#but it’s a funny hobby to fall back on when I can’t sleep at night ya know?
neon-danger · 1 year
Does it ever bother you that you write so much but there are so few readers of us? You deserve so much more praise.
Y’all are gonna make my ego bigger than it already is
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junosmindpalace · 14 days
heya, Dr. Stone headcanons of the Wise Generals' (all or any ones you prefer) sleeping habits? Pretty please🥺
i’m sooo indecisive when it comes to headcanons i just end up talking about every perspective! but i hope these are fun! sorry some of these are shorter than others </3 i had more ideas for ryusui and senku
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I’m pretty sure it was shown or implied very briefly in the show, but I believe Senku is a kind of person who sleeps pretty neatly.
Maybe not like a vampire on his back with his hands crossed over his stomach, but he mostly keeps to himself; his limbs aren’t usually all over the place, and he’s probably just curled within himself on his side. 
I don’t think it’s impossible for him to splay all over, but usually he’s a pretty still sleeper. Maybe he shifts around a little, a stray arm or leg here and there, and unless it’s super hot or cold or he’s unnerved by something, he’ll mostly just stay curled within himself. 
I think it was also shown that he tends to stay up pretty late doing science related things, so maybe a little bit of a night owl, too. 
Has at least once or twice pulled an all nighter doing science related things. Sometimes he isn’t even aware of the time, and he ends up accidentally staying awake all night (which he feels the effects of full force in the morning when he has school). 
It also seems like when he’s nervous about something, he can’t rest easily, either. So most of the time he should be spending sleeping is instead used for problem solving. 
He knows that, logically, he should be investing time and effort into developing and upholding a more than adequate sleep schedule in order for him to function and continue on with his hobbies at 100%. Buuut…he’s an eager person, and, for a lot of the series, a teenager. So his sleep schedule is probably a little all over the place. 
He’s probably out sometime between 12-2am on average though; that’s typically when he starts yawning and his body starts feeling heavy. 
Usually he just ends up exhausting himself with experiments, however, and retires to bed when the words in his textbooks begin to blur by curling himself up under a blanket. 
Doesn’t mind sleeping in the dark, and doesn’t fully mind sleeping with a small light. Too much of either, however, might set him a little on edge or make it harder for him to fall asleep.
Not a deep sleeper but not a light sleeper either. 
If he’s sharing a sleeping space, he’s not going to go out of his way to do anything particularly different. He’ll sleep as usual; depending on the person, he might choose to put some distance. 
If it’s with you, he may just fall asleep facing you. That’s the only notable thing. 
Overall just a generally calm and quiet sleeper. 
-> GEN:
Also similar to Senku in a lot of ways, such as in that he doesn’t sprawl around too much. 
He’s usually curled up, perhaps even more so than Senku, however, and out like a light. It’s funny for me to imagine him a deeeeep sleeper. 
But in actuality, I think he’d be an inbetween of heavy and light sleeper. When he’s nervous about something, he’s much more aware of himself and his surroundings, so the slightest off detail will have his eyes wide open. 
Usually, though, he can be a pretty heavy sleeper. Maybe a mouth breather. Maybe snores just a little (on occasion). 
Sleeps fairly regularly despite his celebrity status and being a student, or at least finds it harder to pull all-nighters. But like anyone else, he may get restless if he feels nervous about something. 
If I remember correctly, the fanbook mentioned details about his family life not being so great (either that or its some headcanons that resonated with me based on the almost sad expression he makes in reference to his family). Perhaps the exhaustion or stress from that either kept him awake or had him passing out when it came to sleep.
Maybe sleeps in somewhat of a fetus position? Wakes up with his neck killing him (projection). 
If he’s sharing a sleeping space, he might be flirty about it, depending on who you are.
Teases you slightly in every scenario, however; it only depends on what kind of jokes he's making. 
Also depending on his mood, he may start up some late night convos before heading off to sleep, usually if he’s got something on his mind.
In the same bed, I think he would want to be cuddly, but just wouldn’t be able to handle the sweat and discomfort I think, so he goes back over to his side fairly quick.
Has a thousand alarms for the morning because he has a tendency to sleep in or immediately fall back asleep when he wakes up.
I can imagine Ryusui’s sleeping habits going either way.
On the one hand, Ryusui can be a pretty deep sleeper. With his pampered lifestyle, he probably has heavenly bedroom accommodations; luxury bed, high brand pillowcases and mattresses and what not. He also doesn’t have very many worries in his life. So he probably sleeps like a rock at night. I can also see that deep sleep habit occurring even in the stone world, much to everyone’s disgust.
At the same time, Ryusui can be weirdly alert. Perhaps this would be more so stone world, but I can see him being disturbed by small changes in the environment and waking up to them.
His sleeping schedule may also be all over the place, but generally organized and well kept up. I imagine that he doesn’t fall asleep too late. 
He does occasionally pull an all-nighter if he’s working on something of his, however. When his mind is set on something, sometimes he can get caught up in it. 
Francois’ character profile lists events pre-petrification, saying they developed “a special drink for Ryusui, who has little time for sleep, to help him recover from fatigue after a short night's sleep.” I forget if context is ever given for this, but it sort of implies Ryusui doesn’t sleep a lot. So the all-nighters may be more frequent than expected. 
Either way, he’s probably one of the first people awake at any time, around maybe 5-6am. He likes to spend his days being productive, so no matter what, he’s typically up bright and early, no matter what time he goes to sleep at. 
I can imagine him with a somewhat firm expression while he sleeps, again, mostly during stone world. The lifestyle sort of toughens him up, makes him a bit more on edge constantly. It’s reflected in his face while he’s sleeping, mouth firm, eyebrows furrowed. He may also have this kind of face while he sleeps pre-stone world too, however, almost like he’s always in a perpetual state of slight unease despite his optimism. 
If he’s sharing a sleeping space with another person, he probably tries to be mindful of differing sleeping schedules…but either way, he might accidentally wake you with crashes depending on what he’s doing.
If he’s with you in bed though, I think he might like to cuddle, at least at first. Until he gets all uncomfortable and accidentally pushes you away.
But you get to share in all his bed luxuries! And all of the things Francois does to help keep Ryusui awake throughout the day also extend toward you on his order. 
-> UKYO:
One of the more calm sleepers. 
He’s another person who’s, again, like Senku, in that he just lies on his side the entire night.
Doesn’t move around too much when he’s sleeping, maybe just to readjust his blanket or whatnot. At most, he’s just repositioning himself to be more comfortable.
I think he too would have a bit of a firm face when he sleeps. 
He may like to hold something when he’s sleeping. It’s usually just the pillow he’s sleeping on top of, but sometimes he might yank it down enough so it's almost like he’s holding it to his chest. 
Also maybe curled up in somewhat of a fetal position, also wakes up with a killer neckache on occasion. 
If he’s sharing a sleeping space with someone, he probably just sticks to his side of the bed. 
Doesn’t mind cuddling, but like most people, that probably just means you’ll break away later in the evening when the two of you fall asleep. 
Might try to watch shows and movies he’s wanted to catch up on only to fall asleep curled up on the couch (you don’t have the heart to wake him) (it's why you have a blanket on your cushions now) (more projecting).
Also may have a billion alarms, all at absurd times. He gives you an apologetic kiss on the forehead if it disturbs your own slumber.
Ultimate mouth breather, ultimate blanket hog, ultimate BED hog (exaggeration). 
I’m mostly kidding, but out of all five, I can imagine Chrome to be one of the more chaotic sleepers. 
His leg is in the air, he’s starfishing, he’s snoring. He’s the whole insufferable package.
At the same time, however, I feel like it’d be funny if people anticipate Chrome to be such a difficult sleeper, only for him to be the exact opposite and instead sleep like a sound baby. 
I can see him being pretty hyperactive during the day and then crashing out at night so much so that he hardly moves, but mostly on days where he’s working himself to exhaustion. 
So take it either way.
If he’s sharing a space with you when he’s sleeping, he might be nervous as hell. Or if you’re a good enough friend, he’ll turn over and pass out with his leg out unapologetically no problem. 
I think for obvious reasons he doesn’t really tend to sleep with anything; no pillows or toys. 
And I also think cuddling is not a big thing. Though you might find an arm or leg tossed over you on restless nights…
If you confront him about those things in the morning, he’ll deny them endlessly.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
Here’s an angst idea
After having Wyatt, Mama B, and Mat decided that it was best if Mama B stepped back from her job so that someone could care for their kids 24/7.
Once Hockey season resumes, the weight of everything started to fall on Mama B a lot. 4 kids, and you’re practically a single mother. You have 2 kids in school with active hobbies, a clingy two-year-old and a newborn.
Her husband? He’s either on a roadie or going home late after celebratory drinks.
Then, they had a big fight one night. Mean things were said but Mama B’s stand is “You get to enjoy your life and career while I have to sacrifice mine. I love the kids but isn’t fair and I fear I’m losing my self of identity.”
After Wyatt was born, you’d decided to take the same six month break you’d taken with all of the other kids but as the time went on you felt like you should stay home and be with the kids.
So, you decided to take a leave of absence from the team indefinitely.
In the beginning, it was all fine. You were soaking up the newborn phase and then the off season came around so you didn’t feel any different.
When the season started back up again, Mat would come home telling you all about his day at the rink and you couldn’t help but become sort of jealous. You wondered what your boys were doing, how were the new guys getting on?
You loved Wyatt, this wasn’t about her. It was about feeling isolated from your friends, work and social life.
You sat at home alone watching stories of the devils on road trips, of your husband out drinking with his friends while you were surrounded by your sleeping kids.
During the day, you felt like you didn’t get a moment to breathe. Ryder had hockey practice almost every single night and Ivy was doing something if it was dancing, piano lessons or something. Along with the fact that the kids were still taking ASL lessons on top of all of that.
On Sunday Mat had an afternoon game and by the time he’d returned home you had already made the kids dinner and cleaned up, everything Mat promised to help with.
He walks in and the house is silent, apart from Wyatt’s gurgling.
When he enters the kids playroom he sees them all, you included having a conversation solely in sign language.
He frowns, not being able to depict the whole sentence only a few words.
“What you guys talking about?”
You all turn to look at him, you bounce wyatt in your arms.
“We’re telling Bailey a bedtime story!” Ivy announces proudly.
“You are?” He asks, walking in and picking Bailey up into his lap.
Bailey begins signing to Mat but his dad only frowns “I-I’m sorry bud I don’t know what you’re saying”
“Mat, he can’t hear you” you grumble “He’s not got his cochlear in”
Before Mat can defend himself, try and sign something to Bailey you take the toddler and mumble something about putting him to bed.
When you come back down, Mat has sent the two older kids to the playroom to watch a movie while Wyatt sleeps soundly in her bassinet by the couch.
You begin pottering around, cleaning the kids mess when Mat speaks “What did you get up to today?”
You don’t look up when you say “Same shit, different day”
He chuckles softly “they can be a little much huh?”
You scowl “and how would you know?”
Mat looks taken a back at your tone “what?”
“How would you know, Mat? How would you know what our kids are like; it’s not like you’re ever around”
You drop the rag in your hand and stare at him wildly “Well?”
He stutters “What is wrong with you?”
You let out a loud and tired sigh “What is wrong with me, Mathew is that I am tired! I’m so tired, I’ve never stopped all day since the day we brought Wyatt home and now you’re telling me you know what our kids are like as if you’re ever around!”
“I’m around-“ you laugh at that, laughing so hard you need to hold your stomach.
Mat stands there, looking like Bailey does when he’s in trouble until you stop “Oh sorry, that was a funny joke”
“It wasn’t a joke”
You point “no, you see it was a huge joke just like you Mat”
“You’re being so rude right now” is all he says and you pout, somewhat mocking him
“You know what’s rude Mat? The fact you can’t even speak to your own son” you shrug “because you’re not home to take the lessons that we agreed we would all take for Bailey!”
“I’m busy at the-“
“At the rink yes I know! I know Mat, because I wish I was at the rink, I wish I was with my team, I wish I was still at work!” You cried, angry tears lining your eyes.
He gapes “You’re mad I’m doing my job?”
“No!” You almost scream “I am not mad at you for doing your job, I’m mad at you because you stopped me from doing mine!”
“The NHL was my childhood dream y/n!”
You sob “It was mine too, Mat”
Both of your chests are rising with rapids breaths “I-I love you, Mathew and I love our kids. We have four beautiful babies here with us, but I cannot keep playing a backup role in the Mat show. I won’t do it”
Mat stands up straighter “The Mat show” he mocks “Like I haven’t always done the things you wanted, we moved house because you needed to work in jersey instead of New York, I gave up so much time chasing you while I was a rookie, everything-“
It hurt hearing that, that he felt like winning you over was an inconvenience.
“I never wanted you to chase me mat, and if you’re so resentful of it then maybe we would’ve been better of if you hadn’t tried”
His heart breaks a little, your suggestion that life would be better if you weren’t together definitely stung.
“You get to enjoy your life and career while I have to sacrifice mine, Mathew. I love the kids and I love you but all of this isn’t fair and I fear I’m losing my self of identity”
Mat is rendered speechless, he’s not sure what to say so he asks “Well What do we do now?”
You shrug “I don’t know, I’m going to put the kids to bed”
A little over an hour later you reappear at the kitchen door and he’s sitting with his hands grasping his hair waiting for you. When he hears you his head shoots up to look at you, eyes falling on the bag in your hand.
“Where are You going?”
You shake your head “Not me, you. I think it’s best if you find somewhere else to live for a little while Mat, give us some space”
“You don’t mean that, we can talk about this” he is almost begging and you.
You drop the bag on the floor and sigh “Please Mat, don’t make this harder than it needs to be”
“It should be hard! We need to fight for our marriage y/n”
“No, Mathew we don’t. Text me your training schedule for the next week and we can sort something out with the kids, Wyatt won’t be able to stay over night because she’s breastfeeding but the rest of them are fine”
Mat doesn’t know what to say, he’s at a loss for words this wasn’t angry words you were saying you were calm, collected and thinking this all through.
He was standing right in front of you. His fingers ghosted over your cheeks and he could feel your tears.
“Please” you whispered “Please just go, I can’t do this”
So he did, and it hurt him so much to go but if that’s what you wanted he would do it. He went into the kids rooms and kissed them all goodnight before he left, residing at an Airbnb that he managed to find on such short notice.
he spent the entire night awake, looking through your Facebook at your wedding photos, you babies pictures all through tears he watched as his family slowly slipped further away from him and he wasn’t sure he could get a grasp on them again.
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grapejuicestyless · 1 year
Sick Of The Chase
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: Y/n is what she considers a “killer.” Her relationships constantly falling apart in the same pattern, she can’t help but believe her failures are because of her. All she needed was one person to break that cycle. Based off Killer by Phoebe Bridgers.
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Sometimes I think I’m a killer. I scared you in your house. I even scare myself sometimes when I’m talking, rambling on your couch. But there’s nothing I can do. This is who I am, this is who I’m destined to be. The woman with a twisted mind and an even darker dating history.
A bloody trail of broken hearts, inconsolable nights spent chasing after the next loved one who had enough and got the fuck out.
And there’s nothing I can do.
It all started the same. An innocent man and an overly believing woman crossing paths by some kind of fate. The gravity would pull us together and we’d spend the next few moments of our lives together.
We would vow to see each other again, and we would. And the next months would be spent between the sheets with lips pressing to our cheeks and lips sore from our sorry smiles.
And before the clock would strike midnight, around the year long mark achievement that marked our love, it would become too much every time. Our abilities to work things out not yet prepared for the intense fights we would have.
The drifting was irreparable as all that was left to do was sit there idly waiting for the final blow that would break the camels back.
I would watch them leave just as it began. Some fate pulling us apart as it was always meant to be. And the proclaimed love of my life would walk out just as quickly as he would enter.
How stupid I was to have fallen into the trap of my own feelings yet again. How cruel of a trick I had played on myself for believing this could be different. That he would stay.
Harry entered my life just past the new year, confetti stuck in his hair and the rose spread across my cheeks from the warmth the alcohol transferred into my blood. His curls were lively, even when matted in sweat from dancing all night.
He stayed to pick up the aftermath, as did I. The quiet enveloped us, soft breathing and footsteps uneven and heavy. How funny it was how quickly history is ready to repeat itself as soon as you forget why you were so sad.
Ever the beautiful fool, I became hooked. The sickness that came from the chase buried underneath the desperation for blood. The undying want for his arms to hold me in the coldest nights and for his laughter to ring in my ears in the most humid rain storms.
We just fit. We shared the same interests, but we’re different enough to be able to share the enjoyment of teaching each other new hobbies and skills. Everything in my life became Harry coded.
From the apron hung on the door just for him when we’d bake to the strawberry shaped bowl on my counter top that reminded me of his love for summer. I had truly drowned in my infatuation for him.
But my love and my effort was never enough, in the end. And right around that December mark, just before the year anniversary, I watched as the fights that ceased to exist became a frequent part of our routine. I watched as his happiness turned into anger and mine into a deep rooted depression I couldn’t run from.
I couldn’t sleep next to him, some nights. Even as harmless as he was. The feeling of his arms around me only reminded me of our bitter words and unresolved arguments. The couch became my sanctuary. A place where sobbing seemed easier to do, and breathing was slightly clearer.
We progressed, sick but too ashamed to admit it for weeks. Apologies lingering only to be shattered within the next few hours as the next storm rolled in.
Yet, the killer that I was, the sad, mellow woman I became in every relationship still wasn’t enough to tame the fire that was him.
I sat there, sick and tired. My mind was barely there. A machine might as well have been keeping me alive, the way I had been feeling.
The stress came through my fingers. Knuckles white from pulling out the ends in a desire to make it stop. The fragile ending of a beautiful romance too much to think about.
But Harry, even in our most difficult time, found a way to surprise me. He kissed my rotting head, watching as my feet curled under my bottom and I tried to sink into the cushions, he refused to pull the plug. He let the wire twist, watched the rope burn slowly until only a strand held it together.
He refused to walk out and leave what we had built behind. That harsh question of, what was left to do for us, became answered in that resilience he showed.
In our darkest hour, in the softest whisper he promised me, “I know there’s something waiting for us.”
The road seemed narrow, walls closing in around us but he would hold them apart with all his strength until we figured it out. The cycle breaking bit by bit. With his promise to not abandon what we had, I grew the strength to give the same back to him.
There is something waiting for us.
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hikari thing part 2
again, this is me going through the entire oc ask game list and writing about Hikari. It’s a long one. I have a lot to share!
"Opinions on lying, stealing, and killing?" Not the biggest fan... But she'll do it if she deems it necessary (or if Romeo asks)
"Temper? What makes them mad?" Hikari surprisingly has a low temper. She has the sort of supremely indestructible chill that comes with being an immortal. That's not to say she can't get annoyed or angry or grumpy, but most things just roll off her like water off a duck's back. However, there is one thing that angers her. And that's Chaos. After being told that he was the one really responsible for Romeo's death, she vowed to kill him if she ever crossed paths with him.
"Can they drive?" No. Full stop
"Favorite place to be?" Wherever Romeo is. Besides that, probably.. Just outside, exploring and meeting new people!
"Do they sleep well at night?" Oh, absolutely not. Hikari is the epitome of that one friend who does not sleep. After Bedman's death, the sensation of sleeping reminded her too much of him, and she began trying to keep herself from sleeping out of fear. If she ever did fall asleep, she'd usually wake up crying and calling for him. Basically, she developed somnophobia.
"Their voice? Can they sing?" It's funny- l've been developing Hikari for a while and I still never really found a proper voice claim for her! Well, I think she'd sound something like Jordana in the Summer's Over album, plus maybe Madeline from Cults.
"Any creative hobbies?" Hikari is very passionate about dancing, and she also plays guitar! She's also an amateur singer, but she can be a little bit shy about it sometimes.
"How good is their eyesight? Hearing?" Both are slightly elevated. Because cat
"How do they move?" Hikari is rather light on their feet, their dexterity and flexibility being her strong suit.
"Favorite sport?" No not really.
"How do they show their love for someone?Or dislike?" Hikari is very, very affectionate. When she loves someone, she shows it in all sorts of ways. Lots of affection, slight protectiveness, trying to make them laugh and following them around... Cooking is also another big part of her love language. She usually tries to be as nice as possible to everyone, so if she's not being her usual bubbly self around you, she probably dislikes you.
"Are they associated with an element?" Unless you count the pure force of an unrestrained soul as an element, then not really.
"Do they have a notable scent?" Ocean air, vanilla, and candle smoke. The candle smoke scent mostly comes from their magic.
"Do they like giving or receiving gifts?" Hikari’s alright with pretty much willing to do anything that makes someone happy. If they like gifts, she's make sure to go all out and try to get the perfect gift! Getting gifts always makes her heart melt, even if she feels undeserving. She's a big fan of any kind of heartfelt gifts, but she has a soft spot for flowers, accessories, and plushes.
"Odd but not self-destructive habits?" Due to her lack of pain receptors and slightly inhuman flexibility, she occasionally sits in the most casually insane positions. She also sometimes ends up floating around aimlessly while talking.
"How do people around them describe them?" Bubbly, friendly, happy-go-lucky, and those who have seen her grief may also describe her as surprisingly unstable. Romeo describes her as obnoxious and annoyingly clingy, as well.
"How do they describe themself?" Hikari doesn’t see much value in herself. Ditzy, scatterbrained, emotional, “a dumbass.” Those are all common words she uses to describe herself. There are times when she appreciates her own values, and even a few times where she’s described herself as someone strong.
"Do they ever return home?" No. She can’t return home. She has no memories of it or of the fact that it was destroyed decades ago. However, that doesn’t matter. She’s found a new home, that’s here. With her friends, her work, her passions, and the person she loves most.
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real-jane · 2 years
Escape Birthday Challenge
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🎃This is my Spooky Birthday/1000 followers Celebration Challenge!🎃
Thank you so much for supporting me. No matter how you found me, I’m thrilled that you decided to stay. October 15th will mark one year of writing for the Marvel fandom (that’s right–nostalgia for the new will be one year old next month!!), but I’ve been in this game a lot longer than that. Fanfic is my favorite hobby, and likely always will be. I love being here with you all! 
For this challenge, the theme is 👻ESCAPE👻. However you want to interpret that. Vague, literal, it’s all fair game!
(rules under the cut)
Any fandom/pairing is welcome! 
I’m open to submissions from most common fandom tropes, but please avoid extreme body horror, sexualization of minors, bigotry, racism and racist themes (esp in Halloween costume choices for characters. No appropriation will be tolerated). 
Please tag appropriately. 
Smut is welcome and encouraged, as is spooky/scary content. 
No word count limit. Please use a *read more* cut if over 500 words. 
If you’ve found this and you don’t follow me, you’re still welcome to submit. 
**Bonus points if you write me some lovely Women-Loving-Women content, or somehow incorporate the number 33 for my new age!**
Submissions due by Dec. 31st! I will compile a masterlist as submissions roll in. My actual birthday is October 16th, but please don’t feel obligated to submit by then.
–Tag your fics with #katesbirthdayESCAPE or #ESCAPEbirthdaychallenge so I can find them, and tag me, too!
Prompt Ideas:
Spooky 👻
A basement contains jars filled with unusual specimens.
The clock starts running backwards.
The empty swing is swinging.
New powers they can’t control.
No reflection in the mirror.
Power goes out.
Doors opening and closing on their own.
All the houseplants are dead.
Waking up in a panic.
Sudden dizziness.
Romantic 🦇
7 minutes in heaven.
The enemy who understands you more than anyone else.
Accidentally matching costumes.
First date haunted house.
They’re both scared but neither want to admit it.
Autumn carnival.
Sharing a blanket.
Carving pumpkins.
Baking something.
Making it to their loved one, no matter the cost.
Scary 🕸️
A person has the ability to make other people very ill.
The dead walk out of the sea.
A person finds new photos of herself on her cell phone that she didn’t take.
A couple vacationing in a remote area begins having the same nightmares.
The television switches to another station of its own accord.
A woman is happy when her dead loved one comes back to life… but he’s changed.
Tourists on a ghost tour, along with their guide, fall into the hands of an evil presence.
People begin sleepwalking and doing strange things in their sleep.
It always happens when he’s alone in the car.
Phantom pains.
Dialogue ideas: 🎃
"Look, I dressed up as you."
"That costume really is convincing."
"I don't believe in ghosts."
"Hey, this isn't funny."
"Do you think keeping your eyes shut will keep you safe?"
"You've heard the stories about what happened in that house, right?"
"There's no one here."
"He was right behind me."
"I swear, that door was locked a minute ago."
"I think we're lost."
“Why do you have to look at me like that?”
“Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
“I’m so lucky.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Is this the moment that we kiss?”
“The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
“What took you so long? I missed you…”
“I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do.”
“Don’t look at me like that and then feign innocence.”
“I shouldn’t be allowed to be this happy.”
“You keep saying that we’re just friends, but you look at me too long for that to be true.”
“Please don’t love me the way you loved your exes.”
“Please come home, this doesn’t feel right.”
“Will you stay the night?”
“Hold my hand.”
“My heart hurts when I look at you.”
“Don’t blame it on the alcohol.”
“Kiss me like you mean it.”
“Don’t leave me like that again, you scared me.”
“You were never the person I wanted, but you were the only one I ever needed.”
“I hope we last.”
“You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
Tagging potentially interested humans! No pressure either way: @peterhollandkait @abovethesmokestacks @mannien @motsdouxdejanie-inactive @buckysbirdie @fandoms-writings @sanguineterrain @thornsnvultures @indyluckycharlie @foreverindreamlandd @adecila @naarna @mayasreadingnook @obsidianvibranium @writing-for-marvel @majestyeverlasting @sweetdreamsbuck @amixedwitch @elixirfromthestars @wonderful-writes
my masterlist
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thewarriorspecial · 1 year
And I Slowly Fall To Pieces
*Archive Edition* Previously only linked to AO3, full work now available under the cut.
Rating: Explicit | 2.7k | Guy Gardner/Kyle Rayner/Original Female Character
Additional Tags: Threesome - F/M/M, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs
Guy and Kyle are roommates and best friends. They share a lot of things. Lately, their hobby is picking up women together.
My take, in my weird little universe, on how Guy and Kyle get together.
"I usually love sleepin’ all alone This time around, bring your friend with you But we aint really gonna sleep at all"
It’s not often Guy leaves the comfort of his own bar to chase skirt, Kyle’s or otherwise. He doesn’t know when the last DJ convention was, but this snare drum laden robot fart music ain’t doin’ it for him. The only thing he can hear clearly is his own teeth vibrating. But they’re here because Kyle loves this shit. He loves the chase and Guy indulges him as often as he can.
“Often, often, girl, I do this often,” Kyle sings the lyrics into the ear of the beautiful girl grinding on his thigh. She lets Kyle dip her back as he drags his lips along her throat. Guy could watch him do this all night. Kyle’s in his element and even though he’s a shit tier dancer his game with women is deific. Guy thinks it’s the eyes. Personal opinion.
Guy watches the girl run her hands all over Kyle’s half-tucked button-up and feels his pulse thunderclap in the storm of lust and jealousy building in his chest. She was hot in a lot of the same ways Kyle was hot. She was toned and petite. Her little crop top showed off the dimples in her back and a cute flower tattoo that disappeared beneath her mini-skirt. She had dark wavy hair that just touched her shoulders and some of the sweat-damp curls stuck to her neck. Her heavy eye makeup made her light eyes seem to glow in the dim light.
Kyle looks up from the girl’s ample cleavage with a smirk. Soon he’s gonna bring her over and charm them all into coming back to his apartment. It’s insane. He comes to the same place, with the same song requests and the same lines and scores like Ovechkin coming from the left circle. Like, come on, you see him there. You know what’s coming. And Guy’s gonna let it happen. He’s gonna pour himself into goin’-out clothes he hasn’t worn since college, grab the keys to the Firebird, and stand right in front of that wrist shot on the off chance Kyle gets drunk enough to kiss him again.
That night would live in Guy’s head for the rest of his life. Kyle had been railing that tall, curvy blonde on the kitchen table when Guy, transfixed, reached a hand out to caress her body. His fingers travelled over her breasts, her belly, down her thigh, and then over Kyle’s bicep, down his ribs and over his hip until Guy had an unintentional handful of Kyle’s perfect ass. Kyle had turned, eyes alight and teeth bared and Guy was sure he was getting clocked. But Kyle had clamped his hand on the back of Guy’s head and dragged him down for a filthy, open-mouthed kiss.
Normal people had their awakenings when they saw an actor or a classmate that made them feel things. Guy realized he was definitely into men mid-threesome as he contemplated how much he’d like to shove his fingers up his best friends’s ass. Life’s funny that way.
Now Kyle’s headed towards the bar with his prey in tow. He’s grinning like a cat that’s about to drop a half-dead kill in Guy’s lap. Guy smiles to himself as he sips his drink and looks away, like he hasn’t been watching them this entire time. He’s slouching against the bar, one leg draped over a barstool like he’s saving a seat for someone else. His outfit is understated, black jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket. He doesn’t like to think about clothes too much; he can’t really tell colors apart and they all clash with his hair anyways. And he’s been told on no uncertain terms that the amount of neon green and leopard print in his possession is a violation of the highest order.
Kyle introduces Lacey and she offers Guy her hand, palm facing down. Guy unfolds himself into his full height, enjoying the way her glossy lips part and her pretty eyes travel down his body and back up. He takes her hand gently, kissing her knuckles. He lets his voice go low and raspy as he leans in to rumble in her ear, “Nice to meet you.”
Lacey’s free hand hovers over Guy’s chest in an unspoken question so Guy takes both of her hands and lays them right on his pecs. He steps closer, pressing her between himself and Kyle, “We doing drinks or are you ready to get out of here?” He rumbles in Kyle’s ear now and he can feel Lacey shiver.
“I know, she’s so hot right?” Kyle’s grinning ear to ear, one arm still wrapped around Lacey and one hand resting on Guy’s arm.
“What do you think, sweetheart?” Guy asks Lacey, “Two for the price of one?” When Lacey only nods he asks, “How drunk are you?”
“Oh, I’m good. I only had two drinks. And I can handle my drinks. I’m a total lush!” Lacey laughs and tucks her hair behind her ear.
“That so?” Guy asks with a challenging grin, “You ever done anything like this before?”
Lacey giggles again, briefly coving her face with her hand. She leans in like she’s telling Guy a secret, “Only once in college. With another girl!”
“Oh you’re fun. You hear that, Kyle?” Guy asks and Kyle nods vigorously. The fingers of his free hand are trailing under the hem of her skirt, “She’s had practice.”
“So have we,” Kyle whispers huskily, eyes locked on Guy’s as he mouths Lacey’s neck again. The two men share a smile as they gently tease the woman pressed between them and she clutches Guy’s shirt like a lifeline.
“Let’s hit it, then,” Guy makes a show of picking up the clearly badged key from where it rested on the bar-top. He throws an arm over Kyle’s shoulders, nudging Lacey in front of them as they exit the club.
In this moment, kneeling on Kyle’s bed, watching Kyle curl his tongue over Lacy’s clit in slow, doting strokes—Guy decides he might be in love. Or at least in awe.
Guy’s only ever gone down on Tora a handful of times. She was the quiet type too so he really had no idea if he was any good at it. Between Lacey’s thrashing and the puddle growing under Kyle’s chin he was obviously an expert.
Kyle was over there doing all kinds of things Guy had never thought of. With no internet on Oa, Guy didn’t really have porn to fill in the blanks either. Guy’s best friend, who he was in love with had a small, manageable crush on, was teaching him how to eat pussy by proxy. Kyle would turn his head, flip his hand over, change speed, alternate sucking and humming. It was hypnotic.
After a loud slurp, Kyle sat back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, fingers slick and shiny, “You doin’ okay, big guy?”
“Yeah, big guy,” Lacey echoed, dazed as she stretches to touch Guy’s knee.
“Yeah,” Guy says, clearing his throat, “Yeah. M’good.”
“Well, don’t be shy,” Kyle gestures to the beautiful woman stretched out in front of him.
“Right, right,” Guy crawls stiffly across the bed, crouching where Kyle had been, all of his extra height spilling over Lacey’s body. He was too nervous to go straight for the prize so he started by pushing Lacey’s crop top up, gently pinching and rubbing her nipples.
“Oh, God,” Lacey’ back arched and her thighs wrapped around Guy’s waist.
“Take your jacket off and stay a while, chief,” Kyle said as he started pulling Guy’s jacket off from behind. Lacey sat up suddenly, reaching to help Kyle slowly slide the jacket down Guy’s massive arms. As Kyle pulled the jacket away, Lacey was already pushing Guy’s shirt up. Her hands flew to his abs and Guy felt the tips of Kyle’s fingers dragging along his skin as his shirt was pulled off too. He couldn’t help the groan that escaped. He kept his eyes on Lacey, hoping Kyle didn’t notice. Kyle was so close Guy could feel the heat of his skin on the back of his neck.
His skin, Guy thought as he realized Kyle had taken his own clothes off too. “Jesus,” Guy whispers as Lacey opens his fly and starts working his jeans off. Guy sits up on his knees to give Lacey room and he freezes when he feels the tip of Kyle’s warm, hard cock bump against his back.
“Sorry,” Kyle says with a shy laugh as he climbs back onto the bed and stretches out. He props himself up on one elbow, to watch Guy presumes, and Guy’s mouth goes dry. Kyle looks so fucking good laid out on the dark sheets like that. Guy had certainly had some thoughts before. He was curious. He knew he loved women, but he really liked women that felt like his equal. He had a special place in his heart for tiny tomboys and tall, buff girls that could kick his ass. And now here was Kyle. He had a very pretty face, but he was very male. And that was not a turn-off.
“Oh, wow,” Lacey sighs when she finally has Guy’s too-tight jeans out of the way. She wraps both of her hands around Guy’s length and still has some to spare. Guy jumps at the touch but he cannot tear his eyes away from Kyle because Kyle’s stroking himself languidly and staring right back. Another groan is ripped out of Guy and whether its from Lacey’s tongue lapping at his dick or watching Kyle touch his own, Guy’s not too sure.
Guy leans back, Lacey comes up on all fours and tosses her hair out of the way, and Kyle scoots to get behind her. Guy feels Lacey moaning around his cock and it makes the insides of his thighs tremble. He feels as much as he hears her slurping and softly gagging as she enthusiastically tries to fit as much of Guy into her throat as she can.
“Easy honey, I’m a big boy. We got all night,” Guy tries to keep his voice steady and he realizes the slurping is coming from behind Lacey and Kyle’s neck deep in her pussy again. Guy closes his eyes and rests his hand behind Lacey’s head, just gently encouraging her rhythm without pushing too hard. He listens to the soft little sounds coming from the pair and thinks about how badly he wants to fuck them both. Just pull Kyle down right next to her and pound right into both of them, one after the other, back and forth. She’s obviously down, but wondering how much Kyle would let him get away with is intriguing. He can almost imagine the head of dark, wavy hair between his legs is Kyle. And then Lacey. And then Kyle. Yeah that’s going in the Spank Bank vault.
Kyle emerges from behind Lacey and starts crawling towards Guy. His chin and fingers are dripping wet again. That image is going in the vault too. Guy keeps his hands firmly planted on Lacey so they don’t do anything stupid.
“She tastes so good, Guy.”
“Oh yeah?” Guy cups his hand around Lacey’s chin and gently brings her up for a slow, sensual kiss. Lacey moans and climbs into his lap. As she grinds against him, he can feel her warm, wet lips sliding up and down his shaft like a sweet little hug. “Mm, you’re right. She does.”
Before Guy can carry on kissing Lacey, Kyle grabs Guy’s face with his cool, damp fingers and seals his mouth over Guy’s. Kyle’s tongue pushes into Guy’s mouth and Guy realizes that salty sweetness he’s swallowing isn’t spit. He cock jumps so hard he misses twice as he grabs Lacey’s hips and slides her halfway down his length. He knows he should slow down and take his time with his heavy equipment but he’s lost between Lacey’s heat and Kyle’s mouth. He feels Lacey’s tongue lapping at his cheek where Kyle’s wet fingers have his jaw in a death grip.
Guy has to twist away so he can breathe, “Save some for our guest, bud.” Kyle grabs Lacey roughly by the hair and kisses her breathless too.
“God, please,” Lacey begs between kisses as she struggles in Guy’s lap, “Please fuck me. Please.” Guy shoulders his way passed Kyle, breaking off their kiss as he lays Lacey on her back. She’s so tight and he tries to start a slow, steady pace but Kyle’s hands are at the small of his back, pushing him forward. Lacey pulls her knees to her chest and becomes a shivering, moaning mess. “Don’t stop,” she begs as her head falls back, “don’t stop.”
Kyle’s hands work slow circles on Guy’s back, like he’s working up the confidence to touch more. Guy shifts his weight onto one arm so he can get a hold of Kyle’s arm and pull him down next to Lacey. Kyle’s back barely hits the sheets and he’s already sitting up, “I—I’m sorry, I don’t know what—“
“Easy baby,” Guy says, stroking Kyle’s belly, ‘We’re good. C’mere,” he pulls Kyle right up against Lacey’s side. She turns to kiss Kyle and Kyle takes her hand, threading their fingers together. The whole bed rocks with Guy’s movements and Kyle starts stroking himself to Guys’ rhythm with his eyes fixed on where Guy and Lacey’s bodies are joined. Guy takes in the hazy look in Kyle’s eyes, the way his bangs are clinging to his sweaty face, how good the salt of his sweat smells combined with the sweetness of Lacey’s wetness.
Fuck it, Guy thinks as he wraps his free hand around Kyle’s cock. Kyle’s hand reaches up to twist in the sheets above his head. His legs fall open and his head tips back. His resonating growls follow Lacey’s sweet moans like an echo. Their knuckles are turning white where their hands are joined, clinging to each other as Guy works them both towards orgasm.
“Holy fuck,” Kyle growls as his toes curl. Holy fuck, Guy thinks as he realizes he was too stupid to put a fucking condom on and the familiar coil of heat at the base of his spine is about to snap. He feels Lacey’s nails gently scratch at his pecs.
“Fuck yeah, cum for me, fill me up,” Lacey croons. Kyle makes a sound like he got punched in the gut and wet heat flows over Guy’s wrist and forearm.
Guy does as he’s told and cums so hard his hamstrings try to cramp. He hopes no one mentions the embarrassingly high noise that ripped out of his throat. With the last of his strength he shoves himself into the middle of the pile and accidentally wipes the sweat off his face with his cum drenched hand.
“Ugh. When I can feel my feet, we’re getting showers,” Guy complains. Curious, he licks tentatively at the back of his hand. He turns to face Kyle who’s wide eyed and flushed. “You uh, You taste really good too.”
“Thanks, I think,” Kyle says with the hint of a shy smile working its way through the stress lines on his face.
“You’re more than welcome to stay here,” Guy says to Lacey but she’s already passed out and quietly snoring. “Well,” Guy says, suddenly sitting bolt upright and scooting to the edge of the bed, “Uh,” he gathers his clothes from the floor without looking at Kyle, “See you in the morning?”
“Yeah. Maybe we can talk then?”
“Of course,” Guy shuffles to the door, stops, and turns back. Kyle’s sitting up with his arms wrapped around his knees and he’s chewing his lip. Guy crosses the distance between them. He looks into those lovely eyes for a long moment, hoping to be thunderstruck with the right thing to say. When nothing comes to mind he does what feels right instead. He leans down and gently pecks Kyle on the lips. Kyle’s eyes slide closed and he returns the gesture. “Look kid, we’re friends no matter what. Everything else is gonna fall into place no matter what, okay?”
Kyle smiles, that radiant grin of his, and Guy tucks him in.
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It’s another fantastic Friday on the farm and we are very happy to bring you the first round of September recs from our friends!
Enjoy your weekend and give these fics a read from your favorite cozy spot. Be sure to leave the authors some love!
Ain’t justice blind (marchtwentyfour) “One of the most underrated & best AUs i have ever read from the D&P fandom. The characters are fleshed out, the foundation for David & Patrick's relationship was laid out so believable it felt so earned when they finally got together. This fic also explored them navigating their relationship, growing into it, and the very satisfying happy ending they got. I love LOVE this fic and i re-read at least every quarter?”
Birthday spanking (@lisamc-21​) “This story exemplifies the perfect one-shot… a potentially humiliating meeting of our favorite co-workers at a club morphs into a blazing hot (yet tender) canon-divergent celebration of David’s birthday, just a few hours outside of SC. Lisamc21’s words paint the scene beautifully and efficiently, and her depiction of anxious sex god David and take-charge Patrick is A+!“
The fundamental things (@goodiecornbread​) “This Mutt/Jake fic—yes, trust me, just try it—is so rich, thoughtful, and fun. Mutt needs a place to sleep and Jake's got a bed. Magic ensues. There's lovely insight into their characters, some Schitt family backstory, quiet hobbies on winter nights, interactions with other Schitt's Creek residents, and lots of understated affection and intimacy.”
How long till we reach the door? (@lizzie-bennetdarcy​) “This is everything you could ask for in a one shot: sweet, hot, funny, tropey (in the best way) plus David escaping down a fire escape!”
I’ve never known anyone quite like you before (orphan_account) “I'm not even sure how to describe this piece. It's just so fucking beautiful. It's a different style but it's a masterpiece in 250 words. I beg you to read it.”
Keeping us tied and true (@whetherwoman​) “This fic was a huge surprise for me - there's not much omegaverse in this Fandom and I was quite wary of it but the tags won me over - it is very different from what you might be expecting from a standard omegaverse fic and I was so glad I gave it a try. It's tender and *very* hot and beautifully written. Plus did I mention also: fake relationship and only one bed. What more could you ask for?”
Music moves him (@smallumbrella369​) “Wow. Listen to this music and read this fic of Patrick trying to tell David what he meant by "slow", and how he makes him feel, like music under his skin. Phew!” 
Polaris (strangeluvz) “This is a super-angsty, post-breakup David/ Patrick fic, and it’s just so perfectly on point in tone, characterization, and atmosphere. I can’t get it out of my head!”
The start of something good (@khughes830) “It's sweet, and I love the way they gravitate towards each other from the very beginning. It's the knowing that they both carry. Also, everybody gets involved and it makes it fun. Cora Brewer and Ellie Mullens are such good fun!”
Time until the end of time (@ships-to-sail​, @yourbuttervoicedbeau​) 
“absolute perfection. iconic. unparalleled.”
“I honestly don't understand how this isn't being recc'ed everywhere by everyone?? It is stunning and heartbreaking and perfect and I feel like everyone is sleeping on it. Every single new chapter blew me away and the ending...I won't spoil it but the authors absolutely knocked it out of the park.”
“It was so beautifully written and so unique and creative. A very different way for our David and Patrick to meet and fall in love, and also an exploration of one’s life and a look at how we have affected people in our life. Even if we don’t realize it until it’s examined. Sometimes too late but to still know the love is there.” 
“Everything. Such a creative concept. So much love and care was put into it. It’s a beautiful exploration of how David became the person he is, seen through the eyes of current David (looking back at himself, how he felt then and how he feels now about it) and Patrick. Every chapter was an emotional whirlwind in the best way. It was all just so, so beautifully done. I am in awe.“
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bluehoodiewoozi · 3 years
things Seventeen does that make you feel loved
⟪‘95 + ‘96 line version⟫
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other versions: ⟪‘97+’98+’99⟫
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♡ spoiling you in every possible way
♡ not just with money and material goods (but also, yes, with those too)
♡ he just can not say no to you more than 90% of the time
♡ loves the most when you ask him for hugs or kisses, because he loves providing those more than anything. he’s got lots to give.
♡ he’d honestly fight a whole army if you asked him to.
♡ you have to be very careful with what you look at when you go to the store with him, because he’ll see you stare at a succulent for 0.1 seconds too long and,,,
♡ well, basically you have a succulent garden now. he can’t help himself from wanting to make you happy like this
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♡ singing you to sleep
♡ he often struggles with falling asleep at night and, after you moved in together, he realised he could easily fill his time
♡ more often than not, you fall asleep to his soft voice, at the exact perfect volume to lull you to sleep without a single nightmare in sight
♡ if you do get a nightmare, he’s up in a second and holding you to his chest while he sings you lullabies all over again
♡ sometimes you like to pay him back by singing or humming a song as he’s about to nap in your lap. he appreciates this immensely, even if he likes to tease you about your voice from time to time.
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♡ trying out your hobbies
♡ whenever he finds you doing something you love, he does his best to join in
♡ occasionally he straight-up demands to be included, with a cute pout at that
♡ but most of the times he’ll just sort of,,, appear
♡ one moment you are repotting your plants on your own and the next moment he’s sitting beside you with a shovel and gently petting the plants’ leaves as if to comfort them
♡ particularly enjoys joining you for more artsy hobbies
♡ and sometimes he tries to get you to enjoy his hobbies as well and he gets this dumb big smile on his face when you do join him, so how can you ever say no?
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♡ endlessly hugging you
♡ he’s big on physical affection and gets a bit pouty if his quota of affection goes unfulfilled (problem: it is limitless)
♡ has absolutely no issues with throwing himself at you whenever he sees you. it’s basically your daily greeting at this point. 
♡ when you go grocery shopping and he wanders off, the moment he finds you again, he’s hugging you like it’s his first time seeing you that day
♡ you especially appreciate his affection when you’ve had a bad day or are sick. he’ll wrap himself around you like a safety blanket until you’re better again. 
♡ he can’t help but melt when you show him any kind of physical affection too
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♡ sharing quiet moments with you
♡ the world knows a Soonyoung that is wild and loud and shameless, but he’s different with you
♡ you can take pride in the fact that he doesn’t try to be cool or funny in your presence. he feels safe enough to just be himself.
♡ he’s perfectly content just sitting by your side and reading a book over your shoulder, softly reading to you the quotes he likes on the page.
♡ he says ‘i love you’ a lot, but the ones that make your heart flutter the most are the ones he whispers into your ear as if they’re the most sacred words in the world
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♡ leaving books for you to read
♡ whenever he has to leave you alone due to schedules, he always makes sure to supply you with good readings
♡ it’s like a personal book recommendation based on what he thinks you might like and what reminded him of you
♡ sometimes you find little pencil comments or post-it notes with his thoughts and ideas
♡ sometimes he’s underlined quotes that made him recommend the book to you in the first place
♡ loves it when you return the favour and slip a book you think he’d like into his bag just before he leaves <3
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♡ sharing his meals / eating with you
♡ he’s said it before that he dislikes eating alone. having you in his life means he doesn’t have to and he’s more than happy to grab the opportunity.
♡ even if he has already eaten, he’d never turned down a chance to eat with you. if you made dinner, you’d better believe he’s not letting anything go to waste.
♡ you don’t even have to ask him to share his fries or the buy you an ice cream. he does it anyway. 
♡ the members sometimes make fun of the way he almost reflexively places a piece of his tangerine against your lips even if you hadn’t said a word.
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ellienettie · 2 years
Dickinette <3
No actual title for this one :D Just wanted to get rid of it from my notes ^^
His hair was soft, roughed up as she continued to run her fingers through them. He was lightly snoring on her lap. Marinette has never felt so in love as she does right now, staring at him. Eyes closed, he's peaceful for once, smiling even in his sleep as his head seemed to follow her hand in whatever direction. Sometimes up and down, sometimes side to side, sometimes in a circle.
"Stop moving your hand so much, love." Oh, maybe he wasn't asleep.
Marinette giggled, a warmth spreading around her chest area not from the fire in front of them. Despite being outside in Gotham at night, right beside a river, they were warm because of each other. Dick's hand reached up to grab hers, pulling it down to his lips to kiss her knuckles. Marinette has never felt so loved before.
"Aren't you tired?" She asked him as she let her hand be held by his, her other hand now stroking his head.
"You're making me tired." And he's smiling at her as if they don't have problems for the both of them to fix when they're away from their own world. 
"Is this your way of telling me to stop then?" She's been smiling and grinning for the past half hour, her cheeks hurt but every time she looks at him she just can't stop.
"Never. Matter of fact, I'd happily glue your hand to my head." Dick laughed. Marinette's giggling again like during those patrols with Chat and her, when he'd tell her all types of jokes and she'd laugh even when it wasn't funny. 
"Silly, your hair will end up ruined." His thumb was rubbing her hand, smooth and gentle despite his hobbies. Kwami, she just loved him too much.
"I won't mind, as long as I'm always near you." Marinette rolled her eyes at him. 
"You dork." She pushed his head away from her lap, laughing as he gracelessly fell on to the grass. 
"I can't believe you just let me fall like that!" He said as soon as he managed to get on his knees, immediately putting his hand to his heart and his other hand holding tightly on to her thigh, a wounded puppy expression on his face 
"Shut up, stop being a drama queen" She said as she pushed his hand away, Dick smiling at her, eye-contact never breaking even as he fell on his back. 
"Lay on me?" He asked her, and really, how could she resist?
She knelt down on her knees right beside him, and she let herself fall on his arm. 
"I love you." They said to each other at the exact same time, the moment they looked into each others eyes again. 
"Triple Jinx you can't talk until someone says your name!" Dick managed too say just before her, years of practice against a speedster finally paying off. 
Marinette pouted at him. "I'm not saying your name~" He chuckled, kissing the crown of her head. Marinette huffed. 
"You do look cute, love, but I'm still not going to say your name~" Marinette poked him harshly. 
"Cute." She wrinkled her nose at him and he kissed it. 
"Marinette." She smiled at him. 
"Marinette Grayson." 
"Richard 'Dick' Dupain-Cheng." and they're smiling at each other like love-sick teenagers pinning desperately for each other.
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Every part of you
Request: Something just fluffy and domestic would be so nice...missing that old man. Maybe something like baking with him? Fluffy smut or just fluff, I would be really happy to see you write either. 💕
Warnings: Smut, blowjob, p in v, unprotected sex, kitchen sex
Words count: 2,4k
Joel Miller x Reader. Insecure Joel. No virus, no apocalypse. Divorced!Joel.
* * * * *
After his divorce with Sarah’s mother, Joel entered years of celibacy, except for the occasional hookups. He didn’t want to go down that road again, his marriage wasn’t the best one but he loved his wife and expected it to last forever, like they promised each other.
But things changed when he met you over a year ago.
It was one of those nights where his brother Tommy dragged him to a bar. You were there with some friends and the first thing he noticed about you was your smoking hot body. And before he knew it, Tommy brought you to their table to have a drink with them.
It was supposed to be one of those hookups. No strings attached. In the morning, he would’ve left and you probably wouldn’t have never met again.
But he broke rule number one on the first night anyway: never take someone home. He always found a way to go to his partner's place, or at least, found a place to do it, but never at his place. His home.
Until you.
Once you were done, he realized how young and innocent you looked. He could see the struggle on your face, as to whether you should leave or stay. He felt bad about himself and told you to stay. You warmly smiled and faxed yourself under the covers, your warm form curled up against him.
In the morning, he woke up to the smell of coffee and French toast. As you had breakfast together, you told him a bit about yourself and Joel found himself to be interested.
You left your phone number and two weekends later - he spends every two weekends with his daughter - Joel invited you for a drink. Which turned into a few ones. Which turned into taking you home again.
That was over a year ago. Now, you’re moving in with him.
He didn’t expect for it to happen. It’s just that when you mentioned wanting to move out from your crappy apartment, he simply told you to come live with him and Sarah. His teenage daughter is very fond of you, and Joel is deeply in love with you. There’s no reason this could go wrong, is there?
But somehow, it caused your first fight.
It was hard to fit two homes into one, and Joel wasn’t compromising at all. He didn’t want to get rid of anything.
“You have to meet halfway, Jo.” You told him, clearly annoyed.
“I am. I just don’t want to get rid of my couch. What’s wrong with that?”
“Well, for starters, mine is fairly new, bigger and way more comfortable. But it’s not just about the couch. It feels like you don’t want me to move in after all,” you said with such sadness in your voice, Joel felt horrible.
“I asked, didn't I?” He answered, defensively.
“Probably because you felt bad about my struggle to find a new place. Just like you felt bad after our first night together.”
“I’m not stupid, Joel. I know you didn’t want me to stay at first.”
“But you did.”
“Well, yeah. Because it was my first time hooking up with someone I just met. And—“ you took a deep breath. “I really don’t want to compliment you right now, but the sex was—mind blowing.”
You obviously were still pretty mad but Joel couldn’t help but smirk in his beard. Sex with you is indeed pretty mind blowing. There’s love, trust, passion, and you’re open-minded concerning his kinks. He never witnessed that before. Actually, he discovered new kinks with you, pretty much like if you were his very own kink.
“Take that smirk off your face. That’s unfair.” You breathed out.
Joel closed the distance between your bodies, and gently kissed your forehead. “Letting you stay that night was the best decision I’ve made in a very long time,” he kissed your nose. “I’ll get rid of the couch.” Then he kissed your lips and moved to your neck. “Let’s ruin it before.”
You chuckled and you did ruin his old couch.
A few weeks later, you were all moved in. Joel was exhausted, he fell asleep on your - extremely - comfortable couch. You covered him with a blanket and took care of the last details before cooking dinner.
Your parents had been owners of a restaurant for the past thirty years, your father being the chef and your mother doing pretty much the rest. You spent most of your time in the establishment as a child, and your father happily shared his know-how with you.
In the past year, Joel had barely spent time in the kitchen, as it became your space. Not that he minded.
He does mind the weight he’d been gaining though.
He woke up to the smell of one of your dishes, two hours after falling asleep. He could hear you doing your thing in the kitchen. He smiled, stretched himself and when his mind seemed awake enough, he joined you.
You felt his strong arms wrapping your middle, and took advantage of your messy bun to plant wet and sloppy kisses in your exposed neck. You felt shivers all the way through your body. “Hi handsome. Sleep well on the couch?”
“Bite me.” He growled against your skin and you chuckled.
“Did that last night.” You said, referring to the bite mark you left right on top of his shoulder. He had made you cum so hard, you didn’t control yourself.
“I love when you mark me.” He whispered in your ear, nipping your ear lobe.
“Good, I’m taking you for a scarification tomorrow. My name, right above your penis.”
“Hmm,” Joel was still planting kisses anywhere he could and you could feel his growing erection against your ass. It was getting really difficult to focus on the marinade in front of you. “I can meet you halfway and agree to get a tattoo.” You laughed but somehow imagined it. It would ruin any relationship for him if you two ever break up. “Only if you do the same, obviously.” He added.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
He hummed in answer and you felt his hand playing with the waistband of your sweatpants. But you slapped his hand away before he could slide it in. “Put your hands to other use for now. Cut the onions for me,” you playfully rubbed your ass against his crotch but only to push him away.
Joel let go of you and looked around to find the onions. “Wow. I like punishment but only if I know what I did wrong.”
You laughed before throwing two onions at him, which he almost missed. As he began to peel them off, you gently grabbed the knife from his hands and squeezed a lemon on the blade. Joel looked at you, lovingly. “There. You won’t cry.” You said, handing him the knife.
“Huh, we’ve been dating for a year and you’re only telling this trick, now? I thought you loved me.” He used his best complaining voice, and he felt your hand slamming against his ass.
“What will we talk about in ten years if I tell you everything now?” You casually asked and it caught Joel off guard. He stayed silent while cutting the onions in small squares and you didn’t push it. You focused on your marinade and checked on the steamed vegetables.
“Are you picturing us still together in ten years?” He finally asked once he was done. He gave you the bowl with the onions in it.
“Well—yeah. Don’t you?” You took the bowl from his hand, preparing the pan in order to cook them.
Joel sighed. It had been a struggle since you two started to date. Your relationship had been so perfect, you had been an amazing partner, it almost feels surreal to me. “I guess my marriage broke a part of me.” He paused, staring at you cooking. “It’s like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
As you ditched the onions in a hot pan, a soft smile appeared across your face. “That will happen when your alien friends will come to pick you up, in order to bring you back to your home planet.”
Joel couldn’t help but laugh. He couldn’t believe you were real. He stared for a moment. You are so beautiful, young, funny and smart, with the biggest heart. How did he got so lucky?
He jumped on the part of the kitchen plan you weren’t using. “Or when I got so fat from your cooking, you’re not attracted to me anymore.” He finally said and you stopped everything you were doing.
“I gained a few pounds lately.” He confessed, avoiding your eyes this time.
“Yeah so?”
“Oh so you’re agreeing? Not even something like ‘honey that’s crazy, you haven’t changed a bit.’?”
"I'm sorry. Let me do this again.” You took a step back and got into character. “Joel! Are you crazy? You didn’t gain any pounds. Are those masculine magazines making you feel bad, again?”
“Wow. Don’t quit your day job to become an actress.”
You playfully punched his shoulder and he let out an “ouch!”. “But seriously love,” it was your loving and smoothing tone again. “Do you really feel bad about this?”
“Kinda. I’m already older than you, I can’t have that too.”
“Baby,” you settled between his legs and tiptoed to kiss him softly. “You’re perfect to me. I don’t care about your age, your weight, your height, the size of your—okay that, I do care but still.”
Never a woman made him laugh like you manage to. No matter the subject, the time of the day, his mood or your mood, you’re always able to bring a smile to his face. He’s so in love with you. “Do you get my point or do I have to take you upstairs to show it to you?” You stroked his beard and Joel leaned into your touch, humming in content.
“I won’t mind the show. But I’d rather have you showing me—here.”
“I better stop cooking and focus on my other hobby then.” You turned off everything and invited him to get down. “My favorite actually.” You whispered, before kissing him gently.
“Please do.” He pleaded, sticking out his tongue in order to meet yours.
As you kissed, you brought him against the wall of the kitchen. He moaned at your sudden dominance, and you felt his semi hard cock against your belly. Joel tried to travel under your tank top with his hands but you prevented him access. You quickly worked taking his tee-shirt off, throwing it on the floor. Your lips immediately crashed against his hairy chest, while your hands were softly caressing it. “I love you, Joel.” you whispered against his skin. “I love every part of you that you don’t.”
It was overwhelming. Never in his life has Joel felt this loved, this attractive. It was such a mix of feelings, he could have cried on the spot as well as fucked you senseless. But he only stood there, panting hard as you were taking his sweatpants and briefs off. He stepped out and you threw it away, next to his shirt. He was dying to undress you, to feel your smooth skin against his, but he knew better.
You kneeled in front of you, taking his hard member in your hand. You looked up to him with your big and loving E/C eyes. “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamt of,” you said. “Call me crazy but I’d follow you to your damn home planet.” you confess, referring to what you said a moment ago.
Joel intensely stared at your mouth when you gave him a first lick. This view was so damn perfect.
You teasingly played with your tongue against his cock before taking him in your mouth. Joel moaned, deeply and you sucked him for a moment, not taking all of his length yet. Your jaw needed to relax first. No matter the amount of time you’ve seen his cock, you’re always amazed about how thick and long he is.
Joel’s hand grabbed your hair bun into his fists, guiding you. When you were ready, you took all of him inside your mouth, your nose buried in his pubic hair. “Fuck, baby!” he growled as his cock hit the back of your throat. “God I love your mouth so much.”
You kept going for a moment until you felt his urge growing. Joel was basically facefucking you, thrusting his cock deep inside your mouth. But you weren’t done with him yet, so when only a trail of saliva was connecting you to his length, you took advantage and got back on your feet.
You passionately kissed him, allowing him to taste himself. “Sit on the chair.” You ordered him and Joel obeyed.
You striped in front of him as he was lazily stroking his painfully hard cock. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Y/N.” he said before you straddle his lap.
“So are you, Joel.” He almost didn’t catch that - maybe because a part of him didn’t want to - as you guided his cock into your wet cunt. He was stretching you open, it almost hurt but you kept going until he was fully inside you.
“So fucking tight.” he growled against your neck.
You settled for a slow pace at first. Joel’s face was buried in your chest, assaulting your rounded breasts. One of his hands was in the small of your back, following your hips movements. “You feel so good inside me.” you moaned, your hands buried in his hair. He was so deep inside you, you two almost could hear every time he reached your end. “I’ll never be able to be with anyone else but you.”
His urge was coming back and yours was building up. You quickened the pace, and Joel furiously rubbed your clit with his hand. “Yes Joel, right there!” he looked up at you and crashed his lips on yours. You could feel his fingers digging on your hip, while yours did the same on his scalp.
“I’m gonna cum.” he warned you, thrusting as fast as he could.
“Me, too. Don’t stop,”
It was a closed call but you came practically at the same time, both crying each other’s name.
You stayed in the same position as you and Joel came down from your high. You held him close against you, feeling his cock softening inside you. You were both panting. “Every part of me, huh?” he said.
“Every single one.”
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markleesthighs · 3 years
good 4 u
pairing: guitarist/singer!y/n (fem) x badboy!jeno
genre: angst, fluff (if you squint), smut, strangers to lovers to enemies
song: good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo
a/n: mentions of cheating, breakup, depression, underaged drinking (please be safe!!) picture/GIF from @pureboyjun​
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Everyone told you to watch out, everyone warned you about him, Lee Jeno. You and Jeno weren’t in the same friend group, you were as what society called an “art freak” with streaks of colors in your hair and black eyeliner. You also always kept guitar picks with you, always wanting to sneak into the music room and practice on the electric guitar. The wannabe’s compared you to an Avril Lavigne-type girl. Your best friends were also your bandmates, supportive of you and your dream, unlike your parents. You and your parents had a deal, as long as you kept good grades you could continue to play music as a “hobby.” 
You also worked at a music store, which is how you ran into Lee Jeno. He was looking for vinyl of a specific artist which happened to also be one of your favorites so you knew exactly where it was. He thanked you and you hoped that would be the last you’d see him. But he came in every day to talk to you and eventually had the courage to approach your lunch table. All your bandmates glared at Lee Jeno, knowing his reputation and his motives. Once he left they’d all trash him for trying to talk to you. 
“y/n you shouldn’t really associate with him.”
“Yeah, all of his ‘fangirls’ will tear you to shreds.”
“Jeno hits and runs, you better stop talking to him before it turns into something dangerous. You’ll only get hurt.”
You didn’t think much of their words, since Jeno wasn’t really your type anyway. There’s no way you could ever fall for him. Oh boy, were you wrong. Jeno went out of his way to swoon you in any way he could. He’d walk you home at night, visit you in the music room and at work, he’d even invite you to his lunch table where you’d be met with his other ‘bad boy’ friends. He would get you your favorite coffee, just the way you like it, and get your lunch order so you wouldn’t wait in line. All of this attention grabbed the attention of his fangirls, constantly threatening you about how “Jeno is mine!” and bullshit like that. You honestly didn’t care because you reassured them you and Jeno were not dating. 
That was until he invited you to a party, saying that you could meet his one friend that was also into music and could help you break out into the music industry. You agreed, excited to meet someone in the industry. When you arrived at the party, you met his friend who worked at Columbia Records, you bonded and everything got his contact information in hopes of getting an internship. Jeno met up with you again, asking you to repay him, in a game of fear pong (beer pong with truth or dare elements). You agreed, joining him on his team against Johnny and his girlfriend. One of the dares you guys had to do was make out for one minute or drink. You were about to drink when Jeno grabbed your face and started to make out with you. 
God, did he taste good. His lips were soft brushing against yours the taste of beer and light cigarette smoke made his lips only more addictive. Everyone watching was hooting and hollering at the two of you. Jeno licked the bottom of your lip, which you opened your mouth to let his tongue enter, causing your tongues to fight for dominance. Jeno’s ultimately dominated and touched your throat. You gave a small moan which only made Jeno kiss you harder. Johnny coughed causing you two to stop. 
“You realize you two were making out for like 5 minutes right?” Johnny laughed.
You pulled away but Jeno held on to you by your waist. 
“What can I say, Suh, she tastes really good, I wanted to savor it.”
That made you blush. You guys continued the game and you and Jeno won, out of excitement (and slight intoxication) you kissed Jeno. He looked at you in shock and you apologized before he kissed you back. Since that game, you two were attached to the hip the whole night. Jeno didn’t feel safe letting you go home so he let you sleep with him in a bedroom upstairs. When you guys were tucking in for the night he wrapped his arm around you pulling you closer to him. 
“y/n, I love you.”
You giggled “You’re drunk Jeno...get some rest.”
“No, I mean it.”
“You’re really funny.”
“Do you need me to prove it to you?” He spoke in a deep voice, shifting his body to hover above yours. 
“If I didn’t love you do you think I’d be feeling like this right now?” Jeno whispered into your ear. When he leaned down you felt his member rock hard against your thigh. 
“J-jeno, you’re confused, do you know what you’re doing right now?”
“If you want me to stop I’ll stop. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, I can take care of myself in the bathroom if you don’t want to do it.”
As Jeno was moving off your body you wrapped your arms around his body to pull him back.
“N-no, stay, please.”
“Are you sure y/n, you sure you want to do this?”
“Y-yes.” Little did you know that you would regret sleeping with Lee Jeno. 
Jeno kissed your lips softly, knowing how tired you both are. You felt his member twitching with every kiss. He moved on to your neck, leaving soft kisses and a purple mark on your collarbone. He moved all the way down your stomach down to your flower. He kissed your thighs and ate you out vigorously, he was sucked down on your clit while fingering you. You were trying to hide your moans but Jeno hit your sweet spot almost every single time, causing you to not be able to contain yourself. You were tugging and pulling at his har which also caused him to moan. You were about to climax when Jeno pulled away which caused you to whine and pout. Jeno kissed your pouty lips as he pulled out a condom from the drawer (be safe kids!) and tore it open and put it on his member. 
He looked at you and asked again for your reassurance and you nodded. 
“I’ll be slow and gentle I promise.”
He slowly slid into you as you clenched around him you squeezed your eyes from the pain, he was a lot bigger than you thought. Jeno moans harmoniously along with you as he waited for you to let him move. 
“P-please m-move..”
Jeno smiled as with every thrust he kissed you, he made you feel comfortable in his arms. 
“F-faster, please...”
“What’s my name?”
“J-jeno! Please!”
“That’s daddy to you.” He said as he thrusted harder inside of you.
“Y-yes, daddy, please go faster.”
“Good girl.”
Jeno pushed harder and faster as you moaned louder and louder, finally climaxing with Jeno. Jeno removed the condom and threw it in the trash as he walked to the bathroom and cleaned you up along with a few kisses. 
“Hey Jeno?” Jeno turned to look at you.
“I love you too.”
After that night you and Jeno were going steady for a couple weeks until he ghosted you. He stopped talking to you and his friends would laugh at you or Jeno would tell you to go back to your old table. You heard their conversation as you were walking back. 
“I can’t believe Jeno got her to sleep with him.”
“Easiest fucking $100 he’s ever made.”
 When you went back to your bandmates you were broken. Endless nights of tears and suicidal thoughts swamped your mind. Why me? Why did I have to fall for his stupid trap? He only wanted me for some cheap cash huh? How can he just move on so easily? Did nothing we have mean anything? Well screw that and screw you, Lee Jeno. 
“Hey y/n?” One of your bandmates asked. 
“Battle of the bands' championship for the school is coming up, do you know what song we are going to cover?”
You looked at Jeno. “Oh, I fucking know what song we are going to sing.” 
You and your bandmates got the sheet music for good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo and practiced it until it became natural for everyone. Finally, the battle of the bands' championship occurred. It was hosted by your school to fundraise for the music program and scholarships. Before your group came up, you all huddled, and they all gave you the words of encouragement you needed to perform in front of Lee Jeno. 
“Sing it from your heart bitch.”
“Kill him with those words.”
“Make him feel like the shit head he is.”
As they hyped you up, you felt much better as you all walked out to stand on the stage. You saw Jeno in the crowd with his new supposed girlfriend. You began playing the first notes on the guitar. 
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?
You stared right into his eyes singing every lyric, letting him know what a scumbag he was for dating someone new in a few weeks when he confessed to you after he fucked your brains out. What kind of a person does that?
Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl
You raised your hand and pointed right at him and his new girl who looked like every other bitch who wanted to get with Jeno, you couldn’t compare to her, you had to show Jeno he made a mistake leaving you for $100. You wanted to make those $100 worth nothing because he left you for someone who’s only worth $1. 
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me If you ever cared to ask Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby God, I wish that I could do that
You sang you heart out to those lyrics almost feeling emotional. How could Jeno sit there with a smile on his face while you almost crying during this set. You then realized Lee Jeno is an emotionless piece of shit. But just this once, you wanted to see him cry. 
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night Cryin' on the floor of my bathroom But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it But I guess good for you
It wasn’t fair that you cried endless tears, while Jeno came to school with a smile on his face. Your eyes would be dark and baggy from all the crying and endless sleep, but he came to school happier and brighter than ever, fuck you Lee Jeno. 
It's like we never even happened Baby, what the fuck is up with that?
Everyone forgot about you and Jeno the moment he dropped you. How come everyone took his side and let this slide past everyone? Did no one care about how you felt? How humiliated you were? How can someone forget something like that?
And good for you, it's like you never even met me Remember when you swore to God I was the only Person who ever got you? Well, screw that and screw you You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do
Jeno and you became strangers, nobodies, to each other just back at square one, how did this happen? He would complain about how his friends would make fun of his music tastes and hobbies, making you think you were the only one who understood him and supported him. You wanted to make him feel guilt and shame for toying with you. 
Maybe I'm too emotional But your apathy's like a wound in salt Maybe I'm too emotional Or maybe you never cared at all
You’ve thought about how you were the problem, that Jeno didn’t want you for you. He would act reassuring when you were in bed, but once he left you, he brushed off every concern you had. He never had any feelings for you. He never cared about you. 
Before the final chorus you pulled out a picture of you and Jeno printed out on paper and one of your bandmates set it on fire. The picture of Jeno’s face starting to well up with tears when everyone in the gym started to stare at him. It was music to your ears. 
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby Like a damn sociopath
You were now crying in the last chorus not out of sadness but out of joy, finally, Lee Jeno knows what it’s like to have his heartbroken. All of the other girls and guys were screaming and singing along with you, you were jumping and high-fiving all of them, rocking out to the music. Your mascara was dripping down your cheeks and you looked emotional and powerful. 
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
As you played the last chord on your guitar everyone was cheering. You thanked everyone for the performance as your group hugged your bandmates thanking them for getting you through the performance. You turned to look at Jeno one last time to see him crying. It was beautiful. 
good 4 u, Lee Jeno. 
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just-some-guy-tm · 2 years
You seem reluctant to talk about yourself, Owen. At least from what I can tell.
Maybe you would be more open here, on your blog? I have a few questions for you to answer, and I would appreciate it if you’d answer honestly.
1. What hobbies do you have, if any?
2. What is your favorite animal?
3. Do you prefer sweet, salty, sour, or spicy foods?
4. What position do you sleep in at night?
5. How would you define your sexuality?
6. What is your favorite number? (69, 666, and 420 are prohibited answers.)
7. Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast in the morning?
Thank you for your time. This is Gabriel, by the way.
Hello Gabriel,
I’m going to be honest I’m reluctant to really speak at all when it comes to the server. You all seem to have great chemistry and I would rather not interrupt as long as I’m doing my job. … so I guess yes you could say I’m reluctant to speak, especially about myself.. and while I do find some of your questions oddly specific and some even personal I’ll do my best to answer..
1) I guess a hobby of mine would be writing? I like keeping a journal on my person most of the time, it helps me to clear my head and think. This could also resolve in writing notes on stuff that doesn’t really matter. For example have a full journal dedicated to writing notes about mysterious Audio recordings and their cryptic origins. And now I’m able to write notes on the things I see here daily. Which is maybe not the best for my mental health but at least it calms me.
2) I really like dogs and cats. I wouldn’t have a preference for either but I think my favourite animal would be pigeons. Lots of people think them to be pests but they’re not. They have funny little personalities and pretty iridescent feathers. I just think they’re neat.
3) This is going to be very white guy of me but I can’t really handle a lot of spice even though it taste good. And sour doesn’t appeal to me at all. So I’d probably say my favourite would be sweet and salty. I don’t think I could pick one over the other.
4) This is one of those strange questions because I didn’t think it mattered but.. I like sleeping on my side. Usually back to a wall if I can help it. My hands get pretty cold too so I like to tuck them under my pillow before I fall asleep.
5) A very personal question and I didn’t think I would be asked this at all! Um. I’m.. unlabelled at the moment? But I think I might be Bisexual? I haven’t really figured that out yet.
6) I don’t think I have a favourite number but if I had to pick… 7 is good?
7) Again another weirdly specific question I didn’t think mattered… I usually brush my teeth.. after?
Hope this is what you wanted.
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oneyeartoparty · 3 years
The brothers react to needing to buying MC a birthday present
I know what its like to feel lonely on your birthday, so I hope if your feeling lonely or even a little down this can help make your day better. Have an awesome day everyone =)
Lucifer has been planning your birthday for months. He’s not one to be outdone by anyone, especially his brothers, so he puts a lot of effort into the perfect gift.
He’ll subtly question you about what you want for your birthday. If you don’t want anything in particular, he’ll keep an eye on what you’re interested in. If you invest a lot of time into a hobby or activity Lucifer will take note.
He has no issue spending money on you. He’s accumulated a large number of Grimms throughout his thousands of years in the Devildom, so he can easily get the money for whatever present he chooses to buy.
Your birthday starts a week before. He’ll give you smaller gifts and shower you in compliments that increase as your birthday draws closer. When the day finally arrives, you’ll be greeted with breakfast in bed and Lucifer with your present.
After you finish eating, you’ll be spending the day with him. He’s planned the entire day full of activities you enjoy, plus lunch and dinner at the finest restaurants in the Devildom that he’s fully booked out so you two can enjoy your meals in peace.
Mammon isn’t good with money but that changes when it comes to you. He doesn’t want you to have something he earned through a scam or trick, or that he bought with borrowed money that might be taken back. He wants something that truly and honestly from him that you can keep forever.
He’ll work his hardest to get the money he needs to buy your birthday present. Shifts a Hell Kitchen, working at the movie theatre during their Halloween movie marathon week, even asking Lucifer for chores for cash. He’ll do it all to earn the funds he needs.
Since you’re his first, he wants you to have the best, so he aims for a gift on the expensive side but keeps what you like in mind. If he can find something that he can have match of to keep that he’ll know you’ll like, he’s ecstatic.
Mammon appears at your door at midnight, present in hand. He wants to be the first to tell you happy birthday, and he’s learned from years of trying that calling or texting usually doesn’t work.
After giving you his gift, he’ll offer to let you snuggle with the Great Mammon, as a special treat “exclusively” for your birthday.
Levi has a fully prepared list of all your likes and dislikes that he’s made and slowly updated as you’ve gotten closer, so he’s fully prepared when it's time to buy you a birthday present.
While his area of expertise is mainly focused on anime and video games, he’s always ready to spend hours online researching your interests so he gets you the perfect gift.
Levi wants to get you a gift you’ll enjoy, so it doesn’t matter if it's cheap to buy or more on the expensive side, so long as you smile, he’s happy.
On the day of your birthday, he comes to see you later than the others. The long nights of marathoning the latest anime or game making his sleep schedule funny.
Upon seeing you smiling at him, he becomes nervous and is barely ably to stutter out a “Happy birthday MC!” before quickly handing you your gift.
Once he’s given you his present, he’ll invite you to spend the day with him in his room. Once you get there you see he’s made you both two cupcakes with little sheep made of icing on top for you to share.
Satan is meticulous in selecting a present for you. He wants you to enjoy his present the most, and to ensure that he knows he needs to be very careful about what he chooses.
He’ll keep an eye on what you’re interested in but will also ask you about things he thinks you might like. A new experience he could enjoy with you would be wonderful and be a way to give you the birthday you deserve.
Satan spends a lot of money on books, especially rarer or older books so he’s limited in budget, but he’ll save up if he decides to get you something out of his budget range.
He wakes you up with a drink he prepared himself along with his present and a card that he made himself. After your drink, he’ll take you to have breakfast in his favourite cat café.
After you get ready, he asks to spend the day with you. He has a few places he wants to show you and he’s gotten ticket stop special events currently being held in the Devildom. After your busy day, he’ll read a book of your choice to you as you fall asleep beside him.
Asmo loves spending time picking out presents, and that feelings substantially increases when the present is for you. Seeing you smile and get flustered when you open your present for him and are overjoyed is a sight he can’t wait to see.
He decides to stick with what he knows best and not try and go into areas he’s not familiar with. He knows he can get you a present you’ll love if he makes use of his knowledge of the latest Devildom fashion trends and his creative side.
Asmo doesn’t have an issue with spending to get you the perfect present. He can always design and make something, or he can take an extra job with Majolish or one of the other brands he works with.
On the morning of your birthday, you’ll be greeted warmly by a bubbly Asmo who has a wonderfully wrapped present to give you.
But why does the fun have to end there? Asmo has an entire day planned of shopping and trying the latest trendy foods and. Plus you’ll both be going to an exclusive Majolish event he’s been invited to, to party the night away together.
When thinking of a birthday present, the first thing that pops into Beel’s head is what food or food-related experience he could get you. He loves food, and he wants to share this love with you too.
He’ll narrow down his choices based on your preferences. If you have a type of food you really like he’ll aim for that, or if you have dietary preferences and/or restrictions he’ll make sure his choice is something you can eat.
Cost isn’t much of an issue as Beel. He doesn’t mind spending big on food, and he’s willing to work and save up the money for whatever he chooses. It's something he’s done for himself before, so he doesn’t mind doing the same for you.
Your day starts went you see a text from Beel asking to meet him downstairs so he can take you for breakfast.
After breakfast, you two spend the day together trying all the different food Beel picked out for you. He’ll always explain why he picked the place he did and tell you his favourites. Plus he’ll feed you any new food he tries that he’ll think you enjoy.
Belphie has a hard time getting you a birthday present. He’s never been great at buying gifts for anyone but Beel, but he’s determined to get you a present you’ll truly love.
He doesn’t question you at all, he decides to start spending more time with you. He thinks that if he asks like some of his other brothers, he’ll end up giving away his intentions, or worse, buy something the same as or similar to their presents.
Belphie doesn’t spend much money, so he has a lot to spend if he needs to get you the best present he can.
Don’t expect to see Belphie too soon on your birthday. Even all the alarm clocks he’s bought from Akuzon can’t wake him up from a deep sleep. When he does finally wake up, he’ll come find you and give you your present with a light blush on his face that he tries to hide with his confident demeanour.
After that, he’ll offer to let you nap with him. Just for today, you get the full pick of whichever pillow and blankets you want to you, even his favourite pillow that he’s freshly washed just in case you wanted to use it.
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
evanescence (m.)
pairing: kim jungwoo x fem. reader
genre/warnings: ghost au, explicit sexual content, angst, fluff, mentions of death, some graphic violence/ gore, character death, brief mention of heights, i swear it’s not as bad as it sounds
word count: 7.8k
evanescence (n.): the quality of being fleeting or vanishing quickly; impermanence; i.e the evanescence of dreams
song to listen to: me & your ghost- blackbear, faded in my last song- nct, trampoline- SHAED, lonely heart- 5  seconds of summer, dreaming with a broken heart- john mayer
notes: evanescence i.e not the band who wrote my immortal <3 part of the almost collab!
The thing about fear is that it’s irrational.
Of course the doll in the corner of your room won’t suddenly come alive and kill you. Of course the spider on your ceiling is actually harmless. Of course nightmares won’t come true and haunt you in your daily life, won’t do more than bother you for a few minutes when you’re asleep. Knowing that doesn’t make it any less scary. Doesn’t stop the shivers from crawling up your spine, doesn’t ease your breathing when you curl into yourself in an attempt to hide.
Some people find comfort in crawling under their blankets, hiding themselves from the rest of the world as if the thick cloth will protect them. You don’t have that luxury. Because the thing you fear isn’t some axe murderer breaking into your house, or some mutant spider wrapping you up in a web. It’s not ghosts or ghouls or demons.
It’s sleep itself.
You used to love sleeping. Naps were considered a favorite hobby of yours, a way to escape from your obligations temporarily or lift your spirits during a bad day. But the line between like and dislike is thin, and the peaceful dreams you were accustomed to transformed into terrors that torture your nights and leave you shaking and sleep deprived when you wake.
Coffee becomes your best friend, the drink becoming a crutch that you use desperately to avoid reliving the nightmare that haunts you every time your eyes fall shut. It’s always the same scene: a basement, a young man being tortured by a masked figure. Punched, strangled, stabbed. It’s always in that order, with the exact same amount of punches and stabbings each time- six. It’s worse than any movie you’ve ever seen, worse than anything that you can imagine. And yet it doesn’t get any less horrifying as time goes on, as you relive the same thing over and over again.
The only thing that changes is the point of view. Sometimes you can see it from his perspective, begging for mercy from an expressionless figure whose ears fall deaf to the boy’s pleas. That’s the worst, you think, because you can feel everything. It leaves you frantically checking yourself for wounds and marks and bruises, the vividness of your dream leaving you shocked when you find your skin unmarred. Sometimes you watch from the corner of the room, able to see everything yet unable to help, your voice stuck in your throat when you attempt to cry for help. And sometimes, you’re the killer, repeatedly delivering blow after blow in a body you can’t control.
Tonight’s different. Instead of the boy strapped to the chair, it’s you.
You shake and cry out, trying desperately to free yourself of the restraints. They aren’t strong, and yet your limbs feel like jelly and you can’t break free of them. A shadow looms over you and you look up, expecting to see the killer, but you don’t. Instead, the boy stands over you.
His features are softer like this, not scrunched in pain or splattered with blood and bruises. He smiles gently at you.
“Hello,” He says, kneeling down in front of you. One hand lands on yours and the restraints fall away, your limbs now free. “I’m Jungwoo.” You just blink at him. “I’ve seen you in my dreams.” Jungwoo’s smile falters a bit, and he huffs a humorless laugh. “That… yeah. That’s less of a dream and more of a…” He trails off, shrugs. “Memory.”
It takes a moment for it to process fully. Memory? If that’s his memory, then that means that he had to go through all of that. “I’m- I’m so sorry. Who put you through that?” He shrugs. “Dunno. But I wouldn’t pity me too much.” There’s a tight lipped smile on his face. “I’m the one that’s made you go through it, too.”
You blink once, twice, and feel the sympathy in your bones turn to fury. “Why?” You ask, tears brimming at your eyes. “I didn’t do anything to you! And you still tortured me, every night. Do you know how terrified I was? I am?”
“I’m sorry.” Jungwoo says, eyes downcast. “I didn’t even know I was projecting onto you at first. I would just get so consumed with what happened that night, and I guess you would relive the scene with me.” He takes a slow step towards you and raises his head. “I never meant to hurt you, I’m sorry.” You nod, because what can you say? Jungwoo doesn’t seem to know either and he stands there, shifting from foot to foot, looking everywhere but at you. “So.” You start, head tilting to the side curiously. “How does this work?” “How does what work?” Jungwoo seems surprised, but whether it’s by your question or by the fact that you’re able to string a coherent sentence together is lost on you.
“I dunno. This. Like are you a ghost? Do you just like, live inside my head now.” “Yeah, I mean I’m dead so I must be a ghost. Haven’t had much time to talk to people and ask.” It’s not meant to be funny, but you can’t stop yourself from laughing. You clear your throat to cover it, trying to focus your energy on your next words. He doesn’t look too hurt at your amusement, though. His eyes are twinkling. 
“Hmm let’s test it. If you live in my head, you should be able to hear my thoughts right?” Jungwoo stares at you, bringing one hand up to stroke his chin thoughtfully. Finally, he snaps his fingers. “Got it! You want pizza.” “Nope! I want you out of my head.” Your smile is sickeningly sweet. Jungwoo rolls his eyes, tongue sticking into his cheek briefly before laughing.
“Well, I want to be alive but here we are. Guess we’re at a standstill.”
Guilt fills you and you open your mouth to apologize, but Jungwoo disappears right before your eyes. You try to call out after him but it’s too late, the dream’s over. The annoying beep of your alarm replaces his soft laughter and you groan, fumbling with your phone to turn the sound off.
Classes pass quickly for once, although you’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t register any of the material. You’re done for the day before you know it, finding yourself at a cafe with Johnny. “You’re in a good mood.” He comments, looking at you with his eyebrows furrowed. “Did you get replaced by aliens?” You roll your eyes. “I can be in a good mood, Johnny.” It’s rarely true because you’re normally running off of approximately six minutes of sleep, but hey, it still counts. 
Johnny raises his eyebrows. “Y/n, you’re never in a good mood. Not even when your best friend is here.” 
“My best friend is here? Where?” Johnny gives you a deadpan expression and you laugh, popping a grape into your mouth. “Kidding, you know I love you. But guess what: I actually slept last night!” He gasps so obnoxiously loud that he inhales the chip he was holding and chokes around it, slamming his hand down on the table and hacking his lungs out. You put your head in your hands until he finally recovers. “You slept? You actually slept? Holy fuck, you did get replaced by aliens!”
“No aliens, John. No nightmares either.” Johnny, though he’s your best friend, doesn’t know the details of your dreams. He knows that they’re bad enough to make you cry and curl up in his arms from time to time, knows that you chug energy drinks to avoid sleeping, but that’s about it. No gruesome murders in sight for him.
“Holy shit, that’s great! We should celebrate.” Johnny reaches across the table to high five you, grinning from ear to ear. “Wanna come over and crack open a few cold ones?” He bites his lip and you know that it’s taking all of his effort not to finish that sentence. 
You appreciate it, but you shake your head. “I’ve got a lab report to finish plus like two papers due. I really don’t have time.” That’s only slightly true. Yes, you do have homework, but you normally wouldn’t let that stop you. The itch to see Jungwoo again, however crazy it may sound, is driving you crazy and for once in your life, you can’t wait to fall asleep. Seeing Johnny’s expression drop makes you feel a little bad for bailing on him with a ghost. “Maybe this weekend?” 
“Yeah, for sure.” Johnny grins again. “Hopefully you get to sleep tonight.”
The nightmares seem to go away permanently after that. Your dreams always take place in that one room, but Jungwoo’s always there to greet you. A month passes and you learn a lot about him, almost to the point where you see him as a friend. Almost. Because you can’t really be friends with someone who isn’t alive, right? But he feels real. His spirit is still alive, to the point where you forget he’s a ghost who you can only talk to in your dreams, and that’s what matters. Except tonight when you fall asleep, you open your eyes to sand and salt water, gentle waves calmly lapping at the shore. Strange. Jungwoo sits with his back facing you, knees drawn up to his chest. He doesn’t look up when you sit down next to him, but he does speak when you say his name softly.
“I think I figured out why I came back.” Jungwoo says, eyes concentrated on the water. “My brother’s in danger.” His head drops to rest on his knees and you pat his back, not knowing what to say.
You don’t learn what Jungwoo meant until the next night, the man so distraught that he isn’t able to form words before your time’s up. The scene is different again this time, a playground replacing the beach from the night before. Jungwoo sits on a red plastic swing, his feet dragging on the ground sadly.
“Hey Jungwoo.” You call out the greeting gently, taking a seat next to him. “Are you okay?” He nods, laughs a little. “Yeah, sorry for freaking out last night. It’s just. It’s a lot.” “Sounds like it is. You wanna talk about it?” You pat his knee comfortingly and he stares at your hand for a long moment before covering it with his own. 
He tells you about his brother first, about how much he misses Mark, about how bad he feels for leaving him on his own. Mark’s younger than him, but only by a year, and he was nowhere near as good as him at FIFA. He tells you that he doesn’t remember who killed him, but that as soon as he was transported to the beach, he knew his brother was in danger. There’s no explanation on how the beach told him that, but you have no place questioning the afterlife. You listen patiently throughout the whole story, and it seems to help Jungwoo, his shoulders sagging with relief when he’s done.
“So whoever killed me,” Jungwoo squeezes your hand, stares at the woodchips dragging around. “They’re going to kill my brother next.”
“So we find your killer. Easy.” You squeeze his hand back. “Mark’s going to be okay, Woo. I promise.”
Tonight’s dream takes place on a rooftop. There are lights strung up that lead you straight to Jungwoo, the man facing you with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes. His arms are outstretched and you walk into them, sighing softly when he wraps you in his embrace. Lips press to your forehead and you swear you’ve reached heaven. “Dance with me.” He whispers it as if you have a choice to disagree with him when he looks this good. You nod and bury your face in his chest, swaying with him under the stars. There’s music playing now, music that you didn’t hear before, and he hums softly to it as you dance. A squeal leaves you when he spins you, dipping you down before pulling you close, your back to his chest. His lips graze your ear and he laughs before spinning you back around and pulling you into a kiss.
It feels so good and you find yourself getting lost in his touch. The warmth of him against you, the solidness of his chest under your palms. It’s so nice, so comforting, so… real. But it can’t be real. Because this is a dream, because Jungwoo is dead. The thought is enough to jolt you out of your haze and you try to pull back, need to pull back, but the hand on the back of your head holds you still and it feels so good that you almost don’t want to pull out of his embrace. “Jungwoo,” you mumble his name against his lips, not wanting to pull away from the kiss but needing to know the answer to your question. “Jungwoo, are you real?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Jungwoo chuckles, pulling you back for more. “Don’t I feel real?”
A gasp leaves you when his hand slips lower to your ass, squeezing before slipping between your thighs. He finds little resistance, easily reaching under your dress and past the thin panties you’re wearing to swipe through your folds and enter you, stretching you out deliciously well. You cling to him as if he’s your life line and not the other way around, letting him take you apart with his fingers. His name leaves your lips in a sob and you press your face against his neck, clutch at his shoulders. “Please, Jungwoo, please.”
Both of his hands slide to your ass and he picks you up easily, your legs wrapping around his waist automatically. He carries you over to the ledge of the roof, setting you down on the cool stone. He barely gives you time to take in what’s happening before he’s dropping to his knees in front of you, his eyes dark and so intense that you can’t look away from his gaze as he attaches his lips to your thighs. You slide one hand into his hair and he moans into your skin, the vibrations traveling through you as he kisses his way up your thighs and to your core. A sigh leaves you and you put your other hand behind you for balance, your heart dropping to your stomach when your fingertips wrap around the edge of the balcony. “Jungwoo!” You yelp immediately trying to stand up when you look behind you and see the darkness below you, decorated with lights from buildings so far down that they’re almost as tiny as the stars above you. “Jungwoo, I’m gonna fall. Ohmygod I’m gonna fall, Woo-”
“Shh,” Jungwoo hushes you, rubbing your thigh soothingly. He reaches for your hand and laces your fingers together, taking a moment to press his lips to the back of your hand. “Look at me, y/n. You’re not going to fall, okay? I’ll always be here to catch you if you do.” Something in his eyes looks so honest, so sincere, and you find yourself nodding slowly.
“Okay.” Your voice comes out as a whisper, too scared to raise it any louder and break the moment between you. “I trust you.” Jungwoo smiles up at you one more time before lowering himself down to your core. His free hand lifts the edge of your dress up and he takes his time rubbing slow circles into your clit, sighing out praises about how good you are when you shake from the unbearably intense sensation. His eyes stay on yours the whole time, even as he lowers his mouth to your pussy and eats you out like a man starved. It feels so good that you can barely process it, squirming against him and letting your eyes roll back. 
“Fuck, Jungwoo,” You whimper, feeling your orgasm build up in the pit of your stomach. “Shit, c’mere.” You use the hand buried in his hair to tug him up, pressing his lips to yours for a sloppy kiss that feels way too good for the moment. He rubs messy circles into your clit that have you clutching him tight to your chest, crying out his name so loud that you’re sure the entire city can hear you. “You like that?” Jungwoo asks, although his voice is so cocky that you’re almost entirely sure he knows the answer. “Fucking love it,” You pant out, orgasm so close you can taste. “Love you, ohmygod.” The end of your sentence cuts off with a whine as you come so hard you nearly black out, holding onto him so tightly you’re sure you would’ve broken at least one of his bones if this were real.
If this were real, if he were real. If this wasn’t a dream with a ghost. The realization washes over you like cold water and the dream disappears before you in a flash, leaving you trembling and empty in more ways than one. Your hand is tingling and when you look at it, you realize that Jungwoo didn’t let go the entire time.
You’re not in your bed when you wake up. It takes you a moment to realize it, the weight of your dream still heavy on your mind, but then you open your eyes and process your surroundings and realize that even though you’re awake, you’re back in your nightmares.
A scream leaves you and you jolt out of the chair, falling flat on your ass. You scramble backwards a good few feet before relaxing, realizing that your mind was just playing tricks on you. This is no nightmare place, it’s just your basement. Except…
That chair is definitely the chair from your nightmares- or well, Jungwoo’s murder. You’ve never seen it down here before, but then again, you never go into the basement. It’s been years since you’ve been down here, the room always giving you the creeps. And you’ve never sleepwalked- you can’t fathom why you’d be down here.
“Jungwoo?” You whisper, not even flinching at the gust of cold air as he materializes next to you. “Why am I down here?” “This is where I was murdered.” Jungwoo murmurs, his gaze distant, cloudy. You furrow your eyebrows.
“Here? Are you sure?” He nods strongly, not an ounce of hesitation on his face. You get to your feet and watch him pace around, tentatively poking at objects. A violent shudder runs through him when he touches the chair. “Jungwoo, this is my house.” He freezes. “This is your house? Then you must know who murdered me.” 
There’s a long second where you just stare at him, not knowing what to say. Thoughts abandon you and your mind goes blank, leaving you to shake your head and stutter out objections. “W- No, Jungwoo, I can’t-” A deep breath, a heavy exhale. “No one ever comes down here, and I can’t remember the last time I even had people here.”
“Well someone had to come down here!” Jungwoo presses, motioning at himself. “Y/n, I’m dead. You could help me find who killed me.”
You spend hours thinking through every person you know, mulling over all of your friends and anyone else who has ever been to your house. Parents are ruled out immediately- they live across the country, first off, and your mom nearly cries whenever she so much as swats a fly. Jungwoo tries to help, but he doesn’t know anyone the way that you do, and he’s a tad bit negative.
“Okay, but how do you know they’re not killers.” He asks, tone flat. “I mean, do you have hard evidence? Because somehow none of them are killers, and yet…” He smiles humorlessly and holds his arms out, doing a twirl for you. “I’m dead.” “I’m trying.” You say tiredly, pinching the bridge of your nose. “It’s just hard. Literally no one ever comes over, and I can’t picture my friends as killers. Plus, no one has access to my house except for me.” You purse your lips, staring at your sad little notepaper list with dozens of names scratched out. “Is it possible this happened before I lived here?” Jungwoo shrugs. “Yeah, I guess.” He doesn’t look convinced.
You purse your lips, groaning in defeat when your mind stays blank. “I’m sorry, Woo. We’ll figure it out eventually, I promise. I just can’t think right now.” “Hey, it’s okay. Thank you for helping and not like, I don’t know, calling an exorcist.” Jungwoo presses himself to your side, poking your cheek when you laugh, and his presence is so comforting that it’s easy to forget that he’s not really there. You swat at him good naturedly, your laugh cutting off early when you realize that he’s disappeared. You call for him a few times, panic racing through your mind, until he manifests again a few feet away from you. 
“Ohmygod, I’m so sorry! Did that hurt you? I didn’t know that would happen!” You jump to your feet, reaching out to him on impulse before thinking better of it. 
Jungwoo laughs softly, but his form flickers. “It’s okay. I guess you can only touch me in dreams.” He smiles, but it’s with his mouth closed tight. The chair becomes visible through his form as he flickers again. 
The mention of touch jolts your memories and you scratch the back of your neck nervously. “Wait, Woo, I meant to ask.” He looks at you expectantly, humming for you to go on. “Last night, in the dream. Was that like, was that really you?” “Hm? Are you asking if it was real or not?” Jungwoo asks. You nod, unable to look away from his gaze. “It was me, y/n. I’m real.”
You nod, lips pursed as you think it over. Jungwoo smiles though it’s hollow, hard to see the usual light in him when he’s nearly translucent again. “I’ll see you tonight?” 
He doesn’t wait for an answer before vanishing, leaving you alone in the cold basement.
“Yeah.” You whisper softly, a dark cloud hanging over your head.
“What’s in the bag?” Johnny asks you, nodding towards your bookbag. It’s normally empty, save for a notebook or wallet, but today it’s stuffed full of newspaper clippings and binders. 
“Nothing.” You shrug. “Just some old articles.” 
Johnny thumbs through a stack of the papers before looking up at you, his forehead creased. “On murders?”
“Yeah. They’re interesting. Figured I should know the history of the town I live in, right?” You take a sip of your coffee, hoping you don’t look as insane as you feel. It’d taken you hours of searching to find those articles, digging through the library archives and reading murder after murder to find ones that seemed similar to Jungwoo’s case. They were unsettling, to say the least, and the fact that someone had taken a life under your own roof left you jittery. “I mean, I guess?” Johnny shakes his head and thumbs through a few more, hesitating at one of the clippings before shoving them back in your bag. “Kind of an appetite killer.” He says, pausing after a second and laughing. “Hah, get it? Killer…” The cold stare you give him has him sobering up quickly. He clears his throat. “Anyways. What else have you been up to? You’ve been kinda distant lately.” Have you been? Probably. “Sorry.” You shrug. “Caught up in my work, you know how it is.” Johnny wiggles his eyebrows. “Seeing a new man?” You shoot him a withering look. He throws his hands up innocently. “Woman? Person?”
The word ‘ghost’ is on the tip of your tongue, but that sounds insane even to you. You can’t be seeing someone whose body fades out of existence when you so much as blow air on him too strongly. “No, Johnny. I’d tell you if I was dating someone.” “Promise?” He asks. You hold your pinky out to him, interlocking the digits and offering him a smile. He grins back. “Good. You wanna come over tonight? Play some video games, order some pizza?” 
It sounds good, and you really don’t want to be alone at your house after discovering it was the site of a murder, but you don’t want to leave Jungwoo. He’s kind of counting on you for something big, plus you have all those articles to show him… 
At your hesitation, Johnny pouts. “Come on, I feel like I’ve barely seen you for like, a month. Please? It’ll be just like old times.” The promise of old times has your resolve fading, and you give into his whining. He cheers and knocks your coffees together, dramatically complaining when the liquid splashes onto his sleeve.
Taking a nap had seemed like a great idea when you had gotten home from lunch, but it’s the first time you’ve dreamt without Jungwoo in your dreams, and all of the nightmares were so genuinely disturbing that you wake up sobbing. Every room seems so foreboding that you can’t bring yourself to sit in the house any longer and you run out the door without any further thought. The rain soaks through your thin sleep clothes and you find that you have three missed calls from Johnny, but you don’t bother to call him back. You’ll be at his place soon enough, and the rain is starting to blue the screen too much for you to see. Or maybe it’s your tears, you can’t be sure, and you really don’t care.
You knock on Johnny’s door, stepping back and impatiently shifting from foot to foot before stepping forward and knocking again. Exhaling harshly, you raise your fist to knock again. The door opens.
A very disgruntled Johnny stands before you, one hand wiping at his face. His hair is disheveled and you have the conscious thought that he must have just woken up, but your brain is flying a million miles a second and you don’t have time to spend worrying about if you’ve interrupted his beauty sleep. “Y/n?” Johnny yawns out, opening the door wider. “You were supposed to come over like 3 hours ago.” His sentence goes unfinished as you push past him, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the living room. With your hands on his shoulders, you push him down to sit on the couch. He looks less tired and more confused now, which makes sense considering he’s never seen you act like this- you’re not even sure that you’ve ever acted like this- but he keeps silent, trusting you enough to tell him what the fuck is going on. He patiently puts his hands on his knees, watching you pace around the area.
It takes you a while to formulate exactly what to say to him. How exactly do you tell your best friend that you’ve been helping a ghost solve his own murder without him attempting to send you to a psych ward? After a few moments of pacing, in which you accidentally leave a trail of muddy footprints on Johnny’s carpet, you pause.
“This is going to sound insane.” You start, facing Johnny. He nods encouragingly, motioning for you to go on. “I need you to believe me. Promise me that you’ll hear me out until the very end.” Johnny nods. “No, I need you to promise me.” Maybe it’s how frantic your voice sounds, or the fact that you’re soaking wet and still breathing heavily from your run, but Johnny promises without hesitation. His voice is soft and his eyes are wide and you thank God for giving you such a good best friend. You search his eyes with your own, and finding nothing but encouragement and trust, you begin.
“Okay, so. You know those nightmares I’ve been having?” A nod. “Okay, so apparently there’s a ghost living in my house that’s been like, projecting their memories onto me.” Johnny blinks, not even trying to hide the skeptical look on his face. “Before you say anything, I know it sounds crazy. But ghosts are real. Jungwoo- Jungwoo’s real.” Johnny inhales sharply. “His name is Jungwoo?” 
“Yeah. He was murdered 4 years ago in my basement. My basement, Johnny.” You take a deep breath, shuddering. “Whoever did it is still out there, and Jungwoo thinks that his brother might be in danger.” You shift anxiously from foot to foot, hands wringing together in front of you until Johnny takes them into his own, thumbs rubbing over the backs of your hands to calm you. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but can you help me find him? I just need to make sure that he’s okay, and I know it’s silly that I promised a ghost but-” “I’ll help.” There’s a reassuring smile on Johnny’s face when he interrupts you, and you breath out in relief. “It’s okay, y/n. I believe you.”
You launch yourself forward into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don’t deserve you.” Johnny laughs. “Yeah, you don’t.” He pulls back from the hug long enough to look you in the eyes. “For right now, let's go to bed, yeah? You really look like you need some rest.”
“Okay, so here’s his address. I mean, I think it’s his address.” Johnny looks over your shoulder at the satellite image of Mark’s house, nodding. “We can get there in about two hours.” Johnny hums, stepping away from the computer. “I can get us there faster than that, don’t worry. C’mon, let’s have some coffee and then we can go.” He makes sure you eat something that actually has nutritional value before you go, even going as far as to pack a bag before you hit the road. Johnny does his best to reassure you throughout the drive, but you’re a nervous mess. You compulsively take sips from the water bottle Johnny had forced you to take with and it’s empty in no time, leaving you to drum your fingers along your thighs and squirm with a full bladder.
The house looks so much bigger, so much more foreboding in person. Johnny gives you a reassuring look and after a deep breath, you knock on the door. It takes a few seconds before it creaks open to reveal a man around your age peering at you through black-rimmed glasses that sit crookedly on his face. “Hello?” “Hi, Mark?” he nods, looking you up and down. “Do you have a moment to talk? I just have a few questions, it w-” He’s already moving to close the door before the sentence is even out of your mouth. “Wait, Mark!” You manage to wedge your foot in the door before it closes and he groans, rolling his eyes.
“Look, I’m really not in the mood to buy anything, so if you could just please-” He tries again. “It’s about your brother!” You exclaim, finally succeeding in getting Mark to listen. He freezes and stares down at you dumbly. His eyes stay on you for a little too long before lifting to look behind you. 
“Johnny?” Mark asks, eyes widening. “Is that you?” You look over to find Johnny standing behind you, a soft smile on his face. “Yeah, it’s me. How you doin, kid?”
Mark lets you into the house after tackling Johnny into a hug, offering you tea and a seat on the couch. “I didn’t know you knew Jungwoo,” You whisper to Johnny, watching Mark grab cups from the kitchen. 
Johnny shrugs. “Never had a reason to bring him up.” He definitely could’ve brought him up earlier, like when you mentioned you were seeing his ghost, but you brush it off as nothing. Maybe he didn’t want to upset you.
Mark returns, offering you each a cup of tea before taking a seat on the couch opposite you. “Wow, it’s been so long.” Mark laughs, clutching his tea for dear life. “It’s so good to see friends of Jungwoo’s again. It’s like, it’s not the same as seeing him but. It’s nice.”
“Good to see you too, Mark.” Johnny smiles. “I looked all over for you after Jungwoo’s death, but I couldn’t find you. When did you move?” Mark sniffs. “Um, I think like a month after it happened. They arrested the guy that killed him and I dipped. It was too painful to see all those little reminders of him everywhere.” Mark sniffs again, and wipes harshly at his eye. It makes you tear up a little too, thinking about how fondly Jungwoo talked about his brother, how unfair it is that they got ripped apart so soon. One phrase sticks out to you and you manage to reel yourself back in before you start crying too hard.
“Wait, they caught the guy? Do you know who killed him?” You side eye Johnny because he must have known that the killer was caught already, and it doesn’t make sense that he didn’t tell you considering that was the sole reason for this trip. 
“Um, well. Jungwoo uh, he had a sort of accident.” His hands are shaking, you notice. Some tea spills onto his leg. “He used to go out to all these parties and he swore he’d be safe but I guess he slipped up this one time.” Mark takes a deep breath and his voice cracks. “He was driving home from a party and he probably thought he was fine but he was way too drunk and he hit a pedestrian. He drove away but her boyfriend saw the whole thing and followed him.” Mark drops his head down and sobs a little.
Johnny moves to comfort him and Mark calms down after a few moments, skillfully changing the topic away from his dead brother. All the water that you drank in the car finally catches up to you and you excuse yourself for a second. Mark’s laughter rings clearly from the living room and you can’t help but to laugh too, smiling at Johnny’s ability to make everyone happy. You fix your hair in the mirror, a little spring in your step at the thought of being able to fulfill your promise to Jungwoo. 
You wish he was with you right now as you walk down the hallway back to the living room. There are so many pictures on the walls, Mark’s accomplishments framed proudly. It sends an ache through your heart that you’re here to see all of this by yourself. It’s only then, when you’re picturing Jungwoo exploring the house with you, that you realize how quiet it’s gotten. 
Frowning, you call out Johnny’s name. You get no response and call out again, finally catching movement out of the corner of your eye. “Johnny, why’d you sneak up on me?” A laugh leaves you when you turn to fully face him, cutting off only at the flash of color that slowly fades to black.
Your head is throbbing when you come to, vision taking a few seconds to clear up. A groan leaves you and you shake your head softly, coming face to face with Mark. A Mark whose mouth is covered with duct tape. You freeze, eyes widening, then look down to find that the rest of him is bound, too. “What-” 
Panic surges through you when you realize that your hands and ankles are bound too, and you jerk your head to the side, frantically searching to make sure that Johnny’s okay. You don’t find him. It’s only you and Mark in the room. “Johnny? Hey, whoever the fuck has us down here better leave Johnny the fuck alone!” You might currently be tied up, but the fact that your best friend is missing and potentially hurt overtakes any concern you may have for yourself. Mark’s eyes widen and he shakes his head frantically. You furrow your eyebrows and go to ask what he means, but you don’t get the chance.
“Oh, don’t worry. Johnny’s just fine.” The sentence comes from the man himself, standing right in front of the door. Relief fills you, turning to dread the second he closes the door and flips the lock. “You however…” “Johnny? What are you doing?” You ask, watching as he rolls his sleeves up to the elbow. 
He tips his head to the side, looking at you with confusion. “Isn’t it obvious?” The glint in his eyes matches the knife he picks up, the dim light catching on the shine of the blade. “For someone who apparently experienced Jungwoo’s death dozens of times, you should be able to figure it out.”
You blink once, twice, and then your eyes bug so far out of your head you worry they might fall out. A soft wheeze leaves you as your chest constricts, panic blooming in your gut. Johnny wheezes too, but his is a wheeze of laughter. He’s amused.
His eyes slide down to Mark, whose eyes are glimmering with fresh tears. “Did you know it was me Mark? Did you know it was me who killed your brother?” The boy shakes his head frantically, tears free-falling down his cheeks now. There’s some muffled cries that you think sound like no, but the tape traps them and makes him incomprehensible. “Really?” Johnny asks, stepping forward until he reaches Mark and then squatting down in front of him.
“Liar.” Johnny whispers, dragging the syllables out. The point of the knife presses into the boys throat, and while the noise Mark makes is barely audible, you can feel his suffering. There’s a tense moment as Johnny increases the pressure, Mark leaning backwards as far as he can to get away, before Johnny pulls it away. Mark exhales strongly, relaxing a little bit. He’s still crying. “It doesn’t matter, though.”
Tears would probably be rolling down your cheeks if you could process what was happening. But shock has taken ahold of you, and you can only watch helplessly as Johnny turns to glance back at you. “Thanks to y/n, now you’ll never get the chance to tell anyone.”
Johnny whips back around in record speed and slices the knife right through Mark’s throat. 
A scream leaves you and you fall forward, unable to do anything but watch in horror as the line in Mark’s neck wells with blood, the poor boy convulsing in horror. A wretched gurgling noise leaves him as he chokes and frantically gasps for air, made even worse by the duct tape over his mouth. Johnny sets the knife down delicately and uses that hand to pinch his fingers over Mark’s nose, effectively shutting off his air-flow. The fight drains out of Mark’s body along with his life, and it’s just a few more seconds before he stills completely. 
You can’t think of anything to say, can just gape at Mark’s body as Johnny lets go of him and the boy hits the floor. Johnny turns to you next, picking the knife back up. 
“It’s a shame you’re always so curious, y/n.” Johnny sighs, shaking his head. “You’re my best friend, I’m going to miss you.”
There’s the faintest breeze against your cheek bone, your hair blowing to tickle the back of your neck. You try your best not to shiver when it starts blowing against your wrists. It takes you a moment to realize that it’s not a draft from an open window, but it’s Jungwoo. He’s not visible, probably because he’s focusing his energy on freeing you. If Johnny notices anything wrong, he doesn’t say anything. Your wrists aren’t free yet, but you can feel the rope loosening. If you can buy yourself some more time…
“Why are you doing this? Why did you kill Jungwoo in the first place?” Your question obviously catches Johnny off guard and he stops walking, glancing off to the side and sighing softly. He seems to have an internal debate but then he shrugs, settling down on the floor across from you. It calms you a little to have him seated instead of looming over you, and you try your best to stay absolutely still.
When Johnny speaks, there’s a hint of regret in his voice. It’s hard to tell if it’s manufactured or not. “Jungwoo and I were best friends. We always had each others backs, always told each other everything. Ride or dies.” His eyes lower to his knife and he smears the blood around the blade with his thumb. “I was the one who hit the girl. I was drunk and it was stupid, but when I called Jungwoo to help me get rid of the body, he refused. He wanted to call the police, y/n. The police.” His eyes are brimming with tears now, and he looks up at you with an urgency that tells you to believe him. You don’t of course, and you can’t tell if he’s trying to convince you of his innocence, or himself. “My own best friend wanted to turn me in, y/n. I couldn’t let him do it.”
“How did you even get into my basement?” 
“You were at a training retreat in the mountains for that job you ended up hating that weekend. I knew that your house was empty and where the spare key was, plus I knew that no one ever went into your basement.” Johnny shrugs. “His body’s in the backyard, in case you were wondering. Buried him under the dahlias.” The red dahlias, your mothers favorite plant. How many times had she gone out to water and tend to the flowers, unknowing of the poor boy who lay beneath? Your breath catches in your throat and you finally can feel tears pricking the back of your eyelids. 
“You’re sick.” The sentence is barely above a whisper, but it carries enough weight with it. Johnny’s entire demeanor changes, his face twisting into an ugly scowl.
“I’m sick? I’m not the one that was going to betray my best friend by letting him rot in jail! How fucking dare you.” The ropes fall off of your wrists and you grab onto them to prevent them from hitting the ground and alerting Johnny. All that’s left is the rope on your ankle, and then you can make your move. “Yeah? Aren’t you betraying your best friend right now? Just like you did last time?” “I should’ve used the duct tape on you.” He murmurs, tightening his hold on the knife.
There’s enough give in the ropes that you can wiggle your ankles. You just need a few more seconds. “Why didn’t you?” “Ran out.” Johnny breathes, lunging at you. You squeak and roll to the side, groaning when your legs refuse to function. Sitting on them for so long made them feel like jelly and they tingle as the blood rushes back to your limbs. “What the- you little bitch.”
Johnny attacks again and you dodge yet again, doing nothing but rolling around and avoiding him. You definitely can’t beat him in a physical fight, but you can probably beat him in other ways.
Johnny’s breath catches in his throat. “J-Jungwoo?” He stops moving, obviously trying to process how someone who is clearly dead can stand in front of him. Unfortunately, his body doesn’t quite get the memo, and he trips over Mark’s form. A sickly thud resonates through the room as he falls, followed by a deafening silence. 
When Johnny doesn’t move for a few seconds, you step closer to examine him. The first thing you notice is that there’s a little stain under his chest that’s steadily getting bigger, contrasting starkly against the wooden floor. The second thing you notice is the acrid stench of blood, too strong for the small room you’re in. Third is the tip of the blade sticking out of his back. After checking his pulse and finding nothing, you roll him over. You find the hilt of his knife sticking out of his chest and your breath catches in your throat. He must’ve landed on it when he tripped. You slump against the wall and try to catch your breath, staring at Johnny’s limp body and waiting for him to lunge at you. 
He never does. You look up to say thank you to Jungwoo, but you don’t get a chance. He looks right at his brother’s limp body and disappears, leaving you alone in the room.
You sleep as much as you can, hoping that Jungwoo will pop up in your dreams again. You cry when you sleep and you cry when you wake, until you get to the point where your eyes burn and your face swells and you can’t physically cry anymore. You cry until you’re exhausted and yet you can’t sleep, can only frustratingly toss and turn and scream silently through your raw throat, praying to a god that you don’t believe in to let you see Jungwoo, just one more time. That’s all you need. Just one more time to say goodbye.
Promises are mumbled into your pillow and chanted in your mind but there’s only so much you can do to keep them. You swear to never forget Jungwoo but the words are meaningless and do nothing to stop his face from fading. Slowly, his features become less clear in your mind, his laugh blending with countless others until you can’t differentiate them. You get him a proper grave in a cemetery, and you go from visiting his grave every day to going every few days, until weeks pass before you remember you wanted to leave flowers for him. The flowers last even less than your promises, wilting and rotting on the stone, becoming a sadly unrecognizable mess. You do your best to clean it, and you cry so hard the first time you see the mess that you almost black out, but it’s now a sight that doesn’t even phase you.
Time doesn’t stop to wait for you. It’s not long before you finish grad school and get a job offer in a city 1500 miles away, much different from this one. Your sister drives down to help you pack, easily helping you throw things that you need into a suitcase and counteracting your hoarding tendencies. Something catches your eye just as you’re leaving and you pick it up, frowning at the little resin flower. 
“What’s that?” your sister asks, leaning in over your shoulder. “Is that a dahlia?”
“I don’t know.” you furrow your eyebrows, trying to place why it seems so familiar, before shrugging. It makes a hollow sound when you toss it into the trash that seems to echo much too loud for such a tiny object.
She heaves your suitcase into your arms. “Ready?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
You don’t look back.
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!au Jean Best Friend Headcannons
Modern!au Jean Kirschtein x bestfriend!reader
a/n: i want to be bestie’s with Jean so bad! I jus couldn’t stop thinking about it so please enjoy some headcannon’s of what I think it’d be like to be buddies with Jean! I might make a part 2 someday to add onto these cause I have so much more to say but I had to stop myself before I wrote a full fledged essay sdkjalkfjbajfb, let me know if you guys are interested! Or if you jus wanna come in my inbox and talk with me about Jean Kirstein, I’m always free to do that. Anyways, enjoy!
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Ok, I had a dream about Jean being my bestie and I have not stopped thinking about it since then LMAO
Ok, so for starter’s, I truly believe he would be such a good friend like the type to be listening to you in a group conversation and encouraging you to go on when you feel like no one is paying attention
“I’m listening :)”
Or the type to stop next to you while you tie your shoe and wait and just keeps talking to you
VERY much big brother energy, like I feel like he’d have that sincerity that bestie Armin would have but he’d be a little more of the type to always be looking out for you and being a tad overprotective at times, but more on that later back to attentive Jean :)
This man is SO attentive it’s unreal
Bad day? Yeah he could tell before you mentioned it and he’s buying you your favorite snack and driving you around until you talk about it constantly giving you the 👀😗 look
Feeling lonely? You never get the chance
This man is CONSTANTLY blowing up your phone with notifications from snapchat, instagram, tiktok, and facebook messenger if he’s feeling particularly clingy - it’s usually just some strange sticker of a fucking koala or somethin like “hi :)”
You guys don’t have “streaks” but you still have a streak from how often he’s snapchatting you
Most of the time it’s just a video of his face where he slowly zooms in cause he’s bored in class - the amont of snapchat’s you got from him where you can hear is Econ professor lecturing in the background is in the hundred’s at this point
The other times it’s usually Connie and Eren acting like absolute idiot’s while him and Armin are behind the camera like 😐 - they usually end with Armin sighing and stopping them from doing something probably a little illegal
Ok you have a groupchat for studying purposes with all your buddies but if it’s specifically Jean messaging you it’s most likely cause Eren said something stupid and Jean needs someone to laugh with him (yes, you, Jean, Sasha, and Connie do have a separate groupchat where you bully Eren - but it’s with love so it’s ok)
This man will send you a whole FYP but won’t let you open any of them until he’s with you, then y’all scroll through them together on one of your phones
the type to look at you when you’re on a tiktok he sent you that he thought was really funny to see your reaction
Sends you SO many “challenge” tiktoks that he’s adamant on doing with you
You know the one where someone puts their arm in between the other person’s legs and tries to lift them? He was persistent with that one
“I’m literally jacked c’mon you’ll be fine, I just want to know if I can do it. I mean I know I can, but, like, you know? Just c’mon.”
Yes you gave in, no you didn’t fall, yes Jean wouldn’t shut up about how “yolked” he was for the next 15 minutes
If you guys posted it people are definitely asking if you’re a couple and he just replies to every single one with “no” HE SEEMS SO INTENSE PLS
Ok you’re his best friend? Then you’re definitely close with his family. Like, two holidays every year type close.
You learned to drive when he did cause you’re his bestie and you guys should totally learn together (he was nervous and needed support ok)
While I don’t necessarily see him as someone who would playfully bully too much, he is a fighter LMAO
And I’m talking like fucked up sibling fighting
It always starts off “fun” it’s totally a little passive aggressive and then someone smacks a little too hard or throws an elbow that wasn’t needed and next thing you know someone’s in a headlock
If he has you in a headlock he WILL try to tickle you until you borderline piss yourself - until he realizes said piss would get on him and then he’ll let you go like 😎 yeah. I won
If you have him in a headlock PLS take a snapchat if you can and send it to Mikasa
He will pout for like 10 minutes and then get over it when she replies with a black screen and “lol what a dork”
Once you guys are done fighting - cause SOMEONE takes it too far - you just go on your phones until someone peeks over and you’re both like lol hi :),,, are you hungry? I think I still have some pizza rolls :)
Endless hoodie supply from all the sleepovers and the following cold mornings
He is always buying new ones cause he just feels wrong asking for them back? Like, is that his brand new nike hoodie? Yes.
BUT you’re wearing it and clearly you need it if you didn’t bring a hoodie so fine, you can have it, he’ll just buy another one he’s a little bit of a rich boy it’s ok
Although he is wondering where tf his other 6 hoodies you stole went
Late night study sessions in your dorm buildings lounge area - it’s almost embarrassing how often an RA is waking the two of you up to go to your rooms instead of sleeping on the couch and floor
Jean ALWAYS brings an extra water bottle for you in case you forgot one
You’ve definitely stolen your fair share of notes from him - they’re just so easy to understand!
They’re not exactly pretty but they’re just naturally organized into subsections and all the keywords are underlined with a little definition in the margin - if he’s feeling a little spicy he might even add a glossary at the end of his notes asjnffna;irje
Sometime’s he gets too nervous to ask for a girls number and then when you convince him to do it he’s all stuttering and stumbling over his words but he still gets it and he’s convinced it’s ‘cause you’re his lucky charm - really it’s just cute to see Jean all huffy and his ears getting all red while he says some stupid pick up line that he’s immediately apologizing for and now he’s rambling and - oh the girl is shoving something into his hand
“Y/n!! Look!! I got her number!”
Yeah, see Jean acting all cocky for the rest of the day like he got it cause he was smooth and NOT cause he was an adorable flustered mess
He does not like giving out your number if anyone asks him LMAO
He’s just like ,,,,, and why couldn’t you ask them yourself? He just hates it LMAO cause you’re great and if this idiot can’t ask you yourself then they don’t deserve you, they should be CONFIDENT in his mind
BUT he does make it mandatory you tell him everything there is to know about ANY current crush, love interest, fling, anything
Not just cause he likes the gossip but cause he feels like he has to approve - there’s the big bro energy we were talking about
PLS his favorite thing is to play games with Eren and you and whoever else cause you two will always gang up on Eren and he gets so mad and Jean finds it HILARIOUS
The three of you and Connie were all in the same Minecraft server once and you and Jean just could NOT stop making your dog’s attack Eren and blowing up his house
He was getting so heated and Jean and Connie were laughing so hard it sounded like their mics were blown
Eren had to pull his headset off and step away so he could take a 5-minute break cause he just couldn’t handle it - especially with the three of you dying at how mad he got
Let Eren spell something wrong in the group chat on Instagram or mispronounce a word,,, Jean is on him SO fast and you’re there right behind him - it’s becoming Jean’s favorite hobby and sometimes he says it’s his favorite part of being your best friend LMAO
Ahhhh!! Bestie Jean, hand him over please 🤲🏼🤲🏼‼️‼️ i jus wanna bully eren with him so bad 😭 let me know what you guys think!! Or just come to chat :) love you guys!! And let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
taglist: @plutowrites
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