absoluteaffirmative · 24 days
t-rexmittens —> absoluteafformative
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absoluteaffirmative · 1 month
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proud of this one ngl
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absoluteaffirmative · 1 month
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When you thought the murder streamer calling out his name wasn't following be like:
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
I think I would like N/Uzi more if it were a slow burn. To me, it just kinda seems like their relationship is super rushed, like they don’t really know each other SUPER well, y’know. And it also just seems like they’re a ship just for the sake of “oh we need the mains to be in love so they’re in love now”.
Also, I’ve seen BiscuitBite coined as a shipname, and I kinda like it better than Nuzi because I keep misreading it for something else ;-;
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
Kerfur OMEGA from votv
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
Out of pure curiosity and fun!
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
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kagamine len, with a curious spearmaster :3
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
dreamt that ppl were playing "dnd hard mode" which was just playing dnd by a pool and if you rolled a nat 1 the dm pushed you into the water
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
Crpytid Cave Unicorn. Friendly but will self defense stab. It can climb on walls like a fucking spider.
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
you are a cognito-hazard
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in spirit i am a 7th grade boy
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
I don’t think I’ve ever sent an ask here but I gotta say—
I absolutely adore your blog! The way all these posts are formatted, especially the posts that are more interweb/internet-themed. Despite the fact I’m an ‘06 kiddo, the years 2009-2012 hit so hard for me, despite the fact that I was hardly old enough to remember anything from those years lol-
Sorry ‘bout the random personal-sharing thingy, but what I really wanted to say was that you are so good at making all these posts stuffed-full of nostalgia.
i just found this december 2022 ask in my askbox i guess i just... never fucking saw it?? my apologies oh my god LOL
thank you tho, i'm glad i've managed to imbue them with it considering i basically feel no nostalgia at all. it seems for a lot of people though, weirdcore is primarily about nostalgia
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
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im just a big fan of silly, nonverbal, genderless, sometimes homicidal, feral little protagonists
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
I wish I had a tail
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absoluteaffirmative · 2 months
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The dog.
I made this animation a year ago but I'm still very happy with it so I'm gonna give it some new life! I'd love to remake this sometime, but that's gonna be a far away future project I think.
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