#but it bugs me nontheless
fangsforfags · 1 year
me when i have a stupid small pet peeve but its still a pet peeve to me
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
i would easily fall in love with any random guy who could play guitar. like it wouldn't even be that hard. im easy
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yellowgreendinno · 5 months
HAHAHAHAHAH ITS MY TURN TO GET YOU BACK @kalolasfantasyworld AND @vilandel MUAHAHAHAHAHA- this... this is for making me cry.
"Nozel onii-sama, why did Momma die?"
Nebra hadn't realised the heavy weight those words were laced with, how they'd made her brother feel, or the fact that she shouldn't be worrying about it being only nine.
Nor the reality that it hadn't been the baby's fault.
Nozel's face darkened, and took a deep breath. Nebra knew Nozel was not one for physical affections, aside from the morning hugs and good night forehead kisses she and Solid always received. So she was surprised when he reached down and picked her up, nestling her safely with one arm while he checked his reflection in the massive bathroom's mirror as she let out a surprised squeak. He look tired, Nebra realised.
Nozel shakily breathed in, and squeezed her a bit tighter, but lovingly nontheless. He looked deep into her eyes and spoke calmly.
"Nebra, do you remember when Solid was born?"
She did, vaguely. She'd been only five, barely six, when her little brother was born.
"Remember it was very hard for Momma? Well, Noelle's birth was also very difficult for Momma. Momma left because she was very tired, and she couldn't handle it anymore." He spoke gently, in an oh so unusual tone for her brother.
Nebra thought about it as her brother held her middle back with his other hand, making sure she wouldn't fall as he walked to his bedroom. It wasn't always like this. Nozel was not built for kindness, or gentleness, or love.
Sometimes, though. Sometimes when Nebra had a nightmare, the very scary ones, the ones that kept her up gripping her sheets on the look for monsters, she'd be brave and get out of bed; then walk towards Nozel's room. He'd let her spend the night with him and Solid. Since the little one was only four, he still shared a room with the eldest. Only sometimes.
Nebra, realised then, tonight was sometimes.
"Nebra, have you heard the tale of the strong little spider who was also weak?" Nozel asked, while closing his bedroom door, and leaving her on the floor.
"No, never"
They passed Solid's bed, and walked towards Nozel's bed, next to the huge windows.
"Well," he started as they sat down on his bed "There was this little spider. She lived in a cave, with many other bugs. And she wasn't scared, because she was the biggest and strongest of them all. Every little bug was scared of her."
Nebra shuffled closer, and listened intently.
"But then, the little spider went out of the cave, and she found other spiders there. And the little spider wanted to go back to her cave. You know why?"
"Because she had challenged the spiders from outside."
"But aren't the spiders scared of her?"
"Because these spiders were very, very, very big."
Nebra looked down in thought. She stared at her brother with wide eyes, and spread out her arms.
"This big?"
Nozel smiled. That was rare. But it was a sad, tired smile. One that told her her brother wasn't telling her all the truth. A smile that said he was carrying a heavy burden.
A smile she hated seeing on her brother's face.
"Way bigger." He answered. He sighed, and pulled the sheets down so that they would be able to snuggle up in them. "Alright, off to sleep, little spider" He finished.
Before falling asleep, Nebra heard little muffled cries coming from Nozel, and she wished she could do anything to help him. She knew her brother missed Momma, and she knew there was nothing she could actually do about it. She was only nine, after all.
So, as her thoughts drifted off to the dream world Acier had so often told her about, she thought;
"When I grow up, I'm gonna give Momma back to Onii-sama."
She then fell asleep, tears staining her cheeks. She missed Momma too. As much as the little boy on the bed across from the one she was laying in.
As much as the baby in the nursery would in the future.
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miirohs · 3 months
remembered you like paris paloma so i wanted to ask what you think of her most recent song
i somehow only discovered it yesterday and i’ve had it basically on loop since i first heard it
Omg . Are we talking about boys, bugs and men BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE IT
to me it’s a 8.5/10 because the lyrics are a little more targeted but relatable nontheless, but she keeps improving with every song
She’s very storytellinf oriented!!
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trashformha · 2 years
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Unpopular opinion ig? but it really bugs me how many dabi stans actually fail to understand that Endeavor's death is neither what Dabi needs or wants.
Touya as a child, wanted his father's attention,his approval and his love.That's why he trained his quirk this hard. But no matter how hard he tried Endeavor didn't look his way. He ignored and neglected him. Touya "died" believing his family didn't care about him anymore, that his father was probably happy even that he was finally gone.
Touya became a villain because now it's impossible to look away. Endeavor can no longer avoid Touya, he can't ignore him and he can't just dump his responsibility towards Touya to someone else.Now he is finally forced to look at him.
Dabi wants revenge sure, that's why he intended to kill Shoto this whole time. Shoto's death would be a huge blow into Endeavor's face afterall. Nontheless he also still wishes for the one thing he never received: his father's attention and validation. If Endeavor just dies all that becomes pointless.
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sevenrs · 1 year
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get me in on that askbox craze ‼️
featuring mostly these three (from left to right: three star songs, chains by summer, paradox of creation) because they are my darlings
more about them all under the cut!
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set in an open, grassy field that is relatively flat with a few weaving rivers, this area is surprisingly clean (in comparison to the rest of the world) of ancient influence, save for the massive structure in the middle of the tall grasses. it's a relatively peaceful spot. if only it were the same inside as it was outside
a series of unlucky events leaves paradox in a state of disarray and constant pain. a small white bug, shaped similarly to the neuron flies within them, began to see the flies as a source of easy food. paradox's inspectors rightfully protected the neurons, but due to the bug's similarities, they began to see every neuron fly as an enemy. in order to remedy this, she got advice from an old friend, none of the above, to make neurons that could better avoid the angry inspectors. he takes great interest in the stars, positioning most of their overseers on the highest points of their abandoned cities to observe their movements and patterns. their constant pain leaves them quite tired and drained most cycles, but they still try to find joy in their existence and wish to share it with others.
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lives in a large oasis centered in a desert reigon. it has been surprisingly stable, but in recent years, consistent water is beginning to become questionable. nontheless, summer still stands with few complications compared to other iterators (well, aside from the usual decay of equipment and communication senders and recievers) 
for the most part, summer has stopped iterating. it is pointless to him.  there are simply too many things that can be iterated-- it will take time much longer than anyone has to find the solution. so he hangs around, bothering his local group and letting the local slugcat, the arsonist, take refuge away from the brutal environment. 
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placed high where mountain break the sky, songs' structure looks fine... externally. internally, it is full of the contagion, the rot. a sign that something went wrong, that someone messed up. it is a slow and painful consequence for anyone who wasn't careful
she loved to frequent anonymous group chats back when all iterators were more connected. these chats were about creating new organisms through modifying their genetics. song had an immense passion for coming up with instructions to make anything-- even if it was not a good life for the creature with that adaptation. a small slugcat wandered into her can one cycle, and she had an idea of swapping some of her own microbes with that of the slugcat's. she had many to spare-- would it make the slugcat more advanced. regardless, it did not go well. the foreign cells mutated beyond her control, and now the rot eats them from the inside out. 
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escargoverse-snellod · 11 months
Yo, what up bitches, its me, ya girl, Snellod, Goddess of Snails and I... am a writer!
For just 2 months shy of a year I have been plugging away at my own original fiction, Dawn of the Planet of the Snails - A soft sci fi story featuring snails and such. It currently sits at approximately 36k words and I plan to begin uploading chapters online soon, with ideally one released a week, for so long as I can keep the schedule.
But, you see, I have hit a bit of a snag. Of late, I have been afflicted with a terrible sleep deprivation, and I do not trust myself to continue writing (as it will be dreadful, and I fear I'll just create a big ol' mess that'd be more work than I'd like to fix) and I certainly don't trust myself to do the Very Important Edit that needs doing.
But, the poison has seeped into my soul, the rot afflicted my mind, and I feel the need to be creative building. My thoughts are consumed by my sweet baby DotPotS and in the absence of being able to actually work on the damn thing, I feel the urge to talk about it.
Hence... Writeblr. I've intended to make a sideblog dedicated to my writing a while, a place to share my thoughts, updates and perhaps even extracts from my stories or my various escargoverse MSpaint doodles. Now seemed like a good time. A tradition of two means little but it nontheless makes me happy to have started both my blogs so late in the night as to be inadvisable.
And hey, a little self-promo's never hurt anyone!
Who is Snellod?
Alleged Goddess of all Snails. Confirmed trans woman writer.
My literary loves are the alien and fantastical, and such, I lean strongly towards sci-fi and fantasy of all stripes. The more unique the world the happier I is.
Additionally, I adore an adventure. I love the feel of exploring vast universes, of journeying across unknown lands. Extends to my real life too, where I'll joyously seek out small towns and villages of little note, just to go to a place I have not yet been too.
Talking of my real life, I am an obsessive lover of stories. I strive to attain cinephile status (actually studying film and television at uni! My focus is on screenwriting), I am a Doctor Who fanatic (classic and modern), still think daily of the Magnus Archives and of course, love to read. In terms of physical books, I have just begun the Dune trilogy at the behest of my brother, and with regard to webnovels, my favourites are The Wandering Inn and AUU-16. The former my girlfriend got me into, the latter I got her into.
Sidenote, read AUU-16, its really fucking good, and really fucking under-appreciated. Link here: Zynima Network.
I'm also in love with nature. Yes, being away from cities and such, I enjoy the odd hike into the country, but also just learning about the multitudes of plants and animals and bugs and birds and such of the world. In a similar vein, rather fond of spec-evo. I like to think this fondness seeps into my writing at least time to time, but I don't think I'm clever enough to do spec-evo well, at least not yet.
Oh, and one last thing. Literally incapable of shutting up. Did not mean to spend four paragraphs talking about myself, kinda intended this to be more of an Escargoverse introduction than anything. But hey-ho.
What is Dawn of the Planet of the Snails?
Beneath a kaleidoscopic sky, and adorned in a forest of titanic grass blades, swarming with predators, and home to intelligent life… this is the Planet of the Snails.
Or at least, so the tagline says. Inspired by the sage writing advice of "to write a story you're passionate about, you gotta be at least a little self indulgent" this is my very self-indulgent passion project.
When a research mission to investigate an inexplicable hole opened on a near-future Earth goes awry, its ragtag crew of misfits find themselves castaways in a land as familiar as it is utterly alien. Can they survive this hostile terrain? Can they uncover the secrets of the anomaly that lead to their marooning? And will they ever make it back to Earth to spill the beans?
A pulpy sci-fi adventure you don’t want to miss!
Its science fiction and snails!
Join Arnold, Kasia, Samantha and Ty as they adventure across the mysterious Planet of the Snails… and beyond!
So reads my WiP blurb. Inspired by old adventures stories and cooked up in the middle of a classic who binge-watch, DotPotS is a soft sci-fi action/adventure original fiction. It is fun, exciting, and if I've played my cards right, at least a little camp.
I will likely be dropping more snippets and details as this blog goes on, I have plans for a Characters post, in which I give details on me blorbos, and a setting post, to tell you more about the titular Planet of the Snails.
If you're interested, feel free to ask questions, or suggest ideas for future posts on the road to release. Although, uh, I fear I haven't given much detail for folks to latch onto, be curious about. You'd tell me if my blurb was lacking, right? Right?
Eh. Issue for awake Snellod.
And what is the Escargoverse?
As of yet, highly hypothetical. DotPotS began as a simple short story, a quick dance into a universe, before dancing neatly back out. But as time went on, ideas for new arcs, settings, stories exploded into my brain and my plan for a larger world took shape.
The escargoverse will be a vast semi-interconnected universe full of strange places and peoples, a world that goes beyond the human understanding of what 'should be.'
Ever since reading Discworld as a teen, I have loved connected universes, especially when they're the passion project of one, or a few people. I have always sought my own, to be my legacy and I really think this could be it.
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This I had to edit. I found typos tumblr not allowing me to edit. The original is still here. I just decided to edit it thats all.
Massage gun request
Wassup! I remember you said your ask box was open, I wanted to figure out what to ask and I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING!
So I just got a massage gun because my physical therapist kept berating me until I got it. Turns out: it's amazing.
So my ask is: bayverse boys reaction to reader using massage gun on them. Spicy and NSFW can be included if thats where your writing takes you. Though fluffy is where you get me the most 😁 pretty please and thank you fren!
April knew you needed at least one massage, yet you refused to go to a salon. So best idea of hers was to buy you a massage gun!:
* He looked this contraption over and reads its manual first
* He makes sure you dressed in something...even if it was just your underwear first before proceeding
* He made you some rather lovely tea to relax you first
*Then after you were laying on your front he uses it first on your right shoulder blade earning a satisfied hum from you
* He proceeds to trail down until he gets your lower back
* You moaned softly although trying to cover up your moan and blushing
* He just chuckled softly while continuing your massage with this device
*"Next time I wanna use this on you Blue."
* He cleared his throat now sputtering from embarrassment been a gentleman most times.
*"A-anytime babe. Im sure it will feel good-I mean lovely."
* You couldn't help but giggle at his bad coverup of his manly needs with his gentlemanly self.
*He googled and researched this new device
* He was beyond fascinated by this and was only happy to use it on you
* He explored every setting and wouldn't admit he enjoyed listening to your satisfied moans
* He found himself blushing at times trying to cover it up
* He even made your fave beverage to help you relax further
* He stuttered when he heard your moan once he used it on your neck region
* You couldn't help but giggle at his been flustered
* Don was so flustered that he tried to blame his been scatterbrained
*"Aww you adorable been flustered."
* He was legitimately speechless, the nerd and most talkative is speechless!
* You adore your Donnie-Dork nontheless, he's Adorkable[Adorable dork]
* To say he was flustered with this request was an understatement
* He was adorable when flustered as he looks this gadget over
* He then uses the gadget on your back like a pro since he is like a bodybuilder and works out daily
* He then hits a few tense knots that you moaned, he was a blushing mess
* His defense mechanism was more along the lines of,"Shut up-" Muttered.
* You tried not to laugh at his poor excuse of trying to evade his manly needs as he really enjoys hearing you moan.
* He grabs you some water infused with fruit to drink.
*After massaging he was back to his "grumpy cuddle bug" Mode
* You just adored his reaction whenever you kiss his snoot
* He just grumbles until you say that next time you using it on him.
* He simply grumbles a,"Fine...looking forward to it", along with a darker than usual blush.
*This boy was beyond ecstatic to try it out on you
* He was definitely enjoying using it on you
* His fave part was when you moaned from enjoyment
* He was blushing, but he loved using this gadget all over your back
* He was even begging that you use it on his shell.
* How could you ever resist those beautiful baby blue eyes
* You rather love it that Mikey enjoys trying new things
* You both enjoy the massage gun session together.
* You love scritching his shell as he loves it when you do it after a long day of patrol
* He pulled you into an almost bonecrushing hug after you were both done
* Now he was keeping you locked in a cuddle/gaming hold, until you were both likely gonna fall asleep that way
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take a break! go binge a long show !! you can even touch grass! literally! especially after rain it feels really nice. the bugs that bite you are a bonus do not be scared, annnd
sleep, like, a lot
(hope you get back into the drawing groove soon!)
avii 😭😭
I am taking a break rn!! I'm visiting family out of country so yeah!
And I did touch grass (literally)!! Thank you so much for your concerns 😭😭💕
Bugs do kind of freak me out but I am nontheless resting ✨️and getting lots of juicy art ideas that I always forget to write down—
You rest too!!
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corysmiles · 3 years
Sup! I'm back from Barcelona! Hope you're doing well!
Remember that sbi rust prompt you gave me a month or 2 ago? It is done (not readproff tho so there may be some mistakes) anyway enjoy my grand return!
Edit: did you know 250 paragraphs is the limit lenght to an ask? On an unrelated note I will have to cut this into multiple parts so enjoy this first chapter!
"Whaaat the-"
Wilbur took a step back, mouth agape and watched the figure inside of the dome. A human, identical in the looks, if not for the size of it.
When he went to explore the looming monument that rose from near his house, he expected food or scientific papers, perhaps some gas masks and equipment, not a... giant.
Weren't those things a myth?? Just a silly fictional creature to scare children away, not... not real and THERE, sleeping right in front of him??
The thing was curled up on himself, unable to fit in the 30ft wide sphere if going to its full lenght.
Wilbur was trapped in the walls of flesh.
And to his dismay, he was just in time to witness the creature wake up.
Lazily, they opened their eyes, squinting. They looked at their surroundings, the roof, the walls, the floor.
And the man was able to pinpoint the exact moment their eyes landed on him.
They gasped softly, almost mute. Their eyes widened, and they stood here, studying the punny intrudor for a too long moment. Only after, they spoke, barely above a whisper.
"Uhm... hello."
Wilbur expected the giant to speak, seeing how akin to a human he was, but he didn't expect such a young voice to be held by the.... boy?
"Hey." Wilbur waved, hand as shaking and hesitant as his voice.
"... What's your name?" They spoke.
Wilbur gulped, more on instinct. "Uuh, Wilbur. Who are you? What are you doing here?" He pointed.
They nodded in a hum before looking at the floor below, eyes a bit blurry.
"I...my name is Tommy. And uh... this is where I sleep."
The stare the human kept on the boy was intense, full of disbelief and curiosity. It was uncomfortable.
He shifted a bit. And Wilbur's eyes darted towards the small movements. Ah, right. Humans were hyperaware.
"It's been a while since I met someone around here."
"Yeah, I can imagine that... ever since the nuclear incident, it's been quite the task to find someone." Wilbur explained. What did this being knew exactly?
"Oh... I see." He lowered his head, before letting it rest on the floor, and holy shit he was even bigger than he thought.
He swallowed the lump back down his throat, and sat legs crossed.
The giant, which looked like a teenager now that he got to see his face up close, kept looking at him, expression almost bored.
Then, without much a warning, he lifted his hand and moved it towards the human, who instantly scrumbled away as fast as he could.
"wowowwoowowo- what-"
The hand froze, and when he looked at Tommy, the expression was sad, almost hurt.
Silence filled the room for a minute.
"Sorry" the giant apologized. "I must be quite scary, huh?"
Without much thinking, wilbur nodded. "Um, yeah"
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He reassured, his voice pathetic. "Can I come closer?"
Wilbur looked at the hand, then at the teen. He took a deep breath before nodding, earning a pleased smile from the blond.
More careful, a hand thrice his size came to him, fingers slowly wrapping themselves around the human. He tensed, unwilling to move an inch despite his mind begging him to get out of here.
He closed his eyes in anticipation, but after a minute of stillness, he felt a rough pressure on his head, ruffling his hairs.
"Wha- what are you doing?" He asked, refusing to open his eyes yet.
Before he got an answer, the mass, which he recognized as a thumb, moved from playing with the hair to caress his skin as gently as possible.
With much hesitation, the human opened his eyes and met the face of the teen, who beared an expression of pure shock and wonder.
As the thumb rubbed against his cheek, he inhaled, shivered.
"You're so small... so fragile..."
His face was washed with a wave of sadness, while Wilbur drew his hand closer to the gun hidden in his jacket.
"How do you feel, wilbur? Do you feel fragile?" His voice was as sad as unreadable.
And at the moment, Wilbur did feel as powerless as a bug stuck in a web. A tall, wide web. Not that he would tell Tommy.
"... Is that a threat?" He asked instead.
"No, I'm just curious." A sort of melancholy couldn't leave the giant's face. "If I were to threaten someone, it would be because they acted like a bitch. You're not a bitch as far as I know."
The curse took Wilbur off guard, and he found himself giggling at the vocabulary. The blong smiled as well.
Then, the thumb moved from the face and slowly descended to cover his chest (entirely)
It felt... like a hug?
How long has it been since Wilbur has been hugged.
The gesture was confusing.
"... why?" He voiced.
"I don't know. I know people like hugs. Makes them feel safe."
He eyed the fingers around him before focusing, wary, on the face.
"What are you planning to do to me?"
"Huh?!" He raised eyebrow and his hands left Wilbur's surrounding in a too quick motion, gesturing in defense. "Nothing!! I just want you to be comfortable. Been a while since I talked to anyone." Without the giant controling his volume, Wilbur had to cover his ear at the sudden booming sound.
He nodded nontheless, still unsure, and the silence drawn out.
"...why did you want to explore the dome?"
For some reason, the echoing voice was quite soothing to the human's ears, now that it was bearable. He took a few steps and put his hand on the part of the dome not blocked by an enormous mass. His finger carressed the copper walls until he was sat.
"I wanted to explore. I don't live very far, and this structure intrigued me. I expected to find some researches, not.... uh..."
Tommy smiled and understood the man without him having to finish. "Yeah. I'm not really something to be expected."
He nodded. "And you've been here for a while?"
"Not so much." The giant responded, "I usually travel from place to place trying to survive, pretty much like everyone else."
"I see..."
"I can try and look out for any paper or stuff if you want, so next time you come, I can hand them over."
Wilbur paused. The idea of returning to the giant made him frown, but the blond did seem to hold no grudges against him.
".... Maybe." He landed on.
And visibly, the teen was elated at the news, his grin growing to his ear and his hands joining in a clap. (As gentle as he could to not make the small man deaf.)
"Welp." He got up, before he got a sugar overdose from seeing that excitment. "I think I'm gonna head back."
"Do you want me to help you get back home?" The other proposed, enthusiast.
It was quiet for a moment, silence only disturbed by the giant shifting position. It was... unusual. But the enormous teen didn't seem hostile, and if Wilbur could get himself such an ally, he wouldn't take it down.
And so he returned home.
2 days later, he returned.
He was surprised as well, but curiosity guided his steps much more than his fears ever since the giant teen revealed himself a potential ally.
He inhaled deeply before climbing the stairs, his feet landing on the metalic ground.
The smile on the teenager's face when he turned around and met the tiny man was as heartwarming as nervewracking.
"YOU'RE BACK!!!" He cheered, and already the human had to cover his ears, the joyous scream deafening. He realized his mistake pretty soon though as he covered his mouth and mumbled, much quieter "Sorry. Hi Wilbur."
"Hello, Tommy." He replied, cautiously removing his hands from his ear. "How have you been?" He started. Usual politeness shouldn't be too awkward.
It took all the self control of the blond to keep his voice quiet enough when he said "I've been fine, thank you." The energy bubbling from him only made Wilbur chuckle.
"Good, good." Wilbur took a few steps towards the blond (or rather his face, since the teen was kind of all around the room) "You seem happy to see me."
Tommy nodded way too quickly and strongly as he confirmed. "Yep! I-" he pained keeping his voice low "-I wasn't sure if you'd really come back. I'm very very very glad you didn't lie. Especially since I have..... THIS!!"
He didn't even bother whispering as his hand came to view, previously hidden behind his back, and coming towards Wilbur in a fist at a racing pace. The brunette couldn't help but flinch back.
Tommy stopped mid-way, realizing his carelessness once more. He whispered an apology and the hand came, much slower this time. (Almost comically slow, but Wilbur wouldn't really complain)
Then, when only at about 6ft away from the man, the hand opened, revealing several piles of papers.
Wilbur's eyes widened. He looked at the blond, confused.
"You said you wanted to look for researches and stuff, sooo I tried finding some. And you were right! There are papers everywhere in here!"
Wilbur looked at the floor which he now realized was almost white from sheets, as well as the several seemingly blank pages stuck on the giant's body, and nodded, repressing a chuckle.
"Yep. Everywhere."
Tommy held back a laugh as well, and Wilbur tried visualizing how this.... god knows how tall being could try opening drawers with his nails barely thin enough to hold the handler, and reading papers the size of a pins on his hands, all while trying to manœuver his body so he wasn't blocking the rest of the building.
He would lie if he said the thought wasn't amusing.
He went for the paper, and without much thinking hopped onto the hand, since the papers were mostly at the center of his palm.
He grabbed a few and sat down, begining reading when he felt a shaky inhale. He looked up to meet the amused eyes of the blond.
"... Seat's comfortable?" He teased, as playful as baffled.
Wilbur frowned, then looked below him and his eyes widened as he registered. He shot straight up.
"Oh-oh oh I'm so sorry- I- I sincerely apologize I-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence as he covered his ears, a wheezed laugh echoing through the entire thing and sending Wilbur shaking from the vibrations.
He found himself laughing as well, barely able to keep up his balance as he stepped out of the hand, a good chunk of paper held between his chest and arms.
The laughs finally died down, the blond disforming his face with his hand trying hard to muffle the sounds. He looked back at the human with what could only be described as adoration. The hand left his face and he chuckled still as he talked.
"Ahh, don't worry about it. I expected you to just take the papers and go, but this? This was funny. Definitely the first time someone sits on my hand like that."
"I-... is it a bad thing?" Wilbur asked, taking slow steps backward while he kept a smile. The last thing he wanted was to upset a giant he was trapped with. Sure, the kid was nice, even though overwhelming, but a wrong gesture could change that first part pretty quickly.
"Nah, I don't mind. If the floor is too cold for your liking, you can sit here."
Wilbur sighed in relief and gave the blond a smile. "Alright. Thanks."
He still chose to sat on the floor, and started reading again. His intuition was right, there was tons of information in here.
He read in silence, only disturbed every once in a while when Tommy asked what was in the sheets. Wilbur explained as easily as possible and kept the details for himself. Tommy was satisfied with the answer he was given, though, so that wasn't a problem.
He was only a quarter through the first pile of paper when he felt something approaching. He froze when a mass, probably a finger, found itself on top of Wilbur's head.
There was a beat of silence when neither moved, and the finger ruffled ever so slightly his hair.
It was a bit awkward, but it wasn't uncomfortable, so he didn't protest.
A soft voice pierced through the silence.
"If I press on your head too hard or hurt you, warn me. You're small so I don't know how much pressure I can apply on you."
"Alright." Wilbur nodded. "You're doing fine right now, I'll tell you if that changes."
The rest of the reading was done with Tommy gently playing with Wilbur's hair or tapping his back in an attempt at a 'massage' (as Tommy called it). It was distracting, but not uncomfortable. At times, even soothing.
It was almost night when Wilbur read most of the first pile. He got up with the paper he read already and looked for an empty drawer.
Fortunately, since Tommy spent 2 days scrambling to get every possible paper out, it wasn't much of a challenge. Below Tommy's angled leg was a furniture. He went and deposited it.
"That should be good." He said as he closed it. He then turned around to meet the blond. "Well, I think it's time for me to go home. I'll be back soon though, this place is VERY interesting."
He forced himself not to fake a gag at Tommy's smile. Urg. So genuine.
"Yeaaayyy" the giant stage-whispered while clapping his hands as softly and quickly as possible. "It's nice having you around. Can I do anything to help you?"
Wilbur brought a hand to his chin and thought for a moment. "If you find an empty book, you can give it to me next time. I'll bring one myself though so you don't have to tear this place upside down to find one." That made Tommy chuckle.
And so, Wilbur returned home once more.
Pls read this it’s amazing and so well done, I love the rust server and this is so good :D
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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ʷᵒʳᵈˢ: ².²ᵏ
ᵖᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍ: ᶜʰⁱˡᵈᵉ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵗᵃᵍˢ: ʰᵘʳᵗ/ᶜᵒᵐᶠᵒʳᵗ, ˢˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ, ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ⁱⁿˢᵉʳᵗ, ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ʰⁱᵐ ᵃ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ᵃˡʳᵉᵃᵈʸ
Its late in the night, far too late for your liking. The moon is glistening in the sky with it's stars, providing a small sheen of light in your dark room, passing through the curtains. It's not unusual for Tartaglia to get home late considering his occupation, but you never got used to the worry pooling in ur gut each hour that passes without him by your side.
What if he's gotten incredibly hurt and you're not there to help? What if one day he doesn't return home? Nontheless you always prepare extra dinner and make the bed, even on nights he doesn't return. You never had the idea of coming home to loving arms and warm dinner as a kid, so it felt as if it's your duty to make sure Tartaglia never suffers that feeling.
The feeling of a stab in the chest as you enter the dark house, eerily silent. You'd always pad your way to the kitchen silently and snag a sandwich before going to bed in your room. Your living situation had never been inherently bad, but the people you lived with, the people any other person would've called their parents, seemed to make everything unbearable.
That is why when you turned 18 you moved out to Liyue harbor, and your close friend Zhongli was there every step of the way. You had run into him once during a trip at the age of 16, and you had kept contact through letters ever since.
The man, at the time, told you he was 23, but he never really seemed to age. You brushed it off, probably overthinking it. That is the same person that introduced you to Childe, it was quite a sudden occurence, but you'll be forever grateful.
You needed a place to stay and your friend told you that his friend wouldnt mind a roommate, and that he was rarely found home anyways. You took up the offer, not knowing that your roommate would be one of the fatui harbingers.
You were off to a rocky start, the man refusing to talk to you the very few times he was at the appartment. Later though, he seemed to warm up to you, ever so slowly.
You don't remember how your relationship ever came to be, it's not like you've ever explicitly put a label to it. There was just a moment where you felt as if everything changed. What you had wasn't just merely a romantic relationship, it was more than that. To provide each other comfort and love like no one else had ever done before. Unconditional love that didnt seem to falter, even during the moments where you parted ways.
You smile to yourself, remeniscing the days you barely talked, and the days you spent helping him when he was wounded. There was one particular night he just crashed into your bed in the middle of the night, even though he usually only used the couch.
He had clung to you as if you were his only lifeline, sleeping soundlessly as you laid in shock. The shock died down after a few seconds though, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Not long after you fell asleep too, and since that night Tartaglia had never slept on the couch ever again.
You check th clock. 4:37 Am, way too late to be up, but it's not like you'd sleep regardless. You'd probably get an ear full from Zhongli during your scheduled lunch the next day, but that, folks, is something for future you to deal with.
Suddenly you heard the turning of keys in a lock, and a door opening and slamming shut. That can only be one person. Then you heard a crash coming from the living room, making you shoot up. You slipped on your slippers as you quickly shuffled your way across the room and out into the living room.
You flicked on the light and were met by Tartaglia, slumped against the back of the couch. His bow was discarded to the side and he was breathing heavily. Sluggishly, his eyes opened to meet yours, his gaze seemed distant, almost empty.
You snapped out of your trance, rushing to pull his arm over your shoulder. You managed to drag him across the living room, over to the bathroom, settling him down on the closed lid of the toilet. You held up your hands, as if to say 'wait here'. You didn't dare break the silence that hung over you, scared that you'd set him off or something.
He didn't seem to protest, so you left to go get the med kit from the kitchen, and a clean rag to clean off the blood splattered across his skin. Was it his? That was a question that, regardless if you could guess the answer, would be left unanswered. As always.
He met your eyes when you returned, seeking for some contact. He knew how much you hated blood. The stickyness, the sickening smell and the thought of what must have happened that involved getting covered in blood. You always helped him regardless, and he thanked you dearly for that. After a long day he simply could not do it himself.
It makes him feel helpless, but you're always right by his side to make him feel better. You wet the rag, cleaning off his calloused hands. His face too had some traces of blood, but those were easily wiped away as well.
After some emergency stitches and a bandage around his bicep you motioned for him to stand up, letting him know that the treatment was done. He was still quite weak, but not as much as before.
"Thanks," he croaked, the first words you shared in 2 days. His voice sounded devoid of any confidence. He seemed very fragile, but you didn't comment it.
"No worries," You send him a reassuring smile, helping him get up and over to the bedroom. You see him visibly relax once he's in bed, snuggling into the sheets. He immediately rolls over towards you when he feels the matress dip, wrapping his arms around your waist.
His face is buried in between your shoulder blades, and it's nearly impossible for you to turn over and look at him. He only does that when he's in a bad mood, and you stop putting in effort to try and face him.
"Bad day?" He hums, the vibrations thrumming against your back. He seems tense, but you're careful not to trigger him too much. The last thing you want is to stress him out even more, knowing he has a lot on his plate already.
After a while, when you've started nodding away assuming he fell asleep you suddenly feel movement behind you. You open your eyes as you hear a small sniffle. It's almost as if you could hear your hart shatter from beneath your ribs. He probably thought you were asleep too.
His arms had relaxed, allowing you to turn around easily. His ocean blue eyes met yours, big with surprise, even though they seemed almost grey-ish in the faint moonlight. All you could do is smile at him as you opened his arms, for him to rely on you.
And that's exactly what he did. qHe fell into your chest, sniffling and crying freely as you drew patterns on his back, your other hand running through his hair. You could almost feel his clogged nose by the way he was having trouble breathing. After a bit his sobbing eased down to mere sniffles as you handed him a handkerchief to blow out his nose.
He used to have a lot of trouble with that, relying on people. Upon meeting him he imediately sparked you as the type of person that didnt bother anyone with his personal feelings, bottling them up for only him to experience. You could see how it physically and mentally ate away at him
That's why one day you faced him, and opened your arms. He had quirked up a brow, confused at what you were insinuating. "Rely on me." You said, and he chuckled, assuming it was a joke.
When you didn't move he realised you weren't kidding. Eventually you wrapped your arms around him, the man tense in your grip. "You don't seem to want to bug anyone else with your problems, so you can rely on me instead,"
You had no idea ho much those words had meant to him, they stuck by him like gum under a shoe. It felt good, he admitted, to have someone to rely on.
"I'm so sorry," He croaks, and he sounds nearly as small as he did in the bathroom half an hour ago, his eyes red with tears. Seeing him like that made your chest clench in pain, knowing the pain the world has caused him.
"There's nothing for you to apologise for," he seems to be taken aback by your comment, maybe even... offended?
"N-no way, i'm clearly a burden to you and a waste of yo-" you shut him up by pressing a kiss to his lips, making his eyes widen.
"You have nothing to apologize for because i am here for you, willingly. I promised to help you with whatever you're going through didn't i," He nods in defeat, leaning back into you. The way he cuddles up to you almost seems domestic, forgetting the fact that he kills people for a living.
"You need to take a break sweetie, otherwise you'll just keep eating yourself up," You stroke a lock of hair out of his face that nearly seemed glued by the stickyness of his tears. He furrows his brows, creating deep creases in between them.
"You know i can't, there's way too much for me to do," He looks up at you, as if he's offended you brought it up in the first place. You press your thumb in between his brows, easing up the crease and stopping him from furrowing.
"We both know it isn't a crime to take a week off, considering you've never used your days off," He tries to butt in, but you shush him before he can start. "And before you start about 'your duties', there's enough harbingers at the fatui, it's not like they can't send Scaramouche to deal with your business for a bit,"
He frowns again, but you resume in stroking his hair. "Besides, if they don't allow you to take off, which i highly doubt, they'll have me to deal with," You smirk. His eyes crinkle up as he musters a small smile. You're not the most intimidating person on the planet, but it's the sentiment that matters.
"What would i even do in that week though," he huffs, fiddling with the back of your shirt as he seems deep in thought.
"Well i had just the idea," you chuckle as he looks at you in disbelief. His eyes are still a bleary red, but you can tell he's a lot less tense than earlier. "And that is..." He continues, his tone ever so curious.
"Say, how long has it been since you've been back home," he visibly tenses up, not meeting your eyes. You know its a sensetive topic, but it'd really do him good to go back home to see his family.
"I dont know, nearly two years," his voice is merely above a whisper, bless the fact that the room is so silent you'd be able to hear a pin drop. You adjust your position so that he's laying against you more comfortably, going back to stroking through his hair.
"Well i thought we could book it to shnezhynaiya for a week or two, spend some time with your family," He lays still against you, as if he'd break if he moved. "After all, they've only heard about me through letters," you chuckle.
You hold him a little tighter, leaning into the warmth. "Wouldn't you like that?" You say in his ear, just above a whisper. That seems to break him, the realisation dawning on him that he'd get to see his family again.  Tears run down his face once again, only this time they're not caused by distress. He nods as he buries his face back into your shoulder.
You stroke his back as you continue talking about your trip, soothing him. Later, when he's stopped crying, he talks along. He tells you about his parents, about how his mother used to be there for him through everything. About how he used to go ice fishing with his father in the winters, and proudly mention he caught a very big fish once.
He also tells you about his siblings, about how he cares for every single one of them very dearly. He also tells you about the spots he wants to visit with you he used to hang out at.
He tells you all about it, and for the first time in a while you see him smile. Really, genuinely smile. The kind of smile where his eyes crinkle up and he bares his teeth. It's an incredibly endearing sight, and u make a mental note to never forget it.
Suddenly he yawns. "You must be exhausted," you chuckle as you both adjust your positions, ready to fall asleep. He only hums as he keeps his eyes shut, pulling up his blanket. His breathing evens out as he falls asleep.
You smile as you look at his resting face, snuggling closer to him as you think; god, how did i get this lucky
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Diabolik Lovers Rejet Fest 2014 Special Drama [ENG Translation]
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Original title: N/A
Source: Diabolik Lovers Rejet Fest 2014
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kishio Daisuke & Toshiyuki Morikawa
Translator’s note: This was just pure chaos but I loved it nontheless. xD They definitely went all out with the ‘comedy’ aspect this time and did not care one bit about breaking the 4th wall. I have to say, I did feel pretty bad for Carla when Ayato & Shuu started messing with him. He was just trying his very best to stay nice but those two took full advantage of it. Although in Ayato’s case, I feel like it was less mean-spirited and just him being a big dumb dumb. (Shuu on the other hand was just being evil lol)
ー Shuu walks around the hallway at school
Shuu: Haah...Honestly, why is this school so noisy? My Bach is getting totally ruined. Isn’t there some quiet place I can sleep in peace...? ...Ah. This is...the Special Classroom?
ー He steps inside
Shuu: Nobody’s around. Perfect. Guess I’ll nap here for a bit.
Carla: ...Hm? Somebody’s here. 
Carla: This scent...A Vampire, huh?
Shuu: Zzー Zzー
Carla: Oi, you.
Shuu: Zzー Zzー
Carla: Where do you think you are? You are...Sakamaki Shuu. Why are you here?
Shuu: Nn...? Pwaaaah...Oh, it’s you. I’m still sleepy. Don’t bother me. Zzー
Carla: What’s wrong with this guy...? Oi, wait! Don’t sleep!
Shuu: Nn...
Carla: You are not supposed to be here. This is a Special Classroom for Shin and me, for us Founders. Hurry up and get out.
Shuu: ...Haah? Even if you were about to use this classroom right now, as one of the students of this academy, I have the right to be here as well, don’t I? Pwaaah...
Carla: You...
ー Ayato walks inside
Ayato: What’s up!* ...Huh? Shuu? Whatcha doin’ on the floor?
--> 邪魔するぜ or ‘jama suru ze’ literally means ‘I’m gonna disturb’, but it’s a phrase often uttered when you enter a room, kind of to greet everyone already in there. I have seen it translated as ‘pardon the intrusion’, but since Ayato uses very colloquial speech here, that just didn’t sit right with me.
Shuu: ...Another loudmouth has arrived.
Carla: Sakamaki Ayato. Now what do you want? Also, what is that you are carrying in your hand?
Ayato: Aah? Takoyaki, duh! I had Chichinashi make me some earlier! So while I was wonderin’ where I should enjoy them, I heard ‘bout this Special Classroom which was installed recently. So, Shuu, are you perhaps here to...eat Takoyaki as well!?
Shuu: ...Haah? I was only sleeping here. Well, Mr. Scarf over there has been bugging me for a while now though.
Carla: I sincerely hope this is not the case but...Are you perhaps referring to me?
Shuu: Who else is here? Haha...
Carla: I am Tsukinami Carla. ‘Mr. Scarf’ is not my name.
Ayato: Mr. Scarf! Imma hang out here as well!
Carla: It seems to me as if you are simply begging to be eradicated by me. Very well. As you wish, I shall give you a taste of my magic.
Shuu: ...What a drag. We were just joking a little.
Ayato: E-Exactly! Besides, what’s wrong with callin’ you ‘Mr. Scarf’ when you’ve clearly got one wrapped ‘round your neck!
Carla: ...I do not need your excuses!
ー Azusa bursts into the room
Azusa: Wait!
Carla: ...!
Azusa: Apparently...This drama is a comedy. ...Which means, we can do anything we want, right...?
Carla: What are you...?
Azusa: That magic seems really painful...Use on it me instead. Fire it towards me. What’s wrong? Are you listening? Hurry! I can’t wai...Come on! ...Right here...Please shoot it straight into this area from an acute angle.
Carla: Enough! ...I’ve lost interest.
Azusa: Eh? But this is a comedy...So why?
Carla: Seems like the two of you just had your lives saved by Mukami Azusa.
Shuu: Zzー...
Carla: Don’t sleep!!
Shuu: Ugh...
Ayato: (eating) Geez, stop makin’ a fuss. We just came to have a lil’ looksie. ...Oh, there’s even a sofa!
ー He takes a seat
Ayato: It’s hella soft as well! Kind of pisses me off, you know? Don’t you think it’s weird these two are gettin’ a special treatment? *nom nom* Ah~ The takoyaki’s so good.
Carla: Oi, don’t wander around while consuming food. Besides, who gave you permission to take a seat on said couch?
Ayato: Haah...?
Azusa: Carla-san’s...petty. Isn’t he? Kind of unexpected, huh?
Shuu: Good point. He’s petty.
Ayato: Exactly! You petty bastard! Why can’t I just sit down on the couch for a bit?
Carla: What are you saying? I am not pe...
Azusa: Aaah....
Carla: ...Yes, Mukami Azusa? 
Azusa: Nothing, but...
Carla: ... (mumbles to himself) Kings must have a generous heart at all times, and show tolerance towards the weak. Father told me so as well. As the King of Founders, I must never be called ‘petty’ by those filthy Vampires...
Ayato: What’s wrong with him? He suddenly froze on the spot.
Shuu: Who knows? I don’t care as long as he keeps quiet though. He’s annoying after all.
Carla: Sakamaki Ayato.
Ayato: ...W-What?
Carla: Is this ‘takoyaki’ of yours delicious?
Ayato: ...’Course it is! But why you askin’? By the way, you’re not gettin’ any!
Carla: I don’t particularly want any. More importantly, I have a tea blend which will go nicely with it. Shall I pour you a cup?
Ayato: Eh? You will?
Carla: Yeah. A Founder such as myself will do so.
Ayato: Oh! Thanks mate!
Shuu: Then while you’re at it, pour me a cup as well.
Azusa: Ah! In that case, I want some as well. The tea Carla-san set...It’s tea time.
Carla: You lot...
Shuu: Hm? Is something the matter?
Carla: Ah, no. Please take a seat on the couch over there and wait a little.
Shuu: Pwaah...Hurry up already.
Carla: ... (mumbles to himself again) I must stay strong. I am the King of the First Bloods! ...Well then, the tea is ready.
...!! You, where did those stains on the sofa come from!?
Ayato: Ah, my bad! I dropped some takoyaki! I figured it’d come off if I rubbed it a lil’, but the more I did, the worse it got.
Carla: ...!!
Azusa: Ayato-san...To get rid of sauce stains, you need to dilute a bit of soap with water and gently tap the surface area.
Ayato: Heeh...Someone’s knowledgeable, huh? 
Azusa: Ruki...told me.
Carla: This couch...happened to be one of my favorites, so I made arrangements to have it moved in here. Yet you...
Ayato: But I apologized, didn’t I!? I did try and fix my mistake, you know! If anythin’, you should praise me!
Shuu: ...Hah! You’re surprisingly delicate, aren’t you?
Carla: ...It is just a couch, I can always just buy a new one. Do not let it bother you.
Shuu: Heeh...So you’ll forgive him?
Azusa: So Carla-san wasn’t actually...petty. I said something pretty rude earliーー Aaah!
ー Azusa drops his tea cup
Carla: Ah...!
Azusa: I’m sorry...My hand caught onto something and the cup broke...~
Carla: ...!! This cup is a one-of-a-kind which I picked up at my favorite art gallery...!
Ayato: But well, you don’t care ‘bout a lil’ cup or two, do you?
Carla: R-Right. Exactly. Nothing lasts foreーー
Shuu: Whoopsie~ 
Carla: ...!!
Shuu: Aah...My bad. My hand slipped from a lack of sleep. Pwaah...
Carla: Aah...
Shuu: Hm? Something wrong?
Azusa: No matter how broad-minded Carla-san might be...He is bound to get upset over that just now...Right?
Carla: ...Hahaha. I believe I already stated this earlier, but a few broken objects are no big deal to me.
Shuu: Heh. ...Well, I guess so. When you become big and mighty like you are, having something break on you is no big deal, is it?
Carla: Fufufu...Exactly.
Azusa: ...As to be expected of Carla-san~ 
Ayato: Heeh...In that case...I can just...Take that!
Azusa: Aah! Ayato-san! How could you stab a knife through the sofa on purpose like that! 
Carla: ...Aah! So what? Don’t make me repeat myself over and over, but such a trivial thing will not fa...
Shuu: Heeh? Then this won’t make you upset either?
Carla: ...!!
Shuu: It’s the exact same as the one I broke earlier, so it’s no big deal, right?
Carla: ...O-Of course.
Ayato: Heeh...Founders are hella rad! ...Founders are hella rad! ...Founders are hella rad! Then this won’t faze you either, right? 
Carla: Ah...!
Azusa: Ah...Both of you!
Carla: Aah...You bastard...Cut it out! Know your limits!
Azusa: Y-You can’t, Carla-san! Calm down! If you gather up that much magic energy at once, you’ll...
Azusa: ...Right?
Ayato: Keh...This is bad...At this rate...Oi, Carla! We were just foolin’ ‘round a lil’...Ah, C-Carla-san?
Carla: Uwaaah!!!
Shuu: ...Ow.
Ayato: Fuck, that hurt! We were sent straight flyin’...! ...Actually, where’s Azusa?
Shuu: ...Azusa is...Ah. He purposedly took the attack head on.
Ayato: Haah!? On purpose? Has he gone craz...Huh? Oi, Azusa!
Shuu: Oh? He rolled all the way over here?
Azusa: ...Nice...So very, very...amazing.
Carla: So you lot actually survived? You should be grateful to still be alive after taking my attack!
Shuu: ...Buzz off. 
Carla: Take this as a lesson and don’t you ever dare approach this room again!
Ayato: Keh! We won’t come even if you beg us! Fool!
Carla: ...!! You bastard...Seems like you want to take another blow?
Ayato: ...!! I-I’m kiddin’! Have you not been listenin’ to me!? Geez...I’ve never met someone as narrow-minded as you.
Carla: ...Oi. What did you say just now?
Azusa: Go ahead...Carla-san!
Carla: Haah!? 
Azusa: Fire off one more...!
Ayato: Guess you can hit this guy instead of me then. 
Carla: ...!! Oi, wait!
Shuu: In your dreams. I don’t want to get involved in this mess again. ...Good grief. Guess I’ll hit up some other place and get some more sleep. Calling that woman and having her lend me her lap as a pillow doesn’t sound half bad either.
Ayato: ーー And there you have it. We’ll leave the rest up to you!
ー Shuu and Ayato leave
Carla: ...Wait...Oi! You two! ...D-Don’t push him off onto me!
Azusa: Staaaaaaaare...
Carla: You...W-What are you...looking at?
Azusa: Eh? ...You know what I want, don’t you~...?
Carla: I don’t, not at all. ...Stay away.
ー Azusa continues to keep closer.
Carla: Stay away, I said!
Azusa: But why~? 
Carla: I-If you take...one step closer...!
Azusa: Haah, haah, haah...
Carla: ...!! Like I said...Stay away...
Azusa: Haah, haah, haah...
Shin! ...Where is Shin!? ...Shin!!!
ー Carla runs away
Azusa: Wait! ...Haah...He left in search of Shin...But I’m...so skilled at imitating Shin’s voice... *clears his throat* I’ll give it a try... 
(imitating Shin’s voice) Sha, sha...! Nii-san, nii-san! Nii-san, we’re gonna rule over the Founders, right?
...Considering they left me all by myself at the end of this drama...That basically means I’m getting green light to do anything I want, right...? 
I’m looking at the script as you can see...Not that there’s anything written in it though. 
ー The lights begin to go out
Azusa: Ah...A forced blackoutーー
ーー THE END ーー
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Oh, let me continue the subject of the jealousy of these two. You're saying that Johnny isn't the type to hold back when it comes to emotions. And it really is. But... there is a moment in the game when V talks about his exes or about stupid compliments in a conversation with River. And Johnny doesn't say anything. I would write it off as a scenario move, so as not to shift the focus from the River. But this isn't the only time Johnny ignores events in this quest line. See the second question
Part 2 for context:  So... I continue. Do you remember the moment when you watched brain damage and lost consciousness, when you and River were searching for clues about the mayor's murder? Johnny never ignored the moments when V passed out. Here River comes to the rescue, and you would think that he knows that there is someone to help and nothing to worry about ...But in similar situations with Judy and Panam, he would appear and deliver his moralizing remarks or make snide comments. 🤔
Personally, I do believe this is sort of a meta issue. I’ve talked about it a little bit before in a general post; how given his characterization, Johnny does not in my opinion talk as much as he should. In a more comedic example, I mentioned how could anyone honestly look me in the eye and say that Johnny wouldn’t have a comment on the guy with the exploding penis implant????  Like Johnny is majorly characterized as a guy who can’t leave well enough alone and always has something to say; yet theres a fairly large percentage of gigs and missions and moments where you’d think Johnny would have something to say and he doesn’t. There’s also times where lines are blatantly reused and in a jarring way.
Like, I could be wrong, but I think they reuse him saying “There it is” with both V getting Nibbles and a man committing suicide in a gig. Like????? 
Meta wise, I do think it’s partially a fear of over incorporating Johnny to the point players found him annoying. Because even now, some people find him irritating and wish he’d talk less. So, that could be a factor. The idea of not sidelining love interests is a factor of course. While, he has commentary through out each love interests questlines. He always does mostly bugger off during the romantic lead up and the actual kiss then sex. Because well, it might be a bit of a buzzkill and if you’re trying to get laid and Methed Out Future Keanu Reeves is yelling at you from the corner of the room. I mean, it’d probably enhance my experience but some people aren’t into that. 
As for why stuff like, him ignoring V getting zapped by the braindance in River’s quest. I’ve always thought that was ooc. Like, short of potentially the bd having fried him up for a bit, kinda like the emp blast does when V and Panam take down the AV. But overall, over and over again, Johnny is shown to be the first one there when V gets hurt. Even if its to yell at them for going into the toxic water or he waits a beat to appear once Panam is done looking over V. 
And that could be because they potentially again wanted to give more attention to River or... and I always hate to get into this sort of discourse, cause I know it aggravates some people. It was an oversight, something not caught, something not thought of, just because to be fair...River has the least polished questline of the love interests. The male love interests in general imo were sidelined more. But, River A) has the least amount of quests to build up to his romance, B) is the most easily missable love interest since he’s not even required to meet for the secret ending the way Kerry is. and C) this could just be my own personal experience, maybe cyberpunk 2077 provides unique bugs for everyone, but his quests are the buggiest for me.
And to be perfectly clear, this is not me being a dick to River. Do, I think some aspects of his character are kinda tone deaf, sure, but I like River. I think he’s a sweetheart, who’s usually pretty stiff, but has his cuter jokey moments and is a puppy dog underneath.  I love doing his quests because they’re truly very emotional, being able to help his family. Like, being able to save Randy is one of the best feelings in the game to me, knowing you saved him and so many other young boys. That’s why it honestly breaks my heart to see how little polish and attention his quests were given. From the calls glitching, him not staying on comms in the first quest, Johnny in my game doesn’t even give the dialogue warning my V about River wanting to sleep with her, like it just does not show up for me, The cobbled together family photo. The weird pacing of the romance that goes from 0 to a 100. Randy’s face glitches and clips through the mask when you’re saving him. Like the concept, the investigation, the intense stakes, and the emotional impact of his quest are all so good; but CDPR just did not in my opinion take enough time with it. 
So, maybe they didn’t bother to script and put Johnny in that scene despite it being something he’d most definitely pop in for; cause they just didn’t take their time with it like they could have/should have. 
And in regard to Johnny in universe and talking; while like I said he’s more upfront and direct with his anger and side comments that he uses to hide his real feelings. I do think, especially if its post oils field convo, a part of him tries desperately to bite his tongue and just sit with his feelings if he think its best for V. In the more love dovey romance moment with River, I could see him being like, “okay, V wants this, as much as it pisses me off, V deserves to have some good in their life” and tries to hold back and be good and then five seconds later “CANT BELIEVE YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME FUCK A COP” cause he can only behave for so long. 
And I do wanna note; I am by no means consider myself a Johnny Silverhand expert. I’ve said this before, his characterization and just him as a person can be very messy, very all over the place, and contradictory at times. He can try to kill V and then the next day pop up to chat with them in a diner and be like “why aren’t you happy to see me?????? you still mad?????? its been a whole ass 5 hrs since I told you to kill yourself and bashed your head into a window, gotta learn to let shit go dude.” So, sometimes I worry I’m making him ooc, but its fun nontheless, so. 
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fuckingdeadbutroyal · 4 years
Jasonette July- Soulmate AU- Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
!Season 3 spoilers coming right ahead!
A tiny sigh escaped Maris lips as she felt her body filling up with energy. “He ate. I think I’ll be fine in a few”, she told her partner, who was currently swimming next to her. She hadn’t dared to detransform for a day now, knowing that doing so would mean her finally collapsing. The duo hasn’t been wasting time, though. Theyvwere trying to come up with a new plan. Ladybug told him all about her being the new Guardian of the Miraculous, about Chat Blanc and Bunnix. Pointed out how if Bunnix hasn’t turned up yet, that meant that they could handle the situation. Explained why she wouldn’t dare share her identity with him, even though she wanted to, because of how she couldn’t afford to risk him turning into Chat Blanc again. Ladybug told him about her soulmate. Now he finally understood how she had such incredible stamina and... had a hard time agreeing to the two of them staying as nothing more than friends.
Adrien did not disregard their friendship as something unimportant. Knowing that he was Ladybugs best friend and feeling that she was just as well his... best friend, his partner, the person he could rely on the most. It was amazing, unique and so very very important to him.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t hurt, though. He loved her and she liked him, they both knew that. It just was never enough. Not for Adrien.Now was not the time to grieve his broken heart, though. He was used to suppressing his emotions due to Hawkmoths terror. He could keep it together for a little longer.
Now that all their cards were laid out on the table, they were ready to come up with a plan.
“Look. I can’t cast my cure while the akuma is still out there. Creation doesn’t work with destruction working actively against it.”, Ladybug told Chat who, though currently detransformed as Adrien, winced. The word “Destruction” has already intergrated itself as a trigger, setting off a bad reaction in the teenagers mind. Plagg did not like that in the slightest. “Kid, you’ve gotta get it together. Yes I am the god of D-Trigger, but I’m also the God of Chaos and let me tell ya, I can’t sense a hint of chaos on that dusty dirtbag out there.” Adrien smirked, a drained, sarcastical smile forming on his lips. “Are you trying to tell me I have another power you’ve just forgotten to mention?” 
The heroes knew they still weren’t off age and therefore didn’t have access to their full potential. That didn’t stop hope from lighting up in the backs of the duos hearts. They already couldn’t use the other Miraculous power, since all of the previous Miraculous holders were eliminated on day three, due to Hawkmoth already knowing their identities (thanks to what he had done on heroes day two years ago) and him finding the civilian heroes’ hiding places before Ladybug and Chat Noir could even locate their presence in Paris. Searching for new holders was clearly not a good idea. They couldn’t risk throwing someone inexperienced and terrified into a battle they didn’t know how to win yet.
But if Chat could use a new power? 
That would be the element of surprise they needed! Adriens 18th Birthday was just around the corner, there's a chance it could work!
"Nah, he's not in the right condition to try, too young and way too exhausted"
Bye bye little flame of hope.
"But if you were to get some ACTUAL sleep and eat some fucking food? You would totally make it."
"Wait what?", Marinettes eyes were the size of asteroids. They had a chance! She just had to get him to one of those bunkers so he could get some sleep and then..."Then we'll have to go without it. I'm not leaving you alone milady."
Oh, yeah, there was that tiny detail she had forgotten. The two of them were too protective of each other to leave their partner to their own devices and Ladybug entering any building was not an option.The girl let out a frustrated huff, "Cha-" "I understand what you mean, Ladybug.”, Adriens voice was solid and left no room for argument. Batman would have been proud. “But this is not up to debate. I'm not leaving you alone, not while you are in this state nor during any of our battles. It has never ended well in the past and it sure as hell won't end well now."
Plagg' and Maris' annoyed sighs were absolutly identical, which would've made Adrien laugh, if it weren't for their current situation. He knew he was right, though, and he knew she did as well.
Mentally, Marinette was feeling better. Less on edge, more focused. It was surprising to all of them. Of course she still was incredibly tired, even more fatigued than yesterday, which was understandable since she has not slept for about a week now and spent most of her time swinging around Paris, thinking her head off and crying her eyes out while trying to save as many civilians as possible. Nontheless, even though her body was about to shut down, her brain was working at a thousand miles per hour. She knew it was thanks to her soulmate, who was currently fueling the both of them by ingesting loads of energizing substances and getting closer.
Marinette was now certain her soulmate was a man. He was in Paris, in danger and aware of her dependance on him.
Who could he be? How did he get here? Why now? Why hasn’t he ever tried to find her before? 
She didn’t judge him, of couse. Did not expect him to put everything aside just to find her. Who if not Ladybug could understand what it meant to have duties holding you back, chaining you to the ones who claim to love you? (While they only do so because they need her, Marinette believed. Paris didn’t actually love her, no-one cared about her wellbeing unless it was important for their safety. No-one would jump into fire for Ladybug if they wouldn't trust her to sacrifice her sanity to resurrect them. No-one has ever jumped to rescue Marinette in her civilian identity, after all.)
Marinette was spiralling. Memories and repressed emotions suddenly jumping to the surface, reminding her of all the ways she had offered her very self to help anyone in need and receiving nothing in return. She had people who were nice to her, she had friends and family and people who loved her for who she was. Sadly, Mari only just now realised that love wasn't enough. It has never been enough. She would spend many nights awake, working on gifts and projects and helping her friends out or even just simply entertaining them over the phone. What for? Why?!
"Marinette is a saint", her parents would say, "She can do anything." Mari knew that wasn't true. She wasn't almighty. She couldn't even say "No".
That’s where the spiral came to an end. All those thoughts were standing at a cliffs edge, staring down into the abyss right beneath their feet. A tiny step forward, a minimal lean in and she would fall. Where would she go? What would she encounter? Was it okay to do this? Was it okay to change?
For once, Mari felt sure of herself. In a place she would've never thought she'd be, swimming under a god damn Ladybug themed boat in the middle of the Saine. Her mind was clear, certain. She opened her eyes and her mind jumped.
"Well fuck no I can't always do everything.", Mari heard Ladybugs voice, only partly recognizing it as her own.
The black cat duo next to her winced, having been discussing the topic of whether or not Adrien could leave Ladybug alone for a few hours. Not at all have they been expecting the sudden change in the star of their argument.
She looked at him, face straight but full of rage. Eyes sharp but full of thought. She didn't need to look around to figure out how to use her lucky charm, instead she had a horrible, unstable and unfinished plan she was absolutely going to follow.
"I have an idea."
Hawkmoth was nervous. The akuma was stronger than he had expected and definitely much harder to control. He hasn't yet decided whether or not it was a good idea to akumatize a homeless man, especially considering his educational history in architecture and geography.
It was like the Akuma was thinking, not just feeling like all his previous ones did. It could either mean victory or the literal end of the world. Gabriel was hoping for the first option, of course.
Another reason for his nervous state of mind, were the unexpected members of the justice league, who for whatever reason just now decided to enter the battlefield. He hasn't been expecting them anymore, once the first year of his reign had passed without a droplet of attention from Gotham and the rest of the world. If they've never cared before, why now? Did they suddenly have more free time or did they only just realise they were literal vigilantes and could therefore ignore any and all international borders?
Or was Hawkmoth finally on the right track, finally about to win so they sent the last of their forces to come and save his enemies? A grin split his masked face in a horrifying grimace. His secret weapon was still leashed, still waiting for his order. Agreste Senior had the upper hand, this was his time to shine, his time to win.
Much clearer air seeped into Jason's lungs. He even went as far as removing his mask, just so he could properly breathe in something that wasn't poisoned with a literal mist of dust and the stench of death. His heart, no, their hearts were beating faster. Jason stood right by the river. He felt the cold water numbing her legs and reaching for her throat. He felt her dizzy fatigue and her clenching stomach. He knew her thoughts were just as clear as his. It felt as though their minds were finally complete, as if their brains could finally grasp the whole situation. Their body's were so close, they could finally function the way they were meant to. Together, helping one another.
"Red Robin. I found her. The boats are meant for shelter, the akuma can't come out in the open and it’s afraid of water. The heroes must be somewhere underneath those fat kanus."
"I'm going in."
"Hood wai-"
Jason was already underwater, hearing but not listening to Tim's voice.
Red Hood was about to find his Red Lady and no one could stop him.
Marinette had just finished explaining her plan to Adrien, who was now transformed and ready to move, when she felt it. "He's here.", was all she could muster. Chat didn't have to think twice to guess what she had meant and subconsciously started to brace himself. He couldn't help but think that now really wasn't the time for her soulmate to interrupt. They were at war, which meant that her uninvited lover was putting himself and Ladybug at risk. Risking her safety meant risking Paris safety which meant that over all, Adrien felt like they were being royaly fucked by the Kwami of Timing.
The Duo felt the water underneath their feet moving. (The rivers flow has been stopped right at the beginning of the akuma battle. It was a safety precaution the mayor has ordered after a particularly unpleasant spread of akuma poison. Now, whenever the Akuma-alert went of, the city shut down, sealed shut and closed up. Not a single soul could enter and not a single twig could leave.
The heroes had formerly agreed to that being a great idea, now that they were short on everything, though... let's say they have learned that isolation wasn't always the best solution to their problems.)
Ladybug felt him before she heard him, a weird sense of Deja-vu overcoming her.
He came up behind her. Her spine felt like it was buzzing with electricity.
Jason didn't know why he called her that, but it sure as hell felt right.
Another shiver went down their spines. Marinettes reaction caused by her soulmates voice, while Jason's body just seemed to mimic hers even more intensely now.
She turned around.
Their eyes met.
Their scars felt like they've lit up in flames.
Two sleeping bodies were sinking towards the floor of the river Saine.
Hey ho, friendioh
I am so tired, my eyes are so done, je suis juste come Jasonette in my story.
You comments though? I LOVE YOU. Thank each and every one of you lovely message-leavers, my heart is now full of love and excitement and it’s your fault!
I can’t stress this enough, your feedback is shooing my depressay far far away.
Now back to the content. I am not finished yet, there’s more coming and the end is still uncertain, even to me. I have my plotline and my scenes, but this story has kind of started writing itself (which in my opinion is what makes writing so great). So I guess we’re all looking into a future just as uncertain as Dukes vision :)
My taglist has grown! Message me if you are interested in joining that cute group you are about to read the names of, I’ll be happy to add you ^^
Tag List \o/
@maribat-is-lifeblood @lokilex @amayakans @readingismyoxygen 
Thanks for reading ^^
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sunasbabie · 4 years
AHHH!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 500!!!!! WEEEEEEE!!!!! was wondering if i could get a matchup for your event!! :3
i’m !! short !! very short and shy, i would die for someone i care about and always want people i love happy nd do everything i can to make sure they are :3 i’m a bit moody :T get lonely very fast nd crave attention like nothing hdjfjfj. even if i put my all into someone,,, i usually really don’t expect anything back hehhe, but!!! i’ve recently found out i love being taken care of,,, i don’t know being reassured nd praised are somethings i LIVE OFF ONNNNN,,, i also dress like a librarian,, i’m very insecure™️ so big jackets and hoodies/cardigans are a stable in my wardrobe hehehe
i think my favorite things in this world are the feeling of laying down after a long day ;; curling up next to someone nd having them hold you, oh! and rainy days- i think the worse the weather the more i like it >:)
fun facts about me are!!! i’m a musician!! i dont think there’s a moment in my life where i’m not playing or listening to something,, it soothes me i suppose!! oh and i have really bad adhd djdjdj my memory and attention retention are Horrible so i’m pretty sure i bug everyone with how many times i make them repeat things :T oh! and that i actually have had multiple short stories published! i’m actually working on an original novel right now too!!! i just love writing ;; anything artsy i do,, even if i’m not good at it! it brings joy nd a lot of love in my life <3
um,, hopefully i didn’t overshare??? and hopefully you got enough info about me to do a matchup dhfjfjn <3 THANK YOU!! AND ONCE AGAIN!! CONGRATSSSSS <3 <3 <3 <3
hii thank you and of course you can jax!
i match you with ushijima wakatoshi
ik you’ve talked about bokuto on your blog a lot but the things on here make me think about ushiwaka. first ushi would be perfect like yours and his height are so cute omg he loves giving you his sweaters and hoodies when you ask for them, at first he’s going to be like “why?” but then he sees them on you and boom he loves it. i feel like you and ushi are the same in the aspect of craving attention it’s just that he doesn’t know it, he’s not that perceptive of his own feelings that’s not related to vball yk? he also makes you feel good about yourself, he will praise you as long as you need albeit he’s a bit blunt with it but you love it nontheless. ushi is like a big pillow omg please lay down on him he secretly loves it, he also rubs your back when you lay in him. i feel like ushiwaka plays some sort of instrument idk so i feel like he tends to listen to music as well, he loves listening to the song recommendations you give him, he sometimes plays them before a game. he also likes to leave little sticky notes for you since you tend to be forgetful (omg this is so cute wtf). when you make something for ushi he likes to keep in on display in his place,, also omg that’s so cool you’ve had a book published!! so cool!!
runner up: bokuto kotaro
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Wassup! I remember you said your ask box was open, I wanted to figure out what to ask and I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING!
So I just got a massage gun because my physical therapist kept berating me until I got it. Turns out: it's amazing.
So my ask is: bayverse boys reaction to reader using massage gun on them. Spicy and NSFW can be included if thats where your writing takes you. Though fluffy is where you get me the most 😁 pretty please and thank you fren!
Why of course! I just recovered from been sick, I was now just thinking of opening requests again. Enjoy this fluffy cute chapter of mine! Im so happy to hear you like reading my work. I work so hard to entertain and this is a lovely surprise. Again Enjoy!😉
April knew you needed at least one massage, yet you refused to go to a salon. So best idea of hers was to buy you a massage gun!:
* He looked this contraption over and reads its manual first
* He makes sure you dressed in something...even if it was just your underwear first before proceeding
* He made you some rather lovely tea to relax you first
*Then after you were laying on your front he uses it first on your right shoulder blade earning a satisfied hum from you
* He proceeds to trail down until he gets your lower back
* You moaned softly although trying to cover up your moan and blushing
* He just chuckled softly while continuing your massage with this device
*"Next time I wanna use this on you Blue."
* He cleared his throat now sputtering from embarrassment been a gentleman most times.
*"A-anytime babe. Im sure it will feel good-I mean lovely."
* You couldn't help but giggle at his bad coverup of his manly needs with his gentlemanly self.
*He googled and researched this new device
* He was beyond fascinated by this and was only happy to use it on you
* He explored every setting and wouldn't admit he enjoyed listening to your satisfied moans
* He found himself blushing at times trying to cover it up
* He even made your fave beverage to help you relax further
* He stuttered when he heard your moan once he used it on your neck region
* You couldn't help but giggle at his been flustered
* Don was so flustered that he tried to blame his been scatterbrained
*"Aww you adorable been flustered."
* He was legitimately speechless, the nerd and most talkative is speechless!
* You adore your Donnie-Dork nontheless, he's Adorkable[Adorable dork]
* To say he was flustered with this request was an understatement
* He was adorable when flustered as he looks this gadget over
* He then uses the gadget on your back like a pro since he is like a bodybuilder and works out daily
* He then hits a few tense knots that you moaned, he was a blushing mess
* His defense mechanism was more along the lines of,"Shut up-" Muttered.
* You tried not to laugh at his poor excuse of trying to evade his manly needs as he really enjoys hearing you moan.
* He grabs you some water infused with fruit to drink.
*After massaging he was back to his "grumpy cuddle bug" Mode
* You just adored his reaction whenever you kiss his snoot
* He just grumbles until you say that next time you using it on him.
* He simply grumbles a,"Fine...looking forward to it", along with a darker than usual blush.
*This boy was beyond exctatic to try it out on you
* He was definitely enjoying using it on you
* His fave part was when you moaned from enjoyment
* He was blushing, but he loved using this gadget all over your back
* He was even begging that you use it on his shell.
* How could you ever resist those beautiful baby blue eyes
* You rather love it that Mikey enjoys trying new things
* You both enjoy the massage gun session together.
* You love scritching his shell as he loves it when you do it after a long day of patrol
* He pulled you into an almost bonecrushing hug after you were both done
* Now he was keeping you locked in a cuddle/gaming hold, until you were both likely gonna fall asleep that way
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