#but lately I've been having a lot of fun with it
pics-pizza-peace · 3 days
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some traditional doodle crap I lazily drew over. not gonna finish this one it's just silly :^P
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academic-clown · 1 day
I Was A Teenage Dirtbag
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written by @hellfireloserclub |||  art by @academic-clown (formerly @acaademicqueer)
-> @steddiebang2024 ||| @steddiebb2024
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under the cut is the full image (since it's a bit spoilery) as well as some commentary and detail shots, since apparently tumblr eats quality ಠ_ಠ
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long time steddie fan (and bless this community because hoooooboy are we lucky with so much lovely content!), first time participant in any sort of ST fandom event! boy-oh-boy was it a trip! This was the biggest bang I've ever participated in with over 100 fics during claims time which made it incredibly hard to make any sort of pared down list... however, I really loved the concept behind this particular fic, and luckily I was able to claim it! It was awesome to work with Pez on this, and I really hope you enjoy reading the fic as much as I enjoyed illustrating it.
Below the divider I'll be explaining a bit of my process / reasons for doing what I've done if you've any interest!
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the scene I chose to illustrate takes place during Dustin's bachelor party, where the boys are at a bar performing karaoke. I wanted to emphasize the dramatic build up that Pez managed to create in the scene itself within my own illustration, and so I used panels to move the eye around the whole image.
By first showing the lower half of Eddie's face, the way he's clutching the microphone and then the eager, open grin on Steve as he holds out the tickets before panning down to the full body shot of Eddie on stage, clearly excited and happy as he stares at the rear-facing view of Steve, it can tell the story of what's happening even without the context of Pez's fic.
I really wanted it to serve as both a promo and a scene straight from the text itself, and hopefully I've done it justice.
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The shirt choices were purposeful, as in the fic Pez has the bachelor party wear Dustin's old nerd t-shirts (and there was no doubt that Steve would have absolutely loved the prequel movies (and been so in love with Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan) so he'd deffo have jumped on the Weird Al Saga Begins t-shirt. the Camp Know-Where one just looks cute on Eddie tbh) and the glow bracelets were fun to pick too. If you squint, Eddie's are the bisexual flag colors and Steve's are an approximate pansexual flag. Was this purposeful? Technically no, but it's a cool little easter egg.
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I had a lot of fun playing with the lighting of the karaoke bar, because I really wanted to lean into the kitsch of those late-90s, early-2000s dives that had those hideous colored stage lights and the sticky, shitty stages. Like the karaoke was an afterthought rather than the real draw.
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Here are some detail shots of the finished piece!
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From Left -> Right: close up on Eddie's hands, his lower face
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From Left -> Right: close up on Steve's lower face, his hands with concert tickets
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From Left -> Right: close up on Steve from behind, close up on Eddie's face, full body shot of Eddie
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Total Tracked Time: 19hrs 30min
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reblog divider || music note dividers
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doiefy · 18 hours
ateez discography stats?? (preview lmfao)
(freak in the spreadsheets that's what)
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work has been chill lately so I've taken to developing an excessively large and detailed spreadsheet that analyzes ateez's discography and line distribution from debut until present... will be posting my full summary soon because as a STEM and spreadsheet nerd I think this is super fun and interesting LOL (if you hate math get off my page (just kidding pls stay))
yes I went through ateez's entire fucking discography to record their total line time for this, shout out to the four line distribution channels I ripped shit from (HEXA6ON, random_k, k_line distribution and others doing the most for this fandom)
my favourite finding so far:
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this is a trend most kpop fans know about but I'm showing graphically here. we see a lot of groups start out with line distributions that rely on one or two vocal powerhouses to carry the rest of the group (debate all you fucking want about this, I'm not getting involved in that shit I'm just saying it as it is); then the distribution becomes more "fair" as time goes on and members all get more experience.
in the graph above, there's a lot of variance in 2018, but all the lines have converged recently, indicating a more equal line distribution. the distribution was most equal in 2023 and we've diverged a little bit since then, but 2024 isn't over yet!
some other nerd shit:
hongjoong starts the most songs out of all the members, with 17 songs in which he sang the first line. he's closely followed by yunho, seonghwa, and then san.
yeosang's share of lines has increased by a net 76% since debut, while jongho's has decreased by a net 77%.
13.7% of ateez's total songs are remixes and 12.3% are a Japanese/Korean/English version of an existing song.
on average, ateez songs run for 3 minutes and 12 seconds
whenever a future song is teased in a previous song, we typically wait 3 months for the full song to be released... with the exception of "Sector 1," which was teased in "Outro: Long Journey" back in January of 2020, and wasn't released in full until almost 3 years later.
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and a peak at the spreadsheet madness behind all this:
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will be posting the rest soon, stay tuned ✌🏻
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musemelodies · 3 days
hey folks, sorry it's been pretty slow on here. work has been really hectic and it's only gonna increase with the holiday months. still searching for a new job and trying to stay positive in the meantime. i did the morning shift yesterday and i'm closing tonight and then i gotta be back in tomorrow morning and it's...a lot.
a few years ago, i was thinking about going back to school for library science but the only one around here that offers it is ridiculously expensive and i got rejected anyway and then the pandemic happened and welp, here we are. i don't wanna cue the violin music or anything but i've just been feeling so stuck and in low battery mode a lot of the time. so much of my life consists of working and being exhausted and dreading going back to work.
i know it could always be worse, i could be homeless again or living with my terrible mom but it just feels like there's no balance. i would love to just walk out tomorrow (this place is embarrassingly anti-union and the current ceo is a third generation nepobaby and i have to deal with that micromanaging coworker way too often) but i don't really have a backup plan. also anxiety and the whole needing money to live thing.
anyway, i know i'm preaching to the choir and again, it could be a lot worse but it's really been wearing me down lately. as a wise philosopher once said: when the working day is done, oh girls, they wanna have fun...
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hi! I'm new to the beatles lore and I've been trying to catch up on an insane level of information for weeks. it's been fun but also heartbreaking 💔💔 anyways, I wanted to ask a couple of questions if that's ok? for example, I keep seeing this narrative that john was using yoko as some sort of weapon against paul... what was john trying to achieve by that I mean where does this idea even come from? according to this, john was hurting paul on purpose while he was singing him love songs in the studio asking him to be partners again (as in songwriting creative partners) WHAT WOULD JOHN ACHIEVE DOING THAT? also it sounds very one sided like paul is the most innocent in the break up eventho he was the one who came up with a secret album and a lawsuit. I don't know what to think. before knowing them I used to think lennon was in love and on drugs so he got so annoying to the point that he broke up the band but now...
Hi there! Welcome to the fandom! don't worry about feeling overwhelmed at first there is a LOT to take in.
I want to say, I do get the feeling you are somewhat mixing things up here, though I don't particularly blame you for being confused. (if not then sorry! just want to clarify as much as I can)
Tedious as it sounds, I find keeping a timeline in my mind (ideally, accurate to the month) helpful to provide some clarity regarding the breakup era specifically, so the period of 1968-1971. John's studio taunting you're referring to would have happened between mid '68 and mid '69, but Paul worked on his solo album (what I presume you meant by "his secret album", though it wasn't all that secret – John had already released solo music of his own by that point*) in late '69 and early '70. He filed a lawsuit against the others in late '70.
*I think you're conflating the album itself with the fact that, along with the release of McCartney (said album), Paul "surprise revealed" he had quit the band to the public, which the other band members, especially John, were not impressed with.
That being said, the events of the breakup are still convoluted at best, even to "seasoned" fans, I'd say. One of my main pieces of advice I can provide as someone who's been doing this for more than 3 years is get comfortable with not knowing things and with some of the actors involved doing something fundamentally irrational sometimes. They're humans, they don't always make sense and they won't always be forthcoming about why they behaved the way they did.
Which brings me to the narratives you mention: I say this as nicely as possible, but sometimes people want to tell themselves the best story rather than the most truthful one. It's more important to some that John is taunting Paul out of some twisted form of love than why specifically.
To answer your question regarding where this particular idea comes from, I would say: Paul has indicated that he felt John replaced him with Yoko (in whatever way he meant by that – some think it's sexual, some it's about creative partnership, or simply as a best friend); John's behaviour clearly and drastically shifted for the worse in mid '68, which is around the time he got together with Yoko, left his family, and started doing heroin; footage from Get Back shows John both all over Yoko and trying to reach out to Paul periodically.
There's probably more, but I don't know if there's much point in getting into the weeds of it right now. My point is: it's not the only valid theory, IMO, and probably not the whole truth if it is true, but it's not unfounded.
I think it may be a misstep to dismiss a theory because "what would John achieve by that?" Again, people are not always acting in a way that strictly makes sense, especially not people with the issues John struggled with. Some people might say John was testing Paul, trying to make him fight for him. Some might say John had an outright sadistic streak. Others that he was too out of it to notice the pain he was inflicting on others. I think it could very easily be a mix of all three. When dealing with human emotions, I personally think it's a mistake to assume things are simple and straightforward, which is why a lot of tinhattery turns me off. It very often feels like a blanket-statement self-confirming axiom, rather than a truly thoughtful and multifaceted argument.
My most condensed version of events would be: John became incredibly difficult to work with in multiple ways (including but not limited to bringing Yoko to the studio) by mid '68; Paul, for the most part, tried to accomodate him, to diminishing returns, while having his own longterm relationship fall apart and being completely in over his head running a brandnew business; Paul deals with distress by burying himself in work, the other three do not – this leads to further conflict, along with issues over creative control; the band decide they need a new manager type to help them out with their new business and provide the guidance they haven't had since Brian died; cue John wanting Klein and only Klein and massively distrusting Paul's "nepo" choice of Eastman + apparently not trusting Paul's belief that Klein was bad news; extreme resentment over money issues which are incredibly underrated by the fandom because at their core they are boring, emotionally, ensue; John decides he's "over" the band and tells the others he's out; Paul is destroyed over this (and everything that led up to it), spends months spiraling and recording his album; wanting to get this all out of the way, Paul finally breaks down and admits he's leaving the Beatles to the world and to the band itself, even though he had asked John to stay quiet about his own quitting the band months earlier; John (understandably, IMO, though I don't blame Paul exactly – this is what I mean by not everything makes perfect sense) assumes Paul is using the band breakup for PR and gets a hell of a lot angrier than he already is about the money stuff; John undergoes primal therapy which opens up about 43273289635298 wounds; John does an interview in which he spills his guts and tears down almost everyone in his life except Yoko; meanwhile more financial issues. I cannot overstate that those matter too, tumblr is just not a place where finance peeps hang out; Paul is getting more and more fed up with all of this and he, as a last resort, files a lawsuit to no longer be legally tied to the others.
I for the most part left out George and Ringo here* and I'm writing off memory here without re-checking sources, so take what I say with a massive grain of salt. My main point is that this shit is complicated and don't let people tell you it isn't.
*I'm of the opinion that John and Paul are at the center of the breakup, but they also aren't the be-all, end-all of it. But because in the end George and Ringo fell "in line" with John and you didn't ask about them, I decided to mostly leave them out.
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nightwonder7 · 8 months
Hunters are (in most cases) how survivors perceive certain characters under the influence of drugs. But how likely is it that two people hallucinate the exact same image upon the same individual? Highly unlikely. We see an example of this with Norton and how Orpheus and Alice perceive him so differently. In Go Hunting, he is this large and bulky brute, while in Ashes of Memory, he is this tall figure made of rocks.
This has had me thinking of a potential point of tension. Bear with me, this is kinda long and rambly.
Let's say all the characters end up in this limbo that is the manor after they die during or after the games (with the exception of the deities cause... yeah, they're immortal. So they're just trapped there, forced to play part in these games for all eternity). Anyway! I personally like to think that most of members in the Da Capo gang managed to slowly reconcile with each other, or at the very least come to a mutual agreement, after they ended up in this limbo. Perhaps with the exception of Orpheus.
So when Norton is eventually granted a hunter form, it is the one born from the hallucination of Alice's psyche combined with the drugs. I feel like Alice would disclose this for the sake of honesty and transparency, even if the whole situation is a mystery in itself. But from Norton's point of view, it is Alice's fault he has now ended up like this, and what relationship they managed to build up just unravels.
Yes, he might find it invigorating to be able to let his pent up frustration go during the manor games. But this also leads to the other survivors becoming scared and untrusting of him, and thus ostracizing him. As if his relationship with the others wasn't difficult enough for him to navigate. His world view was molded from the harsh environment he grew up in where it was every man for himself. He's full of rage and despair over the situation, and he's taking it all out on Alice; so much so that the other hunters need to hold him back at times.
Even if it is beyond Alice's control, she still feels guilty over what happened to Norton because he took the form of her hallucination. And now she feels responsible to fix it, or at least find an explanation to why this happened to him. They had slowly managed to heal from the conflict between them during the manor games outside of limbo. But this new conflict just resets all of it. She would try everything in her power to fix their relationship. And perhaps with time, Norton starts to realise that Alice is not to blame for his predicament.
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crabsnpersimmons · 7 months
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"Hair dyes or perms or just a quick snip, you can always count on your ol' pal Clip!"
it's about time i officially shared my design for Clip from my hairdresser au! here's the silly boi himself!
a.k.a. the most complicated character i've ever designed...
close ups and additional comments under the cut!
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that's my boi, despite his crazy design, i love him. his silly top knot hat, the horn-like points around his faceplate, his speckled colours, his four arms, and his funky pants. he's just soooooo fun.
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Clip likes to play games and knit! he even made the patchwork pants he wears (he made Sun and Moon a pair too, but they're too precious for them to wear... also a little gaudy to wear in public—doesn't stop Clip tho!). He actually makes everything the boys wear, since there's not a lot of things in their size/shape.
instead of resting at night, he can be found in their living room, playing Kirby 64 for the nth time and/or knitting something. he's just too restless to stay still, he's always gotta be doing something and if it isn't gaming, knitting, or hairdressing, then he's up to No GoodTM.
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Clip... likes popping balloons. he says "Goodnight!" with each popped balloon and once he's done, he tosses up the scraps like confetti all while giggling joyfully.
needless to say, he is not fun at parties. Sun and Moon don't let him near balloons for this reason.
and yes, he has sewing needles on hand at all times. for fashion emergencies... and for unsuspecting balloons.
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Clip's not allowed to have a phone (just imagine all the in-app purchases Sun and Moon would have to deal with), but he likes to keep up with his customers and their games, even if he doesn't get their fixation over bluenets he'll never openly admit it but he prefers curly-haired blond hunks that look sweet in soft pastels but could also squash him like the spider he is
also, he's great at microbraiding! though i imagine if Sun and Moon are free, they'd come help to shorten the wait but also to compete and see who braids the most (Clip always wins of course—make anything into a game, and he's winning)
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aaaaand there's this! i wanted to make sure Clip would be able to freely rotate his waist so his arms could have their full range of motion, and this was the solution i came up with: a crop top on top and a wrap around his waist. and Clip here is being a sneaky little scamp about it.
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ukiyoebirds · 6 months
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When you're the only one in the friend group who has wings.
Click for better quality.
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sysig · 9 months
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Good skeles, like you lots (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Finally a set mostly featuring the brothers! Yay!#I love their dynamic so muuuuch and they're both so cuuuuuute ahhhhhhh <3 <3#I made that first one based on some half-remembered doodles from my Very First time around drawing UT characters - going way back!#I never posted any of them - I do actually have some studies from back then from various artists including Zarla haha ♪#And I think the original sketches for the pixel bouncies I made of them? :0 There's a lot of good stuff back there! Been a while tho lol#Really tho I've just kinda been on a big-eyes-and-swirly-cheeks kick lately haha ♪ They suit it so well! Especially Sans#Very fun to put down strong lines about ♫#Hugging <3 Always hugging <3 <3#I'm really pleased with their hands there actually haha - Papyrus pulling Sans in and Sans' hand on his ribs not pushing just a little space#They're so cute <3 Even some of my first doodles of them were them giving little donk-pecks on their cheek or forehead#Y'know - since they don't have lips lol#Also probably not a shock but I've pulled out my own colour cube(s) to play with out of inspiration lol#I am So out of practice lol#Sleeping on each other - it is The Classic! I love Papyrus' little paw thing with his plated hand while he sleeps haha#I personally really like the inverted Soul look on Monsters but in Handplates they're right side up! What do!#There must be a happy medium to strike somewhere hmmm#Just put them sideways and upset Everyone lol#A silly little set with Gaster of the two ''flying'' - does that activity actually have a name? :0 I don't know it#Gaster is not about to have them playing anything that could end up with 1-s falling though - not that he'll listen lol#''Because I told you to!'' Lol#And finally trying on clothes in their house! Papyrus is getting weird vibes off this shirt with how it ties in the back and hangs loosely#I'm pretty sure? I've been drawing him with his scar but it can hard to tell even looking at it myself lol#I'm not exactly careful with the delineation of his neck bones so the line can get lost#Needs a shirt that will compliment a scarf or a cape for sure
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automatonknight · 9 months
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id: a digital, fullbody drawing of elphelt valentine from guilty gear. she's shown standing up, facing the viewer, holding a boquet of roses in her right hand. she's smiling and looking to the right. elphelt is wearing a white wedding gown with two, big decorative ears on top of it, a long, white dress adorned with red belts and silver spikes, red and white gloves and white shoes. she also has two pink bows, ones tied around her neck and one around her waist. the background is transparent. end id
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blujaydoodles · 2 months
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it's ice cream season, babes
(inspired by this)
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birthday !!!!!!
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poisonouspastels · 1 month
I wish more people would weigh out the demand of how "realistic" something is regarding horror media thats supposed to be around a certain time era or within certain limitations with the fact that if it WERE 100% accurate to what it's trying to represent, it'd probably be lame as hell.
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juustozzi · 4 months
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I could hear the sound Distant and thin Of our hearts caving in
kinda of a continuation to the previous galaxy piece, though I'm trying to not make this grow too much...
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addicted-to-the-knife · 3 months
I finally had the chance to watch the Boston panel.
and I'm starting to think that a lot of you either haven't watched it yourselves, or were so set on specific opinions you personally have, while also having clear expectations of what their answers will be, that with their answers (or what are talked about as their answers) made you so unhappy that now you're just bashing them; especially Hugh.
why, though? none of the things I've seen people complain about were actually said like that or fully implied. so... what? doesn't make sense to me why some of you are so upset about this panel. it was so much fun and just lighthearted entertainment. panels like that are the reason these things exist and are usually so much fun in the first place.
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can you draw L and Light doing work together I think it'd be cute and relaxing
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L says the overhead lights stay off
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