#but it was so fun! leaping up and running around etc
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
In other news today I played frisbee with my friends btwn classes, and I felt like a zoo animal getting enrichment 🥰
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tiamathh · 7 months ago
Your life in a parallel universe?
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Note: Hi! Tysm for the person who left this idea in the suggestions form <3 if anyone wants you can send ideas here: FORM as well! Take care and Like and Rb if you enjoy!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Pile 1
Hi Pile 1! Your life in a parallel universe is filled with learning, you may be an academician or a "guru" of sorts. You may live in seclusion, preferring your own space and having a lot of books especially on the occult, you could also be very committed to spreading knowledge and could have apprentices. Your job may be related to spirituality and magik as well, where you could help people out through rituals and communication with deities. You may have to face a lot of obstacles and could also face troubles with fatigue, especially recovering from spiritual fatigue that can manifest physically. You may not have a lot of luxury or money, but you will be content, satisfied and happy with your life, you will also be extremely knowledgeable.
There will be A LOT of good people in your life, ones on the same wavelength as you who you can rely on, and a lot of romance too. You may have like a lifelong partner, like the first person you date turns into the person you spend the rest of your life with. You could have a fear of travel and prefer staying where you are, you could live on the outskirts of some town or the countryside, somewhere with a lot of nature where you can essentially grow your own food and stuff, all natural here, living with what the earth gives you, does not mean you will like abandon society or technology or anything you will just like living from the earth and in nature. Talking about your love life because it seems very prominent here, you and your partner will be similar in so many ways and have businesses together, probably online like tarot, reiki, etc and your partner will be extremely optimistic and strong and charming!
Song: That old feeling - Chet Baker
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Pile 2
Hello Pile 2~ In a parallel universe, you are probably at the top of the career ladder and living a life of luxury and fame. Not only do you have anything you could ask for materially, you also hold a lot of power over people, which could sometimes make you a little bit arrogant. In general, you will be a social butterfly and almost like a socialite where you run in circles with famous wealthy people as well. You may have gotten the success through a startup or idea you came up with on your own during a time of feeling lost and directionless, a true rags-to-riches type story. Your belief, originality and slight recklessness with your leaps of faith that brought you there. In a parallel universe, you are impatient and impulsive, but your intellect and charge pulls you out of any mess you may find yourself in. You are a spendthrift and want nothing but the best from life because you can afford it and will be very worldly, travelling whenever you can.
You may retire early and let someone else deal with the workload while you can spend your time seeing the world, experiencing new cultures and new food, especially. Moreover, you may have a lot of friends who you can have fun with, but they could also be overly ambitious, the kind of people who will look for others weaknesses to exploit them, leading to you having to be cautious around them. You may have a lot of flings and romantic rendezvous' but you may feel a lack of connection when it comes to having long term romantic partners. You are also very courageous with the decisions you make, and could love extreme sports like paragliding and bungee jumping and stuff. Lastly you may not have the best relations with your family because you could have cut or minimised contact with them in this universe.
Song: The Leaders - ATEEZ
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Pile 3
Hey Pile 3 my star pile (literally)! In a parallel universe you are definitely in the public eye, probably as an artist or performer. You may have a lot of fame and reputation and live a life of thrill, there could be drugs and alcohol involved as well, and you may feel like you have to depend on them to be able to fully unleash your potential as an artist. You are rich but also charitable, I'm getting for some of you guys it's because your PR manager wants you photographed while doing charity to improve your reputation with fans and potential collaborators. Although you will feel fulfilled because you can share your art with the world, you won't feel satisfied because you may feel stuck having to cater to an audience or the people around you and could often feel lonely and left out from the bigger picture, feeling like if you make any changes to your art or style, or start experimenting, people will abandon you, and you will have a fall from grace leading to a downhill spiral.
Parallel universe you is stressed and anxious about their future even though they are good at saving and may be good at investing as well, however they don't get to spend enough time with their friends and family which may lead to feelings of unhappiness. You are also very emotionally mature and connected with how you feel I just keep seeing water flowing, in a parallel universe you go with the flow, even if you are anxious and stressed you will just let it be and ignore it with a staunch belief that at the end of the day things will be okay. You may have an older feminine energy in your life to help you through everything, this may be like an older sister figure and could be with you through thick and thin. Your romantic life could be lacking because you may not feel confident enough in your ability to be committed to someone.
Song: Need you Now - Lady A
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ladykailitha · 10 months ago
It's rantin' time! That lovely time when your favorite neighborhood steddie author flies off the handle.
Today I want to talk about the physicality of one Edward Munson and how the fan seems to have veered completely off the map.
The fannish notion that Eddie is weak, uninterested in the outdoors, and is clumsy.
But I've never seen anything that suggests any of that.
As always, headcanon what you want. I'm not say you can't say any of these things are what you think he's like, but this is me expressing my confusion because I haven't seen the evidence myself.
Let's start with the one that confuses me the most. That he's clumsy.
We see him leap onto lunch tables and off again without stumbling. We see him jump down off of Skull Rock and land neatly on his feet. We see him climb up the tree in the Upside Down and then safely get back down. All things that require a certain amount of grace.
The only time we see him stumble is when he's joking around with Chrissy or when the earthquake happens.
Admittedly he does have that weird loping run, but not always.
So where does this come from? My guess is that BTS of Joe Quinn tripping over the vine, and people who have only seen the gifs think that he's like that all the time?
This next point bleeds into the notion that he's weak (noodle arms etc.) and that's when he manages to pull himself up using the rope ladder to get out of the Upside Down.
He flops onto the mattress but it looks like he planned it that way as he grins and says that was fun. But to get to that point, he had to climb up the rope ladder.
Now before you tell me that it was adrenaline, he wasn't in immediate danger. He was motivated, sure. But no amount of motivation would get me up that ladder because I've never had the arm strength for it. But next to Steve he looks like he went up the easiest.
The next piece of evidence that people will blame on adrenaline is pinning Steve to the wall of the boathouse and that he had the element of surprise. Yeah...no. He pushes Steve several feet before they hit the wall.
Then there is the hauling of the metal sheets that him and Dustin use to armor the trailer so the demobats don't get in. They can't have been light.
Or grabbing both Mike AND Dustin by the scruff of their necks and yanking them to their feet. Which the average persons couldn't do. One of them, maybe, but both? Takes some serious strength.
Another nod to his endurance at the very least is how he's sitting, crouched, butt above the ground when he's talking to them at Skull Rock. He sits like that the whole time.
I would say that his strength isn't more or less than Steve's only different with the different muscles that they use.
Finally we have a hatred of the outdoors.
He falls into the lake, swims to shore, survives the cold March night wet, manages to find a new walkie talkie and water canteen, gets to Skull Rock and radios the Party. All without a compass, by the way.
He also knows where War Zone is. None of the rest of the Party knows where to go to stock up, but he does.
I'm betting that Wayne took him hunting and fishing as a kid. Back then those were things that you could do fairly cheaply and often food was brought back with them from such trips.
Eddie knows how to survive in the wilderness. Whether or not he likes it, I suppose is entirely up to you, but the evidence suggests that he doesn't mind it.
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abditorial · 1 year ago
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JJK characters when the reader comes home tipsy ♥︎
FT. Geto, Gojo, and Nanami
WARNINGS: Alcohol, reader is drunk, pet names (like sweetheart, love, honey, etc.), Nanami’s is suggestive but no real NSFW, SOO much fluff!
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The entire time your friends were dragging your ass home, you couldn’t help but think “I’m so screwed”. Suguru was just fine with letting you have a night out with your friends; He trusted them to take good care of you, and knew you weren’t just some child that had to be watched every minute. So when you told him about the plans he was very supportive and excited that you got to have a fun night with friends. However, his only concern was that you shouldn’t drink too much. And now here you are, drink… Because you drank too much. You broke the one rule he had set for you and now you were certain he would never let you go out again. In fact, you were bawling your eyes out as one of your friends helped you up the front steps and knocked on the door, muttering out some nonsense.
When Suguru answered? The tears grew stronger. Your friend was trying not to laugh as they quickly gave an apology, but before they could explain you were quick to jump in. “SUGU!” You wailed, leaping forward to wrap your arms around him and shove your tear-stained face into his pajama shirt. “I’m sorryyy….” The words were muffled, but coherent. Your boyfriend gave an awkward laugh and told your friends he could take care of it and they left, stifling their sober chuckles. Meanwhile, he dragged you into the house and sat you down on the sofa, standing before you while you sniffled and looked up at him with such sad, sad eyes. “You told me not to drink too much, and then I DID.” You burst out into tears again, hands trying to wipe them away but failing because it came out like a tsunami. “Please don’t leave me!”
“That’s what this is about?” He rolled his eyes playfully when you weren’t looking and kneeled down beside you, gently wiping your tears away. Again, you sniffled and looked at him with confusion. Plus those sad, sad eyes again. “I’m not upset, okay? I just said that so you wouldn’t drink until you were passed out on a club floor, because that’s a little bit scary I’m sure.” He stood up and suddenly walked away, though you could tell he was just in the next room over, your guys’ bedroom, because his voice could still be heard. “I’m glad you had fun with your friends, and I’m sorry for making you worry.” He came back out with a big blanket, wrapping it around your shoulders and over your head like a swaddle almost.
“Really?” You sniffled again, clutching the blanket to your chest.
“Really.” And now you were sobbing because you couldn’t believe how understanding your boyfriend was. Even if he was chuckling at how silly you were.
Satoru was not good with drunk people, apparently. You were usually the one babysitting him, making sure he doesn’t almost destroy the entire universe and all. But now the roles had swapped, and they had never done that before. Now, I admit, Satoru wasn’t very fond of the idea of you going out with friends to begin with, but it wasn’t because he was trying to control you or anything. It’s because he also wanted to go out and you said no because last time he tagged along you had to literally drag him home because he passed out. Ironic that he had to pick you up from the bar you were at and drive you home himself.
You were very clingy under the influence, giggling and laughing while holding onto his arm or his hand and always commenting on how strong he was. Obviously he entertained this idea, laughing an arrogant laugh and flexing for you which made you practically squeal. But now you were running around your guys’ house and getting into everything. Trying to cook yourself something, and then forgetting about it and almost burning your house down while you’re at it. He was chasing you only to quickly fix the messes you made. Good, maybe now he’ll understand how people feel about him…
When he finally catches up to you, Satoru pulls you into his arms while you giggle and squirm endlessly and covers your face in kisses. “You’re such a handful! Why can’t you just lay down with me and talk about how strong and cool I am?” He was pouting, and for some reason this made you laugh even more instead of playfully slap him and roll your eyes like you usually did. “What’s so funny?!” He relaxed his hold on you… But instead was now tickling your sides, making you burst out into even more laughter. “St- Haha, Stop!” You finally managed to get out, and when he did stop you looked up at him with big eyes and said, “Let’s watch a movie!”
So he got you all tucked into bed with a nice movie snack and got your favorite one started up, but as soon as he put one arm around your shoulder you fell asleep against his shoulder. Satoru sighed and just rested his head on top of yours. “They really made me do all that work, and for what?”
Nanami didn’t really think much of it, to be honest. When you suggested the idea of going out with friends he didn’t hesitate to approve. All he wanted was that you text him every now and then and keep your ringer on for the sake of him knowing you were okay. He even made sure you knew he would be okay with picking you up if you got too tipsy to walk home yourself, so he wasn’t worried about that either. He just wanted you to have fun!
Except there was one thing he didn’t take into account, and it was that you were going to pounce on him when you got home. Your friends dropped you off in good condition, except that you were stumbling over both your words and your feet. He smiled and thanked them before helping you inside, one strong hand on your bicep to keep you steady. This really riled you up apparently, because you turned and clutched the collar of his shirt and yanked him down for a kiss. You were giggling in between every kiss, pulling away just to see how cute he looked with lipstick covering his own lips.
“Honey, I don’t-” “Shhhhh… Hehe.” You place a finger to his lips to shut him up, still giggling. You lean in for another kiss, hands trailing down his chest. This time he pulls away, and when you lean in for another kiss he puts his hands on your waist and pushes you back lightly, a very stern expression on his face that makes you pout. “Whaaaat?”
“You’re drunk, dear. I’d rather not do anything until you’re fully sober.” You whined, but didn’t try to push it any further for the moment. You dramatically stumbled over to the couch and fell face first into the cushions, wailing, though no tears fell. He sighed and followed you, sitting down at your feet and staring at your figure that was nearly crying now. “I promise it has nothing to do with you, I just don’t want you to wake up and regret anything.”
You lifted yourself up slightly and looked over your shoulder at him, eyebrows knitted together in a sad expression. “Do you promise I’m still sexy, though?”
He fell silent for a moment, because that was arguably the most unexpected question he had received. “I will always find you sexy, dear. Don’t worry.” All was well again when you smiled and leaned up against his arm, giggling again.
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Recently I’ve been kind of obsessed with Geto. Apparently he canonically gets more girls than Gojo and I think that’s so real because who can possibly resist a long haired man… Both is good, though.
Threesome fic when?
As always, requests are open! Find more information here…
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babygirlandmommy496 · 4 months ago
Hii there! Im sending out a question to a few big/ little couples here on Tumblr and now I'll ask you both :)
So as of early September I finally found someone wonderful, a friend who I share some hobbys with (I won't say because doxx) who I took a leap to tell about my looong hidden little and ABDL side (Ive been interested since about 2004-2005ish so give or take 20 years) and who just melted and accepted me as their little with open arms with open arms (helps they had a crush on me for ages)
and despite never knowing about ABDL really prior to it the idea of being my mommy just makes her melt, and while it's a bit of a learning curve and not a perfect process, it's been wonderful
But we may soon reach out toughest challange yet, the summer weather. I am Australian.. from Sydney.. and it's approaching summer over here where it can also get fairly humid (it already is quite humid around my area)
So.. how do you both keep the little stuff going over summer, how do you deal with cuddling at night, sleeping comfortably... Going out padded, etc, and even just fun activities ( though we both live in seperate apartments i.e no private backyard) thankfully a short 10minute drive away to say hello to each other
You and many of the other couples on here have been always so sweet to watch just be you ... And also be adorable while doing it
You both have clearly been doing this a while and of course you do more than just little stuff... But any advice you can give... I'll listen for :)
< 3
Thank you for any help you can give
I'm so happy that you have found a caregiver to share this with and find joy and exploring your little side 🙂
I hope you have the most fun this summer being a little baby! My biggest piece of advice is to experiment with different thicknesses of diapers! On really hot days we might prefer a pull-up or a cloth diaper with a single insert. To sleep comfortably and cuddly, we will do a sheet to cover us and do a lot of skin to skin. We also have a fan running in the room and the windows open to help circulate air. Athletic shorts or board shorts in a size up are great for summer! We love going to the beach in the evenings when it is empty and do dinner picnics 😌
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numinously-yours · 1 year ago
Pick a pile: Where will you be in 3, 6, and 12 months?
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Looking back at my poll from a couple of weeks ago, there were three topics tied for second place. One of them is this one: Where will you be in 3, 6, and 12 months?
For this reading, I looked at your current energy. If you're not sure which pile is for you, please feel free to read that part first! Then, I went through and provided insight on where you'll be/what you'll be focused on at the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month increments of the next year. The write ups are a bit longer than usual, so I apologize in advance for pile 3 & 4 for having to scroll a bit longer lol
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Current Energy: The Moon
At this current time, it feels like you are in an energy of “almost”. You have something in your mind that you think makes a good idea/proposal. Your gut tells you that you should go for it, but your anxiety is holding you back from taking the leap. You may be remembering a time in the past where you went for something big and it didn’t work out. You’re worried this may happen again and you don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment.
3 – Page of swords, Knight of cups
In three months time, you’re going to be on an enthusiastic, creative, and passionate adventure. There is something you are hoping to share with the world! In the months leading up to this, new ideas are going to be brewing. How can you best share your passion with others? What is a fun and new way to present your idea? Continue brainstorming these ideas and you’ll have a good basis of where to start when the time comes.
6 – Eight of wands
After a few more months of getting your idea up and running (6 mo. total) , you are really going to see movement and action. There may have been a few bumps along the way as you perfected the execution of your ideas above, but things seem to be smoothing out. I think that around this time, you’ll have a really solid foundation of where you want this project to go. As you see the rewards of your work, you may even want to begin expanding.
12 – Four of wands, Wheel of fortune
Finally, a year from now, you’re going to feel really fulfilled. What I love is that the wheel of fortune came up in this time frame specifically. The Wheel is about karma and life cycles – it makes me think that at this time next year you’re really going to feel like you’ve come full circle in whatever project you’ve just taken on. The four of wands is all about celebration, harmony, and relaxation. An amazing and overwhelming sense of “I did it!” is definitely coming through here. Congratulations on whatever you’re up to, pile 1. It’s going to be amazing 😊
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Current energy - Knight of pentacles rev. and Seven of cups rev.
You are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Based on the cards that came out for your timeline, I think it likely has to do with your social circle/relationships. Maybe you’re the foundation of the group and you’re starting to become tired of being everyone’s support (like, actual exhaustion, not just “sick of it”) or you feel like you’re the one who is continually left out. You are trying to figure out what to do about it but feel stuck. I also can’t stop thinking that some of you are students – either graduating HS this year and starting college in the Fall, transferring schools, or starting a new career closely after graduation. This might not be all of you, but I was called to make that note.
3 – Three of cups reversed
You’re going to venture on your own pretty soon here, number two. Where the three of cups upright is about community, celebrating with friends, etc., the reversal indicates that you need some alone time. It’s okay if you don’t feel like you’re really clicking with your people anymore. Even though it can suck, you must do what is best for you. And I think that means seeing who you are, without the influence of others. There is a small indication of overindulgence, specifically when it comes to lifestyle changes. While it’s important to find yourself, please remember to do it smartly and healthily.
6 – Six of cups, page of cups
Taking the time to find yourself is going to bring you to your six-month point. At this point in time, I think you’re going to have a pretty good idea of who “you” are. You’re going to be more in tune with your intuition & higher self. You have a clearer idea of the future – or at least you are getting more and more comfortable with the unknown. Taking this time for yourself was really important and I’m happy that you’re going to do it. It is going to teach you the beauty of curiosity, it’s going to remind you that your inner child is still within you and deserves fun, and it’s going to teach you that the past is the past and the only way forward is continuing to move ahead.
12 – Ten of coins, The Devil
The main message from these two cards comes from the ten of coins. This next year is going to teach you SO much about yourself. At this time next year, you’ll look back feel like your personal journey was absolutely worth it. You feel more abundant and much more confident that your future ahead is bright. The Devil, I think, is here as another reminder to not get ahead of yourself or start to feel conceited because of your journey. You may feel tempted to rub your success in the faces of that social circle you left, but that is not going to be beneficial to you. Let your success make YOU happy. You can absolutely share the success, but not as a way to shame the others who had previously let you down.
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Current Energy – The Emperor and Playday rev.
Playday is a specific card to this deck and, for some reason, there’s not any info on what the card was meant to represent. But hey, that’s all part of the tarot reading process! Since it came into reverse, my initial thought is that you haven’t had many opportunities to have playday. I asked the deck for a standard tarot card to clarify and the Emperor came out at that time. In your current energy, you feel an obligation to take of others and be a foundation for them. Some of you are likely parents or caretakers. Others feel like you have to be “the strong one”. In your eyes, there is no time for play because there is too much to be done and there are too many people who need you.
3 – Three of coins rev., Five of cups
I think it’s been your goal for some time to focus on self-care. And I think that you’re going to continue to try for the next three months. There is this sense that you wish others would take care of you for once, but you’re “stuck” taking care of yourself AND trying to take care of them at the same time. You wonder why you have to be on the journey of self-care alone. You might get to this three-month period and wonder what the point of self-care is if you don’t even feel better.  I’m here to remind you that ANY progress in taking care of yourself is good progress! The fact that you are THINKING about how you deserve to be taken care of is a good thing! It means you know your worth. Unfortunately, I don’t think the three-month period is going to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside but!! (see your six-month overview for more)
6 – The Chariot
Although the road to self-care has been HARD, you really WILL feel your rewards soon. By the six-month period, you’re going to feel some success. You’ll see that you have the willpower to take care of yourself instead of dropping everything to help everyone else, you’ll have the determination to hold your boundaries, and you’ll have the strength to remember that it only gets better from here. Boundary setting is coming out the strongest as the thing you’ll progress with the most. There will be tests that challenge this and sometimes the boundaries will come down, but you will more consistently BELIEVE you deserve the boundaries. It’s going to be an empowering time for you, group three! I’m just sorry it has to be the six month check point lol
12 – Five of swords rev., Ace of swords, Eight of swords (clarified by Sunrise, also a deck specific card!)
At this time next year, you’re going to be so proud of yourself. This makes my heart happy <3 There are still some times where people challenge your boundaries and try to take advantage of your genuine heart, but you’re finally at a point where you feel confident saying no. If/when this happens, you’ll reflect over this past year and see how far you’ve come. This will remind you of all of the hard work you did to get here and that it is not worth going back to feeling the way you did before (aka right now). You can ABSOLUTELY still be a person who provides a solid foundation for others, but not at the expense of yourself. Your mental state is going to feel soo much more clear. Each day you’ll realize something new about yourself, your needs, and how YOU can help yourself get there. This is really going to be a turning point in your mindset. AH I’m just so excited for you! Finally, with the eight of swords – I wanted to pull a clarifier because the eight usually represents negativity and victim mentality. I don’t think this will be your energy in a year. So, I pulled the Sunrise card. I think it’s AWESOME that you got 2/3 unique cards from this deck. This card is different than the Sun card, though, in my interpretation, it has a lot of the same energy. In the times that you feel guilty for setting your boundaries or taking care of yourself first, there will be a sunrise in the back of your mind. You will see the light of the rays and the warmth of this bright star. It will be a reminder that the sun always rises and it doesn’t mean you’re reverting back to your old tendencies to forget your own needs.
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12 month column is ace of wands & moonlight ; apologies for the hard to read text. in retrospect, I shouldn't have picked that photo background.
Current energy: The Devil reversed.
Right now, you are going through a personal transformation. I bet there is a sense of unknown and you’re a bit resistant to that (consciously or not). The future is scary and not being able to plan for it doesn’t help the anxiety. However, you understand the importance of your transformation and are trying your best to optimistic of the outcome.
3 – The Hierophant, Temperance, and Four of cups
In three months, it looks like you’ll still be on the journey of self-discovery, but you’ll be a little more patient with not knowing. In the time leading up to this three-month mark, you’ll discover tools that help you remain present. You’ll do a lot of introspection which will allow you to feel more comfortable about still being in land of the unknown. Around the three-month mark, you’ll redirect your thoughts to a different pathway than you’re currently thinking. The four of cups represents meditation and re-evaluation of your situation. You may have a moment of panic feeling like you have to start over AGAIN, but the tools you’ve learned were meant to be learned so you could get through this. You KNOW you’re not starting over because you have new insights that weren’t even in your reality three months ago (aka now). You may start delving more into spirituality to help you on your journey. This could include going to church more often, researching new religions, picking up tarot, or simply continuing meditation to get a bigger understanding of the world around you.  
6 – The Sun
By six months, you’re going to feel like the sun won’t stop shining. Even on the coldest days, you feel the warmth of the sun because you know you have a purpose. In the time between three months & six months, you’re going to figure something out. Something is going to click and it is going to propel you to work on something great. You’ll feel revitalized, group four, and I think it’s a feeling you’ve been looking for for awhile now.  You’re going to inspire others with your newfound light. You’re going to feel confident expressing yourself (beliefs, needs, ideas, etc.). I’m really happy for you!
12 – Ace of wands, Moonlight (specific to this deck; different from The Moon)
This time next year will truly feel like a new beginning. The sun has set on this particular part of your journey and the moon is coming out to light the next path. While the moonlight is less bright than the sunlight, I think this card is here to represent that, no matter day or night, the universe is here to provide some light even in the darkness. As you look ahead to new opportunities, the unknown doesn’t scare you as much. You know the sun will always rise again and provide you clarity on your path. And you know based on this journey that you’ll always feel the sun’s warmth, no matter what part of the journey you’re on.
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8myass · 1 year ago
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.. restraints .. pairing. park jisung x female reader genre. angst, fluff pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) synopsis. jisung is just trying to remain your good boy for the rest of your shared lives. wc. 0.9k cw. yandere!jisung, brother’s best friend!jisung, older!reader, slight bimbo!reader tw. pet names (‘baby’, ‘good boy’, ‘darling’), kidnapping, gaslighting, delusional ji, cursing a/n. belated birthday post for my hubby.
“It doesn’t hurt too much, does it? I hope I didn’t tie you up too roughly,” Jisung pouted, analyzing the way you shook and squirmed around in the chair you had been tied up in. The ropes were tight with their restraint on your wrists and ankles. “Does it hurt?”
You nodded, tears streaming from your swollen eyes. You had cried so much tonight, but he was so blinded by his love for you and desire to have you all to himself that he didn’t even notice. You were in his room, all for him to touch and talk to and own. You were like his little pet now. He would take care of you like the good boy that he was, the good boy you always told him he was.
“No? That’s good! I’m glad!” he leaped for joy as he watched your head nod, for some reason it wasn’t resonating in his mind that you were telling him it did hurt you, “See? I’m still your good boy, aren’t I, baby?”
If you could speak right now, if the duct tape wasn’t stuffed over your mouth to prevent you from making even a sound, you would’ve told him how bad he was being, how naughty he was at this moment. If he let you go, now that’s when he’d be a good boy. 
He was definitely a baby in your eyes, you would’ve never thought, even in your wildest dreams, that Jisung, of all people, could do something as sinister as kidnapping you like this. All for what? Because he had feelings for you? Because he wanted you to tell him how good he was for you on repeat? None of that was happening now. You might’ve been into him before this, if there was even a chance for that given the fact he was years younger than you and best friends with your younger brother, but after this, he has zero chances with you.
I mean, you’re not necessarily in a place to reject him in any way anymore. That’s why this plan was so perfect for him. You couldn’t say no to him. Not just because you were physically unable to but because you were locked away from the rest of the world, you only have him now. Therefore, he’s the only one that could ever be meant for you now that you have no one else.
“You understand that this is how things had to work out, right?” he frowned, reaching his hands out to run his long fingers down your cheekbones. You flinched and jerked your head away, crying out muffled pleas into the rough material covering your sensitive lips.
You were broken already and you’ve only just woken up a few hours ago. He was a monster. He was more than a monster. He was sick, twisted, delusional. He didn’t process that this was wrong, that made him all the more terrifying to you. How could he not see what he was doing as a criminal offense? Did he seriously think this was all in good fun?
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you to your brother. He’ll stop searching for you as soon as he hears you’ve gone off on one of your little rendezvous again,” he smiled, his tone sympathetic. You weren’t even sure he had it in him to feel sympathy, so all you could do was glare at him, jerking farther away from him in an attempt to void your face of his persistent warm breath fanning against your skin. “You’re such a silly girl, always running away from the stressfulness of reality for some random guy who you’ve only just met. Maybe we can go on a rendezvous of our own one day. Wouldn’t that be so fun, darling?”
You wanted to spit on his face and yell, “Let me go asshole!” But everything was restricting you from doing so, although you assumed your eyes were doing the trick by the way he stood up straight and cocked his head down at your trembling figure.
“You don’t seem as thrilled about that idea as I am. Do you not want to go anywhere with me?” you saw his eye twitch at his own words, slightly snarling at the way you seemed to loathe him for what he’s done just to make sure you were his. “Would you prefer us to stay inside then? We can spend more quality time alone in my room? Oh, sorry, our room.” Not what you meant at all. 
And there he goes, taking everything the wrong way. That’s just him, you can only guess. You haven’t known this side of him for long, and he was quite unpredictable, but you know for a fact that he was delusional beyond belief. You wanted to feel bad for the way he genuinely thought you cared about him, but you just wanted him to let you go in the end, so it was difficult either way.
You squirmed and struggled some more against your restraints, trying your absolute hardest to break free and tell him what a disgusting piece of shit you think he is, but he just smiled down at you with a sadistic laugh, “There’s no use in trying to escape anymore, you’re not going anywhere. I love you and you’ll love me too, don’t worry. We’ll be happy together one day. I’ll be your good boy forever, baby.”
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2danny2furious · 1 month ago
hi! I really loved your headcanons! could i request a fluffy oneshot with y/n and the other commentary youtubers (drew, jarvis, kurtis, etc.) maybe they could be playing a game or minecraft or go on a group vacation? totally no worries if this isn't your style and thanks in advance!
This was so much fun to write! Hope you like it!
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Title: Love and War
Pairing: Danny Gonzalez x Reader
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The sun beats down on your shoulder. You are crouched behind the bushes- tired, sweaty, and just about ready to give up. But you know the stakes are high: this is war. 
You peer over the leaves, assessing the battlefield. 
“Pool area is clear. Over.” 
“That’s what daddy likes to hear. Over.” 
“Jesus Christ!” Drew groans into his walkie-talkie. “Can you please stop constantly referring to yourself as daddy?” 
“No,” crackles Danny’s voice. You can hear the smile in his words. “Over.”
The commentary boys had recently received an obscene amount of Nerf guns as part of Nerf’s latest sponsorship campaign. Now that everyone has been reunited at an AirBnB mansion for Vidcon, all Danny wants to do is battle the other guys in nerf wars. Coincidentally, for the past three wars, the chosen opponents have been The Sad Boyz and Kurtis. 
You suspect this is because Danny had caught you hearting a message from your best friend, emphatically claiming Jordan as the sexiest man she’s ever seen. Oh, boys.  
“Y/N!” shrieks Amanda, “there’s an ambush headed your way!” 
You leap up, wobbling as you brush away twigs pressed into your legs and your feet regain feeling. You whip your head towards the fence. 
You can hear Kurtis calling, “We’re coming to get youuuuu,” in quite possibly the creepiest voice you’ve ever heard, and Jarvis and Jordan giggling as the three approach. 
They’re getting closer and closer by the second. But where to go? They’re  coming from the back fence, and the gate is locked from the north side. 
“Guys, I’m trapped and out of ammo! I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gon-” 
“Y/N, we got you”, Drew’s calm voice soothes you over the walkie-talkie. “Danny’s on his way.” 
“Babe, this way!”
You follow Danny’s voice to the north gate. You can hear the enemy approaching, and fear grips your heart. 
“Danny, hurry!”
After what feels like an eternity, the gate door swings open. There he stands, your tall prince in shining-dripping-with-sweat white tee shirt armor. His green eyes, pale in the sunlight, crackle with excitement. 
“You didn’t think I’d lose my girl to those diabolical cretins did you?” 
You hold back a smirk at his ever insane vocabulary as he grabs your hand, hurrying you around the house and through the garage.  
“Whew! That was close,” you giggle. You take a moment to admire Danny’s toned biceps and flushed cheeks as he pulls down the garage door, the back of his shirt clinging to the curves in his muscular back.  You mentally take back every complaint you’ve ever had about his long runs and never ending gym sessions.
 “You pervert,” he chuckles, wiping sweat from his hair.  
“The damsel is safe,” he reports into his walkie-talkie. “I have her in an undisclosed location. Over.” He looks over at you with a wink. You grin and roll your eyes. 
Danny walks over to you and hugs you from behind, wrapping you into his arms and kissing the top of your head. You let yourself relax in his warm embrace, and can’t help but marvel at how perfectly your bodies fit together. He sighs into your hair and squeezes you extra hard. 
“It’s been so great seeing the guys, but I can’t fucking wait to go home. I miss having you all to myself,” he says. His voice is low and quiet, heavy with a desire you recognize instantly. 
“Hmm... me too,” you hum. “You’re always getting us into situations like this though, you god damn extrovert.” 
“Touché,” he murmurs. He spins you around to face him, and kisses you with a softness that surprises you. His warm lips find yours again and again, his hands cupping your cheeks..
“GUYS”, your walkie-talkies crackle loudly with the sound of Amanda’s voice, causing both of you to jump. “The Sad Boyz have disappeared from the pool vicinity-we think they might have advanced into the house. Team meeting under the deck, stat. Over.” 
“Fuck you, Amanda,” curses Danny. “I was just about to start an amazing make out sess-”
“No one cares, Danny. Y/N’s too hot for you anyway. Over.” 
“It’s true, Amanda. So true. Over,” you giggle as Danny bites your shoulder in play anger, wrestling your body closer to him as you squeal and try to escape. 
Your team assembles under the deck to load up on ammo and get your bearings straight. Drew devises a plan, his calm demeanor prevailing even in the most dire nerf war situations. You plan to station yourselves at all sides of the house, so that the enemy would have no chance of escaping. Danny, to no one’s surprise, insisted that he be stationed by you to protect you. 
“I was so close to losing you last time,” he says, looking into your eyes. “I’m never letting that happen again. You could have died.” 
“Danny,” sighs Drew. “They’re foam bulle-” 
“She could have DIED, Drew, you think this is a joke?”  
Drew can’t help but grin, shaking his head. “Alright, you losers, come on. We got a battle to win.” 
Drew and Amanda creep into the house silently, and you and Danny position yourselves behind the grand couches in the mansion. As you wait, he makes faces at you from across the living room, trying to get you to laugh. 
Suddenly, you hear a noise in the hallway. You and Danny hesitantly arise from behind the couches, creeping forward to point your nerf guns towards the sound. Kiwi, the poodle, emerges from the hall, peering up innocently as he wags his tail happily. 
But why would Kurtis’s dog be here? you think. 
“Babe, look out!” 
You look up to see Jordan and Jarvis standing across the room from you, grinning madly and pointing their nerf guns at your chest. You raise your gun, and as you do, feel something soft poke the back of your head. Kurtis.  
You close your eyes, bracing yourself for the stream of foam. 
“NOOOOO!” Danny screams. You open your eyes to see Danny leap in front of you as Jordan and Jarvis open fire. You quickly spin to shoot Kurtis in the chest before he can react. 
His jaw falls open in shock. “The citizens of Kurtistwon will have their revenge,” he seethes. “Mark my words.” 
You don’t even have time to revel in your glory, because Jarvis and Jordan aren’t content with their kill; they savagely empty their magazines into Danny’s still body on the floor, every foam bullet mercilessly striking his body instead of yours. 
When the assault is done, Danny’s eyes flicker open and shut, his chest heaving as he pretends to struggle for air. 
“D-D-Danny,” you sob. You kneel down to the floor, next to your boyfriend’s spasming body.  Using every last drop of self control to keep yourself from smiling, you whisper desperately, “Why? Why did you do it, you stupid boy?” 
“I had to s-save you,” he coughs as he chokes back a laugh.
“Danny, no! Don’t leave me!” you cry, bringing his limp hand up to your cheek, pressing a kiss softly into his fingers. 
“I…I’ll always love you Y/N.” 
And with that, Danny’s head lolls lifelessly to the side. The sight of his eyes crossed goofily and his tongue sticking out is enough to break you, and you burst out in a fit of giggles. Danny’s lips began to twitch and pretty soon he’s cackling too, the two of you clutching your sides, howling with laughter as your friends decide to unite and open fire against these two idiots on the floor. :)
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copperbadge · 2 years ago
“Breaking into a cemetery”? Sam, dish the tea, please! (And not into Boston Harbour, either). What sort of sightseeing exigency required burglarizing the marble orchard? And how did you evade the gendarmes? This sounds a bit “Leverage”. (Or something a young Steve Rogers might pull.)
Looking back, I'm gonna say like 70% was me being young and stupid and 30% was probably ADHD-fueled impulsivity.
Copp's Hill Burial Ground sits on the flat top of Copp's Hill, with walls all the way around and entrances on opposite sides. The other two sides have houses butted up against the cemetery on one, and a tall wall with a long drop down to the street on the other. Signs posted outside of it say that it opens at sunrise and closes at dusk.
When I got there, which was early but well after sunrise, the main entrance was still locked. I walked around, looking for another one, and on the opposing side (the Charter Street entrance) the gate was also locked, but the wall is very low and so is the fencing. If you look at it on Google Streetview you can see that for a reasonably athletic person it would be fairly easy to get up on the wall and vault the fence.
I thought, well, it's supposed to be open, so probably I won't get into trouble if I climb in. Ah, youth.
So I did, and I had a very nice time; I didn't disturb or vandalize anything, obviously, I just walked around and looked for the gravestones I'd wanted to find (Prince Hall, the Mathers, etc). I still have photos I took that day:
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[ID: A scanned film-camera photo of a cemetery, looking east towards the water, the sun barely touching the tops of the trees; the gravestones are laid out in irregular lines, cut through with brick-paved paths.]
Anyway, I spent a lovely hour or so amongst the stones, and then I happened to look up as a large SUV drove past the west entrance. It slowed down and I felt like it was...looking at me, very clearly visible as the only person in the cemetery. So I started strolling back towards the east entrance. Sure enough, not long after, a police car pulled up to the west entrance, lights going, and I took off running.
I cleared the fence pretty much in a single leap and darted down Charter Street, ducking into an alley where I pulled my coat off and stuffed it in my messenger bag, figuring that would make me harder to identify. The messenger bag converted to a backpack so I did that as well, pulling out the straps and shouldering it. I then strolled Incredibly Casually down the next cross-street to the Old North Church, which was open, and ducked inside just as the cop car rolled past again. I settled down in one of the high-walled pews for about half an hour, just to be safe, and I didn't hear the sirens come past again. It's quite a pretty little church anyway and I had a book, so it wasn't a hardship.
Should I have broken into the cemetery? While it was laughably easy and I had good intentions, probably not. But nobody was harmed, so while it's not a good example to set it's still a fun story to tell, especially in person (I do hand gestures).
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lildashofheaven1 · 7 months ago
‘Dancing Queen’
Jamie Campbell Bower x Dancer Reader
Reader is a dancer and Jamie is there for her when she gets injured
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“Y/n we’re ready for your tech run in 5!’ I hear getting yelled outside my dressing room
Before i left the room i sat on my chair and got my pointe shoes on.
I heard a knock on my door
“Ill be out in a second!” I reply
The door opened to see my blonde,blue eyed boyfriend smiling at me
“Oh hi love” i smiled as i tied up my second shoe
“Hi darling, you okay?” I stood next to him
“Yeah just kind of nervous, havent properly performed in months” i say as i stroke my leotard ridding it of any fluff etc.
Jamie noticed me looking in the mirror anxiously, fixing my hair and make up etc.
He gently grabbed my hands and said
“Your going to do amazing my love, you always do, your a beautiful dancer and i cant wait to see you in the actual show tonight, now go out there and show everyone what you do best” he said quietly down my ear and he walked me to the door
“Ill be sat in the audience watching my love, break a leg” he smiled as i walked to backstage.
“Jamie took his seat in the audience, he was here because i was only needed to run through my performance and then he’s driving me back to our house.
Tech days simply weren’t fun, i’ve been here for hours just waiting for my turn to run through my performance making sure the lights and music are correct.
As i was stood in the wings, i looked out to see family members and partners sat waiting for my cast mates to be done here.I saw Jamie sat on the third row from the front waiting for me to get on stage, he looked around and saw me in the wings.He smiled and waved at me, i waved back and he blew me a kiss.I heard the performer before me’s music end so it was my turn to go on stage.
I walked on confidently and waited for my music to start
Come on, skinny love, just last the year
Pour a little salt, we were never here
For the first two lines of the song, i start centre stage on my knees with my head in my hands, i raise one arm at a time and lift myself up onto my pointe shoes and begin travelling the stage with grace, i begin my sequence of 6 pirouette’s
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
After the pirhouettes i got to downstage left and do an arabesque and the run into my Jeté leap across the stage and end the leap with 2 pirouettes.
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
On these three lines i travel across downstage spinning and when i reach centre stage, i perform a Sauté.
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
On this line i repeat the 6 pirouettes.
Right in this moment, this order's tall
For this line i run upstage onto the raised segment of the stage and prepare to do the biggest trick in my performance. A double pirouette on the small platform and then leap off of it and land into a split.
While in the air i was supposed to raise my leg above my head and land on my hands and then get into the split.
And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced.
On these lines i started the pirouettes and go to do the leap off of the platform. While im mid air, i try to raise my leg above my head however i underestimated how little amount of time i would have and didn’t raise it high enough in time and landed on my knee fully shattering it on the floor.
3rd person Pov
As y/n landed on her knee on stage, the scream of pain the followed alerted everyone in the theatre that the leap had gone terribly wrong.
Jamie leaped out of his seat at the immediate sign of his lover in pain.
“Y/n!” He yelled out as he jumped over the two rows of seats in front of him and threw himself on the stage with a jump to be with her.
“Y/n my love, where does it hurt?” He said as he moved a few strands of hair from her face.
“My k-knee” she replied in floods of tears.
Both of them knew how bad an injury can be for a dancer, both of them silently praying this wasnt serious.
“Y/n we’ve got medics on the way!” Anthony (the choreographer) said as he walked over and knelt next the girl who was writhing in pain with her head resting on Jamie’s lap.
A few minutes later, we were informed that the medics wouldn’t be able to get into the theatre, so they were going to have to get y/n to the ambulance another way.
“Y/n your gonna have to stand up darling, now if you stand on your other leg ill pick you up okay?” Jamie said to the terrified girl, to which she nodded silently, eyes wide with pain.
Y/n struggled to stand on her other leg while using Jamies arm to steady herself. As soon as they both were up, Jamie lifted her up and carried her bridal style into the ambulance.
“Your gonna be okay my love, you did so well, your gonna be okay” Jamie said as he planted gentle kisses on her knuckles as they drove to the hospital.
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alasse-earfalas · 2 years ago
Nine Links but they're all Wild
1. Speedrun Wild: Fresh off the Great Plateau, he heard the magical voice calling out to him and booked it to the castle. 100% genius and 100% idiot. Zero impulse control, leaps before he looks. Crushes hard on Zelda. Remembers nothing. One of the best fighters. 
2. Bloodlust Wild: Fights everything. Knee-jerk reaction to his first decayed Guardian was, “I’m gonna kill it”, and he did. Enjoys fighting but not necessarily more skilled than the others. Not above preparing for a fight.
3. Tactician Wild: Has memorized the combat patterns of every enemy and exploits the crap out of them. Flurry rushes and perfect parries come easily after tons of practice. Won’t go out of his way just to fight something, but not too concerned about avoiding fights either. 
4. Master Mode Wild: Kills enemies quickly or avoids them altogether. Does not understand the concept of chip damage. Wary of bridges and keeps scanning the sky for danger. Good at combat, but steers clear of unnecessary fights.
5. Stealth Wild: Avoids combat at all costs unless absolutely necessary. Usually wears Majora’s Mask. Sneaks and climbs around monsters. Can fight, but not at all confident in his ability. Hates the “Test of Strength” shrines. Fantastic navigator. Often relies on Wolf Link. 
6. Completionist Wild: Must. Do. All. Of. The. Things. Sometimes forgets that Zelda’s waiting for him ‘cause he’s so caught up in everything else. Wants to be absolutely prepared before taking on Ganon. Often derailed by side-quests. Knows the map better than any of the others. 
7. Scientist Wild: Shrines are his favorite ever. Loves the apparatus shrines. Messes around with runes a lot and has learned how to exploit them (e.g. to create flying machines). Actually reads the Hyrule Compendium. Treats boss fights like puzzles and takes time to prepare for them. 
8. Glitch Wild: Exploits and defies physics for fun and profit. Clips through walls, jumps on thin air, bombs himself across the map, etc. Never runs out of the items he needs. Loves experimenting at his own expense. A bit nuts. 
9. Average Wild: Has done most of the shrines and found most of the memories and fought a few of the blights before taking on Ganon. Followed the path that was laid out for him without much deviation. Eventually got bored / anxious and went after Ganon. 
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blorbologist · 2 months ago
hehehe. hi :3
FMA AU: 🦋 | AooD: 🐜 | Jurassic Park AU: 🤪 or 🎨 | OFS+TFJ: 🎉 | Ruidusborn Percy: 💕 | BDSM Modern AU: 📖
answer as many or as few as you want!! i wanted to touch on multiple AUs >:3 and also search for things i don’t know yet lmao
AU Ask Game
FMA AU: 🦋 ''Share a downstream ‘Butterfly Effect’!
OH! hmmmm... see, the tricky thing is that this AU does broadly follow the plot beats of the manga, right? Some things are shifted around, but you know. Roy/Vex fucks up Envy/Delilah before Envy kills themselves, final fight involves Al/Beau giving their body back to Truth so Ed/Caleb can have his arm back...
I think the biggest butterfly is that our Hughes equivalent, Vax, doesn't die - because Vex, instead of being the Flame Alchemist like Roy is, is the Sewing Life Alchemist. So she can patch him up - or he ends up as a chimera through nefarious means instead. Either way, yahoo! yippee!!
AooD: 🐜 'What’s the smalllllllest change you want to share?'
Ok, hm. Small change:
I'm almost at the point where I'm writing an almost one-to-one replica of the Feast of Imyr. Bar a few tiny details such as...
Loquatius needing new jokes to make fun of Vex's name instead of Purvan's.
Percy either freaking out about Bolo being there or commiserating with her about 'this BAG. not MACHINE.'
Vex and Percy clocking pretty quickly that Dean Hollow was up to no good inviting the Champion of Ravens and behaving accordingly.
That '[S]he was one of us' comment from Hollow about the Matron being really fucking painful for Vex to hear about the Warden
Oh, yeah - and a Gau Drashari is going to Transport Via Plants out of the tree Nydas brought. Hey, hi, sorry! Don't mind Keyleth, she's making a great first impression.
More under the cut!!
Jurassic Park AU: 🤪 'Silliest part of the AU?'
The Briarwoods are collectively sharing John Hammond's role (the more evil book version). They are The capitalist assholes. Something something a necromancer bringing shit back from the dead, something something a vampire not letting things grow old and being a blood sucking billionair. It's perfect. It's awful. Do you see my vision!??!?
or 🎨 'What’s the most creative part of this AU?'
OKAY SO! The og Jurassic Park was written in 1990. A lot of our scientific knowledge has advanced in leaps and bounds since then: not just the paleontology and understanding of dinosaurs, but standards of zookeeping and animal behavior, genetics, computer systems and security, etc.
So most of JP's original failure points don't actually apply if you tried to rewrite this today - and either way they're all very well known. The lysene, the frog DNA breeding, the tracking glitch, the raptors having no fucking enrichment, etc.
The tricky and fun part about this AU is finding new, sensible ways to run the park / protect the guests and dinosaurs / get certified so they can run at all... and still have it go to shit when Vax, Keyleth and co have the introductory tour.
OFS+TFJ: 🎉 'What change are you most proud of?'
DALEN'S CLOSET HAPPENING OVER THE YEAR BREAK. GENIUS MOVE @ ME. Compounded on all the prior changes and gave Delilah a chance for an amazing entrance, and had so much dramatic irony compared to Dalen's Closet in canon.
Ruidusborn Percy: 💕 'How are relationships impacted by the AU?'
Oh god. So: Percy is both a lot more sheltered (no one wants to be friends with a mind-reading rich freak) and is lacking social skills (why bother when he can read minds if he has to?). He is... way less cool and more of a huge pain in the ass until VM can socialize him. like a feral cat. He's probably even closer to Keyleth than canon, and to some degree Grog too (easier to understand what's going on in that thick head), but the twins and Scanlan trust him far less due to not wanting him poking around in their heads.
The thing is, Percy is also acutely aware of all that from when he does slip up and get a grasp of what's going on in their heads.: he can pry behind Vex and Scanlan's masks in a way no one else can, and Vax just doesn't trust the spying potential. (Vex especially is terrified of Percy seeing her budding feelings, once that pops up, so she's slower to fall for him.)
I think things probably improve once Percy gets something like Imogen's circlet to block out the influx of thoughts - then he becomes extremely awkward and bumbling without that fallback of information and everyone goes 'oh wow he's harmless and also down SO bad for Vex he doesn't know what to do with himself'.
BDSM Modern AU: 📖 'What’s The defining moment of your AU?'
I think The moment I think of in my head about this AU is... Percy working on Vex's custom toy after he finds out it's for her. Getting very hot under the collar (HAH!) and trying so very hard to keep his cool. It's that tension I'm most excited about - but of course this is a BDSM AU! They'll likely start playing together before romantic feelings pop up (but after Percy comes clean ofc)! Which is its own bag of worms. sexy, sexy, writhing worms.
Also just like. All the horny tied up (HAH) with Percy's character growth and healing as he realizes that he's a switch, not a firm dom as he'd forced himself to believe for the longest time due to #trauma. muah!
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 months ago
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Finally running our relay back and forth from town to the dungeon for what is going to be far from the last time in even this strata alone... we face down the menace that's been slaughtering NPCs... an awkward recolor of the FOEs we've already been pretty handily clearing out. Although admittedly, having it flanked by its copy paste goons isn't not-threatening. Still, seeing them dance around in sync back there is a little silly.
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I do feel bad about Picnic mode being just so easy, it feels like I'm cheating... I could have still worked out the little puzzle without fighting if I had wanted to, but I just didn't have the patience for it. It did have a neat little feature where the Terrible Hunter has the unique ability to jump one square over to get over a single tile trap hole, which the standard Raptors can't, so you'd have to kind of line up the way it stalks you thru the room so that it leaps over the first of either of these pairs of adjacent traps only to fall into the second.
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Anyway we get past the dinos and rescue the guards, including our bridge nerd. of course when we follow up on the bridge lead, we can't just head back to the Ginnungagap, we need a rock, and the rock is on the 5th floor, in the nest of the King of Beasts, The Chimera... who is of course the final boss of this strata. So we just have to keep doing what we were already going to do anyway in order to eventually get back around to that whole story thing about getting Arianna to that altar somewhere down in the Ginnungagap.
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Oh but this is a fun sort of glossed over detail. The first EO did this too actually. In this case Chimera is calling(?) stronger monsters down from the higher strata? In the first EO (where the dungeon went down, not up) the boss down at the bottom of the second strata, Cernunnos, is actually credited as having chased the wolf pack, lead by Fenrir, up into the bottom of the First strata where it serves as the first big boss fight.
And although the broader concept doesn't really come back into play at all, I really love the idea of a dungeon crawler acknowledging, not only that the dungeon has a kind of ecological balance to it, but that that balance can be upset and that upsetting it has dire consequences.
Dungeon meshi addresses this too, a few times in fact, with the Kraken fight, as well as the Red Dragon itself --although it gets kinda pushed aside once the plot shifts focus onto the mad mage.
I'd honestly really love to see an RPG that makes its ecology an actual central pillar of its world building and gameplay experience. Like, I'd really love to see a game that de-incentivizes grinding and promotes exploration by letting you overhunt enemy types, with a free shifting kind of random encounter rate. So like grinding on high level predators both lowers their encounter rates, ups their prey's encounters, which in turn lowers the encounter rates of like plant enemies, or makes resource gathering spots less plentiful or less bountiful, which in turn means the prey animals are unhealthy and start lowering their rare drop rates or quality, so now they produce less meat, or worse pelts, etc... And naturally that feels like it would mean the fantasy economy would also be tied to those rates, so the more surplus you start hauling in and flooding the market with the less vendors are willing to pay you for them. (you can see why I used to run a side blog dedicated to scrutinizing why certain monsters would or wouldnt make sense in the dungeons theyre in in games...)
Anyway, small update. Next run I'm off to slay the Chimera and maybe finally get this plot rolling again
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k1spiegel · 1 year ago
hi. here is that list of games i've enjoyed this year that i talked abt making, now under a read more for your viewing pleasure. not in any order besides the order i remember them
links will be to steam store pages if applicable, if not general home pages, though some of these will be available on multiple consoles
Inkbound - an isometric turn-based roguelike game in mid-beta where you play as a Needless, a blank, "generic" character with no supposed imagination or will, accompanied by a Kwill, a ball of light that helps you along. i'll be honest and say i haven't paid much attention to the story but i don't think i have to when the gameplay is so good. i love roguelikes and turn-based combat both, and the amount of customization you can get from random items and abilities during runs makes the game difficult but not soul-crushing. eventually you Will figure out how to make urself almost unkillable. no premium store or pay currency, just unlocking and in-game currency.
Cassette Beasts - a 3D environment-2D sprite creature capture game with a nostalgia theme (made in Godot!). i played(/replayed) a lot of creature captures this year, with cassette beasts probably being the earliest and one of the most memorable. there are some parts of the game i'm iffy on (the music, some of the companion quests compared to others), but the creature design and element mechanics in the fight make up for it by leaps and bounds. i've got a lotta favorite beasts in this one. suggested esp if you like 2v2 fights.
Palia - if you've hung around the "cozy games" scene at all, You Know This One. palia is a casual mmo currently in open beta that focuses mainly around farming, questing, and integrating yourself into a new community (though that's not All you can do.) by "casual" and "cozy" i mean that there's no real rush to do anything, your crops won't grow without you there and there's no friendship(/romantic) relationship deterioration. play as you want when you want. also it's free lol
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (no link available; currently only on switch) - i have never played a dragon quest game before. i think this was the funniest way i could've gotten into it. a creature capture-creature combiner game in the dragon quest monsters series where you play as a young Psaro, The Dark Prince, The Manslayer, the future King of Monsters, and go through different echelons of nadiria(/the area where monsters rule) beating ass and taking names. i probably don't have to sell this to DQ fans so much but the monster designs are fun, the story is funny to me whether on purpose or not, and i like either using the auto battle for quick levelling Or giving commands directly to my beasts. good stuff.
Lies of P - do you remember a few years back when everyone saw the pinocchio soulslike and went No Fucking Way and then forgot about it? lies of p is the pinocchio soulslike (though it's much more obviously a bloodborne-like, or to be even more specific, a code:vein-like). i love it. the setting and characters is kind of insane when you think about how it's All based on pinocchio, but it takes itself seriously enough to where you just go with it and enjoy your time with P and the npcs. the gameplay is fast and fun, with a pretty extreme amount of customization (swappable and upgradeable robot arm, usual soulslike Put Points Into Skills stuff, weapons with switchable parts that can be upgraded or change their scaling, etc.) i'm just having a really great time with it and want other people to too.
Risk of Rain Returns - an incredibly polished remake of the original Risk of Rain, a 2d side-scrolling roguelike where you play as a survivor on an alien planet full of things that want to kill you. i have almost 200 hours on the original ror and the remake has earned At Minimum 200 hours more - not only do the original characters and stages feel refreshed, but there's now new areas to visit, new survivors to unlock, and fun challenges to beat to try and get new items or abilities. plus chris christodoulou's soundtrack is, as always, The Best. if you didn't play the original RoR, i'd really recommend giving this a shot instead.
SPECIAL MENTIONS (no links. im lazy.)
Guilty Gear: Strive - tim managed to get me into fighting games this year and ggst was probably the best introduction i could've gotten. classic weird as fuck characters and story + an insane soundtrack.
Lethal Company - you've seen someone playing this, somewhere or somehow. funniest game to play if you and your friends are wussies. now has arachnophobia mode (<- is an arachnophobe, so i like it.)
Fortnite - sorry
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absoluteaffirmative · 7 months ago
oh em goodness it’s the rivulet but pressure style kinda + random oc lore (bad things happening to experiments/body horror/injury mentions)
listen it’s just a ramble about an oc basically.
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kinda oc-ish but it’s whatever-
this is riv! riv coming from rivulet ofc hehe
fun fact! those two cuts in her tail fin was done purposely by an oc foundation i made called the impulse foundation. (she does get patched up in her story so dont worry!)
impulse like to make sure their “pet projects” dont run away, so they purposely damage the experiments; docking tails, slicing fins, in some rarer cases declawing/de-knuckling, etc. ethics and morals aren’t in impulse’s code of conduct.
anyhow i think she’s maybe around 6-7 ft (182.88-213.36 cm) tall?? like her base inspiration, riv is actually pretty fast on land and even faster on the water. she both slithers and slides for movement, although she will use her arms if necessary.
due to having feline (common housecat) and otter DNA, she is VERY flexible, which gives her the ability to leap/pounce (like how scugs can in rw!), which can be a bit scary since you don’t usually see mer-like creatures doing that, unless it’s breaching the surface of the water. she can also roll :]
riv was somehow able to teach Sebastian how to roll and somewhat leap, although since he is much bigger than she is, he isn’t exactly as graceful with it-
imagine seeing Riv and Sebastian. Riv spots you and pounces into a roll to get to you.
then imagine Sebastian kinda doing the same. new fear unlocked; giving Sebastian the ability to pounce-
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humanmorph · 1 year ago
my millie+leap friendship thoughts except it's actually mostly about millie. i tried to make this readable (coherency-wise)... and it's not even everything i have in my head about them. just a few words:
I looove Millie+Leap friendship (in my head it's Millie'n'Leap like one word. It's fun to say) I think they are besties.
I also think that „Leap has my back as long as it's convenient for him.“ sure is A belief to have about your best friend!!! & I really like that!! (We are not even talking about LEAP’S Millie beliefs. Those are only like, borderline positive or negative. And I also like that. He’s kind of a bitch. This isn't about him though honestly mostly Millie & though I THINK I could write more, it would be wayyyy extrapolating than even this.) I mean like, those beliefs aren't/don't have to be the whole descriptor of/the characters whole relationship, but they are there for a reason! So. I’m simply thinking about it and turning it around in my head.
And it’s just good Millie characterization too for me (also for Leap, as the other person in this relationship, but I simply have thought about Millie more on account of She's My Favourite & can speak better to how I interpret this from her perspective). It's the first close friendship she's made after being on the run from everything she's ever known (which sucked. GLORY was bad but she did also have friends & people she cared about then... See Si’dra) & then she gets captured and forced to do the same shit AGAIN? Under someone like Clementine Kesh? This is a bonding experience. It's a bad one but it is nontheless. And they have similiar goals too (get the fuck out of there).
(An aside, but I really loved during the Post Mortem when Austin talked about something he’d do differently if he had the chance: asking the prisoner-PCs to get drives that weren’t about them escaping, and rather something where escaping would be a step towards that other drive. And how both Keith and Sylvi talked about the Being a prisoner and wanting to get out being very important to Leap and Millie’s characterization to the point they would’ve been played completely differently if that wasn’t the case. It was a cool discussion. That was a very good Post Mortem. Everyone should take notes for PALISADE Post Mortem questions-wise.)
And then they do get out. And they join Millenium Break. And then aside from wanting to leave prison and hating the people they work under they’re just also kind of different people with different motivations and wishes and it shows during the Kingdom Game and after… Like Millie is someone who throughout the Kingdom Game starts to believe that she can change something and help people (and not just via violence, the Strand Semaphore project is so important). And she makes more friends on Fort Icebreaker. She meets Si’dra again and that relationship is ALSO an important one (I like them I should think about them more. There is a bit where Millie describes them traveling together to set up the Strand stuff...). And she gets closer to Broun by working with them. Etc etc. People like her because She Is A Delight, and she hangs out with different people but Leap’s still there as a person that’s important to her even as they probably see each other way less due to Millenium Break business and having different missions and whatnot.
And in my head there's something special too about Leap really pushing for the attack on Vigil City to help that Equiaxed community and Millie backing him up bc 1) duh but 2) something vulnerable about it because he gets actually emotional about it (unusual for him). And do they talk about THAT ever I wonder? If they did it would've had to been before the mission because after. Well that attack is the one where Millie loses the squad she's been pretty much training & hanging around with. And like shuts herself off again except from a few people, one of which IS Leap (and then Si'dra and Broun and that's it). (Such a good Millie Moment btw. One of my favourites). But I would say that's much more of a 'let's get away from everything for a bit' kind of hangout not a 'hash out your grief' hangout. (Another aside but I am like. I mentioned this above but imagine if Leap had had a drive about this equiaxed community or something or even just the time to contact them (I think it just got lost with so much stuff going on. I know players can't follow every thread they are given and make choices but. Ooohhh well I'm just thinking about it).)
Like I really don’t think they’re the type of friends to talk about shit. There's since scene where Millie is like „Hey I'm bad at this stuff, but are we like, cool?“ that I love a lot. I love youuuu Millieeee. So they either don't do this OR it's very Rare and honestly mostly uncomfortable when they try (fun to me : D). And neither likes it all that much. So they‘re fine. It‘s fine. There’s so much going on all the time I’d rather just hang out with you and shoot the shit than get into Stuff. That type of deal.
So it's all of this BUT like... They're best friends. They DO care about each other (in whatever way they do or don't show that) & also continue to, I just think its complicated and weird, and that they grow apart a bit too! Expecially when Leap leaves and Millie stays, and then gets disillusioned with MB leadership, and then SHE leaves...
And I think. Well I'm of two minds on Leap asking Millie to come with when he leaves bc it's nice to think. Saying hey you have a place with me. Look I drew a comic about it once. I like that. But for me in the end the weird tension option wins out. And like she's a bit bitter about it. She wouldn't have come, not at the point that he left, before Valence died, before they got really fucked up in that Auspice mission and there was this kind of ideological split in the MB leadership. But he didn't offer in the first place, so it wasn't an option after she wanted to leave, either...
(There’s a line that’s like „I haven't been getting any better offers“ in PZN36 when Millie is agrees to leave with Broun et al and it made me go OH? (delighted). Like that has to be about MB generally too but. Well I can spin this. As a headcanon I do like to think maybe Millie visited Leap after leaving Oxbridge and then kind of wanted him to offer again & he didn't.) Because I think Leap is 1) practical type of guy and 2) just thoughtless sometimes and didn't ask because he thought well she's not coming we each have our own shit going on. Which makes sense then but also. Man!
(Just about Millie now) And after all that. The the whole shit in the finale. And her at the end of PARTIZAN... How much are you changed as a person after being kind of melded with the one True Divine and also being there when your rival (also a god) dissolves/comes as close to death as a divine possibly can? AND when someone you if not were expecially close to but worked with and got along and maybe admired died to help you get out? There’s a reason she left everything behind and ran and never stopped(well we don't know that. But. Well she's off somewhere doing something). Auh... Millie....
ALSO addition I don't wanna bother working in anywhere I think I'm jumping around too much already: I listened to Millies Pusher episode a while ago and Sylvi talked about Millie had trust issues briefly and I was so happy. Expecially when she & Austin were referring to Leap leaving Millie behind in the DESERT SQUIRE arc. And it's so fun because Millie clearly is mad at him for a bit after that but she just kind of chooses to get over it? (That's the scene where she approaches him like hey are we cool I mentioned earlier. And like wants assurance that they have each others backs, and she brings up Clem, etc.). That's where that belief I mentioned at the start comes from too, and it stays, since... I don't think THAT many beliefs get challenged in general, but Millie and Leap don't get there. And it's like... OK I actually still can't form a coherent sentence about this specific thing because the thing is Millie SAYS multiple times that Leap & she have each others backs and she acts like it, too (backing Leap up) and still with this in the back of her head. Millie as someone who wants better things for herself and isn't used to getting them in her life. There's something in my head I can't quite grasp & articulate. I don't know. It makes me think. It's why I wrote roughly 1900 words total here. I love her & anyways trust issues make sooo much sense for Millie in general ouhh I love to think about it. That's why Gucci et al (MB leadership) fucking up and letting the team down like that after the Auspce mission / Valence's sacrifice hits so hard and she goes back to leaving, just wanting to live a quiet life, claw your way out...
so. TL;DR
it's weird and they're close in certain ways but not others and they like to hang out and relax around each other and/or cheer each other up but also dont open up to each other
I love fraying and/or complicated friendships. I think fraying and/or complicated friendships are soooo fun
a little picture : )
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and lastly some fun stuff too. since you read everything else.
Millie sleeps at Leap's room sometimes either for a sleepover hangout type deal or when he's somewhere else & she just wants to sleep somewhere that's not... hm. In my mind she's sleeping in like a bunks-type situation you know like. How bedrooms for soldiers on a military vessel would probably be like. I'm not sure that's canon though. But you get the picture there it's a bit of peace and quiet
I dont know. the chost where Keith says Leap drinks any hot tea because he shows off by drinking boiling water keeps making me go show off to WHO. WHO is impressed by this and I'm not sure the answer is Millie but she'd probably at least think it's funny. So they do dumb bullshit. Like that's just canon I think they never stop throwing food but I think they get a lot better about it (not as in it's less annoying for everyone else but as in it's like a stupid party trick because they get really good at it)
re: that (showing off), they do the thing where you put your hand flat on a table and stab a knife between the fingers getting faster each time (I feel like this has to have a specific name?! Wikipedia just says knife game. alright) but to each other. And I think it goes almost very bad at least one or two times expecially because they also do this when they get drunk
Idk how good a job either does but they do wingman type stuff for each other for sure. I don't think Millie even needs it (she is a delight. And hot) but she probably also gets awkward and nervous sometimes & I'm going back to the same scene as before again sorry but after being like we're cool? she asks leap hey I'm about to talk to someone & I need you to pull me out if I start being strange. Which isn't quite the same as wingman-ing but it could get there. And I think Leap is confident that he says he doesn't need that but I also think he won't pass up a chance to by hyped up either. his ego...
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