#but it turned out alright! especially for a first! im happy with it :)
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finished my dog's lil plushie and I couldn't stop dressing her up
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lovableapocalypse · 1 month
birds of a feather
benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
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wc- 900ish
warnings- none, i think!
a/n- season three fueled this lolol. i love benedict he's the best bridgerton and i stand by that. anywayyy here's a cute short fic. i hope you guys like. love u all. send any request you want! i need to start writing again. (also this is the first fic ive written/published in like 7 months so sorry if im rusty lolol.) also title inspired by billie's new song. ok bye love u.
Benedict was uncomfortable. He was trying his best to avoid the bustling mamas and crowded dance floor, but seemed to be swept in the middle of it all. He sought comfort in the refreshments table but even there his luck was thin. 
Tired of making horribly awkward eye contact with debutantes and failing to find any more of his siblings to hide behind, he shifted quickly out of the ball and into the quiet anteroom. Glancing over his shoulder and turning a corner, he bumped into a figure with an “Oomph.”
He recovered and caught the mysterious figure before they fell. 
“My apologies.” He spoke, helping who he now recognized to be a lady stand upright. 
You turned to face him more fully, caught off guard. “That’s alright.” You were partly breathless from the unexpected run in. 
It was just the two of you in the secluded room. “Hiding as well, I presume?” You spoke. 
Benedict laughed, “Yes.” 
You smiled in return. “It’s refreshing to know someone shares a similar distaste for these things at times.”
“Very much so.” He sighed and raised his brows, his hands finding his hips. 
You went to speak again, but heard heavy footsteps approaching from the crowded party. You looked to Benedict who seemed to read your mind, quickly grabbing your arm and shoving you two around the corner, flush against the wall. His hand stayed attached to your arm as you panted and tried your best to stay unnoticed. 
The footsteps faded and you glanced sideways at the Bridgerton as they did. Holding in your amusement was difficult and when you were sure it was safe to, you let out a laugh. Benedict, despite becoming somewhat flustered in your hasty escape, joined in your laughter. 
You sighed and rolled your head to glance at the man again. His smile was contagious and you were happy to have a moment alone with him. Even if it was improper in society’s eyes. 
Sighing you spoke, “I should probably return soon. Before my absence becomes anymore obvious.” 
“Is your attendance of great importance?” Benedict questioned. 
“I see.”
You smirked as he took in your appearance. “If you find your way back, I’d be happy to keep you company. Maybe everyone will keep their distance if we seem engaged thoroughly with one another.”
You watched his face as he contemplated your offer. He nodded slightly, agreeing. 
Only then did you realize he was still holding onto your arm. He glanced down as well, gently releasing you from his grasp. You peeled yourself off the wall and made your way back to the ball, but not before looking back once more and meeting his eyes. 
You felt your face flush as you reentered the extravagant event. It was nice to have shared a moment away from everyone. You greeted more people and quickly became engaged in dull conversation with guests, thrown right back into the chaos of the function. 
Benedict was still loitering in your previous hiding spot. He needed a moment. He was surprised to have found someone else avoiding the party as well. Especially a beautiful woman like yourself. 
Taking a deep breath and putting on a brave face, he made his return to the ball. His eyes cast around the room searching for you. He was happy to take you up on your offer and stick by your side for the rest of the night. He located you near the balcony and made his way. 
You were nodding your head along in distracted agreement when he interrupted. 
“I’m sorry to intrude,” he started, “but I’m afraid I owe the miss a dance.”
You smiled as you took Benedict’s outstretched hand, sending a half-hearted apology to the interrupted guest. He led you to the dance floor as a new song poured out of the ensemble’s strings. 
You followed his lead in a content silence, merely enjoying each other’s presence. He smiled down at you, leaning close in a whisper. “Where have you been all night? We could have avoided hiding all together if I had found you sooner.”
“I’m afraid more people wanted to converse with me than necessary. A bit annoying, truly.”
“Understandable. I was avoiding conversation myself when I snuck off.”
You smiled and he pulled you closer, enjoying the movement of your bodies. The song came to an end and you were disappointed in having to face the crowd again. Benedict held his arm out for you and you graciously accepted. 
“There you are!” 
You turned together and came face to face with Violet Bridgerton. 
“I was wondering where you two ran off to. Almost sent Anthony to find you until I spotted you on the dance floor.” 
“Ah, yes Mother.” Benedict answered. “We just needed a moment.”
She nodded in understanding before stepping closer, “Do I need to remind you this ball was thrown in your honor? I understand you two are newlywed, but please refrain from ditching your own party.”
You blushed and hid your face in Benedict’s shoulder.
“Yes, Mother.” He laughed. 
“Thank you.” She smiled and sent you her undeniable look of understanding. 
“We were not as sly as I hoped.” You mumbled. 
“Next time warn me before you run off so we can go together.” He added.  
Laughing, you faced him and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Of course, husband.” 
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leilanihours · 17 days
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pairing: kate martin x gf!reader
word count: 914
warnings: one or two suggestive comments from kate, nothing else
summary: kate has her priorities set when her team wins the final four game.
⭑ from lani: im so obsessed w kate rn so heres a short and kinda bad blurb i wrote in like half an hour
"AND THAT WILL do it, folks! the iowa hawkeyes secure the victory and will head over to the championship!"
you shoot up from your seat as soon as the buzzer goes off, screams filling your ears, signaling not only the end of the game, but also the end of an era.
being so close to the hawkeyes through your childhood best friend, caitlin, and your girlfriend, kate, you knew all too well what kind of pressure they were put under tonight.
they have all worked extremely hard to get to this moment, and they weren't planning on backing down anytime soon.
the arena is booming with a myriad of pumped up iowa fans and family, the energy unmatched.
you smile as you watch your girlfriend celebrate with her teammates in a huddle, her eyes welling with happy tears before she quickly makes her way out of the large hug. you try to follow her through the crowd with your eyes but lose track of the girl almost immediately.
you see caitlin getting handed the trophy, holding it proudly over her head and grin immensely. you had known caitlin since elementary school, and watching her work towards one of her biggest dreams makes your heart swell.
however, your eyebrows are furrowed as you try to relocate your girlfriend, who is currently no where to be found near her team.
you begin to make your way over to the girls to ask where she went but you are stopped when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
you're startled at first until you realize it's none other than the very same girl you were just looking for.
"hi," she whispers in your ear.
"kate!" you exclaim, turning around to properly hug her, "you did so good tonight, love, i'm so proud of you."
"thank you so much, baby, it was so much fun," you're both practically yelling now, as the volume in the gym overwhelms your voices.
she plants a loving kiss on your lips, which you graciously accept by placing your hands at the nape of her neck while hers rest on your waist. smiling into the kiss, both of you are entranced, finding solace in each other's arms despite the thousands of nosy fans and pressing photographers.
"you look so cute in my jersey," she mumbles into the kiss before pulling away to get a good look at you.
"it's your jersey that makes me look cute, trust me," you smile.
"nah i think you're doing all the heavy lifting. especially with these jeans 'cus, damn, you look sexy," she rasps in your ear as she places a swift slap to your ass.
"kate!" you warn, looking around to see if anyone caught the exchange, "you're insane."
"only for you, baby, only for you," she says as she leans in to place a kiss on your temple. the two of you tightly locked into a swaying hug, automatically melting away any and all stress that rested on either of your shoulders.
"wait," you pause, departing from the hug, "why aren't you with your team? they're all taking pictures with the trophy right now."
"mmm," she looks up in fake-thought, "i think i'd rather be here with you right now."
"kate, you need to go celebrate the win with your team!"
"do i? because knowing lisa, we'll practically be attached at the hip and sick of each other before the next game," she jokes.
"kate," you look at her expectantly.
"okay, fine, i'll go," she sighs, "but only if you come with me."
"what? i'm not even part of the team!"
"hey, you might as well be considering how much they all love you."
"they do love me, don't they?" you smirk teasingly.
"not as much as i do," she smiles.
"you're so corny tonight," you giggle, poking at her sides.
"alright, whatever, let's go take some pictures," she says, playfully pushing you away before coming right back to your side.
one of her hands comfortably rests on the small of your back, the other holding your shoulder to protectively guide you through the swarm of paparazzi and reporters.
as soon as the girls notice you and your girlfriend's presence, they race to hug you. you're barely able to express your excitement through their tight grasps, not even attempting to break away.
kate laughs as she watches you interact with her friends from the side, smiling longingly at you before caitlin jumps up from behind her and places their "final four champions" hat on her head.
she's about to speak when she notices her gaze settled on you dancing with gabbie and jada while the rest of the team is clapping and laughing.
"dude, you're so down bad," she laughs, placing an arm around her shoulders.
"man, get outta here!" she jokingly shrugs her off before pulling her over to celebrate with everyone else.
she rushes back over to your side and not once does she leave from her spot next to you, regardless of the pictures and videos that would be posted all over social media soon.
and let's just say that there were so many pictures and videos, including ones of moments you thought weren't captured - the most viral of which being when kate slapped your ass eagerly.
but neither of you cared, because right now, it was pretty hard to fight what had already been written in the cards for you two - the alchemy, if you will.
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ada7201 · 6 months
what do the blue lock boys do for you on valentine’s day?(╹◡╹)♡
Shidou, Rin, Sae, Kaiser x reader (seperate)
→ part 1 ⭢ part 2 ⭢ part 3 on the way!
gn! reader, google translated German for Kaiser’s part
don’t forget to suggest me things if you have any ideas! happy early valentine’s day (๑>◡<๑)
Shidou Ryusei
he gets you a TON of sweets (which he eats half of)
Sae once told him that love letters were a common thing for valentine’s day, so he tried to make you one.
it was a piece of paper, which was poorly folded and drowned pink glitter glue. he used scented gel pens to write a few “i love you’s” and smiley faces… it’s the thought that counts?
wrapped a ribbon around his neck and called himself your valentine’s gift.
decided it would be fun to wear your lipstick and kiss your cheeks - staining your skin with kiss marks
for lunch, he brought you to the park where you both played around, and afterwards sat down somewhere on the playground and munched on sweets (of your choice!)
the two of you watched those romance dramas together in the evening and fell asleep on an episode you weren’t paying attention to
“come on sweets, it’ll be fun!” Shidou whined, clinging onto your arm like a monkey, smushing his cheek against your shoulder as he pouted. why wouldn’t you let him do your makeup? “im great at makeup! you know that! i’ll do a special valentine’s day theme〜”
“Shidou- no!” you groaned, attempting to pry the taller man off of your arm. “you will not do my makeup, and that’s final!”
“fine…” Shidou sighed dramatically, letting go of you and falling to the floor in a pathetic manner. “guess you just hate me… and you’d even do this on valentine’s day?”
you huffed. he could be such a pain sometimes…
“alright, you can do my-“ your voice was cut off by Shidou’s big hand on your lips, a grin on his face.
“no need to talk more, bae - let’s get started…” he’d chuckle, almost evilly, before pulling out your makeup bag from the pocket of his sweatpants.
“how did you—?” you were cut off once again by his hand, and that stupid smile on his face.
“ah-ah,” he’d wiggle his pointer finger, before poking your cheek.
“let me do my magic!”
by the end of that hour, your face was decorated with sparkly stickers and hearts drawn in pink lipstick. your eyeshadow was almost terrifying, with the way it was so bright - brighter than Shidou’s eyes.
“perfect.” he’d giggle, hand on his mouth as he tried to hold back from full on cackling in your face.
surprisingly, Shidou isn’t bad at makeup - he just wanted to be a little silly for you on valentine’s day!
he posted a photo of you and your makeup, along with cute photos of the two of you throughout the day - like one of the heart engraved onto a bench with your initials, or maybe the photo of you sleeping peacefully with a bow stuck to your forehead - totally not Shidou’s doing!
he also baked with you - but it didn’t turn out great so you both decided to order takeout instead.
takeout wasn’t the most romantic meal, but it sure best whatever you both made…
Itoshi Rin
poor baby didn’t know what to do at first.
he spent a couple weeks planning and brainstorming ideas in his free time - even considering asking Isagi for advice.
instead of turning to that lukewarm freak, he chose to go with what he thought you’d like the most.
he bought you a sweet and simple bouquet, assorted with flowers of your favorite colours and type.
he wrote you a card, and got a plus he’d toy with it too.
he placed everything next to you in the morning, since he wakes up considerably earlier than you do.
when you woke up, you were pleasantly surprised with everything. thanks Rin!
when he got back home, he made the two of you some lunch.
he didn’t want to admit it, but he had been waiting to use the cute little heart plates you had bought especially for valentine’s day.
“this bowl is so cute!” you’d smile, admiring the pretty white plate decorated with pink and red hearts. “is this the one i got you valentine’s day?”
he simply nodded, placing down his plate - and sitting on the chair opposite you.
posted a photo of the two of you holding hands, along with a pretty sunset you both witnessed on your evening walk.
he definitely wasn’t too embarrassed to include the photo he took of your plates! he just wanted to be the only ones to see them
yes, he took you out on a walk in the evening - and when he noticed you shivering, he was quick to wrap his scarf around you and drape his jacket over your shoulders - not realising he just exposed himself and the pink shirt you had gotten him.
his face turned the same colour as his shirt! cute!
“Rin, why is your face so pink? are you getting cold?” you ask him, worried gaze focused on the way his cheeks were pink. “do you want your jacket back—?”
Rin quickly cut you off with a small peck, cheeks blushing even more after the small gesture.
“i was just… blushing.” he mumbles, looking away from you as a teasing smile made its way onto your face.
“aww, you were blushing〜”
Itoshi Sae
bought you a bouquet of purple roses.
purple roses mean love at first sight. <3
he also got you a matching set of earrings, a necklace, bracelet, and an anklet.
along with jewellery, he got you a piece of fancy clothing that he saw you eyeing. (example: dress, suit, button up, tie, skirt, and more! your decision)
got you a pack of cupcakes as a desert for lunch (or any yummy food if your choice)
he spent most of the day taking photos of you and admiring how beautiful you were - even with morning hair, even if you were still in your cheesy pyjamas matching that Sae got you, even if you had your face stuffed with sweets - you were beautiful and Sae wanted to capture that moment. (this is a regular occurrence, but was feeling it a bit more today!)
either takes you to a beautiful and expensive restaurant, or hosts one at home with candles lit nicely.
this valentine’s day, he chose to eat out with you - and brought you to one of the newest and most expensive restaurants in town.
“wow, Sae! this is really nice!” you smiled, placing your fork down next to your plate before looking up at Sae, who was sat opposite you.
“you deserve 10 times more.” he’d respond simply, shrugging off your words with a slight blush on his cheeks.
he watched the way your smile grew. cute.
could it be the perfect time?
“y/n.” Sae said, almost quietly - before pushing his chair back and standing up.
his slim fingers reached into the pocket of his nice dress pants - and you couldn’t help but feel your heartbeat quicken. what was he about to do?
“i have loved you since the first day i met you.” he started, hand wrapping around a small velvet box, before pulling it out of his pocket - he wasted no time on getting down on one knee, eyes looking up at the way you stared back down at him. “do you think that… you could make me even happier, and marry me?” he asks with a small smile on his face.
im sorry, but i definitely feel like he’s the type to propose on valentine’s day!
on the drive home, you had to remind him to her his eyes on the road because he kept admiring the pretty ring on your finger!
bought you another pair of cheesy pyjamas - this time, they were pink cat onesies.
he took so many photos of you and your cute little smile!
he posted a photo of your hand with the ring, being held by his
it took him a good 15 minutes to decide what photo to choose for the ring photo
along with the ring photo, he posted a picture of the two of you in your onesies, a photo of his hand on your thigh as you were both in his car - along with some others of the two of you having fun
Sae was stood in the jewellery shop, looking down at each glimmering ring in the display case.
his cheeks blushed as he imagined each one of them on your pretty hands, how could he ever choose?!
he just could not wait to hold your hand, and look down at the ring.
“um, Sir?” the accountant could ask, waving a hand in front of Sae’s face - who was currently spacing out and fantasising about holding your hand.
oh, guess he got caught up thinking about you.
just then, his eyes caught the most beautiful ring. he could practically see the happy face you’d make when he presents it to you!
he wasted no time pointing to the ring, neutral gaze looking back at the woman.
“i want that one.” he says flatly.
no woman other than you deserves to even look at him. how dare that saleslady even talk to him?
(this wasn’t on valentine’s day, but he practically danced out of the shop when he finally bought the ring)
Micheal Kaiser
how bold of you to assume he’d get you something?
he bought you a bouquet of blue roses (a little cliche, but you it’s his thing!)
like Sae, he bought you a lot of pretty jewellery.
got you the prettiest piece of clothing, one that would match an outfit he bought for himself.
he absolutely insisted that it was a coincidence.
for lunch, he brought you to a diner he knew you liked - but when you asked, oh you liked this place? he never knew!
made sure to show you off more than usual the whole day, saying things like “they’re the only person worthy of my love” and other egoistical love confessions, if you get what i mean
for dinner, the two of you dressed up in your matching outfits
he practically begged you to be able to do your hair. (he’ll never ever admit it though, not with his ego)
when you were both finally dressed, you went to a party that his team was hosting.
when the two of you got home, he basically fell asleep on you!
“i’m not falling asleep.” he’d huff, unconsciously nuzzling further into your stomach as her hugged your waist. he just … wanted attention.
“sure,” you’d tease, fingers threading through his hair gently. “is that why you’re cuddled up to me right now?”
“ruhig sein,” he’d huff. “or you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
ruhig sein = “be quiet” / “pipe down”
you simply giggle at his words, patting his head gently.
“i’m sorry.” you’d pout playfully, before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his forehead.
Kaiser had always loved being babied by you.
it was somehow… comforting?
posted a mirror selfie of the two of you, and maybe, just maybe, a photo of your cute smiling face - if i felt like it!
The next morning, Kaiser woke up to his phone buzzing constantly - and you clinging onto his side. he couldn’t help but bask in the glory of being so famous. he had a pretty person next to him in bed and his post has most likely gone viral once again.
he reached over to the side table and picked his phone up, u locking it quickly to read the comments left on his newest post - which was of the two of you yesterday.
“best couple!” “they’re made for each other.” “y/n looks so pretty!” “they’re matching!?”
was very excited to have so many compliments.
he realised that he gets a lot more when he posts photos of you
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hottpinkpenguin · 25 days
Tommy Shelby X Fem!Reader WC: 1380 Content warnings: PTSD, drug use, alcohol use, mentions of war Summary: When your brother, Daniel "Danny Whizz-bang" Owens, comes back a broken man from WWI, Tommy Shelby is the only one who seems able to put him back together. And the more Tommy helps your brother, the more you realize he's helping you, too. Author's Note: First time writing for the incomparable Tommy Shelby and the PB boys! Thoughts on a part 2, anyone??
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Nights like these made the dark parts of you wish that Daniel hadn’t come home from the War. Nights when he couldn’t remember your face, when he got so lost in the bottom of a bottle or the smoke of his pipe that even you couldn’t find him anymore. The brother Daniel was when he’d left in ‘14 hadn’t come home four years later. Most times, sunlight and a hard day’s work help him hide that fact well enough. Nighttimes were the hardest. Especially starless, rainy nights like this one. Something about the rain reminded Danny of the dark tunnels where his innocence had died. It’s always night in the tunnels, he told you. The sounds of his pathetic whimpering from the room next door fractured the ice you’d been forced to pack around your heart to keep life together. 
Yet, nights like these were the only times you saw Thomas Shelby. So, in some ways, nights like these made the darker parts of you grateful that Daniel was as broken a man as he was. You were certain that, if it weren’t for the destructive acts of “Danny Whizz-bang”, you wouldn’t be fortunate enough to have the second-eldest Shelby brother sitting in your kitchen, sipping tea. 
“You’re good to ‘im, you know.” 
You met Tommy’s eyes over the lip of your teacup as you took a sip of the bitter, bitingly hot liquid. His eyes were strikingly blue and steady. He regarded you evenly from the other side of your table, his expression guarded but not unkind. 
You smiled softly and sadly as you swallowed the hot tea, focusing on the way it seemed to melt through your chest.
“He’s my brother,” you replied matter-of-factly. “I love him. He’s not the same, but I won’t turn him out.”
You knew that’s what Tommy was getting at. You were good to Danny because you hadn’t turned your back on him, despite his broken parts. Most men who’d come back from the War with cases of shell-shock as bad as Danny’s had been turned out by their families. In some cases, it was because of embarrassment. Sometimes it was purely for safety. In your case, you were both ashamed and afraid of Danny’s fits, so you couldn’t say for sure why you hadn’t told him to leave. You wanted to believe that it was because of compassion, as you were happy to let Tommy believe. But there was a gnawing guilt deep in your gut that suggested other, more self-serving motives. 
The sound of Tommy’s teacup clinking into the saucer dragged you out of the downward spiral of your own thoughts. 
“More tea?” you asked, wondering if Tommy could hear the hopeful edge in your voice. He nodded gratefully, and you poured him another serving. He pulled out a cigarette from his jacket pocket and lit it, the glow from the match casting his handsome face in sharp shadows. You busied yourself with pouring yourself a second cup as well, if only to distract yourself from staring. 
A particularly sharp yelp of terror from Danny’s bedroom set your nerves clanging. You nearly dropped the kettle on the floor as you stood, reflexively, and hurried towards the barely ajar bedroom door. You heard Tommy’s strong, sure footsteps behind you. 
From the other side of the door, you could hear Danny sobbing in his bed. You’d left all the lamps burning brightly in his room to dispel the darkness that tormented him. He was curled under the covers, laying on his side and rigid. 
“Danny?” you called quietly. He jumped at the sound. You pushed open the door, gently so as not to slam it against the wall. 
“Danny, it’s me. It’s your sister. You’re alright, Danny. You’re home.”
It never mattered what you said. It was the sound of another voice that dragged Danny out of his reveries. Surely, as the words kept flowing, you saw Danny’s tight muscles begin to unwind. 
“It’s OK, Danny. You’re safe. Home in Birmingham. This is your room. And Mr. Shelby is here, too.” 
Tommy was no stranger to the scene before him, and he picked up on your cue easily. He stood behind you, so close you could smell his cigarette and the twang of whiskey on his breath as he spoke. 
“They’re gone, Danny. No more tunnels. No more Germans. The War is over.”
Danny rolled over in his bed, his eyes wide but focused. He honed in on Tommy like a moth to a flame. You could hardly blame him: the deep tone and firm, unhurried cadence of Tommy’s voice reminded you of ocean waves. Undeniable, strong, and magnetic. 
“Mr. Shelby-”
“It’s alright, Danny. Just rest now.” 
Tommy never let Danny talk to him when he was like this. You had never asked him why - you didn’t dare to - but you suspected it was because Thomas Shelby didn’t want to be reminded of the things that haunted Daniel Owen’s nights. In fact, if you’d been a betting woman, you’d have guessed that the same horrors stalked Tommy’s dreams. There were dark pools in the back of Tommy’s eyes sometimes that reminded you of the way Danny looked when he got like this. 
“Yes, Mr. Shelby.”
Danny nuzzled down under the covers, his eyes darting to you in questioning. Finally convinced of his lucidity, you stepped forward to tuck your brother into bed. You bent over and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, dabbing away the sweat that had beaded there with the hem of your sleeve. 
“Rest now, Danny Boy,” you whispered, using the name your mother had called him. Danny’s eyes drifted shut, and exhaustion took him quickly. He didn’t sleep well these days, and as the clock in your kitchen heralded the arrival of 3am, tonight was quickly shaping up to be a similarly wasted venture. 
With Danny calmed, for the moment at least, you followed Tommy’s retreat out of the bedroom. The lamps still burned merrily, burning through the precious oil you struggled to purchase at a rate comparable to the demand generated by Danny’s nightmares. Once his bedroom door had been pulled almost shut, only a sliver ajar, Tommy spoke again. 
“I should be off, y/n. It’s quite late.” 
You hated nights like these, and most of all this part of the night. The part when Thomas Shelby left. 
You didn’t trust yourself not to beg him to stay, so you bit down on your lip and said nothing. You watched as Tommy gathered his hat and wool coat from the coat rack next to your apartment door. He turned back to you, his eyes shining like pools of clear springwater. 
“Thank you for the tea,” he offered with a gracious, half-bow. So genteel and gallant. 
“Tommy, this bitter excuse for tea is the least I can offer, and you know that. Please stop thanking me for it.” It sounded bitter and outside of convention, but you meant every word. Thomas Shelby had saved your brother’s life in the War, and he continued to save it on a daily basis. The work that Tommy supplied to Danny through the Peaky Blinders gave your brother the only sense of purpose that he’d found after coming home. And Tommy’s steadfast guidance on nights like these was no small feat. You knew Danny loved you, and after almost 3 years, you’d learned how to handle your brother’s shell-shock, but Tommy had an effect on him that even booze and opium couldn’t replicate. Tommy grounded Danny. To say nothing of the effect Tommy had on you. 
As if to underscore the point, Tommy let out as close to a smile as you’d ever seen as he donned his hat. The sight made your heart twirl between your ribs like a little girl around a maypole. 
“It’s never a bad thing to express gratitude, even for humble gifts,” he replied easily. “And I am grateful.” The sincerity with which he delivered these last words silenced any retort you might have had. You could only smile back as he turned and showed himself out your front door into the dingy hallway. You didn’t close the door fully until Thomas Shelby’s footsteps had fully faded in the stairwell and down the cobbled street outside… 
**if I write a p.2 and you want to be tagged, shoot me a message!
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brooooswriting · 8 months
Hi!! I love your writing, so how about prompt 9 and 16 with Nat?
9. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s someone in our house”
16. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF”
A/n: my first prompt writing, let me know what you think :)
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You were laying in bed with your head on your girlfriends pillow and your guys cat curled up to you. Natasha was on a mission for the last two weeks and there were one and a half more to come. You hated it when she was gone, especially since you guys moved into such a secluded house, it felt extremely lonely there. But you loved the fact that your girlfriend was saving the world so you never said anything. It was around 2 a.m. now and you just couldn’t fall asleep, you tossed and turned around until Liho came and lays down next to you.
You were about to doze off when you heard a crack making you jump awake again. It was loud enough to be on the inside and you were 100% sure that you closed all the windows which meant that it couldn’t have been the wind. Another sound was heard from the first floor making you jump again before turning to the cat. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s somebody in our house” you mumbled to the blob of black fur next to you but only received a purring as a reply. “Great to hear that you’re also concerned” you rolled your eyes before standing up to investigate where the sound was coming from.
With your phone in hand you waddled downstairs, turning every light on that you had passed. Your phone was on call mode, Natasha contact already open, just in case. It was kinda funny to you how your first instinct was always calling her, not the police or Tony, who lived like 8 minutes away when he flew with his suit and was currently home. No, it was her because you only felt save when she was there.
You looked around and went through almost all the rooms but there was nobody. “Well, I guess it was my imagination then. Right?” You whispered to yourself. You decided to drink some water while you were already in the kitchen. With your back towards the door you looked outside the window, watching how the wind blew through the trees and a sense of calmness overtook you.
At least until you felt an arm around your waist. You immediately let go of the glass and yelped as you started to hit around yourself. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF” you screamed once you felt yourself being turned around. Terrible scenarios building in your mind as you cried out for them to let you go. As soon as you were turned the grip on you disappeared and you felt the person take a step back.
“It’s alright, it’s okay. It’s just me love” The moment you heard the voice you calmed down, taking a moment to breath before doing anything. It was the moment you also noticed that you had tears streaming down your face. She repeatedly mumbled reassuring phrases until you started to talk.
“You asshole! I thought somebody was going to kill me” you whisper screamed at her, hitting her with the kitchen towel that was behind you. She couldn’t help but giggle as you kept on hitting her with the fabric.
“Im sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that bad. But it was kinda funny” she grinned and hugged you tightly, her hand rubbing your back while yours wrapped around your neck.
“Why are you here already?” You asked into her neck, your hand playing with the back of her shirt.
“What? Not enough time to hide your side chick?” She laughed as she squeezed your waist, making clear that she was joking. “We found the suspect sooner and I couldn’t wait to come home. Steve snores like 10 men” you giggled before placing a kiss on her neck.
“I’m happy you’re back, I really am but I’m so tired” you sighed and placed the side of your head on her shoulder. The next thing you let out was a yelp as your girlfriend picked you up and carried you up the stairs and placed you on the bed. “Thank you” you mumbled with a small smile as you went under the blanket.
You watched as the redhead greeted the cat before changing into some sleepwear. “Now move over, I gotta cuddle my girl. You’ve had her for the last two weeks” she said to Liho and poked his belly making him stand up and lay on your other side. “Thank you very much” you couldn’t help but laugh at their antics.
“I’m so happy you’re back” you whispered as you nearly laid on top of her.
“I’m happy to be back too” she placed a couple of kisses on your lips as her hand rubbed your bare back. You chased after her lips making her smile but keep kissing you nonetheless.
“I love you, but if you ever scare me like that again you’re sleeping on the couch”
“Yes ma’am”
“Good, now give a kiss and then cuddle me”
“Yes ma’am” you kissed again before you turned to your side so she could spoon you.
“I love you too by the way” she kissed the back of your neck before turning off the light to let you sleep.
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megalony · 4 months
Look After You- Part 2
Thank you all for the lovely feedback on the first part of my Buck x reader x Eddie series, I hope you will all like this next part. Any comments are always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: (Y/n) has to go on restricted duty at the station when she's pregnant. But it's not as easy as it looks, especially when she starts to feel unwell.
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A wide grin spread across Evan's face and he dumped his bag down along with his shoes by the side of the door before he reached his hands out in front of him. He held his arms out and let Chris run into him at full speed, giggling in his ear as he clearly found something very amusing.
"Hey, how was school, did you have a good day?" He leaned back up and pulled Chris with him, holding him against his chest as he took a few steps into the hall.
"Good, look. Look!" The excitement was clear in Chris's voice and he leaned back and held out the photograph in his hand that Evan hadn't noticed a few seconds ago.
He made his way into the living room, holding Chris easily in one arm while he gently took the photo from him and held it up to see what it was. A wave of anticipation and surprise flooded Evan's veins when he realised what the black and white photograph was.
The scan photo.
(Y/n) had today off and Eddie had been on the night shift while Evan was on the early shift today. Their mix-matched shifts meant that Eddie had the time to go to (Y/n)'s scan with her today, whereas Evan had to go to work. He wasn't impressed at missing the scan. Evan wanted to be there, he wanted to see their baby appear on the screen and hear the heartbeat and see for himself and make sure everything was alright.
He didn't care what kind of looks they would get if both he and Eddie turned up at the scan and had to say that this was a poly relationship and this child was both of theirs. But Evan was hoping to go to the next appointment.
"Ah, you got the photo for me. What you reckon, baby brother or sister, hm?" Evan carefully eased Chris down to his feet and watched him slump on the sofa with a grin and turn the tv back on.
"Brother. Dad's not happy."
Unease rattled through Evan as he shrugged his coat off and did a quick glance around. He couldn't see either of his partners. He looked back down at the photo and traced his thumb across the grey image that was his baby.
"Don't know, he slammed the door." Chris brushed his hand against his nose before he reached out for the games control so he could set up the tv to play a game. He couldn't understand why two of his three parents came home unhappy, but he knew his dad wasn't pleased when he slammed the front door and then the bedroom door.
With a nod of his head, Evan ruffled Chris's hair and headed out the living room towards the kitchen. He smiled softly when he noticed another scan photo was pinned on the fridge. That meant this copy was for Evan, he could put it in his wallet later.
"Hi sweetheart," Evan reached his arm out and reeled (Y/n) into his chest when she walked down the hall. He pressed a kiss to her temple and kept her tucked up into his chest as he moved into the kitchen and tugged (Y/n) with him. He felt her arms cocoon around his chest and her face tucked into his chest making him smile against the top of her head.
He tucked the picture in his back pocket and leaned into the fridge to grab a drink while he stayed curled around (Y/n).
"Good shift, baby?"
"Hm, not too bad really. So, how'd it go? Don't keep me in suspense."
Evan leaned his hips back against the counter and placed the beer bottle down behind him before his hands grabbed at (Y/n)'s hips. He slipped his hands into the waistband of her jeans and tugged her between his legs until her hands fell on his chest and she smiled softly.
Her eyes trailed down to her stomach when Evan curved his hand round and pulled the hem of her shirt up so his fingers could dance over her stomach. She didn't quite have a bump yet, but her shape was beginning to change and (Y/n) knew both her boys were just dying to see a bump start to form.
"It was good-"
"Good? You call that appointment good?" Sarcasm dripped from Eddie's voice as he walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter across from them. He arched his back out and folded his arms over on the side as his brows rose and he looked at (Y/n) with something close to a glare.
Unease washed over Evan and his hands slipped out her jeans and moved to cup her hips again. He darted his eyes between them both, waiting impatiently for someone to tell him what that comment implied. If something bad happened at the appointment, one of them would have called Evan, even if he had been at work.
"What does that mean? Did something happen?" Evan didn't like the silence he was met with, or the way (Y/n) curved her arms around his waist and tilted her head into his chest to hide herself away. "Come on, someone tell me what happened."
Eddie pushed off the counter and cocked a hip to the side, one hand on his waist while the other arm stayed leaning on the counter.
"Do you want the bad news, or the bad news?"
"Eddie!" (Y/n) pressed her cheek into Evan's chest and glared at her partner, scowling as she hissed his name with daggers shooting his way. He couldn't say something like that and panic Evan, it wasn't fair. And she didn't want to have this conversation like this because it wasn't easy. Eddie had barely spoken to her since they came home and now he was taking this conversation into his own hands.
"Since her first appointment, she's started to lose weight instead of putting any on. And her blood pressure is going through the roof."
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach and her fingers tightened into Evan's back when she felt him stiffen in front of her. His hands squeezed her hips and he leaned back until (Y/n) finally relented and looked up at him through hooded lashes.
"You've lost weight? Baby, you're supposed to do the opposite." Evan's jaw clenched and his lips pursed when (Y/n) looked back down at his chest and leaned her forehead on his sternum.
He could feel her breaths start to run away without her and pant into his shirt and it made his hands tighten around her hips. Evan didn't want her to panic or get upset but this wasn't a good situation to be in. She couldn't start to lose weight when she was supposed to be gaining weight and eating more than this. They both knew (Y/n) still wasn't eating properly because of her morning sickness, but Evan didn't think it was this bad.
"If we can't get her to eat properly within the week, she has to go into hospital for observation."
The way Evan tensed up and let go of (Y/n) made her flinch and she coiled her arms to her chest when Evan moved his hands to grip the counter behind him and he stared down at her. Was she really this ill? Was she really getting bad enough for them to think about admitting her to hospital?
"I'm not that ill-"
"Babe, if you don't manage to eat anything we won't have a choice. You could lose the baby if you keep deteriorating like this-" Eddie stopped talking the moment he saw tears begin to flush down (Y/n)'s face. He watched the way she began to tremble but it was the small, almost silent whimper passing through her wobbling lips that made Eddie flinch.
"I- I can't help it…" (Y/n) couldn't, she wasn't doing this on purpose. She couldn't help the fact that her morning sickness was starting to overtake everything else. Any food started to come back up with vengeance and anything she tried to drink didn't stay down for long.
The midwife said it was dangerous for her to start losing weight like this and with her blood pressure being consistently high and her food and fluid intake being low, she was in the danger zone. She had an appointment for next week and if her levels were still low, she would be admitted onto a ward until she could start to eat consistently and perk back up.
"Mi amor… that's not what I'm saying but we can't carry on like this. You're not telling us when you're throwing up, I didn't know you hadn't eaten for two days straight, you can't hide that from us."
"Two days? Jesus baby- fuck. Baby you have to let us look after you." Evan reached back out for (Y/n) and curled his hands around her hips when she pushed forward into Eddie's chest.
She didn't want either of them to be mad at her. Her hands shook against Eddie's chest which made him feel worse and he curled his arms around her, tightly squeezing her into his chest. His lips pressed to the top of her head but when his eyes locked with Evan, the panic was clear in them. They couldn't let her get any worse than this or she would end up in the hospital which none of them wanted.
"I don't, I don't wanna lose another baby."
"We won't let that happen, mi amor."
Neither Eddie or Evan wanted to think back to that time just over a year ago. They didn't want to remember that night when Eddie went into the bathroom at midnight and found (Y/n) collapsed on the floor. Evan couldn't forget the panicked phone call he got saying Eddie had ferried Chris to his Abuela and taken (Y/n) down to the hospital.
By the time Evan got there, (Y/n) was on a drip and a blood transfusion and he had to be told she'd suffered a miscarriage. None of them knew she had been pregnant.
(Y/n) didn't want to feel that pain again. She didn't want to stay in hospital for a week with an infection and then develop sepsis. She didn't want the pain of going home knowing she'd lost a child she had no idea about. And (Y/n) knew about this baby. She had seen a sonogram and heard the heartbeat, her heart was already attached to this baby. A piece of her and her boys.
She couldn't lose another baby, but she didn't know what to do when she tried so hard and nothing seemed to work.
She tried taking complan shakes but she threw them up. She tried eating fruit or sugary foods and tried to drink as much as she could. Every hour she forced herself to drink a glass of juice or water or pop but nothing stayed down for long.
"Is the baby okay?" Evan kept his voice quiet and directed his question over to Eddie because he could see (Y/n) was starting to shut down. His lips pressed to the back of her head while his hands slowly smoothed up and down (Y/n)'s arms and shoulders.
"Luckily. I'm gonna get a few IVs from inventory and hook her up to them tomorrow. We've been given anti-sickness tablets, vitamins, and high protein and fibre shakes. The cupboards full so we'll have to see if any of them work this week."
Eddie had come home looking like he had robbed the pharmacy. He had two boxes of anti sickness tablets that (Y/n) had to take three times a day so she could try and eat meals. She had vitamins to take every morning, folic acid tablets to have once a day. And some prescribed complan shakes that couldn't be bought over the counter. They were specially made up of fibre and protein and more supplements to try and perk (Y/n) up and make her keep her weight instead of lose any.
If they worked, (Y/n) would have them on prescription every month and she could start to get better. If they didn't, she would be in hospital.
"Come on, you need to start them now before we try and eat." Eddie kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head before he slowly untangled from her and weaved around behind Evan.
They would be eating dinner soon and (Y/n) needed her meds up to an hour before she ate so her stomach could settle and the meds could get in her system. Eddie was praying this worked. He didn't want to think of the alternative if this didn't go well.
"Jesus." Evan's eyes narrowed when he looked over at the bag Eddie got down from the cupboard.
(Y/n) leaned back into Evan's chest when he moved over and pressed his hips back against the counter near the stove. He curved his arms around her waist and held her against his chest with his chin perched on top of her head. Both of them watched Eddie scan through the boxes and try to sort them out. When it came to medicine, they let Eddie organise and sort everything out, it was much easier that way.
"Okay… two anti-sickness tablets, and you can have the vitamins now and start the acid tablets in the morning."
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach and she clenched her hands down on Evan's wrists when she watched Eddie place the meds into one of Chris's small plastic medicine cups.
Tablets didn't seem to stay down at the moment; nothing (Y/n) tried to take would stay down for very long.
"Can you crush them?" She might have a better chance of keeping them down if they were crushed. Then they would get into her system faster and dissolve quicker so (Y/n) had less chance of throwing them back up and it might make it easier to eat dinner.
But her face dropped when Eddie shook his head. "They're slow release mi amor. Try take them with one of the protein shakes."
Eddie opened one of the bottles and handed it across to (Y/n) with the little cup of tablets. He leaned his hip against the sink and folded his arms over his chest as he and Evan watched her closely. The anticipation was clear on their faces and in the way they took slow, deep breaths. They were hoping this would work. They all were.
Tentatively, (Y/n) sniffed the drink but her throat tensed and her nose crinkled when the smell of strawberry flooded her nose.
It didn't smell appealing.
It tasted better than it smelled, but it didn't go down well. It felt like cooling metal sliding down her stomach and it settled heavy within the first few seconds. Some foods tasted normal to (Y/n) and she tried to eat but even if it was good or smelled appealing, she threw it up anyway because her body wasn't accepting anything and she couldn't understand why or change it around.
She downed another mouthful and had the vitamin first but her foot began tapping against the floor when her stomach rotated.
With a grimace, (Y/n) chugged down the two anti-sickness tablets and a large gulp of the protein shake before she put the bottle down and tried to hold her breath and see if it made her feel better.
"Don't they do the soluble emmetics?" Evan's lips pressed to the back of (Y/n)'s head when he could see she was struggling.
"Not over the counter," Eddie pulled at his lower lip and scratched his hand down his chin. Soluble emmetics were given at the hospital through IVs and monitored closely. They didn't serve them through the pharmacy, not even on prescription. But they were going to have to get something else if (Y/n) couldn't keep these down.
(Y/n) slammed the back of her hand forcefully against her mouth as she gagged and closed her eyes. Tilting her head back into Evan's shoulder to try and stop herself from throwing up.
She wasn't letting herself get any worse than this. She would keep the tablets down and make herself eat. Somehow. She wasn't going back to hospital.
"Hey Eds, what's up?" Evan turned the radio down and leaned his elbow against the window as he slouched back in the driver's seat. He let his eyes glance to his phone clipped next to the steering wheel where Eddie's icon popped up on the screen.
He couldn't help but smile at Eddie's rather precise timing. Evan had just finished taking Chris out for a drink before he dropped him off at a friend's house for tea.
"Hey, is (Y/n) with you?"
"With me? No. I've just dropped Chris off at Adam's house, she should have left by now." Evan had been out the house for a few hours now, doing odd jobs with Chris and dropping him off. He hadn't seen (Y/n) since he left home and she was on shift this afternoon so she should have already gone by now. She didn't tag along with Evan because she knew she would have to get ready for work.
"No, Buck she's not here, she's late and she isn't answering the phone. Do me a favour and check if she's coming in or not. I can tell Cap she needs another day off if she needs me to."
Evan ran his hand over his face before he clicked the indicator on and turned a sharp right corner. He thought the house would be empty, which was why he had been about to make his way to Maddie's house to see her. Evan didn't like being home by himself.
But he would gladly swing by home and check in on (Y/n). She had cancelled her last shift and Bobby said it was fine if she needed to cancel or swap her shifts around. But she wasn't answering the phone and Eddie didn't know if she was running late or if she had decided not to come in today.
"Alright, I'm almost home I'll ring you back and let you know."
"Thank you."
Evan said a quick goodbye before he ended the call and turned to pull up in the drive.
(Y/n)'s car was still here. She hadn't left yet. Either she was taking the day off or she was just running late, but that didn't settle well with Evan. In the four years he had known (Y/n), he had never known her to be late for work. She turned up early whether there was a raging storm outside or whether she looked like she was on death's door. Being late wasn't something she knew how to do.
He locked the jeep and headed up to the door, jingling his keys as he unlocked the door and headed inside. The tv was playing an old music channel, but when Evan walked through the hall, he couldn't see her.
"Babe? Baby, you okay?" He wandered down the hall towards the bedroom but he paused in front of the bathroom when he noticed the light was on and the door was slightly ajar. "Baby?" He rapped his knuckles on the door before he pushed it open.
His blood ran cold when he stepped inside. Goosebumps prickled on his flesh and a cold shiver ran beneath the surface of his skin when he locked his eyes on (Y/n).
She was curled up on the floor in front of the toilet, both arms slumped around the toilet bowl and her head was limp on her arm. Evan could see tears soaked into her face and as soon as her blurry eyes set on him, he watched her lower lip begin to wobble before she started to whimper.
"Baby what happened?"
Evan let his knees crash down to the tiled floor and he carefully cupped (Y/n)'s face in his hands and lifted her head up so he could look her over. His thumbs smoothed beneath her eyes and wiped away the tremendous tears that started to fall when she looked up at him.
His eyes narrowed and his thumb swiped across her lower lip which he pulled down while he leaned forward. Her lips were chapped and broken. When he moved his hand to press his palm against her forehead, Evan could feel she was burning up and her skin was flushed with sweat.
"T-three drinks, and my m-meds…" (Y/n) nudged her nose against Evan's wrist before she looked over towards the toilet until he understood.
She'd thrown up all the meds she had taken this morning and the drinks she had tried to take to bulk herself up ready for her shift. She thought if she managed to drink something, she might last on shift and be okay until she came home in the morning. But everything she had, she threw up and now she was feeling the effects.
(Y/n) hadn't managed to keep her dinner down or her tea last night. She couldn't stomach breakfast and she had thrown up the slice of toast she tried to have for lunch today.
"Oh baby, just hang in there for a minute, okay?"
Evan kissed her burning temple before he pushed up and moved to the bathroom cabinet. He found the thermometer and blood pressure cuff before he knelt back down beside her and slipped the cuff up her arm. (Y/n) didn't grumble or protest, she just let her head flop back onto her other arm while the band tightened around her bicep until spots danced in front of her eyes.
Her vision blacked out for a few seconds but she could see the colours starting to come back once Evan pressed the thermometer in her ear.
(Y/n) tried to lift herself up but as soon as she was sat up, her head started to spin and the headache behind her eyes got worse. She flopped forward, barely hearing Evan hiss her name as he reached out for her. His hands grappled with her arms and he slumped her body into his chest and tucked his chin on top of her head while he fished his phone out his pocket.
"Hey Buck, is she coming in?"
"Eddie, I'm taking her to the emergency room."
"What? Why?" The panic was evident in his voice and Evan winced at Eddie's pitch. It sounded like he was on speakerphone with how loud he was talking.
"She's dehydrated, like, thrown everything up and all her meds. And her BP's crashing, it's eighty over seventy."
Evan had been expecting a high blood pressure reading, but with everything (Y/n) had thrown up, her body was starting to go into shock. She was trembling horribly against Evan's chest and she was barely conscious. Her blood pressure was dropping fast and if they didn't level it out soon, it would take a toll on her heart.
"Shit. Go and I'll meet you down there. Try and keep her awake and get some water or something down her."
As soon as the call ended, Evan shoved his phone in his pocket and curved his arms around (Y/n) to hoist her up. "Alright baby, up we go." He didn't like the way (Y/n)'s head limply flopped against his shoulder or the shaking that started to make his arms tremble around her.
"I'm s-sorry."
"What're you talking about, baby? I don't wanna hear that, you've got nothing to be sorry about." His lips pressed to her burning forehead as he headed down the hall and made his way out towards the jeep.
There was no reason for (Y/n) to be apologising to him, she hadn't done anything wrong. This wasn't her fault. She hadn't orchestrated this or planned it or prayed for something like this to happen and Evan hated seeing her crying helplessly in his arms like this.
He tried to be careful and ease (Y/n) down into the passenger seat and when her head lolled to the side, Evan gripped her chin and pushed her head back up. He tugged on her chin until she looked over at him through squinted eyes.
"Stay awake, baby or we'll both be in big trouble with Eds, got it?"
(Y/n) hummed and tried to blink to refocus her vision. She let her head slump forward onto Evan's shoulder when he leaned around her to pull her belt across and she felt him kiss her temple before he shut the door and moved to get into the driver's seat.
She barely heard him demand 'drink' while he placed a water bottle in her hand that he had lying around in the door pocket. But two sips had (Y/n) leaning forward, spluttering the water back out. And her hand started to shake so badly water trickled down her wrist and her fingers pinched and crumpled the plastic.
She dumped the bottle down in the cup holder and curved her arms around her stomach, groaning at the pain. Her stomach was tied up in knots, aching and burning, desperate for the sensation of eating something even though her body was going against her. The back of her throat was on fire and the acid burned on her tongue from throwing up everything from water to bile.
A groan tumbled past her lips and she tilted her head forward, binding her arms tighter around her waist as horrid tremors started to tear through her and she began to gag. There was nothing left to throw up but she couldn't stop even as she coughed and gasped for air.
Evan wasn't surprised to see that Eddie had reached the hospital before him. It was closer to the station and Bobby would have sanctioned Eddie leaving his shift early once Eddie explained what was happening.
He could see his partner stood on the side of the pavement, both hands on his hips and one foot tapping madly against the floor like he was drumming a beat and getting rid of the excess energy rattling through his body. The moment Eddie's eyes clocked the familiar jeep, he jogged forward and followed as Evan pulled up in the closest space he could get to the emergency room.
He was barely out the door before Eddie reached the passenger side and flung the door open.
His hands reached in for (Y/n) and he nudged her to sit back up in the seat with his hands clamped down on her neck so he could assess her. Eddie's thumbs pulled down her eyelids so he could look around her eyes before he did the same to her lips, seeing they were pale and discoloured on the inside and her lips were cracking from dehydration.
"Eddie," (Y/n) tried her best to smile and scrunched her fingers into his shirt when she realised it was him leaning over her. She saw the way his worried lips fluttered up into a tight smile and he pecked her cheek before he looped his arms around her waist.
"Come here, mi amor. Let's take you inside," His hands firmly gripped her lower back around her hips and he leaned her weight onto his chest as he slid her down from the seat.
Her legs trembled and buckled but Eddie held her up and shuffled backwards until he was back on the pavement.
"Let me carry you-" His shoulders tensed and he winced when (Y/n) started to cry. She shook her head and he quickly realised she had noticed where they were.
She didn't want to go to hospital. She didn't want to be back here again. (Y/n) only came to the emergency room when they were dropping patients off in the ambulance. (Y/n) didn't want to be back here for herself. The last time she came here was when she had stumbled inside with Eddie wrapped around her, trying to stop her hyperventilating when she started to bleed out in the car.
She came here because she had a miscarriage and (Y/n) didn't want to do that again. She could remember the pain she felt when she came here, and now one of her boys had to stay with her every day because she started to deteriorate.
She got a horrible infection that left her delerious and drowsy and when she got sepsis, her kidneys had started to lose function. (Y/n) had been extremely lucky to recover quickly from sepsis and have her infection clear up before it got any worse.
The last time she went into the emergency room, she didn't come back out for almost two weeks.
"No, E-Eddie p…please, no-" (Y/n) tried to pull out of his arms but she soon realised Eddie was the only thing keeping her upright. And when she pulled back, her knees caved in and she crashed down to the pavement.
Her hands scraped along the gravel as she tried in vain to turn herself around and move back towards the car. She wanted to go home. She wanted someone to look after her at home, not here. Hospital was where she got the infection and lost the baby.
She wanted to stay at home with an IV. That had made her feel so much better last week when she had fluids straight into her system that way and although it wasn't an alternative or a good long term solution, (Y/n) wanted to do that. Just until she got get her morning sickness under control.
"Sorry baby girl, but we have to." Before she could stop him or had chance to shuffle away, Evan reached down and scooped her up. He lifted her up and leaned her on his shoulder with her head slumped down on his back and her knees imbedded into his lower stomach.
His arm locked around the back of her thighs like an iron bar and he swiftly followed Eddie down the path before Eddie reached his arm out towards a paramedic climbing down from an empty ambulance. He knew it looked a lot like they had suddenly kidnapped (Y/n), but they didn't have any other choice. She wasn't helping them and she needed to get seen by a doctor before something bad happened to her.
"Excuse me- we need help."
The woman glanced at them with a very perplexed, worried look until she looked Eddie up and down and realised he was wearing a fire department uniform. That seemed to count for something because she nodded to her partner and waved towards the gurney.
"Baby- no, baby please. We're trying to help you." Evan laid (Y/n) down on the gurney with great difficulty and once she was laid on her back, he grabbed her wrists. He held them as tightly as he could and pinned her arms into his chest while he leaned over the side of the gurney as (Y/n) wriggled and pulled her knees up to her stomach.
"She's fifteen weeks pregnant with severe morning sickness, she's dehydrated and BP's plummeting. She can't even keep anti-emmetics down."
"This way." The paramedics both wheeled the gurney through the ambulance entrance into the emergency room, bypassing the usual reception and waiting room since (Y/n) was now a priority case. They headed down a long corridor with Eddie on one side and Evan on the other, doubled over the gurney like he was trying to climb on top of it with (Y/n)'s arms against his chest.
"It's only immediate family through here, you can wait through there in reception."
Evan's eyes darted up from (Y/n) to Eddie when the other medic pointed at Eddie and motioned towards the corridor leading to reception. They were about to go into a restricted area for emergency consultations and treatment. Not many people were allowed down here and she clearly thought Eddie was on duty and Evan was the loved one since he was holding (Y/n) down on the gurney.
"We're her partners."
"Both of you?" The medic looked between them with an odd glance as she swiped her keycard over the door to open it.
"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Evan's tone was as sharp as a razor and his eyes were full of anger. He would fight her if she dared try and tell him one of them had to wait out here. They weren't leaving (Y/n) alone when she needed them both and she didn't like hospitals. They were going to make sure she was okay and got looked after. No one was getting in their way.
"Right this way."
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117luv · 8 months
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flowers for you
genre: fluff, established relationship
warnings: none
pairing: enha hyung line x fem!reader
a/n: hey loves! posting after being ia cause life just gets busy but we move forward lol and i hope everyone enjoy this and love ya! also hbd to my babyboy jake <3
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heeseung had always shown his love for you in various ways, from little things such as having your hairtie on his wrist to buying your favorite snacks whenever he went shopping, even if you didn't tell him to purchase them for you. as a small token of your appreciation for him being the best boyfriend, you decided to pick up flowers on your way home. you opened the door and were met with silence, which means he hasn't gone home yet, and you quickly hid the bouquet of lilac flowers before he arrived. his footsteps were heard while you were cleaning things, and you immediately greeted him in the living room. "hi baby, i missed you so much. also, how's work today?" as you hugged him, pressing a kiss on his shoulder. "it was okay, and i miss you more," he replied while hugging you tightly as he took in your scent. you let go of the embrace and quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbing the flowers, and quickly ran back to him. he was confused at first and asked, "what are the flowers for, love?" to which you replied, "they're for you, my love. i just want to show you my appreciation for being the best boyfriend, so i picked these flowers on my way home," as you gave them to him. he couldn't help but pull you for another embrace as he showers your face with kisses. "thank you for the flowers, baby. you just made my day 100 times better. i love you," he said as he placed a kiss on your forehead. "i love you more," you replied as you kissed his lips.
it was the final day of their fate concert in seoul and you wanted to surprise your boyfriend. he had asked you if you could come to their concert, but you declined due to your work overlapping the schedule, which turns out to be a lie because you're planning to surprise him by coming there when he least expected it. as he heard you apologize for not being able to, he reassured you that it was alright and understandable, despite the fact that, deep down, he wanted you to see him perform. as you arrived at the concert venue, you felt as though you were their fans in the crowd. the concert was amazing, and the boys did great, especially jay when he started playing the electric guitar. you were quickly escorted to the back stage, grabbed the bouquet of blue hydrangea flowers from the staff, and walked towards their dressing room. he was wiping off his sweat when he saw your reflection in front of the mirror with a bouquet in your hands. his eyes widened, and he quickly ran towards you as he hugged you tightly. "congratulation, baby. im so proud of you," you said as you gave him the flowers. he felt like a young boy having a puppy crush as his heart beat faster while grabbing the flowers. "they are so beautiful, angel. thank you for giving me this; i will surely treasure this day," he said as he pressed a kiss on your cheek. as the adrenaline died down, he asked you about how you were here when you had work, to which you replied by lying about it in order to pull off this surprise. he just pulled you back to him and started asking about your day.
the members wanted to pull off a surprise for jake's birthday, and you are more than happy to help the boys pull it off. jay and sunghoon decided to prepare the cake; sunoo and jungwon prepared the place, while ni-ki prepared the gifts. you had assigned heeseung to be the person to lure jake towards the surprise. as everyone is trying to fix everything, you took the flowers and quickly took care of the rest. suddenly, heeseung texted you that they were 5 minutes away and put everyone in their place. jay was holding the cake while the others had the poppers ready once he entered the room. jake entered the pitch-black room, and as the lights turned on, he was met with the members as they were holding up a cake and popping the poppers while greeting him a happy birthday. his eyes searched for a familiar figure, and he slightly pouted when he failed to find you amongst his members. all of a sudden, there was someone poking in his shoulder, and as he turned around, he saw you with a bouquet of roses in your hands. he couldn't help but flash you the biggest smile as he hugged you. "i thought you wouldn't be here," he said while pulling you closer. "why would i miss my favorite boy's birthday and flowers for you. happy birthday, baby," you said while kissing him on the lips. he grabbed the flowers and thanked you for giving them to him, and as the party started, he held on to you the entire time while pressing kisses on your cheek. it was truly a great way to end his birthday alongside his members and the person he loved the most.
it was your second anniversary, and you had a whole day planned for the two of you. sunghoon had cleared his day just to spend it with you, which means a lot due to his hectic schedule as an idol. he had come home later than usual and is currently curled up in your arms with his face hidden in your neck. as much as you loved to stay like this forever, you wanted to prepare breakfast and the flowers you had bought yesterday for him. you quickly lifted his arms and replaced it with your pillow to not wake him up. he stirred a bit but went back to sleep momentarily. you made your way to the kitchen and started to cook breakfast for the both of you, and after a few minutes, you had finished the meal. it's now your time to wake him up as you carry the tray towards your shared bedroom. you gently woke him up, and he started to slowly open his eyes. his eyes were met with yours, and you kissed his lips while he was waking up. the kiss had definitely woken him up, and he quickly stood up. "can you give me a warning next time? i cant have a heart attack at 7 in the morning," he said, to which you replied, "love, we have been dating for years now. you shouldn't be surprised with my kisses," while placing the tray in front of him. "oh, what's this? you didn't have to do this for me," he said while staring at the food in front of him. "you deserve it, baby, and here are flowers for you," as you gave him a bouquet of yellow daisies, which caught him off guard. "darling, what did i do in my past life to deserve you?" he said as he pulled you for an embrace and said, "happy 2nd anniversary, my love." he said after placing a kiss in your forehead.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
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╭₊˚ ๑︰babysitting sigwinne :)
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:★: relationship : wriothesley x g-neutral reader
:★: warnings : none! fluff
:★: a/n : saw a pretty mf and took my chances 🦕 disclaimer : i'll be going with the popular hc that hes nearsighted / blind but if what i write is incorrect or innacurate, please let me know & i'll immediately change what i've written! i'm always welcome to constructive criticism especially in areas im unfamiliar with. i talked with a partially blind friend to help me with this huhu.
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You really didn't know what to expect when your boyfriend WRIOTHESLEY tells you that he's coming over.
He could be happy, angry, sad, it's just really hard to tell his mood over paper.
But when you hear that doorbell, you walk over to the door and see him standing there but.. there's a child holding his hand? "Hi!" The little bunny girl waved, smiling brightly however when your eyes shift back to your dearest lover - he seems exhausted, almost the verge of passing out.
"Hello!" You reply with a smile, watching Wriothesley let go of her hand, trudge past you and on his way to your very comfortable couch. "What's your name?" You inquired to the little lady. "I'm Sigwinnie, but I know all about you (name)! Mr. Wriothesley talks about you very fondly."
You couldn't help but feel your heart squeeze at the idea of him talking about you so sweetly, you move away from the door to let Sigwinne in and look at her surroundings - familiarizing herself with the home. "So, do you mind telling me why you're here? Since my boyfriend seems just about dead on my couch."
"I can hear you."
"Great! You can answer."
Picking Sigwinne up into one of your arms, you approach the couch and stand infront of him with your free hand on your hip. "So?"
"I'll kick you out. Explain."
You can hear a defeated groan into the couch cushions. "I have to take care of her, but work came up.. I'm really exhausted but I really didn't want to disturb you like this." He mumbles softly, a hand through his hair while sighing.
Already knowing how much your boyfriend works, you were happy to do this for him and Sigwinne seemed to be a very behaved child at heart. "Alright, rest well." You murmur, bowing down to kiss his forehead softly.
. . . . 💐 . . . .
A few hours pass, Wriothesley is awoken by the sounds of giggling in the distance. His eyes take a moment to adjust, rubbing them softly as he yawns. He looks over to the table to what seems to be a bunch of markers and papers, all depicting what seems to be a happy family.
"Shhh! You're gonna wake him up!"
His head turns to what he can remember to be the general location of the kitchen, hearing hushed giggles followed by the sound of cups clanking.
Of course, it doesn't sound like anything that could cause trouble, but he may aswell check what's happening. Due to the fact he has your home layout memorized, he really has no struggle navigating through the furniture and towards the kitchen.
At first the sight is a blur, what seems to be Sigwinne in your arms reaching up for something in your pantry until a little 'Oop!-' escapes your lips when you realize you've been caught.
Wriothesley takes a moment to adjust his eyes, taking a few steps closer until your smile comes into clear view. "Good morning!" You giggled, the girl in your arms waving enthusiastically as a greeting.
Maybe he's yet to properly process anything, but the sight of you and Sigwinne getting along makes his heart melt. It's adorable to see the light peeking from the windows into the scenery of the kitchen and almost illuminating you in his vision.
"Ah- well- um.. Good morning." He murmurs, turning his head away as he feels that oh so familiar warmth on his cheeks. "Are you blushing???"
To shift the topic, "What were both of you doing?" He asks, remembering the giggles and whispering he had heard. "Oh! We wanted to make you tea."
He then feels a tug on his sleeve, looking down at the Sigwinne who had the sweetest smile on her face. "Tea!"
He hovers his hand over the cup and chuckles.
"I prefer my tea hot, this is ice cold. This is one of your drinks, isn't it?"
"Huuuh?! Not fair! How does he always know.." Sigwinne pouted, her ears flopping downwards in defeat.
You ruffle her hair with a smile. "Oh well, we tried."
"You were apart of this?"
Wriothesley pulled you by the waist and buried his face into your neck, his laughter echoed into your as his breath tickled your neck. "You really are a handful.."
"Are you guys gonna kiss?"
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slut4polidori · 9 months
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𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖔
peso pluma
inspired by noche de sexo by wisin y yandel!!
it was late at night at houston hassan has just finished his last concert in texas for this tour im so happy for him and everything he’s accomplished so far
i make my way backstage waiting for hassan in his dressing room but for some reason the vibes backstage were not it,i wonder what’s going on i hope everything is alright.
i make my self comfortable back stage stuffing a raw cone for him so he can wind down a little bit after preforming such a great show, i put the cones down and here the door open and slam really hard which caused me to jump a little bit
“que pasa bebé?” i asked hassan standing up immediately walking over towards him i can see that something is wrong but i also don’t want to bother him
“ay nada princesa solo quiero ir al hotel a pasar la noche ya estoy cansado” he sighed pulling me into the warmest longest hug, i hate when he shuts his feelings out and doesn’t pay attention to my boundaries, that communication is everything in a relationship and i just wanna be there for him and listen to all of his problems and be his support system while he’s going through these stressful times so i just agree to his request so we can get out of here and i can see that pretty smile before closing my eyes for the night
time skip
the whole car ride back to the hotel was completely silent i can tell something went wrong or something happened he is not his usual self after a show especially a huge show like houston, that was probably his biggest one yet. i know he wants to tell me all about it i thought to myself checking him out a couple of times after going on that mental rant, he is so handsome. his hands the way he’s lightly choking the steering wheel is causing me to go crazy right now
“hassan por favor háblame papi me doy cuenta de que algo no está bien” i just wanted a couple of words out of him or even a shrug i don’t care i just wanna know what’s going on
“y/n mi vida ya basta” i look up at him rolling my eyes because i know he’s trying to be funny instead of trying to talk to me, he’s giving me an attitude right now for no reason and im not fucking with it
“pero que te pasa hassan no te he hecho nada para que me trates asi” he smacked his lips ignoring me for awhile, the hotel is pretty far away and he wanted to go on drive to ease his mind anyways so i know this is gonna be a LONG drive i sighed
“mira princesa, estoy muy frustrada en este momento y realmente no puedo hablar de eso ahora. Tiene algo que ver con méxico y mis conciertos” he sighed pulling into the parking lot of the hotel calling his security to meet us in the back and to escort us to our room. oh how that worried me but i know hassan and i know he’ll be okay so i nodded and waited for security, i was still a little bothered with how he treated me but i understand i just hope he thinks before he does that again.
hassan opens up the door allowing me to go in first and i smile at him thanking him i put my bags down and immediately grab my suitcase to look for some comfortable pajamas i can feel his eyes undressing me i smirked to myself thinking about what i can do to tease him just a little
i pulled down my skirt exposing my bare ass to him as i bent down to grab the skirt that fell to my ankles and throwing it in the hamper i turn around smiling at him and he’s just in awe
i love how he still makes me feel beautiful after the year we’ve been together he’s completely in love with my curves, i love his touch his long bony fingers and those vainy arms. i immediately start thinking about all these dirty thoughts which lead me to walk up to him just in my black bra and thong
“tócame por favor” i bit my lip grabbing his hands so he can grope me and manhandle me in any kind of way he wants too, i want him to take control and release any kind of angry and stress on my body tonight
the way my words and my actions just cause this man to go crazy makes me even more turned on the way that i have him wrapped around my finger is so sexy the thought of this causing me to get wetter and wetter
hassan quickly grabs my neck and starts giving me little kisses the way his hands wrap around me neck perfectly it’s like a little chocker such a perfect accessory, i bit my lip softly moaning leaning my neck to the side to give him more access and space
“pero qué bien hueles y sé que sabes igual de bien, ¿verdad, cariño?” hassan finally whispered out while grabbing the back of my bra to unhook it exposing my boobs to him his eyes went wide and he reached up to grab one licking his lips to lick it as well
i throw my head back in complete pleasure for his warm saliva on my cold nipple i grabbed on his hair lightly singling to him that i loved the sensation which made him suck on it causing me to let out a small moan that made hassan chuckle
“i wanna suck your dick” he flashes a big smile at me which lets me know that he likes this idea too i always loved to give hassan head it was probably my favorite thing to do all that sloppy saliva everywhere edging him every now and then using both of my hands to make him cum making sure to take him all in my mouth and throat his pulling of my hair and him uttering curse words grabbing my head causing me to go faster controlling my movements and my speed taking his dick in and out of my mouth smacking it on my face and lips ugh he just drives me crazy
i kneeled down in front of him stroking him outside of his pants which caused him to grab my face caressing my face and lips with his thumb i kissed it taking his grey sweatpants off along with his boxers licking ny lips just at the sight of him
i guide him into my mouth kissing his tip and grabbing the rest of him slowly putting him in my mouth fully taking in his size bobbing my head up and down waiting for his hands to take control and fuck my face i grab his thighs for support while he fucked my face aggressively causing me to gag in response and gripping his thighs
“mira mi niña hermosa” he said in awe i moaned just at those words causing him to chuckle and go deeper and slower i knew he was close but i didn’t want him to cum yet he knows how much i loved getting praised
i pulled away from him wiping away the messy saliva and lipstick he looks down at me with a slight annoyed expression on his face still on my knees in front of him
“no creas que hemos terminado y/n” he said in a strict manner and grabbed my wrist pulling me up towards him smiling at myself knowing what’s to come
✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮ ✮✮✮
a/n ; his guys in finally starting to get back in the mood for writing but i had a similar request for this one but i just can’t find it anymore but this is one is specifically for you!! reminder: this is my first smut and english isn’t my main language so my mistake if the grammar is kind of messed up!! anyways i appreciate all the new followers!! please be more then welcomed to request for any person/character and any time of imagine (smut,fluff, etc!!) thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy pumpkins 🖤
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shubblelive · 9 months
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summary : wilbur needs a haircut. you're more than happy to oblige, even if he does take some convincing.
genre : fluff
warnings : wilbur makes a joke about reader stabbing him with scissors
pairing : cc!wilbur soot x reader
pronouns : none (you/yours)
featuring : cc!wilbur soot
requested : in your fic source material it was mentioned that y/n had given wilbur a haircut before, and then at the end she says that he needs to get a haircut (im telling you these things as if you didn’t write it lmao). anyways, i think a little fic where y/n gives wilbur a haircut would be really cute :)
word count : 952
note : hi angel!! i tried to make this as different as i could from the scene in the fic you mentioned and i hope you like it!! thank you for requesting!!
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inspiration struck at odd times. you’d become well accustomed to that in the time you’d been dating wilbur, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a muffled guitar coming from the living room. 
you knew that music consumed wilbur’s thoughts daily. his routine consisted of wake up, think about music, think about you, write music, think about you, think about music and, if you were especially lucky, he’d think about you once more before bed. 
music was wilbur’s first love, you were more than aware. but he’d made sure you knew that you were his greatest, and that was all that mattered. 
the last few months of his life had been dedicated to that first love of music, and, unfortunately for his ‘greatest’ that meant wilbur had been forgoing certain self-care activities.
he was pressing gentle kisses on your cheeks, skirting around your lips as you giggled, trying to chase him. it had been a long week, and even getting to kiss you once had been a luxury with how busy you both had been, let alone getting to sit with you. your back pressed against the side of the couch, the rest of you a tangled mess with the rest of him as he relaxed into your hold for the first time in what felt like ages.
your palms were flush against his cheeks, feeling the warmth radiating out of his skin. wilbur went to press his forehead to yours but was interrupted by your spluttering coughs. 
he pulled away, concern pulling at his mouth. “you alright?”
you coughed, turning your face away from his, bringing your hand up to cover your mouth. “this has gone too far,”
“what’s wrong?” wilbur sat back on his heels, taking your hands in his. “are you okay?”
“your hair is too long,” you said decidedly, standing up and pulling him along with you. “this is getting out of hand.”
wilbur laughed as you dragged him towards the kitchen. “what are you doing?”
you turned, running your thumbs over his knuckles. you let his fingers go just long enough to brush the excess hair out of his eyes. he softened under your touch and squeezed your hand, his free one coming up to rub the spot right beneath your ear. “i thought you liked my hair?”
you let him go, pulling a stool from the other side of the counter and dragging it beside the refrigerator. “i do,” you assured him, throwing him a look over your shoulder as you wandered down the hallway. wilbur waited dutifully in his assigned seat while you were out of the room, running a hand through his curls. they were truly getting unruly, he could understand why you wanted him to get a haircut. he shuffled, grabbing his phone out to book an appointment when you returned, his least favourite towel in your hand. “but, i like your face more.”
he nodded towards the towel. “finally getting rid of that thing?”
you hugged it close to your chest. “never. i’ll never understand your resentment towards it.”
“it scratches!”
“you just don’t understand it like i do.” you huffed, laughing gently. you noticed the phone in his hand, giving him a quizzical look. “what’s that for?”
“i was gonna call in, book myself a haircut,” he said, turning the phone around to show you.
you took it out of his hand, putting it face down on the bench. “no need!” you beamed at him, draping the towel over his shoulder and pulling the kitchen scissors out, giving them a snip for emphasis. “that’s what i’m here for.”
he gave you a nervous glance, squinting slightly. “are you a licensed professional?” he asked seriously, trying to ward off the smile breaking out over his face. 
“of course,” you said, offence laced in your tone. “i’ve got four year’s experience looking at your face. i know what it’s meant to look like.”
“so you know that it’s meant to be wound-free?” he clarified. you gave him a look and he conceded. “it’s not that i don’t trust you, darling, i just…” he sighed, finally letting the smile take over his face, swinging your connected hands back and forth. “this haircut is gonna be all over the internet for like, four to six months, so i just worry.”
“i cut my own hair all the time, wilbur.” you raised your eyebrows. if it really made him uncomfortable, then of course you’d let him go to a professional, but you couldn’t lie and say the idea of delving your hands into his hair wasn’t appealing. 
that seemed to convince him. “you do have lovely hair.”
you beamed down at him and suddenly it was a done deal, if it made you smile like that. 
the feeling of your hands in his hair made him close his eyes, his head resting on your leg as you, perched on the bench, worked on the other side of his head. it took nearly an hour - the guy had a lot of hair - but when you were done he smiled up at you. “how do i look?”
you considered him. “you’re okay with the camera only facing this side of you right?” you poked his cheek. he laughed loudly, taking the scissors out of your hand and dumping them in the kitchen sink. you hopped off the counter, kicking some loose hair up with your socked foot. “i’m sure we have glue somewhere, right?”
he pulled you closer by the hips as he stood up, planting a kiss on your forehead. you let the joke go, bringing your hands to ruffle his hair. 
he kissed you gently. “it's in the bottom drawer.”
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yuan4i · 7 months
11. i'll think about it
“oh! yn, you made it.” lynette greets you at the door of the auditorium. “come in, would you like to see apart of our show-” “as much as lynette and i would like to show you apart of our magic show, we definitely should keep it as a surprise!” 
“yeah! i totally understand. when do you guys plan on performing?” 
“the last day! are you going to be there to see it?” lyney asked you, with stary eyes and all. “yeah! as long as it’s after navia’s performance then i’ll definitely be there.
after a few minutes of talking, lynette received a phone call. “hello…? freminet? …oh, okay. i’ll be there soon.” 
“lynette? what happened to fremient?” lyney asked, looking nervous. “he asked for me to pick him up. we’ll be with us for the week of hoyofest, remember?” “oh, right!” “anyways, i’ll go pick him up, do you mind walking yn home?” “yeah!! of course!” 
lynette leaves the auditorium with you and lyney just standing there. “sooo… would you like to see a magic trick? not part of the actual performance of course!” lyney suggested. “yes yes! show me!” 
“alright, close your eyes… now open them!” when you opened your eyes, you see a pink and yellow rose. “oh my gosh, lyney! this flower is so pretty!!” “hehe, it’s a rainbow rose. do you like them?” “of course i do!! say, would you like to go somewhere today?”
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“let’s play a game! we ask each other questions!” he said, taking a bite out of his hello kitty shaped ice cream. “okay. you first.” you smiled at him. it was evening already, and the moon was slowly coming out. “how long have you known lynette?” 
“two years, ever since the first semester of junoir year. my turn. how many siblings do you have?” 
“oh, plenty haha!” he laughed at your question. plenty? what did that mean? “what do you mean by plent-” “shh! one question per round! it’s my turn now.” lyney put his finger on your lip, shushing you. “when did you meet your current boyfriend?” 
“since first year of high school! okay. now my turn again. what do you mean by plenty of siblings?” 
“i was raised in an orphanage with lynette, so everyone of those orphans are my siblings. of course, lynette and i are biologically related and freminet and i are just especially close. everyone there is no older than 14. the house of hearth is filled with children, making me the oldest one there!” the moon was now large and clear. as he was talking about his family, it seemed as if time had stopped, making him look so pretty under the pale moonlight. “anyways, enough about me. how did you meet scaramouche?”
“oh! he happened to be in my science class, and we were partnered on a project. we eventually became a lot closer in our sophomore years, and now we’re in a relationship hehe. okay back to you, do you know what happened to your parents?” 
“i… i don’t. haha, sorry to disappoint you. say, yn, do you remember anyone in your sophomore year?” 
“hmm… not really. it’s been like 5 years since then haha… sorry if you were expecting something or someone…” after a few more rounds, lyney asked you the last question of the night. 
“yn! will you go to hoyofest with me? as a date! but a friendly one of course!!” his face was beaming red, matching yours which was flustered as well. “oh! um, haha… um i’ll think about it…” you replied, looking away from him. “oh… oh! alright! so, where would you like to go now?” the book store. but before you could even reply you got texts from your boyfriend, scaramouche. 
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ANGEL EYES ✿ prev ❀ masterlist ❀ next
lyney x reader SYNOPSIS you’re at a bar, drinking your heart out after another having a feud with your boyfriend of 2 years. you later stop at your friend’s house to stay the night but… the one who opens the door isn’t her but instead, her brother…?
notes : hello :3 IM SO SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATE :C this was badly written at like very very late at night/early in the morning... lmk if there are any mistakes!! happy reading hehe :)
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dinoace2 · 7 months
I had a cute little story idea so you all must deal with my sappy ass
This one's just some sweet short astarion comfort fluff bc I need more of that in my life
(AFaB Tav, referred to as She/Her, mention of periods. 575 words)
They were more or less together at this point, mutual pining and spending all their time with one another, though neither said it aloud. Tav let him feed on her neck whenever he needed, though he would only do so if she offered first. This was rarely an issue, however, since she had a tendency to make this offer on a daily basis.
Lately, though, she hadn't. For the last several days, whenever the party retreated to their camp for some much-needed rest, Tav would immediately go straight to her tent and lay down.
Astarion paced outside of her tent, wondering whether or not to ask about it. Was she upset with him? Did he do something wrong? Was she finally fed up with him? No, no, that couldn't be it. Right?
After fighting with himself for a while, he slowly poked his head in, seeing Tav curled up around a pillow, her back to him. "Hello, darling...I just wanted to check in on you. Is everything alright?"
She paused, a low grumble in her throat. "...yeah. just been...I dunno...a bit extra tired. I'm okay."
That didn't sound okay. Tav was usually so strong, so energetic...this definitely wasn't normal.
He cleared his throat. "...does this, perhaps...have anything to do with my, ah...lack of feeding these last few days?" He paused, then shook his head quickly. "I-i would like to be clear, I'm not asking for it at the moment! I was simply...inquiring. Trying to gain an understanding, that's all." He chuckled. "Youre the one who always insists upon honesty and 'no more secrets', after all."
Tav paused then let out a long sigh, sitting up and giving the poor, strangled pillow a break. "...Sorry. I....its really rather silly...perhaps almost selfish..." she turned around, looking up at him from where she sat. "As much as I'd love to share right now, I've been losing enough blood as it is...im not sure it'd end well if I were to give up more."
Losing blood? His face paled, somehow more than usual. Was she injured? She didn't look hurt. He ransacked his memory to try and figure out when or where she could have taken such a hit, all the while looking her up and down for any physical signs of pain.
"I...oh dear...uh...if I may ask, what happened, darling? When did you get hurt? Did you fall? Did someone stab you? Who do I need to hunt down?"
Tav was quiet for a moment then let out a soft chuckle. "Im fine, Astarion...really, it's okay."
She...wasn't hurt? Then why was she...
His cheeks flushed as bright as his eyes and he was quick to her side, pulling her into his arms. "Darling, why didn't you say so? I absolutely would have understood. You didn't have to hide that from me." He chuckled. "If anyone here knew a thing or two about blood, it would be me, don't you think?"
His comment drew a giggle from the tired warrior in his arms, and she snuggled up. "Thank you, Astarion."
The following days, the rest of the party noticed that Astarion was especially doting on Tav, (or at least more than usual,) being extra snuggly and, in some particular occasions, downright spoiling her. Despite her insistence that it wasn't a big deal, and he really didn't have to go so far, he was incredibly stubborn to ensure that his darling was as comfortable and happy as possible.
Idk how to end it so
Thanks for reading! :]
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crienneoftarth · 9 months
Wildest Dreams
Larissa Weems x inexperienced fem!reader
hi everyone! this is the first chapter (maybe?) of the snippet i posted a little while back. I had a few people ask if i would write/post more so i finished a little bit. this is my first fic that ive ever posted so im super nervous to post but i hope someone enjoys it :)
ao3 is here in case you’d prefer that. there’s no cw for now but will add if i decide to write more chapters as needed <3
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You find a clear spot in the loud bar and begin leaning on the wall. Taking a sip from your glass, your eyes glance over to a tall, blonde figure, seemingly floating through the chaotic crowd. You start to panic as the curvy, tall woman confidently walks in your direction. She stops a few feet away from you, staring intensely. People cross in between the two of you but her gaze doesn’t leave yours. You feel your face get hot and quickly look down at your drink. Your eyes dart back up and she’s suddenly gone. Trying not to look obvious, you glance around as casually as possible.
She was literally taller than all the guys here, where the hell could she have gone? You sigh and bring the glass back to your lips. After a few more sips and scans of the room, you give up and decide to leave.
Slowly, you start making your way through the sweaty crowd towards the exit.
“Leaving so soon?” You hear a sultry voice ask behind you.
Quickly turning around, you see her again, smiling and holding out a drink towards you. You stumble over your words as she walks closer towards you.
“Here, darling. I guessed what your drink was, I hope that’s alright. But if you’re leaving, I suppose I’ll just have to keep it to myself.” She says with a red-lipped smirk.
You stutter, “N-no, I was just… Getting some air, that’s all. Thank you.”
She gives you the glass and your hands shake as you take it from her. You take a sip, trying to avoid eye contact.
Why am I so fucking nervous? What the fuck is wrong with me?
The tall woman smirked and leaned over closer to your ear, “I’ll be honest, I’m very happy you’re not leaving. I was hoping that you would leave with me.”
You swallow deeply, suddenly your mouth was completely dry despite the alcohol you just drank. You shiver as her long fingers move a bit of hair off of your shoulder. You look in her eyes for the first time and are amazed at the endless blue color. “I’m sorry, I-I’m not usually this nervous. I’ve just… never been flirted with so outright. Especially not by…” your eyes widen while you scan her tall, curvaceous build up and down. “Someone as beautiful as you…”
The woman smiles brightly at you, “I don’t believe that for a moment. my name is Larissa, may I ask what yours is, darling?”
Her accent and cadence made a shiver go down your spine. You almost completely forget what your name even is. “Uh… It’s Y/n.” You smile and look down at your drink again, swirling the liquid in the bottom of the glass.
“How beautiful, very fitting for a beautiful woman.” She beams at you again, leaning back close to your ear. “Would you be interested in joining me somewhere a bit more quiet? I’m friends with the owner, she lent me a key to the rooftop.”
Your head nods instinctually. Larissa grins and puts her arm out for you to hold onto as she guides you up a small set of stairs to a locked door. Pulling out a set of keys from her purse, she finds the correct one and opens the door and holds it open for you to step outside.
Shutting the door behind her and taking a deep breath of the cool air, “Isn’t it lovely up here? Sometimes it’s just nice to step away from the chaos for a moment.”
“Yeah, it’s really nice. I didn’t even know there was rooftop access here.” You respond as you look around at a small set of couches and a coffee table, with Christmas lights strung around the sitting area.
Larissa gently takes your hand and guides you to a couch. You both sit down for a moment before you let out a quiet sigh.
She notices your slight change of mood and rests her hand on your cheek, “Is everything okay, sweetling?”
Her hand was so soft and calming against your cheek. She slowly moves it into your hair, tucking a small strand behind your ear. You meet her stare and suddenly you feel as though you can’t breathe. “I’m sorry, I’m fine. Just… nervous, is all.”
“I understand perfectly. I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you while I’m around. I’ll take good care of you, my darling.”
Your body is seemingly paralyzed as she slowly leans in to kiss you. It’s the most wonderful feeling you’ve ever experienced; her soft lips against yours, her fingers running through your hair. You never want it to end.
You begin to feel an unfamiliar tightness and warmth under your stomach, but you can’t find the will to stop kissing the woman. You impulsively place your hand on her exposed thigh. She lets out a small moan as your skin touches hers.
I need to fucking hear that again.
After another minute of kissing and rubbing the skin on her leg with your thumb, you slowly slide your fingers underneath the hem of her tight skirt. Again, she moans in response to your touch. She pulls away from your lips and smiles, “I appreciate your boldness, darling, but we can’t do this here.”
Please, I’ll go wherever you tell me to.
“I understand, I may have gotten a little carried away, I apologize…” You respond, trying to steady your heavy breathing.
She chuckles quietly and tucks a piece of loose hair behind your ear, “No need to apologize, just… Can I take you home with me?”
Yes! God, yes please.
You smile nervously in an attempt to not show how badly you want her to take you right there. “S-sure… Of course you can.”
Her eyes light up and she grabs your hand, pulling it up to her mouth and kissing it softly. Your arm is covered in goosebumps as a red lipstick stain is left on the top of your hand. She smiles up at you, “Let me call a car for us.”
You nod as she pulls her cell phone from her bag and you watch as her tall figure walks away for a moment.
What the fuck am I doing?
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montimer · 1 month
Claude Frollo x Knight!reader
Gn!reader, oneshot
Warning: smutty but i'll put a line where it starts
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You were his loyal knight. He trusted you deeply. And you never disobeyed him or even hesitated about any of his request.
He loved you for your loyalty and how brave you were. There was just this one problem. He didn't just admire you for those quality's. He got lost in your eyes and the way you smiled at him rather often.
A smug smile always formed on his lips whenever you replied with a "Yes sir!"
And when your attention was on someone else, well it made him very upset. Especially if you looked happy talking to the person who wasn't him.
But he refused the idea of being in love. 'No there is just no way, i must be wrong' he told himself.
He found himself thinking about you at late nights. At first it was just him worrying. But soon he started to rewind memories. Memories about you talking to him, smiling at him, calling out to him.
'This is all their fault' he thought to himself. 'You're the reason i can't get any sleep' he complained.
Earlier in the afternoon he couldn't stop staring at you and when you pointed it out he said that you are falsely accusing him. Which you responded with a "Im sorry sir. It's just that you look tired, is everything alright?"
He stared at you unblinking for a second (which kind of spooked you out). "I just- had a problem with the fireplace, yes yes thats it" he said it strangely but not enough for you to suspect anything. Plus you didn't wanted to question the judge anymore.
"I see, well if there's anything i can help with, you know where to find me" you said it smilingly with a wink. You didn't mean anything by it, just wanted to seem nice but he almost choked on the air.
He didn't said anything, and after coming back to reality he quickly gave you a nod.
'He probably didn't get much sleep' you thinked.
"Well im off! Hope ur majesty sleeps well tonight." And with that you jumped on your horse and he watched you until you disappeared.
Back to the present he was still wide awake. He wished he could just finally sleep and get a good rest.
After moving around for a couple of more seconds he found himself in a comforting position. And soon after finally fall asleep.
In his dream, even there you couldn't leave his mind.
Plus you were laying so close to him. And your hands roamed around his body, complimenting him, asking him if it feels good.
"Oh Judge, you are the greatest" you said it seductively, stroking his ego (and his body)
He couldn't respond, only moans and whimpers came out of his mouth.
Your hands find their ways to his private area and he felt his heart skip a beat.
He was a blushing mess at this point.
Your voice, your hand, your beauty was making him go crazy. How could he not give in?
Your figure took his face in their hands and pulled him in for a kiss. When you pulled away he was trying to catch his breath. He never felt this good before. He never wanted to give in to lust, to sin. But here he is, letting you take control.
His hands moved to touch you but you grabbed them and pinned him down. Now on top of him.
"I saw the way you were staring at me, taking a like to me huh sir?"
He was not sure how long he can handle this for.
He didn't quite know what or how to but he wanted some sort of release from the pleasure.
You started kissing his neck and nibbling on it. He felt something rush trough him.
He woke up and sit up fast, still panting, his face all red.
He felt a strange feeling in his pants. Little did he know he just had a wet dream.
After that he felt very embarrassed but also interested. He couldn't look you in the eye that day. He just stared at you, turning away with a slight blush when you looked at him.
But now he knew, that no matter what. He has to make you his.
'They will be mine, even if it takes for me to act a sin. It's their fault anyways, they must knew what they were doing to me, with the way they talk,act, and smile my way' he told himself many times.
And the judge does not give up so easily. So it's all on you. Will you go the easy or the hard way?
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ttzamara · 1 year
Hello there! I wanted to say that I absolutely love your writing and that I think you're amazing and I hope you're doing great.
And if you're taking requests, could I have something were the reader is sleep walking and because she has feelings for Tech she walks to his bunk and cuddles him and, of course, tech has feelings for her too and let's her sleep with him and it all ends with smut?
It's just something I've had on my mind for a while now but I thought it will be better if you could write it
First of all thank you so much love i really appreciate the feedback <3 I hope u are alright too and have a lovely day!
,Second! thank you so much for this lovely request! Im so sad that it took me so long to write this, especially since this is one of my first requests but im so happy that its finally finished! Hope you enjoy it
I tried to inform myself about Sleepwalking as much as possible since i did not know a lot about it - if i made any mistakes with my current knowledge please tell me (;
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(Warnings: SMUT, Minors DNI, P in V (Wrap it before you tap it kids), Not proofread, Language, !!English is not my first language!!)
My Requests are open!
5.505 Words and 30.228 Characters
Even as a young child, people around you noticed how you suddenly got up at night and interacted with things around you without knowing anything about it when you woke up.
It was never a big problem, a little strange at first, but they quickly got used to it. Even the boys learned to deal with it. When Tech was going over your medical report before you arrived and read the word somnambulism, he made sure to learn about it and explain it to his brothers.
They were skeptical when Tech explained it to them, Crosshair even joked that he might accidentally shoot you if you sleepwalked through the Marauders and scared him.
But after Tech's explanation, they all took the time to read up on it, so Wrecker dismissed the idea of scaring you so you'd wake up, Hunter found a way to not let your wanderings overwhelm his senses, and Tech found the best way to handle your sleepwalking.
And even Echo, who came much later, found a way to deal with it. After his first couple of nights on the marauder he thought that you would just ignore him when you walked past him at night, but he found out more about the sleepwalking and your behavior during it, by asking Tech about your nightly behavior.
"Good morning (y/n)"
Said Echo with a coffee in his hand as you walked past him with heavy steps. Crosshair snorted in amusement as you ignored his brother and simply walked into the Fresher.
"Definitely a good morning when she looks like a bird built a nest on her head overnight."
Crosshair said, grinning as he polished the scope of his Sniper.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you looked up into the mirror of the ship and sighed. Why did you have to get up so early again? Oh, yes, because Tech wanted to explore Endor and its plant species. But of course, this idiot - handsome idiot - had to leave early so he wouldn't run out of time.
After you went to the toilet you took a refreshing shower to wake up. Slowly you stood under the running water and leaned your head back so that you looked directly at the ceiling of the marauder before closing your eyes and letting the warm water just wash over you.
The warm water was almost like a trance, felt so warm and soothing that you could fall asleep again. So warm, so warm, so coooooold!!
A shrill scream escaped you and you immediately snapped out of your trance as the warm water suddenly turned ice cold. A cackle sounded in front of the Fresher door, followed by muffled voices and then the warning voice of the Seargent.
You quickly got ready and put on your clothes to walk out of the fresher to see an innocently grinning Wrecker and an amused Crosshair.
"I hate you both"
you said and slapped Crosshair on the back of the head, who just grumbled under his breath before you went to your bed to put your sleep shirt on it and make your bed.
After you were done, you slowly walked into the cockpit of the ship and saw Echo and Tech hunched over his datapad talking quietly about something and Hunter sitting on one of the chairs with his eyes closed.
"Good morning guys"
You said quietly and gently put your hand on Hunter's shoulder who slowly opened his eyes and looked at you with a teasing grin.
"Had a nice shower?"
He asked and cackled as you gently punched him in the ribs, Tech and Echo both grinned as they looked at you and you huffed in annoyance.
"Oh yes, unbelievably pleasant shower, so pleasant that I hope I destroyed your eardrums with my scream."
you mumbled and sat down behind Echo on the chair.
Hunter chuckled and nudged you with his foot. You gave him an amused look and then looked at Tech who was engrossed in his datapad. His eyes kept shifting from left to right as he read the article and his teeth nibbled lightly on his lower lip. He looked so handsome when he was focused.
"So, where are we going today?"
You asked, leaning against the back of the chair. Tech looked up after a few seconds and looked at you.
"I found a holonet path in the woods near us that's pretty isolated from the locals. There are some sightings of the native plants of endor along this path, so we will go there."
he said, putting his datapad in the bag attached to his armor before standing up and indicating that we could head out.
"And why are we leaving so early?"
Echo asked, standing up to follow his brother out of the cockpit. The others, including you, also got up to follow Tech out of the ship.
"While no sightings of Gorax have been made in this area so far, we should still be on the lookout, as they mainly inhabit forests and are carnivores. However, they are much more active during the day, so we will leave before sunrise to arrive at the site at daybreak."
Tech said matter-of-factly and typed on his datapad while you fell into formation. First Hunter, next to him Tech, then Echo and you, and finally Wrecker and Crosshair.
"Carnivore, Great"
Echo grumbled. You agreed with a grunt and looked ahead of you, it was still relatively dark, the branching crowns of the trees made it seem even darker than it actually was.
The hike to Tech's place was about an hour and a half long and as good as silent, but the rising of the two stars around Endor made themselves visible and slowly lit up the sky. The place he led you to was incredibly beautiful, an open area within the forest.
Wrecker sat down almost directly against one of the trees and leaned against it with his eyes closed, Crosshair followed suit and lowered himself down next to Wrecker. Hunter stood around in the field and just looked at the sky, Tech and Echo were already walking to one of the bushes that were at the edge of one of the trees and had red berries on them.
You sighed, closed your eyes slightly, and just concentrated on the sounds that endor was bearing. Chirping of various birds, the rustling of leaves and a noise that sounded like flowing water?
You opened your eyes and looked to the left, from where the noise was coming, and slowly walked towards it. Tech had told you that there wasn't much water on Endor, so you walked towards it curiously.
Pushing through the branches you arrived at a small stream surrounded by beautiful flowers. Indigo blue plants surrounded by small insects that looked almost like a nerine flower.
You crouched down gently and looked at them closely, watching their stalks blowing lightly with the wind and the insects moving slowly back and forth on the flowers. Your head tilted slightly to the side as you softly touched them.
"It is called Aura Blossom, the favorite plant of the Ewoks... it is often used as decoration for the Festival of Hoods. It is known for its indigo blue color and for its bioluminescence, which describes the production and emission of light by a living organism. It is also sometimes confused with wisties or the firefolk."
said a voice behind you as he walked up to you and squatted down next to you.
"They are gorgeous"
you said softly and watched as one of the insects crawled lightly onto your finger before crawling back onto the plant.
Tech looked at you and slowly nodded before answering.
"Yes indeed, really beautiful"
You watched as he carefully took a sample of the plant and gently put it into one of the test vials to analyze it on the Marauder.
"Tech?" he hummed, looking up at you from the sample before you spoke again.
"What are wisties?"
he smiled slightly and stowed the probe in his pocket as he stood up and held out his hand for him to pull you to your feet. You slowly walked back to the others as he began to speak:
"Wisties, also called Fire People, are a small, radiant, sentient species native to the forests of Endor. Like the Ewoks with whom they share their homeworld, the fairy-like flying Wisties are fierce defenders of their forests, and the two species are allies. The Ewoks sometimes use pouches full of wisties as weapons against invaders. They throw the pouches in the direction of a target; on impact, the wisties emerge and attack the invaders. They are about the size of your palm"
"The size of my palm?"
You asked, looking at him with curious eyes. He stopped beside you and turned to you and carefully took your hand. His index finger gently began to draw a shape in your palm and you watched intently.
When he was finished he looked up into your eyes and left your hand in his grasp. Still looking at your palm, you slowly looked up at him with a smirk.
"Wow, so so small and the Ewoks just throw them at their opponents, a bit cocky isn't it?"
The brown-haired one grinned and looked you firmly in the eyes when you started to laugh at the thought, he also started to laugh slightly.
After you laughed you both grew silent, a comfortable quitness fell between you as you stood there, your hand still in his and a soft smile on your faces as you looked at each other.
His brown eyes shone so beautifully in the light of the stars, he looked so relaxed and the smile on his face made him look much younger than he sometimes looked on the battlefield.
His hand rested slightly on your hip and he gently looked down at your lips before looking into your eyes again, almost like a question. You nodded softly and he leaned down to you, he was so close, your noses were touching and it was only a few centimeters to-
Wrecker's loud voice pulled you apart and you stepped away from each other, you sighed in annoyance and Tech looked from you with red cheeks to Wrecker who came out from behind the branches.
"We are here, we were just on our way to you after taking a sample of the Aura Blossom".
Tech said quickly and cleared his throat before walking quickly to the others, Wrecker looked after him in surprise and looked at you, but you just shrugged and followed them. Admittedly, it stung a bit that he left so quickly after you almost kissed, but it was Tech.
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The walk back to the Marauder was quiet, you talked quietly with Hunter, Crosshair walked beside you two, wrecker in front of you and Tech and Echo in the very front talked about their samples.
"Did something happen?"
hunter suddenly asked and crosshair looked at you with an interested look.
"What should have happened?"
you asked confused and looked at hunter curiously. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked ahead.
"You tell me."
He answered and pushed you slightly to the side. After you looked at him even more questioningly, he sighed and gave you a slight teasing look.
"When you came from the river, your heart was beating incredibly fast, you were red and tech was exactly the same".
he declared and Crosshair next to you smirked in amusement. You groan in annoyance and looked ahead to where Tech was talking to Echo.
"He was just telling me something about the Aura Blossom and I got scared when wrecker called us, that's all."
you answered and Hunter looked at you with a skeptical look, he heard how your heartbeat quickened again and saw how your face grew hot but he didn't say anything else about it. Thank the maker.
After you arrived on the marauder, Wrecker made a small fire in front of the ship so that all of you could eat and sit around the fire afterwards to watch the light of the starts disappear behind the horizon. It was almost as beautiful as seeing them rise, but the starlit nightsky afterwards was even more beautiful than anything else.
It feeled like you were all watching the sky for hours, telling old stories and horrible jokes, as if there was no war in other galaxies. Life could be so beautiful sometimes, you just needed the right people to enjoy it.
"Okay everybody, bedtime! Tonight we're all going to bed and not going to the cockpit or anywhere else to sleep."
Hunter said, yawning as he gave Tech a firm look. Wrecker and Crosshair were still sitting outside by the fire when the four of you went into the ship.
Echo just dropped onto his bed and closed his eyes almost immediately, Hunter pulled his shirt over his head and ran shirtless into the fresher, Tech went into the cockpit to turn on the warning system, and you just stood there and waited for Hunter to finish getting ready, so you could go into the fresher and finally change.
you sigh and walk over to Echo's bed to nudge him lightly.
"Take off your armor, or you'll be complaining about the neck pain again tomorrow."
He grumbled, but got up to remove his armor pieces. As you began to help him, Echo smiled down at you gratefully and went to bed with a small 'thank you, good night' afterwards.
"Fresher's free"
Hunter said and walked past you to throw himself on his bunk. He was still topless and in one of his black pants, when the long haired man sensed you looking at him he lazily opened his eyes and grinned at you cheekily.
"See something you like?"
he asked, laughing softly as you gave him a bitter look.
"Ha Ha, did you even change your clothes?"
you asked and he hummed while putting his arm over his eyes. Yeah of course.
You took your sleeping shirt and went into the Fresher to change. You sighed, Maker, it felt so good to take off your bra after wearing it all day.
Your shirt was fortunately big enough to hide your butt behind the fabric, at first you were a little skeptical to use your usual sleeping clothes on the ship, but the boys didn't mind. Why would they?
After you were done you took your things, opened the fresher door and almost ran into Tech who flinched when he suddenly saw you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you".
you said sheepishly, leaning slightly with your shoulder against the Freshers doorframe.
"It's okay, I should have known you'd go into the Fresher after Hunter".
the brown-haired man said, adjusting his glasses as he eyed you in the dim light.
You smiled warmly at him and pushed off the doorframe to go to your bunk. "Sleep well tech"
He glanced after you as you walked past him and a slight warmth rose up to his ears before he whispered, "Yeah, sleep well (y/n)."
You sigh as you finally snuggle into your bed. Sometimes you missed your own bed, especially since it was much more comfortable than the beds the GAR offered, but you had gotten used to it, so it wasn't that bad after all.
You suddenly remembered how you and Tech almost kissed... Would he really have kissed you if Wrecker hadn't interrupted? You sighed as you imagined it. Were his lips soft? Probably not, he didn't look like he was constantly caring about his lips. No, they probably weren't, he was constantly chewing on them.
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Tech sat on his bunk with one arm behind his head and the datapad in the other hand as he read more about the plants he had spotted today.
Rokna mushroom? he adjusted his goggles as he saw link
Rokna tree fungus or rokna fungus is a deadly, blue fungus that grows on the rokna tree found on the forest moon of Endor. The sharp spikes protruding from this mushroom could cause the death of those who came in contact with them. The highly addictive spice known as Rokna blue is extracted from the Rokna mushroom. definitely sounded interesting.
Sighing, Tech put the datapad on the side of his bed, took off his goggles and rubbed the red marks it left behind. He laid down on his side and closed his eyes, already feeling exhaustion overwhelm his senses...
A few hours had passed when Tech was suddenly awakened by a clatter, he looked tiredly behind him and tried to make out the cause of the noise in the darkness... with high probability it was you.
He sighed as he turned to stand up and was putting on his glasses when you suddenly appeared in front of him. A soft smile tugged at his lips when he looked up at you and caught sight of your hooded eyes.
"Hey (y/n), come on... bedtime, let's get you to bed."
he whispered softly and he was about to get up to lead you gently to your bunk when you laid down next to him and snuggled up to his side.
A choked sound escaped from the brown-haired man's throat as you pressed tightly against him, he tried to gently shake you awake, but to no avail. As he tried to free himself from your grip to sleep in your bunk, as he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, he noticed how your grip around him tightened and how your head pressed against his bare chest.
He sighed in defeat and took off his goggles to hang them back on the wall and settled back down and gently wrapping one of his arms around your waist to find a comfortable sleeping position, his eyes slipping shut as he did so.
The warmth you radiated under his blanket was pleasant, your head against his chest was soothing and the way you wrapped your arms around him was something he could definitely get used to. It wasn't long before he sank into a deep sleep, lulled by your warmth and presence beside him.
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It was pleasantly warm as you slowly woke up, you sigh softly as you press yourself against the warmth. Why couldn't the marauder's wall always be this warm? A tired yawn sounded above you and the weight on your hips disappeared.
Suddenly you startled, What?
Your eyes snapped open and you saw a confused looking tech staring at you. His hair was all messed up and his slightly squinted eyes hinted that you had scared him awake.
"What are you doing in my bunk?"
you whispered anxiously, looking at him in confusion, he ran his hand over his eyes and flopped back down on his pillow.
"I am not in your bunk, infact you are in mine. You were sleepwalking again during the night and when I tried to lead you to the bunk you laid down next to me and didn't let me go, so i had no choice but to let you sleep in my bed. Well, I could have carried you over to your bunk, but after you held me so tightly it seemed like your consciousness was looking for a sleeping partner, which in that case was me. ".
he answered softly and closed his eyes again, he sighed lightly and pulled the blanket over you again.
"I'm so sorry tech"
you whispered embarrassed and started to push yourself up but he dragged you down and pulled you close to him.
"Shut up and let me go back to sleep"
He whispered and exhaled deeply. But suddenly his eyes snapped open and he looked at you shyly "unless of course you don't want to".
You smile softly at him and turn your back to him, pulling his arm around you so that he would put it back around your waist. He sighs contentedly and presses his nose gently into your hair before inhaling deeply, your scent occupies his senses in the best ways and he couldn't imagine anything better at the moment.
You almost fell back asleep, but you heard Tech huff in annoyance behind you and noticed him trying to turn away from you.
"You okay?"
You asked softly, turning your head slightly to the side to look at him. He blushed slightly as he looked at you and nodded.
"Come back, you're nice and warm"
You pleaded, tugging lightly on his arm. Tech gulped nervously, but settled back down on the mattress, this time with a much bigger gap between you two.
Tech seemed to close his eyes again and you tried the same. but your back started to get cold without his warm body and your body yearned for his warmth, which is why you scooted back a bit and pressed your back against his chest.
The brown-haired man's grip around your hips tightened and a slight mewl escaped him.
"Meshla, please just stay like that".
Oh? Ohhh.
Your eyes widened slightly as you realized why he was so nervous, it was far from the first time you had ever seen one of the guys with a hard-on, but it was the first time it seemed like you were the reason. were you even the reason?
you whispered softly and he cleared his throat before humming lightly.
"Would you allow me?"
you asked and a soft blush rose to your face you looked in front of you at the bed and saw that Echo was already awake, wreckers bed under yours was empty as well.
"allow wha- Ohh"
he asked confused but you gently grinded your butt against his crotch and he moaned softly.
The brown haired man whispered a soft 'yes' against your neck and started to grind against your butt, you followed his movements and heard him sigh as he pressed his nose into your neck and started to spread soft kisses on it.
His hands moved your hips firmly against his movements and he moaned softly, a warm shiver ran down your spine as he moaned your name and a pleasant warmth began to form between your legs.
"(y/n), please"
he rasped and you turned to him, he pressed his lips directly against yours and engaged you in a passionate kiss, his lips were warm, slightly chapped and moved strongly against yours.
He continued to rub his cock against you and his leg gently drove between your legs to let you gently grind on it.
you moaned softly into the kiss as you felt the pressure of his thigh against your crotch and he took the opportunity to press his tongue through your lips into your mouth to fight with yours for dominance.
His hand gently drove up to your neck to press you tighter against him, groaning into the kiss as you lightly bit his lower lip. His other hand slowly traveled under your shirt up to your breasts and he gently cupped one of them in his hand.
You moaned as you pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him. His eyes were hooded and his pupils were blown wide as his right thumb stroked your lips seductively.
"I want you so bad"
you pleaded, biting lightly on his thumb, he groaned as you ran your tongue over his fingertip.
He straightened up and climbed on top of you, with his arms on the sides of your head, to kiss you again. You sighed into the kiss and your hands went to the hair at the nape of his neck to pull it harshly.
He groaned as an annoyed grumble sounded over his bed. You jumped apart as long legs came into view on the outer side of his bed.
Crosshair jumped off his bunk with a small thud and looked at you both with a snide look. He had just woken up, his eyes still rimmed with sleeping sand and a tired look was in his narrowed eyes.
"It's fucking morning you perverts, you can't even sleep here without being woken up by two fuckers."
"It's not like I'm always walking in on you when you're enjoying yourself"
Tech sneered and Crosshair scoffed as he walks out of the room grumbling
You looked after him with a horrified expression and looked at Tech in shock, who in turn looked at you with an embarrassed grin.
"He'll definitely tell the others."
you muttered and Tech nodded in agreement, well shit.
"Theoretically speaking, if he tells the others, until you and I are done, no one else is going to come in here and interrupt us."
he said reassuringly, grinning at you as you gave him a smug look.
You firmly tug him towards you and press your lips against his while wrapping your legs around his hips and grind his dick against your pelvis.
He groaned when he noticed the wetness through your panties, his hand went down to your underwear and gently pulled them down.
"I bet you taste better than anything I've ever eaten".
he whispered against your lips and ran his finger through your labia, gently picking up wetness, and brought his finger to his mouth.
Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him eagerly lick your cum from his fingers, convinced that you had never seen anything so erotic.
He moved to climb between your legs but you held him by his shoulder.
"Another time, please I need you so much".
He looked up and looked deep into your eyes, you looked heavenly from this perspective. Your still dressed upper body moved with deep breaths, your hooded gaze and your red swollen lips.
Techs cheeks reddened as you sat up and pulled your shirt over your head, your breasts jiggling slightly as you threw your shirt to the side and he smiled in response.
"What, you see something you like?"
you asked, and he cleared his throat.
the brown-haired man replied, crawling up to you again to engage you in another passionate kiss. His left hand lightly squeezed your left breast and you panted as an electric shock ran down your spine.
Your hand went under the fabric of his pants and grabbed his cock in a gentle grip. He groaned and his hips thrust forward, the brown-haired man's lips parted from yours as he felt the pleasure of your hand movement and his forehead fell on your shoulder.
He gasped as his hips bucked with your motions and you placed gentle kisses on the side of his neck.
"kark, stop please i don't want to cum yet."
he panted and pushed your hand out of his pants. He frantically tried to get out of them and carelessly tossed them aside as he turned his gaze to you again.
you looked up at him with hooded eyes and put your palm to his cheek to kiss him again, your lips parted from his to whisper
"Please tech, fuck me...I have an implant".
He grunted, grabbing his cock to guide it to your hole and smearing your moisture on his member before gently guiding the head in.
You gasp as he slowly pushes in and clasps your hands behind his neck, he puts his forehead against your collarbone and moans softly.
"Maker, you feel divine!"
moaned the brown-haired man and intertwined your left hand with his.
You both gasp as he bottoms out. It felt so intense, you could feel every vein and felt him pulsing lightly inside you.
His grip on your hand tightened gently and he gasped as your insides tightened.
"mhh, please move tech"
Tech drove out lightly and then pushed softly into you. He started with light movements and his rhythm accelerated steadily, his lips enclosed one of your nipples and started to suck gently.
You gently tried to suppress your noises so as not to disturb the others and squeaky breathy moans escaped your throat.
"Please more, you feel so good".
Your head fell back as tech began to lightly nip at your throat in response to your request. His thrusts slowed down a bit, but got harder and the hand that was intertwined with yours went gently down to your clit to run firm circles on it.
A high-pitched moan escaped you and you pressed your lips tightly together to avoid another slip.
Your legs crossed behind Tech's hips to press him closer to you, whereupon he slightly changed your position and lifted your hips a little higher.
The new angle broke your will to suppress your sounds and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your nails clawed down the brown-haired man's back.
Tech moaned against your mouth as the grasp of your walls tightened, your sounds blurred together and hot breath escaped your mouths.
"Come for me Cyare, please" (beloved)
he spoke breathy against your throat and the rhythm on your clit increased, he bit gently into your throat to leave a mark.
Your insides grew warm and a pleasurable pressure exerted inside your belly, a bond whose knot became tighter and tighter.
tighter and tighter, until it became harder and harder to breathe, white spots appeared in your gaze and your eyes closed as he gently pinched your nipple.
He whispered softly against your neck again and pressed a soft kiss against your forehead afterwards.
It suddenly felt so quiet, like the calm before the storm, and it took you a few seconds to realize how he was taking care of you, from the gentle movements on your clit to the hard thrusts of his cock inside you.
Your gaze slowly turned to the brown-haired man, his hair wildly disheveled and his eyes squeezed tightly shut, his hot breath hitting your neck and his movements faltered as he looked up at you.
you whispered and a loud moan escaped his lips as he heard you speak his native language.
"olaror ti ni ner kar'ta" (come with me my heart)
he cursed and his thrusts lost their rhythm, tech rutted into you with firm movements and locked his lips with yours.
Your hand gently went to one of his nipples to stimulate it and he whimpered as the pleasure ran down his spine.
"im cumming, olaror ti ni (y/n)" (come with me (y/n)
he pleaded and the knot inside you exploded as he bit your shoulder.
A long moan escaped you and his whimpering followed as he came inside you. Tech's cum was warm and a gentle pressure pressed against your Cervix.
"Gar cuyir bid jate, yaiyai'yc ni bid pirusti" (you did so good, satisfied me so well)
you praised him gently and he shuddered as your hand raked through his hair.
He sat up slightly to take one of his (clean) cleaning cloths to wipe you and his cock and leaned slightly to the floor to hand you your clothes while he put on his pants.
Afterwards he settled back on top of you and gently pulled the blanket over both of you to lay his head on your chest.
He opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted him.
"Sleep ner Kar'ta, we'll talk later". (My heart)
He closed his mouth and closed his eyes as you gently massaged his scalp. His arms hugged you as far as he could and a soft smile was on his lips as he yawned.
Your movements faltered as your eyes slowly closed and you also fell asleep.
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Hours must have passed when you next opened your eyes, the chrono clock showed 16:47 hours and your eyes widened as you realized how long you must have slept.
Tech was no longer on you, but you could hear light tinkering outside. You got up to put on your clothes and then went into the fresher to freshen up.
Fortunately, your sweater had a collar, because the mark Tech had left behind was clearly visible. Still, you cursed and rubbed at it
you strolled into the cockpit of the marauder and directly a sarcastic whistling sounded.
"Look who has awakened from her beauty sleep!"
the marksman's voice teased, and he chuckled as you gave him a somber look.
"You probably should have slept longer."
you countered and he grumbled under his breath as you gently pushed against his shoulder to sit down on a chair.
"No crosshair, gar ganar at tionir kaysh at olaror ti gar" (you have to ask her to come with you)
the Sargent quipped and laughed as you kicked his leg.
"I could have slept longer if my brother and his girlfriend hadn't had sex in the bed below me."
Crosshair replied, chuckling and crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned back.
You were about to answer, but a voice interrupted you.
"That's your problem Crosshair, experiencing what you've already done yourself is apparently not so nice after all?"
Tech looked at his datapad as he spoke to his brother and walked forward to the console. Hunter looked at you with a grin and shrugged his shoulders as if to say that Tech was right.
"Oh shut up."
Thank you for reading love!
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