#but its getting hard to deal woth
michameinmicha · 2 months
Wish i knew any fat people who had a mastectomy to talk to about it
I feel like the only people i know who had top surgery are skinny or average and cant help me with my worries/questions at all
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kedreeva · 2 years
Hello fucker im the anon losing my absolute marbles about godfuckingdamned stranger things
Not only are you apparently not going alone to hell and have fucking grabbed me and decided to take me along with you you fuck but i feel as though i was plucked out the 3 story window of my fucking flat and shoved inti the metaphorical backseat of the fucking zamboni machine heading straight for hells fiery gates WHILE I WAS MERELY TRYING TO WET MY NIN EXISTENT FLOWERS ON THE WINDOW SEAL
Having said that i can absolutely fucking tell that the characters themselves are holding the fucking thing together and it would work eith absolutely nonsensical plot SINCE I KNOW ALMOST NONE OF THE PLOT (UNFORTUNATELY I DO KNOW A BIT NOW SINCE IVE BEEN CONSUMING THE FUCKING FICS OF THIS FANDOM LIKE A MANIAC FOR THE PAST 2 DAYS) AND IM STILL LOSING MY SHIT OVER THEM
I have also fucking decided to start watching the fucking thing right fucking now even though im so fucking behind on several deadlines and assignments including a very important one thats due right thia fuckinh week and for which i have yet to write ANYTHING and which has to be about 80 fucking pages long by the end of it so yes i am truly having the fucking time of my life goddamn it i was gonna start watching the fucking thing literally last night but i fell fucking asleep at about 2am because of the all nighter i had pulled the previous night reading the fucking steddie fics and last night i fell asleep woth my fucking phone in my hand doing guess fucking what READING ON AO3 ONCE AGAIN
I literally only vaguely know how steve and eddie look and dustin a little bit and robin a little bit and thats IT but goddamn do i have strong feelings for like 9 characters i know fuckall about except for fanon
As for the goddamn fic that made me lose the last of my sanity it wasnt even a Proper h/c per se just had some h/c in it which was game enough for my tired ass to deem it a h/c fic in my exvaustion and insanity and i do NOT unfortunately remember the name of it but i do know that it was by a fellow whose usernmae is pukner which i somehow remember and it was about 40k long amd what fucking made me read it and LOSE it and i mean LOSE IT like fucking LOSE IT was that it had NONBINARY steve kedreeva it had fucking NONBINARY STEVE so yeah i truly have given uo all of my 2 drops of remaining sanity for the smallest possible little bit of serotonin i could possibly receive
I blame you SO hard for everything you are literally never gonna stop hearing from me about this you shall deal with every single mental breakdown and Thought™ that i have because of stranger things from now on because youre the reason why im in this shitshow in the first place my fucking friends and acquaintances and EVERYONE both online AND IRL have been trying to get me to watch stranger things EVER SINCE IT FIRST CAME OUT and _THIS_ is what fucking does me in
Well, I found the fic in question, and a) there's more than one NB Steve written by this person and also they're on tumblr by the same name
and b) Hey....... anyone out there got some nonbinary steve harrington fics to rec? bonus if they're hurt/comfort fics apparently. If I'm going to be blamed, I'm gonna fuckin EARN IT :D Drop 'em in the replies or reblogs or askbox, happy to reblog tumblr links too.
c) heyyyy drop your Steddie playlists for anon let's make it worse as a FAMILY
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ungirthed · 7 days
biphobia online and irl is nasty. maybe i should use these accounts as more of a journal sometimes. but whatever from other queers it’s nasty and dehumanizing of bisexual+ and is right alongside straights with the “epistemic contract of bisexual erasure” from monosexuals. the offense taken when we use that term—popularized by a gay man—the offense over us speaking, being slutty too much or not enough, wrong gender of partners depending on the day.
as much as i think culturalism obscures capitalist society and racial capitalism and its relations. as much as media makes me furious and these shows are tied to state building and nationhood; as much as we can’t say capitalism the way we should, most if not all media we are presented with not being actually radical…it makes sense why bisexual+ want to see ourselves and with other bisexuals. we would like it to be legible. at its core it is liking anyone—not different than pansexuality but like everything under the umbrella /the same/. not transphobic, not exclusive, and has history of not being so.
if we define who we are, as bisexuals or under the umbrella, then we could create media like it. that’s different and outside the box. i find gay men are a lot more accepting of bisexual men but to a point so a lot of these shows will have a bisexual character and a gay character together. for two women that could be a toss up—usually if the person writing it is bisexual will you have that but often both get erased as monosexual.
I will be 33 soon. I’ve been bisexual (…mostly, i did think i was a lesbian and vastly preferred women younger bc…trawma) my whole life but i spent my 20s not giving a shit what people said about us and not thinking biphobia was a big deal. convincing myself we have no issues bc, like a self fulfilling prophecy, i would end up woth a man anyway. Being told what i like by people who don’t eveb want me tk be bisexual. Being alienated from everyone is HARD and having a group be overwhelmingly people of color, OVERWHELMINGLY BLACK, and a large amount of trans people….people not giving a shit and us being erased from history, radicalism, and even the most basic of “liberatory” things like television and film (and even w sex and rships when ppl complain abt puriteens or whatever the fuck moral panic of a moral panic but not bisexuals…HMMMM)
this was abt sth else lol
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solardick · 5 months
Portents are strong today. A soider a dove, teo geese, and a criw all in sync. With present happenings. One after the other.
But, i don’t think those pills are working. Not today.
I saw a pretty girl today. She has those eyes. Those. Intense peircing eyes. That i like. And she has a turn on. Its her neck. I can tell. The guy was too much. I wuestion if he was flirting. But she thought. No. As she seemed to measure me up. I want to go back and ask her what she thi ks about god.
I deal with people like this all day. He says. Have you ever had a hard on when you take a shit? Like it touches the right spot. And you get turned on?
….. no nate ive never had a hard on taking a shit before. Jesus fuck. Had a prostate test done once. Where’s the hype? I think they think i have sexula identity issues. Nope. Last i checked i have a penis.
Ok. Spider on my boot. Running late. Go figure Aries season. Hot tempers. Get a lift and some bite to eat. Two geese fly by. As one walks up to the door. Comes back to say something immoral. And light a smoke. Crow goes by. As he goes back in the teo geese fly by but, not together.
The dove was an after effect it seems. There she was. Perched on the lines slender and soft. I said hello. Or hey dove. And she hoowed back. Maybe that was coincende without the magic. Its was neat though. Cause she looked.
But my new coleage is taken out. And now. There’s literally no one i want to work with stick with these asshole saying bs. Like the above. Or the complete opposite. Oh yeah im the shit i get so much pussy. 🙄 or the other guy cursing and swearing all fucken day. Foot uo uour ass this my foot up your ass that. Fucken cocksuker. Fuck this fuck that. What you prettending to be my father? Suprise gifts in the van im supposed to unload found by someone else. Ugh. Day in day out. Its kike they’re not even trying anymore.
Well i guess ibs is out.
Start lookign for another job i guess. Not like i’ll fond one. But, maybe.
I dont force my words on anyone. People like trouble. Cause they tet to act and be superior. Rightious. Or so crap like that. I dont know. I cant think like that. Goes agaisnt instinct. And if i was involved i’d be like thouse better people who sit by and watch without intent. Half of them are criminal. Yup. Thats life. And that right! I get it. I sense it. Never relished always apart. Over 20 years. I was raised in this. Bred in one direction. Someone else’s. Maybe thats why god talks to me. Its the only real relationship i have. Not a trace if me seeing anything destructive or ill intent on. With concern about tossing my butt on the ground and not putting it in my pocket. Even though im conflicted cause i smoke. And alot of these portents all speak around quitting smoking. And, they keep fucken woth me. Controling output.
That was nice though. A few solid seconds of hard eye contact. Got to keep the tempo low. Bass. Its in the tone. Not really having one. More like static.
When the mind goes into this state. And life is found in these words. And not corrupted out by bs. But they keep on me. And keep bronging it back. Wasting my time. Year after year.
🤷🏻‍♂️ if you talk to nature. Nature talks back. None of these people get that. My family didnt get it either. Neither did anynof my friends. My enemies…. I took anpicturenof the clouds on the opposite side of the eclipse. Wanna see? If you havent already.
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Taken at 3:33 pm or 15:33 pm. As time has its own rule to add to the cards.
Over the constelations of Cepheus across to the star Polaris. Below is draco the dragon hovering over the parking lot. What used to do is try and fond connections in mythology. To describe the constelations or add life to its. Pluralized. You wouldn’t use a plural for it. Could say them. But, it’s not a person.
Like type a search.
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Well thats not true.
I found a missing word in our language. Its so obvious. Maybe that comes woth learning a new alphabet and different grammar. Thats cool. Still. Wheres my word? I dont want to personalize portents or omens. Yin and yang. Personalize objects. Maybe its a cause of mental illness having an incomplete language. Sundenly tripping balls on gods knows what. And stuff starts coming alive and speaking. Cartons have onjects and furniture alive with personalilities maybe that a reason as to why that word foesnt exist. Its all in the control of the fantasy.
And i dont have the strength or the courage to leave. Ao just keep fucken with me.
But its great. I get to yell at someone all day. While they say. Yeah, no, it’s ok.
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bossbabyofficial · 1 year
jessieeeee hi hello hiiii sorry i forgor to ask....12 19 and 32 for avery :3
12. Do they have a sense of style? Regardless of the answer do they believe they have a sense of style?
Averys sense lf style is what I like to call Commiting To The Bit. they love big, colorful, ugly, outlandish clothes and take any chance to wear something eyecatching, whether its in the good or bad sense. also gendernonconforming at all times, truly a walking what i look like with she/her in my bio, what i look like with he/him in my bio meme. and yes they KNOW they have a sense of style, any attention is good attention.
19. How easy is it to become their friend?
Avery is a very... special kind of person. it's very easy to get friendly with them, but truly becoming their friend? that's a feat few have succeeded to do, on the one hand because avery keeps people at an arms length amd on the other hand because it's hard for a lot of people to really get along with avery. they love being blint and an asshole and playing pranks and most cannot deal woth them
32. If they could change one thing about themself what would it be?
FUNNY QUESTION TO INCLUDE CONSIDERING AVERY IS A SHAPESHIFTER. so yeah uhm. literally all of themself basically. theyve done a lot of things they regret and still do, their entire personality is basically just a facade they've built to run away from themself and others. the funny thing about having the ability to be everything is that in the end you're just... nothing.so if tzey could change a thing baout themyelf it would be to be Something
OC Ask game
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kermiekermie · 3 years
woooahah bad thiughts
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roughentumble · 3 years
god theres a post in my likes that. 1) had too many replies so i need to go through and find a good reblog in the chain to actually reblog from and 2) was too long for my sleepy brain to fully pay attention to so im leaving it to some-other-time me to sort it all out BUT
it presented the only version of witcher!jaskier ive ever truly Thought about and liked in any capacity(it involved him being entirely ineffectual) and now i cant stop thinking about. about. like. some mutation logistics. like he goes through the grasses fine, but something fucks up during the dreams. he doesnt get cat eyes-- cornflower blue becomes a blue-green ocean sort of color, but that's about it, and his hormones are thrown out of whack where theyre supposed to be super-powered, leaving him with bouts of insomnia, occasional fatigue, difficulties with muscle weakness, and difficulty growing a beard. which, like, is all part of the puzzle on WHY he sucks as a witcher, beyond all the other reasons-- he's the runt of the litter who never fully wanted to be there, and then got kneecapped beyond his own innate non-witchery-ness. it didnt make him a bad witcher, but it did him no favors either. only really gets pushed out into the world because he did happen, technically, to survive.
whether that all is evidence of his extreme luck or an extreme lack of it depends entirely on who you ask, and how far along he is in his life.
#ogc tag#witcher tag#no im constructing an entire au in my head its a problem its 4am and xmas tomorrow i need to SLEEP.#......just like the post vesemir shoves him off on geralt like here you deal with it take him under your wing and no one expects it to work#and in a way it doesnt but they do become extremely close#geralt fails to make julian a witcher but one year he comes back with a bard named jaskier in tow#and they become a duo jaskier is able to become the person he was always meant to be. always wanted to be#is able to throw aside a name that never suited him and a life that never wanted him#and they deal with his aches and his tiredness from the bothed trial together#the same way they both deal woth geralts extra mutations together#(though it takes them forever to get to that point becuz jask is so happy-go-lucky and cheerful#its hard to get to that meaningful emotional part)#ugh. no one look at me im having VERY intricate thoughts about this#this post that in retrospect isnt even mine to like. spin into a different thing i guess#but im not making a fic of it and the inspo demon wont let me GO#and it was a collaborative post between multiple different randos iirc#anyway i just like. the idea of geralt not being alone. i like the idea of jaskier becoming himself and choosing his own name and life#i like this longterm ''the higher-ups made you my charge'' to friends to partners to lovers track#i like geralt getting a jaskier who has an equally long lifespan!!!#i like the idea of jaskier never getting better at fighting despite everything and geralr eventually just accepting it#i like the idea of them surviving all the way to corvo bianco and just getting to rest together#idk. doesnt work in canon at all but as an AU my heart is warmed thinking abt it
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kaz11283 · 3 years
“Breathe” with Loki from the prompt list. I’m feeling some angst unless you want to not make it angst.
Characters: Loki, reader, Thor, some guest appearances from some of the avengers
(Loki x reader) (Thor x reader, platonic)
Warnings: let the be angst
Summary: During a huge battle that you have all been training for you start freaking out, thank the lords Loki is there to help you through it.
Announcement: They requested angst and this is the first thing that came to mind, I truly hope you enjoy it though! Thank you everyone for the feed back and for the follows and the love!💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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You couldnt believe your luck you had made it all the way into the building and fought multiple bad guys to get to where you were at right now, cowering behind a desk in a dark room having a damn panic attack. You didnt even know what had brought it on. Well maybe the fact that you had some how gotten seperated by the others, or the fact that you had been chased by more of them than you had anticipated. Either way you were up that certain creek without a paddle.
"Y/n, talk to us. Where you at?" Tony came over the coms.
You wanted to respond but no words came out. The walls were closing in little by little and you didnt see yourself getting out of here. Everything was to much in this moment, the talking in your ear, the shouting and gun fire onnthe floor below you. You were weak, you knew that, no one else had ran from the fight like you had.
"Come on kid, we cant find you unless yountell us." Tony tried to reason with you. You heard the Hulk smashing through the building, oh god he wasngoing to cause the whoke building to fall.
"Lady y/n, we need your location so we can help you." Thor the graceful god of thunder, your best friend, didnt even get a response. "Loki, shes not answering us." You could tell the panic in his voice.
"Darling," the silk like voice came through your ear piece, "y/n, my dove, you have to help us to help you."
"Loki." You whimpered.
"Yes love, just tell us were you are so we can get out of here." His voice was slowly calming you.
"Panic attack," you took a deep breath in through your nose. You could just imagin the grace of him fighting, it was always something you enjoyed watching.
"Loki pay attention!" Clint yelled from somewhere above you. "You almost got hit." That shoved you right back into your shallow breaths, of course you would be the one to get him killed, he cared way to much for you, a simple midguardian.
"Shut up Clint, I know what I'm doing. I've been fighting for alot longer than you have." Loki yelled over the coms.
"Guys Lady y/n." Thor interrupted. Loki cleared his throat.
"Darling where are you at? Ill come to you." Loki promised.
"5th floor, behind a desk. Not sure what room." You placed your head between your knees.
"Thank god." Tony sighed. "He's on his way just stay there. Everyone else cover him. Make sure no one follows."
"Loki." You wimpered again.
"I am here love, just a few stairs away. Do your breathing exercises that we go over." He instructed. You kept taking deep breathes in through your nose and out your mouth.
"I'm starting to feel better now." You mumbled. You couldnt get over how embarrassing this was to have a melt down when your team needed you most. If it hadn't been for the ever so slight pressure on your back you would have never thought that anyone was there.
"I'm here love," Loki said from behind you pulking you up to your feet and into his arms, you took a deep breath breathing his sent in calming you even more. "Thats it, breathe, there you go. I'm gonna transport us to the jet. Hold on to me."
"But the others-"
"Its almost over, they will meet us back there. You need me, they can handle the rest." He tucked a peice of hair behind your ear.
After Loki had transported you both back to the ship he gave you a bottle of water and his zip up that he normally kept there for you. It wasn't long before the other join you.
You didnt meet anyones eyes you were still completely embarrassed about what had just happened to you, you didnt even notice Tony sit beside you anf place his hand on your knee.
"When we get back I want you, him, and him to meet me in the confrence room." He pointed between you, Loki, and Thor. "We have some things we need to go over about what happened tonight." Your heart sunk to your stomach, you figured you would get yelled at but not Loki or Thor, they hadnt done anything.
Back at the compound you and Loki followed behind Tony and Thor, your hands entwined.
"I didn't want you two in trouble also." You mumbled. He turned his head and gave you a small smile.
"Darling, if you think this is the first time thor and I have been called to the office you are very wrong. How are you feeling?" He gave your hand a slight squeeze.
"A little better, just dreading whats about to happen." You offered him a smile back.
"Y'all have a seat, y/n, I wanna know how long you've been having these attacks." Tony sat down opposite from the three of you.
"Depends, are you asking as my boss or as a father figure?" You said sitting up straighter.
"Depends on how long you've been having them." He raised an eyebrow.
"She's been having them on and off for most of her life." Thor spoke up. "Thor!" You whined
"But she hasnt really had a server one like that in quite a few months, she normally holds them together very well." Loki agreed. "Loki!" You whined again.
"You realize we can get you help for them." Tony answered looking at you.
"Look I have help, Loki does an amazing job keeping me calm and if hes not there next best thing is Thor. I dont know why it just popped up like that tonight. And theres really no way of telling except that maybe ive just been under alot of stress woth this whole mission..... And....and ...." Your breaths where getting shallow again and your eyes started watering, Loki placed his hand on your thight and started rubbing small circles calming you instantly.
"Ill tell you what, missions over so why dont you and Loki get away from here, get some fresh air. We all need it, you especially." Tony sat back in his chair with his fingers laced under his chin in deep though. "But you have to promise to tell me if you think your even remotely close to having another one of those. I had them, I didnt really treat them with a healthy cooping mechanism, but I did have them. I know what its like to have the world suddenly feel like its going to implode on you at any minute. Talk it through with someone though dont just suddenly go silent. Scared the hell outta me."
"Tony. I dont wanna just run away for a few days. Its gonna continue to be the same like it always has. Do good with no signs for a couple months and then boom big ass panic attack. I dont want meds for them either, and i do not under any circumstances see a damn shrink." You huffed flopping back.
"Ok. How about we get the whole team to escape for a little bit, go to the mountains? Heard the weather is nice out there. We can even call it a team building vacation." He slapped the table woth his hand like he had just solvee the worlds hardest problem.
"Fine, dont have to twist my arm to hard to get outta here for a week." You smiled.
"Promise me you'll be more open aboutbthese things, we cant help a team member thats hurting if the team member doesnt tell the team whats going on." He looked at you.
"Ok, fine I promise. I'll tell Loki everytime I dont feel right." You rolled your eyes.
"Alright deal, you kids go pack, we'll leave first thing in the morning." Tiny stood up and gave you a hug before walking out of the room.
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honeyr4ven · 4 years
Scared of losing you
Bakugou x gn!reader
Warnings: curse, angst, fluff, soft katsu ig
A/n: I really like angst to fluff and soft Katsuki ✋🏻😫
You can choose a request from here
Tag list is open too
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“Are you still not talking to me?” Katsuki said. You couldn’t say anything because he got hot-headed again. “C’mon I already apologized,, WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO, HE HAD IS ARM AROUND YOU!” He was doing it again.
“He just touched me for lead the way Bakugou.” You sighed, he knows when you call him Bakugou, he’s fucked up, he knew he had to apologize for something but its gets hard for him to do.
“It looked wrong from where I was standing I guess.” He admitted finally. “But I told you, this is who I am and you said you can deal with it.”
“I am dealing with it Katsuki.” You were, you were really trying to deal with it but he said ‘doesn’t seem like that to me.’ Again like every other times.
“And you said you’re going to work on your anger.” You know sometimes he doesn’t care about therapy.
“I’m trying! BUT YOU DONT MAKE IT ANY EASIER FOR ME. How the fuck am I suppose to work on my anger when you’re all ways out with guys and not with guys my friends, the people I talk to!” Actually you can see that he’s scared of something, not being enough or losing you.
“THEY ARE MY FUCKING FRIENDS TOO... Stop doing this katsu you making it worse,,” it was getting worse. You guys been talking about this all day long.
“Look I’m scared alright, I’m scared of losing you. Because everyone want us to break up.” You know he was, You were scared scared of losing him too.
But you couldn’t see yourself breaking up with him for something that you can deal with “But why would I break up woth you?”
“Why would you break up with me? Why are you even with me Y/N. How many time do we have to argue? I don’t like making you upset or seeing you cry and knowing that I’m the reason for it,,, all the pain that I put you trough. I wouldn’t blame you if you leave me.”
You weren’t expecting such a confession like that. You could see that his eyes were getting watery.
“I’m hot-headed, annoying and stubborn. I know it’s hard to calm me down, it’s hard to even communicate with me,,, My pride it’s always gets in my way. I guess I can’t see myself being with someone who cares about me.” At some point he voice cracked and it hurt you deeply seeing him like that.
The tears were rolling down on your chins, You can see that he was in pain, You know he has his insecurities. You wanted to talk but he wasn’t finished.
“But thats just it baby. I’m who I’m and I’m not going to change. Even if that’s means im going to lose you.” His voice cracked again.
You really couldn’t take it anymore. You kissed and hugged him several times.
“It’s okay baby, we’re gonna work on everything you want. Together.” He hugged you even tighter.
He really trusts you and so many times he reminds himself that you’re all he has, you are the one that really understands him.
“I love you Katsuki, so much. It’s gonna be okay, I’m here by your side, I’m yours and only yours. You don’t have to worry. Okay?” Your wet lips touched again and again.
“I love you too, thank you baby.”
You spend the rest of the night with him lying in his bed. Talking about random things.
But end of the day you guys know that you were in love with each other.
A/n: My account is new I really appreciate if you help me improve myself and make me visible to other people. Thank you for reading. Have a good day.🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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spahhzy · 3 years
Perennial (regret)
-a continuation off 'Promise' and based off Spiritbox's song 'Perennial'
*Dimension 52*
"You need to stop this Ruby" said Red head looked up with bags under her eyes as she had once again stared at the footage of her lover Jaune, saving that women from a falling building.
She stared at her sister who had a worried look on her face.
"You've been running non-stop with little to no sleep trying to find these three individuals to no end" Ruby just stared back at her saying nothing before looking back down at her scroll.
"Ruby you haven't even visited Ja-" Yang was cut off as Ruby stood up from her spot and began walking away from Yang only for Yang to put a hand on her shoulder.
"Where are you going" it wasn't a question but Ruby said nothing as she just shrugged off her sister's hand and made way to the door.
All that did was tick Yang off at her sister's difficult mood and as soon as Ruby opened the door it was automatically closed by Yang.
"You think your the only one suffering!?" She screamed at her but Ruby kept her gaze to the door only listening.
"He is our friend too! We are all grieving!" She said to her, eyed turning red in her anger but still Ruby said nothing.
"You'd think he'd want you destroying yourself like this?" More silence.
"Think he wants you running endless missions and chasing dead ends?" Still silence but Ruby tried opening the door once more which incensed Yang more.
"Damnit Ruby say something any God damn thing other then closing yourself off from me, your team, dad, NPR and anyone else!" Ruby gripped the door handle tight.
"I'm going to give you a task that you are to follow as Team Leader I order you to get out of my way" was all Ruby said to which Yang looked shocked as Ruby pulled rank on her.
Ruby still not looking at her opened the door and proceeded to leave.
As the door closed behind her she heard sniffles come from behind the door before walking away from the dorm room and out to Beacons court yard.
The sun was out but was stuck behind the clouds today signaling that it would rain today.
Ruby kept her gaze to the sky for a minute before looking down at her scroll looking at any job listing for any grimm today.
"Going somewhere shrimp" Ruby tilted her head to the voice finding her Uncle Qrow leaning against the building.
Ruby sighed before walking away.
"Ooh ice cold...I'd expect that from the schneeblings are you sure they ain't rubbing off on you" Qrow joked but Ruby paid him no mind mindlessly looking at different request on her scroll before accepting.
"Oooh a job to eliminate some grimm? Sounds fun count me in!" Qrow said to which Ruby turned and looked at him.
"No I don't need you on this mission...I have completed pl-"
"Yeah you completed plenty by yourself I've seen your track record...plenty by yourself not even taking your team with you" Ruby tensed at Qrows words before walking forward.
"You even reported taking no damage or injury and refusing help...hmm" Qrow said rubbing his chin in question as he followed behind Ruby.
"So shrimp where we going?" Qroe asked as Ruby looked at him.
"I'm going to Kuroyuri you are going to stay here and do whatever you please uncle" to which Uncle let out a 'hmm'
"Well that plan seems rather stupid don't you think? I'd much rather follow you and see how you do-"
"You've already seen how I've done...you checked my records and progress have you not? I think they speak for themselves" She said to which qrow had to admit she got him their.
"True...I have but I'd like to see first hand what your capable of and om not gonna back down on this...I'm going with you" to which Ruby rolled her eyes and accepted the inevitable.
"Fine but don't lag behind" She said coldly to which her uncle shivered jokingly at his nieces aura.
The travel to Kuroyuri wasn't long but the travel allowed Qrow to take notes on his niece behavior.
Any time he tried to strike up conversation all he'd get 'ha' or 'sure' and when it came to resting he'd catch her on her scroll looking at photos and videos all through the night. When morning came she seemed tired and her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying, but Qrow had heard no crying.
It was the last night before they would finally make it to the village.
Ruby was once again scrolling through pictures of her and Jaune.
"Have you gone and visited him?" Ruby looked up from her scroll at her uncle who was stoking the fire with a stick.
Ruby said nothing as she returned to looking at her pictures.
"Its been four months now Ruby...think you should take time off your busy schedule-"
" Shut up qrow" Ruby cut him off but Qrow pestered further.
"You can't keep putting this off...his family asks about you and wish you'd check on him-"
"I said SHUT UP uncle" Ruby gritted as she started to get frustrated and her uncle could sense that.
"Your acting like a brat...to you, your team, his team and your family!" He said before a hour of red filled his vision and all of a sudden he was on the floor a slight stinging on his cheek. He looked up to see Ruby breathing heavily her hand clenched in a fist.
She looked at him in shock before grabbing her weapon and started to walk into the forest.
"Where are you going?" Qrow said as Ruby just walked off saying nothing.
"She got quite the mean hook summer...sheesh" he said chuckling as he picked himself up off the floor before clearing out the campsite and began to chase after his niece.
Ruby stomped further and further into the forest trying to get far away from her uncle as possible all the while her mind was in turmoil.
"You think your the only one grieving!"
"He is our friend too!"
Trying to tune it out she kept walking forward unbeknownst to her she was being watched by red eyes.
"You should visit him...the family asks about you" on and on words of her family echoed and try as she might tuning it out wasn't working.
"Your acting like a brat"
"Shut up!" She yelled loudly as she huffed losing her breath for a moment.
Suddenly she heard a growling and moved her eyes to the darker part of the woods where she could only see one set of red eyes...which turned into two sets...three sets...now four.
Suddenly a pack of beowolves stalked slowly out of the darkness, preying on the girl's negative emotions that were radiating off her.
Ruby smiled as she unfolded Crescent Rose, she would blow off steam one way or another.
The pack leader a rather large Beowolf looked at her before snarling and lunging at her, to which Ruby met the grimm halfway Crescent Rose already pulled back ready to swing.
Qrow understood what his little niece was going through. He more then understood. Grief.
His little niece was grieving. Throwing herself mission after mission, dead end after dead end to keep her mind off the man she loved.
The man who was currently laying comatose in hospital room for the past four months.
Yeah he could understand grief just fine.
Many people deal with it differently.
He heard banging and snarling as well as howls of pain echo throughout the woods and qrow quickened his pace.
He finally made it to a clearing as he saw his niece lay flat on her back holding her scroll up.
"Ruby!" he made it too her she was covered I'm scratches and claw marks she was bleeding alot.
"Come on shrimp let's get you healed up" he said pulling out an Aura pill from his bag.
"Does it always hurt this bad uncle?" Ruby asked and qrow raised an eyebrow as he got a good look at her face to notice she was crying.
"Yeah Shrimp even if it's just a pack of beowolves-"
"I'm not talking about that..." she said as she kept staring at her scroll. Qrow got a good look and saw it was on of her and Jaune.
"I figured...I believed that if I...put myself through this much hurt...that this other pain would go away... or at the very least that maybe it wouldn't hurt this much" her voice trembled as her uncle worked hard to get her healed.
"I keep hearing him tell me how'd he keep that promise no matter what" she started to get choked up now.
"And all I see after is him...facedown in his own blood" finally her wounds had begun to heal as Qrow sighed looking at with a sad smile.
"I regret it...uncle...I regret that promise so much...this hurt...in my heart won't go away" She finally broke down as she dropped her scroll and covered her eyes woth her hand. Crying.
Qrow lifted her into a tight hug as Ruby's wails filled the forest.
For the 9 days of lancaster 'regret' prompt.
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Time To Heal — Mista x Reader x Narancia
Synopsis: Narancia has to deal woth his feelings for you, which he hates since you and Mista are dating. And were dating long before he started feeling things for you. He wishes to be honest about hiw he feels to the both of you since you're his best friends.
Genre: slight angst in the Reader x Narancia part, unrequited love. Fluffy for the Mista x Reader part, and fluffy for everyone at the end. Also, sprinkles of Mista x Giorno. Mentions of NSFW topics.
A/N: another set of headcanons because I'm too lazy to write a proper scenario abt this. I AM STILL WRITING THE JOSUKE ANGST I TALKED ABOUT YESTERDAY OK, also I have a Rohan fic in the making as well (I really need to stop working in several WIPs at once). The reader has tattoos.
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Narancia's feelings for you happened after you started dating Mista.
It all began when you joined. You had been the fourth one to join Bucciarati's gang. Less than a month after you joined, Bruno bailed Mista out of jail and had him join.
It really was love at first sight for the both of you. The both of you falling head over hills at 10,000 mph.
You looked at the revolver tattoo you had gotten just a week earlier, when you met him. Is this fate? You asked yourself. Mista didn't even had to ask, he knew it for a fact.
It didn't take long for you and Mista to start dating.
But before Mista's arrival,  Narancia and you were already close friends, soon Mista joined the chaotic dynamic you two had.
Narancia's feelings for you weren't triggered by a specific event. Small things, all were adding little by little. And when he realized this, he hated himself.
How could he have feelings for you? He knew about Mista and you. He knew it had been a dumb move on his part. It was painful that everything about you was slowly drawing him in.
The way you trusted in him and told him the stories behind your tattoos, about your past, whe you lent him your favorite CDs for him to listen to.
He eventually found himself having dreams of you, in which he is holdong your hand or cuddling you. God, he hated this so much.
The time he saw Giorno doing things to Mista, he felt weird and felt the need to tell you. Could Mista really be cheating on you like that with the newbie?
When he told you, you found it hard to believe and asked Mista what happened, without addressing the fact that Narancia had seen them. Once Mista told you the whole thing, you laughed so hard at the fact that Narancia had misinterpreted the whole situation. "What is so funny? It really hurt pretty bad, okay? Imagine being shot 20 times!" "No, Mista, is not that. Nevermind, its not important anyways. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, babe"
"Narancia, I talked to Mista about what happened, and it was a misunderstanding" "huh? It was? But-but Mista...and Giorno..." "Dont worry about it, its all cool now. It doesn't matter" You never told Narancia what really happened, it was funnier to let Narancia believe that Giorno had given head to Mista.
Narancia's own feelings began overwhelming him, and he had this urge to be honest with you.
"Hey, can I tell you something?" "Sure, Narancia. You can tell me anything, you know that"
"I dont want to screw up, but also I need to say this out loud..." "is everything alright?" "It is, I promise. I'm fine. And I'm gonna be fine. I just...I'm scared" "what are you scared of?" "Of losing you. Of losing Mista..." "Narancia, I'm not following...what are you talking about?"
"I think...I may have feelings for you"
You didn't know, but Mista was walking by when he head you talking to Narancia and before he could even walk in the room, he heard Narancia's confession and stood by the door, listening.
"Oh..." You whispered. "Listen, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know. Also, I'm not gonna interfere with you and Mista. You two are my best friends, and I think it's amazing that you're so in love with each other. You deserve each other."
"When did you..." "Not sure. It's not been long, though. You two were already dating when this happened..." "Does Mista know?" "No...not yet. I want to tell him, though...Oh god, do you think he'll kick my ass?" "C'mon, he wouldn't do that"
"Narancia, I'm so sorry..." "for what? Its not your fault. Its nobody's fault. It just happened...hopefully, now that you know this, it'll be easier for me to get over those feelings..."
You hugged Narancia, and continued to apologize despite him telling you not to.
Mista was about to start sobbing by the door.
Narancia was a bit distant for the next day, and you assumed it was because he was dealing with his feelings. Whenever you asked him if he was alright, he'd answer "yes, I am. I will be. I just need a bit of time"
Narancia eventually gathered the guts to talk to Mista. But Mista could easily tell what he was going to say.
"Mista..." "I know, Narancia. I may or may not have listened you guys talk a few days ago" "Oh...I...Are you....Wha—" "I'm not mas at you, man. It's not your fault, you didn't ask for this..."
"We're good, then?" "Of course we're good"
"What now?" Mista asked. "Now that you two know, I feel more at ease...Hopefully I'll get over these feelings soon...I just need time"
A few weeks went by, and Narancia remained distant. You were missing your friend, but you understood he needed time and space. Whenever he felt ready, he'd go back to hang out with the both of you.
Soon, Narancia started spending more and more time with you, andnthings slowly began coming back to normal.
"How are you?" You asked him one day. "I'm perfect! I told you I was gonna be fine!" "So...you...uh...did you..." Mista stuttered. "Almost! But I really missed hanging out with you, guys"
Mista wrapped an arm around Narancia's shoulder and brought him close, bumping his head with Narancia's. "I missed you too, you little bastard"
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sleepy-cafe · 3 years
Identity v x bnha crossover
For the mha fans identity v is a doll like version of the game. Although more toxic i find it still intriguing of the theories i had made and how it can fit in with mha. Disclaimers too. You may use ocs and such with y/n if you’d like. Ships are involved(if you support the illegal ones get off my fucking page). If your an identity v person please explain in the comments about the designs and costumes with who is whoch character. I will continue to update this page for a while with designs as well. In all, thank you.
•eli, naib, aesop, and william are best pals
•Joseph is a teacher in training but also the assistant of aizawa
•hastur is 19 and not a true god but quirk is godlike
•bakugou and naib gets into often fights
•elis a villian after his parents died for an unknown cause
•aesop has a secret crush on joseph but denies it as theyre just friends
•josephs power is dangerous on its own if with a camera
•andrew, victor, and luca are basic ghosts but took eri away from hisaikai and raised them as their own
•sir night eye has a slightly bigger chance of not dying
•hastur is emotionless but whenever with eli he feels human for a moment because of his kind actions
•spring hands is a special case when his inventions can have the same strength as one for all
•axe boy had made friends with a different universe of an eri and kota(leading to vigilante)
•norton is part of the great race of the grand prix(coa 4)
•spring lives in steam coty one of the ruthless places to live in the arsh tundra and one of the baddest of villians(coa 2 reference)
•naib is dangerous when fighting with bakugou but its usually private. Though bakugou is mostly seen woth scratches and gash marks from naib.
Edit 2:may 3
Hosu city
Elis quirk:upon the series he wad found actually “quirkless” and makes a deal with the young hastur. His quirk only awakened in the sports festival. The downside.....hastur has no more connections the the only follower that had lost their mind to a brainless
Lucky guy’s quirk: revealed in the first day he got into a fight with a pier bakugou but easily won the fight with his “luck”
Hastur’s bloodline and quirk:although he’s a god he is still just born. His father is unknown and the mother as well. He was just born alone. Other relatives took him in. Necro and poseidon. His quirk is odd in his own way. Like all of hasturs bloodline they have tentacle summoning. Though, hastur has his second main quirk. His quirk is similar to a genie at most but also a devil. Making pacts but at one point they become the followers he has. Causing him to become god. Without anyone to give empathy for hes....lost.
Necro’s story and quirk:although not as important as the necromancer he still had his ways to cause his havoc. Wether its tampering peoples choices....or murdering them entirely with a snake bitehis snakes given are very venemous but its said he was the first ever to be the void keeper
Lunar’s story:a temporary resident, although “she” is not here on accident. She may have died a hero but she must find a way out if she wants to escape. The void is endless.....
Steam city
Spring hands’ quirk: similar to hatsumes he is an inventor, with the help of tentacles he is able to take in the hard parts of his invention. His best is his spring hands which has the same power punch/kick/jab like one for all
Optical mirror:on hold
White tentacle:on hold
Punk:on hold
Evil eye host
That is all at the moment. Feel free to drop an idea about anything. Respect everyones ideas or get off my fucking page.
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xmalereader · 5 years
Kylo Ren X Modern! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader is training with Kylo Ren but gets frustrated each time he’s pressured and acts like a child.
Warnings: force senstive, Hux being soft, Millicent, earthling reader.
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“Im trying.”
“Not hard enough.”
Letting out a groan of frustration, the earthling stands up from his meditating position. Glaring at Kylo. “I can do it if you just leave!” He shouts at the Supreme leader who only looked back at him with an unimpressed look on his face. Y/n has been training with Kylo for weeks now and he hasn’t gotten the chance to have a break, he was up early every day either learning how to spare with Kylo or how to control the force without causing any messes, and now he was trying to meditate but Kylo keeps walking around him which bothers him.
“You must learn to meditate with or without an empty room.” Said Kylo as he walks towards y/n but of course the other wasn’t in the mood for the lectures, using the force he reaches out to take kylos saber, turning it on as he points the saber at him with a frown. “I am taking a break so don’t even try to do anything that’ll piss me off even more.” He threatens out before turning off the saber and tossing it to Kylo. He gives him one last glare before marching out of the training deck.
Kylo stands frozen in shock as he held his saber, looking down at it before looking back up towards the exit that y/n just took.
Y/n was stomping down the corridors, heading towards his favorite place that helped him find peace. He stands in front of the door and punched in the code, the door slides open, allowing him inside. Y/n stumbled inside, the first thing he does is jump face first onto the large king size bed that was proped up in the middle of the room. Moaning softly as he nuzzled his face against the pillows and bed sheets.
“I gave you my code for emergencies.” He hears an all too familiar voice, glancing over to see Hux sitting behind his desk woth a datapad, giving him a look with a raised brow.
“I am tired.” Y/n calls back and went back to nuzzling the warm bed sheets. “Where’s Millie?” He randomly blurts out and sits up, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looks around for a familiar orange fur ball. “Somewhere.” Is all Hux says as he gets back to work, checking in on his new plans for the first order.
It’s been a few months since y/n’s joined the first order, when Kylo found him on earth and took him under his wing he couldn’t help but become close friends with Hux. When he also heard that Kylo and Hux were enemies and how their fights will get a little heated and how Hux was always the one to end up injured. This causes y/n to get angry at the supreme leader, threatening the man and humiliating him in front of everybody, He didn’t care if Kylo Ren got angry with him because he wasn’t afraid of him. Back on earth he dealt with worse, he’s been through the same abuse that Hux went through and only seeing Kylo treat him like that caused a vain to pop.
He remembers warning Kylo about Hux and to stay away from him each time he got an anger tantrum, no one thought that Ren would actually listen to y/n and he knew why, he was force senstive and a pretty powerful one too. He was kylos equal and if anything were to happen to him their bond could suddenly damage Kylos power and make him lose the force.
He remembers Hux giving him his code for his chambers in case he ever felt lonely or tired of others thag he would allow him to stay in his own room. The two grew close and Hux became y/n’s first real friend.
“There you are!” Y/n cooed as he finds Millicent hiding under the bed. He reached out with his hand and allowed the orange cat to crawl out of the tight space on its own. “How’s my favorite baby doing?” He continues to coo out as he holds the cat in his arms, gently setting her down on the king side bed. Making enough room for hisemlf to lie down too.
“I thought Ren was worse to handle but you, your just annoying.” Said Hux, not moving his eyes from the datapad.
Y/n giggled and plays with Millicent’s paws. “That’s because you like my annoyance and also because Millie likes me.” He says back. He shifts the cat to lie on its side, smiling as he takes the opportunity to bury his face into her warm and soft belly. He hears a soft purr coming from her as she grooms his hair.
Hux looks up and chuckled, rolling his eyes as he turns off the datapad and stands up from his desk chair. “Ren will come searching for you.” He reminds the other as he makes his way towards the large bed.
Y/n moans. “I threaten him to leave me alone and to at least give me a break.” He muffled out and reaches up to stroke Millicent’s ears.
“You threatened him? That would’ve been a nice thing to see.” Hux sits on the bed with his legs crossed and arms folded over his chest. “Even if you convinced him to give you a break he’ll still gonna come searching for you and I don’t want him to ruin my room if he gets another tantrum.”
Y/n groans and lifts his head off Millicent’s belly. “I can handle it, I mean—“ he shifts around to lie on his back and stare up at Hux. “He’s easy to handle I don’t get how you guys are afraid of him? I mean all I do is yell back at him and point fingers.” He says with a shrug and chuckled. Hux shakes his head and sighs, “That’s because you two are bonded and if anything happens with that bond of yours it can cause some real damage.”
“You and your stupid bonds, Ugh. I should’ve stayed back on earth.”
“And Rot like everyone else?” Hux raises a brow.
Y/n glanced at him before looking back at the ceiling and thinking about home. Well it was home, not anymore. His parents weren’t really the nicest people, they treated him differently and expected a lot from him when in reality they never got that. He was always locked in his room either listening to music and learning things that he wants to know. His parents expected him to be a doctor but he didn’t like dealing with medical things and having to have someone’s life in his own hands. Instead he stuck with design and taught himself a language or two, he wanted to travel the world and get to know new things.
And now here he is; traveling around some with a dark lord and General. He didn’t mind it really he enjoyed it and he was learning new things about the force and how it works. He felt pretty excited the first couple of days he tried but once those days turned into weeks he quickly got tired and wanted to get a break and less training days.
“It was a nice planet, to be honest.” Y/n mumbled out. “I really enjoyed the forest and the woods that was the best part.” He whispers as he reached over to pet millicent once again with a smile on his face. Hux could only watch him before sighing, he stands up from his sitting position he checks the time. “Best you head back, I know you want breaks but Ren isn’t a very patient man.”
Y/n sighs softly, nodding a little as he slowly sits up from the bed and crawls out of it. Holding a small pout on his face which Hux ignores, he opens the door for him and smirks. “Out you go now.” He says. “And next time you get him upset I would like to see it, he hates being humiliated.”
“Next time he gets angry he’s going to kill you instead of me.” Y/n laughs out and steps out of Hux’s chambers. Stretching out his arms and yawning. “I’m tired and sore, geez Kylo really did work hard on me.” He adds as he rubs his back and whines.
The earthling gasps as he hears kylos booming voice, groaning he turns around to see the supreme leader walking towards him, a glare on his face as he approached him. “Not this again.” Y/n mumbled out as he rubs his temples, already knowing what’s coming.
“How dare you threaten me like that!” Kylo points a finger at him as he gets angry. Y/n simply gives him a look meaning that he doesn’t care. “Listen, sweety—“ y/n used his own pointer finger to move kylos finger away from his face. “I’m not a lord or a supreme leader but I am human, and I have the right to do as I want.” He continues on.
“And if you don’t allow me then I won’t hesitate to betrayal the first order and go work for the resistance.” Y/n quickly says with crossed arms.
Both General and Supreme leader froze in spot, their eyes widening.
Holy shit, they didn’t think that you were actually capable of going that far. Betraying them after everything they’ve done for you, but of course you didn’t care which side won. The resistance and first order were like two different parts of the government, fighting over who gets to rule and who doesn’t. It was all the same back on earth and y/n was used to this and tired of it.
“You wouldn’t dare.” Sneered out Kylo as y/n rubs his face. “I will if I have too.” He answers and walks Past him, his shoulder shoving Kylo to the side as he heads towards the bridge. Wanting to know what they were up too next.
“Knowing y/n better than you Ren, I know that he won’t hesitate to do it.” Said Hux as he glanced over to Ren who was glaring deep holes into y/n’s back. “He’s a stubborn child.” He grits out.
“Aren’t you stubborn as well?”
Kylo continued to glare at y/n. “He’s worse than me.” This earns a scoff from Hux as he too walks back to the bridge.
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Dog Days - Chapter 1
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*visual aid, not my pics* (Ben on left, kylo on top, Matt on bottom)
A/N: Please don't get the wrong idea about what this fic will be about. It will all make sense when i put out more chapters, i swear.
Summary: You work at a vet clinic in a big city near your small hometown. You want to become a vet but are only an aid as of right now. You love animals, always have, and you know there are plenty of animals in the city that need your help. But what happens when you meet 3 very strange dogs one day?
You were walking to the Veterinary clinic that you worked at. You didn't want to be late so you made a quick breakfast and took it with you. You didn't live very from the clinic so you weren't too worried about being late, and you were only a veterinarian aid, you didn't do very much anyway. Living in the city, you learned how much people really valued their pets. You had seen so many families bring in their pets that were sick or injured and the joy on their faces when you told them their animal family members would be okay always brought you joy. You had always wanted to be a vet, ever since you were a child.
You were taken away from your thoughts as you felt yourself trip over something large. You fell onto the pavement and scraped up your hands and elbows.
"Ow, what the hell did i trip over?"
You looked around you and saw a dog in front of you, sniffing you as if it was making sure you were okay. It was a black and white border collie that looked like it was mixed with a great pyrenees. You got up a bit and sat on your knees. You immediately forgetting all your pain.
"Hi there, buddy."
The dog stared at you, its tail wagging very fast. You smiled at it and the dog got very excited and jumped up on you. You laughed and pet it, trying to look for a collar. You found it and read the name.
"Ben, huh? Well that's a very nice name for a very nice doggy. I'm (Y/n)."
Ben barked happily and bounced around in front of you and then went into the alley that you were in front of, which you hadn't noticed until now. You looked at him with confusion as he barked into the alley, you got up and followed him with caution. You watched and to your surprise, there was another dog. It was a golden retriever. You squatted down and smiled at it.
"Well, hello there." You tried to coax the dog over and noticed Ben was trying to get it to come over to you as well. The golden retriever was reluctant but came over eventually. You read its collar and the name on it read Matt.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you too, Matt."
Matt's tail began to wag and he sniffed your hand before putting his paw in your hand. You shook it with a smile on your face.
"What a gentleman."
Suddenly, you heard a can rolling in the alley. Another dog? You got excited but the excitement quickly faded when you heard the dog growling at you. You did your best to remain calm. The dog was a beauceron/german shepard mix and had a scar going down the side of its face. You felt yourself tense as it got close and sniffed you. It looked at you and you noticed Ben growling at it, being protective of you. The beauceron mix had a collar too so you tried to reach for it to read the name. As you did, the beauceron jumped, then growled and sank his teeth deep into your hand. Ben immediately bit the back of the beauceron mix's neck and pulled it away from you, growling and barking at it while standing between you and the dog that had just bit you. You didn't scream out in pain, you only winced a little as it stung. Then you made eye contact with the beau mix and smiled, hiding your immense pain.
"It's okay. I'll be fine."
The beauceron's ears perked up in surprise and the it huffed and walked off into the alley. Ben ran back and joined you and Matt, who had been licking your bleeding hand. You smiled at both of the sweet dogs and pet them.
"I'll be okay, but i should really get going or I'll be late for work. I'll be sure to come visit you soon, though."
You told the dogs good bye, while holding your bleeding hand, wrapping it with some of your jacket.
After you were out of sight, Ben went into the alley to where Kylo was laying. He bit his ear as hard as he could without ripping it off and Kylo pushed him off. Ben let go of Kylo's ear and growled at him.
"What the hell was that!?!?"
Kylo huffed and laid back down on his piece of carboard.
"She was gonna touch me and i didn't want her to."
"So you bit her!? She was so nice! She just wanted to know your name!"
Matt joined his brothers and chimed into the conversation.
"I have to side with Ben here, Kylo. Biting her was way out of line. We might be dogs, but you don't have to act like it."
Kylo got up and growled at the other two, Matt backed up a bit but Ben stood still.
"Oh yeah, well how about you tell that to mister tail wagger over here!"
"I couldn't help it, i was excited. She's cute and you know how i am around cute girls!"
Ben and Kylo began bickering and biting at each other and Matt just sighed.
"We'll never be human again."
The other two stopped their fighting and looked at Matt, then each other.
Meanwhile, you were at work, taking bandages and gauze to wrap your hand.
"(Y/n), oh my god, what happened?!"
You looked over and saw your friend, Poe. He was a veterinarian at the clinic, and a pretty good one, too. He rushed over to you and bandaged up your hand for you. You told him about the dogs you met in the alley and explained that one of them bit you.
"We need to check for rabies! Maybe they had some other kind of disease! You can't be so reckless, (Y/n)!"
Poe was freaking out worrying about you but you just laughed.
"It's not that big of a deal. It doesn't hurt or anything anymore. I think I'll be fine."
Just then, your boss walked in. Poe was quick to rat you out, for your own good as he put it, and the boss told you to go to the hospital and not to come to work until they knew you were clear of any rabies or infection.
You left work just as quick as you had arrived and meade your way to the hospital across town. As you did, you made sure to pass by the alley again, and just your luck, Ben came rushing at you. He must've smelled you as you got closer and Matt came shortly after, both of them were very happy to see you again.
"Hello boys. I can't stay long i have to go to the hospital. But since I'm here," you rummaged around in your bag and the two dogs looked at you woth confusion, "here, i won't be needing this." You pulled out your breakfast and broke it up into 3 equal pieces. You gave 2 of the pieces to Ben and Matt who seemed like they hadn't eaten in days, and if they were in the alley, then they more than likely haven't. Then you got up and walked to the alley.
"Hello. Other dog. Are you there?" You called out, and sure enough, the growling beauceron came out from its hiding spot. It walked toward you and you smiled and bent down. You held out the food in your bandaged hand, this made the beauceron mix stop in its tracks. It looked at you then looked away as it slowly approached you. When it got a few feet away, you inched towards it, still offering it your breakfast. It looked at you again, as if asking for permission.
"It's okay, my hand is fine. I know you were just protecting your alley." You smiled at the dog and it huffed. It finally got close enough to gently take the food from your hands and then run off to scarf it down. You waited while it ate the food quickly and returned to you. You stared at each other and you held still, your hands on your knees. The beauceron mix walked up to you, and got closer and closer. Then it sat in front of you and looked away. You smiled and slowly reached for its collar, this time it didn't even move.
"Kylo Ren. Wow, that sounds like a very strong name." Kylo's nub of a tail wagged but he remained still, looking angry even if he wasn't. You giggled and the other two boys appeared behind you, Ben whining to get your attention. You turned to him and stood up.
"Im sorry, buddy. That's all i have right now. After i leave the hospital, I'll come back with something yummy for you guys, okay?" You pet Ben and Matt as you walked out of the alley.
Just as you had promised, you left the hospital and picked up some cheap burgers from a fast food joint. It was dark out, you had been at the hospital all day and now it was late in the evening, you were walking to the alley but something felt wrong, but you brushed it off. You were just outside the alley and the 3 dogs saw you. Just as you were about to enter the alley, a man came up behind you and pushed you, face first, against the wall.
"Hey there, beautiful." He whispered in your ear with a deep and gravely jersey voice.
"Get off of me!"
"Ya know, i saw you walking by and just said to myself that i had to have a piece of you."
His words sent a intense shiver down your spine. You looked over your shoulder slightly and saw it was a bearded man in a black trenchcoat and a ski mask, and he smelled strongly of alcohol and cigarettes.
"G-get off .... or I'll scream!!"
"Scream and I'll gut ya......unless..... you gimme a kiss or all your money. Heh, how about both just for safe measures?"
He pushed something sharp against your back and you cried out for help before the guy kneed you in the back of your right leg. He let you fall to the ground and dragged you into the alley.
"Now your gonna pay." He said as he lifted his hand, a knife held tight in his grip. You closed your eyes as he swung at you but you felt no cut. Instead, you heard a growl. You opened your eyes at the familiar sound.
"The hell was that?" The man turned and from the darkness emurged your new four legged acquaintance, Kylo. He walked closer, intimidating as ever, fangs bared and his eyes staring straight at your attacker. The man started to back up, forgetting you were behind him. You took the opportunity to trip him and get up to run. You ran over to Kylo and he made sure to stand in front of you protectively.
"Hell no! I ain't scared of no dog!"
The man sprinted toward the both of you but Kylo was a lot faster and ran up and bit the man's forearm. The man yelled out in pain and dropped his knife. He fell to the ground and Kylo made sure to stay biting on his arm. While he did, you rushed over and kicked the knife away. The man tried punching Kylo and that was a big mistake. Kylo let go of the man's arm and was about to chomp down on his neck.
You shouted. Kylo turned to look at you. You were in front of the other 2 dogs and they were all watching as he was about to bite down on this man's neck. Kylo turned back to the man who has passed out from fear. Kylo huffed and turned back around to you and the other dogs, walking over and sniffing you to make sure you were okay. You kneeled down and hugged him tightly.
"Kylo, my hero! Thank you!"
Kylo huffed again and wiggled out of your grip. You laughed and pet him with your bandaged hand.
"Still not the affectionate type, huh?"
You got up to walk toward the unconscious man but were interrupted.
"Hey! What's going on here? Someone reported a lot of noise coming from this alley."
It was a police officer. He put his flashlight down the alley and you quickly walked towards him.
"Officer, this man tried to rob me and threated to stab me!"
You told him everything you could and he cuffed the man, then put him in his car parked outside the alley. The officer came back to talk to you.
"That man had a nasty bite on his arm. Mind explaining that to me?"
"Absolutely. You see, this dog named Kylo was in the alley and saw the man attacking me so he came in to rescue me."
"Well that's very brave. Unfortunately, they are out on the streets so I'll have to take them to the pound."
Just then, Ben, Matt, and Kylo came over to you and looked up at you. The police officer noticed their collars.
"Oh, are these your dogs?"
You looked down at the dogs who were looking at you with concern, you smiled and then looked back up at the officer.
"Yes, sir." You said happily. Matt and Ben began wagging their tails and looked at the cop with a proud posture.
"They are supposed to be on a leash if they aren't indoors or at the dog park, miss."
"I'm sorry, sir. I live just a few buildings down and they are very well trained. They always stay close to me so i was taking them out for a short walk and-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's enough. I'm gonna let you off with a warning seeing as i got more important things to deal with right now."
The police officer gestured to the man who attacked you and you sighed in relief. You thanked the officer and he went to his car and drove off. You looked down at the 3 dogs and smiled.
"Let's go home."
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vinylhazza · 5 years
hii i love your concepts!!! could you write something about either y/n being deaf or about y/n and ethan or graysons child being deaf? i have this scene in my head that y/n is at a family party of theirs and someone tries talking to her or maybe the moment they get their hearing aids and hear for the first time? i think its a really cute concept; theyd deal really well with a disabled gf especially since we saw how they are with molly :)
grayson didn’t see it as something wrong with you. he didn’t see it has something that was holding you back - even your relationship back. in fact, it actually brought you closer. your strength to overcome such a big hurdle with this grace and confidence was something he couldn’t ever forget about. you had the boy hooked, absolutely infatuated almost instantly.
he had to think of all of the ways to get inside your heart with so many other acts of devotion. it pushed him to know you inside and out. his heart started fluttering not over small minuscule things but over the graceful movement of your hands when you would sign. the way you would speak every word along with the motions as if he would have trouble understanding. the way words seemed...unnecessary when you were with each other. with a look into your eyes he would understand. you were connected, and you’d never felt that with anyone since you lost your hearing. everyone always struggled...but not him. he was smitten quite quickly. but now his heart was full of fiery love. it wasn’t something he’d ever experienced before, but it drove him crazy how head over heels he was for you.
he adored that everything in the relationship was authentic. you had a different way of looking at the world and chose to share that with he and ethan daily and teach them new ways to appreciate the world around him. you opened his eyes to another side of his heart. but he wanted to give you something back...but what? in your eyes, just him giving you is undecided attention and trusting you with his heart was enough. the fact that he tried to hard to make sure you always felt normal and included was enough. the way he kissed your eyelids every night before bed was enough. the way he taught you how fucking amazing the sexual side of life could be was enough.
it was something you never opened up about because who would understand? it was embarrassing enough that you had to put forth so much effort to do every day tasks, but then he knew that no one had ever shown you what it was like to feel touched. you just wanted to hear his voice, you knew it would be just as beautiful as his body and his kind heart. just feeling the vibrations while you’re laying against his chest makes you shiver even if you can’t hear it.
you had lost your hearing at 15 and spent so long trying to adapt to your new way of life that you honestly forgot about the whole dating thing...until grayson. the sudden life change took you off the market in its entirety. but then grayson fucking dolan had to come in and make it impossible for you to not love him. he was honestly the only man that you fell hard for. i mean hard.
it was interesting that he went through so much to chase after you even when you repeatedly turned him down countless times - with your own fear that he would figure out it is actually something that will be a major factor in the relaitonship. but he was persistent. everytime he looked at you...it was like this fire erupted in you. you couldn’t take that heat one night when he leaned in just slightly, staring at your lips intently, longingly. you had been the one to smash them together, closing your eyes and letting every hightened sense take the lead in your motions. slow, fluid, passionate, unmatched. the feeling of his hands reaching up to cup your face to keep you in place as he worked at your lips almsot had you convinced you were in a dream. there is no way he’s this perfect. it had been electric, and you knew right then that...you were inevitably in fucking mushy, gag worthy, love woth grayson bailey dolan.
he made it a point everyday to try make things as easy as he could for you with his crazy lifestyle. it was actually easier than either of you thought. you clicked like puzzle pieces. you even started appearing in the videos. at first you refrained from signing in case it was annoying for the viewers because you could talk quite fine, but grayson had shut that down real quick. he assured you it was okay to be yourself, that you never have to hide your light and uniqueness from anyone.
the day he suprised you in his bedroom one evening was one day you’d never forget. he had been taking classes to practice more with signing, an online class where he could live chat with an instructor and make sure he could actually have fluid conversations. once he was fully equipped and practiced enough, he was ready to surprise her.
he had sat through many conversations and breakdown sessions about your lack of hearing. kissed your head when you expressed your longing to finally hear his voice, hear your mother’s voice, hear your favorite song again. you had a doctors appointed to check and see if you could get hearing aids to hear for the first time since you were 15. the doctor had told you that you were a perfect candidate, but unfortunately you didn’t have the money to go through with it.
grayson had walked into your room, scaring you only slightly when he grabbed the book you were invested in out of your hands and tilting your chin to look up at him.
then he started signing.
really fluid hand motions, explaining that he had been practicing to surprise you, take classes, and had a surprise for you. you are looking at him in awe, grinning dreamily up at the man that God decided to send to you for reasons unknown to you. he was mouthing along, eyes tearing up when you started to cry, gentle rocks of your shoulders letting him know that not only were you impressed and thankful, but happy that he would do that for you. that he really loved you enough to jump headfirst into the lifestyle.
but what really got you was him explaining that he had set up a doctors appointment for your hearing aids. he would pay for the entire things, down to the very dime, just to make his loves dream come true. he was going to fly your mom in to come to the appointment, so you could hear her on the same day. all of the people you loved would be there - and he would be holding your hand the whole time.
you broke down into a series of sobs, jumping from the bed to hook your legs around his waist, burying your face into his neck as he rocked you back and forth, rubbing circles into your back to sooth you through this moment...you would finally get to hear him say i love you. after all this time...you would finally hear his voice speaking to you. you would finally hear ethan, who you are sure will crack a joke about the whole situation, in a kind hearted way of course. and you will finally be able to hear your parents voice for the first time since your teen years...this is almost too good to be true.
this man has given you a gift so sacred, so cherished by you and it hasn’t even happened yet. he explains it will be next week on tuesday. the appointment will be at 1pm, just enough time to pick up your parents from the airport.
you hope all goes well, and you cry once more just thinking of finally hearing the love of your life speak to you for the very first time.
part 2?
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top 5 kakagai scenes
I got this last night too and i've honestly been thinking really hard on the answer. I promise i was going to answer there are just so many good scenes XD
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Look at these dorks. Look at them. Poor Mirai has to deal woth tjis extra af duo and i feel so bad for her XD
Gai out here walking on his hands and Kakashi's just like 'oh, the chair is free. May as well use it' because they're both ridiculous
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The entire race scene itself is perfection and cements their friendship and entire relationship in our minds for good. We can never forget how much these two mean to each other after this scene, and we can never pretend Kakashi doesn't hold gai as important and special to him.
It's goofy and witty and just so much fun and then turns around and ends so emotionally and sweet. It gives us everything.
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Kakashi slowly realizing how strong gai has gotten and how all of this rivally has helped to create two amazing shinnobi (even if kakashi doesn't think he has grown from it, he did. A lot) i love the entire concept of their rivalry becaus eits diffrent from others. Naruto views sauske as a rival in every way. For fighting, for girls. Sure he became friends with him, but when they were rivals it was pure and the hatred was definitly there.
With kakashi and gai the rivaly was never about hating each other. Gai quiet litterally adored Kakashi and wanted to be strong like him, and picked up the rivaly in the hopes of getting stronger like Kakashi. Their rivaly is based off of affection and friendship. Even when kakashi is at his lowest or most pig headed, he still finds some kindness for gai. Even when he doesn't want to fight gai for him to actually insult gai isn't that common, but instead he just says "no" because he's honestly not interested
And then as they grow the rivalry because important to both of them and the friendship they have grows around it, never haulting or affecting their rivaly because they grow up knowing they can be bffs and rivals
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The meeting scene because it immidiatly shows how enthusiastic gai is, and that while kakashi can come off as cold and hurtful he's not intentionally trying to be. He's not looking down on gai when he informs his father that gai didn't make it into the acadamy, to him its just a fact and his father is being rude not knowing it and congradulating the kid when he knows gai's pride is probably wounded af.
Also it's a great introduction scene to their dads. These two men vastly diffrent in their skill sets and reputation, who at the end of the day want the same thing. Their son's happieness.
It's all around a really cute scene and it's one that really makes me think kakashi struggles with emotions and understanding people. He's not trying to be mean, but he comes off as mean because he's also not being super sympathetic and apologetic for his fathers mistake.
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Kakashi shows here that even though he himself is not the kindest person, he won't put up with needless bullying. These are two chunin bullying a tiny acadamy kid and insulting a genin, and Kakashi won't stand for it. He may not like gai at this exact moment (and he does scold him for not standing up for himself and his father) but at the end of the day he makes his stance clear. Bullys are not alright woth him and he will deal woth such people swiftly and effectively.
I think its an important moment for their friendship because even though kakashi does scold him, gai has just seen him stand up to these two douch bags and knows that Kakashi is at least somewhere deep down a kind enough person to be better than others. To not look down on people for their lack of skill, but rather for their personality. And it's pretty awsome cuz kakashi has been raised with a father who obviously tries to teach him to be kind and recognize hidden skill, but he was also raised in a village that praised him and called him genius and acted like he was better than others because he happened to be naturally gifted
And it definitly goes to his head a bit (he's 6 i don't really blame him) but at the end of the day he takes all he has learned and decides to be a protector instead of a bully and i think its the moment gai really realizes that they could be friends and rivals.
Honourable mention
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Look they're so close that their blankets are litterally ober lapping and their sleeping back to back because they've gotten used to protecting each other that way and just...
This scene gives me so much life. I adore it.
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At this point not only has kakashi choicen gai as his right hand man sheerly becaus ehe trusts gai the most, he has dropped everything to go help gai because he got an sos turtle and he's not actually judging gai for calling it out just because he was sick. He was worried and now he knows gai is safe and he can continue with his own work moving forward
But he had to know himself. He didn't send anyone else, the turtle didn't go to anyone else. It went to kakashi and he went to gai immidiatly. It shows just how much kakahsi does care even if he does embaress gai or act less enthusiastic about their friendship. It shows how important gai is to him
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