#but im trying a new thing where i don't write angst all the time
wrencatte · 4 months
mini-fic 6(ish!) post-Fallen Order. Mantis Crew. Cal & Merrin. Omniscient POV (Mostly Merrin). 1.1k words Cal...has a beard??? ao3 mini fic link - chapter 6 (ponchos)
Cal plops down on the couch with a loud, drawn-out satisfied sound, relishing in the first comfortable seat in literal days. Merrin looks up from her holonovel, blinks once, twice, and bluntly asks, “What is wrong with your face?”
He slaps a hand to his chin. “There’s nothing wrong with my face.”
“No, there is,” she insists, abandoning her novel to grab hold of his wrist and wrench his hand away – or at least she tries to wrench it away, but Cal resists valiantly, muscles straining with the effort. He leans as far back from the Nightsister as possible until he yelps, and they both go tumbling off the couch to land in a groaning heap on the floor.
Cere watches them, eyebrows raised, and lifting not a single finger to assist either one of them. BD chirrups from his spot over the Master’s shoulder, something distinctly mocking in his tone even without knowing binary, and Cal groans again, louder and more obnoxiously.
“Thanks, buddy, knew I could count on you,” he snarks. The droid whistles something else that just makes him laugh.
“What did he say?” Merrin asks even as she resorts to prying Cal’s hand off his face, fingers digging under his palm. He tries to smack her hand away with his free one, but she just grabs it and pins it awkwardly to the side out of the way. She pauses, head tilted in contemplation, then drops her entire body weight on the Jedi. He lets out a wheezing oof! at the suddenness, eyes wide. BD laughs at him. “This would be easier if you just gave in.”
“Doubt it,” he grunts.
They grapple – no, actually, tussle is really a better word to describe it. Neither of them are actually trying at all. Cal’s stuck arching his face away from Merrin since he can use his hand, and Merrin could easily hurt him in this position, so her efforts are half-hearted at best. Both of them are laughing like children, little hushed, breathless giggles. Cere doesn’t hide her smile, thoroughly enjoying the sight of them acting so care-free, and secretly recording the whole thing. Even though they have BD for that, there’s something about having a version all to herself that she can’t resist.
Cal finally gives up and removes his hand. Merrin makes a noise of triumphant – that gets cut off when he (gently) smacks his hand against Merrin’s face instead, effectively blinding her. He uses the surprise attack as leverage to shove her back against the base of the couch and he scrambles to his feet, putting distance between the two of them quickly, and…goes back to covering his chin.
“It is not that embarrassing,” Merrin tells him.
Cal scowls. “You said there was something wrong with my face!”
She makes a conceding expression. “Fair, but I did not mean it in that way. It merely…caught me by surprise.”
Cal had been gone for the last few days, exploring a nearby mountain pass in hopes it was what they were looking for (it wasn’t), so forgive her shock when he came back looking like that. He changed out of his regular poncho and new vest combo in favor of a pair of loose pants with far too many belts and his ratty training top that Greez has tried to throw out several times – though not as many times he’s tried to throw out some of his older, more…pungent ponchos. His hair longer than when she first met him, long enough to tuck behind his ears, and when you add that to what’s going on with his face…
He eyes her warily then semi-reluctantly drops his hand, putting it on his hip instead in a sort of are you happy now? pose. Merrin stares at him. He stares back, weight shifting as if he’s about to bolt.
“It looks good,” she declares finally.
Cal rolls his eyes. “You literally said – .”
“I did not get a proper look! You surprised me!” Merrin snaps. Cal throws his hands up in a huff.
He has a beard.
Or…almost a beard. Barely a beard, it’s still growing in and all. But it’s there and it, and it adds a maturity to his face she wasn’t expecting. Before, his old, world-weary soul could only be felt in the Force when he dropped his shields and let them help him. Now, though, Merrin looks at him and she can see the weight he carries far too easily. The beard looks good, yes, but it makes her heart ache just a little.
Cal scrubs a hand over the short, scratchy-looking beard. It makes his freckles stand out, somehow, or maybe that’s because they’ve been hopping from sunny planet to sunny planet these last few months and he’s no longer stuck under the perpetually gloomy clouds of Bracca. He burns instead of tans, but he seems to get new freckles every day.
“I didn’t mean to grow one in,” he admits. “But I’m kinda attached now.”
“Literally,” Cere adds.
He sticks his tongue out at her then jumps with a strangled yelp when she thrums their bond in admonishment like he’s a twelve-year-old apprentice all over again. “Hey! That’s a cheap shot!”
“What’s a cheap shot?” Greez asks, walking onto the Mantis. He looks up from the holopad he was consulting. “Oh. Hey, Cal, welcome back…What’s wrong with your face?”
Cal swears at him in Huttese as Merrin laughs. “All of you! All of you are against me! It’s not that bad!”
“It truly isn’t,” Merrin assures him, sounding only half-sincere to his ears.
Cere shrugs. “It’s not too bad,” she agrees. “I think it needs another day or two before it really works for you, though. Right now it’s…” She wiggles her hand with a wince.
“Ehhh,” is Greez’s contribution.
Cal hides his face with both hands this time, sighing very, very loudly. “You are all so mean to me. Fine, I’ll kriffin’ shave it off. Greez, got anything I can use? My kit got lost somewhere.” He glares BD-1 from between his fingers and the droid chitters in response, sounding offended. “I am not! You’re the one who went over the ledge! I told you not to scan it!” BD-1 beeps something decidedly rude.
“Nothin’ for your human sensitivity. You’re gonna have to wait until our next supply stop, kid.”
He groans. “Unbelievable. That’s a week from now.”
Merrin pats his shoulder consolingly. “You will survive,” she says seriously. “And if you do not, I know several rituals that will bring you back with minimal…side-effects.”
“Thanks, Merrin, you really know how to make a guy feel better.”
She smiles. “You are welcome!”
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
The yan!stsg x reader cheating has me in a chokehold for days actually! As much as its thrilling, vindicating and flattering that these hoes come crawling back(except for gojo? Hes like the newest addition to you so hes just strolling in your 3sum 😭😂), beneath that surface is actually a heavy cesspool of angst(i love angsts!) like thats where your vision of unrequited love in yan trope comes in delicious clutch
Youve forgiven, moved on and stuff— theres no coming back to loving suguru again; but the banger is!!! Amidst your years captivity, you forgot how you started loving suguru. Yep, forgot.
You dont wonder the moot points how suguru is unrecognizable from the time youre with him nor question yourself what made you fell in love with the pos in the first place.
But youre trying to remember how you fell for him in the past because you feel nothing now; indifference, and how jarring you find yourself to be in this predicament— and so that trying to be with the two in your turbulent captivity would be freeing in companionship.
But the thing is, your feelings are like ashes that stsg is trying to ignite again, but you feel nothing; or a blind person trying to perceive colors or stuff.
JUST imagine sugurus pain in the later years, youve got hidden diary in between your cloud docs or written in little receipts thats about your regrets and your love for a person(thats after him) and that love is so full of passion and longing its borderline painful that you tried to get back to feeling any semblance of emotions for suguru but failed. Just suguru pathetically stewing in regret, how he shouldve handled both you and gojo and rage, because you loved another person thats equivalent to how you used for HIM lmaooo
I hope ive articulate my feelings for this prompt quite fine??? Im struggling with english(its my 2nd language), i hope you get the gist of it xD thanks for listening to my rant, but i had to share this brain rot 😭🙏😊
istg if you dont get outta my inbox and wRITE THIS SHIT RN-
ughhh i think its even worse that you've forgiven them, right???? lets face it, it's only cuz of you suguru and satoru were even able to get together. those two fucking suck at communication and you basically taught suguru to love and be vulnerable. maybe, even before the cheating happened, you became friends with Satoru, you talked about things together, he become softer with you and he fell for you. They both loved you, but they loved eachother too.
you forgive them, because of course you do. but it still hurts to see them, so you leave. Maybe you move cities, ignore their phone calls, block their numbers. You meet someone else. Someone who gently puts you back together, makes you learn to trust again.
You forgive Satoru and Suguru enough to send them wedding invitations. It's all water under the bridge, you think to yourself. You don't realize that they still aren't over you. That they will never feel complete without you. They've lost contact with you for years but now you've given them an exact date, time, and location.
They don't care how happy you are with your new partner. All that they care about is how happy they'll make you.
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ysrjune · 27 days
hi! i know you don't usually write for clay, so feel free to delete this if you want. but, if youre up for it, I'd love to see inpatient!clay beresford x inpatient!reader (maybe also w heart condition i have one and i just think it would be cute). and like maybe they both have surgery on the same day or smth soft of them comforting each other through this or smth idk i just need patient!reader w clay so bad 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 ( if u like angst also im not against one of them dying at the end)
My Baby
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i’m so sorry that I replied to this so late, but hey.. at least I responded, right 🥰⁉️ thank you for your ask <3
summary ✦ clay and reader have heart surgery the same day, and they comfort each other.
“We’ll be okay.” Clay runs his fingers through your hair in hopes it will calm you down. your surgery was less than a few hours away, and you were scared. what if the doctors do something wrong that ends up in death for you or clay.. or both. Clay was your everything, and you couldn't bare to lose him.
“You don't know that for sure.” she sighed, looking up at Clay to say something else, but he beat her to it. “Yes I do. what kind of hospital hires doctors that don't know how to be doctors.” he was just trying to make you feel better. he knew there were always risks in any situation for surgery. “After this, we're gonna be fine, sweetie. more than fine.” he kissed your cheek. “we'll start our own family and be happy the rest of our lives without being scared of randomly dying on the spot.”
Clay was always better with coming to peace with his condition, so much so that it didn't bother him to make jokes about randomly dying on the spot. you, on the other hand, were really scared of dying and not being able to fulfill a good enough life. you wanted to have fun, find a suitable husband to raise a family with, and be the best wife & mother you could be. so, the thought of death being able to take you out of nowhere was terrifying.
“clay, dont say that. It's not funny.” you look down to his chest. “I just.. want us to live the life we deserve.”, “and we will. I'm telling you, baby, nothing bad is gonna happen, you'll see.” he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
the time finally came, and you were being pushed on the hospital beds to the surgery rooms. Clay held your hand the whole way there since his bed was next to yours. “I love you, clay. with all my weak heart has to give.” he wanted to burst into tears. this could he the last time you see each other. as much as he didn't wanna think about it, he did. his beautiful angel being taken away from him or him being taken away from you, ending up in not giving you the life you wanted with him. still, he put a smile on and looked at your wedding ring, then his. “I love you too, y/n. I'll never stop loving you.” even the nurses who were pushing your beds wanted to cry.
“if anything happens, you were the one for me, baby. the only one. the girl of my dreams.” he gives the softest half smile as you're close to parting ways to different rooms. “I'll see you out of surgery, honey.” you respond, kissing your fingers and placing it on his hand. he shed a tear and nodded as you split ways.
things were going great for the first half of everything that the doctors did. but then something went wrong.. very wrong. the heart wasnt receiving enough blood flow. the doctors didn't even notice until it was too late. how could they break the news? after the nurses told them about how all you two wanted was to stay here on earth with each other and raise a baby of your own. that didn't matter anymore. you were dead.
Clay woke up from surgery, his mother and a couple of friends by his bed. his first instinct was to look over to the bed next to him so he could see you. nothing. the bed was empty. it made his still fragile heart begin to beat fast in worry. “where is she?” he looked to his mother with teary eyes. “where is my wife?” his voice cracked. he was staring to cry. did you make it? please, God, he hoped you made it and you were just put in a different room.
All his mother and friends did was frown at him, crying as well. Clay sucked in air and started to cry. sniffling while shaking his head, he still kept looking to the bed. “No, no, no. this wasn't how it was supposed to go. youre all lying.” his cries were heartbreaking. “Mom?” he switched his gaze to her, hoping it was all a lie.. a dream.. a hallucination. anything but the truth.
“I'm sorry, Clay.” that was it. you were officially gone. his baby was gone. not just you, but the baby he could have given you. the baby he could love and see you through the eyes of your child.
Clay never emotionally recovered from that. he never dated either. never even dared to stare or flirt with another woman. all he ever did was work, drink, visit your grave, and go to bed. occasionally visit some friends and family, but that was it. his life was never the same without you. he kept all your things. he sprayed your signature perfume on your pillow thst he cuddled with to just pretend you were still there with him.
Clay Beresford was absolutely miserable for the rest of his life without you.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
taglist: @anakinstwinklebunny @heartsforanakin @anisscarletstarlet @sockiess @erosmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor 🎀
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leclercsfilm · 11 months
but i'll know, i'll know
this is all fanfiction, all fake!!! no hate towards charlotte or alexandra (if that's her name idk). this is purely for fun and please don't be rude to me or insult me. thank you. <333 also, i checked grammar so i think it's fine? word count: 873 (i can't write more ig)
summary: because of your friendship with charles, his significant other wants you out of his life. (angst)
charles leclerc x female!reader
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another bad race for ferrari. charles crushed into a wall and carlos got a penalty. you watch the race on your phone, hopping to see charles while he is exiting the car. it hurts not being there for him in times like this but you know he is in a good hands.
maybe you are blaming on your little 'something different' that you feel towards him, but you feel your eyes filling with tears. ever since his new relationship, you had mixed feelings on both of them. he started calling less, and every time you see each other, his girlfriend made sure that the meeting lasts only couple of minutes.
you are still in touch with arthur, your other friend you made while watching your brother go karting with charles. you were all pretty close until you weren't. that's how it is supposed to be.
charles new girlfriend saw you as a threat, and you understand her. insecure with you along side him (even if you only see each other on races or on a reunions), or media attention and their stupid tabloids.
since age 10, this is all you knew. it hurts you that you can't be part of this.
you had a slight crush on charles when you first met, but that feeling got lost somewhere until he broke up with the previous girlfriend.
he was a mess, and you were his comfort. not only you, but there was pierre, lando, arthur, carlos, isa, kika.... everybody was there for him.
he accidentally kissed you, and he apologized 330430 times for that. but that woke up something in you. since then you were always confused around him, trying  not to blush or to be awkward enough for him to notice.
he did. he did notice. and when his girl said that he should stay away from you, he realized that it was probably for the best. he was also confused, but he had her by his side. he needs to be with her and devote his mind and soul to his girlfriend, not to wonder and question the situation with you. this was an easy way out.
you got up and started to look for something to eat. it was a mess of a day and you need to refresh yourself with something. distracting yourself.
while making food, you realize that the sun is not out anymore and that it is 8 p.m. you got your laptop and started to look up for netflix. just when you were trying to find where you left on 'friends' your phone started ringing.
without looking at it, you just picked it up.
'y/n?'- a famous voice just started breathing into the phone
'charles? is everything alright?' - mutter while praying to God above that everything is fine
'yeah.... i just wanted to hear you for a bit...' - he sounded tired
'sure.. um, what now?' - confused as always, you said the first thing that came to your mind
'did you watched the race? it was pretty shit to be honest. im still shaking a little bit.'
'yes i watched it. sure it was a rough day for you'- you said while looking at the netflix which is infornt of you. you can't even calm yourself down.
'where is....she? is she with you? is there arthur or someone who can be with you?'
'no.... no really. im in bathroom. i had to escape somehow. arthur is waiting for me to get out. she was not even here. we had a fight last week.' - he sounded defeated. with his sigh, the silence got her way.
'im sorry to hear it charles. have you been drinking?' - you were worried about him, you think it never stopped.
'a little bit, yes. but im fine.'
'why are you calling me charles?' - you added
'i don't know why everytime im tipsy or drunk, i think of you. im sorry i couldn't defend you. i still think of our childhood, im sorry for throwing it away... i got scared, i got confused.. it was easier to run....'
charles cried, choking on his tears. your eyes watered as well, and you had to take a deep breath to hold back from crying out loud.
'you know... sometimes...no,no... almost always i have memories overwhelming me. it hurts so bad because you where always in every segment of my childhood, part of it. you were asking too much of me. i can't forget you...' - you cried out, while you wipe your tears.
'im sorry y/n. im so sorry. i don't know what i feel towards you. it not just friendship. i think we could be more. but we can't... and you know it. maybe this is just a process of healing... of forgetting.' - he tired to be collected. he really did. he needed to find a reason.
'well... it was nice to hear you charles. take care of yourself. don't be harsh to yourself..' - with that, you ended the call.
closing your laptop, you finally let emotions to control you. you finally let out frustrations and your tears. your memories with him no one can change or make disappear. you'll always know and remember him, but you'll never know what you two could be.
well, this was painful for me to read, im so sorry. i wish i was better. :( please, remember that english is not my first language and that i've created this account to fix my mistakes and my grammar. please do not insult me and make fun of me. love you <3
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irishmammonagenda · 2 months
Hello! I hope your requests are open 🧚‍♀️
Can i ask, what brothers' reaction would be on MC who sings something like MSI (you know smth like "son of a bitch! God's like me!") or just alternative rock/punk in general?
Answer only if you're okay with that❤️
Have a great day🏃‍♂️
hihi‼️(i love the amount of emojis u use i can feel ur personality through the screen teehee)
i absoluetley can‼️‼️ also tysm for the new music to listen to (im kind of new to alt rock and punk i only really used to listen to MCR lmao😭)
anyway this was fun to write
grma for the ask <3
Obey Me Brothers React to MC Being a Wee Emo.
DISCLAIMER: emo is used as a word because where im from emo is used to describe nearly any type of alternative fashion bc we're all dumb over here app, also im 2% sure pop punk/poprock is emo music bc i think thats what mcr is, so we're going w/ it ig, the only thing ik abt music is that bars 13-20 in the dambusters themetune has fanfare so if i get any terms wrong lmk 😔✊
WARNINGS: There's a slight slight hint of drinks being spiked in Beel's one. nothing ever happens its just him keeping an eye on your drink at a concert just in case.
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He hears music blasting in the music room in the House of Lamentation.
At first he just sighs, it sounds like the type of music Belphie would listen to when trying to plan out another Anti-Lucifer League. The teenage angst probably helped fuel the seventh born’s desire and motivation to prank him.
He sneaks into the Music room. Technically he just walked in quietly, but you still jumped when you saw him.
"L-Lucifer!! Hiya!!" You say awkwardly, not looking the first born in they eyes. "What's up?" He blinks slowly at you, fighting the urge to place a gloved hand on the bridge of his nose and pinch it in disappointment (and/or second hand embarrassment) "I'm not going to say anything. Just keep it down, MC." He sighs, normally he'd have lectured you. But it reminded him too much of a wolf-cut, guyliner filled past that for the sake of his pride, he did not want to remember.
He wasn't a stranger to musical genres, the man collects records for fuck's sake.
The drums and guitars he can normally get behind. Especially with catchy rhythms.
The lyrics?....they're normally a hit or miss. It really depends on the song.
'God likes me' (MSI) 'Hail Mary, Forgive Me' (PTV) Religious references just kind of ruin some songs for him.
Lucifer spends his time collecting cursed records, but your music taste is a special kind of cursed MC.
Although, he is strangely supportive in his own way.
"MC, Lord Diavolo has gifted me some tickets to concert [small devildom band] is putting on, I thought you would enjoy it."
(Lucifer bought the tickets himself.)
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Haha, Emo!
"Yer a wee emo so ye are, MC"
It's not exactly his style of music (the man listens to Kneecap ffs)
BUT!!! He wants to share things with you dammit! Let him listen to your stupid emo music with you!!! He's your first man!!!
He does, however learn how to play guitar so he can play some simple chords while you sing horrible improvised lyrics with horrible improvised chords.
You don't have the heart to tell him that acoustic guitars aren't normally used in Punk/Rock music.
The sound of horribly improvised chord progressions ring out in your bedroom as you and your first man stand back to back, horrible matching messy eyeliner on both of yours and Mammon's eyes as you hold a hairbrush to your mouth and improvise lyrics. That is, if you can even get them out of your mouth before laughing. "Blood in my body! Because I'm aliveeee!!!" You sing off key while Mammon strums the guitar. "Love in my Bugatti! Because The Great Mammon can drive!" You laugh. Mammon whistles while missing out on the fingering of a chord and then pretending it didn't happen.
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The first thought in this man's mind is karaoke.
He sends you a playlist of Rocky kinda anime openings that you should totally listen to.
He's the least shocked and weirded out, (not that the others are weirded out)
He really likes your singing voice. It doesn't matter if you're a horrible singer, its you so it makes him happy.
You guys could do a duet? If it wasn't too much for you to sing with a stinky smelly otaku like him :(
"Levi-" You sigh, looking at the Levi shaped lump of seaweed in his aquiriam, the demon's tail twitches through the pile of aquatic plant, showing that he's listening. "Levi... Of course I'd love to do Karaoke with you...You didn't give me a chance to answer before jumping into the tank! C'mon!" It takes Levi a few more minutes before he feels ready to leave his seaweed pile, his face is completely red, but there's a small smile on his face as you set up the karaoke machine.
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Satan enjoys your music taste.
He likes most if not all human world music because music is so important to culture and he loves learning about human world culture.
What he doesn't like however, is people dropping his name in lyrics for edginess smh.
No MC, no one in Je T'aime is his bitch. Please stop asking.
He also takes you to gigs! Because why not!
The blond haired demon sat in the bar, earning a few looks from the people surrounding them. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his jumper and jeans and the book in his hands in comparision to black denim and leather, chains and sub-cultural clothes that everyone else was wearing. Satan payed it no mind as you came back with the drinks, all decked out in clothing matching the rest of the people in the venue in style. "Hope you weren't waiting long....the lines were long!" Satan takes a drink from your hand and sips it, giving a soft smile, "Not at all."
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The music is a hit and miss tbh, he prefers the more pop punk kind of thing, leaning more into pop than anything else.
He likes paramore though!
Loves the clothes associated with the genres and subcultures of the music! Adopts some of it into his own style!
(He alters it heavily, but some designs are inspired by the subcultures)
He could be your adorable gorgeous boyfriend and you could be the wee emo gremlin partner!
The opposites attract will look so cute on his Devilgram.
But he geniunely supports you and your interests, he designs and makes clothes for you in the style associated with your music taste.
He even makes you merch of your favourite bands and albums inspired into clothes.
He also does your makeup before you go out to concerts or gigs
Your his emo after all.
You squirm as Asmo runs his fingers along your flushed skin, he laughs as you jerk away. "It's just a brush, it wont hurt you darling!" He laughs, putting more black eyeshadow onto the makeup brush and applying it---or atleast trying to---to your eyelids, biting back teasing comments as you jerk away. You were ticklish god dammit! It wasn't like you were meaning to! It was a natural reflex!
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He likes it.
but not because he enjoys the music persay. Don't get him wrong he can listen to it and enjoy it but he wouldn't normally seek it out.
He likes it because you and Belphie like it, and the style reminds him of the both of you.
In terms of rock music he likes the more slow ballady types. Belphie normally listens to them when he has trouble falling asleep.
Very supportive.
If you're ever in the Mosh Pit in a concert, Beel will go with you, you're just so tiny and people can push you about! (You're tiny to him. So yes MC, his point still stands.)
Taking that back, if you're at a concert, Beel's probably with you. Unless you're with another brother, Even then, Beel's probably going to come.
Bro is like your own bodyguard.
Reports to Lucifer when at concerts and makes sure you're not taking any illegal substances, you don't know what's in them MC!
He makes sure nothing is put in your drink either.
He just wants to keep you safe :(
Beel had been staring at the cup in your hands back and forth for a while now, you smile and offer it up to him. "Want a sip, Beelie? You've been staring at my drink a lot" You practically shout over the music. You weren't in the mosh pit, and though you stood a good distance away, the music was still loud. Beel shakes his head, pointing to his pint and smiling his closed eye smile, "No thanks, MC. I'm just making sure you're staying hydrated and don't need refills." He says truthfully, though that truth isn't whole. You grin, "Aww...that's so sweet!" Turning your attention away from him and back to the stage, Beel wraps an arm around your waist. Eyes alert and wary when someone so much as walked past, or a crowd member got a little too close while dancing. He was overprotective and cautious. But you deserved to be safe.
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Give him back his albums what the actual fuck.
Look just because he takes your life it doesn't mean you get to take his music taste.
Wowwww. Petty.
Fine, you can borrow his limited edition special cut vinyls.
What? Lucifer's not the only one with a record collection.
He did not get this idea from Lucifer, No you Liar.
He did.
Belphie listens to rock ballads to get to sleep when he has trouble sleeping and when he wants to.
Sometimes when you nap together he puts some on.
It's kind of like a white noise machine.
Will go to concerts with you and Beel, but has to have slept for atleast 2 whole days leading up to it so people don't think he's passed out in the crowd.
Mention any similarites about his little music vinyl collections to Lucifer's cursed record selections he will not let you borrow any for atleast 3 days.
Long before Eve bit the apple and the brother's wings turnt black, a small boy with indigo hair wakes up from a nap, pouty lips wobbling when he realises his twin is nowhere to be found. Belphie sniffles, but doesn't break into tears. He's a big boy now! Big boys don't cry when they miss their twins! Beel was probably out on a walk with Michael and Lilith in her stroller! He'd come back! But still, Belphie's bottom lip trembled, eyes watering, the little boy didn't like being seperated from his twin! He was about to cry when he heard loud music coming from a room down the hall. More curious than anything, Belphie gets off of his bed, and (taking his teddy bear with him) walks down the hall following the sound. Though his walk was more of a waddle with his tiny legs. He'd never heard anything like it before! When Beel got back he could tell him about his discovery! Soon enough he reaches a slightly cracked open door and the music is super loud here. This must be it! Waddling into the room, Belphie could see a figure laying spread eagle on one of the beds. Half of the room decorated in colour with one bed and the half of the room with the person laying on the bed was almost completely in black with a bunch of posters on the walls. Most importantly, on the floor lay a box with a spinny thing spinning that seemed to be playing the sounds! Belphie held his teddy in one hand and lifted up the thing that was running across the big black circle. Immediately the sound stopped and the figure sat up, with layered dark shoulder length hair, layered dark black white and red clothes, and enough eyeliner to paint the colourful bright half of the room pitch black. A teen Lucifer looks down at Belphie with a sour expression, upset his mope session had been interrupted. "What are you doing here?" He asks the small indigo-haired angel. Belphie looks up at him with wide, sparkling eyes before pointing to the record player. "Why's it makin' sound? There's no choir in there...." Lucifer's eyes soften. His mope session about meeting the demon prince, not hating him, and finding him pretty like the human he met down in the human world could wait. "It's a record player, Belphs." The teenager's too emo, the end is nigh, everything sucks, too cool for love and affection persona drops and reveals his softie interior. Lucifer picks up his younger brother and places him on his bed as he takes out the record that was playing in the record player and putting on one that would be much less intimidating for someone as young as Belphie. He sits back onto the bed and the small boy cuddles up to his big brother, ever the affectionate child. As the record plays on Belphie grins up at Lucifer, revealling one missing front tooth. He had lost them early, shortly after Beel's tooth had fallen out. Lucifer grinned too, suppressing a chuckle at how Beel hadn't even realised his tooth was wobbly until he bit into his breakfast and found his tooth lodged into the food. "Luci! I likes this music!" "Do you?" "Mhm!" Lucifer grins, petting his youngest brother's head. "I'll tell you what. For your birthday I'll get you your very own record player and lend you some vinyls, we can even go to the human world and pick some new ones out. I'll show you how to play them when you have them, okay?" "Okay! Thank you Luci!" After a while, the songs change from high energy into ballads, Belphie's eyes grow heavier, as do his big brother's. Belphie curled up into the elder's side, abandoning his teddy bear for grabbing at the fabric of Lucifer's shirt with tiny grubby hands as he nodded off. Lucifer made sure to try not to move, in result of the slow rock ballad music and staying completely still so not to jostle and wake up his youngest brother who would 100% get cranky if woken. Slowly, Lucifer's eyes start to close, and he falls into a soft slumber as well.
And hey, if Michael returned from his walk, and after leaving Beel and Lilith into a play room went to check in on Lucifer and saw that sight; and then proceeded to grin and take multiple photos of said sight from multiple angles to use as blackmail on his little emo twin brother Lucikins on a later occassion, then that was Michael’s business and Michael’s business alone. And Lucifer's business when Michael didn't want to do the dishes when it was his night to do them, of course.
But if you ask, Belphie'll tell you that visiting the human world is what got him interested in that type of music.
Because he's a stinky smelly little liar and should be locked up in an attic.
On a side note he bullies you for being 'emo' :(
Bro is such a hypocrite.
But to be geniune, Belphie loves that he can share his music with you. He's happy you can bond over this with him.
Not that he'd ever outright tell you.
But you can tell in the way he gives you albums and vinyls as gifts, and makes you little playlists of ballads to sleep to. (He's gotten you into the habit smh.)
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j-onedrabbles · 1 year
Just a heads up this is kinda sad (unfortunately a friend of mine was in a similar situation). It's alright if you don't wanna write it, I just thought l'd ask be of how talented you are🤭🩵. Poly skz + reader, or just Minsung or Hyunlix if you want, totally up to you. Reader relatively new to the relationship and is trying their best to be the best partner to all parties, but doesn't feel like it's being returned. They feel like skz (or whichever ship you choose is) too into each other and not them, like the shiny new toy isn't exciting anymore. One night, after everyone goes to sleep, reader gets their things and leaves without saying anything. If you're not comfortable with writing it, that's ok!🩵
✧   PAIRING: HYUNJIN X GN!READER X FELIX ✧   CW: ANGST, FLUFF IF YOU SQUINT, FEELINGS OF NOT BEING LOVED, THIRD WHEEL MENTIONS, SHORT BLURB, OPEN ENDING ✧   WC: 0.5K ✧   NOTE: you think im talented 🥹🩵🩵 and im so sorry your friend went through that. i had an old cosplay friend who was in a situation like that as well so i’d hear about it a bit
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     Y/n tried. They tried as hard as they could in the relationship. But entering an already established relationship was hard. Starting to date two people who already had a history together felt, weird? Almost like, sometimes you were intruding on the other two in the relaetionship.
     The start of it was great. Y/n had met Hyunjin first and the two hit it off and he had mentioned them to Felix. Meeting Felix was a nice warm fuzzy feeling the moment he smiled at them. After a few months, the two boys asked Y/n out. Promising equal love. But three-way love was difficult.
     Because of work, Hyunjin and Felix both spent a lot more time together than Y/n with just one of them. It was a little unfair, maybe a lot.They still showed Y/n the same amount of love they gave each other, good morning kisses, cuddling all the time, sleeping together, etc. But that didn’t stop those thoughts from coming in.
      Maybe it was just all just one-sided to begin with. The two men were happy well before Y/n entered the picture; even though they both tried their hardest to wash the worries they had away. But all they did was give them words. Words that started to barely mean anything. Yeah, they were busy, but it just felt like Y/n was left out. Kisses, hugs, and cuddles weren’t enough anymore.
     The two didn’t really need them, right? Would they even notice if Y/n left? Would they even care?
     The thoughts swirled in their head for a week. It was when the two came home from a rough day at the company and just said good night Y/n figured it was time to go. They didn’t say anything, just texted a friend asking to stay with them for a few days. Once they agreed, she quietly grabbed as much as she could fit in a small bag while the two were passed out in each others arms.
     It hurt to look at the couple laying in the threes shared bed all by themselves, but when you don’t feel the same love you put out, you get out before you hurt yourself more. Y/n wiped a stray tear from under their eye and tip-toed out of the room. They closed the door and headed out of the home. Y/n took one look around the living area, not praying that one of them wakes up and walks out of the room asking where they were going, but making sure they had everything.
     Y/n sighed and closed the door, locking it and heading down to their car. The realization came once they got to their friends place. Crying on their coach till almost two or three in the morning. There weren’t enough words to describe that pain of being promised shared love and only receiving it when it was new and fun— if there was even words to describe that pain.
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T A G S ✧ @junebug032 @the-sweetest-rose @hanjingin @hyunjinshairband01 @miintmochii @ohish @changbinisabigboy @dreamingaboutjisung @tattywood @stepout-09-15 @cello--190 @just-randomm-stuff @greysweaters @hazyspirts @mhasimp666 @slay-and-gay @smally97 @bloom4yu @itstorimf @linoyouknow @fjseung @jungsodesjoyyy @jjwhorehouse @carinathefairy @litepowee @babyphotos @inniecore @jeonginssa @dolceem @stvrfir3 @tasteskz-sworld @ultimatestayandminoronce @seungincore @TinyElfPerson @greyyeti @Dimpledsatan @camixiez @chansbabygirlsstuff @thatlonelyalto @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @donut-crazs @meloryme
if you wanna be added to my tag list, comment, dm, send me an ask or fill out this form to be added
© 2023 jonedrabbles. Please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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theworldofotps · 7 months
Lost Bets
Pairing: Hook x Reader Word Count: 2,017 Description: Listening to a few voice notes crushes your world.
Part Two
Listening to divorce dad playlists and that song Hate Me by Ellie Goulding and Juice WRLD created this. I got a majority of the idea from Juice's verse so I hope you all like it! Some angst, @madhatterbri I hope this wrecked you enough (If you've asked to be added to the list and you don't see your name, please let me know because I forget to write them down sometimes.) ________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic​ @writtingrose​ @99hook @sjwrites22​ @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk​ @xladyxfatex​ @biforrollynch​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @demonqueen29​ @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91​ @rebellious-desires​ @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497​ @thatpanpal​ @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37​ @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars​ @seeingstarks​ @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior​ @blaquekitty​ @ironshamelessyouth​ @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin​ @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456 @xbreezymeadowsx @mcreignsera
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _______ When did it start? You didn’t know.
How long had it been going on?
Not a clue in your mind. But when you finally noticed that things between the two of you were rocky, suddenly you were scared and overthinking everything. What if he decided that he was tired of fighting and asked for a break? After all, it seemed like that was all you two did anymore. Arguing over stupid stuff, big or little, it was nearly every day that one of you were pissed about something. It hadn’t been like this in the beginning of your relationship, or for a while after. There was a love and connection that you’d never experienced with anyone before. Tyler coming home from traveling and shows to spend as much free time with you as humanly possible. All the backstage shenanigans, the late nights sat on the hood of his car snacking and chatting about any and everything you two could think of. You weren’t sure when things took a turn, but you wanted to offer an olive branch and try to fix things.
That’s why you were currently looking around backstage trying to find Tyler, two tickets to a movie he’d been wanting so badly to see for months in hand.
“Y/n what are you doing here?”
Turning at the familiar voice you give a slight wave to Maxwell and clear your throat holding the tickets up.
“I’m looking for Tyler I wanted to take him to a movie and dinner afterwards, have you seen him?”
“He left with Ethan and some of the guys a little while ago I think they were doing another of those vlog hunt things. I’m actually glad that you’re here I’ve been wanting to talk with you about something important but with Tyler around I haven’t had the opportunity.”
You did not like the sound of where this conversation was going but your curiosity got the better of you and you gave a nod of your head. Max motioned with his head for you to follow him, so you silently did fiddling with your fingers as you walked. You were a little confused on what he could want since you got with Tyler you could only recall two or three times you had spoken to the man considering you weren’t a big fan of his character, and he didn’t really care speaking to you anyway. When the two of you finally reached an empty corridor Max turned to you and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.
“Look I don’t really know how to say this and I’m not looking to start trouble, but I just figured it was best to tell you anyway. Tyler’s been playing you for a fool.”
“Excuse me?”
“Remember how you two go together?”
“Of course, I do, he came up after I got injured by Ruby and helped me to medical than we just started talking often. Then well the rest is self-explanatory.” “It may seem like that to you, but Tyler only came up to you because of a bet with Ethan Page. The wager basically was if Tyler could talk to one of the female wrestlers that normally they wouldn’t and could get her to fall for him than Ethan and the guys would pay for a couple of pricy items he’s had his eye on for a while.”
You couldn’t breathe, felt like the walls were closing in on you as your ears started ringing. Blinking you open your mouth to speak but stopped.
“I know this is sudden to you, but I figured it was time that you knew about all of this.”
“Why should I believe anything you say? You realize that what you’re saying is the only reason my boyfriend got with me was because of a bet.”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying look I’ve recorded a few conversations between him and the guys here is an important clip you need to listen to. I didn’t manage to get him calling you trash recorded but I go enough.”
Max pressed play on a voice note holding his phone out for you to listen, Tyler’s voice filled your ears as your eyes welled up with tears.
“So how’s everything going since we started this?”
“It’s going fine it’s a piece of cake man I’m telling you this is one of the easiest things I’ve ever done.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be able to keep it up much longer?”
“Of course, I can it’s no worries she’s completely clueless of everything. She trusts me more than anyone she’s even told me herself.”
“Here’s another one.” Max said as he pressed play on another note.
“It’s simple man you get, break and replace that’s exactly what’s been happening for years now, I don’t know how you’re able to do it.”
“Honestly Ethan it’s not that hard I mean come on it’s me we’re talking about ya know? I don’t even really have to try at this point, it just falls right into place. But I’m ready for this to be over already, I hate this.”
“You really are a coldhearted devil.”
When they started laughing you pushed his phone away from you and turned to look at the floor trying to collect yourself. Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest as you pushed a shaky hand to wipe the sudden sweat from your forehead.
“Thank you, Maxwell, lets not tell anyone else about this please.”
“If that’s what you want.”
Giving a nod you cleared your throat and turned silently walking away from him you just needed to make it back to your car without breaking down. You couldn’t handle this, couldn’t believe this was happening. After everything you thought you meant to him but that was obviously a mistake on your part. Stumbling out of the building you got in your car and started it, peeling out of the lot. A lump had grown in your throat and no matter how many times you tried to clear it you couldn’t. Thankfully the company was going to be leaving New York tomorrow, so they could get on the road for their next stop. You needed to start looking for a new place to live, needed to gather all of your stuff before Tyler kicked you out.
Parking your car in your parking spot at his apartment complex you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes but managed to get out of the car and hurry inside. Once up in the apartment you just fell apart, sobbing into a couch pillow as you sat down. Part of you was hoping that you’d wake up from this nightmare with Tyler’s arm wrapped around your waist and your head on his chest. But that was quickly being chased away by the weight of reality.
Crying for a while longer you finally managed to get yourself together enough to start packing a suitcase. You wanted to be out of here before it got dark thankfully you had some money in the bank to get you a hotel room for a couple days. As you were pulling shirts off the hanger and shoving them in the suitcase you hear the front door close.
“No no please.”
You weren’t ready to face him, you couldn’t handle seeing his face yet you needed time you were just going to leave a note for him to find.
“Baby you in here?”
His voice called out from what you assumed was the lounge, staying silent you continued packing your suitcase. When he suddenly came into the room you kept your eyes down as he looked at you confused.
“Where are you headed too?”
Finding it difficult to speak, you stuffed some jeans and your laptop into the suitcase, grabbing your hairbrush and deodorant.
“What did I do now that has you pissed off?”
Stopping you stared at him, Tyler was startled to see your glassy red eyes and the tears falling down your cheeks.
“Baby what happened are you-.”
“Don’t come near me.”
You were trying to be strong but the crack in your voice betrayed the pain you were feeling as his eyes widened.
“I know everything so I’m leaving.”
“Leaving? What the hell are you talking about?” “You know damn well what I’m talking about, the fact that you’re only dating me for a bet you made with fucking Ethan. I want to hear it from your own mouth, tell me you hate me. Tell me you think I’m trash and how replaceable I am.”
Tyler froze staring at you, with a shake of your head and giving a humorless laugh you shove more stuff in your suitcase.
“So, you don’t deny it, I can’t believe you Tyler what the fuck?! You played me like a toy, used me to get something that you could have saved up for. After everything I thought I actually meant something to you, I thought you loved me but this was just a game.”
“Who told you?”
“It’s not important who told me, it’s just important that I know and that you understand it’s not going to continue. I’m done, I want you to lose my number, don’t try and contact me. I don’t know why I’m even saying this it’s not like you care.”
Zipping the case shut you pick it up and shove your way past him setting your case on the floor and grabbing a few of the important things you had brought over.
“Y/n please lets talk about this.”
“Why so you can go into detail about how you were fucking with me, I gave you everything I had in this relationship. I love you and you were just toying with my heart I can’t believe you’d do this.”
“Wait please y/n.”
Grabbing your arm Tyler kept you from pulling away, it hurt your heart being so close to him when all you wanted was him to wrap his arms around you in a hug.
“Okay it’s true that I started talking to you as a bet, but I never intend for our relationship to go past being friends. And when it did, I wasn’t sure how to go about telling you, honestly, I didn’t think you’d ever find out about it so after a while I just stopped worrying. But I don’t think you’re trash, and I do have feelings for you.”
“You’re unbelievable. Don’t lie to me, I heard conversations between you and Ethan about how you weren’t sure how much longer you wanted to do this. And Ethan saying how you get, break and easily replace. I’m a human with emotions and feelings, not some little plaything that you can use until you’re bored. I don’t want to continue this conversation.”
“But y/n you need to listen to me about this please.”
Tyler wasn’t one to beg but at this point he’d beg for as long as he needed to, he wasn’t expecting this to be what he walked in on. And the fact you were packing a suitcase was making his chest hurt, he didn’t want you to leave. He needed to find out who told you this shit so he could kill them.
“Baby please reconsider I want to talk about all of this, I know I should have before but I’m sorry for not doing so.”
It broke his heart watching your eyes fill with tears as your bottom lip wobbled slightly you searched his face for a moment seemingly losing the fight in you.
“I can’t not right now, maybe not ever. Goodbye Tyler.”
Pulling your arm away from him you left the apartment, closing the door behind you and going down to your car. Tyler felt numb as he stood there staring at the door willing, hoping you’d change your mind and come back up. When he felt his phone buzz, he grabbed it quickly thinking maybe you had decided to text him. What he saw made him want to throw up all over the floor.
MJF: Checkmate asshole enjoy being single
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talaok · 9 months
Could you please write an imagine where Pedro and reader know each other for a very long time and reader comes from a not so happy family (unlike Pedro)
He’s in love with her and she does love him but does believe love is real or that relationships can last (thinking everyone only wants her for her body from past flings) and can’t give him a chance due to fear
Happy ending if you want
warnings: angst, and brief talk about reader's bad childhood
a/n: im starting to honestly think yall should start writing fics, cause the shit you come up with is so good like
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The first time you told him you were 13.
You had showed up at his doorsteps asking for a place to sleep.
You couldn't stand another minute of hearing your parents scream at each other two doors down.
They hadn't even noticed you were gone, they never did.
He was your only real friend at the time, and after a sort of awkward moment with his parents, he'd led you to his room and asked what had happened.
And that's the first time he heard the sentence he'd grow to hate.
"Love isn't real. It never lasts"
Your parents were the proof. Love is a trap, it deceives you into thinking you can spend your life with someone, when really, all you're doing is locking yourself into a cage, and when you finally realize what you've done, it will be too late, because then you'll be scared to get out, to start new, and that's why you'll stay, forever imprisoned because your own stupid choices.
From then on, it became your mantra.
With every guy who disappeared after having gotten you into bed, with every guy who dumped you as soon as they'd seen what's underneath your clothes, one sentence engraved itself in your mind.
Love isn't real. Love isn't real. Love isn't real.
And that's why, he, of all people, knew better than anyone why he shouldn't tell you, why he should continue pretending like he'd been doing for almost twenty years,
Maybe he was a masochist, or maybe his feelings were getting too strong and they had started to fog his brain, but he couldn't hold it in anymore, he'd kept it hidden for too long, and no matter how many women he'd meet there was always you in the back of his mind.
It had always been you.
And that's why tonight... tonight he had finally let go.
"Y/n, I love you" 
He saw you freeze before his eyes, shocked and terrified of the words that had just come out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry" he murmured, swiping his sweaty hands on his jeans and looking around your living room to try and gather some composure. "I'm sorry to drop this on you like this. I know how you feel about the whole... love thing" he winced internally as his eyes set anywhere but on yours "And- and I don't want to ruin our friendship, and it's ok if you don't feel the same way, but..." He swallowed what felt like sand in his mouth as he finally looked into your eyes "Y/n I've felt this way for so fucking long" he breathed "I-I think I was too young to understand it when we met, but as we grew up it just became clearer and clearer and... and I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't keep it to myself anymore y/n, I'm sorry"
His words felt distant, muffled.
You felt like you were drowning and he was trying to talk to you from above the water.
He'd just told you the three words you dreaded most in the world, and now you didn't know what to do, or say, or even think.
And it wasn't the same as when any of your old boyfriends had said it, no, with him, with Pedro, those words scared you because they meant so much more, 
because they reached into that deep, hidden part of you that... that felt the same way.
And that part of you was hidden for a reason, that part of you was the only thing that prevented you from becoming like your mom, from falling into the trap.
And now he'd just handed you the keys, and all you needed to do was decide to open the lock.
And you didn't know if you wanted to.
"I don't want to lose you y/n, the last thing I want is to lose you, you- you're the most important person in my life, I-I'd be lost without you, so if you don't feel the same way, it's fine, I promise it's fine, I can take it, but before you say anything I just want you to know that when I say I love you I mean it," Both your hearts were beating faster than they'd ever beaten before"I mean I love every single part of you, every single inch, that I love you when you sing off-tune and I love you when you call me in the middle of the night" he laughed "That- that I wake up and go to sleep thinking of you- that without you I wouldn't know how to breathe, that since I met you, I felt the need to become a better person so that maybe I'd deserve you." he said more softly now "And I'm sorry about your parents, and I'm sorry about everything that happened in your life, but I promise you that I'd never do anything to hurt you, that if you just give me a chance, I'll try my hardest to prove to you that love is real, that- that it can last if you just give it a try"
The soft roar of an engine made its way to your ears as a car drove by outside, the fabric of the couch felt itchy all of a sudden, and your breathing had become uneven.
You didn't know how long you both stayed silent, how long it took you to take in all he had just said, but when you finally opened your mouth, your voice didn't sound like your own.
"Pedro-" his eyes were filled with hope, but yours only with pain "Pedro you know how I feel about this" you murmured, like doctors did just as they delivered bad news "I'm sorry I- I can't do this, you know I can't... I just-" there was this feeling in your stomach, like all your organs were twisting, like your body was telling you you were making a mistake "I don't want to lose you, and I know that if we did... this, it would only end badly" you watched all the hope in his eyes crumble and you didn't think you'd ever hated yourself more than in that exact moment.
"I'm sorry Pedro," you said "I can't"
He didn't look like himself anymore, he didn't feel like it either. He felt as if all the life had left his body, and all that remained was a useless sack of skin.
But still, still, he couldn't help but realize that you hadn't said one thing, the one thing that was gonna make him give up forever.
"So you don't feel the same way?"
It wasn't tears threatening to spill from your eyes, it was liquid pain, liquid hatred for yourself.
"T-that doesn't matter"
He frowned, trying to come up with something to say that wouldn't make him sound any more pathetic than he already was.
"B-but it does y/n. it does"
You swallowed thickly "Pedro, please" you begged
"I need to know," he said with a thread of voice 
"I-I can't" you murmured, as a tear finally stained your cheek "I..."
He took that as his answer.
You didn't love him, and deep down, he'd always known.
"I think-" he cleared his throat to try and gain some composure, "I think it's best if I go," he said as he stood up.
you didn't know if you nodded, you didn't know anything anymore
He glanced back at you for a moment to see if there was any sign of you wanting to stop him, but your head was down.
both of your hearts broke with each step he took, and as he got farther and farther, this... feeling spread inside your body, this presentiment of having just made the biggest mistake of your life sneaked up your throat and robbed you of all oxygen.
And was only when his fingers grabbed the doorknob, and you grasped his arm, that you could breathe again.
"y/n-" he tried to speak, but you needed to do this before your mind could catch up, so you cut him off.
"I do," you said, as more tears fell from your eyes "I love you, Pedro"
His mind was a mess and his heart was a mess but he still managed to spit out a sentence
"Y/n, if you're saying that just because-"
"Pedro" you softly placed your hands on each side of his head, as you huffed out a silly laugh "Just kiss me"
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dollydaisies · 5 months
Can I pls request a BTS reaction? They have a crush on their friend who is not a celebrity, so they can't confess to her because of their reputation/job, but they are really close. One day someone from their company revealed a sensitive information about them. So, the members and the company accused her of it because they thought that she was only with them to become famous. They didn't believe her and also told her many hurtful things. But later it was revealed that it was not her but someone else and she was telling the truth. Later they try to reconcile with her and asks her to forgive them but it was too late. Can you please write it as angst?
If it's too specific for you, you don't have to write it. Thank you anyways ☺️☺️
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my first ask! thank you so much for sending this! my bts skills may be a tad bit rusty, so i'm sorry if this isn't up to par with your expectations. im doing allll the research i can! some things may be changed up a bit, but i'm trying to stick to your prompt the best that i can!
summary: forbidden love hurts, and it sometimes builds up frustration inside you, which then turns into flipping out on the person you love nonsensically solely because you're overwhelmed. they had to learn to think before they act, and, now, they're suffering from the consequences of their actions.
characters: just to test the waters and see if you like what i'm doing, i am only doing kim namjoon. if you like this, i will continue with the other members i’m comfortable writing! please tell me if i did well or was a lil' off. i'll always take constructive criticism:)
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kim namjoon never meant to hurt anyone, but he especially made sure that he would not hurt you. he cares about you so much, to the point where seeing you even slightly sad could mess up his whole day.
you're bts's songwriter and producer, but also their friend. when they make plans, they want to include you, always. even if they go to the beach for a run bts episode, they want YOU to be there after the cameras are off. of course, every single member of the group wants you to be around, but namjoon insists on it. you're his safe place, the person he confides in when times get hard--why wouldn't he want you there?
"are you sure you don't want to come with us on this tour?" namjoon looks at you with full passion in his eyes. he wants you to come with them, even if he won't directly say it. "you know that we will always want you to come with, right?"
that little "we" always gets you every time. sure, you know that it's true, and so does he, but that's not what you want to hear and that's not what he wants to say. you want to hear him say "i want you to come with," but it feels like he refuses to say it. he's only not saying it because it'll make his feelings too real, and he can't deal with the reality that you can never be his.
"ah, i know, joonie... but i need to work on the ideas you all gave me for this next album. it's the final one before you all go on hiatus, so i can't take a break," you respond, playing with your bowl of ramen without eating it. you're the only two in the kitchen, and it's quiet. "i'd love to go, but i just can't afford to right now. you know i'm short on money."
namjoon sighs, but nods. "i understand. it's just gonna be hard to be on tour without you."
you send him a sweet smile, then giggle softly. "you're such a baby, did you know that?"
"it's our little secret, keep it hush."
that wasn't the secret that destroyed everything you've built with him over the past decade, but it was more of a foreshadow. you felt excited at the idea of having a secret with him, but also dread--this is silly, though. you guys have thousands of secrets. you're best friends, and you always have been, so why is your gut telling you to fight or fly?
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around a week later, dispatch reports on news that namjoon has never told a soul about--except for you. the moment his brain processes the information told to him by the higher-ups, he immediately gets up from his seat and marches to your usual spot that you linger in.
"get out."
your face is full of pure confusion, a bit like a deer in headlights. sure, you've had your arguments and fights before, but he has never been this harsh off the bat--hell, he was rarely ever truly harsh.
the way his eyes look at you with pure disgust, and the sarcastic laugh he lets out... it feels like you don't know who's standing in front of you. yeah, it's namjoon, but... it's also not.
"i knew you were desperate for money, y/n, but i didn't think you'd be this desperate. if i knew you were like this, i would've fired you sooner."
"namjoon, what the hell are you talking about?" you stand up from your seat, yelling at him a bit. it's obvious you aren't even mad, you're just a mix of confused, scared, and worried.
"you know what i'm talking about, y/n. hell, the rest of the world does as well, since you decided to go to dispatch about it."
he holds up his phone so you can look at the site he pulled up. you scrolled and scrolled in pure shock, confusion, and disgust. "i... namjoon, i did not rat you out to anyone. why would i?"
"people like you only care about money. figure it out, and get out of this dorm."
absolutely stunned, you walk to the door in complete silence, then turn around. he looks a bit lost in thought, then he finally sees you. you, whose eyes are full of tears; you, whose cheeks are red due to how panicked you got from him yelling; and you, who refused to yell at him back even when he disrespected you.
while he was so sure he was right, a pit in his stomach grew larger. he feels like he’s doing something bad, something wrong, and he doesn’t know why.
"i just want to say," you pause for a second, then continued. "if this is the real you, kim namjoon, maybe i should've been the one to expose you after all."
you slam the door.
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months have passed, and you work at a local music store. sure, you write songs still, but they're not for anyone else except you. you refused to talk to all of them, talk about all of them, or even think about any of them. in your mind, bts disbanded the second he broke your heart, and your trust. truthfully, it’s unfair, as all the other members have texted you so many times and begged for a response, but you can’t think of them without thinking of him.
the store is completely empty, so you're scrolling through every single social media app you have downloaded brainlessly. the words you're reading are not completely processing in your head at all, they kinda just look like funky shapes.
one title, though, caught your attention.
"kim namjoon talks about trust, compassion, and friendship in recent SEVENTEEN interview."
your jaw clenches, and you slam your phone down. your tears are threatening to come out, but you refuse to let yourself still be hurt by him. he doesn't deserve your time, your tears, your anything. that's, at least, what you keep trying to convince yourself of, anyways.
the bell at the door rings, and you try to regain your composure. you
"welcome to good vibes, home to all of the--"
you freeze. you don't know what to do, what to say, or how to even move. are you supposed to say anything? it's not like he’s saying anything—hell, he has a mask over his face and a hood on his head, but you KNOW it’s him. now, he’s just staring at you blankly. you’re wearing a mask, so maybe there’s a chance—
“y/n,” namjoon softly says your name, and your heart pangs against your chest. it’s a mix of heartbreak, anxiety, and all the leftover love you have for him. “i was looking for you.”
you’re so nervous, you could burst into tears. you want to hop over your desk and run into his arms and tell him how much you miss him, but also how much you hate him for hurting you so much. why do you still love a man that said such unforgivable words?
“why?” your words were a bit breathy, and you began to chuckle a bit while shaking your head. “there’s nothing left to say—unless, y’know, you’re gonna tell me all i care about is money again because i have a job.”
“i’m sorry,” namjoon sighs, then walks to you. the desk separates you, but you wish you could fall into his arms. you keep your composure all the same, though.
“that day, i was so stressed. it felt as if so many things were happening at once, and to know that a secret that i only told you got out… i felt so much betrayal all at once, i didn’t want to hear you out. if i’m being completely vulnerable, i wanted to go cry,” he let out a small chuckle.
looking at you, your face was completely unreadable. it’s like you were thinking of so many things, but also of nothing at the same time. was he doing well? he doesn’t know. he’s just going with what he feels in his heart.
“in my heart, i knew i should’ve ran back to you and apologized; in my heart, i knew i should’ve heard every single word you said, because you would never lie to me,” namjoon balls his hands into a fists, then looks at you in the eyes, “so i’m sorry it took so long for me to realize that i was wrong.”
the store was tense, and all you could hear is the music playing so softly in the background as you stare at him. he’s trying to read your expression, to see if there’s any bit of leftover love in your eyes, but it just feels cold.
after a minute, you begin to laugh. it’s a full laughing attack, actually, and namjoon just stares. his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach, because he’s not stupid—he knows this means he’s fucked up.
“what, did you think was a kdrama, namjoon? did you think i was going to hear that apology, jump into your arms, and say, ‘oppa, never hurt me ever again!’ or something?” you say these words while still laughing, and namjoon is still stunned. “what happened for you to come up here and say this to me? based on your new change in personality with… hating poor people and all, i can’t imagine you just woke up one day and did it.”
“we found who actually did it. it was our stylist, sooyoung.”
“so that’s what it took for you to finally realize i was innocent? instead of thinking back ro everything you said to me and how hurt i was, it took them finding out the real person behind the crime for you to realize i was telling the truth?”
you slam your hand on the desk, and your body is trembling. you’re on an adrenaline rush, but you’re also sad, scared, and angry. namjoon notices this and places his hand on yours, like he always used to.
“y/n, you’re shaking, please ca—“
“i don’t give a fuck, namjoon,” you yell, and namjoon is completely frozen. “i’ve known you since you were a trainee, and, yet, you still thought that i was some… freaky gold digger that would sell her friends out for money. do you know how much that hurts? to know that you think i have the potential to be like that?”
namjoon’s eyes begin to tear up, while your eyes have already overflown. your cheeks are entirely red, and you let out a choked sob. your head drops, and you let out a dry chuckle.
“for over a decade, i have been nothing but loyal and true to you; yet, it takes a full-blown investigation for you to realize how you did me wrong,” you then look up at him with no sympathy in your body. “it’s my turn to tell you to get out, namjoon. and, for your sake, never come back. i never want to see you again.”
he hesitates to walk away, and you’re staring at him, emotionless.
“what, are you deaf? get out.”
namjoon finally leaves, walking quickly towards his car, and you fall to your knees. you’re on the cold floor, shaking and crying, as you realize your life will never be the same ever again.
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Hi, idk if you write angst (I'm new to your blog), so if you don't, please ignore this! I was wondering if I could get some hcs on Pietro maximoffs reaction to his girlfriend, who is so so so nice always, finally snapping and losing her sh!t
Have a nice day :))
hii!! I do love some angst and welcome !! have a lovely day. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
only saying this bc I watched it the other day, but it suits perfectly so idc. but that episode of spongebob where his cousin stanley visits.. im basing this off that lmao
maybe you're the type that is placid, and easy going, kinda submissive and just generally nice to everyone. the kind that doesn't really vocalise when things bother you, dismisses it kinda thing
so maybe pietro has been getting on your nerves lately and you've just been brushing it off, trying not to think too much into it. until he does something you've asked him not to do and you lose your mind - snapping at him, giving him a verbal lashing, swearing. not saying anything personal or mean, just angry steam
it's been bubbling for such a long time and the last thing he did set off the lid. it was the last little push to lose your crap
honestly, I think he would be a little scared, but not in a scary, frightened way, but in a, "omg I think I just broke her" kinda way. he's never seen you act like that with him or anyone, so he def thinks he's broken you. bc he's made you finally snap
maybe he uses his initiative, and instead of retaliating he tries to listen and understand you. not patronise you or cut you short, just hear what it is you're saying
you're always so nice and kind. and he had no idea you felt the way you did or that you suppressed the things that bothered you
he wouldn't want to get a lashing like that again (nor does he want you to contain everything) so he would try to get you to be more vocal with things so that you don't have to bottle it up all the time
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crazystargirl · 8 months
Hiii, i'm so glad that you are feeling better!
Idk if you write for him or not, but if you do, can you do an ethan x reader fic? Where yn finds out the ethan is ghostface and confronts him and he gets ashamed and apologizes but when she tries to comfort him quinn andofficer bailey show up. quinn stabs yn as officer bailey explains that she was a liability as ethan sobs on the floor. oh and i want yn to die lol
you can add more if you'd like, i'm requesting this at three in the morning and my hand is beginning to cramp so that is all i will be asking for.
i love your writing so much! i'm sorry about the toxic relationships, i'm glad you're doing better now!
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too bad
pairing ! - ethan landry x fem!reader 
word count ! - 0.6k
a/n ! - OMFG MY EYES LEGIT POPPED OUT WHILE READING THE REQUEST HELP 😭 ive only written angst once before so this might be the shittiest thing ever
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your whole world was current crashing down
it started on wednesday night, you went to your boyfriend's house after a long day of classes only to find him fucking dead
literally he was on the bed, throat slashed and bleeding out all over the comforter
you stared at the scene in horror and then noticed something on the ground
it was a small pocket knife and it was the exact same one your best friend ethan had always showed you
so after a few days, once the whole news that your boyfriend was murdered, you went over to ethan's house
you were now here in ethan's bedroom and ethan sure as hell knew something was up
"y/n/n what's wrong?" ethan said, confused but continued stroking your hair as you laid on his bed, throwing a pillow up and catching it over and over again
you sit up looking him straight in the eye but when you spoke your voice was somewhat shaky
"ethan…i found your pocket knife at my boyfriend's house…the same night he was murdered" you say, holding out his pocket knife
"shit that's nothing" ethan says trying to grab it from you but you put it back in your pocket
ethan sighed and sat back down and took your hands in his
"look y/n i didnt want you to find out like this but im one of the ghostfaces" ethan says, unable to look you in the eye
you're shocked but probably not as much as you should've been, this has all happened to you before when you found out amber was ghostface
unknown to you and ethan, quinn had snuck into the room, positioned behind you before stabbing you right in neck, then under the rib, then in the feet so you were unable to run, not like you'd be able to anyway
you screamed out in pain at every stab as ethan desperately tried to get you away from quinn and clutching you, quietly sobbing as he saw the light that he had once adored leave your eyes
"what the fuck did you do that for?!" ethan yells at quinn, still clutching your limp body
"i didn't much care for her to be honest, she seemed like she was just there since you looked so pathetic" quinn said, flipping the knife
"for fucks sake ethan you were desperately pinning for her while she had a boyfriend so i took care of her for you!" quinn says gleefully
ethan turned to the door as his father came in taking one look at ethan clutching you and just scoffed
"she was a liability ethan, she was bound to end up dead at some point. not only that but she distracted every damn time" wayne said as he walked over to quinn
"plus don't get mad at quinn, i asked her to kill y/n since i knew you wouldn't have the strength to and if we plotted her death with you around you would've flipped out"
ethan sat there, still holding you and even holding his hands over your ears as if he could stop you from hearing anything his dad was saying
"get out…get the fuck out of room both of you!" ethan yelled at his sister and dad
quinn scoffed and wayne came over to ethan's bed to take y/n's corpse but ethan gave him such a cold stare that he left the room with quinn
"what the actual fuck is wrong with them" ethan muttered into your head, stroking your hair as if that mightve brought you back but in the end he knew he'd have to bury you at some point
too bad wayne and quinn didn't know ethan was going to anything to make sure they paid for killing his y/n
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taglist ! - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound, @phsychobanana
lmk if you want to be added/removed !
©crazystargirl || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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azaleaniath · 1 year
Hey im here with some ideas ❤️
Enemies to lovers where you and Aonung have some proper banter going on with a lot of energy that everyone picks up on except them and they deny having crushes on each other every second of their lives like it physically pains them to see the other that way.
Then somebody gets hurt badly away from the clan and the other has to take them back to the clan while desperately trying to keep them awake as they fade into unconsciousness.
Then when it all ends they try to go back to hating each other but the things that were said when they thought the other was dying is kinda hard to keep ignoring.
Happy writing and I hope you aren't too overcome with requests xx
This is for u bby 💙 hope you enjoy it as well as I did while writing it! @writing-makes-me-human
You make me sick
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includes: fist fights, more fights, hate, enemies to lovers, blood, mentions of death, unconsciousness, more fighting, confessions, crying, lil bit angst
3.0k words
The sun was covered in clouds above Pandora as you sat at the docks with Ix'tar, a brave warrior of your reef clan. Both of you giggled, splashing water at each other's legs with your feet.
He had asked to meet you here to hand you a present he had been working on for a while, hoping you would see him as a potential mate. He was about your age, very good looking and also a genuine and friendly personality overall.
"Hey!" you squealed as the water hit your face, "Don't make me push you in there!" you laughed loudly, pushing his broad shoulder towards the water beneath you. Ix'tar quickly caught his balance and flashed his teeth, pulling your torso into a tight hug.
"You can try, put I'll pull you down with me!" His curly long hair framed his cheerful smililng visage. You kicked your legs wildly, trying to wind out of his tight embrace.
"Oh you wouldn't, you know I'm not the best swimmer!"
The two of you had been friends for a while. He knew that, compared to other metkayina, you were not the best swimmer. How ironic, you thought, a metkayina that can't swim well. Even these omaticaya where better than you.
"I'd hold you then." he cooed, threatening to pull you in with him. As he pulled your torso in the direction of the water you shrieked again, throwing your arms around his neck, even if you knew he was only joking. Ix'tar would cut his own queue off before he'd hurt you.
"Please don't, just drown her. You'd do us all a favour." Ao'nungs voice joined the conversation. He waded out of the water close by and watched the two of you with a disgusted expression all across his face.
Just the sight of him made you sick and that wonderful moment poofed like a bubble of sea foam. With pursed lips you rolled your eyes, hoping he'd leave the two of you alone again. But Ao'nung was not done yet.
"Ix'tar, I thought you had some taste? C'mon, why are you wasting your time with her?"
You couldn't help but sigh before sending a deadly gaze over to the chief's son. "You weren't hunting with us this morning. Don't tell me you didn't come because of her?"
The bitter undertone of his voice made you ball your fists tighter.
"Go mind your own business. You have a long path ahead if you want to become a worthy olo'eyktan one day, don't you have something to do?"
You barked back, leaning against Ix'tar who just caressed your back gently. It was a common thing to see the two of you fight.
"Ao'nung, can't you cut it out just this once?" Ix'tar asked, raking through his curls with his free hand.
The chief's son huffed and shook his head. That usual mischievous grin appeared on his face. Instead of answering his question, Ao'nung watched the new dangling necklace around your neck.
"That's the third time whis week you accept gifts from potential mates, huh?"
Oh that ugly lying bastard.
Ix'tar almost looked a bit hurt at Ao'nungs words. He had worked so hard on that finely knotted necklace for you. Surely he intended it to be a courting gift, and you also saw it as that. After all, Ix'tar was a wonderful choice for you.
"What are you saying?! This is the first time I have-"
"(Y/N), I better go, I'm sure my father needs help with...something..." The warrior mumbled in disappointment, letting go of you to and retreating soon.
No matter how many times you called out for Ix'tar, he only shook his hanging head and walked off, while Ao'nung snickered and squeezed the water out of his hair with a victorious look on his face.
You got off the docks and stomped over to the chief's son, blocking his way. As he tried to pass you, both of your fists knocked the air out of his lungs with a heavy punch against his ribcage. In pain he flinched before he tried to push you off, but you yanked at his hair and he copied until you both ended up in the sand, rolling around like little kids. But this wasn't a play fight.
He knelt above you, holding your wrists down while you kicked against him until he eventually had to loosen the grip around your hands in order to support himself. His queue fell over his shoulder into your face and your intrusive thought won, deciding for you to simply bite down on the ends.
While Aonung screeched in pain you freed youself and switched positions with him, piercing his ear with your fangs.
Countless insults spilled out of his mouth, a feral growl followed as he felt your teeth on his ear.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" he blurted out, scratching his nails all over your shoulders and stomach until they left bloody lines all across your teal skin. Your heart was pounding beneath your scarred chest.
Once you let go of his ear you got your hands onto his hair, tearing a few strands out to which he only cried out louder while he tried to get you off his bruised self. Most of your weight you balanced on you right knee, kicking it into his stomach.
Whatever Aonung cried, you could not understand. He yelled so loud, the few words in between completely drowned in his painful moans and cries. The only word you could catch was 'stop', but you didn't even think about that. This would've continued for hours if Ix'tar and Rot'xo wouldn't have stepped in to pull you away from the chief's son and gotten in between you two.
There was this taste of iron on your lips, it was Ao'nungs blood. You spat it onto the ground before him, furious eyes still attached to the man who knelt on the sand, holding himself in pain.
"What's wrong with you, woman?!" he cursed, but his friends stepped in to hold him back as well before he could charge at you again.
"That's what you get for lying about me! Have fun with your new piercing!" He couldn't believe you actually bit a hole into his ear which leaked blood continously. You ripped yourself off of the two guys who held you back to take a look at your torso which was covered in cuts and scratches.
He hissed at you in pain and hatred as you straightened your back and shoulders, standing tall in front of him, chest puffed. You still panted in exhaustion but tried to cover it with your proud stance.
Only now you noticed that quite a lot of people had gathered around the two of you. They all muttered around with each other, seeing the two of you fight like this.
"Why are they trying to hide it? Its so obvious."
"That just proves what I've been telling you guys!"
"It woud be really adorable if they wouldn't actually try to kill each other."
What were they pointing out? You didn't understand one thing until you heard someone whisper "They're clearly in love." Automatically your face twisted at those words in disgust.
You didn't love him, how could anyone ever think of that? You couldn't stand each other even if your life depended on it. No, absolutely not, right?
Someone needed to teach this brat a lesson and today he had finally overstepped a line.
He continued to curse and hiss, but you just turned on your heel and stormed off through the villagers with tears pricking from your eyes as soon as you were out of sight. This man seriously tried to ruin your life. How could you ever find a mate if he shattered every chance that you got?
Without even thinking about any consequences you called out for an ilu, quickly bonded with the aquatic animal and rode off. You urged your ilu through the waves, not stopping as the shore was out of right already. You simply went on and on until you noticed after what felt like hours, that the entire horizon all around you looked the same and you started to lose your orientation. You had never been outside the reef this far and the eclipse was near. You looked up into the sky as you heard the clouds above rumble deeply like a threat, a sound that left you shivering down to your bones.
"(Y/N)!" you heard a someone call out from the distance. With the last strength you had you held onto your ilu which was also losing strength. For days you had been out there, without food, without drinkable water. Together with your companion you floated on the water surface, praying to eywa that this was more than a made-up illusion by your brain.
"(Y/N)!" Again, the same voice. There was no need to open your half lidded eyes to see who it was. This voice haunted you in your nightmares. You licked your lips in hunger and thirst before your tongue rested back at the top of your dry mouth again.
You heard the water splash around you as if something was coming closer, and you were right. Soon your tired eyes found Ao'nung coming closer to you on another ilu. As he saw your collapsed body laying on your ilu without any strength left he did not waste a second to pull you over to his ilu which was far more fit.
"Not you..." you breathed out in a sore voice, hoping this was just a dream. If you had to choose between drowning and being saved by this brat, you'd surrender yourself to the depths of the ocean voluntarily.
"You're dying, I'm not gonna leave you here! You're barely conscious!" The look on his face actually seemed as if he was worried. How much time had passed since you were out here? You couldn't tell.
As much as you hated Ao'nung, your body switched out of survival mode as soon as he hooked his arms underneath your armpits to pull you over onto his ilu, holding you close to his body.
"Don't..." you breathed quietly, fighting to get away from him as you felt your dizzy, spinning head fall against his chest, but he denied right away.
"I'll get you home safely, okay? Just try to keep your eyes open, ma (y/n). Come on, you got this, you're a tough girl. Hang in there, for me. Even if it's just so you can beat me again. I'll let you use my face as a punching bag if you make it. You can't let me down, please."
Even if those words made it to your head you felt your eyes rolling back and falling shut while Aonung signaled his ilu to lead the way home as fast as it could.
"(Y/N), please look at me. Look at my ugly face, c'mon! Talk to me, insult me, anything, but stay with me please, i beg you!"
His voice cracked and you could feel how he pressed your weak body against him with one arm. Your head rested in the crook of his neck as he rubbed his cheek against you.
"I need you!" he cried out as he noticed your low heart rate, Ao'nung couldn't stop the tears that started to stream down his face. He couldn't lose you, this was not an option.
"Im sorry for all the things I've said and done, i am so fucking sorry! I couldn't stand seeing you with someone else, I'd rather have you pierce my ear a thousand times again but please don't let me down now!" He even started to pray to eywa, over and over again, during the entire way back to Awa'atlu.
It had taken some days to recover. You did not remember much of the time you had been out there, but Ao'nungs words followed you like a shadow. What he had said during the time he had saved you, his voice did not let you rest. Whenever you ways crossed he ignored you and turned his back on you immediately.
You fed the recovering ilu that had accompanied you on this deadly trip with fish in the waist deep water.
The animal was still recovering as well from the exhaustion, but it already felt a bit stronger again.
A soft smile decorated your face as you watched the ilu catch the fish, gulping it down after a few chews.
Suddenly you felt two gentle hands rest your waist, making you turn around quickly in surprise with a sharp inhale. Ix'tar stood close by, pulling you against his chest carefully as he smile down to you.
"Eywa, I thought you were-... someone else..."
He snickered and cocked an eyebrow as you hesitantly gave in to the hug.
"Ao'nung?" he asked quietly, and it made your stomach turn. It felt weird just to hear his name.
"No..." you lied and turned in his embrace to keep feeding the recovering ilu.
"So, he lied about you gathering potential mates like seashells, huh?" he asked and rested his head on top of yours. His black curls tickled on your neck, leading you to shiver with a wide smile.
"Of course, he's an ass."
"That 'ass' saved you. He would never admit it, but he was worried sick about you. I've never seen him like this." Ix'tar huffed before his arms pulled you closer against his chest. Somehow, you felt a cold shower run down from your neck. It felt weird, especially after what Ao'nung had said outside of the reef. But soon, Ix'tars mood changed as well.
"(Y/N), don't you like the necklace I gave you?"
In confusion you furrowed your brows and turned your head to see his frowning visage.
"Huh? What, why?"
With one hand you reached out to your neck, expecting to feel the gift he had made for you, but there was none. Hastily you searched your entire neck area with both hands, but the necklace was nowhere to be found.
"No, I loved it! I really liked it a lot Ix'tar, believe me! Damn, it looked like a whole lotta work... I'm so sorry..."
The warrior pursed his lips and took a deep breath.
"It's alright. You probably lost it at sea. It's not a problem, I'll make you a new-"
"I know where it is." It hit you like a wave. Your entire body tensed up and you balled your fists before ripping yourself from the hug, stomping off into the village. Ix'tar followed you with his eyes, knowing what this stance meant; Ao'nung.
Like a tornado you swiftly turned the entire village upside down until you found Ao'nung in his marui. As you stormed in he quickly tilted his ears in remembrance of your last furious encounter.
His blue eyes opened wide as you came dangerously close to him and asked him "Where is my necklace?" but soon he went back to his poker face. "Your what?"
"Oh, you know what I'm talking about! Ix'tar gifted me a necklace. I know you have it, so give it back to me!"
Ao'nung swallowed the lump in his throat, but somehow he was more than happy that you did not bring up what he had said during the time he had saved you. It relieved him that you went back straight to hating each other. At least, you tried.
"I don't have it! Why should I take that from you?!" the chief's son barked back at you before he pushed you off. Both of you noticed right away that his touches were significantly softer than before.
"Because you said-" your breath hitched before you could even end the sentence. Just arranging these words in your head left you speechless.
"Whatever you heard, you've been hallucinating..." Ao'nung growled before he turned away from you to get back to his task at hand. You huffed at his stupid excuse and turned him back to face you.
"Just... Give me the necklace, Ao'nung. Please."
Both of you just stared at each other in silence. For the first time you could take a closer look at his ear. The wound was healing, but much to your surprise, he had embraced his newest body modification and wore a wooden earring through it.
The scratches he had left on your body were also in a good recovering state. If they would leave scars, they wouldn't be the first ones that Ao'nung would've caused on your skin.
He lost himself in your big eyes for a moment before he blinked a few times in order not to drop his facade.
"I can't."
"What do you mean?!"
Ao'nung cleared his throat before he spoke again. "I dropped it into the ocean. Far away from here, where I found you."
Before you could yell at him again, he quickly tried to give a reason while he held his hands up in surrender.
"It looked ugly on you, okay? It looked cheap, and it wasn't well crafted!"
The furious, dark look in your eyes made him pass you quickly before you chased him down. Of course he ran towards the shore to just swim away from you. In the water, he could easily beat you, but on land, things were different. The water was almost in reach as you finally caught up to him and yanked him back by his queue, leaping yourself at him. "I'll pierce your other ear too you little -"
"Get off me! Not my ears again!"
You both ended up like always, rolling over the sand, tightly entangled, beating each other to the point of pure passing out if nobody would step in. Rot'xo shook his head as he saw you and Ao'nung fighting again, but Ix'tar walked up to him and stopped him.
"Don't, Rot'xo. Let them settle it themselves this time."
And just like him, you and Ao'nung also had to accept that maybe, just maybe, the two of you were simply meant for each other. A strong bond tied you and Aonung together, it was easy to see and yet so hard to deny that all of this was purely out of hate.
taglist:@luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art
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hiperacid2 · 7 months
A letter from one's aching heart.
╰┈➤ nanami kento x reader ・゚゚・。 wc: ~600
╰┈➤ post shibuya 2018 incident, spoilers for the recent s2 ep (18), gender neutral!reader, angst, mostly hurt/small amounts of comfort, grief, unedited . ・゚゚・。posted on ao3!! ・゚゚・。 @bitchcraftinc ੈ♡˳
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"I've lived and I've loved, I've drank bitter and cold coffee, and I've drunk it warm and sweet too. Lately the world lost its color, and with it the respite of love went away. Maybe it's still there, in the way I still cook, make coffee, load the laundry, buy takeout, and more; everything for two. I keep forgetting I'm going to wake up in an empty, cold bed, that my towels won't ever be warm again when I get out of the shower; sometimes I speak waiting for a response, but what answers me is the silence of a hollow house. I keep saying 'I'm home!' with a smile every once in a while, but then again, hollowness is all I get back. Sometimes I wonder if things could be different, if we could have had an eternity of warm embraces and late sunday mornings. Wondering is futile, you taught me that, what matters is the present, the now. There's days where I buy myself a flower bouquet and put it in your favorite vase, the one that I think is boring and dull, and other days I treat myself to a dinner date, always pouring something for you too; I hope you're enjoying that. Don't worry about me, I'm doing good, it seems I was prepared to live without you, it's so hard, but I'm doing good. Though I loathe the day your clothes stop having your smell, I keep spraying your cologne in your pillow, hoping that the smell brands itself in my brain. I've had no luck yet, maybe if I try harder I will achieve it. I hope you forgive me, but I made one of your ties my lucky charm that I tied to my bag, and I had to cut it in half, with the rest I made a bracelet which I use almost every day, hoping to have a piece of you with me always, at least physically. Maybe I will adopt that little kitten, the one you insisted I should stop feeding. His mama vanished, and he's doing relatively good by itself. But I have all this love inside me that is for you, overflowing and drowning me; it seems to like the charm made out of your tie because they always play with it when I put my bag down. Even when you're not around you still are a magnet of strays. …I am making this longer than I planned, maybe I will write you another letter next week, or when I feel ready. I hope you don't mind the ink a little smudged because I'm crying. With love, always and forever, until we meet in another life, Kento."
You carefully folded the letter, chest full of sobs and tears completely clouding your vision. Nestling the pen you just used against your chest carefully, it's weight heavy in your hands, is Nanami's favorite.
After calming down enough to move, you take the folded paper and move it next to the plain cream vase that now holds half wilted flowers, leaving it there, with the pen over it as a weight.
Grabbing your bag as you take a tissue from beside the door, you put on your shoes. The keys on the door jingle, a solitary keychain with now no pair dances. Closing the door, your next destination is the pet store, the kitten is going to need a lot of new things… absentmindedly you wonder what name would suit them as the sounds of the city engulf you.
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╰┈➤ a/n: this has been rotting in my docs since SEPTEMBER !! i'm so happy to finally release it here into the wild, it's not much but im thinking about grief and him allllllll the time. thank u for reading!! ♡
reblogs are greatly appreciated
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Ok here’s a request (u don’t have to do it if u don’t have time).
Relationship: Jesse/Becky/reader(or original character)
The reader has been keeping a secret from their partners Jesse and Becky, they had an abusive parent. They only find out bc of a fight or something when the reader experiences some ptsd/anxiety symptoms. This results in fluffy hurt comfort.
(I totally understand if this is to much to write bc of the subject matter, so if u can’t because of personal reasons I get it.)
For The Better
Fandom: Full House
Pairing:  Jesse Katsopolis x Becky Donaldson x Female Reader
Characters: Jesse Katsopolis, Rebecca Donaldson, Female Reader, Nicky Katsopolis, Alex Katsopolis
Word Count: 2319 // Rating: Mature
Summary: Jesse does something he regrets
Tags/ Warnings: Child abuse, Hitting, Spanking, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Arguing, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Bad Behaviour, Naughty Children, PTSD, Anxiety, Crying, Guilt, Request, Requested Fic, Polyamory, Throuple, Co-Parenting
Notes: I am working slowly through all my requests. I'm not into many of them atm because im focused on my Elvis stuff [Jesse would be 100% on board with this i feel]
Hope this is okay.
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‘Nicky, Alex stop!’ Jesse said as his sons darted around him. He was trying to work, to lay down new material, but he couldn't as his two rambunctious boys were determined to get under his feet. It had been like this all morning. Y/N had taken the girls to school whilst Becky was at work leaving him with no choice but to keep the boys in the basement with him as they worked on their new tracks. 
‘Jess man,’ Steve sighed from behind his drumkit. The twins had darted away from their father and were now interested in hammering on the cymbals and giggling at the noise they made. 
‘Boys!’ Jesse said lurching forward to collar them both and pull them away. He took his guitar off with his free hand and then bent down in front of them trying not to crack as they looked at him with those adoring eyes, ‘you need to behave now. I mean it. I don't want to have to punish you okay?’
‘Okay daddy,’ they said in unison. Jesse nodded and led them back to their small desk which was set up with a painting station in an attempt to keep them quiet, something that had not happened thus far. They sat down and started engaging which made Jesse heave a sigh of relief before he turned back to the guys and gestured for them to start playing again. As he took to the mic once more he finally started to relax.’
‘Well her love doesn't come along until midnight,
And her passion rages on until the daylight-’
‘Jess?’ came a call from the stairs interrupting his singing. The band groaned and he groaned along with them just as Y/N appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She smiled at him and said, ‘hey, sorry to interrupt I thought I’d come and take the boys off your hands.’
‘Well thanks,’ Jesse said as she sidled up to him, her hands resting on his chest, ‘didn't you see the on-air sign though?’
‘I must've missed it,’ she said, ‘sorry baby.’
‘It’s fine,’ Jesse said tightly making Y/N’s brow furrow.
‘Is this a problem? I mean it was a genuine mistake,’ Y/N said feeling uncomfortable. He was mad. She could tell.
‘You know better though,’ he said, ‘I mean you had to know I was recording down here.’
‘I did but I didn't think it was a big deal, Jess. I’m sorry okay,’ she said.
‘It's just between you and the boys we haven't gotten anything done,’ Jesse sighed exasperatedly. 
‘Well, that's what it's like when you have kids,’ she said.
‘You don't think I know that?’ Jesse said, ‘I mean, wait where are they?’ 
Jesse and Y/N’s heads whipped around looking for the tykes who were no longer at their assigned station. As he turned around he spotted two pairs of shoes sticking out from under his mixing table and headed towards it. Behind his desk were Nicky and Alex, tape in hand, unspooling masses and masses of black onto the floor around them. 
‘What the hell?!’ Jesse said. It was their current tape. The only thing they had managed to record the entire morning was now lost and unspooled all around his troublemakers. 
‘Look daddy,’ Nicky said offering up his now useless tape. 
‘What did you do!? I told you to behave!’
‘Jess it's okay we can sort it,’ Y/N said from behind. 
‘Can we?!’ he asked, ‘they don't listen Y/N! They run around and they make noise. They break things and terrorise anyone in the room. We can’t fix it! They don't listen to anything.’ 
‘So what do you suppose we do?’ she asked. 
‘I know,’ Jesse said and before waiting for her to reply he yanked Nicky and Alex out from the desk and stood them in front of him, ‘now I told you you had to behave and you didn't listen to me. So I’m sorry but I have to do this okay?’ 
And before Y/N could speak he spun them both around and placed two harsh spanks across each of their behinds. The twins didn't speak as he whipped them around, looking at him wide-eyed, ‘now I’m sorry it came to that but you boys understand right? You need to listen.’
‘Okay daddy,’ they said in a distinctly less jovial tone than before. 
‘Jess,’ Y/N said in barely more than a whisper. She couldn't believe what she had just whispered. All of a sudden memories cascaded in her brain like fireworks bringing with them pain and anguish. She couldn't think. Her body was in overdrive, there was ringing in her ears and sweat pumping off of her as she looked at the twins' hurt faces. Jesse looked up at her, clocking her blank face and offering one of worry from him but she couldn't say anything. Before he could question her she grabbed the twins and darted upstairs. 
She could hear him calling her but she couldn't stop. She needed to get out of there. She needed to protect them. She bolted upstairs, ignoring the tears that were now running down her face or the distressed cries from the boys as they asked her what was the matter. Once in the attic, she got them in their room, pushing their changing table up against the door. 
She collapsed against the opposite wall, trying to push out the echoes of shouting and the feel of red welts on her skin that weren't even there. 
‘What's the matter, mommy?’ Nicky asked coming to sit in her crossed lap.
‘Nothing baby,’ she sniffled pulling him in close and then Alex who was determined not to be left out in too, ‘it's fine. We’re safe.’ 
‘Y/N?’ she heard Jesse say, as he called her name again his voice got closer until she heard the rattle of the door handle from across the room. Her heart was thudding in her chest. It was a sound she had heard a million times before. Someone determined to get inside, to get to her when she didn't want them to. She couldn't let him in. She needed to protect her boys.
‘Y/N why is the door locked?’ he asked, ‘baby-’
‘Go away,’ she said and though it was faint he heard it.
‘Y/N what's going on?’
‘Go away Jess,’ she sniffled.
‘Go away!’ 
She heard movement outside the door as Jesse rested against it. He was confused. He didn't know what had happened. In the span of two minutes, he had gone from a loving father to a man who hits his children. He knew he’d messed up. Spanking was never something he thought he would ever do but he had lost sight of himself. Everything had been so full on. The noise, the running around, the interruptions and finally the tape. He had lost it. And he instantly regretted it, even more so when he looked up and found Y/N’s horrified face watching him before she bolted from the room kids in two. Now she wasnt coming out. Was she scared of him? 
Pain rippled through him at the thought. He needed to see her. He needed her to come out so he could apologise. So he could beg for her forgiveness and tell the boys how much he was sorry. 
But he couldn't force his way in. He needed help. He needed Becky. 
‘Jess just tell me what’s going on,’ Becky said as they climbed the stairs to the attic.
‘You'll find out soon enough,’ Jesse said as they entered their living room. Jesse gestured to the twins' room and then went to sit on their bed waiting with bated breath that this would work. Becky watched him confused before she headed to the door and tried to open it frowning when it wouldn't budge. 
‘Y/N?’ she asked gently. 
‘Beck?’ she heard a sniffle come from the other side of the door.
‘It’s me,’ Becky said, ‘can I come in?’ 
‘I can't open the door Beck,’ she said, ‘I can't-’
‘Why not?’ Becky asked.
‘I’m scared,’ she said, ‘and I keep telling myself Im overreacting but I can't get up. It's like I'm glued to the floor.’
‘Jesus, what happened?’ Becky said incredulously looking at Jesse for answers but couldn't bring himself to say anything and instead hung his head in shame. 
‘Mommy?’ Nicky said excitedly.
‘It's me, baby,’ Becky said, ‘Y/N you need to come out.’
‘Think of the boys,’ she said, ‘I mean you can't keep them in there forever-’
‘They're safe in here,’ Y/N reasoned.
‘And they're safe out here too,’ Becky reasoned, ‘why wouldn't they be?’
‘Jesse hit them,’ Y/N said making Becky’s eyes go wild.
‘What?’ she said, ‘is this true?’ 
‘Beck I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mean to.’
Becky watched him for a moment, hurt written all over her face before she retained her composure and she looked back at the door. 
‘Y/N, sweetheart, I know what he did was wrong but you have to come out. We have to talk about this. You can't keep the boys locked up forever honey. Please? Come out?’ she said. Y/N didn't reply but there was distinct movement behind the door and the next time Becky tried the handle it clicked open without issue. The boys flocked to her as she opened it, clinging onto a leg each as thas stroked their hair and then asked them to go and play. They ran into the living room resuming the leftover jigsaw that they had insisted on getting out at three am that morning. 
Becky walked into their room ad slid down beside Y/N on the floor as Jesse leaned against the wall watching them shamefully. 
‘Can someone tell me what happened?’ Becky asked, moving a strand of hair off of Y/N’s face as she sniffled. 
‘Jesse spanked the boys,’ Y/N said. 
‘Jess?’ Becky asked looking at her husband with the hope that it wasnt true.
‘I’m sorry okay? I don't know what came over me. They were getting into all sorts, they wouldn't sit still, we got no work done and then they ruined the tape we’d been working on all morning and I don't know. I just lost it,’ he said. 
‘So you hit them?’ Becky asked with disbelief.
‘I’m not proud of it Beck,’ he said, ‘and I’ll never do it again I swear.’
‘That's what he said,’ Y/N said with a scoff that made both pairs of eyes fall on her.
‘Who?’ Becky asked confused. 
‘My dad,’ she said shakily, ‘every time he used to hit me. Every time he’d march into my room finding the littlest thing to lose it at me over. He'd always say that that was the last time. That he never do it again.’
‘I never knew that about your dad,’ Bekcy said. 
‘I never talk about it,’ Y/N admitted, ‘I never needed to. I mean I thought I’d gotten rid of that shit but seeing Jess, I mean the boys’ faces just brought it all back.
‘Y/N you have to believe me when I say I couldn't feel worse right now. I know it was wrong. And believe me, I never want to feel this way again. I never want to upset you or the boys like this again.’
‘How can I trust that?’ she sniffled, ‘I mean I never thought you would-’
‘I mean it,’ Jesse said, ‘you two and the boys are my everything. You have to believe me.’
He came to kneel in front of them then. His hands were on theirs and he looked at them pleadingly. She looked at him for a second, her heart aching at the thought of his actions. 
‘Jess is right,’ Becky said, ‘I mean I don't condone what he did in any way shape or form but it was a momentary lapse. I believe that don't you?’ 
‘And if he gets angry again? If the twins do something like today again?’ Y/N asked. 
‘Like I said. Nothing they could ever do would make me want to feel this feeling again. It's the worst feeling in the world,’ he said.
‘Yeah,’ Becky said, ‘and I’m sure Jess doesn't expect forgiveness right away right aby?’
‘Whatever it takes for you and the boys to forgive me I’ll do,’ Jesse nodded. Y/N seemed to deliberate on that point for a moment before she nodded gently. 
‘And maybe we can talk about it a bit more?’ Becky said, ‘I mean we all have our own ideas about parenting and I know we discuss stuff but it's usually as it happening to us. Maybe it would be good if we talked a little more. That way when situations come up we’ll know how the others feel about it.’
‘Yeah, I mean I had no idea about your dad,’ Jesse said, moving to sit beside her. 
‘I’ve not felt those feelings in a long time,’ she admitted looking up at him, her eyes red-rimmed from crying which broke his heart all over again. 
‘I’m sorry it was me who made you feel that way,’ he said. 
‘Well I suppose it's better you’re trying to make up for it,’ she said with a weak smile, ‘he never even acknowledged it happened. A quick mumbled apology and then he’d be right back to where we started.’ 
‘Well then at least we’re making changes right?’ Becky said. 
‘For the better,’ Y/N said, leaning in so Jesse could wrap an arm around them both. 
‘For the better,’ he agreed. 
He didn't feel entirely better about himself and he was sure Y/N didn't either but they were right. What had happened in the past didn't matter as long as they tackled the here and now. And more importantly together.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My [ongoing] CodyWan Fic Masterlist
Hello! Sorry that this post is a little late, as I said in another post, I've been busy and it kinda got sidetracked--but it's here now!
This rec list isn't gonna be as long as the other one, since I haven't really had time to get into new fics (life stuff + the work of writing my own fic), but there a still a good chunk of them + a couple are series.
They're gonna be separated into "Ongoing" and "Abandoned" so that way you know what you're getting into and I'll put more info in the description--and yes, I'm recommending a couple abandoned works because I think they're still good and maybe with enough support the authors will decide to continue. Either way, they're good fics.
shoulder the sky by @shootingstarpilot
Have I already recced this series? Yes. Am I still reccing it again? Also yes.
I seriously cannot rave enough about how awesome and well done this fic is, and no amount of me harping on it will ever do it thejustice it deserves. This fic has made me laugh, cry, get really pissed at the characters, and it has me waiting (im)patiently for every update--like, every single day I check Ao3 and it's just to check if this fic has updated.
It handles Jedi and Clone culture beautifully and adds in so much interesting world building, it perfectly balances out the fluff with the angst, it handles grief and PTSD very well, and so many other things! The author is also honestly just very sweet and even takes time out of his day to reply to as many comments as possible (which is insane, because there are always like 70+ comments on every chapter).
The Emperor and His Mandalorian by wanderingjedihistorian (RangerJedi67)
Technically I think this would be considered finished, but the author has added a new work to the series every couple months since I found it, so I'm adding it here just in case.
It's a Sith!Obi-Wan AU where Obi-Wan kicks Palpatine's ass and becomes Emperor and marries Cody, son of Manda'lor Jango Fett, as an agreement when Mandalore surrenders to him. I honestly really like how this fic handles Obi-Wan as a Sith and how that affects his actions and relationships with others, as well as Cody being a sort of "balance" for Obi-Wan's dark tendencies.
I'm not even a big fan of Sith!Obi-Wan fics, but this series is the one that got me to start reading some of them--so it definitely comes recommended!
no one left to sing to by slotmachines_fearofgod
This fic is a really interesting take on what would happen in TCW if Cody took more of an active role in the story. I love the author's take on Cody's character and how both his duty to his brothers and all the Kamino bullshit effects how Cody handles Obi-Wan and his feelings towards him.
Also the ending of the most recent update had me screaming and crying at my computer.
The art of living anyway by Itstwointhemorningwhyamiawake
A "Rex is Force-sensitive" fic that follows Cody and Obi-Wan's relationship as well. This fic is pretty new, so I don't really know where it's going, but the first two chapters have been amazing so far!
the sun is just a star by clementines_and_colorful_things
It's hard to give this fic a description that does it justice, but it's honestly really really good. It's basically a slow burn that follows Obi-Wan and Cody through TCW and, according to the tags, would eventually lead to Order 66 happening differently than in RotS.
More Than Blood by generalekenobi
Where Order 66 happens a bit differently and Cody and Obi-Wan end up on the run with baby Luke and Leia, having to masquerade as a Mandalorian couple to do so (uh-huh, yep, totally fake--them have feelings for each other? never).
I really love how this fic gives Cody agency and lets him go "no, we're not doing that, try again" and actually effect the story's outcome. It makes the story a lot more interesting and adds to the dynamic between Cody and Obi-Wan--both relationship-wise and in their newfound mission in taking care of the twins.
I Can Barely Recall (but it's all coming back to me now) by Shortcuts_make_long_delays
Ok, so I don't know if this fic is abandoned or just taking a while to update, so I just put it here--just be aware of that.
This is a Modern!AU where Cody and Obi-Wan used to date, but broke up due to something that keeps being hinted at but not overtly stated (and fuck, I just wanna know what happened! It's killing me!), and now Cody meets his ex "Ben" again when he turns out to be Obi-Wan, Anakin's older brother.
This fic is really interesting and well written and, like I said before, I really just want to know wtf the accident is--the suspense is killing me! Ahhhhhh!
Honorable Mention
An honorable mention for Not This Crude Matter by thebitterbeast
This fic was gonna be apart of the "ongoing" section, but the final part was posted like right after I posted my finished CodyWan rec list.
This series isn't just centered around Cody and Obi-Wan, but I still think it handles their relationship--and other relationships--beautifully. It centers mainly around Jedi culture and it's honestly one of my favorite takes on it. I can't recommend this series enough!
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indigos-stardust · 1 month
1, 20, and 32
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Okay for #1 "The Other ONe" (I meant to write "The Other Thing" but eh.. anyways im gonna put my notes here :) I'm going to do 20 and 32 on a separate post because THERE IS SO MUCH WRITING
TW: After "And then the screaming started" There is brief BODY HORROR, ends at "reds eyes seemed to have magically cleared up"
Enjoy~ (they are bad quality-) (there is angst and identity loss, I don't know if the ending is good or bad but uh, its probably good even though it hurts?)
what if vio got replaced by another vio and they didnt believe him
the new vio is a fake but honestly the real vio is starting to wonder if hes even the real vio he hates seeing his life stolen being told hes the fake thing NAYWAYSVJHIFS listen bruh imagine theres something or someone following u and u notice -
and then u try to get the jump on them but then theyre u and they tell u so. but the second someone gets there ur the one holding the knife and then suddenly they sound just like you and even talk and act just like you . and when ur asked questions to know who the real one is the answers are practically the same. surely zeldas magic must know its you surely she will .youre locked in a dungeon tied with magic chains
Your own family sneers at you your own face does telling you to stop your act. they know their brother, their r e al brother is okay. they dont know what theyre going to do with this thing no one talk to it and no one trust anything it says etc < 3
the other thing keeps trying to convince them and then red thinks maybe it really does think its the real vio. and even then if it didnt it didnt deserve to suffer .if they didnt know the truth he tries to make its, no his conditions better more food and so on something to keep warm more water to stay clean. even if red has to sneak the meager amount to him.
The thing tries to convince him thats hes the real one but hes not. the Other Thing tells him thats its okay that he doesnt belive him. reds heart sinks and then he spends time with his brothers. he doesnt tell them hes been visiting the other thing .they thing hes just too empathic too attatchable, soo easily manipulated... that Thing is a danger.
he talks with vio one day the conversation goes around and eventually red asks about shadow. When the other vio had talked about shadow, it was about how horribly wrenched it guilt he was .how he probably deserved this fate. he said he didnt want to tell red those things he didnt want him to get hurt from trying to empathise with him or even think about beliving him. but that he couldnt not or else hed go insane. he already was..
Vio expressed that it wasn't the best of his choices but really, how could he have actually gotten attached to him? witnessing all the horrible things that monster "shadow" did... although he supposes perhaps he had just been influenced by vios behaviour to do what he did to the cursed to mirror.. A shadow would copy anything afterall, so he probably just "subconsciously" copied a more noble behaviour. Really, shadow was,just an illusion after all.
The Other Thing is escaping. red caught him... he lets him go and covers for him... red doesnt know whats real anymore- all the meanwhile vio is living his life with his brothers . vio is enjoying his room, his home, vio is free, vio is Loved.
The Other vio says he hadnt been good enough of a brother or else they would have known it was really him. green and blue told Red to not listen to it, because that Thing must be able to sense what others anticipate since it was able to act like vio so much.
So the Other Thing lives his own life alone...
For around a year or so... and the he starts stalking them... And following them...
While the Other Thing was missing, he he studied magic. red didnt know where he went even though he was the one who helped it escape.
then the others noticed a change in red. Nightmares, anxious dread, a deep unrest, swings of isolation and clinginess...acting strange around vio. Red was probably scared the Thing would return they figured. they were going to find out what IT even was before it escaped and disappeared... they assure him that with the magic theyve set up it wont be able to replace anyone else.. red doesn't get better and he doesn't tell them what's wrong.
Red notices other small details about vio though. Little things that feel wrong, uncanny. Red doesnt say anything though. he doesnt think he likes vio anymore....
Other Thing finds them in the woods one day...
The colors had been out hunting for monsters, there'd been a lot of sightings recently.. It was a horrible day really, a bad feelling smogged the group with the gloomy skies and hardened unforgiving earth. It feels suffocating, at least to Red,
Vio feels as comfortable as ever, he assures red that everything is fine, after all, why wouldnt it be? red got to know blue and green, got to know them really and truly, they were link just as him. Vio seemed too cruel to be Link. but then again Red was too sensitive.
it was so quiet. the Other Thing was here. Red had seen him from the corner of his eye. Maybe it was his imagination. Hed heard about people going crazy from paranoia... especially after encounters with the otherworldly: some sort of vengeful fae spirit was usually the culprit.... it never ended well ...
the Other Thing reveals himself.
Vio is thoroughly enraged, asking how dare it come back to try to steal his life again? and announcing he would end its pathetic life right now.
its easy to tell the difference between them now. Vio is there confident and fighting for his life... for his family. hes going to end this monster thats threatened his whole world and people he cares about. green and blue are there to support him no matter what. theyll NEVER get confused on who the real one is again. Theyre Brothers after all.
Red cant breathe... after all, he hates seeing "me fight me"
( yeah I took the line from the manga fight me)
The other vio looks ragged, like hes full of true bloodlust. hes thought through all of this, mastered his trickery to target them thoroughly. Using their weaknesses against them, catching them off guard with tools they've never seen... magic they've never seen..perfectly immoblized by the paralyzing smoke.
Only Vio escape it seemingly, recognizing the toxin for what it was.vio always knew what was going on. It really was like the fire temple in a way. one link fighting the other evil link, except the real link had vios lying face- the same face he had when he had to fight green-
Green tells vio to be strong and to end The Thing right then and there no matter what !!!! and theyll be able to support him in just a second- Once the toxin wears off- Blue is cheering him on in killing that demon.
Red cant tell the difference between them anymore. its all a heated smolten blur ... He didn't realize he was crying.
The Other Thing is ragged, fractured mind- dirtied hands, bruised eyes, matted hair and death in his eyes. Then...
He chokes Vio with a chain magic, oh so similar to the ones hed been sealed in. they have to watch their brother struggle to break free... The Other Thing is inhuman, yet... his hands are getting weaker as he keeps going- fighting against Vio's struggle- never giving up- never looking back- eyes staring into the demons- The demon red believed in-
And then the screaming started, inhumane overlapping screeches of death- bubbling skin and gore, the blood melting off the distorted body that was Vio.
Reds eyes seemed to have magically cleared in time to take in the sight before him.
Then a dark static buzzes, trapped under the flesh- no the sillhouette of what used to be vio- Screaming and thrashing and then its dead and Other Vio stands, then he's fallen and sobbing-
hes so sorry hes so so sorry he shouldve been better- that the magic was a trick that took his form- he couldnt explain it to them he tried with red but put Red in danger- he knows hes the real one- please please please believe him-
Red races to him stumbling from poison or exhaustion he doesnt know- Green is sick. And Blue is the paler color of his name sake. Eyes widened and horrified. They should have listened to Red.
:) congrats! you made it to the end have some emotional support cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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