#but it came to be much closer to the invention of cars
icaruspartharmony · 2 months
In my stupid American Era (not by choice)
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$100 billion later, autonomous vehicles are still a car-wreck
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Autonomous vehicles were always a shell-game. The last time I wrote about them was a year ago, when Uber declared massive losses. Uber’s profitability story was always, “Sure, we’re losing money now, but once we create self-driving cars, we can fire our drivers and make a bundle.”
But Uber never came close to building an AV. After blowing $2.5b, the company invented a car whose mean-distance-to-fatal-crash was half a mile. Uber had to pay another company — $400 million! — to take the self-driving unit off its hands.
It’s tempting to say that Uber just deluded itself into thinking that AVs were a viable, near-term technology. But $2.5b was a bargain, because it allowed the company’s original investors (notably the Saudi royals) to offload their Uber shares on credulous suckers when the company IPOed.
Likewise Tesla, a company that has promised fully self-driving autonomous vehicles “within two years” for more than a decade. The story that Teslas will someday drive themselves is key to attracting retail investors to the company.
Tesla’s overvaluation isn’t solely a product of the cult of personality around Musk, nor is it just that its investors can’t read a balance-sheet and so miss the fact that the company is reliant upon selling the carbon-credits that allow gas-guzzling SUVs to fill America’s streets.
Key to Tesla’s claims to eventual profitability was that AVs would overcome geometry itself, and end the Red Queen’s Race whereby adding more cars to the road means you need more roads, which means everything gets farther apart, which means you need more cars — lather, rinse, repeat.
Geometry hates cars, but Elon Musk hates public transit (he says you might end up seated next to “a serial killer”). So Musk spun this story where tightly orchestrated AVs would best geometry and create big cities served speedy, individualized private vehicles. You could even make passive income from your Tesla, turning it over to drive strangers (including, presumably, serial killers?) around as a taxicab.
But Teslas are no closer to full self-driving than Ubers. In fact, no one has come close to making an AV. In a characteristically brilliant and scorching article for Bloomberg, Max Chafkin takes stock of the failed AV project:
Chafkin calculates that the global R&D budget for AVs has now exceeded $100 billion, and demonstrates that we have next to nothing to show for it, and that whatever you think you know about AV success is just spin, hype and bullshit.
Take the much-vaunted terribleness of human drivers, which the AV industry likes to tout. It’s true that the other dumdums on the road cutting you off and changing lanes without their turn-signals are pretty bad drivers, but actual, professional drivers are amazing. The average school-bus driver clocks up 500 million miles without a fatal crash (but of course, bus drivers are part of the public transit system).
Even dopes like you and me are better than you may think — while cars do kill the shit out of Americans, it’s because Americans drive so goddamned much. US traffic deaths are a mere one per 100 million miles driven, and most of those deaths are due to recklessness, not inability. Drunks, speeders, texters and sleepy drivers cause traffic fatalities — they may be skilled drivers, but they are also reckless.
But even the most reckless driver is safer than a driverless car, which “lasts a few seconds before crapping out.” The best robot drivers are Waymos, which mostly operate in the sunbelt, “because they still can’t handle weather patterns trickier than Partly Cloudy.”
Waymo claims to have driven 20m miles — that is, 4% of the distance we’d expect a human school-bus driver to go before having a fatal wreck. Tesla, meanwhile, has stopped even reporting how many miles its autopilot has mananged on public roads. The last time it disclosed, in 2019, the total was zero.
Using “deep learning” to solve the problems of self-driving cars is a dead-end. As NYU psych prof Gary Marcus told Chafkin, “deep learning is something similar to memorization…It only works if the situations are sufficiently akin.”
Which is why self-driving cars are so useless when they come up against something unexpected — human drivers weaving through traffic, cyclists, an eagle, a drone, a low-flying plane, a deer, even some pigeons on the road.
Self-driving car huxters call this “the pogo-stick problem” — as in “you never can tell when someone will try to cross the road on a pogo-stick.” They propose coming up with strict rules for humans to make life easier for robots.
But as stupid as this is, it’s even stupider than it appears at first blush. It’s not that AVs are confused by pogo sticks — they’re confused by shadowsand clouds and squirrels. They’re confused by left turns that are a little different than the last left turn they tried.
If you’ve been thinking that AVs were right around the corner, don’t feel too foolish. The AV companies have certainly acted like they believed their own bullshit. Chafkin reminds us of the high-stakes litigation when AV engineer Anthony Levandowski left Google for Uber and was sued for stealing trade secrets.
The result was millions in fines (Levandowski declared bankruptcy) and even a prison sentence for Levandowski (Trump pardoned him, seemingly at the behest of Peter Thiel and other Trumpist tech cronies). Why would companies go to all that trouble if they weren’t serious about their own claims?
It’s possible that they are, but that doesn’t mean we have to take those claims at face-value ourselves. Companies often get high on their own supplies. The litigation over Levandowski can be thought of as a species of criti-hype, Lee Vinsel’s extraordinarily useful term for criticism that serves to bolster the claims of its target:
Another example of criti-hype: the claims about the risks of ubiquitous drone delivery — which, like AVs, is half-bullshit, half self-delusion:
Today, Levandowski has scaled back his plans to build autonomous vehicles. Instead, he’s built autonomous dump-trucks that never leave a literal sandbox, and trundle back and forth on the same road all day, moving rocks from a pit to a crusher.
$100 billion later, that’s what the AV market has produced.
Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Gartner (modified): https://www.gartner.com/en/research/methodologies/gartner-hype-cycle
[Image ID: A chart illustrating the Gartner hype-cycle; racing down the slope from the 'peak of inflated expectations' to the 'trough of disillusionment' is the staring eye of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, chased by speed-lines.]
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Horrorfell Sans & Papyrus character sheets (Updated version)
COPPER (Horrorfell Sans)
Backstory: Knowing that Asgore would kill Frisk as soon as they reached the throne room, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Flowey and Toriel allied to kill the King, so the child could reach the Surface. They managed to take Asgore's down, which allowed Frisk to take his soul to cross the Barrier and go find help. Except… Frisk never came back.
After a brief period of peace, Undyne's and Toriel's relationship became tense, as both women had very opposite views of how to lead Monsterkind now that Asgore is gone. Toriel wanted to bring back the old days, before Asgore's kill or be killed decision, but Undyne accused her of wanting to re-do Asgore's work by doing so. Undyne wanted a modern kingdom, that would never accept a reign of terror once again. Eventually, a fight broke out between them and Toriel ended up badly injured and banned back into the Ruins as Undyne took over. Eventually, their fight caused a civil war in the Underground, which ended tragically with Toriel's partisans making the CORE explode.
Copper and Chief quickly understood it was in their best interest to stay out of this mess. Copper… Copper didn't live this well. After his brother forces the town to stay neutral, he finds himself stuck between his loyalty to Snowdin and his friendship with the Queen, making him a target not only for Undyne but for Toriel's rebels as well, considering he was not invested enough in their battle. With the food lacking added to that, Copper quickly had to learn to keep a low profile, too weak to fight against big LV monsters. He eventually decided he was a burden to his brother and went to live in the Ruins with Toriel, so his brother wouldn't have to worry too much about his survival. Toriel had enough resources to feed and protect both of them, while outside, they resigned to hunting rats and small cavern animals to live another day.
After seven years of living out of town, having only a few contacts with his brother through the door, a human fell down. Aliza was Frisk's friend and heard about monsterkind when Frisk died, through their notes. They never make it to the human city. Copper had a hard time accepting that, but Toriel even more, as she had to grieve yet another child. Unfortunately, it was too much for Toriel. They found her dust in the morning, having no idea what happened. Maybe she fell down out of despair, maybe she took her own life, one mystery Copper would never know.
The initial plan of Copper was to get the teenager out of this hell as Copper thought monsterkind didn't deserve to be saved anymore, but Aliza convinced him. With the help of his brother, and the not-so-many monsters who survived the famine in Snowdin, they challenged Undyne, hoping they would be enough to take her down. That worked, but at the cost of almost all of Snowdin's survivors, his brother's legs and his arm. Chief didn't want to kill Undyne, but Undyne refused to give up, letting them not choice. After that, with seven souls and the Queen's soul, Aliza broke the Barrier.
The brothers are now trying to recover, closer than ever after being apart for so long. They missed each other a lot, and they hope they can finally let the past behind for a better future.
Personality: Adventurous - Charismatic - Cooperative - Curious - Dramatic - Fair - Honest - Loyal to death - Observant - Protective - Prudent - Self-critical - Shrewd - Uncomplaining - Competitive - Quiet - Sarcastic - Calculating - Cowardly - Disobedient - Easily discouraged - Fatalistic - Irritable - Lazy - Moody - Opportunistic - Provocative - Sedentary - Slow.
Job : Farmer, sort of.
Hobbies: Taking care of the animals, bitching on the neighbors, watching TV, inventing small things he will never use, messing with the house equipment to piss off his brother and his S/O.
Loves: Cars, big tractors, big trucks, motorcycles, inventing new things, pranking his brother, testing the limits, annoying his S/O, messing with children by popping off his arm prosthesis when they shake his hand, plaid burritos, talking and arguing with his animals, finding random excuses to enter people's house, steal something and wait for them to notice weeks later, good food, playing piano, Halloween, horror stories, free coupons, weird looking animals.
Hates: People staring at his arm for too long, people who attack his brother on his disability, people trying to scam him, people pointing at him because he's a monster, very loud noises, crowded places, elevators, deep water, the smell of blood, thunder, people too curious about the Underground, not having food in his pockets, cleaning the house.
The S/O of his dream: Someone who has the same dark humor he has, or at least doesn't get offended by it. Someone patient enough to tell him when he's too much of an asshole. Someone who will not push him to talk about his past and understand he wants to move on. Someone who doesn't care about his disability and treats him normally.
Dealbreaker: Doing things for him and saying he can't do them because of his missing arm, disrespecting his brother. Mocking his panic fear of loud noises. Pushing him to talk about his past.
Contacts :
Family: Chief.
Adopted family: Oak, Willow, Nugget, Pumpkin.
Best friend: Red.
Close friends: Edge, UF Grillby, UF Toriel, Coffee, Rumba, Sam, Ben, Fang, Killer, Delta.
Friends: UT Toriel, UT Grillby, Blue, Honey, Nox, Rus, Demon, Error, Dune.
OK/Neutral: Sans, Papyrus, UT Asgore, UT Mettaton, UT Burgerpants, UT Gerson, Ink.
Would better avoid: UT Undyne, UT Alphys, UT Frisk, UT Chara, UT Gaster, UT Muffet, UT Asriel/Flowey, UF Alphys, Moon, Sun, Rambo, Salsa, Tango, Creeper, Torpedo.
Absolutely hates: UF Undyne, Wine.
CHIEF (Horrorfell Papyrus)
Backstory: After Undyne took control of the Underground, tired of this pointless civil war, Chief took over Snowdin's authority, forcing the town to be neutral in the war, while Waterfall and the Hotlands became a battlefield. With the explosion of the CORE though, they had no choice but to learn how to survive, as Undyne, feeling betrayed by Chief's refusal to follow her lead, refused him and all of Snowdin access to what little food there was left. So Chief taught the town how to haunt small animals, hoping it would gain enough time for Frisk to come back and free them from this hell.
Constantly making sure his brother would survive, Chief forgets himself, pushing his body to limits he probably never should have crossed. That's probably one of Copper's motivations to find shelter in the Ruins, to stop worry him. It kinda worked. And it kinda not. Even if he played it cool when he could talk with him through the Ruins door, Chief had a very hard time trying to keep everyone in town alive and healthy.
He didn't tell his brother he almost died three times, two because he refused to eat for too long, one because Undyne took advantage of his weakness to try and kill him for good. Yet he survived. For his brother. He knew that as soon he would die, Undyne would find a way to hurt his brother somehow. And he refused.
He survived seven very long years, doing his best to survive and keep the others alive. Until he met with his brother again, and a child. He didn't think they would really free them, as Chief lost hope a long time ago, but he didn't feel like breaking his brother's hope, so he played along. Quite honestly, he thought they would all die as soon as they met Undyne, and he was ready for this.
So when he realized Undyne was as weak at him and that he actually had a chance to take her down, he was shocked. And maybe he let his enthusiasm talk too much. He underestimated her and made a terrible mistake. He didn't expect her to suddenly attack his brother, and without thinking, he threw himself in the way. His spine took most of the hit and injured him to the point of paralyzing him completely. But by sacrificing himself, it gave enough time to his brother to finish her, so he thought it was justified.
The truth is that he didn't expect to survive this injury. He couldn't live like that, it couldn't happen to him. And yet, he's still there. A lot of therapy helped him to accept his disability better, but it's still a subject he will avoid. He doesn't like his broken body. He hates that everyone are moving on but he can't because his legs will forever remind him of what happened. But he can't give up on his brother. So he continues.
He's slowly healing, but the scars will never really leave.
Personality: Clever - Disciplined - Dutiful - Empathetic - Forthright - Hardworking - Incorruptible - Intuitive - Leaderly - Loyal - Painstaking - Prudent - Reliable - Responsible - Preoccupied - Stubborn - Anxious - Cautious - Cold at first - Critical - Depressed - Desperate - Difficult - Fatalistic - Impulsive - Moody - Negativistic - Obsessive - Paranoid - Resentful - Terrified of failure - Still acts like he's Underground
Job: Farmer, Animal shelter employee
Hobbies: Taking care of Doomfanger, writing, crocheting, cooking.
Loves: Doomfanger, all the abandoned cats of the shelter, taking care of the food stock, finding new recipes to try, his brother, the snow on the Surface, criticizing the news, the neighborhood children, when his legs are moving even just a few inches, that his brother never gave up on him despite everything, puzzles.
Hates: People staring at him too much, his body, people saying they're impressed his cat is so old, his body, therapists who are not honest with him, that nothing is accessible with his wheelchair, people trying to help him in the street when he didn't ask help, people abandoning animals at the shelter, finding kittens in the bins in front of the shelter, when his brother is hurting, when he's hurting.
The S/O of his dream: Someone who can prove to him he's more than a broken body and that he still is himself. Someone who never judges him and supports his progress instead of focusing on the failures.
Dealbreaker: Using his disability against him, hurting his brother, asking to get rid of Doomfanger, and not letting him be independent.
Family: Copper, Doomfanger.
Adoptive family: Oak, Willow, Nugget, Pumpkin.
Best friend: Pumpkin.
Close friends: Red, Edge, Nox, Rus, Coffee, Rumba, Sam, Ben, Killer.
Friends : UT Mettaton, UT Grillby, UT Asriel/Flowey, UF Grillby, Blue, Honey, Moon, Tango, Fang, Delta.
OK/Neutral : Sans, Papyrus, UT Toriel, UT Asgore, UT Muffet, UT Burgerpants, UT Gerson, Sun, Rambo, Salsa, Demon, Creeper, Dune.
Would better avoid : UT Undyne, UT Alphys, UT Frisk, UT Chara, Ink, Error.
Absolutely hates : UT Gaster, UF Undyne, UF Alphys, Wine, Torpedo.
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toburnup · 2 years
Eddie asks Steve on a date but Steve doesn't know if it's a date date or a date
I'm writing a fic on this but I want to see your take hehe
took this in a bit of a different direction!! hope you like it my dear duckie 💙 i thought it would be fun to write about steve making the assumption that he's being asked out on a date when eddie is doing no such thing. this is another 20 minute sprint fic!!
“Want to go see a movie? Friday?” Eddie asks Steve as they're walking toward the door and Steve stops in his tracks.
“Yeah. Unless you’re busy.”
“No, no. Friday is good for me.” Steve says, makes himself sound casual - can't help but feel stunned that Eddie is doing this here, dropping the words without hesitation. “I can pick you up.”
“Sure?” Eddie gives him a look, a little confused. Steve thinks that perhaps Eddie had been about to make the same offer and he'd beaten him to the punch.
“What time?”
Steve wears his nice jeans, and a shirt that a girl complimented once upon a time. He’s sort of surprised Eddie went for it - he’s been twiddling his thumbs, trying to figure out exactly when the best time to ask Eddie out would be - but he just did it. No hesitation. Maybe Eddie wasn’t giving himself enough credit, because he was a little braver than Steve when it came to this kind of thing, apparently. 
Steve picks him up, gets out of the car and everything. Goes around and holds the door open and Eddie just shoots him a smile, climbs in, has the same confused expression as before as Steve jogs around the front of the car to get back into the drivers seat. 
“Someone’s feeling chivalrous.” Eddie remarks and Steve shrugs, because like, yeah. Maybe a little. 
At the theatres, Steve waits to see if Eddie will offer to pay. He does (“I asked you, so, my treat.”) and Steve offers to buy the popcorn. Eddie smiles, and honestly, Steve ends up paying more for all their snacks than Eddie does for the two tickets so he’s happy, because he normally doesn’t go Dutch on first dates. Usually treats the girl. But - he isn’t quite sure what the etiquette is for two guys. Maybe going Dutch is just the way dudes do it. 
“Where do you like to sit?”
Steve always sits near the back on dates. Always. Prime spot for making out, but Eddie has already walked a few rows down, so Steve points at random and Eddie turns in. They’re about two thirds back and it’s honestly not even a great spot because they can just hear the sound of a couple in the far corner making out. The light smacking sound of lips makes Steve’s ears prickle, and he holds out the popcorn for Eddie.
“Thanks.” Eddie goes to take the bag but Steve holds on, so Eddie takes a handful and grins. They share the snacks, Eddie tilting the little package of chocolates into Steve’s palm, Steve even throws a few pieces of popcorn and Eddie manages to catch them all in his mouth. 
When the snacks are gone, Eddie’s arm rests on the middle armrest and Steve wonders if he should go for the hand hold. He always holds girls hands during movies, is pretty sure that’s half the reason scary movies were invented in the first place. But Eddie doesn’t seem scared at all, just watches the screen with his big dark eyes. Steve edges his arm closer on the armrest and Eddie glances down, maybe sees him encroaching because he shifts his arm away.
“Sorry.” He whispers, like he’d been taking up too much room.
“No, it’s fine.” Steve says, moves his arm away. Frowns a little. Maybe Eddie doesn’t like holding hands. Or maybe he’s just not scared. 
Steve watches the movie, tries to focus, concentrate on the screen. In the second half, things finally pick up and he finds himself flinching at the loud sounds, the screech of the music. Eddie’s fingers dig into his arm just once, like a reflex, his fingers wrapping around Steve’s wrist. But he only holds onto him for a minute or two before letting go and he actually moves his hands back to his lap after that and Steve can feel himself frowning again. 
He tries to watch the movie, he really does. 
After, he suggests they go up to the quarry. He always takes his dates up there after a movie, especially if they couldn’t get into much of anything during the movie itself. And maybe Eddie didn’t feel comfortable holding his hand, even in the darkened theatre. 
But the quarry - dark, isolated. He could see Eddie holding his hand there.  
Steve gets the car door for him again and Eddie climbs in, doesn’t comment on it this time. On the drive over, Steve lets Eddie pick the music. Usually girls coo over his stereo, but Eddie just complains about his lack of variety and spends most of the drive swapping tapes in and out, barely letting a song play all the way through. Steve’s a little relieved when they make it to the quarry and he parks at the top of the dark hill. The moon is out and it’s a little creepy, but Steve climbs out and leans against the front of the car. Eddie hesitantly draws closer, sits on the hood of the car beside him. 
“Is this like, your spot?” Eddie asks, gestures to the open quarry in front of them.
“Sort of. It’s nice and private.” He hints, but Eddie just nods, looks around. And then he pulls a joint out of his chest pocket and holds it up. 
“This kind of private?”
“Oh, sure.” Steve fumbles for his lighter, flicks the wheel and Eddie’s hand stills, returns his own lighter to his pocket. Steve lights the blunt in Eddie’s mouth, catches Eddie’s gaze on him. 
Eddie inhales once, twice, sharp to get it started. Then holds it out for Steve. Steve hasn’t smoked a joint with someone on a first date before, but he can make it work. He inhales deeply, blows the cloud out in front of them. Barely holds back the cough that tickles the base of his throat.
“Oh, you’re showing off, huh?” Eddie remarks, swipes for the joint but Steve just holds it up to Eddie’s mouth. He slowly leans in and lets Steve put it between his lips. 
“We could share.” Steve suggests, raises his eyebrows and Eddie looks genuinely confused. 
“Uh. Nothing.” Steve says, digs his heel into the ground at their feet.
Steve feels embarrassment tug at his chest, didn’t mean to fumble it like that. Eddie passes the joint over so Steve can take another puff, and Steve coughs, hard. Has to give Eddie the joint back so he can lean over the side of the car and spit onto the ground, coughing and choking and it sounds like he's trying to hack up a lung.
"Jesus. Seems like you're out of practice." Eddie laughs, smacks Steve hard on the back and Steve wants to die. Wants to curl up on the ground because Eddie seems to have no interest in him. And his cough sounded nasty so who'd even want to kiss him after that?
The drive back to Eddie’s is a little quiet and Steve wonders if he’s lost his touch. There’s only a handful of dates he can think of where he didn’t get a goodnight kiss. And this might be one of them, because Eddie just stares out the window, watches the passing scenery. 
When Steve pulls up outside Eddie’s trailer, he clears his throat. Turns off the car and they're sitting in the dark and it makes it a little easier to speak.
“I’m uh, sorry. If I did something wrong.” Eddie says quietly, and Steve’s head spins. "You seem annoyed."
“You didn’t do anything. I thought I did something wrong.” Steve says.
Eddie slowly turns and meets his eyes. “What do you think you did wrong?”
“I mean... I’ve had a few bad dates in my life, but this is probably up there. Not - not that it was your fault, but, y’know. Bad movie, and the quarry was probably a stupid idea. Almost puked. It adds up.” 
Eddie’s face is blank and he blinks once, twice. “This was a date?”
Steve’s heart sinks. Plummets so fast that he thinks he might puke for real.  “Well. I mean. You asked - you asked me to see a movie.” 
“Because I thought you’d like to go? You mentioned it a few weeks ago.”
“I mean... the tickets. The popcorn, everything.” Steve grasps at straws and Eddie is just blinking again, this time with confusion lacing each word as he speaks.
“Sorry. I wasn't thinking about it like that at all. I thought we were just hanging out.” 
“Fuck.” Steve looks forward, feels himself sinking into the seat. “This is a first for me.” 
Eddie laughs. “Me too. I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me out before.” 
Steve wants to pitch himself out the car door. Wants to tuck and roll, never to be seen by anyone again. They sit in silence until Steve finally frowns in Eddie's direction.
“This is your fault. Why can’t you just ask someone to see a movie like a normal person, if this wasn’t a date?”
“I did ask you like a normal person!” Eddie says, then laughs again. “Not my fault if you assume everyone is asking you out.” 
“It's usually true.” Steve mutters. 
“So, this was a date." Eddie hits his shoulder gently, looks expectant. "Now what? What’s the next bit?” 
“I mean.” Steve turns in his seat to face him. “If you’re about to get out of the car, this is when I’d make my move.” 
“Okay, let’s see it.” 
Steve shakes his head immediately. “You don’t deserve to see it.” 
“C’mon. Lay it on me.” Eddie leans in a bit, half smiling. Goading.
"Do you actually want me to?" Steve asks, doubtful now. Eddie nods, but his smile is still a little too smug for Steve's liking.
"Fine." Steve clears his throat, faces Eddie head on. Reaches up and smooths his thumb along Eddie's jaw, slides his hand back to rest on the side of his neck. He catches Eddie's eyebrows go up, just a little, and his smile wavers.
"So. End of the date." Steve says softly, other hand mirroring the first. He can feel Eddie's pulse. "Usually, we've already kissed. But a certain someone was playing hard to get."
"I was not-"
Steve adjusts his hand, runs his thumb along Eddie's bottom lip instead and his words halt, looks a little trepidatious as Steve leans in.
Steve brushes his nose against Eddie's and doesn't miss how Eddie has stopped breathing, holds his breath in the quiet of the car. "People have said I'm a good kisser." Steve says softly, and Eddie breaks into a smile.
"What, like your calling card?" Eddie finally says, and Steve can almost feel his lips.
"Something like that." Steve says, then leans in, kisses him gently. Holds Eddie's face there and moves his lips only a little, waits until he feels Eddie relax against him, one of his hands coming up to grip Steve's forearm, before Steve leans in more. Tilts his head and kisses him properly, shows him a real Steve Harrington goodnight kiss.
Steve's hand goes into his hair, gets a little tangled in it, but uses it to pull Eddie closer and he hears the creak of the car seat that means Eddie is leaning in, shifting his weight closer.
Finally, Steve pulls away, and Eddie's eyes stay closed for a long moment before he opens them.
"Okay. I get it." Eddie says, pulls back. "I see what the fuss is about."
The car is quiet except for their breathing, both looking at each other. Finally, Eddie cracks a grin, his hand winding its way into the front of Steve's shirt. Pulls him in like he's thinking about kissing him again.
"Now that I know what you're after, can you take me on an actual date next time? None of this movie and creepy pit in the forest nonsense?"
"Yeah." Steve laughs, lets Eddie tug him closer. "You've got it."
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"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Andromeda was sure. Hundred percent. Although that didn't mean she wasn't shaking in fear. But the crave of seeing her sisters, her family, was stronger.
They stared at the Mansion in the distance.
It had been four months since Andromeda left. It was almost Christmas. Family Holiday. Andromeda had the hope to talk to everyone again and explain. Maybe if they saw how much in love she was, how Ted made her extremely happy, they could understand.
"Yeah I am sure" Andromeda grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
Ted didn't look happy "Let me go with you, love. Please. I don't want them to think the worse of me. I don't want them to think I am a coward"
"I think I should go first"
Andromeda remembered the furious rage of her father as he pointed the gun to Ted's skull. "I'm gonna kill you! How dare you take my daughter away from me!"
Andromeda shook that horrible memory away. Cissy first and maybe her mother. Bella and her father were the difficult ones. But Andromeda needed to explain.
"If everything goes well" Andromeda added with a comforting smile "I'll let you inside"
Ted's eyes flickered through her face with worry. He, then, pulled her in for a kiss. "I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" So so much.
They heard another car approaching. Andromeda knew it was Boris, the chauffeur, with the family's car.
Andromeda trembled a little. If her father was inside that vehicle, they were screwed. So it was torture while the car stopped in front of Ted's truck and they waited until a figure came out from the backseat.
It wasn't Andy's father. Worse. It was her sister Bellatrix.
God, how furious did she look. And oh God, how much Andromeda missed her.
"Wait here" Andromeda said as she opened the door.
"Dromeda, please" Ted begged.
"Trust me" she told him with a smile. Then stepped out.
Bellatrix was still looking at her with rage but Andromeda knew her well. She was trying to hide her true feelings.
When she turned to look at Ted like a cockroach, Andromeda decided to intervene.
"Hi Bella"
"What are you fucking doing here?" Bellatrix said, then she stepped closer, raising her voice "Are you bloody mental?" she roared "How can you dare come here after what you did!? How do you dare bring..." she made a face of disgust as she looked at Ted "that... to our house!! My house! Not yours anymore!"
Andromeda took a deep breath.
"Where is Cissy?"
"None of your business!" Bella spat "She is not your sister anymore"
Andromeda's eyes filled with tears "How can you say that, Bella? What did I do that was so wrong?"
"Messing up with scum!"
Andromeda was losing patience "I just want to talk"
Bellatrix seemed to be considering it.
"You want to talk?" she asked "Fine!" she walked towards the car and opened the door "Get inside. If I stay here, I think I will vomit" she gestured towards Ted.
Andromeda had the hope and determination to change her sister's mind. She could handle the insults and nasty comments. She knew Bellatrix very well.
Andy jumped when she heard the honk from Ted's trunk. He was looking at her, trying to say "What are you doing?"
"I have to" she mouthed.
"Are you coming or what?" Bellatrix snapped "I don't have all day"
Andromeda gave Ted an apologetic look before getting inside the car.
"Drive" Bellatrix told Boris.
Andromeda couldn't do anything as the car drove away. She didn't want to see Ted's worried expression.
"You have nerve to come here" Bellatrix spoke "Nobody wants to see you"
Andromeda noticed Bellatrix was doing her best not to look her in the eye.
Bellatrix turned her head quickly "You selfish little bitch! You left Rod on the altar and humiliated our family's name and prestigious by doing so..."
"I feel sorry for Rod but it wouldn't been fair marrying him if I didn't truly love him"
Bella scoffed in disbelief "Love is an invented theory for weak people"
"You used to say you loved Rodolphus" Andromeda reminded her. The love of her life, she used to say.
"I was a silly little girl" Bella spat "Then you grow up and realize that love is the stupid fantasy that they sell us in romance stories. Love is about thinking about what's right for others, for your family" Bella tsked "Do you actually know all the mess that you left behind? The disgrace that daddy had to face with the Lestranges? With Grandfather? With the all the guests? Who let me tell you were very important people... And for what, ha? An adventure with a dirty little waiter?"
Andromeda knew her decision had been difficult and that it would have brought consequences. Although being with Ted taught her that love gave people strength to face anything.
"He is not an adventure" she clarified "I love him"
Bellatrix laughed in a mocking way "Oh please... I thought you were better than Cissy who fell for the first asshole that made her feel special"
The mention of their Cissy made Andy's heart ache. How was she? How was her relationship with Malfoy? That was something that worried Andromeda a lot.
"That's what men do" Bella continued "they make you feel special until they get what they want from you: open wallet and open legs"
Andromeda shook her head. She took a quick glance at Boris on the other side of the window. "Ted is not like that"
"Don't be a fool!" Bella had the strange energy that Andromeda knew as avoidance. She attacked others so people wouldn't see her hurting "Probably that wanker's idea to bring you to make amends today. He wants rich daddy in law to welcome him into the family, yeah?"
"I asked him to come"
"After all these months? Felt cold feet and guilty to come before!?"
"I didn't think you would want to see me" Andromeda snapped losing patience "Did daddy tell you what he tried to do? That he almost shot Ted... And me?"
Bellatrix was uninterested "Shame he didn't dare to pull the trigger"
Bellatrix was laughing.
Andromeda tried to keep the composure. The Bellatrix that she used to know was no longer there. The dreamer, determined little girl that wanted to be someone in the world. The girl who wasn't the princess or damnsel in distress while playing, she was the warrior. The girl who wanted everything to herself and didn't settle for less. The girl Andromeda used to admire.
"I FREAKING MISS YOU, OKAY?" Andromeda started to cry. She couldn't take it anymore "I miss all of you..."
Bellatrix stopped laughing.
"I didn't want this to happen" Andromeda sobbed "I didn't want to lose my family like this"
Bellatrix softened her expression.
"Then get rid of him" she whispered.
Andromeda sniffed "What?"
Bella's eyes filled with tears.
"I don't care about Rod or the Lestranges. They left to America anyway" Bella moved her body to face her and grabbed her hand "We can leave this in a past and move on. I can convince Daddy to let you back in..."
Andromeda shook her head.
"Grandfather might be more difficult but we can think of something..."
Tears started falling down Andromeda's cheeks because this is what she wanted. To have her sister back, but not like this. She didn't understand.
"You just have to promise me you'll stop seeing him, Andy" Bella said with a begging tone. She was crying as well.
"The fucking adventure is over, you tasted street scum but its time you get back to where you belong"
Andromeda was in shock.
"I have a plan to fight for the Company" she continued "Sirius is more of a messed up brat each day. He won't last as the Heir. And we know Regulus is a pussy to even try...."
"Bellatrix!" Andromeda exclaimed pulling her hands away.
This family was a mess. They're all competing against each other and plotting behind their backs for what, money? Power?
Bellatrix's dream of owning the company had made her just like the rest of them. Rotten.
Andromeda had changed a lot during this time. She lived in the world where money and power didn't exist. It was more about love, effort and sacrifice.
Andromeda wanted her family back but not like this. She didn't want to go back to the way things were.
"I cannot leave him" Andromeda spoke patiently "I cannot leave Ted"
Bellatrix rolled her eyes.
"Is his pathetic dirty dick that great?"
Andromeda sighed and raised her hand. She showed her sister her finger. There was a delicate golden ring with a tiny pearl. Ted had to sell some of his old instruments to buy it.
"We're engaged" Andromeda confessed with tears in her eyes. Bellatrix was shocked "We're getting married after the Holidays...." she sniffed "I love him, Bella. I really really love him"
Bellatrix's shocked expression turned into fury. Before Andromeda had time to react, her sister had slapped her across the face. Her left cheek hurt and burned, and when Andy touched it she noticed it was bleeding. Bella had cut her cheek with one of her own rings.
"You filthy little whore!" Bellatrix sneered "You ruined it!" and she even pushed her "You fucking ruined everything!"
Andromeda felt some sort of peace of understanding what was truly the reality. Bella would never accept it.
"Maybe you don't understand, maybe Daddy is as stubborn" Andromeda said "But I want to talk with Narcissa and Mummy"
"They don't want to speak with you!" Bellatrix chanted like a little girl.
"I am getting married, Bella, and you are my family"
Bellatrix groaned.
"Don't you get it? They all hate you"
Andromeda noticed the venom on her sister's voice.
"They despise you. You make everyone sick. They think you are selfish... You are not longer part of this family. Grandfather has vanished you from the will and the tapestry"
Andromeda began crying again.
"You are nothing more than a stranger to us. Even worse than a bug in our shoe" Bella spat "And I am going to make sure Narcissa doesn't even dare to speak to you again. And Mummy, and Daddy and all of our family... Even the stupid servitude will ignore you"
Andromeda tried to catch some breath as she sobbed.
"Now get out of my car, it reeks of poverty, dirtiness and street. It's making me sick"
Andromeda took a deep breath before she responded "You turned into a horrible person, Bella..."
Bella raised her nose and crossed her arms, looking away.
"I really hope one day you regret this, and it is not too late for us"
Andromeda knocked the driver's window "STOP THE CAR!"
As soon as it stopped Andromeda opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door behind her. She didn't care if Ted's trunk was probably miles away. Andromeda started walking as she cried. She had lost her family. Maybe forever.
"Drive! Get me out of here" Bellatrix yelled inside the vehicle.
"Wish me to drive you home, Miss?" Boris asked trying to sound indifferent. Probably that twat heard the whole conversation.
Bellatrix would have to bribe him later.
"No! Not home!" Bella snapped "Just take me anywhere but just drive!"
"Yes, Miss"
The window was closed and the car drove away, that's when Bellatrix turned to the window just in time as tears filled her eyes.
Bellatrix wiped them away and swallowed the rest. She had to be strong. She had promised. She was not crumbling down.
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bogwitchlesbian · 2 years
I have invented a whole maternal family for billy, and I’ve been thinking a lot about an cousin I invented lately.
I firmly believe his mother came from a small but close knit family back in California, with a jackass younger brother, and overbearing but well meaning older sister.
Her brother never married but her sister has a little four year old girl when billy is born.
Billy’s cousin is enamoured with him the moment she sees him. They’re practically identical as children, curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and chubby golden cheeks.
They are inseparable from the moment billy is born, fighting to be tossed around by their uncle, and hiding from Billy’s aunt when she starts scolding them for getting under foot.
Little Lisette Adler barely lets her mother hold billy as a baby, immediately claiming him. Billy is equally as obsessed with his “sissy” (he gets lissy and sissy confused a lot, but they’re mostly siblings anyway so it doesn’t really matter)
Lisette’s mother and stepfather are very busy and barely have time for her, and her dad ran off shortly before Billy’s birth. She spends most of her time at her aunt or grandmothers house with her favourite person.
She quickly becomes the only person who can soothe baby billy, and is the first person he runs to when he gets older and skins a knee, or he gets teased at school.
He gets made fun of for running and crying to his cousin so much, but she’s the only person he truly feels comfortable with other than his mother.
Lisette hugs him constantly, and sings and reads to him. Neil hates this as billy gets past the toddler stage. Says Lisette needs to “stop playing mother” and that billy needs to “learn to be a man” even though they’re both under the age of ten.
When billy is 6 and Lisette is ten, her mother has two children a year apart. Her mother shows the babies more love than she ever did Lisette, and her and billy become ever closer. She loves her siblings just as much as she loves billy of course, but there’s a sting there she can’t ignore.
When Lisette is 13, her aunt goes missing. No one tells her anything more, but one evening after kissing her siblings goodnight, she sits on the stairs and listens to her parents and grandparents argue.
Her aunt’s car was found off the highway. The cops found hair and blood on the trunk and her aunts shoe a few hundred yards into the brush on the side of the road. They’re considering foul play, and they’re looking right at Neil.
Her grandmother is sobbing for the first time Lisette has ever seen, her uncle is ghost white and silent. Her grandfather is drinking a beer with a shaking hand as he reads through the police report. Her mother is livid, pacing the living room as her stepfather fails to get her to sit.
Her mother is trying to think of a way to get billy away from Neil before he can skip town. Lisette has never felt colder in her life.
Neil, of course, skips town before charges can be laid on him. He leaves boxes of her aunts belongings on her grandparents drive, a note telling them all to go to hell and forget they ever knew him. Lisette’s uncle hands the note over to police, as her mother cries into her sisters things right there on the drive.
Lisette pours all her love and fear into her siblings, embracing and kissing them every chance she can get. Tells them she loves them every time she leaves the room, the house, hangs up the phone. Just in case. They grumble about her hovering, too young to remember the blonde haired boy who used to wheel her brother around in his baby walker, who used to make silly faces at her sister till she threw up her baby food.
Her grandmother withdraws into herself, quiet and paranoid. She stockpiles non-perishables under her bed. Her funny, dumbass uncle becomes reclusive and mean. Her mother tries her best to pay more attention to Lisette, but the years of neglect have ruined any real chance of connection.
Their entire family lives on eggshells with each other, unable to bridge the gap left by billy and his mother.
Lisette’s siblings grow up. Sometimes she has to leave the room, hand pressed against her open mouth with tears streaming down her face, as her sister rolls her eyes the same way billy used to, or her brother finds an old shirt of Billy’s, hand embroidered by their aunt and wears it without realising that seeing him stops lisette’s heart for a second. It’s like seeing a ghost.
When Lisette is 23, she turns on the news. She watches absentmindedly, texting her friends about an open mic night at the local bar she thinks they should go to. They’re running a story about a mall fire somewhere in Indiana. It’s a strange choice for California news, she thinks, but is stopped in her tracks when they start reading out the thankfully short casualty list. There is one casualty, the police chief, and several injured, whos faces they flash up on the screen.
Lisette’s world spins as blonde curls and blue eyes fill the screen. Her phone drops to the floor and her blood freezes. “Billy Hargrove, 18, critical condition” is all she hears. The news moves on. But she is frozen in place, hands still up like they’re gripping her phone. After a few minutes she comes back online, and scrambles for her phone.
Her mother doesn’t believe her, tells her not to even think about getting her grandmothers hopes up with this, hangs up. Lisette’s hands shake as she finds an online article from the Hawkins Gazette. Her cousins face is there in black and white. Older, handsome, and clearly miserable in what she assumes is a school picture.
She sends the link to her family group chat, and is immediately called by her brother, who, always sensitive just like billy, is in tears. She hangs up to take her grandmothers call, phone in the crux of her shoulder as she runs around packing a bag.
Her grandparents can’t go to Indiana, her grandfathers health failing, and her uncle’s disability preventing him coming alone. Her siblings have school, and her parents can’t get time off work on such short notice.
She calls her boss, explains the situation, and thankfully is given two weeks from her annual leave. She jumps in her car and is barely able to stop herself breaking multiple traffic laws driving cross country.
She gets to hawkins in a blur of scenery and gas stations. She doesn’t even bother booking s motel room, just leaves her bags in the trunk and speeds to the hospital. She shows the nurse her identification, pictures of her and billy as children, tears hitting the cheap plastic coating on the counter as the nurse shakes her head sadly, unable to verify her identity.
She sits in a shitty plastic chair, lays her head in her hands and cries. A hand lands on her shoulder. A young girl with red hair stares at her strangely, asks if she’s really billy hargrove’s cousin. Explains that she’s his stepsister.
Lisette is shaking. The girl, max, takes her over to a group of kids her age and a few people closer to lisette’s. Max tells her friends who Lisette is, and they all react with shock. Apparently no one, not even max, had considered that billy might still have family out there.
Lisette shows them the photos. Her holding billy in the hospital. Her holding his hand at the beach, when billy is 2 and she is 6. Her holding Billy’s hand at a park on a random day, always her holding billy. Always together.
The kids are struck silent. One of the older boys, a guy with a sharp jaw and floppy hair, runs a thumb over Billy’s face in a picture of him holding lisette’s sister as a tiny baby. Remarks to himself that he never really thought of billy as having family.
Lisette’s sharp glare makes him wince, as does a slap to the arm from a girl with blonde bangs and red lipstick. He scrambles to explain himself. Says that he just never really saw billy as someone who let people in, that would let himself be held. Guesses that his hard double denim shell was probably more learned behaviour than anything.
Lisette explains about her aunt, about Neil, and the bruises she used to see on her aunt. Max goes pale, swears she just thought billy got into fights a lot. Lisette, running on fumes and older sister instinct, pulls her in. Assures her it’s not her fault. The other kids are wide eyed. A kid with a tragic bowl cut looks to one of the older boys, clearly his brother, with fearful understanding.
Lisette’s shaking gets worse. She releases max, asks if billy is okay, if he’s awake, if she can see him. The kids are silent, clearly unable to process lisette’s billy with whatever billy they know. An older girl with curly dark hair coughs awkwardly, explains that billy is awake, has been for a couple days, but has refused to speak to anyone after verifying that max and another girl (Ellie, Lisette thinks she called her) were okay.
Lisette insists, and is taken by the hand by a girl she assumes is Ellie, given the gesture the older girl (Nancy) had made in her direction when mentioning her. Ellie pats her hand, says something cryptic about her being a good memory, and leads her through the hospital, the others trailing behind.
Before they reach the room, the boy with floppy hair grabs lisette’s shoulder, warns her billy doesn’t look good, that she should prepare herself for him to not recognise her.
She hadn’t even considered that, but of course he’s right. The last time billy had seen her, she had been 13, with long blonde hair, curls weighed down into tight waves. Now she was 23, her hair was shoulder length and bright pink, she has several piercings, and her tattoos are poking out of her rolled up sweatshirt sleeves.
She decides to go in anyway. She can start from square one if she needs too, just needs to see him, to know it’s really him, that he’s alive.
She rounds the corner into a normal hospital room. It doesn’t look like the kind of place that could change her life. She locks eyes with the boy in the bed.
He is covered in dressings and bandages, and looks livid at being bothered. She recognises he expression from her mothers face. It’s him. He’s older, sure, face more defined, with a stupid little moustache, but it’s her billy.
She presses a hand to her mouth, and holds herself up against the door frame. There is no spark of recognition in his eyes, but he’s squinting at her like she’s a puzzle to be solved.
She makes an executive decision. Brings out the big guns. Calls him by his old nickname. The one she had given him the first time she held him, 18 years ago in a San Diego hospital room, whispering to her mothers new boyfriend that the baby looked “like a tiny angel”.
She calls him angel. Says hello. His eyes widen, fill with tears. He calls her sissy. Unsure, like he think this might be a joke. She sobs a laugh, drops her bag, and as carefully as she can, throws herself at her cousin.
His arms come up to hold her. They’re strong, she thinks, a mans arms, not the little noodle arms she used to tease him about. His voice is deep too, but his eyes are the same.
She pulls back, smoothes his hair away from his face, kisses him on the forehead and whispers how much she loves him. How much she missed him. How she never stopped looking.
His tears are spilling over onto his cheeks now, she wipes them away without a second thought. He presses his cheek into her hand as she kisses his face again. They’re crying and laughing and holding each other.
The hole in Lisette heals. She looks at Billy’s dressings and decides she’s staying. As long as he needs, she says. Then she’ll take him home. He seems to drop at those words, like his strings have been cut. She gathers him in her arms again, letting him cry.
When they part, she moves to get him some water, and sees the group standing in the doorway, looking utterly gobsmacked. Max is crying. She ignores them. It’s not her problem they didn’t consider that billy was an actual person with family and feelings.
She settles on the edge of his bed, and helps him drink his water. She’ll call her family soon. Will make sure to hold the phone away from her ear as her mother screams. For now, she holds billy. In a hospital room, just like that day 18 years ago, her life has changed for the better once more.
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whentranslatorscry · 1 year
Hitagi Honeymoon
“Do you know about the Trolley Problem? What exactly is the problem with it?”
My wife, the minivan owner, who was once known as the Cyclone and now as Mrs. Araragi Hitagi, inquired with this sensitive topic while exercising her natural rights to steer and accelerate our vehicle en route to Nasu Highlands in Tochigi Prefecture— the trolley problem?
It was hardly the most suitable, auspicious, and fresh topic for a couple on their honeymoon, but at this stage was there anything left unsaid about this exhausted issue?
“Well, I have a rough idea, actually. You are on the trolley. Should you continue straight, you'll end up knocking down the five workers on the rails. But if you pull the lever, you can change the course of the trolley— and lying ahead, there's only a single worker. So, either you run over five people or avoid them and accidentally hit one. That’s the tough dilemma that it puts the responder in, right?”
“Mm, I think that's pretty much the gist of it… though there's another version where you're not actually right on the trolley but near an external lever, seems like the impression of being on the trolley is easier to convey. So, if you understand that, you should also understand what the problem is.”
From the passenger seat, I responded first.
This was my first trip not just to Nasu Highlands but moreover to Tochigi Prefecture itself. And sitting in this seat, I had no means to assist Hitagi with any navigation. My sole task here was to entertain the driver and prevent her from getting bored, as her smartphone, securely fastened to the dashboard holder, speaks up the directions.
Machines have taken our jobs.
It was a three-hour trip to our destination.
That’s closer than Helsinki.
“I don't understand. It's not like I'm going to get run over, so why not just keep going straight ahead?”
“A cold-hearted answer.”
“Please give me a reason why I have to accomplish such a huge workload as operating a lever.”
“Such a person is the driver of this minivan?”
“Nice, isn’t it? It’s the one from the first time I drove you, but I love how it has a glass roof. I didn't intend this, but it's perfect for watching the stars during a car sleepover. It's not an exaggeration to call it our bridal car.”
“Oh, absolutely, Senjougahara-senpai. I mean, Araragi-senpai,” came the voice of agreement from the right rear seat. Hitagi's loyal aide, Kanbaru, who was aiming for a career in a field that required high ethical standards, hadn't agreed with the trolley problem just yet.
“Isn't the problem really asking us to simplify the question— whether it's more important to save five lives or one?” Kanbaru rationalized. “In medical terms, it's called triage.”
“I see. So you are given the responsibility of riding on the trolley and gripping the lever, just as I, the driver, have been entrusted with the lives of the passengers. You really have a way with words, Kanbaru, my dear junior. Your explanation is so easy to understand. Athletes in the future who are examined by you will surely be fortunate. If I had continued with track and field, I would have liked you to be my attending doctor, too.”
She was spoiling her way too much.
We couldn’t join the rowdiness festival, then— maybe, this newlywed was more delighted by the rare outing with her middle school junior than to be on our honeymoon.
But that's fine.
“So the correct answer is to pull the lever and plunge towards the one person. Either way, it's quite simple, isn't it? Calling this a problem is like inventing a problem that doesn't exist, and that, in itself, is the problem.”
So that means it’s a fabrication of a nonexistent problem— though that is what thought experiments are all about. Or to put it in a mathematically persuasive manner, since the four-color theorem has already been proven by computers, it's no longer considered a problem?
In any case, just small talk.
“The correct action is to jump off the trolley.”
Then, from the opposite side of the back seat— the child seat set on the left side— came a rather grumpy voice.
“I suppose, if one can jump off without causing mischief, that would be an option. However, it'd be a rather ironic twist if that resulted in the loss of one's life. Surely the prerequisite should be to protect one's life above all else— before considering the lives of five or even just one other.”
“Well, to call it a premise, Shinobu, this is one of those problems where it's forbidden to do anything other than manipulating the lever.”
“If any action other than operating is prohibited, then it's likely that even thinking is prohibited. As the lady of the house says, you have no choice but to plunge in.”
Though the logic had been stated, if it was a thought experiment, surely thinking would not be prohibited— and so, the one referred to as the lady of the house, Hitagi, nodded in agreement.
“Yes, that's right, Shinobu-san.”
Ooh. A conversation between the two of them.
Hitagi and Shinobu were talking.
Not necessarily because we were heading towards a honeymoon focused on stargazing, but the atmosphere felt like it was being shared by everyone.
Up until now, even though they had been very close to each other, they never had any contact points, but now they were in the same car and acknowledging each other. Though there were strong doubts as to whether the first conversation should be about the trolley problem, surprisingly, a theme that had nothing to do with either of them might have been more suitable than starting with a weirdly timid reminiscence or a stiff self-introduction.
An apt choice.
As I considered whether the term “lady of the house” was apt for addressing the wife of a “master,” the situation became somewhat linguistically precarious. Still, it must be admitted that there was no fault in any expression one could choose in this context— after all, it was a little girl speaking from the position of a slave.
“Abstain from the honorific 'san'. 'Shinobu' will suffice. I understand our positions well enough, even if it may not appear so. By becoming the companion and spouse of my master, you also hold a place of importance in my estimation— belonging to an order higher than my own.”
“Very well, then. Shinobu it is.”
The name tumbled easily from her lips, without hesitation.
This quality reminded me of a commanding woman who, even during her middle school days, had organized and led an army at the Senjougahara battlefield— including Kanbaru. Her talents hearkened back to the olden days.
“I can't help but sense a certain wickedness in the questioner's nature. They aren't asking whether we'd choose the lives of the five, or that of the one, in earnest— they're deriving a perverse pleasure from watching us struggle to make that decision. Isn’t it right to simply run over such distasteful tastes?”
“Your outlook's always scary.”
I wonder if this wasn’t a dilemma faced by everyone, but with varying degrees? Maybe not medical triage, but the issue had been simplified to a simple thought experiment, allowing for direct engagement.
Even I, in my humble position, had faced similar choices before…
“Well, Shinobu, I'd be curious to hear your reason for insisting on jumping off the trolley. Even if it doesn't kill you, if it leaves you injured, wouldn't it be better to just keep riding it?”
“Well, you see— if we remove my body weight, and that of the driver, from the trolley, it should reduce the force of the collision. With a lighter trolley, it might be possible for the five strapped workers to bring it to a halt.”
She’d given it more thought than I'd imagined— I’d imagined her to be giving thought only to donuts. There had been no mention of the workers' physical prowess in the problem statement, but it was implied, given their line of work. You could reasonably assume they'd be stronger than average.
If such a group of workers joined forces, they might really be able to stop an empty trolley. Or at least, it seemed more likely than sending a lone worker to try and halt it; the chances of survival seemed five times higher.
“I see! So what the trolley problem is really asking us, is whether we can come together in the face of adversity— whether we can trust in the bonds between people! It wasn't some devious riddle after all!”
Kanbaru had grasped the concept nicely. She’d make an excellent doctor someday. Though I was no athlete myself, if I ever sustained an injury on the job, I'd want her to be the one to treat me.
“Hmm, perhaps I should've tried seeing things from the worker's standpoint, rather than the trolley driver's. Indeed, if I used the four as a barrier, I might be able to save myself.”
In response, the senior was a bit malicious at the core, only, well, it was also the truth. The survival strategy itself, that if five people were herded together, one of them might be saved, was not wrong— all living creatures have managed to survive that way.
“I didn't think sending in an empty trolley would be the right thing to do, but believing in survival was the key, huh?”
“No, no, Hitagi. There's no correct answer to the trolley problem. As you said, the goal of the problem is to create conflict. If you come up with a solution like Shinobu mentioned, they'll just switch the problem from a trolley to a truck, or even a bullet train. That's just how it goes.”
Such endless variation in the thought experiment is what makes it a thought experiment— or a mean-spirited quiz.
“If you try to read the intentions of the problem setter, they don't want to cause conflict as much as they want you to make a choice. To prioritize the lives of many over the life of one,” said Shinobu in a cold tone.
Her tone seemed detached, or maybe it was that she was nervous having her first conversation with Hitagi. In any case, it's not like Hitagi, who once led an army, and Shinobu, who was once the King of Aberrations but actually the king of a nation without any people, could be expected to be good at socializing.
“The intention of the problem setter. Sounds like a college entrance exam study session. It brings back memories, Koyomi.”
“I'd rather not recall it. Kanbaru is a current exam student, isn't she? Compared to obtaining a medical license, a college entrance exam may not seem like much.”
“It's hard to compare college entrance exams and medical. There's a different kind of pressure with multiple-choice exams since you can get a perfect score just by guessing.”
“Isn't that genius?”
Could it be that we have our own Black Jack junior in our group? What a reassuring travel doctor to accompany us on this honeymoon.
“Nah, I'm a surgeon, so I'm praying I won't have to step in. I want to bear witness to this honeymoon as your junior to the very end. Without the need for triage.”
“Are you assuming you'll have to triage Hitagi and me?”
Well, that could be considered another variation of the trolley problem… If it was a matter of saving five lives against one, there might be conflict, but even if she chose the five, she wouldn't be blamed for it. And that includes self-blame.
At least an excuse could be made.
But, if it was one-on-one, it would make a direct impression of selection. Personal preferences and values might be inadvertently exposed.
“How would you decide in such a case, in a medical setting? Like, if there were two patients with similar symptoms and you only have enough equipment or medicine for one, what kind of triage would you perform?”
“In that situation, it's more like a disaster scene than a medical setting— it would probably be a first-come-first-serve basis. If such criteria are not set, everyone would freeze in that speed battle regardless.”
The answer couldn’t be found in a multiple-choice test.
That's the sort of problem of choices it was.
“It might be essential to view each life not as an individual entity but to consider it of equal importance. However, the principle of prioritizing women and children in rescue stems from a perspective distinct from that of chivalry or feminism, and remains a fundamental notion. That is, of course, if individuality is disregarded.”
“Ahh, that sounds familiar… the strategy for survival in the biological sense. Prioritizing the lives of children over the elderly, and women over men, leads to the progression of a species…, or so it goes.”
While this was an oversimplification, there was no question that it would be necessary to have such a simplified perspective in the midst of panic.
Especially aboard a sinking ship.
Or, in a runaway trolley with no brakes…
“Fundamentally, why on earth is there not a brake on that trolley? It's also quite odd that five or six workers are working while it's in motion. Surely, the one who ought to be held accountable is the management.”
The problem is naive, Shinobu said.
I’m sure it was deliberately left broad for the sake of finding creative answers, but if we held the management accountable… Even if doing so would be to weigh down the trolley further, one could argue that it should be staffed with two operators.
Like a copilot on a plane.
In moments of crisis, this way, the responsibility would be distributed, much like the ambiguity of who presses the button in an execution. Not a pleasant concept by any means, but such a system that allows for accountability to be placed on an individual seemed out of touch with modern times.
It eliminated personal biases and individuality.
“But that's a perspective from the side of the culprit running people over,” said Hitagi. “From the perspective of the victims, wouldn't they want responsibility to be clearly assigned? Imagine being hit by a car— if the blame kept shifting from the driver, to the traffic laws, to a structural defect in the car, or even to the government, it would be impossible to even begin pinning down responsibility. In that sense, wouldn't you want evil to simply be evil?”
It was also true that the world was not only filled with such blatant evils— we had learned this even back in high school. The roles of the victim and the aggressor could be easily flipped, as demonstrated by the trolley problem. In this scenario, was the victim the workers being run over, or the driver who is being forced to make such a bleak choice? According to the specialist in a Hawaiian shirt, none of the passengers in this minivan liked playing the victim role.
“In sum, I guess it all boils down to, ‘be cautious while driving to avoid traffic accidents,’ right, Araragi-senpai?” Kanbaru commented towards Hitagi, and not me— an impressive landing stride for a random conversation.
Still, I wish she'd emphasized that point more strongly. Regardless of whether on Irohazaka or anywhere else, I would absolutely avoid any situation where a driving mistake would result in an unfortunate end to our honeymoon.
Araragi Koyomi at twenty-four, my immortality was merely enough to heal paper cuts quickly. If I were to plummet from a cliff at breakneck speed, I would likely die in a very ordinary way. I certainly did not want to run into a supernatural fox.
“That's right, I'll keep that in mind. You're absolutely on point, Kanbaru. However…” As Hitagi praised her junior, she couldn't seem to suppress her old self, adding, “In this kind of thought experiment, I always find myself wanting to discover a third option to beat the smug game-master, who forces us to make this difficult choice.”
It wasn’t hard to understand why she didn’t like feeling as though she's playing into the hands of the problem setter, regardless of which choice she makes.
If this were the Senjougahara Hitagi from her senior year of high school, she would have unquestionably snapped at such a problem and proceeded to vie for the title of the one who runs over the questioner with a speeding trolley.
“Once you find yourself confronted with such a problem, you know you are being taken for a fool. The crux of the problem lies in the naivety of both the question itself and the sentiment behind it,” remarked Shinobu from her child seat.
“They completely fail to consider that the respondent may be a social deviant who would desire to efficiently mow down as many workers as possible if given the chance.”
It wasn’t about agonizing over which life to save.
They would struggle with the inability to kill everyone at once.
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countessviolet · 9 months
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Family on Fire - Ch. 2 - Drunk!Olaf alert
"Y...yes!" Klaus rejoiced as he counted out the 65-point word his play in Scrabble awarded him.
Violet groaned, not bothering to think what her letters could do for her. There was no way she or Sunny could catch up to him now.
"LUPUS. I can't believe it," she muttered. "Count on the guy who read through the dictionary twice to come up with that."
Klaus shrugged, picking up the faux silk bag to collect new tiles, frowning at its light weight.
"Where are..."
Violet grinned mischievously as a light crunch came from their left.
"Sunny!" Klaus gasped. Violet chuckled as her baby sister reluctantly spat out an 'L' and an 'E', a fresh tooth mark smiling back at him.
"Sorry, they tasted like chicken," Sunny babbled.
"Ugh," the young scholar complained as he wiped the tiles clean. "Well, at least it matches the board now."
Violet laughed, helping her brother and sister put the game away.
Saturday evenings were, oddly, calm in Count Olaf's home. Being that the Baudelaires used the day to finish the few chores they couldn't keep up during the week, and cook for that night and Sunday night if they had the time. With Count Olaf and his troupe at play practice or some other strange, often bordering on illegal occurrence the Baudelaires didn't care to know the details about, this left the majority of the day at their disposal. Violet would work on a new invention to make their lives easier, Klaus would study in the library while Sunny looked through recipe books on loan from Justice Strauss's library. 
And, guiltily, it granted them a few hours without Count Olaf. The Baudelaires had grown used to Olaf's presence in their lives, and it was fair to admit the siblings had learned a few things, more about human nature than theatre more often than not. Still, it was nice for the Baudelaires to engage in their former hobbies and activities, pretend they were the same children they were before the fire. 
It wasn't easy to do such things with Count Olaf lurking about. Sure, the momentary ceasefire didn't make up the other six days of utter chaos they endured, but it was a much-anticipated reprieve the Baudelaires reveled in.
"So you two want to  - "
Any further plans the Baudelaires may have had were immediately off the table at the sound of Count Olaf's car screeching to a grating halt in the driveway.
"Uh oh," Sunny babbled.
"Yeah, he's back early," Klaus agreed. It was barely past 10 o'clock, he noticed with a glance at the giant clock in the living room. Yes, that was way too early.
Still, the chorus of Olaf's troupe rang from the sputtering car outside, their toon out of sync and saturated with cheap and probably unpaid for liquor.
"Oh no," Klaus groaned as he and his sisters peeked out the living room window. "They are drunk."
Violet winced as the troupe member of indeterminate gender swayed into the mailbox, the bald man glancing back long enough to grab them by the ankle and drag them up the pathway. Count Olaf lingered by the car, leaning against the hood in a way that meant he was the one who drove them back but should not have been the one to do so.
"Okay," she breathed. "We can do this."
"We've done it before," Klaus shuddered.
"Too many times," Sunny babbled.
"Right," Klaus said as he placed Sunny to her feet. "Sunny, go make as much coffee as you can. And I think there are some sandwiches left in the refrigerator."
"Toppy," Sunny babbled, which meant something along the lines of: "I know what's in my kitchen, thanks."
Violet was already tying up her hair when Klaus joined her in the entryway. They could hear the troupe's caterwauling grow louder the closer they got. Klaus was already poised at the door, ready to let the personified chaos hoard in.
The doorknob shook as the troupe struggled to enter, finding the situation much more humorous than it was.
Klaus took a deep breath, gripping the elaborate door handle with a sweaty palm.
Violet gulped. "No, but..." 
"Yep..." With that, Klaus grabbed the door handle and yanked - just missing the hook-handed man's hook.
"Oh!" he laughed, patting Klaus' hair. "Sorry youuuuu!"
Klaus swatted away the cackling man's hooks and then the other troupe members grazed as they pushed and pet him.
"Great Scott, they're completely inebriated!" Klaus called to his sister as she ran ahead of the troupe, moving some of the more breakable items of Count Olaf's hoard out of their path. 
The Baudelaires developed this system early in their arrival. Following the predictable moves of Olaf and the parade of drunks and how those steps intertwined with the placement of the count's things helped them protect said things from damage, not to mention Olaf's misplaced blame the following morning.
"I swear I will have to drain your fortune when I get my hands on it just to replace all the damage you orphans have caused!" he often bellowed the morning after a craze as Violet, Klaus and Sunny, on their hands and knees, picked up and swept away broken glass and porcelain. 
"You and your troupe did this!" Klaus groaned for the hundredth time in his and his sisters' defense.
"Besides, you can't charge us since you stole half of this  -"
"Zip it!"
Anyway, it was one less chore to do the next morning. And so far, their well-choreographed operation was working brilliantly. 
Klaus wiped his brow as he and Violet finished subliminally leading the troupe members to the living room to sober up. There were throw pillows all about the living room as Count Olaf's troupe began to drop left and right, their most vulnerable body parts protected from the corners of dangerous furniture pieces. Sunny was pushing a rickety metal cart with strong coffee and sandwiches of various combinations to them, quickly moving away as the drunks swarmed on the food. 
Violet sighed tiredly but nodded with satisfaction. "That went great."
"Surprisingly great," Klaus said, looking around the room before grimacing. "Too great. Where's Olaf?"
Violet tensed as she looked around the foyer for their wayward guardian. Usually not seeking Count Olaf lingering about the first floor, watching their every move, mocking their grief or their inability to complete some of his more obscene chores. But with his troupe here and he very obviously not, certainly something was amiss.
"Sunny, watch them for a minute, okay?"
"Caup!" Sunny scolded, her babble coming out to, "Oh great, thanks!"
Violet and Klaus carefully looked around the foyer and dining room just in case he'd taken a detour or passed out somewhere. Klaus jogged outside to check the car, pausing at the sight of the obscure car's wide-open driver door. All the lights were on as well, the cloudy headlights glaring two orange beams into the neighborhood. The young scholar gulped, looking into the dark night and hoping nothing was out there. 
A light yelp nearly made Klaus, figuratively and literally, jump out of his skin. He was back in the foyer in five very long struts.
"Violet what's..." He followed the hand that wasn't clutched over Violet's chest to the staircase where Count
Olaf was curled into a very tight ball, clutching at the ragged staircase fabric as if the weary threads would keep him in place. 
"I don't know," Violet gasped. "I checked to see if he came through the back door and he was here when I got back."
The siblings dared stepped closer, trying to access Count Olaf's state in the limited stairway light.
"Look," Klaus pointed at Olaf's forehead.
"He's bleeding," Violet observed before turning her frown to Klaus. "We've never had to carry him upstairs
"What's that thing dad used to say?" Klaus mused. "There's a first time for everything?"
Violet chuckled fondly. "I guess this is that first."
Klaus shrugged, rolling up his sleeves to the elbow as he tried to assess how to touch him without...touching...him.  
Violet shrugged, very much on the same page with her brother. She tentatively grabbed at Olaf's coat sleeve, testing the cloths' strength.
"Maybe we could - " 
Violet never finished that thought. It wouldn't be her who solved the dilemma of getting Count Olaf to bed at all. All ideas froze inside the young inventor's head when Olaf suddenly sprang up and grabbed her wrist, yanking her down hard to his level on the stairs.
"You!" Olaf snarled, his breath so heavy with liquor Violet's began to water, but it was the terror she felt from him suddenly grabbing her that caused them to spill down her cheeks. Despite living in his home for months and having what she thought was every insult, every bit of hate he stored in his body thrown their way, he had never looked at them the way he was now. Like he wanted nothing more than to watch them die.
With his glare resting solely on her, it was like all that rage and hate seeping off him was directed at Violet.
And Violet felt devoured by it. 
"You killed him! Why Bea? Why would you..."
His words began to jumble together as exhaustion began to take hold of him. Klaus used the opportunity to unravel Olaf's fingers from Violet's arm and pulled her free.
"You okay?" Klaus inquired as he looked Violet over, gently grazing over where Olaf had grabbed her, the patch of skin was red and warm from his grip.
Violet nodded, daring to look at the mysterious, unconscious man on the stairs.They watched in astonishment as he twitched about, muttering strange words and names neither Baudelaire could quite make out. He began to still a few moments later, but his fingers continued to flex at a space on the stair just above his head.
This time it was Klaus who reached out to test the consciousness of the count. Olaf retaliated once more, but it was a much weaker attempt and mainly consisted of hissing, of all things. 
"Just...move," Klaus growled as he pulled on Olaf's arms.
"No," Count Olaf groaned out suddenly, the word leaving his throat sharp and alarmed. "Don't move me! I want to stay with him!"
"Him?" Klaus muttered, looking at the space of stairs Olaf was clutching at. "Stay with who? There's no one here."
"He..." Olaf sputtered off, slipping into unconsciousness as the alcohol finally finished seeping into his bones. 
Klaus and Violet looked at each other with concern as Olaf snored unevenly. Neither thought their guardian could conjure anything but bitterness and sarcasm. Unfortunately, they were very wrong.
"Here," Klaus instructed, taking one of Olaf's arms and throwing it over his shoulder. After making sure Olaf was still very unconscious, Violet followed suit, and other than the strange angle the siblings had to walk in to get up the staircase, she and Klaus got Olaf to bed with little trouble. Klaus situated the count on his stomach while Violet pulled off his jacket. She wanted him to be somewhat comfortable but blushed at the idea of taking off his belt - and grimaced at the idea of touching his shoes. 
"He's fine," Klaus said, nose wrinkled. "He can undress himself when he wakes up."
Violet nodded, quickly grabbing a glass off his dresser and filling it with water from the connected bathroom as Klaus covered him, checking his breathing once more. He watched how Violet lingered next to him for a moment longer but turned to follow her brother, eyes cast down.
Klaus closed the door after her, sighing tiredly as they went downstairs to join their youngest sister.  Sunny was sitting on the edge of the dining room table, the members of Olaf's troupe snoring in the places they passed out in. Sunny had not through and covered each of them with whatever blanket or covering they had.
"Great job," Violet said as she picked her up. Sunny shrugged as she yawned and rubbed her face. 
The siblings turned off any light they saw as they dropped the coffee things in the sink to deal with in the morning. They shared a groan at the mention of tomorrow, of the messes and the strange schemes that only got them into trouble.
Klaus turned to comment on the matter to Violet but found her gazing at the darkened door at the end of the hall. 
"Bea? Do you he was talking about Mom?" she inquired softly.
Their mother's nickname weighed heavily in the hall, somehow tainted not just from being spoken in the thick, dusty air. Klaus wanted to answer her, wanted to bring up good, loving memories of their mother. But all he could think about was the sheer hate in Count Olaf's voice when he said her name and the bruise forming on Violet's arm. He didn't want to think of what strange way that man wanted to sully his mother's name.
"Don't let him get to you, Vi," Klaus whispered. "He's a lush. Nothing he says makes sense."
Violet shrugged. "It's very specific, don't you think?"
Klaus hummed as he turned on his bedside table. "He knew our parents. We knew that already."
"Hard stuff?" Sunny guessed. 
"Yeah," Violet muttered, unsatisfied but too tired to prod the issue much further.
The siblings tucked themselves in and turned the lights out, sparing no further thoughts to the strange man at the end of the hall or the other unanswered questions that seemed to slip further and further into obscurity.  
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engine-of-love · 7 months
PinkRustedBreaks- The Start of It All (Part 1)
(A little late Valentine's special for y'all. Part 2 will be here very soon.)
The powerful cry of a whistle sounded as a humanoid steam train rolled down the tracks. Rusty enjoyed the breeze on his face as he continued to make his way down the line. As he gave his arms a pump, he couldn't help but take a peek at his black metal-plated forearms with bronze accents. He'd always catch himself staring at a part of himself or his reflection, as if he still couldn't believe that he was devoid of rust now and taking in his new appearance. Rusty noticed as figure in red that became more distinguishable as he got closer. "Hey! CB!" The red caboose looked up from what he was tinkering with in his hands at the sound of a familiar voice. His trademark wide smile appeared on his face as the shunter came to a stop.
"Hey Rusty." he greeted back. "You look chipper than normal." "Eh, just having a good day." Rusty said casually, through he way in a pretty good mood today. "What's that you got there?" The black and bronze steam train glanced and pointed at the item in CB's hands. "Oh, I found this little radio in some recycling bin. Thought it looked interesting and decided to fix it up." The radio in question looked like it had seen better days. The metal was scratched and worn with age, a dial was missing, and what was left of the handle was hanging uselessly on the side. Rusty smiled fondly. He admired that CB could make something seen as junk and remake it into something inventive and creative. "You wanna come and help work on it?" asked CB casually, though secretly hopeful. "It'd be great to have an assistant." Rusty snorted at the joke. "I'd be glad to. But I can't, I have a date with Pearl in a bit." The red caboose's smile dropped. His face taking on a blank, neutral expression. "...Really?"
"Yeah, it's been awhile since it's been just the two of us. I want to give her a nice time." "I see." CB replied emotionlessly. The steam train took note of the caboose's uncharacteristically blank face. "Are you ok?" "Oh!" CB quickly donned a smile, albeit a bit forced. "Yeah. I'm fine. I'll manage this old thing myself, its fine." Rusty looked apologetic. "I'm sorry CB. I would help you if I could." "Don't worry about it." reassured the red caboose. "You go on your date, have fun." The brunette steamer smiled. "Thanks Cee. I'll help you out next time, promise. I gotta go now, bye!" With that, Rusty turned and rolled down the rolled down the track. "See ya." called CB, waving goodbye. When the steam train was out sight, the smile on CB's face disappeared. His grip on the radio tightened as unpleasant feelings he tried to shove away bubbled up inside. 'Yo have no reason to feel like this. You lost your chance long ago.' CB shook his head, trying to banish the negative thoughts. He let out a deep sigh. No matter how much he tried to ignore it, those words held true. He ruined any chance he had with Rusty, and was going to have to live with it.
A lovely smile was stuck on the pink carriage's face as she held the hand of her dream train. Pearl loved the moments she shared with Rusty. The steam train in question was telling her about his day as she listened with interest. The couple were rolling down the track making their way towards the destination of their date. Rusty decided to take Pearl to this little park by the scenic route. A place to enjoy a little piece and quiet after all the hustle and bustle from work. Pearl couldn't help but take in Rusty's appearance with loving admiration. She was the one who suggested the bronze accents when Rusty got refurbished. A symbol to show that even if he looked different, it was still him. They arrived at the park and stepped off the track to enter. They rolled along the cobblestone path for a bit before stopping at a bench and setting down. The observation car sighed in happiness and relaxation. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the scenery. Neatly trimmed bushes, colorful rows of flowers in brick planters, a few trees here and there, and a nice-looking fountain some feet away.
Pearl turned to Rusty. "So beautiful. Thank you for taking me here Rusty." "No problem Pearl." Rusty replied "I'm just glad we can relax and spend some time together." He rested his hand on top of hers, the first-class girl's cheeks matched her hair soon after. The couple soon got lost in conversation, sharing tidbits from moments at work to laughing at the little jokes they would make. Both the steam train and coach loved how they could loose themselves in each-other's company. Eventually, the two decided to take a stroll around the park. Hand in hand, they rolled along the pathway taking in the cozy atmosphere. Rusty then spotted an ice cream cart parked a little ways from them. He spotted and turned to Pearl, pointing at the ice cream cart. "Hey, want some ice cream." he asked. The pink coach looked to where her boyfriend was pointing, smiled, and turned back. "Sure." she replied. "Let me guess, strawberry?" asked the brunette with an amused smile. "How'd you know?" "How could I not?" With that, Rusty made his way to the cart. Pearl giggled. She had a well-known love for all things strawberry flavored. Buffy playfully liked to call her a 'strawberry-holic'.
While she waited, the first-class coach decided to gaze at the flower bushes. She went up to a bush with light purple blooms. She gently cradled a flower in her hand, admiring its beauty. Then, something red caught Pearl's eye. She lifted her head and saw the familiar shape of a certain caboose sitting by a stream. Her eyes widened in recognition before a curious expression morphed onto her face. 'What's CB doing here?' she wondered, watching as he picked up a small stone and tossed it in the water. The pink coach was just about to call out to him when CB started to speak. "Why am I even moping about this? He's happy. He's in love and happy, with her." The caboose let out a heavy sigh. "And that's what he deserves. He...he deserves happiness!" CB gritted his teeth and rapidly blinked. It was all in vain as tears started to fill his eyes. The blond lifted his head to the sky. "Just lucky he's in my life at all. I had my shot long ago and I squandered it." The red caboose sniffed and swiped some tears away, only for more to come forward. "Coulda confessed a long time ago, but nope! I had to go stab him in the back!" A sob escaped his lips. "At least Pearl will treat him well. She...she's better for him." With that, CB buried his face in his arms, knees to his chest.
So many emotions were going through Pearl after hearing CB's heartbroken words. Shocked by what she just heard, saddened by CB's anguish, and a bit of confusion about how long the caboose had this secret crush on Rusty. CB looked satisfied by what he did to Rusty in the race as she recalled. But then again, CB was good at concealing his feelings. And what she just heard, that was pure, raw emotion. The kind of devastation one feels went they lose something. The pinkette rolled away from the flower bush and her mind began to wander. So, CB had feelings for Rusty. How long had these sorrowful thoughts plagued him? How much did he have to swallow his heartbreak when he saw them together? Did Rusty know? Now that she thought about it, whenever Rusty talked about stuff he did with or talked about CB in general, the steam train got this warm twinkle in his eye and a soft, lovestruck smile on his lips. The same twinkle and smile he got when he looked at her. And he was quick to shake it off with an almost guilty expression when turning his attention back to her. Did Rusty...also like CB that way?
"Pearl!" A voice snapped the pinkette out of her thoughts. Rusty stood before her with two ice cream cones, strawberry, and cookie dough. Her dream train looked at her concerned. "Are you ok?" Pearl quickly slipped on a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just let my mind wander a bit. Thank you for the ice cream." She took the treat and gave a couple licks, relishing the strawberry flavor. The brunette smiled. "You're welcome." The two began to continue their stroll. Pearl gave a brief at the flower bushes, luckily they were large enough to shield CB from sight. As the two continued their date, CB's heartbroken confession lingered in Pearl's mind.
When she got home, Pearl pondered over what she had heard. CB has been struggling with these feelings for a while and, with a little more thinking back, Rusty showed signs of having the same affection for the caboose. After what happened at the race and all the work CB put in to gain everyone's trust back, maybe the two felt that whatever could've happened between them could never be. Pearl knew Rusty loved her with all his heart, so he hid his feelings out of loyalty to her. She considered CB a friend and it hurt her heart to see him so upset. A sigh left the first-class carriage's mouth as she mulled over these two pieces of information and wondered what to do about it. Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind. A rather crazy really, but maybe, just maybe, it could solve a couple of problems with the right execution.
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
so in my heart I believe that in every universe Lois and Clark will always be important to each other. they're not always dating or anything! sometimes they might be villains and hate each other. sometimes it might just be a chance encounter where one saved the other's life, or even they just take advice from each other's columns. but sometimes they're siblings.
my idea is that there was some catastrophic event some years after Clark was adopted, an alien invasion or some such, and in the aftermath of that baby Clark tried to use his burgeoning powers to help with cleanup. they find this little abandoned baby, just like Clark, so they hide her in case the attacking aliens are trying to get her or something like that. Lois is too young to know anything about it or communicate to the Kents.
but looking around, they eventually find the car wreck she came from, where clearly someone else trying to help had moved her into a field away from all the fumes in the highway and intended to go back, but the Kents came along first. they find things like a blanket embroidered with the name Lois, but they don't have any information or anything like that. and they've already gotten attached, so they go through regular channels this time to adopt her. which does involve hiding their paper trail better for what happened with Clark.
so they turn to Lionel this time too, except they end up much closer with his family instead of him trying to manipulate them, they're just protecting each other's secrets and things. Lex grows up being close friends with Clark, enough that Clark admits that he's an alien early on and Lex becomes one of his closest confidantes. as he grows up, he slowly realizes that his dad is doing really questionable things and breaks from the company, forming his own based on his world-changing invention: a cloning pod, to make babies without anyone having to be pregnant. a technology he designed so that he and Clark, who recently fell in love, could have a baby together. and so Kon is born, raised by both his parents.
now, Jon doesn't exist, but John does, Lois's son named after his father, John Henry Irons. they fell in love at college, broke up, met other people, and then met again at a time when the relationship could be what they both wanted it to be. so they get married and have a few kids (several, because Lois has a great relationship with her brother and so wanted more kids). and then, instead of meeting their daughter, who just grew up with her mom and dad and no apocalypses (just her uncle, whom she trusts)... Lois runs into her biological sister. it's awkward, but she wants to get to know the family who thought she was dead, and everyone in her life supports her, it's just tough going, what with half of them being superheroes.
anyway one day they run into alternate universe versions of themselves and Clark and Lois are married and this Clark and Lois are like ew no why??? and there are hilarious misunderstandings
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sketchy-galaxy · 2 years
OOPS FORGOT THE EMOJI. ✍️ + tfp!ratchet and pride!
The Autobot base was quiet, which was a surprise. Jack had work, Miko had gone to a monster truck rally, and Raf had to go to visit family. Their Autobot charges had gone with them and Optimus had decided to patrol the area.
As such, Ratchet was alone with his work. He had been alone for a few hours before the proximity scanner beeped once. His optics looked up and he squinted at the approaching vehicle. The small car drove closer to Autobot base entrance. Based on the scan and the vehicle, it was Starr. The young adult rarely came to the Autobot base when there wasn't an emergency. Too busy with her schooling. Ratchet signaled the base doors to open, his optics scanned the holographic screen. The car drove in and came to a stop in the Autobot base. When the engine was quiet and he heard the door open he spoke over his shoulder," How was your class?" The car door slammed shut. Starr hadn't responded. He looked to his left, noticing the tall human run up the stairs and lean over the edge. She wore long jeans and a green hoodie. She had a smile on her face. "You seem to be in a good mood." Ratchet commented and the human laughed. "That's because I am," She leaned back, hands grasping the metal bars," Remember when you helped me study last Wednesday because I had an exam?" The medic stopped typing. He did very much remember that. The topic had been physics, something Starr had struggled with for a few weeks now. He nodded and turned to give her his full attention. "Well! The professor graded the tests over the weekend and finally handed them back and guess what!" She beamed. Ratchet's optics flashed and he held his invent, waiting for the good news. "I passed!" Starr grinned and leaned forward. Ratchet couldn't help but grin. He laughed, his spark burned," Excellent! I knew you could do it!" Starr grinned and held up the paper," I got an 89% on the test which is by far the highest grade I've ever gotten!" Her eyes scanned the page over and Ratchet leaned forward. "An 89%! That's spectacular!" He laughed,"I'm so proud of you!" The human looked up at him with an almost unreadable expression. It might have been a look of shock. Ratchet leaned back, his voice box crackled as he covered his mouth. He looked away and nodded. Maybe he'd gotten a little intense. "I mean… I'm proud of you for what you have accomplished, if you'd like we could go over the problems you missed-" Starr smiled and hid her face behind the sheet of paper. The mech noticed her heart rate increase and when she spoke it sounded rough. "Th-" She cleared her throat and nodded," Thanks Ratchet, I'd love to go over it if you're not busy." The Autobot medic nodded and she turned to get her bag of school supplies. Ratchet hummed to her," I'm serious Starr, I am incredibly proud of what you've accomplished!" "I know!" She yelled over her shoulder and laughed. Ratchet tapped the computers and stepped out to join his charge.
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touristbree · 2 years
❄️ Overview ❄️
Name: Ilex Winterbury
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Homoromantic Demisexual
Ilex is an inventor and Aether Foundation Head of Advertising (But her true passion is inventing). She was born in Snowbelle, Kalos where she grew up with her dad and twin brother, she currently lives in Konikoni City with Nya (My other OC) and Helena (Who I stole from Dislyte). Her inventions have a habit of overheating and catching on fire, as well as resembling cute pokemon… making cute things helps her destress.
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❄️ Personality ❄️
She becomes very serious and seems a little threatening when she's working. She has a habit of becoming very focused on projects, so focused she forgets self-care and healing small cuts and burns on her body. Outside of work, she’s a pretty shy, awkward dork who gets easily stressed from the amount of work she has. She often bottles her stresses and emotions until they become too much for her to hide.
❄️ Relationships ❄️
Holland is her twin brother and has been her lifelong rival. It started when they were kids competing to get the top grades in school, which often led to the occasional fistfight. But Ilex was also usually the one to stand up for her brother when he was bullied for being trans and because of his “close encounter with an alien”. Their rivalry hasn’t stopped in their adulthood, but they’ll still call and be sure to be there if the other needs them.
Angio Winterbury is her father, he works as a mechanic and even taught Ilex about being a mechanic. He was initially sad that he didn’t have a son (before Holland came out) to teach about cars, but then Ilex wanted to learn about mechanic stuff and he excitedly taught her everything he knew. He often tested her knowledge by driving through a snowstorm with one thing about the family truck missing that he’d have Ilex fix herself. She has a profound love and respect for her father and he’s usually there to give her a pat on the back or pick her up if she’s been feeling blue.
Nya is her best friend and roommate, having met Nya after getting wasted at a festival and venting to her in a public bathroom. They found they both loved inventing (and enjoyed colder temperatures) and decided to move in together to help pay the rent… but Ilex pays most of the rent since she works at Aether and Nya is living off live streams and the occasional invention auction. They’ll argue at times, but get along amazingly, with a shared love of music and shared knowledge of machines.
Olivia is Ilex’s friend/girlfriend, I’m pretty open to giving Ilex multiple ships. They met as part of a project Ilex started called: “Sorry For The Ultra Beasts :(“, which worked to repair Alola after Ultra Beasts came around and rampaged. Olivia’s shop was badly damaged and Ilex went to talk to Olivia about insurance stuff, but Olivia was too busy falling in love to listen. They bond a lot over putting on a confident face to hide stress and inner turmoil and loving cute stuff.
Lusamine is her ex-girlfriend… and their relationship was toxic. It was years after Mohn went missing and it was when Ilex first started working at Aether, and Lusamine quickly took a liking to her. They’d innocently chat, and get closer, Ilex comforted Lusamine often… but then Gladion ran away and Lusamine drove herself deeper into her work, making Ilex her one source of relief. She’d call Ilex into her office at random hours and just trauma dump or uncomfortably hug Ilex for hours, this went on until Lusamine was booted from Aether after the events of SM (in my headcanon world). They only had one last meeting where Ilex finally broke off the relationship, but it definitely left her mark on Ilex.
Helena is a little “less canon” since she originated from Dislyte… but still a pretty fun addition to have. She grew up with Ilex and Holland, being Ilex’s one friend in school, the one popular girl speaking up for the outcast Winterbury’s, and the only other person defending Holland. Helena and Ilex were inseparable (and very gay but didn’t know for ages), up until college when they went into differing fields, Helena going on to start a podcast. Since they had a spare room and wanted to split the rent more, Helena eventually moved in with Ilex and Nya in Konikoni. Helena is also a member of the Nurse Joy family and has healing hands… anyways.
❄️ Team ❄️
Ilex’s ace pokemon is pokemon of her creation: Virtual Assistant Rotom, or VAR. Var is one of her few working inventions that’s basically an Alexa on wheels that can also fight, it’s a Steel/Ice type that is technically a rotom form. Since it has one wheel, Var will leave the device to enter Ilex’s glasses that have internet, voice control, health scanner, and much more. Var is surprisingly sweet for a Rotom and doesn’t play that many tricks.
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Polaris is her Amaura whom she was given as a child. It was on a school trip to the fossil lab in Ambrette Town where she was given a quiz and gifted a revived fossil as a prize, this moment inspires Ilex to look into science. Polaris was used as a nightlight for her growing up and is still a relaxing light show as an adult.
Snowbelle is a vulpix she caught when she first arrived in Alola, naming her after her hometown, and often uses powder snow to help Ilex remind herself of home.
Avalugg is Ilex’s main form of transport… I need to think about her team more.
❄️ Backstory ❄️
Ilex was born in Snowbelle City, Kalos where she grew up alongside her twin brother. She started competing with him to be the best student, but slowly developed an interest in machines thanks to her father. She could fix a car engine at age 11 and only had one friend in school, Helena, but they drifted apart when she went to college to further her studies in inventing. She couldn’t find any jobs that could use her skills, but she was able to get a job at the Aether Foundation.
It was there she started her “relationship” with Lusamine, and when Lusamine assigned her a top-secret project: She wanted Ilex to create a “type switching system” that can fire attacks. She wasn’t sure why Lusamine requested it, but just went along and created the “Rotating Type System” or “RTS System”... but soon found it would be used to create an “RKS System” for the top-secret Type-Null which horrified her. It was sometime after Gladion ran away and when Lusamine’s treatment of her worsened when she met Nya and started moving in with her.
After Lusamine is returned from Ultra Space, a coup is launched to kick her and Faba out of the Aether Foundation and make Wicke president so they can focus on being a pokemon hospital. With Lusamine out of power (and being hunted by the International Police), Ilex was finally able to break up with her and never saw Lusamine again.
Wicke initially wanted to give Ilex a promotion that would suit her work with inventing and care for pokemon, but the lingering trauma of Type: Null made her choose advertising where she created the
“Sorry About The Ultra Beasts : (“
Project, and it was well received. She still organizes events and programs to improve public opinion, but slowly returns to inventing over time.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Well I know it's my son I said boy is that weird he's got someone to do it and it's working and he's the one running this mission is to have any funding he's gonna start a go fund me page for what the X men alpha flight suicide squad agents of shield and a few more probably should do something. I know here what you're saying it's a partial parallel but not really this is the hardest guys to get off their **** to get information and he says that Comic Con helps them they're afraid. I've worked with them before as Wonder Woman and I do understand it. Now I will tell you that they see a lot of them get hurt and get mad I don't want them to have to. I have methods of doing things and it works and we're gonna get going on it I do hear you and I see you this is amazing you did a great job i've ever seen anything like that and how do you think of it and he says years and years of living and having fun and wanting to be free from their tyranny and that's really strange I like to make things that work better. See him make so many inventions and he's owed so much money and the Mac proper are keeping it from him with threatening tons of things is real big then we saw our dream and they're changing it 'cause you can't open and he says they'll catch on they usually do and Mike says yeah we're starting to get it it's not his fault at all and it's our fault a little and now they're paying attention a little but this is great and I'm going to Comic Con as Wonder Woman. I might change into Seahawk in a few other characters he wants a loan from me which means I need money mom and he can go as Bean well maybe the Punisher and I'll have to wear shorts underneath his pants cause it's so damn hot I know what and I say this you change your pants it says you can't in the past from everyone piece all over the place but that's what it's like giving a kid ok. He wants to go because he knows it'll help but they think that they should go without him to make sure it's okay and he wants to go on August it would work a lot more than bodybuilding but if he goes to both it would work pretty good and if he gets money he might use it somehow it cost a lot to Epsilon drive and he can't seem to get insurance it's temporary I was astounded what do people do that don't have a car and the bus is the option and he's gonna look in there so there's several things he can do comic Con is on the weekend he'd have to take a bus but he can stay up there because the bus takes too long and he can take the bus back and it's not that much he thinks it's like 30 bucks from somewhere and that the new dialer ride Michael closer to it and it's true so that might work but jeez guys this is horrible even leroy is just a loser and you don't see it so we're going to have to change it up and we're gonna have to start working 'cause people who aren't doing it can't do it I guess but they can be part of the team and they like doing that and they'll have to learn the ropes for real.
Wonder Woman ak Kamilla
and i thank yuoi need it and now good
Peacemaker cena lol yeh me the real deal she is Dianna too the real deal ok her his mom and wow this is cool two now. and has done her share. worked in nazi germany and vanquished and wash elped out by her son chitty chitty bang bang hitlers own car. and he is around mb. we find out who
now too
we needed this so badly. forgot he says and he came to him good
Wonder Woman aka Kamilla
i have a charaacter and ok Ethan Hunt can do it too and wo mops jacket lol embarrassing yes. and small ii was small..wiil be damnit. water ok not good i see it.
no a better one. not the winter soldier that is later edge of tommorrow hahaah cruise no. and im not huge ok. we have it there shortly. i am a green lantern yes. and shall be no. you will see ok all.
and real too
grandpa aka biden lol im his hero helpe him a lot learn and be disciplined. dream of being a hero and more. and yes long distance too. grandma was kind to him ok he knows it lvoed him misses her too. mac woman. as was the insurance lady loma. she is entombed for sure a big name. and we know she is.
for sure we go there shortly. a nd no your spandex wont fit you anymore ahhaah huge now and well it would be fine nope ice good. bad jokes all around. cassandra she has a character her lol ahhaah loks like her lol ahhaah. on the sistine chapel wall and hahah grafiti 200 years later lol no way fun ok ahhaah
you suck both of you hhaahh lol and right back but no not grafiti is me ahahah lol
0 notes
rwbyremnants · 3 months
WARNINGS: public masturbation, frottage, intercrural sex.
NOTE: Here go another one! Sorry it took me a minute, happy 4th of July or something
=Chapter 3: Blake
Never in her life was Blake Belladonna more grateful for her cautious nature than when she got the phone call from Club Futopia. It came when she was relaxing after a family dinner with her parents. Her mother, Kali, expressed concern about her having yet another doctor's appointment, but Blake was easily able to offer "It's a trans thing" by way of explanation. It didn't save her from having to invent a couple more details, and make excuses for why her mother couldn't attend with her, but at least it covered the real purpose of her appointment.
Not that it didn't leave a bitter taste in Blake's mouth. Her mother was truly a caring, warm, intelligent, understanding individual; they had always been very close. Blake had been wishing they could be even closer for a long time now… but she had to keep her eyes on the prize. She would work for this club for a few months, tops, and either use her earnings for bottom surgery or just to maintain everything else. Maybe she would work there a little longer and have enough money to buy a house, and permanently relieve both her parents of the burden of worrying about whether or not they would need to take care of their little girl financially. She would just have to see how it all worked out.
"Guess this is it," she sighed on the Monday evening in question. She had chosen jeans and flip-flops and a tank top, which was a little more exposed than she normally left herself but they would be easy to change out of and into whatever costume they demanded she parade around in.
"Yep," Yang offered as she turned her bike down the road toward the club. It looked different when the sun was still up; the neon lights were already on, but they didn't stand out nearly as much. "You sure you're ready?"
"No. Let's do it." They both chuckled a little as she rolled up to the security gate. "But when we really start working here, we should probably take my car so we don't fuck up our hair."
Yang was still laughing when the guard in the booth said, "Badges?"
"Oh, uhh…" Yang glanced back at Blake briefly before looking at him again. "Sorry, we're new."
"Ahhh, fresh meat," he said with a smirk. But before Blake could really get a good scowl going, he asked, "Names?"
They gave their stage names, luckily remembering those would be what he expected to hear, and he waved them through. As Yang rolled into one of the many spots that were vacant since the club wasn’t in peak hours, she chuckled, “You got real nervous back there.”
“What?” Blake protested. “No, I didn’t.” 
“Yeahhhh, you did. Or is that just a road-boner I feel?”
Well, now she was more than a little embarrassed. “I… I didn’t think you would feel that.”
“Aww, it’s fine,” she laughed as she shut off the engine. “Like, this is literally Club Boner, I’m sure nobody’ll care. And I didn’t mind.”
“Oh. Uh… good.” Very good. If Yang had been disgusted by having to feel her body pressed against the blonde’s while in a state of arousal, it would have been devastating to Blake. Maybe one day, Yang would want to feel more… but she was letting herself get carried away.
Time to go to work.
“Hey,” Elm said gruffly, still a woman of few words. She nodded sharply at the door. “Your friends just went in a minute ago.”
“Damn, we’re late,” Yang swore. “Oh well. Thanks.” Elm just grunted as they squeezed past.
Weiss, Ruby, and Pyrrha had only made it as far as the locker room thus far. They were looking at more of those unitards in disdain; rather, Weiss was disdainful while Ruby and Pyrrha were more resigned. Blake rolled her eyes but tried to remind herself this was just part of the deal.
“Can you believe we have to keep putting these on?” Weiss demanded once they were closer. 
“Hi to you, too,” Yang chuckled. “And c’mon, they ain’t that bad; could be they make us walk around naked all the time.”
“Hazing would be pretty immature,” Blake sighed as she reached into the cardboard box for the one that fit her. It seemed these were either the same ones they wore before, or the club owners remembered their sizes. 
“Oh…” She glanced up from stepping out of her jeans to see Ruby was looking at her in surprise.
“O-oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to stare, just… guess I’m not the only one who’s nervous.”
Blake felt her cheeks get a little warmer as she turned away from the group and slid off her underwear. “It’s a road boner. I get one on Yang’s bike a lot.”
“She does,” Yang confirmed. “This ain’t the first time, she’s not lying.”
“Oh, really?” Weiss demanded with a smug smirk. Blake saw it over her shoulder as she struggled into the unitard and wanted to turn fully and smack her, but she controlled herself. “Imagine that.”
“Shut up,” Blake muttered.
“Good, I didn’t have to crack the whip,” Cinder snorted from behind them. Great. Blake had secretly been hoping someone else might walk them through this process, but it seemed they were really stuck with that bitch. She might have been incredibly hot and goals, but her attitude was a huge mark in the negative column.
“Hello, again,” Pyrrha said, cheerful as ever.
“Good morning, sunshine.” As Blake now turned, she saw Cinder was wearing a very Monroe-esque cocktail dress, one hand resting on her hip. “Did you all clock in?”
“Clock in?” Yang asked in surprise. “I thought this was just training.”
“It is. But you’ll be paid minimum wage. Of course, once you really start working you get a raise and those fat tips, but you’ll still be compensated for any time spent in our employment. It’s a waste of our time and money if we start training you and you flake; in our experience, paying your bills keeps you from giving up early more often than not.”
“Guess that makes sense,” Weiss said with a shrug as she attempted to tug the crotch of her unitard into a comfortable position. Blake tried not to stare. Weiss wasn’t currently turned on, but she couldn’t help her curiosity entirely.
“Good. Now, unless there are any more questions, you five can follow me and we’ll get started.”
The trainees used the digital punch clock with only some minimal confusion, then gathered in the same private room as before. Blake could appreciate why they trained so early on in the night; this room probably wouldn’t be needed for several hours yet. Most of their clients were still at work, let alone through with dinner and ready for some unorthodox fun.
“This is Neo,” Cinder said, introducing the diminutive woman with the two-tone hair they had seen before, wearing a frilly white-and-pink gothic lolita dress today. She still only waved by way of greeting. “She’ll be leading you through some moves today. Pay attention, because she’s one of our most skilled; I’d say she, myself, and probably Coco are the top three current dancers. In no particular order.”
Ruby was the one who said cheerfully, “It’s nice to meet you!”
Neo just waved again. Cinder let the air get tense before she smirked and said, “Like I said, you’ll just have to pay attention.”
“Oh,” Pyrrha breathed while the others were still trying to figure out what they were talking about. Then she made a few movements with her hands that Blake found curious-
Until Neo returned them. Sign language. Now she got it, and felt a little stupid for not catching on sooner. At least Neo looked truly pleased that one of them could communicate with her more directly.
“Wow, now I really am impressed,” Cinder said, and she sounded like she was a lot less sarcastic than usual.
“Oh, I’m not very fluent,” Pyrrha said, even while she was signing back to Neo. “But… I took quite a few classes. I try not to forget what I’ve learned.” A few more signs from Neo, and she turned to the others. “It seems she can read lips. You can speak to her, just make sure you’re looking in her direction, and enunciate so she sees clear mouth movements.”
Weiss was the first to attempt it. She shouted in very clear syllables, “We look forward to working with you, Neo!”
“You don’t have to yell,” Cinder snorted with a roll of her eyes. “She’s Deaf, not hard-of-hearing; it won’t do any good.” 
“O-oh, sorry,” he said in chagrin. But Neo just giggled a little and bowed slightly toward Weiss, so clearly she wasn’t at all offended.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it for a little while. Glynda wants to go over the song list with me for tonight.” Cinder waggled her fingers at them as she made her exit. “Don’t have too much fun…”
Surprisingly, Blake found herself enjoying the training. Without Cinder’s snide comments and haughty attitude, they spent almost two hours just watching Neo do some very basic moves and trying their best to repeat them. She didn’t even bother with the pole quite yet; that was definitely a next level area of knowledge most of them weren’t ready for.
Surprising no one, Pyrrha and Weiss took to it very easily. Blake watched Ruby adapt as well as she could, and Yang struggling a little more. She herself felt like she could be handling this better, but the longer they worked, the more the movements began to feel natural instead of far too difficult.
Unfortunately, the training was also exhausting. They took plenty of water breaks, but while Neo and Pyrrha had barely broken a sweat, the rest of them were in various states of exhaustion.
“I… thought you’d be… handling this better,” Blake finally panted as they laid back against one of the walls.
“These just aren’t… the muscle groups I normally hit,” Yang chuckled breathlessly before taking another drink. “Whew! I’m… all about weight training, not… cardio. Guess that’s gotta change, huh?”
“Guess so.” As they continued to recover, she asked, “Are we sure about all this?”
“Huh? Oh… yeah, I am. It might even be fun, once we get used to the idea. Besides, the surgeries ain’t gonna pay for themselves.”
Blake nodded as she drained her water bottle. There were plenty more that one of the other dancers had dropped off about halfway through; Blake thought she remembered her name being Emerald. 
“You know… you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” Yang looked over at her with those incredible violet eyes, and Blake couldn’t help smiling. “You’re so hot and badass. Honestly, it’s kind of redundant for you.”
“Yeah? Thanks, Blake.” Her smile was so bright and genuine that it made Blake want to hide her own grin, which she tried to do behind her water bottle. It wasn’t all that successful. “Same to you, and I mean that. I just figured we both want to be taken seriously as girls, and like, that’s a big way we can do that. Hard for the bigots to keep it up once we have actual pussies.”
“True - for some of them, anyway. The rest, nothing will ever be enough. I just… well, sometimes I’m not sure I really want to go through with it. Mostly because it's a very invasive procedure and there are risks, you know all about that. But whatever you do, surgery, no surgery, I just… wanted you to know I support you. I guess.”
Yang nodded a few times. Then she reached over and pulled Blake into a very sweaty side-hug.
“Ewwww, gross!” 
“Awww, you’re such a good bestie!” As Blake shoved at her, she went on in a giggle, “Sorry. But seriously, that means a lot. This whole friend group makes me feel like maybe it’s not just you and me against the world. That’s pretty cool.”
It was. Still, Blake couldn’t help feeling like she missed when it was just the two of them. Oh well; nothing she could do about it now. They had training to undergo.
Neo continued to show them moves for another hour. They started getting more intricate, and she would spot them from time to time, using her hands to show them which ways their bodies should be moving. Blake tried to ignore the rush of heat that surged through her stomach when Neo’s delicate hand gripped the back of her thigh, but focusing on the actual technique she was learning helped, at least. 
In no time at all, the training was over with for the day. Cinder had come to check on them a few times, Glynda once. Blake became acutely aware of how out of shape she had gotten, even though she still maintained some daily exercise. Still, it really seemed like all five of them were well on their way to becoming dancers at this den of iniquity.
"Wow, that was pretty intense," Ruby commented as they showered. Though most of them were still a little awkward about being naked around each other, the nature of their work made it a little ridiculous to keep being shy. Sooner or later, they were going to have to deal with seeing each other's bodies.
"I'm pumped!" Yang replied as she scrubbed. She and Weiss had thought to bring shower caps, while the others just did their hair up in buns; Ruby didn't bother with either, as short as her hair was.
"I have to agree, I'm 'pumped' as well," Weiss commented, though she sounded a little unfamiliar with that slang. "Even if I'm not sure about continuing to work here, the techniques are interesting to learn."
Blake shrugged as she raised her leg up to get her calf and foot. Even though she had showered that morning, there was no sense in half-showering now. "Yeah, it's kind of cool. Still on the fence, too, but even if we bounce… at least we unlocked a new skill and got a decent workout."
"True, true." Then Yang smirked as she chuckled, "Dang, Blake, thanks for the free show."
"O-oh, sorry," she said as she switched legs hastily, shielding her package from view. Though now her heart was pounding a mile a minute, thinking about Yang actually checking her out.
"Aww, I was just teasing. Gotta get used to it sooner or later, right? And it's not like we're not all hotties."
While Blake was privately appreciative that she and Yang had been thinking along the same lines, Pyrrha suddenly offered, "Thank you. It's nice to hear that."
"Yeah, sure," Yang said back. Maybe Blake was imagining it, but her best friend's voice seemed a little more tender. Maybe they both still felt awkward about that lap dance… 
Or maybe it was more. She really didn't like that possibility, even if she was just as scared to admit why, but there was no point in getting paranoid about it with zero confirmation. She should just pay attention and try her best not to overreact prematurely.
"Either way, it's nice to know I'm not the smallest one here," Weiss announced, interrupting Blake's runaway train of thought.
"Aww, but there's nothing I can do about it," Ruby pouted as she looked down at herself.
"Actually, I was talking about Neo. She's very petite in all aspects; cute, naturally, but I sort of expected everyone who works here to have nine inches or larger."
With a slight chuckle, Blake offered, "Yeah, I don't think it quite works the same as it does with dudes. If this were a male strip club, I'm sure there would be some kind of minimum length requirement, but we're women; the novelty is that we even have dicks at all. Some clients might be size queens, but some might kind of be intimidated by us having bigger dicks than them - or they just think little ones are cute. They'll be happy with you or Ruby, and even more with Neo.'"
"Oh yeah?" she countered. "And how do you know all this? Wait, let me guess: your pornography addiction?"
"Yep. I mean, it led me to forums where a lot of people - sure, mostly guys, but not all of them - loved to talk about their preferences."
"Oh. Well… I guess that's fair, straight from the horse's mouth."
Yang chuckled as she rinsed off, and Blake couldn't help glancing along her body. She had been dying to see more of her for so long, and this definitely wasn't how she expected this to have come to pass. Those washboard abs were definitely her favorite part. Sure, she was hung, but she loved the idea that Yang could pick her up and throw her across the room. That, on top of her natural beauty, her easy smile and playful sense of humor, and just how incredible of a friend she was… 
How was she supposed to not swoon?
"You're not gonna make Blake feel bad about the porn," she was saying when Blake focused, and hoped the shower water made it hard to tell she had been drooling. "Like, not when it's a big part of her path to her truth."
"That's fine for her!" Weiss burst out. "It's just hard for me to unlearn that preconceived notion that pornography is filth, and the people that make and partake in it are degenerates. Thank my father, I suppose."
“Ew, I’d rather not talk to him,” Ruby commented as she finished up. “Oh, you guys are still having trouble with those? I guess it’s hard to avoid that completely in this place.”
She was pointing to Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha. Turned out they were all in various states of arousal. Blake felt a little less embarrassed given that she wasn’t the only one, but no less bothered about seeing her best friend in that state. And even though Pyrrha was a bit larger, she found she couldn’t take her eyes off Yang’s fine, firm shaft.
“Sis, you didn’t have to point it out!” Yang hissed in a stage whisper as she started working on finishing up. But it was mostly Ruby she had turned away from. Blake understood; the average person really didn’t want their family and sexual situations to overlap, ever.
“Sorry!” she hissed back. “Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I was just like, ‘oh, what’s that about?’”
After they all stood there squirming and acting silly for a few seconds, it was Pyrrha who offered, “Let’s just finish showering and go home for the day. We’re likely going to have a lot more moments like this, so we should start getting used to them.”
“You probably should,” Weiss sighed as she finished rinsing off. “Alright, well, I’m clean, and I believe Ruby is, as well. But if you three need to stay in here and take care of something, be my guest.”
And with that, she left the showers. Ruby looked a little uncertain before shrugging and offering a brief wave as she skipped out, as well.
“Damn, she really can’t help being a jerk,” Yang muttered as she kept rinsing off the soap from her body.
“She does make a good point,” Blake admitted. “How are we supposed to go out in public like this?”
“Yeah… yeah.”
Pyrrha scooted closer, since she had previously been showering a few spots down. “Weiss wasn’t suggesting… well, that we have sex simply because we’re aroused. She wouldn’t say that, would she?”
“No, no way,” Yang laughed - and it was quite a nervous laugh. “She was talking about jerking off. Which, like, I guess I’d rather do that than walk around outside with my tent pitched.”
“Ah. Well…” She cleared her throat. “I could probably force it to fade before I finish dressing myself. I’ve never had an issue with that. Should I leave the two of you to…?”
As Yang nodded, looking resigned - and maybe a little disappointed - Blake felt a little hopeless herself. Maybe Yang was out of her reach. She kept telling herself that she shouldn’t harbor these feelings, should be smart about their friendship, but it wasn’t as if Yang was the only ridiculously unwise crush she had to deal with. By now, she was used to setting her needs aside because there was no use in worrying about them.
Which was why it was possible for her to say, “But where’s the fun in that?”
“Pardon me?”
“Well, you and Yang got pretty familiar during the training. That’s why you’re having a problem. Might as well take care of it together, right?”
Both of the other women looked shocked. There was a certain variety of concern in Yang’s features that she couldn’t quite identify, but it made her feel ashamed of the suggestion.
“Sorry. Maybe I should keep my big mouth shut; let’s go get dressed and see if the-”
“No, no, it’s cool,” Yang said with a nervous laugh. “And, um… we don’t have to do anything to each other, we can just… purge the urge with company. Kinda weird, but somehow less weird than doing it alone.”
“Well… that’s fair,” Pyrrha conceded. “I don’t know if I could bring myself to orgasm in a communal shower, though. But I certainly would be afraid of someone walking in on me alone in here and thinking I’m depraved.”
Blake snorted as she turned to let the water rinse the soap from between her ass cheeks, pulling them apart to speed up the process. “Yeah, I get it. Then again, I don’t think that many people who work here would be judging you.”
When she glanced over to see if Pyrrha thought she was right - she found herself distracted. Yang’s head was moving to point straight ahead at the opposite wall. Where had she been looking before? Had… 
Had Yang been looking while she was spreading? Was she actually checking out her hole?
“Y-yeah,” Yang chuckled nervously as she teased her fingers over her own shaft. “Anyway, I think I’m gonna do it. Might be faster and it’s definitely easier than, like, trying to think about baseball or whatever.”
Pyrrha nodded thoughtfully while Blake tried to keep her heart from pounding so loud it would be audible to the other two. Was this really happening? She might as well go for it. “Me, too. Might as well.”
“Oh. Very well.” The athlete cleared her throat and wrapped her hand around her firm javelin. “O-ohhhh, goodness… it’s so much more sensitive than usual…”
“I bet,” Yang laughed softly as she started stroking. “Mmm… yeah, this is super weird, but weirdly hot? I dunno…”
“Agreed.” Blake didn’t even have to lie; it was very hot. She just wasn’t going to mention that Yang being there was most of the reason it was hot for her. Pyrrha being there added an extra dash of spice, as did the mere fact that they were in a communal shower in the back of a strip club, but almost all of it was getting to watch her best friend beginning to beat her meat.
And it was time to get started on her own. Eyes glued to the other two shafts nearby, Blake started to pump her own, pleasure rocketing into her fingertips and down into her toes, making her knees want to buckle. She was no stranger to masturbation, but doing it in front of Yang hit so different.
There was some awkwardness at first. They would stroke a little, stop, blush, fidget. It was cute to see Yang fidgeting, since she was normally so confident. But the more they kept going, the more the inhibitions faded enough for them to really get into the act. Blake could feel her urges building at record speed, panting for breath as she leaned back against the tile to better give herself over to the moment.
“Nnhhh!” Yang finally groaned. “Man, I’m already getting… tingles in my balls!”
“I’m very close!” Pyrrha agreed as her hand glided up and down, faster and faster. “Nnhh! Thank goodness! I’m sorry you’ve… had to watch this!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine! You… you have a really great dick, and at least… you get to finish the show!”
For a moment, the redhead looked at her in surprise as her hand worked. Then she breathed, “You wanted the rest of the show?” When Yang nodded, she turned more fully so she could watch her get off. “Mmhh! I hope this helps you!”
It helped both of them. Even though Blake wasn’t interested in Pyrrha beyond friendship, she did find her body attractive - and enjoyed seeing how much hotter it seemed to make Yang, who was grunting with the efforts of her own strokes now. All of them were pumping furiously, eager to reach their climaxes, desperate to cross that finish line-
“Oooh, Happy Birthday to me!”
Blake didn’t even have time to turn and see who was approaching. She started to, but there was a little squeak from Pyrrha - followed by a thick stream of cum arcing through the air from the tip of her swollen shaft, hitting Blake right in the eye. It was both extremely erotic and a little disgusting.
“AH!” she gasped, frantically swiping at the sticky substance so she could see again.
“O-ohhhh, oh GOD! Oh no, Blake, I am so sorry - that was not my… my intention, I was startled! Mmmhh, I’ve never… not like that!”
“Shit!” Yang hissed, and Blake could tell they had all stopped stroking by the absence of the slight noises. Even if they were mostly masked by the shower, her sense of hearing had always been keener than others’. “Hey! Uh, how's it hangin'? Sorry, we just, uhh… it’s kinda-”
“Hey, don’t have to apologize,” the stranger chuckled. Even though Blake was still rinsing out her eye, by now she could tell it was Thunder Thighs who had intruded upon them. She had a very unique voice, high and bursting with energy. “That was really hot! You guys sure seem like you’re getting used to things around here!”
Finally able to get a look, now Blake could see the muscular dancer was as nude as they were. She and Yang looked like they could be hitting the gym on the same schedule, though Yang was more focused on overall tone and maintaining a feminine shape, while Nora was almost approaching bodybuilder status - very curvy, but those washboard abs were no joke. Neither was her cock, which was just beginning to grow in size from seeing Pyrrha’s grand finale - not quite as long, but girthier.
In a flash, Blake remembered that Thunder Thighs had been into Pyrrha when they first met her. This really was a gift for the excitable woman.
“Y-yeah,” Yang finally managed with a nervous chuckle. “But we’re kinda not used to all the, uh… y’know.”
“Dicks and sluttiness?” When Yang nodded, Thunder grinned knowingly as she set her little shower caddy down on the small shelf intended for just such a purpose and started rinsing off across from them. “Yeah, it definitely got me spanking it five times a day when I started, too! My poor balls! Felt like they were gonna fall off half the time!”
As she cackled to herself, Blake found herself relaxing a tiny bit more and stroking herself again. Knowing this intruder wasn’t judging them for their extracurricular activities was such a relief, and now she felt even less awkward than she had before she showed up. She noticed Yang was doing the same.
“Cool. So, um… Nora, right?”
“Not supposed to use real names in the club,” she reminded them, but with no malice in her tone whatsoever. “But it’s cool, and that’s me!”
“Thunder, sorry.” She actually paused to give her a thumbs up, and Blake chuckled. “Right. So what do you do now? About, um… getting turned on while you work.”
“I let it happen. The guys are never not thrilled to see one of the dancers get hard. Plus, like, I got more used to ignoring that I’m horny instead of taking care of it; probably a little that I’m getting older, y’know?”
“Wow,” Yang breathed in wonder, hand movements speeding up, becoming more self-assured. “I can’t imagine not getting off for all that long when I’m getting constant boners.”
“Oh, I still get off. Just less!” As she rinsed off, she glanced over at the new dancers and chuckled. “Kinda making me want to decide this is one of those moments! Dang, you three are rarin’ to go!”
All three of them? Blake looked over to see even Pyrrha had started caressing her length yet again, unable to fully resist despite having already climaxed. She could only guess that the suddenness of her spurting had meant she didn’t achieve a truly satisfying end, or she would have been spent and done.
"So, um, Thunder," Blake asked, hoping to distract all of them from the unusual situation. "How do you like working here? Like, besides finding girls jerking off in the shower."
"You mean besides the best part?" she joked with a wink as she lathered up. "Nah, it's great, and the dancing is fun. Flirting with the customers is fun. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in this for the money; like, I wouldn't keep doing this job if it didn't pay better than just about anything else I could find."
"Yeah, totally get that," Yang chuckled, still working herself pretty hard. They all seemed to be weathering the unique condition where doing this in front of a stranger was both hotter and made it harder to allow themselves to finish. "Like, I suck at dancing, but I'll learn for the kind of paycheck this place promises."
“Right?! I mean, of course it’s sad that a lot of girls like us end up in sex work of some kind or another, but at least this is just dancing.” Nora hummed to herself a little after she finished speaking, still rinsing off her body as her hands passed over her skin.
And Blake appreciated it. All three of the women near her were strong, and she was absolutely into it; maybe Yang was the only one she really wanted to get closer to, but the view was very nice. 
“Am I helping?”
Coming back to the present, she heard Yang saying, “Oh yeah. Like, uh… I’ve never done this kinda thing before, but three hot girls around me? Huge plus.”
Blake could have shot right then and there. Hearing out loud that Yang thought she was hot, even if it was in a group of other women… she couldn’t entirely suppress the moan. 
“Oh?” Pyrrha asked as she stroked a little faster. “Then the chair incident… you still haven’t satisfied your curiosity?” When Yang just shrugged and chuckled, Pyrrha smiled and shook her head. “You… can give me a show in return. That is all I ask.”
“And you’re all giving me a great show!” Thunder giggled - and Blake saw she had gone from mostly soft and showering to fully hard and stroking. 
“AH!” she couldn’t help gasping. “How… how did you do that?”
“What? Just watching hot girls do hot girl things, Shadow. At least, I think I heard your name was Shadow?”
But Blake was far too distracted to respond. Seeing Nora’s thick, glorious cock added into the mix was filling her with so much lust and urgency that she couldn’t help fully focusing on the sight of her stroking it, how the round sack beneath bobbed from side to side. Even the muscular thighs framing the package, the six-pack above, were making her orgasm rise to the top faster. 
“God, you’re all so hot,” Yang repeated weakly as she leaned back against the shower. “Pyrrha… I can’t believe you’re gonna shoot again!”
That did prompt a startled gasp from the redhead. This time, however, instead of climaxing again, she hissed, “Names, Sunbeam!”
“Wha- OH! Oh shit, sorry… Olympia! Yeah, that was it, right?”
“Thank you! And… and I do not know if I’ll be ‘shooting’ again; I’m not sure yet!”
“Well, maybe I could help?” Nora volunteered. “I mean, we could get a little more handsy in here; it’s kinda just… part of the work environment!”
“M-maybe we should just keep jerking,” Blake stammered nervously. If she were honest with herself, she knew it was because she didn’t want Yang to get any more interested in Pyrrha than she already was - but also, it just seemed way over the line. Masturbation on their first full day of training was bad enough.
However, Yang seemed to be of another mindset. “What did you have in mind?” 
“Just some simple stuff! Like… okay, see, I’m really down for more with this cutie.” She moved over near Pyrrha, who shivered and backed into the wall. Blake couldn’t tell if she was afraid, or just not used to this kind of physical intimacy, however potential. “I’d let her bend me over any day of the week - or vice versa.” 
“O-oh?” Pyrrha asked, stroking a little faster.
“Sure! I mean, you got a bigger cock than me, even - and I loooove getting filled as much as I love doing the filling!” When the others didn’t respond further other than to continue what they were already doing, she moved around behind Pyrrha. The redhead tensed slightly and watched her warily, but didn’t move away. “And I’m picking up on a vibe where you both think she’s really hot, right? Plus, like, she already shot when I first got here and might need a little help with the sequel.”
“Uhh… I mean, yeah, that’s totally fair,” Yang said, briefly glancing back at Blake before refocusing on Nora again. “Just not getting where you’re going with this.”
“Riiight about… here!”
Pyrrha gasped when she felt that thick shaft sliding between her thighs. At first, Blake felt alarmed - and a building spark of anger. Did this bitch really just start fucking their friend without any forewarning?! She would be dead. But closer inspection revealed that Thunder hadn’t done that; she was, in fact, merely sliding her dick between Pyrrha’s thighs. It was still a little insensitive to do it without asking, but way less unforgivable than the alternative.
“Okay, stop me if this feels too weird,” Nora giggled. “But like, this is a little something extra without being like, way extra. You know what I mean?”
“O-oooh…” Pyrrha panted and throbbed a little harder as she shivered. “Oh… I’ve heard of this. Intercrural sex. You… you would really want to…?”
“Why not? You got killer legs, girlfriend! Like, if you don’t mind and all.”
At least she was asking now - even if she should probably have asked first. Blake decided to watch Pyrrha for any cues that she was uncomfortable and react at that juncture, instead of decking Nora immediately. 
“Mmhh… it is helping my arousal return,” the ginger admitted breathlessly, beginning to rock her hips a little. 
“Jesus, that’s hot,” Yang admitted under her breath. She was jerking it at full speed now, and Blake found herself doing the same; all of them were losing control, giving themselves over to this insane moment. 
And it seemed Thunder Thighs wasn’t giving up on Pyrrha’s thighs, either. It was hard not to chuckle at that thought in her head; maybe Pyrrha would get to try out the Thunder Thighs if they took turns. Either way, she saw the veteran dancer was really pounding into her friend’s backside, her thick shaft appearing beneath Pyrrha’s over and over, causing her sack to bounce out of the way with each motion. 
And Pyrrha? Her expression told quite a story. The girl was clearly a little afraid this was going to get even more out of hand than it already had, and unsure if she should really be doing this, but was also very turned on. Blake wondered if it was from watching Yang, or feeling the cock… or maybe the pressure up against her ass, even though nothing had been toying with her there directly. But the brilliant red blush was real, and so was how fast her hand was stroking up and down along that enormous appendage of hers.
Even though she didn’t find Pyrrha attractive like that, she wouldn’t mind playing with that. Any day of the week.
“I… I can’t stand it!” Yang finally whined, leaning one shoulder against the shower wall as she jerked harder than ever, back almost fully to Blake as she watched the other two playing. “You two… that’s really…!”
“You like these dicks?” Glancing between Yang and Pyrrha’s expressions, a mischievous glint sparked in Nora’s eyes - before she slowly began walking forward. Pyrrha stumbled along with her, too overcome to resist, until she and Yang were practically grazing each other’s knuckles with every caress of their burning need. “Go on - reach out and have a little fun!”
“No way! That’s… I didn’t-”
“I-it’s alright,” Pyrrha panted brokenly as she finally pulled her hand back to the base of her own shaft, holding it as steady as she could with Thunder Thighs still getting off on her thigh muscles. “You can… if you want to…”
Apparently, she didn’t have to tell anyone twice. Yang wasted no more time before wrapping her hand around not only her own cock, but her friend’s, stroking them both as hard as she had been abusing herself a moment ago. Pyrrha gasped at the sensations before letting out a high moan, completely given over to letting Yang slide their dicks against each other as roughly as she pleased.
And there was no mistaking that Thunder was into it. She let out a little “oooOoooh” of satisfaction as she watched them for a moment, then picked up the pace, wet skin slapping against the new dancer’s ass over and over as her hands played up and down her stomach - and then her chest. Another gasp came from Pyrrha’s lips when she felt her peaks being teased but she was far too gone to protest, even if she wanted to. Which was completely up in the air.
And Blake was just… back there. Part of her wanted to surge forward and start doing the same thing to Yang as Thunder was doing to Pyrrha. Part of her wanted to shove the other two away and have her best friend all to herself. But in the end, she was too much of a coward to do anything but observe, stroking herself as hard as they were. 
But she wasn’t as forgotten as she thought she was.
“This… this is so hot!” Yang panted. “Isn’t it, Blake?”
“What?” Blinking in shock that she had even been addressed, she glanced down at herself and then back up at the three of them, moving a little closer. “Y-yeah! I’m… getting really close!”
“Good! Me, too - I’m gonna blow any minute! Pyrrha? Thunder?”
The two gingers nodded, though it was only the latter who crowed, “Roger Dodger! I mean, you guys had a head start, but it ain’t gonna take me long to catch up! Just fire when ready, girls!”
Why did she have to say things like that? But Blake couldn’t spare much brainpower for that while she was vibrating with more lust than she had felt in a long time. She briefly saw Yang glance over her shoulder and felt shame flooding her veins, but then she turned around again and all seemed safe. 
“Blake, you can… do what Thunder’s doing! If you want! N-no biggie!”
What?! Was Yang really offering what she thought she was offering? Couldn’t be. But seeing that violet eye just barely peering over her shoulder again gave her pause. Maybe she was being nice, and didn’t think it was fair to leave her out - or maybe she wanted her to do it. Maybe she was just so horny she wanted even more stimulation. But either way, the look back made it fairly clear that she was waiting for Blake’s answer.
“I…” Swallowing hard, she moved even closer until she was jerking it just behind Yang, hand grazing over one of her firm, chiseled ass cheeks. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah! Just… better start now before… before we all run out of time!”
No more waiting. Blake released herself, gripped Yang’s waist before she could internally scream about this or think too deeply about how muscular and amazing it felt under her palms, and thrust her greedy cock between her best friend’s legs.
And it was everything. Even if they didn’t really go any further and it barely counted, Blake’s heart was singing at being able to get this close to Yang for once in her life. She tried not to think about it that much but the heart wants what the heart wants.
At least Yang seemed to get even more into her activities after Blake started than she was before. Whether it was even because of the identity of the one fucking her thighs, or just that someone was doing that, her moans and panting grew louder, and her hand flashed up and down along hers and Pyrrha’s cocks at a reckless speed that made Blake fear for their safety. 
“YEAH!” Yang panted a few seconds later - Blake couldn’t be sure how long. “That’s… that is it! That’s what I need! Almost there!”
“Keep up the pace, guys!” Thunder crowed, fully groping Pyrhra’s chest as she rammed between her legs harder and harder. The redhead looked completely overcome but given over to the ride. “Let’s see some fireworks!”
That’s exactly what they got. A few more strokes and Yang shot a stream of thick cum into the air between their four bodies - the first to give in to her pleasure. Clearly, it felt so good that she kept right on pumping and gasping out loud, hips squirming from side to side due to how overwhelmingly fantastic it felt.
Which got Blake there immediately afterward - and Nora wasn’t far behind. She wasn’t too busy moaning and coating Yang’s soft sack with her own juices to notice the shorter ginger’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as her “hammer” did the same, getting all over Yang and Pyrrha due to the angle. Blake couldn’t even be totally sure if some of the essence dripping down was her own or from Thunder, but it didn’t make all that much difference; it felt amazing.
Plus, they were in the shower. It wasn’t like it would be on her for long.
“My… my goodness!” Pyrrha panted weakly as she got closer and closer. Yang’s hand did start to slow down, but picked up speed instead when she heard such a needy tone of voice coming from her friend. “You’re all so… so ready to p-produce so much- AH!”
Yet again, the orgasm snuck up on the athlete. Yang must have gripped Pyrrha’s lengthy shaft extra hard, because it shot all the way into the air and landed on the blonde’s head, earning a yip of shock. A few more pumps sent more sliding down her hand and all over both of their cocks, making such a mess that Blake couldn’t help feeling a little tingle of aftershock. Just because she was finished didn’t mean she was finished enjoying the show.
“Ohhhh GOD,” Thunder groaned as she came to a stop at last, hands just loosely resting on Pyrrha’s stomach instead of teasing her further. “I can’t believe how good that was! And we didn’t even really fuck - we just used friction! Wow, you three are wild!”
Yang snorted as she leaned her shoulder against the wall a little more as she caught her breath. “Yeah… we… we really did something. Whatever it was.”
“I think I… enjoyed that,” Pyrrha confessed weakly as she rested one hand on Yang’s shoulder. “Strange as it was.”
Realizing she was the only one who didn’t give a review, Blake delicately added, “Same.” Because she didn’t want to be too enthusiastic, just in case Yang didn’t feel quite as interested in what they had explored together as she was. Though she couldn’t help rolling her hips a little, still enjoying the firm muscles pressing in on either side of her spent shaft. “It was a lot.”
“Damn right,” Yang admitted as she looked over her shoulder fondly at Blake. “But I’d… do it again.”
“Clearly, you would do a great many things.”
The foreign voice drew their attention to the doorway of the showers. Blake felt her heart leap into her throat as she recognized who had walked in and found them in such a compromised state.
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shadowtechteller · 4 months
My Cosmic Quest: Understanding the New Frontier of Space Travel
As a wanderer of knowledge, I've long gazed at the night sky with awe, curious about the stories written in the constellations. But recently, my curiosity has shifted from the stars to the rockets slicing through the atmosphere, charting a course for humanity's future among them. So, let’s buckle up as I take you on my educational odyssey into the evolution and commercialization of space travel!
Igniting the Engines of Discovery
My journey began with learning about the pioneers, giants like NASA and Roscosmos, who took us to new heights with technological marvels. It all started with sending satellites into orbit, akin to slinging a rock so hard in a circle that it never falls down. Then came the awe-inspiring Apollo missions that allowed humans, for the first time, to set foot on Earth’s moon – like hopping over to your neighbor’s yard, except your neighbor is 238,855 miles away!
The Shuttle Era – Bringing Space Closer to Home
The Space Shuttle program was like the invention of the airplane for space travel. These reusable 'space planes' made several trips, carrying astronauts and equipment (think of them as cosmic delivery trucks) to help build the International Space Station (ISS), an orbiting science lab where we study space's effects on everything from metal to microbes.
A New Generation Takes Flight
Just as cars and phones have transformed over the decades, so too has space technology. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin mark a new dawn. These new-age cosmic couriers have been working on ways to make rocket parts reusable – imagine if you could use a plane over and over without ever rebuilding the wings! This forward-thinking approach has the potential to lower costs and make space more accessible, like turning an exclusive country club into a public park.
The Rise of Space Tourism and Beyond
Now, we've entered an era where 'space tourism' isn't just a phrase from sci-fi novels. It’s becoming a reality. My mind buzzes at the thought of boarding a spacecraft to float among the stars, even if just for a few minutes. Imagine looking down at Earth, a swirling marble of blues and greens, as easily as sighting the Grand Canyon from an airplane window.
Businesses are cropping up offering the promise to ferry us to space stations or take us on orbital jaunts. It's akin to the early days of commercial air travel, where only the most daring or affluent could step onto an aircraft. Now, companies like Virgin Galactic and SpaceX are selling tickets for suborbital spaceflights, prepping to shuttle us beyond the Kármán line—the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space, located at the edge of what we've always considered our limit.
The Economics of the Extraterrestrial
As my quest expanded, I was struck by the financial ingenuity propelling this new space age. It's not just about getting there; it's about staying there, working there, even living there. Space, once the dominion of science fiction, is fast becoming the next commercial frontier. There’s talk of mining asteroids for precious metals—imagine a space prospector panning for gold on a floating rock in zero gravity!
Moreover, satellite constellations aimed at connecting the unconnected parts of the world promise to beam down internet like a digital rain, bringing knowledge to those in the information desert. The implications are vast, with the potential for every corner of the globe to access a universal wealth of data, thus democratizing knowledge.
The Challenge of Sustainability
Though the surge in space ventures excites me, I'd be remiss to ignore the sustainability aspect. Space junk is a real issue, much like litter in our oceans. These defunct satellites and spent rocket stages orbiting Earth are cosmic clutter that could pose risks to future missions. We're brainstorming ideas for space sanitation—think of garbage trucks in orbit—ensuring that our final frontier doesn't become a debris field.
The Philosophical Perspective
My exploration has also led me to ponder our place in the universe. Commercial space travel not only transcends the literal atmosphere but also challenges the proverbial one that has limited our dreams. It spokes a philosophical dialogue: what does it mean for humankind to become a multi-planetary species?
A Glance into Tomorrow
Peering through my mental telescope, the future of space exploration and commerce brims with possibility. We're whispering about habitats on Mars, lunar bases as steppingstones to deeper space, even space hotels for the cosmic tourist seeking more than just Earthly delights.
The convergence of entrepreneurship, innovation, and cosmic curiosity is crafting a new narrative for humanity, tailored in spacesuits and rocket fuel. Yet, the narrative remains true to the oldest human desire: exploration.
The impacts for you, dear reader, are as diverse as they are profound.
You might be asking, "How does this cosmic leap affect little ol’ me on Earth?" Well, consider this: every time we push beyond another frontier, we beckon a wave of innovations that trickle down into everyday life. The space race gave us the technology behind GPS, advanced materials used in sports gear, and even the cameras on our phones.
As we propel into this new space era, you can expect a slew of technological marvels to emerge – from advancements in materials science creating stronger and lighter structures, to breakthroughs in communication tech that could deliver even faster and more reliable internet connections. It’s like planting an apple tree and reaping a bountiful harvest of various fruits instead of just apples.
And for those emboldened by the spirit of adventure, the burgeoning space industry means new careers and disciplines. You could be a lawyer specializing in space law, an engineer working on habitat modules for Martian settlers, or even an interplanetary tour guide for lunar expeditions.
But what truly captures my imagination is the potential for profound shifts in perspective. As more people see Earth from space, acknowledging its fragility from a cosmic vantage point, it may just catalyze a united front to protect our pale blue dot.
As we rocket into the cosmos, we're setting the stage for a future where space travel isn’t the subject of a history book chapter but a current events headline. Imagine living in a world where taking a holiday among the stars is as regular as jet-setting to a tropical island, or where our children’s field trips could include a moonwalk.
Embracing the Galactic Voyage
So, dear reader, whether you dream of dancing among the stars or find joy in the technological tapestry they weave into our daily lives, the journey of space exploration and the commercialization of the cosmos is a universal narrative we're all part of. From the classroom to the boardroom, from the farmer's field to the highest peaks, space is becoming our shared frontier, a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity.
Embrace this journey; stay curious and engaged. For just as the stars belong to the night sky, so too does the endless potential of space belong to us all. And as for the adventures waiting beyond our atmosphere, well, they're just getting started.
Join me, and let's turn our collective gaze upward. The odyssey awaits.
Are you ready to be a part of the next great adventure? Sign up at www.dougbachelor.com and let the journey begin!
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a-vampire-culturelover · 10 months
The Insect is Awake- Chapter 1
An Original Fic Idea I had for an oc I made recently named Monty, inspired by The Fly (both movie versions excluding the 80's ones sequel xp)
Monty could feel the resonating sound of his tapping on the coffee table, his usual bagel and Black coffee with only a mere scoop of sugar and a dollop of whipped cream. He had been waiting for ages, since he was born to show what he could to the world. He was closer than ever now, his own invention so high above the heavens, something he wished to obtain since he was a mere worm in the ground. A cough knocked him out of his trance, and he quickly finished up what he had left, a morsel of bagel sticking out of his mouth as he rushed out to his dreams to be come true.
He lived in a nice Home, sure, but the Warehouse he had been using for his experiments in the old abandoned Junkyard his mailman consistintly thought was a sighting ground for some kind of "Mothman". He always scoffed at the idea of a half-man half-bug creature, and much rather liked thinking about his very own invention; A teleportation device, two of them damn smack inside of his own workplace.
On his way in, he made sure to give attention to his pet Cockroach, Honda. Yes he was named after a car, Monty didn't mind that. He remembers his pet cat from when he was 2, the one named Truck that (unfortunately enough) got ran over by a truck. He thought to the two Betta fish his parents got him not knowing they'd tear each other apart in the same tank, the one's he had named Honk and Jeep. Poor things, he was sure they'd love having the sewers beyond the bathroom toilet as a Hearse more than their own fish bowl.
Thinking back to Honda, he gave a little pat on the head to his roach friend, patting hand sanitizer on not even a moment afterward, and stuck the half eaten piece of bagel still somehow in his mouth into the enclosure of his pet. Honda was not a picky cockroach when it came to his feasts of breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts or snacks, although Cockroaches never pass up a meal regardless of it's rot or stench. Of all the things Monty was proud of regarding his little friend though, he made sure of another thing: He was successful in his experiment to teach Honda how to use the type writer. The little bugger would hop into one letter, and Monty would write it down, and the best sentence Honda had managed was a "SnacksPleez". How touching of the little roach.
Just as Monty cooed about his best friend, he heard a knocking on the Warehouse door. Opening his heart fluttered at the possibility, the knowledge that if all went right, he would be on the cover of a brilliant magazine for his brilliant creation and evolution in science.
It was Carter Drew, a journalist that had contacted him to see how exactly the Teleportation Device he made worked and wanting to document it to the whole world, Monty's beloved audience. Goodness, he remembers the days when he was but a teen when he attempted so many things, and had (while not many views to say the least) a plethora of interested followers who wished to see his works. Now, NOW was his chance he had to take it.
"Why Mr. Drew! I do believe this is the man I talked to on the phone but a day or two ago." He said flamboyantly, making the journalist blush a slight bit.
"Why, of course I am. Do you reckon your Teleporter is in order for my visit?" "Why Mr. Drew, you say that like I intend for you to be the one in it!"
"Was...that not the plan?" Carter asked curiously, having worked himself up for the idea of his body being torn apart by the atoms and reattached at the seams in an entirely different location. He heard a chuckle from Monty as the man of the hour streaked a gloved hand through his naturally slick, greased up hair and led Mr. Drew right in.
Monty gestured a finger towards his dear buddy and companion Honda, the roach hopping onto his owner's finger as Monty gave a slightly crazed smile, that of a mad scientist mixed with a toddler's excitement to show a interesting bug or plant of object in the woods they found. Carter's head tilted with confusion, as this cockroach was obviously not the Teleporter.
"Instrad of you my friend who's eagerness is welcome but potential for an accident and/or Lawsuit on my behalf, me and dear Honda here will be the subject of the day. I've given the Teleporter's code enough lessons in "The Flesh" that no longer does it tear an living organism apart or from the inside out in the confusion of living cells and not inanimate ones like a pencil or a block, and I shall finally test run it with my dear companion to see if it is successful." Monty spoke. He could see the gears churning and turning in Carter's head about why he would name a roach of all things Honda, but the journalist had no time for that, only excitement for this fancy new breakthrough to the future.
Monty put in the password to initiate the countdown, giddily bouncing to the first Teleporter with Honda on his finger, the mad but well meaning scientist looking in admiration at his one true companion. How he would miss it when an other one of his pets, sadly but realistically, would not live as long as he, a mere human would. If only he could have these savory, sweet moments with his Cockroach friend more, how he wished he had those chances with his cat or his betta fish, or the horse or the cow or any other animal he enjoyed the company of. It must have seen insane from Carter's view as the doors closed, and a spark of light, like a fire, enflamed Monty and Honda and the unlikely duo were gone without a trace. Smoke filed from the second Teleporter, and lo and behold, The eccentric man himself was right there, particles torn apart and put together yet again.
While Carter clapped and wahoo'd in excitement, Monty was devestated that the lack of Honda's weight on his finger disturbed him that much. Surely, surely his dear companion hadn't been disintegrated by his own machine? He had thought so himself, as he looked desperately inside the second Teleporter. Trying not to shed tears, he sucked it up, buttercup, and walked over to Carter without trying to break his dam of tears.
"I..I hope it was as exciting as you wanted it to be." He muttered, as Carter yabbered and jabbered about things he droned onto, wanting some form of companionship now that he was sure he had lost his former one. If he had the chance, he would make a little grave and memorial for his friend, maybe make sure Honda was remembered if he made it to the big screen or had some wild new interview on the horizon. He hadn't paid to mine that something on the first teleporter read "Err", or the odd buzzing he could barely feel in the back of his grey matter, and continued to listen in dread to Carter's ramblings.
By the end, the two were just about ready to go their seperate ways, although Carter had seemed to stop in his tracks, contemplating something.
"Would you, erm.. l-like to go out for some coffee and a lunch tommorow?" Carter asked a little hopelessly, as most crushes he had rejected him, and dare he think of how Justin Timberlake reacted the one time.
Monty furrowed his brow, and in a feat of depressed yet understanding defeat, he gave a "Right as Rain, Darling", and waved ahoy to his new friend, trying to not to let the taste of sour in his mouth and the silent droning in the back of his grey matter drive him mad.
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