#kiribaku did it fine
eggsdrawings · 1 year
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we’ve got a ways to go (krbk, chapters 5/5, 53.3k)
Kirishima’s best friend turns into somewhat of a stranger to him, and he resigns himself to accept this. But Bakugou’s always been full of surprises, especially now when he’s banging on Kirishima’s front door begging for one more chance.
Or, the progression of Kirishima and Bakugou falling in love, falling apart, and falling back together.
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tytarax · 4 months
I saw your requests can I request if it’s okay a Kiribaku and or Denkishinso comfort for getting hurt on the job or getting tired from a long day art work?
I literally did both in both scenarios XD. Enjoyed writing it anyway.
I hope you like it as much as I did.
Pure fluff <3
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The sun was setting over the city, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets below. The day had been long, filled with challenges and dangers, but you had finally made it back home. The apartment was quiet as you entered, the only sound being the soft hum of the refrigerator and the distant sounds of the city outside.
You dropped your bag by the door and sighed, feeling the weight of the day settling on your shoulders. Your body ached, every muscle protesting against the strain of the mission. You were tired, bone tired, and all you wanted was to sink into the comfort of your bed and forget about the world for a while.
But as you made your way through the apartment, you heard voices coming from the living room. Curiosity piqued, you followed the sound and found Katsuki and Eijiro sitting on the couch, talking quietly. They looked up as you entered, their expressions shifting from concern to relief at the sight of you.
"Hey, you're back," Kirishima said, standing up and approaching you. "Are you okay? You look exhausted."
You managed a weak smile, leaning into his touch as he brushed a hand against your cheek. "I'm fine, just tired. It was a tough mission."
Bakugo stood up as well, his gaze sharp as he assessed your condition. "You're injured," he said, his voice tight with worry.
You glanced down at yourself, noticing for the first time the cuts and bruises marring your skin. They were nothing serious, just the usual wear and tear of hero work, but Bakugo's concern made your heart ache.
"It's nothing, really," you said, trying to reassure him. "Just a few scratches."
Bakugo didn't look convinced, but he nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up," he said, taking your hand and leading you to the bathroom.
Kirishima followed close behind, grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet as Bakugo helped you sit on the edge of the bathtub. They worked together, gentle yet efficient, cleaning and bandaging your wounds with practiced hands. The whole time, they stayed silent, their presence a comforting anchor in the midst of your exhaustion.
Once they were done, Bakugo stood back, studying their handiwork with a critical eye. "There," he said, his voice gruff. "All patched up."
You thanked them, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. They had taken care of you without hesitation, their concern and care a balm to your weary soul.
"Why don't you go rest?" Kirishima suggested, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "We'll take care of dinner tonight."
You nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "Thank you," you said, standing up slowly. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
Bakugo snorted, rolling his eyes. "Don't get all sappy on us," he said, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You smiled back, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. They may not say it often, but their actions spoke louder than words. They were your rock, your support, and you were grateful for them every day.
As you made your way to bed, you knew that no matter how tough the world may be, as long as you had Kats and Ei by your side, you could face anything that came your way.
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As you arrived home after a grueling mission, the weight of exhaustion and aches settled heavily upon your shoulders. The day had been long, filled with danger and adrenaline, leaving you battered and bruised. With a weary sigh, you pushed open the door to your shared apartment, the soft click echoing in the quiet space.
Denki Kaminari and Hitoshi Shinso were both lounging on the couch, engrossed in a video game, their laughter filling the room. However, as they caught sight of you, their expressions shifted from amusement to concern in an instant. Denki's eyes widened with worry, while Hitoshi's usual stoic demeanor softened with empathy.
"Hey, are you okay?" Denki asked, jumping up from his seat and rushing over to you. Hitoshi followed suit, his gaze never leaving your tired form.
You managed a weak smile, trying to reassure them despite the pain throbbing through your body. "I'm fine, just a bit banged up," you replied hoarsely.
Without another word, Denki gently guided you to the couch, while Hitoshi disappeared into the kitchen. Moments later, he returned with a first aid kit and a glass of water. Hitoshi knelt in front of you, his hands deftly tending to your injuries with a gentle touch that belied his usual aloof exterior.
Denki hovered nearby, his worry evident in every line of his face. "You should have told us you were hurt," he chided softly.
You shook your head weakly. "I didn't want to worry you guys"
Hitoshi finished bandaging your wounds and handed you the glass of water. "You're part of this team too," he said quietly. "We're here for each other."
Denki nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with unspoken emotions. "Yeah, we've got your back no matter what."
As you leaned back against the cushions, feeling their unwavering support enveloping you like a warm embrace, you couldn't help but be grateful for having Denki and Hitoshi by your side. At that moment, despite the pain and weariness that weighed heavily upon you, there was nowhere else you'd rather be than here with them – your teammates, your friends, your family.
MHA Masterlist
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
This might be a fun idea
What if one day naga Bakugo and kirishima's little one managed to sneak out only for them to come back with food?
I know how to hunt and fish thanks to my parents, I just think it would be cute. One day our "fathers" just wake up to breakfast. 🤭
A/N- That would be so adorable, so here you go!
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: Toothe-aching sfw and a Kiribaku scolding
CHARACTERS: Kirishima Eijirou and Katsuki Bakugo
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The sun poured into the hollow tree, waking you as it shone into your eyes.
You glance down at the two resting nagas; Kirishima's soft snores and Bakugo's drowsy murmurs were still perceivable, thankfully, since you had managed to detach yourself from the grasp of their twitchy tails. You smiled, short of breath, and ambled towards the entrance of the tree.
At the beginning it was tough, your parents being slaughtered by the two grieving serpents, but the three of you worked through it. You were content with them, you had your awful days when your mind dwelled on what they had done, but you had accepted that you wouldn't be able to slip away from their obsessive clutch.
Your stomach grumbled and churned with hunger, "breakfast for all of us wouldn't hurt!"
Since they've done plenty for you, why couldn't you?
You stepped out of the tree and into the morning air, fetching your makeshift spear and a woven basket before, and mosied your way to the lake.
You struggled, but you've managed to catch a few fish. You've already cleaned them and currently you are plucking a few fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden to serve with breakfast, throwing what you needed into the woven basket. You gather your stuff, nearing the kitchen bakugo had fixed together. But before you did you poked your head into the tree, checking on the slumbering nagas, and you got to work.
Whilst you were setting up the dishes, you heard Kirishima's panicked cries and Bakugo cursing underneath his breath. The both darted out the tree, they went rigid when they caught sight of you.
Bakugo spoke first, expressing what he thought. "Y/N, how many fucking times do we have to tell you? Never leave the nest unless you're with one of us."
You frowned as you quietly cried, "I wanted to make breakfast for us."
Kirishima gasped before embracing you in his tight hold, squealing, and pulled away. "Wake us next time, you made us worried!"
"I wanted to surprise the both of you, sorry." You sniffled, smearing your tears away.
"It's fine, we enjoy it more if we do it together," Bakugo assured as he ruffled your hair, "now let's eat!"
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anime-rambles · 2 years
Some Alpha you are, Pathetic
Pairing: Alpha!KiriBaku x Omega!Reader
Type: Angst, hurt, NSFW if you squint.
Word Count: 3100+
A/N: Wow people seem to be very excited for this fic, so I decided to bringing it out eariler than what I was planning. Thank you all so much for your support <3 I have a new taglist form follow the link below and it will bring you too it. Much love as always, Tiff <3
Summary: You and Bakugou knew one thing for certain, Kirishima was already in your clan. But with your heat approaching you belived it was time to say it outloud, little did you know Bakugou is a very jealous, insecure alpha and feels threatened...
Permanent Tag List: @jasmine2042003 @jazzylove @amypop122 @misssugarless @plutounderbridges @butterscotch-babie @backoftheletter @gojosslvt @himi-yuu @ebiharachan @black-rose-29
MHA Tag List: @hornehlittleweeblet2 @mystiqueewrites @belzeblitz @moonygeno413 @ace-the-side-character @unlogical-ella @moonseye @vaellee @corruptowlette @pasteldaze @24-7-multifandomsimp @yetoadet @ninetyeightrins @kirissluttypebble @elaineplayz @phantomalchemist @tigerd-draws @kunaigirlx44 @jujutaku @adventures-in-a-heartbeat @cmars59 @upinacloud @yourdragonsfire @uwiuwi @burningbluegalaxy @kirislilwhorewife @kuzusouda-and-terumaru-blog @kat-perdue @ebiharachan @lazyafgurl @bratty-fics @eraserheads-sleeping-bag
Extra tags: @lunamoonbby @sleepless-addict
“Katsuki, please you're not listening to me” tears stream down your face as you try to get your alpha to understand, yes bringing this up was the best thing to do but also probably not the greatest of timing with your heat coming so soon. 
“No, why should I listen to you, you want another alpha? I am listening y/n? Did I hear wrong?” he questioned you, staring deep into you 
“Well i–”
“Well what ‘mega? Fucking speak!” He shouted at you, pumping anger pheromones into your room. You froze, trying not to flinch at his pheromones because you knew it would hurt him deeply if you were scared of him. 
“You know what, no I'm not listening to this, I'm not good enough for you? Fine, i’ve a mission starting soon but I think I'll start it today.  your next heat coming up? Spend it alone” with that Katsuki walked out the door, slamming it behind him. You cried and cried, you knew going after him would be a mistake so you didn't. You just stood in your grief. This was not how it was supposed to go. You simply asked Bakugou if he would be open to adding another alpha to your pack, bringing in Kirishima. The only thing yous dont do together is sex? So what would be the harm, you loved Kirishima and you know Bakugou loved him too if he would just admit it. Kirishima spent many a night in your nest with the two of you, scenting each other after hard missions. Your omega called out to him, and you knew Kirishima felt the same about you both. 
Bakugou was right, your heat coming soon, and you were going to be alone for it. For the first time since you and Bakugou got together in UA, you were going to spend it alone and that terrified you. Your omega whined, and your chest felt tight. The tears still fell from your eyes and your lungs were screaming at you to take some deep breaths. You walked to your room slowly with your head down and crawled into your nest to hide from the world and let the beginnings of your heat take you. You prayed that this heat wouldn’t put you into a drop, but deep down you knew it would.  
Kirishima knew something was wrong, he could feel it in his bones. The moment your morning text had not come in. There was only one thing to do today and that was to make his way to yours. Once he reached your apartment door, he knocked, and knocked and knocked. Knowing that if Bakugou was inside he would get an explosion to his face but he knew that Bakugou wasn’t here. He could smell his pheromones outside the door and there were two notable things about this, for one they were old and the second he was angry when he left. Kirishima pounded on the door again and there was no answer.
“y/n? Are you there?” he asked, and still no response. He placed his nose to the crack in the door frame and breathed in deeply, hoping to smell you. As Kirishima breathed in, he quickly pulled away and threw his hands to his nose. Something was wrong, something was really wrong. Kirishima would pay for the door later but right now, he needed to know you were okay. 
Kirishima looked at the door to check where the best place would be to break it without completely shattering it. It was actually simply, punch the door handle and the door would still be intact. So he did so, the sour smell in the air hit him harder as he made his way into the apartment to where it smelled the strongest. 
He called out and he got closer to the door, but still no answer. By the smell in the air he knew you and Bakugou had an argument. He knocked on the bedroom door and placed his ear to it, he could hear a shuffle from inside which at least told him you were alive. 
“Y/n, I’m coming in.” 
As Kirishima entered the room, his alpha called to him to protect you, to comfort you but he must hold off. He walked in and pumped smoothing pheromones into the air as a way to coax you out from hiding. Which worked, he could see your eyes poke out from the edge of the bed but you were still hidden beneath the blankets. 
“Alpha”, you called out weakly. Kirishima sighed. 
“Yes and no sweetheart, i am an alpha just not your alpha” He said and made his way to your side and sat on the ground, his head resting against the mattress near to where your head was poking out. 
“No you are alpha, my alpha” you said, pulling your head out the covers and wiping your eyes to look at Kirishima. Kirishima’s heart broke and he pulled his hand up to your face to wipe away the tears. You purred into his hand and pulled his scent gland to your nose breathing him in, after a few minutes you pulled his gland to your neck and rubbed it a few times. Kirishima allowed you this comfort because he knew it would bring you back to him for a little moment.  After a few moments of silence he spoke again. 
“What happened y/n, where’s Bakugou, he would never of leave you this close to your heat?” 
“Well he did, didn’t he, Eijrou.” Tears filled your eyes again and Kirishima quickly pulled you off the bed and into his arms. He places your head into his neck, forcing you to breathe in his pheromones to relax. 
“Come on now little one, breathe for me” He patted your hair as you calmed down again. You could really feel your heat starting to take over with being in the presence of your alpha, well one of your alpha’s but you must talk with him first. You took a moment to place yourself into the real world for a second and realized you were licking Kirishima scent glands on his neck and purring to yourself. You pulled away and looked into his face. 
“Sorry Eijirou” You giggled slightly to yourself and you looked as Kirishima's massive smile took over his face. 
“There she is, there's my girl” you took a breath again, smiling as his comment to you. 
“I messed up Eiji, i messed up big time” 
“What do you mean you messed up, talk to me about what happened?” You looked up at him and took another breath, Kirishima pumped more pheromones into the air. 
“Well Eijirou, you are basically already in a pack with us, we all but have sex, and i know my omega wants you and i know Katsuki alpha calls to yours and I know your alpha calls to us, I can tell that right now by the way you came to me, and how your holding me, comforting me -” You took a breath and started to rub your hands together, Kirishima placed a hand in your and stop you from being nervous. “I mentioned to Katsuki how would he feel if we added another alpha to our pack, and i don’t know what happened, he just started screaming at me and wouldn’t let me talk or even get the chance to say it was you, maybe because i’m close to my heat but he just went off the rail and said that i should spend this heat alone and that he had a mission coming up he was going to start after my heat but because i mentioned what i did, he starting it today, leaving me alone–” you started to cry again, 
“--i’ve…..nev…er..done…th..is..alone…eiji..not..si..nce….ua” Kirishima turned you into his neck again, anger boiled in him and he suppressed a growl so as to not scare you. What was Bakugou thinking, they had spoken about it before. Bakguou had mentioned that Kirishima’s alpha made him want to submit to allow Kirishima to take control. So why would he have this reaction? He knew Bakugou wanted this but why he reacted the way he did, Kirishima knew one thing, he needed to find him and soon. 
Once you had calmed down, Kirishima coaxed you into drinking some water as he placed back in your nest. Scenting lots of things around you so were happy while he left to find Bakugou. Not knowing how long you had until your heat would come into effect he looked around for your sex toys knowing that Bakugou had them as a in case of emergency setting where he couldn’t be there but Kirishima could help you, not to actually knot you but to use the knotting toys on you and to try and keep you grounded. Kirishima didn't know if you knew about them or not but thought it was best to leave them within your reach. 
As Kirishima had broken the front door, he thought it was best to bar it up as best he could, to stop any wandering alpha from just randomly strolling into the apartment and taking advantage. He was also going to make Bakugou pay for leaving his omega in this situation and for forcing Kirishima to leave you in your condition. He was happy enough that you weren’t going to depression drop and made his way to your balcony and climbed down the fire escape. 
It did not take that long to find Bakugou, he simply opened twitter and searched ‘Dynamite’ and looked to see where fans had spotted him. Apparently he was nearby and was not in a great mood today. Kirishima moved quickly to Bakugou’s last location and could hear small explosions of the type that Bakugou used to tell people to back off. As Kirishima made his way around the corner he could see people leaving Bakugou on his own. Kirishima passed them nodding at them and asked them to leave the area. 
“Oi Bakugou” Kirishima shouted out. Bakgoug stopped and turned towards him with a smirk on his face. 
“Hey Man, you here to help kick some butt, towns been pretty active today” Bakugou stopped. 
As Kirishima quickly made his way to Bakugou he grabbed him by the neck and moved him off the street into an alleyway. Bakugou protested the entire time but not once did he use his explosions, Bakugou’s alpha already submitting to Kirishima’s scent and alpha. Kirishima pushed Bakugou up against the wall, and still held his throat. Bakugou struggled around Kirshima’s hold, slipping a few times and Kirishima was much taller than him. 
“You care to explain to me, what the hell you did” Kirishima growled. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about, it was just some small explosion at the reporters nothing that would hurt them.” Kirishima growled again, holding Bakugou tighter. 
“NOT THAT” he yelled, pumping out more pheromones, trying to force submission out of Bakugou. 
“Why are you so angry shitty hair” Bakugou strained 
“I’m angry because you left OUR omega alone and close to her heat and close to a drop, some alpha you are, pathetic” Kirishima spat at Bakugou. 
“She’s MINE, not YOURS and she was fine when I left” Bakugou tried to get out of Kirishima's grasp but it was no use, he lost the will to fight him as his alpha had already bowed. 
“She’s not mine and she’s not yours, she ours, I was just giving you the time to catch up and realize that we all belong together but after the state you left her in today, I have to intervene because someone forgot what it means to be someone's alpha.” Kirishima growled again, and pushed her body up against Bakugou's. 
“She doesn't want you man, she told me she wants a new alpha, hell she doesn't even want me anymore.” Bakugou looked away from Kirishima. 
“You stupid alpha, you know it’s me she wants, you know its me you want also, so why? After we spoke about it so much about becoming a pack, would you think she’d not want you or not want me, huh?” Kirishima nudged Bakugou to look him in the eyes. He could feel Bakugou's remorse pour from him as he looked at Kirishima with tears in his eyes. 
“I DON'T KNOW OKAY, my alpha panic and next thing i know i'm screaming at her and can't stop, some people are made to be alphas and in control, always knows what to do and can handle situations and omegas and alphas….-” Bakugou takes a breath, “- mine is not one of them, mine saw a future without the two of you and panicked he decided that i should get it over with now and push you both away.” Bakugou whispered the last part as tears started to flow from his eyes. 
Kirishima released the grip on his neck slightly, and released pheromones into the air to sooth Bakugou, he could tell it was working as Bakguou no longer sobbed. Kirishima lent forward and licked bakugou's scent gland, causing the blonde to whine and hold onto Kirishima. Kirishima smiled to himself and began to suck on the same spot. As Bakugou struggled to stay standing, Kirishima held his throat again and pulled away to look into his eyes. 
“You are mine, do you understand? I am your alpha and you will listen to me, do you understand” Kirishima used his alpha voice on the blonde in the hopes he would submit easily and he did. Bakugou bared his neck to Kirishima and purred to his Alpha to show submission. Kirishima lent forward again and sucked on his gland, letting his teeth graze it so carefully. Bakugou moaned again and tried to grind onto Kirishima's leg. Kirishima smirked to himself, happy at the level of submission Bakugou was giving. 
“Listen carefully, you ever and I mean EVER leave our omega like that again, I will kill you, do you understand.” Kirishima used his alpha voice again and forced Bakugou to look at him. 
“Yes alpha.” 
“Good boy, you're being so obedient.” Kirishima smiled and let him go, letting Bakugou regain his strength. They stood in silence for a moment, and Bakugou began to release panic pheromones into the air. 
“Kirishima we have to get back, y/n she… omg what have i done” Bakugou began to walk away but Kirishima pulled him back. 
“Bro breathe, she’s okay the moment I was with her, before I came to find you, we’ll head back together okay.” Kirishima held his hand and began to make his way back to the apartment. 
Once they made it back, Bakugou made his way to the door but Kirishima stopped him. “What the hell man let’s go” Bakugou stopped and looked at the red head. 
“We can use the door” Kirishima looked everywhere bar Bakugou's eyes.
“Shitty hair, why can't we use the door” 
Kirishima fiddled with his hand before meeting Bakugou’s gaze. “I kinda broke your door and barricaded it so no one could get to y/n, so we have to use the fire escape” Kirishima ran his fingers through his hair. “You know what fine, i don't care right now” 
Bakugou made his way to the fire escape and Kirishima followed. Once they reached his floor both alpha entered, Bakugou hesitated near the door or a moment, “It’s okay bro, take your time her omega needs to heal after what you said, so i’ll be here but i suggest we move to my place for her heat because 1, you don’t have a front door, 2, your rut will happen tomorrow if i'm not mistaken, which means mine is not far behind, so no hanky panky right now just comfort.” Kirishima said to Bakugou, who nodded in response and opened the door. 
You moved around under your nest, poking your head out again to look at the intruder. Once your eyes met with Bakugou’s you began to cry and he was beside you in an instant. 
“No, no, no, please omega dont cry, this is all my fault” Bakugou whispered and made his way into your nest, slowly uncovering your body. 
“Stupid omega, stupid omega, bad omega,” was all you could say over and over again as you trashed around the place. 
“No please, baby, please don't say that, you’re the greatest omega, the best ever. I’m the one in the wrong here, me not you, I’m the stupid alpha” he said and you stoped fighting him, your tears at stop and you just stared at him. Bakugou reached forward and pressed his hand to your forehead. 
“Gosh baby, you’re so warm, heat’s on its way huh?” he asked, he tucked your hair away from your face. 
“Alpha would not listen, said I had to do it alone” You started to tear up again, fear taking over. “Can’t do it alone, can’t be without mate, its’ too much” you said and started to cry again. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me” Bakugou used his fingers and made you look at him. “I would never make you go through this alone, i was always going to come back, i was a bad alpha okay, but i understand now and look who's here” Bakugou gestured towards the door that Kirishima was leaning up against. You turned your head and looked at Kirishima and smiled at him, then you looked at Bakugou who smiled at you. 
“You mean it, we’re all going to be together.” You ask Bakugou.
“Yes, of course, it's how it's meant to be.” Bakugou lent forward and kissed your forehead. You squealed and pumped out as many happy pheromones as you could, both alpha’s smiled at each other and began to move around the room, collecting things. 
“Hate to do this little one, but we need to move to mine, so collect things you’ll need to nest, don't worry about clothes I don’t think you’ll be wearing them.” Kirishima said and wink at the both of you. You quickly scrambled out of your nest, quickly kissing Bakugou and making your way towards Kirishima and kissing him. Bakugou growled quietly in the background unheared of by you but not Kirishima. You moved and collected things you definitely knew you would need ignoring both Alphas. Kirishima made his way to Bakugou who looked panicked. “I’m sorry, I'm sorry I don't know why I did that,” Bakugou said standing up. 
“It’s okay, your alpha needs time to adjust to sharing, i’ll give him a few hours but after that it will involve punishment.” Kirishima pulled Bakugou up to him, giving him a kiss. Once he pulled away Bakugou was once again purring, Kirishima smirked to himself and looked up at you who was waiting patiently with a big bag in your hand full of things to nest with. 
“You sure that all omega, don’t want anything more from this nest.” Kirishima asked. You looked at it and smiled, “Nope, it's time for a new chapter in our lives and a new nest alphas.”
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mango-bango-bby · 1 year
ughhhhh i need more platonic kiribaku for my inner child can i request them with a kid who feels pressured to be perfect, maybe with grades because they’re both pro heros? maybe a teen reader
♡ Pressure ♡
(A/N: I was exactly that way too when I was younger lol!! They comfort my inner child too, I honestly don’t even know if they’d send you to school, they’re so protective over you 😭😭 I love platonic family)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, Kiribaku, parents kiribaku, intense pressure for good grades, crying, a lot of comfort 💘
Summary: You feel pressured to have good grades all the time for your fathers (Platonic!Yan!Bakugou x GN!Teen!reader x Platonic!Yan!Kirishima)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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“I’m home!” you call out, trying to keep your voice calm. “Hi baby, welcome home! How was your day? Did anything happen today?” Your papa, Eijiro calls out. They had a system where one would stay at home and one would be at work. Despite being a teenager, they still saw you as their little baby. They still needed to look after you.
“It was fine” you say blankly, setting your shoes next to the door. Eijiro’ s face immediately drops, your voice wasn’t normal. You sounded sad. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” He asks, reaching out to grab your arm so you can’t run away from him and avoid the confrontation.
You avoid it, pulling your arm away, beginning to go to your room. “I already said, I’m fine” you say, trying to keep your head down to hide the tears welling up in your eyes. You knew that your dads would love you no matter what. You knew that they would support you no matter what. Even when you did something wrong, they defended you, even if you were in the wrong. You were their perfect little baby angel.
However that didn’t mean that other people gave you that same sympathy. You were the child of two pro-heroes, everyone expected a lot of you. Your teachers and other students knew you as the adopted child of Dynamight and Red Riot. You needed to be good enough to be their child. You needed to excel in everything academic, anything other than perfection was unacceptable.
You scroll mindlessly on your phone, trying to ignore what had happened earlier. You knew you didn’t really understand the topic of the test but you still tried, you studied for hours. But when you got your test back today, your heart dropped to your stomach. You had gotten a seventy eight on your test. And you couldn’t handle it. Everyone else did so much better than you. How could you be so stupid!?
You lose track of the time while on your phone, not noticing how your fathers had been standing outside your room, whispering about what to do. “Y/n, dinners done. Come out” Katsuki says from outside your door. He silently curses himself for how rude the words come out. But you’ve been raised by him so you understand what he means and that he sounds worried.
“I’m not hungry” you say calmly, trying not to show how you really feel. “You still need to eat” Eijiro says, knocking on your door to ask for you to let them in. “Are you okay? Are you feeling alright?” He asks again, knowing now nervous that maybe you’re sick.
“I already told you, I’m fine” you say, almost in an angry tone. You’re trying to assert yourself, show that you’re fine. But you knew they would pry it out of you and what if they were just as disappointed in you as you are. “Y/n, you either come out and tell us what’s wrong or we go in there and we won’t leave until you tell us” Katsuki says sternly. He always was the one to be less soft on you.
They both back up from the door a little bit as you open it. You keep your head down slightly so they can’t see your puffy eyes. “What’s wrong?” Katsuki asks, watching your bottom lip wobble. You try to keep it under control but you can’t keep it up anymore, the exterior you’re trying to put on is crumbling.
“I’m sorry-” you hiccup, Eijiro immediately pulling you into a tight hug. You still cry in the same way you did when you were younger. They still look at you and see the toddler who would cling to them and cry because of a nightmare. “What’re you sorry for?” Katsuki asks, running his hand over your hair in a soothing way.
“I k-keep trying to study more to get better grades- but every time, I j-just end up failing” you cry, holding tightly onto your papa, pulling in Katsuki. “I’m sorry” you sob, Eijiro whispering that it doesn’t matter and that you did your best. Your fathers look at each other, both knowing they’re thinking the same thing.
Perhaps it’s time for homeschooling. You won’t be as stressed anymore and you won’t have the pressure from other students. You’ll be safer at home.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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Hello! I hope your day/night is great!! Can I request for kiribaku with a male reader who they found crying in the bathroom because of stress, it was the first time they saw the reader cry because the reader is the type of person who say to others "I'm fine, nothings wrong" when they're actually not fine Take your time btw! <3
Hey! I know I've got a different ask to work on as well but this one just spoke to me today, and I've never been good at doing things in order haha!
Be warned of strong language (Katsuki's a potty mouth) and implied blood, nothing too serious though.
Let me know what you think!
Dynamight and Red Riot were a sight to behold, stampeding through the city as fast as their legs could carry them, away from the scene now under control.
A villain with an incredibly volatile quirk lost their cool in the middle of a busy shopping mall, he would've brought down the whole building if it wasn't for you.
Dynamight and Red Riot had been doing damage control outside the building, trying to get the hundreds of people to safety, they had no idea what you were dealing with inside.
The villain took a hostage, a little girl. You'd been fighting for her life for the past four hours, and though you'd won, you'd had to use more force than you would have wanted too.
That villain is barely clinging to life, the child now safe with the paramedics looking for her parents, but you, you were nowhere to be found.
It was a gruelling hour, waiting to hear from you, until Red Riot got a call from your secretary at the agency building,
You'd stormed in half an hour ago, and hadn't come out of the bathroom.
Your partners burst into the front door of the agency, checking every bathroom they passed before finding the one on the third floor, locked.
"Oi! Get this damn door open or I'll blast outta the damn wall!"
"Bakugo, chill." Kirishima placated, fighting to catch his breath after the all-out sprint to your side. "He doesn't need you yelling at him right now."
Bakugo forced himself to take a deep breath, forced himself to reign in the fear of whatever could be wrong with you. Images of you sitting at the edge of the sink, trying to stitch up your own wounds flashed through his mind. You'd done it before, and had the gall to smile sheepishly at him the whole time.
Kirishima stepped up to the door, placing a gentle hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Please let us in, baby. We just wanna make sure you're okay. You know he'll do it."
It would not be the first time Katsuki caused property damage for his boyfriends.
Eijirou tenses as he heard footsteps on the other side of the door, the boots you wore for work were sturdy, it amazed him how you could tread so softly in them.
The door eased open, but you remained out of sight until they both stepped through the door, and you slammed it shut and locked it again.
Katsuki audibly gasped at the sight of you, covered in dust and soot, thankfully no blood, but...
Streaks of tears cleaved paths through the dirt caked on your cheeks, your eyes, bloodshot and glassy, continued to pour crystalline tears, sticking to your eyelashes.
For a beat, your boyfriends are frozen. Years, years they've known you, through UA, into the pro-Hero world.
Never, never have you shed a single tear.
Or at least, not in front of them.
"Oh...oh baby." Eijirou is immediately in comfort mode, but he doesn't quite know which approach to take with you. Did you want space, to talk about it?
To your surprise, it's Katsuki who steps up with no hesitation and yanks you into his arms, gauntlets clattering to the floor as he threw his arms around you in a bone crushing hug.
You whined, buried your face in your neck, clinging to the material of his costume. His grip was tight, almost too tight, and exactly what you needed, grounding you in reality, in him, from where you'd been drifting in your worst regrets.
"You did good." He whispered softly, nuzzling into your hair. "You did so good, hero."
You stopped holding back the tremors, and Eijiro was soon at your back, enveloping you both in his big arms, pressing kisses to the back of your neck and whispering sweet nothings to you until the shaking stopped.
You lifted your head, coming face to face with Katsuki's blazing crimson eyes. He tutted at you, painfully gentle as his thumb wiped the tear tracks off your cheek.
"Tch, asshole, even when you're cryin' you're the prettiest son-of-a-bitch I've ever seen."
"Katsuki!" Eijiro chuckled even as he scolded your explosive boyfriend.
"What?" Katsuki huffed at Eijiro, cradling the back of your head and pressing a kiss to your other cheek. "I'm not wrong, see!"
Katsuki spun you around to face your other boyfriend, and you could already feel yourself smiling at their antics. Katsuki has a way of making the worst situation feel...no so bad.
He's obnoxious, but, consistent.
Eijiro, sweet, big teddy bear Eijiro, leaned down to press kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, until he'd kissed away anything remotely resembling tears. "Yup, still handsome."
By now, you can't hold back a smile, and you wouldn't want to anyway. "Thank you."
"What're you thankin' us for? You did the ass kicking!" Katsuki announced proudly, wrapping both arms around you to rest his head on your shoulder. "Seriously, babe, you did good."
You took a deep breath, let yourself lean into him. Eijiro smoothed your hair down, cradling one of your hands to his lips to kiss your bruised knuckles.
It'd take some convincing to get you to let go of the guilt, you held yourself to impossible standards, your boyfriend's know that about you.
Luckily, you're dating the two most determined men on this Earth, determined to love you, tears and all, men who think no less of you whether you announce your feelings to the world, or tuck them away to yourself.
"Let's get you home, hero."
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KiriBaku X Reader bc why the hell not- (Just saying, I suck at stories. :’)
So basically, I wanted to do this bc im a simp but anygays-lets get into the story.
It was around 7 in the morning, the time you would normally wake up for patrol. Your patrol would start at 8:30 and Eijiro was cooking breakfast for you and Katsuki.
“Morning Baby Shark.” Eijiro greeted you with a goofy grin but it quickly faded when he saw your face, which looked awful. (In a sick way)
“Morning..” You groaned. You were about to fall back asleep yet you managed to stay up this entire time. Your voice sounded raspy and rough. Katsuki noticed this and came stomping over.
“You’re not going on patrol if you’re sick.” Katsuki declared. His voice sounded like he genuinely cared, and he did, even though he didn’t show it much.
“I’m not sick Katsuki..” You mumbled. You knew you were but you were stubborn as always. “I’m just tired…”
“Sure.” Eijiro said sarcastically. He had doubts Katsuki would even let you take one toe out the house, no matter what.
“Shut up!” You and Katsuki yelled in unison. “Anyways, as I was saying, you’re not going to patrol.”
“Oh come o-” You fell silent as Katsuki placed his hand on your forehead.
“Eijiro, get the thermometer!” Katsuki yelled demandingly. “Get a bowl of cold water and a towel too!” He was yelling his head off, but only because he loved you. “And as for you. Are you… feeling alright or whatever?”
“Aww that’s so sweet Katsuki!” Eijiro was at the doorway. He kind of ruined the moment but it was funny nonetheless, so you and Kirishima giggled whilst Katsuki grumbled.
“STOP LAUGHING YOU DIMWITS!” Katsuki yelled. He was annoyed and you interrupted. “That’s what she said!” While Kirishima laughing even harder didn’t help the situation.
”Hah? What do you mean ‘that’s what she said’- YOU TWO ARE IDIOTS!”
”No we’re not!” You pouted.
“Okay, okay! Chill out dude!” Eijiro said after a while. “Are you actually okay though?” He asked in a concerned voice. He grabbed the thermometer and check your temperature.
“Well?” Katsuki asked impatiently.
“A HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOUR DEGREES??!” Eijiro yelled. “HOW THE HELL- oh am I hurting your ears? I’m so sorry.” He noticed you winced when he screamed.
“It’s.. fine..” You reassured. Katsuki shoved Kirishima aside.
(“Ow!”) “Are you actually okay or whatever?” Katsuki asked. He seemed to genuinely care about you, and when Kirishima tried to come back Katsuki pushed him aside- again. (“Hey!”) “Oh shut up Shitty Hair. You’re the one that made their ears hurt in the first place.”
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s3xiel4ss · 2 years
I’m Holding You Back
Pairing: KiriBaku x AFAB! GN!Reader ( Uses they/them for the reader)
Requested: maxifantasitque ​
Summary: Reader thinks they might be pregnant and is scared to tell their boyfriends
Warnings: Pregnancy, poly relationships, cursing, illusions to smut, female anatomy, not proofread.
A/n: This is gonna suck ass, sorry. I also kind of rushed the ending cause I gotta do missing work lmao.
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“No, no! This can’t be happening!” You said while mentally cursing yourself. Here you were in the bathroom opening another pregnancy test. The first one: positive, the second one: positive. Then it all hit you at once. They wouldn’t wanna be with you anymore if they found out you were pregnant, you guys JUST graduated high school! They wanted to focus on being heroes and you were in college, but you just had to fuck it up by getting pregnant. That’s when you saw the results of the third test. 
how are you supposed to tell your sweet and bittersweet boyfriends this? Of course they would tell you its okay, but what would they actually think? Would they think your trying to hold them back from being heroes? 
No, of course they wouldn’t. Get out of your head. What are you talking about its Katsuki and Eijiro. You’ve known them since you were 5. Before you were dating you were bestfriends. They would definitely support you. 
About an hour after (successfully) getting rid of the several positive tests you were sitting on the couch with a tear stained face. You were terrified how they would respond. How would you even tell them? Which of them is the father though? Last time you all had sex there wasn’t a condom at all. You started crying again. As soon as you started crying that's when you heard door lock start to rattle. You looked up at the door dumbfounded, tears still streaming down your face as they walked in. They saw you crying. Elijio's big bright eyed smile was quickly dropped into an empathetic look, even Katsuki’s very subtle smirk dropped in an instance. 
“Babe? What’s wrong? Are you ok? Do you need something? DId someone say something to you?” Eijiro asked while walking over to you. 
You were wiping your tears away, “No, I’m fine. Just a little stressed with school that’s all!” You forced a smile.
Katsuki just stood there, not buying one bit of what you just said, “What’s the actual reason you’re crying, dumbass?” it sounded like more of a demand  to be honest. 
“u-i-um-s-i-” you cut yourself off after stammering so much. You could see the pity in Eijiro’s eyes. 
The tears started falling down your face again. Katsuki then slowly made his way over to the couches you two were on. He sat right next you, making you in between the two men.
“u-um so, remember last week? Well um- so- ever- ever since then I’ve just been feeling sort of... off? Anyways, I took some tests thinking they would all be negative and I just have sort of stomach bug. I just took them because it’s better than to be safe than sorry! Uh- but um they- the tests- they were all positive...” You blurted out. 
Their faces were blank. No expression, no feeling in their eyes. Just blankness. That’s when you realised you ruined this. You just ruined this whole relationship and they hate you now and they want to break u-
“So do you know who’s it is?!” Eijiro asked excitedly, cutting off your thoughts while having an excited expression on his face.
“U-uh, n-no, no not yet...” you said confused. Why wasn’t he mad? Why was he smiling his ass off?
“God, I’m gonna me a dad, Kat is gonna be a dad, you’re gonna be a parent!” He squealed, “I love you so much” 
He hugged you tight and kissed you on the cheek.
“Wait, so you, don’t think I'm holding you back?” I asked, slightly confused.
“What the shit kind of question is that? Obviously not. We have talked about kids before, just me and Eijiro, but we thought you didn’t want kids so we never brought it up. Yeah it’s a little unexpected right now, but we can make it work!” Katsuki replied.
“Exactly!” Eijiro said in an agreement.
God, I love these men. I am so glad I get to have this child with them.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Kiribaku with a male darling who deku suddenly goes yandere for
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Request(ed?): Yes! – hi! I have a request. Okay so, kiribaku x (m) reader are dating but what if Deku becomes yandere for reader? I honestly think deku is the most ‘best’ yandere bc he writes everything down and no one would believes the sweet boy would be so fucked up. Also headcanons are fine and no nsfw please :) — requested by anonymous!
Warnings: Cursing, a little bit of ooc Katsuki(?), nothing else; please lmk if I missed anything!
Authors note: This is quite chaotic, sorry if it’s bad anon. Stay well please!!
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Having Kirishima and Katsuki as both of your husbands is very chaotic; not only are they extremely possessive, but they both love to cling onto you every chance they get, especially after a hard day of doing hero work.
Most likely, based on how you caught both of these guys’ hearts is by being a doctor, a cafe worker near their building, or another hero who’s climbing up the rocks to be in the top 10 leaderboard. These are probably how you met Izuku, the number 1 hero.
Deku was hypnotized by you immediately, seeing that you were the most handsomest person he’s ever met; including being sweet as sugar. He knew it was bad to fall for his childhood friend’s significant other but he couldn’t help himself! You are just so TBA
From then on, Izuku would try to hang out with you… which pissed Katsuki and Kirishima off. This spiraled for the next few days: you hanging out with Izuku, him whining when you don’t and having to deal with both of your boys whining for attention right when you come home, huffing in annoyance when you leave; even for work.
It was all fun and games till Katsuki caught you in the act getting ice cream with Izuku… which caused him to explode the moment you got home; which, ended up with Kirishima trying to calm down Katsuki before he did anything irrational and caused the relationship a tear that may or may not be fixable. Of course, because of how angry Katsuki gets, you had decided to leave; ripping the arms off of Kirishima when he had begged you to stay.
But, when you arrived on Izuku’s doorstep, sobbing in the harsh rain, shivering in the cold… he had been heartbroken, a bit angered towards Kacchan. As he assured you, bringing you in and rushing you to take a warm bath; one that you very much deserved and left out some of his old high school clothes for you. When you came out of the shower, he smiled up at you, your favorite food laid out and Netflix ready for you. He then offered a hug which slowly ended up in a cuddle session. Slowly, but surely, he made his way to your lips and kissed you passionately. Releasing from the kiss after a minute, he confessed his love for you: “I love you so much, it pains me to see you not being treated not correctly; so please, be with me! I can treat you better.”
Before you could answer his pleas, the door was hit with three loud bangs, two recognizable voices yelling outside: “Get him out of here, Deku!” – “Keep it down, Katsuki! We don’t wanna scare him, be easy.” When you opened it, Katsuki snapped his eyes at you, with Kirishima pulling you into his chest; whining, petting your hair, and asking if you were okay. Quickly, Katsuki barged himself in and pushed Izuku to the wall: “What the fuck did you do to him! I’ll kill you!” Right before Dynamight could hit Izuku, you yelled out for them both to stop and ‘relax’.
Izuku slightly smiled, seeing that you, his deity, were defending him; Katsuki scoffed at your words, “What the fuck do you mean he didn’t do anything? He’s fucking obsessed with you; he follows you all the damn time!” Kirishima tightened his hold on your forearm, narrowing his eyes towards Deku as Izuku spoke up: “Exactly, Kacchan, I make sure he’s protected, unlike you two.” He said cockily, “So why don’t we share him?” He offered, looking directly at you.
Then… that’s when all of them agreed to share you, which quickly caused more chaos within the relationship. Now, having Katsuki and Kirishima in the relationship was enough disarray and possessiveness, but now with Izuku? It’s way more suffocating.
Izuku and Kirishima are both delusional and worshiping yanderes, always wanting to please you; wanting praises from you like it’s a rare token from a fair. But, Katuski keeps them in check, usually making them back away when you snap at them and want to be left alone.
All of them are jealous of each other at the start, meaning a lot of competitions are coming forward. Who can cook your favorite food in the least amount of minutes? Of course it’s Katsuki. Which one of them can buy your favorite candy? It’s Izuku, I mean… he has a few books written about you. Which one can find your tickle spot? Well, now all of them are looking at you like predators ready to pounce on their prey; hope you can survive from the fit of laughter you’re about to feel.
Being with all of them is quite overwhelming at first, like the headcanon above, they all have competitions, this goes with your affection… 24/7. Not only are you gonna be pulled into a lot of hugs, kisses, and be picked up like a ragdoll, you will have to deal with the intense cuddle sessions that take place after they come home from work.
The sleep schedule is very hectic. Normally, Katsuki forces you in the middle while you lay on him, the other two surrounding you with their warmer temperatures. Other times, Izuku will lay on your chest, letting his head sneak its way into your neck to kiss your face while you hear Katsuki whine and Kirishima huff for your attention. At times, if you get up to use the bathroom/or get a cup of water, Kirishima or Izuku unconsciously searches for your body to cuddle more into; though, the minute they both figure out you’re not there… chaos ensues.
Thanks to your huge husbands, you have a bunch of clothes and hoodies you can steal to wear! Not only does it look humongous on you, no matter how tall you are, but they all look at you like a million dollars that was just found on the ground.
Due to them being all pro heroes, they get up very early; depending on your status, they will either let you sleep in, come back home after an hour or more and cook breakfast while trying to keep quiet on who brings you breakfast. Other times, they will let you come with them and help you lift weight, making sure to compliment you!
Izuku mostly does the house work, making sure to help vacuum, clean the dishes, and make your lunch that they all helped that night before is made perfectly for work.
They’re all super duper protective of you, meaning if you work… it becomes a bit difficult. Now, they wouldn’t force you to quit (even though they hate it) but they will try to stop by at your work a lot of times, coming in to deliver your lunch and talk to you; occasionally bringing you out at an expensive restaurant. After work, Katsuki or Kirishima make sure to pick you up and ask how your day was; sadly, Izuku isn’t able to be there.
If you have any troubles with people, either in public or at work, they will stomp up the corporate and immediately demand the person(s) be fired. Nobody dares hurt your feelings, it gets even worse if you come home in an upset mood.
Katsuki and Kirishima love to pick you up; Kiri mostly gives you piggy-back rides, never allowing you to say negative things about your weight. Katsuki, on the other hand, doesn’t give much thought and casually throws you over his shoulder while grumbling ‘how annoying you are’.
Izuku absolutely loves to pick you up in bridesmaid style, feeling the closeness of you and arms wrapped around his neck; it never fails to make him feel fluttery emotions in the pit of his stomach.
The house is usually filled with yelling, though, it’s mostly Katsuki and Izuku bickering back and forth: “What the fuck! Why did you do that, Deku?” – “I didn’t mean too, stop yelling! You’re gonna wake him up!” – “I’m not yelling, you dumbass!”. But, the minute you come down, yawning whilst rubbing your eyes… more yelling ensues with Katsuki blaming Izuku, Kirishima laughing as he pulls you into a hug.
Because of the chaos that’s in the house a bunch, at least one of you guys pick an activity to do each weekend: going to the museum, aquarium, eating out, or staying home to watch movies while eating popcorn.
Speaking of movies, you three all have a bunch of nice movie nights! Sandwiched by all each other, watching a TV show that’s very much your guys’ interest and food plastered all over the table.
All of them are worry freaks, especially Izuku. If you get a single cut, even if it’s a paper cut, Izuku is immediately wrapping up the wound whilst b
If you love to game, Kirishima is definitely your guy to go to! Not only will he play and help you with the games, but he’ll even allow you to buy whatever games you want. Katsuki, on the other hand, gets very chaotic and angry when playing; if he dares loses, he gets so mad and ends up breaking the controller… yeah, let’s not go back to that one time please. Though Izuku is fairly okay, he would much rather watch than play because of his huge hands, he may or may not accidentally break the controller.
Years of being pro heroes comes with its prices, meaning insecurity of scars and nightmares tend to plague their mind from time to time; making sleeping and looking at the mirror hard sometimes. Izuku’s face, chest and arms are decorated with thick, scarring, making his hugs quite warm. If you compliment them, he’ll be very quiet and maybe start to cry; you make his day better.
This goes the same path of Katsuki and Kirishima: the scars plastered all over Katsuki’s hand due to his quirk makes hand holding very solid and warm, something he likes. Kirishima’s face and chest are his worst, the scar on his right eye makes it harder. But, when you both place gentle kisses on their hands, chest, and face… at times eyelid? You’ll see a very vulnerable side of these puppies that nobody rarely sees but yourself.
My masterlist || If you enjoyed this, please reblog and comment instead of hearting, it helps grow my content. Thanks for reading!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work
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bisexualoftheopera · 2 years
Marshmallow Fluff
Kiribaku x FEM!reader (polyamory)
Warnings: descriptions of assault, one swear (fucker)
"So, what I guess I'm asking is if you'll go on a date with me?" Kirishima asked. Hold the phone, back up a few, ain't he with Bakugou Katsuki? "Don't you have a boyfriend?" You asked, skeptical. "Well yea but, Kats and I are polyamorous and I like you so I thought to ask you out and I heard you're also poly so I figured-" Kirishima said but you cut him off, "So you're only asking me cause I'm polyamorous as well?" You scoffed. "No! I'm asking you cause you're amazing, you've got a great personality, you're super interesting and kind and beautiful and helpful and-" he said, "I get the point," you said, cutting him off. "I only mentioned the poly cause I figured if you said yes, you'd be fine with me and Kats dating," Kirishima said, looking down. You sighed, considering his proposal. "Yes," you said. "Yes?" Kirishima asked. "Yes, I'll go on a date with you," you said. "Yes!" he shouted. "See you tomorrow at Sugar's Spice at nine?" He asked. "Sure," you said.
This wasn't how you thought this would go. You sat across from Kirishima AND next to Bakugou. "You didn't say Bakugou would be coming," you turned to Kirishima. "Crap, sorry, I meant to tell you he goes on all dates with me," Kirishima said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine I guess," you said. "Hello, I'll be your server today, what can I get started for you?" A man asked. You looked up and saw him staring at you, more specifically your chest. "I'll have a water please," Kirishima said. You moved to cover your chest and Bakugou shifted in his seat. "I'll have what she's having," Bakugou said, gesturing to you. "Can I have a cola please," you said. "Coming right up," the man said and left. "I'll be right back," you said and left for the bathroom.
You sighed, looking down. In the background the door opened and closed. You felt a pair of hands around your waist and turned around to see the waiter. "Hello princess," he said. "Get your hands off me!" You exclaimed. "Shh," he said before forcing you to kiss him. Just as soon as his lips touched yours they were gone, Bakugou having ripped the guy off of you. "She said get your hands off her!" He shouted. The guy ran out and Bakugou turned to you. "You okay?" He asked. You stood there shocked. Bakugou took your face in his hands and said "breathe, Y/N, breathe." You hugged him and he held you tightly.
"That's the guy who was in the ladies room!" The server said pointing to Katsuki after the two of you left the bathroom. "Is this true sir?" a man asked. "True, I was in the ladies room, but only because this fucker went after my date here," Bakugou said holding you close to him. "You did what?" the man asked. "It's true," a lady said, "He forced himself in her and this man here, stopped him." The man looked very angry and turned to the server. "Bob, would you take him down to the station for me," he said. A man stood up from a table and said "With pleasure."
"I'm so sorry miss," the man said to you, "He will be fired and I'll see to it that he ends up in jail." "Thank you, " Bakugou said. Kirishima walked over to the two of you and asked "How about we go home?" You nodded, still too shocked to talk.
"One stop before we get to our place," Bakugou said. "You don't mind a movie marathon, right?" He asked. "Sure" you mumbled. Kirishima hugged you tightly. You arrived at the shop and Bakugou went in and bought a bunch of snacks. "For the marathon," he said, putting the bags in the trunk.
You got to their house and walked in. "We're back!" Kirishima shouted. "Hey!" A voice rang out. "How it go?" Another voice asked. Bakugou went upstairs to get everything ready and you and Kirishima walked to the kitchen to make some popcorn. Denki walked into the kitchen and saw you. "Hey, you're Y/N, right?" He asked. You nodded. "Quiet type huh?" Denki muttered. "Leave her alone dunce face," Bakugou said, walking into the kitchen. The microwave dinged signaling the popcorn was finished.
You found yourself in Kirishima's bedroom on the bed. "You wanna pick?" Kirishima asked. "Sure," you muttered. "Anything goes," Bakugou said. You ended up picking (favorite series) and settled to watch with the two boys.
Just as the credits of season two played, Bakugou tensed. You had fallen asleep on his shoulder. "Kiri, help" he said moving his head. What he found was Kirishima asleep as well. "Soul" Bakugou said. He turned off the TV and moved you into a better sleeping position. He gently shook Kirishima away and told him to follow him. Bakugou and Kirishima slept on the couch that night, leaving the bed to you.
There will be a part two I swear. Cant say exactly when, cause I'm still busy with exams but it will happen
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yellowbluemoonshine · 11 months
I short time before started Hell's Paradise. Actually, I had prejudices.  For example: Chobei is really look like Bakugou and people says He is like Bakugou ( his Character)  actually I love Bakugou but I can't  stand second Bakugou but After watching it, I realized I was wrong because his Character  is so different I love him He is good brother and Caring and good towards those he loves. 
People says Aza brothers relationship like kiribaku and bakudeku but this Sounds stupid
I am  actually angry with those who kept comparing the two.
What do you think? I'm curious.
Sorry for my english.
Hello, thank you for the ask! (And your english is fine) ^^.
Bakugou - Chobei Comparison;
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I get you because the same thing happened to me in.
I hate all those comparisons because its not true, people tend to overlook Bakugou's mistakes, he is seen as 'actually not bad guy', 'he has soft side too', 'misunderstood angry boy', even though he is not so i think people are kinda projecting it, they wish Bakugou was like Chobei but its not.
I had the same prejudice about Chobei at first. (I erased Bakugou-Chobei edit-picture but put it in this post).
Here's my old edit-picture and now i think it is kinda trash/useless.
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There were some visual similarities with both Gabimaru and Chobei. My first posts in this tumblr was literally about this. Gabimaru who is similar to Shigaraki, is groomed to be murderer since childhood, white hair, red eyes, empty heart, actually kind person but needs to be saved, only difference his redemption starts earlier than Shiggy's. Still different character and i think Shiggy is a deeper character than him but similarities are there. Edit picture is in here.
And here my thoughts about Bakugou and Chobei;
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When i first read the manga, when i first saw Chobei, i was like 'Another Bakugou...' because he has a very similar design and that loud, agressive, arrogant behavior with the fact that he is kinda rival to main character made me think he was just like Bakugou. Not even mentioning his little brother blindly idolizing him, just like how Bakugou was idolized but i was so wrong and i am glad that i was because he is actually in fact so different.
1- Character-Story Comparison;
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First of all, the origin of their characters is different. They both are aggressive, arrogant, tend to be violent, loud and all but why makes them that way is so different.
Bakugou is just a school bully, he is just a kid with ego issues. He is blessed with power and he gets away with bad behavour that made him the way he is. His define character is his desire to win, being better than others. While competition is good thing, it can be easiely toxic, which is what happens with Bakugou.
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Chobei is just a normal kid who wants make his family proud. Especially, he is big brother first, then everything else comes later. He isnt a bully. He is a survivor. He lost his mother at a young age. His father was executed in front of him and his brother. He was the son of samuray but had to live at streets, and no one helped them. Then he was kidnapped by bandits so that they would sell kids for God know what reason so he had to do something about it, to survive. And he manipulated them because whether they were gonna take advantage of them or the opposite. He took advantage of the people around him. Of course, living a life of a bandit would make his ego blow up, it makes sense why he is so self-absorbed because he won, he survived agaisnt horrible people as kid. It makes sense why he doesnt care about other people because noone helped them as kids. Thats why he doesnt believe in the justice of others. It makes sense why he has the mindset of 'us vs others'. Lets be real. If he wasnt like this, he would've been killed years ago.
His character is intimidating on purpose so people wouldnt dare to hurt him. It is his persona to survive. And all those things isnt just for him to survive. He did all this to protect his little brother and his actions isnt excused but there is something so heroic, so pure about this. And this is the origin of his character. He is a protector. He might not be kind person but he is the type of person who would pay attention the needs of those he loves, even at his worst.
Chobei is tragic and deeper character and his story is very different than Bakugou who just needs to learn not to be awful to people around him for no real reason.
And not just as characters, the way story handled them and how they interact others is very different.
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Bakugou is (anti) hero in the story and he doesnt get any real consequences for how he treats others. He bothers people for no reason but most of the time, other characters just endure it. Most characters likes him, even though in real life, everyone would hate jerks. (Like they feel uncomfortable from Monoma's actions but them being okay with Bakugou is weird). The person he bullied brutally still admires him. He gets many screentime, clearly more than he needs because most of the time, it feels very irrelevant (For example, him learning OFA did nothing useful for Izuku, except worse, because he had to endure bakugou's anger). And he kinda gets character development.
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Chobei is more like league of villains in this story. I think the way he was treated as character feels a lot more realistic than Bakugou's. Because the thing is, no one really cares about Chobei in Jigokuraku because they have no reason to. The only person who cares about him and who idolizes him is his brother Toma but honestly, of course, he would. Its his family and Chobei literally made many sacrificies for him such as cutting his right eye etc. So he doesnt magically get along with everyone, even when he kinda saved everyone/and kinda died at the end of story but none of the characters (except Toma) cared. He doesnt magically win. There is a logic in his power, which is adaptation. He even loose to mc. The story doesnt even force him to get redemption or character development, though he could get one, story only show that there is humanity in him, just like Gabimaru, which is enough. He is also very relevant to the story since beginning to the end. (I am not saying his writing is perfect but at least, better than other).
Chobei and Bakugou only looks on superficial level (angry blonde boy) and their dynamic with others are different too.
2- Dynamic Comparison;
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First of all, Toma's character is different than Izuku and Kirishima. Toma is very silent, negative, feminine boy. If i ever find similar character to him, i would say Kalluto from Hunter x Hunter. Just a dark, silent, mysterious feminine boy. They are very loyal towards people they love, and passive. Compared to this, Izuku is negative but he knows when to scream to others, he is also not necessarely silent. I think as character, he is a lot like Sagiri in Jigokuraku. He is kind, he also empathizes and try to understand world around him and helps people, just like her. And Kirishima is also very different because he is even louder than Izuku and he tends to be more positive and social. I think he is a lot like Tenza in Jigokuraku, than Toma who silently endures and lives in his own world. Kirishima is also have that naive, kind, youth energy, just like Tenza, they both even have the negative old self in past so basically, as characters, Toma is not similar to Izuku and Kirishima.
And as dynamics, they are nowhere similar to another.
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Chobei and Toma are very opposite natures, yin and yang, thats why they match perfectly. Well Bakugou is very different than Izuku as character too but thats doesnt make it same because sometimes, opposite dynamic might be toxic. Bakugou is Izuku's abuser. He brutally bullied him, he violated his personal space, he made him feel worthless and even then Izuku continued to idolizes him. Both Izuku and Toma admires their unyielding ego and they both feel inferior and follow them but it makes sense with Toma because Chobe iis the only person in this world for him because Chobei is Toma's protector, not abuser. Chobei might act like jerk but he wouldnt violate Toma's needs. He would do, he does most of the things he did so that Toma would get the best life he could have. Their dynamic is nowhere similar to him because Chobei would never hurt Toma, not on purpose at least, if he knew it is hurting him, he would change it.
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Yeah, Bakugou also learn to change but that doesnt change how he treated Izuku. He couldnt care less how much he hurts Izuku, he wouldnt care when other hurt Izuku (in the past, at least) and even with redeemed Bakugou, their dynamic isnt similar. They just have to common point, with their admiration with Allmight and becoming hero and thats it. While Chobei would kill everyone, even himself, if anyone hurts Toma in any way. Toma is his exception. Bakugou met Izuku, looked at his pure eyes and he decided the ruin him while Chobei met Toma, looked at his pure eyes and he decided the protect him at all costs, lol. Chobei also likes teasing Toma but thats the thing, Bakugou doesnt just jokely tease Izuku, he abuses him, thats a big difference. Also i am pretty sure that Chobei actually loves to spoiling Toma.
Yes one is childhood friend and other one is brother but i think even if Chobei wasnt brother of Toma, he would still have same dynamic. Not because he finds some common point or understands him, just that their opposite sides would attracts each others and they eventually get along.
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Bakugou's dynamic with Kirishima is a lot healthier than bakudeku dynamic. He is Baku's first friend, he is calmer with him, its like they have a connection but its still different than Chobei-Toma dynamic because Toma and Chobei are yin and yang, they get along so well because they are opposite. Even they are not brothers, they would still would invested in each others and become partners anyway. They do find something interesting about other one while the reason Bakugou and Kirishima come to a sense is that they understand each others better because they are similar. Loud, masculine, positive. Thats how they become friends and of course, this dynamic is okay too. The thing is its just different than Toma and Chobei's dynamic.
I think Toma-Chobei dynamic is a lot more similar to Sam-Dean dynamic in Supernatural than others. (More details in here.)
Bonus; Gabimaru might be kinda rival with Chobei too, they just find a common point but thats it. Though, they could be friends, still i think it wouldnt be their primary relationships. They would just be friends so his dynamic/interaction isnt similar to Bakudeku and Kiribaku either.
It is okay to enjoy any of those characters and ships/dynamics/relationships etc but as characters, Bakugou and Chobei is nowhere similar to each others at all. And Chobei-Toma dynamic is also different than Bakudeku-Kiribaku dynamic. And i hope people understand this.
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poptart-productions · 2 years
Welcome Home
[ 5000+ ] words
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pairing: kiribaku x black fem! reader
cw// smut, praise, submissive reader, oral, overstimulation, anal, swearing
[when you return home from a particularly draining day of hero work, it appears that your boyfriends have a few surprises for you—far beyond just making dinner ]
[a/n] it’s been a while since i’ve posted here, so i hope you enjoy it, especially since i put my back into this one. also! bold text means it’s in japanese.
also also! i should mention that this inspired by the va yuzuya! particularly one audio he has on his patreon. if you liked this, you should definitely go check him out in youtube where he has a kiribaku series!
˗ˏˋ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ´ˎ˗
your excited voice spills through the speakers, making katsuki perk up; even though he wouldn't admit it, he got excited—he thought maybe you were finally home.
it only took you saying something else for him to realize it was a recording he was hearing; one he's heard before.
"that fucking idiot" he growled, getting up and heading toward the kitchen; the recording continues as he does so, "—okay! you guys have been blowing up my phone, though. i'm sorry, i'm still not in the position to be taking calls right now but i—"
by now katsuki had reached the kitchen, and clicked off the loud speaker; eijirou, who was currently cooking something—hell if katsuki knows what, but it smells good regardless—whined
"katsuki~ i was listening to that~"
"so? we've heard it like twenty times already!"
the man sighs, turning his attention back toward the stove, "we haven't seen or heard from her all day. . .i just, wanted to hear her voice"
"you're so clingy—what the hell are you gonna do if one of us gets sent on a mission, huh?!"
eijirou pauses, tensing up.
shaking his head, katsuki goes to hold eijirou's hand, "you always worry yourself sick; yeah, it fucking sucks being away from her, but she'll be fine—she's strong enough to handle her own shit"
"you being worried is like saying you don't believe in her—and that's not it is it?!"
"—no! of course not i just—. . .i miss her"
katsuki lets out a sigh, moving to hug eijirou from behind, ". . .me too"
"what are you making, anyway?"
"oh!" eijirou's face lights up, "s'[n/n]'s favorite!"
"she always cooks for us, so i thought i'd use the tips you gave me to return the favor"
katsuki responds to this with a lazy hum, resting his face in eijirou's shoulder
after a moment of comfortable silence, eijirou looks up,
". . .y'know, katsuki. . .?"
"i just had an idea. . ."
[. . .]
"you did good work today, [h/n]. go home, i've kept you long enough"
"—thank you, ma'am!"
you bow to your superior before running into your agency to get your things; you didn't even bother changing into your civilian clothes.
"see you tomorrow!" you call to your boss, who was still outside by the time you had finished up.
using your quirk to get home faster, you excitedly take out your phone.
"hey baby!" you called kiri because you knew he was gonna answer, but how excited he was to do so made you wanna melt
"hey! is katsudon there—"
"—i told you to stop calling me that, dumbass!"
guess that answers your question.
"hey, you two. . . !" eijirou stops that interaction from escalating, before changing the subject,
"we miss you so much,"
"i miss you too—but don't worry, we won't be apart for much longer"
eijirou gasps, "you're coming home?!"
you smile, "as we speak, love"
"katsuki, babe—did you hear that?"
"—i'm standing right next to you, course i heard it!"
"relax, man. . .jeez"
"leave it to katsudon to ruin the vibe—"
"—what the hell did i just tell you?!"
feeling like you've bitten off more than you can chew, you look down at your phone, "oop—would ya look at that—gotta go!"
[. . .]
as your house came into vision, you stopped using your quirk.
your heart was racing with excitement, but as soon as your feet touched the ground, gravity laid into you with the force of a truck
it was almost hard to breathe, but it's not like you haven't felt this way before
"oh—pins and needles!"
okay this is definitely the worst case of soreness you've had in a while, but you're a pro hero for crying out loud; it would be shocking if you didn't come home in pain
but damn, does this hurt
this back pain has you feeling like an old lady.
you decided that the aching in your soles was much worse, so you put strain on your back in order to rid your feet of your boots
you look over the horizon, pain dulling substantially as you imagined yourself in the company of katuski and eijirou; the warmth, kiri getting emotional about your return, and katsudon inevitably getting pissed off
you'd bear all the pain your body could take if it meant getting to experience that again—a little ache can't stop you.
so you hobbled up to your front door, your knees buckling on the last step; your legs threatened to give up on you.
you steady yourself against the door as you unlock it, knowing that if your boyfriends saw you like this they would freak—especially kiri
as you pushed the door open, the feeling of immense comfort blasted you like ac in the middle of summer; the smell of home made it hard for you to do anything else but succumb to this feeling
collapsing in the middle of the hallway, you leaned against the door; you closed your eyes with a labored sigh.
just as you were starting to relax, a voice called out, "babe. . .?"
you opened your eyes to find eijirou and katsuki
the three of you just stared, afraid that moving would mark the end of this sweet dream.
you were starting to tear up despite the fact you had seen the two this morning—you had no idea why you were being this dramatic
"come here, already!" katsuki snaps, snapping you out of your trance; "alright. . .i'm coming, you big meanie. . . !" still exasperated, you scramble up into the embrace of your boyfriends
the hug could only be described as desperate; you three hugged each other like you had been deprived of some sort of life force
the pounding in your chest finally came to a slow, and you went to break away but the two were still trying to squeeze the life out of you.
"c'mon guys, i stink—let go of me!"
"i won't ever, babe!"
"hell no!"
you giggled, before pausing. you realized that the "home" you were smelling seemed a lot like food  "so," you changed the subject "are you two cooking?"
"oh!" kiri finally lets you go, "that reminds me! i'm almost done—in the mean time, why don't you take her to the bathroom, katsuki?" he gets up to return to the kitchen
you stare up at the pomeranian, a dumb smile plastered across your face, "oh~? what's this about?"
"you'll find out if you shut up and follow me"
"i'm coming, i'm coming" you snort, forcing yourself to your feet
a sweet smell fills your senses as you get closer to the bathroom
"babe?" you call; he simply looks back at you, his expression unreadable to you in that moment, "what is. . . ?"
as you finally reached your destination, your eyes widened.
rose petals: the bathroom was drowning in them—there was a trail leading to the tub, and in the actual water, too.
also, there were candles everywhere! that explains the sweet aroma. it's a fire hazard, honestly.
this was kiri's doing for sure.
"is this. . .for me?"
"no, it's for casper the ghost"
not even katsudon's snide comments could ruin this moment for you.
you reach for the fastening on the back of your suit, but katsuki gets it for you. letting out a sigh, you remembered just how constricting this costume is.
just as you were pulling it off your shoulders, katsuki's hands slipped beneath the opening he had just made. his warmth stayed for moment before fanning out, gently separating the material from your sweaty skin.
it wasn't long before that wretched garment was discarded in the corner
"katsuki. . ." you giggled a little, feeling embarrassed now that you were so exposed
you thought he'd try to poke fun at you—say something about how you stink—but instead he took you into his arms. that was so effortless—not a grunt or strain to be found
he places you in the bath, and god; this feels heavenly
"i told shitty hair not to light so many damn candles" katsuki grumbles, making a round and putting some of them out
you expected him to leave after this, but instead he comes around behind you.
placing hands on your shoulders, he begins to move them in a rhythmic motion
oh, you realized what he was up to.
"that feel good?" you couldn't help but giggle at katsuki's attempt at being gentle
"yes katsu. . .thank you"
. . . .
upon giving it thought, this is rather. . .interesting
"first the bath. . .now this? you two are up to something. . ."
"just shut up and enjoy the massage"
"okay, okay!"
[. . .]
now thoroughly relaxed, you and katsuki join eijirou in the kitchen, where he was plating his dish.
"my favorite. . .kiri, you didn't"
it was a dish from your home—much different than japanese cooking
he really learned how to make it. . . ? all for you?
you put your foot down, confronting the two men "okay, you two are definitely up to something"
"huh? what do you mean?" kiri raises a brow
"why are you being so nice? katsuki, did you break the tv again—"
"—i told you it broke on its own, dumbass!"
"why do we have to be apologizing to do something nice for you?" eijirou giggles, "we just love you, babe. we know you had a rough day so we wanted to pamper you a little, that's all"
"really?" the two nod, "oh. . ."
"anyway, let's eat! i'm itching to know what you think!" kiri changes the subject
the three of you took your seats,
[. . .]
"why don't you go up to the bedroom, hun" kiri suggests, kissing your cheek, "me and katsuki will clean up"
he means you don't have to wash dishes with the clean freak? say less
"okay!" you chirped, practically skipping up to your shared room
after changing into one of katsuki's shirts, you went to lay down
unfortunately for you, you couldn't sleep no matter how hard you tried
you sat up, feeling sort of. . .empty—like you were missing something.
throwing your legs off the edge of the bed, you kicked your feet like a child
you suddenly gasped and shuddered as the image of katsuki and eijirou on top of you forced it's way into your head—their voices in your ears, each praising that you're 'taking it so well'
you looked around—just making sure no one saw that.
upon confirming that no one did, you look down at your knees, coming to a realization
so that's what it is. . .
you can't lie, you sort of hoped katsuki would've tried something when you were in the bath earlier—and you're hoping the two of them will try something now.
naturally, you could feel your heart pounding and your stomach tightening as footsteps approached the bedroom
"oh, you're still awake?"
"dammit, why the hell you always have to wear my shirts?"
the difference in how they reacted to seeing you there could honestly give you whiplash; you giggled, responding to the last thing you heard, "because it makes you the angriest"
but. . .if they expected you to be sleep did they not plan on making love to you?
shit, will i have to ask now?
see, that's your problem; fighting blood thirsty villains on the regular? no sweat.
but somehow, the concept of telling your boyfriends when you wanted sex eluded you
"well, since you're not sleep yet; katsuki never did get to massage your whole body, huh?"
"huh? i mean—no, i guess not"
"how the hell was i supposed to do that when she was in the bath?"
"but fine, i'll—"
"—uh—actually!" kiri stops him,
"can i do it?"
"knock yourself out" katsuki was already headed to the bathroom, presumably to complete his night routine
"alright, babe just. . .take off your shirt and lay down for me, alright?"
"alright. . ."
you did what was asked of you while eijirou went to retrieve the massage oil
you shuddered as the cool air grazed your skin, before laying down on the somehow even colder comforter
you became hyper aware of yourself at that moment—was i really gonna wear a bra to bed? at least that makes this moment less awkward
by now kiri had returned, "you look so cute like this. . ."
it's just. . . the way he looks at you. . .you can't help but get a little flustered
"no need to get shy, babe i'm just telling the truth. you're really beautiful, y'know"
"just hurry up with the massage, eijirou!"
"oh—just cuz you said that, i'll compliment you even more now"
"you're so amazing," he leans down, placing a kiss on your stomach at each word, "your body is so perfect, babe"
"how'd we get so lucky, huh?"
"kiri. . .c'mon, already"
"alright, alright"
eijirou pours some of the oil into his palm, warming it between his hands before placing them on your diaphragm. you melted into the warmth of his soft hands.
you kept telling yourself that you should be relaxed, but clearly your shoulders didn't get the memo. how could you relax when the feeling of his hands on your body was so innately sensual—or is that just me?
running his fingers down your hips, eijirou paused for a moment before meeting eyes with you, "i'll massage your legs now, alright?"
your entire body contracted as kiri's palms pressed into your thighs, getting jarringly close to that spot  before he stopped completely. by now, katsuki had joined the two of you on the bed and also appeared to stop
this was just as you were starting to relax, too—this was very unfortunate
you glanced between the two of them, their facial expressions not giving you any answers
"hun. . .are you. . ." kiri finally makes eye contact with you, only making your nerves worse, ". . .wet?"
am i?
you shot up, looking down at yourself,
holy shit, i really am
guess that little scenario—courtesy of your brain—from earlier really helped that, huh?
"no, that's just—"
"—yes you fucking are, don't deny it!"
"don't yell at her, katsuki—it's okay, babe. i'm just. . ." kiri looks away, covering his face, ". . .glad i wasn't the only one who was thinking about you two"
your eyes flicker from your feet to kiri, ". . .really?"
"yeah. . .it's the reason i sent katsuki to help you in the bath"
"i knew i wouldn't be able to keep it pg. . .but. . .if you want it, hun; i'd be happy to"
"please. . ." you wrap your arms around eijirou's neck, snuggling into his chest
"alright," you could hear the smile in his voice, "are you up for it, katsuki—"
the two of you look up to find your boyfriend ridding himself of his clothes, "i guess that answers my question"
eijirou turns back to you, "why don't you make yourself comfortable, baby?"
nodding, you lay back down, tensing as a freshly naked katsuki joins you on the bed
"someone's eager"
"shut up"
"i take top, you take bottom"
katsuki only hums before getting in position to start kissing your thighs
kissing up the side of your neck, eijirou slips his hands underneath you, unfastening your bra. as you slid out of it, you let out a shaky laugh "you've. . .gotten better at that"
"heh. . .yeah, i've been really trying"
he looks down, "you're. . ."
". . .so cute"
he starts to caress your chest, placing the occasional kiss here and there
meanwhile, katsuki had begun a massage of his own; "katsuki. . ."
running his hands up your sides, it wasn't long before his fingers were tracing the hem of your panties.
you couldn't even focus on what was happening below before something above took your attention.
pain, then pleasure directly after—it was this warm, balmy feeling.
looking up, you realized that eijirou had just bitten the lobe of your ear before enveloping it in an open-mouthed kiss; he glances up at you expectantly, catching your skin on his teeth once again
your breath hitched, body shuddering, "eiji. . ."
you look at him once again—and though his mouth was currently occupied, he could even begin to hide the smug smile on his face.
then, it's almost as if everything was still.
eijirou had averted his attention toward your neck and you relaxed your shoulders, attempting to meld back into the soft comforter
wait. . .
your lower half feels really cold all of a sudden. . .
"katsuki—fuck. . ." you whispered, shaking as katsuki began tasting you.  
your eyes fluttered shut, and you tried your best not to resist against katsuki's hands on your thighs.
you always seem to forget just how good this feels
eyes still closed, you lazily reach up to caress eijirou's face; his fingers trace your abdomen—you really enjoy the silky feeling of his skin on yours
you were prepared to fully submit to this moment, when katsuki all but yells at you,
eyes shooting open, you jolted upwards, "hm—what is it?"
he stopped moving, only keeping his gaze fixed on you as he says:
"look at me."
honestly, you don't know why you didn't see this coming; katsuki always demands eye contact—but you? you really couldn't bring yourself to do it without getting flustered
your face was so hot that your vision was hazy—you tried to blink it away, but it didn't work
you look to eijirou, hoping he'd get you out this situation but he only offers you a taunting chuckle, before positioning himself behind you, 
he leans against the headboard, wrapping his strong arms around your waist.
realizing he'd be of no help, you opt to hide your face in your hands
"aw. . ." kiri coos, "no need to be shy, hun. . ." before moving your hands away, "look"
still attempting to blink away your embarrassment, you finally meet gazes with katsuki
you found the look in his crimson eyes both reassuring and worrying
gaze trained on you, katsuki gives you a teasing lick.
"god. . ." you broke away for just a moment, but somehow katsuki's expression was more intense when you glanced back at him.
he's making it so difficult—to maintain eye contact, that is
"your moans are so pretty. . ."
kiri presses a series of gentle kisses to your shoulder, before reaching down to massage your clit
. . .for all of two seconds—not even enough time for you to register the feeling—before katsuki swats his hand away
"piss off, shitty hair! . . .s'mine"
"possessive much? [y/n]'s mine too, y'know"
suddenly—perhaps out of spite—katsuki diverts all attention to your clit
a pulsing, throbbing pleasure went surging throughout your entire body
you throw your head back, resting against eijirou's shoulder
katsuki growls at this, "i told you to look at me"
"oh. . .katsuki—shut up, i'm close—"
it was almost as if that statement turned on a switch in his brain; he kept that same, steady pace but he was laser-focused on his "task"
he was like a robot—it'd be quite captivating if you could focus
"oh—fuck—please. . . !" you latch onto your boyfriends' hands, squeezing your eyes shut as you came undone in their arms
"atta girl" katsuki pats your thigh as he sits up.
barely giving you time to recover, eijirou excitedly exclaims, "my turn!"
he moves from behind you and you lay back down,
you waited for kiri to start, but instead he offers a hesitant, "um. . .actually. . .i was wondering if you could. . . sit on my face?"
"oh. . . ? i. . .—" you were taken aback, seeing as this was the first time he's ever asked you anything like this
you were conflicted; you had always wanted to try that
but you were also worried that you'd be too heavy, to put it bluntly
he's giving you the big puppy dog eyes, though! you can't just say no—you don't want to.
gnawing at your bottom lip, you began to nod, ". . .okay"
"really?! okay, lemme lay down"
he excitedly gets into position, shifting a couple times before looking up at you, "okay! c'mere"
you blinked, avoiding eye contact as you climbed on top of eijirou; closing your eyes as you hovered above his face.
"you're so gorgeous, baby"
you let out a shaky hum in response to this, before lowering yourself—you could only get yourself half of the way down before every bone in your body stopped you from going any further
stop right there, you will kill that man
your bones yell
but what am i supposed to do? he really wants me to do this! you try to make your case
just. . .make it look like you're sitting all the way down; he's not gonna know
you meekly reply
"alright" trying to keep your voice from shaking, you stilled your body—or at least. . .attempted to
eijirou chuckled, "as much as i like this view, i'm gonna need you to sit all the way down, hun"
the lie didn't even last for five seconds, "huh? but i, am. . . ?"
katsuki sucks his teeth, crossing his arms, "your legs are shaking, it's a dead giveaway"
feeling embarrassed, you looked down; you decided your only option was to come clean about your worries "but. . .i'm too heavy, i. . .—"
"it's not like you're gonna hurt him or anything" katsuki sighs
eijirou nods from underneath you, "yeah! i'm the sturdy hero, remember? c'mon, babe. . .please?"
"o-okay. . ." you lower yourself until you were comfortably—and quite literally sitting on top of your boyfriend's face, which was enough to make you sigh out,
eyes fluttering shut, you reached behind you for support 
even through closed eyes, you could tell katsuki had crawled closer to you and eijirou, "while you two are busy, i'll just make myself comfortable"
judging by eijirou's moans, it seems that katsuki began pleasuring him
"katsuki. . ." he whimpers into you,
"[y/n]. . . ?!" he speaks again, more urgently reaching up to grasp your hand; looking behind you, you noticed the look in his eyes, too "what. . .what is it?"
"am i. . .doing good?"
how could you forget?
"yes. . .very good; you're such a. . .good boy, eiji" you smiled down at him
this comment alone seemed to enhance kiri's pleasure.
forcing yourself to keep your eyes open, you turn to katsuki, who looked as if he was prepared to upgrade the service he was giving eijirou
"w-wait. . . !" you stopped him
"i. . .wanna. . ."
katsuki snorts, "well c'mon already, then" he invited you over, but he didn't stop what he was doing with his hands
nodding, you lean over, taking kiri into your mouth; just this was enough to send him over the edge
"ngh—mmh~!" he's still going, somehow
you had to commend him for his resolve
if he keeps going like this. . .
all it took was his tongue entering you and you were done for  
but just like your boyfriend, you didn't quit—in fact, you took more and more into your mouth
after awhile, your high died down, but. . .eijirou. . .
he always cums so much, you thought as eijirou continued to release
his chest heaved—you could feel his heart drumming against his chest—his body shook
until finally, his breath slowed and he took a break from pleasuring you
the three of you let out a pleasured hum, realizing the moment you all just shared
lifting your head carefully, you were prepared to swallow when eijirou urgently taps your thigh, as if telling you he needed something; with your mouth full, you couldn't ask—but your silence told all kiri he needed to know
"i. . .wanna see it. . .i wanna see it in your mouth, please" he asked, muffled.
"yeah. . .let's see it"
you glanced in between the two, a little shocked
letting out a whimper, you get off of kiri who eagerly sits up. eijirou and katsuki look to you expectantly
avoiding eye contact, you open your mouth, "ahh~" tilting your head back so that you don't lose any
"fuck, that's so pretty"
"yeah. . ."
you gagged as the warmth spilled into your throat.
katsuki places his fingers underneath your chin, closing your mouth
"now, swallow" you blink, doing as you were told—this is much more difficult than i originally thought
you genuinely struggled to swallow it all in one go.
"good girl" eijirou pats the top of your head
as you take a moment to catch your breath, kiri excitedly asks, "so. . .are we going all the way, or. . . ?"
the two turn to look at you, to which you nod—you didn't even hesitate, "yes! . . .please"
there's that feeling again; whenever you give consent, the way they looked at you felt. . .different—you felt emotionally (and physically) naked, it was. . .
it was embarrassing, there's no other word for it
you sat in silence, avoiding eye contact for what felt like minutes before your boyfriends finally broke away and looked at each other instead of you
"if that's the case; i had an idea" katsuki admits, holding your attention
he glances at you once again, "i was thinking we could both fuck you at the same time"
at the very least, eijirou seemed to get as flustered as you did
"so you mean she would. . .—"
"—be in between us"
"but. . .—she's never done anal before. she could get hurt if we force this kinda thing on her"
you could feel your heart dropping into your stomach upon hearing kiri's words. he really wants to try it now? you haven't prepared properly; what if you make a weird noise? or worse. . .
although. . .you had similar doubts about sitting on eijirou's face and that turned out great—but this is different
katsuki and kiri continued as you were arguing with yourself, "she won't, you idiot; she's been practicing,"
katsuki looks over at you, forcing you out of your head for a moment, "right?"
"y-yes. . ."
"and you didn't let me watch. . . ?" while eijirou was focused on whining, katsuki seemed to notice your 'less-than-enthused' tone
"if you don't want to, we won't."
"i do! i'm just nervous, is all"
"it's okay, we'll ease you into it like we would any other time" kiri reassures
"yeah, but she'll be on her stomach so you go on the bottom shitty hair—you'd probably tear her open regardless"
the shark boy frowns, "what? what's that supposed to mean?"
"don't play dumb, it's fucking huge!" katsuki yells
kiri looks down, red dusting his face, "it's. . .it's not that big"
"it is pretty big, kiri" you sigh
"moving on. . ." eijirou looks toward you, "why don't you lay down again, hun?"
you nod, your sweaty body welcoming the still-cold blanket. you focus on the dust on the ceiling fan—damn, if katsuki saw that. . .—as eijirou positioned himself behind you once again
katsuki places your legs on his shoulders before looking up at kiri, "hey, shitty hair; you still got that oil, right?"
"uh, yeah" kiri grabs the bottle off the bedside table, before handing it to him
katsuki takes a moment to warm it in his palms before starting to massage you there
you closed your eyes, whining as katsuki got you ready for him
kiri strokes your face, "how's that feel, [n/n]?"
"it's. . .different"
you thought with all your practice, you'd be used to how alien it feels by now
but no. . .
it wasn't a bad feeling—it was just odd
"hey. . .katsuki?" kiri starts, "can you maybe. . . ?"
"you want me to teach you?"
"y-yeah. . .i mean, i should know if you get sent on a mission, right. . . ?"
"okay, but pay attention because i'm not repeating myself!"
"got it!"
katsuki's finger is inside you now and, well . . .
this is something
it didn't necessarily feel good or bad—just kinda felt like someone stuck a foreign object up there, just as it had the first few times
you were starting to get worried you'd just be tolerating this feeling when the time comes
"when you get your finger inside, you crook it like this"
he demonstrates with his free hand,
"just, feel around a bit. . .you'll know if you find it"
"AH—fuck, katsuki" you jolt up
what the fuck is he doing down there?
you've never felt that before—this electric feeling of intense pleasure and a hint of pain—have you been doing it wrong this whole time?
"oh, like her g-spot?"
"yeah. . .like her g-spot"
as you writhe, katsuki smirks, "guess you have been practicing; you're already ready for a second finger"
as katsuki does this, eijirou continues to keep you relaxed, "aw~ so cute" he praised
"feels good huh, baby?"
that's when you realized that eijirou was behind you; reaching over your shoulder, you begin to stroke your boyfriend
he grabs your hand, "oh that's okay, hun; tonight's about you"
"but—OW, katsuki that hurt?!"
"have you been doing it like i showed you? it shouldn't hurt that much" katsuki eyes you, stopping his movements and removing his fingers
well, it never felt good when you did it, so you're gonna go with no
". . ."
"baby~" kiri whines
"you could get seriously injured! why didn't you let katsuki watch you?"
"because. . . ! that’s awkward. . .and weird!"
sure, he’s seen you in lewd ways numerous times already—but this? it’s too much
"well, i'll have to spend more time doing this now" katsuki sighs, rolling his wrists
you whine, wanting him to go back to pleasuring you, "you're such a spoiled little shit" he shakes his head
eijirou chuckles while you pout, "say please, hun"
"please~ katsuki? please?"
he only offers a hum, before obliging; you threw your head back, somewhat dramatically, as he reached 'that spot'
more and more
your body began to accommodate his fingers more and more
as soon as that happened, katsuki was almost ruthless with his fingers; he's getting impatient
he suddenly stops, and the two of you do as well
"hey, eijirou. . ."
"yeah. . . ?!"
eijirou seemed alarmed at the use of his actual name; must be serious
"come here"
eijirou does just that, gingerly laying you down as he gets from around you
he makes his way over to katsuki, who gestures in your direction, "look at that. . ."
your eyes were screwed shut, but you could feel their hungry eyes on you—tracing your frame over and over
"she stretched so well for us. . ."
"i think she's ready"
"okay! me first!"
eijirou lays down, patting his thighs
you couldn't hold in your giggling at this sight; you oblige, though—straddling your boyfriend's hips
you hum as you, sort've impatiently lowered yourself onto kiri
eijirou's breath hitched upon seeing just how ready you were; you sunk down to the hilt, holding your tongue all the while
"you got all the way down this time. . ." kiri looks up at you, starry-eyed
"you must have been really needy, huh?"
you kept your cool, though if you were being honest you were just as amazed as him
you've gotten more adjusted to his size over time but you've only ever been able to get half way down
you wiggle your hips, and it was almost as if that’s what it took for you remembered what you just did
body already shaking, you attempt to get off but your legs had finally given up and you fell back down—you yelped, your head throbbing as the pleasure took over your senses
god, it's been too long
"woah! you alright, babe?" eijirou steadies your hips, the warmth of his fingers helping less than he most likely thought
closing your eyes, you offer a feverish nod
"alright lay down on my chest, hun"
you 'very gracefully' flop yourself onto your boyfriend, finding the racing of his heart both cute and comforting—at least you're not the only one
"you feel so good" eijirou sighs, stroking your face
"are you fucking done?" katsuki rudely interrupted your moment
sighing, kiri answers, "yes, katsuki; we're done"
with a grunt, katsuki positions himself behind you, "relax. . ." firm grasp on your tense shoulders, katsuki begins to enter you
"f-fuck! that’s—. . .you feel so good”
this is overwhelming—even with them unmoving inside you
i can do this, it's fine
after your breathing had finally slowed, you closed your eyes
"okay, go" and immediately, you felt like you were going to cum
"god, i can't—i don't know if i. . .—if i can handle this"
"it's okay babe," katsuki says, "just let go"
"yeah—just—close your eyes" eijirou adds
your moans became whiny and desperate as your body shook with your orgasm
"can we keep going, hun?" kiri asks, though his tone was pushing ‘begging’ territory
you only nodded, wanting desperately for your boyfriends to get their release
however. . .you were so sensitive
very sensitive, "ah—ah! it's too much!" fuck, i thought i could handle it
"no~fuck—i can't!"
the two men tensed at your words—well, more like word, since 'no' was what they understood—but that made it worse
"should we stop?!"
"no! fuck—please don't stop"
at this point, you couldn't see.
your vision was overtaken by a white haze
your legs shook, you couldn't hold back any longer
so you screamed
you had never wished you could time travel more than that moment.
but to your surprise, that seemed to turn them on more
"oh, fuck yeah!"
"can you do that again?!"
the two begin to fuck into your relentlessly, chasing that reaction you just gave
and you gave it to them; how could you not?
it seemed that the two of them were getting quite close as well
"can we. . . ? cum inside? is that okay?" eijirou looks down at you
tears flowing down your face, you offer an exasperated nod
"yeah? alright, hun. . ."
"fuck!" the feeling of warmth spilling into you only added to your pleasure
kiri was pretty much out of commission, but katsuki kept fucking into you throughout his orgasm
all of you relaxed your bodies completely, shuddering and shaking all the while
okay. . .that was. . .a lot
you were conflicted; you wished the three of you could've lasted longer but you also really don't think your body could take it
fuck, they're still very much inside you
when you tried to move—wherever you tried to go, there was pleasure
kiri takes a firm hold on your hips, "st-stop squirming, babe" he gently lifts you off of him setting you back down on top of him
pulling out, bakugou growls, "we coulda lasted longer than that, fuck!"
"shh, babe—"
"—don't shush me!"
"she's trying to sleep"
"well she can't go to bed all dirty, shitty hair!"
"you can just clean her off like this"
you heard all of that, but zoned out after awhile
that is, until, "ah!" you feel an intense feeling of pain and pleasure shooting out from your core
"tender, huh?" kiri coos
katsuki applied less pressure as he continued to clean your body
after he was done, you went back to being dead tired; it wasn't long before you were drifting off
however, not before you caught this:
"we love you so much, hun"
"don't you dare fucking forget that"
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anime-rambles · 2 years
"Some Alpha you are, Patheitc!" Snippet
Pairing: Alpha!KiriBaku x Omega!Reader
Type: Angst, hurt, NSFW if you squint.
Word Count: Snippet - full parts soon
A/N: Thank you all so much for the support and love for my work, little snippet here of something i've bee working on, almost finished and super excited to share with you all. My drafts are overflowing currently with all the fix's i've been writing, to stay up to date with everything or want to be tagged, I have a new taglist form follow the link below and it will bring you too it. Much love as always, Tiff <3
Summary: You and Bakugou knew one thing for certain, Kirishima was already in your clan. But with your heat approaching you belived it was time to say it outloud, little did you know Bakugou is a very jealous, insecure alpha and feels threatened...
Permanent Tag List: @jasmine2042003 @jazzylove @amypop122 @misssugarless @plutounderbridges @butterscotch-babie @backoftheletter @gojosslvt @himi-yuu @ebiharachan @black-rose-29
MHA Tag List: @hornehlittleweeblet2 @mystiqueewrites @belzeblitz @moonygeno413 @ace-the-side-character @unlogical-ella @moonseye @vaellee @corruptowlette @pasteldaze @24-7-multifandomsimp @yetoadet @ninetyeightrins @kirissluttypebble @elaineplayz @phantomalchemist @tigerd-draws @kunaigirlx44 @jujutaku @adventures-in-a-heartbeat @cmars59 @upinacloud @yourdragonsfire @uwiuwi @burningbluegalaxy @kirislilwhorewife @kuzusouda-and-terumaru-blog @kat-perdue @ebiharachan @lazyafgurl @bratty-fics @eraserheads-sleeping-bag
“Katsuki, please you're not listening to me” tears stream down your face as you try to get your alpha to understand, yes bringing this up was the best thing to do but also probably not the greatest of timing with your heat coming so soon. 
“No, why should I listen to you, you want another alpha? I am listening y/n? Did I hear wrong?” he questioned you, staring deep into you 
“Well i–”
“Well what ‘mega? Fucking speak!” He shouted at you, pumping anger pheromones into your room. You froze, trying not to flinch at his pheromones because you knew it would hurt him deeply if you were scared. 
“You know what, no I'm not listening to this, I'm not good enough for you? Fine, i’ve a mission starting soon but I think I'll start it today.  your next heat coming up? Spend it alone” with that Katsuki walked out the door, slamming it behind him. You cried and cried, you knew going after him would be a mistake so you didn't. You just stood in your grief. This was not how it was supposed to go. You simply asked Bakugou if he would be open to adding another alpha to your pack, bringing in Kirishima. The only thing yous dont do together is sex? So what would be the harm, you loved Kirishima and you know Bakugou loved him too if he would just admit it. Kirishima spent many a night in your nest with the two of you, scenting each other after hard missions. Your omega called out to him, and you knew Kirishima felt the same about you both. 
Bakugou was right, your heat coming soon, and you were going to be alone for it. For the first time since you and Bakugou got together in UA, you were going to spend it alone and that terrified you. Your omega whined, and your chest felt tight. The tears still fell from your eyes and your lungs were screaming at you to take some deep breaths.
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catgrump · 2 years
'' if anybody were to kiss me... i would want that person to be you. '' '' i'm not a delicate flower. kiss me like you mean it. '' with kiribaku
Oh I had a lot of fun with this one.
The boys are in their second year at UA in a timeline where there’s no war hehe
In the middle of his side plank, one arm propping him up, Kirishima had the perfect view of Bakugo doing sprints on the training ground to warm up. God, Kirishima can’t help but ogle. He’s thought Bakugo’s hot for ages now.
They work out together at least once a week, and it’s something Kirishima always looks forward to. Sure, he works out on his own or with the class plenty, but he loves getting the chance to be with Bakugo one-on-one.
“You staring, shitty hair?” Bakugo called out, snapping Kirishima out of his trance.
“Ha!” Kirishima hoped his laugh didn’t sound too nervous, “Nah, man, just got lost in thought!”
Bakugo chuckled and started strolling over toward Kirishima, “I never thought there was a brain behind that shitty hair of yours,” Bakugo teased, smirking, “What’s on your mind, huh?”
How hot you are— “We got that dance coming up, man! You gonna ask anyone?”
Bakugo popped a squat next to Kirishima, sitting cross-legged casually next to him, “Psh, I don’t think so.”
“What? Why not?” Kirishima was hoping he could at least see Bakugo at the dance.
“There’s like,” Bakugo’s eyes focused up while he tried to think, “I dunno, expectations when you ask someone to go to a dance.”
“Expectations?” Kirishima just wanted answers to satisfy any disappointment at this point.
“Yeah like… it’s gotta be a date or something. And there ain’t many folks at this school I wanna kiss or whatever.”
Kirishima’s chest was tight with anxiety and the potential for heartbreak. “I mean,” he half-heartedly chuckled, “If anybody were to kiss me… I’d want that person to be you.”
And there was dead, deafening, agonizing silence. Kirishima couldn’t stand it. He had no idea what Bakugo was thinking. It could be anything, for crying out loud—
“Okay then; kiss me.”
“What?” Kirishima was dumbfounded.
“You gonna chicken out now?”
“Come on, Kiri, you say you wanna kiss me so bad—“
“Bakugo, what the fuck?”
“I thought I was hard of hearing here— did you not understand?”
“I heard you just fine—“
And Kirishima felt his entire body tremble as he slowly closed his eyes and leaned closer, carefully finally meeting Bakugo’s lips… it’s something he’s wanted to do for over a year now, and it almost feels like he was going to wake up from a dream any second now. Kirishima’s lips curled into a smile as he gently moved closer.
And then Bakugo pulled away. Kirishima felt his heart stop in his chest and his throat started to tighten. Was he doing something wrong? Does Bakugo—?
“I’m not some delicate flower. Kiss me like you mean it.”
Kirishima blinked a few times, stunned. He shook his head out then grinned, grabbing the collar of Bakugo’s gym shirt, and pulling him even closer. Kirishima hummed as their kisses were deeper, and he moved to be sitting in Bakugo’s lap. Bakugo responded by cupping Kirishima’s face, smirking through the deep kisses.
Then Kirishima took a risk. He gently nibbled on Bakugo’s bottom lip, and Bakugo grunted, pleased, and grabbed Kirishima’s hair, which only made Kirishima push Bakugo toward the ground.
Now Kirishima was overtop of Bakugo as Bakugo lay flat on the ground. Bakugo had a hand on Kirishima’s back as the other remained in his hair. They kept kissing, never minding being on the solid cold floor of the training ground. Kirishima chuckled between a few kisses and Bakugo smirked… it seems they both wanted this as much as the other.
And then they froze in their tracks as they heard the sound of the training grounds’ door open.
“DAMN I CANT BELIEVE I GOT YOU, BAKUGO,” Kirishima attempted to boisterously construct a lie, “You were SOOOOO sure you’d win that spar!”
“Woah woah woah,” Kirishima let out a sigh of relief as he recognized Denki’s voice coming from the door, getting off of Bakugo, “Did I really walk in on a spar or…?”
“Yes.” Bakugo stated firmly, getting up from the ground himself, “That’s all. He managed to… pin me down.”
Denki snorted out a laugh, “Yeah it sure looks like y’all had a good fun spar.”
Bakugo grunted and rolled his eyes, praying that Denki wouldn’t keep teasing them... he wasn't ready for this to get out just yet.
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ao3-deviance · 1 year
oh my im sorry to hear inspiration has been tough to find for u. im struggling with the same thing too, artwise (´。_。`)
as for krbk ideas, i have a few if youd like to hear!
-mermaids krbk ( maybe in the courting stage? getting shiny pearls n treasures from the bottom of the ocean for each other!! a dead dolphin too maybe? ) -hybrid au ! maybe with alpha leopard bakugou and dog/wolf beta kirishima -oh ohh !!! i love how u write kirishima taking care of a tired bakugo....with the nonsexual intimacy...with a sprinkle of subspace mmm MMM !! -a band au could be very fun too !! krbk being in a bad together or bakugou being the drummer of the original band in bnha and kirishima being a big fan and meeting his idol -the bakusquad ( exception of krbk ) get turned into dogs? or lil animals n krbk are to take care of them and is super soft and cute thats all that i could come up with !! (^///^)
sorry for the long ask and of course feel free to ignore this if none of them cought ur eye !! im a big fan of ur works so thank u for all the wonderful fics u shared with us so far !!! hope ull feel better soon !!
Thank you for the prompts! I kind of got inspired/combined two of your prompts, mermen KiriBaku and nonsexual intimacy!
This one could be a stand alone or could be a continuation of my series A.S.A.H. (All Sharks Are Himbos). Whatever you prefer!
Hope you enjoy!
-----My Siren Gets Clean-----
Bakugou brushed a coral comb through Kirishima's hair, allowing himself a moment of peace hidden away in their den. 
Bakugou hummed, looking down to see Kirishima's eyes peeking open to stare at him. The bull shark mer immediately smiled once Bakugou met his gaze, the affection clear enough to send a blush to Bakugou's face. 
"I wanted to ask…before you did it yourself," Kirishima said, "could I help you this month? With your cleaning?"
If Bakugou had thought he was blushing before, that was nothing compared to now. His face was as red as the tips of his fins as he shoved Kirishima off him. 
"The fuck?! You can't just ask to–"
"I'm sorry!" Kirishima shouted over him. "I don't mean to pressure you! If you're not ready–"
"Who said I wasn't ready?!" Bakugou demanded.
"No one, I just mean that it's a really personal ask, if you want to wait, that's totally cool! Or if you never want my help, that's also fine! I'm sorry I brought it up so suddenly." 
Bakugou crossed his arms, embarrassed and frustrated. He wasn't angry at Kirishima; it was a fair ask since they'd been courting for months, and they'd both already accepted the courtship for good. It was just an embarrassing thing for Bakugou. 
Sirens–unlike most marine species–tended to sing while sitting on reefs or rocks or other things above the waterline. They were one of the few species able to stay in the air for extended periods. However, the trade off of this was that on occasion they had to clean off any pesky barnacles or algae that clung to them in…delicate places due to the constant transition between spaces. Bakugou honestly hated that time of the month, and if he wasn't so careful about maintaining his own health, he might even skip it for the awkwardness alone. There were…certain areas that required additional eyes and hands to get to, and he despised letting other sirens assist. Most of them avoided him when it came time for the task, though he had a handful of other mer he would forcibly wrangle into helping him, depending on which was the least painful at the time.
So no, he wasn't mad that Kirishima might be interested in helping him. He was more mad that it was even necessary. Still, the longer he thought about it, it would probably be less painful to direct Kirishima in where to look versus having to deal with Uraraka's chipper attitude or stupid Deku's constant muttering about him changing colors or new fin growth.
"This isn't a yes," Bakugou warned, pointing at him, "but it's not a no either. Let me think about it."
Kirishima beamed, bumbling closer in the already tight den so he could wrap Bakugou up in his arms, accidentally scraping Bakugou's lower half with the rough hide of his tail. "Whatever your choice, I'll accept," Kirishima promised, as if Bakugou had any doubt. "I'm really happy you'd even consider it."
"Well fuck, you're going to be my mate, aren't you?" Bakugou mumbled, looking away. "Not like you won't see everything eventually anyways."
Kirishima squeezed him even harder, like he couldn't contain his enthusiasm at the idea. 
"Fuck, okay," Bakugou said, fins fluttering stiffly. "You're a brute, so be fucking careful, alright? I don't need my backside fileted. Most sirens use shells to get the barnacles off, but you can probably manage fine with your nails since they're so hard." Bakugou studied Kirishima's hand, not at all stalling. 
"Hey," Kirishima called, gently pushing Bakugou's head up until he met his gaze. "I promise to be gentle. I want to help you, Katsuki." He leaned closer, nuzzling under an earfin, softly setting his teeth against his skin in a shark's kiss. 
Bakugou sighed, relaxing against him. "Okay," he agreed. Kirishima smiled, nipping his jaw before he grabbed Bakugou by his hips and turned him around.  
There was a level of humiliation when it came to his monthly cleaning that Bakugou hated. Having to swim upside down was awkward enough, but having to flare out all of his fins and leaving himself on display while someone inspected him wasn't his idea of a good time. Bakugou, in another unfortunate genetic lottery fact, was related to the lionfish species, meaning he had a lot of fins, which was the main reason he wasn't able to get to them all by himself.
Bakugou tried to just put it all outside his mind as he had to do every month when Deku or Uraraka handled this for him, and he rolled over, fanning out his fins for Kirishima's assessment. 
Kirishima's quiet exclamation immediately had him on high alert, tensing. 
"What?" He demanded harshly. "Just because I'm–"
"You're beautiful," Kirishima said, cutting through Bakugou's defensiveness with his quiet adoration. His hands brushed across a few of the thinner fins, leaving Bakugou shivering. "Are you steady? You can hold onto my tail if that helps."
Kirishima started to comb his fingers through the forest of prickly fins from Bakugou's tail. At the first catch of a stray barnacle, Kirishima's fingers deftly plucked it off without pause, and Bakugou was immediately sent reeling at such a soft touch compared the shell-fight the others usually had to put up with to get him clean. He slammed his eyes shut at the well of vulnerability, reaching out blindly for the shark mer's tail and just hanging on, not unlike a seahorse tangled with its mate. He took a few deep breaths, relaxing against the other as two more barnacles were removed from their annoying hiding spot, Kirishima soothing the irritated scales with his fingers before moving on. 
Cleaning Bakugou took hours of meticulous work, but Kirishima didn't complain once. He even started humming partway through, and Bakugou could feel the sounds thrumming through his entire body. He didn't feel uncomfortable and adrift anymore; he just felt held, cared for. Kirishima's touch was never aggressive and he was methodical in moving through Bakugou's fins so he didn't miss a single spot. Eventually Bakugou's tail found itself wrapped over the shark mer's shoulder, the blond siren completely lax against Kirishima who wasn't even slightly phased at having to hold Bakugou's weight while grooming the blond's tail. 
"Almost done, I think," Kirishima murmured quietly, one hand resting on the small of Bakugou's back as he held the other close while his other hand combed through the last of Bakugou's dorsal fins and spines. 
Bakugou could only hum in response, feeling too settled to do anything else. 
"There we go," Kirishima announced, now just holding Bakugou. "You okay?"
"I'm good," Bakugou said drowsily, blinking slowly. 
"Wasn't so bad," Kirishima teased him, gently coaxing him back upright. "You're usually ready to fight whenever you have a cleaning, but now you're just a jellyfish puddle. Are you sure I did it right?" 
"You did it fucking perfectly," Bakugou assured him, wiggling and twisting his tail and spines to make sure he couldn't feel any barnacles still clinging to him. He felt cleaner than usual even, like Kirishima may have found a few hanger-ons that had been missed in prior months. 
Kirishima smiled, hands resting on Bakugou's hips. "I did? So I can do it again, maybe?" 
Bakugou actually looked at him then, surprised to see genuine pleasure and hope on his face. Siren cleaning was a boring chore every month, why would he want to do it when he didn't have to?
"I guess," Bakugou agreed with a shrug, "if you want to. Whatever. Sure."
Kirishima's tail wriggled happily and he immediately swept Bakugou into a tight embrace. "Thanks, Katsuki! I promise to do my best every time!"
Bakugou blinked, a bit taken aback by his enthusiasm, but slowly managed to relax into his hold. "Idiot," he accused, even as he softly ran his clawed hands up the other's strong back, returning the hug. 
He'd never understand shark mers. 
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Can ypu do kiribaku x male (if not gn is fine) reader where they all are pro heroes and in on interview?
Ahhh I'm so excited you asked! I love writing requests for people and when I woke from my nap seeing this I had to write it right away (So sorry if there's some miss spellings.) I hope you enjoy!
You stood there anxious.
The building that stood in front of you was the most popular news station and all you could think of was ‘why was I here and not Kirishima or Bakugo?’ The large letters seemed to tower over you as when you pushed past the glass doors you saw what could only be the busiest building in the world, but your loving boyfriends of what felt like ten years but have only actually been dating them for a little of three. Their faces in a scowl that when they looked up from the paperwork that they were filling out smiled and greeted you, happy to see you were here on time and not late for once. Bakugo grunting out a hello and Kirishima smothering you in the affection you desperately needed.
“There you, y/n, was beginning to think you weren’t going to show up! Did you get lost?” Kirishima asked as the three of you walked towards what you assumed was the changing rooms so the three of you could get changed into your hero costumes.
“No, just nervous. I’ve never been on live tv before and being here with you guys makes me a little nervous.” You said as Kirishima awed, smothering you in what felt like a thousand kisses.
“There’s no need to be nervous… you're you and no one can change how awesome you are.” Bakugo said as if you couldn’t tell if he was trying to sike you up and help get rid of the anxiety you were feeling or calling you a cry baby because you were nervous all the time. Either way you took it as a compliment and went into the changing room to change into your hero costume. 
“Awe! Isn’t he just the cutest!” Kirishima said once you stepped out of the changing room and headed over to the makeup department where Ebony helped you with your makeup for the stage.
“The cutest.” Bakugo smirked as it was so weird hearing him compliment in such a way that felt out of character for him.
“You boys got about five to ten minutes then we need you on stage. Think you can do that?” one of the Stagehands spoke as the pit of your stomach seemed to turn and make what little food you eat want to come up. Kirishima being the more comforting boyfriend, placed a loving hand on your knee, squeezed it, and smiled. He knew he couldn’t say much at the moment but with that little squeeze on your knee meant everything you needed to hear.
“And we're live! Hello, and welcome to tonight's news! I’m your host, Taneo Tokuda, and today we have some special guests. Boys, how about you introduce yourself.” Taneo spoke as the camera shifted over and there sat Kirishima (Red Riot), Bakugo (Dynamight), and you (Hero Name). 
“Hi, I’m Red Riot.” Kirishima started as the camera panned over him and showed his bright shark-like teeth.
“I'm the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, but you can just call me Dynamight or whatever.” Bakugo mumbled as he looked just as annoyed as you felt anxious.
“Hi, I’m (Hero Name) pleased to be here!” You smiled hoping your name was just enough to get the ball on the roll.
“And I’m your host once again, Taneo Tokuda, and I’m so excited to be interviewing you three. How are you?” Taneo asked as you felt like you were going to throw up but knew you just had to push past this and then the rest of your day was going to be free to Kirishima cuddles and Bakugo’s cooking.
“Doing pretty well! The drive over here was kind of annoying but in general I think I’m doing pretty well.” Kirishima smiled as he was always the one to usually talk for the three of you.
“Would of gotten here on time just by using my quirk, but whatever….” Bakugo mumbled as the camera moved over to you and then back over to Taneo.
“And you? How are you?” Taneo asked as he leaned forward staring at you trying to get a good reading off of you.
“I’m doing alright. Woke up, got dressed, and now here. Think it's going to be a good day.” You said as you could feel your cheeks redden.
“Well, I’m glad you got here with your pants on, would hate to see you here in your underwear. That would be embarrassing.” Taneo said as he looked down at his cards he brought on stage. He wanted to ask you three some tricky questions but in all honesty he wanted to know what everyone else was wondering, were you three dating and if so for how long??
“So, now that formalities are out of the way. How is life being a hero? I mean with everything that is going on. People are starting to worry if heroes are really the way to go and if they aren't, who will save them in the end?” Taneo asked as that was such a hard question to answer.
“I would say life as a hero is pretty hard.” You started as both boyfriends looked at you a bit nervous as usually you were the one to not answer stuff right away, “Me, personally being a new hero already is taking one day at a time hoping and sorta praying things go smoothly. Yeah, sure, some days on patrol things do get hard, but being a hero is honestly the life goal I have and saving people is totally rewarding if you ask me.”
Taneo raised a brow, “How is it rewarding?”
“Well, the person you saved gets to live another day! They get to celebrate living and sharing what good you did to them that day. Hell it could even inspire them to be a hero some day. It's doing the good to them that could lead to everything being better.” You said as Bakugo started to smirk seeing that maybe that nervous act you had going was washing away and that seeing you passionate about this was what you truly felt.
“Interesting. And you (Hero Name) you moved to Japan not that long ago? Or am I mixing my dates around?” 
“I’ve lived in Japan for about five years now, but didn’t bump into Kiri or Bakugo till about three years ago.” you replied as you felt like you had just set yourself up for some personal questions to come out.
“And moving to Japan was for what reason?” Taneo asked as your cheeks reddened.
“Personal reasons. I don’t feel very comfortable talking about it.” You said as your real reason was that most of the heroes you worked with back in America were rude to you. Made you feel like you couldn’t be the hero you wanted to be and that one of your friends that were staying in Japan told you to come out here and be a hero for a little bit. You took the offer and met Bakugo and Kirishima on some mission you and your friend had to go on and since then the four of you just sorta stayed together and that was when you finally made the decision to move out of your shitty one bedroom apartment in America and move to Japan and live with your friend in their three bedroom house.
“That’s understandable. Most people would have spilled their guts just to be famous and get the crowd to love them, but you I get the feeling I understand. So, good on ya.” Taneo said as he looked over at Kirishima and Bakugo, “How about you two, everyone is dying to know are the two of you together? And if so for how long?” 
“To-together? What gave you the idea we were together?” Kirishima said a bit nervously as you three haven’t really came out publicly yet but with this question on air you felt like maybe it was time for the three of you to come out. So what if you all were in love with each other. It was the year 2023. Gay relationships were normal and if you wanted to be honest with them and the world you wanted to tell them that yes, Kirishima Eijiro and Bakugo Katsuki was off the mark all because you fell in love with them and there was nothing in this world you want to do better than to be them.
“We are.” Bakugo said as Kirishima let out a small whine, “We and (Hero Name) are in a relationship and are super happy to be in one. I don’t care if people tell us otherwise. We're in love and there’s nothing you or the city of Musutafu can stop us from being in love.” 
“Dynamite…” you cooed as his cheeks reddened. You weren’t expecting him to say anything on air but hearing that he loved you and Kiri made your heart swell. This was amazing.
“I see and how long have you and the others been together?” Taneo asked as this was again something the entire city of Musutafu was wondering about.
“About three years.” You answered as Kirishima was in shock that you were riding along with this. Sure it wasn’t a lie, but was broadcasting your relationship on the news really the way to announce your relationship?
“Amazing and you all met through a friend of (Hero Name)?” 
You three nodded your head as you could not wait for this interview to be over with so you could go throw up.
“Interesting. Well, I have to say I wanted to ask you boys some more questions but it looks like my time is up. I hope you all can join us next to hear more about their relationship and what future our lovely heroes have to offer. My name is Taneo Tokuda and this was your daily news at seven.” Taneo said as the camera went dark and your body moved quicker than what the rest of you three could move. Your body rushing you to the bathroom as you grabbed the nearest stall and threw up what little to nothing breakfast you had.
“Hey, y/n, are you okay?” Kirishima asked a few minutes later after he heard you throw up, “I”m sorry if this interview was a bit much. I know it can sometimes lead to other things, but I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing.” your boyfriend sounded so worried it broke your heart.
“Yeah, I’m okay.. I’m a little shocked Katsuki told the world or at least the city of Musutafu that we were all dating. That seemed very uncharacteristic about him and honestly I don’t know how I feel about it.” you said as you stepped out of the stall and headed to the sink to wash your hands and face.
“I know, I’m surprised you answered the questions so honestly… I thought the nervous jitters would have kicked in and scared you away, but you did amazingly out there. I’m so proud of you.” Kirishima said as he kissed you lovingly. The taste of his breath mint was strong, but you would rather focus on that than what just happened on stage.
“Shall we go see where Katsuki is? I’m ready to go home.” 
“Yeah, let's.” And with that you found your other partner and headed home. The interview just a memory as you became the next hero most or almost top ten heroes of Musutafu.
The End.
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