#rain over me
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Rain Over Me
Pairing: Rexsoka
Prompt: Rexsoka Monthly Dec. ‘23 - Unexpected Encounters
Summary: When it rains, it pours. At least, that’s how Rex had always heard it. But he soon finds even the most dreadful of rains give life back to that which lacks it.
Tags: angst, bittersweet, rainy confessions, lost without each other, established relationship, post bad batch
Word Count: 3,426
A/N: this was just an excuse to write sad, lonely Rex with a reunion in the rain and I’m only somewhat sorry (@rexsoka-monthly)
read on ao3! / masterlist
The wood on the dusty, old shack was darker now with the onslaught of rain. Its months dry boards drank in the water and was hydrated once more, appearing to be in its prime again if only until the rain cleared. In more ways than one, it had been a dreary summer and the rain was much needed.
Rex had grown fond of the little restaurant — if one could call it that.
It wasn’t kept up to standards, he was most certain. He’d only seen someone sweep the place once. It was a sad little place, but comforting in its own right. The only faces that were constant here were those of the owner or the employees. Rex never saw anyone else twice.
Maybe he saw a bit of himself in the old shack — weary, unkempt, a stranger to itself, lacking energy.
He wasn’t an old man, no, the cure had stopped all that. But he did feel like it, and he’d always look older than his true age. Seventeen years of life didn’t reflect what he felt in his joints, what he recalled in his mind, what was on his false chain code, and what he saw when he looked back at himself in the mirror.
Yeah. Like the shack in the rain, he felt he was falsely young in appearance. It felt wrong not to age so quickly anymore, even though it was the most normal part of human life.
Rex carded a few fingers through his short, blonde curls, wicked the rain off his coat, and ascended the creaky steps. He took a menu, even though he knew he’d order the same thing as always, and seated himself at his usual booth.
The owner, who was old, wordlessly brought him a steaming cup of caf.
“I see we are past the point of asking now,” Rex observed, a corner of his mouth turning up.
A raspy laugh filled the stale, humid air, “What can I say? You’re my favorite regular, Rex!”
The other corner of Rex’s mouth raised, “I’m your only regular, Mr. Kip.”
“And a damn good tipper too,” the Ithorian man smiled, winking before walking back into the kitchen.
Well, he had nothing else to spend his credits on.
Rex scanned the menu items as if he didn’t already have the selections memorized. Even the daily special was the same every single day. Nothing changed and he found he had no qualms about that. After years of unpredictability and pushing his body, mind, and heart to their limits of strain, he found peace in the monotony of routine.
After much deliberation, Rex settled on the Single Sun Breakfast to no surprise. He half expected his meal to be brought out without confirmation, but old Kip stopped back by to make sure anyway.
He could get used to it — the not talking. It was rare he did much of it anyway these days, what with living alone. And, truly, he did enjoy the company of the staff, but the more minimal the interactions the better. Getting attached to people was a flaw he would never risk again. Losing so many loved ones in such a small frame of time would prompt anyone to make such vows.
Rex very much hoped there was a version of himself out there that hadn’t sworn it off, that he was happy and surrounded by those he held dear.
His fork was turned around in his fingers as he tried to ignore the fact he’d finally acknowledged that he was unhappy. It had been that way for years now and it was difficult to revisit the last time the opposite had been true.
It had been warm on Mandalore, when rumors of the war ending sparked hope rather than memories of almost; when battle felt good and he felt invincible and life had been first punctuated by something like love and a woman like her.
Squeezing the cutlery, he set it back down and threaded his fingers together, glancing out the condensating window instead.
Rain came down violently onto the flora just outside the establishment, but pattered softly on the windowsill. Every now and then, a drop found its way inside, or perhaps it was the water droplets still clinging to his hair. Oh, if that illustrious Captain could see him now. That version of himself would disapprove immensely of so many things — but his hair would be at the top of the list.
He did not wish to remind himself of what came second and was thankful when he spotted his plate emerging from the kitchen. His breakfast was brought out with little fanfare and looked as if always did. This pleased him.
As he ate, he thought of what he needed to get done in the upcoming week. He needed to give the old Y-wing a fresh coat of paint; the Republic and medic insignias were becoming visible again, as well as a damning shade of blue. The hole in the roof of his tiny home needed to be patched still. He kicked himself for not doing it sooner and added purchasing a bucket to his growing list.
Something like a laugh escaped him around a bite of rolled omelette, thinking about his helmet being used to collect water from a roof leak. It was when his head lifted up to do this that he saw a pair on montrals facing away from him, seated at a booth closer to the door.
There was a tightening in his lungs and the gaping hole in his heart was reopened; discarded of anything he’d ever used to cover it with. Rex swallowed hard and placed his head in his hands, counting as he regulated his breathing.
This happened every time he thought he saw her.
And, without fail, it was never her.
He ought to have internalized that by now. It had just been so long since the last time he mistook someone else for her. Lone Togrutas were not a sight seen often; they didn’t tend to stray very far from Kiros or Shili.
Rex wished that wasn't the case.
Seeing them more often might’ve kicked this fool’s hope earlier — the one that bubbled up violently inside him whenever he caught a glimpse of three lekku rather than the usual two or, like today, a set of montrals.
They were femininely shaped and blue, just like he knew hers to be, which didn’t help matters.
Getting up from the table to visit the refresher solely to see if it was her was something he was not going to let himself do. He had to get over this. He couldn’t let it control the trajectory of his day each time it happened.
Exhaling and centering himself, Rex finished his meal with a difficulty that hadn’t been present before and told himself his appetite was still there even though that was far from the case. Memories of similar breakfasts in similar restaurants with her bullied their way to the forefront of his mind. Small bouquets of freshly plucked flowers, dirt still clinging to them, being given to her and then placed in a cup of water from wherever they’d been eating.
Rex couldn’t help himself.
Once his plate was clear, he looked across the six booths that separated them. But the woman’s montrals were nowhere to be seen. Rex waited a little longer to see if she was just leaning down looking over a menu or taking a bite of food, but the montrals did not reappear.
Panic swept through him, his veins turning into hot plasma underneath his skin.
He rose promptly from his booth, eyes glued to the one she’d been at. Only a half finished mug of tea sat on the table. She never did like caf. His heart rate shifted into high gear and he made a beeline for the register, already fishing around in his pocket for credits, his fingers shaking.
“Oh, there’ll be no need today,” Kip said with a particularly pleased smile.
The hand in Rex’s pocket stilled and his heart leapt into his throat. “What do you mean?” His voice rattled as he spoke.
“Why, the young lady who just left covered your meal. Said to thank you for your service,” The Ithorian pointed to the entrance as the door slid closed.
For the first time in a long time, the world around Rex melted away and began to slow. Everything became muffled. The credit chits he had in his hand were placed onto the counter despite what the owner had just told him and before he could even tell them to do so, his feet were carrying him to the exit.
“Rex, what do you want me to do with this?”
“I don’t care,” he answered without looking back. “Pay it forward.”
Thick sheets of rain now came from the sky, pouring down so heavily that the world around him had turned white. The clouds flickered and thunder sounded, accompanied by angry strikes of lightning. Any footprints that might’ve been left behind in the mud had been washed away as quickly as they were made.
Whoever she was… she was gone.
A hand was clapped to his shoulder but Rex didn’t look down.
Kip sounded confused yet sympathetic. “She’s not gettin’ away in that, if that’s what you’re thinking.” The old man paused. “If you’re after her, I reckon’ she’ll be back again tomorrow.”
The hand was removed and Kip walked away, but Rex stayed frozen in the doorway. If it was her, he was doubtful she’d be back for breakfast the following morning. She could get away even in the most hopeless conditions.
Rex clenched his teeth, pulled his raincoat tighter and set out anyway.
It was like he hadn’t been living on Dantooine for the past year and a half. He was directionless, as if all the memorized paths, landmarks, and shops had been washed away with the rain. There was no departing vehicle, no lights, and no indicator of where the woman had gone.
Defeated, Rex looked up into the sky with his eyes closed, letting the rain fall over his face and streak through his hair. His chest had knotted itself and his knees threatened to buckle under the torrential downpour.
But Rex stood firmly, shoved his hands into his pockets, and let the rain soak him to the bone as he walked towards the small town.
He spent the remainder of his morning stopping by every establishment there was until the shopkeepers started closing up due to weather. The folks he did manage to speak with hadn’t seen her and each tried to hand him an umbrella or invite him inside until the storm passed.
He declined.
Straggling passersby still caught in the rain gave him funny looks as they ran to get to cover. Rex was in no such hurry.
The overgrown road that led to his tiny home was taken in the shortest possible strides. He did not wish to return there, especially not to a datapad he knew would have no messages on it. He had half a mind to turn back to the restaurant if he didn’t think they’d already closed up like everyone else.
Rex stepped into his home and was greeted by the sound of dripping water. He sighed deeply, unmoving in the doorway until he could suppress the viscous tears that taunted him behind closed lids. Once they were managed, his boots and raincoat were discarded, the mess from the leak was mopped, and his helmet was removed from its place under the bed to sit and collect the intruding water.
He watched the rain fill his bucket until it went past the visor before he fell into the awaiting embrace of sleep that was always there to help temporarily subside the pain.
More than anything, Rex wished he could say that he hadn’t woken up early, that he hadn’t gotten up before the neighbor’s nunas began to stir. He wished he could say it wasn’t in his plans to go sit up at the restaurant and wait all day to see if the woman turned up.
Really, he should be using his time to buy paint for his ship as well as a proper bucket for the leak, but neither of those things seemed to matter much at the prospect of running into her.
It was pathetic. He knew that.
He could’ve just saved himself all this trouble if he’d gotten up and used something as an excuse to see her face. But no, Rex chose to be strong when it mattered the absolute least.
His thin blanket felt as though it weighed ten tons when he rose out of bed, dreading vehemently the idea of waiting around all day for nothing — dreading the pit in his stomach he knew all too well when it wasn’t her after all and just some stranger. Rex’s feet hit the worn wooden floor and he rubbed his bleary eyes, aiming first for the refresher and then for his helmet.
A considerable amount of rainwater had been collected in the makeshift-not-makeshift bucket and more was being added still. The rain had yet to cease but it had slowed a great deal. He picked it up carefully and walked it to the door, yawning as he did so. Soft sheets of rain greeted his bare feet as the door slid aside, coming down now in a gentle shower-like way as opposed to yesterday’s storm.
Rex decided that when the rain stopped, he’d call it. He’d tie his mood to it, give himself an allotted period of time to feel this incessant pain before forcing it down again.
He swung his helmet to the left and watched as the water landed on his long-dead flowers, before looking out at the state of the rest of his yard.
The helmet nearly fell from his hands.
A hooded figure was inspecting his ship, an orange hand running across a partially revealed red sigil and skirting across blue paint. Any fleeting thoughts of making a grab for his blasters vanished. Rex knew that hand better than either of his own.
She turned and lifted slightly the hood of her cloak to get a better look at him.
There she was. Then she was as if no time at all had passed. As if she’d been down the road all along.
Ahsoka was dressed in that gray cloak he knew well, with lekku he used to know but that were now nearing her waist. Her montrals were taller than they were last time. He wondered if they’d be eye to eye this time, and if looking her in the eyes would still feel the same as it always did, as he wanted it to — needed it to.
Even from this distance, he could see her bottom lip quiver.
“I had to be sure,” she called out over the rain.
Rex struggled to speak, suffering from having too many words in his mouth and yet not at all.
She glanced back at the Y-wing behind her and ran a hand over the chipped paint job, revealing a bit more of that 501st blue.
“I knew your face as soon as I walked into the restaurant yesterday, but I wasn’t certain that it was the one… that it was the one I had loved,” she continued.
He joined her in the rain now. It was cold on his bare shoulders and worse as it streaked down his torso, but he didn’t shiver, nor did he care he’d be tracking yet more water inside. Rex’s chest tightened and his mouth dried. “Loved? As in the past tense?” he called, water beading on his hair and lashes. Not all of it was from the rain.
Ahsoka shook her head, droplets running off her lekku.
The pause between them was occupied by the steady fall of rain.
“You know the worst thing about love?” he asked.
She nodded, looking briefly at her feet, “That you remember it.”
Rex’s tongue pressed into his cheek and he nodded with her, “I knew from the moment we parted the first time that I’d spend a lifetime missing you.” He waited a bit. “It’s proved true so far. Each time it gets worse.”
He couldn’t tell her tears from the rain, but knew that she was crying. Rex was always aware that it hadn’t ever hurt any less for her. “I never intended it to be that way,” she called.
“I know.”
She stepped closer, weighing her words. “Rex, the hardest thing I’ve ever done is walk away still madly in love with you. There’s not a minute that goes by that I don’t regret it — that I don’t sit and wonder about what you do each day.”
“Well currently, it’s wishing I’d gotten up as soon as I saw you sitting at that booth. I’d know your montrals anywhere. Convinced myself it wasn’t you.”
“And before that?”
“Wishing I never let you say goodbye.”
She swallowed hard. “I have a lot to make up for. I know that. And I know this doesn’t begin to cover it, but do you think I could start with breakfast?” she asked, holding up the takeaway box that was under her cloak. “Mr. Kip told me where I could find you, said you ran out after me.”
Rex couldn’t suppress his smile. “No. Breakfast was covered yesterday. I think you’ll have to get more creative than that today.”
Ahsoka laughed and bit her lip, her eyes overcome with emotion. Shaking his head, Rex dropped his helmet into the flowerbed and all but ran to her, holding her trembling frame to him with possibly too much strength. The box fell. Her arms wrapped under his and he found that she fit better than she ever used to. He removed her hood with desperation and his chin fell into place between her montrals, still having at least one head in height over her. Rex kissed repeatedly the space between her uppermost chevrons as the sobs took control of her body.
The rain slowed to a drizzle and, as he’d vowed earlier, his mood lifted with it. Morning rays peeked out at them from behind the trees, warming their skin.
Being with Ahsoka was like walking into the sun, like walking directly into sunlight after the longest winter.
She pulled away first, though by the look on her face, it seemed to be the last thing she wanted to do. Her eyes were glued to the mangled scar on his chest, momentarily ashamed of looking him in the face.
But Rex’s hand slid under her jaw and moved her to look up at him. “I can’t think of anything better than breakfast with you. We’ve suffered enough, Ahsoka. Come inside. Stay with me until we have no choice but to leave; and even then, stay with me until there are no more planets left to run to. Let’s have breakfast together for as long as this life allows us because life without you is no way to live.”
“I haven’t had breakfast in a year and a half,” she said, tears streaking her cheeks.
Rex wiped them away. “You’re not missing out. It doesn’t taste the same when we aren’t together.”
Ahsoka eyed the slightly crumpled box of food on the ground and Rex picked it up, popping it back into its correct shape and wicking the water from it.
Apologies tumbled from her lips, but Rex wouldn’t hear any of it. She’d fought and offered her aid to the Rebellion until she couldn’t any more; until she was sure they could manage without her and that Rex wouldn’t die if she came home. It was the type of thing he had long since accepted — back when it had been cold on that moon, when rumors of another war began, and battle no longer felt good and he no longer felt invincible unless he was with her. Only one thing stayed the same. Life had still been punctuated with something far greater than love and a woman named Ahsoka.
His eyes did all the asking as he leaned in close. Ahsoka gave the faintest of nods, allowing him to kiss away her apologies; first slowly and then with an energized passion only she could provoke.
And just as he hoped they would, Ahsoka’s fingers found his curls, and he carried her and their very cold breakfast inside, leaving his helmet to become the home for several long years of blossoming flowers.
#rexsoka#rexsoka fic#rexsoka monthly#december 2023: unexpected encounters#my fic#ahsokathegray#rain over me
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I saw the memes on the internet so I decided to join it with my ocs
#azariareese#azariareesedraws#Thunder Reese#azaria art#azaria fc#violetmoonlight#sori milford journey of life#sori milford#amy milford#rain over me#rain meme#memes#oc#original character#drawing#digital art#ibispaintx
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Release: June 10, 2011
Girl my body don't lie (Red One)
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me (Mr. Worldwide)
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
A billion's a new million and
Voli's a new vodka
Forty is the new 30
Baby you're a rock star
Dale veterana, que tú sabe
Más de la cuenta, no te hagas
Teach me baby, or better yet
Freak me baby, yes, yes
I'm freaky baby, I'mma make sure that your peach feels peachy baby
No bullshit broads, I like my women sexy, classy, sassy
Powerful yes, they love to get a little nasty, ow
This ain't a game you'll see, you can put the blame on me
Dale muñequita, abre ahí, and let it rain over me
Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
A billion's a new million
Voli's a new vodka
Latin is the new majority, ya tú sabe
Next step la Casablanca
No hay carro, nos vamos en balsa
Mami you know the drill, they won't know what I got 'til they read the will
I ain't trying, I ain't trying to keep it real
I'm trying to keep wealthy that's for real
Pero mira que tú 'tas buena, y mira que tú 'tas dura
Baby no me hables más, y tíramelo mami chula
No games you'll see, you can put the blame on me
Dale muñequita, abre ahí, and let it rain over me
Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Mr. Worldwide, Marc Anthony, tú sabe
I was playing with her, she was playing with me
Next thing you know, we were playing with three
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I was playing with her, she was playing with me
Next thing you know, we were playing with three
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Rain over me
Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me (Over me)
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me (Over me)
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Armando Christian Perez / Marc Anthony / Nadir Khayat / Achraf Jannusi / Bilal Hajji / Jimmy Paul Thornfeldt / Rachid Aziz
Marc Anthony
#new#new music#my chaos radio#Pitbull#Marc Anthony#Rain over me#music#spotify#youtube#music video#youtube video#good music#hit of the day#video of the day#2010s#2010s music#2010s video#2010s charts#2011#pop#dance pop#electronic#electro pop#hip house#electro house#pop rap#hip hop#dance electronic#lyrics#1903
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(Not) an approved use of the Power Of Friendship
#lego monkie kid#lmk#qi xiaotian#sun wukong#mk#six eared macaque#liu'er mihou#monkey king#shadowpeach#monkie kid#monkey trio#stonefruit trio#for when mac inevitably gets fully adopted into the squad and becomes the token introvert#faced on all sides with excited golden-retriever energy. Pray for him#seriously if he and swk ever actually reconciliate it's gonna be SO funny#brace for AFFECTION#plz let them cuddle. cuddle pile#plz i need it#have you SEEN how much monkeys will climb over and sit atop one another???#oh lawd i forgot when i was drawing this that sun wukong is canonically made of stone#imagine getting (lovingly!) tackled by that#celestial monkeys here to remind you that the 'celestial' part is completely dominated by the 'monkey' bit#could monkey king get hit with a case of the sniffles just from horsing around in the rain? probly not.#do i CARE? definitely not#rainy day shenanigans#*inflicts northwest autumn experience upon my faves*#excuse me i meant Fall because it does make you fall right down#its flu season everybody go get ur shots#brought to you by my headcanon that macaque actually likes rainfall#and he definitely likes snowfall
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A friend sent me this peaceful bird and it inspired me to do this
Was born serene

#my art#art#artists on tumblr#rain world#rw#fanart#rw slugcat#rw saint#edit#rw slugpup#can you watch over my daughter for me while I eat karma flowers
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The pb&j screenshot redraw from 2022 I was talking about in my other post
God seeing my old art style is so weird
And of course the screenshot I redrew

Also don't expect the backgrounds to increase. In fact, the one for raph and mikey is.....minimalist at best LMAO
#rottmnt#rottmnt fanart#tmnt#tmnt fanart#rise mikey#rise donnie#rise of the tmnt#peachmoths art tag#idk i dont have anything witty to say in the tags with this one#or i dont have any extra lore to share either#the only lore thing to share about this one is my best friend (my donnie) was the one who picked this screenshot out for me to draw#OH WAIT i do have other lore!! i almost didnt go with this specific shot and almost did the dog park ep where mikey is crying in the rain#i had started drawing it on my phone at my other bestfriends brothers wresting competition bf I got bored of the composition#that and i didnt have my ipad with procreate and all my special pens i so love#anyway shout out to the people who read these and get to see the “real” peachmoths shine its where i let my personality really take over lo#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt donnie
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goro picks up a clingy nyakiren
#akeshu#i guess?? in a way ????#p5r#persona#art tag#guys it's been a WEEK tm#needed something to be cute and silly#i dont know the first thing about keeping a cat#also i think this is how my akiren acts anyway cat or not#i think akechi would take very good care of his new kitty#instantly reads up on cat care and soon his place is filled with cat toys and goods#takes pride in keeping his feline friend well brushed and clean#and what does he get in return? fur all over his clothes#nyakiren probs starts off with some attachment issues#and being very afraid of water (rain association)#but gradually overcomes his fears after gowo gives him some calm and loving baths#also i dont know when or where i started giving akiren his ahoge he doesnt officially have one ??#what a greedy man he even keeps it as a cat#also ?? happy 1 year anniversary to me finishing p5r#did not expect these two to take over my brain#but here we are i guess#they're basically just two OCs at this point#but in my head there's also a canon version of them and a bad end version :3c#wow my head is literally full of akeshus... three of them...
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🌿 DAY 5
The sky is grey, it looks like a storm is coming.
#it's been raining over here oh my stars i just wanna go out please LET ME OUT (RATTLES THE BARS)#snufkin#moomins#moominvalley#the moomins#brought to you by clip studio paint because im having a divorce arc with ms paint#hoping i dont write my tag wrong again and not realize hours later#“why are you so tall. you're supposed to be shorter. SHRINK.” -me when i accidentally drew him in my regular style
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#my art#shitpost#rain world#rw rivulet#rain world art#rain world meme#rain world rivulet#rw lttm#rw looks to the moon#rain world lttm#rain world looks to the moon#I love finding random cat images and putting slugcats over them#*friends* feel free to send me cat memes with a scug u wanna see#also it's fun editing photos on the mobile version of my drawing program#it works surprisingly decently#dragu.art
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you sick little animal, even death itself pities you.
#uwu art#Rain World#RW Hunter#rain world spoilers#blood cw#body horror cw#blood tw#body horror tw#// ask to tag#i beat rainworld maybe a month ago & now i'm trying hunter. & holy fucking shit man#NOT ONLY DOES THIS DIFFICULTY SPIT IN MY FACE BUT AS DOES THE LORE. i'm so emo#imagine being trapped in a loop. NO THAT'S NOT ENOUGH you also are riddled with tumors that are slowly killing you#your entire existence over & over from this point is to die slowly or find a way to leave the world entirely. the luxury of life escapesyou#die or '' die ''#& if you should die & succumb to your disease then your body will remain to infect & consume others until at last someone comes#& renders it physically incapable. so that you may die twice#WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THE FUNNY SLUGS GET TO BE PUT THROUGH ALL THE HORRORS#rain world makes me so upset it's so good. what the fuck
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I just read Rain Over Me on AO3 and commenting wasn't enough- I wanted to come here and let you know how much I loved it in person.
Oh my gosh thank you so much!! I wasn’t prepared for the honor of such a compliment. You’ve just made my day, friend. I’m so happy you enjoyed it 🥹🫶 I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night!
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I've been having a delightful time stumbling over my emojis being used in random servers, so here's more
#It's seriously so funny to see an emote of mine in random conversation from a private server#emojis#art#rain world#Some people went even farther and apparently started using other art of mine as emotes#Which is fine but absolutely buck wild to stumble over#Since some of the art they chose is literally wip versions of my current pfp#??? Sure I guess 😂#rw survivor#rw monk#rw saint#spearmaster#Most of these were requests. The rest were just the emojis I use the most turned into scugs lol#You get to decide which was which lmfaoooo#Also here's some lore: a while back I made 'hunterwheeze'#and the bit was everyone liked it so much they wanted it in the server#So I said bet and threw a bunch of emotes to the staff to hear their thoughts#And way more than I thought got added!#Except for hunterwheeze 🤣🤣🤣#Instead they chose a super edited screenshot of some animation frame I made a few months ago I added last minute for giggles#Which I was DELIGHTED by. It's perfect#Also the only instance of the emote since it's technically not on this blog 😉 not transparent anyway#Oh and here's my favorite 'wild' emotes I've found:#1) that person that dmed me to reveal there was an animated emote for every variation of rivulets face I made that one time#(I was not allowed to join the server)#2) discovering an emote has been in use for months in a server swathed in drama and in the throes of being orchestized from the community#3) that one nightcat-saint emote appearing on a random server announcement (it's so niche I was astounded anyone used it lmfao)#Most sightings are totally benign but these were just hilarious
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mmmk but like, what if….
#the quality is so shit but the idea hit me over the head like a ton of bricks#but like imagine if they have a baby together#that kid would be unstoppable#raeda#eda clawthorne#raine whispers#the owl house#the owl lady#raeda fanart#eda clawthorne fanart#eda the owl lady fanart#the owl house fanart
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do you- do you think that maybe, sometimes when Sally's feeling sad or overwhelmed she makes an offering and Poseidon sends rain to let her know she's not alone?
#i 100% think that's what was happening in the first scene#the implications of the rain starting right when she drops the match in the milkshake are insane#don't mind me#i'll just be over here bawling my eyes out#they are actually one of the greatest love stories in these books#percy jackson#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#pjo tv show#the lightning thief#pjo tv series#sally jackson#poseidon#sally and poseidon#episode 7
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Stop talking crazy.
#if no one else gets me jbl ALWAYS gets me etc.#I am losing my mind over them#Futtara Doshaburi#when it rains it pours#jdrama#gay kiss#*
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big sister moon
#moon strikes me as very lively and genuine so i hope that comes across#ive decided that my main moon design for now is going to be E#but that wont stop me from drawing the other variants from time to time#specifically g and f because i had fun drawing their screens#alright rambles over. who wants some tags#rainworld#rain world#rw lttm#rw looks to the moon#looks to the moon#rain world spoilers#my art#digital art#art#hall of fame
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