#sandman hobi being a menace
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Day Dream | JHS - Dream Analysis
Me, analyzing my own character's dreams in my own story because why not :'D.
This was written to help plot out the story for Day Dream. I wrote a lot lol so I thought might as well share it with yall! This analysis is kind of heavy, but if you really want to understand her story, here ya go. THAT BEING SAID, you don't have to view the story so dark if you don't want to. I would love to hear your own interpretations!
You might be asking yourself why put so much effort into a smut fic, my answer is I don't fucking know :D
Night at the Inn
Some dreams are more obvious. Y/n doesn’t want to bother her sleeping boyfriend so she fantasizes about having sex with him instead, dreaming about her own “dream vacation.” So, she was dreaming about a time in her life where she made one of her dreams come true, now making that experience into a dream when it all really started as a dream, and around and round we go, and that’s basically the plot, the end, badamtisk.
The Fire
Let’s go back a bit, the first dream that happened was never explained. Y/n woke up with a nagging sense that a dream happened, she just couldn’t remember. This is a common occurrence for people, but that doesn’t make the dream any less impactful, as it was the first time Hoseok entered her dreams and decided he wanted to stay. The heat of the bedroom made her dream about being trapped in a burning building. She screamed and screamed for help, and Hobi heard her, prompting him to tell her she was “the loudest” when answering why he chose her. Once he entered the dream, she put him into the role of a firefighter, boosting his egotm. If a sexy Hoseok firefighter saved your life, what would you do hmm? Can you blame y/n for showing her “gratitude” in a very ahem, steamy way... This starts a chain reaction. Y/n wakes up horny and goes on to dream of the inn and Hoseok wants to experience moretm.
Y/n is hot, so she dreams about it being cold. She’s not very “imaginative,” in that sense, even when she knows it’s a dream. That will change later!
Y/n fantasizes about being famous and rich and desired, which I think it’s a pretty common fantasy. But nowhere in her fantasy is her current boyfriend. Does that mean she doesn’t love him or see a future with him? Not really, she doesn’t see herself ever becoming famous either. But it does give Hoseok the perfect opening to invade her dreams again and form prejudices about her, which is why most of their dreams together are, well, physical.
Nine to Five
Y/n dreams about confiding in her old friend Seokjin at a cafe, a way to calm her nerves about all the strange dreams she’s experiencing. It was also a way to deal with her anxiousness about reaching out to a friend she lost touch with. A trial run so to speak. Again, the dream is not very imaginative. She’s reliving her own life, going to work, going to a familiar café, but it starts to devolve once Hoseok gets involved. She starts to feel guilt again over dreaming about other men, and ends up “cheating” on her dream boyfriend, Hoseok still doesn’t have much respect for her and doesn’t care about fucking with her.
Seokjin’s character shows the fight for dominance going on between the dreamer and dream walker with his actions. Through Jin her subconscious is trying to help her. He shows how even though Hoseok can manipulate her, in the end her mind protects her from the foreign intruder. Again she’s not very creative about it lol making herself into a superhero to “fight him off” very unsuccessfully.
Spaceship Hope
TW: SA. The space ship dream was much more symbolic, and so are her following dreams. The dream is actually about why y/n and Yoongi are no longer together. Their relationship was very toxic and he coerced her into having sex with him because it “hurt too much” to stop. Y/n might have been the commander of the space station, her dream and her mind, but Hoseok was right in telling her he was Captain, the one who really knew how to control the ship, the dream. She put her boyfriend Namjoon into the role of co-commander, an equal, and she made Yoongi a repair officer, the good helpful man she knew him as when they first started dating. But like their relationship, her dream turned into a nightmare, Yoongi turned into a monster who did not care about y/n and only cared about his own sexual gratification. When she no longer gave him what he wanted, he escaped through the space pod, and her heart broke all over again.
At this point did Hoseok miss her because she’s been avoiding sleep? Is he getting too close to her, starting to have feelings? Ehh...but we want to see him be a good guy, right? So does y/n, which is why he walks right into the part of her protector, fighting off Yoongi, even if it is still for his own selfish reasons. Their relationship is still very physical.
Club More
Club more is not really visited in the story, apart from the music and red light referenced. Club More plus all the other places Hoseok and y/n discuss show how close they have become, living out multiple fantasies with each other, engaging in kinks y/n likes that even her loving boyfriend does not know about.
Shoutout to airplane bathroom Hobi and the iconic fanfiction Flight 18
The Mad Scientist And The Monster In The Cave
Running is a very common dream action for people experiencing stress, and y/n at this point is beyond stressed. Subconsciously she sees Jimin as bad influence by his friendship with Hoseok even though he is nothing but nice to her in real life. Y/n still blames him for releasing “the monster” into her life. Jungkook, the receptionist, who she associates with Namjoon, she dreams as good and a trusting friend. She is still “running” to Namjoon at this point.
Experiment 613B
TW: SA This is a culmination of all her guilt and fears and trauma manifesting itself into a situation where she loses control of everything, her body, her desires, her thoughts, as she is forced into sex with another man again.
Love Motel Red
Now that y/n has met Hoseok in real life, she has a reference already created in her mind and thus can remember him no matter what.
TW: SA the ending to this dream to me shows how Hobi is a villain, a menace, truly toxic like her ex. Hoseok gets angry she is rejecting him and calling him out, and everything about what he does to her is just pure violence. “He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you.” OUT OF CONTEXT, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU THINK OF? Hobi is toxic, I'm sorry.
Boxing Match/Wrestling Showdown!
The dreaming has become hopeless in a way that she can’t let go of Hoseok as much as he can't let go of her. She lied to Namjoon in the phone call and it was the beginning to her downfall. In the dream she uses Namjoon as a placeholder to fight Hoseok in boxing and just forgets about him once the dream shifts, consumed with Hoseok and his over-the-top captivating personality which really shines as a wrestler. They spiral down into a toxic fight, mirroring their real confrontation. It just shows how violence is never the answer…
The Newlywed Game
Namjoon should have been sitting next to y/n and Hoseok should have been part of another couple, but he's not! He's sitting right there next to her! She couldn't help herself in the end, she chose a toxic partner instead. She wanted to beat him, so she had to stoop to his level. It worked, but at what cost? She ended up right back at that Love Motel Nightmare.
We do learn more about Hoseok, he's more humanized, because y/n is "falling" for the dream, falling for him, letting him manipulate her and letting her insecurities consume her.
Y/n and Hoseok are fully down the rabbit hole, falling through different dreams. The dreams are no longer rooted in any sort of reality, shifting and changing quickly to meet each other's needs. She falls so deeply she finds a way into her subconcious through the Pandora's boxtm
The Maze
Another reoccurring dream, Hoseok and y/n are fully into the fantasy play, enjoying their roles, having fun and working as a team. There is really no way out of the maze but to go deeper. Her aggression (lion) is tamed, her desire for freedom (eagle) is let go, the restrictions of her mind (vines) are broken.
The dreams start to reveal their childhoods, y/n’s mother was also in a toxic relationship, Hoseok was always deeply into escapism via the arcade and his toys. It is a cycle that y/n nor Hobi unfortunately could not break.
Hoseok’s Day Dreams
Slowly, she is allowing the dream walker to dream with her, and it all just becomes a game at the end, the horrors of the situation are entirely overshadowed by the wonders of Dreamworld. How could a person ever go back to walking in reality once they learn how to fly?
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All of your writings are great. Ok, some are exceptional. But Day Dream... I think it’s your best so far. The flow of the story, the dynamic, the symbolism, the implications... It really shows your capability as a writer. It's so complex but still enjoyable and intriguing. I can’t imagine how and what is on your mind when you wrote it. Would you please tell us an untold tmi about it? I really want to know what’s on your mind when you write Day Dream ☺️
Well done!
Anon, you're so kind 😭😭 thank you for speaking so highly of my stories and Day Dream! Um so let's see how to explain 😂 a little backtracking...so when RVW overturned I was a mess tbh. I live in the South and just the helplessness of knowing it was going to be overturned, it was like the 2016 elections all over again where you were just so aware of how many people just don't give a fuck about you as a woman/POC/immigrant. So I was like...either I'm going to lose my fucking my mind over this or I'll just write some stories and cope lol.
So I plotted out all these different stories...some came from a place of rage (Yoongi's and Jimin's lol), some from sadness (Jin's). Hoseok's story...maybe helplessness? escapism...the secret unknown stage of grief between anger and bargaining known as self-destructive horniness lol.
Like a lot of women, I've been in abusive relationships before, but I've also been in great relationships and gone through that whole...'I know I can trust you but if you don't give me the passcode to your phone so I can look through it then I can't be with you' phase of fucked up 🙃 thinking about those relationships instead was the jumping off point to this particular story. I feel like people who've been following me for a while can see I put a lot of "myself" into my stories, I'm just not that creative lmao. There are a few dreams I put in there that I used to have when I was younger, some so traumatizing I never even have verbally told anyone. It was a nice to at least reference them in a story. And then things like drop kicking your tormenter WWE style was just fun and hilarious to write! Actually, just to write it all in a dreamy way...as a writer, it took all these horrible feelings I had and made them...not so horrible...I had a good experience writing it 😊
It was actually really fun to write this story compared to the others. I have mostly been leaning towards happy hopeful endings, but this time because of the characters, it felt good to write a "bad" ending.
And also, I wanted to take all these random ass dreams and ideas and genres I have been wanting to try to write for, for sooo long now, but I was too scared, and just stick them all into one story 😅 when I thought about how to connect scenarios like that, "falling" into dreams and the cycle of abuse seemed like the perfect metaphor.
So that's the tea lol.
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umm hii omg your cover pic of yoongi with a beard made my heart skip HAHAHAHA anyways, I just wanted to drop by to ask about the tentacle/space ot7 fic you mentioned when you responded to my reblog on daydream... it made me really curious that I tried looking for it but I've failed😭😭😭 I typed bts ot7 space and... other things came up lol... c-could you tell me the title... pweaseeee🥺
ALSO, I'm glad they're not dead and probably just knocked out cold but yeah... I kinda feel bad for joonie huhu AND i forgot to mention how weird/strange but funny it was when Captain Hobi told Yoongi to back off and Yoongi responded that he doesn't know how to stop, it kinda made me wonder if Yoongi is like Hobi too, but also like OC where they're just learning about the whole dream walking thing and they don't have control the same way Hobi does when it comes to dream walking. Imma stop overthinking before a spew more lol 💜💜💜
Lol as it should!!!! Beard yoongs is magnificent 😌The story was called Ethereal Orbit and of course like all my favorite authors, the author deactivated 😭😭😭😭 that’s why you couldn’t find it 😢 I’m sorry, it breaks my heart when authors decide to do that.
Don’t worry bae, I love hearing everyone’s thoughts on Day Dream! 💕💕 it makes me happy to hear all the interpretations, it's what I wanted!! I enjoy learning dream analysis so I tried to apply those concepts when I was coming up with how to connect every dream together into this story. The space dream actually was y/n dreaming about her and yoongi’s break up! Which was very much a nightmare for her 😔 I will put the rest under a cut as to not trigger anyone.
For a second imagine if Hobi wasn't there, what would have happened in her nightmare? Y/n would have stayed with Yoongi and Yoongi would have turned into a monster with only one objective in mind. Just how Hobi said, there were only two endings to the dream, to let the monster have her or escaping, which mirrored her relationship with ex!yoongi. Her actions make a little more sense if you think about it that way, she keeps trying to "save" Yoongi and go back to him because she really had loved him and wanted him to always stay her "repair officer," the good man he acted like when they first met.
TW: SA ...I feel like a lot of women have had to deal with a man who wants to ahem do the deed of procreating, but maybe you’re tired or not in the mood after an entire day of taking “command” of every little thing in your home, but oh he needs you, he can’t stop now because it hurts, he can’t control himself….Yoongi couldn’t control the “monster” inside of himself….that’s why he’s THE EX 😒
I'm glad you highlighted how strange/weird Yoongi's response was, yes!!!! it is weird!!!! if I man ever tries to convince you he can't stop himself because it "hurts" him, he's full of shit lol 🙄
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Okay. I figured I would send it as an ask instead.
I WAS ONLY SPEAKING FACTS. IT WAS WONDERFUL. And I honestly will think about this story for an incredibly long time.
It's so hard not to root for this Hobi, because haven't we all tried to escape our lives one way or another? Some of us are able to find healthy coping mechanisms that will help us accept our reality, but then there are others who can't, and, instead, recede further into themselves. It's not necessarily that they're evil or bad. They just lacked proper growth.
And honestly. OC choosing the toxic behavior, gosh. I was crying to @minttangerines about this--how women can't always find the fortitude to move through it and choose healthier. They're so saturated in toxicity, so used to it, that the idea of something healthy is unfathomable, EVEN IF they ARE with someone healthier. Bad habits are hard to break, and my heart hurts for her because she's been taken advantage of. She's used to this sort of thing, so when Hobi was trying to lower her standards for someone like him--UGH. I want to hug her, and I want to show Hobi that he CAN be better. He's not a tree. He's not rooted in his spot. He just hasn't looked up and realized that there IS a horizon beyond.
The yoongi part was hard, honestly. But again, it's one of the things I absolutely adore about your writing. It's real. And it's happening right now. The fact that you write about it --idk what else to do but keyboard smash LOL
JUST--thank you again for writing something so important. And now I hope I won't dream for the next year LOL
YES YES YES YESS I am gonna cry again because u said it so well 😭
Yes that's exactly what's happening! It's so hard to break the cycle once you've been hurt by someone, survived a toxic relationship/upbringing. I fucking hated how the media gave shit to Rih back in the day for going back to her abuser, it's SO HARD to get out. How many women get out of a bad relationship only to end up in an even worse relationship...and then if you're lucky like y/n and find your own Joon, if you haven't healed yourself, then you're constantly battling your own trauma, being paranoid or expecting the worst. Even though Joon has shown no reason for y/n to distrust him, instead of opening up to him she let all her worries eat her up inside and Hobi used that to his advantage.
Yes yes!! Hobi is relatable in that way and makes you want to root for him, but because of his "powers" he has never faced any kind of accountability for the things he does, not unlike many 'powerful' men. He's developed a god like complex, like dammit hobi do you not see how affected y/n is 😓 he doesn't want to admit it, he just rather escape even further into the dream.
I love talking with u bae 💗💗 lmao noooo I feel you tho after finishing I was like oh god how am I supposed to fall asleep now. 😅😅
#that gif is sf cute omg 🥺🥺🥺 ahh I will carry u on my back we will go where ever u want to 💕#baeimnida#sweet readers 💗💗#sandman hobi being a menace#spring fling 🌼🌸
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#me binge watching two hours of WWE wrestling for one paragraph of text 🥲🥲🥲🥲
👀👀👀 Call me Shinee bc I am curious


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Almost 23k words later and Hoseok’s story is up!!! ;O; this one was really fun to write I have to admit, I might like it the most now :’D
Spring Fling
Stories that Bloom; of love, of pain, of fight

The Woman with the Black Cat on Her Shoulder | MYG
Fearful, they buried them, stomped them into the dirt. Underneath their boot, scared men were unaware the seeds of hope had planted by their own volition. From the dirt and grime, grew flowers, blooms so tall, eclipsing their hatred. You were strong and unwilling to be cut down any more. Shapeshiftercat!yoongi x reader. Read Here

You Asked for Help, He Asked Your Name | PJM
You ran away from your responsibilities, but they caught you and tried to lay claim to your body. If your life was never going to be yours anyways, you decided might as well give it away and make a deal. fairyprince!Jimin x reader. Read Here

Spring Day Still with You | JJK
You ran away from the cold, Jungkook ran with you, warming each other’s hearts. But within the cycle of life, there is death, and as spring blooms, the blood still lays soaked in the dirt. You ran and they chased. Sequel to Not a Creature was Stirring. Hybrid!Jungkook x reader. Blooming...70%

Day Dream | JHS
The days are hotter, the nights are hotter too. You sleep, restless. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker and things somehow become even steamier. Sandman!Hoseok x reader. Read Here

The Flower Bridge | KSJ
You couldn’t, you didn’t want to, not anymore, the pain was too much, you wanted it to end, so you visited the bridge. Standing at the highest point, the wind stung, but your problems were bigger, your pain was stronger than the whipping air and your anguish deeper than the water below. Tethered in the center, connecting the place you came from and the place you were going, you found another type of bridge and he found you. Ghost!Seokjin x reader. Read Here

Blooming Flowers | KTH
His moment of weakness had been you. Weakness was it? It wasn’t love? No, not love, not happiness, a mistake, a regret! For you, it was your last unraveled string, a creation of idolization that grew into a flower as beautiful as him. You had fallen ill to him, in the worst possible way. idol!Taehyung x hanahaki!reader. Blooming...

Moonchild & Springchild | KNJ
“Go back,” he said, “It’s not safe here, not for a human.” You can hear the men of your village, their angry jeers, the crackle of fire in their hands, yelling yet too afraid to step across the boundary. “It’s not safe for me, anywhere,” you say, “I’m a woman.” Faery!Namjoon x reader. Blooming...
#I was writing every spare moment but I’m here now and tired as fk :D not gonna go to sleep tho 🙃🙃🙃#sandman hobi being a menace#spring fling 🌼🌸
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First off I freaking love you and your comments! I love them! I love them so much! 💗💗💗 And you taking the time to read the AE and the dream analysis 🥺🥺 a thousand times thank you! Since you took the time to do that I am going to take my time answering your questions! As best I can, at least 😅
I love the fact that people are so team Hobi and root for him, it means I wrote him as the best version of his character, because his whole character's purpose is to make you fall for him, readers are supposed to enjoy it. I just wanted to start with that lol. Writing the story there were moments where I was horrified of him too, idk if any other writers relate, but writing yandere characters is so difficult for me because you kind of have to get in their mind to justify their actions and its like oh god, I hate it here so much 😅😅
IA it is like he's drunk off of the power. He's kind of (perhaps willfully) ignorant that the dreamers are experiencing the dreams differently as him, meaning the dreamer is being very affected by what's happening, and to Hoseok its just kind of a game, a movie he's experiencing in "4D", like a kid playing with dolls (But oh god imagine if those dolls had a consciousness and you pulled off their heads? 😳😳) ((in the AE when that changes you can see how that totally breaks him...finally getting a taste of his own medicine 😅))
I would argue that if Hoseok could get away with all those things in "the real world" without worrying about his reputation he totally would be that kind of menace. 😂😂 But he doesn't need to, he has tons of worlds at his disposal to escape in.
I did a bit of research just to make sure it wouldn't be too outlandish 😭 and hitting the back of your head like that is actually very dangerous and you totally could suffer life changing injuries. It's why its an illegal move in boxing for boxers to hit the back of their opponent's head. It was a short drop, but with the momentum of their fighting, I would say the impact was pretty severe for poor reader. And Hobi got smacked right in the temple with a lamp lol which is also a very dangerous place to be hit, so that plus their minds being linked together...its not looking to good for either of them 😭😭
Also I would never judge you and I am so happy you enjoyed my story...and the tentacles LOL 💕💕
Day Dream | JHS

The days are hotter, you sleep restlessly. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker.
sandman!Hoseok x reader. Enemies to…well they kind of started as lovers too :’D
Warnings:18+ smut, somnophilia, bdsm themes, dubcon, wet dreams, reader manipulation, dacryphilia, fuck or die, public sex, rough sex, degradation, name calling, restraints, voyeurism, fingering, oral sex, just so much sex :’D, creepy dream sequences-think Paprika, …tentacles…reader’s dreams are wild ;o; if you come to a part and think am I about to read tentacle smut? and you don’t want to read tentacle smut, I suggest just skip to the end of that dream sequence :’), monsters, aliens, blood, torture, childhood trauma, brief mention of a sleep patient-child-can’t sleep because of abuse, cheating kind of (does dreaming about other men count lol), Hobi stealing Joon’s girl :P but in all seriousness this is kind of a dark and twisted tale and if that’s not your thing, move along thank you if you’re still here it’s also supposed to be pretty ridiculous and campy so I hope you can be entertained and laugh a little too :’)
Word Count: 22.9k
So hot.
Was it the heat that woke you up, you wonder sitting in bed, covers wet with your sweat and your clothes clinging to you, pulled at odd angles, uncomfortably bunched up at the seams, digging into your armpits and around your breasts. You pull the damp material off and over your head, feeling a little less suffocated.
Your room is pitch black, but your eyes, accustomed to the darkness, could see the sleeping form of your boyfriend, Namjoon, his sheets kicked off, body sprawled on the bed in nothing but boxer briefs. He was snoring, but that wasn’t what woke you.
What was it? There’s this nagging feeling pulling at you, something lost back into the deep recesses of your mind, the answer annoyingly stuck at the tip of your tongue.
It’s quiet, only the soft whirling of your aircon working overtime in the hot spring heat. It is the hottest spring year on record, though they like to say that every year. It just keeps getting worse and worse, unbearable heat and pollen, like the world was fighting back with it’s last dying breath. Why does the world have to attack you, though? You bet the world’s biggest polluters didn’t have to deal with this fucking heat!
You nudge your giant of a boyfriend back onto his side. It’s not that you didn’t love him or loved cuddling him, but being pressed up against his body, now radiating nuclear levels of warmth was just too much tonight. He grunts and rolls over and snores and you can’t help but smile, admiring his ability to sleep through this hellish heat.
It’s so hot you want to cry! There is no cold spot on your bed, no relief. You feel exhausted. And there is another irritating feeling, wrapping itself around your body, clinging, itching, digging. You want a distraction from the heat, you want sex. You want something inside you, making you forget about everything else. You’re so hot. You’re so hot.
You look over to your boyfriend once again, debating on waking him. No, it would be too cruel of you to deprive him of much needed rest. No, you’ll just go back to sleep.
“Yes, yes!”
Namjoon has his arms locked around your legs, face buried deep into your sex, giving you exactly what you want, what you need.
It was a dream, yes, but it was also an old memory, to when he took you on vacation to the mountains, it was your first stay at a hot spring inn. The vacation was perfect, you were never more relaxed. Then at night, before falling asleep in each other’s arms, you made love in your small tiny inn room. Joon and you had lots of energy to spare, you think you might have christened every inch of that inn floor.
It was one of the best nights of your life, and the best orgasms, like the one your dream boyfriend was working to give you now, mouth suctioned to your clit, long fingers stroking inside your walls, making your legs shake against his head.
Namjoon groans into your heat as you tighten around his digits, pressing his hips down into the floor mat underneath your bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you tilt your head back moaning, so close…
…and see something that was not there before, something that did not belong in your old memory…well, someone, actually.
A man stands in the corner, leaning against the inn’s framed wall, smirking down at you and Namjoon. He’s wearing the same inn robes as your boyfriend, black wild hair styled away from his face, dark eyes watching you.
You immediately tense, blood running cold in shock, startled so much you forget to scream, immediately pulling at your dream boyfriend’s shoulders to get him off of you. But this boyfriend of yours had only been dreamed up to have one objective, and he wasn’t going to stop now when you were so close.
“J-Joon!” you stutter, trying to pull your legs free, fighting against his tight embrace. His strokes are steady and smooth, fingers slipping in and out of you easily even with every part of you tense. His tongue rolls over your clit again and a reluctant moan escapes your lips.
The man moves closer, smile widening. Your don’t know whether it’s Joon’s relentless fingers inside your drenched center or the fear coursing through you that makes you lightheaded, breaths labored, the pit of your stomach dropping lower and lower until you feel the pressure in your toes, barely able to think until the stranger’s toes stop at the top of your shoulders as he looks down at you, tilting his head.
You pull on Namjoon’s hair, but it’s useless.
“Close?” The man asks you so nonchalantly it makes your head spin once again. “Want my help?”
“W-Who are y-you?”
Trying to make casual conversation proves to be extremely difficult with Namjoon enthusiastically eating you out.
“Take my hand and find out,” he smiles wickedly.
His open palm is held right above your head.
What the hell is happening? Everything about this situation feels so bizarre and surreal, like a dream.
Like a dream.
Are you dreaming?
Keep reading
#sandman hobi being a menace#sweet readers 💗💗#i was wondering why editing v is for villain was taking so mf long wtf and then I checked the word count...over 20k cries#checking my tumblr and seeing ur comments made my whole week 🥺
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I love you!! 💕💕 thank you for reading and enjoying my story, it means so much.
Day Dream | JHS - Awake! (Alternate Ending)

@sadiesinkofyou I was thinking about this too! So much so I ended up writing this alternate ending. Probably should have just left it up to your imagination cause it’s nothing good but oh well :'D here ya go! ORIGINAL STORY HERE
Hoseok x reader x Namjoon feat. Jimin
Warnings: 18+ graphic scenes of blood and gore, fist fighting, hospital, coma, co-dependency, unaliving?, cheating?, dark ending
Word count: 5.5k
“No!” Namjoon pushes past clinic staff and falls to your side. There’s so much blood. A deep crimson pool soaking into his pants at the knee, and it still steadily seeps out from the cut in the back of your head. His hands are covered in it.
“Call 911.” Jimin murmurs to his staff. “Sir! Don’t move her!”
Namjoon can’t stop crying as he watches the love of his life withering away in front of him, like a beautiful rose losing its petals, one red bloom uncovering to another and leaving less and less of you with each passing moment.
He holds the back of your head tight, stopping most of the blood for now. A thumb caresses your cheek, smearing red horror across your face, but Namjoon can only think of your fleeting beautiful presence, how much he already missed you. ‘Please wake up,’ he thinks, ‘Please be okay.’ “What the hell happened?!”
“I-I don't know.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair. He uses his lab coat to stop the blood rushing from the large gash across Hoseok's temple to the side of his head. There’s no cameras in the employee area. He has no idea how this happened, he can only assume why you were here with Hoseok in a place where patients were prohibited.
Looking at Hoseok now, the tech’s body growing colder, his insides twist with worry, with a sinking dread over why, why would you be here, why would there be a lamp, torn from its socket, broken with blood on the base, why?!
Namjoon sits, foot resting on his knee, a binder full of papers in his lap that he intends to grade. But he can’t help but look at you, sleeping so peacefully in the hospital bed. You look like a fairytale princess, sleeping, waiting for a hero to wake her. But no matter how many times Namjoon holds your hand and pleads, kisses your forehead, your cheeks and lips, no matter how many times he wishes, you never wake.
It’s been months.
You. Here. In a hospital bed. Bandaged, a feeding tube, hooked up to monitors. You were unresponsive, but you were still in there, somewhere, showing yourself through your brain scans.
He quietly whispers, “wake up.” A soft plea, a small waning hope inside him as he watches your chest rise and fall. “Y/n, please wake up.”
By the time he finishes grading visiting hours are over. He kisses your forehead, whispering goodbye, and brings your hand to his lips for one last goodnight kiss.
He doesn’t see your thumb move when it falls back onto the hospital bed. If only he stayed a mere five minutes later, he would have witnessed your eyes fluttering opening, trying to make sense of your surroundings.
Waking up from something like this was not how it was in the movies, you were sluggish, in a daze, could barely hum for the nurse to notice you. And when she did, doctors watched over you, performed tests, it took so long. It would have felt like an eternity if you had not already known what an eternity really felt like.
They told you to stop pulling at your tubes and wires, but you were so desperate to free youself, even if your limbs could barely grip the plastic tubing. You were desperate to find Hoseok.
You didn’t know, in another room, in the same hospital, in the same moment, the dream walker had finally woken too.
The nurse gave you a notepad, which you hastily scribbled in barely legible writing, ‘Get me out.’
It was hours before doctors finally did what you asked and removed your tubing. The pain was excruciating. You were not used to feeling such horrible pain. For so long, you could jump off buildings, fight against monsters, walk barefoot through snow, body cut and stabbed and it did not feel a fraction of what you were experiencing now fully conscious. “Where is Hoseok?”
The nurses did not understand you. Your voice was hoarse. You were speaking a different language, one you did not know before waking. A language the dream walker taught you, so many dream days and days alone together.
You tried to leave your hospital bed again, you tried to find him.
Your arms had no strength, your legs would not hold you. Doctors tied you down to the bed because you would not listen. You were restrained, like an animal, and you never felt so confined, so bound, in your weak body, stuck, unable to help yourself, unable to dream of freedom.
Namjoon, preparing his students for finals did not check his phone until his last class. He finally listens to two voicemails left from the hospital. He couldn’t believe it. He was so shaken by the news of your waking. He had been so used to bad news, a timetable that just kept being pushed further and further away. The good news felt terrifying, exhilarating.
He called off the last class of the day.
“We’re not going to her. You need to relax, you’ve just woken up from a coma, Hoseok! Stop! Rest!”Jimin pushes on his friend’s shoulder, still in disbelief. The time it took to get to the hospital after receiving the call did not lesson his shock. He turns to the nurses, “Can you give him something to calm him down, please.”
“We’re waiting on the doctor, sorry Sir,” she says, pressing down on Hoseok’s other shoulder. “He’s with another patient.” She remarks softly, “I can’t believe it, two in one day...it’s a miracle,” she mumbles.
Hoseok already knew. “She’s awake too,” he says in a raspy voice, “It’s y/n. Jimin! Let me go!”
“I-Is that true? Someone else woke up from a coma in this hospital? Was it a woman?”
The nurse's eyes widen, “Y-Yes.”
You push the call button again, annoyed. Every limb felt heavy, so heavy. Even your eyelids, but you weren’t tired, you weren’t sleepy. You just wanted to find him.
“Water,” you ask the attending nurse. When she brings you a cup, placing the straw to your lips, you point at your notepad, tapping the paper aggressively to make your point. Two words you took all day to write, to make sure it was perfectly legible. A first and last name, ‘Jung Hoseok.’
You look up, Namjoon was timidly calling for you. You couldn’t believe it. It had been so long, you could barely remember his face anymore.
As soon as you saw him, it was as if you were staring back at a ghost. You haven’t thought about him in lifetimes. But there he was, he was staring right back at you. Your old life. Just as it was, just as he was. The sight of him was enough to jog your memory, but not strong enough to bring back those feelings, not yet.
You stared back at him in shock, reaching out a shaky hand to make sure he was indeed real.
“Y-Y/n...you’re okay now. Oh my god, you’re okay.”
Namjoon was so happy, so elated to have you back. Even though your eyes were peering at him in scared wonder, he ignored it, just grateful to see you moving and responsive again. He buried his head in your lap, holding you gently. You rested your arms over his shoulders, breaking out into a smile.
It was Joon, your Joon.
You thought you'd never see him again like this. In the beginning you dreamed of him, you would run into so many different versions of Namjoon, much to the dream walker’s annoyance. But eventually, your mind gave up trying to remember him, remember your old friends and family, your childhood…
Eventually, you stopped thinking of the limits of your life and only dreamed of the possibilities.
For your own sanity, you visited a library you created in your mind, cataloguing all the memories you held dear. Once you realized you were not going to wake up from this nightmare, you took Joon and your parents and your friends and your loved ones, wrote every memory you had of them down in their own stories and placed each story on a shelf, only to be read fondly there after. A sweet collection of memories you cherished.
When you were particularly sad and couldn’t undestand why, you and Hoseok would come and visit your library. You would scour the shelves every so often and then once in awhile and then you stopped visiting all together.
“D-Do you know who I am?” Namjoon asked worriedly, looking between doctors and your blank expression.
Your face softened. You smiled down at him, remembering the green book you held so close to your heart a long time ago. The gold writing etched across it's binding, named-
“Namjoon,” you smile. “You haven't changed at all.” You wince, voice still raspy, running your hand through his hair.
Sadly, in that moment, as you smiled down at him all you could think about was Hoseok. All the times Hoseok’s hair were tangled in between your fingers, his smile peering up at you instead.
“That’s impossible.”
“It’s true, go ask her. She’ll give you the same story.”
Jimin paced Hoseok’s hospital room. “It’s not true, no,” he mumbles. “…perhaps, a shared psychosis? No no. Can’t be. It doesn’t make any sense! How can you and her...no.”
Hoseok sighs, head back on his pillow, closing his eyes in frustration. “I want to see her, Jimin. Please. I told you what happened. Now let me see her.”
Jimin takes a seat, slumping into the chair, still trying to process everything Hoseok has told him. “You’ve been in a coma for a long time, Hoseok. It’s natural to not be able to distinguish between what’s real-”
“Dammit Jimin!” Hoseok croaks out. “I know that. I’m talking about before!” He explains everything, and though it makes no logical sense, Jimin can’t help but reluctantly put the pieces together.
The pair stay silent as the sleep specialist processes Hoseok’s stories. Then he speaks quietly, “You know, her boyfriend visits her almost every day. We pass each other in the elevator sometimes.”
Hoseok scoffs, laughing, then coughing, not used to the dryness in his throat. “We were together! The time we spent...when we realized what happened…what was going on…we tried to count the days, the years, to figure out how long it would have been if we were awake.”
Hoseok shakes his head at the memories. “It was impossible, I...couldn’t give you a number set in this reality....” he grunts, “...just how much time it was for us...for so long...I lost everything...myself...I...if she hadn't been there...”
Hoseok remembers…
The walls of your home were covered in lines, tiny groups of four lines with one down the center, over and over and over again, the markings covered the entire first floor before you and Hoseok gave up trying to count the days in your dreams.
“Hobi, please, wake up, I can’t get to you.” You shake his shoulders. You don’t remember how long it’s been since he closed his eyes, his gray hair turning to black again, everything around you turning to black. “Please...don’t leave me alone here.”
You cry, hugging the darkness. Pitch black. A void of lost consciousness. You cried, singing a song. It was the last thing you really remembered. Why were you here? What was it that you were clinging to? All you could do was hum. The melody, soft and comforting. You sang and you held him, and decided you were going to embrace him one last time-
“What’s this place?” you looked around. There were small disks of light all around you. The more you looked, the most there were, piles and piles, unruly stacks littering every surface of this place, you’ve never been so deep in Hoseok’s mind.
Next to the window, facing the sunlight, sat a young man with black hair, clothes void of any color, just black. A man void of personality, a blank stare on his face.
He looks away from the window, into your eyes.
“Oh, I found you,” you sigh and lean your forehead onto his. “It will be okay now.” How many times has this happened, how many times have you had to come for each other, to make yourselves remember?
You hum the very last melody you remember, hoping he remembers it too.
The song belonged to the disk lying under his foot, the disk was only cracked a little, but the memory shone through. The melody echoed back to you and you reached for it, holding it in your hand, watching the memory reflected against the shiny surface.
You held it in front of Hoseok. “This song...” he questions.
“Do you remember it?” You hug him close, “Can you sing it?” The music becomes louder, reverberating the stadium and so begins the cheering too. The crowd starts to sing the lyrics in Hoseok’s absence.
Hoseok pulls the earpiece out of his ear, hugging you close. He had come back, remembering this dream so clearly now.
“Not right now,” he says, holding you to him.
You bury your head in his chest as the noise of the crowd lessens into a soft rumble, the cheers shifting to mere waves crashing ashore.
“I missed you.” Hoseok says. He remembers who he was. He remembers who you are. And even if he couldn't remember exactly quite how you both ended up here together, he remembers how it felt to not have you with him, and that was a place he did not want to go back to.
You scoff, holding him tight. The waves roll over your legs, the sun is warm. Where were you now, in your mind or his? It didn’t particularly matter either way, but you were curious.
“C’mon, let’s go,” you pull him along the shore, until you’re running together, laughing again.
It’s been months, almost a year since you fell into a coma.
Namjoon tells you what you’ve missed. A new season of your favorite television show, another tragedy in the news, a new hit song everyone is listening to. He video calls your parents, your friends, and you cry seeing their faces, so clear to you now you couldn’t believe you could have ever forgotten. He tells you about his days without you, excitedly making sure you knew about everything you missed, not understanding truly how long you’ve been without him.
You smile and listen and try to make sense of it all, compartmentalizing everything you’ve been through. How can you even begin to make sense of what has happened to you? It feels like you’ve been resurrected from the dead. So many deaths. So many lives. So much. Too much. This isn’t just another dream, is it? Where is Hoseok-
“How are you feeling?” Namjoon cups your cheek in his hand. “Tired?” You shake your head no, offering him a strained smile.
Namjoon reluctantly left you that night. You still had to be monitored, you still needed to recover.
That night when the door opened, you expected to see a night nurse. Instead you saw Hoseok, in a wheel chair, body so tiny and thin, being pushed by a hesitant Jimin.
“Y/n!” Hoseok sounded relieved, finally seeing you. He tries to make the chair move faster, pulling at the wheels with his weakened arms.
You push yourself up frantically, uncaring about the lone I.V. tube still stuck into your hand, almost falling onto the ground trying to reach him.
Hoseok holds your head in his hands. You were cold, shivering, and he could not do anything to help you but hold you close to him.
“Are we really out of the dream?” you whisper.
“I think so.” Hoseok reasons, otherwise he wouldn’t be feeling so miserable. “I tried to come as soon as I woke up.”
Jimin doesn’t understand the language you are speaking to another, but seeing you both hold onto each other as if everything around you might disappear, it makes him re-think upon everything Hoseok told him...
“Y/n?” Namjoon knocks. “The doctor told me you were here,” he says, confusion evident in his tone as he steps into the unfamiliar hospital room.
He looks between you and Hoseok, playing cards together on Hoseok’s bed.
“Mr. Park.” he nods to Jimin, unspoken words exchanged in tense glances between the two men.
“What are you doing here, y/n?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I needed to speak with Mr. Park,” you smile and nod to the sleep specialist.
“Err about?”
“Our, um, my coma,” you hum, dealing another round, looking up with a smile on your face-
You hesitate, looking at Namjoon’s pained expression, and you knew he deserved an explanation. You look over to Hoseok for reassurance, but he looks just as uncomfortable as your boyfriend now. “I-I don’t know how to say this, but-”you reach for Namjoon's hand, intertwining your fingers. “I-I wasn’t alone...all that time…” you exhale, studying your hands, how small yours looks in Namjoon. You used to hold hands a lot, didn't you? You could barely remember now. It felt...foreign...
“I wasn't alone, Hoseok was there with me.” You turn your head to acknowledge Hoseok, offering him a weak smile.
Namjoon did not like the way Hoseok looked at you, the way he closes the distance between you by leaning in, and he did not like being reminded about the horrific scene he found the both of you in when he looks at the tech’s smug face.
Namjoon did not believe you. You were confused, you are still trying to cope with what happened, Hoseok was the last person you interacted with, so you latched on to him, Namjoon reasoned with growing displeasure. But that didn’t explain why both men were encouraging you by playing along. Not to mention-
“Y/n, I need to talk to you...alone.” He says, tense and urgent.
You were reluctant in leaving. "Why? What’s wrong?"
Namjoon addresses Jimin instead. Jimin should know better, he thinks, than to let you anywhere near that man. “Park, what is wrong with you? You haven’t told them of the investigation?”
“It was dropped, wasn’t it,” Jimin says uneasily.
Namjoon shakes his head, growing more frustrated. “Well now that they’re awake, it can be re-opened!”
“W-What are you talking about, Joon?”
“Y/n, when we found you...” Namjoon tries to speak calmly enough to get across to you the seriousness of what happened. “There were marks all over your body...from him.”
“That was never proven-”
“Oh come off it, Park!” Namjoon can’t keep his temper down any longer. “The only reason he was never officially charged is because they were both in comas. You saw what happened! There were bruises all over her arms! They weren’t there when I dropped her off! The cameras proved that. What about the scratch marks on him? The lamp? What the fuck did you do to her, Jung?” Namjoon spits.
You feel queasy. It felt so so long ago, what happened…but it was slowly coming back to you. “I-I better go for now,” you squeeze Hoseok’s hand, an absentminded thing you’ve done so many times before in your dreams.
What should you do? Should you tell Namjoon the truth? Would he even believe you? Should you just lie and tell him what he wants to hear and blame Hoseok...how would you be able to sleep peacefully then?
Hoseok grabs your hand, pulling you back to him, an action he’s done so many time before in your dreams, to the point where his fingers around your palm felt like they always belonged…and then all hell broke loose.
Months in a coma made Hoseok’s body even weaker. His muscles only stimulated through weekly shock stimulation. Namjoon however, had lots of time to spend at the gym in your absence. Your boyfriend’s rage landed punch after punch, the tech had no way to stop him.
“Joon!” You cry out as Jimin tries to pull him away.
“Calm down or I’ll have to call the police!” Jimin says, locking his arms over Namjoon’s.
“Call them! So they can arrest him!” Namjoon pushes him away.
You’re pushed too, falling on the hard hospital floor, halting the men’s struggle.
Jimin slams the call button on. Hoseok’s face was already deeply bruised, nose bleeding. Namjoon, body shaking from adrenaline tries to calm you down too, your body shaking for another reason.
Namjoon easily lifts your malnourished body, taking you away while doctors rush in and tend to Hoseok.
“Any details you can remember? Anything will help.”
Four officers stood at your hospital bedside.
“I don’t remember,” you say stubbornly.
Life had a way of making you exhausted, even after being in bed for months. You wanted to sleep.
The police show you pictures, evidence taken at ‘the scene.’
“Do you remember this?”
The lamp. “No.”
Pictures of your bruises under harsh lighting, pictures of Hoseok’s scratches. Pictures of your blood and his mixed across the sleep clinic’s floors, pictures of the gash on the back of your head stapled. Pictures of your torn clothes laid out neatly and itemized.
“We’ll let you think about it and we’ll come back later,” cold emotionless words from the policemen that made you want to stay silent even more so.
“You don’t remember…Y/n?!”
You chew on your bottom lip, agitated. “Let me rest, Joon.”
“…No.” Namjoon reaches for your hand, “Y/n, what happened that day?”
He will never believe you, he might even become so upset he’ll leave you…is that what you wanted?
“Remember why I went to the sleep clinic?” you look into his eyes, hands holding his tightly, grasping for courage.
“I was having nightmares, yes. Hoseok, he-” you struggle with the words, with the truth. “Will you believe me if I tell you?”
“Tell me what, y/n? Of course, I’ll believe you.”
“Hoseok has powers, he was the one in my dreams, he was the one giving me nightmares. I mean, they were my nightmares, but he was able to, I don’t know, get inside my head, and he-”
You look up from your train of thought, catching your boyfriend’s disbelieving eyes. “-h-he was, I guess, ‘dream walking.’ I tried to convince him to leave me alone, that’s why I went into the employee room, he wasn’t going to stop! Joon…Joon?”
“Y/n…what-” The more you looked at Namjoon and the way his disbelief shown clearly through his expressions made you feel crazy, spiraling…
“You said you would believe me if I told you!”
Namjoon rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. It made you feel dumb and small. “Listen to what you’re saying-”
“That’s why everything happened. I confronted him and we got into a fight, I hit him with the lamp. I-I was just trying to get away.” You feel yourself losing control of the situation, but you couldn’t stop yourself now. “Ask Hoseok! He will tell you.”
“I won’t listen to anything he has to say to me.”
You exhale, exasperated. “Joon…it’s the truth! And what I said before is the truth too…he was with me when we were in a coma. He was there.”
“Y/n that’s impossible! You-”
“I knew it! I knew you wouldn’t believe me!” You speak loud, wanting to scream instead, your voice unused for so long. “I’m telling you the truth!”
“Okay…okay, I believe you believe that-”
“No!” You want to cry, you want to make him see the truth.
Joon leaves you before visiting hours were over so you make use of the wheelchair the hospital staff supplied you with and roll yourself to the dream walker’s room.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” Hoseok groans, the bruises on his face still swollen. He reached for your hand and you take it despite your mixed feelings. “What did you tell the police?”
“Nothing…” you mumble. “I…told Joon. He doesn’t believe me,” you say defeatedly. “Hoseok, I need you to do something for me. I need you to go into Namjoon’s dreams.” You ask the dream walker for the favor, and after a few tense moments, he declines-
“What? Why?!”
He tightens his hand around yours when you angrily pull away. “No. I don’t have to go into people’s dreams anymore, y/n. I can…have my own dreams now.”
“Okay? You don’t have to, but I am asking you to…please, Hobi.”
You shouldn’t have used that name, because now Hoseok certainly would not help you with your relationship, give you over to Namjoon so willingly.
“Why would I do that? So you can go back with him? Is that what you want, y/n? To be with Kim Namjoon? Is that what you really want? After everything we’ve been through?”
You bite your tongue, thinking of his question. You know how you should respond and you know how you want to respond, but you don’t want to think of the emotions stirring inside you looking at Hoseok now. “Hoseok, we had our time together. It’s over now-”
It was the first time you really kissed Hoseok, as he hastily presses his lips to yours. But, if you were being truly honest, you already knew his kiss, you kissed him countless of times already. What was it about a dream that felt so real? Why could you not stop kissing him?
“Sorry for the interruption,” Jimin speaks up standing awkwardly at the doorway, back from gathering Hoseok’s patient information…and yours, after pulling some strings. “Should I…come back?”
“No-” “Yes,” Hoseok huffs.
“Stay!” you say, holding your cheek, your nerve endings tingling under your palm.
“Okay, err, so, well it’s good that you’re here! I got the records of your brain activity since you went into a coma,” Jimin says triumphantly.
“Oh…good?” You say.
“Y/n this is amazing news! It’s basically a medical miracle!” Jimin says happily.
You don’t get it. “I don’t get it.”
“He pulls out some readings he copies, holding the sheets up next to one another. “This is yours and this one is his…”
You and Hoseok stare at the sleep specialist blankly. “They’re the same! All the way through, I’ve checked each wave, and it’s all exactly the same!”
“That means…?” You wonder.
“To have two reading the same for months?! It’s more than just a coincidence. This with your statements, well, one could make the argument that this proves you were telling the truth!”
“C-Can I have pictures of that? Please? S-So I can show Joon!”
You look over to the upset dream walker. “Hoseok, please, understand…”
But Hoseok did not want to understand, and he did not want to let you go now. Those dreams he had with you, created a connection so deep, he felt himself tied with you. How could you not see it? How could you pretend you weren’t as wrapped around him as he was to you?
“Okay, okay, I wasn’t lying. Right, Jimin?”
“It is compelling evidence, Namjoon,” the sleep specialist reasons.
“What do you want me to say?” Namjoon says, “Great for you, you spent the last year with a man who almost killed you and now you became best friends?”
You swallow your hurt down at his harsh demeanor. “I-I just wanted to show you I wasn’t lying.”
“Okay, so what now?” Namjoon stares at you, his usual warm and caring demeanor now cold and closed off. “You won’t tell the police the truth, you won’t press charges even though he deserves it, and you still won’t talk to me about what happened in your dreams...you weren’t in your room when I came this morning,” Namjoon swallows, “Were you with him, y/n?”
“I-no-yes-” you stutter. But Jimin’s expression told all Namjoon needed to hear
Namjoon rubs his temples, laughing bitterly. “I was prepared for you not to remember me, you know…the doctors warned me there was a strong possibility you would have amnesia, I thought I could handle it, I was prepared for it.”
He holds your hand, your presence still comforting to him, calming him down. “I was ready for it, I told myself if that’s the worst case, I could handle it. I would make you remember, I would just make you fall in love with me again,” he says, his dimples peeking through from his forlorn smile. “Y/n…do you still love me?”
You try not to cry, you loved him of course, you loved him. You loved-
“I set them up, you just have to knock them down!” Jimin winks, meeting you back stage. He’s dressed in an elegant dark suit, a far cry from his white starched clinic jacket.
“Ugh, why do I have to do this?” you whine, “You and Hobi are way better at being in the spotlight.”
“You’re the one who wrote the book,” Jimin laughs. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Yeah she does, now go away,” Hoseok frowns, crossing his arms. He is wearing a casual suit, staying backstage for you.
You flick him on the forehead, going back to nervously patting your dress down. “Don’t start!”
Eventually, you left the hospital, eventually you moved into your own place, and eventually you wrote a book of everything that happened to you. Hoseok encouraged you, and he became your editor in that way, helping you navigate the details every night, lounging around together until you got it right.
The book was a love story, or perhaps a horror story, you still couldn’t decide the answer when press asked you. Your book developed a cult following. With Jimin’s testimony in the epilogue and your evidence coming into question over and over again, readers in online forums constantly debated whether your story was fact or fiction.
Jimin’s career took a turn as he focused on research papers dedicated to what Hoseok and you claimed, and the good looking sleep specialist began to make public appearances on the hot topic. Your book become popular, so popular you and Jimin ended up as special guests on a late night show.
“Welcome, y/n. We spoke with Mr. Park before the break. Now the character in your book, Jimin, was based off of him, correct?”
“W-Well, it was him, yes,” you laugh nervously, looking over to the intrigued audience.
“Ahh let’s talk about that! So, in your epilogue you wrote how this was all based on your real life. You were in a coma for almost a year, correct?”
“Yes, that’s right. It all feels so crazy to me now,” you laugh.
“How do you feel about all the trends online, people trying to enter Dream World consciously?”
“It’s something I never dreamed of happening.”
The crowd laughs.
“Honestly, I am just happy I got to tell my story. The response...it has been life changing.”
“I can imagine. Your first book becoming a best seller, wow. Have you ever asked yourself, what if you're still dreaming?” he jokes and the audience laughs. You laugh too, smoothing down your dress.
“A dream, ha, funny.” you laugh to yourself...until you stop, biting on your lip to calm yourself down.
“T-That was a joke.” The late night show host exclaims, noticing your sudden change in demeanor. He makes a funny face to the audience and they laugh along.
“Of course, why would this be a dream?” you laugh, looking across the audience, faceless in the shadows, the bright lights aimed at the stage made their bodies look alien.
“Why would this be a dream?” you repeat, “I just ended up on my favorite late show after making millions off a book I wrote...w-why wouldn’t that happen to me in real life? I’m not dreaming...I’m...” you ring your hands together, looking around the room. How did you get here? You were driven here. That's it. Did it always look like this? Did you always feel like this? You try not to hyperventilate.
“It was just a joke, I swear.” The late night host lets his boisterous tone soften to speak to you, worrying over your reaction. “Of course this is not a dream!” he says, trying to soothe your panicky state and salvage the live interview. “Let’s take a break...commercial?” He looks over to the show runner for guidance.
“H-Hoseok!” you yell out, standing up, hands over your face.
Hoseok runs from behind the stage, coming to your side. He holds your shoulders, rubbing up and down. “Y/n, it’s not a dream, okay? We’re not dreaming anymore.”
“How do you know?!” You cry, body shaking. It’s a dream, it’s a dream. “Why would he say that? Why would he say that this is a dream, Hobi?” you wail. The host looks shocked, guilt and worry across his features. “It’s a dream,” you say with confidence, tears rolling down your face.
Hoseok looks around for Jimin, for help, staff is trying to console you. The crowd is talking amongst themselves, getting louder and louder. The host is speaking to the show runner, getting angrier, exclaiming it’s not his fault! How was he to know this was how you would react!
Hoseok looks into your terrified eyes, and for one small moment, he questions himself too. Was this a dream? What was reality anymore?
“If it’s a dream, then-” he grabs the talk show host’s mug, slamming it onto the stage floor. The crowd gasps, the staff is scrambling behind the scenes, calling for security, the talk show host is frantically apologizing. “-then we'll just wake up again,” he says, picking up to shards.
“No! Can someone help?!” The talk show host calls for security one more time, the crowd is standing up, half of the audience pulling out their phones to record, the other half scrambling to the exit, “I don’t know what to fucking do!”
The stage hands try to pull you and Hoseok away from each other, but your grip is too strong, your palm clenches the broken piece of ceramic until you’re bleeding. Hoseok nods to you, holding the shard against his wrist and you nod back.
“Wake up!”
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😭😭😭😭😭 ahh Luce I'm sorry but that picture of Miyazaki is taking me out lol 😭😭💗
So Hobi was repressed as fuck. I'm not going to say all repressed people are obsessed with sex, but I'm gonna say Hobi definitely was 😅 that added to his fixation on reader. I'll talk more about it when I post my dream analysis notes, but the first dream they have together is only referenced at the very beginning and never explained. In the first dream he found her because she was literally screaming for help. That's why he said reader was "the loudest" when she asked. Y/n was so hot that night she actually dreamed she was in a burning building 😭 he "saved" her and she instantly put him in a hero role and of course he ate that shit up.
Lol imagine her just punching him instead and Jimin walks in to his tech with a bloody nose and her yelling about being in a dream...the chaos (it was a thought that crossed my mind tbh 😅)
To Hobi's credit, he saved her from Yoongi's nightmare....only to manipulate her. ☹️
POOR JOON WHAT WILL HE DO WILL HE TAKE CARE OF HER PHYSICAL BODY NOW WHILE SHE BETRAYS HIM OVER AND OVER IN HER DREAMS. Maybe Jimin can "study" them and figure out a way to help? What do you imagine happens?
Day Dream | JHS

The days are hotter, you sleep restlessly. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker.
sandman!Hoseok x reader. Enemies to…well they kind of started as lovers too :’D
Warnings:18+ smut, somnophilia, bdsm themes, dubcon, wet dreams, reader manipulation, dacryphilia, fuck or die, public sex, rough sex, degradation, name calling, restraints, voyeurism, fingering, oral sex, just so much sex :’D, creepy dream sequences-think Paprika, …tentacles…reader’s dreams are wild ;o; if you come to a part and think am I about to read tentacle smut? and you don’t want to read tentacle smut, I suggest just skip to the end of that dream sequence :’), monsters, aliens, blood, torture, childhood trauma, brief mention of a sleep patient-child-can’t sleep because of abuse, cheating kind of (does dreaming about other men count lol), Hobi stealing Joon’s girl :P but in all seriousness this is kind of a dark and twisted tale and if that’s not your thing, move along thank you if you’re still here it’s also supposed to be pretty ridiculous and campy so I hope you can be entertained and laugh a little too :’)
Word Count: 22.9k
So hot.
Was it the heat that woke you up, you wonder sitting in bed, covers wet with your sweat and your clothes clinging to you, pulled at odd angles, uncomfortably bunched up at the seams, digging into your armpits and around your breasts. You pull the damp material off and over your head, feeling a little less suffocated.
Your room is pitch black, but your eyes, accustomed to the darkness, could see the sleeping form of your boyfriend, Namjoon, his sheets kicked off, body sprawled on the bed in nothing but boxer briefs. He was snoring, but that wasn’t what woke you.
What was it? There’s this nagging feeling pulling at you, something lost back into the deep recesses of your mind, the answer annoyingly stuck at the tip of your tongue.
It’s quiet, only the soft whirling of your aircon working overtime in the hot spring heat. It is the hottest spring year on record, though they like to say that every year. It just keeps getting worse and worse, unbearable heat and pollen, like the world was fighting back with it’s last dying breath. Why does the world have to attack you, though? You bet the world’s biggest polluters didn’t have to deal with this fucking heat!
You nudge your giant of a boyfriend back onto his side. It’s not that you didn’t love him or loved cuddling him, but being pressed up against his body, now radiating nuclear levels of warmth was just too much tonight. He grunts and rolls over and snores and you can’t help but smile, admiring his ability to sleep through this hellish heat.
It’s so hot you want to cry! There is no cold spot on your bed, no relief. You feel exhausted. And there is another irritating feeling, wrapping itself around your body, clinging, itching, digging. You want a distraction from the heat, you want sex. You want something inside you, making you forget about everything else. You’re so hot. You’re so hot.
You look over to your boyfriend once again, debating on waking him. No, it would be too cruel of you to deprive him of much needed rest. No, you’ll just go back to sleep.
“Yes, yes!”
Namjoon has his arms locked around your legs, face buried deep into your sex, giving you exactly what you want, what you need.
It was a dream, yes, but it was also an old memory, to when he took you on vacation to the mountains, it was your first stay at a hot spring inn. The vacation was perfect, you were never more relaxed. Then at night, before falling asleep in each other’s arms, you made love in your small tiny inn room. Joon and you had lots of energy to spare, you think you might have christened every inch of that inn floor.
It was one of the best nights of your life, and the best orgasms, like the one your dream boyfriend was working to give you now, mouth suctioned to your clit, long fingers stroking inside your walls, making your legs shake against his head.
Namjoon groans into your heat as you tighten around his digits, pressing his hips down into the floor mat underneath your bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you tilt your head back moaning, so close…
…and see something that was not there before, something that did not belong in your old memory…well, someone, actually.
A man stands in the corner, leaning against the inn’s framed wall, smirking down at you and Namjoon. He’s wearing the same inn robes as your boyfriend, black wild hair styled away from his face, dark eyes watching you.
You immediately tense, blood running cold in shock, startled so much you forget to scream, immediately pulling at your dream boyfriend’s shoulders to get him off of you. But this boyfriend of yours had only been dreamed up to have one objective, and he wasn’t going to stop now when you were so close.
“J-Joon!” you stutter, trying to pull your legs free, fighting against his tight embrace. His strokes are steady and smooth, fingers slipping in and out of you easily even with every part of you tense. His tongue rolls over your clit again and a reluctant moan escapes your lips.
The man moves closer, smile widening. Your don’t know whether it’s Joon’s relentless fingers inside your drenched center or the fear coursing through you that makes you lightheaded, breaths labored, the pit of your stomach dropping lower and lower until you feel the pressure in your toes, barely able to think until the stranger’s toes stop at the top of your shoulders as he looks down at you, tilting his head.
You pull on Namjoon’s hair, but it’s useless.
“Close?” The man asks you so nonchalantly it makes your head spin once again. “Want my help?”
“W-Who are y-you?”
Trying to make casual conversation proves to be extremely difficult with Namjoon enthusiastically eating you out.
“Take my hand and found out,” he smiles wickedly.
His open palm is held right above your head.
What the hell is happening? Everything about this situation feels so bizarre and surreal, like a dream.
Like a dream.
Are you dreaming?
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Thank you 💕💕 I am glad you enjoyed 😉 lol oh one of my favorite fics ever is an ot7 fic where bts are aliens and y/n gets trapped on their planet and they have…tentacles 😅😅 I just never wrote anything like that and felt like idk…am I doing this justice?? 😅 I don’t want to offend anyone and I also don’t want to kink shame either there’s nothing wrong with it at all imo! I just like trying out new styles and genres and challenging myself
They are still alive, still dreaming, will they ever wake up? Hmm to be determined 👀
Reader really got hobi good on that 💥💡🤕 and then the 💥 onto the 🛏🕳🤕 let’s just say “concussed” was a foreshadow lol
Well you made my day thank youuu 🥺💗
Day Dream | JHS

The days are hotter, you sleep restlessly. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker.
sandman!Hoseok x reader. Enemies to…well they kind of started as lovers too :’D
Warnings: 18+ smut, somnophilia, bdsm themes, dubcon, wet dreams, reader manipulation, dacryphilia, fuck or die, public sex, rough sex, degradation, name calling, restraints, voyeurism, fingering, oral sex, just so much sex :’D, creepy dream sequences-think Paprika, …tentacles…reader’s dreams are wild ;o; if you come to a part and think am I about to read tentacle smut? and you don’t want to read tentacle smut, I suggest just skip to the end of that dream sequence :’), monsters, aliens, blood, torture, childhood trauma, brief mention of a sleep patient-child-can’t sleep because of abuse, cheating kind of (does dreaming about other men count lol), Hobi stealing Joon’s girl :P but in all seriousness this is kind of a dark and twisted tale and if that’s not your thing, move along thank you if you’re still here it’s also supposed to be pretty ridiculous and campy so I hope you can be entertained and laugh a little too :’)
Word Count: 22.9k
So hot.
Was it the heat that woke you up, you wonder sitting in bed, covers wet with your sweat and your clothes clinging to you, pulled at odd angles, uncomfortably bunched up at the seams, digging into your armpits and around your breasts. You pull the damp material off and over your head, feeling a little less suffocated.
Your room is pitch black, but your eyes, accustomed to the darkness, could see the sleeping form of your boyfriend, Namjoon, his sheets kicked off, body sprawled on the bed in nothing but boxer briefs. He was snoring, but that wasn’t what woke you.
What was it? There’s this nagging feeling pulling at you, something lost back into the deep recesses of your mind, the answer annoyingly stuck at the tip of your tongue.
It’s quiet, only the soft whirling of your aircon working overtime in the hot spring heat. It is the hottest spring year on record, though they like to say that every year. It just keeps getting worse and worse, unbearable heat and pollen, like the world was fighting back with it’s last dying breath. Why does the world have to attack you, though? You bet the world’s biggest polluters didn’t have to deal with this fucking heat!
You nudge your giant of a boyfriend back onto his side. It’s not that you didn’t love him or loved cuddling him, but being pressed up against his body, now radiating nuclear levels of warmth was just too much tonight. He grunts and rolls over and snores and you can’t help but smile, admiring his ability to sleep through this hellish heat.
It’s so hot you want to cry! There is no cold spot on your bed, no relief. You feel exhausted. And there is another irritating feeling, wrapping itself around your body, clinging, itching, digging. You want a distraction from the heat, you want sex. You want something inside you, making you forget about everything else. You’re so hot. You’re so hot.
You look over to your boyfriend once again, debating on waking him. No, it would be too cruel of you to deprive him of much needed rest. No, you’ll just go back to sleep.
“Yes, yes!”
Namjoon has his arms locked around your legs, face buried deep into your sex, giving you exactly what you want, what you need.
It was a dream, yes, but it was also an old memory, to when he took you on vacation to the mountains, it was your first stay at a hot spring inn. The vacation was perfect, you were never more relaxed. Then at night, before falling asleep in each other’s arms, you made love in your small tiny inn room. Joon and you had lots of energy to spare, you think you might have christened every inch of that inn floor.
It was one of the best nights of your life, and the best orgasms, like the one your dream boyfriend was working to give you now, mouth suctioned to your clit, long fingers stroking inside your walls, making your legs shake against his head.
Namjoon groans into your heat as you tighten around his digits, pressing his hips down into the floor mat underneath your bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you tilt your head back moaning, so close...
…and see something that was not there before, something that did not belong in your old memory…well, someone, actually.
A man stands in the corner, leaning against the inn’s framed wall, smirking down at you and Namjoon. He’s wearing the same inn robes as your boyfriend, black wild hair styled away from his face, dark eyes watching you.
You immediately tense, blood running cold in shock, startled so much you forget to scream, immediately pulling at your dream boyfriend’s shoulders to get him off of you. But this boyfriend of yours had only been dreamed up to have one objective, and he wasn’t going to stop now when you were so close.
“J-Joon!” you stutter, trying to pull your legs free, fighting against his tight embrace. His strokes are steady and smooth, fingers slipping in and out of you easily even with every part of you tense. His tongue rolls over your clit again and a reluctant moan escapes your lips.
The man moves closer, smile widening. Your don’t know whether it’s Joon’s relentless fingers inside your drenched center or the fear coursing through you that makes you lightheaded, breaths labored, the pit of your stomach dropping lower and lower until you feel the pressure in your toes, barely able to think until the stranger’s toes stop at the top of your shoulders as he looks down at you, tilting his head.
You pull on Namjoon’s hair, but it’s useless.
“Close?” The man asks you so nonchalantly it makes your head spin once again. “Want my help?”
“W-Who are y-you?”
Trying to make casual conversation proves to be extremely difficult with Namjoon enthusiastically eating you out.
“Take my hand and found out,” he smiles wickedly.
His open palm is held right above your head.
What the hell is happening? Everything about this situation feels so bizarre and surreal, like a dream.
Like a dream.
Are you dreaming?
Your breathing hitches, your limbs locking. Fuuuck! Namjoon, your devoted dream boyfriend is bringing you so close to orgasm you can’t take it anymore, you want to come so badly. Your body feels like it’s floating away, higher and higher. You’re almost there.
Hoseok lies down, head resting on your shaking shoulder. He peers over at you, watching how your eyebrows draw together, mouth opened in silent cries. ‘This is quite the show,’ he thinks, licking his lips. And he’s enjoying it very much.
The weight of Hoseok’s head brings you back down, unable to ignore his presence. “Go a-away!” you manage to scream through protracted moans.
“Is that what you really want?” he turns, eyes narrowing.
“I w-want to come…ugggh.” You turn your head too, your chin knocking into Hoseok’s nose.
Hoseok chuckles, sighing. You can feel the heat of his breath on your lips. “Let me help,” he repeats, “let me offer a helping hand,” he says playfully. “What do you think?”
You groan, knocking your head back in frustration, instead of meeting hard mat your head lands on soft fabric and Hoseok’s warm chest. Giving in, you breathe out a soft, “O-Okay.”
Hoseok snaps his fingers and whatever you were expecting, this was not it…
…another version of your sweet boyfriend, sliding open the door to your inn room. Hoseok sends you a dashing smile, very pleased with himself. Your eyes widen as familiar hands turn your head away from the strange man.
Your robe is being unbelted, breasts kneaded, nipples pinched as Namjoon licks into your mouth, tongue rolling over yours, pinning your hands above your head in one large hand. It’s overwhelming, it’s all the things Namjoon does to you that you liked, that you missed, and when your original dream lover curls his fingers inside you, you release, vision spotting until nothing but white remains.
You, a white room…and that man, still lying against your shoulder, humming pleasantly to himself. You inhale a deep shuddering breath. “What’s happening?”
“You know, naughty girl.”
‘Wake up, y/n, wake up.’ you think.
“That hardly ever works,” Hoseok sings.
You pull your robe over your spent body, shuffling away from the strange man.
Hoseok sits up too, leaning back on his arms, studying you again. He knows what you’re thinking because he knows what you’re dreaming. You’re wondering why he wasn’t the one who touched you instead of your replica lover.
He looks around at the place your mind took him, a place with endless possibilities, how nice of you, how inviting.
“Where to next? What other beautiful places did you want to visit?”
As soon as he asks the question, your mind already has the answer. Hoseok’s palms lay flat on bright white flooring, and then-
-his fingers dig into snow.
“W-What?” You look around at the snowy landscape, holding your robe tighter, you shiver in the cold. Cold, yes! Oh god, how you wished it was cold.
Snowflakes fall into your open palm.
‘That was easy,’ Hoseok thinks. ‘You are perfect.’
You wake up restless, your core drenched. The details of your dream becoming fuzzy already. Were you…playing in the snow?
Namjoon has his arms around you, snoring lightly. You bring his hand to your lips, kissing his knuckles, hoping to rouse him awake. You were itching to be under him this morning. You give him soft morning kisses across his face until he stirs, yawning, and you let out a tiny needy whine. Namjoon buries his head in your chest, half asleep.
“Joonie, fuck me,” you whine.
That knocks some tiredness away. “Yeah? Before work?”
You nod, knees digging into his side, ready. Namjoon kisses down your stomach, pulling your panties away.
“Oh fuck,” Namjoon is fully awake now, “You’re so wet.”
You pull out your earpiece after another successful show, ready to change out of your performance outfit and back into your long glittery award ceremony dress. It was another recurring dream of yours, a fantasy where you were a famous pop singer just finishing a buzzworthy singing performance on the stage of one of the most prestigious award shows in the world. But this time was different, your dressing room was smaller, you stood alone in front of your vanity without your makeup artists and stylists working hurriedly around you.
You stare at your reflection, a prettier thinner perfect-faced version of yourself with diamonds hanging off your ears and around your neck, dressed in an impeccably styled colorful wig and bombshell makeup. In this dream you can call yourself beautiful, with a face you’ve only attained through face tuning and a body you’ve tried to achieve for months, but in your real life you’re not rich enough to have personal trainers and home chefs and all the amenities a famous singer might have. You could only dream for this body.
You shimmy into your tight gown, readying yourself for the next stage in your dream life.
“Let me help you.”
Why does that voice sound so familiar? You look up, catching the owner to that voice in the reflection of your mirror. He shuts the door behind him quietly, his reflection smiling back when your eyes meet.
Hoseok stands handsomely in a sleek white suit and bright red hair, a loud style fitting for an idol.
In this version of your dream he plays the part of your secret boyfriend, altering the fantasy only slightly, loved by your adoring fans, and loved by him.
You fell right into the new role of girlfriend he crafted, he was too good looking to deny. Of course the famous pop-singer-version of you would have a hidden romance, someone who couldn’t keep his hands off of you, who would risk his reputation for a couple minutes alone with you backstage.
You watch through the mirror as he comes closer, hand reaching exposed skin, fingers running along your spine teasingly until he reaches the pieces of your open dress. You bite your lip, moving your hips until your ass meets his clothed crotch, smiling coyly at his reflection.
Oh, Hoseok liked you. He pulls the zipper up, fixing your gown, kissing your shoulder softly.
“What if someone walks in?” you whisper, giggling, enjoying the attention from the beautiful man of your dreams.
“We will have to just be quick then and not get caught,” he smirks. Hoseok holds your hand, twirling you around as if you were dancing, and kisses you deeply, like he has been aching to do so for so long, mouth devouring yours, a long series of rushed fierce kisses.
This was so risky, so scandalous. The rumors of your friendship already made every quick glance and friendly banter in public so much more scrutinized. Would fans notice the both of you not in your seats? Would they make the connection? Could a worker have seen him enter your dressing room? Will there be a blind item about the two of you?
The risk made you both more ravenous for one another. The exhilaration of getting caught made your desire for him grow even hotter, compounding your passion until you were frenzied, groping at each other, letting your lungs burn instead of pulling away from his soft lips and warm mouth.
“Your performance tonight was amazing,” Hoseok gropes your ass, yanking you closer, lifting you up and setting you on the vanity. You open your legs for him, securing your ankles around his hips. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you, y/n.” he whispers into your ear, breathing in deep, smelling your skin like the petals of a beautiful rose.
“-Hoseok,” he finishes for you, teeth pulling at your bottom lip.
That’s right, Hoseok. Your secret lover, your perfect idol boyfriend. The man of your dreams. The object of your desires. The man between your legs who was gripping your thighs and opening you wider, pulling at your stockings and ripping the fabric at the seam.
You pull him closer, arms around his shoulders, head leaning on the side of his cheek, trying to keep your moans quiet when he presses inside you, two fingers dipping into your wetness. His nose nudges your diamond earring, licking your neck, electrifying your nerves at each end. You groan, eyes tightly shut, mouth slack, so overwhelmed by everything about this man. Hoseok, your forbidden lover. You think deeper and he fills you to his knuckles, you think more and he drags his fingers out with precise quickness. He’s unraveling you and he’s barely even started.
The crowd in the ceremony stadium cheers loudly and you remember where you are, a beautiful dream where you're soon going to be honored with a top award for your new hit single.
“Hoseok, I h-have to go.”
“Stay with me here, we still have time.” You’ve only been asleep in your bed for a couple of hours, he still has all night with you. “A quickie? Please, baby. I want you so fucking bad,” he groans, pressing another finger inside you and groping your breasts. He’s so tempted to rip your dress apart and fuck your senseless, fill your mouth with his cock until your makeup is running down your tear-streaked face. Hoseok wants to completely ruin you, but this dream tonight is not that kind of fantasy, tonight he’ll make you feel like a superstar, the most desired woman in the world.
You work quickly to undo his belt, agreeing with him, eager to be filled with his hard cock. You were aching for him, breathless from desire, your core pulsing around his digits with anticipation.
“You want to be famous, is that it?” He asks quietly, watching you intently as you scooch your hips closer to him.
“What?” you pause, looking into Hoseok’s eyes, his cocky flirty demeanor now gone. He runs the back of his knuckles over the hard jewels of your large diamond necklace.
“I’m just trying to understand you, y/n.”
The crowd swells again, cheering, reminding you where you were. “I-” You were supposed to receive your award, make a teary speech, be seen, be heard, be praised, finally. “I need to g-”
He wraps his hand around your neck, pulling your attention to him. Only him. There’s only Hoseok, kissing you, tongue down your throat, making you feel pleasure you’ve never felt before. You run your hands through his soft bright red hair while he positions himself at your opening, hands tight around your thighs, folding your body, legs up and open, the unforgivingly tight fabric of your dress bunched around your hips, the glittery jewels clinking together as he thrusts into you.
You hold onto the back of his neck, jostled into glass with each hard fast thrust. Your heavy jewelry hits against your skin and expensive makeup falls to the ground around Hoseok’s feet, cracking the pressed pigments and breaking lipstick bullets. He’s not holding back, rattling the vanity so loudly your tryst could surely be heard from the outside. Hoseok doesn’t care, he pistons into you, cock dragging along your walls so deep you’ve never felt so full and desperate to come.
“I’m c-close,” your fingers glide over your slippery folds, rubbing across your clit, searching for release.
He lets go of your thighs, leaving fingertip sized bruises behind, to be later covered by your dress and discovered when paparazzi cameras catch your legs, high dress slit revealing his roughness. His hands cup your cheeks instead, pulling you into a heated kiss, his hold on you possessive and dominating. You could stay here forever, being fucked by Hoseok like you’ve never been fucked before, being kissed like Hoseok needed you to breath, being held by him like long lost lovers suddenly reunited. You could stay with him forever-
Ding ding ding. Your alarm clock rings. You feel like gravity is working against you. You try to lift your tired body. Your boyfriend grumbles next to you, “turn it off.”
Your body is buzzing. Your center is sticky, dripping, your clothes clinging to your warm body.
‘What was that?’ Who was that man in your fantasy? The dream starts slipping away as you try to recollect what happened. You start to feel guilt, the dream had been so intense it left you aching and wanting for more sleep just to experience it again. You felt guilty because it wasn’t Namjoon in your dream, it was a random man, a man you don’t even recognize, but god, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. What did you call him again?
“Well you are looking quite refreshed,” Jimin laughs, looking up from his phone and sipping coffee. “Feeling better?”
Hoseok’s hair sticks up all at odd angles, his pants hung low, he laughs along with his roommate, “Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better.”
“Good, cause I was worried. Everyone has been getting sick-”
“No no no! It’s just stress sprinkled with some insomnia,” he laughs. “But I’m good now,” he says and shakes a bottle of melatonin before throwing it over to his roommate.
“Insomnia?! I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who sleeps more than you,” Jimin calls out to him. Hoseok laughs and styles his hair, slinging his tie around his shirt collar, getting ready for his job.
Hoseok wasn’t sick, however, he did have an illness. Some might even call it a curse…
Because Hoseok could not dream.
When Hoseok laid in bed at night and dozed off into Dreamland, the places his mind took him were not dreams of his own making.
Hoseok was a dream walker.
See, for a boy who did not dream, Dreamland became Hoseok’s playground. For what would you do if you had the power of creation, of destruction, of complete metamorphosis at the tips of your fingers? Of course Hoseok embraced his powers, took advantage of them, of unsuspecting dreamers, of you.
At an early age he learned quickly how to navigate the dreams that did not belong to him, to walk between imagined worlds so vast and intricate that not even the dreamers themselves knew the design as well as Hoseok. Most dreamers exhausted Hoseok, it was not easy to change the design of a dream world to best suit him, but sometimes he would find some real gems, dreamers whose wavelengths synced perfectly up with the dream walker, who were so willing to let him work his magic.
For Hoseok it was a game, a challenge, he rarely cared about the consequences, because it was just a dream after all. The dreamers Hoseok found could be anywhere in the world, he rarely targeted dreamers in his area, it complicated things, in the real world there were laws and regulations, where not even the laws of physics applied in Dreamland.
You can tell a lot about people from their dreams. Dreams reveal a person’s true natures, their deepest desires and strongest fears. So then what kind of man was Hoseok? An upstanding citizen in his waking life, and once he closed his eyes, well, he would become whatever he wanted to be.
“Would you tell your girlfriend?” you ask your friend, Jin.
“No, definitely not! She gets mad at me when I do something bad in her dreams. God, I can’t imagine the other way around. I might as well never wake up again!”
You groan, “I feel like I’m losing my mind.” You loved Namjoon, so why do you keep having so many dreams where you are fornicating with another man?! Well, at least the dreams you can remember.
And it’s always the same man too, no matter what setting or what scenario, Hoseok is there, captivating you with his handsomeness and theatrical personality like a showman bringing you to center stage, you can’t look away, he pulls you into every orchestrated dreamscape. And then every morning you wake up guilty and ashamed and worst of all, desperate to be fucked.
“There are so many things it could be, spicy food before bed time-”
“Do you watch TV before you fall asleep?”
“Err are you and Joon okay? You know…intimacy wise?” Jin asks.
“Yes!” you answer defensively. “We have lots of…intimacy!” Maybe you’re having even too much sex. Not that your boyfriend is complaining, but it’s becoming a lot, even for you. Namjoon has noticed your tossing and turning, your excessive neediness, he’s getting tired too, some mornings he just wants to cuddle instead!
“Listen, Joon is much more level headed. Just hope to god he doesn’t catch you moaning your new dream boyfriend’s name. Ooh Hoseok,” he mimics a teasing high pitched moan.
“Shut up shut up, we’re in public, Jin!” you hiss, smacking your friend in the back to silence him.
“I mean you like that, right?” he teases.
“What! Don’t-”
“You fantasize about being fucked in public, out in the open, where anyone could catch you, right?”
You are completely taken aback by his change in demeanor. Your friend’s sweet smile is gone, replaced by a heated stare and a smirk pulling at his lips instead.
He looks around and then licks his lips, whispering to you in secret. “You fantasize about me sometimes too, don’t you?” he murmurs, “I mean, I don’t blame you, I’m a catch,” he winks. “But I do have a girlfriend, and you have a boyfriend. How could you, y/n?”
“I would n-never…I would never do that to Namjoon.”
“But you’re doing it right now,” a voice calls out to you. Hoseok sits at one of the café tables sipping coffee and tapping his foot. Some nights Hoseok likes to tease you like this, let you in on the secret, so to speak. You become so flustered then, so easy to fool.
“You...it’s you…I’m dreaming.”
As soon as the realization hits you, the rest falls like a veil, your consciousness removing all the unnecessary, and you’re left again with only Hoseok.
“You are.” Tonight Hoseok is blonde, in casual streetwear, styled too similar to your boyfriend, reminding you of your guilt all over again.
“Wake up!” you yell.
“Like I said, that’s not going to work-”
You sit up in bed, wheezing. Fuck Fuck Fuck, what the hell was that?
You yank off your covers, too heavy and warm and suffocating. It’s still nighttime and your boyfriend is sleeping soundly next to you. You let out a sigh of relief. You’ll just tell Namjoon, you’ll tell him you’re having nightmares, you don’t need to divulge the specifics. He’ll understand. He can help you try to find something to help, he’s good at that.
“Joonie,” you rub his back, “Hey-”
“I told you it won’t work.” Hoseok is wearing Namjoon’s pajamas, stretching out on your bed. You scream.
You lunge for the dream walker, swinging your fist at his face. Instead you fall forward, right onto a hard wooden surface.
“Shit, are you okay, y/n!” Seokjin pulls you up, “What happened? Did you trip over your own feet? Joon is really rubbing off on you.”
Huh, what? The barista calls your name.
“Have you been sleeping at all? You're starting to have dark circles, I’m worried about you, y/n. Forget about what I said earlier, you need to tell Joon everything.”
“Okay, yeah, I will.” You sip on the cold coffee, internally panicking. You look around quickly, nothing odd catches your eyes. Hoseok is not there. Was that…a day dream?
“Come on,” Jin smiles, “We have to get back to work.”
The day goes by achingly slow, your thoughts always drifting back to Hoseok. You couldn’t understand why you kept dreaming about him. Always him.
“Hey, hello, earth to y/n?! Are you spacing out again?” Jin waves his hand in front of you, a very worried expression on his face. The office is dark with only your computer screen illuminating your cubicle. “Let’s get out of here. It’s too spooky after closing,” Jin shivers.
“Thank you for walking me to my car.”
“No problem, what kind of man would I be if I didn’t make sure you got home safe? Are you sure you can drive? You’re not going to fall asleep while driving, are you?”
You shake your head, a little unsure if you’re being honest with yourself. “You don’t have to baby me, you know,” you joke, flicking his head. Jin has always been like a protective big brother to you.
“Pfft no, ‘Thank you, Jin?’ ‘I would probably be sleeping at my desk right now if it wasn’t for you Jin?’ I am eternally grateful to have you as my friend, Jin?’” He flicks you back.
“Thank you, Jin,” you smile and hug your friend goodbye.
“Anything for you, y/n.”
He looks down at you, a soft smile adorning his features, pausing like he wants to tell you something. You must really be looking tired. You feel guilty for making Jin worry about you. You’re fine! Sure, you have been staying up later and later, but-
You didn’t realize how close your friend was until his lips closed the gap. Soft and delicate, Jin kisses you cautiously.
You stood stunned, not knowing what to say, “Ji-”
“I’m sorry! I just-I thought, maybe you-”
“Joon is your friend-”
“I should have never introduced you to him,” He sighs. “I should have asked you out first, I was such an idiot-”
“You have a-”
“Shhhh,” he quiets you with another kiss, pressing you against the car and deepening the kiss when you don’t pull away.
You’re kissing Jin. You’re kissing him. Jin, whom you’ve known since high school. Your neighborhood friend, Jin, the sweet upperclassman who not once ever made a move on you, not in high school or college or when you reconnected again working at the same company. Jin, after all these years, was now kissing you?!
Jin took his time and savored you, slowly building up the heat and before you realized it, you were burning. His hands were careful, yet unlike his kisses, his caresses were not soft, no, when he placed his hand over your shirt to feel the curve of your breast, the pressure made you weak in the knees. He jutted his hips forward sharply, pressing his crotch into yours, shooting electricity up your spine and numbing all your doubtful thoughts.
He pulls away, lips covered in your shade of lipstick. “I need to have you. Now.”
Jin lifts your right leg, hooking his arm under your knee and pressing his clothed crotch into you again, and before you knew it, he had your skirt pulled up and his pants undone, angling your body to line up with his stiff cock. You could only gasp in pleasure and hold onto his wide shoulders for support as he presses his hips up into yours.
Jin turns your body, bending you across the hood of your car, the better angle making it easier for him to thrust into you, knocking all your thoughts away with each long sharp movement.
“See, I was right.”
You rest your forehead on metal, banging your head onto the car’s hood. But Hoseok would not let you ignore him this time, and Jin grabs a fistful of your hair pulling your head back.
You feel dirty and exposed. You deserve it, you think, for even dreaming about cheating on your wonderful boyfriend. This is a nightmare.
“If it was a nightmare, you would know y/n.”
“Fuck you,” you grit out.
“Maybe later. Looks like your good pal Jin is almost finished.”
You glare at the dream walker. Hoseok laughs. Suddenly a car pulls into the parking lot, lights blinding you. Jin hastily pulls out of you, “Fuck, let’s go!” and you have no choice but to follow your dream friend.
You and Jin run towards the back of your work building, finding a corner to hide behind. Once the coast is clear, your friend turns back to you smiling, resuming kissing you.
“Ugh no!” You push Jin away. “This was a mistake,” you mutter, “I shouldn’t even be dreaming about you!”
“You dream about me?” Jin teases, leaning into you.
“Yeah, like now, right now!” You’ve had enough of this dream, you shove your way past your dream friend, heading back into the building. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, you’re not even real.”
“Wait wait wait,” he pulls you back by the elbow, “what is this, ‘we’re in a dream,’ do you think I’m an idiot, y/n? if you didn’t like me like that you can just tell me-”
“Ugh, that’s not-you’re not-you’re not real!” you yell, and it’s clear you’ve hurt dream Jin’s feelings. You feel sorry even if it wasn’t really your friend. “Jin, just-”
“I am too real! This is real, y/n-”
“Then explain that!” you point to the car pulling away from the parking lot, now that you and Jin were no longer there to be caught.
The car is driving itself.
Jin’s mouth drops. “U-Uh, w-well, you know, there are self driving cars, it’s a thing!”
“Okay, yeah, but a 1967 camaro?” Jin swallows at your words. “Right now, we’re in a dream, Jin. And I’m an idiot.”
“This... this is not real. I’m not real...” Jin swallows hard, blinking rapidly. “M-Maybe you’re in my dream, ever think about that?” Jin paces back and forth, your dream version not coming to terms well with the fact that he is only a figment of your imagination.
“How could you make me up? No, nah, nope.”
“Listen, Jin…Jin! I need your help, This other person I dreamed up, the one I told you about, he is literally haunting all my dreams now, and I don’t know what to-”
“I-If I’m so made up, what am I thinking right now!”
“I d-don’t know?” You need to wake up! You don’t have time to be arguing with dream people, but dream Jin looks so scared and uncertain waiting on your response. You sigh, “Um, pink llamas?”
“Ha! Wrong! But…oddly close,” Jin winces. Jin is having an existential crisis of your own making.
“Wait, if you dreamed me up, then you do feel the same way!”
“No, Jin, ugh,” you shake your head, massaging your temples. “Fuck, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Sometimes…maybe…I used to wonder why our friendship never became more. But that was before Namjoon! I’m over it now! And you have a girlfriend somewhere in this dream too! Stupid!”
“I can’t believe this!”
“Yeah, well, me either, this is giving me a headache. Now I definitely can’t tell you about this tomorrow.”
“Oh that’s right, you wanted my advice…” remembering the reason you both went out to lunch, “So were you planning to tell me out there too why you’ve been so distant?” he looks at you annoyed. “I see Joon more than I see you! Wait, so are you giving yourself advice right now? This is confusing.”
You groan, “I don’t know!” you yell, wishing you could just wake yourself up. You stomp towards the front of the building, hoping to get more answers.
Jin falls in step with you, “Why did you choose me of all people?” he asks softly.
“I don’t know. I feel safe around you,” you mutter. “I’ve known you the longest, any time I’ve come to you for help, you always seem to have the right answers. Ever since me and Joon happened and now you and your new girlfriend…we’ve grown apart and I’ve missed you, I guess.”
“I always wondered what would have happened if I hadn’t introduced you to Joon,” Jin looks down at his feet.
“No you haven’t,” you smile. “That’s just dream you talking. I’m sorry, for that too…I know you would never cheat on your girlfriend. I’m horrible, huh?”
“No, dream me is based on real me, right? Maybe your subconscious is showing you things you wouldn’t normally have picked up on.” Jin looks at you tenderly, a familiar look you’ve seen from him many times before.
“So what is my subconscious trying to tell me about him?” you whisper looking into the distance. Hoseok is holding a briefcase, dawning work attire, messy brown hair blowing away from his eyes in the wind, revealing his excited expression and sinister grin, heading right for the both of you.
Jin gets in front of you protectively. “I have an idea, let’s change the scenery, yeah?” He grabs your hand and heads towards the entrance.
He opens the doors and ushers you quickly inside, and when you step through the threshold you are no longer wearing your work clothes.
“How do I look?” Jin spins around in his old century hanbok.
“I’m pretty sure Marvel and the Joseon dynasty shouldn’t mix.” You look down at your tight superhero clothes.
“Hmm but you make one sexy superhero.” In this situation who do you blame, your dream friend or you for dreaming him up like this?
You look around the old temple architecture. “How did you do this?” you say, staring around in awe.
“You mean to tell me you realize you’re dreaming and you didn’t even think to dream up an escape plan? I figured it out right after you told me!”
You exhale, laughing. “Well, I guess that’s why you’re here then.”
Jin hugs you tight, “You have all the power, y/n. It's your dream.”
“Such sweet pillow talk.”
Oh no, it’s him again.
“Stop right there!” You don’t know whether it’s the superhero suit, or Jin’s imparted knowledge, but you are feeling brave enough to stand up to Hoseok. “You are done ruining my dreams! I made you up, so I can unmake you up!” you point at the dream walker. “Consider yourself laid off!”
Hoseok laughs a deep bellowing cackle at your antics.
“Y/n, be careful.” Jin whispers, stepping in between the two of you, eyes locked onto the pesky dream walker. “He’s-”
With a wave of Hoseok’s hand Jin turns into a pastel pink llama.
“J-Jin! No!”
“Braaaaaaraaaa” clop clop clop, dream llama Jin trots around in a circle to your dismay, having an another existential crisis of Hoseok’s making.
You reassure yourself this is just a dream, no matter how scared you feel. You’re a superhero right now, so act like it! What superpowers do you have?
Bright pink lasers shoot from your eyes, throwing Hoseok backwards.
However, Hoseok just falls back into a fit of laughter. “Is it my turn now? Let me show you what real power looks like.”
The wind picks up quickly, tiles and wood start lifting up and splintering. The wind rushes around you so loud it sounds like a speeding train. Hoseok throws you back so far and so fast it feels like the world's gravity shifts around you, and instead you’re falling, falling, falling infinitely and all you can do is scream-
A weak sound of distress leaves you as you wake from your dream, and once you can move your limbs again you burst into tears, sobbing, waking up Namjoon.
“What’s wrong, baby? Bad dream? Hey, hey you’re okay now. Please talk to me.” Namjoon does his best to comfort you, hugging you close.
“Come to bed, y/n,” Namjoon calls out from the bedroom.
“But this show is just getting good!” you yell back.
“Then I’ll watch with you,” Namjoon peeks out from behind your bedroom door and sleepily pads over to you, cuddling into your side. You laugh at how he tries to make himself smaller, snuggling under your arm. “I missed you last night, I don’t even remember you coming to bed. Let’s go to sleep, baby.”
It’s been three days and fifty or so cups of coffee later. “I’m not tired,” you lie.
“Is it because of that nightmare you had? You’re going to get sick if you don’t let your body rest,” Namjoon says worriedly.
“I’m fine, don’t worry, baby.” You were most definitely not fine.
“Commander, what was that?” Second-in-Command Namjoon Kim floats to your side.
You review the star station’s navigation system, locating the area of distress. “We were hit. Lockdown everything above the crew deck until we can patch the hole, contact officer Min immediately.”
“Shit, that’s close to our bio-agricultural room.”
“Whose shift is it today for plant harvesting? Notify them to start emergency quarantine protocols on all crops, pull any off duty crewmates. Now, go! And find out why operations hasn’t rebooted our anti-gravity system,” you yell after him.
“Captain Jung, how drastically has this affected our course?”
Hoseok conceals a smile behind his hand. “I can course correct so only a couple months are lost. But we have to repair the impact site within the next 72 hours.”
“Or I will have to drastically reduce our flight speed, and that could add...well...decades.” He looks over his shoulder, meeting your eyes.
Fuck. You float closer to his side, “We need to find out what the hell hit us first,” you grumble. You check oxygen and radiation levels on board. What was that impact? you wonder, opening the ship’s auto-generating space map, fingers quickly moving through the latest star pattern chart. The closest meteorite cluster was about 1.3 million km away. Unless a worm hole opened up right above your location, there shouldn’t have been any reason for impact!
Whatever hit the station shook the colossal space base. The collision did not sound like the usual meteorite rock hitting titanium metal, the sound that echoed the station halls upon impact sounded…alien.
“Yes, Captain?”
“I found something,” Hoseok pulls up a heat map overlay, and shows you something you’ve never seen before, it was a physical impossibility! You squint at the invisible heat spot in the vast subzero nothingness of space.
“How is that possible?” You mutter, scrutinizing the anomaly.
Hoseok bites his lip, holding in his laughter. On cue the space station rattles and tail spins, throwing your bodies into the Navigation deck’s console as your station suffers another hit.
Something is attacking your space station!
You groan, clinging to Hoseok as yellow emergency lights fill the room. “Jung? Captain Jung?!” You pat your captain’s cheek, praying he wasn’t concussed. Hoseok stays unresponsive.
What the hell is going on aboard your ship?! You speak through your earpiece, calling for Namjoon or any officer who will respond to you. You retell the events of what occurred through your internal speaker system as one final announcement while moving your captain’s limp body into the deck's navigation chair, strapping him in and setting the emergency signal on to repeat. Then you find the weapon’s box hidden under the console. You’re commander of this star station and you’re not about to go down without a fight!
With your spacesuit on you slowly make your way towards the upper deck, quietly calling into your earpiece for any assistance. “Commander Kim? Come in, Commander Kim?” you whisper.
“Min!” You see the ship’s repair officer, his body floating above you, and his spacesuit covered in blood.
There’s blood…everywhere. Under yellow lightning the blood looks black, revealing the horror in a vivid display of violence. You hastily make your way to him. “Yoongi!” You push his body through the destruction carefully, dodging floating objects.
You close off the compromised area, airlocking the oxygen back in to proper breathing levels. Pulling off Yoongi’s helmet and suit and then your own, you check his pulse. He grunts in pain. He’s alive, you breath out in relief.
You float towards the closest first aid kit, injecting Yoongi with painkillers and steroids until he wakes.
“Officer Min?” You wipe away the perspiration from under his bangs, fixing his messy hair.
“I, ugh, I feel like shit.”
“You look like shit,” you quietly joke.
“Will that be going on today’s status report?” Yoongi winces trying to chuckle, writhing in pain, “The escape pods,” he says through labored breaths. “Get to one.”
A clanging pulls your attention away. Yoongi grips your elbow. “Y/n, listen to me, escape.”
“Yoongi, tell me what happened to you.”
He tries to smile, his breathing erratic. “I’m afraid I’ve been exposed to a hallucinatory agent,” he breathes, “Or at least, I hope I have.” Yoongi bites his lips, keeping his howls of pain in. Body shaking from a mixture of adrenaline and medicine and something else, he starts mumbling nonsense.
“Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t fix,” you mutter, checking the injections and reading through the side effects, trying to reason why Yoongi is acting so paranoid. You look around wearily. The sheer amount of blood, still pooling around you in droplets, was too much to only be Yoongi’s. So where are the other bodies?
“I couldn’t get to the area of impact, it wouldn’t let me,” he winces. There’s a loud bellowing noise, a far away crash. He groans, “It's h-here.”
You push him into a corner, securing Yoongi’s body to the station’s wall, handing him one of your weapons, a tactical knife and pull out your own, leaving the pistol in your utility belt as a last resort. “I’ll be right back.”
“No,” he winces, coughing up blood, unable to stop you. You move towards the locked part of the station, where monstrous screeches resound through the thick metal doors.
What is out there?
You move closer.
What is it?
There’s movement, slithering, clicking.
Is it…
Hoseok crashes into you. Your body spins, unable to right yourself in zero gravity. Hoseok wraps his arm around your wrist, pulling you to him. “Found you.”
“Wait!” You try to pull away as he moves you further and further away from Yoongi, trying to explain to him where you left the wounded repair officer, but he’s not listening to you, he’s counting down instead.
“Five four three two one-”
“Ahhh!” The anti-gravity systems re-engage and you fall into Hoseok’s arms. “Oh no, Min!” You struggle in Hoseok’s hold until he released you, turning around to help Yoongi, but Hoseok’s grip is strong and he spins you back around.
“It’s too late for him-”
“No it’s not!” You turn again only to be pulled into him once more. “Jung, I am your commander-”
“And I am captain of your ship,” Hoseok barks. “Follow me and I can get you out of here. If you go back there,” he warns, lowering his voice, “you’re going to regret it.”
You yank your hand out of his grasp, massaging your wrist. You know the situation is dire, but you’re still taken aback by your captain’s demeanor. Captain Jung has never acted like this before!
“I know you and officer Min had a…special connection,” he grips your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes without shying away from his accusations, “but you have to let him go.”
You yank your head away, rapidly blinking in embarrassment. “Check the dorms, see if there are any survivors, that’s an order-”
“It’s just you and me, Love,” he smirks.
‘And Yoongi,’ you think. He’s still trapped where you left him, most likely unable to free himself.
Hoseok scoffs, watching as you ignore him and run towards your doom, the nightmare’s climax. Well, at least he warned you.
You find Yoongi, strapped above you, his head lolled to the side. You resist the urge to cry, his chest rises only slightly, a sign he’s still alive, but his time is running out. With the gravity on, you have to climb to reach him.
“Yoongi, I’ll get you out of here.”
You free his torso with your knife and he falls forward into your arms. He’s heavier with the gravity on. Fuck. You struggle to hold him upright, frantically thinking of a way to get him out safely, unaware of the monstrosities closing in on you.
“Y/n?” Yoongi grunts. His arms weakly hold onto your sides. You look over your shoulder, you didn’t realize how high up you both were. You stretch your limbs to stay balance.
“I got you,” you whisper.
“I told you to go to the escape pods,” he grunts, groaning in pain, a growl deep and low and rumbling inside threatens to spill out of him.
The ship creeks, equipment falls to the ground, and the yellow lights grow dimmer. The situation is so helpless, you feel like crying, but you have to be strong as commander. “Not without you.” You push his hair to the side, and see how dark his eyes have become, how his irises seem to glow.
Yoongi coughs, breathing escalating, his arms gripping tighter around you.
“Y-Yoongi,” you struggle as you try to shift your body. But his embrace becomes too tight and you lose your footing, the pair of you falling as the last of his restraints snaps-
You plummet down. Your stomach lurches and you feel light and heavy all at once, like the first drop over a coaster, yet this was so much worse.
Except you never reach the station’s flooring.
You wince in Yoongi’s constricting hug, and soon you realize it’s not just Yoongi’s arms around you, but tight slithering sticky muscle, running along your legs, your arms, your torso…
“Yoongi!” you scream, scared for his life, afraid he too was being slowly constricted, unaware where the appendages were coming from, coming from the repair officer himself.
“Shit, I c-can’t-” Yoongi groans, sweating profusely, unable to control himself. Tentacles tighten around your ankles, move up your arms, run into your jumpsuit’s pant leg and under your collar, tearing the fabric, over your hips, around your neck, around your thighs, between your legs. The smooth appendages pulse all over your body.
More emerge from the repair officer, covering the ship like a web, allowing your bodies to slowly move down to the floor.
Space boots click on the hard flooring. Hoseok picks up your utility knife dropped to the ground and slices at the tentacles around your body.
Yoongi screams and they unravel and slither off of you as Hoseok yanks your sore body up, quite annoyed with you. “This is really not my thing,” he jeers. Throwing the knife like a dagger and pinning a tentacle to the ground. Yoongi wails in pain.
“Y-You’re hurting him!” You watch Yoongi rolling in pain on the floor, taking the state of your repair officer all in, a horrific monstrous sight.
“Hey, I’m not the one who turned my ex into a space monster! That was all you, ‘Commander.’”
Yoongi convulses, his own appendages fighting with him, wrapping themselves around his body and ripping into his jumpsuit.
You glare at Captain Jung, not fully understanding his words yet, still immersed in the nightmare. “We have to help him. You can help him.”
“And why should I?”
What is he saying? Why is your usual cheerful and bright captain acting so cruel? He’s been on this mission just as long as you, trained with Yoongi and you for years leading up to this voyage. How could he act so heartless?!
Yoongi screams, pale body red with marks as the alien appendages crawl over him. “He’s our teammate. Do something!!”
You try to go to Yoongi only to be pulled back once again. “The alien parasite needed a body. He’s the host now. I told you, you can’t save him. The parameters here can’t be undone, only altered. There’s only two ways to end this nightmare, Commander; escape or let it use you to multiply.” He looks down at Yoongi with apathetic eyes, kicking at the slithering tentacles.
End this nightmare? Parameters, he said.
Parameters of a dream.
“A nightmare. Nightmares are always trickier.”
“Hoseok,” you swallow, recognizing your captain for who he truly was. You look down at your bloodied torn jumpsuit, the space station that looks and smells and feels so real. “How can I alter this? How can I help him?”
“Use your imagination.”
You step closer to your fallen repair officer and where you stand the closest of his alien appendages unwrap themselves around him and slither over your feet.
They travel up your calves, more and more, reaching your thighs. “Two endings, y/n!” Hoseok hastens, “You need to pick one. There’s one working pod left and I know where it is-”
But you’ve already chosen, you could not inflict such horribleness even towards just a likeness of your ex-lover. “No.”
Hoseok grinds his teeth.
The tentacles are slithering, pulling, reaching for more and more skin, fully wrapped around you once again, lifting your body up to fully gain control.
It’s just a nightmare. You can’t be truly hurt. You won’t really end up spawning some freak alien lifeform, that’s all you have to remember. It’s just a nightmare and you’ll wake up soon. So you try to let yourself relax. The way the slimy appendages slide over your body isn’t terrible, the suctioning tentacles massage your muscles in ways you’ve never experienced. It's just a dream.
Hoseok clenches his fist, rolling his eyes, annoyed with your choice. Yeah, it’s just a dream, it’s not reality, you’re being a fool imposing principles that mean nothing here!
Hoseok sighs, pulling a tentacle off your shoulder, cutting the tip off. The rest shake, moving your body into another position, pulling your limbs out.
Hoseok bites into the cut alien limb, his eyes changing color to a deep glowing green. “W-What are y-you doing?” you groan, gasping as the appendages coil around your body
Hoseok shrugs, “changing the parameters.” He unzips his jumpsuit. “Min, get off, she’s mine.”
Tentacles press Yoongi’s back upward until he’s sitting. He catches himself before falling forward, nails digging into the sleek metal flooring, fighting to stay conscious. “I don’t k-know how- It h-hurts!” Yoongi screams, folding his body into himself, gripping his head and his alien appendages take you higher away from the quarrelling duo.
The muscles around you are too strong, there’s no room for movement, you are pushed and pulled, limbs moving only where they want.
Hoseok attacks the parasitic tentacles with his own, and you drop, caught by one of his many appendages wrapping itself around your torso.
You wince, holding onto the tentacle, “Is h-he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s just fine.” Hoseok breathes, winded. The rest of the alien life form slinks away from its first host and attaches itself to Hoseok instead. Tremendous power courses through the dream walker as he becomes the host.
He laughs lowly. “In fact,” he tilts his head to the side, gesturing you to look at the empty space on the ground, “looks like he chose ‘escape.’” You watch the last of Yoongi’s shadows disappear as he hurriedly stumbles towards the escape pods. At least one of you will make it, you think disappointedly as a familiar feeling clenches in the pit of your heart.
You bring your fist down on the slimy tentacle as it pulls you closer, alone with the dream walker again, just how Hoseok liked it.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Hoseok tsks. “You know, y/n…sleeping is as inevitable as breathing. You can hold your breath all you want, but eventually,” Hoseok looks up at you as you are lowered, “you’ll need air.” You’re held upside down, being brought right to him by the alien appendages, so close you can feel his hot breath when he exhales, You’re both reminded of when you first met. He cocks his head to the side, smiling. “Hi.”
“None of this is real, it’s just a dream.” You tell yourself, imagining you weren’t in this horrible space nightmare. Instead you wished to be in a beautiful spring field, bright and sunny. And you were hanging upside down from a tree instead, Hoseok didn’t have green glowing eyes or monstrous limbs, he was just a sweet lover with soft brown hair and friendly eyes.
For a second you believed it, believed the flashing images of pastel pink and yellow, the light blue butterflies around you, but then it all flashed back to the nightmare. The spring daylight went back to being a revolting dark yellow blood bath, the wind was no longer cooling your skin, you were sticky and sweaty and tired, the butterflies were replaced with scattered drops of blood.
“So close,” Hoseok murmurs.
“It’s just a dream!” you yell, even when you feel like your bones are on the brink of breaking as Hoseok coils himself tighter around your stomach. It’s just a dream, why does it have to feel so real?! So painful?! So hopeless?!
He lets you go and drops you on the ground. “Come on! Wouldn’t you rather it be me instead?”
“What makes you think I want you instead?” you argue.
Hoseok laughs, appendages slithering close to your limbs. “You don’t? You don’t think about our night in Cairo? Or that time in the airplane bathroom? The Grand Canyon? That quaint church festival? Our lovely wedding night? The dressing room? Ahh that was my favorite.” He lists off a series of dreams you had found each other in, fantasies that made you hot all over just remembering what you’ve done.
Your tactical knife finds its way into your hands as you desperately think of a way to wake yourself up, turning the tip in towards you.
Tentacles wrap themselves instantaneously around your wrists before you could pierce the dagger into yourself, pulling your arms up over your head.
“It’s just a dream, right?” he turns his head, holding his hand in front of his face, and one alien appendage slithers up his forearm and into his palm. He inspects it, becoming more in tune with its movements. “It’s just a dream, so you don’t have to feel bad for giving in.” He steps one pace closer to you.
His tentacles unravel around you and most disappear into his back. One tentacle pokes at your arm, making you flinch, the tip wraps around your hand, lifting it up almost as if it were trying to hold your hand. You squeeze it as it slithers back down your arm, looking down to watch it slowly move up again. You don’t see the small ticks Hoseok does at your actions, the way he cracks his neck, furrowing his brow. Three nights, it’s been three nights without you, yet he tries to be patient.
He takes one last step so he can trace down the line of your jaw. Securing his hand to the back of your neck, he guides your head closer, ghosting over your lips.
It’s just a dream, you think, so why does it have to feel so real…so painful… There’s a stinging in your heart, clashing feelings rumbling inside you like a storm.
The station rumbles to life as a pod deploys. You exhale defeatedly.
“Will it make you feel better to know he took the wrong one?”
So cosmic justice exists in this space dream, you think. You wonder what that means for the man in front of you then, entering into the shadows as the lights flicker and dim even darker until only his outline remains, a creature of man and beast.
His eyes glow greener, two luring orbs amongst the shifting shadows. He must be smiling, he always does, he has to be. You have to find out for yourself, you have to see Hoseok’s smile again...so you take a step closer, and another step, and another…into the shadows.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a voice behind you asks.
Reaching the space station's wall with nowhere else to go, you peeked out a small circle window, watching the vast galaxies of light twinkling against the nothingness of space. It makes you feel so small and worthless.
You unzip the front of your jumpsuit, pulling your arms free until it lays around your hips.
“My favorite was Club More.” You remember it so well you can hear the club music start to blast, the bass rattling the broken space equipment. Hoseok smirks. You were starting to imagine.
His tentacles wrap around your body like the red rope he used on you at Club More, bounding your wrists together behind you and lifting you easily off the ground.
His hand runs along your palm until your fingertips touch and he interlaces your hands together. “Oh, your heart is racing,” he can feel your pulse in your wrists, “can’t wait to fuck me, y/n?” Hoseok places his hand on your forehead, pulling your head back so you can rest your neck on his shoulder. He kisses your neck tenderly, only one soft kiss while tentacles tear your last shreds of clothes off.
“You want to know why? Because unlike that,” he gestures his head towards the spot of blood where Yoongi had laid, “I know exactly how you like to be fucked.” He finishes the sentence as one large tentacle slides between your legs, entering you until you’re filled entirely. He lets your hand go to replace it with his dick, rolling his hips forward into your open palm.
“I know exactly what to do,” he kisses you softly again on the jaw this time, so close to your mouth as the slippery appendage pulls out and fills you full again, making you gasp and shiver, “to make you scream,” he says as a smaller tentacle wiggles itself into your other hole, tentacles wrap themselves around your breasts, suctions latching onto your sensitive nipples, making you scream in pleasure. “Tell me to stop if I’m wrong?”
You shudder, gasping, moaning, unable to keep your walls from clenching around the slippery appendage, wanting movement. Hoseok moves your body so you’re spread open in front of him, ass in the air. He pumps himself watching the tentacles tease you, roll over you clit, suctioning themselves to your sensitive nerves. You’re used to being knocked forward when hips smack into yours, not this, the weightlessness and complete submission of your body, kept still while Hoseok fills all your holes.
Tentacles slither around one of your ankles, opening your wider, pulling your leg up. Your arms stay secure around your back and it reminds you of the position Hoseok’s dom persona put you in at Club More. What's left of the yellow light turns to red.
The alien appendages move faster inside you, swelling in preparation for release. You feel lightheaded from all the pleasure inflicted on every part of your body, closing in on your climax as well. Your filled, pumped full of alien seed. The alien appendage inside your pussy pulls away only to be replaced with Hoseok’s slim fingers, pushing the escaping cum back inside you. It was Hoseok’s turn to fill you with his dick, plugging you full as he drags you closer to him.
Hoseok grabs the swell of your ass, watching it jiggle as you meet his hips over and over again, being dragged back and forth on his dick by alien appendages.
“Oh fuck, Hoseok, fu-uckk!”
“You make the perfect cumslut, unghh, going to fill your pussy with my cum. That’s what you want, slut?—fuck—I’ll give it all to you.”
Hoseok releases deep inside you, yelling, his cock pulsating as you both reach your high together. You feel floating, weightless. Hoseok’s heel lifts off the ship’s ground from the vertigo of your orgasms. Tentacles unravel but you stay suspended.
Floating in deep space, it’s just you and Hoseok.
“My colleague says this place is one of the best in the country, don’t be nervous,” Namjoon smiles, hugging you close. “Want me to go inside with you? I don’t mind waiting.”
You stand outside of a sleep clinic, hoping to figure out what was wrong with you, or at least how to manage your predicament. You had started to fixate on your dreams, it was becoming impossible to escape thoughts of your dream man, even day dreaming about him and then thinking about him throughout the day. Your dreams were so hyper-realistic, you could feel your body still reacting hours later.
“I don’t want you to miss class.”
“Ahh they’ll be fine,” he kisses your forehead.
“Okay, yeah, stay,” you smile. You walk inside hand-in-hand.
The receptionist calls your name. He smiles brightly at you, explaining how to fill out new patient forms. “Hey professor Kim!” He greets your boyfriend and they talk while you complete each question, being vague in your answers, embarrassed having to explain your issues.
“Do you want me to come in the room with you?”
“No,” you force a smile. There was no way you could talk about your dreams with Namjoon there. “It’s okay, it looks like you got a fan,” you tease, gesturing to the receptionist who seems like he’s itching to ask the humanities professor another question.
Namjoon chuckles, pecking your lips. “I love you, baby.”
“Nice to meet you, I'm the sleep specialist assigned to your case.”
Jimin walks in, looking through your chart. “So what brings you in? I see you listed you are having night terrors and reoccurring dreams, and that you’re feeling short of breath and other physical reactions when waking up. Can you go into more detail? Is this a recent development?” Jimin clasps his hands in his lap, giving you an encouraging smile. He has a soft calming presence that helps you open up.
“Yes…” You explain to Jimin how you have been dreaming about the same man, someone you’ve never met before, that you can see how that might not be a big deal for some people, but for you, it’s like you’re being haunted. You feel like you’re going crazy, like your mind is working against you, and it’s affecting your everyday life. You can’t take it anymore!
“Did you know a person sees an average of 3 million faces in their lifetime? Even if you don’t remember, your subconscious mind can piece together features and create a whole new ‘face.’ There was a study that found dreamers around the world have experienced seeing the same ‘face’ of a man in their dreams because of this phenomenon,” he flips through pages, pulling out a black and white drawing, “Does he look familiar?” It doesn’t look anything like your dream man, however. You shake your head no. Jimin smiles then asks you questions about your diet, your sleep schedule, your stressors and fears.
“I would like you to come back to do a sleep monitoring session with us. When are you fre-”
“As soon as possible!”
Jimin smiles, “That’s usually the answer we get. Our tech is going to come in and prep you while I check with our receptionist about our next available slot, and then we’ll run some brain scans and a few other tests, how’s that?”
“Okay,” you smile. “Sounds great.”
You’re glad you listened to Namjoon, the sleep specialist was so kind and understanding. He didn’t push you to reveal anything you were uncomfortable with and listened diligently. You are hopeful you’ll finally get answers that will help you.
“Hello, I’m here to prep you!” You turn around and the tech sees- “Oh shit.” -your petrified face.
Hoseok had seen you with bright colored hair, in ball gown dresses, in jumpsuits with your hair short, in braids down to the floor and leather wrapped around your body, he’s seen you skinnier, heavier, younger, older, all the ways you imagined yourself, but he’s never seen you like this before. The small scars and imperfections of your features you choose to forget, bare faced with your natural hair, so very very real and alive.
Hoseok stood before you, in the same white coat as Jimin, looking like a version of himself you’ve never seen before, looking scared.
He grabs your chart quickly while you stay frozen in shock whispering the faintest “no.”
He finishes reading the chart, looking back up with you, mirroring your shocked state. Could he get away with pretending he doesn’t know you? Something about the way you look like you’re a second away from screaming says no.
“I’m just here to place these on you,” he whispers hastily and holds out the sticky electrode pads.
“I’m dreaming?” is all you can think to say. Are you ever going to wake up from this nightmare?
“Take a deep breath,” Hoseok says worriedly, looking around the small room and spotting a camera in the far corner, “Calm down.” His words only make you start hyperventilating. The tech cautiously moves towards you and you jump off the medical table, backing yourself into a corner. “I-I’ll put these on you and then I will leave right out that door, it will take only a couple of minutes-” but you’re not listening to Hoseok, your eyes are fixated on his nametag, ‘JACK.’
Hoseok looks down, sighing. He used the name Jack at work because it was easier to read and pronounce, especially when many of their clientele were children.
Maybe he can salvage the situation after all. “All these wires and needles can be scary, right? You’ll be fine, it’s okay to be nervous.” He moves closer to you. “I have to place these on your temples and chest, okay? It will be quick,” he reassures.
You stay still as he takes an alcohol wipe and gently wipes your temples, placing the electrode pads on each side. Standing next to you, you notice you are both closer in height now, how he looks thinner, softer in features.
You inhale a shuddering breath when he adjusts the collar of your shirt to wipe on top of your breast. Hoseok’s hands shake a little, he holds his breath, trying not to think about how he can smell your perfume, or was it shampoo? How he knows what your skin really feels like now, soft as he imagined. He tries to memorize your real face, your real lips, the shade of your real eyes, and can’t help himself from leaning a little closer when he inhales again.
“Hoseok?” He keeps his eyes trained down, watching your chest rise and fall as he places the last electrode.
You’re in a dream, right? This man obviously knows who you are, you think. Are you really dreaming? So why is Hoseok acting like this?! If you’re not dreaming, you don’t even want to think about it, because if you’re not dreaming, then what is he?!
“If you sit back down I can take some blood samples,” he says softly.
You dig your nails into your palm and it hurts. Why does it feel so real? So painful? Hoseok looks timid, laughing awkwardly to ease the tense silence. He’s never acted like this before. Why do you feel so hopeful…
You look around the room. “This is another dream, isn’t it? You’re messing with me again, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry Miss, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he glances over to the security camera again, making you glance too.
If you attack him and this is not a dream, you will probably be committed into a mental institution on the spot, and you can’t let that happen, not with your sweet boyfriend in the waiting room, waiting for you.
You let Hoseok draw your blood, he works quickly and silently. You retrace your steps, every action that happened before coming into this room. It couldn’t all be in your head, right? This doesn’t feel like a dream. Is it a dream? Is it?!
“All done,” Hoseok smiles. His smile is warm and friendly. His smile is so different, and yet, it’s Hoseok’s smile. It’s the smile that haunted your dreams. You reach out, gripping his arm before he turns away.
The door swings open and Jimin walks back in. Hoseok steps hastily away from you and you shut your legs instinctively.
“Oh, erm, I thought you had already finished, sorry. Is everything okay?” Jimin looks between you and Hoseok and the obvious tense atmosphere hanging between you.
“Everything is fine, she’s ready,” Hoseok says quickly exiting the room.
“Oh! Hoseok, her chart!” Jimin holds out his arm, and Hoseok hands over your chart to him. “Thanks.”
You meet Hoseok’s wide eyes with your own.
“So we couldn’t get you in tonight, but good news! There’s an opening tomorrow night.” Jimin says cheerfully.
“Right, that’s great,” you manage to blurt out.
“Okay, follow me!” he chirps.
You follow Jimin out into the hall, passing Hoseok who watches you leave. You pretend not to notice him, keeping your eyes straight forward, and Hoseok knows he’s really fucked.
That night, Hoseok never entered your dreams, but that didn’t stop you from dreaming about him.
Namjoon drops you off at the clinic the next night, kissing you goodbye. “When I pick you up tomorrow, let’s go out for breakfast, okay?”
You giggle, nodding. “I love you.”
“I love you too!” he calls out before driving away. No, this can't be a dream, you think, watching your boyfriend hit the curb with his car. But if it is, you never want it to end.
You meet Jimin in a larger room. It’s decorated nicely, far less clinical than the first day. “Your brain scans came back normal which is great news! Sometimes nightmares and hallucinations can be caused by tumors or other physical issues but your blood work came back perfect as well. Your blood pressure is a little high,” Jimin warns, “It could be due to how much stress you’ve been under, but just in case I recommend lowering your salt and sugar intake.”
“Got it,” you say wearily.
“We want you to be comfortable, there’s a bathroom so you can change. We will be monitoring you through camera as well as monitoring your brain activity with this machine. Once you’re ready, just let us know and we’ll finish setting everything up. Take as much time as you need, we’ll be here all night!” Jimin jokes.
You nod, offering him a timid smile. “W-We?”
“Yes, me and my associate,” Jimin smiles back.
“Oh, ha, yes, Jack.” Jimin laughs, surprised in your interest for the tech. You swallow hard. After leaving the clinic you had spent all day wondering if you had really gone off the deep end, and decided to see this through and find out for yourself what the hell was going on.
You changed into pajama pants and Namjoon’s old tshirt. You sit on the bed, pulling the material up to smell the front, letting his scent calm you. Namjoon smelled like pine and woods, nothing like Hoseok, whose smell reminded you of citrus and vanilla. Why were you comparing them? You shake away the thoughts, motioning at the camera that you were ready.
You sit up in bed pulling the sheets up higher when Hoseok walks in.
“W-What are you doing here?”
“I have to put these on again,” he says softly, holding up the electrode pads.
That’s not what you meant. So he did not have all the right answers here. You bite your tongue as he begins setting up the sleep monitor.
“What are you?” you hiss under your breath.
Hoseok clenches his jaw, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re ruining my life,” you whisper, “and you’re just going to act like we’ve never met-”
“We have never met,” he hisses back.
“Stay away from me! I don’t know how you did it, but don’t ever go into my dreams again!” you whisper, getting louder and louder with each word.
“Stay calm!” Hoseok whispers, pressing on your shoulder to lay you back down. “I’m about to put a heart rate monitor on you.”
“Why me?” you grit out. “I deserve to know! Why me?!” you repeat, losing your temper.
Hoseok crosses his arms looking away, breaking the helpful exterior he had up until now. “Your dreams were the loudest.”
You’re running.
Running down a long cavernous corridor.
You’re running, winded, falling over rocks.
Running, running, running.
A loud gurgling monstrous noise resounds behind you. You're running, escaping before you are caught in its clutches.
The monstrous noise roars, causing the ground to quake with each of its loud steps. The cave walls shake, dropping sand and dirt around you.
Your legs ache, your lungs burn, your chest feels heavy. You keep running.
Suddenly, a body crashes into yours. The mad scientist who created the monster and you fall over. His white coat is covered in blood and dirt, hair wild, glasses broken. Another man falls over your bodies, pulling you both up. “Get up!”
“This way!” the mad scientist yells as your group encounters a fork in the tunnel, motioning down the left way.
“Y/n, wait! Don’t trust him,” Jungkook, the scientist’s assistant, pulls you back. “This is all your fault!” He addresses his boss, Doctor Jimin Park, the scientist who created a monster. Jimin had let the monster become too powerful, wanting the testing to continue, and now, the beast had escaped and was coming for you all.
“I didn’t know this would happen!” he pleads, “We don’t have time for this!”
The cave tunnels are dark, dusty. As the rocks shake it feels like the walls are closing in on you, slowly suffocating you. It’s true, you didn’t have time to argue, the monster was almost there.
You run with Jungkook down the right side of the fork instead.
“She’s having another nightmare, she went into REM again fast,” Jimin whistles, going over the data, pulling up your brain activity, monitoring your oxygen levels and breathing, your escalating heart rate, “Look at those spikes,” Jimin annotates the readings. Hoseok nods, tenser than usual. “Hey, what’s up with you?” Jimin turns to his roommate, “Do you two know each other?”
“No!” Hoseok says defensively, “I’ve never met her in my life!”
Jimin raises his eyebrow at his roommate and long time friend. “My mistake,” he goes back to studying the readings, not bringing up the fact that he knows Hoseok switched shifts tonight. “She has a boyfriend.” he says offhandedly.
“I didn’t ask,” Hoseok mutters, side eyeing his roommate. “You got this? I’m going to take a nap.”
You and Jungkook ran until you found a door, falling into a bright white room. The door closes shut and locks behind you.
“What the hell?!” Jungkook yells, banging on the door, yanking on the handle with no luck.
You try to catch your breath, hands on your knees as Jungkook tries with all his might to break down the door.
Bright blue smoke fills the room, slowly at first, pooling at your feet until it covers every inch of the room. You have no choice but to inhale the gaseous substance into your lungs.
You and Jungkook cough and drop to your knees. And when the smoke clears, it still feels like you’re choking on smoke, your skin feels hot, burning. Your muscles become tense, your body jittery. You curl up into a ball as you lie on the floor, trying to catch your breath to stop the room from spinning.
A calm clinical voice talks from a loudspeaker. “Experiment six-hundred and thirteen B. Trial one.”
You still feel hot despite the cold air around you. Your clothes feel too tight, too scratchy, and you want to rip them off you. You groan, hugging your knees. Why does it feel like your skin is crawling?
Your mouth is salivating, every part of you feels hot and sensitive, you pull on your blouse, rubbing your sore sensitive nipples, whimpering. The rings around your fingers even feel constricting, and you pull them off hastily, throwing them far away from you.
You turn over on your back, trying to find some relief to relax your tense muscles, rubbing your legs together to stop the throbbing, unable to think of anything else other than release.
Jungkook is fairing no better, yelling in pain, fist hitting the ground over and over to distract how tight his stomach feels, the stinging ache in his balls, how painfully erect he is. He pulls his shirt off, ripping the buttons, unable to take touching the offending garment any longer. His hand grazes his cock and he breathes harshly through clenched teeth, groaning in agony.
The deep grunts coming from Jungkook are driving you crazy, you can’t help but clench down, crying out in frustration. You pull your blouse off, “J-Jungkook…” you pant, turn over on your stomach feebly reaching for your bra, giving up to reach in between your legs instead.
His name leaving your lips in a soft moan makes Jungkook’s dick throb painfully in the confines of his pants. He’s going to die if he doesn’t do something, he’s going to lose his mind if he doesn’t fuck you. He undoes his pants, pulling down his boxers, anything to relieve the ache inside of him. “Y/n..”
You whimper, letting out a frustrated cry. He sounds so fucking hot, so sexy, you need him, you want him, you’re going to die if you can’t have him. You reach out an arm, searching. Where is he? Where is he?!
“Jungkook” you moan, whimpering, writhing, “Jungkook! Please, p-please-” You fuck your fingers, your thoughts consumed with Jungkook’s body, his deep voice, his muscles, his lips, everything about him.
Jungkook lifts his head, finding you, your legs spread open, head thrown back, moaning his name and he feels his last shreds of sanity slipping away. He wants to fuck you, breed you, make you his. He leans on his arms, pumping his cock, but it’s not good enough, he needs you. Giving into his urges, he pushes himself up.
Jungkook drops over you, kissing you hungrily, devouring your cries, tasting your lips, your mouth, swallowing your moans and your spit, getting impossibly harder. He rips off your bra, your skirt, your underwear, taking the torn fabric and burying his face in it, moaning as he inhales, completely feral for you.
You open your legs wide for him, mewling, crying, pussy soaked and desperate for his cock.
He thrusts in, his pace erratic, coming after only a few strokes, however he doesn’t stop, he pistons into you wildly, needing to come more, to fill you up, fill every hole.
You pulse around him, screaming, lost in pleasure, lost in Jungkook, coming hard around his thick cock. This is what you want, to be fucked until you can’t. Neither of you notice the bright red smoke filling up the room, passing out in each other's arms.
“Experiment six-hundred and thirteen B. Trial eight.” The clinical voice wakes you up. Your body is sore, sticky, covered in hickeys and love bites. Jungkook stirs, his head rolling to the side on your thigh.
What happened? You look around, remembering.
Wait a minute, you know what this is-
You look at the clinical walls, reminding you of the walls at the sleep clinic. Jungkook, the buff receptionist who took down your information, is the man between your legs. Oh fuck. This is not real. ‘You are dreaming, y/n. You’re in a dream.’ Bright blue smoke fills the room again.
“Want my help?” The intercom voice crackles again, but this time it is not the clinical monotone voice.
“I told you not to come into my dreams anymore,” you groan.
Hoseok clicks the intercom off, leaning back in his office chair, watching you behind a one way mirror, currently bouncing off his colleague’s cock. Hoseok watches you ride Jungkook's cock, moaning wantonly, his own dick painfully erect in his pants at the sight. Now that you knew, what is he going to do now? Did Hoseok want to admit to you he couldn’t help himself, even after meeting you? Your dreams were always so entertaining. Your fantasies were wild, depraved, thrilling, addicting to experience. He liked it. Hoseok was addicted even if he did not want to admit it.
He clicks the switch on again, “You’re relying too much on what your dream is telling you. Let it be the other way around, that gas could be laughing gas, or shrinking gas, or smoke filtering in from a barbecue going on in another room, you can make it whatever you want to be.”
You’re listening to Hoseok but you’re not hearing him. Hoseok watches Jungkook ravage you, choking you with his cock, which he thinks is way too long to be Jungkook’s if he’s being honest. Annoyance twists at the pit of his stomach. So what if he intervenes? It was all just a dream, as you loved to remind him.
You shake, orgasming again. Hoseok steps behind Jungkook, pulling out a tranquilizer, sedating his dream colleague.
Jungkook drops, and you whine, aching to be filled again. Your foot runs up Hoseok’s leg, searching for his crotch. “Hoseok?” you whine out “Hoseok...fuck me, Hoseok!”
Tempting, however, Hoseok really needed to talk to you.
He pulls on your ankle, and for a brief moment you feel weightless.
Your hazy mind clears again and you look up taking in your surroundings. You were in a bright red and pink room with neon blue and red lights everywhere, on a heart shaped bed.
“Love motel. Really?” you ask the dream walker, the affects of the smoke completely subsiding in the red room.
“It was the quickest way to get you out of there, using an aspect of your dream and modifying it.” Hoseok says pointedly. “I was improvising!”
Hoseok was in bell bottoms, a tight bright blue collared shirt and jet black styled hair. And you were in a tight light blue babydoll dress…with no underwear…
“I told you not to go into my dreams!” You press your legs together, embarrassed at the wetness still pooling at your core.
“How do you know it’s really me?” Hoseok muses, “Maybe you’re just dreaming me up?”
Your eyes narrow on the dream walker, you try to picture him as a llama, or turn him into a bug, a shoe, a dead man.
Hoseok sighs, undoing the last few fastened buttons of his shirt.
“I-I have a boyfriend!” Ahh yes, Hoseok saw the man who had dropped you off at the clinic. “You, here, it’s wrong! No, no this is worse, I thought you were just a bad dream, but if you’re really here, if this is you…you’re evil!”
“It’s not that serious,” Hoseok rolls his eyes.
“It’s my life! And you’re poisoning my mind!”
“You’re not giving yourself enough credit,” he says sarcastically, “I really haven’t altered your dreams that much. I only work with what I got, darling.”
“Why don’t you go fuck a real woman and not me! Pervert!” The neon lights turn yellow and green instead in Hoseok’s irritation and anger.
“Do you not remember how you begged me, got on your knees for me?”
“It wasn’t real-I-I didn’t know-”
“So now it doesn’t count? Did that little fuck session with our receptionist count or not count too? I’m a little confused. So tell me what is it, am I a pervert, are you a cheater?”
“Y-You used me-”
“I brought us here, but I didn’t create that,” he looks over to the whips and chains across the walls. “It's your mind filling in the room, y/n. So don't blame me! You’re such a twisted little thing, such a dirty slut. Too scared to let your boyfriend know what a kinky girl you are, is that it?”
“Fuck you.”
“You know, I could enter his dreams, find out all his dirty little secrets too.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you scream and the room’s entire foundation shakes.
“You're getting boring, a pain, why should I stay? I would love to know what makes your boyfriend so perfect in your eyes. Yeah I think I'll go do that, and you can stay here, chained. All alone.”
You look down at your feet, leather straps tightly secured around your ankles as he walks away from you.
You reach your legs and cry out when you find chains tight around your wrists, “No...” You wish Hoseok wouldn't leave-
The door suddenly disappears.
Hoseok waves a hand and creates another door. He smiles over his shoulder, glaring at you, but when he opens it a concrete wall appears. Sighing, he makes another door, walks into it and-
-right back into the love motel.
Hoseok raises an eyebrow. “I would stop that if I were you. You don't want to be trapped in here with me.” Hoseok warns, over your accusations and your annoying actions. “I could make you question every part of your existence, every boundary of your mind, every truth you know.”
You grind your teeth and think of the Hoseok you met. You weren’t scared of him, he wasn’t intimidating, he was weak.
Hoseok rolls his shoulders, looking down at his clothes, back in his white lab coat. He scoffs and then breaks out into laughter. “I warned you.”
The chains tighten and begin pulling you down into the heart bed, harder and harder, it feels like the bed is...beating. Hoseok stands over you, tilting his head as you struggle.
You scream, your limbs feel like they’re separating, elongating, like ribbons. Your whole body feels like it’s unraveling like a bow being pulled open, like you’re no longer human, everything stretching and thinning out, thousands of red ribbons, threads of your sanity, splitting. Hoseok sinks into the bed, and blood spurts out from underneath the covers with each beat. He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you. If you could scream, you would be shrieking.
Your scream is so piercing it wakes Hoseok too, napping two rooms away.
“It’s okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.”
Jimin drops the smelling salts he used on you as you shake in his arms. Your heart rate had become dangerously high and you were tossing and turning erratically.
He rubs your back soothingly. He knew Hoseok lied to him and now he has proof, you moaning his name softly on video. But why would he lie? Jimin will worry about that later, his attention was solely on calming you down.
Jimin checks your vitals, going over every note he took until the sun starts to rise while you lie staring blankly at the ceiling. “You’re tired. How do you feel about trying to sleep again? I’ll be right here, ready to wake you.”
You nod drowsily, clutching a pillow. “Jimin,” you mumble, your tired body falling into sleep. “Hoseok is the monster.”
Jimin looks over to the mirror, knowing behind the one-way glass the tech is probably watching. He pats your head, standing up.
“How is she?”
“Well, her heart rate jumped to 160,” Jimin runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “Her sleep cycle is all over the place. Look, once she entered REM her vitals skyrocketed–she might just be a sound sleeper–but it took smelling salts to wake her.” Hoseok hums, looking over your sleep chart, figuring out the point on the chart where he entered your dreams and studying the data. “You look like hell, did you not just take a nap?” Jimin laughs.
Hoseok rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. “Think it’s serious, what’s wrong with her?”
“You’ve never been so interested in a patient,” Jimin teases, “Is she an ex or something? You can tell me-”
“No!” Hoseok smacks the giggling sleep specialist, “I can’t be worried for a patient?”
When you wake up, Jimin is ready with juice and breakfast toast and a sleep chart for you.
“This is a normal sleep chart,” he shows you a chart with distinct hills and valleys. “There are five stages of sleeping.” He follows the deescalating line. “Stage one is dreaming, stage two and three are light sleep, and stage four and five are deep sleep. What we are most concerned with is your dreaming, REM stage. Normally, you would go into REM, then enter into the light and deep stages of sleeping.” His finger starts traveling upwards along the path of the line, “Then you go back to stage four, three, two, and one, you re-enter REM again,” he smiles. “Normally one would go through around five cycles of this, but you-” he flips the chart over, “This is your chart, your first wave is normal, then here, it’s like you entered the second stage of REM and never left. Your brain waves however,” Jimin pulls out another confusing diagram. “Here you have large waves usually congruent to deep sleep, your vitals should be slowing down but they don’t. Somehow you are still dreaming.”
“Is there, um, ways to make myself not dream?”
“It might not feel like it right now but dreaming is a necessary part of sleeping. People sometimes view REM as the final stage of sleeping but if you see, like I explained, it’s actually the first. You can’t really avoid it,” he says softly. You want to cry.
Jimin suggests certain things to relax you while sleeping, oils, sounds, exercise before bed or a warm bath. He didn’t want to discuss any medications yet, confident dream therapy will be a better avenue.
But you know none of those things will really help you. Not when Hoseok is there, his back to you now, clearing away the equipment.
Jimin schedules another sleep session. You smile and thank Jimin, he really did give you the tools to help yourself, unknowingly. There was a way to cure you, you just had to be brave enough to do something about it.
Jimin releases you for the day. However, you don’t leave the clinic, instead you slip inside an empty room. “Hey Joonie, they said they have to perform some more tests. Sleep in, baby, I should be done before lunchtime. I love you,” you whisper, leaving a voicemail for your boyfriend.
You wait, watching through the creek in the door, until you see the answer (and cause) of all your problems.
Hoseok sits on his small employee sleep cot cracking his knuckles. He’s more tired now that you’re so resistant. Maybe he should just move on, he thinks, he should just enter another dream world, a dreamer who did not irritate him as much, who did have the gall to blame Hoseok for her own illicit thoughts, who did not consume him so, the way you were beginning to.
Hoseok never felt particularly guilty for the chaos he caused while dreaming, but reading over your answers and how you described your ‘night terrors,’ and how you couldn’t distinguish your dreams from reality…
How ridiculous. Dreams were wonderful, but once awake, the fabrication of the Dreamworld was exposed, dreams never stood up to the test, there was nothing that could compare to the authenticity of the reality, the harshness of it. Dreams just didn’t last forever.
He couldn’t be affecting you that much, could he? But seeing the evidence so painfully presented across your scared features made him at least begin to wonder…
A soft click pulls him out of his thoughts.
He sits up abruptly, staring at you. Awake he had no powers, he couldn’t just will things to be, make the exact thing he needed to come appear before him. He couldn’t do the things he wanted to do, he couldn’t say the things he wanted to say. So Hoseok did nothing.
He watches you close the door behind you. “You shouldn’t be here-”
“Like you shouldn’t be in my dreams?” you counter.
Hoseok wasn’t like his boisterous dream self, he was cautious, reserved. You sit on the corner of his cot to think. This feels more bizarre than all your dreams combined. “I’ll cancel my next appointment, I’ll tell Mr. Park that I’m better now. I won’t bother you ever again if you promise to leave me and my boyfriend alone.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes. He plays with the sleeves of his coat. You were so close, he could touch you, the real you. He had you right here with him, no costumes, no fake persona, just you and him. You shifted on his cot and he felt his window of time with you escaping, here where time was fractional and always fleeting. A series of clocks on the wall were ticking away the seconds, gone another moment with you. This was supposed to be the last time? How could he agree to such a thing?
“How do you do it?” you whisper softly, as if you were scared to find out the answer. “How is it possible for you to go into my dreams?”
Hoseok scoots backwards until his back meets the clinic wall, stretching out his legs. “I don’t know, I've always been able to do it. I just enter people’s dreams for fun-”
What? “You’ve been doing this because it’s fun for you? Fun?” you hiss, angry tears welling up in your eyes as you yank on his coat, grabbing the lapels of his lab coat in your fists
He covers your fists with his, holding you to him. Even though Hoseok was not as powerful and imposing as he acted in your dreams, he was still stronger than you. You take a deep breath, ready to scream like a banshee, and Hoseok quickly pounces, covering your mouth before you can yell.
The way you struggled under him twisted his insides. This did not feel good. He struggled trying to hold you down, anxiety and nausea churning in the pit of his stomach as you kicked underneath him while he tried to keep you quiet.
His entire body weight was on you, stealing precious air from your lungs, but as unevenly matched as you were, you were now on a much leveled playing field, Hoseok was becoming winded and you were full of adrenaline.
Your hands began to search for anything to defend yourself with, reaching for his bedside lamp, hitting the blunt end hard across his skull, Hoseok falls forward, dragging you off the small cot and onto the floor.
Namjoon pulls his left fist back, seeing an opening, and lands a hard left hook onto the side of Hoseok’s face.
The crowd cheers and you yell, your hands up in the air. The bell rings ending the round just in time and the referee goes over to Hoseok’s beaten body, counting.
Shaken, Hoseok gets up, signaling to the referee he was fine. He moves to his corner of the ring, watching as you towel away the cascading sweat from Namjoon’s head, handing him a water bottle. As he chugs the water, you take a swab and swipe vaseline and antibiotic over his cuts and swab inside his nose, readying Namjoon for the next round.
‘Okay, y/n, if that’s how you want to play,’ Hoseok thinks, smirking, then he sure won’t hold back. He stands up, knocking his gloves together and the crowd goes wild.
You stand up, glaring at him. Namjoon shakes off his fatigue, jumping back and forth. You stand on the bottom rope of the ring and lean over to massage Namjoon’s shoulders, “You got this, baby.”
He smiles, debating on whether to kiss you in front of thousands of screaming fans, but decides to wait, deciding he will kiss you when he wins.
Hoseok stands in the middle of the ring, ready. Head down, his arms defensively up. The bell dings, signaling the next round and the crowd roars, hungry for blood.
Namjoon goes in for a jab and Hoseok blocks. They fight, evenly matched, every punch and block earning another cheer from the crowd. In this dream, the only way the fight will end is with a knockout.
“Go, Joonie, go!” Hoseok lands a hit right into your dream boxer boyfriend’s side, and another, and another, moving quicker than usual, catching a second wind. Hoseok is fast, you’ll give him that, perhaps inhumanly fast. But you knew Namjoon was stronger now that you weren’t willing to back down. You place a hand on the ropes, cheering him on. Namjoon lands a hit on Hoseok's temple, knocking him back. “Yes! Yes! Show him, Joon!” The bell digs again.
You couldn’t help but gloat, walking over to Hoseok’s side. “I thought you were better than this, Hoseok? Feeling the heat? Still want to keep bothering me? I’ll find a way to beat you down every single time, I’m not scared of you anymore.”
Hoseok swishes water in his mouth, spitting up the bloody liquid into a pale. He smiles, bending down closer to the ropes, he softly taps your cheek with his glove. “Shouldn’t you be in your boyfriend’s corner?”
You bite your lip, hoping Namjoon knocks all his teeth out.
The fight bell dings once more and Hoseok lands a solid uppercut, knocking your dream boyfriend back into the corner. The crowd boos, pissing off the dream walker even more. You were getting better at controlling your dreams, but you’ve just started learning, Hoseok has been doing this for years.
He leans his whole body on the ropes, pulling the tension back, and catapults his body into Namjoon, dropping him with a clothesline move to the chest. The crowd cheers louder than ever before.
You look up stunned, gone are the men’s boxing gloves. Hoseok does a dance over Namjoon’s body in tight wrestling pants and a cowboy hat, hair an intense orange color, while the referee slaps the ring floor, counting down. Hoseok waves his hand in the air, calling for more cheers, pacing and dancing around the ring.
“G-Get up! Joon, get up!” Namjoon kicks out of the referee’s count and the match resumes. Namjoon leans on the ropes in pain. His hair is styled in a bright yellow mullet. He wears wrestling shorts, and looks so very unlike your collegiate boyfriend.
You reach up, slapping his hand, tagging yourself in, your coach suit transformed into a tight purple pleather sports bra and pants.
Hoseok smiles wide, securing his cowboy hat and walking around the ring as the bell dings for you, holding his hand out and waving for you to “Bring it!” The crowd loses their collective minds at his performance.
You enter the ring, your adrenaline running high. You kick him in the chest swinging your body into the ropes. You try to put Hoseok in an armlock, but he lifts your body up, holding you in the air tauntingly, egging on the crowd. You twist your body around, securing your arm lock after all, going for a body drop.
You attack, relentlessly punching him. The crowd ooohs and ahhhs, the stadium is electric. Hoseok wraps his arms around your waist lifting your body up. You suspect he’s setting up a suplex so you kick and escape his hold.
Climbing onto the top rope, you raise your hands like a conductor, drawing raucous cheers and chants, and then you jump! Elbow drop!
But Hoseok grabs you midair to the crowd's collective dismay. He pants in your ear, “Enjoying this a little too much, huh? Want to take this somewhere private?” You look over at Namjoon, his body hanging far over the ropes, arm reaching for yours to tag him in. You had completely forgotten about him.
Hoseok uses your distraction to his advantage, throwing you to the mat, pulling your leg up for a pin. You kick out of his hold, stopping the count. The crowd roars your name so loud the sound is deafening. How can you beat him?! If you want to beat the dream walker, you need to start thinking more like him!
He throws you over his shoulder, positioning your body for another suplex, this time a straight vertical, to the ire of the crowd. But this time you’re ready, not with another counter, but with an idea. Your bodies hit the mat, and it bends and warps to accommodate you like a trampoline, bouncing you both into the air, and when you both fall back down, you land soft cushion, a small couch, no, a love seat. The audience claps, cheering.
“Welcome back! Now each of our newlywed couples are tied in points. Whoever gets this right will take the lead!” You push a confused Hoseok away, smoothing down your dress. The crowd giggles at your antics. “Here’s the question! Backstage we told your partner to write down one thing they found most irritating about you. Now, you have to guess what they’ve written down, what’s the one thing you do that just gets right under their skin? Couple number one, go ahead!” He addresses Hoseok.
Your smile brightly, holding the large white sign to your chest as the audience claps.
Hoseok glares at you, then like a light switch, he switches his demeanor into a bubbly television personality perfectly suited for daytime television. He pulls at his shirt collar, making a funny face, “Well, that’s going to be hard to guess, because I just know she finds all my habits irritating.”
The crowd erupts into laughter. “I am gonna have to say,” Hoseok eyes you up and down, “my overactive imagination.”
‘That’s one way to put it,’ you think. Hoseok was dressed as close to his normal self as the dream walker could get, in a nice suit and tie, plain brown hair and a clean cut hairstyle, but all you could see was every single different version of the dream walker smiling back at you, his hair in so many different shades of colors, clothes usually styled extravagantly, sometimes with makeup, sometimes painted nails, sometimes glowing eyes and alien features, and you wondered who was the real Hoseok? Because the man you met at the sleep clinic acted nothing like the man sitting next to you now, who stares back at you in challenge.
“Y/n, turn your card over and let everyone know what you find most annoying about Hoseok!”
You smile at the audience and turn over your card. Scribbled in the center is “too idealistic.”
“‘Too idealistic’ she says! ‘Overactive imagination,’ and ‘idealistic,’ well I’ll tell you what, this couple’s answers are imaginative! What does the audience say, should we give them the point?” The crowd hollers and cheers, securing you a point.
“Couple one takes the lead for now! Now, couple two…”
“What the hell is this…” Hoseok whispers, looking at stage lights and cameras.
“What, you never dreamed about winning a game show before?” you whisper back. Hoseok never dreamed about anything, but if he could, he would definitely not put himself through such an agonizing and cringeworthy experience.
“Next round already, wowza! Now, before we asked what your partners found most irritating about you, this question has to do with what they find most attractive about you! Backstage we asked your partners to write down what they saw as your, ‘best physical feature.’ Couple one, what’s your answer!”
Hoseok crosses his arms, what is this game you’re playing? Are you trying to publicly embarrass him?
“Well, I don’t know if I can say that on air.” Hoseok throws the camera a mischievous smile and the women in the audience giggle.
“Ohoho well, let’s keep it PG now!”
“My body?” Hoseok hums.
“Your smile,” you turn the card around.
“Uh oh, couple three takes the lead!”
Hoseok waits until the camera pans away from you, before dropping his overly cheerful expression. “Was that a lie?”
“Why would I lie, stupid?”
“You little-” Hoseok bites his tongue when the camera pans over to your section.
As other contestants answer the host’s question with a quip of their own, Hoseok places his arm around your waist. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“We’re married here aren’t we, I am putting my arm around my lovely wife,” he sneers.
“Y/n, we asked Hoseok the reason why he chose you, now what do you think he wrote down?”
“I don’t know,” you say softly.
A collective aww falls over the audience. “Aww c'mon, not even a guess? You married him after all!” The host turns his head to the audience and the audience laughs. Hoseok winces, the noises were becoming grating, yet you wait.
“No answer? No? Well, flip that card then.” The host says anxiously, reading aloud Hoseok's answer, “He chose you because you embraced every side of him, even the worst parts, you showed him worlds where he could belong. After learning your fears and desires, he was reminded of his own, and you made him feel not alo-” Hoseok rips the card in half, and everyone goes quiet. “Ah ha ah, we’ll be back right after this commercial-”
Hoseok stands up pushing past staff members dragging you along, going backstage and out the exit door-
The audience stare at the pair of you as you and Hoseok walk through the entrance doors. “Stop it,” Hoseok grits out through clenched teeth.
“The game isn’t over,” you merely say. Hoseok huffs, straightening his jacket and walking back towards the stage with you following right behind him.
The host speaks to the crowd while you take your seats, your hip pressed up against the flustered dream walker. “Hoseok,” you whisper, “I’m trying to get us to work together for once.”
God, you are irritating him. Everything about this cheesy game show is irritating. You think you’re being clever, but he knows you, he knows how to pick apart your dreams and find your hidden weaknesses, your secret wishes. Well, Hoseok has some questions he wants to ask too. He can play part of doting husband if that’s what you truly desire.
“If your partner had one hall pass, what name do you think they would write down. Couple one?”
“Jack.” Hoseok smiles wickedly.
“It’s like he can read my mind,” you laugh unconvincingly, turning your card.
“Now y/n, what is Hoseok’s favorite place to make whoopie?” The crowd ooohs and laughs at the game show host’s scandalous question.
“Oh, well, there’s just so many…” you stutter, embarrassed.
“Don’t overthink it, Darling.”
“Ahh ahh, no helping your partner! We don’t have all day, y/n!”
“The, uhhh, bed?”
Hoseok faces the crowd, smiling sweetly. “Call me old fashioned, but-” he turns the cue card, “-in bed!”
Raucous cheers from the crowd erupt as your point total increases. Hoseok puts his arm around your waist again, hugging you close. With his head on your shoulder and back to the camera he uses the opportunity to whisper in your ear. “You know, this is not the the first time you’ve dreamt of marriage, you remember don’t you? You want to get married, y/n?” Hoseok hugs you deceptively gentle, his words anything but.
“Does it bother you that no one has popped the question yet? How long have you been with that boyfriend of yours?” You stay still in Hoseok’s embrace, unwilling to answer him, but you don’t have to, Hoseok sees the number so clearly indicated on your fallen card. “Four years?” Hoseok tuts, “Oh y/n, take it from a man, if he wanted to ask you, he would have already.”
That wasn’t true, Namjoon was going to ask you, you’ve talked about kids, you’ve talked about growing old together. He was going to ask you…one day, you were sure of it. But the tiny doubting voices in the back of your mind were becoming louder. Namjoon had a good paying job now. He was no longer a teacher’s aid, he had earned a spot as a professor, he could afford a ring now. So why...no, Namjoon was a great boyfriend, he was smart and handsome. Honestly, you felt sometimes he was out of your league. You’re sure people saw it too, like his students…his female students…
As the round goes on, Hoseok keeps his arm around your waist, finger tips inching closer to your center. Couple number three begins to quarrel, Hoseok leans over to kiss your temple. “Y/n,” he whispers into your hair, a teasing sensual tone that has you frozen, trying not to react in front of the studio audience, “I know you’re still not wearing any panties.”
His fingers curl under the hem of your dress. There’s only a small table covering your laps, if anyone were to notice you…
You reach over too, placing your palm directly over his crotch in warning. Hoseok shuts his eyes, tongue rolling over the bottom of his lip.
The crowd laughs at a joke you don’t hear.
Because you’re too busy focusing on the way Hoseok moves his fingers over your sex.
You grip his length, rubbing down his bulge. The host asks Hoseok a question. He ignores it.
And your eyes meet.
The host calls your names again, but you’re too entranced in each other’s stare, working to rile each other up, fighting to see who breaks first.
Hoseok reaches for you, unable to resist any further, pulling you in for a rough needy kiss, moving your body over his lap in front of rolling cameras and a captive studio audience.
“Uhh uhh we’re experiences ahh technical difficulties!”
Hoseok is pulling your bodies over the love seat while the other contestants stand up in shock.
You fall over the love seat and back into a bed. ‘The love motel?’
“Get off!” You stop yourself from groping the dream walker any further, pushing him away, jumping off the red heart bed, another bad dream you did not want to relive.
You run towards the door, yanking it open-
-and run into a pile of sand. There’s sand all around you, a dark night sky with constellations so clear it was like you were floating in space.
Does everything have to remind you of Hoseok?!
You scream as the wind picks up sand.
You hear his familiar laughter before you see him.
You pick up a large handful of sand and chuck it at the dream walker when you turn.
He shakes his head as sand flies off his skin and hair. “Seriously?”
“Yes!” You lunge for the dream walker in your anger. You trip over each other, fighting against strong winds, and you fall backward-
-into water, surrounded by the sea. You kick towards the surface in a slow and agonizing pace, finally reaching the top as you gasp for air.
A small paddle boat rocks back and forth, Hoseok standing with his arms crossed in the center. “When are you going to learn, huh? You can’t beat me, so you might as well be a good girl and play along.”
You grind your teeth, furious. ‘Oh yeah?’ He will see. Who does he think he is? Did he forget these were your dreams? Your rules! The bright blue sky above you turns black, storm clouds roar to life and lightning flashes across the sky.
Hoseok balances himself, looking up towards the chaos ensuing, his small tiny boat rocking erratically in the rough storm waves. Then he takes a running leap off the edge. Jumping right for you.
Water rushes away, and you land with a hard thud on sleek flooring. Stage lights blind you as hushed whispering turns to angry yells. Hoseok lays sprawled over you, hair red like the devil, smiling like one too. He leans down to kiss you, and a thousand cameras flash.
You grip his jacket lapels tight, pulling him off you and you both fall off the stage and waist deep into mud.
“Ugh what kind of dream is this?!” Hoseok yells, disgusted.
Oh it’s one you’re very familiar with. A dream you had when you were young and terrified of the dangers of quicksand, convinced you would some day take a wrong step without looking and end up here. You push Hoseok down deeper into the sinking earth, struggling to move yourself. He yells, the mud turns to tar, the jungle around you turns to buzzing machinery and metal scaffolding as you sink deeper into the blackness. Hoseok was gone under, somewhere still around you, as evidenced by the adapting landscape you were not controlling.
The sparking electronical wiring shifts into vines, your neck deep in mud again. Then it turns into yellow sand, caving into itself like the sands of an hourglass. You feel a grip around your ankles, and then you too, slip under.
You fall on soft sand, glass all around you. Thick and soundproof, caging you in a glass prison.
You knock your fist and the hourglass echoes your pleas of freedom.
Hoseok walks over to you, speaking muffled.
“I can’t hear you, you asshole!” You try not to panic in the closed confined space, the hourglass only big enough to hold your crouching figure. You try not to think about the small specs of sand slowly falling into your area from above.
This is your dream, so why can’t you get out of it?! Think, use your imagination! You feel like you’re on the brink of a panic attack as sand begins to cover your legs.
So you start digging deeper, kicking up sand. Until the tips of your fingers hit something hard and metallic. You pull out a key.
There’s no key hole here, no lock, nothing, just sand and tempered glass and Hoseok watching you with a look of satisfaction on his face. So you dig again, and it’s Hoseok who bangs on your prison, rattling glass, his screaming unheard by you.
And then you pull out a box. Just one small gold and red box, ancient symbols carved into its top.
What is this? Could this save you? Before your key meets the lock your glass prison rattles and expands. You cough as sand cascades around you, no longer confined. You weren’t trapped in the hourglass anymore. The hourglass had expanded into a vast desert.
“Me?! You stop!”
“You’re dreaming recklessly. You’re going to hurt yourself!” he says, reaching for the tiny box. However, you kick up sand, running away, putting the key into the box and turning it.
“I alter dreams, that, that is messing with your mind,” Hoseok warns, looking at the unlocked box anxiously.
You look down at the open box. A Pandora's box. What ever was inside is gone now. You reach inside the empty box anyways.
A small tea candle is in the center of your palm.
“What’s this?” Hoseok asks, dressed in black.
“A funeral,” you swallow, “my grandmother, on my mom’s side. She died when I was just a child, I was too young to even understand what that meant. I didn’t understand why my mom wouldn’t stop crying. I just knew what ever it was I didn’t want it to happen to my mother.”
You felt sick, you shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t know this. You don’t remember this. You felt small and little and so unprepared for the grief around you.
“Stay calm,” Hoseok takes your hand in his, steering you away from the mourning crowd. Past headstones, past grave plots. Some were your ancestors, you recognized your mother’s maiden name.
And then you recognize one particular name, stopping, frozen. Your mother was alive, you knew it, and yet devastation still crept into your bones at the sight of the headstone in front of you. It was fear and sadness like you’ve never felt before, such a horribly cold and isolating feeling.
Hoseok grabs you by the shoulders lifting you up. “Come on!”
The more you walk away, the more you fixate on the funeral, the crying, the death all around you. Hoseok pulls you along, stepping over roses littering the ground until there were so many broken flowers he had no choice but to crush the petals. “You need to get yourself together...y/n!” Hoseok was excellent at navigating the worst of nightmares. Fortunately, as long as he got you somewhere safe, it should be okay, he will be able to take control again.
Roses started falling from the sky, their thorns cutting you and Hoseok, their scent become putrid. Now you remember, when you were young and hated that scent. The sickly floral scent of the candles your mother would light every night in remembrance for your grandmother, crying over the small alter.
“Y/n! Hey!” Hoseok shook you, trying to move you, lifting you up into his arms instead, cut roses reaching to his knees, the sharp thorns digging into his calves with step. “Tell me about your first day of school.”
“Come on, just tell me,” Hoseok grunts.
“I cried.”
“I didn’t want to leave my mom.”
“But eventually, you stopped, right?”
“Yeah, my teacher, she uhh,” What did she do? “She showed me her bookcase, let me look at a picture book.”
“What book?”
“I-I don’t remember. I think...it was...a book called, When You Give a Mouse A Cookie.”
That, Hoseok could work with. Hundreds of tiny gray little mice started running past the pair of you, collecting the roses in their tiny mouths, making it easier for Hoseok.
“What else do you remember?” he asked, walking with you in his arms.
“There was a bubble.”
“A what now?”
“A-A big plastic bubble in her classroom. We could go inside and read inside of it.”
“Oh, I’ve never heard of anything like that.”
“It w-was my favorite thing to do.” You think back to all the times you played, all the silly make believe games you played in her classroom.
“Okay! I have a plan.” You look at Hoseok, and he smiles confidently back at you, crouching down, a cute gray mouse scurries up your leg and into your lap, dropping a cookie in your hand. It’s such an odd sight. An old fable, a forgotten story, a part of your childhood, sitting wide-eyed, nose twitching and whiskers bobbing. He scurries away, and then Hoseok sets his plan into action, lifting you up quickly, and jumping, throwing you up.
‘Shit, what do I do now?!’ You keep your hands up, afraid to touch anything. Trying not to think about how your body is being held up inside a bubble.
“It was a plastic bubble,” you hiss.
“Well in this dream it’s a real bubble.” Hoseok smirks, next to you in his own bubble. The bubbles touch and conjoin, forming one big floating bubble with you and Hoseok inside.
“Give me the key.”
“I’m not giving you my key! I don’t trust you!”
“I just saved us!”
“You’re the reason why I’m in this mess to begin with!” How long have you been asleep now? You need to escape! Your finger presses into the bubble wall and it pops. And you and Hoseok, with nowhere else to go, fall.
Your stomach lurches into your throat and you can’t even scream, descending faster than you can reason towards the ground.
Hoseok grabs your waist, securing you to him. He didn’t have time to think of the intricacies of a parachute, instead he-
-opens an umbrella.
Hoseok groans, back hitting marble floor.
You’re not dead. You’re alive. Well, you’re asleep technically. But you’re alive. Hoseok took the worst of your fall, situated underneath you. You roll away, your gown cascading around you.
You’re wearing a shimmering pastel gown, long gloves reaching over your elbows, an small gold crown tangled in your hair.
You’re in another dream.
This one, you’ve had before. And Hoseok, right now, was playing the part of your guard. You remember any minute now, the king’s guard will catch the two of you.
“Get up!” You yank Hoseok to his feet, running down palace steps.
There’s faint yelling to stop coming from within the palace, but you and Hoseok are already far away, hidden behind tall garden hedges.
“How are you feeling?” you ask him. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” but he rolls his shoulder and delicately massages his arms.
“Here,” you pull off an apricot from one of the garden trees, handing it to Hoseok. “It has healing properties.”
“Does it now?” he raises an eyebrow, biting into the juicy fruit.
“Yes, my dream, my rules, remember? Follow me!”
You run through the garden maze. If you make it to the center, you have to wake up. You never make it to the center, something always happens to stop your conquest, but this time, you have Hoseok, and this time, you’re going to conquer it.
“There’s going to be a lion past this bush.”
“King of the jungle? Good thing you’re a queen then.” Hoseok touches the crown atop your head, delicately removing the golden jewelry. “Here you go, lion tamer.” he says, handing you a golden bow.
“No, not like this. I don’t want to hurt him, it’s not his fault he is trapped here.” You give it back to him.
“Hmm, okay.” After some thought Hoseok gives you back a large golden collar. “I will distract him,” he winks running out of sight.
The lion roars and you run too. jumping on its back. Fitting the collar around his large mane, transforming him into a tiny tabby.
And you and Hoseok run, exhilarated with a victory under your belts.
“What’s next?”
“From what I remember,” you try to think, “an eagle.” The eagle was easy to figure out, like you it yearned for freedom, to stretch its wings towards the sky. So Hoseok gave him more room, cutting down shrubbery, yanking on vines instead of trying to pass. You made it even easier for the eagle to choose flight over fight, turning the perch it sat upon into a winding stalk to the heavens with a look. The eagle circled the sky high above happily and you and Hoseok were able to move deeper through the maze.
“Watch out!” You scream, but it was too late, vines wrapped around Hoseok, pulling him into the maze’s grassy walls. And you too were captured, the thick vines winding around your legs, your arms, and your torso, making their way around your neck. You could barely see Hoseok through the leaves and branches.
Your old coworker is in this part of the maze. The cocky arrogant jerk who became nothing but a statue where doves would pee on in your dreams. But he was different, the stone cracking and revealing skin, a person, moving and coming closer to you.
“Hey, Tae,” you gasp, “Would you mind?”
You struggle to move your limbs, hearing the dream walker grunt as he tries to free himself as well.
“I would, actually,” he smiles. “You think you’re going to conquer this maze on my watch?”
“You never were a team player.”
“You assigned me this role, didn’t you?” The vines dig into your skin, around your wrists, the vines twist across your body, cutting into the delicate fabric of your dress. “To keep you…distracted, so you’ll never escape.” He presses himself closer to you. You try to free an arm, only able to move your wrist back and forth. Taehyung interlaces your fingers, letting his nose run down the column of your neck while you struggle.
You hear twigs snapping, Hoseok yelling loudly. Up close, you notice Taehyung’s bright left eye, a completely different shade than his warm brown right eye. His right eye was the same shade as the real version of him, but more dazzling, with tiny flecks of gold and green. But his left eye, it was light blue like the sky.
And suddenly you realized where Taehyung came from, where his pedestal must have been placed…at the center of the maze.
You could only move the tiniest bit forward, barely the length of a marble, tilting your head forward. But it was just enough, just enough to meet Taehyung’s cracked lips.
You felt your body being pulled into the hedge, tighter and tighter, the day light dimming around you and you panic, kissing him deeper. The statue mirrors your movements, reaching his stony arms inside the hedge to caress your body.
Its working, whatever you’re doing, your arms are free enough to tangle themselves in Taehyung’s ashy grey hair, using his body to pull yourself free.
Taehyung is ripped away from you. Hoseok is covered in twigs, fire in his eyes, tsking.
“His left eye!” you yell, falling back into vines.
Hoseok pulls the large sword sheathed behind his back, “Don’t do this,” Taehyung pleads, “There is another way out, just give me her and I’ll show you.”
Hoseok places the sword over his shoulder, looking down at his guard armor. “No can do, I would be a shit guard if I just handed her over to you without even a fight?” he smirks.
Taehyung bares his perfect teeth in anger, yelling and running towards the dream walker. Hoseok’s sword strikes his stomach, clanging against his stone torso. Taehyung and Hoseok fight as you attempt to free yourself. You thought of fire, hoping to burn the branches away, but the magical vines were not affected only absorbing the flames, glowing red. So you thought of fireflies, providing you with a trail of light, glowing around the branches like lights on a christmas tree, and then you thought of cold, and the vines around you dried and shriveled, making them easier to tear apart.
An armored glove reaches through the tangled vines, pulling you completely free.
“My...my beautiful face!” Taehyung shrieks, covering his cracked and bloodied eye.
Hoseok holds a small blue marble, throwing it up and catching it again. Hoseok holds it in front of you, as you both peer into the tiny blue orb.
If you look closely enough, you can see swirling with clouds and sky, beautiful shades of blue and lavender, a serene sight that appears all around you and the dream walker.
Your sail boat floats on a purple river. The mast needs turning, you grip the ropes in your hands, pulling the sail sharply, the winds strong enough to lift you in the air as you hold on tight to the ropes.
You fall next to the lounging dream walker, and he breaks out into laughter.
You stare off into the distance, watching the lavender clouds move through the sky.
“We’ve lived so many different lives together…” you sigh, “It’s odd, sometimes I feel like I don’t even know myself when I wake up.”
Kittens with wings catch jumping fish in their mouths. You giggle. “How do you do it!”
You lie down, staring up at the sky. “...live a normal life after experiencing this.”
Hoseok looks at you out of the corner of his eyes, laughing at your face full of wonder at everything around you. “It’s just a dream.” It was nice knowing, though, that Hoseok could retreat to places like this whenever he wanted.
You sigh, pleased for the calmness. You’ve been experiencing such a whirlwind of emotions it was just nice to soak in the tranquility.
“Dreams are powerful, though,” you tell the dream walker. “Dreams can motivate a person to travel the world, take that chance in life. Don’t you think? You just need to have the right one.”
“Come on.” He holds out his hand for you and you both jump into the sea.
You swim in a water park, a crowd of families and couples playing all around the pair of you. You and Hoseok jump out of the water as he leads you through the park. He opens the door to the bathroom, waiting expectantly. You know he is planning to take you somewhere else. You pull off your pool floaties, noticing how small your hands are for the first time. The dream walker stands half his height, a young boy staring expectantly back at you smiles. That smile is Hoseok’s, you know it is.
When you pass through the door, you're back to your adult selves, however the room you enter looks like it was made for a child.
“Where is this?”
“Ahh my old room, not this one,” he opens another door. You catch the colorful sight of drawings and toys, model airplanes lying unfinished, buildings blocks mapping out tiny cities, before walking into another door.
“This is my room.” You look around, it is clean and neat, so monochromatic. Where’s the color? Everything is lined up meticulously, there is no clutter, the surfaces perfectly clean and bare.
“A bit of a control freak, yeah?” you jab, “I want to make a mess.”
Hoseok laughs, “I could take you on that desk if you really wanted to make a mess.”
You scoff. “You like music,” you look over his records, neatly aligned and displayed on shelving. “Is this your family?” Hoseok nods.
You do notice one colorful thing, starkly sticking out on one of his shelves. “What’s this?” You touch a box of beads.
“It’s something to do, it is relaxing.”
“Make me one?”
An easy request to dream up. He pulls a bracelet out of his pocket, beads an array of pinks and purples and yellows, a sun charm and a sunflower charm. Both yellow, both very different, without the sun the sunflower would not bloom. In Hoseok’s mind, you were the sun.
“It’s pretty,” you exclaim, “Will you make me one in real life too?”
Hoseok did not know how to answer that question, awkwardly moving across his room. “Do you like working at the sleep clinic? It must be a perfect job for you, you always have a dream to enter.”
“I don’t, actually. I’ve never entered any of the patient’s dreams.” Hoseok rests on the top of his made bed. “Well actually, I did once, the first year I started.” You wait to hear his story, lying next to him. The bed changes into a small boat, the mattress still inside. This place must be a favorite of his, you think, staring up at the sunny sky.
“It was a child, her parents brought her in, she was having trouble sleeping. I was curious. The way she described her dreams, I thought she might have been spooked by a monster from a scary movie, easy to fix.”
“And it wasn’t?” as a woman, you know the answer already. You wished it wasn’t so common, so frequent, so obvious.
“The monster, it was her stepfather.” The sky darkens, large angry clouds filling with water.
You reach over Hoseok’s shoulder, and pull your hand back, revealing an umbrella, opening it up before showers rain down.
“Dreams don’t change anything, even if I destroyed that monster a hundred different ways, he would have still continued hurting her in real life.”
You hum. “So what did you do?”
“We made a place she can go to and no one else, somewhere safe inside her mind,” he says, “I let Jimin know I noticed some marks on her legs, advised him to check in with the mother about it. That’s about all I could do in the real world.”
“Can I show you something?” you ask and Hoseok nods.
You lower the umbrella, until the umbrella fan covered your faces and let it fall into the sand. You and Hoseok sit on a towel on the beach. “That’s me,” you point at a chubby baby playing in the sand. “It’s one of the first memories I have. I thought I just made it all up, but then I was looking through some old photos at my mother’s house and I saw myself in that same bathing suit and hat,” you laughed. “It could still be just a dream I guess, but I don’t know, I feel it,” you put your hand over your chest.
Your father put you on his shoulders and gave you a cracker to feed the seagulls, laughing. It was one of the few happy memories you had of your father, before your mother left him. The wind picked up and off flew your hat on both your heads, Hoseok puts his arm around you, grabs the end of your sundress to keep it close to your legs, ushering you away from the old memory before you start to feel sad.
The pair of you walk to an ice cream vendor, Hoseok makes you duck down. Upright again, the ice cream vendor turns into a sweet bread vendor and your beach clothes transform to school uniforms. Hoseok pays for a piece of sweet bread for you and him, running to school before it the bell rings. But this wasn’t your school.
You were at Hoseok’s school.
“You must have been a troublemaker.”
“I couldn’t even if I wanted to, my father was a teacher,” Hoseok laughs and pulls you into an empty classroom.
Towards the window, you watch school kids play. “I would sit on that bench a lot, work on homework before class.”
“Were you errr ‘dream walking’ then?” Hoseok nods. “I used to walk around in the dreams of my sleeping classmates,” he laughs. “Ahh most of their dreams involved lots of class presentations, it was easy to learn how to change things without anyone noticing I wasn’t supposed to be in there. One time I turned everyone into a goat. I think he did his presentation better that way,” Hoseok laughs.
You giggle and point to the adjacent door. “What do you think?” You open the door...
“The arcade!” Hoseok exclaims, recognizing his old hangout spot. “Oh! I have to show you this place, we would go every weekend,” he says excitedly, ushering you to his favorite fighter game.
Without even knowing it, the dream walker was showing you parts of him he had long since forgotten. Unwittingly so, he was reliving his past, but they weren’t exactly memories either. Hoseok did not think twice about it, too busy trying to make you smile, hear your laughter. It was the start of a dream that was not entirely yours. The dreamworld holds a very small detail that was all his, it held his hopes, his dreams. A box with a lock you, who spent so much time with the dream walker, intrinsically knew how to open.
You watch Hoseok play and cheer him on. After another K.O. you get his attention. “You know what? I think it needs an upgrade.” You smile and grab Hoseok’s collar and push him against the game machine, and your clothes change as the rest of the arcade games disappear.
You stand center match in a large brick colosseum. Just you and Hoseok. He looks around at yellow colosseum brick and the bright sun, reminiscent of his old favorite game. And then at you, in your risqué fighter’s outfit.
“You’re going to wear that and expect me to concentrate?” Hoseok tightens the belt around his fighter outfit. He looks fit, lean and defined chest showing. He slides his leg across the dirt and gets in fighting stance, smirking.
You bite your lip. “Best out of three, right?” Large neon numbers in the bright sky light up, indicating your health bar.
“Let’s make a deal, Hoseok!” You do a back handstand, and resume your fighting stance. “If I win, I want to fly,” you say, holding out your arms to the sky, “You better show me!” you yell, forgetting what you had been fighting for all this time.
“Err hello, is y/n ready now?” Namjoon calls out from the receptionist desk, noticing the friendly sleep specialist walking past.
“Sorry?” Jimin says, confused, “We released her this morning.”
“But she called me, she said you were doing more tests?” he asks, impatience growing to worry.
“Jungkook, when did Miss y/n leave, do you remember?”
“She um never came through here,” Jungkook looks around, wide-eyed, “I haven’t seen her, Sir.”
The three men stand awkwardly, ‘Here, let me call my assistant-”
“Mr. Park! Come quick! Oh no!”
Jimin runs towards the commotion with Namjoon deciding to follow quickly behind. The men peer through the open door, looking towards the ground at the confusing scene.
You and Hoseok’s bodies were lying on the floor, you curled into his side, his arm around you, as if you were both deep in sleep, with blood pooling at your heads.
You know, I told myself, at least once I’m gonna write a story with tentacles, just one time, just to try it out and see what it’s all about :D never again lol :’D well YOU tell me what you think! The ending is a little long right? I wanted to make it feel like the ending scene went on forever, you're stuck besties :’). Did you like it though? How did you like the story, sans tentacles, I wanna know your favorite dream!
Spring Fling Masterlist
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Jungkook lmaoo! lolol you're very sweet to me, JJ 😭😭 thank you for enjoying sandman hobi story cause it was a lot yes 😂 also idk lots of caffeine 😅 I would have liked to see that reaction too 😋😋
Day Dream | JHS

The days are hotter, you sleep restlessly. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker.
sandman!Hoseok x reader. Enemies to…well they kind of started as lovers too :’D
Warnings: 18+ smut, somnophilia, bdsm themes, dubcon, wet dreams, reader manipulation, dacryphilia, fuck or die, public sex, rough sex, degradation, name calling, restraints, voyeurism, fingering, oral sex, just so much sex :’D, creepy dream sequences-think Paprika, …tentacles…reader’s dreams are wild ;o; if you come to a part and think am I about to read tentacle smut? and you don’t want to read tentacle smut, I suggest just skip to the end of that dream sequence :’), monsters, aliens, blood, torture, childhood trauma, brief mention of a sleep patient-child-can’t sleep because of abuse, cheating kind of (does dreaming about other men count lol), Hobi stealing Joon’s girl :P but in all seriousness this is kind of a dark and twisted tale and if that’s not your thing, move along thank you if you’re still here it’s also supposed to be pretty ridiculous and campy so I hope you can be entertained and laugh a little too :’)
Word Count: 22.9k
So hot.
Was it the heat that woke you up, you wonder sitting in bed, covers wet with your sweat and your clothes clinging to you, pulled at odd angles, uncomfortably bunched up at the seams, digging into your armpits and around your breasts. You pull the damp material off and over your head, feeling a little less suffocated.
Your room is pitch black, but your eyes, accustomed to the darkness, could see the sleeping form of your boyfriend, Namjoon, his sheets kicked off, body sprawled on the bed in nothing but boxer briefs. He was snoring, but that wasn’t what woke you.
What was it? There’s this nagging feeling pulling at you, something lost back into the deep recesses of your mind, the answer annoyingly stuck at the tip of your tongue.
It’s quiet, only the soft whirling of your aircon working overtime in the hot spring heat. It is the hottest spring year on record, though they like to say that every year. It just keeps getting worse and worse, unbearable heat and pollen, like the world was fighting back with it’s last dying breath. Why does the world have to attack you, though? You bet the world’s biggest polluters didn’t have to deal with this fucking heat!
You nudge your giant of a boyfriend back onto his side. It’s not that you didn’t love him or loved cuddling him, but being pressed up against his body, now radiating nuclear levels of warmth was just too much tonight. He grunts and rolls over and snores and you can’t help but smile, admiring his ability to sleep through this hellish heat.
It’s so hot you want to cry! There is no cold spot on your bed, no relief. You feel exhausted. And there is another irritating feeling, wrapping itself around your body, clinging, itching, digging. You want a distraction from the heat, you want sex. You want something inside you, making you forget about everything else. You’re so hot. You’re so hot.
You look over to your boyfriend once again, debating on waking him. No, it would be too cruel of you to deprive him of much needed rest. No, you’ll just go back to sleep.
“Yes, yes!”
Namjoon has his arms locked around your legs, face buried deep into your sex, giving you exactly what you want, what you need.
It was a dream, yes, but it was also an old memory, to when he took you on vacation to the mountains, it was your first stay at a hot spring inn. The vacation was perfect, you were never more relaxed. Then at night, before falling asleep in each other’s arms, you made love in your small tiny inn room. Joon and you had lots of energy to spare, you think you might have christened every inch of that inn floor.
It was one of the best nights of your life, and the best orgasms, like the one your dream boyfriend was working to give you now, mouth suctioned to your clit, long fingers stroking inside your walls, making your legs shake against his head.
Namjoon groans into your heat as you tighten around his digits, pressing his hips down into the floor mat underneath your bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you tilt your head back moaning, so close...
…and see something that was not there before, something that did not belong in your old memory…well, someone, actually.
A man stands in the corner, leaning against the inn’s framed wall, smirking down at you and Namjoon. He’s wearing the same inn robes as your boyfriend, black wild hair styled away from his face, dark eyes watching you.
You immediately tense, blood running cold in shock, startled so much you forget to scream, immediately pulling at your dream boyfriend’s shoulders to get him off of you. But this boyfriend of yours had only been dreamed up to have one objective, and he wasn’t going to stop now when you were so close.
“J-Joon!” you stutter, trying to pull your legs free, fighting against his tight embrace. His strokes are steady and smooth, fingers slipping in and out of you easily even with every part of you tense. His tongue rolls over your clit again and a reluctant moan escapes your lips.
The man moves closer, smile widening. Your don’t know whether it’s Joon’s relentless fingers inside your drenched center or the fear coursing through you that makes you lightheaded, breaths labored, the pit of your stomach dropping lower and lower until you feel the pressure in your toes, barely able to think until the stranger’s toes stop at the top of your shoulders as he looks down at you, tilting his head.
You pull on Namjoon’s hair, but it’s useless.
“Close?” The man asks you so nonchalantly it makes your head spin once again. “Want my help?”
“W-Who are y-you?”
Trying to make casual conversation proves to be extremely difficult with Namjoon enthusiastically eating you out.
“Take my hand and find out,” he smiles wickedly.
His open palm is held right above your head.
What the hell is happening? Everything about this situation feels so bizarre and surreal, like a dream.
Like a dream.
Are you dreaming?
Your breathing hitches, your limbs locking. Fuuuck! Namjoon, your devoted dream boyfriend is bringing you so close to orgasm you can’t take it anymore, you want to come so badly. Your body feels like it’s floating away, higher and higher. You’re almost there.
Hoseok lies down, head resting on your shaking shoulder. He peers over at you, watching how your eyebrows draw together, mouth opened in silent cries. ‘This is quite the show,’ he thinks, licking his lips. And he’s enjoying it very much.
The weight of Hoseok’s head brings you back down, unable to ignore his presence. “Go a-away!” you manage to scream through protracted moans.
“Is that what you really want?” he turns, eyes narrowing.
“I w-want to come…ugggh.” You turn your head too, your chin knocking into Hoseok’s nose.
Hoseok chuckles, sighing. You can feel the heat of his breath on your lips. “Let me help,” he repeats, “let me offer a helping hand,” he says playfully. “What do you think?”
You groan, knocking your head back in frustration, instead of meeting hard mat your head lands on soft fabric and Hoseok’s warm chest. Giving in, you breathe out a soft, “O-Okay.”
Hoseok snaps his fingers and whatever you were expecting, this was not it…
…another version of your sweet boyfriend, sliding open the door to your inn room. Hoseok sends you a dashing smile, very pleased with himself. Your eyes widen as familiar hands turn your head away from the strange man.
Your robe is being unbelted, breasts kneaded, nipples pinched as Namjoon licks into your mouth, tongue rolling over yours, pinning your hands above your head in one large hand. It’s overwhelming, it’s all the things Namjoon does to you that you liked, that you missed, and when your original dream lover curls his fingers inside you, you release, vision spotting until nothing but white remains.
You, a white room…and that man, still lying against your shoulder, humming pleasantly to himself. You inhale a deep shuddering breath. “What’s happening?”
“You know, naughty girl.”
‘Wake up, y/n, wake up.’ you think.
“That hardly ever works,” Hoseok sings.
You pull your robe over your spent body, shuffling away from the strange man.
Hoseok sits up too, leaning back on his arms, studying you again. He knows what you’re thinking because he knows what you’re dreaming. You’re wondering why he wasn’t the one who touched you instead of your replica lover.
He looks around at the place your mind took him, a place with endless possibilities, how nice of you, how inviting.
“Where to next? What other beautiful places did you want to visit?”
As soon as he asks the question, your mind already has the answer. Hoseok’s palms lay flat on bright white flooring, and then-
-his fingers dig into snow.
“W-What?” You look around at the snowy landscape, holding your robe tighter, you shiver in the cold. Cold, yes! Oh god, how you wished it was cold.
Snowflakes fall into your open palm.
‘That was easy,’ Hoseok thinks. ‘You are perfect.’
You wake up restless, your core drenched. The details of your dream becoming fuzzy already. Were you…playing in the snow?
Namjoon has his arms around you, snoring lightly. You bring his hand to your lips, kissing his knuckles, hoping to rouse him awake. You were itching to be under him this morning. You give him soft morning kisses across his face until he stirs, yawning, and you let out a tiny needy whine. Namjoon buries his head in your chest, half asleep.
“Joonie, fuck me,” you whine.
That knocks some tiredness away. “Yeah? Before work?”
You nod, knees digging into his side, ready. Namjoon kisses down your stomach, pulling your panties away.
“Oh fuck,” Namjoon is fully awake now, “You’re so wet.”
You pull out your earpiece after another successful show, ready to change out of your performance outfit and back into your long glittery award ceremony dress. It was another recurring dream of yours, a fantasy where you were a famous pop singer just finishing a buzzworthy singing performance on the stage of one of the most prestigious award shows in the world. But this time was different, your dressing room was smaller, you stood alone in front of your vanity without your makeup artists and stylists working hurriedly around you.
You stare at your reflection, a prettier thinner perfect-faced version of yourself with diamonds hanging off your ears and around your neck, dressed in an impeccably styled colorful wig and bombshell makeup. In this dream you can call yourself beautiful, with a face you’ve only attained through face tuning and a body you’ve tried to achieve for months, but in your real life you’re not rich enough to have personal trainers and home chefs and all the amenities a famous singer might have. You could only dream for this body.
You shimmy into your tight gown, readying yourself for the next stage in your dream life.
“Let me help you.”
Why does that voice sound so familiar? You look up, catching the owner to that voice in the reflection of your mirror. He shuts the door behind him quietly, his reflection smiling back when your eyes meet.
Hoseok stands handsomely in a sleek white suit and bright red hair, a loud style fitting for an idol.
In this version of your dream he plays the part of your secret boyfriend, altering the fantasy only slightly, loved by your adoring fans, and loved by him.
You fell right into the new role of girlfriend he crafted, he was too good looking to deny. Of course the famous pop-singer-version of you would have a hidden romance, someone who couldn’t keep his hands off of you, who would risk his reputation for a couple minutes alone with you backstage.
You watch through the mirror as he comes closer, hand reaching exposed skin, fingers running along your spine teasingly until he reaches the pieces of your open dress. You bite your lip, moving your hips until your ass meets his clothed crotch, smiling coyly at his reflection.
Oh, Hoseok liked you. He pulls the zipper up, fixing your gown, kissing your shoulder softly.
“What if someone walks in?” you whisper, giggling, enjoying the attention from the beautiful man of your dreams.
“We will have to just be quick then and not get caught,” he smirks. Hoseok holds your hand, twirling you around as if you were dancing, and kisses you deeply, like he has been aching to do so for so long, mouth devouring yours, a long series of rushed fierce kisses.
This was so risky, so scandalous. The rumors of your friendship already made every quick glance and friendly banter in public so much more scrutinized. Would fans notice the both of you not in your seats? Would they make the connection? Could a worker have seen him enter your dressing room? Will there be a blind item about the two of you?
The risk made you both more ravenous for one another. The exhilaration of getting caught made your desire for him grow even hotter, compounding your passion until you were frenzied, groping at each other, letting your lungs burn instead of pulling away from his soft lips and warm mouth.
“Your performance tonight was amazing,” Hoseok gropes your ass, yanking you closer, lifting you up and setting you on the vanity. You open your legs for him, securing your ankles around his hips. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you, y/n.” he whispers into your ear, breathing in deep, smelling your skin like the petals of a beautiful rose.
“-Hoseok,” he finishes for you, teeth pulling at your bottom lip.
That’s right, Hoseok. Your secret lover, your perfect idol boyfriend. The man of your dreams. The object of your desires. The man between your legs who was gripping your thighs and opening you wider, pulling at your stockings and ripping the fabric at the seam.
You pull him closer, arms around his shoulders, head leaning on the side of his cheek, trying to keep your moans quiet when he presses inside you, two fingers dipping into your wetness. His nose nudges your diamond earring, licking your neck, electrifying your nerves at each end. You groan, eyes tightly shut, mouth slack, so overwhelmed by everything about this man. Hoseok, your forbidden lover. You think deeper and he fills you to his knuckles, you think more and he drags his fingers out with precise quickness. He’s unraveling you and he’s barely even started.
The crowd in the ceremony stadium cheers loudly and you remember where you are, a beautiful dream where you're soon going to be honored with a top award for your new hit single.
“Hoseok, I h-have to go.”
“Stay with me here, we still have time.” You’ve only been asleep in your bed for a couple of hours, he still has all night with you. “A quickie? Please, baby. I want you so fucking bad,” he groans, pressing another finger inside you and groping your breasts. He’s so tempted to rip your dress apart and fuck your senseless, fill your mouth with his cock until your makeup is running down your tear-streaked face. Hoseok wants to completely ruin you, but this dream tonight is not that kind of fantasy, tonight he’ll make you feel like a superstar, the most desired woman in the world.
You work quickly to undo his belt, agreeing with him, eager to be filled with his hard cock. You were aching for him, breathless from desire, your core pulsing around his digits with anticipation.
“You want to be famous, is that it?” He asks quietly, watching you intently as you scooch your hips closer to him.
“What?” you pause, looking into Hoseok’s eyes, his cocky flirty demeanor now gone. He runs the back of his knuckles over the hard jewels of your large diamond necklace.
“I’m just trying to understand you, y/n.”
The crowd swells again, cheering, reminding you where you were. “I-” You were supposed to receive your award, make a teary speech, be seen, be heard, be praised, finally. “I need to g-”
He wraps his hand around your neck, pulling your attention to him. Only him. There’s only Hoseok, kissing you, tongue down your throat, making you feel pleasure you’ve never felt before. You run your hands through his soft bright red hair while he positions himself at your opening, hands tight around your thighs, folding your body, legs up and open, the unforgivingly tight fabric of your dress bunched around your hips, the glittery jewels clinking together as he thrusts into you.
You hold onto the back of his neck, jostled into glass with each hard fast thrust. Your heavy jewelry hits against your skin and expensive makeup falls to the ground around Hoseok’s feet, cracking the pressed pigments and breaking lipstick bullets. He’s not holding back, rattling the vanity so loudly your tryst could surely be heard from the outside. Hoseok doesn’t care, he pistons into you, cock dragging along your walls so deep you’ve never felt so full and desperate to come.
“I’m c-close,” your fingers glide over your slippery folds, rubbing across your clit, searching for release.
He lets go of your thighs, leaving fingertip sized bruises behind, to be later covered by your dress and discovered when paparazzi cameras catch your legs, high dress slit revealing his roughness. His hands cup your cheeks instead, pulling you into a heated kiss, his hold on you possessive and dominating. You could stay here forever, being fucked by Hoseok like you’ve never been fucked before, being kissed like Hoseok needed you to breath, being held by him like long lost lovers suddenly reunited. You could stay with him forever-
Ding ding ding. Your alarm clock rings. You feel like gravity is working against you. You try to lift your tired body. Your boyfriend grumbles next to you, “turn it off.”
Your body is buzzing. Your center is sticky, dripping, your clothes clinging to your warm body.
‘What was that?’ Who was that man in your fantasy? The dream starts slipping away as you try to recollect what happened. You start to feel guilt, the dream had been so intense it left you aching and wanting for more sleep just to experience it again. You felt guilty because it wasn’t Namjoon in your dream, it was a random man, a man you don’t even recognize, but god, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. What did you call him again?
“Well you are looking quite refreshed,” Jimin laughs, looking up from his phone and sipping coffee. “Feeling better?”
Hoseok’s hair sticks up all at odd angles, his pants hung low, he laughs along with his roommate, “Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better.”
“Good, cause I was worried. Everyone has been getting sick-”
“No no no! It’s just stress sprinkled with some insomnia,” he laughs. “But I’m good now,” he says and shakes a bottle of melatonin before throwing it over to his roommate.
“Insomnia?! I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who sleeps more than you,” Jimin calls out to him. Hoseok laughs and styles his hair, slinging his tie around his shirt collar, getting ready for his job.
Hoseok wasn’t sick, however, he did have an illness. Some might even call it a curse…
Because Hoseok could not dream.
When Hoseok laid in bed at night and dozed off into Dreamland, the places his mind took him were not dreams of his own making.
Hoseok was a dream walker.
See, for a boy who did not dream, Dreamland became Hoseok’s playground. For what would you do if you had the power of creation, of destruction, of complete metamorphosis at the tips of your fingers? Of course Hoseok embraced his powers, took advantage of them, of unsuspecting dreamers, of you.
At an early age he learned quickly how to navigate the dreams that did not belong to him, to walk between imagined worlds so vast and intricate that not even the dreamers themselves knew the design as well as Hoseok. Most dreamers exhausted Hoseok, it was not easy to change the design of a dream world to best suit him, but sometimes he would find some real gems, dreamers whose wavelengths synced perfectly up with the dream walker, who were so willing to let him work his magic.
For Hoseok it was a game, a challenge, he rarely cared about the consequences, because it was just a dream after all. The dreamers Hoseok found could be anywhere in the world, he rarely targeted dreamers in his area, it complicated things, in the real world there were laws and regulations, where not even the laws of physics applied in Dreamland.
You can tell a lot about people from their dreams. Dreams reveal a person’s true natures, their deepest desires and strongest fears. So then what kind of man was Hoseok? An upstanding citizen in his waking life, and once he closed his eyes, well, he would become whatever he wanted to be.
“Would you tell your girlfriend?” you ask your friend, Jin.
“No, definitely not! She gets mad at me when I do something bad in her dreams. God, I can’t imagine the other way around. I might as well never wake up again!”
You groan, “I feel like I’m losing my mind.” You loved Namjoon, so why do you keep having so many dreams where you are fornicating with another man?! Well, at least the dreams you can remember.
And it’s always the same man too, no matter what setting or what scenario, Hoseok is there, captivating you with his handsomeness and theatrical personality like a showman bringing you to center stage, you can’t look away, he pulls you into every orchestrated dreamscape. And then every morning you wake up guilty and ashamed and worst of all, desperate to be fucked.
“There are so many things it could be, spicy food before bed time-”
“Do you watch TV before you fall asleep?”
“Err are you and Joon okay? You know…intimacy wise?” Jin asks.
“Yes!” you answer defensively. “We have lots of…intimacy!” Maybe you’re having even too much sex. Not that your boyfriend is complaining, but it’s becoming a lot, even for you. Namjoon has noticed your tossing and turning, your excessive neediness, he’s getting tired too, some mornings he just wants to cuddle instead!
“Listen, Joon is much more level headed. Just hope to god he doesn’t catch you moaning your new dream boyfriend’s name. Ooh Hoseok,” he mimics a teasing high pitched moan.
“Shut up shut up, we’re in public, Jin!” you hiss, smacking your friend in the back to silence him.
“I mean you like that, right?” he teases.
“What! Don’t-”
“You fantasize about being fucked in public, out in the open, where anyone could catch you, right?”
You are completely taken aback by his change in demeanor. Your friend’s sweet smile is gone, replaced by a heated stare and a smirk pulling at his lips instead.
He looks around and then licks his lips, whispering to you in secret. “You fantasize about me sometimes too, don’t you?” he murmurs, “I mean, I don’t blame you, I’m a catch,” he winks. “But I do have a girlfriend, and you have a boyfriend. How could you, y/n?”
“I would n-never…I would never do that to Namjoon.”
“But you’re doing it right now,” a voice calls out to you. Hoseok sits at one of the café tables sipping coffee and tapping his foot. Some nights Hoseok likes to tease you like this, let you in on the secret, so to speak. You become so flustered then, so easy to fool.
“You...it’s you…I’m dreaming.”
As soon as the realization hits you, the rest falls like a veil, your consciousness removing all the unnecessary, and you’re left again with only Hoseok.
“You are.” Tonight Hoseok is blonde, in casual streetwear, styled too similar to your boyfriend, reminding you of your guilt all over again.
“Wake up!” you yell.
“Like I said, that’s not going to work-”
You sit up in bed, wheezing. Fuck Fuck Fuck, what the hell was that?
You yank off your covers, too heavy and warm and suffocating. It’s still nighttime and your boyfriend is sleeping soundly next to you. You let out a sigh of relief. You’ll just tell Namjoon, you’ll tell him you’re having nightmares, you don’t need to divulge the specifics. He’ll understand. He can help you try to find something to help, he’s good at that.
“Joonie,” you rub his back, “Hey-”
“I told you it won’t work.” Hoseok is wearing Namjoon’s pajamas, stretching out on your bed. You scream.
You lunge for the dream walker, swinging your fist at his face. Instead you fall forward, right onto a hard wooden surface.
“Shit, are you okay, y/n!” Seokjin pulls you up, “What happened? Did you trip over your own feet? Joon is really rubbing off on you.”
Huh, what? The barista calls your name.
“Have you been sleeping at all? You're starting to have dark circles, I’m worried about you, y/n. Forget about what I said earlier, you need to tell Joon everything.”
“Okay, yeah, I will.” You sip on the cold coffee, internally panicking. You look around quickly, nothing odd catches your eyes. Hoseok is not there. Was that…a day dream?
“Come on,” Jin smiles, “We have to get back to work.”
The day goes by achingly slow, your thoughts always drifting back to Hoseok. You couldn’t understand why you kept dreaming about him. Always him.
“Hey, hello, earth to y/n?! Are you spacing out again?” Jin waves his hand in front of you, a very worried expression on his face. The office is dark with only your computer screen illuminating your cubicle. “Let’s get out of here. It’s too spooky after closing,” Jin shivers.
“Thank you for walking me to my car.”
“No problem, what kind of man would I be if I didn’t make sure you got home safe? Are you sure you can drive? You’re not going to fall asleep while driving, are you?”
You shake your head, a little unsure if you’re being honest with yourself. “You don’t have to baby me, you know,” you joke, flicking his head. Jin has always been like a protective big brother to you.
“Pfft no, ‘Thank you, Jin?’ ‘I would probably be sleeping at my desk right now if it wasn’t for you Jin?’ I am eternally grateful to have you as my friend, Jin?’” He flicks you back.
“Thank you, Jin,” you smile and hug your friend goodbye.
“Anything for you, y/n.”
He looks down at you, a soft smile adorning his features, pausing like he wants to tell you something. You must really be looking tired. You feel guilty for making Jin worry about you. You’re fine! Sure, you have been staying up later and later, but-
You didn’t realize how close your friend was until his lips closed the gap. Soft and delicate, Jin kisses you cautiously.
You stood stunned, not knowing what to say, “Ji-”
“I’m sorry! I just-I thought, maybe you-”
“Joon is your friend-”
“I should have never introduced you to him,” He sighs. “I should have asked you out first, I was such an idiot-”
“You have a-”
“Shhhh,” he quiets you with another kiss, pressing you against the car and deepening the kiss when you don’t pull away.
You’re kissing Jin. You’re kissing him. Jin, whom you’ve known since high school. Your neighborhood friend, Jin, the sweet upperclassman who not once ever made a move on you, not in high school or college or when you reconnected again working at the same company. Jin, after all these years, was now kissing you?!
Jin took his time and savored you, slowly building up the heat and before you realized it, you were burning. His hands were careful, yet unlike his kisses, his caresses were not soft, no, when he placed his hand over your shirt to feel the curve of your breast, the pressure made you weak in the knees. He jutted his hips forward sharply, pressing his crotch into yours, shooting electricity up your spine and numbing all your doubtful thoughts.
He pulls away, lips covered in your shade of lipstick. “I need to have you. Now.”
Jin lifts your right leg, hooking his arm under your knee and pressing his clothed crotch into you again, and before you knew it, he had your skirt pulled up and his pants undone, angling your body to line up with his stiff cock. You could only gasp in pleasure and hold onto his wide shoulders for support as he presses his hips up into yours.
Jin turns your body, bending you across the hood of your car, the better angle making it easier for him to thrust into you, knocking all your thoughts away with each long sharp movement.
“See, I was right.”
You rest your forehead on metal, banging your head onto the car’s hood. But Hoseok would not let you ignore him this time, and Jin grabs a fistful of your hair pulling your head back.
You feel dirty and exposed. You deserve it, you think, for even dreaming about cheating on your wonderful boyfriend. This is a nightmare.
“If it was a nightmare, you would know y/n.”
“Fuck you,” you grit out.
“Maybe later. Looks like your good pal Jin is almost finished.”
You glare at the dream walker. Hoseok laughs. Suddenly a car pulls into the parking lot, lights blinding you. Jin hastily pulls out of you, “Fuck, let’s go!” and you have no choice but to follow your dream friend.
You and Jin run towards the back of your work building, finding a corner to hide behind. Once the coast is clear, your friend turns back to you smiling, resuming kissing you.
“Ugh no!” You push Jin away. “This was a mistake,” you mutter, “I shouldn’t even be dreaming about you!”
“You dream about me?” Jin teases, leaning into you.
“Yeah, like now, right now!” You’ve had enough of this dream, you shove your way past your dream friend, heading back into the building. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, you’re not even real.”
“Wait wait wait,” he pulls you back by the elbow, “what is this, ‘we’re in a dream,’ do you think I’m an idiot, y/n? if you didn’t like me like that you can just tell me-”
“Ugh, that’s not-you’re not-you’re not real!” you yell, and it’s clear you’ve hurt dream Jin’s feelings. You feel sorry even if it wasn’t really your friend. “Jin, just-”
“I am too real! This is real, y/n-”
“Then explain that!” you point to the car pulling away from the parking lot, now that you and Jin were no longer there to be caught.
The car is driving itself.
Jin’s mouth drops. “U-Uh, w-well, you know, there are self driving cars, it’s a thing!”
“Okay, yeah, but a 1967 camaro?” Jin swallows at your words. “Right now, we’re in a dream, Jin. And I’m an idiot.”
“This... this is not real. I’m not real...” Jin swallows hard, blinking rapidly. “M-Maybe you’re in my dream, ever think about that?” Jin paces back and forth, your dream version not coming to terms well with the fact that he is only a figment of your imagination.
“How could you make me up? No, nah, nope.”
“Listen, Jin…Jin! I need your help, This other person I dreamed up, the one I told you about, he is literally haunting all my dreams now, and I don’t know what to-”
“I-If I’m so made up, what am I thinking right now!”
“I d-don’t know?” You need to wake up! You don’t have time to be arguing with dream people, but dream Jin looks so scared and uncertain waiting on your response. You sigh, “Um, pink llamas?”
“Ha! Wrong! But…oddly close,” Jin winces. Jin is having an existential crisis of your own making.
“Wait, if you dreamed me up, then you do feel the same way!”
“No, Jin, ugh,” you shake your head, massaging your temples. “Fuck, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Sometimes…maybe…I used to wonder why our friendship never became more. But that was before Namjoon! I’m over it now! And you have a girlfriend somewhere in this dream too! Stupid!”
“I can’t believe this!”
“Yeah, well, me either, this is giving me a headache. Now I definitely can’t tell you about this tomorrow.”
“Oh that’s right, you wanted my advice…” remembering the reason you both went out to lunch, “So were you planning to tell me out there too why you’ve been so distant?” he looks at you annoyed. “I see Joon more than I see you! Wait, so are you giving yourself advice right now? This is confusing.”
You groan, “I don’t know!” you yell, wishing you could just wake yourself up. You stomp towards the front of the building, hoping to get more answers.
Jin falls in step with you, “Why did you choose me of all people?” he asks softly.
“I don’t know. I feel safe around you,” you mutter. “I’ve known you the longest, any time I’ve come to you for help, you always seem to have the right answers. Ever since me and Joon happened and now you and your new girlfriend…we’ve grown apart and I’ve missed you, I guess.”
“I always wondered what would have happened if I hadn’t introduced you to Joon,” Jin looks down at his feet.
“No you haven’t,” you smile. “That’s just dream you talking. I’m sorry, for that too…I know you would never cheat on your girlfriend. I’m horrible, huh?”
“No, dream me is based on real me, right? Maybe your subconscious is showing you things you wouldn’t normally have picked up on.” Jin looks at you tenderly, a familiar look you’ve seen from him many times before.
“So what is my subconscious trying to tell me about him?” you whisper looking into the distance. Hoseok is holding a briefcase, dawning work attire, messy brown hair blowing away from his eyes in the wind, revealing his excited expression and sinister grin, heading right for the both of you.
Jin gets in front of you protectively. “I have an idea, let’s change the scenery, yeah?” He grabs your hand and heads towards the entrance.
He opens the doors and ushers you quickly inside, and when you step through the threshold you are no longer wearing your work clothes.
“How do I look?” Jin spins around in his old century hanbok.
“I’m pretty sure Marvel and the Joseon dynasty shouldn’t mix.” You look down at your tight superhero clothes.
“Hmm but you make one sexy superhero.” In this situation who do you blame, your dream friend or you for dreaming him up like this?
You look around the old temple architecture. “How did you do this?” you say, staring around in awe.
“You mean to tell me you realize you’re dreaming and you didn’t even think to dream up an escape plan? I figured it out right after you told me!”
You exhale, laughing. “Well, I guess that’s why you’re here then.”
Jin hugs you tight, “You have all the power, y/n. It's your dream.”
“Such sweet pillow talk.”
Oh no, it’s him again.
“Stop right there!” You don’t know whether it’s the superhero suit, or Jin’s imparted knowledge, but you are feeling brave enough to stand up to Hoseok. “You are done ruining my dreams! I made you up, so I can unmake you up!” you point at the dream walker. “Consider yourself laid off!”
Hoseok laughs a deep bellowing cackle at your antics.
“Y/n, be careful.” Jin whispers, stepping in between the two of you, eyes locked onto the pesky dream walker. “He’s-”
With a wave of Hoseok’s hand Jin turns into a pastel pink llama.
“J-Jin! No!”
“Braaaaaaraaaa” clop clop clop, dream llama Jin trots around in a circle to your dismay, having an another existential crisis of Hoseok’s making.
You reassure yourself this is just a dream, no matter how scared you feel. You’re a superhero right now, so act like it! What superpowers do you have?
Bright pink lasers shoot from your eyes, throwing Hoseok backwards.
However, Hoseok just falls back into a fit of laughter. “Is it my turn now? Let me show you what real power looks like.”
The wind picks up quickly, tiles and wood start lifting up and splintering. The wind rushes around you so loud it sounds like a speeding train. Hoseok throws you back so far and so fast it feels like the world's gravity shifts around you, and instead you’re falling, falling, falling infinitely and all you can do is scream-
A weak sound of distress leaves you as you wake from your dream, and once you can move your limbs again you burst into tears, sobbing, waking up Namjoon.
“What’s wrong, baby? Bad dream? Hey, hey you’re okay now. Please talk to me.” Namjoon does his best to comfort you, hugging you close.
“Come to bed, y/n,” Namjoon calls out from the bedroom.
“But this show is just getting good!” you yell back.
“Then I’ll watch with you,” Namjoon peeks out from behind your bedroom door and sleepily pads over to you, cuddling into your side. You laugh at how he tries to make himself smaller, snuggling under your arm. “I missed you last night, I don’t even remember you coming to bed. Let’s go to sleep, baby.”
It’s been three days and fifty or so cups of coffee later. “I’m not tired,” you lie.
“Is it because of that nightmare you had? You’re going to get sick if you don’t let your body rest,” Namjoon says worriedly.
“I’m fine, don’t worry, baby.” You were most definitely not fine.
“Commander, what was that?” Second-in-Command Namjoon Kim floats to your side.
You review the star station’s navigation system, locating the area of distress. “We were hit. Lockdown everything above the crew deck until we can patch the hole, contact officer Min immediately.”
“Shit, that’s close to our bio-agricultural room.”
“Whose shift is it today for plant harvesting? Notify them to start emergency quarantine protocols on all crops, pull any off duty crewmates. Now, go! And find out why operations hasn’t rebooted our anti-gravity system,” you yell after him.
“Captain Jung, how drastically has this affected our course?”
Hoseok conceals a smile behind his hand. “I can course correct so only a couple months are lost. But we have to repair the impact site within the next 72 hours.”
“Or I will have to drastically reduce our flight speed, and that could add...well...decades.” He looks over his shoulder, meeting your eyes.
Fuck. You float closer to his side, “We need to find out what the hell hit us first,” you grumble. You check oxygen and radiation levels on board. What was that impact? you wonder, opening the ship’s auto-generating space map, fingers quickly moving through the latest star pattern chart. The closest meteorite cluster was about 1.3 million km away. Unless a worm hole opened up right above your location, there shouldn’t have been any reason for impact!
Whatever hit the station shook the colossal space base. The collision did not sound like the usual meteorite rock hitting titanium metal, the sound that echoed the station halls upon impact sounded…alien.
“Yes, Captain?”
“I found something,” Hoseok pulls up a heat map overlay, and shows you something you’ve never seen before, it was a physical impossibility! You squint at the invisible heat spot in the vast subzero nothingness of space.
“How is that possible?” You mutter, scrutinizing the anomaly.
Hoseok bites his lip, holding in his laughter. On cue the space station rattles and tail spins, throwing your bodies into the Navigation deck’s console as your station suffers another hit.
Something is attacking your space station!
You groan, clinging to Hoseok as yellow emergency lights fill the room. “Jung? Captain Jung?!” You pat your captain’s cheek, praying he wasn’t concussed. Hoseok stays unresponsive.
What the hell is going on aboard your ship?! You speak through your earpiece, calling for Namjoon or any officer who will respond to you. You retell the events of what occurred through your internal speaker system as one final announcement while moving your captain’s limp body into the deck's navigation chair, strapping him in and setting the emergency signal on to repeat. Then you find the weapon’s box hidden under the console. You’re commander of this star station and you’re not about to go down without a fight!
With your spacesuit on you slowly make your way towards the upper deck, quietly calling into your earpiece for any assistance. “Commander Kim? Come in, Commander Kim?” you whisper.
“Min!” You see the ship’s repair officer, his body floating above you, and his spacesuit covered in blood.
There’s blood…everywhere. Under yellow lightning the blood looks black, revealing the horror in a vivid display of violence. You hastily make your way to him. “Yoongi!” You push his body through the destruction carefully, dodging floating objects.
You close off the compromised area, airlocking the oxygen back in to proper breathing levels. Pulling off Yoongi’s helmet and suit and then your own, you check his pulse. He grunts in pain. He’s alive, you breath out in relief.
You float towards the closest first aid kit, injecting Yoongi with painkillers and steroids until he wakes.
“Officer Min?” You wipe away the perspiration from under his bangs, fixing his messy hair.
“I, ugh, I feel like shit.”
“You look like shit,” you quietly joke.
“Will that be going on today’s status report?” Yoongi winces trying to chuckle, writhing in pain, “The escape pods,” he says through labored breaths. “Get to one.”
A clanging pulls your attention away. Yoongi grips your elbow. “Y/n, listen to me, escape.”
“Yoongi, tell me what happened to you.”
He tries to smile, his breathing erratic. “I’m afraid I’ve been exposed to a hallucinatory agent,” he breathes, “Or at least, I hope I have.” Yoongi bites his lips, keeping his howls of pain in. Body shaking from a mixture of adrenaline and medicine and something else, he starts mumbling nonsense.
“Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t fix,” you mutter, checking the injections and reading through the side effects, trying to reason why Yoongi is acting so paranoid. You look around wearily. The sheer amount of blood, still pooling around you in droplets, was too much to only be Yoongi’s. So where are the other bodies?
“I couldn’t get to the area of impact, it wouldn’t let me,” he winces. There’s a loud bellowing noise, a far away crash. He groans, “It's h-here.”
You push him into a corner, securing Yoongi’s body to the station’s wall, handing him one of your weapons, a tactical knife and pull out your own, leaving the pistol in your utility belt as a last resort. “I’ll be right back.”
“No,” he winces, coughing up blood, unable to stop you. You move towards the locked part of the station, where monstrous screeches resound through the thick metal doors.
What is out there?
You move closer.
What is it?
There’s movement, slithering, clicking.
Is it…
Hoseok crashes into you. Your body spins, unable to right yourself in zero gravity. Hoseok wraps his arm around your wrist, pulling you to him. “Found you.”
“Wait!” You try to pull away as he moves you further and further away from Yoongi, trying to explain to him where you left the wounded repair officer, but he’s not listening to you, he’s counting down instead.
“Five four three two one-”
“Ahhh!” The anti-gravity systems re-engage and you fall into Hoseok’s arms. “Oh no, Min!” You struggle in Hoseok’s hold until he released you, turning around to help Yoongi, but Hoseok’s grip is strong and he spins you back around.
“It’s too late for him-”
“No it’s not!” You turn again only to be pulled into him once more. “Jung, I am your commander-”
“And I am captain of your ship,” Hoseok barks. “Follow me and I can get you out of here. If you go back there,” he warns, lowering his voice, “you’re going to regret it.”
You yank your hand out of his grasp, massaging your wrist. You know the situation is dire, but you’re still taken aback by your captain’s demeanor. Captain Jung has never acted like this before!
“I know you and officer Min had a…special connection,” he grips your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes without shying away from his accusations, “but you have to let him go.”
You yank your head away, rapidly blinking in embarrassment. “Check the dorms, see if there are any survivors, that’s an order-”
“It’s just you and me, Love,” he smirks.
‘And Yoongi,’ you think. He’s still trapped where you left him, most likely unable to free himself.
Hoseok scoffs, watching as you ignore him and run towards your doom, the nightmare’s climax. Well, at least he warned you.
You find Yoongi, strapped above you, his head lolled to the side. You resist the urge to cry, his chest rises only slightly, a sign he’s still alive, but his time is running out. With the gravity on, you have to climb to reach him.
“Yoongi, I’ll get you out of here.”
You free his torso with your knife and he falls forward into your arms. He’s heavier with the gravity on. Fuck. You struggle to hold him upright, frantically thinking of a way to get him out safely, unaware of the monstrosities closing in on you.
“Y/n?” Yoongi grunts. His arms weakly hold onto your sides. You look over your shoulder, you didn’t realize how high up you both were. You stretch your limbs to stay balance.
“I got you,” you whisper.
“I told you to go to the escape pods,” he grunts, groaning in pain, a growl deep and low and rumbling inside threatens to spill out of him.
The ship creeks, equipment falls to the ground, and the yellow lights grow dimmer. The situation is so helpless, you feel like crying, but you have to be strong as commander. “Not without you.” You push his hair to the side, and see how dark his eyes have become, how his irises seem to glow.
Yoongi coughs, breathing escalating, his arms gripping tighter around you.
“Y-Yoongi,” you struggle as you try to shift your body. But his embrace becomes too tight and you lose your footing, the pair of you falling as the last of his restraints snaps-
You plummet down. Your stomach lurches and you feel light and heavy all at once, like the first drop over a coaster, yet this was so much worse.
Except you never reach the station’s flooring.
You wince in Yoongi’s constricting hug, and soon you realize it’s not just Yoongi’s arms around you, but tight slithering sticky muscle, running along your legs, your arms, your torso…
“Yoongi!” you scream, scared for his life, afraid he too was being slowly constricted, unaware where the appendages were coming from, coming from the repair officer himself.
“Shit, I c-can’t-” Yoongi groans, sweating profusely, unable to control himself. Tentacles tighten around your ankles, move up your arms, run into your jumpsuit’s pant leg and under your collar, tearing the fabric, over your hips, around your neck, around your thighs, between your legs. The smooth appendages pulse all over your body.
More emerge from the repair officer, covering the ship like a web, allowing your bodies to slowly move down to the floor.
Space boots click on the hard flooring. Hoseok picks up your utility knife dropped to the ground and slices at the tentacles around your body.
Yoongi screams and they unravel and slither off of you as Hoseok yanks your sore body up, quite annoyed with you. “This is really not my thing,” he jeers. Throwing the knife like a dagger and pinning a tentacle to the ground. Yoongi wails in pain.
“Y-You’re hurting him!” You watch Yoongi rolling in pain on the floor, taking the state of your repair officer all in, a horrific monstrous sight.
“Hey, I’m not the one who turned my ex into a space monster! That was all you, ‘Commander.’”
Yoongi convulses, his own appendages fighting with him, wrapping themselves around his body and ripping into his jumpsuit.
You glare at Captain Jung, not fully understanding his words yet, still immersed in the nightmare. “We have to help him. You can help him.”
“And why should I?”
What is he saying? Why is your usual cheerful and bright captain acting so cruel? He’s been on this mission just as long as you, trained with Yoongi and you for years leading up to this voyage. How could he act so heartless?!
Yoongi screams, pale body red with marks as the alien appendages crawl over him. “He’s our teammate. Do something!!”
You try to go to Yoongi only to be pulled back once again. “The alien parasite needed a body. He’s the host now. I told you, you can’t save him. The parameters here can’t be undone, only altered. There’s only two ways to end this nightmare, Commander; escape or let it use you to multiply.” He looks down at Yoongi with apathetic eyes, kicking at the slithering tentacles.
End this nightmare? Parameters, he said.
Parameters of a dream.
“A nightmare. Nightmares are always trickier.”
“Hoseok,” you swallow, recognizing your captain for who he truly was. You look down at your bloodied torn jumpsuit, the space station that looks and smells and feels so real. “How can I alter this? How can I help him?”
“Use your imagination.”
You step closer to your fallen repair officer and where you stand the closest of his alien appendages unwrap themselves around him and slither over your feet.
They travel up your calves, more and more, reaching your thighs. “Two endings, y/n!” Hoseok hastens, “You need to pick one. There’s one working pod left and I know where it is-”
But you’ve already chosen, you could not inflict such horribleness even towards just a likeness of your ex-lover. “No.”
Hoseok grinds his teeth.
The tentacles are slithering, pulling, reaching for more and more skin, fully wrapped around you once again, lifting your body up to fully gain control.
It’s just a nightmare. You can’t be truly hurt. You won’t really end up spawning some freak alien lifeform, that’s all you have to remember. It’s just a nightmare and you’ll wake up soon. So you try to let yourself relax. The way the slimy appendages slide over your body isn’t terrible, the suctioning tentacles massage your muscles in ways you’ve never experienced. It's just a dream.
Hoseok clenches his fist, rolling his eyes, annoyed with your choice. Yeah, it’s just a dream, it’s not reality, you’re being a fool imposing principles that mean nothing here!
Hoseok sighs, pulling a tentacle off your shoulder, cutting the tip off. The rest shake, moving your body into another position, pulling your limbs out.
Hoseok bites into the cut alien limb, his eyes changing color to a deep glowing green. “W-What are y-you doing?” you groan, gasping as the appendages coil around your body
Hoseok shrugs, “changing the parameters.” He unzips his jumpsuit. “Min, get off, she’s mine.”
Tentacles press Yoongi’s back upward until he’s sitting. He catches himself before falling forward, nails digging into the sleek metal flooring, fighting to stay conscious. “I don’t k-know how- It h-hurts!” Yoongi screams, folding his body into himself, gripping his head and his alien appendages take you higher away from the quarrelling duo.
The muscles around you are too strong, there’s no room for movement, you are pushed and pulled, limbs moving only where they want.
Hoseok attacks the parasitic tentacles with his own, and you drop, caught by one of his many appendages wrapping itself around your torso.
You wince, holding onto the tentacle, “Is h-he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s just fine.” Hoseok breathes, winded. The rest of the alien life form slinks away from its first host and attaches itself to Hoseok instead. Tremendous power courses through the dream walker as he becomes the host.
He laughs lowly. “In fact,” he tilts his head to the side, gesturing you to look at the empty space on the ground, “looks like he chose ‘escape.’” You watch the last of Yoongi’s shadows disappear as he hurriedly stumbles towards the escape pods. At least one of you will make it, you think disappointedly as a familiar feeling clenches in the pit of your heart.
You bring your fist down on the slimy tentacle as it pulls you closer, alone with the dream walker again, just how Hoseok liked it.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Hoseok tsks. “You know, y/n…sleeping is as inevitable as breathing. You can hold your breath all you want, but eventually,” Hoseok looks up at you as you are lowered, “you’ll need air.” You’re held upside down, being brought right to him by the alien appendages, so close you can feel his hot breath when he exhales, You’re both reminded of when you first met. He cocks his head to the side, smiling. “Hi.”
“None of this is real, it’s just a dream.” You tell yourself, imagining you weren’t in this horrible space nightmare. Instead you wished to be in a beautiful spring field, bright and sunny. And you were hanging upside down from a tree instead, Hoseok didn’t have green glowing eyes or monstrous limbs, he was just a sweet lover with soft brown hair and friendly eyes.
For a second you believed it, believed the flashing images of pastel pink and yellow, the light blue butterflies around you, but then it all flashed back to the nightmare. The spring daylight went back to being a revolting dark yellow blood bath, the wind was no longer cooling your skin, you were sticky and sweaty and tired, the butterflies were replaced with scattered drops of blood.
“So close,” Hoseok murmurs.
“It’s just a dream!” you yell, even when you feel like your bones are on the brink of breaking as Hoseok coils himself tighter around your stomach. It’s just a dream, why does it have to feel so real?! So painful?! So hopeless?!
He lets you go and drops you on the ground. “Come on! Wouldn’t you rather it be me instead?”
“What makes you think I want you instead?” you argue.
Hoseok laughs, appendages slithering close to your limbs. “You don’t? You don’t think about our night in Cairo? Or that time in the airplane bathroom? The Grand Canyon? That quaint church festival? Our lovely wedding night? The dressing room? Ahh that was my favorite.” He lists off a series of dreams you had found each other in, fantasies that made you hot all over just remembering what you’ve done.
Your tactical knife finds its way into your hands as you desperately think of a way to wake yourself up, turning the tip in towards you.
Tentacles wrap themselves instantaneously around your wrists before you could pierce the dagger into yourself, pulling your arms up over your head.
“It’s just a dream, right?” he turns his head, holding his hand in front of his face, and one alien appendage slithers up his forearm and into his palm. He inspects it, becoming more in tune with its movements. “It’s just a dream, so you don’t have to feel bad for giving in.” He steps one pace closer to you.
His tentacles unravel around you and most disappear into his back. One tentacle pokes at your arm, making you flinch, the tip wraps around your hand, lifting it up almost as if it were trying to hold your hand. You squeeze it as it slithers back down your arm, looking down to watch it slowly move up again. You don’t see the small ticks Hoseok does at your actions, the way he cracks his neck, furrowing his brow. Three nights, it’s been three nights without you, yet he tries to be patient.
He takes one last step so he can trace down the line of your jaw. Securing his hand to the back of your neck, he guides your head closer, ghosting over your lips.
It’s just a dream, you think, so why does it have to feel so real…so painful… There’s a stinging in your heart, clashing feelings rumbling inside you like a storm.
The station rumbles to life as a pod deploys. You exhale defeatedly.
“Will it make you feel better to know he took the wrong one?”
So cosmic justice exists in this space dream, you think. You wonder what that means for the man in front of you then, entering into the shadows as the lights flicker and dim even darker until only his outline remains, a creature of man and beast.
His eyes glow greener, two luring orbs amongst the shifting shadows. He must be smiling, he always does, he has to be. You have to find out for yourself, you have to see Hoseok’s smile again...so you take a step closer, and another step, and another…into the shadows.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a voice behind you asks.
Reaching the space station's wall with nowhere else to go, you peeked out a small circle window, watching the vast galaxies of light twinkling against the nothingness of space. It makes you feel so small and worthless.
You unzip the front of your jumpsuit, pulling your arms free until it lays around your hips.
“My favorite was Club More.” You remember it so well you can hear the club music start to blast, the bass rattling the broken space equipment. Hoseok smirks. You were starting to imagine.
His tentacles wrap around your body like the red rope he used on you at Club More, bounding your wrists together behind you and lifting you easily off the ground.
His hand runs along your palm until your fingertips touch and he interlaces your hands together. “Oh, your heart is racing,” he can feel your pulse in your wrists, “can’t wait to fuck me, y/n?” Hoseok places his hand on your forehead, pulling your head back so you can rest your neck on his shoulder. He kisses your neck tenderly, only one soft kiss while tentacles tear your last shreds of clothes off.
“You want to know why? Because unlike that,” he gestures his head towards the spot of blood where Yoongi had laid, “I know exactly how you like to be fucked.” He finishes the sentence as one large tentacle slides between your legs, entering you until you’re filled entirely. He lets your hand go to replace it with his dick, rolling his hips forward into your open palm.
“I know exactly what to do,” he kisses you softly again on the jaw this time, so close to your mouth as the slippery appendage pulls out and fills you full again, making you gasp and shiver, “to make you scream,” he says as a smaller tentacle wiggles itself into your other hole, tentacles wrap themselves around your breasts, suctions latching onto your sensitive nipples, making you scream in pleasure. “Tell me to stop if I’m wrong?”
You shudder, gasping, moaning, unable to keep your walls from clenching around the slippery appendage, wanting movement. Hoseok moves your body so you’re spread open in front of him, ass in the air. He pumps himself watching the tentacles tease you, roll over you clit, suctioning themselves to your sensitive nerves. You’re used to being knocked forward when hips smack into yours, not this, the weightlessness and complete submission of your body, kept still while Hoseok fills all your holes.
Tentacles slither around one of your ankles, opening your wider, pulling your leg up. Your arms stay secure around your back and it reminds you of the position Hoseok’s dom persona put you in at Club More. What's left of the yellow light turns to red.
The alien appendages move faster inside you, swelling in preparation for release. You feel lightheaded from all the pleasure inflicted on every part of your body, closing in on your climax as well. Your filled, pumped full of alien seed. The alien appendage inside your pussy pulls away only to be replaced with Hoseok’s slim fingers, pushing the escaping cum back inside you. It was Hoseok’s turn to fill you with his dick, plugging you full as he drags you closer to him.
Hoseok grabs the swell of your ass, watching it jiggle as you meet his hips over and over again, being dragged back and forth on his dick by alien appendages.
“Oh fuck, Hoseok, fu-uckk!”
“You make the perfect cumslut, unghh, going to fill your pussy with my cum. That’s what you want, slut?—fuck—I’ll give it all to you.”
Hoseok releases deep inside you, yelling, his cock pulsating as you both reach your high together. You feel floating, weightless. Hoseok’s heel lifts off the ship’s ground from the vertigo of your orgasms. Tentacles unravel but you stay suspended.
Floating in deep space, it’s just you and Hoseok.
“My colleague says this place is one of the best in the country, don’t be nervous,” Namjoon smiles, hugging you close. “Want me to go inside with you? I don’t mind waiting.”
You stand outside of a sleep clinic, hoping to figure out what was wrong with you, or at least how to manage your predicament. You had started to fixate on your dreams, it was becoming impossible to escape thoughts of your dream man, even day dreaming about him and then thinking about him throughout the day. Your dreams were so hyper-realistic, you could feel your body still reacting hours later.
“I don’t want you to miss class.”
“Ahh they’ll be fine,” he kisses your forehead.
“Okay, yeah, stay,” you smile. You walk inside hand-in-hand.
The receptionist calls your name. He smiles brightly at you, explaining how to fill out new patient forms. “Hey professor Kim!” He greets your boyfriend and they talk while you complete each question, being vague in your answers, embarrassed having to explain your issues.
“Do you want me to come in the room with you?”
“No,” you force a smile. There was no way you could talk about your dreams with Namjoon there. “It’s okay, it looks like you got a fan,” you tease, gesturing to the receptionist who seems like he’s itching to ask the humanities professor another question.
Namjoon chuckles, pecking your lips. “I love you, baby.”
“Nice to meet you, I'm the sleep specialist assigned to your case.”
Jimin walks in, looking through your chart. “So what brings you in? I see you listed you are having night terrors and reoccurring dreams, and that you’re feeling short of breath and other physical reactions when waking up. Can you go into more detail? Is this a recent development?” Jimin clasps his hands in his lap, giving you an encouraging smile. He has a soft calming presence that helps you open up.
“Yes…” You explain to Jimin how you have been dreaming about the same man, someone you’ve never met before, that you can see how that might not be a big deal for some people, but for you, it’s like you’re being haunted. You feel like you’re going crazy, like your mind is working against you, and it’s affecting your everyday life. You can’t take it anymore!
“Did you know a person sees an average of 3 million faces in their lifetime? Even if you don’t remember, your subconscious mind can piece together features and create a whole new ‘face.’ There was a study that found dreamers around the world have experienced seeing the same ‘face’ of a man in their dreams because of this phenomenon,” he flips through pages, pulling out a black and white drawing, “Does he look familiar?” It doesn’t look anything like your dream man, however. You shake your head no. Jimin smiles then asks you questions about your diet, your sleep schedule, your stressors and fears.
“I would like you to come back to do a sleep monitoring session with us. When are you fre-”
“As soon as possible!”
Jimin smiles, “That’s usually the answer we get. Our tech is going to come in and prep you while I check with our receptionist about our next available slot, and then we’ll run some brain scans and a few other tests, how’s that?”
“Okay,” you smile. “Sounds great.”
You’re glad you listened to Namjoon, the sleep specialist was so kind and understanding. He didn’t push you to reveal anything you were uncomfortable with and listened diligently. You are hopeful you’ll finally get answers that will help you.
“Hello, I’m here to prep you!” You turn around and the tech sees- “Oh shit.” -your petrified face.
Hoseok had seen you with bright colored hair, in ball gown dresses, in jumpsuits with your hair short, in braids down to the floor and leather wrapped around your body, he’s seen you skinnier, heavier, younger, older, all the ways you imagined yourself, but he’s never seen you like this before. The small scars and imperfections of your features you choose to forget, bare faced with your natural hair, so very very real and alive.
Hoseok stood before you, in the same white coat as Jimin, looking like a version of himself you’ve never seen before, looking scared.
He grabs your chart quickly while you stay frozen in shock whispering the faintest “no.”
He finishes reading the chart, looking back up with you, mirroring your shocked state. Could he get away with pretending he doesn’t know you? Something about the way you look like you’re a second away from screaming says no.
“I’m just here to place these on you,” he whispers hastily and holds out the sticky electrode pads.
“I’m dreaming?” is all you can think to say. Are you ever going to wake up from this nightmare?
“Take a deep breath,” Hoseok says worriedly, looking around the small room and spotting a camera in the far corner, “Calm down.” His words only make you start hyperventilating. The tech cautiously moves towards you and you jump off the medical table, backing yourself into a corner. “I-I’ll put these on you and then I will leave right out that door, it will take only a couple of minutes-” but you’re not listening to Hoseok, your eyes are fixated on his nametag, ‘JACK.’
Hoseok looks down, sighing. He used the name Jack at work because it was easier to read and pronounce, especially when many of their clientele were children.
Maybe he can salvage the situation after all. “All these wires and needles can be scary, right? You’ll be fine, it’s okay to be nervous.” He moves closer to you. “I have to place these on your temples and chest, okay? It will be quick,” he reassures.
You stay still as he takes an alcohol wipe and gently wipes your temples, placing the electrode pads on each side. Standing next to you, you notice you are both closer in height now, how he looks thinner, softer in features.
You inhale a shuddering breath when he adjusts the collar of your shirt to wipe on top of your breast. Hoseok’s hands shake a little, he holds his breath, trying not to think about how he can smell your perfume, or was it shampoo? How he knows what your skin really feels like now, soft as he imagined. He tries to memorize your real face, your real lips, the shade of your real eyes, and can’t help himself from leaning a little closer when he inhales again.
“Hoseok?” He keeps his eyes trained down, watching your chest rise and fall as he places the last electrode.
You’re in a dream, right? This man obviously knows who you are, you think. Are you really dreaming? So why is Hoseok acting like this?! If you’re not dreaming, you don’t even want to think about it, because if you’re not dreaming, then what is he?!
“If you sit back down I can take some blood samples,” he says softly.
You dig your nails into your palm and it hurts. Why does it feel so real? So painful? Hoseok looks timid, laughing awkwardly to ease the tense silence. He’s never acted like this before. Why do you feel so hopeful…
You look around the room. “This is another dream, isn’t it? You’re messing with me again, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry Miss, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he glances over to the security camera again, making you glance too.
If you attack him and this is not a dream, you will probably be committed into a mental institution on the spot, and you can’t let that happen, not with your sweet boyfriend in the waiting room, waiting for you.
You let Hoseok draw your blood, he works quickly and silently. You retrace your steps, every action that happened before coming into this room. It couldn’t all be in your head, right? This doesn’t feel like a dream. Is it a dream? Is it?!
“All done,” Hoseok smiles. His smile is warm and friendly. His smile is so different, and yet, it’s Hoseok’s smile. It’s the smile that haunted your dreams. You reach out, gripping his arm before he turns away.
The door swings open and Jimin walks back in. Hoseok steps hastily away from you and you shut your legs instinctively.
“Oh, erm, I thought you had already finished, sorry. Is everything okay?” Jimin looks between you and Hoseok and the obvious tense atmosphere hanging between you.
“Everything is fine, she’s ready,” Hoseok says quickly exiting the room.
“Oh! Hoseok, her chart!” Jimin holds out his arm, and Hoseok hands over your chart to him. “Thanks.”
You meet Hoseok’s wide eyes with your own.
“So we couldn’t get you in tonight, but good news! There’s an opening tomorrow night.” Jimin says cheerfully.
“Right, that’s great,” you manage to blurt out.
“Okay, follow me!” he chirps.
You follow Jimin out into the hall, passing Hoseok who watches you leave. You pretend not to notice him, keeping your eyes straight forward, and Hoseok knows he’s really fucked.
That night, Hoseok never entered your dreams, but that didn’t stop you from dreaming about him.
Namjoon drops you off at the clinic the next night, kissing you goodbye. “When I pick you up tomorrow, let’s go out for breakfast, okay?”
You giggle, nodding. “I love you.”
“I love you too!” he calls out before driving away. No, this can't be a dream, you think, watching your boyfriend hit the curb with his car. But if it is, you never want it to end.
You meet Jimin in a larger room. It’s decorated nicely, far less clinical than the first day. “Your brain scans came back normal which is great news! Sometimes nightmares and hallucinations can be caused by tumors or other physical issues but your blood work came back perfect as well. Your blood pressure is a little high,” Jimin warns, “It could be due to how much stress you’ve been under, but just in case I recommend lowering your salt and sugar intake.”
“Got it,” you say wearily.
“We want you to be comfortable, there’s a bathroom so you can change. We will be monitoring you through camera as well as monitoring your brain activity with this machine. Once you’re ready, just let us know and we’ll finish setting everything up. Take as much time as you need, we’ll be here all night!” Jimin jokes.
You nod, offering him a timid smile. “W-We?”
“Yes, me and my associate,” Jimin smiles back.
“Oh, ha, yes, Jack.” Jimin laughs, surprised in your interest for the tech. You swallow hard. After leaving the clinic you had spent all day wondering if you had really gone off the deep end, and decided to see this through and find out for yourself what the hell was going on.
You changed into pajama pants and Namjoon’s old tshirt. You sit on the bed, pulling the material up to smell the front, letting his scent calm you. Namjoon smelled like pine and woods, nothing like Hoseok, whose smell reminded you of citrus and vanilla. Why were you comparing them? You shake away the thoughts, motioning at the camera that you were ready.
You sit up in bed pulling the sheets up higher when Hoseok walks in.
“W-What are you doing here?”
“I have to put these on again,” he says softly, holding up the electrode pads.
That’s not what you meant. So he did not have all the right answers here. You bite your tongue as he begins setting up the sleep monitor.
“What are you?” you hiss under your breath.
Hoseok clenches his jaw, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re ruining my life,” you whisper, “and you’re just going to act like we’ve never met-”
“We have never met,” he hisses back.
“Stay away from me! I don’t know how you did it, but don’t ever go into my dreams again!” you whisper, getting louder and louder with each word.
“Stay calm!” Hoseok whispers, pressing on your shoulder to lay you back down. “I’m about to put a heart rate monitor on you.”
“Why me?” you grit out. “I deserve to know! Why me?!” you repeat, losing your temper.
Hoseok crosses his arms looking away, breaking the helpful exterior he had up until now. “Your dreams were the loudest.”
You’re running.
Running down a long cavernous corridor.
You’re running, winded, falling over rocks.
Running, running, running.
A loud gurgling monstrous noise resounds behind you. You're running, escaping before you are caught in its clutches.
The monstrous noise roars, causing the ground to quake with each of its loud steps. The cave walls shake, dropping sand and dirt around you.
Your legs ache, your lungs burn, your chest feels heavy. You keep running.
Suddenly, a body crashes into yours. The mad scientist who created the monster and you fall over. His white coat is covered in blood and dirt, hair wild, glasses broken. Another man falls over your bodies, pulling you both up. “Get up!”
“This way!” the mad scientist yells as your group encounters a fork in the tunnel, motioning down the left way.
“Y/n, wait! Don’t trust him,” Jungkook, the scientist’s assistant, pulls you back. “This is all your fault!” He addresses his boss, Doctor Jimin Park, the scientist who created a monster. Jimin had let the monster become too powerful, wanting the testing to continue, and now, the beast had escaped and was coming for you all.
“I didn’t know this would happen!” he pleads, “We don’t have time for this!”
The cave tunnels are dark, dusty. As the rocks shake it feels like the walls are closing in on you, slowly suffocating you. It’s true, you didn’t have time to argue, the monster was almost there.
You run with Jungkook down the right side of the fork instead.
“She’s having another nightmare, she went into REM again fast,” Jimin whistles, going over the data, pulling up your brain activity, monitoring your oxygen levels and breathing, your escalating heart rate, “Look at those spikes,” Jimin annotates the readings. Hoseok nods, tenser than usual. “Hey, what’s up with you?” Jimin turns to his roommate, “Do you two know each other?”
“No!” Hoseok says defensively, “I’ve never met her in my life!”
Jimin raises his eyebrow at his roommate and long time friend. “My mistake,” he goes back to studying the readings, not bringing up the fact that he knows Hoseok switched shifts tonight. “She has a boyfriend.” he says offhandedly.
“I didn’t ask,” Hoseok mutters, side eyeing his roommate. “You got this? I’m going to take a nap.”
You and Jungkook ran until you found a door, falling into a bright white room. The door closes shut and locks behind you.
“What the hell?!” Jungkook yells, banging on the door, yanking on the handle with no luck.
You try to catch your breath, hands on your knees as Jungkook tries with all his might to break down the door.
Bright blue smoke fills the room, slowly at first, pooling at your feet until it covers every inch of the room. You have no choice but to inhale the gaseous substance into your lungs.
You and Jungkook cough and drop to your knees. And when the smoke clears, it still feels like you’re choking on smoke, your skin feels hot, burning. Your muscles become tense, your body jittery. You curl up into a ball as you lie on the floor, trying to catch your breath to stop the room from spinning.
A calm clinical voice talks from a loudspeaker. “Experiment six-hundred and thirteen B. Trial one.”
You still feel hot despite the cold air around you. Your clothes feel too tight, too scratchy, and you want to rip them off you. You groan, hugging your knees. Why does it feel like your skin is crawling?
Your mouth is salivating, every part of you feels hot and sensitive, you pull on your blouse, rubbing your sore sensitive nipples, whimpering. The rings around your fingers even feel constricting, and you pull them off hastily, throwing them far away from you.
You turn over on your back, trying to find some relief to relax your tense muscles, rubbing your legs together to stop the throbbing, unable to think of anything else other than release.
Jungkook is fairing no better, yelling in pain, fist hitting the ground over and over to distract how tight his stomach feels, the stinging ache in his balls, how painfully erect he is. He pulls his shirt off, ripping the buttons, unable to take touching the offending garment any longer. His hand grazes his cock and he breathes harshly through clenched teeth, groaning in agony.
The deep grunts coming from Jungkook are driving you crazy, you can’t help but clench down, crying out in frustration. You pull your blouse off, “J-Jungkook…” you pant, turn over on your stomach feebly reaching for your bra, giving up to reach in between your legs instead.
His name leaving your lips in a soft moan makes Jungkook’s dick throb painfully in the confines of his pants. He’s going to die if he doesn’t do something, he’s going to lose his mind if he doesn’t fuck you. He undoes his pants, pulling down his boxers, anything to relieve the ache inside of him. “Y/n..”
You whimper, letting out a frustrated cry. He sounds so fucking hot, so sexy, you need him, you want him, you’re going to die if you can’t have him. You reach out an arm, searching. Where is he? Where is he?!
“Jungkook” you moan, whimpering, writhing, “Jungkook! Please, p-please-” You fuck your fingers, your thoughts consumed with Jungkook’s body, his deep voice, his muscles, his lips, everything about him.
Jungkook lifts his head, finding you, your legs spread open, head thrown back, moaning his name and he feels his last shreds of sanity slipping away. He wants to fuck you, breed you, make you his. He leans on his arms, pumping his cock, but it’s not good enough, he needs you. Giving into his urges, he pushes himself up.
Jungkook drops over you, kissing you hungrily, devouring your cries, tasting your lips, your mouth, swallowing your moans and your spit, getting impossibly harder. He rips off your bra, your skirt, your underwear, taking the torn fabric and burying his face in it, moaning as he inhales, completely feral for you.
You open your legs wide for him, mewling, crying, pussy soaked and desperate for his cock.
He thrusts in, his pace erratic, coming after only a few strokes, however he doesn’t stop, he pistons into you wildly, needing to come more, to fill you up, fill every hole.
You pulse around him, screaming, lost in pleasure, lost in Jungkook, coming hard around his thick cock. This is what you want, to be fucked until you can’t. Neither of you notice the bright red smoke filling up the room, passing out in each other's arms.
“Experiment six-hundred and thirteen B. Trial eight.” The clinical voice wakes you up. Your body is sore, sticky, covered in hickeys and love bites. Jungkook stirs, his head rolling to the side on your thigh.
What happened? You look around, remembering.
Wait a minute, you know what this is-
You look at the clinical walls, reminding you of the walls at the sleep clinic. Jungkook, the buff receptionist who took down your information, is the man between your legs. Oh fuck. This is not real. ‘You are dreaming, y/n. You’re in a dream.’ Bright blue smoke fills the room again.
“Want my help?” The intercom voice crackles again, but this time it is not the clinical monotone voice.
“I told you not to come into my dreams anymore,” you groan.
Hoseok clicks the intercom off, leaning back in his office chair, watching you behind a one way mirror, currently bouncing off his colleague’s cock. Hoseok watches you ride Jungkook's cock, moaning wantonly, his own dick painfully erect in his pants at the sight. Now that you knew, what is he going to do now? Did Hoseok want to admit to you he couldn’t help himself, even after meeting you? Your dreams were always so entertaining. Your fantasies were wild, depraved, thrilling, addicting to experience. He liked it. Hoseok was addicted even if he did not want to admit it.
He clicks the switch on again, “You’re relying too much on what your dream is telling you. Let it be the other way around, that gas could be laughing gas, or shrinking gas, or smoke filtering in from a barbecue going on in another room, you can make it whatever you want to be.”
You’re listening to Hoseok but you’re not hearing him. Hoseok watches Jungkook ravage you, choking you with his cock, which he thinks is way too long to be Jungkook’s if he’s being honest. Annoyance twists at the pit of his stomach. So what if he intervenes? It was all just a dream, as you loved to remind him.
You shake, orgasming again. Hoseok steps behind Jungkook, pulling out a tranquilizer, sedating his dream colleague.
Jungkook drops, and you whine, aching to be filled again. Your foot runs up Hoseok’s leg, searching for his crotch. “Hoseok?” you whine out “Hoseok...fuck me, Hoseok!”
Tempting, however, Hoseok really needed to talk to you.
He pulls on your ankle, and for a brief moment you feel weightless.
Your hazy mind clears again and you look up taking in your surroundings. You were in a bright red and pink room with neon blue and red lights everywhere, on a heart shaped bed.
“Love motel. Really?” you ask the dream walker, the affects of the smoke completely subsiding in the red room.
“It was the quickest way to get you out of there, using an aspect of your dream and modifying it.” Hoseok says pointedly. “I was improvising!”
Hoseok was in bell bottoms, a tight bright blue collared shirt and jet black styled hair. And you were in a tight light blue babydoll dress…with no underwear…
“I told you not to go into my dreams!” You press your legs together, embarrassed at the wetness still pooling at your core.
“How do you know it’s really me?” Hoseok muses, “Maybe you’re just dreaming me up?”
Your eyes narrow on the dream walker, you try to picture him as a llama, or turn him into a bug, a shoe, a dead man.
Hoseok sighs, undoing the last few fastened buttons of his shirt.
“I-I have a boyfriend!” Ahh yes, Hoseok saw the man who had dropped you off at the clinic. “You, here, it’s wrong! No, no this is worse, I thought you were just a bad dream, but if you’re really here, if this is you…you’re evil!”
“It’s not that serious,” Hoseok rolls his eyes.
“It’s my life! And you’re poisoning my mind!”
“You’re not giving yourself enough credit,” he says sarcastically, “I really haven’t altered your dreams that much. I only work with what I got, darling.”
“Why don’t you go fuck a real woman and not me! Pervert!” The neon lights turn yellow and green instead in Hoseok’s irritation and anger.
“Do you not remember how you begged me, got on your knees for me?”
“It wasn’t real-I-I didn’t know-”
“So now it doesn’t count? Did that little fuck session with our receptionist count or not count too? I’m a little confused. So tell me what is it, am I a pervert, are you a cheater?”
“Y-You used me-”
“I brought us here, but I didn’t create that,” he looks over to the whips and chains across the walls. “It's your mind filling in the room, y/n. So don't blame me! You’re such a twisted little thing, such a dirty slut. Too scared to let your boyfriend know what a kinky girl you are, is that it?”
“Fuck you.”
“You know, I could enter his dreams, find out all his dirty little secrets too.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you scream and the room’s entire foundation shakes.
“You're getting boring, a pain, why should I stay? I would love to know what makes your boyfriend so perfect in your eyes. Yeah I think I'll go do that, and you can stay here, chained. All alone.”
You look down at your feet, leather straps tightly secured around your ankles as he walks away from you.
You reach your legs and cry out when you find chains tight around your wrists, “No...” You wish Hoseok wouldn't leave-
The door suddenly disappears.
Hoseok waves a hand and creates another door. He smiles over his shoulder, glaring at you, but when he opens it a concrete wall appears. Sighing, he makes another door, walks into it and-
-right back into the love motel.
Hoseok raises an eyebrow. “I would stop that if I were you. You don't want to be trapped in here with me.” Hoseok warns, over your accusations and your annoying actions. “I could make you question every part of your existence, every boundary of your mind, every truth you know.”
You grind your teeth and think of the Hoseok you met. You weren’t scared of him, he wasn’t intimidating, he was weak.
Hoseok rolls his shoulders, looking down at his clothes, back in his white lab coat. He scoffs and then breaks out into laughter. “I warned you.”
The chains tighten and begin pulling you down into the heart bed, harder and harder, it feels like the bed is...beating. Hoseok stands over you, tilting his head as you struggle.
You scream, your limbs feel like they’re separating, elongating, like ribbons. Your whole body feels like it’s unraveling like a bow being pulled open, like you’re no longer human, everything stretching and thinning out, thousands of red ribbons, threads of your sanity, splitting. Hoseok sinks into the bed, and blood spurts out from underneath the covers with each beat. He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you. If you could scream, you would be shrieking.
Your scream is so piercing it wakes Hoseok too, napping two rooms away.
“It’s okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.”
Jimin drops the smelling salts he used on you as you shake in his arms. Your heart rate had become dangerously high and you were tossing and turning erratically.
He rubs your back soothingly. He knew Hoseok lied to him and now he has proof, you moaning his name softly on video. But why would he lie? Jimin will worry about that later, his attention was solely on calming you down.
Jimin checks your vitals, going over every note he took until the sun starts to rise while you lie staring blankly at the ceiling. “You’re tired. How do you feel about trying to sleep again? I’ll be right here, ready to wake you.”
You nod drowsily, clutching a pillow. “Jimin,” you mumble, your tired body falling into sleep. “Hoseok is the monster.”
Jimin looks over to the mirror, knowing behind the one-way glass the tech is probably watching. He pats your head, standing up.
“How is she?”
“Well, her heart rate jumped to 160,” Jimin runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “Her sleep cycle is all over the place. Look, once she entered REM her vitals skyrocketed–she might just be a sound sleeper–but it took smelling salts to wake her.” Hoseok hums, looking over your sleep chart, figuring out the point on the chart where he entered your dreams and studying the data. “You look like hell, did you not just take a nap?” Jimin laughs.
Hoseok rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. “Think it’s serious, what’s wrong with her?”
“You’ve never been so interested in a patient,” Jimin teases, “Is she an ex or something? You can tell me-”
“No!” Hoseok smacks the giggling sleep specialist, “I can’t be worried for a patient?”
When you wake up, Jimin is ready with juice and breakfast toast and a sleep chart for you.
“This is a normal sleep chart,” he shows you a chart with distinct hills and valleys. “There are five stages of sleeping.” He follows the deescalating line. “Stage one is dreaming, stage two and three are light sleep, and stage four and five are deep sleep. What we are most concerned with is your dreaming, REM stage. Normally, you would go into REM, then enter into the light and deep stages of sleeping.” His finger starts traveling upwards along the path of the line, “Then you go back to stage four, three, two, and one, you re-enter REM again,” he smiles. “Normally one would go through around five cycles of this, but you-” he flips the chart over, “This is your chart, your first wave is normal, then here, it’s like you entered the second stage of REM and never left. Your brain waves however,” Jimin pulls out another confusing diagram. “Here you have large waves usually congruent to deep sleep, your vitals should be slowing down but they don’t. Somehow you are still dreaming.”
“Is there, um, ways to make myself not dream?”
“It might not feel like it right now but dreaming is a necessary part of sleeping. People sometimes view REM as the final stage of sleeping but if you see, like I explained, it’s actually the first. You can’t really avoid it,” he says softly. You want to cry.
Jimin suggests certain things to relax you while sleeping, oils, sounds, exercise before bed or a warm bath. He didn’t want to discuss any medications yet, confident dream therapy will be a better avenue.
But you know none of those things will really help you. Not when Hoseok is there, his back to you now, clearing away the equipment.
Jimin schedules another sleep session. You smile and thank Jimin, he really did give you the tools to help yourself, unknowingly. There was a way to cure you, you just had to be brave enough to do something about it.
Jimin releases you for the day. However, you don’t leave the clinic, instead you slip inside an empty room. “Hey Joonie, they said they have to perform some more tests. Sleep in, baby, I should be done before lunchtime. I love you,” you whisper, leaving a voicemail for your boyfriend.
You wait, watching through the creek in the door, until you see the answer (and cause) of all your problems.
Hoseok sits on his small employee sleep cot cracking his knuckles. He’s more tired now that you’re so resistant. Maybe he should just move on, he thinks, he should just enter another dream world, a dreamer who did not irritate him as much, who did have the gall to blame Hoseok for her own illicit thoughts, who did not consume him so, the way you were beginning to.
Hoseok never felt particularly guilty for the chaos he caused while dreaming, but reading over your answers and how you described your ‘night terrors,’ and how you couldn’t distinguish your dreams from reality…
How ridiculous. Dreams were wonderful, but once awake, the fabrication of the Dreamworld was exposed, dreams never stood up to the test, there was nothing that could compare to the authenticity of the reality, the harshness of it. Dreams just didn’t last forever.
He couldn’t be affecting you that much, could he? But seeing the evidence so painfully presented across your scared features made him at least begin to wonder…
A soft click pulls him out of his thoughts.
He sits up abruptly, staring at you. Awake he had no powers, he couldn’t just will things to be, make the exact thing he needed to come appear before him. He couldn’t do the things he wanted to do, he couldn’t say the things he wanted to say. So Hoseok did nothing.
He watches you close the door behind you. “You shouldn’t be here-”
“Like you shouldn’t be in my dreams?” you counter.
Hoseok wasn’t like his boisterous dream self, he was cautious, reserved. You sit on the corner of his cot to think. This feels more bizarre than all your dreams combined. “I’ll cancel my next appointment, I’ll tell Mr. Park that I’m better now. I won’t bother you ever again if you promise to leave me and my boyfriend alone.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes. He plays with the sleeves of his coat. You were so close, he could touch you, the real you. He had you right here with him, no costumes, no fake persona, just you and him. You shifted on his cot and he felt his window of time with you escaping, here where time was fractional and always fleeting. A series of clocks on the wall were ticking away the seconds, gone another moment with you. This was supposed to be the last time? How could he agree to such a thing?
“How do you do it?” you whisper softly, as if you were scared to find out the answer. “How is it possible for you to go into my dreams?”
Hoseok scoots backwards until his back meets the clinic wall, stretching out his legs. “I don’t know, I've always been able to do it. I just enter people’s dreams for fun-”
What? “You’ve been doing this because it’s fun for you? Fun?” you hiss, angry tears welling up in your eyes as you yank on his coat, grabbing the lapels of his lab coat in your fists
He covers your fists with his, holding you to him. Even though Hoseok was not as powerful and imposing as he acted in your dreams, he was still stronger than you. You take a deep breath, ready to scream like a banshee, and Hoseok quickly pounces, covering your mouth before you can yell.
The way you struggled under him twisted his insides. This did not feel good. He struggled trying to hold you down, anxiety and nausea churning in the pit of his stomach as you kicked underneath him while he tried to keep you quiet.
His entire body weight was on you, stealing precious air from your lungs, but as unevenly matched as you were, you were now on a much leveled playing field, Hoseok was becoming winded and you were full of adrenaline.
Your hands began to search for anything to defend yourself with, reaching for his bedside lamp, hitting the blunt end hard across his skull, Hoseok falls forward, dragging you off the small cot and onto the floor.
Namjoon pulls his left fist back, seeing an opening, and lands a hard left hook onto the side of Hoseok’s face.
The crowd cheers and you yell, your hands up in the air. The bell rings ending the round just in time and the referee goes over to Hoseok’s beaten body, counting.
Shaken, Hoseok gets up, signaling to the referee he was fine. He moves to his corner of the ring, watching as you towel away the cascading sweat from Namjoon’s head, handing him a water bottle. As he chugs the water, you take a swab and swipe vaseline and antibiotic over his cuts and swab inside his nose, readying Namjoon for the next round.
‘Okay, y/n, if that’s how you want to play,’ Hoseok thinks, smirking, then he sure won’t hold back. He stands up, knocking his gloves together and the crowd goes wild.
You stand up, glaring at him. Namjoon shakes off his fatigue, jumping back and forth. You stand on the bottom rope of the ring and lean over to massage Namjoon’s shoulders, “You got this, baby.”
He smiles, debating on whether to kiss you in front of thousands of screaming fans, but decides to wait, deciding he will kiss you when he wins.
Hoseok stands in the middle of the ring, ready. Head down, his arms defensively up. The bell dings, signaling the next round and the crowd roars, hungry for blood.
Namjoon goes in for a jab and Hoseok blocks. They fight, evenly matched, every punch and block earning another cheer from the crowd. In this dream, the only way the fight will end is with a knockout.
“Go, Joonie, go!” Hoseok lands a hit right into your dream boxer boyfriend’s side, and another, and another, moving quicker than usual, catching a second wind. Hoseok is fast, you’ll give him that, perhaps inhumanly fast. But you knew Namjoon was stronger now that you weren’t willing to back down. You place a hand on the ropes, cheering him on. Namjoon lands a hit on Hoseok's temple, knocking him back. “Yes! Yes! Show him, Joon!” The bell digs again.
You couldn’t help but gloat, walking over to Hoseok’s side. “I thought you were better than this, Hoseok? Feeling the heat? Still want to keep bothering me? I’ll find a way to beat you down every single time, I’m not scared of you anymore.”
Hoseok swishes water in his mouth, spitting up the bloody liquid into a pale. He smiles, bending down closer to the ropes, he softly taps your cheek with his glove. “Shouldn’t you be in your boyfriend’s corner?”
You bite your lip, hoping Namjoon knocks all his teeth out.
The fight bell dings once more and Hoseok lands a solid uppercut, knocking your dream boyfriend back into the corner. The crowd boos, pissing off the dream walker even more. You were getting better at controlling your dreams, but you’ve just started learning, Hoseok has been doing this for years.
He leans his whole body on the ropes, pulling the tension back, and catapults his body into Namjoon, dropping him with a clothesline move to the chest. The crowd cheers louder than ever before.
You look up stunned, gone are the men’s boxing gloves. Hoseok does a dance over Namjoon’s body in tight wrestling pants and a cowboy hat, hair an intense orange color, while the referee slaps the ring floor, counting down. Hoseok waves his hand in the air, calling for more cheers, pacing and dancing around the ring.
“G-Get up! Joon, get up!” Namjoon kicks out of the referee’s count and the match resumes. Namjoon leans on the ropes in pain. His hair is styled in a bright yellow mullet. He wears wrestling shorts, and looks so very unlike your collegiate boyfriend.
You reach up, slapping his hand, tagging yourself in, your coach suit transformed into a tight purple pleather sports bra and pants.
Hoseok smiles wide, securing his cowboy hat and walking around the ring as the bell dings for you, holding his hand out and waving for you to “Bring it!” The crowd loses their collective minds at his performance.
You enter the ring, your adrenaline running high. You kick him in the chest swinging your body into the ropes. You try to put Hoseok in an armlock, but he lifts your body up, holding you in the air tauntingly, egging on the crowd. You twist your body around, securing your arm lock after all, going for a body drop.
You attack, relentlessly punching him. The crowd ooohs and ahhhs, the stadium is electric. Hoseok wraps his arms around your waist lifting your body up. You suspect he’s setting up a suplex so you kick and escape his hold.
Climbing onto the top rope, you raise your hands like a conductor, drawing raucous cheers and chants, and then you jump! Elbow drop!
But Hoseok grabs you midair to the crowd's collective dismay. He pants in your ear, “Enjoying this a little too much, huh? Want to take this somewhere private?” You look over at Namjoon, his body hanging far over the ropes, arm reaching for yours to tag him in. You had completely forgotten about him.
Hoseok uses your distraction to his advantage, throwing you to the mat, pulling your leg up for a pin. You kick out of his hold, stopping the count. The crowd roars your name so loud the sound is deafening. How can you beat him?! If you want to beat the dream walker, you need to start thinking more like him!
He throws you over his shoulder, positioning your body for another suplex, this time a straight vertical, to the ire of the crowd. But this time you’re ready, not with another counter, but with an idea. Your bodies hit the mat, and it bends and warps to accommodate you like a trampoline, bouncing you both into the air, and when you both fall back down, you land soft cushion, a small couch, no, a love seat. The audience claps, cheering.
“Welcome back! Now each of our newlywed couples are tied in points. Whoever gets this right will take the lead!” You push a confused Hoseok away, smoothing down your dress. The crowd giggles at your antics. “Here’s the question! Backstage we told your partner to write down one thing they found most irritating about you. Now, you have to guess what they’ve written down, what’s the one thing you do that just gets right under their skin? Couple number one, go ahead!” He addresses Hoseok.
Your smile brightly, holding the large white sign to your chest as the audience claps.
Hoseok glares at you, then like a light switch, he switches his demeanor into a bubbly television personality perfectly suited for daytime television. He pulls at his shirt collar, making a funny face, “Well, that’s going to be hard to guess, because I just know she finds all my habits irritating.”
The crowd erupts into laughter. “I am gonna have to say,” Hoseok eyes you up and down, “my overactive imagination.”
‘That’s one way to put it,’ you think. Hoseok was dressed as close to his normal self as the dream walker could get, in a nice suit and tie, plain brown hair and a clean cut hairstyle, but all you could see was every single different version of the dream walker smiling back at you, his hair in so many different shades of colors, clothes usually styled extravagantly, sometimes with makeup, sometimes painted nails, sometimes glowing eyes and alien features, and you wondered who was the real Hoseok? Because the man you met at the sleep clinic acted nothing like the man sitting next to you now, who stares back at you in challenge.
“Y/n, turn your card over and let everyone know what you find most annoying about Hoseok!”
You smile at the audience and turn over your card. Scribbled in the center is “too idealistic.”
“‘Too idealistic’ she says! ‘Overactive imagination,’ and ‘idealistic,’ well I’ll tell you what, this couple’s answers are imaginative! What does the audience say, should we give them the point?” The crowd hollers and cheers, securing you a point.
“Couple one takes the lead for now! Now, couple two…”
“What the hell is this…” Hoseok whispers, looking at stage lights and cameras.
“What, you never dreamed about winning a game show before?” you whisper back. Hoseok never dreamed about anything, but if he could, he would definitely not put himself through such an agonizing and cringeworthy experience.
“Next round already, wowza! Now, before we asked what your partners found most irritating about you, this question has to do with what they find most attractive about you! Backstage we asked your partners to write down what they saw as your, ‘best physical feature.’ Couple one, what’s your answer!”
Hoseok crosses his arms, what is this game you’re playing? Are you trying to publicly embarrass him?
“Well, I don’t know if I can say that on air.” Hoseok throws the camera a mischievous smile and the women in the audience giggle.
“Ohoho well, let’s keep it PG now!”
“My body?” Hoseok hums.
“Your smile,” you turn the card around.
“Uh oh, couple three takes the lead!”
Hoseok waits until the camera pans away from you, before dropping his overly cheerful expression. “Was that a lie?”
“Why would I lie, stupid?”
“You little-” Hoseok bites his tongue when the camera pans over to your section.
As other contestants answer the host’s question with a quip of their own, Hoseok places his arm around your waist. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“We’re married here aren’t we, I am putting my arm around my lovely wife,” he sneers.
“Y/n, we asked Hoseok the reason why he chose you, now what do you think he wrote down?”
“I don’t know,” you say softly.
A collective aww falls over the audience. “Aww c'mon, not even a guess? You married him after all!” The host turns his head to the audience and the audience laughs. Hoseok winces, the noises were becoming grating, yet you wait.
“No answer? No? Well, flip that card then.” The host says anxiously, reading aloud Hoseok's answer, “He chose you because you embraced every side of him, even the worst parts, you showed him worlds where he could belong. After learning your fears and desires, he was reminded of his own, and you made him feel not alo-” Hoseok rips the card in half, and everyone goes quiet. “Ah ha ah, we’ll be back right after this commercial-”
Hoseok stands up pushing past staff members dragging you along, going backstage and out the exit door-
The audience stare at the pair of you as you and Hoseok walk through the entrance doors. “Stop it,” Hoseok grits out through clenched teeth.
“The game isn’t over,” you merely say. Hoseok huffs, straightening his jacket and walking back towards the stage with you following right behind him.
The host speaks to the crowd while you take your seats, your hip pressed up against the flustered dream walker. “Hoseok,” you whisper, “I’m trying to get us to work together for once.”
God, you are irritating him. Everything about this cheesy game show is irritating. You think you’re being clever, but he knows you, he knows how to pick apart your dreams and find your hidden weaknesses, your secret wishes. Well, Hoseok has some questions he wants to ask too. He can play part of doting husband if that’s what you truly desire.
“If your partner had one hall pass, what name do you think they would write down. Couple one?”
“Jack.” Hoseok smiles wickedly.
“It’s like he can read my mind,” you laugh unconvincingly, turning your card.
“Now y/n, what is Hoseok’s favorite place to make whoopie?” The crowd ooohs and laughs at the game show host’s scandalous question.
“Oh, well, there’s just so many…” you stutter, embarrassed.
“Don’t overthink it, Darling.”
“Ahh ahh, no helping your partner! We don’t have all day, y/n!”
“The, uhhh, bed?”
Hoseok faces the crowd, smiling sweetly. “Call me old fashioned, but-” he turns the cue card, “-in bed!”
Raucous cheers from the crowd erupt as your point total increases. Hoseok puts his arm around your waist again, hugging you close. With his head on your shoulder and back to the camera he uses the opportunity to whisper in your ear. “You know, this is not the the first time you’ve dreamt of marriage, you remember don’t you? You want to get married, y/n?” Hoseok hugs you deceptively gentle, his words anything but.
“Does it bother you that no one has popped the question yet? How long have you been with that boyfriend of yours?” You stay still in Hoseok’s embrace, unwilling to answer him, but you don’t have to, Hoseok sees the number so clearly indicated on your fallen card. “Four years?” Hoseok tuts, “Oh y/n, take it from a man, if he wanted to ask you, he would have already.”
That wasn’t true, Namjoon was going to ask you, you’ve talked about kids, you’ve talked about growing old together. He was going to ask you…one day, you were sure of it. But the tiny doubting voices in the back of your mind were becoming louder. Namjoon had a good paying job now. He was no longer a teacher’s aid, he had earned a spot as a professor, he could afford a ring now. So why...no, Namjoon was a great boyfriend, he was smart and handsome. Honestly, you felt sometimes he was out of your league. You’re sure people saw it too, like his students…his female students…
As the round goes on, Hoseok keeps his arm around your waist, finger tips inching closer to your center. Couple number three begins to quarrel, Hoseok leans over to kiss your temple. “Y/n,” he whispers into your hair, a teasing sensual tone that has you frozen, trying not to react in front of the studio audience, “I know you’re still not wearing any panties.”
His fingers curl under the hem of your dress. There’s only a small table covering your laps, if anyone were to notice you…
You reach over too, placing your palm directly over his crotch in warning. Hoseok shuts his eyes, tongue rolling over the bottom of his lip.
The crowd laughs at a joke you don’t hear.
Because you’re too busy focusing on the way Hoseok moves his fingers over your sex.
You grip his length, rubbing down his bulge. The host asks Hoseok a question. He ignores it.
And your eyes meet.
The host calls your names again, but you’re too entranced in each other’s stare, working to rile each other up, fighting to see who breaks first.
Hoseok reaches for you, unable to resist any further, pulling you in for a rough needy kiss, moving your body over his lap in front of rolling cameras and a captive studio audience.
“Uhh uhh we’re experiences ahh technical difficulties!”
Hoseok is pulling your bodies over the love seat while the other contestants stand up in shock.
You fall over the love seat and back into a bed. ‘The love motel?’
“Get off!” You stop yourself from groping the dream walker any further, pushing him away, jumping off the red heart bed, another bad dream you did not want to relive.
You run towards the door, yanking it open-
-and run into a pile of sand. There’s sand all around you, a dark night sky with constellations so clear it was like you were floating in space.
Does everything have to remind you of Hoseok?!
You scream as the wind picks up sand.
You hear his familiar laughter before you see him.
You pick up a large handful of sand and chuck it at the dream walker when you turn.
He shakes his head as sand flies off his skin and hair. “Seriously?”
“Yes!” You lunge for the dream walker in your anger. You trip over each other, fighting against strong winds, and you fall backward-
-into water, surrounded by the sea. You kick towards the surface in a slow and agonizing pace, finally reaching the top as you gasp for air.
A small paddle boat rocks back and forth, Hoseok standing with his arms crossed in the center. “When are you going to learn, huh? You can’t beat me, so you might as well be a good girl and play along.”
You grind your teeth, furious. ‘Oh yeah?’ He will see. Who does he think he is? Did he forget these were your dreams? Your rules! The bright blue sky above you turns black, storm clouds roar to life and lightning flashes across the sky.
Hoseok balances himself, looking up towards the chaos ensuing, his small tiny boat rocking erratically in the rough storm waves. Then he takes a running leap off the edge. Jumping right for you.
Water rushes away, and you land with a hard thud on sleek flooring. Stage lights blind you as hushed whispering turns to angry yells. Hoseok lays sprawled over you, hair red like the devil, smiling like one too. He leans down to kiss you, and a thousand cameras flash.
You grip his jacket lapels tight, pulling him off you and you both fall off the stage and waist deep into mud.
“Ugh what kind of dream is this?!” Hoseok yells, disgusted.
Oh it’s one you’re very familiar with. A dream you had when you were young and terrified of the dangers of quicksand, convinced you would some day take a wrong step without looking and end up here. You push Hoseok down deeper into the sinking earth, struggling to move yourself. He yells, the mud turns to tar, the jungle around you turns to buzzing machinery and metal scaffolding as you sink deeper into the blackness. Hoseok was gone under, somewhere still around you, as evidenced by the adapting landscape you were not controlling.
The sparking electronical wiring shifts into vines, your neck deep in mud again. Then it turns into yellow sand, caving into itself like the sands of an hourglass. You feel a grip around your ankles, and then you too, slip under.
You fall on soft sand, glass all around you. Thick and soundproof, caging you in a glass prison.
You knock your fist and the hourglass echoes your pleas of freedom.
Hoseok walks over to you, speaking muffled.
“I can’t hear you, you asshole!” You try not to panic in the closed confined space, the hourglass only big enough to hold your crouching figure. You try not to think about the small specs of sand slowly falling into your area from above.
This is your dream, so why can’t you get out of it?! Think, use your imagination! You feel like you’re on the brink of a panic attack as sand begins to cover your legs.
So you start digging deeper, kicking up sand. Until the tips of your fingers hit something hard and metallic. You pull out a key.
There’s no key hole here, no lock, nothing, just sand and tempered glass and Hoseok watching you with a look of satisfaction on his face. So you dig again, and it’s Hoseok who bangs on your prison, rattling glass, his screaming unheard by you.
And then you pull out a box. Just one small gold and red box, ancient symbols carved into its top.
What is this? Could this save you? Before your key meets the lock your glass prison rattles and expands. You cough as sand cascades around you, no longer confined. You weren’t trapped in the hourglass anymore. The hourglass had expanded into a vast desert.
“Me?! You stop!”
“You’re dreaming recklessly. You’re going to hurt yourself!” he says, reaching for the tiny box. However, you kick up sand, running away, putting the key into the box and turning it.
“I alter dreams, that, that is messing with your mind,” Hoseok warns, looking at the unlocked box anxiously.
You look down at the open box. A Pandora's box. What ever was inside is gone now. You reach inside the empty box anyways.
A small tea candle is in the center of your palm.
“What’s this?” Hoseok asks, dressed in black.
“A funeral,” you swallow, “my grandmother, on my mom’s side. She died when I was just a child, I was too young to even understand what that meant. I didn’t understand why my mom wouldn’t stop crying. I just knew what ever it was I didn’t want it to happen to my mother.”
You felt sick, you shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t know this. You don’t remember this. You felt small and little and so unprepared for the grief around you.
“Stay calm,” Hoseok takes your hand in his, steering you away from the mourning crowd. Past headstones, past grave plots. Some were your ancestors, you recognized your mother’s maiden name.
And then you recognize one particular name, stopping, frozen. Your mother was alive, you knew it, and yet devastation still crept into your bones at the sight of the headstone in front of you. It was fear and sadness like you’ve never felt before, such a horribly cold and isolating feeling.
Hoseok grabs you by the shoulders lifting you up. “Come on!”
The more you walk away, the more you fixate on the funeral, the crying, the death all around you. Hoseok pulls you along, stepping over roses littering the ground until there were so many broken flowers he had no choice but to crush the petals. “You need to get yourself together...y/n!” Hoseok was excellent at navigating the worst of nightmares. Fortunately, as long as he got you somewhere safe, it should be okay, he will be able to take control again.
Roses started falling from the sky, their thorns cutting you and Hoseok, their scent become putrid. Now you remember, when you were young and hated that scent. The sickly floral scent of the candles your mother would light every night in remembrance for your grandmother, crying over the small alter.
“Y/n! Hey!” Hoseok shook you, trying to move you, lifting you up into his arms instead, cut roses reaching to his knees, the sharp thorns digging into his calves with step. “Tell me about your first day of school.”
“Come on, just tell me,” Hoseok grunts.
“I cried.”
“I didn’t want to leave my mom.”
“But eventually, you stopped, right?”
“Yeah, my teacher, she uhh,” What did she do? “She showed me her bookcase, let me look at a picture book.”
“What book?”
“I-I don’t remember. I think...it was...a book called, When You Give a Mouse A Cookie.”
That, Hoseok could work with. Hundreds of tiny gray little mice started running past the pair of you, collecting the roses in their tiny mouths, making it easier for Hoseok.
“What else do you remember?” he asked, walking with you in his arms.
“There was a bubble.”
“A what now?”
“A-A big plastic bubble in her classroom. We could go inside and read inside of it.”
“Oh, I’ve never heard of anything like that.”
“It w-was my favorite thing to do.” You think back to all the times you played, all the silly make believe games you played in her classroom.
“Okay! I have a plan.” You look at Hoseok, and he smiles confidently back at you, crouching down, a cute gray mouse scurries up your leg and into your lap, dropping a cookie in your hand. It’s such an odd sight. An old fable, a forgotten story, a part of your childhood, sitting wide-eyed, nose twitching and whiskers bobbing. He scurries away, and then Hoseok sets his plan into action, lifting you up quickly, and jumping, throwing you up.
‘Shit, what do I do now?!’ You keep your hands up, afraid to touch anything. Trying not to think about how your body is being held up inside a bubble.
“It was a plastic bubble,” you hiss.
“Well in this dream it’s a real bubble.” Hoseok smirks, next to you in his own bubble. The bubbles touch and conjoin, forming one big floating bubble with you and Hoseok inside.
“Give me the key.”
“I’m not giving you my key! I don’t trust you!”
“I just saved us!”
“You’re the reason why I’m in this mess to begin with!” How long have you been asleep now? You need to escape! Your finger presses into the bubble wall and it pops. And you and Hoseok, with nowhere else to go, fall.
Your stomach lurches into your throat and you can’t even scream, descending faster than you can reason towards the ground.
Hoseok grabs your waist, securing you to him. He didn’t have time to think of the intricacies of a parachute, instead he-
-opens an umbrella.
Hoseok groans, back hitting marble floor.
You’re not dead. You’re alive. Well, you’re asleep technically. But you’re alive. Hoseok took the worst of your fall, situated underneath you. You roll away, your gown cascading around you.
You’re wearing a shimmering pastel gown, long gloves reaching over your elbows, an small gold crown tangled in your hair.
You’re in another dream.
This one, you’ve had before. And Hoseok, right now, was playing the part of your guard. You remember any minute now, the king’s guard will catch the two of you.
“Get up!” You yank Hoseok to his feet, running down palace steps.
There’s faint yelling to stop coming from within the palace, but you and Hoseok are already far away, hidden behind tall garden hedges.
“How are you feeling?” you ask him. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” but he rolls his shoulder and delicately massages his arms.
“Here,” you pull off an apricot from one of the garden trees, handing it to Hoseok. “It has healing properties.”
“Does it now?” he raises an eyebrow, biting into the juicy fruit.
“Yes, my dream, my rules, remember? Follow me!”
You run through the garden maze. If you make it to the center, you have to wake up. You never make it to the center, something always happens to stop your conquest, but this time, you have Hoseok, and this time, you’re going to conquer it.
“There’s going to be a lion past this bush.”
“King of the jungle? Good thing you’re a queen then.” Hoseok touches the crown atop your head, delicately removing the golden jewelry. “Here you go, lion tamer.” he says, handing you a golden bow.
“No, not like this. I don’t want to hurt him, it’s not his fault he is trapped here.” You give it back to him.
“Hmm, okay.” After some thought Hoseok gives you back a large golden collar. “I will distract him,” he winks running out of sight.
The lion roars and you run too. jumping on its back. Fitting the collar around his large mane, transforming him into a tiny tabby.
And you and Hoseok run, exhilarated with a victory under your belts.
“What’s next?”
“From what I remember,” you try to think, “an eagle.” The eagle was easy to figure out, like you it yearned for freedom, to stretch its wings towards the sky. So Hoseok gave him more room, cutting down shrubbery, yanking on vines instead of trying to pass. You made it even easier for the eagle to choose flight over fight, turning the perch it sat upon into a winding stalk to the heavens with a look. The eagle circled the sky high above happily and you and Hoseok were able to move deeper through the maze.
“Watch out!” You scream, but it was too late, vines wrapped around Hoseok, pulling him into the maze’s grassy walls. And you too were captured, the thick vines winding around your legs, your arms, and your torso, making their way around your neck. You could barely see Hoseok through the leaves and branches.
Your old coworker is in this part of the maze. The cocky arrogant jerk who became nothing but a statue where doves would pee on in your dreams. But he was different, the stone cracking and revealing skin, a person, moving and coming closer to you.
“Hey, Tae,” you gasp, “Would you mind?”
You struggle to move your limbs, hearing the dream walker grunt as he tries to free himself as well.
“I would, actually,” he smiles. “You think you’re going to conquer this maze on my watch?”
“You never were a team player.”
“You assigned me this role, didn’t you?” The vines dig into your skin, around your wrists, the vines twist across your body, cutting into the delicate fabric of your dress. “To keep you…distracted, so you’ll never escape.” He presses himself closer to you. You try to free an arm, only able to move your wrist back and forth. Taehyung interlaces your fingers, letting his nose run down the column of your neck while you struggle.
You hear twigs snapping, Hoseok yelling loudly. Up close, you notice Taehyung’s bright left eye, a completely different shade than his warm brown right eye. His right eye was the same shade as the real version of him, but more dazzling, with tiny flecks of gold and green. But his left eye, it was light blue like the sky.
And suddenly you realized where Taehyung came from, where his pedestal must have been placed…at the center of the maze.
You could only move the tiniest bit forward, barely the length of a marble, tilting your head forward. But it was just enough, just enough to meet Taehyung’s cracked lips.
You felt your body being pulled into the hedge, tighter and tighter, the day light dimming around you and you panic, kissing him deeper. The statue mirrors your movements, reaching his stony arms inside the hedge to caress your body.
Its working, whatever you’re doing, your arms are free enough to tangle themselves in Taehyung’s ashy grey hair, using his body to pull yourself free.
Taehyung is ripped away from you. Hoseok is covered in twigs, fire in his eyes, tsking.
“His left eye!” you yell, falling back into vines.
Hoseok pulls the large sword sheathed behind his back, “Don’t do this,” Taehyung pleads, “There is another way out, just give me her and I’ll show you.”
Hoseok places the sword over his shoulder, looking down at his guard armor. “No can do, I would be a shit guard if I just handed her over to you without even a fight?” he smirks.
Taehyung bares his perfect teeth in anger, yelling and running towards the dream walker. Hoseok’s sword strikes his stomach, clanging against his stone torso. Taehyung and Hoseok fight as you attempt to free yourself. You thought of fire, hoping to burn the branches away, but the magical vines were not affected only absorbing the flames, glowing red. So you thought of fireflies, providing you with a trail of light, glowing around the branches like lights on a christmas tree, and then you thought of cold, and the vines around you dried and shriveled, making them easier to tear apart.
An armored glove reaches through the tangled vines, pulling you completely free.
“My...my beautiful face!” Taehyung shrieks, covering his cracked and bloodied eye.
Hoseok holds a small blue marble, throwing it up and catching it again. Hoseok holds it in front of you, as you both peer into the tiny blue orb.
If you look closely enough, you can see swirling with clouds and sky, beautiful shades of blue and lavender, a serene sight that appears all around you and the dream walker.
Your sail boat floats on a purple river. The mast needs turning, you grip the ropes in your hands, pulling the sail sharply, the winds strong enough to lift you in the air as you hold on tight to the ropes.
You fall next to the lounging dream walker, and he breaks out into laughter.
You stare off into the distance, watching the lavender clouds move through the sky.
“We’ve lived so many different lives together…” you sigh, “It’s odd, sometimes I feel like I don’t even know myself when I wake up.”
Kittens with wings catch jumping fish in their mouths. You giggle. “How do you do it!”
You lie down, staring up at the sky. “...live a normal life after experiencing this.”
Hoseok looks at you out of the corner of his eyes, laughing at your face full of wonder at everything around you. “It’s just a dream.” It was nice knowing, though, that Hoseok could retreat to places like this whenever he wanted.
You sigh, pleased for the calmness. You’ve been experiencing such a whirlwind of emotions it was just nice to soak in the tranquility.
“Dreams are powerful, though,” you tell the dream walker. “Dreams can motivate a person to travel the world, take that chance in life. Don’t you think? You just need to have the right one.”
“Come on.” He holds out his hand for you and you both jump into the sea.
You swim in a water park, a crowd of families and couples playing all around the pair of you. You and Hoseok jump out of the water as he leads you through the park. He opens the door to the bathroom, waiting expectantly. You know he is planning to take you somewhere else. You pull off your pool floaties, noticing how small your hands are for the first time. The dream walker stands half his height, a young boy staring expectantly back at you smiles. That smile is Hoseok’s, you know it is.
When you pass through the door, you're back to your adult selves, however the room you enter looks like it was made for a child.
“Where is this?”
“Ahh my old room, not this one,” he opens another door. You catch the colorful sight of drawings and toys, model airplanes lying unfinished, buildings blocks mapping out tiny cities, before walking into another door.
“This is my room.” You look around, it is clean and neat, so monochromatic. Where’s the color? Everything is lined up meticulously, there is no clutter, the surfaces perfectly clean and bare.
“A bit of a control freak, yeah?” you jab, “I want to make a mess.”
Hoseok laughs, “I could take you on that desk if you really wanted to make a mess.”
You scoff. “You like music,” you look over his records, neatly aligned and displayed on shelving. “Is this your family?” Hoseok nods.
You do notice one colorful thing, starkly sticking out on one of his shelves. “What’s this?” You touch a box of beads.
“It’s something to do, it is relaxing.”
“Make me one?”
An easy request to dream up. He pulls a bracelet out of his pocket, beads an array of pinks and purples and yellows, a sun charm and a sunflower charm. Both yellow, both very different, without the sun the sunflower would not bloom. In Hoseok’s mind, you were the sun.
“It’s pretty,” you exclaim, “Will you make me one in real life too?”
Hoseok did not know how to answer that question, awkwardly moving across his room. “Do you like working at the sleep clinic? It must be a perfect job for you, you always have a dream to enter.”
“I don’t, actually. I’ve never entered any of the patient’s dreams.” Hoseok rests on the top of his made bed. “Well actually, I did once, the first year I started.” You wait to hear his story, lying next to him. The bed changes into a small boat, the mattress still inside. This place must be a favorite of his, you think, staring up at the sunny sky.
“It was a child, her parents brought her in, she was having trouble sleeping. I was curious. The way she described her dreams, I thought she might have been spooked by a monster from a scary movie, easy to fix.”
“And it wasn’t?” as a woman, you know the answer already. You wished it wasn’t so common, so frequent, so obvious.
“The monster, it was her stepfather.” The sky darkens, large angry clouds filling with water.
You reach over Hoseok’s shoulder, and pull your hand back, revealing an umbrella, opening it up before showers rain down.
“Dreams don’t change anything, even if I destroyed that monster a hundred different ways, he would have still continued hurting her in real life.”
You hum. “So what did you do?”
“We made a place she can go to and no one else, somewhere safe inside her mind,” he says, “I let Jimin know I noticed some marks on her legs, advised him to check in with the mother about it. That’s about all I could do in the real world.”
“Can I show you something?” you ask and Hoseok nods.
You lower the umbrella, until the umbrella fan covered your faces and let it fall into the sand. You and Hoseok sit on a towel on the beach. “That’s me,” you point at a chubby baby playing in the sand. “It’s one of the first memories I have. I thought I just made it all up, but then I was looking through some old photos at my mother’s house and I saw myself in that same bathing suit and hat,” you laughed. “It could still be just a dream I guess, but I don’t know, I feel it,” you put your hand over your chest.
Your father put you on his shoulders and gave you a cracker to feed the seagulls, laughing. It was one of the few happy memories you had of your father, before your mother left him. The wind picked up and off flew your hat on both your heads, Hoseok puts his arm around you, grabs the end of your sundress to keep it close to your legs, ushering you away from the old memory before you start to feel sad.
The pair of you walk to an ice cream vendor, Hoseok makes you duck down. Upright again, the ice cream vendor turns into a sweet bread vendor and your beach clothes transform to school uniforms. Hoseok pays for a piece of sweet bread for you and him, running to school before it the bell rings. But this wasn’t your school.
You were at Hoseok’s school.
“You must have been a troublemaker.”
“I couldn’t even if I wanted to, my father was a teacher,” Hoseok laughs and pulls you into an empty classroom.
Towards the window, you watch school kids play. “I would sit on that bench a lot, work on homework before class.”
“Were you errr ‘dream walking’ then?” Hoseok nods. “I used to walk around in the dreams of my sleeping classmates,” he laughs. “Ahh most of their dreams involved lots of class presentations, it was easy to learn how to change things without anyone noticing I wasn’t supposed to be in there. One time I turned everyone into a goat. I think he did his presentation better that way,” Hoseok laughs.
You giggle and point to the adjacent door. “What do you think?” You open the door...
“The arcade!” Hoseok exclaims, recognizing his old hangout spot. “Oh! I have to show you this place, we would go every weekend,” he says excitedly, ushering you to his favorite fighter game.
Without even knowing it, the dream walker was showing you parts of him he had long since forgotten. Unwittingly so, he was reliving his past, but they weren’t exactly memories either. Hoseok did not think twice about it, too busy trying to make you smile, hear your laughter. It was the start of a dream that was not entirely yours. The dreamworld holds a very small detail that was all his, it held his hopes, his dreams. A box with a lock you, who spent so much time with the dream walker, intrinsically knew how to open.
You watch Hoseok play and cheer him on. After another K.O. you get his attention. “You know what? I think it needs an upgrade.” You smile and grab Hoseok’s collar and push him against the game machine, and your clothes change as the rest of the arcade games disappear.
You stand center match in a large brick colosseum. Just you and Hoseok. He looks around at yellow colosseum brick and the bright sun, reminiscent of his old favorite game. And then at you, in your risqué fighter’s outfit.
“You’re going to wear that and expect me to concentrate?” Hoseok tightens the belt around his fighter outfit. He looks fit, lean and defined chest showing. He slides his leg across the dirt and gets in fighting stance, smirking.
You bite your lip. “Best out of three, right?” Large neon numbers in the bright sky light up, indicating your health bar.
“Let’s make a deal, Hoseok!” You do a back handstand, and resume your fighting stance. “If I win, I want to fly,” you say, holding out your arms to the sky, “You better show me!” you yell, forgetting what you had been fighting for all this time.
“Err hello, is y/n ready now?” Namjoon calls out from the receptionist desk, noticing the friendly sleep specialist walking past.
“Sorry?” Jimin says, confused, “We released her this morning.”
“But she called me, she said you were doing more tests?” he asks, impatience growing to worry.
“Jungkook, when did Miss y/n leave, do you remember?”
“She um never came through here,” Jungkook looks around, wide-eyed, “I haven’t seen her, Sir.”
The three men stand awkwardly, ‘Here, let me call my assistant-”
“Mr. Park! Come quick! Oh no!”
Jimin runs towards the commotion with Namjoon deciding to follow quickly behind. The men peer through the open door, looking towards the ground at the confusing scene.
You and Hoseok’s bodies were lying on the floor, you curled into his side, his arm around you, as if you were both deep in sleep, with blood pooling at your heads.
You know, I told myself, at least once I’m gonna write a story with tentacles, just one time, just to try it out and see what it’s all about :D never again lol :’D well YOU tell me what you think! The ending is a little long right? I wanted to make it feel like the ending scene went on forever, you're stuck besties :’). Did you like it though? How did you like the story, sans tentacles, I wanna know your favorite dream!
Bonus: Dream Analysis & Alternate Ending | Spring Fling Masterlist
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LOL YOU'RE THE CUTEST ISTG 💕 thank you and here's my answers 🤭
Yes he did 😤 y/n put up a fight 🥲🥲 I am also Hobi is toxic camp lol, at first it was all physical for both of them, y/n felt tons of guilt but she never even entertained the idea that she was “acting on” her cheating thoughts until we got to the sleep clinic! Which ig is the big question…is it considered cheating if you’re only fantasizing about doing it? 🧐
In the AE their infatuation turned into this trauma bond for the both of them and they became extremely codependent on one another. imo there was some love there 🙊 mostly because after an unimaginable time with only one person who was just like you (as in not some dream NPC), stuck with you, experiencing loss with you, how could you not form some type of love or at least a strong bond? but I also like to believe it just is in our human nature to want to love and be loved…🥲🥲 I like to think there was a few lifetimes in there where y/n saw through hobi and hated him 😂 but then ultimately couldn't reject his twisted love.
To me, them being together was inevitable considering their last-two-people-on-a-desserted-island type situation, but yeah it was obsessive, they knew each other inside and out, and the type of person Hoseok was did not help (I like to think if it had been her and Namjoon in the same scenario instead they would have grown and evolved…but with hobi’s influence they both sorta…devolved 🥲) at the end they just couldn’t stay away from each other…
While in the coma they chose to be together over and over for lifetimes, so in this scenario (whether it be a dream or reality 😋😋) they just happened to do the “safe” choice….and goes to show how twisted their views on reality were at the end when what they thought was the safest method “out” of that situation was that 😳
Sorry 😭 in the original I tried to make reader feel the spiral nature of ✨the dream✨ here reader is really spiraling out of control. Also maybe it’s just me but I think all the popular late night show hosts sometimes say the dumbest out of pocket shit to guests so I could totally see one of them saying that! 😭
Yep, basically from everything she experienced she wrote a “fantasy” novel and then it became very popular because of the sleep study “evidence” kind of like how people who live in haunted houses write their experiences and you don’t know whether it’s all just in their head or they really did experience something supernatural so it became a very popular story.
But I feel betrayed that he wouldn’t even pretend that he believes her.
LOL ILU 🥲🥲🥲 poor Joon was really cast to the side this time 😭😭
AHH I AM SORRY I CAN NEITHER CONFIRM OR DENY YOUR THEORY 🙊 I don’t wanna disregard other people’s opposing view 😭 but as a writer I am very entertained seeing your internal struggle with the ending lol 🥹💕 I know everyone hates it, but I personally love it's all just a dream endings! Have you seen Alive in Borderlands? I just have to say that I freaking loved that ending 🤣🤣 or that scene in twilight lmfao. Idk I think if it's done right I can appreciate it, but that doesn't mean this was that type ending 👀 or wasn't? LOL I seriously want readers to decide!! I'm sorry!!!! 💗💗
Day Dream | JHS - Awake! (Alternate Ending)

@sadiesinkofyou I was thinking about this too! So much so I ended up writing this alternate ending. Probably should have just left it up to your imagination cause it’s nothing good but oh well :’D here ya go! ORIGINAL STORY HERE
Hoseok x reader x Namjoon feat. Jimin
Warnings: 18+ graphic scenes of blood and gore, fist fighting, hospital, coma, co-dependency, unaliving?, cheating?, dark ending
Word count: 5.5k
“No!” Namjoon pushes past clinic staff and falls to your side. There’s so much blood. A deep crimson pool soaking into his pants at the knee, and it still steadily seeps out from the cut in the back of your head. His hands are covered in it.
“Call 911.” Jimin murmurs to his staff. “Sir! Don’t move her!”
Namjoon can’t stop crying as he watches the love of his life withering away in front of him, like a beautiful rose losing its petals, one red bloom uncovering to another and leaving less and less of you with each passing moment.
He holds the back of your head tight, stopping most of the blood for now. A thumb caresses your cheek, smearing red horror across your face, but Namjoon can only think of your fleeting beautiful presence, how much he already missed you. ‘Please wake up,’ he thinks, ‘Please be okay.’ “What the hell happened?!”
“I-I don’t know.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair. He uses his lab coat to stop the blood rushing from the large gash across Hoseok’s temple to the side of his head. There’s no cameras in the employee area. He has no idea how this happened, he can only assume why you were here with Hoseok in a place where patients were prohibited.
Looking at Hoseok now, the tech’s body growing colder, his insides twist with worry, with a sinking dread over why, why would you be here, why would there be a lamp, torn from its socket, broken with blood on the base, why?!
Namjoon sits, foot resting on his knee, a binder full of papers in his lap that he intends to grade. But he can’t help but look at you, sleeping so peacefully in the hospital bed. You look like a fairytale princess, sleeping, waiting for a hero to wake her. But no matter how many times Namjoon holds your hand and pleads, kisses your forehead, your cheeks and lips, no matter how many times he wishes, you never wake.
It’s been months.
You. Here. In a hospital bed. Bandaged, a feeding tube, hooked up to monitors. You were unresponsive, but you were still in there, somewhere, showing yourself through your brain scans.
He quietly whispers, “wake up.” A soft plea, a small waning hope inside him as he watches your chest rise and fall. “Y/n, please wake up.”
By the time he finishes grading visiting hours are over. He kisses your forehead, whispering goodbye, and brings your hand to his lips for one last goodnight kiss.
He doesn’t see your thumb move when it falls back onto the hospital bed. If only he stayed a mere five minutes later, he would have witnessed your eyes fluttering opening, trying to make sense of your surroundings.
Waking up from something like this was not how it was in the movies, you were sluggish, in a daze, could barely hum for the nurse to notice you. And when she did, doctors watched over you, performed tests, it took so long. It would have felt like an eternity if you had not already known what an eternity really felt like.
They told you to stop pulling at your tubes and wires, but you were so desperate to free youself, even if your limbs could barely grip the plastic tubing. You were desperate to find Hoseok.
You didn’t know, in another room, in the same hospital, in the same moment, the dream walker had finally woken too.
The nurse gave you a notepad, which you hastily scribbled in barely legible writing, ‘Get me out.’
Keep reading
#thank you so much again for your lovely comments miss mocha 😘 I LOVE READING THEM#sweet readers 💗💗#sandman hobi being a menace
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Poor Joon the voice of reason that no one wants to listen to 🥲🥲
LOL OH NO 😭 hasn’t y/n suffered enough? 😭
Day Dream | JHS - Awake! (Alternate Ending)

@sadiesinkofyou I was thinking about this too! So much so I ended up writing this alternate ending. Probably should have just left it up to your imagination cause it’s nothing good but oh well :'D here ya go! ORIGINAL STORY HERE
Hoseok x reader x Namjoon feat. Jimin
Warnings: 18+ graphic scenes of blood and gore, fist fighting, hospital, coma, co-dependency, unaliving?, cheating?, dark ending
Word count: 5.5k
“No!” Namjoon pushes past clinic staff and falls to your side. There’s so much blood. A deep crimson pool soaking into his pants at the knee, and it still steadily seeps out from the cut in the back of your head. His hands are covered in it.
“Call 911.” Jimin murmurs to his staff. “Sir! Don’t move her!”
Namjoon can’t stop crying as he watches the love of his life withering away in front of him, like a beautiful rose losing its petals, one red bloom uncovering to another and leaving less and less of you with each passing moment.
He holds the back of your head tight, stopping most of the blood for now. A thumb caresses your cheek, smearing red horror across your face, but Namjoon can only think of your fleeting beautiful presence, how much he already missed you. ‘Please wake up,’ he thinks, ‘Please be okay.’ “What the hell happened?!”
“I-I don't know.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair. He uses his lab coat to stop the blood rushing from the large gash across Hoseok's temple to the side of his head. There’s no cameras in the employee area. He has no idea how this happened, he can only assume why you were here with Hoseok in a place where patients were prohibited.
Looking at Hoseok now, the tech’s body growing colder, his insides twist with worry, with a sinking dread over why, why would you be here, why would there be a lamp, torn from its socket, broken with blood on the base, why?!
Namjoon sits, foot resting on his knee, a binder full of papers in his lap that he intends to grade. But he can’t help but look at you, sleeping so peacefully in the hospital bed. You look like a fairytale princess, sleeping, waiting for a hero to wake her. But no matter how many times Namjoon holds your hand and pleads, kisses your forehead, your cheeks and lips, no matter how many times he wishes, you never wake.
It’s been months.
You. Here. In a hospital bed. Bandaged, a feeding tube, hooked up to monitors. You were unresponsive, but you were still in there, somewhere, showing yourself through your brain scans.
He quietly whispers, “wake up.” A soft plea, a small waning hope inside him as he watches your chest rise and fall. “Y/n, please wake up.”
By the time he finishes grading visiting hours are over. He kisses your forehead, whispering goodbye, and brings your hand to his lips for one last goodnight kiss.
He doesn’t see your thumb move when it falls back onto the hospital bed. If only he stayed a mere five minutes later, he would have witnessed your eyes fluttering opening, trying to make sense of your surroundings.
Waking up from something like this was not how it was in the movies, you were sluggish, in a daze, could barely hum for the nurse to notice you. And when she did, doctors watched over you, performed tests, it took so long. It would have felt like an eternity if you had not already known what an eternity really felt like.
They told you to stop pulling at your tubes and wires, but you were so desperate to free youself, even if your limbs could barely grip the plastic tubing. You were desperate to find Hoseok.
You didn’t know, in another room, in the same hospital, in the same moment, the dream walker had finally woken too.
The nurse gave you a notepad, which you hastily scribbled in barely legible writing, ‘Get me out.’
It was hours before doctors finally did what you asked and removed your tubing. The pain was excruciating. You were not used to feeling such horrible pain. For so long, you could jump off buildings, fight against monsters, walk barefoot through snow, body cut and stabbed and it did not feel a fraction of what you were experiencing now fully conscious. “Where is Hoseok?”
The nurses did not understand you. Your voice was hoarse. You were speaking a different language, one you did not know before waking. A language the dream walker taught you, so many dream days and days alone together.
You tried to leave your hospital bed again, you tried to find him.
Your arms had no strength, your legs would not hold you. Doctors tied you down to the bed because you would not listen. You were restrained, like an animal, and you never felt so confined, so bound, in your weak body, stuck, unable to help yourself, unable to dream of freedom.
Namjoon, preparing his students for finals did not check his phone until his last class. He finally listens to two voicemails left from the hospital. He couldn’t believe it. He was so shaken by the news of your waking. He had been so used to bad news, a timetable that just kept being pushed further and further away. The good news felt terrifying, exhilarating.
He called off the last class of the day.
“We’re not going to her. You need to relax, you’ve just woken up from a coma, Hoseok! Stop! Rest!”Jimin pushes on his friend’s shoulder, still in disbelief. The time it took to get to the hospital after receiving the call did not lesson his shock. He turns to the nurses, “Can you give him something to calm him down, please.”
“We’re waiting on the doctor, sorry Sir,” she says, pressing down on Hoseok’s other shoulder. “He’s with another patient.” She remarks softly, “I can’t believe it, two in one day...it’s a miracle,” she mumbles.
Hoseok already knew. “She’s awake too,” he says in a raspy voice, “It’s y/n. Jimin! Let me go!”
“I-Is that true? Someone else woke up from a coma in this hospital? Was it a woman?”
The nurse's eyes widen, “Y-Yes.”
You push the call button again, annoyed. Every limb felt heavy, so heavy. Even your eyelids, but you weren’t tired, you weren’t sleepy. You just wanted to find him.
“Water,” you ask the attending nurse. When she brings you a cup, placing the straw to your lips, you point at your notepad, tapping the paper aggressively to make your point. Two words you took all day to write, to make sure it was perfectly legible. A first and last name, ‘Jung Hoseok.’
You look up, Namjoon was timidly calling for you. You couldn’t believe it. It had been so long, you could barely remember his face anymore.
As soon as you saw him, it was as if you were staring back at a ghost. You haven’t thought about him in lifetimes. But there he was, he was staring right back at you. Your old life. Just as it was, just as he was. The sight of him was enough to jog your memory, but not strong enough to bring back those feelings, not yet.
You stared back at him in shock, reaching out a shaky hand to make sure he was indeed real.
“Y-Y/n...you’re okay now. Oh my god, you’re okay.”
Namjoon was so happy, so elated to have you back. Even though your eyes were peering at him in scared wonder, he ignored it, just grateful to see you moving and responsive again. He buried his head in your lap, holding you gently. You rested your arms over his shoulders, breaking out into a smile.
It was Joon, your Joon.
You thought you'd never see him again like this. In the beginning you dreamed of him, you would run into so many different versions of Namjoon, much to the dream walker’s annoyance. But eventually, your mind gave up trying to remember him, remember your old friends and family, your childhood…
Eventually, you stopped thinking of the limits of your life and only dreamed of the possibilities.
For your own sanity, you visited a library you created in your mind, cataloguing all the memories you held dear. Once you realized you were not going to wake up from this nightmare, you took Joon and your parents and your friends and your loved ones, wrote every memory you had of them down in their own stories and placed each story on a shelf, only to be read fondly there after. A sweet collection of memories you cherished.
When you were particularly sad and couldn’t undestand why, you and Hoseok would come and visit your library. You would scour the shelves every so often and then once in awhile and then you stopped visiting all together.
“D-Do you know who I am?” Namjoon asked worriedly, looking between doctors and your blank expression.
Your face softened. You smiled down at him, remembering the green book you held so close to your heart a long time ago. The gold writing etched across it's binding, named-
“Namjoon,” you smile. “You haven't changed at all.” You wince, voice still raspy, running your hand through his hair.
Sadly, in that moment, as you smiled down at him all you could think about was Hoseok. All the times Hoseok’s hair were tangled in between your fingers, his smile peering up at you instead.
“That’s impossible.”
“It’s true, go ask her. She’ll give you the same story.”
Jimin paced Hoseok’s hospital room. “It’s not true, no,” he mumbles. “…perhaps, a shared psychosis? No no. Can’t be. It doesn’t make any sense! How can you and her...no.”
Hoseok sighs, head back on his pillow, closing his eyes in frustration. “I want to see her, Jimin. Please. I told you what happened. Now let me see her.”
Jimin takes a seat, slumping into the chair, still trying to process everything Hoseok has told him. “You’ve been in a coma for a long time, Hoseok. It’s natural to not be able to distinguish between what’s real-”
“Dammit Jimin!” Hoseok croaks out. “I know that. I’m talking about before!” He explains everything, and though it makes no logical sense, Jimin can’t help but reluctantly put the pieces together.
The pair stay silent as the sleep specialist processes Hoseok’s stories. Then he speaks quietly, “You know, her boyfriend visits her almost every day. We pass each other in the elevator sometimes.”
Hoseok scoffs, laughing, then coughing, not used to the dryness in his throat. “We were together! The time we spent...when we realized what happened…what was going on…we tried to count the days, the years, to figure out how long it would have been if we were awake.”
Hoseok shakes his head at the memories. “It was impossible, I...couldn’t give you a number set in this reality....” he grunts, “...just how much time it was for us...for so long...I lost everything...myself...I...if she hadn't been there...”
Hoseok remembers…
The walls of your home were covered in lines, tiny groups of four lines with one down the center, over and over and over again, the markings covered the entire first floor before you and Hoseok gave up trying to count the days in your dreams.
“Hobi, please, wake up, I can’t get to you.” You shake his shoulders. You don’t remember how long it’s been since he closed his eyes, his gray hair turning to black again, everything around you turning to black. “Please...don’t leave me alone here.”
You cry, hugging the darkness. Pitch black. A void of lost consciousness. You cried, singing a song. It was the last thing you really remembered. Why were you here? What was it that you were clinging to? All you could do was hum. The melody, soft and comforting. You sang and you held him, and decided you were going to embrace him one last time-
“What’s this place?” you looked around. There were small disks of light all around you. The more you looked, the most there were, piles and piles, unruly stacks littering every surface of this place, you’ve never been so deep in Hoseok’s mind.
Next to the window, facing the sunlight, sat a young man with black hair, clothes void of any color, just black. A man void of personality, a blank stare on his face.
He looks away from the window, into your eyes.
“Oh, I found you,” you sigh and lean your forehead onto his. “It will be okay now.” How many times has this happened, how many times have you had to come for each other, to make yourselves remember?
You hum the very last melody you remember, hoping he remembers it too.
The song belonged to the disk lying under his foot, the disk was only cracked a little, but the memory shone through. The melody echoed back to you and you reached for it, holding it in your hand, watching the memory reflected against the shiny surface.
You held it in front of Hoseok. “This song...” he questions.
“Do you remember it?” You hug him close, “Can you sing it?” The music becomes louder, reverberating the stadium and so begins the cheering too. The crowd starts to sing the lyrics in Hoseok’s absence.
Hoseok pulls the earpiece out of his ear, hugging you close. He had come back, remembering this dream so clearly now.
“Not right now,” he says, holding you to him.
You bury your head in his chest as the noise of the crowd lessens into a soft rumble, the cheers shifting to mere waves crashing ashore.
“I missed you.” Hoseok says. He remembers who he was. He remembers who you are. And even if he couldn't remember exactly quite how you both ended up here together, he remembers how it felt to not have you with him, and that was a place he did not want to go back to.
You scoff, holding him tight. The waves roll over your legs, the sun is warm. Where were you now, in your mind or his? It didn’t particularly matter either way, but you were curious.
“C’mon, let’s go,” you pull him along the shore, until you’re running together, laughing again.
It’s been months, almost a year since you fell into a coma.
Namjoon tells you what you’ve missed. A new season of your favorite television show, another tragedy in the news, a new hit song everyone is listening to. He video calls your parents, your friends, and you cry seeing their faces, so clear to you now you couldn’t believe you could have ever forgotten. He tells you about his days without you, excitedly making sure you knew about everything you missed, not understanding truly how long you’ve been without him.
You smile and listen and try to make sense of it all, compartmentalizing everything you’ve been through. How can you even begin to make sense of what has happened to you? It feels like you’ve been resurrected from the dead. So many deaths. So many lives. So much. Too much. This isn’t just another dream, is it? Where is Hoseok-
“How are you feeling?” Namjoon cups your cheek in his hand. “Tired?” You shake your head no, offering him a strained smile.
Namjoon reluctantly left you that night. You still had to be monitored, you still needed to recover.
That night when the door opened, you expected to see a night nurse. Instead you saw Hoseok, in a wheel chair, body so tiny and thin, being pushed by a hesitant Jimin.
“Y/n!” Hoseok sounded relieved, finally seeing you. He tries to make the chair move faster, pulling at the wheels with his weakened arms.
You push yourself up frantically, uncaring about the lone I.V. tube still stuck into your hand, almost falling onto the ground trying to reach him.
Hoseok holds your head in his hands. You were cold, shivering, and he could not do anything to help you but hold you close to him.
“Are we really out of the dream?” you whisper.
“I think so.” Hoseok reasons, otherwise he wouldn’t be feeling so miserable. “I tried to come as soon as I woke up.”
Jimin doesn’t understand the language you are speaking to another, but seeing you both hold onto each other as if everything around you might disappear, it makes him re-think upon everything Hoseok told him...
“Y/n?” Namjoon knocks. “The doctor told me you were here,” he says, confusion evident in his tone as he steps into the unfamiliar hospital room.
He looks between you and Hoseok, playing cards together on Hoseok’s bed.
“Mr. Park.” he nods to Jimin, unspoken words exchanged in tense glances between the two men.
“What are you doing here, y/n?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I needed to speak with Mr. Park,” you smile and nod to the sleep specialist.
“Err about?”
“Our, um, my coma,” you hum, dealing another round, looking up with a smile on your face-
You hesitate, looking at Namjoon’s pained expression, and you knew he deserved an explanation. You look over to Hoseok for reassurance, but he looks just as uncomfortable as your boyfriend now. “I-I don’t know how to say this, but-”you reach for Namjoon's hand, intertwining your fingers. “I-I wasn’t alone...all that time…” you exhale, studying your hands, how small yours looks in Namjoon. You used to hold hands a lot, didn't you? You could barely remember now. It felt...foreign...
“I wasn't alone, Hoseok was there with me.” You turn your head to acknowledge Hoseok, offering him a weak smile.
Namjoon did not like the way Hoseok looked at you, the way he closes the distance between you by leaning in, and he did not like being reminded about the horrific scene he found the both of you in when he looks at the tech’s smug face.
Namjoon did not believe you. You were confused, you are still trying to cope with what happened, Hoseok was the last person you interacted with, so you latched on to him, Namjoon reasoned with growing displeasure. But that didn’t explain why both men were encouraging you by playing along. Not to mention-
“Y/n, I need to talk to you...alone.” He says, tense and urgent.
You were reluctant in leaving. "Why? What’s wrong?"
Namjoon addresses Jimin instead. Jimin should know better, he thinks, than to let you anywhere near that man. “Park, what is wrong with you? You haven’t told them of the investigation?”
“It was dropped, wasn’t it,” Jimin says uneasily.
Namjoon shakes his head, growing more frustrated. “Well now that they’re awake, it can be re-opened!”
“W-What are you talking about, Joon?”
“Y/n, when we found you...” Namjoon tries to speak calmly enough to get across to you the seriousness of what happened. “There were marks all over your body...from him.”
“That was never proven-”
“Oh come off it, Park!” Namjoon can’t keep his temper down any longer. “The only reason he was never officially charged is because they were both in comas. You saw what happened! There were bruises all over her arms! They weren’t there when I dropped her off! The cameras proved that. What about the scratch marks on him? The lamp? What the fuck did you do to her, Jung?” Namjoon spits.
You feel queasy. It felt so so long ago, what happened…but it was slowly coming back to you. “I-I better go for now,” you squeeze Hoseok’s hand, an absentminded thing you’ve done so many times before in your dreams.
What should you do? Should you tell Namjoon the truth? Would he even believe you? Should you just lie and tell him what he wants to hear and blame Hoseok...how would you be able to sleep peacefully then?
Hoseok grabs your hand, pulling you back to him, an action he’s done so many time before in your dreams, to the point where his fingers around your palm felt like they always belonged…and then all hell broke loose.
Months in a coma made Hoseok’s body even weaker. His muscles only stimulated through weekly shock stimulation. Namjoon however, had lots of time to spend at the gym in your absence. Your boyfriend’s rage landed punch after punch, the tech had no way to stop him.
“Joon!” You cry out as Jimin tries to pull him away.
“Calm down or I’ll have to call the police!” Jimin says, locking his arms over Namjoon’s.
“Call them! So they can arrest him!” Namjoon pushes him away.
You’re pushed too, falling on the hard hospital floor, halting the men’s struggle.
Jimin slams the call button on. Hoseok’s face was already deeply bruised, nose bleeding. Namjoon, body shaking from adrenaline tries to calm you down too, your body shaking for another reason.
Namjoon easily lifts your malnourished body, taking you away while doctors rush in and tend to Hoseok.
“Any details you can remember? Anything will help.”
Four officers stood at your hospital bedside.
“I don’t remember,” you say stubbornly.
Life had a way of making you exhausted, even after being in bed for months. You wanted to sleep.
The police show you pictures, evidence taken at ‘the scene.’
“Do you remember this?”
The lamp. “No.”
Pictures of your bruises under harsh lighting, pictures of Hoseok’s scratches. Pictures of your blood and his mixed across the sleep clinic’s floors, pictures of the gash on the back of your head stapled. Pictures of your torn clothes laid out neatly and itemized.
“We’ll let you think about it and we’ll come back later,” cold emotionless words from the policemen that made you want to stay silent even more so.
“You don’t remember…Y/n?!”
You chew on your bottom lip, agitated. “Let me rest, Joon.”
“…No.” Namjoon reaches for your hand, “Y/n, what happened that day?”
He will never believe you, he might even become so upset he’ll leave you…is that what you wanted?
“Remember why I went to the sleep clinic?” you look into his eyes, hands holding his tightly, grasping for courage.
“I was having nightmares, yes. Hoseok, he-” you struggle with the words, with the truth. “Will you believe me if I tell you?”
“Tell me what, y/n? Of course, I’ll believe you.”
“Hoseok has powers, he was the one in my dreams, he was the one giving me nightmares. I mean, they were my nightmares, but he was able to, I don’t know, get inside my head, and he-”
You look up from your train of thought, catching your boyfriend’s disbelieving eyes. “-h-he was, I guess, ‘dream walking.’ I tried to convince him to leave me alone, that’s why I went into the employee room, he wasn’t going to stop! Joon…Joon?”
“Y/n…what-” The more you looked at Namjoon and the way his disbelief shown clearly through his expressions made you feel crazy, spiraling…
“You said you would believe me if I told you!”
Namjoon rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. It made you feel dumb and small. “Listen to what you’re saying-”
“That’s why everything happened. I confronted him and we got into a fight, I hit him with the lamp. I-I was just trying to get away.” You feel yourself losing control of the situation, but you couldn’t stop yourself now. “Ask Hoseok! He will tell you.”
“I won’t listen to anything he has to say to me.”
You exhale, exasperated. “Joon…it’s the truth! And what I said before is the truth too…he was with me when we were in a coma. He was there.”
“Y/n that’s impossible! You-”
“I knew it! I knew you wouldn’t believe me!” You speak loud, wanting to scream instead, your voice unused for so long. “I’m telling you the truth!”
“Okay…okay, I believe you believe that-”
“No!” You want to cry, you want to make him see the truth.
Joon leaves you before visiting hours were over so you make use of the wheelchair the hospital staff supplied you with and roll yourself to the dream walker’s room.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” Hoseok groans, the bruises on his face still swollen. He reached for your hand and you take it despite your mixed feelings. “What did you tell the police?”
“Nothing…” you mumble. “I…told Joon. He doesn’t believe me,” you say defeatedly. “Hoseok, I need you to do something for me. I need you to go into Namjoon’s dreams.” You ask the dream walker for the favor, and after a few tense moments, he declines-
“What? Why?!”
He tightens his hand around yours when you angrily pull away. “No. I don’t have to go into people’s dreams anymore, y/n. I can…have my own dreams now.”
“Okay? You don’t have to, but I am asking you to…please, Hobi.”
You shouldn’t have used that name, because now Hoseok certainly would not help you with your relationship, give you over to Namjoon so willingly.
“Why would I do that? So you can go back with him? Is that what you want, y/n? To be with Kim Namjoon? Is that what you really want? After everything we’ve been through?”
You bite your tongue, thinking of his question. You know how you should respond and you know how you want to respond, but you don’t want to think of the emotions stirring inside you looking at Hoseok now. “Hoseok, we had our time together. It’s over now-”
It was the first time you really kissed Hoseok, as he hastily presses his lips to yours. But, if you were being truly honest, you already knew his kiss, you kissed him countless of times already. What was it about a dream that felt so real? Why could you not stop kissing him?
“Sorry for the interruption,” Jimin speaks up standing awkwardly at the doorway, back from gathering Hoseok’s patient information…and yours, after pulling some strings. “Should I…come back?”
“No-” “Yes,” Hoseok huffs.
“Stay!” you say, holding your cheek, your nerve endings tingling under your palm.
“Okay, err, so, well it’s good that you’re here! I got the records of your brain activity since you went into a coma,” Jimin says triumphantly.
“Oh…good?” You say.
“Y/n this is amazing news! It’s basically a medical miracle!” Jimin says happily.
You don’t get it. “I don’t get it.”
“He pulls out some readings he copies, holding the sheets up next to one another. “This is yours and this one is his…”
You and Hoseok stare at the sleep specialist blankly. “They’re the same! All the way through, I’ve checked each wave, and it’s all exactly the same!”
“That means…?” You wonder.
“To have two reading the same for months?! It’s more than just a coincidence. This with your statements, well, one could make the argument that this proves you were telling the truth!”
“C-Can I have pictures of that? Please? S-So I can show Joon!”
You look over to the upset dream walker. “Hoseok, please, understand…”
But Hoseok did not want to understand, and he did not want to let you go now. Those dreams he had with you, created a connection so deep, he felt himself tied with you. How could you not see it? How could you pretend you weren’t as wrapped around him as he was to you?
“Okay, okay, I wasn’t lying. Right, Jimin?”
“It is compelling evidence, Namjoon,” the sleep specialist reasons.
“What do you want me to say?” Namjoon says, “Great for you, you spent the last year with a man who almost killed you and now you became best friends?”
You swallow your hurt down at his harsh demeanor. “I-I just wanted to show you I wasn’t lying.”
“Okay, so what now?” Namjoon stares at you, his usual warm and caring demeanor now cold and closed off. “You won’t tell the police the truth, you won’t press charges even though he deserves it, and you still won’t talk to me about what happened in your dreams...you weren’t in your room when I came this morning,” Namjoon swallows, “Were you with him, y/n?”
“I-no-yes-” you stutter. But Jimin’s expression told all Namjoon needed to hear
Namjoon rubs his temples, laughing bitterly. “I was prepared for you not to remember me, you know…the doctors warned me there was a strong possibility you would have amnesia, I thought I could handle it, I was prepared for it.”
He holds your hand, your presence still comforting to him, calming him down. “I was ready for it, I told myself if that’s the worst case, I could handle it. I would make you remember, I would just make you fall in love with me again,” he says, his dimples peeking through from his forlorn smile. “Y/n…do you still love me?”
You try not to cry, you loved him of course, you loved him. You loved-
“I set them up, you just have to knock them down!” Jimin winks, meeting you back stage. He’s dressed in an elegant dark suit, a far cry from his white starched clinic jacket.
“Ugh, why do I have to do this?” you whine, “You and Hobi are way better at being in the spotlight.”
“You’re the one who wrote the book,” Jimin laughs. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Yeah she does, now go away,” Hoseok frowns, crossing his arms. He is wearing a casual suit, staying backstage for you.
You flick him on the forehead, going back to nervously patting your dress down. “Don’t start!”
Eventually, you left the hospital, eventually you moved into your own place, and eventually you wrote a book of everything that happened to you. Hoseok encouraged you, and he became your editor in that way, helping you navigate the details every night, lounging around together until you got it right.
The book was a love story, or perhaps a horror story, you still couldn’t decide the answer when press asked you. Your book developed a cult following. With Jimin’s testimony in the epilogue and your evidence coming into question over and over again, readers in online forums constantly debated whether your story was fact or fiction.
Jimin’s career took a turn as he focused on research papers dedicated to what Hoseok and you claimed, and the good looking sleep specialist began to make public appearances on the hot topic. Your book become popular, so popular you and Jimin ended up as special guests on a late night show.
“Welcome, y/n. We spoke with Mr. Park before the break. Now the character in your book, Jimin, was based off of him, correct?”
“W-Well, it was him, yes,” you laugh nervously, looking over to the intrigued audience.
“Ahh let’s talk about that! So, in your epilogue you wrote how this was all based on your real life. You were in a coma for almost a year, correct?”
“Yes, that’s right. It all feels so crazy to me now,” you laugh.
“How do you feel about all the trends online, people trying to enter Dream World consciously?”
“It’s something I never dreamed of happening.”
The crowd laughs.
“Honestly, I am just happy I got to tell my story. The response...it has been life changing.”
“I can imagine. Your first book becoming a best seller, wow. Have you ever asked yourself, what if you're still dreaming?” he jokes and the audience laughs. You laugh too, smoothing down your dress.
“A dream, ha, funny.” you laugh to yourself...until you stop, biting on your lip to calm yourself down.
“T-That was a joke.” The late night show host exclaims, noticing your sudden change in demeanor. He makes a funny face to the audience and they laugh along.
“Of course, why would this be a dream?” you laugh, looking across the audience, faceless in the shadows, the bright lights aimed at the stage made their bodies look alien.
“Why would this be a dream?” you repeat, “I just ended up on my favorite late show after making millions off a book I wrote...w-why wouldn’t that happen to me in real life? I’m not dreaming...I’m...” you ring your hands together, looking around the room. How did you get here? You were driven here. That's it. Did it always look like this? Did you always feel like this? You try not to hyperventilate.
“It was just a joke, I swear.” The late night host lets his boisterous tone soften to speak to you, worrying over your reaction. “Of course this is not a dream!” he says, trying to soothe your panicky state and salvage the live interview. “Let’s take a break...commercial?” He looks over to the show runner for guidance.
“H-Hoseok!” you yell out, standing up, hands over your face.
Hoseok runs from behind the stage, coming to your side. He holds your shoulders, rubbing up and down. “Y/n, it’s not a dream, okay? We’re not dreaming anymore.”
“How do you know?!” You cry, body shaking. It’s a dream, it’s a dream. “Why would he say that? Why would he say that this is a dream, Hobi?” you wail. The host looks shocked, guilt and worry across his features. “It’s a dream,” you say with confidence, tears rolling down your face.
Hoseok looks around for Jimin, for help, staff is trying to console you. The crowd is talking amongst themselves, getting louder and louder. The host is speaking to the show runner, getting angrier, exclaiming it’s not his fault! How was he to know this was how you would react!
Hoseok looks into your terrified eyes, and for one small moment, he questions himself too. Was this a dream? What was reality anymore?
“If it’s a dream, then-” he grabs the talk show host’s mug, slamming it onto the stage floor. The crowd gasps, the staff is scrambling behind the scenes, calling for security, the talk show host is frantically apologizing. “-then we'll just wake up again,” he says, picking up to shards.
“No! Can someone help?!” The talk show host calls for security one more time, the crowd is standing up, half of the audience pulling out their phones to record, the other half scrambling to the exit, “I don’t know what to fucking do!”
The stage hands try to pull you and Hoseok away from each other, but your grip is too strong, your palm clenches the broken piece of ceramic until you’re bleeding. Hoseok nods to you, holding the shard against his wrist and you nod back.
“Wake up!”
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I'M SORRY ❤️ I really was not going to add anymore but I kept thinking about the very last scene of this in particular and kept thinking hmmm WHAT could have happened after Joon found them 🧐 I almost did two alternate endings lmfao, but combined them into this. This time I will not go into specifics on what was real and what was a dream, because like hobi says, what was reality anymore? 😌
HONESTLY wrap joonie in a blanket and give him some warm tea since poor guy is going to be traumatized one way or another (if he sees his ex in the news for ykw or if he sees her back in a coma to be with Hobi) I still stand by Joon being the only redeemable character 😭😭
LOL I LOVE YOU. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to finish a movie script lol, you already mentioned Inception, but another good movie to watch that was an inspiration is Paprika!
Day Dream | JHS - Awake! (Alternate Ending)

@sadiesinkofyou I was thinking about this too! So much so I ended up writing this alternate ending. Probably should have just left it up to your imagination cause it’s nothing good but oh well :’D here ya go! ORIGINAL STORY HERE
Hoseok x reader x Namjoon feat. Jimin
Warnings: 18+ graphic scenes of blood and gore, fist fighting, hospital, coma, co-dependency, unaliving?, cheating?, dark ending
Word count: 5.5k
“No!” Namjoon pushes past clinic staff and falls to your side. There’s so much blood. A deep crimson pool soaking into his pants at the knee, and it still steadily seeps out from the cut in the back of your head. His hands are covered in it.
“Call 911.” Jimin murmurs to his staff. “Sir! Don’t move her!”
Namjoon can’t stop crying as he watches the love of his life withering away in front of him, like a beautiful rose losing its petals, one red bloom uncovering to another and leaving less and less of you with each passing moment.
He holds the back of your head tight, stopping most of the blood for now. A thumb caresses your cheek, smearing red horror across your face, but Namjoon can only think of your fleeting beautiful presence, how much he already missed you. ‘Please wake up,’ he thinks, ‘Please be okay.’ “What the hell happened?!”
“I-I don’t know.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair. He uses his lab coat to stop the blood rushing from the large gash across Hoseok’s temple to the side of his head. There’s no cameras in the employee area. He has no idea how this happened, he can only assume why you were here with Hoseok in a place where patients were prohibited.
Looking at Hoseok now, the tech’s body growing colder, his insides twist with worry, with a sinking dread over why, why would you be here, why would there be a lamp, torn from its socket, broken with blood on the base, why?!
Namjoon sits, foot resting on his knee, a binder full of papers in his lap that he intends to grade. But he can’t help but look at you, sleeping so peacefully in the hospital bed. You look like a fairytale princess, sleeping, waiting for a hero to wake her. But no matter how many times Namjoon holds your hand and pleads, kisses your forehead, your cheeks and lips, no matter how many times he wishes, you never wake.
It’s been months.
You. Here. In a hospital bed. Bandaged, a feeding tube, hooked up to monitors. You were unresponsive, but you were still in there, somewhere, showing yourself through your brain scans.
He quietly whispers, “wake up.” A soft plea, a small waning hope inside him as he watches your chest rise and fall. “Y/n, please wake up.”
By the time he finishes grading visiting hours are over. He kisses your forehead, whispering goodbye, and brings your hand to his lips for one last goodnight kiss.
He doesn’t see your thumb move when it falls back onto the hospital bed. If only he stayed a mere five minutes later, he would have witnessed your eyes fluttering opening, trying to make sense of your surroundings.
Waking up from something like this was not how it was in the movies, you were sluggish, in a daze, could barely hum for the nurse to notice you. And when she did, doctors watched over you, performed tests, it took so long. It would have felt like an eternity if you had not already known what an eternity really felt like.
They told you to stop pulling at your tubes and wires, but you were so desperate to free youself, even if your limbs could barely grip the plastic tubing. You were desperate to find Hoseok.
You didn’t know, in another room, in the same hospital, in the same moment, the dream walker had finally woken too.
The nurse gave you a notepad, which you hastily scribbled in barely legible writing, ‘Get me out.’
Keep reading
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Oh @doneimnida you have really made my whole week with this review omggg 🥺🥺🥺 you made me squeal and then you made me laugh and then you made me cry 😂😂 but they were tears of sincere gratitude ❤️❤️ I had so much fun writing this story and it really jumped to my top favs but I know the subject matter is definitely not a lot of people’s cup of tea so I’m grateful to all who give these stories a chance!! 💕💕💕
Okay now to answer 😏😏
Does he know? Hmm well I will tell you one thing, he sure does NOT want to wake up and does NOT want reader to wake up, he is perfectly content with being in Dreamland with reader forever 😌
I try to show that Hoseok just does not like his real life, does not think he can express his true self in real life, and is very heavily using escapism to deal with his unhappiness and his own kind of self induced repressiveness. So when y/n asks for a bracelet irl in this kind of hopeful way like she can’t wait to stop dreaming to meet him irl again, it definitely takes him aback.
Sadly, they are so far down the rabbit hole into dreaming that if they both ever do wake up, they will be completely different people.
AHHH I’M SORRY but there was never a way to make their story a happy ending 🥺 Hobi is ✨ toxic ✨ lmao. This story is y/n choosing toxicity over her loving bf due to her insecurities. My ending always had her “stuck” in a dream with him, but I realized I needed to add the last scene to show…this is not a good thing, and I had to do it very horrifically to get the point across. I’m sorry for the pain 😭😭
Lol I love you 😆 I’m perfectly happy with being paid in these super lovely and funny and cute comments you give me 🥺🥺 maybe I’ll do a drabble one day like I do for HOAL 💜
I do have this dream analysis thing I wrote just to kind of keep all those crazy dream sequences aligned that I think I will post! Like for example, the space dream is actually a dream about why y/n and ex!Yoongi broke up, did you catch that?
TW: SA …..I feel like a lot of women have had to deal with a man who wants to ahem do the deed of procreating, but maybe you’re tired or not in the mood after an entire day of taking “command” of every little thing in your home, but oh he needs you, he can’t stop now because it hurts, he can’t control himself….Yoongi couldn’t control the “monster” inside of himself….that’s why he’s THE EX 😒
But for y/n and hobi, I think I liked writing their story so much because they are both very flawed individuals who bring out the worst in each other 😂😂 but also…you still kind of are rooting for them??? Like I want hobi to be a good guy, I want to see what else y/n can dream up, I want to run along with them, even if y/n is running the wrong way 😭
Day Dream | JHS

The days are hotter, you sleep restlessly. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker.
sandman!Hoseok x reader. Enemies to…well they kind of started as lovers too :’D
Warnings: 18+ smut, somnophilia, bdsm themes, dubcon, wet dreams, reader manipulation, dacryphilia, fuck or die, public sex, rough sex, degradation, name calling, restraints, voyeurism, fingering, oral sex, just so much sex :’D, creepy dream sequences-think Paprika, …tentacles…reader’s dreams are wild ;o; if you come to a part and think am I about to read tentacle smut? and you don’t want to read tentacle smut, I suggest just skip to the end of that dream sequence :’), monsters, aliens, blood, torture, childhood trauma, brief mention of a sleep patient-child-can’t sleep because of abuse, cheating kind of (does dreaming about other men count lol), Hobi stealing Joon’s girl :P but in all seriousness this is kind of a dark and twisted tale and if that’s not your thing, move along thank you if you’re still here it’s also supposed to be pretty ridiculous and campy so I hope you can be entertained and laugh a little too :’)
Word Count: 22.9k
So hot.
Was it the heat that woke you up, you wonder sitting in bed, covers wet with your sweat and your clothes clinging to you, pulled at odd angles, uncomfortably bunched up at the seams, digging into your armpits and around your breasts. You pull the damp material off and over your head, feeling a little less suffocated.
Your room is pitch black, but your eyes, accustomed to the darkness, could see the sleeping form of your boyfriend, Namjoon, his sheets kicked off, body sprawled on the bed in nothing but boxer briefs. He was snoring, but that wasn’t what woke you.
What was it? There’s this nagging feeling pulling at you, something lost back into the deep recesses of your mind, the answer annoyingly stuck at the tip of your tongue.
It’s quiet, only the soft whirling of your aircon working overtime in the hot spring heat. It is the hottest spring year on record, though they like to say that every year. It just keeps getting worse and worse, unbearable heat and pollen, like the world was fighting back with it’s last dying breath. Why does the world have to attack you, though? You bet the world’s biggest polluters didn’t have to deal with this fucking heat!
You nudge your giant of a boyfriend back onto his side. It’s not that you didn’t love him or loved cuddling him, but being pressed up against his body, now radiating nuclear levels of warmth was just too much tonight. He grunts and rolls over and snores and you can’t help but smile, admiring his ability to sleep through this hellish heat.
It’s so hot you want to cry! There is no cold spot on your bed, no relief. You feel exhausted. And there is another irritating feeling, wrapping itself around your body, clinging, itching, digging. You want a distraction from the heat, you want sex. You want something inside you, making you forget about everything else. You’re so hot. You’re so hot.
You look over to your boyfriend once again, debating on waking him. No, it would be too cruel of you to deprive him of much needed rest. No, you’ll just go back to sleep.
“Yes, yes!”
Namjoon has his arms locked around your legs, face buried deep into your sex, giving you exactly what you want, what you need.
It was a dream, yes, but it was also an old memory, to when he took you on vacation to the mountains, it was your first stay at a hot spring inn. The vacation was perfect, you were never more relaxed. Then at night, before falling asleep in each other’s arms, you made love in your small tiny inn room. Joon and you had lots of energy to spare, you think you might have christened every inch of that inn floor.
It was one of the best nights of your life, and the best orgasms, like the one your dream boyfriend was working to give you now, mouth suctioned to your clit, long fingers stroking inside your walls, making your legs shake against his head.
Namjoon groans into your heat as you tighten around his digits, pressing his hips down into the floor mat underneath your bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you tilt your head back moaning, so close...
…and see something that was not there before, something that did not belong in your old memory…well, someone, actually.
A man stands in the corner, leaning against the inn’s framed wall, smirking down at you and Namjoon. He’s wearing the same inn robes as your boyfriend, black wild hair styled away from his face, dark eyes watching you.
You immediately tense, blood running cold in shock, startled so much you forget to scream, immediately pulling at your dream boyfriend’s shoulders to get him off of you. But this boyfriend of yours had only been dreamed up to have one objective, and he wasn’t going to stop now when you were so close.
“J-Joon!” you stutter, trying to pull your legs free, fighting against his tight embrace. His strokes are steady and smooth, fingers slipping in and out of you easily even with every part of you tense. His tongue rolls over your clit again and a reluctant moan escapes your lips.
The man moves closer, smile widening. Your don’t know whether it’s Joon’s relentless fingers inside your drenched center or the fear coursing through you that makes you lightheaded, breaths labored, the pit of your stomach dropping lower and lower until you feel the pressure in your toes, barely able to think until the stranger’s toes stop at the top of your shoulders as he looks down at you, tilting his head.
You pull on Namjoon’s hair, but it’s useless.
“Close?” The man asks you so nonchalantly it makes your head spin once again. “Want my help?”
“W-Who are y-you?”
Trying to make casual conversation proves to be extremely difficult with Namjoon enthusiastically eating you out.
“Take my hand and found out,” he smiles wickedly.
His open palm is held right above your head.
What the hell is happening? Everything about this situation feels so bizarre and surreal, like a dream.
Like a dream.
Are you dreaming?
Your breathing hitches, your limbs locking. Fuuuck! Namjoon, your devoted dream boyfriend is bringing you so close to orgasm you can’t take it anymore, you want to come so badly. Your body feels like it’s floating away, higher and higher. You’re almost there.
Hoseok lies down, head resting on your shaking shoulder. He peers over at you, watching how your eyebrows draw together, mouth opened in silent cries. ‘This is quite the show,’ he thinks, licking his lips. And he’s enjoying it very much.
The weight of Hoseok’s head brings you back down, unable to ignore his presence. “Go a-away!” you manage to scream through protracted moans.
“Is that what you really want?” he turns, eyes narrowing.
“I w-want to come…ugggh.” You turn your head too, your chin knocking into Hoseok’s nose.
Hoseok chuckles, sighing. You can feel the heat of his breath on your lips. “Let me help,” he repeats, “let me offer a helping hand,” he says playfully. “What do you think?”
You groan, knocking your head back in frustration, instead of meeting hard mat your head lands on soft fabric and Hoseok’s warm chest. Giving in, you breathe out a soft, “O-Okay.”
Hoseok snaps his fingers and whatever you were expecting, this was not it…
…another version of your sweet boyfriend, sliding open the door to your inn room. Hoseok sends you a dashing smile, very pleased with himself. Your eyes widen as familiar hands turn your head away from the strange man.
Your robe is being unbelted, breasts kneaded, nipples pinched as Namjoon licks into your mouth, tongue rolling over yours, pinning your hands above your head in one large hand. It’s overwhelming, it’s all the things Namjoon does to you that you liked, that you missed, and when your original dream lover curls his fingers inside you, you release, vision spotting until nothing but white remains.
You, a white room…and that man, still lying against your shoulder, humming pleasantly to himself. You inhale a deep shuddering breath. “What’s happening?”
“You know, naughty girl.”
‘Wake up, y/n, wake up.’ you think.
“That hardly ever works,” Hoseok sings.
You pull your robe over your spent body, shuffling away from the strange man.
Hoseok sits up too, leaning back on his arms, studying you again. He knows what you’re thinking because he knows what you’re dreaming. You’re wondering why he wasn’t the one who touched you instead of your replica lover.
He looks around at the place your mind took him, a place with endless possibilities, how nice of you, how inviting.
“Where to next? What other beautiful places did you want to visit?”
As soon as he asks the question, your mind already has the answer. Hoseok’s palms lay flat on bright white flooring, and then-
-his fingers dig into snow.
“W-What?” You look around at the snowy landscape, holding your robe tighter, you shiver in the cold. Cold, yes! Oh god, how you wished it was cold.
Snowflakes fall into your open palm.
‘That was easy,’ Hoseok thinks. ‘You are perfect.’
You wake up restless, your core drenched. The details of your dream becoming fuzzy already. Were you…playing in the snow?
Namjoon has his arms around you, snoring lightly. You bring his hand to your lips, kissing his knuckles, hoping to rouse him awake. You were itching to be under him this morning. You give him soft morning kisses across his face until he stirs, yawning, and you let out a tiny needy whine. Namjoon buries his head in your chest, half asleep.
“Joonie, fuck me,” you whine.
That knocks some tiredness away. “Yeah? Before work?”
You nod, knees digging into his side, ready. Namjoon kisses down your stomach, pulling your panties away.
“Oh fuck,” Namjoon is fully awake now, “You’re so wet.”
You pull out your earpiece after another successful show, ready to change out of your performance outfit and back into your long glittery award ceremony dress. It was another recurring dream of yours, a fantasy where you were a famous pop singer just finishing a buzzworthy singing performance on the stage of one of the most prestigious award shows in the world. But this time was different, your dressing room was smaller, you stood alone in front of your vanity without your makeup artists and stylists working hurriedly around you.
You stare at your reflection, a prettier thinner perfect-faced version of yourself with diamonds hanging off your ears and around your neck, dressed in an impeccably styled colorful wig and bombshell makeup. In this dream you can call yourself beautiful, with a face you’ve only attained through face tuning and a body you’ve tried to achieve for months, but in your real life you’re not rich enough to have personal trainers and home chefs and all the amenities a famous singer might have. You could only dream for this body.
You shimmy into your tight gown, readying yourself for the next stage in your dream life.
“Let me help you.”
Why does that voice sound so familiar? You look up, catching the owner to that voice in the reflection of your mirror. He shuts the door behind him quietly, his reflection smiling back when your eyes meet.
Hoseok stands handsomely in a sleek white suit and bright red hair, a loud style fitting for an idol.
In this version of your dream he plays the part of your secret boyfriend, altering the fantasy only slightly, loved by your adoring fans, and loved by him.
You fell right into the new role of girlfriend he crafted, he was too good looking to deny. Of course the famous pop-singer-version of you would have a hidden romance, someone who couldn’t keep his hands off of you, who would risk his reputation for a couple minutes alone with you backstage.
You watch through the mirror as he comes closer, hand reaching exposed skin, fingers running along your spine teasingly until he reaches the pieces of your open dress. You bite your lip, moving your hips until your ass meets his clothed crotch, smiling coyly at his reflection.
Oh, Hoseok liked you. He pulls the zipper up, fixing your gown, kissing your shoulder softly.
“What if someone walks in?” you whisper, giggling, enjoying the attention from the beautiful man of your dreams.
“We will have to just be quick then and not get caught,” he smirks. Hoseok holds your hand, twirling you around as if you were dancing, and kisses you deeply, like he has been aching to do so for so long, mouth devouring yours, a long series of rushed fierce kisses.
This was so risky, so scandalous. The rumors of your friendship already made every quick glance and friendly banter in public so much more scrutinized. Would fans notice the both of you not in your seats? Would they make the connection? Could a worker have seen him enter your dressing room? Will there be a blind item about the two of you?
The risk made you both more ravenous for one another. The exhilaration of getting caught made your desire for him grow even hotter, compounding your passion until you were frenzied, groping at each other, letting your lungs burn instead of pulling away from his soft lips and warm mouth.
“Your performance tonight was amazing,” Hoseok gropes your ass, yanking you closer, lifting you up and setting you on the vanity. You open your legs for him, securing your ankles around his hips. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you, y/n.” he whispers into your ear, breathing in deep, smelling your skin like the petals of a beautiful rose.
“-Hoseok,” he finishes for you, teeth pulling at your bottom lip.
That’s right, Hoseok. Your secret lover, your perfect idol boyfriend. The man of your dreams. The object of your desires. The man between your legs who was gripping your thighs and opening you wider, pulling at your stockings and ripping the fabric at the seam.
You pull him closer, arms around his shoulders, head leaning on the side of his cheek, trying to keep your moans quiet when he presses inside you, two fingers dipping into your wetness. His nose nudges your diamond earring, licking your neck, electrifying your nerves at each end. You groan, eyes tightly shut, mouth slack, so overwhelmed by everything about this man. Hoseok, your forbidden lover. You think deeper and he fills you to his knuckles, you think more and he drags his fingers out with precise quickness. He’s unraveling you and he’s barely even started.
The crowd in the ceremony stadium cheers loudly and you remember where you are, a beautiful dream where you're soon going to be honored with a top award for your new hit single.
“Hoseok, I h-have to go.”
“Stay with me here, we still have time.” You’ve only been asleep in your bed for a couple of hours, he still has all night with you. “A quickie? Please, baby. I want you so fucking bad,” he groans, pressing another finger inside you and groping your breasts. He’s so tempted to rip your dress apart and fuck your senseless, fill your mouth with his cock until your makeup is running down your tear-streaked face. Hoseok wants to completely ruin you, but this dream tonight is not that kind of fantasy, tonight he’ll make you feel like a superstar, the most desired woman in the world.
You work quickly to undo his belt, agreeing with him, eager to be filled with his hard cock. You were aching for him, breathless from desire, your core pulsing around his digits with anticipation.
“You want to be famous, is that it?” He asks quietly, watching you intently as you scooch your hips closer to him.
“What?” you pause, looking into Hoseok’s eyes, his cocky flirty demeanor now gone. He runs the back of his knuckles over the hard jewels of your large diamond necklace.
“I’m just trying to understand you, y/n.”
The crowd swells again, cheering, reminding you where you were. “I-” You were supposed to receive your award, make a teary speech, be seen, be heard, be praised, finally. “I need to g-”
He wraps his hand around your neck, pulling your attention to him. Only him. There’s only Hoseok, kissing you, tongue down your throat, making you feel pleasure you’ve never felt before. You run your hands through his soft bright red hair while he positions himself at your opening, hands tight around your thighs, folding your body, legs up and open, the unforgivingly tight fabric of your dress bunched around your hips, the glittery jewels clinking together as he thrusts into you.
You hold onto the back of his neck, jostled into glass with each hard fast thrust. Your heavy jewelry hits against your skin and expensive makeup falls to the ground around Hoseok’s feet, cracking the pressed pigments and breaking lipstick bullets. He’s not holding back, rattling the vanity so loudly your tryst could surely be heard from the outside. Hoseok doesn’t care, he pistons into you, cock dragging along your walls so deep you’ve never felt so full and desperate to come.
“I’m c-close,” your fingers glide over your slippery folds, rubbing across your clit, searching for release.
He lets go of your thighs, leaving fingertip sized bruises behind, to be later covered by your dress and discovered when paparazzi cameras catch your legs, high dress slit revealing his roughness. His hands cup your cheeks instead, pulling you into a heated kiss, his hold on you possessive and dominating. You could stay here forever, being fucked by Hoseok like you’ve never been fucked before, being kissed like Hoseok needed you to breath, being held by him like long lost lovers suddenly reunited. You could stay with him forever-
Ding ding ding. Your alarm clock rings. You feel like gravity is working against you. You try to lift your tired body. Your boyfriend grumbles next to you, “turn it off.”
Your body is buzzing. Your center is sticky, dripping, your clothes clinging to your warm body.
‘What was that?’ Who was that man in your fantasy? The dream starts slipping away as you try to recollect what happened. You start to feel guilt, the dream had been so intense it left you aching and wanting for more sleep just to experience it again. You felt guilty because it wasn’t Namjoon in your dream, it was a random man, a man you don’t even recognize, but god, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. What did you call him again?
“Well you are looking quite refreshed,” Jimin laughs, looking up from his phone and sipping coffee. “Feeling better?”
Hoseok’s hair sticks up all at odd angles, his pants hung low, he laughs along with his roommate, “Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better.”
“Good, cause I was worried. Everyone has been getting sick-”
“No no no! It’s just stress sprinkled with some insomnia,” he laughs. “But I’m good now,” he says and shakes a bottle of melatonin before throwing it over to his roommate.
“Insomnia?! I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who sleeps more than you,” Jimin calls out to him. Hoseok laughs and styles his hair, slinging his tie around his shirt collar, getting ready for his job.
Hoseok wasn’t sick, however, he did have an illness. Some might even call it a curse…
Because Hoseok could not dream.
When Hoseok laid in bed at night and dozed off into Dreamland, the places his mind took him were not dreams of his own making.
Hoseok was a dream walker.
See, for a boy who did not dream, Dreamland became Hoseok’s playground. For what would you do if you had the power of creation, of destruction, of complete metamorphosis at the tips of your fingers? Of course Hoseok embraced his powers, took advantage of them, of unsuspecting dreamers, of you.
At an early age he learned quickly how to navigate the dreams that did not belong to him, to walk between imagined worlds so vast and intricate that not even the dreamers themselves knew the design as well as Hoseok. Most dreamers exhausted Hoseok, it was not easy to change the design of a dream world to best suit him, but sometimes he would find some real gems, dreamers whose wavelengths synced perfectly up with the dream walker, who were so willing to let him work his magic.
For Hoseok it was a game, a challenge, he rarely cared about the consequences, because it was just a dream after all. The dreamers Hoseok found could be anywhere in the world, he rarely targeted dreamers in his area, it complicated things, in the real world there were laws and regulations, where not even the laws of physics applied in Dreamland.
You can tell a lot about people from their dreams. Dreams reveal a person’s true natures, their deepest desires and strongest fears. So then what kind of man was Hoseok? An upstanding citizen in his waking life, and once he closed his eyes, well, he would become whatever he wanted to be.
“Would you tell your girlfriend?” you ask your friend, Jin.
“No, definitely not! She gets mad at me when I do something bad in her dreams. God, I can’t imagine the other way around. I might as well never wake up again!”
You groan, “I feel like I’m losing my mind.” You loved Namjoon, so why do you keep having so many dreams where you are fornicating with another man?! Well, at least the dreams you can remember.
And it’s always the same man too, no matter what setting or what scenario, Hoseok is there, captivating you with his handsomeness and theatrical personality like a showman bringing you to center stage, you can’t look away, he pulls you into every orchestrated dreamscape. And then every morning you wake up guilty and ashamed and worst of all, desperate to be fucked.
“There are so many things it could be, spicy food before bed time-”
“Do you watch TV before you fall asleep?”
“Err are you and Joon okay? You know…intimacy wise?” Jin asks.
“Yes!” you answer defensively. “We have lots of…intimacy!” Maybe you’re having even too much sex. Not that your boyfriend is complaining, but it’s becoming a lot, even for you. Namjoon has noticed your tossing and turning, your excessive neediness, he’s getting tired too, some mornings he just wants to cuddle instead!
“Listen, Joon is much more level headed. Just hope to god he doesn’t catch you moaning your new dream boyfriend’s name. Ooh Hoseok,” he mimics a teasing high pitched moan.
“Shut up shut up, we’re in public, Jin!” you hiss, smacking your friend in the back to silence him.
“I mean you like that, right?” he teases.
“What! Don’t-”
“You fantasize about being fucked in public, out in the open, where anyone could catch you, right?”
You are completely taken aback by his change in demeanor. Your friend’s sweet smile is gone, replaced by a heated stare and a smirk pulling at his lips instead.
He looks around and then licks his lips, whispering to you in secret. “You fantasize about me sometimes too, don’t you?” he murmurs, “I mean, I don’t blame you, I’m a catch,” he winks. “But I do have a girlfriend, and you have a boyfriend. How could you, y/n?”
“I would n-never…I would never do that to Namjoon.”
“But you’re doing it right now,” a voice calls out to you. Hoseok sits at one of the café tables sipping coffee and tapping his foot. Some nights Hoseok likes to tease you like this, let you in on the secret, so to speak. You become so flustered then, so easy to fool.
“You...it’s you…I’m dreaming.”
As soon as the realization hits you, the rest falls like a veil, your consciousness removing all the unnecessary, and you’re left again with only Hoseok.
“You are.” Tonight Hoseok is blonde, in casual streetwear, styled too similar to your boyfriend, reminding you of your guilt all over again.
“Wake up!” you yell.
“Like I said, that’s not going to work-”
You sit up in bed, wheezing. Fuck Fuck Fuck, what the hell was that?
You yank off your covers, too heavy and warm and suffocating. It’s still nighttime and your boyfriend is sleeping soundly next to you. You let out a sigh of relief. You’ll just tell Namjoon, you’ll tell him you’re having nightmares, you don’t need to divulge the specifics. He’ll understand. He can help you try to find something to help, he’s good at that.
“Joonie,” you rub his back, “Hey-”
“I told you it won’t work.” Hoseok is wearing Namjoon’s pajamas, stretching out on your bed. You scream.
You lunge for the dream walker, swinging your fist at his face. Instead you fall forward, right onto a hard wooden surface.
“Shit, are you okay, y/n!” Seokjin pulls you up, “What happened? Did you trip over your own feet? Joon is really rubbing off on you.”
Huh, what? The barista calls your name.
“Have you been sleeping at all? You're starting to have dark circles, I’m worried about you, y/n. Forget about what I said earlier, you need to tell Joon everything.”
“Okay, yeah, I will.” You sip on the cold coffee, internally panicking. You look around quickly, nothing odd catches your eyes. Hoseok is not there. Was that…a day dream?
“Come on,” Jin smiles, “We have to get back to work.”
The day goes by achingly slow, your thoughts always drifting back to Hoseok. You couldn’t understand why you kept dreaming about him. Always him.
“Hey, hello, earth to y/n?! Are you spacing out again?” Jin waves his hand in front of you, a very worried expression on his face. The office is dark with only your computer screen illuminating your cubicle. “Let’s get out of here. It’s too spooky after closing,” Jin shivers.
“Thank you for walking me to my car.”
“No problem, what kind of man would I be if I didn’t make sure you got home safe? Are you sure you can drive? You’re not going to fall asleep while driving, are you?”
You shake your head, a little unsure if you’re being honest with yourself. “You don’t have to baby me, you know,” you joke, flicking his head. Jin has always been like a protective big brother to you.
“Pfft no, ‘Thank you, Jin?’ ‘I would probably be sleeping at my desk right now if it wasn’t for you Jin?’ I am eternally grateful to have you as my friend, Jin?’” He flicks you back.
“Thank you, Jin,” you smile and hug your friend goodbye.
“Anything for you, y/n.”
He looks down at you, a soft smile adorning his features, pausing like he wants to tell you something. You must really be looking tired. You feel guilty for making Jin worry about you. You’re fine! Sure, you have been staying up later and later, but-
You didn’t realize how close your friend was until his lips closed the gap. Soft and delicate, Jin kisses you cautiously.
You stood stunned, not knowing what to say, “Ji-”
“I’m sorry! I just-I thought, maybe you-”
“Joon is your friend-”
“I should have never introduced you to him,” He sighs. “I should have asked you out first, I was such an idiot-”
“You have a-”
“Shhhh,” he quiets you with another kiss, pressing you against the car and deepening the kiss when you don’t pull away.
You’re kissing Jin. You’re kissing him. Jin, whom you’ve known since high school. Your neighborhood friend, Jin, the sweet upperclassman who not once ever made a move on you, not in high school or college or when you reconnected again working at the same company. Jin, after all these years, was now kissing you?!
Jin took his time and savored you, slowly building up the heat and before you realized it, you were burning. His hands were careful, yet unlike his kisses, his caresses were not soft, no, when he placed his hand over your shirt to feel the curve of your breast, the pressure made you weak in the knees. He jutted his hips forward sharply, pressing his crotch into yours, shooting electricity up your spine and numbing all your doubtful thoughts.
He pulls away, lips covered in your shade of lipstick. “I need to have you. Now.”
Jin lifts your right leg, hooking his arm under your knee and pressing his clothed crotch into you again, and before you knew it, he had your skirt pulled up and his pants undone, angling your body to line up with his stiff cock. You could only gasp in pleasure and hold onto his wide shoulders for support as he presses his hips up into yours.
Jin turns your body, bending you across the hood of your car, the better angle making it easier for him to thrust into you, knocking all your thoughts away with each long sharp movement.
“See, I was right.”
You rest your forehead on metal, banging your head onto the car’s hood. But Hoseok would not let you ignore him this time, and Jin grabs a fistful of your hair pulling your head back.
You feel dirty and exposed. You deserve it, you think, for even dreaming about cheating on your wonderful boyfriend. This is a nightmare.
“If it was a nightmare, you would know y/n.”
“Fuck you,” you grit out.
“Maybe later. Looks like your good pal Jin is almost finished.”
You glare at the dream walker. Hoseok laughs. Suddenly a car pulls into the parking lot, lights blinding you. Jin hastily pulls out of you, “Fuck, let’s go!” and you have no choice but to follow your dream friend.
You and Jin run towards the back of your work building, finding a corner to hide behind. Once the coast is clear, your friend turns back to you smiling, resuming kissing you.
“Ugh no!” You push Jin away. “This was a mistake,” you mutter, “I shouldn’t even be dreaming about you!”
“You dream about me?” Jin teases, leaning into you.
“Yeah, like now, right now!” You’ve had enough of this dream, you shove your way past your dream friend, heading back into the building. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, you’re not even real.”
“Wait wait wait,” he pulls you back by the elbow, “what is this, ‘we’re in a dream,’ do you think I’m an idiot, y/n? if you didn’t like me like that you can just tell me-”
“Ugh, that’s not-you’re not-you’re not real!” you yell, and it’s clear you’ve hurt dream Jin’s feelings. You feel sorry even if it wasn’t really your friend. “Jin, just-”
“I am too real! This is real, y/n-”
“Then explain that!” you point to the car pulling away from the parking lot, now that you and Jin were no longer there to be caught.
The car is driving itself.
Jin’s mouth drops. “U-Uh, w-well, you know, there are self driving cars, it’s a thing!”
“Okay, yeah, but a 1967 camaro?” Jin swallows at your words. “Right now, we’re in a dream, Jin. And I’m an idiot.”
“This... this is not real. I’m not real...” Jin swallows hard, blinking rapidly. “M-Maybe you’re in my dream, ever think about that?” Jin paces back and forth, your dream version not coming to terms well with the fact that he is only a figment of your imagination.
“How could you make me up? No, nah, nope.”
“Listen, Jin…Jin! I need your help, This other person I dreamed up, the one I told you about, he is literally haunting all my dreams now, and I don’t know what to-”
“I-If I’m so made up, what am I thinking right now!”
“I d-don’t know?” You need to wake up! You don’t have time to be arguing with dream people, but dream Jin looks so scared and uncertain waiting on your response. You sigh, “Um, pink llamas?”
“Ha! Wrong! But…oddly close,” Jin winces. Jin is having an existential crisis of your own making.
“Wait, if you dreamed me up, then you do feel the same way!”
“No, Jin, ugh,” you shake your head, massaging your temples. “Fuck, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Sometimes…maybe…I used to wonder why our friendship never became more. But that was before Namjoon! I’m over it now! And you have a girlfriend somewhere in this dream too! Stupid!”
“I can’t believe this!”
“Yeah, well, me either, this is giving me a headache. Now I definitely can’t tell you about this tomorrow.”
“Oh that’s right, you wanted my advice…” remembering the reason you both went out to lunch, “So were you planning to tell me out there too why you’ve been so distant?” he looks at you annoyed. “I see Joon more than I see you! Wait, so are you giving yourself advice right now? This is confusing.”
You groan, “I don’t know!” you yell, wishing you could just wake yourself up. You stomp towards the front of the building, hoping to get more answers.
Jin falls in step with you, “Why did you choose me of all people?” he asks softly.
“I don’t know. I feel safe around you,” you mutter. “I’ve known you the longest, any time I’ve come to you for help, you always seem to have the right answers. Ever since me and Joon happened and now you and your new girlfriend…we’ve grown apart and I’ve missed you, I guess.”
“I always wondered what would have happened if I hadn’t introduced you to Joon,” Jin looks down at his feet.
“No you haven’t,” you smile. “That’s just dream you talking. I’m sorry, for that too…I know you would never cheat on your girlfriend. I’m horrible, huh?”
“No, dream me is based on real me, right? Maybe your subconscious is showing you things you wouldn’t normally have picked up on.” Jin looks at you tenderly, a familiar look you’ve seen from him many times before.
“So what is my subconscious trying to tell me about him?” you whisper looking into the distance. Hoseok is holding a briefcase, dawning work attire, messy brown hair blowing away from his eyes in the wind, revealing his excited expression and sinister grin, heading right for the both of you.
Jin gets in front of you protectively. “I have an idea, let’s change the scenery, yeah?” He grabs your hand and heads towards the entrance.
He opens the doors and ushers you quickly inside, and when you step through the threshold you are no longer wearing your work clothes.
“How do I look?” Jin spins around in his old century hanbok.
“I’m pretty sure Marvel and the Joseon dynasty shouldn’t mix.” You look down at your tight superhero clothes.
“Hmm but you make one sexy superhero.” In this situation who do you blame, your dream friend or you for dreaming him up like this?
You look around the old temple architecture. “How did you do this?” you say, staring around in awe.
“You mean to tell me you realize you’re dreaming and you didn’t even think to dream up an escape plan? I figured it out right after you told me!”
You exhale, laughing. “Well, I guess that’s why you’re here then.”
Jin hugs you tight, “You have all the power, y/n. It's your dream.”
“Such sweet pillow talk.”
Oh no, it’s him again.
“Stop right there!” You don’t know whether it’s the superhero suit, or Jin’s imparted knowledge, but you are feeling brave enough to stand up to Hoseok. “You are done ruining my dreams! I made you up, so I can unmake you up!” you point at the dream walker. “Consider yourself laid off!”
Hoseok laughs a deep bellowing cackle at your antics.
“Y/n, be careful.” Jin whispers, stepping in between the two of you, eyes locked onto the pesky dream walker. “He’s-”
With a wave of Hoseok’s hand Jin turns into a pastel pink llama.
“J-Jin! No!”
“Braaaaaaraaaa” clop clop clop, dream llama Jin trots around in a circle to your dismay, having an another existential crisis of Hoseok’s making.
You reassure yourself this is just a dream, no matter how scared you feel. You’re a superhero right now, so act like it! What superpowers do you have?
Bright pink lasers shoot from your eyes, throwing Hoseok backwards.
However, Hoseok just falls back into a fit of laughter. “Is it my turn now? Let me show you what real power looks like.”
The wind picks up quickly, tiles and wood start lifting up and splintering. The wind rushes around you so loud it sounds like a speeding train. Hoseok throws you back so far and so fast it feels like the world's gravity shifts around you, and instead you’re falling, falling, falling infinitely and all you can do is scream-
A weak sound of distress leaves you as you wake from your dream, and once you can move your limbs again you burst into tears, sobbing, waking up Namjoon.
“What’s wrong, baby? Bad dream? Hey, hey you’re okay now. Please talk to me.” Namjoon does his best to comfort you, hugging you close.
“Come to bed, y/n,” Namjoon calls out from the bedroom.
“But this show is just getting good!” you yell back.
“Then I’ll watch with you,” Namjoon peeks out from behind your bedroom door and sleepily pads over to you, cuddling into your side. You laugh at how he tries to make himself smaller, snuggling under your arm. “I missed you last night, I don’t even remember you coming to bed. Let’s go to sleep, baby.”
It’s been three days and fifty or so cups of coffee later. “I’m not tired,” you lie.
“Is it because of that nightmare you had? You’re going to get sick if you don’t let your body rest,” Namjoon says worriedly.
“I’m fine, don’t worry, baby.” You were most definitely not fine.
“Commander, what was that?” Second-in-Command Namjoon Kim floats to your side.
You review the star station’s navigation system, locating the area of distress. “We were hit. Lockdown everything above the crew deck until we can patch the hole, contact officer Min immediately.”
“Shit, that’s close to our bio-agricultural room.”
“Whose shift is it today for plant harvesting? Notify them to start emergency quarantine protocols on all crops, pull any off duty crewmates. Now, go! And find out why operations hasn’t rebooted our anti-gravity system,” you yell after him.
“Captain Jung, how drastically has this affected our course?”
Hoseok conceals a smile behind his hand. “I can course correct so only a couple months are lost. But we have to repair the impact site within the next 72 hours.”
“Or I will have to drastically reduce our flight speed, and that could add...well...decades.” He looks over his shoulder, meeting your eyes.
Fuck. You float closer to his side, “We need to find out what the hell hit us first,” you grumble. You check oxygen and radiation levels on board. What was that impact? you wonder, opening the ship’s auto-generating space map, fingers quickly moving through the latest star pattern chart. The closest meteorite cluster was about 1.3 million km away. Unless a worm hole opened up right above your location, there shouldn’t have been any reason for impact!
Whatever hit the station shook the colossal space base. The collision did not sound like the usual meteorite rock hitting titanium metal, the sound that echoed the station halls upon impact sounded…alien.
“Yes, Captain?”
“I found something,” Hoseok pulls up a heat map overlay, and shows you something you’ve never seen before, it was a physical impossibility! You squint at the invisible heat spot in the vast subzero nothingness of space.
“How is that possible?” You mutter, scrutinizing the anomaly.
Hoseok bites his lip, holding in his laughter. On cue the space station rattles and tail spins, throwing your bodies into the Navigation deck’s console as your station suffers another hit.
Something is attacking your space station!
You groan, clinging to Hoseok as yellow emergency lights fill the room. “Jung? Captain Jung?!” You pat your captain’s cheek, praying he wasn’t concussed. Hoseok stays unresponsive.
What the hell is going on aboard your ship?! You speak through your earpiece, calling for Namjoon or any officer who will respond to you. You retell the events of what occurred through your internal speaker system as one final announcement while moving your captain’s limp body into the deck's navigation chair, strapping him in and setting the emergency signal on to repeat. Then you find the weapon’s box hidden under the console. You’re commander of this star station and you’re not about to go down without a fight!
With your spacesuit on you slowly make your way towards the upper deck, quietly calling into your earpiece for any assistance. “Commander Kim? Come in, Commander Kim?” you whisper.
“Min!” You see the ship’s repair officer, his body floating above you, and his spacesuit covered in blood.
There’s blood…everywhere. Under yellow lightning the blood looks black, revealing the horror in a vivid display of violence. You hastily make your way to him. “Yoongi!” You push his body through the destruction carefully, dodging floating objects.
You close off the compromised area, airlocking the oxygen back in to proper breathing levels. Pulling off Yoongi’s helmet and suit and then your own, you check his pulse. He grunts in pain. He’s alive, you breath out in relief.
You float towards the closest first aid kit, injecting Yoongi with painkillers and steroids until he wakes.
“Officer Min?” You wipe away the perspiration from under his bangs, fixing his messy hair.
“I, ugh, I feel like shit.”
“You look like shit,” you quietly joke.
“Will that be going on today’s status report?” Yoongi winces trying to chuckle, writhing in pain, “The escape pods,” he says through labored breaths. “Get to one.”
A clanging pulls your attention away. Yoongi grips your elbow. “Y/n, listen to me, escape.”
“Yoongi, tell me what happened to you.”
He tries to smile, his breathing erratic. “I’m afraid I’ve been exposed to a hallucinatory agent,” he breathes, “Or at least, I hope I have.” Yoongi bites his lips, keeping his howls of pain in. Body shaking from a mixture of adrenaline and medicine and something else, he starts mumbling nonsense.
“Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t fix,” you mutter, checking the injections and reading through the side effects, trying to reason why Yoongi is acting so paranoid. You look around wearily. The sheer amount of blood, still pooling around you in droplets, was too much to only be Yoongi’s. So where are the other bodies?
“I couldn’t get to the area of impact, it wouldn’t let me,” he winces. There’s a loud bellowing noise, a far away crash. He groans, “It's h-here.”
You push him into a corner, securing Yoongi’s body to the station’s wall, handing him one of your weapons, a tactical knife and pull out your own, leaving the pistol in your utility belt as a last resort. “I’ll be right back.”
“No,” he winces, coughing up blood, unable to stop you. You move towards the locked part of the station, where monstrous screeches resound through the thick metal doors.
What is out there?
You move closer.
What is it?
There’s movement, slithering, clicking.
Is it…
Hoseok crashes into you. Your body spins, unable to right yourself in zero gravity. Hoseok wraps his arm around your wrist, pulling you to him. “Found you.”
“Wait!” You try to pull away as he moves you further and further away from Yoongi, trying to explain to him where you left the wounded repair officer, but he’s not listening to you, he’s counting down instead.
“Five four three two one-”
“Ahhh!” The anti-gravity systems re-engage and you fall into Hoseok’s arms. “Oh no, Min!” You struggle in Hoseok’s hold until he released you, turning around to help Yoongi, but Hoseok’s grip is strong and he spins you back around.
“It’s too late for him-”
“No it’s not!” You turn again only to be pulled into him once more. “Jung, I am your commander-”
“And I am captain of your ship,” Hoseok barks. “Follow me and I can get you out of here. If you go back there,” he warns, lowering his voice, “you’re going to regret it.”
You yank your hand out of his grasp, massaging your wrist. You know the situation is dire, but you’re still taken aback by your captain’s demeanor. Captain Jung has never acted like this before!
“I know you and officer Min had a…special connection,” he grips your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes without shying away from his accusations, “but you have to let him go.”
You yank your head away, rapidly blinking in embarrassment. “Check the dorms, see if there are any survivors, that’s an order-”
“It’s just you and me, Love,” he smirks.
‘And Yoongi,’ you think. He’s still trapped where you left him, most likely unable to free himself.
Hoseok scoffs, watching as you ignore him and run towards your doom, the nightmare’s climax. Well, at least he warned you.
You find Yoongi, strapped above you, his head lolled to the side. You resist the urge to cry, his chest rises only slightly, a sign he’s still alive, but his time is running out. With the gravity on, you have to climb to reach him.
“Yoongi, I’ll get you out of here.”
You free his torso with your knife and he falls forward into your arms. He’s heavier with the gravity on. Fuck. You struggle to hold him upright, frantically thinking of a way to get him out safely, unaware of the monstrosities closing in on you.
“Y/n?” Yoongi grunts. His arms weakly hold onto your sides. You look over your shoulder, you didn’t realize how high up you both were. You stretch your limbs to stay balance.
“I got you,” you whisper.
“I told you to go to the escape pods,” he grunts, groaning in pain, a growl deep and low and rumbling inside threatens to spill out of him.
The ship creeks, equipment falls to the ground, and the yellow lights grow dimmer. The situation is so helpless, you feel like crying, but you have to be strong as commander. “Not without you.” You push his hair to the side, and see how dark his eyes have become, how his irises seem to glow.
Yoongi coughs, breathing escalating, his arms gripping tighter around you.
“Y-Yoongi,” you struggle as you try to shift your body. But his embrace becomes too tight and you lose your footing, the pair of you falling as the last of his restraints snaps-
You plummet down. Your stomach lurches and you feel light and heavy all at once, like the first drop over a coaster, yet this was so much worse.
Except you never reach the station’s flooring.
You wince in Yoongi’s constricting hug, and soon you realize it’s not just Yoongi’s arms around you, but tight slithering sticky muscle, running along your legs, your arms, your torso…
“Yoongi!” you scream, scared for his life, afraid he too was being slowly constricted, unaware where the appendages were coming from, coming from the repair officer himself.
“Shit, I c-can’t-” Yoongi groans, sweating profusely, unable to control himself. Tentacles tighten around your ankles, move up your arms, run into your jumpsuit’s pant leg and under your collar, tearing the fabric, over your hips, around your neck, around your thighs, between your legs. The smooth appendages pulse all over your body.
More emerge from the repair officer, covering the ship like a web, allowing your bodies to slowly move down to the floor.
Space boots click on the hard flooring. Hoseok picks up your utility knife dropped to the ground and slices at the tentacles around your body.
Yoongi screams and they unravel and slither off of you as Hoseok yanks your sore body up, quite annoyed with you. “This is really not my thing,” he jeers. Throwing the knife like a dagger and pinning a tentacle to the ground. Yoongi wails in pain.
“Y-You’re hurting him!” You watch Yoongi rolling in pain on the floor, taking the state of your repair officer all in, a horrific monstrous sight.
“Hey, I’m not the one who turned my ex into a space monster! That was all you, ‘Commander.’”
Yoongi convulses, his own appendages fighting with him, wrapping themselves around his body and ripping into his jumpsuit.
You glare at Captain Jung, not fully understanding his words yet, still immersed in the nightmare. “We have to help him. You can help him.”
“And why should I?”
What is he saying? Why is your usual cheerful and bright captain acting so cruel? He’s been on this mission just as long as you, trained with Yoongi and you for years leading up to this voyage. How could he act so heartless?!
Yoongi screams, pale body red with marks as the alien appendages crawl over him. “He’s our teammate. Do something!!”
You try to go to Yoongi only to be pulled back once again. “The alien parasite needed a body. He’s the host now. I told you, you can’t save him. The parameters here can’t be undone, only altered. There’s only two ways to end this nightmare, Commander; escape or let it use you to multiply.” He looks down at Yoongi with apathetic eyes, kicking at the slithering tentacles.
End this nightmare? Parameters, he said.
Parameters of a dream.
“A nightmare. Nightmares are always trickier.”
“Hoseok,” you swallow, recognizing your captain for who he truly was. You look down at your bloodied torn jumpsuit, the space station that looks and smells and feels so real. “How can I alter this? How can I help him?”
“Use your imagination.”
You step closer to your fallen repair officer and where you stand the closest of his alien appendages unwrap themselves around him and slither over your feet.
They travel up your calves, more and more, reaching your thighs. “Two endings, y/n!” Hoseok hastens, “You need to pick one. There’s one working pod left and I know where it is-”
But you’ve already chosen, you could not inflict such horribleness even towards just a likeness of your ex-lover. “No.”
Hoseok grinds his teeth.
The tentacles are slithering, pulling, reaching for more and more skin, fully wrapped around you once again, lifting your body up to fully gain control.
It’s just a nightmare. You can’t be truly hurt. You won’t really end up spawning some freak alien lifeform, that’s all you have to remember. It’s just a nightmare and you’ll wake up soon. So you try to let yourself relax. The way the slimy appendages slide over your body isn’t terrible, the suctioning tentacles massage your muscles in ways you’ve never experienced. It's just a dream.
Hoseok clenches his fist, rolling his eyes, annoyed with your choice. Yeah, it’s just a dream, it’s not reality, you’re being a fool imposing principles that mean nothing here!
Hoseok sighs, pulling a tentacle off your shoulder, cutting the tip off. The rest shake, moving your body into another position, pulling your limbs out.
Hoseok bites into the cut alien limb, his eyes changing color to a deep glowing green. “W-What are y-you doing?” you groan, gasping as the appendages coil around your body
Hoseok shrugs, “changing the parameters.” He unzips his jumpsuit. “Min, get off, she’s mine.”
Tentacles press Yoongi’s back upward until he’s sitting. He catches himself before falling forward, nails digging into the sleek metal flooring, fighting to stay conscious. “I don’t k-know how- It h-hurts!” Yoongi screams, folding his body into himself, gripping his head and his alien appendages take you higher away from the quarrelling duo.
The muscles around you are too strong, there’s no room for movement, you are pushed and pulled, limbs moving only where they want.
Hoseok attacks the parasitic tentacles with his own, and you drop, caught by one of his many appendages wrapping itself around your torso.
You wince, holding onto the tentacle, “Is h-he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s just fine.” Hoseok breathes, winded. The rest of the alien life form slinks away from its first host and attaches itself to Hoseok instead. Tremendous power courses through the dream walker as he becomes the host.
He laughs lowly. “In fact,” he tilts his head to the side, gesturing you to look at the empty space on the ground, “looks like he chose ‘escape.’” You watch the last of Yoongi’s shadows disappear as he hurriedly stumbles towards the escape pods. At least one of you will make it, you think disappointedly as a familiar feeling clenches in the pit of your heart.
You bring your fist down on the slimy tentacle as it pulls you closer, alone with the dream walker again, just how Hoseok liked it.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Hoseok tsks. “You know, y/n…sleeping is as inevitable as breathing. You can hold your breath all you want, but eventually,” Hoseok looks up at you as you are lowered, “you’ll need air.” You’re held upside down, being brought right to him by the alien appendages, so close you can feel his hot breath when he exhales, You’re both reminded of when you first met. He cocks his head to the side, smiling. “Hi.”
“None of this is real, it’s just a dream.” You tell yourself, imagining you weren’t in this horrible space nightmare. Instead you wished to be in a beautiful spring field, bright and sunny. And you were hanging upside down from a tree instead, Hoseok didn’t have green glowing eyes or monstrous limbs, he was just a sweet lover with soft brown hair and friendly eyes.
For a second you believed it, believed the flashing images of pastel pink and yellow, the light blue butterflies around you, but then it all flashed back to the nightmare. The spring daylight went back to being a revolting dark yellow blood bath, the wind was no longer cooling your skin, you were sticky and sweaty and tired, the butterflies were replaced with scattered drops of blood.
“So close,” Hoseok murmurs.
“It’s just a dream!” you yell, even when you feel like your bones are on the brink of breaking as Hoseok coils himself tighter around your stomach. It’s just a dream, why does it have to feel so real?! So painful?! So hopeless?!
He lets you go and drops you on the ground. “Come on! Wouldn’t you rather it be me instead?”
“What makes you think I want you instead?” you argue.
Hoseok laughs, appendages slithering close to your limbs. “You don’t? You don’t think about our night in Cairo? Or that time in the airplane bathroom? The Grand Canyon? That quaint church festival? Our lovely wedding night? The dressing room? Ahh that was my favorite.” He lists off a series of dreams you had found each other in, fantasies that made you hot all over just remembering what you’ve done.
Your tactical knife finds its way into your hands as you desperately think of a way to wake yourself up, turning the tip in towards you.
Tentacles wrap themselves instantaneously around your wrists before you could pierce the dagger into yourself, pulling your arms up over your head.
“It’s just a dream, right?” he turns his head, holding his hand in front of his face, and one alien appendage slithers up his forearm and into his palm. He inspects it, becoming more in tune with its movements. “It’s just a dream, so you don’t have to feel bad for giving in.” He steps one pace closer to you.
His tentacles unravel around you and most disappear into his back. One tentacle pokes at your arm, making you flinch, the tip wraps around your hand, lifting it up almost as if it were trying to hold your hand. You squeeze it as it slithers back down your arm, looking down to watch it slowly move up again. You don’t see the small ticks Hoseok does at your actions, the way he cracks his neck, furrowing his brow. Three nights, it’s been three nights without you, yet he tries to be patient.
He takes one last step so he can trace down the line of your jaw. Securing his hand to the back of your neck, he guides your head closer, ghosting over your lips.
It’s just a dream, you think, so why does it have to feel so real…so painful… There’s a stinging in your heart, clashing feelings rumbling inside you like a storm.
The station rumbles to life as a pod deploys. You exhale defeatedly.
“Will it make you feel better to know he took the wrong one?”
So cosmic justice exists in this space dream, you think. You wonder what that means for the man in front of you then, entering into the shadows as the lights flicker and dim even darker until only his outline remains, a creature of man and beast.
His eyes glow greener, two luring orbs amongst the shifting shadows. He must be smiling, he always does, he has to be. You have to find out for yourself, you have to see Hoseok’s smile again...so you take a step closer, and another step, and another…into the shadows.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a voice behind you asks.
Reaching the space station's wall with nowhere else to go, you peeked out a small circle window, watching the vast galaxies of light twinkling against the nothingness of space. It makes you feel so small and worthless.
You unzip the front of your jumpsuit, pulling your arms free until it lays around your hips.
“My favorite was Club More.” You remember it so well you can hear the club music start to blast, the bass rattling the broken space equipment. Hoseok smirks. You were starting to imagine.
His tentacles wrap around your body like the red rope he used on you at Club More, bounding your wrists together behind you and lifting you easily off the ground.
His hand runs along your palm until your fingertips touch and he interlaces your hands together. “Oh, your heart is racing,” he can feel your pulse in your wrists, “can’t wait to fuck me, y/n?” Hoseok places his hand on your forehead, pulling your head back so you can rest your neck on his shoulder. He kisses your neck tenderly, only one soft kiss while tentacles tear your last shreds of clothes off.
“You want to know why? Because unlike that,” he gestures his head towards the spot of blood where Yoongi had laid, “I know exactly how you like to be fucked.” He finishes the sentence as one large tentacle slides between your legs, entering you until you’re filled entirely. He lets your hand go to replace it with his dick, rolling his hips forward into your open palm.
“I know exactly what to do,” he kisses you softly again on the jaw this time, so close to your mouth as the slippery appendage pulls out and fills you full again, making you gasp and shiver, “to make you scream,” he says as a smaller tentacle wiggles itself into your other hole, tentacles wrap themselves around your breasts, suctions latching onto your sensitive nipples, making you scream in pleasure. “Tell me to stop if I’m wrong?”
You shudder, gasping, moaning, unable to keep your walls from clenching around the slippery appendage, wanting movement. Hoseok moves your body so you’re spread open in front of him, ass in the air. He pumps himself watching the tentacles tease you, roll over you clit, suctioning themselves to your sensitive nerves. You’re used to being knocked forward when hips smack into yours, not this, the weightlessness and complete submission of your body, kept still while Hoseok fills all your holes.
Tentacles slither around one of your ankles, opening your wider, pulling your leg up. Your arms stay secure around your back and it reminds you of the position Hoseok’s dom persona put you in at Club More. What's left of the yellow light turns to red.
The alien appendages move faster inside you, swelling in preparation for release. You feel lightheaded from all the pleasure inflicted on every part of your body, closing in on your climax as well. Your filled, pumped full of alien seed. The alien appendage inside your pussy pulls away only to be replaced with Hoseok’s slim fingers, pushing the escaping cum back inside you. It was Hoseok’s turn to fill you with his dick, plugging you full as he drags you closer to him.
Hoseok grabs the swell of your ass, watching it jiggle as you meet his hips over and over again, being dragged back and forth on his dick by alien appendages.
“Oh fuck, Hoseok, fu-uckk!”
“You make the perfect cumslut, unghh, going to fill your pussy with my cum. That’s what you want, slut?—fuck—I’ll give it all to you.”
Hoseok releases deep inside you, yelling, his cock pulsating as you both reach your high together. You feel floating, weightless. Hoseok’s heel lifts off the ship’s ground from the vertigo of your orgasms. Tentacles unravel but you stay suspended.
Floating in deep space, it’s just you and Hoseok.
“My colleague says this place is one of the best in the country, don’t be nervous,” Namjoon smiles, hugging you close. “Want me to go inside with you? I don’t mind waiting.”
You stand outside of a sleep clinic, hoping to figure out what was wrong with you, or at least how to manage your predicament. You had started to fixate on your dreams, it was becoming impossible to escape thoughts of your dream man, even day dreaming about him and then thinking about him throughout the day. Your dreams were so hyper-realistic, you could feel your body still reacting hours later.
“I don’t want you to miss class.”
“Ahh they’ll be fine,” he kisses your forehead.
“Okay, yeah, stay,” you smile. You walk inside hand-in-hand.
The receptionist calls your name. He smiles brightly at you, explaining how to fill out new patient forms. “Hey professor Kim!” He greets your boyfriend and they talk while you complete each question, being vague in your answers, embarrassed having to explain your issues.
“Do you want me to come in the room with you?”
“No,” you force a smile. There was no way you could talk about your dreams with Namjoon there. “It’s okay, it looks like you got a fan,” you tease, gesturing to the receptionist who seems like he’s itching to ask the humanities professor another question.
Namjoon chuckles, pecking your lips. “I love you, baby.”
“Nice to meet you, I'm the sleep specialist assigned to your case.”
Jimin walks in, looking through your chart. “So what brings you in? I see you listed you are having night terrors and reoccurring dreams, and that you’re feeling short of breath and other physical reactions when waking up. Can you go into more detail? Is this a recent development?” Jimin clasps his hands in his lap, giving you an encouraging smile. He has a soft calming presence that helps you open up.
“Yes…” You explain to Jimin how you have been dreaming about the same man, someone you’ve never met before, that you can see how that might not be a big deal for some people, but for you, it’s like you’re being haunted. You feel like you’re going crazy, like your mind is working against you, and it’s affecting your everyday life. You can’t take it anymore!
“Did you know a person sees an average of 3 million faces in their lifetime? Even if you don’t remember, your subconscious mind can piece together features and create a whole new ‘face.’ There was a study that found dreamers around the world have experienced seeing the same ‘face’ of a man in their dreams because of this phenomenon,” he flips through pages, pulling out a black and white drawing, “Does he look familiar?” It doesn’t look anything like your dream man, however. You shake your head no. Jimin smiles then asks you questions about your diet, your sleep schedule, your stressors and fears.
“I would like you to come back to do a sleep monitoring session with us. When are you fre-”
“As soon as possible!”
Jimin smiles, “That’s usually the answer we get. Our tech is going to come in and prep you while I check with our receptionist about our next available slot, and then we’ll run some brain scans and a few other tests, how’s that?”
“Okay,” you smile. “Sounds great.”
You’re glad you listened to Namjoon, the sleep specialist was so kind and understanding. He didn’t push you to reveal anything you were uncomfortable with and listened diligently. You are hopeful you’ll finally get answers that will help you.
“Hello, I’m here to prep you!” You turn around and the tech sees- “Oh shit.” -your petrified face.
Hoseok had seen you with bright colored hair, in ball gown dresses, in jumpsuits with your hair short, in braids down to the floor and leather wrapped around your body, he’s seen you skinnier, heavier, younger, older, all the ways you imagined yourself, but he’s never seen you like this before. The small scars and imperfections of your features you choose to forget, bare faced with your natural hair, so very very real and alive.
Hoseok stood before you, in the same white coat as Jimin, looking like a version of himself you’ve never seen before, looking scared.
He grabs your chart quickly while you stay frozen in shock whispering the faintest “no.”
He finishes reading the chart, looking back up with you, mirroring your shocked state. Could he get away with pretending he doesn’t know you? Something about the way you look like you’re a second away from screaming says no.
“I’m just here to place these on you,” he whispers hastily and holds out the sticky electrode pads.
“I’m dreaming?” is all you can think to say. Are you ever going to wake up from this nightmare?
“Take a deep breath,” Hoseok says worriedly, looking around the small room and spotting a camera in the far corner, “Calm down.” His words only make you start hyperventilating. The tech cautiously moves towards you and you jump off the medical table, backing yourself into a corner. “I-I’ll put these on you and then I will leave right out that door, it will take only a couple of minutes-” but you’re not listening to Hoseok, your eyes are fixated on his nametag, ‘JACK.’
Hoseok looks down, sighing. He used the name Jack at work because it was easier to read and pronounce, especially when many of their clientele were children.
Maybe he can salvage the situation after all. “All these wires and needles can be scary, right? You’ll be fine, it’s okay to be nervous.” He moves closer to you. “I have to place these on your temples and chest, okay? It will be quick,” he reassures.
You stay still as he takes an alcohol wipe and gently wipes your temples, placing the electrode pads on each side. Standing next to you, you notice you are both closer in height now, how he looks thinner, softer in features.
You inhale a shuddering breath when he adjusts the collar of your shirt to wipe on top of your breast. Hoseok’s hands shake a little, he holds his breath, trying not to think about how he can smell your perfume, or was it shampoo? How he knows what your skin really feels like now, soft as he imagined. He tries to memorize your real face, your real lips, the shade of your real eyes, and can’t help himself from leaning a little closer when he inhales again.
“Hoseok?” He keeps his eyes trained down, watching your chest rise and fall as he places the last electrode.
You’re in a dream, right? This man obviously knows who you are, you think. Are you really dreaming? So why is Hoseok acting like this?! If you’re not dreaming, you don’t even want to think about it, because if you’re not dreaming, then what is he?!
“If you sit back down I can take some blood samples,” he says softly.
You dig your nails into your palm and it hurts. Why does it feel so real? So painful? Hoseok looks timid, laughing awkwardly to ease the tense silence. He’s never acted like this before. Why do you feel so hopeful…
You look around the room. “This is another dream, isn’t it? You’re messing with me again, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry Miss, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he glances over to the security camera again, making you glance too.
If you attack him and this is not a dream, you will probably be committed into a mental institution on the spot, and you can’t let that happen, not with your sweet boyfriend in the waiting room, waiting for you.
You let Hoseok draw your blood, he works quickly and silently. You retrace your steps, every action that happened before coming into this room. It couldn’t all be in your head, right? This doesn’t feel like a dream. Is it a dream? Is it?!
“All done,” Hoseok smiles. His smile is warm and friendly. His smile is so different, and yet, it’s Hoseok’s smile. It’s the smile that haunted your dreams. You reach out, gripping his arm before he turns away.
The door swings open and Jimin walks back in. Hoseok steps hastily away from you and you shut your legs instinctively.
“Oh, erm, I thought you had already finished, sorry. Is everything okay?” Jimin looks between you and Hoseok and the obvious tense atmosphere hanging between you.
“Everything is fine, she’s ready,” Hoseok says quickly exiting the room.
“Oh! Hoseok, her chart!” Jimin holds out his arm, and Hoseok hands over your chart to him. “Thanks.”
You meet Hoseok’s wide eyes with your own.
“So we couldn’t get you in tonight, but good news! There’s an opening tomorrow night.” Jimin says cheerfully.
“Right, that’s great,” you manage to blurt out.
“Okay, follow me!” he chirps.
You follow Jimin out into the hall, passing Hoseok who watches you leave. You pretend not to notice him, keeping your eyes straight forward, and Hoseok knows he’s really fucked.
That night, Hoseok never entered your dreams, but that didn’t stop you from dreaming about him.
Namjoon drops you off at the clinic the next night, kissing you goodbye. “When I pick you up tomorrow, let’s go out for breakfast, okay?”
You giggle, nodding. “I love you.”
“I love you too!” he calls out before driving away. No, this can't be a dream, you think, watching your boyfriend hit the curb with his car. But if it is, you never want it to end.
You meet Jimin in a larger room. It’s decorated nicely, far less clinical than the first day. “Your brain scans came back normal which is great news! Sometimes nightmares and hallucinations can be caused by tumors or other physical issues but your blood work came back perfect as well. Your blood pressure is a little high,” Jimin warns, “It could be due to how much stress you’ve been under, but just in case I recommend lowering your salt and sugar intake.”
“Got it,” you say wearily.
“We want you to be comfortable, there’s a bathroom so you can change. We will be monitoring you through camera as well as monitoring your brain activity with this machine. Once you’re ready, just let us know and we’ll finish setting everything up. Take as much time as you need, we’ll be here all night!” Jimin jokes.
You nod, offering him a timid smile. “W-We?”
“Yes, me and my associate,” Jimin smiles back.
“Oh, ha, yes, Jack.” Jimin laughs, surprised in your interest for the tech. You swallow hard. After leaving the clinic you had spent all day wondering if you had really gone off the deep end, and decided to see this through and find out for yourself what the hell was going on.
You changed into pajama pants and Namjoon’s old tshirt. You sit on the bed, pulling the material up to smell the front, letting his scent calm you. Namjoon smelled like pine and woods, nothing like Hoseok, whose smell reminded you of citrus and vanilla. Why were you comparing them? You shake away the thoughts, motioning at the camera that you were ready.
You sit up in bed pulling the sheets up higher when Hoseok walks in.
“W-What are you doing here?”
“I have to put these on again,” he says softly, holding up the electrode pads.
That’s not what you meant. So he did not have all the right answers here. You bite your tongue as he begins setting up the sleep monitor.
“What are you?” you hiss under your breath.
Hoseok clenches his jaw, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re ruining my life,” you whisper, “and you’re just going to act like we’ve never met-”
“We have never met,” he hisses back.
“Stay away from me! I don’t know how you did it, but don’t ever go into my dreams again!” you whisper, getting louder and louder with each word.
“Stay calm!” Hoseok whispers, pressing on your shoulder to lay you back down. “I’m about to put a heart rate monitor on you.”
“Why me?” you grit out. “I deserve to know! Why me?!” you repeat, losing your temper.
Hoseok crosses his arms looking away, breaking the helpful exterior he had up until now. “Your dreams were the loudest.”
You’re running.
Running down a long cavernous corridor.
You’re running, winded, falling over rocks.
Running, running, running.
A loud gurgling monstrous noise resounds behind you. You're running, escaping before you are caught in its clutches.
The monstrous noise roars, causing the ground to quake with each of its loud steps. The cave walls shake, dropping sand and dirt around you.
Your legs ache, your lungs burn, your chest feels heavy. You keep running.
Suddenly, a body crashes into yours. The mad scientist who created the monster and you fall over. His white coat is covered in blood and dirt, hair wild, glasses broken. Another man falls over your bodies, pulling you both up. “Get up!”
“This way!” the mad scientist yells as your group encounters a fork in the tunnel, motioning down the left way.
“Y/n, wait! Don’t trust him,” Jungkook, the scientist’s assistant, pulls you back. “This is all your fault!” He addresses his boss, Doctor Jimin Park, the scientist who created a monster. Jimin had let the monster become too powerful, wanting the testing to continue, and now, the beast had escaped and was coming for you all.
“I didn’t know this would happen!” he pleads, “We don’t have time for this!”
The cave tunnels are dark, dusty. As the rocks shake it feels like the walls are closing in on you, slowly suffocating you. It’s true, you didn’t have time to argue, the monster was almost there.
You run with Jungkook down the right side of the fork instead.
“She’s having another nightmare, she went into REM again fast,” Jimin whistles, going over the data, pulling up your brain activity, monitoring your oxygen levels and breathing, your escalating heart rate, “Look at those spikes,” Jimin annotates the readings. Hoseok nods, tenser than usual. “Hey, what’s up with you?” Jimin turns to his roommate, “Do you two know each other?”
“No!” Hoseok says defensively, “I’ve never met her in my life!”
Jimin raises his eyebrow at his roommate and long time friend. “My mistake,” he goes back to studying the readings, not bringing up the fact that he knows Hoseok switched shifts tonight. “She has a boyfriend.” he says offhandedly.
“I didn’t ask,” Hoseok mutters, side eyeing his roommate. “You got this? I’m going to take a nap.”
You and Jungkook ran until you found a door, falling into a bright white room. The door closes shut and locks behind you.
“What the hell?!” Jungkook yells, banging on the door, yanking on the handle with no luck.
You try to catch your breath, hands on your knees as Jungkook tries with all his might to break down the door.
Bright blue smoke fills the room, slowly at first, pooling at your feet until it covers every inch of the room. You have no choice but to inhale the gaseous substance into your lungs.
You and Jungkook cough and drop to your knees. And when the smoke clears, it still feels like you’re choking on smoke, your skin feels hot, burning. Your muscles become tense, your body jittery. You curl up into a ball as you lie on the floor, trying to catch your breath to stop the room from spinning.
A calm clinical voice talks from a loudspeaker. “Experiment six-hundred and thirteen B. Trial one.”
You still feel hot despite the cold air around you. Your clothes feel too tight, too scratchy, and you want to rip them off you. You groan, hugging your knees. Why does it feel like your skin is crawling?
Your mouth is salivating, every part of you feels hot and sensitive, you pull on your blouse, rubbing your sore sensitive nipples, whimpering. The rings around your fingers even feel constricting, and you pull them off hastily, throwing them far away from you.
You turn over on your back, trying to find some relief to relax your tense muscles, rubbing your legs together to stop the throbbing, unable to think of anything else other than release.
Jungkook is fairing no better, yelling in pain, fist hitting the ground over and over to distract how tight his stomach feels, the stinging ache in his balls, how painfully erect he is. He pulls his shirts off, ripping the buttons, unable to take touching the offending garment any longer. His hand grazes his cock and he breathes harshly through clenched teeth, groaning in agony.
The deep grunts coming from Jungkook are driving you crazy, you can’t help but clench down, crying out in frustration. You pull your blouse off, “J-Jungkook…” you pant, turn over on your stomach feebly reaching for your bra, giving up to reach in between your legs instead.
His name leaving your lips in a soft moan makes Jungkook’s dick throb painfully in the confines of his pants. He’s going to die if he doesn’t do something, he’s going to lose his mind if he doesn’t fuck you. He undoes his pants, pulling down his boxers, anything to relieve the ache inside of him. “Y/n..”
You whimper, letting out a frustrated cry. He sounds so fucking hot, so sexy, you need him, you want him, you’re going to die if you can’t have him. You reach out an arm, searching. Where is he? Where is he?!
“Jungkook” you moan, whimpering, writhing, “Jungkook! Please, p-please-” You fuck your fingers, your thoughts consumed with Jungkook’s body, his deep voice, his muscles, his lips, everything about him.
Jungkook lifts his head, finding you, your legs spread open, head thrown back, moaning his name and he feels his last shreds of sanity slipping away. He wants to fuck you, breed you, make you his. He leans on his arms, pumping his cock, but it’s not good enough, he needs you. Giving into his urges, he pushes himself up.
Jungkook drops over you, kissing you hungrily, devouring your cries, tasting your lips, your mouth, swallowing your moans and your spit, getting impossibly harder. He rips off your bra, your skirt, your underwear, taking the torn fabric and burying his face in it, moaning as he inhales, completely feral for you.
You open your legs wide for him, mewling, crying, pussy soaked and desperate for his cock.
He thrusts in, his pace erratic, coming after only a few strokes, however he doesn’t stop, he pistons into you wildly, needing to come more, to fill you up, fill every hole.
You pulse around him, screaming, lost in pleasure, lost in Jungkook, coming hard around his thick cock. This is what you want, to be fucked until you can’t. Neither of you notice the bright red smoke filling up the room, passing out in each other's arms.
“Experiment six-hundred and thirteen B. Trial eight.” The clinical voice wakes you up. Your body is sore, sticky, covered in hickeys and love bites. Jungkook stirs, his head rolling to the side on your thigh.
What happened? You look around, remembering.
Wait a minute, you know what this is-
You look at the clinical walls, reminding you of the walls at the sleep clinic. Jungkook, the buff receptionist who took down your information, is the man between your legs. Oh fuck. This is not real. ‘You are dreaming, y/n. You’re in a dream.’ Bright blue smoke fills the room again.
“Want my help?” The intercom voice crackles again, but this time it is not the clinical monotone voice.
“I told you not to come into my dreams anymore,” you groan.
Hoseok clicks the intercom off, leaning back in his office chair, watching you behind a one way mirror, currently bouncing off his colleague’s cock. Hoseok watches you ride Jungkook's cock, moaning wantonly, his own dick painfully erect in his pants at the sight. Now that you knew, what is he going to do now? Did Hoseok want to admit to you he couldn’t help himself, even after meeting you? Your dreams were always so entertaining. Your fantasies were wild, depraved, thrilling, addicting to experience. He liked it. Hoseok was addicted even if he did not want to admit it.
He clicks the switch on again, “You’re relying too much on what your dream is telling you. Let it be the other way around, that gas could be laughing gas, or shrinking gas, or smoke filtering in from a barbecue going on in another room, you can make it whatever you want to be.”
You’re listening to Hoseok but you’re not hearing him. Hoseok watches Jungkook ravage you, choking you with his cock, which he thinks is way too long to be Jungkook’s if he’s being honest. Annoyance twists at the pit of his stomach. So what if he intervenes? It was all just a dream, as you loved to remind him.
You shake, orgasming again. Hoseok steps behind Jungkook, pulling out a tranquilizer, sedating his dream colleague.
Jungkook drops, and you whine, aching to be filled again. Your foot runs up Hoseok’s leg, searching for his crotch. “Hoseok?” you whine out “Hoseok...fuck me, Hoseok!”
Tempting, however, Hoseok really needed to talk to you.
He pulls on your ankle, and for a brief moment you feel weightless.
Your hazy mind clears again and you look up taking in your surroundings. You were in a bright red and pink room with neon blue and red lights everywhere, on a heart shaped bed.
“Love motel. Really?” you ask the dream walker, the affects of the smoke completely subsiding in the red room.
“It was the quickest way to get you out of there, using an aspect of your dream and modifying it.” Hoseok says pointedly. “I was improvising!”
Hoseok was in bell bottoms, a tight bright blue collared shirt and jet black styled hair. And you were in a tight light blue babydoll dress…with no underwear…
“I told you not to go into my dreams!” You press your legs together, embarrassed at the wetness still pooling at your core.
“How do you know it’s really me?” Hoseok muses, “Maybe you’re just dreaming me up?”
Your eyes narrow on the dream walker, you try to picture him as a llama, or turn him into a bug, a shoe, a dead man.
Hoseok sighs, undoing the last few fastened buttons of his shirt.
“I-I have a boyfriend!” Ahh yes, Hoseok saw the man who had dropped you off at the clinic. “You, here, it’s wrong! No, no this is worse, I thought you were just a bad dream, but if you’re really here, if this is you…you’re evil!”
“It’s not that serious,” Hoseok rolls his eyes.
“It’s my life! And you’re poisoning my mind!”
“You’re not giving yourself enough credit,” he says sarcastically, “I really haven’t altered your dreams that much. I only work with what I got, darling.”
“Why don’t you go fuck a real woman and not me! Pervert!” The neon lights turn yellow and green instead in Hoseok’s irritation and anger.
“Do you not remember how you begged me, got on your knees for me?”
“It wasn’t real-I-I didn’t know-”
“So now it doesn’t count? Did that little fuck session with our receptionist count or not count too? I’m a little confused. So tell me what is it, am I a pervert, are you a cheater?”
“Y-You used me-”
“I brought us here, but I didn’t create that,” he looks over to the whips and chains across the walls. “It's your mind filling in the room, y/n. So don't blame me! You’re such a twisted little thing, such a dirty slut. Too scared to let your boyfriend know what a kinky girl you are, is that it?”
“Fuck you.”
“You know, I could enter his dreams, find out all his dirty little secrets too.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you scream and the room’s entire foundation shakes.
“You're getting boring, a pain, why should I stay? I would love to know what makes your boyfriend so perfect in your eyes. Yeah I think I'll go do that, and you can stay here, chained. All alone.”
You look down at your feet, leather straps tightly secured around your ankles as he walks away from you.
You reach your legs and cry out when you find chains tight around your wrists, “No...” You wish Hoseok wouldn't leave-
The door suddenly disappears.
Hoseok waves a hand and creates another door. He smiles over his shoulder, glaring at you, but when he opens it a concrete wall appears. Sighing, he makes another door, walks into it and-
-right back into the love motel.
Hoseok raises an eyebrow. “I would stop that if I were you. You don't want to be trapped in here with me.” Hoseok warns, over your accusations and your annoying actions. “I could make you question every part of your existence, every boundary of your mind, every truth you know.”
You grind your teeth and think of the Hoseok you met. You weren’t scared of him, he wasn’t intimidating, he was weak.
Hoseok rolls his shoulders, looking down at his clothes, back in his white lab coat. He scoffs and then breaks out into laughter. “I warned you.”
The chains tighten and begin pulling you down into the heart bed, harder and harder, it feels like the bed is...beating. Hoseok stands over you, tilting his head as you struggle.
You scream, your limbs feel like they’re separating, elongating, like ribbons. Your whole body feels like it’s unraveling like a bow being pulled open, like you’re no longer human, everything stretching and thinning out, thousands of red ribbons, threads of your sanity, splitting. Hoseok sinks into the bed, and blood spurts out from underneath the covers with each beat. He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you. If you could scream, you would be shrieking.
Your scream is so piercing it wakes Hoseok too, napping two rooms away.
“It’s okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.”
Jimin drops the smelling salts he used on you as you shake in his arms. Your heart rate had become dangerously high and you were tossing and turning erratically.
He rubs your back soothingly. He knew Hoseok lied to him and now he has proof, you moaning his name softly on video. But why would he lie? Jimin will worry about that later, his attention was solely on calming you down.
Jimin checks your vitals, going over every note he took until the sun starts to rise while you lie staring blankly at the ceiling. “You’re tired. How do you feel about trying to sleep again? I’ll be right here, ready to wake you.”
You nod drowsily, clutching a pillow. “Jimin,” you mumble, your tired body falling into sleep. “Hoseok is the monster.”
Jimin looks over to the mirror, knowing behind the one-way glass the tech is probably watching. He pats your head, standing up.
“How is she?”
“Well, her heart rate jumped to 160,” Jimin runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “Her sleep cycle is all over the place. Look, once she entered REM her vitals skyrocketed–she might just be a sound sleeper–but it took smelling salts to wake her.” Hoseok hums, looking over your sleep chart, figuring out the point on the chart where he entered your dreams and studying the data. “You look like hell, did you not just take a nap?” Jimin laughs.
Hoseok rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. “Think it’s serious, what’s wrong with her?”
“You’ve never been so interested in a patient,” Jimin teases, “Is she an ex or something? You can tell me-”
“No!” Hoseok smacks the giggling sleep specialist, “I can’t be worried for a patient?”
When you wake up, Jimin is ready with juice and breakfast toast and a sleep chart for you.
“This is a normal sleep chart,” he shows you a chart with distinct hills and valleys. “There are five stages of sleeping.” He follows the deescalating line. “Stage one is dreaming, stage two and three are light sleep, and stage four and five are deep sleep. What we are most concerned with is your dreaming, REM stage. Normally, you would go into REM, then enter into the light and deep stages of sleeping.” His finger starts traveling upwards along the path of the line, “Then you go back to stage four, three, two, and one, you re-enter REM again,” he smiles. “Normally one would go through around five cycles of this, but you-” he flips the chart over, “This is your chart, your first wave is normal, then here, it’s like you entered the second stage of REM and never left. Your brain waves however,” Jimin pulls out another confusing diagram. “Here you have large waves usually congruent to deep sleep, your vitals should be slowing down but they don’t. Somehow you are still dreaming.”
“Is there, um, ways to make myself not dream?”
“It might not feel like it right now but dreaming is a necessary part of sleeping. People sometimes view REM as the final stage of sleeping but if you see, like I explained, it’s actually the first. You can’t really avoid it,” he says softly. You want to cry.
Jimin suggests certain things to relax you while sleeping, oils, sounds, exercise before bed or a warm bath. He didn’t want to discuss any medications yet, confident dream therapy will be a better avenue.
But you know none of those things will really help you. Not when Hoseok is there, his back to you now, clearing away the equipment.
Jimin schedules another sleep session. You smile and thank Jimin, he really did give you the tools to help yourself, unknowingly. There was a way to cure you, you just had to be brave enough to do something about it.
Jimin releases you for the day. However, you don’t leave the clinic, instead you slip inside an empty room. “Hey Joonie, they said they have to perform some more tests. Sleep in, baby, I should be done before lunchtime. I love you,” you whisper, leaving a voicemail for your boyfriend.
You wait, watching through the creek in the door, until you see the answer (and cause) of all your problems.
Hoseok sits on his small employee sleep cot cracking his knuckles. He’s more tired now that you’re so resistant. Maybe he should just move on, he thinks, he should just enter another dream world, a dreamer who did not irritate him as much, who did have the gall to blame Hoseok for her own illicit thoughts, who did not consume him so, the way you were beginning to.
Hoseok never felt particularly guilty for the chaos he caused while dreaming, but reading over your answers and how you described your ‘night terrors,’ and how you couldn’t distinguish your dreams from reality…
How ridiculous. Dreams were wonderful, but once awake, the fabrication of the Dreamworld was exposed, dreams never stood up to the test, there was nothing that could compare to the authenticity of the reality, the harshness of it. Dreams just didn’t last forever.
He couldn’t be affecting you that much, could he? But seeing the evidence so painfully presented across your scared features made him at least begin to wonder…
A soft click pulls him out of his thoughts.
He sits up abruptly, staring at you. Awake he had no powers, he couldn’t just will things to be, make the exact thing he needed to come appear before him. He couldn’t do the things he wanted to do, he couldn’t say the things he wanted to say. So Hoseok did nothing.
He watches you close the door behind you. “You shouldn’t be here-”
“Like you shouldn’t be in my dreams?” you counter.
Hoseok wasn’t like his boisterous dream self, he was cautious, reserved. You sit on the corner of his cot to think. This feels more bizarre than all your dreams combined. “I’ll cancel my next appointment, I’ll tell Mr. Park that I’m better now. I won’t bother you ever again if you promise to leave me and my boyfriend alone.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes. He plays with the sleeves of his coat. You were so close, he could touch you, the real you. He had you right here with him, no costumes, no fake persona, just you and him. You shifted on his cot and he felt his window of time with you escaping, here where time was fractional and always fleeting. A series of clocks on the wall were ticking away the seconds, gone another moment with you. This was supposed to be the last time? How could he agree to such a thing?
“How do you do it?” you whisper softly, as if you were scared to find out the answer. “How is it possible for you to go into my dreams?”
Hoseok scoots backwards until his back meets the clinic wall, stretching out his legs. “I don’t know, I've always been able to do it. I just enter people’s dreams for fun-”
What? “You’ve been doing this because it’s fun for you? Fun?” you hiss, angry tears welling up in your eyes as you yank on his coat, grabbing the lapels of his lab coat in your fists
He covers your fists with his, holding you to him. Even though Hoseok was not as powerful and imposing as he acted in your dreams, he was still stronger than you. You take a deep breath, ready to scream like a banshee, and Hoseok quickly pounces, covering your mouth before you can yell.
The way you struggled under him twisted his insides. This did not feel good. He struggled trying to hold you down, anxiety and nausea churning in the pit of his stomach as you kicked underneath him while he tried to keep you quiet.
His entire body weight was on you, stealing precious air from your lungs, but as unevenly matched as you were, you were now on a much leveled playing field, Hoseok was becoming winded and you were full of adrenaline.
Your hands began to search for anything to defend yourself with, reaching for his bedside lamp, hitting the blunt end hard across his skull, Hoseok falls forward, dragging you off the small cot and onto the floor.
Namjoon pulls his left fist back, seeing an opening, and lands a hard left hook onto the side of Hoseok’s face.
The crowd cheers and you yell, your hands up in the air. The bell rings ending the round just in time and the referee goes over to Hoseok’s beaten body, counting.
Shaken, Hoseok gets up, signaling to the referee he was fine. He moves to his corner of the ring, watching as you towel away the cascading sweat from Namjoon’s head, handing him a water bottle. As he chugs the water, you take a swab and swipe vaseline and antibiotic over his cuts and swab inside his nose, readying Namjoon for the next round.
‘Okay, y/n, if that’s how you want to play,’ Hoseok thinks, smirking, then he sure won’t hold back. He stands up, knocking his gloves together and the crowd goes wild.
You stand up, glaring at him. Namjoon shakes off his fatigue, jumping back and forth. You stand on the bottom rope of the ring and lean over to massage Namjoon’s shoulders, “You got this, baby.”
He smiles, debating on whether to kiss you in front of thousands of screaming fans, but decides to wait, deciding he will kiss you when he wins.
Hoseok stands in the middle of the ring, ready. Head down, his arms defensively up. The bell dings, signaling the next round and the crowd roars, hungry for blood.
Namjoon goes in for a jab and Hoseok blocks. They fight, evenly matched, every punch and block earning another cheer from the crowd. In this dream, the only way the fight will end is with a knockout.
“Go, Joonie, go!” Hoseok lands a hit right into your dream boxer boyfriend’s side, and another, and another, moving quicker than usual, catching a second wind. Hoseok is fast, you’ll give him that, perhaps inhumanly fast. But you knew Namjoon was stronger now that you weren’t willing to back down. You place a hand on the ropes, cheering him on. Namjoon lands a hit on Hoseok's temple, knocking him back. “Yes! Yes! Show him, Joon!” The bell digs again.
You couldn’t help but gloat, walking over to Hoseok’s side. “I thought you were better than this, Hoseok? Feeling the heat? Still want to keep bothering me? I’ll find a way to beat you down every single time, I’m not scared of you anymore.”
Hoseok swishes water in his mouth, spitting up the bloody liquid into a pale. He smiles, bending down closer to the ropes, he softly taps your cheek with his glove. “Shouldn’t you be in your boyfriend’s corner?”
You bite your lip, hoping Namjoon knocks all his teeth out.
The fight bell dings once more and Hoseok lands a solid uppercut, knocking your dream boyfriend back into the corner. The crowd boos, pissing off the dream walker even more. You were getting better at controlling your dreams, but you’ve just started learning, Hoseok has been doing this for years.
He leans his whole body on the ropes, pulling the tension back, and catapults his body into Namjoon, dropping him with a clothesline move to the chest. The crowd cheers louder than ever before.
You look up stunned, gone are the men’s boxing gloves. Hoseok does a dance over Namjoon’s body in tight wrestling pants and a cowboy hat, hair an intense orange color, while the referee slaps the ring floor, counting down. Hoseok waves his hand in the air, calling for more cheers, pacing and dancing around the ring.
“G-Get up! Joon, get up!” Namjoon kicks out of the referee’s count and the match resumes. Namjoon leans on the ropes in pain. His hair is styled in a bright yellow mullet. He wears wrestling shorts, and looks so very unlike your collegiate boyfriend.
You reach up, slapping his hand, tagging yourself in, your coach suit transformed into a tight purple pleather sports bra and pants.
Hoseok smiles wide, securing his cowboy hat and walking around the ring as the bell dings for you, holding his hand out and waving for you to “Bring it!” The crowd loses their collective minds at his performance.
You enter the ring, your adrenaline running high. You kick him in the chest swinging your body into the ropes. You try to put Hoseok in an armlock, but he lifts your body up, holding you in the air tauntingly, egging on the crowd. You twist your body around, securing your arm lock after all, going for a body drop.
You attack, relentlessly punching him. The crowd ooohs and ahhhs, the stadium is electric. Hoseok wraps his arms around your waist lifting your body up. You suspect he’s setting up a suplex so you kick and escape his hold.
Climbing onto the top rope, you raise your hands like a conductor, drawing raucous cheers and chants, and then you jump! Elbow drop!
But Hoseok grabs you midair to the crowd's collective dismay. He pants in your ear, “Enjoying this a little too much, huh? Want to take this somewhere private?” You look over at Namjoon, his body hanging far over the ropes, arm reaching for yours to tag him in. You had completely forgotten about him.
Hoseok uses your distraction to his advantage, throwing you to the mat, pulling your leg up for a pin. You kick out of his hold, stopping the count. The crowd roars your name so loud the sound is deafening. How can you beat him?! If you want to beat the dream walker, you need to start thinking more like him!
He throws you over his shoulder, positioning your body for another suplex, this time a straight vertical, to the ire of the crowd. But this time you’re ready, not with another counter, but with an idea. Your bodies hit the mat, and it bends and warps to accommodate you like a trampoline, bouncing you both into the air, and when you both fall back down, you land soft cushion, a small couch, no, a love seat. The audience claps, cheering.
“Welcome back! Now each of our newlywed couples are tied in points. Whoever gets this right will take the lead!” You push a confused Hoseok away, smoothing down your dress. The crowd giggles at your antics. “Here’s the question! Backstage we told your partner to write down one thing they found most irritating about you. Now, you have to guess what they’ve written down, what’s the one thing you do that just gets right under their skin? Couple number one, go ahead!” He addresses Hoseok.
Your smile brightly, holding the large white sign to your chest as the audience claps.
Hoseok glares at you, then like a light switch, he switches his demeanor into a bubbly television personality perfectly suited for daytime television. He pulls at his shirt collar, making a funny face, “Well, that’s going to be hard to guess, because I just know she finds all my habits irritating.”
The crowd erupts into laughter. “I am gonna have to say,” Hoseok eyes you up and down, “my overactive imagination.”
‘That’s one way to put it,’ you think. Hoseok was dressed as close to his normal self as the dream walker could get, in a nice suit and tie, plain brown hair and a clean cut hairstyle, but all you could see was every single different version of the dream walker smiling back at you, his hair in so many different shades of colors, clothes usually styled extravagantly, sometimes with makeup, sometimes painted nails, sometimes glowing eyes and alien features, and you wondered who was the real Hoseok? Because the man you met at the sleep clinic acted nothing like the man sitting next to you now, who stares back at you in challenge.
“Y/n, turn your card over and let everyone know what you find most annoying about Hoseok!”
You smile at the audience and turn over your card. Scribbled in the center is “too idealistic.”
“‘Too idealistic’ she says! ‘Overactive imagination,’ and ‘idealistic,’ well I’ll tell you what, this couple’s answers are imaginative! What does the audience say, should we give them the point?” The crowd hollers and cheers, securing you a point.
“Couple one takes the lead for now! Now, couple two…”
“What the hell is this…” Hoseok whispers, looking at stage lights and cameras.
“What, you never dreamed about winning a game show before?” you whisper back. Hoseok never dreamed about anything, but if he could, he would definitely not put himself through such an agonizing and cringeworthy experience.
“Next round already, wowza! Now, before we asked what your partners found most irritating about you, this question has to do with what they find most attractive about you! Backstage we asked your partners to write down what they saw as your, ‘best physical feature.’ Couple one, what’s your answer!”
Hoseok crosses his arms, what is this game you’re playing? Are you trying to publicly embarrass him?
“Well, I don’t know if I can say that on air.” Hoseok throws the camera a mischievous smile and the women in the audience giggle.
“Ohoho well, let’s keep it PG now!”
“My body?” Hoseok hums.
“Your smile,” you turn the card around.
“Uh oh, couple three takes the lead!”
Hoseok waits until the camera pans away from you, before dropping his overly cheerful expression. “Was that a lie?”
“Why would I lie, stupid?”
“You little-” Hoseok bites his tongue when the camera pans over to your section.
As other contestants answer the host’s question with a quip of their own, Hoseok places his arm around your waist. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“We’re married here aren’t we, I am putting my arm around my lovely wife,” he sneers.
“Y/n, we asked Hoseok the reason why he chose you, now what do you think he wrote down?”
“I don’t know,” you say softly.
A collective aww falls over the audience. “Aww c'mon, not even a guess? You married him after all!” The host turns his head to the audience and the audience laughs. Hoseok winces, the noises were becoming grating, yet you wait.
“No answer? No? Well, flip that card then.” The host says anxiously, reading aloud Hoseok's answer, “He chose you because you embraced every side of him, even the worst parts, you showed him worlds where he could belong. After learning your fears and desires, he was reminded of his own, and you made him feel not alo-” Hoseok rips the card in half, and everyone goes quiet. “Ah ha ah, we’ll be back right after this commercial-”
Hoseok stands up pushing past staff members dragging you along, going backstage and out the exit door-
The audience stare at the pair of you as you and Hoseok walk through the entrance doors. “Stop it,” Hoseok grits out through clenched teeth.
“The game isn’t over,” you merely say. Hoseok huffs, straightening his jacket and walking back towards the stage with you following right behind him.
The host speaks to the crowd while you take your seats, your hip pressed up against the flustered dream walker. “Hoseok,” you whisper, “I’m trying to get us to work together for once.”
God, you are irritating him. Everything about this cheesy game show is irritating. You think you’re being clever, but he knows you, he knows how to pick apart your dreams and find your hidden weaknesses, your secret wishes. Well, Hoseok has some questions he wants to ask too. He can play part of doting husband if that’s what you truly desire.
“If your partner had one hall pass, what name do you think they would write down. Couple one?”
“Jack.” Hoseok smiles wickedly.
“It’s like he can read my mind,” you laugh unconvincingly, turning your card.
“Now y/n, what is Hoseok’s favorite place to make whoopie?” The crowd ooohs and laughs at the game show host’s scandalous question.
“Oh, well, there’s just so many…” you stutter, embarrassed.
“Don’t overthink it, Darling.”
“Ahh ahh, no helping your partner! We don’t have all day, y/n!”
“The, uhhh, bed?”
Hoseok faces the crowd, smiling sweetly. “Call me old fashioned, but-” he turns the cue card, “-in bed!”
Raucous cheers from the crowd erupt as your point total increases. Hoseok puts his arm around your waist again, hugging you close. With his head on your shoulder and back to the camera he uses the opportunity to whisper in your ear. “You know, this is not the the first time you’ve dreamt of marriage, you remember don’t you? You want to get married, y/n?” Hoseok hugs you deceptively gentle, his words anything but.
“Does it bother you that no one has popped the question yet? How long have you been with that boyfriend of yours?” You stay still in Hoseok’s embrace, unwilling to answer him, but you don’t have to, Hoseok sees the number so clearly indicated on your fallen card. “Four years?” Hoseok tuts, “Oh y/n, take it from a man, if he wanted to ask you, he would have already.”
That wasn’t true, Namjoon was going to ask you, you’ve talked about kids, you’ve talked about growing old together. He was going to ask you…one day, you were sure of it. But the tiny doubting voices in the back of your mind were becoming louder. Namjoon had a good paying job now. He was no longer a teacher’s aid, he had earned a spot as a professor, he could afford a ring now. So why...no, Namjoon was a great boyfriend, he was smart and handsome. Honestly, you felt sometimes he was out of your league. You’re sure people saw it too, like his students…his female students…
As the round goes on, Hoseok keeps his arm around your waist, finger tips inching closer to your center. Couple number three begins to quarrel, Hoseok leans over to kiss your temple. “Y/n,” he whispers into your hair, a teasing sensual tone that has you frozen, trying not to react in front of the studio audience, “I know you’re still not wearing any panties.”
His fingers curl under the hem of your dress. There’s only a small table covering your laps, if anyone were to notice you…
You reach over too, placing your palm directly over his crotch in warning. Hoseok shuts his eyes, tongue rolling over the bottom of his lip.
The crowd laughs at a joke you don’t hear.
Because you’re too busy focusing on the way Hoseok moves his fingers over your sex.
You grip his length, rubbing down his bulge. The host asks Hoseok a question. He ignores it.
And your eyes meet.
The host calls your names again, but you’re too entranced in each other’s stare, working to rile each other up, fighting to see who breaks first.
Hoseok reaches for you, unable to resist any further, pulling you in for a rough needy kiss, moving your body over his lap in front of rolling cameras and a captive studio audience.
“Uhh uhh we’re experiences ahh technical difficulties!”
Hoseok is pulling your bodies over the love seat while the other contestants stand up in shock.
You fall over the love seat and back into a bed. ‘The love motel?’
“Get off!” You stop yourself from groping the dream walker any further, pushing him away, jumping off the red heart bed, another bad dream you did not want to relive.
You run towards the door, yanking it open-
-and run into a pile of sand. There’s sand all around you, a dark night sky with constellations so clear it was like you were floating in space.
Does everything have to remind you of Hoseok?!
You scream as the wind picks up sand.
You hear his familiar laughter before you see him.
You pick up a large handful of sand and chuck it at the dream walker when you turn.
He shakes his head as sand flies off his skin and hair. “Seriously?”
“Yes!” You lunge for the dream walker in your anger. You trip over each other, fighting against strong winds, and you fall backward-
-into water, surrounded by the sea. You kick towards the surface in a slow and agonizing pace, finally reaching the top as you gasp for air.
A small paddle boat rocks back and forth, Hoseok standing with his arms crossed in the center. “When are you going to learn, huh? You can’t beat me, so you might as well be a good girl and play along.”
You grind your teeth, furious. ‘Oh yeah?’ He will see. Who does he think he is? Did he forget these were your dreams? Your rules! The bright blue sky above you turns black, storm clouds roar to life and lightning flashes across the sky.
Hoseok balances himself, looking up towards the chaos ensuing, his small tiny boat rocking erratically in the rough storm waves. Then he takes a running leap off the edge. Jumping right for you.
Water rushes away, and you land with a hard thud on sleek flooring. Stage lights blind you as hushed whispering turns to angry yells. Hoseok lays sprawled over you, hair red like the devil, smiling like one too. He leans down to kiss you, and a thousand cameras flash.
You grip his jacket lapels tight, pulling him off you and you both fall off the stage and waist deep into mud.
“Ugh what kind of dream is this?!” Hoseok yells, disgusted.
Oh it’s one you’re very familiar with. A dream you had when you were young and terrified of the dangers of quicksand, convinced you would some day take a wrong step without looking and end up here. You push Hoseok down deeper into the sinking earth, struggling to move yourself. He yells, the mud turns to tar, the jungle around you turns to buzzing machinery and metal scaffolding as you sink deeper into the blackness. Hoseok was gone under, somewhere still around you, as evidenced by the adapting landscape you were not controlling.
The sparking electronical wiring shifts into vines, your neck deep in mud again. Then it turns into yellow sand, caving into itself like the sands of an hourglass. You feel a grip around your ankles, and then you too, slip under.
You fall on soft sand, glass all around you. Thick and soundproof, caging you in a glass prison.
You knock your fist and the hourglass echoes your pleas of freedom.
Hoseok walks over to you, speaking muffled.
“I can’t hear you, you asshole!” You try not to panic in the closed confined space, the hourglass only big enough to hold your crouching figure. You try not to think about the small specs of sand slowly falling into your area from above.
This is your dream, so why can’t you get out of it?! Think, use your imagination! You feel like you’re on the brink of a panic attack as sand begins to cover your legs.
So you start digging deeper, kicking up sand. Until the tips of your fingers hit something hard and metallic. You pull out a key.
There’s no key hole here, no lock, nothing, just sand and tempered glass and Hoseok watching you with a look of satisfaction on his face. So you dig again, and it’s Hoseok who bangs on your prison, rattling glass, his screaming unheard by you.
And then you pull out a box. Just one small gold and red box, ancient symbols carved into its top.
What is this? Could this save you? Before your key meets the lock your glass prison rattles and expands. You cough as sand cascades around you, no longer confined. You weren’t trapped in the hourglass anymore. The hourglass had expanded into a vast desert.
“Me?! You stop!”
“You’re dreaming recklessly. You’re going to hurt yourself!” he says, reaching for the tiny box. However, you kick up sand, running away, putting the key into the box and turning it.
“I alter dreams, that, that is messing with your mind,” Hoseok warns, looking at the unlocked box anxiously.
You look down at the open box. A Pandora's box. What ever was inside is gone now. You reach inside the empty box anyways.
A small tea candle is in the center of your palm.
“What’s this?” Hoseok asks, dressed in black.
“A funeral,” you swallow, “my grandmother, on my mom’s side. She died when I was just a child, I was too young to even understand what that meant. I didn’t understand why my mom wouldn’t stop crying. I just knew what ever it was I didn’t want it to happen to my mother.”
You felt sick, you shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t know this. You don’t remember this. You felt small and little and so unprepared for the grief around you.
“Stay calm,” Hoseok takes your hand in his, steering you away from the mourning crowd. Past headstones, past grave plots. Some were your ancestors, you recognized your mother’s maiden name.
And then you recognize one particular name, stopping, frozen. Your mother was alive, you knew it, and yet devastation still crept into your bones at the sight of the headstone in front of you. It was fear and sadness like you’ve never felt before, such a horribly cold and isolating feeling.
Hoseok grabs you by the shoulders lifting you up. “Come on!”
The more you walk away, the more you fixate on the funeral, the crying, the death all around you. Hoseok pulls you along, stepping over roses littering the ground until there were so many broken flowers he had no choice but to crush the petals. “You need to get yourself together...y/n!” Hoseok was excellent at navigating the worst of nightmares. Fortunately, as long as he got you somewhere safe, it should be okay, he will be able to take control again.
Roses started falling from the sky, their thorns cutting you and Hoseok, their scent become putrid. Now you remember, when you were young and hated that scent. The sickly floral scent of the candles your mother would light every night in remembrance for your grandmother, crying over the small alter.
“Y/n! Hey!” Hoseok shook you, trying to move you, lifting you up into his arms instead, cut roses reaching to his knees, the sharp thorns digging into his calves with step. “Tell me about your first day of school.”
“Come on, just tell me,” Hoseok grunts.
“I cried.”
“I didn’t want to leave my mom.”
“But eventually, you stopped, right?”
“Yeah, my teacher, she uhh,” What did she do? “She showed me her bookcase, let me look at a picture book.”
“What book?”
“I-I don’t remember. I think...it was...a book called, When You Give a Mouse A Cookie.”
That, Hoseok could work with. Hundreds of tiny gray little mice started running past the pair of you, collecting the roses in their tiny mouths, making it easier for Hoseok.
“What else do you remember?” he asked, walking with you in his arms.
“There was a bubble.”
“A what now?”
“A-A big plastic bubble in her classroom. We could go inside and read inside of it.”
“Oh, I’ve never heard of anything like that.”
“It w-was my favorite thing to do.” You think back to all the times you played, all the silly make believe games you played in her classroom.
“Okay! I have a plan.” You look at Hoseok, and he smiles confidently back at you, crouching down, a cute gray mouse scurries up your leg and into your lap, dropping a cookie in your hand. It’s such an odd sight. An old fable, a forgotten story, a part of your childhood, sitting wide-eyed, nose twitching and whiskers bobbing. He scurries away, and then Hoseok sets his plan into action, lifting you up quickly, and jumping, throwing you up.
‘Shit, what do I do now?!’ You keep your hands up, afraid to touch anything. Trying not to think about how your body is being held up inside a bubble.
“It was a plastic bubble,” you hiss.
“Well in this dream it’s a real bubble.” Hoseok smirks, next to you in his own bubble. The bubbles touch and conjoin, forming one big floating bubble with you and Hoseok inside.
“Give me the key.”
“I’m not giving you my key! I don’t trust you!”
“I just saved us!”
“You’re the reason why I’m in this mess to begin with!” How long have you been asleep now? You need to escape! Your finger presses into the bubble wall and it pops. And you and Hoseok, with nowhere else to go, fall.
Your stomach lurches into your throat and you can’t even scream, descending faster than you can reason towards the ground.
Hoseok grabs your waist, securing you to him. He didn’t have time to think of the intricacies of a parachute, instead he-
-opens an umbrella.
Hoseok groans, back hitting marble floor.
You’re not dead. You’re alive. Well, you’re asleep technically. But you’re alive. Hoseok took the worst of your fall, situated underneath you. You roll away, your gown cascading around you.
You’re wearing a shimmering pastel gown, long gloves reaching over your elbows, an small gold crown tangled in your hair.
You’re in another dream.
This one, you’ve had before. And Hoseok, right now, was playing the part of your guard. You remember any minute now, the king’s guard will catch the two of you.
“Get up!” You yank Hoseok to his feet, running down palace steps.
There’s faint yelling to stop coming from within the palace, but you and Hoseok are already far away, hidden behind tall garden hedges.
“How are you feeling?” you ask him. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” but he rolls his shoulder and delicately massages his arms.
“Here,” you pull off an apricot from one of the garden trees, handing it to Hoseok. “It has healing properties.”
“Does it now?” he raises an eyebrow, biting into the juicy fruit.
“Yes, my dream, my rules, remember? Follow me!”
You run through the garden maze. If you make it to the center, you have to wake up. You never make it to the center, something always happens to stop your conquest, but this time, you have Hoseok, and this time, you’re going to conquer it.
“There’s going to be a lion past this bush.”
“King of the jungle? Good thing you’re a queen then.” Hoseok touches the crown atop your head, delicately removing the golden jewelry. “Here you go, lion tamer.” he says, handing you a golden bow.
“No, not like this. I don’t want to hurt him, it’s not his fault he is trapped here.” You give it back to him.
“Hmm, okay.” After some thought Hoseok gives you back a large golden collar. “I will distract him,” he winks running out of sight.
The lion roars and you run too. jumping on its back. Fitting the collar around his large mane, transforming him into a tiny tabby.
And you and Hoseok run, exhilarated with a victory under your belts.
“What’s next?”
“From what I remember,” you try to think, “an eagle.” The eagle was easy to figure out, like you it yearned for freedom, to stretch its wings towards the sky. So Hoseok gave him more room, cutting down shrubbery, yanking on vines instead of trying to pass. You made it even easier for the eagle to choose flight over fight, turning the perch it sat upon into a winding stalk to the heavens with a look. The eagle circled the sky high above happily and you and Hoseok were able to move deeper through the maze.
“Watch out!” You scream, but it was too late, vines wrapped around Hoseok, pulling him into the maze’s grassy walls. And you too were captured, the thick vines winding around your legs, your arms, and your torso, making their way around your neck. You could barely see Hoseok through the leaves and branches.
Your old coworker is in this part of the maze. The cocky arrogant jerk who became nothing but a statue where doves would pee on in your dreams. But he was different, the stone cracking and revealing skin, a person, moving and coming closer to you.
“Hey, Tae,” you gasp, “Would you mind?”
You struggle to move your limbs, hearing the dream walker grunt as he tries to free himself as well.
“I would, actually,” he smiles. “You think you’re going to conquer this maze on my watch?”
“You never were a team player.”
“You assigned me this role, didn’t you?” The vines dig into your skin, around your wrists, the vines twist across your body, cutting into the delicate fabric of your dress. “To keep you…distracted, so you’ll never escape.” He presses himself closer to you. You try to free an arm, only able to move your wrist back and forth. Taehyung interlaces your fingers, letting his nose run down the column of your neck while you struggle.
You hear twigs snapping, Hoseok yelling loudly. Up close, you notice Taehyung’s bright left eye, a completely different shade than his warm brown right eye. His right eye was the same shade as the real version of him, but more dazzling, with tiny flecks of gold and green. But his left eye, it was light blue like the sky.
And suddenly you realized where Taehyung came from, where his pedestal must have been placed…at the center of the maze.
You could only move the tiniest bit forward, barely the length of a marble, tilting your head forward. But it was just enough, just enough to meet Taehyung’s cracked lips.
You felt your body being pulled into the hedge, tighter and tighter, the day light dimming around you and you panic, kissing him deeper. The statue mirrors your movements, reaching his stony arms inside the hedge to caress your body.
Its working, whatever you’re doing, your arms are free enough to tangle themselves in Taehyung’s ashy grey hair, using his body to pull yourself free.
Taehyung is ripped away from you. Hoseok is covered in twigs, fire in his eyes, tsking.
“His left eye!” you yell, falling back into vines.
Hoseok pulls the large sword sheathed behind his back, “Don’t do this,” Taehyung pleads, “There is another way out, just give me her and I’ll show you.”
Hoseok places the sword over his shoulder, looking down at his guard armor. “No can do, I would be a shit guard if I just handed her over to you without even a fight?” he smirks.
Taehyung bares his perfect teeth in anger, yelling and running towards the dream walker. Hoseok’s sword strikes his stomach, clanging against his stone torso. Taehyung and Hoseok fight as you attempt to free yourself. You thought of fire, hoping to burn the branches away, but the magical vines were not affected only absorbing the flames, glowing red. So you thought of fireflies, providing you with a trail of light, glowing around the branches like lights on a christmas tree, and then you thought of cold, and the vines around you dried and shriveled, making them easier to tear apart.
An armored glove reaches through the tangled vines, pulling you completely free.
“My...my beautiful face!” Taehyung shrieks, covering his cracked and bloodied eye.
Hoseok holds a small blue marble, throwing it up and catching it again. Hoseok holds it in front of you, as you both peer into the tiny blue orb.
If you look closely enough, you can see swirling with clouds and sky, beautiful shades of blue and lavender, a serene sight that appears all around you and the dream walker.
Your sail boat floats on a purple river. The mast needs turning, you grip the ropes in your hands, pulling the sail sharply, the winds strong enough to lift you in the air as you hold on tight to the ropes.
You fall next to the lounging dream walker, and he breaks out into laughter.
You stare off into the distance, watching the lavender clouds move through the sky.
“We’ve lived so many different lives together…” you sigh, “It’s odd, sometimes I feel like I don’t even know myself when I wake up.”
Kitten with wings, catch fish in their mouths. You giggle. “How do you do it!”
You lie down, staring up at the sky. “...live a normal life after experiencing this.”
Hoseok looks at you out of the corner of his eyes, laughing at your face full of wonder at everything around you. “It’s just a dream.” It was nice knowing, though, that Hoseok could retreat to places like this whenever he wanted.
You sigh, pleased for the calmness. You’ve been experiencing such a whirlwind of emotions it was just nice to soak in the tranquility.
“Dreams are powerful, though,” you tell the dream walker. “Dreams can motivate a person to travel the world, take that chance in life. Don’t you think? You just need to have the right one.”
“Come on.” He holds out his hand for you and you both jump into the sea.
You swim in a water park, a crowd of families and couples playing all around the pair of you. You and Hoseok jump out of the water as he leads to through the park. He opens the door to the bathroom, waiting expectantly. You know he is planning to take you somewhere else. You pull off your pool floaties, noticing how small your hands are for the first time. The dream walker stands half his height, a young boy smiling expectantly back at you smiles. That smile is Hoseok’s, you know it is.
When you pass through the door, you're back to your adult selves, however the room you enter looks like it was made for a child.
“Where is this?”
“Ahh my old room, not this one,” he opens another door. You catch the colorful sight of drawings and toys, model airplanes lying unfinished, buildings blocks mapping out tiny cities, before walking into another door.
“This is my room.” You look around, it is clean and neat, so monochromatic. Where’s the color? Everything is lined up meticulously, there is no clutter, the surfaces perfectly clean and bare.
“A bit of a control freak, yeah?” you jab, “I want to make a mess.”
Hoseok laughs, “I could take you on that desk if you really wanted to make a mess.”
You scoff. “You like music,” you look over his records, neatly aligned and displayed on shelving. “Is this your family?” Hoseok nods.
You do notice one colorful thing, starkly sticking out on one of his shelves. “What’s this?” You touch a box of beads.
“It’s something to do, it is relaxing.”
“Make me one?”
An easy request to dream up. He pulls a braclet out of his pocket, beads an array of pinks and purples and yellows, a sun charm and a sunflower charm. Both yellow, both very difference, without the sun the sunflower would not bloom. In Hoseok’s mind, you were the sun.
“It’s pretty,” you exclaim, “Will you make me one in real life too?”
Hoseok did not know how to answer that question, awkwardly moving across his room. “Do you like working at the sleep clinic? It must be a perfect job for you, you always have a dream to enter.”
“I don’t, actually. I’ve never entered any of the patient’s.” Hoseok rests on the top of his made bed. “Well actually, I did once, the first year I started.” You wait to hear his story, lying next to him. The bed changes into a small boat, the mattress still inside. This place must be a favorite of his, you think, staring up at the sunny sky.
“It was a child, her parents brought her in, she was having trouble sleeping. I was curious. The way she described her dreams, I thought she might have been spooked by a monster from a scary movie, easy to fix.”
“And it wasn’t?” as a woman, you know the answer already. You wished it wasn’t so common, so frequent, so obvious.
“The monster, it was her stepfather.” The sky darkens, large angry clouds filling with water.
You reach over Hoseok’s shoulder, and pull your hand back, revealing an umbrella, opening it up before showers rain down.
“Dreams don’t change anything, even if I destroyed that monster a hundred different ways, he would have still continued hurting her in real life.”
You hum. “So what did you do?”
“We made a place she can go to and no one else, somewhere safe,” he says, “I let Jimin know I noticed some marks on her legs, advised him to check in with the mother about it. That’s about all I could do in the real world.”
“Can I show you something?” you ask and Hoseok nods.
You lower the umbrella, until the umbrella fan covered your faces and let it fall into the sand. You and Hoseok sit on a towel on the beach. “That’s me,” you point at a chubby baby playing in the sand. “It’s one of the first memories I have. I thought I just made it all up, but then I was looking through some old photos at my mothers house and I saw myself in that same bathing suit and hat,” you laughed. “It could still be just a dream I guess, but I don’t know, I feel it,” you put your hand over your chest.
Your father put you on his shoulders and gave you a cracker to feed the seagulls, laughing. It was one of the few happy memories you had of your father, before your mother left him. The wind picked up and off flew your hat on both your heads, Hoseok puts his arm around you, grabs the end of your sundress to keep it close to your legs, ushering you away from the old memory before you start to feel sad.
The pair of you walk to an ice cream vendor, Hoseok makes you duck down. Upright again, the ice cream vendor turns into a sweet bread vendor and your beach clothes transformed to school uniforms. Hoseok pays for a piece of sweet bread for you and him, running to school before it the bell rings. But this wasn’t your school.
You were at Hoseok’s school.
“You must have been a troublemaker.”
“I couldn’t even if I wanted to, my father was a teacher,” Hoseok laughs and pulls you into an empty classroom.
Towards the window, you watch school kids play. “I would sit on that bench a lot, work on homework before class.”
“Were you dream walking then?” Hoseok nods. “I used to walk around in the dreams of my sleeping classmates,” he laughs. “Ahh most of their dreams involved lots of class presentations, it was easy to learn how to change things without anyone noticing I wasn’t supposed to be in there. One time I turned everyone into a goat. I think he did his presentation better that way,” Hoseok laughs.
You giggle and point to the adjacent door. “What do you think?” You open the door...
“The arcade!” Hoseok exclaims, recognizing his old hangout spot. “Oh! I have to show you this place, we would go every weekend,” he says excitedly, ushering you to his favorite fighter game.
Without even knowing it, the dream walker was showing you parts of him he had long since forgotten. Unwittingly so, he was reliving his past, but they weren’t exactly memories either. Hoseok did not think twice about it, too busy trying to make you smile, hear your laughter. It was the start of a dream that was not entirely yours. The dreamworld holds a very small detail that was all his, it held his hopes, his dreams. A box with a lock you, who spent so much time with the dream walker, intrinsically knew how to open.
You watch Hoseok play and cheer him on. After another K.O. you get his attention. “You know what? I think it needs an upgrade.” You grab Hoseok’s collar and push him against the game machine, and your clothes change as the rest of the arcade games disappear. You stand center match in a large brick colosseum. Just you and Hoseok. He looks around at yellow colosseum brick and the bright sun, reminiscent of his old favorite game. And then at you, in your risqué fighter’s outfit.
“You’re going to wear that and expect me to concentrate?” Hoseok tightens the belt around his fighter outfit. He looks fit, lean and defined chest showing. He slides his leg across the dirt and gets in fighting stance, smirking.
You bite your lip. “Best out of three, right?” Large neon numbers in the bright sky light up, indicating your health bar.
“Let’s make a deal, Hoseok!” You do a back handstand, and resume your fighting stance. “If I win, I want to fly,” you say, holding out your arms to the sky, “You better show me!” forgetting what you had been fighting for all this time.
“Err hello, is y/n ready now?” Namjoon calls out from the receptionist desk, noticing the friendly sleep specialist walking past.
“Sorry?” Jimin says, confused, “We released her this morning.”
“But she called me, she said you were doing more tests?” he asks, impatience growing to worry.
“Jungkook, when did Miss y/n leave, do you remember?”
“She um never came through here,” Jungkook looks around, wide-eyed, “I haven’t seen her, Sir.”
The three men stand awkwardly, ‘Here, let me call my assistant-”
“Mr. Park! Come quick! Oh no!”
Jimin runs towards the commotion with Namjoon deciding to follow quickly behind. The men peer through the open door, looking towards the ground at the confusing scene.
You and Hoseok’s bodies were lying on the floor, you curled into his side, his arm around you, as if you were both deep in sleep, with blood pooling at your heads.
You know, I told myself, at least once I’m gonna write a story with tentacles, just one time, just to try it out and see what it’s all about :D never again lol :’D well YOU tell me what you think! The ending is a little long right? I wanted to make it feel like the ending scene went on forever, you're stuck besties :’). Did you like it though? How did you like the story, sans tentacles, I wanna know your favorite dream!
Spring Fling Masterlist
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AHH SORRY 😭💕 you do NOT want to live inside my brain lmao clearly I am going through ittt but I love youu thank you for enjoying my story so 🥺
I relied heavily on dream metaphors for most of it for obvious reasons, if readers choose not to dig as deep that's okay too, there's no reason not to enjoy the ride for what it is if you do, I wrote it so you could enjoy it!! Don't feel bad! 😭 When I first started all these stories in spring, it was just funny to me how when I usually think of spring, it reminds me of like….very pretty pastel nice things and flowers and babies etc…but in all actuality the mating season is fucking brutal, what is happening in the world (extreme heat and fires and flooding) is fucking brutal, and just experiencing all these weddings and baby showers along with having our rights as women being stripped away where I can't even imagine getting married or having a baby now...idk I just wanted to write stories that showed the brutality of life in a...I wouldn't say misleading, but easily digestible way, like the cut flowers on your counter look pretty, but they're actually slowly dying, kind of way. 🙃
y/n is slowly falling into a trap, she's being manipulating into choosing Hoseok, so of course readers to varying degrees are going to root for Hoseok, want Hoseok at one point as much as y/n wants him. I feel like I would have failed as a writer if that wasn't the case! The story, from her perspective, makes Hoseok a desirable character, even with his flaws. But in real life...choose the Namjoons in your life...lol. That is my ted talk thank you. 😅
Day Dream | JHS - Dream Analysis
Me, analyzing my own character's dreams in my own story because why not :'D.
This was written to help plot out the story for Day Dream. I wrote a lot lol so I thought might as well share it with yall! This analysis is kind of heavy, but if you really want to understand her story, here ya go. THAT BEING SAID, you don't have to view the story so dark if you don't want to. I would love to hear your own interpretations!
You might be asking yourself why put so much effort into a smut fic, my answer is I don't fucking know :D
Night at the Inn
Some dreams are more obvious. Y/n doesn’t want to bother her sleeping boyfriend so she fantasizes about having sex with him instead, dreaming about her own “dream vacation.” So, she was dreaming about a time in her life where she made one of her dreams come true, now making that experience into a dream when it all really started as a dream, and around and round we go, and that’s basically the plot, the end, badamtisk.
The Fire
Let’s go back a bit, the first dream that happened was never explained. Y/n woke up with a nagging sense that a dream happened, she just couldn’t remember. This is a common occurrence for people, but that doesn’t make the dream any less impactful, as it was the first time Hoseok entered her dreams and decided he wanted to stay. The heat of the bedroom made her dream about being trapped in a burning building. She screamed and screamed for help, and Hobi heard her, prompting him to tell her she was “the loudest” when answering why he chose her. Once he entered the dream, she put him into the role of a firefighter, boosting his egotm. If a sexy Hoseok firefighter saved your life, what would you do hmm? Can you blame y/n for showing her “gratitude” in a very ahem, steamy way... This starts a chain reaction. Y/n wakes up horny and goes on to dream of the inn and Hoseok wants to experience moretm.
Y/n is hot, so she dreams about it being cold. She’s not very “imaginative,” in that sense, even when she knows it’s a dream. That will change later!
Y/n fantasizes about being famous and rich and desired, which I think it’s a pretty common fantasy. But nowhere in her fantasy is her current boyfriend. Does that mean she doesn’t love him or see a future with him? Not really, she doesn’t see herself ever becoming famous either. But it does give Hoseok the perfect opening to invade her dreams again and form prejudices about her, which is why most of their dreams together are, well, physical.
Nine to Five
Y/n dreams about confiding in her old friend Seokjin at a cafe, a way to calm her nerves about all the strange dreams she’s experiencing. It was also a way to deal with her anxiousness about reaching out to a friend she lost touch with. A trial run so to speak. Again, the dream is not very imaginative. She’s reliving her own life, going to work, going to a familiar café, but it starts to devolve once Hoseok gets involved. She starts to feel guilt again over dreaming about other men, and ends up “cheating” on her dream boyfriend, Hoseok still doesn’t have much respect for her and doesn’t care about fucking with her.
Seokjin’s character shows the fight for dominance going on between the dreamer and dream walker with his actions. Through Jin her subconscious is trying to help her. He shows how even though Hoseok can manipulate her, in the end her mind protects her from the foreign intruder. Again she’s not very creative about it lol making herself into a superhero to “fight him off” very unsuccessfully.
Spaceship Hope
TW: SA. The space ship dream was much more symbolic, and so are her following dreams. The dream is actually about why y/n and Yoongi are no longer together. Their relationship was very toxic and he coerced her into having sex with him because it “hurt too much” to stop. Y/n might have been the commander of the space station, her dream and her mind, but Hoseok was right in telling her he was Captain, the one who really knew how to control the ship, the dream. She put her boyfriend Namjoon into the role of co-commander, an equal, and she made Yoongi a repair officer, the good helpful man she knew him as when they first started dating. But like their relationship, her dream turned into a nightmare, Yoongi turned into a monster who did not care about y/n and only cared about his own sexual gratification. When she no longer gave him what he wanted, he escaped through the space pod, and her heart broke all over again.
At this point did Hoseok miss her because she’s been avoiding sleep? Is he getting too close to her, starting to have feelings? Ehh...but we want to see him be a good guy, right? So does y/n, which is why he walks right into the part of her protector, fighting off Yoongi, even if it is still for his own selfish reasons. Their relationship is still very physical.
Club More
Club more is not really visited in the story, apart from the music and red light referenced. Club More plus all the other places Hoseok and y/n discuss show how close they have become, living out multiple fantasies with each other, engaging in kinks y/n likes that even her loving boyfriend does not know about.
Shoutout to airplane bathroom Hobi and the iconic fanfiction Flight 18
The Mad Scientist And The Monster In The Cave
Running is a very common dream action for people experiencing stress, and y/n at this point is beyond stressed. Subconsciously she sees Jimin as bad influence by his friendship with Hoseok even though he is nothing but nice to her in real life. Y/n still blames him for releasing “the monster” into her life. Jungkook, the receptionist, who she associates with Namjoon, she dreams as good and a trusting friend. She is still “running” to Namjoon at this point.
Experiment 613B
TW: SA This is a culmination of all her guilt and fears and trauma manifesting itself into a situation where she loses control of everything, her body, her desires, her thoughts, as she is forced into sex with another man again.
Love Motel Red
Now that y/n has met Hoseok in real life, she has a reference already created in her mind and thus can remember him no matter what.
TW: SA the ending to this dream to me shows how Hobi is a villain, a menace, truly toxic like her ex. Hoseok gets angry she is rejecting him and calling him out, and everything about what he does to her is just pure violence. “He sinks lower, lying over you, his body melting into yours until you feel him everywhere inside you.” OUT OF CONTEXT, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU THINK OF? Hobi is toxic, I'm sorry.
Boxing Match/Wrestling Showdown!
The dreaming has become hopeless in a way that she can’t let go of Hoseok as much as he can't let go of her. She lied to Namjoon in the phone call and it was the beginning to her downfall. In the dream she uses Namjoon as a placeholder to fight Hoseok in boxing and just forgets about him once the dream shifts, consumed with Hoseok and his over-the-top captivating personality which really shines as a wrestler. They spiral down into a toxic fight, mirroring their real confrontation. It just shows how violence is never the answer…
The Newlywed Game
Namjoon should have been sitting next to y/n and Hoseok should have been part of another couple, but he's not! He's sitting right there next to her! She couldn't help herself in the end, she chose a toxic partner instead. She wanted to beat him, so she had to stoop to his level. It worked, but at what cost? She ended up right back at that Love Motel Nightmare.
We do learn more about Hoseok, he's more humanized, because y/n is "falling" for the dream, falling for him, letting him manipulate her and letting her insecurities consume her.
Y/n and Hoseok are fully down the rabbit hole, falling through different dreams. The dreams are no longer rooted in any sort of reality, shifting and changing quickly to meet each other's needs. She falls so deeply she finds a way into her subconcious through the Pandora's boxtm
The Maze
Another reoccurring dream, Hoseok and y/n are fully into the fantasy play, enjoying their roles, having fun and working as a team. There is really no way out of the maze but to go deeper. Her aggression (lion) is tamed, her desire for freedom (eagle) is let go, the restrictions of her mind (vines) are broken.
The dreams start to reveal their childhoods, y/n’s mother was also in a toxic relationship, Hoseok was always deeply into escapism via the arcade and his toys. It is a cycle that y/n nor Hobi unfortunately could not break.
Hoseok’s Day Dreams
Slowly, she is allowing the dream walker to dream with her, and it all just becomes a game at the end, the horrors of the situation are entirely overshadowed by the wonders of Dreamworld. How could a person ever go back to walking in reality once they learn how to fly?
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