#but like. i genuinely cant stand for longer than a few minutes without starting to feel a bit dizzy
sol1loqu1st · 1 year
that and one of those fancy self cleaning cat litter boxes. id like one of those
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
I’m sorry, m’ love 
Professor Remus x Muggle!Reader (gn)
requested by @lehuntsworld- professor!Remus lupin with a reader that has tics and just kinda how they go throughout their regular days, and maybe a scene where the reader is tic-ing a ton and is super exhausted with it, but obviously can't stop. gender neutral reader.
Warning - unbearable fluff. not super accurate to the timeline. frustration and tiredness
Word count - 1600 ish?
A/N -  This takes place in the year that Remus teaches at Hogwarts but without much of the dark horrifying parts of the year. I made this romantic, wasn't sure if that was the intention from the request! it also wasn't a part of the request but I made this a Muggle reader! let me know if I should include a warning because I know focusing on tics can make them worse! This is based off of someone I know that has tics and their frustrations, I'm sure that they vary by person and if this feels really wrong or uneducated or anything, let me know.
You were thrilled Remus was back from Hogwarts, he had decided to spend winter break home so that he could spend time with you. He knew that it was hard on you for him to be away teaching during the year, only getting short visits and letters instead of having him home. It was hard on him too and he missed you especially during the full moons. He had also heard through your letters that your work had been rather hard in recent days. Your workload increased and you had to work unpaid overtime. You weren't having a great time with your coworkers and you really just missed Remus.
Thats why you were so thrilled that he would be home during winter break, even if you didn't have it off with him. It was the 2 weeks surrounding Christmas so there would eventually be a few days when neither of you were working. Today, however, was not one of those days. It was early in Remus' stay and you were sad to leave him for work, already anticipating a rough day ahead. Still, you savored the morning. You had tics, mostly just motor and there were specific ones that persisted. At any time in the day you might be twitching your nose, jerking your head, or blinking more often than you needed to. These would start in the morning but in ways that didn't bother you too much. It was just a part of your life and it had been for a long time. Recently though, with the increase of stress at work, they had gotten a bit worse.
Remus was the greatest with your tics. He knew not to mention them unless you wanted to talk about them and to try to help you relax when they got worse. You sipped on you tea, your nose scrunching up uncontrollably occasionally but nothing you couldn't deal with. You were moderately relaxed and not too stressed so they weren't bothering you too much. Remus sat on the counter across the kitchen from you and he smiled lovingly at you from there. You were catching each other up on any new updates within the order or about Hogwarts.
"Well, I should tell you that Fred and George have started to develop some pranking products." Remus muttered and you chuckled lightly.
"They are hilarious, I'm sure?" you questioned and Remus rolled his eyes but you could see the smirk still on his face.
"I suppose they would be funny to some but they are often not as fun for the victim." Remus spoke firmly but you could tell he was trying not to laugh.
"What do they do?"
"The newest one is a chewing gum that makes the chewer's words come out in a different language." He said and you both stayed silent for a moment before bursting out into laughter. Your eyes were watering and you nearly spilled your tea.
"Oh, I cant wait to see them use some of those." you laughed genuinely. You thought the twins had real promise in their inventions and you were excited to see what they would pull off in the future. You loved everyone in the order and you were fascinated by every witch or wizard you met. You were a muggle, as Remus would say, and you couldn't get enough of every part of the wizarding world that you could get your hands on. You were especially close with Arthur Weasley who loved to quiz you on your world and upbringing and was perfectly happy to answer the multitude of questions that you had right back.
Remus loved that you got along with the people he knew, they were very important to him but so were you. He often let you know how lucky he felt to have met someone as understanding and caring as you were. You had no issue with Remus' condition either, taking it all in stride.  
A glance at the clock on your kitchen wall let you know that you had to leave for work, your head jerked to the side quickly and you winced a bit at the pang that went through your neck for a moment. With a kiss goodbye to Remus and a final gulp of your tea you were out the door, hoping for a smooth day considering the great morning you had just had.  
You were, unfortunately, not given the joy of an easy day. Instead your day was filled with snide remarks from coworkers, extra work you would have to take home, and a notice that your request for a raise was not approved. You went home that night feeling defeated and it showed in your body. The stress of having this work to do once you reached the house had escalated your tics, your eyes now blinking largely and it bothered you. Your neck was slightly sore from the way that it had been getting jerked around today and your nose was even a bit irritated from how many times you had involuntarily scrunched it up.
As soon as you entered your home, Remus could tell that your day had not gone as well as you would have hoped.
"What do you need?" he just questioned quietly and sweetly, coming up to you and removing your coat while kissing your cheek.
"Could you make dinner and maybe make me tea, please?" You asked, you had learned that Remus actually enjoying doing things for you when you didn't feel well because it gave him something to do. It also made him feel better about all of the times that you had had to take care of him after full moons.
"Of course, darling." He muttered and kissed the top of your head before heading into the kitchen to get started on your tea and you moved toward the living room to get started on the work that you would have to do tonight. Just the thought stressed you out and you knew it was going to be a long one.
Nearly two hours later you were surrounded by warm light, a blanket on your shoulders, and tea in front of you that Remus continuously was refilling with more hot water. You were getting increasingly frustrated by the work that sat in front of you and your tics were really starting to bother you. Remus was sitting nearby reading, keeping a watchful eye on you in case he needed to take care of anything. He could tell you were exhausted and he wanted to make it better however he could. He thought you might even get done soon, the pile of paper in front of you dwindling, but he knew you were about ready to quit working for the night.
Your nose would not stop twitching and your neck HURT from the way it had been twisted during the day and through the evening. Thinking about it only made it worse and soon you could feel tears prick your eyes and you tried desperately to will yourself to stop. You'd tried this many times in your life but it had never once worked.
Remus caught on that you were about to break so he stood quickly and walked over to where you sat. He pulled out your chair and crouched in front of you, noting the tears threatening to fall from your watery eyes.
"Hey, love. Can I get you over to the couch?" He asked lightly and you nodded sadly. Remus knew that sometimes walking in a straight became more difficult when you couldn't keep your head looking forward so he gently helped you stand and led you over to your large couch. He sat first and then pulled you down to where you were sitting in between his legs. He held you around your waist and you curled into him, allowing enough space for your head to move freely so you didn't hurt it more. Your eyes hurt from how hard you were blinking and there were now a few tears streaming down your face.
"I just want it to stop long enough for me to get my work done." You whispered and Remus hummed behind you.
"I'm sorry, m' love. I know it must be frustrating" he mumbled. You had told him once that you didn't like when people tried to give you advice bout it. It wasn't something that you had any real control over and people trying to fix your tics made you feel like there was something wrong with you. There wasn't, it was just a little extra tiring and frustrating during your day. You took some deep breaths and relaxed into the calm man beneath you.
After what you guessed to be about 15 minutes your tics had slightly lessened and Remus was still calmly rubbing your back in soothing circles. You sighed in slight relief that your head was no longer getting jerked to the side and you were blinking normally. You turned your body so you were facing Remus and your moved to bury your face in his chest.
"I love you." He heard you say, the words sounding muffled from how hard your face was pressed against his chest. He chuckled a bit and just kissed the top of your head.
"I love you too."
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I read the original idea, but hopefully Robbe is not the one who keeps looking for him, I think Sander should take that step. It would be great if you added Robbe realizing that distance is necessary, and begins to enjoy this little separation and realizes that he loves Sander but also respects his decision and will wait for him to return to speak.
Please tell me there's a 3rd part coming soon Please post the next part sooon. Sander needs to stop ignoring robbe like this, my heart cant take this much angst :((
Sander please talk to Robbe and don't ignore him like this :(
Part 2 
Robbe stops his cart in the middle of the empty aisle, getting his phone from his pocket, unlocking to change to the next Bowie song. He checks the list he made earlier to see what he needs to get after his favorite cookies. 
His mom is gone for the weekend, she even asked him to go with her to visit his grandparents and the city she grew up in, her friends but Robbe was enjoying being alone for the past four days and so he wanted to enjoy the weekend by himself.
He had completely forgotten about his phone when she handed it back to him before leaving.
“I’m horrible with numbers, but I think it’s been more than a day,” she said softly and Robbe smiled at her, holding ir carefully, adjusting to the size and weight of his phone, scared to turn it on.
He left it charging while we went to eat something with Jens around the corner from his house and while he was taking a shower and making the list of the things he would need for the weekend. Knowing his phone existed and was being charged gave him anxiety, worried of what he would find, so he had to look before leaving the house.
No new messages from Sander, but he posted another photo. Robbe clicked on the notification and he recognized it right away. The night before he met Sander, Moyo had spilled beer on Robbe’s jacket and they had no way of washing and drying his jacket quick enough, so Robbe left his jacket outside that night, using the old fridge as a hanger.
Sander took a picture apparently, and never showed it to Robbe. He liked the photo and moved on to watching Sander’s stories as he ran downstairs. He saw the big city running past Sander while he was sitting on the train, listening to Fleetwood Mac, one of Robbe’s favorite bands, just a few hours earlier. 
He saw his boyfriend’s eye and the train seat behind him, his hair pecking out of his hoodie on the selfie he posted two hours ago. And the last one was Adi filming Sander sitting right next to him, not as excited or easy to make smile like the other day.
“Someone’s grumpy today. Missing home, the big baby. Acting like he didn’t have the time of his life with us-” Robbe closed instagram and got on his bike to go buy what he needed.
After checking the list one more time, Robbe checks the time and day.
It felt such a long time until this day, until Sander’s arrival and now it feels like he’s not ready to see him again, nervous if Sander will contact him or not, if they’ll keep their distance for longer while living just a few minutes away from each other.
As the screen is slowly fading back to black, Robbe gets a notification, and another one and another one. He sees Sander’s name for half a second and it’s more than enough for his heart to start beating fast while he presses the button on the side, unlocking his phone and opening their conversation.
to Robbe: I’m home
I miss you
Can we meet?
Robbe puts the ketchup inside his cart and stops again, finally texting Sander back, not starting a conversation for once.
to Sander: Yeah
I’ll be home in twenty minutes or something.
He doesn’t check for what he needs anymore, going straight to the cashier to pay for everything he managed to buy in the time he had before the messages.
Robbe cannot believe the two weeks long separation is finally over. The cold, minimal answers he got from Sander made him feel unwanted, like he was bothering his boyfriend, asking for attention when he shouldn’t, and Robbe took care of himself in the past few days. Hearing from Sander that he wants to meet is always the best feeling.
From the time he got the message to him unlocking his house it takes exactly twenty minutes, he checks on his phone to see if he has any spare minutes to take a shower and clean up. 
As soon as he unlocks the door, the intercom rings in the kitchen. Robbe rushes to let Sander in, putting his bag on the counter as he goes back to the door empty handed, holding the door to give himself something to hold on to.
The elevator is completely quiet, but then Robbe hears quick steps behind the emergency door. They stop for a long moment and Robbe frowns, wondering if he just opened the door to someone else, but then Sander pushes the heavy door open and there he’s, standing across the narrow hallway, surprised to see Robbe there, with the door open.
“Hey…” Robbe tries, hoping his smile seems more genuine than what it feels. He’s just worried about how things are between them after two weeks apart, the longer they’ve chosen to stay away from each other, ever.
“Hi…” Sander pushes his bag up on his shoulder. He’s still wearing the clothes from early on the train ride, with his big backpack over his shoulder and a messy hair that Robbe is sure was caused by a little nap against the train window.
“Did you come straight here?”
Sander nods his head, finally coming closer, still careful with every tiny step he takes, but Robbe watches him, letting Sander stand right in front of him, so close Robbe has to hold himself not to kiss or hug Sander without his permission.
But then Sander leans closer, almost brushing their lips against each other and Robbe opens his mouth and closes his eyes instantly, waiting in anticipation for a kiss that never happens, so he sighs, desperate now, one hand cradling Sander’s face and the other arm around his neck, standing on his tiptoes so he can put his hand at the top of Sander’s head, gently holding his hair, feeling how he shakes when he opens his mouth, licking inside his boyfriend’s mouth to see his reaction.
Sander finally kisses him desperately, one arm around his waist, his fingertips pressing hard against the small of Robbe’s back and the other hand holding the back of Robbe’s shirt tightly, keeping them pressed against each other while Sander walks them inside, closing the door behind him.
Robbe has to stop the kiss way too early, out of breath, still so relieved they’re good he can’t really focus on anything else.
“I’m sorry for being an asshole.” Sander says first, pressing his forehead against Robbe’s, kissing his whole face. They’re holding each other so tightly Robbe can feel how fast Sander’s heart is beating, almost as fast as his own. He nods his head, hiding his face against Sander’s neck, smiling from ear to ear.
“I’m sorry for what I said and for not giving you the space you asked me to.”
Sander sighs, dropping his bag on the floor to give them some more room to hold on to each other.
“Please, never give me space. I don’t need it. This was the stupidest idea ever.” Robbe can’t help the relief it is to hear those words coming out of Sander’s mouth, but he looks up anyway to make sure Sander isn’t just saying that to please him, “We have more than enough time away from each other with our different schedules. Being apart for days is a bad idea. I thought I was actually going insane.”
Robbe smiles, really looking at his boyfriend now, like anything really changed in him in two weeks.
“I love you, Robbe.”
He whines quietly, kissing the corner of Sander’s lips, “I love you so much,” Robbe bites the inside of his mouth, trying to find the right words to say, “But whenever you need space, please tell me, okay? And I’ll step back.”
Sander sighs loudly, rolling his eyes, looking at Robbe with that look that makes all his insides warm and soft like butter.
“You’re my best friend, you’re the best person I’ve ever met. I like being around you. I liked you since the first second I saw you, even before we were together. I wouldn’t trade my time with you with anything else. Even if we spend the rest of our lives together, it won’t be enough time with you.”
Robbe closes his eyes, putting his forehead against Sander’s to stop himself from crying. He hugs him tightly again and Sander holds him by his thighs, carrying him inside, kissing his face, whispering sweet nothings to his ear.
Sander puts him down when they get to his bedroom and Sander starts taking his clothes off to go take a shower. Robbe keeps thinking about Sander and Adi, two weeks together without Robbe in between them, how much he must have annoyed Sander, making him hear all of Adi’s opinions about Robbe.
“And Adi?” He has to ask and Sander doesn’t flinch, continuing to take his pants off.
“What about him?”
“He’s your best friend. And he hates me.”
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insomnihan · 4 years
han’s Entire Thoughts & Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Odd Eye”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE?????????????? LINE DISTRIBUTION?????????????? IS SO SE*Y?????????????? THE IMMENSE POWER IN SIYEONS AND YOOHYEONS VOICES I CANT- ACTUAL SUA RAPPER CRUMBS idc what yall say minuscule sua rapper crumbs THE AMOUNT OF HANDONG AND DAMI LINES IS F UCKING DELICIOUS 😩😩😩 HANDONG VERSE CHORUS AND BRIDGE?????????????? DAMI BRIDGE??????????????? ‘LIVE IT UP’?????????????? BICTH IM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
forgot to do this for boca so imma do it here kinda
THE AMOUNT OF HANDONG?????????????????? I CANT BREATHE??????????????????????
and ofc her ooOOOooOOO-
sua rapper crumbs idc idc-
jiu ‘no more utopia’ AND sua ‘no more utopia’ pls took me three (3) tries to type ‘utopia’
okay for the dance i will be using the mcountdown fancam BC I DO WANT THE F UCK I WANT 👁👁 I JUST WANNA SAY i lit rally CANNOT believe how stable they are dancing LIKE THAT™ thE POWER THEY HOLD ANYWAY as always the dance always S L A P and is literally impossible to dance to without feeling like youre absolutely f ucking d*ing and out of breath……………… LOVE THAT
im delusional but lowkey deja vu clown me idc idc-
siyeon doing this
putting a bullet point for just that one (1) second of dami doing That™
handong right after…………………………………
gahyeons part with the other members doing different moves my eyes liked it
like jiu and dami with handong ive literally watched that for five hours-
i just like the way they lined up and needed it to be linked here
S C R E A M……………………………………………………… Iconic™
DO YOU SEE THE BUDGET IN THE VISUALS JESUS CHRIST- the f ucking set up all of the effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of the lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of thE GLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the black and white set and theyre wearing red…………………… the red and white set and theyre wearing black…………………… that purple and green place…………………… the tree and random nature but everything is so futuristic looking…………………… dunno why yoohyeon is in a graffiti covered restroom but im LIVING for it- SIYEON SURROUNDED BY THOSE TVS DAMI IN THAT TRAIN THAT MULTICOLORED PLACE WHEREVER SUA IS EXCUSE ME- I COULD LITERALLY NAME EVERY SCENE IN THIS DAMN MUSIC VIDEO AND THEY👏ALL👏SLAP👏HARD👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
jk ill name some😊😊😊again id name everything but ill just show one i liked more than others bc this is alreADY TOO DAMN LONG-
this is self restraint btw
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helL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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AND IF I CRIED????????????????????????
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this is here for no reason other than bc i wanted it here-
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OOP- x2
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………………………………… F-
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it was this or the close up shot either way it k*lled me
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OOP- x3
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honestly let me just mention i really clowned and set myself up for heartbreak bc the album is only called ‘road to utopia’ but i assumed theyll find utopia bc thats how trilogies work but then this slaps me in the face- what im saying is im 🤡
W O M E N™
plus this truly is long enough good god-
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OH BICTH SHE GRABBED ME BY MY NECK RIGHT AT THE START WHEN SHE JUST POPPED UP- lemme just talk about this screenshot for a second the STREAKS IN HER HAIR and THE PIERCING???????? THE JACKET???????GOOD GOD????????? L I S T E N her outfits during the dance scenes the R E D especially jeSUS- its that red one for me im pretty sure some of yall saw me go F E R A L™ on the dashboard about it so i WILL NOT go into it again- and theN THAT DRESS A F CUKING QUEEN LOVE TO SEE IT
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ONCE AGAIN I HAVE TO BRING UP THE VERY START WITH THAT SLOW MO- RED👏IS👏HER👏COLOR 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏  the dark hime cut………………… the choker on both the red and the black is it the same one doesnt matter im d*ad……………… yo her wavy hair and that dress when it looked like she was in some hair shampoo commercial bicth i liVED FOR THAT- and theN T H I S YES THIS THAT IN THE SCREENSHOT the leather and the jacket the writing on her face i waNT HER TO BEAT ME WITH THAT LIGHT-
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I SWEAR TO GOD I SCREAMED EVERY TIME SHE WAS ON THE SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls breathe yes i see that orange coat with the collar and her two different colored eyes and how she is sitting in that chair i see her looking so fine in that red outfit especially near the end of the mv oh mY GOD- those pants yall bringing that style back from boca literally let me bREATHE FOR LIKE TWO (2) SECONDS
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LISTENLISTENLISTENLISTEN my eyes legit started tearing up when i saw her so soon in the mv yall DO NOT understand the emotions im going through to rewatch this mv again and again anD- iiiIIIIiiII CANNOT FULLY EXPRESS MYSELF BUT I JUST WANNA DIRECTLY MENTION THOSE CRYSTALS AND HER HIGH PONYTAIL SHE MADE F UCKING SURE TO SHOW OFF HOW POWERFUL SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YOOHYEON WITH BUNS??????????????????? THAT LIPSTICK COLOR RIGHT AT THE START???????? THAT OUTFIT WITH THE RED PLAID SKIRT????????? like when you REALLY look at the outfit the polkadot jacket and the tie makes not a lot of sense but she made it woRK!!!!!!!!! okayokayokay her lip ring and dance outfits lets talk about it to be honest its something about that chain that hangs on her torso that makes it really hit………………… but like the entire outfits HIT™ she ripped her pants didnt she
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I CANT STAND THIS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me why for literally one (1) second of that ‘live it up’ it snapped my neck???????? it was HARDLY A FLASH OF LIGHT YET IT WAS ENOUGH TO HURT ME- i prefer her short hair but listen the longer hair is making so many points rn- i think i said that for boca too… SHES LITERALLY SITTING YALL AND YET HERE I AM- the jacket the necklace the gloves and then that dramatic spin and the leaves OH MY GOD- DID YALL👏SEE THE WAY👏SHE KEPT👏FEELING👏HER NECK👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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GAHYEON THE WOMAN YOU ARE- i wanna start with the black hair and thee stickers look bc i wanna buT WE LOVE NOIR BY SUNMI but like i love that look like overall????????????? she literally wears the same outfit for that and this screenshot but the vibe is so different i LOVE this purple color she got going rn and that black hair IS A STATEMENT imma be more open here about it but lowkey i am genuinely missing her dark hair rn- anyway THAT DESIGN AROUND HER EYE WITH THAT RED OUTFIT BRUH DO I D*E-
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked)
Wind Blows
this instrumental……………………… holy god????????????? its chill for like a second in the beginning and then it just YEETS you in- imma be real i wasnt sure about that ‘wind blows’ part i dunno why i ……… into it at first but yknow whaT THATS ONE OF THE BEST PARTS DAMIS RAP I SWEAR- but then the prechorus parts are so chill??????????? is it bc its handong its probably bc its handong ‘always be with you like gravity’ siyeon pls- it gives me the same energy as tension and break the wall where i feel like i jusT GAIN ALL THE STRENGTH AND CONQUER THE WORLD yes i saw the dance multiple times it k*lled me every single time
Poison Love
literally what the f uck- when i heard it in the highlight medley i knew i was gonna LOVE this like i cant stand how much i love their sexy bops like dami got me immediately ‘why do you?’ YOURE RIGHT DAMI WHY DO I- you could NEVER go wrong with lower register dreamcatcher NOTHING👏CAN👏GO👏WRONG👏 DAMI AND GAHYEON THEIR RAPS JESUS CHRIST i put my hand on my heart i was so taken aback- maybe i went back to replay it a few times when i was listening to it and then handong……………………………………………………… UH ANYWAY-
4 Memory
JIIIIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE THE HAPPY AND BOUNCY AND FUN BOP OF THE ALBUM- like ive said this to a few moots that this song just makes me happy and lifts up my mood its the little instrumental parts in the chorus for me i dunno what it is its just pleasant to my ears and then damis rap is so fun like :cccccc cute- like this is a song about the seasons and wanting to be with someone (well jiu help write this is this about like insomnias or am i a stupid clown-) like i REALLY WISH i could express how much i enjoy this song but i would just be repeating myself that its a feel good happy song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New days
DAAAAAAAAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE i dunno how to describe the energy this song holds except ‘friendship energy’- its literally the guitar all throughout the song for me LIKE i feel like im just wrapped in a nice hug BUT NOT JUST ANY KIND OF HUG its the kind that the other person opened their jacket and theyre holding me and their jacket is around me listening to this song yall i kinda wanna cry i dunno- everyone sounds so lovely especially jiu pls her voice is so soft and DAMI OFC HER RAP GETS A HELL YEAH™ FROM ME like the ‘find you’ AND THEN AT THE END ‘FOUND YOU’ IM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (if yall cant see its the pleading puppy eyed emoji)
LIKE WHAT A WAY TO START THE F UCKING YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so in awe of everything about this as SOON AS SOON I SAY i saw the very first photo teaser and i COULDNT STOP LISTENING TO THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY AND THE TEASER WITH THE SUITS AND THE DRINKS IS STILL LIVING IN MY HEAD- alright alright ill calm down for this part but its one of my FAVORITE ALBUMS FOR👏SURE👏 like i really cant think of any criticisms regarding anything about it!!!!!!!!!!!! since im posting this after promotions are over (odd eye promotions anyway) i will just say im EXTREMELY proud of what we have accomplished as fans and what the girls have achieved during this era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was hella wild all around and i am once again saying that im very happy to be an insomnia <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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for-ests · 4 years
Hey, not sure if you do smut but I think this request can work without a lot if you’d prefer😁 reader’s an art student and needs to sculpt a full body nude sculpture and Tom offers but gets a bit cheeky
thanks for the request dear! this was fun to write :-) i literally know nothing about art so if I get something wrong just ignore! i hope you enjoy!! i went a diff +route but I still think it fits! [ mlist ] 
Word count: 3, 273
Warnings: slight nsfw,, nudity 
Pairing: Tom Holland x art student reader!
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“The issue is… I have no idea who to ask.” You sighed deeply, embarrassment washing over you as you talked to your best friends about your upcoming project. 
Everyone knew you were a talented sculptor. That wasn’t the issue. The issue was that your professional sculpting internship at (your school) was currently learning about Ancient Greece. One of the requirements to pass the semester was to recreate a modern sculpture of someone you knew, and to make it as realistic as possible. Nakedness and all, which was a huge distinction of Greek statues.
There was a big problem though. You were incredibly shy, and you didn’t know who to ask to model for you.
Nudging you with a laugh, your friend flashed you a mischievous smile. “You know a lot of cute guys, why don’t you ask one of them?”
“Cute guys?” You scrunched your nose. “I know like three guys and I would cry if I had to see them naked.”
She sighed. “Fair. Does it have to be a guy?”
*-You nodded regretfully. “It has to be the opposite sex. It’s annoying but I u
erstand why. It’s important to be familiar with both sexes.”
Your best friend air quoted ‘familiar’ with a ridiculous smirk.
“Shut up.” You huffed, trying not to laugh at how dramatic she had become.
“I think I know a guy, he’s an aspiring actor and model.” Your best friend added casually.
Groaning, you shot her a glare. “Why didn’t you say that right away?”
She shrugged. “I like listening to you talk about your art.”
Her compliment almost worked, but you already knew that was partly the reason she was teasing you so hard. The other reason was because she had been trying to set you up with multiple friends for months. According to her, you had been single for far too long.
Her offer made you ponder deeper about your situation. You were slightly awkward when it came to getting to know someone, but you couldn’t imagine asking someone to strip right away so you could sculpt every curve your eyes grazed over. Whoever it ended up being had to be incredibly confident. Shallow yes, but that’s why you were hoping to find someone insanely attractive. Attractive people were usually confident, and responsibly so. “Maybe a stranger would be worse than someone I know.”
Snorting through her nose, your best friend stared at you like you were crazy. “Definitely not. If it’s awkward you never have to see him again. And if it’s not, well you can get cozy with a cutie.”
Taking a deep breath, you rolled your eyes. “I hate you sometimes.” You mumbled under your breath. You knew she was right, but you would never inflate her already enormous ego like that.
“You love me.” She sang sweetly.
“I do, now give him my number and tell him it’s of the utmost importance.”
Days later, that conversation was on your mind as you nervously organized your sculpting tools. Trying to relieve some tension, you slapped a pound of clay against the table, and it echoed throughout the workshop.
Reality was the fact that this so called model boy was on his way to your studio. His name was Tom, and from the pictures you saw–he was incredibly handsome.
You couldn’t believe you had agreed to this, but alas, you needed this experience to pass your class. You just hoped and prayed that Tom was a lot more outgoing than you, and could keep the conversation flowing as you stared intently as his erect… penis.
Your cheeks flared up at the thought. How the hell were you going to do this?
Y/N: help (Y/B/F/N) I cant do this!!! im freaking out
Y/B/F: is he even there yet? lmfao
Y/N: noooooo :((
Y/B/F: if it makes you feel any better, he’s excited and thinks ur pretty
Y/N: why didn’t you tell me that before??!
Y/B/F: do u feel better now tho?
Y/N: no
Y/B/F: ik ur smiling ;) u aint slick
Giggling like a schoolgirl to relieve some of your anxiety, you set your cell phone on the table. Truthfully, your best friend had made you feel better. If anything bad happened, it would surely be a wonderful story to tell everyone in the future.
Your eyes naturally glanced across the room to the clock on the wall. 7:00pm. Tom would be here any minute as scheduled.
You took a deep breath and studied your surroundings. All your tools were in place, and the entire studio was tidied up as if you hadn’t worked the space in weeks. Next, you walked to the wall and glanced at your reflection in the mirror.
With your hair in a bun and your shabby working clothes, you looked suitable at best. You did have a little bit of makeup on to help yourself feel more confident. If you felt good, you could make your client feel good in return.
At least it looked like you didn’t try too hard. You didn’t want this man to get the wrong idea.
Then, snapping you out of your trance, there was a knock on the door.
You straightened out your shirt one last time, and tucked your baby hairs back behind your ears. Scoffing immediately after, you shook your head. Why were you trying to look cute? Who cares!
You rushed to grab the front door, afraid that you were making him wait too long. You flung it open, eyes locking with his right away.
You froze.
He was even more dashing in person.
“Judging by your cute outfit, I think I’m at the right place. Y/N right?”
And a British accent?
“Y-yes!” You flashed a smile to mask your obvious hesitation. You could easily play it off by opening the door and keeping your gaze averted. You were the master of smoothness.
“Thank you for coming, it’s about time I got this project done…” You tittered, locking the door behind him for privacy purposes. “You can set your things on the couch over there.” You pointed, eyes meeting his again when he glanced to the couch and then back to you.
“Awesome.” He nodded, holding your gaze for a moment longer than necessary.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” You offered, nodding your head back to the small kitchen in the back of the studio. You wished the studio apartment was yours alone, but you shared it with multiple other college students in your program.
“Water… or beer if you have any?”
You threw your head back in laughter, causing Tom to smile at your genuine reaction.
“Yeah, I can get you one.”
“In the meantime, should I just strip?” He smirked, not trying to be sly with his flirtations. Though your cheeks were dusting with pink, you were able to match his energy. Your best friend definitely set you up with someone she knew you’d like.
“Do whatever you want, love.” You mimicked his British accent. “You’re the guest after all.”
Walking past him, you gave him one last look when he was fully-clothed. Tom was certainly the player type, practically the perfect embodiment of the muse you had in mind. This wouldn’t be awkward for you, and it would be even better for him. Men like him thrived off of cheeky discomfort in their female counterparts.
Yet, truthfully, you were enjoying it as well. It felt nice to be complimented so soon into an introduction.
As you cracked open a can of beer for Tom and yourself, you could hear him shuffling around with his items. The sound of his buckle falling against the floor made you suddenly nervous to turn around.
Inhaling sharply, and gulping down a few more sips of beer, you finally gained the courage to walk back to the studio setup, where Tom had already wandered over to, completely naked.
“You seem to be in your element.” You noted, trying to keep your eyes leveled with his. Now that you were thinking about it, remaining calm and professional was excruciating in front of such an attractive man. And it certainly wasn’t helping that he was enjoying your embarrassment.
And least this was exciting.
Thanking you, Tom took the beer and pressed his lips against the cold aluminum. “I would definitely feel a lot more comfortable if you were naked too, darling.”
“Hey now,” You nose scrunched in a form of mock distaste. The man caught on immediately, holding your gaze with a sort of amusement that was masking desire. “I might think about it if you sit nice and pretty for me for more than five minutes so I can sketch you.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Shaking your head in disbelief, you walked over to your crafting desk. You decided you were going to start with the hardest part, the part which your grade depended heavily on- from the waist down.
But first, you quickly sketched Tom posing in multiple poses until you were satisfied with one. You had him mimic a sculpture you couldn’t recall, where one hand was pointed forward and the other was rested casually on his hip.
“Can I see what one you want to do?” He asked curiously from the stand you had him propped up on for a better view.
“Sure.” You flashed him your finished sketch. The lines darted all over the page, making it hard for him to picture what was going on in your head. The picture you had drawn would not make sense to anyone else but the artist. But apparently you were talented, so he would trust the process.
You were also trusting the process. The situation you were in could only be awkward if you allowed it to be. And so far it was moving along smoothly. You had your favorite music playing softly in the background to fill the silence, and Tom seemed to be relaxed and unbothered by how quietly you worked.
“That’s cool.” Tom whispered, his eyes narrowing in confusion.
Giggling from his sudden proximity, you tried to tease him. “It’s fine to not understand it.”
“I definitely don’t know what’s going on but it’s still interesting.” He admitted.
You set the paper back down on the table, and decided to attempt and sculpt the base. Moving past a still naked Tom, you tried to immerse yourself in your work, or at least make it seem like you were focused. “This takes hours you know, weeks and months- it won’t make sense for a long time.”
“Perfect.” He grinned. “I’ll get plenty of time to know you better.”
Laughing through your nose, you kept your attention on the clay you had dropped on the floor. “You can put your clothes back on.”
“Oh!” He chuckled. “Yeah.”
As you carefully trimmed the base clay with a heavy frame, you lifted your head to find Tom slipping a robe back on. He definitely came prepared. Had he done this before?
“Come here.” You gestured. “I need you to set your feet down on the clay.”
“I didn’t think this would get dirty so fast.”
“Shut up.” You huffed, grabbing his foot and pressing it down hard until the clay took shape to the size.
“Cold.” Tom commented in discomfort.
“I know.” You released your grip on his calf, looking up at him with a sheepish smile. “All part of the process, but good news for you- you’re done for the night.”
“Really?” Tom raised his eyebrows. “That’s it?”
You nodded, standing back up to normal height. “I’m experienced enough to sculpt the feet and legs tonight.”
“When should I come back?” He sounded a tad too eager, but it caused your smile to reappear.
“Tomorrow night if you’re available.”
“And maybe next time you can bring your own alcohol?” You gestured to the multiple beer cans poking out of the recycling bin.
The man flashed you a smile. “Sounds like a date.”
“It’s definitely not.”
Despite your rejection to his amusing advances, Tom’s expressions and mannerisms remained hopeful. Was it possible he was truly enjoying himself?
“I’ll leave my robe here. I’ll see you tomorrow at the same time?”
“Same time.” You confirmed, nodding him off. It was about time you started to really focus. Attractive man or not, you always got the most and best work done alone.
Because after the first night, the dynamics between you and Tom changed. He became incredibly invested in your process, asking you questions left and right, asking if there was any way he could help, and practically just lounging next to you hours after he would have been free to go.
“What do your sculptures usually look like?”
“Since this isn’t my own studio, I don’t have any of my pieces here. But I can show you a picture when I get my hands wiped off.”
“What do you build your sculptures with? It’s hard to imagine that a replica of me can come out of that much clay.”
“My sculptures are built with water-based clay and are fired in a gas kiln to cone 4, about 2150 degrees Fahrenheit… “ You nodded towards the back wall that had an installed kiln for you and everyone to share. “Trust me, there will be a lot more clay. Hundreds of pounds worth.”
“Can I help?”
There was no lying that you enjoyed his presence. Whether he was talking your ear off or napping to the peaceful beat of your jazz music, there was never a dull moment when Tom was in your studio.
Weeks passed, and so did the process. Your sculpture of Tom had progressed to week three, and that’s when you started to grow nervous. When you finished, which you were almost done, would you ever see him again?
You had barreled through the awkwardness of replicating his genitals and chiseling his six pack perfectly into the hardening clay- but you still felt like something was missing. You knew even when you finished chiseling away his jaw line and chocolate brown eyes, there would still be something missing. Him. His presence.
Maybe it would have been better if you partnered up with a man that had zero personality.
Since it was just you and Tom for hours on end, your conversations gradually grew deeper, they stretched into new lengths, so much so that you eventually felt like you had known him for years.
When Tom claimed he wasn’t looking for a relationship, you felt your heart fall. That’s when you realized you were developing stronger feelings for your model. You hardly had time to think about trivial things like that, but you couldn’t deny your disappointment.
And you were sure he saw the brief tears glossing over your eyes when you turned away. Yet, he didn’t make light of it.
That’s when you knew it was useless.
It seemed useless until the sixth week, when you finally finished the head. You were too afraid to attach it. Tom had spent the last couple hours with you in the studio. His legs kicked back and occasional whistles streaming from his lips. He had practically memorized your playlist to the extent you had.
“Tom.” You called. “Your face is done.”
He cheered excitedly, pushing himself off the sofa and racing towards you. Tom had learned to give you your space while you worked, but in moments where you summoned him, he barely stood inches from you. The man would constantly touch you in ways you couldn’t deny sent shivers down your spine.
Like he did as he rounded the tabletop, planting himself by your side and placing his hand on the low of your back. As if it was natural.
“Wow,” He breathed. “Y/N,” Your name upon his lips sounded as blissful as the music. “It’s.. it’s wonderful. It looks just like me... wow that’s scary.”
“I’m happy you like it.” You bit your lip, wishing you felt more satisfied with your project. You wanted to impress him, but you didn’t want him to go.
“All I have to do is attach the head, and fire it up in the furnace one more time. Then it should be good to go.”
You moved to do so, wanting to remove yourself from his grip. It hurt your heart to know the bond you had formed with him would come to an end. Why did you even let yourself get to this point? Was it because he was good at flirting?
“Wait-” His sentence faltered when you whipped around to face him- looking somewhat hopeful.
Tom paused, his throat tightening with the words he never thought he would admit. But he couldn’t leave tonight with at least trying. He needed to know how you felt. Because he could either leave with you in his arms, or he could leave never having to see you again.
He had been thinking of confessing to you for days now, but now that the time came, his mind was blank. “You really are beautiful, you know that right?”
“Why do you feel the need to flatter me?” You blurted, still unable to decipher the truth behind his words. You didn’t know how to accept such a compliment. Tom had claimed you were beautiful before, but this time it felt different.
His eyes spoke volumes. The beauty his eyes held was something you would never be able to replicate in a statue. It was a sight you found yourself never growing sick of.
Averting your eyes, you tried to move again. Yet this time, Tom gripped onto both of your arms.
“Look at me.”
“I can’t.”
“I won’t let you play me.”
“I was never playing you, darling.” The tenderheartedness intertwined with his words caused you to slowly turn your head back. Your lip quivered, and suddenly you felt like a schoolgirl all over again. You felt childish and unprepared for the intensity of your emotions.
“I don’t want to leave tonight without knowing if you feel the same.”
You blinked, hand reaching out to grip onto his. “And that is?” 
“I don’t know if it’s love, but it could be.” 
“That’s all I needed to hear.” You said, incredibly softly. 
Tom released your arms. And before either of you could process what to do next, your lips interlocked. 
You gripped onto him tightly, balling his white t shirt into a fist to keep him from leaving your side again. 
“Tom-” You breathed. 
The kiss you shared was laced with a fervent need, one that you had never experienced before, and one that you craved again and again. 
After the passion you felt, the skin prickling desire, there would be no turning back. 
“Fuck, you’re everything”’ He mumbled against your lips. 
You pulled back slightly to gaze at his expression. He had looked so afraid before, but now he was smiling from ear to ear. Much like he did the day he arrived with a teasing attitude, ready to get under your skin and provide entertainment. 
“How long have you felt like this?” 
“Since the first day.” He kissed you again, his hands cupping your cheeks. 
You whimpered against his muscular frame, trying to ignore the fluttering in your core, fluttering that begged and craved for more. 
“How did you wait so long?” 
“I wanted you to finish.” 
You chuckled, cheesing at his straightforward, simple reply. 
You were positive from that moment moving on, that Tom was not what you had thought at first glance. This entire time he had put you and your project first, letting his own desires sit and warm on the back-burner. That was something you would hold close to your heart, something you would cherish. 
He cared for you in the same way you cared for him. 
“Stay with me tonight, Tom.” 
“I would love nothing more.” 
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toevenexist · 4 years
The baby moves the entire night so she cant sleep and she’s really uncomfortable she can’t find a position to sleep and the next day at work she’s sleepy and tired and with pelvic pain and Link tells her to go to sleep but she doesn’t accept she’s tired
Hey Everybody! I’m baaaack. Here is PART 1 to this. Please be nice and reblog and review me pleeaassee I need to boost my writers ego, (boost it from nothing right now). 
I hope you enjoy this. Also a Reminder that somewhere in my writing universe Amelia was having twins (I think it should have happened in the show, THERE’S NO TWINS IN GREYS) so its twins here. 
Send me more ideas for part 2, 3...80 Link to Masterpost (Binge at your own risk)
Amelia hummed softly, defiantly screwing her eyes shut. She willed the babies to still, to quit dancing, quit testing the boundaries of her womb. She took in a deep breath and released it through pouted lips, cheeks puffed.  
She was coming to the end of her effort at testing the theory that if she was calm, and meditative, the babies would be too. She’d gradually decided it was the opposite for her offspring; drifting in and out of a light sleep, it had taken the last five hours for her to prove that. 
Without even resting her hands against her bump she could feel it contorting and morphing in shape with the movement of the twins. Amelia finally gave up, opening her eyes, staring off into the darkness in front of her. In the silence of the night she could hear the flutter of a lone moth’ wings against her window, and the rushing of the night air outside, cars hummed in the distance. 
She could hear Link next to her too, breathing softly, a quiet snore appearing and disappearing from his breath. When she focused on his presence behind her, an aching, swelling feeling of comfort and love swelled in her chest and she smiled in the dark. 
Normally when the babies were so active Link would help her. He’d rub her stomach and hips and sing for them, it would calm her in a way that she wasn’t able to do for herself, it seemed, no matter how much she tried. Tonight though, she thought he needed sleep more than she did. 
He’d come straight home following a nine and a half hour surgery, that ran his shift late by hours. So she was letting him sleep. She thought she should be able to settle herself, and them, on her own anyway. 
A cool breeze rolled in through the window and she closed her eyes again, stretching her legs out and rolling on to her back. She suppressed a groan and immediately rolled back onto her side, dropping her legs off the bed and pushing herself to sitting. She sat still for a moment, resting her hands against her sides, applying firm pressure and rubbing from her hips to her ribs. He realised she was clenching her jaw and relaxed it, tipping her face up to the ceiling. 
She stared into the fuzzy darkness of the room  and resigned herself to no sleep, and exhaustion tomorrow and rolled her eyes. She took in a deep breath, appreciating the smell of the fresh night air that had become near synonymous with the air in her room. A car alarm rang in the far distance, to her it was the volume of a whisper. 
Amelia stood slowly, curling her toes into the carpet beneath her. She pressed a hand into the ache in the small of her back and stepped up to the window, opening it wider.  A light wind draped against her like a cool shawl and rearranged the hair that framed her face. She hummed mellifluously in an out breath and tipped her face to the sky. 
Link stirred from sleep behind her and she heard the bed creak as he searched her out. “Amelia?” his voice was gravelly. Amelia remained still, though the twins were yet to wind down. “Yeah” Amelia said, pausing a moment and then turning her head to him. She could just make him out, leaning on his elbow, eyes glinting mutely with the light of the street. 
“What’s wrong? Is something wrong?” he said, sitting up, sleep ebbing away from him too. 
Amelia turned now, one hand holding on to the window sill, the other rest in the angle between her hip and the swell of her stomach. “They haven’t let me sleep” She admitted, setting herself back on the bed, melting with each hand that Link lay on her. “At all?”
“Some, but not much” she said, sighing, feeling suddenly exhausted but still as if she had two hamsters running in wheels inside her. She instantly felt guilty for comparing them to hamsters, but it was short lived as she pressed her face into Link’s chest and took in his smell. She let out an “mmmmnnnn” in pleasure and shivered, feeling her skin prickle as he chuckled. He continued to rub therapeutic spirals against her stomach. 
“Feel good?” 
Her answer was a sigh and a hum, she felt the movement inside her slow, as if the twins were settling cats, now walking in small circles before they curl up for sleep. 
“Why didn’t you wake me Amelia? You’re going to be dragging all day tomorrow” He said. Amelia just hummed again, too absorbed in the blissful sensation he was permitting. The world felt as if it were slowing down finally, she felt herself spacing out. He felt it happening too; felt the babies winding down, and felt all the strain and tension leave Amelia. 
She was still, and melded into his side, one warm hand loosely grasping his forearm. Her hot exhalations warmed the crook of his neck and he allowed for calm to envelop him again. He folded himself against her and held her. She felt heavy and soft in his arms and against his hands. He lay a firm kiss against her head, at the part of her hair and closed his eyes.
The sun was still asleep, but the sky showed signs of its waking. Amelia was asleep too. Link was lying on his side, he’d awoken a little while ago, feeling rested. The room was warm, Amelia liked it that way. During the night she’d always throw the duvet away from her, only her feet were tucked under it. Her t-shirt was twisted and wound around her, up against the underside of her breasts. Other than that she wore a pair of underwear, dappled grey.  
Link gazed at her. She was so relaxed, so peaceful. One arm was draped across her torso, her index finger twitched against her stomach. He watched as she stirred slightly, turning her head to face Link. She sighed in her sleep, splaying her hand and sliding it to rest against her lower stomach. She settled again, completely oblivious of the Link’s gaze, of his thoughts. 
Link smiled tightly, pursing his lips. He felt guilty knowing he’d be waking her in a few minutes. She grimaced slightly and rolled slowly onto her side facing him. Even asleep now, she didn’t seem to be fully comfortable. Link peered down at her stomach, the culprit in all this. He reached out and laid a hand against the exposed skin. There was stillness there now, he smiled. 
“Amelia…” Link spoke softly, a creeping whisper. He brought his hand to her face and rest it against her cheek, drawing a line down her nose and across her soft lips. “Amelia” 
She whined weakly, pouting. “Its half seven sweetie”
“Mnn sweetie” She contested the word, and Link grinned, moving his hand back to her waist, massaging her tired muscles. “Why are they sleeping now?” she moaned, feeling genuinely tearful. 
“They had a long night” Link said, raising his brow, smiling sympathetically. Amelia just whimpered, opening her eyes. “You want a tea? caffeinated?” Link said, tipping his head to the side, meeting her eyes. She frowned and nodded, “Yes please” 
“Okay, I’ll go make it, some toast too?”
“Yes please”
“You okay getting up?” he asked, knowing she’d be feeling rough. She hummed yes and rolled onto the back. He offered his hand anyway and helped her sit up, moving closer and stooping down to kiss her on the lips. He held her face between his hands and they locked eyes.
 “I’m sorry they stopped you sleeping, but you’re doing amazing,” He said. Amelia smiled weakly and leaned into one of his hands, sighing. 
“Thanks” she said. 
“Alright, I’ll be back in a bit, or do you want to just come down for it?” 
“I’ll come down” 
“Okay”, he said, kissing her quickly again before leaving. 
Amelia huffed, standing up shakily, feeling her muscle protest and an ache set in in her pelvis. 
It took her a little longer than usual to get ready, so much that Link came up to check on her. He poked his head around the corner, finding her slipping on her shoes, holding on to the chest of draws. 
“Alright?” he said and she smiled, forcefully, trying to deceive herself of the utter fatigue she was feeling. Link thought to say she looked beautiful, because he always thought she was, but he didn’t, deciding it was the last thing she’d want to hear. 
She was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a plaid shirt that hung loosely on her. Her smile faded and she became more vacant as she made her way to the door. “Are you okay? You hurting?”
“Uuumm… I guess” she forced some cheerfulness into her voice as she walked ahead of him down the stairs. But her pace descending was a giveaway at the discomfort she was in. 
“I’m okay... I’m okay, I got this” she said, reaching the bottom of the stairs, eyeing him at the top of them, nodding meeting his eyes, wanting to reassure him. Heading for the kitchen she found Maggie sat at the table, who nudged Amelia’s tea towards her as she entered. 
Amelia took a sip and hummed her delight, closing her eyes. She quickly opened them, realising how good it felt to shut her eyes, and how much she’d like to go back to bed. She decided too to stay standing, hesitant to let herself rest, worried the stopping and starting would make her pelvic cramping worse. She downed her tea, sighing. 
“I heard you had a rough night?” Maggie said, standing up and taking Amelia’s empty mug. 
“Yup… it’s fine, I just need to get going…” Amelia said, arching her back and rolling her shoulders back. Link bustled in then, arranging his bag on his shoulder, and dropping his jacket into a chair. 
“Take it easy maybe Amelia” Maggie said, nodding, resting her hand on Amelia’s shoulder, Amelia met her eyes. Maggie stood before her, looking equally exhausted having just finished a night shift. 
“I will” Amelia said, nodding, unsure at how she was going to balance her day with what she felt she needed, which was twelve hours of sleep. She laughed a little.
Maggie grinned, seeing that resilience in Amelia’s eyes. She leaned down so her face was close to Amelia’s bump, uttering “naughty babies”.  Link chuckled, folding his arms. 
Standing sharply, Maggie took in a breath, “Right, have a good day, I’m going to bed” She said, waving as she headed for her room. 
In the car Amelia sat rigid, with restless legs, and hands that gripped her bouncing knees. She yawned for the third time and rubbed her face, widening her eyes. 
“Amelia? Are you sure you’re okay to work?”
“I’m okay Link, I slept some and I feel okay”
“Amelia, promise me you’re not going to push yourself today?”
“Link…” Amelia sighed, dropping her head against the headrest. She didn’t want to promise she wouldn’t do something that she was already doing. She was already pushing herself and had been the moment she’d pushed herself up out of bed. 
“Amelia” He tried to reason. 
“Link, truth is I’m pushing myself now, I’m exhausted and I’m hurting... But link” she shifted in her seat, sitting up. “I’m 7 months pregnant, I’m tired all the time, and I need to do my job”
“Amelia, I get that but you need too…”
“Link, don’t tell me what I need to do okay, I know, I’m a grown woman” she said, raising her voice. She flushed hot, her temper crackling like a fire inside her. ‘God I’m tired’ she thought, in an internal sigh that dragged her eyes closed. Link had stopped speaking, sensing her patience dwindling.
 “I’m sorry” she mumbled, slow blinking and clasping her hands together in her lap.   
“It’s okay” Link said, pursing his lips, eyes fixed on the road ahead. 
Amelia took a lengthy breath and peered down at herself. Her last pregnancy had been taxing in a completely different way. As they pulled into the hospital parking lot she held her stomach, looking down at the curve, and reminded herself that beneath her hands, were two healthy babies. At the end of all the pain and strain and tiredness, she’d have two babies, living and breathing in her arms. 
She hadn’t realised they were parked till Link’s hand came into view, resting and caressing her thigh. She looked up, finding his gaze. He smiled a warm, and grateful smile; o warm, she felt it sooth her. 
“I am your servant today, wherever I can be” 
“My slave” Amelia chuckled heartily, a lightness gracing her.
“Haha sure, I’m indebted to you for this” he said, resting his hand against her stomach.
“You sure are… you can carry any future babies, all eight of them” 
Link’s brows rose at that and he smiled toothily. “Eight? Why not ten, take it to a dozen”
“Well it’s your vagina Link” Amelia said, nonchalantly, opening her door and turning, smirking. 
“Wait don’t move…” Link said, opening his door and making his way around to her side.
“I’ll wait for slave” Amelia said, dramatically throwing herself against the back of her chair in despair. 
“Okay, come on” he said, offering his hand.
“All joke’s aside Link I do appreciate your help” Amelia said, taking his hand and standing up, turning her face away to hide the discomfort she felt grow the moment she was up. She let Link collect all their things, walking with him, and stretching and arching her back before they headed across to the hospital.
Tbc.  Thanks for reading! Please reblog and review xxx
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barryjeanblues · 5 years
taako meets death (again)
(also posted to my ao3)
taako has met two raven queens in his life before now.
well, close enough, at least. most - though not all - of the worlds the starblaster had traveled to had gods, and surprisingly enough, those gods were usually - though not always - strikingly similar to their homeworlds gods. (this was useful, because one of the crews number relied very heavily on a certain nature god for his magic. luckily, the nature or life god of each world always seemed to have a soft spot for little old merle, even if they werent merles traditional cloven-hoofed pan.)
twice, taako had met the death god - someone equivalent to faeruns raven queen. 
this had led to taakos understandable trepidation upon kravitz finally putting his foot down and insisting taako meet his mother boss. 
the first time taako had met a raven queen, she had been… overwhelming. the light of creation had fallen into a forest dedicated to her and her followers, and the head acolyte refused to give the wandering crew the light unless they first received permission from the queen.
the crew had agreed, with no other option, bracing themselves to firmly explain the direness of the situation. surely a goddess would be intelligent enough to understand. 
that raven queen had burst into a forest cleaning in an explosion of black feathers, half illusion, half steel, so that when lup brushed the smoky feathers from her eyes they blurred and dissipated, but when magnus tried the same thing he yelped and brought his hand back bleeding. 
that raven queens laughter had been eerie and echoing, almost but not quite mocking, almost but not quite infectious, almost but not quite joyous. the crew had stood firm and offered their argument, and the queen had given them tests and tokens and bargains and tricky promises with too many clauses and loopholes and at the end of it all the ipres numbers had been halved and the rest were weary and worn as they caught the light of creation and fled with only minutes to spare, the faelike laughter of death following them terribly even through the overwhelming cacophony of the hungers assault. 
that laughter had trailed after them longer, if only in their heads. taako would be making stir fry, planning outfits, swapping merles shampoo for hair-loss potions, when hed have to sit down suddenly and breathe through the musical trills of the raven queens cruel pleasure. it had seemed to bounce in his head the way a rubber ball might, ricocheting off thoughts and feelings until it rolled under a couch to be forgotten about, till some slight movement sent it rolling and bouncing about once more. 
davenport had died in an illusion, thinking he was saving his crew. poor merle had been choked by his own plants, betrayal writ across hos face. barrys skin had grown sickly purple with poison - ten to one odds arent very good odds. taako doesnt forget easily. he decides the goddess of death can go fuck herself. 
the second raven queen taako had met much later in their journey, and taako had met her alone. 
lup and barry had become liches a few cycles back. it was something taako had still been coming to terms with. 
taako loves lup. this is an immutable fact of any and every universe. taako loves lup and lup loves taako and not death or memory or space can separate them, not for long. but seeing your sister die, and then… go beyond death, to twist herself and latch on to a chance that she may never return except in madness and spite - thats a hard thing to grasp, even when she succeeds. taako had still found himself shivering when his sister forgot she had a body again and grabbed a hot pan off the stove, crying out in pain. taako still woke sweating from nightmares in which his sister and his friend flew apart and reformed as cackling red robed horrors of insanity and cruelty, too far for him to reach. 
until that cycle, though, barry and lups choice had only been an asset. 
but some raven queens do not take kindly to anything they see as a perversion of their domain. 
barely a week into that cycle, taako had awoken from the guilty non-elven pleasure of a nap only to find himself in some cold, hard court, fashioned seemingly of steel and silver and concrete, onyx lining the floor and the only color coming from sparse sapphires sparkled throughout the long echoing hall. 
at the end of it - and taako had known his eyes must have played tricks on him, because at first the being at the end of the hall seemed, while large, not much larger than a giant, but when hed called a nervous greeting his voice had echoed so awfully he knew the hall stretched much farther than hed thought and the goddess at the end of it must have been unimaginably huge. 
her eyes had glinted a flinty sapphire in her carven steel face when she ordered him to defend the existence of his sister and his sisters lover. 
taako had tried. he truly, truly had. but while taako is a being of preservation and caution, full of intelligence and cleverness, he is not one of cold hard logic. perhaps lucretia could have convinced this raven queen, the only of their number who had ever been able to grasp true hard reason… but taako doubts it. he had doubted it then and he doubts it even more these days. 
the point is, taako, for all his love for his family and his brilliant wit and devotion (probably, in fact, because of it) taakos arguments couldnt convince that raven queen. she saw past his genuine belief that lup and barry had made a good decision, and into his fears for her, and the goddess of death had based her own argument on those. she won. taako never had a chance. 
he, lup, and barry had woken up in the next cycle, newly resurrected. taako never stops feeling guilty about it. 
so. yes. 
taako is more than a little nervous about meeting the goddess his boyfriend serves so devotedly. but, and youd be hard pressed to convince him to admit it, taako would do anything for kravitz. and despite it all he does actually want to see what the deal is with his sister and his best friends boss, and his patron gods… friend? lover? girlfriend? taako isnt quite sure what fate and death are to each other, but its definitely something.
kravitz lays a warm hand on taakos shoulder, but taako squares them up. he can do this, for fucks sake - hes died a shitton of times, he can meet death. 
the doors open and taakos breath - the only breath in this realm of the dead - catches in his throat.
taako is a die hard istus fan, and shell always be his goddess. but if taako wasnt a taken elf, hed follow the raven queen, he realizes with a startle.
shes beautiful, yes. shes gorgeous, and taakos always been weak for beauty, but hers isnt the cold hard beauty of gemstones and gold, thinks his nimble fingers snatch up and hoard in his endless pockets. the raven queen is beautiful in a way that taako cant describe as anything other than simple.
he cant pin down any features. she has a kind face, gentle hands, bright eyes, but taako can tell she is a goddess because despite staying still the image of her flicks and shifts in his head. at once she seems to have every kind face hes ever seen, even if he doesnt recognize anyone. her hands reach out to comfort him - no more than comfort - but she stands without moving in front of taako and kravitz. her eyes glitter and sparkle and crinkle up with cheerful laughter, except taako isnt entirely sure she has eyes at all, or maybe she has too many. 
he thinks… he thinks maybe she has wings, or maybe theyre arms, or maybe theyre black fabric, draped around and behind and below and above her, shifting with the last breaths of every mortal in the universe. its darkness but its not scary, taako realizes, its solacing, healing, the way that he feels when dusk passes to night and the sky is huge and warm and the brush of lups hand against his as she says goodbye for the night is a relief and a love. 
hello, taako, death says. its lovely to meet you. 
she means it, taako knows. he can tell, somehow. shes just happy to meet him. nothing more, nothing less. 
'oh,' taako says aloud, and kravitz laughs his quiet sweet dorky laugh, and the raven queen laughs too, and its just that. its just a laugh, and its a nice one.
'oh indeed,' kravitz says. 'taako, did you really think id serve a monster or a cruel master?'
'well,' taako replies hesitantly, 'honestly, homie, i kind of thought you were, and id, like, have to start some quest to slay death itself and rescue you.'
the anthropomorphic personification of death laughs again, a note of delight in her tender voice. i like him, my kravitz, she says, good job.
kravitz does the dead-reaper equivalent of blushing. taako grins a little because its very cute. 
'death is different here,' taako hums. 'its… it wasnt like this anywhere else i went. it was cold, or cruel, or empty. i dunno why its different in your world.'
'then i guess we're the lucky ones, huh?' kravitz asks. taako leans up against him and murmurs an agreement. 'its why i love my job so much, why it means so much to me. its not that im some hardass, i just…'
'yea, cha'boy gets it now,' assures taako. 'still.' he looks at the ever-shifting, ever-stable face of death again. 'you better treat my boy kravitz and my lady istus well, capiche? or we will have issues.'
its a deal, taako, the raven queen says, smiling. 
when taako opens his eyes, hes in his home in the material plane, and kravitz is next to him, and theyre both smiling. 
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ohallthecrushes · 5 years
Piggyback ride//Joker x reader
Anon requested: A cute one shot about the reader giving the joker a piggyback ride cause he cant walk properly due to a injury and shocked how strong his girlfriend is ❤
A/N: I hope it’s cute enough, I’ve tried. I think I’m better writing angst and smut with a little dark humour in it. I don’t know if I like this one. I’ve been fixing it several times to make it better. :/ Anyway, thank you for your request! And as always, comments are welcome.:)
Contains: foot injury, stubborn clown, ankle pain, fluff and fun (see the rhyme? I’m a poet ^^) 
Word count: 1991
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Joker were leaving the bedroom in slow, limping steps, almost dragging his right feet with him. He hated being unable to walk and even though he knew he should stay in bed, he frequently and intentionally was finding excuses to leave the bed and go somewhere for something. He couldn’t just stay in the bed all day without anything interesting to do, even if some house chores. The fact that you were at work for 8 hours only made him more restless. He was used to having you near him, somewhere around him and he loved spending time with you, so you being away from him was a big unacceptable inconvenience to say the least.
He took another few steps and suddenly his ankle rewarded this overexertion with an increased pain. He cursed and lost his balance as he almost tripped over his own foot. He manage to support himself with his hand against the coach as he turned around and sat down on it with a heavy sigh. Leaning back he threw his head on the back of the couch and dramatically sighed again as he realized that he had to wait here until you came home. His left leg started bouncing fast, but he wasn’t bother to calm it down in any way. He didn’t grab his knee even, his hands were hanging behind the coach, fingers fidgeting with the sleeves of his shirt as he lack of a cigarette between them. Normally he would search for a pack, but he knew that the last one he had was on a bedside table in the bedroom, unfortunately so out of his reach.
Minutes were passing by, one by one, almost ruthlessly slowly. Joker only managed to reach out and get the TV remote to search idly through different TV channels. Nothing really got his attention, not even the news as his mind was busy with the image of you coming home. Why weren’t you coming home, yet? Why did you have to go to work when he, Joker, the clown Prince on crime could steal earn enough money for both of you, so you didn’t have to go to that awful place anymore? Why had he had to injure his foot? He felt useless now.
Finally the clock showed the time that you usually were back from work. It was either now or a few minutes later that the door would open, Joker knew your schedule by heart. And this time you, luckily for him, wasn’t late. As he heard the door being opened, he turn off TV so your sweet voice could be the only sound that fill the flat. He was so eager to greet you, to finally have you in his arms, that even though he couldn’t walk, he stood up and tried anyway, at least tried, to minimize the distance between him and the love of his life.
- Joker, I’m home! - you announced your presence in a soft voice. You couldn’t wait till you came home and saw him again. Those 8 hours had been dragging out way too long today.
- Doll, I’ve missed you... ouch! - his figure came in your sight, limping but with a smile on his face, and with a fresh energy that was beaming out of him, even though he was clearly in pain.
- Joker, no, you shouldn’t leave the bed, love.
Your eyebrows drew together in a big concern as you rushed to him and reached out your hands to place them on his arms to help him stand still on one foot. He couldn’t wait any longer and leaned down to hug you tightly, supporting himself on your body a little. You gently hugged him back, taking in his scent and his warmth. After a while you leaned back to glance at his foot and back at his face. You shook your head in disapproval.
- You’ve been all around the flat, haven’t you?
His smile changed, turning upside down in a sad expression and he blinked few times, his long eyelashes fluttered. He was caught with something you’d told him not to do, which had caused him more pain, and now he was showing you in a playful way that he acknowledged your displeasure and that he was very sorry about that. 
Except that he wasn’t really sorry as you wasn’t really angry at him.
He knew you wouldn’t be, not for real, for he knew that you knew, that he’d just missed you and simple couldn’t find a place for himself when you weren’t around. You could forgive him that, he was sure about it.
- How bad is it? - you asked, meaning the level of the pain he had to endure. You were already trying to figure out how to get him back to the bedroom, so he didn’t have to overuse his injured foot.
- Not much...
Not much.. 
You sighed and glanced at the coach, knowing what kind of level of pain was truly hidden behind those two words. His own pain meant so little to him, he could be in pain if he had to, he was so used to it. The only pain he couldn’t stand was yours.
A single thought appeared in your mind, but before you verbalized it or even thought it through, your boyfriend shifted his body, putting his injured foot on the floor, and spoke out first.
- I can walk, Y/N, it’s not that bad, see? 
He managed to move away from you, as far as he could with one broken step he did, in a poor attempt to prove you that he was just fine. But his ankle bent under the pain, he lost his balance again, stumbling, and you instantly jumped forward to catch him from falling.
- No, no, no, don’t hurt yourself to stop me from being worried about you, hon  - you shook your head as you placed your hand on his face to caress his cheek - You’ve twisted your ankle, you can’t walk for now, you shouldn’t, and you have to accept that.
He made a grimace as he thought it through, but finally accepted his state. The longer he was on his feet, the more it hurt. There was no sense to make it even worse than it already was.
- And I think I have an idea for how to move you to bedroom without you walking - you added, grinning -  I’ll give you a piggyback ride.
Joker chuckled really amused by your proposition.
- Kitten... - he started thinking you were joking, but you cut into his words.
- Seriously, J, I think I can carry you on my back. At least to the couch and then to the bedroom. Let me try.
He looked at you a bit skeptical, but there was a confidence in your voice, an already made up decision, that made him stay quiet for a moment. After all, who he was to judge someone’s strength ability by their physical look?
- You think you can handle me.... physically?
You nodded and chuckled.
- I can handle you in many ways, my love. No matter what shape you’re currently in.
With that being said, Joker slightly raised his thick eyebrows for a second to express his amusement as his lips spread out into a grin.
- Alright, love, let’s do it.
You smiled as you turned his back to him. He supported himself by placing his hands on your shoulders before he lifted his leg up that you caught in a firm grip. You slightly bent over to help him jump on you.
Though, there wasn’t a big height difference between you two, so he didn’t actually jump on, he just sort of laid forward on your back.
- You’re ready? - he asked a bit uncertain but after your confirmation, he, as much carefully as he could in that position, got on your back, lifting up another leg for you to catch under your arm.
You swayed a bit, trying to balance yourself with the extra weight on your back and he closed his eyes for a moment, didn’t move the slightest, afraid that he’d cause the both of you to fall.
- You’re alright? Your back is good? I didn’t hurt you?
- All good, angel. Hold on, next station: the coach.
He opened his eyes and chuckled, but took your words seriously as he relocated his hands from the grips of your shoulders to before your chest. He realized, his arms were too long for your body and he wasn’t sure how to grab you to make it comfortable for both of you, so he just wrapped his fingers around his forearm, while the other hand was hanging loosely.
As his fear of accidentally hurting you reduced to just a small worry, he started to enjoy the ride. He found out it was fun to be lifted like that and carried around.
- Yay, this is awesome! - his excited voice came out from his throat, making you laugh.
So what if he wasn’t a kid anymore? Was he too old for that? Who cares? And the fact that you were able to do that gave him another reason to be hugely proud of you.
 As you slowly were walking towards your destination, he pressed his lips onto the back on your head.
- You’re amazing, love - he said with a genuine tone as you were passing the living room and almost got to the coach.
It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t impossible either. Joker didn’t weigh much for his height and your muscles were stronger than most people gave you credits for. Bigger problem than having Joker on your back was to keep your eyes focused on what was in front of you and what was under your feet at the same time. As you tried not to bump into the coffee table, you stepped on the rug and stumbled to the side causing Joker to accidentally grab your boob out of panic.
- Sorry, Doll, this time it was unintended - he said and you both giggled as you made the rest of the way to the station without any further problems.
You stopped at the coach turning around so he could sit down and he got off of you smoothly leaning back against the couch. His hands slid to your shoulders and you were pulled back to him as you landed on his lap. He pressed two kisses on your shoulders and wrapped his hands around your waist.
- You’re the strongest girlfriend ever.
You let out a soft chuckle at the sound of his voice. He was truly amazed and proud of you. You turned to face him, your cheeks turned a bit rosy.
- Thank you, love - you pressed a kiss on his lips and couldn’t help but smile against them.
He hugged you closer to his chest and buried his head in the crook of your neck. 
- I’ve missed you. The whole day. Without you here - he kissed your neck, using his lips to finish each short sentence that escaped his mouth - Is a torture. To me.
- I know, I’m sorry... - you took his hand up to your face and put a small kiss on the back of his palm - But I’m here now and I’m gonna compensate you for my absence.
He lifted his head and you shifted a bit to look at him.
- Next station?
- The bed - he agreed, giggling and you started to help him getting up from the coach, back up on your back.
You didn’t know how you were going to get it around the corner, but there was nothing stopping you from trying. Together, you could overcome anything.
And how to make him stay in the bedroom, you already knew.
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ahwuum · 5 years
I absolutely love freewood with mute! Ryan and bcs this is me, how about throwing some angst into it? Like Ryan and Gav went undercover and things goes just as planned UNTIL Gav mis-steps and their disguise was blown. One of the bad guys get to Gav when they were seperated and Gav didnt realise the bad guy but Ryan did and he tried to warn gav but oh god he cant talk and gav too far away to notice him and the bad guys aiming his gun at Gav and Ryan sprinting to save him but the gun when off...
Yesss I love this so much omg! I decided to write a little something for it quick, sorry it took a while aha
‘All clear?’ Ryan signs to him once they’ve creeped up along the walls of the complex to the entry door, waiting while Gavin checks the security cameras from his phone.
‘Yep, the loop’s started now, so we have a few minutes before the next guard makes his round, but it shouldn’t take much longer than a minute to transfer the files. Let’s go.’ Gavin signs back, grinning and giving him a thumbs up before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out the keycard he’d swiped from the guard at the gate and pressing it against the scanner.
Green light. Go.
They move quickly, quietly, the layout of the entire underground complex committed to both of their memories by this point. The server room they need to get to is down a set of stairs, through another locked door and then on the left.
It’s so easy it’s like they’re begging to have all their information stolen.
Bank details, safe house locations, weapons stache, upcoming deals, heist plans, active jobs, all invaluable information that the FAHC could definitely use. All conveniently held in the one server room in an underground complex that, sure, has plenty of armed guards and locked doors that you need a keycard to get through, but beyond that has almost no security.
It’s so easy that Ryan starts to think that maybe they are begging to have their information stolen, especially as they get further in and still come across no guards.
Of course, that had been part of the plan, only one guard making the rounds of this particular wing, and no foreseeable reason as to why any other guards would be down in this area. But it makes him nervous.
What kind of crew leaves their server room so unprotected? What kind of crew would even put all of their information on the one server that could so easily be broken into? What kind of crew—especially one this big—would leave just one guard standing watch at the only way into their secret underground complex?
He slows down only for a moment as his creeping suspicion becomes genuine concern and anxiety, head swivelling around as he tries to spot anything amiss around them.
In the time he takes to look around, Gavin’s gone ahead of him, unaware that Ryan’s stopped as he continues toward the door. He notices too late that Gavin’s going to open it, that he hasn’t come to the same realisation as Ryan and he’s going to open that door and get shot-
‘Gavin, wait!’ He signs frantically, trying to wave his arms in the hope that the blur of motion might catch in the corner of Gavin’s eye and he might turn to look.
In the moment he wishes desperately for his voice back. He hasn’t had it since he was a child, mouth probably doesn’t even remember how to form words anymore, but-
But if he could just yell, just get Gavin’s attention so he can save his damn life because he’s too far to run and stop him before he’ll open the door and his brain is running on too much adrenaline to remember that he could clap his hands, could hit the glass window next to him or-
Gavin presses the key card against the lock. Green light. Go.
He’s shot before he can even get the door fully open, body tumbling backwards like a doll being tossed onto the floor. Luckily, the door closes with him and Ryan’s bolting to catch up to him, picking him up bridal style and holding him tight against his chest as he turns heal and sprints in the other direction.
They knew.
They fucking knew.
Deciding the fact that their crew having a fucking mole is something he’ll be pissed about later, he instead focuses all his energy on slowing his brain down enough that he can remember the layout like before, remember what hallways go where so he can find an alternate exit because he knows that this crew isn’t stupid enough to leave the way they came in clear. There’s probably a dozen guards already waiting.
He can’t even let the rest of the crew know what’s going on; he doesn’t have a comm (for obvious reasons) and Gavin’s got lost somewhere in the chaos. They’re completely alone, no way to ask for help now.
Gavin’s practically limp against him, barely clutching onto him with trembling fingers as his eyes look around blankly like a drunk person’s. He’s gulping air like a fish out of water, rasping and coughing, blood dribbling out of his gaping mouth and rolling down his neck.
It’s not a pretty sight.
Ryan’s seen worse in all his years, sure, but nothing could compare to seeing Gavin with a bullet in both his shoulder and his gut.
They’re lucky he only got tagged twice, fuck.
It could have been so much worse. It could have been so much worse, but it also could have been avoided completely, if he had have just been able to warn him-
“Ryan,” Gavin rasps out, his eyes starting to focus more as the shock wears off a little, “Ryan, go through that door on the right.”
He follows without thinking (though perhaps he should have taken a moment to think twice about it considering the fact that Gavin looks ready to pass out), the door opening up to what looks like a break room. It’s small, with a tiny kitchen stuffed into the corner and a few shitty little tables scattered about.
It’s a dead end, they’re trapped.
He purses his lips and glares down at Gavin accusingly since he can’t really use his hands now, though he’s not sure if that even comes across through his skull mask.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re thinking I’m an idiot now, aren’t you?” Gavin laughs weakly, reaching up with a bloodied hand to give the side of his mask a couple of patronising taps, “but even when I’m shot I’m bloody brilliant; I might’ve just saved your life.”
Ryan looks down at him questioningly, then turns his gaze to the room. There really is nothing special in here; a fridge, a sink, some countertops with a microwave sitting on top, a few cabinets and a vending machine—nothing they can use!
He’s about to drop him on the ground out of pure spite when Gavin rolls his eyes, grabs his chin through the mask and tilts it upwards.
There, up on the wall right above the fridge, is an air vent.
He looks down at Gavin incredulously like he’s the biggest moron alive, deciding to set him down in one of the chairs so he can actually talk.
‘Are you an idiot? This isn’t like in the movies, Gav! There’s no way we’ll fit in there!’
“Relax,” Gavin says, holding onto his side as he slumps down in the chair, “don’t you remember what I said? This is an old building, industrial. Used to be a factory decades ago and they’re still in the middle of renovating. That means the vents are bigger, they needed them to be to pump out all the fumes right? Might be tight but you can do it.”
Ryan looks over at the vent. It is quite big, but big enough to fit a person? Let alone someone as big and bulky as he is? No.
He loves Gavin dearly, but he really does want to strangle the lights out of him right now for being this stupid.
“So you go, I’ll hold them off as long as I can, it’ll be impossible to take me with you in there-” Ryan cuts Gavin off as he’s pulling his pistol from his boot, grabbing his wrist and kneeling so Gavin is looking at his eyes through the mask.
‘I won’t fit. Won’t leave you either. We’re just going to have to fight our way out. Might be harder now since we’re stuck in here and they’re probably already surrounding us-’ Ryan signs, pausing as they hear sets of boots running past the door, ‘but I trust you to cover me. We’ll get out of this.’
“Ryan, just go! I’m already shot, I’m just dead weight to you now so stop being a prick and just-”
Ryan huffs, stomping over to the fridge, climbing up onto the countertop and reaching up to yank the cover from the vent. He tries to crawl in just a little, pushing against the fridge and trying to shove his shoulders through the gap, but no use. Like he’d thought, it’s way too small.
‘See?’ He signs as he climbs back down, returning to Gavin.
“Oh,” he says softly, “I really thought it’d be big enough… And this vent leads right outside near the gate, too! It would have been perfect. God, I’m so sorry Ryan, I’m such an idiot. I didn’t save you, I’ve doomed us both!”
Ryan sighs and kneels back down in front of Gavin, cupping a hand to his cheek for a moment. When he pulls it back, it leaves a trail of Gavin’s own blood on his face.
‘It’s alright, maybe those guys we heard run by earlier came from the entry. We might be able to double back and go out the way we came, now. Or we’ll just have to fight our way out. Either way, I’ll make sure we get back home.’
Gavin takes a moment, then nods shakily, resting his gun against his thigh as Ryan hooks his arm underneath his knees and picks him up bridal style again.
They open the door quietly, Ryan peeking his head and looking around down the hallway for any guards before deciding it’s clear and pushing ahead.
They hadn’t made it very far into the building, the set of stairs they came down only a few hundred yards away and their path seemingly clear for now as Ryan jogs in a beeline for the stairs.
“Here!” He hears a guy yell from the hallway next to them, any further yelling silenced with a shot from Gavin’s pistol. All it takes is that one yell, that one shot for everyone to know where they are. Ryan’s booking it as fast as he can, now, just hoping that Gavin can manage to still shoot with his signature golden gun shaking in his hands.
His eyes are starting to droop, now.
Pushing through the burn in his legs and his lungs, Ryan makes his way to the stairs, climbing up them two at a time as Gavin starts to slump more and more in his arms, the gun in his hands starting to slip a little.
Come on, come on, he thinks, just a little longer, just a little longer…
They burst through the entry door at the top of the stairs, making it out onto the concrete courtyard before Ryan hears the familiar whirring of helicopter blades.
He looks up expecting the worst, expecting this shitty fucking crew to have had another surprise hidden up their sleeve as a helicopter starts to dip down towards the compound. Then he sees their logo.
He’s never felt so much relief as when he sees that familiar, stupid duck painting onto the side of the FAHC’s very own private helicopter; it’s possibly only rivalled by the relief he feels at seeing their entire crew out in force.
Jack’s piloting as usual, Michael and Jeremy hanging out from the side and firing bullets at the guards flooding up from downstairs, Fiona and Matt he can see doing the same from the other side, and Geoff hanging from a rope ladder, extending his hand down to Ryan as Jack lowers the helicopter enough to reach him.
“I’ve got you, we’ve got you.” Geoff yells over the whirring of the blades, yanking on Ryan’s jacket and holding him close as tightly as he can as he climbs onto the ladder. It’s an awkward task, what with Gavin in his arms, but eventually he manages to cling on and keep Gavin tight against his chest, Geoff climbing up above them until he’s back in the helicopter.
They pull the ladder back up slowly, Jack quickly veering the helicopter away from the complex as bullets fly all around them, some nicking the side and some whizzing just below the rotors, barely missing them all.
Eventually they’re pulled up into the helicopter as well, Ryan cushioning Gavin from the fall as they flop onto the floor. He doesn’t even need to look at him to know that he’s passed out by now.
In fact he doesn’t want to look at him, knowing that all he’ll see is an all-too-pale face and copious amounts of blood covering them both. Instead he sits up, presses his back against the door that Michael’s just shut behind him and holds Gavin tightly in his lap.
They made it.
“We heard shots going off through Gav’s comm, came as soon as we could.” Jeremy says as Geoff moves back to his seat in the front and everyone starts buckling back in again, looking over at Ryan and Gavin with worry, “You alright?
Ryan takes a shuddering breath, peeling his hands off Gavin’s back carefully and wincing when they come back sticky with blood.
“No,” he signs, hands shaking, “No, I’m not.”
Ok this is done aa, thank you for this lovely ask!!
Oh and just as an end note: this absolutely never happens again. After this Gavin helps make Ryan a new comm that he can use different commands with to say different things when he can’t get the attention of the others and he needs to say something to them. It’s very limited but it’s basically just so they know to look at him/can be warned/can be given answers to questions when Ryan has to break off from the rest of the guys during a heist gone wrong or something
Gavin probably spends WEEKS on it non-stop after seeing how upset and guilty Ryan feels at not being able to warn him.
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kiruuuuu · 6 years
Doc/Lion oneshot in which Lion absolutely can’t get enough of Doc. (Rating E, pure filth + fluff, ~4k words) - written for the ever so wonderful 1ce_09 on twitter ♥♥ Everyone who hasn’t already, check them out for beautiful Siege art! Thank you so much for commissioning me, I enjoyed myself :)
If anyone had asked Lion a year – hell, months – ago which part of the day was his least favourite, he would’ve said waking up. Throughout his life, the only consistently good thing staying with him has been how easily he falls asleep and his ability to only wake up once fully rested; he sometimes thinks it’s a genuine blessing he received, a rare show of mercy of which he’s ultimately undeserving. Even when his mind worked overtime, even when there was an oppressive weight on his soul, even when there was no reason to get up in the morning, he drifted off like a lazy, oversized house cat napping in the sun. In rare moments, he idly wonders whether this ability hasn’t saved his life at some point, granted him this little bit of energy he needed to get through the day, gave him enough hope to trudge on and eventually sparked his endeavour to make it up to those he wronged.
And then there are his dreams. They’ve always been vivid, abstract, hard to grasp, but as a child he could always pinpoint at least a location or a person, something concrete which gave him an indication of what was on his mind at the time. After – after Claire, after colourful pills and pieces of paper with cartoon characters on them and a few other things, his nightly visions became even more obscure, swirls of colour, evoking emotions whose vibrancy stays with him in this twilight between waking and sleeping, a half-doze in which he’s disembodied yet conscious. He enjoys their embrace and despised nothing more than the afterimages being violently ripped away from him by a shrill alarm.
These days, he doesn’t mind it so much. The reason for his change of mind is as fortunate as it is unbelievable because of all its facets no one could’ve predicted, especially not him: It’s someone he loves (and he’d given up on this particular idea a while ago). It’s a man (and while he’s fooled around with some of his friends before, it was largely born from spite and the thrill of the forbidden). And of all people, it’s Doc.
It took him months to come to terms with the realisation that his infuriating colleague never really left his thoughts because of a fierce desire to impress him, not because of personal dislike. Doc is revered wherever he treads and when Lion earned his ire, it was much easier to pretend the negativity dictating Lion’s remorseless remarks and actions towards the other man stemmed from disdain and not disappointment in himself, not from a knee-jerk reaction to the realisation that Doc would never see him as an equal now.
It took him even longer to finally act on it too, reach out and attempt to rebuild the bridge Doc had destabilised and which Lion had spitefully burned in response; it required endless conversations with Bertrand as well as the rest of the GIGN, a worrisome amount of self-reflection, and uncomfortable, tough admissions.
But he managed. Looking back, it’s amazing how much he turned his life around, how much he achieved with the help of those around him and indubitably help from above, and he’s humble enough to try and let his gratitude shine through in everything he does these days.
He even learnt to enjoy waking up. Though admittedly it wasn’t difficult, no, not at all, not when he knows he’ll have company, be greeted with a smile and a kiss, a brief update on global events, a cup of coffee just how he likes it. And so instead of hitting the snooze button on his phone several times, tossing and turning, dreading the beginning of yet another day, he wakes with a serenity he never thought he could achieve.
This morning, his heart feels even lighter than normal and it doesn’t take long to figure out why: there’s a warm body next to his. Doc prefers getting up early, always prefers being prepared no matter what and possesses the inhuman ability to sleep without an alarm and be on time anyway – but rarely, on one of their days off, he allows himself to sleep in, much to Lion’s delight.
Smiling to himself, he rolls on his side to dazedly blink at the spectacular view in front of him and really, Doc has no business being this gorgeous this early in the day. He’s stretched out on his stomach – and he’s the only person Lion has met who sleeps this way –, head turned away from Lion, explaining his constant neck pains, and smooth skin illuminated by the rays falling in through the blinds, painting long stripes on his naked back.
Lion doesn’t want to disturb the image yet reaches out regardless, runs his fingertips over shoulder blades jutting out, the dip of his lower back, relaxed muscles, and reaches the blanket covering Doc from the hips downwards. He should let him sleep. Really, he should, but with every centimetre more that’s revealed, Lion’s interest rises. He takes his time, pauses when he hears his lover take a deep breath and proceeds when it evens out again. Slowly, surely, he reveals plump curves and more soft skin, and then his gaze falls on the discoloured spots on the back of Doc’s thighs and the almost languorous desire playfully swaying in the back of his mind suddenly gets shoved to the very forefront, makes his heart skip a beat and his crotch throb.
Memories from the previous evening come flooding back, the end of a tedious work day necessitating some kind of release – they’d started as soon as they set foot into their apartment, Lion crowding his lover against the door and licking every bit of composure off his tongue, then wandering deeper with his hungry mouth and swallowing him whole, something he’s come to love, provided he can watch Doc’s features dissolve into helpless want while sucking on him, hard. He took his time, did so for the rest too, left Doc aching and fingered him open over the couch until he was flushed and flustered and even more beautiful, took him standing up until his legs gave in, relocated to the kitchen table, eventually landed in bed where he finished them both off with merciless snaps of his hips, listening to Doc’s desperate whines and floating on pure ecstasy.
The bruises are remnants, and now he also feels the scratches on his back again which he didn’t let the other man see, angled his body so he wouldn’t notice the damage he’s done – he usually feels bad about leaving marks though Lion can never get enough. It’s one of the many small disagreements about which they half-heartedly argue and neither of them is ready to budge, but more often than not they end with a hand in someone’s hair or quick kisses. There’s more, now that he knows where to look, Doc’s ass cheeks themselves are still tinted red and the lovebites Lion sucked onto his ribs remain perfectly visible as well.
Maybe he should add a few.
Moving carefully, he removes the blanket entirely, admires Doc’s shapely legs for a moment and then kneels between them, intending no more than to touch the sleeping beauty a little, but as soon as his palms come to rest on firm flesh, a different thought makes his cock twitch in anticipation. Doc is perfectly on display like this, the hills and valleys of his body enticing in a way that Lion wants nothing more than mould himself around them, and he decides to appreciate it all by waking Doc with something more… personal than simply covering him in hickeys.
Thumbs pull the cheeks apart a little, exposing a pink hole which looks overwhelmingly inviting to Lion, a hole he abused to his heart’s content the previous evening and so it’s only appropriate for him to make up for the rough treatment, isn’t it? He leans forward and gingerly circles the rim with the tip of his tongue, starting feather-light and increasing the intensity slowly, intersperses it with broad laps and has to suppress a moan when he feels the ring of muscle pulsing in response. He’s felt similar contractions around his shaft so many times before and the association is all he needed for a full, heavy erection – especially when he remembers Doc’s usual, elated expression whenever he climaxes.
The hips beneath his hands shift a little, and a foot lifts, powerless, and when he pushes the tip of his tongue inside, Doc lets out a sleepy groan. “Really?”, he mumbles into the sheets but makes no move to stop Lion. “Didn’t we do enough yesterday?”
He grins and forces himself a little deeper, eliciting a weak moan, before withdrawing for a reply: “Gustave, I can never have enough of you.” And to cut off any smart remark, he wiggles his tongue back inside and turns all of Doc’s protests into small, appreciative noises. Though his lover appears to be the voice of reason more often than not, he allows himself to get swept up by Lion’s passion all the time, mentioning work but riding him with abandon ten minutes later, scolding him for only thinking about one thing but asking him to come on his face the same day. Lion never minds initiating, not when this is the result: an increasingly aroused Doc meeting his mouth with subtle grinding, fisting the sheets and not even fully awake yet.
A curious finger proves Doc to be more than loose enough a few minutes later, and by this point they’re both panting and dizzy – and besides, Lion has always been more of a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ type, so he wastes no time in grabbing the lube strategically placed on the bedside table to pour a generous amount on his stiff cock, wincing a little at the cool, viscous liquid. A few strokes for good measure coat it sufficiently and the next moment he’s rubbing his tip over the very hole he licked open just now, felt it quiver around his tongue. The touch is electrifying and the fierce need pulsing through him urges him to give in, take what’s his, ensure his own pleasure.
But he waits. Bites his lip in impatience, pushes slightly against the entrance and shivers when he feels it give way a little, squeezes one of the buttcheeks he maltreated in the sweetest way possible last night – but he waits.
And then Doc meets him, lifts his hips to allow the head to slip inside and both of them gasp at the sudden surge of pleasure. Lion accepts this signal for what it is and begins the slow slide, pushes deeper and deeper into deliciously tight heat, feels Doc’s walls contract around his dick and only stops once he’s bottoms out. Since his lover usually requires a moment to adjust, Lion uses this time to not only focus on how fucking good he feels, but also to straddle the other man properly and lean down, cover him with his own body and place a few loving kisses on the top of his head.
“Other people wake their boyfriends with breakfast in bed”, Doc grumbles under him, now less bleary than before, but the hand he places next to Lion’s contradicts his words. He spreads his fingers and Lion interlaces them with his own, holds on tight and makes no move to suppress the smile stretching his lips at the gesture.
“Their boyfriends are definitely not as erotic as mine then”, he purrs into Doc’s hair. His limbs are possessively caging the other man in and even then, it hardly suffices to sate his need to be as close to Doc as possible, feel all of him.
“What you mean to say is they have more than just a shred of self-control.” And oh, he’s going to make Doc eat those words.
Slowly, he begins grinding down, impatient erection twitching eagerly inside and rubbing against all the right places if Doc’s startled gasp is anything to go by. He loves it deep and Lion knows it, rolls his hips against his lover’s perfect ass and makes him feel every centimetre keenly. For good measure, he bows his head to latch onto that spot right below Doc’s ear which he knows drives him wild, tongues at it wetly before sucking and relishes the unrestrained moan he earns for his trouble. Over time, he’s memorised all of Doc’s weakspots and exploits this knowledge now shamelessly, bites at his earlobe and trails his lips over soft skin to the back of Doc’s neck where he nibbles, his lazy motions emphasising his ministrations.
By now, Doc is trembling against him, the deep grind stealing his breath and causing him to jerk his hips up in search of more thorough stimulation than this merciless teasing, trying to fuck himself on Lion’s cock but failing. Frustrated huffs join the quiet panting, his grip involuntarily tightening parallel to him clenching desperately around Lion’s hard shaft and it’s mesmerising to behold how his mock crossness melts away into pure lust.
Doc’s other hand reaches back and digs into Lion’s ass, tries to get him to move more, faster, anything, but when that fails as well, he pleads: “Come on, just fuck me, Olivier.”
He knows how this goes. Grinning to himself, Lion tenses his muscles to make his dick throb inside additionally to the tantalising motions and decides to have even more fun. “You look so pretty, impaled on my cock”, he whispers and throws Doc a bone, withdraws all the way and slowly slides back in, keeps this torturous pace and sighs contentedly every time Doc’s hole allows him back in, stretches around him. He meant his words – he really can never get enough of this.
Uneven breaths have turned into whines now. “Olivier, please -”
“I could fuck you, pump you full of come and then leave you, dripping and begging for it”, he continues and concentrates on the steady build of pleasure – a slow climb but oh so satisfying. Doc feels wonderful around him. “Could do that the entire day. Every time you suck me until I’m hard again, I shoot inside but you’re not allowed to come. You can ride my cock all day, Gustave.” The thought is dazzling and he probably never fantasised about someone while being balls deep inside that very person, yet he can’t help but picture Doc all powerless, frenzied, obeying him fully. He knows Doc is too proud to actually agree to anything like it, though the throaty moan Doc lets out in response tells Lion unambiguously that he’s imagining it – and actually enjoys the thought. Still, Lion’s thumb strokes reassuringly over the hand he’s still holding.
“Please, I want you, go faster -” Doc’s impatience has reached its peak now, he shoves himself onto Lion’s member in one go and pushes against him, whimpers when Lion gnaws at his neck in retaliation and rises nonetheless, lifting his lover’s body with him. The teasing has left him frantic and exactly how Lion likes it, cheeks red and gaze almost defiant when he glares at the larger man over his shoulder. Lion could spend all day marvelling at the state of him.
Instead, he relents, guides Doc onto his hands and knees and grabs his hips to steady him, fingers brushing over the bruises on Doc’s thigh, the faint purplish tinge an expression of his devotion. “You want it hard?”, he asks and is almost surprised at how breathy his own voice is. Unbridled want is pulsing through him, vicious and blinding, making his digits itch and cock ache.
Doc nods wordlessly and it’s probably good he can’t see the pure joy on Lion’s face over the admission. Even now, even with how familiar they are with each other, every confirmation of the passion, respect and love they share sparks delight.
A sharp snap of Lion’s hips later and his focus is elsewhere again. Now he’s getting serious, drives into Doc at a fast tempo, watches as his entire erection disappears inside him and tries his best not to come on the spot. The abrupt stimulation is almost too much but he keeps going through the discomfort paired with blunt need until he hears himself moan loudly in pleasure, dig his fingertips into Doc’s flesh. He’s not going to last long, that much is clear, but he’s going to make it good regardless.
A few pointed thrusts elicit more dazed whimpering from his lover, a picturesque arch of his back to allow Lion to penetrate him all the way and even another, decidedly more heated glance back at him. They’re both equally into it, tensing and moving against each other amid the sound of skin slapping against skin, the rustling of sheets as Doc desperately seeks support, leverage, anything to hold on to – and Lion shares the sentiment of feeling wholly lost yet not wanting to be found. Ruthlessly, he slams into his lover, chasing his pleasure, helping Doc pursue his own, and makes no effort to hide his enjoyment.
A sudden spike almost pushes him over the edge when Doc’s arms give in, accompanied by something that sounds suspiciously like a keen, and now he’s really pounding him into the mattress, showing him just how deep his desire runs, how comprehensive his attraction is. He can’t even pinpoint which part it is exactly about Doc that drives him this wild, fills him with the urge to claim, mark, embrace and never let go; and he revels in the knowledge of being able to make this otherwise so poised, dignified and professional man fall apart, provoke emotions from him he displays for no one else.
“Come for me”, Lion gasps in between the creaking of the bed, “do it. Come on, amour, Gustave, I want to feel it.” And the sounds he wrenches from Doc’s throat with every thrust get impossibly louder when his lover reaches for his dick, probably not able to keep up with the merciless rhythm with which Lion is driving into him but still good enough. He gets tighter, even more so when Lion’s breath hitches, followed by a growl. He’s getting closer by the second, Doc’s noises and velvety heat making up the perfect catalyst -
And then Doc orgasms, surprisingly quickly for how little he stroked himself, he must’ve been primed, possibly dreamt of Lion and this thought is a whole other turn-on he shelves away for later. Right now, he watches, utterly transfixed, as Doc spasms under him, hips rolling futilely to either increase the intensity or shy away from it as he shoots his sperm in short bursts in between the hard thrusts. Lion fucks him through it, runs one of his palms over the dancing muscles of Doc’s back and shudders at the violent contractions around his throbbing cock; fucks him through the aftershocks, too, tiny jolts which speak of a very satisfying climax. Lion isn’t there yet, however, not fully, teetering on the edge, carefully controlling himself so he can take all of Doc in and -
“Finish inside, Olivier”, Doc demands, voice shaky, and he’s gone.
His abs tense with a delicious kind of pain at the first wave of blissful release washing through him. He buries himself deep inside his lover and moans in disbelief over how abruptly pleasure explodes behind his eyelids and nearly folds in half at the intensity, gasping for air as his cock twitches and probably adding a few bruises to the existing ones. Momentary blindness allows him to be wholly aware of Doc moving against him to milk him for every drop, of overwhelming relief encompassing his entire being as he orgasms, surrounded by scorching heat and momentarily losing all sense of reality.
Coming down is a slow, gradual affair, both of them slumping a little and Lion bending so he can rest his forehead on Doc’s shoulder blade as they both catch their breath, bask in the afterglow and enjoy the feel of shared body heat, companionship and sweet exhaustion. Lion peppers his boyfriend’s shoulder with kisses once he can see straight again, withdraws tentatively and sits up to examine the masterpiece he just fucked into existence in all its glory: shiny skin, reddened cheeks, a gaping hole, dark marks and lovebites, and, after a few seconds, a thin stream of white leaking out.
Lion is definitely unable to get hard immediately after a climax this exquisite but his dick gives a feeble jump at the sight nonetheless. He reaches out and catches the droplets with a fingertip, pushes them back to where they came from, pushes them back inside and earns a quiet moan. Adding another digit, he tries to finger the semen as deep as he can and only pauses when Doc kicks him lightly.
“I’m sore enough as it is”, he complains and rolls to the side when Lion withdraws mournfully, yet there’s a bright smile adorning his face when their eyes meet.
With weak knees, Lion stalks back and forth to get them cleaned up (and is actually amazed Doc doesn’t mention the scratches he himself inflicted) but insists on doing one thing by himself: once he’s taken his rightful place by Doc’s side, entangled their legs and exchanged a few loving kisses, he catches Doc’s wrist to lift it to his face and starts to lick his palm clean.
“You’re like a dog”, his lover murmurs fondly and readily spreads his fingers to allow for better access. “They should’ve called you Husky, not Lion – they’re just as noisy and stubborn.”
Lion shoots him a good-natured grin. “Then you should be called Bunny. What was that about self-control?”
“Oh please, you’re the eternally horny one, mon amour.”
“And yet you never say no.” Their lips meet once more in a long, thorough kiss, with Doc climbing on top of Lion halfway through, ending up straddling him and stroking his face affectionately until Lion mouths at his palm while keeping eye contact.
“You really love my hands”, Doc points out quietly.
It’s true, he does – he loves how steady they are on the job, never making a mistake, never causing harm; loves how they’re calloused and scarred, lots of specks and lines lighter in colour telling tales of hard work; loves how they worship him, how gently they treat him, how warm they are when they touch him.
“I also really love you”, Lion says instead of the million other things he could say instead which would amount to the same thing. He’s learnt his lesson about being honest with himself and others and can’t find it in himself to be embarrassed when his admissions make Doc’s face light up like a Christmas tree. “And your hands do good. They’re your most important tools and I’m thankful every time I feel them.” There’s so much more for which he’s grateful that making a list would take him several days, so he tries to convey all which he’s not divulging explicitly with a heartfelt: “Thank you, Gustave.”
Doc’s features soften and he accepts the notion with one last kiss before getting up. “I’m going to brew us some coffee”, he announces, yet pauses by the bedroom door to catch Lion’s gaze and add, softly: “I love you too, Olivier.”
And while Lion remains in bed for a minute longer, stretched out and encased in soothing warmth coming from within, a distracted smile pulling at the corners of his mouth and most of his body tingling pleasantly, he thinks back to his life no more than a year ago. How unthinkable it was that waking up would become his favourite part of the day. But sometimes, the unthinkable happens all the same.
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
Cinderella - Steve Rogers x Reader
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Summary: Steve comes across someone having a bad day, he cant seem to get you out of his mind. Shame he didn’t get your name.
Notes: Part 1 of my fairy tale series
Another failed interview. That seemed to be all the luck you had the past couple of weeks. Apparently wanting a better job and being a hard worker to acquire the better job just wasn't paying in your favour.
Your left the building feeling worse than ever and found yourself sitting on the steps outside, your head in your hands. All you could do was keep trying, but that didn't mean the rejections weren't getting to you at this point.
You gave a long sigh as you worked out your frustrations and prepared yourself to get on with the rest of your day. As you lowered your hands and prepared to get up off the step, a voice called out to you.
"Are you alright ma'am?" The voice was polite and sweet.
You turned to see a tall blond man, with very defined muscle you might add, looking at you. His eyes were shining with concern and you felt bad for making this stranger worry about you.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Thank you, though." You weren't quite sure why you were thanking him. For his concern? He only said a few words.
The very attractive man sat down on the steps beside you, his gaze never once leaving you.
"You looked worn out. Bad day?" He was asking polity and he didn't feel like a threat as he sat there talking to you. Yet, it felt so weird to have a stranger come up to you and ask about your well being.
"Something like that. Nothing I'm not used to." You put on the best smile you could, hoping to ease his concern for you.
He smiled back.
"I find doing something I like helps cheer up after a bad day. One bad day shouldn't be the cause of a lifetime of sadness."
"Right. Unless everyday is a bad day in which case nothing changes." You let out a huff of air as you reflected on your words.
"There's gold at the end of the rainbow. Keep your chin up and something good will happen." He still sounded so confident and friendly.
You gazed at him for a few moments and smiled.
His eyes seemed to brighten up and smiled back at you again, making you feel better already.
"Thank you." You said standing up and brushing off your trousers. "You've made my day better already."
"I'm glad I could help." He stood up also, both of you walking down till you reached the bottom step.
"It was nice meeting you, but I need to go do something fun now." You looked up at him. He was very tall.
"Wait, there's a party tonight at the Avengers base, if you like you're more than welcome to come." He spoke quickly, as if he didn't want you to leave so soon. Too focused on the mention of the Avengers, you didn't really pay much mind to his hurried words.
"The Avengers? For real?"
"Yeah. Thor's back in town and they're holding a get together to celebrate. It's pretty much an open party."
"That sounds reckless, but fun." You smiled. "I'll think about it."
"If like it of you came." He looked sheepish.
"We've only just met."
"I know, but you seem like a nice person and you've caught my interest." He chuckled.
"I'll think about it... uh..."
"Steve. Steve Rogers."
"Steve... Rogers... you're... Captain America?" You gasped.
"Yeah. Surprised you didn't notice." He chuckled again.
"I only know you in the fancy suit." You laughed. "You're much better looking without it."
"What about you? Don't I get to know your name?"
You were about to answer, but it seems the receptionist from inside had enough of you two hanging around on the steps and had come out to move you.
You smiled at Steve.
"Maybe another time." You gave him a mock salute and began to head down the street.
"I'll be expecting to see you tonight." He called after you. All he got in reply was your laugh as you merged into the crowd.
Steve chuckled to himself and wondered what he was doing. He saw you sitting on the steps and just had to make sure you were alright. When you looked up to acknowledge him, his breath was taken away. You were stunning, even if you were frustrated.
Shaking his head he headed back to the base. He'd be expecting you to come, but there was doubt on if you would actually show or not. He supposed he'd just have to wait.
When he returned to the base he was met with Tony who looked at him over his glasses, silently asking where he had been off to.
"Just out." He replied. Tony was convinced that was it, but he didn't push it.
"Well, we need you to go get ready, we open in an hour. Come on, hurry up." He gave Steve a pat on the back and carried on down the corridor.
Steve made his way to his room where Bucky was waiting for him.
"Where have you been? Thought I'd have to come find you." Bucky was already dressed up for the party.
"I was out."
"That it? You were gone ages."
"I met... someone." Steve was being vague on purpose, trying to get past his best friend and get ready.
"Someone? A girl?" Bucky was smirking at the idea that Steve had met someone.
"Yeah. I was on my way back when I saw her. She was sitting outside one of the office buildings upset. I just couldn't walk on knowing someone was having a bad day."
"Steve, people have bad days all the time. What made this one any different?" Bucky was very interested in this now.
"She looked defeated and..." He shook his head and tried to move away from the subject.
"And what?"
"She was beautiful." Steve looked Bucky in the eye as he admitted his honest thoughts about you.
"Crushing on a stranger." He best friend was highly amused by the idea, but he was happy Steve was getting out there and meeting people. "Is she coming tonight? Maybe you'll see her again."
"I invited her, but she didn't out right say she would attend." Steve smiled. "She didn't she wasn't coming either, so I don't know."
"What's her name?"
"I never got the chance to find out. We were interrupted before I got an answer." He sounded quite disappointed.
"Keep an eye out. She might come. If she does, consider it fate." The smile on Bucky's face was genuine and kind. He was being a good buddy.
"Thanks, Buck."
Bucky left to Steve to get ready and joined the others in the main hall. A few people had begun to arrive and the party was just about starting.
Steve joined his friends after about 15 minutes of getting ready. 5 of those minutes was him staring into a mirror and thinking about the young woman he met earlier that day.
When he arrived at the party he joined Sam and Bucky at the bar, the latter waiting with a drink for him, and tried not to get his hopes up for the evening. Bucky gave him a firm pat on the back when he saw his buddy's expression.
An hour in and he had made the rounds of talking to his team mates, meeting a few fans who had come and spent some time talking with Tony and Pepper.
He had yet to see you.
"Is she here?" Bucky came over to ask.
"No. I haven't seen her. I suppose it makes sense she wouldn't accept an invitation to a party from a stranger." He sipped his drink.
"Did she know who you are?"
"Yes, after I told her my name."
"Did she seem into you?" Bucky arched a brow in Steve's direction.
"I don't know. I made her smile." He shrugged.
"Don't give up yet. It's still early."
Another 30 minutes passed and Steve had already danced with Wanda and gone off to crack jokes with Sam. In which case he stood there and listened to Sam talk.
Just as he his eyes happened to gaze over the door, his whole world seemed to slow down.
You were here.
You were standing In the entrance way wearing a pretty dress and liking rather awkward as you looked around the room.
Noticing Steve was no longer paying attention to him, Sam followed his gaze and saw you. He called over Bucky.
"I bet you $50 that's her." He elbowed Bucky in the side as he nodded at you.
Bucky glared at Sam, "dude, I'm not getting over my best friends potential girlfriend. Thigh I do get that's her."
Steve was paying them any attention. He was already walking towards you.
Your eyes met his and you smiled softly at him
"Sorry I'm late. I had to find something Avenger worthy to wear." You tucked some hair behind your ear.
"You look beautiful."
You bit your lip and cast your gaze elsewhere as he looked at you.
"Shall we dance?" He offered you a hand.
Smiling and nodding, you took his offer and let him take you over to where others were dancing.
Bucky turned his gaze to the DJ and gave him a subtle nod.
None of the guests questioned it as the song phased out and much slower one came on.
Your eyes never left his bright blue ones as you began to move to the music.
He couldn't look away either.
Bucky and Sam stood off to the side watching proudly. Now they knew for certain you were the girl he was talking about.
Tony came over to them and gestured to you.
"Who's that?" He asked.
"Steve's date." Sam grinned.
"I didn't know he had a date."
"He didn't know he had a date until he met her this morning." Bucky chuckled.
"He met her this morning?" Tony turned his gaze over to them.
"Yep." Bucky confirmed.
The pair of you were so wrapped up in each other's gazes that you paid no one else any mind. You focused on the rhythm of which you were moving to.
"You're a really good dancer." You said softly.
"I've had time to practise." He smiled.
"It paid off."
You spun around slowly.
"I'm glad you came." He told you honestly.
"I don't know why. We met literally hours ago." You gave him a smile. "Though I'm glad I came too. You're cute."
"Yeah. My day got better all because you decided to talk to me. Cute guys talking to me make everything better. The fact you're Captain America is a bonus."
Steve chuckled at your words.
The song came to and end and you both stopped tour dancing to look at each other for a moment longer.
"Why don't we go outside. I'd like to talk to you." Steve offered.
You nodded, ignoring the grins on his friends faces.
He guided you outside, giving his friends a pointed look over his shoulder as he went. He knew they had been watching.
Once outside you tool a deep inhale and starched out your arms. Though you felt bad for leaving the party despite having just arrived a moment ago, it felt nice to be out in the cool air.
"You haven't told me your name yet." Steve pointed out as you both fell into a nice little stroll.
You had a playful smirk on your face as you glanced at him. "Where's the fun in telling you right away?"
"What do I have to do to know your name?" He was playing along.
"Spend some time with me. I don't think many people get to hang out with Captain America."
"Not really, you're quite lucky." He chuckled. "What had you so upset this morning? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Oh... I had an interview. I failed it. I've lost count of how many potential jobs I've failed. I'm not really a lucky person, but today is the first time something good came out of my misery."
Steve smiled warmly at your compliment. He felt happy that he was able to make your day better.
"Keep your chin up. One day you're going to succeed, some things just take several goes."
You liked that he was being optimistic.
"It could be a sign, maybe today has been nothing but a sign." You looked ahead of you lost in your thoughts.
"Sign of what?"
"I fail all those job interviews and then one day I meet an Avenger who I get to hang out with. Maybe it's a sign that things will change. Maybe now I'll have more luck in the future."
"I hope that's the case."
The pair of you stopped walking and looked at one another.
"Does this make us friends?" Your head tilted to one side.
"I think so."
You looked around the lawn and bit your lip a little anxiously. It was clear to you that Steve wanted to get to know you, but you decided to play with fate a little.
"I think I've had enough partying. It was cool seeing the Avengers and all, but I think I'll head off now. I'm not huge on partying." You began to walk backwards slowly, looking at Steve.
"So soon? We danced once and came out for a walk. You've been here less than an hour." He chuckled softly.
"Maybe next time I'll stay longer." You teased.
"Next time?" There was so much hope laced in those words.
You stopped for a moment and headed back inside to get your bag.
Steve followed you back inside and watched you collect your things from Pepper, who had come over to see you. He assumed Tony might have mentioned you to her.
"Will I see you again or were you just teasing?"
You took your things from Pepper and looked at him. "That depends."
"Do you have a pen and something to write on?"
Tony, as if had been waiting for this, came up beside you and held out a pen. Be slow a napkin across the counter from behind you and winked.
You giggled as you wrote on the napkin.
"If you want to see me again then I'll be here, on this day, at this time." You held out the napkin which had an address on it. "If you don't come then it's fate we were only meant to meet today. If you're there, then I know I was right." You smiled up at him.
"I'll be there." He took the napkin.
"I guess we'll see."
You turned around made for the exit.
"Wait, what's your name?" Steve called out.
You threw a smirk over your shoulder.
"I'm relying on you." You turned back around and walked out.
Steve stood there looking down at your neat handwriting, surrounded by his friends who had come to see what happened.
"Did you get her name?" Bucky asked curiously.
"No, but I will." He held up the napkin.
"Let's hope the world doesn't decide to screw this up for you by being in danger, Cap." Sam grinned.
Bucky gave Steve a pat on the shoulder.
"I think you found your own Cinderella." He smiled. "Go get her Prince Charming."
Steve rolled his eyes and laughed with his friend.
If tonight proved anything, it was that steve was even more taken with you.
He'd see you again no matter what it took.
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zoslittlefish2 · 5 years
Killers and Deep Closets
Ch 5 Lost Waves
Hey Yall! This is my first fic, and it's based on the World created within my favorite Sanders Sides ask blogs, @ask-creativitwins , @ask-the-left-brains , @ask-the-sanders-dads , and @ask-remy-and-picani. Fish is Deciet and Remus's child (kindof-). If you want, you could skip the first part with Fish, anf go straight to the rescue party.
WARNINGS: Semi Graphic description of torture, Partial drowning, and death mention
A couple of days later, the routine had continued. Fish had almost gotten used to it and didn't pass out right away when Magnolia was finished with them. Today started the same, and magnolia dragged them out of the room. This time, though, they went in a different direction, leaving Fish to wonder what the dragon witch was planning.
They entered a room that was similar to the other room. Magnolia attached the chains to the wall this time and left the room without a word. Fish felt her blood run cold as they heard what sounded like running water. Their fear was confirmed when they felt the water at their feet, rising quickly. They tried to keep their breathing calm when they realized what was happening.
The water rose quickly, and the room was filled in a matter of minutes. Fish couldn't see anything, and the water stilled around them. It wasn't long before their chest started to ache, and every movement felt like lifting heavy boxes. They could feel themselves slipping out of consciousness and fought it, knowing if they passed out, that would be the end.
They could feel the water start moving again as they started sinking. When they felt the top of their head leave the water, they almost passed out then and there. They couldn't stay sitting, let alone standing, as the water finally disappeared. The last thing they saw was a pair of feet before everything went black.
Logan looked around as they walked through the forest, taking note that Roman seemed sluggish in his movements, and was leaning on Virgil. Remus and Deceit were in a similar state. Logan had made his way to the front despite not going into the imagination often. Remy made his way to the front, falling in line with Logan.
"Hey." He said, causing Logan to turn his head to him
"Hello. Did you need something?"
"I wanted to see how you were holding up." Remy sighed, the concern evident on his face.
"I am... Adequate, I suppose. And how about you?" Logan asked, his gaze returning forward, carefully stepping over a root.
"I'm alright, I guess. I am a little worried about Princey, though. Remus and Dee, too, they all look exhausted." These observations surprised Logan. Apparently, this surprise was showed, because Remy laughed.
"What? Just cause I'm dumb doesn't mean I can't tell when someone didn't or had trouble sleeping. If I couldn't, I wouldn't be able to do my job. I mean, I know I'm stupid, but not that stupid." Remy said, placing a hand on Logan's shoulder. "I can also tell that you're not as 'adequate' as you want me to believe. I know we don't always get along, but you can talk to me."
Logan sighed, "I guess I am concerned, it been a few days of wondering the Imagination, and we haven't seen a sign of Fish, anywhere.  I've also noticed how the others are reacting to their disappearance, which is concerning. I'm fond of them as well, and i hope we can find them soon. I guess..." logan trails off, and remy tilts his head.
"You guess?..."
logan shakes his head. " I guess I didn't realize how much Fish wiggled their way into this odd family. I find myself wanting to find them quickly, not because of how long it's already been, but i fear what is happening with them, and the longer it takes, the less likely we are to find them unharmed..." 'or dead...'  he almost said, but shook the thought from his head. They would find Fish, and Fish was going to be fine. A movement in front of him caused him to leave his train of thought as he stopped, looking ahead and seeing what remy was pointing two.
In the distance was a small town, and a large, dark castle overlooking it. The others caught up, looking at the castle. Remus and roman seemed to tense up.
"How much do you wanna bet that's her castle?" Virgil said, and roman sneered into the distance.
"It is... " Remus growled. Deceit held his arm. Logan looked around before speaking.
"well, we have two options. We can either go to the town and stay there tonight, or we can camp out here. Either way, the sun is setting, so we won't be able to search the town until tomorrow." this made Remus and roman sag, both looking at each other. Without letting go of Virgil, Roman reached a hand out, and Remus took it. Logan couldn't hide his disappointment with waiting one more day. finally, they had found something that might lead to Fish, and he wanted to jump straight into the search. But deep down, he knew everyone needed to rest first.
"Why don't we stay here? Since that is  the DW's castle, we don't want to run the risk of running into someone that would recognize those two," he gestures to Remus and Roman, " and none of us have the energy to deal with that right now." Logan nods, and looks to the others, waiting for their opinion. Reluctantly, they all nod slowly.
"That settles it then; lets set up camp then. "
The sun had just finished setting when they had camp set up. remy had forced Roman and Remus to sleep, and Virgil had fallen asleep not long after. Remy fell asleep as well, leaving Deceit and logan still awake. Dee was sitting by the still-lit fire when logan came back with some more twigs and leaves.  He sat next to the snake-like side, setting his things down.
"You should sleep." Deceit looked over to see Logan looking at him with a level of concern he hadn't seen much before this search started, but had been shown to him more and more these past few days.
"I can. I just..." Dee sighed, looking into the fire, " What if we cant find them? What if... what if we're too late? I can stand the thought of losing them. What if-" he's startled out of his thoughts with a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see that Logan moved closer, a determined look in his eye.
"Deceit... We will find them. We are already much closer than we were a few hours ago. We are going to find them, and everything will be alright." Logan says this with such certainty that Dee almost believes him. He sighs and removes his hat.
"I am not going to try to sleep... Goodnight, Logan." he quickly falls asleep, and Logan sits by the fire, keeping watch until Remy wakes up and forces him to sleep as well.
Patton was standing in the twin's room, staring at the Imagination door for the millionth time.
Emile walked in and sighed. This isn't the first time he's found Patton here, waiting.
"Pat... Come on. I've got cupcakes in the oven and cookie dough in the fridge. Why don't you come and help me and the others get ready to decorate?" he asks. Patton looks at him, before nodding and leaving the room. Emile sighed again. Patton hadn't really talked much since the others left to find Fish, and it's taking much longer than they had expected it to. He knew that Patton was worried, Em was too,  but he had to stay strong for Patton and the Mods. As he walked out, he ran into the girl with dark hair, who seemed like she wanted to say something.
"Hey there, Semp!What's up?" Emile asked cheerfully, startling her.
"Oh- uh- sorry... I was just... are- are the others okay?" She asks shyly, and em sighs.
"Yeah...It's just taking them longer than we thought it would. They're going to be fine." Emile said, "now come on, its almost time to decorate those cupcakes."
Semp didnt seem convinced but followed him to the kitchen. Both of them were shocked when they walked in, before bursting into laughter
It hadn't taken Pat long to make the icing, and had separated it for the Mods to have their own, and was going to make more for emile and himself. Jax and nerd wanted to try to help, and Patton let them. They were almost immediately covered in powdered sugar. Astra then thought it would be fun to put the icing on Nerds' face, which led to full out war. Now the entire kitchen was covered in powdered sugar and icing.
The part that surprised Emile the most was the genuine laughter coming from Patton. He hadn't heard that in a while and it made emile think...
Maybe everything is going to be okay...
Im pretty sure this is my longest chapter. Well, Ill see yall next time. Love Y'all!
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dat-town · 6 years
hearts in the foam (and typos in names)
Characters: Minhyuk (Rocky) & You
Genre: so much fluff!
Setting: coffee shop au
Summary: You always spell his name wrong because his frustrated face is too precious.
Words: 1.7k
Shoutout for @kmhoodys because I totally stole this from our list of AUs, hope you enjoy it! ♥ Also for @restlessmaknae as a thank you for getting me into the fandom.
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Park Minhyuk would like to think that he's a patient and kind person in general. He's pretty sure his friends would agree – maybe not Sanha but that's only because that brat likes to dance on others' nerves. His mom is probably biased but according to her he is the sweetest boy in the universe – okay, most definitely biased. But the thing about Minhyuk is that he gets on well with everybody: with the elderly of the neighbourhood because he's genuinely interested in their stories and is happy to help with their Internet connection when they want to FaceTime with their grandchildren, with his classmates who know they can count on him whenever because he is a trustworthy member of the student council and even with all kinds of animals – except cicadas – but dogs in particular love him. So he's an overall lovable person, okay?
But mornings are definitely the rock bottom for him. He knows he can be pretty grumpy before a reasonable hour but he still tries hard to behave like a decent human being. One thing he needs in his morning routine is some kind of coffee even is he prefers latte over strong caffeine. And since he is a man of reasonable choices he always buys his daily cup of energy in the lovely café on the campus because it happens to be on his way to university. They make it just as creamy and sweet as he likes it. However there's one thing he can't stand about the service there.
“They keep getting my name wrong!” he groans dramatically as soon as he slumps down next to his friends at the lecture hall. They all – except Moonbin who looks like as if he had run the marathon this morning – look up at him just as sleepily as he feels with bones buried under tiredness.
“Who?” Jinwoo furrows his brows as he tries and fails to contain a yawn.
“This one girl who works in the morning shift of the café. I’m a regular but she still asks for my name and manages to mess it up,” Minhyuk blurts out what his problem is all at once. He puts down his paper cup on his desk and glares at it so gruesomely as if it was the source of all his troubles, the bane of his existence.
“Maybe she has very bad memory?” Dongmin tries to reason with a weak guess.
“But come on, I have one of the most common male names in Korea! There are at least dozens of idols with this name,” the offended guy shakes his head and instead of useful advices or mental support what he gets is Myungjun arguing whether there's really that much Minhyuk in the kpop industry and he starts to count them out loud. Only Jinwoo seems helpful and attentive enough to engage in the conversation even further.
“True, you have a pretty usual name. What can she confuse it with?” he wonders and the question makes Minhyuk sigh as he is reminded of all times he faced with different syllables written on the cup instead of the ones he should have.
“Minhyun, Mingyu, Minhoon, Minjae, Min-whatever or today: Minhee! For god's sake, that's a girl name!” he grimaces when he loses counting the names on his fingers. There were even more occasions but he really couldn't keep track on all the names that girl came up with. He was fairly sure she was doing it on purpose and probably spent her time on Naver searching for even more names but the 30 million dollar question was: why? Why would she do that?
“Maybe you should try something new. An English name maybe,” Sanha suggests and Minhyuk can't believe that he's actually planning to take his advice but he has run out of any better ideas. Now he wanted to see once for all if the girl really did it on purpose or not.
 So the next morning when he walked into the café and saw you at the counter, he mustered up all his courage to go to you like he did almost every day and make a bit of a fool out of himself with a smile on his face.
“Good morning! What can I get for you?” You turned to him, lovely as always. He swore your smiles were similar to sunrays warming the Earth and the glint in your eyes was like the stars in the universe. You looked the prettiest in that cute apron out of all the baristas at this place and it was truly devastating that it was your habit that made him frown with each cup of coffee he got.
“A large vanilla latte to go, thanks,” he repeats his usual order almost automatic and when you say the price he already knows, he pays without any other word.
He knows how the process goes by heart. He has been through this routine half-asleep, running to classes and totally out of it too, so it’s no-brainer what's next. So there it comes: you grab a pen and a big empty cup looking up at him with curious anticipation in your expressive eyes.
“Your name, please.”
It takes everything in him not to snap or blurt out his real name this time, but he keeps a straight face as he says: “Rocky.”
He watches your expression closely but you're either oblivious or a great actress because you don't even bat an eyelash before shifting your gaze to the cup and scribbling something on it.
“I'll let you know when it's done,” you promise softly and turning around you start to work on his drink as he sulkily sits down at a table while waiting. These quiet, short minutes has always given him the perfect opportunity to watch over you, the grace in your movements, the way you dance a bit to the silly songs from the radio or just the frown of concentration on your forehead as you draw the perfect heart in the foam of his latte. He almost forgets about his little test until you remind him to it in that melodic voice you have.
He's almost dreadful when you call him and he takes his cup. He shouldn't worry since everybody knows the American movie, you can't mess that up. And yet, you still do. The writing on the cup is definitely too long to be Rocky and isn't even a name to begin with.
You look cute when you are annoyed, it says and he just stands there dumbfounded while you're already serving another guest not paying attention to him any longer. He sticks by just a bit longer watching as the next guest gets his coffee – without heart in the foam! – then his alarm reminds him to get going.
He reads the message again and again as he walks towards the university building. At first he doesn't know what to do with it but then it makes him grin, then laugh. He doesn't even complain to his friends about the coffee girl that day and decides to change his strategy next time he visits.
 It’s a lovely, warm morning, yet he can’t wait to have a hot drink in his hands. This time he came prepared. He waits for his turn patiently but he can't suppress a sly grin on his lips when he finally gets to the front of the queue. You nod in acknowledgement when he orders his usual, curly locks of hair falling into your eyes as you hover over the cup, pen ready in hand.
“Can I get your name?” You follow the routine and at this point, Minhyuk becomes sneaky.
“Yes,” he says simply, irrevocably and for once you seem surprised halting in your movements.
“Yes.” he repeats clearer, not breaking eye contact as you croak a brow at him.
“Okay,” you huff out with an amused smile tinting your rosy lips.
Then he has nothing better to do than play with the piece of paper in his hands and wait until you call his so-called name for his done drink. He steals glances at you a few times in the meantime and once he catches you staring back at him. You both look away caught red-handed. Though, it boosts his confidence enough to stride to the counter with pride when you call for him.
“Large latte for Yes,” you say it with all seriousness in the world without any wariness in your voice. The other guests in the café might look weirdly at the two of you but you don’t care.
“Thanks,” he walks up to you and gently takes the cup from your hands finger still brushing yours lightly. Quickly he checks the ‘name’ written on it and he puts a similar paper cup into your hands.
“Hope you are free Friday,” he says with a cheeky smile leaving your astonished once again.
“What?” you blink, fingers mindlessly playing with the used cup you just got.
“You just said yes,” Minhyuk shakes his own drink flashing your writing on it and you look down on the cup placed in your right. It's the one from last time, your compliment and a new line in messy handwriting under your message: Would you like to go out sometime?
Very smooth, you have to give him that and you can’t help but smile. You wondered when he was going to step up his game. You were anticipating, to be honest.
“Do I have to call you by your name then, Minhyuk?” you teasingly ask, mouth curled up in a charming smile as you gaze settles on the boy with most beautiful chocolate eyes you have ever seen. Not to mention the cute nose scrunch he does when he’s frustrated. If he asked you would admit that the first time was a mistake for real, a careless typo but after that you became careless and it turned into a game to play. You’re glad he went along with it.
“I don't know. Maybe you can come up with a better one,” he shrugs now and the smile he flashes you might become your next favourite thing about him. He leans a bit forward and quiets down his voice as if he whispered a secret.
“Maybe you could try something sounding like boyfriend. We will see,” he winks at you and when he leaves the café shop he not only brings his latte along with him but a little piece of your heart already.
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binxisaphe · 5 years
Binxi sat alone amongst the ruins of the circles of answering. Setting sun basking it in shades of orange and long shadows. The diminutive Keeper was fond of this site. Often found here training alone, or lost in meditation sitting amidst the rubble left behind. The site was elevated. High enough to enjoy the breeze that passed through the towering peaks of Gyr Abania.
 The feel of the wind was one thing he missed. The forest that bordered these lands, the self same woods he called home. They could be stifling. The dense vegetation of the shroud didn't leave much for the wind to flow through.
 It was why he often left the forest to meditate. Like he was doing now. Legs crossed under him. Eyes shut. The gates of his chakra opened wide letting aether free flow through him. He was completely still in this. With the exception of beads passing through forefinger and thumb at sequenced intervals. 
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(Un)fortunately for Binxi, a T'yoshi was also there for a while longer than he has, also meditating and completely still. Her chakras all open allowing her aether to flow free, but upon sensing Binxi's aether, her own aether flared as if out of anger, like a fiery hurricane about to hit. Muscles tensed, veins appearing. She still remembers, Binxi. She still remembers.
The sudden surge of power. It invaded the calm blank nothing that was his mind. Distracting him. His hand froze on the beads as he stopped count and recitation of his mantra. It was a wonder he didn't notice another before the surge of aether, especially one already opened to the gifts of Rhalgr like they where. But he recognized it for what it was, if not to whom is belonged to.
 Mulling it over he sighed, taking the length of beads and rewrapping them around his forearm. Letting go his hold on his chakra and allowing gates to slide shut one after the next until none remained open. His eyes slowly opening as he looked around. He didn't see anyone else in the failing light. Leisurely the small Keeper got to his feet. Dusting off his pants before he causally walked in the direction of the aether surge. Curiosity once again getting the better of him.
 Rounding a pillar, or what was left of one. He saw her there sitting as he had. In meditation. He hadn't seen T'yoshi since the last operation was carried out in the tunnels. Canting his head, he stood watching the woman. Wondering if she had even noticed his approach now that he had let go of the power of his gifts. Leaning against the pillar, he decided to call to her instead of approaching. "I did not know you where here Sister." 
The surge of raging aether subsided as the scarred monk of a Seeker does not meet Binxi's gaze, but it still surrounds T'yoshi like a fiery windy barrier. "Neither did I, Brother." She said the last part forcefully, with an angry undertone.
Keeping his eyes on T'yoshi he tapped his chin in thought as he chose his next words carefully. He spoke slow and deliberate. "You sound strained Yoshi. Somethin' botherin' you?"
 His voice and expression where friendly, but it didn't match his eyes. Pale silver orbs keeping vigilant watch on the Seeker. Even though he felt the surge of power subside, he could still tell she held onto it.
"I am talking to him." She opened one of her eyes, showing a very angry glare aimed at Binxi.
He snorted at her response, head shaking slowly as she glared at him. If the glare was suppose to cow him, it didn't seem to work in the slightest. He chewed on his lower lip in thought. He knew exactly why she was mad at him, debating to play the fool or confront her on it was the decision he was battling with. The latter won out. He didn't return the heated glare with anything but genuine curiosity. "So you're still upset over that? I am not sure why."
"...You killed an unarmed and surrendered imperial soldier in cold blood. You clearly defied Alliance orders, and you don't seem to care. It is only fortunate that you left before the leaders arrested you alongside that Elezen traitor." Yoshi took a deep breath, stood up, and faced Binxi straight in the eye, starting to walk towards him. "And the worst part was that I stayed quiet. Out of respect, for you being a brother Fist of Rhalgr, and Elder Tigre's pupil." Yoshi stands tall at five fulms and seven, possibly eight ilms. Tall for a female Miqo'te like herself. "I am basically harboring a criminal."
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"Yes, I killed my enemy." He didn't deny it. His tone was flat. Even. He kept any emotion from it. "I suppose I did defy orders, but that has been handled. My pay has be cut until further notice. So no, you are not harborin' a criminal. " He watched as she stood and turned to face him before walking closer. 
 He remained leaning against the pillar. "And to be fair I never asked you to do me any favors. But I guess thanks anyways?" He shrugged it off. "Perhaps if this was a normal war. I'd of not dispatched him. But this isn't a normal war T'yoshi. You understand this yes? To me so few fail to realize this with how quickly we are willing to turn on ourselves and sentence our own to death. Blind to the truth."
"Truth? What truth? That, let me guess, all imperials are evil, grunts or otherwise? That you wasted potential information that could be useful to the Alliance? Tell me Binxi, what is the 'truth' to this war?" T'yoshi's tone rose and grew more angry with each word.
"That its not that simply they wish to defeat us. They want to eradicate us, or was proof of them draggin' the hound from Menphina not enough for you. This isn't just a fight to defend lands, or countries, boarders. Its a fight for survival, a right to live." He waved T'yoshi off, turning his back towards her as he took a few steps away from the woman. "You are naive enough to think they'd talk, tell anyone anythin' of import? Not likely. You do know what legion that is on Ala Mhigo's doorstep don’t you? They already think us weak, soft. We'll spare their lives and keep them fed an safe even if they reveal us nothin', so long as they surrender." 
 He paused, looking out towards the forest. "Do you know what happens to us, If we surrender to them? Ever have the misfortune of being a prisoner of Garlemald? What I did was a mercy compared to what they've done."
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She remained silent the whole way through, although her expression doesn't seem to change. Her chakra seemed to calm down however. Perhaps Binxi's extremist words are somehow ringing to her. Garlemald won't stop until all Eorzeans are dead. So why bother accepting their surrender? 
 "So it's better to kill every imperial then. After all it's a fight for survival. Kill or be killed." T'yoshi brought out a smile...an eerily calm smile, as she walked towards Binxi. 
 "Maybe I have been too naive after all, Binxi. After all I've never tried to kill, and I have been a lousy soldier. My sister is a better soldier than me." She stops walking, when she is exactly one ilm away from Binxi. She slowly and quietly brought a fist towards Binxi's back, just enough to not make physical contact. 
"However...mercy or not..." And boom, in an instant, T'yoshi opens all her 6 chakra gates and unleashes a powerful fiery one-ilm punch right into Binxi's back. "...That is not enough to be absolved by me."
The keeper kept his eyes towards the forest to the west. Watching the suns last rays pass over the top of the trees. Minutes now and it would be gone from sight. The sky taken by darkness. Despite it all, his calm even tone of voice, casual demeanor. T'yoshi had him on guard since the moment she spoke to him. He had already been wary of the woman. 
 His ears flickered at the sounds of her footsteps crunching sand and rubble underneath. The sudden calming of her gifts. How suddenly agreeable the woman was to his words when a moment before they where hard to swallow. He didn't trust any of it. Least of all the woman at his back. His own gates flung wide, releasing the flood of aether through his veins. Grasping for it, forcing it. Binxi forced it into the only aspect he knew. Air. Empowering him to move faster then should be possible, until he expelled it in a powerful gust of wind. Kicking up sand and rubble, screening the both of them. Reducing visibility almost to nil. 
Her fist would of found nothing. He was already gone. Slamming shut his gates as soon as they opened, the wind dying and sand falling without his control. He was no where in sight. Faint hastened footsteps reverberated off the ruins with no discernible direction to which way. Then there was silence. Until Binxi finally called towards her, his voice echoing off the ruins as well. Making it difficult to tell where he was. "You wish to do me harm, Sister?"
Yoshi does not react in outright anger. Instead she caaaalmly straightens herself, with tranquil fury apparent on her face. She also closes her own gates, possibly so she can be able to sneak up on Binxi. Hearing his voice echoing through the ruins, she pursed her lips. She didn't like hurting a fellow Fist like this, but his methods are too extreme. They may not be best suited for a Fist of Rhalgr. 
 "Tell me, Binxi. Does Elder Tigre know of your folly? By killing a surrendered soldier, you are giving truth to their claim that we are savages. Do you truly wish to continue on with that knowledge, Brother?" 
 She then hopped off the Circles of Answering, almost looking like she was flying elegantly before landing on her two feet in front of Schism, slowly walking a bit before turning her head back to the temple. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and tries to sense Binxi's aether. 
 "Know that I don't wont to do this. You seem more fit to be a soldier than a Fist, in my eyes at least." Her voice is calm, but she does feel pained towards Binxi. Why does he have to be the way he is? She fears he may be going down a dark path from which he may never come back.
The keeper's laughter echoed off the walls of the darkened ruins. The sun had finished its descent past the horizon and the shroud of night was settling in. Which only aided the nocturnal Miqo'te. His pale silver eyes could pierce into the darkness where his diurnal cousin's could not. 
 "Wrong." The single word bounced back towards   T'yoshi followed by a moment of silence before he spoke again. "I wonder where this silly notion came from. You honestly believe that is the reason they call us savages? The Empire does the same and worse, no Sister. That is not why they call us that." 
 There was another pause but this time he started again giving the woman no time to interject a answer. "They call us savages because they believe us to be primitive and inferior to them. Our countries, our cultures, our way of life. It does not fit with their grand design of world conquest. Instead they would see us subjugated and shown a better way to live, a less 'savage' way to live. If you truly wish to rid yourself of the imposed title of savage, all you to do is submit to them and give up everythin'. Become another functional piece in their grand machine that is the empire." 
 "Me on the other hand. I will continue to fight, to resist. To be a 'savage'." The silence returned, only broken by the soft sound of skittering feet. The sounds of them reverberated of the wall still offering little to no direction other than he had retreated deeper into the temple ruins. 
 His voice echoed back towards her. This time filled with amusement and curiosity. "Tell me Sister. What is it you mean to do, that you do not want to?"
The seeker clenched her fists, emanating with a fiery aether, before walking inside the temple ruins, listening to Binxi's words. To his question she replied, with a serious yet sad tone. 
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 "...To seal your fists. Or break them. Because I do not thin you are worthy of His art." Even with the bale of darkness setting in, it did not frighten the diurnal woman. She had grown up in a mixed nomadic tribe, and she can use her own aether as a radar or sonar. Upon stepping inside, her voice echoes through its walls. Unknown to her there are shadowy figures that have been spying them from the shadows up above, eavesdropping. One of them speaks into a linkpearl, relaying information. 
 "You did not answer my first question, Brother. Does Elder Tigre know of what happened? I cannot believe you had been left off with a mere pay cut. You should have at least spent time in the gallows for that war crime, or even stripped of your rank and fired." Her chakra flared in her rising anger, alongside a singular...shadow chakra..hidden but unlocked inside herself, that she herself hid. "You sound as if you were one of the extremists that attacked at the Levinfist hosted at this very temple, or even one of the Griffin's men." 
 She then paused and tried to calm down, but then started again without giving the man a time to interject, as payback, while at the same time looking down into the abyss on the path between the entrance and the inner sanctum. "Maybe your views are justified. I am sorry if you or a friend happened to have been a former prisoner of Garlemald. But your words cannot absolve you of your actions. If I talked that day, you would probably not even be here anymore. Your actions helped put everything at risk, and they caused the chaos that also put that one Ishgardian against his people. You endanger everything we’ve worked for."
She remained silent as she entered the inner sanctum, staring up at the large statues before closing her eyes. Did she really have the right to be speaking all this? Maybe people, even herself are blind to the truth. She truly does consider Binxi's words, but then she opens her eyes, possibly also metaphorically. Is she really just a regular student at this point? Maybe it's time for her to move on up. As she calms down, her singular shadow chakra also closes. Last time Binxi probably saw Yoshi before tonight, she had 5 light chakras...was there a 6th chakra waiting to be open..? Or possibly the 7th...it is unclear. 
Speaking with a curious tone of her own, she asks, "Tell me, Brother. Why did you choose to become a Monk, let alone a Fist of Rhalgr? Did you truly wish to help people, or are you harboring a darker vendetta? Revenge? Envy? I want the honest truth, Binxi. I wanted to become a Monk because not only did I want to be strong, but it was to protect my friends and family. But I also did it without trying to kill. Call me a lousy soldier, but I am glad I did not stick with becoming a soldier, because ever since I became a Fist, I have grown, lived, and fought. Even now I struggle to overcome past and present weaknesses. I still bear the scars, all physical, emotional and mental of when I fought in the Revolution." She raised a scarred arm clenched into a fist. "I have my fellow brothers and sisters, especially my mentor, Elder Singing Stream, whose words and training still echo in me to this sun." She then lowered her fist. 
 "They have guided me on a path of light, Binxi. I fear that you tread a path of darkness, and soon there may be a point of no return. I am not fearful of you, Brother. I am fearful FOR you. So tell me, why did you become a Monk?"
The scrabbling sounds of boots and hands on stone could be easily heard as T'yoshi made her way into the temple. But the Keeper would still be nowhere in sight. The sounds instantly dying as she continued speaking and made her way into the temple. To his credit the Keeper did well to keep himself hidden.
 Although it took effort on his part to not outright berate the woman. Her words burned his ears as irritation rose up in him. Forcing himself to bite his tongue as he tracked the woman through the temple, she was making it easy on him. Holding on to her chakras like she was, it was like a blazing beacon in the night. It wasn't until she entered the inner sanctum and finished speaking, questioning him yet again did he finally speak up. 
 "No. Worren doesn't know." He was using the echoing sound of his own voice to mask his exertions and the continued sounds of his boots scraping on the old stones of the temple. "And I endangered everythin', how? By killin' another Garlean? You honestly believe that shite you're sayin'? We where to strip them of their armor and lead them bound. So tell me how where we to collect this precious information I supposedly robbed everyone of? If you'd have half the sense to think for yourself, you would of realized we couldn't've  managed escortin' them back quickly enough. Not with the amount of wounded we had. So we would of been found and they rescued by their allies that where quickly pushin' back into the tunnels. You're right..." He took a moment to quell his irritation, pushing all emotions aside as he continued. 
"...you are a lousy solider. Would you have preferred them to be freed and allowed to rejoin their ranks to have another chance at killin' another Eorzean!? While we perish or end up as prisoners?!" Binxi puased giving himself a break. Catching his breath before continued. "And that Ishgardian that you oddly enough lay the blame at my feet for. He was the one that struck down a prison first. Not I, I was merely followin' his lead since he came to the same realization I did a moment faster. It was a shame his own turned on him so quickly. Like a pack of rabid dogs. As for my own, I was ordered to remain silent then to leave. They gave out a punishment they thought was deservin' of the circumstance."
The keeper looked down into the darkness of the schism from where he clung. If T'yoshi hadn't noticed yet, she would definitely realize where he was soon. "As for my path leading into 'darkness'..." He said the words mockingly, glancing back up towards one of the holes in the roof of the schism. That was his exit. He had been scaling one of the pillars towards the ceiling. "Id be more concerned about you. A path of light you walk? Can't be too well lit if you just decide you're going to attack your brethren from behind unprovoked. In an attempt to maim them on some rage induced self righteous quest to pass judgment and deliver punishment. Real pious of you." 
 Binxi felt he had wasted enough words on her. Unblocking the aether flow from his chakras, he propelled himself off the pillar towards one of the holes in the ceiling. Focusing the Air aspected aether he controlled to send him upwards with a powerful gust of wind. Once in he reach he grappled for a handhold desperately, barely finding one in time before he almost plummeted into the abyss of the schism. Hanging from the hold he found in the roof he looked back down into the abyss and called out his farewell. "Farewell T'yoshi. Hopefully the next time we meet you have better control of your emotions." Turning his attention upward Binxi began to finish the climb up and out of the roof of the temple.
((Rp logs from a scene between Binxi and T’yoshi ( @team-nysa ) that went down in the Monk Discord.))
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mazojo · 6 years
I'm loving your drunk headcanon! How about a scenario where jumin and mc are having an argument about him being overworked and not getting any real rest and he went back to the company with bitterness. Feeling worried for him mc decides to go to Jumin to make ammend but something terrible happens when someone tries to kill him. At the last minute mc turn the table around and protect him and takes the blow instead. I really love a desperate jumin. Can you make this angsty and ends it with a fluff
Ohhhhh thank youu ~~ I love me some Jumin angst head canons so i’ll give it a try
Warning: Some violence so beware ~
Jumin x MC Fight Headcanon
MC is on their penthouse sitting stiffly on their living room couch, the apartment feeling very cold. Its 11pm and he still hasn’t arrived. As she leaves another voice call again for what feels like the 20th time that night the door unlocks and in comes the man of the hour.
- “God I hate company meetings, seriously do these airheads think they could put information past me? I am so go-”
- Suddenly Jumin trails off seeing MC sitting on the couch, her beautiful face is full of emotion he cant decipher, anger? sadness? disappointment?
- “Jumin Han do you know what time it is? Do you know how worried sick ive been? Is your phone suddenly absent when your wife calls you to know when you are arriving home?”
- She never called him by his full name, never.
- Crap, he totally forgot to turn his phone on after the meeting and the whole ride home he was too angry thinking about the way the meeting had gone, he should have called her.
- “I am extremely sorry MC. Today has been an off day and I would rather you not get agitated right now. Have you eaten? Did the chef’s cuisines meet your standards?”
- “Jumin Han I am being serious right now and you are talking about food quality? Its the third time this week the meetings have kept you longer than 9pm. And dont you dare change the topic to cuisine standards” MC said the last part with a mocking tone bordering sadness.
- But he wasn’t changing he topic. Couldn’t she see he was genuinely concerned about the food quality? He couldn’t bare her having something that didn’t reach excellence. Couldn’t she see this was all for her? He wouldn’t stand being less than perfect, the man she deserved.
- “I worked this schedule because I need to be the perfect man for you, to deserve your love. I didn’t me-”
- “This isn’t what I signed up for Jumin Han! I want your company to succeed and I am trying to understand your work habits, but not at the expense of your health, sleep and my sanity! Sitting for the past 2 hours waiting for a call or a miserable text! This isn’t the life I want!” 
- The temperature suddenly drops by 10 degrees and MC regrets the words as soon as she says them. Of course this is the man he wants, just not when overworking to strive perfection for her blinds him.
- It stings. This isn’t the life she wants? Of course it isn’t. Who would like to be with someone emotionally unstable who doesn’t know a thing about relationships? He is the problem, always have been.
- “You’re right, I need to go, I need to think. Please do not follow me. Go get the rest you deserve and we’ll talk later when we cool off” His tone was cool and calculating but the could see how much her words hurt him.
- Jumin grabs his car keys in a hurry and doesn’t even ask the chauffeur to accompany him, he needed to be alone.
- MC crumbles as tears of anger, frustration and sadness roll down her cheeks. Stupid. Why cant he see she loves him no matter how many deals he closes? She just wants him to let loose a little and realize he loves Jumin Han for the cat loving concerned self, not corporate director Jumin Han for his titles.
- MC looks at the time, 11:20, its way too late and she knew were he was headed. He always went to the office and trap himself in a pile of work whenever he is stressed out. MC grabs her coat and gets in the first cab passing by against the security guards protests. They knew Mr. Han would not approve MC going out by herself on a cab at this hour.
- Meanwhile Jumin is driving faster than he should. The words This isn’t the life I want screaming in his head.
- He stops the car in front of the building he left no longer than an hour ago. sigh. As he ran a hand through his hair he thought about the look MC gave him as the worlds rolled out. Regret. 
- He loses his tie remembering it was the one MC choose. She always made sure to wake up with him to have breakfast and select his tie. Her picks were always perfect and those few moments they stole each morning remained with him for the rest of the day while he constantly looked at his watch for the time to arrive home and see her beautiful eyes. God he loved her eyes and the way they looked at him with concern for the tiniest things like whether he ate lunch or wether he liked her outfit (mind you, he always did, she was perfect). Tonight those eyes were cold and unforgiving.
- As he turned on the phone exiting the car he noticed some movement in the corner of his eyes.
- The cab MC took drove fast, she was sure they were breaking the speed limit but she didn’t care. She needed to find her husband.
- As they arrive, MC rolls out a couple bills not even caring for the change and with only one thought in mind, Jumin.
- She sees it first. The man approaching his dark haired boy with an impeccable stealth and a knife. No.
-  Time seems to stop and as Jumin slowly turns around sensing something is off the man raises his knife menacing demanding he gives him his phone.
- Jumin eyes widen and is struck dumb in his place. As the man starts approaching Jumin, each step more threateningly, Jumin catches a sight of straight brown hair in the corner and panic fills him up. What is she doing here?
- “Dont you dare lay a hand on him!” MC screams while pushing Jumin out of the way just as the man strikes with his knife, slashing MC’s side. With MC’s scream and noticing the security cameras on the front of the building, he flees.
- No. no no no. Idiot. A feeling Jumin had never felt took over him. She is hurt and its my fault. Its my god damn fault someone laid a hand on her.
- MC clutches her side and falls to the pavement. As she looks up she finds Jumin with the most petrified and horrified expression on his face. 
- Realizing he is standing there staring at her he finally decided to move for MC. The first thing he does is hug her fiercely, not even caring about the blood which will certainly leave a stain on his blazer. Red, so red.
- “Its okay, it was just a cut, probably will only leave a bruise”. He knew her damn well to know she was playing it off. She is bleeding. 
- “Take your shirt off” He said it as a first instinct leaving all poise aside, he needed to see the wound. MC eyes widen and he realizes she is still laying down in the cold floor in a public street with a wound on her side which was his fault.
“Shit. shit. shit” Without thinking it twice he carries her making sure she is comfortable in his arms. He takes her over to his car and fumbling with his keys, lays her down on the passenger seat rolling her shirt aside to examine the wound.
- He would call the paramedics. No they take too damn long. If he called the firefighters they could clear the already empty streets and arrive faster to the hospital. He could drive her but there was no way she would travel in the backseat by herself risking falling down or straining herself. He could probably call his private chauffeur to bring the helicopter bu-
- “Honey, its okay, I am okay. The important thing is that you are okay” Remembering he hadn’t say a word for the last 30 seconds he suddenly turned to her meeting her eyes for the first time since the incident. Since the fight. No, the thing is that you are not okay and I wasn’t able to save you.
- As MC meets Jumin’s eyes she sees an edge on his normally composed face. He was terrified and she needed to reassure him she was there, she was his.
- Gathering a little strength MC sits up enough to catch his lips and wake him up from his trance. It seems to work as he desperately holds onto her, tears working their way into his cheeks.
- “Honey, this is what we will do; you’ll grab your phone and call an ambulance which should arrive in 10 minutes or so considering urgent care is 5 blocks ahead. We will wait here and in no way am I letting you take the blame for this. I decided to come follow you and tackle you, and god knows what would have happened if I didn’t. I am here and I am yours”
- She is perfect and I am a fool.
- “MC, I-I swear if someone touches you again ever they will pay. God, he will pay and I am making damn sure they find that piece of trash to rot in jail.”
- It was unsettling seeing him so decompose, his calming features twisted in a rage she had never seen as he dials the hospital and as he hangs the phone MC remembers the reason why she was coming in the first place to look for him.
- “Babe I know its not the best of times, god I was just stabbed and a man almost killed you but I- I am so s-sorry” She tried her best not to cry but broke down in the last word. “I-I didn’t mean what I said and of c-course this is the life I want, hell I would give my life for y-yours, its just… Seeing the eye bags under your eyes each morning kills me because you work so damn hard all the t-time and my one job as your wive is to ensure you’re okay and I even fail at that a-and…”
- Jumin holds her as her sobbing intensifies and his features soften. He knew she meant every word she just said and knowing he had caused her such pain made his insides churn. He pressed his lips to hers softly, like she would break, and convey everything he was thinking. He loved her and she will never suffer again because of him, never.
Lolll I kinda went overboard //hides. Thanks for the request! Hope I made it justice ;w;
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hotchzier · 6 years
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louis hadn't exactly planned on waking his boy up until it was exactly half an hour before he had to leave. but with how entangled they were it was deemed impossible to get out of harry's bond without waking him up.
"darling." louis called softly, turning his head a bit back so he could look at him.
"darling, i need you to wake up." louis continued softly, reaching out to move his boys hair back and out of his face. he left his hand to gently rub circles in harry's temples.
he really didn't want to leave.
louis leaned over and gently layed his lips against harry's forehead, attempting to wake him up with his kisses.
"hmph", is all he got out of him.
"baby, i gotta get up."
"mmm". harry dived his nose into louis' neck, inhaling deeply.
louis smiled fondly and moved his hand into harry's gorgeous curls. he always loved playing with them, especially during small moments like these where the both of them are intertwined deeply into their bed. voices never higher than a whisper.
louis gently pulled on his curls in order to lift harry's head up a bit so he could move his lips down to his ear. he nudged it a bit and then whispered at him to wake up once again.
"nnnh-not going to." harry mumbled, still nestled into louis' neck.
louis let out a breathy sound, somewhere remotely close to a chuckle.
"and why is that, my boy?"
"if i keep sleeping, you wont leave." harry eventually whispered with his smallest voice he had.
louis' fond smile slowly morphed into a small frown. he knew how hard these moments were on not only harry, but himself too. he quickly turned the mood to a happier setting by letting out a small chuckle after thinking about the "logic" behind harry's words.
"i wish it worked that way, love." he said quietly, and then leaving a peck on the top of his head to seal his words.
"wanna stay here forever". harry whispered as he moved his head to nose louis' cheek.
louis' chin tilted down a bit so his and harry's noses met to rub against eachothers.
butterfly kisses.
their lips eventually found each others as it seems it's impossible for them not to when their faces are this close.
the first kiss of the day, and most definitely not the last.
they layed there and kissed for a bit. as corny as it sounds, the time always feels endless and that their souls have suddenly turned to immortality when their lips have morphed into each others.
when louis reluctantly pulled pack, harry finally opened his eyes. his usually bright green eyes were a bit dull today but they never failed to catch louis' breath.
their eyes didn't pull away until the realization that the time for louis' departure would be here sooner than later.
louis pulled back to look at the analog clock that rested on their bedside table.
9:22 AM the digital, red letters read out.
he'd have to get going at the latest by 11 and considering how this had been going, it'd be a struggle to get him out of the door until he absolutely had to.
when he turned back to harry his eyes layed upon the frown that had came across his face in the past few seconds. he felt himself frowning shortly too.
god, he hated this. he hated leaving his boy.
louis leaned into leave a lingering peck against harry's lips.
"i love you." he whispered against their touching lips.
all harry did was let his lips curl up to a small smile. he knew he was choking on his emotions deep down inside and he was trying his hardest to conceal them.
"gotta take a shower, love." louis started to get up but harry caught onto his arm before he could even swing his feet off the bed.
"lay with me for a bit longer, please, louis."
his hearth ached. his boys voice was so small and sad. he longed to just quit his job as the aspiring journalist he was becoming and lay with harry in a bed forever.
"can't, darling."
water came across to filling the already glassy, emerald eyes of his.
louis didn't realize how hard it would be this time. he'd only be gone for five weeks into the states in order to research on a piece he was doing for the different ways life is lived. but it would be the longest they had ever been away from eachother in the span of the 4 years they were together. he wanted nothing more than to take him with him but they just couldn't.
he leaned in to quickly wipe harry's tears, but he refused to lie down again, knowing he wouldn't get up if he did.
"we'll facetime every fucking day. you can call me whenever you need to, no matter what. and we'll text every minute we can. i promise you, my love." louis stated as his hands held onto harry's face.
harry's hand came up to wrap around louis' dainty, but firm wrists. he continued to look louis in the eye as he nodded slowly. "okay." he whispered softly.
"okay?" louis wanted to hear it again to confirm harry got it.
"everyday." is all harry whispered back.
as louis stepped out of the steamy bathroom, he found the still ruffled sheets of the bed to be empty. he followed his feet to the kitchen to see the coffee pot incessantly boiling and harry at the table with his journal.
he seemed to be stuck on his thoughts and aimlessly writing in it, more than likely to calm him.
louis came up behind him from where he was seated and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, inhaling harry's scent and then kissing him once more.
"let me make you some coffee before you leave. or tea? you always prefer tea in the mornings, i just thought maybe you needed some caffeine as you do have a long trip ahead of yo-"
"coffee's fine, sweetheart." louis cut his frazzled rambling off with yet another kiss to his lips.
harry turned around to pour louis a cup and handed it to him as he sat back down with louis.
"nothing for you, babe?" louis asked, genuinely curious as harry usually had a cup as well.
"dont think i'd keep it down to be quite honest". he said as his voice trailed off into some distant land of his mind.
louis sighed and turned his body towards harry's seat. he sat there, drinking his coffee, while reviewing all of harry's features. he never, ever could get over how unbelievably lucky he got with this godly gorgeous boy of his.
"stop staring at me". harry said, his voice fining entertainment.
"i cant". louis knew harry could hear the smile in his voice.
harry disregarded the comment, even though is knowing smile stayed on his face as he turned to asked louis if his toothbrush was packed.
"yes, darling, everything i need is ready to go." he said a but, exasperated. he knew harry was just stalling louis' time but they'd gone over his packed bags at least a million times in the past few days.
"okay, love, just checking." harry said, his voice seemed a big lighter now that he was fully awake, but it still had a sad tinge to it.
10:39 AM the clock hanging against their wall now read.
his ears picked up on harry's breath faintly hitching as he turned to see that harry looked at the same time as he did to.
"still got a good 20 minutes, baby. you'll be okay", he said trying his best to calm his boy down.
he got up to put his cup in the sink he turned back around to harry already standing. his eyes had trailed him the few steps to he sink and now to where louis was walking in his direction.
louis slowly wrapped his arms around harry's long and thin torso. harry felt a bit tense in his arms but he slowly relaxed as louis held him tighter once harrys arms wrapped around his neck and his head fell into his shoulder.
they stood their wrapped up into eachother tightly for a good while, both pulling back with glossy eyes.
it really would be a good time to get going then, but louis couldn't find himself to doing it. he wanted to stay here with his boy as much as his boy wanted him to stay too.
when he looked back up again his face contorted into a frown and his eyebrows pulling together at the sight of a tear rolling down harry's face.
louis took his hands and squeezed them. he leaned up to kiss all over his boys face even has the taste of his salty tears made his way into his mouth.
"i'm sorry." the end of harry's words were slightly cracked by his emotions.
"no, don't be, baby. i just hate seeing you so sad."
"i feel selfish for crying. this is your thing that you've been looking forward to for so long and i just- i don't know we've never been away for this long and im gonna miss you so fucking much." now harry's voice cracks were surreal and tears were unstoppable as he chocked on his sobs.
louis' heart was breaking and he felt his eyes fill up to at his darling boy who was a whole emotional wreck. he wasn't any better himself though.
"you're breaking my heart, baby", louis let go of their intertwined hands to wipe harry's tears out of his face. his hands stayed there to rub circles into his cheeks to calm him down. "i promise you i'll be back before no time and when i get back we can lay in bed and watch movies the whole day like we always do, okay?"
harry just nodded as he tried to suppress his sobs even more. it was pretty much time for louis to be leaving, as he should've been at the airport about ten minutes ago.
"i'm so sorry, darling, but i really gotta get going. ill text you the soonest second i can and you can text me every damn time you want to. these five weeks will fly, my boy."
harry was still keen on saying the bare minimum as he leaned into louis' touch and closed the gap between them to kiss louis' lips for the last time in awhile.
they wrapped eachother into their arms one more time, squeezing extra tightly before louis turned to grab his bags to put them in the car.
harry insisted on helping him but louis refused. he just wanted his boy to rest up for now.
as soon as the doors to his taxi closed his phone dinged with a message from harry, he smiled to himself at how extra his boy was.
"miss you so fucking much already xx"
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