#but it just wrote itself
annegrey · 1 month
Two for the price of one
Kelly x fem!Reader x Max
Summary: While you loved both of them, Kelly was the only one you've slept with. And she wants to help you to finally enjoy Max' company. (I kinda suck at summaries.)
Let me know what you think! Without critisism one can't get better! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your breath was labored, your hands were clutching the sheets to your sides, and there was a soft warmth along your back. A soft chuckle sounded, and a hand grabbed yours. You couldn’t be sure whose hand it was, with the blindfolds, but instead of making you even more nervous, they helped you calm down.
A soft kiss was placed on your neck, then your cheek. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, he knows what to do. I trained him well”, Kelly whispered, and another chuckle sounded, this time from between your legs. “That she did.”
Knowing that Max saw you like that, all spread out and your most intimate parts right in front of his face, made you squirm. And with your right hand clutched in Kellys, you knew the soft touch on your right thigh was Max. And while you loved that man to bits, it still made you suck in a deep breath.
While he had been nothing but considerate, you have always been more nervous when it came to sex with men. You didn’t know why, but while you found men and women equally attractive, you felt more comfortable about yourself and those little flaws that made you human around other women. And Kelly had made it her mission to show you that you had nothing to fear from Max.
Because even though you have been in a relationship with both of them for quite some time, this was the first time Max was included in your erotic endeavors. Simply because you were too concerned with his judgement, which was completely ridiculous. He loved you, you knew that, but that didn’t shut that small voice in your head up.
So Kelly came up with an idea: you just didn’t see him. The solution was just as ridiculous as the problem, but it worked. After Kelly had tied the silk around your head, you had felt yourself relax more and more, the longer everything went on. Even when the second pair of hands and lips joined Kellys, you were able to concentrate on the feeling instead of your fears. You weren’t sure how or why it worked, but that didn’t matter.
 And even now, all spread out, all it needed was some kisses from Kelly on your neck and her free hand massaging your breast, and you were relaxing once again. Just to be surprised when you felt a tongue swipe through your folds. A moan was ripped from your throat, and you leaned your head on Kellys shoulder, sighing and whimpering while Max truly started to eat you out.
Two hands, slightly rough, grabbed your hips to keep you still, and only then you realised that you had pushing them towards Max’ face. Your unhappy huff just made your two lovers laugh, and Kelly kissed your cheek again, before her second hand joined her other with massaging your tits. It wasn’t the first time with her, so she knew exactly how to pinch and twist your nipples to make you keen and arch your back.
At the same time she was softly biting your neck, slowly working her way to that one spot that almost instantly made you come apart at your seams. While you were a moaner, making your pleasure known, tonight you were almost screaming with pleasure. Kelly knew exactly which spots to hit, and Max was really, really good at eating a woman out, so it didn’t take you long to feel your climax approach.
“I’m… I’m close”, you gasped, and both of them slowed down for a bit. “You think you got a second one in you? Do you need a break?”, Kelly asked, while one hand was slowly stroking your arm. This was one of the reasons you loved her. She was always so considerate and made sure you were on board with everything before acting. Just like she sat you down not long ago and explained her idea with the blindfold. And right now, she was asking, not truly if you wanted to cum, but if you wanted to continue afterwards. You took a few breaths, you owed it to her, to them, to think about this. And if you were honest…
You didn’t want to stop. You wanted them to make a crying mess out of you, until the silky blindfold was soaking wet and you were to exhausted to move even a finger. So you took another breath, swallowed, and whispered “No, make me cum. Please, I can take it. I need you. Both of you.”
“You’re such a good girl”, Kelly whispered, while Max just moaned and continued to eat you out as if you were his last meal. You gripped the sheets in your hands, not even sparing a thought of maybe ripping them with how hard you were pulling on them and bucked your hips against Max’ hold on them. Kelly even snuck a hand down to your pussy and started to rub your clit, causing your orgasm to crash over you. You didn’t even notice that one of your hands had grabbed Max’ hair and pulled him closer to your core while you rode out your climax.
Only when you were breathing hard, slowly coming down from your high, you felt someone carefully pulling it out. You mumbled a quiet sorry, but Max just kissed your knuckles. At the same time, you felt Kellys lips on your temple, and a hand on your blindfold. “What do you think, should we get rid of it?” You knew what she was asking. Were you feeling comfortable enough to look at Max for the remainder of the evening. Chewing on your lips for a bit, you nodded. “Yes, please.”
@amberpanda99 (told you I would inform you xD) @sassymillenialscorpio
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siscon-stsg · 2 months
could you write a scenario about gojo fucking his sweet little virgin and innocent sister. When he looked so long her cunt, she blushed and said;
Nii-chan, p-please don't look at it
I love your writings <3
(CW: incest, innocent and virgin reader, my bad writing and not beta'd, satoruniichan being manipulative cuz yeah that's him. name-calling. oral (f receiving). corruption. degradation if you squint i guess? finger-sucking. cliff hanger cuz i'm evil)
THANK YOU PRETTY BABY YOU'RE THE BESTTT!!! i'm kissing you on the mouth mmmmmmwah c'mere. i suck at writing full pieces, haven't done it in literal AGES, but i did my best for you!! so sorry if it sucks!! my brain hurts i am not used to thinking for long periods of time. /j
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satoru's eyes were impossible to escape from. he'd always make you feel naked under his gaze, like two stars sucking the light out of the night sky.
but now they gazed down at you with such hunger it was almost threatening.
“hmmm,” he hummed with a grin, long fingers tracing aimless patterns all over your wet cunny; “don' close y'r legs, pretty. don' ya wanna make your big bro happy?”
and that only made you whimper more. what was so entertaining about this? you struggled not to close your thighs around his pretty head of white hair. “niichan! don't look!”
your parents could be home any minute! what would they say if they saw you like that? knees to your chest on the living room couch, satoru inspecting you down there like he was eyeing a ring at a jewelry store!
he played with your puffy lips, rubbing them up an down. he pulled down the hood around your clit, he stretched your entrance to the sides with both thumbs; only to laugh at the sticky trails of pussy juice drooling down from it.
“why not?” satoru had to laugh at you. some nerve you had to complain, really, when your little pussy was drenched and pulsing, so far untouched. he spat on you, spreading it around your pink flesh with a thumb, and smirked when it got you all squirmy.
“c'mon, be good 'n stay still”. a firm, steadying hand pressed down on your tummy. “y're more than old 'nough to still be a virgin, y'know? i'd be embarrassed if i were you”.
was that true? was not having sex at your age that bad?
satoruniichan always had so many friends, did so much better in school than you, was always dating one girl or another... he'd know about that sort of thing, right?
after all, you were always picked on for being the prune little sister. your parents never approved of any boy you had a crush on, and being a good daughter you never went against their wishes.
satoru caught on your dilemma quick. he leaned in close, blowing his hot, tickly breath teasingly over your clit. “wan' big bro to change that?”
“change w-what? hm!” you moaned. this time you couldn't stop your thighs from closing when satoru's lips sucked on your clitty, slurping loudly until you cried out.
“pop y'r cherry, dummy,” your big bro chuckled. “that way, y' won' be so pathetic anymore”.
the name stung, “pathetic”. tho you could barely think about that with satoru loudly licking, slurping, kissing, burying his face into your pussy. nose into your clit, and purring. arms hugging your hips so you can't escape his hungry stimulation.
you couldn't even think, only moan and shiver. were big brothers even supposed to do this sort of thing to their little sisters? but then again, it felt so good!
satoru pulled back with your clitty slurped between your lips, giddy for the cute cries you let out. “'nd?” he said, voice much deeper and husky than before.
“c'monnn, say yes!” his cheeks puffed up and satoru pouted, like a spoiled child begging for candy. only that this “child” was rubbing your clit in tight frenzied circles with his thumb, not slowing down even as you trashed and squirmed and whimpered. satoru dove tongue first into your soppy hole, muffling his words in your sloshy muscles: “d'y' wanth t' be p'thethic 'll y'r lwife 'r noth?”
“n-niichan!” is all you could say, or cry. your muscles were stiffing up, specially down your belly. satoru seemed impatient, because his tongue swiftly exchanged placed with two long, too long fingers that crooked inside your virgin pussy. he felt around, until finding your gummy, sensitive little walls.
he thrusted and thrusted from his wrist at a sadistic pace, laughing at you and at your slutty teary face. you were going to be such a whore, he just knew. “wanna cum, huh? my pretty sluts wan's to cum?”
your clit felt on fire under his slimy tongue. your walls were spasming, pussy crying as much as your eyes and it was like your body was made of jelly. you shivered and cried, and when your back arched, hips bucking against his hand, your eyes saw heaven and stars twinkled behind your eyelids and
satoru stopped.
“noooo! no! why'd you sto- mmph!” his slick fingers stopped your whining by thrusting down your throat. you almost gagged, throat and pussy convulsing in synch.
the albino sat back on his heels without pulling back from your mouth; one hand fumbling with his sweatpants until it came out springing. angry red, leaky, pulsing, and he rubbed the tip of his dick a couple times against your slit with a deep grunt.
“didn't give ya permission t' cum, did i? now open up f'my cock, slut”
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visenyaism · 1 month
Hello bestie I am curious as to your thoughts on the "Rhaegar saw Dany while she was having a vision of him and mistook her for a future Visenya" theory, if you're willing to share them? I can't decide which side of the fence I'm on (seems like a misinterpretation to me, but does do the whole reinforcing the tragic themes of prophecy thing, which I do love)
eh im not super into it being that literal i think prophecy works best when it’s a bit more thematic and metaphorical because the whole point is interpretation and misinterpretation. i also don’t think rhaegar ever saw dany and mistook her for a daughter, i think it would make more sense to mistake dany for himself, just like she mistakes herself for rhaegar in her own visions.
the version of this theory that i really like is that daenerys bringing the dragons back is such a powerful moment that returns magic to the world that it sort of reverberates out and wraps the timeline around itself. to the extent that people who are dreamers are getting snippets of it like hundreds of years earlier as well. but people see what they want to see and turns out a lot of targaryens who saw someone walking out of a fire unharmed or hatching three dragons from stone or melting a bunch of ice soldiers with dragonfire or crossing the trident and they said thats ME i am the prince that was promised in order to get the dragons back i have to do those things. and they killed themselves trying to accomplish this because it was never going to be them it was daenerys, someone who they would have denied all power and agency and never suspected of greatness if she had been around in their time. i think thats neat
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nburkhardt · 5 months
perhaps five for the cuddling prompts if you haven’t done it already? It just seems like something that they would say 🩵
5 - “I’m sorry, I’m probably suffocating you.” “No, I don’t mind. If I do happen to suffocate, just know I died happy.”
Steve will admit he’s clingy. Very clingy actually. Like to the point where a nasty voice in the back of his head -that sounds a little like his dad- will curse him and call him names about it whenever he throws his presence around anyone.
Robin told him once that it’s probably because his parents didn’t give him a lot of affection, that he craves touch. It’s why she drapes over him whenever they’re hanging out, or when she decides to link arms whenever they’re walking. He loves her for it, especially loves how she said it’s not a bad thing to be this way.
That he’s allowed to be clingy, to give affection.
Nearly all of his past relationships didn’t like it, thought it was too much. Nancy liked it for the first few months and somewhere along the way, told him to pull it back a little. Maybe that’s when he should’ve realized she didn’t feel the same way.
Which is why he decided to back down with his clingy tendencies around Eddie. Doesn’t want to push him away or give him the chance to hurt him. Because if Eddie learns how much he can be or that he has feelings, it could very easily change. He could lose this.
He thinks that he’s successful with pulling away, until Eddie corners him during movie night at the trailer.
Hopping up, he wiggles his empty can to wordlessly tell Eddie about grabbing a new one. It’s a quick few minutes and when he sits back down, Eddie is pausing the movie.
“Uh, what?” Steve looks at him, “Eds?”
Eddie sat the remote down and turned fully towards him. Determination on his face, arms now crossed and it’s leaving Steve confused. They were fine just a second ago.
“Are you upset with me?” Eddie asks, and it really throws Steve for a loop, “Stevie, you’re not where you’re supposed to be”
Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Steve opens his mouth a few times before closing it and crossing his own arms, “Eddie, what? That, what are you talking about?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, uncrossing his arms to throw them up and grip at the air before dropping them to Steve’s leg. It makes him pull it away and Eddie lets out a hum, “That! You’re pulling away from me, I thought you liked touch? It’s movie night and you’re sitting so far away from me, I miss my space heater. Miss my sunshine”
It makes him tense up, eyes widen and his heart to go in overdrive. A million thoughts race and he can’t- there’s, “Ed- what, um. Are you, are you saying that, you like how clingy I am?” He cringes as he speaks.
“Stevie, Steve, Honeylove, I will always love how clingy you are.” Eddie smiles and slowly reaches towards him before lightly touching Steve’s arm and Steve looks towards it before meeting Eddie’s eyes, finding unsaid question; can I touch?
All he can do is nod and watch as Eddie smiles and pulls him hard enough to make him fall directly on top of him.
Being this close, Steve can feel how fast Eddie’s heart is beating. Feels his own heartbeat beats along just as fast, it makes his eyes widen as he looks at Eddie’s face.
Eddie hums and wraps his arms around him, “hm?”
“What are you saying?”
Eddie squeezes him, “Want ya clingy, want you.”
Steve freezes and it seems like forever as he meets Eddie’s eye. Finding a fond expression, “I’ve wanted to ask for a while, ya know? Thought I had time to figure out the best way but someone,” he presses a finger to Steve’s back, “decided to pull away recently and I’ve decided that’s not happening, that I need my cuddly sunshine baby.”
It brings tears up and giggles bubble up, as he shifts to hide his face. Squeezing him and presses him more into the couch, “sorry, Teddy. Probably suffocating you”
Eddie clicks his tongue, “Nah, darling. I don’t mind, If I do happen to suffocate, just know I died happy. Because, I really love you.”
Steve grins, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s shoulder before shifting to look down at him, “I really love you too, you sap”
Can I just say I really don’t think it makes perfect sense? Maybe it does and it’s just me, my edible hit me half way into this. I think I rambled a bit, lost the plot a bit.
Hope you still like it tho!!!!!
Cuddling prompts
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mishaesque · 2 months
supernatural really went from “let’s find the two hottest young guys out there and make cheesy horror flicks” to
“the brothers are the centre of the universe and the books god wrote about them will one day be known as The Winchester Gospel”
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youssefguedira · 5 months
actually i've decided i'm obsessed with joe's what are you gonna do kill me line. marwan kenzari plays that one 100% seriously which is in line with how he does the rest of the scene (perfect btw 100/10 we've talked about that that's not the point here) and i tend to overlook it because of that but in retrospect funniest possible thing to say to the guys who have kidnapped you for your immortality. what ARE they gonna do. kill him?
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sainamoonshine · 3 months
My unpopular opinion is that in languages with grammatical gender like french, it does make sense for Murderbot to be referred to by whatever pronoun is usually used for robots or constructs. (In french, therefore, grammatical masculine.) Because there are no traditional « it » pronouns in these languages for objects, and while there are neo-pronouns, they are things one must choose for themselves. Do you honestly think MB actually spent time thinking about its pronouns?! No it didn’t. On forms it picks « non-applicable ». When people ask it what pronouns they should use, its honest opinion is « why do you even need to talk about me. Just don’t fucking do that. Don’t think about me either. Just fucking stop perceiving me altogether! »
Thinking about what pronouns to use probably makes it way more uncomfortable than letting people call it what they’ve already been calling it. Making a conscious choice about its identity? And telling other people about it??? No thanks bye, it’s just gonna walk into the ocean now, see you never.
Lbr it probably thinks the only bots that get fancy pronouns are comfort units, and the pronouns are probably shoved into them by humans same as everything else. MB would meet a bot using a neopronoun and it would wish it could barf. Because in a language like french, he/him and she/her, when applied to objects, ARE fulfilling the function of the english « it ». Nobody is saying the table is a woman or related to feminity in any way outside of stand-up comedy; when it comes to objects grammatical gender really has fuckall to do with human gender even if we use the same words. Even animal species names have grammatical gender and everyone gets that there are male and female turtles even if the word « turtle » is a female word, it’s not that confusing.
(I know this is strange when your language has different pronouns for people and for objects, but understand that english uses the same word to indicate if I’m addressing one or many people, and that is confusing to me.)
TL;DR; stop harassing international fans for not getting the correct MB pronoun in english right off the bat. Yes in english calling it « he » or « her » or « them » is upsetting because it’s projecting an identity unto it. But same goes for trying to get a foreign language translation to use a pronoun intended to express or showcase an identity (or even a lack of one!). Murderbot has not thought about it this hard, refuses to think about it this hard -> and that is its only canon accurate gender identity.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Nando being silly in S2E2 of his doc 🥺
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phantomgrimalkin · 10 months
"Moony- how did you get a cat and not tell us?" 
Remus growled at the question, pulling his blanket over his head as James bounced on the bed, trying to get his attention.
"Piss off, Prongs," he snarled, grabbing his pillow to smack the boy with, resulting in an indignant yowl that made him freeze and process what James had actually said.
He froze, pillow in his raised arms, and glanced down to where a large, black, fluffy cat with silvery eyes was flicking its tail with irritation, nearly blending into Sirius’s long, black hair spread over the pillow as the other boy also grumbled and buried himself under the covers.
Remus tilted his head back for a moment, muttered, "Right, I signed up for this," then resumed smacking James across the face with his pillow, "It is too fucking early, you bloody Quidditch menace!"
"Oy! If you'd stop trying to hide things from us!" he laughed.
"It can wait until a reasonable hour!" he insisted.
"It's not my fault - your bunkmate needs to get up," James pouted, shoving Sirius out of bed with a single push, taking the covers with him. "And I saw this sweetie," he finished, reaching out for the cat who hissed.
"Right inconsiderate, Moons, what if I was allergic?" Sirius muttered sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
"And Wormy might have issues with it," James added, teasingly.
"Leave me out of this! I like cats fine!" Peter shouted.
Remus growled again, grabbing the cat in his arms and moving them both to Sirius's untouched bed, as his had been thoroughly destroyed.
"You're going to have to tell me what you want to be called like that, or else you'll be named by the people responsible for 'Moony' and 'Wormtail'," Remus muttered to the cat, pulling the blanket over his head and going back to sleep.
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robinfollies · 8 months
me and the guy i pulled by accidentally implying i like jazz music
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braingobrrr · 11 months
can't believe that in order to finish writing my fic i have to Finish Writing it. life is so unfair
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Almost finished reading Dungeon Meshi and I got an idea
So in Dungeon Meshi or Delicious in Dungeon, there are these... dungeons.
And from what I have gathered dungeons can be made naturally or artificially but both types have the same few things in common.
They are made to contain demons
They attract adventures
The dungeons have lords who manage/control the dungeon and are given the power to do so by the demons
I know that I'm skimming over some important bits, but long story short, the demons come from an alternate dimension called 'The Infinite Realm' and feed off of people's desires, the Lord of the Dungeon's specifically.
That being said... (incoming dp x dc prompt)
Beings from the Infinite Realms aren't ghosts but demons. And while they do still have obsessions, they lack desires. And so, they've become something they hunger for.
Danny learns this the hard way when he accidentally eats his parents' desire to hunt 'ghosts'.
When the endless, all-consuming hunger, that had been growing inside himself became just a bit satisfied by the action, he got scared. He ran to Clockwork, who immediately explained everything to him.
From there he became terrified. He didn't want to eat people's desires, especially considering that he had some of his own. But CW explained that while other demons will most likely never be satisfied no matter how many desires they consume, because of Danny's halfa status he may be able to. (Also it would be a bad thing if the baby starves itself. No one wants the baby to starve!)
To test out this theory, CW pulls (more than) a couple of strings, and soon his dungeon was set up in Gotham City in the DC universe.
He felt a bit bad since he had to set up shop in another ghost's/demon's territory, but Lady Gotham seemed to have taken a liking to him.
Danny takes his time searching for the most desperate person he can find, (Lady Gotham is leading him to some of the most desperate people in her city, aka the Batfam.), and appears to one of them as a fawn (signifying his hunger and current 'lack' of power). He then looks deep into their mind and offers them the power to fulfill all their desires.
The Batfam? They should be better than this, but damn they were in a tight spot and the city is going to shit because the rouges have been more active than ever, and their family is on the verge of crumbling!... And the answer to fix it all was right there, just within their reach.
They held the fawn in their arms gently. Its ivory wings, coat of starlight, and piercing Lazurus green eyes. Gotham began to change.
A few years later, some members of the JL and the JLD are once again trying their hand at clearing the dungeon but are a bit discouraged because last time their team was wiped out completely.
It was inconvenient how their powers were nullified whenever they were inside the dungeon, but they had yet to find a spell to counteract it.
In an attempt to get past the third floor, they teamed with a team called Team Phantom, which comprised two young adult siblings, their 12-year-old sister, and a few teenagers.
Morally, they were against this. No one this young should be trying to clear the dungeon! But on the other hand, this team was the closest to getting to the fourth floor.
Sucking it up, they teamed up with the young dungeon dwellers and quickly found out why they were so close to getting to the third floor.
These kids were skilled. These kids were powerful. These kids were trained. On top of that, they didn't care about their lives! Because these kids? They wouldn't- no! They couldn't die, and they were using it to their advantage.
The JL/JLD now had much more to worry about than clearing the dungeon.
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smile-files · 1 year
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you hate me for believing/that we are born for living
so you wish i were dead/you wish i weren't happy
i find it truly tragic/that you murdered your magic
when you said it wasn't real/you chose to kill it
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000marie198 · 5 months
Over the years, Nine had gotten used to the ambience of his underground lab. A calm silence on the best of days, ringing one on the worst but it was his nonetheless. His lab, his safe haven away from the tyrant ruled city above. Away from the monsters who'd brought him nothing but pain and misery.
Underground, it was safe.
The labyrinth of tunnels he knew like the back of his hand, skulking through them as sneakily as a spider in its own web. No citizens knew but the underground system was Nine's territory.
Still, an additional reassurance of security wouldn't hurt. Hence, the password-protected metal door so nobody can catch him off guard in his own home in case they ever stumbled across the lab. He had chosen the perfect spot for his lab, far away from any maintenance tunnels or security rooms, out of sight of any cameras and sentries, away from the patrol routes of the Resistance spies.
The calm isolation helped him work. He had gotten used to the mixture of silence and noise. The humming of lights and machinery, buzz of electricity running through concrete and metal walls, the rumbling vibrations of the train as it passed outside every half hour. It was routine, it was a semblance of a home.
His life was far from great, he didn't even know what a good life is supposed to be except for being left to his devices without getting beaten up. It was a far cry from the years of his childhood - he sometimes forgot he was a child still - when he would be jumped by one or another bully just for having an abnormality. The seven metal appendages he built to fight back covered his abnormality in an illusion of a single tail. Rarely ever he got disturbed about it afterwards, managing to blend in with the crowd whenever he had to venture out and then back in, ignored without a second thought. He preferred it over being the center of some horrid attention.
He preferred his hidden away lab in the bowels of the city over being someone's neighbor in the skyscrapers above. It was too dull and depressing, too noisy. He couldn't work in that environment, with the monotone buzz of sentries and Egg Forcers, the smog that made the air thick and hard to breathe in, the boom of speakers on those darn balloons saying "You're Welcome". Nine would scoff. Welcome, yeah right.
No way he would ever live up there. He wouldn't even be given enough peace to sketch a blueprint, let alone build something. He liked the combination of silence and routinely noise in his isolated lab thank you very much. The muffled screech of the vehicle arriving followed by the deep rumble in the walls before silence fell once more, back to the hum and buzz of his treasured creations and dim fluorescents.
No matter how repetitive, Nine liked the ambience of that place. It helped him think, kept him calm, helped him create to his heart's content. He would sometimes get so lost in his work that day and night blended into one -not that it made much of a difference either way - and he would lose track of the hours.
It was one of those days when someone swivelled him to face towards the person and away from his work desk. That moment, all of Nine's fears and fight or flight instincts had kicked into overdrive.
His home was discovered.
He tried to fight back, scare him away, the persistent and annoying intruder.
Nine believed himself a spider facing a fly that wandered into his web. He didn't expect to get stuck on one of his own threads.
Terror ran through him as the train almost crushed him, and then he was saved.
By the same stranger who had managed to find his place, managed to unlock his door without a single alarm going off in case someone entered an incorrect password.
That day, Nine learned about joy and companionship, felt safe around someone for the first time in his life, learned that there's a lot more to a good life than he could've ever known.
That day, Nine's life had taken a sudden unexpected swerve into the unknown.
The unknown led him to a place even better than the one he had lived in the past handful of years. Silent, isolated, empty, just what his heart had wished. A dream home he never knew he wanted.
The Grim.
What started out with hope and happiness, shoved him through pain and determination and betrayal and anger and heartache. His beacon of hope, his reason to feel joy for the first time in his life felt tainted. It hurt him and yet he couldn't bring himself to rebuild the walls that were taken down, couldn't bring himself to destroy the half-built bridge no matter how much his heart urged him to.
He has seen on the other side, a part of him didn't want to lose the pathway to the other side.
What he didn't look at was the flames of his rage burning all the other places hidden beyond the rest of his walls. His urge to snatch what he needed to fix his broken home and bring colors to it would destroy what lay beyond the bridge. The reason behind his hope and joy and anger and pain.
He would have to destroy that reason to bring back what everyone lost.
And then, Sonic was gone.
And Nine was alone, as was promised to him.
It was what he wanted, wasn't it? What he always wished for. His lab was here, brighter than it was back then, with a much cooler change in aesthetic. A touch of color, a touch of openness, a mark of Sonic still left in the existence of palm trees and a hammock.
He would've loved it if he were here.
The ambience of his lab in the Grim was different than New Yoke. There was the silence he had wanted, the isolation.
But he couldn't bring himself to build things anymore. The silence was too deafening, the echoes of his tool too loud. The lights didn't hum, the buzz of machinery carrying too many painful flashbacks.
He couldn't stop hearing the screams in his memory every time he heard the buzz. Grim was somehow more silent and still louder than New Yoke.
It felt less and less like something that should've been a home and more like a prison.
Why did it feel so much worse even though the situation was much better than New Yoke could ever hope to be, where he had to be constantly alert of everything around him anytime he headed out? Where the air was thick and unbreathable any time he headed outside his lab?
This place had colors but was too lifeless, calm and peaceful but dripping in sorrow.
Was it because his conception of a good life had changed? New Yoke's lab used to feel like an ideal home but that was then. Now thinking back on it, it was so much worse than what he had known.
Sound simulations did nothing to bring him back in the mood. He couldn't create anymore.
He liked the ambience here so much more but...
It was empty. Grim... Heh
The darkness of sleep consumed him and he welcomed it over his pained thoughts.
When he came to, he felt weak, too tired to move. His mind was empty and he felt whole and safe. Home... Nine felt he was seeing things, that he was in a dream when he saw the ones he thought he'd never see again.
Murmured conversations he felt too delirious too remember the words of but knew he had had. He no longer heard the eery silence, nor the loud buzz, just soothing murmur of familiar voices, familiar presence.
That moment, Nine hadn't realized his life would be taking another turn.
That day, Nine finally cried. And things spiraled and turned around for the better. Grim no longer held him contained, he was being taken to his real home, the one he never knew he deserved, the one he never realized he had needed.
Time passed, before he found himself in a lab, same bunk bed and desk and computer screen that he always had but not shrouded in shades of grey nor violet.
The machinery hummed and beeped, the air wasn't thick nor still and gently swooshed around like playful wisps. The light was a combination of white fluorescent and yellow gold, the natural rays holding warmth that tickled his fur. A soothing combination of peaceful silence and gentle noise, distant chirp of flickies, taps and pitter-patter of footsteps sounding through the walls, familiar voices muffled and clear; an ambience he could get used to.
Nine's fingers twitched towards the desk and after so long, he finally built
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doctorsiren · 1 year
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Here’s just the art I did for my Death Shroud song :D
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the-witchhunter · 2 years
A Game of Cat and Mouse DP x DC Prompt
     When a number of GZ artifacts end up in a place called Gotham, someone needs to retrieve them. Unfortunately for him, that someone is Danny. Now stuck in an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar universe and needing to keep a low profile, he has to get by on skill, wit, and minimal use of his powers. 
     Selina is getting tired of this upstart thief. After one too many artifacts are swiped before she can get them herself, she has had enough. As a matter of pride as the greatest cat burglar to ever live, she’s going to catch this thief herself. 
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