#but like every day is a good day to be a dyke
peppermintflowers · 11 months
logging onto tumblr to SCREAM into a void that will listen ILOVEHIMILOVEHIMILOVEHIM over and over and over again. he puts me back together when i fall apart he makes me laugh he gives me butterflies his smile is made of honey and starlight. im losing my fucking mind
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stergeon · 8 months
enbarr, sometime in 1186:
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ok so @frozenartscapes made this addition to my post about byleth and edelgard writing each other letters all the time, right:
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well i kind of lost my mind and now we're here.
i'm sure this meeting is salvageable :0) hubert's sanity, however,
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gutsfics · 4 days
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some Joseph, both young (around 1980 i'd say, when he was traveling w Stan a few years before the portal incident) and old (~2017, now an art teacher at Westchester High). i like to think the first one is a picture Stan took of him while they were traveling and the second one is his staff photo at WH. the more things change the more they stay the same. i might give em backgrounds and foregrounds to look like that
he's had that jacket since the 70s. real leather will last you.
no glasses alts + the first sketch below
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#[holding him in my hands like a tiny baby bird]#idk if hes hiding something on his neck. he might be. those neck covers just happened. probably less embarrassing than Ford's tattoos thoug#also im not super interested in “what if Stan had a romance partner who helped him run the shack” type Stan/oc buuuuuuuut#unfortunately i am not immune to old man yaoi and have been thinking “ok BUT what if Jojo helped Stan run the shack” during this rewatch#i think theyre not super open about their relationship so Dipper & Mabel have no idea until the manotaur ep when Mabel realizes “woah......#“Grunkle Stan do you have a crush on Grunkle Jojo???”#[Joseph so called Grunkle Jojo bc “we've known each other long enough hes basically family”]#anyway Mabel tries to “fix Stan up” to help him ask him out & Jojo is fully aware its happening and says nothing bc Funny#they do tell her and Dipper at the end of the day bc since she went through all that trouble trying to set em up they should know#plus kids these days tend to be a lot nicer about gay people sometimes#also good: Jojo giving Stan A Look every time he's shitty or sexist but otherwise not caring about any other morally dubious/bad thing#like Jojo can excuse regular tax fraud/stealing/scamming people but he draws the line at almost getting Waddles eaten by a dinosaur#hes the worlds most “not my circus not my monkeys” moral compass#hes said that before. and Dipper points out that it IS his circus bc he helps run the shack#to which he responds “hah. yeah :)” bc he helps do the fraud and scams <3#fuck i have to draw that as a comic or fake screenshots or something#anyway im not planning on focusing on a Mr's Mysteries AU but i may talk about it occasionally#ANYWAY ANYWAY i wanna talk about him i love talking about him send some asks let me talk about him <3#oc: Joseph van Dyke
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handsomegentlebutch · 6 months
My 3 little cousins were baptized today. "Triggered" is kind of a strong word but being in a catholic church again... I'm a little fragile rn ngl.
#butch speaks#it was hard not to shake as i held J over the basin to have the water poured on his head#when he was cleansed of sin. as if a little kid could ever knowly or intentionally offend a so-called loving god#the words came naturally to me#but they meant nothing#i remember when they used to mean something. when i begged gods forgiveness for my sin (being a lesbian) and tried to pray the gay away#i remember how much i wanted to die bc i could never truly embrace the sacred#i STILL deal with the complex of catholic guilt. its a very real thing. its hard to shake#i cant help but wonder if the catholicism ingrained in my brain is why i have a hard time with casual dating n sex#fun fact: there was a point when i was a teen that i got REALLY catholic#i prayed everyday. i talked to my patrin saint (st agnes) every day. i wantsd to become a nun#the thought of marrying a man mad me more sad than feeling like an alien did. so id marry the church as a nun.#not the way to hide being a dyke when ur fam is catholic btw LMAO#the first priest i knew was father joe. i loved that guy. he was so kind. friendly. briming with love.#he was one of my biggest references for what a good person was like#he talked about gods love a lot. how its for everyone. no one is exluded. ever.#he used to look right at me when he said stuff like that. a few other kids too. all of whom grew up to be queer#then father joe passed away. our church merged with another church. father jeff was the priest there.#he was kind but not as kind. he talked about hell and sin more. he looked at the same kids father joe did.#but the kindness in his eyes wasnt there.#that wasnt for us.#my family wasnt even THAT catholic#i went to church every sunday i did vacation bible school and catechism classes and youth group#i was an altar servant and in the choir#i even used to speak/understand a little latin#imagine how much worse id have been if my mom could have afforded catholic school lmao#grateful to have grown up poor in that regard#hm. actually... reading my own tags. mayne we were pretty catholic actually.#fucking hell.#i need to have lesbian sex in a church before god and everyone. mayeb that would fix me.
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mmmthornton · 2 years
People really bought the "noble savage" trope hook, line, and sinker once it was repackaged as "White colonialism is the cause of all suffering in the world" huh.
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glompcat · 1 year
No time to stress about quitting my job, I guess, because I have an interview for an actual dream job lined up for Wednesday.
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myxinidaes · 1 year
I think a lot about how a girl chafing against and actively rejecting the gender roles enforced upon them when they were young has been labeled internalized misogyny.
if you hate pink because you were forced to wear pink when you were younger bc thats what little girls wear? internalized misogyny, according to the internet. if you hate dolls because you got in trouble for wanting to play with dinosaurs and cars? internalized misogyny, according to the internet. if you resent the beauty industry and the way that in order to be seen as a human if you're not conventionally attractive, you need to redraw your face to fit constantly shifting beauty standards? internalized misogyny, according to the internet.
beginning to think that the average internet user doesn't know what internalized misogyny is! beginning to think that you all are unable to think critically about the world we live in and how our identities are used to sell products and enforce gender roles!
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j-psilas · 1 year
I'm going to throw a stone at a hornet's nest and say that the TERFs who like to claim Alison Bechdel as one of their own lack basic reading comprehension—and worse still, they lack shame.
There's an actual, honest-to-goodness, authentic, genuine strip of Dykes to Watch Out For in which Mo gets called out for her transphobia when she whines about sharing a restroom with a trans woman. Moreover, she then becomes the victim of bathroom policing herself, because butch women don't fit the cis-hetero-normative mold. It's all right there in the text, plain as day.
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Just because Bechdel is a butch lesbian, and prefers that identity over "trans man" or "nonbinary," doesn't mean that she rejects the theory and rhetoric that produced those labels. That's child logic.
Cherry-picking her work to support their bigotry, just so they can claim lineage from a distinguished queer writer, is not only stupid and easily debunked, but it's deeply insulting. It betrays how little TERFs actually care about LGBTQ rights, feminism, or literature.
Any so-called "radfems" interacting with this post will be blocked—thereby cleaning up the "Alison Bechdel" tag for my browsing, so I don't have to wade through a bunch of bigotry every time I scroll through it. Thank you in advance. ❤️
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superhaught · 7 months
Gym Class Heroes
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: head injury, blood, homophobia
Word Count: 1600, Part 1/?
Part Two
Anonymous asked: Hey hun, sup? can i make a lil' request? i'd like to ask for a Regina George x Reader (reader is afab but kinda androgynous) where a fight breaks out at gym class and Regina steps in breaking out the fight because she gets really protective of reader (even though they never spoke before that day but both have like this unspoken attraction to one another) and takes care of reader's injuries? might lead to kissing. it's fluff with a bit of angst mixed in pls? Thanks a lot!!!!
It was your least favorite part of the day: gym class. 
You hated it. Hated it.
Not that you didn’t like being active or didn’t enjoy learning about exercise and the human body and nutrition, that was all fine.
You hated the locker room. You hated the jocks. You hated getting sweaty and smelly halfway through your school day. You hated the stench of the gym and the feel of the rubber floors. You hated fitness tests. And you didn’t particularly enjoy Coach Carr. 
But… It wasn't all bad. 
There was always Regina. 
At first, you were terrified to have gym with her. You were certain that she would find ways to make you feel self-conscious the entire semester, not necessarily intentionally, that was just her way. But, that didn’t end up being the case. 
You still never spoke to her, but every once in a while, you caught her glancing at you. In the locker room as you changed into your cutoff shirts, when you were running laps or doing sit ups, even when you were just taking notes, you could feel her eyes on you. 
You would look, and she would look away, and you’d get all flustered by her cropped tank tops and high-waisted leggings, then you’d look away again, trying to hide your reddened cheeks. 
You had to be delusional, though. There was no way that Regina George was actually crushing on you. You had to be making it up. 
Thank goodness for small miracles. It was Friday and when you entered the gym, Coach Carr yelled out that it would just be a free gym day. No particular lesson or game to worry about, everyone could just pick an activity and do what they wanted as long as they were being active. You breathed a sigh of relief and went to go grab a basketball.
You posted up at one of the hoops with a few others who were just going to practice taking shots quietly. You put your earbuds in and started playing music on your phone and began to just blissfully zone out. You took turns with your peers practicing layups and free throws while sneaking glances across the gym at Regina who was lobbing a volleyball back and forth with Gretchen. You couldn't help but notice how good she looked.
You didn’t notice Coach Carr leaving the gym to take his daily smoke break. 
You didn’t notice Shane Ohman and his buddies approaching you. 
You didn’t notice them hollering insults at you, not until it was too late. 
“Hey! I’m talking to you, you fucking dyke!” 
Shane chucked his basketball through the air at full force and it smacked into your temple. You saw stars and went straight to the ground, feeling the sting of the skin of your eyebrow splitting and the warm wetness of fresh blood pouring down the side of your face from the wound. 
One of Shane’s friends said, “ohhh shiiit.”
“That’s what you get for fucking checking out my girls’ ass, you lesbo!” Shane shouted. 
The group of guys were only egging him on, and as far as you knew, everyone else was stunned into silence. You vaguely saw the shape of Shane hovering over you before a flash of blonde ponytail entered your vision. 
“Your girl!? Now I know you better not be talking about me you fucking piece of shit. I dumped your smarmy ass so what fucking business do you have coming to my defense against someone who’s half your size? Get the fuck out of here before I get your dad and Principal Duvall in the same room and tell them you committed a hate crime and get your athletic scholarship flushed down the toilet or worse!” 
You heard the sounds of feet quickly sprinting away on the gym floor and then saw the blonde crouch down beside you through your good eye. 
“That looks bad,” she winced, lightly touching your shoulder. She turned her head to speak to someone else, “Gretchen, go get Coach Carr and tell him what happened, yeah? We’re going straight to the nurses’ office.”
Before you could process, Regina was helping you stand up and was acting as a crutch for you. She helped you make your way out of the gym through the locker room. She stopped for a moment to grab a clean towel and pressed it against the wound on your head and the pressure made you feel faint.
“Fuck I need to sit…” you gasped. 
“Okay, okay,” she quickly guided you down to a bench and sat beside you, still holding the towel to your head, “There you go, take it easy.” 
You peered at her as she slowly came into focus.
“Regina, why are you helping me?” 
“Why not?” 
“Well… because you’re you?” 
The corner of her mouth raised into a little smirk, “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“I don’t take you for the helping kind.” 
“How about you worry less about talking and more about staying conscious. Do you think you can walk with me to the nurse?” 
You made a solid effort to stand back up but you immediately felt lightheaded and plopped back down, shaking your head lightly. 
“Alright, we’ll stay here then.” Regina looked around the locker room and located a first aid kit on the wall, “okay, I need you to lie down slowly on the bench, slowly, and hold the towel, I’m gonna get the first aid kit just hang in there.” 
You replaced her hand on the towel with yours and held it against your head as you lied down and she got up. She came back a second later holding the first aid kit. 
Regina carefully peeled the towel away and winced along with you, “okay, I’m not a doctor obviously but I don’t think you need stitches? You probably have a concussion, though, so I think you should go to a doctor or something but I don’t want to move you for now.” 
She started fussing with things in the first aid kit and explained, “I’m just going to clean the cut and bandage it up for the time being, okay? It looks like it’s not bleeding anymore so that’s good.” 
You nodded and watched her, “you’re surprisingly caring…” 
“What did I say about talking?” 
You snapped your mouth closed. 
“Little sting,” Regina covered your eyelid with her hand and sprayed antiseptic solution onto the wound then gently wiped it with gauze. 
“How do you even bandage an eyebrow?” She muttered. 
“The butterfly ones, or the strip-type bandages to pull the edges together, and then gauze over it.” You offer. 
“Huh, okay.” 
Regina took her time finding the right things and carefully tending to you. 
“Do you think I’m going to have a scar?” 
“Maybe. Probably,” Regina answered, “it’ll look cool if you do. Very rugged.” 
“Stupid story behind it…” 
“I’m going to have Shane roasted on a spit for doing this to you, I promise you that.” 
“Oh jeez, Regina. You don’t have to do that.” 
“Did it sound like I was asking?” 
You swallowed and tested sitting up slowly after she finished bandaging you up. 
“Slow, slow…” she commanded, holding onto your upper arms.
You nodded and came to an upright position without feeling faint, “I already feel a lot better. Thanks, Regina.” 
“I still think you need to leave school and go to the doctor to get checked for a concussion. You don’t need an ambulance or anything like that, probably. We can call your parents or honestly I can drive you if your parents are working…”
“Oh… that’s really nice of you. I’ll call my mom and see what she thinks.” 
She nodded and checked your bandages again. She was fussing over you in a weirdly concerned, maternal way. 
“How come no one sees this side of you?” 
She raised an eyebrow, “most people don’t earn this side of me.” 
“But I do?” 
You didn’t really have a good response to that so you just stayed quiet while Regina got up and got you some water and then texted Gretchen updates. 
“Gretchen will bring Coach Carr in here in a sec to check in, is that okay?” 
You nodded. 
Regina examined you again, “can I ask you a question?” 
“What’s up?” 
“Were you actually checking out my ass earlier?” 
Your face flushed like crazy, “wh-what?” 
“Shane said you were checking out my ass. Were you?”
You just stared at her. 
“You can be honest, I won’t be upset either way.” 
“I…” you took a deep breath, “yes. I was. You look incredible in those leggings.” 
Regina smiled, “good. I mean, not good that you took a basketball to the face for it, but good that you were checking me out.” 
“You’re not upset?” 
“No. Why would I be upset?“ 
“Because… I dunno, I guess because I’m no better than a gross guy?” 
Regina rolled her eyes, “no. Trust me, it’s a compliment from you.” 
Coach Carr came into the girls locker room while unnecessarily covering his eyes and quickly checked in with you, saying, “alright chief, we already called your mom and she’s on her way to pick you up, okay? We’ll get you to the front office to wait. After that, Regina, Gretchen wants you to come with her to Principal Duvall’s office to tell him what you saw happen, k?” 
Regina nodded. 
“Go team,” he added before ducking back out. 
Regina looked at you, “Did he just call you chief?” 
You shrugged, “I guess so.” 
You both laughed and Regina walked you to the front of the school to wait for your mom. She waved at you as you got into your mom’s van and you watched as the blonde turned and angrily stormed in the direction of the principal’s office, now on a new mission. 
Next Chapter
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kirqro · 6 months
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི’ Streamer!Ellie
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warnings || none !!
lower case intended
{ I LOVE streamer els :’( }
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✮ streamer!ellie ' who's set up is either a really shitty web cam or top tier. Either way she def takes pride in it !
✮ streamer!ellie ' who watches shitty reality tv shows on stream and her reactions to the scenes def had a part of her blowing up.
✮ streamer!ellie ' was really insecure when she was just starting out streaming , like poor baby would tape up her camera up in fear it would randomly turn on ;((
✮ streamer!ellie ' who after hitting a milestone finally did a face reveal and was shaking in her boots.
She was just yapping to yap lwky.. because of how nervous she is
"So chat are we perhaps rocking with my outfit !"
✮ streamer!ellie ' who fucks around with her soundboard way to much ..
like baby be pushing buttons at the wrong time
✮ streamer!ellie ' who be fighting with her viewers sometimes..
'@elliesbigfatlefttoe - Ellie why can I SEE your armpit hair peaking out bae..'
"BIG FAT WHAT? .. The fuck come bite it off for me then weirdo"
✮ streamer!ellie ' who plays a variety of games from Minecraft , Valorant , Roblox , Fortnite [ she gets called dog water by random 10 year olds.. (╥﹏╥) ] a bunch of random horror games and some rpg games.
She also does chill talking streams & random reaction videos.
✮ streamer!ellie ' who EATS on fashion famous
✮ streamer!ellie ' gets herself into random ass twitter beef and just takes all the roast she gets by 10 year old arianators..
✮ streamer!ellie ' is really just a big loser
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who after she blew up needed to introduce you to her stream , or at least make it known shes MARRIED.
ellie randomly drops the gf bomb on everyone on a random thursday stream outta no where..
It was a pretty chill just chatting stream
when ellie started to give her viewers a ring tour. the pads of her fingers brushed against a certain ring on her left hand . a smirk could be seen adoring ellie's face while she slipped it off and tried to be a lil beauty guru showing the ring off.
up close in action shots as she called it..
"It's a promise ring with the wifey you know !" she said with pride forming inside her chest and a smile falling on her face.
Tik tok and wlw twitter sighed that day..
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who soft launches you and your identity.
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✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who loves when you sit in her streaming room with her ! although she tends to get a bit shy knowing your presence is there
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who talks the most shit with you about petty drama in her community ..
"babe you'll never guess who got cancelled .."
before you could even open up your lips to ask her what happened she cut you off in an instant
"bro that dyke abigail , her ex came forward saying she gave her fucking chlamydia.. goodness dirty ass bitch"
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who loves the way you love her. she can't ever seem to really wrap her mind around the fact that you've really stuck around with her for this long!
✮ streamer gf!ellie ' who is wife !!
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Hii bbys I acc had sm fun writing this ! soo again maybe part two ?
Again requests are wide open so pls send some !!
ILYSMM and TYSM for reading !! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
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daily click for Palestine !!
from the river to the sea Palestine WILL be free!! 🍉
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genderkoolaid · 2 months
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I feel like you would get this, seeing this comment section kinda hurt. The OP they are responding to is a non-binary trans man who was talking about feeling uncomfortable because they still feel attraction to lesbians and have felt very excluded. He’s wary around certain lesbians because they center their ideology around hating men regardless of gender identity and has faced a lot of anti-transmasculinity and transmisogyny. While most lesbians are wonderful amazing people there’s no denying that some do hold an innate hatred for men, not saying they need to like men. I fully understand lesbians and predatory cis men but there’s definitely lesbians who would date trans men. It can be scary for a trans man to come out or start transitioning because at what point do they become too masculine or too much of a man for their friends. There were even people in the comments saying the same anti-man statements who identify as a he/him nonbinary lesbian. This topic is very hard to hear for me as a closeted genderfluid person because my best friend is a man hating lesbian and I dread the day I can actually begin transitioning and she turns her back on me like these people. Queer spaces in general can be hard to occupy as a multi gendered person because of those people as well as mlm/nblm spaces that say ‘fem aligned dni’. In general I don’t think we should police labels and everyone has their own interpretation and I think labels are just a suggestion anyway but I suppose that makes sense for a genderfluid bisexual person.
These people just straight up do not understand the gender diversity that has always existed in lesbian spaces (by which I mean spaces built & catering to queer women & those seen as women).
There have always been trans men in lesbian spaces. You aren't obligated to fuck them, but they have always been there. There are pages and pages of writing out there not only by trans male dykes, but by the lesbian cis women who love them and still identify as lesbians while in relationships with them. There are trans guys at dyke bars right now as we speak having a great time.
Its not surprising to me that there are he/him NB lesbians supporting this. There are a lot of people out there who, because they don't identify As Men, mentally distance themselves from those who do despite any similarities. It's okay for THEM to be lesbians, and it's transphobic to erase THEIR lesbianism because they are Non-Men™! but once you cross that line you become the enemy. It's very "no you gyns I'm TOTALLY different than those gross tbros i promise im not a man at all and i will never want to be one so im allowed in the club!" The same people also throw multigender people under the bus. Trying to figure out your nonbinary in this environment is hellish (I speak from experience) because people pretend like they are super accepting of nonbinary people, until you realize that if you ever think of yourself as even slightly male people will start seeing you as a predatory invader trying to Force Lesbians To Date Men! Very "complex gender for me but not for thee"
Anyways. Twitter is not a good place. Anon, I hope you find better friends. Not every queer space is this hostile to us, I promise. There are people out there who genuinely work to make our community better and I hope you find them.
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rxmqnova · 8 months
Winning you
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Story: It's Wanda's birthday and Y/N is trying to win her over Vision… ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV It's Wanda's birthday today and Y/N's been super excited for it. She's planned a lot of things for the day and plans to finally confess her feelings for the witch at the end of it.
Y/N has a huge crush on Wanda ever since she met her. She's been wanting to tell her for a long time, but every time she's tried something happened, so hopefully she'll finally tell her tonight.
But Y/N is not the only one who has a crush on Wanda. There's also Vision who always happens to somehow drag Wanda away when her and Y/N are spending time together.
According to Y/N's plan, she starts with making breakfast for the birthday girl. She makes some pancakes, knowing Wanda loves them.
And once everything's ready, she picks everything up and starts walking upstairs to Wanda's room, meeting Vision half way through and receiving a not very nice look from him.
Y/N couldn't care less though. She's determined to win Wanda over for good.
As quietly as possible, she sets everything up on Wanda's desk, adding a little sweet note for Wanda when she wakes up.
Leaving Wanda's room again, she makes her way over to her own room to get ready for the day.
Holding the first gift for Wanda, Y/N makes her way back to the kitchen. Wanda should hopefully be there soon.
"Someone's in a good mood today" Natasha teases, seeing her best friend walk into the kitchen.
"Mhm. You know well why, so stop teasing. The day needs to be perfect" Y/N states, taking a seat on the barstool to wait for Wanda to come.
"Wanda will have the perfect day with me, don't worry" Vision interrupts, a smug smile on his face.
Before Y/N can respond, Wanda steps into the kitchen, a bright smile on her face, making Y/N's worries go away immediately as she gets lost in Wanda's beauty.
"Yeah, sure" Wanda's sweet voice gets Y/N back to reality, her eyes widening when she sees Vision talking to her and handing the brunette a bouquet of roses.
Vision's quick to send Y/N a smirk when he turns around to walk aside. Y/N shakes it off, making her way over to Wanda, a warm smile on her face.
"Happy birthday, Wands!"
"Thank you" Wanda smiles, her cheeks turning red a little bit. "And thank you for the breakfast. It was delicious"
"That was nothing. I-I got you something" Y/N says, nervousness taking over her as she hands Wanda the box she's been holding.
She watches nervously as Wanda opens the box and gasps when she finds inside an entire The Dick Van Dyke Show sitcom collection.
"How… how did you know?" Wanda asks, trying to stop the tears that are filling her eyes as this sitcom reminds her of her childhood.
"You mentioned you used to watch it with your family when you were small, so I thought you might like it" Y/N explains, immediately getting pulled into a tight hug by the brunette.
"Thank you so much, Y/N/N" Wanda nearly whispers, giving Y/N a warm smile which Y/N returns.
"I. Hm. I-I was hoping that maybe you and I could have lunch together? I-I have planned something and-"
"Sorry to ruin that for you, but Wanda's already going out for lunch with me" Vision jumps in, cutting Y/N's sentence off.
"Oh… well, maybe when you come back we could spend some time together?"
"We'll go straight to Tony's party" Vision answers for Wanda who was about to say something. "Go get ready, darling. We should head out soon"
Vision rushes Wanda out of the kitchen, Wanda only having time to shoot Y/N an apologetic look.
Cursing under her breath Y/N watches as Vision disappears along with Wanda.
"He ruined everything, I planned a picnic for Wanda and he just needs to ruin it" Y/N sighs, looking at Natasha. "Why would he even take her out on lunch? He doesn't even eat food… Calm down, Y/N. You still can do it. Surely you'll have a chance to dance with her on the party. Then you'll take her on the balcony and give her the bracelet" Y/N takes a deep breath, calming herself down before turning around and going to her room, leaving an absolutely confused Natasha in the kitchen.
Spotting Wanda dancing with Vision Y/N heads straight to the bar, ordering a drink and taking a seat, watching the pair having fun.
But when two hours pass and Wanda is still with Vision, either dancing on sitting on the couch and sipping a drink, she stands up, deciding she needs some fresh air.
Tears fill her eyes as she sits down on the balcony, taking out of her purse the bracelet she bought for Wanda.
Wanda's always looked at this exact piece of jewelry every time they were passing the jewelry store and Y/N's been super excited to see Wanda's reaction once she would give it to her.
Thinking she completely lost her chance and Vision won Wanda's heart, the sweet voice speaks up behind her.
"There you are, I've been looking for you" Wanda says, taking a seat next to Y/N on which Y/N's quick to wipe away her tears. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"Just thinking" Y/N mumbles out, looking down on the ground to avoid any possible eye-contact with the witch. "Why are you here? It looked like you're having a good time with Vision"
"Well, having a good time is not how I would describe it" Wanda sighs.
"I… I have one more gift here for you. Can you close your eyes?" Y/N mumbles out a requests.
And just like Y/N wanted, Wanda closes her eyes, so Y/N takes Wanda's hand in hers, putting on the bracelet.
"Y/N" Wanda sighs. "This is too much. It's really beautiful and I really wanted it, but I know the price. I can't take it"
"Wanda, I'm not going to return it. I know how much you liked it and I want you to have it… I like the green gemstone in it, matches your beautiful eyes" Y/N smiles, noticing the pink color on Wanda's cheeks.
Instead of getting a verbal response, Wanda connects her lips with Y/N's. She's been wanting to do this for as long as Y/N has and today only proved her right… that Y/N feels the same way.
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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vaspider · 8 months
Intro Post, updated August 25, 2024
I post all asks as they were submitted. I answer at my whim and not upon demand. I will never honor requests to answer asks privately or anonymously. Anon is never turned on. These are hard self-care boundaries. Please block the tag "harassment tag" if you don't want to see to some of the horrible shit I get sent sometimes.
I will only reblog/repost/boost a given fundraiser once every 7 days. Period. Sending me more asks will not change that. If you only interact with me to ask for signal boosts, I'll just block you with no response. That is the only exception to my "post all asks" policy. I am a person, not a public resource. Don't make me feel used. It's exhausting.
If you like what I do, please consider hiring me, buying something from my company, NerdyKeppie, buying me a coffee, becoming a Patron or tossing some money in my PayPal tip jar. I am a disabled, queer, Jewish, non-binary butch, and those sources plus freelance writing are my entire income.
I will not debate my identity with anyone. I am a transmasculine non-binary butch lesbian, a cripple, a dyke, and lots of other things, too. You don't get a vote in that, and if any of those words are words you object to someone using in reference to himself, block me. I won't censor my identity for your comfort; it took a lot of hard work over decades to become proud of who I am.
ACAB includes gender/sexuality cops. You aren't the mayor of Dyketown, fuck off.
Mom is a job title to me. I'm okay with being called Mama Spider, but no other feminine terms.
No, I am not an anti or an anti-anti. Leave me alone.
No, I won't DM you.
No, I won't answer your question about Israel.
No, I won't talk to you about I/P.
Yes, I've been out for a very long time. No, I'm not interested in being lectured by people half my age over shit that happened when you weren't alive yet.
"Man bad/woman good" is regressive TERF/right-wing shit, it doesn't matter how you dress it up. Knock it off.
Curate your own experiences. If you don't like seeing what I write, then add 'vaspider' to your "filtered content" list and don't bother me about it. Tumblr is a 17+ environment and I am not responsible for you seeing things you don't like. My daughter is an adult. I raised my kid. I'm not raising you or any other kids.
Anyone who tries to turn you on your fellow trans people is a fucking Fed.
My icon has lore, apparently.
I post all asks and anon is never turned on.
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
Steve is the first person Robin ever comes out to.
And it's good, it goes better than she ever could have hoped, it goes miraculously well considering just how reckless she had been about it in hindsight, how nearly accidental and vaguely self-destructive a choice it had been to wield Tammy Thompson's name like that in front of a boy she'd learned to trust within the past six hours.
The thing is, it's good, but she realizes later on that she never actually says the word. The big one, the identifying one, the one that gets thrown around as a slur as often as queer or dyke do towards any girl who dares not present in a specifically feminine way.
It's a bad word, a scary word, a word that drips off tongues like acid and drips drips drips a corrosive hole in Robin's chest every single time because if it's being said in her vicinity that means-- just at any moment-- anyone could figure out--
Robin doesn't care for the act of coming out either in theory or in practice. She believes that anyone she trusts enough to know gets to learn from context clues and anyone she doesn't trust will just never get to know her fully and that's good enough for her.
She doesn't sit her parents down and say, "Mom. Dad. I'm a--"
She doesn't sit her little apocalypse posse down and say, "Just thought you guys should know I'm a--"
She didn't tell Steve.
She doesn't say the word.
Because as much as she's able to accept who she is, it's so hard to claim a word that has been used like a weapon her whole life. Because as much as even her parents and her friends love her for who she is, there is something about saying it like that that makes her wonder if it could sully the support.
As if they'd realize oh, you meant like that...? and change their minds.
It's not until IUPUI, a little house in Indy with Steve, and a little record shop next door to the deli where Eddie got a job slicing meat that she starts seeing that word, feeling it anew.
There are zines at this shop, the ones behind the counter that she's offered after a few visits and a few conversations that she later recognizes as coded and questioning in nature.
There are stories and art and poetry and that word is all over them.
And the thing is? The thing that has Steve finding her crying in their living room one afternoon as she reads through the stack like it holds the answers to the universe?
Is that it is written and spoken and displayed like the most beautiful word in the world.
It's a compliment and a blessing and a brag. It's a little bit of magic and a great deal of history.
It's her, in the end. It's her and it belongs in her mouth, deserves to be spoken, because too many people are out there misusing it like a disgusting thing when it is divine, fucking love incarnate.
Robin tucks into Steve's embrace, his instinct to hold her even as he tries to understand what has her sobbing in the middle of the day, whether or not he needs to fight anyone about it.
He holds her and she holds him back and it only feels right that it happen like this when she takes his face in her hands, shaky but oh, so certain.
Steve was the first person she ever came out to.
If she's going to let the scary word become her favorite the way it is for the people writing it out so proudly, this is probably the place to start.
"Steve Harrington," she beams at the furrow in his brow, those big concerned eyes that she knows will be confused about this, but she knows will only hold her tighter once she explains. "Steve. Stevie. Guess what?"
"What's up?" he laughs, gathering the joy in her tears like she knew he would, and Robin feels something click in the moment before she says it to him.
Out loud and real.
Very nearly holy.
"I'm a fucking lesbian."
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gooddyke4men · 2 months
God, I love men!!! I'm so glad wonderful men took the time to put a stupid dyke like me in my place so I can spend every day worshipping my superiors and being a good toy to satisfy their desires with!!
Women are less than men and I've never bene happier!
I love men! I love men! I love men! I love men! I love men! I love men! I love men! I love men!
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Fake, Right?
Wanda Maximoff x Nerd!Reader (High School AU)
For @aloneodi
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“I do not!” Wanda Maximoff finds herself stating to the rest of the group she called her clique.
“It is so obvious, Maximoff” Yelena states before chowing down on her mac and cheese.
“There’s nothing wrong with it, Wanda” Natasha chimes in, “(Y/N) is cute. Your best friend for so long. It’s almost like a romance story”
Wanda rolls her eyes, “What about you and Bruce?” Natasha blushes at that remark.
“Fine!” Wanda huffs, “if it pleases you all, I’ll go out with (Y/N) and I’ll prove there’s nothing there!”
“The only one you need to prove it to is yourself” Natasha snickers.
Wanda leaves her gal pals and heads over to you.
“I need you to date me” Wanda takes you by the shoulders.
“hello you too” you smile.
“Natasha and Yelena think that I’m in love with you and I need to prove that I’m not.”
“So a fake date?” You look confused.
“Yeah. Fake. Can you help?”
“Uh sure?” You find yourself at a loss for words.
“Great. Pick you up at seven” she gives you a sisterly hug before rejoining her popular friends.
You’d do anything for Wanda. She was a good friend of yours for as long as you could remember. But a fake date just seemed a little off.
Wanda rejoins her friends. Natasha giggles as Yelena rolls her eyes.
“Enjoy your evening, lovebird” Natasha giggles.
“Shut up” Wanda rolls her eyes at the redhead.
You got ready for your fake date. A simple attire set up. You wrapped your lucky Hufflepuff scarf around your neck.
A familiar honk outside your door got your attention. You walk out just as Wanda strolls up to you in her favorite red hoodie and yoga pants.
“You look better than I do” Wanda giggles
“Come on” you smirk, “you could make a 50s sitcom outfit look amazing”
Wanda actually blushes. “So where to?”
“Wanna grab a burger and shake?”
“Sure thing, Hufflepuff”
“I’m surprised you’re not wearing your Slytherin scarf” you shoot back.
“Hufflepuffs and Slytherin only cause mayhem together” Wanda socks your arm playfully.
“Then let’s cause some tonight” you laugh.
You and Wanda make your way to the local diner. Wanda just about devours her whole chocolate shake.
“It’s been forever since I had one of these” Wanda practically moans as the shake runs down her throat.
“I missed these times” you admit. “I know you got the popular crowd now-“
“I could never sideline you” Wanda interrupts. “Nat and Yelena are fun but I can’t talk with them about the things we talk about”
“I don’t mind” you shrug. “I still see you every now and then. It’s not like you’re on Mars.”
“I missed our hangouts too.” Wanda shrugs “I feel like I changed so much”
“Oh really? Favorite vinyl?”
“Florence and the Machine. Lungs. Dog Days are Over”
“Okay. Favorite show?”
“Dick Van Dyke Show”
“Favorite movie?”
“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”
You smile, “sounds like the same old Wanda to me”
“Wanna hit the record shop?” Wanda bats her eyes at you.
“I was hoping you’d ask”
You and Wanda make your way to the records shop. You spend the next hour rocking out to old vinyls and just enjoying one another’s company. Wanda felt so free. No cliques. No standards. Just her and you, allowed to be yourselves.
Your last stop was the movies. You just bought the closest showing you could. The movie was terrible but laughing along with Wanda made it worth watching.
It was close to midnight when Wanda pulled up to your house. Wanda didn’t want the night to end. Something about being with you just felt right.
“I had fun tonight” you smile at your best friend. Wanda giggles in response.
“Glad I could get you out of your shell, Hufflepuff” she laughs.
“I wouldn’t mind doing it again, Slytherin. Maybe next time we could have a Harry Potter marathon”
“I’ll bring the popcorn and soda” Wanda giggles.
“Well I’ll see tomorrow Wanda.” You walk up the steps of your house. Part of you doesn’t want this night to end either. You turn and look back at the young witch.
You look at her, she looks at you. And for the second time in a long time, Wanda feels a certain longing in her heart. A longing for you to come back down those steps and kiss her.
Sadly you walk up and into your house. What Wanda didn’t know was the strong urge you felt to go back down and kiss her goodnight.
As she walks away from your house that night, all Wanda could think was of how good she and you fit together. She could spend a whole lifetime with you and never grow tired. Well Tony did have that party coming up next week. An idea was brewing in that young witch’s mind.
Tags: @aloneodi @lifespectator @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @supercorpdanbeau @scarletwitch-n7 @deafeningsharkslimeempath @kingofthelizardpeople @jacelion @family-house-of-m
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