#but im just stating here for the record it should be on them
gaydelgard · 2 years
bad day by darwin deez should be on friends to enemies playlists
every day ought to be a bad day for you
but im sorry if it is
^good lyrics for angst but also the song is pretty goofy. win-win.
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galacticlamps · 4 months
no idea why but for some reason i feel like the next episode of dr who's gonna be one i'll especially want to be caught up for? again no clue why i feel that way since i'm currently behind - it's not even like i've seen the teaser for it yet or anything - but fwiw the last time i had that feeling was before fugitive of the judoon, and love or hate that episode i'd say i was right about needing to experience it in real time. i've never been one to care about spoilers much but i do very clearly remember making a point of staying off dr who related internet spaces until i got home from work the day that one dropped (and having any feelings that remind me of pre-pandemic 2020 is already a trip in itself wow) & i kinda think im about to wind up doing the same this weekend (since i already know im not gonna be able to watch it right away)
#i will however try to catch up now so im at the right point to watch it soon as i do get a chance (& thus return here)#oh & i should state for the record i am not one of the people who thinks jonathan groff is gonna be playing jack somehow#(i realize that could sound like the implication given the otherwise very random comparison i just made. trust me i meant it to be random)#to be honest i would love to see his character be something like the one jamie parker voiced in plight of the pimpernel#(i mean if it has to be like anything we've seen before that is. which of course it doesnt)#again i have zero reasoning for this#i mean aside from simply having enjoyed that audio#but who knows perhaps once i catch up to where rogue actually falls in the season i'll have taken that back#it was a rather dark twist i could easily see it not being appropriate to drop in the middle of just any old season#depending on what the vibes of the surrounding episodes are i mean#i get the sense the most recent one was about racism no?#so for all i know maybe now is actually the time for a lighter one#still cant believe how far into this season we are#then again i cant get used to these short seasons anyway & i dont intend to either#8 episodes is honestly disgraceful it does NOT get credit just for being longer than flux#at least that had an excuse#anyway on the off chance anyone's been wondering - this is why i've not been posting much about current who lately#i've been too busy to keep up but hopefully that changes this week#the david tennant specials i also watched far after the fact & never bothered to formally comment on them#i think i may have thoughts on the first & last ones typed up in my drafts somewhere but im p sure we're done discoursing about those#so i was planning on just letting it go for now anyway#we'll see
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lloromanic0 · 9 months
It's almost 3 and im thinking about older tom rn. maybe like 2019?.... like him in that "When It Rains It Pours" Music Video did something too me. maybe reader is lit like "omg?..." and their together also. and bla blah bla, BOOM. smut! :3
If your comfortable doing it!!
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He looks so good in this clip help me.
(Thank you so much for the request hope you enjoy!!)
Content: just Tom fingering female reader, he calls you lots of cute name🤭
Smut warning MDNI!!!
You waited for your boyfriend Tom Kaulitz in his dressing room, today he was shooting a music video for his band’s new single “When it rains it pours.”
In the dressing room there was a monitor where you could watch the video being recorded live,suddenly Tom appeared on the screen, his long wet hair and his white sleeveless shirt now completely see through due to the water that was sprayed on him previously. The camera now filming his toned back that you got to see every day but this time it felt different, the expressions he made while he passionately played his guitar made your body temperature rise. You just kept admiring all the screen time he had as you got turned on even more each time you got a glimpse of your handsome boyfriend. The more you looked at him the urge to touch yourself just kept growing,unexpectedly the screen went black probably meaning it was break time,which got you distracted from your previous thoughts.
You heard the door behind you crack open
“Hallo Schatzi.” said Tom with a smile on his face. You ran to hug him.
“Hallo mein liebe.” You gave him a small kiss on the lips.
“Did you enjoy the show?” He asked while pointing to the monitor.
“Hmhm very much. You looked so…hot.”
“Oh you think so?” He grabbed your hips firmly maintaining eye contact with you for a while, your cheeks felt hot again and your mouth fell open in shock from the sudden action.
“Du bist so süß” he caressed your cheek, the water from his hair now dripping on your face.
“You look even better now that you’re here Tom.” He kissed your neck as he moved his large hands on your hips.
“Hhmm tell me more Schatzi. What were you thinking about when you were watching me on the monitor?” You sightly moan as his kisses got longer and sloppier.
“M-my body got really hot and..I wanted to touch myself.”
“Hhmm should we take care of that?”
He sat on the couch spreading his legs so you could sit between them.
“Spread your legs for me baby.”
You did as he said, his hands massaging your inner thighs,making you shiver under his touch. He loved seeing you needy for him the way you moved your hips forward seeking some sort of stimulation just making him wanting to tease you more.
“P-please touch me Tom…”
“I will Schatzi, be patient.”
He slowly moved his hand closer to your clothed cunt, lightly moving his finger over it.
Your voice hitched at the his light touches and your legs shivered every time his finger went over your covered clit. He took your panties off throwing them on the floor, his index and middle finger now spreading your wet folds teasing you a bit more. He slowly inserted his middle finger in your pussy stretching you out so that he could insert another finger after. Now his ring and middle fingers were stretching you out, he pumped them at a steady pace curling them every now and then, your moans getting louder even tho you had to keep it down.
“Ssshhh Prinzessin you don’t want anyone to catch us do you? What would they think of you seeing you in such a sluty state?”
You bite your lip so that your moans couldn’t escape but the way he was hitting your sweet spot repeatedly didn’t make it easy for you to keep quiet.
His other hand that he was using to keep your legs open trailed down to rub circles on your clit, the double stimulation making it unbearable to not moan, so you covered your mouth with one hand.
“Oh baby you’re so cute, am I making you feel that good?” You nodded firmly, making his smile turn into a smirk.
As he kept applying pressure on your sensitive clit your legs started to tremble and that familiar knot on your stomach getting more and more unbearable each time he curled his fingers inside your hole.
“T-tom I’m cumming~” you announced, struggling not to moan out loud.
“Go ahead Prinzessin cum for me.” He replied kissing and bitting your neck, his fingers moving firmly at a faster pace as you eventually reached your orgasm. He removed his fingers for your hole unhurriedly, his other hand still circling your clit slowly making you enjoy your orgasm until you became too sensitive for his touch.
“Ich liebe dich mein Engel.“ he whispered.
“Ich liebe dich mehr.” You replied giving him a little kiss on the lips.
Note: I always forget this but do you need me to add the translation to the German sentences/words I use?🥲
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
Is it ok if we can see more of rock musician MC with the Yandere pop music club or Pomefiore once they discover their secret musical talent?
im doing Pomefiore cause at this rate, im doing everyone xD i dont might, it rewally makes me happy that you guys enjoy this series/topic (idk what to call it)
ill likely do heartslabyul and Ignihyde and Diasomnia will likely be together and theres still savannaclaw (though idk how well that goes lol)
who do you guys want next?
Yan!Vil x mc
Yan!Rook x mc
Yan!Epel x mc
Warnings: yandere, manipulation, stalking, hints nsfw, hint of kidnapping?, the art is more on the fem!mc side but the fanfic parts should be gender-neutral (if not, im sorry and do tell me where so i can fix it qwq)
would you be surprised that rook found this little secret first? like he was the very first person to find out
the answer should be no and if not that no then you are sorely mistaken.
When did he find out? Who knows? But one thing for sure, he want to relish in the fact that he's the only one who knows. Other people might find out sooner or later but he has it in his head like you told him yourself. Like you held this important little secret close to your heart and in-trusted your heart to him. He lives in his own world.
He'll know when you sing. Its often when grim isn't present, like he messed with ace and deuce and getting collared by riddle. whatever grim did that had him busy, you often have your sweet alone time to sing our heart out.
Rook will help keep this talent of yours as secret as you want. if you want only a few to know, he'll accept it. if you don't want anyone to know, he'll make sure your secret is preserved for as long as you like. but honestly, if he had it his way, he'd be the only one to know. the only one that can hear your lovely voice.
Rook is a hunter and an active fan in the beauty department. hell take pictures of you and even record your voice. even when you're not singing. he has a recording of you sleep.. your sighs in the night, signaling if you have any discomfort or even pleasure in your dreams.
he'll take the moment in your dorm to look at your stuff. help here and there in your dorm. in the morning, you might find your clothes ready and prep for the next day. you might find your room less messy than you remembered the night before. you might see food that you don't remember when you've gotten it. you also find tea that states it "helps your voice"? did grim get this....?
Rook watches you like you were a bird. oh he wishes to capture you and hear you sing just for him alone but he also like you to be free. to watch your wings stretch into the sky as you sing with your heart and soul.
but he is a little curious on what would you do, if your wings were... clipped.
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he is furious when he found out. how dare you not tell him!? How dare you to just sit idly by when your potato friends did the VDC and not to mention, watching them lose like idiots!
but... that's in the past and now he has to face this issues with a level head. he needs to know how well you sing, both in when you aren't pressured (your free alone time) and with his guidance and lessons. now you see why Epel runs for the hills during Vil lessons.
here's the thing about vil, you cant be 100% mad at his overbearing behavior to watch you succussed. he just wants to watch you thrive. plus he knows what its like in the music industry. he had to work side by side with it when he was young after all. you cant get mad at him, even if his words like like hot burning knifes to your skin.
when you think that hes heartless and you just want to break down with how harsh hes being, he gets to your level and speaks smoothing words to make you feel better.
"hey hey! i know its difficult and i wont have been this harsh with you if i knew you you couldn't take it. but you can. this industry is very mean but you have the talents to make it big and ill help you through it~ every step of the way~"
isnt vil a great actor? i mean he works really hard to hone his skills but this is next level. he has you wrapped around his little fingers. he doesnt care if you want to be big or even small in the music industry but with you by his hip. with your voice, you could even riverly neige! Imagine it. beautiful model with a lovely song bird by his side. their love story is so cute. its like a fairy tale! celebrty with everything finds love with a common no body.
but honestly, he'd be lying if he said it was just for celebrity gain. Vil has been eyeing you awhile, you were a great help during vdc and maybe... he just wants you to keep helping... but just him this time..
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at first, epel thought he wouldn't care about that. in life he mainly wanted to be seen as the manly type. but with vil's lessons on beauty, makes him hate that whole aspect, entirely.
but when he first heard you... that changed everything.
he didn't mean to sneak up on you. it was late in the day, everyone was in their clubs but since hes been failing a class, vil forced him to improve his grades.
"leona would be fine without you for a day... but not for the rest of the year.so if you want to stay in in the magical shift club, get your grades up."
he decided to head to the library to study for a bit. a nice quiet place to read and study, or try to anyways. a few minutes passed and he wasn't feeling it with his textbook. epel just needed a quick walk around the library to help pump his blood flowing to his head, he thought.
and then, he heard you. you were doing a slight hum and soft singing mixture. but oh was it so sweet to his ears. he felt like he was with his grandma back in grade school when he would come home from school and she'll be making dinner for him. it reminded him of home, and how he missed it so much.
he'll likely not be the type to confront you about it, its your business and if you told him personally, he'd love that.
without realizing it, when he thought about you singing, he dreamed that you and him were married in his home town. he'll be coming home after a long days work and you'd welcome him home with a sweet smile. you might even ask if he wanted food, a bath, or even- oh shoot. Epel has to use the restroom NOW.
naughty boy.
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dilxcc · 10 months
chapter two
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summary. in which two friends who desperately clings to each other until the other slips away . . .
contains. fem!reader, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, slowburn, cussing, grammatical errors . . .
note. sorry that it took me so long to write this!! one, i had my final exam so i was studying real hard. two, i totally forgot abt this!! 😭
previous chapter
20 august 2006
gojo held back his laughters as he and geto crept up behind you. geto put a finger over his lips, a warning that gojo was slowly getting louder. the white haired male clasps a hand over his mouth, his eyes slowly shifting to you, who was reading a book with earphones plugged to your ears.
without waiting any further, gojo and geto surprises you with their hands on your back. "what the-" you yelled and stumbled forward before looking behind you. you take off your earphones aggressively and glared at them. "i've been waiting for an hour for you guys to show up and this is what you greet me with?!"
the two of them were laughing non-stop, both of them slapping each other's back in amusement. "that was- that was so funny! you should've seen the look on your face!" the white haired male laughed.
you heaved out an annoyed sigh and rolled your eyes at them. "anyway, where's shoko?" you asked, crossing your arms as you stared at the two of them. "she's waiting at the cafe," geto answered, wiping the tears at the corner of his eyes due to the previous laughters.
22 august 2006
you watched the stars twinkling in the sky, accompanying the moon. gojo stayed laid down beside you, his hands resting behind his head. "it's gotten quite warm lately," the male stated, his head turned slightly to see the beautiful structure of your face. you hummed in response. "have you been drinking enough water?" you asked softly.
he hummed. "have you?"
"i have," you muttered. "that's good," he said softly, his eyes still lingering on you. "the moon, it's beutiful," you said softly, your eyes still gazing the moon.
"yeah," he answered softly, his eyes not moving from your face. "it is beautiful,"
xx xxx 2006
he ran as fast as he can, his heart pounding hard in his chest to the point that he could hear it in his ears. "you idiot..!" gojo muttered, his eyes getting misty from tears.
"where is she?! where's y/n?!" he asked frantically. his eyes were trained on shoko. "calm down, satoru! she's still inside!" the female said, her voice slightly raised to scold the man. "if you can't calm down to think rationally, then you can't save her!" shoko continued.
gojo ran a hand through his hair frustratingly. "tell me where she is," he said quietly, his voice slightly calmed. "we don't know her exact location. suguru is inside too," she added. his eyes widened.
"we should trust them, satoru," shoko said in a comforting manner.
xx xxx 2006
his hands stayed in his pockets as he stared at your unconscious figure. "you've always been so stupid," he scoffed, taking a seat by the window. "you made me stupid too..." he whispered, his voice barely above whisper. "i don't know why i couldn't have just warped to you. instead, my heart was telling me to run towards you," he lets out a pained chuckle.
"will you please wake up?" he said softly, his voice almost sounded as if he was begging. he lets out a sigh and rubbed his hand over his face. "im sorry..." he muttered under his breath.
xx xxx xx
"what took you so long?" gojo asked, looking at you with a straight face. you smiled slightly before chuckling a little. "where's suguru?" you asked him softly, your voice slightly croaked due to not talking for a long time.
he flinched at that question. "he... betrayed the jujutsu high. he's not here anymore," he said under his breath.
xx xxx 2017
he sprawled in his bed, eyes still wide open from his previous dream. it was a dream of you. satoru sighed and sat up, his legs folded whiled he rewind the dream in his head like a broken record. it was still clear. he couldn't forget about it even if he wants to. how could he? when you were the source of that very dream.
he can't help it.
he put his hand on his chest where his heart is, feeling every beat of it. how fast it was beating because of you. he almost thought that the dream was real. hell, he wished it was real.
he could still feel the way your hand caressed his cheek. then he snapped himself out of his daydreaming. how could he? how could he be daydreaming about you when he had just lost suguru? what kind of friend would he be for being happy when his best friend had just passed away.
he looked over at the bedside table where his phone were ringing multiple times. seeing the caller's id, he decided to ignore it. it was for the best. he was punishing himself.
taglist @instantmusico @wooasecret
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omgsuperstarg · 1 year
Shut up and Drive- Toto Wolff x Assistant! Reader
Another one shot with the Capricorn King Toto Wolff. I hope yall like it and subscribe for more
This short is based on this video with him and his lovely wife Susie!!! Ughhh I live for them soo much, they're such a cute and POWERFUL COUPLE!!!!
Alright!!! Let's burn some rubber!!!!!!!!!!
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As one of Toto's assistants, it's stipulated that you keep him on track of his appointments and all drama that entails throughout the day. You had your fair share of chaos and it always goes on overdrive on a race weekend. Right now the team is currently in Miami for another Race for the 2023 season and with the sweltering sun and hotter cars it was shaping up to be another fun weekend.
This is your outfit. imagine the Mercedes shirt replacing the blouse
Your gloves
You were multitasking between your computer and Toto and Bono as they analyzed data before the race kicked off when suddenly your best friend and Mercedes' Social Media moderator Jessica approached you.
"Y/N just the girl I wanted to see, I have a fun assignment for you," She says smiling evilly
"Oh boy, I know im gonna regret life choices ", I respond playfully scared.
"Don't worry love, you're going to be doing this assignment with Toto so you'll be safe. How do you feel about driving around the BOSS", she says wringing her hands like a bond villain.
"What are we waiting for, LETS GOO!!", you say pulling her towards the beloved team principal.
Once Toto was caught up to speed, both you and Toto proceeded to the vehicle with your cell phone out to capture it all.
Entering the car, you strapped in your seatbelt and began to record your POV.
"Okay guys, here I am bout to be driven around the track by my Boss. If you don't hear from me again you know who to look at", you say while flipping the camera to show your boss.
"Don't worry, you'll be completely fine and ill even drive slow", the statuesque man sounds while patting my shoulder in a comforting way.
"You say that now but I know the gears be running in your head on ways to torment me. I can feel this is your hazing ritual for me since I'm new," you say while giggling. Your face however is still sceptical, the car begins moving as you begin to further document your trip and that's when the chaos starts.
Toto pumps the gas without warning and the speed was astounding like any adrenaline junkie you begin to cheer in delight.
"Wooooo, this is what im talking bout. It's official I'm petitioning for Toto to be a stunt driver!!", you say as your body slightly moves with the car as it turns.
"I wonder if the fans petitioned you to be James Bond, cuz you have the vintage look of the early movies but a lot more gentlemanly. "you say as you whip your head to the statuesque Austrian.
"A few times, I thought about acting, but I figured it wasn't my place.", he says wistfully.
"Alright boss man,it's the final turn. Give me some speed and remember, if I aint feeling some kind of G force you going too slow."you say while giggling.
You take notice of his playful smile,which resembles a wolfish grin. You couldn't help but snap a picture to remember the moment. This should be one of the main pictures of the post. Sadly, all things must end. Finally, it's your turn.
You decided to wear your fingerless leather gloves for this moment and connect your phone to the car's radio since you have the perfect song in mind.
"Okay, now I have one of my lovely assistants to take her little spin round the track," the leader responds with his Austrian accent shining through.
I'm lovely?!?! Aweee sir, you flatter me, but I hope you don't mind if I put on a little music for us to cruise to, "you say, smiling in glee.
So you turn the radio up and started off slow. After the road was clear, I went full-on fast and furious.
You were hitting those turns like the drivers on the track.
"I hope you're enjoying yourself boss", you state while keeping eyes on the road and jamming to the song on the radio. "I can truly say that this is an experience. I love your touch of the gloves and playing Rihanna is quite fitting for the situation", he speaks with his joyful laugh filling your ears.
"I never thought you would be a Rihanna fan", playfully gasping at his statement. You can thank my eldest daughter for that", he says.
"Are you sure you're not a driver?", the boss man playfully asks. "No, I wish. Maybe if I have gotten into it from a young, now I would've been turning heads but I'm happy where I am, I still get to be in a world I love with the most chill team EVER!!", you say getting a little emotional.
The car slows down as you return to the pits, wishing the time wasn't over. After exiting you gave Toto a hug thanking him for a great time as well as for putting up with your crazy fun.
"I enjoyed it and I sure as hell wouldn't mind doing a carpool karaoke with you the next time",
"I've already made note of it sir and Im looking forward to hearing THAT VOICE", you say as you conclude your heart-to-heart heading back to the garage to observe the good chaos of race day.
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aita for telling on a classmate??
(tw for homophobia and antisemitism)
(emoji so i can recognise it)
this is like really long, im sorry, i tend to ramble.
also my native language isnt english so i translated a few words i didnt really know with google translate which may be unreliable (talking specifically abt supervising teacher here, but i explained what it means just in case)
also i use all pronouns, listed my gender here as 'idk', so putting this here to clear it up
ok so this might sound really dumb but listen, in my (15idk) class there is this one guy, lets call him wit (15m) and ever since we started high school he's been really troublesome for other people. for further context hes very strongly catholic and frequently talks about his political opinions.
many students of our scholl agree that this would not be much of a problem if he kept at least some respect for others while doing it. wit is infamous in our school for making extremely homophobic and antisemetic comments, ranging from usage of derogatory language and insulting a guy in our class because he's partially ethnically jewish, to stating that homosexuality and transgenderism is mental illness, to saying gays should get shot, making up crazy statistics about pedophilia in the lgbtq+ community and taking a photo of himself doing the nazi salute while holding the flag of the third reich (we live in a country very heavily affected by the holocaust to this day. jesus christ dude). (note that our school has a quite large number of queer people so making these comments in such a public space is already a bit iffy imo.) he also states his opinions as fact, and when somebody tries to debate him on these things (he claims he's up for it) he keeps interrupting them, and in some cases calls them an idiot.
wit actually was in another class before, he switched to ours because his classmates and supervising teacher (translation might be wrong, went off google translate - i mean the teacher held responsible for what the kids in their class do) couldn't stand him (there are rumors that he tried to sue her actually?). our supervising teacher (29m) is well aware of this.
today, he was grading us on our behavior (idk if american schools do this?? it has to end up on our report cards at the end of the year here, we're graded once per semester) and the topic of wit's behavior came up. the day before this, he had gotten into an argument with this one girl, let's call her gabby (15f), because she had 'taken his seat' in our physics class (we don't have assigned seats, and the teacher invited a few kids from another class to write some missed assignments, so there were more students than chairs). wit started off calm, when gabby told him she was there first, he got mad and started shouting at her, and when she didn't want to give up her seat for him (she was calm about this!), he started to attempt to physically get her off the seat by pulling or pushing her off. as far as i know, three people in our class recorded this exchange.
wit got graded 5/6 for his behavior (very good) after our teacher vowed to lower it because of the amount of complaints he was getting about his behavior. this was before our teacher found out about yesterday's situation. today we had two classes with him and he was going to dedicate both to talking about our behavior grades, so we told him about how wit acted yesterday. our teacher was reasonably a little pissed at wit for getting physical, as well as shouting at a classmate. wit tried to defens himself saying he was calmly telling 'this unruly, undeserving of such respect girl' to piss off, but as i said, several people in our class had video evidence of what he did.
the conversation quickly shifted from just the fight in physics to wit's respect for others (or, more appropriately, the lackthereof). this is when his rampant homophobia was brought up. several people in our class voiced their concerns about how most of us feel really uncomfortable when this dude's out there wishing death on all queers. our teacher was really mad at him for continuing making his homophobia this public when he was already repeatedly told that he makes people uncomfortable with it. we also brought up him calling people who dare not have the same beliefs as him idiots and left-wingers (as an?? insult??).
wit's behavior grade was changed to 4/6 (good)
after class, our class president (15f) and i went up to our teacher to show him screenshots of wit being transphobic, not to humiliate him further, but to provide proof of the claims about him still openly hating the lgbtq.
wit seemed to notice this because a few hours after school he texted me to talk about this situation. it started with him being frustrated about getting a 4, then saying he believes he should get at LEAST a 5 (note: he cited 'i respect others' as a reason, lol) and then it very quickly spiraled into him shit-talking gabby and our class president (he called gabby 'wild' and our prez toxic). i told him that he should be happy hes only being graded based on two months (our teacher said he's only taking the time wit was in our class into account, imo this isnt fair at all but ok), when his behavior was somehow better here than previously and that the girls deserved their grades (gabby got a 5, prez got a 6, both are very helpful and in my experience very kind people) and that the reason his grade was lowered was because of the lack of respect for others he was demonstrating right in that moment. he then said i was fake and called me a kabel (polish slang for snitch basically)
i talked to my parents about today, and they said wit is a bad person, but is in the right in my conversation with him. i disagree tbh but im also not entirely convinced im right either because i might have taken it a bit far, but idk, aita??
also im so so so sorry this ended up being ao long, i didn't realize how chaotic this story is until i wrote it all down lol
What are these acronyms?
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lokh · 5 months
Im gonna need your like, whole musical rec list, bc literally every song you have posted has not flopped once, give me your faves i need to eat them
in the interest of making this both easily accessible but not stretching the dashboard, im embedding bandcamp links when i can, otherwise linking to youtube when unavailable
in no particular order, inclusion based mostly on what im still actively into LMAO but also just things you should give a go at least once:
list of artist recommendations
zeal and ardor: described as a mix of african-american spirituals and black metal. try devil is fine, you aint coming back, wake of a nation or church burns
bloodywood: indian folk metal, literally nobody is doing it like them. recently featured in monkey man (2024), try chakh le, yaad or dana dan
stromae: if youve never heard any of his songs WHAT ARE YOU DOING..... incredible lyricist, described as a blend of hip hop/electronic. papaoutai made the rounds on tumblr a while back, but you should also try santé and l'enfer
alamat: pinoy pop. a youtube commenter described them as sounding like 2nd gen kpop which probably also explains why i took a shine to them LMAO, notable for the amount of filipino culture on display and the diversity thereof (singing in different languages, themes). first heard them thru kasmala either here or on twitter lmao, try aswang or maharani
andy bull: alt-pop. a lot of poppy and upbeat songs with a melancholic undertone imo. an australian artist, try it's all connected or keep on running
cosmo sheldrake: electronic, wikipedia also lists him as folktronica and baroque pop. you may have heard the song come along on an apple ad - hes known for sampling sounds from nature. pliocene for example features sounds from endangered ecosystems.
if you like cosmo sheldrake, you might like hidden orchestra (electronica, ambient). also making use of field recordings, i really love the archipelago mixtape but its a hard sell at about an hour lmao. if you like the following song then i implore you to give it a go
son lux: experimental, you may have heard from them in the entire soundtrack for everything everywhere all at once (!!!!!). try dangerous, dream state (brighter night) or live another life.
ammar 808: electronic/world fusion, also behind bargou 08 (folk rock you should also listen to). i just cant get ain essouda out of my head, but i also love geeta duniki
miyavi: j-rock, used to be a visual kei artist. these days he might be known more for anime openings like flashback (kokkoku) or other side (id:invaded), or for work like snakes in arcane (or actually inspiring and voicing a character in it), but ive always been partial to his early work like sukkyanen myv or ashita, genki ni naare
'threads' album by now, now (indie rock).
'dream to make believe' or 'what to do when you are dead' by armor for sleep (rock, emo). here's the truth about heaven from the latter album
i already posted about it but denzel curry's 13lood 1n + 13lood out mixx (rap, trap) is extremely good
the guilty gear soundtracks and im so serious im not fucking joking. different kinds of rock and metal and all sorts of influences put in, a genuine labor of love. xrd and earlier games are mainly instrumental with some vocal tracks (try give me a break or big blast sonic), while strive pretty much always includes vocals (of course i need to rec rock parade, but also try requiem. its genuinely hard for me to pick and choose lmao)
not an album and not an artist
coke studio pakistan and coke studio bangla knocking it out of the fucking park, im particularly a fan of harkalay and kotha koiyo na. you could try the other coke studios too (tamil, india, etc)
triple j like a version is when the radio station triple j brings in artists and has them do a cover of a song (artists choice). i liked denzel curry's cover of bulls on parade and flume's shooting stars (video for this one is incredible, man had a vision you just have to stick it out), but you get a lot of interesting interpretations like the wombats' running up that hill, gordi's in the end or, infamously. the wiggles' elephant
ive DEFINITELY missed out some, but thats what my music tag is for LMAO i hope someone discovers something they like here!!!!
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dearweirdme · 6 months
how do u guys not see that taehyung is using jk and tkk for attention? he has consistently claimed things that then don’t align w what jk has said/reality. if they were actually together i dont think he would want to be drawing attention to their relationship the way he does. like when he said he recorded his album at jk’s house and jk helped direct it, that was SUCH an exaggeration and he knew it. and ofc jk had to clear up the situation stating that taehyung just randomly called him up one day asking if he could record some guides at his apartment studio and jk only gave him some advice here and there abt how he should sing some lines. taehyung always find some way to mention jungkook and single out their relationship when jk doesn’t do the same. and the whole “to find you” thing…there’s no way that that’s the legitimate and whole truth. taehyung worded in a way that would catch ppls attention when in reality im sure jk would just sing that song a lot in general cuz it was stuck in his head or something, not directly to/for taehyung. bc if they were actually together and jk sang that song FOR him, taehyung would not be out here divulging all that information. he would want to keep that secret bc that is something that would directly give them away. and w the story he posted of him and jk on instagram before enlisting. that was completely on purpose for attention bc why would u not post something for jimin as well who was also enlisting the same day when u know ppl will notice that. he knew we would notice he only posted for jk and that would get attention for being just him and jk. just at least admit that taehyung mentions a lot of stuff abt jungkook on purpose bc he knows ppl like to hear it and it gets him attention while also satisfying the fans/shippers
Hi anon!
Ah, so you see… but it’s just a bit too close for comfort for you and therefore, even though Tae has been described as ‘honest’, ‘innocent’, ‘most down to earth’, etc by members.. you think he has to be lying and faking and scheming about his bond with Jk. All the while Jk (and all members) continue to speak well about Tae, showing their love and support for Tae, keep hanging out with Tae and just continue as though him ‘using’ Jk is okay? You’d rather believe all that than think that maybe Tae and Jk actually do have a special connection? Geezzz, must suck to be you.
Jk is humble, what felt like Jk directing to Tae might’ve felt as too much credit to Jk. Tae is likely to boast about Jk’s capabilities, while Jk is likely to play things like that down. Tae wanted to make him shine, Jk wanted to return some of that shine to where he felt it belonged.
Why would there be any other explanation for Jk singing ‘To find you’? Why is it inconceivable to you (we all know why…. you are either homophobic or a Tae anti.. or both)? Nothing about Tae’s demeanor in that live shows any form of faking. He was melancholic. He wanted/needed to share a piece of himself. You forget that as a part of Tkk it is his right to share pieces more than it is our right to judge. He is the one who actually knows Jk on a level that very little people do (even when you think they aren’t together). So his judgement on whether it’s alright to share something about him and Jk will always trump ours.
I can only imagine the conflicting feelings that come with having to hide a relationship. I imagine the struggle between wanting to share the thing you are proud of and that is most important to you while also wanting/needing to keep it safe and hidden is a hard one. To me that fully explains why at times we see something more real, and why at times it seems as though they keep things from us.
He absolutely posted Jk on purpose! I think you should think on that some more anon!
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rin-tezuka · 4 months
pinned post time
note: i will block you if you unfollow me. you're with me at my worst or not with me
hello my name is connie
i was born in 2002, and am a marxist-leninist, autistic transfem lesbian who is very very proud of her canon URL. i am irish-usamerican, and white. my dms are open if anyone wants to talk but i am very bad at keeping conversations going
i like trains too much to be healthy, and like ff14, heavy machinery, when they cry, disco elysium, homeworld, columbo, brba/bcs, whatever VN im fixating on for the month, highfleet, and ff12 a reasonable amount.
I am really bad at tagging things. The only tag i consistently maintain is #umineko spoilers, which one should block if they haven't read it and want to read it. My blog isn't necessarily 18+ but i refer to previous - i try and tag suggestive or nsfw but can't do it 100% of the time.
I have a mutuals discord, dm for the invite if we are mutuals
i don't have a fixed dni and do not participate in callout posts (i will gladly vague people tho); however generally im uncomfortable with
-fauxcest/incest kinks; please tag
-pro-mspec lesbian discourse
usually if you partake in either of those i wont block you or call you out or make a big deal out of it but i do just wanna state it here.
i will block people who take part in discourse which is pro-pedophile, pro-incest outside fauxcest, and pro-bestiality (which never includes anything between 2 consenting adults, for the record) and would prefer not to discuss my reasoning for that. I will also block people who are close to a certain circle of users on left-adjacent tumblr who consistently take part in transmisogynistic hate campaigns, and i will block any transandrophobia truthers, usually after mocking them viciously.
Generally I block people who unfollow but don't bother to block me. I do not need that in my life.
this is on a slightly different level but i find homestuck fans absolutely annoying and hazbin hotel abhorrent to look at
anyway welcome enjoy everything here
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
Realisations in mess (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Masterlist Part 5 Part 6
Summary: you're finally home! But what is this mess? clean up + cooking with alhaitham basically
Warnings: vulgarities, trashed up house (matra's fault), reader's ankle is sprained, cleaning up, alhaitham spewing out absolute bs, they eat an onion lol (no joke i was far gone when i wrote that part), sword,
Word count: <3.4k
Inspired by:-
Author's note: im learning how to make gifs! also im not sure if its obvious, but this is gonna be a 'slowburn' type of story!
Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement! I can;t thank you all enough!
as usual i hope this is ok i tried
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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Her house is a fucking mess.
Al Haitham can try, but he can't recall what her house looks like. But he knows it's not supposed to look like this.
Archons, what the hell did the Matra do? 
He doesn't stop her when she unslings her arm from around him. Instead, he holds the door open as she hobbles into her living room. He hears her let out a defeated sigh, but when she turns around to face him, she smiles.
"Well, at least I'll have something to do this afternoon," she looks around with pursed lips. "Been thinking of rearranging stuff anyway!"
Her cheerful tone doesn't fool him. It's as clear as day that she's beyond upset at the state of her home.
"You're...going to clean up this mess on your own?" she can't be serious. The place is completely trashed (is that...Harra Spice on the floor?). "Just you. With your sprained ankle." 
"Well, you did see the looks that the neighbours gave me," no, he didn't. He was focusing on other things. Like making sure she leans her weight on him, not her ankle. "I should probably keep to myself for now," she replies, her eyes downcast. "Hopefully, whatever rumours about me will die out soon." 
With that, she squats down, picking up a book off the floor. 
Huh, now that he thinks about it, there are a lot of books here (and yes, that's definitely Harra Spice on the floor.). And no, not notebooks or record books. Actual books- look, there's a book on languages over there and a thick book about Liyue Adeptuses right next to it. Al Haitham has never seen another house with this many books (apart from his own). In fact, most of her living room floor is covered in them, ripped from their bookshelves which lay not too far away from them. 
It must have taken her years to collect this many books. He's impressed that she managed to keep them all hidden all this time.
"I'll be fine, really," her voice strains as she reaches for another book. "Thank you for helping me back! And for everything else." 
Al Haitham's moving before he knows it. One second he's standing up, looking down at her picking up her books. The next, he's dropping his overnight bag and squatting down, grabbing her book for her.
"Oh! Thank you."
"You need to rest your ankle," Al Haitham states, reaching over to take the book already in her hands. "Stand up." 
Moving over to her, he gestures for her to sling an arm over him before standing up with her.
"There's no way you're going to be able to clean up this mess," he unslings her hand gently before walking over to her overturned couch. "I'll help."
"Ah! It's fine," she hobbles over to him, but he's already flipped her couch over. "You must be busy. I can-"
"It's lunchtime now. Everyone's on break." 
"Then you should be taking a break too!"
"I've already done so on the boat."
"Well, what about your lunch? I didn't see you eat anything."
"I had a heavy breakfast."
"That's not lunch."
"Sit down and rest your ankle."
"Hey! Did you hear what I just said?"
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Despite your protests, you're grateful you won't have to clean up this mess alone.
"How do you arrange your books?" Al Haitham asks as he lifts your last toppled bookshelf back upright. "By topic? Height?" He then shoots you a wary glance. "…Colour?"
"Topic, then by height," you reply, feeling slightly useless as you sit on the couch with a newly bandaged ankle (courtesy of Al Haitham). "Wait, colour? Do people do that?"
"You'll be surprised," he chuckles, and you see his shoulders relax. "There exists a certain individual that insists on making it their personal mission to convince others to arrange their bookshelves that way purely 'for the aesthetic'," he picks up a red book off the floor, running a hand over the slightly dented cover. "You have a lot of books here."
"Do… you find it strange?" you ask meekly. You wouldn't be surprised if he did. Hardly anyone in Sumeru used books, much less kept them thanks to the (recently abolished) Personal Book Act. This wouldn't be the first time a visitor judges you about it.
"Not at all," Al Haitham replies, flipping through the book gently. "I'm just surprised that you read," he stops at a folded page. "Almost no one reads in Sumeru. Not even Akademiya scholars. All they relied on was the Akasha terminals."
He balances the book in a hand and shuts it.
"I'm impressed that you managed to get your hands on this many. The Akademiya doesn't print any books. And there aren't any bookstores in Sumeru."
He passes the red book to you, and you swear his lips curve upwards for a fraction of a second.
"It's well written, but the author gives no evidence to back up his hypothesis. It's pure speculation on his part."
"You've read this before?"
"It's a title in the House of Daena," he explains, bending down to pick up another book and reading its title. "Although it's better off as a storybook."
"The House of Daena has books about Liyue?" you ask. The book in your hands is a Liyue publication which took you many pains to obtain. If there's an easier way to get access to such books-
"Definitely," he seems intrigued by your enthusiasm. "Many darshans' studies involve learning about other cultures and regions. So, books on such topics would be provided. Although whether the students want to read them is a different story."
So they'll have books about Liyue Law! You haven't been able to get your hands on any thus far.
He picks up a few more books off the floor and places them on a bookshelf nearest to him.
"You have a lot of books on Law. And Liyue."
"Ah! Yeah," his observation shocks you back into reality. "I…actually wanted to study in Liyue's Law School."
"Well, you know," he turns to look at you, and you look away. You know you won't be able to control the disappointment written all over your face if you talk about this. "Times aren't exactly the best now. Money is tight right now, with inflation and all. So…"
"I see."
"Yeah," you sigh and quickly plaster a smile, as you turn back to him. "But it's alright. I can still read about it! There are many more books in the House of Daena, so I'll borrow them!"
"…You can only borrow books if you're a student or teacher at the Akademiya."
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It takes Al Haitham about an hour to finally get all the books off the ground and into a somewhat orderly manner. The floor is much more empty now, save for shards of glass and foodstuff amongst overturned furniture. Al Haitham knows that the Matra are thorough in their investigations, but wrecking a house to such an extent in search of evidence is seriously going overboard.
He's going to have a long talk with the Matra stationed at Port Ormos when he gets there.
"Here?" Al Haitham asks the lady standing next to him. She's insisted on helping, against his protests. Eventually, they came to a compromise- he'll carry and arrange the books, and she'll point out where to put everything.
"Yep! These few are fine- ok, switch those two," she instructs. "Everything else is in order. Thank you!"
"Where's the broom?" Al Haitham asks, kicking a shard of glass away from her. "There's glass everywhere."
"It must be the bottle of Harra Spice I bought," she hobbles past the dining table over to the kitchen, Al Haitham following closely behind her. "I bought some groceries the day before I got arrested. I left it on the dining table and… forgot to unpack it."
She didn't forget. Al Haitham takes the opportunity to quickly pick up the chairs and push them under the table, which she thanks him for. She was taking care of me and didn't have the time to put it away.
They both ignore the splinters of wood that fall out when he moves the chairs.
"I'm sorry about this whole mess," Al Haitham sighs. It doesn't matter how he tries to reason with himself. No matter what, this whole situation is his fault. And it leaves a really bad taste in his mouth that she's the one paying the price for it. "I'll be sure to pay for whatever damages there are."
"None of this is your fault," she quickly retorts, grabbing the broom's handle…which immediately detaches from the broom's head. "And like I said," she reaches for the broom head, but Al Haitham beats her to it, taking the handle from her as well. "I've been thinking about rearranging the place anyway!"
Yeah. Rearranging, not refurbishing. Past her shoulder, he sees the wrecked kitchen. And shards of broken tableware among other objects sprinkled all over the floor. She's going to need to replace a lot of things.
"Still, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you-"
"If you really want to make it up to me, take care of yourself and don't faint in front of a random person's house again!"
"I'll do my best."
"Is…that a yes or a no?" her head tilts as she frowns, eyeing him puzzledly. "And wait! Do your best to not do that or to do that?"
And out of nowhere, Al Haitham feels the sudden urge to 'push it', as Kaveh call it. Just to see how she'll react. For research purposes.
"Celestia wills the movement of the mountain and hills." he recites an old rhyme while observing her increasingly perplexed expression with great interest. The rhyme was just his grandmother's way of saying that no one knew what the future held- except fate.
"May the stars align your wish alongside their plans."
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The good news is that cleaning your kitchen didn't take very long. The bad news is that you pretty much have to buy a new set of almost everything for your kitchen.
No, you're not joking. All you could do was grab things off the floor and counter and throw them into the bin. It hadn't taken long for you to realise that the Matra had destroyed almost everything, save for your stove and sink, a dented, but still usable pot, a single onion and a small bottle of oil.
Nothing else was spared. Not your tableware. Not your bottles of sauce. Not any of your newly bought ingredients. And most definitely not your bottle of Harra spice.
"This should be the last of it," Al Haitham re-enters the kitchen with a fully filled dustpan. "You need any help in here?"
"No, I'm done here," you groan. The Matra had destroyed all your groceries for the week. Do you even have enough Mora to buy food again this week? "Squeaky clean!"
"…and empty."
"Don't remind me," you grumble, sitting on the counter. "How did they break so many plates? It's not even fragile! It's made of wood!"
"A hidden ability of overzealous and bored Matra, I suppose," Al Haitham says as he dumps the contents of the dustpan into your overflowing bin. "Is there anything else?"
"No, just my room. I'll settle that myself," you answer. Rubbing at your bandaged ankle, you sigh, leaning your head against the overhead cabinet. "Thank you for your help, really. I wouldn't have been able to clean this all on my own."
"It's no problem. How does your ankle feel?"
"It's alright. Doesn't hurt too much."
"That's good. Elevate it when you can."
"I will."
A peaceful silence washes over the two of you as you finally get some rest after cleaning the entire house. But all that's interrupted when your stomach suddenly rumbles.
Oh, Archons. 
"I…I'm so sorry."
"Well, it is a little bit past lunchtime. How are you settling lunch?"
"I have an onion."
"I have oil too."
"You're going to eat an onion?"
"I gotta," you grip the onion in your hands. "But all my knives are broken, so I can't dice it."
"Can't you go out to buy some ingredients?" Al Haitham looks a little concerned. "You don't need to eat the onion."
"The only person who sells groceries these days is Bahram," you begin peeling the onion. "But he closes shop early. He should be closed right now."
"So, how are you planning on eating this…onion?"
"I'll try to fry it."
"You're just going to toss that whole sphere of onion onto a pan?"
"Well, I don't have a pan anymore so I'll use my pot," you grab your pot and place it over the stove. "Hopefully, it won't roll out."
"Now, hold on. Don't do that."
"I mean the other alternative is eating it raw, but-"
"Use this."
"Hm?" you pour some oil into the pot before turning to him. "What the he-"
"Calm down. You're going to spill the oil onto the floor."
"Where did that come from?!"
"From me."
Before you is a beautiful green blade, rounded by a white and gold spine. A majestic aura surrounds it- as if it belongs to a higher being. It almost looks too holy to touch.
"Here. Use it to dice the onion."
"Waitjustholdonasecond," your words jumble as you struggle to understand his request. "You want me to take your fancy blade and use it to cut the onion?"
"Yes," he pushes the blade further towards you. "Go on."
"You can't be serious. I can't do that to your sword!"
"If it's hygiene you're worried about, I assure you that-"
"No, it's not that!" honestly, it kind of scares you how hygiene isn't your main concern here. "Your sword! I can't cut an onion with your sword! What if I break it?"
"If my sword breaks from cutting an onion, I wouldn't carry it around."
"You carry it around? Where? I didn't see- ok, I'm going off-topic," you sigh. "Are you sure I can use it? It looks really expensive and I don't wanna, uh, desecrate it."
"It's a sword. It's meant for cutting things," he takes the onion from you and slices it into two before handing it over to you. "You're using it as intended. I don't see the problem."
"If you say so…" he lets the blade go into your hands, and you jerk at the sudden weight. "Oh- Archons, how do you carry this?"
"You alright there?"
"Yep, yep, I- I'll be fine!"
Your onions end up more chunky than usual, but you'll take it. You heat up the oil (after trying to squeeze out every last drop of oil from the small bottle) and gently add in the onions later. The sounds of sizzling oil fill the kitchen, and you happily take in the scent emitting from the pot. After a while, you feel that it's time to stir it around so you-
Wait. How are you gonna stir it?
"Uh oh," you grab the handle of the pot, tilting it from one end to the other. But it's no use. The onions aren't flipping over. "Oh no."
"I forgot I don't have a spatula. I can't flip it."
"Use the sword."
"I- fine. Use the sword."
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The final product looks better than you expected. Golden brown onions lay on top of each other inside the pot and your mouth waters at the sight.
"You'll have to wait till the pot cools down a little," Al Haitham cautions as he places the pot on the dining table. "Or else you'll burn your hand when you reach in for a slice."
"Haha, no."
"Hey! What did I just say-"
You really can't help yourself. You're too hungry. Reaching into the pipping hot pot, you pinch a piece of onion and quickly toss it into your mouth.
"Ah- hwot-"
"Take- a slice!" you say between blowing out hot air. "It tastes pretty good! Must be the fancy sword flavour."
"I'll take one when it cools down a little. So I don't burn my fingers and the roof of my mouth."
"Suit yourself."
And the two of you fall into another cycle of silence- this time only interrupted by the sound of you blowing out hot air and Al Haitham scoffing at the display before him. Eventually, the pot cools down, and he takes up your offer and grabs a piece.
"What do you think? Pretty good, right?"
"It's good."
"That's all you have to say about the onions your sword painstakingly chopped?" you hold your chest in fake shock. "How dare you, good sir!"
"Well, my sword seems happy enough," he plays along, reaching a hand out. In an instant, the blade materialises. "I don't see any dissatisfaction from it."
And then the blade disappears. And his hand is again as empty as your kitchen is.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what? Keep my sword?"
"Yeah! And make it reappear!"
The rest of your meal is spent happily chatting and making the poor man materialise and keep his blade over, and over again.
As selfish as it sounds, you don't want him to go. Because the moment he does, you'll be alone in Vimara Village, with nothing but rumours to keep you company.
But he has a job to do- an important one, at that. He's Sumeru's Acting Grand Sage. He's not a friend.
"I think it's about time I take my leave," he finally says, snapping you out of your train of thought. Standing up from his shaky chair, he grabs his overnight bag. "Thank you for your hospitality."
"Not at all," you reply, slowly standing from your chair as well. "I'm sorry that I couldn't host you under better circumstances."
"Would you happen to know where a certain Dilawar lives?" he asks. "I was told that he lives here."
Ah, so that's why he's here.
"Mr Dilawar lives not too far from here. Just head upwards from here and stop at the second house from the bridge," you answer. "Are… you here to fix Port Ormos?"
"Yes," he replies. "The closure of the port is not a problem I can ignore. Discussing the current state and future of the port with the trade supervisors is a crucial step in fixing the problem."
"Well, if you're on the case, then there's nothing for us common folk to worry about," you let out a relieved sigh. "With you as the Acting Grand Sage, Sumeru is in good hands."
"…Thank you."
You walk him to your front door, and he pauses outside for a moment to look back at you.
"Make sure to rest your ankle."
"I will."
"Keep a look out for any shards of glass on the floor. I may have missed them."
"I highly doubt that, but alright."
"And," he pauses again, looking over at your bookshelves. "Don't give up hope on going to Law school."
"You must have taken a lot of effort to collect and read through all those books," he says. "It'd be a pity if all that effort went to waste."
He stands a little straighter, looking you in the eye this time.
"This is a temporary issue. Don't let something like that ruin a lifetime of fulfilment."
With that, he turns around.
"Well then, see you."
"Ah! Yeah, see you."
And he walked off.
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"Well, you know," she doesn't turn away fast enough for Al Haitham to miss that crushed expression of hers. "Times aren't exactly the best now. Money is tight right now, with inflation and all. So…"
"I see."
So, it's a money issue. The reason that she's giving up her dream is because of money.
Like hell he's going to let that happen.
He'll solve it. He'll fix Sumeru's entire economy. He'll force the port open with his own two hands.
Just get that look off her face.
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flemlem · 7 months
thougts about the creation stream [21.02.24] because i finally have them in order. Im going to try to keep this as factual as possible, but there may be some bits that I cant Not Be - also, this is going to be pretty damn long, i have many things to say and Im putting them all here, I'll try put all the opinions / heavy speculation at the end :>. Also sorry if it feels disjointed in places, I got real busy 2/3 of the way through and had to leave it for a while, so im not sure if i got all the points hit that i wanted to. (there should be a read more cause when i say long i mean Really Fucking Long but idk)
so first off, all the aliases that creation uses for other people (that I can find or reasonably assume).
Sunny (loved shell) rank 1
Chayanne (duck shell) rank 2
Tallulah (trauma shell) - rank 3
Empanada (pancake shell) - rank 4
Richarlyson - Rank 7
Tubbo - Primary Protector, Creator, Boss (unsure but will explain)
? - Centre Control
Philza - Guardian
Cellbit - Guardian (unsure)
Bagi - (slow) keeper
Niki - Keeper
mostly facts [though there are some interpretations and such]
tubbo is Really Really old. This is backed up by Many things, most on the stream, though a couple not. When creation is talking to chayanne in the ruins he says that tubbo created him a 'long long time ago'. The sheer amount of time is Also backed up by the fact that creation says he 'miss when this place was not ruins', did you see the state of those ruins? there were a few stacks of blocks left over on the tips of mountains that have virtually nothing distinct about them, the only descriptor used for all the blocks is also that they are ancient, so like-. The place has Lava surrounding it. In general just the state of the place kinda shows just how old it is. Though some fun things about qTubbo's age is that he Knows how old he is, or at least that he had been around for a long time. Going back to Fits birthday party when he says he's been dead for a long time. He is aware that he's been around a long time, though he doesnt add that to his age. In the message to Sunny he says that he's 20, not like, 70903405803. Just 20. cc!tubbo also confirmed on his alt stream later that qTubbo was infact 20 years old. He did also say that 'how long he's been around is another question' and then told people they were digging too far when they then asked how long qtubbo had been around for. He did however also say that 'his [qtubbo's] age stagnated when he was frozen' so qtubbo had to of been 19 when he got frozen [cause the 20th birthday was celebrated when tubbo was on the server].
Something that I have no clue about is exactly the connotations that are around it telling Chayanne that tubbo 'made me for you'. Creation also says something similar to Sunny at some other point in the stream. This is?? really confusing to me??? because it's heavily implied that Creation was created Before Tubbo was frozen. This could imply that Tubbo has re-programmed Creation at some point since being defrosted. Though the main running thing throughout Creations involvement has been that Tubbo Cannot Know About Creation At Any Cost. Originally it was Creation would die if Tubbo [Creator, specifically] knew. Then after Tubbo died it changed to Tubbo [Primary Protector, specifically] would die if he knew about Creation. Though then we get to something else that challenges this thought. During the recording shown at both the start and end of the stream Tubbo says that the message can only be unlocked by 2 people and that he never wants sunny to have to meet them. Obviously one of these people is Creation, as Creation mentioned on phils [and others] streams later the day that tubbo died that Creation had a message that could only be shown to sunny if Tubbo died, so this leaves 2 options for how this worked[that I can think of]. Either there was a moment in time, it had to of been after sunny was in tubbos care, in which he knew about Creation and Neither of them died. Or one of the people that could access the message passed it onto creation and tubbo was never aware of Creation.
Creation mentions 'The Old Order' as well, specifically that Creation misses the old order. The main question is about, what is the actual title of it? is it 'The Old Order', the 'Old Order' or the old 'Order'. If the title is just 'Order' and old is a descriptor then we could reasonably assume that it was a historical part of the current Order, though does Creation know about the current Order? Im unsure. If its either of the other ones then it's just a Title. Simply what the group is called. Not much is mentioned about the old order, other than that tubbo was at least associated with it, or they, somehow, stole Creation from him. It is also implied that they were at least where the ruins were, maybe all over the island, mainly from Creation saying that it misses the old order around when it mentions when the building wasnt ruins. Going off the block descriptions, this ruin is a ruin because of a 'past calamity'. Nothing else really mentioned about the calamity, just that that is why its ruins now.
The Operation is only mentioned a few times. It's never stated exactly what 'the operation' is. We know that the operation is something akin to a mission because when Tubbo first mentions it, in the 'if I died, last resort' recording, he says thats he never would of signed up for 'this scheme, this... operation if you will'. If he didn't say scheme before than it could of been, well, anything really, but the word scheme has some specific connotations that at the very least rules out some possibilities. After this first mention it is only referred to as 'the operation' [as far as I can find]. Creation does talk about it several times though. Something that it says is that it was a last effort to 'hold on' before Tubbo joined the operation. This implies that creation was made Before tubbo joined the operation. In the same last resort recording Tubbo does specifically say 'I would not have signed up for something like this'. He Signed Up to take part in whatever operation they are referring to. There is the implication that he signed up for this specifically because he didnt have Anything to care about before he signed up for it. He had nothing to live for, no... Purpose one may say?[side eye emoji]
okay so, the data. This is... something. In the description of the item it says that it was made by tubbo, the main thing is, When? We can glean a few things about this data from the stream [and a couple other places]. Going further into the description of the item. It says that it tracks Tubbo's vitals, statistics and locations. Going slightly out of this stream, this could be heavily why tubbo is Wrong. It doesn't say that it has his feelings or personality. Another thing to do with that is that tubbo did at Some Point send a chat that said that the data was incomplete/something along those lines[dont ask me when, I dont remeber, im pretty sure theres a screenie floating around in one of the tubbo tags tho]. Something that I find kind of weird is when Creation tells sunny that Creation cant promise that Tubbo will come back the same. The way its phrased could mean 2 things in my opinion. The first one being that Creation simply Does Not Know what is contained in the data. Creation does not know how much of Tubbo is in there, when it was made, if it's been damaged, if its been Tampered With. Or something that I think is almost as plausible, Creation phrases it that way because Creation is talking to a Child. One of Creations main purposes seems to be protecting the Eggs, both physically and emtionally [see: Creation hugging Sunny after Tubbo died] so maybe Creation was trying to break it to Sunny as gently as possible. Not straight up say 'Your dad is going to be Different' but just, something small to prepare them for it, so that Sunny isn't blind sided by the change. The data was also in Central Control's possession. When they have to go grab the data creation specifically says that 'Central Control has delivered it'. So Some How, CC got the data. This also raises some questions about the password on the chest the data was in. Why was it Sunny's adoption day? Did Tubbo make the box and CC can just teleport things into it at will but not change the password?
What exactly Is Creations purpose? We are told that it has something to do with protecting the eggs, but also not Entierly revolving around them. We are told that tubbo created it for chayanne and sunny, we can reasonably asume that its not just for them but All the eggs. But creation shuts down after guiding the construction of the revival machine, saying that its purpose is finished. But that has nothing to do with the eggs? This doesnt fit with the rest of the pieces we have on the board to me because it was called the First Video Log. Why call it the first if there was never going to be a second? Surely if Creations only purpose was to resurrect tubbo then it would of known that it was going to die. And also just protecting the eggs cant be its only purpose because then it wouldnt of said that it could shut down because its purpose wouldnt of been complete? Its purpose Never would of been complete until all the eggs were dead? This confuses the fuck outta me. Though something about its purpose does seem to be that it is to learn. It comes off very naieve about the world at large, though it trusts sunny when they tell it that the boat will keep the water away. It seems in awe of most things around it, or surprised or dismissive. saying 'woah' when looking at the station . Saying 'oh my god' when the creeper explodes. it says 'I did this for you [boss]' after saying that it was learning fast. Learning seems to have a lot to do with it's purpose. Tubbo says, in the Alt stream later that 'It's [creation] just a little guy... mainly copying, trying to fit in to not like, fail it's purpose' We could take this as learning to fit in being its purpose, Or the more obvious one being that its purpose relies heavily on being able to fit in. Is that so that the eggs and parents trust it to care for the eggs? or does it have something to do with the old order?
Now we get more into theory and heavy interpretation area, so buckle up {a lot of this next bit is half baked thoughts that I cant connect to anything else, so, yeah}
Something about Tubbo's character specifically, kind of related to his age? though more so to do with What The Ever Loving Fuck his character IS. So. QTubbo has been around for A While, that we know, we Also know that hes been dead for a long time as well. We know that hes not a robot, curtesy of Creation's 'not like a robot, no'. Though, where does that then leave him. He can still be restored, he can be shut down and he's been dead for a long time. And yes, specifically dead. Why? because when talking about Creation tubbo says that it was never alive in the first place so 'not dead, no', whenever qTubbo is talked about, the word 'Dead' is Always used. Never anything else, so he Was alive At Some Point. Though then theres the question of How The EverLoving Fuck Can He Die If He Is Already Dead???? idfk
Okay so, next thing. I fully think that the calamity has something to do with how tubbo got frozen. Whether the calamity has something to do with Why creation was created in the first place, if said calamity has something to do with the reason why creation was a last attempt to hold on. it could also be something to do with the reason why tubbo was frozen. If its less so a punishment and more so something along the lines of recuperation, then maybe he got hurt. Or it could be something to do with 'The Operation', Im just kind of spit balling at this point. Maybe the calamity wasnt natural. maybe the operation was some kind of last ditch effort to go against some All Powerful being or group.
SO explaining the thing about putting 'Boss' in Tubbos list of alias'. This is Very Heavily how IM interpretating this. When they are collecting the blocks in the ruins, there are a couple times that Creation goes in F5 and starts talking, staring directly into the 'camera'. During this he says 'Boss I am learning fast, see how well I'm doing. I did this for you.' and 'Boss one day I hope you will remember me'. This is heavily off of that second one. 'I hope you will remember me one day'. Sure, 'boss' could be near anyone, Infact there is a high chance that 'boss' is Central control. But just. hear me out [which i hope youre doing if youve read this far down]. Who else could Creation reasonably label 'boss'? Who do we Know does not remember creation? Tubbo Created creation, and has subsequently forgotten about creation, whether thats of his own volition, for his safety or some other reason, I dunno, but I think its got legs.
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creekfiend · 8 months
Howdy, so Ive got a questions.
I was one of the lucky few mentally ill kids who didn't have a horrific experience with institutionalization, and there's definitely a lot more going on under the hood of my mind than is on any kind of record that i haven't brought to any sort of doctor for fear that i will be denied any sort of recourse in my own life (Autism, CPTSD and suspected BPD). I say this to let you know I'm being genuine in my questioning despite being behind anon.
I saw a post in which it's stated that mental illness as an industry and field of study is meant to pathologize "normal" reactions to capitalism and systemic tragedies, but like. Capitalism didn't make me autistic, or traumatize me, or neglect me into developing a disorder. I agree wholeheartedly that mental illnesses can be developed in response to circumstances outside of someone's control, but i can't in good conscience sit here, remembering a time when i was sat up in bed at 2 am having a psychotic break, convinced that i was still dreaming and that there was something after me as i sob and convulsed in terror and say in good conscience that people who have to experience that sort of terror every day don't need some sort of means to help them maintain some semblance of a life.
I say this because the posts ive been taking issue with are classing the very concept of psychology as a field of study and medicine as an inherent moral evil on the basis of stigma and ableism being prominent in the field. And while i again, wholeheartedly agree that stigma and ableism colors much of psychology, i can't help but see exactly how much good it COULD do should stigma and ableism be removed completely from the equation. Replace biases and preconceived notions with a basis of compassion and understanding, if you will.
Is this a movement that denounces the entire study of mental health and the treatment of it as degrading and immoral by nature? If so, what does the antipsych movement have in mind as a means of helping those in mental distress without a means to examine and classify different types of mental distress? Am i misunderstanding the gist of these concepts? Is there some sort of contingency to deal with those of us with uglier manifestations of mental health to put it lightly? For those whose mental health would absolutely benefit from being placed somewhere safe with other like-minded people for a time, is there any room for such a thing as a treatment, so long as it's voluntary, like an actual hospital treating an illness instead of a prison housing criminals?
I just. Want to understand, because the understanding I'm currently getting is distressing to me, as i initially thought antipsych as a "treat nuerodivergent people like normal actual people and also abolish the use of mental institutions in their current, oppressive form", as opposed to those who seem to be saying (and please, genuinely, correct me if I'm misinterpreting this) to abolish the study of psychology altogether.
if you read the contents of my tag and you still think that this is a relevant question I don't know what to tell you
I simply don't im sorry
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dragoneyes618 · 4 months
There’s a popular slogan in Israel that appears on car stickers, jewelry and suchlike: Ein Li Eretz Acheret, “I have no other country.” The phrase comes from the title of an iconic and extremely moving song written by Ehud Manor, with music composed by Corinne Allal, and originally recorded in 1986 by Gali Atari; we will mention those names again later. Its opening lines and chorus are Ain li eretz acharet, gam im admati bo’eret, “I have no other country, even if my land is burning.”
A neighbor of mine, who was experiencing considerable war anxiety about the land burning, told me that he didn’t relate to it at all. He said, “But I do have another country. I can go back to Teaneck!” And he said that if things got worse, he would seriously consider doing so.
At the beginning of the war, I was wondering the same thing. I do have another country – two, actually. I have UK citizenship and my wife has U.S. citizenship, and our children have both. Maybe we should go back to live somewhere safer? One of the commentators on the previous post was talking about Lakewood as being a safe and excellent place to live with a rich Jewish life.
Now I could continue by talking about how special and beneficial it is to live in Israel, about how it’s both the Promised Land and our historic homeland, about how it’s the only country with Jewish sovereignty. Which would all be true. But there’s a different point that I want to discuss in this post.
Yes, I do have another country that I could go to (though it wouldn’t be at all straightforward, especially for my children). So do lots of people in Ramat Beit Shemesh and the rest of Israel.
But there’s also lots and lots and lots of people who don’t.
There are millions of Jews in Israel who just don’t have anywhere else to go. There are those who simply don’t have the money for it and would find it too difficult to find employment in a country where they don’t even speak the language. There are those who are too old or ill or who have young children that would suffer from a move. There are those who have crucial responsibilities here. There are those who are just too deeply embedded here.
Even more to the point, there are also millions of Jews who literally don’t have any passport other than their Israeli one. What other country will let them in? The Jews who came from Iran and Egypt and Syria and Yemen are certainly not able to go back to those countries! Nor are Russia and many European countries a safe place for Jews. And even countries which are relatively safe and allow some immigration are not going to accept millions of Jews (and if they did, those countries would likely quickly become not very safe for Jews).
In fact, that’s one of the main reasons why Israel came to exist in the first place. As antisemitism grew in Europe, many Jews realized that they needed to get out, but simply had nowhere to go. Twenty years before the Holocaust, at least 100,000 Jews were massacred in pogroms in the Ukraine, which also created 600,000 Jewish international refugees and millions more who were displaced and threatened.
At this point, many people realized that an even greater catastrophe might happen. But the countries to which the largest numbers of Jewish refugees were fleeing all revised their immigration policies to prevent further Jewish immigration. This included not only Poland and Germany (which obviously wouldn’t have been a good long-term solution anyway), but also the United States, Argentina, and British Palestine. In the U.S., Henry Ford’s newspaper published pamphlets about the Jewish problem, claiming that the national debt was Jewish-inspired to enslave Americans and other such hateful slurs to keep Jews out.
Then things got even worse in Europe, with the rise of Hitler. Some people managed to get out. The parents of Ehud Manor, writer of Ain Li Eretz Acheret, fled Belarus and managed to get into Palestine.
Yet still no country was willing to take in millions of Jews. The U.S. convened the Évian conference, bringing together 32 countries to find a home for Jewish refugees. But aside from the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, no country, including the U.S., was willing to accept Jewish refugees in any remotely significant number. Consequently, millions of Jews were killed in Europe.
And even after the horrors of the Holocaust, many Jewish survivors still had nowhere to go! Some of them went back to their home towns in Poland and were killed in a pogrom. Others languished in Displaced Persons camps for years, some of which were actually in concentration camps. My late mother-in-law spent the first years of her life in a DP camp; her parents were lucky enough to have a relative in the U.S. who eventually managed to bring them over, but most Jews did not have such an option.
Many Jews, very understandably, realized that a Jewish homeland was needed. It wasn’t about it necessarily being the safest place for a Jew to live. Everyone always knew that Palestine was in a hostile and dangerous part of the world, and that there would be a challenge with the resident Arabs (though it was generally assumed that some sort of compromise would be worked out; there was no broad plan to drive them out). And on the eve of the War of Independence, it was assessed that there was only a 50-50 chance of survival!
Israel has not yet been, and still is not, the safest place in the world for Jews. But not everyone has the option to live in the safest place in the world – many people just need somewhere that is safer than where they currently live. And in any case, having a homeland is not about attaining the greatest safety – it is about having a home, a place that Jews historically belong, a place that Jews can always come to when they fear persecution or experience discrimination, where we can take responsibility for our own safety, and where we can put being Jewish into action and expression.
While Israel won the War of Independence – at a cost of 1% of its population – this created a crisis for nearly a million Jews in Muslim countries, who were persecuted and had to make immediate use of Israel as a refuge. The parents of Gali Atari, singer of Ain Li Eretz Acheret, fled Yemen for Israel, while composer Corinne Allal’s family fled from Tunisia. But it should be born in mind that even if Israel had not come into existence, the existence of Jews in Muslim lands was difficult and very precarious.
And so we reach the situation that we are in today. Israel is home to over seven million Jews. Most of them do not have another country to go to, even if they wanted to (which they don’t). Ain lahem eretz acheret.
(As Haviv Rettig Gur notes, this is the fundamental mistake made by many Palestinians and their supporters, who believe that they can rid of the Jews with violence just as the Algerians successfully used violence to get the French colonialists to go back to France. They don’t grasp that most Jews just don’t have a country to go back to, and thus violence won’t achieve anything and will even be counter–productive.)
Now, there are some Jews who only look at things in terms of their own personal interests. “Where is a safe place for me to live? What is a spiritually safe environment for my children?” And if, as a result, others are less safe physically and spiritually and have to take on an even larger cost to their families and jobs and religious life, then that’s just too bad.
But others feel a sense of responsibility to the rest of our people. It’s not “me” and “them” – it’s us. The correct formulation is not ain li eretz acharet or ain lahem eretz acharet. It’s ain lanu eretz acheret.
Millions of Jews need Israel. And Israel needs a strong army and a strong economy to finance it and a flourishing national Jewish life. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to help with that.
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fyodoro · 2 years
Hi there! Love your writing 💖
Can I request Wonderland x Showtime with a bedridden reader? Feel free to ignore it, if you are uncomfortable.
A Flower Bloomed Too Illuminate You
Featuring Tsukasa Tenma, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi and Rui Kamishiro
Hi anon, I’m not uncomfortable with it! Tried to keep the angst light so I hope you enjoy:) though i didn’t know what you exactly meant by bedridden. also saki’s illness is mentioned here- but im not using it as an extension to tsukasa’s character… if that’s not clear enough
Cw) reader is bedridden, light angst?? probably messy writing…
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Tsukasa Tenma
Tsukasa already has a great understanding of your condition, as his sister has struggled being bedridden for a good portion of her life. He knows all too well what he should and shouldn’t do.
Tsukasa is always by your side when he can, and never wants to miss a moment with you. Granted, he’s upset about your physical state and worries for you, but he’s determined to brighten your mood!
He wants you to see his shows very bad, but if you can’t go to them, then Tsukasa might as well bring them to you. So often expect him and his troupe performing in your room- no matter how cramped it could be. They’re all happy to do it, and you’re just as happy to watch.
Although he won’t say it out loud, Tsukasa prays every night that you’ll get better soon. He’s send what being bedridden did to Saki, how how it took away so much of her childhood. He doesn’t want to watch you get your teen years ripped away from you just like that.
But for as long as you’re with Tsukasa, he’ll always make sure to keep your hopes up and a smile on your face.
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Emu Otori
Emu feels obligated to keep you smiling, she absolutely refuses to allow you to lose any hope. It makes you worry for her at times- she seems too desperate to keep you happy.
Eventually you explain to her how it’s ok if you feel down sometimes, that it’s only natural in your condition. Emu will apologize if her antics were too much and that just wishes for you too feel better. Of course, you forgive her immediately, she is only trying to help.
After this, Emu is much more calmer around you but still makes you feel even a tad bit better just by being there. Often times she’ll tell you all about her troupe and the shows they perform, she’s even though about introducing you to them one day. Though she didn’t know if you’d like meeting multiple people at once like this. Depending on your answer, she’ll follow through with what you want.
Emu had the idea of recording a WxS show and showing it to you after- and it was one of the best decisions she’s made. She enjoyed watching your eyes light up and hearing your laughter from the performance. The happiness is contagious- as eventually Emu will be telling you all about the behind the scenes.
It’s a good thing Emu is like a walking sun, or else you’re life would probably be much darker without her.
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Nene Kusanagi
It’s not often that Nene visits anyone besides Rui’s home, but that changed fast when she met you. Although she doesn’t quite understand what to do or what can help; she is trying her best!
You already knew Nene wasn’t much of a talker, and prefers speaking through actions. So every little thing she does for you means a lot more than she thinks. Whether she’s bringing multiplayer games over for the two of you or just a few snacks- you appreciate it from her so much.
Nene herself doesn’t quite get your condition, but does understand it’s severe enough to keep you bedridden. She tries to keep you from moving too much or pushing yourself, and usually you’ll listen to her.
She tries to keep your spirits up by using distractions, whether she’s telling you about her day or playing games with you, she just wants you to keep your mind off your physical state for a bit. But if you ever do need a shoulder to cry on or to just vent, Nene will listen and try her best to give words of comfort.
Overall, Nene is just happy you can still be here with her. She appreciates your strength just as much as you appreciate her actions.
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Rui Kamishiro
Your condition doesn’t make Rui view you any differently, this is one of the first things he emphasizes with you. That no matter how poor your physical state may be, it won’t ever change how he sees or feels about you. He doesn’t want you to think that he’ll leave you over something so out of your control.
Because of how much he works on his own, and how he doesn’t want to leave your side, Rui brings his work to you- as long as you’re ok with it. He hopes that the little gadgets and robots he creates can brighten your mood, or give you some kind of entertainment.
Rui also enjoys late night chat with you; while you’re still awake and he’s at his most awake point, these moments feel really intimate to him for some reason. That you could be asleep resting right now but instead you’d rather talk to him means something more to him. However, he will make you rest at some point.
Expect a lot of random food bags from Rui as well. On his way home he’ll stop at a place he knows you enjoy to order you something. The glimmer you get in your eye when you eat it makes Rui feel proud. And he hopes that sooner or later he can take you out to eat at this restaurant.
Although he wishes you weren’t bedridden, Rui will happily stay by your side till you’ve recovered enough to move more.
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sturniolo04 · 5 months
Period in Public Prank N.S.
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Bsf!Nick x Bsf!Fem!Reader
Summary: in which Taylor gets her period.
Taylor's POV: i set up my camera in my bestfriends bathroom in his room to start the 'vlog' for the day.
Taylor: whats up my lovelys today i am playing a prank on my best friend Nick Sturniolo So basically i will be having my 'period' in public to see how he reacts we are suppose to be going to target later today to pick up some stuff for our beach trip with some of our friends and yeah hopefully i will get a good reaction. so i am going to get Nick up now so we can get ready to go
she finished grabbing her camera and quietly waking up Nick
Taylor: Nick
She whispers slightly
Nick: hm
Taylor: time to get up we have to go to the starbucks before we go to target
Nick: mmmhmm
time skip
Taylor: so we got up and got coffee and everything now we are back in the car going to target right
she states talking to the 'vlog'
Nick: yeahh
He replies to her as he pulls out of the starbucks parking lot heading to target.
time skip
Taylor: okay so we got to target and we picked out a few beach towels and stuff for the trip do you think this will be a good trip ?
Nick; of course just taking time away with friends is going to be amazing and stay tuned for the amazing beach content as well though
he states to Taylor and the camera she was holding
Taylor; yeah definitely content is going to be crazy this weekend
she says looking up at the camera then disceretly holding down as if it were not recording
Taylor: Nick
Nick: hm
Taylor: I'm going to the bathroom real quick will you hold this for me
Nick: yeah yeah of course
he affirms grabbing her stuff
Time skip
Taylor: so Nick has the camera right now and i am recording on my phone so i am going to apply the blood on the back of my jeans and then text Nick after like 10 mintues to come to the bathroom so yeah lets do it
mini time skip
Taylor; okay so i just texted Nick to come to the bathroom so he should be here in a few and then we will get his reaction.
Time skip again hehe :)
Nick: so Taylor texted me saying to come to the bathroom
she whispers to the camera standing by the bathroom door before he knocks softly on the door
Nick; Tay its me
he says as she opens the door pulling him inside and closing it behind them
Taylor: soo i uhh
she trails off turning arround showing him the issue looking over her shoulder to see his reaction
Nick: Tayyy
he trails coming and hugging her pouting best friend
Taylor: yeahh i dont know what to do
she states hugging him tight
Nick: do you want my jacket
he asks pulling away looking down at her
Taylor: i guess i dont know what else to do i mean i came in here and i saw that i bled through
Nick: its okay i mean it happens
he says pulling off his jacket and giving it to her
Taylor; are sure i have this jacket i could use
Nick; no no no its fine
Taylor: i dont want to get it all on your Jacket too though nick
Nick: its fine Taylor
She wraps it around her waist
Taylor: Broo What the fuckk
she whines
Nick: we could get more jeans here if you want
Taylor: i feel so stupid wearing two jackets
Nick: do you have any extra tampons in your bag
Taylor: noo
she whines as he proceeds to hug her again
Nick: im sorry
Taylor: thank you for coming
she sighs out
Nick: yeah of course always..
Taylor: nick
she trails off smiling and giggling
Nick: what
he asks pulling away
Taylor: this is a prank
Nick: what Taylor nooo
he states looking at her phone on the bathroom counter recording
Nick: are fucking for real
he exclaims while she is laughing
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