#but imagine him as a firefighter saving people running into burning buildings
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katsu28 · 1 year ago
save the day
pairing: firefighter!JJ Maybank x fem!reader 
summary: an AU in which JJ is a firefighter and goes on a rather interesting call (2k)
a/n: my submission for day one of @surftrips obx writing week! unfortunately this is the only day i’ll be able to participate in due to things happening in my personal life right now but definitely check out everyone else participating in the challenge!! <3
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Being a firefighter in a big city looked different from day to day. Sometimes it looked like fighting a multi-story blaze engulfing a skyscraper downtown. Sometimes it meant running drills on the apparatus floor all day because the station never got any calls. Sometimes it looked like pulling people out of burning buildings or prying them out of wrecked cars, with the occasional water rescue. 
And sometimes it looked like this—heading out on a call to rescue a cat stuck in a tree. 
JJ liked the unpredictability of it all, the thrill that came with never knowing just quite what he’d be up against when the alarm bells went off. He liked being able to help people when they needed it most. 
At Station P4, they rotated shifts in the ambulance. Today was JJ’s turn to ride the ambo, and he loved it just as much. He flicked on the siren as he pulled out of the driveway, rolling down the driver’s side window to let the breeze whip through his already wild blond curls. 
“Dude, can you at least try to obey some traffic laws?” The man sitting in the passenger seat huffed, gripping the handle beside him a little tighter. 
Pope Heyward was one of JJ’s best friends at the station. They’d come up through the fire academy together and got assigned to different stations at first, but were eventually both assigned to the same one. JJ liked to call it fate that they ended up together in the end, because Pope was one of the reasons why he hadn’t gotten dropped in the early stages of training. 
“That’s the beauty of the siren, my friend!” JJ exclaimed, banking a hard left with a gleeful smile. “Turn and burn, baby!”
The location of the call was fairly close to home, so it didn’t take long to arrive at the scene. JJ pulled the ambo to a stop right before the fire engine did the same, grabbing the jump bag from the back before jogging to catch up with the rest of his fellow firefighters. 
There were seven of them total, each one of them making up the rest of JJ’s closest friends. John B. was the station’s captain, but he never acted like he was above the rest of his crew. Kie was his trusty right hand, and Sarah was on track to making lieutenant in a few months. Last but certainly not least, there was Cleo, the station’s newest addition, a probationary firefighter with spunk for days and a fiery attitude (no pun intended). 
Together they formed what JJ liked to call “the dream team”, working together like a well oiled machine in whatever situation they were thrown into. 
JJ fell into step with Kie, elbowing her playfully. “Ten bucks we’ll get the cat down in under twenty.” 
“Make it under fifteen and you’re on.” 
“Thank god you guys are here!” You exclaimed from where you were standing under a giant oak tree, looking fraught with worry. JJ’s smile faltered for a split second and he nearly tripped over his own boots, too distracted by you. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, but if he did, he imagined it would feel something like this. “I tried to get her down, but she kept going higher and I didn’t want her to fall out of the tree and I didn’t think I should go up there so I called you guys! Is that—is that allowed? Does this count as an emergency, can you guys get her down?” 
JJ shook himself out of his daze, opening his mouth to respond, but John B. was faster, offering a more collected reply than JJ probably could in his state. 
“Of course we can get her down, ma’am, you did the right thing by calling. Let us take a look, assess the situation, then we’ll see if we can’t get her down from there safely.” He’d turned his captain’s voice on, the one that made him sound all official and professional and made JJ kind of want to bust out laughing. Now that wouldn’t have been professional at all. 
“Okay, okay, thank you so much,” You breathed, shoulders sagging with relief. The team spread out under the looming tree, peering up into the canopy to locate the cat. One of the highest branches hissed and shook violently, then there she was, a very angry ball of fur with big yellow eyes glaring down at them. 
“Does she normally do this? Climb up trees and not come down?” John B asked, cocking his head. 
“No, she doesn’t, and that’s why I’m worried! She usually never tries to leave the house, but I just opened the door for a second to grab a package and she bolted outside!” 
JJ could tell you were on the verge of panic, and he also noticed the long gash on your arm. 
“Quite a nasty scratch you got there, ma’am. Why don’t we let my friends rescue your feline friend while I check out that wound, yeah?” He insisted, nodding towards the ambulance. You looked apprehensive at first, but he turned on the charm, flashing you a pearly white smile that had you nodding slowly and following him. “Did she scratch you?” 
“Yeah, a little bit when I was first trying to get her down. It’s nothing though, it doesn’t even hurt that much.” 
“Well, I gotta check it out regardless, so if you wouldn’t mind having a seat for me right there.” JJ rummaged through the jump bag for a pair of exam gloves, snapping them on quickly before gesturing for you to give him your arm. You still looked a little uneasy, so he decided to try and lighten the conversation a bit while he examined the scratch running the length of your whole forearm. “I’m JJ. What’s your name?” You told him your name and he repeated it, letting it roll off his tongue easily. He thought it was a really pretty name. Seemed fitting for a pretty girl like you. “And your cat? She got a pretty name too?” 
You pressed your lips into a thin line, looking a little embarrassed now. “Her name’s Porkchop.” JJ cleared his throat, trying his best not to laugh. “It’s stupid, I know—” 
“No, no, it’s not stupid! Porkchop is a very distinguished name. My great uncle’s nickname was Porkchop, and he was pretty cool.” The cut on your arm was long, but shallow and pretty clean, no excessive bleeding or anything else that would suggest a need to take you to the hospital for further medical examination. He grabbed a few supplies that he needed to wrap the wound, spreading them out between the two of you. 
“Is that a joke?” 
“Uh…yeah, it was a joke,” JJ admitted sheepishly, cheeks flushing pink. “It wasn’t a very good one now that I think about it.”
“Is this your way of trying to keep me calm?” 
“It’s…an attempt. Is it working?” 
Your mouth quirked up into a small smile. “Yeah, it is.” 
“Good. I’m glad. Because I gotta clean your cut, and it’s gonna hurt like a motherfucker.” He said solemnly. You shifted in your seat, eyeing the cleaning solution in his hand nervously. “You can hold my hand, if you want.” He added, propping your arm up on his knee to free up his other hand. 
He wasn’t expecting you to take him up on his offer, but you reached for him immediately, curling your fingers around his own. Thank god you weren’t able to feel how his pulse skyrocketed at your touch. 
You squeezed his hand hard, letting out a pained hiss at the stinging sensation that came with JJ’s care. He bandaged your forearm as quick as he could, though he contemplated taking his time so you wouldn’t let go of him for a little while longer. 
“M’kay, all done. Sorry about that.” 
“It’s okay. Didn’t hurt.” 
“Didn’t seem like that with the way you were gripping my hand,” He teased, bumping his knee against yours. You were still smiling at him and if he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was making him a little flustered. Maybe even nervous. And he never got nervous. “If you could just fill this out while I go grab something from the engine, I’ll be right back. It’s just a release form saying that you consent to us not taking you down to the hospital. Standard procedure, just crossing our I’s, dotting our T’s.” 
JJ hopped down from the ledge, passing a clipboard to you and hurrying towards where Pope was spotting Kie on the ladder before you could realize he’d totally butchered that expression. “Pope! Yo, Pope, I gotta talk to you.” 
“What’s up?” 
“What’s the policy on asking out people we save?” 
“You wanna ask out the cat?” Pope snickered. 
JJ rolled his eyes. “No, I don’t. You know what I mean. And her name’s Porkchop, by the way.” 
“Cute. But no, there’s not really any policy against it, I guess. Not one that I know of, anyways.” 
“Yeah?” He cocked his head thoughtfully, gears inside already turning. Pope nodded. “Good to know.” 
“Hey, wait, that doesn’t mean you should—” JJ was out of earshot before Pope could finish his sentence, beelining right back for the ambo to you. Just as he came around the corner, you looked up, capping your pen, holding the clipboard back out to him. 
“All done? You’re fast, I like it.” 
“My number is on the medical form. In case you need to follow up on anything in the near future.” You offered, running your fingers along your bandage absentmindedly. 
“Ah, so we usually don’t do the follow-ups, that would be—oh. Oh! You meant—got it, you want me to….yeah. I mean, I want to, ‘cause you seem cool.” It was like word vomit escaping JJ’s mouth, because he couldn’t seem to stop talking, but you just smiled warmly at him, giving his hand a soft squeeze. He kind of liked that you’d made the first move instead of him.
Throughout this, the rest of his team had managed to get Porkchop down from the tree, as evident by the way she was purring in Kie’s arms contently like she hadn’t just scratched the shit out of you earlier. 
You leapt away from JJ quickly, though he wasn’t sure if it was more about not being caught cozying up to him or that your cat was now safe and sound. He hoped it was the latter. 
“Thank you so much!” You gushed, gathering your beloved cat into your arms as Kie passed her off to you. “Thank you, thank you, thank you—you guys are the best.” 
“Just doin’ our job, ma’am.” John B nodded, tipping his helmet towards you. 
“Some more than others.” muttered Pope. It went unnoticed by you, but JJ heard the comment, giving his friend a swift stomp on the foot in return. “I mean, we’re happy we could help.” 
“If JJ’s all done patching you up, we can go ahead and wrap up, leave you to the rest of your day.” 
“Uh, yeah. Yep, all set and ready to go, JB.” 
“Right then. You have a good day, ma’am. You too, Porkchop. Try not to climb any more trees, ‘kay?” 
The rest of JJ’s team filed back towards the engine and Pope made his way up to the front of the ambo, leaving you and JJ alone yet again. 
“Talk to you soon?” You asked hopefully, shifting Porkchop higher in your arms. 
“You know it,” JJ replied, shooting you his signature wink. He went to hop  into the driver’s seat swiftly, taking another few seconds to soak in the sight of you smiling bashfully at him before he had to drive away. 
“You asked her out, didn’t you?” 
“What? Of course not. Why would you even think such a thing?” Even as he spoke, there was a giddy sort of smile on his face, one that Pope clocked in on immediately. 
“You’re lying! You’re such a liar, you totally asked her out! JJ, you really—” Whatever Pope was about to say was cut off as JJ cranked up the radio as loud as it could go, drowning out the other man’s complaints. 
So yeah, being a firefighter in a big city looked different from day to day. Some days held bigger calls than others, but sometimes it was the smaller calls that were the most memorable. Days like today. 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new fic :)
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a-mel0n · 6 months ago
This stupid "Your Name" Bucktommy AU won't leave my brain, and while I don't have enough faith in my writing skills to actually write the damn thing (and it would be my first fanfic... ever?? and that's a project that seems a bit too big for me lmao), I DID write down what I'm picturing some of the "rules" Buck and Tommy have for each other while in the other's body. Mostly just for fun. (Because Tommy would be switching in 2006, the iPhone does not exist yet, so all of his notes are written in an actual physical journal. All of Buck's notes would be on the Notes app of his phone)
TOMMY: 1) Evan, stop running into burning buildings when you don’t have to while in my body. If I wake up in a hospital bed for the fifth time this month, I might actually lose it.
its part of the job to save as many ppl as possible. also u don’t even feel the pain when i get injured in ur body.
You’re right, I don’t. Unfortunately, the pain from having a wooden beam fall on you doesn't just magically go away when we swap. Just... be more careful? Please?
fine. i’ll try and keep ur hospital visits to a minimum.
2) Can you stop flirting with people on calls? Or at the very least give them your number and not mine? In the last week alone my contact list has nearly doubled because you keep giving people my number. 
dude its not my fault you’re more popular while i’m you. just think of it as me being ur wingman! how u dont have a girlfriend is beyond me btw. hot chicks love firefighters and ur a good looking dude
Jesus Christ, Evan. For the last time, I’m single by choice.
3) Don’t shower while in my body
already dont
4) Don’t go to the bathroom while in my body 
5) In fact, unless you’re at work, don’t change any of my clothes while in my body. 
6) Do you really need to spend so much of my paychecks on cooking supplies? I have enough pots and pans already. 
whats the point of a pantry if its half empty. be thankful ur getting actual food now via my leftovers instead of the utter tragedy that was the state of ur fridge when we first started swapping places.
7) Don’t make a scene while at work. 
your boss sucks ass and his stupid orders are going to get people killed. im not gonna listen to him if hes making bad calls while lives are on the line
8) Don’t pick up the phone when my dad calls.
got it
BUCK: 1) quit going to eddie’s basketball pickup games. he keeps inviting me while i’m in my own body and its getting harder and harder to come up with excuses as to why i can’t go. it's kinda awkward.
I thought you’d be more grateful, Evan. You’re the coolest guy on the court when I’m you. 
2) are you making movie references when ur me? bc chim keeps asking when i got so “cultured” and the other day maddie asked when i watched the princess bride. 
You haven’t seen the Princess Bride? I’m leaving you a surprise for tomorrow. Check your couch when you wake up. 
did you spend my OWN money on a dvd??? i don’t even own a dvd player. i own every streaming service imaginable.
3) keep the finger guns to a minimum?? idk why you do them so much but both hen and chim have said smth abt it
4) if u get a call from someone called connor or kameron on my phone just let it go to voicemail its personal stuff and i'll deal with it
Evan, you could have told me you agreed to be a sperm donor yourself. Finding out because Connor and Kameron showed up at the fire house was more of a shock than finding out over these memos would have been. 
they did what?????
5) don’t talk to my parents
6) No rule about undressing? 
dude idc. i’m not gonna stop you from taking a piss in my body if u need to. as long as you like. don’t have sex with someone while you’re me? oh wait hang on i DO have a rule about undressing
Wasn’t planning on it, but good to know. 
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draphrawrites · 2 years ago
Vigilante DabiHawks AU
Finally posting some of my Twitter threads over here! Hope y'all enjoy 😉
Twitter Threads Pt 1 || Next
Originally posted March 26th, 2021
Okay, new idea. We’ve all seen hero!Hawks and villain!Dabi and vice versa. But imagine them both as vigilantes. Hawks is very much a “I’m faster and more efficient than the heroes” type, whereas Dabi is a “I’m more ruthless against assholes than the heroes are” vigilante.
They both think heroes are overrated, though, and they end up bonding via an accidental assist and street takoyaki. Cue a vigilante team-up that has the villains running scared and the heroes sweating bullets. Really though, it’s just two powerful 20yos cleaning up the city while not-so-subtly showing off to each other 😂
Hello yes, I’m still here for friends to teammates to power couple dynamics 😂
Continued in a separate thread, same day
Some toukei / dabihawks vigilante au thoughts Keigo’s first act of vigilanteism is the same that would have made him a hero in another world.
He saves six people from a four-car pile up, but since no cameras catch it this time, he passes under the radar. Slipping through the cracks, like his feathers slip through locks when starvation becomes imminent. 
He’s not proud of it. Stealing to stay alive. And he vows, as soon as he can stand on his own, he’ll pay society back in spades. 
Five years later, he makes good on his promise by toppling a terrifying drug ring. 
People from all over the city find money repaid that they hadn’t thought about in years, accompanied by a single red feather. Meanwhile, the authorities scratch their heads, wondering where all the drug money went.
Touya’s first vigilante act is somewhat closer to home, and occurs when he meets a man who calls himself Stain. Of all things, they get into an argument. Touya is 12, and still wants his father’s approval more than anything. Stain points out Endeavor’s motives for heroism are rotten at their core. Touya challenges him, quoting stats for Endeavor’s villain capture rate. Stain bites back with Endeavor’s civilian injury rates. It isn’t until Stain offers to show Touya the other side of heroism that the preteen reluctantly agrees, thinking he’ll prove the creepy sword-freak wrong. 
Instead, he’s treated to the aftermath of one of Endeavor’s more violent fights. One that leaves buildings aflame and firefighters struggling to assist. 
Touya watches his old man throw barrage after barrage, and listens as Stain points out how so much of the damage could have been avoided. Shifted angles, less power, planning ahead to herd the villain into a less populated area. Touya listens, and for the first time, he sees his dad for what he truly is: a flawed human. Not the pillar of righteousness he presented to the world. 
It rattles him deeply. But not as much as when he hears a scream from one of the burning buildings. 
His feet move before he can think, and that day he performs his first rescue.
Years later, when Keigo has fought his way up to a sustainable lifestyle that no longer relies on crime, he dedicates himself to helping where he can. Even in small ways. Like when he finds a white-haired fire user getting doused in a back alley, for instance.
“Rain wasn’t on the forecast today!” He calls, yanking the water dude off the ground to hold him at eye level. Fifty feet in the air. 
Keigo recognizes him as a member of a local gang. 
“Oh hey!” He says as the guy thrashes in panic. “How bout you stop trying to drown people and I don’t let my feathers slip up here? That sound okay?” 
The guy nods frantically, and Keigo beams before sending his feathers to drop the guy off on the most inconvenient roof they can find. Following that, he drops to the ground, where the fire user is still spitting up water. 
“Need a hand?” Keigo asks, offering one to the man while taking in his soaked appearance, his white hair, and his bright blue eyes, scrunched up with annoyance. 
“Didn’t need any help,” he grumbles, though he still takes Keigo’s hand and allows himself to be pulled up.
Keigo grins. “In the elemental game of rock, paper, scissors, I’m pretty sure water beats fire.” 
The guy snorts. “And fire beats air,” he returns, eyeing Keigo’s wings. The blond lifts a bushy eyebrow. 
“Not wrong about that. I hate fire quirks, no offense.”
The guy shakes his head, splattering water everywhere. “None taken. Feel the same about guys like that,” he says, nodding in the direction the thug had been whisked away. 
Keigo hums. “Why pick a fight, then? You two know each other?”
The guy eyes him. “I don’t associate with scum like that.” 
My kind of guy, Keigo thinks, grin widening. 
“Ya know, I’d drink to that. Right now, if you’re free?” 
The guy’s eyebrows raise. “You don’t even know my name.” 
Keigo shrugs. “So, what’s your name?”
“... Touya,” the guy - Touya - says. 
Keigo sticks out a hand once more, and Touya takes it with a mix of interest and reluctance. 
“Keigo,” the vigilante offers. “Now how bout that drink?”
Twitter Threads Pt 1 || Next
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eyesxxyou · 1 year ago
Imagine hobie who build’s community systems that so what the government should be doing (but we know the government doesnt do that bc they suck especially in hobies world) and so the community just does stuffs and protects/helps each other. And imagine people in the community trying to save kids and people from a burning apartment building and imagine hobie like playing a lullaby and trying to sing for the choldren as the children also sing with him. He just tries to calm them because some horrible person set their homes on fire and other people in the community are trying to actually save the people (w/o proper stuff) and hobies tryna keep everyone like kids and adults and teens calm while people check everyone to make sure they dont have injuries
Anyways thats the only thing i can see that would make hobie be something that would be known as a government systems (because thats the only way hobie would be like any sort of thing like a nurse, firefighter, detective or anything if it was run by the community and its just charity work and not something they make profit off of.)
That's so sweet 😭
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gucciwins · 5 years ago
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fruitcoops · 2 years ago
First Burn
Fic O'Ween Day 4: Bonfire! This is part of a firefighter/ EMT AU that I said I would write about a year ago (oops), and it fit this prompt too well to pass up. Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW implied sexual content, mentioned injury (not to any main characters), intense flirting
“This feels a little heavy on the irony,” Remus mused.
Next to him, Sirius took a long drink of his beer with a wry half-smile. “What, having a bonfire party for a bunch of people who run into burning buildings on the reg? Just a bit.”
“I don’t run into burning buildings,” Remus corrected. Something hotter than the embers warming his legs flared in his stomach when Sirius finished his drink and crushed the can easily beneath his thick-soled boot. God, I wish that were me.
“Best to leave that one to the professional whackjobs, eh?”
Sirius grinned at him, impish and altogether too attractive for someone Remus was absolutely not supposed to be into. Straight teeth, a crooked nose, one picture-perfect dimple just by his red lips—it was like Sirius had been manufactured just to drive him out of his mind. It didn’t help that Remus could see the flex of his broad shoulders even under a thick jacket to chase off the cold. He wanted to grip those shoulders. He wanted to lick them. He wanted to watch Sirius come apart.
Fuck, he really shouldn’t have let Leo talk him into a third beer.
Remus scrubbed a hand over the back of his neck and turned back to the fire, which hissed and popped in perfect ambience to the voices of his coworkers as they milled about. It was just Sirius and him by the fire, now; he caught a faint glimpse of Leo in the lanternlight, chatting up a lanky firefighter in a denim jacket. He was wearing what Remus had affectionately dubbed his ‘slut shirt’: a medium-sized tee with the EMT logo on it that looked more like an extra-small when stretched over Leo’s chest and arms. If he was looking to pull tonight, he definitely could.
And if Leo was doing it…
Remus snuck a glance at Sirius out of the corner of his eye. He was clearly relaxed, legs kicked out in front of him while he leaned back against the makeshift bench with hooded eyes. His cheeks and neck were pink from alcohol; his fucking massive hands toyed with one of the patches near the hem of his jacket. The firelight flickered off his cheekbones like it was made for it.
Don’t fuck your coworkers. An unspoken (and oft-broken) rule. Drama amongst hookups was the last thing they needed when saving lives. But it didn’t really count if it was Sirius, did it? After all, Remus wasn’t a firefighter. It would be a different story if he was thirsting for another EMT, and he took his job too seriously to risk that.
But here he was, thirsting hopelessly. He couldn’t even blame it on the beer. Sometimes life really did bite him in the ass.
One of half a dozen logs broke and sent up a cloud of sparks; they both jumped, Remus reaching instinctively to pull Sirius back from the edge of the bonfire. “Shit—”
“Easy, Lupin,” Sirius laughed. Remus felt something in his chest go ka-chunk and wondered briefly if he should consult Leo about that.
“I—your feet,” he managed lamely. “They were too close.”
Sirius held his gaze while he bent his long legs, still casual, still laid-back in a way Remus so rarely saw in their daily lives. “Better?” he asked, low and sweet.
Dry mouth. Caused by medications, radiation, frequent tobacco or alcohol use, or nerve damage. Remus swallowed. “Much.”
“You can let go if you want,” Sirius continued. That ridiculous grin curled at the corner of his mouth again. “I promise not to fall in.”
Remus looked between them and felt heat rise to his neck when he saw his hand twisted up in the sleeve of Sirius’ jacket. “Stop, drop, and roll if you do.”
“Thanks for the fire safety lesson, doctor.”
“Any time.” Was it just his imagination, or was Sirius sitting closer than he had been five minutes ago? Remus tilted his head toward the bonfire. “Figured you could use a refresher.”
“Not enough arsonists lately,” Sirius agreed. “And people are getting too good at remembering to turn their ovens off.”
Remus licked his lips and watched silver eyes track the movement. “There’s always room for ambulance drivers.”
“Can’t be too different than an engine.” It definitely wasn’t just Remus’ imagination anymore. One lean from either of them and their noses would be touching. In his periphery, he saw Leo wandering away from the picnic table with his redheaded catch in tow.
“Different enough.” Am I doing this? I’m doing this. Oh, god, I’m doing this. “Engines don’t usually have screaming people in them.”
There was the goddamn dimple again as Sirius held back a laugh. “Is that how you reel in all the boys, Lupin? Stories about screaming people in ambulances?”
“Only the ones I like.” It was a good thing Sirius was CPR-certified, because Remus could hear his heart pounding in his ears and it was not calming down.
“Sounds like you might have to show me how to drive, then.” Their shoulders brushed and Remus’ breath rushed out in the span of a second. Sirius ducked his head slightly. “If it’s that much different than an engine.”
He smelled good, like the smoke from the bonfire and whatever cologne always made Remus want to bash his face into the break room cupboards. You have reattached someone’s arm without throwing up. You can flirt with a hot boy. He hooked his finger in the leather band of Sirius’ bracelet and heard his breathing stutter. “Name your time.”
Dimple. Infuriating grin. Arch of one dark brow. “Tonight?”
Remus leaned close enough that his mouth brushed the lobe of Sirius’ ear. He felt him shiver. “You better not be on-call tomorrow morning, ‘cause you’re making me breakfast.”
“Deal,” Sirius breathed, and then he was gone, pulling Remus up with him in one quick motion before they were sprinting for his hatchback like the hounds of hell were at their heels. Remus was breathless with it, burning hotter than the fire they were leaving in the dust. Don’t fuck your coworkers*.
*Exceptions may occur.
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snnbnny · 3 years ago
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『••✎Now loading,,,, Hot Crossed Bun,,,, ✎••』
╰─▸ ❝ Fictitiouslover's submission for the A FAMILAR FACE IN AN UNEXPECTED PLACE, collab started by @myherokatsuki ❝
'•.¸♡ Featuring Firefighter Hanta Sero x Baker! Reader♡¸.•'
'•.¸♡ Fandom: My Hero Academia ♡¸.•'
'•.¸♡Genre: Fluff, kind of hurt/comfort but I feel as though the comfort is way more prominent, friends to lovers♡¸.•'
'•.¸♡ C/W: Fire, Fem Reader, talk of what could be considered suicidal thoughts, talk of loss and not having anything left, little inaccurate protocol/actions in duty, mentions of a sort of fast paced relationship, you two are just lil dumb goofs, strong Denki slander, hospitals, pet names (dove, mi amor, corazon, etc)♡¸.•'
'•.¸♡ A/n: Hi so, for one I love how this turned out. But this wasn't the original piece I was writing fun fact, theres a darker and way longer unfinished piece existing in my docs for this collab that will probably not see the light of day. ♡¸.•'
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You couldn't believe it, there was no way...
How could this even happen? You were so careful, your small staff were always cautious and responsible. So how in the world-
The sounds of wood crackling in your ears was loud enough that you couldn't hear anything else as you lay on the blackened kitchen tile. You had made the impulsive mistake of running into the burning building to not only try and save the old cook who was supposedly stuck inside but also deep down there was a hint of hope in your heart towards saving your new establishment before any real damage was done.
But instead, here you were. Barely conscious as you lain strew across the ground in the middle of the building burning you once called your business. You couldn't really think, adrenaline staving off the pain but also most of your coherence.
You were to tired to fight, you thought. Your bakery, which was currently being destroyed by the vicious licks of uncontrol able flames, was the last thing you had. Would dying now really be oh so terrible? Who would really miss you? The only people had your staff of 5 who you've known for only about 3 months all of your family and friends were either dead or have forsaken you, and all your belongings and money were tied to the bakery. Hell even your apartment sat just above the establishment so in reality you had no home either.
What would be the point of fighting? What did you actually have to fight for?
"Fall back! Repeat fall back! The building is seconds from collapsing, Sero, fall back!" You vaguely heard the sound coming threw what sounded to be a radio which wasn't to far from you. You barely had the will to pick your head up off the floor to look around, your body shook with a coughing fit when you saw him. Half kneeling his way threw the building was someone you guessed to be a man dressed in heavy fireman clothing. The sounds of your coughs drew his once scowering attention to you, from what you could tell from the way his oxygen mask was facing.
Despite so many things which you would imagine would have made it so hard to reach you from across the blazing room, he reached you in no time- he used his strength to roll you over and look you over, "Ma'am! Ma'am?"
"You ne-" You coughed out. "You need to get outta here. 'S not safe"
You were surprised to hear a chuckle fall from his tongue and he took off his headgear in order to strip himself of the oxygen mask to place on your own soot covers face, "So do you, dove. What do you say we do it together, hm? Hold this mask tight, make sure it stays on. I'm going to get us out of here."
He didn't give you much time to examine his face but your sight was to blurry at this point anyways to make out the shapes of his features. He picked you up like it was nothing and carried you bridal style. Despite excepting death only moments ago, the mans protective and saving precense and grip on your body was so soothing to your aching soul- so soothing the the adrenaline keeping the pain away and consciousness present was fading quick, lulling you into sleep.
Even beeping was the first thing you were aware of, the next was the scent of hospital sterilization mixed with the faint smell of some flower arrangement and a semi-familiar musk, what actually drew you to open your eyes was the sounds of a man talking. The voice was familiar in multiple ways, not only was it the same voice as the firefighter who had saved you but also you now realized it to belong to someone you were more familiar with.
"H-Hanta?" Your voice was hoarse, throat dry and unused. Your eyes fluttered open, taking a moment to adjust to the bright hospital lights before you were able to look around searching for the man. It didn't take long, the lanky man was sitting at your bedside staring at you with happiness.
"Buenos tardes corazón," His wide lopsided smile warmed your aching heart. He reached a large hand towards you, brushing your messy hair behind your ear before gently cupping your cheek. His palm was calloused but warm and soothing.
"Hi," You coughed triggering him to spring into action. He grabbed a cup which held some water and held it to your mouth allowing you to drink some in order to alleviate the irritation in your throat.
"There you go, dove," His voice was a gentle crackle, gently guiding you. "How are you feeling?"
"Better then I look, probably- god," The two of you chuckled. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I had to make sure the best baker in the tri-state-area was recovering well, that and all the guys back at the firehouse are worried half to death about you." He was dressed in a jacket from his fire station and a white v-neck, you couldn't help but check him out which prompted him to sit back suavely. "Like what you see?"
You snorted, "Thank you Hanta."
"For what?"
"You could have died in there, but you still looked for me- still saved me," sadness bubbled to your chest.
"Of course, I couldn't just let you get out of our date like that," he joked, you could see the sincerity in his dark eyes.
"Oh my god, our date!" It hadn't crossed your mind but the fire was only hours before your date with the firefighter. "Couldn't my bakery have chosen another day to burst into flames!"
He shook his head as he laughed, "I know right, it took me so long to get you to say yes."
"It's not exactly good to date your loyal customers," you rolled your eyes.
"Pshhhh, says who?"
"Most HR professionals."
"Behh, that's a suggestion not a rule. Firefighters aren't technically supposed to date their housemates but that doesn't stop'em. Hell, Kirishima and Bakugou are fricken engaged!"
"Engaged?!" You mouth fell agape at the news.
"Shit," he slapped his hand over his mouth. "I wasn't supposed to tell you."
"When the hell did this happen?! Excuse me-"
"At your bakery fire," he whispered. "You scared the shit out of all of us, finally pushed out favorite blonde captain to propose."
"Ugh, I can't believe I missed it. Kaminari owes me 20 bucks."
The black haired man snorted, "Me to. Can't believe he thought they'd break up, like I know he's a little dumb but that is the dumbest thing he's ever fucking done."
"Hanta, he's stuck a fork in an outlet on a dare." You reminisced.
"My argument still holds," Sero shrugged making you giggle.
"Fair enough..." Something else was on you mind and your companion knew it.
"What's the matter, corazon?" He scooched closer and took your closest hand (which was the one not filled with tubes) into his.
"The bakery..." You chocked out, scared of the knowledge he held on the subject.
"It's gone, I'm sorry but the whole place collapsed. Your apartment too. We did our best but-" you sobbed making him hesitate. "I'm so sorry Y/N... Good news is they caught who did it."
"What do you mean, it was-"
"It wasn't an accident, amor. It was arson, they won't tell anyone much else but someone had intentionally set the fire," there was anger in his tone when he said this. Not towards you but more so towards the offender.
"God-" you sighed. "What am I going to do Hanta?"
"Well, between the insurance and I'm sure the compensation you will get from this arsonist you'll be able-" he began.
"Not about the money, Hanta," You we on the brink of crying. "Everything I had, my home and my business and all of my belongings, are gone and unrecoverable. I don't- I don't have anywhere to go, nothing to my name except a bank account and a future payout."
He took a moment to think over your dense words, "You do have somewhere you could stay."
"Like where, Sero-"
"Stay with me," he said cautiously. "It gets lonely in my big apartment all by myself, I was already considering getting a roommate. And there's no one else I would rather live with- NOT LIKE THAT! Well kinda like that. I have a spare bedroom you can make your own if you wish, or you could stay in my room."
He was flushed bright pink, you were to probably. But you nodded, "O-okay."
"Okay?" Hanta perked up, looking up bashfully.
"Yeah, I'd like that. I mean what other option do I have- ow ow ok yeah, if your serious I would love to live with you Hanta Sero." He pinched you when you tried to joke, making you chuckle more, but your agreement was genuine.
He held your hand tight, giving it a squeeze and a kiss before saying, "Good."
"...You know what's funny?" You asked after a moment of tender silence, he gave you an inquisitive look waiting for you to continue. "We haven't even gotten to have our first date, yet we're moving in together."
He snickered, a smirk pulling on his thin lips, "Yeah well, we would be well into our relationship if you didn't play hard to get."
"Wow, playing hard to get? Youuu we're being a tease, giving me mixed signals- Plus! Half the time you were supposedly flirting with me you were sleeping with other chicks!"
"Says who?!"
"Man, haven't you learned to take anything he says with a grain of salt. Yeah I slept with like, one person maybe but I was trying to get over you since you seemed so uninterested."
"Yeah well, I wasn't. I thought you were a flirty lil player... Might have let myself be sueded by my fears..."
"We've known each other for how long mi corazon, don't you know I'm not that kind of firefighter?"
"That kind of firefighter-?"
"75% of us are whores."
"Like Denki?"
"Yup," you both shared a hearty laugh. It was then that who you assumed to be your doctor walked in. She was someone you knew vaguely, her name was Tsuyu Asui.
"Hey there, your awake!" She croaked out, checking what you assumed to be your chart. "You've been out for a couple days, so I want to do some tests to make sure everything's working right- If you could go wait outside Mr.Sero-"
"No! I want him to stay," you held onto him tighter as he went to stand. Your sudden outburst even caught you off guard so you corrected yourself, "If thats okay with you both..."
"Whatever you need, corazon..." Hanta sat back down in the uncomfortable looking chair which barely held his long but muscular body.
"As long as he doesn't get in the way, I guess it's alright."
You had to stay overnight for observation but you were supposedly fine. It was later in the afternoon- teetering on night in fact- and your were snuggled into Hanta's strong chest as he laid beside you in the semi-upright position the bed was place in. He had promised to stay all night after you had asked him to stay with you during the exam.
"Remember when I first started coming to the firehouse?" You whispered, not bothering to pick your head off of his peck.
"Yeah, of course I do. That was- what- 3 or 4 years ago?" He responded, as you had thought Hanta wasn't actually paying attention to the telenovela playing on the small hospital tv.
"Yeah, after you got me out of that tree," He snorted at the memory as your face flushed in embarrassment.
"You didn't climb a tree, but you were so determined to save that cat that was just chilling. You were always so adorable," he hummed out.
"Yeah well," You explained. "that's not the point, love. What I was trying to say is that if that didn't happen then I wouldn't have you in my life nor would I have had even the inclination to open my own bakery... You guy's support in that time was so crucial, it's part of the reason I kept showing up until it was expected."
There was a momentary pause before he spoke up, "I think about that sometimes, too. I think about how pretty you looked even after clinging to branches for 20 minutes. About every time you would show up with food and baked goods and would graciously feed us all, each time my heart would do a flip. I had such a big fat crush on you, since the very start."
"No way-"
"Sorry does that weird you out-"
"What- no no no no no-! I did to, I mean I had a crush on you from the start- Why do you think I kept coming around originally?"
You picked your head up and exchanged some prolonged eye contact before bursting into laughter.
"We're so dumbbbbb," He wheezed out. The rumble of his chest shaking you softly.
"Like so dumb, it took us like 4 years to admit that we loved each other," you said softly.
"Love? Who said anything about love?" He laughed and you pinched him. "Yeah, I've loved you since the tree."
He didn't give you a chance to say anything before he pulled you close enough to place a soft kiss on your chapped lips, his movements were as soft as his skin as he took a moment to gently kiss you until he reluctantly pulled you back so the two of you could breathe.
"Took us long enough," He sighed.
"Yeah," You sighed blissfully.
"Mi amor," He didn't say the term of endearment to get your attention or anything, but to highlight his affection for you.
You returned the love with, "my hot crossed bun."
"Excuse me?" Hanta laughed, the corner of his eyes crinkling faintly.
"What, they're tasty! And the hot part counts for you being hot and a firefighter, while the crossed part is like 'star cross lovers'," You elaborated.
"You're such a nerd," He shook his head before kissing you again letting the action play out longer then before.
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yoongsisbae · 3 years ago
Day Dream | JHS - Dream Analysis
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Me, analyzing my own character's dreams in my own story because why not :'D.
This was written to help plot out the story for Day Dream. I wrote a lot lol so I thought might as well share it with yall! This analysis is kind of heavy, but if you really want to understand her story, here ya go. THAT BEING SAID, you don't have to view the story so dark if you don't want to. I would love to hear your own interpretations!
You might be asking yourself why put so much effort into a smut fic, my answer is I don't fucking know :D
Night at the Inn
Some dreams are more obvious. Y/n doesn’t want to bother her sleeping boyfriend so she fantasizes about having sex with him instead, dreaming about her own “dream vacation.” So, she was dreaming about a time in her life where she made one of her dreams come true, now making that experience into a dream when it all really started as a dream, and around and round we go, and that’s basically the plot, the end, badamtisk.
The Fire
Let’s go back a bit, the first dream that happened was never explained. Y/n woke up with a nagging sense that a dream happened, she just couldn’t remember. This is a common occurrence for people, but that doesn’t make the dream any less impactful, as it was the first time Hoseok entered her dreams and decided he wanted to stay. The heat of the bedroom made her dream about being trapped in a burning building. She screamed and screamed for help, and Hobi heard her, prompting him to tell her she was “the loudest” when answering why he chose her. Once he entered the dream, she put him into the role of a firefighter, boosting his egotm. If a sexy Hoseok firefighter saved your life, what would you do hmm? Can you blame y/n for showing her “gratitude” in a very ahem, steamy way... This starts a chain reaction. Y/n wakes up horny and goes on to dream of the inn and Hoseok wants to experience moretm.
Y/n is hot, so she dreams about it being cold. She’s not very “imaginative,” in that sense, even when she knows it’s a dream. That will change later!
Y/n fantasizes about being famous and rich and desired, which I think it’s a pretty common fantasy. But nowhere in her fantasy is her current boyfriend. Does that mean she doesn’t love him or see a future with him? Not really, she doesn’t see herself ever becoming famous either. But it does give Hoseok the perfect opening to invade her dreams again and form prejudices about her, which is why most of their dreams together are, well, physical.
Nine to Five
Y/n dreams about confiding in her old friend Seokjin at a cafe, a way to calm her nerves about all the strange dreams she’s experiencing. It was also a way to deal with her anxiousness about reaching out to a friend she lost touch with. A trial run so to speak. Again, the dream is not very imaginative. She’s reliving her own life, going to work, going to a familiar café, but it starts to devolve once Hoseok gets involved. She starts to feel guilt again over dreaming about other men, and ends up “cheating” on her dream boyfriend, Hoseok still doesn’t have much respect for her and doesn’t care about fucking with her.
Seokjin’s character shows the fight for dominance going on between the dreamer and dream walker with his actions. Through Jin her subconscious is trying to help her. He shows how even though Hoseok can manipulate her, in the end her mind protects her from the foreign intruder. Again she’s not very creative about it lol making herself into a superhero to “fight him off” very unsuccessfully.
Spaceship Hope
TW: SA. The space ship dream was much more symbolic, and so are her following dreams. The dream is actually about why y/n and Yoongi are no longer together. Their relationship was very toxic and he coerced her into having sex with him because it “hurt too much” to stop. Y/n might have been the commander of the space station, her dream and her mind, but Hoseok was right in telling her he was Captain, the one who really knew how to control the ship, the dream. She put her boyfriend Namjoon into the role of co-commander, an equal, and she made Yoongi a repair officer, the good helpful man she knew him as when they first started dating. But like their relationship, her dream turned into a nightmare, Yoongi turned into a monster who did not care about y/n and only cared about his own sexual gratification. When she no longer gave him what he wanted, he escaped through the space pod, and her heart broke all over again.
At this point did Hoseok miss her because she’s been avoiding sleep? Is he getting too close to her, starting to have feelings? Ehh...but we want to see him be a good guy, right? So does y/n, which is why he walks right into the part of her protector, fighting off Yoongi, even if it is still for his own selfish reasons. Their relationship is still very physical.
Club More
Club more is not really visited in the story, apart from the music and red light referenced. Club More plus all the other places Hoseok and y/n discuss show how close they have become, living out multiple fantasies with each other, engaging in kinks y/n likes that even her loving boyfriend does not know about.
Shoutout to airplane bathroom Hobi and the iconic fanfiction Flight 18
The Mad Scientist And The Monster In The Cave
Running is a very common dream action for people experiencing stress, and y/n at this point is beyond stressed. Subconsciously she sees Jimin as bad influence by his friendship with Hoseok even though he is nothing but nice to her in real life. Y/n still blames him for releasing “the monster” into her life. Jungkook, the receptionist, who she associates with Namjoon, she dreams as good and a trusting friend. She is still “running” to Namjoon at this point.
Experiment 613B
TW: SA This is a culmination of all her guilt and fears and trauma manifesting itself into a situation where she loses control of everything, her body, her desires, her thoughts, as she is forced into sex with another man again.
Love Motel Red
Now that y/n has met Hoseok in real life, she has a reference already created in her mind and thus can remember him no matter what.
TW: SA the ending to this dream to me shows how Hobi is a villain, a menace, truly toxic like her ex. Hoseok gets angry she is rejecting him and calling him out, and everything about what he does to her is just pure violence. “He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you.” OUT OF CONTEXT, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU THINK OF? Hobi is toxic, I'm sorry.
Boxing Match/Wrestling Showdown!
The dreaming has become hopeless in a way that she can’t let go of Hoseok as much as he can't let go of her. She lied to Namjoon in the phone call and it was the beginning to her downfall. In the dream she uses Namjoon as a placeholder to fight Hoseok in boxing and just forgets about him once the dream shifts, consumed with Hoseok and his over-the-top captivating personality which really shines as a wrestler. They spiral down into a toxic fight, mirroring their real confrontation. It just shows how violence is never the answer…
The Newlywed Game
Namjoon should have been sitting next to y/n and Hoseok should have been part of another couple, but he's not! He's sitting right there next to her! She couldn't help herself in the end, she chose a toxic partner instead. She wanted to beat him, so she had to stoop to his level. It worked, but at what cost? She ended up right back at that Love Motel Nightmare.
We do learn more about Hoseok, he's more humanized, because y/n is "falling" for the dream, falling for him, letting him manipulate her and letting her insecurities consume her.
Y/n and Hoseok are fully down the rabbit hole, falling through different dreams. The dreams are no longer rooted in any sort of reality, shifting and changing quickly to meet each other's needs. She falls so deeply she finds a way into her subconcious through the Pandora's boxtm
The Maze
Another reoccurring dream, Hoseok and y/n are fully into the fantasy play, enjoying their roles, having fun and working as a team. There is really no way out of the maze but to go deeper. Her aggression (lion) is tamed, her desire for freedom (eagle) is let go, the restrictions of her mind (vines) are broken.
The dreams start to reveal their childhoods, y/n’s mother was also in a toxic relationship, Hoseok was always deeply into escapism via the arcade and his toys. It is a cycle that y/n nor Hobi unfortunately could not break.
Hoseok’s Day Dreams
Slowly, she is allowing the dream walker to dream with her, and it all just becomes a game at the end, the horrors of the situation are entirely overshadowed by the wonders of Dreamworld. How could a person ever go back to walking in reality once they learn how to fly?
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n0iro · 3 years ago
Astro Boy HC: Tenmas drive to build a god
Reupload of of my personal explanation/hc how Tenmas drive to build a god formed and evolved over the years. Feel free to discuss. It is always stated Umataro Tenma wants to build a god. How did that wish arise? What is a god? Why does he want to build a god?I want to begin with his view on robots as a child and how it evolved over the years. The youngest we see him, next to Atom: The Beginning, is in one episode of Astro Boy 2003 where he has created a Teddybear-Robot to have someone to talk to. Tenma asks him "Little Bear, you're my Friend, right?". At this moment in the story Tenma & Ochan still view robots as friends. We can assume that Tenma has no friends nor family member he can talk to so he is pretty lonely. Being a genius and thus different from the norm increases the feeling of isolation because you aren't able to connect with your agegroup as well since your interest and development simply differ a lot. Being mixed race (OG Manga) isn't easy in japan as well. The bear also agrees with everything he says, maybe giving him the needed approval, someone he can vent to. A kind of substitude for a feeling no one in his surrounding gave him. At this point we have a little timeskip right to the tragedy which cost his parents lifes. If my calculations are correct he was 14 years old when it took place. We see him running towards the burning building, screaming at a fire fighter while grabbing his collar that his parents are still in there. The man is telling Umataro that they'd need a superman to get inside and save them. Umataro is helpless, he can only watch his parents die. Him reacting agressivly back then and throughout the series, trying to keep everything together,  gives me the impression that he avoids showing vulnerability in form of emotions besides anger, even when he is sad, overwhelmed etc. and tries to keep himself together or shuts down. The classic "Boys don't cry" attitude. It was most likely, next to socienty, enforced by a person whose opinion he valued. Maybe by one of his parents. Him screaming at the fire fighter is just him feeling helpless and expressing it through anger. A trait he still has as an adult. He was probably rediculed for showing weakness in the past, feels ashamed of it now and has not developed healthy coping mechanisms. As a side note: While charcteristics of ones personality are inherited (nature) they get suppressed, enforced and formed by the outside world (nurture). Both play a large role when it comes to character development.
The firefighter mentioning they'd need a superman to save his parents gives him the idea to build a powerful robot who could prevent tragedies.Shortly afterwards he was placed in an orphanage. Imagine losing your parents at that age, moving in a home with complete strangers, not having any friends or family to lean on. He was basically powerless and vulnerable,  something he detested. He had zero control over what happened to him. How could he be strong (or cover his weakness up and regain a feeling of control)? With a powerful robot. At the same time he built walls around him so he wouldn't have to watch anyone leaving him alone. According to the OG manga he even associated with bad people at this time. Why? I can only speculate. Maybe he was looking for anyone he could hold onto, maybe they could use his genius brain and he let them use him so he had someone. I don't think it filled the void in him.
Anyhow he has to deal with his grief by himself and starts to view people who need others as weak. I think this is the foundation that leads to his view on friendship he expresses in the micro bear episode in AB 03. Him not getting attached to other people or brushing A106 off as trash when he fails at sth help him keeping a distance between them and him so he can't lose anyone again as well. We saw how much Hiroshis nearly fatal injury impacted him.
He said to Ochan that a strong robot is cool. Strong regarding brute force. Yes, it is childish, but if you think about it, it's a visible demonstration of how he defines strength: defeating others, achieving what average humans can't, being surperior, being in control. The mix of 1.000 Horsepowers and the ability to think for himself, analyzeing and preventing the assault in the 1st Episode of Atom: The Beginning was the first step of A106 to become superman. A type of god, if you want to call him that. He doesn't lust for Power for the sake of power but rather to be in control.
A view years later we see him further developing robots with kokoro, but, while he is the minister of science, his colleagues call his work blasphemy (03 Manga) and some citizens riot against the development of more robots. Him being rude and overbearing doesn't help fostering a good relationship with the public. In the og manga he can't stand that he is the minister while Ochan is the more popular one, which, to me, is an indicator that he wants to be accepted by others and, while probalby not wanting to accept it, yearns for other people to understand and appreciate him. He is defining popularity via surperiority, academic success and achievements. He also wanted to impress Dr. Lolo by destroying her robot to prove he is worthy, he is strong. It is possible that is parents were strict and cared more about his achievments than him as a person. He looked for their approval e. g by being extremely good at school and now for others approval by being an overachiever at his job. He is frustrated and questions himself why he is the better scientist yet Ochan is admired more.
Anyway, him being a genius, getting more about robots than they, these average people, can even dream of, is beneficial when it comes to inflating ones ego. A mix between this and bitterness is highly toxic. At first he is scared of Atom because he is not under his control but when he sees how Ochan raises him he sees the potential he has to cooperate with him, being "his" again and loses his fear. He views people so far beneath him that robots should rule over them and be their "gods". At the same time he just wants his son back, even if it means deleting or supressing parts of Atoms memories again. Forced recognition, admiration, acceptance and control. Atom was in his hands after he wiped his memories in episode 49. He could have easily continued his plan to rule the world but as soon as he had him back he just lived with him in his old place. In the Anime, especially in the end, he always goes back and forth between Atom being his son and govering the world with him which gives me the impression that he himself has hasn’t got a clear idea of what he wants nor understands what he needs, while his needs come thourgh as feelings. When Atom dies he falls to his knees whispering that Tobio died again. I feel like he wants to govern over people, but only with Atom so he is his priority.
Finally, his drive on the surface level, him wanting to build a god, being powerful and ruling over others with him, has to be considered insane and is dangerous. Looking a bit deeper however it's clear that there is something else which drives him and that is a deeply rooted need for approval and creating safety through control. While an explanation doesn't excuse any of his deeds, inside he is a traumatized man and grieving father who lost everything, never developed a healthy coping mechanism, escaping into illusions and abusing his talents to somehow deal with the hand he has been dealt.
I would have made a character ask Umataro at different stages what he defines as a god and associates with the term.There are gods of destruction, those who forgive and save people etc. Many differnt words are assigned to gods. Wrath, Glory, Wisdom, Love, just to name a view. Are we talking about a type of god in religion or of the mythological type? Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines a god to be: "Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped (as in Judaism,  Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe"
In the end Umataro Tenma did create a robot with characteristics we could assign to a god. With 100.000 Horsepowers Atom surely is powerful, could rule over Metro City but instead he uses his power to protect it as a citizen who simply has some special skills. While not being wise, depending on how you define it, he surely is good to the bone, never provoking conflicts, peacefully resolving them, should they arise. He is trying to reach everyone through his words and deeds. In the last episode of the 03 Anime he forgives Tenma, huggs him, accepts him as his father and begs that he doesn't die by s*ic*ide. Atom recognizes the damage Tenma has done but he still cares deeply about him.
While Tenma called Atom a failure in some adaptions such as Pluto, he is probably exactly what Tenmas child-self would have loved to develop. A robot with a conscience, a kind person wanting to be your friend, rescueing people in need out of his own free will because he cares.
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leisurelypanda · 3 years ago
Wolf Run
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James has been through a lot in the last few years. He had a baby, then he lost his mate, leaving him alone to grieve and care for their son. Years later, though, he's finally back to feeling ready to get back into dating. Then, during his first date in years, they run into a major mafia drug trafficking operation. Forced to cooperate so that they don't go running to the authorities, James and Joseph certainly don't have the night they were expecting. Before they know it, Witness Protection has gathered James and his family to be relocated to Wolf Run, a small town in Alaska about an hour north of Anchorage along the Susitna River. What's more, the Witness Protection Program has said that James' and Joseph's cover is that they are newlyweds.
Thrust into a new community unlike anything James has ever experienced in Brooklyn, James quickly realizes that he has to sink or swim in this new town... and find a way to deal with having an unbelievably attractive new "husband."
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40864269/chapters/102400917
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Bucky Barnes
Rating: Mature
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, fake marriage, witness protection program, Jewish Bucky Barnes, protective Steve Rogers, Peter is Bucky’s son, slow burn
Word Count: 5.4k
James walked out of the building where his apartment was located and breathed out a long breath. He watched the breath form into a small cloud as it rose into the air and vanished. It was a long day. It was fortunate that he could do his job from home, but juggling website designs with the sometimes unreasonable expectations that people had for their websites at the budget they had was a frequent source of frustration. The work paid well, but people had a tendency to feel entitled.
He took another deep breath and started walking towards the bus station. He couldn't spend too much time standing around. His son needed to be picked up from daycare.
Ben. The son he had with his late mate, Frank. So much had changed in the years since then. As much as James had loved his husband, he didn't think he could love anyone as much as he loved his son.
Even now, five years later, James was still proud of his late husband and the son they had together. Frank was a firefighter and he had died in a fire saving the kids trapped by the flames. It was part of the job. James knew that when he agreed to date him, then marry him. Ben would never know who his alpha father was, but James had written down everything he could think of for when the time came.
He cleared his head. It was amazing how much Frank occupied his thoughts after all this time. He made his way to the bus stop just as the bus turned the corner. He smiled at his timing.
The bus was as crowded as always. Old ladies and parents carrying groceries and people wearing every kind of style imaginable sat in the seats or stood to hold the handles on the ceiling. James grabbed a free one and shifted as the bus lurched into motion.
Ben's pre-school was in an old synagogue. The pre-school wasn't exclusive to Jewish kids, but there were a few more than there would be at a different location. After Frank died, James fell back on his family and community pretty hard. He didn't know what else to do, but after the grief started to subside, he decided that he wanted Ben to grow up with those same people and traditions, even if James himself wasn't always the best at following them. Being kosher was so hard when things like bacon, shrimp, lobster, and cheeseburgers existed.
About 20 minutes later, James got off at his stop and walked another two blocks to the synagogue. The kids were playing in one of the rooms. It was decorated with a blend of cartoonish animals and Jewish symbolism. Ben was playing with some kids his own age. James recognized them: an Asian boy named Ned, a black girl named Michelle, and a blond girl named Gwen. Of the four of them, only Ben and Gwen were Jewish. James didn't care about that. He was glad Ben had such a diverse group of friends. Ben smiled and waved when he saw his father and James couldn't help but smile back.
"Papa!" Ben cried as he ran to James. James bent down and Ben ran into his arms. He kissed Ben's cheek as he stood.
"How was your day, kiddo?" James asked.
"Great! We had inosaur animal crackers today and we played hide and seek and then we learned about hibridation."
James smiled. "That's hibernation. And that's cool! What did you talk about?"
"Bears hibernate, and frogs, and bugs, and skunks!" Ben said happily.
"Wow, that's a lot of animals," James said with a smile. He checked in with one of the teachers before he turned back to his son. "Did you say goodbye to your friends?"
"Yup! Oh, we're going to the aquarium in… 2 weeks!" Ben said.
"Wow, that's exciting. I haven't been to an aquarium in a long time," James said. He pocketed the permission form on the table. He would sign it later and get it back to the pre-school tomorrow.
A half hour later, they got home. Ben immediately ran to the chest of toys in the living room. Soon the floor was freshly littered with toys that James had put away just that morning.
"Papa, what's for dinner?" Ben asked.
"I think your auntie Sophie is getting you something tonight," James said.
"Huh?" Ben asked.
"I'm going out tonight, remember? I'll be back later before you go to bed," James said.
"Where are you going?" Ben asked.
"I'm meeting a new friend and we're going to hang out for a while," Ben said.
He certainly wasn't going to tell Ben that he was going to get dinner and see a movie. Ben loved movies. He would be so jealous that James wouldn't be able to live it down until James took him to see another one. Which James would probably do anyway because he loved going to movies as much as Ben did.
The thought of going out on a date tonight made his stomach flip. He hadn’t been on a date in over five years. Ben took up too much of his time before and the grief always seemed too new to be able to do anything with anyone. Now, though, he had a hot date with a guy just a bit younger than him and built like a brick house. Tall, broad shoulders, strong arms, and to top it all off, he was endearingly shy. It was a pleasant change from people on dating apps acting like jerks and thinking it was attractive.
“Is it a boy or a girl?” Ben asked.
“He’s a boy,” James said.
“Is he alpha, beta, or omega?” Ben asked.
“He’s an alpha,” Ben said.
“Is he nice?” Ben asked.
“Yeah, he seems nice,” James replied.
“Do you think he likes legos?” Ben asked.
“I don’t know, I’ll be sure to ask him about it, though,” James said.
“What about dinosaurs?” Ben asked.
The rest of the trip home passed in much the same vein. Ben grilled him about things James didn’t know about this guy yet and James smiled and answered the questions as patiently as he could. Ben always got like this around new people. He was curious and precocious. Most of the time it was charming and sometimes even funny. James, however, had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be a precursor to how his mother would be if and when she ever found out that he was dating again.
Oh well. He would deal with that later.
About an hour after they returned home, James was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. For the 5th time in what seemed like as many minutes, he checked himself in the mirror. His hair was freshly styled, short with the sides cut much shorter than the top with a light dusting of grey hair to make him look distinguished. He wasn’t actually greying yet, but he liked how just a touch of it made him look. His sister, Sophie, had helped him out. Satisfied with how he looked, he walked out into the small living room.
The apartment he lived in was hardly bare. The floor that had been clean just 10 minutes ago was freshly littered with toys. Ben had all the charm a 5 year old boy could muster, and all the attention span. He enjoyed games that involved blocks or legos most, but he also had lots of other toys that ended up on the floor. James sighed as he bent to pick up some of them. Would he ever have a reasonably clean home for longer than 10 minutes again?
“James, chill out for a minute,” Sophie said from the couch. “I swear, when did you become this much like mom?”
“When I gave birth,” James replied dryly. “Just be glad that she’s laying off on pestering you to have some of your own.”
“I do appreciate the sacrifice you made for the rest of us,” she said. “But she actually started on it again. Wants to know if I plan on marrying Harrison.”
“Didn’t you break up with him last week?” James asked.
“Yes. Haven’t told her,” she said. “But we’re not talking about him. You need to get going. You want to go on this hot date, right?”
He did. He really did. His heart started beating rapidly just thinking about him. Honestly, he hadn't expected to find something so soon. He started doing a but of exercise in his spare time after Ben went to bed. A few days ago, he went to the gym, mostly to try and meet people. He hadn't expected to get a date set up on the first try, and with a big, blond beefcake with an adorable smile to boot.
There was a part of him that was a bit proud that he still had it after 5 years. Mostly, though, he had a major case of butterflies in his stomach.
"Sophie," he said as he came out of the bathroom. His sister was sitting on the couch with his son, Ben, sitting on the floor. "Remember, you have everything you need?"
She rolled her eyes with a mixture of fondness and exasperation.
"Yes, same as the last 20 times you asked," she sighed. "Just get going, you're gonna be late."
James took a deep breath. "Okay, right," he said. "Remember, Ben's bedtime is at 8:30. He likes to have me read the story about the lions. Make sure he brushes his teeth, he doesn't like to floss, and he won't sleep without his frog, Mr. Wiggins, and--"
"Yes, James, I know," she said. "You gave me a list. Two of them."
James laughed weakly and licked his lips. "Right, sorry."
"Papa, are you leaving now?" Ben asked. He was pouting adorably underneath a head of messy curls, his big brown eyes looking up with a silent plea for James to stay.
"Yes, sweetheart, but I'll be back in a few hours," James said. "Be good for Auntie Sophie, okay?"
Ben nodded sullenly and hugged James tightly. James returned it just as tightly and kissed his son before he got up.
"I'll be back, soon, I promise," James said as he backed out of the front door. If he stayed any longer, he had a feeling he would just call the whole thing off.
Joseph stood outside the restaurant door. He tried not to be nervous. People were late all the time. The public transportation in the city was never on time for anything, that was as much a part of New York as Coney Island.
That was a good idea for a date. Maybe that would've been a better idea. Going out to a restaurant and then a movie was so boring. Everyone did that. Coney Island would've been a way better idea than dinner and a movie.
Just as he was about to text him, James showed up. He looked incredible. Joseph had to take a second to just take his date in. He was dressed in dark blue jeans, a red v-neck, neat, black shoes, and an old leather jacket. His short-cropped brown hair with just a touch of grey, despite his youthful appearance. He smiled shyly as he approached and Joseph felt his knees wobble. He looked stunning. Joseph felt somewhat self-conscious about his own appearance. He hadn't thought nearly as much about his appearance. He wore khakis and a navy sweater vest over a white button down shirt. He should've tried a little harder.
"Hey," Joseph breathed.
"Hey yourself," James replied. "I didn't keep you waiting, did I?"
"Not at all," Joseph said quickly. "You, uh, you look great. God…"
James ducked his head as he blushed. He swept a hand through his hair. It seemed to shine in the streetlights that began to flicker on. Just then, Joseph caught a whiff of James’ scent. He smelled like… sugared plums and snow. It was a sweet, gentle omega smell that made Joseph want to bury his nose in James’ neck and scent him all night. God, was he even real?
"You look great, too," James said shyly. "I like the sweater vest."
"You're too kind," Joseph said. He felt his own face heat up. Damn, he really should’ve tried harder.
"We're not late, are we?" James asked.
"Not at all, we're right on time," Joseph said. "Hope you came hungry."
The restaurant wasn't that fancy. Joseph couldn't exactly afford much on a teacher's salary. It was a hole in the wall Iranian place owned by a couple who immigrated around 20 years ago. Maybe he should've chosen something a bit more impressive though.
"Looks cozy," James said. "You come here often?"
Joseph chuckled. "Not as often as I would like," he said. "Usually I'm too busy grading papers."
"You're a teacher?" James asked.
"Yup. Middle school," Joseph said. James winced. "Yes, it is everything you're thinking and more."
"I'm pretty sure I repressed most of my memories of my middle school career," James said with a wry smile. "What do you teach?"
"History," Joseph said. "Right now, we're talking about the age of exploration. I'm debunking all the myths they heard about Christopher Columbus."
"Well, hopefully they'll take down all the statues of the guy," James said.
"Someone's gotta do it," Joseph said with a smile. "What about you? What do you do?"
"I'm a website designer," James said. "It's not as interesting as it probably sounds, but I like it and it pays the bills."
"That's as important as anything else," Joseph replied.
"Yeah, especially when you have a kid," James said. He looked at Joseph pointedly, as if to gauge his reaction.
"You have a child?" Joseph asked.
"A son," James replied. "So if I have to duck out early or if I'm checking my phone a lot, that's why. My sister is watching him, but still."
"Makes sense," Joseph said. "I'm glad you care so much about him."
James smiled. "It's hard sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for the world," he said. "Though if you ask if I have any hobbies, I'll warn you that they mostly involve Disney, legos, and make believe at this point."
"Hey, I love Disney," Joseph said with a smile. "You got a favorite movie?"
"Ben loves Frozen," James said with a smile. "But my favorite has to be Beauty and the Beast."
"Classic. I love that one," Joseph said. Christ, the man had dimples! How was he so cute? "I've always loved Cinderella."
“Cinderella was good. Ben, my son, preferred Sleeping Beauty, though. He liked the dragon and all the magical stuff,” James replied.
“That’s valid,” Joseph said. “Can you believe that there are kids these days who haven’t seen the older Disney movies?”
“God, no,” James said. “Honestly, I still have my original Disney VHS tapes. My mom has them in a box in her attic. I refuse to let her throw them out just because I have Disney+.”
“Why would you?” Joseph asked. “Nothing will ever beat the VHS tapes. Sometimes it’s just nice to appreciate the nostalgia.”
“Exactly! She doesn’t get it,” James said. “My son doesn’t get it either, but I guess he has an excuse.”
“No, that just means that you have to try harder to make him understand,” Joseph replied. “I’m sure he’ll come around eventually.”
James chuckled and shook his head doubtfully. His smile was so wide and bright that Joseph couldn’t help but be drawn to those heart-shaped lips. God, they looked amazing. They were probably great for kissing and… other things. Joseph reminded himself not to be that guy who asked if his date was the sort to put out on the first night. Joseph wasn’t usually that guy, but then, he had yet to meet someone who riled him up the way James did. Besides, he did want to have future dates with him.
Their conversation was interrupted by the waitress walking up to them with their shawarma. James’ eyes bulged at the size of it. Joseph felt a little bad about suggesting the place at that point. He looked great, it was a good outfit. It would be a shame if he messed it up because Joseph had honestly not thought about where they were going.
“How exactly am I supposed to eat this?” James asked. “I think it’s half the size of my head!”
Joseph chuckled. “Very carefully, I suppose,” he said. “Sorry, I sorta forgot how big these were?”
James smirked. “Sounds kinda dirty when you say it like that.”
Joseph coughed and hastily drank some water to steady himself. James had a suggestive smirk and it put thoughts in Joseph’s head. Thoughts about how perfect his mouth looked… and what it might feel like. He did laugh, though, after he was done. It also gave Joseph the distinct impression that he was being laughed at. He felt his face heat and he drank a little more water.
Joseph quickly realized that James was a bit of a… vocal eater. He moaned when he liked something. A lot. He also had no compunctions about enjoying something in front of company either. Joseph didn’t mind, actually. He liked to see people happy and it always seemed difficult to tell if a date was enjoying something because they either didn’t eat much or they were self-conscious even when the food was relatively neat and easy to eat.
“I wonder if they have something for kids,” James said as he put the shawarma down. “I’m trying to introduce my son to different foods.”
“I wish you the best of luck,” Joseph said. “Is he the sort who hates vegetables?”
“It depends,” James said. “He hates peas and anything touching them, but he likes carrots, but only sometimes and when he doesn’t, he hates them. He also hates all forms of beans, but sometimes likes asparagus because he calls it spear grass and likes to wave it around.”
“Sounds like he’s figuring stuff out,” Joseph said.
“But he likes most fruits and he’ll eat veggies if they’re on something else,” James said. “I just don’t want him to grow up eating chicken nuggets all the time.”
“That makes sense. Can’t be an easy thing to do, especially if you’re a single parent,” Joseph said.
“What about you?” James asked. “You have any kids?”
“Not aside from the ones I teach,” Joseph chuckled. “But I’ve always wanted some. I used to have this idea of moving out to the suburbs one day and having a lawn where my family could run around and play.”
“It does sound nice,” James replied. “I have just one kid and if I had any more, the apartment wouldn’t be big enough for us.”
“The apartments here aren’t that big to begin with,” Joseph laughed.
They laughed and swapped stories as the night wore on. James talked about the shenanigans of parenthood and Joseph talked about the crazy things the kids got up to at school. Just last week, in fact, there was an incident involving a group of boys who brought those whistling tubes that you swung around and a bunch of them ran out of class and started waving them around. Joseph and a bunch of other teachers had to settle them down. By the time they were done, class was over and the rest of the day was lost since the kids wouldn’t talk about anything else.
“You know, at least it’s something like that instead of bullying,” James said. “Kids that age can be real jerks when they want to be.”
“Oh, there’s that too,” Joseph said. “Anti-bullying campaigns make parents antsy for some reason, too. Some of them seem not to want their kids growing up to be decent people.”
“Well, I know that I would want that stuff in place when my son starts school,” James said.
With that, James packed up the rest of his shawarma in a to-go box. He also insisted on paying for the meal on the basis of Joseph being a teacher, which didn't pay well. It was kind of him, but the only reason Joseph himself didn't pay was because he was so surprised by it. It had been a while since anyone had offered to pay for a meal, much less gone ahead and done it anyway. Some people seemed to treat dating as a way to get free food and drinks. Joseph felt a bit of tension he didn't know he had been holding onto release.
Soon, the two of them were walking down the street in the general direction of the movie theater. They moved at a relaxed pace. There was no great need to get to the theater immediately and Joseph was glad for the chance to let the dinner digest for a bit.
The street lights were all lit by now. The fading light had finally given way to darkness overhead, but for the city that never slept, it was almost barely worth mentioning. The streets were as busy as ever. People walked down the sidewalk hailing taxis. The cold night air was filled with the scents of the city, of exhaust and countless types of food and rain and asphalt.
Joseph was laughing at a story about James' family while they turned a corner. In a flash, someone barreled into him and he grunted from the collision. The man was a squirrelly sort. He was a short, pudgy beta with a bald head, beady eyes, and a pale complexion. He was followed by a far more intimidating man. He was thickly built, with short cropped black hair and a face that looked like it was hewn from rough stone. His gaze immediately fell on James and his date.
“What are you two looking at?” he growled. Before James could answer, the man drew a gun and approached. Joseph immediate stepped in his path and growled lowly in warning. The man just smirked and growled back.
“Lookie here, we have ourselves a hero,” the man said. He cocked the gun and pointed it. “Heroes die just as easily as whores, you know.”
“Watch your mouth, trash,” Joseph said. His heart was racing, but he didn’t care. Every instinct in his body was telling him to protect James.
“Aw, did I offend your hot date?” the man asked. “Sorry, I just can’t help it. I can smell a thirsty omega a mile away. Maybe when you’re done, you can share him. What’s the harm?”
“Enough, Rumlow,” came a voice. It was deep and stern with a slight German accent. A man stepped out of the shadows. He had a long face with eyebrows that made his face look severe and stern. “Play later. Get the cargo moving.”
“Yes, boss,” the alpha named Rumlow said. He stomped away towards a group of people piling things into a van. “You there, double time. Hurry up, or you’ll be sorry!”
The man stepped forward and Joseph growled again. The man stopped. He was dressed immaculately in a pinstripe suit and matching pants.
“My apologies for the way my associate treated you,” he said. “But I’m afraid I have to ask you to give us your… assistance.”
“Go to hell,” James snapped.
“Ah, I see I must apologize again,” he said. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a much bigger, engraved pistol. It was a 2005 Smith & Wesson XVR 460 Magnum, one of the largest caliber handguns made in recent years. The barrel was over a foot long and the mysterious man pointed it right at Joseph. It didn’t take Joseph’s army training to know that it was pointed right between the eyes.
“At this angle and from this range, the bullet would go straight through your head and into that omega’s,” the man said. “Unfortunately, it would also get blood all over my suit, which I just had tailored. You see why I do not wish for violence, yes?”
“What do you want?” Joseph asked.
“Nothing unreasonable,” the man replied. “Go over to the van, help my boys get the merchandise loaded, and help us unload it when we arrive at our destination. Do this, and I will let you go.”
“What are you, mafia?” James asked.
“Oh, now that is a cruel name,” the man said. “I am merely the proprietor of a… very old and international family business.”
Definitely mafia, Joseph thought. Which meant that they wouldn’t hesitate to kill either of them if they refused. Despite only having just met the omega behind him, Joseph couldn’t allow anything to happen to James.
“Give us your word that you’ll let us go unharmed when the job’s done, and we’ll help you,” Joseph said. The man smiled and uncocked his gun.
“Yes, of course,” he said. “As soon as the job is done, you are free to leave with nothing to fear.”
“What are you doing?” James hissed.
“Making sure you get home,” Joseph replied under his breath. He looked at the man. “Deal.”
“Excellent,” the man said. He returned the gun to the holster in his jacket. “Get to work. The sooner we’re done, the sooner you can go home and enjoy the rest of your evening.”
The “merchandise” was apparently some type of drug. Judging from the containers they were stored in and the weight, James was willing to bet it was cocaine or something. Not only would it mean that James was an accessory to some kind of smuggling operation, but it also meant that the mafia would know him, know his face. If they knew that, what else would they demand of him?
He was pissed, but he channeled his anger into loading the myriad of containers into the back of the large van for transport. That Rumlow character whistled crudely every time he bent down. That also pissed James off. They were supposed to be in line getting popcorn for the mystery movie Joseph picked out for the date. Instead, he was being forced at gunpoint to traffic drugs.
Joseph loaded up the last of the bags and before James could even sigh in relief, Rumlow came up and forced them into the back along with the bags. The other workers got in and chuckled wickedly. Some whistled or growled with what was probably supposed to be an attempt at being alluring. It curled James’ stomach.
“Leave him alone,” Joseph growled. He stepped in front of James again, his large, muscular body shielding James’ more slender body from view. It made James’ stomach flip.
“Aw, come on, don’t be such an old man,” Rumlow said. “You’re a red-blooded alpha, right? You can’t say you haven’t thought about it. You can’t just wave that pretty ass in front of an alpha and not expect him to react.”
“I can expect anything I want, but I tend not to set myself up for disappointment either,” Steve said. “You can’t expect shit to glitter.”
Rumlow bared his teeth and growled. He stepped up to Joseph, who pushed James back gently. James didn’t need any encouragement. The stench of alphas gearing up to fight filled his nostrils. There was the gentle scent of cinnamon and coffee that came from Joseph, and the pungent smell of overripe citrus that made James stomach queasy. It was revolting.
“You better remember your place, hero,” Rumlow said. “One wrong move and you’re eating lead and that pretty omega of yours gets to be our entertainment tonight.”
Joseph growled again, but backed down. James sighed a bit in relief. He sat at the end of a bench in the van and Joseph sat next to him. James put his hand on Joseph’s thigh.
“Thanks,” he whispered as the van rumbled to life. It jolted into motion and Joseph put his hand on James’ thigh to steady him.
“I’m with you till the end of the line,” Joseph said quietly. He squeezed James’ thigh again.
The drive was mostly quiet and it seemed like it took forever. James tried to keep an indirect eye on Rumlow. If anyone was going to turn on them, it would be him. As brave as Joseph was, he wasn’t armed and Rumlow seemed like the sort of alpha who was a bit trigger happy. Joseph might have some kind of training, but only an idiot would try to fistfight someone with a gun surrounded by people with guns.
After maybe an hour, the van rolled to a stop and the ignition cut off. James didn’t move until the back of the van was rolled up. The grunts piled out of the van. Joseph started to toss down containers of drugs that were carted off to a waiting shipping container. James took a cursory look around. They were in the harbor, near Red Hook from the looks of it. Before he could be caught, he bent down and started tossing containers down. They were heavy, and they made it clear that James was out of shape, but the work helped to distract him from the situation he was in.
Slowly but surely, James and Joseph were able to unload the van. Every now and then, there was a dusting or the powdery white substance that was inside. Not surprisingly, there was also some on the bed of the van. James glanced down at himself and was a bit relieved to notice that there wasn’t any on him.
“Freeze! Hands in the air!” came a sudden shout.
James immediately raised his hands just as Joseph stepped in front of him. Before James could blink, the shipyard was crawling with police officers. A mixture of terror and relief settled in James’ stomach. If they got the chance to tell the police what happened, they would be fine, but if an idiot started shooting…
“Johann Schmidt,” came a voice from someone dressed like a captain. “You and your subordinates are under arrest for smuggling illegal substances across international borders.”
Schmidt scowled and raised his hands. Unfortunately, he was about the only smart person here. Rumlow immediately grabbed a gun and fired.
“Get down!” Joseph yelled.
Before James could think of a response, Joseph tackled James to the floor of the van and shielded him with his body. Gunshots fired all over the place and people yelled. Police barked orders. The only thing James could think of was to curl up as tightly as possible beneath Joseph’s body. Joseph’s arms shielded James’ head. The smell of cocaine mingled with Joseph’s alpha scent. It would be a strange sensation at any other time.
It felt like hours before the shooting finally died down. When it did, Joseph slowly knelt up to look over his head. James sat up and saw a slew of cops going over the remains of the mafia thugs. Johann Schmidt was nowhere to be found, though. A cop stepped up to the van and James immediately raised his hands.
“Don’t shoot!” he said. “We’re innocent!”
“Innocent?” the cop asked. “Looks to me like you’re aiding and abetting international drug trafficking.”
“You idiot,” the guy who looked like the captain said. He smacked the cop on the back of his head. “These guys look like they’re dressed for a drug run to you? They look like they’re dressed for a night on the town.”
“They forced us to help them,” Joseph said. “That man in charge threatened to shoot us if we didn’t.”
The captain stared at them for a while. “Schmidt escaped in the chaos,” he said. “If you give us your statements about what happened, we can offer you protection.”
“Thank you, sir,” Joseph said. The captain nodded.
“I’ll contact the US Marshals Service,” the captain said. “Give us the names of your immediate family and we’ll ensure they’re protected as well.”
“The Marshals Service?” James asked. “Why them?”
“This is the mafia we’re dealing with, boy,” the captain said. “And Johann Schmidt is known to be unstable at the best of times. Lots of his people escaped and the rest either died or killed themselves before we could question them. Your testimony is the only one we have.”
Realization dawned on James. “You mean… the Witness Protection Program.”
“That’s right,” the captain said. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
16 notes · View notes
immabethehero · 4 years ago
Henrik but he’s Baymax
Hey so! A little while ago on a discord server, I suddenly came up with the idea of Henrik as Baymax, and this story spawned from it. Should I make more content for it, I’ll call it Henrik Healthcare Provider.
CW: Death mention, food mention, self-neglect and slight starvation, coma mention, hospital mention
@leobashi I know you were excited about this!
Chase lies in bed, his arms wrapped around a pillow as he stares blankly at the wall. The curtains are closed, only bits of sunshine peeking through. A plate of cold, untouched food sits on his desk. He can’t remember how long it’s been since he last slept or moved. He sighs and closes his eyes. Maybe this time he won’t get nightmares.
Someone knocks on the door. Chase keeps his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. He hears someone open the door. A waft of eggs, bacon and hashbrowns fills the stuffy room.
“Morning, Chase,” a voice whispers. It’s Marvin bringing him food today. Chase wills him to put the food down and leave.
He hears steps and the plate being set down, but instead of closing the door, he hears footsteps coming toward him, and then a weight beside him on the bed. A hand gently strokes his hair.
“You should come down soon. The others miss seeing you,” Marvin says. “Sleep well, Chase. I hope you feel better soon.” The weight disappears and Chase hears the door close.
Chase groans and sits up, his body aching from lying still for too long. He supposes he should get outside his room soon. It’s what Jack would want him to do.
Chase’s stomach drops and his eyes water as soon as the thought enters his head. He misses Jack so much. His roommate, his rock, his best friend. It has been two weeks since the fire that had rendered Jack unconscious when he ran in to save their robotics professor. The building had exploded in flames, and while Jack was rescued by firefighters and immediately rushed to the hospital, their professor was not so lucky. Jack now resides in the hospital, bandages covering nasty burn wounds, and a breathing tube up his nose. Chase visits whenever he can, saying hello and catching him up on life, before leaving to lie in bed until the next time he could see him.
Chase slowly stands up and stumbles over to his wardrobe. He opens it and begins rummaging through for clean pants to wear. He grabs a pair of navy jeans and slams the drawer on his finger.
“OW!” Chase yelps, yanking his finger out and holding it close. He groans in pain, holding his finger. 
Suddenly, he hears a beeping sound from behind him and the sound of something stirring to life. He turns around and gasps as two ice blue eyes stare back at him.
“Who are you?!” Chase demands, his voice hoarse from disuse.
A figure steps out from the dark shadows of the room, the sunlight peeking out from behind the blinds shining on a human body. 
Chase makes out a man with soft brown hair, a light blue shirt and khakis underneath a white doctor’s coat. The man observes Chase with a friendly expression on his face. A very small pair of glasses sits on his nose. They look more like two connected dots. The man lifts his hand robotically and waves.
“Hello, I am Henrik, your personal healthcare companion,” he says. His voice is soft with a German accent.
“Henrik! I didn’t know you were still active,” Chase says, shocked. He had almost forgotten Jack bringing home his creepy, life-sized robot doctor. Jack had worked for a whole 6 months on the robot, fitting him up with over 1000 healthcare protocols and procedures. At the cry of “ow”, the robot awakens.
“I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?” Henrik asks, tilting his head.
“I just pinched my finger, I’ll be alright,” Chase says, shrugging.
Henrik blinks and his glasses project a screen in the air. Ten faces appear, each with a number. “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”
“Zero? I’m fine, it’s already gone,” Chase says. “You can go back to sleep now.”
Henrik leans over to inspect the wound. “Does it hurt when I touch it?” he asks as he lifts his hand up.
“Please do not touch me,” Chase snaps, stepping back. Henrik ignores him, stepping closer to see his finger. Chase stumbles and falls backwards into the space between the wardrobe and the wall.
Henrik stares down at him, expression still neutral. “You have fallen.”
“You think?” Chase scoffs. He grabs a shelf to pull himself up, only for the shelf to break and trinkets to slide down on him. All the while, Henrik asks,
“On a scale of-”
“On a scale of-”
“On a scale of-”
“On a scale of on-”
A particularly heavy trophy lands on Chase’s tenders. He emits a high pitched cry.
“On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”
“Zero,” Chase squeaks, holding his sore tenders.
Henrik pulls Chase out of the rubble and hugs him tightly. “It is alright to cry. Crying is a natural response to pain.”
Chase pulls himself out of Henrik’s grip. “I’m not crying!”
“I will scan you for injuries,” Henrik says.
“Don’t scan me,” Chase orders.
Henrik blinks. “Scan complete.”
“You have sustained no injuries, but you lack necessary nutrients in your body. Have you eaten today?”
“Yes,” Chase snaps. Right on cue, his stomach growls. He sighs.
Henrik does not react in the slightest. Marvin or Jameson would have shaken their heads, Jackie and Jack would have immediately run off to grab Chase a snack. Instead, Henrik looks around the room, before taking notice of the food on Chase’s desk. He walks over and bends down.
“Someone has left you some food. You should eat,” Henrik finally says.
“I’m not hungry.”
“You have not eaten in a while, you must do so before you faint from hunger and dizziness. I will warm up your food.” Henrik rubs his hands together and hovers them over the food. Chase stares incredulously. He didn’t know Henrik could do that.
“Uh, it’s alright, I’ve already had enough.”
“Your diet and nutrient history says otherwise.”
“Your food is warm now. Enjoy your meal.” Henrik stands up and backs up to let Chase sit down and eat. Chase refuses to move.
“You must eat, Chase. It is not healthy to neglect your stomach and diet. You will not feel well and any task you put your mind to will be finished inadequately.”
Chase sighs and sits down, taking the fork and stabbing his omelette with it, then shoving it in his mouth. He glares at Henrik. “Happy?”
“Are you happy?” Henrik shoots back, face neutral as always.
Marvin would have stormed out in frustration by now, Jackie would have left to let him cool down. Jameson would have sat down to read, staying only to make sure Chase finished his meal, a look of annoyance on his face. In the months that Chase has seen the robot awake, Henrik has never shown any emotion. He never told Jack, but it unnerves him to no end.
“No? Yes? I don’t know,” Chase says.
“How does the food taste?” Henrik asks.
“It’s alright,” Chase says, moving on to the bacon. “You want some?”
“I am a robot. I cannot eat,” Henrik reminds him. Henrik smiles for the first time. Chase relaxes a little. Maybe he does have emotions.
“Right, sorry. Didn’t mean to offend you,” Chase says.
“I am a robot. I cannot be offended,” Henrik says.
Chase can’t help but laugh. It startles him a little. He hasn’t laughed in a while. Henrik tilts his head in confusion. His expression only makes Chase laugh more.
The door suddenly swings open and Jackie, Marvin and Jameson all run in.
“We heard a bang, are you alright?” Jameson signs, worried. Chase nods, still laughing.
“Oh, you’re smiling again, Chase. I haven’t seen you smile in such a long time,” Marvin remarks.
Jackie observes Henrik, who gives him a quick look and says, “I sense your temperature is higher than normal. Are you feeling well?”
“Absolutely…” Jackie responds, only half-paying attention. “Chase, who is this?”
“Henrik, Jack’s robot that he’s been working on. He’s a robotic nurse.”
“I am equipped with over 1000 healthcare procedures and protocols. Jack made me in the hopes of helping people access quicker healthcare,” Henrik explains.
“He looks amazing!” Jameson exclaims. “It’s amazing what mankind can do with technology!”
Henrik watches as Jameson lifts his arm up to examine him. “Your neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are happy.”
“I am!” Jameson says. “Wait, how does he know sign language?”
“Jack programmed me to understand up to 100 languages, including BSL, your current language,” Henrik says.
“Amazing! Imagine how many people Henrik can help!” Jameson cries in delight, clapping his hands.
“How did he get in your room? I thought he was back at the workshop,” Marvin says.
“Jack brought him home because they needed space,” Chase says. “Our own garage was filled with my own project, so I let him take my room for the meantime.”
“Where is Jack?” Henrik suddenly asks. “He is usually with me when I am awake.”
The atmosphere in the room immediately sullens. Chase sighs and rubs a hand over his face.
“He’s... in the hospital,” he says.
“Is he alright? When will he return?” Henrik asks.
“When he wakes up. He’s in a coma.”
“Oh.” Henrik’s face remains neutral. Chase scowls at the robot’s lack of emotion.
“I am sorry to hear that. But with patience and enough healing, I am sure he will awaken,” Henrik says.
“That’s what the doctors keep telling us,” Marvin says, hugging himself.
Henrik walks over to the computer and puts his hand on it. His glasses project a screen and images fly by.
“What are you doing?” Jackie asks.
“I am downloading information on comas and its effects on both patients and family members of patients,” Henrik says. “Information dictates that visiting the patient regularly can help improve the probability of the patient waking up.”
“I know that,” Chase says. “I’ve been doing that all week.”
“Physical and verbal reassurance can help loved ones cope with the current state of the patient,” Henrik continues. He crosses over to Chase and hugs him, the movement stiff but welcoming. Chase awkwardly leans into the hug.
“Everything will be alright. There, there,” Henrik soothes, patting his head. Chase chuckles.
“Thanks, Henrik. It’s appreciated.”
Henrik nods and pulls away. “If there is anything else you need, I will be nearby. But for now, I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.”
“Already? You just woke up,” Jackie protests.
“I do not see a reason for me to be here at the very moment. I am simply taking up space.”
Jackie’s heart sinks a little for the robot. Even though Henrik meant it in very different circumstances, Jackie can’t help being reminded of the thousand times his human friends have said that. He gently grabs the robot’s arm.
“Why don’t you stay out a little longer? We’d love to give you a tour of the house,” he suggests.
Chase raises an eyebrow. “We?”
“Will that help improve your mental state?” Henrik asks.
“Maybe?” Jackie says. The other shrug.
Henrik blinks. “Alright then. Lead the way.”
Jackie walks out, Marvin and Jameson following behind him. Henrik begins to exit, but hesitates when he sees Chase remain where he is.
“Are you not coming?” Henrik asks.
“I think I’ll pass. I’ve seen the house before.”
“Some exercise and fresh air will improve your health, both physically and mentally.”
“You don’t give up easily, do you?”
“Come outside, Chase. Today’s weather is a high of 20 degrees with sunshine. You might enjoy it.”
Chase sighs and stands up, taking the plate with him. “Coming.”
Henrik smiles once more. “Good.”
@graysun, @florenceisfalling, @miishae, @lonelyseiren, @goldenoceanaart, @egopocalypse, @oasisofgalaxies, @fleecal, @kofi-kiing​, @myspatialspace, @jo-ann-ahh-2, @huffletrax, @gemstone6, @dumbasticart, @lunaarmada,@meteorshowersfillthesky, @uhhbeans​​,  @the-pastel-kitsune​, @bupine,  @climbing-starrs, @the-spawn-of-loki, @jadehowlettthewolf, @obsidiancreates, @rammypaige, @hollenka99, @cest-mellow, @randowaffle, @green-protects, @dezi-popp, @badlypostedeverything, @crystalninjaphoenix​, @milo-kno​​, @pixelpixie-pix​​, @why-killed-markiplier​
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mackeydoodledoo · 4 years ago
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Pairing: Sylvie Brett x Quinn Maxs (Fem! Paramedic)
Summary: You’re living life with Firehouse 51. But, you begin to feel feelings for your Paramedic-in-charge; Sylvie Brett. You don’t know how to tell her, understanding the history of her past relationships. Most of all, you don’t want her seeing you differently, should you tell her. You only told your fellow paramedic; Gianna Mackey and your best friend and firefighter; Stella Kidd. However, you beg them both to not tell Brett. However, once Hermann’s fill-in comes in, you believe you’ve waited too long to tell Brett how you really feel about her.
Warning: Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 9: Escape Route spoilers
A/N: Quinn Maxs is my OC for Chicago Fire! Enjoy my first Sylvie Brett imagine!!
Theme: “MAYDAY” - coldrain/Ryo (Fire Force Opening 2)
As you close your locker and bid Hermann a farewell and to enjoy his vacation you pass by Brett, but a familiar face.... Grainger.... 
"Hey, I remember you, Y/n Y/l/n right?" He asks, smiling 
Hiding your emotions well, you casually salute three fingers to him before hearing the alarm go off. 
"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, structure fire," 
As you heard the address you head to 61 to deploy for the call. 
"Hey why don't you ride shotgun Y/l/N," Mackey suggests, smiling 
"Sure, thanks Mackey," you say, opening the passenger side door 
"Mackey wanted to ride back?" Sylvie asks 
"Yeah, I guess so," you sigh, not looking at her 
"Hey, are you alright? You've seemed to be moping for a little bit." Sylvie asks 
"Oh I'm fine, a little tired. Lack of sleep," You lie 
You were kind of accurate but also very inaccurate. You realized when Sylvie and Grainger were flirting before the call. 
"Tell you what, why not tonight after shift I treat you to Molly's?" She suggests 
"You sure?" You ask 
"Totally," Brett smiles 
81, Squad 3 and 61 arrive at the fire. You notice Grainger giving orders out already however, Casey angrily tells him to wait for his orders. Both you and Sylvie watch that unfold but you think nothing of it as Casey is Captain. But you're assuming 40 doesn't have a captain. 
After the call, 61 running a severely burned mother to Med, you voluntarily hopped in the back, to avoid Brett seeing your emotions become unfolded. Although they could hear you, you were crying on the inside. 
Brett's POV "Hey Mackey do you think Y/l/n is okay?" She asks 
"What makes you think that?" Mackey replies back 
"On our way to the call earlier she wasn't very talkative like she usually is," she says, "I just wanna know if she's talked to you about anything." 
"Nope, she's been quiet about that," Mackey says
Y/n’s POV You lay down on your bed in the quiet area of 51, contemplating life choices. With a handful of Med runs n such, nothing happened out of the ordinary. 
"You doing okay kid?" Stella comes over 
"Well aside from my jealousy of Grainger easily wooing Brett, I'm fine," you sigh 
"You need to tell her before anything happens Y/n," she replies, "You're going to regret it once you decide to tell her when its too late." 
"She is inviting me out to Molly's after shift if that means anything.." you say 
"That’s the perfect time to do it" Stella smiles before walking away
Once the end of shift came and you make your leave. You try to avoid Brett as much as possible. 
"Y/l/n!" Brett calls 
You silently sigh to yourself but put on a happy face for her. 
"You ready to go love?" She asks, slinging her arm around yours as she drags you along 
"For sure," you force a smile 
"Hey why don't you join us later, once your done with inventory?" Sylvie suggests to Grainger 
"I'd love to," Grainger smiles 
On the inside you were freaking out. But you also believed this was the time to tell her, as Stella says. 
"Have you been doing okay y/l/n? You're not as talkative as you usually are," Sylvie asks 
"Just a long day, like I said this morning Brett, I have had a lack of sleep," you sigh, "Hey I'm gonna get a drink from Stella do you want anything?" 
"Just a beer," Sylvie smiles 
You smile back, you realize that's the first time you've smiled around Brett. 
"Have you told her yet Y/n?” Stella asks, coming over to you 
"No," you sigh, "I don't know. You are right by telling her now but I’m just so-" 
You notice Stella looking over your shoulder, "Grainger is there isn't he?..." 
Stella nods, "Sorry Y/n." 
"Two beers," you request, "Might as well be a peace offering." 
"Are you gonna stick around?" She asks 
"I'm just gonna give them the beers and pretty much lie," you say, "Hey, I'll text you if anything happens." 
Stella nods, in approval to your plan. She walks over and gets the beers. You slip her a $10 tip. 
"Half of it is working in a full house, the other is... Well, being my Partner in Crime," you smile as you shake off your sadness and force a smile onto your face as you put the beers between the two supposed lovebirds. 
"For me?" Grainger smiles 
"That's a thanks for today, Welcome to 51," You forcefully smile 
My god I want to leave! You begin to feel an inferno build up inside of you. You wanted to punch him in the face but that would not look good on a report. 
"Hey, I just remembered I left something at the station. I'm going to run and go grab it and I’m gonna call it a night," you lie, "see you later Boss." 
You take your jacket and your helmet and make your leave, putting on your helmet and then gloves. You first make your stop to your apartment, which wasn't too far from Molly's. Grabbing a backpack that would be big enough to store clothes in and essentials. You leave everything clean. As if no one was there. You make haste getting out of your apartment and to your motorcycle, making another leave.
You knock on the door to Boden's office. Which he looks up and greets you how he always does. 
"Chief I need to talk to you, if you have a minute," you say, sitting in a chair 
"What is it Y/l/n?" He asks 
"I know you’re probably not one to listen to somebody's relationship life but um.." You stammer, figuring out how to tell him, "I don't know who else to turn to but only two other people know; Mackey and Kidd. I told them-I told them I really like Brett. However, I’m beginning to see her attraction towards our fill-in Lieutenant; Grainger. But the point is, I'm beginning to feel jealous. On the call this morning I was barely in it until either Mackey or Brett brought me back. I'm not sure if I've ever requested to take time off work. But, I feel that this is the time to. I don't want my emotions getting the best of me again Chief." 
"Who else knows about this kind of request?" Boden asks 
"Just you and me sir," you reply 
"I appreciate the heads up Y/l/n and I appreciate your need to work with your emotions," he says, "How long do you want me to make you absent for?" 
"One month," you request 
"That's um... That's quite a big request Y/l/n," He sighs 
"I understand that completely Chief, but Brett and Mackey are doing an excellent job as a two-person Ambo team, I strongly believe they can do the work in my absence," you say 
"If you strongly believe it then so do I," He says, adjusting something on his laptop, "Is there anything else you need?" 
"Yes," You sigh, "Don't tell Brett anything of what I told you in this moment. I don't want her feeling guilt over this when she and Mackey have lives to save. But if she does happen to ask, just tell her that I have a family emergency. If-if that's too much I can-" 
"It's okay Y/l/n," Boden says, "Go clear your head." 
"Thanks Chief," you smile, making your exit
You stop at a gas station to fill up on your motorcycle and eat before your long drive. As you wait for the gas to fill your tank, you hold your phone up to your ear. 
"Hey, Stella, it's me," you start 
"Hey kid. You doing okay? What's the update?" She asks 
"Well, I first went to my apartment to get some things. I then went to the station and requested the Chief for some days off." You say 
"How long?" She asks 
"A month," you say 
"A MON- oh, sorry. A month?" Stella says 
"Yeah," you say, "I told Boden that Brett and Mackey and manage without me. It's not like I'm leaving 51." 
"That's true," Stella sighs 
"Hey, can you pass the word to Mackey too? I told her about this whole thing too," you say, "But neither of you tell Brett. I'm not having her feel guilty over this. This is for me." 
"Got it kid, I gotta get back to work. Call me if you wanna talk at all," Stella says 
"Noted, bye." You say, hanging up the phone as the gas had just filled up 
As you pull off into a parking spot, you make another call. 
"Hey, it's me," you smile, "Do you have any space in your house for me to stay in for now? You do? Okay, I'll be there in... God, 3-4 hours. Pull off into a hotel for the night? No, I'm good thanks. I'll make the drive. So long as I'm not in the city anymore. Thanks man, I'll try to keep you posted." 
You put your helmet back on and set up your maps into the destination and ride off into the night. Though, you really only made stops at 24-hour gas stations.
Brett's POV The next morning at 51, Brett comes into the station right next to Grainger however, split once they go to their respective engines. 
"Hey where's Y/l/n?" Sylvie asks Mackey when she noticed she's not in the ambo 
"Family emergency," Mackey replies, clearly lying 
"Oh... She didn't tell me," Brett sighs 
"She was in a rush, she only figured out last night," Mackey adds 
She walks over to Stella, "Hey did Y/l/n tell you-" 
"She has a family emergency," Stella says, exactly the same story as Mackey 
"She told you too?" Brett asks, "How come she didn't tell me?" 
Stella looks at Brett, feeling bad she has to lie to her best friend. However, it was for the best for both you and Brett. 
"Who didn't tell you what?" Grainger comes up behind Brett and hugs her 
"One of my paramedics had a family emergency and didn't tell me," Brett says 
"Well let's not worry about that right now," Grainger smiles as he gives Brett a cheek kiss 
"If you guys kiss I’m gonna puke," Stella gags as she walks to the common room, Mackey following
Stella's POV "You're doing a great job Mackey," Kidd says, high-fiving her 
"I'd never tell someone's personal info, unless they told me I could. This isn't one of those times," Mackey smiles 
"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, multiple hostile situation at 600 E Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60611" 
"That's Navy Pier," Stella realizes
51 deploys to the coordinates that are set in and by the time they get there, different firehouses and police stations are lined at the entrance. 
"Voight, talk to me," Boden demands as he walks with them 
"Seems like there's more than one perpetrator in this situation," Voight explains, "No casualties thus far, but possible injuries."
Y/n's POV As you get yourself some coffee you pull up the Chicago news radio on your phone. 
"This just in, a multiple hostage situation is currently happening at Navy Pier. All civilians near the vicinity must evacuate immediately." The news reporter explains, "All CPD departments and multiple CFD houses are here at the scene. 
"Sounds like one crazy adventure," your sister says, "glad your home and away from that." 
"Sis, I'm worried," you sigh 
"Is it about that Brett girl?" She asks, "forget her. She's missing one hell of an opportunity." 
"Thing is I don't know if she's Bisexual." You state 
"Even if she is and still sees you differently, she's missing out on a cool little sister," she says, messing up your hair, "I have to head out for work, if you're going out just lock the door and you remember where the spare key is?" 
"I do sis," you smile 
"See you later," she smiles and she closes the door 
You turn back to your phone for the love broadcast of the situation back across Lake Michigan. Your sister was pretty much right on the edge of Michigan, great view of the lake. However, you look out to the window and hope, your house is doing okay. You wish you saw the situation happen from right across it but it was too wide for you to see it happen with your eyes. You sigh, wishing you could leave already. However, you realize your sister has a power boat. You quickly write down a note saying you'll be back and that you're borrowing her power boat. With no sailing experience, turnout gear or medic supplies. Only your bag and communicator, you rush out the door.
"Where's Y/l/n?!" Brett demands Mackey 
"Brett you're so blind, Y/n is so into you!" Stella says, blurring out, "She left because she didn't want you to press her into talking to you about it. She didn't want you to see her any different if she told you. Let alone questioning if you like girls and you're beginning to go with hot-shot Grainger over there, so she wanted to get her mind off of her emotions." 
Brett stands there, dumbfounded. Why didn't you tell her. 
"Stella!" You call into your walkie 
"Y/n?" Stella calls back 
"On your six!" You say, smiling, "can't stay away." 
She runs up to you and gives you a big bear hug. 
"Listen up 51, I'm no commanding officer but I do sure know the place on the back of my hand. Captain Casey and Chief Boden... With your permission may I give the orders?" You ask through the walkie 
"Yes ma'am," Casey answers 
"What's your plan Y/l/n?" Chief Boden asks
"Okay, I scouted the perimeter and there's only, assuming they're away from the windows. Squad 3 you take the Northside, you try to get CPD officers into the building to clear the field for you. Engine 51, to Grainger with any room you have, get your hoses ready should any form of fire start. Truck 81, if shots are fired, move in, get as many civilians out as you can. I'll move in with you guys and give extra arms to help." You announce 
You take a giant breath as you finish out your speech. Stella, Brett and Mackey look at you in awe as you've never taken initiative before. 
"Y/l/n, I thought I have you on vacation," Boden comes up to you, "And you're not usually one to give orders." 
"Apparently can't stay away sir," you sigh, adjusting your belt, "And I know this place all too well." 
"Very well Y/l/n," Boden smiles, "You heard the lady men." 
You watch Squad 3 and follow Truck 81 as you meet up with Burgess and Ruzek. 
"You're gonna need this," Burgess heads you a 9 milimeter 
"Thanks..." you say, taking it and concealing it 
You hear screaming and gunshots. And hear a blaze begin. 
"Grainger fire! I don't know where it is! Find it!" You demand 
"You got it kid," he says 
"Move in!" The muffled walkie screams as you, along with 81, Burgess, Ruzek and many other CPD officers barge into the building, ringing shots, killing nearly all the perpetrators. 
"Hey kiddo it's okay it's okay," you tell her, checking for any signs of injury 
"Y/l/n!" Kim yells, you immediately shield the kid as a shot rings out 
You let out a strangled scream as your arm is bleeding; a severe gunshot wound. It didn't go into your skin and damage your bone however, the bullet made a real "good" indent in your skin as it rang out. Kim pulls the trigger on her glock 17 and kills the guy immediately. Kim helps you cover your wound as you still hold onto the kid, hoping any parental unit would claim her. 
"Mommy," the girl cries 
You turn over and see the mom, on the ground. You hand the kid over to Kim as you go to help Severide and Casey. You all get her onto the board to get her to 61. 
"Brett, Mackey need the Ambo ready," you speak into your walkie 
"Hey Burgess, you can let the girl into the ambo," you say as she helps the little girl into the back 
"Aren't you coming with us?" Brett asks 
"Can't, I have to take my sisters' power boat back across Lake Michigan," you sigh, "My sister is a doctor over at her local hospital, I'll drive myself over there." 
"You're gonna bleed out, you need to get to med," Brett demands, calmly 
"I can take care of myself Brett, don't worry about me I'll be fine." You say, trying to walk away 
"Y/n!" Brett yells your first name
You never heard Brett call you by your first name. You shake it off before settling back to your stoic self.
"Let me go, please," you say calmly, "I'm only gone for a month." 
"Did you tell Stella and Mackey to lie to me?" She asks you 
"I didn't want you worrying about me," you sigh, "Besides, I'm going to be fine." 
She lets go of you as you walk back to your sisters boat. She felt tears welding into her eyes. 
"Brett, we gotta go," Mackey calls out 
Mackey shuts the doors as Brett hops into the driver's seat and activates the sirens. 
You arrive to your sisters workplace as a nurse rushes over to you. 
"What happened?!" She asks 
"Zoomed across Lake Michigan and helped my firehouse, but unfortunately I got grazed," you sigh 
"Y/n?!" Your sister calls out to you, "oh my god Y/n you took my power boat?!" 
You nod, "They needed my help." 
"You have never changed," she laughs, "I can check you out."
Once your sister had stitched up your wound she discharged you from the hospital. Once you get back to your sisters place, you open your Chicago news app. The first article that comes up is the one from earlier. 
"Firehouse 51 paramedic makes a chief-status plan while on this call today," The news reporter says, "According to 51s' Captain Matt Casey, it was an astounding plan. Girl's a hero." 
You sigh as you don't really feel like a hero, just another day as a paramedic.
Your sister comes home late at night however, doesn't find you anywhere. 
"Called Chief Boden and told him I changed my mind on my one month vacation, I'm heading back to 51 right now." Your sister read aloud, "Bought you something that’s in the fridge for taking care of me for a short time."
You park your motorcycle in one of the street parking slots as you keep your helmet on for secrecy. Without knowing it was you, Brett walks past you. Once you get to your locker, you try to make a quick haste to get yourself ready. 
"In a rush?" Stella smiles 
She comes up to you and gives you a big bear hug. 
"Missed you kid," she smiles 
Before you could say anything else you hear arguing from afar. You and Stella go to the garage and notice Brett and Grainger arguing. 
"So you led me on?" He asks 
"Not exactly, I wasn't aware of Quinn's feelings and I wasn't sure how to process it," Brett starts, "I just-" 
"Just what Sylvie?" He asks, angrily 
You notice she's beginning to falter. 
"Y/n left, and for what?" He asks her, "She isn't a Lieutenant, Captain, or Chief! What makes her so special?! I don't think you made the right choice of making her on your paramedic team. How are YOU even the paramedic-in-charge?" 
You've had enough, "HEY!" 
They both turn to you, Brett almost crying years of joy. You place a gentle hand onto her shoulder, reassuring her that you'll settle this. 
"You have NO RIGHT to question her position as Paramedic-in-Charge Mr. Hot shot Lieutenant." You spat in his face 
He was about to open his mouth to say something else, but closes it when you give him the look of: 'oh I'm not done mister!'. 
"She’s one of the GREATEST PICs I have ever worked with in my years of being in the Fire Department service. She’s one of the VERY few, that I am honored to be working with, one I come to know and love." You continue, "You question that position? And for what? The most beautiful Paramedic is beginning to question herself and what SHE wants? No, one should always be supportive. No matter what, you should leave my guy." 
"Hate to tell you rookie, I'm not leaving yet," he tries to sound smug 
"Oh you're leaving alright buddy," Hermann says, walking into the firehouse 
He doesn't say anything else but give you one last look of disgust before leaving. You let out a breath of relief. Stella and Mackey applaud for you. 
"You stood up for me?" Brett asks, looks at you, "Don't you hate me for hurting you?" 
"Brett," you smile, "I never did hate you. I left so I could clear my head." 
She smiles as she hugs you, "my god oh how I've missed you." 
Your head drops down and rests on Brett's shoulder for your head to be cradled. 
"I'm sorry Sylvs," you call her by her nickname, "You remember how I used to act... I didn't want that happening again." 
"You could've just talked to me love," Brett whispers
After shift you head over to Molly's with Stella. 
"How's your arm kid?" She asks 
"Hurts but my sister stair to be careful, and then just have someone at med undo the stitches." You say 
"That's good, that's good," Stella states, "You know, Brett was worried sick on that call this morning." 
"Really?" You ask, leaning in towards Stella 
"Speak of the Devil, there she is," Stella smiles, waving her over 
"You look great Quinn," Brett smiles 
"You look beautiful Sylvs," you smile back, sipping your whiskey 
Stella looks at you, a look you know too well. That says, "go get your girl!" 
You make fun if her look and then turn your attention to Brett. 
"So Brett, how you been doing the last couple of days?" You ask 
"Worrying about you," she sighs 
You nearly choke on your drink as that though has never crossed your mind. You only thought that Sylvie had eyes for Grainger. Of all people, she worries about you.
“Really?” You ask, clearing your throat, “Why’s that?”
“you didn’t talk to me before heading off to your sister’s,” She says, “Also for telling Stella and Mackey to lie to me.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me,” You say, “I wasn’t about to have my emotions get the best of me again.”
“You remember last time?” Sylvie asks
“Of course I do,” You say
“Do you want to get out of here?” Sylvie asks, “I know you don’t want that kind of thing to be talked about in public.”
“Sure,” You smile
You get a glance at Stella and she gives you a face of ‘go get your woman girl!’
Once the both of you reach your apartment, you follow Sylvie into hers.
“Remember that time I helped you calm down?” She finally asks
You nod, “I never did.”
“As soon as I touched you, you instantly calmed down,” She explains, “So, if what happened between us the other night affected your emotions, how come you didn’t tell me sooner?”
“Because I wasn’t sure if you were also into girls,” You confess, “You’re THE Sylvie Brett, one of the greatest people I’ve come to know and love in my life. And I’m just... Me... A paramedic with anger issues.”
“And I love you,” Sylvie confesses
Realizing what she had just said to you made her cheeks heat up. You look at her the same way. You gently press her against the doorframe to her room and place your lips along hers, building that inferno in your heart that burns for her.
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evanoracronwell · 4 years ago
You've got us.
Read on ao3
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Buck took a deep breath as soon as Athena had left with Bobby. He tried to suppress the avalanche of feelings that had been trying to escape him since the moment Maddie had told him about Daniel. Twenty-nine years living in a giant, cruel lie. Now, at least he knew why his parents had never been able to love him. At least now, he understood why he had never felt good enough. It's because he never had been.
A few steps away, he saw Eddie approaching him while he removed his helmet and gloves and threw them in the back of the ambulance right next to Buck.
"I know what you're going to say. I was reckless, stupid, and could have died. I know that I just..."
Any other word died on his lips because Eddie held his face with both hands with such care and affection that Buck felt his throat close; no one had ever looked at him that way, as if he were hanging the moon, as if Eddie was afraid that he was going to disappear before his eyes.
"Never again, did you hear me? Never again do you dare to pull something like that on me. Damn it, Buck, I almost died thinking something might have happened to you."
His voice was hoarse and choked as if he was trying very hard not to burst into tears right there, and Buck wanted to say something, claim that he was fine and that nothing had happened, but then Eddie came closer, standing between Buck's legs, his body so close to Buck's, that he could feel his heartbeat through his uniform.  As if that weren't enough, Eddie touched his forehead to Buck's, mixing their breath. There was nothing Buck could do but raise his hands to Eddie's waist, pulling him even closer.
"I'm truly sorry,” he murmured, watching as Eddie closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Buck followed in his footsteps, closing his eyes and concentrating only on Eddie's breathing, on the feeling of their bodies so close together, on how Eddie slid one of his hands up to the nape of his neck, pulling his hair so softly that Buck could barely feel it, but strong enough to give him the feeling of being terrified.
"Just promise me you will never do something like that again."
"Eddie, you know I can't..."
"No!” He looked away and opened his eyes, staring at Buck with determination. "I don't care that this is the job. You can't put yourself in danger like that, do you understand me? What the hell am I going to say to Christopher if something happens to you? That boy loves you, Buck; you're too important to him."
"I know, but Eddie I..."
"What about me? Damn Buck, what the fuck am I supposed to do if something happens to you? Have you ever stopped to think about that? I know you always put other people above yourself, that you always want to save everyone and you don't care to put your life on the line to do it, but... think of me, okay? If you want to put others above yourself so badly, then put me and Chris first. Every time you decide to risk yourself like this, think first about what it would do to us. "
"Eddie, I'm so sorry... you're right. I didn't think what it would do to you and Chris. Honestly, I didn't think it could affect you so much."
"How could you not know, Buck? How can you not know how important you are to us? Buck, I...” he took a deep breath again and then took Buck's face in his hands one more, making the blonde look at him directly in the eyes. "If anything happened to you, I would completely lose my mind; do you understand that? I would die, Buck, okay? You are everything and... you can't... never... okay? You can't leave me."
"I won't,” he says as firmly as he can, his blue eyes are already wet with tears and his voice breaking slightly. But he holds Eddie around the waist again and pulls him even closer than before, hugging him tightly as he sinks his face against his neck, breathing in the smell that is so unmistakably Eddie even under the smell of all the smoke.
"Please Buck, I know there's something going on inside your head. Please talk to me; it kills me to see you like this."
"I wasn’t enough, Eddie,” he grumbles against Eddie's neck, feeling like he just wants to hug him even tighter, and stroking the back of his neck. "They had me as a baby savior, but I couldn't save Daniel... I wasn't enough, and they hated me for it."
"Hey, no. Buck, you can't blame yourself for that, do you hear me? Your parents had no right to put that weight on you, much less the right to walk away from you after Daniel died. That's on them, Buck, not you. "
"Maybe. But they were also right, weren't they? I always do everything wrong, Eddie; I was a handful to Bobby when I walked into the fire department, always being irresponsible and reckless. I wasn't there when Maddie needed me, I... Eddie, I lost Christopher; you trusted me, and I... I lost him. "
"No, Buck!”Eddie moved away again, just enough to look into Buck's eyes, but close enough to still keep him in his arms. "You are an excellent firefighter, and Bobby couldn't have anyone better than you at 118. You took care of Maddie and protected her ever since she came to LA; you were there, Buck, every step of the way you stood beside her. And Chris... Jesus, Buck, you need to stop blaming yourself for this. You never lost him, Buck, a tsunami happened and you did everything to make sure he was safe, nothing that happened was your fault. "
"Yeah maybe, but I..."
"God, you have no idea how much I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Maybe that way you would see the wonderful man you are. You care about everyone, you are loving and caring, you are always willing to help and reach out to anyone who needs it. "
Eddie smiled tenderly and ran his fingertips over Buck's face, wiping away the tears that were starting to trickle down the blonde's cheek.
"You are the man who spends his nights off playing video games with my son or watching cartoon movies; you help him with his homework and read about the subjects he’s interested in so you can talk to him about them later. You play lego with him on my living room floor, read bedtime stories to him, and make pancakes for breakfast because you know he loves them and that I can’t keep from burning them. You’re the man who assures me that I’m an excellent father every time I doubt myself, the guy who helped me build a skateboard so my son can feel like any other child. You are... something, Buck. You are unique. You are special. "
"And above it all, Buck, you are enough. You are more than enough for Christopher, and you are more than enough for me. Maybe your parents can't see it, but then, it's their fault, it's their loss. I just need you to know that you're not alone, Chris and I are here; you've got us, ‘cause we're not going anywhere, but I need you to stay too, okay? I need you to promise me you won't go anywhere either, Buck, because I wouldn't know how to survive if you did. "
"I promise."
"Do you mean that?"
"Yes, I promise, Eddie. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
"Good, because I love you, Buck; I'm completely in love with you and I can't lose you, do you understand?"
Buck was going to answer, he really was going to say something, because, honestly, he had a million things to say in that moment. He wanted to say that he was also completely in love with Eddie, he wanted to say that he couldn't lose him either and that just the thought of something like that happening had left Buck awake for several nights. He wanted to say that when he had seen Eddie buried under all that mud, not knowing if they were going to get him back alive, that at that moment Buck had almost died, that for a few minutes he’d had to imagine his whole life without Eddie and that he would rather die than face that future. He wanted to say that he loved Christopher so deeply that it scared him sometimes, that he would give his life for that boy. There were a million things he wanted to say; but how could he say anything when Eddie pressed his lips against Buck's so firmly and so smoothly at the same time? How could he speak any words when he was being kissed by the man he loved with all his heart and soul? There he was, living a moment that he had lived countless times in his dreams, but that he had never thought he would be able to experience in reality.
And it was beautiful, it was intense, it was passionate and it tasted like a bright future. It was not the scene he had dreamed of; it didn’t have the romantic atmosphere of a candlelight dinner and music playing in the background. What they had were sirens and voices echoing everywhere, and the smell of smoke and the fumes of whatever product came from that factory.
It was messy and sloppy and perfect, and Buck wouldn't change a thing.
"Come home with me," Eddie murmured against his lips. Home. That sounded good.
When they were finally released from their shift, Eddie drove through the streets of Los Angeles holding Buck's hand against his thigh, refusing to stop touching him even for a second, as if he needed a guarantee that Buck was there, alive, beside him. And Buck would never deny Eddie's touch.
Entering Eddie's house brought a warm feeling to his chest; here he felt welcome and at home... but then again, home always seemed to be wherever Eddie and Chris were.
"We need to clean up," Eddie whispered as he took Buck's hand and led him to the bathroom. There was nothing sexual about the way they slowly undressed each other, nor the way they got under the shower, washing away any traces of soot and dirt from their skins. Eddie hugged him under the jet of hot water, his hands running down Buck's back, stroking him tenderly. He kissed Buck's hair, his forehead, his birthmark, his cheek, his nose, his lips. The second kiss was even better than the first, and the third better than the second.
They kissed without the slightest hurry, only concerned with savoring the taste of one another exploring every inch of each other's mouths, memorizing every second; because now they can.
And later, when they were both lying on the bed in nothing but their underwear, Buck curled up in Eddie's arms, feeling calm and welcomed in the warmth of Eddie's skin and the feeling of his breath against his neck. The darkness in the room seemed perfect at that moment, and Buck was lost in the rhythmic beating of Eddie's heart against his back.
"Yes, cariño?"
"I love you, too."
He was finally home.
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bat-lantis · 3 years ago
Douchebag of DC
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With Respect to all Fans in World
Superman is one of Earth's mightiest defenders. With his grab-bag of superpowers and strong moral code, he's arguably the greatest superhero on the planet. Since his first appearance in 1938's Action Comics #1 (by Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel), Superman has been held up as being the best and brightest, the perfect man in mind and body. He's an icon of strength and morality. So, what's the problem? Well, he's kind of a douchebag. There... we finally said it.
Clark Kent is the identity Superman adopted to pass as human; a nerdy persona hiding his true inner strength. Isn't it? What if Clark Kent isn't just a disguise? What if he's an insult to all of us?
A scene in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume 2 in 2004 spelled out the theory, which starts with the fact that Superman isn't a disguise. Clark Kent is his disguise to blend in with us, but Clark is weak, clumsy and insecure. Why? Imagine if Batman tried to disguise himself as a Chinese businessman, so he put on huge glasses, buckteeth and wore a Coolie hat. We'd call him a racist for trying to fit that stereotype. Well, Clark Kent is that racial stereotype. He's an insult to the whole human race.
Superman Preacher's:
It seems like every time Superman faces a monstrous supervillain or an amoral criminal, he has to stop to try and talk it out. He's always giving speeches on how people should be good to each other, respect each other and forgive each other.
The problem is that Superman isn't some kind of genius philosopher or guru or psychologist. He's just spouting what he learned from his parents while living on a farm in the Midwest; it's the same thing you'd find on a motivational poster hanging in your boss' office. The fact that he's trying to lecture other people about how they should behave is messed up. He's trying to impose his values on others. Papa don't preach? More like "Superman, shouldn't preach."
Saving the world: Superman has the power to save the world, but he doesn't, any more than a firefighter pouring water on a burning building is stopping all houses from burning down ever. Superman should be bringing food to the starving countries of the world, stopping armies from fighting on battlefields and bringing an end to disease.
At the same time, we've seen when Superman tries to stop social problems in alternate universes, and it always ends badly. For example, in 1996's Kingdom Come (Mark Waid, Alex Ross), Superman tried to use his power to stop superheroes who were running amok. In the process, he created a gulag and trampled on human rights. Whether he helps or not, Superman can't do anything right.
Lex Luther is Right: Lex Luthor has a special place in his heart for his hatred of Superman. His reasons vary, including that he's just jealous of Superman's fame and power, and that he's also insane. He's also kind of right.
Luthor has said that Earth has gotten soft with Superman around, depending on him to stop hurricanes or fight Darkseid. When Superman was killed in 1992's "Death of Superman," the world fell into chaos, proving Luthor right. Luthor also believes that Superman can't be trusted, because he's so powerful he could destroy the planet if he lost control. That goes back to how Superman always enslaves the world when he goes bad. Batman feels the same way, so it's not that crazy an idea. These are all good points, and when the most evil man in the world has a good point, that's something to think about.
Superman Kills (a Bunch): The idea that Superman doesn't kill is what makes Superman seem like such a noble character. In fact, he often seems reluctant to resort to violence at all. For someone as powerful as Superman, who could rip the heads of supervillains with a flick of his wrist, it seems downright noble.
The only problem is Superman has killed plenty of people throughout his long history. You go back to his Golden Age appearances like 1939's Superman #2 (Siegel, Shuster) where he allowed a war profiteer to choke to death on poison gas while he just watched. You can also use 2013's Man of Steel as an example, wherein he ended a conflict by killing the rogue Kryptonian General Zod, snapping his damn neck. As for violence, Superman isn't afraid to punch his way out of any situation. He's a hypocrite.
Superman's The Joker: We're going back all the way back to the Silver Age on this one. The Joker is known for his sadistic practical jokes, but he's got nothing on Superman. During the era, Superman was always pulling weird pranks on people. Granted, this was mainly because DC kept running bizarre covers with crazy scenarios to get people to buy comics, but it still counts.
For example, in 1958's Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane #1 (Leo Dorfman, Kurt Schaffenberger), Superman used his heat vision to ruin all Lois' cooking at a restaurant. In 1956's Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #13 (Otto Binder, Kurt Swan), when Jimmy saw Clark changing into Superman, Superman tried to convince Olsen he was seeing things by making illusions like turning a house upside down. The only thing worse than a practical joker is a super-practical joker.
Superman Respects Authority (Too much) : Superman has great respect for authority, and always follows the government and its laws. In the mainstream DC universe, Superman fights for truth, justice and the American Way, which works out to be good for everyone (in America). That's not always the case, though. When Superman is in a more sinister government, things always take a turn for the worse.
In 2003's Superman: Red Son (Dave Johnson, Kilian Plunkett, Mark Millar), Superman's ship crash-landed in the Soviet Union instead of the United States. What followed was a dystopian nightmare where Superman almost succeeded in imposing communism onto the entire world. In 1986's The Dark Knight Returns (Frank Miller), Superman became a puppet and weapon of mass destruction for an American government that turned fascist. That's what happens when you don't question authority.
He is a mother Fucker Womanizer: There are three major romances in Superman's life: Lana Lang (his childhood sweetheart), Wonder Woman (his superpowered crush, a relationship with whom was recently just written out of existence) and Lois Lane (his rival at the Daily Planet, longtime love and wife). He's had a complicated relationship with all of them for decades, and that's the problem.
When it comes to Lana, Superman should have kicked her to the curb a long time ago. She knows his secret identity and he liked her in high school, but that's not a reason to pine over her decades later. As for Wonder Woman, he never had the guts to do anything about it until the New 52, and that's over with. He's been stringing Lois Lane along for years, and finally got together with her before the New 52 reboot. You could say that he finally got everything together, even having a child with Lois, but it took the end of the world to actually make it happen! Superman's not afraid of much, but it seems that commitment is another one of his weaknesses.
He is Two-faced: As much as Superman likes to talk to others about values, he has been lying to his closest friends for decades, and that's not right. We know you're probably thinking he has to hide his identity to protect his loved ones, but who is he protecting? He should just move Lois Lane and his parents to the Fortress of Solitude where no one could get to them. And besides, we've seen other heroes come out with their secrets and they and their families are fine! If anyone could make it work, it's Superman, right??
That all notwithstanding, his secret identity isn't what we're talking about, though. Even when Superman reveals his secret identity, he still lies. For instance, he lied to Lois Lane about his terminal illness in 2005's All-Star Superman (Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely). He lied countless times in the Silver Age with those silly pranks. Keeping secrets is his status quo, and that's kind of a dick move.
Fortress of Solitude: Superman's Fortress of Solitude is another big problem we have with the Man of Steel. It's his sanctuary, and also his storehouse. It's where he keeps trophies from his many adventures, a zoo of exotic animals, technology from Krypton and other worlds, and a science lab where he uses his super-intelligence to carry out his own research. So why doesn't he share it?
For instance, Superman has traditionally kept an army of life-like artificially intelligent robot duplicates of himself at the Fortress. His robots could change the fields of robotics, engineering and computer programming instead of just walking around and getting him coffee. Likewise, his trophies include advanced weapons that could be adapted to creating new technology. Superman's bogarting that stuff. He needs to share it with the world.
Reporter Job: Clark Kent works at the Daily Planet as an intrepid reporter, a career choice that's kind of a dick move. Yes, it allows him to stay on the front lines to find out what crimes and disasters are going on, but it's more than that. As an investigative journalist, Clark has reported endlessly on Superman to the point where he's used it as an advantage. He's even won a Pulitzer Prize for writing about his own adventures.
Clark is kind of like Spider-Man in that regard, profiting from his superhero exploits, but Parker admits that he's doing it for the money. Being a reporter isn't even the best option for a superhero. He could have become a firefighter or a police officer, or even held public office, to help people in his off-time instead of typing on a computer.
Superman Only Saves Friend's: Superman is loyal to his friends, but you could say he's really loyal to a fault. Superman will drop everything and sacrifice the lives of others so he can focus on his friends like Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, while countless others suffer around the world. Superman even gave Jimmy a signal watch so he could call for help any time. Why doesn't anyone else get one?
In the 1978 Superman movie, we saw Superman race around California stopping damage from earthquakes, leaving Lois to die in her car. Superman reversed time to stop Lois from dying. What the movie didn't dwell on is that he changed history so he never stopped all the other disasters he had stopped the first time. Every time Superman is out saving Lois or Jimmy, other people aren't being saved.
And Finally Collateral Damage : Superman is also pretty casual about destroying property and endangering innocent people. He'll often smash through walls, rip apart cars and even occasionally move planets. What usually isn't talked about is what havoc that's causing to others. How many buildings have collapsed, killing innocent people trapped inside? What effect does moving the Earth's moon have on tides and the Earth's crust?
Lots of superheroes cause collateral damage, of course, but few of them have as many options. When the Hulk smashes a building, he can't do much to put it back together. When Superman smashes a building, he could use super-speed and heat vision to reinforce or hold it together. Better yet, he could grab and fly his enemies to isolated areas or into deep space to keep the damage to a minimum. And yet, he doesn't. What a douche!
After all of this I really Can't understand what attracts people to be his Fan
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Humans Adopt a Combat SecUnit
A random one-shot about a horrible moment during a hypothetical hostile takeover. A one-shot with no real ending. Angst. You’ve been warned.
Now on AO3 for the same reason I put anything there, because finding it here is rocket surgery. 
The attack came out of nowhere.
One minute, Kris and I had been sitting at a cafe and discussing the logistics of our next cargo run and the next, several dozen armed men stormed the office building across the street.
Mayhem erupted around us. Cafe patrols tried to flee only to meet the business end of large guns. Several constructs in heavy armor stomped past us and up the building steps. A grenade destroyed the front entrance entire, flinging dust and smoke into the air. The air circulation systems struggled to keep up. It was getting harder to breathe with each passing moment.
Suddenly, a group of soldiers rushed out of the building, through smoke and frames and began indiscriminately shooting at attackers and civilians alike. Kris yanked me by the arm to hide under our table, but it proved to be minimal cover against the hail of bullets flying overhead.
What ended up saving both our lives was a SecUnit, one of the combat-ready models. It took a defensive position between us and the battle, and remained there until the shooting had largely ceased. At the time, I didn’t know why it had chosen that course of action because it was so damn unexpected.
Security Units sometimes protect people — when they’re contracted to do so — but the Combat Units are intended for only one thing: taking down enemies. This one stood in front of us and took more damage than was reasonable. By the time the worst had passed, the bot-human hybrid looked worse for the wear. Its armor was dented in a dozen places, and it was bleeding from several projectile wounds. It had also gotten burned in several areas with short-range energy blasts.
“We have to go,” Kris practically yelled in my ear over all the noise. “This is insane. Hostile takeovers shouldn’t target civilian places.”
I nodded and tried not to think about the wanton death and destruction happening fifteen feet away. “What about the Unit?”
My companion gave me a searching look. “I don’t know that we can do anything. It probably has orders.”
“SecUnit,” I called out to the tall construct. It wore armor from head to toe, but enough of it was destroyed that I could see metal and light-brown skin underneath.
It turned in our direction. Its helmet was still functional but the opaque faceplate had shattered at some point. Blue-green eyes regarded us from a blank, neutral face that betrayed none of the pain the construct had be feeling.
“Come with us,” I said as I crawled out from under the table and looked around.
“What?” Kris looked horrified.
I ignored my co-pilot for a moment. “SecUnit, your armor is destroyed. You should remove it before it causes you damage.”
The horror of the situation was seeping in by then, panic replacing the initial numbness. Kris had been in war zones before, had even participated in several takeovers, before making hauling his current profession. I imagined he knew what he was doing.
All I knew is that we needed to leave and it was imperative we take the person who just saved our lives with us. The SecUnit pulled off its armor — some of which had all kinds of razor sharp edges curtesy of all the shooting — and underneath it looked a lot more like a human being than I’d anticipated.
Not that I had much experience in this area; I’d never seen a construct up close before.
Kris tugged at my arm and started moving along the edge of the coffee shop toward an alley. I resisted until the SecUnit followed a moment later.
Somehow, all three of us managed to make it to the mouth of the alleyway without further injuries. I was coughing up a lung because of all the smoke — the air scrubbers could handle a lot, but this was ridiculous. Kris knew what to do, though, I trusted him with my life.
(Combat SecUnit)
I had failed at achieving my mission objectives, and I could no longer connect to my handler.
The two events had not been simultaneous, but the quick succession was enough to feel concerning. My organic neural tissue was sending up error codes I couldn't interpret.
I chose my position primarily to get a better vantage point on the small-scale skirmish occurring in front of the ShoreCross office building. Infiltrating the facility was my primary objective, but it no longer appeared to be feasible, much less applicable.
When the shooting began, I considered moving. Even without a handler to direct me, I have enough self-preservation instincts to not stand in direct line of fire. But there were two unaffiliated humans behind me, and if I moved, they would die.
My handler should've made the judgment call about staying or leaving. Those kinds of choices were outside my permissible range of decisions, but she was not responding. My communication device was otherwise functional, and the feed remained stable in the area despite the commotion. Her presence was completely absent in its normal places inside my head, and it did not appear to be a malfunction on my part.
When the shooting briefly paused, the two humans made a smart but risky decision to evacuate. My own assessment supported this course of action. I had taken more damage than advisable, and while none of it was catastrophic, I would need access to a repair cubicle for most of the injuries.
So, the human's instruction to remove my destroyed armor came as a complete surprise. Her further request that I come with them, even more so. My governor didn't much care who gave the orders so long as it was a direct request. It was completely up to my handler to override irrelevant commands and choose who to ignore.
When the humans moved, I followed them after discarding what little remained of my armor. I had a large projectile weapon, which I also left behind because I had no way of storing it and moving with it was cumbersome. My in-built weapons would suffice should I find myself in a firefight, and if that happened, I was unlikely to survive the experience.
The male human (feed name: Kristos) led the way. He paused when we reached a small alleyway and peeked inside. It  was empty. I knew as much because I had hacked the local feed before arrival, a necessary measure to ensure I wouldn't be caught or surprised.
"Are you all right?" the female human (feed name: Cass) asked me.
I nodded. As best as I understood the question, I was not experiencing any significant malfunctions and my pain sensors were down in the 50% range, so I was not in any significant pain, either.
"Good," she said, and then reached out and took my hand. "Stay close. We'll cut through here and then head straight to the transit ring. The safest place we can be right now is on a ship. Ours, specifically."
I obeyed the command and followed them closely, but my threat assessment did not like this course of action. The humans would indeed be safer on their ship. Weapons could not be discharged anywhere on the transit ring. However, without my handler, my own mental state would deteriorate rapidly. I should be nowhere near any humans when this occurred.
Unfortunately, communicating this to the humans was complicated. There are very few things I'm permitted to say. I was willing to risk governor punishment but couldn't come up with a short enough explanation that I could provide it before being zapped.
This unit is not constructed to function independently of a human handler, I told them. That was a response in my buffer, usually reserved for when someone attempted to a request that required too many decision points.
Cass turned to look at me, her expression grim. "Is your handler somewhere close? Are you able to return to them?"
Unknown, I answered. It was not the most polite response, and my governor quickly reminded me of the error, but it was almost more than I could manage.
Kris spoke several curses in three distinct languages under his breath in quick succession. "That's why you were standing there, wasn't it? Fucking hell. This complicates things. Just keep following us for now, and we'll figure something out."
Turning to his companion, he added, "It's a Combat model. Its mental state is dependent on the constant tweaking and monitoring of its human handler. Without a handler, it's going to go crazy."
"What?" Cass glanced at me but her focus was on Kris. "Why the fuck would someone do that?"
"Because when you make a dangerous tool, you put in a lot of safeguards to keep it from slipping its leash." The human stopped just long enough to make sure our path was clear, then continued moving. "There's a reason most polities don't permit the use or creation of constructs."
The horrified expression on Cass' face surprised me. Most humans I had met feared constructs, and her behavior didn't line up with my expectations.
"Almost there," the woman told me as we exited the station mall and headed down to the embarkation zone. "Just a little longer."
(Combat SecUnit)
The humans walked with me through the embarkation zone as though it was a perfectly normal course of action. I knew from experience that SecUnits were not permitted in the human-occupied areas of most stations, but I suspected neither Cass nor Kris knew this. A weapons scanner drone stopped us near their ship's loading dock, but Kris explained that I was their cargo, and a human supervisor overrode the panicky drone.
Once inside the ship, both humans visibly relaxed.
Cass led the way to the control room of the ship and guided me toward an empty seat. I stood next to it until she gave me a direct order to sit down. Meanwhile, Kris directed one of the local news channels from the feed to a large display surface mounted to one of the walls of the bridge. Coverage of the 'unprovoked' attack on ShoreCross played in the background while the humans coordinated their next step in preparation for departure.
I continued to sit while my internal world slowly crumbled. When it became hard to name the humans or distinguish my current position, I said, It may be prudent to secure this unit before it malfunctions further. I had never used this buffer message before, but it was the closest to what I wanted to communicate. Emotional and mental cohesion, both of which were necessary to successfully complete mission, frayed around the edges.
Kris glanced up at me from where he was leaning over a control panel and reading information off to the local traffic controller. "Best to do what it says for now."
"I've almost got this figured out," Cass complained. "Shit, I think I'm the only one with enough augments of the right type to even attempt this. I know it's not your fault, SecUnit, but your humans really did a number on you."
She got up from where she'd been seated on the floor, connected directly into the mechanical brain of the hauler, and came over to me. "Let's get you comfortable, all right?"
"It might fight you if it thinks its cornered and it can't think straight," the co-pilot warned.
I looked up at the human. She wore a deep frown on her soft, dark face as she inputted commands into the controls of the smart chair where I was currently sitting. It readjusted to fit my longer frame, suggesting that normally Kris sat here. Cass maneuvered me into position, so I leaning back with my feet slightly off the floor and situated comfortably in the seat's foot rests.
Once she had me where she wanted me, the chair did the rest automatically. Thick, durable straps wrapped around my arms, torso, and legs effectively restraining me. According to the specifications available in the feed, the system was intended to keep a human from falling out of the piloting chair during high-impact maneuvers. It was more than strong enough to keep me from hurting myself or the humans.
Despite knowing better, I fought against the restraints. I understood that doing so would cause me further injury and that they existed to keep my humans — I thought of these humans as mine — safe. But there was a disconnect between reality and my fractured mind that I couldn't seem to bridge.
Cass put her hand on my chest and started talking in a soft, quiet voice. By this point, I had trouble understanding what she was saying, but the hand helped. As did the warm blanket she draped over me and the pillow under my head. Consciousness came and went.
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adarafaelbarba · 5 years ago
Could you write a story that the reader is a fire fighter at 51, and dating Jay or Antonio. 51 responds to a fire where the bad guy that Intelligence is trying to get and the reader gets held hostage by the bad guy in the burning building, you decided the ending.
Pairing: Antonio Dawson x Reader
Fandom: Chicago PD/Chicago Fire
Requested: Yes
Request: «Could you write a story that the reader is a fire fighter at 51, and dating Jay or Antonio. 51 responds to a fire where the bad guy that Intelligence is trying to get and the reader gets held hostage by the bad guy in the burning building, you decided the ending.» -Anon
A/N: So sorry this is late! Hope you like it though ❤️  -Karen
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«Lieutenant? The house, it—We should call in Intelligence», you said, looking over at Severide. «Why?» he asked, turning to you. «Toni—Detective Dawson may have mentioned someone they’re looking for, living at that block with their family, it might be their house», you commented. Usually the more private person, not many people at 51 knew about you and Antonio, save for Boden, in case something happened to you, and Gabby, because well, she’s his sister. «where did you get this info?» he asked, ignoring your slip-up. «I overheard him talking to Gabby the other day», you lied. «Okay, I’ll call them in», Kelly said, shrugging.
At the scene, you grabbed the necessary equipments before following Gallo and Kidd in, as instructed by Severide and Casey.
«Fire department, call out!» You shouted as you all moved in. «Kidd, over there!» you added, hearing wailing coming from close to where your co-worker was walking.
«Fire department! call out!» she shouted, making her way towards the cries for help. «It’s okay, I got you! I’m gonna get them out of here! Gallo! Wanna lend a hand?» Stella said. «You got it!» the younger fire fighter responded, running over to her.
«Severide? I’m gonna need an extra set of eyes in here, Gallo and Kidd are coming in with four people, but there might be more people in here», you said into the walkie-talkie. «I’m coming in!» Kelly responded.
You were about to reply when something hit you over the back of your head, knocking you out.
You could hardly move, or see for that matter when you came to. «Wh—what happened?» you asked aloud to no one in particular, thinking you were alone. «Shut up!» a stranger screamed, making your ears ring. I’ve got a concussion, great, you thought to yourself, feeling a shooting pain in your head.
«what do you want from me?» you asked, looking at the stranger, nothing about him looked to be familiar. So the reasoning for why you were being held captive must be for the sole purpose that you were alone in the house.
«Why the fuck is the police here?! Did you fucking call them?!» he screamed, pacing back and forth. Without a mask, he would pass out sooner or later from the smoke inhalation. But you might be dead before that, seeing as he had a fully automatic ak-47 in his hands.
«Why would we call the police to the scene of a fire, sir?» you asked, trying your best to ignore the painful ringing in your ear.
He was about to say something when Boden sounded over the walkie-talkie. «(Y/L/N)! State your location!» he said, sounding worried.
«Sir. I’m gonna have to answer my chief, or he’ll send everyone in», you reasoned, feeling the rope around your wrists, digging into your soft skin. «But I can’t do that if I’m tied up, unless you want to help me out», you added, looking at your captor.
«You’ll only run off if I let you loose!» he spat, aiming the gun at you. He wasn’t going to make it easy.
«I’m not, you got a gun, I’ve got nothing. But if you don’t let me answer my chief, none of us will survive. And I recon you want to live, seeing as your wife and children are safe», you reasoned.
«(Y/L/N)! Call out! Where are you?!» Boden asked again, sounding more panicked.
«How about this, you don’t have to untie me, just reach over and press the button on my walkie-talkie, I’ll do the talking, you don’t have to say anything.» He seemed to think about it, until he reached over.
«But you don’t tell them anything about me! Just tell them to dismiss the police. Tell them you saw no one else here, you just passed out. Once the police is gone, only then I’ll let you go. Got it?» he asked, tilting your head up to look at him.
«Got it», you responded. Pressing the button like you had instructed him, you started speaking, «I’m okay sir, just got a bit winded. I haven’t found anyone else in here, police won’t be needed», you said, just like instructed.
«(Y/L/N), Severide is coming in to help you get out, where are you?» Boden asked, you could sense in his tone he knew something was up.
«I’m okay sir, really, I’ll be out shortly», you responded. No chance in hell were you going to let your lieutenant get killed for saving you. Looking up at your captor, you waited until he had let go of the call button. «Are you going to let me go now?»
«How do I know the police is gone?» he said, sounding panicked, but tried his best to hide it behind a mean tone.
«How do you suggest I ask my chief if they’re gone without sounding suspicious huh?» he had to think about that before he grabbed you by the back of your neck and yanked you up to a standing position.
«We’ll just have to look won’t we?» he was getting braver. That couldn’t be a good sign. Dragging you over to the nearest window.
Looking out the window you could barely make out the people out there. They seemed to see you perfectly clear however as Boden came back on the walkie-talkie, «(Y/L/N), talk to me!» You knew he was stressing. If something went wrong he wouldn’t only have Antonio on his ass, but he would also lose you, one of the firefighters he basically saw as his own child. You’d been really close since you’d started working at 51.
«Tell them I’m good. Their service won’t be needed today», you said briefly. At this point your captor was getting winded, but tried his best to stay put as he pressed the weapon into you. «Sir, if we don’t get out now, none of us will live. Is that how you want your children to remember you?» You were running out of options.
«Shut up, shut up, shut up!» he screamed, pushing your upper body out of the window, holding you by the hem of your uniform jacket. Taking in as much air as you could you assessed the height that you would fall if he let go of you. I could survive it if he let go, you thought, hoping he actually would let go. But he might shoot if I try to make him drop me, your inner thoughts said, making you groan.
«(Y/L/N)!!!» Stella shouted, looking like she was ready to run over and try catching you if you decided to drop.
«I’m okay!» you called out, trying to defuse the situation. Looking up you caught a glimpse of Antonio who was looking rather pale where he stood, watching it all. «CPD, pack up!» you called out, «For the love of God man just let me go!» you added, feeling all the blood rush to your head, maybe you wouldn’t survive the fall if he let go. You might not be able to turn in time.
Your call was finally heard when you felt his grip loosen followed by the sound of someone falling to the ground behind you. Feeling about ready to pass out yourself you let gravity work its charm as you started falling out the window.
«(Y/N)!!!» Antonio shouted as you fell towards the ground, head first. «Baby!» You couldn’t remember landing, all you remembered was everything turning black.
When you came to it, there were a blinding light glowering over you. «Hmm. Whe—where am I?» you asked, placing a hand on your throbbing forehead. «Baby?! Oh thank God!» Antonio said, his voice sounding too high pitched at this time.
«Ow, my head», you groaned, both hands massaging your temples now. «I’m so sorry cariño, I’m just so happy you’re awake», he murmured, caressing your cheek. «What happened Tonio?» you asked, looking at your boyfriend.
«The guy passed out from too much smoke inhalation and let go of you, so you fell out of the window—», he started.
«By some miracle you survived, but you’ll be on bed rest for a long time though, so I wouldn’t be too keen on returning to duty any time soon», Dr. Halstead commented, walking into the room. «How long are we talking Will?» you asked, looking at him. «6 months, maybe more. We’ll have to see», he said, gaining a groan in return.
«Hermosa. You should consider yourself extremely lucky to have survived», Antonio said, rubbing your hand, which was in his hand. «I know baby, and I am. I just … Firefighting is my passion. What if I can’t ever go back?» tears were threatening to spill at this point as you looked at your boyfriend. «You’ll be back and kicking ass soon enough mi amor, but for now you need to rest and get better. And I’ll be here for you every step of the way.»
True to Dr. Hastead’s words, you were allowed back to the firehouse 6 months later. Antonio had insisted on bringing you to work for your first day, and you were not one to complain. Even with him being over you every day for the six months, having taken a lot of time off work to help you, you never got enough of the man.
«There she is!» Cruz called out, being the first to spot you. «(Y/N)! Oh my God! Finally!» Stella and Sylvie cheered, running over to hug you.
«It’s been far too long!» Sylvie added with a chuckle. «I’m so happy to be back you have no idea!» you exclaimed, hugging everyone who approached you.
After all the greetings you turned to say goodbye to your boyfriend when you found him on one knee, holding out a tiny, squared box, draped in red velvet. «Tonio?» you gasped, a hand flying up to cover your mouth.
«You’re the best thing to happen to me cariño. I can’t imagine being with anyone else. You’re great with Eva and Diego, my family absolutely adores you. I love you like crazy. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?» Tears were streaming down your cheeks and his as he looked at you in anticipation. «Y—yes! Yes I’ll marry you Tonio!» you exclaimed, stooping down to kiss him, your arms going around his neck instinctively. «I love you mi amor», he murmured into the kiss, raising you both to your feet. «I love you too baby», your responded, pulling away from the kiss to let him slip the gorgeous ring onto your finger, «forever?» «Forever.»
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