#but it just reminds me of how much potential the genre has
littleeyesofpallas · 1 month
Ya know maybe it's the nostalgia talking but given that Back to Nature was the Harvest Moon I fixated on the most growing up, I can't help but feel like something the Story of Seasons and Stardew-likes all really miss is the drama of it all. I loved how every romance in Mineraltown had a rival. And everyone's events had a little touch of soap-opera-y melodrama to them.
Cliff being a hobo and you having the choice to help him find a job that'll let him stay in town or not.
Drunk old Duke and his timid wife running the vineyard all alone because their daughter ran off.
Potpurri and Rick's sickly mother waiting for her husband to return with the miracle cure to her illness.
Potpurri as this naive ditz flirting with the bad boy sailor, Kai, who promises to whisk her away, and if they do end up together she actually does leave home and you only see her during the summer when Kai's back in town.
Gray being a broody little bad boy himself and his frigid relationship with his grandfather.
The doctor quietly working himself to ragged in a sort of PG Franz Kafka Country Doctor shtick, and Ellie watching over him while singlehandedly looking after her grandmother and little brother.
Little May living with her grandfather as he worries he's not able to give her the right upbringing at his age.
Like, the whole town was just laced with these little threads of mundane anxiety and melancholy that really made everything feel alive and connected. Not just because it added a little darkness to each character but because it created these social puzzles for you to solve as the player. And I just feel like most games that came after lost that aspect. Everyone's relationship events are just a straight corridor with no real choices or intersecting plots.
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nhularin · 1 year
oh, say it ditto
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PAIRING situationship!jungwon x reader GENRE angst, highschool AU WARNING insecurities, miscommunication?? WC 0.7k
❕series masterlist
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November 21, 1998
"is it true?" minji, your friend, asked as she plopped on the chair in front of you, a melona ice stick in her hand "are you and yang jungwon from class 4 really dating?"
you paused. what were you supposed to tell her? ' yes we are' and then get turned down by the boy you liked like a fool? yeah, that's not going to happen.
so you only shook your head. as much as you didnt like the idea, you and jungwon aren't a thing, and he apparently has no intentions of making it official.
despite the late night calls or him waiting for you after school to walk you home, he has never confessed how he really feels about you
the small chit chat lingered in your head for the rest of class. insecurities and what ifs haunted your mind like a parasite not willing to leave its host. a frown etched on your forehead as you leaned on your chin, lost in your own world.
a cold sensation touched your skin, a gasp leaving your lips as you looked up to the perpetrator. and there he was, the boy who's slowly breaking your heart grinning like an angel fallen from grace.
"class prez, are you thirsty?" he asked with a bottle of banana milk in his hand, doe eyes forming into crescents and dimples leaving your legs wobbly. if you weren't already seated, you would've definitely fallen.
but silence hung heavy in the air and you didnt dare to speak. too afraid that his presence will make your voice betray you.
"thank you" you say with faux confidence.
why is he here? you never spoke at school, keeping your relationship out of sight from everyone. "im a private person" he has told you, but is that really the truth?
the absence of his affirmations left your heart wobbling and struggling on a fragile edge, desperately grasping onto threads of hope.
Like you a little, don’t want no riddle
maybe, just maybe, he needed time to sort through the maze of his own emotions. Maybe he was as afraid as you were, terrified of crossing the boundaries of friendship into something more.
"let me walk you to your next class, yn."
you heart ached and screamed for resistance, to turn him down and let you heal.
but you nodded.
December 18, 1998
but as days turned into weeks, doubt crept into the deepest recesses of your heart. fear of rejection clawed at your self-esteem, whispering cruel reminders of your misplaced hope. maybe you had misread everything. maybe his silence was a rejection in disguise, too painful to be spoken aloud.
February 17, 1999
each interaction became a tug-of-war in your mind, balancing on the precipice between euphoria and heartache. you weaved through the labyrinth of mixed signals, dissecting his every word, searching for hidden meanings. his smiles, his laughter, the moments you shared together, all fueled your longing for something deeper, for a connection that transcended the uncertainties of a situationship.
Say it, say it back, oh, say it ditto
and so, you found solace in the uncertain, cherishing the pieces of hope that still shimmered within. in the quiet depths of your heart, you held on to the possibility of reciprocated love, hoping that maybe one day, he would find the words to express what his silence couldn't.
but as the drizzling rain pattered against your window, a cruel realization settled within—a truth too raw to ignore. the love you craved, the affirmation you eagerly wanted, may never come. And with that realization came acceptance, a bittersweet realisation to the heart
November 21, 1999
each unspoken word became a chapter left unwritten, leaving room for unanswered questions and unresolved emotions. and though the journey with Jungwon held the potential for a love story, its unwritten conclusion deemed it as a tragedy, with you as its protagonist.
leaning against the window pane, your gaze shifted from the rain-streaked glass to the world beyond. a mixture of sorrow and comfort laced your heart as you realized that sometimes, the most beautiful stories were those that remained untold. and as you moved forward into the future, you carried with you the lessons learned, the strength gained, and a love that may forever remain stuck in the confusing space between what was and what could have been.
do you think about me now?
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
im a huge sucker for Real Time Combat but I will never get behind thinking its the natural evolution of Turn Based Combat. What!! these are different styles!!! i genuinely think the turn based influence is explicitly what MAKES FF7s real time combat INCREDIBLE for me. without it, it would be just a kind-of mid action game.
FF16 just has me thinking about that and it kind of reminds me of how we had a 2D platformer drought for a while because of 3D being seen as inherently better but we've ALREADY gone through the whole loop of realizing these are two different styles with pros and cons to those. The thought that goes into designing both styles vary greatly and they both accomplish different things.
like, being able to just mash X and kill a guy in real time is not inherently better than carefully strategizing and experimenting to kill a guy in a couple turns!! these are two unique stances in gameplay with strengths and weaknesses and its weird to see one treated as better. and i admit, im a fucking sucker for real time, i like at least some real time elements in most game's combat, but i think FF7R's combat is incredible BECAUSE it's not just purely real-time. You can swap around, go through menus, plan stuff!! its such a cool synthesis!! Real Time Combat can offer the thrill of really BEING in combat, dodging and weaving, getting gritty with your foe, but Turn Based allows you to strategize and plan and have MUCH easier access to a potentially HUGE arsenal of moves without having to fiddle with menus while you're scrambling to avoid getting hit. These styles are different and can bring a lot to the other, but acting like one is somehow better beyond just preference is very silly to me.
When you play a game with turn-based combat that sucks, know that it's probably because the balancing/design itself is not fun, not the actual genre. Super Lesbian Animal RPG has no real-time elements at all in combat, but it's some of the most engaging and fun and well-balanced turn-based combat I've had the pleasure of experiencing. And it has a deep focus on teamwork and friendship, and I think that's genuinely very hard to instill in Real-Time games because the player is forced to control only one character at a time in linear, progressively flowing time. I love KHII, but it rarely feels like you're working together because aside from your Limit attacks, you can't really collaborate with your party members or strategize. It's still a FANTASTIC game that I love playing, but the element of teamwork is lacking in comparison to a turn-based game, like, say, Bug Fables, which has you control all three members of Team Snakemouth. It allows you to have a myriad of attacks and moves that all influence each other, and because you can control all members, it feels really good and rewarding! And you all feel like friends, not just in cutscenes, but explicitly in gameplay because teamwork is highly incentivized to make things work!
i guess if ur a dev or just someone who appreciates games remember that there's no objectively better style for gameplay; it's all about context!! what is the GOAL of combat? What choices does it have the player make? Would one style work over the other for achieving this goals? That's how you pick what style you want to use! That's how you can analyze why or why not a game's style is working for you! rghaGHHHH GAME DEVELOPMENT IS COOL ARRHGHGHGHHGFJG
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lychee-angelica · 2 years
8th house lord through the houses ✧˖°
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vedic astrology
disclaimer ~ this is based on my own research & opinions, so if it doesn’t resonate please let it go. this should go without saying but please do not plagiarise heh
how to find your 8th house lord ~ for starters please only use your vedic/ sidereal chart & whole sign house system. the 8th house lord planet is indicated solely by the sign that falls within the 8th house of a chart. look for the house in your chart where your 8th house lord planet is sitting in. i have included a guide at the very bottom of this post as well but if you need clarification feel free to dm me x
✧˖° 8th lord in 1st house
these people are very seductive & alluring! high physical sex appeal & most likely has very high sex drives. they have a very mysterious & hypnotic presence. highly mystical & intuitive - it is very hard to deceive these people. sensitive & has a very emotionally vulnerable side to them - they try to keep this side of them low-key. comes across as mystical, deep & sensitive. may have health issues that deteriorate their vitality whether mental or physical - keep on top of your well-being. these people have powerful potential to transform one’s self physically - like they can drastically transform other’s perception of them. as per stereotypes, may be prone to seclusion & secrecy on a characteristic level
✧˖° 8th lord in 2nd house
people with this placement have very sexually attractive facial features, especially the eyes & lips. seductive voices! these people are very ‘sensually seductive’ - if that makes sense. may have very deep issues related to self-worth. may be prone to disordered eating & consumption of intoxicates as a means to pacify psychological issues - please be careful of diet culture & intoxication if you have this placement. ability to benefit off other people’s money - just saying reminds me of sugar baby archetypes (8th house is the finance of others & 2nd house is material items). other wise, benefits financially from work related to investigation, research, psychology, astrology, mystical practices, sex, finances or health 
✧˖° 8th lord in 3rd house
people with this placement may be very interested in occult, fantasy, mystical, true crime or mysterious topics. has a mind for mystery. these people are most likely shy - especially when it comes to talking to others. seductive & hypnotic way with words - other people may often take what you say as suggestive even if it’s not. amazing placement for creative writing, especially fantasy or criminal genres. these people may be very sexual inclined, however be careful of not over doing it with sexual activity or becoming too infatuated with it (8th house is sex & 3rd house is hobbies). may be interested in longevity & anti-aging
✧˖° 8th lord in 4th house
highly intuitive, empathetic & good at supporting others. has a great need to connect with others intimately & usually does so intensely, especially within emotional & sexual relationships. for this reason sex & love tend to go together for these people, they often desire devotional bonds/ relationships. these people may harbour or bottle up feelings of shame, isolation & victimhood. usually these feelings are associated with the mother, childhood or home environment in some way. mother may be a scorpionic person or if there are no afflictions the mother may just has interest in spirituality/ mysticism. these people should be very cautious of attracting people who treated poorly within their intimate relationships 
✧˖° 8th lord in 5th house
these people most likely express themselves creatively in a scorpionic way, whether that is intentional or not - megan fox has this placement & she has always been subject to roles that objectify & sexualise her (8th house is sex appeal & 5th house is theatrical entertainment). these people likely enjoy having sex very much, especially within romantic/ committed relationships. has a good understanding of occult, taboo, sexual topics although may be to overly obsessed with these themes. their creativity comes in sudden bursts of energy. if this person has children/ is wanting to the relationship with them may be challenging & dramatic. most likely able to financially support their children. people with this placement should be extra wary of accidental pregnancy
✧˖° 8th lord in 6th house 
profound ability & strength to overcome their obstacles whether they are financial, emotional or psychological. prone to feelings of victimization & vulnerability, be very cautious of others who may try to take advantage of you especially sexually or monetarily. prone to other’s competing with them due to their sex appeal, attracts jealousy from other people - jealousy could even be very low-key, ik this sounds bad but it’s just because you’re so gorgeous! may routinely deal with unwanted attention. very talented in research & investigation. monetary gains can come from disasters, health issues, insurance or injuries. take special care of your own health & the health of your pets x 
✧˖° 8th lord in the 7th house
these people relate to others in a very primal, seductive or intimate way, vice versa. people with this place have many admirers for this reason but be cautious of other people maybe getting the wrong impression of where your interests lay. may be the types who may are good at stalking/ gathering information on a love interest usually via social media. enjoys having sex & is sexually skilful. likely to desire marriage/ commitment. your partner may be passionate & mysterious, a scorpionic type of person. may have sudden disruptions or changes in relationships & marriages
✧˖° 8th lord in the 8th house
deeply interested in occult or taboo subjects, understands & contemplates things deeply. may be detached & caught up with fantasy rather than reality. may be prone to disturbing fascinations related to occult, hidden aspects of life or sex. psychic & intuitive. highly sexually appealing & connects with others intensely during sex. likely to desire commitment & marriage. sometimes this applies but work toward bettering negative thinking patterns & emotions like spite, meanness & manipulative tendencies. additionally, always take care of your mental, emotional & physical health x
✧˖° 8th lord in the 9th house
non-conforming & breaks traditional faith/ beliefs. challenges, tempts or even disturbs other people’s moral compass & faith whether this is intentional or not. greatly intelligent, opinionated & insightful on topics of occult, mysticism, sex & death. most likely occultist or atheists. may be very lucky & experience sudden increase in fortunes. most likely able to benefit from inheritance, wills & insurance - by any legal means. powerful & skilled at manifestation through intention & prayer. that being said, manifestation is so powerful that these people need to be very mindful of negative thinking as this may also manifest itself. be very wary of teachers or older men who may cross boundaries or establish inappropriate relationships. may have sudden disruptions or changes in your higher education - beyond high school
✧˖° 8th lord in the 10th house
people with this placement may seem to be shy, reclusive or deep in thought in the eye of the public. otherwise in more extroverted people the sexual side of the 8th house can be more aligned with their public prominence. these people may be overlooked by other’s but when they do receive attention from authority figures or older men it is intense & overwhelming - always be wary of older men who are sexually interested in you, particularly if they are of a higher status than you. great research & analysis skills which makes them well suited for careers related to secrets, scandals, psychology, investigation, death & surveillance. avoid scandalous behaviour as it will most likely hinder your public image or even career. may experience many sudden changes in status & work     
✧˖° 8th lord in the 11th house
people with this placement may have trouble fitting in & feels like an outcast usually due to issues w/ social anxiety. often attracts friends & people within their social circles that are sexually interested in them - so be cautious of people in your circle for this reason. prominent placement for people who gains financially through sexual, mysterious, investigative or esoteric activities - i noticed this placement to be prominent in top only fans creators. may  experience very sudden rises in wealth/ gains & fame/ social status, although be wary of scandals as they may cause sudden negative turns in luck the same way. generally these people will have a better adult life than their childhood
✧˖° 8th lord in the 12th house
these people are highly skilled at spiritual practices such as detachment, yoga & meditation. they have true understanding of spirituality & reincarnation. most definitely can be shy & introverted types. people with this placement may have emotional or psychological issues that stem very deep. deeply fascinated with fantasy or mystical topics. prone to feeling victimised, at a loss or trapped. high sex drive although may be frigid toward sexual intimacy with others. may have sleep troubles or disorders - please take care of your sleep. be wary of taking bad/ negative actions as they may lead to loss. be very cautious of sexual relationships that debilitate your energy especially via pressuring  
guide ✧˖°
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drunk-on-dk · 11 months
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Pairing: ai!wonwoo x R&D!reader Genre: fluff, angst, smut Rating: 18+ (minors do NOT interact) w/c: ~9.4k
Synopsis: Increasingly becoming cognizant of the worlds surrounding him, W0NW00, an AI so carefully wired and generated with the purest intentions even has the potential to become jaded. How can such a consumeristic world be so cruel when all he once knew was the joys of 53V3NT33N? This new understanding makes him unfamiliar to fans; his creator sending him to you, a trusted developer of LEVEL 1 robots, in hopes that you can reverse the sudden changes in W0NW00’s conscious. Are you part of the system W0NW00 is learning to become adverse to? Or will your presence help remind him of the world he once only had knowledge of?
This is part of the Seventeen Sci-Fi Collab organized by the amazing @idyllic-ghost! Big thank you to Bee for being the genius behind this collab, all the world-building and work you've put into this is amazing. The sci-fi genre was something I had yet to attempt, and I found this enjoyable to write (thank you as well for being extremely patient as it took me awhile to feel comfortable enough with my edits to post this).
You can read all the fics here!!
18+ warnings under the cut!
warnings: reader & Wonwoo can be quite pessimistic; commentary on consumerism (?); reader is a bit systematic and lacks personality initially, they take their job very seriously; smut, unprotected sex (practice safe sex habits pls), was supposed to be suggestive but became a bit explicit.
a/n: I love the sci-fi genre, but writing my own sci-fi fic was a bit of a challenge for me. I had not meant to delay so much, but had been in a bit of an editing rut. I really hope you all enjoy this fic, as I am quite excited to expand more into sci-fi. Also major shoutout to @wonuwoe as I appreciate all the brainstorming and getting to meet you through this collab!!
★+ Prologue +★
"100 years ago it was thought that the Earth, as we know it, would disintegrate. That the sun would implode and leave everything in darkness. Miraculously, it didn't. Due to some external force, human scientists still haven't agreed upon what it exactly was, none of the planets in our former solar system were ever destroyed. The Earth, along with the other planets, were pushed away from each other, and ended up in different parts of the universe. Earth just happened to come to a solar system with alien life. At first, we were cautious, and people were prepared to fight. However, the aliens were welcoming of our planet. Those of us who didn't die from 'The Great Journey' or from trying to fight the aliens, were welcomed into the new solar system. Soon enough, we had integrated completely, and we received materials and assistance from our sister-planets in exchange for human labor. What humans knew of technology was very limited, but with the resources of the aliens we created artificial life forms. We named these robots Automaton, and they served as workers when humans couldn't. Eventually, there was no need for human labor at all. To pay back for the help the aliens gave us, we used Automatons. With the extensive development of these robots, we eventually managed to create artificial sentient life. These Automatons were human-like in looks and had human consciousness, but they could not bleed and were stronger than we ever could be. At the present time, there are even different levels of Automatons. Level 3 robots are the workers, level 2 robots are the caretakers, and level 1 robots are the celebrities. The Automaton music group 53V3NT33N (SEVENTEEN) is made up of 13 members, all very talented, and all representing two human states of mind."
★+ Under Diagnosis +★
W0NW00's previous developer had quit on him - more so had fled from the company, which was quite the gossip for many - unable to solve the sudden changes in consciousness that he was facing. Not even his lead cognitive researcher could understand this change in W0NW00. It all had become too much, the company put too much pressure on his previous developer, and him as well. Though he was a robot, he became increasingly aware of the demanding schedules and consumerism of it all.
What had made W0NW00 act this way? Why did his dominantly kind demeanor turn sour all of a sudden? Suddenly, his malicious side was portrayed more to fans, his unwavering kindness cracking beneath the spotlight. There was no explanation and it was not like any form of brute force could reset the drastic changes in his attitude.
At least to say, management really did not like this change in the automata. Even though there had been some oddities in other members of 53V3NT33N, W0NW00's recent behavior was starting to become quite troublesome in the eyes of the company, requiring his managers to pay extra close attention to what made the seemingly perfect idol tick. After all, his emotions were kindness and maliciousness. Fans of the group liked this duality, loved it even, as it made him an intense member.
However, W0NW00's cognitive system had been faring a little too much on the malicious side as of recently. His self-portrayal was turning bitter due to his sudden stand-offish nature. No one would understand why, it was hurting his relationship with the fans, and management feared it would harm his relationship with group members.
These changes have put W0NW00 in an increasingly tricky situation. Nights were no longer spent with other members, rather W0NW00 had been stationed in the research and development laboratory in the company building. Continuous tests were run on him, trying to understand his quickly developing violent thoughts. 
The first red flag was aggression towards other members, not physical aggression, but words of malice spoken to other members after schedules that went well. W0NW00 would always find a way to call out something he noticed wrong. Not that he meant to necessarily harm the members, but he couldn't help but nitpick at each and every flaw. 
5C0UP5 noticed it in the form of non-compliance and lack of care for the group's reputation. The leader couldn't wrap his head around this changing behavior either. W0NW00 had never been one to do anything unbeknownst to the group, but W0NW00 began to put the group at risk as he began to break the rules. He'd sneak out quickly after schedules in order to get extra charging hours, which would ultimately end up ruining rest and charging hours for the rest of the group. W0NW00's lack of care would peeve the rest of the automas off. 
Fans noticed it too, as W0NW00 wasn't responding as positively during events, which is when the company started becoming increasingly worried about the robot. Fans started questioning what had changed as well. 
Through this all, W0NW00 felt lost. He knew he was a robot, he knew what he was made for after all, but W0NW00 felt human, his conscience was human-like after all. Was this all that he was made for? Is he just a commodity? Then why does he feel this way about being consumed by others? Why can't he make any mistakes? Why can't he be his own entity? What would he be without 53V3NT33N? These are all things that began to drive W0NW00 deeper into his negative state. 
Management deemed it was time to take action, thus landing W0NW00 in the lab for further troubleshooting and ending up with you. 
★+ The First Encounter +★
W0NW00 remembers his first encounter with you all too well. You strolled into the office, glancing briefly at him with inquisitive eyes, and paying no further attention to where he was sitting at the examination table. After your brief fixation on him, your eyes remained focused on the clipboard grasped tightly in your right hand. You sat down with a sigh, clipboard clattering in the quiet room and making W0NW00 fully shift his attention towards you. His eyes which had once shimmered with kindness now had a dullness to them, a feature that his previous developer could not determine what had caused this change along with his negative state. 
You shimmied the mouse gently to awaken the bright LED screen. The clicking sound resounded across the room as you opened the software, humming in acknowledgment as the information regarding the robot illuminated before you. 
His previous developer's notes left you inquisitive as you skimmed them. This was a peculiar case. Typically it was easy for companies with R&D centers this powerful to reverse such effects on the cognitive state of the robots. 
"Good afternoon," You spoke gently, sounding polite yet W0NW00 could sense some firmness in your tone. "My name is Y/N, I am pleased to be assigned as your new developer. Can you please confirm your name for me?" You had a plethora of historical data and information that you could read on the screen in front of you, but it was protocol to ask. 
If one thing was to be known, it was that you always followed the expected protocols. 
That's why W0NW00's company hired you after all. 
"W0NW00," he spoke flatly, eyes focusing on the white, sterile walls ahead of him. It was the sort of room that would make anyone feel a bit unwelcome and cold. "Sixth member of 53V3NT33N." 
The fluorescent lighting made his vision go a bit blurry, he had always been a bit sensitive in this sense, and it's always been an uncertainty as to why his vision was affected more than other members. This was reflected in the data that was fed to your computer. W0NW00 watched curiously as you stood up, adjusting the brightness of the lighting in the room to be more accommodating per his negative reaction.
W0NW00 almost registered this as pure-hearted kindness, until he remembered that every thought, feeling, and reaction of his was collected as data through the damn diagnostic band that is wrapped around his arm each session. Regardless, this eased W0NW00 a bit, and he appreciated it nonetheless. 
You noted the improvement as he visibly relaxed, jotting something down on your clipboard before turning to face him. Your heart beat faster upon facing him straight on. 
It was hard to avoid the fact that the robot before you was essentially perfect, trying to not let your cold exterior soften as W0NW00's eyes shifted from the wall towards yours. He looked so kind even with his sharp, cat-like features. 
You approach him, wrapping the diagnostic band around his arm. This band is intended to connect to a small port on his arm, feeding all the information you need to your computer. He's cold, unnerved as you smooth the band over his arm, and confirm that it is connected. 
As noted, something seemed extremely off about the robot. The dullness in his soft eyes pulled on your heartstrings a bit too much for comfort. 
Personally, as a developer, you always tried your best to remain systematic in your actions. Everything had to be performed exactly per the defined process. You continually reminded yourself that your patients were robots, not humans. It was your only way to detach yourself from them, or else you knew you'd grow too fond of the autos you helped develop. It is too easy to do nowadays. 
Regardless of the tremor you felt within you, you proceeded with the diagnostic tests and questions. 
"Alright, W0NW00, now I'm going to run some tests. Please note I am not going to implement any changes in your system until these tests come back absolutely positive." 
"Noted," W0NW00 repeats blandly. "Can you please refer to me as just Wonwoo during these tests?"
You pause almost as if you're in thought, but you already know the answer. "I'm sorry, W0NW00, but that would be inappropriate of me. I have to refer to you by your designated name during these tests or else I can compromise the diagnostics." 
W0NW00 rolls his eyes in dissatisfaction, this doesn't go undetected by you. That was a new one. You'd never seen this much sass from a robot in a while, especially not a level 1 who was supposed to be perfectly charming. 
Turning back to your computer, you proceed with coding the tests for this session within the diagnostic system. 
"Our first test will be a data collection of your recent thoughts and actions, dating back to your most recent schedule. Can you recall anything that you'd like to share with me before I run this first test, W0NW00?"
"Hm," W0NW00 humors you, copying your trick from earlier as if to convince you he's thinking. You know better, especially since you can see this displayed directly in front of you on the screen. W0NW00 knows that too, but he's not going to make this easy for you. "Not necessarily." 
"Alright," you sigh, clicking the button to proceed with the first run of data. A copious amount of statistics are spat out on a separate sheet. This will be something for you to unpack later. You save this information, filing it away in W0NW00's collection for you to study after the remaining tests. 
"The next test will be to see if you have any reoccurring thoughts or actions. Are you willing to share any of those?" You pause, W0NW00 shakes his head to indicate he isn't willing to share any, so you continue with another data pull. 
You finish the session off with a couple of additional tests to further understand his cognitive state, tests that his previous developer hadn't been able to code and pull the statistics on. 
W0NW00 was relieved when you finally deemed the session complete. He felt drained, more than he ever had before - more than he ever felt after a long day of schedules. He couldn't wait to return to the dorm to charge. 
He watched as you downloaded the data from today's session to your electronic pad, the information transferring speedily and you ensured it was all there before putting the pad to sleep. 
W0NW00 noticed your systematic elegance as you took each step to save the data, file it away in an organized matter, and shut the computer down properly. Others had been a bit more careless, so W0NW00 almost appreciated your thoroughness. 
However, you were practically everything W0NW00 was growing distaste for. You were the system. You abided by it, you lived by it, and you would never understand him. He knew that damn well. You were about to know his thoughts about you as well. Part of him grew interested in the next session, just to see if it made you tick in any way. 
W0NW00 was stunned when you announced the diagnostic session was over, confirming the date of your next session, and leaving the room without another word. 
★+ New Day, Same Analysis +★
"Good Morning, W0NW00," you drone, still polite and as systematic as ever. W0NW00 didn't even bother to respond, sighing in resentment as you performed the same routine upon entry. He could predict your movements at this point after enduring multiple research sessions with you.
You stayed static, you portrayed no emotions during sessions, and it seemed as if you never would. It was beginning to drive W0NW00 a bit mad. W0NW00 was convinced he may be a bit more human than you, even if you were the one with a nervous system and heart pumping warm blood through your limbs. You might as well have the neural network of a robot at this point. 
It was a typical session. You'd enter in, bid W0NW00 "good morning" or "good afternoon" depending on the time of day, dim the lights, and turn on the LED computer screen. Your clipboard made the same jarring, clattering sound each time you set it down. 
You'd run the same damn tests. 
Ask the same damn questions. 
Collect the information on the same damn electronic pad. 
And you'd end the session with the same damn confirmation of the next. 
You seemed pleased with each session so far, but W0NW00 couldn't quite imagine you were able to gain much from these diagnostics. Maybe this session could be different if you'd just loosen up a bit. 
"Please," he sighs defeatedly, trying to soften your firm demeanor. "Please just refer to me as Wonwoo."
"I'm sorry, W0NW00," you'd start, but he'd cut you off before you could say another word. 
"But," he repeated the same words from each session when he'd ask this question. His words were bitter as he spoke. "But that would be inappropriate of me. I have to refer to you by your designated name during these tests or else I can compromise the diagnostics. Same old, same old, Y/N. You're so predictable." 
This stunned you a bit. You could see the switch before your eyes for once. He had asked for you to call him Wonwoo in such a kind, polite tone, yet when he realized you didn't bite the bait, he switched quickly on you. 
W0NW00 almost cried out, thinking he had cracked you for once, but this was reversed when you smiled, speedily writing something down on your clipboard as if this had satisfied you.
Which it did, you were excited to see the switch from his positive state to a negative state before you. This was exciting progress. You just needed a few more diagnostic tests to ensure there weren't any remaining outliers in the data that you could eliminate. 
W0NW00 could basically sense you bouncing in your seat, making his mood go sour for the remainder of the session. 
However, you threw W0NW00 off a bit this session, you had one new question. One that you declared you were able to establish from the other questions. 
"W0NW00," you hum, reading the question from your electronic pad, "what makes you so resistant to entertainment? I must question this, you're made to entertain after all?"
"What?" W0NW00 snarls, pulling the most visceral reaction from him yet. "I'm not resistant to entertainment. I'm not sure what you pulled from your data to get that understanding."
"Well, can you enlighten me? Or should I just run the test?" 
"Sure, I can enlighten you. Have you ever considered I feel the same way that you do? That I can have my own thoughts as you do?"
"Of course I do -"
"No," W0NW00 cuts you off. "I don't think you do, that is the thing. You run these tests on me like any other developer. Actually, you're a bit colder than most developers. But it's not just here. I can feel it everywhere else. I'm treated like a product. The whole group is treated like products. I know that's my duty, but I can't help but feel like there is more than being consumed. There is more to living, even if I am just an automation." 
You're aggressively typing this all into the computer, making sure you don't miss a single word as W0NW00 rambles on. This is the most W0NW00 has confided in you. Sure the tests pull valuable information regarding W0NW00's feelings, but this is more than the computer could ever tell you. Hearing W0NW00's organic stream of consciousness is extremely valuable to running your diagnostics. 
W0NW00 is quick to stop once he realizes he's pleasing you, ending his thoughts and returning his attention to the sterile wall ahead of him. "That is all." 
You try to hide your smile. He's being spiteful, you know he's realized that he has fed a bit too much information to you today, and he's stopping himself while he is at it. Regardless, you're pleased with today's session. 
You wrap up as usual. You collect all the data onto your electronic pad, file away the data, and turn off the computer. You're about to leave and confirm you're next session before W0NW00 stops you yet again.
"Save it," W0NW00 sighs. "I'm aware of when our next session is. You don't have to announce it each time. You're just like a broken record."
"You don't understand it do you?" W0NW00 growls. Frustrated as another day passes with you as his developer. The same old routine is being performed over and over. You still don't understand his frustrations, at this point, anyone with a functioning brain should. He wasn't understanding why it wasn't clicking for you, you were clearly intelligent, but god damn, you were brainwashed by the system just like this company.
"What do you mean?" You question, intrigued by W0NW00's sudden outburst. He's more displeased than usual during your sessions. Whilst you've been able to collect a good amount of data from the previous sessions, you have slowly been seeing W0NW00 speak more and more. Today was clearly a day he was ready to speak. 
"That these sessions don't help."
You spin in your chair, turning to face the clearly perturbed robot. You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms and settling further into your seat. You raise a hand, a motion to indicate that he should continue, get whatever it is off his chest while he's at it. "What makes you say that?"
"Seriously?" He says incredulously, "You're part of the system. The system that I have grown to hate. I cannot live without having each and every emotion of mine prodded. I cannot live without worrying about how I impact others. I cannot have my own thoughts ever, and here you are trying to change and poke and prod at me."
You're computer is running data at a rapid speed, W0NW00's emotions translating through the screen as his system and neural networks work at an incredible pace. Your eyes flick between him and the screen, wanting to pay more attention as W0NW00's words intrigue you. 
Each session you've grown to understand him more and more. You've become increasingly aware of how he feels, and you feel a bit guilty. He's right, robots have become so advanced, but it isn't right to treat them as just a commodity. 
Your change in procedural work hasn't gone unnoticed by management. You continue to follow protocols, but you've been a bit messier. You've become more curious about W0NW00. You're avoiding the development of codes that will reset his defined emotions. You're avoiding the final steps that are required to lessen W0NW00's malicious side, and management is demanding results. 
Management claims it is an inevitable malware that's coded into his system. That it's taken him over. He's closer and closer to self-destruction, closer to sabotaging the group, and closer to losing his fanbase. 
You no longer have the desire to please the company. You're too curious about W0NW00 at this point, but you can't do anything too drastic. Not until you have a proper game plan. You've heard of recent escapes from Earth, and at the rate W0NW00 is sharing information, you don't doubt that some members of his group will be escaping soon.  
It's easy to understand how he's frustrated. The more you listened to him, filtered through his data, and studied the group, it became clear that he wasn't fulfilled. He desires more, it's only natural for anyone who has a conscience. 
W0NW00 doesn't see it since you've been trying to remain under the radar, but you understand him. You can see it in his performances. You can see it in the results of these sessions, and you can definitely see it as W0NW00 continues to rant. 
"I feel stuck, Y/N. Is this what it is like for you? Do you feel stuck in your job as a developer? Do you get satisfaction from this just like everyone else around me does? If I could just leave, I wo-"
"Wonwoo," you're voice drops low, fearful of what he will say. Every single word and thought of his is documented. If he speaks of any intention to escape, you know it will draw a red flag for the company and his management. You know you'll have to destroy the data from today's session. You'll determine how to do this later, but your concern right now is to stop W0NW00 before he says anything stupid. "You need to 
Of course, W0NW00 pauses upon hearing you refer to him as Wonwoo, as he has requested many times. He's angered quickly again when you don't speak, annoyed by the way you seem off-character and squeamish in your chair, infuriated by the way you frantically click at your mouse, trying to terminate the program. 
"Now you're referring to me as Wonwoo? Is this just a trick to see how I'll react?" He continues to rant, hands tightly gripping the table and eyebrows threaded together as he works himself up. You pay little to no attention to him, trying to ease the situation at hand ahead of you on the LED screen.
The computer is suddenly crashing, the code that you were previously running is now indicating an infinite loop, and the program is faulting as your computer continues to malfunction. In a panic, you're doing everything you can to execute the code, scared that management will recognize this oddity. 
This session has overset W0NW00, and you're uncertain about what to do, as you've never seen a code turn malicious. You're eyes go wide, staring at W0NW00, you can't believe it. 
All you can do is jump out of your seat and run over to W0NW00 to remove the electronic diagnostic band from his arm. You have to stop the data recording and terminate the code by eliminating the connection to the computer. 
W0NW00 is aghast as you tear the band off his arm, your hands feeling warm on his cold body as you make sure there are no remaining connections to the system. 
"Wonwoo," you whisper, sternly as you stare into his eyes. He seems to soften for once, sensing the urgency in your shaky words as you quell his anger. "You need to calm down. I understand you. I really do. But I need you to know you need to watch what you say." 
"You understand?" Wonwoo exhales, feeling hopeful as you wrap up the diagnostic band tightly, nodding as you begin to fiddle with the band, acting as if you are troubleshooting problems with it in case management questions the removal of it. 
"I do," you speak lowly, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you lock eyes with Wonwoo. "But you need to realize you're stepping into dangerous territory. I don't mean to interrupt you, but I'm trying to protect you." 
For once, he is looking at you with relief. His eyes are full of stars as he actually feels like he's being heard for once. 
For once, you are looking at him like he is human. 
It makes him feel something he's never felt before. 
Your breathing is shallow as you connect with Wonwoo for the first time, your heart pounding so hard in your chest that you can practically hear it in your ears. Wonwoo observes how flushed your cheeks are, registering how emotional you are actually feeling, and realizing just how serious you are. 
"I'm going to put this band back on, but you need to proceed with the session just like any other. We cannot return to the same topic. Do not indicate any desire to escape." You emphasize this prior to wrapping the diagnostic band around his arm, a nod of his head confirming he's heard your words and has taken them seriously. 
Returning to your desk, you begin to reload the software. However, before you finalize the restart, you softly speak again, "I will have to refer to you as W0NW00 again. I apologize, but please understand." 
"I understand," Wonwoo's voice is hushed, a soft smile gracing his features as you breathe out in relief. 
"W0NW00," you start, voice returning to a professional tone. You eye him closely, your mannerisms indicating that you have successfully started the program up, and are once again recording data.  "I apologize for that. It seems as if the system crashed. Shall we proceed with the session?" 
"Yes," Wonwoo indicates, trying his hardest to not overthink the current events. 
Wonwoo understands it now. Understands that you aren't all systematic, that his words have an impact on you, and that you are receptive after all. He has more faith in you now, knowing that you're here to protect him. 
You continue and complete the session as usual. However, this time there is an understanding between you and Wonwoo. One that you'll do everything to erase the data on. You'll do anything to help Wonwoo. 
★+ Comfort in Your Thoughts, Voice, and Touch +★
Things have since changed between you and Wonwoo. You now start the sessions differently, you take the time to set up your computer, and you allow Wonwoo to remove his band prior to the program.
You told him you'd argue with the company that it's to save his charge. However, you now look forward to your talks with Wonwoo prior to your sessions, talking freely knowing that the computer is no longer able to collect each and every bit of information. 
Wonwoo loves that you call him by his preferred name during these undocumented talks with you. He loves the melodic sound of your laugh when he cracks a witty joke. He feels an uncontrollable obsession developing within him that he can't quite understand. 
Wonwoo feels better and feels more understood around you, he can see changes in your behavior. You're not as systematic, more relaxed around him, only returning to your default systematic behavior once he is connected to the diagnostic band. 
Your touch haunts him, the feeling of your nimble fingers on his arm when you wrap and unwrap the band around his bicep has him overanalyzing his thoughts. 
He feels lighter, he doesn't feel as burdened after being heard by you, understood by you, and connected to you by your fleeting touches. Wonwoo can't help but look forward to these sessions with you. 
Who would have thought that'd been the case days ago?
Oddly enough, these sessions have been improving Wonwoo's negative state of mind, reversing the trend of his daily emotions and leading them in more of a positive state. Management has taken note of this, unsure if these changes are taking place when you haven't implemented any developmental changes in him. 
For now, they don't question it. 
Regardless, Wonwoo yearns to hear your voice, yearns for your occasional touch, and yearns to spend time with you. Even if it's him locked in this sterile room, he's glad it's with you. 
Wonwoo has grown too comfortable for once. Inevitably, as he once believed, the system tends to disrupt everything that was once good. 
★+ The Escape +★
You've begun hearing of members of 53V3NT33N escaping Earth and traveling to other planets. Wonwoo isn't aware of it, he's been stuck with you in R&D for days now after management has cracked down on his diagnosis. 
However, today was a different day. Management knows you are erasing data. You were confronted with it before today's session. They've noticed peculiarities in Wonwoo's behavior, in the data reports you've returned, and in the results you've been providing. They've also noticed the increase in "blank" spots, and the increase in system errors, unlike the software systems that have been developed to perfection. 
Albeit, you weren't providing any updates of substance, which wasn't per your reputation as a developer, and your lack of urgency during the time of other member's escapes was especially concerning to management. 
Wonwoo can't help but notice the aggressive rate at your leg shakes. It's been like this since the beginning of today's session. 
"Everything alright?" He questions, genuinely worried about your anxious state. You're never like this, even as you two have been sneaking more time together prior to sessions.
Wonwoo's words are drowned out, the tapping of your pen against the desk resounding through your head as you consider your options. You know it's time to make a move. 
You have access to a ship. There is one in the development center that you could hijack, it was simple; you'd just have to make sure you tear away the tracking core to ensure the company can't locate you and Wonwoo. 
You're haunted by anxious thoughts. Was it even possible to get Wonwoo out of this room without management noticing? Where would you even go? When was the last time you traveled to another planet? How will Wonwoo react to news of other members escaping?
Would Wonwoo even want to go with you? Does he even trust you enough?
You stand up from your seat, shutting down the computer in front of you just as quickly as you had booted it up. Striding over to Wonwoo, you make sure his band isn't wrapped around his arm yet. 
"Wonwoo," you speak eerily calmly, "Your members are escaping."
"What?" He's confused, not quite understanding the weight of your words. 
"It isn't just you who has implied leaving Earth, others are too. They've just held you here for a bit too long for you to know."
He's clearly processing, not quite sure where you're headed with this, but he leans towards you in anticipation, hanging on to your next words. 
"Management is onto me as well," you breathe, voice quivering as you realize how serious this may be. "They know we aren't progressing with our sessions as I should be. They know I am terminating data. They are onto me, and I'm not sure how much longer they will keep me here."
The weight of your words settles on him. "What can we do? Where are the members going?"
"I can locate a ship. There are multiple in the terminal right off the plant here. If we are strategic enough," you pause, gauging his reaction. He doesn't seem appalled by the implication of your word so you can continue. "We can escape too, we can be freed from the shackles of this system like you've been talking about."
There's a minute's pause between you two as you both consider the situation. 
"How can we trick management?" He ponders, hinting that he isn't against your suggestion, but he does realize this requires a bit more thought than just running. 
"I just -" you stutter, uncertain of any plan. "I can't think of any way to fake that we are in our session. The band reports everything. Management will know if we leave our session if you never put the band on." 
"I mean," Wonwoo thinks some more, peering down at the port on his arm where the band connects. "Is there a way," he slowly speaks, eyes implying what you're horrified he may reference as he peers at his port, "is there a way that we can tear this port out? Leave it with the band?"
"I'm not so sure about that, Wonwoo. I mean, it could have negative effects on your system, and I'm not sure how successful that would be. It would be too risky to the health of your network." 
"It's worth trying," he pleads, already toying with the port on his arm, already seeming as if it were possible to remove the said part. 
"You can't, I said it would be too risky-" you argue, but Wonwoo stuns you, pulling the port out of his arm. It's immediately recognizable that the port has disrupted something, and you can verify from initial inspection that it will definitely have an effect on the efficiency of his charging. 
"See," he chides, but he can sense the effect on his system too. Nonetheless, he connects the port to the band, and the diagnostic band accepts the port. "It works, go check on your computer." 
You rush to the computer, reboot it, and load the same software. You're jaw drops, almost unbelieving that the program recognizes the port without being directly connected to Wonwoo. It isn't feeding any valuable information, but it's recognizing that it's him regardless. 
"It's working," you chime in disbelief, eyes wide as you turn to him, realizing this is the time to make the run for it. 
"Lead the way," Wonwoo declares, encouraging you both to move forward with the escape. 
There is no hesitation between you two as you lead him through the bright hallways of the R&D wing. There is a shortcut that leads to the terminal where the ships are, if you can get through there undetected, you are bound to make it to the ships. 
If anyone were to spot Wonwoo, they would be suspicious. Of course, he's recognizable, and with everyone in the company being high-strung regarding escapes, it would be an immediate red flag. 
Thankfully, you two make it unscathed to the terminal, and you work quickly to prep the ship. 
"Wonwoo," you gain his attention from beneath the ship as he helps the best he can, mostly just on the lookout as you prepare. "I don't have the strength, can you attempt to pull the core out from beneath the ship? There is a tracking device, and we'll need to pull this before we leave."
"Of course," Wonwoo is quick to trade places with you. He works swiftly, but your eyes dart around the terminal. It's dreary, industrial, and clean. Everything you've started to resent over the past few days. It encourages your escape even more, a wash of relief falling over your shoulders as you determine this is the right situation. 
Wonwoo appears from under the ship, the core of the craft held in his hands before he smashes it against the ground, shattering the material at both your feet. 
"Let's go," you smile, climbing into the ship with Wonwoo and booting up the vessel. Your adrenaline has never run so high, you feel it through your veins as the vibration of the ship resonates through you. 
It's been a while since you've started up one of these, thankful you were able to successfully start the craft up without issues. Wonwoo is impressed too, of course never navigating one himself. 
It's a blur how you two escape, taking off at light speed as you accelerate up into space, leaving the stratosphere of Earth at a record speed, and focusing until you've fully left the exosphere. 
You have no clear where to go from here, but, holy shit, you've successfully left. And you have Wonwoo here with you. 
★+ The Long Path Home +★
It's a long path for you and Wonwoo. It's uncertain where you'll end up. You've heard of a planet called Lumen before, but you have no clue how to even get there. You're just thankful Wonwoo can even assist in navigating the ship between planets. 
Your first stop is Opifex. After the escape from Earth, Wonwoo suffered significant damage during the boarding of the ship. His arm was damaged in the process of tearing out his main port, the tear in his arm reflecting in the functionality of his charging system. This concerned you more than Wonwoo could understand. You weren't sure if you could make this travel alone without him.
You rarely visited Opifex, but you had connections as you'd offer occasional assistance in developing robots that were created on this planet. 
Your main connection was a level 3 robot named Changkyun. He had previously assisted in the creation of another idol robot, which you were the head developer of. You hadn't spoken to him since, yet you knew he'd be able to help Wonwoo. Discreetly at that. 
You knew you weren't safe yet. Even if the tracking was removed from the ship and you had escaped from Earth, anyone could identify Wonwoo and the logo on your ship. 
There was a constant state of fear during your travel to Opifex that you'd be caught. Tracked down. That Wonwoo would completely lose his charge. 
"What is wrong, Y/N?" Wonwoo's concerned for you. He knows exactly why you're anxious, he is too. But he's hoping he can quell your anxiety somehow. 
"I'm just tired, Wonwoo," you sigh, checking the ship's charge levels, anxiety only growing upon realizing you really do have to stop in Opifex soon. "Also concerned about getting to Lumen safely. We really need to stop at Opifex to make sure you're repaired before we even consider locating Lumen." 
Wonwoo's free hand runs through your hair, the comforting motion alien to you, but you gladly accept it, leaning your head into his hand as he soothes you. 
"How much longer until we reach Opifex?" You can tell Wonwoo is drained too. He needs Changkyun's help as soon as possible. 
"I believe only a day more of travel," you confirm per the navigation. You know how to get there, and where to land. You decide against pinging Changkyun, in order to eliminate as much of a footprint as possible. 
"Why don't you get some rest?" Wonwoo prods when he realizes your eyes start to roll back, head bobbing to the side after a while. 
"Do you mind?" 
"Of course not," he smiles gently, making your stomach flip. 
You oblige, not having the will to fight after the past events. You lay back in the cot behind the main seating area. Observing Wonwoo as he takes his place in the captain's seat, he adjusts the controls to his liking as he navigates Opifex. 
Your heart pounds as you observe him, Wonwoo made you feel free, he made you feel safe even in times like this. You've never felt this way about anyone. It's hard to fall asleep, these thoughts consuming your mind.
Wonwoo turns back to check on you, the same soft smile making you flush as you lay on the bed admiring him. You can't help but feel a connection with him, emotionally, and desire even more. 
Eventually, sleep took you after much contemplation of your thoughts.
When you awoke, it only felt like you had slept a blink of an eye's time. The ship rattled, alarming you and jostling you awake. Only to realize that Wonwoo had landed the ship. You immediately recognized the planet, he had safely landed the ship at Opifex. 
Wonwoo's smile relaxed you even further, dusting off his pants as he stood up and headed towards you. As per usual, Wonwoo's hand ran through your hair, instantaneously soothing you. 
"We've arrived," he coos softly, trying his best not to overstimulate you more in your drowsy state. "Just lead the way once you're ready."
It's easy to see he is drained as well, in desperate need of a charge, and you're relieved that you've made it to Opifex. 
The both of you quickly tidy yourselves up, you do your best to cover Wonwoo's damaged arm, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to the automation as you make your way to Changkyun's workshop. 
There was an odd sense of security here, but you knew you had to lay low. You didn't want word of your appearance here. You knew his company would be looking for him, as that's all they were doing prior to the escape for the other members who had left before Wonwoo. 
It was easy to find Changkyun, his shop was located where you had previously remembered it. It felt almost nostalgic coming across his shop, he had an eclectic style, yet the place was tidy enough to store and easily find all his supplies.  
"Y/N?" Changkyun questioned in delightful surprise as you knocked at his door. "What are you doing here? It's been quite some time."
"Hello, Changkyun," you smile brightly. Something that Wonwoo can only pin as jealous pings inside him at your reaction. 
How odd, he thinks to himself. 
"Do you mind if we come in? I do have a favor to ask, which is why we are here," you speak quickly, emphasizing that you didn't just show up for no reason. 
Changkyun holds the door open for you both, allowing you and Wonwoo to shuffle into the shop. Wonwoo takes note of the large magnifying lens contraption strapped to Changkyun's head, quickly noting that he is a Level 3 robot, and shows his own wear and tear after working all these years. 
Wonwoo immediately deems him as trustworthy.
"What is this favor you are requesting," Changkyun prods, curiously eyeing Wonwoo as if he could understand where this was going. 
"I can't share too many details," you speak hurriedly, beginning to unwrap the material around Wonwoo's damaged arm to provide Changkyun with a visualization of the problem at hand. "We've escaped Earth. However, in the process of avoiding getting caught, Wonwoo had ripped his port out. I think it's affecting his charging system. I just don't think we can go on for much longer until we have some sort of fix."
Changkyun hums in understanding, immediately resorting to his tools and materials. "I'm not sure if I'll have the materials for a level 1 robot, I haven't created one in quite some time, but let me see what I have."
You and Wonwoo let Changkyun search, shuffling around the shop quietly as you try your best to quell your anxiety. You hope and pray that Changkyun can help, there is no one else you feel comfortable resorting to. There is an unspoken trust that you have with the Level 3 robot, after spending years learning from his skills and further understanding the creation of robots. 
Wonwoo's free hand is grasped in yours, you aren't quite sure when this happened, but it eases you slightly. You've grown to become attached to Wonwoo, amazed by how quickly things changed between each session and landing you in this scenario. 
Thankfully, after a while of searching, Changkyun determines he has parts that will suffice, and will be enough to repair Wonwoo's system in order to allow him to charge properly. 
Changkyun bids you off, encouraging you to get some rest as he makes the proper repairs to Wonwoo. You're continuously flooded with thoughts, but part of you feels better knowing you now have Changkyun's help. You hope Wonwoo can charge up before you continue your journey. 
It takes a few hours, Changkyun claims the connections are not as direct as he thought they'd be, but by the time he is done, Wonwoo seems way too worn down. 
Changkyun encourages you both to get your rest before continuing with your journey. He offers you a place to stay, it isn't much, but it's a spare bedroom in the back of his shop, offering it as a safe place to rest before continuing. 
"Thank you," you hum sincerely, expressing your gratitude one last time before Changkyun wraps up for the day to head to his normal engagements. "Thank you so much for your help." 
"Anytime, Y/N," he smiles, bidding you both good-bye and good luck on the rest of your journey. 
That night you and Wonwoo share the crickety bed in the back of Changkyun's shop. Wonwoo had been timid originally, but you claimed it was alright, that it would provide you some more comfort if anything.
Wonwoo was relieved at that because he couldn't think of anything better. He was finally able to get closer to you. 
Laying next to him, you adjusted the glasses and sat on the bridge of his nose, they'd always fall down a bit when he wasn't paying attention, a feature about him that you found so endearing.
Wonwoo was seeming better already, charging much faster than you anticipated. His hands found their way to your arm, nimble fingers running up and down your skin. 
He could recognize the way your skin bubbled with chills, uncertain of what he was doing that made you react this way. His skin didn't react like this to touch, but the way yours reacts reminds him just how sensitive humans are. 
"What are you doing?" You hum in content, enjoying the softness of Wonwoo's skin on yours. His skin was different, not nearly as warm as a human touch, but the synthetic skin was so smooth, feeling comfortable as it dragged across yours. 
"What are these bumps on your arm?" He asks out of genuine curiosity. 
"You're kidding," you laugh, eyes opening humorously to gauge if Wonwoo is serious. He is absolutely dead serious. "It's this phenomenon, we tend to call them goosebumps. It's a bodily alert that humans feel, a reaction to touch." 
Wonwoo hums in acknowledgment, "Is it good?"
"In this case," you smile, enjoying his innocent curiosity, "it is very good. It feels nice what you're doing. Very soothing."
"What else causes goosebumps?"
You can't tell if he's twisting your arm at this point, looking for a reaction, because there is an insinuation in his tone as his hand drags upwards towards your neck, looking for more of a reaction from your skin. Which he earns, as goosebumps run all up and down your body at his barely-there touch. 
His fingers travel to the crook of your neck, his hand wrapping around the back of your head and finding a home in your hair. He pulls you closer, testing the waters as he yearns to feel more of your body against his. Curious to see if he can pull more of a reaction out of you. It's all so new for him and he's hungry for more. 
"Wonwoo," you whimper, allowing him to pull you into his body, your lips falling impossibly close to his perfectly molded ones. "Are you trying to send me into shock?"
You try to joke, but your words come out whiney as Wonwoo's lips brush yours. 
"I don't know," he teases, his plush buds continuing to skim yours. "Is this good?"
"It's very good," you confirm yet again, your breath being knocked out of your lungs when Wonwoo's lips finally attach to yours. Kissing him is different, it's almost as if he's immediately on the same wavelength as you. 
Your lips fall into the same rhythm, and you're just realizing this is something you've been craving for a while now. It becomes heated quickly, and Wonwoo's hands stay wrapped in your hair, ensuring you can't break away from the kiss. 
He understands what it is like to be addicted to something now. He recognizes this feeling as lust, knowing of its effects and understanding why humans love it so much. He needs more of you and he needs more now.
Wonwoo pulls you on top of him, the motion feeling incredibly natural as he continues to kiss you, swallowing your little noises as you moan in delight. 
You can sense him react to you in a similar manner as a human. You forget how advanced Level 1 robots are sometimes. You had been a bit worried that he wouldn't react similarly, but you can feel his cock swells beneath you. 
"Wonwoo," you whine, finally breaking the kiss after what felt like light years of delight. However, you need more. "Please, need you to touch me. Need you to fuck me." 
"I need it too, Y/N," he groans, the sound that comes from him is deep, uncharacteristic of his usual voice, but it sends shivers down your spine. Wonwoo is encouraged by the goosebumps that reappear on your skin, very apparent to him as you remove your shirt. 
Wonwoo's lips instinctually wrap around your pebbled nipple, loving the way the bud peaks along with the bumps on your skin. He's even more encouraged by the sound that falls from your lips, a breathy moan that has his cock growing even harder. 
"Please," you croon. "Can't wait much longer." 
He's quick to pull his pants down, helping you stumble out of your shorts and underwear as well. He's amazed by how wet your nether regions are, and you're amazed by just how perfectly sculpted his cock is. 
"You're perfect," you moan, running your folds over his length and pulling another groan of pleasure from him. "God, whoever created you did an amazing job."
You raise yourself slightly, teasing yourself with the head of his cock, the skin soft against your folds as you wet his length. You sink down slowly, your walls contracting in delight as your pussy greedily accepts his thick manhood. 
Wonwoo recognizes the slight pain in your features as you accept him, but he can also sense the relief you feel as he bottoms out, feeling the contraction of your walls around him throughout his entire system. 
"Let me ride you," you moan when you sense that Wonwoo is hesitant. "Let me take care of you." 
He doesn't argue, overwhelmed by the unrecognizable pleasure he feels as you begin to bob up and down on his cock. Your nails dig into his skin, a sensation he's never felt before as they clamp into his shoulders, leaving divots in his synthetic skin and claiming your mark on him. 
The pathetic noises that tumble out of you encourage him to move, his hips rolling upwards into yours and pulling even more deranged sounds from you, ones that encourage him to groan in enjoyment. 
Wonwoo watches as a bead of sweat falls down your neck, loving the effect and glow that graces your skin. His hands wrap into your hair, pulling it up off your neck as you continue to ride his cock with more fervor. 
He pulls on your hair tightly, enough for you to feel a tinge of pain, but it only increases the pleasure you feel in the deepest pits of your stomach. Your clit burns and throbs at the pleasure, your core heating and winding up tightly as you roll your hips against his, meeting each thrust of his. 
"Wonwoo," you're screaming at this point, eyes blown out as you watch him, his jaw hanging slack as he becomes overwhelmed with the feeling of you wrapped so tightly around him. The friction of your pussy around his cock has him feeling engulfed in all ways by you. 
The pleasure that builds inside him begins to feel impossible to fight off, he's unsure if he can hold this feeling back much longer, especially not when your walls throb around him with each thrust. 
It's brutal at this point, the sound of your skin slapping against his, the visual of your breasts bouncing in front of him, and how you feel all too perfect like this. 
"Y/N," he breathes out in desperation, "can't hold it for much longer. You feel too good."
"Good," you cry out, no longer able to hold your own pleasure back. "Finish with me, Wonwoo, release." 
Wonwoo can feel the fluttering of your walls, the intense pleasure exploding inside you as you spasm around his cock, your body falling limp in his arms as you reach your high. Wonwoo is pleasured too, but you're not filled with cum, only watching as he reaches his own form of pure pleasure. He continues to thrust into you, driving you into overstimulation. 
Wonwoo doesn't realize you're spent, especially since he can't necessarily be spent himself, he has the stamina of a Level 1 automation overall. However, he recognizes it after he pulls one more orgasm from you, holding up your form as your limbs can no longer hold your body up. 
That night you sleep incredibly well in his arms, connecting with him on a level you would have never anticipated. This was something you would have never imagined as a developer, something you always condemned previously, as you feared growing a connection like this. 
But now that you have it, you'd do everything to not lose it. 
The next morning, you are awoken by a frantic Wonwoo. Changkyun had come early, informing you that there are correspondent Level 3 robots searching for you and Wonwoo. 
Word has spread, and you're no longer safe here at Opifex. 
Changkyun informs you that your ship has been reclaimed by the company. However, he offers you an older ship he has in the far back of his shop. It isn't the most modern craft, but it will get you to Lumen. 
After providing you with the proper navigation and instructions on the ship, Changkyun bids you both goodbye yet again. 
Thankfully because of Changkyun, you and Wonwoo are able to escape yet again, continuing your journey to Lumen. You continue to spend this time with Wonwoo, feeling more at piece in an unidentifiable craft, and knowing that his damage has been repaired. 
It's comfortable with Wonwoo, you two work well as partners you've determined. You take shifts navigating the ship, Wonwoo has become quite the captain as you spend the next few days searching for Lumen. 
Thankfully, your trip has come to an end, even though you've enjoyed the time with Wonwoo, the travel has been tough. You can see Lumen in the distance. A planet similar to Earth, yet seemingly a bit more thriving as you approach the safe haven planet. 
★+ Lumen +★
Lumen. Wonwoo and you had finally landed safely on the planet. It felt safe. It felt like home. You felt as if you could be anything and everything you wanted to be with Wonwoo. 
Lumen is similar to Earth, yet the land is lush and the population is diverse. Travelers from multiple planets have made their way here seeking safety. Here you felt accepted. You didn't have to consider the previous system of Earth. You weren't tied to anything. 
Both you and Wonwoo could start fresh, and you both could sense this feeling. Wonwoo held your hand tightly, breathing in the fresh air and peering down at you. You looked peaceful, eyes shut as you did the same, head lulling back as the crisp air filled your senses. 
This made Wonwoo's eyes flood with adoration seeing you look this free. He remembered what you once were like on the first day you met him. He felt lucky knowing he could be here with you, like this, now. He knows of others who weren't that lucky to have their partners with them after escaping their planets.  
Here you'd settle with Wonwoo, in a quaint house where you two could be your true selves, and not worry about others' expectations of you two. Wonwoo holds you tightly at night, knowing that he always has you, the first person who has ever understood and listened to him. The unexpected developer that he can live freely with. 
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byhees · 1 year
ideal type ━━ ( 엔하이픈 성훈 ) ♡ genre fluff high school au potential friends2lovers warnings not proof-read skinship hardcore crushing
thinking about sunghoon, who happens to be the boy you have a major crush on; at first, you doubted the thumping of your heart to be some effect of ‘puppy love’, but now that you both have gotten closer over the months, it’s loud and clear that that’s, a hundred and one percent, not the case.
and to be frank, you’re not sure as to how he hasn’t realised this yet; you’d like to think that you’ve been really, painfully obvious— and that’s completely beyond your control, especially with all the adorable things that he does; he just keeps leaning over you to hear you better, cupping your face to take a fallen eyelash and patting your head every so often. i mean, who wouldn’t be flustered when under his caring gaze??? hahaha… precisely. but it’s completely normal to smile real hard when texting your friend, to gaze at a friend from afar because they just look so pretty and surreal, to… wish under every shooting star that a friend doesn’t notice your racing heart whilst hugging, to… blush at nearly every one of your friend’s cute gestures, to… uh feel all tingly around a friend. omg.
if he doesn’t want for you to completely crumble and melt right in front of him, then he should stop complimenting you nearly every hour of the day!! like stop casually telling me that i have pretty eyes, that this and that reminded you of me… it’s not healthy for my heart to continually thump so quickly, okay??
also, he just loves walking you back home, a cute, oblivious smile plastered on his stupidly cute face; it’s not that you dislike it, it’s that you fear when you might actually give into your inner temptations to hold his hand, because apparently he can’t keep it close to his side, and his fingers keep brushing against yours without a care in the world.
and you can’t exactly expect for one to not malfunction when their crush asks them what their ideal type is like; and so, when the few words left his lips, you began rambling… “oh y’know, it’d be good if he were this,” you said, raising your arm to indicate a height, “much taller than me. and has black hair and uh brown eyes. with a nice.. erm nose bridge. maybe it’d be nice if he were knowledgeable and smart and stuff. it’d be kinda cool if he had something he were passionate about, like a hobby or something… shows, uhm, passion! y’know??” that probably made zero sense, given your continuous mumbling and the insane amount of filler words, but that was what you’d blurted out to your crush, so maybe you can just live, laugh, love and forget that??
well, there was someone who hadn’t forgotten a word you said; in fact, they replayed in his head at all times. a head-ish taller that you? check. black hair and brown eyes? got those too. smart and knowledgeable? he’d like to think that that’s a check. a passion towards a hobby? well he goes ice skating on a regular basis if that counts?
and so, on the following day, you were definitely met with a surprise; “yn, look at me,” he says, bending slightly to meet your gaze. “don’t you think i look like the guy you described yesterday?” omg. you’re joking.
taglist open! @halcyoni-ki @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @vnsux @minhosify @haechansbbg @yeomha @stepout-09-15 @chansburgah @sona-verse01 @lilly-bubblelops @smouches @mrchweeee @luvistqrzzz @j1nniee networks! @kflixnet @enhanet @k-labels
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exo-raskreia · 4 months
Imma rant about Ichigo and Orihime cuz your blog has waken a outrageous fire in me!! And rightfully so! I agree with literally everything you said(btw Karin and hitsugaya are endgame for me too🤭🤭)
Ichihime makes literal sense and it genuinely sucks as a ship and i don't get why the shippers are satisfied with the results. I asked my friend who he wanted to be endgame and answered Ichigo and Orihime cuz they are a better fit. LITERALLY HOW?!! I didn't go psycho on him cuz if Ichigo and Rukia ain't your cup of tea then fine. But why are people answers automatically always Ichihime?? Is it cuz they are canon??? Where the hell was the build-up for it then?! It is nothing compare to ichigo/rukia or orihime with tatsuki/uryu. Idk if Kubo was trying to punk us by pairing them up or not. I feel like he didn't plan our their relationship properly! People say it was obvious from the beginning that ichigo likes her back but i sure as hell didn't see it! Maybe i'm just salty and refused to see the signs cuz Ichiruki is the best ship( and i had a crush on ichigo since forever soooo... 😖😖) ?? I've always been a rukia and ichigo fan rather cuz they actually had the chemistry and insane connection. I'm so mad that they weren't endgame. My girl Rukia was elite why didn't Ichigo went for her and vice versa?? Don't get me started on the poems, the speechs, the way ichigo always and always thinks of rukia. Like the ingredients for the cake was perfect, why the hell would you put gasoline in there💀💀
Some people say that cuz the show is shounen and not a romance, i shouldn't be upset about ichihime ending up together and not be mad of lack of their romance. I'm not expecting ichigo and orihime to have some epic EPIC love story or anything just make it more sense for ME at least. If Ichihime was some side-ship then i wouldn't care as much, but this is the MC of the show i want to see something greater than what we received! If they were to have a love story(ya know a real one) then they should've played it out like in Fruits basket
Ichigo and orihime actually remind me alot of kyo and tohru from fruits basket. And they're all very similar to think about it! Ichigo and Kyo: the grumpy orange haired protecters that have a heart of gold. Orihime and Tohru: the loveable sunshine character that are super traumatized but still manage to keep smiling. The only difference is that Kyo and Tohru actually have the emotional moments and had the chemistry and ya know they actually TALKED and were ACTUAL FRIENDS(as in kyo didn't treat tohru like a acquaintance) before dating. But since Orihime is so much like Ichigo's dead mom, their relationship would've been like Yuki and Tohru. I know the comparison might be dumb to do cuz they are very different anime and different genre but still!! Excuse me for caring so much about that my fav ain't canon. Yes this is a shounen anime but they could've at least squeezed in a bit of the love story of the mc to show they actually care about it. The MC of the show has a better and stronger bond with his bestie than his own wife. Like how is my girl Orihime not bothered by it?! Should've end up Tatsuku i swear. I mean they're literally Nana and Hachi!! 🍓🐶✨
I feel like orihime just exist to be his love interest and that's it! Girl had the potential to be a great character that ain't always there to be the love interest. Her becoming a housewife was insulting cuz what do you mean she ain't a robot destroying a city (i can't remember that scene from the earlier seasons but something in between those lines🤣) I do like Orihime enough but not that much cuz it's Ichigo this and Ichigo that. Like girl i get it. I wanted(and still do) him too but don't settle for being the second choice) HOMEGIRL YOU HAVE OTHER LUCKY DUCKS THAT WANNA BE WITH YOU!!
And another thing: I read somewhere that: just cuz Uryu had a crush Orihime that, that doesn't mean that Orihime should be together with him.... Okay then why can't that also imply to Ichigo and Orihime?? Like why just cuz "She'll fall for him in every lifetime" doesn't mean that he has to do the same too!! Rukia is already the queen of his heart mind you
BUT ANYWAYS!! It's a shounen after all so i shouldn't be expecting the mc to have a well-written love story and not to have high hopes of the MC love interest to be something more than that. But whatever at the end of the day they're CANON and have a kid together so all i can do is cry about it and live in fanfiction.
Ahem, I'm done with my rant thank you 😌 (And yes anti-IchiRuki fans I'll still be salty in my 40s cuz of the ending and I will never shut up about it just cuz they have canonically have kids)
No worries, anon! You've come to the right place! Let it all out~
Not surprised your male friend would choose Ori. Typical. For dudes like him, her appearance, superficial crush on Ichigo, & the word "canon" being slapped on are enough for them, despite there not being any actual chemistry between IH. It is also a common trope in other manga/anime, so they convince themselves that it was meant to happen, but it doesn't mean it makes sense for every story, especially not in Bleach's case; it doesn't make narrative sense if they actually looked into it.
(Canon ≠ good. Just look up what went wrong in 'How I Met Your Mother' or even 'Game Of Thrones' S8).
(While on the subject, since Rukia is a much better written character than Ori, if she had a body like Ori's, & Ori like Rukia's, even less dudes would care about IH 🫢, since they never even have good arguments in favor of it that aren't the 3 things I mentioned already up top).
Ichigo & Rukia had the most chemistry in the entire manga/anime, & it baffles me when people didn't/don't (wanna) see it. I went into Bleach almost blind when I first started watching it & IR really stood out. Their bond is right in your face, playing along the border between platonic & romantic, making you wonder what exactly it is, but knowing they aren't just mere friends. In the manga, I was constantly awed & amused by how borderline romantic it came off as, despite having already watched the anime (which did not do the manga justice in many ways; and then antis claim IR was mostly anime-based, PLEASE 🙄). Kubo really wasn't playing when it came to these 2. What a freakin' troll.
Haven't watched Fruits Basket, but I can see what you mean. Grumpy & Sunshine is a fun trope, however, as you said, IH just didn't have what it takes. If Kubo had wanted to, he could have properly developed IH at some points in the manga, such as the Fullbring arc, & it wouldn't have to be anything big, as Bleach is not a romance. He could have opened the arc with those 2 already going out, like them holding hands as they head to school or something, maybe showing some flashbacks of them talking things out, comforting each other since HM to show how they got together. Instead, in those 17 months since Ichigo lost his powers & contact with Rukia, you're telling me Kubo couldn't make IH bond? Instead, Ori's still pathetically pining after him while Ichigo is still thinking of, longing for, Rukia! How am I supposed to believe IH was meant to be endgame?!
Orihime had more chemistry with other people than the man she ended up with 💀. I personally ship her with 2 other men (Ishida & Ulquiorra). She was different with them. One selflessly cared for her, had her at the forefront of his mind in her own rescue arc (unlike Ichigo), while the other challenged her, found her fascinating & wanted to learn more... Not to mention they both protected her from Ichigo a couple times in the HM arc.
She really did have potential to be a great character but it all kept going down the drain, never achieved her dreams nor goals. She kept regressing as the story went on, especially when it came to Ichigo. She was never able to encourage him nor fully support him & was usually a complete damsel in his presence (he even seemed annoyed by her during the Ywach fight, which mind u, she was only there cuz there was no one else left & Ichigo had no choice?). She was more interesting whenever she wasn't around him. All her best moments were when she wasn't thinking about him. Saving Tatsuki? Bonding with Ishida in SS, standing in front of him to protect him in the Fullbring arc? Bonding with Ulquiorra (the only good thing she did the whole HM arc)? She could've done more in HM but didn't. In TYBW, she didn't do anything special, couldn't even encourage Ichigo & was treated like a ragdoll by Ywach. This is how Kubo wanted us to remember her. She was mostly reduced to fanservice by the end (and she's still not as popular as Matsumoto or Yoruichi in that department 💀). I sometimes think he didn't like her all that much with how he treated her character...
While watching the anime, I seriously had been hoping she'd get over Ichigo in the SS arc when she wistfully said Rukia was a very special person to him who changed his world (oh, boy, was I in for disappointment). Right off the bat, there was nothing interesting/exciting about her interactions with Ichigo (I was shipping her with Ishida by this point). He was just so blasé with her, I almost felt bad for her & it only kept getting worse. I then hoped she'd finally get over him after the traumatic experience at the dome in HM, but her ongoing silly crush made my eyes roll & lose hope in it. LIKE GIRL, HE'S HUNG UP ON ANOTHER GIRL, & U SHOULD'VE STOPPED PUTTING HIM ON A PEDESTAL BY NOW; HE'S NO PRINCE CHARMING & ESPECIALLY NOT FOR U WHEN HE BARELY GAVE U A SECOND THOUGHT IN UR OWN RESCUE ARC & ALMOST GOT U KILLED LIKE 3 TIMES & U HAD TO GET SAVED BY ULQUIORRA & ISHIDA, LIKE-
Orihime doesn't have anything in common with Masaki other than maybe their appearance (which imo, Masaki looks more like short-haired Matsumoto anyway?). Besides the cheerful part, their personalities are very different. Masaki was more like Rukia: brave, strong, selfless, teasing & annoying Isshin/Ichigo, etc... IR has actual dynamic parallels with IsshiMasa in the narrative... Kubo just copied IR moments, especially considering he wrote as he went... So, don't be fooled by those morons who go by appearance alone & even those weird lines in one of the novels (Oedipus complex anyone?) instead of the legitimate parallels between IR & IM shown in the manga, such as these:
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What was going thru Kubo's head if he supposedly "intended" for IH to happen? Ichigo & Ori had more chemistry with other characters than with each other. Kubo went about this all wrong. Bleach not being a romance is no excuse for shoddily pairing up characters in the end. In a few scenes scattered throughout the manga, he could've implied them. Every time they interacted, their relationship should've progressed somehow. And he actually did this with IchiRuki. (In regards to Naruto, for example, Kishimoto at least admitted he didn't put enough effort into his ships by saying romance was not his forte & he's not good at writing female characters, but at least most of the ships made sense & esp NaruHina had actual good moments scattered throughout the manga...).
Sigh, I've said this before, but why can't more battle shounens be like Fairy Tail when it comes to developing the ships throughout the story? There'd be less drama. Even Gintama did a better job at developing the main ships, lol, that if they became canon, hardly anyone would've been surprised (they were somewhat implied if u squint, tho 🤪).
There are theories Kubo wanted to spite Shounen Jump for their treatment over the years so he ended things this way (and maybe to spite the fans too, since his manga sales had been on the decline for years). Ever heard of the "choosing unhappiness" theories? Basically, remember that Ywach said he'd come back at Ichigo's happiest moment? Well, he didn't come back at Ichigo's wedding with Ori, not even at the birth of his son. He came back when Ichigo reunited with RUKIA after 10 years.
So what could this be telling us? That Ichigo chose to be unhappy by not getting with the one person who made him the happiest. Rukia gave him that push by choosing unhappiness first (since she knew Ichigo couldn't make the first attempt to) & married Renji, who in turn, also gave Ichigo that push to go for Ori. IR chose unhappiness to defeat Ywach. Could this actually be what Urahara meant when he said he'd leave everything to "Kurosaki-san & Kuchiki-san" after his defeat in TYBW?! (we deserved the IR tag-team we never got in the final fight, screw Kubo)
One could also say his friends chose unhappiness to help too? Ishida becoming a doctor he'd never expressed interest in & seeming isolated from the friend group (maybe not agreeing with the farce they're all in), Chad becoming a boxer instead of using his fists to protect, Ori marrying a man who doesn't love her & she knows never will, Renji marrying a woman who doesn't love him & never will (and whom I think he doesn't love either? My view on that here)... Isshin is nowhere in sight, could it be he also doesn't wanna be a part of this farce in which his own son chose to marry a woman he doesn't love?
Still, everything about this ending is so wrong, makes no sense, a bunch of retcons too. Heck, remember the rebuilding of Sokyoku Hill in SS? Made Ichigo destroying it meaningless 🙄.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this post to be too long. There's so much to rant about lol. There's also so much to make fun of 👀. As I said in this post, IH was never popular & never will be. Kubo himself can't bring himself to give them content & his affiliates (like Shounen Jump, Studio Pierrot, etc.) can't be bothered either, as IH doesn't sell. Canon for almost 10 years & still no official couple/family arts nor merch 😂. If they end up getting thrown a bone in the future, the fact it took them that long would still be laughable.
In the end, it's best to ignore canon, its fans, & engage with what you like. It also doesn't hurt to sometimes make fun of Bleach's failures~ Kubo has made it so easy, can you blame us? 🤷‍♀️
Also, glad u like HitsuKarin as well 🤭. Would you believe it's my #1 Bleach OTP? I had brainrot for it a few years ago, like I literally scoured almost every bit of content that I could find, & while it's died down, I just know that if Kubo &/or his affiliates were to feed us HK content now, I'd eat it up like a starving dog-
Sorry for the late reply, anon! 😓 Been having brainrot for a different fandom, if u can guess
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
I also think it's nice that they made Camilla a sci-fi nerd and Luz a fantasy nerd. They're genres that are often seen as completely opposing one another by many people, which is what we're led to believe about Luz and Camilla in season 1. Luz is silly, nerdy, frequently in over her head and irresponsible and loves the boiling isles. We're led to believe that Camilla is the normal, conventional TV mother who'd be disgusted and terrified by the demon realm if she saw it.
Then yesterday's lie gives us a lot of nuance to this, and we realize that while they're still very different and now on opposite sides of a conflict, both mother and daughter are incredibly kind people (seen in their treatment of Vee) who love each other but struggle to make the right choices without hurting one another.
Then thanks to them drops all this Camilla characterization and we realize! She was a nerd too this whole time! The wedge between Camilla and Luz is motivated by past traumas and grief! and for the future has them switching sides on the central conflict of where Luz should stay (Camilla now wanting Luz in the demon realm because it's what's best for her, and Luz believing that staying in the human realm is what's best for the people she loves). They finally talk and realize that, like Willow pointed out earlier in the ep, the two are so alike. Camilla reveals that she's a secret nerd too! That she had a hard time growing up and accidentally hurt Luz trying to save her from the same fait! It's so important to me that Camilla keeps calling Luz a good witch. It's affirming her interests and goals, reminding her that she's just as good as the hero of her favorite story. And Luz finally only realizes that she wants to be understood...when she's finally able to understand her mom. When she realizes that the woman she loves and admires is just as much of a nerdy screw-up as her and that there's hope for her. Her palismen ends being multiple animals at once, showing both how Luz making unconventional choices (like carving an egg) keeps paying off for her and how her potential is limitless now that she finally knows and accepts her own goals, but to me it also reminds of the fact that Camilla is a vet and passed a love of all the weird and unliked animals (like wolves, possums, snakes, etc) to her.
It's just so so sweet and it really shows how much love and thought the crew put into this mother daughter storyline (FTF haters are not welcome on this page, respectfully). I can't wait to see how both of these misunderstood but healing women (who radiate "little/big sister" and "mom" energy respectively) are gonna interact with a) the lonely, easily manipulated and well intentioned but ignorant collector (a mix of both their interests as a magic being with a space motif! I just realized that lol) and b) the nasty puritan white man who's really obsessed with conforming to society's norms even when it literally doesn't benefit him at all.
Anyway, I believe in noceda( AND clawthorne 👀) family supremacy 💙
#the owl house#toh#toh spoilers#luz noceda#camilla noceda#this isn't proofread so if there's words missing or misspellings or somethings unclear feel free to mention#but this is just a messy thought dump#I have a ROUGH WEEK. I wish there was a more positive vibe in the fandom rn (although i kinda get it but also :( sad)#but there isn't one i will create it#tentatively I don't have a responsibility to do that I just wanna talk about things i noticed and like#i am going to post reqs just u wait. bitch!#also uhhhh other things i thought while making this post but couldn't include:#hunter and gus being fantasy trekkies is really funny and cute but also fits really well with both of their characters#gus has always been in love with the human realm and this is the ultimate neat little bow on that.#he's dressed as a character he relates to (captain avery trying to get back home to the family he loves) and his interest is uniquely human#bc sci-fi is kinda uniquely rooted in/associated w/ the human realm in toh. even in something like Belos' steampunk tech#SPEAKING OF. hunter oh my GODDD#he gets so attached to the human realm in TTT bc he's finally somewhere safe (he's always been entrenched in the most-#-toxic parts of the demon realm and it's culture which is ironically propelled forward by one humans influence)#and it's like a part of him is reclaiming his weird split heritage. he loves magic and he loves sci-fi and he's silly abt both#he's not a witch or a human and he's happy. or at least he will be#anyway. i love this shows relationship to fiction it is sweet and comforting and funny
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wannabegwenstacy · 1 year
Eden's Favorite Scoups Tumblr Fics
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updated: 5/2/2023
A/N: check out the full svt fic recs masterlist for some of the other members. warning i'm a baby carat so its not super full yet and i currently have only some members posts created currently. will be updating with more fic recs periodically. :)
A/N: Also, I don't have a lot of fics linked yet. :( Will continue reading and updating periodically.
⇣Below cut⇣
Terrifyingly Innocent by @twogyuu
Pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, angst, fake dating, slowburn, older brother’s best friend!Seungcheol, badboy!Seungcheol, innocent!reader, older brother!Jihoon, non-idol!au, university!au, low-key Crazy Rich Asians!au (Seungcheol is RICH - implied chaebol lifestyle, Jihoon and reader's family aren't chaebols and are commoners but well-off)
Warnings: PG-13, specific warnings will be listed per chapter.
Summary: Fearful of losing her, yet unwilling to leave; this agreement between Seungcheol and his best friend’s little sister was meant to be casual and temporary, yet he finds himself growing more attached to her day by day.
push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
Pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader
word count: 50,301
genre: smut (18+), enemies to lovers, camboy au, angst (with a happy ending)
Warnings: adult language, excessive use of petnames, copious amounts of banter, e2l antagonism/shenanigans, camboy!cheol, strength kink, size kink, blink and you miss it sir kink, reader likes being a brat and cheol is into it, brief discussion about/hints of potential sexual power dynamics (but they're pretty tame imo), two instances of ass-swatting, mutually consensual possessiveness, semi-public touching, explicit sexual content: masturbation (m. and f.), manual stimulation (m. and f. receive), oral sex (m. and f. receive), protected and unprotected sex + creampie.
Summary: thirsting over your ex’s best friend in general is a bad idea. given that you and seungcheol have never gotten along, it’s even worse. when you accidentally stumble across his stream, though, and he finds out? all bets are off.
baguette by @bwinnies
Pairing: choi seungcheol x reader
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: FLUFF , some cursing , food is mentioned (they’re in a grocery store) , seungcheol may make u kinda weak ngl
FINE DINING 101: STEP ONE (s.c) by @ncteez
Pairing: seungcheol x afab reader 
Wordcount: 3.6k
Warnings: pussy eating (he gets in there), masturbation in the form of humping the mattress and then into his hand, finger fucking, there isn’t any penetration or anything but like– maybe in a part two they can actually do more??? idk it depends on if y’all want a part two.
Summary: Is it weird that no man has ever given you some good head and your best friend is a bit annoyed by that? Probably not. Is it weird that he offers to eat you out after a particularly bad date? Oh yeah, for sure. You’re still gonna let him though. 
or the one where seungcheol proves to you just how good he is at giving head.
Remind Me by @milfgyuu
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.7k
Genre: fluff, humor
Warnings: mc gets drunk, cheol sleeps in underwear only (u can fight me on this), like one (1) unintentional innuendo.
Summary: You’ve had a little too much to drink at your sister’s wedding and can’t understand how or why Choi Seungcheol of all people is assigned to babysit you.
ice cold, cabin fever by @smileysuh
Pairing: Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader
Rating: 18+ explicit
Wordcount: 25.9k
AU's: e2l, s2l, step brothers Jihan, non idol, ski resort, roomies, etc...
Warnings: threesome, daddy issues, mean/tsundere cheol, wet dreams, spanking, marking, dirty talk, choking, unprotected sex, pain kink, dacryphilia, breast play, praise, degradation, fingering, oral, hand job, blow job, multiple orgasms, overstim, edging, orgasm denial, manhandling, size kink, cumplay, finger sucking, spit roasting, hair pulling, voyeurism, | petnames: (hers) princess, bitch, whore, baby (s.coups) cheol, douche, dick, daddy (mingyu) gyu.
Summary/Preview: "come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom."
inflection point series by @lovelyhan
Pairing: jeonghan x reader x seungcheol
Wordcount: 6.3k + 8.3k + 7.6k
Tags: unresolved emotional tension, friends to lovers on the hannie side of things, lovers to exes to enemies to lovers again on the cheol side of things, established relationship, angst, smut
Warnings: | pt.2 : implied alcohol consumption, graphic sexual content (minors dni!!) | pt.3 : graphic sexual content (minors dni!!)
Summary: you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
Bite That Lip | One-Shot (Seungcheol) by @beahae
Pairings: Seungcheol/S.Coups x Reader(f)
Rating/genre: M18+, friends-with-benefits to ???; smut 💖, mild angst/fluff
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: Explicit smut, unprotected vaginal penetration, spanking, dom!Cheol and sub!reader, finger sucking, Cheol and Mingyu both lift and carry reader, reader wears workout clothes (sports bra, leggings), sorta sweaty sex, creampie, degradation, kind of breeding kink (depends what you consider a breeding kink to be), reader is referred to as ‘brat’ and ‘a hole’, pet name ‘baby’, begging, possessiveness/jealousy but it’s like hot and not crazy in my opinion, reader is a tease and brat but only before the smut lol
Summary: Seungcheol knows you're really close with his whole friend group. But now that things have... quietly been developing between the two of you, he would love it if you'd cool it with the heavy flirting with the other guys.
in the eye of the beholder by @cheolism
Pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader
Wordcount: 6.2k
Tags: boyfriend!cheol, dom!cheol, possessive cheol. wall sex, fingering, oral; unprotected sex. worshipful sex. cheol's crude mouth, dirty talk. crying during sex from pleasure, mating press, spitting, hair pulling, consensual choking (just a little). pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart, angel, pretty girl, beautiful). simp seungcheol, his real spending addiction. he's going to tell you you're beautiful until you believe it.
Warnings: MDNI. fat/chubby!reader, insecurity, internalized fatphobia, anxiety. mentions of fatness, stretchmarks, love handles.
Summary: when you don't like how you look in the mirror, your boyfriend decides to take it upon himself to worship you.
F*ck, Marry, Kill: With the Experienced by @bitchlessdino
Pairing: fem!reader x ex!mingyu x seungcheol x wonwoo
Genre: smut
Wordcount: 5.6k
Tags: poly, exhibitionism, voyeurism, degradation, pet names (princess), unprotected sex (except cheol), praise kink, spanking, clit slapping, fingering, oral (rec. and giving), u, pussy slapping, ass play, triple penetration
Summary: one dumb party game makes a comeback.
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cheeseceli · 1 year
Proud - Bang Chan
Pairing: Bang Chan × gn!Reader
Genre: little bit of angst with fluff ending, small drabble
Warnings: reader has low self-esteem, reader's mom doesn't help at all, not proof read, and one (1) bad word i think bullshit (idk if that counts as bad word)
Request: by my inner child lmao
A/n: i thought of this last night because i relate to and admire Chan so much, so he is precisely the person that could make me feel better in a time like this. This drabble ain't supposed to be good, I just wanted some comfort and luckily you can feel some comfort as well
"Were you crying?"
You don't know why, but lately it seems like life hasn't been kind to you. You were doubting yourself and your talents (did you have any?) more than usual. Everything you did seemed wrong, seemed like it could be better. Even things you were sure about, like your potential and hard work, weren't certain anymore.
The last straw was when you were calling your mom before you went to bed. You wanted to vent, to try to understand what was wrong and how you could fix it. Instead, she said "you should give up abot that. You're not that good anyways". You doubt she was saying that out of malice, like she was praying for your downfall or something like that. She actually thought you'd be better if you settled down and just gave up in your "dreams". She was actually trying to help.
But now, past midnight, you're in bed trying to hide your tears and silence your hiccups. The overthinking, the pressure and the fact that everything you were doing this past days was collapsing made you cry. The last thing that you needed was to wake up and worry the man beside you.
Unfortunately, luck was not on your side.
"Babe, look at me" Chan said, growing worried because all he could see was your back facing him "Please."
With that being said, you felt like the worst human being to ever live. You made him worry over something that was probably just drama. He'd ask what was wrong and you would explain to just later realise that you were being dramatic. You didn't want to look at him. Not now, not like this.
So you did the most reasonable thing that came across your mind: you pretended you were sleeping. Perhaps he would believe. He didn't see you crying anyways, he just heard the hiccups. Maybe he would believe that nothing was wrong and he probably misunderstood the sounds.
When he laid back his head in the pillow, you thought it worked. You almost sighed in relieve until he hugged you closer from behind. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you softly, you almost couldn't feel it, in the back of your neck going down to your shoulder.
"You know I'm here, right? It doesn't matter what it is, I'll always be here."
That was it. Now that was in fact your last straw. As comforting as it was, you couldn't handle it. Because you thought of yourself as someone who wasn't deserving of love, you forgot you were actually loved. And now you were crying even more.
As a reminder that Chan was never leaving your side, he hugged you tighter. You didn't feel suffocated. You were embraced, you were warm. For a second you believed you were safe.
"Could you tell me that you're proud of me?" was the first thing you said that night, it was almost inaudible "You can lie. Just say I'm doing good or something like that. Please."
For some moment all you could hear was the silence. You knew he was there, you could feel him. But he didn't reply. The overthinking crossed your mind once again. You aren't worth, not even in a lie.
You tried to close your eyes and forget that you even said something until you heard him
"I'm so proud of you. I'm not telling you this because you asked me to, I'm saying this because it's the truth and I should've made it clear from the moment I saw you for the first time. To be honest I'm kinda shocked that you are even doubting it in first place." He giggled silently and God, you loved that small laugh "I don't know what made you think that you're not good enough but believe me when I tell you that you are way more than just enough. You're awesome, you're amazing, I wouldn't change a thing"
You kept your eyes closed to keep back the tears. You hated feeling so vulnerable or a burden, and that was the feeling that ever showed up whenever you cried. But tonight, the feeling was slowly becoming something else. Like you were allowed to fall, cause someone, cause Chan, would catch you.
Chan made you turn around gently and placed a soft kiss on your wet cheek, making you hug him closer. Everything that you needed right now was his comfort. He happily obliged.
"I'm so so proud of you. I'll spend the rest of my life telling you this if that's what will take for you to believe it. I admire you so much, Y/n. I love the person that you are and the person that you are becoming. And no one else's opinion matters because everyone that says bulshit about you is wrong and I'm the only one who is right" you couldn't help but giggle at the last part, knowing that it was somewhat true and that made it even funnier.
"thank you"
When you thought it was impossible for him to hug you even tighter, he did it and hid his face in your neck "don't thank me for saying the obvious. Now let's sleep, mm? It's late"
You nodded, feeling way more relaxed than you were when the night began. You close your eyes only to hear Chan saying "Good night, my love."
Reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated ❣️
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beenbaanbuun · 1 year
Late Night, Come Home - Kim Seokjin
It's been a while... sorry about that. I went through a period of writers block that turned into a year of writers block. Mix that with the fact that I travelled to the other side of the world for three months this summer. I've been a little busy lmaoooooo. Buy, hey, I'm back. No idea how often I'll be writing or posting and I wont promise anything, but this is a start, right?
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Words: 3.2k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Language, Making out, Jin being the nicest man alive
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You stood there, dripping rainwater onto the door mat outside of your neighbour's apartment. It was a long shot given the fact that it was almost 3 AM, but you had no choice. You couldn’t get into your own apartment and you desperately needed somewhere to stay for the night. You knocked again, the guilt of potentially waking him up already gnawing at you. 
“I’m coming,” a voice said from the other side of the door. The jingle of keys soon followed and before you knew it, the door swung open to reveal Kim Seokjin. Your neighbour. 
He stood there, looking down at you with barely open eyes. Pyjama bottoms hung loose around his hips as if they’d just been thrown on before he came to open the door, but he hadn’t had the courtesy to throw on a top. The knowledge that your neighbour slept naked sunk in slowly, a pink blush steadily rising through your body. 
“Hi, Mr Kim,” you greeted, voice sheepish. 
“Don’t call me that,” he grumbled, “makes me feel old.”
It was awkward. You didn’t know what to say. After all, you couldn’t exactly just barge into his house, nor could you really ask him if he’d let you sleep there. Your mother had always taught you that it was good manners to wait to be invited in. The last thing you wanted was to add to that by making him think you were rude. 
“Sorry,” you spluttered. You couldn’t look at him, scared that your eyes would linger for too long on his toned abs or his plush lips that you hadn’t really paid much attention to until now. Instead, you looked at your feet and the wet patch that surrounded them. You were lucky the hallway was sheltered, although you doubted your clothes could soak up any more water if they tried. 
“No problem,” he was avoiding looking at you too. You’d clearly gone out for the night and the tight white dress that had gone see through in the rain left nothing to the imagination. As much as he wanted to take a good long stare, he was a gentleman. “I assume it’s an emergency.” 
Was it? It felt stupid to say that it was, especially when the whole situation was avoidable. But as you stood there, terrified of the thought of having to sleep in the hallway all night, you decided that yes, it was an emergency. With your phone, keys and money all in your roommate’s bag, there really was no other word for it. Of course, you couldn’t help but remind yourself that if you’d taken your own bag, you wouldn’t be standing on your neighbour’s doorstep wondering if he’d give you a bed for the night. Hindsight was a wonderful thing. 
“I’m locked out,” you muttered, embarrassed about your predicament, “Kate has all my stuff and she’s off with her man doing… something.”
At the mention of your roommate, he rolled his eyes into the back of his head. It seemed odd that he had an issue with her given that the two rarely spoke. They’d say ‘hi’ to each other in the hall on occasion, but that was the extent of their contact with one another. 
“You’d best come in then,” the door was opened wider and Seokjin stepped back so that you could enter his home. You gladly obliged, limping slightly as you stepped over the threshold. You hadn’t noticed how bad your shoes had rubbed on the way back. You guessed you were too busy trying not to catch hypothermia. The pain was immeasurable though, and you yelped out as you took the step. 
Seokjin just shot you an unreadable look and gestured for you to stay there. It was his home, so you listened to him. It would be impolite not to. He scurried further into his apartment, disappearing for a moment or two. You didn’t mind though; it gave you plenty of time to inspect your surroundings. 
His apartment was much nicer than your own. Cleaner too. The wooden floors didn’t have so many chips, and the sage green paint wasn’t peeling away from the walls. The mirror that hung above his hardwood dresser was polished and lacked all the makeup splatters and finger marks that gave your own hallway mirror character. Even the plants he kept in there were so much nicer. Each of them was thriving, a plethora of healthy leaves coming from the stems, whereas yours were all brown and decaying. 
You grinned to yourself, the thought of Seokjin waking up every morning and watering his plants filling up your brain. You wondered if he wore the same checkered pyjama bottoms as he shuffled around with a watering can in one hand and a coffee in the other. It was almost sweet, the way that you pictured him in your brain. 
“You’re looking mighty happy for someone who resembles a drowned rat,” the grumpy voice of your neighbour brought you back down to earth though, wiping the smile off your face entirely. “Here.”
You focussed on him, noticing that he now had a lilac hoodie on. It was hard to hide your disappointment in the fact that you could no longer sneak tiny glances at his tanned stomach, but at least now you could look at him without feeling like a dirty voyeur. 
In one hand was a fluffy towel, lilac to match his jumper. In the other was a set of clothes with a pair of fluffy socks placed gently on top. Given your height differences, you were almost positive that his clothes would be way too big on you, but you were still thankful for the kind gesture. Honestly, you’d wear anything if it meant that you no longer had to feel the cheap material of your dress clinging to you like plastic wrap. 
“Oh, thank you,” you kept your responses to him formal, despite the fact that he didn’t have the courtesy to do the same. He did live here, you supposed, and it was 3 AM. He was probably too tired to act polite to the girl who had shown up on his doorstep. You were honestly thankful enough that he let you in in the first place. “Is there a bathroom I can change in?”
He nodded. 
“Down the hall to the left,” he said, “take your shoes off first, though. I’ve done well to avoid any chips.” 
Once again, you felt a twinge of embarrassment. You couldn’t believe you were just about to stroll across his pristine floor in the very shoes that were responsible for half of the dints in your own. How very inconsiderate of you, you scolded yourself as you slipped them off. 
“Thank you,” you said again. 
“Meet me in the kitchen when you’re changed, okay?” You nodded before shuffling your way to his bathroom. 
You were right, the clothes were huge on you. Not in a bad way, though. They were warm and cozy and the sleeves fell over your hands so you could make sweater paws with them. The material felt like clouds as it brushed against your damp, icy skin, and you were dreading when the time came for you to take them off and change back into your own clothes. How could you when you’d now felt the luxury of Seokjin’s?
The towel he’d given you was wrapped around your hair, slowly taking in all the water that had weighed it down. It felt good to no longer have long, wet strands sticking to your face and neck, and you were sure that with the quality of the towel, it’d be dry in no time. 
You gave yourself one last look in the mirror, a shy smile rising to your face as you realised just what was happening. It was like something out of a romance novel, except for the fact you were pretty sure your neighbour was only doing this because he was a good person, not because he was secretly in love with you. You took a deep breath and controlled your expression before you opened the bathroom door and followed the sound of a microwave spinning to the kitchen. 
As you stepped into the room, Seokjin was busy taking whatever it was out of the microwave. It smelled of stew, and the thought of a nice warm meal made your stomach rumble. The sudden sound caught his attention, and once again, you felt a familiar heat in your cheeks. 
“Come sit,” he pointed at a chair as he finished preparing the food, “It’s leftovers from today, but it should still be fresh.”
Honestly, you didn’t care about the freshness. You were just flattered that he’d gone out of his way to get you some food, even if all he did was microwave it. 
“Thank you.”
“Is ‘thank you’ the only thing you’re capable of saying?” His question caught you off guard a little. What else did he want you to say? You sent him a questioning look in return. “Well, you show up at my doorstep at stupid O’clock and all you say is you can’t get into your own apartment? I want a little more information than that, don’t you think?” 
You guessed he was right. You’d given him as little information as humanly possible and yet he still had the kindness to let you into his home, lend you his clothes and feed you. 
“What do you want to know?” You asked. 
“Everything, really,” he replied, “from the beginning.”
As you started to explain how on earth you got stranded, Seokjin moved to sit down across from you with a plate full of warm stew in his hand. He pushed it across to you, briefly interrupting your story to tell you to eat. You simply smiled, thanking him once again, and took the fork from his hand. Every so often, he’d take a break from listening to you and gesture to the food to remind you to take a bite. It seemed you were so wrapped up in the events of the night that you couldn’t even focus on anything other than recounting them. 
You didn’t know why, though. It’s not like you felt angry or betrayed by your friend, even though you probably should have. In your mind, you couldn’t help but try and justify her actions. She was sad about losing her job, and how was she to know that Lewis would be there to seduce her? She probably thought that staying with Lewis for the night would help get rid of some of her frustrations. 
“I don’t know,” you sighed. Explaining the whole situation just made you feel worse about the whole thing. Still, you couldn’t bring yourself to blame her. She was your best friend after all. “She’s just forgetful.”
“Why are you defending her?” Seokjin grumbled. 
“She’s my friend. 
“And she treats you like shit,” his voice was loud, but he wasn't angry. Frustrated was a better word to describe it. Annoyed, possibly, at your ignorance of your friend’s actions. You couldn't help but feel ashamed of your instinct to forgive her no matter what. “She’s lucky you made it here safe, you know. Anything could’ve happened.”
You felt like a child being scolded, and yet you knew you needed to hear it. It was the same things you’d been telling yourself for a while now, but ignoring your thoughts seemed like the best course of action. Having someone else lay them out in front of you made you realise just how stupid you’d been to value your friendship over your feelings.
There was a familiar ache in your head and your eyes welled up with glistening tears. Everything had just piled up and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. It’s just a shame you were sat with a man you barely knew instead of alone in your bedroom with a bottle of wine by your side to comfort you. 
And you half expected the atmosphere to get even more awkward. What, with you hunched over and sobbing into a half-eaten bowl of stew that was quickly going cold? It wouldn’t have been a surprise to you if Seokjin sat there in silence, unsure of what to do to help the woman he’d invited into his home. 
But then you heard his chair legs scrape along the floor, and the pitter patter of bare feet on the tile floor. And before you knew it, he’d squatted down next to you and placed a warm hand on your back. Soft, calming hushes left his mouth as soothing shapes were drawn onto your spine. 
“Get it all out, Y/N,” he whispered, “bottling it up never does any good.”
So you did. It was about 5 minutes before your tears ran out and all that was left were pathetic little sniffles every now and then. Seokjin remained silent, the only semblance of proof that he was still there being the hand that remained firmly on your spine. You were grateful; you didn’t need him to say anything else at that moment. You knew all you had to know. 
“Thank you, Seokjin,” you quietly snivelled out. He let out a snort of laughter. 
“I thought I told you to stop saying thank you,” you nodded, even though you knew you wouldn’t stop. You needed him to know you were grateful for everything he’d done. He didn’t have to let you into his home, just like he didn’t have to lend you clothes or feed you. He didn’t even have to sit and comfort you as you cried, and yet he did. As silly as you sounded saying it, you felt indebted to him. “And call me Jin. I think we’re past formalities.”
“Are we?” 
“I think so,” his voice remained soft as he talked to you as if he was still trying to help you through your mini-breakdown. “Practically best friends, by my standards.”
That fetched a laugh out of you. You’d barely spoken to the man before tonight, and yet he seemed intent on making you feel comfortable with him. And in a strange way, you did. He’d shown a lot more care towards you than he would if he classed you as a stranger, even though that’s pretty much what you were. You seemed to trust him more than a stranger too. Perhaps it was a mutual desire for something more to come out of this. A friendship, perhaps, although you wouldn’t mind if it led to even more than that. Seokjin was among some of the best-looking men you’d ever seen…
“Sure we are,” you gave him a sad smile, “Jin.”
He smiled in return. 
“That’s more like it,” the grin on his face was obvious when he spoke. “Now, how about you finish your stew and we can go get you settled into the spare room.”
You let out a chuckle as he grabbed the spoon and held it up to your lips. He made a show of blowing on the food to cool it down, and you couldn’t help but shudder at the proximity of his face to yours. As the spoon made contact with your ever-so-slightly parted lips, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. 
And it seemed as though he couldn’t either. As the spoon breached your lips he let out a heavy breath through his own. You didn’t know where the sudden tension came from, but it wasn’t unwelcome. Your only hope was that he felt it too. That he wanted to put his lips on yours just as badly as you wanted him to. 
And God, did you want him to. 
You didn’t even know where the urge had come from. The man had never piqued your interest before tonight, but perhaps seeing him in such a… domestic setting was what was getting you going. The pyjama pants that mismatched his hoodie in such a perfect way, or perhaps the bed head that he hadn’t even bothered to sort out since you’d stepped through his front door. Everything about him was just so familiar, and you didn’t even know the man. 
He did the same thing, grabbing a spoonful of stew before lifting it up to your face and blowing. Whether intentional or not, his breath tickled your face and you couldn’t help but scrunch up your nose. 
“You’re kind of cute, you know,” Jin whispered, once more pushing the food into your awaiting mouth. “I never noticed until now, but Jesus Christ, I could just…”
He trailed off, but you wanted nothing more than to hear what he had to say. You swallowed. 
“Just what?” 
There was a thud as the spoon hit the table and the hand that held it made it’s way up to your cheek. It rested there, thumb brushing your soft skin. 
“Just want to kiss you, baby,” he chuckled, leaning in a little closer until his face was just an inch from yours. “Are you okay with that?” 
Of course, you nodded. Enthusiastically, actually, which brought a bright smile to Jin’s face, but he made no move. 
“Words, baby.” 
“Yes, Jin,” your voice was quiet, “please kiss me.”
And with that, his lips were on yours. It was slow at first, as if the two of you were finding your feet. The way his plush lips gently caressed yours as the pad of his thumb matched the rhythm of the kiss on your cheek. 
It wasn’t long until you got a little braver, though, raising your own hands so you could grip onto his messy locks and pull him closer to you. He smiled against your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip with his exposed teeth. There was a sharp intake of breath from you before you dive back in for more, this time with a little more urgency. 
Lips crashed against lips feverishly and you couldn’t help but let out a little squeak as his tongue brushed against your lower lip. You let him in, of course, wanting nothing more than to feel Jin close. He seemed to realise that quickly, tugging your body to the edge of the seat and shuffling himself so that he was kneeling between your legs. You spread them wide so he could slot inside, as though the two of you were pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. 
It was a little strange, actually, how well the two of you seemed to fit together. His hair in your fingers felt normal, as did the way his large hands felt on your sides, and even though you’d perhaps spoken 10 words to one another since moving in next door, the feeling of him between your legs felt… perfect. 
Like he belonged there.
Eventually, the two of you pulled away for air and soft, breathy laughs filled the air. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he laughed, leaning his forehead against yours, “I didn’t think I’d be making out with my neighbour at 4 in the morning, and yet…”
“Here we are.” 
“Here we are,” he grinned, “you must be tired.”
You nodded, although you wouldn't have minded staying up later with Jin.
But the man in question stood up, holding a hand out to you, and you couldn't help but let him pull you to your feet.
“Let's get you to bed.”
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tinietaehyun · 9 months
Forsaken [VII]
[Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader]
[Series] [Chapter Seven]
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Pairing: Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader [Ft. Sorcerer!Soobin]
Genres: Royal!au, fantasy, enemies to lovers, supernatural, angst, fluff, romance, action.
Contains: Profanity, mentions of anxiety, academic pressure, arguments, jealousy.
Links: Forsaken Masterlist || Masterlist
Summary: With Prince Choi having backed you into a corner, you feel as though you were trapped inside a golden birdcage. Perhaps, marrying the twisted prince was your one way out, without having to cause disastrous consequences?
Though in the middle of your crisis, you hear a demanding knock on your door; you knew who it was. Taehyun was not going to let anything slide, not whilst he was still alive. After all, this young sorcerer was the person who once came face to face with epitome of betrayal himself.
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The sunlight beams through the grandiose windows of the hallway as the two sorcerers converse seriously, both adorning their cloaks. Soobin peers at the blonde haired man with a deep frown, “I…I can’t believe it.”
Taehyun bitterly hums, “I couldn’t either at the time. But after having so much time to think, it made sense why he did that. Not that it was right; but I was lying to myself when I couldn’t see the signs at the time. I knew internally he was jealous and I relished it.” Soobin regards Taehyun blankly.
The two men had engaged in a serious conversation in which Soobin pestered Taehyun to explain what happened all these years. He was appalled to find out the cause for Taehyun and his father’s exile. He couldn’t believe it, how was his father capable of such an act? No way! Trying to assassinate the king and the pregnant queen?
Even he could see, that his father would never do such a thing; he knew Taehyun’s father (regardless of how vain and strict he was), was a man of principle, of morals. Nothing made sense, how could the Royal Court of Fortuna fall for such a clear attempt to frame two powerful sorcerers; Taehyun was but a young child at the time!
“I’m speechless. I…” Soobin breathes out wide-eyed. Taehyun mutters grumpily, slightly regretting his choice to tell him about what had happened. Taehyun always had a hard time trusting anyone ever since the events of his past occurred. But with the way Soobin was begging, believing he had offended him, Taehyun felt as though divulging a little couldn’t hurt. Nothing could happen anyway; what’s done was done.
Soobin was a close friend of Taehyun’s back at the prestigious Sorcerer’s Tower. He was training as an apprentice there alongside himself, Yeonjun and a few others. Whilst the others were mere characters of the background, excluding himself and Yeonjun, the only other sorcerer of note was Soobin.
He had potential, but just needed time. He was a sweet boy, dedicated to his craft and quiet as a child, preferring to observe rather than speak. He was often referred to as the weakest of the friendship trio.
Soobin questions, “Does…the Princess know about this?” Taehyun shakes his head, “I don’t wish to burden her with my past, Soobin. I don’t need my baggage weighing her down. She already has enough issues as is. Maybe if she’s curious enough, perhaps.”
Soobin says, “You know, I’d never have thought Yeonjun to be that way. He always told me he admired you. That he was honoured to have such a talented sorcerer to call his ‘best friend.” Taehyun’s gaze darkens, “What an utter load of shit.” Soobin dryly muses, “I suppose I have always been rather naive. I didn’t think he was lying.”
“You are,” Taehyun cuts in with a smirk, “I remember tricking you into thinking me and Yeonjun snapped your wand in half in an argument.” Soobin grimaces, “No, no don’t remind me. I was on the verge of tears.” Taehyun snickers, “I had only hid your wand under your table, but you believed me. You didn’t even ask to see the supposed broken wand.”
Soobin’s cupid lips form a pout, “You’re starting to sound like old yourself again.” Taehyun hums composing himself immediately, “I guess meeting an old friend does that to you. Oh yes, you didn’t even cry, all you said was ‘that’s okay, it’s fine, really,‘ whilst trying not to hold back your tears.”
Soobin rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, “Okay, okay I get it, I was and still am a little gullible, a bit naive.” Taehyun snorts amusingly.
The two men stand in a comfortable silence; their previous tensioned atmosphere lightens. Both their minds rush with reminiscent memories of their childhood. Taehyun murmurs, “Shame, you left so early on.” Soobin releases a breathy chuckle, “Yes, I suppose. But I don’t regret it. I’ve been given a lot of good opportunities here in Luna. I want to expand the use of sorcery in Luna, kind of like the way your father did in Fortuna.” Taehyun frowns.
“Prince Beomgyu believes there’s a lot of potential for sorcery and magic here, that we could rival Fortuna if we play our cards right. He’s been so supportive of me and the apprentices. The royal sorcerer here has also treated me well. I’m bound to become the next royal sorcerer for sure!” Soobin exclaims with a bright smile. Taehyun's lips twitch, “I always knew you had potential, you just needed the right motivation and environment. It’s…it’s good to hear that Soobin.”
The words hit Soobin and his heart aches. Soobin shares, “You know, I was always envious of both of you, I both admired your ability and natural affinity for sorcery. I admired Yeonjun‘a charisma, charm and his wand techniques, his ability to carry out any new spell within the first try with ease.” Taehyun listens intently.
“You, on the other hand, were in a completely different league. The son of the Royal Sorcerer, the pioneer of Fortuna’s Sorcery Legacy. No wonder Yeonjun was jealous of you, even if he didn’t show it. Hell, I was jealous. I think everyone in the damn class was.” Taehyun scowls, “Jealousy is fine, but that doesn’t mean being a backstabbing piece of shit.”
Soobin snorts, “True, but the way you handled your mana, your wand techniques, your ability to memorise hundreds upon hundreds of spells and enchantments. I could never understand.”
Taehyun remains quiet; he never did have to think too hard about it. He could sympathise with Soobin’s perspective. Soobin never once hurt him or showed any signs of harmful jealousy.
“Thank you,” Taehyun utters lowly, “You’ve improved. I can tell, you’re confident in your abilities, I can sense it.”
Soobin smiles genuinely, “I worked hard here. I remembered your advice, your father’s advice. You even gave me some of your notes to take with me when you heard I was moving.” Taehyun says nothing; feeling a dull ache in his chest. The past always seems to somehow catch up to him in the most convoluted of ways.
“You know, I always preferred our discussions, just us two, rather than me and Yeonjun,” Soobin admits. Taehyun hums, “Why’s that?”
“At the the time; you were always so rude and blunt about things. I always thought you had a big head on you. But no, you were just being honest, constructively critiquing me, I was an idiot to not see that back then. Only when I was going to leave, after you gave me some of your notes, encouraged me, I knew you were being harsh because you saw potential in me, you wanted to see me succeed alongside you,” Soobin’s eyes glimmer.
Taehyun clears his throat feeling flustered at the onslaught of praise and peers away, “Well, I thought that was obvious. But perhaps, it was a mistake on my part for coming off as so…harsh. I just found it frustrating to see you constantly demeaning yourself.”
Soobin nods slowly, “Despite that, I left,” he frowns, “I’m sorry for leaving you behind. I never expected Yeonjun to be so terrible. I thought you two would be fine.”
Taehyun mutters, “Well, you’re not a fortune teller. I didn’t stop you from leaving because I didn’t want to hold you back. It was clear, you weren’t enjoying the pressure of the Sorcerer’s Tower, being caught between the unspoken rivalry of me and Yeonjun. You did good, Soobin.”
Soobin’s expression softens and he murmurs, “If I had known you’d been exiled…I…I would have came to help, to visit.” Taehyun drawls, “You couldn’t have done anything, it’s fine.”
Soobin stands there solemnly, “For the first time in a long time, I feel like…you’re more in tune with your emotions, Taehyun.” Taehyun affirms, “I know. Years of being alone, isolated and surrounded by mysterious supernatural nature, does that to you. You have a lot of time to think.”
Soobin murmurs, “I’d imagine so. We’ve got to catch up more. You’ve got to describe the Woods of Mors to me. Teach me a few new spells too?”Taehyun muses, “Believe me, I could go all day. Just so happens I have my little spell book, too.”
A sense of calmness permeates through Taehyun; it had felt good to open up a little to someone; the one person from his past who saw him for who he was. Perhaps, this meeting of fate was not so bad.
Soobin’s brows furrow in deep thought, “Huh, I should probably stop writing to Yeonjun.” Taehyun scowls, “You write letters to him?” Soobin huffs, “In my defence, I didn’t know he did all that!” Taehyun scoffs, “Pitiful, you really are so sappy.” Soobin rolls his eyes, “Don’t worry, the letters stop.”
He hums, “I sent letters to you too, you know; addressed to the Sorcerer’s Tower. But after getting no response, I kind of assumed you wanted nothing to do with me. I didn’t know you were exiled of course.”
“Well, Yeonjun must have had a fun time tearing them up or throwing them into the fire,” Taehyun mutters unimpressed. Soobin snorts amused, “There goes my hard work recounting my wondrous progress in sorcery.”
The two men chuckle, feeling once more comfortable with each other, a sense of nostalgia permeates the air. “If you need any help around here, don’t hesitate to call on me, okay?” Soobin hums. Taehyun nonchalantly hums, making Soobin smirk, “Yes, yes sure. Whatever.”
The pleasant atmosphere is sliced into as they both spot you rushing down another hallway from afar without sparing them either a glance. Taehyun’s visage morphs into a serious expression; his heart instinctively palpitates. You seemed to be in a hurry?
Following a second later, Beomgyu walks in with a frustrated face. His eyes catch a glance of Soobin and Taehyun immediately switches into a pleasant smile, beginning to walk toward the two. Taehyun’s jaw tightens; he never cared particularly for the Prince. Then again, he never really cared for any royalty. Except you. Wait, he didn’t mean that, what was he saying? Focus!
“Gentlemen, well, is everything sorted? All caught up?” Beomgyu asks brightly. They both lower their heads respectfully as Soobin utters, “Your highness, but of course.”
Beomgyu’s eyes observes Taehyun intently, scanning him once over, “Soobin has told me a little about you, yet you still remain rather a mystery in my eyes.” Soobin gleams, “Don’t worry, your highness, I’ve got a lot more to say. He is incredibly talented.” Taehyun grimaces, peering at Soobin awkwardly, “Perhaps, let’s not do that.”
Beomgyu tilts his head musing, “Hm, y/n must trust you a lot for her to let you remain by her side. She’s always been a cautious individual.”
Taehyun murmurs, “I suppose. How long have you known her?” Beomgyu’s eyes twinkle, “Oh, for a long time, did you know we were once to be betrothed?” Soobin’s eyes light up, “Oh yes, I remember. You sent over quite the array of gifts and the largest bouquet I’ve ever seen, your highness.”
Taehyun stiffens; a surge of irritation courses through him. What made him feel this way? It obviously didn’t go through, but why did the mere idea make him feel so infuriated?
Beomgyu sighs, “A shame really, she was rather fond of me, unlike her father and the royal court.” Beomgyu’s gaze meets Taehyun as his lips form a coy smile, “We found ourselves catching up pleasantly.” Soobin grins, “Good to hear it, your highness! You both make an excellent pair.”
Taehyun snaps his head to Soobin. Soobin asks, “What?” Taehyun mutters, “Nothing, it’s nothing.” A heavy feeling grows in Taehyun’s heart. Why did y/n not say anything about this to him?
Then again, who was he to you? Who were you to him? You weren’t obligated to tell him anything, neither was he to you. So then why did this whole idea of her being alone with this prissy stuck-up prince irk Taehyun so badly?
At the end of the day, Taehyun was not royalty, not a noble whatsoever; so why was he feeling angered? Not like anything was going to occur.
Beomgyu hums; his tone condescending, “I find it fascinating, she chose to trust a complete stranger. Someone like you, with unknown intentions.”
Taehyun's gaze morphs into a glare. What was he trying to imply? Soobin’s smile fades slightly at the tone of voice, “Your highness?” Beomgyu hums amused, “Merely an observation. It was out of desperation of course, that she did so.”
Soobin’s shoulders relax as he asks, “So, what’s the plan, your highness? Was it what we discussed yesterday?” Beomgyu simply nods. Taehyun asks, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Beomgyu’s eyes have an unrecognisable glint to them and he brushes off Taehyun's remark, “Oh yes; I’ll explain the plan to you in more detail later. I just remembered I have an important task to get back to, I’m already behind schedule. Soobin come with me, I have some other matters, regarding the funding to speak of.” Soobin hurriedly nods walking behind Beomgyu, “See you later Taehyun.” Taehyun doesn’t respond, feeling a surge of anger flood through him.
He mutters to himself, “Who the fuck does he think he is? Stupid fucking prince.” To think Soobin follows behind him like a pitiful puppy dog.
Taehyun’s mind flickers back to you. Oh yes! You’d ran off; his mind was already churning with suspense. Were you okay? He had stormed off earlier too; surely you weren’t upset at him for that, were you? Wait, why did he care what you thought?
His feet move themselves in the direction of the guest wing, in a reluctant search for you. Soon, he finds himself outside of your door and he knocks a few times. A muffled, “Leave me be,” resounds.
Taehyun scoffs, “Not happening. Open up, sweetheart.” He is surprised at your reluctance; surely you weren’t throwing some sort of tantrum were you? Did something happen between you and Beomgyu?
“Let me in, princess,” Taehyun demands; his heart rate increasing. A moment of silence ensues before he hears the soft click of the door opening; revealing you dressed in a new lovely gown befitting your status. Your face looked exhausted, your eyes were glazed over as if you were about to break down into tears. Your bottom lip trembles ever so slightly causing a pang to hit Taehyun’s heart. What the hell?
His harsh gaze softens and Taehyun asks, “Sweetheart?” A sniffle escapes your nose as you turn away walking into the room; he follows after you, closing the door behind him. You were on the very verge of crying. You felt trapped here, in this damn palace. A place you thought would be a safe haven.
You plop yourself down onto the luxuriously oversized rug on the floor where you’ve managed to pile several cushions around you to comfort yourself. Taehyun watches as you get comfortable; a concerned expression painting his features. He knew something was troubling you.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen between you and Beomgyu?” He asks; his tone coming out blunter than expected. You feel your eyes become wet and tears drip down your cheeks. How pathetic you were! Here you were crying; how miserable.
Taehyun huffs walking closer; unfastening his cloak clasp and throwing his cloak aside carelessly onto the bed before moving some of the cushions. You sniffle, “What are you doing?” “Sitting next to you, you pretty fool.”
You whine as he sits himself right next to you; his thigh brushing against yours as he readjusts the cushions back to their positions once he’s settled. He snarks, “There’s a king sized bed here, that you could sulk on, you know.” You hit one of the velvet cushions onto his arm making him scoff.
“You’re crying, why’s that?” He enquires with a tilt of his head; some locks of his hair fall across his piercing eyes. “It’s nothing,” you mutter. Taehyun remarks annoyed, “Tch, it’s certainly not nothing. Let’s skip over the pointless denial. Something’s clearly happened. Unless you don’t want to tell me, then I can just sit here or something. Perform a magic show or something to keep you entertained,” he grimaces.
You snort teary-eyed, “A magic show?” He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, well are you going to tell me or what? I don’t want you turning your mind into mush overthinking.” His finger tips glow ever so slightly.
“It’s just the pressure of getting my throne back. Just hurt feelings,” You murmur. Taehyun’s eyes sharply glint, “Lying to me is not going to get you anywhere, princess. Either you can choose to tell me the truth or you’re not obligated to tell me at all.” You flinch at his sharp tone.
More tears escape from your eyes and Taehyun watches you; a sense of awkwardness not knowing how to handle your tears properly.
He wanted you to open up more to him, but didn’t want to force you. He didn’t want you to bawl in front of him either. Taehyun mumbles, “This isn’t like you. It’s strange.” Taehyun knew you were upset; it had to be something to do with Beomgyu!
“It’s Beomgyu. You were upset after catching up with him. It’s obvious,” he utters. You find yourself flinching at his direct statement; he was observant. Taehyun takes note of your reaction confirming his suspicions. It was. What did that bastard do or say to you?
Taehyun’s jaw tightens and gaze sharpens, “What the fuck did he do?” You stammer, “No, no. Calm down.” Taehyun snaps, “What then?”
You take a moment to compose yourself, before beginning to slowly reiterate everything that had previously occurred between you and Beomgyu on your walk together.
Taehyun was the one person who you felt you could maybe trust now. Who knows maybe you were meant to play the fool and get played by everyone around you. You didn’t care, you just needed to vent; it felt good to tell him.
Finishing your recount, you peer at him and see his blank expression. His eyes hold no emotion and he stiffly sits meeting your eyes.
Abruptly, Taehyun goes to get up; an enraged look in his eyes, “That fucking manipulative piece of shit! That fucking bastard, just wait till I-“
Your eyes widen and you scramble forward grabbing his arm with your entire might, “Taehyun! Wait! This is a matter that needs t-to be handled delicately!” You grunt, pulling him back towards you.
“That fucking prince lulled you into a false sense of security, we’re stuck right in right in his trap,” Taehyun seethes. Your eyes widen; you hadn’t seen Taehyun so angry before. Infuriated, he exclaims, “How the fuck are you sitting so calm? All these disgusting royals only ever think of themselves. They don’t see you as a victim of genuine treachery, just a fucking chess piece to be used to further themselves!”
You flinch; he was right. Your eyes water, “I get it, I know okay! That’s just the way the world works!”
Taehyun peers down at you, at the way you cling to his arm, “I know what it feels like to be betrayed by someone you truly trusted. It fucking hurts to see it happen to you.” His sudden honesty touches you and your lips tremble, “T-Taehyun.”
“I don’t want you to give up, which is what I did. I accepted my exile. I wish I had died fighting,” he rasps out. His eyes hold intense pain and you tremble. Your fingers dig into his arm as you whimper, “Sit with me. Stay with me. Please don’t be reckless, Taehyun. Please.”
He regards you for a moment in silence. Taehyun asks coldly, “Are you going to agree with his plan to marry you? You’re going to marry yourself to that bastard? Tell me.” You remain silent; you were deep in thought before Taehyun arrived knocking at your door.
In all honesty, you were contemplating the notion. You had to tread carefully. Perhaps, you think, it was easier to sacrifice your own happiness instead of risking the downfall of Fortuna and its people through your foolish brother. Perhaps, choosing the lesser evil of both evils was better than choosing nothing at all.
You didn’t want the nations to erupt in unrest or potential threat of war or breach of the treaty. You were scared of stepping into the world of politics head first. All your actions had repercussions.
You pull him back to attempt to sit him down and he stumbles slightly into a crouch; his face a few inches from yours. He doesn’t move away as he snarks, “You’re contemplating it aren’t you? You’re an idiot. What about love? Why should you sacrifice your own happiness for this shit?”
Anger surges through you, “You don’t get it! You don’t understand the pressure of responsibility I feel, whatever step I take has consequences! You wouldn’t know what it’s like to be in my position! I cannot act recklessly just because I am angry!”
Taehyun bitterly muses, “You’re right I don’t get it. I’m just an exiled nobody, right?” You sigh frustrated, “I never said that. You’re so insensitive. Get over yourself, Taehyun.” A manic laugh escapes his lips, “Get over myself? No, you should get over yourself, sweetheart.”
A pang of hurt flashes in his eyes and he seethes, “I’m trying to fucking help you and you’re lashing out at me? Can’t you see I want to help?” He was lashing out at you! You cry out, emotions overwhelming any rationality within you, “Why? Why do you care so much? We barely know each other. If you find me so insufferable-“
Taehyun snaps, “So caring for you now is a mistake?” Your heart feels as though it’s going to tear into two. “No, I-“ you sigh. Perhaps you were wrong to get so defensive. He had no obligation to care about you, to even ask how you were. Taehyun wanted to stay with you to help. You compose yourself.
Shakily, you murmur, “I’m…I’m sorry, Taehyun. I didn’t mean any of that. I just…” Taehyun’s gaze melts for a second as he huffs sitting back down beside you, “Whatever.” A tensioned silence ensues. Guilt consumes you.
You never wished to argue with him. You drawl out fatigued, “Maybe consigning myself to fate is easier. Fighting back only causes more pain.”Taehyun snaps lowly, “Don’t say such stupid shit like that in front of me again.” You glare, “What am I supposed to do then?” Another round of silence occurs as Taehyun’s brain churns its gears.
After a minute or so, he murmurs, “Escape.” You ask confused, “What?” “The palace. Escape the palace. Go on the run?” Taehyun emphasises with a glare. You snap lowly, “Are you insane?” That was an absurd idea!
“We can’t stay here. We’re trapped otherwise. We have to be out of Beomgyu’s sight. We’ll figure it out; we just need to be out of here,” Taehyun takes both of your hands with a determined gaze. “To where?” You ask, peering down at his hands squeezing yours. Taehyun’s eyes shake as he thinks, “The Woods of Mors. Back to my abode. Remember no one in Fortuna knows you’re with me.”
That was indeed right; no one knew that you escaped through the tunnels and then made your way to Luna through the Woods of Mors, even more unlikely that you stumbled upon the exiled sorcerer. Why would they check a place where he was presumed dead?
You glare; your own brain working hard, “What about Beomgyu, genius?” Taehyun scoffs irritated, “Minor details. Yes, Beomgyu and Soobin know I was exiled to the woods. So what? You think they’d expect us to return to Fortuna?”
That’s right! Why would you go back to the place you were trying to be on the run from? The most likely would be they think you’d go to, was another nation or hide out somewhere in Luna.
Taehyun murmurs, “I know there’s no guarantee that they won’t check back in the Woods of Mors. But it’s our best bet; we can’t trust any other nations. If they somehow do find out, we’ll handle it. We’ll get out of it somehow, princess.” His voice is impassioned and you feel guilt; he had more determination and desire than you to win.
His fierce expression is oddly pretty in your eyes. The way he looks at you for a response; a touch of desperation in his eyes. Uneasy, you whimper, “I don’t know…that feels like a bad idea.”
“What choice do we have? Beomgyu betrayed you. You think he’ll just let us leave of our own free will, just because you say, no?” Taehyun scoffs, removing his hands. You huff crossing your arms, “I thought you’d be smarter than this.”
“Marry him then; not-not- that I care or anything,” Taehyun spits out with a huff. You grab another cushion smacking his shoulder making him grunt. His expression is infuriated; your eyes scan over his pretty features. Your heart becomes warm at the sight.
Taehyun peers over at you, meeting your gaze. “What?” You find your lips twitching to form a smile. “You’re really caring, you know that. Getting this angry on my behalf. Don’t deny it.”
A slight hue of embarrassment floods his features as he dismisses you, “What did you expect? I’m not an emotionless brute?”
You snicker, “Mm, I suppose.” The tension between you two eases. You murmur, “If…we succeed,” you notice he’s deep in thought. “If we succeed, I will overturn your exile.” Taehyun’s eyes widen and he mutters, “Don’t make false promises, princess.” You glare, “I mean it.” He snaps his head to gaze at you; your eyes lock onto each other. Taehyun’s eyes glimmer; he looks truly touched.
“So, you have a plan, right?” You ask, peering away solemnly. “Yes, I do. It’s risky. Very risky. Involves my magic and lot of preparation.” Your heart pounds anxiously. “Do you trust me? Trust me to get us out of this?” Taehyun asks seriously. Your gaze melts, “…I do.”
“I won’t betray you. That’d be the last thing I’d do. Because I know the pain of it. So rest easy, sweetheart,” Taehyun murmurs, still not removing his gaze from yours. Your heart feels heavy.
“I know,” you affirm softly. You bite your lip tearing your gaze away from his. Your heart palpitates rapidly; what was this breathless feeling? His eyes flicker down to your lips briefly.
“Sorry,” he mutters awkwardly, “For being so rude earlier.” You find yourself smiling.
You peer back over at him, your eyes drifting down his face and his torso. Your mind drifts back to the hug he gave you yesterday.
“Can I…Can I hug you?” You tentatively request. His eyes widen; a soft hue of red, blossoms of his cheeks ever so subtly. Clearing his throat; he outstretches an arm behind you, “Come here.” You spy his reluctant expression and can’t help but smirk to yourself. He was not so cold; but truly a man with a giant heart.
You nestle into his arms leaning your head against his chest. You’re surprised to hear his heart hammering in his chest. Was he anxious? He rests his other arm around you, muttering, “Take whatever time you need.”
Perhaps that was his way of saying, he didn’t want to let you go out of his arms. Or maybe you were just wishful in your thinking. After all, why would he be interested in you, a noble, a figure he despised?
An odd sense of comfort fills the both of you. You go to thank him for the hug but he seems fine just to hold you. His embrace felt warm; you felt safe. Taehyun peers down at you and notices you looking back up at him with your gorgeous eyes, clinging to him. The sight was incredibly endearing.
Hugs weren’t so bad, Taehyun surmises. He wasn’t much of a verbal comforter. A hug would do for now. For how long? However long you wanted.
You wonder what goes on his mysterious mind; did he have similar thoughts to your own? How you wished to dissect and unravel the many layers of Kang Taehyun. You note he had comforted you all today; he stuck beside you with no intention of any reward.
Yet, you never cared to ask about his past fearing the worst reaction but also focusing on your own predicament.
“You understand my position, being betrayed,” you state. He drawls, “I do, very well in fact.”
“If the Royal Court has unfairly convicted you, I want to fix it. If my family has wronged you, I want to know.” Your genuine words startle Taehyun.
“Taehyun,” you croak out, “I want to know what happened to you and your father.” Perhaps, it was unfair to ask, but you wanted to ease his bottled up emotions. If he could be there for you, you wanted to be there for him too.
“Sweetheart, you’re playing a dangerous game, here,” Taehyun warns with a frown. You whisper, “I know.” You knew you’d get a ‘no.’ He was a man with high walls and stern boundaries.
“Fine,” he utters shakily taking you by surprise. “I think…I’ve kept you waiting for long enough.” You stammer, “I’m not forcing you-“
Taehyun gives you the most gentle smile you’ve seen from him, “Relax, sweetheart. I feel ready.” He smirks softly, “Aren’t you curious?” He muses, “Consider my pitiful story, something to fall asleep to.” You scoff, “No way.” You part from him as he leans his back against the end board of the bed.
Shakily, he hums, “Oh, you’re in for a long ride.”
Oh, pretty sorcerer; what was your story?
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softxsuki · 2 years
Hello, I have an urgent request, could I request head cannons for Baji and Hakkai and how they would comfort/ help their s/o with anorexia? But like, they never noticed since their s/o is always wearing baggy clothes, but one day they collapse and then the boys go to pick them up to help them and realize how thin they are.
My mental health has been really down recently and your blog has brought me so much comfort, keep up the good work :)
Baji, Hakkai, and Mitsuya (Separate) with Anorexic Reader
Pairings: Baji x Gn!Reader, Hakkai x GN!Reader, Mitsuya x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of anorexia, being thinner than usual, mentions of potential death in mitsuya's (very brief), pretty sure I accidentally used a comma instead of a period somewhere in here, but I'm too tired to look for it :0
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: In which you collapse and upon helping you up, they discover how thin you've become and address the issue of your anorexia
[A/N: Hi hun! I was supposed to write this yesterday, but I woke up not feeling too great, so sorry for the delay. I'm so happy to hear that my blog has brought you some comfort <3 I hope these headcanons are useful to you as well then <3 Take care! ]
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You were spending the day with Baji at his place
It was pretty easy hiding your anorexia from him–he never pushed you to eat at his place, having already told you that you can just take food if you want it from his kitchen
He was always too caught up in the moment of spending time with you to realize that you never ate while with him
So when you suddenly collapsed after standing up from the couch, he was very shocked, and worried
He’s by your side in a second wrapping his arms around your waist to hoist you up, but what he feels makes him pause
Expect him to be very blunt, he’s not going to sugar coat his way around asking you upfront why you’re so thin
And he doesn’t have the patience to hear you try and weave your way around excuses–you weren’t like that before
Is this why you haven't been so touchy with him lately? You used to love cuddling up to him, but lately you had been pushing him away
He didn’t really think anything of it at the time though; gosh he was so stupid
He picks you up with ease and traps you on his lap as he sits back on the couch, refusing to let you go until you’re honest with him
Doesn’t care if you’re upset with him afterwards, he needs to know so he can help
After everything is said and done though, he’d apologize for being so rough about things
You’re very important to him, and he doesn’t want you to struggle in any way, especially not right under his nose when he could have been helping you the whole time
You’re definitely not getting off easy though, he’s keeping a close eye on you this time, and will try and make sure you at least eat something whenever you’re with him
He’d do whatever he can to make sure you feel better again–tells you that you don’t have to starve yourself
Reminds you of how perfect you are in his eyes, and how badly he wants you to be healthy again
Overall, he is very passionate and a bit aggressive at his approach to help you out, but he’ll soften if you ever crack under the pressure and apologizes for being too tough on you
Just tell him your boundaries very clearly and he’d do his best to not cross them
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You were walking hand in hand with Hakkai back home when you suddenly collapsed, causing Hakkai to freak out
Reaching down to help you up, he could feel how thin your arms were
He tries to wipe the shock off his face though, not wanting to alarm you or make you think that he was judging you or anything–because he wasn’t, he’s just…worried
After reassuring him that you’re okay and just felt dizzy for a moment, he plays along and continues to walk by your side, your hand still held in is
He’s not fully there though as you try to talk to him for the rest of the walk
Truth be told, he was trying to figure out how he wanted to address what he had discovered; would it be rude if he just asked you outright? What if you got self-conscious and closed off from him? What if you scolded him for pointing out when he should have just kept the discovery to himself? He was just over-thinking at this point
So when you finally arrive at your place and kiss him goodbye, getting ready to let go of his hand and walk into your home, his grip on your hand doesn’t loosen
“What’s going on?” He asks nervously, hesitant that you’d take his words the wrong way, but knowing he needed to address it nonetheless
If you do brush him off though, he definitely wouldn’t have the guts to reiterate what he means, so he’d try again another day, but he’d be keeping a closer eye on you
He loves you so much and he’s scared he’ll say the wrong thing and potentially lose you one day, so he’s extremely cautious
However, if he does notice you getting thinner and thinner before his eyes, he would find the courage to go to you about it
He just wants to help you and love you–he wants a long future together with you where you’re both healthy and happy! So he’ll definitely make sure that happens.
Tell him what he needs to do to help, and he’ll do it 
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You were jumping onto Mitsuya’s motorcycle behind him, when the world started to spin, making you stumble a bit, almost falling off the bike had Mitsuya not caught you
He felt it, how thin you had become, but it wasn’t news to him–he had already noticed your face getting thinner and thinner each time he met up with you, but he couldn’t sit by and help from the sidelines anymore, he needed to be more bold with his approach
“You’ll be riding up here from now on until you start taking better care of yourself, darling,” he whispers in your ear as he sits you in front of him, making sure your helmet is on securely before racing off with you leaning against his chest
You knew he had found out–but you didn’t know that he had already known for a long time–as observant as he was, Mitsuya was a gentleman and he didn’t want to address it at first in fear that it would make you self-conscious
His lousy attempts at helping you subtlety weren’t working so he needed to do more–and that started now
The rest of the ride is silent (ofc, you’re not gonna try and scream over the motorcycles’ engine lol) but as soon as he stops at your destination, he keeps you trapped in his arms
“Look, I don’t know why you’re doing this to yourself, and I won’t pry for an answer if you’re not ready to give one, But something has to change. I can’t sit back and watch you slowly kill yourself. I love you too much to see you harm yourself like this, so please…tell me what I can do for you and I’ll do it.”
With having two sisters, he’s used to being the person people rely on, and you feeling like you couldn’t do that, hurt him, but he needed you to know that he was here to help and even after knowing what he knows, he still loves you and will continue to love you through it all
That’s the only time he’d bring it up though. He keeps a close eye on you and makes sure you’re eating well balanced meals, even if it isn’t a lot. But he won’t speak of it ever again until you bring it up first
When you’re ready to take the step to seek professional help as well, he’s right there by your side the whole way
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Welp, Chai, I rewatched the entire Hazbin Hotel pilot on the night of the 18th. It's been well over a year since I even watched it. Now onto my thoughts...
The Good 😊
The Animation: I know a lot of us complained about Viv's style of animation. But compared to the current HH animation style, it's a lot more pleasing in my eyes. I especially love the smear frames in the pilot (often referred to as "cursed images") as they really make the animation very dynamic.
The Voice Acting: I still absolutely adored the voice acting in the Hazbin Hotel pilot. Jill, Monica, Michael, Edward, Mick, etc. really brought their A-Game and really brought these characters to life. Frankly, I should've been way more upset when they were replaced back in December 2021.
Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow: Man, I have forgotten how much of a banger this song is. I don't know how to describe the genre/genres of this song, but I view it as a strange yet effective mixture of a piano ballad, pop rock, and speed metal. I actually headbanged pretty hard during the song, something I can't say about the new Hazbin songs.
Vaggie: Still love that little grey moth sinner with an unfortunate name. I view her as the most rational (if not the only rational) character in HH. I still enjoy the scene where she explains to Angel Dust the legend of Alastor, very reminiscent of a Hey Arnold urban legend scene.
The One Scene between Angel Dust and Alastor: I don't know why, but the scene where Angel Dust offers a dick sucking to Alastor and then Alastor bluntly rejected him still makes me chuckle to this day. That's probably the only sex related joke I laughed at in my recent rewatch.
The Bad 😡
Seeing Red: This is a complaint nearly all of us had with the pilot: Too... much... RED! I don't know why didn't bother me years ago, yet it bothers me now. Granted, compared to the current series, the pilot has a little more variety of colors, even though it's still red dominated.
The Humor: Unfortunately, aside from the Angel/Alastor exchange, a lot of the jokes in HH fell flat with me during my recent rewatch. It just makes me wonder how I thought HH was funny back then. Maybe Viv's rose-tinted fog really clouded my judgement.
Vaggie's Treatment: One thing I still dislike about the pilot, even back when I was a fan, was how Vaggie was treated. Despite being the most/only rational character, Vaggie was treated quite poorly. From being ignored by Charlie, to being insulted by Angel, to being slapped in the ass by Alastor. *sigh* Why do cartoons have to torture characters with a hint of rationality?!
Too Many Characters, Not Enough Time: Not sure if this is nitpicky or not, but I feel the pilot "introduced" far too many characters in a 30-minute video. Yeah, I put quotes around "introduced" as many of them got only a few seconds of screen-time or were only there in portraits. Even "main" characters like Husk and Niffty got the short end of the stick in terms of screen-time. It also took me long to realize that Viv really favors her male characters over her female ones. Female led show, my ass!
The Ugly 🤢
The Wasted Potential: This is the only ugly thing, but the wasted potential of HH is so ugly that the Ugly Barnacle would die. Under Viv's rose-tinted fog, I foolishly grew emotionally attached and had high hopes for this show. Unfortunately, thanks to Vivienne Medrano's micro zepto-management, she pissed all the great potential away. *sigh* It could've been great... 😔
Well, that was a load-off. Now I feel like I've made some closure. 😇
-Metallica Anon 🤘
Thank you for reminding me just how Gerald Urban Tale-esque Vaggie's Alastor exposition was...between that and the constant little sound effects, the whole thing felt like a Nicktoon, and I know that's part of what I loved about it.
This was a bittersweet walk down memory lane just reading it, but I'm glad you got your closure, Metallica Anon. It really could have been so great.
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I was trying to find Mangas that have similar vibes to Dungeon Meshi because it's really the best media I ever consume for awhile and it checks all the boxes on what I'm looking for in a story.
But then, maybe I'm just trying to find something that is plot consistent or ever growing, character driven and at least have some system within the story. No ass pull whatsoever. Probably why I dislike most of the Isekais so much and the lazy writing of some OP characters (Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man might be my only exception for this, because they did handle OP characters very well).
The reason I liked Hunter x Hunter more than any other shonen out there is because of the nen abilities well explained (and it's the basis for Jujutsu Kaiden CTs) and it can potentially grow.
Railgun on the other hand got my curiosity with how abilities could be applied. I don't have the same sentiments with Index as I'm more pulled in by the science sides of things and I kinda dislike some harem sub elements on it, both the mother and the spin off story.
So, from what I gathered these will probably be my to read list;
1. Witch Hat Atelier - I've seen some artworks, and it's one of the best panelling I've ever seen. Plus it's the fantasy closest to Dungeon Meshi. And the author's a fan of Good Omens! I think.
2. Blue Period - The talent vs. hardwork discussion made me wanna read it.
3. Fool Night - Apparently Sui Ishida liked this, and I watched some video regarding this and it pique my interest delving back to this type of genre.
4. The Summer Hikaru Died - Hmm.. I've seen this quite a few times last year when I was scrolling through a raw manga, and honestly the blue background and some ominous looking boy got my attention.
5. March Comes in Like a Lion - I've been dismissive of this for quite a year/s because I thought it was too heavy for me back then. But now that I'm in the mood of ever growing characters, I would like to read it. Though what really made me read about it is because the artist is the same with Oberon's design which I really liked in FGO.
6. Chainsaw Man - I already know what happened. I watched a summary video in YT that explained Part 1 and Part 2. BUT I wanted to give it a proper read. Denji and Asa is something special and yet relatable to me in a sense. Plus I like how clean his panelling is for this.
7. Kaze Hikaru - Man, I looove Shinsengumi. Okita has been my favourite character in FGO and my first 5 star saber. But this Manga, it fleshes out his character more and also the Shinsengumi as a whole up until it's downfall. I already read some of it but I think I just can't find the continuation.
Maybe this post is just a reminder for myself on what I'll be reading because I'm too forgetful in everything. I doubt anybody is reading this though.
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Prompt: When a late night talk about the Prefect leads to a potential confession aka the one where Deuce is sad, Ace is a fool in love and the night is the perfect time to talk about certain things.
Pairing: Ace Trappola x Deuce Spade
Genre: Fluff, Slight angst
TW: Slight spoilers for Diasomnia's book, Deuce being a sad boi :(
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Moonlight streams in through the window, casting a soft glow over the foot of his bed as Ace watches it dully, unable to sleep. The boy has tried everything, from drinking a warm glass of milk to counting imaginary sheep, but he remains awake, eyes not yet tired and mind not ready to rest.
He listens to his roommates sleep soundly in bed, feeling particularly envious of the one who snores away without a care in the world. Silence hangs in the room like an overprotective mother, occasionally broken by a ruffle of sheets or some mumbling.
In the silence of the night, the ginger hears a frustrated sigh, a very familiar one at that. Bedsheets and blankets rustle harshly for quite some time before stopping, and Ace cannot contain his curiosity anymore. He turns, eyes falling on the bluenette who occupies the bed beside him.
Deuce sits up on the bed, slightly hunched over. His blankets pool around his waist as he runs a hand through his hair. Ace watches him grip his blue locks tightly before letting go with a sigh, dragging a hand over his face.
"Something botherin' you Deucey?" Ace asks, voice soft as it carries to the only other boy awake in the dorm. Deuce flinches at the question, turning his head towards him in surprise.
"Oh, did I wake you up?" He grimaces, careful to not speak too loudly. Ace shakes his head as he too sits up in bed, leaning forwards to continue looking Deuce in the eye.
"I couldn't sleep," he admits casually, hands busying themselves with the soft fabric of his blanket. "What's wrong?" He asks again, watching carefully as Deuce's face becomes more guarded, more... unsure.
"It's nothing," he mumbles, and Ace snorts.
"Can't be nothing if it's keeping you awake after your track team practice today. Cmon, we're friends. You can tell me if somethings bothering you."
Ace hopes that Deuce doesn't notice how he almost hesitates before calling them friends. They are friends, there is no doubt about that. They've been in far too many life-or-death situations and Ace enjoys teasing him far too much to not be friends.
(But Sevens, if it were up to him, they would be so much more than just 'friends'.)
Deuce remains silent. It isn't an awkward silence by any means, just a contemplative one, and Ace knows when to keep his mouth shut and let the other think.
"It's stupid," he says finally, turning around to look at the wall as if something truly interesting suddenly spawned over on the red wallpaper.
Ace hates the distance the other is trying to put between them. It reminds him too much of a certain Magicam obsessed upperclassman and his dynamic with their ever kind and understanding vice-housewarden. Ace hates emotional walls being put up.
Luckily, he has all the grace and shamelessness of a wrecking ball when it comes to such walls.
A shiver runs up his spine as he places his bare feet on the cold floor, quickly making his way over to Deuce's bed. He earns an incredulous look for his troubles, which he ignores as he wraps his blanket around his shoulders like a cape and asks, "What's up Deuce?"
After some thinking, he adds, "Look, I may not be as perceptive or helpful as the Prefect, but I'm still a good listener, you know. You can talk to me." A lazy smirk tugs on his lips as he leans backs on his elbows, lounging on the bed as though it's his. "I'll be extra nice this time, and I won't tell anything about whatever you tell me tonight to anyone. I promise."
"Go back to bed Ace."
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"Seriously..." Deuce lets out a long-suffering sigh, leaning his head back against the headboard.
"I'm thinking about the Prefect, okay?"
Ace blinks, a feeling of dread swirling in his stomach as he asks, "What about them? You got a crush on 'em or something?"
Deuce's cheeks color red at his words. "No–!" He yells out, slapping a hand on his mouth immediately afterwards. Both the boys still for a few moments, holding their breaths as they check if Deuce's loud refusal woke anyone else.
Once they feel like they are in the clear, Deuce lets his hand fall to his side, sheepishly continuing, "I don't have a crush on them."
Relief makes its way to Ace's chest and warms him as he sits up straighter. He nudges the other with his foot. "Then what kind of thoughts about them are keeping you up?"
"I..." the slightly lost and nervous look returns to Deuce's face. "Well... it's about their mirror... and that Mickey dude..."
Ace nods slowly as he speaks. "What about it?"
"I just..." Frustration has the blue-haired boy looking down, hands balling into fists. "We might have found a way to get them home. And I want to help them get home but... I don't want them to go either."
Ace tilts his head, wordlessly telling him to keep talking.
"I.. they were the first person to believe in me, that I could do something. Be something. And they've been such a huge help, not just to me but to everyone else. And I just.... I feel like we haven't done anything to repay them, to deserve their kindness," Deuce spills, shuddering as the heavy truth he had been mulling over the entire day now lays bare in front of Ace.
Warm hands find his and Deuce flinches, looking up at Ace with surprise in his eyes. Ace keeps his gaze down at their intertwined hands, subconsciously rubbing his thumb over the other's in a soothing manner.
"You know they don't think of their kindness as something to be repaid," he reminds the older freshman. The cover of night and absence of lights disguises the heavy blush that sets on his cheeks.
Deuce frowns, "That doesn't mean we continue to take advantage of them," he argues.
"You're right. But there's only so much you or I can do to keep them safe and sound. And what about when we aren't there? You remember Jamil senpai's overblot, right?" Ace's voice is uncharacteristically soft and kind. Deuce deflates at his words, listening to him silently.
"All we can do is try to be there for them. And if there is a way to possibly send them home, find it and help them get home," Ace says, hoping to employ some of Trey's big brotherly vibes.
"Doesn't mean I have to feel happy about it," Deuce mumbles, and Ace smiles in fond amusement. "It doesn't," he agrees, moving slightly to sit right next to the other, "but if it's any help, you can always talk to me about this. Out of all our friends, I think I'd be able to understand you the best."
Deuce lets out a tired sigh, placing his head on Ace's shoulder and making the redhead freeze out of surprise. "I guess."
After a few minutes of silence, he asks, "When did you start giving good advice?"
Ace pouts in mock indignation. "Excuse you, I always give good advice."
"Not without a heavy layer of snark."
"I– Maybe... But that's my way of showing love and concern!"
A sleepy chuckle leaves the blue haired boy. "Mm, sure, I love you too," he says, voice tinged with tiredness. He doesn't feel how Ace sucks in a harsh breath, turning his head so fast he almost gave himself a whiplash to stare incredulously at him. Deuce doesn't hear the soft "What the fuck" that falls from Ace's lips as sleep takes over.
Silence takes hold of the room again, the moon and stars watching as a boy panics in his crush's bed about potentially being confessed to.
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