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PinkRustedBreaks - Flustering Rusty
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
When proposing a third person into their relationship, Pearl knew there would be a lot of new territory to cover. Especially with the smart, mischievous red caboose, CB. Since he became her boyfriend's boyfriend, the pink coach had learned a lot more about CB from what she previously knew. From different facets of his behavior, how he shows affection, to vulnerabilities he reveals here and there. There were personality clashes between them sure, but Pearl wanted this arrangement to work, so she learned how to navigate and adapt to the red caboose's way. Rusty was a big help in that area. Speaking of Rusty, the steam train's partners had discovered something they had in common: they both thought it was so cute when Rusty was flustered.
With that little discovery, the two hatched a scheme to fluster him. Pearl added a little tidbit that Rusty emitted puffs of steam from his ears when he was feeling particularly flattered, CB was more than eager to set this for himself. One day, Rusty was on the couch immersed in a book. Pearl and CB stood in the doorway, grinning cheekily. It was time to enact their plan. Pearl went in first, then CB. They made their way to the couch and plopped down on either side of Rusty. The brunette looked up and noticed his partners with a raised eyebrow. "Hello, sweetheart~." Pearl greeted with a lovely smile. "Hello yourself." Rusty replied, a soft smile already gracing his lips. CB took the book out of Rusty's hands. "You wanna take a break from reading? We're much more interesting to look at~." "And we certainly have gorgeous sight to see~." Added Pearl. A pink ting graced Rusty's cheeks. "Uh, what's going on here?"
Pearl giggled. "Can't we just sit here and revel in our darling's handsomeness?" The observation car batted her lashes cutely. CB sported a coyish smirk. He rested his cheek on his palm. "Don't know if you noticed, Rus, but you're real eye-catching~" The tinge on the black and bronze steam train began to grow. "W-What?" "It's true." Pearl piped up. "For example," She reached a hand out and threaded her fingers through his hair. "You have such beautiful hair. So soft and curly~" CB gently turned Rusty's head to his direction. "And those eyes. I could get lost staring into those beautiful browns~" "C-Come on, th-there not that s-special." Stuttered Rusty, his cheeks turning a shade darker. The blond caboose ran a thumb across the steam train's blushing cheek. "Gonna have to disagree with you there, hon"
"Same here." Pearl pressed herself against Rusty a bit. "And you know what else we love about you? Your wonderful personality." The pink coach stroked his arm affectionately. "Yeah. You're so sweet, and kind, and helpful. To mention a hard worker.~" Said CB, also pressing himself closer to Rusty. The steamer in question felt his heart pound with all the compliments. He could feel his face getting hotter. He wasn't complaining about the verbal affection, but he felt like he was going to faint from all the sweetness. Pearl and CB kept going. "Did we mention how strong you are?~" "Yeah, stronger than anyone give you credit for." " And you're so creative and smart too." "You're such a good listener. Like either of us could talk for hours and you'd be so attentive." "Oh! How could we forget about your smile?~" At this point, Rusty's face matched CB's paint scheme. He buried his face in his hands. "Aaah! You're both gonna kill me!" Then it happened, puffs of steam came out of Rusty's ears. "Oh my Starlight! It's true!" CB laughed. Pearl joined him in laughter "I told you!"
The brunette steamer removed his hands from his face. "Hey. Not that I'm complaining, but what were those compliments about?" CB spoke up. "Well, me and Pearlie think it's cute when your flustered, so we planned to do just that. Glad I got to see steam out of your ears, that was cute." Rusty let out a grumble. "So that whole thing was just to tease me into near overheating?" "Of course not." said Pearl. "We may have wanted to see your reaction, but we meant every word we said. We just love you so much~." She and CB simultaneously planted a kiss on their boyfriend's cheeks. Rusty's face turned bright red again, and puffs of steam came out of his ears, earning another round of laughter from his partners.
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To the Starlight Express shippers, consider this:
Think about it
(PinkRustedBreaks for the ship name, what are your thoughts?)
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PinkRustedBreaks- The Start of It All (Part 1)
(A little late Valentine's special for y'all. Part 2 will be here very soon.)
The powerful cry of a whistle sounded as a humanoid steam train rolled down the tracks. Rusty enjoyed the breeze on his face as he continued to make his way down the line. As he gave his arms a pump, he couldn't help but take a peek at his black metal-plated forearms with bronze accents. He'd always catch himself staring at a part of himself or his reflection, as if he still couldn't believe that he was devoid of rust now and taking in his new appearance. Rusty noticed as figure in red that became more distinguishable as he got closer. "Hey! CB!" The red caboose looked up from what he was tinkering with in his hands at the sound of a familiar voice. His trademark wide smile appeared on his face as the shunter came to a stop.
"Hey Rusty." he greeted back. "You look chipper than normal." "Eh, just having a good day." Rusty said casually, through he way in a pretty good mood today. "What's that you got there?" The black and bronze steam train glanced and pointed at the item in CB's hands. "Oh, I found this little radio in some recycling bin. Thought it looked interesting and decided to fix it up." The radio in question looked like it had seen better days. The metal was scratched and worn with age, a dial was missing, and what was left of the handle was hanging uselessly on the side. Rusty smiled fondly. He admired that CB could make something seen as junk and remake it into something inventive and creative. "You wanna come and help work on it?" asked CB casually, though secretly hopeful. "It'd be great to have an assistant." Rusty snorted at the joke. "I'd be glad to. But I can't, I have a date with Pearl in a bit." The red caboose's smile dropped. His face taking on a blank, neutral expression. "...Really?"
"Yeah, it's been awhile since it's been just the two of us. I want to give her a nice time." "I see." CB replied emotionlessly. The steam train took note of the caboose's uncharacteristically blank face. "Are you ok?" "Oh!" CB quickly donned a smile, albeit a bit forced. "Yeah. I'm fine. I'll manage this old thing myself, its fine." Rusty looked apologetic. "I'm sorry CB. I would help you if I could." "Don't worry about it." reassured the red caboose. "You go on your date, have fun." The brunette steamer smiled. "Thanks Cee. I'll help you out next time, promise. I gotta go now, bye!" With that, Rusty turned and rolled down the rolled down the track. "See ya." called CB, waving goodbye. When the steam train was out sight, the smile on CB's face disappeared. His grip on the radio tightened as unpleasant feelings he tried to shove away bubbled up inside. 'Yo have no reason to feel like this. You lost your chance long ago.' CB shook his head, trying to banish the negative thoughts. He let out a deep sigh. No matter how much he tried to ignore it, those words held true. He ruined any chance he had with Rusty, and was going to have to live with it.
A lovely smile was stuck on the pink carriage's face as she held the hand of her dream train. Pearl loved the moments she shared with Rusty. The steam train in question was telling her about his day as she listened with interest. The couple were rolling down the track making their way towards the destination of their date. Rusty decided to take Pearl to this little park by the scenic route. A place to enjoy a little piece and quiet after all the hustle and bustle from work. Pearl couldn't help but take in Rusty's appearance with loving admiration. She was the one who suggested the bronze accents when Rusty got refurbished. A symbol to show that even if he looked different, it was still him. They arrived at the park and stepped off the track to enter. They rolled along the cobblestone path for a bit before stopping at a bench and setting down. The observation car sighed in happiness and relaxation. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the scenery. Neatly trimmed bushes, colorful rows of flowers in brick planters, a few trees here and there, and a nice-looking fountain some feet away.
Pearl turned to Rusty. "So beautiful. Thank you for taking me here Rusty." "No problem Pearl." Rusty replied "I'm just glad we can relax and spend some time together." He rested his hand on top of hers, the first-class girl's cheeks matched her hair soon after. The couple soon got lost in conversation, sharing tidbits from moments at work to laughing at the little jokes they would make. Both the steam train and coach loved how they could loose themselves in each-other's company. Eventually, the two decided to take a stroll around the park. Hand in hand, they rolled along the pathway taking in the cozy atmosphere. Rusty then spotted an ice cream cart parked a little ways from them. He spotted and turned to Pearl, pointing at the ice cream cart. "Hey, want some ice cream." he asked. The pink coach looked to where her boyfriend was pointing, smiled, and turned back. "Sure." she replied. "Let me guess, strawberry?" asked the brunette with an amused smile. "How'd you know?" "How could I not?" With that, Rusty made his way to the cart. Pearl giggled. She had a well-known love for all things strawberry flavored. Buffy playfully liked to call her a 'strawberry-holic'.
While she waited, the first-class coach decided to gaze at the flower bushes. She went up to a bush with light purple blooms. She gently cradled a flower in her hand, admiring its beauty. Then, something red caught Pearl's eye. She lifted her head and saw the familiar shape of a certain caboose sitting by a stream. Her eyes widened in recognition before a curious expression morphed onto her face. 'What's CB doing here?' she wondered, watching as he picked up a small stone and tossed it in the water. The pink coach was just about to call out to him when CB started to speak. "Why am I even moping about this? He's happy. He's in love and happy, with her." The caboose let out a heavy sigh. "And that's what he deserves. He...he deserves happiness!" CB gritted his teeth and rapidly blinked. It was all in vain as tears started to fill his eyes. The blond lifted his head to the sky. "Just lucky he's in my life at all. I had my shot long ago and I squandered it." The red caboose sniffed and swiped some tears away, only for more to come forward. "Coulda confessed a long time ago, but nope! I had to go stab him in the back!" A sob escaped his lips. "At least Pearl will treat him well. She...she's better for him." With that, CB buried his face in his arms, knees to his chest.
So many emotions were going through Pearl after hearing CB's heartbroken words. Shocked by what she just heard, saddened by CB's anguish, and a bit of confusion about how long the caboose had this secret crush on Rusty. CB looked satisfied by what he did to Rusty in the race as she recalled. But then again, CB was good at concealing his feelings. And what she just heard, that was pure, raw emotion. The kind of devastation one feels went they lose something. The pinkette rolled away from the flower bush and her mind began to wander. So, CB had feelings for Rusty. How long had these sorrowful thoughts plagued him? How much did he have to swallow his heartbreak when he saw them together? Did Rusty know? Now that she thought about it, whenever Rusty talked about stuff he did with or talked about CB in general, the steam train got this warm twinkle in his eye and a soft, lovestruck smile on his lips. The same twinkle and smile he got when he looked at her. And he was quick to shake it off with an almost guilty expression when turning his attention back to her. Did Rusty...also like CB that way?
"Pearl!" A voice snapped the pinkette out of her thoughts. Rusty stood before her with two ice cream cones, strawberry, and cookie dough. Her dream train looked at her concerned. "Are you ok?" Pearl quickly slipped on a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just let my mind wander a bit. Thank you for the ice cream." She took the treat and gave a couple licks, relishing the strawberry flavor. The brunette smiled. "You're welcome." The two began to continue their stroll. Pearl gave a brief at the flower bushes, luckily they were large enough to shield CB from sight. As the two continued their date, CB's heartbroken confession lingered in Pearl's mind.
When she got home, Pearl pondered over what she had heard. CB has been struggling with these feelings for a while and, with a little more thinking back, Rusty showed signs of having the same affection for the caboose. After what happened at the race and all the work CB put in to gain everyone's trust back, maybe the two felt that whatever could've happened between them could never be. Pearl knew Rusty loved her with all his heart, so he hid his feelings out of loyalty to her. She considered CB a friend and it hurt her heart to see him so upset. A sigh left the first-class carriage's mouth as she mulled over these two pieces of information and wondered what to do about it. Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind. A rather crazy really, but maybe, just maybe, it could solve a couple of problems with the right execution.
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Jumping on the Stex fankids bandwagon! These are my fankids for my OT3, PinkRustedBreaks, enjoy!
First one up is Starla. She’s a steam engine like Rusty. She’s a sweet girl who’s a determined hard worker. Like her dad,Rusty, she’s optimistic and ambitious, but sometimes ends up making messes due to overeagerness to do well. Despite that, she does her best fix whatever mistakes she makes and strives to do her best.

Second one is Tetra. The middle child and the splitting image of her other dad, CB. Tetra is a trickster, but also knows when to be serious. She’s also a semi-handy woman, which originated with tinkering with CB at a young age. While lively, helpful, and always with a smile, you don’t want get on her bad side

And Finally, the baby of the bunch, Sterling. He’s a coach like mama Pearl and all of her charm. Sterling is a little gentleman who’s nice and easy to talk to and goes after what he wants. But there are times when Sterling doesn’t look before he leaps with his decisions and acts without thinking of the consequences, though he is quick to apologize when he realizes his mistake.

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PinkRustedBreaks - The Start of It All (Part 2)
(Here's part 2 everybody, hope you enjoy! Sorry this took so long)
Pearl rolled back and forth in lieu of pacing, going over the speech in her head. She had been working on this speech for a while, carefully choosing the wording and phrasing that would clearly convey what she wanted to propose. The pink coach was still nervous about it all. She had meticulously planned this whole meeting and conversation, taking care to perfect her case. When she began this plan, she knew she had to consider all the different ways it could go. She had to carefully think through her actions and words. After all, she learned a while ago that acting without thinking things through resulted in more problems. Pearl stopped pacing. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 'Ok. Time to do this.' The pinkette went to the door of her shed and opened it. Today, she knew she would have to summon all her courage for this situation. Pearl could only hope and pray everything would work out. After taking another deep breath to steel herself, Pearl rolled outside, shutting the door behind her.
Rusty rolled down the track. making way towards his destination. He had gotten a note from Pearl telling him to meet her at the rest area by the station. The wording of the note made it sound serious, which made Rusty a little nervous. Pearl said in the note that she needed to talk to him about something important. The steam train wondered what brought on such an urgent message. Was there something troubling her? Did he do something that displeased her? Did she get some distressing news? Rusty shook his head out of his thoughts. He had to stop now before he spiraled, Pearl would tell him when he reached her.
Soon enough, the brunette steamer arrived at the rest area. It was a nice little spot with a shady pavilion and a couple of picnic tables underneath. He spotted a certain pink coach sitting at one of the tables, lost in her thoughts. He made his way to the table. "Pearl." His voice snapped Pearl out of her trance. She looked up and smiled softly at him. "Hey, you made it." Rusty gave a soft smile and sat down across from her. "Your note sounded serious. Is something wrong." Pearl shook her head. "Oh no, not at all! I just...I really need to talk to you about something. And not just you, let's wait until he gets here." "Someone else?" "Rusty?" The steam train turned his head in the direction of the voice, his eyebrows raised in surprised when he saw who it was. "CB?" Rusty was even more curious than before. Why did Pearl need to talk to CB?
The pink coach turned her attention to the red caboose. "CB, you made it! Please, come sit down." CB hesitated a bit before taking a seat next to Rusty. "I'm guessing you got a note from Pearl too?" Rusty asked. "Uh, yeah." CB confirmed. "It sounded pretty serious, got me pretty nervous." The brunette and blond rolling stock's attention shifted to the observation coach in front of them. "So...what did you want to talk to us about?" Questioned Rusty, nervousness edged in his voice. Pearl took deep breath in and let it out. This was it, no turning back now. She hoped that the monologue she had rehearsed would come out smoothly. If she stumbled or worded something wrong, this whole thing could fall apart.
Pearl neatly folded her hands together on the table and began. " First off, I don't want either of you to feel put on the spot. I just want to clear the air and then suggest something that could benefit all three of us." Her posture and tone were so professional, it was impressive as much as it was unusual. "Also, I want you to hear me out til the end. I've been thinking a lot about this and I just need you both to listen to me until I get everything out. Understood?" The steam train and caboose side glanced at each other, looked back at the pink carriage, and nodded. "Ok," Pearl said. And with that she began. "When Rusty and I were on our date at that park on the scenic route, I saw something while Rusty got us ice cream." Her crystal blue eyes glanced at CB. "I saw you behind some flower bushes and...I overheard you talking to yourself." She addressed the red caboose."
CB's eyes widened fearfully as he felt a pit in his stomach. "How...how much did you hear?" he asked hesitantly. Pearl lowered her eyes guiltily. "Everything." Rusty looked at CB and then at her. "I don't understand. What did you hear?" The pinkette opened her mouth to speak then closed it. She looked at CB, silently asking permission. The blond caboose's green eyes were focused on the table. He briefly glanced up at Pearl, nodded once, and turned his gaze back to the table. Pearl turned her attention back to Rusty. "That CB has feelings for you. He was...upset with himself for ruining his chances with you and straining your relationship." Rusty sat there, frozen in shock at this revelation. He turned his head towards the caboose beside him. "CB. Is...is this true?" CB raised his head again. Tears had weld up in his eyes as his expression showed shame and sorrow. He had been keeping all of these feelings inside for so long. Shoving them to the side out of a belief that he didn't deserve to have them when he threw any relationship they could've had away.
"Yes. It's true." CB spoke in a choked voice, giving great effort to avoid outright crying in front of him and Pearl. "I....I like you. I liked you for a long time. You're so..kind, and cheery, and determined. I-I know messed up at the race. You trusted me and I stabbed you in the back!" Rusty's brown eyes shined with softness and sympathy, which made the red caboose feel worse. He didn't deserve such looks from Rusty. "CB. The race...I forgave you for that-" "Well you shouldn't've!" CB exclaimed emotionally. "I betrayed you! And for what? To gain favor from Greaseball and Electra?! I lost any right to even call you a friend!" Tears were now streaming down the red caboose's face, smudging his face paint. CB let out a few sobs he had been keeping in. Rusty and Pearl sat there, heartbroken to see the normally, mischievous, friendly, wide-smiling caboose in such a state. CB took some deep breaths, trying to pull himself together.
"I see how happy you are with Pearl. She loves you to pieces. At the least, I know she would never hurt you." Pearl spoke up. "But CB...I did hurt him." CB turned his head to her, teary eyes giving a questioning glint. "I made him a promise and I went back on it because of other's opinions. I also went with people who were against him." CB sniffled. "You didn't make him crash and then laugh in his face." he pointed out. Pearl gave a non-committal hum, her eyes downcast to the table. The pink coach wordlessly pulled out a pale pink handkerchief and held it out to the crying caboose. CB, with a bit of hesitation, took it and wiped his face and cheeks, the red paint coming off and revealing his freckles. Pearl started to speak again. "That's another thing I wanted to talk about. You see, you're not alone in these feelings. Rusty likes you too." The caboose's head snapped up, with Rusty whipping his head to her with a shocked expression. "W-what?" "It's true." Pearl continued. "The more I looked back on it, the more I realized. Whenever he talks about you, his voice gets wistful and fond. He always looks forward to helping you with whatever you're tinkering with, and he'll go out and scrounge up something for one of your projects or a trinket you might like on his breaks, just because. When he looks at you, his eyes get this soft, tender glint, the same as when he looks at me."
CB blinked, flabbergasted. Rusty liked him back? This had to be a mistake. He turned his head slowly to the brunette. "R-Rusty?" The look on the steam train's face was a mixture of shunned and guilt. The caboose couldn't help but notice a bit of pink dusted Rusty's cheeks. "...Was I that obvious?" he uttered out. "Yes." replied Pearl. "But it took me a bit to make the connections." She took a deep breath in and let it out. She straightened her posture and started squarely at the humanoid rolling stock in front of her. This was it, time to plead her case. "Now that everything's out in the open, I would like to bring up the suggestion I mentioned earlier." She looked them both in the eyes and said "My suggestion is that we include CB in our relationship." The bandage was ripped off, now for their reactions. CB blinked once. Then twice. Then Pearl's words finally processed in his mind. "Wait, what?!" Rusty stared back at her, flabbergasted.
"Just hear me out." insisted the observation car. "After hearing CB's confession and realizing Rusty's feelings, I got to thinking. What if there was a way to take care of both problems? Where no one has to hide a broken heart or try to pretend they don't have feelings for someone. I looked around and there is a term for things like this. I think they call it..polyamory? It's where someone has more than one partner, with full knowledge and consent, of course. I thought, maybe it could work. Me and CB dating Rusty? I love you Rusty, with all my heart. And CB, I consider you a friend and the last thing I want is for you to hurt, inside or out." She reached out across the table, taking one of their hands. "Again, this only if both of want to try it. If you don't want to, I understand. You don't even have to decide now. But if you'd like to give it a try, then we'll go at a pace your both comfortable with. So, how about it?" The pink carriage awaited their response with bated breath.
CB stared back at Pearl, green meeting crystal blue. His mind was trying to wrap around Pearl's suggestion. Him? Date Rusty while he's dating Pearl? Could that even be a thing? The caboose turned his head to look at Rusty, who had been silent during the whole thing. The steam train had a blank expression, but his eyes were deep in thought. Rusty then let out a breath. He looked at CB, then Pearl, then at her hands grasping theirs. "Well," Rusty finally spoke. "It...wouldn't hurt to at least give it a try. Pearl, I love you to pieces. You're the best thing that's happened to me. And I've had these feelings for CB for a while. I don't think I could just give them up so easily. You both mean a lot to me. I don't want a life without either of you in it. So yeah, I think we should give this a chance." The brunette turned his head to CB again. "What do think, CB?" He took the blond's other hand in his. "Do you want to do this?" CB was silent for a moment, glancing between Rusty and Pearl. This felt too good to be true. This had to be some cruel joke. But then again, Pearl wouldn't do something like that. She clearly put a lot of thought into this whole thing. Rusty was equally incapable of such a cruel joke. He was wore his heart on his sleeve and the most honest person CB had ever known, he would have said something if he didn't return CB's feelings.
CB took a breath in and let it out. "I..don't know if I even deserve this but," He gently squeezed the hands that were holding his. "I want to try." A bright, happy smile spread across Rusty's lips. Pearl beamed "Yay!" She cheered in glee. Those smiles were definitely infections because sure enough, a joyful, wide smile made its way onto the caboose's face. He felt so happy right now. His feelings being reciprocated and entering a relationship with both him and Pearl dating Rusty. This had to be the craziest thing that's happened to him, and he loved it. The red caboose then took notice of Pearl's handkerchief, stained with red from his face paint. "Sorry about your handkerchief." He addressed the coach. "I made a mess of it." Pearl and Rusty laughed "It's okay, don't worry about it." Pearl said through her laughter. CB couldn't help but laugh himself. This new relationship between the three of them would provide some challenges, but they were willing to face them head-on. This was a chance they would not regret taking.
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I present to you, a cute drawing of Post-2018 PinkRustedBreaks. I dub this version ‘FirstClassSteamPress’

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PinkRustedBreaks- Warming Up
CB blew into his hand, his breath briefly warming it before going cold again. The red caboose lifted a part of his scarf to cover his mouth and nose, grumbling under his breath. The winter season had come and it was not pleasent. Snow had not come yet but the cold air made CB not want to come out of his home at all. Having to work in such weather was just torture for him!
Maybe he’ll get lucky and run into Rusty. Maybe he can warm him up. The steam train was basically a heater on wheels and cold barely affected him.
The thought of Rusty holding him close and warming him up put CB in a better mood. CB uncovered the lower half of his face, his trademark smile on his red lips. He picked up the pace to get to the freight train, the sooner he got back the sooner he’d get to Rusty.
As soon as the freight train returned to the yard and came to a stop, CB wasted no time going to look for his boyfriend. Previous warning about looking out for ice on the tracks was pushed to the back of his mind. He was freezing and needed the warmth of a steam engine. The caboose’s eyes lit up when he saw a black and bronze figure and went straight to it.
Rusty let out a shout of surprise when felt something run into him and felt arms wrap around his middle. When he saw the culprit of the surprise, he relaxed and let out a little amused chuckle. “Hey CB.” He greeted his boyfriend, who was nuzzling into him. He wrapped his arms around the red caboose. “You could’ve given me a warming, you know?” CB shrugged. “I was cold and you were here, so...” The steam train smiled warmly and rubbed a hand up and down CB’s back, the caboose melting at the touch.
Suddenly, the serene moment interrupted when a sweet voice called out. “Rusty!” A pair of arms wrapped around Rusty’s neck. He stumbled a bit before steadying himself. The sight of pink hair told Rusty that his second surprise hugger was Pearl. The pink coach pulled back from the hug a little to look at Rusty, who her a warm smile. “Hello to you too, Pearl.” Pearl smiled back at him lovingly. “Hey. I’m glad I caught you.” A sudden jerk from Rusty’s right pulled him out of the observation car’s embrace. Pearl then noticed CB still hugging Rusty’s torso, his eyes narrowed with a possessive glint.
“Back off Pearlie, I already call dibs.” Pearl’s surprised expression was quickly replaced with indignation “Wha-dibs? You can’t just hog Rusty like that. Besides, I’m cold too. CB refused to budge. “I’ve been on the freight train in this weather for long stretches. Rusty’s warmth is something I’ve been looking forward to all day.” The steam engine in question’s cheeks turned a light pink. The pink coach scoffed. You think I haven’t been working in this weather? It’s no picnic being pulled along the line with the ice cold winds. Besides, I was looking forward to Rusty’s warmth too.”
She wrapped her arms back around Rusty’s neck and gave a little tug, pulling the black and bronze steam engine steam train out of CB’s grasp. The blush on Rusty’s cheeks darkened. CB still refused to back down. He latched on to Rusty’s right arm. “Then you should have got to him first.” Pearl was just as stubborn as her other boyfriend. “I’ve been suffering in this cold just as much as you have, if not more.” “Oh you poor, delicate carriage.” The red caboose retorted. Rusty decided to speak up before things got serious. “Uh, hey guys?” His two loves didn’t seem to hear him.
“Says the caboose who complains about being cold every few minuets!” CB sucked his teeth in annoyance. “Well, excuse me lady!” “Guys!” The loud call got the attention of the two bickering rolling stock. Rusty cleared his throat. “ Listen, not that I’m not flattered that you two want to cuddle up with me, but you don’t need to get snippy with each other. I’m happy to warm both of you up.” This seem to placate his boyfriend and girlfriend as their annoyed expressions melted away and they blushed the same shade as Pearl’s hair. “Now, let’s go to my shed and we’ll all get warm together. How’s that sound?” Pearl and CB smiled. “ That sounds great.” said Pearl. “10-4 to that.” agreed CB.
At Rusty’s shed, Pearl and CB settled on the couch while their boyfriend went to get a blanket for extra comfort. The coach and caboose snuggled up with each other, their previous dispute dismissed as the cold getting to them. Rusty rolled into the living room, saw the state his loves were in and smiled. CB had the observation coach in his arms, her head on his shoulder. “Sorry I got testy with you Pearlie.” CB said as her fiddled with a lock of her hair. Pearl hummed and rubbed his arm. “It’s ok. I’m sorry too. “ Rusty chuckled and made his way over to the couch. “Glad you two made up.” Pearl and CB parted to make space for their boyfriend and Rusty laid the blanket over the three of them.
The trouple snuggled under the blanket, enjoying each others warmth and company. Rusty planted a kiss on Pearl’s forehead then did the same with CB. The two repaid the gesture by giving his cheeks a kiss. The steam train’s face flushed a bright red and hid his lower face under the blanket, his loves giggling at the sight of their flustered boyfriend.
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PinkRustedBreaks Headcanons
CB and Pearl team up to tease Rusty. He always ends up the same shade as CB as a result
Surprisingly, Pearl was the one who preposed the polycule
Rusty and CB like to play with Pearl’s hair, CB in particular liked braiding it
Regarding Rusty’s knitting hobby, he has made Pearl and CB scarfs in their respective colors, Pearl and CB treasure them
Whenever all three of them cuddle, it’s usually Rusty in the middle. He’s certainly not complaining
CB has attempted to call Pearl ‘Peach Butt’ a couple of times, Pearl was not amused
During the cold months, Pearl and CB huddle up against Rusty because he’s basically a heater. Sometimes they end up fighting over him, again Rusty’s not complaining
CB will throw hands for Rusty and Pearl. That caboose will do some damage
Rusty likes to star gaze with Pearl and CB, they like hearing him ramble constellations and the like
Rusty introduced Pearl and CB to knitting, Pearl took to it. CB did not
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My first Stex ship post. I made up this ot3 awhile back and I’ve officially made it one of my ships. (I call it PinkRustedBreaks just so you know) Btw if anyone wants to made fanart or fanfics of this, I gladly give you my permission. Also the little bi heart above Rusty is there because I like the headcanon that he’s bi
Side note: I’m sorry if Rusty’s hair looks like crap, I could not get the curls right. I chose that style because I love a curly-haired Rusty. Think Bobby Collins, Blake Patrick Anderson, and Max Rizzo

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