#but its my personal mission to finish it this weekend
sturn-wrld · 9 months
🪼 watch it in bed
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pairing: matt x reader
summary: matt helps reader to fulfill all her romantic dreams
genre: fluff!!!
warnings: nicknames, that's it!
a/n: my next couple parts are going to be all the little things, these will all be generally short. i might release a cutey little post of the list. 😻
ever since my heart wrenching love confession, matt has made it his personal mission to do all the things i had dreamed about doing with him. This was simple things like watching tv shows together or going out on the weekends but there are some more niche like pancakes for dinner or ph13 things like dressing up for him to undress me.
this all started a week after we started dating. "hey baby, can i ask you something?" he said walking up to me from his desk "of course" i said wondering what in the world this could be.
"what were those things you were saying when you were confessing to me." i sighed wondering when he would bring them up. they were all pretty specific scenarios so i was sure they would come up. "umm, ok, i'm going to try to explain this in the least lame way possible" i looked down to my lap trying to think of a way to say it. "i mean they were all kind of things i would see or hear about my friends doing with their boyfriends and me having never really had a good enough boyfriend, i never did any of those things so every time i would i guess remember that i liked you, these things would kind of pop up in my head or like me doing them with you" he started at me and i knew at that point that i had said too much.
"i'm so-sorry i've said-"
"shhh. no you haven't. that's really cute" he said cutting me off. "we can do those things if you like" he said looking at me softly. "knowing you, I'm sure you have a list somewhere" i just giggle as i pull up the note in my notes app, 'right person, right time'. he leans over my shoulder to read them. as i scroll through the small list he finds one he likes. "watch a tv show together" he says starting to read it, reading the continued dot point, "and then watch it bed when the weather is bad or we are sick" he said finishing it. "the first part is easy enough but the second part will come eventually" he looks to me moving from his spot beside me to grab the controller for his tv.
we scrolled through netflix for what seemed like an hour before deciding to watch money heist. it was never either of our first picks but we've watched almost everything else.
1 week later
i woke up instantly feeling the freezing cold biting at my skin as my boyfriend is wrapped up next to me in all the blankets. i tug at the blankets until one is loose trying to capture some warmth. i feel matt shift next to me. "morning beautiful" he says in his groggy morning voice as i turn towards him "morning handsome" i mutter before he placed his hand in mine bringing my hand to his mouth to give it a kiss. "it is way too cold today" matt says crossing his hands over his chest. i give him an 'are you serious face' "oh, let me tell you, i know" i say pulling the blankets more. "i'm sorry baby it's a habit" he says rubbing my face trying to make me feel better "one you better solve fast" is all is said before he gets up to grab the controller for his tv. "what are you doing? we have to get ready for the day." i say genuinely curious.
"it's too cold outside. we are staying in and watching tv. how else will we complete the list?"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn @frozenvegitableoil @meme2003
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natspookie · 1 year
book worm
warnings, …stalker nat? LOL
an, kinda bad but i had the idea??? also, i’m working with the reqs soon!!!
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it was rare natasha had time to go out for leisure, more so, to shop. but here she was, natasha romanoff shopping at thrift shops and markets.
this one road in new york was slammed with sellers and all sorts of things to buy.
natasha had bought a few vests she thought yelena would like, also some for her to match. she’d bought little trinkets to fill her room up. she had been dragging her shopping bags for about two hours when she reached the end of the market, a book stall.
hundreds of books were stacker on top of each other but the one of top caught natasha’s eye.
pride and prejudice
in the red room, sure natasha had read books. well.. books how to seduce men, and basic knowledge. but never for her own enjoyment.
she picked the book up, flipped through its pages seeing annotations here and there but she didn’t mind, handing the shop owner a couple of dollars before she made her journey back to the compound.
it was a quiet weekend at the avengers compound, not much missions. “hey nat! ohhh, what did you get?” wanda immediately eyed the eco bags on natasha’s wrist.
“just saw like a flea market or some thrifting- i don’t know honestly.” “the one near that shawarma shop we go to?” “precisely. i also got you this lamp, you said you broke yours”
natasha handed wanda a clear pink tinted lamp with crystals hanging from the top. “oh nat i love it! thank you!” wanda jumped across the couch and hugged natasha “no problem, witchy” natasha laughed, making her way to her room.
she took a quick shower before unloading all the things she got on her carpet. she put all of yelena’s things in one bag and started to put her things in her laundry bin.
when everything was sorted, she picked up the book and sat on her bed.
it was a book with good condition considering she paid 2 dollars for it. she got her reading glasses out and started to flip through the pages, immediately seeing clean and beautiful cursive black writing.
on the cover page it says, “01/01/2023 my love, i have my whole heart to give to you and it starts by the pages of this book. with little annotations, i hope you love this book as i do you.
all the love, y/n”
love was never in the cards for natasha but boy, would it not be nice to receive this.
as natasha ventured through the pages of this book, she found a certain comfort in the cursive writing she knew she was not meant to read.
little comments like “i bet she’s as beautiful as you” “you remind me of this line” “i want us to experience this” were enough to get her hooked till dinner time.
“nat, dinner” wanda knocks on the door before rushing to the kitchen. natasha had made it more than halfway through the book.
she reached the confession in the rain and one writing in red caught her eye. “no love is ever the same. but know my love for you is bursting with all kinds to give” natasha had fallen in love with the words from a person she doesn’t even know.
she made her way to dinner, nose nuzzled in the book. “nat, you read classic romance?” yelena points out “mhm” natasha sets the book down, remembering her page.
“i got you vests and left them in your closet” natasha stabs a french fry before eating it as natasha does a little ‘yes’ air fist.
natasha didn’t stick around for dinner conversation. instead, she grabbed a milk tea in the refrigerator and retreated to her room to read.
it was 1 in the morning when natasha finished, reaching the last blank page. the words took her by surprise.
it’s been 9 months without you, you didn’t read this book. i’ll be giving this to the book shop down the block and you will never read the words i longed for you to hear. i hope you’re happy with your new life, truly.
to whoever is reading this,
i wish you a love as strong as darcy and elizabeth. you’ll get there;)
all the love,
natasha shut the book with a deep breath. along the pages, she had been looking forward to that annotation in the end. natasha took it as a sign to sleep with all the excessive thinking.
yet all the black cursive words swirled around in her head that night, painting numerous people to who could be the face of these carefully said words.
the next morning natasha went on a personal mission to find you. why? she doesn’t know.
she realized an hour in that it was pointless looking for a y/n if she doesn’t even know what you look like. hence, her going back go the market.
she asked the seller when the book came in and if he knew who.
“oh yes, around last week monday a young woman with (y/h/c) donated a whole stack of books! only that one had annotations though” natasha nodded and thanked the man before going back to the compound after getting shawarma.
natasha accessed the city cctv footage from last week monday and saw you struggle with a pile of books.
you turned before turning back to the person and walking the other way. nataha rewinded the footage and paused it when you turned, she knew what you looked like now!
natasha ran face scanners and finds you — y/n y/l/n.
fresh graduate and working at a little cafe not too far from the market.
natasha didn’t really have a plan so when she stepped foot in the cafe. but when she saw you, she immediately lost track of her words.
“hey, what can i get you?” you smiled at natasha “um- a drink” natasha said as you laughed “what kind of drink?” “coffee” “black coffee?” natasha nodded
“alright, can i have a name?” you grabbed the cup and a marker “natasha” “thanks, that’ll be 3 dollars” natasha handed you the money. “i got that book” you tilted your head at her “pride and prejudice.. the one by the market” you sighed
“oh. yeah… sorry for the annotations” you laughed “no! i actually loved them. you have a great way of words” “thank you.. did you stalk me here to say that or something” you joked, putting the drink in front of her. “sort of” natasha shrugged and you paused
“that was a joke but… thanks?” “i mean this in the nicest and less creepy way but i really was curious by you. as i said, i was kind of enthralled by your words.” “are you saying you want to take me out on a date, natasha?”
“hoping to do so” natasha leans on her heels. “7 o’clock.. don’t be late or be a stalker” you chuckled, walking back to the counter “you bet”
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supi-wupi · 3 months
Agents (pt 1.)
[pairing] Gojo Satoru x reader
[trope] Spies and Secret Agents
[a/n] next chapter will prob be all smut
[cw] mentions of sex, alot of swearing, mentions of blood and dead body, eventual smut (very small amount), first person
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Fucking hell. What a way to start my weekend. This hotel room is annoyingly boring with white everywhere. What's even worse is the person im sharing the room with, Gojo fucking Satoru.
Hey I wouldn't call just anyone as self centred as me, but Gojo? He's a whole level of self centred. He can go on and on about himself for hours at a time if he wants, and he has. Listening to Gojo rant about his newest topic; his fucking sex life. Honestly, I feel like shooting a bullet in his head, and then mine, but that would cause a commotion.
“Its been really boring lately, with all these missions and stuff. I barely have time to let my sex frustrations out” Gojo blabbers as he swings his legs onto the bed, placing his arms behind his head and leaning to the headboard.
“Way to much fucking info Gojo, I don’t need to know shit about your sex life. Who the fuck rants about how they get no pussy to a co-worker?”
“Awe, but thats no fun now is it?” Gojo says as a smirk paints his face.
“Whatever, talk about anything else BUT your fucking sex life Okashi.“
“Fine then Kitsune, honestly a low blow when you call me by code name” He says… pouting?
“I literally have to call you by code name during missions, and right now? I think we are on a mission.” I shoot back with a glare before turning away and glancing at the tablet with all necessary info.
Kawata Yasushi
Male, 28 years old, has no family, works at a store in Tokyo, and most importantly, owes a fuck ton of money.
“We should get leaving, his shift ends in 10.” I say turning to Gojo, whos already getting up and grabbing his gear. I turn back to the tablet for one last checkover before turning it off and grabbing my own gear. The mental checklist in my mind ticking off items one by one as I scan items on my body and the messenger bag i carry at all times, carrying first aid equipment and the tablet.
“Let head out!” Gojo says as he grabs a soda from the mini fridge and chugging it as we head down the hallway, the destination an alleyway.
As we head out the building thought the back entrance, we slip on our face masks and fix up our disguises. My wig kinda itches but it should hold for a few hours anyway. My outfit is a casual baggy shirt with cargo pants, my messenger bag finishing off the natural look. Gojo looks kinda funky, his wig looks natural but it doesn’t suit him. His clothes consist of a button up shirt and long pants, it looks good on him, although I’d never say that out loud. 
The alleyway is the one our target goes to smoke after every shift he takes, honestly he might die from lung cancer before we even reach him at the fucking speed we are walking. Whatever, his smoke breaks are like 30 minutes consisting of smoking exactly 6 cigarettes each time. 
This mission is simple, I don’t know why theres two of us on this one. It’s just a hit and hide job, easy money. The plan tho? Its me baiting this fucker to let me join him for a smoke, and when hes distracted by me, Gojo has to slice his throat while placing a rag over his mouth. This is really the go to plan we have whenever we are assigned a hit and kill mission together. This should be over in around 30 minutes.
As we are at the last turn to the alley way, I motion Gojo to stop walking while I continue to walk, turning the corner into the alley. Bingo. As soon as I turn the corner, I spot him smoking in the corner, on his second cig. I stride on over to him, ensuring to act as drunk as possible. Once I reach a reasonable distance from him, I stare at him for a while. He looks so confused, but after a few seconds he looks me over.
“Mind if i smoke with you as I sober up?” I say in my most promising drunk voice.
“Uh, yeah no worries.” He replies as he pulls out a box of cigarettes and motions it towards me. I grab one out and he pushes the box back into his jacket and pulling out a lighter as replacement. As he lights my cigarette for me, Gojo silently come up behind him and covers his mouth with a rag, pushing the cig he just had between his lips down his throat. The knife comes next as his body slowly becomes unconscious, slitting his throat enough to puncture the artery. I produce another rag from my bag to place over the cut so blood doesn’t go everywhere or anywhere as evidence.
“Your cleaning up this time, Okashi.” I say quickly before he drags me in duties I hate doing.
“Whatever, why can’t i just dump it in that trash bin right there?”
“Because thats the most obvious place police will look at?”
“Blah blah blah”
As soon as we got back to the hotel room I can say I collapsed into the bed. Wait a fucking second. Theres only one fucking bed. Fuck me. Fucking hell!
“Hey get off the bed, your dirty!” Gojo shouted at me before heading to the bathroom, probably to shower. I groan I sit up, and go to sit on the chair at the desk. 
“You better not take long you fuck!” I shout back at him, sinking into the chair.
Around 2 minutes later, I swear to fuck I hear moaning and groaning from the bathroom. What the fuck? Why does he… sound kinda hot. Wait what am I thinking, I can’t possibly; another moan goes through the door, and straight to my pussy. Oh. my. fucking. god. After sitting there for another minute of Gojo’s hot moaning, I don’t think I can help the way I slide my pants off to desperately rub my clit for any simulation.
I don’t think I heard the shower getting turned off and the door opening because I am way to fucking close to my orgasm to stop myself.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I hear Gojo cooing.
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I will make another part on this soon ;p
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Lilla Thornton (Masters of The Air OFC)
Note: A little introduction to my newest original female character for the Masters of The Air universe. Look out for all her adventures in the weeks to come. Word Count: 895 words.
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Glass plasma bottles clicked against each other as they moved inside the chipped wooden crate marked "Medical Supplies". Pyramids of morphine syrettes threatened to spill with every second step heavier than the opposite. In a different setting, desperate hands would be grabbing at the morphine, like kids to a bowl of candy. It was a highly sought-after substance on the frontlines by medics, but in the ghostly quiet hallways of the on-base infirmary, no one dared to steal from what supplies graced the stockroom. 
In the middle of the infirmary's hustle and bustle lay a heavy oak desk, out of place and odd for its surroundings but very fitting for the occupier who worked upon it, hour after hour.
Thud! Rattle! Clunk! The wooden crate came to rest upon the paper-laden desk as dainty hands rifled through its contents, determined to find the item that she so urgently needed.
"Ah-ha!" the gentle rasp with a Texan accent piped up as she grasped what she was looking for in her left hand. "There you are, you little rascal."
"Still talking to the medical supplies, I see."
"You know me, Nora. If a seasick-riddled boat journey across the pond can't change my ways, it will never happen," Second Lieutenant Thornton chirped as she turned to stand before the friendly face.
Lilla Thornton was a petite girl from Fredericksburg, Texas. Although she was small in stature, she had a big personality. As head nurse, the tiny Texan often had to drum up morale as her fellow medics worked tirelessly on wounded men evacuated from the battle-damaged aircraft returning from missions into occupied Europe. It was almost like working on a production line; as soon as a patient was stable, they'd be moved to a more suitable bed within the infirmary, away from all the chaos.
A no-nonsense kind of girl, Lilla was known for throwing herself into her work, placing it on top of her list before pleasure. Her time at Thorpe Abbotts was a perfect example of this practice. As her nurses clung to the men of the 100th every Friday at the Half Moon Inn, the young Lieutenant would spend her night taking stock of supplies and rolling bandages. Even back home, she'd rather spend her weekends studying or helping her father run the family ranch than travel the hour into Austin to go drinking and galavanting with her friends.
Growing up, she had to learn and take responsibility more quickly than most girls. At the age of seven, her dear mother Tabitha passed suddenly of an unknown illness that doctors were trying to grasp a better knowledge and understanding. Lilla was the eldest of three siblings, meaning any extra time she had after her classes were finished was spent working to bring in extra money to aid the family finances.
Her father, a cripple who couldn't work, always encouraged the brunette to follow her heart, and on the 18th of August 1941, Lilla Thornton joined the Army Nurse Corps. With a passion for helping those in need and a hard-working ethic, Army life came as easy as learning to crawl as an infant.
Training started at Brooke General Hospital, San Antonio, Texas, before she was assigned to the Eighth Air Force as a breakaway unit in September of 1942. A single gold bar sat proudly upon the collar of her dress uniform and the new role of head nurse upon her shoulders.
At Kearney Army Airfield, Nebraska, Lilla made friends with a fellow nurse from Louisiana. Like Lilla, Nora was a serious person putting just as much dedication into her role as a nurse as the Texan girl did. Nora and Lilla forged a friendship that would stand the test of time.
Thrusting the two bottles of saline towards the medic, followed by some syrettes of morphine, Lilla raised an eyebrow in question at the female before her.
"This should be more than enough for now. You don't happen to have any chocolate in your magic box, Lieutenant Thornton?" Nora’s Southern drawl emphasized certain words as she asked the smaller female. 
Holding up a finger, Lilla turned and began to search through a heavy oak drawer connected to her desk before producing a foil-covered article. Chocolate had become a rare commodity, especially with all the rationing the Americans faced while living in England, and what they could get a hold of tasted far from what they were used to back home. 
"This is my last ration for this month. It better be for a good reason you’re looking for some. You owe me one, Nora."
"You got my word, Li. If you have the time, can you check on Lieutenant Payne? I think he's coming down with pneumonia."
Looking up from her clipboard at the mention of one of the navigators, Lilla nodded. It was apparent there was some kind of bug going around the base. She’d already treated a few men with similar symptoms.
"I don't have long left until I've finished my shift here, but I'll be round as soon as possible. Just make sure he's kept warm until I get there."
Returning her attention to the crate of supplies, Lilla sat down behind the desk to begin the final stock check of her shift.
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nicegaai · 2 months
im attempting my fic reread today. im announcing this bc i will be liveblogging to keep my morale up, NOT THAT anyone cares but i personally need this, like ill only commit to do the thing if theres an imaginary audience holding me accountable. & i like to have fun :3
anyway. captains log, its a beautiful sunny july weekend. i just finished my morning coffee, and, i am dreading this so much. i dont like rereading my own writing but i shall get over it. ok here we go.
Þetta Reddast vagueblogged directors commentary edition
Ch 1:
*opens fic and starts convulsing immediately* god i wish i smoked weed rn. i cannot chill out ever for the life of me
My Mission For Today Is: to remember what plot threads I’ve left hanging so I can resolve this story properly. And also try n remember where the flow is going. I have the end plotted out, I just am a little lost … it’s been a while :-(
Abrupt beginning!!!! I’m not mad because I have . I HAD. Almost no writing experience when I started this. it isn’t ideal but I refuse to be one of those fanfic writers that starts rewriting early chapters without finishing the last ones. Ive never seen one of those types actually finish a longfic. …I’d already rather yap than actually read LMAO AHH
Oh this is worse than I remember. thats cool that s great ok alright *coughs up blood*
"20 somethings" WOW I really did not know where I was going with this when I started huh
LKJSDLKSJDLGKGDJSLDGJK ??? Who authorized this. Who let me cook. What the hell
I could write this better now. I could edit this into something beautiful. <- devil on my shoulder
"generously offered nothing to the exchange." wait STOPPPP. I’m so funny
GRAMMAR ERROR DETECTED why is there two periods. I’ll be coming back to fix that …………………. :-(((
Fuck. This is a lot. Marge Simpson Hiding Her Face dot Png
Oh this is stupid this is gayyy this is fukcinnn . Who fucking did t his. What was wrong with me,. This is so good actually. what was i ONNNN. 
Im gonna throw up and I don’t know if thats like/. A complimentary thing or if im just cringing that hard . Im feeling emotions. I love my OTPs..OT3~5? I love them so so much
Ok as much as im like “eww bad writing” this is .. dare I say, rly good in places. Not to suck my own dick but maybe all hope isnt lost and imposter syndrome is an illusion
Grammar mistake #2. Goddddddd. they should ban me from the archive for this
Urghhh gritting my teeth… Im fully expecting the flow of events to start not making any gd sense. There’s no way this came together the way I hoped in my head and .... For real I was never able to read this all the way thru. this is my first time, lol. and it was all disjointed on the authorial end to say the least. Im scared T-T
Im not liking the ratio of dialogue to whatever the other stuff is. scene-setting I guess. prose maybe. i could have dragged this out way longer... By which I mean made it a more satisfying read. But WHATEVER !!!! 
TIMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIMOOOOOOOOOO NUMERO UNOOOO DO MUNDOOOOOO I really need to utilize him more. As soon as I finish this fic I need to write a Timo POV spinoff where he gets cancelled on furry twitter for proshipping in real life
Hmmmm chapter ending didn’t hit as hard in practice as it did in drafts. Oh well. God damn that was a lot to happen in one chapter LMAOO???
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She's my muse
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Summary: Mile leaves their sketchbook on the train, Cody just happens to find it.
Cw: None! Just cute Cody/Mile because they deserve to be happy
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Mile had always been fascinated by the strangers who rode the train with them. To pass the time, they would discreetly sketch the strangers who sat beside them, capturing the essence of each passenger in their worn sketchbook. Among the countless faces they'd drawn over the years, there was one that had become their favorite – a girl with brown hair who sat across from them.
Cody was a regular passenger on the same train, always occupying the same seat. They had a certain charm, that drew Mile in like magnet.
Each day, as the train chugged along its tracks, Mile would discreetly sketch Cody, trying to capture the nuances of their appearance and the hidden personality behind those eyes. These sketches had become a cherished part of Mile's daily routine
Mile hurriedly exited the train trying to get home to finish the chores their aunt asked them to the night before. Just as the train pulled off they realized with a sinking feeling that they had left their precious sketchbook behind on the seat. Panic set in as they frantically searched their bag, hoping it'd be there, but it only confirmed that it was still on that train.
For days, Mile was consumed by anxiety and regret
As the days turned into weeks, they had all but given up hope of ever seeing their sketchbook again. Until they got on the train after school to see Cody, sketchbook in her hands. Mile stood wide eyed, cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment knowing their muse had every bit of the secret portraits in her hands.
Cody had a warm smile on her face as she approached Mile. She held out the sketchbook, and Mile took it with trembling hands, unable to believe their eyes. Their worn down sketchbook, filled with portraits of strangers and, more importantly, the sketches of Cody was back in their possession.
"Is this yours?" Cody asked,
Mile stammered in response, "Yes, it's mine. Thank you so much. I thought I had lost it forever."
Cody explained how she had found the sketchbook that fday on the train. She had recognized her own portrait and had been curious about the artist behind them. Cody had made it her mission to track down the owner and return the sketchbook.
Cody's eyes twinkled as she said, "Your sketches are incredible..."
Mile smiled awkwardly, feeling a mixture of relief "Uh Mile. My name" They had expected her to be creeped out. Any normal person would have been disturbed by the countless detailed drawings, but Cody's reaction was different. It was admiration. "Maybe one day I can actually model for you. Maybe at the Café on Main Street next weekend?" Mile smiled at the request. "I'd like that."
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maddieautobot273 · 1 year
Silk & Cologne (27)
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A Miguel O’Hara x OC Series - Link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 27 - Progress - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Female OC
Words: 3.1K+ words
Warnings: PG for sickness feelings 
Summary: Lisa is called into an emergency meeting at HQ.
After the surprise visit and comfort from my friends, I suddenly didn’t feel as sad anymore. Despite how heartbreaking it was, I established with Miguel that if he didn’t feel comfortable telling me how he truly felt, he didn’t have to. I never specified about our friendship, so deep down I knew a part of it was still intact. 
We’ll just give each other the space we need to heal. That’s what’s important right now. That’s what matters the most. We were both grieving after all. 
I woke up the next morning with a bit of spring in my step. It was the weekend now, meaning I had time off work to basically do whatever I wanted to do. Hannah’s orders specifically, “You need to rest all weekend so when you come back Monday morning, you’re feeling 100%!” 
She then kindly asked to borrow my kitchen and baked me a whole container of oatmeal cookies. Hannah is obviously so sweet, I could get a toothache, but it would be so worth it. How is she not with someone and spoiling them rotten and letting them shower her with gifts back already?!
I start the day with a light breakfast before cleaning up some of the empty moving boxes that were taking up space in the apartment. Soft music was playing from my phone, as I felt inspired by my friends to make a new playlist. The song they showed me yesterday was the first one that came up.
I quietly sang along as I cleaned. I could sense the gentle hum of my gizmo, their pulses shielding my web fluid and calming them. I knew as long as I had it on, my powers wouldn’t trigger in my dimension, else I could cause more damage to it. 
I glanced down at the gizmo, lifting it up as I examined it more clearly. I wondered when the day would come where I wouldn’t have to wear this while in my home dimension. Perhaps when I could control my powers completely? When my universe was finished repairing itself?
When it accepted me as its Spider-Woman?
“There never was a Spider-Woman in Earth-1218, and there never will be,” 
Those were Miguel’s exact words during our initial meeting when he showed me the multiverse for the first time. Why was it that my universe was so different compared to the others that it can’t handle the concept of an actual superhero helping to protect it?
I was zoned out of my trance when the gizmo started beeping and a holographic image of Jessica Drew appeared above it. 
“Lisa, are you busy?”
“Jess, hey, what’s going on?” I asked, a little concerned. 
“There’s been an incident in Petra’s dimension,” She explained with a grim expression on her face. “Miguel is asking everyone who was involved in the mission to come to HQ for an emergency meeting,”
“I’ll be right there,” I nodded firmly. 
I reached up to end the call, but Jess’s voice caught my ear. “By the way, how are you holding up?”
She knew? 
“I’m. . . managing,” I responded after a brief hesitation. 
“If you need an extra shoulder or need some girl talk, I’m just a phone call away,” She offered with a caring grin. 
“Thank you, Jess,” I smiled at her before ending the call. 
Personal feelings would have to wait. Right now, my friends and teammates needed help. 
I ran for my closet, changing into my spider-suit. Personal feelings would have to wait. I just hoped Petra was alright, and that it wasn’t anything too serious. 
I activated my gizmo and opened a portal, jumping through as I arrived at Spider-Society HQ. The main hall was lively as usual as I made the journey to Miguel’s lab. I passed by different Spider-People, saying hi and offering small waves as I walked by, not wanting to be rude. 
When I stepped into Miguel’s lab, the atmosphere completely changed. Yes, I was used to the whole low light, dark gritty aesthetic look to Miguel’s lab, but overall it felt like there was a shift in the air. It was worse when I rounded the corner and found everyone. 
I was the last to arrive, joining the circle as I stood with Hobie, Peni, Ham, Gwen, and Pav while Miguel was in the center of his platform that was on the ground floor, Jessica Drew and Princess Petra flanking his sides. Petra looked a little shaken, but did her best to stay calm as she held her wrists over her stomach. Hobie nudged my side in a friendly greeting, offering me a curt nod.  
I glance around at the others, silently greeting them all until my gaze lands on Miguel. I noticed he was looking at me too. Our eyes met, and I could feel my cheeks flush slightly. My eyes darted to the floor briefly, hands behind my back as my palms began to sweat. I haven’t really talked to him since the other day. 
Personal feelings would have to wait.
I slowly pulled my gaze up from the floor and looked back at him. His gaze was softer towards me, as we both seemed to silently ask each other, Are you okay? A silent recognition. 
I managed enough courage to bring one hand up from my back, offering him a small flicker of a wave of my fingers. Hands on his hips, he managed a tiny half smile as he slightly bowed his head towards me. We’ll talk more about this later. A silent promise. 
“Now that everyone’s here, we can start this meeting,” Miguel spoke up as he motioned to his sides where Petra and Jess were standing by. He waved them both to step forward. “Your Highness, Drew, you two have the floor,” 
“I was in charge of Multiverse Monitoring when I received an urgent message from Princess Petra regarding the newest villain Lisa, Gwen, Pav, and herself apprehended after rescuing Miguel,” Jessica explained before her gaze shifted over to the young Princess, nodding her head for her to speak. 
“Late two nights ago, Isabella escaped the castle dungeon,” Petra proclaimed. 
The team of Spider’s reacted in shock as we all glanced at one another. 
“After our guards found no trace of her in the kingdom, it was said that a magic portal had opened in her cell and she suddenly vanished,” Petra explained. “To the naked eye, that would seem that way, but we know the truth,” 
“So how did she get out?” I asked. 
Miguel pressed a button on his gizmo as Lyla activated a holographic projection, recreating what looked like a dungeon as the lines traced out a cell, with Isabella trapped in her chains. “Finding and capturing Isabella is mission priority number 1. Priority number 2 however. . .”
“Playing back the dimensional recording from Petra’s security feed!” Lyla chirped. 
We watched as a portal opened up, a portal just like the ones we’d use with our gizmos as a man stepped through it, entering Isabella’s cell. He used a device to free her from her shackles and words were exchanged. 
“Perhaps we can help one another?”
“What would you give me if I helped you?” Isabella questioned the man, raising a skeptical brow in his direction as she slowly pulled herself to her feet. 
His lips curled into a dark smile. “The head of Miguel O’Hara, and all of his spider pests. Including your dear Princess,” 
Isabella smiled wickedly at the man, her eyes twinkling as a surge of delightful joy coursed through her. 
“Do we have an alliance?” The man asked her. 
Isabella took his hand, her cold fingers lacing against his warm hand. “Indeed, Lord–?”
“Osborne,” Osborne brought his lips down to her knuckles, kissing her there gently before smiling again. “Harry Osborne,” 
I felt like I was going to be sick. Harry Osborne. Osborne as in the company Osborne? The same company that hired The Chameleon to attack me? To kidnap me and bring me back to their dimension so they could take my powers away?
I felt like I was going to faint. 
“Let’s get started,” Isabella’s fangs poked through her lips as she laughed. 
Harry pulled her through the portal and before the guards could get the cell gate open, the magical portal disappeared.
I wasn’t paying attention to the ending of the recording. My chest rose and fell as I tried to take deep, calming breaths. I felt a gentle tap at my back and glanced over to see Hobie. 
“You alright, Musey?” He asked. 
I’ll never get used to that nickname.
“I– I don’t know,” I spoke honestly. 
He glanced back as Lyla put away the projection. “Let’s hear what the gang has to say. If you need to step out, let me know, aight?”
“Thank you, Hobie,” I managed a kind smile. 
I managed to compose myself enough to not look like a sweating mess as Miguel stepped forward again. “That was Harry Osborne of Earth-1997. Recently we discovered that he hired a villain known as The Chameleon to disguise himself as a Spider and infiltrate the Society to steal our tech and my designs. We do not know their end goal, but as of now, they are using our technology to jump dimensions and cause rifts in the multiverse,” 
“In short, more anomalies are beginning to pop up in places where they very much shouldn’t be,” Jessica pipped in. “At an alarming rate than normal,” 
“As of today, we have isolated them so that they can no longer use any remaining gizmo’s or day passes to jump to this dimension, Lisa’s dimension, and now Petra’s, to avoid the risk of another infiltration,” Miguel explained as he looked out towards the group. “As the situation develops more, more members of the Society will be notified. Until then, I am entrusting this information to you select few. What you saw and heard in here must not leave this room. Am I clear?”
Everyone nodded, speaking their compliance to the order. 
“Good,” Miguel nodded as his hands returned to his hips. “In the meantime, Petra will continue to monitor things from her dimension should Isabella or any other anomalies return. That’s all,”
“You’re dismissed,” Jessica nodded her head. 
Everyone relaxed, some lingering to chat for a bit before slowly piling out of the room. Petra activated a portal and jumped back through to her dimension after exchanging words with Miguel. Jessica walked out with Gwen and the others, leaving Miguel, Hobie, and me the last remaining people in the room. 
“Lisa, you coming?” Hobie asked over his shoulder. 
I looked back towards Miguel, seeing the soft, but awkwardness of his body movements as he casted me a glance, walking over to his computer set up as he brought up some holographic screens. 
“I’ll, uh, be another minute, Hobie,” I answered Spider-Punk as I glanced over at him. 
“Suit yourself,” Hobie shrugged his shoulders and sauntered out of the room. 
It was just the two of us now. 
Silence was quick to fill the room, only the distant piper patter of Miguel’s figures guiding and typing away on the holographic screens provided the only subsistence. Hands behind my back, I took slow and cautious steps towards Miguel. He made no indication that he wanted me to leave, or even really turned to look at me, so I took it as a sign to keep going. 
When I was close enough, I gently cleared my throat, “Hey,” Offering him another small wave. 
Miguel glanced down at me, his eyes softening as his face still tried to put on a strong front. “Hi,” He greeted me softly. 
At that moment I forgot how tall he actually was. He seemed to tower over me, and the platform was still situated on the ground. This was his full height. It made me both nervous and anxious at the same time. 
We both idled in our own positions next to each other, awkwardly trying to predict who would be brave enough to speak first. I oddly felt a little relieved that I didn’t appear to be the only one that was nervous. So I took a deep breath, mustered up as much courage as I could and–!
“How are you–?” Miguel and I both spoke at the exact same time. 
We stopped, eyes widening. 
“I’m sorry–” I immediately apologized.
“Oh, I’m sorry to–” He stepped in as well. 
We both stopped, realizing we had been talking over one another again. I watched as a faint blush formed on his cheeks. I felt mine warm up in return. 
My heart fluttered in my chest when I heard him chuckle quietly under his breath, waving off the interruption. “I’m sorry,”
“No, no, it’s fine,” I gently reassured him. 
We both shared a quiet laugh together before settling, and once a few small moments of silence passed, I felt confident to speak again.
“How are you doing?” I asked him. 
Miguel actually took a moment to process the question in his mind. He sighed softly. “Honestly? Managing, but. . . a little weird,”
“Feeling is mutual it seems,” I sighed in relief as I turned and leaned my waist against the edge of his desk. 
Miguel looked like he was going to say something, but stopped himself, deciding against it. He placed his hands on the desk, leaning against them to support himself. “Feeling weird too?”
I nodded slowly, “Yeah, just trying to figure out where to go from here I guess,” 
He hums at my response, his head turning as if he were deep in thought. “About Osborne, were you alright back there?”
I blinked, my pupils widening. He must have seen how I reacted to hearing and seeing Harry Osborne for the first time. The guy that runs the company that hired someone to abduct me for my spider powers. 
“Now I can put a face to the name at least,” I spoke honestly as my shoulders slouched, hunching over. 
“. . . I swore an oath to Chameleon, passing along a message to Osborne,” Miguel spoke suddenly. He turns over to look at me, standing up straight from the desk as his arms crossed over his broad chest. “I swore that I’d never let him or anyone else lay a hand on you ever again,”
I swore that in that moment I felt like I was going to faint. Just straight up fell from where I stood at his desk. The sweating of my palms intensified.
As if realizing what Miguel had said to me, his gaze drifted to the side, trying to hide the blush that formed on his cheeks as he raised a hand to cover his mouth. Just like he did when I first told him about my powers. 
It was still very adorable. 
After composing himself, the blush was gone as Miguel turned back to face me completely. “Maybe, if you want–” he stops himself, as if second guessing himself. 
“If we want?” I raised a brow, gently encouraging him to continue with hopeful eyes. 
My reaction seemed to ease him slightly as he shook his head, shaking off the nerves before speaking again. “Do you want to talk more about this? About us? After the mission?”
After the mission, right. 
Personal feelings aside for now. My friends needed help. 
I smiled at Miguel, nodding my head. “I’d like that,” 
Miguel’s face seemed to brighten at my response, as he let out a deep sigh of relief. I tried not to stare as his muscles relaxed along his chest and arms as he lowered the limbs to his side. “Me too, Lisa,”
“Do you need help monitoring anything here?” I offered politely. 
He shook his head, “I appreciate it, but I can handle things here on my own with Lyla,”
“No problem,” I responded as I pulled myself off from his desk, waving at him. “I’ll leave you to it then,” 
I could feel his stare on my back as I began to walk away. Once I was off the platform and far enough from its range, Miguel activated a lever and the platform began its slow ascension from the floor. 
“All active patrol teams. Keep an eye out for a female bat demon villain with a DNA signature from Earth-423,” Miguel commanded through an open communication channel.
As I walked away, an idea came to mind as I turned on my heels, looking up towards the platform.
“Miguel!” I called out.
I could see him walk over to the edge, looking out at me. “Yes?”
“Do you want me to bring you anything from the cafeteria?” I offered. 
I could see the gears in his head turning as he contemplated my offer. A small grin spread on his lips as he cupped a hand around his mouth. “Save me some empanadas?”
I offered him a thumbs up. “You got it!” 
I waved at him before turning around and exiting the lab. My palms weren’t as sweaty as my heart beat steadied after beating a little faster than normal. A smile formed on my face as I launched a web sling and launched myself in the direction of the cafeteria. 
Progress had been made. 
Miguel’s P.O.V. 
As soon as Lisa turned to leave the lab, Miguel leaned forward against the desk, palms flat against the surface. He just stood there, breathing in and out, sweat dripping from his forehead. Throughout that entire conversation, his heart wouldn’t stop beating so shocking fast. He thought he was going to pass out. 
Lyla fizzled in front of him, a cheeky grin on her face. “Breathe, Miguel, breathe,” she gently coached him through the exercise, “She’s gone now, you big softy,”
Miguel took another deep breath before laughing quietly, his fingers curling. “I actually did it,”
“Yes, you talked to her!” Lyla cheered. “You offered the topic of conversation and she accepted! Now all that’s left to do is to prepare for the actual conversation,”
“You’re right, Lyla,” Miguel gently nodded his head as he looked up at her. “You’re right,”
Miguel stood up straight, relaxing his muscles as he rolled his shoulders to loosen his nerves. 
“I can do this,”
“Um. . . boss?” A new voice perked up.
Miguel froze as his eyes darted towards a holographic screen. Spider-Woman Canada was on screen, hockey stick in hand as the eyelets of her mask displayed an awkward yet concerning look on her face. 
“Team 6 is still on the call. . .” She spoke. 
Oh for shock’s sake! 
Miguel face palmed as his hand rubbed down his face in both agony and utter embarrassment. He pointed a finger at the screen. “Not a word to anyone,”
“My lips are sealed, boss!” She saluted before ending the call. 
Spider-Man 2099 sighed deeply as he pinched the bridge of his nose, slowly pacing in a small circle. “It’s going to be a long day. . .”
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Couldn’t stop thinking about a “Guys and Dolls” Rhaenicent AU over the weekend. We already know Emma D’arcy looks hot in a suit. I use she/her pronouns in this ficlet because I’m referring to the character of Rhaenyra and not the actor 😊.
Alicent studies her reflection in the chipped mirror, tucking a strand of hair that had come loose from its updo behind her ear. Peering closer, she can see a single strand of gray amidst the auburn. Disappointed, but not surprised, she plucks the hair hard, letting it fall onto the dusty ground at her feet. Sighing, she resumes her cleaning.
The Save a Soul meeting had been ill attended as usual, except for a few disinterested people who had been lured inside by the prospect of stale pastries and watery coffee. Alicent had delivered an impassioned speech on the evils of gambling to largely deaf ears, picking at her cuticles behind the pulpit. Otto had given her an unimpressed stare after the stragglers had left before retreating to his room.
Now, Alicent stands, listlessly sweeping the cheap wood floor. Her feet are starting to ache in her tight heeled shoes, nylons uncomfortable on her now sweaty legs. Carelessly, she undoes the top two buttons of her starchy uniform jacket.
Suddenly, the door to the mission opens and a slight man enters.
“I will be with you in a minute, brother,” Alicent calls as the man walks casually towards the meeting chairs.
Carefully, she sets the broom against the wall and approaches her visiter. A small flare of irritation rises in her as she sees that he has straddled one of the chairs, arms resting over the back, head tipped down, face obscured by a jaunty hat.
“What can I do for–” as Alicent speaks, the stranger lifts their head and it's– a woman. Alicent’s mind stutters to a halt, a blush rising in her cheeks.
The woman takes her hat off, tipping it carelessly onto another chair. Her hair is white blonde and cropped close to her heart, lovely blue eyes, and a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. She’s clad in an expensive looking double breasted gray suit.
“For–for you, sister,” Alicent finishes indelicately.
“I saw you earlier out on the street. Thought I would come in and see what all the fuss is about. My name is Rhaenyra,” her voice is quiet, low.
Earlier, Alicent had been walking through the crowded streets of New York, attempting to hand out leaflets to an unresponsive rowd. She had not realized anyone had noticed her.
No one ever notices her, despite the eye-catching red of her uniform. They see the determined set of her jaw— her hand clutching a Bible— and purposefully drop their eyes and hurry away.
Coming back to the present moment, Alicent realizes her mouth had been hanging open slightly as she studied the woman. Abruptly, she snaps it closed.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Sister Rhaenyra. I am Sister Alicent,” she extends her hand.
“Just Rhaenyra,” the woman smiles, taking Alicent’s hand in a firm grip. Her hand is warm.
“You are interested in the gospel?” Alicent rallies, pulling her hand away, fingers tingling.
She waits for Rhaenyra to snort derisively and leave. Instead, she shrugs casually, leaning back on the chair, strong hands gripped on the spindly back. Alicent keeps her eyes away from the indecent spread of her thighs. She has never seen a woman in a suit.
“I’m not particularly religious. You looked very passionate out there today,” her focus on Alicent’s face is earnest.
“I am,” Alicent says quietly, feeling like she is not quite grasping the conversation.
Rhaenyra’s eyes travel down Alicent’s body. Alicent feels heat rising in her body, her pulse thumping in her chest. Her hand flutters around her chest, fumbling with the buttons of her jacket, re-buttoning them under the other woman’s scrutiny.
“It’s getting late,” Rhaenyra rises, picking up her hat. “Would you consider a more personal mission? Say furthering our discussion over lunch tomorrow?”
“Lunch?” Alicent’s mouth is dry.
“I would love to talk to you more,” Rhaenyra says simply, hand casually slipped into the pocket of her trousers.
“About the gospel?” Alicent says stupidly.
“Sure,” Rhaenyra smiles. “I’ll even tell you my favorite Bible verse. What do you say?”
“Yes,” the words trip out of her mouth almost without her realizing it.
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187days · 2 years
Day Sixty-Four
This is the GIF for today:
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I spent APGOV teaching my way from World War II- which changed the way eugenics was viewed in mainstream US culture, and generated a lot of support for civil rights policymaking in some segments of the population- through the start of the Civil Rights Movement: Truman’s desegregation of the military, Brown v. Board, the Little Rock Nine, the bureaucratic directives to desegregate interstate trains of buses, Boynton v. Virginia, the freedom rides. I showed PBS’ Freedom Riders, which students reacted really strongly, too.
I also talked about echoes: eNazi ideology being echoed by a certain rapper last night, school discipline targeting particular groups, states passing laws restricting what can be taught about race history in the US... 
Lots for my students to think about. 
In World, I continued teaching about the lead-up to the Rwandan Genocide. Today, I showed some slides about the Rwandan Civil War, the UNAMIR mission, and the assassination of the president. Then I had students read the UN Convention On the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, and we discussed what it said and what the signatories were supposed to do. So, naturally, someone in both sections asked why it didn’t happen in Rwanda. They knew from past classes that the US was one of the countries that didn’t intervene, so we discussed why. I had them list the pros/cons for intervention, and the pros/cons for staying out, and asked them to weight them. That led to a really good, thoughtful conversation about what it means to deploy troops to a conflict zone, why the decision to intervene or not is never an easy one, and whether or not powerful nations have a responsibility to weaker ones. Students had a lot to say, and varying points of view, and it was just awesome to listen to them articulate their thoughts. 
I got to listen to more students articulate their thoughts during flex block because the debate club had its first real meeting, and the members tackled two topics: should schools require uniforms, should parents tell kids Santa isn’t real (they picked that one because it’s December, heh). None of them have done formal debates before, so we just kept this one casual- back and forth discussion, no personal attacks or pile-ons- and it was so much fun. I know I enjoyed listening, and I think everyone who participated enjoyed it, too. More of that again in January!
Also awesome: I was being observed the whole time by a preservice teacher. So he got to have fun, too!
We spoke a bit about it all during my lunch break, then he went to observe another teacher, and I went to have a meeting with one of my APGOV students who wants to do an independent study next semester. We came up with some plans, filled out some paper work, and I think it’s going to be really cool. He also asked me if his class was the quietest GOV class I’ve ever taught, and I said yes. He’s always one to speak up, and he wishes his classmates would speak up more, too. 
Working on it, always!
So, after we finished chatting, we both had to go to practice. Sadly, he's on the basketball team, not the track team, but it’s all good. We had a couple new athletes join us today, which is exciting, and The Head Coach and I put the sprinters through a solid practice of timed 40s, agility drills, and “Friday core” (a quick and challenging core workout) before cooling down and stretching. I had some things to finish up after practice, so I went back to my room for about twenty minutes, but I still wasn’t the last person out of the parking lot when I left! And now it’s the weekend!
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airsoftaction · 8 months
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girltomboy · 11 months
Movie weekend.
Yesterday I had some errands to run, but I got enough sleep and called my mom after waking up. She told me I can officially go visit them any time I can, because she & my stepdad finished their new house and even turned the heating on for the cold season 🤭 and boy am I so excited! Then I had some errands to run all day, so I mainly spent it outside. Once I got home and had dinner, my boyfriend called me and we decided to watch The Truman Show (it was on our priority list lol). I enjoyed it, but to be honest it didn't exactly meet my expectations. I thought it would be more of something it was not, but I can't really put my finger on it.
There were some things in it that I couldn't really connect; for example the Lauren/Sylvia subplot (?). It felt forced and confusing, like was she the only person to disagree and refuse to participate in the endless TV show bit? Why did Truman not even ponder on what she told him, why did it not ring a million alarm bells to him that she ended up being right: someone *was* out to get them, someone *did not* want her talking to him, someone *did* interrupt them to take her away. Was she just an actress that had a change of heart while filming? I just didn't quite grasp that part entirely. Also, why did Truman immediately believe the man who took Lauren away, and made it his mission to follow her all the way to Fiji? Moreover, why did Truman end up marrying Meryl if he wasn't really in love with her? And how come he had never noticed Meryl's crossed fingers in their wedding photo? Also, what was that even about, why did she have to do that? If everyone else but Truman was filming and playing a role, clearly she would not have 100% meant those wedding vows (but she might have been willing to follow through, as an actress lol). And why does his dad vanish, then reappear, then vanish again? It seems that his father's return is a pretty destabilising point in the movie, so why do we not see his dad anymore after the reunion scene, why do we not see them talking, reconnecting, he just comes back and that's it? Anyway, these are all probably some asinine questions for/about this movie. I also couldn't really stomach some of its "comedic" moments, and I feel the movie would've been better without them.
I did enjoy the movie overall, despite these minor gripes lol. I have yet to voice them to my boyfriend, I feel maybe he might have a different point of view and I want to hear it.
Today I watched Shutter by myself, since I kind of gauged that he might not be in a horror movie mood any time soon yesterday when I suggested watching a movie. So I decided to finally watch this one, since it's been on my list for so long and I was so curious about it. Especially seeing as it's coming from Banjong Pisanthanakun, the director of The Medium from 2021 (yes I watched that one first) which knocked my socks off and remains one of my all-time favorite horrors. Honestly I loved it, it was not as scary as I had expected, but it was quite unnerving and pretty sad. The reveal at the end was not surprising to me, but it felt a bit gratuitous (I'm talking about the rape part). However, the fact that Tun had been carrying Natre on his shoulders the whole time since the accident was wonderful storytelling. I still don't really get why the accident even happened. They did not actually run over her, so what prompted the haunting? Was it because Tun was in love with Jane? Or just to bring light to the reality of her story through Jane? Because ultimately it's Jane who finds out, and Natre does not even hurt her at all. Perhaps she tried to make the truth known to someone, and to warn Jane of Tun's past. Nonetheless, I'll be thinking about this movie and I'm excited to talk to my work bestie about it.
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
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In the Name of Love'
Wow, I didn't take 10 days for this one!
Anyways, Kyra on her first Inquisitor Mission, Cal on his...who knows how many he's been in his three months alone...
Take a shot for every time I wrote 'Rebel Camp' btw, and no I won't pay the medical bills-
Enjoy! :)
Word Count: approx. 2.900 Words
You had to be very quiet, not a soul can possibly hear you as you snuck through the dense shadows of the night, using your agility and flexibility – the last things you're capable of – to hurry over most obstacles in your path without much worry.
Then you found what you looked for:
The trash of the weekend market of one of the Planet's cities you're currently taking cover in. As quick as you could be while also making as good as no sounds, you look through the already odd smelling produce that the vendors had to throw out because the unrelenting sun shone on them all day, which shortened their shelf life extremely quickly.
But it was the best you could get when you had to save all the stolen and found credits to hitchhike with a stranger on their ship next week again, never staying in one place for too long. You couldn't risk having them find you…not in this poor condition of yours.
In the reflection of a dirty puddle, not evaporated due to its shadowy place in an Alleyway, you see the creature that is you…skin and scales, drying out due to slow but more than certain malnutrition and not enough ways to hyrdate without catching some water-living parasite or an infection. You got just barely enough to not die of thirst, giving most of it, like your found food, to Grogu. Dark circles around the free part of your eyes made your skin almost the same tone as the scales close around it. And you didn't even have the strength left to fly if you ended up being caught during one of your nightly scavenging hunts, yet the fact that Grogu was all alone in that cave while you're out getting food for him and you gave you enough incentive to keep quiet as much as you physically could. Either way, if you felt like fighting this useless emptiness or not, you cannot leave Grogu to fend for himself, he doesn't deserve to lose the last person that can take care of him as well.
Even though you barely even had the strength left to defend the two of you if anyone other than the Empire found you…
You woke from your nap about an hour after Cal's Idea of…entertaining…yourselves, still tasting him on your lips and in your mouth. Was it weird that you liked that and the feeling it gave you?
"I can taste you too still, dragonfly, nothing weird in my eyes…but maybe let's not tell anyone else!" It came from beneath you, your body lying on his, being gently shook along as he laughed lightly at your surprised, almost embarrassed expression. "And by the way, you tasted about as divine as always…" He praised with a proud smirk, licking his lips for more context to add to your already naughty thoughts. And it would surprise you if he didn't like what he had, having eaten you out like a man starved just before this nap.
"Were you any better though, missy, I thought you're going to cho-" He wasn't able to finish his obvious idea to playfully tease you back when a knock at the door drew the attention of both of you towards it. "We're meeting at the Inn's entrance in about five minutes, hurry up you two!" Trilla shouts through it before audibly walking away once more – not waiting along for your answer – in the direction of the Elevators and stairwell. As much as it annoyed both of you, she was right. You're not here for a vacation, you're here on a mission as Inquisitors. With wordless communication, Cal and you were both on the same wavelength: Kark Trilla sometimes, but yes this is important.
Fortunately you had been allowed to at least choose the type and model, if you already had to wait to get a new Lightsaber. So it ended up being a Sniper Blaster Rifle, after you demonstrated your skills in handling one, your keen eyesight making you a dangerous enemy if left at the trigger of one.
So within two minutes, you fixed your Uniforms back up, having taken your nap still wearing them for the most part, only his pants and underwear drawn down a bit and your jumpsuit opened haphazardly below the belt. Thank the makers for the functionality of it, otherwise you would take five minutes alone already to get your Uniform back in place with your out of order wings and your tail having to be stuffed through the holes as well again. Grabbing his lightsaber to clip it back on, he used one hand to throw you your own weapon. Currently, that would be a blaster.
Although you really would've preferred to get your own, old Lightsaber back instead. But that one was most likely still with Cere and the Mantis Crew…traitors, liars…
You're going to get your lightsaber back and get your revenge at the same time. Revenge for attempting to kill you in cold blood, Revenge for keeping this life-changing truth from you even though she knew what you are…Revenge for your people.
"Easy, my little hot head. You're going to set the room ablaze!" Cal calls out, placing a much colder hand on your shoulder, which was heating up with every second you wasted thinking about that woman's betrayal. "I'm fine, Cal." The way you snapped at him though, your tail tip leaving cuts across even the stone tiled floor, it was more than obvious to him that you're not really fine. And as much he would've wanted to just let you have your moment to let off the figurative and literal steam, you two didn't have the time to. After their first week of offical acclimatization for you, they hadn't had the time either.
So you're running around like a steaming time bomb since over a month now…eventually, he just knew, the pressure and rage would get you to pop and as much as he wanted to be there for you, to get you through that moment just like any other you two went through till now…he was afraid if you would perhaps lose track of who is friend and who is foe in that very moment, or even of yourself.
"...You're afraid that...that I might hurt you…" You realize quietly, his thoughts, his evident fear for what you could possibly do if everything became just way too much for even you to handle. That was the point you felt yourself get back to reality, but not slowly. More like a Boulder falling off a cliff.
"No…if you want me to be honest, my biggest concern is that you hurt yourself in your eventual outbreak." He reveals, a thought he didn't let you hear all to clearly, or didn't want you to hear, it seemed, because it definitely didn't sound like a lie either. "Why…?" Outside, the sun was settling across the horizon of Kuat's cities and forests, a golden and orange glow coming through the half-shut window as you waited for Cal's answer to your very simple, short question. "Because I don't want to see you hurt, we went over this so many times in this month alone…I don't want anyone to harm you, especially not you yourself in an accident…" And it was quite obvious in his tone that he wouldn't accept any type of 'but' or similar rebuttal. He was worried for you, that's all and while, on the inside, you knew that most certainly really was everything there is to this, you can't help but secretly continue to worry about the fact that Cal might also be afraid of you hurting him...
You would never let that happen, under no circumstances…you rather kill yourself before it gets to that point!
Cal took your silent nod as the end of this subject of conversation, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, smiling when he felt that you had already cooled off again…you never would let yourself harm him…ever.
Going back down the same way as you were shown by the owner of the Inn, you're greeted with the 7 Storm Troopers from before and Trilla with her hands on her hips, impatient as hell already as her heels duck into the road's fine, gray gravel. "Don't give us this look, Trilla, we still got a good minute till the five minutes are over!" You claim severely annoyed – the previous conversation the cause for that – before she can even say anything, and for everyone's sake, she fortunately dropped it more or less as she began to assign the roles of this mission to everyone. Something you only truly realized now, since she ignored the Troopers entirely and immediately turned to you two, was that they weren't even basic Storm Troopers.
They all already knew what they would be doing today, as it were their specializations.
You had a medic, a Flametrooper, two Heavy Troopers, a Jumptrooper, a Scout Trooper and one Shock Trooper, which was basically an elite Rank Trooper.
"Eleventh Brother," she began, looking at Cal who himself looked unamused as well, his arms crossed as he looked at Trilla with something close to passive aggressive neutrality, "You're going to be our eyes above, of course with the help of the Twelfth Sister."
"Stop daydreaming and listen to me, Yarmot." Trilla reprimanded, snapping her finger in front of your face for your attention, "My apologies." Despite not in the mood for anything anymore right now, after you heard Cal's fears, you had enough brain left to keep your false respect up in front of the Troopers, otherwise they might think their boss has absolutely no reign over the two of you. But to be honest, Cal and You often ignored the supposed Rank of the Inquisitors because by the makers, you would've been dead so many times if you listened to some of the outrageous plans and strategies the other Inquisitors thought about during Simulation Training. Trilla was the only Inquisitor you even believed in anymore to actually lead a Missiok like this successfully, all the regular bullying you did set aside, you had to give her at least that.
Eyes above? Did she forget that your wings aren't healed yet, even if they made significant progress – surprisingly – in Dr. Puloria's eyes, they are apparently not able to be used in combat again already anyways.
But as if she read your mind, perhaps due to your extremely clear confusion written all over your face, she pulls up one of her brows, pointing behind her.
A mountain, with a path leading up to it, that's what it looked like at least.
"That karking above. I know that your stupid wings are still virtually useless…and knowing our luck, it will most likely stay that way." Your confusion changed to just about being absolutely done with her already again for the rest of the day, one of your eyes twitching irritated as you hold back from just telling her your own thoughts right now. Instead, you nod, holding back, staying quiet as Cal praises your control silently. "So the Scout Trooper checks out from below, we give through what we can see from up there?" "Yes, essentially. But stay on guard, from what the Town's People have given us Information-wise for them, they have been seen also patrolling the nearby mountain range, that includes that mountain, so you might have to fight or hide."
With a few questions for the strategy later, the improvised briefing was concluded and everyone took one of the Speeders provided to you all by the Town itself. They clearly appreciated your help as some curious folks came to watch with their kids as the 10 of you depart for the exit of the town and into the wild grasslands. After an uncertain distance, you didn't pay much attention to it, Cal signals you with his hand to cut away from the rest, stopping shortly at the foot of the huge mountain, a sloping grass field and a gravel path running up to the more rocky paths being your new road as the others continued to their discussed spots. Leaving the front to Cal, you take the slow, careful ascend on the now down-throttled, much quieter Speeders to take in the surroundings.
Kuat was a pretty planet, but also way too…busy…with plant and swamp life for your personal taste. Most of what you're able to see was the Jungle next to the open grass fields and partially swamps that forced the Jungle to end almost abruptly. Before you disappeared behind the rock wall of the mountain that now lost most of the lush and tall grass that grew further down, you took the chance to see the Town from high above as well, painted in the colors of the evening sun even more now. It was surprisingly big, but not polluted despite two big factories visible near the other end. Not Shipyards though, these are in Kuat's Orbit as an awestriking ring of factories.
After the last feet upwards, Cal calls for you silently that you should travel the rest of the small distance by foot, to keep the Speeders hidden in case a Rebel Patrol actually came past here. Doing so, you once again walk side by side, making sure to keep on guard just like she had told you and Cal. "If the Camp isn't too difficult to deal with, from the amount of Rebels at least, you think we could finish this mission today already?" You dare to ask once he was sure he had found a good spot for your task, leaning against the big rock he hid behind with you. The ginger hummed in thought, "I don't know, perhaps…also, doesn't this...situation give you a bit of Deja vu, Kyra?"
Deja vu? Of wha- oh wait, yes! This is very similar to how the first day you met ended, with you two hunched down behind some loose rocks on a cliff to spy out some stuff, back then, it was an Informant of the Rebels. Now it's the very people you once believed to be your allies. "Yeah, it does. It was much hotter on that Planet though, Kuat has a more mild and moist climate." He smiled when he got the confirmation that you remembered as well, shortly ignoring the bloated rule of professionalism to place a kiss on your scaly cheeks, "And I would never regret meeting you that day, Dragonfly. Now: let's get it together, we got a job to do."
Right he was, you shouldn't mess up unless you want you two to get punished for it later on. Pulling out your binoculars from the clip at your utility belts, you carefully climb onto the rock, flattening your wings and tail onto it, to be able to look downwards without being spotted yourself while Cal chose to lie down and look around it from the side.
Minutes and minutes of low activity and basically no sign of life, Cal almost falling asleep right where he was, you finally saw something of interest. Zooming in with the Binoculars, you grin, "Tri- Second Sister, registering movement to the galactic north side of the Camp, four lightly armored Rebels equipped with…two Rifle Blasters and two Generic Blasters. One has a vibroblade at his belt." You sent through the wrist comm you wore, trying to make out anyone else on the ground but you're running up empty till now. But you kept being surprised as in how in the Galaxy the Rebels had managed to build up a whole karking campsite just a few miles out of a Town that actively and proudly supported their enemies.
"Cal, why do they make it so complicated anyways, they eradicated such Campsites with a targeted artillery strike before, from what one of the Troopers told me on the trip down to Kuat. Why aren't we doing it again?"
You ask as you keep a keen eye on the north side now, it must be where their entrance is then, if these four suddenly came from there. Rolling your head from side to side to ease some tension in your neck from lying on literal rock, you spy something else at the west side of the Camp, two more. While you send that through as well, including their potential weaponry, Cal patiently waited to be able to reply to you with what you wanted to hear, "These Rebels are suspected to be holding onto important information about other Camps and Rebel Cells. Especially one on Coruscant that's been growing under the Empire's Nose for months now!"
Yeah okay, that sounded very much important, you give him that. So maybe you can't just blast them all to hell and back, but if the information is that important, why are they all waiting around so long? They could've shared them to other Rebels by now, made hundredsbof copies…untraceable ones at that! "Relax, love, they know of the obvious risks but so far, they know what they are doing. Isn't their first time after all…" You really did hope that they knew, otherwise this is going to be a waste of not just time but also of valuable Resources.
Engrossed deeply into the task of being on the lookout for threats down below, neither Cal nor you had much attention left to also look behind yourselves every once in a while, some banter back and forth keeping you from also losing concentration on the more obvious task at hand. But it caused a different problem: forgetting to stay on guard for your OWN safety at all times.
So it was only BD then that would pick up the sounds of the unfamiliar voices closing in, his worried, quiet beeps drowned out by you and Cal talking about whatever played about on the ground, either verbally ripping into one of the Rebel Guards tripping on some roots or their own speeders at the South Side clearly being less than fully functional. Only when BD had more than enough and jumped on Cal's head to pull at his ginger hair with his small feet, you had forced yourselves to look back up.
But the Rebel Patrol had already seen your lying figures, quick to realize who and what you were by your black Uniforms. When you abandoned your binoculars, throwing them wherever to take a reflexive fighting stance, they should've fled by instinct to stay alive. Because they knew what you would do.
They didn't.
Like they knew they wouldn't get out alive either way after they found not just one, but two Inquisitors, spying on their Group's camp, they charged at Cal and you, their surprising fearlessness stunned you both for long enough so one of them reached the Ginger Inquisitor, pulling his tucked away blade to swing at him with a desperate shout.
Wide eyes, stunned to your spots, everything felt like it played in slow motion as you heard the rip of his uniform being shredded by the serrated blade of the Rebel, smelling the metallic scent of your mate's blood near instantly before it even hit the rocky ground of the mountain you're currently stuck on.
You're too slow to react as well when Cal, his eyes wide and mouth open, stumbles backwards from the sheer shock and pain, clutching the wound instead of defending himself, as it wasn't his first instinct to lash out in revenge, this wasn't how Cal worked either way how angry he was.
It was though to shout your name as he fell off the ragged cliff face you two just shortly before lied on to do your stupid job.
All because of theses karking rebels…
0 notes
otherworldsjt · 2 years
Death's Fury Chapter III: SVVL
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      Thankfully there isn't an assessment during our missions; otherwise, we'd look pretty unprofessional right now.
      I looked as if I'd just woken up and after leaving the train station, Trik and I realized we'd gotten off at the wrong stop. We were closer to the center of Atlanta rather than being dropped off near the west, so we had to hoof it the rest of the way.
      Lucky for me, I'd brought my trusty compact board along before leaving home. It's a sleek board with energy-absorbing panels on the front end that...well, absorb energy. Then it can release it in controlled amounts of force from either the two fan ports on the bottom for height control or the retractable jet thingy in the back that provides the propulsion. Trust me; it's way cooler than it sounds. My dad whipped it up for me since Primordials aren't as earthbound as humans.
      Controlling it's simpler than I initially thought it'd be. Once it's connected to my chip, I feel like there are two levers in my head: one for height and one for power output, so staying in control isn't difficult.
      According to my dad, its top speed depends on its rider; with me, it's enough to break the sound barrier. Still, I haven't tried it out yet since he warned me that to achieve that speed, I'd have to be able to infuse my spirit energy into the panels while also maintaining physical enhancement for my body to be able to withstand the g-force, drag, and impact from any unlucky bugs.
      Now, I'm proficient in controlling my spirit energy or enhancing my body with it, but multitasking isn't really my strong suit, so I decided it'd be best to hold off on that for now.
      We had to cruise along the sidewalks since cities are considered no-fly zones for all aircraft. After about 30 minutes, Trik started complaining about being hungry, so we stopped by a nearby deli restaurant. Immediately after entering, my mouth began to salivate at the scent of food.
      It hadn't occurred to me until then that it'd been over 24 hours since I last ate, and, at the moment, I was ready to eat the entire restaurant's supply.
      We both ended up ordering nearly half the menu before finally being satiated. I finished before Trik and watched him devour every piece of food on his plate – even the bones.
      Not sure I understand how he eats or how he digests food exactly, but it appears as if he puts the food into his mouth, and the food is then broken down into energy for him somehow.
      Usually, when I ask him about it, he takes it personally and gives me vague responses that don't really answer the question. So, this time I asked something else I've been curious about – why does he eat the bones?
      He says his body gets fuel from all the food, wasting nothing. He followed with a low comment about humans being incapable of assimilating what he refers to as the best parts of food—bit of a superior complex there.
      When the bill came, to no surprise, it racked up to a pricey amount. It wasn't a problem, though; we still had plenty of money from our weekend in Las Vegas back in April. It was the most amount of fun I'd had, and now that I think about it, the luckiest we'd been since beginning the mission.
      We'd agreed only to spend the money on food since we'll be traveling too often to buy something like a house or car. Besides, if all Primordials can fly and Death can teleport (pretty sure I read that he could somewhere), then what's the point in buying a car anyways?
      After leaving the restaurant, we continued west and passed a martial arts stadium where experienced men and women battle each other while masterfully controlling their "chi." The poster outside had a man with an EQN of 837 facing off against a woman with an EQN of 841.
      By the way, EQN are energy quantity numbers that's an essential factor in today's society. It can cement one's status almost as much as money does. Decades ago, the global corporation, TekTra, invented sensory devices called energy quantifiers that, when held, can measure how much spirit energy someone has. Now SVVL centers use them to determine a contestant's position and capabilities.
      Considering the average human has an EQN between 500 and 600, I found it interesting to see a non-Watcher that close to 1,000.
      We decided to take a peek inside. I used the compact board to float to the top of the stadium, where the ceiling was opened, and we saw thousands of people sitting in arranged seats with poly glass lined between each row. They were all cheering at the fight being displayed on giant projection screens. The actual battle was happening 80 feet below in the center of the arena.
      I channeled some of my spirit energy to my eyes, enhancing my vision. It's a secret skill called omni-vision that most Watchers and Primordials use. I try not to do it around others since it causes the iris to glow the same color as my spirit energy; though, it happens instinctively when I'm on alert.
      Like this, my vision not only gets enhanced, but it also makes other's spirit energy perceptible. I could see the match well now, and I gotta admit, they were pretty good. I've never seen anyone other than Watchers who could manipulate their spirit energy that well.
      Standing inside a ring the size of half a basketball court was a burly man in his early 30s,from what I could tell. Probably 6'2", 6'3" maybe, and easily 250 pounds of bulking muscle. He was shirtless, wore green gym shorts that were a little too tight, white bandages wrapped around his fists, and his spirit energy radiated from him with an assertive orange flow. My guess was close quarters combat was his specialty.
      On the other hand, his opponent was a woman, I'm guessing in her late 20s, who was dressed in a purple sparring outfit with her midriff exposed, revealing a very well-toned stomach. The material appeared light and Egyptian, with a slightly thicker hood and mask that only showed her eyes. Her weapon of choice was a polearm of some kind with a blade at its end, with her calm, blue energy imbued within it, so her specialty was probably mid-range combat.
      By the way, just in case things are different in your time and you're wondering why anyone would let a master of polearms use a deadly weapon against someone fighting with his fists...the answer is overpopulation.
      Remember how I said people weren't dying for two centuries? Well, new babies were still being born every day, and the planet started to feel it over time. Within 50 years, worldwide panic ensued after the human population reached an all-time high of 12 billion. To solve the apparent problems presented, every country came up with its own ways of trimming its numbers.
      For example, some created these Spartan-like battle expeditions, and tried creating events using kid games with a death principle. But, with both ideas, people weren't dying; they'd just get back up, so they implemented a way to indefinitely "hold" those who should have died.
      America came up with a similar approach by creating a martial arts tournament system named SVVL (get it?), where participants would sign a contract stating they'd relinquish their life in the event they lost.
      Following their consent, participants would compete in a city tournament, where the champion would then be entered into the state tournament. The state champion would then be entered into a country-wide tournament. Those who lost were held indefinitely until scientists could figure out how to get people to die again.
      What made people sign up was the reward system the government created. For city tournaments, the families of volunteers received $50,000. They received an extra $10,000 for every tenth consecutive win, and the overall tournament winner would receive $500,000.
      During state tournaments, contestants no longer received pay for consecutive wins, but the champion would receive $10,000,000, and the country-wide champion received $100,000,000. Taxed, of course.
      Combine that with Greed's influence on humans, him spreading the principles of spirit manipulation, and the match rules permitting any weapon excluding firearms. You have millions who felt invincible enough to win the prize.
      After that, America's consuming population declined dramatically, resulting in other countries creating tournament systems of their own. Over the following century-and-a-half, consuming populations fell, with the only issue being where to keep all the people being held.
      Thankfully that hasn't been an issue since Death's resurfacing, so space has been slowly increasing while the population continues to decrease.
      Anyways, that's why I am currently watching a seemingly unfair fight between a polearms master and a hand-to-hand combatant.
      To most of the audience, the fight most likely just seemed like an exchange of blows between a nimble woman and a solid man. But, to those few like me, who could see and sense spirit energy, it was clearly a fray between two masters.
      The giant man was slow but durable. He'd focus his spirit energy into his fists to parry strikes from her weapon unscathed, then quickly spread it throughout his arms right before making contact during his counter strikes. That way he could increase the strength of his attacks without wasting energy.
      The woman, though smaller, was able to withstand the devastating force from each strike by concentrating her spirit energy on her feet and calves while simultaneously spreading some to the points of the polearm that contacted his fists. After gaining some distance, she focused more on her legs and began to attack with so much speed and agility that the guy's only option was to spread his spirit energy throughout his entire body to protect himself.
      Unfortunately, not only would that quickly eat away at his strength and leave him exhausted, but due to not having a large spirit reserve to begin with, spreading it throughout his entire body only gave him a thin layer of protection.
      As the man guarded against the onslaught, the hardened spirit energy protecting him began to crack.
      In a desperate attempt to stop the woman, the man slams the floor beneath them, causing it to shake and throw the woman off balance.
      In one, swift movement the man punches the woman in the stomach while she'd off balance. The man then grabs her polearm with one arm and her neck with the other and slams her into the ground as he chokes her.
      As the man grins in self-satisfaction the woman, struggling under his strength, reaches for her polearm in the man's other hand.
      Gripping the end of it, she twists it causing imbedded blades to eject through the mans hand that was gripping the polearm.
      As the man let go of the polearm the woman slashes the blade across his face, causing him to wail in pain. The woman takes this opportunity to coat her legs with her energy again and speed around the ring.
      It would've been easy to determine the winner at that point, but I noticed the woman's spirit energy had begun to diminish fast. The energy consumption rate for maintaining that speed is high – way more than she could handle.
      Both fighters must've realized they were nearing their limits and decided to put everything they had into their next attack.
      The woman sped around the ring and flanked him from behind; then, midway, she leaped forward while placing her remaining spirit energy into the tip of the blade on her polearm – most likely with the expectation he'd continue to shield his entire body – but the man, instead, focused and charged his right arm with the remainder of his spirit energy. Then, whirling around towards the woman, he swung his arm in an arc, directly clashing with the woman's blade.
      The force from their attacks impacting each other created a shockwave that shook the stadium, and it was at that moment, I grasped the purpose of the poly glass down in the audience.
      Sadly, being an illegal observant of this fight and completely ignorant of its customs, I had no such protection from the shockwave.
      The blast blew me backward off the roof over an 80-foot drop, but luckily, Trik and I have quick reflexes. Trik caught me underneath my arms and flew upwards to slow the fall while I focused my spirit energy on my legs.
      As I watched the dim, aqua-colored aura enveloping my legs become denser, I felt the familiar sensation of power seep through my skin.
      At first, it spread with an intense heat through every fiber of muscle within my legs, strengthening them before finally settling on the bones with a solidifying coolness that reached the marrow.
      With my legs now reinforced, and the ground about 40 feet below me, I told Trik to let go and landed on the ground below me. Let me just say that landing on solid concrete is not as easy or as painless as TV makes it look. Even with my legs reinforced, I felt some of the impact around my knees. Next time I'll remember to roll instead of trying to look cool.
      Still reeling over the fight I had just witnessed, I couldn't help but think about how different things are from what was taught during my training.
      I mean, yeah, I already knew that nowadays, most people are aware of their spirit energy since Greed revealed it, but even then, I would have never imagined anyone other than Watchers gaining that kind of skill.
      Hell, the guys back in Charlotte didn't have nearly that level of control over their spirit energy. They could only muster a thin coating around a fist.
      Truth be told, I wasn't even aware of SVVL becoming more of a competition for professional spirit masters until now. I guess all the weaklings were weeded out since people started dying again.
      I would've continued my astonishment, but Trik mentioned it being preferable to meet Death before dark, and it was already 3:50 pm, so we continued west.
      After about 30 minutes, we had finally left the city of Atlanta and were in an area surrounded by dirt roads, grasslands, and trees, so I used the opportunity to get some airtime on my board. In less than a minute, we were cruising through the sky at 300mph – me on my board and Trik flying next to me.
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eddiestattoos · 3 years
As promised. Me and my bs are back, hello friends. Been a few days...
Clark: last night we kind of kissed. Me: *fails to contain my snickering* kind of Clark?
The fact that Lex is somehow involved in every episode even though he's not actually on the show anymore is slightly bothersome tbh
Yet another Smallville dramatic hair cutting scene
Is it bad that I live for Clark/Tess scenes? Like just give me more please
"You really think you can declare Lex dead and not end up dead yourself?" You know what pal I'm sure my girl Tess can
"Clark no more super scares please I'm this close to a cardiac arrest"
I expected to like Tess but not quite this much she's a damn queen
Ok Lana really going for it girl I commend you but also why?
I'm bummed we're not going to get a lot of Lana and Tess scenes
Lana: whispers to Clark from the roof
Lol Oliver and Tess joining forces this shall be fun
"Clark I love you being so romantic" honey he always has been you've just been blind to it
Oliver: well if it isn't metropolises newest power couple
"You're a clown aren't you a clown" Oliver Queen my beloved
My boy is still entertaining me from his hospital bed
Lana shoves doll head first into garbage: today's edition of things that were funny for no reason
I never thought that Lana's second departure could hurt as much as the first but damn ok watch me cry for eternity
*cries more*
*and more*
This damn show
I feel genuinely sick this is making me so sad
Neat special effects on that kiss though, kudos
K I'm going to go cry for 10 minutes before I start the next ep
K it's been at least 15 and I still feel disgusting but I'm jumping back on the horse
They really had to bring this woman back. No offence but I hate you water lady
Wait she was 2 seasons ago?? I really have been flying through this show
What is with Smallville just having people incapacitated for months right before their departure from the show? Lana? And I ran into the Jimmy spoiler so I know that is coming
Ok things are moderately forgiven I'm laughing at Clois so it's getting ok again
Clark telling Lois he's the red blue blur I love them
"What'd you do, sneeze?" "Actually..." I'm not ok 😂😂
There's no way this is real
"Guess I should stop calling you Smallville"
I can't take this ep seriously 😂😂
"Have I been high this entire time?"
I really hate water lady. This bitch
More time travel oh boy that ended so well the last time
Yet again Clois breaking my heart when they're not even together
This ep better be the last time I see water lady
Ok this woman will be back and I'm going to scream ughhhh I hate her
Or maybe not thank you Davis
Damnit Clois stop this
I'm sorry father but you can't understand the level of inner demon that Davis has
Clark Kent, suit and tie, takes a backpack to work
My poor baby Jimmy please give this boy some joy before, well...
Davis is pretty clever in covering his ass I'll give him that
Poor Chloe joining the self blame parade
Jimmy and Davis are about to go to war I feel it
Jimmy love what the hell are you doing?
The thing I love about Davis is he genuinely tries to be good he just.... can't
Is it some sort of rite of passage in this show for characters to have a psychotic break?
Tess and her childhood tales this poor girl I could not love her more
"Skies are all clear" *turbulence seconds later*
Can't wait til Oliver finds out about his jet
"It's going to be one long happily ever after" *cries in knowledge of what's to come*
Davis drove the stake I told you
Wait Tess planned all that plane stuff? Huh. Clever
"One year closer to the sweet release of death" ok Lois
How is Oliver so cute?
Me when Ollie first came in: he is Oliver I will not call him Ollie. Me now: Ollie my baby!!!
"Oh my god I'm Lois"
"Isnt there a limit to how tight a shirt can be to meet dress code" I love Clark and his reaction
"Its ok I'm Chloe" says Lois... well... whatever... anyway...
Another rite of passage seems to be helping brainwashed Clark through learning his abilities. Although I guess it's technically the same person
"You're a superhuman being from another planet " "that's great just don't tell human resources alright"
I don't really know whether to refer to her as Lois or Chloe but hey. Also Clark wasn't the flower in the hair a dead giveaway it wasn't Lois?
"Look at the rust in here no wonder it just pulled off like that"
"That's amazing. The acoustics up here are incredible. It's like there's some perfect echo point right here"
I could really just copy this entire scene on here, its practicality what I'm doing anyway
Clark being concerned about his deadline. Can relate
"Sorry guys. I'll make sure you get a nice Christmas bonus" Oliver is just very funny sometimes
Wait how they'd get off the roof?
And howd Ollie get off the pole?
Oliver: What is this, you drop by to kick my ass again, it was so much fun for me the first time
"Here's a thought. Don't do it again" good advice Ollie
One of these eps, they'll get together obviously. One of these eps....
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Family Movie Night (Request)
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Warnings: None Age: 14 Word Count: 1,023 Requests: Closed Summary: You and your parents have a family movie night Requested by: @griffin-girl-r​ Date: 04/04/2022 A/N: Thank you so much to my favourite second person for suggesting this. Love you ❤️ :)
It was Saturday night and you and your parents were getting everything ready for the family movie night.
Normally its seen as "not cool" to hang out with your parents, especially on weekends but you were the exception especially since your parents are literally two of the coolest people ever: Captain America and Black Widow plus they have just gotten back from a 2-week long mission and you have missed them more than words can describe.
"So what movie are we thinking tonight?" Steve asked placing the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.
"Moonraker?" Natasha suggests.
"Not Moonraker again all you do when you make me watch any James Bond movies is make comments on how you would take out the bad guys." You said as you threw yourself down on the soft.
Both your parents sat down beside you. Your dad has the remote and was scrolling through Netflix while your mom was covering you all up with blankets.
"Marley and me?" Steve asked
"Absolutely not that movie gets me crying every time." You say.
"The Conjuring?"
"We're not watching a horror movie. I'm not having Y/N getting woken up every night from nightmares." Natasha responds
"I don't get nightmares from watching horror movies." You defended yourself.
"Baby, the last time we watched a horror movie you were sleeping in our bed for nearly a month." Natasha reminded you.
"First of all that was only because your bed is a lot more comfortable than mine. Second of all the woman had literal buttons where her eyes should have been. Who's brilliant idea was it to even suggest that movie is suitable for kids."
Natasha lets out a light chuckle.
"Here you look." Steve handed the remote to you.
"How about...twilight?"
"If it's that movie with the sparkling vampires then I’ll pass," Steve said.
"How about a dog's purpose. I know how much you like movies about dogs." Natasha
"Maybe but I don't want to watch it in case the dog died and I'm not really in the mood to be uncontrollably sobbing tonight." Then you let out a yawn.
"I'm done, you look." You handed the remote back to your dad and you snuggle up to your mom.
"Turn it over to Disney and put on Finding Nemo or something." You said as you stretched out your legs and rested them across your dad's lap.
While Finding Nemo was playing it got to the scene with the sharks. When the scene with the explosion happened you got a fright and, of course, both your parents felt your body jump.
"You have seen this movie so many times and still get scared at the same scene every time." Natasha laughed
"It just startled me, that's all," You turned to rest your forehead on your mom's shoulder and hid your face in embarrassment
Natasha and Steve heard you laughing so they knew that you were okay.
"I can't reach, can you get it for me, daddy?" You were stretching your arm to try to grab the popcorn bowl on the coffee table but your arms were too short to grab it without moving.
After the movie had finished Steve saw that both you and your mom had fallen asleep.
He carefully moved your legs off his lap and placed them on the couch. You started shifting and he got worried that he had woken you up but you had just moved your legs up to your chest and leaned them against your mom He covered you both up with the blankets that had fallen off at some point then placed a kiss on you and your mom's foreheads. Then he took the bowls into the kitchen.
Natasha woke up and saw that Steve wasn't there. She carefully removed herself from the couch but kept her hand on your head to support it and replaced it with a cushion.
She picked up the cups that were on the floor and headed into the kitchen. She placed them on the counter beside the sink.
"I don't wake you up did I?" Steve asked worriedly.
"No, you didn't," Natasha responded picking up the dish towel and drying the dishes.
Natasha has always been a light sleeper one of the many things that kept her alive in the Red Room which came in handy when you came into her life whenever you had a nightmare she would be by your side instantly and giving you as much comfort as possible.
After they had finished washing the dishes they both walked back into the common room and you were still sleeping soundly on the sofa all warm and cosy wrapped up in the blanket
They started quietly turning off all the lights and the tv then Steve carefully lifted you and they made their way up to their room.
You started to wake up a little.
"Where are we going?" You asked confusedly.
"Up to bed, honey," Steve replied.
"But what about the movie I need to know how it ended."
"Baby, you have seen that movie plenty of time to know what happens at the end," Nat said.
"I know but I still need to see it."
"Maybe in the morning," Natasha told you running her hand through your hair.
Even with your eyes slightly open, you saw that they had walked past their bedroom and were heading to yours.
"No, I want to sleep in your bed tonight." You whined.
It was too late so they just gave in and turned around back to their room.
"Yay." You tiredly cheered.
Natasha opened the bedroom door then she pulled back the covers and steve gently placed you on the bed. You shuffled over to the middle of the bed so they had enough room too.
After Natasha had turned off the light and got into a comfortable position you snuggled up against her.
"Love you, mama, love you, daddy." You whispered.
"Love you, baby." "Love you, kid" Natasha placed a kiss on your forehead and Steve kissed the side of your head.
It didn't take you long to fall back asleep.
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nlghtshade · 2 years
♡ july 2022 favorites
sorry this is so late 😭 july just came and went ?? i swear it was still june just last week ... anyway ... it's finally the weekend and i've caught up and organized myself enough to polish this list up :)
so many amazing recs for amazing fic and art this month !! hidden gems s2 by @sitp-recs is officially live !! i've added so many fics to my list via the amazing submissions for wizard hearts 2022, and a soft welcome back to @softlystarstruck's softly reading lists !!
i've also been loving all the amazing fics and art coming out of @hd-wireless, @hp-bodiceripper and @gwbexchange's hd summer vibes fest ♡
and lastly just want to highlight how lovely this month has been - there's been so many birthdays, anniversaries and lovely appreciation posts for everyone going around that just !!! make my heart burst w happiness ♡ so last but not least - a special special shoutout to @rockingrobin69 and her lovely fandom recs and this piece of fandom love ♡
ever-giving heart (2021, Explicit, 6.1k) by @softlystarstruck
Harry Potter doesn't ask for help, until he does– desperately, standing on Draco's doorstep. Draco doesn't intend to get invested. Really.
All The Time In The World (2022, Mature, 7k) by @basicallyahedgehog
Since he hit puberty, Harry has been using glamours to make his body look how he feels. But when the Horcrux inside him dies, taking his body's ability to accept magic with it, he is left back at the starting line. Or, after the war Harry figures out who he wants to be with the help of his family, the world's best best-friend, and a surprising person from his past.
Day 194: Feral (2022, 2.8k) by @drarrily-we-row-along
cw: injury on a case- everyone is fine but it's a little icky.
A Saturday Kind of Love by @nv-md
For the brilliant and wonderful @emmalovesdilemmas who sent me the prompt: farmer’s market. Have I written a similar fic before? Sure have. Do I still love it? Sure do. Please enjoy some boys in love! For my Somewhat Summer Drarry Drabbles.
Heart of Gold by @phoebe-delia
This is for the marvelous, majestic, incredible birthday geese, @geesenoises. My love, I don't quite know what I'd do without you and your big heart and smart brain. You are so full of kindness, wisdom, humor and generosity. I simply adore you. Thank you, also, for introducing me to Griff. For you, I have a little songfic offering based on "Heart of Gold," which as we've discussed is a great Drarry song. I hope I've done it justice. Enjoy!
Dichotomy by @undercoverwarlock
For @drarrymicrofic's prompt, "Bike Dream" by Rostam. I don't know what this is. Enjoy?
Discord by @skeptiquewrites
for @drarrymicrofic prompt 'discord' by the living temple
The Things We Did And Didn’t Do (2017, Teen, 2k) by @gingertodgers
Harry is due back from visiting Hermione and Ron in Australia, three months after finally spending the night with Draco. It's time to DTR.
High Aspirations (2019, Teen, 3.6k) by @amelior8or
The mission was supposed to be simple — the smugglers weren’t taking Portkeys, so the Aurors just need to track them onto a Muggle aerial plane. It’s fine. Nothing can really go wrong, as long has Harry can deal with Draco flying Muggle for the first time, and with Draco completely blowing their cover. And with Draco looking really beautiful when he throws curses.
♡ Discovered unposted Drarry sketch in my folders. by @schnellertod
♡ This is a continuation of a series of drawings about young Aurors Harry and Draco by @egonorainu
♡ Tit For Tat Ficbinding by @a-gay-old-time for @mintawasalreadytaken with art by @mad1492, @babooshkart, & @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm
also check out @mintawasalreadytaken’s newly finished sequel, Truly Being Alive !!
♡ long time no see) by @roncheg
♡ 💛🌳🗡🖼🌼 by @short666bread
♡ He was the sun / bright and warm / and I was like ice / slowly melting at his touch by @cuckooboo
♡ draco malfoy by @adayka
♡ Sectumsempra~ by @ceresartsy
♡ Ginny & Tom by @its-nanse
♡ Wolfstar by @satzzzart
♡ Lace and Heels by @peachbabypie
♡ The Importance of Charming Draco Malfoy by @lilbeanz
♡ Redraw of that old tattooed/tattooist/something Draco and boxer Harry (or something like it). by @fantalfart
♡ Dear Padfoot, by @enselius
♡ january ♡ february ♡ march ♡ april ♡ may ♡ june
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