#but it's the only representation ive ever seen and i fucking love it
taylorshope · 1 year
Fuck you people who don't like Erin! Share this post if you love Erin! Fuck yourself if you don't love Erin! Or whatever
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theunfriendlyghoul · 6 months
okay okay okay, so I recently had a brainwave that I literally can't stop thinking about and I feel the need to put here for no one cause why not-
one of my FAVOURITE character tropes in media (as an ace person) is the asexual dumbass (eg. Peridot, Lilith Clawthorne, WALL-E, Gyorik Rogdul (drawtectives) etc.) (not necessarily because they're not smart, but that they can be goofy as hell)
Ace characters are nearly always portrayed as either aliens or robots, immediately making them the 'other' before we even scratch the surface. these characters are seen as 'above pleasure' - which is cool sometimes, but gets boring SO FAST when its done everywhere*.
these robots, aliens and even human ace characters are then written to be calculated, cold, and technically minded (once again, can be cool, but when its the only representation you're getting it gets boring (and stereotypical) as hell)
So if ace characters are usually portrayed as inhuman, how do we invert that stereotype? how can we make a wider spread of ace characters for people to enjoy? We make them the most human thing you can be - A TOTAL DUMBASS. A SCREW UP. WE MAKE THEM INCAPABLE OF KEEPING ANYTHING IN THEIR LIFE TOGETHER BUT SOMEHOW STILL DOING A LIL JIG IN THEIR TRASHED APARTMENT AT 2AM WHILE MAKING THEMSELVES A CUP OF MIDNIGHT CEREAL.
so, this is my petition for more dumbass asexual representation in media. Whether it's for an actual reason or just because I'm a dumbass asexual, we may never know.
much love,
*edit: someone mentioned the hints of purity culture in this sentiment of 'above pleasure'. and that's the truest shit ever actually. so yup nvm, that trope is actually both boring AND uncool. fuck purity culture <3
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dual-fantasy · 5 months
So much. Yes. the babyfication of mike(& the rest of the system to an extent) cause hes nervous sometimes and mentally ill makes me so mad. hes a bit of a dick and its okay. let him be a dick. he deserves it. let him be awful and gritty. scike ultimately would fail because of how much they just dont love each other. they end it on awful terms. anytime they're near each other they end up getting in a fistfight. mike kicks his ass every time. he'd have to be physically dragged off scott if anyone cared enough to stop him. jo cheers him on. people only get in the way of it when they realize scott might actually Die and even then its just a suggestion. Also, bit of an unpopular opinion in the fandom but I don't like zoke. I think they'd be friends after the show but they wouldn't date. mike grew a backbone after the show as well. he got cooler i reckon. its the mental illness though he stopped going to therapy after roti(also. i want to talk about how people completely forget that he actively sees a psychiatrist?? he is fucked in the head stop ignoring it) and somewhere through dating scott he just Stops Giving A Shit. he contracted scotts shark rabies or whatever and it made him evil. but its okay cause its mike. let him be evil. he deserves it. let him be mean to people. scike are absolutely awful for each other. their ''relationship'' is messy at most. nobody knows how they started dating it just happened one day. they yell at each other in the furniture displays at big stores and make everyone uncomfortable. they cant hang out together around anyone else cause 30 minutes in they get mad at each other and ruin the mood. actually the fandom interpretation of mike pisses me off so much. he is not a dainty little twink he has abs. that isnt just vitos italian superstrength(funniest fucking thing to me) or whatever hes strong as hell. let him beat someone up. let him be mean. he pushed scott into shark infested waters. he was a stupid boy in love with a pretty girl but hes also a dick. it means so much to me. hes an awful person sometimes and he absolutely deserves to be. half of the total drama fandom can not comprehend a mentally ill guy having complexities that make him a kind of bad person. hes a dog motif in a guard dog way. his bites worse then his bark. i do not frown on him being horrible i think he should be like that more. make mike mean twenty twenty four. td fandoms displayed him in such a horrific way i have to level the scales by making him the horrible person he deserves to be. not even in an angsty way he isn't sad and miserable. he should just be allowed to fuck scott up a lot. let him break some noses. I saw a post about brick and mike(no idea what the ship name is. bike ????) and i think they should be allowed to kiss just a little bit. brick frowns on him getting in fights but he isn't gonna stop it. scott deserves to get beaten up a little. mikes stupid and in love with brick though. tying into the guard dog motif. he comes home soaked in blood(probably scotts. none of its his own) and makes brick dinner cause hes actually the best boyfriend ever. just not to scott. theres no scike happy ending they dont become friends or learn to tolerate each other theyre forever bitter and hateful Grave Dog. i wrote this all in one sitting in 2 minutes i hope its somewhat comprehensible
YOU'RE SO REAL the fanon interpretation of mike actually drives me mad. like fucking insane. I hate it. I think the issue is that people don't want actual mental health representation they want the perks that come with being able to say he's mentally ill without actually having to see what mental illness is. they would rather die than realise nuances in his character. and your right the system has also had this happen but to a lesser extent. I like the fanon system more but only in the way that it's actually researched. in every other way it sucks. Ive seen it happen a lot with svetlana too. Its the obsession with easy troupes and simple characters that are easier to portray. they want characters to be more palletable so they erase their real character for the simplicity. it's bad
I think scike is literally never going to work out. it's always bad and it never improves and they're so terrible. they would never say they'll love eachother but they'll spend every waking moment imagining ways to destroy eachother. it's so bad and so good. mike is actually fucking killing Scott at one point. like his face is three hits from caving in. the only person to bother with helping him is brick because of "moral codes" or something. Cameron also wanted to help but he would get killed like. immediately. not even intentionally he would just get hit and crumple and die. everyone else is cheering them on tho. Anne Maria and B made a betting pool. lightning and dawn are announcing everything that happens like sports commentators.
I do not like zoke either because I don't like the way that Zoey was handled in canon. I think they should've made her weirder. she cannot be the "weird small town loser" if her only weird personality trait is a flower in her hair. she shouldve collected bones and made them into jewellery. they're friends but I can't see them dating. he stops caring after the show (and the reset button doesn't work!! it does not fucking work!! the system is still there!!) and decides to just be terrible. making up for the fanon bullshit my making him worse you're right.
and the Italian superstrength is easily one of the funniest explanations I've ever seen. in anything. Vito doesn't have fucking superpowers y'all mike is strong. he canonically does kickboxing!!! and is very passionate it!!! the show makes a point out of it!!! and also he can do everything that Svetlana can. even if he doesn't have the form or the practice in order to actually do it he could still theoretically do it. because Svetlana can only do what their body allows. mike is fucking jacked and incredibly strong he's just skinny. his ass is NOT a twink you all just hate nuances! he needs to beat up people. he needs to be worse. he needs to be terrible and horrible and cruel
and the guard dog motif is soooo good. weapon that's only used in necessity. bites not for enjoyment but for protection. able to fight but has the morality to restrain himself. he should be allowed to go crazy though. pleaseeee pretty please can he go crazy and silly and insane and violent. you're so real about brick and Mike I think they would be cute.
also DW I write all my posts in 2 minutes too that's why they're all incomprehensible
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bigmack2go · 1 month
Ive never been more pissed than when i found out aki max and Audrey didn’t end up together. Not like usually tho. This isn’t me goinh *ugh but i ship them so much“ no. I couldn’t care less about whether i like their ship or not. Thsi is about polyamory representation. They build up two seasons like that, finally giving you hope of seeing a poly couple that doesn’t end bad. In the first season k might have been like „oh this is bait“ but then they actually got together and i was so happy. But no. You give me yet another polyamorous story that end in betrayal. You guve me one single poly couple and call it representation and then they end bad?
The fact that they actually were together doesnt make it better.
Every poly representation EVER ends up bad. In betrayal. (Thats exactly what poly ISNT about.) what picture do you think that paints us in?? And especially when you KNOW that its always like that, how dare you be apart of it??? This is like when the only gay character turns out to be the villain, the only female character being the love interest (?) the only black character doing a shooting the only muslim character being a therrorist: WRONG
I am NEVER one to compare minorities experiences to each other but i simplycant keep going know that EVERYONE pretends that poly people aren’t a minority. Sure you SAY that you know that but you don’t treat us as such. And by „treat us as a minority“ i do not mean under representation till the cows come home. Im not talking about conservatives treating me as a minority, in talking about progressive people. Im talking about putting up a fight to let us get our rights like everyone else.
because lets face it, they dont treat us the same way they treat other minorities. Maybe they put a little rep here and there (which is almost always BAD rep) but thats it.
(For the sake of authenticity i‘m gonna use gay as an example for these because thats a minority that im actually a part of and i dont wanna put myself in anyone else’s shoes)
„you dint have to include poly characters if youre not comfortable woth it“ BULLSHIT.
That is like saying „you dont have to include characters if youre not comfortable woth it“
If you heard that, would you go „oh that’s fine“ NO. You would not. Because even if you are a straight person who would feel uncomfortable having gay sex or a gay relationship, that does not make gay people less existent and therefore not representing them is not okay.
THIS IS THE SAME FUCKING THING. I dont CARE if you would have a threesome or not (EVEN I WOULDNT AND IM POLY). I exist! And just because you aren’t me, that doesn’t make me less existent?! So get your damn shit together.
Sire polyamory isnt for everyone. NO SHIT. But neither is homosexuality and is it okay to leave that out? No. It fucking isnt.
I think the only representation of polyamory that wasn’t bad is have ever seen in my entire life was half bad. And even that was left open (enough) at the end.
Im so fucking done with this shit
The same tjing is for nonbinary people. I could go on a rampage about this too but i would literally only repeat myself for almost everything
Putting a lot of random tags cuz i want ppl to see this
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my friend just got me into Ted lasso earlier this month. slightly before 3×10 came out. it's already one of my favorite shows, which took me by surprise. the only sports shows I've ever liked before have been anime. technically i am half way through season 2 but I'm online so ive seen a lot of spoilers. including how they just handled the ot3 in the finale. and i have a couple thoughts.
before we started the first episode, one of my friends selling points was "there is an ot3 that might actually have a shot at going canon by the end and the end is soon" and before seeing any of it my answer was "you already sold me but don't get your hopes up. it's still made by two massive studios and studios are pussies. and then i watched the first episode and she showed me some clips of Roy and Jamie later in the series and some actor interview clips to explain the ot3 better and i said "I'll tell you exactly what is going to happen. they are going to pull a korrasami. it looks like the writers are writing towards it and the actors and everyone wants it to go that way, but they are at best going to get an episode close to the end where their 'friendship' develops with a few hints and then at the very end of the last episode they will throw an ambiguous bone that could go either way. because that is as far as those studios will allow" and i was exactly right. exactly fucking right.
and I'm happy we got as much as we did with them. it feels like the type of representation you get from a Hollywood movie in the 50s. subtextual but easily readable with a trained eye. and it feels natural for their development. even with the backslide of the fistfight. because real growth isn't linear and theirs has never been either. this feels like a very natural place for them to end and it feels like they are at the start of something that they as characters don't quite understand yet.
but there is a part of me that is still disappointed. the same way part of me was disappointed when i finished leverage and got korrasami'd by that ot3. it's always left ambiguous with polyamory. it's either an ambiguous ending that will go under the studios radar or it's basically a porn from the start (not that there is anything wrong with that side of it either, i just want more variety) Dani got to have 2 girlfriends. and they looked happy. and they were there for a few seconds and they were gone. and we don't know them. Roy and Jamie and Keeley have been at the center of the show since the start and they have been growing towards it the whole time. they deserve something more than being happy together at a celebration. something concrete. something that acknowledges where they are with each other properly.
I'm elated that we weren't told no. I'm elated that Keeley didn't let them make her choose. I'm elated that they looked happy in the end. that they were close. that something that would have been several episodes of drama in season 1 was solved with "fuck we're stupid".
but I'm devastated that it's happened again. that the comfort of the cishet target audience was valued over the narrative value of their growth together. that it's entirely my decision what the ending means yet again. that even in a show that has been bold with it's queer representation, polyamory with actual narrative strength and value is a step too far. that i fell into the same trap I've been falling into since i was a little kid watching avatar. that i saw it coming and was still hit with the full force of it. and I'm so tired.
but i can't wait to get properly caught up. i know it will be a gut punch, but i still love every second with these three. and with everyone else. this show has taken me by surprise in so many ways
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Viv made a tweet about the non-canon HH accounts and how some theories made were making her uncomfortable. Based on the comments, it seems to be about Vox x Val. I feel the show is going to portray them in a similar manner to Stolitz, mostly for fanservice. They’ll be seen as a toxic relationship rather than showing the nuance of an abusive one. That way, Viv can sell couple merch of them without presenting them in a bad light.
TW: Mentions of R/PE, Mental Health issues.
I checked to see what you are talking about and-
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Oh no... (It's the "sad pills" thing all over again but it's now within the fanon. So even the fanon here is absulotely awful and the creator using it to fetishize the ab^se within the canon makes this entire situation even worse!) I guess being in a horrible coersion relationship and the current state of it (Stolas and Blitz) should be represented as "love" to Vivienne apparently.... 💀 This also proving that again- Stella was only created as a way to somehow morally "justify" Stolas and Blitz being together with a "but his wife was a meanie uwu and wants to kill Stolas- just because! So pwease buy our merch where we make them harming and sa'ing each other look cute! 🥺". it'd be one thing if she specified whether she ships the canon version or not, but she keeps relating these things to the canon, uses the fanon to further fetishize the canon instead of letting it exist by itself, make the merch of the canon look "sexy/cute!" and all sorts of terrible things that is hard to even describe in words it's that awful.
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Everything about this makes me grateful that Dragon Prince exists and that our only gay representation in the world isnt... this. (CONTEXT: Ive been being constantly attacked on Twitter by DaniDraws stans telling me to "delete your channel!" and keep defending Stolas and Blitz in the show (Not the fanon ship- the show! We shouldn't sacrifice our morality just to force a crack ship that we like to be accepted as canon regardless of the toxicity within the canon itself. Some ships should be crack and stay as crack.) and to this day are still harassing my Twitter like as if ive just murdered someone or something. They're really acting like not liking a couple in a show full of fictional characters is the "worst" thing I could ever do, it's actually fucking pathetic.)
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Another Tweet: Another vent post, in a row! Please woman- for the love of god please give yourself a break both you and your employees very much need it. Care for yourself, please, for the love of god! So it's not even just the awful takes that are concerning for others, it's Vivziepop being concerning based on her behavior towards herself, honestly- Both how she treats the show and how she projects her own flaws with accountability onto the characters, how she treats Spindlehorse, how she treats herself and how fast that she's doing all these projects, all of it. I hope that Viv receives thearpy soon, the fact that she's said that she doesn't have it yet makes me so sad and I do hope the best for her mental health.
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It's one thing for occasionally self aware humor, its another thing to self depricate and continue to very things that are causing you to constantly be stressed in the first place. Viveinne, please get help, im begging you at this point, for the sake of both yourself and the people around you. This isnt even only abou the parasocial fandom you've created from your lack of setting boundries but for your studio and many others. Please get help, im begging you.
As for the tweet itself-
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This pretty much confirms that they want us to see the "stolas and blitz" ones as canon despite the fact that it's just Stolas and Blitz either ab^sing each other or having "honey moon" (the phase where a ab^sive relationship seems "healthy" before ab^se occurs again.) phases over and over. But this has no mention of Vox and Val so I honestly have no idea what you're saying anon. Either way, going to Vivziepop's twitter was a mess and a half and I honestly need to stop using Twitter it's becoming a bad habit tbh. Either way- Vivziepop needs to take a break from Hazbin and get help. She's hurting so many people, and even herself because of how she prioritizes the industry over her own health. I actually like these shows too, but I would rather wait and know that the creator isn't rushing things and harming herself so much- Than to see multiple episodes be rushed out a year and to slowly watch Vivziepop harm her own mental health more and more, see her venting about it and full on having break downs like she did two months ago. I cant even do a thing about it since I dont know her personally. I cant call her, I cant send her resources... I can't do much and it upsets me to no end so im going to have to just pray and wait...
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floralovebot · 1 year
man people who racebend characters of color are REALLY showing their asses in how they think we're all interchangable and see us as a checklist for "Getting A Good Grade In Woke :)" rather than just... acknowledgment of the existing natural diversity of planet earth and the different ways people make life of it.
its insensitive to reimagine disneys tiana as asian, not because asian people dont face racism or cant enjoy cooking or didnt exist in 1920s new orleans- but because tiana is the first and still only black disney princess and was written and designed as such. her race informs and deepens her writing and her struggles, her love for her dad and specifically wanting to validate a jim crow era black man's sacrifices for his family, her connection to him and her community through her cooking when they all struggle to keep food on the table. similarly mulan shouldnt be rebranded as african american, not because black women couldnt exist in china or never crossdressed to join the army or dont face misogyny- but because mulan is a folk hero of historical chinese legend and as mulan, specifically cannot be divorced from that background. (also, frankly? the early white princesses arent really as well written for the most part, and their culture of origin is virtually never taken into account aside from visuals in their development, if that).
thats what ticked me off so bad about the monster high reboot. nb frankie was so cool and an asian draculaura was so fun but then they just... took away the black girl? and by extension, her sisters and thus ALL the black girls and like, dude not cool? nothing wrong with her being latina but being afrolatina is a different experience than being african american. afrolatinas deserve rep but that doesnt mean they shouldve taken clawdeen from african american girls. then there was some back and forth as to where specifically draculaura's family is from, and lagoona's origins vary from source to source dolls vs movie vs tv too and you just really feel the lack of effort and cohesion in the writing rooms. it really is just all just numbers on a chart, quotas to be filled there.
even with shows like winx where its ambiguous at times and kind of a raceblind take at others, theres so little for ANY of us that redesigning without that in mind becomes poaching. why would you take when ive been given so precious little? why would you want to change this one gift from people like me that lets me know i'm seen and loved? sure, other people deserve to have that too but if they want to borrow then take those who have so much they wont even miss it?
asdfghjkl sorry for the essay, i guess i had a breakthrough in how to put why this specific issue gets to me.
Like it's so fucking weird to me!!! And GOD I wanted to say something about gen3 Clawdeen but I wasn't sure if I was "right" or if it was my place to say but exactly!! Being afrolatina is wonderful and they deserve representation too but it is still ultimately a different experience from being black american and they shouldn't have taken that away from black girls! I'm glad that mixed kids have her as rep now but they shouldn't have taken her away!! They very easily could've made a new character to fill that role instead!
AND YES to the winx point!! At the end of the day, it doesn't matter that some of the girls races or ethnicities are more ambiguous, they still have Canon races and people shouldn't be taking that away and giving it to someone else. That's not how representation works! Ever! Like if someone redesigned Aisha to be asian, that wouldn't make me happy or give me More representation. All that would be doing is taking away representation from black people! Same thing with Musa, Flora, Nabu, etc.
It also feels So fucking scummy when a white person's excuse is just that they Personally didn't see a character as their canonical race/ethnicity and that's why they changed it?? Like I don't give a shit if You personally don't see Nabu as an Indian man. That doesn't change his blatant coding. Same with characters like Flora who are more ambiguous. It doesn't matter if You Personally don't like her being Latina. She is. Fucking deal???
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moonlightcookie · 2 years
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hey since there was recently a big ol Dramabomb on twitter over seamoon, i figured i would finally put into words how i feel about all this, esp the whole "toxic seamoon shipper" myth.
transcript under the cut
[transcript: anyway since i saw some more dumb shit this morning: lesbians being protective of seamoon isnt just us "making it our whole personality" (and even if someone were, who cares? not hurting anybody) or us thinking we're defending the honor of a fictional ship. i dont know how else to beat it into ur dumb fucking skulls that representation MATTERS. we get defensive we ppl wanna shit on + disregard canon lesbian representation bc there's so little good rep out there! especially coming from a huge franchise that isn't a childrens cartoon (e.g. SU, SPOP, TOH)
we get defensive when we see ppl treat characters we see ourselves in BECAUSE of their canon lesbianism like shit!! because to me personally, if u can't even respect fictional lesbians, how tf can i respect u to respect ME, a real living lesbian??
i honestly don't know how to make this any clearer for yall: we are NOT telling you that u HAVE to ship or even actively enjoy it. all we're asking is for you to respect it and the fact of it being canon, and ESPECIALLY to stop giving us grief when we say it's canon, since that seems to be the biggest issue with people for some reason?? just because a ship is canon does not mean you can't also ship something else, as long as you're not erasing lesbian rep (meaning Dont ship sea fairy with men, moonlight is less strictly lesbian coded so go ahead ig)
if you prefer one or both of them with some other women, go ahead. despite my personal feelings on it, it's not like... problematic or anything? i have genuinely NEVER seen a seamoon stan harass someone for shipping, say, bluemoon, kumimoon or sea fairy/ice captain. additionally, never ever EVER have i or even seen any other seamoon tell anyone to kll themselves over the ship. NEVER. if yall wanna claim that shit, yall gonna have to provide names and screenshots otherwise you're just talking out of your ass + only serve to further push the stigma of seamoon/its fans. i know seamoon is still enjoyed (or seen neutrally) by the majority of the fandom, but it still hurts to see such a vocal minority be so vitriolic about something that means so much to me, as a lesbian who sees a lot of myself in moonlight.
this is something ive had to fight for + deal w for at least 3 years, across different platforms. this is so much more than just a fictional ship to me (+ other lesbians), these two are a beautiful representation of who we are, how we love, and especially the hurdles we face in our relationships.
transcript end]
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gib-mir-gift · 2 years
i havent seen the new wwdits episode yet so forgive me if this Hot Take™️ is room temperature at best but. i dont think The Marwa/Freddie Thing was meant as a racist or misogynistic thing? from what ive read from everyone talking about it so far it feels more like the writers using nandors past and current narcissism to highlight how shitty he is. it also shows how every time he tries to express himself he only succeeds in making everyone he cares about miserable.
please dont reply to this complaining about wwdits 'using women of colour as a plot device for men' i really dont give a shit. plot has to plot somehow and media, great representation or not, still has a long way to go until that stops so im not gonna complain about the idiotic vampire show doing it. theres other shows that have women of colour that arent plot devices. honestly though every character ever is a plot device so i really dont understand this type of complaint
and while yes i agree that the writers could have done so much better with marwa and they should have put more effort into her plot and nandor stripping her of her autonomy is disgusting,, i knew from the start that shed be another throwaway plot device like jim the vampire, jenna, derek, evie, benji, etc.
i love marwa and im gonna miss her but not everything is about race or gender. sometimes its just about a show doing things to make it unpredictable or interesting or to prove a point about other characters (EX: laszlo cheating jim out of the money he owes, jenna fucking off after being turned, derek fucking off after being turned and the hellhound trial and the wedding, evie fucking off after colin breaks up with her, benji fucking off after... whatever happened with him tbh i cant remember)
other times its just the show not knowing how to properly send off a character and thats okay. its a shitty comedy about vampires its not gonna be perfect and its not gonna have perfect representation or fair treatment of characters. every show is like that
but yeah fuck nandor. while i love him and hate seeing him so miserable so much this season he deserves it tenfold. romantic interests for him are never going to work. weve known this since jan and meg and gail #justiceformarwa
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delcakoo · 2 years
He’s so SOCIALLY AWARE about cultural incompetence and appropriation!!! He appreciates black brown and Asian communities so fucking much and it’s like, yes!! FINALLY!! He also has so many Roe v Wade posters BECAUSE HE BELIEVES ABORTION IS A HUMAN FUCKING RIGHT‼️‼️‼️‼️ he talked about how rock and roll is literally from Black women, a church sister moved really fast on her guitar and BAM ROCK AND ROLL and he outright admitted that white people appropriated the heck out of it and made it a “white thing” 😨
Since he’s half Filipino, he has this fish hook (?) necklace and tattoo because it honors his leadership. And he said when people ask him “omg u have a Maui necklace” he feels bad because his culture is reduced to a cartoon character!!! And I made so many connections with him in terms of cultural disrespect. I said that it’s sort of like jasmine bc I said “when I complain that there’s no south Asian representation in media someone and their mother has to tell me ‘what about jasmine/Aladdin’ these media are never culturally accurate. Bc aladddin is literally made of Turk, Desi, and Arabic culture mixed in to one to give white people “ a taste of south Asians 😜😍” and I said that and he was like “RIGHT, ITS SO FRUSTRATING BEING REDUCED TO SOMETHING THATS NOT CULTURALLY ACCURATE.” AND I WAS LIKE?! HELLO HE’S SO AWARE ABOUT CURRENT MEDIA LIKE MY OLD HISTORY TEACHER COULD NEVER 😩
NEXT WE WERE READING THESE POEMS AND THE TOPIC KF MISOGNy and you wanna know what he told the boys?!
“All you little boys here, if you wanna be a REAL man in the future then being a REAL man is not putting down women. Women have to right to speak up and put you in your place if you’re being rude, which men have a long history of doing. If you ever disrespect a woman gouge your eyes out and be ashamed. I don’t wanna see that Andrew Tate behavior in my classroom. I also don’t thing your mothers will be happy you spend your life on sexism and misogyny, so If you don’t wanna explain your actions to your own mother, i demand you change your mentality if you haven’t already.”
He’s my new fav teacher no questions asked.
Also my playlist KEPT PLAYING MY FAVORITE SONGS?! Like it must be that I followed you and realized that your so amazing that I got all this good karma 🥵🥵🥵
ANYWAYS ILYSM KOOTI FRUITY 😍😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 HOW WAS UR DAY?!
bro just the name andrew tate makes me furious i’ve only seen a few clips of him because i genuinely cannot listen to the shit rhat comes out of his mouth 💀 so happy he got his platform taken away BUT AGHH UR TEACHER SAID NOTHING BUT FACTS. SO TRUE BRO ESPECIALLY ABORTION. ANYONE WHO THINKS ABORTION SHOULD BE ILLEGAL NEEDS TO GET TF AWAY FROM ME LIKE ABSOLUTELY NOT 🥰🥰 as he should he would be my favorite too ☝️💯
OMG YES WHATRE SOME OF UR FAVORITE SONGS I’D LOVE TO LISTEN TO THEM 🫶🫶 and yeah that was actually me i personally told ur playlist to play the bops!! 💯🥰 ur welcome!!
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silverislander · 1 year
Can you recommend horror movies to me that you love? Thank you so much <3
hell yeah i can anon!! thanks for the opportunity :D
there's been some really impressive stuff come out in the last year alone- barbarian and nope come to mind especially
barbarian is best if you can go in at least mostly blind- i did and it was one of the most insane theatre experiences of my LIFE. literally screamed out loud at one scene lmao. it's about two strangers who accidentally wind up sharing an airbnb and if you think you know where that's going i promise you you're wrong
nope might possibly be one of the best movies ive Ever seen full stop? i am kind of obsessed w it, this is one of those holy grails of writing for me bc jordan peele has this way of perfectly articulating and explaining the point of his movies while also being super subtle and not just making a morality play. i literally wrote a 10pg essay on this film. it's THAT deep. it's got some scary scenes/great tension too! best i can describe it is two siblings + ragtag crew band together to save the haywood family horse ranch. and that's all i'll tell you
zombieland is fun as well! definitely the least scary and most chill of these but i think it's really funny (which is rare- i usually hate horror comedy bc so much of it is just offensive) and i love zombie stories and found family, lol. it's a road trip movie with zombies basically, i like watching it during exams to destress
creep (2014) is SUCH a great found footage movie. the whole atmosphere was crazy uncomfortable. basically this guy hires a videographer to make a video diary for his unborn son, but the videographer definitely does not have enough information about this guy and it becomes obvious very quickly lol
hush (2016) does some AWESOME slasher horror and i do so love slashers. the protagonist is deaf/mute, which is not only cool bc hell yeah representation in media but also bc it presents a whole new struggle!! maddie is a total fucking badass and absolutely holds her own against the killer, but ofc she can't hear the killer and can't hear whether she's making noise he could hear. and both of those do affect the plot. it's that classic "woman goes on a secluded cabin retreat but then someone tries to serial kill her"
it's kinda hard to recommend them without knowing what subgenres you're into or whether you're new to horror but those are just some i like off the top of my head! i also always shill for doesthedogdie if you need tws or anything :) there's no shame in not watching smth that'll genuinely upset you. scary movies are supposed to be fun in the end, not cause actual panic attacks or anything
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ratbutmakeitfyodor · 2 years
I know how many of byler shippers are annoyed that will's crush and basicaly every conversation he had with mike (where he was kinda lying because he was talking abt himself) made mike and el got back together. Look i get it im annoyed too. But its not bc i think that will having crush on mike is a bad scenario choise or the way they made him handle the situation is bad. No i think that wills character is one of the best of them all. S4 made me fall in love with him.
Steves crush on nancy is forced and unrealistic as well as nancys idk supposed feelings for him? Guys its the biggest bullshit ive ever seen. Nancys and johnatans fight is also very random created only to give some place for stancy. Im sorry but i didnt care much about jopper this season this ship was kinda cute in s1 and s2 (a little) but later on it was just jeah they'll end up together at some point and i dont care its ok. I also dislike hopper a bit - his anger outbrusts are too much for me despite his huge heart and stuff. Dustin and susie - i dont care. Dustin is amazing suzie is a boring character used only whan theyre having trouble. Max and lucas - they are nice s4 made me like max more and this scene in hounted house was awesome and cute. But they are lacking the tension bc we know somewhere in back of our heads that they'll end up together and drama is needed to build up both of their characters and it works (not like this s3 painfull drama to teach mike a lesson about beeing posesive - i didint learn much abt max and lucas then)
I think that finally will's character is treated seriously in s4. In s1 and s2 he was just in danger and everyone tried to save him. In s3 he had some place to be annoyed and sad but again all of his problems vanished as soon as they found out about mind flayer. In s4 noah shnapp is doing AMAZING job making will constantly on werge of crying (and it somehow isnt too much which dropped my mouth on the floor. Dont underestimate that! Usually characters that cry everytime theyre having a convo with anyone are annoying and you just wish they shut up but not will)
If we look at all those small details and clues the show kept giving us about wills sexuality (like people bulling him and laughing at him in s1 calling him homophobic slurs, him looking at mike before dancing with a girl on a snow ball in s2, mike saying is not his fault that will doesnt like girls in s3, that weird ass feet flirt? (gross) and wills presentation about alan truing in s4 for example) it gives us a good amount of reasons that it isnt just a part of his character like it was with robin in s3. The coming out scene wasnt like a confirmation of some obvious clues or shit. Her character wasnt about beeing gay it was about beeing a person and beeing gay. Which is huge difference. As a fan of casual representation i was very satified with steves and robins thread in s3 because i already loved them before the coming out scene (and its also a reason why im disapointed with it in s4 because they threw away the importance of their friendship and focused on romance instead which has been done wery poorly) But will also isnt just gay. He's a very confused child focusing on figuring out who he is. Its more like a heartstopper kind of storyline but he has no one to talk about it no one to support him like openly without just guessing what he is going throught. He doesnt have 'am i gay quiz' or any kind of people like him he can talk to. Instead he has a crush on an absolute asshole (I will get to that soon) and mindset of puting others before him. So it shouldnt be a surprise that he does everything he can to support and help mike. And look at him HE CRIES ALMOST EVERY TIME the emotions inside are taking him over. The problem isnt the plot isnt the crush isnt will's character its mike
What in the fucks sake happend to him over the seasons? In s1 and 2 i belived that he is nice he is caring that he is a heart of a group. He was a GOOD FRIEND. But now show has to desperately remind us about all this stuff because he himself isnt. Since s3 he is just revolving around el. All the time no place for anyone else there. Well maybe they are buliding up like a sudden realisation scene where mike will realise what this relationship was doing with him or something. But guess what HE WON'T why? BECAUSE HE IS UNABLE TO FIGURE OUT HIS FLAWS HIMSELF or read basic signals from his friends that he's hurting them. So maybe in s5 someone (probably Will) will have to put some sences into that oblivious mind of his (i hope will will be yellig) and honestly that is the only rational reason i can see for watering down his character this much (rational where its not just a poor writing) i hope it will happen i would enjoy it i would forgive using wills feelings for ending mikes and els fight. But if nothing like this happens mileven is doing perfectly 'fine' as always will is coming out but it has no impact on anything than im throwing that show away other threads arent enough to make me invest in it as much as this one is (im not saying that i need byler to come true what i need is a logical explanation on why mike is such an asshole and REAL character development this time) Every time show is fucusing on mikes flaws (its always just one flaw - like mike beeing possesive or not caring about will at all) other characters confront him making him realise what he was doing wrong he apologises and everything is fine again exept its not. Because he fixes this one single flaw they were taking about every other out there is left untouched. He doesnt grow as a person (one good thing about him - he doesnt make same mistake twice) actually hes beeing even a bigger asshole. So theres no surprise for me that all he takes from wills advices are ways to make up with el bc thats all he is focusing on. He doesnt look at bigger picture of situation - at wills emotions at ways his voice sounds like at reasons why he took that painting for that trip or why he painted him in that contects in the first place.
I dont know what elese to write to clarify my point (i hope its somehow understandable) I am a huge byler shipper but as i said it doesnt even have to be canon for me because if it was with mike left the way he is it could be even more painfull for will. What im really hoping for in s5 is explainging mikes horrible begaviour and fixing it for real this time (this scenario in case they made him this bad on pourpose) or fixing his character generaly (in case it was accidental) and a satisfing wills coming out scene. I cant specify exactly what im expecting but im counting it will be as good as robins
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
making my own post because im derailing from the point. for me it never feels like representation. that’s not an experience ive ever had, not everything is about me but god thats not even CLOSE. it feels so fake and disingenuous to me to the point of being an outsider. Is that ANYONE’S experience? Like, who is being represented? If it is your experience good for you, I mean that genuinely, but I grew up being told my mother should’ve beat the queer out of me, in public as casual advice given to her, she didnt even disagree outside of “well I wont hit my kid but I get it”. nevermind what happened later in life or what that did to my psyche.
Every time I see something where its just accepted or even worse therapy talked through I feel downright alienated. I feel left behind. I got stepped on my whole life only to get told “actually WE want stories where no one is stepping on us” while im still out here having to fight the boot pressed against my face. Do you have any idea what “We dont want stories focused on sex :/ its not always about sex” at the same time someone is telling me my love is the same as fucking goats irl. Im constantly reminded my love is too disgusting to show, to the point I’m not even comfortable around anyone anymore because I know my love and my body is seen as being so repulsive that my presence isnt wanted unless its scrubbed down to nothing. It took me six years of being out of the closet to even write two men in love because how dare I indulge in it.
And I dont want tragedies either! I’ve been in too many situation where I didnt know if I was going to make it out ok, if even alive. I dont want to be reminded of what could’ve happened. I want to see someone like find a better life. But you cant just show me light and act like the tunnel doesnt exist. I dont want them to be told they’re loved and supported without reason. I never got those words, not without terms and conditions* at least. I never got told it was okay and i was valid, I got blamed for what happened to me. I never got an apology, i forgave them only to learn it was never regretted. And at this point none of those words will do anything for me. How am I supposed to believe them. I dont even want it.
I want this faggot to punch that mf in front of the altar and god when they make their escape. Then have his boyfriend get him knocked up.
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rathologic · 3 years
What are your character design ratings (P1 in contrast to P2, better or worse) for all Bound/ non-NPC Patho characters? :)
i love your ambition! but I'm limiting this to top 5 and worst 5 plus comments for my own sanity. since there are 24 Bound and a sum total of 34 named characters who appear (with model) in both games
gorkhon's 5 top superstars:
WOW this ended up biased a lot towards p1. in my defense p1 is better and has better characters with better designs haha
p1 rubin: rubin's size is important and by god did the character designers make the most of it. his leather outfit is A) unique, B) fairly practical, and C) homosexual (in a loving men way and an outcast breaking societal rules about bodies due to necessary and innate circumstances way), emphasizing how despite All That he leans into his own distinctiveness and trusts his abilities. it all contributes to a clear concept of his background and motivations- you can tell he's gone through a lot for his age, even while his head scar usually can't be seen without fly mode or parkour. special note to the animation where he raises his arm to match the medical poster on his wall... overall so so lovingly well done. (p2 rubin: to be discussed later)
p1 anna: just such a visually solid and interesting figure! her hair went through a lot of development stages and I think the blond wig deserves its final spot, both as a representation of her character & as a design capstone... I really love the texture and detail on her face it's just totally contradicted by the game saying she's 18. (p2 anna: give her shoes for God's sake. I can't abide like this. Decent coat but it obscures so much potential)
p1 andrey: perfect. the desaturated color of his long coat matches really nicely with his white clothing, and who can resist a guy with spurs. his red eyeshadow genuinely iconic for our 1 canon bisexual man. only complaint is I think his handkerchief was too hard to see in the game and could've been made more distinctive (p2 andrey: the color coordination gets soooo unbalanced with his chest out. #boyboss but it's really not fun to look at him)
both vlad jrs: the designers did an INCREDIBLE job of representing young vlad through his clothing, height, and mannerisms, as an anxious, unlikeable young man under a lot of pressure who tries to do his best while espousing deeply fucked up ideals... evidenced by the success of tai lopez vlad and the number of comments ive seen saying "he looks libertarian" this is stellar character design
p1 lara: her crying cat face... again a really coherent design, the purple/olive layered clothing is distinctive and pleasant to the eye. I especially like the embroidery as a hint of textile history in the patho setting and a reflection of the Town's gender roles. her hair's lovely and the sturdy boots are a perfect allusion to her family history & willingness to take action (p2 lara: hate looking at her :( they smoothed her face they took away her details. she has nothing distinctive except implausible hair physics)
honorable mention: marky mortel :) both designs slap but again p1 is more appealing in terms of varied, balanced color choices
gorkhon's cringe compilation:
2bin (p2 rubin): gets his own separate paragraph because I despise him. he looks bad I think it's perfectly in line with how deeply the writers fucked up his motivation and character but he loses so many points for his plastic looking bald head texture. doesn't even get to keep the scar! his eyes also get lightened 50% which is a baffling choice (although 2's engine is awful at displaying dark eyes anyhow)
p2 eva: sighing and moaning and sobbing. "this woman 'dresses' in skimpy and half-undone clothing because it adds to her appropriation of the kin's customs character" it really doesn't. concept art had a lovely nose but it's not IN the game. miserable. might I add the 3 primary colors are a nice attempt but not adequately balanced with yellow, which is jarring (p1 eva: honestly I do think her attire makes sense for her character in this one, and the gold/white color coordination is lovely. narrowly missed the top 5 bc she also needs shoes)
p1 victor: literally the most nothing man. guess you don't need a "character design" when you sit behind a desk anytime you're not being observed. kind of works with his being underestimated in the story but Man (p2 victor: yay he has visual personality now :) the details like his torn shirt add a lot, but they /are/ details that are sort of hard to catch)
p1 khan: off the top of my head I can't remember anything about how he looks, which is usually bad from a character design standpoint. he's an important figure and a leader of imaginative children, so it feels really jarring to have him in average normal clothing (p2 khan: also a big improvement! p2 did a lot with the Kain family resemblance, and his attire mirroring and diverging from his estranged father's slaps... however khan's haircut feels odd given the setting)
alpha marble nest georgiy: If You've Ever Seen Him, You Know
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imeengoldberg · 3 years
yall shouldnt be surprised when i can give you a dictionary length book full of just story titles of mlm stories written by cis straight women ive seen not looking for them, but can count on my hands and toes all of the (male character) x male reader stories ive found while looking for them.
its all fun and games until i also tell you, hey, theres even less (girl character) x girl readers, or just wlw stories at all. It’s starting to sound a lot like fetishization. 
im not saying you cant write mlm stories as a cis straight woman- obviously not. part of being a writer is writing stories far from your own personal experience. It’s just like what we call bad representation. those people (very flamboyent gay men specifically) do exist, but they are the only gay men every shown because they fit comfortably into hetero-safe stereoypes.
if you only write mlm stories, and youre not an mlm yourself, and you always have the same heteronormative dynamic (one uwu twink sassy girlboss and the alpha badboy in detention who coUldNt bE gAY, hE plAyS FoOtbAlL anD hAz MeAn GiRlFwIeND- but thats all an act? like geez, just say ur biphobic and ask random gay men to be ur gay best friend??) it just starts to lead me to the conclusion you dont have the queer community in your best interest.
honestly, the fetishization is disgusting. it reinforces already harmful stereotypes. Also, I have never, and I mean NEVER- found a mlm story about a trans man in love with another man that wasnt practically porn without plot, save for one kiribaku fic that i wish i could find again. That definitely does not put us trans men in a wonderful light. we are not to be sexualized for our bodies, and neither us nor mlm should be fetishized for loving.
if youre unsure you can accurately write a queer love story accurately, do not do it. if youre worried at all it will come off bad on the lgbtqia+ community, do not do it. it will not hurt you if it’s bad rep, but it will hurt us.
are you good at writing queer romance as a straight person but notice that you have an odd amount of mlm & straight romance and an abandoned desert for wlw or trans/nonbinary love stories? write some! we really need it!
also, there are not enough people of color in stories in general. i notice that a lot of the time, they’re shoved off as one of the side characters- at most, a best friend. why? well, we know why, its racism, but why in my fanfiction. like, this fanfiction was so good, until i realized every single character was described as a western/eurapean with white skin, when, listen, this is an anime and they’re all japanese, jessica. although it’s not something i can speak in depth about as a very white pasty mf, it’s something ive definately noticed and its very annoying tbh. all these mcs look the same. give me some actual people please.
speaking of actual people!
why are there no chubby mcs? ever? like wtf? i get it, skinny people aesthetic or whatever, but it’s actually so frustrating when every character is a size 0 and an unrealistic representation of average people, despite usually starting out as ‘average’. I’d like to feel good about my stomach instead of comparing it to a paragraph in a fanfiction.
finally, ive gotten to something good! 
wlw stories are finally getting as mainstream as mlm! not there yet, but it makes me smile every time i see a wlw story on my feed cuz it means were getting there :)
all-in-all, this is the reason I stopped reading fanfiction regularly a while ago.
this time two-five years ago, you couldn’t pull me away from the fanfiction. I would read main characters (women) who were only ever ‘tomboy’ enough to fall into a safe view of heteronormativity that I held. I’d never even seen the word transgender until middle school- and because my entire life I was conditioned to believe that that stuff was weird or gross, I rejected it hard.
It took me years to get to where I am, and it was a huge struggle. Not that this is one fanfiction/story writer’s fault. This is an entire community’s fault. I just dont want the next generation of queer, chubby, or poc kids to think they’re weird or lesser than like I did. If it’s something I can help to stop, I will.
So, if I ever write an original story, or original characters into a fic, you bet your ass its gonna be the most realistic representation of the real world i can get into a story. now, fuck jk rowling, and have a good night. au revoir, bitches.
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surpriserose · 2 years
Chris can u pretty pretty please fan cast X/1999 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I hate this i hate that i woke up and was like yeah ive got ideas >:(
Kamui is timothee chalamet everyone's favorite edgeboy and nothing else kamui is just all edge here hes not allowed to develop as a character or be nonbinary sorry i got attached to agender kamui so much
Fuuma is everyones second favorite edgy boy Robert Pattinson who is literally giving it his all and thats probably too much so honestly? He can probably pull of fuuma theyre both weirdos
Kotori probably still dies but there are so many cringey romantic flashbacks with her and kamui as kamui is training (in a montage set to like imagine dragons or something) so like fuck it lets go with kaitlyn dever the dear evan hansen lady again she can get her check and get out
Hinoto oh god im trying to avoid spoilers for these but like....im actually putting reese Witherspoon here because i remembered who i wanted for karen so BUT ANYWAYS they do it its split its every bad DID movie youve ever seen im so sorry
Arashi okay i have a vision here this time they swap arashi and soratas genders arashi is now a dude and sorata is a lady for pretty much no reason but omg sword? Lets make arashi a man so they can be another stoic edgy boy for the collection. I think they get simu liu fress off the marvel presses and he gets absolutely nothing to work with because they looked at arashi and were like okay theyre just 😐 100% of the time and thats theyre only deal
Sorata is awkwafina because they do let sorata be comic relief but also thats all they are now but also theyre not funny at all </3 except theyre also kamuis new love interest 🥺🥺🥺 and they kiss at the climax where the power of love saves the day and everyone hugs it out and like idk they solve climate change. Also they let sorata be bi but its in blink and you miss it stuff like the shit they pulled with loki and everyone calls it amazing representation
Karen is anya taylor joy and they cannot handle her being a sex worker well AT ALL she has to be saved by motherhood to nataku 🥺🥺🥺🥺 where she quits her job and like idk starts a daycare or some shit in the epilogue
Subaru god i just want to cast nick Robinson from love simon again sorry hes typecast as milquetoast white gay to me which is what they make subaru his entire personality is pining after Seishirou like hes not even really kamuis brother figure hes just some guy here :(
Yuzuriha and aoki dont exist sorry they have to make cuts somewhere </3
Nataku is brianna hildebrand because when you suggested the hollywood nonbinary is a cis girl with a buzzcut she came to mind because she was negasonic teenage warhead in deadpool so xyqvzu1vziwjs they probably let nataku be nonbinary but they dont say it and probably use she/her pronouns more than half the time and they definitely 100% have karen call them her daughter at some point
Seishirou is armie hammer hes got experience with predatory age gap gay relationships after call me by your name so hes getting typecasted now too and because timothee chalamet his former co star is on the cast kamui...kamui x Seishirou becomes popular online :(
Kanoe....and this is the big one...kanoe is scarlett Johansson who is managing somehow to whitewash harder than the rest of the white cast. I think they keep all her sexy dresses and flirting with ppl and shit but like...and this one hurts...they make her a predatory lesbian stereotype with satsuki and shes the big bad irredeemable villain they kill to solve climate change or whatever and then satsuki marries yuto and they live happily ever after in a big old nuclear family
Satsuki is kristen wiig basically just being cheetah from wonder woman 1984 all over again and its worse this time and shes basically just there so kanoe can be a big old evil lesbian to a cishet woman and they definitely make jokes like just because i have short hair doesnt mean im a lesbian 🤪🤪🤪 and everyone insists this cant be homophobic because they made seisub canon and thats gay so!!!
Yuto is here i was gonna cut him but hes satsukis love interest and he definitely defects out of love for satsuki and he wants to kill kanoe to get her away from satsuki and its portrayed as really heroic. It doesnt matter who he is he sucks so like lets go with chris evans. Also they make a ton of aquaman jokes.
They cut the rest of the dragons of earth sorry
Other points
They completely cut all the references to shrines and stuff like sorata being Buddhist and basically just make it a standard magic system EXCEPT for arashi because they didnt whitewash them which ends up being worse than if they never tried at all
I do think m night shyamalan would kill to direct this
No one dies except kanoe and maaaybe fuuma if fuuma dies he redeems himself right before the end so its so sad like think kylo ren or some shit
Takes place 100% in new york
Add your own to make it worse :)
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