#but it’s also like 37 dollars so
mo-mode · 10 months
Me, grocery shopping: You know what would be a great holiday gift?
My Mom, wondering where she went wrong: If you say the rainbow olive oil—
Me: ✨ The Rainbow Olive Oil ✨
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gingerwerk · 1 year
Hello it is a very good day for annoying people (me)!!!! Not only did I find out that the gaslight anthem was touring and were coming to cbus but they are working on a new album!!!!! And they released a new single and it’s so good?!?!!!!! New music for the first time in nine years?? 😭😭😭😭 it really is the 2014 renaissance rn
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poptartmochi · 1 year
this dress is so insanely beautiful i'm about to start biting
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Someone I follow is occasionally complaining about house prices in the US and at first I was like: yeah I know you can’t get anything below 300k anymore much less in cities where 500k+ is more the norm. But. They dropped some prices and apparently they were talking about 200k houses???? Like where do you find those I’m begging
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cappucosmico · 3 months
the most devastating shit on earth is that i had a friend in middle school who was like my ride or die. but her only "social media" was Google Fucking Plus. so naturally i have lost her in the wastelands of that shitstorm. but i cannot find her ever again bc she has like The most common name on god's green earth so one facebook search for people with her name in the bronx yields like a million fucking results. so imagine if she's not even in the bronx anymore. 10 million results
#and if by some will from god she's out there wondering about me occasionally too She'd also be shit out of luck#bc my first name is different now. not even close to my birthname. and my last name is a nightmare#i didn't learn how to spell that shit until i was 6 and only so soon bc my mother set aside time to teach me specifically how to spell it#like it was its own school lesson. How to spell my own last name. so i'm not going to imagine someone could ever just Remember That#a decade down the fucking line#but i miss her often. she showed me inuyasha for the first time before rodan even did#we had the most awkward innocent scared quivering animal type lesbianism happening.#i would walk her home even though it meant making my 10 minute walk home into like 45 minutes#she lived in one of the projects and she snuck me in her apartment a few times when her dad wasn't home. that's when we watched inuyasha#one of my ''gifts'' i remember so specifically when we had decided we were dating is. i gave her. a tiny bag of chips.#blinks for a long time at you. i got her A Bag Of Chips.#💀😭 She should've killed me where i stood........#we once kissed because someone said they'd give us 20 dollars for it. We did not get the 20 dollars.#i was mad bc i wanted to split it with her and get snackies at the deli after school together or something. kills my elf#WAAAH i miss her. i miss da bronx too. one day i'm gonna drag rodan downstate to see it all#i want to take him to the bronx zoo and the botanical gardens. but also i just checked and nearly scumpt at the prices#37 DOLLARS..... 💀⁉️ i remember. (said oldly) i remember when it was. SEVEN DOLLARS!!!#whstever fucking happened to wednesdays you get in free. huh#i'm too scared to even look at the gardens now bc Nearly 40 tickets a person. oh My God. vomitworthy#wait oh my god what do thebuses and subway cost now. oh no oh no oh no#okay it's okay. it's a 40 cent difference. idr what a metrocard used to cost so it means nothing that it's a dollar now#but also Why the fuck do the express buses cost SEVEN DOLLARS.... 😭 brother bring that shit back down to five NEOW!!!#it's not even double the standard fare anymore. even if i round up the standard fare That's More Than Double. what#i hate inflation i hate inflation i hate#i'm rambling. walks away fast And my ass
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
ohhh the post discord call blues ...
#3 hour call with my sibling and it was awesome and rly fun but ooo i miss hanging out with them so bad#so many times id do something and itd be like. almost exactly like when wed fr hang out#but obv we arent rly hanging out ....#also kept them up til almost 6am so i feel bad JFBFJFNGHGNJG#but it ws fun.. we sporcled and they told me abt the day they had#(BAD)#they were signed up for an exciting woodworking class#and my mom was picking up my grandparents car bc theyre on vacation#but then found out their woodworking class wasnt at 2pm it was at 9ak#but my mom was across the state and it was 940 and she was like Well we can still go and catch the end!#but likee. my mom was like 2 hours away from the town where the class was and my sibling was an hiur away in the opposite direction#and it was 940. so#and then my mom was like Its ok ill ger sausage biscuits ajd well look for a similar one#and lamp was like ok excited for sausage biscuits#and then my kom got arrested bc theres a warrant out for her arrest lol#so they had to pay 37 dollars to get her out#but My dad couldnt pay it bc theres also a warrant out for his arrest#so they had to get my uncle mick and papaw to help out#to get her out. so it was a whole thing#also the warrants r bc they missed court dates not anything srs#my dad missed his bc my mom broke Both of the cars that they had#and rn they dont have any#which is why it was so impordant that she get my grans car while theyre on vacation#yk. but its ok#im surpised my jncle mick doesn't have a warrant out for his arrest lol. last tjme#my mom got.pulled over and her license was expired so she wasnt allowed ro drive#and she git pulled overbc her tail light was out#and then my uncle mick came to get us#and he was like So my tail lights also out and my license is also expired lol#so lets hope we dont get pulled voer 👍
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chrolloluvr · 6 months
May I request Mammon angst HCs please? Like the reader is possibly breaking up with him or something? (i love your HCs for mammon<3)
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Mammon Breaking Up Hcs
note: Thank you i'm so glad you like them pookie!! also yes i love this idea ❤️❤️
warnings: Cursing, creepy behavior, unbalanced power dynamic, killing. Not proofread!
Female!Reader, (no specific gender, so can be GenderNeutral!Reader)
It would be best to tell him over text, since he is guaranteed to throw a toddler like temper tantrum if you ever told him in person.
So you text him over text, what happens? He 100% thinks you're joking at first. He thinks you aren't being serious at all, and that wow babe, you might even be a bigger clown than I am.
But when he realized that you were being serious, he gets angry. How dare you? Why would you ever break up with him? He is the king of greed, he has trillions of dollars in the bank, so why don't you want to stay by his side? Did he do something? Did he hurt you? What happened? Baby, we can sort this out-
In a way, still doesn't think you are being serious, which is what he tries to tell himself. So he will let you leave, and will act like he doesn't need you.
Another author said this already, but he will 100% go through the stages of grief, (he will never go through acceptance, because in his mind, you will always come crawling back to him.)
He will be in denial for a very long time. Let's say you move out, and even start residing in another ring. He will send you texts. All. The. Time.
Your phone will mods likely have 103 Missed Calls, 986 Messages, and 37 Voicemails. He is crazy, and especially crazy for you. So when you don't respond to him, he does not understand why. He likes to think that you were just going on vacation for a while. He genuinely thinks you two are still together.
Anger- Once he sees that you have indeed moved on, and that he is no longer living in fantasy land, he gets extremely angry. His general mood spikes, he lashes out (wayyy more than he used to), and a-lot of his servants are scared to talk to him. Will absolutely keep bombarding you with texts every day. He will even get his servants to start texting you on his 100's of extra HellPhones.
Mamm ����️💚 11:34
Come hone ygu little cungt
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:35
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:35
Do ygu knoe how easily i can replaece yu
Mamm🕸️💚 11:36
Fine go shack uo with sorm dirty hoboes you little slut
Mamm 🕸️💚 11:36
I dont kneed u and youir mediocar holes
So yeah... thats just one example. He has so many spelling mistakes because he is typing so fast, and practically brekaing his phone from how angry he is.
But in reality he does need you. You are. the one thing that keeps him running. However he will never, over his dead body, ever admit that.
Bargaining- He will send things to your... new home... in gift baskets. Fizzarolli plushies, flowers, tickets to his live events, expensive jewelry, the list goes on. It gets to a point where (if you live in an apartment complex) People start stealing his gifts and start putting them up online to sell. (And they go for 10s of thousands of dollars.)
He send these to you so that you can hopefully come crawling back into his life, so that he can control you again.
At this point, you have most likely made it public about your distance between you and the sin. Your relationship was extremely public, and known by everybody.
He refuses to speak publicly, because he wants people to think he still controls you. And when i say your relationship was big, it was definitely the most talked about relationship in all of Hell. People will go nuts about you two breaking up. Another author said this as well, but people will go crazy with the comments.
"L Mammon fumbled so bad its actually wild."
"Bros got plenty other options 💀"
"Why tf would she/they break up w/ HIM???🤰"
"Now that hes single I call dibs 🙌"
You try your best to ignore the comments, but eventually you cant, its not just online, but in real life you feel cornered as well. You might even start to reconsider your departure with him. Which is exactly where he wants you.
Depression- He spirals into somewhat of an insecure man. He strives to be better. He ups his game for his big pageants, soon to be bigger, just to impress you.
He maaaay or may not have killed people in your favor. This is known, obviously, but his obsession along with his newfound insecurity has left him no choice but to show that if you dont want to come home, he will show you its safer than anywhere else.
Overall, if you do end up coming back to him, he is overjoyed with happiness, and will take extra precautions to ensure you wont ever walk out on him and his warm embrace again.
However if you end up never wanting anything to do with him, he will be devastated, but he will force himself to get over it. He is Mammon, he truly does not need you. In reality, you were somebody he felt an unexplainable feeling to protect. He absolutely can live without you, but for some reason, he feels like he cant. If somebody were to ever bring you up, he would lash out, and make his anger everybody's problem. He may get over you after a while, but he will never fully accept the fact that you left him.
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barksenji · 2 months
I posted this on reddit, but I've seen some gnarly posts about Venezuela here, so I'll post it here too.
"I'll try to answer all of them. I don't know if I can explain like you're 5 because I'm autistic af and English is not my first language, but I hope I can make myself understood.
I condemn practically everything about the government. In Venezuela, on average, only four out of 10 operating rooms in the country's main hospitals are operative, and the shortage of supplies in emergency rooms is around 37%, while in operating rooms it reaches 74%. As for my own experience, I have Classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, I had a shoulder subluxation and I still do, and I went to the Victorino Santaella hospital in my country, there's little personnel, to the point that in the area for traumatology you could see dry blood on the floor because there just wasn't enough people to clean it up. Not a little bit of blood, but a lot. If you want decent medical attention, you will have to pay a bunch of money.
I had a strangulated umbilical hernia, which again, is something that commonly happens with the EDS. My dad had to spend 4000$ dollars on the operation, which for us, is a unachievable amount of money. He had to sell his car, and beg his job for the rest of the money, because the car was old asf and only covered about 200$.
Many people say the government is progressive, it is not. In Venezuela the LGBTQ community has absolutely no rights, it's incredibly difficult for trans people to change their documents or access hormonal treatment. Abortion is not legal here, not even in rape cases, gay marriage isn't legal either, and domestic violence largely goes unpunished.
The minimum wage is around 3 dollars, my dad works in transit so he earns minimum wage, because I have so many medical emergencies he has to make illegal driving licenses in order for me to get treatment. It is incredibly hard for my mom to find a job.
If you want an overview of the whole political situation, this thread can explain it better than I can:
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This also explains many of the faults with the government, really, there are too many, I can't count them all.
There’s also no freedom of speech in Venezuela due to Nicolas Maduro’s oppression. All the news channels that are available are on his side. CNNE was removed from Venezuela after doing a documentary on Maduro and also was DW. Our only way to inform ourselves are socials, and most venezuelans are speaking through there.
Maduro's government is not a socialist government anymore, it paints itself that way to outsiders, but it is not. Money that should be going to public institutions is not going to those institutions, hence why the hospitals are in such dire state and you have to pay for private clinics in order to get appropriate care. I don't know if you're familiar with the CLAP bags, The Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP) is a distribution program of some basic imported foodstuffs promoted by the Venezuelan government since 2016 in which the communities themselves organized in committees supply and distribute priority foods through a modality of delivery of products, house by house at first, later distributed in a local of the community. The problem with these is that they're frequently infected with weevils, maggots, and even if they look "good" on the outside, they can be infected with bacteria and give you food poisoning. Worse is, some people are entirely reliant on these.
They're supposed to protect our indigenous people, but a Venezuelan indigenous leader who opposed the incursion of armed groups and illegal mining was shot twice while in a neighborhood in the capital of Amazonas state. Maduro is also the richest man in Venezuela.
In the protests that occurred in 2017, around 150 people died thanks to the armed forces and colectivos (paramilitaries on the side of the government), police came out with tanks (idk the name exactly in English) and ran over people who were peacefully protesting. Right now, I believe there has been 11 people confirmed injured, though there's probably more, since hospitals are asking for resources to treat the injured.
I think most of these payment methods are only available in Venezuela, but I saw a Paypal here and there, if you can help I'd thank you so much:
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As for the self-sufficiency, I don't know. As I said, I'm 17 and heavily reliant on my parents. This country's also really not accessible for disabled people, I cannot go down stairs and have to walk with a cane, there's rarely a place where elevators are functioning properly: ironically, especially in hospitals. In the hospital Victorino Santaella, my dad has to carry me through a bunch of stairs, he has a bunch of hernias in his back so that's obviously no good for him. I'm also at heavy risk of fainting, so yeah.
Also: I don't know how the housing situation is in Venezuela statistic-wise, but for the young adults, is impossible to get a house. Houses can cost up to 100.000$ and more, the average job will pay enough for you to eat, buy toilet paper, basic needs and that's about it.
My friends, who were studying university, couldn't finish cause they had to get a job in a supermarket or bakery in order to be able to support their parent economically. It's horrible.
We also have no running water, when we do it's brown, our power goes off all the time and I have no health insurance"
Do I support María Corina? Or the opposition? I'm skeptical about them, they're still politicians, and Machado is a Zionist. I'm worried about idolizing these figures, deeply. But there's no alternative guys.
For gringos saying that we are supporting fascists, and whatnot. We have literally no other option. This didn't start with US sanctions, it just got WORSE with them. But these sanctions are a symptom, not the root of our problem.
Please, listen to venezuelan voices. If you're really a leftist, just a bit of research will be enough to convince you that this is NOT even a socialist government anymore.
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eldritchboop · 1 year
I am Angry at The Lost Book Project so please enjoy this curated list of ebooks
TL;DR: A company is trying to resell books from the Internet Archive at a markup. Here are roundups to all the free links instead.
Please donate to the Internet Archive if you find this post valuable.
42 Ancient Medicinal Plant Remedies
7 Lost Books and Texts on Meditation
The Witchcraft and Magic Collection (51 books)
11 Secret Books for Spiritual Seekers
11 Classic Numerology Books
The Lost Entrepreneurs Handbooks
21 Rare Books on Sacred Sexuality and Magick
16 Seminal Books on Law of Attraction and Manifestation
The Ancient Greece Collection - 36 Rare Books
The Ancient Key to The Tarot - 21 Books
The Definitive Demonology Book Collection
33 Rare Hidden Books on Freemasonry
The Manly P. Hall Collection
45 Rare Supernatural Books - Ghost Stories and Mysteries
37 Ancient Lost Texts on Buddhism
20 Books On Astrology, Zodiac and Horoscopes
The Lost Book of Spells - Spellbooks and Rituals
37 Lost Books on Ancient Mesopotamia
18 Lost Alchemy and Occult Science Books Works Of Sir George Ripley
The Vikings & Norse Mythology Book Collection
My angry rant as to why I am willing to do this in my spare time is below the break.
So I received a target Facebook ad for a website called the Lost Book Project (I refuse to link to them) advertising a collection of herbal books for a nice low price. Problem - the first book I saw them selling was Culpepper's Herbal from the 1600s, meaning it's well outside copyright. I own a digital copy for this reason!
So logically, I decided to check if the other books on the list, most of which are outside copyright, were also available on Archive.org. Sure enough, the whole list is available there.
Now, for starters, this makes me INCREDIBLY angry. It's not illegal to sell out-of-copyright books, but the Internet Archive is my favorite place for old books, and like Wikipedia they operate entirely on donations. Their average donation is $17 - just about the cost of this collection.
Websites that are making money off of a free service by locking them behind a paywall are anathema to everything that the Internet Archive stands for. Furthermore, if you're in the US or UK (where most of these books are sourced from), your tax dollars have already paid for these books to be stored and digitized.
EDIT: I have also noticed that two many books are still in publication and under copyright! I have sent notices to their publishers.
Things like this activate my sense of fairness to the nth degree. I hate scammers. I hate people who sell things without adding value. And I really hate it when they're taking money from good institutions that need it. Imagine if half of the people who paid for these books donated instead!?
So please help yourself to the links on each roundup. I'll continue to do the work needed to link all of the books they offer to their proper sources.
And fuck companies exploiting the work of others for their own profit.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Labor of love
I was very interested to see what S told Mark Gillespie on the last episode of the latter's WhiskyCast podcast, @bat-cat-reader immediately shared with us.
It was a most instructive 35 minutes. I listened to all of it, because I wanted to also hear Gillespie's tasting notes forThe Sassenach. And I regret nothing: once you get past the traditional (and a bit obnoxious) 'why The Sassenach?' question, you're in for some interesting news.
You can listen to it here, by the way:
Before anything, who is Mark Gillespie?
One of the most respected professionals in the very small world of alcohol specialized podcasters, with a 37 years work experience in media and broadcasting, spanning household names such as CNN, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Gallup and MSNBC. But also, and this I found very interesting, given the current context, the owner of CaskMedia, a firm specialized not only in media production, but also marketing and PR.
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The podcast was recorded at The Metropolitan Club's library, moments before the Keepers of the Quaich dinner, where S was a keynote speaker. So not 'just there for the Haggis Ceremony ' - a 'guest of honor' is never invited just for the show, people should have known better, eh?
S's 7 minutes interview starts at the 09:32 mark. Comments in brackets are mine.
Gillespie surely doesn't like to beat around the bush and after the customary niceties, asks a million-dollar question:
MG: 'I have to ask: did you have the troubles (problems?) in Germany straightened up?'
SH: ' Ha, ha, ha [not an organic giggle, but hey - gotta do what you gotta do, eh?]. Well, I am not entirely sure I should talk about it [speaks very quickly and through his teeth - visibly annoyed/nervous; not entirely sure I got it all correctly, so feel free to amend in comments], ah... ummm... not as yet... not as yet...ummm...we did fall into an issue with the name Sassenach, which was similar to a big brand in the US... ah!... in Germany, sorry... of a beer brand... I...I personally don't see the similarity [neither do I, S...neither do I], but I am sure once people taste our whisky, they'll know what it is, whatever the name is on it.'
Yes, this interview was probably rehearsed. Yes, Gillespie might have sent the questions to S/his people in advance for reviewing. No, he could not speak about a legally complicated situation before the final settlement with that Schoppingen beer brewer (penalties are probably still to be fixed and paid, but I will check that, so don't take my word for Gospel truth, yet). I will write separately about this whole thing, because I still think that was a very questionable decision of the EUIPO. Not because it royally pisses me off (so fucking unfair!), but because I really fail to see the proper legal reasoning and basis for it. His answer was perfect, under the circumstances. Absolutely perfect.
Anyways, FWIW, it would seem some sort of solution has already been found ('whatever the name is on it') and that most probably would be to rebrand it. And sell it on the German/EU market under a new name.
Lallybroch (https://trademarks.justia.com/981/67/lallybroch-98167525.html), perhaps? Time will tell, but that could explain this recent trademark application I didn't have time to properly look into, yet:
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Further ahead (and fast forward through the cask version release, these things bore me to death), we land on another (as yet) unexploded ordnance:
MG: 'I have to mention your show MIK that you do with Graham McTavish, you visited a bunch of distilleries during that one... any visit in particular stands out?'
Now I am not very sure if that question was the best possible one, since that SAG-AFTRA strike is still an ongoing situation. And his answer was quite clever, changing the focus on their visit to Laphroaig's distillery on Islay and waxing lyrical about the casks, the peat, the landscape, etc. But other than a perfunctory and logical 'we', I heard absolutely nothing about McTavish, and it could have been so damn easy to further change the subject and mention his bourbon, with a few kind words. Therefore, I think things are pretty obviously not exactly on the sunny side, between the two. And I guess we all know why.
To end this long post on a cheerful note, I almost forgot to mention something very important. Answering a listener's question about Sassenach not being available in Rhode Island/part of New Jersey, S said something very interesting: 'obviously you can get it online, (...) we've just signed a deal with Southern Glazer's, so we're rolling it out. It is a limited batch, so you know, every year we do do a release and it is very limited, so it does tend to sell out pretty quick. But yes, it is available (...), but obviously you're not gonna see it in every bar, restaurant or retailer, because we just don't have enough of it. But online you can get it and great delivery service, it's very quick.'
I am taking two things home from this last answer: demand exceeds supply, which is both a blessing (solid yield, room for expansion) and a curse (lackadaisical market presence). On short to mid term, distribution will concentrate on the online market, with the help of Southern Glazer's superb infrastructure.
Remember the older guy he had lunch with in MIA, in May? You should, if you didn't focus on Mordor's inept babble about shirts, ballerinas and the like. That guy was instrumental into arranging the deal with Southern Glazer's. Just the biggest wine and spirits distributor on the US market, mind you.
Don't believe me? Check this out:
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That company was founded in Florida. Its HQ is still in MIA. He didn't go there because he was looking for ballerinas at his birthday dinner. He went there because when these people are available to meet you, well: you leave everything aside and you damn GO.
Now who the hell is writing fanfiction, eh? You really should be ashamed, madam.
I rest my case.
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ficsforgaza · 13 days
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for 08 September to 14 September
Hi all—please check out this week’s Creator Spotlight! For anyone who doesn’t know what this is: every week we highlight one creator with WIPs to sponsor, one creator with open requests, and one fundraiser that is in desperate need of funding. If this is your first time seeing our blog, welcome! Please check out our pinned post for more information about what we are doing to help the people of Gaza!
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↳ @persicipen / Link to their WIPs
Manu writes for Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact. They have a long list of WIPs available to sponsor which you can check using the above link, including their kinktober WIPs! Here are two of their short stories available for sponsorship:
Feixiao x reader
feixiao’s favourite concubine visits her in a tent during the resting hour to bring a special scroll from lingsha
Zhongli x reader
dragon zhongli returns from the archon war and claims his gifts, including a young priestess sent to welcome him in the shrine
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↳ @bakubunny / Link to their Requests Page
Bunny is accepting requests for the following fandoms: My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Final Fantasy XIV, and Sk8 the Infinity. She also has some WIPs available to sponsor if you'd like. So please check out her ficsforgaza post linked above!
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↳ Medical Aid for Palestinians
This week we will be featuring an organization called Medical Aid for Palestinians, which has been working to help Palestine for 37 years.
MAP's goal is to enable Palestinians to be able to access effective, sustainable, and locally-led healthcare, and to establish their rights to health and dignity. They provide access to essential health services, and respond rapidly with aid and assisstance to humanitarian emergencies in the region. You can read more about what they do here.
In Gaza, MAP has provided millions of dollars worth of medicines and medical care to Palestinians. They also have medical teams working on the ground in places that have been attacked by IDF forces. You can read more about what they have achieved so far in Gaza and the West Bank here.
Find ways to help MAP here.
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oftlunarialmoon · 10 months
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Ciao lovelies! I have written before on the topic of Age Regression many times, from explaining what Age Regression is, to Age Regression Self-Care, to Age Regression Journaling. I never explicitly said before now, but I, myself, am an age regressor to cope with stress (and some other mental health reasons). The reason why I have officially decided to come forward and say so is because I feel that I want to keep writing posts on the topic of age regression, some with personal experience perhaps, so I want to be open with you all and let you know why I continue to write on this topic. I’ve also noticed some of this blog’s audience is made up of age regressors like myself, and I want to provide you all with some content from a safe, welcoming, and open-minded source. All that being said, today I’ve decided to write down 101 activity ideas for Age Regressors/ Things to Do When Bored, Age Regression edition. Please be sure to let me know in the comments (yes, you can even comment anonymously!) if you like these ideas, please be sure to tell me your favorite!
Outside Activities for Summer
1.       Play on a swing-set!
2.       Play hopscotch!
3.       Color with chalk!
4.       Build Fairy houses with materials you find outside!
5.       Take pictures of your toys in nature! This works especially well for dinosaur toys, animal toys, et, because they look like they’re meant to be in nature!
6.       Jump rope!
7.       Go swimming!
8.       Go fishing with a net and play catch and release!
9.       Go to a beach and find cool seashells!
10.   Read a book outside in the sun!
11.   Go for an ice cream!
Outside Activities for Fall
12.   Find leaves and flowers and press them into a journal. You can also do Leaf rubbings, where you put a piece of paper over a leaf and use a crayon to rub over it to get the imprint of the leaf on the paper!
13.   Carve a pumpkin!
14.   Go to a pumpkin patch and take lots of pics among the pumpkins! You can even pick out one to take home and make into a Jack-O-Lantern (like #12)!
15.   Collect cool leaves and make a leaf arrangement/wreath!
Outside Activities for Winter
16.   Build a snowman!
17.   Build a snow-fort!
18.   Have a snowball fight!
19.   Try to catch snowflakes on your tongue!
20.   Make snow angels!
21.   Play hide and seek in the snow!
Outside Activities for Spring
22.   Collect flowers and make bouquets!
23.   Make flower crowns!
24.   Play tag with some friends!
25.   Weave grass into cool shapes!
26.   Collect cool rocks/gemstones…You can even pretend to be a dragon who’s collecting rocks for their hoard!
Indoor Activities for Any Season
27.   Redecorate your room!
28.   Clean your room! (I know, bleh, but if you clean then you’ll have a clean slate for #27!)
29.   Change your phone’s wallpaper/lockscreen (check out our Instagram Highlight for some of ours!)
30.   Play with makeup!
31.   Try out new hairstyles!
32.   Play dress up!
33.   Play with some dolls!
34.   Play pretend! You could pretend to be a teacher for your dolls/toys, or even have your stuffies go on super cool adventures with you!
35.   Craft! You can make accessories, décor, toys, clothes, anything! Check out our DIY tag for lots of fun crafts!
36.   Read some kid books!
37.   Stim! I like crinkles when I’m small, and I also like slime and flappy hands!
38.   Play with squishies!
39.   Walk around a store and look at all the toys and kid stuff!
40.   Go on a Dollar Store shopping spree! You can get a lot of stuff at a dollar store for under like $20!
41.   Color in some cool pictures!
42.   Design a new OC (Original Character) 
43.   Draw some comics! They can be of yourself or of your OC’s!
44.   Cosplay your OC’s/any character you like!
45.   Do a photoshoot!
46.   Make a sensory bottle!
47.   Set up a dollhouse!
48.   Make beaded bracelets!
49.   Make yourself a snack!
50.   Or a meal!
51.   Bake some cookies (just be careful with the hot oven, okay?)
52.   Have a dance party with your stuffies!
53.   Make a playlist to regress to!
54.   Find new regression YouTubers!
55.   Play some video games! I love Slime Rancher , Animal Crossing, and more!
56.   Play with some phone apps! I love Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, Pastel Girl, and Pokémon Go!
57.   Try to mix your own perfume!
58.   Design a picture using glitter!
59.   Draw some fashion designs!
60.   Start an age regression journal! 
61.   Practice some age regression self-care!
62.   Make a self-care box!
63.   Make figures from modeling clay!
64.   Paint your nails!
65.   Give your stuffies/dolls a makeover!
66.   Find cute regression music! 
67.   Make posters for your room!
68.   Make gifts for your friends!
69.   Find a new penpal!
70.   Write letters to your pen-pal!
71.   Start a sticker scrapbook!
72.   Open some blind-bags!
73.   Watch some toy youtubers. Our YouTube Channel has some toy videos, my other favorites are Cookie Swirl C and My Froggy Stuff!
74.   Make your own YouTube Channel!
75.   Create a mystery to solve with your stuffies!
76.   Solve a Crossword Puzzle!
77.   Solve a Wordsearch!
78.   Finish a puzzle!
79.   Design your own puzzle!
80.   Make an escape room for your toys!
81.   Paint something!
82.   Watch cute anime like Himouto Umaru Chan!
83.   Watch cute shows on Netflix like Twelve Forever or Hilda!
84.   Watch fun shows on Hulu like Gravity Falls!
85.   Go to the library!
86.   Play chess or checkers!
87.   Watch a movie! I like Welcome to Monster High!
88.   Go see a movie in theatres!
89.   Make temporary tattoos using food coloring!
90.   Make your own T-shirt using a blank T-shirt and fabric paints!
91.   Take a little nap!
92.   Put on a play with or for your stuffies!
93.   Make clothes and accessories for your stuffies!
94.   Make clothes and accessories for your dolls!
95.   Make furniture for your dolls!
96.   Make your own blindbags for a friend!
97.   Upcycle your old clothes and jewelry by designing them into something new!
98.   Visit a thrift store!
99.   Go to a museum!
100. Go to the mall!
101.  Visit an Arcade!
WHEW! I hope that is enough ideas for you bored little ones out there. Have a great day!
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misfitwashere · 11 days
September 9, 2024 
SEP 10
Last night, Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign launched a new section of its website detailing her policy positions. Titling her plans “A New Way Forward,” Harris vows to build the American middle class through an “opportunity economy.” Her vision for the future, she says, “protects our fundamental freedoms, strengthens our democracy, and ensures every person has the opportunity to not just get by, but to get ahead.” 
Harris’s economic plan builds on that of the Biden-Harris administration. This makes sense, since their focus on investing in the middle class has created the strongest economy in the world. Harris is emphasizing the need to bring down household costs of food, medicine, housing, healthcare, and childcare, all issues important to Americans.  
The website provides concrete economic actions she plans to take with a willing Congress. They include expanding the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit, investing in more housing, and supporting the PRO Act, which protects the rights of workers to unionize, while continuing the crackdown on business consolidation that kills competition and rolling back the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.
The biggest economic shift from the current administration is pegging a new capital gains tax for those earning more than a million dollars a year at 28%, significantly lower than the 39.6% President Joe Biden proposed in his 2025 budget. The plans also call for the first-ever national ban on corporate price gouging on food and groceries (37 states already have such laws). 
Aside from strictly economic plans, the policy pages say Harris backs passing the bipartisan immigration bill that Republicans killed on Trump’s orders, protecting reproductive healthcare and restoring Roe v. Wade, and protecting the right to vote and ending partisan gerrymandering through the John Lewis Voting Rights and the Freedom to Vote Acts.
Republicans have charged that Harris has not offered specifics for her policies, but much of what is now clearly laid out is already in the public record. By the standards of American history, it is a strikingly moderate agenda that reflects the belief that the best way for the government to protect opportunity and nurture the economy is to make sure that the system is fair and that ordinary people have access to opportunity.
The “New Way Forward” in Harris’s plan seems to be less a new set of policies than a rejection of the politics of the past several decades. She and her running mate Minnesota governor Tim Walz appear to be attempting to reshape the political landscape to bring Americans of all parties together to stand against Trump’s MAGA Republicans. The campaign has actively reached out to Republicans, several of whom spoke at the Democratic National Convention. On Saturday, Harris said she was “honored” to have the endorsement of former representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) and former vice president Dick Cheney, both staunch Republicans. “People are exhausted about the division and the attempt to divide us as Americans,” she said. “We love our country and we have more in common than what separates us.” 
Trump’s website offers slogans rather than policies, so Harris’s website compares her policies to the comparable sections of Project 2025, the playbook for a second Trump term laid out by a number of right-wing institutions led by the Heritage Foundation. Trump and his campaign have tried to distance themselves from Project 2025, but at his rallies, he has offered the policies in it—like firing nonpartisan civil servants and replacing them with loyalists, and abolishing the Department of Education—as his top priorities. 
While Harris focused on policy, as critics have demanded, MAGA Republicans today spread slurs about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, claiming they are eating other people’s pets and local wildlife. Right-wing media figure Benny Johnson, who was one of the six commenters whose paychecks at now-disbanded Tenet Media were paid by Russia, was one of those pushing the false stories. So was X owner Elon Musk. 
The story was debunked almost immediately by the Springfield police, but Republican politicians ran with it. The X account for Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee ran it; so did Texas senator Ted Cruz, who shared an image with two kittens saying: “PLEASE VOTE FOR TRUMP SO IMMIGRANTS DON’T EAT US.” And the Republican vice presidential nominee, Ohio senator J.D. Vance, posted: “Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't be in this country.” (The Haitians in Springfield are in the U.S. legally.)
Perhaps most significantly, Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, who is challenging Democratic Ohio senator Sherrod Brown, pushed the story. That Senate seat is crucial to the Republican attempt to take control of the Senate, and Moreno has just launched a $25 million ad campaign against Brown, accusing him of giving undocumented immigrants taxpayer-funded benefits. Today’s disinformation was well timed for that ad campaign. 
The Justice Department today announced  charges against two leaders of the white supremacist Terrorgram Collective, an international terrorist group that operates on the platform Telegram. Dallas Humber of California and Matthew Allison of Idaho have been charged with “soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.” They “solicited murders and hate crimes based on the race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender identity of others,” U.S. Attorney Phillip Talbert said. They had a hit list of federal, state, and local officials, as well as corporate leaders, and they encouraged attacks on government infrastructure, including energy facilities. Their plan was to create a race war. 
“Hate crimes fueled by bigotry and white supremacy, and amplified by the weaponization of digital messaging platforms, are on the rise and have no place in our society,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said.
Congress is back in session today and must fund the government before October 1 or face a government shutdown. Although Congress negotiated spending levels for 2024 and 2025 back in June 2023, the House has been unable to pass appropriations bills because MAGA extremists either refuse to accept those levels or insist on inserting culture war poison pills into the bills. 
Now, Trump has demanded that a continuing resolution to fund the government must include a measure requiring proof of citizenship to vote. Since it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in elections for president or members of Congress and there is no evidence it is anything but vanishingly rare, the measure actually seems designed to suppress voting. House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) went along and put the measure in the bill. He also designed for the measure to last until next March, making the budget so late a new president could write it, but also blowing through a January 1 deadline set in the June 2023 bill to require automatic cuts to spending.
House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) wrote to his colleagues: “House Democrats have made it clear that we will find bipartisan common ground on any issue with our Republican colleagues wherever possible, while pushing back against MAGA extremism.” Jeffries called the Republican bill “unserious and unacceptable.”
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told House and Senate leaders that the cuts required by law if Congress pushes the budget into March would drastically affect the military. “The repercussions of Congress failing to pass regular appropriations legislation for the first half of [fiscal] 2025 would be devastating to our readiness and ability to execute the National Defense Strategy,” Austin wrote.
Meanwhile, Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) is back to his old trick of blocking a military promotion, this time of Lieutenant General Ronald Clark, one of Austin’s top aides. Tuberville says he placed the hold because he has concerns that Clark did not alert Biden when Austin had surgery. Biden has nominated Clark to become the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Pacific, a position currently held by General Charles A. Flynn, younger brother of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Trump’s first National Security Advisor who resigned after news broke that he had hidden conversations with Russian operatives. 
Today, ten retired senior military officials endorsed Harris, saying she “is the best—and only—presidential candidate in this race who is fit to serve as our commander-in-chief…. Frankly stated, Donald Trump is a danger to our national security and our democracy. His own former National Security Advisors, Defense Secretaries, and Chiefs of Staff have said so.”
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nwarrior777 · 9 months
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Wow, that post with catboy did things indeed!
Like, 100+ new followers???? wow! hello! my blog became a little mess, but if you want more cool looking representative characters from me - check #reqbodyposi project tag
Also, the amount of feedback and nice words at these days is just unbelievable. I read all the tags, and aaaa, it gives me so much energy!!!
It gave me so much energy, that i am ready to open one commission slot! One drawing, 37 dollars. One character, sowwy can't do more DM me for information!
( also donations are still open.... here is post about these - link ) ( commission slot will appear on payment platform then someone will take it in DM )
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cjoat-boost · 11 months
Mutual Aid List Post
With everything that’s going on with me, I have noticed folks I care about our interact(ed) with are in dire need of assistance or shares of the like. It’d ease my mind if even posting or sharing their posts would bring the eyes and assistance they each need. The list is numbered but the numbers have no standing on importance, it’s just a list. Please view under the cut.
Moosblossom (Fae/Moo/It/He/She) is once more opening up faer coms!! Moosblossom needs to save up to fix faer car, if you’re interested in helping ; https://moosbloomcoms.carrd.co/#ii
Hey guys, the Co-founder of BarPOC (18+ Community for Black, Indigenous, and other Furries of Color) server, Kandy, REALLY needs help right now, whatever you can donate please hand it over to them, they'll need it to overcome this. Thank you guys 🧡 https://bsky.app/profile/kandyelmo.com/post/3kd6gr4l43d2z
@annie-manga’s friend, @theawesomeadventurer (unsure why I’m unable to tag them but—Annie if you see this I hope sharing their posts will help them) is in financial need! https://www.tumblr.com/theawesomeadventurer/730798307796025344/i-am-still-in-need-of-financial-assistance-btw
Juutanart is an exhausted artist and wonderful mom; any help is appreciated.
This post is not made lightly, and Synne [Pronounced Sin] wanted to make sure that it is known that she wouldn't be sharing this if Synne didn't need the help. Synne’s never been wealthy, but having lost out on two paychecks due to their carpal tunnel putting her out of a job, they’ve been severely behind. Synne and their partner just spent the last of their money on groceries, and now only have two dollars between them to last until Friday. If anyone is able to help Synne and their partner at all, it will be greatly appreciated. We are also willing to do a little art in exchange, although we don't have the capability to do digital art at the moment. Synne’s Paypal: https://paypal.me/JessBiondo?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US | Synne’s partner's Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/puppyresidue
There’s my parental figures, as well; and trigger warnings are provided in the post. https://www.tumblr.com/cjoat-boost/731258299453997056/liv-webb-need-our-help
Finally me, as it’s November, (I’ll be homeless by the 12th…If allowed a week longer, the 19th; and I’m making it known that I’m trying to raise at minimum 500K to attempt to buy my first home before the end of November. My links and context provided are here: https://www.tumblr.com/cjoatprehn/731033172982300672/i-am-going-to-be-homeless-in-30-37-days
I can always add more folks in need, but my mana slots are running low, so i need to break for a moment. But it would mean so much if you were able to share this post.
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duckprintspress · 8 months
Thanks so much to the people who've already helped spread the word, it's making a big difference already.
The exact amount of the junk pledge is $2,015.
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To overcome it's malicious impact, we need to hit an "actual" amount of $15,515 (instead of our real goal of $13,500) - as in, we need to raise enough over our actual goal to cover the money that'll disappear when this fake pledge is removed.
Someone also suggested in the tags that we report it - we absolutely did. :) Here's what I wrote to KS:
"My campaign has 50 hours left and I just got a huge spam pledge for $2,000. This is absolutely insane, and I'm furious. How can you guys let this happen? When this pledge becomes nothing but air, my campaign either won't fund at the last minute because people who WOULD have backed to help get us over the line will think we're already funded, or it won't get cancelled til after the end and then the money won't exist and we won't actually be able to afford to do our project. I'm absolutely livid. I knew y'all were having problems with spam pledges but jesus f-in christ KS you need to resolve this absolutely immediately or figure out a way to make it up to loyal users like us. It impacts KS too, since if we crash and burn at the last minute because of this spam pledge, y'all can't collect your fees. This pledge and it's timing entirely screws up my ability to get last-minute pledges, and even having it there for a few hours will have a substantial negative impact on my ability to run this campaign.
"If this can't be resolved immediately, please PLEASE extend our campaign a day, anything to make up for the damage that this will do to my ability to get my project funded.
"This is the kind of problem that, if KS can't get it under control, I don't know how I'll be able to continue using the platform. Another person I know has had over $10k of spam pledges on his campaign in the last few weeks, and was initially told one of the pledges WASN'T spam and it took over a day to actually resolve. Can you think what it taking over a day will do to my project?
"Sorry, I'm ranty, but I'm livid, and the useless chat bot, my inability to get a human in chat when I've got an urgent problem, the utter lack of FAQ support for what to do when I get a spam pledge like this, and the irrelevant categories on this form I'm filling out now, plus the dozens of uncontrolled spam messages I've gotten about my project across four different platforms, have all combined to make me feel like KS either doesn't care about the spam issue or has zero ability to control it, and honestly neither of these conclusions is heartening when they relate to a company that has taken thousands of dollars in fees from me over the last few years."
I. Might have been a little angry, lmao.
However, their support staff doesn't even get to the office until 9:00 AM Eastern time (one hour from when I'm posting this), and then they'll have however many other e-mails to get through before mine. Our 48-hour window starts at 9:37 am. The odds that the junk pledge will be gone by then are EXTREMELY low. The person I mentioned in that message, it took over a day to get rid of a junk pledge and KS initially told them it WASN'T a junk pledge, so ya know that was awesome for them. I'd been feeling pretty lucky that it hadn't happened to me yet - this happened to them about three weeks ago - but well. guess my luck had run out.
Anyway, if anyone has other questions or comments, I'll see them in tags or you can drop us an ask. The outpouring has already been incredible, folks have pledged (or increased their existing pledges) to a tune of $303 since I put up the post an hour and a half ago, which means we're only about a thousand shy. I was teary-eyed before because I was upset about the junk-pledge, and now I'm teary-eyed instead being grateful about how awesome people are.
Thanks, everyone.
We'll overcome this dipshit scammy bullcrap!
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