#gen asagiri headcanons
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Hii, it's 🚙anon. Thanks for the last headcanon!
And so with the new idea (will write more later)
The Five Wise Generals and their s/o who has bad hearing/is deaf. How would the guys treat them, interact, learn to communicate and what will be the reason they fall in love w/them? (Ukyo will be interesting)
Welcome back 🚙 anon!! I had such a fun time writing this so I hope you like it! Let me know if you’d like anything else!
5 wise generals with a deaf S/o💖🌷
I feel like he would know basic sign language
Like hello, yes, no, etc.
He’s definitely down to learn
Will probably pick up everything in like one or two days
He’d also make you hearing aids if you want them (or whatever implant thing people get I don’t remember what it is)
If you start crying when you hear for the first time, he’ll smirk and place a hand on your back
“Heh, what wrong? Already tired of hearing all the noise?”
I don’t think he’d just sit down and teach you how pronounce things
He’d just throw you in random situations and sign to you on the side what people are saying
If you don’t want hearing aids then he doesn’t mind occasionally being your interpreter, but there are some times he is too busy to help out
Wouldn’t treat you like your fragile, expects the same thing from you as he expects of everything else
He doesn’t really react when you first say I love you
Just smiles and nods
“Yknow I love you too”
“Soooo you don’t have the fuzzy eye sickness but you have the stuffy eye sickness????”
He’s really trying his best
Definitely wants to learn sign language, it just might take him longer to learn than senku
It still might not click to him fully that you’re deaf cause he still kinda shouts to get your attention
“y/n…. Y/n…Y/N…!!!”
Everyone just looks at him like wtf is your deal bro then it clicks to him again lol
He’d have no problem being your translator, but like I said before he’d have a harder time learning than senku, so he might be a bit frustrated with HIMSELF (he’d never be frustrated with you!) that he can’t help you more
If you want hearing aids/surgery then he’ll do everything in his power to get it for you
Has no idea what to do if you start tearing up from hearing
“Wha- I don’t- is something wrong??? Is it too loud????” He asks in the loudest voice possible
Definitely teaches you words and phrases one by one, contrasting from senku
Will definitely start off with phrases like, “chrome is my boyfriend” or “chrome is so cute”
When he hears you say you love him he immediately gets overwhelmed with love and emotion and starts to cry
“S-sorry… I don’t know whats gotten over me… I love you too my gem…!”
Stop bro chrome is so freakin cute!!!
Does not give a flip that your deaf, but he uses you so much to get out of working
“Sorry dear Senku-Chan~ but my sweet y/n needs help communicating with Francois so I’ll be on my way then” he says knowing damn well that Francois knows way more sign language than Gen could ever dream of��of course Senku knows this and still makes him work
He loooooovees whispering somewhat dirty things in your ear because he knows you can’t hear it, but he always does it when he’s behind you cause he doesn’t want you reading his lips
“My sweet y/n If you only knew what you did to me. All I wanna do is kiss every inch of your beautiful body until I’ve covered every last in of you”
And then he just walks off like nothing ever happened 💀
Like Senku he probably already knows basic sign language and of course is willing to learn more, but just cannot grasp anything being taught to him
If you’re really good at reading lips he’ll just stick to that
If not then he’ll keep learning but mainly write you notes
If you get hearing aids/surgery then he’ll quickly begin teaching you how to speak
You remember how I said he just randomly comes up from behind you and whispers perverted things in your ear?
There was a time he forgot you had hearing aids and said all those things😗
The only reason he remembered was because of the deep shade of red that spread all over your face
When you are able to say I love you, his face is just shocked
But it soon fades into a sincere smile
“I love you too my heart”
Ukyo would love you no matter what
Has no problem using sign language or writing things down on a piece of paper
If he learns sign language then he’d learn it faster than chrome but not as fast as senku
I still think Ukyo would want you to speak though
I’m not saying the other generals wouldn’t want to hear your voice, but Ukyo NEEDS to hear it
Doesn’t matter what you think your voice would sound like, Ukyo thinks it’s beautiful because it’s part of you
If you’re self conscious about it then he’ll definitely reassure you with rubbing your hands or soft forehead and cheek kisses
Every time you speak he signs “beautiful” or “lovely” for extra encouragement
Loves being your translator
He likes how he’s basically become your voice for everyone to hear
If you chose to get hearing aids/surgery then he’s immediately teaching you basic phrases to get around
As much as he would love to hear you say “I love you” or “I’m happy with you” he knows he needs to teach you phrases that’ll actually help you
But one day as both are heading to bed he hears what he’s always wanted to hear
“U-uku-Ukyo… i lo-love you….”
He just freezes, his eyes are already overflowing when he turns to look at you
“Can you please say that again…?”
He makes you repeat it over and over as he holds you and cries
He’s so happy, he never thought he’d hear those words come out of your mouth yet here we are
“Thank you y/n… I love you so much… more than you’ll ever know…”
Ryusui might be a little overdramatic on how he cares for you 💀
Will NOT let you out of his sight
Worried about you getting in trouble or getting hurt because you couldn’t hear something coming this is also just an excuse to be around you too lol
Im not saying the other guys wouldn’t be concerned, Ryusui just takes it to the EXTREME
already learned sign language when he first found out you were deaf
He was all like, “I desire to speak with you, which way is easiest for you???” And then learned sign language lol
Besides being overprotective he’s still normal, obnoxious Ryusui
Always down to be your translator, whatever you need he’s there
Ryusui doesn’t care if you get hearing aids/surgery or not, he just wants what you want
If you don’t want any then that’s that, he’s not gonna make you do anything you don’t want to
If you do then you get it within seconds
So very patient and supportive when teaching you to speak
“Amazing job love! That’s one more word than yesterday!”
Whenever you first say I love you to him he’s the happiest he’s ever been in his life
He just picks you up and spins you around laughing and kissing all over your face
“HAHAH! I love you more my beautiful y/n! I love you love you love you!”
#dr stone#dcst#dr stone headcanons#senku ishigami#senku ishigami x reader#senku ishigami headcanons#chrome dr stone#chrome x reader#chrome headcanons#gen asagiri x reader#gen asagiri#gen asagiri headcanons#ukyo saionji#ukyo saionji headcanons#ukyo saionji x reader#ryusui nanami#ryusui nanami headcanons#ryusui nanami x reader
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heya, Dr. Stone headcanons of the Wise Generals' (all or any ones you prefer) sleeping habits? Pretty please🥺
i’m sooo indecisive when it comes to headcanons i just end up talking about every perspective! but i hope these are fun! sorry some of these are shorter than others </3 i had more ideas for ryusui and senku
I’m pretty sure it was shown or implied very briefly in the show, but I believe Senku is a kind of person who sleeps pretty neatly.
Maybe not like a vampire on his back with his hands crossed over his stomach, but he mostly keeps to himself; his limbs aren’t usually all over the place, and he’s probably just curled within himself on his side.
I don’t think it’s impossible for him to splay all over, but usually he’s a pretty still sleeper. Maybe he shifts around a little, a stray arm or leg here and there, and unless it’s super hot or cold or he’s unnerved by something, he’ll mostly just stay curled within himself.
I think it was also shown that he tends to stay up pretty late doing science related things, so maybe a little bit of a night owl, too.
Has at least once or twice pulled an all nighter doing science related things. Sometimes he isn’t even aware of the time, and he ends up accidentally staying awake all night (which he feels the effects of full force in the morning when he has school).
It also seems like when he’s nervous about something, he can’t rest easily, either. So most of the time he should be spending sleeping is instead used for problem solving.
He knows that, logically, he should be investing time and effort into developing and upholding a more than adequate sleep schedule in order for him to function and continue on with his hobbies at 100%. Buuut…he’s an eager person, and, for a lot of the series, a teenager. So his sleep schedule is probably a little all over the place.
He’s probably out sometime between 12-2am on average though; that’s typically when he starts yawning and his body starts feeling heavy.
Usually he just ends up exhausting himself with experiments, however, and retires to bed when the words in his textbooks begin to blur by curling himself up under a blanket.
Doesn’t mind sleeping in the dark, and doesn’t fully mind sleeping with a small light. Too much of either, however, might set him a little on edge or make it harder for him to fall asleep.
Not a deep sleeper but not a light sleeper either.
If he’s sharing a sleeping space, he’s not going to go out of his way to do anything particularly different. He’ll sleep as usual; depending on the person, he might choose to put some distance.
If it’s with you, he may just fall asleep facing you. That’s the only notable thing.
Overall just a generally calm and quiet sleeper.
-> GEN:
Also similar to Senku in a lot of ways, such as in that he doesn’t sprawl around too much.
He’s usually curled up, perhaps even more so than Senku, however, and out like a light. It’s funny for me to imagine him a deeeeep sleeper.
But in actuality, I think he’d be an inbetween of heavy and light sleeper. When he’s nervous about something, he’s much more aware of himself and his surroundings, so the slightest off detail will have his eyes wide open.
Usually, though, he can be a pretty heavy sleeper. Maybe a mouth breather. Maybe snores just a little (on occasion).
Sleeps fairly regularly despite his celebrity status and being a student, or at least finds it harder to pull all-nighters. But like anyone else, he may get restless if he feels nervous about something.
If I remember correctly, the fanbook mentioned details about his family life not being so great (either that or its some headcanons that resonated with me based on the almost sad expression he makes in reference to his family). Perhaps the exhaustion or stress from that either kept him awake or had him passing out when it came to sleep.
Maybe sleeps in somewhat of a fetus position? Wakes up with his neck killing him (projection).
If he’s sharing a sleeping space, he might be flirty about it, depending on who you are.
Teases you slightly in every scenario, however; it only depends on what kind of jokes he's making.
Also depending on his mood, he may start up some late night convos before heading off to sleep, usually if he’s got something on his mind.
In the same bed, I think he would want to be cuddly, but just wouldn’t be able to handle the sweat and discomfort I think, so he goes back over to his side fairly quick.
Has a thousand alarms for the morning because he has a tendency to sleep in or immediately fall back asleep when he wakes up.
I can imagine Ryusui’s sleeping habits going either way.
On the one hand, Ryusui can be a pretty deep sleeper. With his pampered lifestyle, he probably has heavenly bedroom accommodations; luxury bed, high brand pillowcases and mattresses and what not. He also doesn’t have very many worries in his life. So he probably sleeps like a rock at night. I can also see that deep sleep habit occurring even in the stone world, much to everyone’s disgust.
At the same time, Ryusui can be weirdly alert. Perhaps this would be more so stone world, but I can see him being disturbed by small changes in the environment and waking up to them.
His sleeping schedule may also be all over the place, but generally organized and well kept up. I imagine that he doesn’t fall asleep too late.
He does occasionally pull an all-nighter if he’s working on something of his, however. When his mind is set on something, sometimes he can get caught up in it.
Francois’ character profile lists events pre-petrification, saying they developed “a special drink for Ryusui, who has little time for sleep, to help him recover from fatigue after a short night's sleep.” I forget if context is ever given for this, but it sort of implies Ryusui doesn’t sleep a lot. So the all-nighters may be more frequent than expected.
Either way, he’s probably one of the first people awake at any time, around maybe 5-6am. He likes to spend his days being productive, so no matter what, he’s typically up bright and early, no matter what time he goes to sleep at.
I can imagine him with a somewhat firm expression while he sleeps, again, mostly during stone world. The lifestyle sort of toughens him up, makes him a bit more on edge constantly. It’s reflected in his face while he’s sleeping, mouth firm, eyebrows furrowed. He may also have this kind of face while he sleeps pre-stone world too, however, almost like he’s always in a perpetual state of slight unease despite his optimism.
If he’s sharing a sleeping space with another person, he probably tries to be mindful of differing sleeping schedules…but either way, he might accidentally wake you with crashes depending on what he’s doing.
If he’s with you in bed though, I think he might like to cuddle, at least at first. Until he gets all uncomfortable and accidentally pushes you away.
But you get to share in all his bed luxuries! And all of the things Francois does to help keep Ryusui awake throughout the day also extend toward you on his order.
-> UKYO:
One of the more calm sleepers.
He’s another person who’s, again, like Senku, in that he just lies on his side the entire night.
Doesn’t move around too much when he’s sleeping, maybe just to readjust his blanket or whatnot. At most, he’s just repositioning himself to be more comfortable.
I think he too would have a bit of a firm face when he sleeps.
He may like to hold something when he’s sleeping. It’s usually just the pillow he’s sleeping on top of, but sometimes he might yank it down enough so it's almost like he’s holding it to his chest.
Also maybe curled up in somewhat of a fetal position, also wakes up with a killer neckache on occasion.
If he’s sharing a sleeping space with someone, he probably just sticks to his side of the bed.
Doesn’t mind cuddling, but like most people, that probably just means you’ll break away later in the evening when the two of you fall asleep.
Might try to watch shows and movies he’s wanted to catch up on only to fall asleep curled up on the couch (you don’t have the heart to wake him) (it's why you have a blanket on your cushions now) (more projecting).
Also may have a billion alarms, all at absurd times. He gives you an apologetic kiss on the forehead if it disturbs your own slumber.
Ultimate mouth breather, ultimate blanket hog, ultimate BED hog (exaggeration).
I’m mostly kidding, but out of all five, I can imagine Chrome to be one of the more chaotic sleepers.
His leg is in the air, he’s starfishing, he’s snoring. He’s the whole insufferable package.
At the same time, however, I feel like it’d be funny if people anticipate Chrome to be such a difficult sleeper, only for him to be the exact opposite and instead sleep like a sound baby.
I can see him being pretty hyperactive during the day and then crashing out at night so much so that he hardly moves, but mostly on days where he’s working himself to exhaustion.
So take it either way.
If he’s sharing a space with you when he’s sleeping, he might be nervous as hell. Or if you’re a good enough friend, he’ll turn over and pass out with his leg out unapologetically no problem.
I think for obvious reasons he doesn’t really tend to sleep with anything; no pillows or toys.
And I also think cuddling is not a big thing. Though you might find an arm or leg tossed over you on restless nights…
If you confront him about those things in the morning, he’ll deny them endlessly.
#user junosmindpalace somewhat consistently posting what?!?!#i might come back and add some more stuff#dr stone x reader#dr stone fluff#dr stone oneshot#dr stone headcanons#dcst x reader#dcst fluff#dcst headcanons#dcst oneshot#senku ishigami x reader#senku ishigami headcanons#senku ishigami fluff#chrome x reader#chrome fluff#chrome headcanons#ryusui nanami x reader#ryusui nanami fluff#ryusui nanami headcanons#gen asagiri x reader#gen asagiri fluff#gen asagiri headcanons#saionji ukyo x reader#ukyo saionji fluff#saionji ukyo headcanons
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Headcanon that Gen asks the most random scientific stuffs in the middle of the night, and Senku wants to tell him to stfu but he can't help but answering all of them with crazy accuracy, even the most stupid ones. And then usually Gen goes back to sleep, and the next day he has totally forgotten about it.
#sengen#gen asagiri#gen dr stone#ishigami senku#senku x gen#and they were roommates#sengen headcanon
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Do you want to write anything for Dr.Stone? Maybe hcs of what it’s like living with the characters? Platonic or not doesn’t matter.
what it's like to live with dr.stone characters
what to expect: implied stanxeno
your sword's note: thankyu so much for the request dear anon! let me know if i should do a part 2 with more characters, more on my mistresslist
you never know when he is home, he could not come home for three days straight or come home at the same time every day
extremely organized but somehow doesn't mind some mess (as long as it doesn't disrupt his organization of important things)
if you are living with him as a roommate, this guy needs to know you for this life and three previous ones, if on a relationship it needs to be a really serious one for you two to live together
you will find things in the fridge that should NOT be in the fridge (with a note saying "do not consume unless you want to 10 billion percent die")
his computer needs to run insane calculations so it can also run almost any game, he lets you use it (if you mess with his stuff the universe might colapse)
really popular: he either sleeps on a senior citizen schedule or has lost track of reality
if on a relationship: ideally he wants separate rooms, he doesn't want to disrupt your sleep when he is engulfed in the latest project and occasionally just wants to sleep on his own, sometimes tho he just crawls into your bed and lays stiff until he falls asleep, always wakes up hugging you or being hugged, swears on copernicus' name that he doesn't like it but it keeps happening (is this a pattern?)
great at following cooking instructions but can't innovate
showers with cold water for the "benefits" and complains if you take too long on the bathroom
folds clothes horribly so he just hangs them
no pets (its for the creature's safety i swear)
if on a relation ship: u found a four of clubs in your underwear drawer? no you didn't
will manipulate you into cooking (either way don't let him cook)
collects cards decks and has them displayed
solid skincare routine, can't decide if he does some form of exercise like pilates or idek, have y'all seen his waist!? is that body tea natural???
if on a relationship: feet and hands always cold and he seeks your warmth when you sleep together, refuses to put on socks (bro walked everywhere without shoes in the stone world, he'd do that at home too)
will eat your food, he doesn't care if its labeled
hates chores day, but he is also really organized so that helps (has a random hidden pile of chao)
your place will always smell good because he brings flowers regularly
why are there 3 six-packs of cola in the fridge?
either brings mirai really often or straight up lives with her, she has her own room and all
cooks delicious meals my gawdd
if on a relationship: he makes sure you don't have to do a single thing. cooking? he got it. chores? he got it. you want the lights off? done. craving something? he will go buy it
if on a relationship: lets you brush his hair, play with it and take care of it (this is my dream)
this guy wakes up at the crack of dawn and will be making some protein shake that is inhumane
i hc that he really likes photography for some reason, so he will have pictures all up his room (or the entire place if you are together)
if on a relationship: he is a human heater, he is so damn warm when sleeping is kinda scary
exercises every single day (no shit), might drag you along
trophies and all displayed
francois lives with you too, they have their own room
idk what is the situation here if you are roommates, makes more sense if you are together
you don't have to do a single thing, ever, it is all taken care of
you open doors and discover full on facilities that you never knew the place had, it keeps happening (is this place infinite?)
if on a relationship: your room matches those of royalty in webtoons, gigantic bed, a closet like barbie's in life in the dream house, a vanity with every product you could ever imagine, the bathroom has a massive tub and a smartass toilet
he would ask you to accompany somewhere real quick (you end up across the world on a party), if he ever asks for some of your time and you deny because of work, he will buy whatever company you work on and give you infinite paid vacation, if its because of studying he backs down and lets you study
has so many dogs, francois handles their schedule
the mansion is so big that you get surprised when you meet him unintentionally
if on a relationship: you also have separate rooms, and a room for the two of you
he brings sai over (against sai's will)
stan and xeno
why would you live with these two? are you their adopted child?
elegant ahh house
you are allowed to have a fish
rocks everywhere !
in the new modern era he is fascinated by simple house appliances. the microwave heats up the food? THATS BAAAAD. the washing machine washes the clothes? THATS BAAAD (downside is that he will take apart everything to learn how it works and it may not function again OR he will invent a house appliance that already exists "what if we had this artifact that woke us up through a bell?" "oh you mean an alarm clock?" he falls backwards)
organized as hell, knows where everything is. has he seen your polka dots sock? hell yeah
#x reader#headcanon#dr stone#dcst#senku ishigami#senku x reader#gen asagiri#tsukasa shishio#tsukasa x reader#gen x reader#ryusui nanami#ryusui x reader#chrome#stanxeno#senku x y/n
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𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱, 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼���� 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲. 𝗦𝗲𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝗴𝗲, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀
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How long has it been? You can't tell, or more like you couldn't. Time didn't exist, and the few rare moments where you felt like it did? You tried anything and everything within your power to escape from this deep sleep, whatever it was. Maybe this was some really messed up fever dream? Or did the aliens beat the government and now you're in their little experimentation room?
Then you started to feel it, that small pull, that would set you free. And so It did. It felt like a chain reaction of burning, and then feeling completely refreshed all over your body. It was painful, but as soon as you started to move your hands out of the cracked stone, you felt way better. It was only a few mere seconds, but life didn't feel so dull anymore.
You squinted as you sat up from your crouched position, the vibrant trees surrounded you, and a breeze rushed towards your body. You struggled for a bit before standing upright, using a tree branch as leverage. The art club room where you had once taken shelter was gone, and instead you were embraced by Mother Nature at her finest.
It's been a while since you've last seen so many trees. Normally they were all cut down for some kind of usage, like the desks you had at school. It finally struck you that you were in fact, alone. Not in the way that you had hoped when you were in school and you needed some alone time every once in a while.
No, now there wasn't enough noise to indulge in, no gossip to listen to during lunch, and no one to come and check up on you every once in a while. You were officially alone. Nothing but stone statues to grace your eyesight and greenery. The society that you once knew was gone, and you had to at least come to terms with the new environment, so with lanky arms and empty head, you began to get accustomed with your surroundings.
Step one: cover up
You fumbled a bit with the leaves that you were able to find and some vine, before successfully covering your most vulnerable parts
Step two: identifying sources of food and water
After rustling though many bushes, you finally came across what seemed to be a fresh source of water from a nearby stream, did it taste good? hell yeah? were you able to find food? fuck no
step three: explore surroundings
Now this one was a bit challenging, because not only are in the wild with no where to call home, but there could also be wild animals. Without a doubt humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, since zoo's existed, you don't doubt that some pretty hungry beasts are roaming around right this second, even ones who aren't even native to Japan too.
So that's how you began the hike of worry
So, scrap the whole "oh im alone and there's no one else on the planet now!" now you were face to face with what seemed to be a village. Your only problem? The two guards in front of you, who didn’t seem so keen on your arrival
“Stop. Who are you and what do you have to do with this village?” His voice was like a sharp blade, a contrast to his counterpart who looked much more relaxed, but curious
Almost as if it was instinct, you raised your hands "I don't have anything on me, I just need resources to survive is all". The brown haired man narrowed his eyes with something akin to malice. "We don't allow just anyone into our village. Begone"
'begone? what kind of-'
"Kinro, I don't think she looks like a threat! I mean, it's just some harmless girl!"
'should I be offended or happy he's backing me up?..' you sweat dropped, by the looks at it he was basically feigning at the idea of a girl being let into the village. Pretty scary honestly but you'll take what you can get. "yeah! I'm just some...harmless girl!" you cringed at the words that just left your mouth.
"Rules are Rules Ginro, this is about trust, not about what you can do" he stood tall, spear in hand. He almost looked as if he was belittling you right now. Clearly he wasn't convinced.
'so he's one of those types, this is gonna be a breeze'
"say, how about I strike you a deal?" you lowered your raised hands and outstretched one. Kinro let out a unimpressed grumble, before finally hearing you out. "I can prove to you guys the im not a threat, and for the hell of it? I'll even make you a promise."
"oh yeah! Kinro loves those so-" "Ginro." the blonde one gave a nervous expression before apologizing. "what if I beat you in a sparring match? Im assuming those spears you carry around aren't for show right?"
Kinro studied you for what felt like a minute with an unreadable expression. "what are your conditions?"
"If you win, I'll leave and you will never see me again..If I win however? I'll have the right to stay in your village. Although I have to talk to your chief for that, you cannot deny me access in regards to leaving and entering. Satisfied?" You kept your hand outstretched, waiting for him to take it. It wasn't too long before he gave a brisk nod and stepped forward to take your hand in his much larger one. "I accept your terms, make sure you honor them"
"I expect no less, mr Kinrou" you gave him a smile "..just Kinro, please." pink dusted his cheeks
Kinro lunged first once it began, spear in hand, and it made you swear he probably had half a mind to kill you and be done with it. You sidestepped the blade, with it narrowly missing your shoulder. He gave you no time to catch breath before spinning his weapon around again in an arc, feeling the air slice as it passed overhead. Using the stone knife that was given to you by Ginro, you aimed for his side. He brought down the spear to block the strike. You stumbled a bit but recovered quickly, so in a desperate attempt, you twisted your body and slid down onto the ground and aimed for his legs.
In one swell swoop, he lost his balance and began to fall. You used to the small amount of time you had while he struggled to position yourself onto of him, knife aimed to cut through his throat while your legs held him down; one hand holding down his arm.
Ginro watched with surprise as you easily subdued his brother, "Oh no Kinro!" he trembled at the hostility that filled the air.
"I give in." he said with labored breathing. "You have proven yourself more than enough" his once tight grip on his weapon loosened as his body slumped. You shared a strained smile "you fight well"
"same to you..ah, what's your name?"
"[name]. Just [name]"
#{-muxis writes#x reader#x y/n#dr stone#dr stone x reader#headcanons#shishio tsukasa x reader#senku ishigami x reader#dr stone various x reader#dr stone series#nanami ryusui x reader#asagiri gen x reader#stanley snyder x reader#xeno houston wingfield x reader#saionji ukyo x reader#various x reader#dr stone fic
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'•.¸♡ dr. stone - favorite body part ♡¸.•'

.•° ✿ °•.
senku - legs, because you can move them and get to work (on a serious note, he likes your hands. no real reason, he just finds them soft and warm)
gen - says your tits (actually likes your neck because he loves kissing it)
tsukasa - your waist, it makes him feel like you're so small (compared to him, that is 💀) and need to be protected. also because he loves wrapping his arm around your waist and hold you close to him
chrome - your lips, he loves feeling them on his
hyoga - he likes himself only so humble yourself 🫵 (your chin because he can lift it up and stare into your eyes intensely 😩)
kinro - your hair, it's so feminine to him
ginro - tits
moz - thighs, he'll always try to sneak a glance at them 💀 (even worse if you're a fighter cause he'll watch how they move)
daddy kaseki 🫦 - your eyes, they make him feel like a teenager all over again
taiju - your hands, so tiny (again, compared to his huge ass 💀) and delicate
byakuya - ASS
alpha magma - titties
xeno - your brain
stanley - nothing really cause he has everything you have and better. Face? He's prettier. Hands? His are better. Legs? His are longer. His ass is probably bigger, too. (your lips, he likes how glossy and soft they are)
°•. ✿ .•°
#dr stone#ishigami senku#gen asagiri#dr stone kinro#ginro#dr stone anime#headcanons#boyfriend headcanons#favorite body part#stanley snyder#xeno houston wingfield#taiju oki#nanami ryusui#dr stone ryusui#francois dr stone#tsukasa shishio#dr stone tsukasa#hyoga akatsuki#dr stone moz#dr stone magma#byakuya ishigami#chrome dr stone#kaseki dr stone
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Hello beautiful I hope you’re doing well! If your requests for dr.stone are still on hold then please ignore this message!
if not then can I request the five wise commanders with a s/o who tries to impress them by learning the stuff they are interested in. (Examples can be like Ryusui’s s/o tried to learn about boats or Chrome’s s/o tries to learn about rocks and tells them the stuff they learned.) Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good one!😁
Dr. Stone: Painting with Two Hands
Summary: In which the Five Wise Commanders get blown away by your knowledge in their passion.
Or you want to show them that you are someone they can rely on too.
Pairing: Five Wise Commanders (Senku, Chrome, Gen, Ryusui, and Ukyo) x GN! Reader!
Note: Thanks for the request and your patience! This turned out super fluffy and I love it! Each scenario takes place in a different time/place.
Warning: None.
The Art of Science
“What the hell are you wearing?”
“A lab coat.” Senku looked at you incredulously, with one brow raised and his other hand shaking a glass beaker.
“Okay, how the heck did you even get that-“
“Yuzuriha.” Right.
“And why are you wearing it exactly?”
“Because I look good in it and…”
"I've been studying chemistry," You declared, revealing a notebook filled with meticulously recorded observations.
When you hand him the said notebook, you watch his skepticism turn into fascination.
“Kukuku, I’m impressed, it’s right. You wrote down the formulas for everything. Where and when did you get this?”
“See, I actually listened to all of your scientific rants. I thought they were interesting and super helpful, so I wanted to learn.”
Senku blinked, slightly surprised that you had put in the effort to take notes, listen and learn.
“I thought that we could experiment together."
For a moment, he was silent, but then his lips quirk up into a smirk, and he flicked your forehead.
“Alright, what are you waiting for? Come help me then. Show me what you learned.”
“Wait.” Senku was twirled around and handed a lab coat too.
“I got one for you too.” Dumbfounded, Senku didn’t move until you sighed and helped him put it on. Before you went to fix his collar, he came to his senses.
“I can do it myself.” He quickly turned away from you and put it on properly.
"You look good short king."
You had a smug expression on your face.
"Shut up."
You swear he has a little tint of pink on his cheeks, but you decided to not mention it.
“Come on, we got a lot of work to do.” He extended a hand, and you accepted it as if it was the norm.
“I know Einstein.”
The Art of Exploration
“Chrome! Look at what I found!”
“Be careful (Y/N)! Don’t fall down!”
Chrome ran after you as you skipped ahead and jumped into a flowing river.
“(Y/N)!” Chrome was always worried about your safety and well-being, despite the many times where you proved where you were just as strong as him.
“Don’t worry Chrome, it’s not like it’s my first time out with you! Besides, look, I found this cool-looking thing in the water!”
In your hands was an oddly shaped rock, and while the two of you inspected it, neither of you knew what it was. Until you cleaned it a bit more in the river.
A golden exterior shone through its surface.
Almost immediately, you screamed out in excitement.
“Gold! It’s the thing that Senku was looking for right?” Even Chrome was shocked at your luck, before hugging you from behind.
Even though you both were slightly dirty from running away and exploring all day, neither of you minded.
“It’s gold! Amazing! How did you find that so easily?” Chrome was genuinely curious. After all, from his perspective, he simply saw you jump into a river, bend down, and pick up a random rock.
“Um…it’s kind of embarrassing but…” Chrome cocked a head at your hesitation before you blurted out.
“I’VE BEEN LEARNING ABOUT ROCKS!” It was so loud that the world shook around you both.
"because...I want to go with you more when you explore..." Your voice became quieter and quieter, while you fidgetted with your hand.
Chrome watched your face lit up, before you quickly turn around and make a run for it.
“Wait (Y/N)! That’s so cool! Come back!”
Chrome chased you with a giant grin on his face.
He can’t wait to see what you learned, and how, when the two of you go back to his workshop.
Chrome also can’t wait to brag to everyone (especially Senku) how great you are.
The Art of Communication
“I’ll play with you Genie, call.” The click of chips being pushed to the center. Gen(ie) winked at you.
Genie was nickname for your little boyfriend, why? Well, man can read minds (probably).
The cards are slowly being flipped over as spectators make their own guesses.
“All-in!” Gen pushed up his sunglasses dramatically (as if he was in an anime) and smirked as he turned to you.
“Sorry dear (Y/N), this is my game.”
You stayed silent for a moment, observing Gen from head to toe.
But Gen of course, remains calm, and confident in his hand.
Gen raises his sunglasses in slight surprise at your bet.
“Dear (Y/N), are you sure?” Gen was slightly worried, after all, you tend to be more on the conservative side when it comes to gambling. He slides his hand over to you, and you put yours on top of his.
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” You returned his look with a forced smile. Gen whistled, surprised at your sudden bold action.
“Okay, I’m going to flip the last card.” Kohaku flips and the room goes silent.
Then he saw a smirk rose to your lips, and felt your hand intertwin with his.
“You owe me babe.” You hold up his hand while his jaw dropped to the ground.
This was the first you had ever won against him in gambling.
“Finally someone gave Gen a taste of his own medicine.” Ukyo rolled his eyes before snickering.
“Wha-how did you-”
"I thought I'd learn from the best.” You winked and stole his sunglasses, making your beloved stutter even more.
“After all, the mind is the most fascinating puzzle, and yours is the most intriguing of them all." You put on his sunglasses with a smug smirk.
“Damn, that was cringe.” Senku commented, which received a nudge from Yuzuriha.
Gen eventually recovered and chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips.
“Oh dear (Y/N), are you playing mind tricks with me now?”
“Of course not dear~ I still have much to learn~”
(Senku of course, fake gagged behind the scenes, but that never stopped you and Gen from doing anything, has it?)
The Art of Navigation
Under the starlit sky, both you and Ryusui stood on the deck of the Perseus, his eyes scanning the horizon.
It was at times like these where your boyfriend was finally quiet, appreciating the tranquility, and the ambience as you two were on a date. Delicious food and wine made by Francois, while listening to the waves rock against the ship, and the laughter from others inside.
Of course, Ryusui is the one to break that silence when he notices the seas changing.
“My love, a storm is coming.” He suddenly stands up, “Francois, follow me after you clean up.”
“Yes sir.” Francois, elegant and efficient as always, quickly retreated with the food.
“Ay ay Captain.” Your little salute made his loosen up just a little, before he held your hand, and pulled you inside as if he was guiding you in a waltz.
Ambitious, confident, and charismatic, that was your love, Ryusui.
As expected, he took the helm immediately, and an excited grin rose to his face as he looked far into the distance with thunderous clouds.
“Love, can you tell them all to get ready!? We need all hands on deck!”
“On it captain!”
With a laugh, you began warning everyone through the speakers, and chaos followed as everyone scrambled to get on desk.
Surprisingly, Ryusui watched you give commands almost effortlessly and matching his pace.
“Furl the sails!”
“We’re going to change courses!”
“Make sure to hold to the ship!”
“Love, you’re perfect.” Ryusui thanks you while he spins the wheel.
“Drop the anchors!”
Then you turn around and slide beside him.
“Love, let me help you - it’s that way - where we have to go right?”
“A little bit more to the left, but love, I see you’ve been learnING-” The ship’s center of gravity suddenly shifts, causing you to lean on Ryusui as you grab onto the wheel for your deer life.
“I love it! The desire to learn is always so endearing!”
“Oh stop it~ All I did was read some maps and books!”
“Hey Captain! Can you stop flirting and steer the ship properly!?” The others yelled while panicking on deck, and with a laugh, both of you steered the ship to safety.
"One more time?" He proposed, and you agreed, much to the displeasure of your crewmates.
The Art of Archery
Sometimes, the kids are loud.
As such, Ukyo and his companion often found solace in the tranquility of the forest. Sometimes they would take long walks, talk about various topics they would not share in front of children, and enjoy the silence once in a while away from the chaos of someone known as Senku.
But one day, you asked Ukyo to learn archery.
Naturally, Ukyo was elated to teach you, after all, it was a way for you to protect yourself.
It began with Ukyo making a bow for you, then arm guard, and even received gloves from Yuzuriha. He wanted to make sure you had the best of equipment he could get, and that you were safe at all times.
The first few training sessions began with Ukyo standing behind you, guiding you with a calm, mellow voice, and helping you with aim.
But soon, you both practiced archery side by side, the twang of bowstrings harmonizing with the rustling leaves.
"Your aim is getting better," Ukyo praised, a smile gracing his lips as he applauded you.
“Thanks, it all because of your help Ukyo.” You gave him a little hug which he returned.
“I’m proud of you.”
“Can I come and hunt with you now?” For a moment he hesitated, but after seeing your adorable puppy eyes, he caved in within a heartbeat.
“Okay, but safety first ok?”
“Mhmm. I know.”
You gave him a peck on the cheek, before he returned one too.
LIttle did you know, not only were your arrows hitting the bulls-eye, they went through Ukyo’s heart too.
#manga#anime#anime and manga#dr stone#drst#senku x reader#ishigami senku#senku#dr stone senku#asagiri gen#gen asagiri#gen x reader#chrome#dr stone fluff#dr stone spoilers#dr stone fanfiction#dr stone headcanons#dr stone chrome#ryusui nanami#dr stone ryusui#ryusui x reader#ukyo saionji#dr stone ukyo#ukyo x reader#gn reader#gn y/n#senku ishigami
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Dr. Stone doodles
#dr stone#dr stone fanart#ishigami senku#dr stone senku#gen asagiri#asagiri gen dr stone#sketch#fanart#traditional art#doodle#dr xeno#stanly snyder#headcanon#traditional artist#artists on tumblr
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#ishigami senku#dr stone#senku#dcst senku#senku icons#drstone#senku headcanons#dr stone senku#drstone senku#senku ishigami#ishigami#senku dr stone#drstone manga#drstonegif#drstone gif#drstone gen#asagiri gen#sengen#dr stone manga#dr. stone#tsukasa dr stone
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Hello! This is my first ask and it may be very bad but here it is:
Can you do a headcanon of any dr.stone character with an always exhausted and introverted s/o? They’re just always exhausted with no reason why and they don’t like talking to people as that delays the possible time they could’ve been sleeping
If you do this, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Remember to have a great time and take care of yourself <3
P.S: may I be called 🍙 Anon?
Hi, 🍙 anon! Thank you for your request!
Dr. Stone Characters with a Constantly Exhausted! Introvert! S/O.
The characters I chose for this are: Senku, Gen, Chrome, Ryusui, Hyoga, and Francois.
Random fun fact: I have the same MBTI as Senku! INTP! (Joel Gear from the manga also has the same type)
Senku Ishigami
Before you’re even dating, he may notice your constant exhaustion. It likely worries him, and he will probably try to seek out the cause.
He might confront you about how you’re sleeping at night, in order to offer advice, but even then, he makes the kingdom of science pull ungodly feets so he might just assume it’s all that hard work.
He’ll likely assume you have hyposomnia, or maybe insomnia at night, leading to sleeping throwout the day. Or something similar.
If it’s none of those, just how you are. He’ll except that and let you sleep periodically when you need to.
But he’ll likely remind you about how much sleep is TOO much sleep.
He really just means the best for you.
So if you need help sleeping better at night to prevent sleeping so much during the day, he’d make sleep drugs or melatonin.
He’s an introvert too, so he’d understand any of your personality traits pretty well.
If you just want to be alone, he understands that and will give you space.
If you don’t like big groups and need a break, that’s okay. But they need 800 manganese batteries so you can do that while you’re alone :)
He’s not very affectionate, so he’d show his love for you by giving you inventions to help you in any way you need, rather he makes them or asks a friend for a favor. So if that’s a pillow? There is left over fabric, he can ask Yuzuriha to sew it together for you.
Gen Asagiri
He understands, but he, like Senku, would be concerned.
He’d likely be trying to figure out if it’s a mental health issue. Or something typical, but harmful, like “revenge bed time.”
Insomnia can be caused by anxiety, or something of that sort. And same goes for hyposomnia.
If he rules you have neither, or even if you do, he’ll do anything he can to help you. Maybe by convincing you to go to bed earlier.
He likely would know it’s more than just this new world and the work Senku has everybody doing.
If he gets a chance though, he’s taking a nap with you. I think he’d be the type to hold you or let you sleep on his shoulder if you want.
Then he’d tell Senku he simply can’t work at the moment because it’d require waking you. (Senku would invent the megaphone just to wake you to do work)
Gen isn’t an introvert himself, but he has a strong understanding of mentalism, of course.
He’d understand you completely. And if the social life gets to be a lot, he’s got some ways to deal with it to help you.
Overall, he’d understand you don’t really want to be around everybody all the time. And that may include him.
Are you… sick?
That was his first thought. But he’s smart. So it puts it together after talking to you.
If you have trouble sleeping at night, he’ll do anything he can to help.
If you sleep fine at night, but just sleep more anyways. He’d be a bit confused, especially if you are from the past. It’s a bit weird to see in a fast paced, grit and grind kind of life style.
He’ll do any work or scavenging or whatever all by himself if you need to catch up on some sleep, he really doesn’t mind! Because, yeah he likes your company, but he values your comfort (and safety, he doesn’t want you to fall asleep in a dangerous situation or to be too tired to think)
Really, he might have one of the least understanding of any of these terms and stuff out of anyone on this list, but he will likely be the sweetest one. He’s a quick learner too, so just tell him about your needs and he’ll respect that and work around that.
If you fell asleep on him, he’d be a blushing mess. Just saying.
He doesn’t have a great understanding of introverted vs extroverted people in terms of like terms and stuff. But he can tell some people are more social and lively, some people are more reserved.
So he doesn’t have a hard time adapting to your life style.
For example, if you want to stay in even though there is a party, he’d likely stay with you. He’s happiest where you are. (He might lightly nudge you towards just dropping by to say hi, especially if it’s a celebration of an accomplishment you both were a part of)
Ryusui Nanami
You’re tired? He’ll ask Francois to prepare you a bed if you don’t have one where they are.
You don’t want to walk? He’s carrying you.
You fall asleep on his shoulder? If anybody wakes you, they owe you 1000 dragos for the inconvenience to you. (He’ll likely wake you up accidentally and try to give you the money he threatened other people to have to give you. Tell him to put the dragos back)
Literally the most excessive man ever. He desires the best for you. (I love this man omg)
He’s not much help for an introvert though.
He’s always doing the most. Literally.
So quiet time usually means time AWAY from him. But don’t get it twisted, he can be quiet for you. If you want him to just spend time with you, but need silence. He can.
He’d be okay with just being in the same space together. He might be building a ship model while you sleep a few feet away. He’ll try to be quiet!
Or if you want a quiet night in, play him at chess. (Sai is shaking in his boots)
Anything you need is yours.
A drink on your bed side table? It’s yours.
Dating or not, they treat you so well.
If you are dating, they keep professional until nobody is looking. So it’s likely they don’t treat you any differently than everybody else until you’re both away from prying eyes.
You would also be the only one to see Francois rest, and know Francois does in fact run out of stamina. They are no Taiju.
So you’d likely take naps together.
I don’t see them being super physically affectionate, so likely just being within the same space as each other.
They treat you pretty much the same if you’re an extrovert or introvert, but an introvert would likely be preferred for them anyways. Seeing as they likely prefer quiet and peace when they get the chance.
Hyoga Akatsuki
I saved the worst for last :)
Now it depends on when he met you how he treats you, but how he thinks of you remains about the same.
At first, either way, he’d think you’re weak and likely wouldn’t give you time of day.
Now, if you’re strong beyond just being exhausted, now you’re talking.
Or if you’re super intelligent and can use that as strength.
You’d have to have something to make him gain respect for you to even get together.
He doesn’t have much time for your issues, or pity.
He says, at least. But he finds himself doing small things behind your back to make it easier on you.
If you two, for any reason, went out on a scouting or scavenging mission together, he’d stand guard and watch while you sleep. He says he’s stronger so it makes sense, but really he just thinks you should rest.
He’s come to care about you, rather he’ll admit it or not.
He’ll give you a, ever so slightly reluctant, helping hand when you need it.
He’d prefer an introverted s/o, likely, because he doesn’t have any interest in being encouraged to be social and lively.
He’d be the type to just like to be in the same room, at the same time, and that’s bonding.
Thank you so much for the request. I hope I did your vision justice :) have a wonderful day!
#Hyoga x reader#Ryusui x reader#dr stone headcanons#dr stone HCs#dr stone hc#dr. stone headcanons#Ryusui Nanami#Francois#francois dr. stone#dr stone#dr. stone#dr stone x reader#dcst#drst#dr. stone x reader#hyoga akatsuki#gen asagiri#gen dr stone#Gen x reader#Gen asagiri x reader#Senku ishigami x reader#Senku x reader#chrome x reader#chrome Dr stone#chrome Dr. Stone#Chrome
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Dr. Stone Headcanons: As Parents Edition!
Senku: He would most likely adopt, mostly because he doesn't see himself having relations with anyone he would procreate with. He wouldn't be able to handle more than two kids, and he better hope they're into science because he would annoy and bore his kids to death if they aren't. He'd try his best to parent just like his dad; supportive and loving. Senku would take them everywhere, he'd possibly even understand why his dad wouldn't stop talking about him because he wouldn't stop talking about his kids. He'd even talk to his kids about how amazing his dad was. He'd have a smile on his face and teary eyes just mentioning him, but he'd spend hours telling stories to his kids.
Gen: He'd be a very nervous parent at first. Biologically his or adopted, he'd never feel ready when he first held his baby in his hands. He wouldn't feel ready until he learned everything there is to being a father. Gen would be a little overbearing but it's all with love. He'd constantly be afraid that he is coddling his kid too much but he'd try his best. His kid would be so impressed by his little magic tricks and impressions, they'd probably want to grow up to be an entertainer. He'd be hesitant because he knows how stressful the industry can be, but he'd support them. Oh, and you know he is going to tell a lot of cringy dad jokes.
Chrome: Man, he'd be such a dorky dad. The second he would get a hint that his kid(s) would need something, he'd "invent" something only to be told that it was already a thing by the pre-petrification people. He'd also be a little clumsy too. Chrome would even be the kind of dad that would sneak sweets to the kid(s) when the other parent told them they couldn't have any. He'd spoil his kid(s) so much that he wouldn't ever have anything nice to himself because all of his worldly possessions would practically go to them. He'd also want to take them hiking or exploring to learn the lay of the land or find minerals and learn about them.
Tsukasa: Just like how he was for his sister, he would be a provider. He'd make sure that his kids have everything they need. He wouldn't be home a lot, but when he would be, he'd spend every second of their waking hours with them. He'd deeply care for his children. He'd also want to teach them how to care for themselves early on just in case he's not always around. Though he wouldn't be the best at emotionally connecting with his children.
Ukyo: He'd never want to be a parent in the first place, but he'd accept being a dad if it came to it. At first he would be anxious, but his great hearing actually helps him parent better, at least in the infant stages. It'd be like his sixth sense to immediately know what his kid needs and he'd smoothly handle any situation flawlessly. He'd be an excellent problem solver, making sure his kid has everything they need.
Ryusui: Because he'd want to keep the Nanami Corp. legacy going, he'd have multiple children, maybe four. He'd want to have them close in age and make sure they bond. While he wouldn't be so attentive to their basic needs (He has Francois for that), he'd be there for their financial and emotional needs. He'd make sure all of them know how to manage money, upkeep a business, and stay rich. Oh, and of course he would take his kids sailing all the time, as well as indulging in every single of their whims. If they want something, he just has to get it for them because how could he deny any of their desires? His greed would almost definitely extend to his children.
Kohaku: She'd be a little overbearing but only because she had to go through years of trying to heal her sister. She'd also be a provider, but also a pretty scary mama bear. She'd be a strong protector and no one would want to mess with her kids. They'd be strong just like her, with incredible sight too. She'd train them just how she was taught how to fight and make sure that they learn science from the best, Senku. She'd think about the future of her kids and how much the Kingdom of Science has changed her life. She would want everyone in her life to also be a little involved in her kids' lives.
Francois: They could have a kid canonically and we don't know it. We don't even know how old they are. Ryusui barely knows anything about this person. They are a lovely mystery and I'd like to think that they do have a kid or did pre-petrification and somehow the Nanami family just didn't know about it. Francois would somehow find the time and energy out of their exhausting day for their child. Otherwise, I think it'd be near impossible for them to have a kid with their busy schedule.
Ruri: She'd love every second of being a mom. She'd tell them stories every night (tell the 100 tales as tradition eventually), dress them up in matching outfits, and plan to travel the world with them. She would want to make sure that her kids see a lot of their aunt and learn a thing or two from her about how to be tough like her. She'd also want to take raise them around the Five Wise Commanders so that they could learn from them as well.
Yuzuriha: She'd be determined that her children are some sort of artists. She'd make every article of clothing they wear, every blanket they've every slept under, and every pillow they'd lay their heads on. Some her kids first stick figure drawing or finger painting, she'd proudly hang any piece of art up for display. A proud mother she would be if her kids turn out to be artists. She'd want to teach them everything she knows, which is mainly crafty stuff, but crucial to rebuilding society.
Taiju: He would be one of the most proudest fathers in the world. He'd be way too excited to be a dad, hyping up every moment he has with his kids. Their firsts would be like his firsts, no matter how many kids he would have. He'd be very fun to use as a jungle gym by his kids because he would practically be able to carry them anywhere and be climbed on easily. He would never wan to deny giving his kids a piggy back ride if they needed one because he wouldn't want their little legs to ache on a long walk.
Xeno & Stanley: Strict and Laid Back. Not saying which one though, that would be up for interpretation by literally anybody that interacts with these two and their children. (Yes I ship these two, I'll be tagging that)
Sai: He'd want to pass on his hobbies and passions to his children, but he'd never want to make it seem like they had to be a successor of anything. He'd want them to share what he loves, but also feel free enough to follow their own dreams and use their gifts for something that they're comfortable with. He'd feel bad for not hanging out with his brother when they were younger, so he'd make sure his kids have good quality bonding time with each other to maintain a close relationship that he sort of wishes he had always had with Ryusui.
#senku ishigami#gen asagiri#chrome dcst#chrome dr stone#kohaku dcst#kohaku dr stone#francois dr stone#francois dcst#ryusui nanami#sai nanami#taiju oki#yuzuriha ogawa#xeno houston wingfield#xeno dr stone#stanley snyder#stanley dr stone#ruri dr stone#ruri dcst#ukyo saionji#tsukasa shishio#dr stone#dcst#dr stone headcanons#dr stone fandom#dcst fandom#dr stone manga spoilers#only spoilers because of Sai Xeno and Stan#character spoilers#dr stone manga#dr stone anime
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Dr. Stone headcanons of the Wise Generals' sleeping habits? Pretty please🥺
hello 🦕 anon! So sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy the little headcanons! Just imagining this was so cute to me so I really hope you enjoy!🫶
5 wise generals sleeping habits 💤💞
I think Senku would actually have a pretty good sleep schedule
He needs the right amount of sleep to use his brain to the fullest
As for sleeping in general he’s a side sleeper
He hates laying on his back and hate laying on his stomach
He’s not a cuddler AT FIRST
But as time goes on he gets a bit more clingy
First it’s just hand holding
Then it was intertwined legs
But one night he woke up and you weren’t there
He walks around the hut (if it’s the Stone Age) or the house (if it’s modern or 4d science) looking for you
He kinda gets nervous until he sees you coming out of the bathroom
He chuckles as you follow him
As soon as you both lay in bed he locks you with his arms and legs and you’ve both slept like that ever since
Chrome tries to have a good schedule, but his mind just wakes him up in the middle of the, curious about many things he’s yet to learn
You’ll often find him messing with his rocks or just sitting up and looking outside
“Oh I’m sorry did I wake you? I just couldn’t sleep.”
A lot of times you’ll just sit with him and let him ramble or you slowly drag him back to bed
There are some nights where you’ll fall asleep while you guys are talking and either you’ll wake up in the same spot you fell asleep in or you “magically” end up back in your bed
The few times Chrome doesn’t wake up he’s a heavy HEAVY sleeper
I’m talking like the world could literally be ending and he’s still somehow asleep
He’s an everywhere sleeper. As in his body is all over the place when he’s asleep
You two will start off cuddling but by the end of the night Chrome’s horizontal to the bed with his waist all twisted up and his arms all over the place
You might even accidentally get punched or kicked once or twice💀
Gen can just magically falls asleep
He doesn’t even show signs of being tired he’ll just be like, “goodnight y/n” and then knock out
He doesn’t really have a sleep schedule but always gets his 8 hours or more
Like some nights he goes to bed at 8 but then wakes up at 7 or he goes to bed at midnight and wakes up at 11 in the morning
I say he’s either a normal side sleeper or he sleeps in the fetal position
Sometimes he’s cuddly and other times he’s not
He’s either all up on you, just holding your hand, or just close
I think Ukyo would still kinda have his military sleep schedule engraved in him somehow
From what very little I know about the military there’s the same rise and shine and nighty nighty all the time so expect Ukyo to have the same schedule every single day
I think he’s a light sleeper so try your best not to toss and turn
He likes to sleep on his side or on his back
His breathing is very light so it literally sounds like he’s dead some nights
It’s genuinely concerning
He loves cuddling, unless you move around a lot, then it’s harder for him to sleep
Massage his head and he’s out
He’s honestly like a cat, just so satisfied when you rub his head
What’s a sleep schedule 😀
He either goes to bed at a reasonable time or is just up for days straight with little naps here and there
“My desire doesn’t sleep! So why should I?”
I swear
You have to pull him to bed
When he FINALLY lays down, he’s all over you
Like you like your personal space, but he LOVES it
He’ll either be holding you, or you’re on top of him, or he’s on top of you, or some other weird position
I hope your body’s normally cold cause his body runs extremely hot, so if you run cold then it’s more bearable
Has the cutest little snore
I wouldn’t even consider it that it’s just a little squeak he kinda makes when sleeping
Sometimes he sleeps the whole night, other times he wakes up and starts doing something
If you choose to stay up with him because he would never make you he’ll share his thoughts and desires with you
But if you stay asleep you’ll feel a light kiss on your head and hear a small “I love you” before he’s off doing who knows what
#dr stone#dcst#dr stone headcanons#dr stone x reader#senku ishigami x reader#senku ishigami#chrome dr stone#chrome x reader#gen asagiri#gen asagiri x reader#ukyo saionji#ukyo saionji x reader#ryusui nanami x reader#ryusui nanami headcanons#ryusui nanami
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Hi, an interesting/unusual request. A body-swap AU with Dr. Stone characters and their s/o (or friend, platonically I mean)? How would they react and try to reverse it?
oooou this one's an interesting one! you didn’t specify characters, so i hope these are okay!
He’s bordering on insane disgust and fear and also immense enthusiasm and curiosity to figure out how such an insane phenomenon exists and took place.
At first, he’s freaked out. Rightfully. Confused out of his mind, probably something that happens just as suddenly as the petrification.
So he has his little moment of confusion at first where he's asking all the standard questions, most likely in his mind: What’s happening? How did this happen? Why do I look like this? What happened to my body? Am I dreaming? Ow, that felt real.
Once he runs into you wearing his body, he’s even more freaked out. Now he’s thinking some more.
For the most part, then, he’s determined to come up with some kind of answer as to how the swap took place and how he can reverse it.
He handles it scientifically, of course. Coming up with hypotheses, running whatever tests he can think of, monitoring your states. He might consult various sources, such as textbooks, similar experiments conducted in the past and theories on such a phenomenon, and may even head into fiction territory for ideas.
He might make a couple of comparisons to media he likes, similarly to how he does with video games.
But overall, he does NOT find the experience fun. The challenge, sure, the mystery, exciting. But don’t you dare try anything dumb while you’re in his body or he’ll lose it.
Will spend most of his time exhausted and yelling at you if you are the type to goof around in such a situation. If not, he’ll probably urge you to help him in his efforts to reverse such a swap and ask you to cooperate in any sort of monitoring.
Depending on how long it takes to reverse, also, he feels SUPER uncomfortable being addressed with your name and treated as if he were someone else. And he also feels super weird watching people come up to you while meaning to talk to him.
If it were pre petrification, he’d also probably hate going through the pain of pretending to be you in order to prevent suspicion on how weirdly supernatural this was and to avoid any other obstacles.
But if it were post, he’d have no qualms telling people about it, and even consults them for help.
He’s flustered about the whole ordeal to say the least.
He’s the one the most worked up about the whole thing, never entirely relaxed the entire time he’s preoccupied in your body.
He doesn’t really know what to do with himself. He can’t even find it within himself to be sleazy; the whole thing was another level of absurd.
(And seeing his own face watch in disgust was also a whole other level of embarrassing)
Like Senku, he’s obviously freaked out, but unlike Senku, he spends more time being horrified than actually thinking of the cause behind the phenomenon.
You have to take a good while to actually calm him before either of you can progress to actually coming up with theories on how such a thing could have happened, but being consoled by an out of character version of himself just puts Gen even more on edge.
Once you manage to move past the initial shock, however, Gen does his best to try to think alongside you in what could have caused the swap and what could reverse it.
But then…oh, who was he kidding? He’s no medical man, no scientist, what can he do?
So he has these moments of helplessness and panic in waves.
(Which only end up agitating you further, causing you to cry out to “do something, magic man!” and it ends up stressing him out even further)
The two of you are truly lucky if you have the Kingdom of Science by your side at this point, because while Gen can and will hypothesise what happened, he doesn’t really have the means of testing them. So while he’s still worried, he undergoes all the questioning and experiments Senku and the others have for him about the swap. Anything to have him back in his own body.
Before meeting Senku and getting involved with modern science shenanigans so heavily, she’d probably believe the phenomenon was some kind of ailment or sorcery. Which, can you blame her?
Also really freaked out by the event. Maybe not as expressive as Senku or Gen would be about it, but she’s definitely weirded out to see what should be herself staring back at her.
First thing she thinks of doing to reverse the swap is to try scratching your skin off, clawing at it, or doing something physical to shed the skin and return to hers. But upon your panic (and seeing how it doesn’t really do anything), she eventually stops.
Her train of thought then leads her to believe that an evil force is at work, and is particularly hostile towards the two of you. If that’s the case, she’s doing her best to hunt a physical foe to defeat.
(She may even ask Kinro and Ginro to be on guard just in case it returns and decides to curse someone else)
If both are in vain, however, she’ll possibly try consulting Ruri or one of the village elders to see if they have any experience with the phenomenon, or if it's mentioned in any of the 100 tales to gain some further insight on how to reverse the swap.
If the Kingdom of Science has been established by this point, however, she works closely with Senku and the rest of the science team to figure out what happened. She may not be able to handle too many technicalities, but she’ll gladly cooperate with any trials to get to the bottom of what happened.
Feels weird seeing herself act so uncharacteristically, however, and so does everyone else. But there was also something strangely fun about being in someone else's body. She might joke around a little bit by playfully mocking your mannerisms, just a little bit. All in good fun.
Overall, she has complete trust in the science team to figure it out, so she’s not too stressed. Which just leads her to be surprisingly chill about the ordeal.
Arguably the most chill about such an event. Maybe even a bit too chill, similarly to Kohaku.
Of course, he panicked about it. And surprised. Anyone would be.
He’ll go through the same song and dance Senku did with all his questions, and when he finds you, he’ll also interrogate and bombard you with questions about what you think happened and if you felt or experienced anything strange at all.
Once the panic dies down, however, he’s getting to work trying to figure out how to reverse such an event. I can’t tell whether he’d be similar to Senku pre petrification in hiding it, or if he’s just kind of shameless. Post pre-petrification, however, he also doesn’t mind confiding in the others about the phenomenon and asks the science team to help reverse it (especially for your sake, if he notices any high anxiety on your end).
Besides not doing much else differently from the others with undergoing tests and questioning (and maybe taking on a more active part in figuring out a solution), he finds the experience also somewhat exciting with how nonsensical it was.
He’s having some sort of fun experiencing life through your senses, your own eyes and ears and mouth. Though he undoubtedly misses his own body, and wants it back just as eagerly as you may want it.
He reassures you in a boisterous tone that you have nothing to worry about, and the ordeal will be resolved quickly. Though in the meantime, he tells you, you should cherish the opportunity to live as such a handsome dude such as himself!
#decided to return from my short hiatus#dont have. much. written. but hopefully this motivates me to come up with more things!#all i do is make excuses for myself i swear the motivation has just been lost#senku ishigami x reader#dr stone x reader#dr stone fluff#dr stone oneshots#dr stone headcanons#dcst oneshot#dcst fluff#dcst x reader#senku ishigami hcs#gen asagiri x reader#gen asagiri fluff#gen asagiri headcanons#kohaku x reader#kohaku fluff#kohaku headcanons#ryusui nanami x reader#ryusui nanami fluff#ryusui nanami headcanons
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HELP i mean part 3 of senku text hcs oops
what it'd be like to text senku pt.3



#what a goofball#senku x reader#senku ishigami x reader#ishigami senku x reader#senku x you#senku x y/n#dr stone x reader#gen x reader#chrome x reader#asagiri gen x reader#gen asagiri x reader#dr stone#dr stone headcanons#senku hcs#senku headcanons#kohaku x reader
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Requested by: A Lovely Anonymous Requester
Request: 'Forget about Dr. Stone having me in a vice grip as well, after reading your relationship headcanons for Senku I fear your writing has me in a chokehold. I saw you have requests open, would you consider doing a version for Gen?'
Age Rating: N/A
Warnings: None
Genre: General, Romance, Fluff
○ As easy as it is to catch Gen’s interest, it’s easy to lose it. Gen can be flippant - something he’s upfront about. Keeping him invested is the hard part; however, this is something Gen is extremely aware of. As such, flirt as he might, he’s quick to dismiss the idea of anything serious for a very long time. Until he knows for certain that he truly cares for someone, not for something they can offer him or any other somesuch, he won’t pursue anything at all. Gen may not have been as against fooling around in the past, but the new world has come with new relationships, and new ways of navigating the world. He cares, in one way or another, for his allies, and he doesn’t want to break their hearts for nothing.
○ That doesn’t mean that Gen is going to make a move once he realizes his feelings for someone are genuine. On the contrary, hide it as expertly as he does, Gen is terrified of the difficulty and heartbreak a real relationship might entail. He gaslights himself into thinking his feelings are little more than temporary infatuation until he’s fallen so hard the impact knocks him into realizing how down bad he is. It isn’t that he doesn’t like the idea of a relationship with the person he cares for - it’s just that his fear of the consequences is equally as overpowering. Gen moves surprisingly slowly in the actual courtship period, dipping his toes in and testing the water as he dares to see if this is something you both really want.
○ It takes time for a person to convince Gen that they like him, not just the persona of painted smiles and placating words he so often uses. The time is doubled because Gen isn’t particularly willing to just show his vulnerability to anyone; they have to be able to see through him a little, catch him at his worst and prove that they want to stick around even if he isn’t always everything he pretends to be. Once they’ve pushed through those barriers though, Gen really can’t go back. With the dam of emotion broken, the affection he’d been holding back is almost overwhelming. Once Gen knows not only that he wants this person genuinely, but they might just be good for him, he stops wasting time hesitating.
○ Gen is extremely affectionate as a partner. Be it physical or verbal, he loves to laud his partner with appreciation. Though Gen tends to be extremely dramatic about it in jest, the heart of his compliments are genuine - he’s just trying to throw you off. Much as Gen just likes to make his partner feel loved, appreciated, and confident, he also loves to tease and fluster them. He absolutely can get his partner blushing with just a few well-chosen words, and he loves to use that fact against them. If they’re feeling particularly confident and respond in kind, Gen is more than happy to take the compliment: he will also take this directly as a challenge to try to outdo them. Physically speaking, Gen isn’t usually exceptionally overt about his affections. He prefers, generally speaking, smaller gestures such as having a hand on his partner’s knee or shoulder, or putting an arm around their waist or perhaps a small kiss, potentially on the cheek or forehead. Though he isn’t against PDA, Gen is much more… tame, shall we say, when in public with his partner.
○ Gen is an extremely huge proprietor of pet names. His partner is absolutely not getting away without several affectionate nicknames, often becoming situation-specific based on what makes him come up with them. These range from romantic titles such as ‘darling’ or ‘my robin’, to silly titles like ‘nest head’, and even further still to teasing names often based on silly memories like ‘mothman’ (that one’s a long story--) Nicknames are almost one of Gen’s love languages in themselves, so bear with him. If Gen’s partner tries to don him with a pet name he’s likely to laugh at whatever they’ve come up with, but he’s not going to complain so long as it’s something livable. In fact, he may not say it, but Gen finds it heartwarmingly adorable thinking about the scrunched up, focused face his partner had made trying to contemplate the perfect, silly little pet name for him.
○ Surprisingly, Gen is the jealous type and tends to lean towards being somewhat possessive on the rare occasion he feels somehow threatened or insecure. Most of the time Gen realizes that he’s really doing no more than pouting when he gets jealous and responds as such, though, so unless his partner is particularly opposed to having his arms suddenly snake around their waist mid-conversation with the offender while he makes a show of cuddling them and cooing over them, his jealous streak doesn’t usually pose a problem. That being said, if whoever is making Gen jealous takes his show of affection as a challenge of some sorts he takes that personally - and he’ll win. If his partner can’t become a mediator quickly in those situations they’re gonna become a prize; Gen’s, specifically.
○ Being sincere isn’t one of Gen’s greatest strengths. While this doesn’t mean that he’s incapable of being open and honest with his partner, it does mean that he prefers to keep things light and playful most of the time. Much of the way Gen shows his affection for his partner is by being silly with them and he absolutely goes out of his way to make them laugh. Not only does he love hearing it, but trying to make them happy and keep things light for them is one of the ways he shows how much he loves them. It also means that much of his more serious communication with his partner is non-verbal. A hand on their shoulder will suddenly steady them when they’re feeling the least grounded, a kiss to the cheek reminds them he’s there when they’re insecure, or the night after a rough argument his partner will come home to an extremely well-thought out apology gift on the bed.
○ When I say Gen likes to make his partner laugh, I mean he borderline needs to. If someone thinks Gen can be silly now, they have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. He will absolutely go out of his way to do almost anything that gets his partner giggling, and he doubles down his efforts after they’ve had a hard day. Everyone needs to understand, when this boy is in love he turns into a fucking clown in the absolute best way humanly possible. His ability to make his partner laugh is also absolutely the thing Gen gets the most jealous about. If someone else is making his partner laugh just a little too much, even if their intentions are completely innocent, Gen will absolutely be finding his way over there to show them up at some point. Gen’s a little possessive over the idea of being able to make his partner happier than anyone else in a way that makes him almost incomprehensibly competitive.
○ One problem that can arise with Gen’s difficulty with sincere words is the way it compounds with his emotionally protective nature. While Gen is usually more than happy to admit that he is absolutely the type to put his needs first, ultimately, this changes when he actually has a partner he cares about - which he won’t admit to anybody. While Gen’s usual goal is to be happy with his partner, if he believes sacrificing his own happiness is the best or even only way to support his partner’s happiness he’ll do it, and he’ll lie about doing it the whole time in a well-intentioned and poorly executed attempt to keep them safe. Gen isn’t the best at trusting others in general, so trusting even his romantic partner with his thoughts and feelings is a long road with more than a few bumps along the way. Gen needs his partner to be patient, and call him out with a level of insistence when he tries to lock himself away for their so-called greater good.
○ As mentioned a few times before, Gen tends to be silly and lean away from overly serious conversation if it’s not necessary. This is his preference for sure, but he absolutely uses it to his advantage when he does want to be serious for a moment. It’s endearingly infuriating to his partner how often he’ll stop teasing them just as they’re at peak fluster, just to say perhaps the sweetest thing they’ve ever heard, only to revert immediately to teasing them for their expression to dodge the moment he’s given them. When Gen really does want a more romantic moment he’ll use a similar strategy - get his partner distracted with jokes or taunts so they don’t notice something romantic he’s set up until he’s properly presenting it to them, and them unsure sure how to tell him that he is both an asshole and the most wonderful man on Earth.
A/N: Thank you so much anon!!! I'm glad you enjoyed my writing, and I hope you liked this set just as much! Tbh I'm really glad you requested these because Gen is my fucking boy and I loved writing these.
Thank everyone who read this as well, and I hope you enjoyed your stay!
Safe travels, readers!
#dr stone#dr stone x reader#dr stone headcanons#gen asagiri#dr stone gen#gen asagiri x reader#dr stone fluff#fluff
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𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱, 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲. 𝗦𝗲𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝗴𝗲, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀
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It was mid spring, the breeze softly embraced others, while another looked out the window with a fargone gaze.
you never really liked spring, honestly. It was all some sick excuse for people to say something like “its perfect to go outside!”. Really, you’d rather stay indoors while its winter. It gives you an excuse to stay away when your classmates makes plans to go to karaoke, things along that line.
During winter, the bitter frost would bite those who were vulnerable. But you never took it that way. You took it as something beautiful. People really never understood your affinity for winter when you explained it.
it was more of a personal, deep connection rather than a unornamented preference. At least to you it was.
Beliefs drove to conviction, and conviction led to acceptance. There were a lot of complicated things in this world you didn’t like too.
This was your belief, there was no need for all this extra stuff. Life is as fleeting as the fickle heart, so might as well do what you want, right?
sadly, not many others shared this sentiment. So here you were, in physical science, left alone to wander through your wild mind.
“ms [l/n], would you care to help us with this equation? At least, I hope that’s what you’re thinking about in the back there!” The woman at the front of the class called
Right. School. That thing? You’re in it right now. “It would be ‘c=2 x 3.14 x r’, Mrs Bato” you turned away from the window to face the woman. She was the type of teacher who would pick on whoever she saw fit, almost as if she was threatened by your presence, she often asked questions that disguised the malice behind them.
Maybe she felt challenged by your aloof demeanor. Not like you planned on sitting around in her class long enough to find out anyways. “ah..yes, that’s right” she said unenthusiastically, you think she was hoping for you to say something else.
After your answer, she moved onto her next victim for the period until the bell rang.
as the bell rang, you quickly gathered up all your materials and placed them under your desk. “Don’t forget to review chapter 25 for next week’s homework!” The teacher called out to the fleeting students.
Making your way out the door amongst the lively crowd, you managed to navigate your way to the art room. It was especially rowdy today, perhaps they were having something good for lunch today. Not like didn’t bring your own. As you reached for the door handle of the club room, it suddenly slid open harshly before you.
There you came face to face with him. “Ah, [l/n]-san” his deep voice rumbled with kindness and a bit if curiosity as he looked down at you. “shishio-san” you bowed.
You’ve seen the dude around campus, considering the fact he was nick-named “The Strongest Primate High Schooler” it was hard to miss him. Tsukasa was one of the popular, yet humble type of guys.
”how are you today?” He smiled. Every now and then when he encountered you, he would try to make small talk. Obviously noting that you avoided him at any cost necessary.
Last thing you needed was his fangirls jumping you in the nearest alleyway.
“Fine. May I go in? Or do you have business to attend in there?” You pointed to the room. Lunch box in hand.
Tsukasa picked up you weren’t ready to have small talk by now. Nodding along he sidestepped out of the doorway. “See you later [l/n]”
”hopefully” you remarked before watching him walk down the hallway “not”
Not like he wronged your lineage in a past life of anything, you just had these weird vibes that you got in the gut whenever he pranced around the vicinity. You never bothered to entertain him, trusting the gut above all else.
Making your way inside the clubroom, the door was closed behind you quickly. Placing your lunch down on the nearest counter you searched inside the drawers for equipment.
“Acrylics, oils, sponges…” making sure you listed off everything you needed for todays piece, you put everything in a small bucket and walked towards the canvas.
The window for the club room was open, providing a refreshing breath of air. The faint smell of dried paint circulated the room. The quiet room lulled you into a sea of thoughts. There were no members today in the room since clubs weren't required on Monday's, for whatever reason that is. The outside world faded away as your brush gently stroke the canvas, each color more vibrant than the other. Today, you painted a forest with a few statues. It gave off the whole history, but poetic vibe. Each color blended perfect with the other, painting was an escape, you never had to explain or talk for yourself, since the art did it for you.
Maybe it was too nice today though. Normally you wouldn't find yourself in a such a calming situation, and noticing how the world was always dead set on ruining whatever peace coming your way, you became skeptical.
You hesitated on the next stroke before feeling the hairs on your body stand at full attention. "cmon..I doubt anything bad is gonna happen to me now!..I mean, all along in this club room? slim chance" you muttered to yourself with an exasperated sigh. Maybe you've just been tired recently? Gotta be it.
Your gaze shifted to the open window with curiosity before something caught your eye. Has..the horizon always been that green?? Maybe it's all that screen time getting to your head and playing tricks. However, the longer you stared, the more apparent it became that this was indeed not a trick on your eyes, but the horizon was indeed turning green. And for the green? it was coming right towards you. "holy shit, is the government fighting with aliens or something?" You began with a light joke, before sweating. "wait. Oh my God its real?" you began to back away from the window, dropping your brush in a panic. The pressure in the air made your breath hitched. Your pulse quickened and without thinking twice. You ducked down into the most protected looking corner of the room with quick prayers and a heavy heart. "please let this be some sick joke..!"
A strange sensation spread throughout your body, it was stiffening yet, a far cry from uncomfortable at the same time.
"did I just get fucking mummified?"
#{-muxis writes#x reader#x y/n#dr stone#dr stone x reader#headcanons#shishio tsukasa x reader#senku ishigami x reader#dr stone various x reader#dr stone series#nanami ryusui x reader#asagiri gen x reader#stanley snyder x reader#xeno houston wingfield x reader#saionji ukyo x reader#various x reader#dr stone fic
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