#but loki could've killed odin and he didn't
tyrannuspitch · 2 years
a little late night #apologism for you. consider the following:
odin in TDW was prepared to kill thor, to die himself, to let asgard burn. he had become a danger to everyone, including himself. he wasn't fit to be king.
loki didn't just banish odin or strip him of his power. he stripped him of his MEMORIES. including his grief and any other reason he might have to want to die, to seek revenge, or to see death in battle as a noble thing
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sigyn-foxyposts · 27 days
What your myth! Loki ship says about you:
⚠ Just a heads up! I am doing this for fun and to see if I understand our community right! I'm by no means trying to hate on anyone who actually ship these things! Ships have just..always been so interesting to me, and I thought it would be fun. Did I forget someone? Please let me know! ^^
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Loki + Sigyn = You can't get over how tragic yet passionate their love is. After all it's the only thing we have of them together and somehow it makes the message of loyalty and compassion between lovers even stronger.
Loki + Angrboda = Either you're here for the tragedy that was their love, what could've been if only Odin didn't take away their children.. or you love the tall witch wife and small gremlin husband dynamic (me too :3)
Angrboda + Loki + Sigyn = You're tired of seeing the wives being pinned up against each other, heck it isn't even cannon to the mythology. You just want to see them all happy together while kissing. They deserve their polycule!
Loki + Gullveig = You don't actually ship them but if they had a relationship, it would be something along the lines of: one night stand parents trying to do what's best for their baby. Or you think Gullveig is actually Angrboda! 👍✨
Loki + Glut = You thought Loki and Logi were the same person. Now you either regret it and feel bad for believing in it or stick by it wholeheartedly. 🔥
Loki + Hoenir = Want to kiss your homies good night? Friends to lovers is your thing or you're there for the possible angst of letting a young lover go because it was never meant to be. 😔
Loki + Odin = You thought they could go deeper than being just blood brothers, didn't you? Ohh..the angst and pain you put yourself through for them.
Loki + Heimdall = You're torn between the fact they don't actually have to hate each other vs the way they clearly have a love/hate relationship + obvious tension. If they ever fought in front of you, you'd probably shout inappropriate things at them. 🤨
Loki + Svadilfari = You try everything In your power to forget what really happened between these two and tried to fix the story for the better..💀
Loki + Thor = Let me guess, the reason you like this is because of Marvel? If not you have a thing for the bratty twinks and their giant straight boyfriends that haven't realized he is bisexual yet.
Loki + Baldr = You either stand by the headcannona that Loki killed Baldr because he loves him (one-sided or not) and tried to protect him from Ragnarok. Or you have the "I hate straight people so I'll force these two to date even though they don't go well together." mentality. No, there isn't anything in between for you. 😭
Loki + Hodr = For some reason you just had to see the potential angst between these two! You love the dramatic storytelling of being betrayed by your lover, making you do their dirty work! You poor being, what happened? 💔
Loki + Sif = Possible exses? Secret affair? You live for the drama and desperately want to know what happened between these two.
Loki + (potential) farmer man = You wish we had more good representation of Loki being with a another man. (I agree!) So when Odin accused Loki of being a milkmaid and having children, it opend a whole new world to inspire you!
Loki + Skadi = The lokasenna was enough for you to decide they totally dated in the past. Also you love spiteful exses that will threaten to kill your children if they don't shut up…😨(spoiler: Loki didn't shut up)
Loki + Zisa = I don't know why you'd ship them If their "affair child" was supposed to be a secret but I guess you're into the drama. Anyways Zisa isn't real..she can't hurt me. 😌
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abby118 · 1 month
There is one thing that I didn't quite understand about Loki in Thor 1 and that I don't think has been addressed enough. when she sent the "destroyer" to Midgard, I know she intended to stop the 3 sif warriors/ladies who even committed treason. she however was actually pushing herself to kill them. and he had even gone so far as to kill Thor. This seems extreme to me though since we know he loved Thor more than anyone else. and even though he had been abused by him and his friends for a tho
To start this off, let's focus on Heimdall - I think his treason didn't come as a surprise to Loki (it wouldn't be the first time after all, and that instance had happened under Odin's rule), though he might have hoped it wouldn't come so quick. Heimdall allowed the W3/Sif to pass and thus broke his oath to the throne. They were off to end Thor's banishment and bring him back to Asgard.
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This is where Loki's plans start faling apart and I've seen someone in the fandom refer to it as him playing speed chess which I found rather fitting. He no longer has the time to think his decisions through the way it would be needed. Naturally, he opts for the action that would buy him the most time - stalling the W3/Sif/Thor and cutting off their access to Asgard. However, Heimdall attacks him and attempts to behead him. I believe Loki expected this as well; you can see that he came prepared. He used the Casket to freeze Heimdall and I take it as proof that he didn't aim to kill him. He could've used Gungnir but instead went for the relic he must've held significant resentment for, given that it is from Jotunheim. That wasn't a random choice.
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In the meantime, the W3/Sif arrive to Midgard and find Thor.
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Loki knew Thor would hear of his lies once reunited with his friends and he wasn't wrong. They told him the truth and were ready to take him back. Then, the Destroyer showed up and did what it was supposed to do - it stalled them.
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Now, whether Loki was or wasn't trying to kill them is up for debate but he was certainly familiar with the extent of their abilities and knew they were no beginners. He had to send something that wouldn't be defeated easily. It worked up until Thor decided to intervene and the plans had to shift once again.
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I don't think he wanted to kill Thor; he realised that despite everything, he did seem to change. He paused and took that into account but it wasn't enough to soothe the built up tension and hurt he felt. Yes, Thor did apologise but for once in his life, Loki wanted to be the winner.
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He puts out the fire within the Destroyer but strikes him anyway. It did almost kill him and I do think would Thor have actually died, Loki would've regretted it later, once the chaos would've died down. Again, this has been brought up before, but we don't know how familiar he was with the degree of injury mortals can handle. That could've played a part. Thor becomes worthy and is able to wield Mjölnir again, which restores his powers and heals him. He defeats the Destroyer and eventually returns to Asgard.
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I especially like the parallel between their situations. Both of them experienced their losses and were broken by what happened to them except for the fact that Thor regained what he'd lost whilst Loki kept falling further. I think it reflects their overall experience in life in which Thor is allowed to make mistakes and learn from them whilst Loki's attempts to prove himself, to equal, fall unseen because he was the spare, the tool to keep around would Thor need him.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
God of War: Ragnarok - Review
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No secrets on how I felt about it given the gif, and to tell you the truth I still have some Berserkers, Muspelheim trials and one very feisty Valkyrie Queen to deal with, but I've dealt with the main story and if I keep delaying it (having to wait over a month to get it because people were nagging me for birthday ideas) I'll end up not doing it, so here's a more in-depth review of the game
Spoilers for the game
So yeah, I really enjoyed the game, probably a little more than the first of the Norse saga, there's plenty it excels at but at the same time there are elements I found were not as good as the previous. We'll get the negatives out the way.
What I didn't like as much Perhaps my bigger gripe (which is an actual gripe) is the combat. The invincibility frames, and lack thereof, are frustrating especially against Elite and Boss fights, you can take a ton of damage when you're doing a Runic attack or you can hit an attack that should stun an enemy and then the enemy will no-sell it and land a stronger blow. With bosses I also didn't like that you couldn't tell between a dodgeable red attack and a red attack where you need to attack them to stagger them, so it can get annoying. Personally I also preferred when summoning the axe was a simple triangle, using the D-Pad does slow my rhythm.
In addition, the Amulet of Yggdrasil is a bit of a downgrade to the equipment slots, there are less customization options as well which makes it harder to get a decent armor build, in the end I stuck with the Survival gear because it had the best stats - which makes you wonder why do you bother with the other sets? I also felt sad that we lost out on some skills and runics, Ivaldi's Anvil thankfully stuck around but all the other Runic attacks I used before didn't transition to the sequel. It would've also been nice for the companion armor to have some stat modifications too.
While it was good to visit all the realms, the time you spend in each realm isn't so well spread out, Vanaheim is beautiful but I lost my senses with how long I was in there, Day/Night based missions with respawning flora catching me out, we spent so much time there and yet Jotunheim, Asgard, Niflheim and Helheim used very sparingly. This transitions into my least critical gripe that we could've spent more time in the main story; take the Atreus quests (or Loki Sennas as I sometimes call them), Ironwood was just one whole chunk and you only get 3 Asgard chapters, which does reduce our time spent with characters like Skjoldr, Thrúd, Thor, Sif, and Angrbroda, I also feel like we could've spent more time with Freyr's rebel squad a bit more, Birgyr's sacrifice may've been undercut by surviving but the act of his sacrifice would've landed much harder if we had spent more time with his character. On lighter sides, I do also wish we had some more creative special bosses, particularly Bitter Squirrel I wanted to smack that rodent around, fighting the Norns would've been interesting - and I do wish we could go back just to show them that we survived anyway - and got to visit more prophecy cabinets' secret rooms just to learn more of the world.
And finally, when we talk about characters, Thor. Now I loved what we did with Thor because he was in many ways a mirror of Kratos, who also found a sense of peace by bettering himself from his brutal, genocidal and bloody past, and while I understand that Odin killing Thor is a big moment, it also sucked that we robbed Thor of the chance to better himself by having him die the first moment of agency he has against his father. While it does represent the continuation of the cycle Kratos tried to avoid by killing Baldur in the previous game (Parent killing Child/Child killing Parent) I felt there could've been more stock in Thor getting the chance to be good, especially with a potential sequel, we could've also done more with Gryla.
What I really liked Of course we can choose 'everything else', because this game is a lot of fun with equal parts of frustrating - unsurprising that previous annoyers like Wulvers and Revenants come back just to join new annoyers like the Dreki and Bifrost users (like seriously that Bifrost Berserker...) - with stunning visuals and music to boot.
Its crown jewel is of course the character building; each character undergoes a compelling journey, most compelling is Thor with how his character is subverted from his stories into a sympathetic grieving character and Kratos' journey to try and find a way to live knowing that Atreus will soon seek his own path. We also got new characters such as college bro Freyr, Angrboda (who exposes Atreus' inability to flirt), rough and tough aspiring valkyrie Thrúd and 'face in the dictionary' bastard Heimdall who made strong impressions without overshadowing the current characters. Odin's role as chief villain as well is great because of how unlike God of War it is, his villainy isn't some hulking muscle sponge for Kratos to skewer like it's a washboard, he's cunning, sly and manipulative, having influenced Atreus throughout the whole story by posing as Tyr (I did wonder why he was caged in such an unguarded area), which leads us into the tragedy of losing Brok. The dwarves' 'chaperoning' did provide some good comedy, and as we built to Brok being without part of his soul we slowly didn't clock onto his death, which hurts even more given how he was both correct to suspect 'Tyr' and we had recently come back from a deep scene of him blessing the Draupnir Spear. Admittedly I didn't like the blipping out animation because it always feels like a bug, but Sindri's grief is a heartbreakingly tragic part of the story necessary to bring us to our lowest point, while the grief will linger with Sindri, I felt that Sindri being the one to 'kill' Odin was justified.
Initially, I wasn't sure I'd like the Draupnir Spear; as a ranged weapon I worried it wouldn't fit with the more hack n slash style, but I was greatly wrong in that department. The Spear is great, I use it a ton especially against the Drakes, Wights and Phantoms since it's good for stunning and longer range. The expansion of allowing Atreus to fight alone with his own unique skill tree is also a lot of fun, having his own variation of 'Spartan Rage' in shapeshifting, as is getting to have Freya as a companion to fight alongside too by being able to use her Valkyrie powers. Dialogue also remains fun and witty, expanding on elements of the speaking character, particularly Mimir and his past, but it was also surprising to see Kratos open up on his past a lot, not only to Atreus and Mimir but to Freya too (who engage in a lot of 'hate flirting' and just general flirting) even mentioning his wife and child and also Deimos - existing only in PSP side games.
While we spend A LOT of time in Vanaheim, all of the realms are good to explore, Jotunheim is particularly breathtaking and both Vanaheim and Svartalfheim has some fantastic scenery, Asgard itself is good to look at too, very Nordic in its aesthetic of longhouses and taverns, each realm feeling different for the other. And then the crescendo of Ragnarok did set up a big and dramatic ending.
The ending too is bittersweet, but it fully encapsulates the themes of God of War; choosing ones path in spite of prophecy, letting go and embracing the unknown - which Odin couldn't comprehend doing, and not responding to grief by sinking into old ways, it is a perfect end to the Norse saga while leaning but not fully copying aspects to how Ragnarok and other aspects of Norse myth - such as the origin of Loki's 'children' - went down (though I would not have minded Fenrir just popping up and swallowing Odin whole much like he does in Norse Ragnarok). And yet, then there is still a wealth of post-game still to achieve, which does benefit in extending the play time.
So yeah, everything else.
The Norse Saga ends, but what next? I know that Barlog has said that the Norse saga is over, and that they're eyeing Egyptian and Maya mythology, but part of me does feel like part of the Norse saga is still unfinished.
If it were me at least, I would look towards perhaps working on a multi-pronged assault. Odin is dead but that doesn't mean his religion is all gone; he was worshipped by Saxons and other Germanic faith too, which could invite British folklore to come to try and avenge Odin and perhaps even trigger the Wild Hunt - which Odin sometimes leads. We could also use Odin's oft-forgotten brothers Ville and Vé and refashion them into leaders of other pantheons in other lands, seeking to avenge their brother in the same way. While that is happening too we can have Sindri's descent, acting upon rage and the path of revenge since killing Odin didn't give him the satisfaction he had hoped, in that aspect Sindri could be Atreus' enemy but one Kratos can eventually talk down after he gets clarity over the damage he has caused - probably through association with another, for instance Vidyar, son of Odin and god of Vengeance, or by creating Tyrfing the cursed sword that kills whenever it was drawn to rival the Leviathan axe out of grief and anger, knowing that to get to Atreus he'd need to distract Kratos. Finally I feel like we should also consider bringing Athena back as a manipulator in the shadows, looking once more for a chance to drop the hammer on Kratos at his most vulnerable, she could also be associated with the mask, since they both bore an ethereal green light and she did find a way to avoid death in a higher plane of existence.
With that we could also get Atreus seeking other lands for more Jotnar who established themselves as other deities from other pantheons, while maybe also inheriting his mother's axe in the end while Kratos seeks to fulfill Faye's new vision for him by protecting the lands that home his allies and family, therefore bridging out to other pantheons that way without having to kill off or discard all of the Norse saga's groundwork.
Regardless, and I have cut a lot short just so it didn't get too long such as gushing about Fay, all the doggos, the Tortoise with a mini tree growing out of its back etc., Ragnarok leaves me fulfilled with my playing experience and yet equally eager and anticipating for more, so I hope to see what Santa Monica has for us next.
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
SUPERNATURAL 13.20 "Unfinished Business" | REVIEW
OVERVIEW: The Archangel Gabriel convinces Sam and Dean Winchester to help him on a mission of vengeance against the Norse deities who sold him out to the demon Asmodeus- Loki and his sons Fenrir, Sleipnir, and Narfi.
RATING: 4/10. honestly, it was pretty bad haha! but i like Gabriel hee hee so it's not a total loss.
AVAILABLE: prime i guess.
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"Fenrir Odinsbane" - nice nod to Fenrir as the guy who ultimately kills Odin at Ragnarok.
the whole concept of Loki being the one to help Gabriel hide on Earth away from Heaven, etc. Loki is a renegade and does whatever he likes all the time, and he's also a shapeshifter. i think he's probably the most suitable guy to help Gabriel.
Sleipnir was kinda dressed up fancy compared to Fenrir, say… i'd like to think this was a nod to Sleipnir spending most of his life as Odin's prized horse.. so life is a little more luxurious for him I guess. he doesn't get the same treatment as Loki's other monster kids. so the suit represented that, to me.
Gabriel freeing Loki… i think that was interesting. it suits Gabriel's wildcard attitude, and it also explain why Loki wasn't bound. BUT, Loki's binding occurs after the death of Narfi (and Vali), so that didn't make sense.
Loki selling Gabriel out-- love it or hate it, i think this was 100% in character.
Loki's kids looking like humans. i get it, the episode would be expensive if they had to CGI animals and beasts fighting the Winchesters, but still… idk. Fenrir looked like Fenrir, but some of the other guys.. well, they were just guys. they weren't Narfi, and Sleipnir. Sleipnir looked like a prick lmfao sorry Sleipnir.
i'm glad they chose to include Narfi, but at the same time, Narfi's dead bro… i wonder why they didn't choose to include Hel. because that would've made sense- Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel together-- they could have been a kick-ass trio. and Hel especially, she could've gotten some really cool make-up… also, frankly, there aren't enough cool women on SPN. they could've benefitted from Hel.
Loki and Gabriel looking exactly the same… i think Richard Speight Jr makes a GREAT Loki, and i'm used to seeing him as Gabriel, but idk. they should've given Loki to another actor i think.
LORE ERROR! Gabriel says that Loki "got into a fight with his Pops or something".. implying that Odin is Loki's father.. but this isn't true in any way.. Odin is more of Loki's brother, if anything.
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worstloki · 4 years
Loki: I'm alive again!
Thor: LOKI! (threat)
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
The Broken Princess (Loki x Reader) Part Ten
Summary: Reader is a princess of a kingdom where women are expected to sit at home, cook and be pretty. She was never like that to her mother's dismay and disappointment. She is forced into a marriage with the Asgardian prince, Loki and neither of them likes the idea. However, not because of the same reasons.
Word count: 3515
Warnings: smut at the end so minors pls skip to the next chapter!
Next Chapter
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The Asgardian palace's residents and people all over the realm were getting impatient. Months passed since the younger prince's and Princess (Name)'s wedding and there was still no news about an heir. But not only the Asgardians were frowning upon it but Queen Frigga and King Odin.
Everyone around the young married couple saw how they loved each other only they couldn't realize it. However, the queen wasn't only beauty. She was one of the smartest women throughout the Nine Realms and she was already planning things. She thought she could make them confess by making them jealous but that didn't work seeing how they only grew more distant. She needed a plan. A good one.
"What should I do...?" she mumbled as she sat in her salon embroidering a blanket for a child.
"My queen?" spoke up Sif as she entered the salon after she was asked for by Queen Frigga. The warrior woman was one of the brightest strategists of Asgard and the queen knew she could confide in Sif with anything.
"Ah! Come my dear! We have a lot to discuss!" smiled Frigga up at the warrior woman who sat down across from her with a worried expression.
"About what, my queen?" raised an eyebrow Sif.
"About (Name) and my son..." she smirked mischievously back at Sif who couldn't help but chuckle.
Time skip~
You walked down the corridor to the library to give a lesson to the children who came to the palace to study. Every bunch of kids liked you just like you liked every one of them. Since your fight with Loki you realized how stupid you were. You didn't know what he was up to and acted without getting enough information. So instead, you decided to concentrate on teaching for now.
It wasn't like you regretted getting those few ladies killed... but your conscience started to wake up after pushed aside for a few weeks. Suddenly from nowhere a hand wrapped around your mouth and an arm around your shoulders. The cloth in the unfamiliar hand smelling of something strange making you grow weaker and sleepier with every second. You tried to protest but your limbs fell uselessly to your sides and darkness quickly took you.
Loki's PoV.
The raven haired prince was getting bored with the lot of paperwork the All-Father made him finish. Dealing with the angry council members, listening to every petty whine of the commoners was getting to him and on top of that his thoughts kept swirling around his wife since their fight.
He was angry and hurt, depressed and confused by her actions. He couldn't tell how many night was he imagining her soft body pressed against his side in that large bed which felt so empty whenever lied in it. Loki imagined (Name) smile at him in the morning many times, softly caressing his cheek with her soft small hand and kissing him with longing and love, passionate but soft. Many times he thought if he should've told her how he felt for her on that balcony he could've gotten a positive response. But what if this would've happened all the same, his confession in vain.
As Loki sat behind his desk quietly scribbling down something Thor burst into the room panting like he ran all the way here with a shocked and angry expression on his face. Loki lifted his head in confusion furrowing his eyebrows.
"Brother?" he asked.
"(Name) got kidnapped." responded the blonde prince clearly upset by the news. Loki jumped to his feet summoning his armor on himself, long green cape flowing in waves behind him as he walked up to Thor who was already making his way to the stables.
"Do we know anything?" the raven haired prince asked rage showing on his handsome features.
"I sent my men to get the location but they are not yet back." replied Thor.
"We cannot wait for them to get back. She could be in grave danger!" yelled the younger brother angrily. "I will find her on my own. My seidr worth much more than your men."
Loki didn't wait for Thor to say anything else, he teleported to the stables and saddled his black stallion, Aëaron as fast as he could. His heart was racing in his chest knowing he was losing time quickly. His mind was racing with images of (Name) lying on the ground in a basement covered in blood and bruises. He didn't want to think about the other outcomes especially not about the ones where she was dead. No matter how she was hurting him he couldn't stand the thought of her gone. He already lost someone he loved. He won't let it happen again.
Your PoV.
You heard a metal door closing somewhere. You slowly blinked your eyes open, mouth dry and nose running. There was a small lamp in the corner lighting up the small room you were locked into. Your (e/c) eyes spotted a pitcher of cold water with an empty glass next to it. Your hands and ankles weren1t bound to your surprise but that thought was quickly replaced by the thought of water.
You poured yourself a glass and drank some. It tasted a little bitter but you didn't care. Your throat was so dry and you were so thirsty you didn't care about the taste. When you downed half of the pitcher you sighed satisfied and looked around for a way out. There was a door in front of you, a small bed to the left and the lamp on the table with the water. You went to the door and tried to open it but it didn't budge. You banged your fist on the wooden surface but no one answered. You huffed in annoyance. What could they possibly want? Money? Revenge? You furrowed your eyebrows. Now you regretted being so careless about getting killed those few noble ladies.
You decided to wait for anything to happen and sat down on the bed pulling your knees up to your chest. Suddenly the air felt hotter but you saw nothing that could make it warmer. You closed your eyes concentrating on calming yourself assuming it could be a panic attack. After fifteen minutes you gave up as the heat got slowly more and more unbearable. You took off your large dark green dress and laid back on your back in your white under-gown. It was like a nightgown just a little shorter reaching to the middle of your thighs. Thoughts circled in your mind. You couldn't help but feel bad about yelling at Loki like that, saying you hate him when your feelings for him were the farthest from hate. You kept thinking back to the way he caressed your cheek on your wedding night at the balcony with that warm... admiring gaze of his. You wanted him so much to tell you he won't go to Sygin, you wanted so badly to tell him how you felt even if you would've gotten rejected.
"Please, do not leave me here..." you whispered tears rolling down your cheeks bubbling up from under your closed eyelids your lips trembling. You were sweating now a strange feeling in your core. You felt like... you were craving for something. It scared you because you didn't know what these feelings was.
Suddenly you heard something breaking then fighting before you heard a pained yelp then silence. Your heart pounded in your chest in hope that someone was coming for you. It could be Thor or Sif... or someone who would kill you for your crimes... Your eyes widened at that thought and fear gripped your heart tightly. The door to the room suddenly burst open when you were listening to the silence for a while now. You squealed in surprise and covered your head curling into a ball on the bed.
"(Name)?" you heard the only voice you didn't expect to hear and you were so overjoyed to hear his voice. "Are you alright? What happened to you?"
"L-Loki..." you whimpered as you pulled your hands away from your face sobbing out of shock. Your husband's blue eyes widened and pulled you into an embrace. "I... I thought I would never see you again... thank you... thank you for coming!"
"Sssshhh~" the raven haired prince petted your hair and kissed the top of your head. Your heart swelled with happiness at the feel of his lips on your scalp.
"W-where are we?" you asked wiping at your tears.
"In the castle of Lord Odarr. He is not here, he does not even know what those bandits are using his castle for." sighed Loki. "Did they hurt you?"
"N-no" you shook your head quickly. "B-but there is something... strange with me..." you suddenly grew aware of the pressure between your legs and your cheeks flushed. Loki furrowed his eyebrows in confusion tilting your head to let him inspect your face closely. His blue eyes widened when he realized what was going on with you and his cheeks quickly grew red. He clenched his jaw and you were afraid he would yell at you again but he never did. "Loki?" you breathed and it seemed to stress him more.
"They used some aphrodisiac on you..." he said looking away from you.
"The water..." you realized and your cheeks grew redder. You were ashamed but you needed him so badly. "L-Loki... I feel so hot..."
"I cannot do that... not like this..." he pulled away from you and started pacing in the small room.
"I-I know you hate me but... it is unbearable, please... do something." you moaned tears welling up in your eyes. It almost hurt, it was so unbearable. The raven haired prince turned to you sharply his handsome face shocked.
"No, no I do not hate you, (Name)." he said. "Where did that come from?"
"Y-you sent me away at the beginning... y-you said it is my fault... that she..." you mumbled. Loki sat down again in front of you cupping your face in his large hands.
"I was wrong. I was drunk and all of the things I said was bullshit and I am sorry for that... you never deserved to be treated like that... but knowing you were another person I could lose... I could not grow attached. I did not want to... in case I would lose you." he stared deep into your (e/c) orbs pressing his forehead to yours. "Please, forgive me (Name)..."
"I-I... I love you, Loki." you breathed your heart pounding against your ribcage violently. Your husband pulled away a little to look into your eyes again with wide surprised eyes before he pressed his lips to yours in a hungry kiss. You closed your eyes melting into the kiss. This was what you craved since a half year. His hands pulled you onto his lap and you pressed your body against his in want. "I-I... ah... I love you so much, Loki... I was craving for this for so long..."
"I love you too, (Name)..." Loki replied with a joyous beam on his lips as he captured your lips again pushing your white gown's skirt up your thighs resting his hands on your hips and caressing your hipbones as he let you grind into him panting and moaning. How he loved these sounds coming from your lips... how he wished he could have taken you way before. He was craving for your touch, your kiss, your lust filled gaze. And he was getting all of it now.
Loki flicked his wrist and the two of you were in a bedroom up in one of the castle's higher levels. Loki placed you on the edge of the bed before he removed his armor. You didn't know how he could remember each and every clasp of that armor but the more he revealed of his body the more wet your folds were. There was still shame in you but the urges were suppressing it for now. Your husband walked up to you when he was only wearing his black pants with smirk on his lips making your mouth water. He knelt down in front of you grabbing your knees and opening your legs slowly.
"I promise you, my love... you will never want another after I had my way with you." he purred into your ear nibbling on your earlobe.
"There never was and never will be anyone else who I will crave for other than you, my husband." you breathed with certainty. Loki was the only man you ever wanted or will and you wanted to show it to him. His blue eyes were almost completely black as he yanked you closer to his body kissing and nibbling on your soft flesh from your jawline to your collarbone down to your right nipple. Your skin, your nipples, everything was so sensitive. Even just a soft caress could make you moan and he was sucking on your nipple while his hand found your lower lips. His thumb pressed down on your clit before circling around it teasing, his middle finger dipping into your silky tunnel making you moan, gasp, squeal and writhe under his touch.
He bit down on your nipple pulling it a little and letting go making your breast bounce before he turned his attention to your other nipple. Your hands were curling in his raven black hair as you arched your back for him to get better access. Loki seemed impatient because he didn't play with your left breast as much and instead kissed his way down on your stomach to your pussy lips. Your breath hitched when his lips met your clit and his tongue gave it an experimenting lap earning a low moan out of your lips. Your felt him smirk before he attacked your sensitive bud making you yelp and pant.
"L-Loki..." you moaned. He pulled away to ravel at the sight in front of him.
"You are so beautiful, my love..." he breathed kissing you again letting you taste your own slick before he went back to pleasuring you. His long, slender fingers felt so good inside you pumping and caressing as he sucked on your clit. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten with every second. "I... I am going to..." you warned him.
"Cum for me, pet, cum for your king." he said with a low tone and that was all you needed. You came hard and long, your limbs trembling while you saw stars dancing in your vision. You fell back in the bed like a ragdoll as you tried to catch your breath. You heard Loki chuckle satisfied with your reaction but you knew you were far from finished. You leaned up on your elbows glancing down at his stiff member already dripping pre-cum. Your mouth watered and you crawled off the bed kneeling down in front of your husband. Oh, Norns... how arousing and satisfying it was to call him your husband.
"Now it is my turn to pleasure you, my king." you looked up at him lust blown your pupils wide. "Tell me what to do, how to give you what you need. Teach me."
He groaned lowly as he cupped your face tenderly.
"You do not have to, (Name)-"
"I want to." you interrupted him hungrily. Your fingers grabbed his length carefully, tenderly, gently and gave pumped his shaft experimentally. When you heard his breathing grow heavier your lips pulled into a smirk and decided it was time for you to taste him. You leaned forward licking the tip of his cock, the tip of your tongue lapping at it, circling around it drawing low moans and gasps from your husband.
You smirked before you opened up your mouth and took him in pumping him with your hand while you sucked on his head. Loki cried out in surprise and opened his eyes to look down at you with half-lidded eyes. You looked up at him lovingly as you took him deeper into your throat. At a certain point however you couldn't get him deeper.
"Swallow, darling." he breathed. You swallowed eagerly getting him deeper and earning a low moan from Loki. He tasted salty and bitter but this was the man you loved. You loved how he tasted and you couldn't wait for him to cum. You wanted to pleasure him, satisfy him. You bobbed up and down on his length feeling his hand grab your hair pulling on it. When you thought he would push you down on his length to your surprise he pulled you off his cock your lips leaving his tip with a lewd, wet pop. "I want you, (Name). Will you let me-"
"Yes!" you cried out in anticipation as you jumped up pulling him down for a kiss. "Yes, I want you, my husband!"
Loki chuckled after he woke from his surprise and caressed your cheeks with his thumbs lovingly.
"I love you so much, my wife." oh, Norns... how good it sounded on his tongue, how you loved the sound of it. You kissed him again hungry as you backed into the bed and pulled him on top of you. You spread your legs sopping wet and ready for him and circled your legs around his waist urging him with a tug to enter you. "Someone is eager..."
"I was craving for this for months, Loki! How can I be not eager?!" you scolded with a smirk on your lips shining with your saliva and his pre-cum. He growled lowly as he reached under your lower back making you arch into his chest. He kissed you as his other hand guided his cock to your entrance. You felt him slowly push in and the stretch was uncomfortable. As he pushed deeper and deeper it grew painful and you whimpered a little into his mouth before suddenly something snapped inside you and sent a painful wave throughout your core and it ended the next second. You panted as Loki pulled away from you to look at you with worry in his blue eyes.
"Are you alright, love?" he asked panting heavily. You nodded tears rolling down the sides of your face. He waited for you to adjust to his well, big size and tell him he can go on. Loki slowly pushed farther inside, then pulled out slowly. It felt incredible. You caressed his chest and nibbled on his neck as Loki moved slowly inside and then out. You wanted to show him how much you loved him and this all wasn't just the aphrodisiac. You started moving your hips as the feelings got incredible and you needed more. The two of you panted and moaned filling the room with lewd sounds but you didn't care if anyone heard you. You were ready to show everyone that you love him with every fiber of your being.
Loki's moves became faster as both of your orgasm was closing in on you. You were getting louder and your husband was relishing in the sweet sounds of pleasure he was earning from you. He was making your feel good, feel loved and taken care of and it made his heart swell with pride. His moves were raged and sloppy your fluids making lewd sounds as his skin met yours. The knot in your stomach snapped again and you cried out throwing your head back into the sheets. You felt his cock swell in your hot tunnel and soon you felt his hot seed shooting inside you.
Loki collapsed on you his arms circling around you and pulling you into a warm embrace. You panted heavily your chest heaving with his as you hugged his neck to you.
"I love you so much, Loki." you whispered tears welling up in your eyes. 2I have loved you since way before our wedding. I never uttered a word thinking that you were loving Sygin and I could not ruin that. She deserved so much better than that..." you cried as Loki leaned over you kissing your forehead, eyelids, cheeks, jaw and lips.
"I felt guilty for falling in love with you and not being with Sygin at the last period... but I never thought you could love me back. Thinking you were never going to love me back... I pushed you away and after she died... I pushed you away all over again fearing I would lose you if I would let you close." Loki replied kissing you deeply filled with love and longing. His tears mixed with yours.
"Oh, how wrong you were Loki..." you sighed laughing. "But I am happy that what I feel is reciprocated. I would not be able to spend another day without your touch, without your smile and laugh, my love. I love you eternally."
"Then maybe we should make up?" wiggled his eyebrows Loki as he leaned down and kissed you. The aphrodisiac must've been still in your system because your arousal ignited as you felt his length harden against your thigh.
To be continued...
Taglist: @caniputmyballsinyojahwss @gliterrylokislut
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narcissisticmf · 3 years
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you | loki x fem!reader
description: at the tva, loki is forced to watch the memories he has of y/n, including her death.
trigger warnings: spoilers from the loki series (2021), angst, mentions of death, description of minor injuries, blood, graphic violence, mentions of anxiety, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: <1k
Loki's stomach churned as he sat by himself, left in the room with Mobius's little projector resting on the center of the table. A sense of desire to watch more of his memories bubbled in the blood of his veins. Sitting in one of the chairs, he let his fingers graze over the table, inching closer towards the 'play' button on the projector. Releasing a gentle sigh, he let his middle finger lazily press it.
The screen before him shone a bright light of which faded into the images of a woman he was far too familiar with. The knit in his brow loosened as he sat up, slowly stepping from his chair to stand close to the screen.
"Where is Loki?" Odin spoke with a grit in his teeth.
"I'd rather die than betray him," Your jaw clenched as hot tears formed within your eyes, blurring the sight before you.
"So be it," Odin leaned back in his chair, taking his fingers and grazing them over his dry lips.
Loki's brow furrowed, eyes tearing as he watched the scene of you and his father unfold. The lightness of his eye color faded dark as hot tears slipped down his cheeks. The scene forwarded it to you stood before and audience, a vacant guillotine was beside you. Your wrists were in chains as Odin sat in his throne. One of Asgard's guards took you harshly toward the machine.
"Any final words?" Odin emotionlessly watched you.
You turned your head to look at him with tears slipping from your eyes, staining your soft cheeks. "You'll never find him and even if, for some reason, you do. He will kill you for this."
Odin sat for a moment, without moving a muscle. He turned his head towards one of the guards and nodded his head, as a way to gesture for them to continue the execution.
Your body was pulled towards the guillotine and you didn't fight it, you could've but you didn't. It would be easy for you to break free, but you didn't take the chance. Your neck was resting within the lunette as one of the guards locked you in place, unable to escape the contraption.
Glancing up towards the Asgardians who watched, you breathed slowly and parted your lips. Heimdall was there with a look of worry and dismay. To the right of him was Frigga and Sif; all of them watched you without moving a muscle, only stood still with tears in their eyes.
The guard pulled the déclic, releasing the guillotine's blade.
Loki stepped back and released an audible gasp as more tears fell from his eyes. Unable to watch the rest of it, he turned his head down and squeezed his eyes closed. His heart sunk into his stomach at the mere sound of it.
His body became weak, so much so that he subconsciously attempted to reach out to grab something so he wouldn't tumble over. He backed up into the table and let his hands grip onto the edge of it.
"She was the love of your life, Loki," Mobius had returned, but his sudden pressence didn't frighten the Asgardian.
"I don't believe it, it's not true," Loki stood up, his voice and body shaking.
"It is true, she's dead. Her fate was written. She died for you," Mobius continued, maintaining the same level of calmness.
"You have her here, don't you?!" Loki's voice shook as tears rapidly fell from his eyes. "Tell me! Where is she?!" He screamed this time, the veins in his neck portruded from beneath the surface of his skin.
"We don't have her, Loki. She's gone, this was her ending," Mobius gestured to the screen.
Loki unclenched his balled fists and gripped onto one of the chairs. Releasing a loud cry, he tossed the chain across the room and shattered the screen, erasing the image of your death. Mobius was unmoved.
"She was all I ever had and you.. y– the TVA, whatever this place is, you destroyed the only ever thing that meant the world to me," Loki's voice broke as more tears continued to fall.
Mobius swallowed a thick lump in his throat, unable to say anything in response. He released a gentle breath and glanced up to Loki. His heart shattered into an infinite amount of pieces, the more he mourned for you, the more pieces would break.
"She died for you, Loki," Mobius spoke with sincerity. Loki wouldn't look up, for his eyes were glued to the tips of his shoes. "She was one of the few people that saw the good in you," His voice was gentle, yet stern. "You let her slip away."
"And if I didn't let her slip away, I'd end up right here because you had this all written out, everything that is to be is written by you!" Loki released another cry, his voice hoarse. "You took her away from me," His voice shook as his cheeks were stained with hot tears, his lashes stuck together from the moisture.
"Y-you didn't have to, but you did," Loki released heavy breaths. "I'll make you all regret that," His lips parted as several tears continued to fall. The light blue and green hues within his eyes darkened as he stared at Mobius. All his emotions were visible within the reflection of his irises.
"I'll bring her back if it's the last God forsaken thing I ever do," Loki spat with his body shaking subtly.
Mobius nodded slowly, "I'm sure you will, Loki."
a/n: hi cuties! i hope this angsty piece of shit was good! i'm not really sure if i accurately wrote mobius so my apologies if he doesn't seem like how his character would truly act. please have a lovely night/day, my little doves! be safe and as always treat people with kindness. <33 — angelina.
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Wildest Dreams
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 9
"He only saw her in his dreams."
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 3,695
Warnings: language as always, angst and some tiny fluff (probably not in the way you want), alludes to sex, Odin. one malec reference.
A/N: okay so, this chapter is different since it is mainly introspective about Loki's time in the 6 months he has been back in Asgard- so that's that about the timeline.
A/N2: I really hope you'll like it so let me know by reblogging and commenting! If you want to be on my taglist let me know by sending an ask! Thank you @chrissquares for the dividers! and the amazing @nacho-bucky
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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Month one in Asgard.
"Brother I assure you all will be well. I'll make sure she will be safe." Thor had told him that before he left for Midgard.
The gesture was nice but while he did want you to be safe he didn't want to know who you are hanging with.
You'll find a way to move on and so will he. Once this all will be over Loki will finally get some peace and his life will return to normal, nothing lasts forever after all.
Life as a prince was supposedly comfortable, and so a prince's chambers should be as well. But as he was lying on the big soft bed in his large room, he couldn't have felt more alone. The bed was too big, the sheets were too cold, and the surfaces of the room were too empty of life- he could find a million faults to his room if he tried.
Loki didn't stay in his room often then, as a prince he could do whatever he wants and he could go anywhere he wants- well, almost.
Sparring was a great hobby he developed when he was angry, having a chance to politely beat down another person often sounds delightful to him then. It was almost empty now at the sunset but he found an opponent.
He could feel and hear his own heartbeat as he took in a breath and looked into the sunset as the warrior took his stance in front of him.
'The Norse Gods are almost immortal.'
The sentence lingered in your head. Maybe buying this book was a bad idea. At the knock on your door you quickly shut the book and shoved it under the sofa cushion.
A moment later Loki walked in with a batch of freshly picked flowers, they didn't look like they were from around here, you only hoped these flowers can survive on their own so you wouldn't kill them.
"Hello my love, are you ready for our date?" you got up to him with a smile, he put the flowers in a vase that appeared on your table, once he was in your reach you gave him a peck on the lips.
"Yes, let's go!" The relationship was still new but you were happy that you still had that same chemistry that the two of you had before.
That sentence kept your mind busy as you drove out of the city, away from the crowd of people and into a high solitary space.
"I could've just teleported us there my love, you know that right?" he looked at you as you drove, the sun was shining over you and he couldn't look away. The view of you in the sunlight with your best dress and red lips is easily more stunning than anything he had seen in all the realms.
"Yes, but it's more fun this way." You insisted on having some of the dates be normal and human.
"How is driving for such a long time fun?" you saw him shake his head from the corner of your eyes.
"Just relax Loki, I'll put on some great driving songs." He groaned but you only laughed.
It was an hour or so later that you reached your destination- it was an amazing view seeing all the trees and rocks as you finally parked on the dry ground of the mountain hill spot you found for Loki and you.
Loki stepped outside and laid out the picnic you packed up as you looked down on the beautiful horizon as the sun began to set.
Loki came up behind you and curled his hands around your waist.
You could've stayed in that content moment forever. The sentence still lingered in your brain.
"Loki?" you called to him and he only hummed in response, his lips kissing your hair.
"Yes, darling?"
"Say you'll remember me." You asked him in a low voice.
"Say you'll remember me, here at this moment, standing in a nice dress and staring at the sunset with you."
"I promise you my dear," he kissed your shoulder and you felt him smiling. "Every time I see you, I'll remember this moment. I'll relish it forever."
Month two in Asgard.
It was different, spending the time with her here was nothing like being with you there- but maybe that's a good thing.
He was trying to get used to all the same emotions he felt all those years go. The regret, the knowing that he has to let go completely, the anger and temporary solutions, and then there's the sadness.
It was a familiar process, but having you again just reminded him of everything he lost and how everything has changed after he first let you go.
The first time he let you go, it almost killed him. And now he didn't know how his own mind would work to survive this.
He spent days in meetings and peace negotiating. His father kept him busy whether it was with Iyllir or work, it didn't matter.
She was excited about the wedding- their wedding. He chimed him whenever she asked for his opinion.
"What do you think about the flowers? Besides the ones I already picked of course." The lady smiled at him and waited for his answer. Anything besides your favourite flower would be fine.
The only real thing in this month for him was the work he was doing- negotiating peace was not an easy task. Granted, he could've solved it long ago but where is the fun in that?
"It was a wise choice to listen to my advice. I'm sure your decision to marry soon to be Princess Iyllir will make everyone happy." Odin told Loki as he followed the Allfather into yet another meeting. Entering the room, Loki looked at the blonde who sat next to his seat- he wasn't supposed to be in this meeting.
Taking the seat next to him, Thor smiled at his brother.
"Brother," Loki greeted him and continued to look forward at the table. "Are you not supposed to still be in Midgard?"
"I am, but I returned for a bit," Thor lowered his eyes then. "I heard about the marriage, I'm happy for you."
His pat on the back felt gentler than the usual forceful ones. To Loki it was quite unsettling.
"To be quite honest, I thought you won't do it because-"
"Thank you brother, I look forward to the marriage, it's the right choice."
"Is it?" Thor asked his brother lowly, the meeting was already starting and Loki didn't respond but it was probably best to leave this topic for now. Thor had never seen his brother the way he was when he was with you, it was clear that you mean a lot to him, so it made it that much more worrisome that Loki was going to go through with the arranged marriage. Thor knew Loki would've easily gotten out of it if he wanted to.
Present day on Midgard.
"Why are you all staring at me?" Thor stood there with all of his friends from work looking at him silently.
Natasha was the one to break the silence, "Y/N has been kidnapped and we think the Asgardian problem that we have on our hands right now was the cause of it."
"Y/N has been kidnapped?" His brows furrowed and he put his hammer on the table. "When did this happen?"
"Last week, you weren't here."
"I had to attend a ball for my brother and…" he trailed off.
"Right, I'm sure the wedding was lovely." The captain retorted.
"We really don't need to talk about," Wanda started and looked between Pietro and Clint.
"The wedding hasn't occurred yet." Thor settled in a seat right in front of Steve. "Did you manage to find out where she might be?"
"If we did then she would've been home by now."
"No, we've got nothing so far." Nat glared at Steve before she returned to look at Thor.
"Well you could've told me sooner, I'm sure my brother will be able to help."
"What? Are you crazy?" Steve let out a bitter laugh and stood up. One of his hands was a fist on the table and the other was pointing at Thor. "He is not coming anywhere near here."
The dark tone in Steve's voice left no room for arguments. Tony only heard it once before and so he took Steve out of the room before anything could happen.
Month three in Asgard.
"I see that you've read the books that I recommended you already." Iyllir sat next to him on the dark blue couch in the large palace library. Gold and blue were all around and the smell of old books filled the air.
"Yes they were very interesting," She put a hand on his arm delicately. "You have incredible taste in books my prince."
He nodded at that and quickly picked up one of the books from the pile that was set aside on the table. The guide to the old weapons of the nine realms- he remembered reading it as a child, he used to sneak into the vaults and look around at all the hidden things he found there that he read about in his books. Whatever he didn't recognize he would pick it up and study it. There may have been a couple of accidents there- but come on, what did you expect?
Now the book let his mind wander to the happenings on earth. He heard Thor talk about how it is going there in hushed whispers, but he never stuck around to actually hear anything in fear it would be about you.
He didn't need to know how you were doing, who you were hanging with or what you were up to.
"Loki?" He got snapped out of his thoughts. He looked back at Iyllir who had an unreadable look on her face, he found it hard to read people when he was so caught up inside his own mind, but her face soon took on a gentle smile. "You drifted off a bit. You're here with me now, there's no need to dwell over anything- so let's leave this book aside, it seems to put you in a bad mood."
Iyllir took the book from his hands and put it behind her. She then linked her hand with his and caressed his arm, her head leaning on his shoulder.
His mind now wandered to her and their wedding that was coming soon. Iyllir did manage to put herself in his mind where you should be, so maybe this was the right call after all.
Loki smiled at her and they continued to engage in conversation.
Month four in Asgard.
It was hard to admit that he enjoyed Iyllir's company.
Her lips were soft, and he appreciated the way they made thoughts disappear from his brain.
"Did you really turn into a snake?" Iyllir's laugh joined his as he recalled the memory.
"He was quite shocked, we were eight at the time."
"That was quite clever of you, my prince." She laughed and let her head fall onto his chest as they lay in his bed, covered in green silky sheets.
"Well, I'm always clever."
"Now you're just giving yourself too much credit, you are not always clever." You laughed at him.
He shook his head and turned back to her.
"What do you think about going out of the castle for a bit, go for a couple of days to a small cabin far away from other asgardians just the two of us?"
She nodded enthusiastically and leaned up to a kiss.
"This place is beautiful, but I wish we would've brought maids with us- you shouldn't do any of these things, you're a prince. I sent a letter so hopefully the servants will get here soon."
"Oh, I was quite content with using my magic, but how thoughtful of you."
"Now you'll get to spend more time with me." She whispered to him and walked over to him, putting her hands around Loki's neck.
He pulled her closer.
"That is true." He said in between kisses, moving the two of them backwards until Iyllir's knees touched the bed.
"You know, it is not really proper for a man and woman to be in bed together like this before their wedding night." She moaned at the kisses he trailed down her neck.
"When did I ever care about such formalities, my dear?" she let out a breathy laugh as he laid her on the mattress and he hovered above her. "And I know for a fact that you don't either."
Loki was in bed, opening his eyes and seeing the redheaded girl still sleeping next to him, her bare back shone in the sun. They were twisted in bed sheets, and Loki looked back up at the ceiling and tried to go back to sleep, closing his eyes.
"Loki, come cuddle me, I'm cold." Your sleepy voice called out to him.
"Okay, love." He moved himself closer to the body next to him. Opening his eyes for a second, he got snapped back to reality when he realized that you weren't the one in his bed, he was cuddling someone who wasn't you.
He shook his head and tried to fall asleep when Iyllir pressed back against him.
Month five in Asgard.
The ballroom was massive and adorned with gold and touches of green. The people there were ecstatic about the upcoming wedding.
The crowded room was full of people drinking mead and eating and dancing. But it all seemed just a bit too much for him.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think this will happen to him that this would be his life. Every girl was here with the most beautiful dresses but all he could remember was you, dancing with him in your best dress, you could easily beat any girl here with that dress and your beauty.
Loki was seated next to the Allfather and Iyllir, watching over the room as more and more new asgardians came to pay their respects and congratulate the happy couple. Thor came up behind them and patted Loki on the back before he took him away to drink.
According to Thor it was a necessity.
After that he had a dance with his soon to be wife, only a few kisses were engaged, Loki didn't like being as affectionate out in the open, in front of so many people.
The dance ended and the mead started to kick in, and if he was honest it was quite amusing to see Thor drunk as he talked, or more so yelled, to his friends.
After the ball he didn't see Thor as much, he must be busy with… whatever that was happening on Midgard. He won't let himself think too much about it, so he kept himself busy with wedding preparations and council meetings.
He spent the month buried in work during the day, and clearing his head during the night.
Present day in Midgard.
"Tony, I already told you that her powers don't have any energy trackers that we can build on."
"Bruce, we already scoured hydra bases. We found no information about her." Tony looked at the screen in front of him before pushing it aside, startling Bruce. "Sorry."
The doors to the lab opened and they turned to see Thor coming in with a short smile.
"Have you got any news about Lady Y/N?" he looked around the room anxiously, his next words would certainly get a reaction from the two scientists. "Do you need my brother's help?"
"Thor, I don't think that's a good idea." Tony exchanged a look with Bruce and he rubbed his eyes. "But no, we still don't know where she is."
"Why refuse his help?" Thor's voice grew louder. He then looked at the door when it opened for Steve and Wanda.
"We already told you Thor, we don't want his help." Steve chuckled darkly, so Wanda put her hand on the captain's shoulder then, trying to ease the tension.
"Thor, this isn't something Loki can help with, this is hydra."
"He will still do whatever he can, he still cares for her-"
"Besides, he is probably busy preparing for his wedding, isn't that right?"
"You are being judgmental Steve," Thor came towards Steve. "You're not thinking rationally."
"Oh I am judging him just right. If you're only here to try and vouch for your brother than you may as well go."
"Steve!" Wanda called him but he didn't budge his stare from the Asgardian prince.
Thor left shortly after.
Steve ignored the stares.
"Father, the elves are calming down, if we send some aid we could make sure peace is settled." Loki talked to his father in the throne room.
"If we send aid, they could use it against us. They could just be faking submission." Loki held back a laugh.
"I'm not the god of lies for nothing father, I'd be able to tell if they were faking it. Trust me about this." The doors opened with a bang, shutting behind the blonde prince as he strode towards Loki.
"My son, what are you doing here?"
"Loki," Thor ignored his father and Loki got up and looked at Thor at the strange occurrence. "Y/N has been kidnapped, you need to come back."
"She what?" His heartbeat sped up and he could feel the warm sensation of anger rise in him from the fear.
"Who is this girl?" Odin looked between his two sons when none answered. "Thor?"
"A girl from Midgard, she's an Avenger." He looked over Loki and nodded his head, he needed to be the one to talk.
"She's just a girl that I knew from Midgard." He said to his father with his jaw clenched, then he turned to Thor. "Thor, what happened?"
"They think she's got taken because of her powers, or because of the Asgardian technology that was stolen."
"My sons, you will answer to the questions I pose. Now tell me, what powers does she posses? If she has a part in the problem we have on Midgard then I deserve to know that."
Thor nodded, encouraging Loki to speak up.
"She has the power to insert herself into people's minds and control what they see and feel." He shook his head at his father. "She has no role in this father, she should not be mixed with Asgardian business."
The Allfather was quiet then before he shifted in his throne.
"Son, you know her for quite some time isn't that right?" Loki nodded and looked down.
"And you seem to care for her, too." He was no longer asking but Loki found himself nodding anyway. "Did she know about you being an Asgardian?"
"Yes, she knew who I was."
"So have you ever used your magic on her?" Loki was halfway into shaking his head before he stopped and remembered that night he spent comforting you, sitting on the tile of your bathroom.
"Only once," he thought back at the ancient spell.
"Tell me now my son, has it ever crossed your mind that such powerful magic as the one you have will affect a mortal immensely?"
"What are you saying father?" Thor looked up at Odin.
"It was a powerful spell…" Loki was still in thought about his actions that night, he must have been emotional.
"Her powers can be of Asgardian source, the mortal's powers sound like old Asgardian magic- the reality stone that was stored here long ago. The spell must have been from those ancient time, and so it stored immense powers- the kind that a mortal could not bear."
"So is that why they took her? Because of my magic, they took her because of me." Loki mumbled to himself.
"Loki, no don't say that-"
"It's true Thor! I'm going to get her back." Loki didn't wait for Odin to object before he all but ran out of the door. Odin didn't object.
"Thor, go after him. If he finds her, he will find the rest of the stolen weapons." Thor nodded to his father before following his brother.
Steve looked at the papers scattered on the lab.
"This is a nightmare."
"I've had better nightmares." Natasha spoke from next to him. "You should go rest a bit, you look like hell."
He smiled at her but it barely reached his eyes. You were a part of his family, losing you is not an option. He didn't know where you were and he didn't want to think about what you may be going through.
He wasn't the only one who cared about you, he knew that, but it still felt like they don't understand.
He turned around to go get water, when he almost ran into someone.
Looking up he saw the blue eyes of the raven haired prince. His tiredness suddenly disappeared when he took in the cold demeanor and rage filled eyed.
"I've been away for six long months and meanwhile you let her get kidnapped just like that?" Loki's voice was low and Steve didn't notice Thor walk in right after Loki, he didn't hear Bucky calling him.
"You are not welcome here Loki, and don't talk about it as if it isn't your entire fault."
The answer he got was in a dark laugh.
"Oh captain, I'm afraid I'm way past asking permission." Loki moved past him. "How long was she gone?"
"Almost a month," Bucky replied, looking between Steve's clenched posture and the same one that Loki held. "Can you find her?"
"I'll do whatever it takes." He nodded to the soldier and Bucky recognized the vulnerability in his eyes.
"Her powers are Asgardian, they came from me." Loki looked at the different screens, the room was quiet. "Doctor Banner, do you think you could track my energy signature? She should have some part of it inside her."
Loki looked back at the doctor, awaiting a response.
"Yes, I will just need to take some of your-"
"Take what you need."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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staveritas · 3 years
my thoughts on Dawn of Ragnarok (spoilers)
I was annoyed that Loki didn't show up but from what I've seen about the DLC that's a good thing...I'm also guessing Aletheia doesn't show up?
I really wish they would actually do something with Eivor. Her character feels like a mess because Ubisoft refuses to acknowledge her story arc. The dialogue is horrendous and having Juno come in to tell us all the important shit that happened was really annoying. It also feels like Ubisoft really wants to show people that they shouldn't like Odin with how much of an asshole he was. Frigg blatantly calls him out for cheating and he doesn't care.
Retconning Loki killing Baldr is...something. I don't know why they did that. Maybe scheduling issues with Carlo Rota?
And no modern day? I know I'm biased but this could've also been a great moment for Basim development. Have him and Aletheia talk about it, or something.
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itgetzweird08 · 5 years
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This is a one shot inspired by the video above! It is included in my one shot book on Wattpad. This is my first time posting any of my writings on here so here goes nothing! The collage at the top includes all of the people featured in the one shot and my OC’s! Hope You enjoy!
Everything was going great. All of our favorite heroes sat in the common room, relaxing after the latest mission. The " Gen Z Crew" sat in their secluded corner of the rm, making vine references and talking the latest science trends. Suddenly Morgan grew quiet. She looked up at Loki with big brown does eyes, a feature that ran in the stark family. " Big brother Loki, will you tell me one of your stories, about Asgard?" Everyone in the room froze and turned slowly to see Loki's reaction.
They all know that Loki hated talking about his past, especially of his times in Asgard. But Loki smiled at the small child and began weaving a tale. Morgan crawled into his lap and listened. And even if they weren't all looking, everyone was listening. " Well, my father, Odin was the All-Father, King of Asgard and Ruler of the Nine Realms. In order to gain that power and title, however, he killed and pillaged across the universe to gain power, with my older sister, Hela by his side and a very large army, he was unstoppable. But eventually, he had stopped rampaging and began to settle down. Well, my sister did not like this, insisting that they could conquer more than nine realmes, getting a sort of high from the rampaging and war. But my father dismissed her and, after going insane, banishing my sister to the underworld.
A few millennia later, Odin settled down and married my mother, Frigga and had Thor. Then, a few centuries after that, father raged war on Jotunheim, the kingdom of the Frost Giants. On the last day of the war, Odin found something on the battlefield. A small blue baby boy. He took the child back to Asgard and adopted him as his own. The child's name was Loki." Morgan beamed a bright smile and poked Loki's chest. " That's you! " Loki chuckled " Yes that's me" Loki cleared his throat and continued with the story. " I grew up being left behind and pushed into my brother's shadow. But still, I was smart and cunning. I pulled amazing pranks and mastered magic at a very young age. For example, after my mother taught me shape-shifting magic, I became a snake because Thor loved snakes so he picked me up to admire me and I stabbed him. I was four at the time.
There were a few chuckles and frightened faces and Loki smirked and continued with his story. " Anyways, when I was ten and Thor was 15, my father took us into the Vault, where things like the Tesseract and Eternal Flame were kept. But that's not what we went to see. My father showed us the Casket of Eternal Winters, something he had taken from Laufey, the King of Frost Giants during the war." Morgan's face scrunched up. " Why did Odin take the Casket?" " Well, Laufey tried to use the Casket to destroy the nine realms and take Asgard for himself, starting with Earth. Anyhow, he said to us " But the day will come when one of you will have to defend the peace. " Do the Frost Giants still live?" I asked him. Before he got a chance to answer Thor said " When I'm king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all. Just as you did father!" My father smiled and told us "A wise king never seeks out war, but he must always be ready for it." Of course, my father lied and filled me with false hopes of being king, knowing he can never have a frost giant on the throne. But that is as far as I am willing to go with that story. Any more questions?"
No one answered. Then Steve cleared his throat. " Here we go." Peter thought to himself. Steve had never really excepted the fact that Loki had reformed and joined the team. Sure, everyone had their doubts and at times, some still do. But Steve hated Loki with a fiery passion. " Loki, Have you ever considered that if you had been a better son than you would've gotten the throne? Thor didn't want to rule and didn't give the throne to his brother but to some complete stranger, who probably doesn't have any training on ruling a kingdom whatsoever. Even so, Thor was so taken to Earth that it seems he didn't want to rule from the beginning. It seems you've crewed it up for yourself. Loki froze. Carefully, he put Morgan down and stood slowly, menacingly as he began to cackle. He snapped his neck up to look into the eyes, to bare into the soul of Steve Rogers.
He snapped
he snapped
" I WAS THE BEST SON ANY PARENT COULD'VE ASKED FOR! I WAS KIND! I WAS POLITE! FOR TEN STRAIGHT YEARS I WAS PERFECT!" Deadly ice began to crawl up the walls, and Loki began to turn a slight blue in the face, but no one noticed.
The ice grew higher, and there was a chill in the room, yet it still went unnoticed. All eyes were on Loki.
Loki's face began to become even bluer, and two nubs came out of his forehead.
Loki began to tremble, while tears streamed down his, now completely blue, face, His eyes were now a deep crimson red.
Loki stopped and looked around. Everybody had mixed look of pity and fear in their faces. But poor Morgan was petrified. He looked down at his hands and gasped silently and began to repress his Frost Giant side once more, and little by little he became pale, the room got warmer, and  the ice began to fade. He took a shuttering breath and wiped his eyes. He looked down at the ground.
" I was never their son. "
He looked around once more and ran upstairs to his room.
Everyone looked around at each other. The Gen Z's immediately got up and went to follow him. Peter ran passed Steve and stopped.
" You just don't know when to quit, do you?" and continued to run to Loki's room.
Loki's friends stood outside of his door.
" Loki, let us in. It's ok we just want to help." Peter said, trying to coax Loki into unlocking the door.
" Go away," Loki said " I'm a monster, a screwup. I'm dangerous and you shouldn't hang out with me anymore."
The kids all looked around at one another. This was bad.
Peter sighed, he knew this was a breach of privacy but could just stand around and listen to his friend cry. " Friday, override lock code on door 34." " Please provide override code" " Override code 121720011." " Code excepted, here you are mister Parker."
The door unlocked with a simple click and the group of friends entered the room. Loki was face down on his bed, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. His friends ran over and sat on the bed. "Loki stop crying its ok." "No, it's, not I never should have snapped or yelled. Now they're going to think in dangerous again." Harley growled" Are you serious? You had every right to yell! Steve should have never said that to you. It was way out of bounds." Penni spoke up. "Harley is right Loki. Steve was out of line especially when he knows how sensitive a topic your past is for you. " Loki sniffled and looked up at the teenagers "But you all saw me at my worse and Morgan was petrified." Morgan spoke up "I wasn't scared, I was shocked.” “I'm sorry that you had to go through that Loki" Ria sighed, "Loki part of being friends is being able to trust each other. To be able to show even the darkest, most vulnerable sides of ourselves." Peter continued, "We have to be able to trust each other not to judge because we support each other."
"But you know something Loki?" Loki looked up at Ned as he wiped his eyes. "We're your family and we'll always be there for you no matter what." He smiled. " GROUP HUG!" Ria yelled and dogpiled Loki. After their hug, Ria stood up and turned towards the door. " I heard that the new Interns are here. How about we give them a warm, Stark Industries welcome... VIA PRANK WAR!" The children cheered and ran down the halls causing mischief and chaos. And Loki knew. Sure he didn't have the greatest upbringing but he had a family now, and wouldn't trade it for the world
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shivercloud · 5 years
Love that grows part 1 Loki x reader
Warnings: fluff, sadness, grudge-holding, heavily pregnant reader, cussing, takes place during Thor Ragnarok
You are [Name] [F/N]'sdottir and Heimdall's niece as well as a new generation Valkyrie, just not a soul knows just your Uncle Heimdall who raised you as his own child when your parents died during a battle.
You wake up in bed your back to your love Loki Laufeyson Angrily. You recently hadn't been getting along with him you just never let the pent up anger out and it was sometimes sneaking out but you tried your best to hold in your anger since he usually saw you as calm and happy and you were pregnant with his child for 8 and a half months you were also engaged to him you knew you needed to let your pent up anger with him out but you just couldn't you didn't want to ruin your relationship. You knew that once you got married to him it would just cause issues, but you just couldn't.
Loki sits up and says "I have to go [Name], I will see you later" you just nod curtly and he says "you can always come with" you still say nothing he sighs at your no response. Loki says to you "you seriously can't be mad at me" you only answer by glaring at him and he sighs he says "well, I may as well go, but also I need to put the illusion on you" you sighed but nodded curtly you knew that if you said one word to him you'd end up exploding. He casts the illusion onto you that makes sure only he can see your large stomach.
He transforms himself into Odin after and Damn you hated that he was pretending to be Odin it was pure torcher and did nothing but put you into despair and somehow you still loved Loki and were loyal to him.
You sat up in bed and groaned in frustration and right then you felt the baby give you a large and painful kick so you hissed in pain "Ouch!" You climbed out of bed changing into something random being a green dress that was perfect for your round belly it was simple but comfortable and actually fit you. The baby kept on kicking you violently and some reason grew cold which was weird the baby only did that when there was danger nearby or oncoming danger. Which was one of your many abilities just you didn't get cold but the baby was jotun so it made sense. so you looked around and outside your window but there was absolutely nothing so you kept your furnished dagger with you keeping your guard up and left to go and join Loki well 'Odin' in watching theatre.
When you got there you sat near him and you felt like ice because the baby was still emitting cold so you elbowed 'Odin' still not wanting to talk to him he snaps his head and asks annoyed "what? What Is it?" You hissed as the baby kicked "Ouch!" You put Loki disguised as Odin's hand on your stomach seething out quietly "That!" He takes the hand off of your stomach almost right away and says "The baby senses oncoming danger, just don't let your guard down" you groaned at how little he paid attention to the baby and that you felt like ice because of it he seemed not to care at all which made you even more angry with him.
You sat there eating Loki's bowl of grapes and when the actor of Thor said something about Loki turning Thor into a frog you heard 'Odin' say "indeed it was" you continued to watch the play in boredom and looked at the statue he had up and it brought nothing but more anger you told him not to put it up but did he listen fuck no, you even told him it would blow his cover, but still he refused to listen he acted as if you were just a leech and it pissed you off but somehow you still managed to turn the other cheek and look past that.
Soon you see Thor and you say"yes!" 'Odin' looks at you and asks"what is it?" You seethe out "nothing that concerns you," He says "ok, calm down" you reply snarkily but quietly "don't order me around!" You clamp your mouth shut before you make a big scene.
The play ends and 'Odin' stands up clapping and says "well done, well done!" Thor walks out from the crowd and says "Father?" 'Odin' mutters "oh, shit" he sips from his wine and says "my son Thor has returned, greetings my boy."
you smirk deviously and say "well, you're screwed" he replies "not if I can help it" you seeth in a whisper "he probably already knows it's you, he's stupid but not THAT stupid" he ignores you so you roll your eyes and sigh frustrated. You gasped when the baby kicked you so you cuss quietly "crap, stop that you little shit!" Thor says to 'Odin' "it's an interesting play, what's it called?" 'Odin' replies "the tragedy of loki of Asgard, the people wanted to commemorate him," Thor says "and indeed they should, I like the statue a lot better looking than when he was alive, a little less weasly, greasy maybe" you can hear 'Odin' scoff and you get a bit angry even if you were pissed with Loki who is disguised as Odin.
Thor raises the skull and asks "do you know what this is?" 'Odin' replies "ooh the skull of Surtur, a formidable weapon," Thor says "well, do me a favour lock this up in the vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet" he hands it over to a guard. 'Odin' stands up and hands his drink over to you and says "thank you dear" you roll your eyes since that was totally sarcastic. He asks Thor "so uhm back to Midgard for you is it?" You could tell he was really nervous.
Thor replies "nope, I've been having this reoccurring dream lately, every night I see Asgard fall into ruins," Loki still disguised as Odin says "it's just a silly dream, a sign of an overactive imagination" Thor replies "possibly and then I decide to go out there and investigate, and what do I find, the nine realms completely in chaos, enemies of Asgard plotting our demise, all while you Odin the protector of the nine realms sit here in your bathrobe eating grapes" Loki well 'Odin' replies "yes well it is best to respect our neighbours freedom" Thor replies "yes, the freedom to be massacred" he tosses Mjolnir and catches it and Loki well 'Odin' says "yes, well I've been rather busy myself."
Thor asks "watching theatre?" 'Odin' replies "well, security council, board meetings and-" Thor cuts him off "your really gonna make me do it?" 'Odin' asks "do what?" Thor throws Mjolnir into the distance and stands behind 'Odin' holding him by the neck and says "nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand, not even your face" 'Odin' says "you've gone quite mad, you'll be executed for this!" Thor lowers his voice "see you on the other side, brother." You mutter to yourself seething "of course, I knew Thor was smarter than that, I warned him, but did he listen to me, oh heck no! My, he's an idiot!"
Loki finally drops the illusion when Mjolnir almost hits him and shouts "alright, I yield!" Thor throws him out the way making everyone gasp except you, you simply roll your eyes knowing this would happen Skurge comes running and says clearly out of breath "behold, Thor... Odinson" Loki cuts Skurge off by snapping his fingers and saying clearly pissed off "no, no" he turns to Skurge really pissed off holding one finger up "you had one job, just the one!" You somehow found it attractive when Loki was pissed it was cute (I tbh think Loki is adorable right then).
You just couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering. You've ruined everything, ask them."
Thor walks toward Loki intimidating and asks Loki "Where's father? Did you kill him?" Loki says clearly nervous" you had what you wanted, you got the independence you asked for" Thor makes Loki fall onto the couch holding Mjolnir against his chest and you gave Loki a glare followed by an eye roll
Loki glanced at you with a pleading look but you turned your face the opposite direction and glared at him Loki finally answered Thor in a pained voice "ow, ow, ow, ok, I know exactly where he is."
The three and a bit over half of you went to Midgard and were standing by a building being demolished and Loki says "I swear I left him right here" Thor asks "here on the sidewalk or the building that's being demolished, great planning" Loki says "how was I supposed to know, I can't see into the future, im, not a witch" Thor says "really, then why do you dress like one?" You laugh and Loki glares at you so you glare back and your comment "I could've down it though."
Loki asks you "then why didn't you?" You roll your eyes and seethe "because you don't seem to give a damn about me as well as you didn't ask because you're a greedy and greasy jackass, who doesn't give a fuck about someone other than himself like me and your-" your cut off by a bunch of girls coming over and saying to Thor "can we have a picture with you?" Thor replies "of course" Loki rolls his eyes and the girls say to Thor before they leave "sorry to hear that Jane dumped you" Thor says, "she didn't dump me, it was mutual dumping," a circle appears around Loki's feet and Thor asks him "what are you doing?" Loki replies "this, isn't me."
Soon Loki disappears and you exhale somewhat more relaxed especially from that outburst of anger just now, but you were still pissed off and wanted so much to slap Loki at the least Thor pokes at the paper with his 'umbrella' and whispers "Loki?" You pat Thor's back sarcastically and say with sarcasm "Thor, you genius, he can't turn into a piece of paper" Thor picks up the paper and reads it Thor asks "so why are you so mad at my brother now?" you reply "many, many reasons, what about you and Jane?" Thor avoids your question and says "let's just go."
You and Thor go to the place and a weird sorcerer guy appears and says "Thor Odinson, [Name] [F/N]'sdottir" you're shocked as to how he knows your name he says to Thor "you can put down, the umbrella" Thor does so, you all appear in a new room, you don't listen to a thing but soon enough your both seated and the sorcerer gives Thor some tea and you some flavours water Thor says "I don't drink tea" the sorcerer gives Thor something else being beer and you remain the same so you say "I want some of that to."
He says in a whisper "really I don't think so not with the little one in you" your eyes widen and you ask "what? How do you? What?" He replies "I have ways" sooner or later you zone out and don't hear a word but alone soon enough the sorcerer gets a book, grabs a piece of Thor's hair, making Thor roll down the stairs which you can't help but snicker to.
Randomly a portal appears and Thor says "I guess I'll be needing my brother back" the sorcerer replies "oh, right" Loki appears to fall out of a portal and onto the floor he says angrily "I have been falling for thirty minutes!"
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the sorcerer says "you can handle him from here" you knew that was a bad idea but did nothing Loki seethes out "Handle me? Who are you? You think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second-rate–" the sorcerer says "all right, bye-bye" he sends you all through a portal of some kind.
You land in a grassy area on a mountaintop Odin was standing by the edge, Loki and Thor walk over, you stay back since this was a family matter Odin says to them "do you hear it, your mother calls me" Thor glared at Loki and said "Loki, stop it" Loki shook his head and Odin says "took me quite a while to break from your spell, Frigga would have been proud, [Name] come over" Loki looks shocked at the praise. You ask Odin hesitantly "but im not-" he gestures for you to go over, so you do.
Odin looks at the engagement ring on your hand that you forgot about Loki had proposed before you were even pregnant and says "[Name], Loki you have my blessing" you smile slightly the first time in a while your anger dissolves right then and Loki looks at you fondly and smiles slightly he lifts your hand and kisses it right where the ring is and Odin says more things that you didn't quite listen to you because you were happy he praised Loki and gave you both his blessing.
The only things you really heard were a few things about Ragnarok after that Odin had disappeared and turned into a bunch of sparkles of a sort of course after saying he loved all of you. Thor was clearly angry and clouded with grief since storm clouds started to appear and Loki told you "[Name] stay back, or behind me" you nodded and obeyed.
Thor said to Loki " This is your fault!" You were too far back to hear anything and suddenly a portal appeared and women wearing Loki's colours which pissed you off an made you want to kill her right there but you couldn't, you had you and Loki's child in you. The baby was freezing you inside and out you felt as if you were getting frostbite and started to shiver Loki noticed and looked worried as well as concerned so you shook your head shivering and whisper "just get rid of her and why the heck is she wearing your colours?!" He shrugs and doesn't look happy about it. But changes into his Asgardian clothes Thor as well and you say "hey, don't forget about me?" He nods and you get changed into your Asgardian clothes and exhale in relief "this feels so much better than those Midgardian clothes.
Thor says to the women "I'm Thor Odinson" she comments "you don't look like him" Loki says "can we come to an arrangement" she comments "you sound like him" she says "kneel" Loki looks taken aback and says "beg your pardon?" Hela takes out necro swords and says "kneel before your queen" Thor throws Mjolnir at her which ends up being a bad idea because Hela destroys Mjolnir sending you and Loki backward, Loki obviously didn't put much thought into it but yells "bring us back!"
Thor shouts "NO!" But it was too late you were all already picked up by the Bifrost, Loki throws a dagger at Hela but she avoids it and sends it to you and Loki knocking you out, you land in a pile of trash and when you get up your furious and snap at Loki "YOU IDIOT, YOU ASSHOLE! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID?! YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL AND NOW THIS CHILD IS GOING TO BE BORN IN A PLANET FULL OF TRASH!"
Loki gulps and suddenly you feel like you were dunked in ice-cold water over and over again you were short on air it felt so you gasped and said "crap!" Loki looked worried and ask "no, no your not in labour, are you?!" You shake your head and he puts his hand on your stomach feeling the coldness you felt frozen, he grabs the bottom part of your top half of the dress and asks "may I?" You nod weakly he lofts it and shoves the bottom of it down slightly and he looks in horror as he sees that you have a bunch of burns and asks worriedly "is the baby doing this to you?!" You nod weakly and he says "we shouldn't have kept the baby! I knew it was all bad idea! It's killing you inside and out!"
You black out and Loki catches you just in time you get colder and colder, soon your pulse drops and your breathing slows tears prick at Loki's eyes and he says "no, no, no [Name], no you can't die! [Name] please no... I can't live without you, you mean the world to me! I need you... And our child, please..."
Loki shakes you and says "[Name]... Wake up, stay with me!" Loki sees the giant and weird building thinking I'll be able to heal [Name], there, it's not safe here.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::time skip:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
You woke up and were engulfed in a tight embrace and looked to see Loki hugging him back, he kissed your cheek which surprised you and he knew it did so he asks "what's wrong?" You reply"its just that, you haven't exactly shown me ANY affection, for about a year or so, you haven't really given a shit about me for years or a year" Loki pulls you into his chest and says "I'm sorry about that" you reply "Loki, its fine" he replies "no it isn't and I know it."
You felt like you weren't carrying any extra weight so you say worriedly "NO, NO, WHERE IS THE BABY?!" Loki stops hugging you and says "calm down" he puts a hand on your stomach and says "right there, the baby is healthy and doing good" you sigh in relief and ask "where the heck are we though?" Loki replies "a place called Sakaar, its owned by a lunatic called 'the Grandmaster' he's an idiot, it was really easy to get in here," you ask "what did you have to do?"
Loki replies "well, I can persuade people you know and deceive them it was really easy, so almost nothing, just my persuasion" you reply "good, because I was thinking you'd try to kill him or threaten to" Loki chuckles "oh no, I wouldn't go that far right off the bat, besides I can lie my way out if I want to" you pull Loki into a hug and he wraps his arms around you tightly in a loving embrace, you kiss his cheek.
You stop hugging Loki and get up but he forces you back down and says "no, you need to rest, I've only just healed, your frostbite," you say "Loki, DONT order me around, you know I hate it and I can have a short temper and that'll just make me angry again, I don't mind it in bed but not otherwise" he smirks and says in that silky voice you loved "I know you do, my sweet" you giggle and say "stop, that Loki!"
He chuckles "alright I'll stop" you give Loki a peck on the lips and he smiles "I was so worried that you wouldn't live, never do that again, ok?" You reply "I won't don't worry and I didn't mean to worry you" Loki replies "I know but you did" you lift your top slightly and your eyes widen "it's completely healed" Loki replies "that's because I healed you to the best of my ability," you ask "were, you here the whole time?" Loki replies "yes I was, I didn't want to leave your side, especially in an unfamiliar place and... I was worried about you and the baby."
You smile slightly "I guess you do care" Loki replies "I've always cared, I'm just a bit of a fool sometimes" you lift a brow "sometimes? And just a bit?" Loki replies "don't push it" you reply "ok" you put Loki's hand on your stomach and the baby moves against his touch he smiles and says "our, little gift" you smile and nod he kisses the top of your hand and you ask "when are we gonna tell Thor?" Loki shrugs "I guess if he's alive whenever we think it's the right time, or he'll just see it right away" you nod and Loki says "you know, we haven't actually started thinking of names for the baby."
You reply "no, we haven't," Loki asks "want to?" You reply "of, course I do if you do as well that is?" Loki replies "I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise"
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laufeyson-l0ki · 6 years
》You getting closer to Loki part 1
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Okay you guys are the definition of dorks
When you started mocking him for his frost giant self he started mocking you with your fear of them
You guys are salty af too
Sometimes he'd be making fun of you when you challenged Thor to who could empty their glass of beer faster
Thor won most often the times
The other times he let you win so you wouldn't feel like shit
Afterwards you had been so hung over, that you couldn't even walk straight the next day
Loki of course helped you
Good thing there weren't any wars yet
What nobody could've known is, that Odin had a secret and that secret would be revealed soon
When Thor and Loki, who brought you along, searched for their father on Midgard, they found him close to his death
He then revealed that he had a daughter whose older than Thor and who he kept hidden in Helheim to protect the nine realms
When he passed and left the three of you shocked and saddened, she appeared
Hela, his daughter
You looked at her and gulped
She was the one you heard of when you were younger and killed your sister, who was a Valkyr
She then introduced herself, told a bit about her past and how she was about to kill the three of you and take over Asgard as its rightful queen
You, obviously annoyed, were about to attack her
Already holding a little knife in your hand, you were ready to sprint attack her
But Loki held you back, whispering to you, not to do it
"You have a death wish, (Y/N)?"
"Yes, from 10am to 6pm. Sometimes 7pm."
"Now is not the time for jokes!"
Meanwhile you guys changed into your asgardian clothes and Thor threw Mjölmir at Hela
She destroyed it ofc
You know the gist
Because Loki kept you literally right behind him, both of you landed on the same exact planet, yet on different places
Loki befriended with the Grandmaster while you were kept with other candidates, that were about to fight each other
Loki, secretly worrying about you, since he still didn't know where you were, watched the battles with the Grandmaster
He laughed in delight as his sadistic needs got fed, while Loki just watched, thinking of ways to find you, when he gets off of this planet
Then your name was announced
You were the next one to fight your way through the other candidates
His eyes widen a little, sighing in a bit of relief
The Grandmaster clapped as you walked into the stadium
Loki's relief vanished as he saw you enter. Especially when your opponent entered too
You, already accepted your fate, stood there, waiting for your enemy to attack
When they did, you immediately managed to throw them up and hit them fatally with your weapon
Loki was impressed by your fast tactic making and your fast moves
He only saw you fight a handful of times and only once on the battle field
You just fought against the other person, also getting hurt by them
Yet, you won the first round
You then were allowed to rest and eat a bit
Loki stood up and searched for a way to talk to you
He then send an illusion to you as he couldn't reach you physically
You were quite shocked and nearly chocked and your food
He asked if you were okay, to which you answered with yes
He then told you, that what you're seeing is just an illusion but that he will try to convince the Grandmaster to let you out
After talking to you a bit more he returned to the Grandmaster, immediately asking him if he could let you free, since you were his "fiancé"
He then asked Loki why he didn't say that earlier and ordered the guards to let you out and bring you to them to ensure you really were his fiancé
When you saw Loki, you felt relieved, since you thought you had to fight again
The Grandmaster then asked you, if Loki was your fiancé
You looked at Loki in shock and confusion until you realized what he was doing a little bit after
You then nodded and assured him you were indeed married
"But why don't you wear rings? Isn't that common amongst married couples?"
"Oh, we didn't want to follow the boring standards, right (Y/N)?"
"Ah... yeah, sure!"
"Oh, okay. Then, how about a reunion kiss? You must've been worried sick, right?"
Panic arose inside of you and you looked at Loki who was nodding and slightly grinning
He then asked you, if you didn't miss him, after the three of you just stood there in silence, waiting for someone to do something
You then started stuttering and ensured him, you did
Loki then told you to him him, since he was usually the one to kiss you first
You nodded again and got on your toes, trying to reach him
Your heart was about to explode
But you weren't sure if it was for the panic of the sudden excitement
You then pecked his lips shortly before distancing yourself from him a little
Loki seemed to enjoy every little second of this scenario and even mocked you
"Honey, this wasn't a kiss. Haven't I showed you how to kiss properly throughout our seemingly endless nights?
His deep voice nearly drove you crazy
You just wanted to punch this man directly in his handsome face
"I can't reach you when you stand upright, s-sweethea-heart"
After you said this, he chuckled a little and suddenly lifted you up, asking if this was high enough for you to properly kiss him
You just wanted to kill this bastard, yet it was a little little little bit funny
"Could you guys please kiss now, I have another battle to host soon"
Nervous you looked at Loki before you decided to close your eyes before kissing him
You slowly but surely got closer and closer to his face, slowly opening your mouth when he opened his a bit
Your heart nearly broke through your chest
- to be continued -
*Evil laugh* the sweet taste of a cliffhanger hah.
Thanks for all the support! We're nearly at 350 followers my dudes! Thanks!!
Until the next time!
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icyxmischief · 7 years
On a happier note, did you notice (I'm sure you did, lol) that Loki had the chance to really hurt Thor while disguised as Odin? He could've had him killed or tortured, or manipulated him or tried to break his spirit. Or he could've thrown him in prison and taunted him. But all he did was try to keep Thor away from Asgard--and even then, he didn't even exile him, he just sent him on adventures. Basically, anyone who says that Loki doesn't love Thor is wrong, lmao. He could've easily wrecked him.
Loki loves Thor dearly and really Thor is the only person who can persuade Loki to do anything Loki doesn’t want to do. 
I’m so tired of defending this character when canon itself provides such ample evidence.  
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worstloki · 3 years
Seriously the real love story was Thor and Loki rather than Jane and Thor and no I don’t mean incest I mean brother love.
I agree! There's a love interest and it's integrated into the story, but Thor 1 and even Thor 2 in my opinion focus on the love Thor and Loki have for each other - it's an integral part of the stories which makes discussing the 'betrayals' around them so fascinating because even when they see the other as a threat at their worst there is an inherent sense of trust they place in each other, or at least layers to how they feel when a counterpart suddenly shifts perspective.
#dude you don't even want to know my thoughts on all the smaller betrayal moments which fracture but don't break their care for each other#i diss Thor a lot for just letting Loki get sent to a cell and yeah i think he deserves it#but also Loki let go on the Bifrost you know? right after a fight over destroying a realm that Thor knows Loki didn't want to destroy#you can't deny that Thor and Loki KNOW each other#but then you also can't deny that both characters are blindsided to how the other CHANGES over/between the course of the movies#it's wild bc Loki expects Thor to show up and kill him if he finds out he's Jotun but Thor doesnt want Loki to kill the Jotuns bc he's Loki#Thor expects Loki to tell the truth about Asgard and Odin and takes his word and respects he's King of Asgard but then he DIDN'T#and yeah if you look into things you get Thor being a selfish self-centered jerk but he still THINKS he knows Loki#because it's still his brother? he doesn't get where the good in him went but still thinks he knows enough to get through to it#meanwhile Lokis been through torture and likely had his memories messed up or is trying to get across that he's Not Fine and Thor misses it#it takes nothing to convince Thor that Loki IS bad now? he's just decided he's out for blood and wants a throne?#it's just heartbreak on all sides#he drops Thor in the Hulk Cage and decides to put his doubts in Loki's badness aside bc it's going to get people hurt? even himself hurt?#like#Thor trusting Loki with Malekith is just *chef's kiss* bc that entire thing could've so easily turned for the wors#e#the entire plan RELIED on Loki EVEN GETTING TO THE REALM ITSELF#that was a plan Loki and Jane could've done without Thor but it was what Thor came up with and Loki was where his mind went for help#Thor doesn't offer Loki anything but the possibility for an earlier death and revenge and HE TAKES IT AND STICKS TO THE PLAN#it's#yeah#a whole love story#Thor's got romance mixed in but Loki's stuck with bitterly caring for family and yeah#:')
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
The Broken Princess (Loki x Reader) Part Four
Summary: Reader is a princess of a kingdom with a culture where women sit at home, cook and keep being pretty. She was never like that no matter how much her mother wanted her to be like that. However she gets engaged with the Asgardian prince, Loki. They don't like to be forced into it but not for the same reason.
Word count: 2753
Warnings: angst
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Dark clouds gathered around on the high sky today. You looked out of your balcony doors thinking about your visit at Sygin's house. She was so terrified of dying it broke your heart. You were needed in the palace now for days and it frustrated you that you couldn't visit her to check if she was alright.
Loki still didn't seem like he knew about your visits or if he knew he acted like he didn't care. You talked with him a lot now, like normal friends and you were happy with that. Frigga told you an oncoming ball organized because of the Celebration of Yphy. It was the first day of summer if you remembered correct. Someone knocked on your chambers' door turning your attention to the visitor to see Loki enter. You smiled at him friendly before you noticed the seriousness in his handsome features.
"Loki?" you spoke up.
"You were there." he hissed angrily as he stopped in front of you.
"What?" you asked trying to stall.
"Mother told me, do not pretend you know not of what I speak of!" Loki grabbed your wrist and shook you violently making you wobble on your feet. Your face paled as you looked up at him in pain and shock. "What do you want from her?!"
"N-nothing!" you stuttered. His hand goes to your throat and you feel your lungs start to burn for air.
"Do not lie to me!" he yelled at you as tears ran down your face more from the pain than the shock. The door slammed open and Frigga hurried inside Thor and Odin in her heels. Thor pulled Loki away from you while Frigga held you to her chest soothing you.
"I-I did not..." you mumbled.
"Hush, my child! Everything is alright." she rubbed your back but you broke free from her embrace and walked up to Loki who was held back by his blonde brother. The dark prince of Asgard could've killed you with his eyes if he would've been capable of something like that.
"Listen to me, Loki..." you started.
"What has she done to you? Did you threaten her? Did you hurt her?!" he screeched because he was so angry.
"She has not done anything!" exclaimed the queen surprising her son. Frigga's eyes were sparkling with anger. "(Name) wanted to get to know her. She has no grudge against Sigyn. Go and ask her yourself."
"Are you on her side?! You all hate Sigyn so much just because she is of no royal blood!" kept yelling the raven haired prince.
"I will break the engagement off if she cannot deny your suspicions." your voice was calm and quiet but effected everyone in the room like a shockwave. After a long silence Loki broke himself out of Thor's grasp and hissed at you.
"If just a single hair of hers is different because of you... there will be no realm, no hideaway I will not find you in!" Loki threatened and you just glared right back at him. You did nothing wrong, you were not guilty of anything. And if she tells him otherwise, lies to him, you will give up being her friend and will leave them in peace. Loki stormed out of your chambers slamming the door shut. You stood in your place not moving, staring at the ground with a blank expression on your face.
"Is this true? You visited that woman?" spoke up Odin on his booming voice. You slowly looked up and nodded. "Why?"
"I wanted to thank her for loving Loki the way I can never do." you replied smiling sadly.
"My daughter..." sighed heavily Odin as he walked up to you with pity in his eye. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "You are from a different realm with different culture. Frigga and I have been learning about your culture. Maybe, you will be able to get along better with other noble people of Asgard if you learn about Asgardian customs."
"Odin... I believe Sygin will realize her mistake for judging (Name) just by her title." crossed her arms Frigga stubbornly. She grew to like you quite some and Sygin's behavior disturbed her quite some. The queen always knew the young girl as a kind-hearted, bubbly person not a cold and angry one.
"Sygin is quite scared... to die." you spoke up drawing all three of the royal's attention to you. You all stood in melancholic silence for a while. "I will visit her in a few days if Loki's mood has changed. What is her favorite treat?"
"Sponge cake." answered Thor with a smile on his handsome features. You nodded before you left your chambers with them following Frigga to the library to have your lesson with the children.
Time skip~
You haven't seen Loki since he stormed out of your chambers and you were worried. You tried to stay optimistic, that Sygin wouldn't tell him a lie about your visits. Loki was your friend and you wanted to keep it that way. You decided to accompany Thor and his friends to a ride today traveling to the seashore. You haven't seen the ocean since you stepped through the BiFrost and back home there were only beautiful snow covered mountains.
Fandral was the least pleasant company but sticking to Sif was easing your discomfort about him. The warrior woman was kind to you and you always had to correct her to call you on your name instead of your title. You learnt a lot about them and their days as youngsters while you shared your own childhood memories with them. You told them about your brother, who always teased you and ruined your life, your mother who was cold and counting, a real snake and of course about your dear father who you held close to your heart. He was always wise and thought through his actions and decisions. If you were honest, you were quite like him. Kind, smart and calm. Even if you missed your father, you didn't miss your home.
"Why have you visited Sygin?" asked suddenly Hogun quietly as he led his horse up to yours. You turned to him surprised from the conversation you had with Sif.
"Do you guys always have to be rude to her?!" rolled her eyes Sif.
"I did not mean to be rude... it has just... could not leave my mind since I have heard about it." replied Hogun calmly. "Will you forgive my-"
"No need to apologize, Hogun." you shook your head. "And... as I told the All-Father, I wanted to meet her to say thanks for caring about my fiancée. I know there will never be feelings of lovers between us and I believe Loki deserves to be loved. She clearly loves him and cares for him. If she makes him happy, then I can only thank her for it."
"You are too kind hearted, my princess." frowned Hogun. "I fear that there will be people who will try to use it against you."
"I am kind, yes, but not blind, my friend." you smiled at him. "If I learnt something from my mother that was to look behind my back all the time especially in the company of other nobles. For example, Lady Lynn already tried to make me jealous of Sygin the other night."
"I imagine what face she must have now that rumors spread that you brought Sygin muffins." laughed Sif. "Oh, please, let me be there when you two meet next."
"I can see that she is not close to your heart." you chuckled.
"That is an understatement, my princess." snorted Hogun. "All of us hates her but can do nothing to get her out of court. She has too much power for anyone to do that. Maybe Odin would be able but... he is too occupied with tending to the realm."
"He only needs a reason to get rid of her..." you furrowed your eyebrows trying to form a plan in your head.
"Do you have something in mind, (Name)?" quirked an eyebrow the brunette woman.
"I will need some help but maybe there is a way we can get rid of her." you smirked back at her.
"Loki should have fallen for you, my princess." said Hogun. Your eyebrows shot up on your forehead as you lifted your attention back to him. The almond shaped eyed warrior coughed nervously before explaining his train of thought. "Sygin as we know her is kind-hearted and a lovely woman but too simple. She is not Loki's equal even Thor can see it... but you, my princess, you would lead him in the right ways."
"Right ways?" you repeated confused.
"Erm... he has done things... crimes. Tried to kill Thor, tried to take over the rule of another realm... it is a miracle that the All-Father have not sentenced him to be thrown into a prison cell." replied Hogun. Your lips formed an 'o' in realization and surprise. However, you didn't feel repulsed by these facts, nor felt angry with Loki. You wanted to understand him even more now that you learnt about his past.
"(Name)! Come see for yourself! It is beautiful!" shouted over Thor beaming at you as he pointed at the horizon. The ocean was cerulean blue as the waves crashed against the sand on the shore. Above the water was the sky with many bright white clouds on it swimming peacefully from right to left. You jumped off your horse and kicked your shoes off running into the water giggling like a little girl. The others were surprised but when you motioned for them to join you with your bright happy smile they could no longer resist and ran into the warm water.
The six of you played in the water kicking it on each other and pushing each other into the sea. You found yourself next to Thor who splashed you with a big wave of salt water hitting your whole torso. You gasped in shock wiping your now wet hair out of your face.
"This means war!" you cried out and started pushing at his chest to send him into the water but the large man to no surprise didn't budge. You heard the others snicker at the sight as Thor crossed his arms smiling at your attempt. You turned to the others. "Anyone would like to give me a hand?"
"With pleasure." grinned Sif and she jumped on Thor tackling him into the water with her body. You were glad for you chose riding attire to venture out of the palace today. When all of you felt exhausted you simply laid down on the sand and tried to calm down. It was noon when you made your way back through the capital to the palace. Your expression didn't go unnoticed by Sif when you passed Sygin's house. She already knew of the feelings you developed for Loki which you denied.
You had to deny them. You couldn't fall for him because you knew he would never love you back even after Sygin's death. You tried to hide your envy of her relationship with Loki by telling yourself that you were envying her for her beauty. You knew if you would accept your feelings, you would get hurt.
Sif pulled you back into reality by patting your shoulder with a sad smile on her lips.
"I know Sygin is jealous of you and that means she can see the potential in you to be someone Loki would love one day... maybe sooner than both of you can imagine." the warrior woman said gently but you could only answer her kindness with a sad smile as you rode with them back to the palace.
Time skip~
Dinner was served already when you were dressed properly for joining the others at the dining hall. You wore a long, dark green dress with long sleeves and a deep V cut. Your high heels were clicking against the marble as you walked down the corridors. The sky was already darkening even if it still had a slight orange and violet hue to it while the stars were already showing. You stopped at a balcony to admire the beauty of it. You stood there just staring out at the sky. Your thoughts wandered back to Sygin. You were sad for her and Loki for having to say goodbye so soon. It made it more painful for them that it could be any moment.
You exhaled heavily and closed your eyes trying to will away your own selfish feelings. You didn't know why you were having these feelings. You didn't know Loki that good, you weren't that close for you to develop feelings but here you were standing alone on a balcony trying to seize your foolish feelings. Silence surrounded you. It was so peaceful. Your hands grabbed the railing tightly as you leant forward taking a deep breath of the cooling air. The wind blew in your hair which was simply let out and it brought the smells of the city below.
"You should step back from the railing, (Name)." said suddenly the smooth, deep voice of Loki's. You yelped in surprise and put a hand to your chest as your heart was pounding against your ribcage with a million miles per hour.
"I guess you like to scare me to death." you mumbled and earned a chuckle from the dark prince. Your eyebrows shot up to your forehead as you heard the unusual sound, not like it wasn't pleasant to hear. You cleared your throat. "How have you decided about my fate?"
"I am afraid I cannot follow." Loki furrowed his eyebrows.
"Have you visited Lady Sygin?" you asked straight forward and watched his features sadden.
"About that... I need to apologize." sighed the raven haired prince walking up to you looking out to the scenery below and over. You watched his profile trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Sygin told me that you were truly just visiting her... but there is still one question I have. Why do you want to know her?"
"Yes, I should explain it to you." you replied quietly. You played down this conversation over in your head a million times and you wanted to say it with certainty but couldn't. "We were both forced into this marriage. I know, that two people cannot just start to love each other from one moment to the other and I know, that... maybe even after a long time we would not love each other that way. I felt the need to thank her for loving you the way I maybe can never do. You deserve to be loved and if I cannot give it to you then I should not stand in the way of your happiness."
"Everytime we speak... and I get to know more about you... you amazes me." shook his head Loki with a sad smile on his thin lips. Oh, how you wished those lips would ever kiss yours the way they kissed Sygin's. You had to avert your gaze before he would see the beginning of your tears pooling in your (e/c) eyes. Loki turned to you and pulled you into a gentle friendly embrace. Your fingers hooked into the fabric of his over coat on his back as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Thank you for... being so kind."
His voice was sad and tired and you had to blink a few times to get the tears away. He noticed but thought these were tears of sympathy. Oh, how wrong he was.
During dinner you and Loki spoke with Frigga in a casual way not showing anything of your true feelings. Loki apologized to you again at the table in front of the royal family satisfying Odin and Frigga. That night you shed your first tears for Loki... for the love that you couldn't have nor will.
As days passed your appetite grew smaller and smaller. You still kept a happy smile for the children during the lessons but they could sense something has changed about you. You visited Sygin and she pointed it out.
"(Name), what is wrong?" she furrowed her eyebrows as you two sat at the window seat. With every visit she trusted you more and more letting you closer and the two of you became friends.
"I have fallen in love I think' you sighed smiling sadly as her eyes widened.
To be continued...
Taglist: @caniputmyballsinyojahws
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