#but like obvs discussion is fine u get what I mean
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you guys. i have seen the henry danger movie. omg…
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW GOOD IT IS??? also i will be discussing SPOILERS, so if u haven’t seen it yet DO NOT READ!!
okay first of all. DOOOOOOFUSSS!! it was so good to see ray again, speaking as a ray girlie. he was only in it for like what? 5 seconds? best five seconds of my life and omg he looked SO HOT. woof woof
but also jace? i’ve always preferred Captain Man but goddamn jace looked so fine in this movie especially in the shimmers scene in his open neck shirt. just chef’s kiss sir. i love our angsty boi although it feels like he’s only been in dystopia for a little bit and he’s already left?
interesting but i have no idea when the movie is set on the timeline—like is it after danger force?
i think the shimmers scene was my favourite. the whole movie is just exceptionally good like i enjoyed the thundermans movie but it wasn’t 10/10 perfection with the pacing and storyline. maybe i’m biased but henry danger was great. exactly what i wanted to see after the car crash that was the end of danger force.
the camera work and cgi and script are just so good. the writers clearly got the henry danger nostalgia and ran with it for us older fans whilst still retaining something young or even new fans. the entire hour or so flew by and i was smiling throughout all of it, just loving all the references and seeing all my favourite characters again.
plus, i think missy was a great character. sometimes the kids in danger force get on my nerves but she was just so sweet and funny. also her writing fanfiction just called me out. it’s like the writers were staring right at me - the smut writer lol
am i a little sad that charlotte/riele couldn’t be in it? yes, but they still mentioned her, so i think it’s fine. plus, they hinted at a cliffhanger that might mean more in the dangerverse (maybe another show like what they’re doing with the thundermans?)
overall i think they did the dangerverse fandom justice. they could’ve screwed it up so easily but it was such a fun, lighthearted thing and i really enjoyed it.
obvs i’m still finishing off the main story and there’s still two seasons of df for me to rewrite. HOWEVER!
will i be rewriting this movie with our sweet girl? hell yes i am. miss danger is gonna team up with her bby boi henry hart.
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neotrances-deactivated · 2 years ago
Hii sorry if this is a weird ask because I know I don’t know you personally, but you’ve talked about a lot of the dates you’ve been on and I just got asked out for the first time over a dating app and I’m really nervous. I was wondering if you had any red flags to watch out for?
Sorry again if this is a weird ask, don’t feel pressured to answer if you don’t want to ^^
ur fine dw! id say first biggest flag is to make sure they arent intending to have sex and nothing more, the first date shouldn’t be like just netflix at their house if that makes sense bc 8/10 that’s usually what that means, ppl always say don’t discuss politics or serious stuff on the first date but i think that’s stupid, obv don’t have like some kind of debate or whatever but inbetween asking questions about them and their views finding out basic politics is a good idea, and lastly make sure u both are on the same page of what ur looking for, explicitly ask what they are looking for, u don’t wanna go thru three more potential dates just to find out they only want a casual thing if u want something serious, erm and if u are getting picked up or getting an uber sent for u be cautious about giving out ur address even if they’re friendly thas kinda it without specifics about u or the date, i hope it goes well good luck!
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slutnali · 2 years ago
From my understanding the people on twitter were more upset with her response to biblegirl, who tweeted something along the lines of “the sooner we accept that most adults do cocaine the better” (not the exact wording, she deleted it now cause the response was overwhelmingly negative, but the sentiment was normalizing cocaine use bc it’s prevelant) and Denali responded “tea”. To me that’s a lot more 🤔what do u mean by that🤔 than anything she said on the podcast.
This is long so I'm adding a read more out of curtesy and also because we are talking about drugs [not very descriptive but still]
I remember seeing that earlier while I was out but don't remember it word for word, wish I did tho
But from what I remember, I thought there was some truth to it. Many people do it, it's not just rampant in the lgbt+ community but everywhere else. Does it make it okay? Absolutely not but from what I took from it is that there's just so much shaming for it and I think harm reduction should be discussed. That's not to say that you should glorify it and I don't think they are, however its such a delicate & complicated topic that people are quick to jump at each others throats defending their stance, etc.. With Nali replying 'teaaa' I think also it has to do with the fandom's reaction to it as well.. like, it always gets weird?
I remember when s13 had been announced and people did their digging and found out about her mugshot etc.. the fandoms reaction gave me an ick because people were very much 'omg how scandalous teeheee 🤭" gossiping and theorizing it... and then again when she'd made a joke about her mugshot on the GITMS segment and then people were actually thirsting over it on twt.. like it was weird imo.. and yeah, she was open about it and to some extent you could argue "she made it our business" but I think this'll probably be the last time she does share about it and I don't think she owes us any more stuff about it if she doesn't want to. That's just me though.
Could the tweet have been worded better? Yeah, but again, the tweet from Biblegirl was deleted and I can't really go in depth. But tbh I don't want to go further into depth or back and forth after this ask and another i have, because this blog is mainly for reading [and occasionally writing] drag race fic and thirsting over my faves.
There def is a discussion to be had when it comes to people who have used it and people entirely against it, and there's many points to be shared on both sides. I've seen some of it while I was scrolling twt a while ago bc I follow a bunch of dr girls [obvs] and local queens.
As for Denali, if you no longer want to support her that's fine and your right. If you need/want to separate yourself from that, do it and if you're a follower or mutual of mine that wants to unfollow me there's no hard feelings. If you do wanna keep following me you can black list 'denali foxx' and 'denali' so you wont see posts with her tag. I cant speak for everyone else who may not tag but I can for my blog because I always use them and tag accordingly.
Drug use and talk happens and it's not a cancelable offense, in my opinion at least. There are many many queens who openly talk about substance use but I rarely even see anyone bring it up: Willow and a bunch of s14 girls doing shrooms, Camden talking about how blackout she was while touring last year and not knowing how she got safe to her hotel room, Sasha C mimes sniffing coke or smoking on stage, all the open stoners, etc.. when it comes to this and other topics people are very pick and choose when it comes to their faves so idk..
but again, this is all my opinion and ramble and its okay if we have a difference.
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yackers · 2 years ago
my hoa family hcs:
(these are soo set in stone to me so if you disagree idc) (also all of these don’t actively go against canon im pretty sure most of it is actually based on it)
fabian: my personal hc for him is that it was him his mum and his 3 older sisters (most likely adult) , his dad died when he was pretty young (or left or was never in his life) but jasper and uncle ade have always filled that role for him. his whole family is into antiques history and archaeology and his mum is an archaeologist. idk he just doesn’t have only child vibes he very much has spent his whole life around women vibes. his family lives nearby the school and he only goes there because they travel too much to be with him full time, which is why his family antique shop is close enough to visit in a lunch break.
nina: her gran is her only family after her parents died, since both her parents were only children. her mom was spanish and her dad was american and her gran is her dad’s mom.
mick: his parents are still together and based on how he always said that his family was moving to australia rather than his parents I'd guess he has at least one sibling, though probably just one. maybe an older brother who was in his second to last or last year at amun when mick first started. 
patricia: her parents are together and sibling wise it’s always just been her and piper. her parents are distant and their attention depends mostly on academic achievement as they care more about appearances than anything else. this lead to piper trying as hard as she could to succeed in music and academia and patricia just trying to get their attention by pissing them off. they were sent to boarding school pretty much as soon as they could be, with piper going to her fancy music school and patricia just going to amun because they offered them both a scholarship. both their parents have high up jobs where the image of the perfect family is more important to them than their actual family and they travel tonnes.
eddie: he’s always known about his dad being an english boarding school teacher and then headmaster but they’ve never really been in communication much. his parents weren’t together for long, they tried to make it work for longer when his mom found out she was pregnant but ultimately neither one of them wanted to move to the other country and sweet knew what he knew about the whole osirian thing and thought it best to keep a distance. so it had always just been him and his mom living in an apartment in new jersey (was that where all u americans decided he’s from?? bc u guys know best <3) his mom has a sister she’s really close to though so he’s always has cousins around him that he get on with like siblings. his mom is really cool and he gets on with her really well. she sent him to england when he fell in with the wrong group of friends and started getting in trouble and thought that part of it was probably due to the lack of a role his dad had in his life, but she wouldn’t have sent him if he didn't have less than two years of school left bc she would’ve missed him too much.
kt: her parents passed away when she was a kid so she was raised by her young aunt and her grandfather. she lived with two of her young cousins that she helped look after and she would never have left them all if it weren't for her grandfather begging her to go to amun for her senior year
willow: she’s either an only child or one of like 7. her parents are fun hippies that sent her to boarding school because they travelled a lot and they realised that homeschooling was affecting her socially. she does miss her 7 cats though.
amber: it’s just her and her dad. her mum either passed away when she was like superrr young or left and isn't in her life. her and her dad are pretty close (she’s his pride and joy) but because of her carefree behaviour over summers he has an idea of her as a party girl that lacks focus that only really starts to bother her after the sibuna stuff. she’s a little spoilt but overall he’s a good dad that tries to spend as much time with her as he can when she’s not in school.
joy: her parents are divorced though fairly recently (before or after s1 depending on if they mention her mum in s1) and over the holidays she splits her time between the two of them. she’s an only child (bc I love her but she soooo is) and her relationship with her dad is definitely in a rough place after the whole chosen one thing but he’s really trying. her mum took the cat and she uses that as an excuse as to why she likes to stay there more (bc if her mum knew the full story, as in the one other than the one about her dad’s job, she wouldn't let her go back to the school)
alfie: im so sure he has siblings because he pranks too much to be an only child and I think jerome’s lack of surprise at his ‘little brother’ means he probably does. and like ik that it’s something that jerome and patricia were able to hide but they had their reasons to lie about it and I don't think that alfie does. so he at least has one younger brother and maybe a younger sister but i don’t think that based on the way his parents were with him that he has an older sibling because he was being compared to jerome rather than a sibling.
jerome: his dad went to prison when poppy was just a baby and his mum was always too pissed off at his dad leaving her a single parent that she kind of just resented both her kids and sent them to boarding school pretty much as soon as it was legal. he always felt pretty abandoned by everyone, especially since his mum never had a nice thing to say about his dad, so he always made an extra effort to make sure poppy never felt the same way, doing stuff like getting buses and trains to her school ceremonies and plays so she always had someone in the audience.
mara: it’s just her and her parents and she adores them and they adore her. they’re pretty famous athletes that have an almost celebrity status within the country and they work a lot, so they sent her to boarding school just for secondary school so that she could live a life out of the spotlight. they visit a lot and send her weekly care packages and despite initial disappointment that she didn't wanna follow in their footsteps they were so proud of her academic talents. she plays netball because after the way she was brought up sports just can't not be a part of her life.
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daisiesonafield-blog · 4 years ago
so d’you think we can expect a harry co after my policeman is released or we shouldn’t get our hopes up too much? also, what do u think it’d mean for hl, publicly and privately, if harry did come out? cause even though it’s been years the media still brings up larry sometimes, so i imagine a new round of larry denials would have to happen. and that’d be a bit of a shitty situation to be in, especially for louis i think. (i know we’re only speculating obvs we can’t know anything for certain)
Hi anon,
I don’t think we should expect it. And really don’t get your hopes up. At the end of the day we don’t know.
They may not use MP as his coming out plan. Tho imo that could get him into some sticky situations like we have already seen with the backlash from the queer community. But then again, lots of actors get backlash for playing gay characters and are just fine in their careers. However, what I think is different for Harry specifically is that he himself is a closeted actor, so the expected press discussion of “so how was it to play a gay character as a straight man?” could be tricky for him to navigate without having to lie. But also, we don’t know how the press for the movie will look like. Not all Amazon Studios films get a press tour or are released in theaters. Some are just quietly released on Amazon Prime with small press releases.
Also, I think this film is shaping up to have a rather indie vibe, so it may not come across as a big film that we see everywhere and is heavily covered. But we don’t know yet.
So, like I mentioned, we can speculate, but we are just discussing potential scenarios at this point bc we don’t know the future nor do we know most of the circumstances bts.
In terms of Harry coming out before Louis, yeah that could be difficult for them to navigate. It could bring up all the speculation about Larry Stylinson and inadvertently put a spotlight on Louis’ sexuality. However, they could also do a highly controlled CO, where most of the speculation about their history is kept to a minimum if not pretty much silenced. That is also possible. I imagine that whatever discussions they are having about a coming out involves both of their teams and is done somewhat in conjunction, even if Harry were to come out before Louis.
Privately, I can’t say. I don’t know if it would change much about their personal lives. I think they are able to lead relatively normal lives bts and are out to their close inner circle and family. So in their private daily lives they’re just another regular couple. I really can’t speak about how that would affect their dynamic. I don’t know them personally nor do I know how they deal with this as a couple. 
The thing is, we don’t know if they want to come out separately, they may want to come out as a couple. That could also be a massive PR move to have two huge artists come out as a couple. We already know relationships are one of the best PR strategies, so the amount of publicity this would attract would be an amazing push for both of their careers. So them coming out together would almost certainly be paired with one of them releasing a new project/album. Could be a solo album or a joint project.
Note: in relation to this, this and this posts
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rabbityshen · 4 years ago
a post got me thinking abt this (and i didnt wanna add to the notes plus it is a bit on the mean side) on the one hand, i think some ppl can be kind of mean abt "tropes" as a lens of talking abt fiction. ppl having fun is fine. i have fun. it can feel like "ugh you're not taking fiction seriously" vibes, which i think is good to keep in check as that sentiment can poison the well and put ppl on defense which i dont think is conducive. i also think it can be condescending to presume "you only talk abt x in y way which means you're incapable of discussing x (or anything else) in z way."
on the other hand, i do find tropes, and in this case i mean the more modern rendition of "ao3 tags" as i saw someone phrase it as, just personally v confusing and limiting. i understand what tropes are but they're vague in the same way genre is, but unlike genre, are looser and more emotionally tilted in a way that can limit discussion. i mean, i do find it useful sometimes, like i do have trope preferences certainly and i think that's fun to talk abt in a "what do i get out of this" way in a general sense. but besides the obvious problem of not all fiction necessarily having or fitting these tropes (esp since they're predominantly romance oriented), or suiting even the common tone of such discussion, i just dont find tropes particularly illuminating when discussion often boils down to "i love this/i hate this" in emotionally hyperbolic ways. it also just doesnt fit discussion of stories that arent invested in pleasant or fun emotional catharsis, let alone stories that aren't linear or are more experimental in structure. (and also like, if u get why applying tvtropes, which at least isnt romance-centric, onto all fiction can be kinda cringey and just v limiting, then it also applies here.)
even when it comes to my preferences, it can rly vary depending on the execution of the story itself, whether im reading amateur fanfic or pro published original fiction, or anything else. for example, i would say i like enemies to lovers, but this doesnt mean im inclined to like every rendition of it (i disliked rey and kylo's arc, i liked catra and adora's arc). even when im casually reading fanfic, im not gonna read every enemies to lovers ship. i am moderately picky and very lazy!
and at least enemies to lovers describes a relationship arc that can encompass an entire narrative. "sharing a bed" is a scene prompt? it's fine but means nothing to me. if a story sucks to me then no i wont like it, if a story is good to me then yeah i'll like it. i cant rly say if i "like" that trope in isolation bc i've seen shitty versions, fun versions, boring versions, etc.
and then top of this, sometimes ppl have v specific ideas of what tropes mean. back to enemies to lovers, i've seen ppl use it to refer to intense mutual antagonism that ties into the entire plot or just moderate stakes act 1 romcom personality clash/bickering that eases into real friendship by act 2. i can sure propose my own definition but it does seem like it's more charged to whatever someone's own personal preferences are than any kind of meaningful analysis or categorization.
i guess what im getting at is "tropes" seem to invoke the idea of specificity w/o really engaging w/ it or w/ clarity. i think obv if you are talking abt trends or patterns across fiction, you will generalize. but there are usually reference point bc the analysis comes out of the engagement w/ fiction first. often tropes are invoked in a way where there is no reference point, or it's imagined (or assumed) to an unhelpful degree, and then is applied as it's concrete and objective bc the trope itself exists within a vacuum.
ultimately tho this mode of discourse is mostly harmless if somewhat annoying. i have no idea if this is true to "real life" or whatever that means lol
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4haechie · 5 years ago
son of apollo!donghyuck
pairing: son of apollo!donghyuck x child of athena!reader genre: fluff, comedy, some adventure/action, pjo au, e2l au words: 3,173 warning: couple of curse words here n there a/n: i reference a bunch of pjo characters in this so if u haven’t read pjo *crowd booing*
so donghyuck’s the son of apollo right
there’s like no arguing when it comes to that
he’s extremely talented at singing and making music, dancing, rapping, songwriting, so he’s no doubt apollo’s offspring
and he’s naturally gifted at archery as well
you can’t spell haechan without ACE teehee
u on the other hand
you’re athena’s child
you love to read and write you’re incredibly smart ofc
you love competing and winning and taking part in strategy making to bring your opponents DOWN 💅🏼
athena’s the goddess of wisdom as well as warcraft so needless to say you’re exceptional in both fields
you’re not just textbook smart, no no, you’re able to apply all the knowledge you learn…well…irl
not to mention you’re good with all kinds of weapons
ur fave weapons include swords and spears :D
you’re okay w knives too!!! and daggers!!! you’re not picky
but you’re better w longer blades just cuz u have more experience w them
fun fact: you’re the head of the athena cabin and donghyuck’s the head of the apollo cabin
you’re both great leaders, always doing your best to make the best strategies to win capture the flag, the chariot races, and other fun activities chiron plans for the campers 😁
but . you guys are Sworn Enemies
actually the better term to use would be “rivals”
you guys r So competitive to the point where you actually developed a rivalry during your first few years at camp half-blood
donghyuck LOVES to win but so do you… so obv he’s gonna go out of his way to make sure he/his cabin wins
that doesn’t mean you’ve ever backed down from his challenges…
if he’s competitive you’re twice as competitive
one day after breakfast during your fifth year at camp when you’re both about 18, chiron decides to host a good old game of capture the flag
u know . for old times’ sake 😼
once he makes the announcement you immediately turn to your cabin mates
“we have to win no matter what”
“y/n, it’s just capture the flag. we’re not fighting gaea”
“bitch are u in or not”
the entire dining hall is buzzing with excitement
nothing makes a demigod’s day like a capture the flag announcement 😌
chiron suddenly grabs the megaphone again and calls out “this time however there’s a little twist,” he chuckles as everybody goes silent
you raise an eyebrow
“you’ll be in teams of course. everybody has to play. there’s twenty cabins, so there will be ten teams of two cabins each. i’ll pair you guys up myself. each pair gets a flag–so there’s ten flags in total. the game will be won by the pair who manages to collect all flags and brings them back to their base before anyone has the chance to steal their own flag.”
the demigods burst into intense chatter and discussion once more
you turn your head back to your siblings and tilt your head in slight confusion
you’ve never played capture the flag in teams before
“anyone but apollo. i’m literally begging. sam, pray to athena right now”
“y/n RELAX”
“i think if we’re partners with apollo’s cabin i’ll actually jump into tartarus”
“what? percy and annabeth survived” 🙄
chiron pulls out a scroll and calls out the pairings one by one
poseidon and demeter, hades and ares (good luck to them), so on and so forth
your heart keeps racing . athena’s name has not been called out yet
and just like that your worst fear comes true
“athena cabin with apollo cabin. the game will commence in thirty minutes, which is how much time you have to prepare. good luck and stay safe!”
you drop your head into your palm (aka head in hands meme jpg)
“this is the worst day of my entire life”
“y/n, you’re hands down the most dramatic person i’ve ever met”
maybe it’s just you–bc your siblings seem fine with the apollo kids
they have so many apollo cabin friends :(
curse u and donghyuck’s little rivalry that the entire camp and chiron knows about
so him putting yall together definitely was not a coincidence cough cough
can u blame him
🌤🌈 he just wants all of u to get along 🌈🌤
he’s seen w his own two centaur eyes what happens when demigods fight between themselves
it’s not healthy
he needs u guys to get along bc u and donghyuck are some of the best demigods at camp rn
ur quick wits and amazing sword skills
his position as the camp’s best archer
imagine how powerful yall would be if u two worked together
if only you got along from the start.. but nooooo
ur egos r just too high F
but anyway, back to the present
you’re sitting there, head in your hands, dreading this already when some of the apollo kids swagger over to your guys’ table
donghyuck is in front of them as he scoffs after seeing your dreadful state
“why the sad face, y/n?”
you lift your head up to see him hovering over your seat and roll your eyes
you get up and your siblings follow
you’re just gonna have to make do. you don’t have time to complain
the thing is
you’ve only lost capture the flag once 👎🏼
a few summers ago the apollo cabin defeated the entire camp leaving everybody speechless
it’s true they didn’t defeat JUST you but somehow you thought it was personal
you had the PERFECT record 😕
zero losses . only wins
but bc of the apollo kids your cabin’s record was tarnished
which is sorta why you started hating them (esp donghyuck their leader) so much
donghyuck caught on immediately and made it a point to compete just as hard as u
so yea. that’s how you became rivals
he knows how much ur gonna hate working with him but u don’t really have a choice now do u :/
so he knows exactly why u have a sad face
but this is donghyuck we’re talking about
just bc yall r “rivals” doesn’t mean he’s not gonna tease u 😂😂😂
(or maybe he teases u bc he thinks ur cute and he hopes one day u realise him teasing is actually donghyuck for flirting 🤭)
“you know damn well why, lee donghyuck”
“oh c’mon i think it’ll be fun! if we combine our skills, we definitely have a hundred percent chance of winning”
you cross your arms and glance at your siblings who just shrug in agreement
you sigh loudly
“don’t even think about fucking this is up, donghyuck. and just so we’re clear, i’m in charge”
he laughs, “yup! got it”
so you start talking strategy
you only have 30 minutes so you need to make the best of it
you divide the two cabins into pairs so that an athena and an apollo kid will be paired together and in charge of smth diff
you have plenty of people on your team – 5 in athena’s cabin and 5 in apollo’s cabin
some will handle weapons and safety gear, some will handle mapping out the playing area which was basically the entirety of the woods, some will be setting up traps near your team’s flag to prevent others from coming close
30 minutes quickly pass and after dividing the work and planning your strategy with donghyuck and friends you turn your attention back to chiron who has his megaphone in hand
everyone’s told to gather outside the dining hall at the open field before the game commences
you, donghyuck, and your teammates briefly talk strategy once more . just to make sure everybody knows what they’re supposed to do
“let the game begin!” chiron blows a loud whistle and the demigods scramble out of the field, going to their designated flag locations
your spot is near a little creek, but the forest around your flag is quite dense so u figure it’s relatively hard to locate
it’s not that late so the afternoon sun makes your skin glisten with sweat
“damn, can you tell your dad to chill tf out for a while,” you tell donghyuck jokingly
he just rolls his eyes but on the inside he’s kinda glad you’re being casual with him rather than 😡😡😡😡😡 like u normally are
u don’t know what it is about him today but u swear he’s acting different around u
he wasn’t… as annoying while discussing strategy ????
he actually ?????? listened ?????? to what u had to say 🤔🤔🤔🤔
he didn’t argue, he didn’t even throw around witty burns like he usually does w/o hesitation
u were like… is he ok
little do u know!!! he actually l*kes u 🤭🤭🤭
well… it’s not a 100% fact that HE himself knows as well
but his siblings caught on to his weird behaviour n figured smth was up
mark being one of hyuck’s closest friends n siblings in the apollo cabin, realised he was acting weird ever since yall got grouped together
he seemed nervous ⁉️ which he never ever is
he’s like the most confident person mark’s ever known
so mark was like *thinks*
after putting two and two together mark came to the conclusion that he might have a small crush on u
bc hyuck kept glancing over at u, kept talking abt how ur a good leader (he’s never gonna tell YOU that tho. he crossed his heart on that one)
mark was like i didn’t even ask but ok
mark was confused at first tho cuz everybody and their mom knows about your guys’ rivalry so why tf would hyuck have a crush on someone he considers his rival
mark decides not to get ahead of himself bc hey!!! maybe he doesn’t have a crush, maybe he just thinks ur a good leader
like that’s it u know?
so anywayz where was i
ah right
the flag
OK SO ur team’s flag is yellow ! :D
it’s like the colour of sunflowers
you and donghyuck r in charge of guarding the flag while ur team members scout around for the other flags
easy peasy
you and donghyuck are at your base now, weapons drawn just in case
the flag is hung on a poll couple feet taller than you
you’re dressed in ur usual training clothes – a pair of washed out shorts, a very old orange camp half-blood shirt; your sword’s sheath hanging from one of the belt loops of your shorts
donghyuck’s dressed similarly – a pair of blue ripped jeans, the same orange camp shirt tucked into them, but he has a purple flannel on, which he takes off and ties around his waist
“it’s so freaking hot,” he says, mentally agreeing with the comment u made about apollo earlier
“tell me about it”
there’s a silence that follows, the only sound heard is the subtle flow of the creek water
you’re thankful for the silence
it’s easier to keep an ear open for opponents on their way to steal your flag
just as you think about it, an ares and a hades kid approach your base
they’re on the other side of the creek, less than ten to fifteen feet away
“hi y/n,” the hades kid you’re kind of close to says
you shoot him a fake smile before holding your sword in front of you
donghyuck pulls out an arrow from his quiver and nocks it in his bow, aiming for the two demigods in front of you
the creek isn’t that deep, so the two demigods cross it with ease
they have their weapons drawn; they’re now a couple of feet away from you and more importantly the flag
no words are said as donghyuck lets his arrow fly and knock the hades’ kid sword out of his hands
he didn’t use an arrow with a sharp tip, you note
the hades’ kid stumbles backwards, imbalanced after he gets unarmed
you stand your ground as the ares’ kid scrambles forward, attacking you with her sword
your blades clash defiantly
you continue to spar with all your might
from the corner of your eye you see that the hades’ kid, sword back in hand, is battling donghyuck on your left
the flag is right behind you and donghyuck; you can’t let the two demigods get near it
you and the ares kid are still battling each other, putting all your strength into making sure she surrenders
but u should know better
ares and athena kids have many similarities like their love for winning, their confidence in battle, etc.
it’s like looking in a mirror
you don’t have anything against this particular ares kid, though
“c’mon, y/n, give up already”
that REALLY makes your blood boil
you never give up, no matter what
with one final blow of your sword, you knock her sword out of her hands, making her think she distracted you with her words
she goes flying back, half her body landing in the creek water
her sword lies in between you and her, but you doubt she’ll have the courage to fight again
the hades kid sees this and quickly scrambles away from hyuck, picking up the ares kid’s sword and giving her a hand up
“this is why i hate you and your siblings–your huge ego always gets in the way,” you hear the hades kid grumble to his partner as they run away from you, shame written all over their defeat
hyuck laughs and wipes sweat from his forehead
you can’t help but laugh either
you love it here at 🧡 camp half-blood 🧡
a few moments pass as your teammates emerge from the dense woods, each pair with a different colour flag held between them
you smile in victory
you quickly bring down your flag from its pole and give it to hyuck
“me? it was your plan…”
“yeah, but i couldn’t have done it without you, hyuck”
he almost passes out at your choice of nickname
back at the main hall, chiron announces your team as the winner, and that the prize yall being excused from doing chores all week long!!!!
it’s not much, but hey, at least you and hyuck ended up working together and winning the game, right?
later, hyuck pulls you aside from your cabin mates, and walks you to the lakeside
you two sit at the deck, side by side, watching the water doing nothing in particular
you watch as hyuck swings his feet lightly, his toes barely touching the water
“y/n, do you hate me?” donghyuck asks out of the blue
you’re like 😳 what
now that he asks you that . like straight up . it makes u think
do u REALLY hate him
or do u just hate losing to him
“why would i hate you?” you question back
“i don’t know? i guess because of our, um, rivalry thing i thought you can’t stand me”
you play with the beads of your camp necklace
“i don’t hate you, donghyuck. i just hate losing. i guess it’s the athena in me,” you laugh at how lame you sound
“i hate losing too, but i don’t hate you, in case you’re wondering.”
he takes a deep breath
“i know we started going against one another ‘cause of that one time my cabin won capture the flag, but i don’t want things to stay this way,” he pushes his hair back
“i guess what i’m saying is… i like working with you.” he pauses
“yeah,” he says, as if more convinced now, “and i would really like to get to know you better,” he clears his throat, very clearly embarrassed
you laugh at his flustered state
“stop laughing at me,” he stretches the last syllable as he lightly shoves you with his shoulder
you’re trying even harder to not laugh now, but for his sake, you hold it in
“that’s probably the cutest thing you’ve ever said”
he crosses his arms, “i’m always cute”
you’re like. THE NERVE?????? 😒😒😒
“how ‘bout we go slow? i mean, we just became un-enemies, we’re gonna need to be friends first, right?” you poke his shoulder
“you make a good point”
“i’m literally athena’s child, but okay”
“shut up!”
✨ time skip ✨
both u and hyuck stay at camp over the holidays which means more bonding time!!! yay!!!!!
a year has passed and u and hyuck r basically bffs, attached at the hip, and everybody except mark is surprised as fuck
rmb the days when hyuck thought u were “cute”?
welp 🤭 he’s at that point where everything u do makes his heart flutter
yeah… he likes u Like A Lot
u have no clue abt his feelings for u and he has no clue abt ur feelings for him either
exactly a year after the iconic capture the flag game, ur both seated at the deck by the lakeside, side by side, again
“y/n…there’s something you need to know”
“if you’re gonna tell me about the mixtape you’re dropping with mark, i literally don’t want to hear it”
both of you burst into fits of laughter
after calming down, he shoves your shoulder lightly with his shoulder, like he always does (only to u tho)
“no, seriously, i need to tell you something”
“what’s up?”
“i,” he pauses, clears his throat, “like you. a lot–i have for a while now.”
you swear your heart stops beating and your brain explodes
HE? LIKES? U?????????
he continues, “i don’t know if you like me back, but i’ve been wanting to tell you this for so long–guess i didn’t have the courage until recently,” he lets out an airy laugh
you’re looking at him in the eyes now; a subtle shimmer of the afternoon sun sparkling in his eyes
“hyuck, i like you too. how could i possibly not?” you chuckle at his shocked expression
he goes :O
he’s genuinely speechless when you lean forward and press your lips ever so softly onto his
you literally feel him freeze, which worries you for a second, but your worry is washed away when he slowly kisses you back
you melt right then and there
he takes your hand in his, interlocking fingers, as you pull away, a faint pink blush painting both your cheeks
“really, y/n? that’s all you have to say? what happened to being wisdom’s child, huh?”
“donghyuck, i SWEAR to ALL THE GODS–!”
your sentence is cut off when he presses his lips onto yours again, you smile into the kiss which causes him to smile with you
he kisses you again and again, and then again, until you’re both a giggling mess
“let’s stay like this forever, yeah? what do you say?” he says, bringing his lips to your forehead, lingering there for a moment before pulling back and looking at you
you look at your intertwined hands, and then back up at him, “i’d like that”
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years ago
all RIGHT let’s see if i can soup mag 179 rly fast
(noting firstofall that the interference of the hunt at the end of the statement inherently muddies it, given that i THINK it started as desolation; HOWEVER, noting also that derek’s previous involvement with crime and partnership and the corrupt justice system means that there were hunt elements present in his statement BEFORE daisy’s interference, and those will be counted as separate and part of the Soup)
(noting secondofall that even after daisy interferes, there are Other Elements of various fears involved with her attack, which are neither hunt nor desolation, and i will be noting those and treating them as secondary fear soup, bcos i want to)
also, warning as usual for discussion of and quotes pulled directly from the episode’s statement, so, same warnings apply as the ep itself.
desolation: seems to be the main bit of the statement? jon never actually SAYS, he’s busy with other things, but the themes of heat and loss appear to be the main thread of what derek is suffering: ‘the heat of the furnace curls the hair on derek’s arm’, ‘ht is hot enough to raise blisters’, ‘where did they get these? what has happened to tilly?’, ‘what the overseer took from him’, ‘his shovel digs into the pile of happy memories, and he tosses it into the flames’, ‘what part of his life would he have to burn then? what thing he loved would he have to hurl into the flames?’, etc etc
‘something soft and almost spongy. he knows the texture well’ and ‘then goes to his task, hacking up the corpse’ feel a little fleshy, as do the larger themes of derek as just another person for the system to chew up and spit out
of course the eye bcos the eye’s a dick: ‘he knows what happens in this place if you draw attention to yourself’, ‘frantically hurling away anything blocking the view of the body, desperately hoping to see--’,
end! ‘the man who lies in the cart, lifeless eyes staring at him’ (ok that one’s a little eye)
some corruption: ‘the smell hits him, sickening him as it always does, tinged with that cloying, greasy nostalgia’ (and actually i love how that immediately links him to his twisted relationship with colin; the unconditional love for someone who saved you, leading you to do... well, their dirty work.)
slaughter’s there, but like, a more subtle violence than we’re used to, i think? defos the fear of sudden and irrational violence, but less big war, more... personal. which defos ties into derek’s abuse as a child, and i think is a more nuanced approach to the slaughter than we usually get (prolly for good reason, bcos Oof big topic), but: ‘when his dad was on the warpath’, ‘limbs folded around the cricket bat he had hit him with’, and not from his flashbacks, ‘a head split in two by a careless shovel-blow’
lonely too: ‘the second time he got out, he had lost his daughter’, but i think maybe also ‘the shame of being told to stop lying by the policeman who plays poker with his dad’ (which, ok, is a little bit eye too, but isn’t it lonely to be disbelieved when you ask for help?)
and i think web (for all web’s always sneaky, i’m trying to pay more attention). manipulation from colin: ‘when one of them had to go down for three years… well, it seemed only fair’; and the inescapableness of derek’s current situation, ‘he wants to run, (...) but he remembers what happened the last time he left his post’, and when he finally empties the cart, ‘another one would be coming soon, rolling inevitably towards him’ (i think, given the context of the carts eternally coming back, ‘the tracks are metal that lead the rusted metal carts towards his furnace’ may evoke imagery of some kind of metal web bringing him task after task... but i may be reading too far into it)
and hunt: ‘he had lost the ability to walk the streets without being hounded by some bored cop, turning out his pockets, desperate for him to throw a punch’. MAYBE also the way he always has colin’s back, gets into a fight when ‘some little dipshit didn’t show the proper respect’, just bcos of the pack elements of the hunt, which are less about actual hunting/being hunted and more abt. u kno. the pack thing.
which! is the end of the main statement! and brings us to:
hunt: obvious, it’s daisy, ‘it’s quicker, more vicious. panting, snarling’, etc
‘the sharp end of the violence that has wanted him all his life’ reads as mainly slaughter, bcos obvs violence, but that bit abt ‘has wanted him all his life’... could be hunt... could be web, inescapable. hmmm.
‘derek has less than a second to recognise her face’ ok eye we get it everyone gets to see their doom
‘pulls bits from his torso, and chews them with a hundred sharpened teeth’ hm... fleshy
‘he is aware – though not, perhaps, alive.’ end! ........and yeah ok fine eye, you got a bit there again too.
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icarusgf · 4 years ago
Hi you're such a nice person!! I saw you like Icarus so my que was can you make a post of Z's IF and its connection to Icarus or like how Z is alluding to being Icarus in life or his art/music or what you interpret Icarus interlude or FOTS as, anything will be fine, I hope my Q is not too confusing. Bye!! have nice day/night!!!
hi! i already have a bunch of misc posts talking abt zayn as icarus (if u just search icarus on my blog u should find them, i think this one is pretty good 2 start w) i’m gonna put the rest of this under the cut bc i don’t wanna spam ppl’s dashes lmao
i think in general if is just like... a love story & how u end up sabotaging ur own relationship thru ur faults. the first half is him falling in love + being super dedicated and basically using these huge metaphors to make his relationship seem otherworldly (i’ll follow u into the flames - fots / i’ve seen ur face in different times and places - talk to me / there ain’t nothing common abt us - common and etc). but obv the interlude represents a transition away from that love story and turns the lens 2 him and his internal problems, which leads to the deterioration of both his mental state + the relationship (it’s also important 2 note that the line repeated here is “i’ve been lying to the liars” - going back 2 truth / lucozade / that entire theme from mind of mine). that means the downfall from this sort of utopian relationship was the lies + internal struggles highlighted in the interlude, he pretty clearly compares his lover to the sun throughout the entire album and the interlude makes clear that the dedication of that love + the pride they had in thinking they wouldn’t fall is what ended up hurting them in the end. 
the second half of the album surprisingly... does not sound that much like a breakup album, which is interesting bc u wld think that if the first half was a love story, the 2nd half would be more on the end of the relationship. but i think he does more introspection in the 2nd half (songs like insomnia, satisfaction, good years, etc) and discusses more the hardships he’s gone thru and the things that he still has to deal w rather than actually writing about a breakup. that’s what i mean when i say the fall isn’t necessarily a breakup or the end of the love story detailed in the first half of the album, it’s more of an introspective look at why he feels like he can’t make the relationship work bc of the reasons he lists.
this is also rly interesting when u look at the songs he’s released since (flames & better) bc flames... has a pretty strong connection to icarus burning and better builds off of that. both songs have this super strong u gotta leave before u get left theme (i’m shamelessly stealing that from idsb by taylor LOL) and further this whole idea of “i’m not good for u for xyz reasons” that’s basically the 2nd half of if, which makes me rly curious 2 see if z3 will build off of the end of if. 
this is already insanely long but ig in summary, the first half of if alludes to icarus flying closer to the sun, falling in love, etc and the second half is his fall, realizing why he fucked up, thinking abt everything that’s gotten him to this point, and being rly wary of future relationships.
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badgertablet · 5 years ago
Hope the surgery went well and everything is healing right and not causing too much grief!!! 🧡💗💚💜❤️
first of all anon ily u absolute sweetheart and two. this is unfortunately horrifically ironic on Several Different levels
OK SO. here’s what went down. 
//tw: discussion of medical stuff and complications post op. sounds scarier than it is// 
my surgery actually went off amazingly! i got there on time, wasn’t nervous or anything, and had super nice nurses and doctors watching over me— i feel v lucky that everything went okay. now the funny part (read: not really) is that bad schise started post-op
first of all: some context. when u go thru surgery they have u sign waivers bc despite everything they do, sometimes things go wrong. for this surgery specifically, most of the danger actually lies not in the physical stabby stabbying part but in the anesthesia. simple enough, right? so i signed these forms because i had to— they’re a precaution because there’s really not a lot that can happen that’s dangerous? like, it’s four little incisions on the top and bottom part of my jaw. not exactly life threatening????
but basically these forms actually ended up doing their jobs lmao because post-op after i was all situated my oxygen levels started to drop for no reason even though i looked fine and literally all the rest of my vitals were ok? so they took blood (which i was not happy about bc it involved stuff im uncomfortable with) and sent it over to the lab to check oxygen levels even tho they reset the machinery like three times but it clotted twice on the way there. so they drew blood for the third time and sent it on its way, all the while being hella confused bc my oxygen??? just kept dropping??? to like dangerous levels but i wasn’t turning blue or aispirating or anything the machine was just screaming about how i wasn’t getting enough oxygen
they got nervous and moved me to the picu (because im at that awkward age of ‘you’re an adult but lol ur body ain’t’ plus im only 5’4”) and dinked around for a while being nervous until the results came back and they copied the machine while all the while my oxygen levels kept dropping to like “why isn’t she blue and suffocating” aka 40% or whatever so they did a scan and my left lung was all white. which means it was full of fluid or the little air sacs weren’t working so basically my left lung ooped out for no reason
they all stuck a suction down my throat to my lungs and ended up slorping a bunch of blood (from where? it’s a mystery!) that had seeped into my lung and they were like ‘ok well obvs the lung is damaged or smth else is’ so they poked around with a camera down my nose but??? nothing was wrong???? when they tried to suction again Nothing Came Out which was weird bc where ever the blood was coming from had to have meant more was coming but my lung was empty. no blood. nada. and still not finna cooperating like a little binch so in my ‘easier than wisdom teeth removal, really’ surgery they had to stick a ventilator  down my gullet which is yknow,, scary and lemme tell ya. NOT fun to wake up to when they said everything would be gucci when i woke up plus hella loud and annoying to try and sleep to bc it rattled around stimulating my lung to get it moving again 
now i dont remember most of this but i do remember a doctor coming in and taking blood from my wrist (which is a major trigger for me) at like 2am in the morning and i almost told him i hated him which i feel rly bad about but! he was no nonsense and quick and very good at his job so really all i had to do was close my eyes and look away. anyways all i had to do after that was be hooked up to the IV for a while for pain meds etc until i was able to consume enough to go home. apparently im just. very good at recovering bc im young 
(tip: never, ever try and eat pureed pancakes. its not worth it i promise you) 
AND LIKE. IT SOUNDS BAD BUT IM OK. but now im home! and i can feel most of my face and lips (which is again rly uncommon considering its only been about a week and a half) and ive done really well with not getting dehydrated or loosing a ton of weight (which is very common for my jaw surgery) bc im a champ at swallowing food and not chewing due to my experience 😌😌 
(and by experience i mean orthodontics, wisdom teeth removal and very very late removal of my tonsils when i was 10 bc its a pretty uncommon thing for them to be removed after ur 9.)
ive been eating lots of rly soft food like strawberries n bananas n pancakes etc etc! i have some grody bruises from the IVs and pokey pokes etc -- did u know bruises can be green and yellow and dark purple all at once? bc now i do lol its p gross. anyways ive been bouncing back uber quickly although my mouth still hurts so i just been chillin for now 
so basically surgery went well, but i had a very bad (one in a million or smth stupid like that) reaction to anesthesia that made my left lung decide to stop working and phuck off and try and kill me which was apparently very scary for everyone but me lmao but dont worry everything is gucci im healing and not in a lot of pain
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sarinataylor · 6 years ago
Reverse blind date Joger where someone deliberately stands Roger up to teach him a lesson because he is such a player and John watching from the bar realises he is upset
oooooh ok. ok. ok
so roger is like. he’s got a rep around campus? it’s not necessarily a bad one per say, but. he’s pretty and he’s confident and yeah, he dates a lot. bc roger is a secret romantic tbh ok
not like freddie’s a romantic though. like freddie wants to fall in love and then never ever ever break up with the person he falls in love with because he wants to buy a house and forty cats with them. like freddie genuinely believes he’s incomplete without someone to love and be loved by in return which roger thinks is Super Unhealthy
so roger’s not romantic like that. roger just…. enjoys the excitement of  first date? getting to know someone, letting them get to know you, enjoying those first flushes of could-be-love. roger even somewhat likes when things start to fall apart bc there’s beauty in that too. there’s something beautiful in being able to recognise that you’re not right for another.
so he dates a lot. which, again, isn’t a bad thing. he doesn’t date for the sake of dating? he just. if there’s someone he finds interesting or attractive or funny? he’ll ask them out. 
(this is how he met brian who awkwardly agreed and then blurted out half way through dinner that he was straight, he just didn’t know how to say no. they stay for the whole meal and end up somehow being like… best friends by the end of it.)
(a lot of roger’s friends are people he’s dated in the past, actually)
Tumblr media
but yanno for every sort of ex that you’re on good terms with there’s gonna be someone you’re. decidedly not. and ok, rog will be the first? (maybe second actually, freddie will generally be the first) to admit that he’s sometimes not the most….. tactful at breaking off some of the more casual dating he does
like he doesnt ghost on actual relationships but there’s…. there’s definitely some ghosting that’s gone down in the past. some very early cases where he wasnt very clear on the non-exclusive nature of the dating??? 
he was young(er) and stupid okay he has like. a comprehensive set of rules now (a. establish that dates are not exclusive unless explicitly discussed, as all major relationship developments should be. b. no fucking the people you date unless you’re interested in an Actual Relationship bc it blurs lines!!!!! it confuses ppl!!!!!! c. if someone has a rep as a clinger listen to that reputation instead of their insightful analysis in class. the reputation precedes interesting dinner conversation. every. time.)
(brian is like???? have u heard YOUR reputation???? and roger is like well yeah but. no one calls me clingy, do they? which brian has to concede that, no, they decidedly do not.)
BUT the important thing to note here is that roger dates a lot of people because he genuinely enjoys dating people, he enjoys getting to know people. he asks out people who he finds interesting for some reason or another. he’s not offended when people say no, like. that’s fine. 
but yeah. he gets stood up. 
which? it’s like. the first time it’s ever happened. and it’s embarrassing. like, if they weren’t interested he would have preferred they just said. but it’s fine? like. he’ll just. eat on his own. that’s fine, he’s not too bothered though he does wish that they’d like. messaged him to let him know they were standing him up so he could have ordered earlier instead of waiting half an hour
but then they Do message him. a catty message along the lines of “now you know how it feels to be let down. maybe you’ll think before you do it to someone else again” and That upsets him because… he’s never stood anyone up???? would never intentionally leave someone waiting????? and he’s Grown Up since his first year of uni where he ghosted people like. he’s really upfront nowadays but he just sort of. starts spiralling a little bit sat at the table gulping down red wine like???? fuck???????
a fun mix of anger that this was clearly something this person PLANNED and also anxiety that maybe he’s been doing this to people this whole time and he just never noticed???? he’s an Awful Person and he just. didn’t know. 
(which like. the sheer amount of his ex-dates, ex-fucks, and straight up exes that are still friends with him sort of implies that this is not the case? one of his exes is getting married in six months and he’s one of the groomsmen somehow like.)
and JOHN is sitting at the bar. like he’s waiting for his roommate to finish her shift so they can head home together but her shift’s been extended so he’s just. hanging out. eating complimentary bar nuts and being slipped sneaky beers by the on floor manager. and he’d noticed roger walk in, roger had ta’d one of his classes a year or so back and he knows his rep, and he’d sort of been looking forward to watching The Master At Work
like. he was gonna take notes so that he and ronnie (roommate, obvs) could laugh about it when they got home
(roger totally asked ronnie out once. she didn’t even answer, just walked away. she was annoyed at how charming the sound of him laughing as she did so was. she sort of hates him that “he’s never done anything to me and everyone i know who knows him says he’s a nice bloke BUT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT” kind of way)
but uh. yeah. he’s been stood up. 
and john’s like….. damn. like, he wouldn’t even stand roger taylor up. he’s always been kind of glad that roger’s never asked him out, and never will bc…. he’s p boring and not like ronnie or brian or anyone else roger’s dated, bc he knows he’d say yes and then ronnie would never let him live it down. not ever. 
and like he seems to be rolling with it? he orders himself a bottle of wine and an appetiser which has john like Damn the man be RICH
(the man be decidedly NOT rich and is definitely not going to be able to pay for the bus for the next week now he’s spending his “extra” money on bottles of wine rather than the glass or two he had planned to buy. but whatever, he can walk it. not to mention splurging on the bread platter instead of the bruschetta. he’s been stood up, okay??? if there was ever a time to eat All Of The Carbs and wash it down with two bottles of wine, this would be it)
and then after like one glass? of wine? he just seems to sort of curl in on himself???? and he seems genuinely upset???? like he’s tapping sort of frantically on his phone and he didnt even say thank you to the waiter who brought over his Bread Palooza and john doesnt know him well but. he never seemed the kind of guy who wouldnt thank wait staff okay?????
and before he can even stop himself he’s trailing over there, bar nuts in hand, and awkwardly standing next to the table silently. 
and roger is like distractedly not even looking up from stuffing bread into his mouth and texting freddie who isn’t responding which means, he guesses, that he didn’t get stood up on his date tonight. bully for him. so roger’s like yeah thanks mate not ready to order my main yet. 
and john’s like…. uh. ok. and just thrusts the bar nuts he’s had in his hand for like. ten minutes under his nose like you look sad, do you want a nut?
and roger looks up and just sort of blinks at him for a long moment before bursting out laughing like yes yes i would like a nut, thanks, john
which has john flustered bc a) he’s a MORON oh my god “do you want a nut”??????? what is he????? he wants to DIE and also b) roger. remembers his name?????????
so john stammers out an apology, explains he’s waiting for ronnie (”ronnie…. oh, uh, you probably don’t remember who she is, she’s-” – “your roommate, right? i forgot she was a waitress here, actually. how is she?” – “….. she’s good. sorry, how do you know she’s my roommate?”)
which leads to roger inviting him to sit down as a family of four tries to move past him, but can’t because he’s making a bottleneck in the aisle
so john. sits. bar nuts still in hand. 
(knees weak, hands sweaty, restaurant’s bar nuts. would the real slim shady please stand up?)
and roger’s just hella casual like “yeah just got stood up bc im an awful person, how u been”
and john’s like uh technically i asked for none of that information 
and the waiter comes and interrupts as roger sort of just blinks at him bc john is Not The Best at unplanned social interaction. like john approached him??? but ok. and the waiter is like um? hi john? given up on waiting for ronnie to finish?
as roger slam dunks his last glass of wine 
and john is sort of like ohw ell. this guy used to be my ta and he looked sad because he’s been stood u- oh my god, im so sorry
and roger is just. you know what? this has been fun. i’ve really enjoyed the multiple levels of abject humiliation that i have endured tonight but i think i’m going to cut it short and just chucks  thirty quid on the table like thanks (to the waiter) and good luck with the, uh, engineering? degree, i think? (to john)
who is bewildered bc how the fuck does he remember what degree im doing from the round of fucking ice breakers we did in the first tutorial of a class i took LAST YEAR 
(roger’s party trick is remembering like. everything about ppl. you know in that way that really popular people have where somehow they can remember that your second cousin twice removed got married three years back, despite not seeing you since a month before the wedding, and they’re asking how it was using the NAMES of the bride and groom (who. they’ve never met) and you’re like??????? i fuckin forgot the grooms name what the FUCK. i hate these people with a passion. nice people? the worst. john feels much the same as i do)
and before he can even say anything roger has just…. slunk off into the night. leaving him with the waiter who is quite happy about the ten pound tip, and a hand full of bar nuts. 
anyway roger goes home to cry at brian who is like. ur not a bad person, people just….. come to conclusions about ur behaviour based on the exaggerated experiences of others. but u also WERE sort of a dick when u were 18, but so is…. like every 18 year old so i honestly just wouldn’t torture myself ab it so neither should u
(a boldfaced LIE. this conversation leads brian to spend the entire night staring at his ceiling and reliving that one time he forgot to say thanks to the bus driver when he was 16. the bus driver hates him, he knows. also he used to have super unacknowledged misogynistic and racist unconscious biases that had been pounded into him by society and he’s still trying to rectify that and????? oh GOD)
 and the next day, after he’s been convinced that he’s not the scum of the earth by brian, he rocks up outside of john’s class (which he abuses his access to the university database for the first and last time to find – he also tells john he did this immediately bc he’s like SO I PROBABLY CROSSED A BOUNDARY BUT IT WAS THIS OR STALK RONNIE AT WORK UNTIL SHE GAVE IN AND I THINK THAT WOMAN HATES ME i see her glaring all the time and idk why) and totally asks him out because…. well, he was interesting, wasn’t he?
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phanlight · 7 years ago
The Boy on the Blue Moon Dreams of Sun
prompt: dan is a theatre kid who hasn't had his first kiss but has to kiss someone for a show. he doesn't want his first kiss to be wasted so he tries to get it done properly beforehand & he meets phil and w/e you can take it from there!!!
““Tell you what,” Phil leans into him, and Dan can smell his cologne. “We’re gonna come back up here again, okay? And you’re gonna tell me about yourself. Properly, this time.
Dan frowns. “Isn’t that what we’ve spent the past ten minutes doing?”
“Yeah,” Phil says. “The only difference being next time we do this, I’m going to ban you from saying the word ‘acting’. So I can hear about you, the real you, and not whoever you pretend to be for a living.”
I thought it was about time I branched out a bit and tried my hand at a theatre au. This was so much fun to write (albeit kinda hard as despite being a literature student my Romeo and Juliet knowledge is a little subpar lmao lets hope I at least sort of did it justice tho) and deffo has more than ur daily dosage of angsty teenage actor!dan so look forward to that. thank u to the lovely anon who prompted me with this! (also yes i’m still relying on ptv lyrics for my song titles after 3 years sh)
Also I’m sorry if the writing in this is a lil inconsistent. I started this fic literally over a year ago and abandoned it for ages before finding and continuing it again. The first half was written in literally like mid 2016 (from which point my writing has obv improved a lot) and since then I’ve been working on it sporadically so if it feels like halfway through my writing style suddenly changes then that’s why OOPS soz
This was not supposed to be this long im so sorry wtf 13k ??? fuks sake
It’s the first time Dan’s ever been pissed off with being cast a lead role in a play.
He usually loves it – he loves the attention, loves having a ripped up script full of highlighted lines and more soliloquies to memorise than he can even keep count of. He shines under the warmth of the spotlight, lapping up the attention like a hungry cat, and when the applause ripples throughout the audience at the end, he can’t get enough of the sound.
It’s just- well, there’s one problem with his part.
It’s nothing he has against Romeo, not necessarily, and the piece itself is okay – Dan’s copy of the popular play in question is already crumpled with annotations; small post-it notes spilling fluorescent colours out of every crease (studying English literature alongside Drama always comes in handy as far as Shakespeare is concerned) and Romeo has a decent amount to say.
The problem is, he’s going to have to kiss someone.
Dan Howell, the one who snaps up almost every single role he auditions for, the one with a clay personality that can be moulded perfectly into whatever role he’s going for next, the one who lives the stage and breathes the lights, who was once described as ‘the heart and soul’ of the local theatre, is going to have to kiss someone.
And believe it or not, Dan Howell, the same seventeen-year-old who breezes through auditions leaving a flutter of girls at his feet, the same guy who was once rumoured to have made out with three people at the Les Miserables afterparty and the same guy who once had to reject two people in one night, has never actually kissed anyone before. Not properly, anyway.
Granted, he’s been extremely close to it a fair few times – having been in and out of auditions and callbacks since the age of about five, he’s come into contact with a considerable number of roles that involve love interests; only last month was his character Eddie supposed to kiss the love of his life, Alexandra, in the back of a car at a drive-in cinema. It was a play that one of the drama students had written; set in the fifties, all red-and-white ice cream parlours and hand jives and high school dances and Marilyn Monroe posters. Dan had enjoyed playing his part, and not just because it was the only opportunity he’d get to sport a black leather jacket (though he did decide leather looked really quite hot on him after that play. It’s almost a shame he’s vegetarian), but because the minor obstacle could, like every single other time, be solved with a stage kiss. Just a few seconds of his back to the audience, being agonisingly close to someone else’s lips, before pulling away and raking though his mind to try and remember the next line. It’s always worked for him, every time.
Except for this. Because the director, a Lucy Howcroft with a loud voice and a bossy personality, has only gone and booked them the Round at the Old Vic theatre. Which would be fine, of course it would; it’s one of the most popular theatres in the city and the theatre group is going to get a huge reputation for this afterwards, but it’s not so handy as far as stage-kissing is concerned. When you’re being stared at from every angle three-hundred-and-sixty degrees around, there’s no way you can get away with only partially leaning in to kiss.
“Are you sure there’s no way around this?” Dan had insisted when he’d stolen a moment after rehearsal to talk to Lucy. She’d been clearing her desk – a papery mountain range, and had looked a bit too busy to talk, but Dan would rather discuss this with her one-on-one instead of having to voice his feelings with twenty other pairs of eyes staring at him.
“For someone who just bagged yet another lead role, I would’ve thought you’d be a little more gracious than this,” Lucy had muttered, snapping a file shut. “I didn’t have to cast you, y’know.”
“It’s not- I am grateful, you know I am, it’s just-“
“Is there a problem with the casting of Juliet?” she’d offered, raising an eyebrow.
“No,” Dan had insisted. “She’s fine.”
“The costume, then?” she’d tried. “I’m not a bloody mind reader, Dan. Help me out a bit here.”
Dan had shut his eyes and taken a deep breath, trying to comb the tangle of words in his head into some kind of coherent sentence.
“I mean- I just- the venue,” he gulped. “It’s- there’s a bit of a problem.”
“What about it?” Lucy sighed, irritation tracing the edges of her tone. “I fail to see what’s so problematic about getting a slot at the Old Vic of all places, but if you have any objections, then do enlighten me.”
“It’s not that, it’s just-“ Dan gulped, not really too sure how far he’s going to get with this. The bitterness already in her tone didn’t sound at all promising. “I don’t know. Do we have to perform in the round?”
“Christ, is performing in one of the most popular theatres in London that much of a chore?”
“No, no, I just-“ he gulped, trying to work out how the hell he’d word this without sounding like a twat. “I’ve never really… you know. Performed in an environment like that before.”
“You’ve been acting for twelve years,” she said bluntly. “I’m sure you have enough experience to be able to deal with a round stage instead of a rectangular one.”
“But- like, isn’t the round meant for- like… you know, Greek plays and shit?”
“It used to be,” she’d said, taking care to apply extra emphasis on the past tense. “Since when were you so hung up on the traditions of theatre, anyway?” she’d added after a pause. “Only last week were you totally in favour of the idea of having a rap battle in the middle of Othello.”
Dan had frowned, because that wasn’t really fair – sure, a rap battle isn’t exactly a common feature of Shakespeare’s plays, but no one could deny that Louis, playing Iago, was pretty good at freestyling whenever a mic was thrown in his direction. Despite not adhering to the conventions of traditional English theatre, it certainly made the play more entertaining.
“It’s just gonna be- you know. It’s gonna take some getting used to,” he’d mumbled instead.
“You have three months to get used to it,” she’d pointed out. “I’m sure you and the rest of the cast will have familiarised yourself with it by the time the production comes around.”
“But- the round is traditionally meant for-“
“Look, if you’re going to get so archaic about it, I can always build a time machine, book the open-air Globe for, like, sometime four-hundred years ago, and you can spend the next three days picking rotten tomatoes out of your hair,” she said. “Does that sound better?”
“They only did that to bad actors,” Dan had pointed out. Lucy rolled her eyes.
“And you know what makes a good actor, Dan?” she retorted. “Flexibility. The willingness to branch out of your comfort zone.”
Dan had sighed. He’s not going to get anywhere with this, is he?
“You know what?” he’d finally shaken his head, defeated. “Forget it.”
She watched him turn on his heel with a raised eyebrow. “See you Tuesday, then? First read-through of the script is at eleven in the morning.”
“See you then,” Dan muttered, not even bothering to turn around.
He let the door slam behind him.
It’s not that Dan doesn’t want to kiss anyone – (quite the contrary, really. He loves the idea of it, loves the thought of someone’s lips pressed up against his, the world slowing down around them and his heart feeling like fire. He’s always tried to incorporate that feeling into his acting, letting his passion leak into every character he’s cast, but when the stage lights are off and the curtain is down, his attraction to his colleagues ends there) – it’s just- well, he doesn’t really think he’s found the right person to share the real experience with, yet. His fellow actors and actresses aren’t unattractive by any means, but he doesn’t look at any of them and find himself struck by the desire to taste their lips and whisper incoherence into their ears like Eddie was supposed to do in the back of that car.
Seventeen, and still hasn’t had his first kiss. Still doesn’t want to waste it, at that.
Technicians don’t get paid enough, Phil thinks.
He’s spent the day holed up in the trap room, devouring what was left in the back of the fridge (including a half-opened pack of Doritos that tasted like they expired about five years ago) and puzzling over this fucking broken light board that everyone had very kindly left him to take care of. It had already taken him over half an hour to get one of the chunky old Mac laptops up and running again (seriously, who in this day and age is still using an iBook?) and even then it only really half-functions – a handful of keys are missing, the trackpad only ever seems to work when it feels like it, and there’s a huge hairline crack right across the screen. Phil’s spent so long cursing through gritted teeth and smacking the table in frustration every time the damn thing freezes that it wouldn’t come as a surprise if he ended up contributing to those cracks by the end of the day. Maybe that’s how they ended up there in the first place.
“You alright?” the door suddenly opens and a voice – Nick, Phil presumes, breaks the aching silence that the room has been blanketed in for the past four hours. Finally, Phil sighs, feeling a pinch of anger melt away. Human company.
“Been better,” Phil mumbles, popping a couple of grapes into his mouth. Been better, he scoffs to himself. He’s pretty sure he hasn’t been worse.
“Chuck me a coke, will you?” he pulls up a chair and puts his feet on it, perching on the edge of the table. Phil heaves out a sigh – that involves getting up – but musters up enough energy to lean over and yank the fridge open. He tosses him a can, and Nick catches it expertly.
“Nice of you to show up,” Phil rolls his eyes. “Only four hours late this time. That’s an hour and a half off your personal best.”
“They said they didn’t need me here ‘till three,” he protests, popping the can open and taking a few gulps. “They said you had it all under control.”
His sentence is punctuated by a burp. Phil grimaces.
“Under control,” Phil snorts. That’ll be the fucking day.
“What did they leave you here to do?” he frowns.
“Only fix this entire fucking thing,” Phil nods over to the stupid light board. God, he’s sick of the sight of it. “Beats me what’s wrong with it. I’ve only just managed to get this dinosaur up and running,” he gestures to the corpse of a laptop in front of him, “let alone look at that.”
“Fuck me, man,” Nick sighs out a heavy breath. “If I knew, I could have come in earlier to help you out a bit. You should have texted me.”
“It’s fine,” Phil sighs even though- well, it’s not, really. There’s only so many hours of broken technology and out-of-date food one can take. “It’s not your fault,” he adds truthfully.
“They’re twats sometimes, aren’t they?” Nick lowers his voice, despite the fact they’re literally underground here, beneath the earshot of everyone.
“I’ll say,” Phil widens his eyes, trying to click something and- nope, it’s fucking frozen again. “For fuck’s sake. They’re all bloody loaded, too. You would have thought with the money they have, they could fork out a little for equipment that at least half-functions, right?”
“Yup,” Nick sighs. “Guess bookings for overpriced fancy-ass theatres are higher up on their agenda, though.”
Phil can’t argue with that. Apparently they’re going to have to wire up something in the Old Vic, of all places, next week. Phil dreads to think how much hiring that place out for even a few hours is going to cost, let alone booking it for three nights.
Probably more than enough to buy a better fucking laptop.
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.
Be not her maid since she is envious.
Her vestal livery is but sick and green,
And none but-“
“No- no,” Lucy holds up her hand. “Come on, Dan. More emotion than that. You’re telling the love of your life that even the moon is envious of her beauty. At least pretend to put some passion into it.”
Dan rolls his eyes – only the fourth time he’s had to repeat this fucking soliloquy in the past fifteen minutes. He’s pretty sure he’s only one “no, no, it’s too (insert adjective here)” away from giving up with this whole thing altogether. He’d rather have played Benvolio anyway.
“Come on,” Lucy continues. “We’ll take it from Be not her maid…”
Dan shuts his eyes, scrapes up the remaining traces of his sanity, and takes another breath.
“Be not her maid since she is envious.
Her vestal livery is but sick and green,
And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off!
It is my lady. Oh, it is my love.
Oh, that she knew she were!
She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that?
Her eye discourses. I will answer it.—
I am too bold. 'Tis not to me she speaks.
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they retur-“
“No, no-“ she interrupts him again and for fuck’s sake, at this rate, Dan won’t even need to spend any time in his bedroom going over his lines. He’s pretty sure he’s memorised half of the monologues already just from recapping in rehearsals alone.
“Come on, really feel it,” she pleads. “You can’t say something as romantic as that with a face like yours – you’re literally saying that two stars in the sky have gone away and they’re asking Juliet’s eyes to shine in their place until they return.”
Dan balls his fists, ready to snap back that yes, he’s fully fucking aware of what’s going on in the play thank you very much, in case she hadn’t forgotten he did actually study it for three separate exams and subsequent exposure to the text in question has made him rather familiar with the occurrences currently taking place, but they’re all interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Lucy huffs, mildly irritated.
The door knob jitters, then twists.
“Hiya,” a black-haired boy nods tiredly, pushing through the crack in the door. Dan immediately recognises him – one of the tech guys, he thinks, but he isn’t entirely certain. He’s never really spoken to any of the crew before; they tend to keep well out of the limelight (they’d rather control it instead).
“Everything okay?” Lucy asks, before turning to Dan and Alexandra (his Juliet). “You two, take five. Be ready to take it from the top.”
They both relax and take a seat on one of the upturned wooden boxes. It isn’t until Dan takes the weight off of his legs he realises how much they’ve been aching – fuck, he really needs to get back to that gym.
“Any luck?” she says to Mr. Black-Hair. He’s holding a laptop that looks as if it’s seen better years, never mind days, and a long cord of wire that snakes around his fist.
“Nothing at all,” he sighs, flicking a strand of his fringe out of his eyes. His hair looks as if it hasn’t seen a hairbrush for days, but there’s something about the way it sits shaggily on his head that kind-of suits him (Dan wishes he could pull off messy hair – he only attempted ditching the straighteners once and spent the rest of the day wondering if any birds had mistaken his head for a nest).
He doesn’t realise he’s been staring until he catches the tail end of Alexandra’s sentence and realises he hasn’t actually been listening for the past minute or so.
“What was that, sorry?”
“I asked you how you were finding Romeo so far,” she repeats.
“Hm? Oh yeah, yeah- he’s fine,” Dan says, not taking his eyes off of Mr. Black-Hair. He’s lost the thread of their conversation (he’s no lip reader) but by the looks of it, it seems as if there’s a problem with one of the laptops.
“Are you sure?” Alexandra frowns. Dan looks at her, but his glance is soon pulled back to the technician.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
She shrugs. “You don’t really- I don’t know, you just don’t seem to be… you know. That into it, y’know?”
“Wait-“ Dan shakes his head, trying to focus on their conversation instead of the one a few metres away from. “Hang on- what? What makes you say that?”
She raises her eyebrows, as if to say ‘really?’. Dan’s expression remains carefully blank.
“Come on, Dan. We wouldn’t have had to repeat this stupid scene like, five times if you were actually into it. I’ve seen you do way better than this.”
“Oh, not you as well,” Dan groans, deflating. He’s pretty sure that exact sentence had fallen from Lucy’s lips not so long ago. He’s sick of hearing it, sick of having to sit and listen to people tell him that he ‘can do way better’ and ask ‘is everything all right, Dan? Nothing bothering you, is there?’ because he’s just ‘not himself’ at the moment.
That’s the most ridiculous one, he thinks, because for Christ’s sake, he’s an actor. He’s never himself.
“No, I don’t mean it like that,” Alexandra says, backtracking. “You know I don’t. I just- I think I overheard Lucy say you had a problem with something or other last week?”
“Did you,” Dan mumbles, unable to keep the bitter sarcasm out of his town. Alexandra remains unfazed.
“What was that about, though?” she remains unfazed. “Nothing to do with the casting, is it?”
“You really think it’s to do with the casting?” Dan stares at her in disbelief, before scoffing. “Yeah, like, I’m gutted to have bagged the lead role alongside you at one of the best theatres in the country. How am I going to cope?”
Not entirely truthful, but not a complete lie either.
“Just making sure,” a grin tugs at her lips, and she flicks a curl of red hair behind her shoulders. “I don’t have much of a problem with it myself, to be honest.”
“That’s reassuring,” Dan smirks sarcastically, but his tone is fairly benign. There’s certainly no denying she’s fucking gorgeous and it’s really no wonder she’s Juliet – she has hair the colour of a sunset falling down her back in ruby curls, emerald eyes framed by a curl of long eyelashes and cherry red lips that stretch into a wide smile whenever Dan cracks a joke, giving way to a small dimple on the side of her cheek. Her skin is pale, the colour of moonlight, almost, and he idly thinks, just for a fleeting second, that the moon probably would be jealous of her. She’s beautiful.
“Certainly don’t have a problem with getting to snog you in front of a thousand people, I must be honest,” she adds, and Dan’s stomach drops and his grin vanishes. Shit.
He wrings out a laugh, internally wincing at how false it sounds. “Yeah, I- um-“
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” someone mutters a few footsteps away from them. He snaps his head up, and Lucy plus Mr. Black-Hair are hunched over the desk, clearly getting nowhere with the absolute disaster they call an iBook.
“Wait- what’s the problem?” Dan suddenly gets up. He feels a little bad for leaving Alexandra so abruptly so he throws her a little apologetic ‘be right back’ glance, but he can’t help it – he might actually be able to help, here.
He shoves down the other voice in the back of his mind, the ‘or rather you’re just grabbing at any opportunity to avoid any potential conversation about the kiss you fucking wimp’
“It’s okay, Dan, sit back down. I’ll be with you both in a second,” Lucy calls over her shoulder.
“No, really,” Dan insists. “I know a thing or two about Macs. I have one myself, and-“ he catches Lucy drawing in a breath, ready to protest, and he regrets the spill of words almost as soon as they come out – fuck, why can’t he just keep his mouth shut? – but Mr. Black-Hair turns around, an eyebrow quirked upwards.
“Really?” his stare is the colour of ice, the sky on a December morning, but it’s weirdly warm at the same time.
“I- uh, yeah,” Dan stutters when he remembers how to talk again. “I’ve always had Macs. They’re great when they decide to work, but they can be a bitch when they begin to act up, and-“ he cuts himself off with an awkward shrug, “yeah.”
“Tell me about it,” the technician smirks. “This bastard-” he nods to the chunky white rectangle in his arms, “took me like, half an hour to boot up alone. And now it’s been frozen for like- twice as long as that. I’ve only had chance to type in my password so far.”
Lucy’s still standing in the middle of them and it’s getting a bit difficult to ignore the stony glare burning into Dan’s peripheral vision right now and even harder to avoid eye contact with her, but it doesn’t stop him from offering some help, albeit rather inappropriately timed.
“I- um, have my MacBook with me if that helps?” Dan offers, trying not to feel the heat of his blush when Mr. Black-Hair looks straight at him. “I mean- if you don’t need it that’s fine, but like- it’ll function a bit better than that thing,” he shrugs. “I dunno. It would probably save you a lot of time.”
“Really?” he raises an eyebrow. “Like, with you right now?”
“Yeah,” Dan says. “I mean – I haven’t got my charger on me, but it’s on, like, eighty percent. Should be fine.”
“I mean-“ he throws a permission-seeking glance, towards Lucy, who Dan is pretty sure would be having steam coming out of her ears would it be humanly possible. She fixes Dan with a hard stare, a real ‘go on; be my guest’ look that’s always comes across as more of a dare than permission, a challenge for his conscience, but he can’t help an apologetic smile tugging at his lips.
“It’s cool with you, right?” his lips say before his mind catches up.
Lucy rolls her eyes in defeat. “If you absolutely must. But only- only because I could do with the extra time to independently go over one of Alexandra’s soliloquy.”
His face breaks out into a grin, and he’s not that sure why. “Thanks, Luce. I owe you one.”
“Don’t you make a habit of this, though. Remember; this is your own rehearsal time you’re sacrificing.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dan calls over his shoulder, trailing off. Mr. Black-Hair holds the door open behind him, and suddenly they’re out of the rehearsal studio and walking in a weird mutual silence sitting in a strange middle ground between comfortable and uncomfortable, across the car park and over to the actual theatre.
“Are you alright to do this, yeah?” Mr. Black-Hair (Dan seriously needs to come up with more imaginative mental nicknames for people) breaks the silence on their walk down to the trap room.
“It’s no problem at all,” he smirks as another wooden step groans under his foot. “Anything to get out of rehearsal.”
Dan’s never really been here before, never touched the underground territory where the technicians lurked, but there’s something about the atmosphere of this place that grips him.
Half an hour passes, and Dan couldn’t really tell you why he’s still sitting down here, still sitting on a revolving chair with a rip in the upholstery, under half-broken beams, tables that look like they’re seconds away from collapsing, and a lot of weird technology that he’d never even attempt to get his head around (seriously – do they even need this many buttons?). He’d given his laptop to Black Hair to receive a very emphatic ‘thank you, like seriously you’re a fucking lifesaver if I spent a second longer with that piece of shit I really don’t know what I would have done’ and the job had been done in seconds. Since then, a casual conversation had been struck up and Dan finds he doesn’t actually want to go back upstairs just yet.
“You two sounded really good in there,” Black Hair comments. They’d been talking about the play. “From what I heard, anyway.”
“Thanks,” Dan says, trying to ignore the quiet blush that warms his cheeks. There’s nothing quite like someone complimenting his acting. “Clearly not good enough for Lucy, though.”
“Few things are, Dan,” he sighs, and Dan only finds it half-weird that this guy knows his name, but Dan doesn’t actually know his. It’s unnerving, sure, but nothing he’s a stranger to. “She’s been on at you all morning.”
“Yeah,” Dan pauses, before adding an apologetic “sorry, I- um, I don’t think I caught your name?”
“It’s fine. I’m Phil,” he grins, and Dan thanks his lucky stars there’s finally a name to put to the face.
Dan studies him briefly, and frowns. “You do look familiar, actually.”
“Yeah – I do all the donkey work downstairs,” he grins. “You may have seen me emerge from the cave every now and then.”
Dan chuckles, deciding there and then that he likes Phil.
“Doesn’t it get lonely?” Dan asks, studying the square lights looming above them, one of which he notices is stuttering slightly, flickering on and off every now and then.
Phil shrugs, not taking his eyes off of the screen. “Kinda. But I mean – I have my little crew down here, y’know? There’s five of us. We just like- keep each other company. Help each other whenever we need to,” he glances at Dan. “Oh, and sneak up to the theatre and watch you guys every now and then.”
Dan giggles. “Brilliant. Must be a nice little community, though.”
“Yeah, it is,” Phil hesitates. “Or perhaps ‘support group’ might be a more appropriate term. For the poor sods who have to put up with shitty laptops and gross food.”
Dan laughs, and helps himself to another Dorito.
“Okay, right- Dan, sorry if this sounds a bit weird because- like, we’ve pretty much only just met, but like- um- I was wondering if you wanted to-“
“Phil,” Dan cuts him off. As an actor, there’s something about hearing people stutter and ramble without really saying anything that tends to grate on him. “I’d love to.”
“Really? Well, I-“ Phil stops and frowns. “Hang on a second. How did you know I was gonna ask you to hang out?”
Dan shrugs like he hasn’t spent the last thirteen years mastering the sciences of body language and speech and how they can be applied to the acting world. “Lucky guess, I suppose.”
Phil smiles. “I mean- would you? Like, really?”
“Of course,” Dan says.
“Well yeah, like- I don’t have to be home for a while yet, and I have a car so we could just like- drive around for a bit? Go to town if you want?”
Dan smiles, and repeats what he said before he even knew what Phil was going to say.
“Yeah. I’d love to.”
It’s a bit of a weird result to come out of lending his laptop to a stranger for a while, but it’s how Dan finds himself spending the evening sat in the passenger seat on the top of a car park roof, blasting some weird indie song from the depth of Phil’s Spotify and watching the sun sink further behind the buildings, painting the sky warmer with every slow minute that passes on the dashboard clock.
They’d had a drive around the city together, sometimes talking, sometimes letting lulls in the conversation give way to thoughtful silences, both of them tapping away to Phil’s music taste, but Dan thinks it’s been about fifteen minutes since either of them last said anything.
“So,” Phil is the first to break the silence. He flicks the last of his cigarette out of the window (Dan had insisted on rolling down the windows before he did that – there’s no way he’s going home stinking of an ashtray). “Tell me about yourself.”
Dan looks up from his phone at that, his heart thudding.
“You what?”
“You know,” Phil’s gaze doesn’t move, his eyes fixed on the view in front of the windscreen. They’d picked a spot at the very top of a multi-storey car park overlooking everything, leaving the city a pool of lights and colours and life far beneath them. “I don’t really know you. So tell me about yourself.”
“I- um-“ Dan gulps. This wasn’t really a question he came prepared for. He shrugs. “I don’t really know what there is to tell, if I’m honest.”
“Oh, now come on,” Phil presses. “Just- anything. Your hobbies. Your life. Your dreams. What you want to be when you’re older.”
“I feel like I’m in a bloody job interview,” Dan chuckles. Phil’s lips quirk upwards in response.
“You are. I’m interviewing you to see if you’re fit for the job of being mates with me.”
“The ‘job’?” Dan frowns. “Like it’s a chore?”
“That’s for you to decide,” Phil grins. “Now, come on. I wanna hear about you.”
Dan gulps, silence falling for the first time in a while.
“I- um, well I think my hobby is probably pretty obvious, for a start,” Dan begins. Phil rolls his eyes. “And what I wanna be when I’m older, too. I’m gonna do a degree in Drama, I reckon.”
“What else are you into, then?”
Dan stops for a second. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on,” Phil presses, flicking his lighter and sparking up another cigarette. “You must have other interests besides acting. You got a girlfriend?”
Dan clams up. “Um- no.”
“Oh. Boyfriend, then?” he quirks his eyebrows, and Dan shakes his head miserably.
“Afraid not.”
“Glad we established that,” Phil smirks, but Dan doesn’t really smile back.
He chews on the inside of his lip, having a staring contest with a pair of headlights sliding across one of the roads beneath them.
“What music are you into, then?”
Dan swallows, trying to think. It’s like someone’s scraped over his mind with an eraser, rubbing out his interests and his life and his personality, all pencilled in with weak lines.
“Oh, you know,” he shrugs. “This and that. I like whatever this is,” he nods to the Spotify track on Phil’s phone. “Bit of Indie, it’s good. Oh, and I love- what are they called? Pink Floyd?”
“Floyd’s good,” Phil agrees. “And Nirvana.”
“Yeah,” Dan gulps, feeling another silence probe the conversation.
“You into the Smashing Pumpkins?”
Dan shakes his head.
“Oh, okay. Slaves?”
Dan shakes his head again.
“Never even heard of them.”
“Cobalt Night?”
Dan shakes his head again
Phil cackles. “Oh Christ. You do realise I made that last band up?”
“Oh god,” Dan can feel his cheeks burn peony. “I’m not doing myself any favours here, am I?”
“Don’t worry, I’m only messing with you,” Phil says. “I think it would be more embarrassing if you said yes, to be honest.”
“True,” Dan shrugs, feeling Phil’s stare burn into his side profile. He sits back further in his seat, keeping his stare.
“You’re not really into much, are you?
Dan shrugs.
“I’m more into Musical Theatre, really. Ever since we did a production of Hamilton I haven’t really been able to get that rap out of my head,” he chuckles.
“Right,” Phil sits up a little bit and clears his throat. “Well we’ve established your music taste and your hobby. Who are your favourite actors, then?”
It’s like someone’s flicked a switch inside Dan. His eyes light up.
“-and Leonardo DiCaprio, oh my God, don’t even get me started on him. I mean- who wouldn’t fuck young Leo? Have you even seen him in Titanic? And Romeo and Juliet too, Jesus Christ he’s gorgeous. He’s so fucking gorgeous. I’m not gonna do Romeo’s role any justice when he’s my competition, am I?”
Phil just nods and says the odd ‘hm’, listening to Dan’s stream of consciousness.
“-and Helena Bonham-Carter, what a fucking legend, man. She’s just- her character is just so versatile, you know? I mean- there’s a good reason she’s in literally everything, and that’s because she’s fucking amazing- have you seen Fight Club? You must have seen it, it’s incredible. She’s incredible. It’s a bit of a mind fuck if I’m honest, what with the split personality thing and everything, but- oh God, Brad Pitt is so good in it too. And he’s pretty hot, I’m not gonna lie. Well, until he grew out his hair and looked a bit like a farmer. But- where was I? Oh yeah, Helena Bonham Carter-”
“She was good in Sweeney Todd, too,” Phil comments, and he’s off again.
“-like, that was the first time I ever saw Johnny Depp act, and by Christ that film creeped me out. I mean- I was only like, seven when I watched it so of course it was gross, like, what seven year old watches people do- you know, that, to paying customers? I feel sorry for the poor sods who just went in there wanting to give their beards a trim. But- yeah, they were both really good in Sweeney Todd. I had a bit of a crush on Helena- and Johnny too, for that matter, I mean come on, who didn’t? But then I found out Johnny Depp is a bit of a dick in real life so I went off him after that. But Helena’s still cool, obviously.”
“She’s good, yeah,” Phil nibbles at a protruding hangnail on his thumb.
“And- oh god, who’s another good actor? Oh, don’t even get me started on Morgan Freeman. Absolute fucking legend. Like, oh my god. Him and that other one- god, what’s his name? The guy from Donnie Darko?”
Dan’s brain is moving far too quickly for Phil to keep up and he has no idea what the correlation between Morgan Freeman and Donnie Darko is, but he gives it a shot anyway.
“Jake Gyllenhaal?”
“Yes. Yes, oh my god, that’s the one,” Dan’s face breaks out into a grin. “Fuck, Donnie Darko. What a film, man. My friend has a tattoo of it, and-“
It continues like this, Dan chatting nineteen-to-the-dozen and Phil counting the glitters of passion in his eyes, before they’re both interrupted by a buzzing on Dan’s lap.
“Oh shit,” he grabs his phone. “It’s my mum.”
Phil doesn’t know what she’s saying on the other end of the line, but judging by Dan’s apologies it sounds like he’s stayed out here for a little too long.
“Sorry,” Dan mumbles, tugging on his seatbelt. “Lost track of time a bit, there.”
“Clearly,” Phil grins.
“This was good, though,” Dan says. “Like, really good. Thanks for, you know. Suggesting this.”
“Tell you what,” Phil leans into him, and Dan can smell his cologne. “We’re gonna come back up here again soon, okay? And you’re gonna tell me about yourself. Properly, this time.
Dan frowns. “Isn’t that what I’ve spent the past like- hour doing?” he glances at the clock and shit, has it really been that long? It’s pitch black outside, the only light coming from the glitter of the city beneath them (shit, it really is beautiful from up here) and he was supposed to be home forty-five minutes ago.
“Yeah,” Phil says, starting up the engine. “The only difference being next time we do this, I’m going to ban you from saying the word ‘acting’. So I can hear about you, the real you, and not whoever you pretend to be for a living.”
The next few days pass in a blur of line-learning, enduring Lucy’s lectures about how he just ‘isn’t putting enough ‘oomph’ into it, come on now, we’ll take it from the top one more time’ and Dan has to act like he actually gives more of a shit about what Romeo’s saying right now than what Phil had said in that car a few days ago. He has to act like it isn’t what he’d been reciting over and over in his mind, the words digging grooves into the back of his mind and making themselves at home.
He has to act like there’s more to his fucking life than acting.
The next time Dan sees Phil, they’re both cooped up in a control room eating lunch in a companionable silence; Dan going over his lines and Phil puzzling over these two wires that are, according to him, sly bastards that won’t fucking go in these holes Jesus Christ, to which Dan had shut his eyes and prayed to god no-one outside the room had caught that out of context. There’s a huge control panel, rows and rows of buttons and sound mixers and, as Dan had very accurately christened them, “slidey-things” in front of them. He has no idea what any of this stuff is, no idea what a “cross-fader” is or what the hell a “submaster” is supposed to do, but every now and then Phil will casually lean over and flick a switch or press a button and a stage light beneath them will change.
“What’s up?”
Dan looks up from his script. He’s been poring over his lines for so long he’s pretty sure stripes of yellow highlighter are now permanently inked into the back of his mind, now.
“What? Nothing.”
Phil swings his legs off of the bar they’d been resting against. They’re halfway through sharing a KitKat (Dan had taken a trip down to the Co-op at the beginning of the lunch break and returned with a bag so heavy with food it had left a dent in his hand, insisting Phil can’t be living on stale crisps his entire life) and watching a rehearsal, one Dan doesn’t have to be in for once, through a pane of glass.
“You’re going to have to do better if you want to convince me, Mr. Theatre Kid,” Phil reaches over to the bowl in front of them and plucks a grape from the stem. “I thought you were good at acting.”
“What do you want me to do; leap up and perform a jig?” Dan turns a page, the paper rustling a bit too loudly. “I’m fine, Phil. Stop reading into things too much.”
Phil stares at him. “You’re sat there with a face as long as my leg, and I’m reading into things?” he quirks an eyebrow. “Be careful. If you stare at that page any longer it’ll probably burst into flames.”
“Shut up,” Dan mutters, the edge in his voice a little too sharp for it to slip by as a joke.
Phil does.
Dan sighs. “Sorry, I just-“
“Rehearsals getting to you?” he suggests softly. Dan doesn’t plan on letting the real problem slip; Christ, he can only imagine the havoc that would ensue if it got around that as well as obsessing over acting he’s also never actually kissed anyone, so he quickly takes Phil up on that.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “I mean- Romeo’s a good character to play, I guess, but he does have an awful lot to say.”
“You’ll be okay,” Phil reassures him. “You still have months of time left to memorise your lines. When’s the play?”
“Seventh of February,” Dan says. Two months from now.
“There we go,” Phil says. “You have plenty of time yet.”
“I guess so,” Dan shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“You’ve done this millions of times before,” Phil says. “You’ll be fine; I know you will. You’re a natural.”
Dan wishes he knew the half, he really does, but there’s just something about Phil’s smile that makes him almost want to believe him.
Dan manages to tell Phil a little bit more about himself next time they’re on the roof together, and in return, he learns a bit about Phil too.
“Well, when I was acti-“
“Nuh-uh,” Phil interrupts him. “No acting talk, remember?”
Dan rolls his eyes. “It’s relevant to what I was gonna say. It’s an important part of the story.”
“Wherever the hell you can fit acting into a story about you and your friends getting drunk and stealing a supermarket trolley because you couldn’t afford a taxi, I’d be very impressed.”
“You’d be surprised,” Dan grins, and that was the only time acting came into conversation that night.
Dan learns Phil is eighteen, that he’d failed his driving test three times before passing because he was driving on the wrong side of the dual carriageway, and swears he’s going to give up smoking next year, he promises. He learns that his favourite colour is blue because he likes the way the colour skates across the ocean water in the summer, and that he used to be scared of dogs before his parents got him a puppy for Christmas, a bouncy Labrador called Daisy with a love for the sun and walks down to the beach.
“I fucking love dogs,” Dan beams.
“So do I, now. Took me long enough,” Phil agrees, taking a drag of his cigarette. “Daisy’s so cute, oh my god. You will love her.”
Dan doesn’t say anything, but there’s something about the definite use of ‘you will’ that he likes.
He, in turn, finds that he does have some thoughts and feelings and dreams hidden away in there, beneath the façade of scripts and stage lights and acting. He finds he does have stuff to say, stuff that isn’t always attached to a web stringing back to the theatre. He tells Phil all about his cat, Ozzy (a little shit who takes great pleasure in knocking all his belongings off of his desk and sleeping on his laptop, but he loves him anyway) his annoying next-door neighbours who don’t seem to see any problem with blasting ABBA at three in the morning, and they manage to find common bands they both like. Oasis is playing when the sun sinks, the sky darkens, and the city lights up beneath them.
“God, I love this one,” Phil mumbles, his speech obscured by the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. “Don’t Look Back In Anger. It’s one of their best.”
“Oh god, yeah,” Dan agrees, tapping along to the chorus. “That and Stand By Me. Oh god, and Champagne Supernova, too.”
Phil grins at that, and leans forward, picking his phone up from the dashboard. Before Dan has a chance to question him, the chorus stops dead in its tracks, and an acoustic softness follows the sudden silence, a series of guitar chords that are just that bit too familiar. He grins.
“I always think the intro sounds a bit like Wonderwall,” Phil comments, putting his phone down and leaning back in the seat.
“Yeah,” Dan sighs, leaning back in his own seat and turning his gaze to the city beneath them, staring at lights and roads and buildings until they pool into a hazy amber blur in his vision.
How many special people change,
How many lives are living strange,
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall,
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
 Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a champagne supernova in the sky.
Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide,
In a champagne supernova;
A champagne supernova in the sky.
They don’t say anything, instead letting Liam Gallagher do the talking, but sly glances are exchanged from under brown fringes and black eyelashes.
“Nice up here, isn’t it?”
It’s only until Phil breaks the silence they’ve lapsed into that Dan realises the song has drawn to a close. He slides his gaze from the city and over to Phil, over to his thoughtful stare skating along the skyline, the ruffled sweep of black hair coating his fringe, and the orange glow of a cigarette tip poking out of the corner of his mouth. His eyes flicker over to Dan’s.
Dan looks back over to the city.
“I always come up here.”
“I can see why.”
“Yeah, well. Sometimes a little look over the city is just what you need to clear your head. It just puts everything in perspective, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Dan swallows. “It really does.”
There’s a litter of thoughts and worries in his mind, buried deep and multiplying with every day that drags past, every day that pulls him closer and closer to the production, to the hundreds of burning stares in the audience seats, to his colleague’s lips. He’s been longing for a break from it. Just a few hours of silence, a few quiet moments that don’t have to be spent combing over every single thought in his head, thinking and thinking until it inflates into anxiety, spilling into the pit of his stomach and clawing at the edges as it goes.
And the more he counts the city lights, the more he feels the cold night air stroke his cheeks and the engines reverberating around the car park levels beneath them, the more he reckons a more few nights up here. It’s the remedy he needs; just him, Phil and the lights.
Their eyes meet seconds after, and Dan can feel the question he’s vowed to ask Phil before the end of the night already beginning to rest on his lips, on the cusp of speech.
“When can we do this again?”
The late nights begin to pass more frequently in a spinning blur of city nights, passenger seats and conversations, all whispers and cold air and stolen glances. Dan can feel himself unravelling like a threadbare blanket, his carefully constructed personas and characters fraying at the edges with every hour spent up on the top of the city with a boy whose lips spill truths like water, and it isn’t long until Dan finds cracks in his paper personalities and begins to feel more and more honesty begin to seep through. He finds that no, he doesn’t have to spin false anecdotes like cotton and lie about his interests and find a way of linking everything back to acting, hooking every little quirk and element to his personality back to the stage. He doesn’t have to impress Phil with his knowledge of Hollywood throughout the years and he doesn’t have to act like he loves things he’s never actually heard of and he doesn’t have to lock his feelings away and throw away the key.
He doesn’t have to pretend.
It’s all okay until they fall onto the topic of previous relationships.
It’s been a good night. They’d visited the car park again, but this time without the car (it was warm enough to leave it in the driveway and make their own way up the concrete staircases, glass bottles in plastic bags clinking around their legs). They’d situated themselves in the very same parking space, the one second to the right and next to a beacon, but they’d traded car seats for a picnic blanket, headlights for phone torches and gear sticks for bottle openers.
“Yeah, like- fuck, she wasn’t a good kisser at all, was Mary. I mean- we were in year nine and she tried, bless her, and God knows so did I. But you know, with that as my first impression of kissing, when it was over I was like ‘what the fuck is all the fuss about?’” Phil chuckles, and Dan pretends to grin.
“Yeah, I mean-“ he shrugs, staring down at his lap. “I’ve had my fair share of bad kisses in my time.”
The ease with which the lie rolls off of his tongue almost takes him by surprise. It’s been a while since he’s lied about himself to Phil, and it feels strange.
“I can imagine,” Phil says, before frowning. “But you’re an actor. So you must be an excellent kisser, right? What with all the practice you guys have.”
Dan frowns, looking up from his bottle. “You what?”
“Oh come on. I saw what went on in the back of that car last term. Eddie and Alexandra. That play involved more lip-on-lip action than the fucking Notebook.”
Dan smiles at that, remembering the play adaptation they actually did of that when he was in year ten. He doesn’t quite know whether to laugh or cry over the sheer amount of starring roles he’s had that are heavily eloped in some kind of romantic storyline.
“Us actors have our techniques,” he says carefully.
Phil’s eyes widen at that. “You do? Like what?”
Dan shrugs, taking another sip of beer. “Oh, you know.”
“No, I don’t know,” Phil shuffles closer, a flicker of eagerness in his cerulean stare and shit, Dan’s beginning to regret opening his mouth now. “Come on. What techniques do you have? I could use a few tips myself.”
Dan raises an eyebrow, his eyes firmly locked onto the spread of amber lights in front of them.
“I doubt you’d ever want to use these kinds of techniques on anyone,” he says, a hint of humour drying his speech. “I imagine stage-kissing on a real date would be quite a deal-breaker.”
“Stage kissing, huh?” Phil widens his eyes. “How does that differentiate from a real kiss, then?”
“Well,” Dan takes another sip of his drink, his vision beginning to slow down. “First of all, it’s not really a kiss at all.”
“Huh?” Phil frowns.
“I mean- not usually. There are different kinds of stage-kisses, but most of them don’t involve, you know,” he smirks, reusing Phil’s rather vulgar term of “lip-on-lip action”.
“So you guys don’t actually kiss?” Phil asks.
Dan shakes his head. “Nope.”
“But-… how does that work?”
Alcoholic courage swims through Dan’s veins at that. He glances at Phil.
The words are a whisper, a dare almost, and it isn’t until Phil nods that Dan realises he’s actually said it out loud.
“Want me to show you?”
“Yeah, go on,” Phil’s tone is casual, soft almost, but his eyes are glittering.
“Okay, well- come over here,” he beckons.
Phil does as he’s told, shuffling up on his knees until he’s facing Dan.
“One of the actors needs to have their back to the audience,” Dan says. “So, let’s say the wall over there is the audience,” he nods over Phil’s shoulder to the stretch of concrete watching them.
“Alright. The wall’s the audience. Now what?”
“Now,” Dan gulps, feeling his heart begin to pick up the pace because shit, this is really happening now. “So, what you do is, like, just lean in normally for a kiss, but stop just as your lips are about to touch.”
Phil scoffs. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“Look, do you want me to show you or not?”
“Nah, nah, I’m kidding,” Phil says. “C’mon, then. Show me how it’s done in Hollywood.”
“You dick,” Dan mumbles, but he’s leaning in.
Phil gets closer, his face begins to crawl up to Dan’s until their noses are brushing and his fringe is a tickle on Dan’s cheek and his breath mixes with Dan’s own, warm and languid through parted lips and fuck, Dan’s heart is really thudding now. His legs feel like jelly and his lungs feel like fire and there’s something warm and fiery swirling in the pit of his stomach, something alien, something that he’s certainly never felt before with any other colleague he’s come this agonisingly close to kissing.
They stay there for what feels like minutes, lips hovering, warmth tingling and the city still thundering beneath them, and it’s Phil who pulls away first.
“Impressive,” he smiles, eyes glittering with nonchalance. “Frustrating, but impressive. Is that your go-to one, then?”
It takes three swigs of beer to calm Dan down before he can speak again.
“I mean- um, yeah. Though sometimes if you’re, like, sitting really far over to the side in the audience you might be able to tell that they’re not actually kissing, so,” he shrugs. “It just depends on the stage, I guess.”
“Right,” Phil nods, swigging from his own bottle. “You, er- you mentioned a few other types, right?”
The thought of coming that close to Phil’s lips again sends the strange flame of warmth flooding back into Dan’s stomach. He all but chokes on his mouthful of drink.
“Er- yeah,” he stutters. “There are a few others,” he gulps again and shit, what’s up with him?
Dan doesn’t really know what’s happening, doesn’t know why being within a metre radius of this guy is already making him feel far more than he’d ever felt with any colleague, kissing or not, but it doesn’t stop him from beckoning the older boy over and showing him kiss number two, their lips locked together with nothing except Dan’s thumb in between them. He can feel the warmth of Phil’s mouth against his skin, the hot movement of Phil’s breath through his nose and the tickle of his hair against his cheek again. When he parts his mouth, Dan feels the tiniest touch of lip against his. It’s only the very corner and can’t have lasted for longer than a millisecond, but the feeling comes back like a spark to a flame and he’s beginning to find it difficult to balance and oh, shit.
They break apart, eyes searching each other’s, and it’s the first time Dan’s feeling like this post-‘kiss’ without having to throw on a character like an old shirt. He doesn’t have to follow anything up with someone else’s speech, with a fake accent and a stupid costume and a mannerism that doesn’t quite fit.
For once, he doesn’t feel like he has to act.
Phil narrows his eyes after a few silent seconds, fighting back a smirk.
Dan frowns, the post-stage kiss high beginning to melt away.
“Is that seriously it?” Phil says.
“Yeah,” Dan moves away, trying to ignore the surge of electricity he had felt upon edging within a few millimetres of the other boy’s lips, the city a roar beneath them.
“I don’t know why I feel so disappointed,” Phil smirks. “From where I sit, looking at you lot doing all your stuff down on the stage, it looks a whole sight more realistic than that.”
Dan looks back out to the city.
“Yeah, well,” he says, feeling his heart slow down. “Acting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”
“So. You and Alexandra, eh?”
Dan glares at him. Dawn is beginning to throw pastel colours into the blackness of the sky. It’s still dark enough to see the stars, fainter twinkles against the sweep of indigo above them, but it’s light enough for them to see each other, to make out feint outlines of faces in the low pre-sunrise light, eyes half-lidded and shadowed from the sleepless hours. It must be pushing four in the morning, and they’ve been here since eleven o’clock, leaving their parents with promises that they’re spending the night round each other’s houses to make a few preparations for the play.
(If reciting Romeo’s Balcony Scene soliloquy through giggles and slightly drunken slurs counts as preparation, then at least half of that promise is true).
“We’re not an item,” Dan mumbles, taking a drag from his cigarette. It tastes strange, kind-of like dirt and ash and tar and he’s not a smoker and probably never will be, but Phil had offered him one and- well, fuck it.
“I know,” Phil says. “But you guys are performing in the round, aren’t you?” Phil narrows his eyes, and Dan swears he leans an inch or two closer before whispering, “your stage kisses won’t work from that angle, I’m telling you.”
“Don’t remind me,” Dan shuts his eyes. So far he’d been doing quite a grand job of pushing that worry to the back of his mind, burying it deep into his consciousness. The whole reason he’s up here altogether is to escape it.
Phil hesitates.
“What?” he asks. “Don’t you want to kiss Alexandra?”
Dan gulps, the taste of alcohol souring on his tongue a little.
“It’s not that,” he says. “I mean- a kiss is a kiss, right? It’s all part of the job, and-“
“But you don’t fancy her,” Phil says.
Dan frowns. “Well- no, of course not. She’s a colleague.”
“I know,” Phil says. “It makes a difference though, doesn’t it?”
“What does?”
“Kissing someone you don’t fancy. It’s weird.”
“Tell me about it,” Dan mumbles. It’s getting harder and harder to maintain this lie. “I- er, yeah. I usually stick to stage-kissing on the job, to be honest,” he shrugs. “It’s just easier than kissing someone you don’t really have feelings for.”
“Have you never, you know, properly kissed anyone before, then?”
Dan takes a deep breath. Lies can flow like water when he wants them to; he’s a master at concealing the truth behind a blanket of fabrication and deception, but there’s something about talking to Phil that makes falsehood sour on his tongue.
He lets it out in a deep sigh, feeling his chest deflate and his heart thud. Fuck it.
“You know what?,” he begins. “No. I haven’t. I don’t know if you can tell, but- yeah. I dunno, I guess that’s why I’m so stressed about this shit with Alexandra. And like- I know that probably makes me a fucking loser for never having kissed anyone at the age I am now, and probably even more of a loser that I want my first one to be with someone special, but- fuck, I don’t know,” he swallows, feeling the knot of anxiety in his chest loosen a little. “No. I haven’t. Okay?”
Phil doesn’t say anything. He bites his lip and averts his eyes down to the neck of his bottle. He fiddles with the loose cap, letting it fall through the spaces between his fingers with a sharp clink.
Dan doesn’t like that, doesn’t like the silence. The knot returns.
“I- er- that wasn’t really what I meant,” Phil finally says.
The knot tightens.
“What do you mean it’s not what you meant?”
“I meant have you properly kissed anyone on stage before,” Phil glances up. “Not in general.”
Dan’s stomach drops. Oh fuck.
He open his mouth, but no speech follows. No amount of words can haul himself out of his hole now. Shit.
“I mean-“ he finally speaks again after a silence, and there’s a tremor in his voice that he desperately tries to smooth over. “Oh, shit,” he deflates, feeling the pit of his stomach begin to churn due to the abundance of the night’s alcohol. There’s no point trying to clamber out of the hole he’s just dug himself. He’ll only deepen it.
“Have you really never kissed anyone?” Phil asks in a quieter voice, but he doesn’t sound surprised. Or humoured. Or any other emotion Dan had feared. Just… curious. “Like, at all?”
Dan gulps, the beer a sour swirl in the pit of his stomach. Maybe the sixth bottle was a mistake.
“Well there’s no point denying it now, is there?” Dan finally mumbles, his eyes fixed on a dent in the concrete not far from where they’re sitting. “No. I haven’t.”
The gentle thrum of city engines fills the silence between them, and the three seconds Phil doesn’t say anything for might as well have been days.
“Yep,” Dan breaks the quietness once it borders on unbearable. “There you go. You think I’m a fucking weirdo now, don’t you?”
“Not at all,” Phil replies, and his voice is unusually calm. Dan looks up, his eyes meeting a soft expression, and for some reason he really didn’t expect Phil to react like this.
“So-“ Dan shakes his head. “What? You’re not gonna take the piss? Laugh at me? Say I’m a fucking weirdo that only lied to you to try and look cool?”
The truth scratches his heart, but it needs to be said.
“Why the fuck would I laugh at you?” Phil frowns, and there’s something about the sincerity in his voice that, beneath the turmoil, Dan finds weirdly comforting.
“I mean,” Phil begins. “I’m surprised, don’t get me wrong. Only because you’re an actor and- well, let’s face it, you’re fucking gorgeous too, but-“ he shakes his head. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m the first to say I’d much rather make sure my first kiss means something. If anything, I agree with you on that.”
“You’re not pissed off that I lied to you?” Dan gulps down another mouthful of lukewarm alcohol.
“Of course not, you twat,” Phil says. “I mean, I get why you did, but there was no need to. Really.”
“I know,” Dan sighs, picking at the label on his glass bottle until the paper frays at the edges.
“Wanna know something?” Phil says, his eyes not moving from the soft sweep of stars above them, dimmed by the early morning light.
Dan takes his eyes away from the sky. “What?”
“If you’re a liar, then so am I,” Phil tells the stars.
Dan frowns. “You what?”
Phil’s eyes flick back down to earth, meeting Dan’s gaze. “I lied too.”
Dan gulps, his heart thudding. “About what?”
Phil forces a chuckle, but it’s drained of humour. “Do I have to spell it out to you? I haven’t kissed anyone either.”
The words ring in Dan’s ears moments after, Phil’s voice an echo above the roar of the city below.
“Wait-…” is the only word that passes Dan’s lips in the next passing minute or so. “But-…”
“Yeah,” Phil shrugs. “Turns out you’re not the only one, are you?”
“But-…” Dan shakes his head. “Why did you lie about it too?”
Phil just shrugs and says, “same reasons you did.”
Dan tries, he really tries, to comb through the tangle of confusion in his mind right now, but the best response he can come up with after a moment or two of silence isn’t the most articulate.
“Yeah,” Phil agrees, and they descend into quietness again.
“Shame, isn’t it?” Phil is the first to break the silence. “That we feel the need to lie about that.”
“It’s society’s fault for making us feel as if being over the age of about fifteen without having shoved a tongue down anyone’s throat is a failure.”
Phil grimaces. “I’ve never understood the attraction of that, you know. Like, I get making out and stuff, but why would you want to literally devour the person next to you? When I saw kissing scenes as a kid I thought they were actually trying to eat each other.”
“I know,” Dan takes a sip of beer, the alcohol slipping down with a little more ease now. “It sounds grim. I don’t know how people do it. At least with acting on stage you don’t have that problem.”
“True,” Phil mirrors his actions, pulling his drink away from his lips and tracing the rim of the bottle with the tip of his thumb, staring down the tube-shaped glass into the remains of the flat beer, swimming lukewarm and flat at the bottom of the bottle. Only when he glances up a few seconds later does Dan realise he’s been staring.
Dan smirks.
“What are you grinning at?”
“Just-…” he shakes his head and shit, he’s definitely had enough to drink tonight. He can feel the alcohol-induced honesty begin leaking through his parted lips and he knows he’ll probably end up saying something he’ll regret tomorrow morning but- oh, fuck it. “The thought of you having never kissed anyone. It just- doesn’t make sense to me like- look at you. How?”
He’s not really sure where the line between a compliment and a very sorry attempt at flirting is drawn but he’s pretty sure he’s fallen somewhere in the middle.
Phil’s gaze lingers a few seconds too long. “I could ask you the same thing. I mean- come on, look at you. A guy like you must have been drowned in opportunities.”
They’re both a bit too drunk, a bit too cold and there’s something about the atmosphere of an empty car park at fuck-knows-o’clock that warps reality just a little. Dan blinks and the city lights don’t unblur and he feels a bit like he’s in a dream.
“Yeah, I-…” he shrugs. “I’ve had my fair share of offers, I won’t lie.”
“I’ll bet,” Phil interjects, and Dan rolls his eyes.
“Oh, don’t act like you haven’t either,” Dan rolls his eyes, but he’s smirking. “I just-… yeah, I dunno. I didn’t really wanna waste it, but I never really found someone I liked enough.”
“That’s nice, that is,” Phil says, and though Dan scours his tone of voice for a trace of sarcasm or mockery, but Phil’s eyes glitter earnestly. “No, like, really. Most teenagers just, you know, dive straight into it. Slam their face against anything with a pulse that crosses their path. But the fact you care enough to wait,” he glances up, eyeing the boy beside him carefully. “That’s rare. Kinda admirable in a way.”
“Were you the same, then?”
Phil nods without any hesitation. “A hundred percent.”
Dan nods understandingly, taking another sip of beer, and the two of them watch the town sleep for a quiet moment before Phil speaks up again.
“Oh, come here,” he stretches out his arms. “You look like you’re seconds away from hypothermia, for Christ’s sake.”
Dan leans into his chest, closing his eyes and snuggling into the Topman denim of Phil’s jacket. “I don’t really think a car park roof is the most suitable drinking spot,” he mumbles, his speech slightly obscured by his rattling jaw.
“Not at five a.m. in December at least,” Phil says. “It’s a lot nicer in summer, I promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Dan says, and the indirect promise that they’ll come out here and do this again makes Phil smile.
It’s quiet, serene and blue, and Dan loses count of the minutes that drip by until he hears Phil’s voice again, shattering his trance dancing on the fragile edge of drunken consciousness.
“Dan?” it’s only a half-whisper, but it still makes him jump.
The younger boy turns his head, his brown hair tousling against Phil’s denim chest until they’re eye-to-eye.
Phil lowers his gaze, but this time his eyes don’t flicker back up to Dan’s. Dan parts his mouth in response, but before he can say anything, there’s a surge forward and a soft pair of lips on his.
A jolt of adrenaline, shock, and a general ‘holy-fucking-shit-this-can’t-be-happening’ feeling shimmers through his body as he kisses back, and despite his embarrassing inexperience when it comes to anything remotely romantic, his lips move perfectly in time with Phil’s, their mouths melting together in flawless harmony.
Phil’s the one to break away, and Dan misses his lips the second the cold morning air touches his mouth. He frowns, studying Phil’s expression half-hidden by his mop of black hair, but the older boy refuses eye contact.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came ov-“
“Don’t apologise,” Dan cuts him off immediately, his hand hovering over Phil’s arm in quiet protest. “Just-…” he gulps. “Do it again,”
Phil’s head snaps up, his eyes boring into the brown stare in mild confusion.
“Please,” Dan mouths, and Phil doesn’t need to be told twice.
They kiss for longer, deeper, slightly parted lips and slow breathing and the teal glow of 5am light and shit, this was certainly worth a seventeen year wait. Phil’s lips feel like warmth and taste like tobacco and he feels a gentle comb of shy fingertips through his hair and yep, he can definitely see what all the fuss is about now.
When they break apart for the second time, all blushes and broken breaths, they’re both grinning. Phil drops his gaze with a bashful chuckle.
“Well,” Dan breathes. He’s still sitting close, their upper arms touching but neither of them really wanting to move away.
“Well,” Phil says, almost in agreement. They’re bathed in silence once again, but this time it’s comfortable.
“I’m not gonna lie,” Dan begins, looking out over the city. “That was definitely worth the wait.”
Phil tilts his head down, their noses almost touching. “Yeah?”
“For sure,” Dan cranes his neck up a little and pecks Phil’s lips again. The other boy grins, pulling his jacket further over Dan’s shoulders.
“We’ll have to do this again sometime then, won’t we?” Phil’s eyes glitter.
Dan grins, glancing at the view spread in front of them. The sun is beginning to awaken and there are fewer streetlights illuminating the land below and it’s cold and wow, they should really think about heading home soon. Dan hasn’t checked his phone in hours and he’s sure it can’t be running on anything much more than a measly four percent.
“Definitely,” he says, then hesitates. “Although, well.”
“Well what?”
Dan flicks his eyes up at the boy above him, tired brown against weary blue.
“Perhaps next time we should choose somewhere a little warmer than a car park,” he says in a soft voice, before adding, “I can barely feel my arse right now.”
Phil bursts out laughing, and then a pair of lips are on his for the third time.
The next couple of weeks rush by in a flurry of rehearsals, meetings, crumpled scripts and weird costumes that itch around the collar. Dan and Phil spend most of their time three storeys apart, meaning secret rendezvous up in the control room or down in the trap room are often necessary. The closer the big day creeps, the hotter the atmosphere becomes with stress, so it’s nice to leave the tension with the stage and the equally tense co-workers and escape for a bit.
“For fear of that, I still will stay with thee, and never from this palace of dim night depart aga- oh for fuck’s sake, you’re not even listening.”
Phil looks up from his phone, a giggling smirk still lingering on his face. “Huh?”
“Come on, Phil. You said you’d go through this with me and you’re sat there playing around with bloody Snapchat filters.”
“Sorry, sorry – I am listening, it’s just-“ his eyes flicker back down to the screen in front of him. “That’s hideous. Who even makes these filters? I look like a toe.”
“Can unflattering photos of you not wait five minutes until I’ve finished this? We’re literally nearly done anyway. We only have, like, one more paragraph to g-” Phil interrupts him by flipping the phone around to face the other boy. A bald, rather unsightly version of Phil with weird eyes stares back. Dan’s eyes widen in horror. “Fuck, that really is hideous.”
“I know,” Phil shudders. “I didn’t even know my face could do that,” he glances back at the screen and pulls a couple of experimental faces. “Would you still be with me if I looked like that?”
“Nope,” Dan replies semi-seriously, rolling his eyes when Phil pouts.
“What about if I looked like this?” Phil turns the phone around. He looks a lot better this time, but a little bit too much like an animal. Dan’s never really understood the national attraction towards ‘dog filters’.
“Probably. The ears might get in the way a bit, though,” he chuckles, before urging, “now come on. We haven’t got long left now.”
Phil agrees, albeit reluctantly. He swings his legs off the table, grabs Dan’s battered highlighted mess of a script sitting in front of him and they pick up from where they left off, something about ‘worms that are thy chamber maids’, ‘everlasting rest’ and ‘inauspicious stars’ (whatever the fuck that adjective means). They last a grand total of fifteen seconds before Dan’s voice is interrupted by a shriek of laughter.
“Oh, fucking hell that’s bad!” Phil cackles. Dan groans, wondering for a fleeting second where the best place to launch Phil’s phone might be.
“That’s it,” he loses it, suddenly leaping across the table and swiping the irritating rectangle of interest straight from Phil’s hand. His smile vanishes in seconds.
“Aw, what?!”
“You have five seconds to put this stupid fucking thing away, or else it’s going out there,” he points to the window behind them. Phil follows his gaze, his eyes widening. They can see the majority of the town from up here. That’s a long drop.
He turns his head back around. They’re nose-to-nose, eye-to-eye.
“Fine,” Phil smiles, the tips of their noses brushing together. “But just so you know, seeing you angry just makes me want to kiss you more.”
Dan rolls his eyes, but he can’t hide his smirk. “Are you still gonna want to kiss me when your phone ends up on the ground?”
“What do you mean ‘when’? I’ve put it away now,” he points to the bulge in his back pocket.
Dan fixes him with a glare.
“Come on,” Phil leans forward as Dan leans back. “Just one?” he pleads, his eyes big and blue.
He shakes his head and pulls away, a grin curling at his lips. His eyes flicker back to Phil, a brown gaze that lingers too long.
“Afterwards,” he says in a voice like velvet.
Phil rolls his eyes, flopping back onto the chair. “Fine. Bloody hell, it’s like being back at school.”
Dan pretends not to hear that last comment. “Come on, we’ll take it from “world-wearied flesh…”
Phil’s phone doesn’t move once from his pocket after that. The promise of Dan’s lips after rehearsal is more tempting than any filter some dumb app has to offer.
“How do I look?”
Phil eyes him up and down, a smirk playing at his lips. “Hot.”
The comment receives a soft punch to his upper arm.
“Behave,” Dan turns back to the mirror, twining a lock of perfectly sprayed hair that he was specifically instructed not to touch around his fingers. “Are you sure? I feel like I look like a-“
He’s interrupted by a pair of soft lips for a few seconds.
“That’s really not helping the nerves,” Dan breathes once they break away.
Phil grins. “You look fine. You know you do. Now quit playing with your hair before Alexa sees.”
Dan doesn’t think Alexa, the make-up artist, is capable of seeing anything that isn’t within a thirty-centimetre radius of her own face right now. She’s been hurrying around backstage all evening; powdering this, curling that, flitting from actor-to-actor so quickly it makes Dan out of breath to even watch her. She certainly hasn’t done a bad job though, he thinks, as he inspects his reflection. A slightly dishevelled, 15th-century version of himself stares back, all weird leather and burgundy velvet and wow, perhaps he should sport an Elizabethan tunic more often.
“Suits you,” Phil smiles as if he’d read his mind. Dan adjusts the collar accordingly.
“D’you reckon?”  
“Yeah,” Phil eyes him up and down again. “Most people here kinda look like twats in their costume, but you really actually pull that off.”
“Um- thanks? I think?” Dan smirks, frowning at his reflection. He doesn’t mention it has anything to do with his long-standing ability to morph into literally anyone he likes (he’d often been described by many make-up artists as having a “chameleon face” which he hopes is a reference to his adaptability to blend into multiple characters as opposed to resembling a lizard), and instead accepts the ever-so-slightly backhanded compliment.
“What are you doing down here?” someone with an updo the size of Jupiter asks Phil, sauntering past in something that really rather resembles a cupcake. Phil was right, Dan thinks. They do look a bit ridiculous. “They need you upstairs in five minutes.”
“Oh shit,” Phil glances at his watch. “Okay. Gotta go before Nick kills me.”
“Alright,” Dan smiles, pulling him in for a quick hug.
“Good luck,” he whispers into his shoulder. “You’ll fucking kill it.”
Dan tightens his grip around his arms. “Thank you.”
The word has multiple other meanings, and judging by the glitter in Phil’s eye when he pulls away, he thinks he understands every single one.
That night, Dan lavishes in warm spotlights and painted wooden sets resembling palaces and balconies, and he feels alive.
That night, the finest Elizabethan literature spills from his lips, flowing as easily as water, his voice shaping every monologue, soliloquy and duologue perfectly.
That night, there are another pair of lips on his; only this time painted red and totally professional. It feels strange, alien, and not a single trace of the spark in his heart that Phil’s lips ignite can be found, but it’s work. It’s courage.
And that night, someone up in the control booth watches through the pane of glass over all the light boards and buttons and wires, and smiles.
As if it’s been almost a year since my last oneshot??? Wtf this must CHANGE I’m getting back into writing (properly this time I swear) so there’s a lot more where this came from. Feedback is always appreciated whether it be good or bad so pls let me know how you found this! Feels so good to be doing this again u have nooo idea holy shit <3
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megafaunatic · 7 years ago
i just read good omens a few days ago and i totally agree with what you're saying! after a full book of queerbaiting those two and taking that as an opportunity to insert homophobia that us gays have to read through, the best thing that could be done would be to make their relationship explicitly canonical this time around (and get rid of or at least revise newt & anathema's horrible relationship but that's not going to happen). don't trust Neil to do it but I have a speck of hope nonetheless
cw in this post for nongraphic discussion of homophobia & sexual violenceHMMMM this is a tuff one bc as u kno im obviously 100% on board with explicit aziraphale crowley Marriage in the bbc series and im thrilled ur on board too anon... BUT i'm not actually rly convinced that queerbaiting was what was happening in the novel tbh! the way their relationship is written just feels too sincere and careful for it to just be queerbaiting (which for the purpose of this ask im using to mean "writers cynically teasing a representation-hungry audience with a Possible gay relationship in order to maintain audience interest as long as possible AND/OR in order to claim Woke Points"). like, in a oneshot novel, there's kind of no point to maintaining audience interest - thats more of a tv show concern - and i think it's pretty clear that gaiman & pratchett weren't exactly gunning for Woke Points when they wrote itRATHER i think that it's probably more of a "we are two straight dudes writing this book on a whim in 1990 and we want to communicate that they rly love each other and it's gonna be a little ambiguous" kind of thing. like, i read the relationship as pretty obviously romantic, and i assume that's more or less on purpose, but like... idk im just not bothered by it not literally ending in their makin out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like for one thing the ending scene with the nightingale singing in berkeley square is SO fucking romantic IDK what to tell uregarding the homophobia, i assume you're referencing:a) az's intro where he's described as seeming gay in a goofy way and then the narration notes that in fact since angels are genderless "gay" isnt rly a term that appliesb) the twerp at the bday party who misunderstands az's comment about burning f*ggots (asterisked bc it is & isnt a slur here lmao)c) anathema understanding that crowley & az aren't Normal and then assuming it's because they're gay (not bc theyre not human)A is obv pretty complicated bc Pop Understanding Of Gender And Sex And Sexuality has uhhhh Evolved since 1990 (!) but tbh! im fine with swishy gay aziraphale EVEN WHILE understanding that it is at some level a joke about Ooh Hoo Hoo One Wouldn't Expect An Angel To Act GAY because........ we still get... an angel who Acts Gay out of it? like he's still an angel and a good interesting funny moral person. nd i think that there IS interesting stuff to be thought about wrt angels' relationship to "gayness" as a concept given that their relationships to gender and sex and sexuality are so alienatedneil gaiman addressed B in his post here: http://neil-gaiman.tumblr.com/post/175585724701 which i think is a good and fair responseand then C is also... idk like again part of the joke is Tee Hee They're Not Gay They're ETHEREAL but.. idk to me as a gay person reading the novel every time i get to that scene im like fuck dude youre right they also are gay. and i think theres also smth to be said for the acknowledgement that yeah! if you are a woman and you are approached by strange men in the night, it's fucking scary! even if theyre nice! and (Assuming You Don't Suck) the idea that PERHAPS they will not want to visit sexual violence upon you because PERHAPS they are gay.. is a relief! (and ya obv theres like a whole conversation there abt sexual violence not actually being abt attraction at all and the assumption that all men r violent sucks ETC ETC but the reaction remains...!) also yea i hope anathema & newt's Whole Thing is a little healthier but frankly i do think it's written as so weird and awkward and "guess this is inevitable so.. better get crackin? ugh" intentionally both because it's kind of funny and also as an exploration of, ya, what WOULD it be like to have your every move dictated and spectated upon by a long dead extremely nosey ancestor? it would be fucking wack!N E WAY this is just to say that i want aziraphale and crowley to get married onscreen because im gay and theyre gay and i love a good love story, not because i feel like the novel Owes it to me or has something to make up for. i actually do more or less trust neil gaiman on this one - like, i dont ACTUALLY THINK ac r gonna get married onscreen but i DO trust him to handle... His Own Characters... with love and integrity.emmyways... long post for relatively short ask... im just love good omens. @neil-gaiman if ur out there....... im ready!!
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heeracha · 3 years ago
tbh i don’t think hee and y/n should get together yet? because it’s obv that hee’s the absolute opposite of being ready for a relationship, and i feel like he should work on his self-esteem first before getting into a relationship. and even if they don’t get into a relationship doesn’t mean that they have to break all ties and not talk to e/o at all, and y/n can and should always be by hee’s side to support him and encourage him. some might argue that the exact same thing would happen if they were in a relationship, but to me, it seems like hee places a significant emphasis on labels, so if being in a relationship officially becomes a source of stress for him, then maybe it’s better if they not be in a relationship at all. btw, just wanted to put it out there that in no way am i trying to shame hee for his insecurities! they are very valid, but i was thinking they should get in a relationship officially when hee’s a bit more ready.
idk it might be a bit weird for you to be discussing this when you know what the ending’s gonna be like already? but i’d just like to express my thoughts and opinions and see what you (and maybe other readers) think :)
exactly. he has to fix himself before he can truly give him a part of him to someone else. there's always a balance of giving a part of himself and having something for him alone. did that make sense? akdjsjsjs i think u get it either way. no worries !! i totally get it :)
no no,, it's absolutely fine !! having to know your guys' thoughts is great !! <3
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someobscurereference · 7 years ago
(1/2) hng so this was a weird thing to take away from ur nsfw hcs (100/10 by the way, i love and theyre perf) but the one ab niles and the choking also made me think ab the diff ways l/n/o handle the trauma theyve been through. (in my personal hc) obvs theres overlap, but leo becomes kinda a workaholic/insomniac, niles is (as in canon)distrusting/often distant w/ def some triggers, and odin/the trio has a warped sense of priorities in regards to their own lives/injuries (listen i have a spiel ab
(2/2)how living a long period of their lives ready to die has shifted their outlooks and while they arent suicidal they have like? A very cavalier outlook on their own lives? ‘Dont do that, you could get hurt’ ‘its cool itd totally be worth it’ ‘not to US dipshit’ and im getting sidetracked and may ask u for hcs ab that later but my original ask was how do u think n/l/o reconcile/help each other w their diff types of trauma? I love ye olde comfort trope (happy holidays FYI! take ur time w this)
Firstly, I totally agree on your points about how these three handle trauma. I hadn’t thought about Leo’s methods too much, but overworking (being 8,000% over prepared for anything/needing that sense of “things are under control”) and insomnia make sense to me, as do Niles’ and Odin’s (which I may have also vaguely referred to before in other asks). (Also I’m glad you like my other hcs, lol).
In terms of how they comfort each other, I’ll start by initially referencing this ask , in which I mention that if Odin’s secret past were to come to light, he and Niles might benefit by discussing their traumas together, as actually verbalizing their experiences (rather than leaving things unsaid as Odin might with Selena and Laslow, who experienced the bad timeline firsthand) and getting fresh perspectives might help. Niles’ and Odin’s pasts aren’t the same (different settings, different monsters, etc), but they can still probably relate to each other in certain ways. (That ask, btw, sorta also references this longer, semi-related ask if you want a larger context, but that’s the gist of what it says). So in a world where Odin is able to discuss his past trauma without giving the time/dimensional travel away (or where it is an open secret), frank discussion would probably benefit him and Niles both. 
I get the feeling Niles’ past isn’t discussed with Leo a lot? In his and Niles’ support, Leo seems pretty uncomfortable hearing about Niles’ past (when Niles is describing it in unpleasant flashes, I mean) and he actually bails kinda early in their C-Support, to the point where Niles apologizes to Leo in their B-Support in case he burdened Leo in some way. (Niles also admits he doesn’t remember a lot of his time before meeting Leo anyway, so that’s something else to unpack altogether.) Leo assures Niles that isn’t true, so he definitely isn’t shutting down that kind of communication entirely. It’s not that he’s unnecessarily unwilling so much as that he’s kinda awkward, I think. He expresses interest in what Niles has to say by asking if he has any pleasant memories of his past at all, which allows Niles to continue talking without diving back into unpleasant material for both of them. Even though Leo’s uncomfortable, he’s probably a decent listener? In their exchange, Leo seems to have the lesser amount of dialogue, often offering two or three word answers. Part of that seems to be a search for words to say, however. He’s probably better when given a heads-up. He and Niles probably don’t talk the same way Odin and Niles do about their traumas though. Leo seems to discuss the present/future worries more than past ones.
That said, I feel like Leo is the type to help more through understanding/making the situation easier for the upset person. Like, if they had to cross a bridge, he might suggest they take the longer way around and would only explicitly ask “Odin, are you okay?” if they were absolutely going to cross the bridge and it was particularly intimidating. Granted, he might not even ask at all if he’s confident Odin will be fine and doesn’t want to draw attention to it. (Leo places a lot of faith in his retainers, which sometimes appears as giving them space and independence in times of stress.)
(Also, I’m not sure Odin would admit to his fear deterring him unless explicitly asked, so that’s probably another conversation altogether too.) Leo might offer slow down or do something more once the bridge had been crossed though. 
But in another example, like, if he were sitting in a room with Niles and Niles was clearly upset thinking about something (maybe the past or another trigger), if Leo asks “Do you want to talk” and Niles says “No,” Leo would sit there in silence with Niles until Niles was feeling better. 
It’s hard to explain, but while Leo is direct in his own way, I feel like if he has all the information on a situation already, he’s not direct/asking questions the same way Niles or Odin might be.
(I feel like I’ve strayed a bit from the “comfort” part of this ask, so let’s get back on track, lol.)
Niles is the first to recognize a panic attack in any of them, including himself, and when Leo has his first panic attack, he’s the one who tells Leo to put his head down and helps him breathe until it’s over and then explains what happened when Leo asks why
When Leo overworks himself, Odin and Niles both take notice and they go out of their way to do more themselves to lessen Leo’s burden. They also either remind him to slow down or try to guide him to bed when he works late into the night too. They take turns staying up with him when Leo can’t sleep; sometimes they both stay up, but one of them has to be functional in the morning, so they try to take turns.
Finding Leo asleep in the library or on top of a book or some other place that isn’t his bed isn’t unusual, but if so, either Niles or Odin usually aren’t far away
There are things Niles Doesn’t Like and places/ways he just doesn’t want to be touched (example: don’t touch his neck too much bc that activates a fight or flight response) and so Odin and Leo don’t do those things and/or back off when Niles seems to be getting oddly fidgety and give him his space when he needs it
that said Niles is pretty tactile in private, so they’re experts by now
His memories before Leo are in fragments (as said in his Supports) so any dreams/suddenly triggered memories of his past make him feel Off for a little while. He doesn’t always talk about it–– Odin and Leo alternate between listening when he wants to speak and giving him space to reminisce depending on his mood. He’ll more often speak to Odin and sit quietly with Leo. It can happen the other way around, but it’s more common the first way.
Odin tries to hide when he’s upset the most? (Niles is super guarded unless alone with Leo and eventually also Odin. Leo also hides it, and while he’s decent, he’s not the best and his retainers see right through him anyway, especially once they’ve been around Leo for a while.) 
Maybe that’s the wrong way to phrase it. That is, while Odin might say he’s not feeling well, he’s sometimes the least likely to say why, especially if it deals with pre-Nohr stuff. 
Odin has a tendency to be vague about what’s triggering or at the very least bothering him, especially since most of his trauma comes from his secret past which is… secret, obviously. The tendency to keep it quiet even if Niles and Leo have already found out about his past still persists.
The main signs that Odin is distressed is that he gets (a.) quiet and (b.) speaks normally and seems reluctant to talk. When the source is obvious (like they’re climbing a mountain and it’s the heights thing), Niles and Leo try to talk to him as a distraction, which usually helps. When the source is less obvious/talking doesn’t help, holding hands to keep Odin grounded in the moment usually works pretty well. 
Touch is pretty good for all three of them most of the time, actually.
Happy holidays to you too! I hope you’ve had a good December!
#my text#asks#fe14#trauma discussion#long post#i didn't touch on the 'doing things that'll definitely end up with injuries' thing that you mentioned but i wasn't ignoring it on purpose#the heights thing was just easier to use as an example#i feel like i had more to say but i can't put it into words so! thanks! i hope this was what you were looking for bc i feel like i was#somehow too vague still lol#EDIT: something i was trying to say earlier but i wasn't sure i had the words to do so#was that i feel like odin is good at compartmentalizing??#not that niles or leo aren't because they do in their own way#but specifically tho#but i feel like the theatrics and talking like a hero thing was a hobby/interest that developed into a coping mechanism as a kid#and just continued on#which i may have mentioned before#i feel like it's less a coping mechanism and more just a fun thing he got used to by fates#bc it wasn't needed as much#but there was a good meta i read before about how selena and laslow remember people from ylisee and odin remembers/relates to events#idk where i'm really going with this or how to put it all together coherently so maybe don't even ask because i'll be just as confused as#you are but#idk i was gonna say something about how his compartmentalizing and theatrics combine into a form of disassociation? but then maybe#that's not the right word either#there's a distance#and anyway it's changed by fates at least a little and definitely lessened even if so#and i'm definitely not an expert or qualified to maybe make that call anyway#i've definitely lost the thread here sorry#if anyone asks what i'm trying to say here i won't have any idea what to tell them#blugh i tried
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spaceorphan18 · 8 years ago
Mults - my replies will be in bold. 
multsicorn replied to your link “The Silmarillion Recap and Review”
also connects interestingly with tolkien's idea of fantasy/worldbuilding as 'subcreation' (if you have read about that), if it's literally also how the world is created in-universe! and in terms of words -> poems/songs, obv there's a lot of significance of poems & songs (which get blurred together) in lotr-verse
Yes! Tolkien developed this entire world through the creating of a couple of languages - and of course he had his love of song and epic poetry.  Combining the two was what made the world of TLOR. 
also also in traditional creation myths worlds get made out of the MOST RANDOM things - water! darkness! body parts of fallen gods! SO LIKE singing is quite reasonable tbh
It’s still hard to conceptualize for most people (me) because it’s not really visual. 
> The Valar create the sun and the moon for light > WAIT A MINUTE did all that elfy conflict happen with no sun or moon! wtf! how! CAN ELVES SEE IN THE DARK I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED
Yes - Men were children of the sun, Elves walked in the dark for thousands of years, and were children of the stars. 
also i especially appreciate STARED AT EACH OTHER FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS yeah that sounds totally realistic okay
That’s totally how he describes it in the book ;) The other elves were worried there for a little bit, lol 
admittedly the whole thing probably makes more sense if you read it rather than a quick n dirty summary
Yup! ;) Actually, maybe not, I had a college course, and a podcast from a college professor to help me understand it. 
> Btw, Turgon's daughter, Idril marries a man, Tour, in what is the second union of man and Elf. (Why does this union never go the other way, Tolkien?) bc tolkien was a man and wanted pretty elfy girls, he id'ed himself & his wife w beren and luthien (.... why do i know this when i've never read the silmarillion) (i told u fandom wank is my fandom tho)
It’s one of those tidbits that everyone ends up knowing.  Man, the podcast had some discussion about that - why it was always a male human and female elf, but for the life of me I can’t remember the details of the discussion. 
> This was great at first, but after a few thousand years they began to question why they couldn't go visit their friends and be immortal. > it's really interesting/amusing to me how much of this makes me go 'BECAUSE THEOLOGY WAS A THING' (or bc tolkien was a christian and how so, i mean). the continual motifs of corruption and 'no bc we are good' (lol what does that mean) (but that's the sort of paradigm the author was coming from)
but, especially, sepcifically, here, bc fantasy worlds have rules, right? that's how they work - they're not our world - they have to work by some other sort of rules - (whether the people there and/or the readers know/understand them or not)....  
OH yeah, of course - it does tie into the Christian thing, or also the Norse/Greek myth stuff tied in, too.  But also -- conflict for story.  
but wrt 'why can't we' and the completely unspoken & unquestioned assumption, axiom, that the rules of the world are good & right & just, (cause that's how rules of a world work; it's inherent in the act of creation, maybe??), as opposed to the answer to 'why do we have to die' etc. being.... that sucks and we don't have to accept it. seen as unfair not by corrupted or bad people, or the question(/resentment?) leading to corruption etc, but... wow look at that 'rule' it
is actually totally unfair
Yes - totally unfair, but it ties in with the Christian stuff again - and how you’re supposed to trust that god has a plan, even if you don’t know what that is.  
* final thoughts: i've never actually thought of lotr as black & white at all - i guess it does have evil in it. and good. but we don't follow sauron, we follow the mortals and their weaknesses and it's a v v human story. (for all that it's about elves and hobbits and YKWIM)
Hmmm.  I won’t discount that it’s a human story, I think there’s a lot of humanism in it (including elves and hobbits) but I do think The Silmarillion has a lot more gray spaces.  (So do the movies - which I don’t think is the worst decision they made!) 
whereas i think it's easier for the silmarillion to come off as simpler, bc 1. the stories are a lot shorter, more like summaries/lists of info! sometimes than stories, and 2. seeing them all laid out in a row magnifies patterns that might've seemed like a single choice for a single story in lotr. all that said i bounced off the silmarillion the only time i tried to read it so far (in... middle school...?) so despite having many opinions they are not worth anything lol
Oh goodness, The Silmarillion really isn’t simpler.  It’s just not there are so many layers, even in the chapters with only a few pages.  There’s a lot to unpack, always, and it’s not always clear what’s going on.  LotR can be read and consumed as a story and that’s fine.  Where The Silmarillion requires (at least it’s my belief) some study to gain an actual understanding out of it.  
So - Mults, does this format work for you at all? Or do you still want me to do a side blog?
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