#but it does have customizable shortcuts
Ι saw your response to the ask about how you write your plots and just wanted to ask what program you use to write (and keep track of things) because seriously the fact that you are managing to keep track of 10??? plots is so impressive (and your writing is a gift!!!)
i switched to obsidian sometime after i finished cyanide! it has a lot of interesting stuff but quite frankly i only use it like a regular notepad just one that lets me open tabs and create folders. the only downside to leaving google docs is that i can no longer write on the go on my phone (google drive), but like- i hardly did that anyway. if i do come up w smth i just put it in the notes app n then transcribe it
i'm a pretty fast typer so that's never been an issue hahaha the perks of being able to type blind is that i can just look at the notes and type as i read LMAO
anyway yeah! obsidian has graphs and stuff, but like i said, i don't really use them? it's all notes and text. so if you're a bit wrong in the head like me you could just make do with google docs (or whatever else you use) and a notepad opened to the side tbh it's pretty much what i do
wrangling the 10+ simultaneous plotlines is more my brain knowing no peace than it is obsidian honestly even though it likely would be so much easier if i sucked it up and learned how the graphs work hahah;,,
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minglana · 2 years
if you havent switched over to firefox, i recommend you do. unlike chrome and other browsers, firefox does not use your personal data to cater ads to you, and its way more customizable. and, since the start of 2023, add-ons including adblockers can no longer be used. im hoping this post can be a sort of guide people can use if they want to start using firefox
to start off, you can import your bookmarks and other data (like logins and saved passwords) with this easy tutorial. and if it hasnt asked you yet, you can make it your default browser like this. i also recommend making an account in case you ever want to log in from another device or anything happens to your computer. with this option, you can choose which data syncs to all devices and which doesnt.
just as a disclaimer (i am adding this on april 15th 2023, over 3 months after i published the post) this information is bound to change, and some addons and settings may become obsolete or redundant, with firefox adding more privacy-friendly settings, or removing available addons. i will update the post accordingly.
last updated: august 27th, 2024
these are things i recommend you do in settings. at the same time, you can also customize your settings any way you want to.
1. in the ‘general’ tab
‘make firefox your default browser’
check for updates to be automatically installed (its near the bottom)
2. ‘home’ tab
scroll down to ‘shortcuts’ and uncheck ‘sponsored shortcuts’
3. ‘search’ tab
make duckduckgo your default search engine
4. ‘privacy and security’ tab
standard security is fine, but strict doesnt hurt either. as it says, it may cause some sites to break, but ive found that barely any do. you can always switch back to standard security if you come across any problems
under ‘website privacy preferences’, select both options
under ‘firefox data collection and use’, i recommend unchecking the first one
under ‘website advertising preferences’, uncheck it
under ‘https-only mode’, enable https-only mode in all windows. again, if a website happens to not work, you can always go back to disable https-only mode
if you want to further customize your experience, you can go to about:config and mess with the settings on there, although you will need to be careful with some, as they can severely impact your firefox experience. some of the settings you can change are:
widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style to change the scrollbar style. the available parameters are 1-5
browser.tabs.tabClipwidth set to 999 if you want only the active tab to have a close button
extensions.pocket.enabled set to disabled so that pocket doesnt show up
browser.backspace_action set to 0 to use the backspace button as a button to go back webpages.
here are all the about:config entries, i recommend leaving most be, but some can be useful to customize.
THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE is uBlock origin. if you dont want to use any addons, and/or don’t like them for whatever reason, please please please get this one at the least. its not only an adblocker, but also blocks most unwanted content on any website. if any content on a website is bothering you, you can disable it by right-clicking it and checking ‘block element’, for example.
to get rid of cookie warnings, you can simply go to uBlock origin settings, and under “filter lists”, scroll down to the “ads” section and check the boxes for “AdGuard Base” and “EasyList”. This does the same function as the add-on “i don’t care about cookies” (which is no longer recommended). under the “annoyances” section (further down than the “ads” section), you can check off all of them, but if you dont feel like checking them all, the most important ones are “AdGuard Annoyances“ and “uBlock filters-Annoyances“
firefox multi-account containers. if you use multiple accounts on a same website, this is for you. you can be logged in to two tumblrs at the same time with this addon, for example.
facebook container. similar to the last addon i recommended, this one isolates all facebook-related activity
now. youre seeing this post on tumblr. which might also mean that you use tumblr web. well, you should probably add xkit rewritten then. it lets you completely hide filtered posts, has a mutual checker, gets rid of the ‘youre caught up’ bar, and many more things
bypass paywalls clean. lets you get through paywalls. it’s also updated frequently, adding websites with paywalls
instead of the addon (it was deleted from the firefox store i believe), you can copy this link (not the text on page it takes you to, just the link!) into the text field you get when clicking on ‘insert’ at the bottom of the ‘my filters’ page on ublock origin settings.
bitwarden. open-source password saver and generator. make an account and save all your account passwords. also generates passwords. with this, you only need to remember your master password, and bitwarden does the rest, really
tab session manager. lets you save all the windows that you close, in case that you ever accidentally close out of a window. that way you can recover all your tabs
terms of service; didnt read. lets you know about a websites terms of service. summarizes the basics point by point
clearURLs. cleans urls of any tracking elements
you can avoid having one more addon by copying this link and following the same instructions as for bypass paywalls clean
there are many more extensions you can use, here are the ones that the firefox team recommends
i also recommend using firefox on mobile, especially android, since you can use add-ons with it too. again, i recommend using uBlock Origin. it is not as customizable on mobile but its still extremely useful. since the beginning of this year, firefox for android has over 1000 addons available. for iOS users, if you want ad-less browsing, you can install firefox focus, although its not nearly as customizable as firefox for android.
i hope this guide is useful for anyone wanting to make the switch!
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nymria · 2 years
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I’ve been testing out the Artist 10 2nd Gen tablet sent to me by XP-PEN!
Note, I have previously only used screenless tablets so that will be my point of comparison. I’ll mainly just share my thoughts, likes, dislikes, aspects that stuck out to me.
What I liked
Tablet set-up is pretty simple. Just plug it in, download+install the latest driver(for Artist 10 2nd Gen) on the XP-Pen website, then turn on the tablet. (btw I use Windows, not sure what the experience is like for mac users) 
Clear resolution
I liked how smooth and natural it felt to draw with the pen. There wasn’t any point where I felt that it lagged (while in display mode)
The shortcut keys and especially the artist glove (prevents your skin rubbing against the screen)
Customizable screen settings: I liked being able to watch a video full screen on my laptop while drawing on the tablet. And it was easy to set up! Usually with my screenless tablet I just squeeze the browser and sai into one screen.
Warning: Take care of any unsaved canvases before starting driver installation.
When downloading the driver you will see an .exe file to install. When you click that file and give permission to make changes, it automatically closes any graphics program you have open. After that, a window appears with a warning that reminds you to close them, even though it already closed the programs for you. I found this strange since other softwares that give this type of warning always let me pause to close the programs myself. Luckily sai 2 has a recovery function!
Pen Tablet/Display Mode
The tablet also comes with a “pen tablet” mode that turns off the display and lets you use it like a screenless tablet. I think it works okay, however, something that bugged me is occasionally the cursor would lag before registering that I was moving the pen. 
(Note: if you previously used smaller screenless tablets(like me), this mode may feel jarring to use at first due to the different dimensions.)
Size & Portability
It’s among the smaller options for a display tablet, but part of that is for portability. Normally you need to plug an HDMI and USB adapter into your computer to use this tablet, but you can also connect it to a smartphone and take it anywhere. However, I cannot judge that feature as it requires a USB-C cable sold separately.
Regardless, I appreciate how easy it is to hold and handle, it reminds me of doodling in a notebook. It’s also a bit more convenient for me since it doesn’t take up too much space on my (very crowded) desk. 
If you’re a beginner or a screenless tablet user looking to get a display tablet:
This does not come with a stand. I would suggest getting one for convenience and to help maintain proper posture while drawing and prevent back and neck issues. With a display tablet, there’s a tendency to hunch over while drawing.
The actual screen you draw on is approximately 9 x 5 inches. This can make make drawing feel cramped. (While it is a bigger drawing space than my Intuos draw, I had grown accustomed to staring at a larger computer screen while drawing.) Eventually the space felt less restrictive as I got used to drawing on it
The parallax (distance between pen nib and cursor) is very minimal, but it becomes more noticeable with the small screen size if you’re trying to sketch out a full image or body without zooming in
Overall thoughts
Pretty good. I had fun drawing on this. I’d recommend it as a simple, portable, and affordable option for a display tablet (right now it’s on sale until 02-20-23)
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mitchipedia · 1 year
My essential and useful Obsidian plugins
A friend is getting started with Obsidian, making the switch from Evernote, and he asked me for recommendations on plugins. Here’s my list:
Command Palette This is the main way I invoke commands in Obsidian. You type a keyboard shortcut (Command-P on my Mac) and a little text popup comes up. You start typing and Obsidian auto-suggests possible commands, until you quickly narrow down to what you’re looking for.
Command Palette is a core plugin. It comes with Obsidian. If you want to use it, just switch it on from the Preference settings in Obsidian. The same is true for all core plugins.
Slash Commands does the same thing as the Command Palette plugin, but you start by typing a slash into the text of your note. I often use this as an alternative to the Command Palette. (Core)
Quick Switcher. A palette for quickly finding files and documents. It’s similar to the Command Palette. The Quick Switcher is my primary way of navigating between Obsidian documents. The keyboard shortcut on Mac for that is Cmd-O. (Core.)
I’m in Obsidian all day when I’m working. Most of the time, I’m writing, but when I’m in Obsidian and not writing, most of the time I’m hitting Cmd-P or / to invoke a command, or Cmd-O to switch between documents.
Daily Note. For writing daily notes. (Core.)
Files. See the files and folders in your vault. (Core.)
Better Word Count. Obsidian comes with its own word counter plugin, but this one can count the words and characters in a text selection.
I see now that Better Word Count has a couple of useful settings I have not explored, like excluding comments from word counts, and counting pages in addition to words.
My work as a writer requires me to write to length, and Better Word Count is how I keep track of that.
Better Word Count is a community plugin. Community plug-ins are made by people in the Obsidian user community. To get Better Word Count, or any Community plugin, go open Obsidian preferences, go to the Community plugins section, and search for the plugin by name.
Pandoc Plugin. Export Markdown documents in a variety of formats. I use it to export documents to the DocX format, for sending to clients. (Community.)
Backlinks. Shows other documents that link to the current document. (Core)
Search. Searches the vault. (Core.)
Outline. Displays an outline of the document you’re working on. (Core.)
Page Preview. Hover over an internal link to view its content. (Core.)
Templates. For creating note templates. (Core.)
Auto Link Title. When you paste in a Web URL, this plugin automatically fetches the title of the page. Works almost all the time. (Community.)
Calendar. Displays a calendar. Useful for navigating between daily notes. (Community.)
Daily Notes Viewer. View your most recent daily notes in a single page. (Community.)
File Tree Alternative. Displays files and folders separately. (Community.)
Minimal Theme Settings. Customizing the look of the minimal theme. Also, Styles. (Community.)
Natural Language Dates. For example, typing @today enters the current date, @yesterday enters yesterday’s date, and so on. (Community.)
Typography. Automatically replace dumb quotes with smart quotes, three hyphens with an em dash, and so on. (Community.)
AidenLx’s Folder Note. Creates a note with the same name as a folder. You can use the folder note as an index to the folder, with notes about what’s in the folder. The folder note can either be inside the folder, or in the parent folder. (Community.)
That’s seven plugins in my “Essential” category, and 13 more in the “Useful” category. This level of complication might be holding Obsidian back from mainstream adoption.
On the other hand, this level of customizability is precisely what appeals to Obsidian’s core user base.
And there’s more:
Trying these out to see if they are useful
Properties. Manages custom metadata you can add to your file: Dates, descriptions, links, whatever you want. Uses YAML formatting, which is just plain text at the top of the file. Obsidian has supported YAML for a while, but previously you had to work with the plain text; Properties puts an easier to use and prettier face on it. (Core, currently available only to people in the Obsidian Catalyst early-access program.)
Tags. I’m experimenting with switching to a very tag-heavy organizational structure for my vault. Previously I used folders. (Core.)
Tag Wranger. Rename, merge, and search tags from the tag pane. You can also create tag pages—pages with the same name as your tag. (Community.)
DevonThink. Helps to pair Obsidian with the very sophisticated Apple-only DevonThink document and information management tool. (Community.)
Very useful to many people, but I’ve never found a need for them
Bookmarks. Saves files and searches as favorites. (Core.)
Workspaces. Save and restore workspaces layouts. Frequently used for displaying multiple notes on one screen. (Core.)
Dataview. Turns your vault of text documents into a database you can query. I lack the technical chops to use this plugin. (Community.)
Templater. A powerful alternative to the Templates core plugin. As with Dataview, this seems to require more technical chops than I have. (Community.)
Canvas and Graph View are core plugins you use to visualize relationships between notes. Graph View generates maps automatically, using the links between notes. Canvases are built manually, by dragging notes and cards on a two-dimensional surface. I am an extremely non-visual thinker, so I do not find these two plugins useful. At least not yet. Maybe one day.
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sarahharmonbranding · 5 months
Product diffusion from the past -- Is it a bad sign that I've barely heard of these?
I really enjoyed this week's case, which covered the early product diffusion process of four offerings: a pre-packaged slice of peanut butter, a silver-lined bandage, Sirius/XM radios, and an "odor printer". I was struck by the absurdity of most of these offerings, despite the very real coverage they earned at the time, and the fact that with the exception of one, I'd never even heard of them. The case asked for our ranked analysis of which products will diffuse most quickly/broadly. Here are my thoughts:
Sirus/XM radio. While known to me as a single entity, Sirius and XM were once competitors in the emerging pay-for-radio space. The business case is clear: commuters and drivers who spend significant time in their car each day were unsatisfied with the unreliable, ad-riddled, and un-customizable radio experience. Sirius/XM had insight into their customer base, size, and could estimate who was willing to pay for more targeted, high quality content. Pair this with a deal to offer the service with car purchases from GM, Ford, and Chrysler, and you've removed significant barriers for customers to adopt the product. No wonder this is the only offering I've heard of.
Westaim Biomedical silver bandages. As someone who grew up in the small town of Exeter, NH I was excited to see a company from Exeter represented in the case. The bad news: I, nor my friends or family, have ever heard of it. However, that does not mean it was all bad for Westaim. While anecdotally it seems the silver bandages did not reach OTC consumer appeal, the company had insight into its addressable market and proven efficacy in medical applications like chronic wounds. My guess is that the patent was acquired or is maybe used in more specialized hospital settings today, which is still a relative win for diffusion.
Pre-packaged slice of peanut butter. This offering feels like nothing more than a spoof food item, and I doubt it had mass diffusion in the consumer market. On the plus side, the company did appear to try and solve a problem faced by its consumers (peanut butter pulled on soft bread when making a PB&J) and thus had a better chance of diffusion than one less researched. While I believe society is always looking for a shortcut, this might be one step too far and too unnecessary. Maybe the better product is the R&D put into non-stick packaging--now THAT could be useful in several applications.
"Odor spray/printer". This idea was both ridiculous and broad. Who were they appealing to? The article mentioned "foodies", or people with a heightened appreciation for the value of good smell, but overall the product strategy felt directionless and unattainable. Seeing as I've never heard of such a thing, I imagine this idea died before there was even a product to test.
Doing these types of thought exercises has been valuable as my Branding group thinks about our project addressing Peloton. Peloton has most likely reached its peak diffusion when it comes to its hardware bike. Peloton now has to re-brand to diffuse a new product offering, its fitness software, and gauge a whole new group of customers for potential adoption. This won't be easy, as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and even gyms have begun offering similar content.
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glavilio · 1 year
iirc a while ago you mentioned disliking microsoft - just wondering if you have any recommendations for another os to use and guides to read on it? ive been considering switching from microsoft for a while now but because ive had my computers for a while it feels like a big change
i get it! i've been split pretty much 50/50 windows and mac for my whole life (with some experience with linux) and i'd say they arent all that different in the most important ways. the barrier for mac, which is quite a big one, is that you need apple hardware like a macbook. however, if you acquire one, you'd probably find the major things like the file system, using applications, etc are very intuitive regardless of what specific OS you are most used to. On mac, most things are very streamlined and self contained, applications do not use a central registry and while they store data in shared folders (for example, "application_support" which is roughly equivalent to something like "APPDATA" on windows), applications are mostly contained within themselves. for an illustrative example: firefox has a .app package in the applications folder, and stores its cache and history in application support, and that's it. as a result, uninstalling apps is almost always a matter of deleting the app file and not using a central uninstaller in settings (though some more complex apps have their own uninstaller). shortcuts and aliases are very rare, and in my opinion most things are easier to find than on windows. its difficult for me to explain exactly what i mean, but there is only one "layer" to macOS. windows is built on principles of backwards compatibility, so there can be a lot of junk where a more central cohesive system would be easier to use and less likely to break. one of my strongest frustrations with windows is that it has two entirely separate (3 if you count the registry) applications for changing settings, and they look and behave completely differently. apple's cohesion is a trade off, as it requires axing functionality that isn't common or popularly necessary anymore (RIP 32 bit programs), but i find it's absolutely worth it. in all, the way macOS functions is a lot like how a phone does, in terms of the way its designed, though i'd argue its more like an android than an iphone. it has a reputation for being locked down and less customizable, but i'd say that isn't accurate for most useful or desirable tinkering. it requires using the terminal and learning some unix commands but it's quite straightforward once you do, and less likely to break or frustrate you as windows is (in my opinion). linux of course is leaps and bounds above both proprietary systems but that's not really my area of expertise. at the end of the day, windows is accessible, that's its biggest advantage and the source of a lot of its problems. it has to run on old architecture, cling to obsolete and archaic systems because that's what people know and expect, and appeal to microsoft execs by jamming in new useless features to impress clueless shareholders. the main issues with microsoft is that it wants to be apple, and its management pushing cortana, and the all things people hate about windows 8, 10, and 11 is completely at odds with its fundamental design principles. that's why its so terrible and so ugly to me. macOS is like if those features were thought out, intuitive, and part of a well designed whole, instead of being wasteful, bloated, and a constant annoyance to the people who actually desire the unique things windows has to bring to the table.
oh and to answer your actual question since this just turned into one of my rambles: i would recommend trying out a linux distribution (like ubuntu or debian) by booting it on a flash drive and playing around with it to get a feel for the file system and other core aspects. its designed somewhat similarly to mac since they are both unix-like but its free and open source. if you hate it then its probably best to not spend a lot on a macbook. if you live near an apple store (or another dept. store that has electronics display models) you can go in and play around on one. there's lots of guides online, though i find its best to just fuck around and if things go wrong, seek answers online. also one last thing is that if you do decide to go with a mac, its no problem to just keep using windows for what you need it to. i have an old PC laptop i use to play video games that only run on windows after all.
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bsc-shelf-companies · 5 months
Shelf Companies: An Attractive Option for Business Ventures
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In the ever-changing globe of business, time is often of the essence. Entrepreneurs and established companies alike seek ways to expedite their ventures without compromising on credibility or compliance. This is where shelf companies step in – a concept gaining popularity for its ability to offer a shortcut to establishing a corporate presence. Let’s devel into the world of shelf companies, exploring what they are, how they work, and why they're becoming an increasingly attractive option for business ventures.
What are Shelf Companies?
Shelf companies, also known as aged or ready-made companies, are business entities that have been legally registered and left "on the shelf" by their founders. Unlike startups, which begin from scratch, shelf companies are pre-incorporated entities that have no trading history or activity. They are essentially dormant entities awaiting purchase by individuals or businesses seeking to expedite the process of establishing a corporate presence.
How does a Shelf Company Work?
The process of acquiring a shelf company is relatively straightforward. A seller, typically a specialized firm or individual, registers a company with the intention of selling it at a later date. These companies are often set up with generic names and standard articles of incorporation, making them easily customizable to suit the needs of the purchaser. Once a buyer expresses interest and completes the purchase, they gain control of the company and can commence business activities immediately. 
Why Choose a Shelf Company?
The appeal of shelf companies lies in their ability to offer several advantages over starting a company from scratch:
1. Time-Saving: By purchasing a shelf company, entrepreneurs can bypass the lengthy process of incorporating a new entity. This can be particularly beneficial for those with time-sensitive business opportunities.
2. Credibility: Shelf companies, especially those with a longer history of existence, may project an image of stability and credibility to clients, investors, and lenders. This can be advantageous in competitive industries where trust is paramount.
3. Access to Contracts: In some cases, having an established company with a history of existence may provide easier access to contracts and financing opportunities compared to newly formed entities.
4. International Expansion: Shelf companies can be especially useful for businesses looking to expand internationally, as they may facilitate entry into foreign markets where establishing a new entity can be complex and time-consuming.
However, it's essential to weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks, such as higher initial costs, limited customization options, and the need for thorough due diligence to ensure the company's history is clean and free of liabilities.
Shelf companies offer a compelling solution for individuals and businesses looking to expedite the process of establishing a corporate presence. By providing a shortcut to incorporation, they enable entrepreneurs to seize opportunities quickly and project credibility from day one. However, it's crucial for prospective buyers to conduct thorough due diligence and assess the suitability of a shelf company for their specific needs before making a purchase. For details Call us on + 44 208 157 6410 or email us to [email protected] 
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typecase07 · 5 months
Unveiling the Best Keyboard Cases for iPad Air and Keyboard iPad Pro 12.9.
If you're in the market for an iPad Air keyboard case or a keyboard case for your iPad Pro 12.9, then you know the importance of combining functionality with style. One standout brand that bridges this gap seamlessly is Typecase. With their innovative designs and robust features, Typecase keyboard cases have become a go-to for iPad users. Here, we dive into why Typecase might be your best choice and how their cases stand out for both the iPad Air and the iPad Pro 12.9.
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Optimal Productivity with Typecase Keyboard Cases
For many iPad Air and iPad Pro 12.9 owners, turning their tablet into a laptop substitute is a game changer, and the Typecase keyboard case does just that. The tactile, responsive keyboard integrated into Typecase’s cases transforms your iPad Air or iPad Pro 12.9 into a productivity powerhouse. Whether you're drafting emails, writing a novel, or jotting down notes during a meeting, the experience is seamless.
Customizable Comfort
The Typecase keyboard case for the iPad Air and iPad Pro 12.9 isn’t just about functionality; it's also about comfort. With adjustable backlighting and a flexible hinge, you can use your iPad in multiple viewing angles. This is perfect for long typing sessions, whether you're at a café or on a flight. The versatility ensures that no matter your location, you can set up your workspace in a way that suits you best.
Design and Durability
When it comes to design, Typecase keyboard cases for the iPad Air and keyboard iPad Pro 12.9 are top-notch. They not only offer a sleek, minimalist aesthetic that complements the iPad, but also provide robust protection. The sturdy build shields your device from bumps and drops, making it ideal for on-the-go use. Whether you're commuting or traveling, your iPad is safe and secure.
Advanced Features
Typecase keyboard cases are packed with advanced features that enhance your iPad Air or keyboard iPad Pro 12.9’s functionality. From built-in touchpads that offer a laptop-like experience to special function keys for iOS shortcuts, these keyboard cases are designed to elevate your tablet experience. The integration of these features makes the Typecase an excellent choice for tech-savvy users looking to maximize their iPad's capabilities.
Perfect for Every iPad User
Whether you're a professional, a student, or a casual user, the Typecase keyboard case for the iPad Air and keyboard iPad Pro 12.9 is designed to meet your needs. It combines the portability of a tablet with the efficiency of a laptop, making it a superb accessory for anyone who uses their iPad extensively.
Final Thoughts
If you're searching for a keyboard case for your iPad Air or iPad Pro 12.9, the Typecase offers a blend of style, protection, and advanced functionality that is hard to beat. Its versatile features and durable design make it an essential purchase for enhancing your iPad experience. Equip your iPad Air or iPad Pro 12.9 with a Typecase keyboard case, and transform your tablet into a more powerful and practical device.
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does puffin pro have a vpn
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does puffin pro have a vpn
Puffin Pro features
Puffin Pro is a state-of-the-art web browser designed for users who demand top-notch performance and features. The Pro version takes the browsing experience to the next level by offering exclusive features that cater to power users and enthusiasts.
One of the standout features of Puffin Pro is its lightning-fast speed. The browser is built on a cloud architecture, which means that it offloads resource-intensive tasks to remote servers, resulting in significantly faster loading times and smoother browsing experience. This is particularly advantageous when accessing content-heavy websites or streaming media.
Another key feature of Puffin Pro is its robust security measures. The browser employs end-to-end encryption to protect users' data and privacy while browsing the web. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure and out of reach from malicious actors.
Additionally, Puffin Pro boasts a user-friendly interface that is customizable to suit individual preferences. Users can personalize their browsing experience by adjusting settings, themes, and shortcuts to streamline their workflow and enhance productivity.
Moreover, Puffin Pro supports a wide range of plugins and extensions, allowing users to tailor their browsing experience to their specific needs. Whether it's ad blockers, download managers, or productivity tools, the browser accommodates various plugins to enrich the user experience.
In conclusion, Puffin Pro is a feature-packed web browser that delivers exceptional speed, security, and customization options to discerning users. With its innovative technology and user-centric design, Puffin Pro stands out as a top choice for those seeking a premium browsing experience.
VPN availability in Puffin Pro
Puffin Pro, a renowned web browser known for its lightning-fast browsing speeds and advanced features, offers users a convenient way to browse the internet securely through VPN integration.
With the increasing concerns over online privacy and security, the availability of VPN (Virtual Private Network) services within Puffin Pro adds an extra layer of protection for users. VPNs encrypt internet traffic, making it virtually impossible for third parties to intercept and decipher data. This feature is particularly crucial when using public Wi-Fi networks, where the risk of cyber attacks is higher.
Puffin Pro's VPN feature allows users to mask their IP addresses, effectively hiding their online activities from prying eyes. Whether accessing sensitive information, streaming content, or simply browsing the web, users can enjoy peace of mind knowing their data is protected.
Furthermore, Puffin Pro's VPN offers access to geo-restricted content by allowing users to connect to servers in different locations around the world. This means users can bypass censorship and access websites and services that may be blocked in their region.
The integration of VPN services into Puffin Pro enhances the overall browsing experience by prioritizing both speed and security. Users can enjoy blazing-fast browsing speeds while ensuring their online activities remain private and secure.
In conclusion, the availability of VPN services in Puffin Pro caters to the growing demand for online privacy and security. With its seamless integration and user-friendly interface, Puffin Pro offers a reliable solution for individuals seeking a safe and unrestricted browsing experience.
Puffin Pro VPN benefits
Puffin Pro VPN is a highly regarded virtual private network service that offers a wide range of benefits to its users. With growing concerns over online privacy and security, utilizing a VPN has become increasingly essential in safeguarding one's digital presence. Puffin Pro VPN is designed to provide users with a secure and private internet browsing experience, offering numerous advantages that make it a popular choice among individuals and businesses alike.
One of the key benefits of Puffin Pro VPN is its ability to encrypt internet traffic, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected from prying eyes. By routing your connection through secure servers, the VPN creates a secure tunnel that prevents hackers, government agencies, and other third parties from intercepting your online activities. This level of encryption is particularly important when using public Wi-Fi networks, as it helps prevent unauthorized access to your personal information.
Moreover, Puffin Pro VPN enables users to bypass geographical restrictions and access content that may be restricted in their region. Whether you want to stream your favorite shows on Netflix, access social media platforms, or visit websites that are blocked in your country, Puffin Pro VPN allows you to do so with ease. This freedom to access the internet without restrictions is a major advantage for users who value online privacy and unrestricted browsing.
In addition to security and content accessibility, Puffin Pro VPN also offers fast connection speeds and reliable performance. With servers located in various countries around the world, users can enjoy high-speed internet access and stable connections, regardless of their location. This ensures a seamless browsing experience, whether you are streaming videos, downloading files, or simply browsing the web.
Overall, Puffin Pro VPN stands out as a top choice for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their online security and privacy. With its robust encryption, ability to bypass geo-restrictions, and fast performance, Puffin Pro VPN provides a comprehensive solution for all your internet privacy needs.
Comparison of Puffin Pro VPN
Puffin Pro VPN is a popular option for individuals looking to enhance their online security and privacy. In this article, we will compare and contrast the features of Puffin Pro VPN to help you make an informed decision.
When it comes to security, Puffin Pro VPN offers top-notch encryption to protect your data from potential cyber threats. The use of advanced encryption protocols ensures that your online activities remain secure and private. Additionally, Puffin Pro VPN has a strict no-logs policy, meaning that your browsing history and personal information are not stored on their servers.
In terms of speed, Puffin Pro VPN boasts fast connection speeds, allowing you to browse the web seamlessly without experiencing any lags or buffering. This is particularly beneficial for streaming content or online gaming, where a stable and fast connection is essential.
One key feature of Puffin Pro VPN is its compatibility with multiple devices and operating systems. Whether you are using a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, Puffin Pro VPN can be easily configured to work across all your devices.
Another factor to consider when choosing a VPN service is server availability. Puffin Pro VPN has a wide range of servers located across different countries, allowing you to access geo-restricted content and websites from anywhere in the world.
In conclusion, Puffin Pro VPN offers robust security features, fast connection speeds, multi-device compatibility, and a wide server network. If you are looking for a reliable VPN service to safeguard your online privacy and security, Puffin Pro VPN is definitely worth considering.
Using VPN in Puffin Pro
Puffin Pro is a popular web browser known for its speed and security features. One way to enhance the security and privacy of your online activities while using Puffin Pro is by utilizing a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN creates a secure connection between your device and the internet, encrypting your data and masking your IP address. This additional layer of protection helps safeguard your sensitive information from cyber threats and enhances your anonymity online.
By integrating a VPN with Puffin Pro, you can access geo-restricted content and bypass censorship imposed by government authorities or internet service providers. Whether you want to stream region-locked content, securely access public Wi-Fi networks, or simply protect your online privacy, using a VPN in combination with Puffin Pro can offer you the necessary tools to navigate the internet freely and securely.
Furthermore, VPNs can also help improve your browsing speed and performance by reducing bandwidth throttling imposed by ISPs. This can result in smoother streaming, faster downloads, and an overall enhanced browsing experience. Additionally, VPNs provide an extra layer of protection against malicious actors, making it more difficult for hackers to intercept your data or track your online activities.
In conclusion, integrating a VPN with Puffin Pro is a smart choice for those looking to bolster their online security, access restricted content, and enjoy a faster and more secure browsing experience. Make sure to choose a reliable VPN service provider that aligns with your security and privacy needs to fully maximize the benefits of using a VPN with Puffin Pro.
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bradcolbow · 7 months
Best drawing pads for graphic designers
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In the world of graphic design, having the right tools can make all the difference.
Drawing tablets with pen are most commonly used by graphic designers for digital illustration, photo editing, animation and more.
These tablets are used with a pressure-sensitive stylus that provides a much more natural and intuitive drawing experience compared to a mouse, allowing for higher precision and control in creative tasks.
Graphic tablets also offer useful features like customizable shortcut buttons and multi-touch gestures, making them an indispensable tool for many digital artists and designers.
As a graphic designer, a reliable and efficient graphic tablet is essential to bring your creative visions to life.
However, with so many options available on the market, it can be challenging to determine which tablet is best suited for your design needs.
In this article, pc tech test will explore the 12 best drawing tablets for graphic design today, from all major manufacturers, ensuring you can find the perfect tablet to take your design skills to new heights.
What are the 3 types of drawing tablet for Graphic Design?
There's three types of drawing tables for designers. There's the ones you connect to the computer and it doesn't have a screen , ones you connect to the computer and it does have a screen, and then people will use ipads as drawing tablets.
1. Graphics Tablet without screen
A graphics tablet has a flat plastic surface on which you use the stylus to draw, and the image is displayed on your computer monitor.
While these are the best budget-friendly option, their drawback is the Hand-eye separation between the tablet and the monitor, although many will get used to it very easily.
2. Drawing Tablet with screen
The drawing pen display is a flat-screen monitor that has a pressure-sensitive surface that you can draw on using a stylus.
Unlike graphics tablets, users do not experience Hand-eye separation, but similar to how you would use pen and paper, allowing artists to have a more intuitive and natural drawing experience.
However, There will be more cables between the display and the computer than a graphics tablet, and for some, the pen display will be more expensive.
3. Standalone Drawing Tablet
A Standalone tablet support pen input like the Apple iPad, Microsoft Surface or Samsung Galaxy Tab Android pen tablet does things the other two options do not.
With a Standalone tablet, you do not need to connect to an external monitor or use another computer, giving you more freedom and flexibility as a pen tablet for graphic design.
They are usually the most expensive, but very slim and portable with decent battery life, great for drawing on the go or in different areas of their house without needing to be plugged in.
One disadvantage that a standalone tablet has is that you are more limited on the graphic desig software. Not every desktop program has an iPad OS or Android version, especially the "industry standards".
Top 12 Pen Tablets for Graphic Design in 2024
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Although everyone has different needs, these are the best drawing tablet for graphic design in 2024.
We selected these devices for their accurate styluses, excellent displays, and strong performance.
They give artists and designers the tech they need for their creative work.
1. Wacom Intuos
2. XPPen Deco 01 V2
3. Huion HS64
4. XPPen Artist 12 (2nd Gen)
5. Wacom Cintiq 16
6. Huion Kamvas Pro 16
7. XPPen Artist 24 Pro
8. Huion Kamvas Pro 24
9. Wacom Cintiq Pro 24
10. iPad Pro
11. Surface Pro 9
12. Samsung Galaxy Tab S9
What are the best graphic design applications?
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Most professional graphic designers use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign.
Others may also use Corel Draw, Affinity Designer, Inkscape, GIMP, Figma, Sketch, etc.
The best graphic design software depends on what you're doing/want to do.
For example, UX Designer/Developer, exclusively use Illustrator CC and Figma in tandem when designing.
Is a drawing tablet mandatory for graphic design?
graphic design is a broad niche with a lot of various fields of study including UI/UX design, App Design, Illustration etc.
Not every designer needs a graphics tablet, which is definitely an option, not a necessity.
You can learn graphic design without a tablet. Many people start their journey using just a computer and mouse.
However, a pen tablet offers much more precision and control than a mouse, ideal for intricate designs. Plus, design tablets are enjoyable to use!
How to choose the best drawing tablet for graphic design?
When selecting the best drawing tablet for graphic design, it's crucial to consider factors such as types, pressure sensitivity, size, resolution, and compatibility with your device and design software.
More pressure levels ensure a more accurate representation of pen strokes, while tablet size can greatly affect the overall drawing experience.
Some prefer a compact tablet for convenience, while others need a larger workspace for intricate projects.
Last but definitely not least, the price or cost of a tablet is the most important factor to consider before you plan on buying a tablet.
Graphic Tablets have revolutionized the design industry by providing a natural and intuitive way for designers to create and refine their work.
Whether it's sketching out initial ideas or putting the finishing touches on a masterpiece, Graphic Tablets is a versatile and powerful tool for design.
In our list you will find something for everyone, whether you're a beginner or a professional graphic designer.
If you want to purchase a workhorse device for your studio, choose the pen display with a larger screen and higher resolution.
Having always been on a business trip, standalone tablet like ipad pro or surface pro is the best travel companion.
If you are inexperienced with digital input devices, grab XPPen Deco 01 V2 or Wacom Intuos to start your inspirational journey!
Embark on your creative journey with confidence, armed with the perfect drawing tablet that suits your artistic needs and preferences.
Source: https://pctechtest.com/best-graphic-design-pen-tablets
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review-with-metul · 10 months
AutomationAI Review||What exactly is AutomationAI?
👇It's the ultimate digital marketing solution for marketers of every level. AutomationAI helps you: Build Websites Track Affiliate Links Create Logos & Social Media Designs You also get dozens of sub-accounts you can sell or give away to earn $$$ And so much more…
⭐All from One Platform. AutomationAI helps you create unlimited Creative with unique designs. ✅You can build a Landing Page, Offer Page, Optin Page, Scratch off Page, Social Media Graphics & Posts, YouTube Thumbnails, Facebook & Insta Ads, Logos, etc. without any technical Know-How! 👉The best part is, when you purchase today you'll also unlock an Official AutomationAI Commercial License. That means you'll be able to create resources for any business and sell them for big money, with just a few Clicks! Plus something very unique: an entire business where you can earn monthly just by giving away sub-accounts of AutomationAI.
👇All the tools you need to take care of: Lead Finder AI Copywriter Traffic Generation Video Thumbnails Digital Marketing Page Design Social Media Marketing Branding Advertising Affiliate Marketing Link Tracking And a Lot More…
How Does AutomationAI Works? 👇AutomationAI works in 3 simple steps: Step #1: Pick a Template Step #2: Customize Step #3: Use & Profit
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AutomationAI Review || Why should you buy it? 😃Friends, the software has some special features that make the software more valuable and for that you should use the software. 1: Futuristic Technology Using our powerful tool, will be like having a shortcut to the future of starting, running, and developing an online business with intelligent technology. 2: Multiple Digital Tools AutomationAI will provide you with the right set of tools that will help you take your online business to the next level right away, without any technical know-how. 3: Fully Cloud Based AutomationAI can be accessed at any time and from any location using any device. Your software will update automatically to guarantee that you have access to the latest technology… 4: Commercial Rights Included Create as many resources as you like for yourself and your clients. Join platforms such as Fiverr, Upwork, Go, Freelancer, and others… Take on some projects anytime you need that extra money, and use NewBSuite Deluxe to complete them before anybody else does! 5: Step-By-Step Training Videos Get access to video tutorials to guarantee that you get the most out of this incredible technology. 6: All The Help You Need! Our team of professionals will be available to answer all of your inquiries and ensure that you don't have to face any difficulties. 👇You won't find anything like this, anywhere else: [+] Quickly Create STUNNING Pages in Just 3-Clicks [+] Fully customizable, ready-to-convert templates created by world-class professionals help you grow your email list [+] No design experience needed to use the landing page templates [+] Create Offer Pages that get the word out quickly and easily [+] Optin Pages make it seamless for your readers to convert to subscribers [+] Get that tempting lead magnet out quickly and easily by using Scratch-Off Pages [+] Create Social Media Graphics & Posts With the Click of A Button! [+] Create STUNNING visuals for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google Ads [+] Includes pre-designed fully customizable graphics with an easy-to-use drag-n-drop editor [+] Add text, change background, font, and text as you like [+] Download and share immediately to post across social media [+] Place your photos using pre-made templates and add personal touches with overlays, text, and more, as you like [+] Simply save, download, and share your image on all of your social media accounts [+] Create unique and creative YouTube thumbnails for your videos [+] Skyrocket your views and subscribers without any technical know-how or expensive graphic design software [+] Just Drag-n-Drop to Create Engaging & High Converting Ads [+] Make attention-grabbing, high converting ads without any prior experience [+] Built-In Library of STUNNING Insta & Facebook Ad Templates [+] In Just 1-Click… generate a variety of logos for you to pick from [+] Track all your affiliate links to find success and do it again and again [+] And a lot more…
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daaicadenica · 1 year
Fastest SMM Panel: Boost Your Social Media Presence Instantly
In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, share information, and connect with others. Whether you are an individual looking to gain more followers or a business aiming to expand your reach, having a strong presence on social media is crucial. This is where SMM (Social Media Marketing) panels come into play. In this article, we will explore the concept of SMM panels and delve into the benefits of using the fastest SMM panel to enhance your social media presence.
What is an SMM Panel?
An SMM panel is an online platform that provides social media marketing services. It acts as a one-stop solution for individuals and businesses looking to boost their social media presence, increase engagement, and enhance brand visibility. SMM panels offer a range of services, including buying likes, followers, comments, and views on popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.
The Importance of Social Media Presence
In today's highly competitive digital landscape, having a strong social media presence is vital for personal and professional success. Social media platforms serve as powerful tools for building brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, and fostering customer relationships. A robust social media presence allows individuals and businesses to engage with their target audience, establish credibility, and stay ahead of the competition.
The Role of SMM Panels
SMM panels play a significant role in helping individuals and businesses effectively manage their social media presence. These panels offer a convenient and efficient way to obtain social media engagements quickly. Instead of spending countless hours trying to gain followers or engagement organically, SMM panels provide a shortcut to success. They offer a range of services that can be tailored to specific needs, allowing users to enhance their social media metrics and overall visibility.
Why Choose the Fastest SMM Panel?
In the realm of social media marketing, time is of the essence. The faster you can boost your social media presence, the quicker you can start reaping the benefits. This is where the fastest SMM panel comes into play. By choosing the fastest SMM panel, you can expedite the process of increasing your followers, likes, comments, and other forms of engagement. With rapid delivery and real-time results, the fastest SMM panel ensures that you can achieve your social media goals efficiently.
How Does the Fastest SMM Panel Work?
The fastest SMM panel operates through a user-friendly interface that allows individuals and businesses to easily access and utilize the available services. Users can select the desired social media platform, choose the type of engagement they want to increase, and specify the quantity. The fastest SMM panel then processes the request and delivers the engagement within a short timeframe. This seamless process enables users to witness immediate improvements in their social media metrics.
Advantages of Using the Fastest SMM Panel
Using the fastest SMM panel offers numerous advantages for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their social media presence. Some key benefits include:
Time-saving: With quick delivery of engagements, the fastest SMM panel saves valuable time that can be allocated to other marketing strategies.
Instant results: Users can witness a rapid increase in followers, likes, comments, and other forms of engagement, instantly boosting their social media metrics.
Enhanced credibility: A higher number of engagements creates a perception of credibility, making it more likely for others to engage with the content or follow the account.
Improved visibility: Increased engagement attracts more attention, leading to broader visibility and potential growth in the target audience.
Customizable options: The fastest SMM panel provides various packages and options to suit individual preferences and budgets, offering flexibility in achieving social media goals.
READ MORE : https://www.zappysmm.com/
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followtrendings · 2 years
FT Tech News 02: Google's Airtag tracker | Sony to block piracy apps on TVs | Samsung plans for One UI 5.1 rollout | Customizable lock screen feature for Android | Android to have wireless charging | Bill Gates prefers Android over iPhone
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This is the Follow Trendings Tech News number 2. Without taking much of your time let’s get to the hot news.
Google is developing its own version of Apple’s Airtag Tracker to compete with Apple
Apple started making wireless trackers even before anyone else was paying attention to them. Apple named them Airtags. Now wireless trackers are not new things today. Companies like Tile have been manufacturing these kinds of products for years now and Samsung released their own SmartTags to join the fun. Now Google has joined the race as well. Mishaal Rahman, an Android specialist, shared on Twitter that he found a brand-new "locator tag" product type in Google's Fast Pair developer console. He suggested it is a Bluetooth tracker and will be something like Tile and Airtag. The name of this could be “Finder Network”. The Fast Pair developer console added "Locator tag" as a device type👀 "Locator tag" likely refers to Bluetooth trackers (think AirTag, Tile) that in this context support Google Fast Pair. H/T @Za_Raczke pic.twitter.com/HoPX8JMd8Q— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) January 16, 2023 According to Kuba Wojciechowski, a developer and leaker said that the code name of this is “Grogu”. He also said both BLE and the more tracker-friendly UWB would be supported and also would come in a variety of colors and have a tiny internal speaker that would probably just beep notifications. Google is working on a smart tracker similar to Apple's AirTag, codename "grogu" - report 🧵👇 pic.twitter.com/8K6KO7tfzj— Kuba Wojciechowski⚡ (@Za_Raczke) January 16, 2023
Sony's new technology could block piracy applications on smart televisions and streaming devices
According to AndroidAuthority, it is said that Sony has filed a patent application that is capable of blocking piracy apps on televisions and streaming devices. It is still not clear whether it will be for android TVs or other TVs. 
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Sony TV This application will contain a blocking list of all the known pirated network resources like URLs and IP addresses. On the basis of this list, it will block piracy applications. Blocking means it will block it completely so the piracy app won’t open in the first place, or it will degrade the audio and video quality, or it will cause the app to crash and shut down at irregular intervals. This is just a patent and concept for now. It is unsure whether it will be made available to the public.
Samsung is getting ready to roll out One UI 5.1
Samsung is a South Korean company. It is one of the most popular and trusted mobile manufacturing companies in the world. It does not just give the best phones but also leads in providing software updates to phones. One of their phones' most liked features by people is their software One UI. Like iPhone has iOS, Samsung has One UI. Samsung has announced the public rollout of their next big software releases One UI 5.1.
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Samsung will release it alongside the Samsung Galaxy S23 series early in February. Like always, the software update release will be in batches. Every Samsung flagship phones released since the Galaxy S20 series and Galaxy Z Flip are the first in the lineup to receive the OTA update. Slowly it will be made available to other budget-affordable smartphones as well. Also Read: Android Phones Will Soon Be Expensive in India? Google Refused to Pay Fine Let’s see the list of the Samsung phones which are first in the lineup to get the update: - Galaxy S20 Series - Galaxy S21 Series - Galaxy S22 Series - Galaxy Z Flip - Galaxy Z Flip 5G - Galaxy Z Fold 2 - Galaxy Z Flip 3 - Galaxy Z Fold 3 - Galaxy Z Fold 4 - Galaxy Z Flip 4
Android's new feature could make the lock screen more customizable
According to 9to5google, soon lock screen will be more customizable. These personalized shortcuts feature may come in Pixel devices first with Android 13 version QPR2. As these are unannounced features, so maybe it may not come to other devices with minor software releases. It is possible that Google might delay this update and rollout along with Android 14.  1) Lock screen shortcut customization. There'll be a new "Shortcuts" option in Wallpaper & style and Settings > Display > Lock screen that will let you customize the shortcuts on the lock screen. https://t.co/naP8Rjsg9J— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) January 13, 2023
Android soon will come with a wireless charging system like iPhone
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Currently, iPhone wireless charging system is considered the best, most efficient, and most stable even though the charging capacity is limited to 15W. The wireless charging system that iPhone uses is called Magsafe and it is exclusive to iPhone only. In the Magsafe charging system, an external battery is attached magnetically to the back of the phone. There are two charging standards Qi1 and Qi2. Qi2 is recently announced by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC). Qi2 is the improved and advanced version of Qi1. WPC also said that Qi2 has greater efficiency and interoperability along with faster charging speed in some devices. Samsung and Apple have already started working on devices that will be compatible with the Qi2 standard. It is another thing that the specifications of the standard are yet to be finalized which will happen mid-year. Qi2 will not have the same model of magnets that were used in Apple’s Magsafe so it is quite uncertain that current MagSafe iPhones will support the Qi2 standard chargers. Also Read: FT Tech News 01: Intel’s most powerful processor | Twitter Data Leak Reply and Office Rent | Google Chrome Vulnerability | Microsoft’s Investment In ChatGPT | Google’s Software Developer Kit (SDK) | Microsoft’s VALL-E Project
Bill Gates prefer Android over iPhone
In a recent Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit, Bill Gates revealed he likes using Android phones and hasn’t switched to iPhone, MAC, iPad, or even his own Microsoft Surface Duo.
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Bill Gates Source: Google He also revealed about his smartphone. He currently uses Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 which is personally given by Samsung’s Chairman JY Lee. Before this, he used Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 and he collected this phone by himself when he visited JY Lee in South Korea. This does not mean that he uses only Android phones. He also keeps an iPhone on the other hand but for testing purposes. Coming to daily use, his preference is Android as his primary phone. He also explained the reason for the android being his preference that Android manufacturers are more flexible considering Microsoft software integrations. This makes Android phones come preinstalled with Microsoft apps which kind of makes things easier for Bill Gates. The availability of Microsoft apps on iPhones is not that high. Read the full article
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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linkspolh · 2 years
Gif keyboard android
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It’s got a huge library of GIFs and is also pretty fast when it comes to pulling up the results after you enter a keyword. It is, however, worth noting that the GIF Keyboard works as a supplementary app to compliment your existing keyboard app. GIF Keyboard, as the name suggests, is a dedicated keyboard app that works more like a search engine for GIF images. Personally, Flesky is one of favorite GIF keyboards so I don’t have any qualms in recommending this one.ĭownload Fleksy Keyboard ( Free) 4. GIF Keyboard by Tenor In addition to GIF images, you can also choose to send Memes, stickers, and more. Lately, Fleksy has also been gaining a lot of traction among modern-day smartphones users for its GIF support. Much like the other apps that we’ve listed in this article, Fleksy keyboard also lets you search for the GIF image of your choice without having to open any other app. This is a powerful keyboard that has made it to a lot of our “top keyboard apps” list mainly for its features like customizable keyboard sizes, support for keyboard shortcuts, and more. So if you are looking for a good keyboard app with GIF support, then SwiftKey is worth checking out.ĭownload SwiftKey ( Free) 3. Since SwiftKey sources its GIFs from GIPHY (which is one of the biggest GIF websites in the world), you can rest assured that you’ll find almost any GIF you’re looking for. From there, you can browse SwiftKey’s collection of GIF images. Yes, SwiftKey is not only a spectacular keyboard with a ton of features, but it also brings a ton of emojis and GIFs. To send GIF images, you can simply tap on the Emoji button on the keyboard and then select the ‘GIF’ option. But do you know what else is SwiftKey known for? It’s GIF support. It’s popularly known for its highly efficient auto-correct feature and text predictions. SwiftKey is the go-to keyboard app for a lot of users who replace their native keyboard app. And if you are looking for a bit more personalization, then you can also use Gboard’s ‘Minis’ feature to create your very own Bitmoji-like avatar. In addition to Gboard’s GIF collection, you can also choose to make your own GIFs, which is simply awesome. From there, you can search for the desired GIF by typing the keyword in the search box. In one of the recent updates, Google also added the ability to send GIF images from within the Gboard app. While typing, you can simply tap on the “G” logo on top of the keyboard to pull up the GIF option. It’s fast, reliable, supports gestures, has AI-assisted prediction, and a lot more. Google’s Gboard app needs no introduction, does it? It has everything you can expect from a modern keyboard app. With that out of the way, let’s get to our list, shall we? Also, if you want to create your own GIFs, check out our article on best GIF creator tools and apps. If you are a list of best overall keyboard apps for Android, click on the link to check them out.
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farolli · 2 years
To heart 2 game wallpaper
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#To heart 2 game wallpaper how to
#To heart 2 game wallpaper software
#To heart 2 game wallpaper download
Right-click the image and select the option to set it as your background. Select a photograph from your collection. How do I make an image my desktop wallpaper? You can do this by following a simple process: 1.
#To heart 2 game wallpaper how to
All you need to do is to know how to save images as wallpapers, and there you go! You will have a wallpaper that suits your needs and preferences. Can I design desktop wallpapers? Yes, you can! You do not need to be a graphic designer for you to do this. That said, desktop wallpapers cannot be ignored, they mean different things to different people. Adding a quote will act as a reminder of what inspires you in your day-to-day life. Interesting, huh? You can add an image that shows how you feel or one that means something to you. Sometimes, people display their feelings through the use of desktop wallpapers. They add glamor to your computer and make it look aesthetically appealing and highly presentable. However, this element comes with a sense of beauty. In fact, you can decide to use a dark colour, and life will move on as usual. What is the use of a desktop wallpaper? Well, adding a wallpaper to your desktop is not mandatory. What you need to know is that these images that you add will neither increase nor decrease the speed of your computer.
#To heart 2 game wallpaper download
A desktop wallpaper is highly customizable, and you can give yours a personal touch by adding your images (including your photos from a camera) or download beautiful pictures from the internet. The background of this screen can be a single colour, multiple colours, or some other graphical representations.
#To heart 2 game wallpaper software
Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.What is a desktop wallpaper? When you boot your computer, there is an initial screen that comes up, in which your folders, documents, and software shortcuts are placed. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior.
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