#stanly snyder
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garbagesluglord · 1 month ago
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Dr. Stone doodles
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thepehbat · 2 months ago
up until a week ago i thought stanley was a women
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dinosauramon · 10 days ago
God I hate drawing pretty men, like how do you expect me to capture your ethereal essence???? Why can't you just be regular???
Me when I see the unearthly beauty that I'm supposed to recreate with some pencil lines and a dream:
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pioponii · 3 years ago
My truth...
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venominyourcoffee · 4 years ago
Bullets and rose petals
7am, Huston Texas, Military weapons testing firing range. The heat of the morning sun caused the horizon to warp as scientists and soldiers stood waiting. One of the scientists wasn’t really watching as much as waiting on the side lines. Xeno H. Wingfelled stood at the recommended safe distance behind eleven inches of bullet proof glass in an air conditioned room. He annoyingly tapped his foot as he checked his watch. “God this is taking forever.” He muttered under his breath.
After a few short minutes the man of the hour arrived. Stanly Snyder, well known gun smith and expert in firearms, also Xen’s finance who are set to wed in one years time. The man exudes confidence and big dick energy. As Stanly approached his test site he waved is hand in the air as music on loud speakers started playing to hype him up.
Stanly laid on his stomach and attached the hydraulic brace that would allow him to test a new anti tank rifle. As Stanly laid down his hair blew in the hot Texas heat as his face was shown on a screen hooked up to a camera that laid next to him. As Stanly strapped in the entire site could hear an old school rock song strummed in the background. All the personnel put on dense and heavy headphones as well of Stanly. When the headphones went on, multiple radio chatter lines came to life. Xen could hear Stanly breath as he got ready to fire.
A voice of a military commander came through Stanly’s and Xen’s headphones. “Alright, test number five of the Snyder Rifle. Ready sir?
Stanly took a deep breath as his finger was primed but off the trigger of the massive gun. “Oh yes, primed and ready.”
Xen couldn’t help but hop on coms and tease his beloved.
“I’m surprised you can lay down with how hard you are knowing a big fuck off gun is named after you.”
Stanly let out a chuckle as his eyes gently shift to the camera recording his face and broadcasting it to Xen’s watching area.
“Keep it professional mister Wingfelled. You can inspect my hardness when we’re off duty.” Stanly shoots a wink and a kiss at the camera which made Xen blush and smile.
The military commander voice came back on. “Both of you keep it professional. Keep it in your pants until the test is over. Sir Snyder, fire at will.”
Stanly smiles and takes a few deep breaths as his finger rests on trigger of the rifle as it sits on the steal bracing protecting Stanly. He lines up the shot since his ego would be hurt knowing he didn’t aim the gun named after him.
He takes in one last deep breath and slams the trigger back, causing the mechanisms of the gun go into motion. Exactly five seconds after the trigger was it, a massive boom of metal hitting metal as a massive explosion ejects a large shell from the gun as a massive bullet flys down the firing range. The force of the gun sends a shockwave of air shoot out blowing Stanly’s hair back. Within seconds the bullet hits the mock target and explodes in fire on impact.
As the dust settles Stanly breaths out as he removes the headphones and gives a thumbs up to the camera that was welded to the brace. The test was one more success.
A couple hours later in the parking lot of the testing facility, Xeno leaned against the hood of Stanly’s black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, waiting for his love. Eventually Xen could see Stanly strut out of the building in his ripped jeans and leather jacket with a duffle bag strung over his shoulder. He lets out a wide smile as he walks to his love and pulls Xen in for a passionate kiss as Xen wraps his arms around the man he adores. Stanly eventually pulls back and smiles. “How did you like my little performance?” Xen smiles and let’s go and placed Stanly’s bag in the trunk of the car. “You did pretty well. Just a few more weeks of research and development and the S. Snyder Anti Tank rifle will go down in history.” Stanly smirks smugly and speaks. “Going down in history is fine, but I’d rather go down on the man I love.” The comment made Xen cough and blush in embarrassment as she slams the trunk closed.
He shot a glare to his beloved. “What’s with you this morning? Did that gun get you that riled up?” Stanly smiled and pulled Xen in by his hips. “No, but that memory of last night hearing you moan my name just stuck with me. I was almost tempted to skip the testing today so I could stay in bed with you all morning.”
Xen chuckles and blushes as he avoids eye contact. Stanly smiles and opens the passenger door for his loved one, as Xen gently gets in still blushing. Stanly smirks and gets in the drivers side. Stanly starts the car as it roars to life and he shifts into drive and peels off. Xen takes a few deep breaths and calms down before jumping slightly feeling Stanly’s hand on his leg once it’s off the shift. Stanley speaks with a small grin. “Sooo, wanna do anything while we’re here? I know this fancy restaurant cause I was deployed here a few years ago. Or I know this great place to hang out.” Xen’s face lights up as asks with a raised eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Where?” Stanley smiles and continues to drove as the environment slowly changed to forest. Xen turned on the radio and blared his and Stanly’s favorite song as the two sang along despite both being very off key. Xen’s blush and flustered face slowly fades as he relaxes and just seems to fall in love with his beloved all over again. Seeing Stanly smile and sing without shame reminds him why he feel in love with him in the first place.
Eventually the car pulls into a clearing deep in a thick forest where light filters through thick leaves and branches, almost dimming the light and making it seem later then it actually is.
Stanly turns the main engine off as the radio still plays as he turns it to a popular soft rock station as soft guitars and violins play. Stanly smiles and undone Xen’s seatbelt and pulls Xen into his lap as he gently rubs his lovers hips. Xen blushes harder then ever as Stanly smirks. “After we’ve known each other for so long, you still blush when I hold you.”
Xen can’t help by chuckle as he leans into Stanly’s touch. “What can I say, I love you too much.”
Stanly smiles and gently leans in for a kiss, as Xen relaxes and deepens their kiss. The soft music, the birds chirping, the soft almost dark light… all of it made the loving couple get lost in each other’s touch. Eventually things escalated and Xen finds himself with his closes loosely hanging off of him. As he sits on the hood of the car holding Stanly’s face in his palms as the two kiss as if they’ve been separated for months.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Are the last things said before pants zippers are pulled down.
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dreamworksoverdisney · 2 months ago
That man's waist is snatched
up until a week ago i thought stanley was a women
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