And this! Is my pride ‘n joy. I designed all this. The garden ‘n the pool. Firepit.” He stands behind you, arms around your shoulders, kissing your cheek as you point out each feature. In the distance, Lake Michigan glints under a breathlessly breezy summer day.
You had planned out the roof carefully. Each feature exists in its own space and yet in harmony with the others. You enjoy showing the place off. All your friends have sexy, sleek uptown apartments. None of them have anything this unique. This tangible and sensory driven. Every new set of eyes laid on the place always mindlessly ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s over the space. If they’re feeling extra obnoxious, they might throw out a few technical design terms they picked up from HGTV. You expect Shawn to do the same.
But somehow, he sees the puzzle. Puts the pieces together quicker than anyone else.
“Earth, water, fire… I guess Lake Michigan takes care of the wind.”
“Clever boy.”  Impressed, you match his smile and slowly nod. Absently, your fingers toy with his much longer ones and your head rests back against his chest as both of you take in the city. “I guess those things have always felt the most real to me. The five elements.”
“Mm,” You tug on your lip, trying to remember how elegantly your grandmother had explained it. “Element of spirit. None of it means anything if it’s not alive. It’s the energy we borrow from the universe that allows any of the elements to connect. To borrow from one another. Feed one another. Find one another. Love one another.”
“So…up here….you’re the spirit element?”
Your head quirks and you turn in his arms. Quiet surprise hangs in the air between you for a long string of moments…before your arms finally curl around him. Tilting your head back, you scritch your nails lightly, affectionately across his back. A smile slowly pulls at your lips.
“How’d you figure that out, pretty boy?” It’s overwhelming enough that he’s so beautiful. So full of life. Bursting at the seams with talent and passion. Confusingly good. And so disarmingly vulnerable. The fact that he also understands you effortlessly is near impossible to wrap your head around.
A shrug falls from his broad shoulders and he nuzzles at your nose. He has the best view in Chicago to feast on, but his focus is locked on you. Fingertips brushing down your cheek, they slide up into your hair. In an attempt to curb the game of twister Chicago’s wind is playing with it, his fingers curl around the long strands gently, then fist just enough to clasp it all in place. You’re forced to stand closer to him as a side effect, but you’ve suffered far worse.
“That’s so beautiful. That you refuse to let the city take that away from you.” It’s the first time anyone has seen through your ‘perfectly manicured uptown midwestern wife’ charade. The first time anyone’s suspected that maybe there’s still some part of you bucking against the saddle. Alec has always taken care of you. But Shawn is in your blood, undressing your soul instead of just your body.
Reaching up to grip his neck, you pull him down into a warm, deep kiss. Push open his hoodie and rest your body against his. How the hell he’d sorted the secret language of you was still a mystery. But that was the moment you knew you loved him.
“You know I’m gunna be in Chicago next week…” “Are you?” The sirens go off in your brain as you lean against the cement edge of your rooftop. ‘Absolutely not. You need to leave him alone.’ This isn’t even about staying loyal to Alec. Shawn deserves everything you can’t give him. Deserves a girl his own age. Someone who is available to anoint him in love every minute of every day like it’s holy oil and she’s his priestess. Keeping him stitched into your bone marrow is thievery. You’re stealing time he should be spending happy, with some pretty young thing as full to bursting with energy as he is.
“You still in the city?” “Yes, love. I’m right here, hmm? Same place you left me.” You feel like an undergrad at Northwestern all over again, listening to your drunk friends ramble in nonsensical circles as they stumble back towards sobriety.
“Didn’t leave you…” He’s pouting like a puppy, but your voice stays even and gentle. Patient as ever. Maybe the one advantage your age gives you with him is maturity. What might stir up a fight with a hormonal teenager, is just another chance to soothe him for you.
“You know that’s not what I meant, sweet boy. I know you’d never leave me. Not… not really.” What the fuck is wrong with you? How long is it going to be until this story shows up in the headlines. Before everyone else sees just how sick and cruel and pathetic you really are.
“I wanna see you. Tell me I can see you.” You hear a sliding glass door open and wind hits the receiver in small gusts. He’s always been a sucker for a balcony. You’re fairly certain he can’t see the stars either, but you’re almost certain you hear ocean waves in the distance. 
“Baby…” One little word. You don’t mean for it to sound so loaded.
“You don’t want to? …Say it out loud then. Tell me you don’t want to see me and I’ll leave you alone.” There goes that pride again, trying to eat him whole from the inside out. He’s the sweetest boy in the world. But every now and then, when he’s stressed and lonely and drunk, his insecurities swim in his blood like piranhas.
Slowly, you drag in a breath. He can’t possibly understand all the ways this is wrong. On fire with his own youth, he knows nothing but chasing desire. Burning regret to the ground as if feeling alive is his only religion.
“S’nothing to do with want, baby. Always want you.”
It takes a few moments of silence but he finally circles back. The edge has left his voice (he’s never known how to be an asshole for more than 10 seconds at a time) but he’s still stubborn as always.
“I know it’s not Alec. I know you don’t love him more.”
“But I do love him.”
“Not enough to quit me.”
His words are a slap to the face and sting just the same. Swallowing, you fight all the instincts you learned from your mother. Lashing out (Oh, grow up and make your own mind up then. You’re twenty not five). Deflecting (you’re the one who called me). Jabbing at weak spots he was vulnerable enough only with you to show (aren’t there a million other girls who’d come clean you up right now? Or boys?). As guilty as the age difference makes you feel… you’re thankful you didn’t meet him when you were twenty. What a disgustingly toxic mess that would’ve been.
Dragging in a deep breath, you rub at your temple. Remind yourself he doesn’t mean it as harsh as it sounds. That he’s just hurt and wasted and trying to prove a point.
“You gunna hold it against me that I’m weak for you too?” You hope he can hear the slight pout in your sad, soft voice. He must, because you can feel the sobriety sweep over him for a moment. Like heavy rain sweeping down into a valley.
“Then what the hell is it Holland?” The sigh falls off his lips more tired, more defeated than angry.
Sometimes, if you drink a little too much wine and think about it a little too long, this shit with him still breaks you down into tears. Sometimes you don’t know why. Your own husband has a whole decade on you. So why is Shawn’s seven years younger always giving you so much grief?
“I have no right to love you…”
“…I don’t understand what that means. Please don’t be self-righteous right now. You don’t… you don’t understand how hard this is without you. You have no idea how fucking… messed up I feel all the time.”
But you do. It’s how you two met.
Each long evening gown that walks into the charity gala sparkles like a disco ball. The kitchen is buzzing with the refilling of trays and the fizzing of champagne. The donations are pouring in so fast, the attendants can hardly keep up with receipts. And, as usual, you are the spinning wheel of fortunes at the center keeping it all perfectly on track. St. Christopher’s is the largest non-profit foundation in the Midwest. Over the past six years, you’ve diligently worked your way up from undergrad intern to the Publicity Chair’s Executive Assistant. It doesn’t sound exciting but in the heart of a city as busy as yours, you’re essentially party planning for the elite. And honestly…it’s everything you ever wanted. Hell, this whole pop star performing at the Gala thing was your idea. Browsing the Allstate Arena’s schedule last year had led you to Shawn Mendes. Not for any particular reason other than the dates matched up nicely. He’d be in town for a show anyway and likely had the star power to generate enough interest. So you reached out.
Well, not to Shawn personally. Just his PR manager. But still, he’d agreed happily to stop by and you couldn’t be happier with how well he was working the crowd now. Taking pictures, signing autographs, navigating overpersonal questions with an impressively charming diplomacy. If he wasn’t already wildly successful at music, you’d have offered him a job on your team.
Dinner is served right on time, but neither you nor the night’s golden boy get to sit down or eat. You’re checking that dessert is being plated up in the kitchen and that trash is being rotated out fast enough. He’s up on stage, performing a few of his latest hits with his band. You’ve never heard his music before. Pop kind of isn’t your thing. The bluesy rock/folk you listen to is perhaps one of the last remaining hints that could give away your true roots as the granddaughter of a Kentucky coal miner.   
Aren’t you shocked when you march out of the kitchen, only to find him spilling his guts up on stage. A guitar crying in his hands, a microphone his voice is all but making love to. No pop in sight. Your steps slow to a dead stop. The guitar in his hands bleeds out a euphoric set of chords that break open your ribs and pool in your chest.
Nothing physically has changed. He’s still the same, tall dark and handsome kid that walked in two hours ago. No, the change is all you. You’ve woken up. You can see his cracks and all the light pouring out of them. As if he’s holding a nursery of stars inside his chest and their fire is barely contained.  
The powerhouse performance disarms your heart, shatters it into a million little pieces. But looking around, you can see… it’s not going over quite so well on the rich upper class of Chicago. This just isn’t their style. Most of them really only came for the signed photos they plan on giving to their spoiled ass children. And he’s used to working a crowd of teenage girls who hang on his every word. You can see his confidence faltering a bit. Hear his voice backing off from attempting to hit the harder notes. By the time the two-song set ends, he barely gets out a slightly shaky ‘thank you’ to respectful applause before he’s nearly bolted off the stage.
Maybe it’s a dumb idea to walk backstage right now. To check the kitchen and then the green room and then the men’s bathroom. You’re not meant to chase the deer once it runs from the headlights. And this isn’t just a party. You’re at work.
The excuses go on and on in your head. Rationalizing. Criticizing. But your steps continue down the hotel hallway once they’ve cleared the grand ballroom. There’s only so many rooms he could’ve ducked into and most of them are locked, with signs reading ‘employees only’. Your golden, satin ballgown billows behind you as you chase his trail. You couldn’t possibly have lost him. What’d he do? Book a room upstairs and check-in before you’d even gone searching?
Finally, you reach the entrance to the hotel pool. The gym. He’s not in any of those and this is where the hallway ends…What the hell? Head foggy with confusion and stomach turning with worry, you slowly circle back. You checked every single open door, didn’t you?
Suddenly, your adrenaline sharpened focus snags on a door you hadn’t noticed before. The family bathroom closer to the lobby. It’s nearly 10pm. No one will need to use this right now. You gotta hand it to him. Kid’s a genius.   
You find him sitting on the floor, shaking and sweating. Flushed and barely breathing. The sight of you seems to only make it worse and for a moment he tries hard to scramble up on his feet.
“I’m…I’m sorry, I’ll…I’ll be right…right out…” God, he must think you’re here to drag him back. Seeing how unsteady his long legs are, you reach out and grip his arms.
“Hey…” Voice soft, you fight hard to regain your balance in your heels as his weight leans into you. Left without a choice, you slowly help him back to the floor. But this time, you ensure he’s sitting against the wall.
You suffered terrible bouts of anxiety before Alec. Therapy had never worked. The pills made you feel like a walking corpse. Your husband is the only thing that had truly gotten you through. It’s one of the things any marine learns. How to deal with stress at the most inconvenient times. How to pull someone out of their own head in seconds flat. Watching Shawn break down like this, it’s like holding yourself seven years ago and all you can think is that you want to be his Alec. Biting back tears, you fight to be strong for him as you pull one shaking, pale hand up to face your own.
“Can you name your fingers as I touch them?” His eyes fall from yours, the adam’s apple in his throat bobbing as he swallows hard. He doesn’t know you. Not really. And you can see it in his eyes. The same doubt there was any hope you could truly handle this that you’d always felt. He’s honestly just hoping you’ll hurry up and get frustrated sooner rather than later. To just leave already so he can pick up these pieces on his own and not under the watchful eye of an older woman whose job is counting on him getting his shit back together. Very gently tipping his chin up so his eyes are forced back to yours, you touch your thumb to his own. “You know that, hmm? What’s the name of that finger?”
Your voice stays soft. Even and cool. Encouraging. The same river-bed voice your grandmother had used to comfort you before she’d died. Before you’d been left to fend for yourself against a manic-depressive, Oxy dependent mother. In all honesty, you’re a bit surprised. It’s been so long since your grandmother died and you had no idea you’d picked up the ability before now.
Slowly getting the breath back in his lungs, Shawn’s eyes find your hand and his. Seems to realize for the first time that he’s touching you.
A smile tugs at your mouth and you cup his cheek.
“Good. That’s so good.” Your pointer fingertip touches his own. “And this one?”
“P-pointer…” You nod and he follows each careful touch with a soft murmur. “Ring …index …p-pinky.”
Finding yourself proud of the boy, you flash him a smile. Lean to brush a kiss to his sweating temple. You can’t help but notice that his pupils, blown out a moment earlier, seem to be shrinking again. A good sign that he’s calming.
“That’s really good, love.” Shifting to sit down properly, you twine your fingers through his, hoping to give him an anchor.  “Can you tell me the color of my dress?”
He glances over. Swallows again. This one takes a little longer as his eyes trace the lines of the dress. He’s not stuck on the color. You can tell. He’s just trying to swim through a head flooded with adrenaline.
“Mmhmm.” Squeezing his hand, you nod. “Close your eyes, sweetheart. Count three things you can hear.”
Resting his head back against the cool tile, he does as he’s told. Squeezes your hand after a moment to make sure you’re still there. Then finally focuses.
“H-hum of the AC…running water in the next bathroom…Phil Collins.” You both laugh softly at that. He’s not wrong. The hotel’s lobby loudspeaker system seems to reach even in here and you notice the song too now he’s said it.
Resting your own head back against the tile as well, you sing along softly under your breath. It’s not long before he’s doing the same, the distraction seeming to help.
You can tell from the lines on her face You can see that she’s been there Probably been moved on from every place Cause she didn’t fit in there Oh, think twice, 'cause another day For you and me in paradise
Turning to glance at him, you realize then there’s no getting him back into that ballroom. And honestly, you wouldn’t even want to. A switch in you has flipped. Work can wait. The influential elite of the city you’re trying to conquer can go fuck themselves. Nothing matters more to you right now than looking after him. You couldn’t explain where the all-consuming black hole came from. Or how it suddenly ripped open inside of you. It’s just there, undeniable and inescapable.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be, love?”
He shakes his head. Yawns and scoots closer. Suddenly, you wish he wasn’t so much bigger than yourself. Wish he was just the scared four-year old he looks like right now and you could scoop him up and wrap him in a blanket.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” You realize how it sounds the moment it jumps out of your lips. You’re sure a hundred girls must proposition him every day. Scared to freak him out further, you squeeze his hand and slowly help tug him up. “Just…you know, some food. A guest bed. Maybe just a few hours away from being ‘Shawn Mendes’?”
He gets through an eager nod and you help him over to the sink.   
“Mmk, why don’t you wash some cold water over your face, love? I’ll grab my things ‘n meet you in the back lot.”
It’s only as you’re turning to go that he works up any words.
“Holland? I…Thank you…” Leaning against the sink, his sweaty curls fall into his eyes. Slowly, he’s starting to look less like a lost child and more like himself again.
“You’re welcome, honey.” Your smile is soft, but full of warmth. You know exactly what he just went through. And to know you helped him pull out of that collapsing star makes you feel like the hero in a fairytale. The storybook princess who just saved the prince. “I’ll be right back for you.”
“I’ll be waiting.”   
“I know, baby…I know that…” Swallowing, you push away from the cement barrier of the rooftop. Rub at your forehead a bit as your manicured feet pace tiredly across the cement floor. “I’m sorry. I never meant to be vague or cryptic. I just meant…I can’t leave him for you. I can’t be what you need. I’m not good for you.”
“That’s not up to you.” He insists stubbornly.
“But it is. I’m seven years older than you, Shawn. It’s on me to make that call.”
“That is such bullshit, and you know it. I’ve been fucking…forced to grow up way faster than anyone else I know from the moment I stepped into Hollywood. I’ve been making more money than my parents since I was sixteen. I’ve been on tour since I was seventeen. And I haven’t stopped. I always fucking show up. Even when I feel like I’m walking around in a fucking corpse. I always do what has to be done. I always will. Do not tell me I don’t understand what I’m saying. My body is twenty years old. I’m not.”
Silence follows as his words sink like stones in the river of your bloodstream. You can’t argue with him there. It’s not fair for him to be forced into the responsibilities of an adult, only then to be treated like a child.
And the truth is… either way, you haven’t quite figured out how to truly deny him anyway.
“Text me the details of where you’ll be staying when you get here, yeah? I’ll…sort an excuse.”
“Well, you better pack a pretty big bag. ‘Cause once I have you, I’m not letting you go again.”
Shaking your head a how drunk he is, you laugh softly.
“Baby, please get some sleep, hmm? For me?”
“Mm mm. Stay on the phooone.”
God damnit. That pouty little baby voice is always so unfair. Sighing heavily, you consider threatening him playfully. Teasing that you’ll fly with Alec to New York next week if he doesn’t take care of himself. But that means you’d actually have to hang up.
“If I stay on the phone, you have to drink some water. And lay down. Promise?”
“…You’re really gunna let me see you next week?”
“Course, honey. Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
Yawning deeply, you can all but hear him nod as his voice finally gives in to his body’s exhaustion. The wind interference clears as he heads back into his suite. A sigh of relief loosens from your chest. You’re never crazy about him being outside and up that high when he’s so drunk. 
“Mmk…water ‘n down.”
“Good, baby. That’s good… I love you, hmm?” Switching on your rooftop firepit, you slouch down into the armchair that gives you the best view of Lake Michigan in the moonlight. You’ll stay up as long he needs you to. Even if that’s sunrise. 
“I love you too, Holls… only you.”
29 notes · View notes
intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   male   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my third milestone on here ( thank you sm ) , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+male names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
Tumblr media
A : alston, ander, adamo, alex, austen, ace, arian, adrian, atlas, augustus, axel, archer, angel, archie, aaron, abel, asher, amir, adriel, andrew, ace, alejandro, arlo, adonis, atticus, abram, ambrose. 
B : bryce, bryson, benji, bellamy, banks, bear, beau, bentley, barrett, brody, brayden, bennett, braxton, bowen, briggs, baker, bruce, benson, bristol, boston, brycen, bryant, brock, brendan, bruno, byron, braden, bronson, braeson.
C : colton, cartier, cyrus, caleb, carter, cedric, carson, cohen, calvin, callum, casper, caspius, chase, cole, connor, camden, colt, caden, cash, crew, chance, clayton, cruz, cairo, corbin, colson, cesar, clark. 
D : damon, damien, darren, dylan, dominic, declan, dean, dario, drew, dimitri, dakota, dawson, daxton, dante, desmond, denver, dax, deacon, drake, derrick, darius, duke, deandre, dash, dilan, dayton, duncan, dior. 
E : eduardo, edward, elias, emilien, evan, easton, everett, emmett, enzo, ezra, elliot, emmanuel, ezekial, elias, emerson, eric, emory, edwin, elian, esteban, edison, emir, everest, eliseo, everley.
F : florencio, flynn, fabio, forester, francis, flynn, fallon, finn, finnick, felix, fernando, finnegan, fabian, ford, forbes, fletcher, fisher, fox, fitz, flint, fulton. 
G : giovanni, gage, gomez, grayson, griffin, grant, graham, gavin, grant, gianni, gunner, gideon, gregory, grey, gustavo, guillermo, gentry, gadiel, gabriel. 
H : halton, herman, holden, hayes, hudson, hayden, harrison, harlow, harvey, hugo, hank, henley, holland, hamza, hugh, houston, hakeem. 
I : isaac, icarius, idris, ian, ivan, isaiah, ismael, ilan, irvin, iain. 
J : julian, juniper, joao, joaquim, jordan, jaxton, joshua, josiah, javier, jayden, justin, jonah, jace, jasper, jay, jj, jackson, jeremiah, judah, joel, jensen, jaylen, jonas, jamal. 
K : kai, kolton, kaleb, klaus, kyrie, kingston, kayden, king, kobe, knox, kyler, kaden, khalil, kane, killian, keegan, kian, kamden, kieran, keanu, kyland, kareem, kasen, 
L : liam, lukas, logan, lucien, lawrence, leo, leighton, leon, lindell, lamar, latrell, larson, lance, levi, luke, landon, luca, lincoln, landon, lorenzo, london, lennox, leonel, lawson, luciano, layton, lux, leroy, lamar. 
M : micaiah, mateo, marcell, manny, mac, malcolm, mckay, meechie, matias, mason, maverick, mitch, murphy, miles, malachi, maddox, marshall, malik, moses, marvin, milo. 
N : noah, nicolai, nasir, nico, nash, neymar, naveen, nehemiah, nixon, nelson, nigel, niles, nolyn, namir. 
O : orlando, ozzy, oliver, omar, orion, otto, odin, otis, oskar, osvaldo, owen. 
P : peyton, parker, pearce, prince, preston, porter, pierre, penn, patton, paxton, paolo, pope, percy. 
Q : quentin, quinn, quint, quang. 
R : roman, rowan, reid, riggs, reece, rafael, ryland, roland, ronan, rhett, rhys, rory, rainer, roscoe, rocco, ryder, ryker, remington, russell, romeo, raiden, ruben, ridge, rex, rudy, remy. 
S : sawyer, spencer, salem, salvatore, stefan, samson, sebastian, samuel, santiago, silas, sutton, sterling, sully, sergio, seth, santino, santibel, soren, saint, samir, saul, sal, santos, slater, santino. 
T : tyson, tyrin, taylor, teagan, tobias, troye, tristan, tucker, theo, torrento, tanner, travis, tripp, trenton, trey, tomas, talon, thad, terrance, teddy. 
U : uriel, ulysesses, umar, urbane, uri, ursel, usher. 
V : valencio, victor, valence, valentino, vance, victor, vaughn, vincent, virgil, vernon, vander, vito, vero, villard. 
W : wick, walker, weston, wyatt, wolfgang, wells, wilder, wesley, walter, warren, wade, winston, watson, wiley, waylen. 
X : xavier, xander, xane, xavion, xavi, xiomar, xackery, xan. 
Y : yosef, yosan, york, yasir, yoel, yuri, yannis.
Z : zane, zakhar, zavier, zion, zahir, zev, zeus, zacharias.
962 notes · View notes
My MET Gala List
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sadie Sink
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Margot Robbie
AnnaSophia Robb
Sarah Hyland
Lily Collins
Madelaine Petsch
Camila Mendes
Saoirse Ronan
Melissa McCarthy
Florence Pugh
Rebecca Ferguson
Halle Berry
Keke Palmer
Miranda Cosgrove
Madison Pettis
Millie Bobby Brown
Amy Adams
Jessica Alba
Jessica Chastain
Phillipa Soo
Lupita Nyong’o
Gal Gadot
Anna Kendrick
Blake Lively
Jessica Biel
Ariel Winter
Winona Ryder
Zoe Saldana
Charlize Theron
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Kidman
Emilia Clarke
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Idina Menzel
Viola Davis
Emily Blunt
Sofía Vergara
Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Seyfried
Constance Wu
Elizabeth Olsen
Ana de Armas
Karen Gillan
Beanie Feldstein
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Hugh Jackman
Daveed Diggs
Jared Leto
Finn Wolfhard
Tom Holland
James McAvoy
Leslie Odom Jr.
Regé-Jean Page
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
KJ Apa
Idris Elba
David Harbour
Caleb McLaughlin
Bill Skarsgård
Alexander Skarsgård
John Krasinski
Stanley Tucci
Charlie Heaton
Robert Downey Jr.
Taron Egerton
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Halle Bailey
Chloe Bailey
Alessia Cara
Alicia Keys
Céline Dion
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
Elton John
The Weeknd
Lily-Rose Depp
Cara Delevingne
Taylor Hill
Elsa Hosk
Josephine Skriver
Romee Strijd
Jasmine Tookes
Lais Ribeiro
Sara Sampaio
Heidi Klum (does she even still model?)
Candice Swanepoel
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Behati Prinsloo
Miranda Kerr
Adut Akech
Paloma Elsesser
Kaia Gerber
Adriana Lima
Alessandra Ambrosio
Gisele Bündchen
Valentina Sampaio
Karlie Kloss (does she even still model?)
Gigi Hadid
Bella Hadid
Kendall Jenner
Lily Aldridge
Soo Joo Park
Paris Jackson
Daphne Groeneveld
Blanca Padilla
Sophie Turner
Nick Jonas
Jennifer Lopez
Billie Eilish
Billy Porter
Zoë Kravitz
Tiffany Haddish
Dakota Johnson
Kerry Washington
Mindy Kaling
Donatella Versace
Anna Wintour
Vera Wang
Tory Burch
Benedict Cumberbatch
Serena Williams
Kasey Musgraves
Katy Perry
Frank Ocean
Julianne Moore
Michael B. Jordan
Jordan Peele
Janelle Monáe
Ashley Graham
Mary-Kate Olsen
Ashley Olsen
Jennifer Connelly
Irina Shayk
Diane von Furstenberg
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Jeremy Scott (designer for Moschino)
Katie Holmes
Emily Ratajkowski
Gwen Stefani
Julia Garner
Angelina Jolie
Alicia Vikander
Adwoa Aboh
Jourdan Dunn
Solange Knowles
Billie Lourd
Daisy Ridley
John Boyega
Emma Stone
Bri Larson
Rita Ora
Dua Lipa
Naomi Scott
Law Roach
Kate Moss
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Zoey Deutch
Michelle Williams
Kiernan Shipka
Rachel McAdams
Florence Welch
Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat on Instagram)
Grace Elizabeth
Joey King
Dan Stevens
Christian Siriano
Jeremy Scott
Alessandro Michele (designer for Gucci)
Miuccia Prada
Elie Saab
Iris Van Herpen
Han Chong (designer for Self-Portrait)
Maria Grazia Chiuri (designer for Christian Dior)
Anthony Vaccarello (designer for Saint Laurent)
Silvia Ventura Fendi
Giambattista Valli
Zuhair Murad
Virginie Viard (designer for Chanel)
Ben Affleck
Elaine Welteroth
Nina Garcia
Imaan Hammam
Sara Paulson 
Julia Roberts
Brandon Maxwell
Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino)
Yara Shahidi
Gemma Chan
Laverne Cox
Lucy Boynton
Naomi Campbell
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rami Malek
Sienna Miller
Aurora James
Carey Mulligan
Charli XCX
Alexa Chung
Stella Maxwell
Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea
Dapper Dan
Camila Coelho
Deepika Padukone
Tommy Hilfiger
Violet Chachki
Nasiba Adilova
Shailene Woodley
Ansel Elgort
Joe Jonas
Megan Fox
Laura Haddock
Orlando Bloom
Willow Smith
Jason Sudeikis
Ewan McGregor
Coco Rocha
Ralph Lauren
BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope
Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo
Doja Cat
Sam Claflin
Kiera Knightley
Alexina Graham
Rachel Zegler
Sophia Lillis
Sam Smith
Mimi Cuttrell 
Aubrey Plaza
Adam Driver
Kate McKinnon
Aidy Bryant
Thomasin McKenzie
Maddie Ziegler
Kristen Bell
Idina Menzel
Michelle Dockery
Chris Evans
Peter Dinklage
Luke Evans
Liam Hemsworth
Robert Pattinson
Christian Louboutin
Stuart Weitzman
Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade)
Michael Kors
Manolo Blahnik
Alberta Ferretti
Kim Jones (designer for Fendi)
Viktor Horsting
Rolf Snoeren
Richard Madden
Giorgio Armani
Isabel Marant
Nicky Zimmermann
Simone Zimmermann
Gimmo Etro
Austin Butler
Abigail Breslin
Lana Del Rey
Natalia Dyer
Molly Ringwald
Giambattista Valli
Tamara Ralph
Michael Russo
Isla Fisher
Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills)
Charlotte Tilbury
Allan Avendaño
Danielle Priano
Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29)
Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29)
Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29)
Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29)
Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine)
Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine)
Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)
Lauren Conrad
Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine)
Rob Zangardi
Mariel Haenn
Michael Fassbender
Elliot Page
Betsey Johnson
Jonathan Groff
Anna Faris
Meryl Streep
Brie Larson
Renée Elise Goldsberry
Jasmine Cephas Jones
Cindy Crawford
Nicholas Hoult
Zac Posen
Taraji P. Henson
Joan Smalls
Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine)
Lily James
Thandiwe Newton
Ciara Bravo
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Phoebe Dynevor
Allison Janney
Daniel Levy
Claire Foy
Lisa Eldridge
Kale Teter
LaQuan Smith
Lacy Redway
Alexandra DiRoma
Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.)
Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book)
Carine Backoff
Zoey Grossman
Tyler Shields
Greg Williams
Cass Blackbird
Kacey Musgraves
Owen Gould
Tobi Henney
Marc Eram
Charlotte Prevel
Romy Soleimani
Rebecca Minkoff
Joseph Altuzarra
Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé)
Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline)
Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline)
Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe)
Kelsey Deenihan Fisher
Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
Anok Lai
Precious Lee
Storm Reid
Jennifer Hudson
Maisie Williams
Tom Ford
Iman Abdulmajid
Ella Emhoff
Pete Davidson
Regina King
Amandla Stenberg
Eiza González
Stella McCartney
Vittora Ceretti
Leslie Grace
Alton Mason
Mary J. Blige
Carey Mulligan
Ming Xi
Donald Glover
Brooke Shields
Tracee Ellis Ross
Maya Hawke
Chiara Ferragni
Laura Dern
Anthony Mackie
Pharrell Williams
Frank Ocean
Joe Alwyn
Queen Latifah
Jason Wu
Shawn Mendes
Camila Cabello
(358-390 are new! If I think of ten more, then I’ll reblog this post and add them. I had this in the drafts for too long and I still could not think of anyone...)
NOT Invited
Justin Bieber
Hailey Baldwin
Cole Sprouse
Lili Reinhart
Kim Kardashian
Khloé Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Emma Chamberlain
Addison Rae
Charlie D'Amelio (she’s a minor anyhow, but even if she was 18 or older, she still doesn’t deserve to be invited. 😊)
Dixie D'Amelio
James Charles
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Miley Cyrus
Priyanka Chopra
Jeffree Star
ALL social media influencers (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
Lena Dunham
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Kanye West
Demi Lovato
Doutzen Kroes
Ezra Miller
Winnie Harlow
Chloë Grace Moretz
Johnny Depp
Amber Heard
Armie Hammer
Kristen Stewart
Travis Scott
Emma Roberts
Tom Cruise
Olivia Rodrigo
Hailee Steinfeld
Henry Cavill
Alida Morberg (Bill Skarsgård’s problematic “girlfriend”)
David Dobrik
Madison Beer
Domenico Dolce
Stefano Gabbana
Dove Cameron
Sabrina Carpenter
Lil Nas X
Harry Styles
Olivia Wilde
Alexander Wang
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
Sebastian Stan
Alejandra Onieva
Machine Gun Kelly
21 Savage
Barbara Palvin
French Montana
Chris Pratt
Bella Thorne
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Watson
Vanessa Hudgens
Sacha Baron Cohen
Dylan Sprouse
Ashton Kutcher
Sarah Jessica Parker
Zayn Malik
Olivia Jade
Kid Cudi
Channing Tatum
Paris Hilton
Nicky Hilton
A$AP Rocky
Jeremy O. Harris
Timothée Chalamet
John Mulaney
Olivia Munn
Elon Musk
♡ September 12, 2021 November 25, 2021 ♡
33 notes · View notes
peppermintstranger · 5 years
Hi Pepper! If it's not to much trouble could I get some help with two fcs please? The first one is someone that could be a son or daughter of Laz Alonso? Someone in their late teens to early twenties if possible. The second is someone who could be the son of Catherine Zeta-Jones and David Boreanaz, preferably the same age as the first fc. Thanks!
· Laz Alonso’s children: Yara Shahidi, Marcus Scribner, Sofia Bryant, Genneya Walton, Amandla Stenberg, Quincy Fouse, Amarr M. Wooten.
· Catherine and David’s son: Joshua Bassett, Leo Howard, Jacob Elordi, Tom Holland, Joel Courtney.
Hope it helps c:
2 notes · View notes
catherinegarbinsky · 6 years
It started with a tweet. I asked:
1 - Poets with MFAs & poetry professors: are there specific books (of poetry, on poetry) that you would recommend for writers who may not have access to formal education in poetry?
2- Poets without MFAs — please feel free to add books that have felt pivotal and educational for you in your process. I mean this primarily as a resource and did not mean to suggest that others may not have valuable texts to offer!
Here are some of the responses (I typed up as many as I could, bolded any that I noticed repeated):
Dorianne Laux and Kim Addonizio’s The Poet’s Companion
Kaveh Akbar’s Divedapper interviews
Mary Oliver’s A Poetry Handbook
Writing Dangerous Poetry by Michael C Smith
Creating Poetry by Drury
The Practice of Poetry by Behn
Feeling as a Foreign Language by Alice Fulton
A Little Book on Form by Robert Hass
Poetry and the Fate of the Senses by Stewart
Of Color: Poets’ Way of Making Anthology (forthcoming)
The Volta
The Alabastar Jar (interviews with Li Young-Lee)
Ordinary Genius by Kim Addonzio
On Poetry by Glyn Maxwell
Fictive Certainties by Robert Duncan
The Flexible Lyric by Voigt
Wislawa Symborska’s “Nonrequired Reading”
The Art of series (especially the Art of Description by Mark Doty, especially The Art of Syntax by Ellen Bryant Voigt)
My Poets by Maureen N. McLane
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics
The Crafty Poet by Diane Lockward
Wingbeats and Wingbeats II by Scott Wiggerman
Madness, Rack, and Honey by Mary Ruefle
Picking one poet per year, reading their ouvre and letters (an extremely helpful and nourishing assignment from a genius prof)
Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
Rigorously study the line, study grammar, and study some kind of oracle system (Tarot, I Ching, astrology, etc) and read as widely in poetry as you can
Poetic Rhythm by Derek Attridge
A Poet’s Guide by Mary Kinzie
The Art of the Poetic Line by James Logenbach
John Frederick Nims’ Western Wind
Poetry: A Writer’s Guide by Amorak Huey and Todd Kaneko
The Making of a Poem (Norton)
Art of Recklessness
Modern Life by Matthea Harvey
Dancing in Odessa by Ilya Kaminsky
Please by Jericho Brown
Slow Lightning by Eduardo Corral
Meadowlands by Louise Gluck
Kinky  by Denise Duhamel
Names Above Houses by Oliver de la Paz
How To Read A Poem and Fall in Love With Poetry by Edward Hirsch
Carol Rumen’s long-running weekly Guardian column
Poetry 101 by Susan Dalzell
Theory of Prose by V Shklovsky
The Art of Attention by D Revell
Structure and Surprise by M. Theune
Why Poetry by Matthew Zapruder
Poems - Poets - Poetry An Introduction and Anthology by Helen Vendler
Triggering Town by Richard Hugo
The Art of Daring: Risk, Restlessness, Imagination by Carl Phillips
Upstream by Mary Oliver
The Life of Images by Cahrles Simic
Being Human (anthology)
How To be a Poet
Nine Gates by Jane Hirshfield
Gregory Orr book on lyric poetry
WIld Hundreds by Nate Marshall
What the Living Do by Marie Howe
Helium by Rudy Francisco
Wind in a Box (or anything else) by Terrance Hayes
Blud by Rachel McKibbens
Incendiary Art by Patricia Smith
Poetry by Gwendolyn Brooks, Elizabeth Bishop, and William Carlos Williams, Ted Kooser, Pablo Neruda, ee cummings, Charles Simic, Patricia Smith, Dorianne Laux, EB Voigt, Terrance Hayes, John Donne, TS Eliot, Ezra Pound
Read widely. Read more than poetry. Embrace your outsider knowledge.
Real Sofistikashun: Essays on Poetry and Craft by Toby Hoagland
The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide by Robert Pinsky
A Field Guide to Poetry
Ten Windows by Jane Hirshfield
The Ode Less Travelled by Stephen Fry
The Book of Luminous Things (anthology) ed. by Milosz
Dictee by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Poets.org and Poetry Foundation websites
Beautiful and Pointless by David Orr
Find or start a writing group!
Best Words, Best Order by Stephen Dobyns
American Sonnets by Terrance Hayes
The Lichtenberg Figures by Ben Lerner
Poetry Notebook by Clive James
Don Paterson’s 22-page intro to “101 sonnets”
Essays by Barbara Guest
Poetry is Not a Project by Dorothea Lasky
After Lorca by Jack Spicer
The New American Poetry 1945-1960
Helen Vendler’s criticism (The Ocean, The Bird and the Scholar)
Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse ed. By Philip Larkin
The Discovery of Poetry by Frances Mayes
French symbolists
The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry
The Poets Laureate Anthology
Poet’s House, 92Y Poetry
Singing School by Robert Pinsky
The Poetry Home Repair Manual: Practical Advice for Beginning Poets by Ted Kooser
Glitter in the Blood by Mindy Nettifee
Poetry: A Survivor’s Guide by Mark Yakich
All the Fun’s In How You Say A Thing by Timothy Steele
The Collected Poems(1856-1987) by John Ashberry
Viper Rum by Mary Karr
The Making of a Poem by Mark Strand and Eavan Boland
Rules of the Dance by Mary Oliver
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
Jorie Graham lecture On Description (youtube)
Poetry in Theory
How to be a Poet by Jo Bell and Jane Commane (& special guests)
dVerse Poets
Reading Poetry: An Introduction by Furniss and Bath
Poetry: The Basics by Jeffrey Wainwright
The Poetry Handbook by John Lennard
Broken English: Poetry and Partiality by Heather McHugh
The Poem’s Heartbeat by Alfred Corn
Orr’s Primer for Poets and Reads of Poetry
Penguin’s 20th Century Anthology
The United States of Poetry
Staying Alive: real poems for Unreal Times ed. By Neil Astley
Hollander’s Rhyme’s Reason
52 Ways to Read A Poem by Ruth Padel
A Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry by David Mason and John Frederick Nims
Projective Verse by Charles Olson
Retrospect/A Few Don’t by an Imagiste - Ezra Pound
Against Interpretation - Susan Sontag
Commonplace Podcast
Headwaters by EB Voigt
Olio by Tyehimba Jess
The Orchard by Brigit Pegeen Kelly
The Living and the Dead by Sharon Olds
Sonnets by Bernadette Mayer
The Sin Eater by Deborah Randall
The Art of Poetry Writing by William Packard
The Poet’s Dictionary by William Packard
Freedom Hill by LS Asekoff
Theory of the Lyric by Jonathan Culler
Close Listening ed. By Charles Bernstein
Poetics of Relation by Edouard Glissant
The Poet’s Manual and Rhyming Dictionary by Frances Stillman
The Hatred of Poetry by Ben Lerner
The Way to Write Poetry by Michael Baldwin
Fussell’s Poetic Meter and Poetic Form
Lofty Dogmas: Poets of Poetics
Close Calls with Nonsense: Reading New Poetics by Stephanie Burt
Poetry in the Making by Ted Hughes
A poet needs: grounding in verse and rhyme from nursery lines, a grounding in adult poetic diction by the classic poets (of antiquity, late antiquity, then the mediaeval, early modern and modern periods), and their own poetic vision
Pig Notes and Dumb Music by William Heyen
Satan Says by Sharon Olds
My Emily Dickinson by Susan Howe
101 notes · View notes
brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
Dianna A. Boleyn + Joseph Sutton = Nathalie Sutton | Vampiro | 19 | Liana Liberato
¿? + Katherine Pierce:  Nadia Petrova de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Lucy Hale.
Amadeus Mills x Cecily Byrne :  Zander Byrne de 21 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Ezra Miller.
Alois Leroux x Lorna Leschere:  Orión Leschere de 20 años. Brujo con el rostro de Daniel Radcliffe.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Sierra Ramussen de 16 años.Brujaytiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Maisie Williams.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Serena Ramussen de 18 años.Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Danna Paola.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Luke Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de  Jake Abel.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Brandon Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de  William Moseley.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce:  Kristen Salvatore de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Adelaide Kane.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce: Zachariah Salvatore  de 21 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Gregg Sulkin.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Kelly Cassano de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Alexandra Daddario.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Angelo Cassano de 18 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Amadeus Serafini .  
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: James Kiselev de 20 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Avan Jogia.
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: Tasha Kiselev de 18 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Alexis Bledel.
Declan O’Connell x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir +  Darek Kiselev: Sven O’Connell de 19 años.  Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Hunter Parrish .
Devon Crawley x  Elena Gilbert: Kalea Crawley de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de  Ivana Baquero.
Joseph Sutton +  Dianna A. Boleyn:  Nathalie Sutton de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de  Liana Liberato.
Dominic Tomford x Hannah Golden:  Allison Tomford de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Kaya Scodelario.
Dominic Tomford x Hannah Golden: Luther Tomford de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Brenton Thwaites.
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Charlotte Mikaelson de 18 años. Licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Crystal Reed .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Henrik Mikaelson de 19 años. Híbrido (Licántropo/Vampiro) con el rostro de Nico Tortorella .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall + Jack Clearwater + Sally Evans:Louis Clearwater de 19 años. Tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Noah Centineo.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:  Jules St. John de 18 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Keiynan Lonsdale.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:   Riley St. John de 19 años. Bruja  y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Vanessa Morgan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Finn Mikaelson Jr. de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Troye Sivan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Mason Mikaelson de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Tyler Young.
Francis Schuyler x Isabelle Walton:  Bartholomew “Bart” Schuyler Walton  de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Nick Robinson.
Francis Schuyler x Isabelle Walton:  Cornelia Schuyler  de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de
Alexandra Park.
Ivar Ramsay x Ryder Langer:   Cordelia Ramsay-Langer de 17 años. Bruja con el rostro de Bella Thorne.
Ivar Ramsay x Aurora de Martel + Ryder Langer:  Saige Ramsay de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Madelaine Petsch.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire: James Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Shawn Mendes.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire:   Melanie Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro con el rostro de Maia Mitchell.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine:  Kendra Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Margaret Qualley.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine: Kayden Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Asa Butterfield.
Keelin Moix x Freya Mikaelson + Vincent Griffit:  Farah Moix-Mikaelsonde 16 años.Bruja con gen licántropo con el rostro de Zoe Kravitz.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:   Einer Mikaelson de 17 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Bill Skarsgard.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:  Florence Mikaelson de 17 años . Gen licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Ginny Gardner.
Klaus Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall: Hope Mikaelson de 21 años. Tribrido(Vampiro/ Licántropo/Bruja) con el rostro de Danielle Russell.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Niall Mikaelson de 16 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Freddie Highmore.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Blair Mikaelson de 18 años. Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Elizabeth Olsen.
Kol Mikaelson x Sofya Voronova:   Milena Mikaelson de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Emma Dumont.
Lucien Castle x Rebekah Mikaelson: Liam Castle de 20 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dacre Montgomery.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Sophie Castle de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Holland Roden.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Jerome Castle de 19 años. Vampiro. Expulsado.  
Lyanna O’Leary: Bree O’Leary de 18 años. Bruja con el rostro de Emma Mackey.
Matt Donovan x Lexi Branson: Victor Donovan de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Ansel Elgort.
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Fallon Gerard de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Victoria Justice .
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Noah Gerard de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro deMilo Ventimiglia.
Nathan Roth x Nadja Haelfiger:  Sirius Roth de 19 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de Aaron Taylor Johnson.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Giselle Levesque de 20 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Eliza Taylor.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Mikael Levesque de 17 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Ross Lynch.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise:  Ryu Hildegard de 18 años. Licántropo con el rostro de Manny Jacinto.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise + Kai Parker: Maddy Hildegard de 19 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro ) con el rostro de Elizabeth Gillies .
Richard Gansey Sargent x Blue Fenwick : Lena Sarafine Sargent de 19 años. Brujacon el rostro de Kristen Froseth.
Richard  Gansey Sargent x Dolunay Mahmoody: Cornelius Sargent Mahmoodyde18 años. Brujo con el rostro de Xavier Dolan .
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Danae Salvatore-Forbes de 18 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Saoirse Ronan.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Alexandra Salvatore-Forbes de 16 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dove Cameron.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Josie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Kaylee Bryant.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Lizzie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Jenny Boyd.
Tarik Wayne x Nick Nardell + Nasim : Amunet Wayne-Nardell de 20 años.Vampirocon el rostro de Naomi Scott.
Tarik Wayne x Nick Nardell + Nasim : Callum Wayne-Nardell de 18 años. Vampirocon el rostro de Daviz Mazouz.
Tyler Lockwood x Liv Parker:  Mason Lockwood–Parker de 19 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de Nat Wolff.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee:  Pearl de Martel–Rhee  de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Merritt Patterson.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee: Vladimir de Martel–Rhee  de 21 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Timothée Chalamet.
Vincent Griffit x Cecily Byrne:  Africa Griffith de 19 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Zendaya C.
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altusfl · 6 years
39.  The 1987 Season --- Team rosters
Team by team breakdown of more noted players in the 1987 season
Atlanta - QB Steve Bartkowski,QB Walter Lewis, RB Kirby Warren, FB Ken Talton, WR Marcus Anderson, WR/KR Cormac Carney, DL Curtis Anderson, and NT Bob Nelson OLB Cornelius Bennett, ILB Larry Kolic, P Jim Grupp K Efren Herrera 
Arizona- QB Alan Risher, QB Doug Woodward RB Kevin Nelson,RB Nuu Faaola, RB Scott Stamper, RB Randy Johnson RB John Barnett,FB Mack Boatner, WR Jackie Flowers, WR Neil Bahlholm, WR Lenny Willis, TE Mark Keel, G Carl Roberts G Frank Kalil, C Mike Katolin OL Jeff Kiewel RG Alvin Powell, DE Skip McLendon, DE/NT Mark Buben DE Mike Mraz DT Stan Mataele NT Dan Saleamua OLB Ed Smith, OLB Ben Apuna, OLB Scott Stephen MLB Byron Evans  DB Lance Shields DB Eddie Brown  DB Gordon Bunch,FS Allen Durden SS David Fulcher SS Don Schwartz P/K Frank Corral 
Birmingham- QB Cliff Stoudt,QB Bob Lane, QB Mike Shula, RB Brent Fullwood, RB Earl Gant, FB Tommie Agee FB Leon Perry WR Jim Smith, WR Joey Jones, WR Ron Fredrick, WR Perry Tuttle, WR Greg Richardson TE Darryl Mason TE Allama Matthews T Pat Phenix, T Robert Woods G Pat Saindon, G Buddy Aydelette, C Tom Banks G Dave Drechsler DE Jon Hand DE Dave Purifory DE Jackie Cline DE/DT Jimmy Walker DT Doug Smith, DE/DT Ronnie Paggett,  NT Donnie Humphrey OLB Herb Spencer,LB Dallas Hickman, LB Thomas Boyd CB Ricky Ray CB Dennis Woodberry CB Frank Reed DB Dave Dumars  SS Billy Cesare FS Mike Thomas FS Chuck Clanton P Danny Miller K Scott Norwood 
Boston - QB Mike Hohensee QB Steve Beuerlein RB Troy Stratford, RB Richard Crump, WR Joey Walters, WR Kelvin Martin WR Nolan Franz, TE Dan Ross, T Pat Staub G Steve Trapillo G John Schmeding G Gerry Raymond C Mike McLaughlin DE John Bosa,DE Kenny Neil DE Robert Banks DE Wally Klein NT Mike Ruth OLB Ben Needham ILB Marcus Marek CB Goldie Lockbaum CB Woorow Wilson S Joe Restic P Bucky Scribner K John Carney
Chicago-QB Vince Evans, QB Jack Trudeau RB Bo Jackson, RB Thomas Rooks, FB Keith Byars, WR David Williams,WR Steve Bryant, WR Doug Donely, WR Jaime Holland WR James Maness TE Cap Boso, TE Jerry Reese LT Mark Dennis, LT Lee Spivey,LT Duane Wilson,RT Jim Juriga,RG Arland Thompson, C Bill Winters  DE Tyrone Keys DE Don Thorp, DE Ken Gillen, NT Paul Hanna DT Tony Suber ILB Pepper Johnson ILB Jeff Leiding LB Byron Lee LB Scott Leach LB Larry Kolic OLB/DB Jim Bob Morris, OLB/DB John Barefeild OLB/DB Larry James CB Rod Hill, FS Craig Swoope DB Mike Ulmer S Sonny Gordon P Jim Miller K Max Zendejas
Denver- QB Doug Flutie, QB Bob Gagliano RB Bill Johnson, WR Leonard Harris, WR/KR Marc Lewis, WR Vincent White,WR Frank Lockett, LT Steve Rogers, C Tom Davis OL Sid Abramowitz DE Bruce Thornton, DE Calvin Turner, ILB John Nevens, LB Greg Gerken CB/PR David Martin, CB David Dumars CB Nate Miller, P Jack Weil K/P Jim Asmus (Future deals- FS Scott Thomas, MLB Terry Maki, and CB Tom Rotello)
Hawaii - QB Jack Thompson, QB Robbie Bosco,QB/RB/WR Raphel Cherry, WR Walter Murray, WR Mark Bellini , WR Glen Kozlowski, RB/PR/KR Gary Allen, RB Del Rodgers, RB Anthony Edgar RB/PR/KR Vai Sikahema,  FB Lakei Heimuli, FB Tom Tuipulotu, TE Trevor Molini, TE David Mills, RT Jim Mills LT Darryl Haley, LT Dean Miraldi T Vince Stroth, T Nick Eyre, T Wayne Faalafua G Joe Onosai G Louis Wong G Bernard Carvalho, C Ed Riewerts C Robert Anae DE Jason Buck DE Jim Herrmann DE Brandon Flint DE Brad Anae, DE Junior Filiaga,  DT Kit Lathrop DT Tom Tuinei DT Colin Scotts, DT Brad Smith, OLB Kyle Whittigham, OLB Leon White, LB Cary Whittingham, LB Filipo Mokofisi, MLB Kurt Gouveia,MLB Marv Allen CB Dana McLemore CB Jeff Griffin  CB Manny Hendrix, DB/KR Erroll Tucker, FS Blaine Gaison FS Jeff Wilcox SS Mark Kafentzis SS Kyle Morrell SS Jeff Sprowls, S Verlon Redd P/TE Clay Brown K Paul Woodside
Houston- QB Jim Kelly, QB Todd Dillon WR Richard Johnson, WR Ricky Sanders, WR/PR Gerald McNeil, WR/KR Clarence Verdin, RB Sam Harrell, RB Darryl Clark, LT Bryan Dausin RT Tommy Robinson T Ernie Rogers, T Denver Johnson RG Billy Kidd, LG Scott Boucher, C Frank Kalil, DE Pete Catan, DE Cleveland Crosby DE Hosea Taylor DE Charles Benson DT Tony Fitzpatrick DT Hosea Taylor  OLB Andy Hawkins, MLB Kiki DeAyala, OLB Mike Hawkins,  CB Will Lewis CB Mike Mitchell FS Luther Bradley FS Hollis Hall SS Calvin Eason,S Tommy Myers P Dale Walters K Toni Fritsch,
Jacksonville- QB Ed Luther, QB Robbie Mahfouz WR Alton Alexis, WR Perry Kemp, WR Wyatt Henderson RB Kevin Mack, KR/RB Tony Boddie,RB Archie Griffin, FB Larry Mason T Bob Gruber G George Collins C Jay PennisonT Roy simmons C Mike Reuther,RT Ralph Williams, LG Rich garza,DE Mike Raines, DE Keith Millard, DE Phil Dokes OLB tom dinkle LB OLB Joe Castillo, CB Van Jakes S Don Bessillieu S Chester Gee CB Mark Harper DB Bobby Hosea, P/K Brian Franco
Los Angeles- QB Rick Neuheisel, QB Mike Rae RB Christian Okoye, RB Reggie Brown   RB/KR Jarvis Redwine, WR JoJo Townsell, WR Mike Sherrad WR John Jefferson WR Duane Gunn TE Tim Wrightman TE Ricky Ellis OL Rod Walters, Vince Stroh, Bob Simmons, Doug Hoppock, Perry Harnett, &  Jerry Doerger,  C Mike Katolin & G Alvin Powell, DE Lee Williams, DT George Achica, DE Fletcher Jenkins, DE Ben Rudolph DT Eddie Weaver,DE Dennis Edwards, DE Ray Cattage, DE Rich Dimler OLB Eric Scoggins ILB Howard Carson,LB Danny Rich  LB Sam Norris CB John Hendy CB Tyrone Justin CB/S Mike Fox SS Tim McDonald P Jeff Partridge K Tony Zendejas,
Memphis- QB Warren Moon, QB Mike Kelley, WR/KR Derrick Crawford, WR Derek Holloway WR Greg Moser,  WR Sam Graddy, WR Ted Wilson, WR Gizmo Williams RB Tim Spencer, RB Harry Sydney, FB Cornelius Quarles, TE Keli McGregor RG Myke Horton G Bill Mayo DE Reggie White, DE/DT Calvin Clark LB Rod Shoate, LB Mike Brewington CB Mossy Cade CB Leonard Coleman CB mike thomas CB/s Mike Fox DB Terry Love FS Vic Minor SS Barney Bussey P Jimmy Colquitt K Alan Duncan
Miami – QB Vinny Tesreverde, QB Don Strock RB Curtis Bledsoe, RB George Works, RB/PR/KR Eric Robinson  FB Dwayne Crutchfield, WR Eddie Brown,  WR/KR Mike Harris WR Greg Taylor, WR Ricky Simmons WR Elmer Bailey TE Willie Smith TE Bob Niziolek LT Joel Patten RT Jeff Seevy RT/RG Dave Pacella RG Ed Fulton C/G Brian Musselman C Tony Loia T Ed Muransky Vaughn Harman DE Willie Broughton DE Ken Fagan DE Greg Feilds, DE Malcolm Taylor,DT Jerome Brown, DT Dan Sileo, LDT Bennie Smith DE Bob Cobb DE/NT Richard Tharpe DT Kevin Kellin DT Gurnest Brown  OLB Winston Moss LB Jon McVeigh LOLB Darnell Dailey ROLB Joe Hines MLB Mike Muller LB Ken Kelley CB Jeff Brown CB Reggie Sutton CB Trent Bryant CB Willie Holley FS Victor Jackson SS Mike Guess  P Greg Cater  K Jeff Brockhaus
Michigan – QB Richard Todd, QB Jim Harbaugh QB Whit Taylor RB John Williams, FB Albert Bentley,WR Anthony Carter, WR Chris Carter, WR Anthony Allen, TE Mike Cobb,TE Donnie Echols T Ray Pinney, T Chris Godfrey T Ken Dallafior,G Tyrone McGriff, G Thom Dornbrook, C Wayne Radloff, C/G George Lilja DE Larry Bethea DT/NT David Tipton DT Mike Hammerstein DT/DE Allen Hughes ILB Ray Bentley, OLB John Corker, OLB Kyle Borland OLB Angelo Snipes ILB Mike Mallory ILB Robert Pennywell CB Clarence Chapman,CB Brad Cochran CB Ron Osborne DB Oliver Davis S Garland Rivers S David Greenwood P Jeff Gossett K Novo Bojovich
New Jersey- QB Steve Young, QB Tom Ehrhardt RB Hershel Walker, RB Dwight Sullivan RB Calvin Murray, FB Maurice Carthon, WR Scott Schwedes, WR Clarence Collins WR Walter Broughton WR Tom McConnaughey WR Charlie Smith, TE Gordon Hudson, TE Brian Forster C Kent Hull, DE James Lockette, DE Ricky Williamson, DE Freddie Gilbert DT Tom Woodland, LB Jim LeClair, LB Mike Weddington CB Kerry Justin,CB Mike Williams CB Terry Daniels S Gregg Johnson DB Tony Thurman P Rick Partridge K Roger Ruzek
New Orleans- QB Reggie Collier, QB David Woodley,  RB Buford Jordan, RB Marcus DuPree, RB Anthony Steels, WR Trumaine Johnson, WR Jerry Gordon, WR Ron Johnson WR Mardye Mcdole TE Sam Bowers  T Broderick Thompson T Randy Theiss G Gerry Raymond, G Louis Oubre G Terry Crouch DT Jerald Bayless, DT Henry Thomas DT Jeff Gaylord, DT Larry McClain, DE Darryl Wilkerson DE Larry White NT Jerry Ball NT Oudious Lee  OLB Micheal Brooks KB ray phillips CB Lyndell Jones  S Charles Harbison S Tim Smith P Dario Casarino, K Tim Mazzetti
Oakland- QB Fred Besana, QB Tom Ramsey RB Eric Jordan, RB/KR Elmer James FB Tom Newton FB LaRue Harrington WR Gordon Banks, WR Ken Margerum, WR Lew Barnes WR Kevin Williams, TE Brian Williams, T Gary Zimmerman, T Jeff Hart,  G Tracy Franz, G Jim Leonard C Roger Levasa RDE Dave Browning, DE Greg Feilds, LDE Monte Bennett, NT Tim Moore OLB David Wyman OLB David Wyman OLB Tim Lucas OLB David Shaw ILB Gary Plummer LB Tony Caldwell LB Mark Stewart LCB Mark Collins,RCB Derrick Martin FS Frank Duncan SS Marcus Quinn,  P Stan Talley, K Sandro Vitiello
Oklahoma – QB Doug Williams, RB Ernest Anderson, RB Allen Pinkett, RB Andrew Lazarus, RB Vagus Ferguson,RB Mike Gunter FB Ted Sample, FB Derek Hughes, FB Jim Stone, WR Al Williams, WR Kris Haines, WR Lonnie Turner,TE Ron Wheeler,TE victor Hicks, LT Joe Levellis T Mike Perino, RT Jim Bob Lamb,G David Huffman, G Tom Thayer, C Mark Fischer,  DE Leslie O'Neal DE Bob Clasby, NT Tony Casillas ILB Putt Choate,OLB Dewey McClain OLB Kevin Murphy ILB Terry Beeson, LB Vic Koenning, LB Tony Furjanic CB Peter Raeford,CB Rock Richmond, CB Barry Copeland, CB Roney McMillan CB Lee Wilson DB Rod Brown FS Kelvin Middleton SS Herb Williams, P Case DeBrujin, K Luis Zendejas
Philadelphia-  QB Chuck Fusina, RB Kelvin Bryant, RB Paul Palmer RB Allen Harvin, FB David Riley  WR Scott Fitzkee, WR Willie Collier WR Tom Donovan TE Ken Dunek TE Steve Folsom RT Irv Eatman, RG Chuck Commiskey, C Bart Oates, LG George Gilbert LT Mike McClearn D Bill Dugan NT Pete Kugler, DE William Fuller, DE John Walker, DE/DT Willie Rosborough ILB Shane Conlan, ILB Glenn Howard, OLB John Bunting OLB George Cooper LB John Brooks CB Garcia Lane, CB John Sutton CB/S Roger Jackson FS Mike Lush, S Scott Woerner, SS Antonio Gibson  P Sean Landeta, K David Trout
Pittsburgh- QB Glen Carano, QB Craig Penrose, HB Mike Rozier, HB Walter Holman, RB/KR/PR Mel Grey FB Amos Lawrence WR Greg Anderson, WR Julius Dawkins, TE Joey Hackett LT Don Maggs LG Corbin C Correal RG Lukens RT Feilds OL Emil Boures LDE Sam Clancy RDE Tony Woods DE Doug Hollie DT Ken Times, DT Mike Morgan, DT Dennis Puha, LDT David Graham RDT Dombrowski DE Ike Griffin NT Laval Short LOLB Rich D'Amico ROLB Mike McKibben MLB Brian Bozworth,LB Craig Walls CB Jerry Holmes,CB Virgil Livers, S Tommy Wilcox, P Larry Swider K Tony Lee 
Tampa Bay – QB Chuck Long QB Jimmy Jordan, QB Ben Bennett RB Gary Anderson, RB Greg Allen,  FB Greg Boone,WR Larry Brodsky, WR Willie Gillespie WR Chris Castor TE Marvin Harvey, LT Dan Fike, RT Reggie Smith LG Chuck Pitcock RG Nate Newton C Chris Foote DE Mike Butler DE Don Feilder DE Walter Carter, NT Fred Nordgren, DT Mike Clark DE Jim Ramey ROLB Alonzo Johnson LOLB James Harrell, MLB Kelley Kirchbaum MLB Fred McAllister CB Jeff George,CB Warren Hanna, FS Zac Henderson SS Blaine Anderson DB Alvin Bailey DB Doug Beaudoin P/K Zenon Andrusyshyn,
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3sportsguns · 4 years
The Ride is Over
Besides winning the 2016 World Series the best moment for Cubs fans was signing Theo Epstein. He is a revered leader of a franchise and seemed like finally the right kind of management that could lead the Cubs to the level they had been waiting over 100 years for. The brain trust of Epstein, Jed Hoyer and Jason McLeod tore it down and built a World Series winner, but that window seems shut.
Epstein broke the curse of the Great Bambino and Boston, he had broken a drought already, but let's not forget Boston was happy to see him go. Epstein had built a World Series winner in Boston, and won two, but was also the reason the team got stuck in payroll purgatory. Carl Crawford, Mike Cameron, Julio Lugo; plenty of contracts Epstein handed out tanked the two time winners. Sounding familiar Cubs fans?
Epstein drafted a lot of players to help those Boston Red Sox win but then depleted the farm system and cap space by making big moves to keep the contention going, instead it shut the window. The brain trust made the Cubs one of the best  with top draft picks and shipping out everyone from the previous regime, but where has that been since they won the World Series?
Coming in to the 2020 season the Cubs farm system rated as 23rd out of 30 teams in all of baseball. Their highest rated prospect in the top 100 is number 63 Brailyn Marquez, who's with the major league club. They have two other prospects in the top 100, OF Brennen Davis who's at A ball and C Miguel Amaya who's also with the big club. Chicago's top 10 prospects has three with the parent club and the rest at A ball or lower. For the rest of the top 30, three pitchers are in the majors and every other prospect is A ball or lower. The farm system is weak.
When you're competing you're going to value production for the parent club, but Epstein is always talking about parallel fronts, but it isn't happening. After that big wave that included Kris Bryant, Javier Baez, Kyle Schwarber and others, they haven't been able to replenish it even in to the middle rankings of the majors. Epstein and his brain trust regularly draft position players early, where has the pitching been?
Epstein's biggest shortcoming, and the biggest contributor, to the down fall of the Cubs will be his inability to develop pitchers. While the top ranked prospects that are with the club are mostly pitchers, are they any top end starters? Jon Lester, Yu Darvish, Jose Quintana, most of the rotation has been bought and that has left ownership saying 'We don't have any money to spend.'
It has been the exact same with closers. Aroldis Chapman, Greg Holland, Craig Kimbrel, all closers either bought or traded for. Now, let's be honest the Chapman trade was inevitable. While it hurts to see Gleyber Torres develop for the Yankees, especially with Chapman signing right back with the Yankees, that's the price for the World Series. However, the White Sox got in to the playoffs in big part because of Eloy Jimenez. The trade for Jose Quintana was a big set back from the Cubs and an indictment the organizations failure to find in house pitching.
Epstein is entering the last year of his deal and there are already rumors he'll stay a lame duck and just walk away. It's hard to envision after 2016 that just four years later we'd get to 2020 and be okay with Epstein walking away. For Chicago that's probably just, and should be, the beginning of a lot of changes for this Cubs team.
Chicago already tried spending to extend the window and it has just seen disappointing season after disappointing season. The window is closed. It's time to blow it up and start fresh. For the first time in a few seasons the Cubs will have some payroll open up with Lester a free agent, 25 million team option, Quintana's 10.5 comes off the books, Tyler Chatwoods 13 expires. That leaves the Cubs with 87 million, though Kris Bryant, Kyle Schwarber and Javier Baez enter their final years of arbitration with seven other players on the big league squad in arbitration.
Anthony Rizzo has one more team option at 16.5 million that will likely be picked up. I'd imagine Lester will not have his option picked up but could be back at a cheaper price. The talent is there, but it's been well documented the issues management has had trying to get a deal hammered out with Baez and Bryant. Again, who would of thought after 2016 those two wouldn't be sure bets to get another Cubs contract, but they may have played their last games at the friendly confines.
It was shortened season for 2020 but Baez still only hit 203 with eight home runs and 24 RBI. There's no doubt he has the 'It factor' on defense, but where has the offense been in the post season? Kris Bryant hit 206 in 2020 with only four homers and 11 RBI and has struggled to stay healthy since winning the MVP. Both are going to expect huge contracts but have been the core of a team that has regularly disappointed. Rumors came out of last season's off season that whoever would sign the Cubs would keep and they'd move the other, but now both could be gone.
Expect the rumors to ramp up this winter as both still aren't signed and, while they're value is depressed now and could keep them on the roster to start 2021, it doesn't seem Chicago will pay them as they blow it up and restock the farm system. Anthony Rizzo could join them on the way out despite being the leader of this team. Rizzo is 30, hit 222 with eleven homers and 24 RBI and has not gotten an extension either.
Kyle Scwarber seemed inevitable to come to a railroad situation at some point as he's more suited to be a DH and now enters his last arbitration year. The theme is reoccurring for 2020 as Schwarbs hit 188 with eleven dingers and 24 RBI in 2020. His price will be more reasonable for Chicago, but he was benched during the season for his defense and needs to be a full time DH.
David Bote and Nico Hoerner, while not the same caliber as the big stars, provide solid options at a cheaper rate for the Cubs while they rebuild another winner. Albert Almora was sent down during the disappointing 2020 season but Ian Happ broke out in a big way. Those three, along with Wilson Contreras at catcher and Victor Caritini needing a position, could be the core of the Cubs offense before 2021 is over.
You draft and trade to develop the type of players the Cubs had, but whatever this team was going to do looks like it has been done. During interviews throughout the season the stars knew what this year could mean for them and they were bad and flamed out in disappointing fashion in the playoffs yet again. Of course there's always a risk of never getting back, but signing the stars means the team won't change and it could be continual competitive purgatory.
With the stars at a depressed value it's likely they could start the season in Chicago, but will they finish 2021 in the Windy City? If Epstein truly is in a lame duck year how does he manage the team? Will Hoyer take over after he leaves or do they try and win before they possibly bounce? Running it back would be a mistake and it's time to to restart. Very rarely have we seen continued top competitiveness in the MLB and it looks like the Cubs need to go back to the basement and figure it out again.
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character aesthetic + holland bryant
The product of a teen pregnancy her mother was in no way ready for, Holland Booth (or Holly, as she was known in the holler) was mostly raised by her grandmother Loretta. When the woman passed on, Holland was just six years old. With nothing but a mother who was usually high on oxy and often out of her mind with manic depressive episodes, Holland was largely left to fend for herself. And she did. 
She cleaned the house just like her Gran taught her. Did the washing and the cooking. When social services came, they could hardly tell anything was amiss. Quiet and docile and known for her caring nature, Holland held on tight to her dreams and plans. She worked hard at school and made sure her school’s debate team went to the state finals. She played basketball. Did every damn thing she could think of to get into college. 
When Northwestern offered her a spot, she signed the student loans without a second thought. Launching herself into business school, Holland attended every class and lecture and extra credit event possible. That’s how she met Alec Bryant. An ex-marine and former boxer, Alec had been on a book tour promoting his latest piece and was guest lecturing at her university. Attending as part of an extra credit assignment, Holland was immediately smitten (something she’d never really felt before, all of her focus always having gone to her goal of escaping Kentucky and leaving all of it behind her forever). 
Lingering after the event to ask Alec a few questions for her assignment, the two hit it off almost immediately. Holland had spent her entire life taking care of herself. Suddenly, here was a man absolutely dedicated to granting her every wish, to anticipating her needs like no one ever had. More than that, he wasn’t scared off by her panic attacks. Instead, he helped her find ways to deal with them in much the same way he’d battled ptsd. 
A year later they were married. Now, Alec continues to tour the country promoting his motivational books and Holland works fairly high up the chain in charity work. Penthouse perfect and polished, Holland is living her dream life…and no one besides Alec would ever guess she isn’t a damn Kennedy. 
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images
Auburn must replace some big time production up front
Auburn fielded the best defensive line in college football last season. The leaders of that unit, Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson, combined for 23 tackles for loss, 10.5 sacks, 5 pass break ups, 3 forced fumbles and 3 fumble recoveries. They were the scariest duo in all of college football.
But now they are gone and Auburn must rebuild its fearsome front once again. 2018 sack leader Nick Coe is gone as well so it’s time for a new name to emerge as Auburn’s top pass rusher up front. Interestingly, two of Auburn’s top leading returners in sacks are linebackers.
Auburn's top 3 returning sack leaders KJ Britt (3.5) Tyrone Truesdell (3) Owen Pappoe (2) Some opportunities to make an impact on the edge this fall for this 2020 class
— AUNerd (@AUSportsNerd) June 19, 2020
There’s a lot of talent up front but not a ton of proven production. The incredibly wise contributors here at College & Mag decided to put their brilliant brains together and predict who emerges as Auburn’s newest top pass rusher.
There are two obvious picks out the gate. Big Kat Bryant and Derick Hall are the likely starters on the edge. However, Hall did not record a single sack last season while Big Kat finished with 1.5. It’s not like either are stone cold locks to lead Auburn in this category this fall.
There are quite a few wildcards to consider. Tyrone Truesdell provided surprising pressure up the middle last fall recording 3 sacks which was 4th best on the team in 2019. Doubling that number could put him in line to be the sack leader in 2020. What about TD Moultry? There have been flashes where it looked like he was emerging as a speed threat off the edge only for him to disappear again. Maybe a new face from that 2019 class like Jaren Handy, Colby Wooden or Caleb Johnson emerges? Dre Butler was ultra productive in JUCO and could be a nightmare rushing from the 3 tech. Ya’ll also know I am a BIG Romello Height fan.
I’ve wrestled with this one for a bit and while I am tempted to go bold with my pick, I decided that with a full offseason of strength training and hopefully a full year as starter, Derick Hall becomes Auburn’s newest edge threat. I would love for this to end up being Big Kat but it’s going to take quite the jump for him to get there so I’ll go with the sophomore.
Verdict: Derick Hall
Will McLaughlin
With Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson off to the NFC South, the Auburn defensive line will most certainly take on a different look next season. While this will probably be the obvious choice, it’s time for the next great Auburn defensive linemen to step up and I think that’s going to be the large feline.
Big Kat Bryant recovers the fumble, then reels off an 83-yard return. pic.twitter.com/J7lsSYN2R4
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) March 30, 2020
Verdict: Big Kat Bryant
Jack Condon
After losing the core of one of the best collections of talent in Auburn defensive line history, we now have to find out who’s going to be able to fill the bulk of the production. Is there a guy capable of winning multiple Defensive Lineman of the Week awards? I think so, but we’ll have to wait and see on the production. You would’ve thought that the attention teams paid to Brown and Davidson last year would’ve helped someone else become a huge monster, but that pair shone in spite of the extra blockers.
That said, there’s one guy who’ll get the bulk of the attention this year, and that’s Big Kat Bryant. As Auburn’s most known returning lineman (super cool name helps with that), he’s going to get a ton of attention when offensive coaches look to scheme against the Tiger defense. Therefore, I think he ends up having a quiet season stat-wise, even if his work shows up on film occupying multiple blockers. So, we’re going to see someone have a big 6+ sack year, and I think that guy’s going to be someone with experience and who spent a fair amount of time in the backfield in his opening season.
Verdict: Owen Pappoe
Ryan Sterritt
It goes without saying Auburn is losing a ton of talent off the defensive front this year. With Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson gone, the focus will fall on vets like Big Kat Bryant and Tyrone Truesdell up front. Under Kevin Steele, the pass rush has generally lived or died with the success of the Buck - Carl Lawson and Jeff Holland each had 9.5 sacks from Buck in 2016 and 2017 respectively, but the pass rush fell off slightly in 2018 (Nick Coe, 7 sacks) and more noticeably in 2019 (Big Kat Bryant, 1.5 sacks). It’s unfortunate, because the Auburn defense last season did pretty much everything well except rush the passer.
The expectation is that Bryant will slide over to a more natural fit at end, replacing Marlon Davidson. Who’s going to take over at Buck? Will Moultry get it together? Will Hall break out in a big way? What about one of the newcomers?
Ultimately, I’m not sure anyone distinguishes themselves to lead the team in sacks from the Buck this year. Instead, I’m going to lean on Auburn���s returning sack leader to have an even bigger year and put himself in position to be Auburn’s first 1st round draft pick at linebacker since Takeo Spikes.
Verdict: KJ Britt.
“Big Shoes to Fill” is a theme here - you can’t actually replace the talent lost to the NFL. Derrick Brown was THE man - and the talent around him just made him better. Auburn’s defense won’t have that kind of talent in 2020; it will have to rely on the remaining veterans.
Nobody covered more ground than the true freshman linebacker Owen Pappoe last year. It feels odd to call a true sophomore a veteran, but he’s got the physical skills and leadership capability to step into the role.
Verdict: Owen Pappoe
You’ve read our takes now it’s your turn. Who will lead Auburn in sacks this season?
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/7/7/21311548/c-m-roundtable-who-will-lead-auburn-in-sacks-this-season
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hbahq · 4 years
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𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐍 , 𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐍 destiny , florence pugh , reece king , miles heizer , dev patel , avan jogia , zendaya , jennie kim , alex fitzalan , mina el hammani , sydney park , natasha liu bordizzo , manu rios , hunter schafer , nico tortorella , kim jisoo , alisha boe , zendaya , jessica sula , bob morley , ana de armas , ariela barer , ross butler , justice smith , halston sage , cody christian , bridgette lundy-paine , kiana lede , taeyong , tom maden , summer bishil , lulu antariksa , alberto rosende ,  booboo stewart , gideon adlon , cody fern , chadwick boseman , sana , diego boneta , henrik holm , mena massoud , kaylee bryant , china anne mcclain , gemma chan , aja naomi king , maisie williams , constance wu , katherine mcnamara , sofia carson , maya hawke , sabrina carpenter , ashley moore , zazie beetz , vanessa morgan , phoebe tonkin , laura harrier , amanda arcuri , alycia debnam carey , adria arjona , cierra ramirez , sophie turner , brianna hildebrand , karla souza , naomi scott , tashia rodriguez , chloe bridges , iman meskini , hailee steinfeld , tessa thompson , taissa farmiga , cameron monaghan , harry shum jr , michael b jordan , asa butterfield , michael trevino , nick robinson , tom holland , dudley o’shaughnessy , quincy fouse , aria shahghasemi , chance perdomo , rome flynn !! just a few of our most wanted fcs !!
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peppermintstranger · 5 years
helloooo!! do you have anyone that could pass for the sister of tom,sam,harry and paddy holland? preferably brunette and ideally between the age of 19-24 ? i was thinking maybe kaylee bryant but i’m not sure.
You also have: Allie Barrett, Sija Jure, Sasha Kichigina, Laura Tserkovna, Maude Apatow, Kaitlyn Dever.
Hope it helps c:
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pcssessivc-blog · 7 years
a abbott abernathy adair adams adkins alexander allen allison andersen anderson andrews archer armstrong arsenault ashby ashworth atkinson austin ayers 
b bailey bain baker baldwin ball ballard banks barnes barnett barr barrett barry bartlett barton bateman bauer beck bell bennett benson bentley benton bird bishop black blackburn blackwell blair blake bolton bond bowen bowers bowman boyd boyle bradford bradley bradshaw brady brennan brewer briggs brooks broussard brown bruce bryant buchanan buckley bullock burgess burke burnham burns burton butcher butler byrne 
c cahill caldwell calhoun callahan cameron campbell cannon cantrell carey carlson carney carpenter carr carroll carson carter carver casey cassidy castillo castro chandler chaney chapman chase chavez christian christie church churchill clancy clarke clay clayton clifford cobb cochran coffey cole coleman collier collins combs compton conley connell connolly conrad conway cook cooke cooley cooney cooper copeland corbett costello coughlin cowan cox coyle coyne craig crawford crockett cross crowley cruz cunningham curran curtis 
d daley dalton daly daniel daniels daugherty davenport davidson davies davis dawson day dean delaney dempsey devine diaz dickey dickinson dillon dixon dobson dodd doherty dolan donahue donaldson donnelly donovan dougherty douglas dowd downey doyle drake drew driscoll duckworth dudley dugan duncan dunlap dunn dwyer 
e eaton edmonds edwards egan elliott ellis emery erickson evans 
f fallon fanning farley faulkner ferguson fernandez finch finn finnegan fischer fitzgerald fitzpatrick fitzsimmons flanagan fletcher flores flynn foley forbes ford foster fowler fox franklin fraser freeman frost fry fuller 
g gallagher galloway garcia gardner garner garrett garrison garza gauthier gentry george gibbons gibbs gibson gilbert gill gillespie glass gonzales goode goodwin gordon grace grady graham grant graves gray greene greer gregory griffin griffith gunn gustafson guthrie 
h hackett hagan hahn hale haley hall halsey hamilton hammond hampton hancock hanley hanna hansen harding hardy harper harrington harris harrison hart hartley harvey hastings hatch hawkins hayden hayes haynes healy heath henderson henry hensley hernandez hewitt hickey hickman hicks higgins hill hodges hoffman hogan holbrook holden holland hollis holloway holman holmes holt hood hooper hopkins hopper horton houghton houston howard howe howell hubbard huber hudson huffman hughes hull humphrey humphries hunt hunter hurley hurst hutchinson hutchison 
i ingram 
j jackson jacobs james jamison jarvis jensen johnson jones jordan joyce 
k kane kearney keating keegan keene kehoe keith kelleher keller kelly kemp kendall kennedy kent kerr kidd kilgore kincaid king kinney kirby kirk kirkland kirkpatrick klein knight koch koenig krause 
l lacroix lafferty lake lamont lancaster lane larkin larsen law lawrence lawson leblanc lee leslie levesque lewis lindsay little lloyd lockhart long lopez love lowe lucas lynch lyons 
m macdonald macgregor mackay mackenzie mackinnon maclean macleod macmillan macpherson madden maher mahoney maldonado malloy malone maloney manning marsh marshall martin martinez mason massey matthews maurer maxwell may maynard mcallister mcbride mccabe mccaffrey mccain mccall mccann mccarthy mccartney mcclellan mcconnell mccormack mccoy mccullough mccurdy mcdaniel mcdaniel mcdermott mcdonald mcdonough mcdowell mcgrath mcgraw mcgregor mcguire mchugh mcintosh mcintyre mckay mckee mckenna mckenzie mckinley mckinney mckinnon mcknight mclain mcleod mcmahon mcmillan mcnally mcnamara mcneill mcpherson mcqueen mead meadows medina meier melton merritt meyer middleton miles miller mitchell molloy monaghan monroe montgomery moody mooney moore morales moran moreno morgan morris morrison morrow moss mueller munn munro murdock murphy murray myers 
n nash neal nelson neville newton nichols nicholson nielsen noble nolan norris north norwood 
o o'brien o'connell o'connor o'donnell o'grady o'hara o'keefe o'leary o'neal o'neill o'reilly o'rourke o'sullivan ogden oliver olson orr ortega ortiz owens 
p page palmer parker parks parrish parsons patterson patton payne pearson penn pennington pereira peters peterson phillips pierce pike piper pittman pollard pollock poole porter potter powell power powers pratt preston price prince pritchard proctor pruitt purcell putnam 
q quinlan quinn 
r rafferty ralston ramirez ramos ramsey randall rankin ray reece reed reeves regan reid reilly reyes reynolds rhodes richards richardson riley ritchie rivera roberts robertson robinson roche rodgers rodriguez rollins romero rooney rose ross rossi roth rowe roy russell russo ryan 
s salisbury sampson sanders sandoval santiago saunders sawyer schaefer schmidt schneider schofield schroeder schultz schwartz scott sears serrano sharp shaw shea sheehan shelton shepherd sheridan sherwood shields short simmons simpson sims sinclair skinner slattery sloan smart smith snow snyder somerville soto sparks spears spence spencer stack stafford stanley stanton steele stephens stevens stevenson stewart stiles stokes stone strickland strong stuart suarez sullivan sutherland sutton sweeney 
t taylor temple tennant thomas thompson thomson thornton thorpe thurston tierney tilley timmons tobin todd torres townsend trevino tucker turner 
u underwood upton 
v vance vaughan vega vogel 
w walker wallace walsh walton ward ware warner warren watkins watson weaver webb weber weeks wells welsh wentworth west whalen wheeler whitaker white wiley wilkinson williams williamson willis willoughby wilson wood woodard woodruff woods woodward wren wright wyatt 
y yates york young 
z ziegler
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