#but its took me years to like. talk about things i like without prompting so it feels like a big hit when i dont get any reaction back fsgsh
just-spacetrash · 11 days
#not feeling so great as of lately#i thought it was just that i was thinking about stuff at a too late of a time yesterday but now its morning and i still feel bad#sure i slept very badly so maybe its still that but idk it still doesnt feel great no matter what the reason is#i feel like. so annoying lately#and like yea maybe i am and it shouldnt matter yk like all that ur allowed to be annoying and just be urself and whatever#but it just of takes a lot out of u when u t talk about ur interests or ur day or smth ands like everyone just brushes it off or ignores u#and obviously im probably being dramatic like this is a busy time of the year!#and its not always about me and like other ppl have their reasons to do what they do u know#but it still feels bad :'))#also this isnt about like anyone specific its like a combination of little things that FEELS bad to ME not a thing someone else does#like i know ppl dont have to care about stuff yk i like that i KNOW they dont care about so like what do i expect#and i dont ever know what to say to stuff idk anything about either so its very understandable#but its took me years to like. talk about things i like without prompting so it feels like a big hit when i dont get any reaction back fsgsh#and thats not trying to blame anyone else either its not anybody elses fault im not good at something#i think my kind of insecurity is showing one of my friends had to reassure me that yes they do want to hear how im doing fsgsh#but im thankful for that it feels good to hear when ur feeling kind of unstable with ur relationships fshsh#also since i am feeling like. unstable on EVERY relationship i suspect its just seasonal depression or stress or something#still wont stop the brain from like trying to blame itself lmao#this is kind of stupid idk what im trying to even say here#my post#vent#maybe ill delete it later?? this feels stupid
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DPXDC prompt: Valentine's day spirit. Superbat edition.
When Phantom sets foot on the Justice League base many years later, he expects anything but not Flash pointing finger at him and screaming about "legendary child who made Superbat canon".
Being in Metropolis because of a ghost hunt right in the middle of a battle between Lex Luthor and Superman was not the best outcome, especially considering that Jack had his three-year-old son with him. But without such a combination of circumstances, they would never have found out that "Ghost!" "Daddy, no!" Ectoblast that Jack shot at the target of their hunt touches Superman and..really hurts him.
There were two sides to Danny-the ghostbuster's son and the astronerd. It is clear which half of him did not have a chance to win.
Danny threw his space rocket toy aside and grabbed father's arm. In the next second, boy had already sunk his teeth into Jack's fingers, forcing him to drop weapon. Youngling quickly jumped off and picked up ectoblast and then ran towards Superman. "Fly away! I'll hold him!" Danny stood up to try to cover up ghost (or alien?) in case Dad took not one but a whole bunch of shooting things with him again.
Jack: Get away from my son, ghost. Superman: Sir, I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding, I'm not a ghost. Jack: Danny, come to me, he's trying to hide his identity and manipulate us. Danny: No. If the heroes are being attacked, then someone must protect them too. Jack: But he's a ghost.. Danny: Alien or ghost is not so important, Daddy. He's in pain, and he's protecting this city, not haunting it. It's wrong to try to catch him for experiments. I forbid you to do that. Jack: Danny, champ, you're wrong.
Lex: Hah, what an interesting substance. Despite the other aggregate state, or rather its absence, it is so similar to kryptonite. Superman: Lex, is this a portable lab? Now is not the time, in case you haven't noticed. Lex: There is always time for science. I think my colleague will agree, right? "Similar to kryptonite?" Jack muttered to himself.
Jack: So Superman wasn't my target. And we are not colleagues. There is only one insanely rich man with questionable moral values with whom I am ready to do work, and your surname is clearly not Masters. Lex: It's a pity, but still, if you want to carry out the delivery of your wonderful weapons or exchange experiences, then call this number. Luther quickly shoves a business card into Fenton's hand. Jack*throws it away*: Come on, son, let's go back to the hotel, you've skinned your knees.
~~~The Evening. The Roof of the mentioned hotel~~~
"My friend Sam is also very frightening. And she also likes dark.“ The boy paused for a minute of thinking. “You want to kiss your goth friend?" "W-What makes you think that, kid. We’re colleagues, I respect him very much and.." "So you want to. It’s okay, I’d like to kiss Sam too but I’m afraid she’s gonna hit me. You have the same problem?" "It’s a little more complicated for adults." Kal begins to explain but stumbles upon Danny’s completely unimpressed look. Yeah, this boy apparently has heard 'kids would understand when they grow up' lectures at least thousand times. "But you’re basically right."
When Batman himself comes to their hotel the next day as a representative of the Justice League to make sure that Mr. Fenton has no desire to harm Superman in the future and to tell that Superman is not going to press charges because of the ectoblast that injured him, Danny refuses to leave the room.
Jack: Oh, Danny, I thought you dropped your space rocket yesterday, it's a good that Alicia's Christmas present isn't lost. Danny: Well, dad, I left it on the roof of a bad bad man, yeah, but Uncle Kal returned it last night and we talked for a while. Jack: About what? Space, my little star? *Father immediately assumes that Danny would like to ask about everything real alien*. Boy*blushes and shakes his head negatively*: No, not about it.
Jack: Then what it was about? Danny: Secret superhero things. I can't tell you. I agreed to withhold that information as part of a pinky swear. Batman: And what about me, young man? You can tell me, right? Batman couldn't resist talking with such a cute kid. The boy thinks only for a second before hurriedly trying to push his father out of the room. Danny: Dad, come out for a minute and don't eavesdrop. I'll tell you when you can come in. The big man laughingly obeys. Lil child checks the reliability of the closed door and runs up to Batman. Danny: And so, Mr. Batman, first promise not to laugh or hit Uncle Kal. Batman: I promise? Danny: Good. This is very important information. Batman: I'm listening.
Danny: He thinks you're terrifying and wants to kiss you. And since he is afraid that you will hit him for this, I recommended him to appease you with a pie cooked according to his mother's recipe. Well, you know, since you love sweets and his parents' farm has the most wonderful apples in all states. He rarely cooks himself, but he will try for you, so even if he doesn't succeed, pretend that you liked it, please. Batman:...
Batman: Would you like to work in intelligence for the Justice League when you grow up? Danny: Actually, I want to be an astronaut. Batman: Our base is located in space. Danny:
Danny: Hmm, then I'll think about your offer.
Batman: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Fenton. You can count on a job recommendation from me. Do you want anything as compensation for your consultation? Danny: Actually, yes. Mr. Batman, tell me honestly, are you a bat on a frugivorous diet like Giant golden-crowned flying fox or you are a Vampire Bat? Sam says that such a big bat can only be a vegetarian and uncle Kal said your son was more than happy to steal strawberries from his garden with Superboy but..
Batman tries to behave naturally for a week. However, the sweet tooth inside him still makes him clamp Superman in the corner and question him. "Where the hell are the pies you promised to cook for me, Clark?"
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footygirl114 · 5 months
Soldado (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
One of the prompts inspired me, so here ya go. It's definitely rusty but please let me know what we think!
Prompt: “Don’t just say that and then walk away!”
Walking up to the front door of the Putella’s home was one the most nerve wracking experiences you have ever experienced in your first 18 years of life. This home had become your sanctuary in the last 3 years, the family had taken you in and made sure you were loved and cared for and in return all you did was ruin the best and only friendship you ever had. 
You had grown up with an absent mother and a drunk father, to say your childhood had been rough was an understatement. You were able to fend for your self by the age of 6 and you knew to hide whenever your father came home after 8pm. When he wasn’t drunk he was a half caring father, but you could never shake the black eyes and bruises you learned to hide. The only good thing he ever did for you was to make sure by the age of 15 you had been a good enough football player to be in the training with the Espanyol team. 
This is where you met Alexia Putellas, she was this young superstar but she still befriended you. It didn’t take her long to see through the lies of where the bruises came from, and one late practice where you avoided going home she got you to spill the truth. From then on she made sure that holidays, school vacations, and everything in between you were invited to stay with her family. 
Her mom became like a mother you never had, and Alba was the sister you never had. But Alexia she just always remained Alexia, you never knew what that meant until you turned 18. You had finally realised that she was more than just anything to you, and that you were madly in love with her. Never being able to keep a secret from her, you confessed your feelings to her 3 weeks ago and you haven’t heard from her since she walked away without responding. 
Which brings you back to today, trying to work up the courage to knock on the door of the only place you would ever consider a home ready to say your goodbyes to the family you wish you still had. The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind, and it took your drunk father almost breaking your arm and sending you to the ER to finally realise you needed to get out. You had walked the streets of Barcelona aimlessly trying to find a solution, and when the universe showed you a sign you jumped at it. 
Shaking your head you gained the courage to reach up and knock at the door of the house. While you wait for someone to answer you hope that you can get this out without breaking down. 
When the door opens you come face to face with Alba and you say softly “Hola, Albs.”
Alba smiles softly and leans against the door, blocking your way in, and she asks “what are you doing here Y/N?” 
“I need to talk to Ale” you tell her deciding not to drag this out. 
She crosses her arms over her chest and asks “Why would I let you do that? She shut down and hasn’t said anything for the last weeks and we haven’t seen you, you must have hurt her Y/N.” 
Shaking your head you tell her “I never meant to do that Alba, but I promise I just need to tell her one thing and then I am gone.” You know you sound like your begging and you hope the desperation in your voice helps. 
Before she can respond Alexia shows up at the door behind her sister and says “Alba its okay I got it.” 
Alba turns and looks to her and then turns back to you and says “if you hurt her again I will hurt you.” She finishes with a glare and then moves back into the house. 
Alexia steps outside on the porch with you and softly shuts the door. You take a moment to take her in, knowing this will be the last time you may see the women who has your heart. She’s in her most comfortable state, a pair of footy shorts, a soft hoodie (you note is one of yours) and barefoot.
You both stand there in silence for a minute and she finally breaks it and says “I am not ready to talk to you about it.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I came here to tell you one thing and then I will be out of your hair, you wont need to worry about avoiding me” you tell her softly. 
“what? Y/N whats going on?” she asks softly stepping closer to you. 
You take a step back and say “I’m leaving, I quit the team and I joined the army. I know you don’t understand it but I need to not be here anymore, and I need to do something thats for me, and will ensure I get away from him.” 
She stares at you and doesn’t say anything but a soft “Y/N.”
“No, don’t do that, this isn’t about you this is for me. I love you Alexia and I will always be in love with you but I cant stay on the side line of my own life anymore, I need to become the best person  I can be and get out from this dark cloud that is hanging over here. Its for the best, I cant wait to see you become the superstar I know you will be, but I cant do that here, watching it and knowing that you don’t love me back, that you aren’t in love with me. So this is goodbye Ale” 
You slowly move down the stairs and move to wipe the tears under your eyes, and you make it to the end of the walkway when she moves and says “Don’t just say that and walk away from me Y/N! Thats not fair.” 
You pause and turn your head towards her and says “what’s not fair is losing everything I have ever wanted because I have never been able to lie to you, I am doing something for me and you have to understand that.” 
You don’t let her add or say anything else as you turn your back on her and move to your car, you hop in and start the engine driving away to your new life without looking back. 
After 8 years of being a proper solider and training to better your self, you were finally able to settle down, and of course Barcelona would always have a hold on your heart. During your basic training your superiors noticed how easy it was for you to learn and communicate in many languages, add in that you knew how to fight and take it hit it made you the perfect soldier for a special ops team. 
During your 8 years of active duty you spent 3 tours in Iraq, Afghanistan and other War torn countries. And when you were not on tour you were either in the UK or the USA learning and bettering your skills to be a better help for the team. It was a long 8 years of constantly being on the go and when an offer came up to go back to Barcelona and be no longer on active duty you took it. 
They wanted your skills to help teach younger inexperienced soldiers and you craved the freedom and your bones ached for a stable home for your self. The Barcelona Police force hired you and were more than happy to have you work for them and also assist the army in their training. 
Barcelona was where you had your own personal demons, and you knew after 8 years of running it was finally time to slow down and face those demons head on. It helped you were much stronger and mentally tougher then when you were 18 and you knew you needed to face them head on. 
What you didn’t expect was to have to face one of them only a month into your new life in Barcelona. You had been out on patrol with your partner and were called to an assault at one of the smaller beaches in town. You got out of the passenger seat of the car and did a scan of the surroundings and you noticed a small crowd gathered at the edge of the sand and one person lying on the ground. 
You met your partners eye and you both walked over, you with your military training on high alert, one hand on the hilt of the gun at your hip, your eyes roaming the surroundings. When you got closer to the crowd you almost stopped, when you noticed who was standing off on the edge of the crowd but you pushed through when you saw the guy on the ground get up and start to run at someone else in the crowd. You and your partner both sprang into action and got in between them and the guy you were holding tried to take a swing at the other and you easily subdued him and had him on his back with his hands locked behind his back in the blink of an eye. 
Once he was secure with the handcuffs on your hip you hopped up and hauled him up with you, you turned and met your partners eyes who nodded at you and had his guy also in cuffs. He turned to the crowd and asked for any witnesses to what happened, as you moved your guy to the car and sat him in the back seat. 
You sat him down and asked him his side of the story. After listening to his side you closed the door and left him in the car as a second patrol car rolled up for the second guy. You nodded to them and mentioned the guy int he back of your car and you walked back to the crowd. You took a deep breath and readied your self to face the first of your demons. 
“Who’s next to be interviewed?” you asked your partner as you walked up beside him, and he pointed to the group of 3 girls to the left.
Moving towards them you introduced your self “Hola, I am Officer Y/L/N and I will need to see your IDs and then I can take your statement.” They all handed their IDs over and as you were matching them and recording their names and information you couldn’t help but take a peak at the women who held your heart. 
You hadn’t seen her since that day 8 years ago on her mothers front steps, you had followed her career and you knew she was in the middle of a miracle season and she was on track to win everything. Seeing her on the computer screen through a grainy stream wasn’t the same as seeing her in person. Just looking at her was slowly igniting that spark inside you that you thought you had buried 8 years ago. 
“Can one of you tell me what happened?” you ask them ready to take notes and keep this professional. 
“so basically, we were lying here and the guy in your car came up and started to give us a bit of a hard time, but were used to it. SO we told him to leave us alone, and then the guy there with your partner walked up and tried to defend us, and the other guy just threw a punch at him.” You had their IDs so you knew this was Maria Leon who explained it. 
“they started going at each other and thats when Ale called 911, the commotion drew more people over and they stopped fighting when they had a crowd and then you guys showed up.” Jennifer Hermoso explained the rest to you. 
“thank you, so to be clear, the one in the back of the car threw the first punch and harassed you?” you asked wanting to finish this up. 
Maria smiled and said “I wouldn’t say harassed, we can take care of ourselves, but yes he started it and threw the first punch.”
“And you both agree?” you ask.
“Yep, he did” Jennifer agrees. 
Alexia just nods and remains silent through the whole exchange. You nod and say “okay this clears things up, someone may be in touch but you are free to go.”
The two of them smile and say their thanks and move to leave, but Alexia remains standing in front of you silent. 
“ale you coming?” Jennifer asks her and it seems to shake her out of it and she nods and moves to gather her stuff. 
You nod at nothing and move to go back to your partner, you both agree you to the statement you got from different people and then you move to walk back to the car together. Before you can get half way there you turn back and look toward Alexia and you meet her eyes, as she’s still watching you. 
It takes your partner nudging you for you to break contact and you move to get into the car. before you can fully sit you hear “Officer Y/LN” yelled out behind you and you turn and see Alexia moving quickly towards you, you close the door and step towards her and away from your partner hearing the exchange. 
“Yes Alexia?” you ask her softly as she stops a foot from you. 
“You’re back?” she asks you to the point. 
“I am” 
“for good?” she asks you again straight to the point.
“I think so yeah” 
“okay then.” she says and moves to walk away. 
“thats it?” you ask her confused. 
She shrugs and half turns to you and says “How does it feel being on the other end of someone walking way from you? It sucks, being left to wonder what they mean and what they are going to do.” 
You can feel the pang in your heart listening to how broken she sounds and you ask her “Can we talk about it?” 
“now you want to talk? What happened to talking 8 years ago?” she turns on you half shouting and you know that she’s drawn and scene. 
“ale, please can we talk somewhere not here, and not when I am on duty?” you ask her. 
She looks around and shakes her head and says “you know where to find me, if you even want to.” As she finishes she jogs away towards her friends and you are left standing there wondering if this is a demon you will be able to tame, or if you were doomed to be in love with someone you can never have. 
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suguru-getos · 10 months
Fluffcember with Satoru Gojo
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Prompt: Reassurances
Summary: You are in the early phases of your relationship with Satoru where you haven't even kissed each other yet. Taking things comfortingly and achingly slow. Unfortunately for you, you’re reminded of his ‘Uncommitted Fuckboy’ & he reassures you through it. Warnings: None really, just extreme fluff and comfort and Satoru being a care-giver and a Daddy pro max!
Your brother came back from a gathering of sorts, it was all related to Jujutsu High and being a third-year there, he was privy to a lot of information you weren’t. Though now that you’re dating his Sensei without actually telling him, your questions & curiosities have increased a tenfold. “So, how was your day?”
Your brother came in, opened the fridge like a racoon in a dumpster & took out a Coke zero, clearly tired & a tad annoyed. “S’ good.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes. “Something very funny happened today.”
You irked a brow, mostly all the funny things are related to your now boyfriend. "What happened?" You asked, curiosity bubbling behind your eyes.
"There's this sorcerer- her name's Mei Mei, she flirts with Sensei so hard it's hilarious!" He cackled, manspreading on the dining table seat after microwaving the sandwich and sighed. "She was all like- 'of course Satoru kun, you can help me can't you?' because she was assigned a mission which was seemingly hard." You felt a pang of anxiety touch your chest at that, nodding with a faked smile. Can't show your brother you're affected by this after all.
"H-heh, funny… what did he say?" You inquired, and your brother shrugged. "Said he would help." You bite your lip, of course- Satoru is not someone to refuse his aid to anyone. Even you knew that about him… but clearly, did he not pick up the signals? "Shyeah- of course." You waved your hand dismissively. "I think they have done it definitely." Your brother snickers. "I mean- Sensei is so popular I'm sure all the female sorcerers would've wanted a piece of him." He groans, "So annoying to me though."
You smiled, not able to maintain this conversation without it affecting your core. Satoru was gorgeous, he could pick a finger at anything and would get that for himself. There was absolutely no doubt about it. Which is why… it's concerning as to why he is dating someone like you. Someone so normal, someone miles away from the Jujutsu world. Someone who had no place in his world. He was utterly sweet to you as well. So far you haven't had any arguments with him either. A defeated sigh escaped your parted lips as the thoughts multiplied and cluttered your mind. You went to your room to sulk. As if being a Corporate baddie wasn't enough. Now you also need to take account of what's happening in Jujutsu world with your boyfriend. Sickening…
As if to balm your insecurity with reassurance, Satoru's name flashed on your phone screen in a phone call. "Hello.." You answered the phone hesitantly.
"Oh hello Little One! How are ya? Just checkin' up on you. Hope you don't mind that mm?" "No, not at all, I've just come home from work. How are you?" You tried to sound as normal as you can, the lower octave of your voice not gone unnoticed despite you stiffening yourself up to sound as normal as you can. "Something the matter Princess?" The nickname slipped out of his lips so easily, right now you wonder if it's so easy because its meaningless. "Nah, nothing's the matter. My brother just came home you know? So I was just talking to him about er- school and stuff." You answered half-truth. Satoru's head tilted to the side, tongue clicking. "Something that pissed you off?" He asked softly, and you nodded your head yes, but your voice lied. "Nah, s' al good. Don't worry. Maybe I'm just really tired you know?" "Mhm, gotcha~ maybe, you are tired… you know what can help? A sugar rush." Satoru snickered over the phone and you sighed. There is no way you can escape this man's gaze if you were to meet him right now. "Nah, really tired. Headachey too…" You excuse yourself, biting your lip and squeezing your eyes shut at the silence on the other side. "Alright, take rest." Satoru sounded genial and soft, and with that you heard the beep of the call disconnecting.
You were starting to get angry at yourself, why does it even matter. You two haven't even been together for a month yet. This is truly pathetic…
You shoved all the thoughts off your head, journalling them off. Whatever… who cares. Yeah, whatever…
The next few days you tried your best to ignore Satoru, picking up his calls and answering in one-word sentences, declining his proposal to meet for dates or to just catch-up. Until you finally saw him one day at your home. You gasped, blinking when you opened the door and found him manspreading on the couch as if he owned the place.
"Sah- Satoru what`" "He's just here to be a nuisance." Your brother's voice chimed in from his room. "He needs something from me." You glanced at Satoru, who quickly removed his blindfold and made sure his eyes stared right into you. "Well, not my fault you can't search for the scroll I handed to you brats." He shrugged, of course an excuse… he wanted to come and see you. "Hello, Y/N san!" He chirped excitedly, and you waved him a Hello right back; gulping. "How have you been?" Satoru asked again, you nodded with a half-smile. "I'm good, Gojo San, are you good, too?" "No, I'm not… and you know why." His tone was soft, tender, as if he didn't want the pressure of his words to get to you.
"I- I see…" You looked down at your feet, looking back up at him. "You said you'll work late today." He almost whispered, shit- you completely forgot about that excuse you made for him,
"Oh yeah- ahem, well yeah… I will freshen up and login again." You grinned, trying to save your sorry ass.
"No" Satoru simply denied your statement.
"You are going to freshen up, and then utter why you're behaving this way." He didn't sound easy this time, you were hearing him speak to you sternly and seriously for the first time ever. You can't blame him though, he's worried… and it only warms your heart more that he is worried.
Before you could open your mouth, your brother came back to the drawing room. Stomping and giving him the damned scroll. Ugh- timing!
"Jaa- see you two!" He grinned, head-patting your brother and looking into your eyes.
Before you could say anything further, you found yourself back in your room. Answering his call…
"Are you getting out of the house or should I carry you out myself in front of your brother?" Satoru almost sung, and you knew there was a tad bit of a truth laced to that threat.
"I'm getting out." You rolled your eyes.
"Aw, that's a good girl."
The moment you were outside, Satoru teleported beside you, hand intertwining with yours and helping you walk in fucking air. You blinked, not registering how this is happening. It was like invisible stairs that take you to the breath-taking sky. Stars have just started to pop up as the night blanket wraps the city of Tokyo.
"What's bothering my baddie?" Satoru hums, and before you could answer, he interrupted again. "Don't say nothing else I'll start being really paranoid and restless, that's no good is it?" He coos, leaning in to make you feel more comfortable.
You finally decided to speak up, pouting and telling him everything about Mei Mei and what your brother told you. Then telling him how that made you feel truly.
He chuckles, rolling his eyes and cupping your face preciously. You blinked, taken aback by the sudden stance of affection but not leaning away. You wanted this… you wanted him to touch you, to soothe your worries away. "I can't believe my silly little girl would be so stressed about something like this It's nothing. Even if Mei Mei flirted, I would never return her affections or anyone else's." He smiled, "You know why? Cause I really want no one else but you Little One. I would never lose this." His eyes observed you once more, hands squeezing your face tenderly. "For something meaningless… I would never do anything to risk this, never. I promise you."
His words echoed in your ears and you couldn't help but nod a little with a smile. "Sorry- I just, you know it's not been a lot of time to us and-"
"So what!" Satoru giggles, "Time is a construct, and definitely not a measuring parameter when you're dating someone like me. Or if I am dating someone as amazing and kind and yet, fierce and firm as you." He winked.
"I promise you sweet Princess, I would never, ever… let anyone near me." His sincerity touches your heart, and you leaned in, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Aw! I get a hug! Good sign!" Satoru beams, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your arms comfortingly.
"Let me show you now the skyline looks, neh?"
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fickleminder · 11 months
be good
AU inspired by this prompt: Humans are born with demon counterparts to protect them. The more innocent and pure a person is, the more mean, fierce, and terrifying their demon becomes.
Halloween 2023 fic 😈
It’s one of the things your parents often told you when you were growing up.
"Behave yourself."
"They won’t hurt you if you’re good."
"Say please and thank you."
"It’s okay, they’re your best friend."
"Mind your manners."
"You can always rely on them to protect you."
"Be good, now."
You’ve had multiple shadows for as long as you could remember. No one else could see them; a person’s demon was their own after all, but you quickly realized that everybody around you only had the one. Any attempts to convince your family otherwise only led them to believe yours was a shapeshifter.
But one demon or seven, they never laid a finger on you. Sometimes they kept their distance, watching over you from afar; other times they stayed within arm’s reach, readily accepting your touch should your curiosity win out. You soon became accustomed to the chilly air around them, their cool skin a familiar comfort on days when you just needed a hug.
They were brothers too, despite not looking anything alike. You talked to them of course, wanting to know more about your protectors friends, where they came from, what they did to pass the time when they weren’t watching you. The oldest one told you that they weren't like the other demons; they were more important, had other roles to fulfill and duties to tend to, which was why they had to take turns looking after you.
"I'm sorry for being a bother," five-year-old you said. You'd been left alone more often than not, your father having passed away recently while your mother worked extra jobs to keep the both of you fed. She never neglected you when she was home, but you still felt like a burden to her.
"You're not a bother," the oldest one — Lucifer — chided you gently. "Your mother loves you, and so do we. Never forget that, understand?"
You gripped his pant leg and nodded into his thigh, only relaxing when a gloved hand reached down to stroke your hair.
The wind howled outside your window and rattled the panes. Cloudy skies covered the moon, casting your room into inky blackness as you huddled under the blankets and shivered, eyes wide open and unable to sleep.
Everything seemed louder in the dark: the shrieking gusts, the creaky old floorboards, the scuttles in the walls, the scratching and rustling behind your closet door—
"It's way past your bedtime, you know."
The voice came out of nowhere, but all you felt was a sharp sense of relief knowing that you weren't alone tonight. "I'm scared," you whispered to it, clutching the sheets tighter against your body. "Can you check the closet for monsters, please?"
One of the shadows in the room seemed to grow and stretch, moving lazily towards the closet in question. You didn't dare to peek over the blankets, but you heard the door open and close as the faint noises from within fell blessedly silent.
"Better?" The voice drawled, returning to its place under your bed. "Go to sleep now. There's nothing scarier here than me."
"Thanks Belphie. Goodnight."
You let one arm dangle off the side of your bed as you finally closed your eyes. After a while, you felt a cold hand grasping yours, keeping you safe in its grip.
"I said I was sorry!"
"You think a simple 'sorry' is gonna cut it?!"
Bumping into other students in a crowded hallway was almost inevitable, but apparently this upperclassman took personal offense at it. The older boy hauled you up by your shirt and slammed you against the lockers while everybody else kept their heads low and gave the two of you a wide berth.
"I oughta teach you a lesson for—" He looked over his shoulder at someone you couldn't see, frowning with irritation. "Whaddya mean 'wrong person'? This twerp was the one who—"
Whatever his demon said must have convinced him, because he abruptly let go and stomped away without another word. Your knees buckled and you slid to the floor with a breathy exhale.
Someone squatted down beside you to check the back of your head, running gentle fingers through your hair to soothe you. "Are you hurt?"
"No, I was more startled than anything." You smiled at Satan, who still seemed somewhat troubled. "Can you walk me to my next class?"
"With pleasure."
That night, Satan got Asmo to read to you on his behalf, claiming he had a last minute errand to run. You didn't mind; Asmo had such a melodic voice that he might as well have sung you to sleep.
(You never saw that upperclassman in school again. People still said he transferred out.)
The day your mother passed, you were sitting next to her and holding her hand, doing your best to ignore the beeping of the machines that monitored her vitals.
One minute she was peaceful, halfway dozed off while you spoke to her softly, the next her entire body seized up as she began mumbling incoherently.
The machines went haywire and alerted the nurses to her side. You were forced to step back and let them do their job, your panicked gaze focused on her fearful face as she writhed on the bed, as though struggling to get away from an assailant.
"No, no... I thought... Please..." were the last words you heard before someone wrapped their arms around you and turned you away.
"Don't look," Asmo cooed in your ear, moments before the shrill beeping noises became steady.
The demon guided you to sit in the hallway outside, whispering words of comfort and rubbing your back. He told you to remember how pretty your mother was before her illness, the good times you'd spent with her after all the hardship the two of you had endured, happy memories that made every second worth it.
You knew your demons would help you to work through the grief in time, but for now, you let yourself fall apart in Asmo's arms.
"Take care on your way home."
"Thanks boss, see you tomorrow."
Closing shifts sucked, but the late hours paid well. Luckily, you had company on your walk back too, a hulking figure no one else could see but everybody still instinctively steered clear of. It made taking shortcuts through shady alleys a little safer.
Even on nights you stopped for supper at a sleazy diner, the only place still open at this godforsaken hour, nobody invited themselves into your booth or tried to strike up conversation with you. Which worked just fine, all you wanted to do was eat your food, go home, and collapse into bed.
Strangely enough, you noticed that the cook also tended to be extra generous with the portions he served you. The man was loud and gruff towards the waitstaff, but on nights you were seated at the counter, he was quiet as a mouse when setting your dish in front of you.
You could never finish it all, but you always made sure to leave a good tip anyway.
You stared at the numbers on the screen for the longest time, feeling conflicted. A part of you wished you had never approached your coworker to ask about the discrepancies you'd found in the accounts, not when he opened your eyes to some of the dealings that went under your boss's radar. He offered you a cut of the profits to keep your mouth shut of course, but you never imagined...
He was a good guy. Hardworking, funny, always willing to pitch in and offering to pick up a bite for you whenever he went on snack runs. You knew he went to church regularly too, so why?
A bat-like wing blocked your view of the screen, and you looked up to see Mammon smirking. "You're overthinking this," he said. "The answer's right in front of ya."
"I thought..." You bit your lip. "He isn't doing too well himself, and the company isn't a megacorp or anything but it's not like they'll notice. Shouldn't I just look the other way?"
"Ha! What he's offering ya is peanuts compared to the promotion you'll get by exposing his operation."
"I'm not in it for the money—"
"Maybe so, but it's the right thing to do, ain't it?"
"You won't have to worry about any retaliation." Mammon assured you with a ruffle of your hair. "I'll make sure of it."
"—lie! It's all a lie! Listen to me, you can't trust the devils!"
"What nonsense are you watching now?" Levi leaned over your shoulder as you tilted your phone to give him a better view.
"A video that went viral recently. Some crazy dude ranting about conspiracies and whatnot."
Levi's nose scrunched up in distaste. "Sounds like he's jealous about having a wimpy lesser demon chained to him, if you ask me. These guys are just bitter they got leftovers since they aren't good people."
"I don't know, Levi. Some folks just need a bit of help, I think. And don't get me started on the whole nature vs. nurture debate."
"Well, doesn't change the fact that you can't save everybody."
"They're cultivating us, like livestock! You have to sin, SIN I say!"
"Ugh, I've had enough of this dude. Can you change the channel? We haven’t watched the latest episode about that time-traveling god yet.”
"Ooh, you’re right! Give me a sec to log into my account…"
Lucifer hummed in amusement. "Excuse me?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend." You scrambled to clarify your earlier statement. "It's just— I've known you and your brothers for so long that you don't look scary to me, not anymore. I'm not saying you guys should be monsters or anything, but... Does this mean I'm a bad person?"
"Demons have many forms not meant for mortal eyes," he explained patiently. "And you should know that humans are neither fully good nor bad, but often somewhere in-between. In any case, why would we ever wish to frighten you, hm?"
"Told you it was a silly question..." You grumbled under your breath.
Lucifer squeezed your shoulder. "You’re a good person. You always try your best to do the right thing, even without our guidance to keep you from going astray. I don't say this lightly: I’m proud of you."
You hid your warm cheeks in the demon's chest as you hugged him for all you were worth. "...Thanks Luci."
"Anytime. Now, off you go. Don't keep Beel waiting."
Lucifer watched as his younger brother filled the empty space next to you, holding your hand while walking you home. The hour was late and the streets were dark; it wouldn't do to have anything unsavory happen to you before you made it home safely.
Yes, they needed to keep you safe at all costs. A pure and innocent being like you was hard to come by, perhaps only once every millennia or so. He and his brothers had fought for the right to you, to nurture and polish your soul for when the time was right. And when it was, you would be—
"Delicious," Lucifer whispered, baring his fangs as he licked his lips.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 months
Broken Curse
Peter Parker x reader
a/n: idk this was supposed to be an entirely different fic when i started but now its very different
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Peter always held himself back. Everyone could see it. Everyone except him.
All those wasted opportunities because of those powers, but that’s all he thought he was good for now. He could have been so much more if he didn’t dedicate himself to Spider-Man. Right now he could be in college or working a job ehere he could make a real difference. But instead, he was living all on his lonesome in some run-down apartment, a ghost of his former self.
So now no one saw him. No one saw how much he held himself back because no one ever noticed him. In his new life, he kept to himself. No people to disappoint with his lost potential, no one noticed him anymore and maybe that was for the best.
You were in his thoughts, though. Mourned daily and nightly in regret of his mistakes. He sat there connecting all those things that went wrong. From becoming Spider-Man to an Avenger, trusting people he shouldn’t have, taking shortcuts and wasting precious time. He lost you and everyone he ever loved.
What hurt him most was seeing you from time to time, but as luck would have it, you’d managed to move into his building. A fate worse than death for Peter.
“Y/N?” He asked in the hallway without realizing. A stranger had just called to you.
“I…I’m sorry, do I know you?” You chuckled, which Peter knew was a nervous habit and you were a bit uncomfortable.
“N-No. Sorry.” He paused. “I was guessing. Not guessing your name, that’d be weird. The landlord told me about a new neighbor, I haven’t seen you yet so I was assuming that was you. Y/N, right?” Peter rambled out a reasonable lie to convince you he wasn’t a stalker. Maybe he was, he didn’t know if it counted when magic spells were involved.
“Oh. I guess that makes more sense.” You shrugged. “Yes, I’m y/n…and you are..?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” He gave an awkward introduction. “Apartment 20.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Peter.” You told him. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to do some unpacking.” You began to walk away, but Peter was desperate to keep this going. He hadn’t spoken to you in months, and although you may not know who he is in this moment, he was the boy you fell in love with and he still loved you with all his heart.
“If, uh, you need some help moving anything, I’ll be here.” He timidly offered. You stopped in your tracks and took a moment to think.
“Actually, I could use some help with some furniture. The movers just left everything in my living room.” You explained and he smiled. “What?”
“You have a living room?” He laughed and you joined in, catching that his apartment was probably a bit smaller than your own. “I can definitely help you with all that, lead the way.” He was a bit disappointed you’d accept help from a stranger so easily, but he didn’t know that something felt familiar about him. You just felt he was trustworthy and genuine. That was it.
You’d initiated some small talk while moving the couch to the correct wall, the bed frame and mattress to the bedroom, and some shelves and tables wherever they might go, maneuvering around heaps of boxes labeled with all sorts of goofy writing. He liked the “BEDROOM BULLSHIT” box the most. But as he moved around your relatively nicer apartment, he noticed a stuffed animal that had fallen on the floor. A stuffed animal he had actually gotten for you several years ago. “Hey,” he picked the little bear up, “this was just laying on the floor. Cute.” Peter commented in some unsuspecting way.
“Oh, yeah, I can’t even remember where I got that thing. I’ve had it forever, can’t bring myself to get rid of it. It’s too cute to get rid of anyways, look at him.” You reached for the bear in his hand and when your hand connected with its soft fur, you felt an overwhelming sensation, this sickness inside as your head began spinning.
“Are you okay? Y/N?” Peter urgently asked, hesitant to make any startling movements. Your gaze jolted back to him and there was a much different look in your eyes than in the moments before. Softer.
“This can’t be real.” You mumbled. “It was you all along.”
“What?” He had no idea how to respond.
“Peter Benjamin Parker.” You spoke his full name. “I love you.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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jflemings · 7 months
— out of the woods
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prompt: 18 “i’m setting you free” from this post
a/n: i had this fic almost done and then tumblr deleted all of it and i waited too long to re write it so here’s a way more angsty version 🙂 also y’all can thank @pixiesfz for the angst. its jail time for the absolutely CRIMINAL jess angst that was posted xx
“you’re being ridiculous!”
“i’m being ridiculous? jesus christ jessie, you never even brought up the fact that you were thinking about moving to another fucking continent until you accepted the offer!” you exclaim loudly, anger simmering in your chest as you follow her into her bedroom.
you two had been going at it for the past hour and you were quickly running out of patience. she had brought up the topic of leaving chelsea a little while ago but you didn’t anticipate her moving to a whole different league, especially when the two of you seemed to be settling down.
“i didn’t think it would matter!” she says defensively, turning on her heel to face you “you were all for it when i brought it up before”
you scoff loudly “yeah, all for you moving to a different club in the wsl! jess how could you not bring this up with me?”
the canadian turns her back on you once again as she opens up her closet to grab some shirts she knows she won’t be wearing. she practically rips them off their hangers and carelessly throws them onto her bed “i didn’t think i needed to. it’s my future”
you’re taken aback by her justification. she’s right, it is her future, but considering the conversations the two of you have been having since the world cup you had assumed that you would be included in it, or at the very least spoken to about it.
the two of you had talked about moving in together and even gone as far as looking at places that were within your budget, so for her to suddenly drop the news that she was moving to the nwsl was coming from nowhere. or so you thought.
“how long had you been thinking about this?” you ask sternly
the midfielder sighs and throws another shirt onto her bed “since november”
your stomach drops and betrayal quickly puts out the flame of anger flicking within you. your brow furrows and your hands drop in defeat “november?” you question quietly “i was looking at places for us to live and you were thinking about leaving?!”
“it’s the best thing for my career!” she continues to argue as she turns around with her arms thrown out wide “it’s not a personal thing, y/n”
“what about the best thing for us” you ask bitterly “what about our future” your words are coated in venom as you speak to her, the hope of this turning into a civil conversation being thrown out the window.
she looks at you with a blank look on her face, the silence suddenly deafening you as the two of you stand just staring at eachother. the longer she takes to answer, the more sick you feel. you’ve always encouraged jessie to put herself first, always told her to follow her heart, but it seems like you had been stupid to assume that whatever road she took would always lead back to you. in your head, the future of your relationship was well and truely concrete: you’d move in together, get married, maybe have a kid or two and end up loving eachother for the rest of your time on earth.
jessie shuts her eyes tightly just as you feel your own well up with tears.
you had been wrong and she was proving it to you right now.
“right” you laugh bitterly, digging around in your purse for a polaroid photo that you carried everywhere. it was of the two of you sharing a drunk kiss at zećira’s for her birthday last year. sam had walked up to you with a polaroid camera mid-kiss and captured the alcohol fueled pda with a loud laugh. jessie had pulled away from you in a daze, her cheeks flushed and eyes glazed over without a care in the world that she had been caught on film in what she would call a compromising position.
you threw the photo onto her bed on top of the numerous shirts “since you’re packing up your life and throwing things away that you aren’t going to be needing you can take that. i don’t want it anymore” you say quietly, malice and hurt present in your tone.
jessie’s eyes widen as you turn on your heel “what are you doing”
“i’m setting you free” you say as you approach her bedroom door for the last time “hope portland has everything that london can’t give you”
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loviingpedri · 1 year
Did You Know I Loved You?
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prompt: pedri never forgot you
warnings: cursing, grammar issues. all pictures used are not owned by me. not proofread.
word count: 1735
angst, some fluff
dedicated to all my pedri girlies <3
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pedri and you were inseparable. from the day you walked into his parents' restaurant, the air suddenly changed. the town seemed to sparkle in tenerife when you two were exploring the island.
"let's play football," pedri slowly kicked the ball to you.
"it's so hot outside though," you groaned at the thought of kicking a ball in the burning sun.
"pleaseee, i wanna practice just for a little bit." you knew you couldn't say no to him. the decision ended up leaving you playing with him until the moon smiled at the duo.
little did you know, the moon never smiled and the sun never glistened after that day.
“so what? you’re just gonna leave?” you shouted at pedri in disbelief.
“i can do what i want. you can’t control my decisions for the rest of my life,” he sighed and sat down to control his thoughts. “you knew this was gonna happen. i need to grow my career. i wanted to be in a work environment which i enjoyed. just don’t be so self-centered right now.”
“im self-centered? i didn’t even get a warning you would leave to this big city. you knew for weeks. fer knew for weeks. you said i was your family pedro, and family doesn’t hide things from each other.” the yelling echoed through the house. it was a situation that would never be fixed.
“i cant just tell my best friend that i’m leaving in 2 weeks. it would ruin everything. if you knew, you would’ve changed my mind and i wouldn’t be successful for anything.”
“pedro gonzalez, think for one fucking second. you kept a secret that could’ve changed everything. the moments we had together could’ve been more important than anything. i just needed one warning and this wouldn’t be happening. i don’t give a shit that you want to continue your passion. all i always wanted was for us to be happy.” it took everything in your power to not leave the house after you completely lashed out on him.
you knew deep down you didn’t want him to go because he was your first love. he was your first kiss, first friend, and first person to even talk to you in tenerife. you didn’t know who he was gonna see. you sure did not want him to talk to rich girls blinged out with their designer bags. you were scared shitless of how life would be without him. he was the only person who knew everything about you and what you should do in anxious situations.
then, the tears came. would he visit you? would he ever speak to you? would he write or text you? would you ever see him again? will there be time for the two of you to be together again.
“why are you crying? come on, its not that big of a deal.” he huffed loudly, shaking his head in stress that this was not the way this was suppose to happen.
“pedri, you are leaving to the city. i dont even know if i’ll ever get into contact with you anymore. you’ll have new friends, new people to worry about, and probably gonna knock someone up while you’re at it. can’t you just let me process this for one second.” and that’s when you made a mistake. doubting pedri was never a good idea. especially about the people he loved. especially when it came from the person who he loves the most.
pedri got up and looked at you for one last time. unexpectedly, he walked out the door without a word. you sat there in tears, debating to chase him or just let him go. the sobs fully came out.
2 years had passed since he left. everyday, he thought about you. “what would y/n do? what would y/n say?” he questioned his decisions by following your mindset everyday. he begged his brother to tell how you were doing. never a word budged from fer since the huge fallout spread throughout the city.
tenerife was never the same. since both lost communication, it felt like the island itself was hopeless.
you, continued to push yourself through school. showing everyone that you would do well without him was your motivation. you’ve worked so hard to prove yourself to people that you had a job offer in barcelona.
of course, you accepted the job. people were upset that their beautiful youngin was finally moving on in life. moving into your modern apartment was like a fever dream. you’ve had your doubts, but it was definitely worth it. everyday, there would be news of pedri. pedri, barcelona’s best midfielder. pedri, one of the best young players in the world. pedri, the guy who gets every spanish girl all over him. hell, a video of him was going viral for taking a girl’s number and putting it into his pocket. obviously, it was implied that he would never have a single thought about you. fuck, it was stupid to even try to reach out for him.
after sitting in your living room while trying to find something to entertain yourself that wasn’t pedri related, you decided to go out for once. there seemed so much to do in the city instead of being lazy at home. walking for ages in the wind, you finally found a small cafe to rest. ordering your latte and sitting down, your thoughts were interrupted by a boy.
“excuse me, are you y/n?” said a boy that was not too much younger than you.
“yes i am,” you nodded your head slowly before taking a slow sip. it was a little awkward considering he looked at you in shock.
“i’m sorry. i’m pablo gavi. or known as gavi. you’re the person on pedri’s lock screen. he always talks about you during practice. holy shit, i never thought i would meet you. are you visiting him?”
what the fuck just happened. pedri still remembers me? why am i his lock screen? why does he talk about me? what does he say? for a moment, you sat there trying to understand what he said. gavi, confused on why you’re frozen in time, waved his hand in front of your face to make sure you’re okay.
“oh no, i’m not visiting. pedri and i don’t really talk anymore,” you shook your head and forced a little smile. only to ease the tension of gavi’s then saddened look.
“that’s weird. he talks about you like you’re his girlfriend or something. i thought you were doing long distance,” he shrugged his shoulders. “maybe you should visit camp nou. i think he’ll be happy to see you.”
quickly, you rejected his offer. “oh no, we exactly didn’t end off our friendship in the best terms. i think it’s better if we just don’t see each other again.”
“i insist. i’ll give you my number and i’ll text you all the details.” he took his arm giving you his phone. you bowed your head in defeat and put your phone number in.
unfortunately, everyone’s eyes had been on you and gavi.
the next morning, your phone was blown up in notifications. your best friend constantly texting you on how you’re viral on twitter. paparazzi snapped pictures of your interaction with gavi.
“fuck.” you mumbled before groaning in defeat. you knew you had faced defeat in keeping a low-profile.
gavi, you knew, was for sure fucked. if pedri had seen the pictures, he was definitely getting beat up.
during practice, gavi kept his best to avoid his best friend. when pedri came up to him, he quickly turned pale.
“what’s wrong with you? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” pedri patted him on his back with a small laugh. gavi sighed in relief. he’s glad to have all his teeth and no black eye before the game.
“yeah, i’m fine.” and that’s when everything wasn’t. balde came up to him, rubbing his head and patting him.
“so, who’s the new girl? it’s all over the internet and not a word from you.” fuck you balde was the first thought that came to gavi’s head. gavi’s head was pounding. he didnt know what to say, how to react, or what to do.
“wow gavi. what other secrets are you keeping from us. let me see the picture balde.” pedri laughed even harder from the thought of gavi even approaching a girl. at that moment, gavi had to remind himself that he wasn’t 9 anymore. he couldn’t just simply run and cry his way out of this. luckily, balde only showed pedri the picture from the window. when you were facing towards him and could only see him offering his phone. gavi’s blood started to circulate again and his heart rate slowed.
“i cant really see her face, but she looks so familiar to me.” well no shit jackass. that was the girl you’ve been in love with since second grade. in fact, she’s sitting on the side waiting for you.
your heart was about to jump out in any second. you sat there for two hours for them to be finished with training. each time pedri walked towards your direction, your nerves would start running around. luckily, he didnt see you a single time.
gavi texted you from the locker room that he was coming towards your direction. you never expected this to be happening. you were debating to run away, but your feet forced you to stay. you knew your mind was fighting to hate him, yet your heart convinced you to see him. even if it was the last time. finally, you heard footsteps coming.
pedri was wiping the sweat off his face. he came to a full stop. he thought he was hallucinating. he thought it was a dream. he stared at you for which felt like minutes. admiring your facial features, you sat there frozen. it was harder to read his facial expressions now. did he want you to leave? did he want you there? why isn’t he saying anything?
what felt like years, he started walking towards you. again, your nerves were still jumping. eventually, he made his way in front of you. suddenly, he smiled.
“holy shit you’re beautiful.” the state of confusion turned into love with one simple kiss. your lips connecting made the world happier. the air cleared. the atmosphere was different.
it felt peaceful.
author’s note: hi everyone! i’m so glad you enjoyed my first story let’s be tourists. this is my second time i’m writing on tumblr, so im still getting use to it. i will be taking requests once i figure out how to set it up. please let me know if you have any suggestions on what i could improve on. thank you for all of the support !!! <3
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kyrviu · 2 years
𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫, 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞
prompt: realizing they’ve fallen for you
⭒pairings: wanderer, kazuha, tighnari, and xiao x gn! reader.
⭒genre: fluff
⭒warnings: none!
⭒authors note: happy new year! long time no see, I took a week off right after finals because I desperately needed it lmao uni kicked my ass this semester. now that I'm back the requests are open! not to mention that I’ll be working on 3 fics after this one. in the meantime, please enjoy ♡
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“i simply can't stop thinking about them, it's driving me crazy”.
when you're not looking, he can't help but sneak glances at you. his eyes move to every little detail about you, from your eyes to your smile to the way your hair moves in the wind. he could sit for hours sitting and admire you.
your heart starts to race as you feel his eyes on you. you contemplate his apparent interest in you. 'why is he staring at me' you think to yourself. you switch your attention to him and prepare to ask him if anything is wrong. to prevent you from catching him, he will quickly retaliate by turning his head away. however, you could still see redness edging its way up his cheeks and ears. 
everyone is aware that the wanderer rarely laughs or smiles. he maintains a constant, strong, and mysterious demeanor. the wanderer's mystery can be traced to the fact that he has encountered more pain and sorrows in life than other people.
however, he occasionally lets his strong exterior slip when he is alone. he would unwind and occasionally he talks about his adventures with you and things he saw along the way halfway through the conversation he even grins in your direction.
then it hits him…
the wanderer is in love with you.
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"hold my hand"
everyone around you knows you two belong to each other, It almost seems too nice to be true how well attuned you are to one another. You are permanently attached to his side, otherwise, he would start looking for you. He can't stand to be apart from you even for a second.
however, if only kazuha would realize.
if only kazuha would realize that friends don’t play flirtatiously with each other. There are moments when it goes on for too long and you can't know if it's a joke or not anymore, making you both stutter and shyly look away from one another, hoping your hearts would calm down.
if only he’d realize that friends don’t feel sparks around them whenever one of you touches the other accidentally. Whether it’s a quick graze or when he holds your hand longer than usual while walking around.
without a doubt, friends do not compose haikus and poems about one another. whenever he wrote a haiku about you or about something special you witnessed together, he would always read to you quietly as you were curled up by his side
Why hasn't he noticed that what we do is more than simply friends? you keep wondering. It's quite frustrating not to know where you guys stand anymore since the lines are so blurred. As soon as you notice him moving towards you while smiling gently at the sight of you, all of your thoughts immediately scatter away. you would rather stay like this than ruin everything you guys have with one another.
Little did you know he’s secretly loved you all along.
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“ don’t overwork yourself for my sake (y/n)”.
even though tighnari is a researcher & a forest ranger words and communication aren’t his best forte especially when he’s around you. to him it’s the little gestures he does for you that speak louder than any form of words would.
always has your best interests in mind. He always makes you a cup of coffee whenever you are helping him with his research, working through the night.
tighnari would ask if you were all right when he notices that you started rubbing your eyes from exhaustion.
However, despite the coffee, you still managed to fall asleep in the midst of all of your papers and research that piled up at your desk. tighnari smiles as he makes his way over to you and drapes a blanket over your sleeping body.
watching how peaceful and comfortable you seem to be sleeping. smiling softly, he leans down and whispers into your ears. “sweet dreams, my love”. you are unsure if you heard him clearly or not due to how worn out you are, thus you decide to disregard it for now.
one thing for sure is you both are obliviously pinning for one another.
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"i wanna show you something".
it takes place during the lantern rite, similar to the wanderer, xiao would steal looks your way to admire how the lantern illuminated your face and cast a soft glow into your eyes. as the two of you were walking around you can feel the air filled with the spirit of the festival and the enthusiasm of those around you.
little kids are seen rushing around with lanterns. you also notice that many of your friends are gathered in smaller groups to enjoy the festivities. when they wave at you and xiao, you smile to yourself the joy on their faces rubs off on you making you wave back eagerly. 
since practically everyone attending the lantern rite is either accompanied by people who are close to them or couples, there is still tension in the air between the two of you. however, as much as xiao means to you. you and him are just friends, right?
you both attempt to avoid crowds as much as you can, therefore xiao suggests a location that not many people are aware of. He whispers softly, "you can see everything from up here”. It was a location on top of a mountain next to large buildings where you could view the entirety of liyue harbor, the mountains in the distance, and the sea shimmering from all of the lights that decorate the sky. 
perhaps its the atmosphere of the festivities, or maybe it's the reality that he is by himself with you, or maybe the awe on your face as you take in the scenery is all he needs to see to know he loves you.
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cassandrasimplex · 11 months
Listen, when I say, as an abuse survivor, that Astarion's storyline is written with care, delicacy, and profound understanding: Since I completed it a few days ago, which I found incredibly cathartic and fulfilling due to points of commonality with the nature and causes of my CPTSD, I've been sleeping 7-8 hours a night straight through (instead of 3-5 at a time), my resting heart rate has dropped almost 10 beats per minute, I've had zero nightmares (based not just on what I remember but also on how much I move and talk in my sleep), and my fitness tracker wants to know what I've been doing different lately and whether I can keep it up.
I don't expect this change to be permanent or even long-lasting, but not even months of therapy at a time have ever had a positive effect so strong my tracker picked up on it. Not even when I was in crisis mode and only able to sleep 2 or 3 hours a day was therapy able to improve my sleep and my well-being so immediately. Astarion's storyline from finding Cazador's prisoners to the final confrontation, which took me a bit over an hour, did. If you want to count all the narrative build-up to that climax that gave it meaning, call it six weeks' investment for such a dramatic improvement.
The idea that trauma-aware roleplay can help people with PTSD and especially CPTSD find short-term peace and even a long-term improvement in overall functioning and mental health isn't new to me. I stumbled across it on my own, unguided, 30+ years ago. It's a bit newer to most therapists, but it's an approach used in experiential therapy and some related strategies and had been studied for much longer before its incorporation in such toolkits. But BG3 isn't being sold as therapy; it's being sold as a fun video game to play in one's free time.
The thing about CPTSD and recovery from abuse in general is that you have to practice new ways of reacting to the world. Therapies like cognitive behavior therapy focus on helping the patient replace old, maladaptive patterns of thinking that helped them survive a traumatic situation but hinder functioning in safer environments with intentionally-created ones that would have been too dangerous to practice in the traumatic environment but are healthier and more supportive outside it. These patterns have to be practiced, though; it's not enough to just correct yourself once with a more affirming statement and wait for results. You have to do it over and over until it becomes your new default. And results matter. If practicing the new behavior or thought results in the kind of negative outcome it would have prompted in the original abusive situation, the effect is that the old, maladaptive pattern is reinforced instead: "See? I knew acting that way would be too dangerous. I knew thinking that way would just be lying to myself. I already know what's best. The way I've always behaved in order to survive is what serves to keep me safe."
Which is why Astarion's storyline is both so effective and so astonishingly well done. Over and over, you get the chance to reassure him that your friendship is not merely a set of opportunistic transactions, that you don't want to control him, that you see him as a person rather than a puppet or a tool, that he can refuse to manage your feelings for you or even outright hurt your feelings without being "punished" for it. You can comment out loud to him when you catch him being manipulative and tell him that's not how your friendship works while still accepting and supporting him as a person, as a friend. You can make your friendship with him an environment completely opposite in nature to his relationship with his abuser. You can teach him -- and, if you need it, yourself -- what a safe environment looks like. And you can teach him that his abuser's behavior was successful in an environment created specifically to reserve all power for the abuser, but doesn't serve as well outside that situation, to encourage him to find healthier ways of dealing with the world than the ones that were modelled for him within that trauma. (Am I projecting? Of course I'm projecting; that's precisely what makes roleplay such an effective tool. It's a natural human tendency that can be used to advantage.)
And somewhere in your psyche, if you're a person who needs to hear all that as much as Astarion does, your mind is taking note: "How I thought the whole world works was wrong. Only that one little part of the world worked that way. The world is much bigger than the limited environment that hurt me. There are better ways to live and be." The parts of the brain where trauma plants its deepest roots can't tell the difference between play and reality, between past and present. They can't tell the difference between "I can make a safer environment for this person in front of me" and "I can go back in time and make a safer environment for the person I used to be." (That's why so many abuse survivors feel compelled to help other abuse survivors -- empathy, yes, and identification, but on a deeper level than that; we try to become the person who never showed up to help us.)
And if "this person in front of me" happens to be a fictional character, well, it can't really tell the difference between fiction and reality either -- especially when the fiction has a visible face and an audible voice and convincing expression in both.
I'm not in the slightest saying, "Go out and buy BG3 to fix yourself!" because using roleplay as therapy is far too highly personal and variable to expect consistent results from a script. There might be people whose trauma is reinforced by the same things that spoke so soothingly to mine. Larian is a video game company, not a therapist. But I can't get over the way a video game company for fuck's sake has created such a sensitive, tender, supportive story that it can even accidentally function this way. They didn't have to go so hard. They didn't have to lean so far into empathy. They didn't have to bring so much realism into it. They could have just told an interesting story. They did tell an interesting story -- but someone here decided they needed to tell it so well, so powerfully, that they were going to need to know exactly what living through events like those would do to a person, and how a friend would have to act to support that person in working toward happiness and health.
Well fucking done, Larian. Extremely well fucking done.
And although I can't reasonably expect the current effects to last, I can carry something lasting from here on; I can add "What would I say to Astarion right now?" to the list of questions I ask myself when triggered, when I realize I'm experiencing an implicit flashback. What would I say to Astarion? What would I say to a friend? What would I say to someone I care about who's been through the same things I have? What would I say to myself if I thought I deserved to be happy and free?
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Drunk on You
February Filth Fest - 5; San (drunken sex)
group : ateez
pairing : san × reader
genre : smut, slight angst ?
word count : 3.6k
warning : mdni, explicit sex; oral sex (f receiving), masturbation, rough sex
a/n : i'd like to personally thank @sanjoongie for prompting me to make this idea and requested for me to write this ! honestly, this is better than my initial san fff idea which was cheating and i truly blame the display picture you used on your discord topaz <3
buy me coffee ?
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San didn't know why his mind was all over the place.
Again, he found himself at a club, drinking and dancing his feelings away with people surrounding him. And as per usual, he had the hottest girl in the club grinding her ass against his hardening dick and the more it harden. San barely stepped into the club before she threw herself onto him and yet it's not at all a surprise to San. It was actually expected and even borderline pathetically predictable. In all honesty, the conquest lost all its meaning to San due to this.
The pair stood out in the middle of the dance floor, people shying away from them as if intimidated. Their movements were synchronized and seemingly moving perfectly with each other even with their bodies enterteined with each other. There were reciprocation between the two as the harder San's grip on her, the harder she pressed whichever body part she can make contact with onto San. It would be so easy for San to score her. Truly, he wouldn't even have to throw any moves at her because at this point she was a sure thing.
But why was he thinking of you?
"I need a drink," San announced to the girl, not caring whether or not she heard him nor if she was following him. San leaned onto the bar and motioned to the bartender (whom he had become close with due to his frequency at the establishment) to bring him his usual as he fished his phone from his pocket. His fingers automatically seek your contact and he gazed at it, wanting to talk to you but not knowing where to begin. Or even what to say.
You both had been friends since university, you first befriended Yeosang who was adopted by San's best friend, Wooyoung in the middle of first year. Sexual tension was palpable between the two of you yet it took years for him to act on his interest in you. And even then, his interest was only on your body. You became his constant booty call for whatever occassion there is; birthdays (yours or his), hang outs, bar outing, wedding, wake, or even when his conquest turned to be a psycho and he still wants to fuck. The relationship you both had was... nonexistent. Even becoming friends with benefits was too much of a commitment for him and he didn't want to feel onligated to you. But you became the thing he go to for pleasure and that was always how he treated you without caring how you felt about that. Multiple relationships you were ruined by him either by deliberately making the guy you were close with very uncomfortable with how close he was to you or you breaking things off after San gave you hopes yet again only to latet shot you down after he fucked you.
Two weeks ago you told San that you wanted to stop whatever it was that you were doing because you wanted a real relationship with someone stable and dependable. Someone who puts your needs first and won't take you for granted, willing to commit and won't toss you aside when he's having a rough time only to come back the next day to get his dick wet. Well, you didn't actually told him you wanted to stop your little booty call arrangement but more like you asked him to be an adult and stop messing around pointlessly. So of course, San called you names and slammed the door on you angrily and didn't contact you whatsoever but neither did you (much to his disappointment).
So it's two weeks later and all he wanted was you. He suddenly didn't want to stay much longer in the club and just go back to you, spending time not just fucking but watching a movie, eating junk food, playing stupid card games, or even lying on your stomach as he ranted about his day. It never occurred to him just how intimate those activities are and how much he misses them. And you. Especially you.
So how can he get you back?
His alcohol-induced state typed the first thing that popped in his head and he sent the message without a second thought.
'I wanna come back to you'
'I miss you'
Moments waiting for your reply after the message was sent felt excruciating to him. The drink that would usually pump his energy and stamina suddenly brought him nothing but anxiety and longing. His head was running with the memories of having you in his arms, kissing you, praising you, devouring you, tasting you. Just the thought and the memories sent his dick straining against his jeans. How he wished he could touch you at that moment, being able to have his way with you.
When his phone vibrated, San had never looked at his phone so quickly in his life.
'You're drunk'
San ignored your reply and instead he opened his front camera and positioned it to capture his face from a lower angle. He placed his free hand on his chin with his pointer and middle finger spread to frame his mouth, his tongue peeking slightly from his plump lips and he snapped the picture. He sent it with the caption 'me between your legs'. Unlike before, he got his response within seconds. The three dots that constantly appeared and disappeared showed that you wanted to say something but you just didn't know what it was exactly you wanted to say. And San took that as a sign of agreement so he left the club, leaving behind the sure thing that kept calling for him as he made his exit.
The excitement of seeing you again pumped his adrenaline and soon enough he found himself in front of your apartment door, banging your door frantically as he pressed his forehead on the hard surface, enjoying the feeling of his heart thrumming for you. His heart beat at a slower pace but harder against his chest when he heard your footsteps approaching, the beat of his heart seemingly following your steps. It even momentarily stopped when your steps halted.
But when the door opened and San was met with the sight of you unsurely looking up at him, he couldn't help himself but cup your face and press his lips against yours, causing you to yelp in surprise. San took your utter surprise as a chance for him to push you inside your apartment, letting the door close on its own as he simultaneously took his shoes off.
You came back to your senses and pushed off of him just enough so your lips were separated, causing San to chase after your lips which resulted in you having to plant your hands on his chest to stop him from advancing.
"San, you're drunk!" You stated, worried that he wasn't in his right mind but more because you've missed his lips and you know you would cave if he said the right things. The alcohol made his skin flush and his lips bitter, but you were more drawn to the glaze in his eyes making them shimmer slightly under the light. San shook his head quickly and pushed your hands away so he could pull you flush against his body, "I'm drunk enough that it gave me courage to say and pursue what I really want but not drunk enough that you should feel bad for having sex with me," he simply stated before he pressed his lips against you again. The both of you had slowly advanced further into the apartment and just as you accidentally bumped into the doorframe of your room, you spoke against San's lips, "Who said we're gonna have sex?" The question was empty to day the least as you were in a dilemma between wanting San to take you like how he usually would and keeping with your words of wanting to have the chance to be with someone who's serious about you. "Because," He started with his lips trailing down your skin to the juncture of your neck, "You're here and I'm here, and you want me and I want you, so it'll be stupid not to do something about it," San's hands followed the downward movement of his lips and in one swift movement, San had your sleeping shorts and panties yanked off and dropped at your ankle. You gasped and tried to push him away, but the man was stronger than you.
In a swift, he pushed you into your room and turned the ceiling lights off in favour of your desk lamp. He loved the way the shaddow and the light played together, dancing and illuminating your figure as he have his way with you. It became a cue for you as well as every time San switched your lights, you know what would happen and you immediately became aroused as if on cue.
San carefully peeled the rest of your clothing off of you, as if he was unwrapping a gift with the most delicate touch and careful movements which helped him take all of you slowly, drinking you in. You simply let him do what he wanted with you because no matter how much it hurt knowing that there's a chance he might never want to commit, you'd take any and every chance to be with him however he wants. Because despite his shitty treatment towards whatever relationship you both had, he had always handled you with so much care in physical terms even when he was being rough with you.
Once you were bare in front of him, he pushed you down to your bed and you landed with a bounce. You supported yourself on your elbows to look down at San who was taking his shirt off with one swift move that honestly made him look hotter and somehow the way he unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop was satisfyingly simple. San then settled down with his arms hooked under your legs, pressing on it forward and open to eat your cunt like a starved man. A strangled moan left your mouth at the lack of warning of the incoming pleasure. It had only been a relatively short time since San had touched you again, and by God, you didn't know how much you actually missed him until you felt him devouring you again. The vacant period proved to have given your body quite some time to rest free of your usual erratic pleasure or maybe it was just being deprived of it and now that it had a taste again, it's seeking more. Your eyes screwed shut as the feeling took over your body from simply San's tongue and your thighs tried to trap his head but his hands that were holding your legs apart wouldn't let it.
"Baby, God, baby," San moaned as he took your nub between his teeth, gently tugging on it just enough to send you squealing. "I fucking miss you; your voice, the sounds you make, your face, body and your cunt," San shuddered slightly at the mention of your cunt, his breath tickling your flesh and you were betting that you were dripping onto the sheets, "God, I love your pussy and your sweet taste." He momentarily lifted his head to look up at you, chin dripping with your arousal and eyes so lust clouded that the pupils were dilated and his orbs turned into glittering black, "Squirt on my face, okay?"
Then he dove right back, this time his hands were off of your thighs with one hand accompanying his lips, his middle and ring finger from his left hand that had left its initial position on your thigh. Your breath hitched and your back arched from the utter pleasure San was giving you continuously. It was too much for you to bear but the pain was too good, the burn in your body was too good, and San's hold on you was too good. San moved with such expertise, despite his fervent movement, he was never sloppy. His mouth and finger accompanied and complimented each other's movements well, the pleasure was overwhelming but not awkward. It effectively brought you close to a climax and San could tell from the signs given away by your body; every squirm, twitch, and sound were signals to him. Having a specific goal in mind, San continued his ministration with additional pressure of his tongue and his fingers moving in and out of your hole even more quickly than before. "San-" you choked out, head thrashing as you felt yourself reaching the edge with shaky thighs. You tried looking down on him only to have your eyes widened to the size of saucers when you saw San's right hand jacking himself off as he ate you out. Your pussy clench at the realization that San was getting turned on by eating you out. San detached his lips from you and delivered a slap on your cunt that resonated through the room. It was as if he had pressed a release button because you found yourself cumming hard with a high-pitched moan. Your state of euphoria brought a smirk to San's lips because he was one-half away from his goal and now he's so close.
Taking your bliss to his advantage, San dove right in to overstimulate you, this time the hand that he used to finger you pressed onto your lower stomach rather hard as the other moved on hid length even faster. The only thing that was holding you open for him was his broad shoulders but even then, it was hard for you to shut your legs. "N-no, God! I- I can't-" tears started to brim in your eyes, the overstimulation built up even more than you thought it could and it was almost painful. The pressure on your stomach was no better as it only make you feel like you were about to pop. Your head was swimming at this point from the restraint of your legs, San's determination to make you squirt, and your utter surrender to the man. You swore you blacked out momentarily but you could feel your body spasm as liquid gushed and squirt out of your cunt. Had you been fully aware of the situation, you would see San with his face to your cunt, eyes closed as he let your juice drench his face as his cock let out spurts of his cum on your sheets, ass clenching from pleasure and hips stuttering with his cock twitching. San was revelling in his effects on you, completely drunk from your taste as at this point the alcohol didn't do as much as what you were doing to him. You took a moment to look down at him; the look in his eyes that with the redness from being drunk seemed very intense contrasted by the relaxed and even proud look on his wet face. Even when he wiped his face with the shirt he discarded, he still looked at bliss.
When he let go of your legs, your body fell limp onto the mattress, your body wasn't moving and you were in a daze. Your body was buzzing and your skin was warm and slick with sweat from cumming so hard in weeks. It was hard for you to reintroduce oxygen fully back into your lungs and it was harder to do so when San suddenly flipped you on your stomach. You could feel San's hands trailing up your back, the soft pads of his fingers trailing up the skin of your back followed by his soft lips pressing reassuring kisses along following his fingers. "Baby, I need to be in you right now, okay? I can't wait anymore," he groaned, grinding his hips up to your ass, his cock felt hot, sticky and rigid on you but you weren't disgusted. In fact, you were turned on, you wanted him to pound you like a bitch and you were glad he seemed to be in a hurry as well.
With a last kiss to the side of your cheek, San pulled away and pulled your hips up, letting them prop by your knees as he positioned himself. The tip made direct contact with your hole, and as soon as it did, you felt something drip out of you. The mess you made allowed him to slip inside very easily, it didn't take much for you to immediately accommodate his length. In San's words, he had fucked your cunt perfectly for his dick, you have been ruined for every other man. You tried to brace yourself but your arms couldn't bear much weight so you resorted to crossing your arms in front of you and resting your head on them in an attempt to make sure that you would be able to still breathe.
San started his thrusts at a rather faster pace. His hands anchored on your hips as he penetrated you powerfully. Your eyes screwed shut at the feeling of his dick inside you and you were fully expecting him to use you as nothing but his boner reliever. But based on your experience from years of being San's booty call, this time it felt different. Usually, San would only focus on getting himself off before getting you off just to get the pleasure of knowing that he could make you cum. This time, there were emotions involved, and his thrusts felt more... human while usually, it was more frigid, distant, and even machine-like. The grip of his hands felt possessive like he wasn't just doing it to ground or anchor himself, it felt like he was holding onto you. Maybe it was his alcohol-induced state but San was showing so much more emotion than he had ever did in the past. And it made your stomach churn in a good way.
His hand moved to grab at your thighs when he began to move even faster. You were moaning his name loudly as your hands clench the sheet from the sheer pleasure. The way you were saying San's name was like music to his ears, he had never quite realized how good his name is coming out of your mouth, it even sounded melodious. You calling his name seemed to trigger something in him because before you know it, San was holding you so close and so tight, abusing your hole with his cock, that the lower half of your body was levitating. The gravity put pressure to your chest, constricting your airway a little that made your head dizzy from the lack of oxygen. Plus, the internal feeling of being on cloud nine paired with the external experience of half floating did indescribable things to your brain.
Meanwhile, San's eyes was rolled to the back of his head. His mind was buzzing with alcohol and you. The new position allowed him to reach deeper into you, letting him feel all of you and he loved it, he was reveling in it. The way your cunt clench when his cock hit the right spot, the obnoxious squelching sound from your cunt as proof of his effect on you, and the pretty, pretty noise you were making with your mouth. God, he could never get enough of you and he wouldn't want to get enough of you, it was always more more more and more. San's hands gripped tighter on the flesh of your thighs, trapping it in a possessive vice has his body made up to both you and him for the two week absence.
You didn't even realize when you came until you felt something gushing out of your pussy, the liquid spraying San's abdomen and rolled down your stomach to your chest, creating a cold slick trail that made you squirm. In San's grip, your legs shook a little as you climaxed and the sudden movement caused your limbs to fall off of his grip. As your body fell back to the bed, San's cock slipped but he was quick enough to pump himself zealously, not wanting to lose momentum and he came on your skin, painting the expanse of your ass and back with his white cum that seemed to continuously spurt from his cock. A soft gasp left your lips and the muscles of your back tensed when you felt his cum landed on you.
That was it. From your past experiences, you know that he'd at the most clean his cum off you and then leave your apartment. You closed your eyes and waited for the sound of the door closing, trying to gather your strength to get to the bathroom and clesn yourself before you start your self depreciation over how stupid you were to fall for his words again. Truly, you were mad at yourself.
But the feeling of a warm, damp towel running over your back forced your eyes to open. Your head whipped to the back to see San concentrating on cleaning his cum off of you. He looked so serious with his eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed, and bottom lip between his teeth. The towel was gliding on your skin ever so softly, the most gentle of caress as if you could break if he was being too harsh. It felt nice though, having him take care of you like that. You might not know what or why he was doing what he did, nor if his words were merely drunken jabber or if he was being genuine with you. At that moment, all you could do was close your eyes and just enjoy, hoping that when you opened your eyes, he won't leave again.
fff taglist :
@senpai-of-doom @doom-fics @kawennote09 @cherryxsang @ssaboala @k-drizzle @stfuayu @fariylixie0915
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Day 4 - Painland Week
Day 4 of Painland Week 2024: August 5th - August 11th by @painlandweek
Prompt: Domestic
Tags:  Post-canon, Slice-of-life, Alive Niko Sasaki, Established Relationship
TW: None
Solving big cases had its perks. After Port Townsend, the reputation of “The dead boy detectives and their brand new psychic” had caught on, and with more requests came higher prices. In just a couple of months they didn’t need to worry about paying rent in time for their office space anymore. In a year, they could afford to expand to the apartment next door. Crystal and Jenny had a lot of fun throwing down the wall between the two places with a hammer, and Niko spent an entire month drawing different plans for the new space. They had to hire actual construction workers at some point, but they wanted the first part of the renovation to be theirs.
There were many debates about who would get a personal room, since they only had two. Jenny said she would rather die - no offence - than live with them, but both Crystal and Niko wanted one and they were adamant that they needed them more than a ghost, which was exactly the moment when Edwin decided he needed one, being “one of the founders of the Agency”. Charles, on the other hand, was just trying very hard to hide how much it triggered him when the members of his new family fought with each other.
“How about this,” he said, “we split the two rooms, Edwin and I will take one, you two the other, and we buy more of those rollable mattresses to put in the common space when one of you needs more privacy.”
It was, undoubtedly, the best compromise, so the others had to agree - not without one last challenging glare between Crystal and Edwin, but that was to be expected.
“Thank you, Charles, I know it was silly of us to argue on such a matter,” Edwin said when the two of them were left alone.
Charles hugged him around the waist and hooked his chin on his shoulder. “I mean, I didn’t want to say anything before, but it wouldn’t really make sense for them to have two separate rooms in our office, would it?”
“I feel like I am being a bad influence on you, darling,” Edwin chuckled.
With an answering grin, Charles disentangled himself and started walking towards their new room. “I suggest we buy a very large bed, and we use those two walls for libraries,” he pointed at the different parts of the space as he talked.
“We can put the libraries outside, in the shared space, seeing our collections of tomes and artefacts always impresses the potential clients. How about posters?”
Charles’ eyes widened with wonder. “Really? You would let me?”
“Charles, you do not need my permission, it is a personal room, so clients will not see it, you do not have to remain professional in here.”
It felt like it was Christmas’ morning, except better, because he could share it with the best person who had ever existed instead of his asshole father.
It took them months to finish the renovation, but it was so worth it. They finally had a waiting room, a functioning toilet for the living, coffee and tea machines, central heater, two desks, one for meeting clients and the other for research, and the almost fully decorated rooms.
“There is only one thing missing,” said Niko, excitedly. She had been looking like that for an entire day, like she was hiding the most juicy secret and she was barely able to stop herself from telling everyone she met.
“Construction workers have officially left, thank god,” Crystal groaned, closing the door behind her to join the others. “Which means, tonight is the first official house party!”
“This is not your house,” Edwin had to point out, earning himself a raised brow. “Also, Niko was about to say something.”
Niko’s grin, if possible, widened even more. “Yes, I have the best gift ever.”
She produced from her bag something that looked like an old polaroid camera, and before anyone could say anything, she explained:
“You know I went to Port Townsend in December, with my mum. Tragic Mick gave this to me, he says it’s enchanted to allow ghosts to appear in pictures!” She jumped in delight.
Edwin was on the item immediately, opening his palm behind him, in a way that Charles knew meant he wanted his book on “Magical Objects for the Day to Day Life”.
“Edwin, mate, before you go all business on this, do you realise what it means?” Charles said, very softly. “We can finally take a picture together.”
Even Crystal was smiling at the idea, despite her usual distaste for their “too explicit sappiness”.
Edwin looked around at them all, then at the object in his palm again, and smiled the biggest smile Charles had ever seen. He hugged Niko, and all four of them piled on before starting to take pictures in different corners of the new space.
At some point, boxes of Chinese food appeared on the floor, followed by a cake Crystal had ordered for the occasion with the icing forming the words: “Happy Agency Reopening Day!”. While Niko and Crystal had dinner, the two ghosts retreated to their room for a moment, still overwhelmed by the pictures they were holding in their hands.
Edwin caressed them with trembling fingers. “Which one should we put on the wall?”
“This one,” Charles said immediately, but instead of pointing to one of the pictures, he pressed a kiss to Edwin’s lips and clicked the button on the polaroid camera. He hadn’t dared do that in front of the girls, but he had desperately wanted to since Niko had shown them the object.
“You are lucky I love you so terribly,” Edwin said in a mock offended tone.
“I know,” Charles replied, putting the camera and the precious picture on one of the shelves.
“Guys! It’s still friendship time, you can go be lovesick idiots later!” called Crystal from outside the door. Quieter - but not enough not to be heard - she added:
“Shouldn’t the honeymoon phase be over after a thousand years?”
Charles chuckled. “Ready to go back there?”
Edwin nodded and entwined their fingers together, walking towards the door. Before they could walk through it, Charles whispered: 
“I forgot to say, I love you too.”
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kimsmuse · 1 year
Could u do a yandere x unfaithful reader
yandere boyfriend !!
(with a cheating reader)
this was really fun to write! hopefully you find it upto your expectations!! let me know if you want anything else, requests are open!
also, the guy i imagine is somewhat him. (he's so cute n precious >.<) but obviously its an oc and there's no compulsion!!
gender neutral!reader. 1.4k words. warnings for yandere behavior, binding the reader, gagging (it's not sexual), obsessive behaviour, stalking, implications of killing someone and manipulation. this is not real love !!!!!!
also additionally, i took inspiration from this prompt list by @/writeformesinpie, it's such a great list tbh !!
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let’s say, that you have a boyfriend.
and let’s say that this boyfriend of yours is pretty nice - he isn’t like the golden guy, or oh-so-loved-by-everyone, but he’s nice enough, nobody really has anything bad to say about him and he loves you. he’s a little quiet and takes a while to mingle socially, or sometimes to even talk his feelings out with you but he’s been here for almost 2 years, a remarkable feat for you.
and it’s not that it is your concern how he behaves outside, or how your friends perceive him, but all that peace and quiet and soft love that you’d been looking for, you’d long since got bored of it. who wouldn’t get tired of eating the same dish over and over again?
so who can actually blame you if you did go tell him that you were out with your “friends” one night and instead went out alone to a bar? he never did like to go out so you figured he must be relieved that you aren’t nagging him to come with you today.
well, let’s just say, your boyfriend is really good at hiding.
hiding behind the walls, hiding inside alleys, whenever he’s at a threat of blowing his cover while following you.
it was suspicious to say the least, when you wore the perfume you’d wear when you both first started dating, and dressed in your most expensive clothing item, and never would anybody go see their friends like this ever, not that he’s trying to generalize, but. he just gets a fishy vibe, okoay? and this isn’t the first time he’s followed you, so he trusted that it was just his gut instinct, nothing bad would ever happen.
but he wanted to trace your steps anyway because something today seemed out of place, why hadn’t you taken a turn for your friend’s place, or the one that was straight down the street?
it was soon becoming clear that you intended to go in alone. and the yandere couldn’t stop shaking his head at what a foolish move it was, look at yourself, do you think you should go alone? god, he did not want to think of the things that could have happened to you, if he wasn’t there to protect you.
but, um, the yandere really should have thought about himself too, because as he attempted to blend in the crowd of the club you had gone into, he saw something which made his heart fall to his knees, you with someone else.
and it was not a friend, you were holding his hand, giving him that animated stare that you used to give him, and it was just way too evident, even in the way you smiled, the last straw was when you reached up to kiss him. all around him, people were moving out and about having a good time, or at least trying to, but here he was. his heart still as stone, he felt like the pieces of it would shatter all across the floor if he tried to move.
he couldn’t even do anything, so slowly, he tried to compose himself. thinking of things like, he should’ve let his gut feeling lose today and not have followed you out, and he should just go home now, he was pretty sure that even if you were out with that other person, you would definitely come back home to him.
but he doesn’t even know how to confront you without coming off as completely crazy and risk you leaving entirely.
he doesn’t even realize that it had began raining and he was dripping all over the house as he went home.
but he didn’t lose the consciousness of mopping it away, anything which threatened to take his darling away should not be neglected.
when he lays in bed that night, all sorts of negative thoughts make their home in his mind, and you even text him you'd be sleeping over at your friend's tonight! imagine the pain he's going through.
he had been nothing but nice, caring and loving towards you, maybe a little too lenient? he remembers all of the times he let you go out alone and sometimes he did not even follow you!
he was heartbroken to say the least, but he couldn’t bring himself to be angry at you, upset, yes. but he could never be mad at you, he simply loved you too much.
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all you know is that your hands are tightly bound, and there seems to be a sound coming from the tv, something resembling a 60s cartoon? your boyfriend has always loved those, claiming he can sleep better when they play in the background on the days that you aren’t with him.
when you try to call his name, you realize that you’re gagged as well, and no coherent sounds come out of your mouth, only muffled whimpering.
but what happened? did somebody break in while you were both sleeping? and if that was the case, where was your lover? what if he was badly hurt? the room was dark, but slowly you could spot the light from the television illuminating the sofa, and a pair of hands lying limp on the side.
you try to call his name, but it ends up in a whimper, was he alive? your voice grows louder slowly, and you even try thrashing around, at last, the figure on the sofa stirs a little.
he sits up and runs a hand through his hair and squints.
“oh, you’re up,”
your boyfriend.
he walks up to you and even though you can’t make much of the situation out, you retreat away from him. but there’s not much you can get, so when he crouches down to your level and loosens the gag, all you can do is ask him.
he looks right into your eyes, and you know that he knows, there’s no time to think about how when you were so sure of covering your tracks, but only that now he knows.
“it hurts,” you whisper.
he just snickers and gets up.
“‘it hurts’? this hurts me more than it hurts you. and we both know why you’re there,”
“this is absurd though, okay, you know i’m cheating on you so just leave me.. or ask me to leave. this,” you point to the binds, “this is crazy.”
“you still don’t get it, do you?” he turns again, sighing, as if he’s being made to explain something so obvious. “i can’t leave you.” he strokes his thumb on your face, “and you can’t leave me,”
it was puzzling for you because in your mind, one of these days you were going to break up with him, and you were even finding ways to do it.
“and besides,” he walks up and turns on the light, on the wall, the clock shows the time, 3.34 am. "where would you even go? back to that man from the bar?"
you don’t even know how he knows about that but before you can say anything.
the man from the bar is dragged by your “lover” to your line of vision, and he’s beaten up bloody, something even if it sounds offensive, you could never imagine someone like your boyfriend beating that guy up, but apparently, he was even unconscious.
“why!” you try to pull away from the binds, but to no avail, only your scream and with them, hot tears down your eyes.
“i can’t control how i react when your eyes wander,” he shrugs, as if there isn’t a half dead man on his feet.
he hovers above the man, “he’s not dead..yet,”
you sniff and then shout again, “what the fuck do you want?”
“you, only you. and us from my dreams, a reality where you love me.”
“you behave this way and you expect me to love you? fuck no,”
“okay,” he brings up his leg and is about to step on the man’s face. “no, no, no, wait, okay i agree. just let him go,”
“sweet. i want you to love me just like that.”
you nod, tears still not taking their leave from your face.
“i’ll be yours,”
your boyfriend leaves the man before the first light of the day, but strangely despite his promise, we can’t see the man he drops off, breathing.. you were deceived.
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luna0713hunter · 11 months
I’m still not entirely sure how to go about requesting things without sounding demanding
Autumn prompt please with shanks 8, 14 and 15
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Author's note : oh darling,you can never be demanding!!! I'll be happy to write for you!!!also,sorry this took so long,uni is kicking my ass lmao! Hope you enjoy it ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
"putting blankets on you/them while sleeeping"
"Where are the marshmallows in my hot coco?" "Sorry i ate them." "You don't sound sorry." "Well I'm not."
"Making you wear their jacket when you're too stubborn to dress properly."
Based on this prompt
Shanks x reader
Warnings : so much fluff,like, ALOT,age gap relationship,use of petnames such as 'princess', 'baby girl' and etc
When you let out the second sneeze in the past five minutes,a warm,long coat immediately draps around your shoulders.
Clinging to the only source of warmth,you raise your head and look at your captain with a bashful smile.
Shanks only shakes his head and wraps his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer to his side,and gods above,does it melt your heart.
"Its alright, princess. But i did tell you to dress better."
A light pout tugs at your lips and Shanks' arm tightens around you;you know how weak your captain is for your pouting.
"But i wanted to impress you!"
"Darling," a light kiss presses on your head as you two near the ship,and start to climb the small stairs inside, "you dont need to dress up to impress me. You already did it so effortlessly on day one."
The crew greets the both of you,and you smile with a wave. When Yasopp lets out a loud whistle upon seeing your figure particularly being swallowed by Shanks' coat,you stick your tongue out him while trying to control the blush rising up your cheeks. You push Shanks toward the back to hopefully warm up in his room.
"Yea baby that's what I'm talking about!!"
"We dont even need to tell them to get a room, they're already on it."
"Oh my god, Shut up!"
You cheeks flare and you shut the door behind yourself. You take off Shanks' coat and put it neatly on the hanger near the door. Shanks smiles at you and starts to change out of his slightly damped shirt,when you hurry to his side. You gently help him get into warmer clothes and kiss his stubbled cheek. The scene of his toned body makes your heart beat a little bit faster,but its nothing unusual;ever since he lost his arm,you were always by his side to help him with anything he needed.
And even after so many years,the sight of the lack of his left arm has you blinking back tears.
"Princess," a gentle hand rests on your cold cheek and you nuzzle into it slightly, "you still look cold. Get under the blanket and wait for me."
You nod when he closes the door behind himself;already giving orders to his crewmate for the night.
Feeling restless to relax without him,you make your way toward the kitchen in hopes of making him a hot beverage to help him warm up a little. As you pour the rich and steaming hot chocolate in two mugs for yourselves,you spot the little marshmallows on the counter. You put five in each mug,and make your way back to Shanks' room.
And its not your fault if the marshmallows in his drink vanishes on the way.
When you push open the door,you see Shanks already under the blanket with a tired smile on his face. He reaches out and takes hold of his drink gratefully and waits patiently for you to get into the bed next to him. He presses a soft kiss on your temple and raises the mug to his lips and-
"um, princess?"
You give him an innocent hum and sip your own hot chocolate;the burst of the flavors making you smile harder.
"where are the marshmallows in my hot coco?"
You tilt your head slightly and grin at him.
"you dont sound sorry."
"well, I'm not."
Shanks blinks at you,but suddenly he lowers his head and with one swift movement,bites into one of the marshmallows floating around in your drink.
You immediately move your handa away from him with a squeak and pout at him lightly.
"Shanks!what the hell?!"
"you stole mine first, darling."
You roll your eyes at him and resume drinking your own drink;your captain could become such a child sometimes,and you'll be lying if you said you absolutely didnt adore him.
When the hot liquid warms your insides,the bed suddenly seems too cozy and comfortable,even if the blanket has slide down your shoulders. You dont know when you're eyes have dropped,but when someone takes hold of your mug and gently pulls you down into a strong chest,you go willingly.
The blanket gets pulled up all the way up your body and a comforting arm wraps itself around your waist.
A gentle kiss presses to your forehead and a happy sigh escapes your lips.
"sleep well,my darling."
And you dream of gentle sea,blue skies,and your Captain's happy laughters that night.
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lady-evelin · 2 months
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Someone left me this lovely prompt where Anakin is an alien and becomes obsessed with Obi-Wan, who is a scientist and is the only one who treats him well, and I based it on the movie Life (2017) and the video game; There's something in the ice. I hope to have it complete by next week. ✨
Thanks to my friend @full-galaxy for helping me with the cover 😘
Obi-Wan hated his job.
Don't get it wrong, when he decided to study to become a scientist, he dreamed of traveling to different places, researching their culture, plants, and animals, and maybe studying some rare disease and its possible cure.
He never expected that at 33 years old he would be in a bunker in the cold in the middle of the arctic, where he had already been researching snow and more snow for 2 months.
At first, he accepted this proposal from his colleagues since his boss wanted to thaw viruses or microorganisms from many years ago that rumors on the internet said had been buried in the Arctic and that no one had been able to discover them.
Obi-Wan joined the investigation, wanted to get out of his comfort zone, and thought that being in a place outside of the pollution of the crowded city would help him a lot to relax. In addition to the various studies he would do, they were going to keep him busy and maybe teach him something new.
But it was not like that; from the day they arrived until this moment, they have not found anything.
Their very wealthy boss, Palpatine, forbade them to leave until they found something that would make them rich and famous. In addition to the fact that the contract they signed warned them that if any of them left before the completion of the investigation, they would be fired and sanctioned with a large sum of money that no one in that place owned.
Obi-Wan decided to reread a book before going to sleep; maybe tomorrow they would be lucky and they could find something relevant to their research and no more snow.
When he was about to fall asleep, the omega felt a slight tremor throughout his room, opened his eyes in confusion, and looked everywhere. Everything was still in order; maybe it was his imagination and he dreamed it?
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
Obi-Wan doesn't know when he fell asleep but was woken up by Satine's voice; she sounded very excited.
"Obi-Wan! Wake up! You won't believe what happened last night!"
The omega got up alarmed seeing his friend, put his hands to his eyes, and tried to remove all traces of sleep he still had.
"Satine, it's still too early."
"Obi-Wan, a meteorite crashed last night near here, and we found life in it."
"Yes, yes, it was very small, but there is life in it. At this moment, they are transferring it to this place to investigate it further."
Obi-Wan couldn't believe it; he even thought he was still asleep and dreaming. This was a godsend. They would finally leave this place!
The omega took one last look at his friend; Satine was not someone who joked or would lie about that kind of thing. Obi-Wan met the Beta on this trip; they both shared things in common, and it was easy to have a conversation with Satine without feeling judged.
Both were assigned to the furthest wing of the bunker; they slept in separate rooms, so Obi-Wan thought it would be a problem to befriend Satine since, from the first moment they introduced them, the Beta was serious and rigid.
But as the days went by, the two began to talk more and share more time together in the laboratory or in other places in the bunker. Their friendship began to blossom until they told each other everything that was going on in their heads and went everywhere together.
With Satine's help, Obi-Wan changed into more presentable clothes, brushing his face and teeth, and had something to eat when the main door of the bunker opened. Several researchers took the new organism to the laboratory, where they all gathered to receive instructions.
As if it were a relic, a piece of completely red stone was placed behind a glass room. That room was highly reinforced to study the organisms or plants in different ecosystems and prevent any microorganisms from coming out, harming everyone's health, or being damaged by the climatic conditions of the laboratory.
Some organisms need highly hot or cold climates to survive or develop. That room could recreate those climates.
No one was authorized to open that part of the laboratory except Palpatine; this was to avoid damaging what they were studying.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
The following days, the entire bunker investigated the new acquisition. The organism found never ceased to amaze them, growing and growing in size.
On the first day, it was almost imperceptible to the human eye, but on day 10, it was the size of a thumb and was slimy, like a slug. It could also float in the air and was very elusive.
The organism moved around the glass room as if it were playing; it reminded Obi-Wan of a little boy; all that was missing was to hear his laughter.
The researchers took turns studying it; they didn't want to miss any details of the research and progress. Obi-Wan only chose to see the development of the organism; he knew that the other scientists subjected this being to very rigorous tests. The omega never liked that part of his job; he never liked to hurt another living being. No matter if he would be fired for not following orders, his conscience prevented him from doing so.
The omega sometimes told the alien about his day; that's how he named him Obi-Wan. He mentioned the type of tea he liked to drink and his favorite books. The organism, whenever it heard Obi-Wan's voice, stood still, listening to everything the omega told it. This excited Obi-Wan, since apart from Satine, he had no one else to talk about his private life. Due to the monotony of the days, he could not talk to anyone about new things because everything had already been told and everyone was following the same routine.
But the alien always came up to listen and never left Obi-Wan's side.
Obi-Wan also noticed that the organism showed a certain attachment to him, always following Obi-Wan in that glass room when the omega arrived at the laboratory, expectant of his every move.
At first, Obi-Wan thought it was because he was the only omega in the facility and the organism was attracted to his biology. This made him think that when he watched the other scientists interact with the alien, who was indifferent to them, the organism hardly paid attention to them and much less listened to them. 
The weeks went by and the alien increased in size considerably; now it was the size of a 9-year-old human child, which was very terrifying to see that gray matter moving through the resigned area or floating in the air.
But everything changed when, one day, everyone in the lab screamed—some surprised and others scared. The organism was now in the form of a 9-year-old human child.
He had deep blue eyes with blonde hair.
After a meeting with Palpatine about the progress, they decided to go ahead and try to get as much information as possible from the alien about his planet and if his inhabitants were dangerous. In addition to the medical advances that would be useful for humanity.
The surprises still followed when the boy spoke his language as if nothing had happened, calling himself; Anakin.
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
make damn sure / charles leclerc
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day 19: wonder (part of one-word november prompts!)
word count: 1.5k.
pairing: bff!charles x reader
summary: being the hopeless romantic that you are, you've been dreaming about your special other your whole life. you're talking to your best friend pierre about the dream guy. what if you already knew him?
author's note: not proofread, so for sure many errors lmao. hope its still understandable (? also, im sorry for the delay! will try to have day 20 ready soon but its one prompt i really like so i dont want it to be short :( ill see what i can do! thanks for sticking with me through almost 20 days already!!
since being childhood friends, charles, pierre and you were inseparable. going to school together, joining them on their karting days, them joining you in your school plays. you were always there for eachother, without doubt. so when things started to get complicated at your house and you decided to move, they were 100% in. and that's how you ended now, two years after living with them, in the couch while talking to the frenchman.
"don't you wonder sometimes?" you had started the conversation, voice dry after hours without saying a word. it went like that sometimes, all too busy with their stuff: sometimes, even though you lived with two other people, thanks to their jobs, it seemed like you lived on your own. pierre straightened himself a little on his seat and turned his body towards you, so he could look into your eyes as he said "about?".
immediately regretting your decision to bring this topic to the table, you tried to back off. "well of course you don't, you already have a girlfriend" jokingly, you said. that only seemed to interest the boy in front of you more, being one that didnt like to leave things unresolved. "what are you talking about?". after knowing you for so long, they already knew you were a hopeless romantic at heart, but still, it made you nervous to talk about it out loud, being aware that it could seem ridiculous to others. "promise you won't laugh about it".
"when did I laugh to you?" he said, tilting his eyebrowns like you were telling him something unbeliavable. but you two, having the brother-sister relationship that you had, knew that he was blantantly lying as he always made fun of you, as you made fun of him too. seeing your glare, he laughed before saying. "fine, I won't, i promise". still, you took a bit of time before actually telling him what had been on your mind all day. "I don't know, I started to think about how everyone has met their significant other but I can't seem to find them".
"what if you did already? you know plenty of people".
you fully laughed at him, with no means to offend the frenchman. it truly seemed hilarious to you that he would believe that. "I think I would have realised if a certain person with all the qualities that I look for passed in front of me, pierre. I'm not dumb".
"you sure?"
and if look could kill, you would've been charged for murder. "you're being awfully mean to me today, pierre".
"it's cause you're so blind sometimes, like you purposely don't want to see". he looked pissed off now, and the change between his playful tone and this much colder one threw you off. "see what?" you asked.
"the way he looks at you".
it was a common discusion betweet you two, ever since you realized that you didn't love both boys the same. and although yeah, you cheered for their wins and stood through their hard times the same, the smile that adorned your face was different when you were greeted at the other side by the grin of a certain monegasque, who you also lived with. but for you, he was completely off limits. and you were okay with that, with being alone on the sidelines cheering for him, not expecting anything else from him. "oh shut up. you know we're just friends".
"if telling yourself that lets you sleep at night, go ahead. but you have to know that its okay to fall in love. if it goes wrong, i'm sure we can figure it out: you won't lose us. but what if it goes right and you're wasting your time? won't you like to know?".
"know what?".
the voice of a certain someone startled you. it wasn't like you didn't know he was in the house, but after a few hours asleep you had forgotten about him at all, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about this topic in the middle of the house. "know why she likes to talk about deep topics when we should be asleep" he quickly managed to answer, and even though it wasn't a lie, it felt wrong to lie to charles like that. "but why don't you two continue with the chat, eh?, i'm sure charles as more answers than i,he's smarter after all". the monegasque laughed at that and punched his arm in his way out, while he entered the room and started to get comfortable in the same couch that you were sat in.
"i love talking about deep topics, why don't you ever talk to me about it?" he sounded genuinely hurt, like the fact that you preferred to talk about certain stuff with pierre over him really bothered the ferrari driver. "thought you were asleep, charles". and it wasn't a lie.
"don't you trust me?"
"don't be silly, cha. I didn't want to bother you, that's all"
"you could never bother me".
after a few moments in silence, where he directed his eyes towards the ceiling instead of looking at you, he said, softly this time, like he truly didn't want to wake pierre up with his tone. "pierre's right. we need to talk. i want your opinion about something". at that, you clearly became more interested in whatever charles had to say. it had been a while since you two really talked, since he was always away, and when he wasn't, you were the one with the busy schedule. "it's really really really complicated, but i think i like a girl, and i don't know how to talk to her about it".
ah, that's it. that's your worse nightmare coming true, once again.
obviously, being the pretty boy that charles was, always so well manered and the perfect boyfriend that a mother could ask for his child, it wasn't the first time that he had a partner. but as the time went on, you knew he was getting more serious about the whole dating thing, and it scared you to think about him settling in for someone lese. someone that wasn't you. so, after all the years that passed, it still hurt quite a bit to hear him talk about other people in the same way you wished to be talked about.
after a few minutes where you didn't say anything, too stunned to actually answer him, you started to get self concious. obviously, he for sure saw how your face dropped when he told you that. would he realize that you had feelings for him all this time? would he feel betrayed? after all, he thought that you were only his friend, and thats why he was telling you this in the first place.
"you don't get it, do you?"
you furrowed your browns, now confused at what he was implying with that last sentence. "what do i have to get?".
he laughed about it and took your hands into his, to gently brush your fingers over your palm. "i'm talking about you, silly".
"what do you mean? why?".
his deep greenish blue eyes looked straight at yours, and it was impossible to pull away from his gaze. he softly started to answer your question. at least the one you had told him about, since your brain was already a mess with all the questions you had for him. since when? how didn't you see it before? did pierre knew about this? was that why he always talked to you about it?
"cause i've been in love with you for my whole life, more or less. i was just too scared to ruin things between us, but pierre talked me into it. said our friendship is bigger than anything that life could throw at us. and im confident we can work things out, you know? we have known eachother for so long. i know you like the palm of my hand. and you know me the same. please, don't tell me you didn't think about it, at least once, y/n".
you smiled, knowing about the endless times you had fallen asleep to the thought of you two together. wondering exactly this, if you could ever work out. how, each time, pierre and you talked about what you were looking for, you were, knowing or not, describing the boy that was in front of you, looking lovingly into your eyes. "i think about it all the time, cha".
"and why didn't you say anything before?" he reached for your face, gently caressing it with his right hand. "cause we're both dumb, i guess. but i think it's for the better, no? we've grown so much. we know how to make this work"..
"i'm gonna make damn sure, love".
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