#but it’s the principle of like… why do you talk to people this way online 😭 why do you think it’s okay or normal
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moltengoldveins · 20 days ago
having. Thoughts.
#I. Like. Ok.#I don’t. I don’t want to talk about the whole gender thing online it’s. It’s such a huge issue among so many people#Both online and offline in my rl.#My principal is be respectful and just do the things people ask you to do that aren’t even inconvenient#But. Like. I keep seeing people on here yelling about how. Like. Trans people don’t experience misogyny?#Or. Something? I’m not quite sure what they’re talking about#And I really don’t know if this actually speaks to the issue but.#I sorta? Transitioned? For a few years in my late teens.#I dressed spoke and acted as a man in as many ways as possible#Introduced myself with a gender neutral nickname and wore hats to hide my hair#Wore loose clothes and bound my chest#Deepened my voice considerably- I had and have GERD so it wasn’t too hard to pull off#And like. People. People treated me better#It was fucking wild#I started doing it almost more for the better treatment then for the gender euphoria I’m not even kidding#People listened to me when I spoke they got out of my way when I walked#They made eye contact with me and they deferred when I said what I wanted#I wasn’t MIStreated in dresses so much as I just…. Completely vanished#Nobody looked at me nobody listened nobody asked what I wanted or what I thought#Nobody expected any meaningful conversation or action out of me when I was feminine#Not a woman! I want to clarify! Nine times out of ten? Everyone who spoke to me KNEW I was female#They knew me previously or I gave it away pretty quickly.#It was the subconscious behavior that changed#The ingrained assumptions about me that literally shifted before my eyes as I progressively lowered my voice and broadened my shoulders#And that more than anything is why I cannot and will not try to debate this topic with people either online or irl#Because I have no idea how to reconcile my lived experience with the advice of my elders the doctrine of my faith#The principles I hold to and the arguments of people online.#It is enough to me that I am respectful kind and prayerful.#I do not need to be right. I am not commanded to love being right#I am only commanded to love my neighbor.
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felixcatton · 2 years ago
it’s been awhile since i’ve had my “combative l*terati stan who doesn’t know how to blacklist things left a stupid comment on my post” eye twitch.
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elodieunderglass · 1 month ago
Hi! I saw you mention in a post about people being into a thing in a weird way, and you mentioned permaculture. I dont know anything about that, could you elaborate? (serious question, just curious)
(This is in reference to a post that talked about the difficulty of having some interests (like Vikings) that are notorious for being shared with really right-wing people. For example, a tattoo with Norse runes could mean someone is a normal and interesting person who likes history and fantasy fiction, or they could be a vile white supremacist. I added to the post mentioning that permaculture is one of those interests, and that I wasn’t going to talk about it.)
I am not the first or only person to say this about permaculture, but I’ll take a stab at explaining it to an outsider.
What is permaculture? Permaculture is a term coined in 1978 to describe an approach to land management and food production based on how things work in ecosystems, centering the environment, and based on the ethical principles of Earth Care (sustainability, rebuilding of the environment, survival without destruction), People Care (meet people’s needs fairly and simply, build community) and Fair Share (find a balance of consumption, recognise limits around what can be taken from the environment, and share as much as possible.) movements like rewilding, reforestation, self-sufficiency, intentional communities, sustainable food production, regenerative agriculture and so on are all aspects of interest in permaculture.
However, by itself it’s kind of a nebulous term, because it’s applied to everything with a lofty wave of the hand; everything from somebody’s weedy old tomato plants, to a radical commune, can be vaguely described as “permaculture.” It’s possibly most accurate to call it an umbrella term for some loosely related fields, than a political movement or widespread agricultural practice. That’s part of the intention; by coining the term and describing what goes into it, the founders of the philosophy were trying to clarify communications; obviously, forms of permaculture have been practiced historically for all of human history!!! The usefulness of the term and definition is all about clarifying a unified package of philosophies to set against the behemoth of conventional, capitalistic, extractive land-management.
Ok so given that “everyone can do permaculture/ you can do it with your raised beds right now!” there’s a lot of overlap with people interested in individual self-sufficiency, off-grid living, rewilding, etc at home. in terms of online communities those are particularly vulnerable to sharing interests with right-wing people. In particular, isolationists/separatists/sovcits, right-wing preppers, nationalists, and of course, The Fucking Tradwives.
Why? Well, permaculture/self-sufficiency are connected to ideas of alternatives to the current system, and attract people who are interested in that. The most obvious is ecofascism although people are finally more aware of this (sending the ecofash into the coverts of being crypto-ecofash, but whatever, it’s a win that they feel less comfortable.) There may be a distrust of authority/the state which can be quite normal (don’t pledge allegiance to the USA flag!) and can be right-wing (MAGA people storming the capital did so because they claimed to distrust the state.) There may be a distrust of science/medicine, often hand-in-hand with the sort of “back to nature/ the earth is wiser than we are / indigenous practices” rhetoric that sounds quite lofty and righteous, but doesn’t quite explain why you haven’t vaccinated your kids, iykwim? Anything back-to-the-land should be examined carefully, because it CAN be progressive - or white nationalist - and sometimes both. Anything including a withdrawal from society ditto - yes, even if it’s a queer commune of witches growing tomatoes or whatever - because “withdrawing from multicultural/inclusive/tolerant/diverse/public-transport-having cities to a secure place of purity and control” is a necessary pillar of right-wing separatist thought. Anything talking about connection to the land should be considered attentively.
None of those are problematic and most are interests or behaviours that any normal person might have. They have to be considered carefully for context. Often, quite kind people can accidentally repeat unfortunate things, or speak badly.
It also doesn’t mean that all of permaculture is a tar pit - it just happens to overlap at certain points with the right-wing agenda, and often, the left-wing are bad at spotting that. It’s natural to accidentally absorb weird politics without examining them - that’s why propaganda is effective. All of these worries about pipelines/algorithms are based on the fact that that bad politics can form from quite innocuous beliefs. These are just some spaces/words where I’ve noticed it’s worth paying attention.
I’m personally wondering if I’m noticing the use of “indigenous” being slowly pushed into a space that worries me, rather like “traditional, heritage, natural, spiritual” have been? But I have not seen Indigenous people discussing this yet.
Also, other people have written about the tradwives so hopefully you can fold in what you know about that. There are also TERFs in permaculture; my harebrained theory is that radical feminists in general like the idea of having control over the environment, but want it to feel like a wise, sacred feminine thing. I was in some casual Facebook permaculture groups some years ago and the amount of schisms felt entirely like a) eldritch Catholicism or something??? B) fandom drama. There would be incredible stuff happening like the formation of splinter Facebook groups called like “Women In Permaculture 2.3 No TERFs” and “Gender Critical Women in Permaculture 2.3” which were 7 evolutions away from an initial “practicing permaculture” group.
In real life, people are unfortunately weirder and more open about it, but easier to avoid and less insidious. But that’s for another time.
@samwisethewitch has this good post with lots of resources in this space that aren’t pipelines of worrying ideology: https://www.tumblr.com/whovianuncle/773929827585638400 (by looking at the title alone, you can hopefully see some of the reality and scope of the problem enough that it isn’t just Elodie running their mouth!)
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good-chimes · 6 months ago
Users with permissions to this shared mailbox:
Bdubs (role: Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes, Actor). Last login: Today.
Cub (role: Hotguy PR Agent). Last login: Today.
Scar (role: IT’S ME, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE ONE AND ONLY!). Last login: 215 days ago.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: are you there?
is this hotguy’s email? i thought you were coming on patrol?
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub (if that’s your real name),
Now that you’ve been working for Scar for several weeks, I realized I never sent you any AGENCY INTRODUCTION documents. That’s okay! None of us are perfect, despite what you might feel when you look at me.
For your ENJOYMENT and EDUCATION, here are:
The Founding Principles of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
1.   Bdubs is Scar’s favorite employee.
1a.   Bdubs is also Hotguy’s favorite employee DESPITE the fact he does not technically work for Hotguy, and no upstart new PR agent is going to change that.
2.   Hotguy’s identity is a secret. You must never reveal that we both work for the same person. Take it to your grave if you have to.  
3.   However, if you see someone talking shit online about Hotguy or Scar you should immediately defend his honor. I often do this and you can see the results in the shared folder admin\arguments_bdubs_has_won. You might not be as good as me at winning debates on the internet—don’t worry!! I can give you tips.
4.   Here at the agency, we have the HIGHEST STANDARDS in responding to emails from the public. I noticed there are SEVERAL HUNDRED UNANSWERED EMAILS sent to Hotguy’s addresses that redirect to our shared mailbox. Scar is a very busy man! It is YOUR JOB to clear these out.
5.   We are open and helpful with everyone. Except hostile journalists. And the TCG. And the tax authorities. And anyone who might want Scar to do anything unreasonable like ‘be on time for something’. Keep this in mind as you go through the inbox.
All The Best!!!
P.S. I have noticed that admin\important_documents is now full of files called ‘virus1.exe’ ‘virus2 (gov encryption).exe’ ‘virus3 (might be sentient).exe’ etc. Explain this!?
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: RE: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Yeah man cool this all sounds great
Scar seems to have a few email addresses that feed into here. i’ve sent replies according to which one the public emailed:
[email protected] — i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead. People will appreciate these i’m sure.
[email protected] — sent everyone a bulk reply of “Thank you for EMAILING_HOTGUY!! Hotguy loves you!”
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume minus the shirt
[email protected] — sent everyone who gave their address some trick arrows. Only some of them will explode.
[email protected] — redirected this one to spam
[email protected] — also redirected this one to spam. replying to the IRS just encourages them.
inbox zero, my friend. we’re ready for the next concerned citizen to write to us. Let’s go.
P.S. don’t worry about the viruses. Just a hobby. they’re in \important_documents because I needed a folder that scar never clicks on.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub,
Interesting. INTERESTING.
Don’t think you’re going to work your way into Scar’s affections with CLEVER VIRUSES and SHIRTLESS PICS OF HIMSELF. I see your game.
I’ve been Scar’s agent for years and I think when things heat up you might find this job too hot to handle.
All the Best!!!!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy (civilian identity unknown),
We are currently undertaking a review of your recent vigilante activities as ‘Hotguy’.
Vigilantes (‘heroes’) are encouraged to protect citizens and cooperate with the TCG. For this we require vigilantes to regularly communicate with their TCG liaisons, attend emergencies on request, and support law enforcement operations.
None of our emails to <[email protected]> have been answered—I was going to say ‘in some time’, but I checked our file on you, and it turns out the right word is ‘ever’. You have never answered an email from the TCG. I am sure you can see why this is an issue.
We do admittedly have some difficulty getting vigilantes to ever listen to us, but this is a new low in obstructionism.
We have requested your assistance in investigating thefts from two biotech laboratories, vandalism at a local redstone supplies shop, and multiple call-outs to security incidents at Mumbocorp. You have completely ignored all of these requests. We note you have instead caused widespread chaos, disrupted several TCG operations, and at one point impersonated the Mayor in order to trick ‘Doctor M’ into purchasing a non-existent bridge. 
May I remind you that vigilante activity is only legal insofar as we decline to prosecute heroes for property damage. Kindly reach out to our liaison department immediately so we can work together on collaborative action under the direction of the correct authorities.
On behalf of Head Agent V. Berger,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: are you there?
who is answering hotguy’s emails and why have you sent me a list of top supernovas! this is NOT HELPFUL
To: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Thank you for reaching out about the availability of Hotguy. Hotguy is unable to respond himself because he is rescuing kittens from tragically falling into rivers, an activity that has fully occupied him for the past eighteen months.
This is quite the list of criminal events, my friend. I thought the TCG had this kind of thing under control. It’s concerning that you don’t. Doesn’t make your TCG department look super great, huh?
Thinking about it, this really seems like something the Police Commissioner should know about. If you’ve lost the Commissioner’s email address, don’t worry. I found it on a forum.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy’s PR Agent,
I understand as a law-abiding Hermitopia resident, you may be alarmed at descriptions of disorder intended for Hotguy’s eyes only. Please do not be concerned.  We also strongly recommend you do not forward this chain to the Police Commissioner. As you will see from the news, the city is peaceful and everything is completely under control.
Kind Regards,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
tell hotguy to call me he’s not picking up!!!
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Regrettably Hotguy is not available as he is escorting orphans to the North Pole to tour Santa’s workshop.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
it’s JULY
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Hotguy believes in being prepared
is this really cuteguy? what’s going on?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i was coming back from patrol and going to pick up my pizza. i always get pizza, cub, you have to understand this is an important part of patrol.
when i turn the corner to my normal pizza place there are
they’re milling around and scratching like someone just dumped them here. whenever they squawk they burn a tiny hole in the nearest wall. i tried to get near one to look at the device on their beaks and i nearly got my finger burned off.
now i’m on a roof. i want my PIZZA, cub. i’m a close-range fighter and i’m not getting up close with a laser chicken. this seems like a hotguy problem!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
My name is Pearl Moon, and I’m a reporter with the Hermit Herald. I heard Hotguy has a new PR agent at this address. I’m not going to lie, I’m delighted. Hotguy’s a great guy for a quote, obviously, but getting hold of him is kind of a nightmare.
I’m at the scene of the Eighth Annual Fried Donut Festival. I’m contacting you because a citizen running a stall has allegedly just seen a, I quote, “weaponized chicken”.
According to them, it shot an “adorable laser” into their supplies, punctured a hole in their fruit toppings cooler, and ran under the stalls. I’ve been on this beat for a while and this sounds like a Doctor Monster or a Zedaph special to me. Personally, my money’s on Doc.
I know your client and Doctor Monster go back a long way, so I was wondering if we might see Hotguy himself swooping in?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Concerned Journalist,
Thank you for your email. As you know, Hotguy is currently in Canada fighting smallpox by shooting individual bacteria with a special crossbow, for which he has received a commendation from their Prime Minister.
I’ve just contacted him to get a quote about the chicken and he definitely said, “Seems bad.”
Enjoy the festival! Feel free to send Hotguy a souvenir donut box to my address.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
there’s some kind of festival with crowds of civilians going on in the next street. the chickens are wandering towards it. to make everything worse, i think i saw a newsreader van.
this is funny but also very bad.
i’m going to see if i can lead the chickens away from the festival with some bait, since hotguy’s obviously too busy admiring his own biceps in the mirror to help. i’ve got half a granola bar and an apple core. this is going to work really well for eight hundred chickens. here goes nothing.
if hotguy wakes up from his afternoon nap, you can tell him we didn’t even need him.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Cub,
I’m pretty sure Canada doesn’t have smallpox anymore. I don’t think anywhere has smallpox.
New update: Several hundred chickens have just erupted into the festival from a side street. They all appear to have lasers. The sheer weight of poultry has overturned two artisan donut stalls, which has caused what I’m going to describe as “mass panic” as people try and avoid the laser beams. People screaming, people running, everything coated in a fine layer of powdered sugar. No injuries yet, but it looks like the Prize-Winning Triple Marshmallow Churro Donut display will never be the same again.
Also, I swear I just saw Cuteguy.
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i got ONE chicken with the granola bar and NOW IT’S DECIDED IT’S MY BEST FRIEND. it keeps trying to fly into my arms! this is not helping!!
its friends are now all over the stalls. the laser chicken breed has discovered a new staple food and it’s fried donuts. this is NOT my fault. clearly none of this is my fault.
oh god now there’s two TCG agents coming over to see what all the shouting is about. the chicken radius is growing. there’s a folk band on a bicycle and a chicken just launched itself into their tuba.
i’m going to try and round the rest of them up. keep the TCG off my back and tell hotguy to do ANYTHING HELPFUL AT ALL.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Cuteguy is in the middle of a huge crowd of shouting people and appears to be clutching a chicken. Also, Doctor Monster has turned up. He’s trying to give a dramatic speech about his “evolved chickens” from a nearby rooftop through a loudhailer, but I’ll be honest, everyone seems more interested in Cuteguy.
#laserchickendisaster and #whereishotguy are trending on Chatter, but no sign of Hotguy yet! Sure he doesn’t want to give us a longer quote?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
I have a cool contraption that you could probably use for catching chickens. downside is you do need some plutonium. Not much but, like, not a legal amount.
Alternately i also have a great recipe for roast chicken
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
we are not roasting these chickens, cub, the chickens have done nothing wrong!! And WHY DO YOU HAVE PLUTONIUM, WE TOLD YOU TO STOP THE DARK SCIENCE. DO SOMETHING USEFUL ABOUT THIS FESTIVAL SITUATION INSTEAD.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Doctor Monster has now turned his loudhailer on Cuteguy and accused him of stealing his evolved chickens. He seems very upset. The Doctor has declined an interview, but I’ve got some incredible photos and the powdered sugar really suits him.
I’m trying to get a quote from Cuteguy but it’s quite difficult to even see him through the crowd, and the chickens, and the German street band, and the displaced donut vendors, and the TCG agents who are trying quite earnestly to get to him, and—did I mention—the chickens.
My camera team is getting some great footage, but do you know what his plan was here?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
everyone in the crowd thinks i own these chickens!! one of the chickens has set fire to a hot oil vat and a journalist is after me and an old lady keeps trying to hit me with her handbag!!!
i’m behind cover
it won’t last
if you don’t get hotguy here now i’m never speaking to him again
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
nooo you’re doing great man, knocking it out the park. Doesn’t sound like you need Hotguy.
you’re a hero too, right?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
okay cub listen.
i don’t WANT hotguy. if i could fix this chicken situation without the city’s most annoying vigilante turning up to take the credit, believe me, i would have done it already.
but you know what hotguy can do? he can win the crowd. hotguy’s always on the right side. nobody would ever accuse hotguy of owning fifteen hundred laser chickens. he tells people about hope and teamwork stuff and they believe him.
oh god
the TCG are here and i’m apparently target number one.
they’ve just spotted me on this gazebo and i’ve got no good roof to jump to. i’ll have to make a run for it. if you don’t hear from me again, i might have got arrested.
hotguy spouts all that rubbish about teamwork, but hey, it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t believe in it himself!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: what I’m about to suggest is legal
we should help him huh
do you know where scar is? like which cell phone towers might be close. I’ve got a map of the towers if you can give me a location.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: this sounds NOT legal
Scar is actually recording a snack commercial over on Twelfth Street. Details in projects\casting_directors_bdubs_is_not_feuding_with\dumb_projects_we_have_to_book_for_money\Sparkle!Cereal!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: this is 100% legal white hat hacking definitely
okay I’ve remotely accessed Scar’s phone and put a klaxon on it. Should be audible two hundred yards away.
I’m gonna call him now.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update from your reporter on the ground (still no quote from the guy himself?)
Cuteguy has been showing great stamina in the chase that’s been going on. The camera crew is impressed!
He is currently being pursued by:
1.   Doc
2.   Doc’s cyborg guard robot
3.   Two TCG agents
4.   Three hundred and sixty chickens (approx.), one of which believes Cuteguy is its best friend
5.   Several animal activists attempting to recapture the chickens
6.   A bar crawl that seems to think they’re doing a parade and wanted to join in
7.   A German band on a long bicycle with two clarinets and a man trying to shake a chicken out of his tuba
Cuteguy is…looking back over his shoulder?
Oh, wait! Situation update paused!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Hotguy has arrived!
He’s swooped in with three trick arrow shots that set off fireworks above the crowd, rappelled straight up to Doc on the roof, and started a fist fight with him. It’s very dramatic. I’m not sure he’s actually landing any of those blows.
Helpfully for Cuteguy, no one is looking at him anymore. He’s surreptitiously putting distance between himself and the TCG agents.
Doc is now making another speech while fighting Hotguy. If I’m honest, he seems pretty happy he’s finally getting the credit for his own evil plot. We’ve got a close-up on him. Doc would like us all to know that this is the future of poultry, the future of lasers, and possibly the future of donuts? Last part a bit unclear as at that point Hotguy threw his loudhailer off the roof.
Meanwhile, Cuteguy is trying to lure the chickens away from the civilians with pieces of donut. This would be working better if the crowd weren’t all shoving forwards to try to get a better look at Doc.
Doc has taken off on a jetpack declaring he’ll “be back!”. Hotguy has given him a thumbs up.
Oh, now Hotguy has finally caught on to what Cuteguy is trying to do and is chivvying the crowd to help herd the chickens away with donuts for bait. Donuts are flying. The crowd is now enthusiastically participating in this donut-tossing activity. The chickens are delighted. Hotguy has spotted our camera team chasing him and we’re getting a lot of that action-shot this-is-my-good-side pose.
Hotguy and Cuteguy work together pretty well when they get going, huh?
Now Hotguy has swung down to land in the middle of the crowd and put an arm around each of the TCG agents, who are heavily dusted in sugar and look somewhat sheepish. What a nicely framed shot! Almost as if Hotguy pushed them into position for the cameras.
Well, I suppose I’m writing an article about how much Hotguy helps the TCG.
Your client owes me one.
Doc’s guard robot has rounded up the chickens that Hotguy and Cuteguy have funneled back into a nearby alley. It seems to be putting them in large nets. The local pizza place has a sign that says RIGATONI JONES PIZZA: CLOSED DUE TO CHICKEN EMERGENCY, and for some reason Cuteguy seems upset about this. Excitement over, I suppose?
I do hope you tell Hotguy how helpful the Herald was! Next time he’s got a tip-off to share, just tell him to remember your friendly local journalist Pearl Moon.
He knows where to find me ;)
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: hmm
You know, Cub, I’ve been thinking. That wasn’t bad, how you got hold of Scar. NOT BAD AT ALL. I am starting to think you might be a useful type of person to have around.
All The Best
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
cheers man
i’ve rigged the klaxon so it plays when either of us or cuteguy calls scar. if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio. if anyone asks this is not technically a virus.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: hmm
I LOVE it. I love it.
You know, I have a whole list of casting directors I think you could test some virus development on. It would do them good. Keep them on their toes!! (I believe this is called…“white hat”).
I am HEREBY going to let you into my most SECRET FOLDER.
<[email protected]> has shared admin\nemesis_list
Maybe start with ‘casting_directors_who_do_not_recognise_bdubs_talent-spotting_genius’ and ‘producers_who_were_rude_to_scar’
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
leave it to me, man
we’re gonna go far
Tumblr media Tumblr media
My piece for the Hotguy comic zinethology! Thank you so much to editor @antimony-medusa and designer @cocoabats (I have used tumblr’s format for most of it because my eyes are too bad for pdf scaling on my phone, but for the FULL INCREDIBLE HOTGUY EXPERIENCE you will want to download the actual zine at @hotguycomiczine!!)
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jewish-vents · 2 months ago
Lost another friend and need to rant about it. This is gonna be long and all over the place: apologies in advance.
I hate how unfair the world is to us. I hate how all the good leftist principles apply to every minority except us. I hate how the world ensures we see that it treats us differently so we can feel totally isolated (we are) and give up. I hate how we aren't given basic human decency like everyone else. I hate how even as I write this, I fear being misunderstood.
I'm a "Jew of color" and the gentile who I am no longer friends with is POC like me. I had to cut them off because they have more contempt towards me (they also treat me like I'm the representative of all Jews) than white people.
I express my experiences with antisemitism and my sadness about how bad antisemitism is right now? They would tell me I'm insensitive and selfish because Palestine. "Just go outside and you'll be fine" but going outside is how I experience antisemitism. Antisemitism is a real thing, I would say. It's not just a few hate comments on a screen by trolls like Hitlerfan123. We are not safe anywhere and we can't hide. This isn't an exaggeration to trick you like the evil Jew I am. And they would just bring up Palestine again. And again. To shut me down and to shut me out. I would get defensive and they'd tell me that I'm acting like a white person. White tears. White fragility. BUT YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME, I would say. And they'd tell me I'm acting hysterical. That the zionists put me in some delusion where the world is out to get me but I'm actually fine and no one wants to hurt Jews.
"You're acting like a white person who says "we get hate crimed too" whenever a poc talks about their oppression" they said. They made a few comparisons like that. I tried so hard to get them to understand me. To acknowledge our pain.
Don't they know I can feel pain too? I observed how they would constantly post stuff like "minorities must stick together". They would keep an eye on hate crimes for everyone but us and actually listen to their stories. Do they even know how soul crushing that is? To feel so completely alone?
I couldn't even talk about the Holocaust with them. Every time I tried to, they'd have to say "the Holocaust isn't unique and all genocides are connected" at least once. And it's so fucking unfair. Why are we the only ones being told "we're not special"? These "you and your experiences aren't unique" conversations start and stop with us. I would never, ever tell anyone slavery isn't unique because slavery was unique. I would never go up to someone and tell them oh btw the genocide of your people wasn't unique. That's EVIL. And yet it only happens to us. Before anyone misunderstands me, I know right wingers routinely say this to minorities. But the whole bird mocks and belittles us. Regular people go out of their way to remind us "we're not unique or special". I shouldn't have to give a million disclaimers either. Only we are told our genocide isn't special. I honestly wouldn't care if the people who told me that said the same thing about other genocides. But they never do. They'll go on to talk about how unique every other genocide is and then come back to us with "the Holocaust isn't unique". You only ever talk about the Holocaust when it's time to say "everything's connected" and yet you're surprised I call you an antisemite?! If you can't talk about the Holocaust without mentioning other genocides and other minorities, you can't gaslight me into thinking I'm an anti-intersectionality asshole.
And then there's the speaking over us thing. I dumped my ex friends who were all POC/queer/etc for this very reason. I'm on the floor in pain sobbing about antisemitism and you think you know being a Jew more than me. I say something like "hey Zionist can be a slur towards Jews" and you immediately disagree and try to argue with me. "But my other Jewish friend said otherwise so I don't believe you". Or "This random Jew i follow online says otherwise". I have never been so dehumanized.
Can't forget the "weaponization of antisemitism" thing. I hear this all the time now. Who do they think they are? Gentiles have never felt more comfortable. They are afraid to criticize or say anything about other minorities and will even bend for them but with us, it's "Jews cry antisemitism". And as I said to my ex friends, don't be shy. Expand this convo TO EVERYONE YOU PRICKS. Tell POC they weaponize racism. Tell gay people they weaponize homophobia. And they never do. Because anything flies with Jews and Jews alone.
Okay rant over. I hate this world
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devleader · 2 months ago
One simple programming lesson I'd LOVE to help new programmers get right: Stop using inheritance for everything. I don't know what it is, but I feel like it has to be something about how educational content is structured by either: - The formal education system - and/or online learning platforms ... but anecdotally, I have continued to see inheritance get completely overused when developing software. I'm also speaking about this because *I* was a huge offender of this early in my career. I wrote absurd amounts of code that completely abused inheritance. Why the heck do you think I have an entire course on refactoring?! My hunch, and I don't want to upset too many people (just a few), is the following: - People start learning to code - They eventually come across Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY) - They start to see patterns in their code and start over-using DRY because if it looks remotely similar, we might as well refactor it to a common spot! - These developers start learning OOP principles - Inheritance is the one that sticks because we always talk about memorable things like how a car is a vehicle and a cat and dog are animals - People suck at creating composition examples I guess, so nobody remembers to use it??? (The jury is still out on this) But then a discovery is made... One that will shape the next few months or few years of terrible programming practices: Since DRY is the single most important thing evarrrr (please pick up on the sarcasm, I beg you) ANDDD we need a common spot to put that reusable code for easy access... We can put it into the base class! Nice, now any time we want to use that helper method, we can just make sure our class inherits from the base class. Awesome! Oh, now we need to customize it a bit for this new class? No worries, we'll just override that behavior in this class. Perfect! ... after 42 months and 1337 derived classes going up to 69 levels deep in a hierarchy, you realize something unfortunate. Composition was the way. Don't spend the next 42 months refactoring your code -- get a head start and the next time you type "abstract class" or you skip sealing a class, ask yourself "Could I compose this instead?" This rant is brought to you by my receding hairline and the white in my beard. Thanks! ---- 📨 Sign up for my email newsletter! 🗣️ Share with your network!
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utilitycaster · 5 months ago
Hot take: with the way the campaign is going, Ashton is getting dangerously close to turning into someone who has a "don't tread on me" flag. Fully "the reason I am upset by people getting stepped on by the boots of those in power is because the 'little guy' (me) doesn't have the opportunity to be the boot". Which makes all of the people at the beginning of the campaign acting like Ashton was a 'true leftist' punk instead of a bitter and angry person with no direction in life and next to no principles hilarious in retrospect. People love to forget that sometimes the ones rebelling against those in power have a busted view of what power is, does, and who is currently wielding it.
Hi anon!
So I'm broadly in agreement. I don't think this is a terribly hot take not because it's wrong but because I've just reblogged like 5 pretty popular posts that are all saying "Ashton's teetering on the edge of full manifest destiny/blood and soil/humans are the virus ideologies" which all go rather further than just a shitty libertarian flag*.
I have a post in queue somewhere to this effect but there's a weird very Tumblr/Twitter/otherwise terminally online belief that anyone who's experienced systemic oppression is automatically going to have Good Politics from it when that's simply not true. Plenty of people look for someone else to blame, and they blame another oppressed group they don't happen to belong to, or something utterly unrelated. Like, I think a lot of punks are genuinely trying to live in a world that is unkind to them, but a lot of punks do so by taking a fuckload of drugs and kicking the shit out of someone who looks weird. I made this post YEARS ago, literally, very early in the campaign; it is ahistoric to act like punk automatically equals leftist when it started as an aesthetic to sell clothes at a London boutique and when homophobic, misogynistic, and racist subcultures were rampant within it. We remember and uplift the punks who weren't like that, but something that really gets me is like. I know some metalheads and a lot of them are REALLY open about having to learn to spot the metalheads who are here to talk about Norse Superiority vs. the people who just want to scream about Satan for fun. For some reason a lot of people in the CR fandom acted like punks were exempted from this and that's a fast track to being very easily swayed into these ideologies; it's literally "you are not immune to propaganda, but I am" and like. bud. you're not.
It feels related to the weird way people treat Liliana. I am still, to be honest, low-key furious that several white southerners are like nooooooo you should be sympathetic to people in cults, because it could happen to anyone and it's like. well. you see. I am Jewish. I am not hanging around anyone who is white and southern and in a cult long enough to find out if they want to kill me, and it's appalling and indicative of how sheltered and ignorant you are of other perspectives that you would have the gall to demand this. They're entitled people who demand that people most at risk from violence do the work of dismantling it - not them, oh certainly no, they're too busy playing Elden Ring or some shit. There's a certain kind of Tumblr user that claims to be leftist and yet extends a thousand times more sympathy and understanding to their neighbor down the road who openly flies a Confederate flag and definitely voted to deny them medical care, than to people who have a cringe "childless cat lady" bumper sticker and voted to reinstate said care and will bad-faith cherrypick why this is actually very radical of them (if not outright lie) and they have rather transparently claimed Ashton as one of their own.
As I said during Downfall, some of it is people who love the taste of the boot as long as they think it might end up on their foot one day but some of it is just people who are so nihilist they'll let the world burn and ignore that perhaps other people are also living there. Like, a big reason why, even when Dorian was angry at the gods, I never felt the same way about him as I did for Ashton is because Dorian was angry about what happened to Opal and Cyrus. Dorian wanted an option that would hurt the fewest people, and his main experience was seeing a god overtake Opal and hurt people! And as he saw new perspectives and heard from others he incorporated that, and I don't agree with everything he says but he really has been thinking about people other than himself, and increasingly I can't say the same for Ashton. The moment at the end, where they say that apologizing would be for them, was promising; but it also feels like Ashton learned this lesson with the shard and completely forgot it and was like "THE GODS WILL KILL US SPECIFICALLY" and the fact that the gods they literally met in person didn't do so seems to have failed to sink in. This is a character obsessed with their own highly specific experiences, insistent that there is someone ALIVE to blame and not their shitty dead parents, and defined by refusing to hear anything that will conflict with what they already believe, and that's REALLY fucking bad for a hero and a fast track to right-wing reactionary politics.
*ngl the Don't Tread on Me flag is darkly hilarious to me because it's available as a vanity Virginia license plate, which means there's a LOT of people who are like "I shall express my distaste for the government by paying the government 25 unnecessary dollars per year solely to have a customized license plate." Deeply indicative, frankly, of this mentality. I mean I don't hang around anyone who has one because they're probably fucking shitty, but I am going to laugh about it in private.
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stormyrainyday · 3 months ago
apologies this is far from a coherent shower thought but i think it's time we like. decided to detach our identity a bit from the things we do. it's fine to just read. you don't have to be a reader. it's fine to just game. you don't have to be a gamer. you can be those things but i feel like in a quest to find ourselves and open our hearts, especially to others online (because i know, the first thing we do when on a new platform is say hi im [name] i like these things we should talk, i know, i do, my pinned post is literally that), i feel like we forget that we are more than the things we do and even the things we love. we, to borrow words from slay the princess, contain it in our multitudes.
it's a sentiment i've felt for a long time as someone who has been on the internet and in fandom spaces for a good decade now, and like. i find when we hold these things so close that they become us, we become too defensive over them. how many minor fandom disagreements spiral into threats, name calling, doxxing even? i find, especially younger users in fan spaces, tend to take even small differences of opinion and take them personally. saw someone blow up and call people awful names over believing only one person could top in a genshin ship. another left a server i was in because they disliked a popular character, and other (respectfully), decided to share why they did like her. i get that things like rejection sensitivity are a thing, but i think this failure to recognize the self as an entity apart from the things you do and the thoughts you have definitely contribute to this. phenomenon i suppose.
it's genuinely slay the princess that has given me the vocabulary to express and understand this thing i was already thinking. i think, though we are not gods, it's important to understand that we are not things so easily defined. we consist of our thoughts, our actions, our perceptions, our beliefs, and more. even the outside world's perception of us reflects some part of our nature. but not all of it. it's impossible to define oneself in one, two, three words or even an essay.
because like we don't exist in a vacuum. part of our existence is defined in our interactions with others. but not all. never all. there is no one who can truly know you, and we cannot truly know ourselves. our principles bend to the whims of circumstance no matter what we tell ourselves otherwise, so we can't decide what we are or what we would be in a situation for sure, ever. and that's not a bad thing, but if we can't ever truly know ourselves, then how can we assign such great importance to something as superficial as the things we enjoy sometimes?
we are both a constant and the capacity to change. and to take just a handful of things and call it your identity, even subconsciously, is a disservice to the self. in an effort to be seen we break ourselves down into easy (i hate to say it but) marketable pieces.
take being a reader for example. it has always felt like vague slang for booksmart, thoughtful, likely quiet and introverted as well, just as much as it means "i like to read books". theres an aesthetic to it involved, and a whole subculture. do you write in your books? do you keep them museum-fresh quality? do you read smut or classics or high fantasy or satire and what does it say about you? if you say audiobooks aren't real literature, are you signalling to others about quality and sophistication, or are you a pretentious asshole, and ableist to boot? these connotations assigned to such an otherwise benign thing about someone are i think are reflective of the construct of identity and perception. i could go on about it in a way that's more coherent but i, a student, have other things to do right now.
(does being a student make me intelligent? does it impress you to know i study medicine? what if i told you i average Cs in my classes? what if i told you i dislike patient care? what if i told you i'm not here for the money OR to make the world a better place, and that i'm here purely to serve my curiosities about the way the body functions and to absolve my obsessive need to understand just what are we? does this change what you think of me? does it matter? what if you knew the guilt i felt for seeing so much suffering, but still hating patient care enough to worry endlessly about being stuck in it as a career? am i better for it? but i have not acted on this guilt. it is a mere feeling that only i know. knew. is it different now that i've confessed it? does it matter? does any of it change who i am, fundamentally? or am i a thing detached from it all? or. as i like to believe. is it both? your shifting perceptions of me and the way i change shape and form (so much like our beloved princess in slay the princess) in your eyes, they make up me just as much as the soul or the self or whatever other philosophical name you assign to it. at the end of the day, isn't the most important thing that i am just me? both devoid of and constituted of the sum of my parts? what is found in the spaces between my cells? impulses and chemicals. is that me? is it all me? can i ever really know it? and why, why, why define it at all?)
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purpledemonlilyposting · 7 months ago
Lily is making throwaways to talk to herself now cause she's too afraid to turn anons back on.
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[Lily's post]
There are so many golden nuggets in here. Since these are both most likely Lily lets look at a few!
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Lily's media takes are beyond just bad, she asserts that the creators of children's cartoons are dangerous extremists for perceived bad messaging in their works that Lily just makes up.
Even without that Lily's takes on symbolism, metaphor, and just basic narrative structure are worth examining because they are some of the most bizarre and ignorant many of us have ever encountered.
But no one "orients their life around you", Lily. It just feels that way because you sit in your subsidized apartment on the internet all day ordering Door Dash from a Subway you could easily walk to. I'd say get some sun but you'd probably turn to ash like a vampire.
As for me? I do something you're incapable of: putting on a show.
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No one cares you're trans, Lily. Get over it. Plenty of trans people exist in online nerd culture. You can't hide from the consequences of your own words and actions by using your demographic as shield.
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Pfft. They could try. Go ahead. Make videos about me. Hell, Lily, unlike you I don't even hold or delete comments. The little anklebiters who like to lecture me in my comment section don't seem to realize I'm the one allowing them to be there expressing their stupid ignorant opinions because that aligns with my principles.
Lily doesn't make a video about me because she knows I'd just react to and laugh at it. And with any luck YouTube has taken her ability to copyright strike away because she's used it maliciously 9 times.
Also retard. Just say retard, Lily. Not "tradigrade" not "child left behind" not "fetal alcohol syndrome". Just say retard.
You clearly want to. And are bitter you can't because of the insular audience you've cultivated.
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This is how I know it's you because only Lily Orchard could be upset I criticized the bland Antarctica anime for being a bland Antarctica anime the sole focus of which is to get 4 teenage moeblobs on a big technical ship. Which is written by a middle aged man who does nothing but moeblob shows and directed by a woman who does nothing but moeblob shows. They both worked on No Game No Life, Lily. You know. This:
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The one with the 11 year old loli in love with her step brother. Actually Lily it sounds right up your alley. You should watch it next.
Antarctica show is so full of so many plot contrivances. Why does Shirase just carry her wad of Antarctica cash everywhere and dropped it so carelessly? It's sure convenient that her and Kimari just happen to go to the same school and Kimari happens to hear her loudly wailing about the money in the bathroom. How does Hinata, a 16 year old high school drop out who works in a convenience store think she can even hope to afford this trip? Where are her parents in this anyway? We never see them.
The girls only get on the trip in the first place because another girl who is a child star vlogger just happens to be also going and just happens to contact them wanting them to go in her stead. And after making friends with them she tells her mother that she won't go without the other 3 girls but... the rest of the expedition that adamantly refused to let them on before just suddenly agrees to take them? Because this one minor celebrity and her manager mom who isn't even going said so? Takako only wanted to go to Antarctica because it just sounded neat, she's not an artic researcher, or engineer, or anything that would justify her being out there (a woman in STEM? Perish the thought says 50 year old Jukki Hanada I guess) and she died out in a blizzard trying to get a laptop to email her daughter who she has now left motherless for no good reason. And this is only ever treated as heartwarming and not idiotic.
Face it Lily. The entire show exists just to get 4 teenage girls on a big ship so otaku men can enjoy both brainless moeblobs and technical ship porn. The show sure likes to emphasize over and over how the girls are joshi kosei too. Why couldn't the show have been about the trip of the adult women (who incidentally also act like brainless teenage girls in the show)?
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Yeah you guys aren't winning against me on Utena lol. Here, have my post where I have the video walking people through the episode itself. If you want to ignore the actual text of the series in order to appear morally forthright that's your own problem:
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And everyone on the bus clapped, and that Asian woman's name? Albert Einstein. What does this have to do with anything except poisoning the well by linking this unsourced incident in peoples' minds to Ant and I?
Also it's Twitter. So Twitter is bad and unreasonable here, but they're not bad and unreasonable when they're squawking at me over a classic anime they've never even watched. Or squawking at Ant cause "L-L-Lily is totes a Native trans woman?? So you can't criticize any of the batshittery that spews constantly from her face hole??"
Ah now we're on to Lily's response to herself.
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Oh look out Ant, Lily's got damning screenshots she just can't show anybody right now.
Probably similar to when she happily accepted a screenshot from Poppy of Poppy being creepy to Courtney and tried to blame Courtney for it.
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Lily you attract attention when people talk about you because the wider nerdy internet knows your takes are insanely bad. And they know your takes are all tangled up in your personal dramas and heinous actions. They can tell. You're not as subtle as you think you are.
I cut together my response to your bad Utena takes in your 2023 Steven Universe video on a whim and slapped it on my completely unestablished personal YouTube account. It got 5k views in a few days. That's how disliked you are.
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Nobody knows who I am but you sure copyright struck 4 of my livestream VODs trying to take my channel down. The 4 VODs where I most talk about your blatantly obvious incest fetish at that. Nobody knows who I am but I've gained 10k subs in 6 months primarily from dunking on you. Because I'm better at YouTube than you are.
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And people do bitch at me for saying retard constantly. And you know why I keep doing it? Because the ones who most often tell me not to are some of the most annoying, entitled, self-righteous, puritanical control freaks and it's an easy way to weed them out.
By the way have fun trying to find a lawyer within 10 days who will tell you "Why yes, Lily, you can absolutely copyright these videos of yours full of footage that belong to Viacom, Netflix, Amazon, Toei Animation, Dreamworks, Activision-Blizzard, and many more!"
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thefirstknife · 2 months ago
I wasn't aware of the discussions around Eramis being that rancid, personally (although I tend not to look at online discussion around media in general, thanks to how skin-deep at best much of it tends to be).
But the way you've talked about it makes me wonder how much of the people complaining about Eramis's character development are coming at it from a dislike of the idea of that redemption being a thing at all- the perspective that Doing Bad Things makes someone A Bad Person who can no longer be A Good Person, essentially. Seems like that mentality has grown... if not more common, at least louder, over time.
(Although your comment about not seeing why they'd 'pull a shocking twist for the sake of pulling a shocking twist to spite the audience' is a little funny in a sad way, considering how many people seem to think "outwit the audience and surprise them" is more important than "tell a coherent story as well as possible", even changing things if a twist is leaked, even if whatever they change it to makes no damn sense.)
It's really bad out there and it's strange for the exact reason you listed, because the same communities have previously entertained redemption ideas about characters like Calus and even Clovis; characters who have never expressed any wish to change or any beliefs that they may be in the wrong, no regrets and no remorse for what they've done.
So I can't even figure out if this with Eramis is about not wanting redemption stories. I think it's more about Eramis herself; not only is she a female character, but she's very largely and easily misunderstood. A lot of people's interaction with Beyond Light was... not entirely invested (a lot of the community was at the time mad about vaulting and hated everything new on principle), and her other storylines are in seasonal content that's gone now and that was almost universally hated; she was brought back in Plunder and then reappeared briefly in Defiance. A lot of people approached her from the get-go as "just some villain we will kill in the campaign" and then that didn't happen and these people were confused because they never paid any attention to her story. And then by the end of it, it just kinda slipped them by.
I don't know honestly. I may be overthinking it, but I definitely think that a lack of understanding of her story plays a huge role. Whether that's because they missed her story or just didn't pay attention to it or just had no interest in it - and nobody online they interact with offered any insight into her character (lore youtube) - they just don't get what's the fuss and they don't care about her. Some might say this is because the game didn't make people want to care, but I simply disagree. While I enjoy Eliksni stories, they're by far not at the top of my list of favourite things in Destiny so I don't have any special attachment to Eliksni characters, I didn't know Eramis before BL and I was never a diehard fan of her, but I understood her story and what they wanted to do with her for the past 4 years.
And I was happy that she got her character arc completed as was intended. I saw where it was going and this solution is the only one that made sense to me. So I don't think the whole "the game didn't make me care enough because it was badly set up" really holds water. The game can't put thoughts into your brain, sometimes you have to actually think about characters for yourself. Like, we shouldn't have to be spoon-fed that hard. Her arc and the setup was clear and it was written into the game's story, a lot of it even outside of lore books ("It was just in the lore books!" is a major complaint a lot of the time, and one I personally find baffling. You're in the Lore Books The Game. If you don't like lore being in lore books, you're in the wrong place).
We could honestly discuss this to no end, and everyone who dislikes Eramis or the conclusion to her story would probably have a different reason for it, or there would at least be a couple of them, not wanting redemption included. Could also be a combination - not understanding her story will lead a lot of people to think that her being redeemed makes no sense and that it wasn't supposed to happen.
I think it's also a case of people having a really hard time understanding that a character can be our ally while still hating our guts. I've seen plenty of comments from people saying they're annoyed about Eramis constantly being antagonistic towards us. This is baffling to me, because again, it makes sense that she doesn't like us. And it would be bizarre if all Eliksni were now suddenly fans of humanity like a hivemind. Some will never like us. This is good. They will still help us because there's bigger fish to fry, but they don't have to like us.
Eramis was a delight this episode to me and she was a really interesting character. She wasn't a huge deal overall and some of her story was fairly on the sidelines, but she was a very unique "villain" and antagonist to us since she was introduced and I think that her character arc was very well done all things considered. This amount of resistance and dislike for her from the wider community is something I simply can't see as anything other than a lack of understanding of the story (personal reasons and stuff like "I get it, I just don't really care that much" not included).
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dukeofankh · 10 months ago
Almost everybody has at least a *little* bit of a point.
Yeah. Even them. And being wrong about everything else doesn't actually change that. They might not know how that point should actually be interpreted, they might come to foolish or even actively harmful conclusions from that point. They might radically overstate how prevalent or important the point is. But don't fall into the trap of refusing to acknowledge things that are true just because a bad person says them.
I cannot tell you how many times I've seen someone from a group I belong to dunking on someone from some outgroup, even a very harmful outgroup, and in doing so, denying basically true things that we would absolutely agree with if we were talking about them in private.
I dunno. Maybe it bugs me for neurodivergent reasons. Maybe I'm a pedantic ass.
The other day I got into a massive fight online with a guy in a feminist group because he was squabbling with a bit of a dipshit who pointed out that men are under a lot of pressure to become financially successful, and that's why they do stupid shit like get into crypto.
And like... rather than say "yeah, men are still expected under hegemonic masculinity to be breadwinners, despite the advances of women into the workforce, the economy being in shambles and the middle class having been whittled to a toothpick at this point. We need to work as feminists to challenge that gendered expectation, and as leftists to rebuild the power of labour to allow everyone, both men and women, to have a living wage that can allow for a family and a dignified life." This other feminist guy decided instead that, since the concept of men being pressured to be economic providers was being used in a way that sounded like it was suggesting that women only want to date rich men, it was redpill propaganda and, therefore, fascist misinformation. He went with, "what are you talking about, Gen X killed the concept of corporate success as marker of personal worth, everyone agrees that being a workaholic is bad and unattractive now. The idea that you think you'll be judged for being poor is a lie spread by the right to radicalize you into hating women." He did not react well when I pointed out that he was just as wrong as the other guy was. More wrong, actually.
And like...you can build multiple arguments from the same data point. Some are well reasoned, some aren't. Someone can feel pressure and assume it's much more widespread than it is, or that it takes a much more extreme form than it really does. But if you're going to coherently argue against an idea, you have to honestly appraise the situation and figure out what grains of truth it has in it. You have to acknowledge that core root of truth and show them how it means something else.
If, instead of doing that, you just deny the true thing because the other person's argument is built on it and you want to stamp it out? Because, hey, they interpreted it wrong, it's not like they really believe something true? You act as though a fact used to support a lie is also a lie. And if you do that, and argue against the facts because their conclusions are stupid, you construct a little world where, in refusing to accept both their flawed argument AND the fact it's based on, you become more wrong than they are. And you make the deeply foolish choice of picking a fight in that world. And if it's on the internet, that little world can become pretty big. Tactically, it's about the dumbest thing you could do. It ensures that they will keep fighting you because...you're fucking obviously wrong? It radicalizes people, because suddenly the only people who will acknowledge the truth on this thing they care about are other terrible people. It makes your side look dogmatic and ignorant. And apart from all of that...it gets things completely backwards.
Your principles are what you want to use to change the world for the better. You believe them because you honestly believe that following your principles improves things, because they are based on a solid grasp of how the world works. Your beliefs follow from what is true. If you flip it so that whether something is true is based on whether it supports your beliefs...that's a bad road to go down.
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dreamdolldiary · 1 year ago
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130 books: my to be read list
will be updating if i find any more interesting finds
my most anticipated reads:
man's search for meaning
outwitting the devil
say yes to life
deep work
a mind for numbers
limitless mind
so good they can't ignore you
destined for more: a broken girl’s journey of chasing dreams and killing giants 
genius foods
burn the boats
fluent in 3 months
fluency forever
the book of five rings
the science of living + live your best life
the art of choosing
quitter: closing the gap between your day job and your dream job
the how of happiness
the high five method
the power of now
the power of one more
essentialism: the disciplined pursuit
getting things done
four thousand weeks
make time
how not to die
seth speaks
life skills: creativity, problem solving, mindfulness, empathy, teamwork
you have more time than you think
the one thing: the surprisingly simple
the 4 hour work week
essay by the minimalists
start with why
the journey of a girl with lots of dreams
how are you, really?
do the hard things first
willpower doesn't work
better than before
secrets of manifesting - wayne dyer
monk mode
parent power: bringing up responsible children and teenagers
29 rules for smart parenting: how to raise children without being a tyrant
the 7 best things smart teens do
the emotional lives of teenages
talk to your boys (coming out in 2025?)
getting things done for teens
the 7 habits of highly effective teens
lifeskills for adult children
the 6 most important decisions you'll ever make
smart parenting for safer kids
smart parenting for smart kids
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the surrender experiment
no excuses!
the art and business of online writing
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what we owe the future
someday is today
the 1 rule: how to fall in love with the process and achieve your wildest dreams
seven principles of making marriage work
leadership: six studies in world strategy
drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us
the 80/20 principle
the joy of missing out
the courage to be disliked
the blank slate
the life-changing magic of tidying up
range: why generalists triumph
manage your day to day
adulting made easy: things someone should have told you about getting your grown-up act together
design your life: how to hold a well lived, joyful life
the crossroads of should and must
the happiness advantage
do over: rescue monday, reinvent your work, and never get stuck
the self care prescription
pathless path
how to be a person: 65 hugely useful, super important skills
the brain's way of healing
the driving book: everything new drivers need to know but don't know how to ask
the denial of death
educated (by tara westover)
the one thing
do hard things
take the steps
daring greatly
mindset: the psychology of success
grit: the power of passion and perseverance
willpower doesn't work
goodbye to shy
quiet mind, epic life
finance and business
the intelligent investor
secrets of six figure women: surprising strategies to up your earnings and change your life
wealthing like rabbits
i will teach you to be rich
how not to move back in with your parents
overcoming underearning: a five step plan to a richer life
the infographic guide to personal finance: a visual reference for everything you need to know
passive income: the smart passive income guide: how to successfully create passive income streams with a growth mindset
stop sabotaging your career: 8 proven strategies to succeed in spite of yourself
you are a badass at making money
the million-dollar, one-person business
e-commerce business: 3 books in 1: the ultimate guide to making money online from home and reach financial freedom
side hustle: from idea to income in 27 days
make bank (when you think like one)
making money on blogging: 2020 Edition - how to start your blogging blueprint and make profit online with your blog - how do people make money
starting a successful blog when you have NO CLUE!: 7 steps to wordpress bliss.... (beginner internet marketing series book 1)
youtube secrets: the ultimate guide to growing your following and making money as a video influencer
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catholics: a very short introduction
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the social climber's bible
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fat, broke, and lonely
women have all the power
soft is the new power
how to marry the rich
and reminder: it doesn't matter how tall your book stack is.
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hvenart · 1 year ago
I’ve seen some people (on TikTok mostly I don’t actually know about tumblr cus I avoided the tag for spoilers) hating on Simon and saying he didn’t try to understand Willhelm and his situation enough and I’m just like HELLOO??? DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOW. I already found season two hate about Simon ridiculous BUT FOR SEASON THREE???
Simon has been so understanding and has sacrificed so much. He deleted his socials and all the memories with his friends online for the royal court. He thought the protest of the students was stupid but still joined for Willhelm. He sat down with the people who mock him for his activism despite them doing the same thing for lesser reasons. I would go as far to say he gave up his IDEOLOGIES for Willhelm. He has a lot of political opinions about social issues and the royal court but he’s not allowed to express any of them. He sometimes slips out a negative comment but he has been holding it in for the entire season. He knows he can make an actual difference and is close to someone who can but he can’t do anything about it. His partner doesn’t even seem to care about the issues he’s so passionate about and dismisses them. Yes Wilhelm has his own personal problems but the way he talked about LGBTQ+ issues was honestly hard to watch and you can tell Simon was hurt. He must’ve had bad opinions about Erik after he heard about the initiation thing but he didn’t say anything negative about him because he knows how important he is to Willhelm.
And I think NONE of these are the reasons why he broke up with Willhelm (atleast not the main ones). Simon saw how much the title of crown Prince damaged Willhelm. How broken it made the relationship between him and his mother and how broken he became. Willhelm changed for the crown and lost himself in the process. Simon finally stands on his principles and decides that he no longer wants to support the system that hurt both him and the boy he loves so much. Their relationship can’t survive with that toxic title being held above their own personal feelings
Can you really blame him for not wanting to fully understand the system that is so flawed and damaging to everyone around him?
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purecommemasolitude · 8 months ago
There’ve been criticisms about Darry being too mean or too cruel in the musical, and I get where those people are coming from, but — and speaking as someone who hasn’t seen or listened to it but has listened to the soundtrack and follows the information account like the paper — I think this phenomenon stems from two things
First, on the side of the discussers, a lack of exposure to the musical as an actual piece of material instead of (occasionally very out of context) lines or screenshots. Obviously seeing the musical, even if one lived in New York, would be expensive as all get out, and even audios and boots are pretty hard to find for this show, but there are many details and contexts that change how lines on the page should be interpreted that simply cannot be gleaned through, well, lines on the page. As someone who has dabbled in acting & directing, and has spent time analyzing play texts in depth, delivery and direction can change everything. The entire sentiment of a line can be the opposite of what you’d expect if you took the line at face value, and unless that’s explicit in the stage directions, it can go unrealized if one is merely reading the script (which, as an aside, is exactly why I find analyzing play excerpts tricky — because without a performance or direction, scripts are often so ambiguous and versatile that they could go any way). And honestly, despite also being someone who unfortunately does not benefit from first hand knowledge of the musical, I feel like this is very evident in discussion of Darry in the show. For example, none of his lines in, say, Runs in the Family (Reprise) should be taken at face value, because if you’ve even listened to the song you can tell he’s completely spiralling and hitting a breaking point. This is a state that, historically, causes people to say things they’d never believe in real life. We’re not meant to believe Darry would ever walk out on his brothers, we’re meant to hear him talk about it and understand how deep of a breakdown he is having. As a less obvious example, from what people online have said, Darry spends the last twenty or so minutes of the musical in tears. Again, the things he says here aren’t necessarily the things he believes, or things that he’s expressing coolly or off-handedly because they line up 1:1 with his worldview, they’re things he says when he’s desperate and struggling and has no idea what the correct path is when his brother & responsibility has effectively been comatose since the deaths
Which brings me to my next point!
One of the most known things about the musical, even to people who aren’t very familiar with it, is that it goes more in-depth on Darry’s trials and tribulations, so to speak. He gets one solo at status quo, another (mostly) solo when he gets his breakdown, and a (mostly) duet in his own self-described darkest hour during Pony’s absence. All three of these songs go into detail about what his life is like and how much he’s been struggling, and even songs that aren’t about him emphasize this feature of his more than in the book: his description by Ponyboy in Tulsa ’67 & Great Expectations reminding the audience of his life’s path, his verse in GGAH making it clear that his life is a very different one with arguably more severe burdens compared to the other boys. Other than the three most important characters of the original narrative, he is now undoubtedly the most important and developed character — which makes sense in a musical format, because with the story of The Outsiders it would’ve been pretty much impossible to do a true ensemble cast other than the main three while doing any of them justice, especially if they’d kept Steve as a principle (rip king). But I digress. In my opinion, being clearer on Darry’s hardships actually gives the musical space to show him as saying crueller things, to have him make more mistakes and mess up worse. In the book, we’re clearly meant to sympathize with him by the end, but we only get Ponyboy’s infamously flawed and unreliable narration as the lense through which to view him. As such, if we went too hard into Darry messing up, while 3/4 of the book have Ponyboy going “yeah Darry’s a rock and doesn’t love me or anyone”, he ultimately would’ve come across a lot worse and a lot harder to “redeem” in the eyes of the reader (personally I never disliked him, but I’ve seen enough accounts of people who hated him on their first go at the story to know it is not an uncommon sentiment). He already slaps his brother and argues with him all the time; it would’ve been even more legwork to make him liked if he’d also been saying harsher things and making more mistakes. In the musical, however, we get that objective perspective that’s missing in the book. Ponyboy’s not narrating to us the lyrics of Throwing in the Towel, he’s not even present for the events of Throwing in the Towel! It’s a lot easier to understand and forgive mistakes if one is familiar with the psyche behind those mistakes, and the musical delivers that psyche to us at every turn. Because the audience understands Darry Curtis and how hard it is for him to hold on, the audience also has more understanding and forgiveness for when he’s spiralling. It’s also just a more specific proof of his plight — three songs with first-hand, emotionally explicit lyrics penetrate the uninvested understanding a lot easier than a second-party description of circumstances. Due to its nature and promotion of Darry’s importance, the musical simply gets more freedom to show an arguably more realistic version of him.
Also, I do believe that Darry in the musical is just that much closer to the edge than he is in the book, which is a valid character choice in an inherently emotional and transformative medium such as the musical adaptation 🤷🏻‍♀️
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momentsbeforemass · 1 month ago
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Imagine you’ve got a cup of coffee. Made just the way you like it.
And in the instant before you take that perfect first sip, I bump into you. And you spill your coffee. Everywhere.
If I asked you, why did you spill the coffee?
You’d say, “Umm, because you bumped into me.” The “you jerk” is implied.
And you would be wrong.
Wait, what? You would be wrong.
You spilled coffee, because that’s what you had in your cup.
If you’d been standing there with a cup of tea when I bumped into you, you would have spilled tea. If your cup had been full of water, you would have spilled water.
Because the only thing that can spill is what’s already in the cup. You can’t spill what’s not there.
This principle doesn’t just apply to cups of coffee or tea or water. This principle applies to you and me.
When life bumps into us – as it does many times each day. When life bumps into us, you and I are going to spill out what’s already in us. That’s the only thing that can happen.
You and I can’t spill what’s not there.
And what spills out of us? What spills out of us says a lot about us.
It reveals what’s inside us, and what we’re looking for.
Because what you are full of? That’s what you will be looking for.
That is, left to our own devices, we look for things that are like what we are already full of. Things that are familiar. Things that confirm our preferences, our biases, and - yes - our prejudices.
If you have filled yourself with fear, you will find much to fear.
If you have filled yourself with anger, you will find much to anger you.
If you have filled yourself with hatred, you will find much to hate.
And that’s just you and me on our own. Without any help from the legion of wildly successful businesses that are growing rich while making us fearful, angry, and hateful.
Let’s pause for just a moment. Is there a time that you lashed out at something political online – in fear, or anger, or hatred? Where, without a moment’s pause, without really thinking about it, you went after them. Whether it was something you said, or something you shared or reposted.
For me? The one that I’m thinking of? I’m kind of embarrassed to say it. I owe someone an apology.
But you know what’s even more telling? What I did – before I admitted to myself that I need to apologize. And to walk it back.
The moment that it came to mind, I was already trying to explain it away.
I was tired. I’d been working until midnight for three days. I was running on fumes.
So what? My excuses, my rationalizing, that doesn’t change what I did. What it was. What I need to do about it.
Or what it says about me. And what I’ve apparently been filling myself with.
Because when life bumps into us, you and I are going to spill out what’s already in us. That’s the only thing that can happen.
And if that’s what’s spilling out – fear, anger, hatred – that means that’s what I’ve been filling myself with. Something that isn’t from God. Something that doesn’t flow from my relationship with God.
And the same thing is true for all of us. No matter how we want to spin it, or explain it away. What it really says is that what we’ve filled ourselves with? It doesn’t come from God.
Let me be clear, the moment we start giving our excuses. Justifying things to ourselves. Talking about why we need to fix something. Why we must stop those people.
We are setting up something in us that isn’t from God.
We are setting up something in us that doesn’t flow from our relationship with God.
The moment we do that? Welcome to idolatry. Congratulations, you and I have managed to set up a pagan temple in our own hearts. Because we have put something between us and God.
And it won’t be long before we either start purity testing (imposing our personal dogma on the faith of others, that the only real Christians, the only real Catholics are the ones who believe just like us). Or we retain the veneer of the Faith with none of its substance.
That is, we keep up appearances. While we’re really worshiping at the altar of our fear, our hatred, our anger. On the downlow.
Which couldn’t be farther from the plan that God has for your life. Which couldn’t be farther from the salvation that was purchased for you on Calvary.
Jesus didn’t die so that you and I could be lost in fear, and hatred, and anger.
Because if we really are who we claim to be, then the only thing that should ever spill out of us when life bumps into us is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
That is a hard ask. How do we do that?
You and I can’t just choke it back. We’re so full of all that garbage that we just can’t do that. Not for long.
No. The answer isn’t to choke it back. The answer is to replace it. One piece at time. Hour by hour. Day by day.
Okay, but how?
This isn’t a quick fix. It’s going to take time. And two other things. Be aware that you’re doing it. And be Samuel.
Every time you react unthinkingly. Every time you default to fear, to anger, to hatred. The moment you catch yourself doing it.
No matter how right you think you are. No matter how worthy the cause. No matter how much it needs to be done. No matter how much they deserve it. Stop right there.
Even if it’s after the fact. Stop right there. And with the heart of Samuel from today’s first reading, turn away from whatever it is.
Make a break with the moment. Make a break from whatever, or whoever, is winding you up. Take a breath. And turn to God. 
Say to God, “Lord, look at what I just said. Look at what I just did. I know that’s not from you. I need your help if I’m going to be yours.”
Ask God, “Lord, empty me of the crap that I would fill myself with. Fill me instead with the knowledge and love of your Holy Ghost, the servant heart of your Christ, and your peace which passes all understanding.”
Then wait on God, with heart of Samuel. A heart that says, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
This is the key to the Christian life. This is the key to a living faith.
Because when life bumps into us, you and I are going to spill out what’s already in us. That’s the only thing that can happen.
Today’s Readings
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fictionstudent · 8 months ago
You've misunderstood what "realistic dialogues" are
Create realistic dialogues—it’s a basic advice that most of the writers have heard. Doesn’t matter if you’re writing novels, short-stories, screenplays, comics, or anything else, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it somewhere. It’s the first advice writers generally hear when they are starting out.
But what I think is that most of us kinda misunderstand it. At least, I did until really recently. And I feel many of us do—just because we don’t really scrutinize every single word those online articles say.
I want to get deeper into this advice of characters and dialogues being realistic, what it actually means, and what people make out of it.
Because in most of the novels and movies that I’ve seen, characters are never comparable to real people. But what’s the difference? That’s the question I’m trying to answer.
You must have heard another piece of advice related to characters and dialogues—­observe real people’s interactions. And then you do. And you begin mimicking these interactions in your stories—whatever you’re writing.
But the thing is that this advice doesn’t work. But why is that, you might ask. Well, the reason is simple—most of us speak in odd ways. And if you take those interactions as they are, and try to publish them, you’d never get anywhere. You’d never get published.
See, there’s a lot of problems in the way we people generally talk to each other—we repeat certain phrases a lot, we stutter a lot, we don’t follow grammar most of the time, we don’t pronounce each and every word completely fine, we sometimes also make up words.
And we’re always hopping from one topic to another when we talk. Sometimes, we may even talk about two-three topics at once—especially when more than three people are involved in the conversation. And we also don’t complete our sentences. And the list goes on.
But the main thing is—we don’t speak perfectly. Most of our speech is full of defects that go against the rules of grammar or principles of style—we shouldn’t repeat phrases often when we write, we should use perfect grammar.
And we as writers should make sure our characters are talking about a single topic, and not deviating from it too much during their conversation. That’s because of the fact that the dialogues should have a purpose, the scenes should have a purpose, and if your characters are always shifting topics, the readers feel that you, the writer, is confused about the scene, that you don’t know what this conversation is about, that you don’t know your characters well, that you don’t want to advance the plot with these dialogues, thus rendering them purposeless.
We also stutter a lot, and use a lot of ellipsis when we speak. But readers don’t like them. It takes away their flow. And no one likes to read choppy prose.
We also don’t complete our sentences. Sometimes, we half-bake our sentences in our head and begin speaking them, and then get stuck midway because now we don’t know how to say the ideas in our head in a grammatically correct way. For example, you might have wanted to say, “Not everything is in our hands,” but you might say, “In our hands… Not everything is in our hands.”
For a second, you speak out the first words in your head, then realize the sentence should have begun from another word, and then maybe repeat the correct sentence or just stop midway because you’ve given enough clues in your sentence that the other party has understood you. You do this many times when you speak. I do this when I speak a lot. And I’ve observed others do this too. But if you write such sentences in your story, the readers won’t like it.
Now you might ask—how do you write dialogues that are good enough to get published? The answer is quite simple, actually.
Maintain a balance between realism and perfection.
You see, your characters are not real because of if they stutter like real people or not, or if their speech is filled with defects like a real person’s speech’s defects or not. Your characters are not supposed to be real, remember. They are supposed to be realistic—they should not be real, they should act real. And that happens when you give their unreal speech the characteristics of a real speech, while making sure you’re weeding out stuff that breaks the principles of style.
Let’s suppose you’ve made a character. Write how they’d speak. And then take out all the imperfections—the stutters, uhms, and all that stuff that we talked about. Not all of them, but most of them. All that shouldn’t repeat often.
Also make sure your characters are talking about topics that are relevant to your story. There’s another advice—know the ending before you begin a story. Do that with each scene too. Know how the scene will end, and what purpose will the scene serve, before you begin writing it. Plot it out a little—roughly. It’d help you write dialogues that are not jumping around random topics.
Like I said, take out most of the imperfections of daily-use speech from your dialogues, while not taking out the characteristics of the character. Maintain a thin line between realism—these imperfections—and perfection.
The characters should have realistic characteristics, and distinct speech. This distinct speech and characteristics is where you give them differences—each character is different from other in how they speak and what words they use, after all. That’s where you give your characters realisticity—and that’s different from realism, even though it’s a word I just made. I’d define realisticity as something that’s real-like, but not real.
Best way to learn writing dialogues is to not just observe real-life interactions, but to learn from other comics, novels, and movies too. Especially movies. Movies are great at such dialogues—the actors generally sprinkle a lot of realism to their dialogues when they act it out. They are low on rea
Also, learn from texting. Head over to Discord, Reddit, or Instagram, talk to new people, and observe how they type. Most of us don’t really type out the uhms too much when we type, and make complete sentences before we send them. Texting is a good way to learn writing dialogues.
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