#but im bored
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idcfriend · 10 months ago
A Spoon Full of Sugar- Mary Poppins
Yuu only wanted to clean and fix up Ramshackle a bit they have no idea why everyone's freaking out...
Now the day started out normal...well as normal as a day in NRC can be anyway, it was the weekend so Yuu wanted to do some clean up around their dorm the only problem was that-
*CRASH* "I ain't gonna do it! The Great Grim is too great for chores!"
You sighed, "Grim if you're not going to help at least don't make a bigger mess" you said mildly annoyed
All you wanted was to do a little cleaning was that to much to ask? You looked around before you looked back to Grim and grinned getting an idea.
"Hey Grim, what if i showed you a fun way to clean, would you?"
Grim stopped, looking at you with a curious expression, "A fun way to clean this dump?" the way he said it making it sound like you had told him you knew the meaning of life or something
"Yeah fun" you smiled as you stood up with a broom in hand
In every job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You sang while looking at Grim with a grin while walking around the room sweeping the floor, and as you did so wherever you stepped seemed to become brand new
You find the fun and...snap!
You said snapping your fingers fixing the seating area as Grim looked around in awe watching as it looked as if time was going in reverse making everything as it was long ago
The job's a game!
And every task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
"Why don't you give it a try Grim?" you asked with a teasing smile
"Really? Heck ya! Let me show ya how It's done henchman!" said Grim excitedly running to the broken and snapping his...paws? And watched as the fireplace fixed itself, "Woah..." said Grim as he looked from you to the fireplace causing you to laugh
"Come on Grim, there's still a lot left to do" you said as you walked away from the fixed lounge as Grim scrambled to follow
A lark! A spree!
It's very clear to see
You continued to sing while walking unaware of the a few visitors from Heartstanbyul making their way to your dorm
"Do you guys really need to follow us to the prefect's dorm? Can't you apologize some other time?" asked Ace annoyed
"Ace! Show respect to our seniors!" said Deuce, "but I guess i agree a bit with Ace, can't you guys apologize another time?"
As the group of five approached Ramshackle Trey could vaguely hear....music?
"It is imperative that I apologize as soon as possible for my actions-" said Riddle before Cater cut him off
"Hey not to be a spoilsport or anything but do guys hear that?" said Cater in a mildly curious tone
Slowly the group made their way to Ramshackle managing to enter without being seen and what they saw was...surprising
There was Yuu singing while cleaning while snapping they're fingers every once in while causing their surroundings to be...fixed?!
"Woah..." whispered Deuce
"You can say that again juice" responded Ace
Yuu continued to tidy up the dorm while having fun teasing Grim
A spoonful full of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medice go down
Medicine go down~
"What medicine are you talking about henchman?" Grim asked confused as you walked (more like waltzed) by
You giggled, "It's a figure of speech Grim there's no actual medicine but if you pay attention maybe you can figure it out~"
Author note:
....Sorry guys i gave up on this one 😅
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number1abbasupporter · 1 year ago
James: i love mondays
Regulus: why the fuck would you say that?
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king-of-colors · 19 days ago
i need irl friends. mutuals where do you live, im right behind you
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justablah56 · 8 months ago
hey does anyone have any fun pride dndads or phm or rwd hcs that I could draw . I'm bored .
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fear-is-truth · 5 months ago
making waffles for my brother when he comes home from school
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sleepi-toasti · 6 months ago
so more information:
you can ask me about:
madagascar aus
gacha designs for certain madagascar characters (unless it's the zoosters, the designs are ONLY on gacha club) (i have not done the penguins bc i don't like em as much as the zoosters and the circus zargosa) (and idk the ahkj characters that well except the main 3 lemurs and clover)
my gacha OCs
my madagascar headcanons
opinions on madagascar ships
(you can tell im desperate for smth to do)
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ramberuu · 3 months ago
Its 1 am and I want to sleep but whatevz
Ramberuu core: the boring vacation tales told by a small sketchbook
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1: Sick notebook 👍
3: SW (Silver Wolf) after playing Just Dance at CCXP/ This actually happened
4: indiot (and fat) cat
5: "Of course we can be best friends! I only need your credit card number and it's expiration date"
6: I didn't like it :( / Big head
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wickedwonderlandd · 7 months ago
I'm bored and I can't sleep. Someone ask me some weird shit
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thecrazyalchemist · 8 months ago
I'm bored
Spam me questions
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idcfriend · 4 months ago
Ok guys i have come out of my void to share a crumb of storyline I've been wanting to write about for the Humans are Space Orcs community! Much love to them ദ്ദി˶ー̀֊ー́ )
[Radio sound]
My name is of no importance....I'm leaving this message in hopes that others will come to understand these beings as I have...
It started when my species went to war with the...humans...we thought them primative...beings only capable of destruction...we weren't wrong but-
[you hear a sigh]
-we weren't right either...not by a long shot
We thought defeating them would be simple...we underestimated them and THAT was our downfall...I ended up stranded behind enemy lines with an injured comrade...he was dying and in desperation to not see another of my kind die I-
...I resulted to asking for help...from the humans
I thought it a hopeless idea...that such creatures wouldn't understand something as complex as mercy...i dragged my comrades body to one of their bases doing my best to keep him alive...
And as I reached the gate a yelled for help ready to be shot on the spot...it would've been a mercy to be given a quick death in such I war I thought...that if my comrade couldn't receive help then at least he would not suffer...
[a shuddering breat]
-but I was wrong they- they didn't shoot instead they brought us into their base granted they were not gentle
I heard them discuss what they would do...many wanted us dead or interrogated for Information...typical i had scoffed in my mind but then i heard...footsteps as the humans around us hushed
I looked up only to see a female human dressed in a similar uniform to those I had seen on the battlefield yet-
-the one glaring difference was the red cross on her arm
"what's going on here?" she demanded as she looked at me and my injured comrade
"Ma'am they were found outside the gate we were-" one of the soldiers started to explain
"Why are they injured yet not in my medical bay?" she cut off
"Ma'am they're the enemy" the soldier had said sounding incredulous
"It makes no difference this Isn't the battlefield and as long as they remain on this base injured they are my patients" she said
...i couldn't understand why a creature from a species we had deemed...lesser would advocate for me and my comrade's safety...I didn't have to wait long for an explanation...
She walked to where me and my comrade lay as she barked orders to people with the same blaring red cross on their arms as they assisted us to what could only assume was the medical bay...
"Let me make one thing clear to you soldier these men are soldiers following orders same as you...I understand that they have killed many of our comrades...brothers...sisters...lovers...families-
-but so have we...we have killed many of their own as well...and as long as these men are not on the battlefield where they may die with the dignity and respect of any soldier fighting for their home I will not have them killed behind enemy lines away from their own and shot down while injured and alone like dogs"
She gestured to...me?
"this man risked his life on a sliver of a chance that we would help...I will not have you make him regret thinking such"
The many soldiers actually looked...ashamed many looked at each other before parting for us as we were assisted to the medical bay
I gave up ( p_q)
Sorry guys....
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fatal-fun · 9 months ago
Golden hour, golden light
The type that lets my dreams take flight.
Laying calmly with eyes closed
I smile for i have no foes.
I drink in the sun like liquid gold
Using my thoughts as its mold.
I guide it to the form i wish,
Patient and calm like catching fish.
The soft sweet wind caresses my mind,
And i revel in the peace i find.
When stuck in the unbearable heat,
No ideas can be complete.
Stop and listen to earths masterpiece,
The melody that will never cease.
Even the slightest consolation,
Can help us through the endless rotation.
Breath in the sun, the birds, the air,
For they at least will always be there.
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lorileopard · 2 years ago
Participated in a poll that said, having your pfp as yourself is "bot behavior".
And now I'm curious-
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good-oldfashioned-lover · 1 year ago
Clues? Sorry but no. We’ve talked about this.
No I'm sorry when did we ever talk about this?
Come on pleeaassseee just one? I'll do anything you tell me to 👀
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skydreamplayzz · 2 years ago
Callum! Callum! Put on the clothes of the Crystal!
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marvelnatswhore · 2 years ago
Send me fics you like and i'll make a mood board based off it <3
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